Author Topic: The more things change...the more they stay the same...Or do they?  (Read 495 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
A rather beat up green camaro is moving along the highway towards Vegas which is just a glow on the horizon.  Behind the wheel is Sam Marlowe who has one hand on the steering wheel and her other holding the gear shift of the car.  Beside her is a sleeping man who murmurs and shifts to ease his position into something more comfortable.  Softly playing on the radio is country music that Sam is singing along to.  She doesn’t see the man open his eyes and smile.

“Sounds just like I remember,” teases Colton who now gets Sam’s attention.  “You sing like you did when you were in high school choir, slightly off key but enthusiastic.”

Sam’s head drops with a moan.  “Everyone said I sang well,” she rebuts with a smirk.  She spies Colton roll his eyes and nod his head sarcastically with a ‘yeah right’.  Sam’s hand leaves the stick and lightly smacks at Colton’s arm.  He whimpers with a pout that he can’t keep from transforming into a smile. 

Sam once more turns her attention back to the road as Colton moves his hand to rub it along the seat and over Sam’s shoulder.  “You know I like when you sing darlin’,” he whispers as he leans his head towards Sam who blushes but smiles as she leans her head closer.  Colton looks up to see a signpost indicating that the city of Vegas was close.  He looks at Sam and then motions her to pull off the road.  “Come on Sami, please,” he asks.  “I want to talk to you about something.”

“Am I in trouble,” wonders Sam outloud as she guides the Camaro to the shoulder then stops the car.  Colton shakes his head and then releases his seatbelt to turn to Sam. 

“No, you ain’t in trouble,” he begins then turns and opens the door.  Sliding from the car, he moves around the front, his body lit by the car’s headlights.  He reaches the driver door and opens it inviting Sam to join him.  She reaches down and releases her seatbelt then turns to let her legs slide from the vehicle and is helped to her feet by the young man then lead to the hood of the Camaro.  Setting Sam on the hood, Colton begins to pace a little.

“Colton, you are making me nervous…say something,” says Sam as she leans forward preparing to jump off the hood.  She stops as Colton moves towards her and puts his hands on her arms.  “What is it?” she demands softly.

“I gotta tell you that when you got injured, I freaked out,” he begins as he turns to the side and leans on the car himself.  “I knew you were stuck in that hotel and from our conversations I was getting the feeling that something was off.”

“Really?  I tried to hide that from you,” admits Sam with a quirked worried look.  “I missed you and I wasn’t really in a great place mentally.  I guess I just wasn’t worried so much about taking care of myself because there was nothing really that I could be doing.  It was workout, eat, sleep and repeat.  This whole pandemic thing had me locked up.  I felt trapped.”

“Did you even try to go out?” Colton asks softly only to watch as Sam’s head slowly shakes side to side.  “You’re telling me that you didn’t get out at all?”

“Colton, I have diabetes and that is an underlying condition,” Sam admits.  “The doctors told me that the best thing for me was to stay inside and away from people.  With you in Canada and me stuck in that hotel…I was slowly going downhill.  Now..”

Colton holds up a hand and places his finger over the lips of Sam to stop her speaking.  “Now I am back and there has been a let up of restrictions, I get it.  But Sam, there has to be more to this that just you holding on.  I don’t want to have anything happen to you darlin’ and if that means I need to take care of you, that is what I am going to do.  Since high school Sami, I have seen things with you that drove me crazy.  Watching your sister crapping all over you just made me angry.  Why you defended her back then is beyond me.”

“It was something that I thought I had to do since she was family,” admits Sam.  “ Then, when she slept with the guy I was dating…just because he was with me,” said Sam with a sigh.  “But actually, when you came back into my life…made me glad that she was such a bad person to me.”

Colton looks at Sam in disbelief then chuckles as his head shakes.  “Only you Sam can find a good thing out of something so messed up.  But I am glad I am back in your life.”

Sam starts to laugh softly.  “Even with me being the wrestler I am?” she asks then sticks out her tongue.

“It got me on a cruiseship with my best gal,” teases Colton.  “I will be honest though, seeing the stuff you do does give me the heebies.  Think you can stop flying round that ring?” he demands.

“Nope sirree,” responds Sam with a grin.  “That is kinda what I am known for.  But I promise you this, I will try taking a few less risks.”  She slides off the hood and stands in front of Colton who has one foot on the beat up bumper and the other firmly planted on the pavement.  He reaches out and pulls her into an embrace that has Sam leaning her red head against his chest.  “We should head back home Camo.”

