Author Topic: World Mixed Tag Championship: Mercedes Vargas and Goth (c) v The Black Sheep  (Read 2447 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Post all roleplays for this match in this thread.
Limits: 1 roleplay per week, per character. 5,000 word limit.

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Goth

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A new year, old pains

“Hello Chantal, it is me…. Gerrit”

It’s January fourth, 2020. Goth is back in New York for the holidays with his girlfriend Melissa and his son Gerrit Jr. He has had a wonderful Christmas as he had become Mixed World Tag Team champion along with Mercedes Vargas as he managed to pin Austin James Mercer to succeed. Christmas and New Years Eve has always been a favourite holiday of his, except for the last few years.

“I brought you flowers, I hope you like them. It’s your favourites.”

The shot open as we see Goth standing in front of a grave at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. He is wearing a long black coat that covers his black Armani suit that he is wearing. He is holding pink lilies in his hands while staring at the headstone in front of him as it reads: Here rests my wife and mother, Chantal van der Krift-Esman. June 5th 1980- January 4th 2019, may you rest in peace my love. His gaze is fixed upon the stone, his face is fighting to withstand the emotions that is brewing inside of him. The wound is still fresh as he cannot withstand a small tear flowing from his eye down upon his cheek as he slowly bends down through his knees and places the lilies inside the vase that stands in front of the headstone. He lets his fingers slowly trace the headstone as it stops at the name of his wife, to many fans out there only known as Sapphira… The name of the woman that was his manager throughout his entire career, he closes his eyes for a moment as he lets his thoughts take control over his mind as memories flash in front of them of how happy they once were…. All the way to the final days of her life still fighting cancer.


He tried to speak to her, but chokes rather quickly. He raises his face up in the air, allowing the rain to fall down upon his face in the hope that it would wash away his tears. Hoping that she would not see his pain, even though he knew she couldn’t… He had hoped that his son would join him today in paying respect as it is the three year anniversary of her passing, but he knew that Gerrit Jr. wasn’t ready yet. Deep down inside he wondered if there would ever be a day that he could give it a place in his heart. The first few months after her passing was the hardest in his entire life, he tried to find his refuge in alcohol and other addictions, trying to num out his feelings of him having lost the one woman that had saved him over and over again in his early years of his adulthood. Causing him to blame himself for not being able to save her just like she had done for him. It had caused him to start to hate himself, the alcohol and other addictions caused him to fall off the world for a big part of a year. He even tried to return to wrestling, hoping that this refuge would help him come to peace with his loss. Only to find other temptations that caused him only even more harm. Nearly losing his son, something he would not forgive himself if that would have happened, but luckily he had found a saviour in his now girlfriend Melissa.

“Gerrit is growing up so fast, I know you would be very proud”

He stops, there’s a lump in his throat as he desperately tries to find the right words, trying to show his wife how much he has learned to be a good father. He had neglected his son, he had neglected everyone in his life from friends to family. And the worst part he did not even care, he was so lost in his life that it never even registered, once he thought that he was better off without anyone in his life to begin with… until that faithful day

“No…, I shouldn’t…. this is your day…..,”

He turns his face away, silently cursing to himself. That one part of history of his life that he preferred to have forgotten all together. But just like every other painful memory, it was an emotional scar that he wore with him until the day that he will likely join his deceased wife. He lowers his face, gazing back at the woman that he had watched being put in the ground as her casket was lowered oh so slowly. In his memories it seemed as if it lasted a lifetime, as if watching a movie in slow motion… but he knew that this wasn’t the case, he just wished it was him inside that casket instead of his wife. He had given up wrestling to be a family man, to take the role of a supportive husband as she had been that supportive wife for him and his dreams as a wrestler. She had given up her dreams for him for so many years until they decided it was time to settle down and start a family. After Gerrit was born Chantal told him about her dreams, wanting to start her own company and be successful just like he was in wrestling….

This memory caused him to smile, he remembers the many nights that they stayed up late all the way to the early hours of the next morning as she talked about her ideas. He had never seen her this excited, only to have the smile turn into a sigh.

“If I only knew then what I had known now… I…”

He slowly places a hand in front of his face as he slowly rises to his feet, trying to regain his composure as he stands there for ten seconds without saying a word. He remembered the moments of feeling helpless, watching on as she went from treatment to treatment. Having the many talks with so many different doctors, having the top specialists fly over from all over the world in the hope of a treatment… but hope never became reality as he slowly watched her grow weaker and die before his very own eyes. These thoughts cause a shiver run down his spine and a tremble can be found upon his lower lip. Trying to fight the urges to cry as he grinds his teeth, he had promised himself that he would not cry in front of her even though he knew that these were foolish hopes from a foolish man.

“Why did it had to be you Chantal??”

He says after having stared at her headstone for five minutes, minutes that seemed as if hours had passed. He knew it was wrong to say these words, but he didn’t care. She had so much more to offer to the world, to their child and to….


He had stopped thinking, the name of his girlfriend popped in his head. The woman, much like Chantal had saved him from certain death. The woman that he had grown to love, the woman that he at first felt as if he was cheating on his dead wife with… even though he remembered her telling him on her death bed that she wanted him to find happiness and love.


He shakes his head, the memory of him telling her of how he could ever love someone else, how could he ever replace her with someone else… The memory of him actually starting a fight with his wife and obviously not being able to win caused him to chuckle. Even at her weakest she still knew how to win a pointless fight, pointless because he knew she would be right in the end… she always did. Something that frustrated him so many times during their marriage. He had often told her that if she was a wrestler, he would know that he would never win a fight with her.

“I think this year I will finally muster up the strength to ask her to marry me Chantal”

He suddenly says as it breaks his silence, he had known for a while now that his relationship with Melissa as well as their relationship with his son has grown whereas he finally started to enjoy life. Not allowing fear and pain to take control over him, whereas he finally found the courage to make the decision to move on with his life…. But never forgetting the one that he loved first

“I know you wanted me to follow my heart Chantal, at least you had faith in me being able to start all over again. I just….”

He takes a deep breath, letting the words run through his mind for a final time before finally continuing his sentence.

“I just wished you were there, it would have meant the world to me knowing that you would approve.”

His hands are in front of him as his fingers slowly turn pale due to him clutching his hands into fists, trying to withstand the pain and the emotions that roams through his brain. He wants to scream and shout, curse and scream some more. But he remains standing still instead, realizing that she had never left his side and would forever be with him inside his heart and through the memories inside his mind. This causes a smile to emerge upon his face, he extends a hand as he touches the top of the headstone and lets it there for a few moments as if electricity flows from his dead wife into his own body as they are one for a very final time. He stands there for a few moments before finally nodding his head as he slowly takes away his hand and stares at the headstone of his dead wife for a few more moments. He then closes his eyes and nods his head before turning around and slowly walks away. Goth stops after having taken ten steps and stops, he turns around and gazes at the grave of his wife for a final moment before turning around again and proceeding to walk back to the car that is waiting for him.

A few moments later we see him walk towards his car, his hand reaches over towards the door to open it when his cell phone rings. Goth stops and grabs it out of his coat and stares at the number.

“Who is this??”

He says puzzled as he does not recognize the number, he hesitates for a moment before finally taking a deep breath and answers.


He says with a clear annoyed voice, he wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone for obvious reasons and especially to seemingly unknown people. He listens to the voice on the other end of the phone as the look on his face slowly starts to have a puzzled look.

“Is this some kind of joke? Because if that’s the case, then you have a really bad sense of humor lady. I…”

But his words are cut off, clearly something was said by the unfamiliar woman that had called him as it was the three year anniversary of the passing of his dead wife. But Goth finally starts to calm down after listening to the unknown woman for a few more moments.

“Couldn’t you have called me a different day?? I mean this day is rather personal… I…,”

The woman cuts him off once more, causing him to listen to her while restraining himself from not getting full blown angry. But something that was being said had caused him to continue to listen instead of going off on this person before hanging up on this individual.

“You knew my wife??”

Suddenly the look of anger has changed and there’s now a look of being puzzled instead, someone that he clearly did not know off had known the woman that he had spent nearly twenty years with. And for some reason he didn’t recalled his wife ever mentioning her name or even having met her…. Normally he would have questioned this person, believing that she was just a fan or even worse a fraud that wanted to play games with him. But for some reason this woman sounded so convincing that he started to have second thoughts.

”Anyone can say that they knew my wife, many of you have seen her Wikipedia page on internet. So tell me something only true friends or family members knew about her. I….”

But suddenly he stops, his eyes grow wider as clearly this person is telling him something that only a handful of people could have known from her. This causes him to place his free hand on the roof of his car for balance. Nearly shaking on his own two legs he realized that this person had known his wife and he never knew she existed. He stands there listening to this woman for a few more moments before raising his hand to his face and wipes some tears away from his eyes before returning it back to the roof of his car.

“Okay, you convinced me. I really want to meet you and talk to you, I just don’t know when as I am set to go back on travel with SCW shortly. I…”

His eyes widens

“You will be in Reno next week???”

His silence is answered by a confirming answer from this person as Goth nods his head.

“I will see you then miss….”

But the connection is suddenly broken, Goth stares at his cell phone with a puzzled look on his face. Someone just called him out of the blue, someone that knew his wife while being a mystery for him. He realizes after a few moents that he had to go to Reno to meet this person, he just wonders who in the hell this person is…..

“I guess my holiday is over, it’s time to go to Reno..”

He says before stepping inside his car and drives off as the shot slowly fades.

Hall Of Fame

January 14th, 2022

Grand Sierra Resort

Reno, Nevada

Goth enters his hotel room as he is followed by Melissa, for the first time in a while his son isn’t with them as he is spending some more time with his old friend Jonathan Porter and wife Brenda. He places his suitcase next to his bed before turning around and wraps his arms around his girlfriend as the two kiss. After a few moments the two break the kiss as Melissa puts her head upon his chest and sighs.

“Thank you for allowing me to come with you Gerrit.”

His hands travel from her back towards her shoulders until they gently turn her face towards his, brushing her hair out of her face before planting a soft kiss on her lips. He smiles as he nods his head

“Its important for me that you are here Melissa.”

He whispers as he struggles to withstand a tear, it’s the first time since the two are together that he is back on the road during the difficult time of the year. He had told her that he wanted her to be at his side as he wants to deal with the pain and memories, but also the confrontation with the unknown figure. He feels her soft hands caress his cheek, touching the skin while staring at him with her lovely brown eyes.

“I’m here for you sweetie.”

She gives him a final kiss upon his cheeks before extracting her from his arms and moves towards the bathroom as Goth turns around and sits down on his bed. Recollecting his thoughts as he realizes that this is the first time he has been back on the road as a full time active competitor without his wife. Granted he has been active since a few months, but it never seemed to be official…. But after winning the mixed tag team titles away from Austin and Tempest it made him feel like he had proven a point to everyone out there…. A point that he will not just grab his ball and walk away from the sport that he had been a part of for such a long time if things would look pointless to continue. Now he had to admit that he had his doubts after losing some matches he felt he should have won, but those doubts were erased after winning his first championship belt since returning to wrestling.

“So here we are again, a new year and new opportunities.”

A smile emerges upon his face, it was a saying that his wife always said when January arrived and they went back touring with the company once more. He knew that in the early days it was just for a laugh or two, but the last few years it had become more and more difficult for her to leave home. It even ended up in a heated discussion the last time they had been together on the road after the holidays. She wanted to start a family, settle down and enjoy the anonymity that she had been craving for years.

“I guess you were right Chantal, I just can’t stay away from that one thing I’m really good at.”

He remembers her telling him on her deathbed that eventually he would be back to wrestling within the next five years, he had tried to convince her that she was wrong even though he himself did not know whether he would keep his promises or not.

“Although how good you really are also depends upon how others look at you isn’t it?? The battle of the minds, the one trying to convince the other that one is better than the other…. And I am sure that at Inception things won’t be any different when it comes down to the team me and Mercedes will be facing.”

He smiles as he shakes his head

“And even though my history with the two of you isn’t as what I have had in my career when it came down to Sin City Wrestling superstars… I am fully aware that your opinions will go through the roof. Especially you Kristopher, oh yes I prefer to show at least some class to my opponents unlike some of the current day wrestlers love to just start off and belittle his or her opponent with every possible opportunity that is either given or taken by them. I would have to admit that back in the day…..”

He stops midsentence, smiling at the reference that he made and waves his hand in front of the camera as a sign of apologies.

“Forgive me, I guess I realized I have now come to an age where I would use the same literal words that I hated hearing from people my age when growing up. It must be an era thing, there must be a button being pressed at a certain period of time in your life when you lest expect it. Causing you all of the sudden grow a conscience that makes you ponder why??? Why now? Why not ten years ago or something… ”

Once again he stops, shaking his head before turning his attention to the camera with a more serious look on his face.

“Now I am all about respect and I have to admit that when I heard the words coming from Austins mouth during the second confrontation me and Mercedes had against him and Tempest… I expected words coming out of his mouth of class and dignity, but for some reason I see a changed man. A man that is troubled and lost, a man that is all too close to who I once was back then. A man that I understand now why he and Tempest lost to me and Mercedes, not because he isn’t a great wrestler and champion. But because his attitude and ego has got in his way of collecting another paycheck and earning respect from those who he face. Something I am fully aware that will not happen with you is it Kristopher??”

“Oh yes, the man that is just myself a Hall Of Fame wrestler. A man that has done it all, wrestled nearly everyone and took home championships and created records by shattering old ones in the process. A man that gets under your skin by his usage of words on social media and during promo’s or appearances during shows. A man that I have watched take on J2H…., a man that I can consider one of the very best that has ever set foot inside the six sided ring that makes Sin City Wrestling so great. A man that is nearly unbeatable…

His thoughts trail off as we see Melissa walk back into the room after having freshening herself up in the bathroom. She plants a tender kiss on his cheek before walking off. Letting her left hand grace his chest for a few seconds before she loses contact with him and disappears.

“I have seen you as a part of Jet City, I have seen you win championships Kris…. Forgive me as I realize that I have stepped away form the approach as an older individual towards you. Non disrespectful intentions upon my part, but I prefer to keep things small and personal instead of blowing things up in gigantic proportions. Although I have a feeling that in all due time, none will truly matter in the end isn’t that right Kris??”

 “You somehow remind me of myself while watching your career develop from the early days until now. I know it made me cringe every time that I had to hear this from wrestlers I faced while being in the prime of my career. Always telling them that they were wrong, that I am nothing like them. But I am sure that you can understand that there’s a similarity in our careers as if it was destined to be mapped out for others to see and admire. Because we both know we are more than those out there that have hopes of one day reaching a level anywhere near to that of ours isn’t it Kris?? It is gratifying to know that even after all those years of not being in this business that people still respect me when I came back and wanted to compete. Realizing that I could still turn heads after beating then World Champion Mark Cross in only my second match back. I wonder Kris, did you watch that moment?? Hmm? Were you out there? Watching me?? Now I know you have been in and out wrestling for years now. Picking your spots to compete and when to step away. Allowing yourself to have so much time on your hands for other things… That it made me wonder….. why now for a return with Mikah Kris??”

He cocks his head sideways, letting some of his long black hair fall before his eyes as he gazes through it towards the camera.

“Was I just another name that you wanted to scratch of your list Kris?? Moving from one legendary Hall Of Famer to the next?? Or did fate present itself after the sudden situation with the Hiltons that a spot came free and you just HAD to step in?? Now I have to admit, I did the same with Mercedes when the then champs issued an open challenge. Step ahead of the line and insert ourselves into a championship opportunity that we obviously had not even competed for….”

“And even though the same could be said with you and Mikah, not having competed in how long?? The difference is still that you two have so much more chemistry in comparison to me and Mercedes that it was only obvious isn’t it?? Obvious that a veteran team would step up against two veteran wrestlers and show the world where the still wet behind the ears wrestlers who had an impressive run as champions perhaps had failed against me and Mercedes?? I am sure that you will tell the tale with oh so much more polished up words that would make the fans eat from the palm of your hand…. But I know better Kris. A man like you has onloy one thing and one thing on his mind, being the very best. Not accepting anyone else to hold whatever spotlight that you oh so desire…”

He drops his head backwards, closing his eyes as he feels his hair slowly fall backwards and hangs into the void as he stays there for a few moments not saying a word until.

“This is the moment where you will tell me in your oh so adorable Kris Ryans fashion that I am wrong. It’s okay, I am a big boy. I can accept a differenc in opinion and allow my thick skin take the verbal ause that I have grown accustomed to ever since my first ever match. I can see the confidence ooze from you, realizing that if it isn’t you sealing the deal in the match that you can always rely upon one of the greatest if not THE greatest Bombshells ever in Mikah? Having had an incredible run as Bombshell champion, creating records just like you that people thought it would withstand the test of time….”

He slowly raises his head upwards again as he stares into the camera once more with a confident and calculated look on his face.

“How quickly differences become similarities isn’t it Kris?? Just like you trusting Mikah, I trust Mercedes… even if it will be just our third ever match tagging together… There’s that bond of trust and confidence that the one has the others back. The last thing that you want is to look around in the hope of finding that hand reaching out to help you…. You see that’s where Austin and Tempest failed in our second attempt. I realized what went wrong the first time and made sure that it would not occur again the second time. It’s how you learn from mistakes and evolve… but why would I tell you this??”

“Because I know you evolve all the time, just like me you never stay at the same level that you once was. Always being one step ahead of your opposition…. And I need to find out who is ahead of whom Kris… I realize that in this confrontation I could lose the championships even standing on the ring apron and watch Mikah and Mercedes go at it… But at least if that happens I will find peace in knowing that a better competitor outlasted one of us… But when it comes down to you and me??”

He grinds his teeth as his face hardens.

“I need to know whether if it comes down to you and me whom will ultimately come out on top. And trust me, I know how good you are so please stop wasting my time by simply telling me that it is you as if I do not matter. Because I’ve been through that all my life with every single opponent I have faced…. And most of them I have proven wrong.”

He waits a moment, letting the words sink in before continuing.

“That’s right, I said most. I am aware that I cannot beat them all, but the one thing that is important to me right now is whether I can outlast you… whether me and Mercedes can withstand one of the best mixed tag team champions in Sin City Wrestling history… cementing a legacy of the team of two Hall OF Famers in yours truly and Mercedes Vargas… I look forward to hear from you Kris… Just don’t disappoint me.”

With that Goth gets up and walks out of the hotel room as the shot fades.

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>

Offline Mikah

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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2022, 10:21:47 PM »

TIME: 10:30 A.M.

