Author Topic: Saviors vs. Saviors (rp vs Ken Davison)  (Read 652 times)

Offline Goth

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    • Gerrit
Saviors vs. Saviors (rp vs Ken Davison)
« on: June 24, 2022, 03:23:03 PM »

The Genesis of Goth
Chapter Six: An unlikely confrontation.

It’s early in the morning, Melissa and Goth are preparing themselves for breakfast as “Godly”  Ken Davison invited Goth to join him at the Marriott Old Town restaurant of the hotel that they are staying at. Goth is putting on a clean shirt as Melissa puts on her jeans and a tight shirt. She walks over towards the mirror and brushes her hair before turning her attention towards Goth.

“You ready Gerrit??”

He looks at her, nodding his head. She could tell by the look on his face that he had a bad night, he has had those quite some time since he had lost his opportunity for the Internet championship. He had taken it personally, but tried to conceal it from anyone but failed to hide it from her.

“Yeah, I am. How much time we got left?”

She looks at the alarm clock on the bedstand next to her side of the bed, the clock reads 8:45 am. They had agreed around 09:00 am.

“Fifteen minutes”

He nods his head, looking at the clothes sprawled across the bed. Second guessing if he should be putting on something else instead, causing Melissa to get annoyed.

“You got five minutes to decide what you want to wear Gerrit, or else I am going to drag you to the restaurant dressed like that.”

Goth scowls at her, scratches his head and finally decides to stick what he has got on. He put on a jacket before running his hands across his body to check whether he hasn’t forgotten something.

“I’m ready, you??”

She puts on a necklace and nods her head as they walk towards the door of their hotel room, directing their attention towards the elevator. There they stand there, waiting for the elevator to reach the floor of the restaurant as Goth is chewing on his lower lip as this forces Melissa to press the stop button of the elevator, causing the elevator to stop as she turns her attention to him.

“Okay, out with it.”

Goth turns his attention towards Melissa, looking at her with a questionable look on his face.

“What are you talking about??”

But he can tell by the look on her face that she isn’t buying the supposedly sincerity in his voice, this causes him to sigh as he nods his head.

“I’m worried Melissa.”

This causes her to raise an eyebrow, clearly she did not expected this answer from him.

“Worried?? About what?? It’s just us having breakfast Gerrit, it’s not like he is going to deliver a chair shot to your head.”

She expected her sense of humor to work magic on his mood as it has done in the past, but he remains silent. She senses some drops of sweat to pour down his face as she walks over towards him. She places her hands on his chest while staring into his eyes with a look of concern.

“What happened??”

He looks at her with a look of fear dripping from his face, something she had never witnessed before.

“It was way back in Global Wrestling Alliance, I was the world champion and I was scheduled to defend my title against a fellow stablemate. Her name was Makayla, an opponent with whom I had gone to dinner with prior to our confrontation…. And…”

Goth lowers his face, not wanting to show his face to Melissa when he uttered the words.

“She beat me for the belt….”

He nearly whispered, almost impossible for anyone to hear but Melissa.

“Are you ashamed because you lost to…”


His face suddenly snaps upwards to hers, with an anger upon his face as he is clearly not liking the direction her question went.

“In my past I have faced a lot of women that were just as great or even better than a lot of men. I never saw my opponents as women or men, but just like that. As my opponents, the reason that I lost to her was…. Because I held back, I did not wanted to put my stable mate through the same punishment that I usually did to any of my opponents… And it cost me the one title that I held more than any world champion in the history of the company…. Because I held back….”

Now she understood why Goth was so silent, why he was nervous and sweating. He was worried history would repeat itself once more against Ken Davison. Someone that just like Goth had seen it all, an experienced wrestler that would take advantage of a given situation. This caused her toplace her hands upon his shoulders as she stared at him intently.

“A wise men once told me that you need to identify the biggest threat you’re your opponent holds over you and eliminate it.”

“Melissa, I…”

Goth recognized that Melissa was going to use a lesson of his against him, but she placed her hand against his mouth to silence him.

