Author Topic: Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams  (Read 1488 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« on: October 06, 2019, 02:55:32 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week. 10,000 words maximum.

Good luck!  

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Zoey Lukas

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    • Zoey Lukas
Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 03:39:40 AM »
And the walls came down and the Heavens opened
It's too late to claim your innocence
Once the trust is broken
It was just a little taste
It was so sweet
You couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams
You had to taste it, reach out and take it

Scene One: Answers from the bottom of a bottle.
Toronto Canada
4 Years Ago.

Whisky burns when it goes down. No matter how fast you throw it back, how quick you swallow, the burn hits your tongue, your throat and then all the way down to your stomach. It was a feeling Sierra knew well and the last few weeks it had gotten worse She was gainfully employed, working for a large company, but even though she was on another brand, going around a different loop she still had to see him. Carter Kennedy. The charismatic pretty boy who had been her friend, tag team partner and lover. But three times he had burned her.

Three times Sierra had let her heart out, after she had vowed not to, after her first ever relationship broke her and hardened her he still somehow, someway got inside her mind and talked her into feeling something. And now she had nothing left. Nothing left to give, nothing left to want from a man.

She had gotten attention from a few of her coworkers, she shut each one of them down with cold answers and steely eyed glares of hatred.

But now she had a week off, a week off from TV tapings, from local live events, from promotional duties as one of the fastest rising women on the roster. She kept it together long enough to visit her daughter, but the second Jade left with her father, the second she saw the look on her ex’s face, the smart ass cocky grin, the judging eyes, she lost it. And for the last three days she had sat with her television blaring the horrible daytime TV shows and nighttime infomercials

But with open whiskey bottles lined up on her table.

Shot glasses sitting side by side, but only her fingerprints would be on them

But sitting here, not focused on anything except the momentary relief the buzz of the alcohol would give her, left her open to surprise. She didn’t hear her father Oscar walk in, using a key she had given him in case of emergency. He found his daughter, her feet on her coffee table, an open bottle clutched in her hand as she just stared ahead, her dark brown hair shiny from not being washed, her eyes had bags under them and she just swallowed hard.

”Most people drink with other people Si Si”Her fathers voice caused her to jump, she put the bottle on the table and tried to get up almost falling back before steadying herself, Oscar reached out to grab her arm, Sierra looked up sheepishly at her father and cleared her throat.

Her eyes shifting back down before she addressed him. ”I’m fine, I just slipped.” Oscar let out a deep sigh and let Sierras arm go, she straightened her shirt and turned walking towards the kitchen. ”Can I get you anything? A beer? A soda? water? Oscar stepped forward and shook his head.

”Si I came here because your brothers are worried, you have had all week off and you haven’t been at the gym and” Sierra turned suddenly on her heals almost falling over but catching herself as she felt the anger raise in her stomach.

She growled and her hands clasped into fists. ”Oh? They’re worried, a few months back they kicked me out of the gym, that shit was my home papa” She stopped, she realised she was getting upset. Sierras heart beat fast as she felt the tears start to well up in her eyes. And she also called him Papa, something she only did when she was upset, her hands moved up to her face as she failed to stop the tears from falling.

The self loathing also started. She hated herself. She hated feeling weak and powerless. Her father stepped forward, not saying a word. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and sighed just holding her, his hand lightly rubbing her back. And in an instant Sierra started to calm down. In that moment she was a child again and the only thing that could calm her was her father.

Everything was going to be alright…..

Everything...was fine?

Promo: No one will survive
Present Day

”This is beautiful, but I need to get in the right mindset for this.”

The sun was out, the breeze was blowing. Hawaii was gorgeous. But Sierra Williams wasn’t in the mood for that. Her fiery red hair was blowing behind her, her green eyes shone under the midday sun and the bottom half of her face was covered by a bandana that was in the shape of the Canadian flag, but the maple leaf in the middle was green making it the colors of the mexican flag showing her mixed heritage.

”You know, many people would sit back and look at the career I have had so far in SCW and indeed the wrestling world at large and say I have had some measure of success. Certainly more than some people who just fail and burn out. I had my fun working the indies, I enjoyed travelling around the US, Mexico, Europe and Asia. It was great and I learned so much and made money doing it. I went to WWH and while I didn’t have the same measure of success as some people I still came close to winning titles and championships...I still showed the world what I could do…”

“I did the same at DIVISION and lets face it, if it wasn’t for Dickie Watson I would have been the first ever DIVISION champion, I beat James Raven there who is a former world champion of many promotions. But it all lead me to SCW and to be honest. SCW feels like home. From the moment Lachlan and I signed our contracts and before the ink was even dry I felt good about being here.”

“Then the success happened. The success fell onto us as we were asked to team together in the SCW mixed tag team division. And it exploded.”

“We became popular and defended the titles happily and with that came a higher level of success I had never felt. But, when we lost and we realised we had other ideas for our success and both Lachlan and I wanted to expand our experience and see what we could accomplish by ourselves. And since then...well it has been a struggle…”

Sierra shakes her head folds her arms over her chest, she is wearing a black and red SCW shirt and black jeans with red high top converse.

”I have had ups and downs I have had wins and losses. I build myself up beating everyone they put in front of me until I have something of note in front of me and then I fail. I slide back down that ladder and I have to start again. And to be honest. I am tired, of starting again. I have watched Gamer INC, the team who beat Lachlan and I do nothing with the win they got over us, I watched Bobbie Dahl a woman who earned my respect through beating me also fall to the same glass ceiling I have.”

“And the thing is, it’s on us to get through it, and I don’t plan on failing. See it wasn’t that long ago I beat Seleana Zdunich the current number one contender for the SCW bombshells title. Then again, my opponents wife, Keira Fisher also accomplished that so, is that really as big of an accomplishment?.”

“But now, well now before me at the biggest show of the year I have a challenge. A real challenge. King of. See I have a former champion, a woman who the entire wrestling world seems to fall all over themselves because she’s so loved…”

Sierra scoffs and rolls her eyes as she leans back against a small fence.

