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Messages - Despayre

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Character Building Roleplays / God Help the Queen - repost
« on: September 08, 2022, 05:26:26 PM »

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace, it's origin dates as far back to the year 1705 when it was conceived as a town house for the Duke of Buckingham. Over the years, other British monarchs took to this royal residence and in the nineteenth century, it was expanded to become what would be seen today by the eyes of the people. In 1837 upon the ascension of Queen Victoria, it became the official royal palace of the British monarchy.

Many of the peoples in other nations are unaware that there are special times throughout the year that the public is allowed access for very special tours to give people a glimpse of the grand estate of perhaps the world's most powerful family. Only a handful of rooms are on this tour, but it never the less allows those lucky enough to be on this tour a once in a lifetime glimpse into the world of the British aristocracy.

"And we're really going to go inside?"

Despayre was standing at the gates before the royal palace, his hands wrapped tightly around the bars to the point his knuckles were white. His face was firmly set between the bars and his gray eyes gazed at this grand sight before him with unabashed excitement. He turned his head and looked back to Synn who was standing stoically, as if the prospect of seeing such a thing was vastly unimportant to him. The same chilly breeze that whipped Despayre's long hair around, caused Synn's long jacket to waft faintly as he tucked his hands inside of the coat pockets.

"Yes, Joshua." Synn replied. "We won't get to see a lot, mind you, but what we will be allowed to see will be a privilege all to itself."

"That's fine!" Despayre turned back away from the rest and stared intensely at the Palace, his plush buddy Angel tucked snugly inside of his own jacket to be shielded from the winds. The weather forecast had called for a chance of rain and the chill air combined with that, made Despayre wary about the chances Angel might get sick.

(Teddy bears make the worst patients you know!)

The rest of the Seven Deadly Sins stable were also a part of this tour, standing at the forefront of the crowd gathered, a blend of the people of London, as well as tourists from across the globe. As Shane was emerged in a discussion with Gabriel and Rage, Fantasia stepped forward and tapped her forefinger along Synn's arm to draw his attention away from Despayre.

"He's pretty excited about this, isn't he?" She asked with a smile to her tones that matched the one on her lips.

"He is." Synn nodded, a look of pride in his eyes that anyone could see, but few might understand. "Ever since you showed him that movie 'The Queen', Joshua's been fascinated by the woman. A couple of years ago when we worked for the AWA, we were here in London."

Fantasia nodded, "I remember. He wanted so badly to come to the Palace and see the inside."

"Yes," Synn concurred. "It broke his heart when I had to tell him they weren't giving tours at the time. Took a lot of time to console him and promise him we'd try another time if we were ever in London again."

"So how'd you arrange it this time?" Fantasia smirked. "Call ahead and work with the Royal family to get us the tour scheduled?"

Synn cast a smarmy look over his shoulder at the petite fireball of a redhead and arched a single brow. "I'm good, Fantasia, but even I'm not that good." he turned back to watch as Despayre had pulled out a souvenir map of the Palace interior and held it before him so Angel could see it too. Synn continued, "I simply lucked out. I did a little web searching for the tours when this show was first announced. It just so happened one was set for today..."

"And that is why you insisted we arrive in London over a week early?" Fantasia finished with a smile, understanding. She shook her head and laughed gently. "You are spoiling this boy rotten, you know that?"

"Ah well, I wouldn't be Synn if I did otherwise." Was all Synn could say to answer her 'charge' against him.

This was when Despayre finally broke away from his claimed front spot at the head of the line at the gates and approached them with the map held out. He looked up at Synn and asked with enthusiasm, "Angel said we might meet the Queen! Is that true?"

"Oh Despy," Fantasia started to say. She knew all too well how important it was for tourists to get to at least see a glimpse of Queen Elizabeth, but to meet her? "I don't know."

Despayre's eyes fell to Synn who added, "She is a very busy woman, Joshua. I suppose anything is possible, but I have to admit it's doubtful. She has so much to keep her occupied. You understand, don't you?"

Despayre frowned as he attempted to contemplate the logic. A sigh escaped his lips gently as he shrugged his small shoulders, and he said, "I guess. Angel said it was a long shot anyway." He then turned to one of the palace guards and the others' heads turned to watch as Despayre hopped over to the one guard standing stoically at his post inside of the fence, and Despayre asked, "Do you think we'll get to meet the Queen?"

He stood and waited for a response, but none was forthcoming. the guard stood straight and stared ahead, his eyes unwavering and body not moving.

"Hel-LO!" Despayre called, waving a hand in front of the guard's face, drawing other stares and amused reactions from the small tour crowd. Despayre glanced back at his buddies in the Sins and quirked his head to the side. "Boy this guy is so rude!"

"He's not going to respond, Despy." Fantasia called gently. "He's not allowed."

Despayre turned to look at her and frowned, "How come?"

Synn answered, "It's tradition. They have to focus on their duties to the Royal Family, and nothing else. Nobody can make them act otherwise."

"Nobody, huh?" Despayre turned and looked at the guard inside of the gates. he then turned and started to approach.

Gabriel approached from behind and had a smile on his face that could only tell a person he knew something fun was about to happen. He whispered to Synn, "Oh this ought to be good."

Despayre stood just inches away from the guard inside of the gates and pulled Angel out of his jacket. He held the teddy bear up so that Angel's little black eyes were 'eye level' with that of the guards. He wiggled Angel in the air in front of the guard... "Hellloooooooooo! ... Beware the stare!"

Shane and Rage stepped closer to watch and enjoy the tourist spectacle as several others in the tour group started to watch with unabashed curiosity and amusement as Despayre continued to hold Angel up in front of the guard and he started moving his body left and right as he started to sing without shame at the top of his lungs...

"If you go down to the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic."

Despayre pulled Angel down and looked closely at the guard who did not respond at all to the display performed for him. He blinked at the guard, then held Angel back up and continued his little performance,

"Picnic time for teddy bears,
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them picnic on their holiday.
See them gaily gad about.
They love to play and shout,
They never have any cares.
At six o'clock their mummies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little teddy bears. "

By now some in the crowd started to clap their hands along to the performance which just seemed to egg Despayre on. Even Shane and Fantasia joined in as Synn, Gabriel and Rage just watched as Despayre started to dance around the front of the guard, singing with enthusiasm...

"Every teddy bear, that's been good
Is sure of a treat today
There's lots of wonderful things to eat
And wonderful games to play

Beneath the trees, where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
'Cause that's the way the teddy bears have their picnic"

Despayre called an end to his song and performance and the tourist crowd, including all of the Sins, applauded and this snapped Despayre out of his reverence and he realized what he just did in front of a very large crowd of strangers. His cheeks flushed a scarlet red of self-induced embarrassment and he quickly ducked behind Synn's much larger frame to shield himself from the eyes of the onlookers as the applause slowly died down.

Gabriel leaned over at the waist and asked, "Did it work?"

From behind Synn, a muffled voice responded, "No! This guy's good!"

"Oh Casey, what can be said that hasn't been said a multitude of times already? Would 'so we meet again' be too cliche' to befit this special occasion? Well, I can at least admit that I am not disappointed at this golden opportunity for Despayre and Gabriel to face you once again, because it is just that; a golden opportunity. The hallowed chance to dethrone the SCW Tag Team Champions in international territory could bring much heralded acclaim to the tag team division, and to Sinful Obsession in particular. And knowing me from our shared history from the AWA, clear to SCW, you know how much I enjoy those in my care to be renowned with such fame."

"You are, after all, the biggest man in this match. So you will understand when that makes you the logical target for attack. It's nothing personal, just business. or, if I must be honest... glory. I have never shied away from telling anyone whom might pay attention that I seek the renowned with all my heart, both for myself as well as the members of my family. Nothing would please me more, than to have Gabriel and Despayre realize their goal, and walk away once again as champions together as a pairing. No team in the SCW has the common denominator that they have shared between them. No team here has such a bond. They've become more than friends, more than reliable partners. They're now family, bonded as brothers. Neither you and Jordan, nor the Aristocrats can say the same. It's a bond that can't be defended against. What each wants, the other attains. And that gold you hold so dear is their innermost desires for this very night that swiftly approaches."

"I imagine this match could be viewed by you as a chance at the proverbial 'double your pleasure' entendre. Hm? Not only do you have the chance to retain your titles in London against two of the top tag teams in the business, but you see on the horizon the chance for you to get that first ever elusive win in the record books against a team you just have never been able to put down in defeat. A shame, really that it's come to this. You see Casey, back in the AWA when our history started, the flames between our sides were fanned by the intensity of the ill will harbored. I remember that first match when you did everything you could to hurt Despayre and you ended up disqualified in doing so. As they say, water under the bridge -- and yet here we are again. Different outlooks, yet the same goals. Victory. You crave it, and you have succeeded. Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Champion, and you did so credibly. So to you I offer my congratulations, as well as my sympathies."

"After all, I know every champion wants to live on in the annals of history for as long as they can. But that one moment always arrives when the champion is a former champion, and in London, that moment has arrived for you. It is predestined, Casey. It's fate. You will return to Las Vegas as a former champion. Your attitude against us may have changed, who knows -- but the end result will always be the same. Defeat. I will accept nothing less."

There were different queues to get into from the very start of the tour to go on different aspects at different times. The members of the stable decided together that they would begin the tour with the Queen's Gallery, and end with the gardens. Being at the front of the line offered Synn and his 'family' the chance to see everything first, and no in-fighting would be permitted from the masses to push ahead from their place. Order was demanded at all times and even Synn knew better than to press his luck.

The Queen's Gallery itself was a prominent display of some of the many priceless items in the Royal Family Collection. This year there was even a heightened interest at this particular stop of the tour, as the wedding gown of the newest member of the Royal Family, Kate Middleton, would be on display.

"Woopty fucking doo." Rage murmured as they stepped through the ornate door frame and into the first step of their tour. "A wedding dress that probably shouldn't even have been white in the first place."

"Shh!" Fantasia scolded, despite the fact Rage's words rang true to her ears and amusing toward her sense of humor, as she tried very hard to keep a straight face as the tour guide spoke aloud toward those who would listen. Many in the large group listened attentively, but others (the Sins included), opted to go about the gallery and look to their leisure while listening only when it best suited them.

"Don't get any ideas." Synn whispered with an undertone of amusement as he approached Gabriel who was looking at a glass case with a dazzling diamond studded tiara adorned with rubies. "These people would skin you alive if you ever even thought about it."

Gabriel cast a glance over his shoulder and winked, "Would I do a thing like that?"

"Yes." Synn said simply. "And as amusing as the thought might be, I'd rather not have to bail you out of some European jail. Best we remove temptation." and he gripped Gabriel by the shoulder and steered him away from the display of the royal jewels.

Various paintings of grand design and detail lined the walls in their golden and ivory frames, each sculpted with enviable skill by masters of their craft. Among the great works was "Enoch, Philip and Annie In the Cave" ... "Pandora" ... "The Ride of the Valkyries" and "Titania" among many others.

Rage's attention fell to the collection of royal weaponry, among them being pistols and maces.

Despy was busy studying a display of a Man's Silver Flask, and piped up, "I bet Shane would like one of those for his birthday, huh Angel? Yeah I think so too! I dunno. The gift shop perhaps?"

Other valued treasures on display in cases were cheroot cases, meerschaum pipes and a classic English gift set, coin purses and chatelaines, a silver baby rattle fashioned in the shape of a joker, yads and torah pointers, a helmet clock and most promising, a beautiful collection of gold and cobalt demitasse cups.

Fantasia was looking on at Kate's bridal gown with obvious pleasure and she sighed in a relaxed state of mind as she said, "What I wouldn't give to try that on."

Shane slid up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and whispered, "I don't know babe. I think your body might reject a white dress."

"Jordan Williams."

"This name means something. History. High esteem. Glory. I know of few others who have risen to the level of competition that this man has. One of the best, if not the best professional wrestlers in the game today. I personally was thrilled when you came out of your inactive status to help raise Sin City Wrestling to an all-new level. I admit I had you pegged as a future Heavyweight Champion, and who knows? You may still prove me right. But this time, for now, it's the tag team division, and as per usual, we find you at your usual spot. Right on top as the proven best."

"Until 'London Brawling' that is. You see, this will mark a bit of history as being the first time that either Gabriel or Despayre have set foot inside of the ring with you. It is a privilege for them both, and it will prove a learning experience, I am sure. For all parties involved. They will learn from your vast years of successful experiences, and from them you will learn a little lesson in humility. You see, I've watched you for a long time Jordan. from your time in the IWA through the EFWO and right where you are now. I was there, if you recall, in the EFWO at the exact same time that you were. I've watched you because I have a good many years of experience of my own inside of the ring. Perhaps a few short to match your own, but you'd be a fool to think I don't have enough to share with Sinful Obsession to make them a credible threat against your reign at the top of the hill."

"Study. Do your homework. Despayre and Gabriel are one of the few credible teams employed by Sin City Wrestling. They've been together for a few years now. That experience will be of great value, and it is experience you do not share with Casey Williams. You can not read your partner as they do with one another. You can't predict what the other needs or is going to do so you can react accordingly. Gabriel and Despayre, however, can. And they are not without their own merits, Jordan, as I'm sure you're well aware."

"Gabriel -- undefeated AWA World Television Champion. Despayre -- undefeated AWA International Champion. Sinful Obsession -- undefeated AWA World Tag Team Champions. Gabriel -- the first ever Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, and we all know the circumstances of that championship loss! Are you beginning to see a pattern here, Jordan? Are you starting to wonder just why they have the stellar records that they do? Well, just it back and wait my friend."

"When the time comes, all will be made clear."

"Oh now this is what I'm talking about!"

Rage said aloud with approval as the tour entered the Royal Mews and they laid eyes on the various vehicles and horse drawn carriages used for state purposes by the Royal Family. Shane looked at Rage with a quirked brow and shook his head.

He asked, "Since when are you interested in old cars?"

Rage replied, "Bitch, please! There's a shit load you don't know about me!"

"Yeah," Shane replied, "Like how you've made it to the end of the tour without getting a piece of ass."

Rage turned and glared daggers at Shane who walked on with Fantasia on his arm, oblivious to the seething cauldron threatening to boil over. He turned back and started browsing around the variety of pony carriages, a Glass Coach, a Gold Stage Coach, a 1902 State Landau, and the collections of Phaetons and Victorias.

There was so much to please the tourist eye when Despayre approached the tour guide and raised his hand as if asking for permission to speak, "Excuse me, but where are the horses? I see the carriages but where are the horses that pull `em?"

The tour guide smiled her best and said, "I'm afraid the horses are in the stables. We won't be seeing them today so we might..."

"Boring!" Despayre called out and spun around to rejoin his friends in the Sins as the tour guide blinked.

The tour had went through the state rooms where the Royal Family had entertained world figures over the years, and now was on it's last stop, the 42 acre gardens of the Queen's. It was a virtual oasis of flora and wildlife, where the tourists were able to walk along the path and enjoy everything to please not only the eyes but the scents as well. One might even see the large 19th-century lake which is graced by a flock of flamingoes, the Waterloo Vase, a helicopter pad, and a tennis court.

Shane came up behind Fantasia and reached around to present her with a freshly picked lilac. She looked at it and blinked back at her man with surprise, before hissing between her teeth, "Shane, you twat! Did you just pick that out of the Queen's personal gardens!?"

"C'mon, what's the big deal?" Shane shrugged, shaking the flower in front of her to coerce her into taking it. "When's the last time I bought flowers?"

Fantasia just looked around to see if anyone saw, then looked back up at him and leaned in to answer, "Whenever you think it's going to get you some, and it always works so..." She looked back at the flower and the understanding dawned upon her and she graciously accepted it, saying, "You won't be able to walk right tomorrow sweet cheeks for getting me a flower from this garden."

Shane turned and said, "I'm counting on it."

Synn looked up from inspecting the Napolean Vase and said, "Joshua, are you enjoying... Joshua?"

The questioning tone of the words called the attentions of Gabriel, Rage, Shane and Fantasia to look up and about, but Joshua, aka Despayre, was nowhere to be found.



Despayre walked down the long hallway of the ornately decorated wing of the Palace, his head leaned back and taking in every single richly decorated sight that was before him...

"Now I don't want the Aristocrats to think I went and forgot about them. Oh no, how could I? After all, since our first meeting in the ring, haven't we become the very best of friends? Hm? no? Yeah, somehow I'm not surprised. What does surprise me is it's not you who are opposite the ring from us and that third team, wearing the championship gold."

"As much as it galls me to admit it, if ever there was another team destined to be champions -- other than Sinful Obsession -- it would be the Aristocrats. Chett "Hangman" Hawkins and "Big" Steve Scanlon are a formidable combination of men and styles blended to be a threat to anyone they find themselves up against, and yes, that includes Gabriel and Despayre. When our two teams met, you gave my men a fight that I am reluctant to admit I did not see coming. You fought them to the bitter end, and for the Aristocrats, the end was indeed bitter. For you see, as hard as you fought, in the end, it just wasn't hard enough. After all, who was it that won that match? I do believe it was Sinful Obsession."

"And that was in a standard tag team match, with nothing on the line save for pride. Now try to imagine it gentlemen. If that was the end result with nothing up for grabs, just try to imagine what these two are capable of when championship gold is on the line. Gabriel is, after all, the Sin of Greed. he will settle for nothing short of adding more glory to his already swollen resume', and Despayre just wants to succeed when others believe he might fail. He demands to prove himself with his best friend at his side. Winning the SCW Tag Team title was written in the diaries of the Fates themselves from the moment they signed their contracts. All it would take was a bit of time."

"Despayre is patient. He waited while Gabriel took his rightful spit as King of the Mountain, knowing this time would eventually come. Despayre has become anxious ... hungry. He is a predator and come bell time, he will be unleashed."

"Gabriel and Despayre have waited long enough for their crowning moment gentlemen. The wait is now over."

"Excuse me." Despayre said timidly as he held Angel close to his body and approached an elderly gentleman in a suit and tie. "I think I'm lost. Is the Queen on this part of the tour?"

The man looked up from the table he was signing a paper on and blinked from behind his glasses. He looked toward his left, then right, then focused on Despayre.

"I'd say you were lost young man." The elderly man said in a thick British accent. "The main tour should be in the garden by now."

"I know, that's where I was." Despayre tried to explain. "I was with my friends when I thought I saw the Queen coming inside and I wanted to say hi and introduce us, but I think I took a wrong turn and... " He looked down sheepishly and whispered despite himself, "<span style=\'font-size:9pt;line-height:100%\'>I'm sorry.</span>"

The older man looked at Despayre with a critical eye. He had served as a member of the staff of Buckingham palace for over thirty years and his was a well trained eye for any signs of trouble, and although he saw there was a unique nature to this young man before him, he could read nothing that should involve the calling of the palace security.

A door opened and a regally intoned voice spoke, "Is everything alright Harold?"

Despayre turned to see who had stepped out of the next room and spoken, and he froze. The lady was elderly with short, white hair, glasses on the demure nose and clad in a tasteful business dress. Despite her advanced years, her eyes shone with wisdom and her stature told she was one to be respected. Despayre was looking at Queen Elizabeth herself!

"No mum." Harold addressed the Queen with a respectful nod. "I was just chatting with this pleasant young lad. Seems he accidentally separated himself from the tour group and was trying to find his friends. I thought it best if I looked them up for him. Save a bit of time and headache."

"Yes, quite." Queen Elizabeth agreed and she turned and looked the young wrestler over who was by now doing everything to avoid eye contact with the world's most powerful woman, aside from standing behind the suit of armor he was next to. The Queen as well was a marvelous judge of character with her years of experience in her office, and she too could see the innocent nature of Despayre.

Just as her attendant of so many years was about to step up to Despayre to escort him away, she raised her hand to stall him. "It is almost tea time. Perhaps you would be so kind as to bring have Mary fetch it if our young man here would care to wait?"

"Certainly mum." He looked to Despayre and asked, "Might I ask what your friends look like so I will know them?"

Despayre paused, thinking. He said nothing at first and frowned for just the smallest of moments before he finally spoke up, "Tall. One is bald and looks really mean. One is a pretty redhead."

Harold smiled and gave a nod before he turned to carry out his duties. Two other men stood nearby in the Queen's private office, watching and aware. Innocent or not, their duty was the protection of the Royal Family and were keeping a close eye on Despayre.

The Queen held her hand out toward the open door where the men were and she inclined her head, "Would you join me?"

Despayre glanced up to see where she was indicating and he slowly took a single step forward and then followed her into the room, where one guard remained outside, the other retained his station behind the closed door.

"Please, have a seat." Queen Elizabeth said, motioning toward a small sofa in her study. Despayre looked at it, then at her. She shook her head slightly to ask, "Would you rather stand?"

"No." Despayre said meekly. "But it's ladies first."

This brought a genuine soft smile to the Queen's face as she nodded and walked around to the other side of the sofa and had a seat. As Despayre followed suit, taking a spot on the other side, she remarked, "I see somebody raised you properly."

Despayre looked down at the teddy bear held closely against him and shrugged.

"What is your name?"


"Despayre?" The Queen frowned. "Is that your real name?"

Despayre shook his head, "No. It's my wrestling name."

"I see." The monarch said in observance." "What is your real name?"

This time Despayre lifted his eyes to look at her and his face flushed a charming pink as he answered her, "Joshua."

"Joshua." The Queen repeated, leaning back against the sofa with her hands in her lap. "I do like that name. Very dignified."

This compliment from such a woman made Despayre sit up just a little bit straighter.

Synn is standing with the others, each one bearing a worried expression as Synn spoke to a man in a business suit. Synn held his hand at chest level, palm down, and said, "He's about this high, with really long, black hair. Half of his head is shaved... Don't look at me like that. He really looks like this."

Shane added, "And he'll be carrying a teddy bear."

Gabriel looked at Fantasia and asked, "Why does he keep looking at us like that?" to which Fantasia shrugged.

"A teddy bear you say?" The voice drew their attention behind them and they saw the older man wearing a smile approach them. "Would you be the friends of Joshua?"

Synn was the first to answer, quickly approaching Harold. "Yes! Is he alright? What happened? is he...?"

Harold held a hand up and said, "The young man is quite alright. He got a little lost, took a wrong turn or something such. He's quite fine and having a bit of tea while I searched for you. Come with me."

Harold turned and headed up the path and the Sins had little else options but to follow.

Queen Elizabeth was now seated next to Despayre, both with cups and saucers in hand as they carried on a conversation.

The Queen said, "Such a shame the state this world is in." She shook her head as she took a sip from her cup.

Despayre followed suit and agreed, "It is. it really is. You know what else is a shame?"

"What's that?"

"When you sit down and your thighs squish out to twice their normal size. That's a shame."

The Queen paused a moment, baffled by this as she took a moment to contemplate his statement. Then she nodded and sipped at her tea when there was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" She called out and the security in the room reached over and opened the door. Harold leaned in and smiled,

"Ma'am," He said. "We've found Joshua's friends. Shall I show them in?"

"Yes, please." She answered, standing up. Watching for a second, Despayre did the same as the door opened wider and Harold stood inside and the Sins promptly walked in, with Synn at the helm.

"Joshua!" He scolded. "Why did you wander off like...?" And he froze immediately when he saw who else was in the room. All of them did so. Fantasia's eyes went wide and she gripped Shane's arm tightly. Rage muttered, "Holy sh..." before Shane wrapped an arm around his head an clamped a hand over his mouth. The two Brits in the group, Shane and Gabriel, held the most reverence of them all as they each found themselves long enough to place their hand on their heart and bowed humbly at the waist. Humbly being the operative term. Both Gabriel and Shane were indeed humbled by the sight of the Queen of England.

"Joshua..." Synn managed to say. "Are you actually having tea with the Queen of England???"

Despayre lowered his cup from his lips and blinked, looking at each in turn before asking, "Doesn't everybody?"

Shane looked at Gabriel and flopped his arms at his side, repeating, "Doesn't everybody!"

"Mother..." The door opened wider and the experience was compounded when in walked Prince Charles and Camilla. "I am told we have visitors?"

"Uh oh..." Despayre whispered. "It's the social climbing shrew!"

"Joshua!" Synn scolded at the same exact time Shane and Gabriel reprimanded, "Despy!"

Queen Elizabeth turned her head and said simply, "Joshua. We do not speak of the Duchess in such a manner."

Despayre looked back and forth between them before he said, "Why not? You did."

The Ashburn Hotel...

The door of the hotel lobby was opened by the doorman and the members of the Seven Deadly Sins walked in, their conversation excited and loud.

"I still can't believe it!" Shane said with a wide smile on his face. "I always thought Despy was capable of anything ... but dude!" he clapped Despayre on the back, almost sending the much smaller man tumbling forward. "You and the Queen herself!?"

"It's no big deal." Despayre reasoned with a smile, bringing the smiles to each of the others in turn.

"No big deal he says." Synn mimics. "The man has tea with the most powerful woman in the world, and he says no big deal."

A hotel clerk approached the group, and spoke specifically to Synn, "Pardon me, sir?"

"Yes?" Synn said, glancing over toward him and frowning at the disruption of their conversation.

"A woman in the waiting area." The clerk said. "Said she's waiting to see you? She says she knows you."

Rage asked, "Who the hell would that be?"

Synn shrugged as he turned to head for the waiting area of the lobby with the others in tow, "Most likely one of those comely lasses Ward or Underwood use to interview us. They told me they scheduled us something and..."

"MOM!" Despayre suddenly cried out from out of nowhere and he tore past the others.

The heads of Synn, Gabriel, Rage, Shane and Fantasia whipped around to spy Despayre jumping into the waiting arms of a woman across the lobby. Gabriel turned his head quickly to look at Synn whose color had drained completely from his features. Gabriel looked back to watch as Despayre embraced the woman with heartfelt enthusiasm and he could find only one thing to say to fit the situation...

"Oh fuck..."


« on: March 18, 2022, 06:19:09 PM »

Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

As the classical theme song played in the background, the opening shot of a book's spine inscribed in gold lettering was "Messterpiece Theater". It rolled over and faded to a close up shot of a tabletop, fine oak and a golden framed, black and white photograph of the Seven Deadly Sins. Fade to a large tome, an original edition of "Mary Poppins", open wide on a pedestal and a purple sash draped down the center as a place saver. The camera pans to the right of the book to a Funko Pop bust of Duck Dodgers of Looney Tunes fame. Moving aside from that, a silver tray piled high with Starburst, and a glass decanter filled with glorious purple Skittles. Moving further up the elegant table was a framed photograph of a teddy bear (two guesses as to who!) and just behind that, in a gold leaf frame, a picture of Queen Elizabeth herself. The camera panned over to a small row of books, personal favorites such as "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree" and "Where the Wild Things Are."

The camera panned across a large display case, where rested several championship belts with golden emblems, such as the AWA International, AWA World Tag Team, NWA World Tag Team, SCW World Tag Team, and SCW Internet. Also in the case was an elaborate trophy for the Blast From the Past Memorial tournament, along with a Hall of Fame plaque and four Most Popular of the Year trophies.

A bookcase was set on the far wall, and there, seated in an old English chair before it lands in front of a window looking out across the night skyline, was our host. Clad in a purple smoking robe and Grumpy Cat slippers. A bubble pipe in his hand and a crystal goblet of Cherry Coke on the table at his left. With an open book on his lap, he looked up to the camera and smiled.

Joshua Kooky: Good evening friends, and welcome to yet another enthralling edition of 'Messterpiece Theater.' I am your host, Joshua Kooky.

He turns his smiling face into a close up angle.

Joshua Kooky: But then again, you already knew that.

Our host kicks an ankle up over bended knee, sending a slipper airborne. Joshua watches as it flies up and over, resulting in the sound of glass shattering and Joshua wincing openly. He then returns his gaze toward the camera with a goofy smile.

Joshua Kooky: Today's tale of whimsy and wonder is all about three besties and all about greed. For being grateful for what you have and not expecting too much. Now, without further ado, Messterpiece Theater proudly presents to you - The Three Teddy Bears Gruff!

Here is where the scene fades away in one of those really nifty fading and wavy special effects while the sound of wind chimes tickles our ears and delights our senses until…

Narrator: Once upon a time in the wonderful land of Flaflufihophen....

Narrator: Where do you get these names?

Narrator: Spell check took on a life of its own I swear!

Have you ever experienced the most perfect day? I tell you where the sky is a picture perfect, clear blue without a cloud to be seen? Where the temperature is just perfect, not too cool and not too warm just after the noon hour amidst a big, grassy field? Yeah, that's not where we are at the moment. The weather IS just as described, but those grassy fields? They're just over yonder, across the river where a rickety bridge is the only way across.

“Every teddy bear who's been good is sure of a treat today
There's lots of marvelous things to eat and wonderful games to play
Beneath the trees where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
That's the way the teddy bears have their picnic”

Teddy Bear Amber, a dangerous looking red-headed teddy bear, comes to a stop, rolling her eyes. She casts a glance back at the sultry blonde teddy bear behind her.

Teddy Bear Amber: WHY do you always sing that whenever we go to one of these picnics!? It drives me batty!

Teddy Be4ear Mikah smirked as only she could and pinched Teddy Bear Amber’s cheek.

Teddy Bear Mikah: You just answered your own question, Boopsy!

Before Teddy Bear Amber swatted her paw aside. The two femme fatale teddy bears then cast a look back to find the third in their party, Teddy Bear Despayre, coming along behind them, carrying the massive load on his back of all their picnic supplies. They then turned and approached the bridge, but took one loom at the rickety old wood, almost worn away with age, then down into the water below that separated their woods and those picture, perfect grassy hills.

Teddy Bear Mikah leaned over and whispered something, causing Teddy Bear Amber to whip her head around to glare…

Teddy Bear Amber: Whaddya mean ‘ladies first’!? G’WAN!

And Teddy Bear Amber grabbed her by the arm and gave her a bit of a shove toward the bridge. Teddy Bear Mikah sighed and she started to walk as carefully as can be across the boards, her high heels (yes, seriously) going ‘trip trap, trip trap’ as she walked when a voice called out from below…

Troll: MA!? Is that you!?

Teddy Bear Mikah paused and looked from left to right…

Troll: Well  I’m HUNGRY! And I can’t wait any more so I’m coming to eat you!

Teddy Bear Mikah: oh no, don’t eat ME! I’m too skinny and stringy. Wait a moment when my friend crosses the bridge. She’s MUCH bigger and tender than I am!

Teddy Bear Amber: I HEARD THAT!

Troll: (mumbles) Fine! Go ahead!

Satisfied, Teddy Bear Mikah struts the rest of the way across the bridge, leaving it Teddy Bear Amber’s turn. She too crosses the bridge, her combat boots sounding hard on the boards…

Troll: MA!? Is THAT you!?

Teddy Bear Amber: If it WAS me, this bridge would be hanging much lower!

Troll: Well  I’m HUNGRY! And I can’t wait any more so I’m coming to eat you!

Teddy Bear Amber: Oh as IF! Wait until my friend comes along! He has all the food!

Troll: (mumbles) Fine! Go ahead!

Teddy Bear Amber rolled her eyes and crossed the bridge the rest of the way. And THEN along came their friend, the hero of this tale, Teddy Bear Despayre - it RHYMES! With a skip in his step and a soft whistle escaping his pursed lips, he SO looked forward to spending the day on a picnic with his two close pals and stepped right onto the bridge to cross over. The weight of the food caused the bridge to creak and groan loudly when…

Troll: Oh ho ho HO! That must be my dinner now!

And a grotesque, ugly old troll crawled up from beneath his mother’s bridge, his ratty, curly hair in tangles and a cheese stained shirt with holes that read “Nerd Trolls Do It Quick.” Broken glasses were worn on his face but his eyesight was good enough to see the large load coming toward him. He licked his lips and lumbered up onto the bridge … just as Teddy Bear Despayre walked right into him, knocking the dumb ol’ Troll right back over the side of the bridge and into the rapids below, washing him away! Leaving Teddy Bear Despy none the wiser and eager to join his two best pals for a day’s picnic!

“Troll is big, He’s a loser,
The dreaded,  momma's boy, donut abuser.
He’s not ready for Despy, who’s nothing but fun!
This fable is over, Troll’s misery has just begun!”


Just then, the door of the suite inside of the Omni Hotel in Los Angeles opened and Synn stepped inside to find his son Despayre seated on the edge of his bed, the teddy bear Angel beside him and an open book of children’s tales between them.

Synn: Joshua? It’s time to go meet Amber and Mac for dinner…

Narrator: Can we have a moment please? Someone is reading someone a story and we’re almost finished!

Synn yielded with good humor at his son’s antics and held his hands up.

Synn: Forgive me. Please go right ahead.

Narrator: Thank you.

He then turned and looked at Angel.

Narrator: Go ahead and finish, Angel.

Synn sighed and looked off to nobody and nothing in particular.

Synn: Yes, I should have seen that one coming.

“You know, Angel and I have been buddies for a very long time. When you are friends with someone for so long, you get to know each other very well. You come to love them and want to protect them. And while I know it’s Angel’s sacred duty to watch over me and protect me from all the creepy and nasty things that live in the shadows, beneath my bed and in my closet, sometimes I just can’t help myself! Sometimes I just have to protect him too, even though Mikah saved him from that nasty Troll, and Angel reassured me that he was never in any real danger to start with.”

“I love my friends, everyone from Angel to Gabriel and everyone else! And I don’t like it when someone messes with my friends. Angel. Delia. Melody and, of course, my pal Jn2. And EVERYONE else. They can take care of themselves, but still… when you see a friend in danger, or think they’re in trouble, you just want to fight back against whoever is trying to do them a mischief. And that’s just what I’m going to do!”

“But I should have known better. Angel was just lulling that big loser into a false sense of security, and I think he also did it because he knew a little part of me wanted to have some fun and wrestle again. Just this once because I do sort of miss it. So this was all a part of Angel’s plan to get me a match at Blaze of Glory X! See? Angel is just the absolute best!”

“It’s just a shame it’s against the Troll and not somebody who could actually make money.”

Climax Control Archives / Trust
« on: March 12, 2021, 05:17:42 PM »
"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."
~ George MacDonald

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Broodmoore Mental Facility

“No, please!” His whining cry rang on the hollow halls of the facility that he had been forced to call his ‘home’ for the past several years. The place where they had promised his family that they would be able to help him; to ease - if not cure outright - the fragile mental state that he had been slowly deteriorating towards ever since the car accident when he was only roughly five years of age. The accident where he had suffered such severe brain damage that it all but destroyed the part of his brain that allowed him to mentally mature. The accident that, for lack of a better explanation, trapped him in the mental state of a toddler. Imagine, the body of a teenager, but the mind of a small boy. And the older he got, he would always remain in that very same mental state. In fact, the more years that would pass, the more potentially dangerous he would become. After all, what kind of damage could a fully grown man with the emotional instability of a boy wreak on those around him? It was why his Grandfather forced his mother to bring him here, when his animalistic actions grew too intense, and they were unable to handle him at home.

They promised that they would help, but they either lied or were grossly mistaken. They didn’t help. If anything, they made him even worse. Caused him to regress to an even worse animalistic state where there was less child now than there was animal. Their methods were -- brutal, to say the least. And when he fought back, they would either restrain him, physically punish him - or both.

It was why the orderlies remained immune to his pleas when they came to his room to bring him to where the ‘Bad Doctor’ as Joshua called him, had instructed them. They had him firmly by the arms, and even if Joshua had put his every effort into getting loose, there was little chance of success. He was half their size, and where would he even go? Their grips were so tight on his pale, skinny arms that they were already hurting him, and causing bruises to form. He was clad in his hospital pajamas that he wore to ruin, and trying to bury his stocking feet against the floor was woefully unsuccessful.

