Author Topic: Alicia Lukas V Bobbie Dahl  (Read 1713 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Alicia Lukas V Bobbie Dahl
« on: May 23, 2020, 11:38:41 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week, 10,000 max

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Alicia Lukas

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Alicia Lukas V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2020, 12:04:03 AM »
Give up…
9 Years Ago
Kyoto, Japan

Her mop of blond hair whipped to the side as they all laughed. Not one of them looked to even offer a moment or look of sympathy or empathy. She dropped to her knees, her blood trickled from her mouth and rolled down her soft pink lips to the floor hitting the back of her hand. She took in deep breath after deep breath. Her chest rising and falling. Her bright blue eyes looked up through the veil of hair that had come to rest in front of her pale face. She looked around, their eyes burned a hole in her. The Japanese students, both men, and women snickered, as did the other gaijin. Including Sean Demont, a man who has been her friend, a man who had been her only friend. But now even he laughed as Alicia stayed on the mat.

Five months training in the dojo has passed. Alicia had learned many things. Striking, submission wrestling, some throws, and suplexes. But despite her effort, despite her heart, she was not taken seriously. She had become one of the best there, not just out of the foreigners, not just out of the woman. Out of the whole class. She had become better than some students who had been there years. She knew it and it made her blood boil. Alicia pulled herself to her feet and slowly wiped the blood from her lip. An elbow hard caught her flush on the chin. A loud shot that sent shockwaves through the small hall. She should have seen it coming. She scolded herself in her own mind as she stepped back in line with the others. Her head down as her mind flashed through everything that happened.

The attempted single leg, the sweep attempt, they spun and then. That was it. He was too fast. Sensei Takamura got her flush. Others tried but it was all a blur as they trained and moved. Alicia just went over and over where she went wrong. Over and over her footwork, her movements. She was at a wrong angle, she was too slow and not strong enough.

Her eyes burned with tears as her lips pursed together, her heart beat so hard and fast she could hear it inside her own head. She could feel it, her skin burning, her hands shaking. She had to hide it. The anger, the frustration, the pure emotion. All of it had to be pushed deep down and suppressed before ”Anata, soko ni, on'nanoko”. Shit. Takamura-san stepped out of line right in front of Alivia, he tilted his head studying her before smirking. He turned and dismissed the others, they filed away and Alicia looked down waiting for it. He came face to face with her and slowly motioned his hand for her to sit. She lowered herself to her knees as he did to in front of her.

”I am going to say this as simply and clearly as I can. So I will use English for your benefit.” Her heart sank. The instructors would only use English at a time when they felt disappointed and that Japanese was too noble of a language to be used in the situation. Alicia had picked up enough to understand what would be said to her. Not quite enough to fully respond. But this seemed dire as she looked ahead into her teacher's eyes. ”Give up…””WHAT?” Her protest came out louder than she had intended. Sensei Takamura’s eyebrow raised as he scoffed as if Alicia just proved his point. His hands clasped together in front of his body as he shook his head.

”You do not belong here. You are too emotionally weak.””No, I can hold it together I can keep it do-” His hand rose up and he shook his head. Sensei Takamura was in his mid-thirties and had a successful career before starting his work here. Now he would occasionally wrestle and enjoyed it. He had shaggy black hair, a small beard, and a handsome face. His eyes showed compassion and understanding but he was strict. Because he had to be. When he spoke it was deep and with authority and respect. ”That is just it Violet. You hold back. Push it down. Instead of use it. Because deep down. You are scared. And I have no time for fear in my class. I can’t kick you out as you have not broken a rule. But I am urging you. Go home, little girl.”

He stood up as Alicia simply stayed silent. Her hands stayed on her knees as he turned and walked off the training mats and past the small ring. She sat there for what seemed like an eternity, his voice replaying in her head. Over and over. Was he right?. The sun had gone down and it was now night. Alicia pulled herself up and her legs burned, she had been there for so long. Her heart beat faster and faster as she moved into the lockerooms, she stared at herself in the mirror, studying her red eyes from crying, her flushed cheeks, her youthful face.

She sneered and reached down in her bag pulling out a pair of scissors she used to cut the tape for her wrists, she grabbed chunks of her long blond hair and started cutting. It fell to the floor in the heap as she moved her hands faster and harder until she stopped, her hands were still and the scissors slowly got lowered to a bench. She looked back up, her hair was cropped short, she snarled and shook her head. ”Little girl?...”

Her mind flashed and she was back in the gym. It was March, she was in Vegas. The entirety of Sin City’s roster had relocated here. So for her training and rehab she needed to be here, she needed to be with her friends. Her teammates, her brothers and sisters. Alicia was on her back, she looked up at Johanna Krieger. She had wrist control, Alicia raised an eyebrow trying to move her hips around and away from Johanna. But Krieger was strong.

She was unable to escape, unable to move and before she knew it Johanna had hooked her leg and snapped back into a heelhook, Alicia tapped, as Johanna let her go Alicia punched thew mat in anger letting out a scream. Johanna offered her hand and Alicia groaned taking it, she wasn’t angry at Johanna for her skill, she was an amazing grappler, she was angry at herself..Johanna gave her a small nod as Alex walked over to Alicia.

”You’re lucky.” Alicia chuckled to herself and rolled her eyes. She didn’t feel lucky. She was frustrated, angry, sad, annoyed. But lucky? No. Her eyes trailed over to Johanna, she liked Jo, she was strong, skilled and exactly what the gym needed. But at the same time Alicia was jealous. She had been replaced in Wolfslair. Or thats how she felt.”Jo didn’t follow her instincts. Your arm was right there, she could have ripped it off and taken it home. She went for your leg to avoid damaging you.”

Alicia sighed heavily and rolled her shoulder. The thought was always there, what if she wasn’t ever going to be as good as she was?. It had been four months, four months since losing her title, four months since having surgery after being attacked. And now, training, working back into it she was scared. And Alex knew it, Austin knew it, Johanna knew it. ”Take a minute, then go work with Charlie….get your head on straight Alicia...we need you prepared…”

Motivational Speaking


Alicia’s voice rang out. A sound we should be used to by now. She had been in Sin City Wrestling and the wrestling world long enough that she had become recognizable just by her accent and tone. Alicia Lukas was a star, she knew it, she felt it, she had an ego but it was earned. And now she stood ijn a hotel room in Las Vegas. A few weeks away from getting something she wanted for months.

”Fear is a motivator. It can be a useful. When you have nothing left and your mind starts to fail, when the confidence falls and you are at your worst, fear can be the thing that keeps you alive. And we all feel it. Just some people decide to lie about it or live in some kind of delusion. I am one of the best professional wrestlers on this planet with a pedigree and list of accomplishments, titles and accolades that speaks for itself yet even I feel fear.”