Behind them, the music changes and suddenly a slow country song begins.  Colton slides off the hood to move around to the driver side and leans into the car to turn up the music.  He smiles and then holds his hand out to Sam who reaches out her hand.  Joining her in front of the car, Colton pulls her close as Clay Walker’s “Fall” begins to play.

In the light of the car headlights the pair are slowly dancing to the music as Colton can be heard to sing softly to Sam as they dance under the stars.  Sam smiles up into the eyes of Colton as his voice carries on the wind with the lyrics of the song.

“So fall, go on and fall apart.  Fall into these arms of mine, I'll catch you every time you fall.  Go on and lose it all.  Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear…I'm right here…Baby, fall,” sings Colton.

“Sounds just like I remember,” teases Sam with a smile before she lays her head against the shoulder of Colton to catch the rumble of his chuckling against her cheek as they continue to dance in the headlights.

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An old fashioned microphone can be seen in a bare room with no other furniture or markings being taken in by the lens of a camera that stands opposite the microphone.  Suddenly from out of the camera’s view, the soft clip of a pair of boots walking across the floor can be heard.  A hand reaches out for the microphone, curling around it to pull it towards a person who has stopped with their back to the camera.  A curtain of red curls cascade down the back and bounce as Sam Marlowe turns to look into the camera.  Dressed in a black tee and skintight jeans, she smiles into the camera.

“It’s been a while since I have had a pair of wins in a row and now once again, I am in the ring with a renewed faith in myself.  Strange what wins can do for someone’s confidence huh?” muses Sam as she straightens the microphone and leans gently on it with her arm resting lightly on it.  “I guess that was just what I needed, a couple of wins.  But in all honesty, that’s not why I am here to talk to you.”

She points at the camera as if she is pointing at someone.  “I am here doing something that I used to do for all new signings in Sin City Wrestling.”

Sam calmly looks into the camera and then walks out of view for a moment before walking into view again with a clipboard and wearing a tour guide hat.  She clears her throat and begins to speak into the microphone.

“I am here to officially welcome you to Sin City Wrestling Maki,” says Sam with an apologetic look.  “I am sorry it took me to do this but there was this pandemic and all…better late than never though right?”  Sam looks down at the clipboard that has a black ‘rules’ on the back of it.  “I used to be the one that would welcome everyone who signed with a quick going over of some rather interesting rules.  I also tended to get paid in peanuts…I really should talk to Mr Ward…maybe I could ask for a raise since now I am actually using my time to cut promos to welcome people.”

“The first rule is beware of Skittles…especially purple ones.  The reason I would say that is that there is a manager slash lawyer slash bear of all trades that tends to spork people because the skittles tended to be a trap.  People tended to get a laugh out of that but Ben Jordan told me that he was the only one immune to that because Angel didn’t believe he was real.  I wonder if that would work for mockneys…” thinks Sam out loud.  “Probably not.  But you won’t have to worry about that Maki because I haven’t seen any Skittles anywhere since the pandemic started.”

Sam looks down again and once more looks back up.  “Then there are rules two and three which were just really throw away taunts and teases that got a laugh or two.  Then there was the rule about having fun.  In all honesty, it was a little thing that I was known for and probably isn’t anything that you would really need to hear Maki.”

Sam tosses the clipboard to the side and then smiles at the camera.  “We haven’t really had a chance to meet or talk Maki and well, I thought that I would introduce myself and let you know who I am.  I mean sure, I am like an open book and my records speak for themselves here in SCW.  But you don’t know me and I don’t know you so this match is going to be very interesting,” offers Sam.  “I mean I have seen what you are capable of in the ring and I must say that I am impressed.  You have skills like no tomorrow and oh my gosh, your win record here is formidable.  I watched you in the Ultimate X match and that too was just wow.” 

“I guess what I am trying to say is that I really respect what you are capable of.  And I like the challenge of facing bombshells like you in the ring.  It means that I am going to have to really work for the win which just makes me more dangerous,” Sam says as she once more caresses the microphone as she pulls it closer to whisper into it.  “That’s right…dangerous.”

Sam can’t hold the look of seriousness and breaks into a smile.  “I am joking Maki because I really don’t know what it is like to be in the ring with you.  Just like you have no idea what it is like to be in the ring with me.  Some people will tell you that I am really a loser who doesn’t deserve to be in SCW because I am nothing.  Some will tell you that I am a has been, peaked and now should just hang it up and rest on my laurels of past glory.  There might even be one or two that will tell you I still got it.”  Sam shrugs as if just thinking these ideas were a weight on her shoulder.

