Author Topic: Sins of the Father  (Read 378 times)

Offline Casey Williams

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    • Casey Williams
Sins of the Father
« on: September 28, 2018, 04:57:07 PM »
 Casey Williams is seen in his living room in Las Vegas, thinking about his victory over Joshua Acquin at Violent Conduct V as he watches his kids Noelle and Drew play as Andrew Garcia calls.

Casey-Hey Andrew, what is going on my man?

Andrew-Not much, just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing after your grueling match with Joshua Acquin.

Casey-I am doing alright, a little sore, but as you know, that is normal for wrestling.

Andrew-Yeah, listen, I have some bad news for you.  I have a friend who works at the mental health institute your ex wife, Laura, was in.  They just called me not too long ago and told me that she committed suicide. I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you.

Casey looks shocked when he hears the news.

Casey-Did they say how she did it?

Andrew-They said she overdosed on her anti anxiety meds.

Casey stands up from the couch and walks into the kitchen, not to be overheard by the kids.

Casey-I have to think of a way to let the kids know that their mother passed away.

Ivan speaks up.

Ivan-Hey Casey, its Ivan. I wanted to pass my condolences about hearing about Laura's passing.  Andrew and I can help you come up with ways to tell the kids if you want.

Casey-I know. The timing of her passing just sucks, as you guys know, with me dealing with the Autism and dealing with getting the services.

Ivan-True, which is why we are willing to help out.

Casey-I do appreciate it.  Look Ivan, I have to get going, it is time for me to feed the kids.

Ivan-Ok, talk to you later buddy.

Casey makes the kids macaroni and cheese, with a million things going through his head surrounding Laura's passing as the scene fades to black.

Casey Williams is seen outside the Prescott National Forest in Prescott Valley, Arizona.  He is there to hike and just enjoy the scenery, and before he enters the Forest, Casey decides to call his tag team partner from The Odd Couple, Dani Western.

Casey-Hey Dani, congratulations on your world title victory.

Dani-Thanks, a lot of people counted me out since I didn't have much luck against her the last time we faced each other.  For some reason, facing her gave me the boost I needed, and gave me that niche I was missing, and now, I stand here as the World Bombshell Champion, part in thanks to you and you believing in me.

Casey-It was my pleasure.  Listen, we need to talk.

Dani has a very worried look on her face, as if she is concerned about her tag team partner. Her voice trembles when she speaks again.?

Dani-Should I be worried?

Casey takes a deep breath, pauses before talking to Dani again.

Casey-As it does directly affect you, yes.  I am planning on retiring in a few months time.  During the off week after Violent Conduct V, I went to Christian and Mark, and told them that with me getting services for my Autism, and where I am not sure how they would interfere with SCW's schedule, I am going to retire, but as I do not know every service I will be getting yet, I told them I would be available for 2 more Supercards after Violent Conduct, which will probably be near the new year.  Therefore, the Odd Couple will be ending as a tag team at that time, but I would still like to team with you between now and then if we get booked to do so.

Dani starts to cry as Casey said that.  Casey enters the forest and moves to the side as Dani continues to speak.

Dani-As much as it breaks my heart to hear that you are retiring, I understand the reasoning.  You know how much I respect you for taking care of your health, whether it is physical or mental. I just wish we had more time to work together as a tag team, that is all.

Casey-Yeah, but since your debut match, we haven't had the chance to really team, and now with you as World Bombshell Champion, I doubt we will get many opportunities to team together, so at some point, our run was gonna end.

Dani looks sad as she goes to speak again.

Dani-I know, but can you really blame me for wanting to go for the biggest title for the bombshells here in SCW?

Casey-No, I really can't.  I mean, I did take a chance going after Fenris while you were doing your run to getting the gold, but unlike you, I was unsuccessful.  I have done so much in my career, that I am happy to retire on my own terms, and do what I need to do for myself.  Look, I am gonna get going, I am going to hike the Prescott National Forest, enjoy some tranquility before I battle Anthrax.

Dani-[colir=pink]I get it. I will talk to you soon.[/color]

Casey-Talk to you later..

Dani smiles and hangs up the phone as the scene fades to black.

Casey is seen standing outside The Prescott Valley’s Mountain Valley Splash community pool. He walks over towards the changing room, and before he goes and changes, he decides to call out his opponent for Climax Control in Anthrax, member of the Metal Maniacs stable, and a man who is bizarre and as eclectic as a former rival of Casey's in Despayre.

Casey-Anthrax, I know you have not been in SCW for very long, and therefore, I do not know too much about you.  From what research I have been able to do on you, you are a tough competitor and someone who I shouldn't take lightly.  I mean, you team with Twisted Sister and Iron Maiden, and those two are as whacky as it comes, so I know to expect the unexpected.  Also, we know your names are based off of great metal bands, so needless to say, your guys' names aren't that original.  I will expose you as the fraud that you are when I soundly defeat you.  You think you can act all tough, but I will throw you around like a rag doll, given our size difference, the fact I give almost 150 pounds to you.  There is nothing you can do to stop me from causing immense pain upon you

Casey laughs maniacally while looking very confident in himself as he goes into the changing room to change as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020