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Supercard Roleplays / Re: MILES KASEY v KRIS RYANS
« Last post by MiloKasey on Today at 03:00:07 AM »

McKinney Residence
Olympia, WA

“You need to breathe, mate.” that damn Irish accent cut through every racing thought that he had.

He felt like he could run a marathon in record time with as hard as his nerves were going and not even break a sweat.

Kristjan and Mal both met him at the crack of dawn and they let Miles run the both of them through the streets of Olympia for a good 2 hour plus before Bella began to ring their respective phones, with K mumbling something about how she even had his number. But he was grateful at this particular moment because Miles could have easily kept them going with the energy that he was running on on this particular day.

By the time he and the guys crossed the threshold of the residence that was once Carter’s father’s but had since been left to him after his untimely departure, it would play host to the beginning of the next chapter of Miles and Carter’s life together.

Miles’ mom, Mora and Carter’s mom and grams, Joanna and Joan had spent damn near an entire month in preparations for this very day. They would make trips up to check on the progress, only for them to be completely floored at how different it looked from when they were there just a week prior. The ladies outdid themselves from the front of the house to the back side where the wedding and reception were all going to be held on site. It was a nice compromise especially to Carter’s mom when they informed her that they were not going to get married in a church.

And she even threw in a wedding canopy, on the dock, for them to be married under. The details alone, neither one of them could have thought up. It was like the three collective minds together, with how well they knew their sons, came together and pulled it off.

And because it was like the heavens were smiling down on them, despite Carter’s worry since they decided where they wanted to hold the wedding, the weather remained absolutely perfect and was a whole lot cooler than what was originally forecasted 10 days ago. In fact they both were watching every and all weather app for days on end.

Now as it came closer to the ceremony, Bella had returned from the room that Carter and his side were getting ready in with a huge smile and a big double thumbs up, Miles sat there in his tux and Mal’s voice breaking him out of him staring off into nothingness.

“I think he’s going to be sick.” he heard Kristjan pipe in next.

“Both of you stop and give him room,” was when Bella piped in and having her here with those two idiots seemed to be a God send at this moment.

He wondered if Carter was dealing with the same insanity.

Just before they started in again a small knock came to the door, “It’s mom.”

Bella swept over and opened it up letting Mora in, “Hi Mora!”

“Hello there, Bella. You look absolutely amazing, as do you gentlemen.”

Bella looked over at Malachi and Kristjan both looking dapper in their tuxes, except for Kristjan still holding on to the shoes that he knew he was going to have to wear for the ceremony. Bella glanced at the Mother of the Groom and her glorious outfit, “And you look amazing as well. I take it that you are here to speak to your son?”

“I am, Figured it was a good time as Carter’s mom and grams just went into his room but all the guests are arriving and taking their seats.” Mora smiled, “May I get a moment with him alone?”

“Of course,” Kristjan said.

“We’ll just wait for you right outside.” Mal said as the three ushered the other out of the door and closed it behind him before we hear, “You’re gonna have to put those damn shoes on eventually, K.”

“He’s lucky I agreed to them at all, but not until it’s time.”

Miles meanwhile in the background was fiddling with his tie, as his mother made her way over, “Here, let me handle this.”

“Seems like I’m all thumbs today,” Miles laughed as his mom carefully lifts her son's chin and begins to work on the tie. He looks up for a moment before glancing at her, “I gotta say I’ve been nervous before but this is all new.”

“Well it’s a huge step, my boy.”

“It is but I love him. Like I can’t imagine or even remember what life was like before Carter and I don’t want to,” he said as she finished tying him all up, “Was that’s what it was like for you?”

“It felt like that at first. I really did love your father before everything,” Mora said with a sad smile, “But that was our story. The way you and Carter look at one another, well even though I loved your father, I never loved him like that.”

“So that whole nagging voice I’m hearing in the back of my head-?” Miles asks with a worry in his eyes and his voice.

“You are not your father. And neither is Bri or even LJ...well, LJ maybe a little bit. He does have his eyes.” Mora jokes, “But you deserve this happiness as does your husband-to-be.”

The smile that he had been waiting for was finally there, it wasn’t scared nerves anymore, but he felt finally that he really wanted to give he and Carter the best life possible. Miles slid on his tuxedo jacket and all he could think about was that beautiful face that he will now and forever wake up to and fall asleep to from now and beyond, “He really is wonderful.”

Mora smiles and helps her son button up his jacket, and then reaches up and holds Miles’ face in her steady hands, “Save it for your vows. Let’s get you two married.”


If anyone knew anything about Miles and Carter, they wanted people there that meant the absolute most to them.

And they got just that. Each and every chair that was set up near the dock was filled. They made it known, and even had a sign that said “Pick a Seat, Not a Side. We’re All Family Once the Knot is tied.” So throughout the faces of the members of Wolfslair and GO Gym, along with other friends and family were patiently waiting.

Once the officiant took their place, everyone turned and watched as Laura “Phoenix” Madison, hand in hand with her son Aaron was the first down, the 5 year old holding onto a decorative box that contained the rings.

Next came the wedding party. First for the Miles side was Malachi and Bella O’Connell, who came down arm and arm, followed by the Best Man Kristjan Baltasarsson. After they were all placed, Miles along with his mother Mora made their way down the aisle. As they reached the end, Mora gave a kiss to her son’s cheek and took her seat next to her daughter who sat in the front row along with her husband Garrett and with them was Riley.

Then it was Carter's side, Dawn Warren, followed by Kat Jones and Best Woman, Ariana Angelos.

It was at this moment, Miles closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he turned and that moment he held it for a moment before he made direct eye contact with the most beautiful image. Carter stands there with both Joan and Joanna at both sides, holding a death grip onto a small collection of lilacs. He felt K nudge him a little bit to remind him once again to breathe.

Even through the music playing in the background, the whispers and all the family and friends that watched was all a blur as Miles and Carter’s eyes never left one another.

When Carter reached the end of the aisle, his mom and grams both gave him a kiss on the cheek and Miles took a few steps forward, smiling the whole way and holding out his hand to Carter. There wasn’t any hesitation as Carter put his hand in Miles’. The ladies just smiled at the couple and took their seats.

Hand in hand they took center stage in front of the officiant.

“We are all gathered here, on this absolutely glorious day to witness the beginning of a new chapter for Miles and for Carter. Now while I’m sure I could stand here for quite some time rambling on about life, love and marriage, they have both told me that they have words of their own. So Carter, if you will.”

Carter nods steadily and looked directly at the man that showed him what true love was, "Miles, I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way." he stops for a moment to take a shaky breath, and grip Miles hand a little harder, "I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway...and I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you."

Moments of silence pass by as the officiant looks at Miles but Miles eyes are simply filled with wonder and love and he doesn’t wait for the word to go, he just does.

“Carter, you have no idea how often I wish I could take myself back in time to certain moments with you. Sometimes it feels like there were moments wasted that we could have had. But as one says, even those that are fated sometimes take the long way around to get to the point. Once we got there, I did not want to waste one single solitary moment with you. You have turned my whole world upside down and made me realize that I was worthy of love and happiness. And more importantly, so are you.” Miles looks down at their joining hands and smiles, “Just like from day one and from here on out, I will remind you of that every single day.”

It was hard to find a dry eye after that, the officiant at that point asked for the rings and Aaron Madison, who had been practicing his duties since Miles and Carter had asked him personally in one of their trips to New York, stepped up and offered the decorative box up to the officiant and then made his way right back to his mother, father who was bouncing Máire his arms.

“I don’t think I even need to ask if anywhere here object to this union because by the looks of the best man, I have a feeling that no one would dare. But on your head, be it, if you do.”

Not one soul peeped up especially with not just Kristjan but the entire wedding party minus the happy couple, staring the whole group down, as there is a moment of laughter finally when Miles looks up and simply says “Stand down.”

Once they are able to gather themselves as they were each handed the rings.

“If you will please take the other’s ring and each other’s hand. Miles, do you take Carter to be your husband, your partner, to honor him, cherish him and love him through all and whatever you may face together?”

Miles doesn’t even hesitate with his answer, “With all my heart, I do.”

“And Carter, do you take Miles to be your husband, your partner-”

And Carter just can’t stop himself from interrupting it, cutting off the officiant, “I DO!” which causes the entire audience to burst out in laughter including the couple as they are finally able to slide their wedding bands on.

“By the power invested in me, and by the state of Washington, I now declare you husband and husband, blissfully married and by all means you may kiss your man.”

And both Miles and Carter just let out a “FINALLY!” before they sealed it off with the kiss to end all kisses and the crowd cheering loudly.


After they were able to get whisked back up the aisle, they had a few moments alone. There was a signing of their marriage license in which at that moment Miles surprised Carter with signing his new legal name.

Miles Anthony McKinney-Kasey

And Carter in turn surprised Miles right back with signing his

Carter Reese Kasey-McKinney

Both taking the other’s name.

Cheesy but they were both hopeless romantics at heart.

Once they were left alone, they just stood there in each other's arms and something dawned on Miles.

Pulling his head back he looked down, “I never told you where we were going on our honeymoon, did I?”

“Well we booked that BnB before we had to head to the ship, but no, you never did.”

“A few days in a luxury room, alone with you, while it’s always heaven, is not nearly long enough. AND I figure that our time on the cruise is always spectacular and a nice spot to remember the first time you ever told me you loved me, that it’s not exactly romantic either seeing as we’re both going to be working.” Miles turns around and grabs something out of a bag that wasn’t sitting that far away and pulls out a fold and opens it up, “So after we hit land following Summer Xxxtreme, you and I will be on the first flight out to the beautiful French Polynesia”

Carter reads over and sees their first class tickets attached, “You mean Bora Bora?”

“Among several other places, but it’s all set. That's why I made sure to grab your passport before we came up here.” Miles added showing both of their passports.

“So that’s what you were doing in the safe.” Carter mumbled.

“So you love it?” Miles asked only to get another kiss of a lifetime from his now husband. Miles took that as approval and broke it for a moment to put the folder back and just before it started back up again...

“Not as much as I love you.”

A knock comes to the door, and the sound of Bri’s voice through the door, “Hey newlyweds, the photographer is ready for you if you can pry from each other.”

They both sighed, slightly defeated that there moment alone has been already cut short. Carter attempted to pry himself from Miles' arms with a, “To be continued?”

And with a swift kiss before opening the door, in a tone that he knew was going to bring a shiver down his husband’s spine like it has every day since they met, “Oh we have only just begun.”

And he got just that.


Swantown Inn
Olympia, WA

After being shoo’d away during the late hours of that evening, Miles and Carter got to spend time with just the two of them. It had been an absolute hectic couple of weeks and in the largest room, they mostly kept to themselves.

Room service was an amazing thing and this was just the first stop on their honeymoon adventure to be continued later but even in the day they really had no desire to mingle with anyone else but each other, if you catch the drift.

Carter wanted to head to the desk though and make sure that they could get many more towels and a few things for the mini-bar and while it took a great feat of strength to let himself out of his sight, he took this chance to move around and get a look at the room beyond what he already saw.

After a few more moments, he decided to open up his phone, find that video button. He checked around real quick, not really giving a damn that he was shirtless at the moment or that those crazy curls were just pointing everywhere. But he would hit record on the video, sit there for several moments with the simplest of smiles on his face.

“I don’t think I have ever been so blissfully happy in all my life. Winning titles, huge matches...yeah it makes you feel absolutely wonderful but knowing that no matter what, I have someone that loves me, I know that we get that every single day for the rest of our lives.”

“Our lives. I’m still getting used to that. But here we are, Carter and Miles, starting our new chapter in life, happy and not a single soul is able to take it away from us.”

“It’s almost disappointing that we have to leave this but neither one of us wants to give it up for the hottest party of the season. While Carter has his hands full with that assclown, Peter Vaughn...Kris Ryan, who for some reason was left off of Climax Control 400 and I are going to practically scorch the seven seas.”

“I have been looking forward to this opportunity since you returned, Kris. In fact, I can’t even believe I’m saying this, I was jealous of the fact that my own baby brother got to be his first opponent back and I think we have all seen that Kris hasn’t lost a single step. He was so damn impressive and imagine my surprise when he even gave LJ a nod with just how good that kid is. This obviously isn’t the same Kris Ryans that when he was in the Mixed Tag Division, looked down his nose at everyone. This is something completely different.”

“And personally I cannot wait to see what we can do in that ring against one another. Mostly because by some amazing chance, we never had this chance until now. I don’t even know how the hell that is possible but alright, we live in the now.”

“The absolute potential of this match being a match of the year candidate to be ticked onto the resume isn’t that bad either. You, Kris Ryans, are a Grand Slam Champ. The only thing that is missing from your time in SCW is a Hall of Fame ring as far as I’m aware and now for your second match back, you get to face someone that isn’t afraid of a damn good challenge.”

“In fact after recent months, I am welcoming a good friendly competition instead of a knock down drag out WAR. It’s a nice change of pace BUT it’s also one that I’m looking to use as a springboard into what is quite obviously the next step in my career. I’ve done the Roulette thing, I have been Internet Champion and seeing as, as of this moment, Peter Vaughn still holds it, it’s off limits to me after I fucked it up. But I have all the faith in the world that Cater has that handled.”

“I’ve always been pegged as the next big thing around here. And for the longest time I lived with the fact that I had to disappoint people. I know I’m the class screw up but every once in a’s like a brilliant moment blazes across the sky and Miles Kasey stands tall. And I’ve had some wild ambitions before but you can feel it, right? I’m not completely crazy in thinking that this is leading to bigger things for the both of us, right?”

“It’s about time that I finally live up to these wild accusations that I’m far better than I’m letting on. What a way to do it against you, Kris. Of course I know damn well you’re not about to make this easy for me and I don’t want it to be that way. You don’t get better by taking the easy road. Ever. And for those that say they are only lying or trying to con their way through and I am not about to remotely entertain that. For myself, my husband, for my family, I have to be better. So let’s start setting the pace, you the vet, the man that has been there, done that, got the dresser full of t-shirts and shelves full of accolades taking on the absolute fastest rising star and the man that has only really just begun. Not a damn thing stopping us, Kris. Let’s make them pay attention.”

In the background we hear the door open to the room followed by Carter’s voice, “Sorry it took so long, they gave me the big towels fresh out of the dryer. They smell so good.”

“Now if you excuse me, I’ve gotta get back to my pre-honeymoon honeymoon. See ya’ll next week.”

