Author Topic: "So Long, Sweetheart"  (Read 565 times)

Andrea Hernandez

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"So Long, Sweetheart"
« on: January 08, 2021, 11:57:11 PM »
December 13, 2020

I was backstage at Climax Control about half an hour after the show ended. I had avoided the mob of bombshells that I knew for sure were going to be upset with me and I eventually found myself alone in the locker room, which at this point in my career is par for the course. I was feeling no remorse, just happiness, as I pulled the mug handle out of my pocket and looked at it. I thought back to what I had just done. Blasting Roxi Johnson in the back of her thick skull with the “enabler” mug certainly brought me some satisfaction. However, when I glared at the handle of the mug, some old bitterness began to flow as I thought about Roxi…

“I can’t believe I ever idolized her…” I said to myself, clearly feeling angry about what I was feeling was a stupid mistake. “...why did I ever love her so damn much?”

Suddenly, memory lane was coming back to me as I thought back to a very special summer evening seven years ago in San Diego, California….

June 23, 2013: 30 minutes following the end of Into the Void II…

“Jesus Andrea… calm down…” my father said in an annoyed tone of voice. In this moment, I didn’t give a damn at all. “...we came here to learn as part of your wrestling training, not for you to indulge in your little fangirl crush…”

I was beaming in the hotel that my family had rented out for the weekend in San Diego as part of our summer vacation! I was sporting a Roxi Johnson t-shirt that I had designed myself. If that wasn’t enough, 19-year-old me had carried a huge sign into the RIMAC arena that night that consisted of Roxi Johnson with the SCW Bombshells World Championship.

“Let her have fun for a change…” my mother told my father.

“Did you learn anything, Andrea?” my father asked me.

“Um…” I took a moment to think, my innocence at this point as part of the wrestling business being at the highest point it would ever be. “Dreams do come true! Roxi was an underdog that everyone counted out and she didn’t care and she got to live her dream and…”

“Andrea…” my father said with an annoyed sigh.

“But it’s TRUE! Roxi WON when NOBODY gave her a chance! My hero just won the SCW Bombshells World Championship for the very first time!”

“You’re 19 years old…” my father reminded me. “You’re too old to be having heroes now. Why do you like Roxi Johnson so much? She’s not a wrestler. She’s just… a comic book act. I’m not a big fan…”

“Well…” I said in a sweetheart tone, showing more of my naive nature. “She never gives up no matter what! She goes out and does what she needs to do. She doesn’t take shit from ANYONE and refuses to let anyone determine what her own destiny is. She’s a true role model for professional wrestling and when I break the mainstream scene, I want to be just like her… in every single way! She’s everything that I want to be as a professional wrestler.”

I could tell that my father wanted to say something and that he wasn’t approving of the fact that I was a huge Roxi Johnson fan. However, he bit his lower lip, indicating that he wasn’t going to say anything, before he took a deep breath and essentially swallowed his pride.

“It’s not that simple, Andrea…” he said with a concerned tone in his voice. “...but… I’m not going to take this away from you. I’m going to let you enjoy this one. As soon as we get home though… we’re going to get right back to work.”

This didn’t bother me at all as the conversation had ended. I sat down in front of the dresser that I was standing by and I propped up the Roxi drawing right in the mirror.

“I’m so psyched that this is a reality now…” I said to myself with a smile as I reflected on the joy I experienced the moment Roxi defeated Misty to become a first time world champion…

December 13, 2020

“God, I was such an IDIOT…” I said to myself as I snapped out of the flashback. “I was actually that stupid to the point where I was calling her a true role model for professional wrestling? I really based the foundation of my career on dreams that she inspired in me? UGH! No wonder I struggled so fucking much when I first broke mainstream. No wonder Myra took advantage of me and abused me. No fucking wonder I had a shorter than deserved world title reign. My god, I was REALLY that soft…”

I sighed in my own annoyance but that annoyance had gone away when I looked at the handle of the mug again. This brought a smirk to my face.

“At least I’m fixing that mistake now. Roxi Johnson is far and away THE biggest reason for all of my old weaknesses… and the only way I’m ever going to exorcise them right out of me is by taking her out for good…

I stuck the mug handle back in my pocket, grabbed my things and walked out of the locker room still overly ecstatic over the fact that I cost my former idol the World Championship…

December 23, 2020

My eyes narrowed upon arriving at the Miami Beach Convention Center. There was a big “Festivus in Florida” banner hanging from the building and my eyes narrowing was an indication of skepticism.