“Roxi Johnson, a member of Team Hero. It’s amazing really, I mean I like comic books and movies but I don’t really see the world in black and white but if I did, I would be a villain, but not you right Roxi? Not you. I mean you’re a superhero, a person everyone can believe in. Loved by so many people from fans to management to social media. You’re a darling of the wrestling world. But, there’s one problem. See your outward impression you give, the smiles, the waves, the thank yous and i love yous to everyone. It’s all fake, because from what I have seen from you, the things you said, the actions you’ve taken well..Roxi…”

“You’re a bit of a bitch”

“Oh no Sierra said a dirty word.”

“Look, I’m not denying or doubting your skills Roxi, the truth is you are cut from the same cloth as Mercedes Vargas. You have great records and moments and awards and you absolutely deserve all the respect in the world for those. But then, you left, you left to go take up a part time job and also be a mother and again, you and Keira, I respect you both because I myself am also a mother to two beautiful little girls. So I know the struggle. But if I look passed your accomplishments, if I ignore the respect I have, then I am left with an opponent standing in front of me and a challenge I need to overcome to remind the world that Sierra Williams is for real…”

“You know why I need to do that Roxi?. See, you’re a made woman, you’re comfortable. You came back to SCW and you can coast on your past and lets face it. That is what you have been doing, Alicia gave you a title shot and since then you have been...meh….you haven’t been the legendary world beater everyone thought you’d be. But it doesn’t matter Roxi, you are untouchable.”

She smiles and throws her hands up before pushing off the fence.

”But me? I’m not. You are closer to the end of your career than the beginning but me? I’m just getting started. I need to beat you, I need to silence all those people who believe I am just a name on the roster. I need to make sure everyone who has ever said I was just a “tag team” wrestler being dragged on by Lachlan eat their words. And this Roxi, is the biggest match of my career because of your name, because of your past and even if you haven’t been on a roll or haven’t been as “good” as people’re still Roxi Johnson…”

“Your name holds weight, your voice adds legitimacy.”

“And you know, I already said I respect what you accomplished but, I need to make it clear, as I person I think you’re full of shit. You are someone who projects this aura of smiles and happiness to the world like you’re a good person. You have people like Griffin Hawkins and Amy Marshall fooled. But when you had a chance to stand up to the current champion, to show you are the hero you think you failed…”

“And no, I don’t mean because you lost to that little blond bitch who holds our world title…”

“Before the match you talked about your generation and how they were better than who is here now, throwing all of us under the bus and when you lost?. What happened Roxi?. A hero would have been the bigger woman and congratulated the person who beat her, but you didn’t do that. And that evidence? That just leads me to believe you aren’t the person you let everyone believe you are. You are not the happy superhero woman who is a good person who shows respect to almost every female on social media every wednesday. You’re not the rock fan who posts what song you are drumming too, you’re not the woman who keeps posting pics of herself in a bikini…”

“It’s a show...a the ring you’re exactly like me...but sister...I’m not falling for it and at High stakes 9, I’m going to expose you..”

Offline Roxi Johnson

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Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2019, 11:36:42 PM »
"No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle."

Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 67)

{The scene opens inside the Guild. Over the watchful eyes of a guild doctor and trainer,  Roxi is shown conducting a series of field and training exercises all on a timer. Roxi moves gracefully and swiftly, finishing the speed test and looking up at the observation booth, pointing to where her wristwatch would be.}

Doctor – 10.21

Roxi – Again.

{There is an audible groan from the doctor.}

Doctor – It’s still a great time.

Roxi – It needs to be faster.

Doctor – I don’t think it can be. Only Blink has a better record, and he can move at almost the speed of sound.

Roxi – I want to be sure.

{Another trainer enters the observation booth, halting the whole exercise.}

Trainer – Let me have a word with her.

{The same trainer exits the room just as quickly, heading down to the training area where Roxi stands, hands on hips, panting slightly as he meets her.}

Roxi – Make it quick, I’d like to go again.

Trainer – Let’s just cut the crap. This isn’t for anything that we know of.  You’ve passed every test we have with flying colors. So why don’t you just tell us what you’re trying to accomplish here.

{Roxi turns, pausing to sip from a bottle of water.}

Roxi – I want to be better.

Trainer – You’ve done this test 8 times. 12 on the power limit test. What are you trying to do?

Roxi – What were my times the year before?

Trainer – What does that have to do with anything? They were just as good.

Roxi – Better, or worse? Answer the question.

Trainer – Slightly better, by like 10ths of a second here and there. But you beat old scores in some tests. This isn’t like you. What is the deal?

Roxi – I have to be better.

Trainer – These tests are only showing you as good as you ever were.

{Roxi wants to hear none of it, and turns around leading to another round of tests. She completes them, trying to up her time, the speed the precision, trying to make everything perfect. And not accepting anything less. After the 5th straight try, Roxi is sweating profusely, bent over and hands over her head, trying to catch her breath.}

Trainer – Are you satisfied now?

Roxi – NO.

Trainer – For your own health and safety, I think we need to shut down the exercises so you can rest.

Roxi – I heal fast. I’m fine.

Trainer – I strongly suggest –

{Roxi cuts him off with a glare}

Roxi – I want to go again.

{The words are almost a threat to the trainer. He hits a button on his lapel.}

Trainer – Code 14, FTE room.

Roxi – You’ve got to be kidding me! Don’t you –

{Soon there are several automated turrets, weapons, and armed robot guards aimed directly at Roxi, who stands there, not believing this is happening.}

Trainer – It’s for your own good. Please follow the drones.

{Roxi sneers, but obeys and follows the robots down to an automatic holding cell that she is placed into. A larger timer begins showing 20 minutes. Roxi just paces inside the room, the holding cell only really big enough for a normal sized person, and a bed. Soon enough, Roxi is seated on the bed, head down, trying to hold in her anger.}

This isn’t right. I JUST… I need to do this. I have to prove this.

{After 10 minutes, Keira appears in front of the holding cell, arms folded, and shaking her head.}

Roxi – You have to get me out of here.

