Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: March 15, 2021, 07:05:06 AM »
Post all roleplays for this match here.
Limits: 1 roleplay per week, per character, 10,000 limit.

Good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline The Dragon

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« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2021, 12:11:49 PM »
31st January 2021
Part 1 - Victory Lap
Las Vegas, Nevada

We are taken to the backstage area, sometime after the conclusion of the Bombshell Roulette title match. A small blonde we might recognise from Royal Purple’s videos is blocking the door to one of the locker rooms, under siege from camera crew, sound techs, and interviewers.

Katie: Please...get back…

A horde of voices all talking at once drown the girl out completely, as she looks increasingly out of her depth.

Katie: This isn’t a good time…

The figures begin to converge further towards the door, all still trying to get their individual points across as any thoughts about social distancing go clear out of the window.


The throng of chatter stopped almost instantly.

Katie: In case you didn't see, Royal Purple took a chair shot to the FACE, it's being treated, and they can't do that while she's wearing her mask. Since she's trying to keep her identity secret, no the cameras can't come in, and no you can’t interview her right now!

Cameraman: And who are you?

Sound guy: Yeah - Who the fuck are you?

Katie: Katie Harmison. Royal Purple's manager. Slash girlfriend.

Cameraman: How does Mark Cross feel about this?

Sound guy: Yeah!
Katie: We both train at The Dragon’s Lair, and it was his idea actually. Mark has Blast from the Past to worry about, and as your new Bombshell Roulette champion, Royal Purple is gonna be plenty busy enough herself. They both decided an extra pair of hands would help, so now you’re stuck with me for a lil while.

Dev: And how is Royal Purple feeling after her title win?

Katie: I mean...she's really taking it in her stride actually, aside from getting smashed in the face of course. I think that probably hurt. Royal Purple's been champion before, under another name, she knows how to handle having a belt around her waist.

Cameraman: Taking it in her stride? Does

Katie: Of course she cares! I think? I mean yeah I guess it is kinda strange not to be super excited about winning a title and stuff…but then everyone deals with this sort of thing differently don’t they?

Sensing weakness in the girl, the voices start to raise up in unison again, closing the gap between Katie and the door as they try and get their answers from the horse’s mouth instead. After a second or two of fumbling for the handle, Katie slips herself inside, managing to slam and close the door before the throng of staff manage to work their way through.

Katie: Christ!!

Royal Purple: Find anything Kaykay?

With the Doctor now piling his equipment back into his bag, it seemed like Royal Purple’s treatment was finished with, at least for the time being anyway. Katie walks over with her spoils from the gift shop, passing over a single item in a clear plastic bag.

Katie: I'm sorry this was all they had.

Royal Purple: ...seriously?

Royal Purple rips open the packaging, revealing a cardboard cutout version of her own GRIME mask. She pulls the cardboard mask out of the packet, staring at it gingerly as she pulls on the elastic supposed to go around her head to keep it on. Her original mask, while it would probably live to fight another day, was saturated with blood and definitely needed a good clean before she put that thing on again. This was just a disguise to get herself out of the building.

Katie: How are you feeling?

Royal Purple: Like I got smashed in the lips by a chair. You?

Katie: Proud? Scared? Overwhelmed?

Royal Purple: Why are you overwhelmed?

I’m not a manager! I’m so outta my depth here! Besides, you've done this before! You know what being a champion feels like. How many is it now?

Royal Purple: Number four.

Katie:  Exactly!

Royal Purple slaps the belt in Katie’s lap.

Royal Purple:There. Now you can feel like a champion too. Hang on a second…

Royal Purple pulls the cardboard mask over her head as the banging on the door that hadn’t ceased since Katie slipped inside. Besides, the Doc was still standing around gingerly nearby, waiting to leave. After the night’s events, she wanted some privacy.

Royal Purple: Sorry Doc, let me get you outta here real quick...stand back…

She folds up the steel chair the Doc had been seated on and makes her way to the door, smashing the chair on the wall a couple of times as a warning before throwing open the locker room door.

Royal Purple: Now the next one of you FUCKS

The various crew find themselves face-to-face with a cardboard Royal Purple mask, and judging by the tone of her voice, was pretty pissed.

Royal Purple: Who bangs on this door is getting a taste of prime chair roast, got it?

She swings the chair again, clattering it against the doorframe as the crowd wisely decides to disperse.

Royal Purple: Yeah that’s right! Fuck off!

Royal Purple steps aside, letting the Doc slip past before shutting and locking the door behind her.

Katie: See, I couldn’t stand up to them like that - I literally don’t know what I’m doing.

Royal Purple: Honestly, if you could fuck this up worse than it already was you wouldn’t have got the gig.

Katie: Oh thanks!

Royal Purple: I don’t mean it like that. Listen, I’m gonna be under a lotta pressure. Anything you can do to ease that a little bit? It helps, OK? It’s booking flights, calling taxis...getting me replacement masks from the gift shop…

Katie: I guess I can do that kinda stuff…

Royal Purple: It’s how we GOT HERE TODAY remember? Katie, you’re gonna be fine.

Katie: Thanks Fa...Royal Purple.

Royal Purple: Now put it on.

She points to the title belt.

Katie: I don’t know if…

Royal Purple: Put it on! Go on! You’re gonna your own eventually, or something.

Katie looks down at the strap for a moment or two, before deciding it couldn’t hurt after all. With a short struggle with the buckle, she manages to work the belt free, flinging the belt over her shoulder and wincing as the weight of metal and leather slaps against her back. Not even the hoody fabric could save her from the full impact.

Royal Purple: Your NEW...SCW Roulette champion...KATIEEEEEE PROTEGEEEEE...HARMISON!!!!!

Katie pushes herself up from the bench, one hand up in the air, waving to an imaginary crowd as she looks to all four corners of the room, drinking in the “atmosphere” that was building up to a crescendo in their own heads.

Katie: It does feel pretty good doesn’t it?

Royal Purple: Heck yeah it does! I think you just got a few inches taller?

Katie: I am gonna win one of these aren’t I?

Royal Purple: Course! You’re working with the people that taught me everything I know. And besides...I don’t date losers...Seriously though, this was all you could find?

Royal Purple points to the mask.

Katie: It was that, or Maki.

Royal Purple: ...Good choice.

The scene fades to black.

20th March 2021
Part 2 - Taking Stock
Miami, FL

We find ourselves on a beach. The sun is beating down hard on white-hot sand, and Royal Purple can be seen sitting back on a sun lounger, keeping herself out of the worst of the heat with a blue Ritz-Carlton umbrella above her head. The hotel itself was pretty incredible, and an added bonus was that you could walk right out the back door and find yourself in a private little area South Beach, where you could rent a lounger and kick back.

Royal Purple already lives in Miami in a little apartment, and that’s also where she trains, but she was a champion now, and she deserved to be able to live the high life every now and then. She’d scour for cheap rooms in the swankiest of hotels, and live the high life for 24 hours, provided it only cost 30 or 40 bucks. Plus, it saved that hellish drive in the infamous Miami traffic from her apartment to the gym every morning, which was walking distance away from the best hotels.

