Author Topic: ROXI JOHNSON (c) v MASQUE (c) - CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS - TITLE VS TITLE  (Read 2310 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
{We open with Roxi, staring at her laptop screen, running the name “Steve Walker” through every search engine and database she can think of. But due to the name being extremely common, finding a match for anything specific is turning up nothing. There’s plenty of matches, but they are from various locations, none of them fitting anything that would even come close. Roxi sighs, as Keira comes into the room, yawning as she taps Roxi on the shoulder.}


Roxi – Hey.


Keira – It's 4am. I thought you finished your patrol a while ago.


Roxi – I did. 


Keira – Then what are you doing? You need to get some sleep.


Roxi – I'm trying to find this name and help out Lt. Murphy.


{Keira glances at the screen and shakes her head.}


Keira – Steve Walker? That could be anybody.


Roxi – Exactly. But I swear I’ve heard the name before.


Keira – So have probably like 50 million other people. Come on, please, let’s get some rest.


Roxi – I'll be there in a minute. 


{Keira throws her hands up and exits the room, and Roxi continues to stare at the screen, trying to figure this whole thing out.}


Roxi – Maybe she’s right. Maybe some sleep will help me figure this out.


{Roxi takes one last look at her laptop, and then she shuts everything down and closes it. She stands, stretches, and finally heads to bed, joining Keira.}


Keira – You'll figure it out.


Roxi – Yeah...


{Roxi lays in bed, before drifting off to sleep.}



{It’s a few days later, and early in the morning when Roxi is drinking a morning coffee and making breakfast for her mother, Keira, and Nate. Keira stands next to Roxi rubbing her stomach as Roxi’s wrist communicator goes off in the other room and Keira butt bumps Roxi out of the way.}


Keira – I'll take care of this.


{Roxi sighs and walks into her bedroom and answer it.}


Roxi – Vision, it’s way too early for this.


Vision – Sorry Rox, Lt. Murphy is asking for you again.


Roxi – Can you tell him I’m still looking into the Steve Walker thing?


Vision – They found another body.


Roxi – Dammit. Alright, I’ll be there when I get there.


Vision – I'll let them know you’re on the way, I’ll text you the address.


Roxi – Thanks.


{Roxi ends the call and heads back to Keira in the kitchen and comes up behind her.}


Roxi – I have to go.


Keira – But breakfast is about ready.


Roxi – I'm sorry. Lt. Murphy needs my help.


Keira – Is this still about the Steve Walker thing?


Roxi – I think so.


Keira – You know you don’t have to solve every case.


Roxi – It's what we’re here for.


{Roxi kisses Keira and rubs her shoulders.}


Roxi – I'll be back soon.


Keira – Well, your breakfast will either be cold. Or eaten. Or both.


{Roxi gives Keira a knowing smile before going into her bedroom and putting on her costume and flying to the address after Vision texts it to her phone. Roxi arrives shortly to a field, near a hillside. A dead woman is cautioned off, the M.O. exactly the same as first victim. Roxi comes in, and Lt. Murphy is waiting.}


Lt. Murphy – Anything on your end?


Roxi – The name doesn’t hit anything specific, it’s too wide. What about you?


Lt. Murphy – We confirmed the victim in the first killing was Norman Watkins. 


Roxi – Anything stand out?


Lt. Murphy – Nothing. Average guy, divorced, two kids, lost custody, worked from home, clocked in and out at the same time every day. Your typical average Schmoe. 


Roxi – So, that means our killer could have known him. There wasn’t blood at that scene. What about the wife?


Lt. Murphy – Air tight alibi. On a business trip out of time. Hotel reservations confirmed on the date of death.


Roxi – Maybe she hired somebody?


Lt. Murphy – But why would they bring the guy back to his house after killing him, and then leave this one in a field?


{Roxi shakes her head, then heads up to investigate herself. Once again, the body is mutilated, dismembered, beheaded, and the face cut off and replaced with a mask, sewn into the skin. Roxi kneels down where the same Medical Examiner is looking over the corpse.}


Roxi – We have to stop meeting like this.


Medical Examiner – You're telling me.


Roxi – Anything different about this one?


Medical Examiner – Fits the same profile as the last one. Poor girl’s skin texture, I’d wager she’s no more than 25 years old.


Roxi – Any under the mask?


Medical Examiner – Haven't got that far yet.


{Roxi slowly reaches and gently tugs at the mask again and is able to lift is slight, before the sewing gives. Under the mask, yet again, is a name, this time however, it’s written in what looks like a hand-written version of old English text. “Henry”}


Roxi – Henry?


Medical Examiner – Your guess is as good as mine.


Roxi – This isn’t adding up. Something is missing from all this.


{Roxi slowly gets up, back to Lt. Murphy, who is chatting with a member of the CSI team.}


Roxi – Well, things are getting weirder, but it looks like... a serial killer. But I’m sure you probably knew that


Lt. Murphy – The thought has crossed my mind. Super, this is detective Oliver, he’s with CSI.


Roxi – Good to meet you. Anything stand out to you?


Det. Oliver – Well, there’s no drag marks, but then again, the victim was cut into chunks, but it looks like it’s only one guy. This looks like just another dump site. No blood, aside from loose spatter. Nothing’s here that couldn’t blow away in the wind.


Roxi – What about the house, and the first victim?


Det. Oliver – There, we actually found some wood fibers on the first victim, but nothing that can point us anywhere. Wood is pretty common obviously. 


Roxi – So, we’re getting nowhere with this. Great.


Lt. Murphy – We've cleared the wife, and until we identify this victim, we’re kind of just waiting for things to come to us. That’s how police work is done. We’re looking at every avenue of approach.


Roxi – So, we’ve got a serial killer who enjoys medieval levels of torture, and enjoys putting masks on people after cutting off their faces, and rearranging them like action figures.


Lt. Murphy – A sick bastard.


Roxi – That too. 


Det. Oliver – We’ll get her down to the morgue and get some fingerprints or dental records. Hopefully we can get an ID.


Roxi – Oh, and... under this mask was the name “Henry” and not Steve Walker.


Lt. Murphy – Just “Henry”?


Roxi – Yeah, but it was written... in a medieval style. So... maybe there are two people?


Det. Oliver – Maybe, can’t be fun lugging body parts everywhere.


Lt. Murphy – But, if he’s got some kind of superpowers like you do...


Roxi – Yes, that’s a possibility. But he wants these people found. How did the call come in for the first one?


Lt. Murphy – Anonymous phone call. We tried to trace it, burner phone.


Roxi – So our guy is calling them in?


Lt. Murphy – Jogger called this one in.


Roxi – Maybe the call was too obvious. He’s covering himself. I hate to say we have to wait until he kills again. Maybe we can triangulate this, maybe this and the house are going to be at some meeting point?


Det. Oliver – That's an option. But it’s going to take some time. And a lot of luck.


Roxi – Well, I’ll keep working my end, and see if anything comes up from this, but these clues are just so... far apart. Nothing makes sense.


Lt. Murphy – You and us both.


{Roxi shakes her head and nods at the two cops before she finally leaves.}



{Roxi sits at home, later in the evening now. once again on her laptop, trying to find any corrilation between the names “Steve Walker” and “Henry” And the matches are incredibly vague and nothing connects anywhere, frustrating Roxi as she just keeps searching, now just hoping to find something. However, her wrist communicator goes off and Vision is once again calling her.}


Roxi – Vision?


Vision – Lt. Murphy has a break in the case.


Roxi – Really?


Vision – They identified the female victim; they think they have a suspect.


Roxi – Alright, I’m on the way to the police building.


{Roxi ends the call and prepares to change when Keira walks in on her again.}


Keira – Again?


Roxi – Sorry. 


Keira – When are going to find time to train?


Roxi – I'll fit it in.


Keira – You keep saying that, but it’s important to keep that up, and you not doing it. You’re becoming too involved with this. The guy may just be a normal guy.


Roxi – That's true. But it’s our job to assist the police if they need it.


Keira – At this rate you’re going to run yourself ragged and not be prepared for the next thing.


Roxi – I promise, I will get that in.


Keira – Lucky for you, I have already done you a favor.


Roxi – A favor?


Keira – Oh yeah, this cruise, we’re still holding class.


Roxi – You got... all the students on the cruise?


Keira – Yes, pulling some strings, a week on the ocean and plenty of time to get training done.


{Roxi smiles and kisses Keira on the head.}


Roxi – You think of everything.


Keira – One of us has to.


Roxi – You sure you want to come on the cruise?


{Keira looks almost confused by this question.}


Keira – It's a cruise. Why wouldn’t I?


Roxi – I was just saying after what you said before about needing a break...


Keira – That’s why I’m bringing all the trainees along. Keeps me occupied, and on task.


Roxi – Fair enough. Look, I gotta run. I don’t want to keep them waiting.


Keira – Just... be careful.


Roxi – Always.


{Roxi gives Keira a loving smile before she puts on her costume, and sets off, blowing her wife a kiss as she does.}



{Roxi arrives at the Police Headquarters, on the roof, with Lt. Murphy and Detective Oliver present, and waiting. Murphy takes a drag from his always readily available cigarette as he waits, crushing it out as he watches Roxi land.}


Roxi – Gentlemen.


Lt. Murphy – We had a lead.


Det. Oliver – Our female victim is Emily Jones. And as luck would have it, she actually told people where she would be, and who she would be with. 


Roxi – So, the person who may have killed her.


Det. Oliver – Exactly. We had an address and phone number of the place she was headed to, and we’re moving in now.


Roxi – Well, what are we waiting for? 


Det. Oliver – We're trying to clear the name and make sure it’s real.


Roxi – What name?


Det. Oliver – Emily Jones was apparently going to visit... John Smith.


{Roxi blinks.}


Roxi - You’ve got to be kidding me.


Det. Oliver – No, I’m not.


Roxi – Just give me the address, I’ll check it out.


Det. Oliver – There's a protocol.


Roxi – Do you see the way I’m dressed right now? I really don’t use protocol like you do. Besides, if this is a super powered person, you’ll need me to go in first anyway.


Lt. Murphy – You make a good point.


{Detective Oliver pulls out his phone and gives Roxi the address.}


Roxi – Give me 10 minutes, and then it’s your show.


Lt. Murphy – You got 5.


Roxi – I’m on the clock.


{Roxi takes off, headed towards the address she plugged into her phone.}



{Roxi arrives at the address she was given, quickly scouting out the area and finds not much going on. She sneaks around, looking into the windows of the house which has lights on. There’s a grown man dancing in his underwear, the music muffled by the walls and house. However, Roxi notices a knife in his hand, and there is some banging and commotion in another room. The man begins walking towards the noise, a smile on his face widens as he turns the corner, whatever he is looking at, makes more noise.}


Man – Hello!


{Roxi puts two and two together and springs into action, and bursts through the door. The man sees her, and his face grows with anger, and he doesn’t hesitate to stab the woman in the chest. Roxi rushes over and tackles him to the ground.}


Roxi – You monster!


Man – It wasn’t me!


{The words force Roxi stop for a second. His tone of voice has changed, and it is one of seemingly genuine fear and innocence. The man has covered up, the knife out of his hands and he offers no resistance.} 


Man – You have to believe me! I didn’t kill that girl!




{Roxi takes out her zip ties out and zip ties the man’s hands together, and ensure he can’t get away. She stands up to check on the woman, who is bleeding out and Roxi tries to keep some pressure on the wound. The man doesn’t bother struggle in his zip ties.}


Roxi – You must be Joe Smith.


Joe – Yes! I am Joe Smith! But you have to believe me about that stabbed girl! I’ve never seen her before in my life!


Roxi – What?! I just... I saw you stab this woman! You did it front of me!


Joe – It wasn’t me! It was Steve!


{It finally dawns on Roxi exactly what the man is trying to communicate, as the police, led by Detective Oliver enter, guns drawn.}


Joe – You have to help me!


Det. Oliver – What happened?


Roxi – We need an ambulance for this woman! She’s bleeding out and I can’t stop it. I think … he hit the lateral artery. And I think we’re... dealing with a man who has a disorder. 


{Roxi continues to apply pressure and give any sort of aid she possibly could while waiting and color is just draining from the woman’s face and body. Roxi tries to keep her talking and she is eventually untied from the chair and taken to the hospital in an ambulance. John is arrested and take away as well. Detective Oliver and Roxi go over the house and notice the powerful aroma in the air.}


Detective Oliver – You smell that?


Roxi – It's bleach. The whole house smells of it. I think he really enjoyed cleaning his house.


Detective Oliver – Or wiping away evidence.


Roxi – That too.


Detective Oliver – So, what did happen exactly?


Roxi – Joe here... was dancing around in his underwear and had a knife, as soon as I came in the door, he stabbed her. I took him down, and he... just changed. Like he was seeing me for the first time. He acted like he didn’t know what was going on. Despite the fact that he looked into my eyes and stabbed the woman.


Detective Oliver – So... are you saying he might have DID?


Roxi – I mean... if you think about it, it stands to reason. He even told me Steve did it, and not him. As if Steve was another person.


{Detective Oliver jots all it down and puts his notebook in his pocket.}


Detective Oliver – You really think the man has alternate personalities? And that one of them did the killing while the others aren’t aware of it?


Roxi – If his “Steve” the same Steve that is cutting off faces and marking masks, then... he’s either a hell of an actor or he’s got DID.


Detective Oliver – Convinced you, did he?


Roxi – Yeah, I guess so. I mean, either that or he’s completely insane. I watched him stab that woman. I watched him do it, and he flat out told me that he didn’t do it. He sounded like he had no idea about anything.


Detective Oliver – Well, I supposed we’ll have to bring in some medical people to double check that. But at least... I guess we got our killer?


Roxi – Let’s hope so. 


Detective Oliver – Well, thanks uh... I guess you’ve got that secret identity thing going.... So the super hero name?


Roxi – It’s Lady Bedlam, but... you can just call me Super like your boss does.


Detective Oliver – He doesn’t seem to like you very much.


Roxi – I thought things were improving. 


Detective Oliver – Ouch. 


Roxi – It's fine. Saved his butt a few times so, he’s warming up to me. Let me know if that woman survives. She may be able to answer some question, and help us even more.


Detective Oliver – You got it.


{Roxi finally exits, but even she knew her job wasn’t exactly done.}



{As the days passed, Roxi felt more and more unsure about everything, she continued what was a fruitless effort now to look up Steve Walker, and Henry, and now, John Smith. Literally the most common name in the world. Roxi was invited to speak with John in interrogation. John is handcuffed to the table, and appears timid as Roxi sits down in front of him.}


Roxi – John?


John – Yes?


Roxi – John, I need to get some information from you.


John – Sure. Sure... I’ll... I’ll help anyway I can.


Roxi – You need to tell me why you stabbed that girl.


{John wags his finger, and shakes his head.}


John – That... that wasn’t me. That was Steve.


Roxi – Who is Steve?


John – Steve lives in here with us.


Roxi – Us? How many are in there with you?


John – There's Steve, and Vincent, and Henry & Paula.


Roxi – So you’re aware of them?


John – Yes... jeez, it’s my body.


Roxi – Then why did Steve stab that woman? Because Steve is getting you in trouble and I don’t want that for you. 


John – Steve just... he gets mad about everything. He lost his wife and he never really recovered from that. 


Roxi – John, I need to speak to Steve.


{John pauses, looking Roxi in the face with a worried look.}


John – He doesn’t want to talk. He’s still upset.


Roxi – I can’t help you if I can’t talk to Steve. I’m trying to help you, John.


John – I don’t want him to do anything else bad.


Roxi – Trust me, just let me speak to him.


John – I'll try.


{John pauses and says nothing, and seems to undergo a transformation. He lowers his head and lifts it up, and a smiling John greets her when he lifts his head back up.}


Roxi – Steve?


John – No milady, my name is Henry!


Roxi – Henry...


“Henry” – Henry, royal knight of the high order of King Richard! And you must be a court jester dressed in such robes.


Roxi – No...not quite. But, Henry, yes?


“Henry” – At your service, milady.


Roxi – So, you’re a knight?


“Henry” – Oi, valiant warrior and fighter for the crusades of the crown.


Roxi – I see... Henry, let me ask you a question, what happens to those who betray the King?