Keira – You’re in there for a reason.

Roxi – They won’t let me train anymore.

Keira – Because you’re acting like a crazy person!

Roxi – And I suppose the hair dye and contacts are normal.

{Keira rolls her eyes.}

Keira – You know that this is different. This is for wrestling. What on earth are up here for running and trying to break speed records and whatever. Why are you here when you can just train at home?

{Roxi’s stance lightens as she sighs and sits back on the bed.}

Roxi – I needed to.

Keira – For what?

Roxi – To get away. New place, new training, something different.

Keira – You do the guilds test every year. It’s not new!

Roxi – Sometimes you can make someone old new again.

{Keira cock her head to the side for a second, finally understanding what Roxi really meant.}

Keira – That’s what this is about, isn’t it? Getting older?

Roxi – I don’t want to talk about it.

Keira – Rox, I hate to break it to you, but we’re all getting older. Every second of every minute. It happens. You can’t halt aging. You can’t… not age. It’s just life. You’re doing the best you can to keep yourself in top shape. But you can’t let this get to you.

Roxi – I have to be –

Keira – No, you have to be you. That’s the problem here, you’re not being yourself.

Roxi – You’re one to talk.

Keira – Again, for wrestling, and again, I hate this. But this… this isn’t you. It hasn’t been you for a long time.

Roxi – You just don’t understand.

{Keira angrily slaps the bars separating the two.}


{Roxi says nothing, sighing and slowly standing up from the bed again. She turns away from the door, her head hanging low.}

Roxi – I just have to do this… for me.

{Keira just shakes her head.}

Keira – I knew this would happen. You are stubborn.

{Keira turns away, talking to someone else as Roxi listens in.}

Keira – Hopefully, she’ll listen to you.

{Roxi turns, and sees her good friend, Amy Jo Smyth standing outside the door.}

Roxi – AJ? What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here!

AJ – I already know about you, and Keira, and this place. Did you forget that?

Roxi – No, it’s just… this is… unexpected.

AJ – And seeing you behind bars isn’t exactly something I imagined seeing.

Roxi – Har. Har.

AJ – Listen, you’ve got to stop. Keira’s right.

Roxi – I don’t need a lecture.

AJ – Apparently, you do, because you’re literally in timeout right now. Because you couldn’t obey the rules. We need to have another heart to heart, don’t we?

Roxi – Don’t do this right now.

AJ – No, you made it this way, I have to be the adult in the room. You’re out here acting like a young hooligan and you need to be held accountable.

Roxi – Don’t do this AJ.

AJ – I have half a mind to take you over my knee.

Roxi – Stop…

AJ – I expected better from you, Roxi.

{There is a moment of tension, but as Roxi looks and sees AJ, AJ is in classic mom pose with her hands in her hips, tapping her foot. Roxi has no choice and breaks out into a grin and then a chuckle.}

Roxi – I hate you sometimes.

AJ – I think she’s okay now.

{The door is buzzed open as Keira and AJ walk in, both nodding.}

Roxi – I get it. I’m sorry.

AJ – Not as sorry as you’re going to be!

Keira – AJ… Bring it down. We got what we needed.

AJ – Oh. Nevermind.

Roxi – I do appreciate it, AJ.

AJ – My pleasure. But in all seriousness, you can’t be worried about being older. Besides, you’re not even old. You’re literally 33. 33 is nothing. You’re an adult. A wife, and a parent. Yeah, things are kind of changing a little more rapidly now, but you, are not old. I am old.

Roxi – You’re like… 35…

AJ – Now you get my point.

Roxi – I guess I do.

Keira – Now, please, promise me you’re not going to get all riled up anymore with this. It’s not you.

Roxi – Again…

AJ – Yeah… about your whole deal here Keira…

Keira – It’s not important! We’re here for Roxi.

Roxi – I appreciate it. I do. Really. And you’ve helped steer me in the right direction. But this next part… I have to do alone.

{Roxi hugs both AJ and Keira before departing and the scene fades.}

Hello SCW.

You know, things just have a weird way of working sometimes. You would think that after returning, and having a great time teaming with my wife and Griffin in a winning effort, and then beating Crystal in a match recently at CC 249, that I’d feel better about things, but the sad truth is, I don’t. I have been surrounded recently by this foul stench of doubt. And to be honest with all of you, when the announcement of my match at High Stakes was made, I was… indifferent. I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t sad, I was just… meh. In a way, I almost felt a little disrespected.

And I understand it, I get it. I walked back into SCW and instantly was put in a main event championship match. Didn’t want it to go down like that, but it happened, and I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. And I ended up not winning the Bombshell’s championship like I should have, and that’s on me. So, you know what, I just had to pick myself up, and keep the fight going. Start from the beginning, exactly what I wanted to begin with.

And I won a couple of matches, and I was beginning to feel like I was back on track, and now, it almost feels like I have become something else. Mark Ward just walked about announced that Sierra Williams gets to wrestle me. Like, here you go Sierra, we like you and here’s a match, for you. We’re putting the spotlight on you. Go forth and reach for the stars, Sierra.  

And…oh yeah, Roxi’s here too. She’s pretty good.

Just the way it was presented is almost offensive.

But I get it, I’m right there, not at the top of the list. Maybe that part of it was deserved. But it’s almost like… I’m an attraction. Like I’m Maximus Meridius. A simple gladiator to be paraded out when the fights are in season. Like I’m walking into Honolulu for the exact purpose of making sure Sierra Williams reaches her full potential.

Because as of 2019, there has been one prevailing thought around me. Sure, legend in the game, skins on the wall, accomplishments aplenty. Championships, and awards galore. There is nothing that Roxi Johnson has to prove to anyone anymore. Done it all probably twice. Hall of Famer.