“I can’t believe Myra would even invite me to this event. I guess she really needs star power for this bullshit she’s co-promoting….”

I rolled my eyes and wasted little time walking into the building to get ready for this one off Independent wrestling event that Myra Rivers was co-promoting. When I walked into the building, I had seen plenty of familiar faces, many of them from Global Championship Wrestling. It felt like I was in a bit of a time warp, though Clarissa Vega’s appearance certainly helped me escape that for a bit.

“Feels like a GCW reunion show to some degree, doesn’t it?” she asked me. It took me a bit to respond because Clarissa was sporting wrestling gear and I wasn’t used to seeing her as anything other than a ringside valet.

“Yeah… it does. Are you nervous? I mean… first match on an actual card for you…”

“I’ve got this. What about you? Oh who am I kidding! You’ve beaten Chelsea twice before. I’m certain you’ll do it again. Good shout on the Roxi thing though…”

Clarissa winked at me before she turned and left to mainly mind her own business. As I walked to the locker room, I brushed by some of the more unfamiliar faces that were invited to the show. Once I got to the locker room itself, I ran into Myra herself and she was conversing with Jazmyn Rain, another GCW familiar face and Myra’s on-again, off-again friend. They both looked at me awkwardly, creating tension in the room.

“What?” I said to Myra, who said nothing. “Do you expect me to say ‘thanks for inviting me’? Fuck you, I’m not thanking you for shit.”

“Have some respect, Andrea…” Jazmyn interjected angrily. This interjection greatly annoyed me considering my own personal history with Myra.

“YOU… of ALL people… are standing up for MYRA… after all the shit she’s put you through in the past?”

“Myra, if you can excuse us for a moment…” Jazmyn told her.

“Good luck…” Myra said back to Jazmyn as she left the room. Jazmyn looked back at me and she definitely seemed surprised to see me.

“Gosh Andrea… it’s been how long since we’ve seen each other?”

“GCW. I haven’t seen you since the day we both walked out of that company… more than 2 years ago. I don’t understand… Myra tortured you for years in GCW… we BOTH suffered because of HER… and you’re not only conversing with her like it never happened, you’re DEFENDING her?”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you…” Jazmyn told me. “I’m not making this about me. I’m making this about you. We were tight in GCW, as you know. We even fought side by side against GCW’s biggest evils, remember? We fought for what was right in that company! We stood up for what was best for the professional wrestling business and it was a damn honor to be fighting side by side with you. I even saw you as a potential successor to me when it came to being GCW Global Champion…”

“And?” I asked Jazmyn, making it clear as day that I wasn’t interested in hearing about the past.  “What’s your whole point? We did all that, yes. But that was two years ago!”

“I remember when you first arrived there…” Jazmyn reminded me. “It was your first mainstream experience! You were such a happy girl at that time. I remember how your eyes lit up with joy when you realized that you had made it to global television. You didn’t know how Myra was going to treat you… but I remember you were so sweet to everyone when you were in that locker room for the first time. You were just happy to be there!”

“Yeah, so maybe I was a sweetheart nearly five years ago when I ended up there…” I shrugged this off, again showing little care for my old ‘sweetheart self’. “I was naive back then. I didn’t know that the business is the way it is. I was that stupid to think that the mainstream business was going to be puppies and rainbows just because I made it through the Indies. I thought I was going to have it easy just because, like you, I was about to be mentored by one of the best in the business in Myra. Boy was I wrong…”

“That Andrea was such a joy to be around!” Jazmyn said with a look of regret on her face, which indicated to me that she missed her way more than I did.

“That Andrea was a WEAK BITCH that’s what she was…” I said with a raised voice, which caused Jazmyn, a sweetheart in her own right, to react with a shocked eyebrow raise. “...and there was no greater proof of that prior to SCW, in GCW…”

“Andrea, how can you say that? The old Andrea was so much stronger than you give her credit for and I know deep down in your heart, you know that even if you will probably never admit it at all.”