“Please, let me go!” He cried, but they did not listen. “You’re hurting me!” His cheeks were wet with tears from both the pain of their grips, as well as the fear of what was to come. There was always the fear. Every time they came for him, they took him to the doctor’s ‘special room’ on the second floor, and he always left the worse for wear. Battered. Beaten. Bruised. More so mentally than physically, but that was even worse.

They pulled the fifteen year old around the corner of the hallway, and that was when he realized he was not being taken upstairs. They had passed by both the stairs and the elevators, and were going closer toward the front of the facility. There stood Doctor Silkworth, the “Bad Doctor,” beside a private visitation room. The memory lingered faintly in the back of his mind, the last time he had been brought up here. It seemed only recently that he had sat across from a table, across from his mom and grandma. But it had been longer than his mind was able to process. In truth, he had a difficulty in deciphering time. As of late, he was only allowed out of his private room when he was allowed to shower, his meals, or to be brought to the doctor. He was never allowed to go outside, and it was a rarity he was ever brought to the recreation room for movie night. Doctor Silkworth said it was because of his behavior, but Joshua knew the truth; the Doctor hated him.

Ever since he got hold of that pencil that one time and stabbed that nurse through the palm of her hand in a fitful rage.

“Joshua?” Dr. Silkworth said in that dreadful voice, causing the lad to start and look at him with total fear in his eyes. A look that the doctor found privately satisfying because he believed that if the patients feared him, they would be more susceptible to proper treatment, not fighting against it. The Doctor surprised him with, “You have a visitor.”

Words that made his little heart soar, as he asked, “Mom!?” But when the Doctor answered in the negative, shaking his head, that soaring heart came crashing down.

The orderlies brought him inside of the room and forcibly sat him in the chair at the table, on the far side of the room so he would be facing the door. One of them stretched his arm out while the other secured him as was the hospital protocol, handcuffing his wrist to the lock on the table’s surface. He looked at his lashed wrist, then up at the doctor as he stepped outside along with the orderlies. A curious thing as usually the doctor remained inside of the room for the visit, at least at the very beginning to ensure he would behave himself. So why…? But then the door opened, and inside stepped a total stranger. He had to be the tallest man he had ever seen, and had a way about him from his facial expression to his posture that practically screamed “WARNING! WARNING!”

The man was Synn, and he was visiting the teenager that he had only recently discovered that he was his son, his flesh and blood. The doctor stepped in the frame of the door, and it was enough to give the poor kid a jolt as the doctor said, “Joshua, you’ll behave yourself?” And he raised his eyebrows, making it more of a statement than a question, prompting the boy to remain silent but nod in the affirmative. Only then did the doctor nod as if pleased with the control he had over him, and he stepped outside, closing the door firmly behind him.

Joshua looked up to steal a glance at the man he did not yet know was his own father, before he hurriedly looked away. As if the man would be upset or insulted for merely being looked upon. But the man said nothing, not yet. He calmly walked over to the table and as he extended a hand toward the visitor’s chair, he paused when the teenager flinched. Synn waited a moment or two, giving the boy a chance to calm himself, before he pulled the chair out and took a seat opposite of him. Synn watched as the boy all but hid as far into the chair as he was physically able, shielding himself from the stranger across from him.

“Joshua,” Synn finally broke the uneasy silence between them. “May I call you Joshua?” When the boy did not answer him, Synn struggled privately. Under most circumstances, Synn prided himself on always being in control. He had every minute detailing of his life, both personal as well as professional, laid out before him at all times, and he did not like when anything went astray. Some called him a control freak of the highest order, but such was life. His life. And yet, here he was. In Canada at the behest of someone he had not spoken to in over fifteen years. Sitting across from his son.

His son.

The moment that realization struck him, all control over his life went out the proverbial window. This sad sight before him, this frail, small lad, had done the seemingly impossible. He made Synn what he never expected to be. He made him a father. And to make matters even more complicated, without having spoken to him, the very moment Synn laid eyes on this boy, he was bound and determined to save him from this place. Even if he had to bring the walls down in order to do so and take out every single person inside who had brought harm upon his son!

He had awoken something in his heart.

Synn fished for something in his pocket, and once he had retrieved whatever it was, he reached across the table and a fearful by nature Joshua shot back in his chair, but it was only the handcuffs on his one wrist that prevented him from toppling over completely. Synn paused, blaming himself for perhaps moving too soon and without explanation. He then calmly held up a key, and motioned with a head lilt toward the handcuffs. Joshua’s wide eyed strayed from this stranger to his locked wrist, and then back again.

Synn said, “I see little need for you to be chained while we have a talk.” Joshua stole a quick glance past him and toward the door where the doctor had vanished, prompting Synn to add, “Don’t worry about him. I got this from one of the employees.”

With that being said, Synn stood up from the chair and started to unlock the cuff from around Joshua’s wrist. But the moment he was freed, his childish, more animalistic instincts took over. Joshua grabbed Synn by the nearest wrist and bit down on his hand - HARD! Having expected this possible reaction, Synn gritted his teeth tightly, ignoring the pain just long enough to reach over with his free hand and dig his strong fingers down into the soft crevice between Joshua’s shoulder and neck! The painful nerve hold caused Joshua to immediately stop biting, his eyes tightly shut and his mouth wide open in a silent cry of sharp pain! He fell back into his chair, and curled up into himself! He drew his knees up against his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs, his face hidden as his forehead rested down on his knees with his long, black hair shielding his face. But although he gave no further outward sign, the way his small shoulders spasmed was evidence enough the boy had been driven hard to tears.

Slowly, Synn resumed his seated position and he gave Joshua a few needed moments until he finally asked, “Are you alright?”

It took seemingly forever, but finally Joshua’s head rose up and his pretty, gray eyes were bloodshot from the salty tears, and his face flushed with the fresh tears staining streaks down his face until they pooled at the cleft in his chin.

“Y-you hurt me!” The boy cried in a charged accusation, but Synn remained stoic in his seat as he replied, “Joshua. YOU hurt ME first.”

Joshua didn’t answer this accusation. He did not or could not, because Synn spoke the simple truth. And when a child was faced with an unpleasant truth about his or her own actions, they reacted just as Joshua now did; he turned his head away so as not to face the truth of the situation, and he aid the side of his head onto his rested forearms. He then downcast his face into his arms and rocked his head back and forth.

“Joshua,” Synn said. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

Joshua did not do as requested, but Synn heard his soft and shaky voice murmur, “Are you a doctor?”

“No, Joshua.”

“Do you work here at the hospital?”


Joshua’s eyes then peeked up over the surface of his forearms and his gray eyes met Synn’s own emerald green ones as he whispered hoarsely, “Then stop telling me what to do!”’

Synn just stared down at the small teenager, and as their eyes were locked, with the pained defiance he saw in those gray eyes, there was no doubt in his mind. Deep down inside, the two were so much alike. Joshua Young indeed was his son. Then in a tender, childlike moment, Joshua wiped at his tear stained cheeks with the back of his hand and he drew in a shaky breath, but found his voice enough to ask, “Are you angry with me?”

It was such a simple question, as what child wanted an adult to be mad at them? They sought acceptance from the older generation. If anything more, they wanted them to be proud of them. Sometimes, even strangers.

“No, Joshua.” Synn shook his head in the negative. “I’m not angry with you.”

Joshua turned his head onto its side to better look at the man across from him. He asked, “Are you going to tell on me for biting you?”

Synn just smiled, “No.”

“How come?”

Synn drew in a deep breath and exhaled silently through his nose, and then answered, “Because as much as you hate your doctor, I find myself with a strong dislike toward him as well.”


“Because I find him to be something of a pompous bastard, if you truly want to know.”

Joshua’s eyes opened wide, almost as wide as his mouth when it fell open. To say he was surprised would be a vast understatement. Shocked, might be a better choice of words. NOBODY at the hospital ever spoke to or about Doctor Silkworth the way this stranger just had! Seeing the shock evident on the boy’s face, Synn sought to try and further this slight advantage he had found. He tilted his head to the side to better look into Joshua’s face and he said, “I am sorry that I hurt you just now.”

A soft laugh gently escaped Joshua’s smiling lips, but it wasn't a laugh of amusement. It was one of resignation. Acceptance of the inevitable. Where he has been told the same thing many times before, but was now immune to the bitter disappointment of betrayal. He sighed, all manner of innocence lost in his eyes as he looked away from Synn and mumbled, “I’m used to it.”

This revelation brought a frown to Synn’s face, and he asked, “What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Joshua resumed burying his face into his forearms and he went radio silent, pretending as if he had not spoken a word. But it was an opening that Synn knew he had to press, albeit gently or else risk losing what ground he had gained with his son’s fragile psyche.

Synn said, “Joshua? Please don’t do that. You brought something up, so please share what you wanted to say. Not doing so wouldn’t be very fair of you.”

After a handful of delayed moments, Joshua finally looked up, and Synn had just barely noticed his eyes shift quickly to the door and back. He read his concern quite readily and Synn said, “Do not worry about him. Whatever you have to say to me, stays between just us.” Synn motioned between the two of them.

Again, it took a few moments of silence between them, until Joshua whispered, “Promise?”

“I promise.”

“Pinky swear?” The boy said with an innocent gesture, extending his arm over toward the man with his pinky extended, which took a monumental effort of trust on his behalf. Synn looked at his extended pinky, then at him and smiled. He reached out with his own hand and their pinkies locked.

“Pinky swear.” Synn yielded. They released the binding gesture of promise and Joshua huddled back against his chair, but this time did not hide within himself. Synn relaxed back in his own chair, his chin propped on his curled fingers.

He said, “Now please tell me what they’ve done to you.”

Joshua took in a deep breath….

Las Vegas, Nevada - Now

The front door of the household swung open with its usual loud clatter, and out into the warm, evening air raced Despayre with an excited expression on his face. In the curl of his right arm, he carried his best friend Angel, and under his left arm, he carried a brand new and unopened edition of the classic board game, CLUE: Master Detective. Once she had gotten word that he had received his first vaccination shot, his ‘pal’ Mrs. Colleen O’Heaney invited him over for the evening meal. The first time he had been allowed to visit the elderly woman in her home ever since the Covid outbreak had first reared its ugly head across the world. Given her age, she was a chief risk, and it ate away at poor Despayre not being allowed to visit her as often as he liked.

A sentiment that had been lost on most, if not all, of the remaining members of his makeshift family of the Sins and the GO Gym. Mrs. O’Heaney was viewed as the meaning, orneriest person in the neighborhood, but Despayre just so happened to adore her. And whether she wanted to admit it or not, she herself had a growing affection for him as well. It just was not in her nature to admit to such a thing. But he had given her little choice but to let him be her friend, and more than once he was right there when she needed someone the most.

He had earned both her trust as well as her friendship.

He skidded to a halt at her doorstep and was about to barge inside as he had the habit of doing so, whether it was his home or not. But instead, he paused briefly as if in contemplative thought. He then carefully reached up and delivered a knock on the surface of the door. And after a moment, the door was opened from the inside and the smiling young man gleefully bounded inside as the door closed behind him.

Synn: “Those closest to me know what kind of man I am. They know I can be quite prideful when it concerns me, but I have found in recent years that I can be even more so when it comes to the accomplishments of those very same people who know me so well. The men and women that were once under my care as members of the Seven Deadly Sins and their careers inside of the ring. Their accomplishments after those same in-ring careers came to a slow yet satisfying conclusion. The fact that Gabriel, my proverbial crown jewel where the Sins are concerned as well as his lovely wife Odette, have passed on so much of their collective knowledge to the ‘next generation’ of wrestling stars. A new generation where so many have followed the traditions set by their mentors to rise to be the best. Names such as Evie Jordan and Fenris, and London Underground come immediately to mind. But I have to say, that as proud as I am of so many, perhaps it is for selfish and personal reasons that my pride for Despayre remains so prominent.”

“Despayre had not competed in over two years when he decided to finally follow through and enter the 2021 Blast From the Past tournament. I knew for the last several years how much he wanted to enter his name, and each year he allowed the time to lapse away until it was too late. Each time I encouraged him, and each time he simply allowed the spot to be filled by another. He never did explain why, when everyone in our little circle knew how much fun he had in tag team wrestling, and an event such as this was practically made for him. I thought briefly he was concerned about not doing as well as he had been known for in the past, but you know? That never really was a concern for him. Wins, losses … championships. Aside from the titles he shared with Gabriel, those things were just words. Whether it be singles or tag team matches, Despayre’s primary reason for doing so was to have fun, and to share that fun with others. And this year, I was happy when Despayre’s best friend and ‘big brother’ Gabriel helped me in convincing him to finally put his name down.”

“And once he did, all doubt was erased. With Amber at his side, Despayre has erased any doubt where his return to the ring was concerned. Any accusations that he would be suffering from ring rust for his time away? Completely erased. Despayre and Amber have come so far, making it to this year’s Semi-Finals, and they have so much further to go before they can call themselves the 2021 Champions. The next step is Myra Rivers and (and this is where things might get complicated) Mac Bane.”

“Now those who know Joshua are well aware that he is not what you might call much of a talker, at least when it comes to his wrestling promos. Every once in a blue moon, a whimsy on his part might lure him into a little chat about whomever he is standing across the ring from, but more often than not, it would be either Angel or myself who would take up the proverbial gauntlet on his behalf.”

“What it all boiled down to was who could be the meanest in some of the things that had to be said this week where his and Amber’s opponents were concerned. I’m still not altogether certain how I should feel when the votes between Angel and he came back with my having won in a so-called ‘landslide,’ but then why argue fate. We are here, I am here, and some things need to be said.”

“It is, after all, the allotted task for a manager to do the talking where his athlete is concerned.”

“Myra Rivers is without a doubt going to be the toughest challenge for Despayre’s partner Amber Ryans to face. After all, we are talking about not only the longest reigning Bombshell Internet Champion in SCW history, but also the fact that she has set a record atop that in sheer number of defenses. Do you know how I know? Quite simple, really. Because Myra tells us as much - each and every time the camera is turned on and set in her direction. Now, I can’t nor would I take anything away from the accomplishments of Ms. Rivers, and I ask that Despayre not be judged for what I’m about to say because these are my words, my thoughts - not his.”

“Myra often reminds us that by wrestler standards, she is not as young as she used to be and the level of success that she has achieved in SCW is remarkable at her age. I have never understood why this age thing even gets brought up at all, when you take into consideration that she is not that old! Seriously, thirty five? You consider THAT to be an advanced age when there are athletes twice that age still going strong in all manner of sports!? Perhaps we might even agree in her outlook  if she did not take the time to state this each and every time. Granted, I said I would not take anything away from her victories, but why bring up your age every time you pull off another in an already long list of victories? False modesty, perhaps? Or to use so-called advanced age as an excuse in the event of a loss? An act of self reassurance. Whatever the case, this ageism … her bringing up so often her victories and record setting accomplishments… one has to wonder if Andrea Hernandez has had more of an effect on her than she has had on Andrea.”

“But Myra is for Amber’s concern. What Despayre has to face inside of the ring is about more than just a tall, lanky cowboy. His concerns are twofold; Mac Bane - and trust.”


“Such a small word but one with the greatest of ramifications. Because without trust, you can not have a personal nor a professional relationship with someone that you have to depend on. In order to have complete trust in someone, you MUST have confidence in the honesty or integrity of a person or thing. Joshua does not trust easily, or at least, he didn’t used to. Nowadays? It seems to come more easily to him, even if he continues to have doubts or reservations. And his trust in Amber Ryans as his partner has been unshakeable since the very beginning, even when he realized when this week’s semi-Final match was against someone that his partner had a personal connection to. I only wish that I had that same luxury.”

“Mac Bane had not been around SCW for some time before he signed up for the Blast From the Past, And what time he did have previously was filled with promise. He had the world at his fingertips. He defeated Kedron Williams for the Roulette Championship, and when he did, so many people - myself included - felt that it would be the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, it was more like the iceberg that sank the Titanic, because a mere one week after winning the first of what could have been many championships, Mac Bane simply - left.”

“That’s right. After earning a shot at a major championship and winning it in convincing fashion, what does Mac do? He announces his departure from SCW, and the title is vacated and his accomplishments and reputation becomes a mere speck of the distant past. I myself was surprised when Mac signed up for the tournament this year, because to do so you have to put a certain level of trust (there’s that word again) in your partner, and urge your partner to have that same trust in you. And so far, Mac has proven himself a worthy partner for Myra as they’ve made it this far. Now, wrestling locker rooms are notorious for the proverbial grapevines of gossip, and word has it that some see Myra as being a fool for putting any trust in Mac for indiscretions he has had in his past in-ring career. Still, she chooses to trust him and he has done right by her. But how long can or will that trust last? Well, that I can answer; it will last until Sunday, March 14th.”

“Because the team that everyone dreaded is alive and well, and they are the ones facing Myra and Mac this coming weekend, and while the clash between Amber and Myra will be one to be remembered, I admit that I can not wait to see what happens when Mac steps inside of the ring with Despayre. Mac has a distinctive advantage in size and weight behind him, with a foot in height and over a hundred pounds in weight, but this is the part that I really enjoy; when has such a thing ever really mattered where Despayre was concerned? Goth. Shipman. Casey Williams. They all thought and said as much. They all went down in defeat to a young man barely half their size - if that. Each, and every one!”

“Mac, you had all the promise in the world when you were first here, and you squandered it on a whim. You could have moved on and become the Internet Champion had it suited your needs. You could have even made an attempt to become king of the mountain and possibly reign as the World heavyweight Champion. You just chose to piss it all away along with any real hopes and dreams that you once had to make something of yourself where it truly mattered.”

“The simple fact, Mac, is that when it comes right down to it, you are not committed where wrestling is concerned. In the end, all of the trust that Myra had for you to get her to the finals will have been proven to be mislaid. Your time is at an end, Mac. What happens next is up to you, but goes no further in this tournament after this coming Sunday.”

Climax Control Archives / Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
« on: March 05, 2021, 09:44:11 PM »
“There’s just something about a teddy bear that’s impossible to explain. When you hold one in your arms, you get a feeling of love, comfort, and security. It’s almost supernatural.” -
James Ownby

So! That was some adventure we had last time around, huh? Teddy bears! Dragons! What more could a viewer ask for in the world of Despy and Angel? Well, as it turns out there are plenty of other tales to be told where our heroes are concerned, and not all of them center around the world of Make Believe. After all, not everything where Despayre is concerned can be all fun and games. Every so often, we have to take a step back and bring things closer to home. A touch of reality, if you will.

Monday - Las Vegas

This was why we found the red Corvette Z06 driving down the city streets in the famed “City of Sin,” weaving expertly in the mid morning traffic, somewhere between the suburbs where they called home and the ‘big city’ itself. The weather was pleasant with bright blue skies and nary a cloud, and warm temperatures that foretold spring was just around the corner. Both windows were down, allowing the luxury of the cool breeze to waft over warm flesh. The driver paid close attention to the road before him while stealing the occasional glance toward his passenger; a young man with both arms on the window and his head relaxed on his forearm, long, black hair whipping in all directions.

“You know going so early to Panda is just asking to be disappointed.” Despayre spoke from the passenger seat. “They’re just opening and they never have the good stuff ready.”

Synn replied, “I never understood why they don’t have everything ready at opening, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m sure everything will be ready by the time we go for lunch after your doctor appointment.”

The sudden swell of silence that followed immediately after gave Synn cause to turn his head to find his son staring at him with inquisitive eyes.

“What - doctor’s appointment?”

“Don’t play innocent with me, Joshua.” Synn answered as the car turned a corner. “You’re getting your first vaccine shot this morning.”

“What!?” Despayre cried. “A shot!? Why wasn’t I informed about this!?”

“You were.”

“Was not!”

“I happen to know for a fact that you were listening in on my call with your doctor.” Synn pointed out.

“Oh yeah!?” Despayre put on his most affronted ‘Who, me?’ face. “What makes you so sure?”

“Well for starters, you always do.” Synn answered matter of factly. “And two? It wasn't the assistant who cried out ‘Oh no!’ over the extension.”

The ‘busted!’ expression on his boy’s face only made Synn smile with genuine affection at his innocence, pulling into the parking lot of the Redrock Medical Clinic…

...And mere minutes later, Despayre was seated on the exam table in the private room, with Synn seated nearby, watching closely as his son’s doctor, Patricia Prince, made ready for his first immunization shot. Despayre’s trademark trench coat was draped over Synn’s lap, and Doctor Prince had rolled up his sleeve in preparation. Despayre was fidgeting, clearly nervous, but he did not act out as he might in other circumstances such as with his dentist.

It was a bit of a psychological ploy Synn had encumbered with his son, feeling somewhat guilty at the form of manipulation. Synn had ensured his boy’s physician was female because he knew despite his animalistic instincts, Despayre would never lash out physically with a woman.

“I don’t like shots.” He whined, to which Doctor prince smiled and said in a soft voice, “Nobody does Joshua, but you’re being very brave.” Yes, she was well aware of his mental state. She would have had to have been made aware from day one.

Despayre looked to her and said more in a statement than a question, “I heard this will make me not feel good.”

“There are some possible side effects, Joshua.” The doctor answered. “Just like with most medications. Mild, flu-like. But nothing I am certain you can’t handle. And there is no guarantee you will experience any of them.”

She started to wipe his bare arm with an alcohol swab and he winced, closing his eyes tightly and whining, “Ow! Ow! Ow! It hurts!”

“Joshua…” Synn pointed out. “She’s just using a swab on your arm to ready the shot.”

“Oh.” he turned and she held up the swab for him to see, before he turned back to his dad. “I knew that.” He tried to play the gaffe off innocently enough when he opted then to ask, “What about you?” Despayre frowned, eyeing his father. “How come you don’t have to get one?”

To which Synn answered, “I got mine last week, remember?”

“Was that why you were sick and grumpy?”

Synn scoffed, but nodded with a stiff smile, “I did have some side effects, yes, Joshua. But as for my ‘grumpiness,’ well according to Theresa, I need not be sick for that.”

Despayre giggled when the doctor stepped back and said, “There we go.”

“Que?” Despayre turned to her and found her placing a cotton ball and band-aid over where she had just delivered the injection. “It’s over?”

“Yes.” The doctor smiled. “That didn’t hurt, did it?”

Despayre looked down at the Band-Aid, then stared at her for a moment. He then turned to Synn and asked, “If I say ‘ow,’ we’re still going to Panda Express for lunch. Right?”

Wednesday morning

“So, how’s our boy doing?” Gabriel Stevens, best friend and ‘big brother’ by heart if not by blood to Despayre, asked over the facetime screen on the video chat. Synn sat in the kitchen with the laptop open, and he lowered his coffee to the island counter surface before he gave the screen his undivided attention.

“How did you know?” Synn asked, Gabriel having called him only moments ago. “Joshua didn’t call you, did he?”

“No, he didn’t have to.” Gabriel shook his head in the negative from his end of the call, at the GO Gym across town. “But he didn’t come to the Gym this morning like he had planned, and you told me he got his first shot yesterday so I put two and two together.”

“Well look at you, going all Sherlock Holmes.” Synn joked. His mood then quickly grew somber and he said, “I was actually hoping that when Tuesday passed, it meant he likely passed any side effects but such wasn’t the case for the poor kid.”

That morning, Synn walked into the kitchen for the morning meal and was greeted by Theresa, their live-in housekeeper and an honorary member of their little family. Upon his arrival, Theresa started to serve a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and waffles onto a plate and set it in front of Synn with a tall, black coffee. Synn looked around and shook his head.

“You’re serving waffles and Joshua hasn’t stampeded downstairs yet?” Despayre’s multiple medications usually coerced the lad to sleep later than normal, but when there were waffles being served, the boy woke up alert as if by radar.

“No.” Theresa shook her head as she returned to the stove and counter, wiping her hands on her apron. “I half expected to be run over the moment I made the first one.”

Synn started to stand when the firecracker of a woman waved him back down into his seat, “You eat. I’ll go see if he’s up.” And she exited her domain as Synn sat back down, but didn’t begin his meal as his deep, green eyes watched after her.

“Joshua?” Theresa gently knocked on the door of his hidey-hole aka his bedroom. “Are you awake?”

With no answer save for a soft, barely audible whimper, she pushed the door open and took a look inside. A messy room as was the usual, but that was not her immediate concern. Across the room was the king sized bed, and the comfort disheveled and a form clearly underneath. She walked around the room, paying careful heed not to step on any errantly sprawled out toys or goodies, until she arrived at the head of the bed.

Despayre was curled up in his usual fetal position, but he was clearly in discomfort, his eyes barely open. She asked, “Joshua, what’s wrong?” Although she strongly suspected she already knew the answer.

“I don’t feel good!” He said softly. She extended a hand against his forehead, and then in old-school manner, leaned over to press her lips against his head. Just to be sure. She stood upright and sighed. He had a fever. And the way he was huddling into his blankets, the chills as well.

“I’ll go fetch your poppa.” She turned and made her way from the room…

“So it’s just the fever and chills?” Gabriel asked as we rejoined the conversation held at the Synn household currently. “Nothing more serious?”

“No, that’s all. No coughing or breathing issues. Although the way that boy is carrying on, you’d think he had it all.” Synn smirked. “He’s really working it for the extra attention.”

“Are you surprised?” Gabriel laughed, despite himself. “Look who his daddy is! My Despy knows how to work a situation to his advantage!”

Synn could not even begin to deny the truth behind that statement, and while Synn himself was a master manipulator for what some would accuse of being unethical reasons or for the benefit of those closest to him, such was not the case where Despayre was concerned. He simply reacted to not feeling well like any young one might, and if it just so happened to net him an extra dessert from Theresa, who was he to argue?

“He’ll be okay in time for his match, right?” Gabriel asked, to which Synn answered with a nod.

“His doctor said the side effects would clear in one to three days. Plenty of time for him to recover and be ready on Sunday. I’m just hoping all is well by Friday.”

“Why?” Gabriel asked. “What’s happening Friday?”

“Joshua has a dinner guest to entertain.”

Gabriel asked, “Another Jehovah Witness?” H6e choked back a laugh, knowing of his Despy’s habit of inviting in almost anyone who came to the door close to supper time. Many a Jehovah Witness and Avon lady had found themselves seated at the dinner table before they were even fully aware of what was happening.

A habit Synn had yet to manage to break his son of.

Synn finally said, “Not exactly…”

Friday evening

“She’s here! She’s here!” Despayre’s excited yet sharp cry was heard from upstairs as the doorbell rang. Theresa dutifully answered the front door, and upon its opening, there stood none other than Despayre’s “Blast From the Past” tag team partner and perennial threat to the Bombshell division, Amber Ryan.

She smiled, even if it seemed a touch tight. A new environment might be the cause, or at times their home did have that effect on first-time visitors. Just ask O’Malley and Darcy. Perhaps it was just the thought of ‘dining’ with strangers, but for some reason, when she had received the invitation to come to dinner, she was unable to answer in anything other than a positive.

Theresa held the door for her and bid her to come inside, and Amber set foot inside of the foyer, dressed in a white, button up blouse and jeans with a light gray blazer. As Theresa shut the door behind her, Amber found the imposing figure of Synn, Despayre’s father, standing there also in the foyer of his home, watching her with a careful eye. He knew his son was growing friendly with this woman in the early stages of their partnership, but he also knew she had a somewhat violent if distasteful reputation with the other Bombshells in SCW. And he was nothing if not protective of his son.

“Miss Ryan, I’m glad you could make it.” Synn spoke first, easing some of the tension that had seemingly spiked.

“Well, thanks for inviting me.” Was her tight lipped response, as her eyes were drawn all over the house’s modern and spacious interior before she righted herself in the moment, and returned her eyes to him.

Their eyes met and if there was any tension, it was subdued with the barest trace of a smile to the big man’s lips. He shook his head and said, “Oh I did not. This night was entirely Joshua’s planning. You’ve been so gracious to him, taking him for ice cream and to the wax museum, he wanted to repay you.”

“That wasn’t necessary.” Amber offered in reassurance. “I was happy to do it. It helped us get to know each other a little better as partners.”

“Well, that’s just the type of person my son is.” Synn replied as Theresa took the blazer from Amber to hang it up nearby. “He even asked Theresa to make his favorite meal to share with you.”

Amber couldn’t help but feel a little pleased that Despayre went to such lengths - and for her! It just reinforced the growing affection she was developing for the young man and his non judgmental outlook on life, and where she herself was concerned.

“That’s - really nice.” She said. “What’s his favorite meal?”

“Meatloaf.” Theresa answered matter-of-factly as she walked back past Amber and headed again for the kitchen. Meatloaf? Not she felt just a touch overdressed but Synn started to escort her closer to the hall where a plush chair was conspicuous in its placement against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. It was a nice chair, but it was obvious it did not belong there if not for a specific reason.

Not that she would have questioned it, and even if she had the mind to, the answer came soon enough as from upstairs she heard her name called, “Amber! Hi! You came!”

Her eyes roamed to the top of the stairs where there was Despayre, waving at her excitedly with a bright smile on his face and that teddy bear tucked against his chest. Then, unexpectedly (for her at least!), rather than walk or run down the stairs, Despayre swung a leg over the banister and slid down! And as he slid, the momentum grew faster and faster until he lost control at the base and flew off!

Synn casually took her by the shoulder and moved her back just a fraction of an inch so that Despayre rocketed past her rather than INTO her and *WHOMP*! She and Synn turned to find the smiling Despayre upside down somehow in the chair, its soft cushions protecting him.

She turned her wide eyes from Despayre who struggled to right himself and looked to Synn who watched his son and shook his head before addressing her, “We used to have a console table in that spot. A rather nice vase and painting on the wall too.” He sighed, “But it got to be a touch expensive to upkeep so we went with…” And he motioned toward the chair.

Amber could not help herself as her lips twitched in bemusement, stating, “I bet it makes for a more comfortable landing, too.”

“And more fun!” Despayre smiled as he jumped to her side, taking her by the arm.
“C’mon! I’ll give you the bland tour!”

“You mean grand tour?” Synn raised his eyebrows, correcting his son but Despayre huffed, his free hand solidly on his waist. “That’s what I said!” And he took off, yoinking Amber along after him! Only a split second later did Synn spin around in the direction they disappeared to and he called out, “Joshua! Do NOT jump in the pool like you did last time!”


The tour had ended, and Amber had to admit that when giving a tour, Despayre was very - thorough? The house was immense and spacious, and had much to admire. From his special ‘hidey hole’ bedroom to the entertainment room and everywhere in between, but she hadn’t expected for the house’s bathrooms to be on the itinerary.

She had a glass of a honey-infused scotch in her hand, Synn’s personal favorite spirit and poured for her by Synn himself from his private room-turned-pub that Gabriel had built for him years ago. Despayre had tried to do so himself when the tour happened into that room, but luckily Synn had found them in time before Despayre could get hold of any of the bottles he had on reserve. It was a rule that Synn held steadfastly to, despite his penchant for spoiling Despayre. He was not allowed to touch anything with alcoholic content. Given his medications, it was a recipe for disaster.

They entered the dining room, set nicely for five - wait, five?

Amber asked, “Are you expecting someone else?” But a piece of the puzzle was solved when Despayre skipped around to a specific chair with a pile of phone books in the seat. He carefully placed Angel down in his special spot, then unfolded the clock napkin and tucked it into the bow tie under the teddy bear’s ‘chin.’ Amber almost felt silly for not having had guessed that this would be the case, but that still left the fourth setting to be explained.

“That’s my seat!” Despayre said proudly. “I get to sit beside you! Dad sits at the head of the table and Theresa sits there.”

“Theresa…?” Amber started to ask but stopped herself quickly, not wanting to question something she had no right. She thought that household staff usually took their meals in other rooms, perhaps the kitchen, but clearly this was not the case in this little close-knit family.

The table was laden with a homemade feast, which only wet Amber’s appetite. She was not much of a cook so the opportunity to have a home cooked meal was most welcome. The large meatloaf sat on the center plate, still piping hot, and there were bowls filled with greens and au gratin potatoes, ready to be served to whomever wanted them. And the smells made Amber want them and more.

Theresa finally entered the dining room, carrying a pineapple upside down cake, obviously the evening dessert. Synn took it from her to set in place, and before the housekeeper could take her seat, Synn dutifully held her chair out - an act that caught Amber unaware; the head of the household treating the housekeeper with such high regard and respect. It was only when she heard Despayre say, “Here you go Amber.” That she turned and saw that he was repeating the very same gesture - for her. Slowly she sat down and once the ladies had taken their seats, then did Synn and Despayre take their own.

Amber finally found herself growing comfortable as an offered plate was passed over to her hands, and a pleasant evening meal ensued.

“You know, when this team was first made official on Twitter, I had a lot of reservations. Considering we spent months watching Amber Ryan decimate the Bombshell division in and out of the ring, how could I not help but feel cautious where Despayre was concerned? Roxi Johnson. Christina Rose. All people who have crossed paths with Amber and not in a friendly way, and both of who have a friendly relationship with Despy. The first thought that crossed my mind was, ‘She already has a world title shot secured. What if she tries to use this tournament as a means to hurt Despy, and by proxy, hurt Roxi and Christina?”

“But as it turns out, my fears were pretty much unwarranted. Oh sure, I won’t lie and say Amber is entirely without fault, because I don’t lie. But where Despayre is concerned, she has been nothing but supportive; inside the ring and out. Inside the ring, she has fought tooth and nail if not for herself, than to certainly help Despayre get one step closer to becoming a two-time Blast From the Past winner, and that all-important World Championship opportunity. That’s a pretty selfless thing to do for a woman who many think of being -- completely selfish. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“And outside of the ring, she had no reason to hang out with Despayre, but the simple truth is that she wanted to. First she wanted to get to know him as a tag team partner, and once that door was opened, she wanted to get to know him as a person. It happens. It’s just the effect that my boy has on people. They hung out, talked -- well, she did most of the talking. Babes have that bashful effect on Despayre. But she didn’t have to do any of this, and yet she did.”

“Mark Cross and Krystal Wolfe were a surprisingly tough team to beat, and some say that Amber and Despayre were lucky to make it past the opening round. And now that they’re here, there’s another team to beat because one is a current champion, and the other is a former.”

“I’m a little disappointed that they have to face Candy, because despite what some might think of her (Amber included), I happen to enjoy Candy’s company and her personality. And I know for a fact that Despayre feels the same way. The two have had some fun exchanges on Twitter, and even looked forward to the possibility of teaming with one another before the official drawings had been made. She reminds me a little of my boy, Despy! In so many ways, in the ring and with that charming personality of hers. The simple truth is, like with Despayre, people tend to gloss over Candy’s past accomplishments and think of her as a stepping stone to bigger and better opposition. She’s looked at as an ‘underdog.’ Any win she gets people consider a surprise or an upset and that’s SO not fair! Candy is a former Roulette Champion! She beat Sammi Marlowe for that title and if THAT doesn’t say something, then I don’t know how else I can make you believe a word I say!”

“Candy has had more than her share of wins inside of the ring! Whether you want to admit it or not, Candy can and has pulled off some big wins -- but then again, so has Amber. I am glad SCW doesn’t allow intergender wrestling because Despayre wouldn’t want to step into the ring with any woman, but Amber? I am more than confident that Amber can be Despy’s rock where the Bombshell on the opposite side of the ring stands. Let Amber have Candy in the ring (haha! Get it?), Despy has this under control.”

“Now Coby Quik -- if anyone has an edge in this tournament aside from Mikah, it’s Coby. He is a Mixed Tag Team Champion in a mixed tag team tournament! Does that give him an edge? Well it certainly tells us that he has a handle on the environment, but is he better off than anyone else? Well if his partner happened to be Mikah, I’d say most definitely! But he’s had as little time with his ‘new partner’ as any of the rest of the entrants, so he is in as much of a pickle team wise as anyone else.”