And with that Miles gives a wink and the video goes off.

And the rest they say is to be continued.
Supercard Roleplays / Lonely Expectations
« Last post by Luna Pasilno on July 26, 2024, 08:31:33 PM »
Scene One | Off-Camera

There was a part of her that felt bad. Felt bad that they hadn’t RSVP’d to the wedding. That even after the kindness that Carter had shown to Luna after the passing of her brother, that she wasn’t going to go to their wedding. Alex had said they should go. That it would be a good thing for them to remind people that they were just people too. That beyond it all, that they just wanted to live. She just couldn’t. She didn’t belong there. They didn’t belong there.

That was the problem these days. Everything she felt like she once could do, she no longer felt entitled to. She couldn’t go to that wedding and see what could have been. She wouldn’t change a thing in the world. Their day wasn’t perfect, but it was pure. It was gorgeous because James was there. What was left of him. The last time she’d ever see him alive. Hear that guttural growl of a voice. To hear him call her Lulu, to see Alex’s face light up every time James called him rockstar or daddy. They had their moment, and that was beautiful.

But she couldn’t see someone else living that moment. She couldn’t see them being happy when her own happiness will forever be plagued by such guilt. By such pain. She’d had her first birthday without him, and that hurt more than anything. To turn thirty, and not have her brother there to tell her she was starting to get saggy and wrinkly. To poke and prod, but to hold her when she had knocked back just one too many wines. Six months, some people would say she should move on. That wallowing in the pain wasn’t healthy. It was true, to a point. She was holding on to it. She was turning more to the bottle, throwing caution to the wind. Doing everything she could just to hurt and then cover it up.

To feel something.

She felt so alone. Alex and Adrienne were always trying to smile. To be a rock. To be happy for her. She had been so numb when they’d been to the hospital, that in that moment she’d attempted to be Alex’s rock. She knew how hard it was, and now he was managing that himself. He’d lost his own brother, realistically. They weren’t blood, but they were closer than most families could even dream of. He’d even let himself be fucking possessed by that dream demon. The creature who seemed to have his hands on so many of those around her. Sean, Alex, now he wanted Sullivan. Hell, he’d even met with James apparently.

Now even she was caught in his snare. Her dreams being led to what he said were worlds in which anything could happen. Alternate dimensions, universes, fucking whatever. Showing her happiness in which James was still alive. Showing her more of the vision she experienced with Sean. The baby, the happy home husband, the loving brother, alive and healthy. Worlds where Alex was making music, and not still wrestling. Worlds where she had never stepped into the ring. Every night was filled with things she wanted to see. To see if they could be real. To see if they were possible.

Everything she asked, he could show her.

And yet, she was still alone. Still hurting. Still drunk and still wanting her brother back. Wanting the baby. Wanting her friendship with Sean back. Wanting everything to be happy, to be warm. To be able to go to the fucking wedding.

“They asked if I wanted to do a guest DJ gig this year. Apparently somebody thinks I know more than metalcore and country.” Alex said, his voice cutting through.

She was ripped from her dissociative state, blinking a little. They were sitting in a cafe, somewhere, having brunch. Mimosa number three having just touched down, some eggs and toast in front of her, untouched. Alex looked like he was off in his own world too. He got like this a lot when he had big matches in front of him. Didn’t matter if he was confident, he was just always trapped in his head.

Maybe that was part of it for her now too. Truth is, this was the biggest pressure she’d been under. A world title, the main event. She’d only been doing this for a little over a year. Compounded with everything else, it was just a lot. Maybe she was right to be a little stressed.

“Remind me to go to bed early that night. I don’t need the rioters coming after me too.” Luna mocked in response, sticking her tongue out at him. Alex looked almost hurt. He couldn’t help but hide the slight smile though.

“Apparently after breaking that guy’s nose a couple years ago, I’m not allowed to run another masterclass. Unfortunate really. I could’ve run back to the Old Fashioned for Billy boy again.” Alex said, trying to keep the conversation light. Trying to coax her back into the world for a little while. It was strange being on this side of the fence. To be the one witnessing the nonsense talk. He must’ve learnt from someone good at it.

“Scream therapy for me. Apparently someone caught wind of the fact that I can do yoga, and that I like to scream. Who would’ve thought I could combine the two?” Luna said with a slight shrug. Alex cocked an eyebrow in response.

“Like that video with the guy dressed up like the Grinch?” Alex asked, slowly pulling his phone out. She knew exactly what video he was talking about, and the sudden dread washed over her.

“Ladies, theydys and Gentlethems only, you’re not allowed to come.” Luna said quickly, the smile not disappearing from his face.

“I’m sure I can find an outfit in your size then.” Alex snorted as he said it, the image clearly incredibly funny to him. Horrifying to her. She watched as he picked up his mug, and took a long sip of his coffee, looking around the cafe.

“I’m not wearing no fucking grinch suit.” Luna said a little louder than she meant to. A side-ways glance coming her way from a nearby table. A mother, father and kids. The kids and the dad found it infinitely funnier than the mother did.

“You never do what I want! I wore that fucking Ronald McDonald outfit for you that one time! This is so unfair.” Alex shouted out. He was definitely trying to get her revved up, but it was just what she needed. There were more eyes on them now, more laughter from some. Looks of disgust and annoyance from others. His smile beamed at her. Reminding her of the happiness in the moment. She reached her hands across the table and clasped them over his free hand, looking into his eyes.

“I’ll wear the grinch suit for you.” She said in response. An uncanny amount of cheers going up in the cafe. Others who didn’t find the humour in the situation quickly finished up and tried to leave, throwing the pair of them dirty looks.

It was moments like this. Moments of reality that grounded her. Reminded her that there was happiness in the moment. Even through the pain, he was still here. That even through his pain, he was going to be there for her. And for a moment, she didn’t feel so alone.

If only for a moment.

Managing Expectations
Scene Two | On-Camera

A small, quaint little room. A black leather chair, silhouetting against a neutral grey backdrop. Slowly transitioning blue and green panels in the background. It’s almost like a studio, but a little more intimate. A woman crosses the scene, settling into the seat. Luna Pasilno, a slight smile on. She looks at something above the camera, and nods a little. Taking a cue.

“It’s kind of surreal, you know? I was always just happy to be there. To sit on the sidelines, watching my brother. Watching who would become my husband. Watching others succeed in this industry. Watching them be juggernauts in this ring. Multi time champions, seeing them fight and claw. Watching as they bled, as they buckled, as their bodies refused to keep on going even if their minds were still cognizant. I sat there in the seats, and I watched. Then I made a decision. At twenty-eight going on twenty-nine, I was going to do more than watch. I was going to fight.”

We get a close-up of Luna’s face. A faux documentary tight camera angle. Unlike normal, her face is bare. No make-up, her hair simply hanging loose. A raw look at the woman who is always so put together. A pain in her eyes.

“I’m still young in most people’s eyes. I think so too. I might have turned thirty this year, to little acknowledgement or fanfare, but it happened. I made a choice to get into this, to learn how to wrestle much later than the prodigies and the veterans that I’m surrounded by. See I get it, over and over. Every time I open my mouth, the young like to point out how much better they are, and the old like to tell me how much more experience they have. The problem is, I’m always going to be a step slower than those who started earlier, and I’m always going to have less experience than those who had this be their whole life.”

“That’s okay though, truly. It doesn’t bother me. See the difference is, whilst the theatrics and the business may be new to me? The actual technicality of it all? I can throw a punch better than almost anyone. I can scrap better than almost any of them. I can fucking fight better than fucking any of them, and I have proven that. This is the second year of my fucking life taking a punt on myself. This is the second year of my life trying to be those who I idolised, that I watched, that I loved, and for better or worse? I don’t think there is a single other fucking bitch walking around that could say that she has come remotely close to being like me.”

“History says I can win ‘em, I just can’t hold on to them. Roulette champion, beaten on my first defence. Internet Champion, beaten on my first defence. I couldn’t win back the Roulette championship, but I don’t think Jessie would say she walked out feeling like a winner when I got my rematch. I couldn’t win back my Internet championship, but I never begged and screamed for Ariana to give me a rematch. I didn’t throw around my weight, I didn’t cry and scream, I didn’t come out here every week breaking into rants about the same horseshit. I wasn’t a Courtney Pierce, a Juliana DiMaria or a fucking Ariana Angelos. I was making myself seen. I was learning, I was getting better. I was taking my lashes and giving back everything I fucking had. I was showing everyone who the fuck Luna Pasilno is.”

She takes a deep breath, her eyes watering slightly. Emotional. Far more than we normally get from the fiery banshee. Seeds of self-doubt manifesting in an attempt to be sure of herself. Her lips pursed in a tight line, a slight shake of the head.

“I earned my way to my championship opportunity. The truth of it? I don’t think there are any other women in this company right now that have done enough to earn what we have. Kayla and I? There’s a reason this match gets the main event. I’ll give props to Juliana for starting a movement. For shaking her fist enough to get the idea of the women being seen as the top draws. Somewhere, and bare with my minor hypocrisy here, between the incessant swearing and woe-is-meisms. She said some truths that were hard to ignore.”

“The women are carrying this fucking company, and the men? They don’t deserve that main event until they can step it up. I beat my own fucking husband to ensure I got my opportunity here. I teamed with, and in turn befriended, the man my husband hadn’t seen eye to eye with. I did what I needed to do to prove that I belong here. Some would say that we had the easier run, and you know what? I’d agree. There was no Bobbie Dahl, or Eiley in my way. There was no Mark Cross or Peter Vaughn in Sean’s way. We had an easier run, but you know what? In the end, we beat them. We won our opportunity to be in the main event on this ship. I won my opportunity to stand across the ring from you, Kayla.”

“And that is what people need to understand. I might be ‘green’, and I might not be the one with the impressive undefeated record in home and away games. But nobody can question my worthiness. Nobody can question that I don’t deserve what I have fucking worked for. Nobody can question that Luna Pasilno is the only woman that deserves a shot at the Bombshell World Championship, and it didn’t matter who it was across from me. I’m glad it was you Kayla, because there ain’t nobody else I think it should be. It didn’t matter if it was though. It doesn’t matter because I know. I can fucking win the big one when I need to. I fucking know that I can be on top of the pile and stand there with my head raised high if only for a minute.”

“I know that I am The Idol of Sin City Wrestling, and when that final bell rings, we’ll all hear the same thing.”

“Here is your winner…


Bombshell World Champion, Luna Pasilno!”

A smile settles on her face, a few tears sliding down her cheek. Tears of joy, of overt emotion. A twitch in her cheeks, a quiver of her eyes. She tilted her head back a little and looked straight up, trying to blink the tears back, raising a finger to gently dab and wipe them away. A long, slow and heavy breath.

“I’m used to being questioned. I’m used to being doubted. I’m used to being spoken down to and made to feel lesser than. I’m used to the fucking disrespect and I’m used to being hated for simply trying to be true to myself. So colour me surprised when Kayla Richards doesn’t spend her every breath trying to talk me down. Not entirely, anyway. A match based on mutual respect, not embroiled in bitter resentment and hatred. No, this? This is simply a match of two people who want the same thing. To be the one holding the biggest belt in our business. To be the one seen as the leader of the Bombshell division.”

“To be the one with the right to fight whoever they deem worthy. To fight off the asinine and ignorant. To fight until they cannot fight anymore. That’s the truth of it. This comes down to the line, and neither of us is going to give. The Conspiracy threw almost everything we had at the Wolves, and it came down to the line. It came down to my body giving out because my mind wouldn’t let me do it willingly. What I realised? That when it comes down to the line, either of us can be the winner. When it comes down to the line, it will depend on who out of us can hold on just a little bit longer. Can I suck in one more breath before getting to the ropes? Can you scramble away before I slice the calf off the fucking bone? Can you blink the daze out of your head before the hand comes down for a third time? When it comes down to it Kayla, this is a game of fucking millimetres. The winner is just going to be whoever wants it just a little bit more.”

“And nobody wants this more than me right now.”

A flicker of irritation dashes across her features. An anger bubbling in her eyes, the flaring of the nostrils. The twist of her lips, battling within herself.

“Kayla. I do love you, I’ve told you so. Nobody ever acknowledges my ability to stand on my own two legs. Nobody ever acknowledges the work I put in to be my own fucking person. Nobody, but you. Maybe it’s from hearing the same thing. Living in the shadow of someone else. Only being acknowledged when it comes to being the other half of a team that nobody thinks you are the one fighting to make the best. Truth is, I think we’re a lot alike. No matter how much difference there is, we’re fighting the same things. The same fucking people, saying the same dumb fucking things. Doubting us for the sake of making themselves feel better. Minimising what we do, so that they can feel superior.”

“I’m tired of being seen as less. I’m tired of being told I’m living in the shadow of someone better. I’m tired of being torn down because I happen to be a fucking woman. That’s what nobody wants to acknowledge. Nobody ever accuses the newlyweds of being lesser than the other. Nobody questions who has more authority between our corporate fathers. No, any relationship, platonic, corporate or intimate. Two men? Nobody even thinks to question it. But me? I’m no hanger on. I’m not the lesser half. I’m not some shill who is riding the laurels of someone else. No, I am Luna fucking Pasilno. I am the fucking Idol, the masochist, the former queen of fucking vanity. And I am no less fucking vain. So I respect you Kayla, for not taking the low road. I respect you for not belittling my existence.”

“I’m still going to do what it takes to tear you down, and stand at the top. To prove to everyone that there is no lesser in Luna. That there is no riding the coattails of someone. That I am, exactly what the fuck I’ve said I am for months. That I am, exactly who the fuck I say I am.”

Luna stands up quickly, the emotion bubbling over, the camera cutting to a wider shot. She kicks back at the chair, toppling it over as she begins to pace back and forth. Murmurs from somewhere behind the camera, that quickly stop with a sharp look from the now fired up lady.

“Scouting. That’s what they call it. Watching the tapes, watching the matches, being involved. Scouting. I’ve done my due diligence, I’ve done my scouting. I’ve heard the words and I’ve seen the action. You were right in that the Mixed Tag Team championship match was a lose-lose situation, but not for the reasons you think. It was a loss because people got to see a preview of this marquee match a little early. Diluting what they expect. Except, the finish might have been us, but that wasn’t our war. Ironic, after talking about not being in someone else’s shadow, but what people got to see was that Alexander Raven is still good enough to step up to Finn Whelan. What people got to see was that Kayla and Luna have so much more to show. That when they take to the ring in that final match, that when that bell rings, everything goes out the window.”