She’s sipping away on a non-alcoholic cocktail through a long bendy straw tucked under the bottom of her mask.

Sooooo things didn’t really...go the way I planned ya know? It was supposed to be to put the mask on, sort my shit out, then go back to winning title belts and I kinda got those last two steps mixed up and stuff, but hey we’ve just gotta roll with the punches don’t we? I mean, it’s working out alright anyway. I stopped drinking before that Roulette title match, and as much as I joke, I’ve stuck to it. Haven’t touched a drop. In fact I think I’ve moved past that...ya know...the tough stage in the first 4-6 weeks when you’re most likely to relapse or something, and I’ve been going along to all of my meetings too. I really wanna get myself good again, it’s gonna take time, and I kinda think maybe this Roulette champion thing is gonna slow me’s just a little sprinkle of that pressure that, to be fair, put me in this mess in the first place, but I guess if I can handle this now it’s just a sign I’m in recovery, right?

I’ve heard what people have said about me, like do I care enough about this and stuff, am I trying to forward the division and make the title mean something and all of that - Look, I didn’t ask to be in this position. Like, if I got asked, I wouldn’t have said no or anything, it’s a title shot, it’s why we get up every morning to train and stuff. I’d have thought about it sure, but even given the choice I still woulda taken that match. I literally woulda disrespected ten, fifteen guys I train with who don’t have title shots on the table if I passed that up. I’m sorry if I’m not trying to push the division forward, ‘cause right now I’m trying to push me forward, as a human, not as just a wrestler, and on this crazy road trip I’m spending the whole time making sure bits of my brain don’t come flying off, it’s rough trying to keep everything together, but I’m trying, okay? And with every win I’m getting one step closer.

This is hard for me. I was trained by a guy who’s all business, tearing his way back into the Blast from the Past final for the second time in two years. It’s like an on-off switch with Mark. When HE is training or when HE is wrestling or when HE is shooting on an opponent, he can be such a dick, holy fuck...but that level of intensity, I mean it’s insane. As soon as it’s over, he’s laughing and joking, helping all the younger guys out, jumping in and sparring with them, holding punch bags and working pads, he’s an absolute hoot. That’s the kind of emotional control we can all long for I guess, although I ‘spose the perfect model is to do it without ever being a dick. Who knows. But anyway...the way he thinks about the business, the way he works, he’s instilled a lot of those values in me. If you could bottle that...jeez, I mean you’re gonna go SOMEWHERE, and trust me, truly, I want this...

She reaches for something under the lounger, and holds the Roulette title up to the camera

...but I don’t want all the spotlight, the attention, it’s like a hand around my throat and the grip just keeps getting tighter, and the hand doesn’t belong to a cute blonde girl I wanna hook up with so it’s definitely NOT okay...and it’s hard sometimes. It’s why I crashed and burned that’s for sure. I mean I look at Krystal, at Ruby, at Courtney, their careers are only just beginning and they’re what, 5 or 6 years older than I was when I wrestled my first match? The fifteen year old phenom. Well that shit was a blessing and a curse all in one big barrel of fuckery, and I guess it’s about four years later when I’m trying to pick up all the pieces and glue them back together after what that did to me.

I ran before I could walk. I’m running before I can walk again, probably, by taking on this title run, all for Johanna Krieger to sit there on Twitter and say I’m making the title irrelevant again well FUCK YOU BITCH! I swear to fucking God the only thing she has is submissions and she couldn’t beat me in a damn submission match so who’s the real joke around here huh? Come to Sin City Wrestling, where our champions SUCK at the only thing they’re supposed to be good at! How’s that for a recruitment poster? Worst message ever, that’s what it is. At least I can win wrestling matches. At least I can adapt. At least if I’m gonna embarrass myself, it won’t be in that ring, ‘cause isn’t that what it’s supposed to be about? Ha. Guess not. Just know that at Blaze of Glory, I’m gonna give Ze German a lesson in DEFENDING. Watch and learn Johanna, could be a skill that comes in useful down the line, since you’re too good for this title now or whatever.

Now, yeah, I have lost once since I stepped up to SCW. I lost to a rookie. The difference with Ruby is...I uhh...wasn’t really in the best condition for wrestling. She’s impressive, sure, and I can see why being Speedy McSpeederson has helped her score a couple wins out here, in her early career and stuff, but I flaked out way too soon, physically. Ruby and I have a similar kinda style, it’s all speed and instinct, to you guys it looks like there’s so much happening all at once but in reality, there isn’t much going on at all, we’re too busy trying to get hold of each other to do any REAL damage. She isn’t faster than me, she isn’t as experienced as me, and really? She’s probably less well-rounded, but I was in no fit state to take to the ring that night. I was lucky to make it to the ramp, lucky to make it look something like a respectable match, lucky to keep a job. We could run that match ten times over, I might win like 7, 8, but on that night I didn’t. And on other nights, you know what, she’s gonna be good enough to beat me too. Anyone can literally beat anyone, it’s just how often, and if one of your biggest assets in this sport is speed? That makes them a potential banana skin.

Sam Marlowe could have been like another Ruby Steele for me, another banana skin, ‘cause all three of us work the same kinda way...Buuuuut this ain’t a game of Mario, and she’s not gonna trip me up, because going kamikaze style has taken its toll on her, hasn’t it? She wasn’t smart enough. You can see it. She’s not got that same pep in her step, less snappy in her work, ya know? I mean...I kinda get it. I broke my leg once, two places, went off the top rope, slipped, all my weight landed dead on that one foot and...uhm...snappy snappy. People in my team, they were worried I wouldn’t come back the same wrestler, wouldn’t move as well, would lose some of my signature speed or most scared to put my body on the line in the same way all over again, cause that’s a lot to go through as a teenager, in the early stages of her career, if I could do that then, how much worse could it be in the future?

Yet I come back and you know what? Not. A. Single. Thing. Changed. I’m still 2fast4u. I’m not sitting around rubbing my old war wounds because I got the best care, the best nutrition, the best rehabilitation...the injury kind anyway, probably still need to get myself into the uhm...the addictive habit kinda rehab...and I didn’t rush the comeback. I’m not sidling up in the title picture saying oh hey pick me, pick me, pick me, before I’m ready. This time it was kind of an accident, and I won didn’t I? After that leg break I took the time I needed TO be ready. I did exactly then what I probably shoulda done now, stayed with GRIME, kept my head down, but these are the choices I made for myself. And these are the choices she made for HERself. Sam I’ve gotta say...listen...if things aren’t totally right with you? Maybe you should have put the title run off a little longer because there isn’t gonna be any let up from me. Pick your favourite category on that spinning wheel, reaaaaaaaally ask the universe for it, and maybe, just maybe it’ll come up. Johanna did. Submissions were right in her wheelhouse, she couldn’t have been happier...until I cartwheeled my way into that wheelhouse and fucked her up at her very own game. This isn’t the time to be coming in, not giving 100%, whether you’re not willing, or just not able.