“In mere weeks I will be facing several women for the Roulette title, amongst them is Kat. I intend to give her exactly that what I know I have to bring to be successful, just like I have done against Chloe and Arianne. Just like I have to do against Mercedes this coming week, so don’t you dare to do the opposite of YOUR OWN philosophy when it serves you best mister.”

Goth’s expression changes, he hated to be lectured by someone else…. But his anger is mostly aimed at himself, because he knows that she is right and nods his head.

“You are right Mel, I had forgotten the oldest of lessons when it contained to myself for a moment. I will be ready this Sunday, but I think it’s time that we keep Ken from waiting any longer upon our arrival.”

The two smile as Melissa plants a kiss upon his lips as she pressed the button on the elevator for them to move to the floor of the restaurant.

The 3rd Avenue Grille at Scottsdale Marriott Old Town wasn’t particularly fancy. What it is, for Ken Davison at least, is convenient. It’s standard restaurant faire, brown oak tables coated with urethane to protect the wood, fake marble countertops, and between the two different styles of chairs, the first being a beige with these hideous darker brown circular patterns, the other being an odd mix of colors that looks like the unholy mixture of mustard and asparagus. Whoever was in charge of the decor was very much overpaid. Still, the place was decent enough. The food was reasonably priced and Ken was staying in the hotel the restaurant is attached to. Wearing black jeans and an orange polo, he made sure to wear something that would make him easy to find without being too obnoxiously loud.

Nursing his coffee, he sits looking down at his phone, catching up on the latest comings and goings in the world while he waits. Goth and Lady Melissa see Ken already sitting at one of the tables.  Ken stands up and offers Goth and Melissa his hand.

“Good to see you, big man.”

Goth nods his head in approval before extending his hand towards Ken and shakes it.

“Good to see you Ken, I brought Melissa with me. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course. If it wasn’t our week with Adina I probably would have brought Kyra along. It’s the whole newlywed thing, I suppose. I’ve been trying to get her to come over here since I joined up.”

Goth nods his head, looking over at his fiance as he softly squeezes her hand before they decide to sit down across Ken. Ken knows that feeling. He misses that feeling. Being professional wrestlers, both he and his wife understand the nature of business requires him to be away. That doesn’t mean they like it very much.

“I hope we will get the opportunity to meet the lucky lady, I think Melissa would love to get to know her better. Seeing us men are still dominating the Saviors”

He chuckles as Melissa gives him a fake scowl

“It’s a good thing. We’re still celebrating because her sister just won the World Title over in UGWC where we are the Cooperative Champs together. With all this shit going on with Knox and Masque, we needed a bit of good news.”

Ken’s expression sits somewhere between his recent joy but the concern for Amber.

“Sorry,” Ken says with a certain softness in his tone. “Didn’t mean to lean right into the heavy stuff. It’s just been… I don’t know, man. Mac’s been a brother to me for almost 20 years. Even if Amber still wanted me to turn into a chalk outline, I couldn’t just stand back and watch this happen. But, what am I doing? Sitting here and watching it happen because I’ve been told that the next time I put my hands on one of the female talents, I’m done.”

Goth nods his head in agreement, he stares at Ken for a moment or two before letting out a sigh of his own.

“I understand where you are coming from Ken, even though I know you all just for over 6 months now. I can tell that we are a unit, a family of sorts. And in past federations I have been in the ring with some of the toughest women out there, if someone would have done to Melissa what Masque did to Amber…. I…”

His words trail off for a moment, staring at the beautiful young woman that has an expression on her face that nobody will harm her without a butt kicking.

“But the important thing is that we have each other’s backs, nobody is going to mess with us and will live to tell the tale.”
Melissa joins in

“And if Kat doesn’t finish the job this week against Masque? Well I will gladly take my chance in doing so”

“There is definitely a line forming, that’s for sure. Besides, I’ve got a little surprise in store for Masque myself. I’m still working out all the details, but I think Masque underestimated exactly how many friends Amber has.”

“I am sure that everything will come to be as it was meant to be, Ken,”

Goth says as he grabs the menu and looks to make an order.

“But perhaps we should order something before we go and dwell deeper into Savior’s business”

“I think that is an excellent idea.”

The Saviors triumvirate disengage for a moment while they are looking over the menu.

“I think I will order the Southwest Omelette."