She sighs as she sits down at the desk in her office room, where she handled everything she needed to get done before any changes she made in her life and in her children’s lives as well. She opens her laptop and uses the fingerprint scanner to unlock it as she pulls up her to do list. Somehow, her and Kris had had a conversation about returning as a team to take on what they had originally wanted to achieve over a year ago. Almost two years ago, if she remembered correctly. She had a lot to figure out before she could leave Hawaii to prepare the match that was already made. They already secured a championship match against Mercedes Vargas and Goth. On paper, it was a great match as all four of them were in the Hall of Fame. And all of their names held respect in the back.

She hadn’t been against returning as a team, not really but she couldn’t deny that she was apprehensive about the idea. She had two children to figure out what to do with and it wasn’t like Leighton’s father could come back from the dead to watch them. And she couldn’t rely on Drake to stay sober long enough to watch Myles either. So, she sent an email out to her previous assistant, Ruby to see if she’d be willing to be a nanny off and on for a while. Ruby’d had a rough patch lately; her boyfriend had dumped her and she was struggling to get back on her feet. And Mikah had tried to give her her old job back but Ruby wouldn’t take it. Something about how Mikah didn’t really need an assistant any more since she wasn’t competing on the regular. But what Mikah did need now was somebody that could come live in her Hawaii home when she wasn’t able to do that. Ruby had gotten there that morning and she was currently getting adjusted in her room that Mikah’d had set up for her.

Mikah looks at the screen of her laptop and sighs as she checks off another thing that was written on her to do list. She just had to make sure the house was stocked with any necessity that the kids could want or need. She knew that Leighton was self-sufficient but she needed to make it clear to the teenager that Ruby was in charge when Mikah wasn’t there. She was sure that Leighton would be okay with it because she was a calm teenager but Mikah hadn’t really every given her many rules before now.

;;MIKAH “Now to go talk to the teenager.”

She looks again at the screen before closing the laptop and standing up. She walks out of the office and down the hallway to Leighton’s bedroom where she was working on her homework. She knocks and waits for Leighton’s okay to come in before walking into the teenager’s bedroom. Leighton’s bedroom was simple with white walls and an earthy aesthetic to it. Something she had seen on TikTok no doubt but Mikah had given her no limits when it had come to decorating her bedroom.

;;MIKAH “Can we talk Leigh?”

Mikah sits down on the bench thing that Leighton had in her room before looking at the teenager. Mikah smiles as Leighton looks at her and she briefly gets the image of Christian Othniel in her head before Leighton nods her head.

::LEIGHTON “Sure mom, what’s up?”

Mikah had talked about with Leighton about her decision to go back to SCW to form the tag team once again with Kris to do what they had intended to do over a year ago. Leighton hadn’t seem displeased about it but Mikah couldn’t read her daughter’s emotions very well.

;;MIKAH “Are you okay with me going back to SCW to compete? You can be honest with me, Leighton. I won’t judge you.”

Mikah watches her child’s face as she tries to read the emotions that appear on her daughter’s face. But once again, it’s hard to read them.

::LEIGHTON “Mom, it’s fine. I’m used to it, you do it all the time. You should be asking Myles, really.”

A frown crosses Mikah’s face as she looks at her daughter. But she couldn’t say that her daughter was wrong because she was right. Mikah had left Leighton with a nanny more often than she hadn’t as a child.

;;MIKAH “Leighton, you do know that I wish I had taken you with me on the road more than I had when you were a child, right?”

Mikah had thought she was going to be a crappy mother so she had distanced herself from her daughter when she got into wrestling even though she was wrestling for Leighton. So that she could have everything she ever wanted. She wanted to be a better mother to Leighton than her own mother had been to her growing up.

::LEIGHTON “Mom, I’m fine. I’m alive and I know that you love me. It’s not a big deal.”

It was in typical teenage fashion that Leighton was trying to brush off what her mother was saying. But Mikah wanted her daughter to be able to talk to her about things. She didn’t want Leighton to feel like she couldn’t come to her with anything.

;;MIKAH “I know, Leighton. And you’re right, I do love you. But it wasn’t fair to you as a child; you should have had your mother there instead of a nanny. And I do not think I’ve ever fully apologized to you for it. You deserved more than what I gave you, Leighton. And you’ll never know how amazed I am with how you’ve grown up.”

Mikah smiles as she watches Leighton turn to face her. Leighton thinks for a moment, studying her mother’s face before smiling at her and then hugging her. Mikah smiles and hugs Leighton back.

::LEIGHTON “Thank you, mom.”

It wasn’t the reason that Mikah had gone into Leighton’s room, originally. But the way that Leighton had tried to blow off her answers changed the way that she was interacting with Leighton.

;;MIKAH “Now the real reason I came in here…”

Leighton frowns a little bit but pulls back and sits next to her mother.

::LEIGHTON “Alright, spill. Are you pregnant again?”

Mikah makes a face before shaking her head no, chuckling at the thought of being pregnant for a third time. The second time had been a struggle enough and she was almost sure she was done having kids. Maybe.

;;MIKAH “No. I am not pregnant, Leighton.”

Leighton laughs a little bit but visibly relaxes.

::LEIGHTON “Good. I love Myles but I don’t know if we could handle another baby.”

Mikah smiles at Leighton and nods her head. She knew where her daughter was coming from.

;;MIKAH “Oh I agree. And a baby with mine and Kris’ DNA? Could be dangerous. I mean obviously very, very cute but you know. Anyways, back on topic. I hired a nanny….to be here when I’m on the road.”

She watches Leighton’s face and waits for her to combust or argue with her but the emotions don’t seem to come.

::LEIGHTON “Okay. For Myles?”

Mikah nods her head because Ruby was there to watch Myles, mainly. And for Leighton to go to if she needed anything that she couldn’t get herself. And for Mikah to be able to sleep in a hotel with Kris and not worry about her children being on an island without an adult there.

;;MIKAH “Yes. Essentially. However, there are going to be a few rules for you to abide by with Ruby as well. Nothing big as Ruby isn’t in charge of you per se but you do need to check in with her before you go anywhere. And I want you back in the house by no later than 11 p.m. each night, Leighton. There won’t be Kristopher here to save you from any big bad sea monster, you know. So try to be cautious when you go in the ocean as well. That’s all it is, really.”

Mikah takes a deep breath, having said all of that in one breath so she didn’t overthink what she wanted to say. It was almost as if she was terrified of her teenager. And maybe a piece of her was because she couldn’t imagine that raising a teenager was this easy.

::LEIGHTON “Yeah, that’s fine. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request. When are you and Kris going to go to the mainland?”

Mikah frowns a little bit, having forgotten that little part of the deal. She wasn’t fond of the mainland and felt that the people there were a lot more judgmental than they were on the island. She takes a deep breath before looking at Leighton.

;;MIKAH “I…am not sure. I will have to talk to Kristopher about that one. He’s…painting? I think.”

Sometimes, it was a chore to keep up with the things that Kristopher did when they weren’t hooked to one another’s side.

::LEIGHTON “Are you going to go find him then?”

Leighton could tell that Mikah was thinking about going to go find her missing boyfriend. Mikah smiles at Leighton before nodding her head. She stands up and gives her daughter an appreciative smile.

;;MIKAH “Thank for being a great kid, Leighton.”

Leighton rolls her eyes at her mother before shooing her away.

::LEIGHTON “Go find Kris.”

Mikah chuckles before walking out of her daughter’s room to go find where Kris had disappeared off too. She was sure he was more than likely in the room where he liked to paint. Or he was off training. She wasn’t sure exactly where she’d find him but she was hoping he was painting. And not training. She was still exhausted from Tuesday’s training hours and she wasn’t even out of shape.

She walks into the room that was designated his painting room or art room, whichever he felt like doing for the day. She leans against the doorframe as she watches him for a moment, just enjoying the way he used the paint brush on the canvas. There was something about the way the two were together now that made it easier, comfortable and maybe just right. This time felt like it worked and was going to work. Neither of them were married to other people and they’d both done their best to work through their issues. Hawaii had been such a big help for Mikah to clear her head from everything that had happened since her divorce from Drake. Time to heal and time to control the panic attacks she was getting on the mainland. She hadn’t had one of those since she made the move permanent. And they weren’t snappy with one another anymore and she couldn’t remember the last time they’d had a disagreement either. She didn’t want SCW to change that, either. It was maybe bothering her a little bit at the thought that it could happen again. She watches as he sits down in a hair to study the canvas and she takes this moment to walk into the room more and she walks over to him and carefully moves to straddle his lap, sitting on it but facing him.

;;MIKAH “Hiding?”

She raises an eyebrow at him.

::KRIS “From you? Never. From Myles? Maybe.”

She chuckles at his words but understood where he was coming from. Myles had officially hit the terrible twos and was now throwing at least three tantrums per day.

;;MIKAH “Understandable.”

She leans in and kisses him softly. He lets his hands move around her waist a little as she looks at him after pulling back from the kiss.

::KRIS “Maybe he does have a little of his father in him.”

Mikah laughs again at the comment before nodding her head, willing to blame the two and a half year old’s tantrums on his father’s genes. She looks at him with a smile on her face.

;;MIKAH “We’re going to be okay in SCW, right?”

She wasn’t scared to share her emotions with him anymore, not like she had been once upon a time. She had allowed herself to become more vulnerable with him and allowed him to see the parts of her that she didn’t share with the world.

::KRIS “Of course. We’re going to dominate the entire division. Just like we had planned to last year.”

It wasn’t what she meant when she asked if they were going to be okay. She meant if they were going to be okay as a couple. She knew it was an irrational thought but she thought that SCW might tear them apart if they were to go back full time. She bites her bottom lip, the worry slipping into her eyes as she looks at him.

;;MIKAH “That’s…not what I meant. I mean, obviously we’re going to dominate the division. But I meant…are we going to be okay in SCW? As a couple?”

She looks into his eyes and she blushes a little bit but doesn’t look away as the vulnerability sits there in her eyes. He reaches up with his hand that had paint on it and brushes the hair out of her face, unintentionally smearing paint on her forehead.

::KRIS “Of course we’re going to be okay. It’s going to be different this time, better.”

She relaxes a little bit at hearing the words coming out of his mouth and she leans back in and kisses him again. She pulls back for a moment and looks into his eyes again and scrunches her nose up at him.

;;MIKAH “Good…I was thinking that either on Sunday or Monday that we can go back to the mainland. Maybe San Diego? Or we could go straight to Reno?”

She looks at him again, smiling warmly at him.

::KRIS “Sounds like a plan to me.”

She smiles again before leaning down and kissing him once again as she starts to feel her worries slip away.

;;MIKAH “Perfect.”


TIME: 2:45 PM

The scene opens up in Kaneohe, Hawaii with Mikah’s extravagant multi-million dollar house behind her. The camera gets a good view of the ocean before the camera settles on Mikah, who is seating on beach towel that’s spread out on the sand and close to the edge of the water. She didn’t seem to mind that the end of the towel was getting wet as the waves of the ocean lapped at her feet. She is dressed in a simple pair of black jean shorts and an orange crop tank top with the words RECKLESS ELITE written across the chest.

;;MIKAH “Miss me?”

A smile stretches across her face as she looks at the camera before looking back out at the ocean as the waves hit her fit lightly. For the most part, it was a relatively calm day for the ocean.

;;MIKAH “Of course, it hasn’t been that long. But of course you all missed me. After all, I am the best.”

She winks at the camera with a smirk still on her face. There was something about her that screamed peace and calm.

;;MIKAH “It’s been two months since I’ve stepped into a SCW ring, where I lost to Dani Weston. Two months since I said I was done with singles competition…”

Her eyes twinkle with a knowing look.

;;MIKAH “But I never said I was done with wrestling completely. I knew that one day Kris and I would want to come back as a team once more to once again take what was ours. That division was made for us. Christian Underwood and Hot Stuff Mark Ward can deny it all they want to but the history of SCW only proves my statement as a fact.”

She smirks again, her eyes flickering back out to the horizon over the ocean.

;;MIKAH “A few years back, when Kris and I were both dominating the Bombshell and Mens divisions respectively, we had mentioned something about a mixed tag division and how once we decided we’d drop the top tier titles, we’d go after the Mixed Tag Team Championships”

She flickers her eyes over to the camera for a moment or so before looking back at the ocean.

;;MIKAH “And in 2020, Kris and I did just that. Granted, our run was a little rocky between the two of use. We weren’t always on the same page but him and I together? We’re undefeated and I would even say…unbeatable.”

Another look passes through her eyes as she looks at the ocean before looking back at the camera for a moment or two.

;;MIKAH “You see, it doesn’t seem to matter whether Kris and I are on the same page outside of the ring because we still know how to do something a lot of people in SCW don’t know how to do. And that’s win.”

That confident look that she wears so well easily slips into her eyes as she focuses on the camera once more.

;;MIKAH “The only kink that got thrown into our plan when we were the Mixed Tag Team Champions is when Kris won the World Heavyweight Championship. And before Mercedes says it next week, it’s not a dig at Coby. Coby was a phenomenal partner and him and I worked well together but it wasn’t the same as working with Kris.”

She shrugs her shoulders with a smile.

;;MIKAH “And I’m going to be honest, Kris and I the last time we were tag team champions?”

Mikah makes a face before shaking her head.

;;MIKAH “We were a mess behind the scenes and couldn’t seem to want much to do with one another over a year ago. Both of us had our own issues to deal with and working on them together wasn’t an option. But even in the midst of our off screen troubles, we had it together in the ring. We were well adjusted as a working tag team, even though we couldn’t seem to get along behind the scenes. So can you imagine what it will be like now?”

She focuses on the camera once more, her attention solely on it.

;;MIKAH “Kris and I are definitely on the same page. And we have been since September. Things are going good, smooth even and how do you think that that is going to affect the way we work in the ring? If you think that we were unstoppable before, you’re going to be surprised at just how unstoppable we’re going to be this run.”

She couldn’t keep the confidence out of her tone or out of her eyes as she stares at the camera. She had always been confident in not only her own skills but in Kris’ as well. She often told him he was the better out of the two of them even if he refused to admit that it was true.

;;MIKAH “I’m sure there are going to those who will only comment on the fact that Kris and I are in a relationship. Or that our relationship isn’t going to last. Or surprise, surprise, they’ll call me a whore again because they can’t find their own original insult to come up with. But what’s shocking to me is that it’s now 20-fucking-22 and we’re still slut shaming women for having sex with different partners. And disclaimer before anybody goes there, I am only having sex with Kris. Not that you needed to know that but I’m only telling everybody so that you don’t spread the rumor that I’m fucking around on him. Because no doubt that you all would try.”

She rolls her eyes in irritation.

;;MIKAH “But what does this have to do with mine and Kris’ upcoming match against the current Mixed Tag Team Champions?”

She raises an eyebrow at the camera before shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “Absolutely nothing but has that stopped anybody before from bringing in my personal life to use against me? Did it stop the child that is Dani Weston from spouting off the mouth about my relationship with Kris? Or about my previous marriage to Drake Green? Absolutely not. She couldn’t come with anything else to say about me, so she went the petty route. I’ve figured out that these Bombshells that I’ve been placed up against don’t have anything else to say about me, so they go after my personal life. After my relationships and my failed relationships because they think it’s relevant to how I perform in the ring. But you tell me how me fucking Kris has anything to do with my in-ring performance?”

She raises an eyebrow as she asks the question.

;;MIKAH “Because I can bet that I’m just as baffled as you are when it comes to that question. And I honestly hope that Mercedes Vargas doesn’t go there but I don’t have high hopes that she won’t. Nobody else has refrained from brining my personal life up against me, so I won’t hold her to a higher caliber than I do the other imbeciles in the back, that I don’t like.”

It wasn’t a secret that Mikah wasn’t on friendly terms with people that were a part of the SCW locker room. She never kept that a secret either.

;;MIKAH “And why should I hold her to a higher caliber than the other girls in the back? Because she’s considered a veteran here in SCW? Okay. Maybe she is but that doesn’t mean that she’s better than me. Because statistically?”

Her trademark smirk returns on her face.

;;MIKAH “She’s not better than me. Not even close.”

Mikah shakes her head to go along with her words.

;;MIKAH “The one thing Mercedes Vargas has going for her is that she is SCW’s resident history book. If you want to know about something that’s happened in the past, you go to her to get your answers. How does she do it? I’m not sure. And honestly? I don’t care.”

She makes a face at the thought of it.

;;MIKAH “Mercedes and I have faced off several times before. We’re not strangers to how each of us works in the ring. But here’s the good part…she doesn’t have a win over me.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “The record books don’t lie, Mercedes. I’ve checked my record; you’ve never beaten me. And I’m sure you’ll bring up different things that I’ve said throughout my career because you remember things easily or you have them written down somewhere to use against me. But you cannot say that you’ve ever won a match when it comes to facing me.”

She can’t help the arrogant look that slips into her eyes, the remnants of her old self slowly rearing its ugly head. She wasn’t the same person, there was a different calmness to her that wasn’t there before. But every now and then her arrogance showed.

;;MIKAH “She’s going to bring up the fact that I avidly spoke out against tag team wrestling. Or my previous drinking problem. Hell, she might even bring up my eating disorder to use against me. And will she be wrong? No, not really.”

She was being a lot more open than she used to be.

;;MIKAH “I did hate tag team wrestling. But I hated tagging with another Bombshell, I never had a problem tagging with Kris. Not once. He and I have always worked well together. We know how to put our differences aside to get things done in the ring. Could I do that with another Bombshell? Absolutely not. Because for so long, I had a target on my back.  And now, I’m the person that a lot of them look to as to how to be successful. I set records within my first year of being employed by SCW and that can’t be taken from me.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “There’s a reason that I’m considered the best. The motherfucking Queen, if you will. Even if I lose, I’m still respected as one of the best. Why do you think that is, Mercedes? I know that you’re respected amongst everybody as well. But when somebody thinks of the best, who do they think of? Nine times out of ten, my name lands at the top. Tommy Knocks thought so.”

It was an accomplishment she held close to her heart.

;;MIKAH “I’m not going to lie to everybody and say that I’m going to look at this match as a walk in the park because I’m not stupid. I know that Mercedes is going to bring her best when we meet in 8 days in that wrestling ring. I wasn’t born yesterday. I know what she plans to do but the fact is that she hasn’t beaten me in the ring has to hold some weight to it. Maybe this time will be the time she finally gets the win over me that she is looking for.”

Another simple shrug of her shoulders as she looks at the camera.

;;MIKAH “But it’s not going to be easy for her. I know all of her accomplishments because she spouts them off any chance that you’ll give her. Or at the drop of a hat if she thinks that somebody’s willing to listen to her spout them off. But I’ve got accomplishments too.”

