Author Topic: Chemical Reactions  (Read 331 times)

Offline Playtime

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    • Polly Playtime
Chemical Reactions
« on: November 04, 2016, 11:36:25 PM »
 ~Here I stand after Amy Marshall and her friend Jessie Salco believe I have fallen.  Let’s get one thing straight.  I will never fall.  One loss is not the end of the world.  Besides I did not really lose, being it took two competitors to eliminate me from a match that was not even scheduled to be an elimination match in the first place.  It was right after I went to the back that Mark Ward intercepted me.  He saw I was hot, and not in the sexy sense.  He pulled me aside, calmed me down, told me things would be made right, and that I would have my chance to exact revenge, and in more ways than one.  Honestly, out of those whom I’ve dealt with here in Sin City Wrestling so far, Mr. Ward has been the only one that has been willing to deal with a situation that’s in front of him, the right way.~

~Now even with Halloween having past us all by, not all of the tricks have been used up.  This weekend one will indeed be delivered to Amy Marshall, through means of her very own friend, a friend that she will no doubt turn her back on after Amy hears what is in store for her at High Stakes VI.~

~As for now, this afternoon, I’m here at the University of California-Santa Barbara.  I do not feel out of place at all.  Yes I have not gone to college, but quite honestly, I haven’t needed to do so.  As I was home schooled I’m very smart.  I never needed some run-of-the-mill grade school and I bet I could beat out all of these collegiate in any classroom.~

~And here you all thought I was just some dumb blonde that was only a game show model.  Oh trust me, you don’t know all about me.  Not even close.~

~As these last thoughts run through my head, my cell phone goes off.  My eyes turn over to my purse, which is slung over my left shoulder.  I pull my iPhone out with my right hand and turn it on, seeing now that it’s my dad’s number, asking for FaceTime.  No hesitation from me, I hit the button to turn it on.~

Mr. Pingotti:  “Hi Pumpkin.  Tough break last weekend, they were all after you because they know you’re a threat.”

Polly:  “You know it dad.  It’s because they know that I’m here to replace every single last one of them, starting with Amy Marshall.  I already proved that she can’t get the job done the correct way, TWICE now.  I mean who is she kidding?  She probably thinks she’s quote on quote “beaten” me twice, once due to using a move that was illegal as per my contract that I signed and the second time because she quote on quote “lasted longer than me” in a match that wasn’t even a scheduled elimination style match to begin with.”

Mr. Pingotti:  “It’s like I said, you’re a threat.  They want you gone already.  That’s what kind of waves my little girl’s always made.”

Polly:  “Thanks dad.  You’re obligated to say that, but it’s true, and I’ll always be your little girl.  I just want you to be proud of me.”

Mr. Pingotti:  “I’m more than proud, and your mom is too.  I just spoke with her today.  She’s still really busy, but she asked how you were and apologized again that she hasn’t been around as much these past few years.”

~That makes me a bit more solemn, but I do understand.~

Polly:  “You know I understand dad.  Besides, I guess it’s like mother, like daughter, you know?”

Mr. Pingotti:  “Yeah.  I do hope that you’ll come home sometime soon Polly.”

Polly:  “Hey.  I promised, and I never EVER break a promise, no matter how long it takes to accomplish it.  That’s something these girls are going to realize.  It’ll be forever permanently etched in whatever brains they have.”

Mr. Pingotti:  “Good.  When you next come home Polly, I’ve got a big surprise for you.  After dealing with um, whom you’ve been dealing with so far, you deserve it.”

Polly:  “Mmm, I’ve always loved your surprised dad.  I can’t wait.  Guess I better go though.  There’s something I’ve gotta take care of today, and then this weekend I’ll be really busy.  If you need to call me though, I’ll always have time for you.”

Mr. Pingotti:  “Alright Pumpkin.  Where are you out there right now by the way?”

Polly:  “At the campus, but I’m not going into the sports center today.  Let’s just say I’ve been granted the opportunity to um, create a potion.”

Mr. Pingotti:  “Oh, well, have fun with that.  I’ll talk to you soon.”

Polly:  “Bye dad.”