Says Goth before turning his attention to Melissa.

“I'll go for the Arugula Salad, myself.”

Goth turns his attention to Ken.

“Egg White Veggie Frittata for me. Not my first choice, but the doctor’s been getting on me about my numbers.”

“I am glad we got this opportunity to talk about where we should go next Ken, knowing that Mac is not able to be our leader right now. And also the mere fact that we are somehow booked in a match together this week, makes things rather…. Interesting wouldn’t you agree?”

Ken noticeably scowls.

“Pardon the language, but it’s complete and total horse shit. They have seen me standing in the ring, night after night, talking about how the Saviors don’t work the Saviors. It is a complete and total slap in the face from the office. Probably retribution from that whole Amber Ryan incident.”

Goth sits back, places his hands in front of his face and stares at Ken for a moment before nodding his head.

“What has surprised me the most is that you have made it very clear that you wanted the world champion, now I understand that we do not assign matches and decide who we face. But I do agree that putting us in a ring together as opponents makes no sense. Merely the fact that we both are seasoned veterans, who do not back down from a fight is the only understandable reason I could come up with why…. But it is still sad…. Forgive me if I prefer to use the lighter tones of logic.”

He gives a half assed smile

“As far as I am concerned, if you want the shot at the Internet Championship, it’s yours. I’m not worried about championships right now. The only reason I’m even remotely concerned with the World Championship is because that coward Matt Knox holds it. The only reason, and I am sure the both of you know this, that I haven’t taken Matt Knox and torn him asunder is because I promised Mac I would let him handle this. If there is anything left, if being the operative word, then I will finish the job.”

Ken audibly scoffs.

“Fucking Arschgeige!”

Goth’s expression turns into a scowl as well, knowing what it must be like for Mac as he had to watch his wife get assaulted. Having to deal with Knox and how everyone else has come together. He looks at Melissa and then back at Ken.

“I have unfinished business to deal with our beloved Internet champion. I don’t mind losing to a better man, but the way he has done so infuriates me. To the level that I had send Kris his brother packing, hoping that the kid that wanted to live his brother’s dream will never come back again to pull that stunt on me again. So at least I thank you for allowing me to have that opportunity, but at least I do hope that seeing that we are booked to fight…. That at least we will make the world watch us compete as men with respect for each other.”

“I mean, if that’s what you want. We are, if nothing else, professionals. I just have to be honest here, I feel like I am going back on my word if I do.”

Goth stares at him, knowing what it means to go back on your own word.

“Forgive me if I made you feel that way by asking you to do so, perhaps we should try something that would benefit both of us??”

“If you’re okay with this, then I’m okay with this. Besides, it will be nice to have a match where I don’t have to worry about watching my back. Should someone be stupid enough to try and get in Saviors business, that’s their funeral.”

“I give you my word that you will not have to worry about me or Melissa, she will be a spectator. And indeed IF someone dares to interfere…. We will show the world what the Saviors are truly capable off by handling their own business.”

He smiles at Ken

“So I suggest we will have a classic match this Sunday, before we turn our attention to the job at hand.”

“Then that, sir, is exactly what we will do.” Ken takes a quick sip of his coffee. “But, first, breakfast.”

The waitress comes over and the group begins ordering food, getting to know each other in a less professional manner. This could be dangerous. As it says in Marui Puzo’s ”The Godfather”, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Remembering old times

Goth had agreed to meet up with an old familiar name, someone that he has not talked to in quite some time. He had gotten a message from her moments after he had finished breakfast with Ken and Melissa, surprising him. Not as much of that she wanted to see him, but more where she wanted to meet him caught him off guard.
“Scottsdale Public Library???”

He asks with a sly grin on his face, noticing the familiar face of the woman that he had known as Makayla, former stablemate in the Global Wrestling Alliance. He had known that she had always been a sucker for books, she always had several large books with her during travels. Sometimes she even discussed the story that she was reading while travelling with him and his wife, arguing about whatever the plot was and sometimes even discussing better endings. The woman turned her attention to Goth and gives him the sparkling smile that he had come to know from her.

“Hello Gerrit, how are you??”

