Author Topic: Gaijin  (Read 569 times)

Offline The Dragon

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« on: November 28, 2019, 02:34:03 PM »
 Part 1 - No Outsiders

We're taken to Miami, Florida and to The Dragon's Lair, training base of Sin City wrestler and aspiring eFamous Twitch streamer Mark "The Dragon" Cross.

We are brought into a conversation with Faith Simpson, the gym's brightest prospect, and two other gym regulars. The three of them are staring into the ring, which is currently occupied by a man wearing a purple mask, black compression shirt, purple boots and matching purple wrestling pants, emblazoned with Japanese katakana and hiragana along both legs. The unknown wrestler is entertaining himself by bouncing around the ring, displaying an array of flips and corkscrews for the unimpressed crowd.

Faith: Who's that guy?

James King: Nobody knows, he just showed up.

8-Track: Doesn't speak English either, just shouts in Japanese at anyone that's tried.

Faith: Is Honda training today, he's Japanese right?

8-Track: Half Japanese yeah, he's just suiting up to get in the ring. Apparently this kid calls himself "The Ultimate Dragon King"

James King: What a bellend.

8-Track: A bell...end? Is that a British thing?

Faith: There's only one Dragon King in this gym. GIVE HIM HELL HONDA! WOOOOOO!

Emerging from the locker room appears Tashiro Honda, a promising high-flyer whose career had stalled due to fears that he was undersized when it came to handling the more physical guys on the roster. He wore a wry smile across his lips as students stopped what they were doing to witness one of their own send this "gaijin", this outsider packing.

James King: What is he, 6'1" or 6'2"?

8-Track: Looks strong too...why is he flying around like that?

James King: It's like when the boss goes for a Moonsault…

Faith: Haha yeah, you close your eyes when he does that too?

The match begins in typical fare for the fighting style with a real cat and mouse game of ducking clotheslines, leapfrogging, stepping over a drop-toe-hold attempt, eventually culminating in a slingblade from the newcomer. Intent in keeping up the momentum he lands a springboard moonsault from the middle rope, closely followed by a low drop kick to the face of Honda, who was intent on scrambling quickly back to his feet.

James King: Oh.

8-Track: Faith maybe you shoulda taken this guy…

Faith: Tash is coming back…

Honda manages to duck under another clothesline, stops on a dime and gets in a position to execute something from behind. Determined not to let up for a second, the masked wrestler uncorks an Asai DDT, sending his opponent back down to the mat with a thud.

Faith: Never mind…

8-Track: C'mon Faith! Honda's getting his ass handed to him out there!

James King: You know what hotshot, why don't you get in there?

8-Track: Hell no! You go! What's the matter can the King of England not wrestle without his cup of tea?

James King: You need to watch your mouth.

Faith: OK fine I'm going.

8-Track: Yaaaaaay!

James King: Go Faith!

The camera shifts back to the ring. Continuing his dominance, the masked invader nails Honda with a running sitout powerbomb, the rookie bouncing heavily on impact as Faith Simpson appears on the apron, offering a tag to the young man.

Kyukyoku Ryujin: DAME! DEKINAI!

The masked man shouts loudly in Japanese, his arms cutting the air wildly as Honda eyes the hand, then his opponent, then the hand again.

Kyukyoku Ryujin: DEKINAI! MURI!

Again he shouts, louder this time, jumping on the spot as if to try and emphasise the point. It falls on deaf ears as Tashiro slaps the hand, rolling out of the ring and onto the safety of the gym floor. Faith leaps herself into the ring, an outstretched hand beckoning the challenger onto her.

"The Ultimate Dragon King" looks around the gym, then to Faith. "MURI!" he shouts again (which Honda would later explain translates to impossible), turns tail and flips over the top rope and to the outside. Landing on his feet, the masked man sprints towards the exit of the gym and to the street, wanting no part of the new challenger. Sarcastic jeers accompany his exit as he hauls ass.

Faith: You OK Tash?

Faith can be seen peering through the middle rope to the floor, where Tashiro Honda had laid where he fell, trying to get his breath back.