“Maki, this is who I am,” begins Sam.  “There is nothing special about me being a good girl.  I don’t cheat and I don’t take shortcuts in the ring.  I go full throttle and if that means that I take the fight to my opponent, that is what I do.  Everything is left in the ring and when it is all said and done, win or lose I will still respect the person I faced in the match and will offer them my hand in respect.”  Sam holds out her hand as if accepting a handshake. 

“I saw what happened at Summer XXXTreme on the ship and how you challenged for the Bombshell Roulette title and if you asked me, I thought you would have gone all the way for that title.  But I also saw Jessie pull you off the wires and into the pool.  Do you know what I learned from that Maki?  I learned that you tend to underestimate your opponents at times.  And it makes me wonder, is that what you are going to do when you get in the ring with me?” demands Sam as her brow raises slightly.  “Are you going to consider me a threat or not, because piece of advice Maki, I have beaten Jessie Salco everytime I have been in the ring with her.  So, what does that say about me if you got beaten by her.”

“To be honest Maki, I could talk about how much I want to win and it will probably mean nothing to you but it will mean something to me.  I want to win this match between us Maki and the reason I want to win is not because I can say that I beat you and it is not to notch another win in the record books.  I want to win because I am that competitive.  I step in the ring with a strong desire to prove to myself that I am not the choke artist my sister calls me.  I want to prove that I deserve to be here in SCW.  I want to prove to the naysayers that I am not what they think I am.”

Sam stops as she looks down to see that her free hand had curled into a tight fist.  Bringing it up she looks at it dispassionately before she opens the fist and wiggles her fingers.  “Hmm…guess talking out my feelings about this match got to me.  Question is what did they say to you and that is something that I don’t know right now.  But I am sure that at Climax Control, you are going to show me.  And I look forward to it Maki.  You are a challenge that I am looking forward to.  You are the next test I have to face and overcome and when it comes to that match, that test…I am not going to fail, simple as.”

With that Sam releases her hold on the microphone and with one last smile and a mouthed good luck, she turns and walks out of the empty room leaving the camera to film the whiteness of the room.

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The Staggs Dungeon has been the home of some of Sin City Wrestling’s Climax Controls but today it looks somewhat quieter as there are very few wrestlers there training.  Sam moves into the gym and watches the ring as she lowers her bag to the floor and moves closer to the ringside area.  Once there, she runs her hands along the ring apron and lets her eyes drift closed.

Stepping out of the office, Vixen Staggs stops for a moment, her body slightly stiff with some bruising still lightly covering parts of her skin with sickly yellowish patches that frame faded black bruises.  She moves closer to the ring where Sam is standing and leans against the ring apron.

“What brings you to my humble ring,” Vixen teases, her soft Quebecois accent making Sam’s eyes fly open and a smile to cross the redhead’s lips.

“Vix, you scared me,” says Sam.  “I thought I would come here and maybe try to get some training in as I have a match this week at Climax Control.  And I figured that I might talk to my favorite trainer and see if she will help me prepare for it.”

Vixen looks around the gym and then back at Sam.  “I have a match too so yeah, why not.  But I tell you, I won’t go easy on you.”

“I hope not because I need to really be on my toes…I am facing Maki on Sunday,” admits Sam as she moves back to her bag.  Picking it up, she brings it towards the ring and pulls out a bottle of Gatorade and sets it to the side.  Vixen looks to see Sam climbing the ringsteps.

“You are going to wrestle in street clothes?” asks Vixen while Sam slides between the ropes.  Vixen climbs the ringsteps herself and then moves into the ring.  “First you are going to warm up with some bumps and prep work.  Then we will spar,” offers Vixen to a groan from Sam.  The older woman smirks and then motions for her to start.  Sam sighs and begins to run to the ring ropes to bounce off and then cross the ring to the opposite ropes.

Vixen pulls herself up on the turnbuckle across from where Sam can be seen running the ropes.  “So…you are facing Maki this week huh?  What do you think about that?”

“What can I think Vix,” offers a breathy Sam as she stops in the middle of the ring.  “I have seen in her in the ring and she is dangerous.  I don’t know her that well but something tells me that she can back up any tough talk she does.”