“We lost, and that stings. But Finn was right. I want this. I want this so fucking much. More than Alex. More than Juliana who is now pretending that she is content with being put on the bench. More than Courtney Pierce who simply fell off the face of the Earth after being devastated. More than Alexandra Calaway, who just couldn’t get the job done. I said that this was going to be my year. I told everyone that this was going to be the year of the Idol, and I am three seconds away from that reality. I am three seconds away from toppling the baddest bitch in Sin City. I am three seconds away from nobody ever questioning me again. You mentioned the pantheon of greats. Alicia Lukas, Amber Ryan and even Mikah. You just had to try and belittle everything I work for. Acting like these women are far greater, and here I stand, ready to be overlooked again.”

“Not this time Kayla. When I won the Internet Championship, I said there were three kinds of people. The inevitable future, the has-beens and the never-wills. I am the inevitable fucking future. Mikah that you are so obsessed with? Has-been. What remains to be seen? Are you going to be the inevitable future with me? Or are you going to be another never-will? Samantha Marlowe’s career is all but over because of me. I’m the only one crazy enough to put my hand up to go toe to toe with Tempest whenever she asks it. I’m the only one batty enough to step into a barbed wire hell with a hardcore veteran, simply to prove a point. I’m the only one confident enough to step to Kayla Richards and Finn Whelan and say ‘I can beat you.’ And I will beat you. I will tear everything down if I need to. I will scrap, I will fight and I will fucking bleed out if that is what it takes to get what I want.”

“Because I need this.”

Flashes of different scenes flicker over the screen. Images of Luna with blood pouring down her face, curled up in the shower, covered in paint, a barbed wire crown on her head. Flashes and moments from different matches, her encounters with Jessie Salco, Ariana Angelos, Kim Pain and the aforementioned Tempest.

And then a flash of light. Blinding white.

“I am the fucking Conspiracy.”

And then…



Supercard Roleplays / Re: SONG v ARIANA ANGELOS
« Last post by Wong Fai Hung on July 26, 2024, 02:46:57 PM »

How Song returned to SCW
Hàn Loti Nguyen
Master Lilly

Opening scene - It was in your voice
8 :12 am, July 19, 2024
Su-Ji Ranch, Las Vegas, NV

It’s a clear and bright sunny Friday morning. Han, still in her matching light blue long sleeve shirt and pant pj. She sits below the first peach tree she planted for Song as a gift 2 years ago. We see Han reading the recent Las Vegas HEALS magazine. Next to Han is a picnic size open basket half filled with peaches. Two more peach trees, and two pomegranate trees can be seen in the shot as well.

Han comes out here most mornings to pick fruits for the house but also uses this time to sit alone to think, study, it was time she put aside to exercise her mind while enjoying the scenery that she and song have been putting together in their backyard of their 10 acre ranch home.

This was usually the time which Song used to make breakfast for everyone. Han turns the page as a peach falls down right on the magazine causing it to get knocked out of her hands. Gan the doberman and Gi the rottweiler start barking. Han looks over to the side of the yard that's fenced in for their animals.

They're dogs have been running around with the two ponies that have only been living with them for 2 weeks and are still trying to adjust. The ponies get startled and run away from the dogs as they continue to bark. Han notices the dogs paying attention to the road that leads to the front of the ranch. Han looks and can see a truck coming from a distance. As it gets closer she notices it is a FedEx truck. Han whistles which gets the two dogs to stop barking. She then grabs the basket and gets up to walk back to the house.

Han puts her magazine in the basket so that she can grab the door handle to slide the door open. Han walks into the kitchen.

Loti: Oooooooooooh, Whoooooaaaaaa!   

Han yells while bumping her head as Song is jamming to 80s music. Currently playing Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds. Han puts the basket on the table before heading over to the stove to see what Song cooked up. Song is heard walking into the kitchen coming from the dining room area.

Song: It’s here.   

Song says as she looks at the envelope in her hands. Han turns around to face Song with a baked tater tot being stolen from the tray.

Loti: Hmm.   

Han says while enjoying her tot. Song opens the envelope and pulls out the tickets.

Song: The tickets to tomorrow's game arrived.   

Loti: Great, I packed a bag for us already. We just need to fill up before leaving town.   

Song nods in agreement. The two were excited, they have a 5 hour drive to take in a few hours as they are attending the WNBA All-Star. For the past two years Song and Han have been working with the Las Vegas Aces. Han was hired to be a nurse for Michelob ULTRA Arena, home of the current WNBA champions Las Vegas Aces. Song was hired to be a fitness and self defense trainer for the team.

Song: Guess what else I have Loti!   

Han gives Song a look. Han hasn’t been called Loti since Song left SCW. Then it hits her, last night Song was on the phone with Lilly and Wong from Foshan. They had been on the phone for over an hour while also speaking in Cantonese. Normally calls would be only ten minutes and in English.

Loti: You’re finally going back to SCW?   

Song had pulled out two tickets from her back pocket.

Song: No. Silly. I have two tickets for their show as well. It’s CC400 this Sunday.   

The way Song said no was a different pitch then the rest of her response. Plus Han had to work on Sunday, no way she can make the show.

Loti: I work this Sunday.   

Song: Oh, that's right, I forgot.   

Song never forgets anything. The two look at each other in shock as Song just repeats herself while raising her shoulders in a shrug manner.

Song: I forgot.   

Loti: Are you okay?   

Song smiles while walking over to Han. Song gives her a kiss.

Song: Of course I am, but I’ll be even better after we have some breakfast.   

Han nods as she agrees with the breakfast part.

Loti: I’ll serve us.   

Song: Okay.   

Song goes to the table to slice up a few peaches. A new 80s hit starts to play. Wake me up Before you Go-Go by Wham. The two dance to the beat. Han is all smiles but has it in the back of her mind to ask about SCW while on the drive to Phoenix.

Scene Two The Misread Text
1:00 pm July 19, 2024
Scene opens in front of the Su-Ji Ranch.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon, the temperature had risen from 82° in the morning to 104°. We see a red 2021 Toyota Rav4 and a blue 2022 Jeep Wrangler. The front door of the ranch home opens up. Han steps out first, she is seen wearing flip flops, jean shorts and a white shirt. Song walks out behind her wearing the sandals, black shorts with an orange shirt. Song grabs the luggage bag that's packed with both of the ladies needed travel goods for this trip. Living in the outskirts of Las Vegas they'll head into the city to fill up the gas tank before taking the drive to phoenix.

Han pops open the trunk to the red Rav4. Song puts the bag in the trunk as Han gets on the driver's side as she wants to take the wheel. Han turns the car on as Song closes the trunk. Song enters the car, after Song has settled into the passenger seat, she pulls out a camera to capture the beauty of the journey, Han pulls out of the driveway to begin the 5 hour trip. They drive a mile and reach the Maverik gas station. Han hopped out of the car to pour the gas as Song went into the gas station to pay and to get Han her medium sized coffee. While this is happening both ladies receive a text message from Lilly back in Foshan.

Master Lilly: Hello, I just wanted to wish you ladies a safe and fun adventure. Everyone here is rooting for team WNBA. As for SCW, enjoy the show and please tell Mr. Ward and Mr. Underwood that I apologize for not making it to the show. I really wanted to be there along with the rest of the Elders.   

Song replied with a short and simple.

Song: We will. 

Song grabs the coffee from the counter while telling the station clerk thank you. Song walks out of the gas station and gets back to the car where Han patiently waits for her coffee. Han's phone goes off with Song’s reply back to Lilly.

As they drove through the bustling streets of Las Vegas, the city’s iconic skyline gradually faded into the rearview mirror. The neon lights and towering casinos gave way to the vast, open desert. The road ahead stretched out like a ribbon, leading them into the heart of the Mojave Desert.

The two reach the Hoover Dam and decide to make a stop. The massive concrete structure stood tall, holding back the mighty Colorado River. Han and Song parked their car and took a moment to admire the breathtaking view. The dam’s sheer size and the shimmering waters of Lake Mead left them in awe. Song snapped a few photos, then a few with Han in front capturing the grandeur of the scene. Song quickly steps over to Han so that she can take a few selfies. Han wraps her arms around Song's stomach before planting her chin on Song's left shoulder. The two stick their tongues out to make funny faces as Song takes the selfies.

Loti: You're so silly! I love it, you know!   

Song: One more!   

They take a few more before Han changes subjects.

Loti: So SCW…   

Song: Yeah, Master Lilly asked me if we would meet her at SCW CC400. I said yes without thinking twice about it. I totally forgot that you had to work on Sunday.   

Loti: It's okay when we get to Phoenix we’ll check on flights to California. I can pick you up from the airport when you arrive back.   

Song: I was going to say the same thing… Well, speaking of Phoenix we should get going.   

Loti: Agreed. But first…   

Han moves her hands from Song's stomach and moves into her side and starts tickling her. Song starts jumping in hopping trying to get away as she starts laughing intensely.

Loti: hehehehe.   

Han stops, she giggles as she walks over to the Rav4. Song takes a deep breath to get her composure together. The two get in the car and head back on the road as they continue their journey along US-93. The desert landscape was mesmerizing, with its rugged mountains and endless stretches of sand. They passed through small towns and roadside diners, each with its own unique charm.

After some time they approached Kingman, they decided to take a detour onto Historic Route 66. The legendary highway, known as the Main Street of America, They get into the other side of Kingman and stop for a bite to eat in a vintage style diner. Once done and ready to continue the trip they decide to switch seats, making Song the driver and Han in the passenger seat. They get past Seligman, AZ when Han decides to replay back to Lilly. The message reads.

Loti: Thanks, hope to see you soon!   

While Song gets the alert of the group text, Han sends Lilly a private message that reads.

Loti: Song, SCW? 

Han sees the famous Delgadillo’s Snow Cap Drive-In, a quirky diner known for its playful pranks and delicious burgers. Han and Song laughed as they enjoyed their meal, feeling like kids on a grand adventure. While enjoying the meal Han gets a text from Lilly.

Master Lillyy: Yes, I was waiting to hear from you. A contract will be in place for Song to sign on Sunday. I’ll be calling Mr. Ward to let him know. Once he says yes he’ll have me call Mr. Underwood so that he can take care of the paperwork. I know you two are busy this weekend so I'll take care of everything. If you have any questions just let me know. But for now I'm going to bed. It's very late here in China.   

Han and Song never keep information from each other so this was strange for Song to hide this from her. However, the two do surprise each other from time to time so maybe Song was going to sign the contract and surprise her later. This however would have been a big surprise since it was understood that if Song were to return they will have a discussion first. Not that Song would have been prevented from returning to the ring, but they would need to discuss their schedules and how they can manage the travels while still being able to spend time together. This was something that Song kept pushing and made a big deal of so Han not being informed of an in-ring return is a bit of a shock. It was not like Song at all.

Scene 3 Putting Two and two together
SCW CC400 show

Song walks the hallways, she gets greeted by the real heroes of SCW, like the ring crew, the production team, and referees to name a few. While doing so she bumps into Mark Ward. Mark Ward, unaware that Song is behind him, Song gently taps his right shoulder and then steps to the left of him. He looks behind and towards the right and doesn't see anybody. He then does a whole 180 to see Song is standing there. To Songs surprise, Mark Ward is not surprised to see Song. Instead he points down the hallway and informs Song that Christian Underwood is waiting for her in his office. This confuses Song but she nods and heads straight to Mr. Underwood's office without questioning Mr. Ward as if he was her boss once again.

Once in Mr. Underwood's office, still confused, the two start going over the details of the new contract that's been made for her. During this time Mr. Underwood is also on a FaceTime call. Trying to figure this out, Song looks at Mr. Underwood.

Song: I came to enjoy the show. I am a bit confused about the contract. While I appreciate it, and would love to come back, this is something I need to discuss with my loved one first.   

Christian Underwood informs Song that he was under the impression that everything was taken care of which is why this contract was even presented to begin with. He then explains to Song that if she has any questions he is on a FaceTime call with her manager Lilly. Mr. Underwood shows Song his phone to show her. Song quickly does a quick bow to master Lily as she lets Song know that everything's been taken care of. Lilly had spoken to Loti, The faster she signs the quicker they can start the process of putting her in a match. Hearing the great news, Song doesn't hesitate and doesn't even bother reading the contract; she just signs it away knowing that if there are any issues her manager will take care of it.

Song, still confused, quickly changes her demeanor from confused to happily surprised. Song immediately grabs her phone and sends a message to Han who is at work.

Song: I know you're busy, but I need you to call me as soon as you can please. Love you always.   

Song puts her phone away and gets up to leave Mr. Underwood's office. Upon trying to leave his office she is greeted by one of the interviewers of the company Miss. Rocky Mountains. Not really prepared for an interview as she is still in awe, she gives the crowd a short message letting them know that she is returning but nothing more as she wants to enjoy the show and not take up any time they could be given to a wrestler who's currently on the roster.

Song ends the interview and leaves the camera shot to find somewhere she can watch the rest of the show. Upon doing so Song gets a FaceTime call from her girlfriend.

Song: Are you busy?   

Han lets out the biggest smile then the other nurses jump in the frame and they all yell congratulations to Song.

Loti: So when is your first match back?   

Song is confused again.

Song: How did you know?   

Han turns the phone to the left a bit, just enough to see that Han and her co-workers have been watching the show this whole time.

Song: No wait, Master Lilly said you called her and you guys talked this out. Why would you do that without talking to me?   

Loti: I haven’t talked to Lilly in a few months. You started acting weird when you received the SCW tickets. I know how much you wanted to go back. You also had that one hour phone call with Lilly the other night. I thought you tried signing and was told no for some reason which was why you kept it from me.   

Song gets very defensive about what she is hearing.

Song: I would never hide anything from you, I have never lied to you and never will. I told you the truth. So do not lie to me, if Master Lilly says you two talked and you say no then you’re lying, Master Lilly….   

Song's face turns red as she is now pissed off. A look Han rarely ever sees. Han stops Song to explain herself.

Loti: Song, relax, let me explain, I think I know what happened. You said I talked to Lilly, I haven’t talked to her in months. I texted her thanks when she wished us a safe trip on Friday. I then sent her a private text that said Song, SCW with a question mark. I thought maybe you were trying to surprise me. Lilly texted me back saying that she would have a contract for you to sign at this event. That is the truth and if you call me a liar then we have to end this call now so I can get to work and we will talk about this when you get home tonight you know!   