“The one thing that really has me interested is the fact that Coby and Despayre are so close in size! You see, Despy has always been the smallest man in the ring. His own partner in this tournament is taller than he is! He’s 5’6” and MAYBE 160 pounds! Only once before has Despayre ever been in the ring with someone the same size as him and that was the Great One aka J2H! But now, here Coby comes along; a couple inches taller and roughly the same weight. You know what that tells me?”

“When those two boys are in the ring, we are going to be in for a -- wait for it -- Cruiserweight Classic! I won’t try and downplay anything about Coby or his accomplishments (except for MAYBE how he got hold of his half of the Mixed Tag titles). He’s fast - LIGHTNING fast! If anyone could match Despayre for speed, the closest I would say would be Coby. Maybe. But he’s also a pretty nifty submission wrestler. At that size, you’d have to pick up a few tricks to whittle down men two or three times your own size. For Coby, it’s submissions. For Despayre…?”

“Well, his family and friends don’t call him a force of nature for no good reason! Sure, he knows how to slap on a submission hold or two, but the simple fact is that Despayre is so unpredictable inside of the ring and so unorthodox, there’s just no way to properly prepare for him! Coby could go through the finest training at the hands of Kris Ryans and Jet City (and I’m sure he has), but you just can’t prepare for a storm that’s going to hit you from out of nowhere! Despayre loves to take to the sky, just like Coby. It comes as natural to him as it does to a bird. But Despayre is also as likely to bites your nose off as he is to put you in a crossface! It’s just his way, an instinct if you will. And if you think THAT”S bad, then you should see what happens when you get him upset! Or worse, if you HURT him! Many opponents over the years have said the hardest part about wrestling Despayre is simply catching him, and I agree. But if you want a real headache, if you want to know when you’ve passed a point of no return when you’re in a match with him? Take control of the match. Get him down. Hurt him.”

“That’s when you lose the innocent, fun loving Despayre and the animal comes out to play. Just ask the Hall of Famer Goth what happened when he hurt Despayre. Find out where Chris Shipman is and ask what happened when Despayre felt threatened. That’s where you can’t help but forget his size, and find out just how dangerous he can really be as a wrestler, and a fighter.”

“In fact, Coby, why not ask someone a little closer to home? Ask Kris Ryan what it’s like to step inside of the ring against Despayre. The answer may not be what you want to hear, but it’s everything that you need to know. If the man responsible for your training was unable to put Despayre down for the proverbial count, you have to ask yourself;”

“What chance do I have?”

“When this team was first announced, the majority of the entrants were concerned and rightly so. Amber’s in-ring dominance was without question, and Despayre? In his entire in-ring career he’s been pinned a grand total of THREE times! Some look at tag teams whose members are carbon copies of one another, but if you ask me, the absolute greatest teams are the ones who have more differences between them than they do similarities. When I look at Despayre and Amber, that’s the type of team that I see. They have little in common, but their differences make up for the team that made the entire wrestling world go “Oh (censored)!”

“That right there will be your 2021 Blast From the Past Champions!”

Climax Control Archives / Despy and the Dragon
« on: February 19, 2021, 07:57:09 PM »
Las Vegas, Nevada - Monday February 15

Gosh golly gee! It sure has been a long time since we last visited this particular Las Vegas abode, hasn't it? Almost three whole years to be exact, and no we are not counting that time O’Malley and the missus showed up out of the blue to ask a favor of Synn. This here is more personal in nature, coupled with a touch of whimsy. This here is ALL about Despayre - and Angel. And in case you've been living under a rock, you ALWAYS include Angel!

The large, two story house built in modern architecture sat quiet as the sun had risen in this early midmorning hour. The sky had an overcast look of gray clouds with an almost wet chill, offering the threat of rain. Or if the temperature dipped any further as it had in other areas of the country, perhaps some Frosted Flakes of the snow-sort? Snow? In Las Vegas? One could only hope!

But I digress! We're here and inside of the home office of the head of this household (no, not Angel) but Synn himself, the father of the man of the hour (again, not Angel) but Despayre. Even during the so-called lock down that the vast majority of Americans foolishly and Arrogantly ignored, Synn took no chances with the well being of those in his home. While Despayre went about his own to keep himself amused, both at home and helping out now and then at the GO Gym, Synn maintained his own business workings. And now that Despayre had managed to talk his way into the 2021 Blast From the Past tournament, things grew more interesting.

As Synn busied himself on his desktop, his business phone rang and rather than interrupt his work, he put it on speaker, greeting the caller with a “hello?”

The voice of SCW Co-Owner Christian Underwood was on the other end, stating, “Synn, it’s Christian. I saw you and Despayre left early last evening. I wanted to be certain you were aware of his first round match with Amber next week.”

“Yes, sorry about the early exit. Joshua was convinced he was going to get gang-smooched by the Bombshells on Valentines Day. And then he went and had that run in with Amber Ryan so that sealed his exit.” Synn replied, “Who are the opponents?”

“Mark Cross and Krystal Wolfe.”

“Hunh.” Synn pulled his gaze away from the computer screen and focused on the phone for a moment. “That makes things awkward, but I suppose it’s the risk of this event. Still, a very formidable combination.”

“True.” Came Christian’s response. “I just wanted to make sure that boy of yours was aware. See you both on Sunday.”

“Goodbye.” Synn shut the phone off, and his emerald green eyes went to his office door and he said, “Alright Joshua, I know you’re out there listening.”

And only a split second later, the door opened and Despayre’s head popped through with an innocent smile but inquisitive look in his own gray eyes. He asked, “Do you have X-Ray specs or something? How did you know?”

“Because I know you.” Was all the explanation Synn had to offer. Despayre then popped the door open the rest of the way and practically leapt in, still wearing his sleepy time clothes of a plain t shirt and Looney Tunes pajama pants, arriving at his dad’s desk in a single bound. Such was his heightened level of excitement.

“I suppose you heard the news about your match next week?” Synn inquired, and Despayre fidgeted with barely contained elation, a smile that beamed and fidgeting near uncontrollably. Synn then followed up, “And the fact one of Gabriel’s students is one of your opponents?”

But Despayre then shook his head and countered with, “Krystal is Amber’s opponent! Mark is mine!”

“Still,” Synn started. “It could make things awkward?”

“I’ll be fine!” Despayre assured him, then his eyes popped wide open. “Oo! I hafta tell Missus O’Heaney the good news!” And he immediately did a U-Turn to leave when Synn spoke up…

“You know you can’t enter her house yet, correct? Not until you get your vaccination?”

“I know. I have a solution to that!” Which only gave Synn a sense of wondering dread while his boy raced out of the hall and to the left… then a second later he raced back the other way, stating, “I should change first!”


And just across the street, inside of an old fashioned Victorian style house, an oddity in this otherwise relatively modern neighborhood, the aforementioned Eileen O’Heaney was walking through her home’s interior with the aid of a cane. She always kept her home relatively dark because too much light hurt her eyes, and to cut back on bills, but it was near noon and she felt some natural sunlight would be pleasant while she watched her stories. Maybe an open window for some fresh air until her caregiver returned and would close it again against her wishes.

Mrs. O’Heaney took the cord and pulled the drapes open -- and promptly let loose with a surprised shriek! Her friend/antagonist Despayre was standing right there with his masked face pressed up flat against the window pane. He waved at her and even the mask he had to wear couldn’t hide his smile as she clutched her chest and promptly scolded the lad.

“Are you TRYING to give me a heart attack!? What on Earth do you think you’re doing!?”

But the heated words from the elderly woman who was known as the most hated in the neighborhood (by everyone BUT Despayre) rolled right off as he just called out, “I have good news!”

“And what, a phone call couldn’t suffice?”

Despayre pondered this for a moment before he shook his head in the negative.

“And why on earth not??”

“Because I wanted to tell you in person!” Despayre answered. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“Yes, it has been rather peaceful in the neighborhood.” The eighty-plus year old widow remarked, but again, it was lost. Especially when Despayre added, “I missed you.”

THAT was just hitting below the belt, as far as the old woman was concerned. Nobody in recent memory, not even her own family, had uttered those words to her. Few people had ever broken through the proverbial walls she had erected around herself after her dear husband’s death over forty years ago. This young man was one of the few exceptions, pestering her into having no other choice BUT to let him be her friend whether she liked it or not.

And truth be told -- she did.

“Well, out with it then!” She barked, both hands on the head of her Dane for support. “What's this so-called ‘good news’?”

“I get to wrestle again!” Despayre cried gleefully “Next weekend!”

“What are you going on about?” Mrs. O’Heaney asked. “I thought you retired? Two-three years ago?”

“No, at least not officially.” Despayre tried to explain, tucking his hands into his pockets by force of habit and he shrugged his slim shoulders “I kinda sorta just … stopped.”

“I see.” She observed with a critical brow. “And you're certain you won't get hurt?”

“I'll be fine.” Despayre smiled, obviously pleased that she had taken an interest in his well being. “Me and my partner Amber are wrestling a friend, Krystal, and Mark…” But whatever else he was saying was interrupted by a critical scowl.

Mrs. O’Heaney said, “Amber? Young man, are you telling me that you are wrestling a young lady?”

“No. No!” Despayre shook his head rapidly. “Noooo! My partner wrestles the girl on the other team. I wrestle the guy!”

“Oh, well that's fine then.”

“So…?” Despayre inquired hopefully. “Will you watch?”

She sighed in faux annoyance, coming get close to a full fledged eye roll. “I suppose. IF there's nothing else on.”

“‘Kay!” Despayre glowed. That's what she ALWAYS said and she ALWAYS watched. He gave her an excited farewell wave before he turned and ran back towards his house. JUST missing the wisp of a smile on the old woman’s lips.

Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

As the classical theme song from Masterpiece Theater played in the background, the opening shot is that of a book's spine where inscribed in gold lettering was "Messterpiece Theater". It rolled over and faded to a close up shot of a tabletop, polished oak and a silver bowl filled with purple Skittles. The camera pans to a bust of Duck Dodgers of the "Looney Tunes" franchise. Moving aside from that, a silver tray piled high with chocolate chip cookies and a glass decanter filled with ice cold milk. Moving further up the elegant table was a framed photograph of a teddy bear (two guesses as to who!) and just behind that, in a gold leaf frame, a picture of Queen Elizabeth herself. The camera panned over to a small row of books, personal favorites such as "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree" and "Where the Wild Things Are."

The camera panned across a large display case, where rested several championship belts with golden emblems, such as the AWA International, AWA World Tag Team, NWA World Tag Team, SCW World Tag Team, and SCW Internet. Also in the case was an elaborate trophy for the Blast From the Past Memorial tournament, along with a Hall of Fame plaque and four Most Popular of the Year trophies.

A bookcase was set on the far wall, and there, seated in an old English chair before it and in front of a window looking out across the night skyline, was our host. Clad in a purple smoking robe and Taz slippers. A bubble pipe in his hand and a crystal goblet of Cherry Coke on the table at his left. With an open book on his lap, he looked up to the camera and smiled.

“Hello friends, and welcome to a very special edition of Messterpiece Theater. I am your host, Joshua Kooky. Tonight, we share with you a fanciful tale of bravery. Who doesn’t love the tales of brave and bold knights in shining armor who venture out into a land of fantasy and danger, and all to save a beautiful princess from a rampaging Dragon? That is the fable we have for you here this evening. A little tale I like to call -- ‘Despy’s Dragon.’”

Joshua Kooky blew some bubbles from his pipe and raised a glass in toast as the camera wavered to a new scene…

Have you ever had a really bad acid trip? No? Good! That stuff is NO GOOD! Well then, how about a really funky dream after eating Taco Bell and Lucky Charms for a late night snack? Yes? Okay then! In that case, we’re in business because a trip like that would explain why we’re seeing such a setting!

A painted background of a blue sky and smiley face sun. Clouds that did not move in the wind because -- there was no wind. We would have had trees but the budget (you understand) -- so we’re substituting ferns as a ‘clip clop’ sound was heard from deep within the woodland realm. Oops! There goes Despayre’s cat Sebastian scurrying across the scene. Alas! Well if you ask Jake Sullivan aka Rage, you’d know that this feline is a beast to fear! But it was through these ‘trees’ that our brave hero emerged atop his mighty steed!

Sir Despy, the fabled Silver Knight, rode atop his toy horse, bucking up and down to get the legs to flex and move him along his chosen path. Clad from head to toe in a shiny, silver knight’s armor, our hero rides along as he looks through the armor’s visor at the devastation that surrounds the countryside.

“Well I WOULD if I could see out of this thing!” He whined - right before he rode headlong into a ‘tree’ and fell over, horse and all. He rocked back and forth like a turtle trying to rise from its back, then finally threw himself over onto his hands and knees and used his toy lance to push himself back to a standing position.

“I meant to do that!” Sir Despy called out. “And I’m alright if anyone is concerned!”

Crickets chirped. A bird flew over the skyline. Sir Despy shook his head.

“So. Rude!” And with one last look at his poor, fallen steed, another grisly victim of the Dragon, before he moved on. “Gee I hope Dad can get the deposit back on that thing or he’ll have my head! Just glad I didn’t break Theresa’s fern or else she’d do worse than what this Dragon might!”

Sir Despy stood at the pinnacle of the cliff, looking out over the devastation of Lord Synn’s kingdom. Smoke rose up from the charred lands. The trees burned. Animals of the forest were simply -- gone. And it was up to him to save…

“Darn it!” Sir Despy complained audibly as he reached up to grasp his helmet and struggled to pry it off, but it just would not budge! He stabbed his toy lance into the ground so that he might use both hands to free himself of this contraption, but it did him little good because that helmet was stuck tight! So engrossed was he in freeing himself, he did not realize that he was in imminent danger! He did not smell the fresh brimstone from the Dragon’s breath! He did not hear the stomps as the Dragon’s clawed feet stomped the ground, drawing itself ever so much closer toward our brave and heroic Knight!

Then, from behind Sir Despy, the dreaded Dragon rose up, it’s visage truly a horror to behold (mostly because it looked like a Muppets reject but this is Despy here! Cut him some slack!)! It gnashed its yellow teeth, the sign of its last victim hanging from the dreaded fangs; a large Cross.

(Dragon? Cross? Hunh? Hunh?)

The Dragon leaned in close from behind and blew a gust of hot air against Sir Despy’s back, causing him to groan.

“I’ll be glad when this adventure is over and I can get out of this armor! It’s not even March and already hot out!”

Finally giving up on the helmet, Sir Despy grabbed at his lance and gave it a mighty tug, tearing it free from the earth a little TOO hard as he swung about in a spin and ended up with his weapon stuck right up the Dragon’s hooter! Sir Despy gave it a tug, then a harder one, but could not remove as the Dragon started to

Sir Despy then let go of the lance with one hand and lifted up his visor so that he might see…

“Gadzooks! It’s YOU! … Say can you let me get this loose? We’re on a bit of a time crunch here.”

And the answer came in the form of the Dragon’s roar and it pulled back, dragging our brave hero along the group until Sir Despy braced himself and Knight and Dragon were engaged in an epic tug of war!

“Oh come ON! Be a pal!”

“Roar! Growl!” Went the stubborn Cross Dragon, as it would come to be known because the narrator just thought of it!

“Fine! Be stubborn!” Sir Despy chastised the evil beast and he let go of the lance and instead looked behind a large boulder and pulled forth -- a fire extinguisher? Sir Despy looked at the camera and shrugged.

“Oh what else would you have been expecting!?”

And he squeezed the extinguisher’s trigger -- and promptly sprayed himself right in the kisser in a cloud of mist and foam! Sir Despy was blinded! The Cross Dragon blinked and watched in bewilderment, all signs of its evil forgotten as it gazed at the silly but loveable Knight who swung blindly and then fell off backward over the cliff - plummeting - a foot at most and landed with a whuff, the air driven from his lungs!

With a formidable growl, the Cross Dragon lurched over the edge of the cliff to finish the Knight off, when a sword was brought down over it’s reptilian noodle, and the beast finally went down, defeated! The camera pulled out to reveal the sword being held by -- the Lady Amber!?

Sir Despy was standing once again, straining with his helmet, trying to pry it off of his noggin’ and see what was amiss, when Lady Amber approached him, her princess gown torn and charred from the Dragon’s rank breath when she had been taken captive. She watched him briefly and she cleared her throat, causing him to stop and he looked -- everywhere.

“Sir Despy?” Lady Amber called. “Is that you?”

“Well I don’t know!” He whined. “I can’t get my helmet off to see!”

With a resigned sigh, Lady Amber reached over and flipped the small latch that held the helmet secure so it did not fall off amidst battle, and it fell to the ground with a clatter. Sir Despy looked down at that confounded helmet, then at Lady Amber…

“I knew that.”

“I’m sure you did.” Lady Amber declared. “Then perhaps you can explain something else to me?”

Sir Despy raised his eyebrows in comical questioning, and the Lady gripped her pink princess gown and held it out.

“WHY am I dressed like this!?”

“Well, you’re a princess - obviously! Every other team has been working together somehow. I bet Mark and Krystal are doing something together. You even hosted that ice cream social for me, remember?”

Lady Amber closed her eyes and smiled politely, nodding. A supreme effort on her part (the smiling, not the nodding).

“You see?” Sir Despy explained. “So I figured we had to do something together too! Only…”

He looked down at the defeated Dragon at the hands of Lady Amber and he whispered, “You can’t do stuff like that on Sunday! We’ll end up disqualified.”

“I… I am so lost!” Lady Amber rubbed her temples with her fingertips, earning her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as the credits started to roll.

“That’s okay!” Sir Despy said with a comforting smile. “There are other things to wonder about.”

“Such as…?”

Sir Despy leaned in close to Amber and pointed at the screen.

“Like whose names are those?”

Lady Amber turned to the credits and frowned, “What the f…”

The echo of footsteps were heard across the small stage, the echo reverberating against the walls. They grew louder, getting closer and onto the stage emerged -- Angel? Clad in a powder blue business suit with matching bow tie, the Teddy Bear of the Millennium strode casually to the podium that just so happened to be just his size. He took his place and shuffled the papers before him.

“Oh some now! You can’t be THAT surprised to see me! I mean, there’s been plenty of stranger things that have happened in Despayre promos over the past decade. Trust me, I should know. I’ve been there! Despayre wanted to be here himself, but you can blame Amber Ryan for the sugar crash he’s currently going through. Poor kid is out cold! And as far as Amber lending me a hand? Well, let’s be honest…”

Angel casually glanced back over both shoulders before motioning the camera forward and then cupping a paw over his mouth to whisper.

“I think I may have broken her!”

He cleared his throat.

“But I digress. This isn’t about Despayre or Amber… well it is, but this is more about the two who they’re going to be going up against in just a handful of days; namely Krystal Wolfe and Mark Cross. True. Despayre won’t be stepping foot inside of the ring against Krystal, and even if intergender wrestling was permitted in SCW, Despayre is far too much of a gentleman to participate in something so barbaric. Besides, he knows Krystal from her days as one of the earliest students at the GO Gym. Evie being the very first, of course.”

“Despayre was there from day one, watching every step of Krystal’s journey. True, he may not have been hands on with her training. That was left mostly to Odette since Despayre has pointed out time and again he has never assisted with in-ring training with one of Gabriel and Odette’s female students. Chances are, when Krystal was in the ring, learning the ropes (Get it? Ropes? Wrestling ring?) Despayre was either off fighting the vending machine for a snack or he was watching something on his phone beneath the ring. Or -- he just might have been paying close enough attention to everything that went on inside of the ring with Krystal, thinking maybe a day like this might come? A day where he might not be an actual opponent for the young lady, but someone at his side would be. And in watching how she trained, learning her strengths and weaknesses -- he’d be able to pass along those valuable little nuggets of information to someone like -- say -- Amber Ryan?”

“Loyalty is one thing between those that set foot inside of the GO Gym, but when you’re on opposite sides of the ring, with a chance at the World Championships? Then it all becomes the spirit of competition! And any juicy gossip he might have that could be useful to Amber? You can bet the boy is going to spill the beans! After all -- he can’t keep a secret like I can!”

“And The Dragon? Well, we’ve all seen what this man has been capable of inside of the ring, in both SCW as well as SCU. I mean, hello! 2020 Blast From the Past Champion? Ring a bell there? The irony is the fact that in 2020, Mark was also teamed with a graduate of the GO Gym, Evie Jordan. And who doesn’t know Evie! And I’m willing to bet that Mark is banking on making a little history two-fold. Not ONLY by tying Evie by becoming a two-time Blast From the Past winner, but also by doing so back to back years AND -- both times being teamed with a partner from the GO Gym? Pretty impressive, wouldn’t you say? Or, it would be if when Mark has the ultimate chances to follow up, he didn’t -- well, choke.”

“Now some have tried to go and claim that Evie carried Mark to the Blast From the Past championship, and much as I respect Evie, that’s just not true. I’ve done my research!”

Angel tapped a paw to his head.

“This is ALL about a team effort, and as much as the Dragon annoyed Evie, they were just that;  a team. CC 262, Mark beat Mister TNA to get that first step closer. Climax Control 264, Evie beat Tallyn to go to the Semis. Climax Control 265, the Dragon pinned Teddy Warren to get his team to the finals. And at Blaze of Glory VIII, Mark pinned Javi Gonzales to win the tournament for his team. Pretty impressive for them both, wouldn’t you say? But when it came time for Cross to try and add the SCW Championship to his SCU Underground laurels, well -- Ben Jordan proved that SCW is where the big boys play. And you know, ever since Ben defeated the Dragon, things have kind of been hit and miss for Cross in his SCU stomping grounds. Have you noticed that?”

“About his biggest news to date has been riding the coattails of that group, GRIME. Anything for a little extra notoriety, amIright? Or how he makes some waves on Twitter by annoying random Bombshells that have taken a liking to his opponent this weekend; Mikah, now Amber? Is that supposed to impress? Get under the skin? Are those what the Dragon might consider mind games? Who knows! Because if he knew Despayre half as well as he might imagine, mind games?”

Angel shook his head, eyes closed.

“They don’t work too well on my boy. Despayre is a being of pure instinct. Anger? Fear? Nerves? He’s encountered all of the above in the ring with some of the cruelest and most calculating individuals in the sport; Goth. Chris Shipman. Sean Jackson. And only Sean passed the test in their cage match and walked away the winner. More often than not, Despy is the type to survive even the most insurmountable odds so he can walk away the winner. Remember ‘Dragon,’ everything you’ve accomplished in SCW - so has Despayre. And more! 2016 Blast From the Past Champion with Crystal Millar! Two-time Internet Champion! Three-time World Tag Team Champion! And only two people, in all these years, have EVER pinned Despayre’s shoulders to the mat; Gabriel Stevens himself and J2H. Mark Cross is not going to be the third.”

"Connor Murphy. The GIANT Casey Williams. Goth. Those are the men Despayre beat in `16 to get his team to the finals! Not bad, huh?"

“The sad fact about professional wrestlers is they see someone smaller than them in the ring and think it gives them an automatic edge. That’s been the case ever since Despy first set foot inside of a ring back in AWA. From his singles career to the time he spent teaming with men like Gabriel, Jake and Big B, the men they faced took one look at him and wrote him off. They just assumed because he was small, that his partners carried him. They think because Despayre is so little, it’s going to be easy pickings -- only to find themselves being picked apart by this little force of nature. Maybe Krystal and Cross will assume this as well between Despy and Amber? Who knows? But if they make that same mistake so many others have made over the years, then woop!”

Angel jet a paw back over his shoulder.

“The Dragon and the Wolf will be out of this tournament faster than Mexican water through an American tourist! And all of Mark Cross’s plans to emulate Evie will be tossed out the window and his dreams left scattered in the wind. And you know what I don’t think the Dragon has picked up on if that happens? The further Despayre and Amber advance, the more likely it’ll be that Despayre actually fulfills Cross’s own dreams and goals! Because winning the 2021 tournament will make Despayre a two-time champion himself! Pretty nifty, huh Dragon?”

“You think just because ‘the Dragon’ has seven inches and about seventy pounds on Despayre, it’s an automatic win? Ask wrestlers like Rage aka Jake Sullivan. Or Casey Williams. Both men dwarfed Despayre in the ring, and both were defeated. Even a maker of the stars like Gabriel Stevens can’t explain how someone so little can take down men two-three times his size! I’m sure both he and Synn are working overtime making sure my boy is ready for his first match in over three years.”

“Ring rust? It won’t be an issue. I know after nearly three years out of competitive wrestling that’s going to be another natural assumption. How can someone, anyone, be at their peak capacity when they haven't wrestled since 2018? It's simple, really. You have a support group of those who love you."

"What exactly do you think Despayre has been doing in the GO Gym all this time? True, he might not have been on tour like the lot of you, but he has still been inside the ring. Sparring. Helping Gabriel and Odette train the next generation of stars when they need it. Heck! He’s helped with Superstars like Fenris! Did your partner Krystal share THAT little nugget of information? No. Hm, shame. Maybe you should have a chat with her about opening up the lines of communication like Despayre has been with Amber. Now THAT’S teamwork!”

“My point is, Despayre has everything he needs around him to make sure he’s ready for the Dragon on Sunday. You don’t think he takes bumps when he’s in there with GO students? You don’t think Gabriel and others haven’t indulged the lad with sparring matches every now and then just to keep his (and their) own ring skills sharp? You just don’t get as far as the Seven Deadly Sins and GO graduates have by not being ready for anything and everything that this business can - and will - throw your way! And here’s a little nugget of information for you Mark, since Krystal probably hasn’t been sharing much; Gabriel and Synn have both stated they don’t try to get Despy to focus on an opponent, or the matches he’s in. Oh sure they might point out a weak point like any good friend or trainer would do, but the secret to Despy’s success is they simply. Turn. Him. Loose!”

“It’s worked for him pretty well so far! Sunday will be no different. And don’t worry about Despayre usurping your dreams and goals. He’s a nice kid, just ask anyone. I’m sure he’ll let you live vicariously through him.”

Angel paused for a moment in contemplation.

"Maybe I was wrong. I guess it IS all about Despy and Amber."

That being said, Angel took a single step back from the podium, turned and exited stage left. The spotlight winked out and …

Despayre sat upright in bed and rubbed at his sleepy eyes with his hands.

“Well!” He said, casting a glance over to Angel who was yet snuggled comfortably under his blankets. “That dream was certainly convenient!”

Character Building Roleplays / "Ten Little Teddy Bears"
« on: October 31, 2020, 08:49:49 PM »

Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

As the classical theme song played in the background, the opening shot is that of a book's spine where inscribed in gold lettering was "Messterpiece Theater". It rolled over and faded to a close up shot of a tabletop, fine oak and a silver bowl filled with Skittles. Fade to a large tome, an original edition of "Lord of the Rings", open wide on a pedestal and a purple sash draped down the center as a place saver. The camera pans to the right of the book to a bust of He-Man of the "Masters of the Universe" franchise. Moving aside from that, a silver tray piled high with unwrapped Twinkies and Ding Dongs. Moving further up the elegant table was a framed photograph of a teddy bear (two guesses as to who!) and just behind that, in a gold leaf frame, a picture of Queen Elizabeth herself. The camera panned over to a small row of books, personal favorites such as "The Picture of Dorian Grey" and "The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes."

The camera panned across a large display case, where rested several championship belts with golden emblems, such as the AWA International, AWA World Tag Team, NWA World Tag Team, SCW World Tag Team, and SCW Internet. Also in the case was an elaborate trophy for the Blast From the Past Memorial.

A bookcase was set on the far wall, and there, seated in an old English chair before it ands in front of a window looking out across the night skyline, was our host. Clad in a purple smoking robe and Grumpy Cat slippers. A bubble pipe in his hand and a crystal goblet of Cherry Coke on the table at his left. With an open book on his lap, he looked up to the camera and smiled.

"Good evening friends, and welcome to yet another edition of 'Messterpiece Theater.' I am your host, Joshua Kooky."

He turned his head for a close up shot and goofy smile.

"But then again, you already knew that."

He turned back to a long shot with the camera and closed the book on his lap and folded his hands atop of it.

"It has been awhile since our last story, has it not? Over three years to be exact, but you know how it is... copyright issues and all that."

He shuddered.

"But we won't allow that to come between us and a frightfully good tale of the macabre, will we?"

He took a puff on his bubble pipe and watched with childlike glee as the bubbles floated up and popped, one by one.

"We come to you today on Halloween, for a classic tale of Whodunnit. A story I like to call..."




Spooky, huh? This sort of tale has to be, especially when it's being told on the spookiest day of the year! No, not Income Tax Day ya sillies! Halloween! And this is a very special time because we come to you on Halloween for this very special story! And can you imagine a better location for such a story than a (seemingly) haunted mansion on an island in the middle of the crashing ocean? With a storm brewing and winds whipping around?

I know! I'm rambling but you have to set the mood! There's an art to telling these stories, don't you know!

And here we are, at Autumn Grove Grave Manor! On Autumn Grove Grave Isle! Nothing sinister here, I assure you! Inside this Victorian abode was a gathering of friends ... well, acquaintances ... oh who are we kidding? A gathering of greedy people looking to cash in on the recent passing of one Baron Gabriel Von Tallywhacker... (snrk!)....

The lovely newlyweds Ben and Evie Jordan...
Seemingly innocent Mme. Christina Rose with the funny facial ticks...
Bubble and childlike Candy...
Mistress Boobie (BOBBIE!) Dahl and her mancake, Just Artie...
Glamorous Mme Mikah and her erstwhile friend and companion, Kris Ryans...
And of course, the sultry but superb femme fatale, Miss Alicia Lukas...

The folks are gathered together in the lounge of Autumn Grove Grave Manor, some seated, some standing ... all anxious, as the executor of the estate, one Mister Despayre, was just finishing the reading of the will.

Despayre adjusted his thick rimmed glasses and said,  "So, with the passing of the late Baron Gabriel Von Tallywhacker..."

There was a snort of pained and restrained amusement, and heads turned to find Mister Benjamin Jordan holding his nose with eyes clenched tightly shut.

Despayre continued,  "Each of you has been left a portion of his vast, vast estate. Well, everyone except for Artie there. He's a nobody and just here because of Bobbie."

Bobbie patted her mancake on the shoulder in sympathy as the reading went on.

"Each of you meant a great deal to the Baron -- again, except for Artie -- so rather than choose just one of you or make you fight for one big prize in the pit, the Baron in his infinite (and now dead) wisdom, has agreed to divide everything up equally -- provided ..."

Everyone leaned in with eager expressions.

Despayre went on, "You all spend one night, this night, here. In his home."

Mikah was aghast, looking around at all the dust and cobwebs. "This old shack!?"

Despayre exclaimed, "The very same! The catch is...."

Everyone leaned in with eager expressions...

"The house is haunted."

Kris asked, "You mean with ghosts?"

All heads turned to the vacant expression on the face of Kris, and there was one giant mutual shaking of the heads. Despayre rolled his wide eyes and looked back to the will in hand.

Despayre mumbled, "One can only hope he keeps those looks. Anyhoo...! There is something else you should know!"

Everyone leaned in with...

Despayre exclaimed, "Oh STOP doing that! If any of you, for any reason, does not make it until morning..."

Christina says, "You mean if we choose to up and leave in the middle of the night."

Despayre bites his bottom lip, "Um, sure! If you don't..." **air quotes** "... make it until morning, that person's share of the money will be added to the collection to be divided with the surviving -- er, remaining, guests..."

All guests now have shifty expressions on their faces, realizing the stakes, and realizing how much cash there was to be had if they were the only one left. Alicia turns to stare at Kris who stares at Ben who turns to stare at his wife Evie who turns to stare at MJ8ikah who turns to stare at Bobbie who turns to stare at Artie who turns to stare at Candy who turns to stare at -- a mirror.

Candy jumps, "Eek! I mean, wait. Can we do that again??"

Despayre says, "Now! I want you all to please make yourselves at home. Feel free to explore the grounds and the house. And do get ready because Baron Gabriel Von Tallywhacker..."

A collective snort of suppressed laughter...

"... his very own personal chef, Chef Ariana..."

Despayre directs the guests' attention to the young woman in a chef's uniform and hat, with a crazy look on her face, complete with smile and one eye opened larger than the other, and a meat cleaver in her hand, stands against the far wall...

Her assistant, young Carter, stands beside her but his own attention was on his nails as he busied painting them a vivid neon purple. He extends his hand to examine his work and says, "Your funeral."

Which causes crazy Chef Ariana to turn and stare at him with her one wide eye even wider.

Despayre slips the will into his briefcase and picks it up in one hand, holding up his free hand. He said, "So just relax and enjoy your evening. This isn't the Hunger Games. Everybody can win! So, uh ... may the odds be ever in your favor. Night night!"

Despayre starts to walk past the guests and toward the door, prompting Ben to ask, "Wait, you're not staying too?"

"Are you crazy?" Despayre stops and looks at him as if he is. "I wrote this thing! I know what's going to happen!"

That being said, Despayre does the quickest 'fast walk' out of the room that anybody has ever seen. This leaves Kris to turn to his friend Mikah and ask, "What do you think he meant by that?"

Mikah just rolled her eyes heavenward.

Crazy Chef Ariana is toiling away in her kitchen, a vast and old-fashioned set up. She putting the finishing touches on the guests' dinner, standing over the hot stove with a H-U-G-E pot bubbling on the stove top, stirring the contents.

Mister Despayre peeks in the doorway and smiles, "I'm leaving now, Chef Ariana! Everything in order for dinner?"

A hand emerges from the surface of the evening meal, a hand with neon purple fingernails. Chef Ariana quickly pushes it back down with her wooden spoon and resumes stirring.

"Oh yes!" She grins. "Everything's fine!"

"Okey dokey! Bye!" Despayre takes his leave, the last thing seen in a small, ceramic teddy bear in a mummy costume on the back of the kitchen counter...

Upstairs, Candy emerged from her assigned bedroom, fully refreshed and prepared for a fun night and a good meal with some pleasant company. Well, company anyway -- tolerable at the very least. Wearing a pink tank top showing off her trim waistline, and tight blue jeans, she skipped out into the hall when she heard a multitude of whimpering sound.

She turned and her face lit up with an indescribably joy ... as at the other end of the hall was a large litter of puppies! PUPPIES!

Candy clasped her hands together, "Puppies!"

Yes, we just said that! Puppies from golden retrievers to dachshunds and everything in between. Candy lowered herself to bended knee and extended her hands, and the mass gathering of fur babies needed no other invitation! They ran in one huge puppy stampede and Candy's eyes widened as they pounced…


Ben and Evie Jordan emerged from their room, both dressed to the proverbial nines, suit and cocktail dress. And just to ease your sick minds, Evie was wearing the dress, NOT Ben! Ben, as always, offered his arm and Evie took it gratefully. They started to walk down the hall to the stairs when they saw the most curious site;

A wriggling, swarm of upright puppy dog tails that were wagging rapidly. The Jordan's approached curiously, and suddenly all the puppies' heads popped up and the little fur babies took off in all directions. Leaving the body of Miss Candy lying on the floor, the lights snuffed out from her eyes but a smile on her face.

“Huh!” Evie said. “That’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone puppy nuzzled to death. Oh well…!” And she retook Ben’s arm and they stepped OVER Candy’s lifeless form and made for the stairs…

Ben added, “At least she went with a smile on her face?”

A ceramic teddy bear was on a shelf in the middle of a collection of colorful ceramic plates….

Mikah, of course, always took the longest of time to get ready for an evening. It didn't matter if she were hitting the clubs or going out to the movies, or even staying in some creepy haunted mansion. She had a reputation and image both that she was expected to maintain.

