Author Topic: Focused  (Read 468 times)

Offline Kate Steele

  • Match Writers
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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
« on: July 19, 2019, 01:36:02 PM »
 Off Camera
July 15th
Tampa Bay Florida

Into The Void had come and gone. Kate Steele did exactly what she said she was going to do. She walked into the Super Card and she was able to emerge with a victory. As the match had stated she would be definitely in the conversation when it came to the next batch on contenders for championships. Kate didn’t bother to leave her house since Into The Void. Kate was extremely upset over everything. She didn’t like how Jessie Salco was able to get a title shot after being beaten by her. She didn’t like how her husband was at the top of the wrestling food chain. She didn’t really agree with any of it. So instead of dealing with her problems like a normal adult would she decided to stay in her bubble and not do anything about it. She refused to come out of her house and she was content with just being by herself. No Teddy, no daughter, no distractions from the outside world. It was just her and a big tub of chocolate ice cream. Kate held her spoon in her hand as she glared at her tub of Breyers Ice Cream. She just continued to eat at it as she glared at her cell phone. 20 missed calls from Griffin Hawkins, 5 missed calls from Circle Television Network, 1 from Samara Steele (Sister), and 2 from Melody Grace. That didn’t even include all of the unread text messages. Kate just shook her head as she glared at her phone ringing again and the id read Griffin Hawkins. Kate just sighed as she shook her head and hit the ignore button.

How could she pick up the phone?! Why even bother with anything?! She was just recently on a website that read that she was a great wrestler but most underused talent in the bombshell division. Her best friend Melody didn’t even want to fight her in a return match. There was just so much going through her head but the main thing on her mind was on that of her husband Teddy. Perhaps she should let him go. Perhaps she should move on to someone else but the fact is she just couldn’t. She was stuck on him and she wasn’t going to let go. That is the real reason why she didn’t want to go out. She didn’t want anybody to see her like this.

Kate continued to sit down on her sofa with her feet kicked up on the coffee table and that is when her doorbell rings. Kate angrily rises up to her feet as she storms her way over to the front door. She swings it open and she is shocked to see who it is that is standing on the opposite side of the door. It is none other than Griffin Hawkins. Griffin glares at Kate as he shakes her head at her with a long sigh.

“I was hoping you were alive…”

Kate rolls her eyes as she walks back into the house digging for more ice cream.

“Whatever. Don’t expect me to share my chocolate ice cream. There’s only one spoon and it’s not meant to be shared!”

Griffin just shakes his head as he continues to glare at Kate as he takes a long deep breath and continues to speak.

“Look I didn’t come here to eat your ice cream. The real reason why I came is because the band is all worried about you. I am worried about you. The world’s best guitarist shouldn’t be drowning her life away in a tub of ice cream. You are so much better than that Kate. You should be happy. You just won a big match at Into The Void and that should put you next in line for something…”

Kate just shrugs her shoulders as she glares back at Griffin.

“Put me next in line for what exactly?! You saw how the company treated me after I won. The woman who I pinned at the Super card gets a title opportunity?! That is a bunch of bloody bullshit. That should have been my title opportunity. So instead of dealing with things I decided to just stay at home…”

“And it is that attitude that isn’t going to get you anything. Look so what if Jessie gets a chance that still doesn’t change that you are an amazing talent, and you need to continue to show the world how amazing you are exactly. You have all of the tools. You definitely have the wrestling ability…”

Kate shakes her head in disgust.

“Tell me something I don’t know Griffin. You have internet sites telling me that I am perhaps the best underused wrestling talent in the bombshell division…”

Griffin nods his head.

“Exactly they aren’t wrong. Yet as great as you are you just can’t sit at home and do nothing. If you want to make a name for yourself you need to put yourself out there. Jessie in your eyes may not be as good of a wrestler as you are but she does something that nobody else really does. She knows how to put herself out there. Whether it makes sense or not is another story but she can at least bring herself to appear on a show and tell the world that she is amazing or she deserves something. In all reality that should be you. You just won a huge Supercard match and I was expecting to see you on Climax Control telling the world what was next for you. Yet we didn’t get that at all as a matter of fact we didn’t get anything.”