“I felt fear when Bobbie Dahl stood over me and raised that sling in the air.”

“I felt fear when she was beating me down and I felt my shoulder seperate and that sting of pain crawl from my neck to the tips of my fucking fingers…”

“I was scared.”

“I was scared I’d lost that edge. I was scared I wouldn’t come back as the killer I once was. I was scared that Bobbie Dahl had taken my heart and soul from me and in doing so I would lose everything I had built up and worked for. My position at Wolfslair, my status in the wrestling world, my home, my husband. I thought my entire goddamn life would come crashing down. And it would all be Bobbie Dahls fault.”

Alicia grit her teeth together, a few tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she held it all back. The fear had gotten to her and almost broke her. But now as she sat there everything was back to where it needed to be, all but one thing, one moment and one desire. The fact she felt that way, the darkness she had felt. She took a long drawn out breath in.

”But as I said, Fear is a motivator. Then that fear melted away, it just circled down the drain and in it’s place, was anger. I watched you squander a title shot Bobbie. I watched you get a chance at the title I made famous, the title that I took and made a prize, you had a chance to take it, you had a chance to take all that momentum from your wins and from taking me out and use it. Instead you failed. And blamed it all on everyone else. And that anger Bobbie, that frustration was even more toxic than fear. Finally, after working hard, after bowing, scraping and clawing my way back. I was able to get back in that ring…”

“And what have I done Bobbie? Three matches back into my renewed SCW career and what have I done?. I know you can’t actually answer during MY promo but I’m going to assume instead of admitting the obvious you are going to roll your eyes, scoff and put up a pair of sausage shaped middle fingers.”

“Buty the answer is simple. I have dominated.”

“I walked back in and Roxi Johnson volunteered to face me. Because she isn’t a coward, because she doesn’t run and hide. Roxi Johnson as much as she and I have differing views on this business, is still a fucking warrior and a champion deserving of respect. And a match between us should have been a celebration, my return, Roxi wanting to prove she could beat me and stay in the title picture. But it was disrespected by YOU. You got involved. You stopped it from being a fair match. And truth is, I could have won, or I could have lost, and I would have been ok with either one.”

“But you, YOU Bobbie robbed us of that, because you’re jealous.”

Alicia sneers and tries to keep the anger in, her hands shake as she takes another long drawn out breath, her head swimming with things to say and point out, but she needs to calm herself.

”What about when you haven’t been involved hmmm?. In the last few weeks, I have got inside the ring and I have been the Alicia Lukas everyone remembers, the Alicia Lukas everyone is TERRIFIED of. I beat the reigning Roulette champion and the number one contender for the SCW world bombshells title one after the other. Candy, as happy go lucky as she is, as bubbly and silly is also a great competitor who puts her heart on the line week in and week out. Someone who has held gold in SCW, something YOU haven’t done. She and I got in the ring…”

“And I beat her.”

“Then SCW booked me in a dream match. Evie Jordan and Alicia Lukas. A week before going into the lead up for Into the void. The go home show, before Evie was getting in the ring to face Andrea Hernandez.for the title, and before I was to face you. I got in the ring with her and we beat the hell out of each other. Evie goddamn Jordan. A former champion and someone who has had a much better career than you.A woman who has won the Blast from the past TWICE. She and I went toe to toe.”

“And I beat her.”

“So now we arrive at Into the void. The next big, grand amazing supershow in Sin city wrestling. And it’s time for you to face me and while you seem to have this narrative in your head that you don’t run and hide and that I am the one who should fear you or be afraid you’ll beat me or put me on the shelf again, the truth is...that you should be scared Bobbie. You should be very very afraid.”

Her voice turned into a whisper as she swallowed hard again and refocused. As if struggling with her own nature, her bright blue eyes sparkling and lighting on fire.

”I just went at someone who is one of my greatest rivals in Roxi, I beat a current champion and a fucking legend since my return while all you have done is try and cheap shot me and run from a damn right. So tell me, Bobbie, why should I fear you? Why should I think of you as anything more than a target. See, when I have faced others in the past. Dani, Roxi, Crystal, Kate, was mostly business. It was just done for the sake of pro wrestling and my career, even with a few personal touches it was about the title or the road to it.”

“But with you?. With you Bobbie Dahl, it is oh so personal. See, you took something away from me when you injured me in my hometown, you took my confidence. I spent months feeling sorry for myself doubting myself and my abilities while at home or stuck here doing rehab and training. Each day after finishing, going home and crying, sobbing and doubting. YOU DID THAT.”

Alicia screams, her voice twisting from the harsh whisper to a squeal. Her finger pointing out and straight as if moving passed the camera and looking right at Bobbie, her chest heaves as she tries to calm herself down..

”You reached into my heart and took something that I thought would never EVER be taken again, you made me feel like that same insecure blond who wandered into a Dojo in Kyoto years ago. But, after coming back, after facing the best this Division has to offer….what I have to fear from YOU?”

Alicia growls out her last few words and sneers turning off the camera leading to the eerie black silence.

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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Alicia Lukas V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2020, 01:51:54 PM »

Sunday May 24th
Unaired Footage From Climax Control

After being pulled apart from a brawl with Alicia Lukas at ringside and led backstage, Bobbie Dahl is on a rampage. She’s absolutely furious and wants nothing more than to break free and bulldoze through everyone and everything to try and find Alicia and make her lay for what she just did. Several security guards are blocking her way, however, and she is NOT happy about it.


Christian: You’ll do what exactly, Bobbie?

Christian Underwood appears on the scene, ready to put an end to Bobbie’s tirade. She’s standing there, fuming and red in the face. Christian stares at her, arms folded as he is not intimidated by her outburst.

Bobbie: These assholes can’t block me forever! Alicia wants to paint me the bad guy?! I won’t let her!

Christian: What’s the matter? Don’t like a taste of your own medicine, sweetheart? You’ve attacked Alicia multiple times in recent months, as well as other Bombshells. I’d say you had it coming.

Bobbie snarls. She tries to step forward, bit the security guards continue to surround her and block her way.

Bobbie: That had NOTHING to do with Alicia and everything to do with that insensitive fat-phobic bitch, Bea! But Alicia wanted to protect HER?! It’s bullshit!

Christian: You settled whatever issue you had with Bea in the ring during your match. You beat her. Your actions afterward were NOT necessary. I suggest you end this little tirade of yours now or you’ll suffer the consequences.

Bobbie smirks, testing him.

Bobbie: Oh yeah? How’s that? Feeding me another three week suspension?! Other people have done worse, but everyone seems to have an issue with me!