{“Henry” gives the traditional “stiff upper lip” and looks on proudly.}


“Henry” – They are tried for treason! Those convicted are Hanged! And we put their head on a pike to show all traitors their fate!


Roxi – Interesting. So you would know about those who Steve has done this to?


“Henry” – I don’t know of this Steve, milady. 


Roxi – There were two people killed recently in the way you just described, Henry. You mean to say you don’t know about that? Because Steve is getting blamed for this. You didn’t draw, quarter, hang, or behead anyone recently, did you?


“Henry” – Not for some time, no.


Roxi – Okay. Listen, Henry, I’d love to hear more about the knights and everything you do, but I need to talk to Steve about all this.


“Henry” – I say again, I do know of any Steve. If they too are a warrior with honor, they would only execute those who betray the crown.


Roxi – Okay. I understand, I’ll be back in a second, okay?


“Henry” – As you wish, milady.


{Roxi gets up and leaves the interrogation room, Lt. Murphy stands there, hand in his pockets as Roxi rubs her face.}


Lt. Murphy – Guy's nuttier than a fruitcake.


Roxi – Maybe... But that did give us some information, and... I think we might have a way in.


{Roxi takes a moment to collect herself, and returns to the room and sits down again.}


Roxi – Henry, you know that some people have been executed, and pretty much how you said traitors do. So, really, you’re in a spot of bother, at is were. Because the way they died, means that you would suffer for it. You can’t go around and execute people like that.


{“Henry” takes offense.}


“Henry” – I did no such thing, and I will have my good name sullied!


Roxi – I'm afraid that’s where we stand. I’m sorry.


{Roxi stands up and scoots her chair in prepared to leave when “Henry” lowers his head and another personality emerges, this one, very angry. Roxi turns, and sits back down.}


Roxi – You must be Steve.


“Steve” – Your god damn right.


Roxi – And you killed those people.


“Steve” – Of course I did! I murdered them to prove the point I needed to.


Roxi – And what was that point?


“Steve” – That the world thinks you’re nobody until you’re gone. You didn’t care about that stupid man, or the broad until I killed them. Didn’t know what they looked like, or what they did, until they were gone. You took them for granted, and I made them somebody.


Roxi – You took away their lives for a really stupid point, Steve. You cut off their faces didn’t you?


{A wide grin cross “Steve’s” face.}


“Steve” – I took away their humanity, made them as anonymous as you make yourself with your stupid mask. I’d cut that thing off you if I had the chance.


Roxi – Why the mask?


“Steve” – To make them as faceless as they were when they were alive. They were hiding in plain sight, afraid to step out and be something. You’re doing the same. That stupid costume, it hides who you really are.


Roxi – Maybe you’re right, Steve. But now, you’re going to go to away for a long time, and you will be just as faceless as them. But why did you write Henry’s name inside the mask?


“Steve” – Who the hell is Henry? I did it all. I killed them both and I cut their faces off. I’ll be famous for a long time, super bitch. A lot more famous than you.


Roxi – I see. Tell me about your wife.


{“Steve” is none too happy with this line of questioning.}


“Steve” – You want to make jokes?! I told you what you wanted to hear right! I killed those two bitches and I’m damn proud of it.


{Roxi nods and almost smirks to herself.}


Roxi – And I hope you enjoy what about to happen to you, Steve. Now let me talk to John.


“Steve” – John can go fuck himself.


Roxi – So you know about John?


“Steve” – Of course, I have to bail him out of so many situations because he’s too scared. He could be somebody, and he just can’t. Because he doesn’t have the balls. I’ve always been there, he just never let me out, so I had to force my out, and make him the man he should be.


{Roxi doesn’t say anything. She just nods, and stands up, and exits the room. Once again Lt. Murphy is waiting.}


Roxi – What do you think?


Lt. Murphy – It's a confession. 


Roxi – I know... But, it’s a little too easy of a confession. Maybe the others can shed some light.


Lt. Murphy – You want to keep talking to this nutcase?


Roxi – Yeah. I do. I’ll be back tomorrow.


{Roxi leaves, heading back to her home to continue the interrogation the next day.}



{And on the next day, Roxi is there again, sitting down in front of John, who is looking around the room, almost like he’s taking a mental picture.}


Roxi – John?


John – Hmm? Were you talking to me, you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Vincent. And...


{“Vincent” looks down and see’s he’s handcuffed to the table.}


“Vincent” – What’s going on?


Roxi – I see. Vincent, what is it you do?


“Vincent” – I'm an artist. I love to draw. Do you like to draw?


Roxi – Sometimes, yes. Have you drawn anything lately?


“Vincent” – I can’t as I... can’t seem to use my hands, um... why am I handcuffed? What is going on? Am I in trouble?


Roxi – People are dead, Vincent. Do you know about John? Or Steve? Or Henry?


“Vincent” – Heaven’s no. I hope they are okay.


Roxi – That depends. I need to know what you use to draw.


“Vincent” – Well, like any artist, you give me a canvas and some tools and I’ll give you something given enough time. I... I need to insist on asking why I’m handcuffed though. I haven’t done anything


Roxi – Maybe. Maybe not. I want to help you, but I need to know what you use to make your art.


“Vincent” – Oh, a brush, a spray can, a pencil, a pen. You know, stuff like that. I really wanted to be an architect. 


Roxi – And why is that?


“Vincent” – To help make buildings and designs and leave an impact on the world. Art can’t be a dying art, you know.


{“Vincent” gives a sheepish laugh.}


Roxi – Okay Vincent. I’ll be back in a moment, I just need to figure something out.


{Roxi leaves again, heading outside the room. Lt. Murphy and Detective Oliver are there as well.}


Lt. Murphy – I still say the guy’s got a screw loose.


Det. Oliver – It certainly seems that way.


Roxi – I'm not a psychatrist or a psychologist, but it’s just... it seems too easy. But then again, I don’t know what it’s like to live with something like that. John appears to be the only one who is aware of any of the others. The rest of them seem blissfully unaware of anything.  As far as I can tell, he... he has DID.


Det. Oliver – The insanity defense barely works. We’ll bring in some medical experts then.


Lt. Murphy – People are dead, and this guy gets a trip to the nuthouse?


Roxi – If they deem him insane. He’s fitting all the symptoms. It still seems wrong. I need to think about this some more. What about the last girl, the stabbing victim?


Lt. Murphy – In critical condition at Tampa General.


Roxi – She may be the key to all this. But, I don’t think this is my thing anymore. I think this is in your hands.


Lt. Murphy – Well, at least he’s not destroying the table or snapping the cuffs.


Roxi – Not yet. But call me if he does. I’ll be on vacation, but I’ll check in before I go.


{Roxi shakes the Detective’s hand, and Murphy’s before she departs, the scene fading. But Roxi can still feel something is wrong...}



“I'm sorry, you think defeating me is that simple? Have you seen my resumé? I've fought mutants, gods, aliens, technomalogical wackjobs, street hoods... Hell, I fought my own costume. You think it's that simple? Bring it on."

- Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #369)


Hello SCW.


Things have been different lately. I don’t know, lately, I just get this vibe. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach and maybe, it’s made me a little paranoid. I’m getting these looks from people. Faces full of doubt. One person came up to me as I was finishing up working out before I headed to the arena for Climax Control last Sunday. And they said to me “See you later, I’m gonna be praying for you.” Another person said, “This was a great run, but you know, all the runs come to an end sometime”.  And you know, that ate at me. I guess that everyone is just telling me right now, that it’s all over.


This is the end. 


I’m just a lamb being led to slaughter. I can’t possibly handle Masque De Lune. Nobody can. She has beaten every single woman she’s come up against. She’s making believers out of everybody. People are telling other people don’t challenge her. Don’t try and fight her. Because everybody is just going down.


I suppose I should just hand the Bombshell’s title over now, because hell, this is a forgone conclusion because Masque is undefeated and I’m just going to be another victim as she rises to the top of the division, and rules it with an iron fist. Or... prosthetic fist as it were.


This is it for me. It was a good run and I’m just in the wrong place at the right time for Masque. There’s nothing and nobody that can stop the Rapture. When it’s over, pin my medals on my chest and box me up and ship me home so I can get a proper burial. 


I mean, I guess it was high time that I faced the truth of this whole thing.


So, I’ve been going over everything in my head and I took some time to get away from it all and just head on down to the beach. I listen and watched as the waves crashed into the sand and the tide went in and out. And I started to think about everything while totally at peace with everything in my life. Because goodness knows, after Summer XXXtreme, it’s all over. Everything is going to change.


I had to face the truth.


And the more I thought about it, the happier I was. 


You see, when I think about what Masque and I have to do to each other at Summer XXXtreme, it really becomes very simple. What I have to do... is nothing.


All I have to do, is beat the big baddie that everyone is afraid of. The one with a precious streak, a precious championship, a precious plan and a goal to take the Bombshell’s championship from me. This is nothing that I haven’t done before. There’s not one thing Masque brings to the table that I haven’t seen, or heard before. I’ve ended streaks. I’ve foiled plans, and taken on the most hated Bombshell on the roster, all of those things before. I’ve ruined people goals of being the Bombshell’s champion many, many times before. So, Masque is no different from anyone else.


Oh, but I hear them say “Masque is different! She’s bringing the RAPTURE!” The only thing that makes Masque different is wearing a mask and having a fake hand. Period. What? Am I supposed to intimidated by and unpinned record? Those things can go on for a long, long time. They can. They can become the stuff of legend. And then the number grows and grows, and then one day, it ends.  Whether you’re a champion, challenger, on a hot streak, whatever the case, it ends. It all ends. Winning streaks are great, but it doesn’t matter to me that Masque hasn’t been pinned. There’s a first time for everything.


Or I am supposed to be intimidated because Msaque has this grand plan and it involved hurting Amber Ryan? Or the fact that all of a sudden that is being blamed on me? I mean, why not? A bunch of other things that I have zero to do with have been blamed on me before that. I got accused of giving my wife handouts. I got accused of being a terrible friend. I got accused of abandoning people. I got accused of just about everything under the sun, so why not blame for what Masque did to Amber Ryan. Makes as much sense as anything else spewing from Masque’s mouth. I'm used to it.


This is what we call “moving the goal posts” this is what many megalomaniacal people do when they are confronted with facts. I beat Amber Ryan in a wrestling match, but yes, I’m the reason she’s in the state she’s in now. Despite that before SCW, Amber and Masque were on opposite sides, and had the exact same relationship before Amber and I even met in Boardwalk. But yes, me beating her for a championship in a completely different company is really what triggered this. Despite again, the fact that I beat her before this, before she was champion, but that didn’t seem to bother her, or Masque very much. But sure, let’s just go with that. 


And I’m sure the goal posts will be moved yet again whenever Masque tries to come up with something that has even a remote connection like that’s a big “gotcha” moment. Much like the plan Masque has had now changes and she has to do things because apparently Amber wasn’t good enough, and that was the plan all along, right? It obviously wasn’t, but again, why let the truth get in the way of a good story, am I right?  We just keep changing things and moving things around and hoping that no one notices. As I’ve said before, I was born at night, but not last night.


Oh wait, I know what it is. Masque speaks in a way that has you believing thw words. It may not make a lot of sense, but there are so many words that it makes you think, combined with the results, that this is all true. She must be a prophet, a soothsayer. I know it may break where her heart used to be a little more, but I’m not buying what she’s selling.


Yes, I have heard the eloquent ways Masque has spoken. The words blending together and they form those long-winded sentences. You see, many people fail to understand Masque because of it. And I’ve heard the pretty words like before. And really, it just boils down to a very simple message. Masque can tell everyone I fail to understand, and no one understands, that’s perfectly fine. But once again, she is mistaken, as she has been for quite some time. I understand everything. It’s written as plain as the mask that adorns her face.


I’ve heard it all before. Those who say so much, yet say so little.


All of it, is just filler for a clear lack of a message. It’s piling on words to sound smarter than she really is. I’ve heard this very language before. Masque needs to feel like the smartest person in the room, and maybe sometimes she is, but I have a nose for BS and it reeks from her. It radiates like the all-too-familiar stench of desperation. All that Masque has needed is someone to listen and not think. Manipulating people into thinking that this is some sort of grand plan. The reality is, it’s not.


Masque can tell all about heroes, as I’m sure she will with me. It’s going to be the same story I get about how great heroes failed and stories of how the good guy is a fool and that this hero, will fail. I’m going to fail because her plan is too strong, too far gone, and I will be the final piece that falls into place. I’ve heard a few villain speeches in my time, so I’m sorry if I’m spoiling anything.


Masque simply wants to be the Bombshell’s champion. This is now an addition to her plan, because the truth is, she didn’t even accomplish her goal in the first place, and so, I had to be dragged into it. She didn’t finish Amber Ryan. The recovery may be long, and it may be painful, but I saw the look in Amber’s eyes, in no way shape or form has Masque succeeded in any grand plan. Now, once again, we’re moving the goal posts because of course we are. This wasn’t the plan at all. It was to destroy Amber to rebuild her. Oh, of course it was. How silly of any of us to think that this isn’t the actions of a person who is just making it up as they go along. The only thing missing is Masque monologuing and saying “you only THINK that was the plan.” 


Now, she comes at me, as if I have to share the blame. This is classic cult mentality, and everyone who knows me, knows that I once fell into that same trap, and so, I am keenly aware of it when I see it. No, it can’t be Masque’s fault, it must be mine for beating Amber Ryan. I made her do what she did. But it was also part of the plan all along. I see the pattern, plain as day. A charismatic person developing an army and manipulating that army into following her vision, while giving up who they are. All of them try, and sooner or later, all of them fail, because people start seeing through them. And Masque is becoming incredibly transparent as we speak.


I swore to all of you that I wasn’t going to every have that happen to me again, and now, it’s rearing its ugly head once more, so yes. I stand right here, waiting for the Rapture, because I know it’s a hollow wish of a desperate woman who has done nothing but exhibit all the traits of a cult leader. 


So, it begs the question, what happens if her plan fails?


You see, I’ve just laid out to you the person I have to beat. 


But Masque, has to beat ME.


But you know, who am I? 


I’ve only done just about everything is to do here. I am one of the people who made this place what it is today. I have won this championship, that so many strive for, four different times. I have faced and beaten the vast majority of wrestlers who came into SCW, and tried to take it over and make it theirs. Everybody who has tried me, has found out the hard way, I do go away and I’ve even harder to take down. You can run down the list and friend and foe alike; I take all this very seriously. 


How many people have been waiting for me to slip out and finally have someone who beats me and I don’t come back stronger and better? How many people are still talking about me every chance they get because they just wish that they could finally be the one, who shuts me down forever.


And that list is still growing.


And the funny part is, I don’t have to mention anyone’s name. They know who they are. 


And when the chips are down, when this new force enters SCW and nobody knows what to do with it, and all hope appears lost as we are poised to enter some era of dark rule or someone ruling with an iron fist... who’s the one that usually steps up? 


That, would be me. I am the hope.


And then, I bring it back to the open air all over again. I’ve been in this spot plenty of times. I am at home, right here facing down someone like Masque. So, you know what, I’m good. I’m not feeling the pressure of this match.


All the pressure of this match is on Masque. The unbeaten streak, the championship she tosses around like it means nothing, the grand Rapture plan. All of it, has to go PERFECTLY at Summer XXXtreme. She is clearly the one with more to lose. Yes, the Bombshell’s championship is on the line, but at the end of the day, Masque stands to lose the streak, her championship, and her plan is she doesn’t win. Not to mention how it’s going to look to everyone else when she loses. 


All of the momentum, all of that build-up, and then... poof. It’s gone. Just like it, in an instant. Masque must take this championship from me, for everything to work. And if it doesn’t, then she’s just another failed contender. Even more than that Masque has to beat me or she is one of the biggest failures in the history of the Bombshell’s division.


Much like I did, Masque has to face the truth.


And that is exactly what I am.


I am the truth, staring directly through those eye holes in her mask. I look past all the smoke and mirrors and I have laid out all the cards. Masque can tell me all she wants about how I don’t listen, and I don’t understand, but every word I’ve uttered has been the truth. Go ahead, you can search through this entire thing, play it back in slow motion, put the captions at the bottom of the screen. Masque will do what cult leaders always do, deflect, spin, and move the goal posts. It’ll just be in very well-constructed rambling sentences to help her. And in the end, it will be for nothing.