But… she’s from a different era.  Old, tired, the last of a dying breed. Not ready any more for the long grind it takes to get to the top. Those days are over. Roxi Johnson is old.
And you know, I actually let that get to me. I allowed that to sink deep down into my skin and fester, like a bad rash. I even played into it. I talked about the men and women who were with me when I help build companies like SCW and turn it into what it is. I won rookie of the year here, I made the finals of the Blast from the Past, I exceed all expectations. But today? Today I don’t even meet them. Is it because I am old? You see I let that type of thinking dominate my own mind. I began to use it as a crutch. And that, truly is where things just went wrong.

I saw it everywhere. I heard the whispers that weren’t there. I felt the disappointment just attach itself to me. Everywhere I went, and looked, I wasn’t what I used to be. I was all over me like a cheap damn suit.  And it didn’t go away, and when it rained, it poured. And it felt like it was only raining, just on me. I failed. I couldn’t get the job done, because I wasn’t good enough anymore. No more championships, no more big time wins, just a complementary one here and there, just so I stuck around, in the hopes of breaking what was, at that time, an unbreakable string of losses, bad luck, and failure.

I believed things would turn around coming back to SCW. And right away, that turned out to be false. Otherwise, I would be preparing for Seleana, and not for Sierra Williams. I make no excuses, that’s the way the ball bounced, and that’s what I’m focused on now. Because we need to have Sierra Williams coming out party, don’t we? We’re going to put Sierra Williams on this pedestal. And let’s just see if Roxi can even hang anymore with a younger, talented woman, before inevitably, Sierra rises to the top.

Perhaps it all goes back to being inducted into the SCW Hall of Fame to begin win. Maybe it was sitting there, and looking at the hall of fame, and an ending. I looked at the hall of fame as the end to the SCW chapter. I did what I did, I could have accomplished more, I could have not surrendered the Roulette championship and tried for some kind of record or win-loss total, but back then, and today, records do no matter to me. What mattered, was raising my son. What mattered, was not being too injured, or hurt, or worse, because I stayed longer than I needed to.

I do not regret that choice in the slightest.

But I kept pushing it, not wanting to taint anything and returning every now and again. And to be honest, I wasn’t happy then and I’m not happy now. What was I doing? I didn’t want to leave well enough alone, and here I am now, with one lasting, confusing chant echoing in my brain:

“You still got it.”

That’s how far I let this go. I actually got that chant, directed at me, like I had been out of the game for 10 years, or I had somehow not been as good in my matches. I could only think that… Did that really just happen to me? What in the world is going on here?

And here I am now with an opponent that’s going to throw shade, and give me backhanded compliments and whatever else and say all of these things, because goodness knows we have to make room for Sierra Williams.

And I’m just here, as an attraction.

And now it all makes sense.

Because that? All that that just happened? It’s clearly the wakeup call I actually needed, because it really, really pisses me off. I try to keep my emotions in check, I try to walk that straight and narrow. I do, and it gets harder, and harder every single time to try and hold my tongue anymore. I’m tired of biting my lip when it comes to the nonsense anymore. I didn’t need to speak on it before, and maybe, that was the problem. But right now, I’m looking around and I’m annoyed. I’m annoyed at many, many things. Obviously, letting people say and do what they want, and not having them have to answer for it, was not, and is not the way to go.  I finally realized, I haven’t hit “old wise sage” just yet. I have hit “disrespected person” in 2019. And finally, after all this time, I get to open my mouth and actually verbally vent things, that normally, I would have let roll off my back.

And this… the whole presentation. It’s an insult.

What, am I the bearded lady now? Should we just play the circus music when I come out?

Sierra has all the fanfare, a younger wrestler who made her name in the mixed tag division stepping out on her own, and stumbling out of the gate. Hey, that happens. You get up, dust yourself off, and try again. But now, Sierra’s going to come at me all sideways, and that’s fine. But let’s just understand that this match, this match isn’t the biggest Sierra will have, not by a long shot. It’s just the biggest thing currently for her. Because I guess all the pressure is on her, and I’m just chopped liver over here. So, let me just explain this because it needs to be said.

This match far more important to ME, than it is Sierra Williams.

Sierra is well liked by Mark Ward, so she’s going to be given those opportunities to shine more often than not. Me? I’ve been there and done that. And yet, here I am not treating this like maybe people think I would. This isn’t a “trap game” deal for me. This is as serious as a heart attack right now. Because everything I’ve already earned, and accomplished, is over and done with. This is it for me. The big match that I need to win. I need this, not Sierra. People may not think I have anything to prove, but after not winning the Bombshell’s championship, oh no, I have PLENTY to prove. The way this whole thing came together? No, I’m not cool with that. It’s never cool to just be thrown into a match where your opponent gets the praise, and you just kind of get mentioned.

No, that’s a personal thing.

I’m taking it as a personal challenge and insult. I’m not about to get paraded out for someone else’s benefit. No, I’m coming to Honolulu to absolutely wipe the floor with Sierra Williams. She’s tough, she’ll bounce back, but me? No, I have bigger fish to fry. I have loftier goals than just having a good match with a good wrestler. As I said, I am not finished with Alicia Lukas, and that remains the goal. I am not about to get paraded out again with no purpose or goal other than, let’s see if someone can beat her. No. I am on the hunt. I am no longer clouded by questions about my age.

I am 33 years old. And that’s all 33 means to me. It’s a number. But since I was 26 years old, I’ve had a superheroes weight on my shoulders. I’ve had all the same challenges, and obstacles in my way, the names, the faces, they change. I have been the constant. I have fought for and earned every single thing I have. Every shred of respect and credibility. Every championship, every award, every accolade. All this is now, is me, having to do it again. To prove one more time, that I am at the top of my game, no matter the year.

Sierra Williams is about to find out first-hand. So she can get the little cute insults in now, tell me how old I am, and how I’m a stepping stone, because that’s what Sierra Williams, has been lead to believe. She will find out in a very short time, just how wrong her pre-conceived notions are about me. I am going to show that Sierra Williams, has an awful lot left, still to learn. There may indeed come a day, where Sierra Williams gets to the top.

October 20th 2019, is not going to be that day.