That was why we found her in the upstairs restroom, adjoining her bedroom. It would appear that she was not even close to being finished getting ready. She had just stepped out of a steamy shower, and had a fluffy pink towel wrapped around her body. She was currently in the process of adding a Fresh coat of peroxide to her long, beautiful tresses. It was indeed a painstaking process, but the end results were well worth it! Even if the fumes were getting to be a little bit strong.

A little bit too strong if you ask me!

Mikah wrinkled her nose and walked over to the window and she attempted to open it to get some ventilation and relieve herself of the fumes, but the window would not budge. Unseen by her, and on the outside, the window had been nailed shut, effectively stopping her from getting any fresh air circulating in the room.

“Are you KIDDING me!?” She exclaimed, and she stormed over to the bathroom door to open it as Plan B, but now it would not open! On the other side of the door, a hand was seen breaking a key off into the keyhole! This effectively sealed her inside of the room with no relief, and no hope for a rescue. Mikah tugged hard on the door handle, but it was of no use! She started to cough and hold her throat, when she started to pound her fist on the door!

“Help!” She exclaimed. “Is anyone out there!? Help!”

But seriously! Who was going to help Mikah?? The fumes from the peroxide continued to get stronger and stronger, as Mikah’s coughing and choking intensified. The fumes grew strong enough that she could almost see them, with that wavy ripple in the air surrounding her!

She staggered around and reached over the clawed foot tub and tried for the window again, when the fumes finally got to her. She grew dizzy and passed out, and fell head first into the bath water…

A ceramic teddy bear perched on the top of the door frame, ‘looking’ down at the drowned Mikah...


“Miks?” Kris Ryans walked into his friend’s bedroom and walked over to the bathroom door. He knocked on the bathroom door. “Miks? You decent?”

But he heard nothing. He tried the door but it too would not even so much as budge. He frowned and jiggled the handle, then his eye caught the sight of the key broken off into the lock.

“Now how do you suppose THAT…” But whatever he was about to say was cut off, as a rag soaked in chloroform was shoved over his mouth and nose….

Down in the kitchen, as Ariana had finished dishing out generous servings of her homemade blueberry curry, she opened up the freezer door to retrieve the dessert when ...

A paw hand rose up from beneath the kitchen counter, holding a box of rat poison. Behind the Chef's back, the box tilted and a random bowl of blueberry curry got an unexpected and very dangerous added ingredient...

Alicia Lukas was ready. Alicia was ALWAYS ready. She stood in front of a large trophy case, the remnants of the good Baron Gabriel’s storied career in sports entertainment. Chock full of trophies and championship belts. She removed the shades over her eyes and looked at everything in the case with her head tilted just to the left.

“Hm, mine’s bigger.” She mused as she slipped her shades back on, and turned around and an unseen assailant swung a trophy right between her eyes….

Downstairs in the catacombs deep beneath the mansion, Alicia was dragged by a shadowy figure by the boot, down the arched hall…

Alicia was strapped to a chair, her arms, wrists and legs restrained. The figure stood back behind a large ‘wax’ furnace with a hose attached. The figure reached over and turned the release valve, and instead of boiling hot wax, it was liquid BRONZE that sprayed forth and toward the helpless Alicia….!


Having gotten ready for dinner, Bobbie and Artie arrived at the bottom of the steps in their classiest duds. Bobbie took Artie’s arm and they made for the dining room, passing by the very same trophy case as before when something gave Bobbie pause and do a double take. She took a step back and stared into the large case with a life size bronze ‘statue’ of Alicia Lukas!

Artie observed, “I guess the Baron was an Alicia Lukas fan?”

“Ugh!” Bobbie huffed and grabbed her man cake by the arm, pulling him along down the hall, not noticing the tiny ceramic teddy bear on a glass shelf beside the statue’s head...

Kris slowly woke somewhere in the lower levels of the mansion, groggy. His mind still feeling the effects of the chloroform. He tried to move, then realized he had been practically mummified with duct tape to a chair. It was dark, so he was unable to see, but he could make out the shadowy outline of a figure standing before him with a large stuffing machine from Build-A-Bear. Only instead of stuffing, it had been filled with -- teddy grahams.

“Mmmph!” Kris tried to protest … oh yeah. Did I forget? His mouth had also been duct taped shut!

Kris struggled but was secure as the figure approached him, holding the vacuum hose from the machine in ‘their’ hand. The figure reached with their free hand and RIPPED the tape from his mouth, prompting…


And the hose was stuffed into his gaping hole of a mouth! The figure then switched on the machine and stepped onto the peddle… and Kris fought mightily as the content of the machine was sucked down from it, through the hose, and into his mouth!

It only lasted seconds, and soon his struggles ceased. The hose was removed from his mouth, leaving it filled with teddy grahams that spilled out…

On the perch of the machine, rested a ceramic teddy bear...

In the grand dining room of Autumn Grove Grave Manor, Christina Rose, Bobbie Dahl and Artie, and the Jordans (Evie and Ben) sat around the dining room table in their assigned spots. They supped on a delicious (HA!) blueberry curry, and chatted amongst themselves, taking notice of the missing guests…

“Where IS everyone?” Artie asked as he looked at the empty place settings, each one still with a full bowl of curry in its place.

“Probably got ‘scared’ of the…” Bobbie air quoted. “Ghosts, and took off. Oh well…” She took another bite of her delicious curry with a slightly coppery taste to it. She dabbed at her lips with a cloth napkin, then pushed her chair back.

Artie asked, “Where are you going?”

“To see if the cook has any naan bread.” She answered as she headed for the swinging door that separated the dining room from the kitchen. “What good is curry without naan bread?”

“True!” She heard Ben agree as she stepped into the kitchen to find it empty. Spotless, but empty. She frowned and held her arms out.

“Ugh! Good help and all that…” Bobbie started to explore the kitchen in search of her precious naan bread, mentally taking note of the missing cook. “Maybe she had to take a dump…” Bobbie casually observed as she opened the cupboard doors, one right after the other.

She then opened the gaping fridge to find it chock full of unique ingredients from an even more unique chef. On instinct, she opened the stand-in freezer door beside it -- and there was the cook! A ghastly smile on her face as she hung from a meat hook, a tiny ceramic teddy bear tucked into her apron pocket.

“I guess this means no naan bread?” Bobbie sighed as she shut the freezer door and turned to walk away...

“They’re all against you, you know.”

Christina frowned from where she sat at the vanity table with the extra large mirror, running a brush through her plum colored hair. She looked around, uncertain if she had heard something or not.

“None of them like you, you know.”

“What…? Christina frowned as she set her brush down and stood up. She turned around and looked about her room, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. It was the same style with the same furnishings as everyone else had, and there was no one else in the room, save for her.

“She told me so you know it has to be true.”

“Who…?” Christina found herself asking before she realized what she was doing.

“You know who.”

“Stop…” Christina pleaded, clenching her eyes shut as her fingers tore at her hair.

“Why do you let her say things like this?”

“Why do you let her turn them against you?”

“I said STOP!” Christina cried, but the taunting was relentless.

“She wishes you had never been born!”

“The moment you step foot off this island, she’ll take all of the money!”

“You have to stop her…”

“You can’t LET her…!”

Christina finally screamed and grabbed two axes placed on hooks on the wall (convenient, huh!?) and she started swinging!


“Christina?” Ben knocked at her door. He had changed from out of his suit, and into a Superman latex outfit that showed it all - INCLUDING his pulse! Not because it was Halloween, mind you. But because it was a little fetish of his wife’s and before they slept tonight, he thought they could play Lois and Superman and …

Forget it. It’s because it’s Halloween!

“I heard yelling. You okay…?” But at the touch of his knuckles, the door opened slowly with a loud creeeeeak! (Spooky, huh!?) Ben frowned and looked around the room, before his eyes went to the floor, and the mess that had once been Christina Rose!

“What’s going on?” Evie said from behind her husband. She stepped up beside him, squeezing herself in and looked at the gruesome remains. “What. The….?”

“This is the first time I’ve seen someone get into an axe fight with themselves…” Ben observed. “And still lose.”

The Jordans looked at each other, then casually stepped back out into the hall and closed the door behind them.

A ceramic teddy bear rested on the top of the vanity mirror, looking down at the remains of Christina Rose...


Ben and Evie then walked down the hallway and paused at the door of the room Bobbie would be sharing with Artie for the night. They could spot a dim light on beneath the door so Ben turned to his wife and asked, “Let’s see if they want to have one more drink before we turn in.”

“Ugh! Fiiine!” Evie exclaimed, preferring to hurry up and get started on their DC Universe bit of foreplay. Ben knocked on the door, and it too opened and the Jordan swerve startled at what they saw in front of them.

A VERY much dead Bobbie Dahl (courtesy of rat poison infused blueberry curry) in the full cowgirl on the bed, on top of an equally dead Artie! A trickle of blood escaped the corners of Bobbie’s lips, evidence to the poisoning, while Artie’s facial features were blue, and his eyes bloodshot.

“Whatever got her…” Ben whispered as he stepped into the room to examine the scene. “... got him too.”

“Doubt it.” Evie added as she joined her husband with a critical eye. “It looks more like the two were… you know.”

The Jordans joint shuddered before Evie continued.

“... when whatever got her, got her. On top of him. And he obviously suffocated.”

Ben turned from Evie to the dead couple, then looked up and frowned.

“I’m not sure who got it worse in the end?” he said, to which Evie added, “Neither of them. I don’t think either had a chance…”

“That’s not what I meant Eves and you know it!”

There were two tiny ceramic teddy bears in the room, one on Bobbie’s posterior, the other stuffed between poor Artie’s pursed lips...

Ben stood in front of his and Evie’s full-length mirror, admiring the way he looked in his latex Superman outfit. Ben was not the arrogant sort. He did not get the whole “love me for my looks” routine, and he also did not understand why Evie thought he looked like the perfect Superman either…

Okay, okay! But the simple fact was, the outfit Evie bought for him did make him look the part … a little bit, and Ben took just a moment to try and see what it was that his wife saw.

A moment too long.

Ben started to move away from the mirror when he felt the already skin-tight outfit getting even tighter. Ben’s eyes opened wide and he turned to call to Evie who was in the shower, freshening herself up for him, but all he could emit were gasps. His tanned skin started to ripen into a deep red, and he stumbled around until he collapsed and fell to the floor!

One more pained gasp, perhaps two -- and it was over. Ben lay there on the floor, Kryptonite not the enemy of this Superman, but a vacuum hose was attached to the leg of his costume, and the suction caused the latex to grow tighter by the second until he had literally no room left to expand his chest to breathe.

A mere moment later, Evie emerged from the bathroom in a haze of steam, dressed herself as Lois Lane.

“Well…?” She called out in a seductive lisp, but she got no answer. “Ben?” She started to say when she saw him laying there on the floor, his eyes open but seeing nothing. She gasped and fell back against the door frame, a hand covering her mouth…

“No…” Her eyes watered as she took one halting step after another until she was standing over his body. She looked down at him -- then reached down and lifted his cape -- so that she might get one last look at those perfect buns her husband had…

And the tiny ceramic teddy bear in his clenched fingers...

Morning - the very next day

The front double doors to the grand mansion estate opened up, and the lone survivor, the only guest left, Mrs. Evie Jordan, stepped out onto the porch to take in the cool breeze from the ocean and the lovely, rising sunrise.

Evie looked straight at the camera and smiled.

“I bet none of you saw THIS coming, did you?”

She turned on one heel with a satisfied smirk and walked back into the manor and shut the doors behind her…

And down on the coast, along the never ending grassy plain, Despayre was having a pleasant breakfast picnic with his bestest friend, Angel. Despy was about to take a bite out of his breakfast burrito when his eyes opened wide.

“Did you hear that!?” He asked Angel … whose paw rested on a small detonation trigger.

Character Building Roleplays / Re: Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« on: September 14, 2020, 02:38:53 PM »
It's the Grand RE-Opening for the Golden Ring Casino! For the first time since this whole Covid-disaster struck and the best locations around Las Vegas were forced into closure, Daniel Morgan finally felt it relatively safe to open the doors to his pride and joy in the famed "City of Sin" and allow people in at minimum capicity.

And of course, you know what that means? No, not people losing their money to the many games and slot machines that dominated the Golden Ring.

It also meant stars from Sin City Wrestling appearing, both to gamble away their money and use their fame with the fans to sign autographs, pose for pictures and sell merchandise. Also, it meant that stars such as Dani Weston and Christina Rose would be taking up their mantles under Daniel's employment once again.

And Despayre.

Wait... Despayre?

Yes indeedy! As the gamblers meandered about the Casino floor, Daniel walked alongside the aforementioned Despayre with his arm around the young man's shoulder. Technically speaking, Despy was not in Daniel's employment. But there was no better when it came to someone catching a would-be gambler trying to cheat the systems. Daniel knew this, and allowed Despy to "help" as a means to keep the young man busy when he wasn't at the GO Gym.

Daniel: Alright Despy, you know just what to do.

Despayre nodded enthusiastically with a smile, holding Angel tight against his chest.

Daniel: It's no different than before we had to shut down. Just keep an eye out and let me or one of the others know if you see someone doing something they ought not to be doing. ... And be discreet.

Despayre salutes Daniel, practically giving himself a karate chop in the forehead.

Despayre: Ow! ... I mean, yes sir! I can be discreet with the best of them.

Daniel gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder just as an elderly matron, obviously one of the one percent, passed by and Despayre whipped a forefinger up in her direction, causing her to jump.

Despayre: I'm onto you!

Archived Roleplays / Love Thy Neighbor Act 1 ; Scene 5
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:58:34 PM »

Hey I betcha didn't know that this was actually the correct way to phrase that famed holiday greeting! Paddy, not Patty! Too many people confuse the two or pay no attention, or simply think they know it all and go on in ignorance declaring some chick named Patty a Saint. Who is Saint Patty? Anyhoo! Unlike the rest of these poor folks, I do know! One of the great many benefits of your promo editor being a teddy bear "in the know"!

And okay, so it's the day AFTER Saint Paddy's Day. So what! That's the beauty of breaking the fourth wall in a promo! You can pretend it's the day before. ... SO PRETEND!

Las Vegas, Nevada -- what? Were you expecting something different? C'mon!

The weather has been altogether pleasant in this early afternoon in the famed "Sin City," with clear, blue skies with barely a cloud, and a modest temperature high of barely eighty degrees. A mild wind blew across the horizon, just enough to make the warm weather have a hint of what was to come with the cheerfulness of spring just around the corner. Had the weather been much warmer, we might have found the star of this here promo (no, not Angel) taking a swan dive into his pool, but for now, we're going to move past that realm of possibility and join Despayre and his cadre of friends and family, and friends who were family, in the usual setting of the house he and his father shared (with Angel) with a certain firecracker of a housekeeper.

"Okay, now look up."

Synn's voice directed his son Despayre as the young man sat perched on the edge of the bathroom sink, while the father took the task to run the electric shaver along his boy's chiseled cheek bones. Synn used the tips of the fingers on his left hand to lift Despayre's chin and started to gently run the shaver's flat heads along the edge of his jaw line and slowly down along his throat.

To many on the outside looking in, this might look a bit of an unusual occurrence for one grown man to be shaving another. Yes, Despayre is in fact twenty two years of age, but because of his mental conditions, there were still tasks that Synn would not risk him handling on his own. Such as times when the family might go out for a nice meal at a nice restaurant. If there is steak involved (and there should always be steak!), Synn would cut up Despayre's for him so the young man would not have to handle the shark steak knife and thus risk harming himself or another. The risks were minimal, but still; there were risks. And this?

This was simply a father lending a hand to his son who felt he had the need for a shave. Of course, thanks to the shared bloodlines of both his father and his mother, Despayre could manage what could be best described as 'peach fuzz', but to a stout man such as he, it was the principle of the thing! I'm sure you understand!

"Okay, finished." Synn said as he switched the power off from the razor with a flick of his thumb and set it on the back edge of the sink counter. Despayre hopped down from his perch and Synn started to playfully swat at him with a hand towel to wipe his off, but Despayre cried out, laughing, and 'fought back' by swatting away at the towel with both hands. Synn then tossed the towel over his son's head who quickly yoinked it off and gave his father a playful version of the ol' 'stink eye' but it just bounced right off.

"Okay, you go finish getting dressed." Synn directed Despayre who turned to reach for the teddy bear who sat perched on the back of the toilet, having watched the entire grooming process. "I'll be downstairs with Theresa in the kitchen."

"Okay!" Despayre chirped as he watched his dad set foot outside into the hall. Only then did Despayre turn back to his teddy bear and his eyes fell upon that electric razor. He bit his bottom lip when his father's voice startled him...


He jumped, finding Synn back in the door frame, giving him that 'knowing look' that Synn always seemed to have.

"Hm?" He asked innocently (enough).

Synn tilted his head forward and winked, "Let Angel keep that Don Johnson fuzzy look, okay?"

Despayre blinked, then turned Angel around so that he could hold his buddy up and inspect him closely. He looked at Synn and nodded, "You're right."

Synn nodded and stepped back out into the hall and Despayre hurried across to his room.

Downstairs in the kitchen, or as those that lived in the house referred to it as -- Theresa's Domain -- the aforementioned housekeeper, and family member in her own right, Theresa Aguilera, was busy at work, preparing a little feast for the holiday as was requested. As she busied herself at the counter, cutting up vegetables, Synn entered and headed right for the refrigerator.

"How're things going?" He inquired as she scooped up a handful of chopped onions and carrots into a cup and carried them carefully over to the large pot on the stove and dropped them into the water.

"Fine." She stated simply as she paused to remove her glasses and wipe her forehead with her apron. Despite the modest temperatures outside, the kitchen could only heighten the temperatures but the woman would not trade it for the world. She loved to cook and she loved to take care of those that she had grown to care about, which would include this family.

"Well it was nice of you to go through this bit of extra trouble for Joshua's little party." Synn stated as he lifted the lid off of a slow cooker and inhaled. "Smells good." Of course, temporarily forgetting himself in doing so as Theresa hurried over and he just as quickly replaced the lid. Complimenting her accomplishments in the kitchen of course took a bit of the sting off of getting in her path.

As she resumed her duties, Theresa said, "It was no trouble. This is an easy enough thing to prepare."

"Oh who are you kidding?" Synn smirked as he took a seat at a safe distance at the island counter and popped open the bottle of beer and took a sip. "You couldn't have said no to his little Saint Patrick's Day dinner party any more so than I could."

Theresa turned to give her employer, and yes, friend, a rather matching retort, but found that she was unable to do so. So rather than show that fact to the man teasing her, she instead pointed towards him with her wooden spoon and inquired, "Isn't a little bit early?"

Synn paused at taking a mid-sip and slowly lowered the bottle to look at her. Just about anyone else who would question him would be risking quite the scathing remark, but he knew this woman well enough to know that she was teasing and it was not, in fact, the earliest she had ever found him 'partaking'. Instead, he sighed and said, "Perhaps, perhaps not. I just needed a bit taken off of the sting from this morning. I heard from the lawyer."

That gave Theresa cause to pause from her cooking and she turned around to look at him with concern. "And?" She inquired.

"Don't be worried." Synn held his hand up. He then carefully looked out of the kitchen door frame and seeing that the coast was clear, he felt safe to continue. "My mother is in fact still pressing this ludicrous case forward. A date has been set. The judge has all of the statements collected..." He shrugged. "Everything looks good."

"Then what's with the 'sting' talk?"

Synn set the bottle down on the counter (on a coaster!), and frowned, "She wants to talk to Joshua."

"Oh." Theresa blinked as she approached the island counter, wiping her hands on her apron. "And Joshua still doesn't know what your momma is trying to do?"

"No." Synn shook his head. "And I explained to the judge the dangers of him finding out, as did his doctor, and she assured me that she won't tell him unless absolutely necessary."

"Just have faith." Theresa gave him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder with her hand. Such was the gentle nature of both this woman and the special friendship she shared with this, her employer. "Everything will work out."

"I know it will." Synn stated as he picked the beer back up and she moved to resume her duties. "And if all else fails, I made certain to have a backup plan."

Theresa paused at the stove, but before she could ask about that cryptic statement, they were interrupted with the arrival of Despayre in the kitchen...

"Phew!" He wrinkled his nose. "What's that smell!?"

"That would be the smell of your holiday feast." Synn quipped without missing a beat.

Despayre blinked, wide eyed because he was not altogether certain that he liked this particular fragrance. Usually everything that came from out of this kitchen smelled absolutely dupely epic, but this? He slowly moved closer to the stove, almost like a timid baby dear, while Theresa watched him.

She said, "You did ask for a traditional Saint Patrick's Day meal. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, the lot."

Despayre looked at her, the leaned on his tippy toes to look up and over into the pots on the stove and dropped back down to his feet and gawked at her, "THAT'S what corned beef is!?"

"Afraid so." Theresa answered, shooing him back and away from her stove to continue working. He shuffled back along the counter until he found himself near Synn who asked,

"You've never had corned beef?"

Despayre could only bite his bottom lip and shake his head in the negative. He then huffed and asked, "Do you think we'll have enough?"

"We'll have plenty." Theresa answered from where she worked. "There's you, your poppa..."

"You too!" Despayre chirped with a smile.

Theresa playfully rolled her eyes, ".. Me, Rage, Phil..."

"Phillip will be working." Synn interrupted. "One of the many fails I imagine of working in a Vegas nightclub on Saint Patrick's Day."

Theresa continued, "... Gabriel's family, and your momma and grandmother."

"And Missus O'Heaney!" Despayre smiled.

Theresa didn't answer, but simply turned away to continue working, while Synn leaned over to look to his son who turned his attention to his dad.

"Are you certain you want to invite her?" Synn asked, knowing that the old woman was by no means the most favorite of people in this neighborhood, let alone within their own private little circle. Her 'feud' with Despayre was fast becoming legend, even if it was on an again-off again status.

This was all lost on Despayre however as he shrugged, "Why not? It's an Irish holiday and she's Irish. Makes sense." he then added, "Besides, you didn't say anything when I invited Missus Dent in for supper last week."

Missus Dent, the local Avon lady. A sweet woman really who Despayre was always buying from her catalog for presents for his mother and grandmother, but mainly Theresa.

Synn countered, "You didn't give us much choice, or her. You just pulled her into the dining room and had her sit down."

Despayre said nothing in response. He just smiled. Synn couldn't fault him for this -- well, not really. His son was just that type of young man who was just friendly and inviting if he felt comfortable enough. Avon ladies... Jehovah Witnesses ... he'd invited them all in for a meal at one time or another. Sometimes repeatedly.

"Have you at least asked Missus O'Heaney if she even wanted to come over?" Theresa pointed out, and Despayre puckered his lips and fidgeted.

"Ooo! I knew I forgotted something!" And that being said, he spun around and hurried out of the kitchen. A moment later, they heard the front door slam and Synn shared a look with Theresa.

He said, "Maybe she'll refuse."

Theresa turned back to her stove. "We can only hope."

Racing down the walk and carefully across the road to the impressive old Victorian house, Despayre bounded up the curb and raced up the steps to the front door where resembling the speed of a woodpecker, he rapped his knuckles on the front door...


... And he swung the front door open with a flourish and called out, "HelllOOoOOooo Missus O'Heaney!"

From somewhere inside, he heard an 'Oh Christ' and that almost gave him reason to pause. Did he interrupt her mid-day prayers? Was there such a thing as mid day prayers? Well best go find out! He carefully shut the door (much more so than he did at his own house but he was a GUEST here!), and then hurried along the familiar path; past the foyer and into the old house's main hall where the living room was. He popped into the elaborately decorated main room of this home to find the woman of the house seated in her usual chair with a book on her lap, and her German Shepard at her feet.

"Hi Missus O'Heaney!" He smiled, then looked down at the dog. "Hi Pongo!" But the dog whimpered at the sight of him and scooted on all fours until he was almost all of the way beneath Missus O'Heaney's chair. Despayre leaned down for a closer look, then stood upright and forgot all about it. He jetted a thumb back and asked with a smile, "Did you notice? I knocked first! That shows improvement, huh?"

"Despite the fact you didn't wait for me to answer or say 'come in'." She responded tartly, looking back from him and to her book once again.

"Oh." Despayre's cheeks flushed from the chastisement, as he was wont to do, even if it were such a minute bit. He then answered, "Would you have said come in?"

The old woman sighed and removed her glasses so they hung from a small, thin chain around her neck and looked up at him. "I suppose so. It's not like I could keep you out anyway, so it seems."

"Well then!" Despayre flopped into the chair across from her, taking her words as an invitation. "I see you're reading, and I heard you saying prayers just now..." (That gave the old woman a bit of a frown.) "So I won't stay long. I just wanted to invite you to supper tonight! I'm having a Saint Paddy's day dinner and you can be my guest of honor."

Closing the book on her lap and leaning back in her chair to elevate some of the pain in her back, the same pain she's suffered from ever since that fall many months ago, she asked, "Why on earth would I ever be the guest of honor at your dinner?"

Despayre asked, "It's an Irish holiday, isn't it?"

"Yes." She sighed.

"And you're Irish aren't ya?"

"That I am."

He held his arms out as if asking the obvious, "So what's the problem?"

"I believe I'll pass." Missus O'Heaney said as she opened her book back up and reached for her glasses.

Despayre slowly lowered his arms and the smile fell from his face as he asked, "How come?"

Before she set her glasses back on the bridge of her nose, she took the time to look at him and answer, "Because I don't feel like being made into a spectacle as this... 'guest of honor'. Now you go... enjoy your meal and holiday."

Having been dismissed, Despayre slowly stood up to his feet, looking absolutely crestfallen. He fiddled his hands in front of his waist as he started to walk out of the front room, when another idea slowly formed in that head of his. He turned back around and said with hope, "Happy Saint Patrick's Day."

Missus O'Heaney looked up from her book and gave him a nod, "And you."

His face lit up once again, having a hard time keeping this young man down, and he turned and he raced out -- slamming the door behind him and startling both the elderly woman inside, and the dog that was only now feeling it safe to come out.

The evening passed extremely pleasantly. A fine dinner of several corned beef briskets with the traditional cabbage, potatoes and other goodies were eaten heartily, and the green beer was drank! All in all, a very fine and fun way to start to draw this the 2016 Saint Patrick's Day to a slow close.

Outside of Synn's house, the man himself shut the door to the rear passenger side of a taxi cab and gave it a wave as it slowly pulled from out of the drive and went along down the road. He stood up to his full height of six foot eight, and turned around to head back inside when he found Gabriel and Odette, with the baby Lucas in Odette's arms, making their way outside and toward their car. In Gabriel's own hands was a large covered bowl, most likely filled with leftovers as was Theresa's habit. Given the appetites of everyone this evening, Synn had to admit a touch of surprise that there had been any leftovers at all to give away.

"You heading home already?" Synn asked with a frown. "You don't want to stick around?"

"Oh thank you, Synn." Odette said in her silken honey accent. "But it's long past time we put this one to bed."

"Mm." Synn then looked from the baby to Odette. "And what time does the baby have to be asleep?"

"Wise arse." Gabriel quipped.

"You going to be okay? That was more than just a few of those green beers you put away." Synn stressed.

"Look who's talking." Gabriel laughed as he opened up the rear door and set the container inside, then reached for the baby to secure him in the baby seat. "Besides, O is driving. She only had the one."

Synn nodded, then asked, "Sure you don't want to say good-bye to Joshua first?"

"Oh he said good-bye to us before he took off earlier." Odette pointed out. Her lovely face then took on a frown as she asked, "Is he feeling alright?"

Gabriel stood up, having fastened his son in securely, and looked from his wife to Synn as Synn asked himself, "Joshua? Yes, why do you ask?"

Odette said, "Well he barely ate a thing at dinner, then he practically took off for bed right after. Just had enough time to say bye to us and his mom and nan before taking to bed."

Synn smiled and shook his head, answering, "Oh, he didn't go to bed."

"He didn't?" Gabriel frowned. "Well then where did he go?"

The answer, of course, could be found just down the road...

In a certain Victorian house...

Where inside in the living room, with two TV trays set before their respective chairs, Despayre had chosen to bring a plate filled with Theresa's yummy supper for Missus O'Heaney, and just so that she didn't have to eat alone, another one for himself.

"It's not easy, is it, when one's path crosses with that of a friend? Especially when you that path runs in conflict and you actually find yourself against said friend in opposition."

"That is the conundrum we find ourselves in when Despayre's team finds himself standing across the ring from none other than Roxi Johnson on the opposing side. You see, Roxi is one of the select few whom Despayre has taken a shine to, and I have to admit a good deal of it probably has to do with the random plates of home made sweets she tends to ply Despayre with. A fine and endearing character trait to be sure, but a lot also has to do with just her general trait of character and her superhero tendencies where Despayre's little friend Angel is concerned. And where the athleticism comes into play? Well, Roxi has not amassed herself such an uncanny win-loss and championship record as she has if she weren't a capable athlete when inside of the ring. Two-time World Champion. Two-time Internet Champion. Current World Tag Team Champion. The woman is formidable, to say the very least. I can only appreciate the fact that Sin City Wrestling disallows inter gender participation in these matches, otherwise I couldn't be certain how Despayre would react to being opposite someone he is fond of. Of course, this would be where his partner, Crystal Millar, comes into play. As good a partner as Casey Williams has, I feel confidant that Despayre has for himself one just as capable of catapulting them even further into the Blast From the Past IV tournament. I mean, as a former Roulette Champion, Crystal has proved herself more than capable of securing victories over top level competition, and for this reason, I am feeling quite confidant in Despayre and Ms. Millar's chances."

"Of course, the same good will can not be said when Casey Williams's name is brought into the equation."

"Casey Williams, haven't you tired of this little revolving door that you continuously find yourself in whenever your path crosses with Despayre? It's as has been stated time and again, the history the two of you shared has been long and storied. From the Asylum Wrestling Alliance where you first crossed paths, right up until you walked through the doors of Sin City Wrestling, it just seems like destiny has foretold that time and again, you would find yourself stepping into the ring against Despayre in one form or another. Of course, judging by your recent running of the mouth on social media, one might begin to think yourself capable of subverting destiny so that you can, for the first time, emerge victorious over Despayre. Cute. Amusing even. Oh I bet that you would just love that, wouldn't you? After how many losses in tag team matches over the years, for the first time to score a win against Despayre -- to put his shoulders to the canvas for the fateful three, or to make him cry uncle and tap out, that would just be like the mental equivalent of icing on the cake for you. Even though this is technically a tag team match, due to the rules, this is the closest I believe the two of you have come to a singles encounter, is it not? And you think that this will work in your favor, due to your size and ferocity? You think without a partner who can help Despayre wear you down, he'll be a sitting duck for you to get your hands on and pound into pulp? No, no. You have it all wrong, Casey. All this special encounter is going to do is erase all doubt from the minds of fans and peers alike, as to why you have been unable to gain a victory over Despayre over all of these years. Size aside, he is simply, and undeniably, better than you. So rest up, so-called Freight Train of Pain. Take your Vitamin B12, call your local priest, and have it explained to you why destiny has a way of getting its own way. No more crying. No more whining. And for you especially -- no more excuses."

Character Building Roleplays / Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:26:21 AM »
QUOTE (Devin Lockyer @ November 03, 2018 09:26 pm)
Suddenly one of the slots machines begins ringing.

Gail: Well it looks like somebody just hit the jackpot.

Ever the astute businessman and boss, Daniel Morgan preferred not to be the sort to stow away in a private office, away from the masses. But instead he thought it more prudent to be seen, and to be out there where he could keep an eye on the goings on -- personally. Even if Osbourne, Charlotte and Mackenzie were right there to do the same, it was the little things.

The personal touch.

As Daniel sat at a table, watching with a calm smile on his face while he chatted up a patron or two, the ringing of the slot machine drew his attention and he glanced up.

Daniel: Well, and on the opening night. Someone got lucky.

Their eyes roamed a bit over in the direction where the sound was originating from.

Charlotte: I wonder who it...?

And Despayre casually walked across their path from that direction, whistling merrily as he carried in his hands a large bowl filled with his winnings, and atop the mountain of coins? Angel, clad in a bite sized tuxedo, top hat and monocle over his eye. The collective eyes of each London Underground member follows him as his head turns and he smiles brightly at Daniel.

Despayre: He has a system!

And off he (they) go with the eight eyes following in silent surprise.

« on: January 11, 2018, 03:53:41 PM »

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Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

As the classical theme song played in the background, the opening shot is that of a book's spine where inscribed in gold lettering was "Messterpiece Theater". It rolled over and faded to a close up shot of a tabletop, fine oak and a silver bowl filled with Skittles. Fade to a large tome, an original edition of "Lord of the Rings", open wide on a pedestal and a purple sash draped down the center as a place saver. The camera pans to the right of the book to a bust of He-Man of the "Masters of the Universe" franchise. Moving aside from that, a silver tray piled high with Chocolate Reisens and Starburst, and a glass decanter filled with glorious purple Skittles. Moving further up the elegant table was a framed photograph of a teddy bear (two guesses as to who!) and just behind that, in a gold leaf frame, a picture of Queen Elizabeth herself. The camera panned over to a small row of books, personal favorites such as "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree" and "Where the Wild Things Are."

The camera panned across a large display case, where rested several championship belts with golden emblems, such as the AWA International, AWA World Tag Team, NWA World Tag Team, SCW World Tag Team, and SCW Internet. Also in the case was an elaborate trophy for the Blast From the Past Memorial tournament, along with a Hall of Fame plaque and four Most Popular of the Year trophies.

A bookcase was set on the far wall, and there, seated in an old English chair before it ands in front of a window looking out across the night skyline, was our host. Clad in a purple smoking robe and Grumpy Cat slippers. A bubble pipe in his hand and a crystal goblet of Cherry Coke on the table at his left. With an open book on his lap, he looked up to the camera and smiled.

"Good evening friends, and welcome to yet another edition of 'Messterpiece Theater.' I am your host, Joshua Kooky. My oh my indeed, it has been awhile since our last visit, has it not? So much to talk about. So much to discuss. First and foremost, we come to the final edition in the story of Sin City Wrestling. So many fine and wondrous tales in this land of battles and myths. Friendships forged from day one, as dynasties grew to the heavens. Tales of enemies engaged in all-out war, and betrayals of loved ones. It was all here. It was all a part of us. But like any good tale, it now comes to an end. The final battle takes place in just a matter of days, one titled Full Circle. And that is where I come to you now."

"For you see, it is here where a friendship turned betrayal came upon us, only for mistakes to be forgiven and hatchets be buried somewhere other than in someone's noggin'. The Artist Formerly Known As Rage had once been aligned with the anti-heroes of this tale, known as the Seven Deadly Sins. After so many years fighting at their side, he had decided to go rogue and align himself with the dastardly Brat Prince who ruled the land. The Artist supposedly did so in the misguided belief that this action would allow him to get that much closer to the Prince's throne and overthrow his Kingdom for himself, but alas, it did not work out as he had hoped. But then the Artist recanted his allegiance with the Prince, and instead sought to reclaim the family he had left behind. And now, that Artist will meet his darling and adorable little brother, the brave Despayre..."

He smiled and pointed at himself as if to silently proclaim, 'That's me!' before he continued, "... in the gladiatorial arena of the land of Sin City! But no, they are not opposed to one another as they had been once before in the past. This time, they fight once again side by side as they had before the Prince brainwashed the Artist, and they find themselves against two others in an all out combat to entertain the masses!"

He nodded knowingly.