I listened, and I understand perfectly. I just see through all the bullshit because I’ve been there before.


I have built my legacy, my career, on beating people like Masque. I have made this my house, by beating people who come here and disrespect it. People would kill for that Bombshell’s Internet championship, and Masque treats it like garbage. That is the level of disrespect she has shown, and so, I will take that from her, along with everything else, at Summer XXXtreme. I will watch all of it fall to pieces.


I am the truth, and I hurt. 

I am the hope, and I live.

I am the champion, and I will stay that way.


But please, call me the Hero. It’s a role I gladly accept. I will be that hero again. It’s what I do.


But we’re just getting started.
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Offline Terrorfexx

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Symphony of the Iron Underbelly, Movement No. XIV – Princess Pretender

[The Past – Queen Elizabeth II Quay, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Autumn 2014]

Detonations turned torrential rain spectral shades of yellow and orange; burning out to throbbing red as thick plumes of choking smoke twisted out and up to cover the face of the Moon. Sound arrived a while later behind the lightshow – a staccato beat of muffled thumps and bangs as masonry shattered, steelwork sagged and reinforced concrete exploded into superheated powder. The unmistakable whistle of incoming shells coasting on ballistic trajectories made a discordant, shrill shriek as competing weapons struggled to out-scream each other, before burying themselves in city blocks and exploding.

Under cover of darkness and detonations and showing only her low-visibility running lights, the vast bulk of the Sun Princess crept closer to dockside. Swirling eddies spilled out from her midships and aft thrusters, sending wavetops crashing into the rotten pier running along the entire lengthway. She struggled to slow, with no tugs to guide what would normally be an unthinkable manoeuvre for a ship of this size and weight. Hidden below murky waters shifting with the touch of poisoned moonlight, a polar-white hull slid against the mudbanks of a quay almost too shallow to take such a draught.

The tops of spiralling smokestacks were briefly made into silhouettes by the flash of another series of brick-rendering explosions. Freetown had long since stopped thinking.

From along what had once been her starboard promenade deck – now crammed with urgently-erected canvas tents and stretchers – a single blinding shaft of light sprung to life, sweeping along the pierside as the massive ship crushed against the dozens of bald-faced, tractor-sized tyres hastily strung out as a buffer. Where the light swung past the centreline it briefly picked out an enormous red cross, hastily painted over a crisp blue colour scheme of the cruise liner.

Squeezing her rain-slick palms harder against the rail, Abigayle leaned over and glanced down at the handful of workers who braved shrieking rounds and booming detonations to manhandle a gangway into place; angling it up towards a solitary hatch that opened wide and spilled with the warm glow of the ship’s internal lights.

“Doctor De Lune?”

She nodded, without turning around.

“Isn’t safe up here, Ma’am.”

Nearby, a mortar buried its snub nose into the soft timber of a warehouse and blew it into thousands of splinters and shards. Chunks of burning wood span through the air, slicing power cables clean in half and where they fell to contact the ground, corruscating arcs of blue shorted out the lines and exploded the transformers they were attached to. Uncontrolled fires spread down the circuit, People screamed in the rain.

“It does not appear to be safe anywhere,” She replied. Finally manhandled into place, the dockyard crew scattered from the orange-coated gangway as quickly as they’d come together – leaving the Sun Princess tied to the side of a warzone. “We are not equipped for hostilities.”

A spindly man came alongside her, long neck gnarled with skin made tight by age. Serious eyes stared out from a pair of steel-rimmed glasses sat underneath a head shaved smooth.

He nodded. “Last military ship left two days ago; most foreign nationals are gone. Only the desperate or the greedy are still here. There’s nothing of value left.”

Abigayle raised an eyebrow, turning to look at the older, taller man. “ … Except the people.”

“Of course, of course,” He replied as he polished the lenses of his glasses with a handkerchief. “Except the people. Have you had a chance to check out the seafood bar?”

“The Sun Princess was a last-minute charter,” he shrugged in response to her bemusement. “There was barely enough time to outfit her for trauma work, paint a few red crosses on her side and set sail. Certainly no time to off-load some of her more traditional cruise-esque trappings. Besides, crab won’t keep long. Why not enjoy it?”

Droplets of rain ran clear of her forehead, tracking trails to meet at her chin. “I am not on holiday.”

He looked out at the blossoming explosions which lit up the punctured skyline of Sierra Leone’s capital city. Something in the distance cartwheeled in fire, and he thought he heard it scream. His jaw set. “No – of course not.”


They packed the corridor five-deep and she whirled and twisted, an intravenous bag held up high above her head. Some laid on gurneys smeared with blood – dried and fresh – and a fine layer of particulate dust kicked up by explosions, others were slumped on their knees against the walls. A few milled around, dumbly asking each other for help.

Behind her delicate dance, a stretcher wheeled through and at its head a brusque, meat-chested man in olive-green fatigues pushed clear a path ahead. The plastic tubing running bright blue stretched taught as she made better pace than them, but a swift bark of something unfriendly and a stumble made enough room for the gurney to squeeze through.

The Sun Princess had been moored at pierside for almost four hours and in that time, the ship had been filled to capacity and beyond by the sick, the dying and the dead. The latter had already hopelessly outstripped the tiny medical facility normally expected to treat stomach bugs and vertigo amongst geriatric holidaymakers, and were now rapidly filling up the meat storage lockers and anywhere refrigerated on-board. The last remaining dregs of seafood shared shelf space with the dead and bits of the dead.

What little space available to house those still clinging to life had been even more compressed after shrapnel from a wayward shell punched holes through the starboard-aft sun lounge – hastily repurposed into a triage facility – and cut three patients down with their attending doctor in a whirlwind of jagged metal and soft, soft flesh. After that, all the areas closest to the external areas of the cruise liner had been evacuated, abandoning precious breathing room for those choking on atomised concrete and pulverised brick.

Still she worked even as they reached what had been a cinema room only a few days beforehand. Thick, plush purple carpet raked with criss-crossing lines as heavy metal wheels squashed the piles flat; punctured by holes where rows of padded red suede seats had been ripped out to make more room. The air sang with machines and human misery – rattling ventilators and chests, restive cardiograms and furtive moaning. Abigayle moved from bed to bed: checking vitals, increasing dosages and occasionally pausing to shut off a display drawing continuous flat lines in lurid green monochrome.

She didn’t notice the difference between the automation and the people. Not really. They were one and the same, with one favouring metal and plastic over skin and bone but the rest was effectively the same. Everything was a machine with a set method of functioning outside of which faults and non-optimal operation occurred. Sickness. Restore the machine to its proper parameters, and it would continue to work as-expected.

People were no different.

“Doctor! Help!”

The orderly nearby pressed down on the oozing wound, only making the patient rise up in agony and buck against the drawn-up railings of his gurney. Blood pooled and then ran down to stain the sweat-slick sheets cherry-red, flowing in thick, fat ribbons. The man in the bed grunted, wheezed, and then collapsed back down against the mattress with limp arms.

Abigayle forced herself through a throng of walking wounded and elbowed the orderly clear of the side. Gloved fingers immediately pushed inside the shrapnel wound. Probing, searching. With her spare hand she snatched a spring-loaded pair of surgical tie-clips even as the entire injury disappeared under a sea of crimson. She pushed in deeper, until the capillary effect drew blood under the rim of her glove.

A high-pitched warble pierced the bustle as the monitoring equipment on a nearby bed detected an imminent cardiac arrhythmia. Craning her neck around, Abigayle looked for anyone more competent than the orderly to support.


She glanced back further, neck straining with the effort, trying to capture the tracer on the green screen rapidly nosediving towards inactivity. Then she looked at the patient in the bed.

As an organisation dedicated to helping those in the most dire need, Doctors Without Borders frequently operated in some of the most dangerous, lawless corners of the world. Not unlike the city of Freetown that burned and exploded all around the Sun Princess right now. Regardless, it still operated like any private venture did – charity or otherwise – on money. Chartering cruise liners, paying for doctors, medical supplies, the costs were astronomical and with no payoff beyond a nebulous humanitarian good, only vast injections by benefactors kept the lights on and the painkillers flowing.

One such benefactor lay dying in the bed opposite. A victim of a weak heart overloaded by the excitement of being able to see people dying up close and personal. It was frowned upon, of course – no serious business would allow what were its effective shareholders to go wandering around the equivalent factory floor – but rich men were difficult to control. They wanted to see the suffering they were alleviating.

So here was, making use of the very facilities he’d bankrolled.

Abigayle looked at the pale, glassy-eyed face of the man bleeding out all over here. He was a nobody; some feckless refugee or government forces’ simpleton told to stand in a particular place and wait to die by accident or design.

Still, his was the greater need, even if he was worthless in the grand scheme of things. Triage dictated it. The Hippocratic Oath demanded it. Her oath.

She paused her search in his blood-soaked insides. Was it?

What were the ramifications? The loss of a wealthy benefactor would indirectly kill hundreds, maybe thousands with the resultant loss of resources. Did the man dying with her hands deep in his gut have something as valuable? His wide eyes stared up at the tastefully decorated spiral ceiling, offering nothing.

What good were words? The only thing that carried weight – importance – were actions.
Pulling free from the red mess, Abigayle snapped free the gloves from her hands and dropped them onto the side of the gurney as she turned and crossed the bustling room. The man with no means died a few moments after she turned her back, but nobody noticed.

She had probably saved with one life countless more. Wasn’t that more important than some arbitrary ethical standard? Shouldn’t results stand for themselves over and above the theory? Reality, cold and stiffening on a nearby gurney, would always trump some idealised vision of the way things should be, crafted by those who were not wrist-deep in someone’s insides fumbling blindly for a tear.

Shouldn’t the end justify the means?

This was all in pursuit of a better outcome. Something greater. A grander design.


The main dining hall aboard the Sun Princess was a splendid thing. A vast, sweeping, oak-railed staircase that widened as it gently sloped down against polished marble floors. The stonework glinted with shifting light courtesy of a vast skylight dome impressed with stained glass vistas of the sea, its strange contents and gods. Spotlights arranged in a widening spiral inset into the ceiling cast diffuse glows of cool blue and green against varnished panels of oak set into the wall spaces.

A splendid thing, filled to the brim with stretchers and groaning.

They were pressed in so tight together that the only way to pass between the beds was to walk side-on, staring at the nearest squirming, bloodied figure huddled underneath threadbare blankets. Nurses squeezed between, heaving soaking wet bandages into bright yellow BIOHAZARD waste sacks and dragging their contents across the marble. Others followed with fresh dressings and new saline drips, or just to check the still form lying prostrate, roll the eyelids closed and turn off the overhead lamps indicating a new vacancy. Orderlies came in tow, lifted the gurney and towed it away to make space for another.

Doctor Abigayle De Lune looked down at the impromptu fine dining and mass casualty ward from halfway up the grand staircase and frowned. This was simply all wrong.

All bureaucracies generated paperwork, and no organisation could move ships turned into hospitals with crews and medical personnel around the world and not be one. Even in the midst of the devastation of war, comprehensive records had been collected on every person admitted onboard the Sun Princess, and these included occupation, age, previous medical conditions and any number of useful metrics that would be used to inform treatments and future repatriation.

To Abigayle, they were being used incorrectly. Instead of being used to support treatment, they should have been used to decide whether it should have been offered at all.   

So much resource squandered on those with so little to offer. Retches, refugees. The unworthy. As she looked at each bed she found another reason to turn them away – send them back into the city where they could take their chances in the night and the detonations. Why were they here, risking their own lives to save those with so little to offer? What was ethical or moral about risking more to end up with less?

Difficult decisions were required in difficult times. It was impossible to save everyone–

Thoughts were blown clear of her mind along with the air from her lungs as the stained-glass dome overhead shattered with an ear-piercing screech. The bassy rumble of shearing metal drowned out the rising screams as the overhead lights flickered and died, plunging the dining hall into virtual darkness except for a handful of emergency beacons. Spinning red lamps picked out panicked faces in a ruddy glow as bodies moved and struggled. From the bottom of the steps, Abigayle clawed herself up to standing, fingers struggling for purchase against the bloodied handrail where flying glass had cut some of her exposed skin to pink ribbons.

She felt the water lap and stab at her ankles with its chill before she heard the torrential rush. It swept in, foaming and enthusiastic, through one of the large doubleset doors at the near end of the hall. Before she had time to wince at the freezing cold the sea had already flooded in over her calves and in the occasional flash of emergency lighting, she could see some of the gurneys – still occupied with the wounded – beginning to lift and bob with buoyancy.

Her nostrils flared with the stink of something acrid and hot, and she had only a second or two to throw herself into the water before the entire hall lit up like day in the afterglow of a sheet of flame that tore across the shattered ceiling space. Salt water stung her eyes and choked her lungs as she took cover, the skin of her exposed neck and upper arms singing under incredible heat. When Abigayle crashed up for air, spluttering and sodden, the water lapped past her waist and the entire dining hall burned.

Every step was an enormous effort of inertia, slowed by the billowing, soaked fabric of her clothes. Guttering flame made the surface of the floodwaters strobe and flicker, combining with the spinning beacons to make it hard to keep bearing on which way went where. She was dimly aware of other people crashing through nearby. Some were faster, others struggling to keep their head above the water but all of them were panicking. Illogical. Unthinking.

She knew exactly what needed to be done.

Levering herself around the fire-blackened door frame that led out from the hall, Abigayle reached up and tore open a service hatch marking access to the manual override for that section’s watertight door release. It revealed a yellow-and-black chevron-striped lever. She broke free the plastic security tags holding it shut, reached up and used all her slight weight to begin to pull the arm down. 

As the lever reluctantly travelled, she could see a large group of patients working to drag their sickest and most immobile number along the surface of the floodwater; travelling via impromptu floats made from rubberised mattresses torn free of the gurneys. A dozen or so were fifty, perhaps sixty metres from the doorway.

And then what?

Once the floodwaters were contained, the corridor beyond would be clear and those effortless floats would become useless. Who would carry the sick and the lame then? They would only slow her down; make needless delay on helping those with the skills needed to make a meaningful contribution. As if to support her analysis, the decking under her cold feet shuddered with another jarring impact, this time from somewhere deep in the hull. No – it was time to leave. 

She pulled on the lever harder and as it crossed some sensor point, a two-tone alarm began to blare. From a recessed lip above her head a heavy steel door began to drop, badly-oiled metal grinding on metal as thick dollops of hydraulic fluid ran down channels to mix with the escaping seawater and make it shimmer.

“Stop!” One of them called. “Please!”

She didn’t. The door continued its irresistible journey down and even though they doubled their pace, the weight of the sick and lame stopped the group from making any appreciable progress even as the water reached Abigayle’s armpits. The door began to cavitate as the motors worked hard to overcome the resistance of the parting water. A few of the most desperate, or brave – or both – disappeared beneath the water to make a last-ditch effort to reach the hatch before it sealed. None made it through.

With a deafening clang, the bulkhead sealed shut leaving the remaining seawater to continue through the ship aft until it dropped below her ankles and feet. She turned to leave, to report to the emergency rendezvous point, but the hammering of desperate hands against the other side of the door made her pause for a moment.

Just a moment.

She had already resumed her way along the darkened corridor while the banging still rang out, and she had disappeared from view before the last asphyxiated thumps trailed off.

[The Rapture]

Do you feel the anticipation? The hushed whispers around catering tables and the well-informed online dialogues? Even the most vacuous backstage makeup artist cannot help but look towards the promenade deck of the Sun Princess with gut-trembling interest. It is almost time for me to finish what I started in SCW only a few short months ago. All I have to do is deal with a hero who thinks they stand for more than they are.

All I have to do is teach another gumshoe a lesson about letting their heart rule their head.

Heroes are the product of great literary works, because the written word predates virtually all other mediums. I wonder, Miss Johnson, if you are familiar with a particular piece by Christopher Booker? He believes that in all the sum creative writings of the entire English language – thousands of years and billions of words – that there are really only seven different permutations of a story that anyone can truly tell. That anything else is merely variation and originality is set at a limit of a half dozen plus one.