She smile genuinely at the camera as she glances behind her at the house that sat there.

;;MIKAH “I’m a SCW Hall of Famer. A former three time Bombshell Champion. I’m a grand slam champion.”

She ticks each accomplishment off as she looks back at the ocean.

;;MIKAH “And those are just my SCW accomplishments. The fact that she spouts her accomplishments off in SCW so willingly makes me wonder how much of a life she has outside of SCW?”

She looks at the camera for a fleeting second before looking back at the ocean.

;;MIKAH “Because I have a lot of accomplishments in my personal life that I would prefer be mentioned rather than who I’ve fucked and who I haven’t. Like the fact that I have an amazing sixteen year old daughter and a smart little two and half year old son. I was able to move to Hawaii without any financial worries. But nobody cares about those accomplishments.”

She sighs a little bit.

;;MIKAH “Because they don’t apply to SCW and that’s fine. But how does my sex life apply to SCW?”

She looks at the camera and raises an eyebrow.

;;MIKAH “But let’s just hope that Mercedes doesn’t take that route; doesn’t follow the easy path. I mean she could get creative and try to bring up my drinking problem. Accuse me of drinking before a match, even though I never drank before a match. And never drank when I was booked for a match. Or maybe she’ll bring up my disappearance after Coby and I lost the titles last spring. She’s very meticulous about the things she knows and remembers.”

A simple shrug of her shoulders as she looks back at the ocean. She watches the water and some of the other beach goes splash around in the water.

;;MIKAH “And while I’m looking forward to facing her and Goth with Kristopher by my side, there’s one thing I’m looking more forward to…”

Another genuine smiles spreads across her face.

;;MIKAH “And that’s when Kristopher and I win the championships and I get to bring mine back to Hawaii. And show my children what success is.”

She takes a moment to just breathe in the scent of the ocean breeze, her blonde hair blowing slightly as the breeze picks up a bit. But not enough to be a bother.

;;MIKAH “And Goth, I’m sure you’re doing what you can to prepare for the match. I’m sure that you’ve done your research and all the preparation that your little heart can handle. You see, I didn’t talk about you much because you don’t mean anything to me. I don’t have to step into the ring with you. I don’t have to face you and I have the utmost faith in Kris being able to handle whatever you bring to the table. I have the most faith in Kris as a partner and I know that he can handle anything that’s brough his way. Just as I’m sure that you and Mercedes both have that trust in one another. Or maybe you don’t. And I guess we’ll see just how much trust you both have in one another in eight days.”

She smirks again as she stands up and steps her feet into the ocean. She closes her eyes and relishes the feeling of the waves hitting her legs.

;;MIKAH “But we won’t know until then. So….I hope you’re both preparing. Because I am.”

She glances over her shoulder at the camera and winks at it.

;;MIKAH “Ciao”

Offline Kristopher Ryans

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    • Kristopher Ryans

Boredom Kills
Jet City South - SAN DIEGO
1 JANUARY 2022

The days felt like they were getting longer, and waking up everyday was becoming more and more stressful. His new morning routine involved trying to figure out where he was. Life had become an endless parade of plane flights, and time zone changes. He had been told throughout his drug use that living a double life was impossible to maintain. At this point though, he had volunteered to live three. Kris was splitting his time between putting in work behind the scenes at Jet City, growing his relationship with Mikah in Hawaii, and raising his kids in Seattle. However, a few months into spinning all of these plates, they were all starting to fall, and take a toll on him when they did. If he sacrificed time at Jet City, his trainers were unhappy. He couldn’t miss events with his kids, so Mikah sometimes fell to the back burner. In the times he was able to slip away to the beach, it felt like the world back home was falling apart. It was that feeling that had brought him back to Jet City South after celebrating the New Year with Mikah.

Kris: Is it just me, or did you think that retirement would be easier?

Coby didn’t have time for Kris’ ramblings. It was bad enough that his mentor was bothering him while Coby was busy trying to keep the gym afloat. He never wanted to throw Kris out, but was drawing painfully close today.

Coby: It’s just you…

Kris sat up on the couch in their shared office, although in recent months Coby had redecorated and taken over the space in its entirety. Kris was designated to a corner, which happened to contain the only desk without anything on it. Every other surface in the office was covered with paperwork that Kris was never going to take interest in looking at. If the problems that they had were going to get fixed, it was going to have to be Coby to dig them out of it.

Kris: Well that felt blunt and dismissive. I thought that this was supposed to be a safe place? Are you championing the hostile work environment now?

Coby rolled his eyes. He was happy that Kris had been sticking to therapy and getting his shit together, but it had given Kris a whole new bag of tricks to weaponize against others to hold them conversationally hostage.

Coby: No… I meant that it is quite literally just you. The rest of us are drowning, but nothing is ever easy in your orbit, Kris. Maybe if you wanted to take a more “hands on” approach around here, I could probably spare the time to talk to you about your feelings.

Coby gestured to the piles of everything around the room, but it caused the color to drain out of Kris’ face instantly.

Kris: Paperwork? Hard pass.

Coby sighs, and sits back in his chair. He turns slightly so that he is not forced to directly look at the source of his annoyance. He points out the office window to the floor where several trainers were running students of the gym through drills.

Coby: You could always go down and run a few classes. You know, do something other than hang out and complain that you don’t have anything to do all the time. Find something productive to do with your time…. Be useful… We don’t want you to just come in and bitch. We need actual help.

None of it interested Kris though. He had a far different opinion about what his role should be. He had never really had anyone to train him, so what did he actually know about operating a gym? The students that he had the most contact with always seemed to flame out anyways, so the reward for his effort hadn’t ever been there. Kris wanted to focus on the fun part of owning a gym, not the work.

Kris: I like to think of myself as more of a spokesperson these days. You know? The face of the brand. You don’t see Jordan wearing one of those stupid referee shirts at a shoe store and trying to get people to buy his shit. I don’t even think he does any of the marketing personally anymore. The guy just… plays golf… I guess.

Coby claps his hands together, hoping that Kris would take his own bait on the subject. Anything to get him up and out of the office so that Coby could actually get back to something worth his attention.

Coby: There you go! Go learn how to play golf. Then you’ll be learning a new skill, and I will actually be getting work done.

Kris rolls his eyes. It had been a metaphor, and he was hoping that Coby was along for the ride. Apparently not.

Kris: I said I was bored being here, not that I’m 65. I just feel like Jet City as a whole could make more use of me than as some friendly face training a bunch of people without the dedication or talent to actually get anywhere. I can’t just smile in the face of people that are awful.

It wasn’t the most pleasant way to put it, but that didn’t matter. Coby wasn’t ever going to be on his side. Running the gym, despite all of its hassles, was Coby’s happy place.

Coby: You realize that is about half of what I do around here…

Coby also understood that Kris’ place wasn’t within these walls. Kris was happiest inside the ring even if he pretended he didn’t.

Kris: Yeah, and you’re a better person than I am for that. I can’t do it. It’s my job to be so amazing that it gets people in the door. It’s up to the trainers to get them to stick around.

He realized that most of the trainers were just friends that joined on in order to support him, but they were all better off around here without his influence. He trusted Coby, Parker, and Kate more than just about everyone else in his life. That was why he was so comfortable leaving the gym in their hands. Coby was still surprised to hear Kris say the words out loud though.

Coby: So you admit that you’re the flash and we’re the substance…

That wasn’t exactly what Kris was saying, but it wasn’t far off either.

Kris: I’m saying that the substance isn’t amounting to much. You made a dent in the industry. Courtney is in and out more than anything. None of the others have really risen up and done much…. It just seems like a losing battle trying to find the diamond in the rough.

Coby nods, in perfect agreement with his friend for once.

Coby: No, it’s work. And there are people that are okay with putting in the work…

Of course, he was talking about all of the people out on the floor right now, students and trainers alike. They were all here busting their asses to get better, even if Kris didn’t want to see it that way.

Coby: ...and then there’s you.

Kris had fallen backwards through all of his successes. He had openly bragged about not doing the legwork because of his ability to improvise and break down his opponent by using his own body as a wrecking ball or sorts. He didn’t have any technical skill, and he never really had much use for it. Everyone thought that working so closely with Mikah would have rubbed off on him, but it never took. Kris was just as wild and unpredictable as always, and that was impossible to teach to people. It was no surprise to Coby that he was struggling to fit in as a trainer or a mentor.

Kris: I like to think that I bust my ass to make sure that things stay moving in the right direction around here. Me popping up in Sin City and getting inducted into the Hall of Fame was great for business….

It was another shining example of what Kris thought his role was, but for Coby it was so much more than that.

Coby: You’re right. You’re right. It helped. And you help… when it’s convenient for you...

Kris hadn’t really been seen publicly since High Stakes. He wasn’t generating any buzz. It was all hit and miss, and Coby wasn’t willing to let him off the hook for that this time.

Kris: You see, that sounded nice right up until the end there….

Losing his patience, Coby just unloads onto his friend.

Coby: Is it not true though? I mean you went back and did a couple matches. We got some good publicity. People were starting to show up again, but now what? Those new recruits aren’t seeing you on the floor. You’re not popping up at events. You’re not teaching anyone anything, and you’re not competing anymore. You don’t want to do anything productive here, but all you’re doing outside of here is traveling back and forth between Mikah and your kids.

The spinning plates were really coming down now. Kris knew that it was just a matter of time before someone in his three lives was going to blow up at him. To be honest, he was glad it was Coby instead of Mikah. At least when he argued with his friend it tended to stay more civil. He and Mikah were explosive at times.

Kris: So you’re saying I should blow off my personal life and family in order to work more?

That would have been a good start, but Coby already knew that was out of the question. It wasn’t a matter of time for Coby, it was a matter of effort. And Kris didn’t seem to be grasping that.

Coby: I’m saying if you’re going to be retired, then be retired and stop complaining about it.

It was the nicest way to segway back to what Kris was complaining about without having to hurt his feelings.

Kris: See… dismissive.

Coby wasn’t going to fall into that trap though. Kris would sit here for hours going in circles if he would let him. Fortunately, there were more pressing things to get to, and Coby saw his opportunity to shoo Kris away.

Coby: Yes, I am dismissing you. You are dismissed. Go somewhere else. Go bother literally anyone else in this building.

Kris gets up from the couch and raises his hands up in front of his chest innocently. He backs up towards the door with a visible frown on his face.

Kris: Fine. I get it. I can feel the vibe change in a room where I’m not wanted anymore. I don’t have to take this kind of abuse.

He hangs his head and drops his shoulders and he turns back through the doorway, muttering under his breath. Coby doesn’t take the bait though.

Coby: ...and close the door please….

Kris turns and shoots a final glance back at Coby before reluctantly pulling the door closed. He turns away from it and heads down the hallway still talking to himself.

Kris: ...parenthood has made him bitter…

He turned a corner and looked out onto the floor where trainers had the students separated into different groups. He hesitated at the door, just watching them.

Kris: …hmmm… productive….

He shakes his head and decides against it. He wasn’t going to cave into Coby’s taunting. They didn’t need him out there and he wasn’t going to force it. Instead, he turned around to head towards the back exit before nearly being tackled by someone coming down the hallway towards him. The two slam into one another, but some fancy footwork from Kris keeps him from hitting the floor. His attacker isn’t so lucky, and falls backwards into the wall, his elbow going through the drywall.

Kris: Whoa guy! Maybe take it down a notch or two in the hallways.

Kris straightens himself up, and does his best to keep himself together. However, the student points up at the banner of Kris’ face lining the hallway with a half-smile on his face.

Student: Hey! Wow… You’re that guy!

Kris turns back and looks at it before rolling his eyes.

Kris: Yeah, Kris. This is my gym.

The student stands up in front of Kris, and the Hall of Famer cannot help but be slightly impressed. From their collision Kris could tell that he was built like a brick wall, but he was also light on his feet, and had Kris in both height and reach. He taps his chest twice and introduces himself.

Student: Jaycee.

Kris shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the damage to the wall.

Kris: Nice. Just pay more attention around corners. There’s some people here that you could have laid out.

The student couldn’t help but to laugh at the notion. He took stock of Kris and came to the conclusion that if it came to blows, he could probably hold his own despite the legend surrounding his adversary.

Jaycee: It’s not everyday that you turn a corner and run into a ghost.

He said it with a smile, but Kris didn’t find it funny.

Kris: Ghost?

Jaycee was taken aback that Kris hadn’t been clued into the rumor yet. He had mistakenly assumed that Kris was even the type to possibly start it about himself to build onto the mystique.

Jaycee: Oh… I thought you knew about that. That’s what a lot of students call you. The Jet City Ghost. Your face is on all the walls. You pop up in all the ads for this place. Yet, none of us ever really see you. We try to convince newbies that you died and just haunt the place for shits and giggles.

He continued laughing, but Kris still wasn’t joining him.

Kris: Am I supposed to find this flattering?

Jaycee wipes the smile off of his face, but shrugs his shoulders when his expression becomes more serious.

Jaycee: It’s a better story than being an absentee trainer, right? Figured you got a kick out of it. Guess I was wrong.

Kris had been trying not to take exception to a kid that clearly didn’t know his place, but this was starting to get insulting. He couldn’t let that slide.

Kris: I was just inducted into the Sin CIty Hall of Fame a few months ago… I’m supposed to believe that you guys have been telling people I’ve died since then?

The student shrugs. Kris’ behavior was really what had made it all possible.

Jaycee: Well you do make a habit disappearing silently for months on end, right? Couple that with a history of really gnarly drug use, and the story pretty much writes itself. It would be bad for the brand if you were dead right, so they just kept it all hush-hush.

The whole day was starting to be one baffling conversation after another. Kris couldn’t help but shake his head in disbelief.

Kris: People believe this?

The student didn’t seem to think that it was that much of a stretch of the imagination.

Jaycee: Why wouldn’t they? It’s not like you’re putting in any facetime to disprove it.

Kris seemed to take that as a challenge.

Kris: Maybe I need to change that.

Jaycee wasn’t trying to provoke the man into having something to prove, and really just wanted to get back to his own routine. This was already an unexpected detour on his day.

Jaycee: That’s on you. In my opinion, if you had anything to add to this place, you’d be doing it. In all the time I’ve been here, you’ve just been a face on a wall. It’s nice to see that you’re just a guy though. It really shatters the illusion of some larger than life superstar to see you up close like this.

Kris wasn’t about to let that slide either.

Kris: I didn’t make a name for myself by accident….

The same laugh that bent Kris out of shape moments ago slipped between Jaycee’s lips once again.

Jaycee: Actually you did… didn’t you? Wasn’t that your thing? The Accident? The Miracle? That One that Shouldn’t Have?

Kris’ face turns red, and for the first time, his voice starts to raise.

Kris: I am an elite--

The student puts his hands up and starts to back away from Kris onto the main floor of the gym.

Jaycee: Maybe once upon a time. To me you look like a guy that has lost just as much as he has won in the last couple of years. A guy that disappears into the background far too often to be seen as a legend. You’ve been doing more reckless adventuring than teaching at your own gym. You’re a joke. You want to change your image? Maybe try putting in some work.

Kris tries to respond, but Jayceee reaches into the pockets of his shorts and places a wireless headphone in each ear. He mimes that he can’t hear Kris anymore and turns away from the Grand Slam Champion. Kris is left standing by himself full of rage that he has nothing to do with.

Kris: ....well fuck me then…

He turned down the hallway, pulling his phone from his pocket. He knew what he had to do. If people were already this emboldened to shame him in his own gym, who knew what the opinion of the outside world was. If he was going to save his image, he was going to have to do it the only way that he knew how. There was only one person he could call in order to make that happen: Christian Underwood. Although, he was going to have to get Mikah on board.


Did everyone miss me?

I know that the general consensus after High Stakes was that I was going to be walking off into the sunset. I mean, I had gotten everything that I wanted.

I got to step in the ring with the greatest that this company has ever had to offer, and I stood my ground. I proved to the world that the two of us were on even footing. We stood toe-to-toe throwing our best shots at one another, and everyone in attendance realized that it could have gone either way. J2H and I made magic happen inside that ring at High Stakes, and I have no regrets, complaints, or excuses about how things turned out.

So why come back? Why not stay gone?

I guess that it’s PRIDE mostly. We all know that I don’t need to do anything else in Sin City in order to prove my place in history. That chapter of my life is over. I am a forever legend inside the six-sided ring, but that doesn’t mean that I am done adding to my story. That doesn’t mean that my story is over. You people don’t get to decide that. I do. I get to decide when I am done, and if I say that we haven’t reached that point yet, then any of you are welcome to come and stop me.

Very few have ever been up to the task…

And speaking of the tasks at hand, Inception will make yet another of my glorious comebacks to start the year. It seems that no matter how long we go in this business, we always come back to where we started. How many times have I come back to dominate the first show of the year? Just last year I was defending Sin City World Heavyweight Championship against Jack Washington and sorry ass O’Malley at Inception. A few years ago at Inception II my brother and I were retaining our World Tag Team Championships against the Unholy Alliance. And of course, we all remember the year that Mark and Christian replaced Inception with Full Circle and I literally brought the roof down and won two championships in one night… for the first time….

This is just what I do in Sin City Wrestling. This is the start of a new year, and the very same Kris is going to be here to greet it. This company wouldn’t hope to open up a new year of hijinx without me. Making an impact on the first big show of the year is expected of me at this point, I wouldn’t want to let anyone down. So when the whim struck me, I called Christian and asked if there were any gaps that a Hall of Famer might be able to fill. He said he might have a place for two Hall of Famers if I was interested, and that wasn’t something that I was ever going to be able to turn down.

The last time that I came back, I promised that I was going to dominate the Mixed Tag Team division like Mikah and I were always supposed to. I was right in the middle of that task, when the opportunity to take the World Heavyweight Championship back came along. It was just too good of a chance to pass up, so I bided my time, picked my shot, and took it from Jack fair and square. The only problem was, it put a wrench in my plan to establish Mikah and myself as the greatest team in the history of this company. I abandoned the thing that I set out to do in order to hold a championship that I didn’t actually need.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing negative about holding the top prize in Sin City Wrestling, and on top of being the one to lead the company and be in all the main events, it came with the added bonus of taking the championship out of the hands of someone that I found particularly wretched, and keep it out of the hands of someone that I think has the mental acuity of a shoebox. Once that is done though, the luster wears off. I accomplished what I wanted, but at what price? I sacrificed the team that I set out to build in order to save the company. So what do I do now that the company wasn’t really in need of a gatekeeper anymore?