~He says bye as well before our conversation ends.  I stick my phone back in my purse and walk towards one of the buildings that holds classes on the campus.  As I reach the front door I look in the clear glass to see if my hair is to my liking, which it is.  It has a schoolgirl look and sophisticated look, all rolled into one.  Brimming with confidence I push open both doors and then just saunter down the hallway until I get to the classroom door of my choosing, which is open.  I walk in and see that the teacher is already there and walk up to him, letting him know that I’m here.~

Mr. Gould:  “Miss Pingotti, yes, they told me to be expecting you as a special guest for today’s class.  It sounded like you wanted to help with teaching chemical combinations and reactions.  Being I was told you’ve never gone to college, I am quite interested to see how much you know.”

Polly:  “Don’t worry Mr. Gould, sir.  I know all about what truly matters, and that is which combinations are good, which ones are bad, which ones are foul-smelling, and which ones are deadly.  Well, not to mention the stupid combinations, as I have to deal with them in what I do for a living.”

Mr. Gould:  “Fair enough.  My class should be here in a couple of minutes.  You can sit over there until then.  From the sounds of it, you’re quite confident, so I’ll let you take the lead.  Just wear these when you’re doing the experiments…”

~He gestures over to a spare lab coat and a pair of goggles.  Well, I should look awfully cute in them, but don’t let my cuteness tell the tale.  I’m smart and when it comes right down to it, I’m dangerous.~

~I go and grab them and get them on me, and just in time too as Mr. Gould’s class begins to file in.  I go stand beside him and once all the students have arrived, he introduces me.~

Mr. Gould:  “Alright, we have quite a bit to cover today, but first we have a special guest that will be leading today’s lesson, Miss Polly Pingotti.”

~I acknowledge the students, despite knowing I know far more than they all know.  I can tell that it’s a freshman class, as they really all look quite green.~

Polly:  “Alright everyone, hi.  As your teacher said we have a lot to cover today.  First off, can someone tell me what happens when you mix sodium and water in chlorine gas?”

~This one is easy and several hands go up.  I point to one of the boys and he simply says that it will explode.~

Polly:  “Correct, because sodium is a highly combustible element and the addition of water can make it explode.  We will be working with a few items today, but it will not be that combination.  I am certain some of you are familiar with the phrase “exploding candy”.  Being I’ve gotten approval, one lucky student will get to help me create said exploding candy.”

~I pause, all of them actually looking quite excited that they’ll get to do a hands-on experiment in a college classroom.  Dangerous and devious, I know.  But I know what I’m doing so nothing bad will happen.  We’ll be saving that for Sunday night.~

Polly:  “Buuuut… not quite yet.  Sorry boys and girls, open up your textbooks to page 284.”

~It’s from here that I teach them quite a lot about what certain chemicals can do when mixed with other certain chemicals.  As I teach them I can’t help it but to keep Sin City Wrestling, Jessie Salco and Amy Marshall on my mind.  Heh, they believe they’re a great combination, but eventually that combination will fall apart, explode if you will, and they will be left with facing the repercussions of the explosion.  The best part is that I will be the one to cause it all.  This makes me smile as I take a pause in my teachings.  After the pause is when I get to the part that the students have been waiting for ever since I first announced it.~

Polly:  “So which one of you really, and I mean REALLY wants to assist me in helping to make exploding candy?”

~Everyone’s hand goes up including Mr. Gould’s.  I glare over at him and he slowly puts his hand down.  I turn back to the class and pick on one of the guys in the front row, one that’s been clearly ogling me the whole class, to this point.  This makes him really snap to attention as he stands up and reports over to me like a drill sergeant.~

Polly:  “Okay, can you tell me what chemicals these are please?”

Boy:  “Um, that looks like a compound of potassium, chlorine and oxygen?”

Polly:  “Is that an answer or a question?”

Boy:  “It’s my answer Miss Polly, er, um, I mean Miss Pingotti.”

Polly:  “Alright.  Very good.  Get a lab coat on and grab a set of goggles and we’ll do this together.”