<img src=> </img>

Offline Zoey Lukas

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Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2019, 05:05:46 AM »
You learn to live with pressure when it's the only thing you feel
It's never like you see, it feels like you never know what's real
I don't cave on the outside
But it wears me down in my own mind
Don't forget I'm human, I'm not alive for your amusement
Lost in your delusion, you don't know who I am
Don't forget I'm human, I've got the open wounds to prove it
And you don't get to choose it, you don't know who I am

Scene One:You don’t know who I am
Present Day

All the days in Hawaii and throughout the carribean have been amazing. Bright and filled with sun, sand and salt water. And now here she was, sitting in her bikini, on s tool, in a pool, at a bar. The cooling water flowing over her legs and bottom half as her hand wrapped around a small glass filled with a blue liquid, a red cherry sat in it with ice cubes. Sierra smiled and pulled the glass to her lips taking a small sip, her face turning as she shook her head and placed the glass back down. She coughed and looked over at the bartender, Her eyes staring a hole in him as this was the drink he had recommended.

She drank the rest, alcohol should not go to waste. But then she looked over with a smirk, the guy moved over through the water to her, his blue eyes looking her up and down as Sierra deliberately showed off her engagement ring to make sure he didn’t get any ideas. As he leaned down on the bar she tilted her head and slid the glass to him. ”Another there red?” His voice was deep, but being put on, his muscles seemed to twitch as Sierra raised an eyebrow.

She cleared her throat and leaned in close. ”No” He looked surprised raising an eyebrow as Sierra looked behind the bar with a smirk. ”I’d rather a real drink, instead of the bitchdrink you just gave me. Grab the Jack, grab a glass and set it down here.” The bartender looked a little shocked and raised an eyebrow, his eye catching her engagement ring and it finally clicking, Sierra batted her eyes with a sarcastic fuck you smile. He backed off and grabbed the bottle putting it down in front of her she poured herself a glass and took a sip with a grin as it went down her throat. She was relaxed and happy.

Her mind flashed to her daughters, her stomach sinking knowing both her girls were with their fathers. Wulf she didn’t worry too much about, but her other ex, he who shall not be named. That made her skin crawl. Sierra was in a good p-lace now, but it wasn’t always that way. Her mind flashed back to before Wulf, before Ilivia, when Jade was younger and she barely saw her.

There was a hole in her heart, alcohol, pills, other assorted things tried to fill that hole. That wasn’t her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling that way. From remembering and feeling it all. Her hands drifted over the glass as she took another sip when a voice broke through the memory haze. An Irish voice, calm, soothing. Her happiness. ”Thought I’d find ya here love.” Sierra turned her head flashing a small smile as Lachlan sat next to her. His eyes covered with black sunglasses, wearing board shorts with the Irish flag on them and no shirt. Even now Lachlan’s cheeky boyish grin made her forget her hard assed ways and made her swoon like a school girl with her first crush.

”Everything all right?” She just smiled and gave him a nod before reaching over and grabbing a second glass pouring some Jack for Lach sliding it to him, he smirked and took a sip as Sierra took a long deep breath looking out from the pool to the beach only a feet away. It all hit her, her life was perfect now.

From where she had started, all she had went through. The here and now was perfect. ”Everything is great Lachy, everything is perfect.” She leaned forward kissing him slowly, Lachlan smiled and gave Sierra a small nod, his lips twisted in the same boyish grin as before. Sierra took another drink and sighed happily, Lachlan looked over at the bartender, now a sheepish shell of the muscled cocky douchebag he had been before. ”Are you nervous? About fighting Mal?” Lachlan laughed and shook his head.

”We’re brothers...fighting is what we’ve done since we were children Si.” She let out a loud laugh, Lachlan was caught off guard as Sierra thought about her own brothers. How she missed them, but how they too fought like wild animals when they were younger. Families, they’re all the same. ”And how about you? Nervous facing a legend?” She tilted her head raising her eyebow’s Lachlan laughed again and nodded slowly ”I know...stupid question, just be careful..she’s sneaky…”

”Oh. She’s not the only one”

Promo: Legends Fall…
On Camera
Present Day

”Facing me is offensive is it? Roxi?. Amazing how much bullshit spews from your mouth.”

Sierra slowly smiles, looking up through her long red hair that sits for the most part tied back away from her face apart from the front that hangs down her cheeks.

”You waltz in here, back from other companies. Get handed a title shot, an opportunity on a silver platter, but no, Roxi the superhero didn’t want it, she just took it because it was the right thing to do. And then in failing, while in heated words with our “champion” you insult the entire division. But no, Roxi Johnson is such an amazing great competitor and legend of our sport. Teaming with her wife and Griffin Hawkins, beating Crystal Zdunich in a classic, and even in a loss to Alicia you still looked good. But poor little Roxi, feels disrespected and is doubting herself. And everyone is expected to clap their hands and smile and make you feel better about yourself. Again, you present yourself as one thing when you are clearly another…”

“And all the while all we hear is “oh well, that’s just Roxi, she doesn’t take shit.”. Really? Then how do you explain away the bullshit you’ve been running your mouth with Roxi?. See, I’m a bitch, I’m an arrogant, loudmouthed asshole and I admit it and expect it.”

“People know when I speak it may not be the most complimentary…”

“But you, a loved and respected veteran, someone who’s public persona is supposed to be so powerful and..well..”good”. You do nothing but shit on everyone. Take your comments about me, forget the rest of the division, forget the champion, what about me?. You felt disrespected by being in a match with me or how it was presented? Roxi, the only woman who sees herself as “old” is you. I do see you as a veteran and you may be a bit older than me but you think SCW is banking on me to rise to the top?...are you that jaded and paranoid?”

She pauses for a moment, raising her eyebrows with her arms slowly rising in a shrug. She grabs a bottle of water drinking it down before pushing to her feet, despite the heat she still stands in her tight fitting black jeans, converse and a sleeveless Asking Alexandria shirt, her red and black bandana tied around her neck.