Song: No wait!   

Song says as she refuses to end the call in a fight. While doing so the two ladies start piecing everything in their head.

Song: I said I had two tickets to the SCW show but you had to work.   

Loti: The night before you had an hour long talk in Cantonese with Lilly. Then the next morning you called me Loti when you showed me the tickets.   

Song: And I called you Loti which I only do when presenting you in the wrestling world.   

Loti: I asked if you were resigning and the pitch in your voice was different.   

Song: Because I forgot you had to work today, I planned on us coming here to watch the show and see if coming back after all this time would be a good thing for the both of us.   

Loti: Hoover Dam I bought up SCW…   

Song: And I said I was going to see the show, since I knew then you had to work, I should have told you about wanting us to go to see if coming back would be a good thing.   

Loti: You didn’t and still acting strange about it, I texted Lilly saying SONG, SCW with a question mark.   

Song: Master Lilly told me that after you and I talked about a comeback, she wanted to speak with you about some things.   

Han busts out laughing, Song seeing Han that way puts a smile on Song's face.

Loti: I think Lilly saw my text and took that as we talked and now needed her to fill out the paperwork.   

Song now joins in on the laughter as she nods, she can see how Lilly was confused. Knowing that all of this was a misunderstanding had them luging for a few minutes. After which Song asks Han.

Song: So now what? I can tell them to forget it if you want.   

Loti: Don’t you dare! You want this, you always talked about getting a chance to be a singles wrestler in SCW. It's a goal, a dream of yours. You can’t say no to that you know!   

Song: What about your dreams and goals?   

Loti: Song, My dreams and goals are different. You know all I ever wanted to do was help the sick. I worked for a top hospital on the east coast for a few years. I now travel in my free time to help those in need. I have this great job where I can help the fans who get hurt or those hosting an event here, rather it’s the Aces or a music concert. That was my goal and I’m still living it.   

Song: So now we make your dreams come true. I don’t know what to do to help make that happen.   

Loti: My dreams come true everyday when I wake up knowing we have each other. My dream is for you to live yours while letting me ride along.   

Song smiles and she almost gets teary eyes. Han doubles down.

Loti: My dream started the day you dropped your drink at the gas station. Your dreams of me started when you were young. You told me that in your dreams we held hands for the first time and I told you I will never let go, and you promised me you would never let go. So live your dream or I’ll have no choice but to drag you by the hand to all your matches you know!   

Song wipes her eyes as she nods and lets out a laugh.

Song: I will, and when I get home tonight I want us to watch some classics.   

Loti: Oh, like what? Casablanca?   

Song: So silly, I was thinking about some good ole wrestling… Something with Femme Mafiosa kicking some asses.   

Loti: You bet your ass we will!   

Song: Okay, see you in a few hours!   

Loti: Okay, love you always.   

Song: Love you always!   

The two end the call, Song finds a place to relax and watch the rest of CC400.

Scene Four  It’s the little things that make the difference.
Su-Ji Ranch
7:23 am July 23

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Song stirred, stretching lazily before finally deciding to get out of bed. The promise of a delicious breakfast was the perfect motivation. she shuffled to the kitchen, still half-asleep, and opened the refrigerator door, expecting to find the leftovers from last night’s dinner. Song phone starts to go off.

Her eyes scanned the shelves, but the container she was looking for was nowhere to be found. Confused, she checked again, moving items around, but it was clear: the leftovers were gone. A small note caught her eye, stuck to the fridge door with a magnet. she pulled it off and read the neat handwriting:

“Good morning, Song! I took the leftovers for lunch today. Hope you find something yummy to eat! Love you always”

Song couldn’t help but smile. Han always had a way of making even the smallest gestures feel special. she glanced around the kitchen, pondering her options. The pantry was well-stocked, and she knew she could whip up something tasty with a bit of creativity.

Song decided on a simple yet satisfying breakfast: scrambled eggs with toast and a side of fresh fruit. She cracked a few eggs into a bowl, whisking them with a pinch of salt and pepper.

Song: Yummy yummy time.   

Song says to herself out loud as the eggs sizzled in the pan, she sliced a ripe avocado and toasted a couple of slices of whole-grain bread. The aroma of the cooking eggs filled the kitchen, mingling with the scent of brewed coffee Han made before leaving for work an hour ago.

While the eggs cooked, Song couldn’t help but think about Han. They had been together for a couple of years now, and she cherished these little moments that made their relationship so special. Song loved how thoughtful Han was, always leaving notes or doing small things to brighten Song’s day.

The eggs were done, perfectly fluffy and golden. she plated them alongside the avocado slices and toast, adding a handful of berries for a pop of color. She poured himself a cup of coffee Han had made and sat down at the kitchen table, before savoring the simple yet delicious meal Song’e cell phone goes off.

As she ate, she thought about how lucky she was to have Han in her life. Her note had turned what could have been a frustrating morning into a sweet reminder of their love. Song made a mental note to do something special for her in return, maybe cook her favorite dinner or plan a surprise date. Song’s phone beeps as a reminder she has a message.

After finishing her breakfast, Song cleaned up the kitchen, feeling content and ready to start her day. she left the note on the fridge, deciding to add a little message of her own. Before doing so, Song’s phone beeps again. Song grabs her phone to see the message. It’s from Master Lilly, the message she forward is from SCW. Song sees that she has been booked for the upcoming show. The event happens to be the biggest summer party in all of wrestling. Summer XXXTreme XII.

Song's eyes went wide as a seal, it was a shockingly sweet surprise. Who the opponent was did not matter. Song is excited to get back into the ring, she did not expect it to be this soon. However, It was what she wanted, this is a super event.

To get a match so last minute could mean a few things. Song just hopes that someone didn't have to get pulled out of a match or get booked into a match when they were supposed to be given the night off. For the owners to put Song in a match at the super show at the last second did speak volumes. One would be the appreciation for what Song brings in the ring and with a hiatus of a couple of years what better way to come back then at their biggest show in the summer. Song was super excited, more so when she saw your first opponent back was Ariana Angeloes. This will be the first time the two will square off in Sin City Wrestling so Song was looking forward to this matchup. Before anything else Song leaves a note for Han.

“Thanks for the note, sweetheart! Breakfast was great. Can’t wait to see you tonight. Love you always”

Song had a full day ahead of her, but the one thing she was looking forward to the most was dinner tonight as Song will be making something special for the two of them. Song was excited to tell Han the news about her upcoming match.

The Wedding
McKinney Estate

After spending the night at the hotel, Alexandra stood in the lobby waiting for LJ to come pick her up for the wedding. When he arrived and stepped out of the car in a suit she found it hard to speak, biting the inside of her lip. She smiled and stepped towards the car.

“Hello handsome. Well well, look at you.”  The suit, that smile, caused Alexandra’s heart to flutter a bit. She tried to keep her composure and walked towards him, wrapping her arms around him softly. She couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Hello love, you look beautiful..” She felt his arms wrap around her and pull her in for a hug. The two lingered in that hug for a while, enjoying the closeness. “Well then, shall we get going?”  He motioned towards the car. “Don’t want to be late for my brother's wedding.”

“No, we definitely don’t want to do that. The last thing we need is to show up late.”  She let out a soft giggle before walking towards the car with him. “Don’t want them thinking we were late because of other reasons.”

He led her to the car and opened the passenger door for her, she kissed his cheek as she slipped inside, getting situated. The dress she chose, with Miles' approval of course, a yellow, blue and gold number, something that she felt positively beautiful in. Once inside the car, he shut the door and then joined her inside. She couldn’t help but smile at him. As they drove towards the McKinney Estate, he took her hand in his and drove with his other hand. She smiled at their hands touching before she tried to hide the rosy tint that had stolen her cheeks. About twenty minutes later the two arrived at the McKinney Estate and parked, before walking hand in hand towards the spot where the ceremony would be held.  She smiled seeing Miles and saying hello, before the man disappeared and LJ went with him.

The ceremony was beautiful and she found it hard to not tear up. Not because of sadness or longing for a moment like that of her own, but because she was happy to see two people she absolutely adored getting married. The tears were because it was beautiful and weddings are a place where people normally cry happy tears right. After the happy couple were finally one, the party moved to the big white tent where the reception would commence. Alexandra walked again with LJ, seeing him smiling and happy. The meal was served and toasts were given.  Standing up Alexandra clinked her glass and smiled over at Miles and Carter.

“I wanted to take a small moment to give both Carter and Miles all the love and joy that they deserve. I’m so glad to see the two of you finally taking the leap and stepping forward together in life, love and happiness. You two have been a rock for me since I came to Sin City Wrestling. Miles we went from opponents, to friends, to being able to stand here today and tell you both how happy I am for you two. And to Carter, I know we have a rocky friendship, at first you didn't trust me and I understand. But when I look at you two, I see two people who were made for each other. A couple who belongs together. I can see how much you love each other. So from my family to yours, I wish you both the happiest and longest marriage. To always find solace and joy in each other. To face the dark times together and know that with the strength you both possess that everything will work out. To Miles and Carter.”

She raised her glass toasting them both before sitting back down. She smiled seeing LJ looking at her.

“What?” She giggled.  “Didn’t think I had it in me.”

“No, I know you did, angel. I just, that was really sweet.” He leaned towards her while he spoke.

“I am a hopeless romantic at heart.” She shrugged her shoulders a little. The music that had been playing lightly in the background, usually signaling that they wanted to have the guest get up and mingle and enjoy the evening.

It wasn’t until the slow beat of Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ starts to play that the crowd couple’s up including Miles and Carter. It’s at that point, LJ shedded his jacket and pushed his chair back.

“Dance with me?”  He stood and offered his hand.

“Wait a minute, you dance?” Alexandra hadn’t expected that. But LJ kept surprising her. Just when she thought she had him figured out, he surprised her again.

“Of course I do. Don’t all great warriors know how to dance?” He smirked and she nodded, standing to take his hand.

“You’re right.” She gave him a soft smile and they headed for the dance floor.

The two joined the others who were dancing out on the floor, a slow song played and she smiled up at LJ. LJ held her close, the two looking at each other’s eyes. Softly singing the words to the song, she smiled a little. Something about being at Miles' wedding, dancing with LJ, being his date, it felt right. With everything that had been going wrong in her life, she had the chance to be happy. Despite the thoughts of her upcoming match, she pushed those thoughts deep down and would deal with them later. Right now, she was living in the moment. At this moment, there was nothing around but her and LJ. The world, everything going on, other than this moment was the last thing on her mind. She focused on him, swaying to the music.

“What are you thinking about love?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Just being here with you. Getting to see Miles and Carter achieve their happily ever after.” She took a deep breath.

“Well love the night is still young. There’s still so much more to enjoy.” He smiled and pulled her tightly against him.

The two remained in their embrace as the music continued to play throughout the night. Alexandra’s eyes were only for him and it seemed that his were for her only as well. The party raged on late into the evening. Drinks, dancing and fun conversation for all. Here’s to the rest of their lives!

Truth Be Told
Resort Hotel
Olympia, Washington

A camera came up on Alexandra who was at her resort she booked for the few nights she’d be in town for Miles and Carter's wedding. It was her last night there and she was going to use this time wisely. She turned to look at the camera, soaking in all that had happened. The losses, the wedding, being Lyle Kasey Jr’s date to his brother’s wedding, all of the things that had been leading up to what could be one of the biggest weeks of her life. The Summer Xxxtreme cruise. She remembered last year's match, how she managed to pull off a win against Bobbie Dahl to retain her Bombshell Roulette Championship. This time however, she was walking into the event, titleless. She planned to walk out with the title on her shoulder, no matter what she needed to do.

“There’s so much that could be said right now. Yes, I’ve lost several matches over the last few weeks. But that’s the thing, when you lose like that, it’s meant to show you what you need to work on. I underestimated what Victoria would do, I lost my focus. I won’t even get started on my match in PWS: Legacy against Cleo, another member of the Lyons Den. But you see, that’s the thing. Most people after this many losses would tuck tail and run, yet here I am still standing. Even after losing the mixed tag match. Despite busting our asses for it and being one of the best mixed tag teams in this company, Miles and I couldn’t pull it off. I’m not mad about it. I’m fired up. I’m ready to walk back into that ring and walk out as the Bombshell Roulette Champion.”

She took a moment to pause, enjoying the view from the hotel.

“You see, I know there were so many people who were hoping I’d pack up and run off. But you see, that’s really NOT the kind of person I am. There are a great many who would love to see me break down and crumble under the thought of my upcoming match. If anything, those who are in this match with me, should be worried about it. I’m coming in firing on all cylinders. I respect you ladies, you’ve all busted your ass to make it to this point, but it’s time to realize one simple thing. When that match is over, I’m walking away with the title. I keep saying no matter what and I’ve come to realize that we all feel the same way. I’ve been in the ring with each one of you.”

Another quick pause, she runs her fingers through her hair, still full of waves, post Miles’ wedding. She had a smile on her face, thinking about how happy they looked, despite Miles and Alexandra losing their mixed tag match against Kayla Richards and Finn Whelan. She took a deep breath and began to speak again.

“Bella Madison, you are the one competitor who I hold in the highest of regards. We’ve faced off against each other before and you pushed me to the limit the entire time. In the end, we both knew we could have pushed each other over that cliff and we did it. You took the win that night, you showed everyone here that you are every bit of the woman you say you are. There’s one thing I know for sure. If I don’t walk out with that title tonight, I’ll make damn sure you do. But the question my dear is this, are you one hundred percent in this match? Are you willing to go the distance it will take? Ultimate X over a pool of water? Are you sure you are more than willing to take the shot and win the Bombshell Roulette Championship? Are you fully focused on this? Are you willing to take out Mercedes, Victoria and myself to achieve that goal? I know you are more than capable of doing it, your talent speaks for itself. Hell like I said, you’ve beaten me before. I’m sure if you put your heart into it, you could beat all three of us.”

Bella was talented, strong and took no quarter. She stepped into that ring and showed no mercy. Friend or Foe, it didn’t matter, Bella worked to show everyone that she was the best every time she stepped into the ring. She could win this whole match, just like Victoria or Alexandra. It was any woman's game at this point.