“Was she? Was that moronic, Sedona sweetheart not the one that got perennially abused by Myra? Was that idiot not the one that couldn’t win a singles match to save her life for a while? Was that idiot NOT the one that was the most consistently taken advantage of in GCW for so much of the time that I was there? Boy, everyone LOVED making a victim out of me…

“That’s not true, Andrea…”

“There was Myra, which was self explanatory. Her fucked up ex-husband was a cuck that kissed her feet and worshiped the ground that she walked on and just agreed with everything she said to me. Oh and remember when someone actually bought my dad’s building and then laughed in my face to bring me down after I turned down her garbage offer to lie down for her for twenty grand? Thank god I won that building back… actually… NO… why the fuck did I waste my time? Oh right, to win my first singles championship. Of course! Everyone took advantage of my kindness in GCW…”

“Not EVERYONE…” Jazmyn reminded me. “I didn’t.”

I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. “And you expect me to be impressed that you were one of the few exceptions to the rule? Let me tell you something, Jazmyn… everywhere I went… everyone took advantage of my kindness. GCW of course. UWA I gave my best for and where the hell did that get me? OCW took advantage of my kindness… when I joined a team to fight the ‘bad guys’ of the time and then they all embarrassed me and made me look like a fool… oh and don’t get me STARTED on SCW…”

“Are you listening to yourself?” Jazmyn asked with a tone of concern in her voice. She’s bewildered at the fact that I could make such an outlandish claim.

“Why don’t YOU try being a part of SCW? You’re going to find yourself in the most cut throat, two-faced, TMZ like environment you’ll EVER wrestle in your career! You’d fit right in with the Candies and the Sam Marlowes of the fucking world! That’s where you’d be and since you’re just like them… and since you’re so damn nice… and since you’re so damn forgiving… CLEARLY the fact that I walked in on you and Myra talking says that… there’s no damn WAY you would be able to handle it because you’re just as soft as OLD Andrea, that’s why! Dainty little bitches like YOU and OLD Andrea don’t make it in Sin City Wrestling. PERIOD!”

“‘OLD’ Andrea was a world champion…” Jazmyn was quick to remind me. “Don’t turn this around and make this about me! I just want to know where you get the idea that this company has ever treated you like garbage because you’ve had the red carpet rolled out for you almost since the day you arrived there!”

“I’m not referring to title opportunities and the like…” I said with an anger in my voice. “You want to know why “sweet, innocent Andrea” is gone? Blame everyone in that company! Blame that locker room! I walked into that company excited as ever… hell, more excited than I ever was to join a wrestling company. It felt like a dream, Jazmyn! I knew I was about to embark on the prime of my career! Did I shy away? Yeah, maybe I did. TWO matches in… Jazmyn… TWO matches in… I realized that the Bombshells locker room wasn’t going to be what I was hoping it’d be…”

Instantly, I began to flash back to my second match in the company: a one on one match against Bobbie Dahl right before High Stakes.

“I get that I have a ‘way with words’ and that I’m blunt and direct… but you know who else is the same way? MYRA is… but nobody gave HER shit for it the way I got shit for it two matches in! I go into my match with Bobbie, my second match in SCW, I tell it like it is… just like I always do… I pull no punches, just like I always do… and after I do so with her, she goes on live television and bitches and whines and cries about what I said acting as if I’m the bully when that was NEVER my intention! I even praise her after the match is over and she shuts it down as ‘oh you’re just trying to save face’. That’s when I knew how petty of a locker room I was a part of…”

Bitterness was drowning me when I remembered how she had treated me.

“It’s just one person. I get that it wasn’t a good experience for you at all but…”

Hearing this angered me as I remembered how I thought it was just Bobbie being Bobbie at first only to find out it was a microcosm of how most of the Bombshells locker room really is.

“Don’t give me that…” I interrupted. “There was the Alicia Lukas match where I had my first loss in the company. I tweeted after the fact ‘Just a delay of the inevitable’ just to show that it wasn’t going to affect me in any way. But Alicia turns it into “OH YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO BE HUMBLE” like BITCH… YOU of all people talking about humility? Not to mention how she resorted to name calling and bullshit toward me after the fact and NOBODY batted an eye or called her out for that nonsense. There was Kate Steele and her shit. Oh and don’t get me STARTED on Evie…”

Of course, that was going to strike a chord with me in the worst way considering how that whole experience went.

“...don’t get me started about how she spent the whole summer slandering me, making up BULLSHIT about me that was NEVER true in any way and where was everyone else? Were they condemning her for her bullshit? NOOOOO! Some people were even kissing her ass and going “YOU GET HER EVIE!” Don’t get me started on how after I lost the title, select IDIOTS in the locker room were throwing an “ANDREA HERNANDEZ IS OVER” party that whole summer!”