”You talked of loving SCW at one time and how happy you were to be back but now you’re fucking standing there accusing them of some kind of presentational bias?. Is your ego that fragile? Christ Roxi, it’s not even in SCW by itself but in the wrestling world as a whole that your shadow is cast over the rest o0f us. I know you’re a bigger star than me, I’ve seen it, I said it and I felt it. You have done it all in this company. But, you still complain like a child?”

“You kidding me?”

“This opportunity, I’m not going to look down at it, I’m going to look at you and see you for what you are, a dangerous Hall of famer who is still on top of her game.”

“I can gain so much with a win over you, but a loss? After how you’ve felt about yourself and presenting yourself to the loving fans of this great company?. You lose to me and I can already see and hear the bullshit. I can already see you sitting there and spouting off nonsense about doubt and how your loss was “on you”. Sometimes Roxi you just have to wake up to the fact that there are people better than you out there, and that whole “I beat myself” shit is just that…”


“You tell the world I’m liked by Mark Ward?, Because he enjoys watching me kick the shit out of people? That I have “Fanfare”?. So you hear those chants of “you’ve still got it” but don’t hear those idiots in the stands booing me?. Wait, I take it all back, you are old because you’re clearly fucking deaf. These are all lies you need to tell yourself in your paranoid little brain. And I have to tell myself it’s paranoia Roxi, because if it wasn’t then you are really losing it and don’t even pay attention to a company you’re signed in…”

“Guess it’s too much fun playing those drums and posting about it on Twitter, right Rox?”

She tilts her head with an arrogant little smirk.

”High Stakes nine is the biggest event this year. It is SCW’s biggest show, the highlight, the crown jewel. You know that better than anyone. Now, you are, as we have established, ad nauseum, you are a legend and a hall of famer, with so many victories and moments that the entire world remembers you for and loves you for. But what am I Roxi?”

“I have faced some of the best of the best in SCW and in other companies yet I have never been a dominant force or a world champion or even a singles champion. The only title I have won is a mixed tag one, the one you mentioned. And how many people still see me as just that? A tag team wrestler? A specialist at teaming with Lachlan and useless without him?.”

“We all beat our doubts and disappointments Roxi”

“But, me? I’m low enough on the totem pole, staring up at the lights where my doubts are justified. Yours? Yours are just sad and confusing. I don’t know what you’ll do after this match Roxi and I honestly don’t care. But I know, win or lose, I am going to stay in SCW and keep doing what I do…”

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Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2019, 11:30:48 PM »
 {We open outside of a large stone building. The front gate reads “State Asylum”. Roxi, clad in her superheroine costume, walks in. The look of determination is all over her face, even though it’s not visible through her mask. She marches confidently up to the front desk, her appearance starling the front desk guard.}

Roxi – Inmate #1027820.

{The guard takes a moment to collect his thoughts, and flips through a list of stapled together papers. He comes across the same number, and looks up at Roxi, who nods, confirming who she’s looking for.}

Guard – We’ll get it set up.

{Roxi is then escorted by a series of armed guards through the facility and towards a small interrogation like room. She quietly enters, and sits down on one side, and looks around the room before motioning to the guard that this meets her expectations. The orderly at the door nods.}

Orderly – We’ll bring him in. We’ll be monitoring should anything go wrong.

{Roxi only turns away, not acknowledging the guard, but he takes it as a sign anyway and closes the door. It’s only a brief moment that Roxi has to herself before the door opens, and a sickly looking man, strapped to an oxygen tank is wheeled into the room. The mask is strapped on his face, and the audible wheezing in his breathing is evident. His eyes are closed but, upon opening them, his breathing reaches a higher frequency upon seeing the superhero in the flesh. He does eventually calm down as he weakly groans and coughs. Roxi simply motions to the orderly and doctors.}

Roxi – This won’t take long. You can leave us.

{There is a pause and a tense moment before the man’s doctor and Roxi make eye contact, and reluctantly, he agrees.}

Doctor – We’ll be outside.

{The doctor eyes his patient and the superhero as he exits the room. Once the door closes, there is silence, save for the wheezing breath escaping from the man.}

Roxi – Hello Cyrus.

{Cyrus, the man who took control of Roxi all those years ago. The air seems sucked out the room when Roxi speaks, and the speed of Cyrus’s breathing increases again.}

Roxi – You look like you don’t remember me.  I can help you with that.

{Roxi slides her mask up and over her face and hair, but not all the way off. Giving Cyrus a view of her face which, he reacts to.}

Cyrus – You…

Roxi – Yes. Me. You do remember.

{Cyrus begins to cough and heave.}

Roxi – And I know you remember what you did to me.

Cyrus – I tried… to help you.

Roxi – You tried to ruin my life for your own personal gain. You took advantage of me. You manipulated me. You preyed on my innocence.

{Cyrus says nothing in response, but there is clearly a twinkle in his eye as he remembers this.}

Roxi – You made me think that you were the only one that ever cared. I feel into your trap, and I hate myself for it. And it wasn’t just me… Alexis…

Cyrus – Alexis….

Roxi – You kept her addicted to morphine. You made her a junkie. You beat her. Controlled her. And you want to know the worst part? You did it right in front of me.

{Cyrus tries to enjoy this moment, but keeps coughing and struggling to breathe.}

Roxi –  I almost lost everything I ever loved, and you… you gleefully tried to showcase me in that light.

Cyrus – A championship… is what you wanted… so… I gave it to you.

Roxi – You ruined everything. You nearly cost me my life.

Cyrus – Did you… come here for an apology?.... I was… helping.

Roxi – You helped yourself. And no, I didn’t come here for an apology from you. I came here to talk.

Cyrus – Or… lecture.

Roxi – Because for every single thing you did to me, and did to Alexis, for everything you pulled. For every single one of my friends and family that you hurt. I’ve never let it go. I’ve done nothing but secretly wish for nothing but endless, horrific torture for you, until the day you die. I did nothing but wish the most horrible things as payback. And I wanted to be the person who did it to you. I wanted to see the long of anguish on your face. I have never wanted to do it to anyone else, no other person in the world, Cyrus. Just you.

Cyrus - … Flattery..