Christian: Oh it won’t be three weeks this time, and it most certainly won’t be a suspension. If any further punishment needs to be handed down, you’ll be on the unemployment line, Bobbie.

Bobbie’s jaw drops. Christian now smirks at her.

Bobbie: You can’t be serious?!

Christian: I don’t think you want to test me and find out just how serious I am. I used to have a lot of admiration for you, Bobbie. The last several months? Not so much. I suggest you settle down, go back to the hotel and save all your frustration for your match against Alicia.

Bobbie is still shocked as Christian turns and walks away. Bobbie’s fists are clenched tight and she closes her eyes, taking in several deep breaths as she tries to calm herself. When she feels she is calmed down enough, she opens her eyes and tries to head towards the locker rooms. But the security guards block her again.

Bobbie: Can I at least go to the locker room to get my stuff?!

The head security guard is about to respond when a gentle and familiar voice behind them is heard. Bobbie looks past and is surprised to see Artie there.

Artie: I actually was allowed to get your stuff for you. I...I hope you don’t mind.

Bobbie smacks her forehead and lets out a growl.

Bobbie: Uuugghhh...Artie, what are you doing here?!

Artie: Well...I’m not one to give up, so...I’m choosing not to listen to you ordering me to go home.

Artie steps through the line of security guards, insisting he will be fine. He stands directly in front of Bobbie, holding her bag of belongings.

Artie: I think you’re done here for tonight, so I can take you back to the hotel.

Bobbie: I’m capable of going myself, thanks!

She reaches out to him, trying to take her bag, but he pulls it back, refusing to give it to her.

Artie: I know you can, but you’ve been avoiding me since I’ve been here and I want you to listen for once. I want us to have a conversation. No arguments.

Bobbie glares at him, shocked he would try and force her into a conversation she didn’t want to have. She didn’t know what he would do if she disagreed, but it was becoming more and more clear that he wasn’t giving up so if he wanted to talk, she would let him. It doesn’t mean she would do the same. She folds her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes.

Bobbie: Well I guess I have no choice, do I?

She turns and storms off towards the exit and Artie has to quickly follow after her. The security guards disperse soon after and the scene fades.


Back At The Hotel…

Bobbie and Artie have just made it back to the hotel, but it didn’t take them very long. The Saxon Hotel is just a short distance away from The Staggs Dungeon, so they didn’t have a very long drive. But despite the short amount of time, Bobbie’s demeanor had changed drastically. She was no longer scowling, nor did she have her arms folded like a pouting five year old. She was much calmer, but also remained quiet.

As they entered the elevator, Bobbie was expecting to be led to his room, but she was surprised when he hit the button for the very top floor- where she wasn’t aware of any rooms.

Bobbie: Uhh, Artie…

Artie: I know what I’m doing. We could both use some fresh air, so we’ll go up to the top floor and then go to the roof from there. Less stairs…

She raises an eyebrow.

Bobbie: The roof? You know how high this building is, right?

Artie: Yeah, I do.

She blinked, still confused, but just looked away not saying another word. The elevator made the trek all the way up to the top floor and when the doors finally opened, Artie let her step out first. The exit door that led to the stairs to the roof were just a few feet ahead and Artie followed behind her as she approached the door.

Bobbie: You’re not going to, like, push me off the roof, are you? Because…I’m sure no one would blame you if you did.

Artie lets out a laugh but he shakes his head.

Artie: No, of course not. Other people might be tempted, but not me.

Bobbie shrugs but asks no more questions. They make the trek up the last floor and to the door leading to the roof. Artie holds the door open, allowing Bobbie to step out first. She’s reluctant, but walks out anyway. Artie drops her duffel bag between the door and the frame so the two don’t get locked on the roof.

Bobbie: Hey, don’t close that door! I don’t want to get...locked out…

She trails off as she turns and sees that he has already thought of that possibility before she could warn him. She lets out a laugh and then scratches her head.

Bobbie: want to tell me what this is all about? I mean, if I’m not going to plummet to my death…

Artie sighs and shakes his head. He studies Bobbie for a few moments before cracking a bit of a smile, albeit a confused one.

Artie: What is going on with you, Bobbie? Everyone else is just angry with you, but you have me really confused.

Bobbie: Confused about what, exactly, Artie? There’s nothing to be confused about. I told you to go back home to Illinois anyway…

He scratches his head.

Artie: Confused about what? Confused about this! Less than thirty minutes ago you were a raging lunatic at the Staggs Dungeon and now you’re so...calm. And you refuse to talk about anything. You used to know you could talk to me about anything.

Bobbie: Nothing is going on, Artie. I’m just letting all this crap with Alicia get to me, and you’re thinking there is more to it. Quit trying to make it into something it’s not.

She wasn’t being completely honest, but she made it seem as believable as she could. At least she hoped she had. Artie wasn’t accepting that answer, though, and he pressured her more.

Artie: You’re holding something back, Bobbie. And I don’t know why. Just talk to me. Please. I can tell that the Bobbie we all know and love is still in there. I’m looking at her right now.

Part of her wanted to just wrap her arms around him and never let go. She wanted to break down and beg him to take her back, but she couldn’t. Not yet. Not until she was sure it was safe...for both of them.

Bobbie: Can’t you just accept that, right now, I’m not that person? It may seem like I am, but I’m not. You don’t know how much I wish I was, but I’m not. And I honestly don’t know if I ever will be.

That was the truth. In the span of one year she had gone from being her bubbly fun loving self, the woman who just had fun with life without a care; to being the angry backstabbing version everyone had witnessed the last few months. She had lost friends because of it. She had pushed away her family. And her reputation might very well be ruined. But Artie could tell she was trying.

Artie: Again, I’m not so sure I believe that. You’re fighting something, and a part of me thinks I know the answer, but maybe I don’t. I just don’t know why you want to do it alone.

Bobbie: Why wouldn’t I? I’ve already pushed everyone away, including you. I’ve given you every reason to hate me, and your mother does. Everyone in SCW thinks I’m a coward, among other things. Why would you want to help me? They’ll just target you and call you stupid for doing it.

Artie shrugs.

Artie: So? They thought I was stupid anyway just because your bigger than me and how different we are. But we never cared before. You’re not beyond help, Bobbie. You’re not past the point of no return.

Bobbie stares at him for a few long moments, trying to think of anything to say. But she couldn’t. She was lost for words. She turned around and walked over to the edge of the roof, looking down below. She almost regretted that because of how high up they were.

Bobbie: I don’t know what you want me to say, Artie. I’d love nothing more than to fix the mess I’ve made, but I can’t do it right now.

Artie thinks for a moment, trying to process her words. He slowly walks up behind her, closing the distance between them.