I took time off. I took time to enjoy life. I protected myself for the better party of last year so that I could give the world one of the greatest matches that they will ever see, from any company, at any time in history. I wasn’t going to let some injury cost everyone what they wanted to see. So I sat on the sidelines, worked on myself, worked on my craft, and then came back for the Battle of the Greats.

....but then I was back in the same boat. My goals had been accomplished. I did what I set out to do, so what was next? For a while there, I didn’t think that there was anything. I have won everything, and competed against most everyone worth going to battle against. On the surface, it felt like the storybook ending to a decade of warfare inside a ring. I’ll be honest with everyone, the thought of walking away was all that has been on my mind for a couple of months. I didn’t think that I would be coming back to start off this year with a bang until just a few days ago…

I woke up from a deep sleep with the recollection that I had never finished what I started. Mikah and I have been undefeated since our Inception as a team, and the work that we started still isn’t done. We put down our quest for tag team superiority while I chased my singles aspirations, but as I’ve told all of you, all of that has been put to rest. There is nothing left for me to prove or accomplish as an individual as this company, but Mikah and I have yet to get the credit we deserve as a unit.

....and before you all get excited, I’m not talking about The Black Sheep. I’m not talking about some group of people fighting others for some higher purpose. I am not looking to outnumber and maul people. I am not looking to start a movement. Mikah and I came together as a team to prove one single point: As dangerous as we are apart, we are better together. The two of us are going to be picking up right where we left off. We are going to finish the work that we started. By the end of this year, we are going to be the only team in this company worth talking about.

...and I get that some people are going to get bent out of shape about us jumping to the front of the line and snatching this opportunity out of midair, but too bad. It’s not like I asked for this. I reached out to Christian to make something happen. He is the one that provided the details. Although, it’s not like the two of us taking this opportunity is unwarranted. We never got a return match for the championships that I technically never lost. As a matter of fact, I have a long history of breaking records with championships and never bitching about return matches the way that some people have done their entire careers. I didn’t ask for a championship match right off the bat, but I am not going to brush it off either.

Like I have already said, I don’t have anything left to prove in this company. I don’t have to convince anyone that I need to earn anything. I am Kristopher Ryans. All I have done since first coming here is win championships, break records, and help to grow this company. I am one of the greatest that this company has to offer, and they could place me anywhere, on any card, for any championship, at any time and it would make sense. Why? Because I am that good, and have been that good in this company for as long as anyone can remember.

I don’t expect that Mercedes or Goth are going to step up to the plate this week and say that Mikah and I are undeserving of this opportunity. I don’t think that they are going to blow us off as past legends. I think that they are going to give two Hall of Famers their proper credit regardless of how they feel about us personally. I am pretty sure Mercedes dislikes me just about as much as anyone that has ever worked here, and Goth has never been all that big a fan either. We have shared a main event ring with a championship on the line before, and I was the one that walked away with the win. This occasion won’t be all that different than that one. We might all four be in the Hall of Fame, but not all Hall of Famers are built the same.

These two might share a lot of the same accolades as Mikah and myself, but neither one of them could ever be described as dominant. Mercedes loses way more often than she wins these days, and has been coasting on reputation mostly. It has been a couple of years since she was able to string anything real together, and she has run into Mikah and been kicked to the curb more times than I care to keep track of. Goth captured this championship, but it is his first since around the time I was dominating him for the Internet Championship. Most of my success has happened since then, and where has he been to stop my ascent? Nowhere to be found. It’s because deep down the guy knew to stay out of the way back then, just like he knows now.

...but I don’t say these things to be mean. Sometimes facts are harsh, but trust me, that doesn’t make them less true. These two are good. They have proven that against a lot of people. Just not us, and they have had every opportunity to do so. It’s not often that you see fellow Hall of Famers that haven’t crossed paths more, but that just shows me that they were smart about picking their spots while Mikah and I were preoccupied elsewhere. In a way, they have survived this long by keeping their distance. There won’t be anyway for them to do that at Inception though. They are going to be backed into a corner, and Mikah and I will once again be showing everyone just how unstoppable we are.

This isn't some Black Sheep reunion.

This is the rise of Reckless Elite, and Mercedes and Goth aren't ready for what we are bringing to Inception.


Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
[Only seven years ago, Mercedes Vargas stood triumphantly inside a SCW ring at the inaugural Inception event. In front of a packed house at National Indoor Arena in Birmingham, England, the Argentine pulled off a hard fought victory to retain the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Facing an Amazon like Traci Patterson was a tough task all its own but Mercedes was up for the challenge. Against the overwhelming odds and strength of Traci, Mercedes has proven over the years that she was very, very difficult to keep down. She made that clear in prevailing in this Roulette Rules Last Bombshell Standing match, and still was fortunate enough that her hair and makeup stayed roughly in place.

Five years ago, Delia Darling, Angelica and Veronica Taylor all entered the ring to celebrate in victory with Mercedes Vargas following her win over Celeste North in a lumberjill match, ending a months-long feud between North and the Mean Girls. Whatever happens in Vegas this night would not stay there as Mercedes and the rest of the stable are presented with a loud chorus of boos.

Three years ago, Mercedes was close to making history. But close doesn’t win wrestling matches, especially ladder matches. The field for the Golden Briefcase ladder match was already tough as it is. Mercedes Lewis, Kate Steele, Apple Coren, Trinity Jones, and Pandora Barrett. Like Mercedes, all were driven and had the same goal in mind, but there could only be one. And just like in Vegas, sometimes a little luck can help you along the way. Lady Luck smiled on Kate Steele as she grabbed the briefcase, earning herself a shot at any championship of her choosing. For Mercedes, her undefeated streak at Inception was no more.

One year ago, Mercedes Vargas and Alicia Lukas battled in a match that had the makings of an instant classic. It helps that these two were longtime rivals even before they met in Sin City Wrestling and plan on settling things under the bright lights of Vegas. Another chapter was written in this memorable encounter. Mercedes put up a hard and valiant effort but history was not on her side as Alicia prevailed again just as in their first singles encounter in SCW. It also didn’t help that Mercedes lost in Vegas and at Inception for the second event consecutively.

The memories are still vivid in her mind. Each moment from Inception, good and bad, still serves as an inspiration for Mercedes to create one more, to add one more to her already impressive Hall of Fame resume.]


Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 9 al 15 de enero de 2022

I used to think that I was a loner, that I never even had fans. As it turns out, I was very wrong. See, you learn eventually that haters are literally your biggest fans. They go out of their way. Without even following you, to see everything you do. Talk about you. Obsess over you. It’s a win either way, no?

For those of you who didn't see my last match of 2021, you missed one hell of a show. And if you missed my match, which I hope is very few of you, you definitely need to see it on replay. Match of the Year, people. I was taken to my very limits, and my opponent pulled off one of the greatest upsets in history by pinning my shoulders to the mat uno, dos, tres. I mean, it was unbelievable.

You want to know what's really unbelievable? It's that I actually took Krystal Wolfe seriously.

Am I disappointed that I lost my last match of 2021 to Krystal?


Am I rightfully peeved about Ariana Angelos and Amy Santino sticking their nose in my business?

Emphatic yes.

Am I going to have a pity party and consider myself a failure?


It’s about big picture. At the end of the day, I accomplished quite a lot in 2021, and I plan to keep it rolling in the new year. That said, a new year means everyone in SCW is looking to get off to a hot start and get that next title opportunity. And what better way for SCW kicking off 2022 in style than with Inception V in Reno. I’m all for it. Goth and I defend the titles for the first time since we won them from Austin and Tempest, which wasn’t easy. How do you think their reign lasted for almost six months?

So, after a well deserved break and looking forward to what this year has in store, it seems as if we have a problem here, SCW. Why did it take so long for management to find Goth and I challengers when you have a talented roster?
Why were we kept in the dark on who would be stepping up to us in Reno in two weeks. Inquiring minds want to know. I get being a champion in SCW has its perks and all. But it means that you are also a marked wrestler. You can never let your guard down, and I’m sure there’s no shortage of challengers that would love to be us right now.

I get that Crystal and Brayden wanted a title opportunity, but there’s a reason why after Goth and I won these titles why we would take on any team as long as that team didn’t include Crystal. She’s the name-brand version of Jessie - only more manipulative. Those who know Crystal knows that she never does anything because it’s the right, decent, honest, generous, or unselfish thing to do. She does it because it will either get her in the news, it will build her brand, or it will curry favor with SCW in getting some title opportunity of some sort (I present to you Exhibit A: Inception IV). Usually, it's two or more of those, and often, it's all three. The saying goes that it’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt. It sure didn’t take long for Crystal and Brayden opening their mouths to prove why that is.

Its no secret Crystal wants to achieve the Grand Slam and she’s been gunning for the World Mixed Tag Team Championship ever since. She must have amnesia because she got the opportunity to achieve her dream at Violent Conduct, but she couldn’t get it done. Also, Crystal got pinned. Not to mention, but I’ll mention, that she was in a championship match in almost every pay-per-view last year, including each of the last two.

So if her argument wanting to face me seems flimsy - I’m sitting here trying to see things from her point of view but I can’t get my head that far up my ass - her son, Brayden’s, is a real head-scratcher. It’s laughable that Brayden and his wife continue to push this narrative about the so-called "unfair treatment" that Brayden has been receiving at the hands of the SCW powers-that-be, and a distinct lack of respect that he believes he is owed because of his name when he’s won only two matches, hasn’t won since Summer XXXTreme back in mid-July, and spent the better part of the year losing matches since then. Apparently, Crystal and Brayden’s argument was enough to convince Christian and Mark to get a future title opportunity.

You know what, fine. If Mark and Christian wants to give one of the most polarizing wrestlers in the company and her loser son a title opportunity, that’s on them. Because regardless of who walks out of Inception with the World Mixed Tag Team Championship, I guarantee you that Crystal won’t be getting that Grand Slam so she might as well settle on that sixth world title she’s been on about and Brayden can continue to run his mouth to anyone who give him the time of day, which is no one.

As for me, I can’t rest on my laurels, because the undefeated team of Kristopher Ryans and Mikah are next in line. I’ve got a title defense with Goth to look forward to next Sunday against a team that does matter. So with the odds against us, what do you think we’ll do to keep the World Mixed Tag Team Championship at Inception? When it comes to title defenses, I answer the bell. Why do you think I've been in over 60 championship matches in SCW? I react well under pressure and that's when I'm at my best. When I go into survival mode, I'm a tough challenge to any Bombshell on the roster and they know better never than to count me out, but you don't have to take my word for it.

I'm going to find a way to win this match, not a way out, at Inception.

There's a lot riding on this match.

If The Black Sheep both want what we have?

Well, now it's up to them to take it.


Flashback - 23 January 2011

Un Sueño - Faded Glory.

There’s no better feeling then ushering in the New Year, especially when you’re halfway across the world. London weather in January was a lot like the weather in New York, cold enough for you to dress in woolen socks all day, or having that glass of wine on a cold evening sitting by the fire and listening to your favorite music. Sure there’s the usual sights and the museums and markets but the best part about visiting London in January? It’s a great way to avoid the crowds at all the city’s attractions.

It’s my third year in professional wrestling and only my second time in London. Two years ago, fortune smiled on me when I won my debut. Tonight, I had a rematch for a championship I held for just short of an entire year. Some people called it an upset, some people called it dumb luck. Whatever you want to call it, I vowed that I would not go gentle into that good night.

The weather was bad enough.

[Mercedes looks unsure of herself as she removes her glasses, shakes her hair loose, and tightens her overcoat. If she wasn’t sure before, she was sure that she was lost, which was the last situation no one wanted to face, especially in a big city like London.]

STRANGER: It looks like you're in trouble there, miss? Can I help?

And just when I this close losing my faith in mankind.

MERCEDES: It is cold like death out here. How do you people survive?

STRANGER: Were you expecting sleds and a rescue team then?

This is the way most of my misadventures usually ended, or even started. I was still new to this globetrotter thing, but years later, when I upped my frequent flier miles, I learned that good help is really hard to find. The kindness of strangers.

STRANGER: Sounds like your lost.

MERCEDES: Really? How could you tell?

STRANGER: Let’s start with you’re holding your map there the wrong way.

MERCEDES: Very observant. Ehm, can you tell me the way to the Waterloo Station?

STRANGER: You’re actually here right in the middle of Greenwich Park.


STRANGER: All you need to do is continue straight on through St James’


STRANGER: And then, when you get to the Houses of Parliament, turn left.


STRANGER: Then go across the bridge…


STRANGER: And then it’s first right and you’re there, that’s Waterloo Station.

MERCEDES: Great, ok, so…ehm. Through Hyde Park, and then turn left at the Houses of Parliament…

STRANGER: No, no, no, right at the Houses of Parliament!

MERCEDES: Right! Right at the Houses of Parliament. Ehm… Cross the bridge…

STRANGER: That’s it!

MERCEDES: And then first to the right?

STRANGER: First on the right!

MERCEDES: First on the right!

STRANGER: And that’s Waterloo Station!

MERCEDES: Fantastic! Thank you very much.

STRANGER: No problem, you’re welcome!


Probably wasn’t my greatest moment, but it could have ended much, much worse. Whoever said getting there is half the fun probably didn’t have to walk in freezing temperatures in the middle of January.

Sometimes, all you need is a point in the direction.


Present Day ♦ L O S A N G E L E S, C A L I F O R N I A


"Some things are better left unsaid, but you can bet I'm going to say it anyway. I can't help being who I am."

[Mercedes Vargas smirks at the camera as the scene fades in on the Hall of Famer and one-half of the current World Mixed Tag Team Champions at home in her residence. It’s been over a month since the last Climax Control and SCW event of 2021, two months since the last pay-per-view, back at High Stakes. Mercedes leisurely sits in an arm chair.]

“After a one year hiatus, yours truly is champion in Sin City Wrestling once again. Were you surprised that I’m holding gold again in Sin City Wrestling? I wasn’t. When you’re as successful as I am, these things tend to be par for the course.

“To anyone that’s ever been told you can’t do it or won’t make it, well I’ve been told that my whole life and today I woke up a fucking CHAMPION. I’m entering the new year as a champion.”

[Mercedes briefly looks at the World Mixed Tag Team Championship displayed on her coffee table then back at the camera as she begins thinking.]

“How many titles is it now?”

[Mercedes begin counting on her fingers.]

“Eleven, thirteen, fourteen, twenty-five? Who gives a shit, right? It’s been said my title reigns have been inflated just for the sake of inflating my own ego. And while this couldn’t be further from the truth and because I love to tear down flimsy arguments like this, I can’t help but rub in the fact that while I had a rough couple of months to start the year, I was still able to have gold around my waist by the end of it - just like I said I would at the start of 2021 - and, of course, rewriting the history books as I wont to do. Yes, I love hearing the sound of my own voice and just as much love to relish of my achievements.”

[Mercedes pats herself on the back, which follows a self high-five.]

“Now, Goth and I get to face The Black Sheep, Kristopher Ryans and Mikah, at the supercard. The previews for this match couldn’t have said it better. Four Hall of Fame battling it out for the gold could very well mark this as one of the biggest matches in the history of the mixed tag team division. Kris and Mikah have been very successful as a team and in their solo careers, Goth and I have been just as successful in ours so it should come as no surprise why the four of us will fight from bell to bell for the World Mixed Tag Team Championship. It’s just too bad somebody has to lose. But is it really a loss when you’ve practically done it all?”

[Mercedes shrugs. She’s been in many dream matches in her career, and next Sunday was just anotherto add to the list.  Whether you cheered or booed The Black Sheep, there was no denying that Kris and Mikah were coming back to claim their spot in the tag ranks, something Mikah was disinterested in even the World Bombshell Tag Team Championship were still active. Despite the World Mixed Tag Team Championship being four years old, it only took that one partner for Mikah to reconsider. Kris Ryan was that partner. Singles or tag, the Black Sheep would always have a legitimate claim as a threat to any title holder.]

“That being said, facing The Black Sheep will be a challenge, and that’s exactly what we want. When someone faces Kris or Mikah, they usually go at their relationship status, but I’m not going to do that because that’s low-hanging fruit and I’m better than that. Because that’s Kris and Mikah right, that’s Kris and Mikah, top of the mountain, the hood ornaments of SCW. Kris is SCW, SCW is Kris! I’m not surprised that people will be overlooking and underestimating us simply because of our history, more specifically my history with Mikah as I have never defeated her in all the time we’ve been in SCW. I’m sure that Kris and Mikah will be able to say that to all of you confidently that they will be walking out new champions, but time and again people end up paying the price for overlooking me. Kris and Mikah won’t be the first, they won’t be the last, but they will be wrong.

As far as Mikah goes, I’m glad this match is happening because I feel like we have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we, Mikah?

Hola, Mikah. ¿Cómo esta? Feliz año nuevo, a propósito. ¿Oí que usted, um, murió? Si sólo yo hubiera estado allí en su entierro para presentar mi últimos respetos. La cosa es, usted milagrosamente volvió a la vida ... tres días más tarde. Wow. Tengo que decir, esto es un acto resistente para seguir. ¿Qué es siguiente, andando por el echar agua?"

"Hello, Mikah. How are you? Happy New Year, by the way. I heard you, um, died? If only I would have been there at your funeral to pay my last respects. The thing is, you miraculously came back to life...three days later. Wow. I have to say, that's a tough act to follow. What's next? You're gonna start walking on water?"

Sigues ahi?

Are you still here?

[Mercedes offers a dismissive at the camera as she slips back into English.]

“You know, Mikah’s not as bad as people say. She’s a whole lot worse. Most people see her as a drama queen for good reason. The people who tolerate her on a daily basis are the real heroes. Myself for example. Because I have to promote this match, I’ll be nice and at least pretend to care.

I’m honestly surprised Mikah even accepted this match in the first place as I thought after she lost at High Stakes that she would be crawling back into retirement and living her best life in Hawaii drinking Pina Coladas through a straw with a little umbrella. If it wasn’t for Dani Weston calling her out for a match at the last supercard, I seriously doubt we’d be seeing Mikah in SCW again. Maybe she doesn’t have the willpower like Simon Jones, who has actually kept his word.

Then again, retirements are usually short-lived in wrestling and a comeback match evolves into a part or full-time return. Look what it did for Roxi.

I could retire right now and go down in history as the most decorated talent ever. I have nothing left to prove. In just nine years, I’ve already put together a career that is unrivaled of any woman, or man, in this company- past, present, or future. Not only was I part of one of the greatest stables of all time as part of The Mean Girls, but I’ve also enjoyed tremendous singles and tag team success. And nothing that happened last year suggests that I’m slowing down and I’m going to last a decent while longer. 