"Their opposition believe that they have a haunting advantage, being the fact that they are close friends. Close as brothers, perhaps? Terrance and Bradley, no last names. Collectively known by the moniker High Velocity, Terry and Brad look to drive a wedge between the Artist Now Known As Jake and Despayre, and how better to accomplish this than by defeating them in combat on the very last battle in the City of Sin? But as high the hopes are of the dastardly villains to our daunting heroes, these hopes will assuredly be dashed by the former Champions of the Arena. Because Jake and Despayre have the edge in experience together, both as a team and as teammates. When you have fought together as often as they have, you form a bond forged in blood, sweat and tears! Individually, both Despayre and Jake have had success in lone battles against the various combatants brought in before them. Both have waged war with the champions of different lands, and the Kingdom itself! But together? Together Jake and Despayre rose above all together, as Despayre had done with past partners. Together they became champions in the arena, and never lost that distinction before they had to step down."

"And High Velocity?"

He shook his head and clucked his tongue in a classic "tsk, tsk."

"Sadly the same can not be said. About either of the men in lone combat or together as a team. And yet they stand in the path of our heroes, believing they can defeat them and send Despayre and Jake home to their families in shame, while the watchers in the stands jeer them and cheer Bradley and Terrence?"

Joshua Kooky leaned back in his chair and kicked an ankle up over his knee. He reached a hand over to pick up his crystal glass of Cherry Coke.

"I know this is a work of fiction gentlemen, but that's a bit much. Even for the two of you."

He took a sip of his Cherry Coke and sat the glass back down to continue.

"Everything between Jake and Despayre will come Full Circle, and will end not at all well for Bradley and Terrance. Their defeat is at hand, and why? Because when all is said and done, you can not break a bond forged together over the years like what our heroes have. The defeat of High Velocity is imminent, and the people will celebrate with such fanfare the world of Sin City has never seen!"

Joshua picked up his now-empty bubble pipe and proceeded to give it a soapy refill. He took just enough time to breathe a few bubbles out into the air, extending a forefinger to pop one. He giggled in delight before he continued.

"And to the Higher Powers of this world, Mark and Christian? The world thanks the two of you for creating this arena, and for all that you have done these past six years to sustain it and entertain all. This last win for Jake and Despayre?"

He held up his pipe and smiled.

"This one is dedicated to you."

Joshua then opened his book back up and started to read once again with the pipe in his lips, as the camera drew out and faded out.

Las Vegas

Their eyes watched as Despayre had vanished to the second level of his and Synn's home, and the slamming of his bedroom door only served to further prove that the little guy's mood has become decidedly sour to this proposed idea for the final Supercard of Sin City Wrestling. Jake exhaled sharply from his nose and Synn, his eyes once closed from his son's spoiled temper, turned his head to his guest.

Synn said, "Try not to take it personally."

"Bother me?" Jake replied, his eyebrows rising to his hairline -- or where his hairline would be had he possessed any hair. "You kidding? The kid wants to have a tag team match and when he's offered a spot with me as his partner, he kicks me and head butts me, then throws a tantrum and vanishes upstairs." Jake held his arms out and said with a sarcastic tone, "Why in HELL would I take that personally?"

Synn huffed and shook his head, "Christ you're being a goddam drama queen. He had the same reaction four years ago when you stepped in for Gabriel, and what happened?"

"He kicked me then too!" Jake retorted hotly.

"Not that!" Synn answered back with just as much heat. "You two won the tag team titles!"

"You'd think he'd remember that, then." Jake said. His eyes once again rose to the second floor atop the stairs. "Why the hell does the kid have such a block on the idea of teaming with me?"

Synn sighed, "He just really had his heart set on teaming with Gabriel one more time. How often does the kid not get something that he really wants?"

"And who's fault is that?" Jake half smirked.

Synn's fingers curled against his lips as he contemplated the fault, saying, "Personally I blame Theresa and Gabriel. Maybe his mother just a touch."

Jake snorted at Synn's oblivious nature at accepting fault with, well -- anything.

Jake then frowned and looked to Synn. "You think he still has a grudge over that deal with J2H last year?"

"It's possible." Synn shook his head. "But somehow I doubt it. You know Joshua. He's not the type to bear a grudge for long. There's something else, I know my son."

That being said, Synn started to head upstairs to find out just what his son's deal was regarding his recently signed match at Full Circle, but he paused once he realized that Jake was right behind him.

"Are you sure you want to come?" Synn smiled but was sincere in his question. "Joshua might be armed."

Jake snorted, "I think I'll take my chances."

And mere moments followed before there was a knock on the door of Despayre's hidey-hole (aka his bedroom) and Synn called, "Joshua? It's us. We're coming in." That being said, the door was opened and the moment Synn stepped into the threshold of the room, he quickly ducked low as a Daffy Duck Funko Pop figurine soared across the room and struck Jake right in the forehead -- the same spot where he had just been head butted minutes ago!

"OW! SONOFA...!!!"

"Got him! Good throw Angel!"

Synn then stood upright and said to Jake who was rubbing his sore forehead, "I told you I knew my son." Synn then turned to address Despayre who had in the past minutes turned his bed and desk into an impressive blanket fort in which to carry out battle.

"And you," Synn turned back to his son and Despayre's eyes snapped to wide-eyed attention towards his father, his hero. Moving further inside, Synn glanced down at the figurine but did not bother to pick it up as he said, "Continue throwing those useless things like that and you won't get any more."

Despayre gasped in horror at the thought of his newest obsession being cut short. Synn took a seat on the edge of the bed, while Jake took the desk's chair and turned it around so that he might straddle the seat with his forearms rested on the back. "Despy," Jake started. "Why don't you want to team with me again?"

Despayre looked up toward the big man from the shadows of his fort, eyes narrowed and a bottom lip jetted out in a classic childlike pout. His only answer came in a hushed, timid whisper, "I wanted to team with Gabriel."

"I know Despy." Jake sighed in resignation. "And believe me, I would have loved to have seen that too. Sinful Obsession, one more time. But you know Gabriel's not one hundred percent, right?"

"I know."

"You don't want him to wrestle hurt, do you?" Synn asked.

"I could have done all the wrestling." Despayre reasoned (poorly) with his father. "Gabriel could have stood outside and looked pretty."

Jake snorted, whether from Despayre's reasoning or the fact he thought Gabriel could be 'pretty' notwithstanding. But Synn said, "And while I'm certain Gabriel would appreciate the thought, I doubt he'd want you to risk yourself that way."

"How come?" Despayre asked. "It's just High Velocity." He scoffed. "Not like it's London Underground or Dmitri and James."

"Be that as it may," Synn replied. "Gabriel would never allow you to risk yourself like that."

Jake followed up, "And it's not like we haven't teamed before." He reached a long arm down and patted Despayre on the shoulder, and perhaps surprisingly, he did not flinch or pull away. "And we did win the tag titles together, just like you did with Gabriel."

"I know."

"Then what's up?" Jake leaned forward against the back of the chair. "Why are you so against this?"

"I wanted to..."

"Team with Gabriel." Jake interrupted. "I know. We've been down that road before Despy. Now let's hear the real reason."

To which, Despayre shrugged. The little guy glanced at the plush form perched in the folds of a comforter, nestled to resemble something like a throne. Despayre then sighed and simply said, "You'll get hurt again."

"Come again?" Jake frowned.

"Hurt again." Synn repeated, getting involved now. "What do you mean, Joshua?"

"Last time we teamed," Despayre started to say. "Ra-Jake, got hurt. It's why we had to vacate. I teamed with Gabriel, Gabriel got hurt -- repeatedly. Even Bernie had to leave when we were teaming."

"He had a family emergency, Joshua." Synn retorted. "He had to leave to help take care of it."

Despayre nodded, "I know. Just seems every time someone teams with me, they get hurt. Gabriel was already so I figured he'd be safe from 'the curse.'" Despayre bit his lower lip and looked up at Jake. He said, "I didn't want you to get hurt again."

"That's what this is all about?" Jake asked in wonder, privately feeling a little proud that Despayre's main beef was not teaming with him out of spite, but a genuine fear for his personal safety. "You're worried I'll be hurt if I team with you?"

Despayre shrugged, "Everyone else has."

"Not everyone." Synn countered. "You teamed with and won the Blast From the Past with Crystal, and she didn't get hurt. You teamed with Jordan Williams, Spike Staggs, Bo Dreamwolf and Tom Dudely and none of them got hurt."


"So don't ever let me hear you call yourself a curse, ever again." Synn demanded in a tone that would brook no argument. "Wrestling is risky. You know that, I know that. Anyone who gets involved in this business knows that. And might I remind you, Joshua, that you've gotten hurt a few times yourself."

"That was different."


Despayre opened his mouth to reply but found himself at a loss for an answer, so he scratched idly behind his noggin and said, "I'll hafta get back to you on that."

Synn said, "I await to hear it. But in the meantime..." He rested an elbow on his knee and leaned over at the waist so that he might see into the blanket fort and look his son directly in the eye. "Do not ever think that about yourself again. You hear me? My son is not a curse!"

"No he's not." Despayre finally smiled after a moment's pause. He then looked awkward before he asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can." Synn stated. "You can ask me anything."

"Where do babies come from?"

You could almost hear the sound of a record screeching to a halt as Synn and Jake BOTH stared at Despayre who looked with wide eyed innocence, back and forth between them. Synn looked to Rage and back to Despayre before he asked, "Joshua, did you just ask me what I think you did?"

"Uh huh!" Despayre smiled as he took Angel into his arms for a squeeze. "Where do babies come from?"

Jake asked, "Are you saying you don't know about the birds and the bees, Despy?"

"Well Angel has this weird theory of the two doing unseemly things with each other." Despayre shook his head. "But that was too far fetched, even for me. He then looked at the label of my shirt and said maybe I was made in Taiwan."

Synn nodded, perhaps for the first time in his life at a loss for words. He knew his son's mental issues caused him to miss out on a lot in life, but this he had simply assumed was known. Despayre was a lot smarter than he was given credit for, but here he was, asking one of the most innocent but uncomfortable questions a child could ask a parent. Synn looked at Jake who held his hands up with a smothered smirk on his face.

"Don't look at me!" Jake chortled, almost choking on the laughter from Synn being caught in such a spot. "I can't answer this one!"

"How come?" Despayre asked. "Did you forget how?"

"NO I didn't forget....!" Jake stopped and drew in a breath, eyes closed. "I didn't forget."

"I don't suppose you'd believe a stork brought you?" Synn asked.

"Now I heard that theory." Despayre nodded, holding up a finger for emphasis. "But Gabriel said that in my case it was probably more a big pterodactyl."

"I'll have to remember that." Synn murmured. "And thank Gabriel." He sighed, knowing what he was in for before he patted the edge of the bed beside him, and Despayre scrambled out of his fort and plopped down beside his dad with a bright smile and eager eyes. Synn himself seemed unusually flushed, his eyes wide as he ran a hand down his face and hurriedly exhaled. Try as he might, it would seem this was one topic his son could not be dissuaded from.

Finally he slapped his hands on his thighs and said, "I suppose you would say it's when two people truly care for one another. Love, even. Um..." Synn frowned, then asked his son, "Do you remember that time you walked into the wrong hotel room and you saw that man and woman...?"

Despayre nodded, wide eyed and recalled it exactly. A man behind a funny lady with a ball gag in her mouth, on all fours while he...

Synn (thankfully) interrupted his thought process, "Well let's just say that they were making a baby." Jake snorted (hard!) and received a sharp elbow in the ribs from Synn as a result. Despayre turned from the former "Sin of Wrath" and back to his dad to listen with rapt attention. Synn continued, "The man puts his penis in the woman's vagina (fuck me I can't believe I am saying this!) and his sperm mixes with her eggs..."

"Like the eggs Theresa keeps in the fridge!?"

Jake roared in sudden laughter and almost fell back off of his chair as Synn was by now a very healthy shade of red! Whether from his own embarrassment, or anger at Jake's amusement at his own expense -- you make the call! "No, Joshua." Synn answered as soon as he found his voice. "Not those types of eggs. The man does this ... and nine months later, if they're lucky, a baby is born."

Despayre nodded silently, and looked as if he were about to ask another question when Synn leaned forward quickly to interrupt (hopefully), "Do you want me to buy you a book on the topic?"

"No." Despayre shook his head and answered simply. "I was just curious." He then asked with a smile. "Did you love mom when you made me?"

Now that was an even touchier subject than how babies were made, but Synn answered calmly, "I... I cared for her, Joshua. But..." He tried to think of the right way to phrase this without dashing any young hopes. "I can't honestly say that I loved her, or she loved me. truth be told, we didn't know each other all together that well, or that long."

"Oh." Despayre nodded, surprising Synn for accepting this so easily. But the simply fact that by now, all past hostilities between mother and father were now over softened the blow perhaps better than anticipated.

"Anything else?" Synn asked, silently praying not.

"Nope! I'm good!"

"Then are we good?" Jake motioned between them. "To team on Sunday?"

"Yeah." Despayre finally smiled. "We're good."

Jake then smiled as well, and he and Synn opted to take their leave. They stood up to exit the room when Jake turned to Synn and laughed, "You should have just said you made him from Play-Dough and saved yourself."

Synn stopped and turned to look at Jake and he frowned, "You're enjoying this just a little bit too much at my expense. Keep it up and..."

"And what?" Jake smiled in challenge. "I'm not a wrestler anymore, Synn."

"No, but I am still legally your business manager."


"So," Synn answered. "But ABC has been in contact for one of my team to be on the next season of Dancing With the Stars."

Synn left it at that, and Jake's face was mired with a confused frown as to what this had to do with him -- when his eyes and mouth widened in sudden realization. His face paled as he moved to protest when he hadn't need.

"Don't do that!" Despayre called, causing both men to turn around to him. He continued, "You can't make Jake dance on TV! Gabriel said when he danced at his reception he looked like an egg beater!"

Jake then looked at Despayre, frowning but now Synn with a bright smile by stark contrast! Synn just shook his head and took his leave from the room, Jake following while continuously stealing glances back at Despayre. Once the door was shut behind them, Despayre looked down at Angel.

"What do you think? ... About what dad said about babies." He paused, as if listening to his friend's silent reply. He then nodded, "I agree! If that were true then Shipman would have knocked dad up a hundred times over!"

Climax Control Archives / Despy's Christmas, er, Wrestling Carol
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:53:12 PM »
 It's been quite awhile since we last paid a visit to this particular homestead in the famed "City of Sin." It was late afternoon, almost into the evening. Theresa Aguilera, the familiar housekeeper and pseudo-family member to the Sins, stood in the kitchen and busied herself, preparing some treats for not just the men who called this house home, but some of the others in their little ragtag group. Thanks in part to some hints dropped from Despayre, the older Hispanic woman was at work making the first batch of her famous, homemade Christmas cookies. To Despayre, this was the mark of the Christmas season; not that silly snowfall -- of which they got none in Nevada. Or at least, she was attempting to. There was currently an ear splitting noise coursing through the house, and had made its way into the kitchen which was relatively known as her own domain. Perhaps the fridge was in need of repair.

No. It was just Despayre practicing his Christmas carols.

Talented as the little guy had been inside of the ring, singing was not his forte. Those closest to him might describe his singing voice as tone deaf, but none would hurt his feelings by outright stating so. All they could do was grin and bear it, at least until he was unleashed on their neighborhood where the few neighbors they had on this street would become his unwitting victims. Most notably Missus O'Heaney. Chances were she'd give him treats of some sort just to occupy his mouth and keep him from... sayyyy! There's an idea!

"You'll go down in history - like the Titan-grk!" Despy gagged as the tree shaped Christmas cookie, layered in green and red frosting, was shoved between his lips. "Mmmm!" He bit off the end and chewed while looking at the cookie thoughtfully. "Thanks! But won't this ruin my dinner?"

Theresa just said, "We'll chance it." As he righted his Santa hat from over his eyes and continued to give the cookie his undivided attention, Despayre asked, "Say, what is for dinner anyhoo? Dad said he'd be back with it soon. I wanted to go with."

"You had to stay home because your poppa said he had a surprise for you." Theresa said, and didn't add that she also was suspect that Synn insisted on going solo in order to give his ears time to heal from his boy's singing. Despayre did love surprises, especially those that were for him! And Synn had stuck firm to not revealing anything this time. He had even taken precautions with his phone and computer to make sure his crafty offspring couldn't find out ahead of time.

You know what it's like when someone has a surprise for you. The anticipation is half the fun! And when the car pulled into the drive, it was all Theresa could do to keep Despayre from charging out of the house to confront his father to finally get the big secret revealed! Another cookie did the trick, but only barely as Synn finally entered the house and walked into the kitchen, and Despayre's eyes almost popped out of his skull at the sight of the takeout bags in his dad's hands.

"Panda Express! Yippeee!"

And Despayre had insisted that Theresa's finest plates be set out on the dining room table for this special feast, which is where we found the quartet of figures. Wait, quartet? Who's the fourth -- oh right! Angel! You haven't forgotten about HIM now have you!?

"Boy! This is a great surprise!" Despayre said happily as he used his chopstick to stab a piece of orange chicken and scarf it down.

"I'm glad you approve, Joshua." Synn said. "But I'm afraid this is not the surprise I had in store."

"It's not?"

"No, I had something a little better in mind." Synn stated, and that drew a quizzical brow from his son. Better than Panda Express? Synn quickly amended his statement, "Almost better." To which Despayre nodded.

Synn shared a look with Theresa before he went on, "Do you want the good news, or the bad news?"

"Oo, I don't like the sound of that."

"Bad news first it is then." Synn drew in a deep breath before he broke the news to his son. "Sin City Wrestling is closing down operations soon."

Despayre looked at Angel and spoke nonchalantly, "Surprise."

"No, Joshua." Synn said. "SCW will be closing down. They won't be operating any more shows after the middle of January."

The weight of what he was hearing had finally sunk in, and Despayre looked first to Angel for confirmation, then to his father and asked, "How come?"

"I'm not sure, Joshua." Synn answered. "I think Mark and Christian are just feeling a little burned out and want to move onto new projects. Better I imagine SCW to close while it's still on top rather than let it drag out."

Despayre silently nodded, not liking this news but yielding to understand. He then shrugged and asked, "What's the good news?"

"Their two hundredth episode will be on the seventeenth, Joshua." Synn answered. "They're bringing back several men and women you may know for some special matches." He smiled hopefully. "They'd like you to be a part of one of those matches."

That certainly got Despayre's attention. He paused, the forkful of chowmein almost to his open mouth as he stared wide eyed at his dad. Theresa looked back and forth between the men, as Synn himself waited for an answer, any answer. But it did not come as expected as Despayre finally said in a soft tone, "No thanks." Before proceeding to shove the mound of noodles into his mouth.

Okay, that certainly was not the answer Synn had been expecting, and judging by the surprised expression on her face, neither was Theresa! The two older adults shared glances before Synn turned to his son with a frown. "No?" He said. "I thought you missed wrestling."

"I do."

"Then why...?" Synn closed his eyes and shook his head, not able to comprehend his son's thought process given the topic. "Joshua, your name was one of the first on Mark Ward's lips to come back for this show. Why don't you want to do it?"

Despayre paused before he carefully set his fork down across his plate and shoved his hands into his lap, a tell-tale sign of his emotional discomfort. He looked down into his lap as he asked meekly, "Are you gonna make me do it?"

"Make you?" Synn frowned. "When have I ever made you do something that you didn't want to do?"

Despayre looked up and the expression he now wore practically screamed 'Are you KIDDING me?' He shrugged and huffed, but found the courage to respond, "Do the words Internet Championship and World Championship ring a bell there?"

Sass? From Despayre to his father? That was certainly a rare thing indeed! Theresa wiped her mouth and thought to excuse herself from the table, feeling uncomfortable at being witness to this -- whatever this was.

Synn remained silent so Despayre took the opportunity to continue by saying, "I told you that I didn't want to go singles after Bernie retired. I told you that repeatedly. Next thing I knew, I was wrestling singles. I told you I didn't want to challenge for the Internet Championship." He raised a hand, palm out. "Two-time Internet Champion?" He lowered his hand and went on, "I also didn't want to challenge James for the World title but..." He shrugged. "I did. Twice."

"And you gave him the best matches of his reign." Synn finally spoke up, but it did not deter Despayre from his point being made. "But I still lost!"

"Is that what this is about?" Synn asked with a frown. "A fear of losing?"

"No!" Despayre answered with perhaps more heat than he intended. "It's about me saying one thing, and you doing another. You pushed me into both of those title spots and when I still resisted, you got Gabriel to help you make me do it!"

"But you were successful, Joshua!" Synn stressed. "You proved yourself more than capable!"

"That's not the point."

"Then what is?"

Despayre drew in a shaky breath, disliking any form of confrontation with his father, such was the amount of love and respect he had for Synn. He quickly wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand before he asked, "The point is, why do you ask me what I want when you've already decided what I'm going to do?"

Synn sat back, reacting as if he had been struck not with words but physically. He stared long and hard at his son who finally pushed his still full plate away and muttered, "I'm not hungry any more." Despayre slowly stood up and took Angel into his arms, stating, "Think I'll go to bed." And he wandered off, out of the dining room, leaving Synn and Theresa alone to contemplate what had just happened. But before either could say a word, Despayre was back and he picked up his plate,

"I hate to waste." And off he went again. Synn turned to Theresa, "Do I really do that?"

Night had fallen, and Despayre had come back downstairs only to bring his plate to the kitchen so that Theresa might wash it. Then he went back upstairs without a word and simply went to bed. He fell asleep easily enough, not just from his personal medications but also from the stress he caused himself with his confrontation earlier with his dad. It wiped the poor little guy out, but that did not mean that his sleep was a restful one. Beneath the Looney Tunes comforter, Despayre fidgeted in his sleep, making little noises when a soft, blue light appeared over his bedside. It fluttered down closer to the bedside and a throat was cleared.


Nothing, Despayre rolled over and continued his slumber.

"A-HEM!" The voice tried again, but the result was the same. Despayre stretched out in his bed, only his sock-covered feet visible beneath the blanket. Finally the voice had enough playing around and called out, "OY!" and jabbed him in the heiney with the business end of the star-tipped wand.

Despayre flinched and say upright with a start, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He turned and looked up at what was causing the soft glow, only to find it was a teddy bear dressed as a fairy with butterfly wings and the aforementioned wand.


"EEP!" Despayre's startled yelp caused one to emit from the teddy bear and while Despy tumbled over the side of the bed and to the floor, the teddy bear flinched back and hit the lamp shade on the bedside table! S-L-O-W-L-Y Despayre rose from where he landed, only the upper half of his head seen over the edge of the bed. His wide eyes looked at the teddy bear who was straightening out her gown and looked at him with a frown.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm the Ghost of Wrestling Past."

"Ghost?" Despayre rose a little higher, his natural curiosity peaked. "You look more like a fairy to me."

"Yeah, well..." The Fairy reasoned. "That deadbeat called in sick so somebody had to fill in for him. Didn't Angel warn you?"

"Warn me? About what?"

"That you were going to be visited tonight by two ghosts!"

"Two?" Despayre questioned. "Aren't there usually three in this story?"

The Fairy Bear waved off the question, "We're under a bit of a time crunch."

Despayre looked at the camera and mouthed, "5k." Despayre then turned and looked at the teddy bear all snug in his footy pajamas, laying atop his mound of pillows. "Boy! Way to drop the ball Angel!"

"Well we're already behind schedule," The Fairy said. "So hurry up and let's get a move on!"

Despayre slowly stood up, frowning, "Where are we going?"

"There's some things that you need to see." The Fairy stated. "Things you need to remember."

With a wave of her wand, the closet door was opened and she fluttered in, followed by Despayre who cast a glance back and simply said, "`kay." as they were enveloped by the darkness...

And they emerged to a vision, backstage at the Star of the Desert Arena in Primm, Nevada. It was the very first edition of Climax Control, and Despayre and his best friend Gabriel had just made a successful debut in tag team action against Team Viagra. (No, seriously! That was what they were named!) Despayre, now in spirit form so that he might watch the proceedings, smiled hopefully.

"Are we gonna watch my match?"

"No." The Fairy answered. "We are remembering what happened afterward."

"Oh I understand." Despayre nodded. "That might count against me if we used a match flashback."

"Count against you...?" The Fairy asked him questioningly, and Despayre nodded, "Uh huh! For my promo!"

"I ... see." The Fairy turned back around and they watched as Despayre and Gabriel emerged from the curtains into the backstage gorilla position, and were immediately flanked by their teammates in the Seven Deadly Sins, namely Fantasia, Shane Boswell, and Synn himself who had followed closely through the parting curtains.

"We knew you two would do it!" Fantasia gushed as she enveloped Despayre in a fierce embrace, prompting the little guy to push back against her because, you know; girls had the ickies. Shane added, patting Gabriel heartily on the shoulder, "Never doubted you for a second!"

"What's so special about this?" Despayre shrugged as he watched his 'other' being led back toward the dressing room. "All Gabriel and I did was win."

The Ghost answered, "But don't you see? It was much more than that. It was the beginning of a dynasty in SCW."

Despayre turned to the Ghost with a frown and corrected her, "Gabriel and I teamed up before SCW. We teamed up in AWA first."

"But it was in SCW where you truly flourished." The teddy bear flittered in front of Despayre, her soft light illuminating against his fair skin. "You started off by winning a match nobody doubted that you could win, and moved onto tougher opponents and bigger matches. It was only a few months later when you and Gabriel did what you wanted; you won the World Tag Team Championships and set a record for the longest tag team title reign in SCW history! That record still hasn't been broken!"

Despayre puffed out his chest with pride and said, "But me an' Bernie did tie it!"

"Right!" The Ghost said. "Key point being Bernie. You won the titles again with him, and with Rage, er, Jake! You were always known for tag team wrestling because that was your focus. It's what you enjoyed the most."

"I like working with my friends." Despayre said simply, as if stating the obvious. "I have fun in tag team matches and I like sharing the fun with friends I love."

"Very commendable." The bear said. "But after a point, you had to evolve as a man and as a wrestler. The three friends you teamed with had to step away and focus on other goals; Gabriel with a second World title and his wife, Bernie had family responsibilities and Jake got hurt."

"And dad made me challenge for the Internet title." Despayre grumbled, looking at his feet while his socked toes kicked away at an imaginary pebble.

"And you could have stuck to your guns and not challenged for it, but you didn't want to disappoint your dad, did you?" Came the question, which got Despayre to bring his eyes up to his ghostly guide. He just shrugged and the teddy bear exclaimed, "See? I knew it! And you did do him proud! You won the Internet title not once, but twice!"

The scene before them morphed like ripples in the water to see the Sins en masse envelope Despayre in the center of them, hugging him, ruffling his hair, and in Fantasia's case, kissing him on the cheek. Despayre could not help but smile with a blush to his cheeks as he watched this scene.

"Do you remember?" Asked the Fairy Bear.

"Yes." Despayre smiled, despite himself. It was the reaction he had received after defeating Kris Halc for his first Internet Championship. Another time ripple, and the scene again morphed, but this time the mood was somber. Despayre was sitting on the bench in the dressing room, bruised in heart as well as body. Tears of disappointment flowed down his cheeks as his friends and family consoled him. Despayre's brief smile soured miserably.

"And this?" He was asked, to which he responded, "How could I forget? That was after the second time I tried beating James for the world title. I lost -- again."

"But don't you see?" The Fairy stressed, pointing at the scene as Synn had an arm wrapped around his son's shoulders while Gabriel kneeled in front of him, arms in hand, talking gently to him. "They were no less proud of your attempt to beat James than they were when you did beat Kris. If anything, they were prouder for how hard you fought."

The Teddy Bear Fairy floated up on her sprite wings and fluttered in front of him. "I know you Despy." She said. "I know your heart. After that loss to James, you lost interest in big matches because you felt like you would disappoint your friends and family if you were to lose again." Despayre tried to look away from her but she was not to be deterred. She simply floated in front of his eyes and continued, "Deep down, that was why you retired in your second Internet title reign. You didn't want to lose again for fear of disappointing anyone."

He looked down and away from her while she whispered, "You could only disappoint someone by not being yourself and not trying. Remember that..."

There was a soft knocking coming from the inside of the closet door, which stirred Despayre from his slumber. A shadow beastie that knocked? How polite! Wait, no. Beasties didn't knock or alert anyone to their skulking about. They were sneaky by nature, not that it ever helped. So what...?

Despayre slowly rose from his bed, his sleepy clothes rumbled and his hair a mess. Eyes almost closed entirely, he stumbled over to the closet door and pulled it open. He looked inside but saw nothing -- until he glanced down to spot the black teddy bear in the grim reaper robe and holding a chocolate candy cane. Despayre just turned around and started back toward his bed,

"Angel, it's for you!" When the Grim Teddy hooked his foot with the candy cane, causing him to trip to the floor with a loud, "WHOOP!" and dragged him into the shadows of the closet once again...

"Where are we?" Despayre asked as he waved his hand in a vain attempt to break the foggy darkness that currently surrounded him and... wait. He looked down and asked, "Are you the Ghost of Wrestling Present?"

The diminutive figure glanced up at him from  his feet, only his bite-sized nose visible from within his black hood. Despayre nodded knowingly, "Oh right. I've seen the movies. We're skipping ahead to the good stuff!" He nodded as the Reaper bear walked forward and he followed, soon emerging from the darkness but the slight haze left from the fog still clouded their surroundings.

Despayre glanced around, casually saying, "I'm glad we're not doing that whole Ghost of the Present deal. Be kinda redundant since everyone knows what I get up to with Gabriel and dad and Mikah and OW!" He yelped, as the Reaper whacked him sharply in the ankle with its candy cane. "What'd you do that for!? I was just..."

But then Despayre stood upright, the sting in his ankle forgotten as the fog thinned, and he now found himself on the inside of a large auditorium. There were people everywhere, as far as the eye could see. Men and women, adults and children, milled about with arms laden with bags and wrestling souvenirs, as dominating the ceiling, stretched from end to end, was a banner that read, "WRESTLING EXPO 2047."

"Cooool!" Despayre beamed. "A wrestling convention in the future!" He then found the Reaper bear seated on his shoulder, pointing forward with its cane. "Alright! I get the hint!" And he started walking forward, and as if they could see his ethereal form approaching, the crowd of fans parted like the Red Sea so that he might pass. Everywhere Despayre looked, he saw familiar faces that hadn't aged a day in the thirty years that had seemingly passed.

"Boy! Mikah sure looks the same! Hey! There's Gabriel! Hi Gabriel!" He waved enthusiastically, but the specter of his bestest buddy could not see him, and thus could not respond in kind. He huffed, and muttered to the bear on his shoulder, "What's the point of seeing all this if I can't do anything? Can I at LEAST get an autograph?"

The Reaper pointed ahead again and then directed him to make a left. Despayre did as told, and as he approached a small table far off in a dead end corner of the building, he heard the mutterings of some passing fans...

"Can you believe they invited HIM again this year?"

"I hear he had his dad ask them to do it? Psht! Loser!"

"He's really let himself go where everyone else looks great!"

"If he makes that comeback after all this time, people are going to laugh him out of the business! Seriously! What has he done in all these years?"

"Who are they talking about Spirit?" Despayre asked in a hushed whisper, as if he didn't want the specter fans to know he was listening in to their private conversations. "Who's the loser?"

The Reaper pointed ahead again, and finally Despayre could see who occupied the fan-less table. A stooped, aged figure with a pot belly and white hair -- that was shaved on one side of his head. And on the table in front of him, a familiar teddy bear with a withered, white beard hanging to the table's surface. Despayre crept forward cautiously, and his eyes found the name on the sign...


"No..." Despayre shook his head, tears welling up in his gray eyes. "Noo! Spirit..." He looked to his shoulder but the teddy bear was no longer there. "Spirit!" Despayre cried out. "Don't leave me here! Please! Tell me there's something that I can do so this future does not come to pass....!"

And a wide eyed Despayre shot up in his bed, a cold sweat beading on his brow. He looked around wildly before he threw off the covers of his bed and dashed out ...

...And into his father's bedroom! Synn was sound asleep when Despayre shook him by the arm and shoulder. "Dad? DAD!" Causing Synn to awaken with a start! It took a brief moment for Synn to become alert, then looked up at the figure at his bedside.

"Joshua? What... are you alright? What's wrong?"

"Is it too late to agree to do the show?" He asked.

"The show...?" Synn sat up and looked hard at him. "You want to do it now? You're certain?"

Despayre nodded.

"You're not just doing it because you think it's what I want?"

Despayre shook his head.

"Alright." Synn said. "I'll call Christian in the morning. What changed your mind?"

"Oh it was those weird teddy bears." Despayre answered simply, turning around and exiting the bedroom and leaving a VERY confused father in his wake.

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Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

As the classical theme song played in the background, the opening shot is that of a book's spine where inscribed in gold lettering was "Messterpiece Theater"...

**sound of a record scratching to a stop**

A familiar and fuzzy face appeared full center of the screens that our eyes are firmly glued upon, our rapt attention fixated on the wisdom that could be clearly seen deep within the little black eyes -- once one got past the thick rimmed glasses with even thicker lenses that magnified the teddy bear's eyes five times over.

"Hewwo! Will you be my fwiend?"


And cut to a shot of Despayre's bedroom in Las Vegas, where our adorable hero was seated atop his bed with legs crossed and his arms laid out on his lap. He bit his lower lip and shook his head.

"No. Not this time. No Joshua Kooky, and no Mister Self Help. I thought maybe dad might do this part, or maybe even Angel, but this time..." He drew in a breath and slowly exhaled. "This is one I think I have to do for myself."

"I'm sorry to hear SCW is closing down. Very sorry, but I understand they wanted to go out big while still on top. And I'm glad to be one of the ones they invited back for the Survivor Series match." He turned his head to look closely into the camera. "Really? Couldn't think up a more original name?"

Despayre sighed, "Anything can happen in this type of match, which was proved when I got put on opposite sides as my close and personal buddy Nick Jones. Nick and I go way back, to the days I got to team up with his cousin and my personal friend, Bernie. Nick was always there and we had a great time together, which makes me really sorry to say that this time won't be so great." He sighed and looked forlorn. "Just because Nick and I are pals doesn't mean I'll go easy on him. I can't. I won't. I know Nick is a proud guy and he's going to bring the fight to me and all four of my teammates. He's one of the very best and I'm happy to wrestle him as friends. But... I won't be happy when he gets eliminated. He'll be sad but..." Despayre looked upward. "Them's the breaks. I'm sure by the night is over, we'll be as close as we always were."

"Kain? I never got to wrestle him but I heard a LOT about him and watched a lot of his matches!" He shook his head wide eyed and blew out a shrill whistle from between his lips. "He's tough!" He nodded seriously. "He won every title in SCW at least once. Kain even had some matches with Gabriel and THOSE were classics! I hope to get at least a little time in the ring with Kain before he gets eliminated (because it's gotta happen if I'm gonna win!), and I bet I make Gabriel proud to do as well against Kain as he did!"

"What about Gene Banton Junior?"

Despayre looked off-camera and asked, "Who? Oh! OHHH! That guy! He was fun but where did he go? Geno had everything going for him. He was popular and was winning! He was even a World Champion then he just ups and disappears as if he just got bored with the whole thing! Well Geno, I hope the interest is back and your dad is training you like mine is me! Because anything can happen in a match like this! It could end up two on one, or even five on one! How would you like to end up being that 'one', Geno? It could happen to you because it won't happen to me! I mean, it can't because I'm going to win and a five on one would make that REALLY hard! But you? You're very good when you want to be, but I'm going to be even better!"

He smiled and went on, "Goth has been my personal boogeyman for years, ever since my time in the AWA. We wrestled twice so far here in SCW, and here we are once again, on opposite sides. Do you know what the difference between then and now is, Goth?" He shook his head. "There won't be one. The two times we wrestled were in singles, and I won both times. The first for Gabriel, the second because you were stubborn, and this time?" He shrugged. "This time just because I want to prove that I still can. I was happy to induct you into the Hall of Fame. You got a bit nicer with age and the past is the past. But this time, in the ring?" He lifted his shoulders. "I'm still going to fight you like it was the old days, and I'm gonna win again."