~He nods and does exactly what I told him to do, just like a puppy dog.  While he does that I explain to the class what will happen, and then I get ready to show them.~

Polly:  “Those three items mentioned by your fellow student form the compound known as potassium chlorate.  When potassium chlorate is heated to the melting point, any item added to it will cause a rapid disintegration in the form of an explosion.  In my purse I brought some strawberry popping candies.  This should be fun, right Mr. Gould?”

Mr. Gould:  “Just please be careful Miss Pingotti.  I will be steering clear for this one.  Aim it at the blackboard at least as that can be cleaned up after.”

Polly:  “Oh okay.  You’re no fun.”

~I make a bit of a pouty face before returning my face to a normal classroom teacher style face.~

Polly:  “I was kidding.  I would never do something that would be potentially dangerous to the students.”

~My helper and I set everything up and when I’m about to hand over some of the popping candy to him, he asks me to do it.  I shrug my shoulders and do the honor.  Everyone in the classroom excluding myself is amazed as the popping candy easily becomes exploding candy, it smacking repeatedly against the chalkboard, until I stop putting stuff into the concoction that’s out on the small desk at the front of the room.  I take off my goggles and my helper takes off his.~

Polly:  “And there you have it.  It’s best to not try it at home though.  I’ll turn the rest of the class back over to your teacher.  Mr. Gould?”

Mr. Gould:  “Thank you Miss Pingotti.”

~I move out of his way and go sit down in a vacant seat and just sit in on the rest of the class until it’s done.  The best part will be that class will once again be in session on Sunday night, as Amy Marshall will get to see not just her own partner’s chances of winning explode, but her own as well.  Both of them really have no idea who I am and what I’m capable of.  By the end of it all though, they will.  They will both never want to face me or see me ever again.  Both components of that will never come true though, as I will NEVER EVER go away.~

~I grin with that and evilly pop some of my still good strawberry popping candies into my mouth as the class period comes to a close.  I file out of the classroom amidst the students and head back out to the quad, as there is still plenty more to do today.~


~Yeah!  That was quite a workout.  Honestly I’ve felt pumped before, but now I’m even moreso.  People, and a lot of them, I suspect hold out no hope for me winning against Jessie Salco at Climax Control.  It’s those lot that believe I will be at the mercy of whatever Amy Marshall picks for us for High Stakes VI.  Heh, it’s those same lot that believe a lot of things won’t happen.  What’s even worse is that some even seem to think me beating Jessie Salco would be an upset of monumental proportions.  All of that talk, all of that chatter, that just amps me up.  It doesn’t push me down.  It doesn’t make me want to quit or anything.  In reality it puts all the pressure on Jessie, which is good for me, because in the end when she loses this Sunday to me, it will plain out humiliate her.  And you should already know how much I LOVE humiliating others…~

~With this on my mind I allow the usual evil glow to take me over.  It comes to me just in time too as the same SCW cameraman that approached me back on the Royal Princess Cruise before I debuted has found me once again, undoubtedly happy to see that there is no bucket of water nearby…  But still, he’s about to lose.  He just doesn’t know it yet.  At least he has that in common with both members of the Metal & Punk Connection…~

Polly:  “Oh.  You again.  At least you don’t have to fear being soaked to the core this time around.  I see you brought a microphone.”

~I reach out for it and take it off his video camera equipment, securing it for my own usage.  It’s best to not waste time either.  It’s as I’ve said, I’ve got SOOOO much to accomplish.~

Polly:  “Thanks.  That puts class today into session.  This class has two students, that being you Jessie Salco and especially you Amy Marshall.  Amy, you and I will have our war soon enough, at High Stakes VI.  It is that night that you will really get educated, even beyond the fullest extent.  You better PRAY that Jessie is able to somehow get lucky and defeat me this Sunday at Climax Control, because if she loses in any way, shape or form, quite simply put… you’re done.  Yes, that includes if you choose to interject yourself into my match against Jessie, as it is a one-on-one match, not a handicap match.  If she even as much as lays a finger on me or gets into the ring, it’s an automatic disqualification, which means it’ll cost… you… everything.”