“Bella, you have so much potential if you don’t get in your own way. I think that you are more than capable of pulling out the win. If anyone other than Victoria is my biggest challenge it’s you. You actually have a win over me, just as Victoria does. The only person in this match who doesn’t, well, we all know who that is. Just promise me this Bella, you’ll bring your best. Promise me that you will do whatever it takes to win. So that we both aren’t disappointed. I know that you will though. I know that you have a fire inside you that no one else in this match can quench. Use it and burn through the competition. Walk out of this match as the Bombshell Roulette Champion.”

She took a deep breath, trying to find the right things to say to Mercedes now. The woman had managed to weasel her way into yet again ANOTHER championship match, despite having not been on the up and up the last time she faced Alexandra.

“Mercedes Vargas, look at you. A member of the Hall of Fame, one of the most decorated champions to ever grace Sin City Wrestling. Once again we will be facing off in combat, this time with two other women that I have faced and studied. You have the history, the legacy and yet, the fire just isn’t there. I’ve seen that multiple times over. Every single time I see your name on the card, I look for you to pull off a win that is fitting for a Hall Of Famer and I never see it. If I recall, I believe when we faced off the last time you said something about me letting my family, my friends, and the fans down. From where I’m sitting, it seems that’s not the case my dear, I’ve proven time and time again that I am more than capable of handling whatever comes my way. And unlike some people around here, I don’t make excuses when I lose. I face things head on and I keep moving forward. I’m coming off the heels of two really bad losses here in Sin City. I'm fired up and ready to take each one of you to make sure I am the one who walks out of the match with the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Where most people would crumble and disappear into the background after multiple losses, it's not my style to do that. Just look back at my history here in Sin City Wrestling. My losses and my wins are practically tied. But after each loss, comes a historic win. And this one, will be another. You can count on it.”

She took a moment to pause, still not done with Mercedes yet. She had a bit more to say, things she didn’t get to say last time the two faced off.

“You see, you posed the question once before, that once my career was done, who would remember me? Plenty. My career was over once before. I had an injury that very few ever come back from. I was out of action for three years. In that time, people never forgot me. Then when my body was ready I got into the ring, I trained harder than ever before, twice as hard as anyone else I knew. And I got results. I got back into the ring, major promotions sought me out and soon, just a few years later, I got the invite from my amazing friend Miles Kasey about this place called Sin City Wrestling and here I am well into my second year in the company, I’ve been the Bombshell Roulette Champion twice and had a shot at several other titles. I didn’t make excuses for those losses then and I won't make excuses for my future losses, they come and go in this industry. The real prize is those fans. You may not see it, but seeing people wearing my merch, hearing them chant my name, THAT'S what drives me. So the real question here is, who will remember you baby?”

And that brought her to Victoria, the woman who had beaten her and took the Bombshell Roulette Championship away from Alexandra. The woman who she was focused on taking down in this match, getting her out early, was Alexandra’s goal now.

“Well, Well, hello your majesty.” She gave a bow, flourishing it a bit. “How wonderful of you to grace us with your presence at this glorious event. Summer Xxxtreme XII on the Princess Cruise Line.” She gave a soft little giggle. “Damn Lioness, where is your pride now? Vincent is gone, Alex is more than annoyed with you and Eddie seems so fed up with you that he’s ready to tear you apart before any of us can get ahold of you. Oh yes my dear, I know. You seem to forget that Alex and I are close. Where were you when Antithesis abandoned him? Oh that’s right, you didn’t care. You had yourself so wrapped up in your own bullshit that you couldn’t be there for your pride. Like a real lioness would, hell just like a Queen would be there for her Kingdom. Some leader you are, such a good Queen. You see there’s something you fail to realize majesty. A Queen can’t lead if there’s no one left in her Kingdom. Go on, gloat, brag, talk about how you managed to best me in the ring. But you fail to realize, you didn’t defeat me. It would take WAY more than a loss to end my career or my drive. I guess you didn’t learn something in all your time at the Lyon’s Den, perhaps you didn’t take the time to listen to Cleo, to Alex, hell to anyone other than the sound of your own voice you narcissistic bitch. Because if you had taken the time to listen to them, your trainers, hell people backstage here in Sin City Wrestling, you would know that you shouldn’t count me out.”

She tried to pause, taking the moment to calm down. She could feel her pulse racing fast. She was worked up now, she was firing on all cylinders and ready to take out everyone to get her title back. Coming back after that many losses was never easy, but she was ready.

“Ah good Queen Victoria, you ran your mouth pretty hardcore about me when we last faced off, didn’t you? Questioning everything about me, my choices in friends and tag team partners. You ran your mouth about shit that you have no understanding of. You see, you talk a big game and you got all these people believing your bullshit. But we both know that underneath it all, you are a scared little girl, playing in the big time. You talk about the voices calling you the savior, that you are here to lead this company into a new era huh? The era of people running their mouths about things they don’t know. You want to sit here and run your mouth about how you are going to make me tap into the darker parts of me, to go do the darkside. Honey, that song and dance has been overplayed time and time again. That’s the oldest trick in the book baby girl. You see, you are a lot like I used to be. I used to walk around talking shit, running my mouth about how I was a Queen and I could beat anyone and everyone all the time. I got that giant chip on my shoulder and guess what sweetheart, that chip got knocked off real quick. You aren’t a Queen either sweetheart. You won a competition that the real QUEENS of Sin City weren’t even a part of. You got that title on a technicality my dear sweet little Lioness. You aren’t a Queen and you damn sure aren’t my worst nightmare. So you got a win over me, join the long list of people who have. It doesn’t make you special. But what it does make you is a fool. You see, that win, fueled me. I won’t sit here and say that Cleo had anything to do with your win either. Yes I was sore, but I was prepared to face you. You see this time however, I know your methods. I know what you are all about. This time, when we are in that Ultimate X match, you won’t be able to pull your antics. I plan on being the one that is holding that title high at the end of the match. You want the darkside, you want to see the darkness inside me. You got it, your majesty. See you on the ship.”

She turns and starts to walk away, stopping just a few steps away from the camera. The sun starts to go down and she takes a moment to smile at the camera.

“Bella and Mercedes, I’m sorry for what you are about to experience. Just know that it’s neither of you’s fault. If you want to see the harbinger of your doom, the one to blame is Victoria Lyons. Because she wants the darkness and you all are going to get to experience it. Because in the end, you can defy fate.”

She turns around and walks towards woods wanting to spend some time in nature to prepare for the long road ahead.


Preparing for the trip
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

Back home after a week away visiting with Miles and Carter for the wedding and her own personal sabbatical into the woods of Olympia Washington, she was packing for the cruise, knowing they would soon be setting sail on one of the greatest weeks at sea. The lead up to Summer Xxxtreme was a fun experience and this time, there was none of the hang ups of saying goodbye to friends, family and loved ones. No worries about being away from her daughter. Ashlynn was away at Summer Camp, Alexandra’s family was on their own vacation and her friends would be on board the ship as well. She had just finished packing up the last suitcase when her phone rang. She picked it up, smiling at the lock screen before seeing her daughter's image pop up on the screen. 

“Hey Ash, how’s camp?” She smiled listening to her daughter on the other end.

“Oh it’s great, there’s so much going on. How was the Wedding? Did you send Carter and Miles all my love and tell them hi for me?” She sounded excited.

“Of course I did sweetie. They said thank you. Miles was kind of bummed you couldn’t be there for the wedding, but he says they’ll see you after camp.  By the way, you never told me about it. How’s the preparations for the play going?”

“That’s wonderful. Oh it’s going, you know what it’s like mom. I’ve been working really hard getting my stuff done.” She heard her daughter laugh softly.  “Did you see LJ at the wedding?”

“Yes I did. We are actually seeing each other now.” She sighed softly. “Look, right now, there’s so much more for you to focus on. Stop worrying about your dear old mother’s life, think about your own. You are just a kid. Focus on having fun.” She laughed.

“I just want you to be as happy as I am.” Ashlynn spoke up. “You are always so focused on making me happy that you never think about what makes you happy. Or even trying to be happy.”

“I am happy. I have to think about you and put you first. You are my little girl.” Alexandra leaned against the table while she spoke to her daughter. “Right now you and this match are my main focus.”

“Oh goodness.. You must be bored if I’m what you think about.” Ashlynn rolled her eyes.

“Oh hush you.  I’m happy. I’m comfortable with how things are right now.”  Alexandra smiled. “Besides, I'm about to go on the Summer Xxxtreme cruise. I have to win back my Bombshell Roulette Title.”

“Yeah I know, that lion king wanna be took it. You’ll kick her ass mom, just like you will Mercedes and Bella.”  Alexandra shook her head, listening to Ashlynn.

“So tell me more about this play you are doing..” Alexandra tried to change the subject.

She listened as Ashlynn started telling her all about it. The conversation lasts well into the next hour as Alexandra gets her suitcases into the car and makes sure everything at the estate is in order, before she and her daughter get off the phone and Alexandra heads off for the airport to go to Los Angeles to catch the cruise ship. Summer Xxxtreme XII was going to be a night to remember. The Queenslayer would topple the Queen.
Supercard Roleplays / “Now I’m Angry.”
« Last post by Harper Mason on July 25, 2024, 10:04:57 PM »
(Josh and Roxi were used with permission)

Harpin’ On With Harper, The medic’s office, Climax Control 400, Inglewood, California
Sunday the 21st of July 2024, 23:00pm

*on camera, start vlog*

We see Harper sitting on the bed in the medic’s office at Climax Control 400, fresh stitches and bumps and braises on her body from her most recent attack from Alicia.

”I tried to be a nice girl, that’s been my mo from the moment I graduated from Hero Academy last year and where did it get me? I’ve had two Bombshell Hall of Famers attack me with weapons before the first year anniversary of my signing with SCW, got put into a handicap match by a vindictive bitch who’s now the Bombshell Roulette Champion and to top it all off? I’m entering my first Summer XXXTreme cruise at a severe disadvantage because of that attack by Alicia.

I swear, this who cycle could eat a bag of dicks for all I care!”

Harper shakes her head.

”There is one good thing I can take away from this, and that’s that while Alicia herself never answered my challenge for a Fall’s Count Anywhere Match on the cruise? The bosses made the choice for her and now we can literally fight all over the cruise ship! It’ll be like Speed 2: Cruise Control!” Harper quickly shakes her head. ”Only not a terrible movie and a crap sequel to a 90s classic! In my defence, there aren’t many good action movies set on cruise ships!”

Harper lets out a deep breath.

”At least that I know off, the most famous one is, off course, Titanic and the only action in that movie is when Jack and Rose start banging!” Harper shakes her head again. ”Well, that and the ship sinking but I think we can all agree that that’s the kind of action we DON’T want to see on the cruise, unless you’re that Entity guy but who knows what he wants! To make a long story short Alicia? You pissed me off with that attack tonight, and I’m now extra motivated to kick your ass.

And all because you think I’m a nepotism baby, I can’t wait to make you eat those words.”

*end vlog*

The Medic’s Office, Climax Control 400, Inglewood, California
Sunday the 21st of July 2024, 23:15pm

We see Harper sitting on the edge of her hospital bad with Josh next to her, the teenage Bombshell is still banged up from Alicia’s attack but is trying to remain in high spirits regardless.

“Well Harper, you are free to go.” The medic informed her and Harper grinned before hopping off the bed. “I’d say take it easy but I’ve worked with SCW long enough to know that’s a tall ask for a wrestler from either division!”

”Not like I haven’t had my ass handed to me by a veteran wrestler before, right?” Harper asked with a slight grin as she glanced at some of the bruises on her body. ”Not to mention that I challenged Alicia to a Falls Count Anywhere Match on the Cruise Ship!”

“Be honest Harper, you just wanted to kick Alicia’s ass in the match didn’t you?” Joshua asked with a grin and Harper returned it.

”That I’m convinced that was would’ve had a Falls Count Anywhere match on the ship by now if it weren’t for the Roulette Wheel being suspended for most iterations of the event.” Harper commented with a shrug before she turned to the medic. ”I’m guessing you have pain killer meds for me?”

“Off course, just follow the instructions and you’ll be fine.” The medic responded before handing Harper the meds and she pocketed them for the time being, just then the door opened and Harper looked up. “I’ll be with you in a minute, I’m seeing to another wrestler.”

“It’s fine, because I’m one of that wrestler’s trainers.” Roxi responded and Josh and the medic looked up to see her walking up. “Mind giving me some alone with my student gentlemen?” The two men nodded before leaving the women alone. “Sorry Harper, I was resting from my match against Mercedes when you were attacked.”

”It’s fine, she pretty much blindsided me in the backstage area anyway.” Harper responded with a grunt as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”And for what? Because she thinks I’m a nepo baby? I’m surprised no she hasn’t brought up that I was trained by you and Keira.”

“Alicia has always been an intense woman that has been true for as long as she’s been in SCW and as far as I can tell? From back when she was in Honor Wrestling.” Roxi responded with a nod as Harper shifted her weight. ”And I’m sure Jessie has talked to you about her history with Alicia.”

”I know they first met in Honor and that Jessie was one of Honor Wrestling’s last champs before the SCW Merger, but I admittedly don’t know much about the beef between then.” Harper responded with a nod before letting out a sigh, ”But I can’t help but feel lie this is another instance of one of Jessie’s old rivals attacking me because Jessie won’t be back in the picture until late September/early October at least, we both know that Jessie’s body will need time to heal after she gives birth.”

“Indeed, same goes with Keira and her pregnancy.” Roxi nods in agreement before placing a comforting hand on Harper’s shoulder. “Alicia’s a tough wrestler but you’ve had some of the best training money could buy, play your cards right and your slump will end at Summer XXXTReme.”

”Is it really a slump when one of my matches this cycle was a handicap match against a then current and former champion?” Harper grunted in annoyance as she folded her arms. ”It’s been weeks sinc the match against Alexandra and Julianna and I’m still pissed off about it! And all because I pay tribute to you and Keira in my promos!”

“Maybe that’s a sign that you need your own unique signoff?” Roxi suggested and Harper raised an eyebrow at her. “Just a suggestion, I know Jessie went through a few.”

”I’ll think about it, that’ll all I can say.” Harper responded with a shrug before she stood up. ”And I’ve had enough of this arena for one night.”

“Just answer me this Harper.” Roxi requested and Harper turned to her trainer. “Are you feeling okay after the attack?”

”I’ll feel better once I get some painkillers in me but I’m fine, honestly Mercedes hit me harder with those Singapore Cain attacks back in December.” Harper responded with a  slight grin. ”And I’m sure Alicia will love to hear that!”