He brushed his hair behind his ear and said, "I guess that leaves the best for last. J2H."

"I was kinda hoping to be on J2H's team, but I guess it has to be faces versus heels, even though he's a swell pal! Everyone remembers our matches for the world title, but we wrestled a few other times besides those two big matches. He challenged me once for my Internet title and we went the distance, a thirty minute draw! Jake and I even beat James and Giani Di Luca for the tag team titles. But one on one?" Despayre nodded. "I think it's safe to say that J2H's had my number -- so far." He looks impishly at the camera and smiles. "But this isn't a singles match, is it J2H? This is my specialty, a tag team environment. I got no doubt you'll be one of the last on your team, if not the last, and I bet I'll be right up there with mine. Only difference is, when the smoke clears and the last elimination happens, it won't be me that just got eliminated." He shook his head and pointed forward. "That honor goes to you."

Despayre smiled brightly and waved to the camera. "See everybody in Las Vegas!"

Climax Control Archives / Love Thy Neighbor - Act 2; Scene 2
« on: April 07, 2017, 11:48:18 PM »
 Las Vegas, Nevada

Nineteen days since the last Supercard of SCW, Blaze of Glory VI. That was just over two weeks, closer to three if we're going to be technical. All that time between then and now, since the championship match where Despayre had successfully retained his Internet Championship by defeating Xander Bishop and Calvin Harris in a Triple Threat match. Oh how close Despayre came to losing his title through no fault of his own, when at one point or another, Xander and Calvin came close to besting the other. That was, in actuality, the downside of a Triple Threat where the champion was concerned; he or she could lose their title without even being involved in the actual decision. And Calvin did come the closest to dethroning Despayre, thus ending his six month plus reign, if it were not for one important factor; he had simply forgotten Despayre was even involved for the briefest amount of time. And that one moment was all the time in the world that Despayre needed to break up the pin attempt of Calvin Harris, and instead walk away with the victory over Xander Bishop himself.

Of course, afterwards Xander claimed that somehow he had been screwed out of the win and the title, but that was the usual excuse with no answer for men who believed that success should be given to them on a silver platter. But despite that immature line of thinking, at least he didn't take the coward's way out like Calvin did who had simply stomped off like a child throwing a temper tantrum and Harris had yet to be seen anywhere that was not Twitter. Well, good riddance to him!

Still, nineteen days was a long time between matches, but the time off had been welcome to Despayre who was now sitting in his upstairs hidey-hole, also known to his friends and family as his bedroom. With all this glorious time off between championship defenses, he had more time to do some of the things he enjoyed doing, which was difficult with the demanding schedule of a champion of Sin City Wrestling. He'd been to the zoo twice, and to one of the local aquariums on the Vegas Strip. He had been taken to the movies multiple times to enjoy films he had been greatly looking forward to; everything from "Kong: Skull Island" and "Power Rangers" and even "Beauty and the Beast."

Plus there was all the work he had to put in for his favorite single day of the year, April 1! Those closest to him knew their Despy had a bit of a playful and mischievous side to him where practical jokes were concerned. His relationship with the elderly neighbor was evidence enough to the fact. But April Fools Day was just a day where one could cut loose and have fun, and those closest to Despayre could only brace themselves and wait for what was to come.

Hm, I wonder if Gabriel ever found his swimming pool? Ah well...

And of course, he was able to visit his friends and family to his heart's content. During his time off between bookings, he had been a regular almost every day at either his mother and grandmother's house or Gabriel and Odette's -- and in some cases, both! The mailman was practically a nervous wreck, having to deal with Despayre as an adversary and privately hoping that sooner rather than later, he would be back on the road with SCW again. And, of course, there were his regular visits to the mean ol' neighbor, Missus O'Heaney. He would have ran over every day to say hi and hang out with her, but his father was adamant that he give the woman a bit more privacy so he did -- and went over just every other day. She had yet to object, and why would she? Despayre was an absolute delight! Why, she had even had him stay a time or two for the evening meal and showed him the same two movies she had appeared in, in the late fifties, the very same ones she had shown him once before. He had asked to see them a third time but she had put her foot down, at least for the time being. Too much of a good thing he supposed.

In fact, it was the house of Missus O'Heaney just down the road that Despayre was keeping a close watch on. He was seated in his bedroom, his heiney on the bed while his chin was propped on the window sill and he gazed through a pair of binoculars at the two story Victorian style homestead. The few other houses in their street were more modern in design, but Missus O'Heaney's house had an old and elegant charm to it. Despayre would have stepped outside to get a closer look, but he had been down with a cold the past few days, one of those nagging spring colds that really sap you of your energy. So his dad had made him remain indoors for the duration, until he was all better. So he had to find some ways to amuse himself, besides listening in on random phone calls. So if he was unable to keep a close eye on the neighbor in person, he could at least do so from a distance -- just like James Bond!

But just to be clear, he was not nosey. Heavens, no! But that new car that was in Missus O'Heaney's drive had piqued his curiosity, just as did the stranger who had emerged from it and been inside her house for almost two hours now. Suspicious. V-E-R-Y suspicious! That was when the thought hit him; it wasn't chilly out. It was actually a very nice eighty degrees, and just a few clouds in the sky. So maybe...

"Lord Raab." Synn said from his office, seated behind the large desk carved from cherry wood, the polish always kept impeccable and the surface organized and free from clutter. The fax had been sent just five days ago from the SCW home office, letting Synn know who would be next in line for a championship challenge against his son, and when. It was not entirely unexpected, as Raab's desire for the Internet title was well known in the locker room, but the interest was high as this would actually be the first-ever encounter inside of the ring between Despayre and his masked challenger. The fact alone was surprising as Despayre was the veteran of SCW, despite his young age, having been there on the roster since day one. And Lord Raab had been active since October of 2014. How they had not met before this weekend was beyond Synn's comprehension, but the fact that it was a fresh face, and a fresh challenger, to his son was in fact welcome -- despite Raab's propensity and reputation towards violence. After all, Despayre had just recently had two classic and brutal encounters against Shipman. What could Raab throw at Despayre that Shipman had not -- and his son successfully walked away from?

"How exactly did Raab get a championship match?" Gabriel asked on the other end of the call. "Don't get me wrong, Raab is quality and Ben has been working hard with him, but didn't the fella just drop a tag title match a few weeks back?"

Synn answered, "And one not that long before that, in fact. But his stock is still relatively high, given his status as a former World Champion. Singles or tag, Raab is a legitimate contender."

"You worried?" Gabriel asked.

"No, but I won't lie and say I hadn't hoped another show or two wouldn't pass before Joshua had another defense. Kid's had a rough go of it lately with the defenses he's put in."

"And walked away from." Gabriel added with a note of pride in his voice for his Despy's penchant for walking away a winner more often than not. "But you're right. Two back to back matches against Shipman and then Bishop and Harris at once. Raab likes to play rough so this one won't be no cake walk." Gabriel paused before he asked, "How is Despy, anyway? Still feeling it?"

"More or less, he's fine." Synn answered. "I think he might still be a tad sore and still has that kink in his neck, but the time off did him a world of good as far as recovery. He has a way of enduring some beatings in the ring, but there's only so much someone his diminutive size can handle."

"He can handle Raab." Gabriel said. "The guy has to be too used to tag team matches as of late, where as Despy has gotten used to singles instead of the other way around."

"True." Synn said. "Joshua still is no fan of singles competition, but at least he..."


"What the bloody hell was that!?" Gabriel asked aloud, as if he needed to. The office door had been swung open in its usual manner without the benefit of knocking, and into the office Despayre leapt with enthusiasm and a smile.

"Oh it's Joshua."

"Ah, of course."

"I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna go investiga,er, visit Missus O'Heaney!" That statement being said, Despayre did a U-turn and was about to dash out as quickly as he had made his entrance were it not for his father's barking command of "Stop right there!"

"Rats!" Despayre snapped his fingers and turned around, looking both hopeful and expectant. Synn murmured into the phone, "I'll call you back." And he clicked the phone off and focused on his son to say, "You're sick. You're not going anywhere."

"I'm fine!" Despayre stressed, his arms held out and his best smile on his face. "I'm in tip tope shape!"

"You're fine?"


"Tip top shape?"

"Tip top!"

"Then why, may I ask, are you still having Theresa and myself doing everything for you?"

"Honestly?" Despayre smiled, handed clasped behind his back and rocking on the balls of his feet. "It tickles me."

Synn stared at his son, his mouth halfway open to respond but found, much to his own consternation, that he had no rebuttal in which to offer his son. After a few moments had passed, Synn pointed toward the door with his forefinger and said, "Go. But if you get sick again or get her sick, don't come running to me."

"Okay!" And he dashed out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Then a split second later, he opened it once again and leaned in with a smile just long enough to declare, "I'll go running to mom." And shut the door behind him, leaving Synn staring off into space and shaking his head.

"It tickles him..."

"HelllLLlLoooOooo Missus O'Heaney!" Despayre cried out as the front door of his elderly neighbor's house swung open and he made his usual energetic entrance! He bounded inside, and the dog that guarded the property made its usual response -- by whining audibly and taking off running in the opposite direction!

"What the...?" Came a strange voice from inside, most likely the man whom Despayre had watched enter the house and who had yet to emerge. But Despayre came running in and skidded to a halt at the sight before him, as boxes were scattered about with many of the prized trinkets and knick knacks of the lady of the house carefully placed inside and wrapped protectively in brown paper and/or bubble wrap.

The aforementioned man stood up from the seat he had taken, near to Missus O'Heaney herself who resided in her usual chair, both looking over what appeared to be some form of document. The man was older than him, looking to be in his early fifties perhaps? And he wore a simple, gray business suit. Despayre frowned at the mystery man as the man himself frowned at this intrusion, and without thinking, both blurted out the same thing in the same time, "Who are you!?"

"Jinx! You owe me a Coke!" Despayre declared, and the man frowned and questioned, "What??"

"Coke." Despayre pointed toward the kitchen. "Now."

"I do not keep Coke in my home." Missus O'Heaney stated, causing Despayre to blink and look at the man to say, "What an odd thing to say!"

"Aunt Colleen..." The man turned to Missus O'Heaney. "Who is this?"

"I'm her friend." Despayre answered before she had the chance to do so for herself. "Who're you!?"

"I'm her nephew." Came the answer and Despayre rolled his eyes.

"You are not." He answered. "Missus O'Heaney doesn't have any family."

"That's enough." Missus O'Heaney snapped, ending the little debate between the two men. She turned her head to the man and said, "Arthur, this is the young man who has been visiting me, Joshua."

"Her friend!" Despayre added with his chin jetted out as if to add a silent "So there!"

"Yes." Missus O'Heaney murmured, then looked at Despayre and said, "And despite your contrary, this is my nephew, Arthur."

"Oh." Despayre turned to give the man a smile and a wave of the hand. "Hi!" He then paused as he caught a further note of interest, that most of her framed photographs were no longer on the wall, and most of the surfaces that had various pictures and such that she had regaled him with stories with, were now no longer present. He turned his head and leaned over to peak inside of a box and recognized one or two things before he turned his attention to Missus O'Heaney and her nephew who asked briskly, "Can we help you with something?"

"No." Despayre shook his head, but whatever was happening here gave him a sense of dread in the pit of his belly. Something he did not like, which would include this man. He was Missus O'Heaney's nephew, but at first sight Despayre did not like him. He just wasn't sure why. He looked at Missus O'Heaney and fidgeted, "What's going on? Are you moving your treasures to storage or something?"

"No." Came her answer. "I'm just moving."

And there it was; the reason behind that dreaded chill that settled in his tummy. He found his hands on his slim belly, massaging his stomach without conscious effort as his brow furrowed into a worried state. "What? But ... why?"

"I think the more appropriate question is why I waited so long." She sighed and dropped a stack of papers back into the table and settled back in her favorite chair. Her eyes went from Arthur to Despayre and she shook her head, "It's no secret that I am not well liked in this neighborhood..."

"That's not true!"

"Don't interrupt." She snapped, and whatever Despayre wanted to say otherwise was brought to an immediate halt. He bit his lip as she said, "And it is true and you well know it. I've lived in this house for over thirty years and made no friends. Why should I stay where nobody likes me..."

"But I like you!" Despayre cried, not liking where this was going. Missus O'Heaney couldn't move away. She just couldn't! Much to his surprise, and that of her as well, Missus O'Heaney didn't reprimand him for another interruption. She simply looked at the young man who had taken it upon himself to make her let him into her life. Most young people avoided the elderly like they had something that was catching. This young man? All he wanted was to know more and more about her, which was something she had never quite understood.

"Thank you." She answered crisply. She exhaled, and then added, "And you've been a well behaved young man, too." Despayre smiled, his back going just a bit straighter, but that did not last long as he could see something was wrong. She sighed and spoke again, "But I think Arthur here is right. I'm an old woman, and whatever years I have left should be with family."

Despayre shifted his eyes to the man who was looking everywhere but at his aunt which set off Despayre's inner alarm bells, but why he had no idea. His gray eyes went back to the elderly woman who he thought so highly of and he finally found his voice, "You're really leaving me, aren't you?"

God help her, the bottom lip of Colleen O'Heaney trembled just a bit before she drew in a deep breath to steady herself and she nodded. "I am." And before she could add anything further, she found herself enveloped in a fierce embrace from the young man. She stiffened, unused to such displays of affection from anyone save for her dearly departed husband. But somehow, her own hands slowly and perhaps clumsily returned the embrace, even if but for a moment. And once she had separated herself from Despayre, she looked up to him and said, "And I need you to go get your father for me."

"My dad?" Despayre frowned. "Why?"

"Because you told me he works in real estate." She answered, and Despayre nodded and said, "He does."

"Fine." She noted the papers in front of her with her fingers in a casual wave. "Then best he be the one to sign these as a witness." She looked up at him and added, "And you as well. Just as witnesses to make it official."

"Make what official?"

"Transferring the deed of the house to me." Arthur answered. "So I can handle the sale while my aunt moves in with me and my family."

"Oh." Despayre said almost pitifully. He quickly wiped the back of his hand across his eyes and started to turn, almost half-heartedly hoping she would try to stop him. "I-I'll go get him..."

"Before Joshua and I sign this..." Synn stated as he sat on the chair offered to him. "... are you certain this is what you want?"

"Of course this is what she wants." Arthur answered, a frown on his face which only grew deeper when Synn turned to look at him and he stated, "I think your Aunt is quite capable of speaking for herself, thank you."

The caustic statement was met with a smile, quickly smothered, by Despayre. And if the young man's eyes did not deceive him, he would swear that the corners of Missus O'Heaney's mouth had turned up as well before she returned to her usual scowl. She did not look at Arthur, but at Synn and she nodded in the affirmative.

"I'm sure."

To that, Synn could just nod and he proceeded to scrawl his name on the provided line, marking himself as the legal witness to this deed transfer. Then, the paper was slid before Despayre on the coffee table and the pen held out to him, but Despayre just stared down at the paper and he closed his eyes.

"Joshua..." Synn started to say, but he heard the sniff from his son and he truly felt for his son. Somehow, in some strange way, Despayre had truly taken a liking to the woman who was disliked almost universally in their neighborhood, and somehow the feelings appeared to be mutual, even if Missus O'Heaney did not express so verbally. "... Joshua."

Despayre's eyes opened and a stream of tears slid from them and down his cheek, clear to his chin where they pooled gently in the cleft. He drew in a shaky breath and looked at the old woman and he sobbed, "But I don't want you to leave."

Missus O'Heaney turned her head away to avoid his eye contact, perhaps feeling for the first time the feelings of love and acceptance from someone in all these long years. She just did not know how to respond or reciprocate. She was too old and too set in her ways to change now. All she could do is force herself to look at him and say gently, "Please don't make this any harder than it is, Joshua." The first time she had actually used his given name. "Just ... just sign the papers. ... Please."

Despayre's eyes closed again and his bottom lip trembled with a fresh wave of emotion, but when he opened his eyes, his cheeks once again became stained with tears as he forced himself to quickly sign the paper before he could will himself to stop.

"Thank you." Missus O'Heaney said simply, and Arthur nodded as he stood up, accepting the paper from Synn's hand.

Arthur said without looking at it, "Yes, thank you. It's well to finally get this business over." he looked around at the boxes and said, "Now I'll see about getting someone over here next week to finish your packing. Then we can go about moving you and getting you settled into Montara Meadows."

That statement alone drew Missus O'Heaney's head up, as it did Synn who frowned.

"What?" Missus O'Heaney asked. "What are you talking about?"

Synn leaned over at the waist, his forearm perched on his thigh as he gave this man a scrutinizing gaze. "I thought you were moving your Aunt in with you and your family."

"Yeah!" Despayre added hotly, but Arthur shook his head. "No. I said I would have her moved where she could be taken care of. I said she needed to be with family, but we don't have room in my house."

"No.." Missus O'Heaney blanched, her already pale flesh losing hat color it had. All her life she had been a strong and independent woman, taking care of herself. This ... this she simply could not fathom. Would not accept!

"Aunt Colleen..." Arthur started to say but his aunt interrupted him.

"I said no!" She snapped. "I am not about to be moved into some retirement home full of old people who do nothing but watch TV, play canasta and sleep! Absolutely not!"

"Aunt Colleen!" Arthur barked with an authorative tone, and only Synn's strong grip on his arm was able to pull Despayre back down to his seat and not jump to his friend's defense. Even Missus O'Heaney flinched as her nephew said, "You need to be given proper care! You can't do so while living alone like you do."

"I've done all right for most of my life!" Missus O'Heaney declared. "And I do have my nurse who stops in!"

"But what if something happens when she's not here?" Arthur asked.

"Don't give me that tripe!" Missus O'Heaney shook her head. "This isn't about me or my care, is it? This is about the house. You just want my house, is that it? To move into as soon as you get rid of the old woman? Or maybe to sell so that you can make a nice commission and pad your bank account!"

"That is not..." Arthur started to say but was interrupted by his Aunt slamming the end of her cane down into the hard wood floor of her parlor and she picked it up and pointed it directly in his face.

"You sniveling little..." She snarled. "You show up after all these years, playing the role of the good nephew and this is what you do to family!? Well I will. Not. Have it! I am not moving, and that is final!"

And now the ugly nature of her nephew was revealed for all three of them to see as he sneered, and held up the contract of sale with a smug and triumphant expression on his face. He said, "No, Aunt Colleen. You are moving, and that is final! This is a legally binding document, signed by all present."

Arthur held up the paper and read it off as a matter of fact, "Signed by myself, Arthur O'Heaney, and you, Colleen O'Heaney." He then added insult to injury and swept the paper in Synn and Despayre's direction while reading, "And signed by witnesses, Synn and Daffy Duck... Daffy Duck!?"

Arthur's eyes stared in disbelief at the signature on the dotted line... 'Daffy Duck'... He looked up at his Aunt, then at Synn ... and as one, all three adults slowly turned their heads to Despayre who's eyes rose to the ceiling and pursed lips as he whistled in a see through attempt at innocence. A look that nobody was buying. Despayre then lowered his eyes to find Arthur's boring into him and Despayre just smiled at him -- and waved idly with his fingers.

"You..." Arthur started to say as he kept looking back and forth between Despayre and the signature. "You..."

"I would think things over very carefully before you say another word." Synn said in a dangerous whisper, always the protective father figure.

Missus O'Heaney cleared her throat and said, her words directed towards Synn, "I am not an authority on matters of real estate, but given the forged signature on this contract...?"

"Renders it immediately null and void." Synn answered for her before she could finish her question. At that, Missus O'Heaney turned in her chair to her nephew and pointed toward the foyer with her cane. "Out. Now!" She commanded him.

"I'll contact a lawyer..." He started to say but Synn shook his head.

"Give it up." Synn said. "You'll be laughed out of court, especially given your deception ... in front of two witnesses I might add." He then added with a smile, "But if you decide to press the issue, I feel it only fair to let your Aunt know that I'd be glad to loan her my lawyer's services. And she would take you and this case apart."

Missus O'Heaney had her focus on her nephew, but these words drew her eyes to Synn who winked at her. Someone, almost a complete stranger ... was standing up for her? Protecting her from her unscrupulous relation without her even asking for aid. Before she could say anything, Despayre turned in his seat and called out, "Here Pongo!"

And the clatter of nails of the hard floor heralded the arrival of the German Shepard that "guarded" the house, only this time the dog did not run at the sight of Despayre. He instead focused immediately on Arthur and started barking viciously in his direction! Arthur held up a stalling hand and backed up a step, but this just made the dog advance and bark even harder! As he passed him, Synn casually reached up and snatched the contract from his hand.

"Call... call him off!" But Arthur did not even wait as he turned his back and hurried as fast as he could, with Pongo chasing after him, barking the entire way! Out of the parlor, through the foyer and they all heard the slamming of the front door. A moment later, there was the sound of Arthur's car being started and tearing out of the drive.

Only then did Missus O'Heaney breath a sigh of relief, giving herself the luxury before she propped her cane against the floor and slowly pushed herself to her feet. As she started around the coffee table and their general direction, probably to take the sales contract from them, Synn started to say, "If he gives you any trouble, tell me. My offer was..."

But his words were silenced gently as he watched the 'meanest' woman in their neighborhood envelope his son in her arms in the only way she knew in how to thank him for saving her home -- and her.

A fuzzy and familiar (and might we add utterly adorkable) face filled the screen, full center, with a pair of thick eye glasses perched on its nose, the lenses magnifying its dark eyes many times over their normal size.

"Hewwo! Will you be my fwiend?"

**Annnnnnd CUE the corn ball theme music and even cornier lyrics to one of those jingles that just seemed to burn its way into your mind...**

"He's the bear that's cute and smart!
His knowing wisdom comes from the heart!
And if the question is dumb, made by a schlep,
He'll toss out the facts and make it ep, er -- up!

Announcer: Ladies! Gentlemen! And undecided! Are you ready to listen to the wisdom of the ages? Have you no problems until the moment you tuned into our program? Is a pesky girl bothering you gents because he's been accused of cock blocking more times than even he can count -- which is a LOT! Well pick up those phones and call in your questions! Grab a pen and paper and be ready to jot down the quips and quotes of wisdom that comes from the heart and not the head! May we present to you -- Mister Self-Help!

Canned applause from the non-existent studio audience sounded across the stage as the man himself, Mister Self-Help, stepped up onto the stage. He was clad is a plaid suit jacket of green and blue over a white dress shirt. A colorful bow tie added that all-too impotent touch of class, as did the Bermuda shorts and flip flops on his feet -- prezzies from his number one fans; Narly and Radical aka the Surf Boys. And yes, on his eyes were those Mister Self-Help glasses that not only magnified his eyes to roughly five times their normal size, but also rendered him blind as a bat. Gabriel was seen for the briefest of moments, helping push him up onto the stage and directed him straight ahead. Mr. Self-Help walked straight forward -- and past -- the stage podium and  microphone and right across the other side of the cage ...

And suddenly there was a heavy series of crashes heard off camera and a woman's scream! Mr. Self-Help quickly hurried back onstage, able to see only because his glasses were askew and dangling partially down his face. He stepped in place behind the podium and stole only the briefest of glances off-stage and the direction of the crashes and screams before he stared ahead at the camera and gave it a goofy grin while fixing his glasses.

"Hello friends and fans. It is lovely to once again see you. I am here this evening to talk to you about monsters. No..."

He held up a hand to placate any nay-sayers in his audience (?).

"I am not referring to the beasties that go bump in the night or that prowl the forest paths on the full moon. No, I am speaking of an even more frightening and fearsome nefarious type of horrible creature ..."

He leaned over the podium so that he might speak closer toward the camera.

"Human beings."

"Ooooooo!" Came from the studio audience and Mr. Self-Help nodded.

"I know! And I have here..." He held up a sheet of paper with scribbled jotted down with purple crayon. "... a list of some of the most dastardly monsters of the human race, and yes indeedy do... they are Germans, each and every one."


"Fear not! I am not inferring that all Germans or monsters. Only some would be described as being so due to their own choices and actions. They have nobody to blame but themselves for their places etched in history. Let's have a look, shall we?"

Mr. Self-Help reached over to the small projector on a table to his right hand side and picked up a remote control. With a click of his thumb, an image appeared on screen...


"Joseph Goebbels served as the Reich Minister of Propaganda for Nazi Germany. To make matters worse, he was one of Hitler's closest associates and most loyal and devoted of followers. He was an advocate for harsher forms of discrimination and was such a coward that he and his wife committed suicide after orchestrating the deaths of their six children."

Mr. Self-Help then gave a last click of the remote, turning the projector off. The lights in the room gradually grew brighter and our knowledgeable host clasped his hands on the podium and stared straight ahead at the camera.

"I know. Not the most pleasant topics of discussions for a fun and light hearted show such as this, but I feel a necessary one. Reason being the man we are to be discussing now, a man known as Lord Raab, has something in common with the afore mentioned men just discussed; he's German. You know what else he has in common with them? Absolutely nothing! Lord Raab, the scheduled opponent of SCW Internet Champion Despayre, bills himself as the Masked German Monster. Is he masked? Well it's either that or he has a pretty unique skin condition. Is he German? Sure, and he should be very proud for being so. But is he a monster?"

He shook his head.

"No, in fact, he is not. The men I just showcased? They were monsters of the worst sort, and Lord Raab may be a great many things, but a monster is not one of them. At least, not in the traditional sense. Is he a monster inside of the ring? Some might say so, but I prefer the use of the term 'beast.' It's still a strong definition, but does not have the same stigma attached to it as that of a monster. Outside of the ring, Lord Raab might be a bit rough around the edges, but monster?"

He jetted out his bottom lip and shook his head in the negative.

"No. He might have behavioral problems, and lashed out at society as a whole or in individuals, but who hasn't every now and again? Did he attack a woman, an act reprehensible in the eyes of the civilized world? Yes indeed, and afterwards he was not only punished, but he has strived to ensure he did not again perform such a grievous act. A practice he continues to this day. Would a monster work as hard as he has been to correct a negative action? He would not. And if that was not evidence enough in redemption of body and soul, then surely his relationship with Samuel McPherson would cast aside any doubts anyone might have in this man."

"Samuel McPherson, the man who has done the seemingly impossible by capturing the heart and soul of Lord Raab. Is a monster capable of feeling true love and acting on it? In a small part, perhaps, but a real monster puts its actions and beliefs above all else, even if it meant the sacrifice of the one he holds closest to his heart. Now does that sound like Lord Raab? You are right. I don't think it does, either. Samuel is Lord Raab's rock, his anchor if you will. When Lord Raab seems on the verge of falling off the precipice and into the chasm where he might not return, Samuel is there for him. He is supportive of the man he loves and is there for him, whether Lord Raab knows he needs him or not. Lord Raab is a strong willed individual, but I can assure you that more often than not, he is aware of his need for Mister McPherson. He is protective of Samuel, and the man that is at his side personally and professionally is one of the few who is not expendable in the life of Lord Raab. Not what you would expect from a so-called 'monster.'"

"And inside of the ring? When competing, Lord Raab is perhaps one of, if not the most violent men in not just SCW, but professional wrestling altogether. He wants to win, and will do whatever he must in order to have his arm raised when that final bell has rung. Lord Raab has goals, and he is perfectly willing to bend rules, break bones and spill blood in order to accomplish those very things. Lord Raab has made it well known that he has but two professional goals to achieve before he is ready to hang up his boots as an in-ring competitor. One of his goals is to share the World Tag Team Championship with the love of his life, Samuel McPherson. And the second goal? The one that brings us here today?"

"The SCW Internet Championship, currently held by the adorable and ever popular, the charmer of heel babes, the one and only Despayre."

Mr. Self-Help turned his head toward a second camera for a close up shot and he smiled while silently mouthing, "That's me!" before he turned back to again address his audience.

"Lord Raab, like his opponent, is living proof that size does not make for the formidable opponent. In the business of wrestling, when one uses the term 'monster,' one thinks of a man with the stature of near seven feet tall and perhaps three hundred pounds or more. Lord Raab is six feet four and two hundred and thirty pounds. An average stature for a man that sees himself as a monster. And yet even he outmatches Despayre in terms of size and strength. But where determination comes into play? Ah, that is where Despayre has the edge. In speed and unorthodox nature, Despayre is the superior competitor. The fact that he wears the championship gold that Lords Raab seeks is a testament to this fact. And most importantly, unlike his challenger, Despayre is totally and completely comfortable with himself and who he is as a person. Despayre knows he is not like everyone else, and he is quite okay with this. After all, who wants to be normal? Such a desire speaks highly of one simple fact; a lack of courage."

"Lord Raab is not what one mighty think of when they envision 'normal,' but is he comfortable with himself? The mask that he wears is evidence enough that he is not. Hiding behind leather and cloth, shielding his visage from the eyes of the world says that although he is confident in what he is capable of doing, he is not comfortable in what he is capable of being. And that will be all the champion needs in order to take full advantage of his challenger and once again walk out of the ring with the championship gold securely in his possession."

That being said, Mr. Self-Help bid his 'audience' (?) a find farewell and turned to step off-stage when he banged into the table, almost knocking the projector to the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there."

And he scooted aside just enough to head offstage with his hands held out to feel his way...

Supercard Archives / Despayre Vs Calvin Harris Vs Xander Bishop
« on: March 17, 2017, 08:10:38 PM »

Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

And now that being said, we return one final time to Joshua Kooky, who remained seated in his chair with a fresh goblet of Cherry Coke in his hand.

"Thank you friends and foes alike, for this enlightening edition of Messterpiece Theater. I hope you learned something from the tales told. The hero Despayre is unlike anyone you have ever met or seen before. He is both fun and innocent, angry and emotional. A talented wrestler and a dear friend to those close to him, and a threat inside of the ring to those that seek to take away what is his or to bring him harm. Never believe that you know all that there is to know about him, because even those closest to him will attest that he will always find a way to surprise you. And in a matter of days, Calvin Harris and Xander Bishop will discover this the hard way."

"I'm Joshua Kooky for Messterpiece Theater. Until next time."

The screen faded to black.

Supercard Archives / Despayre Vs Calvin Harris Vs Xander Bishop
« on: March 17, 2017, 08:09:14 PM »

Melody Grace was now on the set, practically bouncing up and down as she sat in the chair. A bundle of never ending energy, just like her friend Despayre, Melody's face shone bright with a smile as she was unable to remain still for very long when talking about her friend or about their many adventures with one another.

Melody Grace: I've known Despy for a long time and he is my bestest buddy! The fun we have when we go out on one of our little adventures or when we decide to see something new and up close! I mean, we've done just about anything that two normal, every day pals can do together.

She held up her hands and started to count off on her fingers.

Melody Grace: We hunted the Loch Ness Monster. We got him but had to throw him back. We tracked down Rodan in Japan.

Melody looked sheepishly into the camera.

Melody Grace: He got away. We've had blanket fort parties and monster movie marathons. Fished for mermen. You know! All the normal things! But you know, the one thing I remember doing that was the most fun of all?

Belfast, Northern Ireland
January 2015

It happened during the 2015 SCW World Tour, where every week, Sin City Wrestling would reach a new country, and new fans, and Belfast was one of the first stops. Of course, it would be business as usual when the men and women of SCW stepped inside of the ring, but for besties, Melody Grace and Despayre? Oh there was an altogether different bit of business these two close pals had endeavored. One of their special hunts, as it were, and one that was to be particularly geared towards Melody herself. This was a special something that melody had wanted, and who better to ask for help than Despayre?

"Okay! So here's what we hafta do...!" Despayre said as he and Melody stood in one of the many lush nature paths in Belfast, where citizen and tourist alike could walk the trails and appreciate the majestic beauty that God had bestowed upon the Irish. While the rest of the Sins, as well as guests Gabriel and Odette, walked about to look at the plants and trees, the small streams and even some of nature's critters that called these trails home, they left Despayre and Melody to their own devices. Sometimes it was simply better that way, and much easier when these two had it in their minds to accomplish the impossible.

Despayre continued, "It says we need a virgin to sit beneath a tree." Despayre looked up at Melody and repeated, "A virgin?"

Gabriel and Odette walked past the two friend, and Despayre called to them, "Gabriel? What's a virgin?"

Having come to expect anything from Despy, the question had no effect on Gabriel and he simply answered, "Rage in twenty years." Much to Odette's amusement. Despayre watched them walk past, then looked to melody who met his stare.

"Well we can't possibly wait that long!" He declared, and Melody agreed by shaking her head in the negative with wide eyes.

"So what do we do?" She asked timidly. Oh how badly she wanted this very special adventure to succeed! Despayre had managed to perform miracles for Gabriel, and even Ben Jordan. Well this time it was her turn and she knew Despayre wouldn't let her down.

Despayre scratched at his temple with one eye closed tight and his lip jetted out between his lips. "I know!" He snapped his fingers. "You and Angel sit beneath the tree. A pretty blonde girl and an adorable teddy bear? There's no way one would be able to resist!"

"Awww!" Melody blushed. "You think I'm pretty?"

Despayre stared at her and turned to hurry into the forest on the edges of the nature trail. "Let's go!" To which Melody sighed and hurried off after him....

It wasn't that much later when Synn walked over to where Gabriel stood at his wife's side while Odette leaned in to sniff at some fragrant winter flowers. Synn had been looking the area for his son and had thought for certain that if anywhere, he'd be found somewhere near Gabriel, but such was apparently not the case.

"Have either of you seen Joshua?" Synn asked.

"Not since he and Melody went running into the trees in search of a virgin." Came Gabriel's bemused answer. Synn just stared at the two, unable to fathom whether or not they were being serious. That was when Odette opted to put the man out of his misery and explain, "They're looking for a unicorn, Synn."

"A unicorn." Synn nodded. "Right." He turned away to look off into the direction of the trees and said, "Well it's getting late and I need to..."

"We got one!"


Came the cheers from the trees, and Melody burst through the brush, practically dancing in her gleeful excitement with Angel in her arms. Behind her came Despayre who was huffing with effort, pulling on a rope while the others watched in morbid fascination as on the other end of the rope, tied around its, or his, ankles was the Unicorn man; with a bright, violet Mohawk, a blue and violet spiral horn on his head, and the only thing he was wearing was a pink chest harness, pink and blue gloves, and pink tights. Everyone's eyes stared hard in shock as Despayre looked up with a proud smile.

"We did it!" Despayre declared. "Looky at what we caught!"

Gabriel turned away and walked back up the path, calling out, "Oh Despy! Put him back!"

Climax Control Archives / The beginning of the end
« on: March 03, 2017, 07:53:19 PM »
 San Francisco International Airport

The American Airlines flight from Las Vegas had landed only moments ago, and the passengers disembarked into the terminal of the airport's interior. It was a normal, every day routine for the attendants and various employees of the airport, and for those coming to and fro on vacations or trips of business and/or pleasure, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Save for the certain passengers who had made full use of the flight's first class accommodations; namely Synn and Despayre, along with Gabriel and his wife, Odette Stevens, and their protege (and Odette's tag team partner), the rookie sensation, Evie Baang.

There were many fans of the sport of professional wrestling, and many who recognized this group on the spot. But as much as they wanted to rush up for autograph and picture requests, the glare from Synn warded off those who would intrude. There were just certain times and places where one should not ask a wrestler for such a thing, even if you think with all your heart that they wouldn't mind. The airport was Synn's biggest pet peeve, as once they arrived in the intended city, all he usually wanted to do was grab their luggage and get to the hotel where his son could sleep off the remainder of his sedative.