I wonder what kind of hero you could play in each of those seven archetypes? Since the job of the protagonist you have apparently appointed yourself to with tenure fits you so well …

Overcoming The Monster:

She carries a potent and truly mythical relic – the heart of a hurricane, taken from the most powerful storm to ever scour the lands clear of resistance and opposition, and with it she sets out to face down and ultimately defeat the greatest threat her beloved realm has ever encountered. Something faceless named after the Moon, made from plastic and pain which has relentlessly defeated every adventurer or errant wanderer to date.

I think this is my least favourite of the tropes you could use as a vehicle for your heroism. It is so unimaginative. So derivative. After all, this is the closest of all seven to reality. While there might not be such a thing as monsters, there are monstrous people and I have populated a long list with those who would be quick to agree that I meet such a definition. Each of them started out as plucky would-be warriors once upon a time, eager to cut down a symbol of fear and liberate their people from its malign influence. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

Unfortunately, in this case, there were no good people. Only self-serving, paper mache challengers arranged in roadblocks and dispatched like chaff reaped and spat clean to drift on the winds. Oh, how I triumphed. Their names are afterthoughts – De Salco, Benton, Zdunich, Jones, Beaufort … Dust to occlude a windscreen for a few moments before the road ahead reasserts itself and the way forward is clear again.

Perhaps here, my Heroine, you could carry a small measure of guilt for your part in allowing the monster to thrive. While I stalked the soft underbelly of SCW, cutting and eviscerating at will – did you see how I made Chloe weep for my mercy? – you were focused on taking a hurricane’s heart into your possession. Reclaiming a relic you had thought lost for all time because you can no more fight weather than you can fight yourself.

And yet, you found a way. Somehow. And while you were taking it, and changing the course of her fate forever, I was left unrestricted and unbound. You have claimed to protect those that needed protection, and yet I do not remember seeing your face when they carried Miss Beaufort backstage on a stretcher. A hollow hero at best, a mere monster-slayer at worst. Trinkets and treasures over people.

No, I do not like this story much at all.

Rags to Riches:

Of all the archetypes, this one is the most intoxicating because it speaks to anyone who has ever worked to have something from nothing. I imagine it is one close to your heart, My Heroine, whenever you walk through the doors of your gym and see Kiera instructing another gormless trainee to tuck their chin.

Do they not understand that they will take a clothesline on the mouth otherwise?   

It is the relentless grind which takes you from nowhere to somewhere. A brutal trek up an incline so steep that at times you have traversed it on your hands and knees. A journey so long that at times, it seemed insurmountable and unconquerable. A summit occupied by a redhead beyond compare or challenge for three hundred and fifty seven days which kept you in the driving snow and biting chill. Do you remember how you felt when you finally knocked her down? The relief, then the ecstasy distilled into rocket fuel and injected directly into your veins.

Tell me, Miss Johnson – how did it feel the moment you rolled onto your back, stared up at the lights and felt the cool metal faceplate of the Bombshells’ World Championship slide between your trembling fingers?

The question is less, perhaps, your suitability to play this role. It is tailor-made for someone of such limited ability.  How many times have you challenged for glory only to fall short? How many times have you been an interesting chapter or three in a much bigger story you were never written to star in? Why are so many important events of Roxi Johnson’s career footnotes in the summaries of others? No, this is your story. The only unknown is the role I am supposed to play. Am I the final challenge to prove you have come as far as you can go? There is surely nothing left for you to do in SCW.

Your unlikely, unrepeatable win against my Diminished Hurricane brought you title glory and our meeting at sea shortly will give you the chance to break an undefeated streak that I have never before mentioned and yet, curiously, is often a topic of much interest and frantic conversation. Could I be the final test in your turnaround tale? Is my purpose merely to fall in spectacular fashion and allow you to prove to the world that you deserved that centre stage?

That perhaps, for once, you are not a poor photocopy of Amber Ryan trying to ape someone you are not fit to so much as look at without due deference.

The Quest:

What are you searching for, My Heroine? Is it something physical draped over your shoulder, the envy of an entire roster, hungry to take it from you and from the light you claim to embody? Perhaps something more metaphysical, even spiritual. Is it Keira? A longing for more – a greater purpose or a grander design. Whatever that is, your time in SCW marks a journey towards realising such a goal. All that is required is a landscape to traverse to reach your bounty. There can be no treasure, after all, without a trial. No landing on some new frontier without a boundless and terrible ocean to cross. I am your ocean, inhospitable and impassable. I will be your realm across which you trek for all your hopes and dreams. In this permutation of our archetype, Miss Johnson, you struggle not against the environment or its agents but me. Wholly, entirely.

Voyage and Return:

It is not the destination but the journey that takes you there and back again. I wonder what you will learn when the Sun Princess returns to port? What lessons will our time together have taught you? I have such choice miseries to inflict upon you in service to that inescapable heroic desire for self-sacrifice and martyrdom. They cannot help but suffer, because inevitably, all heroes confuse pain with penance and pleasure with sin. It is a perverse badge of honour they all wear – one you wear. So in this particular scenario, I exist only to act in the role of teacher given SCW have so graciously provided both the literal voyage and its resultant return. I wonder then, whether you will take to my teachings easily? Will you be a difficult pupil, like Amber was? She resisted so hard, and ultimately, I was forced to make my lessons so very painful.

When you return to the United States as the former Bombshells’ World Champion, how will you feel? What will you tell Keira? Will you tell her the truth that has been steadily gnawing up from the pit of your gut since you understood what would happen when you stood across from me in a week’s time?

The truth that you had always cared for the destination itself. Craved it. The success. The glory. The recognition. The sin of pride, worn on your shoulder and on your heart. Carnal and urgent.


There is no greater example of something inherently amusing than the fact this company now stands with a so-called superhero as its most powerful Bombshell. Not because of the absurdity of it all at so-called face value – why should the power of human flight be any less ridiculous than choosing to wear a mask as a pseudo-face – but because it suggests a fundamental weakness of spirit and strength. Heroes exist in opposition to darkness, corruption. Despair. They do not arrive before evil comes calling; they spawn in response to it. Ergo the presence of such a figure implies a pre-existing weakness. A cancer of failure. There can be no greater comedic offering than a figure whose mere existence undermines its entire reason to be.

Perhaps this is my favourite archetype.


You were never supposed to be World Champion, My Heroine. There is not a member of this company, either administrative or professional; corporate or technical, who believes your victory over Amber Ryan was one of superior ability. It was merely one of entropy. You tried and failed on multiple occasions, each time being given the luxury of retreat into ignorance to reconsider, regenerate, renew and replan. She continued on, being diminished gradually by each success – worn out and worn-through. For almost a year, while you waited. Such distinctly unheroic behaviour if one considers it closely enough.

Waiting for inertia and thermodynamics to remove enough energy from a hurricane’s system to finally take from it everything that made her worthwhile. And then parade it as if it was earned justly and truthfully. You have defended that stolen heart against also-rands and nobodies. Pretenders and the patently unfit. A reign as fraudulent and lacking in greatness as the so-called Champion who now presides over it.

You were never supposed to be World Champion. You know that, and yet you have worked too hard and for too long to ever accept it. So you wear the symbol of office and struggle to breathe under its crushing weight. How tragic.


At last, we come to the final archetype and the only one in which I can offer to help you. For so long, Miss Johnson, you have fought every pitched battle on this miserable company’s behalf. Stood up for those who either could not, or more likely would not, do so on their own. You have intervened where it would have been so much easier to simply walk away, resist the urge to get changed in a dirty phone booth and keep whistling that jaunty tune as you make your way home for the night. 

What if I told you there was respite? What if I gave you an opportunity to lay your weary head down for a while? It is not too late to accept that your place at the summit of this division is over, and accept such with grace. Relinquish the title to me, of your own free will, and I will teach you such wonderful things. Show you such wonderful things. Think of the possibilities, of how you could be elevated to even greater heights.

My Heroine, the sights we would see and the deeds we could accomplish together. The good you could do, if you would only take my thorn-painted hand and run free.

… All you have to do is welcome me with your arms and heart wide open and I will show you such a beautiful way. All the barriers that have been erected because you were not Amber Ryan will be dismantled. Destroyed. The respect that has been withheld from you because you are not like she was, all of that will be earned thrice-fold back. Together, you will receive the adulation and praise that all heroes innately crave.

After all, you do not save others because it is the right thing to do. You save them because you like the way it makes you feel. Enjoy the power imbalance; crave the superiority complex that comes with elevating yourself above others.

You already have a god complex, Miss Johnson. Embrace my grand design and I will make you a god.

Welcome to the Rapture.

[The Past –  Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Autumn 2017]

A casual nod is all it takes to bypass the front desk, the officer sat behind it more interested in getting back to his Fantasy Football League than wasting valuable time maintaining eye contact for more than a half-second. Drawing in a deep lungful of air, I hold it in my chest and push through the heavy double-set doors which separate the thread-worn carpet under my feet from the shining linoleum beyond.

The walls are painted harsh white, tiled about halfway up so that strange shadows are cast against them by the unforgiving fluorescent tubes buzzing loudly overhead. Tables, cabinets and desks made from stainless steel circle the walls, all clustered around a single gurney sat in the centre of the room. Four gutters carved into the floor like the points of a compass meet at a drain underneath the gurney. Opposite, a row of three thick hatches are set into the brickwork. A thin line of frost draws around their edges.

Finally running out of air in my lungs, I can’t help but breathe. The smell hits me like the kind of hard shot that got rained down on my glass jaw last week. It’s an overwhelming stink of antiseptic; a painfully clean tang that burns the nostril and waters the eye. For a few seconds I just concentrate on getting over the reek.

Once my senses recover themselves enough to do their jobs again, something altogether worse floats on by. It’s almost buried by the antiseptic, but it’s there. Something cold, damp. It smells like the end of the line. Decay.
The clatter of the door behind me interrupts my dark musings, and turning on my heels I spy a pair of hard, calculating eyes boring into mine. Her features hidden by a blue surgical mask and skull cap, I don’t need to see her mouth to know its upturned into one hell of a frown. The cutting timbre of her voice is all that’s needed.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” She all but barks.

That’s a mighty tough place to start a conversation. Reaching up, I pull the hat from my head and do my absolute best to appear at least a little contrite. “Your man through the doors waved me through.”
She crosses her arms over her chest. “That doesn’t answer my question. Do I need to bring him through here too?”

“Name’s Terryl,” I offer, holding my hands in the air in mock surrender. “Just here to get a little more information on Cherry Blossom.”

The distrust in her eyes subtly shifts to surprise. The silence stretches into seconds.

“That’s not his name,” She says finally. “How did you know him?”

Sighing, I chew on the inside of my cheek. “Cherry got ignored an awful lot. That meant people talked even when he was standing right behind. He would find out things, things he could pass on to me in exchange for …”

 “Drugs? You’ve got some nerve— “

 “Never that stuff,” I interrupt, anger lacing my words. “Just cash.”

She scoffs. “Money he used to buy drugs?”

I shrug my shoulders. “We’re all folk, with our own vices and virtues. Cherry sank deeper than I could reach without diving in after him.”

Turning away, the Doctor wanders over to one of the freezers set into the far wall. “Why’re you here?”
“I need to know how he bought it.”

“You’re not Next of Kin, or a significant other,” She clips. “Why should I tell you anything?”

Setting my hat back on my head, I fix the Doctor with all the truthfulness I can muster. “I need to know if Cherry died doing what was going to kill him for sure some day, or because someone else expedited his downward spiral. Could be real helpful in forestalling me taking up your time and your freezer in the near-future.”

For a few moments, it looks like she’s mustering up the will for an argument. Eventually, she relents and makes her way over to a nearby table. Rifling through the documentation, she pulls free a half-dozen sheets of paper and flicks them out of sight.

“Overdose” She says simply. Accurately. I nod in appreciation.

Turning on my heels, I’ve just about made it to the doors when a question rings out from somewhere behind.

“Why did you call him Cherry Blossom?”
Dropping my head, I don’t bother to turn back around. “About the only thing he loved other than getting high was this weird brand of Hershey chocolate I think he got hold of from someplace up in Canada. Pockets used to be stuffed full of rolled up foil wrappers. Stuff tasted awful; sickly sweet and bitter all at the same time. Had a picture of a tree on it all resplendent with bright red flowers.”

“That’s it?” She asks, incredulously.

Pushing the door open, I head straight through. He never had anything else to his name.


The Reverend’s voice drops low, full of reverence as he spreads his arms wide and raises them above his head. His tone is hushed, as if he isn’t standing in front of a dozen chairs arranged in two neat blocks to either side. As far as this Man of God is concerned, there’s no one else for miles – he’s deep inside some intimate conversation with the Almighty we all just happen to be eavesdropping into.

Looking left and right at the empty chairs spread all around, I can’t help but correct myself. Some intimate conversation with the Almighty that I’m eavesdropping into.

Despite the urgings of the Man of God standing ahead, exalting us – me, specifically – to remember the departed in all manner of positive ways, my attention wanders to the coffin laid up between the rows of chairs. The wood is some unvarnished pine, cheap and plentiful like the poor old soul interned inside. The corners are scratched and the bottom gouged where it’s been roughly handled by someone being paid by the hour, or not at all. The only splash of colour is a pile of paper blossoms coloured cherry-red on top.

My eyes pass over the coffin, and there’s a discord I just can’t reconcile between the words of the Reverend, praising the departed and the memories I have of just what the deceased got up to before he ended up taking this dirt nap.

Cherry Blossom was by no stretch of the imagination a “Good Guy”. Whenever faced with adversity or the slightest hint of the prospect of a struggle, he’d take the easy way out even if that meant doing something infinitely harder in the long term. If a Man’s word is his bond, Cherry’s promises struggled to outlast the chain links made from paper that decorate Children’s Parties the world over. In any kind of dealing, he was less a person and more an animal in that the latter could be bartered with to do the simplest of tasks in return for food, or a pet, or a walk. Or cash to procure one more hit of something dirty and brown, squirted through some sharp point that had broken someone else’s skin before making it to his.

He had his uses – he performed a function. The information he gave me almost certainly saved at least one life, and improved a half-dozen others but all of this came at the cost of his. Cherry was trapped in a merciless, brutal loop whereby every action and thought, every fibre of his being was consumed by the need to forget everything he’d been and become.

I could have helped him, I think. I mean I tried … But was my heart really in it? At some fundamental level, a person at least needs to want to help themselves, even if they don’t have the tools, the expertise or the willpower to do it alone. Cherry didn’t ever come close to having one of those three and yet, looking back, all my efforts to lend him these prerequisites seem hollow and slight. The truth of course is there, just lurking beneath the surface of polite conversation and everyday thought that keeps me from pondering the kind of things I’d rather forget or pretend never happened.

The truth … That he was more use to me as something less than Human, a ruined shell kept alive by the pharmaceuticals he shot through his veins, than some functional person with likes, dislikes and an ability to resist the urge to fleece women on the street for just enough coin to score one more stab in the flesh.
I needed him broken far more than I needed him whole.

The information Cherry gave me through his short and unpleasant life ended up helping so many more people, in so many more ways than he could ever have done short of becoming some legendary civic leader with his own statue in a town’s square. At some point, I carried out a cost-benefit analysis that was never my right to conduct and decided his life – such as it had been – was forfeit in the name of something greater. Something I decided was greater.

A hand on my shoulder rouses me from my thoughts, and looking up I lock eyes with the Reverend standing aside.

“Thank you for coming,” He nods. His voice is solemn and peaceful in a way so few ever are.

Words roar around my mind, but nothing makes it as far as my lips. Instead, I just nod.

“He was a wretched man.”

Eyes widening, I jerk my chin upwards. “Excuse me?”

Setting himself down on the chair next to mine, the Reverend sighs. “Though I am a Man of God, and through me his will is made manifest, I am just a Man. Through my eyes, I see what all Men can see and what I have known of Cherry is only sadness, pain and suffering; much of which he has inflicted on others.”

Slowly, I nod. “You knew him well then?”

“Well enough,” He concedes. “His means were such that he simply couldn’t be in the sinful bosom of his addiction nearly as often as he so desperately craved. Thus, he needed somewhere to be when he was not slumped against a back alley wall, or accosting strangers, or stealing …”

“My Church is a refuge for all,” He continues. “Even those who have been forsaken by all others.”
Those last few words sting hard.