“No doubt!” Roxi responded with a grin before they walked off.

Harpin’ On With Harper, Harper’s Hotel Room, Inglewood, California
Monday the 22nd of July 2024, 11:00am

*on camera, start vlog*

As Harper starts her second vlog for the match we see the teenager leaning on her desk.

”You know what the sad things are about this Alicia? And yes, I meant things as in plural. One: you’ve fallen so far in relevance that you had to resort to targeting a promising young rookie and accuse her of being a nepo baby using nothing but circumstantial evidence.” Harper commented as she threw her hands up. ”What’s that? I arrived in SCW not long after Jessie’s retirement? I had to be talked into accepting the contract and I’ve scratched and clawed my way through the rankings, warts and all, but place continue to reveal that you only just started catching up with SCW TV in preparation for your return.

The other sad thing is that this isn’t the first time this kind of scenario has happened to be and it’s put you in the same category as Mercedes Vargas!”

Here we go.

”Yeah, that’s right, I just called Alicia fucking Lukas the Southern Mercedes Vargas! The only place I’ll give Alicia some credit for is knowing when to step away!” Harper added as she leaned back in her chair. ”And unless she proves me wrong in our Falls Count Anywhere Match on the cruise? I’m going to standby that statement for as long as we find ourselves in the same ring together Alicia!  What you’re about to learn about me is that I’m just as hot headed and stubborn as Jessie but also a lot nicer about it, unless off course, someone’s pissed me off and that’s when the gloves come off.

Guess what Alicia? The gloves have been off since you Powerbombed Seleana into me, and things have only gotten worse from there! Oh and by the way? Mercedes hits harder with weapons than you do!”

*end vlog*

Harper’s Loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday the 26th of July 2024, 16:00pm

We cut to Harper packing away her stuff for the Summer XXXTreme Cruise with Josh as her dogs watch on.

”Shame I can’t bring them on the ship with me.” Harper commented as she stroked Xavier. ”But I know Jessie had to do the same thing with Titan for last year’s event despite being the Roulette Champ at the time.”

“It’s down to the cruise ship’s rules more than anything else Haper.” Josh responded with a shrug and Harper nodded as she got the idea. “And besides, Jessie unable to go because of her pregnancy did leave her open to being able to look after your dogs.”

”Normally I’d ask my aunt but she and my kid siblings are attending Summer XXXTreme as guests, they wanted to see me wrestle at one of SCW’s big pay per views regardless of who it was against.” Harper responded with a frown as she leaned back. ”Wish she hadn’t waited until after I challenged Alicia to a Falls Count Anywhere Match to tell me but what can you do? She doesn’t even watch wrestling that much and doesn’t let my siblings watch it either.”

“Maybe a good showing against Alicia will change her mind?” Josh assured her and Harper grinned a bit at the idea. “Anything we’re missing?”

”My laptop will be packed away in the morning since it’s the lightest thing I have to carry and I still need to get some work done.” Harper responded with a shrug as she shook her head. ”Aside from that nothing really stands out I’m sure there’s something that’ll cross my mind on the day though, probably some swim suits or tops that I just have to wear.”

“That sounds about right.” Josh nodded with a small grin on his face. “Has Jessie told you about her post pregnancy plans?”

”She was planning to return to Uprising before that place shut its doors as for returning to SCW? She hasn’t said anything, and we probably won’t know for sure until at least a month after since her body will need time to recover once she’s given birth.” Harper explained as she shook her head. ”I know the bosses will be eager to get her back on a managerial contract again, it’s felt weird having SCW without Jessie for most of the year.”

“True, but I’m sure she has a plan.” Josh nodded before they resumed packing.

Harpin’ On With Harper, Harper’s Loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday the 26th of July 2024, 21:00pm

*on camera, promo time, start vlog*

As Harper prepares for her last vlog of th week she has one thing on her mind.

”Okay, I gotta ask, what is it about me that makes so many women want to kick my ass? Is it because I’m a rookie? My high school wrestling and taekwondo background says hi so just fucking try any shit with me! Is it because I’m a rookie who isn’t afraid to speak her mind? Look on Twitter/X these days and you’ll find at least a dozen young wrestlers like me! Or is it because I’m related to Jessie?” Harper shakes her head. ”Considering how controversial Jessie has been over the years that has to be it!

It's been just under a year since I signed my SCW Contract, since then I’ve been striving to probe that I’m not Jessie with curly dirty blonde hair! Hell we weren’t even born in the same Floridian cities!”

But I digress.

”Alicia, you can try to pretty it up by claiming that you targeted me because I’m a nepo baby but I think you’re full of shit! You just want to take out your rage at Jessie for giving me an opportunity last year that she literally could’ve given to anyone else!” Harper shakes her head with a sigh. ”But I realize weeks ago that the only way I’m gonna resolve this is by beating some sense into you Alicia, that was where the idea for the Falls Count Anywhere Match came from, well that and an excuse to beat someone up all over a cruise ship without getting arrested.

But make no mistake, I don’t care about your achievements or your place in the Hall of Fame Alicia, you’re just a bitter old has been content with taking her frustrations out on rookies but at Summer XXXTreme? That will sink to Six Feet Under.”

It’s that simple.

”My main criticism of the whole “nepo baby” bullshit is his Alicia: can you honestly look at any of my matches since I graduated from Hero Academy and say that I wouldn’t have been on the bosses’ radars without Jessie offering me that contract?” Harper asked bluntly before shaking her head. ”You can’t because that pokes a hole in your whole nepo baby claims, but after that attack? Now I’m angry and I’m taking it out on you Alicia!”

And with that Harper decided to wrap things up.

”I mean, when you faced Seleana in your return match it seemed like you hadn’t lost a step since leaving but that was against Seleana, what good will that do you against a young, hungry and angry competitor like me?” Harper shakes her head. ”None at all because the world needs a new hero and her name is “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason, see you in the ring! Or outside it, either way, see you at the cruise Alicia!”

Harper turned off her webcam as the scene fades.

Narrator:  Bill and Bea Barnhart had an extremely interesting match at Climax Control 400 against Despayre and Candy in a Candyland Hardcore Rules Match. Bill and Bea lost the match but both are happy they had a good performance. Now Bill Barnhart is assigned to the Roulette Championship Match at Summer XXXTREME XII on the Princess Cruise Ship. He will be facing the current Roulette Champion, Alexander Raven, and also Eddye Lyons and Aiden Reynolds. Bill told me that after his video interview with Anthony Amey who is the Sports Broadcaster for WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta, Georgia, he will directly address Alexander Raven, Eddie Lyons, and Aiden Reynolds.


The scene opens and we get a shot of Anthony Amen in the Sports Broadcast Studio at WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta, Georgia, and we also get a shot of Bill Barnhart but we are not given the information of where Bill is broadcasting from.

Anthony Amey:  Congratulations on earning a spot in the Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme XII. With you being a two-time Roulette Champion I am looking forward to you winning the Roulette Championship for your third time.

Bill:  Me too Anthony. I want to prove to everyone that I still have what it takes to be the Roulette Champion.

Anthony Amey:  Do you have a history against Alexander Raven, Eddie Lyons, or Aiden Reynolds?

Bill:  I will go into specific detail of my history against those three wrestlers when I do a detailed presentation for the upcoming Roulette Championship match so for now, for the benefit of you and your viewers, overall against Alexander Raven, Eddie Lyons, and Aiden Reynolds I am 3 wins, 5 losses, and no draws. Sorry to run off on you Anthony but I have some items to take care of and I have to arrange for a camera crew to come to my location so I can broadcast my specific comments for my match. Thanks for inviting me on your broadcast Anthony.

Anthony Amey:  The pleasure is always mine to interview you and Bea and soon I also had an interview with Felix Hernandez on my broadcast.

After Anthony Amey’s closing comments the broadcast ends and our television goes dark.

We take a break since Bill had to stop broadcasting to get to the location where he will present his specific comments for his upcoming Roulette Championship Match at Summer XXXTreme XII.


When the scene comes on our screen we see Bill Barnhart standing on the dock at the World Cruise Center at the Port of Los Angeles which is located in San Pedro, California. This Cruise Ship port is located approximately 20 miles South of Los Angeles. Bill is smartly dressed in black slacks, a really sharp looking pink Polo shirt, and he is wearing matching pink dress shoes. We also notice that Bill is holding a binder with papers inside so we assume it contains information he will be presenting during this air time. When the camera person informs Bill they are live broadcasting Bill begins his comments.

Bill:  Thanks to everyone for joining me today. I have much information to present so I ask that you pay attention so that later down the way you will not claim that you were not informed.

Bill opens the binder and he begins presenting the information contained in it.

Bill:  The first thing I wish to present are the reasons I will become a three-time Roulette Champion at Summer XXXTreme XII. My history as Roulette Champion in Sin City Wrestling is that I held the Roulette Champion twice. My first reign as Roulette Champion was earned on October 3, 2021 and I then lost the Roulette Championship on April 3, 2022, for a reign of 6 months. My second reign as Roulette Champion was earned on October 30, 2022 and then I lost the Roulette Champion on January 15, 2023 for a reign of three months. My two reigns as Roulette Champion totals nine months. Now at Summer XXXTreme XII I will become a three time Roulette Champion and I plan on successfully defending it for a very long time.

Bill flashes two thumbs up into the camera.

Bill:  So how long have my three opponents in the Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme XII held the Roulette Championship? Alexander Raven has held the Roulette Championship twice for a total of 5 months. Eddie Lyons has held the Roulette Championship once for a total of five months. And, finally, Aiden Reynolds held the Roulette Championship once for a total of 2 weeks. Did you get that? Aiden held the Roulette Championship for a mere TWO weeks!

Bill laughs loudly.

Bill:  Do any of you honestly think I am NOT confident going into the Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme XII when I held the Roulette Championship longer than Alexander Raven has. . .longer than Eddie Lyons has...and a hell of a lot longer than Aiden Reynolds has? If you think I am running scared then you are morons! I am not in this Roulette Championship match to roll over and play dead. I am in this Roulette Championship match to kick ass and walk away from the match as the newly crowned Roulette Champion for my third Roulette Championship reign.

Bill flips through the binder to read information from another page in the binder.

Bill:  I want to present additional information for the benefit of everyone watching my presentation. That additional information gives you the history of my matches against Alexander Raven, Eddie Lyons, and Aiden Reynolds. I have done six matches against Alexander Raven and I am 2 wins and 4 losses against him. I have done two matches with Eddie Lyons and I am 1 win and 1 loss against him. I have not yet had a match against Aiden Reynolds but after I win the Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme XII I will be 1-0 against Aiden and he will be 0-1 against me.


Bill:  I am sure most of you want to know what the BOTTOM LINE is in our Roulette Championship match is at Summer XXXTreme XII and that is a good question. I have defeated Alexander Raven before. I have defeated Eddie Lyons before. And I will defeat Aiden Reynolds in this match.

Bill grins into the camera.

Bill:  This type of match, which is an Ultimate X over the pool match, for the Roulette Championship, is not about wrestling abilities. This match is not about how many times you can body slam your opponent. This match is all about which wrestler will be the first to climb the structure to take possession of the Roulette Championship Belt. Also if any wrestler is climbing the structure and loses their grip, or their footing, and fall into the pool they are eliminated from the match.

Bill gives a deep stern look into the camera.

Bill:  I plan on quickly climbing up the structure and taking possession of the Roulette Championship Belt. If anyone gets close to me while I am climbing up the structure I will knock them so hard they will fall into the pool and be eliminated. If anyone thinks I am in this match to play nice then you are dead wrong in your assumption. I am in this match to win the Roulette Championship for my third time and nobody is going to stop me from obtaining the Roulette Championship for a third time. Not Alexander Raven. . .not Eddie Lyons. . .and for damn sure not Aiden Reynolds. Just deal with my win for the Roulette Championship because you have no choice but to deal with my win!

Bill appears that he is about to end the broadcast of his comments on his upcoming match but instead of doing that he looks deeply into the camera and continues commenting.

Bill:  Alexander, Eddie, Aiden, I will not only beat you down figuratively. . .I will not only beat you down verbally. . .and I will not only beat you down literally. . .I will add to those concepts of the beat down I will give to you three that, after I earn the Roulette Championship, I will leap off the structure that is over the pool and I will land in the pool and make a literal huge splash when I hit the water in the pool. If you think I am joking. . .if you think I am not capable of doing what I say I will do. . .and if any of you think that you will walk away as the newly crowned Sin City Wrestling Roulette are flat out WRONG!!!

Bill informs the camera person that he is finished with his comments and that they can cut their camera feed. The camera person calls into the Network to let them know Bill is done with his comments and the Network cuts the feed to the camera and our screen goes dark.

« Last post by Andrew on July 24, 2024, 08:58:44 AM »

Narrator:  I had a talk with Felix Hernandez before I went live with my introduction comments. Trust me that Felix is fired up and he is going to get a win over Justin Smith and start moving up in the rankings.

The scene shifts to a shot of Felix Hernandez. We are not sure where he is located as we do not recognize the background but maybe he will tell us where he is located.


We get a shot of Anthony Amey who is the Sports Anchor at WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta.

Anthony Amey:  Thank you for tuning in for my interview with Sin City Wrestling’s Felix THE CAT Hernandez. Welcome to my broadcast and would you inform the viewers where you are located while we are conducting this interview?

Felix:  I am on the Princess Cruise Ship. I am not going to state specifically where I am located but I am on board the Cruise ship.

Anthony Amey:  Oh, come on Felix, at least give us a general idea where you are located on the Cruise Ship. Giving a general location will ensure you will not be bothered by people who want to shake your hand or talk with you.

Felix:  I can do that Anthony. I am in my room on the Cruise Ship. Since there are many rooms, and many different deck levels where rooms are located, I am sure nobody will figure out where I am located so that they can bother me.

Anthony Amey:  I feel bad that you had two matches since arriving in Sin City Wrestling and you lost both of them. Starting out 0-2 in a new Wrestling Federation is not the best feeling for a wrestler. How are you feeling about starting out in Sin City Wrestling at 0-2?

Felix:  I had a Triple Threat match against Aiden Reynolds and Justin Smith where Aiden Reynolds won. Prior to that match I had a match against Jack Daniels and lost. Currently I am 0-2 in Sin City Wrestling but I am going to redeem myself by soundly defeating Justin Smith and then I will start getting assigned to more interesting matches and then get sent to challenge for Championships.