Favour one arm or shoulder, well hey I’m just gonna keep slipping out the other way bitch. Feel a twinge in your driving leg, push off a split second too late, I’ll already be gone. Hesitate a second on the top rope? I’ll have my breath back, be ready to roll on outta your way, because you can’t beat the champion at her own game. That’s what we’re really talking about here. You’re fast? Me too. You’re a little lacking in confidence right now? I’m not. You want this title? Nuh-uh, I’m not giving it to you. Come and take it from me, I really wanna see you try! You won’t...but at least we can try and make it look interesting can’t we? Let’s have a little fun out there, see if we can have one of the matches off the night.

Sin City Wrestling have two high flyers in one title match, and when stuff like that happens...well it’s kinda like acting in a way, isn’t it really? One gets to be the poster child, gets their face on all the promo shots, the best trailer, the best catering, the best accommodation...the star actor or actress, the big name. And then there’s the stunt double. The expendable one. The one with the cardboard personality, the wooden charisma, the great pretender. See one of those high flyers? They’ve already showed they’re PERFECTLY willing to settle for the stunt double while I…

Royal Purple lifts the Bombshell Roulette title up to the camera.

Have a little more expensive taste. It’s like impressing a girl, by telling her you’re in a band...and deciding not to mention that you’re only the drummer. You can keep the lie up for a while, might even score yourself a date and a shot at the home run...but after that first date she’s gonna find out, and it’s all gonna be over, lucky if you even get to round first base. Sam, that 11/10 straight fire bitch? She’s gonna find out who you really are at Blaze of Glory, and the title’s staying right here with me, where it belongs, with the real deal.

I may not be the nicest, the smartest, the strongest...but I am the fastest, and the most instinctive, and when it comes to performance in the ring? I ABSOLUTELY deserve this title and more. The Dragon and I have two big matches at Blaze of Glory, and we’re absolutely gonna bring two ‘dubs back to the Lair. One quick story about Mark to finish off - When things started to look shaky for me in Japan, ya know, when people were getting worried about my drinking and stuff, they called Mark and asked what he thought about sending me back home to the US. He asked if I was still winning. When they told him yes, his answer was simple. Fa...ah fuck...Royal Purple stays. We help her through it as best we can, but it’s not that bad.

I mean like...we’re such different people, in so many ways, but we have one thing in common. Winning wrestling matches is just what we do, and in his eyes? If I was still doing that? Things couldn’t be THAT messed up. It’s just a phase, just some teen drama where some lessons need to be learned the hard way. Pah, yeah, thanks for that, but I get the point. I may not be the person you want, or the champion you want...but I’ll fight like a champion should, and I’ll defend what’s mine to hold. If that’s not enough for you well come take it off me, and all I can say is…

Royal Purple holds a middle finger up to the camera.

Waitress: I’m sorry Miss, are you aiming that at me?

Royal Purple’s eyes go wider under the mask.

Royal Purple: Ohhhhhh nonono sorry, I’m filming a Vlog thing, all done now!

Waitress: Ah, okay. Can I get you anything?

Royal Purple: Another Cool Breeze, thanks. Ooh, can you ask them to put one of those little umbrellas in? I really like those!

Waitress: Of course!

Offline Sam Marlowe

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« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2021, 11:49:36 PM »
March 13th, 2021 – after Climax Control

Colton Myers wanders around the backstage area where he peeks into different areas before stopping one of the crew backstage.

“I’m lookin’ for Sam Marlowe,” he says to the crewperson who looks around then seeing the redhead, he smiles and points her out for Colton. 

He mutters his thanks and moves down the hallway to where Sam Marlowe is sitting with her hands between her knees, a white piece of paper held there.  Colton moves towards her and then leans against the wall beside her.  “Hey darlin’,“ he says as Sam continues to look at the paper in her hand.  “Ready to head home?”

“Mmhmm,” offers Sam as she glances upward then back at the paper.

“What’s that Sami?” asks Colton as he nods toward the paper.  He nudges at Sam’s shoulder as he pushes his hands into his jacket pockets.

Not looking up, Sam shakes the paper.  “It’s a contract Camo.  It says I get a title shot at the Roulette title at Blaze of Glory,” she answers.  “It was what was in the briefcase.  And once I sign it, I get to face Royal Purple for the Bombshell Roulette title.”

“That’s great isn’t it?” wonders Colton as he doesn’t hear any excitement in the voice of his girlfriend.  “I think you stand a good chance of winning that match, don’t you?”

Sam nods slowly as she sighs and brings the paper up to wave it in front of Colton.  “The odds seem to look that way.  Although I am not so sure that it should be me facing Royal Purple.”

Surprise crosses the face of Colton who can’t believe what he is hearing.  Lowering himself in front of Sam he puts his hands on her knees and raises an eyebrow in confusion.  “Where is this coming from Sam?  You won that ladder match for the briefcase and now that you see that it is a contract for the Roulette title, you are talking like this?  Are you all right?”

Sam looks at Colton and brings her now empty hand to his cheek and smiles at him.  “You know I am darlin’ but from hearing how Christian was talking earlier, I get the hint that he really didn’t want me to win this contract.  But I did…”

“And he knows that when you got into that ring and won that briefcase that you would be the one to take advantage of this opportunity,” he states angrily.  “Besides Sami, you know what you are capable of and you shouldn’t pay any attention to his talk.  You got the match to focus on and if you let this get to you, it is going to not help any.  Him not wanting you to win is not going to be your built-in excuse for losing, because between you and me Sami, you aren’t going to let this make you lose.”

He turns and nuzzles his lips against the palm of Sam’s hand as his own reaches up and caresses against her hand.  Sam giggles softly at the tickle of the stubble on Colton’s chin rubbing against her wrist.  “You’re right as always Colton,” she states as she once more turns to the paper.  Straightening up, she helps Colton up and the pair move towards the sound table.  A crewman is there and Sam asks for a pen.  Taking it in her hand, she turns to Colton and then motions for him to turn around. 

Colton turns and bends over enough for Sam to lay the paper on his back and then sign at the bottom of the contract.  She picks up the paper and offers the pen back to the crew.   The pair them move down the hallway and reaching Christian Underwood’s office, Sam knocks and hears a muffled voice calling for her to come in.

Opening the door, she steps in only a few feet as she calls out.  “Hi Christian, here is the contract, signed and delivered just in time for me to start getting ready to challenge for the Roulette title.”  She moves further into the room and without waiting for Christian to say anything, she puts the contract in front of him and then leaves the room.   Colton holds out his arm for Sam who with a smile tucks her hand into the crook of his elbow.   

“Let’s go home Colton,” she says.  “I have a match to get ready for and win.”

The pair moves along the hallway softly speaking before disappearing around a corner.


Sam Marlowe moves into view, dressed in a pair of dark tights and a long silvery shirt that is open at the neck and cap sleeves.  On her feet are black cowboy boots and her hair is pulled up to cascade in a long ponytail down over her left shoulder.  She looks calm as she stops and then begins to speak. 