That bitterness and that fury was really coming out of me at this point. I wasn’t going to deny the fact that I was still bitter about how I was treated during that time.

“I DID try to be nice, Jazmyn! I DID try to be a sweetheart. But look where it got me: being slandered and ostracized and criticized and ganged up on by a bunch of jealous, two faced bitches most of whom couldn’t even come CLOSE to the prodigal talent that I have. I came in, I shook things up and they were all threatened by it. But you want to CONDEMN ME for how I’ve been acting, Jazmyn?”

“I’m not condemning you. I just don’t think that the way you’re acting is…”

“Just save it! Somehow it’s MY fault, right? Somehow I’M the problem when I walked into a locker room that’s a glorified high school? Bitch to THEM about me because THEY’RE the ones that did this to me! The sweetheart that you knew me as… she DIED last summer. I had to decide between being another Sam Marlowe or another Candy: sweetheart bitches that get taken advantage of all the time and are ALWAYS falling short in big matches… or being SOMEBODY beyond my father’s limitations… and I know I made the right choice. Had you been in my place, you would’ve done the same thing… oh wait… you DID… after Carnage Wrestling treated YOU like shit… but now you want to repent and act like you didn’t spend all of 2020 being bitter while your career floundered in new companies that died after a month…”

Jazmyn was left stone faced for a brief second when I had called her out for her own two faced nonsense.

“They took advantage of my kindness… that’s what they did! I wanted to be the good girl! I wanted to be respectful and nice and sweet and I wanted to inspire everyone with my story! I wanted to inspire everyone with the stories of all the odds that I overcame to be what I am today… and nobody appreciated it. Nobody gave a shit. Everyone was just too busy picking apart everything I said and everyone was just too busy getting butthurt over what I said and how I said it. And you and everyone else wants to act like that’s MY FAULT? Why don’t you go kiss Myra’s ass and have her get you backstage into an SCW event one time and then tell me that it’s my fault.”

“I’m not going to try and get you to go back to being what you were or anything. I was just trying to understand how someone that I knew so well two years ago, someone that I enjoyed being around, enjoyed working with… interacting with… I was just trying to understand why someone so sweet and innocent that I knew from back in the GCW days suddenly turned into a bitter, raging bitch!”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. And don’t worry, I get it now. I empathize. You’re right. I did do the same thing. I did deal with the same nonsense in my own career. But it doesn’t make it right. It took me the whole year to understand that and realize that there was nothing wrong with me at all. You’re just going to have to learn the hard way… and by the way… knowing you from back in GCW and knowing all about your life and your family and all that? I know that SCW isn’t the reason for you being this way… just the breaking point. You’ve been through a lot of shit going all the way back to your dad. That’s where it started, didn’t it?”

“You think you’re my therapist now?” I asked with a sarcastic, mocking tone in my voice. “My life is none of your business. I think I’ve spent enough time even entertaining the thoughts and opinions of someone who clearly doesn’t get professional wrestling anymore. So… why don’t you go take your sweet tea, Southern girl act and get the fuck out of my face?”

Jazmyn sighed and shook her head, not happy at all with how I treated her just now.

“I’m just going to leave you alone. I’ve said what I’ve had to say. I’ve heard what I’ve had to hear. Good luck Andrea. Really… you’re going to need it if you’re going to keep going down this path…”

Jazmyn sighed and I could tell she was in a somber mood as she left the room, reluctantly accepting that there was no way in hell that she wasn’t going to get through to me at all. When the dust settled, I sat down in the locker room and I soon realized that Jazmyn wasn’t the only one going through some lamenting of some sort. I hated to admit it, but deep down, I was feeling it too. Deep down, there was a sense of mourning over the innocence that had slowly been stripped from me for years… and ultimately became fully stripped away in Sin City Wrestling last summer…

“I remember how excited I was when I first joined the company… and how stupid and naive I was having the mindset that I did…”

August 2019


Clarissa Vega was astonished and yet she was extremely happy for me when I broke the news to her that I had signed with Sin City Wrestling. My heart was filled with joy and excitement as I knew that I was about to take off to the next level. She was the first person that I told about my signing with the company.

“This is the BEST thing that ever happened to me…” I said with that excitement in my heart. “I didn’t know how I was going to move ahead with my career after all the bullshit with OCW happened but… I’m SO excited…”

“You have to be at least somewhat nervous considering that you’re going to be facing the toughest competition of your career…”

“Yeah, but I’m WAY more excited. This is really like a dream come true for me. I get to wrestle with so many women that I’ve been fans of for a long time!”