Anthony Amey:  That is a great positive attitude Felix. Before I move on to questions from the fans in Georgia, since you live in Athens, Georgia, are you still perplexed at what happened during the Mixed Tag Team match where your friends, Bill and Bea Barnhart lost to Despayre and Candy?

Felix:  Everyone wins matches and everyone loses matches and that applies to everyone. Despayre is known to be an extremely talented wrestler and his team pulled off the win. The only thing that has my head spinning is the magical nature of Angel the Teddy Bear. I am still not sure if when Angel threw Bill Barnhart down if that really happened or if everyone was having a mass hallucination. Oh well. . .that match is done and in the record books so we all have to look forward.

Anthony Amey:  I have three questions from the fans. The first question is if you have lived in Athens, Georgia, for some time or did you move to Georgia when you found out Bill and Bea Barnhart lived in Lawrenceville which is half way between Athens where you live and the City of Atlanta.

Felix:  Way back when Asylum Wrestling Alliance was active I worked in that Wrestling Federation with Bill Barnhart. I lived in Athens, Georgia at that time and after Asylum Wrestling Alliance closed up the Federation I returned home to Athens, Georgia. When Bill and Bea asked me to join with Sin City Wrestling I decided to join and here I am.

Anthony Amey:  The second question is if you feel bad that you lost in your first two matches in Sin City Wrestling.

Felix:  I have been semi-retired from wrestling after Asylum Wrestling Alliance closed. I kept in shape by working out at the Gym and participating in other sports for general activity and enjoyment. I knew coming in to Sin City Wrestling that they had some of the best talent in the wrestling world. Losing my first two matches, with one being a Singles match and the other a Triple Threat happened and that is why I am picking up my pace as I want to get to the point where Sin City Management will send me to challenge for Championships.

Anthony Amey:  The last question asks if you plan on creating a Mixed Tag Team with Bea since she is already a Mixed Tag Team with Bill.

Felix:  I respect Bill and Bea Barnhart immensely. I don’t feel it would be a correct move to have Bill and Bea as an already established Mixed Tag Team and then I were to also team with Bea as a Mixed Tag Team. So if I do get the urge to enter into a Mixed Tag Team deal then I would team with someone other than Bea so there are no conflicts.

Anthony Amey:  Thanks for your time Felix. I wish you the best in your match against Justin Smith and in all your future matches in Sin City Wrestling.

After Anthony Amey delivers his final comments the camera feed from his Sports studio at WSB-TV Challen 2 is cut and our screen flickers for a moment before the broadcast from the Cruise Ship is sent to replace the feed from WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta. We are again looking at a camera shot of Felix THE CAT Hernandez.

Felix:  Justin if you think being 4 inches taller than me and 85 pounds heavier is going to get you the victory over me you are mistaken, sadly mistaken, and you will lose to me. I do not need interference to get a win over you. I do not need special favors from the entity that controls my Magic Bag Of Tricks Stainless-Steel Briefcase to get a win over you. All I need is the combination of my intelligence and wrestling abilities to get the win over you. You have been told. . .you have been warned. . .so when I easily defeat you please do not run around complaining and crying about your loss to me.

Felix informs the camera person that he is done with his comments for today and the camera person cuts their camera feed and the scene goes dark.

« Last post by Dreamkiller on July 22, 2024, 08:41:01 AM »
Chapter 44: Memory Lane

After my conversation with my sister, I couldn’t get this nagging feeling out of my mind. This feeling that I’ve missed something. That an answer to the problems that I had was right in front of me. But for some reason, I couldn’t see it.

Do you know what that’s like?

To have this question gnawing at your stomach. Just eating at you and pushing you. Right to the point where you don’t know what is up and what is down and where you are. That’s what I’ve been dealing with for the last few weeks. And before, I leave and go on a cruise ship to defend my championship. I feel like I need to have that question answered.

I had so many questions. Wondering what I could do to change everything that was happening. Wondering how I could get Finn to let me in. He was so insistent on doing everything himself. Facing everything himself. I needed to know how I could change his mind and show him that us doing this together would make us both stronger than trying to do everything separately. So many questions…

And I knew exactly where to find the answers.

It was a long drive, leaving the city where I lived, moving out, and going to upstate New York. The irony being that it was very close to where my sister lived. She told me that she wanted to forget everything that we went through, I don’t know how she’d be able to do that considering she lived so close to where our torment happened. But it Always Amused me how she dealt with trauma. And never ceased to amaze me how she was always able to find the bright side in everything that happened.

It made us stronger she said, and gave us a new appreciation for what we could have in life. And I suppose to her that was true. She had a husband who loved her, daughters who adored her, and a career and a life where it wasn’t Something that would destroy her body. As much as she still loved professional wrestling, her hiatus had turned into more of an unofficial retirement. That was something I couldn’t do.

I couldn’t walk away.

I made my way up, out of the city, through the suburbs. Large rolling planes and parks, beautiful sunshine as we were in the middle of summer. American summer. I was boiling. You, you have to remember remember, I grew up in England.

The car came to a stop, I gave a small nod and stepped out. I took a deep breath instead heading to the large iron gate, the compound where I had spent a year of torment. A year where I had become a member of a gypsy clan, that cared only about one thing. The gaining of money.

It wasn’t always like that. The first time I came across these gates, I was happy. Jase had promised me the world. Promised that he could help my career reach New Heights. Promised that I would have that sense of family that I had always been missing. He knew exactly what to exploit. He knew exactly what to tell me to gain my trust and pull the wall over my eyes. But at the time I didn’t know that. I was a stupid kid and I saw these gates as a gateway to happiness. A gateway to acceptance.

The first time I walked into the compound, I was greeted by women who looked like me, dark hair, tattoos, everything.

And here I was, a few years later walking past the gate. Now it was rusted and falling apart but when I first saw it it was galvanized iron, when the sun hit it just right there was a shine that would go across the ground. The buildings were beaten up and old. The paint was peeling, the grass was overgrown. No one had been here since that night. The night that Renée was murdered everything got flipped upside down. I remember running across the grass, getting to the wall, and jumping over it with Amber. I remember the feeling of freedom, and the irony of all of it was that Jace was the one who helped us leave.

I felt like I was having a panic attack, looking at all these places that I had spent so much time. And felt so much pain. I froze, looking at the large building that we all used to walk into. Every single Sunday it was time to see who the strongest was. Men and women, bare-knuckle fighting. The sound of flesh hitting flesh and bone hitting bone. The smell of sweat and blood mixed together. I could smell it now. It’s a very distinct smell. It’s something that once you know it then you’ll always know it.

The door was open.

I couldn’t help myself, moving through into the large room. A room with a concrete floor. A room that was wide open with loadbearing pillars throughout. There was still blood stains on the ground. They had never been cleaned up, it was never a priority. I close my eyes and was able to feel every single punch I took in that fucking place. Every single shot, every single cheer when I would get hit every single cheer when I would hit someone else. I could feel it, cheekbones breaking underneath my knuckles. Fingers breaking when I would put my hands and arms over my face and would crack against an elbow.

I had to get out. Moving back into the main part of the compound, walking right to the back. The main destination and reason why I was here. My room.

I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. Pushing open the door and stepping in. It was exactly how it was when I left. A single bed in the corner of the room, a room that was about the size of a prison cell. Small TV in the opposite corner, and a lockbox sitting under it. I grabbed hold of it, moving the tumblers to the correct phone number combination. It clicked and it opened.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes and flipping it open. And there it was. A stack of pictures. Photos that I had taken with an old Polaroid camera that I had bought from a shop down the road when I was allowed to have money. I flicked through the photos looking for the one in particular that I remember. A photo that at the time meant nothing to Me. But passed them all, photos of myself and Amber, Jace, and Renée, and other members of the family that I thought I wanted or needed. The Romani who were only nice to me when they wanted something

But the picture I wanted was one of Renée by himself.

The king of the gypsies. The leader of the Romani. The older brother of Jace and my sister‘s ex-husband. Deceased. And nobody cried. But there was something about this photo. Something about the day. We were meeting people in the middle of the city, and I snapped a fast photo. I thought it was just Renée by himself but there was always something in the background, something that I couldn’t put my finger on. And I could see it.

I needed to get this to Finn. I needed him to see it. I needed him to know that I knew everything.


The Moon

How amazing are cruise ships? Floating cities. Filled with restaurants and bars and clubs as well as sometimes arcades to go and have some fun. In some cases they even have casinos. That isn’t what Kayla Richard gave a shit about right now. No, we find Kayla in her natural habitat. Lying on a deck chair next to the pool, a whiskey sitting next to her

”Summer Xxxtreme. My favorite SuperCard. Some members of our roster aren’t on the boat yet. They have other engagements with other companies and they will join us at another port of call. But Me? I don’t need other appointments. I don’t need other jobs. I am simply the queen of Sin City wrestling. And as such I get to come onto this boat and onto the cruise right when we leave and relax. I can relax and I can get ready for my match in front of all the fans that are also on this boat. Luckily, I negotiated a first-class ticket. Any fans that are up here are usually the richer ones who are smart enough to pay for the opportunity and honor of spending time with Me or getting an autograph.”

“And I know what most of you were thinking. I really am being an arrogant bitch. The thing is? It’s not arrogance if you live up to the cocky nature that you are exuding. And I’d like to think that I’ve earned the right to be an arrogant cocky bitch. Hell, I just defended the mixed tag team championships with Finn. Again. I finally buried Alexandra Calloway and watched as Finn slapped Miles upside the head and hopefully slap some sense into him.”

“Now, before I get into the ins and outs of this match and what it means to me, I just need to address you, Alexandra”

“Part of my job being a champion, whether or not that is the mix tag team champion or the A-bomb shell champion is to teach. I need to show the rest of you how you were supposed to carry yourselves in the position that I’m in just in case one of you is lucky enough all good enough to take my spot. Alexandra was never going to take my spot. She’s not good enough to take my spot. So, Alexandra, I hope you are paying attention. Maybe, just maybe you’ll learn something. Because all you do is lose and all I do is win. You lost it PWS you lost at Sin City when you watched your roulette championship disappear and then you failed along with Miles to take those tag team championships from us.”

“You….are a failure…much like Eiley and her dimwit lazy loud-mouthed mentor, just like Ariana Angels. Just like everyone else who failed against me…”

Kayla couldn’t help but smile. She reached up, grabbed her sunglasses, and lifted them to the top of her head. Her long black hair was done in a tight bun on the top of her head with a black and red polka dot bikini covering her unmentionable parts while showing off her body and tattoos.

”Now, failure is often a necessary step towards success. It is something that I’ve lived my life by. I’m not perfect. Well, I am. But my record isn’t. I’ve lost matches. Here and in every other company that I’ve been in. But do you know what separates me from people like Ariana or Alexandra or even my opponent for the SuperCard Luna? When I lose, I come back stronger. I make sure that it doesn’t happen again. All you have to do is look at my history at this very event.”

“Two years ago. Summer Cxxtreme 10, I was involved in the roulette championship match. The four-way over the pool ultimate X. A match that has become synonymous with this event. I got in the ring well, over the pool, with Mercedes Vargas, lady Melissa, and Kat Jones. Three women who are stars. Admittedly Mercedes is aging and nowhere near as good as she used to be, Miss Jones seems to be very flaky when it comes to actually staying in a company and Melissa?, has had to take time off and come back but she is someone who has actually beaten me. And she has my respect.”

“Now, that was my first real opportunity at a championship in this company. Admittedly it was for a championship that I didn’t want. But a championship is a championship and always adds to your legacy and allows you to go after other ones. Well, I lost that match. I lost that match and I lost that opportunity. I was unable to win and at the end of the day, it counts as a loss against me. I mean yeah, I didn’t get pinned. I didn’t submit but I still lost the match.”

“I hate losing.”

“Everyone does. If you don’t hate losing a passion and if you are not always trying to bet yourself and get to that point where you win a hell of a lot more than you lose then you shouldn’t even be in this company or this business. This business is all about winning. Some people will tell you it’s all about the fans and entertaining them and some such nonsense but the truth is this business is about winning and people love winners. That’s what I am.”

She chuckles to herself and sits up before leaning over and grabbing her whiskey taking a sip and placing it back down onto the small table. A man dressed in white holding a serving tray walks over and puts another full glass next to her and takes the empty one. Kayla gives him a small note of appreciation before continuing.

”And the following year…last year, I proved it. The following year I went into the SuperCard as a champion. As the Internet champion. In that year I had gone from someone who was a prospect that a lot of people had respect for, to being rookie of the year in this company becoming the Internet champion, and then going on a tear destroying everyone who they put in front of me. All because I lost one match”

“Diamond Steele tried everything to take my Internet championship off of Me. And she failed. Now, we can all sit there and laugh at her because she comes from a family of people who tend not to do their best under pressure. But at the end of the day, she still was trying to take a championship off of Me and I still had to beat her. And I did. Because again, that’s what I do. In the space of 12 months, I had gone from someone who lost the biggest opportunity of their career to date to being a dominant champion.”

“12 Months…”

“What a difference a year makes huh? Now, I have been in this company for two years. And in that time I have had four different championship reigns. Three Internet championship reigns, a mixed tag team title, and of course the world bombshell championship. Two years, five championships, and an undefeated record on climax control. as well as a Rookie of the Year award. Now I have a question for every one of you. Has anyone in this company for two years done what I’ve done?”

“The answer…is no.”

She flashes a smile, full of arrogance. And why wouldn’t she be arrogant?

”Do you have any idea how much pressure that is? Finn and I are both doing something that has never been done in this company before. Holding two championships and defending them at the same time. Don’t get me wrong, others have held two championships at the same time, but they’ve had to give one of them up soon after. Finn and I are defending them both. We’ve held the mixed tag team championships for almost a year and we have both held the top championships in this company for almost 100 days apiece.”

“That is real pressure. And it’s a pressure that not everyone can handle. It’s a pressure that will break so many others. Some people will turn them into diamonds, like myself. Others will crumble and be destroyed and end up in pieces. But it’s not just holding the two championships. The biggest pressure of all is being the bombshells champion.”

“See you have to put the entire division on your back. You have to try and bring people up to your level so the entire division can be lifted as a whole.”

“That is a type of pressure that so many others just can’t handle. And everything I’ve seen leaves Me to believe that Luna Pasilno can’t handle that pressure…..”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve said in the past that I like Luna and that I respect Luna. And I do. I think you are an incredible athlete. Someone who loves to get into a fight and will do everything they can to win. It doesn’t matter what it is. All you want to do is have your hand raised at the end of the match. And you have a desire and a hunger for the world bombshells championship.”