Griffin takes a long deep breath as he continues to speak.

“Look I know you want to see big things happen in your career and i want to see huge things happen for you as well but the only true way you are going to see anything is if you put the effort in. You need to mark your own path. If you really want something you need to pursue it and need to tell the world what your intentions are. Getting your way into a title match is no different than promoting the band…”

Griffin looks at Kate smiling.

“Do you think any band would be successful if they didn’t have any promotion behind it?!”

Kate shakes her head.

“Of course not. Nobody would even know the band exists if they didn’t do anything to build it up. They would simply just be there, and pretty much invisible…”


Griffin cries out as he glares back at Kate with a huge grin on his lips.

“They would be there and nothing would come of them. Yet when they put themselves out there when they do whatever it takes to make their name known, to promote themselves, that is when everything starts to take off and the same could apply to you. Kate you are one of the best talents in SCW and I mean on the entire roster. Your gender isn’t restricted to just the bombshells but I mean that as a whole you have the talent but you can’t allow this funk you are in to dictate your career because you are way better than that. What is going on with you?!”

Kate takes a long deep breather as she glances back at Griffin.

“If you really want to know what’s going on you only need to look at what happened at Into The Void. It was supposed to be my night and yet in the same night Teddy won his match. I know it’s only a matter of time before we won’t hear the end of it. Teddy was never a great wrestler. He was always just a manager at best. He was always in the background and yet when he won I just couldn’t stay in the arena. I just couldn’t have the likes of Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire be shoved down my throat. I just couldn’t deal with that…”

“So instead of doing something about it you decided to just leave and not say a word. You basically decided to take your bags and go home. That isn’t what you should be doing and you know you are way better than that. You aren’t a bruised beaten wife. You are too strong for that Kate…”

Kate crosses her arms as she glares daggers into Griffin.

“Do you really think that?! If that is the case why does all of this hurt so much?! How come I don’t feel that strong or have a sense of empowerment. Whatever you see is something I don’t see. The fact is all of this hurts. I want my husband back more than you could realize. Thinking about him not here every night hurts way more than one could ever imagine. I need him Griffin and I miss him…”

Kate begins to cry as Griffin grabs a hold of Kate and he hugs her tightly. He glares right into her eyes as he shakes his head as he begins to speak.

“I know it hurts Kate but you can’t focus on him right now. He isn’t himself. You need to focus on your career and doing what is best to get it going in the right direction. As far as Teddy goes why don’t you let me focus on him. There is a reason why I invited him to be on my show and I am going to do my best to reach him. Let Teddy be my problem…”

“You sure though?!”

“Of course I am sure and on top of that I will smack some sense into him. He needs to realize that he has a good thing going at home. He shouldn’t be so quick to give up on his wife or his daughter. Those are two things you just don’t walk away from and nobody hurts my friend and gets away with it. We might be bandmates but you are one of my closest friends and I have your back.”

Kate nods her head with a grin as she looks back at Griffin.

“Thank you I really needed to hear that Griffin. You have no idea how much all of that even means to me.”

Griffin smiles as he grabs the tub of ice cream and he puts it in the freezer. He glances back at Kate as he looks down into her eyes.

“Good now let’s leave the tub of ice cream in the freezer you have much better things to do than drown in your own self pity. You have a big match to get ready for and you need to focus on that, and that alone. Let me do the rest and you will have nothing to worry about…”

Kate hugs Griffin as tightly as she can as she glances back into his eyes.

“Thank you so much for everything Griffin and I will be focused. Thank you for just being an all around great friend and I have no idea where I would be if I didn’t have a friend like you…”

“Probably sitting on a couch eating a tub of ice cream watching Twilight…”

“Hey there is nothing wrong with Twilight! Especially considering it had one fo the best songs for a movie soundtrack. You know that song Decode by that one group named Paramore with that amazing female lead vocalist…”

“Oh! With that girl that looks just like you?! Yeah they are pretty awesome but seriously snap out of this funk and focus on something more important like sending a message and getting your career back on track!”