Setting his hand on my shoulder, the Reverend stands with a wince of discomfort as his old bones shift. “We are all defined by the conscious choices that we make, and of those choices we justify all of them twice-fold. Once to ourselves, and once to the Lord.”

Snatching my hat from the floor, I let out a long keening sigh. I’m not sure I’ve even managed to justify those choices to myself, let alone some Higher Power.

D̶o n̶ot b̶e fri̶ght̴e̵n̵ed. M̷i̵n̵e i̵s t̴he̵ la̴st vo̷i̵c̶e yo̴u w̶ill eve̴r h̸ear.

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
{Picking up where we left off, Roxi is at home, but down in her super hero training area, where she has white board and is marking off all the personalities of John Smith. Roxi had met all the personalities but one, and they seemed to be entirely independent of John. 


John: The owner of the body, aware of all the other personalities.

Steve: the angry alter, confessed to the two murders and appears to know that John is timid and weak. 

Henry: Claims to be a knight from England.

Vincent: Claims to be an artist.

Paula: A female alter???


Roxi’s wrist communicator goes off, and Keira, who has just entered the room, sighs loud enough for Roxi to hear it.. Roxi answers, looking apologetically at her wife.}


Roxi – Go ahead Vision.


Vision – Your stabbing victim woke up, she’s stable now and they are interviewing her. They want you to come down to the station to talk about the findings.


Roxi – I'm on my way.


{Roxi looks at Keira and sighs, giving a weak smile.}


Keira – This is really killing the vibe. We’re about go on a cruise.


Roxi – I know. This is the last thing. I promise.


{Keira is not happy with this, but nods and sighs.}


Keira – I will pack your bags for you then. Nothing but bikinis.


Roxi – Don't you dare. 


{Keira gives Roxi a playful smile as Roxi dons her costume and leaves, headed for the police station.}



{Roxi is now in the police station, and Detective Oliver and Lt. Murphy are there, along with some psychiatrists all huddled.}


Roxi – So?


Det. Oliver – The female who was stabbed is named Cheryl Thomas. She says she met our man here, out at a club and she was too drunk to remember much of anything, other than he didn’t appear to be doing much of anything. She noticed he was alone most of the night, and not dancing or anything.


Roxi – Interesting.


Det. Oliver – However, she did try and call her boyfriend, named Steve. 


Roxi – WAIT...


Det. Oliver – We checked, it’s not Steve Walker, but it could be presumed that he... is he was in his “alter” form...


Roxi – No... I KNEW I heard that someplace before!


Det. Oliver – Wait, what?


{One of the psychiatrists holds up a finger.}


Psychiatrist – I was... about the conclude that Mr. Smith is indeed faking his disorder.


Roxi – I KNEW IT. But please... allow me.


{Roxi enters the room, and sits down, as John has a smile on his face, leaning back and then begins trying to fan himself.}


Roxi – Let me see... Paula?


“Paula” – It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Superhero, I do declare there has been some kind of mis-


Roxi – No. That’s hasn’t. Let me guess Paula, you love to sew, don’t you?


Paula – Well, why of course dear, I was in the middle of knitting this wonderful sweater and I hear I find myself in a police station of all things.


Roxi – I figured you do. The game is over, John. You’re faking.


{John’s expression turns to one of confusion, trying to convince Roxi he has no idea what she’s talking about.}


Roxi – You can give me that face all you want, But I know the truth. Your would-be victim never mentioned seeing any alter, and those two people you killed... all match what each and every one of you alters can do. That seems just a little funny, don’t you think?


{“Paula” seems to fade from existence as John appears to re-emerge.}


John – I didn’t... I didn’t know.


Roxi – Drawn and quartered, like perhaps... a knight would do? Sewing, like the mask was into the face. The face cut off, using perhaps.... an X-acto knife, like... an artist would use. Say... Vincent. All of them, exactly matching how the victims were killed. No John, there are no others... there’s just you. 


{John seems to be still trying to keep up the charade, a little.}


John – I need help...


Roxi – You're right, but even if those alters were real, all of them had a hand in killing two people. And you’ve tried to convince me, and everyone else, that they don’t know about each other. The game is up John. You’re just a twisted, deranged man. 


John – No I... I can explain...


Roxi – Sorry John. The doctor already proved that you are faking, your would-be victim was watching you and noticed you were on your own, and didn’t say anything to anybody. You were waiting... waiting for the right moment. 


John – I...


Roxi – And... Steve Walker was the name Kenneth Bianchi used when he tried this. You gave all of this away. 


John – F... GOD DAMN IT.


Roxi – Enjoy prison, John. Where you, will now became nameless. I hope you brought one of those masks, you scumbag.


{Roxi stands up, and John tries to lunge for her, but he is still handcuffed to the table. He shouts obscenities at Roxi, who just shrugs, as she closes the door.}


Det. Oliver – Well, that went better than I thought.


Roxi – It's a gift.


Lt. Murphy – Well...I suppose that wraps that up. 


Roxi – Good, now I can take my vacation. Don’t like... summon any demons or create some 50-foot monster while I’m gone, mmkay?


{Roxi gives a quick salute to the cops and the doctors as she leaves, finally settled and ready to hit the cruise.}



{Now aboard the Sun Princess cruise, the ring is erected as Keira holds some training classes as Roxi watches from a distance, a backpack on her back as she does so. She is approached by Griffin Hawkins, the host of the Summer XXXtrme this year.}


Griffin – Hey Rox.


Roxi – Hey Griff. How ya been?


Griffin – I can’t complain. Well, I could, but nobody’s gonna listen.


Roxi – I see. 


Griffin – You ready for this match? Masque looks freaky.


Roxi – I'll be ready. You know me.


Griffin – I do. Anyway, How's the class going?


Roxi – Keira has taken to it like a fish to water, to be honest with you. I never thought she would take to it like this, but she’s really enjoying herself. 


Griffin – Well, if it makes her happy, then I say keep doing it. 


Roxi – You check in with Stacy?


Griffin – Yeah... it was scary there for a little bit, but I’m glad she’s okay.


Roxi – Me too. 


{In the ring, Keira spots Griffin and Roxi talking and leans against the ropes and calls out.}


Keira – Hey! Griff! I need a volunteer.


{Griff turns to Roxi.}


Griffin – Crap.


Roxi – You've been spotted.


Griffin – Maybe she’ll just notice we’re talking.


Keira – Don't ignore me, Griff.


Griffin – I... I wasn’t! I just have to be going now! Lots of... hosting things to do.


Keira – Griffin! Get in this ring!


Griffin – Awww... come on!


Keira – Don't make me come get you!


Roxi – It can’t be that bad. 


Griffin – You’ve seen her slap me! 


Roxi – I have. Many times. She’s not going to hurt you.


Griffin – …


Roxi – Much.


Griffin – Dammit.


{Griffin walks like a man headed to the gallows as he enters the ring, hands up, trying to keep the peace.}


Griffin – Do we really have to do this?


Keira – Quit being a baby. Geez it’s just a demonstration.


Griffin – You said that last time!


Keira – Griff. Give me your arm.


{Griff sighs and offers up his arm.}


Keira – Good. Now...


{Keira turns to her students on the apron.}


Keira – One of the worst things I see is people not respecting the holds you do. Okay, if you are ever in a wrist lock, it hurts, so if you’re in one in the ring, why are we doing this goofy acting like it doesn’t hurt. Watch.


{Keira pulls on Griffin’s arm, tucking his wrist into her chest, and making him wince in pain.}


Keira – You see, Griff is not all peachy keen, now, are you Griff?


Griffin – Ow... no... Ow!


Keira – So if I see you get half-assing out here, you’re going to regret it. You are taking this seriously, because you want everything you do, to look good. Don’t get fancy, but don’t hurt each other. I’m just giving Griff a hard time.


{Keira makes one slight wrench and then just uses her wrist control and brings Griffin to the mat. Griffin groans in pain.}


Keira – And you see what can happen when you have wrist control. You can make your opponent go where you want them to go. Do you guys understand?


{Keira releases Griffin who rubs his arm, shoulder, and wrist in pain.}


Keira – Thanks for volunteering Griff.


Griff – Yeah... 


{Griffin rolls out of the ring and walks away, walking past Roxi and shaking out his shoulder and arm.}


Griffin – What did I ever do to her?


Roxi – Nothing. It’s one way she shows affection. 


Griffin – I'd like to have two working arms after we leave this cruise.


Roxi – You'll be fine. She didn’t break anything did she?


Griffin – No, just my pride.


Roxi – Don't worry, I’ll have a talk with her. Anyway, you up for tonight?


Griffin – Uh...


Roxi – Here.


{Roxi reaches into her backpack and pulls out and envelope with Griffin’s name on it. Griffin takes it and looks at it.}


Roxi – That's your invitation, and your instructions. 


Griffin – Oh.


Roxi – Then, I’ll see you tonight then?


Griffin – I will be there.


Roxi – Good. I’ll see you tonight.


{Griffin nods, slowly walking away, still holding his arm as the scene fades.}



{The new scene is later in the evening and many SCW wrestlers and bombshells are gathered in a large dinner hall with a bar. There are several hundred fans watching the whole show, as this is a seeming theatre event. The SCW wrestlers who are participating are Jessie Salco, Griffin Hawkins, Cassie Wolfe, Bobbie Dahl, Keira Johnson, Aron Baltasarsson, Crystal Zdunich, & Krystal Wolfe. They all are dressed in elaborate costumes as Roxi, clad in formal dinner dress, walks to the center of the room.}


Roxi – Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome. It is good to see all of you here tonight. As you all have received the invitation, you are aware why you are here. If not, I am, as the host, here to reiterate we are here read off the last will and testament of one Ronald White. And all of you, have been summoned to witness it.


{Everyone looks around at each other, curious and suspicious.}


Roxi – This was the last wish of Mr. White, and so, I am pleased that all of you have gathered here. Drinks are appetizers are being served, so please, enjoy, and let tonight’s events begin.


“The Last Will and Testament Of Ronald White”



Roxi Johnson as THE HOST


Jessie Salco as ROBIN WHITE

Robin is the sister of Ronald White and extremely wealthy.  She founded “Double R Records” along with Ronald. Robin is also an avid botanist and has nearly an acre of greenhouses and flower gardens. She has been quoted as being “brutally honest and ruthless”


Griffin Hawkins as BOBBY WOODS

Bobby is an artifact collector. Bobby has traveled all over the world collecting exotic items to sell as the auction house that owned by Ronald White. Ronald had recently hired Bobby to collect an entire Tyrannosaurus bone set, to put in his home.



Georgia is the ruthless head of a television network, and will do anything for a story. She cannot be trusted with secrets. She is currently being served with a lawsuit for defamation for her latest exposé on Ronald White.


Cassie Wolfe as PAULA WHITE

Paula is the wife of Ronald, and a huge pop star signed to Double R Records all set up by her husband. Paula has been touring for the last 6 months, having a huge hit that swept the nation.  But with that, the speculation is the marriage has been on the rocks.


Krystal Wolfe as WANDA WHITE

Wanda is the daughter of Ronald and a scientist at the local university. She can recite a lot of information, but she will overwhelm and bore you which such details. Wanda has been rumored to have a gambling problem, and be in large financial debt.


Crystal Zdunich as OLIVIA YATES

Olivia is the personal lawyer of Ronald. She has been known as one of the most aggressive lawyers in the country. However, she is a compulsive liar who frequently has used bribery and blackmail to ensure her clients court victories. She recently discovered that Ronald is her father as her mother used an anonymous donor to have her child.



Keira Johnson as FELICIA BLACK

Felicia is a librarian and poet. She is very doom-and-gloom and dresses in black constantly. She is a step-daughter of Ronald as he married her mother in a marriage that only last a year. She is also a widow, having lost her husband in a plane accident, where Ronald was the pilot.


Aron Baltasarsson as DR. PATRICK PAYNE

Dr. Payne is the family doctor for Ronald White. He also does shifts at the hospital. Patrick was once accused of being an “Angel of Death” who made his patients ill and put them in peril only to save them to be a hero, but Dr. Payne has been acquitted of these charges.



Christian Underwood as BEN BISHOP

Ben is the executor is Ronald White’s estate.





{The characters are all mingling talking to each other and amongst themselves. All the participants are in costume. Jessie is an expensive looking gown and gawdy jewelry, Griffin somehow found a safari hat, Bobbi wearing a pant suit with note pad, Cassie is dressed like she raided Crystal’s wardrobe, Krystal is wearing a lab coat, Crystal also has on a woman’s business suit, her hair tied back in a tight bun. Keira is dressed in black and also full goth attire, and Aron wearing a suit with stethoscope. Once the drinks and appetizers are served and some time passes for dinner, Roxi has the table cleared and pulls out a laptop.}


Roxi – Ladies and gentlemen, I will now play the reading of the last will and testament of Ronald King, as was his wish before his passing.


{The laptop plays a video of Christian Underwood, reading off the notes in front of him.}


BEN – My name is Ben Bishop, of Bishop & Brown Law Firm. As the executor of Mr. White’s estate, I have been empowered to read Mr. White’s Last Will and Testament. If we are all seated, I shall proceed with the reading... It was Mr. White’s wish that his will be presented among friends and family at this gathering. I see we are all here and ready, so I shall begin


{Christian seems to take great delight in what he has to read.}


BEN – I, Ronald Thomas White, being of sound mind and body do hereby divide up my considerable estate as follows. 

To Robin White, I leave nothing. You were only asked to be here so my attorney could notify you that you are a dreadful human being, and I have achieved far more than you ever will during your life. 


{Jessie plays it up and looks annoyed.}


BEN – Paula White, I leave you nothing. And furthermore, your voice sounds like an alley cat in heat, you dance like a nutcracker, and Robin only signed you to Kingsley Records to irritate me.


{Cassie also looks very annoyed and sad.}


BEN – Wanda White, I hereby leave you the mansion, my 757 private airliner, and 10% of my liquid assets. While I was alive, I grew tired of you asking me for money every day, but in my death, you are the least of all evils of my bloodline, so I figured I would leave you something.


{A small smile crosses Krystal’s face.}


BEN – Bailey Black, I hereby leave you my watch collection, and 50% of my liquid assets to show you my remorse in having a hand in your spouse’s death. It was a grave error on my part, and I did not wreck my plane into a mountain intentionally. 


{Keira shows no emotion, staying in character.}


BEN – Last, I leave the remainder of my assets to Dr. Patrick Payne to put toward the research of Cytopheria. 


{Aron nods in approval.}


BEN – Anyone else who I have asked to be here, I only requested your presence at this reading so you could sit there in hopes of getting something you didn’t deserve. Now, you can reflect during your lonely ride home on the past and wonder what you must have done wrong for me to exclude you.


{Christian gets a second smug look on his face but his phone rings.}


BEN – Oh, hang on one second.


{Christian answer his phone, and goes on a lengthy discussion with someone on the other end, and then hangs up.}


BEN – That was the detectives at the police department. It appears as though this case that was once thought to be a suicide has now turned into a homicide. Nobody in the room may leave, the police are at the mansion and have requested that you all stay in the room until they come for you. 

They have asked for your assistance and will deliver a copy of the case file to your location. You’ll have a short time to figure out who murdered Mr. White. Deliver the killer, or every one of you will be a suspect in one of the most highly publicized court cases of the century. 

Good luck...


{The feed ends and the character murmur to each other. One of the ship’s staff hands Roxi a manilla folder.}


Roxi – Well, this is a very strange turn of events. In this folder, we have all the collected evidence surrounding Mr. White’s death. It contains the autopsy report, phone records, as well as surveillance records for when any, or all of you entered the home of Mr. White.  Inside all of your invitation envelopes are everything you need, plus the discussions were instructed to have prior to beginning. 


{Roxi puts the folder down in the middle of the table.}


Roxi – Use this evidence, and the information you have gathered from each other, to put together your best case for who the murderer is. Unless of course, the murderer wishes to confess now...


{No one in the room says anything.}


Roxi – Very well, you are not allowed to leave this room. All of you have a motive, and all of you are suspects. So, as previously stated... good luck.


{Everyone pours over the evidence as begins to try and figure out which character is the killer.}




{As the group pours over the evidence files Crystal is the first to stop everyone and get her own look.}


OLIVIA – Look, I’m a lawyer, and I can go through this faster than the rest of you. I’ll obviously be able to determine which of you did it.