This causes Kayla to set up. Becoming more serious instead of relaxing as the clouds drift by and the sun comes down. She drinks her second whiskey and puts the glass back onto the table with a thud.

”You were so hungry for the championship that you were able to drag Sean Parker to a win in the blast from the past. That alone should show how unbelievably driven you are. You can lead a man to the finals and beat your own husband in the final with him to get a shot at the championship. And to be honest with you? If you don’t come home with this championship, I’m sure that Alexander will be less than pleased.”

“Thing is I’m not going to stand here or sit here and say that you don’t have a chance of winning. Because you do. You have a better chance than most. You are certainly a woman who has all the tools and abilities to beat Me and take the championship away from me. I’m not gonna pretend that you don’t. What I’m calling into question is whether or not you have what it takes to deal with the pressure that comes with being a champion.”

“The pressure that comes with leading the entire division.”

“You had a chance to dethrone me and Finn as the mixed tag team champions with your husband by your side. You are the only one going into that match without a championship and you were the only one to leave that match without a championship. You had it all there and in the end, you failed because you can’t handle that amount of pressure being put on you.”

“You have been in this company for a year and a half. And in that time you were able to capture the roulette championship and the Internet championship. Your roulette championship win was impressive but still ended up failing when you lost that title to Jesse Salco. And what is worse? You won the Internet championship, a title that I made famous. And you lost it to Ariana Angelos. After 20 days. Are you kidding me?”

Kayla throws her hands in the air and gets to her feet. Clearly annoyed and angry and now getting on a roll.

”I didn’t really bring this up any other time I’ve talked to you or about you because I was waiting till now. I wanted to see exactly how you would react to facing Me in that mixed tag team championship match. And when you failed, I lost it. Part of me wanted you to succeed, part of me wanted you to show me that you had that fire and you were good enough to take the bombshells championship off of me. But, you lost the roulette championship to Jesse Salo and then lost the Internet championship to Ariana Angelos after I spent six months trying to keep it out of her grubby little mitts, and that just shows me that you are not ready for something like the world bombshell championship”

“You aren’t ready, you aren’t worthy, and even though you won the blast from the past you are not someone who should be in this main event. I dragged Julianna DiMaria to back-to-back main events and now I’m taking you to one. But the differences she earned it by being a champion.”

“You haven’t got that past.”

“But, who knows, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’ll be able to surprise me and shock the world and take the championship from me. After all, I’ve already said that you are good enough to do it. And I meant it when I said that. But I wonder what will happen afterward. Think about that Luna. If you win this championship, what happens after it? Winning a championship isn’t just beating someone on one night and being able to raise the championship belt over your head and say that you’re the best. It’s proving it night in and night out and doing everything that you can to make sure the championship remains where it needs to be.”

“Can you do it?”

“Or, will you crumble under the pressure? Because I know when I’m putting my money.”
« Last post by Alicia Lukas on July 22, 2024, 08:38:05 AM »
Still got it.

It was never a welcome back.

It couldn’t be one of those, because she never left. Alicia Lukas was always around Wolfslair. As a senior instructor, it was her job to help. Some of the youngest students become the best that they could be transitioning them from students to members to bona fide stars. And also to support Austin James Mercer. The man that she had fallen in love with after so long of just being friends and stablemates.

But arriving at the gym today was different. On a normal day, she would arrive at around 6 am, greet some of the students who had been there earlier, and walk inside before drinking her coffee and going about her day. Praising and grading people's growth as wrestlers, filling out paperwork, and making sure anyone who wanted to come in had signed releases.

This was her life, and it was a pleasant one. She enjoyed it. She got to spend time with Alex and Sonia, she spent time with Austin, and then would be home in time to see her son come home from school and then spend time with them. But through it all, something was missing.

And today was the first day of her fight back to do what she loved. 4 am. That is when she arrived. She wanted to get a Headstart on everything that she was going to do. A coffee in her hand, a salad and egg wrap in the other. She unlocked the door, walking in to find no one else was there. She took a deep breath finished eating and drank her coffee before turning on the lights and looking around.

Wolfslair was eerie when it was empty.

A large warehouse, filled with a weight room and grappling mats and rings as well as punching bags and plenty of cardio equipment. But when no one else was there, when it was dark outside, it looked haunted. Alicia laughed to herself, shaking her head as she took off her black Hoody. She let it fall across one of the benches to the side and started stretching. Dressed in a pair of pink trainers, black yoga pants, and a pink and red top, she stretched and warned herself up.

She closed her eyes getting close to one of the practice rings. While she had been inside the rings and worked with some of the students this was the first time she was getting in with the sole purpose of getting in ring shape. Returning to do the thing that she had loved and missed. For over a year she had been doing this as her profession, not even thinking about returning to the company that took her in and helped her make strides in becoming a household name and a legend. But that was different now. She wanted it, she needed it. The hunger had returned.

Alicia pulled herself up onto the apron and ran her hand along the top rope before smiling and stepping in between them. She lightly jogged around the ring, feeling the movement of it, the plywood boards underneath her feet, the canvas moving as she stepped sideways. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before leaning against the ropes and running. She ran across the ring, hitting the ropes on the opposite side and picking up momentum. Each crossing getting faster and faster before she stopped and made a pivot crossing to the other side and back-and-forth.

It was not the same as being in one of SCW’s rings. They used traditional four-sided ones whereas SCW had the Mexican six-sided set up. But it didn’t matter. Right now? Alicia was home.

After about 45 seconds she stopped, slowing down as she took in deep breaths. She was unable to breathe, sweat already forming on her brow as her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest. ”What the fuck? I used to be able to do this for a few minutes.” She said it to herself, trying to motivate herself. And she was right, Alicia used to be able to run the ropes and change direction and keep doing it for well over three minutes. Running at full speed the entire time.

Had she gotten so out of shape?

She still looked like herself, she still had abs, she still had muscles, but as any real pro will tell you doing weights and cardio and keeping yourself in great shape is still no substitute for actually being in the ring and hitting those ropes.

”It takes time…”

Alex’s voice cut through the silence. He had walked in while Alicia was running, his arms folded over his chest as he shook his head and smiled at her. Stepping forward and moving closer to the ring. ”Getting it back…”

Alicia gave a small nod, sucking in deep breaths before looking over at Alex and leaning against the top rope. ”I know. Not the first time I’ve had time off.”

Alex chuckled and jumped up onto the apron standing next to her. ”Yeah. But it’s not the same.” Alex put his foot on the bottom rope and leaned across the top. Looking sideways at Alicia with a small smile. ”Anytime you’ve needed to step away because of an injury or because of time off with a company it’s been for a short amount of time and it’s been out of your control.” Alex paused, he gave a small shrug and then clasped his hands together. ”This was a choice. This is a year and a half of you taking time away because you needed it. So it is completely different.”

Alicia swallowed he was right. This was her choice. And even if Alex didn’t mean to do it, Alicia felt like she was being judged for taking time off. ”Yeah. I know.”

”Why are you coming back?” Alicia swallowed, she was going to choose her words carefully, but before she could answer Alex interrupted himself. ”Wait…before you answer that….let me tell you why I haven’t….” Alicia looked over, surprised that Alex wanted to share why he had never returned to wrestling ”I have thought about it. Seems to be a myth that I haven’t. But I have. And the reason why I never returned and pulled the trigger is because when I ask myself if I want to or what the reason is there’s doubt. And you can’t have doubt in this.”

”That’s just it…” Alicia laughed to herself, stepping back closer to the center of the ring as she noticed that behind Alex other members of the gym had started to filter in. ”I asked myself, is it time? And every single time I asked myself that question for about a week I came up with the same answer. Yes. There was no doubt.”

Alex smiled warmly, tapping the top rope before jumping down and backing away from Alicia as some of the students watched. ”Then you’ll be fine…you’re doing it for the right reasons…...”


” Normally I love this show…but right now? I need focus not fun.”

Alicia is sitting alone in her cabin. The blinds are drawn across her glass doors that lead out to her balcony. Only a few lines of light can escape into The otherwise dark room. She leans forward, a hooded sweatshirt over her upper body with the hood up.

”My return was successful. I knew it was going to be. There was never any question or doubt in my mind. The second I saw who I was facing. I knew that I was going to win and start off my return in a positive way. People have forgotten what I’m capable of. Sometimes you need to walk away and let people forget so when you come back the memory becomes so much better. It’s like when you stop going to a favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite dish, and you have just that right amount of time where you have happy memories but you forget the flavor.”

“I am that flavor. I came to Sin City wrestling just after it had come back from a hiatus. This division was in a complete mess. No one in the company was a real star that could take the bombshell division to an acceptable level. The champion was Danielle Weston. I want that to sink in for all of you. She was the champion. The world champion of this company and the bombshells division.”

“Are you kidding?”

“As good as she thought she was she got a rude awakening when I came into this company. I was already a double champion in another company that SinCity had merged with or bought out depending on who you asked. Christian and Mark, two men who are a hell of a lot smarter than people give them credit for you the kind of person that they were getting when they brought me in. They knew exactly what they were doing. Christian even told me one time that he was disappointed the other times they tried to lure me away from honor or WWH to come to Sin City wrestling.”

She laughed at herself and shook her head. Staying forward letting some of her blonde strains of hair slow down in front of her face.

”But, I still got here. And when I did it did not take very long for me to unify all those championships into one. People tend to forget that the Bombshells championship in this company also carries the lineage of the honor wrestling women’s championship as well as the honor wrestling legacy women’s championship. All three of those titles are together because of me because I came to this company. After all, I made the division mean something.”

“And being able to beat Seleana again makes me happy. It gives me life. But it also proves something very important to people like Harper. I still have it. I never lost it. I have been at home relaxing and every single little injury that I picked up over the 10+ years before that had healed. I am in better shape now than I have been for years and that means something very horrible not just for Harper Mason but for the rest of the division.”

“But, to start my climb back up which I wanted to do from the bottom because I believe the people should earn things I’m going after Harper Mason. And again I want to preface that and I want to make sure you all know what I mean..”

“I have earned everything that I have ever been given. Every single opportunity at a championship. Every single match against a legend and every single main event and award I’ve ever gotten I’ve been able to get through earning it and through hard work and dedication to professional wrestling. And I understand that not everybody has the same drive and dedication that I do. But they should. And someone like Harper Mason doesn’t deserve to be in the position that they are in.”

Alicia stands up, throwing her arms in the air she paces back and forth across the room.

”I told you the reasons why I came after you when I came back, Harper. And you haven’t listened. You haven’t taken it on board and learned a goddamn lesson. So now I’m going to go deeper into this. Before I was able to get a contract in this company, I traveled the goddamn world. I went from America to Japan and I followed in my father’s footsteps. My father had a career in Japan. They didn’t see people who were over 7 feet tall and could move like him.”

“I trained, I thought, I scratched and I Claude for everything. And after years of working my way up through the Japanese system I came back to the United States and had to start from square one at a different company. I started in honor wrestling. And I had to drag myself up through there as well. I did the same thing at WWH. Every single company that I have ever joined, I have started from the bottom and I’ve worked my way up. Never trading on my father‘s name, never trading on any of the connections that I’ve made in this business. Even in this company, the only reason I got a world title shot at the beginning was because I was coming in as a champion.”

“Even my sister who Harper has brought up many times had to earn her stripes in this company. She got her contract because Christian and Mark saw the work that she had done in other companies and brought her here. I did nothing for her. I didn’t get her a contract. I didn’t talk to either of them. I waited until they found her”

“But you?”

“What did you do?”

“Before Sin City wrestling where were you? Did you win any championships in other companies or the independent scene? And that we would hear about or not? Have you done anything outside of this company to earn your spot? I can answer that. You haven’t. You got handed a contract as a favor from your cousin to come to this company and start your career. That is a slap in the face to everyone who has ever had to work their way to get here. It’s a slap in the face to me. It’s a slap in the face to Zoe. It’s a slap in the face to Bella Madison who never had to trade on her mother‘s name to get to where she is.”

Alicia is getting worked up and angry as her hands ball up into fists and her body language starts to stiffen.

”You have not had to do anything. And when I saw you go out there and start running your mouth like you were actually a star it ate me up. So I went out there and I told you exactly what I thought. I didn’t say it behind your back, I didn’t try and undercut you, I went out and I said it to your face. I told you exactly what I thought and I told you exactly what I meant. And what did you do Harper? Did you simply take my criticisms? No, you ignored me and then talk shit on social media.”

“So I came after you to prove a point. You then decided to mess with me and tried to get in my head by being on commentary and when my opponent ended up getting run into you, you took exception to it and jumped me. And at that moment it was war. It changed from me trying to teach you something and me trying to get you to realize that being an entitled weekly is not going to get you anywhere to me wanting to destroy you. Because believe it or not Harper when all of this started I wanted to teach you and I wanted to show you how to be the person that you want to be”

“But you couldn’t get past your own ego.”

“And hey I know I have an ego. But the difference between us is that I’ve earned mine. I earned mine by winning all of those awards. I earned mine by being one of the longest-reigning bombshells champions of all time and I earned mine by beating some of the best this company has had to offer. But you have not had the right to earn an ego. You have not paid your dues you have done nothing to earn your spot so I’m gonna make you earn it.”

She chuckles and calms herself down.

”Summer Xxxtreme 12. An almost yearly extravaganza where we all packed together on a cruise ship and entertain the fans and meet them face-to-face. One of the biggest supercars of the year. I’m going to do you a favor and teach you a lesson. But instead of trying to teach you a lesson by throwing the fact that you’re an entitled bitch in your face, I’m going to teach you a lesson by beating the hell out of you and making you earn your position.”

“And I can do it anywhere on the boat that I choose. Yes, the match will start in the ring Harper. But it’s not going to end there. I’m gonna drag you out of that ring and I am going to walk you all around the boat I am going to beat the hell out of you and every single cabin, smash your face into every single one of the bars, I’m gonna take you to the casino and I’m gonna throw you across the goddamn rule at table. And when all is said and done. When you are looking at me and begging for me to get off of you, I’m going to keep going because I’m going to drag you into deepwater. After all, I want to see what you’re made of.”

“Cause if I had to guess? You aren’t made of anything. You’re weak, and you will break. And I’ll show you why entitled sycophantic bitches should not come to this company.”[/color
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
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