Artie: But you won’t tell me why. Just tell me why.

Bobbie: Because I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have! I haven’t even figured out how to control my emotions right now, and I’m sick of hurting you! This doesn’t make any more sense to me than it does to you so just let me figure it out on my own! Haven’t you had enough?!

She spins around as she yells at him, losing her temper once again. He’s not bothered by it, though. Not anymore, and he shakes his head.

Artie: Not really. I miss you, Bobbie. I miss the fun we had together. Maybe we could just...start slow? I...I could come out to the ring with you for your match against Alicia. You’re going to need some support for that.

She laughs and shakes her head.

Bobbie: No, I don’t. Besides, you’re not going to want to witness what she’s going to do to me.

Artie: You say that like you’ve already lost. You don’t think you can beat her?

Bobbie: Oh I know I can beat her. But it doesn’t mean she’s not gonna beat my ass anyway. And people think she’s going to. I’m just sick of it!

Bobbie leans against the edge of the roof and folds her arms. Artie walks up next to her and does the same, making it a point to not look over the edge, for fear he might get sick.

Artie: Sick of what? Because a lot of people are sick of you attacking people from behind for no apparent reason.

Bobbie: I had a freaking reason, Artie! And I’m sick of everything! I don’t even want to try and explain because you wouldn’t understand. No one would. Just...get back together with Ronnie or something. She was at least good for you…

It hurt her to say those words, because she had fought with Ronnie for so long. She had fought to show the world, and Artie, what type of person Ronnie really was, and it had finally worked. But then Bobbie had turned into so much worse. She had done so much worse than Ronnie ever did. Artie stares at her, shocked.

Artie: You...You’re kidding, right? Ronnie wasn’t food for me, Bobbie. Not really. I only started dating her in the first place because of you.

Bobbie quickly looks at Artie, more confused than she has been.

Bobbie: Because of me? What the hell does that mean?!

Artie laughs awkwardly before he cracks a smile at Bobbie.

Artie: I...I was trying to build up the courage to tell you the truth, and to finally tell you how I felt. But...I had no idea what I was doing. So I kinda..practiced. I wasn’t expecting it to go on as long as it did with her, but I also had no idea how to break up with her.

Bobbie’s jaw drops. She stares at Artie, waiting for any sign that he might be making this up just to make her feel better, but deep down she knew he never would. She finally lets out an astonished laugh and looks away from him for a moment, at a loss for words. A long silence falls between them, until Bobbie breaks it with a confession of her own.

Bobbie: I...I never slept with anyone else you know. That was all a lie.

Artie nods and he looks at her.

Artie: You think I don’t know that? I know you made it up to push me away. And I let it, but not because I believed you. Because I needed a break from the craziness. In hindsight, maybe that was a mistake because you’ve spiraled more out of control since then.

Bobbie raises an eyebrow. Spiraled more out of control? She had just confessed to him that she lied about cheating on him, and that was his reaction? Oh..oh no. Calm down, Bobbie. Not here. Not now. She looks away and takes in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She does not want to go off on him again. Lucky for her, Artie speaks again.

Artie: So...what now? I’ve confessed. You’ve confessed. Are things...better? Between us?

Bobbie keeps her eyes closed, doing some calming breathing. She completely ignores Artie, or chooses not to respond, as she tries to keep her emotions in check.

Artie: Bobbie? okay?

Bobbie: Not now, Artie.

She opens her eyes and turns to face him. The look on her face is mixed with heartache and increasing anger.

Bobbie: I...can’t do this right now. None of what we said right now changes a thing at the moment. You need to keep your distance from me. And...I need to get off this roof. I’m...I’m starting to feel sick.

She started to make a dash for the door, but Artie grabbed her hand again. Just like last week after getting stuck in the elevator with Evie. His touch brought on feelings she wanted, but she couldn’t let herself act on yet. And it killed her even more. Made her angry at herself. She yanked it away as he gave her a pleading look.

Artie: I...I can’t do that Bobbie. Not when you need someone. You need me, but you won’t admit it.

Bobbie: You’re right, I do..

Artie’s eyes light up, thinking he had finally gotten through to her. Unfortunately, no go yet.

Bobbie: I need you to stay away from me until I figure things out. I...I have to...I have to go. I have to get off this god damn roof!

Bobbie then turns and rushes back to the door. She swings it wide open, though she doesn’t need to, and picks up her duffel bag. Artie has to bolt as quickly as he can to catch the door before it closes and locks him on the roof. He watches as Bobbie starts rushing down the stairs, instead of heading towards the elevators just outside the other door. He’d give her some space, for now, if that is what she needed. Clearly the old Bobbie was still in there, and she was fighting to come back. And that was enough for him.

This week has been the week of confessions, so why not continue what I already started? Not that anyone will even care, or really understand anything I’m about to say, but maybe it’ll help to get certain things off my chest as I head into this long awaited match against Alicia Lukas next Sunday. I know her promo is airing right now, and a part of me is curious to go watch it, but...I’m not one to do that. I’ll get my shit out of the way, and then see what she has to say to me. No need to pull a stunt like Jessie Salco against Amber Ryan last week, am I right?

Six months ago I went from being a generally carefree woman who just had fun with everything, to being the most hated bitch on the roster. And it all started with one decision. When I shoved Dani Weston into the wall, re-injuring her shoulder. I’m not sitting here and making any excuses about it. Yeah, I freaking did it, but I also had a reason. A shitty reason, but a reason nonetheless. And it all ties into this craziness that’s going on with Alicia right now.

You see, Dani and I...we were kinda friends before I put her back on the injured list. At least we were starting to be, because of our mutual friendship with Fenris. She wasn’t on the active roster at the moment, and I was busting my ass to win a championship, because it’s what I wanted. It’s what I still want, but circumstances have changed, so I’ve had to change up my plans. But I kept failing. I kept getting my opportunity, and I would fail when it all mattered most, and I didn’t know what to do. Then Dani declared she was ready to make her return, and build her way back up to the World Bombshell Championship. I blood started to boil.

So I put her back on the shelf, thinking it would better my chances. I wanted to go up against Alicia Lukas and end her reign. I never thought for a second that Roxi Johnson would actually defeat Alicia, so I was floored. But then Alicia made herself even more vulnerable. She let every single one of us know that she was injured. But she wasn’t out for long and she would get her title back one way or another.

No. I couldn’t let that happen. Sure, I wanted to be the one to end her reign. But, Roxi beat me to it. But I also couldn’t let Alicia stick around and bring on Alicia versus Roxi for the title again. I couldn’t let Alicia get back what she had claimed was hers, because...I was over it. I was over her! Hell, I think everyone was. We all needed a break from Alicia Lukas, so I did everyone a favor, and I busted her shoulder even more. But the reaction I had wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. Because of how I did it, everyone was still against me! Roxi included!