ROBIN – What do you mean “Which of YOU did it.”? You’re a suspect like everyone else!


OLIVIA – I AM NOT! I’m just the lawyer.


WANDA – And a terrible one.




WANDA – I hired you as my lawyer for some parking tickets, and I had to pay the max fine because of your bumbling!


OLIVIA – You couldn’t pay the fees! Because you are broke.


WANDA – I am not!


BOBBY – Not what we all heard. I mean, I heard Mr. White said you were asking for money all the time.


WANDA – SHUT UP. I am not broke! I am perfectly fine!


OLIVIA – It doesn’t change the fact that any of you could be the murderer.


{Aron finally speaks up.}


DR. PAYNE – You won’t mention that you were filing a lawsuit against Mr. White, Olivia?


OLIVIA – I... Moving on...


{Despite Crystal wanting to be the only one, everyone gets a chance to read and check out the evidence.}




FELICIA – Of course you would say that. You are the piece of trash who ran that exposé. You destroyed my husband’s reputation AND Mr. White’s.


GEORGIA – I APOLOGIZED TO YOU! I apologized to Olivia, I didn’t know so much would be exposed.




GEORGIA – I didn’t know it would work out like that! I swear!


PAULA – You put that out there for everyone! 


GEORGIA – And I got it from Mr. Woods over there.


{Griffin feigns shock.}


BOBBY – I... I just was I didn’t know it would go that far either!


GEORGIA – You told more than that! You told how Olivia here is test tube baby, and related to Mr. White, and how you think Mr. White killed Felicia’s husband on purpose!


OLIVIA – Damn you!


BOBBY – Because! Mr. White was suing you and your lawyer was going to out me to him!


ROBIN – You seem to have a habit of doing things like that for your own benefit. Like when you gave my brother the bones instead of me! You are a traitor.


BOBBY – Only because you two hated each other! You both have a crazy sibling rivalry!


{Everyone tries to calm down and the tension continues to build.}


FELICIA – I spoke to Mr. White the Tuesday before he died. He apologized about the death of my husband. I believe he is sincere. I just don’t believe Dr. Payne is sincere in doing everything he could.


{Aron also looks offended.}


DR. PAYNE – I did everything I could! I apologized to you!


FELICIA – It's kind of hard to believe a man who is accused of being and “Angel of Death”


DR. PAYNE – I didn’t kill him! I wasn’t there at the time of death! You can check the phone and video records. But all of you, at one point or another, were, closer to the time of death.


PAULA – And I just got home and I FOUND HIM!


ROBIN – Okay, this is going nowhere. The evidence there isn’t enough, and all we’re doing is bickering.


{Roxi then steps in, presenting a second folder.}


Roxi – This, is the updated evidence since this is now a homicide.


{More scrambling for the new information. Olivia continues to read.}


OLIVIA – Mr. White’s death is a homicide, by way of... poisoning.


{Olivia continues to look through, including a poem, written by Felicia and posted to social media.}



By Felicia Black


Death calls upon your wicked soul

You’ll soon see the bottom of a six foot hole

I want to be there when you lose your light & see you struggle as your lungs get tight

You betrayed my trust. I loathe you.

I desire to be your face turn blue.

Die, Wicked Soul.

{Everyone’s eyes are cast on Felicia.}


FELICIA – It's a poem.


DR. PAYNE – Suspiciously accurate about poisoning.


FELICIA – As if you can talk. You’re the doctor, how do we know you didn’t poison him?


DR. PAYNE – Why would I poison him?!


OLIVIA – Because you are doing research based on the disease that both Mr. White and I have! Why not get him out of the way to ensure you get the funding?!


DR. PAYNE – I didn’t poison the man! The poison is right there listed as a flower!


ROBIN – You stand to make some money from that lawsuit, Olivia.


OLIVIA – And you have the garden where all these plants used for the poison reside!


ROBIN – I do, but I’m not a scientist or a doctor!


PAULA – But a sibling rival who could benefit from her brother’s death.


ROBIN – And you were going to be broke if that divorce went through! You married my brother for his money! 


{Roxi comes in, looking at her watch.}


Roxi – Ladies and Gentlemen, time is up. Inside your envelopes is the list. Please write down who you think the murderer is, and pass them in.


{Everyone stops, and writes down who they think the murderer is. Roxi gathers them, and reads them to herself.}




Roxi – Well, all the evidence has been reviewed, and the murderer will now be revealed. So, we will now call upon everyone here, to defend themselves. Ms. Robin White, you’re up.


{Jessie stands up.}


Roxi – You do have a greenhouse which access to the poison, and it’s no secret you and your brother were not friendly, you reveled in the possible divorce. What say you?


ROBIN - Do you people think that someone with as much power and money as me would stoop to murdering my brother? Even though my brother was my biggest rival, I would never have wanted to see him dead. Not guilty!


Roxi – Mr. Woods. 


{Griffin stands up.}


Roxi – You were fired by Mr. White for being the leak in the exposé. You are also on record in the surveillance cameras as coming to the house, prior to Mr. White’s dead. What say you?


BOBBY – Ronald fired me the day he died. I know that looked bad, but I couldn’t have murdered him. Not only do I lack knowledge of any types of poisons, but I also hadn’t been around Roland the 24 hours before he died!


Roxi – Ms. Green.


{Bobbie stands up.}


Roxi – You published the exposé on Mr. White, and ruined the lives of Mrs. Black as well as Ms. Yates by revealing her true identity. You were also being sued by Mr. White. What say you?


GEORGIA – Ultimately, Mr. White ruined my career by forcing me to divulge my main source for the exposé that aired on my news program. Now, nobody will feel safe being an anonymous source, and we’ll be unlikely to scoop a good story in the future. But I didn’t kill Ronald! Not guilty!


Roxi – Mrs. White


{Cassie stands up.}


Roxi – You would have been broke if the divorce went through, and you made it look like a suicide. What say you?


PAULA – You guys think I’m that thick headed to believe I could get away with murdering my billionaire husband who was preparing divorce papers on me? Gimme a break! I may have married him for his money, and I may have tried to pull off staging the scene as a suicide because I knew he took me out of the will and I had signed a prenuptial agreement. However, I didn’t murder him!


Roxi – Ms. Yates.


{Crystal stands up.}


Roxi – You have several lawsuits against Mr. White, and as his newly discovered child, you were not in the will, perhaps revenge. What say you?


OLIVIA – How can I sue a dead man? This murder is the worst thing that has ever happened to me besides being diagnosed with a rare genetic disease that causes skin rashes and pin-prick sensations in my arms and legs! My DNA donor was negligent by donating biological materials while knowing he carried the gene for cytopheria! I was going to be a multimillionaire when I won the lawsuit! I guess I’ll have to earn it the hard way! But I’m not guilty!


Roxi – Mrs. Black.


{Keira stands up.}


Roxi – The poem is not a good look. And you were a recent addition to the will. Perhaps ensuring that can’t be changed?


FELICIA – Ronald never cared for me because I was my mother’s extra baggage. But it was a nice gesture to add me in the will because he killed my spouse. I didn’t kill him.


Roxi – Dr. Payne


{Aron stands up.}


Roxi – Perhaps a purposeful misdiagnosis, and a convenient missed call to ensure Mr. White’s death?


DR. PAYNE – It may be true that I’ve experimented with some of my dying patients that were suffering every day with intense pain. Is there anything wrong with advancing humankind and showing mercy at the same time? Maybe I am an Angel of Death! But I’m not guilty of murdering Ronald White


Roxi – And so... this leaves Wanda White


{Krystal stands up.}


WANDA – Dad was going to cut me out of the will if I continued to ask for money, but I’m dead broke! I’ve got Vegas bookies coming after me, and a couple of loan sharks who are furious I’ve missed payments! I had to kill him before he amended the will again! I’m not going to jail, I’m outta here!


{Krystal attempts to leave, but is stopped, and the game ends. Everyone applauds a good showing by all.}


Roxi – And that... is how it was. Thank you all for participating, now let’s see who was right, and who was wrong.


{Roxi reads off the list of the guesses done by the characters.}


Roxi – We did have a wide variety of guesses, but Krystal, Ms. Wanda White, is our murderer, and of the 8 people playing, only 2 were able to guess. Thank you for playing, and obviously, we have to give out some awards.


{Roxi has some makeshift trophies and hands them out. Griffin is given best costume. Crystal winning best actor/actress in the whole thing, and then more drinks and food is served as the night continues. Roxi is greeting and saying goodbye to everyone as they leave.}


Cassie – That was a lot of fun! I don’t know if Pop star was my thing though...


Roxi – You did fine. Thanks for playing.


Griffin – That was a pretty sweet little game Rox, where did you come up with it?


Roxi – Been trying to plan one for years. Also... a lot of research.


Griffin – Fair enough.


Krystal – Why was I the killer?!


Roxi – That's the way the game played out. 


Krystal – Is this was like Clue there’d be multiple endings!


Roxi – Next time I’ll do multiple endings.


Bobbie – My role should have been bigger. 


Crystal – I know everybody thought I was the killer.


Roxi – Actually, most people thought Aron did it.


Aron – Well... I didn’t.


Roxi – I really appreciate you guys playing with me.


{Everyone leaves, save for Keira, sitting at the table.}


Roxi – You ready to go?


Keira – I'm HUNGRY! Besides, this is a good time for a romantic dinner before the big match, isn’t it?


{Roxi smiles and joins Keira.}


Roxi – Indeed it is. You look good in black too.


Keira – Funny. I have some more black to show you later....


{The scene fades.}



“I'll tell you something about glory. A hero doesn't want it. The best day of my life will be the day the world doesn't need me anymore. But until that day comes... I'll never quit fighting for what's right.”

- Superman (Superman: Man of Tomorrow Vol 1 15)



I have to say that I am slightly disappointed with the way things have gone the past week. 


Sure, I am enjoying the cruise as I always do. I’ve taken at least 8 of these things for SCW and I’ve always enjoyed them. It’s always nice to get away from it all, and be on the high seas with many fans and friends. That part of it, is always great.


I’m actually more disappointed with Masque De Lune than anything else. 


I came into this expecting so much more, and I very disappointed. But then again, I guess at this point, I shouldn’t be disappointed with Masque. Because behind the mask, is the same thing you all saw me go through several years ago. I was once a victim of someone like Masque. You saw him. You were there with me when I was going through that and I almost lost everything. That man’s name was Cyrus and he told me the exact same things I’m hearing from Masque, and have heard since she got here. 


Everything is going to be better if everyone just listens and gives Masque what she wants. Everything is going to be great; life will be a paradise and all of your problems will go away. I’ve been there. I believed Cyrus, because at the time, I was at one of my lowest points. I wasn’t where I needed to be, and I wanted to be normal. I didn’t want this life, I felt trapped and stuck. And Cyrus was right there to scoop me up into his arms and offer me the freedom to be normal. To have what I craved for so long. It was all right there for me. All I had to do was take that step. 


And all it got me, was the feeling of being trapped every more than I already felt. 


The initial wave was good when it washed over me. I won the Bombshell’s championship for the second time, after a string a losses and the feeling of frustration time and time again, I was there, the championship was in my possession, and it felt like everything that Cyrus said to me was coming true. I turned my back on my family, on my friends, and everyone who ever cared about me, simply to achieve a championship goal. I had what I wanted, at the cost of everything I ever loved. 


But Cyrus convinced me that this was all going to be worth it. I stayed with him I ignored my wife, and I ignored my family, I didn’t speak to friends who knew me, and knew something was wrong. I did that, all for this championship that is on my shoulder right now. Because Cyrus convinced me that none of them, and none of you, cared about me unless I could do something for them. That I was the one being used and abused and taken for granted. I justified it to myself that yes, this was what I needed, no more burdens to feel, no more fires to put out, because those things weren’t going to stop anyway, and I convinced myself that I didn’t need to keep fighting, but that I just needed to be champion. I convinced myself that he was correct, and that all I would ever need, was him, guiding me to becoming the best version of myself. He did that to me, and for a while there, I was perfectly content, letting everything around me burn down and get destroyed, because I had what I wanted. 


He promised me that I would finally be free, and be truly happy, and for a small window of time, I was. I got back to where I wanted to be. It made me happy.


But then, something happened, something I didn’t see because I was blinded by my own happiness. Everything around me was gone. I had nothing, but this championship. My wife was gone, my friends were now concerned and afraid for me. Even people who disliked me, knew that I was on the wrong path and they tried to correct it. They tried to help me because they knew the old me, would have done the same thing. 


They showed me everything I was losing and how much they cared. How much they loved me and wanted me back, and Cyrus was only interested in telling me how it was because I wasn’t there to help them, that they wanted to help me. And I finally got to see how much my friends and family really cared. It touched me and I finally saw that light, and I was able to get back everything I nearly threw away. And all for a championship.


Once my eyes were opened, I swore to my family, my friends and all of you, that would never happen again, and I have been trying to make up for all that, ever since it happened. I have apologized to you, because you deserved better from me.


So, when I hear the same things coming from someone else, it raises the hair on the back of my neck. It strikes a chord with me, because I don’t want anyone to have to go through that ever again. And Masque has more than fit the bill to play that role. 


And so, I have been thinking about the words Masque says for the past week. I expected better, but that’s not to take away from Masque as a competitor. She is, formidable. All the accomplishments listed, are very real and that is a threat. I just wish it wasn’t bogged down by the flair for the dramatic.


But then again, she might possibly be spying on me considering she heard a conversation in the Team Hero Gym.


As the days draw closer and the time ticks down, I know what I have to do, and I know I have to fight to keep everything from falling apart. The gloom and doom has to end, and it falls to me to do it again. But that’s what I do what I do.


But it did give me a chuckle to hear Masque say that I play the hero because it makes me feel good, and it’s solely for me, and me alone, when nothing could be further from the truth. This has been what seems like a running gag for almost my entire career at this point. People continually love to throw this weird thing out there that all of this, is for me and my career. That it’s all just me doing this for purely selfish reasons. That I have this grand plan to make myself everyone’s friend so I can then later stab them in the back. 


My track record speaks for itself. People continue to stab ME in the back, and yet, after all that, I continue to extend my hand in order to mend those fences when they are broken. It’s me that pours the water on the bridge so it doesn’t burn down. I turned my back one time, as stated before, and it nearly cost me everything I ever loved. And as stated, I made a promise to never do anything like that again. So, I haven’t. I have been behind those who have needed it. I have fought for those who can’t. Not because I want the glory or recognition. I’m perfectly fine if all I ever got was a thank you, or even less. Because I’ve vowed to never change who I am, ever again, and I stand by that. So, this plan doesn’t make a lot of sense, but yet, it’s still the go-to when people look at me. 


Hell, I’ve been accused of NOT doing enough just as much as doing too much. And because I can’t be everywhere, because I can’t do everything, and because I can’t help every single person all the time, it hurts me just as much. But yet, I will be damned if someone says I didn’t try. Because I know that I do. I try my best to be a good friend to all. Amber Ryan can attest to that herself. You don’t have to take my word for it. She can tell you; Crystal can tell you; Amy Marshall can tell you and the list goes on and on. Every single person who has ever needed me, I’ve tried to help, sometimes to my own detriment. I have been wrong, but nobody can tell me I didn’t try. 


So, for someone like Masque to try and tell me that I do this for myself and to make myself feel good, it’s really a reach and it’s just more desperation from her, because I can hear her words and I see through them. That’s not going to work this time. So, the question remains, what else is there for Masque. For her, it’s championship or bust. It’s the highest of highs, or complete failure. Me? I will continue to be me, regardless of how bad things get, or how bleak things look. But it’s not just me. That’s a huge mistake that Masque has already made.


And no, it’s not just my wife either. I have said time and time again that there is a hero inside all of us, we are all the heroes of our own story, and anybody can be a hero. This isn’t just me, this is everyone who believes. Everyone who can make someone else say “I can do this.” My aspiration is to get better each day, so that someone else, may look at themselves and the say the same thing. That means more to me, than even a “thank you” or a hug or a pat on the back. The ultimate good feeling is not my success, but the success of others because they believed in themselves. And in the end, I can still be me, but a better version, the best version of me.


But there will always be more people like me. Those who stand up and do something so the bad people don’t win. I’m just one of many. And Masque has to see a whole lot of them on this cruise. And to beat me, Masque has to beat every single one of them too. Because they believe. 


