Author Topic: “The Rise of the Avenger Part II: Beginner’s Luck?”  (Read 3937 times)

Offline Harper Mason

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“The Rise of the Avenger Part II: Beginner’s Luck?”
« on: September 18, 2023, 08:11:41 PM »
Harper had done it! She had won her debut match against Jane! And in the week that followed? She would celebrate her nineteenth birthday! But now Harper was set to compete in her second match in SCW and unlike her debut, the youngster was taking on someone who had been a mainstay in SCW and was a former champion at that, her name? Bea Barnhart! Jessie had already warned Harper that she would never let her younger cousin live down a potential loss to Bea but can Harper go two for two?

Backstage at Climax Control 372, San Diego, California
Sunday the 17th of September 2023, 21:00pm

So far? I’ve got little to complain about in my SCW career.

Granted, winning my debut match against Jane helped as does the fact that I’ve only been a part of two shows since signing that contract a few weeks back but I have been enjoying my time here in Sin City Wrestling.

And now we come to tonight’s show, a show that showed me the sport’s ugly side as well.

I knew Ariana off course, she had helped out with my training occasionally, usually as a sparring partner, but her actions since Violent Conduct have shown a different side of her and after the confrontation between her and Jessie tonight? I was worried that I was going to keep playing peacekeeper between them.

And that brings us to next week’s show in Fresno, Ariana was getting her wish as she had a #1 Contenders Match against Julianna DiMaria with Courtney Pierce as the ref, yeah, I can’t help but agree with Ariana that Courtney is going to be biased but I had my own match to worry about, on one hand my opponent was someone who had been around for a few years and was a champion in her own right, on the other hand?

My opponent was Bea Barnhart, a woman who was basically considered the bottom rung of the Bombshell Division, that reign I mentioned? It was a Mixed Tag Title Reign with her husband Bill that lasted three weeks before Austin James Mercer and Tempest ended it right there and then!

I haven’t told Jessie yet, because I got the text whilst she was getting something to drink in catering.

”Well, at least I’m not waiting forever for my second SCW Match.” I muttered to myself as I looked at the second match of the card, compared to the King and Queen for a Day Episodes this week’s show was pretty low key, no titles were at stake, in fact the only champions who were in action were Michael and Calvin Harris, the former being teamed with J2H in the Main Event against The Saviours and the latter taking on Miles Kasey in the first of a Best of Three series, none of the matches had any crazy stipulations or even any Roulette Rules for that matter and the most exciting thing on paper was the lineup for this year’s High Stakes being announced! We’ll see how it plays out on the night off course. ”Wonder what Jess will say when she sees my next match?”

”If it’s that contenders match against Ariana then I’m buying Christian a beer for finally growing a sense of humour.” Jessie responded as she sat down opposite me with a tray of food in her hands and I glanced up at her before shaking my head. ”Good, I was about to say that it seems a little bit early for you to be thrown into the World Bombshell Title Scene.”

”You say that but Ariana’s opponent joined just before me and the McGullican siblings.” I responded as I showed Jessie the text and Jessie nodded as she got the idea. ”My opponent is from the perpetual title challengers club, and someone you never really got along with.”

”Kid, do you have any idea how little that narrows things down? It’s easier to list the enemies I made over the course of my career as an SCW Bombshell than it is to list the friends I’ve made!” Jessie pointed out and once I conceded that she had a point I showed her the second match on that card. ”Ahh, Bea Barnhart, well, this will be interesting.”

”Interesting?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as Jessie passed me some sweet treats, she knows I can’t resist my sweet tooth! ”That’s all you’ve gotta say about me facing a former champion in my second SCW Match?”

”A former champion who’s one reign is a footnote in the dying days of the original Mixed Tag Team Division, a former champion who has repeatedly failed to even get a whiff of another title reign since then, a former champion who lost the titles to the team that would win that year’s Tag Team of the Year Award in their first defence.” Jessie responded simply as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”Harp, to put it bluntly? Bea is the joke of the Bombshell Division for a god damn reason! She’s literally on the roster to serve as a body, champion hasn’t defended her title in a while and everyone else is busy? Send Bea! Need a spot filled in a multiperson clusterfuck? Send Bea! Need someone for a newcomer to really test themselves against in their second match?”

”Send Bea?” I asked and Jessie nodded in response. ”Just out of curiosity, what will happen if Bea does get the win over me next Sunday?”

”For one thing your stock in the Bombshell Division will plummet overnight! Alexandra proved that it is possible to come back from such a setback but it’d be a long road ahead.” Jessie responded simply and nodded along as I got the idea. ”And personally speaking? I would never let you live down a loss to Bea fucking Barnhart, I don’t think I need to explain why.”

”So no pressure?” I asked with a nervous grin and Jessie just shook her head in response. ”That aside, how are you feeling after that argument with Ari?”