“Really? Like who?”

“Sam Marlowe… god, that’s going to be exciting! She’s just like me! We had similar family issues that we had to overcome in order for us to get to where we are in the business today! She’s like my spirit animal and working with someone as professional as her is going to be amazing! Let’s see… who else? Seleana Zdunich is one hell of a woman, right?”

“You and her share a common bond when it comes to silencing the critics” Clarissa reminded me.

“Oh don’t you know it! I can’t wait to wrestle against her one day! But… the one that I am looking forward to sharing a ring with more than anyone else? Roxi! Talk about a teenage dream come true! She’s so perfect in almost every way!”

“Just remember that she’s going to be an opponent in all likelihood and not an idol…”

“True… true…” I said with a deep breath to calm myself down. I could feel that excitement extend to my palms as I could feel them sweat slightly. “I’ve never been this excited for anything in my entire wrestling career… hell, my whole entire life! I can be an inspiration to so many of those girls! I know that they’re going to appreciate a true rags to riches story! I know they’re going to appreciate the walk of life that I come from! I know that they’re going to love me there! I can’t wait to work with them!”

“You’re going to fit right in, Andrea…” Clarissa said with confidence. “The friends that you’re going to make for a lifetime are going to be in SCW!”

“Don’t you know it?” I said with my own confidence. “When I begin this journey, there is no looking back! I’m going to complete an inspirational, unprecedented, rise to the top that has never been seen before in Sin City Wrestling! Should I bring donuts to the locker room my first night there? I can’t wait to get to know everyone! SCW was my favorite promotion during my teenage years and…” overwhelmed with my own excitement, I paused and let out a small shriek of joy. Clarissa came by and we exchanged a quick hug, basking in the mutual excitement that we had for the journey that was about to begin.

December 23, 2020

Snapping out of that brief flashback I rolled my eyes and felt disgusted with myself.

“What the fuck was I thinking?” I thought to myself. “How could I be that fucking stupid?”

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, but from that point on, I was no longer going to worry about it as I was just focused on 2021… and delivering a bunch of payback that I felt that the entire two-faced locker room owed me for the shit they put me through in 2020…

January 8, 2021

In a dimly lit room, there was one thing that stood out more than anything else in the room: the “Sam Marlowe is a BLEEP” poster that is on the wall that is covered by a red spotlight. I looked at the camera with anger and disgust in my eyes knowing that I was even going to have to face her. I couldn’t put together exactly why she disgusted me, but it didn’t take me long to realize the answer once I thought of it. I looked down on the floor and then back at the camera. Coming to this answer didn’t make me feel much better. In fact, it made me want to hurt Sam even more as I began to express my thoughts.

“When I first came to this company, I tried my best to be respectful with everyone. Of course, nobody wants to remember that because I’m public enemy number one in the bombshells locker room and this whole house has had it out for me from the very beginning… but still. I tried to be the nice girl. I tried to be the sweetheart. I tried to do everything the right way and become one of you bitches. Those that blame me for being who I am now need to look in the mirror. I know now that the Andrea that I was when I first got here was nothing but a weak, little sweetheart that wasn’t going to be able to withstand the rigors of all the bullshit that was going to come her way when she became the SCW Bombshells World Champion. After that battle royal… the one that was so damn embarrassing for me… I had a long, hard look at myself. I had so much to think about because it seemed as if my whole star really had faced. Maybe I was going to be a flash in the pan. Maybe that was my destiny if I didn’t do something about it. I had to make a choice. I could be the woman that collects Roulette Championships like nobody’s business, smile, wave, act like everything is gravy but never get back to a world championship level. I could be that woman that would always be taken advantage of and always talked down to like I’m a nothing piece of shit…

OR… I could be what I’ve been ever since Violent Conduct. It was the easiest decision that I could ever make. I didn’t want to be the sweetheart that some brand new bitch got over on. I didn’t want to be the sweetheart that was constantly taken advantage of. I didn’t want to be the woman that spent her whole, entire life in the shadow of a sibling or a family member that didn’t matter. I didn’t want to be the woman that constantly doubts herself and has crises of faith over and over again. In other words…

I didn’t want to be YOU, Sam Marlowe!!!!

I paused, glaring at the camera and letting my disdain for Sam Marlowe grow for a bit before I continued to express my thoughts.