With that Kate can only take it all in as she nods her head in agreement. She keeps her eyes focused on that of Griffin who nods his head in agreement. They just continue to stare at one another as Kate finally smiles. It is on this image that we finally fade out on.

On Camera

The cameras come into focus and as they d we are treated to a shot of Kate Steele standing in front of the cameras. She has her long hair wrapped into a ponytail and she shakes her head in disgust as she is sitting down on a couch and has an acoustic guitar in her hands. She doesn’t seem to be all that thrilled as she looks into the camera and begins to strum away softly.

“You know I have to be honest with you all. At Into The Void it was the hardest match that I ever had to compete in. It’s not because I have been on a losing streak and have been having a hard time finding my way back. It’s not because I lost to Alicia Lukas at the main event of the Super Card before this one. It’s because it was the first Super Card that I had to wrestle without my husband in my corner. It was absolutely devastating to me and I truly felt like an abused wife. I felt like a woman who was physically assaulted by her husband and when being questioned by it instead of having the courage of owning it and telling the truth about the situation I have been in La La Land. I have been in denial and I have been doing everything in my power to deny it or at least pretend that it didn’t happen. The funny thing about this entire situation is that Teddy hasn’t laid a single finger on me. I wish it was just physical because at least that way I would be able to live with myself but the truth is all of the hurt has been emotional…”

Kate just sighs in return as she continues to speak.

“This entire situation has been playing with my emotions and it has been getting to me in ways I could never fathom. I have been bruised and beaten. My mental state isn’t all that and the worse thing is now I have to play the role of mother and father to that of our little daughter. That is hard to me. How can I explain that my husband has turn into a lipstick and make up wearing little rocker. I would say his sexaulity is in question but when he has wrapped himself in three blondes I know that it is all a show. I know there is something bigger at stake and on top of that he is using the wrestling moves that I have taught him to do some big things in the wrestling world. He has marched his way into becoming a serious competitor for the first time in his career and that scares me. Who knows how far he might, who knows what might happen if he continues to climb through the rankings. This could get a lot worse before it ever gets better and that is scary to me. I don’t want to lose Todd Warren. I don’t want to lose the man that is behind the makeup. I know somewhere deep down behind all of that costume is the man that I love so much and I will do whatever it takes to get him back. It might not be the popular choice and when everyone else is telling me to walk away those said people aren’t the ones who have a child with that man. They aren’t the ones trying to make the family work and I will do whatever it takes to protect my family. So I have to do what’s best for me even if it isn’t the popular decision…”

Kate takes a long deep breath as she continues to speak again.

“To my fans and friends, and whoever might be watching this. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that I am sorry for not appearing on Climax Control last week. I was being a little bitch to be honest. Everybody saw me win that match at Into The Void against Seleana and Jessie Salco. Everybody witnessed me beat Salco in the middle of the ring, and make her tap out no less yet as the card read I would be in the conversation to be in the next list of contenders. How do you think I felt when I saw Salco getting a title match?! It pissed me the fuck right off. Pissed me off to the point where I didn’t even want to show up. I know it was the wrong thing to do and I will never go anywhere if I keep that type of attitude up. I apologize for that and if I really wish to send a message that I deserve a chance at something I will show up each and every single week. I will be there to the very end and I will march my way into getting what I deserve… That’s a promise and it will start with this match on Climax Control.”

Kate puts the guitar down as she glared directly into the lens of the camera. She straightens herself out as she begins to speak.