She asks, causing him to remember how much he had loved listening to her voice for all these years and how much he had missed it. Goth had taken Makayla under his wing from the moment that she had joined the group that was led by Al Cohol and Grinder. Almost as if he had seen her as a pupil that he wanted to guide to bigger things, just like what he is doing for Melissa. But Makayla had decided to quit soon after the company had closed its doors due to personal reasons.

“I’m doing well Shawna, thanks for asking. And how are you??”

She smiles after hearing her real name, something that she had only shared with those who were close friends to her. She placed down the book that she had grabbed from the library when she arrived while waiting for him, he looked down at it and smiled.

“I guess you haven’t changed a bit since leaving wrestling.”

She smiles, nodding her head as she gently motions for him to sit down at the chair on the other end of the table. He accepts her offer as he sits down, unbuttoning his jacket before placing it on the chair next to him before turning his attention back to her.

“I doubt that your message you send me was for me to do a book report??”

She giggled while shaking her head no, placing her long slender fingers on top of the book as he noticed her finger nails still to be as long and elegant as they used to when she was wrestling. He always had a thing for long finger nails, Chantal drove him crazy at times as she would have scratched them across his back while making love. He chuckles, making a mental note to ask Melissa whether she would have been interested in something like that… although he already knew the answer would be no.

“I saw you were wrestling again, I wanted to see how you were doing. Plus I am happy that  you have managed to move on after Chantal’s passing.”

He nodded his head as she was referring to his relationship with Melissa and him overcoming his alcohol addiction. He felt her hand touch his in a way she had often done when the two or even three of them confided each other with personal issues that they went through.

“Thank you Shawna, I appreciate it. You look good too, how is life treating you??”

She smiles, nodding her head towards the ring around her ring finger.

“I’m doing wonderful, met a nice man several years ago. Got married, two kids later…. And now I am telling them bedtime stories before they doze off.”

The two share a laugh as she lets go off his hand, turning her attention away from him as she looks around the library.

“I cannot remember how many hours I used to spend in libraries like these when I had some time for myself. I cannot phantom being anywhere else to find my peace…, unlike people like you that just ran off to the bar and drank alcohol.

Goth chuckles, nodding his head as he remembers the days where he would spend more time in bars more often than he spend in his hotel… and yet he could perform the very next night as if he had not drank at all.

“Yeah, those were some interesting days…, sometimes I wished that I did exactly what you were doing.”

She laughs at him, shaking her head in disbelief

“You would have gone crazy in no time Gerrit, so don’t kid yourself okay??”

The two share a laugh as silence comes over them, Makayla opens the book and pulls out a picture of herself and Goth when they were younger.

“What’s this??”

Makayla stares at him while he takes in the picture, trying to recollect the memories that were hidden behind it.

“That was when you had stood alongside me when I was dealing with leaving my ex.”

Goth remembers that moment, recollecting how unhappy she was with the man that she was dating, someone that was for quite some time a part of the roster of Global Wrestling Alliance. His hands tense as he turns them into fists. He had several moments where he wanted to just beat the living shit out of the guy who she was dating, but Makayla had always told him no. She had always preferred for him to be more a friend that listened to her, which he did. He had been relieved after finally being informed that she indeed left him. Even put a restraining order on the man as the owners of the company had terminated his contract with he company after news had come to their ears of his violent abuse.

She had been staying a very long time with him and his then wife Chantal, because Makayla knew that her ex was capable of stalking her as he had done in the past. But she had found peace at Goth’s home, something that to this very day she was very thankful for.

“I wished I could have returned the favor for you when I had learned of Chantal’s passing. Because you and her had done so much for me when I tried to rebound from my past relationship.”

“Shawna, you…”

But Makayla stops him by putting her hand upto his face, causing him to become silent.

“Please, let me finish Gerrit.”

Goth decides to become silent, listening to whatever it was that Makayla had to say next.

“I love you Gerrit, I have always loved you. You had been there for me since day one. And I wanted to thank you for it, but there has been one thing that has been haunting me ever since I retired.”

Goth raises his eyebrow after hearing this from Makayla.

“What’s that??”

She sighs, lowering her face for a moment as she recollects her thoughts before looking upwards again.