Despayre was terribly afraid of flying, but in this business, such was a given to get to where you needed to be in a timely manner. So his doctor prescribed for him an addition to the other medications he was condemned for life perhaps to take for the remainder of his years. This one simply made him sleepy enough to doze off before the flight even took off, and he would usually sleep for most of, if not all, the flight. It was best for those around him so as to prevent a possible panic attack. And even after landing, there were times where it was difficult to rouse the little sleepy head. This sedative simply had to be slept out of his system.

"Was it necessary?" Evie whispered covertly while eyeing as Synn helped steer Despayre around a row of chairs and settled him into a vacant one where there were few if anyone nearby so as to disturb him. "The flight wasn't even two hours."

Gabriel nodded as he watched Synn set a carry one on the chair to Despayre's right to prevent anyone from getting too close. "Despy can't handle flights like we can, even if they're short ones. He can be awake a bit while in the air, but the take off is what really frightens him."

"Gabriel," Synn's voice drew the magician's attention to him where he said, "I need to go find him a Coke or something to rouse him at least a little bit. Otherwise I'll be carrying him through the airport."

Gabriel chuckled and nodded, knowing that the funniest part of Synn's jest was the fact it was not a jest at all. Synn would carry Despayre if it came down to that, and a part of him hoped privately that he would have to. The sight alone would be worth it. But he resigned himself to a slight delay while Synn walked off to fetch a soda for his son, and he and his wife and protege took the three seats around Despayre to better surround him and protect him from the confines of strangers.

Minutes passed and they noticed Despayre's eyes were open, but still filled with sleep. Gabriel was surfing the Internet on his smart phone when he felt someone nudge his shoulder. He turned his head to find his wife, Odette, smiling and indicating he should look. Gabriel turned to see a Hare Krishna walking towards them, his eyes focused on the most innocent one of the group; Despayre.

"Pardon me," The Hare Krishna said, holding out an orange flower in his fingers. "Would you like to buy a flower?"

Despayre raised his head and looked up at the man addressing him. He blinked back the sleep and gazed at the bald man (save for the ponytail) in the colorful robes and sandals and his eyes opened wide.

"Does your mother know you're doing this for a living!?"

Odette clapped a hand over her mouth, but not before a bark of ladylike laughter escaped her lips at their Despy's classic line directed at the poor Hare Krishna! Gabriel snorted back a laugh of his own but it soon erupted freely and he wrapped a single arm around Despayre's shoulders in a fond embrace. Never a dull moment where his Despy was concerned! Even Evie's eyes widened a little and a smile found its way to her lips as Despayre watched the man turn and hurry away.

Gabriel's head fell on his wife's shoulder as his whole body shook from the laughter while Despayre settled back in his seat and closed his eyes again....

Across the stage walked Angel, clad in a graduation gown and a monocle over his right eye. Yes, you heard me right, well, read me right if you have to be technical. Angel walked across the stage and calmly took his place at the very center, before all in attendance. His paws clasped behind his back, he glanced slowly from left to right while he rocked back and forth on his feet. The very epitome of calm relaxation. He brought a paw up to his mouth and coughed lightly, but just loud enough for all murmuring to come to an end so that we might give him our full and undivided attention.

"Hello. And thank you for joining me here today. I'm sure that you have noticed that our time together this week may have been somewhat different. I am well aware that each time our good friend Despayre is booked in a match, people tune in by the billions to see what sort of wacky adventures he'll end up in. That is the norm, but this week, we are going the abnormal route and trying something just a little bit different."

Angel reached over toward the small, round table at his side and picked up a glass of water and had a drink before setting it back down. He then picked up an extendable presentation pointer stick. He drew it to its full length as he continued on with his speech.

"And why is that, you may ask? Well, I'm glad you did! It is because this week in his scheduled match, it is no laughing matter. The time for levity is at an end, and the time for business is to begin. And you have the disappointment of not experiencing another Despayre comedy-fest on one and only one person."

Angel reached up and drew down a cord that pulled down a rolled up poster of "The So-Called original Sinner" aka Chris Shipman. Angel gave the poser a hard whack with his pointer.

"This is why, or rather, who is why."

Angel gazed upward and pondered, rubbing his chin with his paw for a moment.

"No, on second thought, I had it right the first time. Chris Shipman is definitely more of a what than a who. He's definitely more animal than man, but to say that is also an insult to animals. Animals do not act as rabid as Chris Shipman does. Animals do not attack with the intent to hurt just for the sake of it. Chris Shipman does. Animals fight to defend their young, for food and survival. Chris Shipman fights because he enjoys the sensation of inflicting pain on an opponent. He enjoys the sight of blood, even if it were to be his own. In short order..."

Angel looked around, then leaned in and cupped a paw around his mouth to whisper.

"Chris Shipman is nuts."

Angel stood upright once again to continue.

"You know, I look back on how all of this started and I can't help but feel just a hint reminiscent on so many years having been wasted so thoroughly. As far back as I can recall, from the very beginning of our tenure in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, there has always been the Seven Deadly Sins. And right then and there, in the AWA, there was the one known as Chris Shipman. One-time foe, then ally, and now foe again. I watched it all happen back then, and you can bet I kept a close eye on you. It's part of my job, after all. And looking back on those good times and bad, I can't help but wonder where it all went wrong. I can't help but wonder if it was indeed a gross error on our part to induct you into being a member of our little family."

"Do you remember those times, Chris? Hm? One has to wonder if you think back to the very moment you declared your 'allegiance' to the Sins and wonder why you did it, and to what extent your deceptions held true. Oh you say that you were playing us from the very beginning, and you were toying with Synn's affections from the brink of your time with us, but I really do have to wonder if what you're 'claiming' is true or not. You are, after all, a master deceiver and you could be lying to everyone about that. you could have been lying from the start, but the simple fact is, you're a liar in general. You proved that the very moment you declared to one and all that you were capable of defeating Despayre and walking away with his Internet Championship."

"Let's look back, shall we? take a little stroll down Memory Lane and look at how all of this first started. We may have a few people here and there who remain unaware of our original history together, and it'd be only polite of us to help them catch up."

"It all started in a tag team match in the AWA, where Despayre and Gabriel were taking on Chris and his own tag team partner. I wish I could recall what the names were of Chris's two stable teammates at the time, but the fact was that he was the only one of any notoriety. Sad, isn't it? But the end result was the same. The Sins emerged victorious, but it was an action during that very match that sealed Chris's fate. When he and his tag partner decided to engage in a friendly game of 'Keep Away,' tossing yours truly back and forth to each others' waiting hands while poor Despayre was caught in the middle, jumping up and down, trying to save me."

"And just when Chris and company thought all was forgotten, that's when the devious mind of Synn struck. Fantasia lured Chris to her private dressing room for a little tonsil hockey make out session, which led to ..."

Angel looked closer at his notes and put a paw over his mouth.

"Oh my! Can I tell this part?"

He shrugged.

"Ah well. What can they do to me? It led to a little BDSM session that would make Christian Grey green with envy! Fantasia got Chris stripped down and wear nothing but a neon pink thong, showing his gingerbread and everything. Then she had his handcuffed to the pipes on the ceiling so that he was stretched so tight, his feet barely touched the floor. Ol' Chris thought he was in for something really hot and heavy, and boy was he right! That was about when Fantasia slapped a piece of duct tape over his mouth to keep him quiet, and left the dressing room. The door opened back up and in walked Synn! Synn locked the door and walked over to Chris and ..."

<marquee>The following portion of this promo has been censored by the Teddy Bears For Clean Living Society...</marquee>

"But Shipman must have loved it because the very next week? When his two stable mates attacked Synn in the ring, Chris showed up and turned on the two, attacking them and solidifying himself as the newest member of the Seven Deadly Sins!"

"And from that moment on, you were relevant again. Oh it's true that you held your fair share of championship gold and success before the Sins ever even arrived in AWA, but for the longest period of time, you were simply stuck in the proverbial rut. You were going in circles like those teens in the Blair Witch Project, with no clear destination, and no end in sight. But once you joined the Sins, once you shared Synn's bed and gave him your body, you knew you had something good going. That's why I think you're full of baloney when you claimed it was all for show. Everybody knew what you and Synn were doing in your private time. No straight guy does the things you did just to get ahead."

Angel blinked, then shook his head.

"Somehow that sounded better in my head before I said it aloud. But I digress! Despite the fact you probably thought having something going with Synn would propel you to the top of his priority list, you didn't take into account that there was more than just a mentor/wrestler relationship between him and Despayre. They were father and son, and even though it was unknown at the time, nothing could or would come between that blood relation. Not even you. And over the course of time, as the years slowly passed, that dawning realization just started to eat away at you, didn't it?"

"Maybe you weren't as good as you liked to think? Personally or professionally. And while Despayre and Gabriel won championship gold in the singles and tag team ranks in both AWA and SCW, what did you do? Well at first you didn't even follow them to SCW. You stayed behind and languished without the support of what had proven to be a very dominant stable. You fought and struggled to remain in the spotlight, and only after a number of years had passed did you finally arrive in SCW to pick up right where you left off."

"Being a loser."

"Oh you cried foul and favoritism that Synn gave all the main events and title shots to his son and Gabriel, but we all know the truth. The truth that you, Chris, continue to bury beneath the sand along with your head. Synn got you title shots. He got you chances at both the World and Roulette titles. But every time you made the attempt to wrest gold from the current champion, you choked and walked away with as much gold as an out of business jewelers. But did you blame yourself? Did you cast the cause as the man who was inside of the ring, doing the wrestling? Nooooo! You blamed Synn, and that's when everything you built up to that point came crashing right back down. And it's why you'll continue doing so, until you can admit a simple truth: you're not as great as you like to pretend to be."

"Heck! I don't even think you're as frightening as you want the world to believe that you are! Anybody can grab a weapon, toss around some barbed wire, and shed some blood and call themselves a psycho! Those types of men in this business? They're a dime a dozen. Go on and check the rosters of any one of the many wrestling promotions that can be enjoyed world-wide (though you'll never find one as great as SCW), and you'll find at least one so-called loudmouth psycho. What makes you so different, hm? What makes you a cut above the rest and the real menace of the wrestling industry? For all the claims made about your mental stability, a lot of the same people have also said the exact same things about Despayre. Difference being, Despayre does not advertise it. Despayre does not remind us at any given time that he's ... special. And you know what they say about lads like that."

"Beware of the quiet ones!"

"You know what I think? I think you were more than caught off guard by just how hard Despayre fought you in your match at Inception II. You walked in there, thinking that your size and ferocity would allow you to overwhelm him, but when he proved you wrong, you were incapable of adapting. You thought size and power meant certain victory. You thought your past stint as so-called 'Stepmom' would give you an intimidation factor against Despayre to exploit, only it didn't. I was so proud of Despayre when he met you right there on the floor and fought you man to man! He matched you fist for fist and tooth for claw, Chris, and it seems that you just wasn't able to get enough. Like any sore loser, after losing, you want another go in a sad attempt to erase that result from the minds of those who witnessed it."

"And as soon as you made your special challenge, as soon as you wanted Despayre in your little House of Fun, I knew he had you. For all your mind games, I knew that it was Despayre who was in your mind, eating away at your subconscious! I never thought I would see the day where the high and mighty 'man monster' known as Chris Shipman was intimidated by someone -- anyone, but it's become painfully clear to me that you are. You are intimidated by Despayre. If you weren't, why would you go to such lengths to have a match against him where the deck was stacked completely in your favor? Or is it?"

"After all, you have to remember that for every little sadistic plan you have for Despayre, he has one in equal measure, ready for you. You hurt his father. You made that critical error the moment you put Synn through a table, and no son can ever forgive such a thing until the past is dead and buried. And as that cage you will be surrounded will prevent anyone from getting in, oh poor, single digit IQ Chris. It will also prevent you from getting out. For each weapon you plan to inflict harm upon Despayre's body, there'll be many more for him to use against you."

"Plainly said, anything you can do in that match, Despayre can do better. And after that? It will all be over. There'll be no going back. No more tries. Your past with the Seven Deadly Sins will be a thing of the past, but reliving the shame of Despayre beating you in two matches back to back? Oh Shipman..."

Angel pulled on the poster's cord and released it, letting it roll up in a loud 'flap flap flap'!

"That memory will linger on forever."


Despayre's head sunk low against his slim chest and that caused him to rise, alert. He blinked his wide, gray eyes, and looked around as if he were having a momentary lapse of memory in realizing where he was. He looked up and around, and wiped at his sleepy eyes as he saw that he was still seated in the chair he had occupied in the San Francisco airport.

Just as Synn was approaching with a large bottle of cold Cherry Coke, Despayre yawned mightily and exclaimed, "Well! That was certainly convenient! Now I don't have to do a promo!"

And while Evie, Gabriel and Odette exchanged confused glances, Despayre turned to the teddy bear at his side and shook a forefinger at Angel.

"But no more of that naked news for you mister!"

Synn offered the Coke over to Despayre who grabbed at it greedily, and looked to Gabriel.

"Do I even want to know?" Synn asked.

"Probably not." Gabriel managed to answer between chuckles.

Climax Control Archives / No rest for the weary -- well maybe a little
« on: February 03, 2017, 09:52:46 PM »
 Synn: Well, it would seem that there is no rest for the wicked, eh? A poor choice of words, true, where it concerns perhaps the most innocent member of the SCW roster, but the meaning behind the words rings true. I had half expected for Despayre to be given a little extra time off, the hard fought rewards for having been put through the grinder at Inception II against Chris Shipman, but alas it was not meant to be. The first episode of Climax Control back and the powers-that-be wished for a Main Event that would draw people in, so whom do they think of first hand?"

"Correct. The Internet Champion, Despayre. To date, the longest reigning Internet Champion, having already surpassed the likes of the Mental Rapist Sean Jackson and yes, Rage, and a championship reign that is likely to continue forward for the foreseeable future. Not to take anything away from this fresh faced challenger that the bookers have deemed a logical contender for Despayre, but it's hard to dispute the evidence placed in front of our very eyes."

"Time and again, men have lined up, eager to face Despayre and take advantage of what they perceive to be a weakness of the mind and body. Despite all evidence over the past number of years, men are still foolish enough to look at him and think because of his diminutive size, he'll be weak and easy pickings to over power and dominate. They look at his antics and innocent charm, and believe that he has a problem in the mind so he'll be a simple one to take advantage of when inside of the ring. How many people watched his pairing with Gabriel as one-half of Sinful Obsession, and referred to Despayre as the so-called 'weak link' of that combination? How many times has Gabriel himself disputed this claim? How many men have stepped into the ring against Despayre with this very mindset, only to find themselves quickly overwhelmed by a little whirlwind? A force of nature, if you will. How many have walked away from the ring against him with a limp, all the worse for wear in shame for having their shoulders pinned to the mat by a young man they so foolishly overlooked? How many men two or three times his size felt the humiliation when they themselves were the ones forced to yield against him and submit?"

"I admit I live for the day when the men he opposed finally wise up and learn to give credit where it is due. Until then, it's an advantage that I admit I have no small degree of pleasure in exploiting."

"And now, this coming weekend in California, a face quite familiar to not only the population of Sin City Wrestling, but Despayre as well, is next in line. 'The Big Tiger' Jeremiah Hardin. Formerly one-half of the tag team R.O.A.R.. I have to admit that it pleases me to see you set foot back firmly into singles competition. While you were relatively successful in the ranks of tag team wrestling, I could not help but believe that your team with your uncle held you back from your true potential, Jeremiah. I also must admit I never understood why you went by the moniker 'Big Tiger' when Sebastian had a much larger size stature over you. But I digress. Granted, you and Sebastian did hold the World Tag Team titles very briefly, but you have allowed the people to forget that at one time you were also an impressive Roulette Champion. Sadly, however, that reign was last in 2013, well over three years ago. Since then, you have passed in and out of relative obscurity, dropping matches that I believe you should have won, and fighting time and again to re ignite the flame that had been the Hardin name."

"Well, Jeremiah. Herein lies your big chance. While it is true that you fell short in your Ladder match at Inception II, something about your performance must have impressed the higher ups enough to believe you warranted this opportunity. I just have to wonder, what makes you believe that this chance will be any different from those past? Granted, you have an impressive advantage in size and strength, but men the size of Casey Williams and Rage can attest that those are but mere statistics when it comes to setting foot inside of the ring against Despayre. And yes, I will be the first to admit that Despayre did, in fact, suffer quite the beating at the hands of Chris Shipman, but he still walked away the winner of that contest. And you? Well, nobody can take part in a Ladder match and walk away with their bodies completely one hundred percent. So I happen to know well for a fact that you are not in the absolute best shape of your career, walking into this match. And I have absolutely no qualms at all in having Despayre exploit any pains or injuries you suffer from. Have no worries. I won't begrudge you the fact that I am certain you intend to do the very same. The key factor though is against you, when you face someone faster, more agile, and by far more unpredictable."

"Ask those that know Despayre, Jeremiah. Ask the men who have faced him inside of the ring. You go on and ask them. Simply grabbing hold of Despayre is a chore in itself, and you have no semblance of what to do with him, a young man that is capable of absolutely anything. Watch the matches he has had against the likes of powerhouses such as Rage and Casey Williams. Their size meant little when they had enough trouble just getting a hand hold on him. And once they did, they found a man with a fighting spirit unlike any other. Both of those individuals are dominant. Yet who else other than a man that stands a mere five foot six and weighs less than one hundred and seventy pounds can say they made both giants tap out? A remarkable feat, wouldn't you say? And men who are quite pleased with cheating and brawling, men such as Sean Jackson and Chris Shipman. Well they thought their mind games and fighting prowess would prove them the superior. Granted, Sean Jackson did end Despayre's first reign as Internet Champion in a steel cage, but it was not Despayre who had his features battered against the cage and bloodied beyond recognition. And Shipman thought what he did to me would prove sufficient to delve into Despayre's mind to wage an all out war. I admit I was quite proud of my son for not allowing those mind games that are Shipman's specialty to get to him. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. Despayre did what Shipman did not expect and used what he did as a means to add fuel to the proverbial fire. And both brawlers learned the hard way that as small as he is, as credible as a cruiserweight as Despayre is, the little guy is one HELL of a fighter when he is pushed!"

"So no, Jeremiah. I won't begrudge you what you have earned in this title shot. You would not have received it were you not a worthy individual. But for all the cheers and adulation that you have earned in your time here, it is not going to protect you from suffering the same defeat as most others have suffered when facing the single most unpredictable man in Sin City Wrestling."

Las Vegas, Nevada - Inception II

The masses inside of the Gold Coast Casino had just witnessed a very hard fought match for the SCW men's Internet Championship, where the ever lovable Despayre managed to retain his championship by the skin of his teeth against former teammate, the Judas known as Chris Shipman. While it was true that Shipman had control of most of the match due to his size and power, Despayre's heart and tenacity allowed him to take advantage of Shipman's own momentum and gain the winning pin fall.

But at what cost?

Adjoining the Grand Ballroom where the event Inception II was taking place, were other ballrooms, each rented out for use by SCW for the day. One was for interviews and equipment, while others were smaller in size and being used by the Superstars and Bombshells as separate dressing rooms. One such had the curtains parted by force, thrown open as the former two-time World Champion, the retired Superstar Gabriel, came through and with him was a visibly shaken Despayre. More to the point, Gabriel was assisting his 'little brother' through the door frame and into the dressing room area. Despayre clutched his shiny gold title belt in one arm, with the teddy bear known as Snowflake in the crook of the same arm. His free arm was draped around Gabriel's neck and he limped past a few of his peers who gave him congratulations and pats on the back, but anything else and Gabriel quickly shooed them away.

"Here, Despy." Gabriel steered the little guy around and helped to ease him down onto a chair in front of his own designated dressing area. "Sit and relax." Despayre had walked with a hint of a limp, and even a casual observer could sense that all was not right physically with the crowd favorite. Shipman had given him quite the beating, and although Despayre had emerged the winner of their contest, it was obvious that he had paid for the victory in spades. The championship belt slipped through his fingers and dropped to the floor, and Despayre paid it little mind. To him, the belt was just that; a belt. He could always pick it up later, but it was what else he held at the time he would offer no such negligence.

He almost lost his grip on the teddy bear in his arm as Gabriel settled him into the chair, but he quickly corrected his grip and grabbed hold of 'her' with his free arm, once unwrapped from around Gabriel.

"You okay?" Gabriel hovered over him, concern on his face. True he was no fan of Shipman, and he was thrilled beyond measure that 'his Despy' had put the traitor in his place for the time being, even Gabriel had to admit that Shipman put him through hell in order to earn that victory.

In answer to Gabriel's question, Despayre silently nodded, but it was the way his arm quickly reached around his sternum area in discomfort that told him Despayre was not being entirely honest with him. That was okay. He knew Despayre was just being himself, wanting to put on a brave front for whoever came asking. His father would be there soon, and given his mother and grandmother was in attendance, he knew even more so that Despayre would not want to admit to being in pain where it might worry his mom and nan.

An outside door then opened, one that led to the hallway of the casino's upstairs, and the aforementioned Synn walked in with a hurried step, followed dutifully by an older man, one of the hired paramedics that would oversee the physical conditions of the competitors.

"Joshua?" Synn said as he stepped up to where his son was sitting, and Gabriel moved aside to give him his space. Despayre tried again to put on a brave front and stand up, but a hand on his shoulder allowed his father to gently push him back down. He said, "No, sit. Take it easy."

Synn kneeled down, his face alit with pride, as he cupped his son's face in his own hands and he beamed, "I want you to know how proud I am of you and how you did out there!"

"It was just another title match." Despayre reasoned -- poorly, to which Synn's hands slipped from his face and found themselves on his son's slim shoulders. He answered back, "It was far more than that, Joshua, and you know it. I know why you fought so hard, and I am proud of you for having done so." He leaned in with his brow raised inquiringly, "Are you okay?"

Despayre gave Gabriel a shifty side-eye that almost made the magician snort back a bark of laughter, but he restrained himself and Despayre said simply, "I'm okay."

"You're a horrible liar, Joshua." Synn smiled. "You shouldn't try to take up the habit."

"Yeah." Gabriel added, shaking a finger at his little brother. "You know that's going on Santa's list, right?"

Despayre's head whipped around to his best friend and he gasped audibly, mouth and eyes both opened wide. Gabriel but winked at the childlike demeanor of his best friend whom became as loved as a little brother. Synn, satisfied, slowly stood up, his own body protesting from his earlier match against Travis Nathaniel Andrews. He said, "Now that we have the issue of honesty settled..."

He turned his head and the paramedic took that as a signal of consent and came forward. "Who's that?" Despayre frowned, one eye wide open and the other squinted toward the man.

"You remember his Joshua." Synn spoke up. "Eckhart Braddock, one of SCW's medical staff."

"I helped you out after you had that trouble with your knee." Eckhart attempted to help, but it had the opposite effect as the moment he came close, Despayre used his feet against the floor to push his chair further away from him.

"Joshua!" "Despy..." Synn and Gabriel spoke up at the same time, but Despayre shook his finger at the man who hovered on the edge of coming any closer.

"I remember him now. Last time he 'helped' me..." Complete with air quotes. "... my knee turned up all banged up. He's bad luck."

"Joshua," Synn intervened. "Your knee was banged up, as you say, because of Travis Andrews. Not because of this man's efforts. Now please, let him have a look at you. You've been holding your ribs ever since the match ended." As if realizing he had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, Despayre's arm slipped from it's grip on his own upper body, but Synn was not fooled. "It will only take a moment, and you have a long line of people wanting to see how you are; your mother and grandmother, for example."

Gabriel added, "Melody and Odette too. Mikah, as well, and it'd be best to settle this before that one gets it in her head to simply walk in."

"Why can't she?" Despayre asked, looking back and forth between his father and Gabriel, almost not noticing that the medic had started to pull up his shirt to check out his ribs. "Why can't Melly and Odette come in?"

"Because they're young ladies, Joshua." Synn replied. "And this is a men's dressing room. Understand?"

Before he could answer, Despayre casually cast a glance toward the rest of the dressing room and spotted Jamie Dean in a state of undress, and he quickly clapped a hand over Snowflake's eyes. With his own eyes widened in realization, he nodded rapidly, "Uh huh!"

Las Vegas - One week later

"So, how's our boy?"

The voice belonged to that of Margaret Young, the mother of Despayre. Synn sat behind the desk in his office, his eyes on the screen of his computer. He was leaning back in his office chair, his elbow on the arm rest and his chin rested on the curl of his fingers. The phone call had come as expected, even when he wasn't hurt, not a day went by that Margaret didn't contact her son from her own Las Vegas home when she was unable to make the trip for a usual visit. There were times when she settled for the phone, and at other times, Skype was a reasonable substitute for being there. At least that way she and her own mother could see Despayre. But this time, the call was more for information, so she called the number Synn had given her in the case of a need for privacy. His office shielded much noise (thank god because when he and Shipman were still together ... well ....!), so the phone's speaker feature was on and they spoke freely, between mother and father.

Synn answered, "He's still sore, bruised ribs will do that. The doctor did say that it would take a few weeks to fully heal, but at least he's breathing a little easier and doesn't hurt when he falls into one of his giggle fits."

Synn could almost 'hear' the smile on Margaret's voice as she said, "Well thank God for that." And she could almost 'see' the man roll his eyes at her free use of the term. They both well remembered that evening. Despayre had a horrible fear of hospitals, and had to be dragged there for the exam, but it was a necessary evil. They couldn't risk him having potential broken or even cracked ribs without a medical diagnosis and treatment. A simple sucker and a promise for Panda Express the next day and Despayre had settled down enough for the doctor to examine him -- and stop attempting to bite the doctor.

"Well, at least he has the time off to rest and recoup." Margaret offered, but Synn's eyes flashed in annoyance as he responded, "Not as much as I should have expected, unfortunately."

"What do you mean?"

"I received a fax this morning." Synn's fingertips glided on the paper in front of his keyboard, and his eyes again went to the screen. "And I got an email notice for confirmation. Joshua is expected in San Bernardino on the fifth of February for a title defense."

"You have got to be joking." Margaret said with a steel edge to her words, the protective nature of a mother indeed! "After what he went through with that lunatic, they're making him compete again so soon?"

"Unfortunately." Was the answer, Synn bemusedly ignoring the almost comical use of the term 'lunatic,' given their own son's mental instability. "It seems to be a tradition of sorts, wanting the first show back to have a title defense Main Event to draw money and interest, and it seems to be Joshua's turn."

"I don't believe this!" 'Tiger Mom' angrily said. "Who are they making him wrestle this time!? Some other brute who's going to try to hurt my boy!?"

"Well he's about the same size as Shipman," Synn stared absently at the screen of his computer as a video played silently of a match of 'the Big Tiger's.' "But he's not so much a bad guy. Name's Jeremiah Hardin. Good sort, I suppose, for all intents and purposes, but he won't hold back. He will do everything he can to beat Joshua for his championship."

"And he won't listen to reason?"

Synn found himself frowning at the woman's naivety at the nature of the sport their son called his profession. He said, "It's professional wrestling, Margaret. Championships are what it's all about and Jeremiah wants Joshua's championship."


Synn interrupted her, "As I said, he's not a bad person. He will try to beat Joshua for his championship, but I seriously doubt he'll go out of his way to injure him."

"If he does, he'll have me to answer to."

"Now Margaret, there's no need to frighten the man." Synn smirked. he then switched tactics and reassured the mother of his son, "Joshua will be fine, I'm certain. He's taken it easy ever since the hospital visit. No hijinks. None of his usual rough and tumble antics."

"Is he bored?" She inquired with a little mirth in her voice, knowing her boy's reputation for 'rough play' and the like.

Synn answered, "Very much so. He's been over at Missus O'Heaney's almost every day. It's a wonder the old harpy hasn't thrown him out yet. And I'll be taking him on a little trip for some RnR before his match."

"Where to?"

"Ben Jordan has an open invitation to his place in Cuba." Synn answered. "One of his famous parties, and everyone is invited. Joshua's dying to know how a make believe party takes place, so I thought I'd give in this one time and take him for a little extra relaxation."

"This one time?" Margaret scoffed, knowing Synn's penchant for giving in to whatever their son's heart desire was at any given time. "And what do you mean a make believe party?"

"Joshua doesn't believe Ben Jordan is a real person." Synn answered, and was met by a confused silence. "He apparently believes Cockneys are make believe, like the homeless and Mormons."

"Okay..." Margaret sounded even more uncertain and confused than before, so Synn opted to ease her out of her proverbial misery. "This party served as a perfect excuse to help our boy relax and rest up. Especially now that he has to work a match sooner than expected."

Margaret observed, "You know how excited he gets in new environments. He won't get into any trouble or hurt himself?"

"Just so long as he doesn't take that much desired trip to the Bermuda Triangle, he'll be fine." Synn said, and was met once again by confused silence.

"So. Cuba, hm?" Missus O'Heaney said from the chair she favored in her spacious living room, her legs propped up on the foot rest as she leaned back in her recliner.

"Uh huh!" Despayre said with obvious excitement in his voice. He  carefully set the tea tray down that he had volunteered to bring in from the kitchen so the older woman could go straight to her comfortable recliner. Just because she was the hostess and he was the guest (again), didn't mean that he couldn't do his share to make certain that she was comfortable. "I've never been before." he added as he passed her tea to her, then V-E-R-Y carefully picked up his own cup and sat down. "Have you?"

"This may come as a great surprise for you," She said in her usual hard tone, but one that had softened somewhat since these two first met, and ever since Despayre had taken it upon himself to befriend the meanest person in their neighborhood. She continued, "But yes, I have. It was years ago, right after Mister O'Heaney and I were married."

Despayre set the tea down on a saucer and reached for a cookie, or as Missus O'Heaney comically called them, a biscuit. "Did you like it there?" He asked as he took a nibble.

"It was fine." She answered as she reached forward and Despayre hurriedly offered the plate to her. She never had a real taste for sweets herself but ever since she started 'entertaining' this young man in her home, she made certain to keep stock of a few now and then. Just in case. "I prefer the warm weather, hence why I live in Nevada. The scenery was pleasant enough, but we went more so because Mister O'Heaney wanted to visit the country. He had a fondness for their cigars, and it about broke his heart that he couldn't bring any home with us at the time. The smell of those dreadful things often remind me of him at times."

"Did he smell dreadful too?"

Missus O'Heaney turned her sharp expression towards him but the expression on his face told her that the young man had no idea what he had just said. It was simply an innocent question spoken from an innocent mind. The rest of the afternoon passed with calm conversation between the two, uninterrupted save for the arrival of the nurse that assisted Mrs. O'Heaney with her daily living such as meals and the like. Synn, however, neglected to come over to fetch his son. After a verbal tongue lashing at the hands of the elderly woman, Synn came to the realization that this 'relationship,' unorthodox as it might be, was somehow beneficial to both Despayre as well as the old woman.

"Colleen?" The nurse spoke tenderly as she set foot inside of the room. "Your dinner is ready. Will the young gentleman be staying again?"

Despayre blinked, then looked around for this spoken of gentleman when Mrs. O'Heaney shook her head and sneered, "She's talking about you."

"Oh!" Despayre barked in realization. He then shook his head and answered, "I can't. Theresa already has dinner in the works so it'd be rude of me not to eat at home this time." His gray eyes found those of his 'hostess' and he said, "I hope you understand?"

"I'll try to weather the disappointment." Was her answer but Despayre smiled, the sarcasm bouncing right off of him. He hopped to his feet and he said, "I'll try and stop by after we get back from Cuba. Dad says we're stopping here before we go to California for my match."

"Oh how exciting!" The nurse said before she turned to Mrs. O'Heaney and asked, "Will you be watching this match like you did the last one?"

"Wha...?" Despayre's eyes opened wide and he turned to Mrs. O'Heaney and a bright smile lit his entire face up. "You watched my match?"

Caught in the act, and not having the desire for this little nugget of information to get out, Mrs. O'Heaney fidgeted and mumbled, "There was nothing else on."

Despayre just smiled, his body practically bursting with excitement at this news. He hurriedly waved to the two women with a "Bye!" thrown in for good measure before he raced out the door, slamming it closed behind him.

Havana, Cuba - Last weekend

The villa type abode of the 'Cockney King' Ben Jordan, his residence here in Havana, Cuba, was the centerpiece of one of the Cockney's famed parties. The energy within and outside was pulsating, and could be felt like an electricity in the air. Music beat down from the state of the art surround sound system Ben had installed for just such party emergencies, and the sounds of chatter, laughter, and the odd and random scream of delight lit up the evening sky as the sun banked down over the horizon and the stars had just started to light up the sky.

As January closed out and February fast approached, even during this the winter season, the weather was still perfect for not just Ben, but his guests as well. Unlike the states, the temperatures were seasonally warm, in the mid eighties. So much so that even as dusk descended, there were still many a guest down at the beach on this the mighty Ben's beach front property.

And what a guest list there was to be had! From Ben's close friends in Sam Marlowe, Jamie Dean and Evie Baang, to world renowned stars in SCW such as the World Champion J2H and the new World Bombshell Champion, his squeeze Melody Grace! (Ben half suspected J2H was only there because of Melody, but a guest is a guest!) Far more guests between graced his humble home, tastefully decorated in a manner that was just his style. Bright, but not too much sensory overload. Jamie Dean had spoken of not coming, such was the disappointment in his letting Ben down in failing to dethrone J2H, but Ben not only insisted his friend make the journey to recover in heart and body, but the Cockney King was also graceful enough to invite Jamie's two closest friends, Sandra and Kathy, to Havana as well.

That was just the sort of man Ben was, and it cemented the reasons why Jamie was so fond of him as a close friend.

Ben threw this party for many reasons, but the main was perhaps he knew his peers in Sin City Wrestling would be in dire need for some much needed rest and relaxation -- and a whole lot of beer and rum, to ease away the pains their bodies had to be experiencing. And being the every so humble and gracious host, Ben made certain to mingle with everybody that set foot in his home and ensured they had a drink in hand.

Speaking of hands, a large one settled on Ben's shoulder as he conversed with two guests of the feminine female persuasion. He turned his head and found Synn at his side, and he said, "I am happy to see that your reputation for parties has not been exaggerated, Ben. A good time seems to being had by all."

Ben nodded with a smile, gazing around, "I'd like to think so, but have to admit it's pretty tame by comparison to some of me past rave-ups." Ben then cast a glance to Synn's side and looked around, not seeing whom he had expected. "Where's that fun little fella of yours?"

"Joshua?" Synn jetted a thumb back toward the large picturesque window on the wall that offered a dazzling backdrop of the beach and ocean, as well as the setting sun. "Soon as he saw the beach, he and Angel made a beeline for it."

"That a good idea, mate?" Ben frowned. "You said he had sore ribs. The water's pressure will only make them more sore."

Synn shook his head, "I made him promise to stay out of the water and not go swimming. So he and that teddy bear of his are embarking on another project."

Ben nodded, his bottom lip out in contemplation. He then said, "Well I was planning on taking the sailing yacht I rented out, give some folks a ride to close the night out. Think he'd like to go?"

Out on the beach, that very young man known as Despayre was busying himself with the project of the ages; building the world's perfect sand castle! If he wasn't allowed to go swimming in the ocean, he could at least carry on with something constructive. Father probably knew best, after all. What would happen were he to accidentally swim through a point of the Bermuda Triangle? Who knows what could happen! Angel backed his dad up with this line of reasoning and so Despayre found a different use of his time; one to display his artistic talent to the masses -- or at least to the random guests of Ben's who ventured past to say "hello" and check on his physical well being.

Their manners and concern were nice and all, but if only those strange women in their itty bitty bikinis would stop cooing over him and Angel! Sheesh!

Finished! Despayre sat back and smiled at his accomplishment.


Kale arched an eyebrow as the wide eyed Captain Jack Sparrow gazed around before he focused on the confused Australian and he finally spoke up and asked, "Pardon me, but where has the rum gone?"