“More than likely she can,” says Vixen which earns her a glare from Sam.  “I am being honesty Sam, you don’t know what you are going to be facing until you step in the ring with her.  But you know what Spike and I have taught you and that is to be prepared for anything right?  And we both know that you tend to get into your own head so you better get that out of it right now.  She is just another bombshell who you have to beat and it will be simple.”

Sam chuckles.  “You make it sound so simple but it isn’t.  Maki was in the match at Summer XXXTreme for the Bombshell Roulette title…she’s good.” 

“So…she was in a title match for the lowest bombshell title…voyons donc, you have worn that title how many times?  Whose name is holding all the records for that title hmmm?  If her challenging for a title that you have dominated and losing the match is a worry then just don’t show up for the match on Sunday,” taunts Vixen.  “If you sit here and tell me that you are scared…”

“I didn’t say that!” exclaims Sam angrily.  “I said that she is good.  But if you ask me, I know that when I get into the ring with her, she is going to come at me like I am her next victim and that is going to mean that I am going to have to step up my game.  That is why I am here.  To step up my game.”  Sam angrily puts her hands on her hips then steps towards Vixen who is smirking as she leaps down from the turnbuckle.  “If you think I am scared, you have another thing coming Vix.  I am here to get ready to face Maki and beat her.”

Vixen’s smirk turns into a smile.  “That is good to know because now you are in my house and my ring and you will be ready for this match because I am going to make you ready.  Now if you are warmed up?” asks Vixen as she moves into the middle of the ring, “we can start.”

Sam shakes her head and moves to the middle of the ring where Vixen is.  Sam moves to lock up with the Nightmare champion but as she does, Sam is surprised by Vixen ducking to the side then leveling an elbow into the upper back of Sam to send her stumbling towards the rope.  Vixen turns to see Sam turn to look at her in surprise.  “What was that?” demands Sam.

“That was an elbow to the back.  Were you expecting me to lock up with you?  That Sam, is naïve,” offers Vixen with a motion for Sam to bring it.  Sam charges across the ring with bad intentions but is taken off her feet with a drop toe hold.  Landing face first on the mat, she rolls over to see Vixen on her feet.  “Tired?” taunts Vixen who holds out her hand to help Sam to her feet. 

“You have changed,” says Sam as she is helped to her feet.  “The Vixen who trained me wasn’t like this,” she adds as she wipes at her lip. 

“That Vixen is still here but that Vixen isn’t who you need to train you for this match Sam.  I have seen Maki and trust me, you are going to need the GRIME Vixen, not your old trainer.  So to prepare you need to know that you are in the ring with someone that is willing to do anything to win,” says Vixen with a deadpan look at her friend.  “Shall we continue?”

Sam nods as she slowly begins to circle Vixen who lowers her head slightly and her eyes narrow as a sick smile begins to cross her face.  Sam lunges in and this time is able to attempt a single leg takedown with Vixen breaks with an axehandle on the back of Sam that has her arching in pain.  Vixen aims a kick into the midsection of Marlowe who avoids it and catching the foot of Vixen, sends her to the mat by sweeping her leg.  Vixen nods as Sam offers her hand to Vixen who uses it to leverage her to the mat then rolls her up into a submission hold that has Sam moan in pain. 

“You are too trusting Sam,” says Vixen.  “You need to not be.  Your opponent will take any advantage and use it to beat you.  You have to be smarter than you are now.  I want you to bury that good girl you are deep inside and return to your championship abilities with no regrets.  To win, you need to be heartless.”

Sam looks at Vixen, her eyes showing hurt and surprise at the comments from her friend.  “Vix, that isn’t me…”

“Then it needs to be!” says Vixen, barely showing any emotion.  Sam shakes her head and then backs away from Vixen who blinks in surprise.  “Where are you going?” she demands as Sam leaves the ring.

Sam stops and turning to Vixen, she offers her a half smile.  “I am going to train for my match,” replies Sam, “my way.  But thanks, Vix for the advice, I think I know what I am going to have to do.”  Reaching for her bag, she shoulders it and grabs the bottle of Gatorade.  Turning she moves towards the door leaving a speechless Vixen in the ring to watch her leave.

At the door, Sam turns for a last wave as Vixen leans on the ropes and waves back.  Pushing through the door, Sam disappears to the outside as Vixen moves to the ringsteps and slides between the ropes to exit the ring.  Walking towards the office, she stops for only a moment to once more glance at the door as if expecting Sam to return before she shakes her head and disappears in the office.