But my plan to eliminate Alicia didn’t work out for me, either. I thought I could beat Roxi. Hell, I came close I think. I pushed that superhero to her limits, but something was off, and I failed again. Talk about frustration overload. And ever since then the World Bombshell Championship has been bouncing around, from one Bombshell to the next, and all my bad decisions are coming back to bite me in the ass.

Including Alicia Lukas. Ain’t that right, Alicia?

You’ve finally made your long awaited return to SCW after several months on the injured reserve. You’ve fought and clawed your way back, because you’re not ready for it to be over. You’re not ready to drift back and slowly start to become irrelevant, regardless of the fact you were on Tommy Knocks’ Greatest Of All Time list. You’re back, and you’ve made it known that you want that World Bombshell title back, because it’s yours. Face it, Alicia, while you might get your return shot, your days as World Bombshell Champion are over. Because people are over you as a whole. You might be a little nicer these days, and say you respect this person or that person, but people don’t care. They don’t want to see you back at the top. They might not outwardly admit it, but they secretly want to see me beat you just to shut you the hell up and bring you down a few notches.

And I’m gonna try my damndest. I’m sick of you acting like you’re the only one worthy of being considered the best Bombshell the roster has to offer. I’m sick of you picking and choosing where your respect lies. Yeah, I busted your shoulder. Yeah, I’ve done sneaky shit since you’ve been back, but all I want is some respect of my own. Not necessarily as a person, but as a God damn competitor, but you and so many others refuse to give it to me!

So I’m fat! Sure, consider me obese, but I think I’ve proven myself more than enough in that ring to be considered a threat despite my size! Speaking of respect, you had a good amount from me, Alicia, but the second you came out and protected Bea Barnhardt, you lost a great deal. Because had she said the same things to me she did in that promo and on Climax Control, but I was still everyone’s favorite bubblebutt...Yeah I said bubblebutt...No one would have stopped me. Not even you. The fact is, you protected a fat-phobic piece of trash.

Who is going to protect you, though, Alicia? When I beat you at Into The Void, who would rush down to the ring to stop me from finishing you off? You might think there would be someone who would, but I really think you should guess again. No one is going to protect you, because they don’t want to. Because they don’t care. Don’t you get it, Alicia? People may not like me very much, but they sure as shit don’t like you either.

People don’t have to say it. I hear the whispers and the rumors. I’m not stupid. Win or lose, I know after our match that you’re going to target that World Bombshell Championship, no matter who the champion is. I know you secretly want Evie to beat Andrea, too, because you beat Evie last week so you’ve got one up on her. But do you really think Evie will let that happen again? Do you really think you can beat her twice?


No matter who walks out as the World Bombshell Champion at Into The Void, Alicia, your chances of getting it back are slim to none. Besides, I think the competition is going to get a lot more heated after Into The Void, so your chances go down even further. Call it a gut feeling. And no, that gut feeling is not gas from my lunch, either. It’s called instinct.

I’m not running away from you, Alicia. If I were, I’d have let the back injury I suffered after my match against Dani do the job for me. But I refused to take time off, because as much as you want to beat my ass and get revenge for what I did, I’ve been wanting to face you for the past eight months. I’d say it’s too bad there’s no title on the line, but maybe it’s better this way. Just a good old fashioned slug fest.

One week, Alicia. You’ve got one week until you finally get me in that ring, one-on-one.

And I can’t wait…


Offline Bobbie Dahl

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Alicia Lukas V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2020, 01:21:17 PM »

Monday June 1st
The Struggle Continues
Facetime Call with Momma Dahl

Much of the last week had been spent with the constant inner battle between who Bobbie was, who she had turned into, and who she wanted to be. It was an emotional rollercoaster. And it didn’t get any better after her heart to heart with Artie. If anything, that made it that much worse. She had loved Artie for so long, and now when she needed him the most, she had to make sure to keep him at a safe distance. She had never struggled with depression before, but this truly was depressing her, and despite what Artie said, she had to do this alone.

But it was killing her. This was her chance to make things right with Artie. He clearly had forgiven her, and to not be around him when he had always made her feel better in the past? It wasn’t an easy situation to put herself in. She had to tell herself it was only temporary, though. That, no matter how long it took, she would get through this and she and Artie would find themselves back together, rebuilding what they had before, only stronger.

But what about the rest of her family? What about her parents? Artie’s parents? Would they forgive her for all the terrible things she had said and done? She didn’t know, but she had to figure it out eventually. The world was in a terrible place, and with a new threat rising over the last week, it was adding new stresses every day.

As she sits in her room, writing in her journal again, she’s hit with a wave of homesickness out of nowhere. She’d been stuck in Las Vegas for the last two months, and it still wasn’t clear how much longer it would be until things started going into the “new normal.” She felt tears starting to form in her eyes, but she fought them back as hard as she could. Especially when her phone began to ring, but it wasn’t her normal ringtone. It was the special notification signalling someone was calling her on Facetime. She puts her pen down and grabs her phone. It was her mother. She quickly starts the video call, happy to see her mother.

Bobbie: Ma! You finally figured out the facetime stuff, huh?

Bobbie grins as she waves to her mother. Her mother just frowns at her daughter poking fun at her lack of understanding over technology.

Barbie: I’ve been toying with it, so I’m slowly getting the hang of it. How are you doing, sweetie?

Bobbie shrugs. She knew the answer, but she wasn’t about to spill it all out to her mother, anyway.

Bobbie: I’m doing the best I can, honestly. Just trying to mentally prepare for this match against Alicia. How about you? How are you and Dad holding up? What about the riots?

To those of you out of the loop, the United States was currently undergoing a whole new problem, in addition to Covid-19. In the span of one week, cities around the country were erupting in riots and looting, the response in protest to the tragic death of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. And while the police officer had been arrested days later, protests and riots were still ongoing, and increasing in violence all over. To say Bobbie was worried when she heard was an understatement. But her mother seemed fine.

Barbie: We’re just fine, honey. The riots haven’t made it here, and I don’t think they will. And we’re staying away from Morris and Joliet for the time being.

Bobbie: As you should! I was worried enough because of all of this Covid-19 crap and not being able to be home, but now with the riots? It’s crazy.

Her mother nods, and she studies Bobbie for a few moments before she responds.

Barbie: You didn’t have to be in Las Vegas, Bobbie. You chose to go back. You can still come home. I really think you should.

Bobbie: Not gonna happen, Ma. I’ve got too much going on with SCW right now, and I’m not walking away. I’m safe here. I’m going through weekly testing, and everything is just fine.

