Author Topic: Facing The Unknown  (Read 2810 times)

Offline Eddie Lyons

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Facing The Unknown
« on: August 10, 2023, 05:54:05 AM »
Eddie was already feeling the stress of the travel between the Americas, after winning a hard fought debut, he flew back home to visit his training school. Not feeling totally comfortable with his new co-workers and still gauging who he could trust, he still felt more at home at the family school where there was people he knew, people he trusted and even people he didn’t trust, but at least he knew he couldn’t trust them, so flying back home and catching a flight back to South America in time for Climax Control was how it was for Eddie Lyons at the moment.

This week proved an interesting challenge, a unique concept called Roulette Rules, where Eddie and his opponent Jaycee would only be informed of the stipulation moments before the match started. On top of that the Roulette Champion himself would referee the match. With such challenges being thrown his way, he felt like he was already being tested. Like management saw something in his debut, and wanted to challenge him even further, and honestly that was just how he liked it.

2:47 PM on  Monday
The Lyons Den Training Facility
Charlotte, North Carolina
Off Camera

Keevee Kaiser couldn’t be more proud of his student, winning a debut match really did mean more than anyone gave it credit for, it meant getting off on the right foot and starting to gain momentum. Prying eyes always watched new talent close, because they’re the ones trying to prove they belong among the established talent and that their SCW contract isn’t a waste and they are in fact a talent the company can work with. Rodrigo Afonso would have to get his first victory another day, and Eddie was sure after their fight that victory would come for Rodrigo sooner than later. But while Rodrigo would be chasing that first victory, Eddie would be moving forward to the next step in his career, and hopefully victory number two.

“You looked great out there, I couldn’t be more proud of you.” said Kaiser, “You ready to get out there and do it again?"

Eddie nodded, “Oh yeah, I’m always ready. My go switch is always on.”

“Okay, but you understand this match will have a surprise stipulation” explained Kaiser, “You have to expect the unexpected.”

“Well I can’t change the rules, all I can do is prepare for the unknown.” Eddie replied, “But I won’t back down just because I don’t know what the rules are yet.”

“Didn’t expect you to.” replied Kaiser, “I know how you despise the use of weapons, even when the rules allow the use of them. What happens if the match ends up being some sort of hardcore type matchup with no disqualifications?”

“Then I just have to fight harder.” Eddie said, “Hardcore or not, weapons are not my style and I won’t have anything to do with them, Eddie Lyons will win, or lose on his own merit. Bottom line.”

Kaiser sighed, and nodded slightly. He knew Eddie was being foolish, and that his decision to not pick up a chair or something now and then was one of his biggest weaknesses. Still he had to let Eddie be Eddie. He had to let Eddie make his own mistakes so he could learn from them. He could teach and train Eddie in the ring , but he couldn’t hold his hand when it came to his SCW career. He could give advice, but it was up to Eddie to take it or leave it, as he forged his own path.

“Fair enough.” Kaiser said, “Just be careful, you’re alone there in SCW. You never know what to expect from any opponent. It might be worth seeking out some alliances. Even Cleo had Z-Money watching her back in PWS, and for all their faults Alex had ANTITHESIS. Vincent and Victoria are twins and glued at the hip…even I always had whoever I was dating at the time in….”

“I get it.” Eddie interrupted, “I just don’t know who I can trust yet. I can’t just give my trust to anyone. Right now I just need to focus on myself. Any alliances can come later as I learn more about the true character of my co-workers.”

“You had that same attitude in PWE, and it got you jumped by Finn Whelan and that wench of his every show.” Kaiser said. “Not everyone fights with as much honor as you, and you have to prepare for that as much as you may not like it.”

“Which is also why I need to be careful who I trust.” replied Eddie, “The only person I feel I can trust in SCW is Eddie Lyons and that’s the only alliance I intend to make at the moment.”

Before Kaiser could response, the two had their conversation interrupted  by one of Eddies cousins, Alexander Lyons, the final PWS:Apex United Champion.