Roxi – But I realized something about this whole thing. You already got what you deserved. I think you remember that, don’t you?

Cyrus – Sin…

Roxi – She, could have killed you. She should have killed you. But despite everything that you did. Despite all your lies, and manipulation, and attacks… I saved your life. I did. Because I knew, it was the right thing to do. Despite everything. But you taught me a valuable lesson.

Cyrus - … Which is?

Roxi – I gave you the power, and I can just as easily take it away. What you did to Alexis, she recovered. She moved on. She proved, she didn’t need you. And I am doing the same thing right now. I am taking back each and every bit of strength I ever gave you. Because I don’t need you. And I never did. But I don’t think you… can say the same.

Cyrus – Now you… taunt me..

Roxi – I just want you to understand, that I could have let you die, but I didn’t. Alexis is fine, and so am I. You on the other hand, ended up on a respirator. And those thoughts of torturing you, and making you suffer…. They’re gone.

Cyrus – Is that so?

Roxi – Yes. Because we both know this one undeniable truth. Every single breath you take, every time you struggle and rely on that mask, every bit of pain and discomfort you endure from now until forever…  

{Roxi leans in and whispers softly next to Cyrus}

Roxi – You owe to me.

{Roxi slowly stands up, eye Cyrus and motioning for the door to be opened.}

Roxi – Just remember that.  Forever.

{The door opens and the orderly pops in, along with the doctor}

Roxi – We’re done here.

{Roxi calmly walks out the door and eventually out of the asylum itself. She finally stops, and breathes in a deep sigh of what is clearly relief. Like a massive weight is off her chest.}

Roxi – One problem down…. One to go.

{Roxi walks off as the scene fades out.}

“You’re not the devil. You’re Practice.”
-   Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)

Hello again, SCW.

Well, I suppose the jig is up on me.

I have been figured out.

So why don’t we take the time to congratulate Sierra Williams for exposing this 7 year charade I have been putting on all of you, all of my friends, fans, and family. I have been pulling this ruse for no real reason, other than making a bunch of friends that I one day will obviously turn on and gain nothing from it. It has all been part of my master plan to trick all of you into thinking I’m a good person when the reality is, I’m a cold, heartless monster just trying to get on your good side.

It’s been so well orchestrated, and I’m into this so deep, I’m not even sure what the purpose was to begin with. But I’ll deny it to the end.

I mean, who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?

As well know, Sierra Williams knows more about me than anyone in the world. We’ve known each other for so long, so, I guess she knows me like the back of her hand. So it stands to reason I couldn’t continue this exceptionally long con game with Sierra watching me. The whole two interactions on twitter should tell you everything you need to know. She’s excited to face me, she’s called me a legend, and really that’s about it. But if you listen to her, we’ve apparently known each other for decades or something.

Let me just clear it up now: Up until this match was announced, I had very little knowledge of Sierra Williams career. We did not know each other, we had not interacted, and we did not wrestle in the same places. I knew she was a wrestler, and was pretty good. Now, I’m fully aware of my own reputation. People follow me, people are nice to me, and I am nice to them. Some people are rude and condescending towards me. I usually am nice to them anyway. It’s very simple with me. I try to be supportive of just about everybody. The only people that don’t get that, are people who I see, numerous times, be completely disingenuous about who they are, and how they treat people. I have no tolerance for those type of people.

And yes, I’m talking about the Current Bombshell’s champion. Because I’ve seen it, and continue to see it. She can throw up her hands and play innocent all she likes, or use whataboutism to deflect away, but it’s whatever. She knows the kind of person she is.

But that’s not who I’m facing, I’m facing the great Sierra Williams. I know, it’s odd that they seem like the same person sometimes, but what do I know?

So, if you’re keeping score at home, Sierra Williams just thinks I’m a bitch and a phony and hypocrite, all the same things that I said, about Alicia. Again, odd. But none the less, Sierra has chosen one instance, and one instance alone that proves to the world that I’m just mean, and rude. Again, for someone who is not Alicia Lukas, Sierra did a whole lot of defending of her. And then making moral judgements in the same breath, because again, a person who I have never spoken to in a face to face or social media setting is now accusing me of being a bad person. Just for the record, Amy Marshall turned her back on ME, not the other way around. But I forgave her, and we made amends. I’ve had more people than I can count try and play me for a fool, blame me for every bad thing that’s ever happened to them without any evidence, and it just goes on and on. Because, I’m an easy target, because I’m not a vast majority of people who either have to go to extreme in their words and actions to get attention. I’m just me.

But, it is a clever trap that Sierra has hoped to spring. You see, by openly questioning why Sierra would say something about someone she barely knows, Sierra can then come back and say “But what about when you did the same thing to Alicia Lukas?” The answer of course is simple, and I already pointed it out. I literally have seen, on multiple occasions, Alicia Lukas belittle and degrade people who didn’t deserve it. That is what’s known as a “pattern of behavior.” And I called Alicia out on this. This wasn’t a one off “let me just throw things at the wall and sees what makes Alicia mad” Everything I said, was and is a fact.

If Sierra wants to act as the personal lawyer for Alicia, she can do so all she likes. It just seems a little weird. So yeah, I can openly question why Sierra is choosing this one two week period as something to try and grill me on. She could have just said what she said in the tweets, but she decided to contradict herself by being so excited to face a legend, and then try and downplay everything else I’ve ever done, by just focusing on two weeks.

Two weeks is a lot, but it does not define me. But of course, we already knew that.

Besides, it would be just super easy to take one aspect of a person’s career and frame your story.

Like, I could say that for all Sierra Williams tag team success, she really is terrible as a singles wrestler in SCW. She had such a huge chance to win contendership for the SCW Bombshell’s Roulette championship, and she didn’t win. I mean, that was a big time opportunity and she blew it. And now, Sierra Williams is coming at me? I mean, what has she done lately? Go into a match with a golden opportunity and let it slip through her fingers. Why is she getting another chance at anything? Why does Mark Ward like her so much? She can’t even win a lousy triple threat match and now she’s just going to walk into Honolulu and beat ME?  This is a mismatch, don’t you think? A person who’s biggest success is a tag title run, and failing to win an important triple threat match against me? I mean, maybe they really don’t like Sierra, considering her falling flat on her face a couple of weeks ago.