Honda: Damn that guy was fast...and strong...what an experience…

Faith: You know what Mark always says though right, you only get better by wrestling better people.

Honda: Did the SCW guys get...a tape of that?

Faith: Yup they sure did. Want me to cue it up?

The scene fades to black.

Part 2 - Master of Disguise

We are taken to Mark “The Dragon” Cross, seated behind a cluttered desk in a dimly lit office as he addresses the camera.

The Dragon: These past few weeks have been eventful to say the least. It's pretty rare that in defeat you make any kind of a splash in this industry, but when it's against the Man of the Year, whose winning streak is longer than my...ahem...and whose name as a prospective opponent strikes fear into the hearts of some in the main locker room, well I think giving him one hell of a run keeps my draft stock rising. I’ve stepped in against guys like Fenris, more often than not the underdog but with a little undertone of “but what if he wins though?”. Good question. I had doubters of course. I had doubters in my own team even, asking if maybe I would have preferred an easier opponent to book myself a spot in the six-pack challenge but no, I wanted to prove myself against the guy on the hottest of hot streaks. After all, that’s the calibre of opponent I need to beat week in, week out, if I wanted to remain World champion. I came damn close, and you know what, I'm finally starting to get some recognition for it too.

Mark reaches for his phone, staring at the screen as he reads the next part from it.

The Dragon: I quote from Twitter, @AlexJonesvws
"You aren’t as inept as I once believed."

The scrub from the budget brand, who perhaps came closest of all to scoring that ever elusive win that would have ended the White Wolf’s run. Where are the detractors now anyway? Probably starting to believe. Starting to believe like Alex Jones, who could lose all credibility if he can’t come through against the veteran Bill Barnhart, who I’ve already dispatched twice. How the tables have turned if that’s the case. We’re finally reaching the stage where my opponents won’t underestimate me out there, and to be honest, that’s all I ever wanted. This is real belief, I’m not talking about the cult-level BS being rammed down our throats like the Good Shepherds. As we found out, that only got them so far, and I meant every word I said. Walk into a wrestling ring? You’re in my church now.

Mark ran his fingers loosely through his hair as he collects his thoughts.

The Dragon: Now that was a tough match. They had me right where they wanted me for a while, trapped on an island, no easy way to get out and teach the tag. Danger danger Will Robinson level stuff, right? Go 2 Sleep. Shining Wizard. Perilous situation diffused, desperate defence into all-out attack in two moves...and this is why the results are going how they are for me. I’m far from perfect in my work in the ring, a little too long on a part time schedule. I know that, we’ve talked about it before, but I know my best is right around the corner, more hard work, more matches, and it will all start to fall into place but right now? Destructive firepower. You hear about some boxers and their “one punch power” as they look for that one single shot so sweet that it could floor the best in the world if it connects. Now there are way more strings to my bow than that, make no mistake, but even when I’m not getting things all my own way, I have the potential to click my fingers and change it in one or two small, key moments. That’s why this train doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Mark reaches down, bringing up a large piece of card printed with the December II Dismember logo, which he holds next to his face.

The Dragon: I’ll get onto more pressing matters and the next Climax Control very soon, but let me briefly touch on December II Dismember for a second. Fenris and Ben Jordan deprived you, the fans, of a special match not too long ago. The event, phenomenal regardless of course, and on a personal level I was delighted to pick up a brace of victories...but I recognise you missed out on that final jewel in the crown. If you’re still feeling sore about that - Griffin Hawkins vs Mark Cross. Roulette title match. Win or lose, it has all the potential to raise the roof and bring down the house all at once. We look forward to making amends on behalf of our colleagues, but back to the task at hand.

Mark puts the card down behind him and again reaches out of shot, retrieving something. He brings a lucha libre mask into view. It is a vibrant purple colour, with gold trim around the eyes and mouth. Raising from each side, almost like horns, are two golden dragons with fiery orange breath erupting from their mouths. The detail and craftsmanship seems impressive. It looks oddly familiar to those who will have watched Part 1.