“I know you held back against me when we thought Gerrit, I understand that you had reservations…. But I wished that you hadn’t.”

The words completely came as a surprise to him, staring back at the serious look on her face. Realizing that she had known all along and never told him. He lowers his face, trying to find a suitable answer to her question, but he knew that only the truth would do.

“I didn’t held back because of what had transpired before that Shawna.”

“Then at least tell me why you weren’t at the top of your game that night??”

Goth’s grimace changes into a dark one as he slowly looks upwards at the woman that wanted to know the truth.

“I havenever been in the position that I had to fight someone I have loved more as my own family. And before you mention Jonathan Porter, let me tell you that I do consider him as my brother… But brother’s fight all the time and they argue all the time. But at that moment when I had to face you my courage just sank all the way down from my boots into the ground. I know this may sound crazy Shawna, but I just couldn’t get myself to inflict pain upon you like I enjoyed doing to others.”

He turns his head away from her, trying to recollect his thoughts and lets out a deep sigh.

“It was as if I was facing off my wife, the one that I had loved more than anyone at that point in time. And suddenly it was YOU!!! I had to face the one person that I had hoped I would avoid facing, because of what you meant for me.”

The look on Makayla’s face changes into one of utter concern.
“Gerrit? What are you saying??”

He stares at her, bloodshed eyes aimed at the woman that he had not seen in so many years. This was the first moment that he had noticed that it seemed as if she had not aged in ages, wondering whether she was merely a memory of his own imagination.

“I love you Shawna, you are one of the dearest friends of mine that I have ever had. Even if we haven’t spoken to each other in many years, there has not been a day that I did not think of you. Hoping that you have found happiness in your life.”

This caused a smile to emerge upon her face as he gives a weak smile

“I was afraid that all the painful memories would come back to me that you had gone through with that…..”
Goth could not get the name of her ex escape his lips, but she understood him

“I thought you just said it did not had to dowith…”

“It did matter, because every time I saw you do  promo… I saw the face of who you had been after what he had done to you. I could only hear the tears that you had shed every time we spoke on the phone or in private. I was afraid that it would take the upper hand of me and become the violent man that I had wanted to be if he and I were ever to be alone in the same room for five freaking minutes. I was afraid that I would lose control and do to you….,”

He lowers his head in shame, as he suddenly feels the hand of Makayla tap the back of his han, causing him to slowly look upwards and stare into her eyes. Seeing a look of gratitude that she had not shown a few moments ago.

“Thank you Gerrit, I know now that it wasn’t you that let me win on purpose…. But that the reason behind it was so much deeper.”

The two slowly rise as they give each other a hug, the embrace lasts several moments before Goth releases her and the two smile.

“Now I hope you will not tell Ken Davison this same excuse 15 years from this Sunday.”

There’s a sparkle in her eyes as the two laugh and Goth nods his head

“No way…, not a chance.”

The wonders of being the King, The King of Kings
Chapter: “Godly” Ken Davison.

June 24th 2022

Goth can be seen in his hotel room, staring at the picture Makayla had given him earlier this week. A picture of him and her in an embrace, he is so focused that he had not noticed the camera crew moving in on him until they are very close to him. Causing him to sigh and places the picture next to him on the table.

“Sometimes it seems like some of us never have any privacy, but I know I shouldn’t complain. It’s what you sign up for as a wrestler and you have to deal with it, themere fact that you are public property from the entire world. But I am glad that some people, just like me think differently about that. Don’t we Ken??”

He smirks after mentioning the name of another member of the Saviors, who happens to be put into this match by management. Ken had expressed his feelings about it during breakfast earlier this week, Goth had felt the same way. Not wanting to face someone of the same group, especially when the reason of it like to determine the number one contender for Jack Washington’s title is simplistic as it is.

“I can tell why Underwood and Ward put us together, me for having lost the way I did… and you, because you never had your title rematch in the first place. But seriously, both of us have a serious argument to not have to be thrown into a match like this…. Even especiallynow because you do not even concern yourself about that title at this moment…. Because for usas the Saviors, there is far more important matters at hand.”

Goth turns his attention towards the camera crew, not showing any sign of emotion or whatsoever.