”Still pissed off but I’ve calmed down a lot, Ari’s a girl with a lot of promise but she needs to overcome her mental health issues if she’s going to succeed in the Bombshell Division.” Jessie responded as she shook her head before she started eating her food. ”And whilst I’m no shrink? I think it’s safe to say that it goes a lot deeper than just frustration, you saw how she was lashing out at anyone and everyone, including her bestie.”

”That’s going to be a lot easier said than done, especially since we’re not qualified to make any diagnosis.” I responded as I shook my head. ”She mentioned that her parents are horrible people, you have any insights there?”

”I don’t know the whole story, just that they disowned her for following her wrestling dreams, but I heard that Ari didn’t even bother inviting them to her wedding, if that doesn’t say a lot about them I don’t know what does.” Jessie stated bluntly before shaking her head. ”Don’t worry about Ari for now, just focus on getting past your second match Harp.”

”No argument there.” I responded with a nod before we resumed eating our food,

Jessie’s home gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 18th of September 2023, 16:00pm

Ever wonder where we’d be without Kayfabe Airlines? I do, mostly when I can go back and forth between California and Vegas like it’s the next town over.

But there is a reason why me and Jessie have returned to Vegas, for me it was so I could train for my match against Bea, for Jessie it was so she could make some headway towards opening up her bar and grill.

I did ask Jessie about working at the bar when I’m not wrestling, obviously in a part time capacity considering I also wrestle for Empire Pro, FCW and EWC but I figured it didn’t hurt to ask, Jessie was just busy doing research on the subject as we speak.

“Come on Harp, kick it harder!” Shane encouraged me as I used a punching bag to practice my martial arts skills, my martial art of choice (Taekwondo) was known more for kicking techniques rather than how hard I could kick a person but it still came in handy. “Imagine that punching bag is Bea Barnhart!”

”Wow Bea, you put on a lot of weight!” I joked in response getting a laugh out of Jessie’s husband as I continued to kick away. ”How have things been since Jessie put her career on the back burner? Between SCW and EWC I haven’t really had a chance to ask her.”

“Mostly quiet, well as quiet as a house owned by a married metalhead couple can be.” Shane responded with a shrug as I threw another kick at the punching bag. “Jessie has poured all her attention into getting this bar up and running when she isn’t managing you, she’s insistent that watching Bar Rescue is a good way to learn what not to do when running a bar.”

”Especially a bar and grill.” Jessie’s voice rang out as she made her way down the basement stairs and we looked up to see her with one hand on the railing and the other on her phone. ”Seriously, the kitchens on Bar Rescue would make half the shit on Kitchin Nightmares puke!”

”I’ve only ever watched Kitchin Nightmares but I’ll take your word for it.” I responded with a shrug before I turned my attention to Jessie completely. ”Speaking of bars, any luck with finding out if you can hire me?”

”Well. I’ve got good news and bad news on that front. Good news is most states have a minimum age of eighteen for bar staff that serve alcohol with three states having a minimum age of twenty one.” Jessie explained after she came down the starts and I nodded as I watched her facial expression. ”Bad news is Nevada’s one of the three states that require bar staff to be twenty one or older to work behind the bar, I’m not waiting two years to hire you Harp and I’m not opening a location in another state just so you can work there.”

”Should’ve known it was too good to be true.” I sighed as I shook my head, I knew working in the kitchen would get around that but I was still learning how to cook and Jessie said that on the job training in a business like hospitality was a mixed bag at best. ”What were the other states?”

”Alaska and Utah, I only know one person from Alaska and that’s Amy Santino, otherwise? We don’t have much luck in that department.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and I nodded as I got the idea. ”Would’ve come down to tell you the bad news earlier but I was busy reading Ariana’s latest meltdown on Twitter.”

”And I’m glad that I leave my phone off when I’m training.” I responded as I shook my head though given what I read about Ariana’s meltdown last week this was likely to be more of the same. ”Has Bea commented on the match yet?”

”Not that I saw but she’s probably saving her more idiotic bullshit for her promo against you.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and I nodded in agreement. ”If I were you Harp? I’d focus on the match against Bea and try to ignore Ariana’s meltdown, last thing we want is your mind being distracted heading into your second SCW Match.”

”Or any upcoming match of mine for that matter, especially if it leads to my first loss in SCW being to Bea Barnhart.” I nodded in agreement before I sat down on a weight lifting bench and Jessie walked up to me. ”Then again Alexandra lost to Bea in her first official match and she’s now the Roulette Champ.”

”Thanks for reminding me who ended my last reign a few weeks ago Harp.” Jessie deadpanned and I winced in response to the look on her face. ”Though frankly I’m just glad Alexandra’s reign didn’t stop at Seleana I would’ve had words if the woman who ended an eleven year run failed at the first hurdle!” Jessie added and I quickly thought of something.

”Like you did back in 2013?” I asked and quickly regretted bringing that up, all thanks to the look on Jessie’s face. ”Shutting up now.”