The Dragon: This is the mask of Kyukyoku Ryujin...roughly translates to "The Ultimate Dragon King" in Japanese, and this… is mine. As I found out earlier this week, some of my team have secrets from me, and I have the same with them, as far as this is concerned. I only wore this mask for a short time, on two Tours over in Japan. They wanted more high flyers on their roster. Since I wanted to work on that side of my game, and as an already well established Strong Style wrestler, the fans just wouldn't buy that from Mark "The Dragon" Cross, so I put this on and I pulled double duty. I played the role and started to get the feeling I was reinventing myself. I earned the mask. I doubled my schedule. I had to find excuses to sneak off so the illusion wouldn’t be broken, all in the name of practicing what I thought was a weak point in my game.

Mark puts the mask down on the desk in front of him. The camera moves down a little, keeping it in view.

The Dragon: ...but know whatever I'm getting sick of this with you. Changing a name? A new outfit, putting on a mask, you’ve pretty much tried them all by now You know what happened when I wore that? I flew. I flew like a bird and yeah for a while I felt liberated, but you know what forcing myself to utilise it made me realise? High flying wasn't a weakness in my game after all, I'd just gotten comfortable. I was racking up victories with heavy hitting and power grappling that I didn't broaden my horizons to what else I had in my skill set.

Mark shrugs at the camera.

The Dragon: All that happened was that I realised the mask didn’t change me. I was winning BEFORE I took on that new persona, a lot. I was winning with the mask on too. I was winning a different way, not the way Mark "The Dragon" Cross would have done it, but the Result. Didn't. Change. It just got me there a little faster. Oh, I’m looking predictable, I need something else, maybe more submissions...but then I’d lose my high tempo offence and really underpins everything I do...maybe I should start flying around a little more, oh hey, this is fun, and I’m good at this, and it just helps keep my opponents guessing even more - You see how simple that is? I’d have got there in the end, on my own power, and that’s part and parcel of evolving as a wrestler. A little makeup won't make the change for you either Teddy. You can't sweep a loss under the carpet with a new persona because hey guess what, we all know what you are. The words spilled out of your own mouth weeks ago. You ARE a loser. You ARE a glorified manager, and probably the one that resonates most, you're a drummer. Been there, done that, didn't get anywhere near the number of girls I expected. Definitely no threesomes. You know that. I know that. The locker room knows that…

Mark clears his throat, lowering his voice a little for the next part.

The Dragon: That doesn't mean I don't respect you. Admitting that to yourself, that took guts, and it's maybe, just maybe a sign that you're ready to start taking it to the next level. I acknowledge you became Roulette champion in a real tough matchup. I was right there with you. Your win was opportunistic, sure, but it showed you have your head in the game more than a lot of the roster probably give you credit for, and I will prepare for you like I prepare for a champion. Potentially, that won’t be what you want to hear, but it’s what you deserve and that’s important. Important for me to say, and important for you to know that.

Mark looks back down at the mask on the desk.

The Dragon: Now by now, you will have seen footage of a guy wearing this mask taking one of my students to the cleaners back in Miami. Yup, that would be me. I've admitted it to Faith, and I've admitted it to Tashiro Honda and you know what? He asked for another practice match sometime. He sat with me and we went through the footage and the only thing he wanted to do was learn to get better after that experience. Now you know what Teddy that kid not only has the attitude of someone that can become a champion, you've proved that anyone can do that on their day, but to STAY a champion. He couldn't handle the heat on that day, and he stood up and he owned that. I like Tashiro a lot. Never one to back away from a fight, and never one to pass up the opportunity to take something he didn’t know before. It’s why when we spoke in Japanese, he stepped forward to take the challenge himself. It wouldn’t have taken much for one of my guys to get in that ring and show me what the Dragon’s Lair is all about.

He picks up the mask, turns it over in his hands a couple of times, then returns it to the desk.

The Dragon: So Teddy - Be like Tashiro Honda. Whatever the result, whatever the stipulation, know I’m coming for you. Know I plan on warming up for December II Dismember with a second win against you on my record, one-on-one. I'm hoping for a challenge, a proper tool-up, but I'll quite happily sweep you aside if you suffer another confidence shortage. Know I will capitalise on your weaknesses and punish your errors. Know that while you perfect lyrics, I perfect wrestling moves. Lastly, remember it’s 2019, and it’s not hard to get a copy of match footage with today’s modern technology. Get a copy fella. Watch it. Learn from it, and when you want to thank me for the free lesson, my DMs are always open. Look forward to seeing you out there.