“Royal Purple…it is quite interesting that you are wearing a belt that I am very familiar with.  A belt that I haven’t worn in a while but it is like an old friend.  Not like a comfortable old shoe or a shiny new toy.  That belt you are wearing is something that I know intimately and trust me when I tell you that I know what it is capable of doing to someone who wears it,” offers Sam in a thoughtful voice.  “I mean I know that when you win it, you feel ten feet tall and bulletproof.  I know because I have lived that.  But being ten feet tall and bulletproof is all just a feeling and a false one at that.  Just because you win a title doesn’t mean that you won’t lose that same title.”

Sam sighs as she looks to the side.  “I bet you are thinking Purple that you have this in the bag.  That you are going to be the one to retain that title at Blaze of Glory because you trained with Mark Cross and that you are some kind of champion that no one can beat.  Sure, you are someone that no one should take lightly because of the fact you were trained by Mark Cross.  Hellfire, I would be crazy to discount that.  Mark Cross…he is a man that has the ability to make champions.  As a matter of fact, he made you a champion.  But can he help you retain that championship when faced with someone that has been there, done that?”

Sam ducks her head as she tosses the ponytail over her shoulder.  “I bet you don’t know it Purple but I was trained by people who have made me a double World Bombshell champion and a four-time Bombshell Roulette champion and a one-time Mixed Tag champion.  You might have heard of Vixen Staggs?  She is the one that trained me when I first signed with Sin City Wrestling.  It was her and her husband that made me the champion I was and after Blaze of Glory, will be again.”

Sam moves closer to the camera and we see that she is standing in front of a wheel that looks very familiar.  Matches are showing on it as Sam’s fingers move along the side of it before she yanks downwards after catching the handle.  The click click of the wheel spinning provides a backdrop to Sam as she begins to speak again.

“I am sure Purple you know that being the Bombshell Roulette champion means that your fate is decided by the spin of this wheel of matches that dictate just how you are going to be defending your title against me at Blaze of Glory.  And don’t get me wrong, I know just how fickle the finger of fate is when it comes to deciding how the belt will be defended or won.  It could stop on an inferno match…” says Sam as she watches the flame colored match spin by.  “Or it could be a ladder match…just like the one that I won to earn my shot against you.  It could be a bra and pantie match although, I am pretty sure that is not going to be what we will be competing in.”

“This roulette wheel will spin us into a match that neither of us are really ready for.  If I am honest, no one is really ready for the unknown.  But if you ask me, I think you are ready enough to step into that ring and put up a fight,” muses Sam as she puts her hands behind her back and rocks back and forth from heel to toe.  “I am counting on it Purple.   I don’t want to step into the ring at the supercard with someone that isn’t ready to give it their all to keep a title that I want back.”

“I have been in your shoes Purple and I can tell you that I know just what you can be capable of.  Heck, you beat Joanna Kreiger for that title and took a chair shot to the face during that match.  And I would be remiss in not telling you that I was impressed.  Beating someone like her makes you a dangerous opponent,” offers Sam.  “I mean actually, I have been watching a lot of what you have done here in the company and I have to say that you are someone that is fast, dangerous and very ring capable.  You are a high flyer that seems to know her way around a ring.  Most probably wouldn’t be able to prepare for you.”

Sam crosses her arms over her chest as she half turns away before turning back.  “Most aren’t me however.  See, I know what I have to do in that ring to take that title away from you.  I know that I have to take you as seriously as a heart attack.  So, I can’t be SCW’s sweetheart when I step into that ring at the supercard.  No, I have to be the Sam Marlowe that set records with the Bombshell Roulette title.  I have to be the Sam Marlowe that holds the longest combined title reigns in Sin City Wrestling.  I have to be the Sam Marlowe that beats you at your own game to add to that legacy I have created.  I want you to know Purple, that Sam Marlowe is coming for her title and there will be nothing you can do to stop me.  You are not going to have a way to prevent me from doing what I want with yourself to win back my title.  Yes, you are champion now…” says Sam with a determined look.  “But after Blaze of Glory, you will not be.  That is a simple truth that I am sharing with you.  I am coming to the supercard with a burning desire to once more wear that belt around my waist and over my shoulder.  I am ready to reclaim the belt and title of Bombshell Roulette champion and at the supercard you will have two options.  You can either step up and give me the fight of the night for that belt or you can step aside and let me once more be the Bombshell Roulette champion that belt deserves.  I hope Purple that you choose the first option because when I beat you, you will have no option left.”

With that, Sam stops speaking and moves out of view leaving the now slowing wheel spinning, the continuous click clack of the pegs hitting the arrow covering the soft click of Sam’s bootheels as she leaves.

Offline The Dragon

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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2021, 05:50:16 PM »
Part 1 - Memory Lane

The following is an excerpt from a 2018 radio interview with Royal Purple, shortly after capturing her first singles title, aged 16.

So you had wrestling in your family?

Yeah! My Grandpa was a wrestler, a pretty good one too, and always used to go into the family business back in the day and stuff, so my Dad got into it too. He wasn’t as talented as Pops, he’ll tell you that himself, but he kept it going for a good ten years or something. It was only when Grandpa wanted to retire and start his own promotion that my Dad really started to shine, like with the business stuff? He’s always been smart, knew how to make deals and look after money, so he didn’t have to wrestle after that. Basically gave it all up and became a promoter.

Is that why you started wrestling too, to stay in the family business?

I mean there was never any pressure on me or anything, I guess my Mom and Dad just thought I wouldn’t be interested, ya know? I used to like hanging out at the shows and stuff but that was more so I could hang out with my parents, cause having a family in the wrestling business was pretty cool right? Most of my friends, their parents were like accountants, or cashiers, or worked in construction, that kinda thing. I wasn’t like...a total girly girl or anything, I mean I liked makeup and making my hair nice...but I was playing soccer and volleyball and stuff before wrestling happened, so I couldn’t keep my nails long or anything. I just wanted to see what it was like to actually do it, be in the ring like they used to.

Were you thinking about it before Dragon’s Lair opened up?

I mean, not really, honestly...when I heard there was a new wrestling school opening in the city I asked Dad about the guy that owned it, cause they were campaigning around the schools and stuff, trying to get local kids interested. I was like who's this Dragon guy? I don’t remember seeing him around, but turns out Mark had wrestled for the company a couple-a times, came in short notice to cover injuries and stuff. Said he was a nice guy, good worker, gave us like a discount on his appearance fee or something cause we couldn’t really afford someone like him otherwise. I don’t think Dad even clocked I was interested when I asked him about it, I mean I was always asking stuff about the biz, it wasn’t anything different...

So you figured that was the place to start?

Yeah, they were doing like five free sessions for under 18s at the time, so I didn’t even have to talk to Mom and Dad about it right away. They probably woulda supported me, but like I said me and wrestling wasn’t a talk we ever EVERRRR, either in a good or bad way, so I didn’t wanna make it super weird when I was so on the fence about it myself. Besides, my Dad woulda, ya know, taken control and stuff? Would have wanted to put me in with people he knew and he liked...I kinda wanted to do my own thing.

Did Mark work with you right away?