“The decision was easy for me, SAMMY! The way I was going? I was turning into the next Sam Marlowe… and in this context? That’s a HORRIBLE thing! You know why you’re seen a tier beneath the Alicias and the Roxis of the world? Because you ACCEPT MEDIOCRITY! You take WAY more pride in being a multiple time Roulette Champion than the one time you actually were a world champion. You’re satisfied with the title of being the best Roulette Champion ever. You’re SATISFIED with being second best! You’re satisfied with being that upper mid-tier level women’s wrestler that occasionally cracks the ceiling, but who just can’t break it. Why the FUCK would I want to be that in my own right? Why should I SETTLE for less than what I deserve, Sammy? Why do YOU settle for being so damn mediocre? You’ve been among the pits of this division ever since you lost the Roulette Championship to fucking CANDY of all women! At SOME point over this last year, you could’ve… hell… you SHOULD’VE done what I eventually did! You should’ve kicked that sweetheart to the fucking curb by now and raised a whole bunch of hell just like I have ever since I decided I didn’t want to be the next Sam Marlowe! You just willingly accept being beneath someone else.

When you challenged Myra for the Bombshells Internet Championship, did you deserve it? NO!

She handed you that shot because she was too much of a chickenshit to say no. Of COURSE you lost that damn match, that wasn’t a surprise. You know what I would've done in that situation, Sammy?  Instead of kissing Myra’s ass and becoming friends with her, I would’ve backstabbed the bitch and said “FUCK YOU! You don’t get the last word on me! I would’ve made her life HELL until I got that Bombshells Internet Championship around my waist. Yet… being the passive, piece of shit PRINCESS that you are, you just accepted defeat and moved on. That same night, you had that Pussy Willow interview where you outright said that you wouldn’t try to challenge Myra again for the championship. WHY, Sammy? Why the FUCK did you give up so damn easily? You moved on being the same damn Sam Marlowe that you’ve been since the moment you signed on that dotted line and you’re walking around just cutting the same interview every week while everyone else passes you by and instead of dethroning Myra for the Internet Championship by saying ‘fuck it’ and being the bitch that YOU KNOW is inside of you… you’re settling for what? Forgettable matches against forgettable opponents? Sure, you won the match. But do you really think that anyone gave a fuck that you beat Courtney Pierce at High Stakes? Everyone glossed over that damn match… and for good reason too! What have you even done with that win ever since, anyway? Seriously!

Recently, you had a Bombshells Roulette Championship match… which by the way, you didn’t deserve to begin with… and DUH… you lost. Who’s even surprised that you lose title matches in Sin City Wrestling? I’m sure as hell not. This is the same Sam Marlowe that wrote the most PATHETIC thing I’ve ever read in my entire Sin City Wrestling run with that garbage letter to she who must not be named. This is the same Sam Marlowe who can’t even EARN a championship match anymore. The only reason why you even had shots at Johanna and at Myra was because you challenged them and they said ‘yes’. You didn’t earn it. You didn’t win a number one contender’s match for either title shot. But they took pity on you and said ‘yes’ and both times, you fucking blew it. Tell me again why I would ever want to be the ‘next Sam Marlowe’? Hell, your stock has fallen so fucking far in this company that the term ‘next Sam Marlowe’ is a damn insult.

And to THINK… that when I first came to Sin City Wrestling… I ADMIRED YOU!

Why in the FUCK did I EVER admire you? WHY was I such a Sam Marlowe level of fucking stupid? ‘She’s just like ME’ I said like a fucking clown when I first signed with this company. I had the lunacy to ever put us on the same wavelength and I regret it like hell now! I cited our family issues as to why we could bond. We were both treated like shit by an older sibling: Syn with you, my oldest brother Rodrigo in my case. I once called you my spirit animal! What the hell was I thinking? Seriously! The biggest difference between you and me when it comes to family, Sam, is that I broke away from my family and told every single one of them… especially my father… to shove it up their asses. You on the other hand? You’re STILL crying about being in big sis’s shadow aren’t you? My big brother… that piece of fucking garbage… he treated me the same way that Cyn would treat you… WORSE in fact. Did Cyn ever tell you that she never wanted a little sister?

Because that’s the shit my oldest brother Rodrigo said to me to my face!

Did Cyn ever tell you that she hated you and actually mean it? Probably not.