“In order to keep things rolling it looks like I need to prove myself with yet another win and it will come in the form of a match against Daniela and of course Seleana. Seleana let me start with you. I feel like we have honestly been seeing a lot of one another recently. We just fought each other at the Super Card and I was the one that came out ahead with a big win. Granted things didn’t go so well for you but you also weren’t involved in the final decision. I know you are going to do everything in your power to climb back through the rankings so you can get another shot at the World Championship. That is the end goal and you will fight whoever you have to in order to prove yourself. As much of a fighter you are I also feel that you and I are both cut from the same cloth. I am having major problems with my husband but it’s nothing new for you. You have been exactly in the same spot that I was in.”

Kate takes a long deep breath as she continues to speak.

“You and Crystal had your share of problems, and they are problems that were extremely big. Problems that made you question yourself and if you were doing the right thing. Yet despite your wife turning her back on you, it somehow motivated you to win the World Championship in the middle of it. Some may call it a fluke but you used everything as fuel to get to where you rightfully deserved to be. I know it must be hard to be in a family where your spouse and her family see themselves as the best, and you are doing what it takes to fit in. If you achieve than your family deep down won’t be happy and of course while your professionally life might be amazing your personal life will suck. That is tough stuff to deal with but you were able to deal with it. You managed to climb to the top of the chain and at the end of everything you and Crystal were able to work everything out. The end goal for me is to have a happily ever after, and somehow through all of the bullshit I can see that with Teddy. I can see what I want and I am damn sure going to do whatever it takes to claim it. I know you and I might not be close but I want you to know that you are the example of what I am longing for…”

Kate smiles as she continues to speak.

“You are what I want to be because you have been there done that. You got your woman back and you were able to work out your differences for the sake of your relationship. I am longing to do the same thing and I look to you as what I need to do in order to get there. Don’t take my kindness for weakness though because I know we are in a match, and I am going to do what’s needed in order to win. I need to prove that I am still the same Kate Steele that can win matches. If I beat you once before I know I can go out there and do it again. The question is what Seleana is going to show up to fight?! Am I going to get the one that is worried about every single sister, cousin, wife, stepkids, and just about the entire world or am I going to get the one that is focused on her and her career. Seleana you are a gentle soul but you can’t please everyone. You need to work on yourself first and foremost. When you are able to learn that you will take things to another level entirely but for now I think you will remain complacent and you will stay stuck in the same place…”

Kate nods her head as she takes a breath and begins to speak some more.

“I guess that brings me to that of Daniela Rodgers. Daniela I honestly don’t even know where to start where it comes to you. You are being built up and there seems to be some hype to you. People are looking to you as being the next big thing in the division but I have one huge problem with that…”

Kate smirks as she continues to speak.

“You can’t be the next big thing when I am in this match. After all according to some I am the most underused talent in the company. I have the wrestling ability I just need to work on appearances and being there a lot more than I already am but I just don’t see it when it comes to you. After all you have been here before and unlike Seleana and I you really seem to be the odd woman out. I climbed to the top as a dominant Internet Champion and Roulette Champion. Seleana made something of herself as a World Champion but what have you done Daniela?! You seem like the type of person that would waltz into a company and demand a title shot and yet put in no work. Sure you might have a couple of wins but you haven’t done anything to stand out.”

Kate sighs as she continues to speak.

“Will things be different this time around?! I highly doubt it… You need to put that work in and you need to showcase you really wish to be here if not don’t even bother. You are wasting a precious spot that could have been given to somebody else. As far as I go I am going to do whatever it takes to stand on my own. I am going to do whatever it takes to make my name the name in wrestling. The woman who set the bar for the Roulette division is still here and she will regain her throne. That is a promise and I will definitely rise up again. So Seleana and Daniela you both better brace yourselves because this Siren has got you in her sights. It will only be a time before you both find yourselves SHIPWRECKED!!! You both can’t resist the Siren’s Song. I can feel you getting lured right in and I will enchant you both. So bring it on ladies because I will be ready and waiting. I am focused and I won’t stop until I march my way through the entire roster proving I belong. I am Kate Steele and I am not going anywhere anytime soon. See you soon… Best of luck you both are going to need it.”

With that being said Kate begins to strum away at her guitar again. She cracks a wide grin and it is on this image that we slowly fade out on.
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