Noooo see, he lives out in Miami, always has, so he spent a lot of time going back and forth to there when I first joined. When he was around, he worked his own programme from like 6am to 11 or so and then he’d just...leave. The rest of the time he stayed in Miami and trained there I guess, mainly came back for shows. I hardly saw him. I was mostly in group sessions with Octane McKane, old dude, always seemed kinda angry...but he was the guy that trained Mark and he was super nice to all of us and patient cause we were new. We fight all the time now, it’s sooooo funny arguing with him…he’s wayyyyy meaner to me now, but that’s his way of telling you he likes you. Strange really...but the last thing he wanted to be was the reason a recruit walked away.

What made you stand out? I’m assuming you did anyway? was when we started working on some throws and stuff, ya know, hip tosses and arm drags? I mean all super basic stuff and all, even you could do it, but it was like they could show me a move once, and I learnt it. I could just go in and nail someone else with it, dunno why, it’s not like I was thinking about it. Even like the basic stuff takes a while for most guys to get down, like the amount of times I nearly got dropped on my head was like INSANE, I swear. It was at the end of the fourth session when I got asked to stick around a bit longer, first time I met Devinee, who was Mark’s old friend from school I think, been wrestling even longer than he has. She’s Irish though, like sooooooo Irish, couldn’t understand half of what she was saying to me, but she taught me some extra moves, more complicated stuff I guess...cause it was taking me like 3 or 4 go’s to get some of them down.

So Mark still hadn’t seen you work?

Nope, not really...except on that last free session. Like...I turned up at the gym and he was already there ya know, holding punch bags for people, fetching them water...I mean this guy was the real deal for anyone in that gym, full-time professional wrestler, been on TV and stuff, he was what most of them wanted to be. Some were like...just there while the sessions were free, and I wasn’t sure what I wanted...but a lot of the guys looked up at him a lot, and he was like their waterboy for the day, fetchin’ towels and chatting with everyone. I got put in the ring for a little practice match with one of the trainees, and apparently his eyes were on me the whole time, like Octane and Devinee had told him to pay close attention when I got in there or something?

And how did it go?

I was fun! Like...a lot of the moves Octane and Devinee showed me were from standing still, but I mean, I’m small and this guy was like waaaaay bigger so I thought I needed some help, ya know? I just started trying to hit these moves on the run, or like...springing off the ropes and stuff and they still worked! They worked better! I was running and jumping and flying and the guy couldn’t catch me, I mean if I was gonna be a wrestler I wanted it to be like THAT ya know? It was so fun and intense! I hadn’t done pins or anything yet so we just went at it until the whistle. Like the place was silent after we were done, but I heard Mark say...uhh...can I swear on this show?

Yeah sure you can!

I heard him say ‘holy fuck the girl’s the real deal’ and then him and all his team disappeared off into the office, and I guess I was gonna be a wrestler now, or something?

So that was when he started training you himself, full-time?

Nooooo not quite, but he was suddenly around way more. His wife Amanda too, she’s so sweet, I think they both just started spending way more time in New Orleans than Miami, rented a small house or something, as Mark was in the gym every day now...

Royal Purple: Hey guys, Royal Purple in editing here just jumping in for a second. Amanda - If you’re watching this, it sucks you guys broke up! I miss you! Call me sometime! Oh yeah...and by the way, listening to 16 year old me is like cringy and stuff? Definitely living up to the blonde thing...

He didn’t actually work with me much to begin with, it was more that he was there to work with the other guys more, so that one of the team was free to work with me one-on-one, which I guess was really cool for everyone else? You never want to see someone get special treatment in a place like that, buuuuuut if it means you get to work with the guy whose face is above the door more than before, then it can’t all be bad right? He only cut his schedule after the title shot.

And how do you feel about that?

What, Mark cutting down to a part-time schedule?


I mean...I don’t even really know properly what that means yet, ya know? But I super appreciate it too! I mean...wrestling is all he’s known, all he’s done for that many years, I feel like it’d be hard to give that up, having less chances for the fans to chant your name, that’s what I love the most about being out there I think, and having less time to like...stay sharp and stuff. I mean this could turn out to be beginner’s luck, or I could get injured or something, and it could all be a waste? It just seems so much to give up for one girl who’s won a couple of matches and stuff. I did like...ask Amanda about it or whatever...she just said that he can be selfish and stubborn sometimes, and if he didn’t want to cut down he would have found another way, so it’s not like he was ever gonna hold it against me.

Pretty dangerous ally to have in your corner. The guy sure knows how to win wrestling matches around here. Anyway that’s all we’ve got time for now. Thanks so much **BEEP** for coming on, any last words?

Ummm...thank you guys soooooo much for the support, I love you all! Oh...and remember, don’t try and race me, I’m always gonna be 2fast4u!

Part 2 - That was then...this is now…

We are taken to Royal Purple’s hotel room, where she has her feet up on the couch. With demand for her time higher now she was Bombshell Roulette champion, we can assume she’s already in Vegas ahead of Blaze of Glory.

Now they say you should never bite the hands that feed you...and to be honest, I dunno if the owner of that hand is even gonna see it that way as he’s like, always been super realistic with me, but do you really think it was Mark Cross that made me a champion? Or do you think I made it happen before he even really stepped in his own gym? Because I can tell you it was option number two. When Mark came on board, he wanted to help me stay there, to sustain it, to not flame out, and to help keep my feet on the ground and you know what? He managed it too...for a few years...but yet here I am wearing this fucking mask trying to hide the person I became. You know what that was, Sam? A bitch that couldn’t stop winning, who everyone wanted to be like, wanted on their show, wanted my face on a t-shirt. Everyone wanted a piece of me, and you know what would happen, if I took this mask off? Mark Ward and Christian Underwood’s phones blowing up, with offers to take me off of their hands, because they know what VALUE ADDED means to their brand. Royal Purple’s more than a little broken but what’s under the surface? That’s shit that sells.

Mark Cross and the Dragon’s Lair didn’t make me anything that I didn’t already have within myself, OK? Perform a move for me a couple of times and suddenly I could perform it, like it was hard wired into my brain. No thinking involved whatsoever. See I’m fast on my feet, sure, but up here?

She points to her head.

There’s nothing. No thinking time, it’s automatic. Wind me up and watch me go. I react faster because I don’t stop to think, I don’t shoot first and ask questions later, I don’t ask questions at all. I just do things out there. Things that my opponent this week? She can only fucking dream of. I have a gift, Sam. I have a gift that didn’t need to be nurtured. I just had to walk into a wrestling ring to unlock it, like it was hard-coded into my genes. It would have happened anyway. If it wasn’t a free lesson at the Lair it would have been curiosity getting the better of me, I’d have found a way, messing about at a show when I went with my parents, or one word to my Pops. “Hey Grandpa, I was thinking about maybe giving wrestling a try” and I’d be straight in a ring with a coach that he’d hired and discovering this thing anyway. One way or another, it would have happened. Would I have fallen to drink and drugs, had things been different? Maybe not. Or maybe I would have done it sooner. Maybe I would have got pushed further, faster, bigger crowds, bigger contracts, bigger weight of expectation just like...weighing me the fuck down, ya know? Big rise, even harder fall.