Goth has proven his doubters wrong since his return last year, and you’ve seen it for yourselves. Given his status in the company, he easily could have entered the World Heavyweight Championship picture and probably would be a three-time champion right now. He still could this year.

It didn’t take long for Goth to prove why he is that damn good, and now he’s carrying one-half of the World Mixed Tag Team Championship and he couldn’t have found a better tag partner in yours truly. Usually these Lethal Lottery teams are hit-or-miss and there are many people who wondered how we would gel as a team. Despite our personalities, our desire to win and being successful is what make drives our team. We both have a proven track record of success in this company and there’s no doubt in my mind that we can achieve great things, no matter how many people want to see us fail - well, me in particular.

“There is no denying that Mikah will make this match personal. I know she’s going to beat me over the head that I’ve never beat her, she’s going to tell the world how she’s Mark Ward’s favorite Bombshell and no one holds a candle to her, she’s going to come at me with her best disses and put downs, but when you’ve been successful for a very long time, you’ve become immune to all that. I don’t get rattled, I don’t panic, I’m not stressed. Jealousy, resentment? There’s nothing Mikah has done that I have to be jealous about. Blondes may have more fun, but we brunettes handle business, and from who’s holding gold, business has been looking pretty good right now. Mikah will bring her best at the supercard, she’s going to bring her best next Sunday because I won’t expect anything less and just as well she knows that I will bring my best because I’m not leaving this match, this city, or this pay-per-view without that title. Most of all, this mamita she will respect and know who I am and what I’ve done.

“There’s only a seven year age difference between Mikah and I. For someone who has been out of the ring for two years, Mikah didn’t seem to miss a beat and she went undefeated last year and I won’t take that away from her. But I’m realistic and I’m prepared as I’ll ever be. In this new era in SCW, I’ve been hearing that I’m arguably past my prime, but I continue to defy those expectations, both through actions and words. I live rent-free in a lot of heads in the women’s division, like Team Hero, for instance, and, yes, even Mikah.”

[This is what Mercedes believed anyway. She may even be wrong, but not from it.]

“All this time, I haven’t even made my New Year’s resolution yet. And no, they don't involve a scale or cutting carbs, trying to be a better person, or saving or spending less money.

[Mercedes grabs her championship, placed it over her shoulder, offers a defiant glance.]

“It’s keeping these titles away from The Black Sheep.”


2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)

Offline Goth

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The confrontation

Reno, Nevada

20th of january 2022

It’s late in the evening, Goth is sitting in a quiet spot of the restaurant area of the hotel. Secluded in a corner as he wanted to eat in quiet. Normally he would be seated with his girlfriend Melissa, but she decided to eat something in their hotel room while watching some Netflix. He had told her about what had happened during his visit to the grave of his deceased wife, about the phone call that he had received and someone wanted to talk to him. At first she had offered to join him, but she had understood that this was very personal to him and he wanted to do this alone. It had took him a while before he could take a bite from something that the waiter had brought him after ordering, it felt as if he had already eaten several courses of meals and was about to explode. He felt conflicted, he had so many thoughts running through his mind that he started to wonder whether he had made the right decision to do this or not.

He stares at his plate, there are some potatoes left with a delicious sauce along with some salmon and some other different types of food that didn’t looked appealing to him for some reason. He grabs the napkin next to his plate to wipe some of the sauce and crumbs off his mouth before grabbing the glass of wine. Wine?? He wondered why he had ordered this for crying out loud, he has drank some glasses of wine after finishing rehab, but that were only on social occasions while being with friends. Yet it didn’t gave him the same desirable taste reaction that it used to in the past. He sigs before taking the final drop of wine to his mouth and swallowed it quickly, hoping that it would change something to the nervousness that he is feeling, but obviously it didn’t.

Goth heard a sound and quickly his head turns that direction, staring at a waiter that accidently bumped his card against a table next to him. This causes him to sigh, shaking his head before turning his attention back to the plate in front of him.

“How much longer do I need to finish this??”

He looks around, hoping to find a waiter and ask for something else to drink. Still not sure whether to ask for water or orange juice, or perhaps something with more alcohol. The thought of alcohol causes him to realize he is a rehabbing ex alcoholic and places his hands to his head and starts to shake it in anger.

“How much longer do I need to wait in anguish??”

He whispers to himself when he suddenly hears a chair being pulled away from the table before someone sits down in front of him. Goth’s eyes slowly moves across the table to see who has sat down in front of him.

“Please don’t let it be Willow”

A soft chuckle can be heard, he can tell that it is the woman that had called him when he was at the grave of his wife. The woman that claimed she had known his wife, the reason why he has been dealing with conflicted emotions. His love for the woman that he had been married with for so many years and then his love for his girlfriend Melissa. It had caused him to have many sleepless nights since that phone call, staring at Melissa sleep while he had seen the clock change hours until the sun came up.

“I take this seat is free??”

He let the voice sink in, still trying to figure out whether he had heard this before and whether he its someone that he had known. Seeing that he and his wife were inseparable since they were young. So how did she had established any kind of relationship with Chantal without him ever knowing about it. She never kept a secret from him.

He takes a deep breath before finally lifting his head upwards towards the woman and he sees someone that he has not seen before.

“Forgive me, I am Gerrit. And you are??”

The camera moves from Goth to the figure, but she has seated in such a dark spot that we cannot recognize her. The only thing that we can see is the outer silhouette of the person that does not give us too much to work with. We can see her head shake from left to right.

“All in due time Gerrit, but you must know I am here as a friend.”


A sinister laugh emerges on his face, leaning back against the back of his chair while gazing upon the unknown woman in front of him. His mind is racing, so many thoughts and questions emerge inside his head as he does not know what to make of this situation.

“If you were a friend of my wife, then why did I not know of your existence??”

There’s a moment of silence as the two of them are interrupted by a waiter, both give the waiter their order for another drink while not granting him a moment of their attention.

“That’s a long story Gerrit, I…”

This answer angers Goth as he slams his hand down upon the table while not taking his eyes off this person.

“NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! Tell me why!!”

The woman cocks her head to the left, still unable to see any facial features of the woman. The only possible identification is that she has long hair, but still not enough to reveal an identity. She stares at him for a moment before letting out a sigh.

“I made her a promise I would not reveal anything of her past Gerrit. I…,”

“Her past? You are telling me that you know something that HER OWN HUSBAND does not know? I know EVERYTHING about her. So please try again and this time?? Try to do better.”

“This was even before she even met you Gerrit, she was in her teens and….”

She is silent for a moment, as if she is searching for the right words to continue.

“There was someone else in her life back then and he….”

She stops talking as the waiter came back with a glass of wine for her and orange juice for Goth, who had not wanted to continue the path of alcohol. But he had wished he had after hearing what she just said.

“And he what???”

“He abused her….”

This caused rage to fill his mind, his hands gripping the edges of the table as this causes his hands and fingers to turn white. He had never seen any bruises upon her body or had never heard her mention anything anywhere near to this.


He grinds his teeth, trying to control his anger that is building up inside of him even more by every passing second.

“I do not know Gerrit, she had never told me anything else besides that.”

Goth shakes his head before slowly raising from his seat while never taking his eyes off the woman.

“You need to do better than that to keep me from walking away woman… TELL ME WHO!!!”
She senses his restlessness brewing inside of him as she raises a hand, gesturing him to calm down and follows it up with motioning him to sit down.
“His name was Victor, he…”
“He got locked up in prison a year before she met you, she wanted to forget her past life and move on with someone that she knew would make her happy.”
This caused his face to slowly soften, he lowers his face after a few moments of letting her words sink in before sitting down again.
“Why didn’t she tell me??”
”This man was very powerful and very dangerous Gerrit, she was afraid if he found out that you two were seeing each other. I…”
“Nobody could scare me back then miss, I would have….”
“Harmed him?? that wouldn’t have been so easy Gerrit.”
He lifts his eyebrow as he had not expected that answer
“Please do tell miss….”
“I will tell you my name in due time, the man was sent to prisonl before you two met. If I remember correctly, Chantal met you in prison after you were brutalized and she treated you in that same prison??”
Goth’s eyes become suspicious.
“Go on….”
“Victor was a rival for the one person you worked for in that prison. I…”
“How did you know about that??”
The woman is silent for a few moments
“I worked there alongside Chantal Gerrit, I know so much more from that time that you can’t even imagine. She told me to keep this a secret, not to tell anyone about him or your plans.”
He grinds his teeth, apparently someone else knew about his and Chantal’s past. He thought that they eraced every possible track that could have led to their whereabouts all these years ago.. and now this strange woman comes out from nowhere and found HIM… not the other way around. There’s anger building inside of him once more, he looks around for some reason, perhaps wondering whether someone is watching them.
“I am alone Gerrit, I….”
“How can you be so sure about that?? Who knows this is nothing but a trap and you are just being send to lure me in??”
“Because THEY made sure Victor would never mount to anything again for the remainder of his life Goth.”
This was the first time she had not mentioned his real name but his in ring name, this causes his eyes to narrow in suspicion.
“They?? Who is this They you are referring to??”
She slowly stands up from her seat after finishing her glass of wine that she had been taking sips from since the moment that the waiter had poured the wine into her glass.
“I will tell you more in a later time Goth, I will let you know when WE feel that you are ready for the next step.”
“Next step?? What are you talking about. I…. HEY!!!”
The woman had turned around and walked away, not waiting for Goth to finish her sentence. He stands up and wants to follow the mysterious woman, but finally decides not to. The They and We references has intrigued him, what did she mean?? Who are these people that she referred to They and We?? He ultimately sits down and stares endlessly ahead of him, not even noticing the waiter that came back after a while to check on him if he wanted something else to drink… only to walk away after a few moments of watching Goth being lost in thoughts.
“This situation is getting weirder by the minute.”
Goth throws some money down on the table to cover the bill as well as giving the waiter a big tip. He takes a final sip from his orange juice before wiping his mouth with the napkin as he looks around the restaurant, trying to figure out whether someone is sitting anywhere that he had not noticed earlier… but ultimately he comes to the realization that he is the only left in the restaurant and decides to walk off. He turns the corner as he walks over towards the elevator while reaching down inside the pocket of his jacket and grabs his phone. He searches for the phone number of his girlfriend Melissa and dials it.
“It’s me Gerrit, what would you say we go for a spin??”

Inception V

The shot opens at night, the camera looks down from above on an empty street in Reno, Nevada. The street lights are flickering bright as the wind blows away a torn news paper article. Slowly we see the camera zoom out as the street slowly becomes smaller and smaller, giving us a clear view of from what floor the shot is being taken. Finally the shot stops at a balcony where a figure is standing while holding the camera.

“Silent Night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright.”

A soft laugh can be heard from the lips of the man who we all know as Goth, a seasoned veteran that decided after a hiatus of several years to return to pro wrestling. Someone that many assumed he was either doing it for the money, or merely assumed by others as a nostalgia pop. Often criticized for not staying at home and taking care of his family, prioritising his career over his personal life, words that has been spoken to him even when he was active over ten years ago. Some things never change.

“Before people start to question whether I know it is Christmas or January 2022, I am not delusional. I just love how sometimes different periods in our lives can easily blend in with every days situations. You need to ask yourself whether the essence of it all has suddenly changed its meaning or its power, I leave that all to you to decide for obvious reasons.”

Goth can be seen standing on his balcony, wearing a long black coat that keeps him warm from the cold. He has the camera in his hands while holding it close to his chest while staring at the quiet city life in front of him. His hair is moving with he direction where the wind blows it towards, causing it to cover his face from time to time. His gaze seems to be focused upon something as he stands there statue like.

“I have often wondered why people needed one or perhaps a few days in the year to be special. I guess us human beings need fond memories to look back upon to give our lives meaning. I have to admit, I do too have a more than few recollections that would stick with me forever… or at least so I hope.”

“I am not a man that would cloud his own perspective upon what may have happened to me in the past, I prefer to man up and admit when I am right, or when I am wrong. It’s always quite a sensitive topic to people that needs tob e standing in front of the camera every single time…. Only to hype up a match, an event or just merely their ego. And I know that deep down inside, you have it all don’t you Kristopher?? But I should not go into details right from the bat, it would only cause expectations to start all the way from the top…. While I am the type of guy that likes to brew things slowly, just like a nice warm cup of soup.”

He closes his eyes, cocking his head to the side and smiles

“Quite agreeable your statement that you made Kristopher, that both I would not start off strong like youngster would want to do. They prefer to start strong, in the hopes that they would corner their opponent in a corner like a wounded animal. Desperately attempting to make everything so harsh for them to react from, or merely insult them as much as they are capable off. Only in the hopes that your anger will consume you too much. Then again, perhaps your reasoning is far more complex than mine… who is to say.”

“The confrontation between two, or in our case four individuals is simply a wonderful situation. Where the minds collide and the true warfare already has taken place before we even would step foot inside that six sided ring. Psychological warfare is where the true greats are born from the ashes of those who do not know the difference between the front and back. That’s what makes things so enjoyable, so much better in comparison to Austin and Tempest. I do hope that the former champions will not break their heads over a few opinionized words that I am uttering, it’s merelyt he truth that I see so clearly through these eyes. Even though I am positive both of them could achieve a level that would cause many others speak of their names in utter respect… they are nowhere near the pressure that two hall of fame calibre teams could bestow upon each other….. not withstanding their ego’s to tell the other that they are wrong right??”

His smile vanishes behind a wall of hair that has fallen right in front of the side of his face that the camera was aimed at. Through some small strands of hair we see the reflection of his eyes partially emerging between his hair.

“Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake, at the sight.”

“Or at least that’s what people are hoping for isn’t it? To find a tremble emerge with either of our teams, to portray their expectations of whom is the better of the two teams…. Both have justifiable claims upon it all… and it will all come to an end eventually…. But until that moment comes it shall be nothing more than hope and expectations. Only one team shall succumb to the other…, the watchful eyes will be witnessing a spectacular chapter that has started the new year with a bang.”

“I can already tell that you have attempted to show only a part of that what I know you are capable off Kristopher. Not being able to withstand the urges to deliver nothing more than merely generic promises and vows… As the desire crept from within and pried the words of you dominating me over the Internet championship belt found its way into the open world. It only proves to me how much you want to unleash the desire of once again wearing championship gold.”

His eyes slowly stare at the camera as they are cold and calculated.

“Dominance, superiority, efficiency, merely wanting to be the very best and breaking records to prove it. Just merely a few words that were either spoken by your own mouth that is connected to your brain. Yet also words that I already has written down upon a piece of paper, knowing that it would be foolish to think that these aren’t areas that you wish to connect yourself with. Because that makes you who you truly are isn’t it Kris??”

“I am very certain that you have already witnessed the simplistic change from hanging one name to the other…. Still referring the same identity that I have admired from a long time that you were in this organization while I was gone. Every good student of the game will boast themselves to be the very reason of why the other faded into obscurity isn’t it Kris?? It’s the marksman that takes pride to have another notch under his belt, whereas one career fades as the other thrives… Whereas you call it pride and obvious greatness….. is where I would call it insecurity and pitiful nature…. But then again, that’s only an opinion isn’t it??”

“Opinions do not weight as heavy as people often would make them. I could have gone off over the expected wordst hat came out of your mouth so elegantly. As if I was listening to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons being played by the very best violin strings brought together in an attempt to give you a musical orgasm. But you should know by now Kris that I am partially disappointed in the man that became ONE when he and J2h made history inside that six sided ring.”

“History was made indeed, but that’s the point Kris. It was historical, but after a while nobody even cares to remember. Strong words I am fully aware that will make you shake your head and tell me I am wrong. Be that may Kris, it’s only one opinion to another,k that will dissolve into nothing more than a void of past spoken words. A culmination of pitiful attempts to make people remember. I do not need words to be spoken to have a lasting impression. I am the man that has done everything in this company before you were even ready to lace up your boots and finally grow some balls.”

“Harsh words I know and I know that harsh words do not mean a single thing if that is not being able to be backed up. Something that you have attempted to allow me to read between the lines my friend, that there’s nothing that I could do that would change the expectations of one man and a woman. The black sheep have reunited, those who have been cast out from the others in the group because you two were differently…. At least its what I came to expect from the two of you…. Because neither of you have ever wanted to fit in anywhere…But even black sheep need their shepherd my son.”

He chuckles, remembering how much pleasure he had reciting biblical references to his opponents at an era prior to Sin City Wrestling.

“For some reason I get the notion that you are desperately attempting to make us remember that you are still relevant Kris. While greatness speaks for itself, there’s no loose lipped threat inside a nice package completely compromised with a nice bow before shipping it over to the celebrative birthday boy or girl… Nothing new that I have not heard before and please do not attempt to wow me with the mere spoken words that unlike others that YOU are always the one that delivers?? And I am sure that if you do, that you would refer it mostly towards the man that is one part of the team that youa will be facing first. As I already had told the world prior to your fast lipped extravaganza.. nobody will deny the fact that the two of you deserve this shot.. it’s at least a welcoming change of heart over the foolish little Hilton boy that feels he is being overlooked for the moment after the ink of his birth certificate had dried up and thrown into the archives to never be found again”

“But you need to be relevant don’t you?? It’s what you exist for, it’s what makes you YOU…. Now that’s enough of the explanation of why I think you are just the greatest talent that I Have ever witnessed inside that six sided ring that has the biggest delusional imagination that cannot be created by God himself. I guess you just had to come back, I guess YOU had to inject yourself once again in a discussion that was not even started. But at least I am thankful for this given opportunity”

Goth places the camera that he still had inside his hands upon a table that is next to him before walking to the edge of the balcony as he places his hands on either side of it.

“I have my motives to be the very best, just like you Kris. I want to be remembered for my legacy, I want to be remembered for being a competitor…l for having a competitive nature that not many possess. That separates many fromt he few that ultimately achieve the accolades that both you and me have achieved…. And that also counts for Mercedes and Mikah obviously, but I am solely focused upon you when it comes down to this match…. because I know that Mercedes is prepared to do it all once again, just like she did against the former champs.k”

“Former champs Kris, the titles that you never lost. The titles that both you and Mikah once again want to own as you were never beaten for it. But there’s the problem of it all isn’t it?? You never lost the belts, yet does it really matter why you are no longer the champions?? Because let’s face it. This is Sin City Wrestling, no charity raiser where you can get whatever you want. But I am sure that you are already confident that either you or Mikah will ultimately get that moment to strike and take home the gold don’t you??”