With that, Mark nods to the camera, steps up from the chair, and turns to leave as the scene fades to black.

Part 3 - No Judgement

We are taken to a hospital room. Laying back on the bed next to an ultrasound machine is an unknown brunette, her long hair swept over her right shoulder. She had an olive complexion, seeming almost mediterranean, and the grey tank top she wore, rolled up to just above her stomach as instructed by the nurse, revealed two full sleeves of tattoos. A male doctor, who definitely looks too young to be qualified, in her eyes anyway, enters the room a few moments later.

Wilson: Matilda? I’m Doctor Wilson.

Matilda eyes him nervously.

Matilda: Don’t female doctors usually do this?

Wilson:Usually, we have a couple of illnesses today so I’m covering the ultrasounds.

Matilda: You know what you’re doing right?

Wilson:Yes, they train us all thoroughly.

Matilda: OK - That’s fine.

Doctor Wilson positions himself next to the equipment, checking the calibration, then applying gel to the area he’d be scanning in a moment or two.

Wilson: I see from your notes that there’s been difficulty getting hold of the father - Still no news?

Matilda: I can't contact him. He has a team of people trying to keep me away. One of them I even thought was a friend for a while.

As Doctor Wilson begins to move the probe, he diverts his attention to the screen.

Wilson: A team? Why does he have a team?

Matilda: Oh he's a pro wrestler. I didn't want to tell him at all at first, but this guy, his accountant I think, tried to get us back together or something I don't know...when this 'Andrew' found out about the baby I don't think he liked the idea so much.

Wilson: How about you?

Matilda: I don't know. I think it just proves why I didn't want to be a part of that lifestyle. Maybe it's better my child isn't either.

Wilson: That lifestyle? Big house, fast cars, that kind of thig?

Matilda: I mean, he seemed down to earth whenever we were together and I was almost able to forget what he was most of the time, but he owns a mansion in Coconut Grove, swimming pool, hot tub, drives around in this white Aston Martin convertible a watch collection worth more than I make in a year...

Wilson: Coconut Grove huh?

Matilda: You know it?

Wilson: I know cosmetic surgeons way above my pay grade that live there if that's what you mean. Listen, I'm no expert, but if you like the guy, and he's on board with this whole child thing, it sounds like you could do a lot worse for you and your kid financially and you never know, maybe he’ll be more supportive than you think?

Matilda: Hmm. Maybe. I mailed him my positive pregnancy test a few days ago since I couldn't speak to him myself. You think he got it?

Wilson: You did WHAT?

Doctor Wilson’s head suddenly snaps away from the monitor.

Matilda: Sent him my pregnancy test. Surely his guys don't open his mail too?

The Doctor, suddenly feeling awkward, cleared his throat.

Wilson: So you're around 12 weeks pregnant so far. That's going to put your due date towards the end of May…

Matilda: You don't approve?

Wilson: It just...isn't how I'd like to find out that's all.

Matilda: It's not how I wanted to tell him either but what am I to do if some coglioné in a suit won't let me speak to him huh!?! You think I wanted any of this?

Wilson:I'm sorry I didn't…

Matilda: You judgemental asshole!

Wilson: I…you asked my opinion…

Matilda: You'’re right, I'm sorry, Italian hot-headness, Mark always said it was cute…

Mark? Not Mark "The Dragon" Cross?

Matilda: Oh God this is exactly why I didn’t know him?

I follow all the Miami wrestlers! I mean I know he’s British but he’s wrestled here enough times and I know he trains here...I tell you what, haven't seen him looking this good since the days of Galveston Island Wrestling it’s incredible! He must REALLY be focussing on his game right now.

If looks could kill...

Matilda: Are we done here?

Wilson: Well yeah I guess I've done all I…

Matilda hurriedly pulls down her shirt, grabs her bag, and makes for the exit.