She sits up, leaning forward, hands cupped in front of her.

So Sam don’t come out here trying to pretend like you knew me, where I came from, what I’m about. Talking about playing me at my own game like you know what that is. I. Don’t. Know. What. My. Game. Is. All I know is a bell rings and it’s like I’m playing WWE 2K on the easiest difficulty. I can literally tune out, go to a totally different place, and watch my arms and leg move until, oh hey, I’ve won another match. Look at me, aren’t I amazing? Truth is, the best wrestlers hold the titles, like, first and foremost. That’s the natural order of things, it’s just the way shit goes. Me, with a belt? It doesn’t look outta place, ‘cause I can always go in there and back it up. I can actively go outta my way to make sure it DOESN’T happen ya know, I can turn up to the arena a total drunken mess, start a fight with a fan and terrorise backstage crew, chase them around with their own power tools until they’re begging me to start, act unstable, talk unstable, actually just BE unstable and still, you know what? I’m the best candidate for the job when it comes to a title shot, all while you talk about respect and knowing what it’s like to be here and being all apprehensive about your title contract and shit I mean seriously? Please…

Royal Purple pats the belt, sitting on the couch alongside her.

See when I first won this title belt? I thought great, less free time, more pressure, but I put it on my girlfriend Katie, and it was like she was like, glowing or something, it was pretty special. It was that feeling invincible thing you were talking about or whatever. I wanna talk about Katie real quick because...first of all...she stuck with me through my ABSOLUTE WORST and when someone does that? You don’t ever question their loyalty and two, yeah, she absolutely will have her own title one day, but we’re so completely different from each other it’s untrue. We’re walking different paths, and we’ll both get there, just at different speeds, and different times. See, you wonder why she’s called the Protege?

She sits back on the couch, resting her arms across the back.

Katie started out in Japan, and Mark? Who you seem so keen to bring up? His career really started to come alive when he went out to Japan. For Katie it was a choice, for Mark it just kind of clicked, but they both fell in love with the style, the approach, ya know? Katie didn’t really wanna live or work out in Japan, she got a little homesick, but she still wanted that to be her thing ya know, the way she worked in a ring? That’s how she ended up coming to The Dragon’s Lair, and that’s how she got the nickname The Protege, cause she’s the cardboard cutout female version of our very own Mark “The Dragon” Cross...just...way earlier on in her development. You know what that means? She’s gonna be one hell of a fucking wrestler, and one hell of a fucking champion one day, but she’s gotta get that dialled in, all figured out. She got the nickname the Protege because she’s accidentally modelled herself in the image of the Head Trainer. My nickname, under the mask? They called me The Future, because I wasn’t.

She adjusts the mask for a second, making sure it’s firmly in place.

Mark will tell you himself, I probably win 6 or 7 times out of 10 against him now. In fact I think he HAS said that himself around Sin City, so it won’t be news to you really and why is that? He’s all about that Bruce Lee “fear the man who’s practiced one kick a thousand times” or whatever and Katie? She’s on the same shit, repetition, repetition, repetition. I mean his game is soooo well rounded, and he’s literally practiced everything so much, the muscle memory is so ingrained that he’s basically fighting on instinct out there, he’s got his “thinking time” so low, even though it’s all subconscious or whatever, that sometimes he can predict what I’m gonna do next. Sometimes it’s a few times a match, in others it’s like he’s reading my mind, and trust me most of the time I don’t know what he’s reading, because again, I don’t think, I just do.

Samantha Marlowe could well land on one of those three or four times. She may just have my number out there. After all, like she’s willing to tell you herself, she’s so familiar with being in this spot. Done it before? She could easily do it again, that’s fair...but there’s a much higher chance she won’t even touch me. Blink and you’ll miss it, opportunity gone, get back in line and try and take it from me in a few months, okay? Because that’s the biggest problem. How do you beat someone who’s so unpredictable, how do you prepare? How do you get yourself to the position where, yeah, I can maybe win 30/40% of the time? Ring time. Seeing me up close, avoiding everything you throw at me and handing it back with interest. The first few times? You probably won’t figure it out. Maybe after three, four, five matches, it’ll start to make sense, maybe you’ll see a few chinks in the old armor, some ways you could maybe mount offense against me, but just long does it take to earn three, four, five shots at the same title, Sam? We know you’re not getting any younger. We see your body starting to break down on you a lil bit, and while that adrenaline is gonna try it’s best to carry you through...are you really ready to go to war with me?

Royal Purple stretches her arms up in the air, yawning under the mask.

I admit, this result isn’t totally guaranteed. I am beatable, I have been beaten, but it doesn’t hinge upon the things you think it does. It doesn’t matter about the wheel, I’m adaptable, and you’ve been in enough of these to handle that. it doesn’t matter if my trainer is better than your trainer, they’re not out in the match fighting for us. It doesn’t matter who tries to play their game or someone else’s game or whatever because the prize is gonna go to who was better on the night. You wanna tell us all you’re still performing to a high enough level to hold this title? OK - Fine, I’ll bite. I’ll like...take your word for it or whatever. You know I do, It’s why I’M here after all. The question is HOW beatable am I? How many times out of ten could you take me out? I mean we can kick around some numbers, but however it rolls, whoever you ask, I think I’m gonna come away and say you know what? I like those odds. It’s ironic that we’re playing this match out in Vegas really, because like they say, the deck is always stacked, the house always wins eventually. In this example, if you couldn’t guess? I’m the house bitches. Gimme your best shot Sam, I’m looking forward to this one. Feel like I might even break a sweat.

The scene fades to black.

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2021, 11:36:09 PM »
Staggs Dungeon…

Sam Marlowe walks into a room that is very familiar to viewers.  As she advances towards a workout area and ring set up, she unshoulders a battered green backpack and lets it fall to the floor.  She is dressed in a pair of tights, with converse hightops, a Vixen tee that is knotted at the small of her back and a light University of Nevada hoodie.  No one seems to be there but the redhead.  Reaching into the bag at her feet, she pulls out a pair of earbuds and an elastic.  Straightening up once more, her hands reach up to the curling redhair and pulls it up into a messy ponytail that hangs down her back before she moves to the wall where mirrors show everything behind her, depositing the bag on a bench there.

Moving back, Sam spreads her feet out and then begin to stretch out, her body bending at the waist as she touches the top of one shoe then walks across to the other.  Rolling her shoulders, she unbends and arches back before rolling to the side then forward once more. 

From behind her a door can be heard to open.  Ignoring it, Sam continues to stretch.  Footsteps can be heard walking along the floor towards the redhead who finally stands and then looking into the mirror begins smiling.

“Howdy stranger,” she taunts the woman walking towards her.  The other is dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, white sweater and black combat boots.  The eyebrow of the advancing woman raises ever so slightly at the sight of Sam in the room.  “I hope you don’t mind me warming up first before you put me through my paces.”