I am just one of many heroes. There are so many of them, just waiting to stand up.


While that, will make me feel good inside, I know full well that it’s a battle that will take my entire life to complete. And in the end, it won’t be me, who is able to say one way or the other whether or not I actually accomplished that goal. But I don’t know if it’s the “right thing” to do, because that’s subjective. The best bad guys always believe they are doing the right thing, so it goes both ways. I’m sure Masque firmly believes she has done the “right thing” all the time. Has she? Is making everyone afraid, and fearing you the right thing? Is trying to take someone out of this sport, the right thing? The end justifies the means, doesn’t it? 


At Summer XXXtreme, I will be the best version of me I can be at the time, and I will defeat Masque De Lune and put an end to this Rapture, before it reaches its potential. I will retain the Bombshell’s championship and I will take the Internet championship from her. And I will do it... not for me, and certainly not for Amber Ryan. 


I’m going to do it because THAT is the right thing to do.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 12:29:14 AM by Roxi Johnson »
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Offline Terrorfexx

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Symphony of the Iron Underbelly, Movement No. XV – Gumshoes & Hand Grenades

[The Past – Princess Cruises Regional Offices, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Autumn 2017]

The corner of 47th and Atlantic Boulevard is where the American Dream comes face-to-face with its nightmarish inversion. A twisted parody. Some kind of metaphor for the hubris and arrogance of belief that goes with imagining the good times aren’t here because of some complex jumble of innumerable factors, they’re here because you worked real hard every day of your life and now you’ve earned them.

If this city needed some piece of modern art to encapsulate the death of the idea that hard work breeds success all on its own, it need look no further than the vast construction site stretching out in front of me. Trapped behind a rusting chain-link fence that creaks and groans in the breeze. Sat on tarmac made shiny by the patter of rain as it falls from the stormy clouds above, enormous hulking machines with scoops and drills sit silently. Between them are great piles of steel and concrete blocks, covered in tarp that flutters in the wind. Looming up in the distance is what’s left of a warehouse, the front smashed apart and reduced down to a pile of twisted rubble.

Reaching into the folds of my coat, I pull out a pair of black leather gloves and slip them over my fingers. From the opposite pocket I produce a pair of thick-gauge cutters and squeezing a section of the fence between its jaws, I clamp down hard. In the end I squeeze with way more force than necessary, and the links just bust apart as if harsh language alone would break them down. Like just about everything on the corner of 47th and Atlantic Boulevard, it’s for show. This fence is just an illusion of security, of some kind of order to things. It was never really meant to stop anyone with any real determination to get inside.

Someone like me. Terryl Fexxfield, Private Investigator and all-round good guy.

With a grunt and a no small application of elbow grease, I haul the fence line out just far enough to squeeze between the broken links and slip inside the yard. From somewhere behind me the headlamps of a passing car paint a bright spot against nearby pipework, a spot which begins to draw left towards where I’m stood as the car rounds the corner of the boulevard. Dropping to my knees I sweep the hem of my coat over my head and freeze.

For a few moments I can’t hear anything. Not the rain, not the roar of the car’s engine. Nothing. Then the wind whistles and I’m convinced I can hear the links I’ve cut chattering against the fence post. Wouldn’t this be a comical end? Smashed over the head by someone stood right behind, watching some lunatic cut his way into a construction site and then sit on the ground with his coat swept over his face?

Maybe it’s that redhead who caught me casing the place out the day before the night right now. She had a way of questioning everything with just a glance – threw me for a loop that pulled tight around my ankle and threatened to tip me and my world upside down. Amber …

That was a real pretty name. Seemed oddly disarming when fixed about someone as obviously quietly dangerous as her. In my experience, women like that tended to prowl the streets looking for some trouble to get into, and were just a little bit less concerned with how they ended up in it. Seemed to know a thing or two about this whole iron underbelly they were all just trying to avoid winding up dying in …

Eventually, I’ve run through enough silly scenarios in my head that I’ve spent more than a few minutes without being knocked for six. Throwing my coat back out from my eyes I glance over my shoulder. No headlamps. No car. Nothing.

Climbing back to my feet, I creep cautiously through the earth that’s been churned up by the construction equipment thundering backwards and forwards. Earth that’s become mud and if this rain doesn’t let up soon, mud in danger of becoming a quagmire. Sweeping out to my left sit a few small portable offices, their windows covered by heavy-duty bars. Ears straining for the first sign I’m not alone, I creep far enough along until I can get my hands on one of the large padlocks securing the door to one of the offices shut. A thick film of orange coats the whole of the face of the lock. It hasn’t been opened in some time.

Above my head a peeling plastic banner, bleached almost unreadable by ultraviolet exposure and time, proudly announces the future site of the east coast offices of PRINCESS CRUISES.

Not for me, personally. I prefer to fly.

Poking my head up towards the windows I steal a glance in. It’s empty, save for a table, a few chairs and the crumpled, browned remains of someone’s sandwich. Looks like one of Madeline’s finest. Grimacing, I wipe the excess rainwater from my brow. Sometimes I don’t even know why I keep that girl around.

An image of legs that stretch from there to somewhere high above the clouds flash through my mind. I suppress a grin and the urge to roll my eyes … At myself. I know full well why I keep that girl around, and it isn’t to make great coffee, sandwiches or type up my case notes halfway-right.

Isn’t even on account of the legs, because if Madeline ever had those it was probably photographed in sepia, right after the Japanese made mincemeat of Pearl Harbour. There was that redhead again. I roughly drag my damp sleeve across the top of my brow. She had a way of sitting on your mind without weighing all that much until she kicked out at your thoughts. 

Getting back to the task at hand, I move away from the offices and skirt the edge of a pyramid made up from huge steel trusses that look like floor supports. Enormous piles of building supplies are dotted all around the yard. Pipework, masonry, joists, fittings, just about everything you need to put a whole community down and sell off a couple of hundred dreams of owning your own home. I bet you could even find a couple of thousand ready to try for the chance.

Thing is, there’s not ever going to be ground broken here. No model home, no concrete statues of lions or big cats or something that gives the estate an inspiring or grand title to make part of the address line. This whole place, all of the steel I’m standing next to, it’s as good as scrap. Every home that will never be built here is a testament to Atlantic City and the way it expects everyone to lead their lives.

Let the good times roll … And when they stop, that’s your problem. This city parties fast, forgets faster.

While the cash was flowing and paving every part of this whole boardwalk with green, the question wasn’t should you spend it, but why haven’t you spent it already? New Tech Start-Ups, Holistic Fitness Systems, Organic Health Retreats, hot cars and fast women with bleached blonde hair and skin browned under ultraviolet. Only some square, some kind of conformist talks like the good times don’t last forever and points out even the sun doesn’t shine twenty-four hours a day. Nobody wants to hear that kind of thing when they’re in the middle of summer.

It wasn’t just construction that went crazy, but all those other things are long gone. Looking around here is like being in some fevered anarchist’s pot-fuelled dream. Once the bubble burst the men responsible for all this either left the city, or ended up in its morgue after being cut down from the rafters of the luxury house they’d just had foreclosed by the bank. Probably the same bank that’s trying to work out what to do with the raw materials and equipment for a couple of hundred houses no-one can afford to build, let alone buy.

Eventually, I spot my prize. The one I’d come to scope before Amber interrupted me earlier. A big earth-mover painted bright yellow, smeared all over in diesel oil and concrete dust, perched on top of a mound of dirt. As I scramble up the slope my legs sink into the mud, each step a sickening squelch as I have to pull my feet free with help from my hands. Eventually I’m close enough to grab on to the enormous machine and pull myself up onto the side of its caterpillar tracks. Stepping over thick hydraulic lines that snake off to connect with the giant rusted bucket swung out on the end of its arm, I wrench open the flimsy door and climb into the cab.

It stinks of oil and leather. Kneeling down on the seat in front, I make awkward work of reaching underneath, my hand blindly groping for something I’m not even sure is there. Maybe Miss De Lune doesn’t need my money anymore. Maybe she does, but just straight-up lied about this. Outside the wind whips up something fierce and steelwork, tarp and all manner of industrial equipment starts to shudder and squeal.

Odd lady, that one. Had plenty of clients lean heavily on discretion – was about the only superpower most of them had when up against some of the evils they faced. Still, she took it to some whole new extreme that bordered on the kind of habit that had put poor Cherry Blossom in a freezer just a few short days ago. Never met someplace that wasn’t stocked to the gills with shadows and places to keep out of sight; permanently in relief like some kind of walking, waning moonscape. Didn’t even know her first name. Doubted the last one was real. De Lune …

Still, she paid in something more than credit for the bank to get bored rolling out and promises that counted for nothing out here in the mud and the shit. So here I am following up on her lead. Her source. Cherry Blossom’s lead, I guess. His source.

My heart skips a beat for that poor, miserable bastard. Skips another one just to make me feel bad for how little I really did to help him do anything but what ended up killing him. The rain makes an irregular drumbeat of droplets on the excavator’s oil-smeared windscreen. About the only thing this city has in surplus, bountiful resources are sad stories. And rain.

I’m just about to curse out loud and decide to invest in my sources more carefully in the future when my fingers close around a cylinder taped right underneath the seat. The cardboard is stamped PRINCESS CRUISES in embossed red lettering. A little way along towards the end is the name of one of their ships; SUN PRINCESS. Tearing it free, I bring the tube up to my eyes and pull the cap from the end. Glancing inside, I whistle and nod. That’s the charm. Right there. Kicking open the door of the cab, I leap right out and land in the mud with a soft squelch.

Ankle-deep and face-to-face with a six-foot bruiser who doesn’t look at all happy to see me.

He snarls and swings the heavy flashlight he’s holding in his massive hands. Instinctively I duck, leaning back just far enough that I can feel it tickle the unshaven hairs on my chin. Roaring with anger he tries again, but I’ve already gotten to work on pulling my feet free from the mud. He’s two steps behind thinking that far ahead and before he can close the distance, I have just enough freedom to drive the flat of my shoe into his belly. He doubles over and with all the strength I can muster I throw out the palm of my hand and catch him right in the nose. It explodes in a burst of red.

Off-balance, he teeters backwards into the mud. In the melee I’ve dropped the cylinder and sweeping down to snatch it back up, I glance over at the fence and the car idling on the other side of the hole I made. Pushing through the broken links is another figure clad in a suit, but he’s too far away to make out any detail. At this distance, I can guess he means to do me a physical displeasure. In the light from the car’s side lamps I catch the glint of a gun in his hand.

I need to get out of here.

Unfortunately, in the time it’s taken me to do all this looking, I haven’t been doing any running and before I can put down some serious shoe leather, the goon I’ve just finished toppling reaches up and grabs a rough handful of trouser leg.

I succeed in shaking free, but only at the cost of falling over face-first into the mud. Ice-cold water flows into every intimate part as I splutter, coughing up thick rivets of brown as I scramble back to my feet.

Breaking into a run, I make for the hole in the warehouse wall. I don’t dare glance behind me and see whether that gun’s being trained on my head.

A whole bunch of names whirl around inside while I’m trying to keep it firmly attached to my shoulders, courtesy of that sneak-peek inside the tube. De Lune. Princess Cruises, a ship called Sun Princess and the sister of poor, poor Cherry Blossom. A former employee of theirs by the name of Cassieopia Mearns.

[The Rapture]

My Heroine, close only counts in gumshoes and hand grenades and you are oh so close to where you want to be. The spotlight diffuses out from where it shines down, making the inky blackness all around that piercing cone a tantalising grey. If you could only take another step or two forward, the heat from the filament bulb overhead would flush your skin warm and then finally, blessedly, you would be centre stage. At last, you could be the main character to your own story.

How long have you toiled now to be allowed to stand out from a crowd all scrambling – jamming desperate fingers in each others’ strained faces – to be distinct and independent? Recognised, envied. Focused. Even now, as Bombshells’ World Champion, you are somehow playing a supporting role to everyone and everything else. Your entire world goes to sea together, and trapped in a hull of steel, painted cold white and pristine blue, all they can talk about is what happened to Amber Ryan.

All they can focus on is the titanic struggle between her Husband and my Songbird.

What will the woman with a plastic hand and face do when she assumes supreme command of the Bombshells’ division?

It must be very aggravating to supplement some small aspect of the wider world with everything that you are. Back bent, broken a little maybe, with the weight of expectation somewhere else. They tread on you without ever looking down to thank you for all the fine work you do carrying that load. A structural member, a base on which to fix all those beautiful, shining accoutrements.

You are so close to being up there, breathing the rarified air of being someone. Your story to be told, with no reference to hurricanes or raptures.

Perhaps now, you know how “Steve Walker” felt, or Henry, or Vincent, or any of his fifty million facsimiles and hidden pseudo-personalities. Just a name without a face or a story of their own … Until you discovered the truth hidden underneath a mask. How tantalising, to think there could be something so important just waiting to be uncovered and shown to the world. After all, what is the purpose of a superhero if not to unmask and reveal such truth?

I wonder what you would give to show the sun-drenched promenade deck of the Sun Princess mine? What if I promised to show you it? Would that be reason enough to watch the small hours of the night give way to the morning, hunched over your terminal, interrupted by Keira’s occasional protestations or VISION’s calls? That world you work so hard to hold up seems to be passing you by, Miss Johnson. I think it is time to look up from chalk outlines, small, wet piles of human meat and cryptic mediaeval mysteries and spend a little time in it.

After all, if you do not enjoy the fruits of your success now while you still have them to marvel at, how will you feel when they have been taken from you and repurposed for some newer, grander design?

And yet, to bask in one’s own success … To take a few moments to feel the unmistakable warmth of satisfaction in your achievement and validation … That is not the way of any hero, is it? They measure their existence only in productivity; a scale of efficacy in the vanquishing of evil and the evil people who do those things –  forever focused on the impossible task of righting each wrong without so much as a second to enjoy that accompanying right which passes them by. Instead, you toil relentlessly in pursuit of a mission impossible even for someone with the incredible powers you possess.

Perhaps I was wrong to compare you to Amber so thoughtlessly, before. You are nothing like her. She did not appoint herself as a saviour to anyone, incapable even of saving herself from the fate that befell her. You, My Heroine, define yourself in those absolutist terms. The moral bedrock of SCW and the ethical lynchpin: a singular point where the tesseract of all our thoughts and feelings and ills and wills come together and are held together by your incredible will.

Amber was a force of nature, with no rhyme or reason or tiller or rudder to steer her by. You survived her, but you could not change anything by doing so. You simply lived another day. Oh, but you are so different, Miss Johnson. Here, we come to an altogether different conclusion. To survive you is to change everything because of what you represent. Who you are.

The heart of a hurricane you carry over your shoulder, taken from a chest that still aches for it to return from a damp hospital bed.

I have heard some say that being a hero is a great burden. That the strain of your power presents such a terrible weight, to be so uniquely equipped and able to help all those around and yet still be restricted and constrained by something so simple as time. Not enough seconds in the day to lend aid to everyone who needs it. Not even a means of triaging; no time to think. Just act. Save as many as you can. I have heard some say there is nothing more painful than having the strength to stop anything with only enough time to stop something.

What if I told you I had a different theory? Your burden is not that you are a hero, Miss Johnson … It is that no-one else is. To be constantly surrounded by such detritus, such human trash – fit for nothing but mewling and rolling in the shit, begging for help from trouble brought about by their own weakness … It must sicken you. To bring such great power to such meaningless interventions, because they do not know any better.

They know better, My Heroine. They just know that you will save them from themselves. Make their lives immeasurably more convenient. Comfortable. I am sure Detective Oliver cannot help but nod at the contribution you have made to the furtherment of his career, his safety and security. His success. It must be wonderfully reassuring to be able to follow a superhero into a room knowing your weapon is drawn purely for dramatic effect …

Why then even bother? None of these people are worthy of you. Why not use your powers for those that deserve it? Those that would benefit from it. To each according to their worth, not their need. Why waste time combing through the gutter for something of value when you can tip your chin up and spend your time watching stars? The sky is so clear at sea.