“And there is the thin line between reality and desire that I need to make you understand that there won’t be any merger happening. Nothing will happen to make your alternative universe become a reality, because I am that reality. I am not that man that hid from your greatness Kris, I do not hide for any person or for any reason. We all know that careers overlaps each other for many different reasons that has cut the existence of our careers short when it came down to the two of us. But be rejoiced Kris….”

There’s a moment of silence as Goth digs his fingers onto the edge of the balcony as he leans forward a little.

“ Silent night, holy night! Son of God love's pure light.”

“Purity Kris, what more could be as pure as a holy, but in this situation not a silent night. I intend to make Inception along with Mercedes a night that will withstand all expectations that you may have. As I gratefully accepted your wonderful tale of historic proportions that you are ultimately are believing that history has a tendency to repeat itself. iT causes me to be rejoiced by the mere determination that houses inside you for now Kris. I hope you start to understand that I am no longer that man that you once faced, whom you have dominated in the realms of the imagination as you had beaten me. I do not care what more you will wish to speak upon me and my legacy, because deep down inside your words that you had uttered about the differences of our careers was nothing more than a rouge.”

“It’s okay Kris, I understand fully that you need this to allow the confidence to shine out the brightest. Just do me a favour, stop the nonsense and get in that six sided ring with me and you will find out what you have been missing out on all these years. Believe all the believes that you have my friend, Allow your legacy to be tainted, even if it is a little to believe that yours truly has been ducking you all these years until now. I know there’s no place to hide and no place to run. Because I am not going nowhere except of entering that six sided ring alongside Mercedes Vargas and defend these tag team titles succesfully against the two of you.”

“I know it will be difficult, perhaps nearly impossible. But just like you are believing that me and Mercedes are in a disadvantage… so are the two of you Kris and Mikah.. Because you have never met a team like us, you have never met a similar team of the likes of the two of us. That’s the reason why this was meant to be, this is a sleeper Main Event match underneath those of the two world titles being decided in main stage matches. But none of these superstars or bombshells have anything that makes this match so essential. So go ahead and tell the world how it all is when it is to YOUR concern Kris. It will not change a damn thing that the night shall begin Holy…. And it will end with me and Mercedes Vargas selincing the same night for the two of you..  permanently”

He smiles as the shot slowly fades

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>

Offline Kristopher Ryans

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    • Kristopher Ryans

Us Against The World
Jet City South - SAN DIEGO
20 JANUARY 2022

Coby hadn’t turned away from the window since Kris had come into the office. He seemed transfixed on Mikah down on the floor. She wasn’t known for being the most friendly with new students, so Coby was just hoping that nobody was dumb enough to approach her down there. He had seen enough of what Mikah and Kris had put Courtney through to know that their style was much different from the culture he had been creating in Jet City South. It left little of his attention to give to Kris, and he had been attempting to just nod and shrug his way through getting him to go away.

Kris: this not a win-win for everyone?

Coby shrugged again, but from the pause that went on after it, Coby could tell that Kris was going to require a little more than that to make sure he was actually paying attention to what he was saying. Not that it was hard. They had already been through this several times in the month since Kris made the stupid decision to head back to Sin City.

Coby: I mean it certainly is for you. You get everything that you want without having to deal with any of the things that you hate.

Luckily for Coby, several of the trainers started to corral the students, and Mikah seemed to lose interest in the group once she would have been considered a disruption.

Kris: I hate traveling…

Kris had used it as an excuse for years, but lately it seemed to be a lot less true than it used to be. Kris spent half his time flying between one of three places for a few days at a time. Now he was adding a tour to the list. Yet, somehow all of that travel weighed less on him than his responsibilities around the gym. Although, there was more to it than that.

Coby: That gets canceled out by all of the attention that you get just by standing in the middle of a ring. It’s not like they’ll have you going further than you do in order to visit Mikah. Yet you manage to get out of helping out around here in any meaningful way once again.

Kris tried to laugh it off.

Kris: If I was always around here, what would be left for you to do?

That finally got Coby to turn from the window to glare at Kris.

Coby: Spend time at home mostly. I think I might still have a wife and child there. I’d have to have the time to go check that out though.

The Hall of Famer shrugged off that ridiculous thought without hesitation.

Kris: Stop being so dramatic. I’m surprised that Chelsea isn’t around here more often. Seems like she would get a kick out of being better than all of the trainees. She’s the type to go bad with a little taste of power. We should bring her on as a trainer.

Coby’s jaw dropped and his mouth fell open. He couldn’t believe his ears, let alone take the suggestion seriously.

Coby: Throwing a hand grenade into your own gym is ballsy….

Maybe it sounded more complimentary than he meant it, because Kris seemed to take his response that way.

Kris: Than--

Before he could even get the words out, Coby cut him off with a little more clarification.

Coby: I mean it’s also stupid, and I say that with all of the love in the world for my wife. She wouldn’t be any better out there on the floor than Mikah was. Nothing would get done, and everyone else’s confidence would get shattered for no reason. We wouldn’t be building anything up, just tearing it down for kicks. That’s not what we do here, otherwise you would fit in.

It was unpleasant to hear, but there wasn’t anything in it that Kris could really argue with either. Chelsea would be explosive. That was the most interesting thing about it for Kris. However, it also worked to prove Coby’s point about his uselessness inside this building. Coby had only really given him one option, and was now shaming him for taking it.

Kris: At least I will be out in the world using my skills to benefit us here. I won’t be here to bother you, and I’ll be doing something productive. Isn’t that what you wanted?

Coby wasn’t going to give him the benefit of the doubt this time though. Kris had been taking more and more time away from traveling and competing. That told Coby that he wasn’t really up for the toll that it took on him. This was just a band-aid on the problem. It wasn’t a long term solution, and may not even work in the short term unless everything goes absolutely-perfectly-right.

Coby: That’s assuming that you don’t go out there and fall on your face. You know what happens to the undefeated team that goes back and loses? They’re a joke. Especially because they let you two jump the line and take on the champions right out of the gate. This could backfire. Then what?

Kris throws his hands up, giving up. His had expected his friend to come around, but clearly that wasn’t going to happen regardless of what Kris had to say.

Kris: You know, I think you’re just determined to be negative, and I’m not liking how that’s ruining my energy right now.

It was the first thing out of Kris’ mouth that seemed to perk Coby up.

Coby: So you’re going then?

Admitting defeat, Kris turns around and starts towards the door.

Kris: You know what? Fine. Yes. You just sit here and sulk, and we’ll go and prove you wrong.

Coby had probably attempted to say something snarky back, but Kris closed the door behind him loudly enough to muffle whatever that was. He made his way down the hallway, and started out towards the floor of the gym when he was cut off by the woman that he had been on his way to collect.

Kris: Everyone is determined to tell me I am wrong no matter what I do…

Mikah frowns before looking at him as she pries her eyes away from her phone, no doubt on the phone with her teenager. She hangs the phone up and pockets it into the hoodie’s front pouch.

Mikah: I don’t think you’re wrong…but if it helps, nobody ever thinks I’m right either..

Her words don’t seem to have much effect. The talk with Coby must not have gone well. It wasn’t like Kris was particularly good at hiding how he felt either. She raises an eyebrow at him before offering him a small smile. She opens her mouth to try and cheer him up, but he cuts her off.

Kris: He wants me to help out without being in the way. I signed back on with Sin City to do that, and he doesn’t like that either. Look around though, I might own the place but it doesn’t feel very welcoming, does it?

He looks around, and really soaks in all of the changes that they have made to the place in the last few months. Coby really was turning the place into something more his own.

Mikah: I am not sure that I’m the best person to ask; I never feel welcomed at most places I go. Did you ask him exactly how he wanted you to help out without being in the way?

She raises an eyebrow at him, trying not to be accusing but more helpful.The heavy sigh that the question draws out of him answers her question though. He shakes his head, still at a loss for what Coby actually wanted from him.

Kris: I’m not even sure if he knows. I think it is just stress. But everyone agrees that when I am around and meddling, things go off the rails. It’s best that I am hands off. That is what he wanted. Now he just wants to complain about it whenever I am around. At least going back I am doing something other than sitting around getting old.

She presses her lips together, a slightly amused look on her face as she looks at him.

Mikah: If you’re old, then I must be ancient. And maybe he doesn’t even know what he wants. Maybe he just wants a couple days off? I’m not sure, nor am I a mind reader. And I like when you meddle in things; it makes it interesting.

She reaches up and messes his hair up a little bit before wrinkling her nose at him. He could tell that she was just trying to bring something positive to the situation, but he still wasn’t feeling it.

Kris: Well you’re probably the only one. I don’t know if that means the world is wrong, and you’re the only one with common sense, or the reverse. I just don’t know why I made such a fuss about stopping here before we went to the show. Maybe I was thinking that Coby would want to help for old time’s sake. I don’t think that’s a thing anymore though. Pretty sure if we are going back, we are doing it on our own.

She pauses, looking at him and trying to readjust her mindset.

Mikah: It is what we do best and when we succeed the best. When we don’t have to rely on anybody else. But it was a selfless idea to come here and offer Coby help, even if he didn’t want it.

Kris wasn’t even going to bother filling her in on Coby’s assumption that they were only going back to fail. To Kris, that was an impossibility in and of itself. It wasn’t worth putting thought into, or possibly dragging Mikah down with it. Proving his friend wrong was the least of his worries. It was just the nagging feeling of rejection that he didn’t like, but there was no fixing that.

Kris: ...but that’s fine. We don’t need Jet City. That was me and Jason. We don’t need Coby, or the rest of them in The Black Sheep. We are the ones coming back, so it should be all about us. Why let what everyone else wants distract us? Why do they matter in our story anyways? We are the Hall of Famers! We are the successes!

He realizes that maybe he was becoming a little too animated, and tries to pull himself back together. He looks around, making sure that he hadn’t caused too much of a scene before looking back to his significant other. She holds a smile on her face, the emotion reaching her eyes as she seems to have enjoyed the reaction from him.

Mikah: We never really needed them, if we’re speaking honestly. I don’t think that they contributed to our success last year, in 2018, and they don’t have to contribute to our upcoming success either. And they don’t matter; we matter.

She was naturally confident in her own abilities as a person and almost never relied on another person in the ring. Although, it was working to help pull Kris out of whatever frame of mind that Coby had left him in. If they were going to do this, there wasn’t any space in either of their heads for doubt, and Kris needed to realize that.

Kris: Then to hell with them. All of them. I don’t want to mention Jet City. I don’t even want to hear The Black Sheep referenced around us. We can just go and build our own thing, and show everyone how wrong they were to ever consider writing us off. It’s not like we haven’t done it before. I don’t even think it’ll be hard to do it again. It’s a new year, and Mark and Christian are basically handing us the championships.

She smiles at him before leaning up and kissing his cheek quickly.

Mikah: It’s probably because Christian has a small, miniscule crush on you. Let’s be honest, that’s the real reason we’re getting a shot at the championships.

She was teasing him, of course. Another tactic to try to pull him out of his funk.

Kris: I am pretty sure it is because Mark likes you the most.

The fact that he was even able to joke back was enough improvement for Mikah. He was at least back on the right path to being himself. That was the kind of partner that she needed if they were going to recapture the championships that the two of them never really lost. It was a step in the right direction.

Mikah: To be fair, I’m everybody’s favorite.

She winks at him. The two take another quick look around the gym, but she grabs him by the hand and the two make there way out the back entrance without drawing anymore attention to themselves than necessary. They still had to get to Reno, and start game-planning exactly how they were going to be relieving the current champions of their gold. At least Kris could start to put this negativity behind him. What Mikah needed to do was get him in front of a crowd of people, and the sooner the better. That would give him the shot of adrenaline that he needed in order to be back in his usual form for Inception.


The feed comes to life with the sounds of cheers filling the speakers before there is any movement on the screen. As the camera pulls back, and cameras start to flash, the black screen is revealed to be the rear passenger door of a car, which pops open, intensifying all of the cheers. The orange and turquoise custom PG5s that step out of the car can only belong to one person, and the camera pans up to show Hall of Famer Kristopher Ryans as he rises to his feet, surrounded by cheering fans.

I mean who other than me can draw a crowd like this to do something as trivial as talking to opponents before a match?

He takes a few steps away from the car, and the crowd around it moves with him. As the cameraman backpedals, we see that there are ropes stopping the mob from getting too close to Kris, and a red carpet for him to walk along as he addresses the camera.

I mean we all have to do these things. Every week we all fly out a little early, set up some cameras, and tell the world what we think of the matches that Mark and Christian cook up for us. It’s kind of one of those unwritten rules of promoting the shows. Some people go low tech. Some people go way too over-produced. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle, where I like to stay. I don’t like to draw too much of the focus away from the words that are coming out of my mouth, so who cares where I say them?

He gestures to the passionate flock of fans around him. Most of them are wearing either Jet City, or Kris Ryans shirts. The orange and turquoise color theme is prevalent throughout the herd that moves with him.

I thought this time around maybe I would kill a few birds with one stone. I couldn’t very well blow off the fans that wanted to see me show up in the flesh, and this was the perfect way to put them to use. They get what they want, and I get to make my point. All that I have to do is snap my fingers, and the fans of this company will always come running, in whatever numbers necessary, in whatever city I tell them to. I am one of the biggest draws that this company has unto myself, and now I am hand-delivering one of the greatest mixed tag teams in the history of this company, and the only team of note that has ever gone undefeated. I am returning the rightful World Mixed Tag Team Champions to Sin City Wrestling, and our adoring crowd was here waiting for me to do so.

As he gets to the ropes, he pulls a marker from his pocket and starts to sign the things hung over the rope to him. Even as his marker flicks across shirts, and photos, and other items his focus still seems to be on the camera.

...and who cares if we didn’t work our way up through the ranks one non-existent team at a time? We did that last time, only to have to defend the championships against randomly paired lethal lottery teams anyways. Let’s leave the undefeated streak out of it. Let’s not even mention that the last time we were together in the ring as a team we were the Mixed Tag Team Champions. Let’s forget that I was forced to give up that championship. Let’s disregard that nobody on the roster was able to dethrone us. We can boil things down to a much simpler reason for Reckless Elite to get the championship nod: Mikah and I are a legit team.

Almost as if on queue, he is presented with a picture of both himself and Mikah as champions in the center of the SCW ring. He points down to it and the camera closes in on it for a second.

See what I mean… Anywhere you look in Sin City you are going to find Mikah and I. We are all over the history of this company. We are splashed throughout all of the record books. We are the highest points of the highlight reels. There are no others like us. There is no team as dominant as we are together, and no individuals as decorated as we are separately. Mikah and I are once-in-a-lifetime transcendent talents on our respective sides of the roster. It’s not just about the championships. It’s not just about the records, the awards or the wins and losses. It’s a combination of all of it. Some people you just look at and know that they have “it” and we most certainly do. We always have. We always will. That’s why nobody bats an eye when we show up and tell the world what we want. And that is why when we do, the world caves into our demands. We said we wanted to come back. The red carpet got laid out. Championships were laid out in front of us for the taking. Who are we not to take them?

Kris gets to the end of the makeshift red carpet, and the camera swings around in front of him. The fans are cut off from him by an archway that the ropes bar them from entering, however, it doesn’t appear that they are missing much. The particle board backings of the wall are plainly visible, but Kris doesn’t break stride to let the viewers focus on them.

...and who are Mercedes and Goth to stop us? Goth and I have squared off in the ring before and I was the one that walked away with my hand in the air. That was before I even made anything of myself in this company. That was back when people still considered me a heavy underdog and Goth a sure-thing. Times have certainly changed, and there is a reason for that. Since then, I have done nothing but prove my case again and again. All I have done is win, time after time. All I have done is accumulate every possible accolade in this company, most of them twice.

He pauses and holds his index and pointer fingers out to the camera, silently mouthing the word “twice” yet again to let it sink in for the viewers.

...and Mercedes? Has she ever even beaten Mikah? We all know that she’s had the opportunities. She has had chance after chance, and made promise after promise to come back and finally get it done. She has thrown her best shot at the greatest Bombshell in the history of this company, and come up short each and every time. It doesn’t matter how much success she has had. It never mattered what title she was holding, or what records she was breaking. Mercedes couldn’t ever get it done. So even though she will bludgeon us with all of the details of her successes, they have never added up in such a way that has allowed her to get the best of Mikah. She may have been inducted into the Hall of Fame twice, but it was never enough to get one over on the best of the best. And why is that? Because she just doesn’t measure up, by any definition or stretch of imagination.

Kris stops as they reach the top of a set of stairs that weren’t exactly solid. The black curtain and raucous cheers behind him give the impression that the landing that they are standing on is the back half of a large stage. Obviously his path through the backstage area was a way to buy time for the crowd to be herded to the next area by Kris’ handlers. Although it is less clear if they were following his words, or if that was just for the viewers at home to see.

Like I was saying last week, not all Hall of Famers are created equal. Just because we are all four members of the same club doesn’t mean we are all on equal footing. There are things that Mikah and I have done separately that nobody not named J2H can claim. That doesn’t mean that these two aren’t great when compared to the average talent in the back. They are. They’re great. But they’re not the greatest. And they’re not even really a team.

That was the point that Kris was trying to stay focused on, because that was all that was going to matter at Inception.

Two talents like Mercedes and Goth are going to run over regular teams. They may even run over most other lethal lottery teams. That is because this division really comes down to two matches happening in the ring at the same time. Bombshells are doing battle with one another, and the guys get to lock up when we can pry the ladies apart. It’s not a regular tag team environment with momentum, and wearing one member of a team down. It is more about strategy, and two people being able to turn the tide of a match in their favor no matter what. Mikah could be dismantling Mercedes, only for Goth to tag himself in. I have to be able to deal with that. I have to be good enough as an individual to hold my own. Knowing that will get you to some championships the same way that Goth and Mercedes did. However, knowing your partner as well as you know yourself, and being able to see their momentum shift one way or another is totally different. There is so much more to these types of matches than just throwing punches, or trying to choke someone out. You have to know what your partner needs, without them being able to spell it out for you. How can Mercedes and Goth hope to do that, when they barely know one another? You think these two were hanging out before they were randomly thrown together? You think they exchange holiday cards? I doubt it. And when it matters most, that is what is going to come back to bite them in the ass.

A stagehand comes over to Kris and hands him something that he slides into his pocket. The same person clips a small microphone to Kris’ collar and then runs a cord down the inside of his jacket and the camera swings to the other side of Kris once again. It backs out through a curtain, and for a moment Kris is gone. The new Reckless Elite theme blasts through the small space, and the camera whips around to see a crowd of a few hundred people surrounding the stage. The camera turns back to the curtain just in time for Kris to burst through it, his voice now booming through the PA system.