The eyebrow lowers as one side of the other woman’s lips quirk into a smirk.  “Vraiment, you are going to need it,” responds Vixen Staggs as she hooks her thumbs into her jean pockets.  Sam chuckles at her trainer who lets the smirk fade.  “You think I am kidding?  Voyons donc!”

Sam shakes her head as she brings one arm across her chest using the other to anchor it and stretch it out.  “I am not thinkin’ y’all are kidding, it is just that I miss your trainin’ is all.  Considering you had been rather busy with what you were doing and then the radio silence…”  Sam’s voice trails off after glancing at the face of Vixen that had hardened for a moment before she turns away and walks towards the bench where Sam’s bag is resting. 

Reaching down, Vixen sends it to the floor then sits herself down.  “Yeah, but now you are here and no more radio silence eh?  Let’s get started, shall we?  First we will begin with some lunges…” states Vixen.  “From a pushup, considering that you have a title match to train for.”

Sam’s eyes widen in surprise.  “You heard about that?” she demands as she leans down to place her hands on the mat in front of Vixen and gets comfortable before she starts to bring a knee to her chest. 

“I am quiet…not deaf,” answers Vixen as she crosses her leg over her knee and sets her hands around her knee.  “Of course, I heard that you have a bombshell Roulette title match.  And you have come here to train and get information.  Well, I can give you the first but not the second.”

Sam looks up at Vixen who is contemplating the redhead.  “I appreciate the training but information?  Nah, I am not looking for information on Royal Purple,” huffs Sam as she continues to pull her knees up to her chest.  “I know she is in GRIME and you were too but I don’t want to go into this match with preconceived notions.  And if you tell me about her then I am going to underestimate just how dangerous that she could be.  I want to be prepared for what can happen but not lackadaisical when it comes to Royal Purple by getting you to tell me about her.”

Vixen scoffs hearing that from Sam who is now huffing more from the exercising.  “Enough lunges, to your feet and take this rope for some cardio…” commands Vixen with a grin.  Sam makes her way to her feet as Vixen grabs the rope and tosses it at Sam who catches the tangle.  “I think that you have to realize that with Royal Purple being in GRIME, you can’t prepare for her because she is unpredictable.  I will admit though that it might work in your favour.”

Sam shakes out the jumprope before looking up in surprise at Vixen.  “What do you mean?” asks Sam as she puts the rope behind her knees then begins to spin it, starting a rhythm of jumping.  A soft hiss of breath escapes each time her feet hit the floor.  “I don’t think that knowin’ that she is unpredictable is going to help me Vix.  I get that she is dangerous and respect that because to be Bombshell Roulette title holder, dangerous is the name of the game.”  Sam’s breathing quickens as does the rope as she jumps in a rhythm. 

“Dangerous is as dangerous does,” paraphrases Vixen as she looks at her fingernails almost like she is ignoring Sam.  “Does she know that I trained you?  Does she realize that you have learned some of the attitude that Spike and I taught you?  I bet she is thinking that you are going to be the one that won’t do what is necessary because you are the good girl that everyone sees.  I bet they still think that you aren’t willing to go the distance to win the title.   Tell me, is she doubting what you are capable of?”

Sam breathes deeply as she jumps rope for a moment without answering.  Vixen fixes her with a look that seems to demand an answer which is not long in coming.  “I don’t think that she is doubting it per se.  I think that she is probably thinking that since she is the champion, she is better than me,” offers Sam as Vixen motions for her to speed up.  The rope becomes a blur as Sam’s feet tap lightly on the floor.

“I am sure that is definitely what she is doing because that is just the attitude that she gives off.  Can’t you tell with the name Royal Purple?  She is very self-aware and self-confident.  So, my advice to you is not to think about her,” says Vixen as she holds up a hand which has Sam stop jumping.  The soft thwack of the rope on the back of Sam’s legs punctuates Vixen’s comment.  Vixen rises to her feet and then moves towards a speed bag that hangs beside a heavy bag. 

Sam tosses the jump rope to the side and follows her trainer to the heavy bag and is surprised when Vixen holds out a pair of gloves to Sam.  Sam takes them slowly and tucking one under her arm, she pulls the second on her hand.  Vixen waits patiently as she watches Sam who pulls on the first glove.  Sam then shadow boxes slightly while Vixen moves to hold the heavy bag. 

“Vixen, what will happen if I don’t think about her?” asks Sam as she sends one fist into the bag.  Vixen grunts slightly with the impact.  “I mean that you usually tell me to think about who I am facing and what they are capable of…now you are telling me to not think about it?

“Sam, you are very ring capable, aren’t you?” asks Vixen which gets a nod from Sam.  “So, instead of thinking about it, you should just rely on your instincts.  Ostie, you have won that title how many times?  You know what you need to do, so do it, don’t think it.”

Sam stops punching the bag and gives Vixen a hard look.  Vixen motions for her to continue but Sam holds up her hand.  “Hold up there Vix,” begins Sam, “y’all can’t just Mr. Miyagi me with some kind of wax on, wax off speech and expect me to be fine with it.  I mean you really have to give me a bit more of a pep talk than that.”

Vixen pushes the heavy bag into Sam knocking her back.  Sam shoots Vixen a ‘wtf’ look which only draws a sneer from Vixen.  “Are you wanting me to tell you that you have this match in the bag and there isn’t anything to worry about?  Voyons, that is vraiment stupide Sam.  If that’s what you expect then there is nothing I can do for you.”  Vixen steps away from the bag and begins to walk away only to have Sam put a hand on her arm. 

“I’m sorry Vix,” offers Sam before biting her lip in self-doubt.  “This match has me in knots,” she admits slowly.  “I think that I am ready for it and then this…” Sam points to her head with a sigh, “Gets in the way.  You know how I get.  This time it isn’t self-doubt that has me messed up.  It is the fact that I am getting the feeling that people don’t really want to see me win this title because I am the ‘good girl’ and it seems that they only need me to be the sacrificial lamb for their champions that need to be given an easy win.”  As Sam is speaking, she had turned back to the bag and slams a fist hard into it. 

Vixen smiles behind the back of Sam as the redhead angrily attacks the bag.  Vixen begins to circle the bag as she watches the emotions working across the face of Sam as she really begins to throw hard rights and lefts into it.  Vixen stops directly in front of Sam and then throws a kick into the swinging bag that sends it towards Sam who is surprised but stops it with a kick of her own.  Vixen laughs at the surprised Sam.

“See, not thinking will have you ready for Royal Purple,” says Vixen.  “Your instincts will serve you well in the match.  Now…again…”

The scene fades out on Vixen pushing the bag towards Sam again making her throw a punch at it. 

A video screen can be seen with snow playing, the loud hiss of it filling a dark room.  Suddenly, the snow snaps into a picture of a dark room with a spotlight making a corridor of light leading towards the screen.  Into the light, a figure moves and is silhouetted against the light.  The figure has a distinct feminine shape as it moves forward, the shadowy figure getting bigger and bigger until features can be seen in the light from what appears to be a screen.