Besides, it is dangerous to walk for too long looking at the sidewalk. Makes it difficult to sense when something wicked comes along …

Does the stink of it all not disgust you? It pervades everything; clings like stale sweat, engine oil and burnt plastic. The smell of fear that lingers on these corroded streets, under the sickly-yellow glow of rusted streetlights and high-rise blocks. This iron underbelly rots from the inside out, and with every hole that appears in its orange-coat structure something new and terrible slithers out.

But still, you walk it. Searching. Trying. Sleuthing.

You remind me of another gumshoe – one who could not fly. He had no superpowers, except perhaps, the ability to listen. He heard a lot, and that made him more powerful and capable than he ever really understood. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of falling in love with a force of nature, and a hurricane came and smashed him to pieces in a terrible storm. What a sad ending.

Not an ending you need to share, because I have stilled the storm and dissipated the hurricane. All this tumultuous sea we find ourselves cast adrift on is made quiet and smooth like glass under a slice of the Moon. There is only a smattering of starlight, you, and me.
This company is your underbelly; seedy and sickly and in desperate need of saving. It is riven with corruption, bleeding and filled with woe. It needs you so badly, so completely … But it does not deserve you. It is time to turn your face away from all of this and embrace what really matters.

It is time to take what is yours, My Heroine. Surely you feel the urge? A subtle pulling from somewhere deep inside and tied around your waist, shining in burnished silver and stone? That insatiable thirst for recognition, respect. Adoration. Why not extract it from those miserable faces? Your transformative ways have done nothing but create a learned helplessness, an air of expectation. Help us, they beg.

It is time to become transactional. What will they do for you, now, Miss Johnson? What a wonderful thing, to be able to take what will never be freely given and make it yours. And it would be so easy for you to do. All it takes is a single moment of acceptance, a turn of the head and a simple word.


Why not try it?

Your fundamental argument is as loud and abrasive as your choice of costume and yet when it is examined with even cursory detail, it shows nothing but bright, empty colour. The apparent streak that you and others award me, based not on my words but your increasingly desperate assumptions, is inconsequential. You assign motivations I have never espoused; claims and tricks never made or performed as you build some caricature of the lady in the mask and spend your energy challenging it. Not me.

The Internet Championship I took from Miss Hernandez and in doing so became the most dominant bitch on the high seas, is inconsequential. It is mine because in the process of hoisting Andrea up to dangle on the end of her own hubris, legs flailing and kicking for purchase in the air, it came into my possession. It is mine in spite of the things I have done, not because. A consequence, not an end-goal.

I am not the one with anything to lose here, My Heroine. You are.

[The Present – MV Sun Princess, Western Pacific Ocean, Summer 2022]

The first high-heel, ankle clasp whipping in the wind, gets launched on some ballistic trajectory taking it clear of the starboard side of the promenade deck and tumbling off into the brand new night. The second meets ocean top in a more measured affair; winding up being dangled over the edge, just dropped until it disappears into the tumbling froth that licks and crashes against the side of the hull as it cuts through pacific water.

Then, she steps up onto the lowest rung of the railing and shivers – warm, sensitive skin of the arch of the foot meeting cold steel. She leans forward and closes her eyes. The wind whips up some more, stirring that long blonde hair which starts to whirl and twist in the eddies.

I could wait a little longer, give her some more space, but if she reaches much further forward the injection of my dulcet tones might send her tumbling over the edge by accident. Could well still do so deliberately, depending on how the next few minutes go.

“Lovely night to contemplate ending it all.”

Instead, I’m the one surprised. She doesn’t jerk in shock. She doesn’t react to the interruption at all. Remaining perfectly still like she always knew I was standing there. Maybe she did, and I’m just losing my touch.

The blonde turns to look at me, and there’s no mistaking the suffering in those eyes. “How’s Amber?”

“Been a lot better,” I shrug, levering off from the orange-painted plastic of a collapsible lifeboat stowed behind. “Still alive. That’ll have to do her for a spell, until she learns to be grateful for it. Name’s Terryl–”

“Fexxfield,” She interrupts. “I know who you are. What do you want?”

The tone of her voice is abrupt, hard. To a point so sharp it might cut you down to bone if you lingered on over-explaining. Those eyes though … Those eyes don’t marry up. Betray the truth of how torn up she is. Watering from something that stings harder than salt and brine on the wind. “Talent relations,” I reply. “Help. Honestly? Little bit of good old-fashioned revenge.”

She leans back, stepping down to the decking. “You can’t stop her, Mister Fexxfield. Masque …”

“Pardon me, Miss Mearns, Cassie, but the fuck I can’t.” 

Something that might have been the barest fragment of a smile ghosts across her face; a subtle twitch but it’s an instantaneous signal which transmits intent. There’s still a little fight left in there, somewhere. It’s not a question of whether she’ll help now, just how long it’ll take to get there. And that’s okay, after all …

… We’re on a cruise, and the seafood bar does a great Crab ala King. “Care to join me for Dinner? I want to talk to you about your brother … Cherry Blossom.”

The sound of the slap she delivers against my cheek beats out the whole pacific ocean.

[The Rapture]

It gnaws at the pit of my stomach, and I am tired of the absurd rationalisations you make to justify the fear you feel when you look at my composite face. The words you pin in my name have never left the cutout which frames these lips – this image of me crafted as some boogeywoman for the company to fear and malign; it is not real. It is no more real than your ability to fly, or interrogate multiple personalities on a whim of one of yours. The aspect of your personality sufficiently deluded into believing that you are righteous. You are just.

Look port and starboard at the bustling rows on Sunday and understand that there is nothing for me to prove. I have emerged from nowhere, and set about eliminating every single fool eager enough to rush where not even Amber Ryan would tread. They have all stepped in my way with various delusions or points to prove and all – every single one – was dispatched. Put down. Taught the error of their ways through the liberal application of such sweet suffering. I have emerged from the darkness down in the belly of the ship’s engine spaces, where thickset pistons crash and generators thrum and crackle, and I will slip back into the darkness where horizon and shoreline meet with no fanfare or procession. That is my nature.

Of or related to the Moon.

You, Miss Johnson, have so much to prove. So much doubt. I exist because of the acts I commit and the things they lead me to, from one unto the next with no rhyme or reason beyond the fact I will it. I want it. It is how I found this small pocket of pain inflicted in return for money, masquerading as a legitimate business interest; how I became so feared without ever claiming a basis for justifying such; why I am called a Champion for the simplest of all achievements – doing as I say I will do. Nothing more.

But you? There is a complexity underlying you, My Heroine. Such a convoluted path that has taken you to the World Championship and then away from it, a zig-zag, a spiral which turns Moebius Strip and turns in on itself. Who are you really? Beyond such painful metaphors as superhero alter-egos and masks. Perhaps the more interesting question is who do you really want to be?

I think there is another personality hiding within you, too. One that is alive with self-gratification and desire. One which clutches that title belt into your chest as if it could pass through the ribs and take its rightful place in lieu of something beating. Surely, by now, you feel the poison of it? Leeching the morality from your bones and turning them hollow – a malady of the spirit which makes the high road seem just too high to take all too often.

Every woman to hold that accolade has been infected by it, riddled with it. Not a single one has resisted its charm or its toxicity and emerged unchanged. Until now.

Until me.

I do not want to be Bombshells’ World Champion because of the recognition. I do not want to be praised or grudgingly respected or even explicitly sought out to take something precious from my thorn-painted hand. No, I will take it from you because it is the heart of an entire division; the soul to so many, and in my grasp it will be a blinding light that attracts all and sundry. They will crawl over each other, hurt each other – kill each other – for an opportunity to fall at my feet.

Is that not beautiful? To be killed by your own ambition? It will be such a wonderful thing to see them all try.

And you will try, too. Because the poison is an addiction that leaves the blood singing for more. A virus that leaves the body with some irresistible longing to be infected again. This is the culmination of everything. The completion of my works, and your rebirth corrupted into a form of my choosing.

Because while all heroes must fall, so they can rise again, I wish for a different and new beginning. I will rework you, in a fashion that better pleases me. The longing that will consume everything inside you when I take that title is not my doing – it has consumed so many others, including my Diminished Hurricane – but I will use it to my advantage. My pleasure.

And if you resist? If you are foolish enough to make some martyred last stand?

Coastguard cutters will comb these rolling seas for a thousand days and never so much as find a trace. Social media campaigns will dwindle until a handful of die-hard, dedicated followers with attention-deficit and unhealthy fixations share the same tired images of a former World Champion. The company, the world, everyone, will all move on.

You wish to know what is behind this so-called smoke and their mirrors making the particulates glimmer?

A truth as equally revealing as the one you think you speak. Let me sit opposite you in some dingy interview room, soundproof tiles impregnated with the stink of stale coffee and old cigarettes. Shackle my hands together and to the table if it makes you feel more secure. It is time for you to accept the reality of your situation.

Your legacy is accidental. Right-place, right-time. You succeed because of happenstance and coincidence. Transitional. Interim. Wannabe, never-do. You talk with an experience all out of sorts with this world, a familiarity with distant lands and the oceans we cross in-between to reach them. On Sunday, above-decks, you will find someplace new.

You have never been here before, Roxi. Not with me.

The box you end up in will not be shipped home. There will be no multi-gun salute fired at angle over a casket, open-topped, within which you stare out peacefully and pale. No carnations will rest in a circle around a photograph of you in happier times, and Keira will never be given the opportunity to stifle her tears as the inane words of some plastic eulogy are drawled through the morning rain and humidity.

You and you medals will be bound with rope in a hessian sack, emptied to provide potatoes and root vegetables for the Sun Princess’s evening meal, and tossed aft mid-ship into the rolling seas with the rest of the detritus, the trash and the shit. Abandoned to the deep and timeless sea where, in whatever serves as the rest of your post-Championship life, you will join all those faceless peons who clamoured for your protection and benediction without ever so much as a stay acknowledgement in return.

… But you were right about one thing. You will hurt. I promise. This is not the start, My Heroine. This is the end.

Your end. Welcome aboard the Rapture.

[The Present – MV Sun Princess, Western Pacific Ocean, Summer 2022]

The repair has been completed to a high standard, but only if you do not know what to look for, or where to look for it. The large glass dome inset into the ceiling high above is decorated in stained-glass vistas of the sea, its gods and the strange creatures common to both but as I look more closely I can pick out subtle discontinuities. The panels are arranged in clockwise order like the segments of some unfurled, petalled flower but they are not all the same. Some are vibrant and bright, with glass blown and shaped almost a decade younger than their opposites. The older panes are chipped, where some powerful force has snapped and cracked against the surface and broken free chunks of thick paint to let in raw sunlight from outside.

I remember when it shattered, and the entire Dining Hall burned.

It is no longer a Dining Hall, of course. The ship has undergone a comprehensive refit since I last walked its gangways and bulkheads, and moving with the times this whole space is now a vast corporate entertainment space and conference venue. All around, stagehands bustle to transform it into the locale in which I will become World Bombshells’ Champion or finally grant the company the pleasure of seeing me defeated. My lips – free to flex in the wide cutout of the mask which only covers from temple to cheek – curl upwards. There are so many who would so dearly like to see the latter.

One of them has superpowers. The other cannot urinate without the aid of a catheter.

Heavy steel barriers are dragged into position to make a secure, crowd-controlled route from the grand staircase along towards where a ring will eventually stand. Heavy black curtains are rigged at the top of the winding way, cutting off the landing beyond. Soon it will be a place of violence and entertainment. Suffering, but not like I remember it.

“Should I ask?”

Matt Knox, My Songbird, the company’s current World Champion, leans back against one of the barriers. “Feel like whatever it is, it’ll be dark and fill me with regret for ever asking.”

I turn towards the nearest of the two entrances to the conference space. The one I had sealed closed to the thump of drowning, desperate fists-on-steel. A third of the way up the painted bulkhead I can draw a subtle tide mark; where floodwater has permeated the superstructure and then diffused back out even after the plaster and wooden veneers were replaced. Like the ship has remembered its misery and held onto it, in the hopes of reinjecting that pain back into reality, post-healing.

Like so many people do after suffering trauma. Even me.

“Reminiscing,” I answer, turning and making my way out. He follows.

“Happier times?”

I shake my head. He does not ask anything more for a while.


The pistons pause at the apex of their cycle – towers of machined metal twenty times my height and wider than the span of my plastic-to-flesh-and-blood hand. For a single moment, a fraction of a second, they teeter as if somehow the entire process might stutter and the engine roll back in reverse. Thermodynamics will not be opposed, of course, and the pistons crash down and compress. Thick black sludge pooling inside the combustion chambers detonates and repeats the entire cycle again. And again. The whine of high-voltage lines warbles above the repeated thump of hydraulic motors as the ship’s enormous rudder assembly is forced port or starboard be a degree or two, in response to commands from the Bridge far along aft and up.

There are almost no crew down here, even in the engine room. The heart of the ship. Sophisticated sensors monitor ten thousand parameters a second, reporting efficiencies and operating aspects to an automated control system which makes subtle adjustments. Manipulating fuel-air intermix ratios and standing voltage inputs more quickly than the eyes of a mere Human can detect the quiver of a gauge, let alone respond.

Here is raw power, tamed with cold and implacable logic. The machine endures, stronger than the meat which made it.

“They are looking at the wrong thing,” I say, finally. My Songbird looks away from the nearest thundering piston, still wearing a grimace at the din and noise.


My eyes roll closed. “They are all admiring the splendour of the fittings. A stained glass Poseidon and his trident. The skill and consummate professionalism of the Captain and his crew. The King ala Crab. All of that is meaningless without power, without drive. Without strength.”

He looks back at the thundering machinery, and twitches. The fingers of his hand squeeze reflexively. “The heart.”

“The heart,” I breathe. “Without it, everything else is meaningless.”

He says nothing after that, for a while, except to encourage a passing steward with a question about why two passengers – one wearing a mask – might be loitering in the engine room – to ask it rhetorically and move on. Eventually, he asks what he has been waiting to enquire about since he boarded the Sun Princess for the first time and myself, the second.

“Was this your plan all along? The title … The heart of a hurricane?”

I laugh. Lilting, sing-song, and it makes him grimace again. “None of this was planned, my Songbird. You should know that more intimately than anyone else, or you would not be here right now. You would be free like your namesake. Does that not make it beautiful?”

He blows his cheeks out hard, running a gnarled palm across his tired face. “Roxi’s no push-over, you know. Worn-out or not, Amber was still the toughest woman in this division, and she put her down for that title.”

“Toughest? Present company excepted?” I reply. He shakes his head. “I’m not sure what you are.”

In the periphery of my hearing, something bassy rises in crescendo and the pistons begin to cycle faster as some increase in throttle demands more power. The smooth lines of the metal begin to blur as they whir and flash faster. The gantry we sit on shakes, as the whole frame of the Sun Princess struggles to dissipate energy the ocean cannot be convinced to take.

I lean against him, head resting on his shoulder. He stiffens. “It is not a matter of strength, my Songbird,” I whisper. I can feel him shudder in response. “It is a matter of choice. I am the villain in this story; the evil to be usurped. Conquered. Save the village, defeat the monster. Retrieve the relic … Whichever permutation of story, whatever the archetype – the result is the same. I cannot be allowed to endure, to go unchallenged. Miss Johnson must come to me.”

“She talks so matter-of-factly, as if I am no real threat because I only exist to be eliminated from existence. In truth, I am the one who provides her justification and reason to be. Without me, she is power looking for application; a rhyme with no reason to be. In a way, I am her heart.”

That catches him a little by surprise. “Seems a bit of a cardiac love-triangle to me. You’re her heart, she has Amber’s heart, you’ve had at least two inside you …”

His situation is difficult, and so occasionally he acts out. But that is something I would not change. “Heroes exist for only two reasons: because people like me exist. Monstrous people. Like you …”

He tries to ignore the implication, for a while. The moments become seconds but it is irresistible; a question that must be answered in the same way that the machinery in front of us, this enormous thundering heart, has no choice but to take its direction from on-high. From mere meatbags, wearing epaulettes and dining on crab. He almost succeeds. Close …

But close is measured in gumshoes and hand grenades.

“ … And?”

I lift my head from his shoulder, and find his eyes with mine. “ … And heroes exist to fall.”


D̶o n̶ot b̶e fri̶ght̴e̵n̵ed. M̷i̵n̵e i̵s t̴he̵ la̴st vo̷i̵c̶e yo̴u w̶ill eve̴r h̸ear.