Bobbie’s mother shakes her head. Bobbie looks behind her through the camera and can see she’s hanging out on their pool area patio. She really did miss home more seeing that.

Barbie: That’s not what I’m talking about. Don’t get me wrong, you look great. You look better than even the last time I saw you, but I’m worried more about your mental health, honey. So is Artie. Not to mention your back. You need a break.

That explained it. Artie was in contact with her mother. They were working together trying to get her home. It all made sense now.

Bobbie: So that is why Artie came back here, huh? Because you talked him into it? So predictable. Why can’t you guys just give me space to work this shit out without constantly hounding me. It’s not helping me at all!

Barbie: No, that is not why he went back to Vegas, actually. It was HIS idea, but his mother and I couldn’t talk him out of it. From what I understand, you’re not as bothered as you want us to believe you are, either.

Bobbie frowns and growls. How much longer would she be able to keep fighting them on this? Not much longer, she thought. And her mom continued.

Barbie: He still loves you, Bobbie. We all do. I understand you’ve got something good going with your career in SCW, but everyone needs a break every now and then, right? Why don’t you come home for a while after this match with Alicia. At least until things die down a bit. Give your back time to rest and fully heal. Patch things up with Artie and find yourself.

Bobbie narrows her eyes.

Bobbie: Find myself? I don’t need to find myself, Ma.

Barbie: I think you do. I think you’re completely lost right now. You just won’t admit it. You’re having a hard time admitting anything. Artie and I can both see it. Just...get this match with Alicia over with and come home.

Bobbie starts shaking her head. The words hit her hard, and as hard as she tries fighting back the tears, they start rolling down her cheeks.

Bobbie: I...can’t!

Barbie: Why? Why can’t you come home? Give me one good reason…

Bobbie: Because I’m afraid that if I leave SCW again...If I go home, I won’t come back again! I haven’t done everything I want to do yet, Ma. If I’ll all be forgotten if I don’t come back. I...I can’t leave yet.

There it was. The complete truth. She knew she needed a break, but the possibility that she might not get herself to come back? That’s what she was struggling with. And her mother sighed.

Barbie: Well maybe that is something you need to figure out then, too. Because if you’re saying you don’t know if you would go back to SCW again? A part of you must not want to. You have to figure yourself out, Bobbie. But...let us help you. Let Artie help you at the very least…

Bobbie: I just...I don’t think I can do it. I wanted so bad to do more this time around, and I didn’t.

Barbie: Well, think of it this way. If you keep going the way you’re going, and you mess up your back even further? You really won’t have the chance to go back if that’s what you want. Your career isn’t over yet, Bobbie. All we’re suggesting is to take a break for a few months. At least think about it.

Bobbie nods. She wipes away the tears from her cheek and takes in a deep breath.

Bobbie: Alright. I’ll think about it. Just tell Artie not to keep bugging me in the meantime?

Her mother laughs but she, too, nods.

Barbie: Alright, I will. Look, I gotta go, honey. You take care, though, and get some rest! Maybe give Artie a calland start talking things over.

Bobbie: Alright, Ma. I’ll talk to you later.

Barbie: Bye, honey!

Bobbie waves into the phone before the call ends. She sets her phone down next to her journal and just buries her head in her hands. She had said she would think about returning home, and she would. After her match with Alicia. But she needed to focus on that first. Because if Alicia was going to be her last opponent for the foreseeable future, or possibly ever? There was NO WAY she was going to let herself lose this one. She was going to give it everything she had, and then some. And the week off following Into The Void IX...she would use that time to make the biggest decision of her life.

Last week, I started off with a bit of a confession. I got so caught up in the moment, that I left some information out, but considering I had planned to continue that into this week, no harm no foul, right? This war with Alicia Lukas has brought out a lot of shit, and I figure honesty is the best medicine in this case, so on with it!

My list of victims since November is length, but not as lengthy as I originally thought it would be. Dani Weston. Alicia Lukas. Mercedes Vargas(albeit that one just by mere coincidence and not choice). Odette Ryder. And, my failed attempt at Roxi Johnson.  They all have something in common, and that commonality is why I chose them.

Now, don’t any of you sit there and think, well what about Keira Fisher-Johnson. You’re forgetting about her. No, I’m not. Because I never injured her. She was never part of my destruction, regardless of anything she or Roxi had to say about. They blamed me, sure, but Keira’s injury was caused by her own stupidity, and not by my decision to try and take her out of the equation. She didn’t fit the motive, and if you haven’t figured it out by now, let me get to my next confession.

Former World Bombshell Champions. I attacked and try to take out of the equation all former World Bombshell Champions. Some people I am sure figured it out early on, while others needed me to point it out to all of them just now. You see, my beef with Roxi Johnson didn’t start the second she became the World Bombshell Champion again. I had a problem with her before that, because she’d already done it. Why, you’re probably asking? Well, the answer to that was already answered by Alicia Lukas in her promo last week, and many times before that.


Yes, I denied it time and time again, but of course I would deny it. Why would I admit to be jealous? Why would anyone? Jealousy is not a good quality to have, so naturally I would try and deny the accusations. But the truth of the matter is that, yes, I was jealous of each and every one of them for having accomplished what I hadn’t, and to this day still can’t. And. Some of them, very early on in their careers with little to no need to work for it. They were adored and admired by so many, and for some of them to come back after lengthy time away, or injuries, only to declare their intent to win the World Bombshell Championship again? It made my blood boil.

It’s no secret that my first go around in SCW was less than stellar. I won a single match, just out of sheer luck, but I didn’t even care. I was here more to have fun than anything else. It was just a carefree time. And then I had to take time away after my father had his heart attack and I wanted to focus on spending time with him. I never expected to really try to go for a championship when I came back, but I did. And when my failed attempts at the Roulette Championship kept happening, I saw the bigger picture. Maybe I was better than that. Maybe I was meant for the World Bombshell Championship all along.

But Alicia Lukas was the champion at the time. And she had this stranglehold on the title, and the division, defeating challenger after challenger. Some were starting to say she was simply put, unbeatable. But I didn’t think that. I watched her beat Bombshell after Bombshell and felt my confidence rising.

I could do that. I needed to do that. I needed to have that success, that reputation, that Alicia Lukas had.

I was jealous of her.

Yeah, Alicia, I finally said it. I was jealous of you. But just because I was jealous of you, doesn’t mean that I wasn’t capable of beating you. It still doesn’t mean it. I still think that Roxi Johnson being the one to end your reign was a complete fluke, and had I gotten my way, it would have been me. But circumstances as they were, it didn’t happen that way. And I truly feel there is a reason for that.