”Good idea.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and I said nothing, instead just resuming my workout.

Harper’s loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 18th of September 2023, 18:00pm

My training session at Jessie’s gym was good but at the end of the day it felt even better to be back at the loft with my dogs, especially since I was getting a visit from my Young Justice partner in crime today.

”Hey puppies!” Cassie greeted Logan and Xavier after I opened the door to let her in, Cass had been training over at Hero Academy today hence why she was able to pop over even though she lied in Reno with her girlfriends these days. ”So Harp, SCW treating you well so far?”

”About as well as it can, considering my second match for the promotion is on Sunday.” I responded with a nod as I led Cass into the loft, I was trying not to dwell on the history Cass had with this loft, this time last year Carter lived here with his boyfriend and, well, the story behind that relationship was ugly to say the least. ”Bea Barnhart’s my next opponent, a step up from Jane but that’s not saying much really.”

”Yeah well, Bea can be tricky but there’s no way you’ll lose to her.” Cass responded with a shrug before she sat down opposite me and the two dogs made themselves comfortable. ”I’m mostly focussing on Rampage and the other SCW right now, surprised you’re not more pumped for the Rumble though.”

”I’m a raw rookie entering a match with multiple champions, established stars and a big prize at stake, I feel like I’m being thrown to the wolves in that match.” I responded with a sigh and Cassie nodded sympathetically. ”At least I have a far higher chance of beating Bea on Sunday.”

”I know Jessie said that she’ll never let you live down losing to Bea but I’ll do the same.” Cass responded and I frowned as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Because what kind of partner in crime would I be if I didn’t bust your balls every now and again.”

”Just don’t get on my case when it’s my turn to bust your balls and we’ll call it even.” I requested and Cassie quickly conceded my point before we shifted the topic elsewhere and after half an hour we ordered pizza for dinner.

Nevada Desert
Monday the 18th of September 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

Here we go.

”I’ve got past the first hurdle, namely my SCW Debut but this week? It’s time for round two.” I stated as I blushed some hair over my shoulder. ”And this time I’m going from a fellow newcomer to someone who’s been in SCW for a few years now and her reputation among the Bombshells isn’t good, I should know, I’m related to one of Bea Barnhart’s harshest critics.” I added as leaned against Cassie’s car (she was sitting in the car waiting for me to finish). ”Me? I’m divided on her.”

I’m being honest.

”Bea, on paper you’ll be a good test for me, you are a former champion and a veteran, in practice? There’s no getting around the fact that The Barnharts’ Mixed Tag Team Title Reign is a footnote in that division’s history, and the fact that your considered the bottom rung of the Bombshell Division.” I stated as I folded my arms. ”Why am I divided on you? I’m not sure to be honest, maybe it’s because I’ve only been in SCW for a couple of weeks and when I signed that contract with them I tried to approach each opponent equally, you included!”

That said?

”But if I lose this match then Jessie and my Young Justice partner in crime Cassie will never let me hear the end of it, in other words? I can’t afford to lose this match for my sanity’s sake.” I said before sitting on the car bonnet. ”If nothing else Bea? We’re a good match on the technical side of things because we’re both quick technical wrestlers, my skills come from my background in High School Wrestling but as I demonstrated against Jane, I can throw taekwondo kicks like nobody’s business and I’m not afraid to take to the skies either! Can you keep up with my Bea?”

My birthday present.

”Throw in the fact that this match is happening a week and a day removed from my nineteenth birthday and I think that getting my second win in SCW would be a pretty sweet birthday gift to myself, don’t you? And yes, that does mean that I was eight years old when SCW opened!” I facepalmed before running a hand down my face. ”Wonder how many roster members I just made feel old? Hell, that sentence alone probably made the bosses grow grey hairs, you know what? Let’s just head into the wrap up!”

It's that simple.

”Bra? My goals heading into this match couldn’t be simpler, I want to go two for two in SCW and show the rest of the Bombshell Roster that the first win wasn’t a fluke.” I stated with a confident grin on my face. ”Everything beyond “The Rise of the Avenger Part II: Beginner’s Luck?”? Haven’t thought that far ahead yet especially with this year’s High Stakes right around the corner! In fact, here’s a fun fact for you, it was the week before last year’s High Stakes that I first met Jessie so in a way? This has come full circle.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”But if I want to get on that card? I need to keep winning matches and Bea? Your just the latest person they’ve put in my path.” I added before I hopped off the car’s bonnet and walked over to the passenger side door. ”I’ve already stated why I can’t afford to lose this match, but I gotta admit, even though your reign with Bill was a footnote in SCW’s history Bea? Getting a win over a former SCW Champion would still be a big confidence boost for me, and I will do whatever it takes to get that win! Because the world needs a new hero, and her name is “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason, see you on Sunday Bea! Please let me pet your dog after the match, I love doggos!”

I hopped in the car as the scene fades.