“I could put in a good word for you with Alexandra Calaway.” Alex said arrogantly upon his approach.

“Uh..yeah no thanks.” Eddie replied, “I know how she does business and I’ll have no part of it.”

“It’s your mistake. I promise you she can do wonders for your career.” Alex said, “Don’t you want to associate yourself with someone who can say they’ve been a World Champion?”

“Did you need something Alex?” Kaiser said, “Cause we were sort of in the middle of something.”

“I’m just doing the same thing you are.” Alex smirked, ”Just giving my dear cousin some advice.”

“Well, he doesn’t need it.” a urban female voice interrupted this time, “And he DOES associate with a World Champion. One that BEAT your precious Alexandra.”

It was Cleo Phillips, one of Alex’s closest friends and favorite training partner.

“This guy bothering you?” Cleo said, making a thumbing motion at Alex, before turning to face him. “Just step off Alex, this ain’t about you anymore. I know your all pissed off because Eddie got the contract in SCW, and I know you were hoping to link up with Alexandra again, but guess what IT’S NOT HAPPENING. You need to step off, because this is Eddie’s time.”

Alex frowned, “This isn’t over Eddie.” he said before looking at Cleo with disdain in his eyes, before finally slinking away to some other corner of the facility.

“Jackass.” she said after Alex was out of earshot.

“And that’s the power of having an alliance. It's just smart to have someone watching your back.” said Kaiser.

Eddie let the words sink in. He knew his trainer was right, or was at least making some good points. Cleo Phillips had his back at the Lyons Den but she wasn’t signed to SCW so she couldn’t help him there. He was going to have to figure that out on his own.

Unknown Time/Date
Specific Location Unknown
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
On Camera

After catching a red-eye back to Brazil, Eddie took some time to rest, he needed to be sure he was at full energy for the next Climax Control where he would face his next obstacle in Jet City talent Jaycee McDonald.  He hadn’t heard of Jet City or their talent before, the only schools he had become familiar with in his short career was Wolfslair up in New York, and of course his own family school The Lyons Den. But the more the merrier, more schools meant more talent and that meant the business could thrive.

The cameras open on Eddie, dressed in his usual hoodie, and jeans. His hoodie was unzipped to slightly show his Miyagi-Do t-shirt underneath. His loner nature had gotten him to a quiet more secluded location in some sort of woodland looking area,, most likely in the hills near Guanabara Bay, but the exact spot was unclear. He let the camera sit on him for a moment, before taking in a breath and speaking.

“First I would like to thank Rodrigo Afonso.” began Eddie “I believe we both gave a debut people will remember, and you brought a good fight. Don’t let one loss get you down, you’ll bounce back from this and go on to great things in SCW, I have no doubt of that, especially if that was your first match ever. You seem like a good dude, and I can respect that.”

Eddie nodded to reaffirm his point, Rodrigo had indeed earned his respect, with not only a handshake, but a good fair fight.

“I can’t sit here and keep handing out roses though.” Eddie went on, “I have my own career to worry about, and I’m facing a truly unusual challenge. Roulette Rules, which I’ve been told means I’ll learn of the stipulation once I get to the ring, or at least moments before the match. It could be, well..anything. It might play into my personal favor and be something more standard like two out of three falls, submission only, or some sort of Ironman, the basics we’ve all come o know and love. Or it could really go the other way…”

Eddie paused for a moment, his face showing some concern, as he hoped it wouldn’t go a route he wasn’t  a fan of.

“If we go the hardcore route, then I’ll be honest, that’s going to be tough for me.” Eddie said, “I’m not the type to pick up a chair, or anything else and try and use it on my opponent. I much prefer to win on my own merit, but my opponent Jaycee, he might not feel the same way. He just might take a chair and smash it over my head, if the rules allow it, and if it does come to that..I don’t know what I’ll do. I don’t want to use weapons, but I might have to…if the rules call for it. Still it doesn’t seem right..I just..I don’t know.”

He sighed, his thoughts and the unknown information about this match seemed to be getting to him a bit, but he was trying to keep a strong mind at the same time.