What reason? This reason. Our match coming up on Sunday night at Into The Void IX. It all had to happen this way, Alicia. The pieces had to fall this way, and our battle had to be with no title implications. Again, why? Because, as you put it, I choke when there is a title on the line. Right? I fail when it matters the most? Not completely accurate.

I consider some of my biggest accomplishments to be when there are no titles on the line, and going up against you will be no different. In fact, it’ll put me into a different frame of mind, and after I beat you, you won’t be able to deny just how much I deserve it. You’re the best of the best, right Alicia? So when I pin your shoulders to the canvas and get that one, two, three count fair and square, you won’t be able to deny...that I’ve got what it takes.

And neither will I.

I don’t know where I go from here, Alicia. I don’t know where I see myself competitively going after I beat you, but one thing I am sure about. There will be no doubt in my mind that one day, sooner or later, I’ll be where you were. I’ll be at the top of the division, holding that World Bombshell Championship and I’ll be considered the best of the best. It might not be next month. It might not be this year. But it WILL happen, because it’s what I want.

Am I still jealous of you, and all the former World Bombshell Champions? Sure. What Bombshell who hasn’t held that top title wouldn’t be? But I’m not letting that jealousy hinder me anymore, Alicia. I’m letting it fuel me. I’ve got a lot of shit to work out, but beating you...will be the first stepping stone in that journey. And you won’t be the only one who can’t deny it after Sunday. The entire division won’t be able to deny it anymore.

I can’t make up for all the chaos that I have caused the last several months. I can’t change anything I’ve said or done, but I can march forward and move on. Choose a different path, or just start over completely. Because I don’t want to go back to the way things were. I don’t want to go back to what was considered “normal.” I want things to change.

But you don’t. You’re so set on kicking my ass, getting your revenge and going back to your glory days. Is that really possible, Alicia? Will it be possible when I beat you? You have to answer that question for yourself, because the whole world and how we live day to day has changed drastically in the last few months. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Do something different, Alicia. Make a difference for another title, because the World Bombshell Championship? It doesn’t need you anymore. It needs someone else, and sure it may get passed around like a hot potato for a bit...but that’s what happens. Just...get over it.

I’ve said all that I need to say, Alicia. The time for speaking is over, and it all boils down to Sunday night. We’re both walking into Into The Void IX with nothing to lose but our pride. Once that bell rings...all bets are off. Nothing can protect you, and nothing can protect me. It’s the ultimate grudge match. And it’s either going to be you, proving me to be a complete failure and a worthless competitor. Or it’s going to be me, proving that I have what it takes to stand toe to toe in the ring with the best of the best and that I…CAN and WILL be champion someday.

It’s anyone’s guess. But I’m not going down without a fight...See you Sunday, Alicia.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 01:24:36 PM by Bobbie Dahl »

Offline Alicia Lukas

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Alicia Lukas V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2020, 10:58:19 PM »
Look back to go forward
Kyoto Japan.    
2 Years Ago

She swung the door open and stepped in. Her long hair tied back in a bun, very similar to how it was the first time she stepped foot in the hallowed dojo. She took a deep breath in, memories flooded back as a smile came across her ruby red lips. She took her sunglasses off and slid one side in the neck of her black and red “Kyoto-sun dojo” shirt. It was faded and clearly very worn. Alicia stepped across the floor and stopped just inside before slipping her shoes off, bowing as she crossed from the hardwood to the carpet. Despite being alone she felt comfortable.    

Her feet touched the training mat, they felt the same as they did from day one. Oddly smooth and very little give in them, the balls of her feet being able to feel the floor underneath. Alicia moved across looking over at the old ring. The ropes tightened after the morning training session. A smirk came across her lips as she walked over to it, reaching out with her fingertips she smiled as a little shock shoot up her hand and arm from the canvas. She walked around it tilting her head as the experiences of the past which felt like a lifetime ago came alive in her memory.    

A smile shone across her face as she leapt up onto the apron, she grabbed the top rope and pulled herself up and over it with a jump landing on the canvas before spinning on the balls of her feet like a ballerina would on a stage. She turned and spun before standing in the center, she closed her eyes remembering every movement, every bump, every shot. The pain shooting through her back. The anger at herself when her mind begged her body to quit. The feeling of crawling along the mat throwing up in a bucket.    

Her eyes sprung open and she took off hitting the ropes criss crossing the ring hitting them harder each time. The tight cables leaving welts against her back, arms and shoulders with each whip. She rolled across the canvas popping up to her feet bouncing up and down stretching out before shadow boxing, throwing a few punches a duck, a weave and a running bicycle knee. Alicia breathes deep with a smile and a chuckle under her breath.    

She turned looking at the mirror across the room. It was full length from the ceiling to the floor and ran along the entire south wall of the dojo. Her eyes trailed across her own body. Her hair back to the length it was when she first walked in here six years ago. But the rest has changed. Her body once too thin and untoned was now replaced with a fit, toned somewhat muscular frame. A woman's body with hips and thighs, she was now an athlete. Her face while still pretty was strong and fierce with burning blue eyes. The innocence and weak nature long lost along with her fears.    

There was nothing she feared now. Nothing that worried her to the point of tears. She looked down at the canvas. She used to be ruled by her emotions, her fears. For so long it was fear that drove her. Fear of losing, fear of letting people down, fear of being nothing and nobody. But that was gone now. Now there was a need for competition. A need to face people as strong as her, a need to be beaten to grow. The only fear she had left burned in her mind like a hand held over an open flame.    

Just how far would she go?. Alicia looked back in the mirror before noticing something. A young girl, maybe 18 years old was in the corner folding towels. A task Alicia knew very well. She walked to the ropes leaping out and to the floor. As she moved closer she realised the girl was caucasian. A gaijin like her. “They have you on towel duty too huh?. That wasn’t very fun...better than toilets though right?....”  

The was no answer. The girl just stayed focused on her fast. A large bruise under her right eye and a cut on her lower left lip. Her long blond curls hung loose down the sides of her face. She was tiny, skinny and her body looked beaten in other ways. Her knuckles were skinned, her legs bruised. She moved quickly folding the towels and leaving them in piles of three. Alicias gave a nod folding her arms looking over at the wall of graduates. “I was right where you are now. They haven’t had many women here, let alone western ones. And I’m the only one to leave here with honor…. “  

Alicia smiles focusing on the wall, the names around her, many now a who’s who of names in Japan. But one picture stood out. A small frame with a skinny girl with short pink and blue hair. Underneath it had her birth name “Violet Maxwell” and under that it said ペール・ウォリアーor Peru u~oriā. Pale Warrior in Japanese.    