My oldest brother? Yeah, tons of times. I had to grow up being in HIS shadow while my father favored him and sung his praises just because he was the chosen one that was going to carry on the family legacy. I had to be in HIS shadow watching him realize MY dream. You think I didn’t spend all these years bitter and angry about that? But at various points last year, you were acting like you had it SO HARD with all the shit you were going through. You were CRYING about having no faith in yourself, CRYING about not being driven to wrestle anymore, CRYING about whether or not you wanted to continue and so on and so forth. Gosh Sam, I had no idea that when Candy took that Roulette Championship from you, that she won your dignity with it and you had the NERVE to INSULT ME by calling my mock merchandise FUNNY! There is NOTHING FUNNY about me, Sam! You want to insult me? You want to mock me? SCREW YOU! The one that’s going to be the biggest mockery at the end of the day is going to be you when this Sunday, I not only send Roxi a message straight through you, but I’ll show you how FUNNY I am when I take whatever is left of your psyche and whatever’s left of your dignity and put it through a fucking shredder on Sunday. You think I’m FUNNY now, Sam?

You won’t think I’m funny when you step into the ring with me as my first opponent in 2021 and I show the world exactly why I’m far superior to you in every way. You won’t think I’m funny when I show you why I’m everything that you could’ve been had you ever dropped the whole ‘sweetheart’ nonsense. I’m going to break down how things are going to go on Sunday, okay? Girls like YOU? They’re DESIGNED to be taken advantage of and ran the fuck over by WOMEN like me, you got that? That’s your role! You’re the peasant whose role is to make royalty look even better than what they already are! As long as you keep sticking to the ‘sweetheart’ nonsense, you’re always going to be stuck where you are. You DESERVE to be stuck there considering how stupidly winning you’ve been to accept being a damn victim and how willing you are to be mediocre! This match for me Sam, is like a catharsis in some ways. Honestly? It’s like I’m facing an older, mirror image of myself and what I was destined to be had I not changed my ways. No wonder I’m so damn disgusted by you because you remind me of what I used to be… and what I would’ve been… but in spite of all of that? The biggest reason why I’m so disgusted by you?

Because you’re AN ENABLER OF THE ENABLER, that’s why!

HOW can you be FRIENDS with someone like Roxi Johnson? You think I haven’t seen all the ‘girl love’ on social media where she tags you as a WCW every week? I’d like to think that you’re going to come into this match looking to prove me wrong, looking to shut me up and looking to punish me for what I did to Roxi when she challenged Keira for the world championship but I don’t think you have it in you at all. Candy stole your title, your smile and your fire. You don’t have the passion that the old Andrea once admired Sam Marlowe for. If you did, you would be in so much better shape than you are right now even if you still decided to be the idiot, dunce, walkover you’ve been ever since she took the title from you. So yeah… you want to be FRIENDS with HER? FINE! I’ll make you pay for that mistake! I’ll make you my message bitch! I’ll put you out of your pathetic misery and I’m going to make damn sure you get what you deserve for being friends with someone like her! Don’t blame me for what’s about to happen to you on Sunday… blame Roxi! She’s the reason for what’s going to happen to you. She’s the reason why I’m about to strip you of your remaining dignity and when you’re left crying and whining about whether you want to wrestle another match anymore, just remember that it’s all Roxi Johnson’s fault! Hell, maybe Sunday can be a good thing for you. Maybe then, you’ll finally get it. Maybe then you’ll see it my way. Perhaps humiliating you is going to turn out to be the best thing for your career because then, if you’re somehow smart enough, you’ll understand why I decided to stop wanting to be you. You’ll get why I decided to stop being a pushover just like you. Hell, maybe you can come to me in the locker room later and say ‘you’re right, Andrea’ and beg me to help you be just like me.

Of course, I’m just pipe dreaming at that point, but it’d be the smartest thing you’d ever do for your sputtering, stagnant career: to do what I did!

But at the end of the day, Sammy?

I’m not coming to Climax Control to help you… I’m coming to HURT you…

So long, sweetheart…

I’m going to give you something else to self-loathe about….

I let out a remorseless laugh giving no fucks about the psychological well being of Samantha Marlowe. I thought about the joy that I was going to experience torturing someone I was once stupid enough to respect and to want to emulate and how freeing that was going to be for me as I stood up and shut off the camera, ready to face something that reminded me of what I used to be...a nd what I had grown so disgusted of ever being ever since Violent Conduct and especially since High Stakes...