“Matters that Mac has placed US as a unit to take matters in our own hands. Because even with his focus being solely upon his wife and avenging the lowlifes that are at the center of it all… doesn’t mean we need to relinquish our duties isn’t it??”

“Of course it doesn’t, but the company could have done themselves and ourselves a favor by just booking me for another opportunity against Jack Washington. The one thing that is exactly what this company needs. But I guess I still have to prove myself over and over again. I mean seriously, apparently me beating Jason Halc in my last match wasn’t enough for them to be convinced?? No, let us fight instead to determine who gets a shot at the title… Knowing full well that we both are men of our word and do not deliberately lose a match in favor of the other… oh how we appreciate those who truly have shed blood and sweat for this company in favor of those who seem to be coming out of wrestling gyms by the dozens as if they are a mass production coming from a factory line. Only problem about those supposedly “superstars” is that their warranty ends from the moment that they set foot outside the factory for the very first time. How things seem to change in comparison of how we had to fight and claw until we reached what we deserved. But who knows, maybe one day they will all wake up won’t they??”

He chuckles as he takes a sip of water from a glass that stood next to him.

“Ahh that hits the spot, funny how I had never expected me to appreciate the chance to drink a glass of water. Then again, there are so many other things that I have learned to appreciate in life. Just like trust and appreciation. Something that I had been lacking until I had made the decision to join the Saviors. Saviors do not fight Saviors, that’s not what we are. But doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t love to find out who would be victorious when the two of us faced off against each other? Two veterans, two technical masterpieces that do not shy away from brawling with each other. But always have the essence of our sports in the back of our heads, the one thing that has brought us so far in our careers… and that’s the essence of pure wrestling.”

“ And I have to admit Ken, even though I do appreciate you, I respect you and admire you. I want this more than you will want to win this match and you know why don’t you?? If things were differently, I know that we would tear the roof off from the building that we will be competing in this Sunday. But that doesn’t mean that we are going to give the world nothing more than a five minute exhibition before you lay down for me….”

Goth laughs sinister, taking another sip from the glass of water before putting it back on the table next to him.

“It’s Saviors vs. Saviors and that is exactly what the world is going to get. It will be uncomfortable for the two of us, but at least we are professionals that know we have to do our job. Just like Kat and Mac Bane knew in the Blast From the Past tournament, just like I knew when me and him also faced each other in the same tournament earlier that year… but there was no way in hell that I wanted to fall down before him… and that is something he had known as well, even though at that time I wasn’t an official member of the group just yet.”

“I expect you to fight me Ken, I expect you to show me and the world how good you and I really are. I expect a wrestling clinic, I expect pain to tear through our bodies out of respect for each other. But I also expect for neither of us to hold back… I expect neither of us to give a house show performance that will make the crowd cheer in laughter or perhaps sing a song…. No Ken, I expect to see two members of the most elite foundation that this company has ever produced in the Saviors to be at the very top of their game.”

He slowly rises upwards, staring at the camera as he flexes his muscles for a few moments.

“I know you will not be intimidated Ken, neither will I. but that’s where the foundation of our respect ends. I have already shared a moment of shame with someone that I have respected that I had carried with me for over fifteen years, I have no intention of doing the same with you Ken. You are going to get the absolute BEST version of Goth that is out there. So that we both know that this version is going to face Jack Washington one more time, to challenge him for the SCW Internet Championship…. And take it away from him.”

He closes his eyes and smiles.

“I know that the title of King of Kings has been used more often than necessary. None of them ever deserved the privilege of carrying the cross that HE had worn. To finally utter the words towards his OWN Father, telling HIM to forgive them…Because they do not know what they have done. That my friend, is true love. True compassion for those who do not even deserved it. Whereas you, “Godly” Ken Davison… I know that we do not have to ask for forgiveness, because WE do understand… “We part of the Trinity that people need to understand. That we are here to save them…. Not ourselves, because we have already been saved…. Just like after our match, I will save Jack Washington from the burden of being the Sin City Wrestling’s Internet Champion in mere weeks…. But before that moment comes, let us both forgive the people of Sin City Wrestling for their sins…. Amen…”

With that the shot slowly fades.


<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>