You see? It’s pretty easy.

But, when all you have is false equivalency, you have to work with what you have. If you want to use whataboutism some more, go for it. Sierra can easily just say “well, you lost too, so there!” Because that makes it all better, doesn’t it?  And if Sierra wants to keep on defending Alicia, she can, it makes no difference to me. I can back up everything I’ve ever said about anyone, because, I don’t know how to be anything else but honest.

I mean, if you want to say that I took a shot at the people who are here now, as opposed to when I was here full time the last time, it’s just the truth. And sometimes, that hurts. The fact that Mercedes Vargas went from basic hanger-on run-of-the-mill wrestler to a grand slam winner should tell you everything you need to know about the competition level between the two time frames. You know Mercedes Vargas isn’t good. I know it, and yet, somehow, she holding all these records and winning streaks, and blah blah blah.

It could be, and should be considered, a wake-up call, for the wrestlers now, but if you wish to take it as an insult, go for it. I said what I said, and I stand by everything I’ve ever said.

And you want to know why? Because I am reminded every single time I walk into my trophy room and I see the SCW Bombshell’s title replica sitting on the mantle. It reminds that at one time, I did allow that darkness to take over. I did turn my back on everything and everyone who ever cared, because I was convinced that they didn’t. I won the SCW bombshell’s title that second time, and I tainted the championship myself. I put a black mark on my whole career in those few months. Because I didn’t do things the right way. I wasn’t honest, I wasn’t myself, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. And I almost lost everything and everyone I ever cared about. And it eats at me. It kills me to know that I sunk that low. But because of who I am, and because of who my friends are, they brought me back. They never stopped believing in me. And in turn, I made a promise to them, to never allow that to happen again.

So yes, I can confidently stand here, and laugh off any suggestion that I’ve become the bad guy in any scenario. And to tell you the truth, Sierra Williams, isn’t the bad guy either.

She’s not bad, she’s just misguided.

This is what happens when you really, really want to get noticed, and you can’t look at your track record of success or lack thereof in this instance, for approval. You close your eyes, stamp your feet, you do something, anything you can to stand out. And this is when you reach out, grasp at straws, throw out wild accusations and use whataboutism, false equivalencies, and the like. When you reach as far as Sierra is reaching, you end up losing your balance.

I’m excited to face a legend.  But she’s awful.

I’m looking forward to this match. But Roxi is just “meh”.

I would rather Sierra skip to the part where she says she’s going to kick my ass and use me as a stepping stone. Which, I assume is coming or already happened. You know, you have to commit to these things. You can’t be wishy-washy. Sierra’s sending mixed messages because the real idea, has always been that she’s got me in this trap. So anything I say in defense of myself, she can throw back at me because, I said this or that. Again, this whole thing is just a misguided attempt to stand out.

In her own mind Sierra is standing up for the whole division. She’s fighting against people holding her down or people insulting her and the rest of the bombshell’s. But let’s not say things we all know are obvious fabrications.  Sierra’s only doing this for personal glory. She’s doing it because if she wins, then she’s justified in everything she’s said about me. I’m not quite sure it works like that, but she convinced herself that it’s true.

I felt like that with Cyrus. It sounded good at that time. I believed. He made so much sense. He convinced me. And I became something I wasn’t. It brought temporary success, and lasting pain. I wonder if this is really what Sierra is after. The quick fix. Give me this now, because I need it. I’ve seen it, experienced it. And I know it’s not the way to go. But obviously it’s the route Sierra Williams wants to take, and waste her talent to try and claim moral superiority, except not. Well… kind of.. I’m not even sure.

So, once again, I will take to the ring, my morals and ethics questions without validity. I will enter the ring to face another opponent who is eager to make their name at my expense. Another person, sticking their chest out and pounding on it like a gorilla because without it, she would just be another nameless, faceless female wrestler who can cling to a bunch of I “almost” did this or that. And as well know, almost doesn’t count in anything but horseshoes and hand grenades anymore.

Sierra can bark all she wants, but it’s just a poodle barking at a lion to me. It’s just noise. Just a woman trying to make a name for herself. And that, I can appreciate. But let’s just understand, that what’s going to happen is at High Stakes, I’m going to beat Sierra Williams, and move on. Sierra can think she’s going to walk into Honolulu and just have her way and I’m just the person of skill and stature for her to beat to really come on strong, but, it’s not about to go that way, unfortunately. Sierra is skilled, there is no doubt. But deep down, she knows that I’ve entertained people’s words, just like hers before. I could have sat here and treated Sierra like a nobody, a nothing, just… another opponent. I mean, if I hadn’t spoken her name, would you even know who I was talking about? No, because she’s that generic. I could have said, I swear I’ve seen that twitter handle be used by someone else far more entertaining. But, I didn’t do anything of that.

Why? Because I’m just too nice sometimes.

At High Stakes, I’m going to whoop Sierra Williams ass like her parents probably should have done a long time ago. Great match, or not, I’m not interesting in stealing the show, I’m interesting in beating Sierra’s ass, and then moving back into contention for the Bombshell’s championship, and Sierra can learn a real valuable lesson from a ring veteran:

Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

Sierra could have made this a match that we both could have enjoyed, but she decided other wise. To be a puppet for the Bombshell’s champion, and wants to be a big shot, talk a lot of trash and make this about more than what it should be. I’m just going to go ahead and shut all of that down at High Stakes. I will leave victorious, I will leave Sierra to pick up her pieces, and hopefully one day soon, she’ll cut her strings and grow a personality.

If Sierra Williams wants some, I’m not hard to find. I’ll be the one serving ass kickings and teaching lessons on how to be your own person.

A class Sierra has already failed. So ring the bell, school is about to be in session, at High Stakes.

See you all in Honolulu.
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