“I mean, I guess I can work with a ladder match, if I use the ladder to climb and retrieve the prize, but again..could get a ladder to the face as well.”
Eddie continued, “Even if the rules don’t call for it, we have a special guest referee, the Roulette Champion himself Peter Vaughn who has already rubbed me the wrong way. He tweeted myself and Jaycee about his leniency, and while in his own way I’m sure he meant no harm, for me personally the suggestion I might want to take advantage of any leniency is an insult to my honor.”

His expression turned into a slight frown, as he spoke about his feelings of his honor being questioned. Wether Vaughn meant to put Eddies honor in question or not, it was how Eddie took the tweet.

“I told you in response I don't need or want your leniency.” Eddie continued on, “And I stand by that still. Your job here is to keep the match fair, and while what that means can change depending on the rules, I am expecting you to officiate as whatever the rules may dictate.”

Eddie took in another breath, he just wasn’t sure about this Peter Vaughn character. Eddie was still trying to learn the locker room, and while Rodrigo had found his way to Eddie’s good side, Peter was teetering to the bad side.

“So my opponent this week, is Jaycee Macdonald.” Eddie continues, as he respostures himself against the tree he’s sitting against, “My understanding is Jaycee is part of the Jet City gym, and is still fairly young into his career, he took a year or so off due to some online drama or something, and recently returned earlier this year looking to sort of revamp and regain some momentum.”

Eddie gives a slight shrug and a nod, the little he was able tor research about Jaycee had mostly been about his relationship with Jet City, and Jaycee himself was just trying to get his career going.

“I get it. I do.”
said Eddie, “You want to do well by your people in Jet City, you want the world to know that Jet City produces some of the best talent in the world, and they just might. I honestly have no familiarity with them. However, I have my own gym, my own school that I need to do well by, The Lyons Den.

Eddie taps the Lyons Den logo he has embroidered on his hoodie.

“They could have chosen any one of my cousins, who are all proven superstars in companies past, they could have gone with former PWS World Champion, Cleo Phillips.” Eddie continues, "But they chose me. They felt it was my time. Cleo, Vincent, Alex and Victoria have all had their time. They all rose to be top stars in their respective hunting grounds, be it PWS, PWE, WWH or Wrestling Coalition. But SCW? SCW is now the hunting grounds of Eddie Lyons, and I’m looking to gain momentum of my own, it started with Rodrigo and it will continue through Jaycee, whatever the rules may be, it will still be my hand that’s raised in the end."

Eddie pauses for a moment, allowing some of his words to sink in as he muddled over what to say next.

“I’ll be honest, you come off as someone with questionable morals.” Eddie said, “It seems like you have a bit of a shaky history. I don’t think you’re a straight up bastard, but I do feel like you might be okay with taking a few shortcuts to get ahead, maybe you won’t go out of your way to make them happen, but if one falls into your lap, you might just roll with it.  But not this guy.”

Eddie points at himself.

“I have never been a fan of taking the easy route.” Eddie said, “It’s just not my style. I just like doing things the right way, in a way the fans can respect. People have called me arrogant because of it, some have referred to it as my “holier-than-thou” attitude. But it’s not that at all, it’s just who I am, how I’m bred. If someone wants to take shortcuts, or an easy route then that’s on them. They’ll have to live with their decision, and for some like my cousin Alex, that’s perfectly fine. It’s just not for me.”

Eddie takes in a breath, exhaling with a sign.

“I think it’s been a while since we saw Jaycee, a few weeks at least.” Eddie remarked, “He failed to advance in a tournament, losing to Jack Washington. He’ll be looking to rebound from that, but understand you have a hungry lion in your path, one that is fresh off a hot debut and looking to keep his momentum going. While we don’t know what the stipulation will be, I can promise you one thing this match will bring and that’s a fight, and whatever the rules of the contest may be, as far as Eddie Lyons is concerned it will always be HONOR BEFORE GLORY.

He glares into the camera intimidatingly into the camera, as it moves closer to his face before finally fading to black.