Matilda: I need to leave. Right now.

Wilson: Well ok, down the corridor and to your...yup, bye then!

Wilson shakes his head disapprovingly.

Wilson: The Dragon huh? Didn’t know he was that kinda guy…

The scene fades to black.

Part 4 - Surprise!

We are taken to a small, dimly lit office area. It has a small desk squeezed into the corner so it can still be called an office, but the majority of the space is taken up by an array of TVs and playback equipment. Andy, accountant, matchmaker, manager and post sorter, can be seen scouring through piles of mail as the door opens, introducing Faith Simpson.

Faith: Hey Andy!

Andy: Oh, hey Faith...I thought you and Mark weren't coming in until later?

Faith: There's construction work near my apartment, noise woke me up so I figured I'd get started on the footage for my new company out in Japan.

Andy: And Mark?

Faith: Getting doughnuts or something I dunno…what are you doing here so early?

Andy: Oh, just some admin.

Faith sits herself down at the desk, which is the main station used for going over match film. She looks down to find a pregnancy test sitting on it, directly in front of her.

Faith: Ewwwww Andy!! Someone's pee'd on that why is it on the desk!?!

Andy: Yeah Faith it's a pregnancy test, that's what you do with them. Haven't you ever…

Faith: No!! I like girls you idiot why would I ever need one of those?

Andy: I just thought…

Faith: Look just...get rid of it OK? What's wrong with you?

Faith hops up from the desk in disgust and moves away.

Andy: OK fine.

Andy shuffles over, picking the test up gingerly with two fingers as he looks around for a trash can to put the it in. His two-fingered grip is weak, resulting in the test dropping out of his hand and bouncing under the desk. With a sigh he drops to his knees and starts to crawl.

Faith in the meantime follows the trail of administrative destruction, a brown padded package ripped open, a handwritten note loosely on top, which she picks up and reads. Outside the door, the muffled voice of The Dragon can be heard.

Faith: You're opening Mark's mail huh?


Collective Roar: YEAAAAAAAH!
One overexcited wrestler: HELL YEAH!

As Andy appears from under the desk, he watches the colour drain from Faith's face. The same fate afflicts him as he realises the note she has in her hands.

Faith: Matilda's pregnant…

Andy: Faith…

Faith: You knew…

Andy: Listen to me…

Faith: You had me…

Faith's hand clasps over her mouth in shock.

Faith: I promised him I wouldn't get involved…

Andy: Now Faith it's not as bad as…

Faith: dragged me into this...I let you…

Faith turns on her heels and heads out of the office, striding purposefully towards the gaggle of wrestlers swarming around The Dragon and his two large boxes of doughnuts.


Behind her is a flurry of activity from Andy as he struggles to his feet, the least athletic of anyone in the building at that moment in time. In the heat of the moment he grabs one of the metal folding chairs from the desk, not really knowing what he was doing as he set off at a run, she was nearly halfway there...and it was almost as if something took over his arms as he cracked the chair across the back of the teenager, dropping her to the floor.

Silence filled the space as everyone turned to look.

Jefferson Baracas: Daaaaaaamn son!

The Dragon: Andy what the HELL are you doing!?!

Andy: Uhhh...well…

As Andy drops the chair, the sound of clattering metal fills the now whisper quiet space. Faith  smacks the floor twice with her palm.

The Dragon: You good Faith?

Faith: Yup...he hits like a girl I'm good…ugh...

She gingerly begins to pick herself up from the floor.

The Dragon: Both of you, office. Now. Jefferson hold these please…

Jefferson Baracas: Naaaaw man I'm on this special diet see…

The Dragon: Take the fucking…

Seeing what was unfolding he thrusts the box into the hands of the protesting wrestler, setting off at a run towards the pair.

Jefferson Baracas: I'm gonna get frosting on my hands!

The Dragon: Gimme that…

With moments to spare, he is able to cross the floor just in time to wrestle the chair out of the hands of Faith, who was stalking the dejected-looking accountant from behind with revenge on her mind.

We watch as Mark matches the pair the rest of the way inside the office we saw a few moments ago as the scene fades to black.