I find it funny that people keep trying to write Mikah and I off. People keep trying to decide that we are done. They think that our time in the spotlight is over for some reason. I don’t know what gave them that idea. I think we have always made it pretty clear that if we want to show up and take it all back. Every time people have said that our best days were past us, we not only rise back to the top, but then we elevate exactly what it means to be at the top. We have done it over and over, and we will continue to do it over and over again until someone or some team rises up that is actually good enough to force us out once and for all. Today, looking at what this roster has to offer, I don’t see that being a problem for a long time.

The camera shakes a little when the fans in attendance roar in agreement with him.

These people have been desperate to see a real tag team in this division, and that is something that has been missing from the moment that I won the SCW World Heavyweight Championship. I should have never given up my place at the top of this division in order to chase something that I didn’t really want. I should have never let a team wear the crowns that were literally created to be worn by me and Mikah.

Again, the crowd cheers, but he obviously didn’t need to win any of them over. They all showed up when he put out the word, and the show was still a few days away.

We’re going to Inception to win the Mixed Tag Team Championships because that is just what we do. We show up. We piss a lot of people off. We do whatever we want to do. We take whatever it is we want to take because we are that damn good at what we do inside that six sided ring. Nobody has been able to step up and say otherwise, and some of the best of the bests have tried. All have failed, and now we are back to remind everyone of their place. It’s beneath us, like it or not. It might not sound pretty, but that doesn’t change that it’s a fact, not an opinion. We have the receipts to prove it. Reclaiming what is rightfully ours is the only thing that matters to Mikah and I, and there is little that anyone is going to be able to do to stop us from getting what we want. Mark and Christian were smart to shorten the line for us, because now we will amass a pile of bodies as defending champions instead of disgruntled challengers, and one of those two things is going to draw a lot more money than the alternative would have.

For the first time, he breaks his attention away from the camera, and seems to acknowledge the crowd itself. A wide smile crosses his face, and he pauses for a moment to let their cheers wash over him. After a second, he turns and empties his pockets into the hands of one of the security people on the stage. He unclips the microphone from his shirt and wraps the cord around the man’s shoulders before turning back to the fans. He raises his voice so that he can talk over them, but almost instantly the rest of the room falls silent to hear him.

From my first day in this company, all the way to whenever my last one will be, I am going to talk exactly as RECKLESS as I want to. I don’t care about the rules. I don’t care about your norms. I don’t have to censor myself…. I don’t have to do what anyone tells me…. I am ELITE!

The crowd roars, and the camera pans from Kris over to the mass of people with their hands in the air. In a flash, the Hall of Famer takes off running the length of the stage, and leaps from the edge of it into the hands of his adoring fans. The camera follows him as he floats around the top of the crowd for a few moments before fading to black and cutting off.


Offline Mikah

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The Reckless Elite
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2022, 11:30:50 PM »

TIME: 11:30 A.M.

Mikah frowns as she struggles to unlock the Atrium Suite’s door with her key card and balance the shopping bags in her arms. Of course, she had gone all out and booked herself and Kristopher the Atrium Paradise Suite in the Atlantis Casino and Resort. She refused to lower her standards just because they weren’t considered top tier champions. Plus, she was paying for it so she was able to do as she saw fit. She struggles a little while longer before kicking the door in frustration when it doesn’t register that she was holding the key card up to the electronic part on the door.

;;MIKAH “Piece of shit.”

She exclaims loudly but she didn’t have much time to think about how she was going to get the door open when the door opens and her boyfriend is standing there, with a slightly amused look on his face.

::KRIS “Problems?”

She gives him a wrinkle of her nose as she brushes past him to let herself in to their room. She sets the bags down on the couch in their room. She shivers slightly at the slightly chilly temp that Reno was experiencing.

;;MIKAH “I wouldn’t have had to leave if I had packed the appropriate clothes for this city’s weather. Spending money on hoodies, jeans and leggings was not on my to-do list today.”

She wasn’t going to bring up the fact that her body had definitely adjusted to Hawaii weather and she couldn’t seem to handle the cooler weather on the mainland.

;;MIKAH “I’m going to start a petition for SCW to only visit states and areas with warm weather. This cold shit is for the birds.”

She knew that she was complaining just to complain and that it was ironic because she had lived in New York City for most of her adult life.  But living in Hawaii for almost six months had changed her body temperature and what she was used to.

::KRIS “You're becoming one of my people now! A lot of people hate the year round nice weather but I live in San Diego because it skips the shitty seasons. If there is a Good, he doesn't want me to be cold. Otherwise I would have been born in Alaska a few hundred years ago.”

It was the short of insane tangent she was getting used to hearing more often. She glances over at him as she starts taking the new clothes out of the bags and sets them on the ottoman thing.

;;MIKAH “I was born in Seattle, I wouldn’t consider than much a step up from Alaska. But this weather is ridiculous. I thought Nevada was supposed to have mostly warm weather? What is this forty-five degrees bullshit?”

She furrows her brows together as she thinks about the weather. It wasn’t horrible weather in contrast to the snow and ice that New York City sometimes got in the winter but it was not the daily eighty degree weather that she was used to in Hawaii.

::KRIS “It is the desert. Most things about it suck. It's like K-Mart Vegas. Sin City should almost be offended to be here. Luckily, at least they have us to keep it interesting.”

He still did not seem happy with their choice of venue. Kris had always been more of a fan of the California shows. Even this was too far east for him. She looks over at him once more before looking at the options of pants she’d bought. If she was honest with herself, she wasn’t looking forward to wearing pants. She honestly couldn’t remember the last time that she wore them.

;;MIKAH “I hope they do a Hawaii tour next. Or somewhere tropical, I don’t even know if pants will fit me anymore. I could have handled Vegas, to be honest. At least there’s some form of entertainment there.”

She makes a face before grabbing the black jeans she’d purchased and walking over to her suitcase to grab her crop top out of her suitcase. She sighs as she looks at the clothes she had packed and a small, barely noticeable pout appears on her face.

;;MIKAH “All of these shorts were packed for no reason. Not to mention the bikinis.”

She grabs her turquoise one out and playfully tosses it at Kris. He snatches it out of the air and tosses it back to the bag.

::KRIS “I know… It is going to be no fun at all if we don't go out and win this thing. We are stuck in a boring place, with boring people, in the shittiest of weather conditions. I mean, we could be on a beach right now….”

It had been different when he was out in front of the crowd, or looking forward to this trip from last week. Now that he was in limbo, albeit on the edge of the fun part, it sounded like he had second thoughts. She looks over at him again, a small smirk on her face as she moves and sits on the edge of the bed.

;;MIKAH “This place…and I don’t mean Reno, I mean SCW could also be boring, you know. Most of those people don’t like me and sometimes that environment is toxic. And I know…maybe it’s not a good thing that I moved to Hawaii. I could easily become a beach bum. Thank God I still have an aversion for food.”

She scrunches her nose at him before laying back on the bed for a moment and stares up at the ceiling.

;;Mikah “Do you think that there will be any decent competition after we win on Sunday? I mean, if we win…”

She was trying hard not to always put the cart in front of the horse, so to speak. She didn’t want to undermine the talent of their opponents, but sometimes it was easier to think that way rather than the other way.

::KRIS “There's plenty of competition, it is just a matter of stepping up. Like, some of those teams are busy with individual shit, or pretending to be retired and not interested. If any team is going to lure out real challengers it is us though. We're kind of doing Mark and Christian a favor by showing up.”

He had hoped that they could bring the best out of the division once before, but more often than not the challengers failed to be challenging. There was a flicker of hope that this next time would be different.

;;MIKAH “Could you imagine if we didn’t show up? Who Mercedes and Goth would have had to face? We definitely sell more tickets and bring a better crowd. A smarter crowd.”

He wasn’t wrong by any means. They had several different teams step up to them before and they had met the same fate that they were hoping that Mercedes and Goth are going to face on Sunday.

;;MIKAH “We’re clearly doing them a favor by showing up. Otherwise, Crystaltina and Brandon could have had this opportunity.”

Crystaltina was her nickname for Crystal Hilton or whatever her last name was these days. It was so that she could cover every personality that she claimed to have.

;;MIKAH “Plus you’re way more attractive to look at. Eye candy, really.”

She winks at him as she sits back up to look at him in a more focused sense.

::KRIS “We're obviously their best option for marketable champions or they wouldn't have put us in the match. We didn't exactly ask for this specifically. They just think this highly of us, or too little of everyone else. Although, Inception has been historically lucky for me.”

Some of his best moments were on the first supercard of the year, and with any luck, this one would be another in an ever-growing list.

;;MIKAH “I still think it has the fact to do with that nobody can beat us. And that you’re Christian Underwood’s favorite. But you’re my favorite too, I can’t blame him really.”

She shrugs her shoulders before standing up again and stretching a little bit before walking over to the window and looking out. She makes a face before glancing at him.

;;Mikah “I thought about going for a run but I really didn’t feel like freezing to death when doing so. And I didn’t want to take the chance on running into one of those people that I do not care for. I’m betting on Mercedes betting that I’m going to have some sort of delay in the ring. As if I ever really had one before.”

She looks at him before looking back outside as she lets her eyes run over the scenery for a moment. She still didn’t feel like the Mikah that she was before, when they were a tag team and she wasn’t sure if that unsettled her or not. She takes a breath, keeping her eyes focused on the outside world as she starts to speak.

;;MIKAH “What…what happens if this place…turns me back into the me I was before Hawaii?”

The insecurity slips into her voice once more, a thought she couldn’t seem to shake. She knew that only time would shake that feeling of sinking back into her previous toxic habits and she had worked so hard to get past them. She had done a lot of therapy when she was in New York and continued to meet with her therapist via Zoom when she was in Hawaii until she found one in Hawaii she liked. She didn’t want SCW to take all of the work she’d put in and undo it.

::KRIS “It didn't do that to me. The last time I was back I stayed on top of my shit. We did great for all the High Stakes events. This is no different. Just because we are coming back doesn't mean we are moving backwards.”

That was part of the reason that Kris had been so adamant about changing everything about their team. It was a fresh start, not a sequel, not a reboot. This was their next chapter. She presses her lips together for a moment, her eyes still focused on outside as if there was something enthralling out there to be looking at.

;;MIKAH “I won’t deny that I may be a little worried about my own tendencies to ruin my own chances when I’m there. I’m going to work at not letting the others get into my head.”

She finally pries her eyes away from the window to look over at him. She shrugs her shoulders as she moves a little and leans/sits on the ledge of the windowsill for a moment or so. She then gets up and walks over to sit next to him.

;;MIKAH “It is not the competing part that I’m essentially worried about; it’s the backstage politics that I worry more about. Which, I know is dumb but sometimes, that’s worse than competing in the ring. In the ring, I know that I’m respected and that I am good at that part. But…being around the co-workers? Not my forte.”

She shrugs her shoulders again before taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out to relax her always thinking brain.

::KRIS “That is why we are back as a team. We show up, hang out with one another, and fly home. It is not all that much different from the two of us out in Hawaii alone. Here we are just surrounded by idiots, still alone. We don't have to engage in the environment.”

It was actually best for him to avoid the bad elements of being on tour. There were too many triggers, and too many previous scandals for Kris to trust himself in this world. That was why he didn't linger after shows anymore. She leans into him just a little bit before resting her head against the side of his shoulder and upper arm meets.

;;MIKAH “The Hawaii bubble was always nice. Not having to worry about anybody but the kids and one another. I suppose it doesn’t have to be too different from Hawaii…we can isolate ourselves from the idiots that run around backstage. However, sometimes that might be easier said than done.”

At least it sounded easy. She was quick to avoid other people without batting an eye but sometimes it was hard. The only other person she rarely avoided was Despayre and she wasn’t sure if he showed up to the shows very often.

;;MIKAH “We have to win those belts so we can maybe get our own locker room so we can lock people out. That’s an idea that might be worth fighting for.”

She cracks a smile at the idea of taking over a locker room to have as their own. She was never above stealing the boss’ office, either.

::KRIS “I am not sure we would even have to win the titles to make that happen. One of the two owners would cave in and give it to us if we made a big deal out of it. Anything to keep us happy.”

Considering where he started in the company, the perks he got now were actually pretty amazing. He almost felt bad complaining about it upon deeper reflection.

;;MIKAH “As long as I don’t have to talk to those idiots that make thinking hurt, I don’t even care if they want to fine us for taking a locker room for ourselves. Anything to get away from the idiots.”

She makes a face before sitting back up and looking at him.

;;MIKAH “I guess I gotta go to the hotel’s gym since I don’t want to freeze to death outside. Use their treadmill until my legs feel like jelly; it’s not going to be the fun runs that the Hawaii sand offers either.”

She makes a face at the thought before looking at Kris.

;;MIKAH “Do you want to come or stay here?”

She never made him run or work out with her if he didn’t want to and she often did all of her running before he was even awake. There was one positive thing about being in Hawaii, it had turned her into a morning person. She loved the Hawaiian sunsets and loving running in them. But she also loved running before the island’s temperature got too hot.

::KRIS “Better with you than here all alone.”

She chuckles before winking at him. She leans down and presses her lips against his in a quick kiss before going to change into proper workout attire so they could go to the gym and not feel guilty about ordering room service later. Or whatever it was their hearts chose to do.


TIME: 7:45 PM

The scene opens open to the spa area that is in the Atlantis Casino and Resort in Reno, Nevada. The Hall of Famer is seen relaxing on one of the beds that the spa had set in front of two hot tubs and she was wearing one of their lush robes with her wrapped in a towel on the top of her head. She had a face mask on her face and was clearly trying to relax before her and Kristopher’s match against Goth and Mercedes Vargas on Sunday.

;;MIKAH “If this is what death feels like, then sign me up.”

She couldn’t keep the smirk off of her face as she moves just a little bit to get comfortable on the relaxation chair that was provided.

;;MIKAH “If I was dead, how would I be here today? I mean, I’m not going to say it didn’t happen, maybe we’re all living in a different dimension. Or if you will, another multiverse.”

She winks at the camera at the Spiderman reference she’d made.

;;MIKAH “Or I suppose, Mercedes was referring to the fact that I lost to Dani Weston back at whatever show that was.”

She waves her hand as if she was waving it off and as if it didn’t matter. And to her? It didn’t matter.

;;MIKAH “What everybody fails to realize, I don’t care about that loss. It didn’t really change who I am and it didn’t matter to me. The win mattered more to the grown adult child than it did to me. She clearly wanted it more, even though she definitely didn’t deserve the win. But I guess, acting like a little brat gets you whatever you want.”

Mikah shrugs her shoulders carelessly as she adjusts the robe a little bit so it covers more of her, even though it already covered the most provocative parts of her body.

;;MIKAH “But I’m not facing her on Sunday, I don’t have to worry about the child anymore. Instead, I get to worry about you, Mercedes. Isn’t that ironic?”

A smirk crosses Mikah’s face once more.

;;MIKAH “You want to say that I’m worse than people say that I am but why? Why are you saying that Mercedes? Is it because you can’t beat me? Or the fact that while you have more championship reigns than I do, you can’t hold onto a championship for as long as I can?”

She raises her eyebrows at the camera as she stays in her spot, finding it to be comfortable.

;;MIKAH “You know what’s worse than me? Or should I say who’s worse than me, Mercedes? Do you want to take a guess?”

She raises an eyebrow again, as if she was waiting for an answer that she knew that she wasn’t going to get.

;;MIKAH “You. You said that you’d pretend to be nice and that right there? That means that you’re not nice. And that you’re fake, but I believe I’ve always said that you were one fake person. At least people know that I don’t like them and I don’t  pretend to like them, either. They know where they stand with me.”

She never held back on her opinions of people and it was no secret that she only liked a handful of people. Kristopher being in her top three.

;;MIKAH “You see, that’s the problem with you, Mercedes. You pretend that you’re a good person and that you’re nice but everybody knows that you’re a shallow, vapid woman. You can’t be a former Mean Girl and not be a vapid, shallow bitch without having been in that dreadful group.”

She smirks once more.

;;MIKAH “And you weren’t even the Bombshell in that group that could be considered remotely successful. If anything, Delia was the only person in that group that was worth a damn. She carried that group until she couldn’t. And I can’t say that I blame her, I wouldn’t want to put up with you if I didn’t have to. The fakeness that you radiate just rolls off you. It’s no wonder that nobody really wants to be your friend.”

She visibly shudders at the thought of it.

;;MIKAH “Retirement is always questionable when it comes to me. I have a love for the game, and it’s hard to stay away. And you can’t blame Mark Ward and Christian Underwood for capitalizing on that. They know that putting my name on the card will sell seats. And then putting my name next to Kristopher’s? Sells even more seats because him and I together are unbeatable.”

She couldn’t help but bring it up as it was true.

;;MIKAH “And by the way, Simon Jones should return in some form. Maybe not exactly in the ring but you know, so everybody knows he’s alive.”

She shrugs her shoulders, a smile dancing in her eyes.

;;MIKAH “But waiting for that to happen is like waiting for Mercedes being able to beat me. It’s just never going to happen.”

She shrugs her shoulders a little, not really bothered by the fact.

;;MIKAH “And as for you saying that you could retire right now and go down as the most decorated talent ever, sure. Maybe for being the one talent in the company to lose any championship in just a short amount of time after holding it. That’s definitely a talent that you should hang your hat on because I haven’t met a better transitional champion than you. So bravo, Mercedes, you’re the best transitional champion that SCW has ever seen. You should give yourself a gold star and a pat on your back.”

Mikah nods her head with a sardonic look on her face.

;;MIKAH “And there’s no doubt that Mean Girls will go down as one of the greatest stables in SCW history, however like I said previous it’s mostly because of Delia Darling. Most of that group’s success lies on her. You can say that I’m wrong but history doesn’t lie, Merce.”

She shakes her head softly at the thought before smirking once more.

;;MIKAH “Maybe you should slow down just a little bit before you become the resident relic of SCW. You need to open your eyes and realize that just because you’re supposedly well loved, it doesn’t mean that your body can keep up with the physical demand that wrestling requires…”

Mikah herself knew that she wasn’t even considered young for the sport’s age. She knew that she probably only had a few years left of decent competition before she’d honestly have to hang her boots up for good.

;;MIKAH “I won’t try to knock Goth’s accomplishments down, because when he puts his mind to it, he’s clearly had success. But do I think he’s better than my partner? No, absolutely not. You see Merce, I’m glad that you found a tag-team partner that you can rely on because that’s important. But do you honestly think you have a chance against Kristopher and myself?”