“Besides, both of you will probably think up of and pick some boring rehashed stipulation that everyone outside of the wrestling world walls has heard of anyways.  It’s clear Amy.  Your time has come and gone.  You’re a relic now and the game for you is just about over.  High Stakes VI will be the culmination of it.  This weekend though it’s all about your friend, your supposed sister-in-arms, Jessie Salco.  More importantly it’s about ME.  You’re just going to be what you are about to become, a showpiece, a second that just comes down to the ring so fans can reminisce when you did have your good times.  That’s your future Amy.”

~I pause and take in a deep breath.  I let it out almost immediately and continue forward, switching gears to the girl that’s actually going to be my opponent, even though my opponent clearly believes this is an actual handicap, with Amy being allowed to be involved in it.~

Polly:  “As for you Jessie, you do realize that Amy is NOT allowed to help you out in our match, right?  RIGHT?!  She is only allowed to be at ringside as a spectator.  You must really be dense, as it shows in your thought process.  You even think this is just going to be a tune-up match for you going into High Stakes VI where you unrightfully get to challenge for the SCW World Bombshell Championship.  Jessie, let me tell you this.  You have NO CHANCE of defeating Mercedes and Crystal.  I don’t even know them that well yet and that’s just painfully clear.  You’re going to get brutalized by both of them and you will not get to hold that gold that you saw on Halloween inside the crystal ball.  It was only in the crystal ball to show how much it has eluded you and will continue to elude you.”

“Quite frankly you are not ready nor are you smart enough to hold such a prize.  I will get there and unlike you I don’t mind earning my way to that point.  Besides, it’s more fun going through each and every single fellow female here in Sin City Wrestling.  I’m starting out with the girls because it’s clear Jessie that you and Amy are just that.  I may be young, but I’m wiser than my years.  I didn’t win the Bombshell Roulette Championship last weekend because I was double-teamed, otherwise that championship would be wrapped around my waist right now.  You know it, Amy knows it, Celeste knows it.  Everyone knows it. It’s only a matter of time though.  First I’m going to go through you and Amy, then I’ll focus my eyes on Celeste and the Bombshell Roulette Championship.  Once these victories and that title are all in my grasp, good luck to everyone else that tries to play the game of taking it away from me!”

~I breathe again and then quickly glance at the young cameraman before focusing my eyes back on the camera lens.~

Polly:  “Jessie, just for your information, you asked why I went after Amy.  The reason is extremely simple that even YOU should know the answer to that.  She dared to just ignore the terms of the wrestling contract I signed.  She breached it when she chose to use her piledriver on me a few months ago.  However that said, I was NOT the one that attached her at Violent Conduct III!  That’s a filthy rumor and maybe, just maybe, I will prove it this Sunday night at Climax Control!  Rumor has it that the culprit might be making an appearance.  Let’s see how shocked you, Amy, and all the other doubters are when I’m taking you down Jessie at the same time that Amy is getting taken down and out by the ninja that got to Amy back at Violent Conduct.  Let’s see what’s said then, because I damn sure am not a liar!”

“At least all will be right with the world, and you and Amy will get to share another bond… both of you down and out, where you both belong!  Jessie, you and Amy definitely seem to believe that I’m in for HELL against the both of you, but in the end it is YOU TWO that will be on the wrong end, the losing end.  I’ll be smiling and no longer irritated at the two of you, because in the end, I’ll be completely responsible for waking the two of you up to a changed reality.  I’ll be completely responsible for saying my favorite two words towards the both of you… those being… YOU LOST!”

~The cameraman looks like he’s about to turn off his equipment, but I hold out my right hand and shake my head no.~

Polly:  “You hold that still for just a little bit longer.  Finally Jessie, to you and Amy, I WILL be the cause of your bond breaking.  It will all spiral out of control for the both of you.  Soon, very soon, you will both end up humiliated, and not just in the ring either.  You will both get EXACTLY what you deserve… EVERYTHING blowing up in your faces!”

~I stick out my tongue before turning to the cameraman and surprising him, diving right in for a wet tongue-filled kiss.  He tries his hardest to hold onto his equipment and he does so.  I pull away and as he’s shutting off the camera, I walk away, talking out to him…~

Polly:  “I guess you got wet anyway.  You’re welcome!”

~That should keep him satisfied for quite some time.  Meanwhile my satisfaction will begin to come soon enough.~