The image seen is a mask of Royal Purple that turns slightly to look into the camera then tilts in the opposite direction.  No sound comes from the image as the screen begins to blink and flash with the image of the mask flashing to the face of Sam Marlowe who is in the same position as the mask was before the screen changed to her face.

“Imagine if you will, a contest pitting a woman in a mask against a known quantity in a woman that wears no mask and has put herself out there from the beginning.  Showing her real face and being an open book.  One would look at that match and the odds would be against the unmasked woman,” says the image of Sam softly. 

Behind her, images start to flash in the light of the spotlight.  Title matches playing on a white screen showing the Bombshell Roulette title being contested.  Sam’s eyes get a distant look in them as her head tilts slightly to the right to allow more of the screen to be seen. 

“Royal Purple, someone that wears a mask but fights like a veteran.  Makes one wonder don’t you think.  I mean she could be anyone under that mask.  And that in itself is something that turns the odds on their heads even more.  I could be facing someone that has years under their ‘belt’ and are more experienced than I am.  Or I could be facing someone that is just lucky when she steps in the ring.  One thing is for certain though…” she begins as she holds up a finger beside her face as she slowly smiles and continues with a chuckle.  “Royal Purple is not someone to take lightly.”

Sam lays the finger against her nose and crinkles it slightly.  “I may be out of line saying this but I get it, Royal Purple is the champion and, in this match, this makes her the odds-on favorite to win the match.  She has the champion’s edge so to speak.   Anyone that doesn’t take that into account has lost the match before it even begins.  Which is why I am laser focused on the fact that I have to overcome those odds and trust me when I say that they are definitely a small roadblock on my way to my regaining the title that I have been identified with the most.  Historically there have been many Bombshell Roulette champions however, when the title is mentioned, it isn’t the name of Royal Purple that is associated with that belt.  The only association is that she is the one holding the title right now.”

Sam’s lips curl into a friendly smile and her head tilts offering the camera a half profile glance as if Sam is turned to speak to someone to the side.  “I don’t have to speak of my association with the title belt and the majority of records that I have my name attached to them.  And I get the fact that I can’t rest on my history with the title either.  I am a multiple time winner of the Bombshell Roulette title so I can’t claim to be the best because to be a multiple time winner means that I have won and lost the title a couple of times.  And even trying to justify being such a great champion would be stretching the truth.  And given the fact that I am not going to even try makes so much sense.  And that is ironic on its face.”

Sam sighs as if the last comment was pulled from her.  She once more looks into the camera lens.

“The irony is that when it comes to the title, champion and challenger alike talk about how they will be the better wrestler in the match and how they are going to win the belt and once more be the champion.  I have to admit that in the past I have been on both sides of that argument and I am guilty of sayin’ exactly that,” she offers with a guilty smile.  “I realize now that saying something like that is just playing into the broken record that is match talk and match hype.  But this time is different…”

Sam walks backwards slightly as she melds into the images flashing around her.  “I wonder Purple…I can call you Purple, can’t I?  I wonder just how much one can actually say that they are going to win the title match, say that they are the best when it comes to the title and holding it.  The Bombshell Roulette title is inherently a title match that is ultimately dependent on fate deciding the match type.  Which in that case, the odds would be fifty fifty now wouldn’t they be?  I would also wonder that given those odds, either one of us will get the win and both of us can claim to be the better wrestler.  It will come down to who wants to win this match the most.”

At this point, Sam reaches up to brush her hair back and she looks to the side where an image of Royal Purple with the belt can be seen flickering.  “You have the current champion with all the confidence of a ring veteran who knows that she is very capable of retaining the title with the fact that she has been a force to be reckoned with in Sin City Wrestling.  And I will freely admit that she has a great win record going for her with the fact that she gets into the ring and wins…a lot.  She is someone that will step into the ring and bring the fight to whomever she is facing and make them realize that they have gotten into the ring with a machine who won’t stop until they have won or they have been beaten to a point where they can’t come back.  The former more than the latter has added to her air of dominance when it comes to in ring battles.  I have to definitely give her the props when it comes to having a winning confidence and ability to dominate in the ring.”

The admission brings a look of determination to her face.  The image of Royal Purple flickers again, this time the title belt is held in one hand but slips through her fingers although no emotion is seen on the mask.  “Have you ever heard Purple that the tighter you hold on to something the faster it slips through your fingers?  I know that you like holding the title, I did when I held it.  But I learned that the harder I held on to the title, the easier it was to beat me.” Says Sam as she cocks her head slightly as if listening.  “I suppose this is where you would say that it is easy to beat me regardless but that is okay.  When people said that, they tended to be on the losing side of the match.  Hellfire, when I said that, I was on the losing end of the match myself.  So, I am not going to say that Purple.”

Sam crosses her arms over her chest and turns her head to the other side where an image of herself is standing dressed the same she is.   Sam offers the image a smile that it mirrors before both turn to look into the camera lens.

“I want to tell you Purple that I am ready for this match, more than ready actually.  See, I know that you are the champion.  I know you beat someone that beat me.  I will even admit that it is quite possible that you confident enough to say that I don’t stand a chance of taking back that title belt.  I will even tell you to go ahead and keep thinking that so when we get in that ring, you will come at me with all confidence.  That is the champion I want to face Purple, the cocky confident wrestler that I suspect you are.  I am not going to deny it,” offers Sam before she leans towards the camera, matched by her image once again.  “I am not going to deny it but I am going to tell you something and I want you to listen closely.”

Looking both to her right and left, Sam leans in even closer as if sharing a secret with her opponent.

“Purple, this match at Blaze of Glory nine is not about winning or losing a title belt.  No, this match is for redemption of a sort for me.  It has been a while since I have won a championship and, in all actuality, I am coming into this match as the underdog.  Yes, you are the champion, but the fight in this bombshell is something you are going to have to be ready to face because I am not going to stop in this match.  I will be bringing the fight to you with every fiber of my being.  This championship match is something that I have earned by beating two other women by climbing a ladder and snatching the briefcase with the contract.  And signing that contract was climbing another ladder to earn this match.  Wouldn’t be ironic if the wheel o’matches landed on a ladder match?”

Sam giggles as does her twin.

“Regardless of what match is chosen, no matter what needs to be done, no matter how much pain you put me through and no matter how much you want to retain the Bombshell Roulette title,” offers Sam, her fingers curling into a fist.  “I am not going to sit back and let you have the opportunity to beat me Purple.  I am coming with a fire that is going to burn down any dream you have of retaining that title and I am going to once more wear that title, proudly and confidently.  The only roadblock that I can see isn’t you Purple, the only roadblock is me but at the supercard, that roadblock will be gone!  I am coming for the title Purple.  Which means that there are only two things you can do…accept that I am not going to be beaten and respect the fact that I am going to bring the fight to you with more heart and more determination than you will be able to overcome.  The title will be mine…”

With that comment, Sam’s fist pumps into the air in front of her chest.  Suddenly, the fist is released and Sam turns before stepping into a flashing and blinking image that turns once more into the Royal Purple mask which is now obscured with a red circle and a line through it which bursts into flames that causes the image to burn and melt to a white screen before it blinks to darkness.