“They don’t want people like us to succeed, kid. So I know things are tough right now. And I had no one. There was one guy here who seemed to care but in the end he was a quitting bitch like everyone else. No one will ever have it harder in a place like this than us and we’ll also have the lowest expectations….but fuck that….we can also be the toughest, the baddest….and the ones with the biggest heart and resolve. So I’m telling you...not asking you….to hang in there….cause I-”  

Alicia looks down to the girl and stops. Where she was is an empty space. The towels still left in a pile. None of them folded. It was like no one had been there. Alicia looked around and shook her head as she noticed the classes filling in, she smirked as she walked past them, many stopping recognising her from the picture bowing as she passed.  

It’s good to be a goddess…

”Hey Ali…”

Alicia snapped out of it looking over to see Alex with his arms folded. We were at the Gym on the ground floor or the hotel. They had been sequestered there for a few weeks. Alicia had finally got the all clear from her doctor that day. She was going to return. Her arms were folded over her chest, her hands wrapped in pink hand wraps She had told Christian and Mark the good news, they asked her to make the announcement on Climax Control a few short days away. A nice return to say she was back and better than ever…

But was she?

Alicia had been doing some light training, some grappling, some in ring work. But it wasn’t the same as a match, a fight, a real experience. She had been wrestling on the nmat with Johanna Krieger, Charlie Jones and Kallie Rezik. All at various skills and points in their career. But none of them would go at her the way she needed. They all treated her with kid gloves. ”You’re going to work with Charlie...she’ll get you ready for your return..”

Alicia smiled politely mat Alex placing a hand on his shoulder looking at his sister. Charlie was tall, slim, strong and experienced. She was a champion in both wrestling and MMA. And if she wanted to could kick Alicia’s ass...but she wouldn’t, She knew Charlie didn’t want to rick hurting her. Alicia smiled at Charlie and tilted her head. ”I need something from you…” Charlie raised an eyebrow. Alicia slowly leaned in and whispered. ”Come at me..bro”

Charlie laughed and looked over at Alex, Austin, Aiden, Kallie and Johanna, she gave Alicia a nod, and the others gathered around...this...this was gonna be a fight…

Confessions mean nothing, when not sincere

Alicia took a long deep breath, her eyes trailing across the Las Vegas skyline from the balcony of her room. Her hands were hugging her legs, pulled up to her chest.

”Oh Bobbie. Sweet, innocent, incredibly dumb, Bobbie. There was a time Bobbie, when I didn’t like you, but I also didn’t hate you. There was a time when you were just a name on a sheet and I would see you at events. You were as unthreatening as a puppy. But, your constant happy nature annoyed me. But atleast you were liked, atleast you had a future. I watched as you beat Sierra Williams, I wanted as you started to earn your way, win or lose you had this spark people liked and gravitated towards…”

“But then, you turned. You tried to destroy Dani Weston when she came back, you tried to end her. And you were her friend. Now, as big of a bitch as I am, I wouldn’t walk down that path. See when I beat people Bobbie, I don’t take a body part, I don’t go for an injury...I take something that is harder to rehab…”

“I take their fucking pride..”

“I look people in the eye, I tell them what I am going to do. And I do it. I did it to Crystal, I did it to Kate, I did it to Selaena, to Roxi, to Andrea. Every single person who has got in that ring with me. I even did it to Dani. And see, Bobbie. That is the difference between us, if I get knocked down I don’t blame anyone else. I find that fire inside me, that burning anger and determination and I turn it up and pour more gas on it.”

Alicia pushes up to her feet and steps forward putting her hands on the railing looking down at the few cars travelling around Vegas. Including police patrols.

”Look at the big losses I’ve had Bobbie. I lost to Dani, I didn’t complain, I got angry, but I didn’t complain. I stood up, I congratulated Dani, I gave her respect and then I trained and trained till I returned and beat her. I took the Bombshells title from her. And that Bobbie, that is what makes me greatest, that is what makes me better than ninety-nine percent of the others in this goddamn company. Then, as I was getting momentum, Crystal interfered to hand her wife the title, I was angry, I was furious. I then went on a run that no one...NO ONE has been on before…”

“Not Mikah, not Vargas, not Kate Steele. I went on a run that destroyed records. I invited Roxi Johnson back, she then decided to talk shit about my reign and who I am, I beat her, I took her down because she thought that the “old” bombshell roster was better than this one, that she could be a dominant champion…”

“Well, shit that didn’t happen did it Bobbie?”

“I beat her, I beat everyone and the only thing that could stop me, the only thing that could derail all that momentum, was an injury. And honestly, I wasn’t that made about it, I was only going to be out a few weeks but then YOU happened. You took something away from me and I had to sit at home and stew about it. So, I came back and beat Dani, I came back and beat Selaena, what the hell do you think I am going to do to you?”

Her head snaps to the side, a sneer appears on her face.

”You want to talk about confessions, you want to talk about how you feel about this whole situation, make a few concessions on who you are as a person?. Here’s the thing, you still don’t get it. You’re still making excuses ands talking about who I am and what I’m about like you know anything. And you just don’t get it, You don’t have the mindset to be a champion, you don’t have the right to call yourself the best because you have not EARNED it.”

“And you have had chances Bobbie, you had a chance to beat Roxi and it was one you earned. You earned it, no one else did. But then when it was time for you to show us all that you actually learned something, that you could show humility and understand being a champion is about more than just you and you fragile ass ego you dropped the ball. No one else did, you did. Yet here we are, months later and all you can say is that everyone was against you?.”

“Youn even admitted that Dani wanting to return and go for the Bombshell title angered you. Because you knew, YOU KNEW there was another name in the shark tank ready to hunt. And a real champion, Ms Dahl, would look at another high level competitor and crave the competition. A real champion would want the extra names there, because it would make winning the title or earning a shot worth so much more. But again, have no idea what it is like to be a champion…”

“Roxi does, Kate does, Dani does, Evie does...shit even Andrea does. And that is what all this is about isn’t it? I came into SCW, became the champion and the face of the division so fast yet you had already tried and failed, and it was happening again. And now, well now Andrea had come in and done it to...and you felt threatened and angry..whereas I am excited and by the way Bobbie…”

“It isn’t rumors, when I am done with you I will be focusing on getting that title back, whether it is from Andrea or Evie, because I have beaten them both and have a track record...unlike you. Because I am the best bombshell in SCW, I am one of the best professional wrestlers on this planet and you are not. And again, I’m not saying you can’t raise up...I’m not saying you couldn’t be the champion or even beat me...but you need to sort yourself need to be better than you have been because what you are doing...clearly isn’t working. And at Into the void, Bobbie Dahls pride...gets taken….”