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Messages - Wildfire TM

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Supercard Archives / Crawl Space
« on: November 20, 2020, 03:20:16 PM »
The cloaked figure of Tommy McMaster, the so-called Wildfire, was sitting at a blackjack table in some seedy underground casino on the strip. As the heat rose from so many people including hookers, side hustlers, made men and shady shenanigans, The Wildfire clicked his fingers, and everything halted to a stop. Everyone in the middle of doing something, snorting coke, spilled drinks were stuck in motion. He chuckled to himself, swung around on his chair to look up at the grainy security camera feed.
“Last week was about the manifesto and to help Caleb Storms free from the fake ties that bound him to the World Order. I mentioned how I want to bring him into the fold as a Wildfirite but I also need to break the shackles around him and that is what this is for. You cannot offer the blind to wilfully see and not expect resistance. You may call me mad for such talk as a blind person would jump at the chance (and probably hit their head on a ceiling fan) but all they have known is about to be stripped away. All those memories of a dark and distant world will be illuminated and just maybe they believe life has been and should always be this way. Caleb Storms is of similar ilk.
 I call it ‘The Violent Angel’ method. You may see it as something else but to completely cure someone of their falsehoods they and you need to dig deep and find that violence that is stored inside of you. That unabashed feeling of ill will towards humanity. Search within yourself, Caleb, find that part of you that knows you are in a simulation, that you are but another automaton feeding the super computers of the world that run this god forsaken place. Yet, you are the one who offered this open challenge that I readily accepted. This marks you as different, as someone who truly WANTS to feel violent therapy. It was as if you knew I would accept and have the most vicious and beneficial of debuts at your expense but how could someone as weak minded as you come up with such a conniving plan? “

To Tommy it seemed that after all he was doing for humanity and in that same token, Caleb Storms, yet why was he letting such a snivelling bastard into the fold of the future of mankind? It was very curious and one in which he would need to ponder but right now was not the time.
 He looked into the eyes of a stunning redhead, an obvious mafia mole but still he wouldn’t mind laying with her. Not at all. Focus on the task at hand.
“You may want to know why I have endeavoured to add you to the flock, you may think it strange that I would want to tear you limb from limb and then grab your hand and welcome you with open arms; I have to admit that I have wondered the same thing because you are simpleton and beneath me to even lock up with you but I need to free you not because I like or hate you but because it must be done. Caleb, I am deeply sorry for what will happen when the violent therapy hits home but you should never have offered such a challenge. Once The Wing and A Prayer is hit you will feel an implosion, Caleb. It will feel like your internal organs are ravished, that your brain is likely to combust but hold that feeling and really listen to it. That is you being free of the societal restraints, free of the megalomania of the internet based world and finally you can choose your destiny and not some alternative algorithm. 
There is so much studying of your wrestling style, the moves you hit, the way you portray this character but in the end what you say and do in everyday life shows more meaning. This is why I have been living in your loft. I know. It is a tad creepy and for someone as tall as I am it really gets cramped which is why from time to time I attended your crawl space too. I needed to know the man you really are. I needed to live and breathe the way you do. I learnt everything I needed and even sometimes this week I have sedated you in your sleep and just sat there watching you and I heard it, oh I heard what you whispered in your sleep. You said ‘Tommy no, don’t let me die, don’t let the trolls win’ Do you not see it, Caleb? Trolls are not real. They never have been. Like paying for followers, the social media world pays for these trolls, it creates more traffic and hashtags for you weaker generations. So I am prepared and I hope you are too. Your saviour is here, Caleb, just let me in.”[/color]
Suddenly the backstreet casino hall burst into flames as the laughing face of The Wildfire was encompassed by the flames of his own making. 

Supercard Archives / Re: Caleb Storms v The Wildfire Tommy McMaster
« on: November 12, 2020, 02:40:34 PM »
“And so it begins.”

The figure dressed once again in his dark hooded robe was Tommy McMaster known in some quarters as The Wildfire. His robe blew in the wind as he scaled the roof of The Venetian. He sat on the edge, his feet dangling as he surveyed the scene below him.

“Look at these morsels, these waste of molecules. I am their savior but do they listen? No they just go on about their lives trying to act as if they have a social and ecological conscience. These lemmings go to the trough time and time again, begging their masters to enslave them whilst there should be a war raging among them. Even the so-called left are so anti-establishment and tweet or tik tok about it all the time while sipping their cappuccino from starbucks. They are all morons. Can they not see the path in front of them? The path I have sown for them? Little ant people making the fat cats fatter and setting the kids of this land into poverty. If you look down it is like some model village for these simpletons. You can leave it all in Las Vegas, they say, it is fine for debauchery and sinning ways just as long as you leave it at the door on your way out. These people are so stupid.”

He bent forward, almost tipping himself over the edge which was not lost on the pyromaniac.

“Just like I am, we are on the precipice of something monumental. Change on a global scale and I have started this change. I took that one step forward into the unknown and the ripple effect is being felt as I speak. Look at what I achieved in just one short segment. It caught the attention of the powers that be and they gave me a match at High Stakes. I do not believe for one moment these crass power hungry charlatans give a damn about me and were hoping someone else would accept that brain dead open challenge by Caleb but I was the one who said I accept so they had to go with it. They do not want to open that door. Once the rapping of the knuckles is heard, these power obsessed idiots know by an opening of a lock they could lose all of that which was granted and when I defeat this Caleb on my first pay per view in Sin City, the door will be flung open and then it cannot be shut again. When you open up to the world, all those sycophants and servants could take what is yours but High Stakes is where I draw my line in the sand and say NO MORE. Follow me and you will find the darkest times but this is not about death and destruction. Once it is burnt to the ground you will see the regeneration but first I must take that one step. I must take it for the good of the world, not just for humans but for every living being. I must take that one foot and cross that hedonistic line and I must set fire to this narcissistic world we live in. That one step, Caleb, unfortunately for you, is your demise but take it as you are meant to and realise your own rebirth and out of the ashes of your cremation you will spring at my side as we tear this monopoly down piece by piece.”

He swung his feet up, spun around and sat in the lotus position with his back to the ledge. He lowered the hood to reveal his newly dyed hair. A smirk spread across his lips.

“Caleb Storms. I doubt you will come and follow me so easily but when you face the new world, when you see what you asked for maybe next time you will not openly challenge anyone again. I know you are stuck in the old world mentality of being a cyber slave to the illuminati but why I will do to you is not for the faint hearted but what it will entail is for your benefit. I will take no joy in your decimation but Caleb, it is what I must do, don’t you see? I have no enjoyment of torturing you for the sake of it. I do not waste time or energy on such a destructive way of living but to free you; to ultimately free you from your slavery to the social media order, I must annihilate everything you know. You exist to feed the banks of the chosen and not your own needs. You, like the masses, will not listen to me or anyone that tells them not to use that phone, that pad or that computer, you only learn from violently forcing you to see your real self. When the Wildfire takes hold you have no other option but give in to the force of the flames. Call this your first lesson in the new world, Caleb. Your next one is coming soon.”

The WIldfire doused himself in gasoline, set himself ablaze, and called for the end of the old world as we see security run to him with fire extinguishers and we fade.

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