She raises her eyebrows at the camera once more. The light, soothing background music seems to get just a little louder as she lets the silence linger.

;;MIKAH “I won’t try to brush the differences Kristopher and I had a year or so ago under the rug because that would nonsensical of me. Everybody knew that last year, Kristopher and I weren’t on the same page and sometimes, it didn’t even seem like we were on the same team.”

She hesitates for a moment.

;;MIKAH “I won’t deny that it was mostly my fault for the rift in our team last year. I was definitely difficult to work with a year ago and I made it painfully obvious too. I wanted things my way and I wasn’t good at compromising. But that didn’t seem to stop Kris and I from dominating the division. And we barely got along back then.”

She shrugs her shoulders as she airs out the truth so willingly. There was no secret that she had her own issues last year.

;;MIKAH “But that’s not the case now. Kristopher and I haven’t been more unified or on the same page since 2018. Can you imagine how we’re going to look in the ring on Sunday when we’re on the same page and like one another?”

That confident look that she wears so well appears in her eyes once more.

;;MIKAH “And it’s not just because he’s my significant other, it’s more than that. He’s the only other person I trust enough to be my partner. And trusting somebody? That has always been one of the hardest things for me to do but I trust Kris more than I probably trust myself. I know that he can handle Goth and I know that when he’s standing on that apron and I’m in the ring, he’s going to have my back. And he knows that when he’s in the ring and I’m standing on the apron, that I have his back. It is one of the most important parts of forming a tag team and competing for those belts that you and Goth are holding. And I know that I don’t have to tell you that because you’ve teamed with other Bombshells before but you’ve never faced the team of Kris and I when we’re on the same page and unified as a team. It’s going to be something that you’ve never seen before. And I can’t wait to prove it to you on Sunday.”

A twinkle appears in her eyes as she looks at the camera.

;;MIKAH “You’re damn right that I’m going to bring my best on Sunday, Mercedes because there’s nothing else for me to bring but my best. And the fans of SCW? They deserve to see the best from me. They deserve to see some sort of prestige brought back to those Mixed Tag Team Championships and Kristopher and I are going to be the ones to do that. I don’t have to tell everybody how many times I’ve beaten you in that ring; you’ve already admitted that you haven’t beaten me yet. And I’m not about to let Sunday be the first time that you do.”

She smirks again as she squirms slightly to find that comfortable position once more.

;;MIKAH “But I suppose I better thank you, Mercedes. For one thing…”

She hesitates, almost as if that had pained her to say.

;;MIKAH “I want to thank you for not bringing my personal life into the focus of this match. You might be the only person in SCW to not have done that. And I’ll be honest, I expected you to. Because I hadn’t expected Dani Weston to have talked about the fact that I was married to Drake Green. Or the fact that I’m currently dating my tag-team partner, like she had. SO many times in a row; it was painful to listen to because that was the sole focus point. It was refreshing to see that you didn’t bring it up and I … appreciate it.”

She makes a face at the sentiment. It was a new feeling and she was trying to get used to it.

;;MIKAH “Like I said last week, it doesn’t matter who I’m fucking or sharing a bed with. That holds no power on how I compete in that ring. Even though the person I am currently sharing a bed with is my partner, it still doesn’t matter. It’s not like we’re going to have some sort of weird sex thing in the ring and be judged on that.”

Mikah shudders at the thought before looking once more at the camera.

;;MIKAH “There is one thing you said that is most definitely wrong….”

She chuckles before shaking her head.

;;MIKAH “You don’t live rent-free in my head; you never have. Because you’ve never beaten me, so you’re nothing to me. You’re not even a blimp on my radar because you can’t hold a candle to my talent in the ring. And I’ve already proven that to everybody before.”

She was always confident in her own abilities and it didn’t seem like that had gone anywhere, even with her personality adjustment.

;;MIKAH “I could sit here and talk more about how I’ve beaten you more times than I can count. Or I could talk about how Kristopher and I are unbeaten as a team and pretty much untouchable. Or I could talk about how you’re a walking SCW history book. Or I could talk about how Goth might be good, but Kris is just that much better than him. I could say all these things over and over again but it’s not going to matter until we step into that ring on Sunday and you realize who you’re losing to once more. It’s not a matter of if, Mercedes. It’s a matter of when and that’s going to happen in two days. And you can place a bet on that at the sports book; I’m sure the Casino would love to shell out money on the team of Kristopher and I.”

She winks at the camera, that confident look present in her eyes once more.

;;MIKAH “And as for your new year’s resolution? There’s a little problem…”

She smirks again.

;;MIKAH “That resolution isn’t going to happen because the Black Sheep are no more. Instead, you and Goth are going to lose those belts to…”

She stands up and removes the robe to reveal the same crop top she’d worn the week before and a pair of black jeans. The orange crop top said Reckless Elite on it.

;;MIKAH “The Reckless Elite.”

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 16 al 23 de enero de 2021

Is it so wrong to have pride? Am I prideful? Yeah, I guess I am. I take pride in myself that I'm not like other girls who see this business as just a stepping stone to greener pastures. I take pride in my wrestling career. I take pride in the championships and accolades I've won. I pride myself in being known in most circles, even the world over, and I sure as hell take pride that I don't need to play dirty or cheat to win a match or a championship. And something else I take pride in? It's no secret that I loooove to talk. I'm sure by now you know this. I call things as I see them and I'm never going to sugarcoat just for anybody. Criticism doesn't bother me and you're not persecuting me if you disagree with me. I’m not going to let people's opinion of me get in the way of saying what needs to be said.  Don't like what I have to say? That's not my problem. If I'm making you shift in your seat, if I make you a little uncomfortable, if I’m getting under your skin and light that fire under you, if I'm pissing you off than that's what I'm here to do. To me, that's a lot better than winning a championship or an award.

Anyone who know me know I have needed extra motivation for any type of competition, let alone the first match of the new year. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Easy things are very seldom worth doing but I can't help to think that my title defense with Goth Sunday against The Black Sheep - well, the Reckless Elite now - is ours to lose, and it's not hard to see why. My opponents have their reasons why they should win. Conventional wisdom tells you why Kris and Mikah are taking back what they never should have lost.

So, it’s no secret that Goth and I will be thrown into the fire this Sunday for our first defense, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We’re not running, we’re not hiding. We’re taking this challenge straight on and we’re going to come out of this on the other side because the World Mixed Tag Team Championship are our property. What's that saying again, “Pressure bust pipes or they make Diamonds”? Well, if you're looking for the diamond in the rough, you've found them. If you want to know who has been tested and put through the fire and forged into shape that if you're not careful, like my words, could cut right through you. it's Goth and Mercedes Vargas. That same fire is burning inside of us. That fire keeps burning hotter and faster and stronger.

Don’t get me wrong, Kris and Mikah has made Mark Ward and Christian Underwood very happy owners. They brought in ratings, they move merch in one day, they’re the best on the microphone, on commentary, and in the ring, to say nothing of their success. 13 championships combined. Kris is one of the rare Superstars to win every championship in the company, something only three others have done in this company. Mikah boasts one of the most combined days with the Bombshell Championship. Big fish, small pond.

Before Black Sheep became a two-person show, there were once a stable that didn’t last long. The Black Sheep were one-half The Nobodies-lite and wanted to bottle up the Mean Girls charisma, but we saw how that experiment blew up in their faces, right? Probably not a smart idea to have Crystal Zdunich as a member of your group, but that’s neither here or there.

I’m five feet seven, but my accomplishments tower over almost everyone in SCW. There was a time I actually felt bad for everything that I had accomplished. Certain people went out of their way to make me feel bad. And then one fine day, I had just decided I had enough of where I can’t apologize for being good -- I am that damn good. And I’m going to continue to prove my worth as the standard not just in the women's division but in the entire company.

I don't own the second-most wins in the Bombshells Division for no reason. I didn't become the first-ever 10-time champion in this company by accident, being a Hall of Famer wasn't heresy or a rumor. I'm a different breed of opponent and no matter who steps to me, I don't get ready, I stay ready.

Sometimes I lay awake at night, and I look at my life, and I’m like, how the hell did I get here? If I can go this far, how much further can I go? The cold hard truth of it is when you're on top, the only way to go is down. For me, that was 2020. And after that, when I failed to win even one championship that year, I vowed that would never happen to me again. You all saw what happened when I proved that 2020 was an anomaly, a fluke, a bump in the road. You all saw last year when I won two championships.

In my career, I've had matches stolen from me, I've had victories stolen from me. You know what you can't steal though? Respect. Know why? Because I've earned that. I've earned that by beating a lot of people, by winning a lot of championships. Regardless of what the other Bombshells say about me, the fact is that not one of them will ever surpass the legacy I built in this division. I have cemented my name among the all-time greats and have beaten the best that SCW has to offer. I have made a name for myself and accomplished so much in so little time. And I know that with success comes resentment by peers, something that's precedent in any profession, not only wrestling. Anyone who knows me have never seen me back down. I walk away when I’m done with you, I play games but I don’t back down. I have proven that I’m an easy win for nobody. Maybe people are writing me off Sunday. If it means beating Mikah, then so be it...I'll bury her along the way.

As good as Mikah is, she’s not immortal. She can be beaten. I believe I can beat Mikah, and I still do. My confidence isn't shaken. I’m not only going to beat her, I’m going to make her wish she stayed retired. She won't go down easy, so I'm going to put her down. And when it’s all said and done, I hope she does the smart thing and walk away, because that will be the best decision she’s ever made. Taking away something that she wants, the World Mixed Tag Team Championship, that would be fun for me. Watching her and Kris walk away empty-handed would make me fucking ecstatic. Her wants and needs will never surpass mine. And Sunday, Mikah will be the next name on my checklist.

I've seen girls come and girls go in the Bombshells Division, I've seen the rise and fall and revival of the Bombshells Division. And yet, I’m still here. Proud of it, not ashamed of it.

People feel that I’ve peaked in my career and have been calling me to retire. I’m not ready to retire, I’m in no hurry to leave SCW, and there’s not a single woman on the roster who’s going to force me out of this company. I shouldn’t have an expiration date on my career.

This story, my story, began nine years ago. The rest is still unwritten.

Come Sunday, I’m putting pen to paper and writing a new chapter for a new year.

Deal with it.


L O S A N G E L E S, C A L I F O R N I A

[Mercedes’ place. Mercedes is packing. Ricardo is sitting at the table watching Mercedes.]

Mercedes: Ear plugs, check. Eye mask, check. Umbrella, check. Something boring to read on the plane. And that should do it.

[Mercedes zips her bag with
flair. Ricardo claps his hands, seemingly impressed.]

Ricardo: That was the greatest packing performance in the history of packing performances. Is there anything you can’t do?

Mercedes: Probably, but I haven’t come up with it yet. Keys?

Ricardo: Think fast.

[Ricardo tosses her keys.]

Mercedes: Thank you.

Ricardo: I didn’t know you were even leaving? Let me guess, Vegas?

Mercedes: Reno. Surprised me too at first, but then again, I like surprises.

Ricardo: So what makes you going to the cheaper version of Vegas?

Mercedes: What’s wrong with Reno? Sure, it’s not Vegas, but there’s gambling and casinos. And only a short drive away from Lake Tahoe Can’t go wrong with that. Last time I went, we saw a flash mob.

Ricardo: And?

Mercedes: And that’s it. It was the only entertaining thing I remembered. What time is it?

Ricardo: 3:15.

[Mercedes glances at her watch.]

Mercedes: Is it? I’m running behind then. It’s time.

Ricardo: Time for what?

Mercedes: I’ve working on something where I’ve been asking questions on Twitter and my inbox is filled like crazy.

Ricardo: Oh yeah?

«Mercedes slips on her black-rimmed glasses as she starts reading messages from her cellphone.»

Mercedes: Now, I do happen to have my first batch of questions, so, let’s see what we have here…First one is from blacksky45, and her real name is Tera McCarthy. Tera writes, “If your life had a sound track what song would you pick for it?”

Ricardo: The soundtrack of your life question. Never gets old.

[Mercedes begins typing.]

Mercedes: Good question, Tera. I think the perfect song to the soundtrack of my life would have to be "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera. It's a great song, and it's a testament to what I've had go through to reach the pinnacle of my career. People said I would never amount to anything, but like I've done countless times before, I prove them wrong. It's just what I do.

Ricardo: Good answer. What’s next?

Mercedes: Next question is from at RedXNinja, real name is Kurt Halloway. He wants to know, "Who did you vote for in the 2020 election?"

Ricardo: Who did you vote for?

[Mercedes raises an index finger and then turns to type her response.]

Mercedes: Well, Kurt, I voted for the man rather than the party, so it was pretty obvious who was going to win my vote. So, the person I voted the candidate who would do the country the least bit of harm. The way I see it, these next four years can't get any worse than the last four years. Who knows if we'll even still be here by that time? Fingers crossed that we'll still be here in 2025, Mayan prediction and all.

[Mercedes lips turns into a smile as she scrolls down to her next tweet.»

Mercedes: Oh, here's a good one. This is from at crazytrainjane, and her real name is Jennifer Wilder. She wants to know,"What did you wear for Halloween?" I just happen to have a picture of what I wore that night for Halloween, Jennifer.]

Mercedes: Here I am dressed up as none other than Maleficent. Elegance, class, royalty. Just like me.

[Mercedes removes her glasses, folding them in her hands before placing it on the top of her keyboard. Brushing a few strains of hair from her face, she keeps a solemn smile on her face. as she addresses her audience.]


Present Day ♦ L O S A N G E L E S, C A L I F O R N I A


"Some things are better left unsaid, but you can bet I'm going to say it anyway. I can't help being who I am." 

[Slowly fade on Mercedes staring directly back at us from a webcam in the confines of her living room. The SCW Hall of Famer is dressed in a netted black top and black jeans, which appeared perfect with her brunette hair.]

“So Inception is just around the corner. The suspense is killing me. Not sure what I'm looking forward to more: my title defense at the supercard or visiting Reno again. They say the first defense is always the hardest and in a little less than forty-eight hours, Goth and I will be facing our greatest challenge since we became champions. And I know what Kris and Mikah bring to the table, they are double tough. Every Superstar and Bombshell want to be in their shoes challenging for the World Mixed Tag Team Championship, and lucky for Kris and Mikah, they hit the lottery.”

[Maybe Christian Underwood made the match in hopes of lifting their self esteem, she didn't know let alone care. In a perfect world, Mercedes would have preferred the supercard off, but the world wasn’t perfect, and somebody had to challenge for the gold. Mercedes brushes a few strands of hair from her face. Despite herself, the Argentine has a coy, almost snobbish expression for the time being.]

“So what do you call what we have between Mikah and I? Is it a feud, is it a rivalry? I don't know, I'm not sure. I like to call it a competition between two very proud, very charismatic Bombshells who just loves to compete. It's a healthy rivalry. For the better part of, I don’t know, seven years we've been trading verbal barbs on and sneak attacks, but on January 23rd, we're going to be trading blows, and kicks, and punches, we're going to be throwing everything we have at each other because believe it or not, this match has high stakes. This is a match where we're both fighting for the richest prize in the mixed tag team division. A championship that I’ve held three times now in my career, that’s more than anybody on this roster. A championship that Mikah is trying to get back simply for the fact that she and Kris can continue reigning over a company that they really don’t much care for, if at all.”

[Mercedes laces her fingers together, dropping them below her chin while adding a small chuckle. Maybe the accusations about her opponent was a bit of a stretch, sure, but there were countless episodes where the there was some truth to it.]

“Mikah reminds me of the kind of people who want others to kiss the ground she walks on. But the one thing this perfect little princess seems to forget is the ground she walks on is the one woman like me have built in this division. You know, I seem to remember that when she was on hiatus or whatever it was for two years, I don’t remember a lot of people making a big deal over that. Not a single Bombshell shed a tear. Mark Ward didn’t have her on speed dial and was probably glad that he could finally have his office space in peace. No more ‘Mikah Monday’ to bless our timelines with on Twitter. Those two years must have made Mikah stir-crazy knowing that no one gave her the attention she craved when she was once a member of the roster. But since she’s been back?”

[She musters a deadpan expression, then gives an innocent shrug.]

“Well, I’m not tap dancing down the entrance ramp. Mikah went undefeated in 2020? Good on her. She became a Grand Slam Champion and Hall of Famer, you say? Good, great, grand, wonderful. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.”

[Mercedes holds up her hands in reservation.]

“Bombshell Grand Slam and Hall of Fame aside, the only thing Mikah and I have in common is we both lost our last matches of 2021, not the best way to end the year, but it is what it is. We can finally kick 2021 to the curb and welcome the new year. I thrive when it comes to losses because it means there's an opportunity to get better. We all lose matches we should have won now and again. Happens to the best of us. And I still consider myself one of the best in this sport.

“A loss doesn’t mean it’s the end. I’m still here and I’m still Mercedes Vargas.

“And yet for someone who is seen as worthless, people sure do seem to talk about me a lot, if not indirectly in some way. Here I am on the lips of all of these idiots and people watching and waiting and wondering what I'm going to say next. And if they hated what I had to say at on social media, they're REALLY gonna hate what I have to say when Goth and I retain Sunday and Mikah and Kris aren’t going to have a single excuse when we say we told you so. But are we going to be proven wrong?”

[Questions were made to be asked but some questions didn't have answers, a lesson very few ever learn. Not that Mercedes Vargas pretended to have all the answers, but the question sure are worth thinking about. At this point, she has made losing close matches an art form. Nonetheless, good wrestlers can lose a match, she's not denying that. But it's the great wrestlers who learn from it, and she's learned plenty.]

“You gotta stay ready so you don't have to get ready. I realize the big match situation I’m about to face and I couldn't be more ready that I will be at this weekend. This is my trial by fire, and I am fully prepared to see it through. If Kris and Mikah plan on walking out of Inception the new World Mixed Tag Team Champions, they won't need to kill us, but they’re gonna have to come pretty damn close.”

“Why are Goth and I going to win this Sunday at Inception? Because we know what it's like, and what's it about, and what it takes to be a champion. Why am are we going to win?”

[Mercedes maintains the edge in her voice. For a moment, she looks down at her championship before placing it over her shoulder, then looking deadset into the camera lens, her voice drops to a whisper though her words hold conviction behind them. She pauses, mostly for dramatic effect.]

“Because we won't settle for anything less.”

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

[Mercedes waves her hand airly.]

“And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

[Mercedes winks and blows a kiss at the camera, before returning to the coy, almost snobbish expression. She smiles again, and that's the last image we see of her as she reaches to turn off the camera as the scene fades.]


2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)