"Oh that? Long gone." Kale pointed toward the direction of Ben's house and said, "Party at Ben Jordan's."

"Ah, that explains it." Captain Jack said in a mournful tone. "His parties are legendary right down to Davy Jones' Locker." And that being said, Captain Jack turned around and walked off back into the sunset as Kale merely resumed his search.

Meanwhile, out on the ocean, the sailing yacht of Ben Jordan's coursed through the waters of the Atlantic. The sun by now had fully set, and the stars shone overhead. The wind was calm but cool, and the moon lit up the night sky while the guests on the yacht enjoyed the simple but pleasurable gift of Ben's. Even Synn, usually stoic in demeanor, found himself enjoying the ride and finding a rare luxury in this.

So much so that he did not take immediate notice of his son watching over the edge of the yacht, watching the waters with Angel held protectively in his arms; the teddy bear dressed snugly in a life jacket -- you know. Just in case. Better safe than sorry!

Despayre leaned in and whispered to Angel, "You really think it unlocks a treasure under there?" His eyes focused on the ocean around them, the 'under there' obviously referring to the Atlantic Ocean. "No, I guess you're right as always. What else would keys be doing buried on the beach if they're not for some treasure. Who knew pirates used keys, huh?"

He looked at Angel with a winsome smile and asked, "You're right! They should go back to where they belong. I mean if someone comes looking for the treasure, they'll need the keys to open it. ... Right!" And that being said, Despayre extended his arm over the side of the yacht, keys in hand, and promptly dropped them down. His eyes watched as they quickly sunk into the black waters and he sat back beside his father, sighing in contentment.

"A job well done!"

Las Vegas - Now - Night

No sooner did the car pull into the drive of Synn and Despayre's residence in the 'City of Sin,' than did Despayre himself quickly climb out of the car's window, toppling to the pavement in his haste. He had noticed that the lights were still on in the house of Missus O'Heaney, and he was much too excited to wait for a more reasonable hour.

"Joshua...!" Synn called after him, but too late! With Angel in one arm and the package in the other hand, Despayre was already halfway to the house across the street.

Despayre practically flew up the steps and was about to throw the door open when he was given pause. It was rather late so perhaps he should do this the proper way. He reached up to knock first, before he'd throw open the door, when the door opened of its own accord! There, standing in the frame, was Mrs. O'Heaney's nurse.

"Ah!" Despayre cried in startled surprise. "I mean, AH-lo!"

"Hello there." The nurse replied, recovered from her own case of surprise. "Are you here to see Colleen? She's just about to go to bed."

"Oh." Despayre said, wondering if he indeed should have waited. "I just got home from Cuba, and had a little surprise for her." He held up the box in his hand and said, "I won't be long."

"Alright." The nurse smiled, having taken a liking to this little pest, er, guest, of her patient's. She guided him inside, shutting the door behind them.

"Colleen?" The nurse called out. "You have a visitor."

"Who on earth would be calling on me at this hour?" The elderly miser of a woman asked as she stepped out into the main foyer of her home, using a cane. She then spotted the young man at the nurse's side and sighed, "I might have known."

"Sorry! We just got home." Despayre said as he took a step closer. "And I had a present for you."

"A present?" Mrs. O'Heaney frowned. "Now why on earth did you do that?"

Despayre's smile never faltered. he just shrugged and said, "Just because." As if that solved everything. He then said, "I'm sorry it's so late. I'll stop by tomorrow to see how you like it! Bye!"

And off he went again at top speed, leaving the door open for the nurse to make her own exit. She looked back at the old woman and smiled, "Good night Colleen."

"Goodnight." Mrs. O'Heaney answered back in a crisp tone, shutting the door behind the nurse and locking it. Only then did her curiosity get to her and she paused, setting her cane up against the door. She opened the lid of the box and her breath caught within her. Inside, was a full case of Cuban cigars. Her lips pressed, and her freshly watered eyes found the picture of her husband hanging on the wall.

Synn: "It won't be much longer now, Jeremiah, and the world will bear witness to yet another Internet Championship match on the records. And another definitive victory will be in the books for the current, defending and yes, retaining champion, Despayre."

"Don't get me wrong, Jeremiah. I am not downplaying your role in this match, nor your accomplishments in this sport. I simply know what Despayre is capable of inside of the ring against men such as you, and his mettle has been proven time and again. Size means nothing to him no more than it did to David in that Biblical folktale when he fought Goliath. True you are of a larger stature, but a giant you are not, but in the end, the impending result will be the same. It is not time yet for Despayre's reign as Internet Champion to come to an end. He still has a long time and many challengers he has yet to face before his grip on the championship becomes any less absolute. If ever that is to happen. You, my friend, are simply next in line and it makes one wonder what effect this encounter will have on your mindset."

"It has, after all, been a long time since you've been in this position of challenger facing a champion. Even longer given its for a singles championship. But to find yourself up against Despayre who's reputation has far exceeded even my own wildest expectations... well, even you have to be experiencing a bit of the butterflies, true? After all, what makes you believe that you can do what no other save for three have been able to do? Gabriel. Sean Jackson. And J2H. Those three are the only three since his career first started that have been able to deal Despayre an actual defeat inside of the ring. Now you are impressive, Jeremiah. You have come a long way since you first arrived in SCW, but the time has not yet come where you will rise to the level it takes to put a mark in the loss column of Despayre. You will give him a battle, I am certain. You will ensure that this match is worthy of Main Event status. of that there is no doubt."

"It is simply not your time, Jeremiah. Not now, not yet. The tiger is not the king of this jungle. That reign is reserved for a true kitty with claws known as Despayre. And like any king, he will fight with ferocity the likes the jungle has never seen in order to keep what is his. That is a fact that can not be disputed, and this 'Big Tiger' is going to be cut down to size. The Internet Championship will remain where it is, and you will go back to the end of the line and work your way back up the hard way."

"Now, as we started this whole experience with the usual shoot promo, I'll draw our time to a close. Ironic, is it not? As that is the very same experience that the "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin will be under once that bell rings."

Supercard Archives / Despayre Vs Chris Shipman
« on: January 19, 2017, 03:28:54 PM »
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Messterpiece Theater
w/Joshua Kooky

As the classical theme song played in the background, the opening shot is that of a book's spine where inscribed in gold lettering was "Messterpiece Theater". It rolled over and faded to a close up shot of a tabletop, fine oak and a silver bowl filled with Skittles. Fade to a large tome, an original edition of "Lord of the Rings", open wide on a pedestal and a purple sash draped down the center as a place saver. The camera pans to the right of the book to a bust of He-Man of the "Masters of the Universe" franchise. Moving aside from that, a silver tray piled high with unwrapped Twinkies and Ding Dongs. Moving further up the elegant table was a framed photograph of a teddy bear (two guesses as to who!) and just behind that, in a gold leaf frame, a picture of Queen Elizabeth herself. The camera panned over to a small row of books, personal favorites such as "The Picture of Dorian Grey" and "The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes."

The camera panned across a large display case, where rested several championship belts with golden emblems, such as the AWA International, AWA World Tag Team, NWA World Tag Team, SCW World Tag Team, and SCW Internet. Also in the case was an elaborate trophy for the Blast From the Past Memorial.

A bookcase was set on the far wall, and there, seated in an old English chair before it ands in front of a window looking out across the night skyline, was our host. Clad in a purple smoking robe and Grumpy Cat slippers. A bubble pipe in his hand and a crystal goblet of Cherry Coke on the table at his left. With an open book on his lap, he looked up to the camera and smiled.

"Good evening friends, and welcome to yet another edition of 'Messterpiece Theater.' I am your host, Joshua Kooky."

He turned his head for a close up shot and goofy smile.

"But then again, you already knew that."

He turned back to a long shot with the camera and closed the book on his lap and folded his hands atop of it.

"It has been awhile since our last story, has it not? Time certainly does fly when you're enjoying a good book such as the..."

It was then that he held up the book on his lap and gazed down at the title.

"Twilight!? Ew!"

He shoved the book quickly from his lap and the hardcover edition landed on the carpeted floor with a thud. But as any good host would attest, the show must go on, even when befuddled by the worst bit of literature in the free world. Putting on his best smile, he again blew a stream of bubbles.

"Today's tale we bring to you is one of epic betrayal. Where trust within a family is shattered, and retribution would soon be at hand. I am speaking, of course, of the tale of 'A Stepmother's Treachery.'"

He nodded, a serious expression behind his glasses.

"I know! It gives me a case of the heeby jeebies just hearing it, am I right? Oh no, I don't mean the title of our tragic story. No, no. I am speaking of the very word 'Stepmother.' Stepmother, whose Latin translation is 'Meanus Betrayerus.'"

He turned his head for another close up shot.

"Look it up."

And back to the long shot.

"Stepmother. Many words can be linked to this one dreaded phrase, chief amongst them being betrayal. Judas kiss. Deception. Unfaithfulness. Double dealing. Dishonesty. You've heard all of these, I am sure, but in the end, they all lead to one very dark and sinister person:"


"There we go! Much better! I ... wow! What did he do to his hair? Never mind..."

Joshua gave the camera a goofy smile.

"His hair is not important. The story of his betrayal, however, is. It all started way back in the magical land known as the Asylum Wrestling Alliance. For those unaware, that was where the career of our brave hero of today's tale, Despayre, got his start at the sides of his father, the ever loveable Synn, and brave and trusty Gabriel. Almost immediately, a dynasty was created in the wrestling world, as the family known as the Seven Deadly Sins took the AWA by storm. Winning streaks in both the singles and tag team divisions started it all. Championship gold soon followed for Despayre and Gabriel with first the International and Extreme Hardcore Championships respectively, followed by an unbeaten run as the World Tag Team Champions before the Sins left this land for greener pastures and more adventures!"

Joshua leaned an elbow on the armrest of the chair and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, and his elbow slipped and he fell forward but caught himself.

"Darn silk robe on satin chairs! Did I learn nothing from the boxer shorts fiasco of `15!? Anyway..."

He righted himself and sat back in the chair, kicking an ankle up over his bended knee, sending one of his slippers flying. He watched it sail overhead in an arc and turned back to the camera and sighed.

"Before the family of Sins left this land, a new member was brought into their warm and loving embrace. The afore mentioned Stepmother known as Shipman."

He shivered.

"Brr! Chills! There should have been a warning label on this man, as he was brought into their notice by breaking the one cardinal law of the land; he touched the teddy bear. A plan was immediately formed so that he would be punished for this treasonous act, as the fair maiden known as Fantasia lured him in with her feminine virtues, and left him for the leader, Synn, to do with as he wished. And he did! Needless to say I am unable to disclose what occurred between the two while Shipman was restrained..."

He looked off-camera and frowned.

"Because we're a family show, that's why!"

He turned back to the camera and winked.

"But whatever it was, Shipman must have had enough fun because he betrayed those he called friends at the time in order to join the Family. And when the heroic Despayre found a new home in the land of Sin City, followed of course by his loved ones, they too were joined after a time by Shipman, also on the look out for bigger and better things. Only by then, the darkness had crept into his soul."

Joshua scooted over in the chair and leaned on the armrest to gaze hard into the camera.

"For you see, dark and sinister as he already was, he was soon threatened by a force beyond the control of one so evil as the Stepmother, beyond control. I am speaking of the Green Eyed Monster. This beastie most foul had been whispering into the ear of the Stepmother, speaking ill of his new family and telling him that the success and spoils of war that they enjoyed, should be his own. And unfortunately, strong as Stepmother was, as evil as he was, even he found this Monster irresistible, and allowed it's whisperings to take effect. His mind grew clouded and his soul? Haunted. The Green Eyed Monster gave Shipman the ability to gaze into the past, the present, and the future. This is what he saw..."

**still shot of Despayre and Gabriel holding aloft the SCW World Tag Team Championship belts**

**still shot of Big B holding Despayre up with one arm as they won the World Tag Team Championship**

**still shot of Despayre and Rage celebrating their World Tag Team Championship win**

**still shot of Gabriel winning his first of two World Heavyweight Championships**

**still shot of Shipman flat on his back in the ring -- a toilet flushed in the background**

"Oo! Nice choice in sound effects Gabr-er, Mister Director! I hope this clears up just a bit of the reasoning behind the Stepmother's betrayal. The Green Eyed Monster did what it does best; finds a seed of suppressed jealousy and magnifies it until it simply explodes. And it worked in such a subtle way that not even Synn was aware of what was festering beneath the surface. Not until it was too late. And when Synn finally realized all was not well with his Dark Knight..."

He looked off camera.

"Hey I'm not gonna get sued for copyright infringement for that reference, am I?"

(Off-Camera) "Different Dark Knight!"

Joshua nodded, quite satisfied. He turned back to the camera and cleared his throat.

"So the Father Figure known as Synn realized Shipman was unwell, not quite right in the mind, and attempted to confront him. To help and to heal, but by then, the Green Eyed Monster had built too good of a nest in Shipman and he was too far gone. Shipman lashed out with wild accusations against Synn and attacked him, brutally and without cause. He paid no heed to the fact that, thanks to Synn, he had been welcomed into the warm embrace of a family unit, adorable stepson included, and had all the potential to reign upon Sin City alongside all of them. No, Shipman turned his back on each and every member who thought of him as one of their own, save for one. One who kept a very close eye on Shipman, never having trusted him from the start."

A close up shot of Angel.

"No, surprisingly enough, it is not the Guardian of whom I speak. Sad to say, even he was deceived by the actions of the Green Eyed Monster. It will forever be a bitter pill to swallow for the otherwise crafty and grave protector. No, I am speaking of..."

A close up shot of a framed photograph of Gabriel.

"Yes. That's the one. He watched silently as he often does, and readied himself should the time come whenever Shipman were to show his true colors. And now he stands ready, prepared to lend a hand as our hero Despayre prepares to step up and defend his family's honor against the Evil One who vows to tear it down to the very roots, and leave it to rot in the wind. The villain who wishes to take the prestige of the Internet away from our Hero, a keepsake that heralds him as the best across the land. Were he to succeed, Shipman and his Green Eyed Monster would rule and darkness would spread across the land. A fate worse than Panda Express running out of orange chicken -- or death. Pick your poison!"

Joshua reached over and picked a goblet of Cherry Coke up in his hands and swirled it gently as one might a glass of fine wine.

"It is not a fate that our Hero will allow, however. Whatever darkness that rules the heart of the Stepmother, he is prepared to seek out and destroy. He will challenge it directly and end its threat, even if he must fight fire with fire. After all, to battle a beast, one must be prepared to fight like a beast. And that is what the Stepmom has devolved into."

He took a sip of the Cherry Coke and set it back on the small table beside him.

"The Green Eyed Monster will not be satiated with loss. The taint of failure in battle will only serve to agitate it more and make it fight even more ferociously. Blood could be spilled. Injuries may very well be inevitable. But that's okay."

Joshua smiled.

"It is only with sacrifice that a true hero can stand victorious. And the end result of this tale of adventure? Well..."

He reached over to take the framed picture of Chris Shipman and tipped it face-down with his fingertips.

"Some stories are best left to the imagination."

The sound of a hard landing inside of a wrestling ring...


"Not quite the promo you were expecting, was it?"

Now the setting is inside of the training facility, owned and operated by former two-time SCW World Heavyweight Champion Gabriel and his wife, Odette.

"Okay, c'mon Despy!" Called Despayre's bestest buddy (human, that is) Gabriel, who stood watch at ringside, overseeing his little brother's use of the gym's six-sided wrestling ring as he sparred against their respective teammate, Shane Boswell.

"Can't say as I blame you for being surprised, but it should speak volumes on just how seriously my buddy Despayre is taking this match against his former Stepmom, Chris Shipman."

Gabriel called, "C'mon Shane! Don't take it easy on him because you know bloody well that Shipman won't!"

"Indeed he won't! Shipman thinks we're blind to the fact that he'll resort to any means possible to beat Despayre into a bloody, unconscious heap. We know that the championship that is on the line is just the proverbial icing on the cake for Shipman's appetites. His true desire is to simply put a severe beating on Despayre, venting out all of his frustrations on the innocent young man. Much of the blame he feels for his lack of success in SCW, he sees on Despayre, right there."

Shane used his massive power advantage to beel toss his smaller teammate clear across the ring, but Despayre used his stature to roll through the maneuver and hop back to a vertical base. Wasting no time, he ran forward and literally pounced on Shane!

"Bloody hell!" Shane yelled aloud as Despayre started to pummel him with shots from his small fist while he held onto Shane's neck with his free arm!

"Well after all, if Gabriel's instructions were for Shane not to take it easy on Despayre, then it's only fair for the opposite to hold true as well. And that is something that Shipman should take into account. Yes, he's bigger. Yes, he's meaner. Will that mean that he'll be entering this championship match with a distinct advantage over the champion? Not in the slightest."

Shane struggled to pry the little spitfire from him while shielding himself from the blows that were being rained down upon him! True, with his small size there was not a lot of power behind his punches, but with the speed and ferocity behind them, they did start to sting quite a bit!

Shane then used his size to try and swing Despayre off and throw him down, but Despayre hung on and used the throw's momentum to swing completely around and attach himself to Shane's wide back like a monkey, arms around his neck and legs around his waist!

Shane yelled, "Son of a...!"

"Oh of course this little training session is nothing compared to what will occur at the Gold Coast in Las Vegas. Despite the desire to get him ready for anything, Shane would never risk harming Despayre, and Despayre would never want to hurt Shane. Well, not unless the guy tried forcing him into a suit and tie again. Then all bets would be off! But it's a lesson that Shipman should pay very close attention to, because like his own goals, successfully defending the Internet Championship is not the highest priority for our Despy. No. He's going into this match to hurt Shipman, just like Shipman hurt someone else."

Standing across the ring in a neutral corner, watching the proceedings inside with a critical stare, stood Despayre's father, Synn, and the man whom Shipman first attacked to initiate this feud.

"That's right. Get the message Shipman? H-E-Double Hockey Sticks hath no fury like a son ready to defend his dad's honor!"

Supercard Archives / Despayre Vs Chris Shipman
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:02:32 PM »
 It was a cool fifty eight degrees in the "City of Sin," Las Vegas, Nevada. The evening was drawing nearer and the sky above the city lights was gray with overcast, and a light rain cascaded from the clouds above. Dreary weather for many, as most who visit this city within a desert expect bright sunshine for their vacations while they walk about the famed Vegas Strip. There are, however, others who much prefer this weather; what with the cool winds and rain and gray clouds as far as the eye could see, as opposed to blue skies and the bright sunshine that was the norm.

Plus it makes for great mood lighting for what was about to occur! What's that you ask? Patience! These types of promos don't tell themselves!

At 450 Fremont Street was the Neonopolis Underground Parking garage in the heart of downtown Vegas. The building itself was both eccentric as well as unique, like something lightning up a scene in Times Square or the streets of Hollywood. The Neonopolis, was in essence, a building that was home to fine dining and retail stores for all ages, catering to both citizens of Vegas as well as well as those who count this city as a stop for their tourist destination. Yet it was not food or shopping that was the reason why we find ourselves here at this flashy destination.

In fact it was below that very building, where the cars of tourists visiting were stationed, that would draw us in. It was the newly arriving Honda Odyssey, deep blue in color, that was the source of our curiosity. The headlights were on, better safe than sorry in this dismal weather and the windshield wipers continued to sway one way, and then the next, wiping off the last bit of rain as the vehicle pulled into the shelter of the garage. It drew around the rows of cars, weaving in and out as if it were searching for something, until a reserved lot came into view, conspicuous by the large cardboard propped up against a concrete pillar and a childlike sketch of a teddy bear in the center. The Odyssey pulled into the space and once the engine cut off, the driver's side door opened and out stepped --


Yes indeed, it is the bodyguard and 'manservant' to the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, J2H, the gargantuan Simpson. No first name. He's like Madonna that way. And contrary to J2H whose demeanor was rude and crass, Simpson was for the most part, the total and complete opposite of his employer. Cheese and crackers! His appearance alone befuddled people when they discovered just how nice of a man he really and truly was!

So why was he here? Well even he was unsure as he removed his shades -- wait, shades? Yes, you heard right. Well, 'read' right. Wearing dark shades to shield his eyes seemed unusual, especially at this hour and in this weather, but it was part of his instructions. Instructions passed to him by Melody and insisted be followed by J2H himself. Not that J2H cared, mind you. His life was just a whole lot easier when Melody was happy.

Suddenly a pair of headlights turned on, aimed at Simpson and illuminating the garage. The big man squinted as he shielded his eyes with his great paw of a hand, and saw the diminutive figure approach him, clad in a tan trench coat that went from the neck and clear down to his feet. A large fedora hat was set upon his head, casting his facial features in shadow to the average passer-by. While one might expect a cigarette in this game of 'Cloak and Dagger,' instead a small pipe was pressed between lips and a stream of bubbles blew up into the air and past Simpson who reached up absently with a finger and popped one. Not to say that Simpson wasn't aware who was behind this. If it was in Las Vegas and at Miss Grace's behest, it could only be one person.

"Mister Despayre..." Simpson started to address him when the small, pale hand in a sleeve that engulfed his limb, shot out and clasped his wrist while the other held a forefinger up to shadowed lips and...


Simpson blinked back his surprise, and Despayre looked left and right from under his hat, checking to ensure that there were no witnesses for what was about to occur.

"Thank you for coming." Despayre said. "But this is top secret business we're here to conduct! We can't afford to let anyone see us for who we might really be! So here..." He proceeded to shove another tan trench coat into Simpson's arms and a second fedora. "Put those on. Hurry!"

Simpson knew of Despayre's reputation for unusual requests and antics, what with him being "Master James'" buddy. Well, according to Despayre they were. According to James, Despayre was -- well we can't use that sort of language in a Despayre promo. So that being said, Simpson resigned himself to doing as asked, and slipped on the trench coat that proved to be a size or two too small, but the hat was just right. Despayre made a hand signal and Simpson then slipped the shades he had just removed back over his eyes.

"Much better!" Despayre declared. "Until this exchange is complete, I also thought it best if we both go by pseudo ... pseudo.... you know. Pretend names."

Simpson nodded, playing along. What the hey?

Despayre continued, "So for the duration of this event, I'll be Arlington Fartweather, and your name will be Meat."

Simpson blinked from behind his shades. 'Meat?' He gave that some thought and a smile crept on his lips.

"I ... kind of like that." He found himself admitting.

"So did Mark."


"Never mind." Despayre said as he took a step closer and leaned in to whisper, "Did Miss M tell you why you were here?"

Simpson shrugged, "Just that I was to pick something up and deliver it to her post-haste. Nothing else."

"Ahh!" Despayre sighed happily. "Miss M is very wise in these mysterious endeavors! The less known, the better! But since you're the Transporter, I feel it fair to give you a detail or two."

Despayre then reached inside of his trench coat and removed a bundle -- that being a tanned teddy bear wrapped in medical gauze and bandages. Simpson watched this curiously until it suddenly hit him.

"A teddy bear?" He asked, a note of disbelief in his voice. "That's why I'm here?"

"I know." Despayre nodded with a solemn tone. "It's a big risk given what happened, but Miss M assured me that you were up for the task. This little guy was betrayed by Uncle Pinky and brutalized. You can see he's still in recovery, but now I got temporary custody until he can be rehabilitated. He's been declared to be under the protection of the Teddy Bear Mafia..."

"Teddy Bear Mafia?"

"Trust me!" Despayre said seriously. "You do not want to get on their bad side. They know what to do with the bodies."

He leaned in again, and Simpson couldn't help but humor the young man and play along, looking left and right before he too leaned in.

Despayre added, "They keep defeated shadow beasties in cages for such grim tasks you know."

Simpson pursed his lips and nodded, "You don't say."

"I didn't!" Despayre looked around. "And there's nobody here to prove that I did. Here..." He held the teddy bear out to Simpson and it was just in the man's nature to reach out and accept the plush form and hold it in his big hands.

Despayre continued, "Take him and get him to Miss M straight away. He'll be safe with her and you and Big J. This fella is under full Witness protection until he recovers and things are finished with Uncle Pinky."


"And remember! Don't stop until you've reached Miss M! Time is of the offense!"

Simpson reassured him, "You can count on me Mister Desp - er, Mister ... Fartweather?"

"I know I can! Your country salutes you!" He brought up a hand to salute Simpson proper and his hat got knocked off and his face was fastly illuminated by the car light. "Aw fudge!"

"I saw nothing." Simpson said as he opened his vehicle's passenger door and secured the injured teddy bear into the car seat, another provision of Melody's that was now explained. And with no small degree of relief on Simpson's behalf! Simpson then went around the Odyssey and was about to climb in when he noticed that not only was Despayre taking multiple steps back towards the vehicle, but he was almost insistent that there was a row of teddy bears in the distance watching the proceedings closely.

Taking a deep breath, Simpson climbed into his vehicle and made ready to pull out as the shadowy figure of Despayre watched on....

"I think he'll be alright, don't you?"

"I'm sure of it. Melody said he'd be able to stay with James and herself and we both know James has the resources to protect someone. Not that I expect anyone to come looking for Bob now that he's under the Mafia's protection."


"Well my colleague hasta have a name, doesn't he?"

"True! And now that this is settled, it frees me up to focus on some other issues."

"Like trying to explain why when Gabriel's head moves, his hair doesn't?"

"No ... well we'll save that one for later. I was talking about Shipman."

"Oh. Him. I admit surprise to hear you call him by his actual name instead of calling him Stepmom like usual."

"Nope. I'll never call him that again. I called him that because that's what he was to our family. We both know how dad felt about him, but I should have known better. Stepmoms are inherently wicked, like AA meetings and generic cookie dough. Shipman hurt dad, whether dad wants to admit it or not."

"It wasn't hard to tell. Your dad is able to keep a lot of things hidden and bottled up, but when he came backstage after Shipman attacked him, you could see he was hurting. And I don't mean physically."

"And that is exactly why I need your help to train me to be at my very best. It hurt lots to see what dad went through. He was surprised when Rage left us..."

"I think we all were."

"Uh huh! But Shipman hurt. It's been a very long time I think since dad felt that way about anyone, and even longer since he let himself get hurt by someone like that. I think Shipman is just lucky that he did hurt dad instead of making him mad. if he had made him mad..."

"It would have been bye-bye Shipman!"

"Exactly! So now it's up to me, and I know you and dad aren't going to be allowed at ringside with me..."

"Yeah, Christian really did us wrong when he took away your cheering section. Though I must say, you adapted to that situation awfully well. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you! But I can't take credit for that. Well, I can but it wouldn't be right. I'd explain but we're still doing this whole mysterious promo thing."

"We are? oh! We are! ... Well if you say so."

"So I'll be okay. I just need to get ready. You know Shipman is a little weird. He says he's sick and twisted well -- get in line I say! He pretty much just described half the roster in SCW!"

"Only I don't think anyone else in SCW is as psycho as Shipman is."

"No problemo! We can handle him! I don't get my dander up easily but when someone mistreats my dad? After all he did for me? No. Just, no. I'm going to make Shipman regret the day he ever met the Sins, and regret the day he ever turned his back on us."

"You're really going to teach him a lesson, aren't you?"

"One of many, I assure you. The most basic lesson? The one we all learn from a very early age in all those fairy tale stories our parents read to us as little children; Stepmoms never win."

"Hear that Shipman? I know that you're out there somewhere, watching and listening. Buddy, you have got absolutely no idea what mess you stepped into when you betrayed the Sins and turned your back on Synn. Despayre is the one member of the group that is always seen the same way. Opponents often saw him as the so-called weak link of the team, whether it was teaming with Gabriel or Rage -- or even Big B. They all looked across the ring and thought if they isolated Despayre, they could take advantage of his mind and smaller form and have an easy night."

"But oh how wrong they all were! You would think that after all these years, his opponents would have learned better by now. You would think that you, after all the years you paraded around as one of us, that you wouldn't have been dumb enough to do anything that might set Despayre off, yet you did. More so, you did the one thing that sealed your fate; you hurt Synn. Attacking him physically was one thing, but you did more than that, didn't you? And those pains inflicted will come back to haunt you a hundred times over. You alone put that final nail in your coffin."

"And why? Pure jealousy, that's why. From the moment you joined the Sins way back in AWA, right up until you returned to Sin City Wrestling, you saw what the others in the Sins claimed for their own, and you wanted it for yourself. You saw Gabriel win two World Heavyweight titles, and your waist remained with no gold around it. You saw Rage win the very same title, and asked yourself, 'Where's mine?' Even Despayre emerged from his tag team dynasty and is now a two-time Internet Champion, and you are so green with envy that one would think you were about to 'Hulk Out' at any given time!"

"You even asked Synn where your opportunities were. When did you ever get title matches? Well the answer is; all the darn time! You had chances at the Roulette Championship, more than one as a matter of fact! You even had a chance to dethrone J2H for the World title and yet each time you had these chances and the chips were down, you choked. Synn got you the opportunities. You just didn't make the most out of them. But I imagine it's just easier to blame him rather than on your own short comings. And speaking of short comings..."

"Who are you kidding with that whole 'I do my curls for the girls' business? I remember walking into your hotel room that you shared with Synn. I saw things I hope I never see again and all I can say is -- no straight guy would do those things with another man no matter WHAT the rewards!"

"But there won't be any rewards this time around. You got your chance to hurt Despayre by taking away his Internet Championship, but here's a nugget of information for you to process in that Troglodyte brain of yours; Despayre doesn't care about the Internet Championship! He'll fight to retain it, if only to give himself the satisfaction of seeing you denied! No, what HE cares about is his friends and family, and defending them against a lunatic such as yourself! My Despy is a brave and fierce lad, loyal to the end! A fact that I imagine is completely lost on you. Well ... it won't be for long."

"It won't be too long before you're made to answer for your crimes, Shipman. It won't be too long before you find out just how big of a pile of meadow muffins you've stepped into! You won't be going into this match against fun loving Despayre who hops around in excitement and laughs and is out for a good time. You're going in there against a son out to defend his father, and in this case, you're going to discover there is no more dangerous animal on the face of this planet."

Supercard Archives / Travis Nathaniel Andrews Vs Synn
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:04:57 AM »
 It was an impressive sight, indeed; the training facility opened only too recently by former SCW Superstar, Gabriel. At the time, none of this was known to the public. Not, at least, until the signing of new Bombshell, Gabriel's first and, to date, only pupil, Evie Baang. Nobody outside of his immediate circle of family and friends knew that the former two-time World Heavyweight Champion had been laying the ground work for passing on the knowledge he had learned over the previous years onto an all-new generation of men and women seeking fame and fortune by putting their bodies on the line inside of the ring.

Evie Baang had simply been the first on what would one day, perhaps, be the opening of a floodgate.

The warehouse, unnamed as of yet, was located in Gabriel's resident city of Las Vegas, Nevada. Perhaps one day the magician-turned-wrestler would feel obliged to give his 'academy' some sort of flashy title, but much like his stage show, Gabriel preferred a bit of mystery and mysticism to his personal endeavors.

The sound of the front door of the warehouse opening was like a thunder clap against the sky, the acoustics of the building were such as that with few currently inside of the building. The expectant eyes of the principal owner, Gabriel himself, turned his attention from where he was standing near the workout equipment and the corners of his lips upturned into just the barest hint of a smile.

His little brother through love if not through blood, Despayre, dashed through the doors and into the interior, almost bowling over his much larger father, Synn who had almost made the cardinal error of stepping inside first. Synn should know better, Gabriel thought privately. His Despy always had to be first at everything, even when they were teaming together in AWA and SCW.

"Gabriel!" Despayre wailed in glee, as was the custom whenever he caught sight of his best friend and 'big brother.' Even if they saw one another regularly on the road, it did not stop him from his customary greeting of a great big teddy bear hug each and every time! Just goes to show that too much of a good thing is not always a negative.

Synn finally righted himself and made his way across the gym and weaved his way through the gym equipment and near the rings to where Despayre finally separated himself from his hug and his face lit up into a bright smile as he pointed at an elaborate set up near.

"What's that!?" Despayre asked, and Gabriel answered with a chuckle, "You've been in gyms before Despy. That's a Diamond Cage System..."

"Oo! What's that!?" Despayre interrupted and took off to look at something else before Gabriel even had a chance to answer his first inquiry.

"Excitable little fella, ain't he?" Gabriel watched with a laugh as Despayre tried to pick up a free weight and almost collapsed to the floor, along with the weight with a loud clang.

Synn answered, "Well you know how Joshua is whenever he experiences new things."

"New things?" Gabriel turned away from what was sure to be highly entertaining, everything Despayre seemed to get involved in often happened that way, to address Synn himself, "Despy's been in gyms before."

"True, just not your gym." Synn casually turned his head in every direction, drinking in all of the sights before him. "I can't believe it's taken us this long to finally have a look for ourselves."

"Neither can I." Gabriel frowned. "After all, you were one of my main investors. I should have thought you'd have been here since day one."

Synn shook his head. "Not necessary. I knew you had matters well in hand. Plus, I didn't want to interfere with your project when you first opened."


"Mm." Synn nodded. "Impressive young woman. I knew you'd have your hands full with her." Synn finally turned to Gabriel with a sinister smirk of his own. "So I thought I'd sit back and watch the fun."

"And Despy wasn't the slightest bit curious about my gym?"

"Oh he was!" Synn almost laughed. Despayre was curious about anything and everything that was even remotely new -- and especially when it had to do with Gabriel! "But I managed to distract him, until now that is."

"Well it's not every day that his daddy gets to set foot in the ring to kick some arse." Gabriel smiled, leaning back against one of the three rings that were stationed in the floor plan of the warehouse. "I shouldn't think he'd be about to miss the old man getting back into shape."

"Old... man..." Synn repeated with a raised brow, but the irked tone bounced right off of Gabriel. Synn sighed and shook his head. "I still don't see why you or anyone else finds this necessary."

"Maybe because you haven't set foot inside of a ring since that tag match you had with Despy a few years back against the Surf Boys." Gabriel stressed, using his hands to pull himself up onto the ring apron. "And face facts; Travis might be a complete tosser, but he's still been a threat."

Synn rolled his eyes at that assessment, as Gabriel stepped through the ropes and then leaned against them. "And as impressive as I have to admit you were, it's a big difference between your last singles match and your last tag team match. Now shed the shirt and get in here. I ain't helpin' train someone with saggy tits..."

Whatever else Gabriel was about to say to playfully dig at his friend and mentor, and indeed father figure, was stopped short as Synn did as asked, removing his shirt, leaving himself in just a pair of lycra gym pants. Synn climbed inside and Gabriel frowned at the fact that the (age censored) year old Synn stood before him, a powerfully built sight to yet behold. Tanned and cut, his wife wasn't wrong when she once casually mentioned to Despayre that his dad was still stacked like a brick... well, you know.

Gabriel nodded, "Okay. Saggy tits are out. But we're still doing this." Gabriel looked up at the 6'8" Synn and winked, "I mean, we have to. How long's it been since you had a singles match? Ten years? Twenty? I..."

And Gabriel's words turned to a sharp yelp of surprise as Synn grabbed him by the neck and inner thigh and the former champion found himself military pressed high over Synn's head!

"Kidding!" Gabriel called aloud from above. "Just kidding!"

Slowly, once reassured, Synn lowered Gabriel back down to the ring mat and safely on his own two feet. Gabriel clapped the big man on his shoulder, then caught sight of something from out of the corner of his eye. He nudged Synn and jetted a thumb over.

"Look." Gabriel smiled. "Watch. Appreciate."

Synn turned his head and saw his son standing on the track of a high tech treadmill. He was staring curiously at the various buttons and gizmos, when he reached forward and pressed one in particular....




Gabriel almost folded over laughing as Synn simply closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Ah Travis, you really have stepped in it this time, haven't you? You know, when you first decided to attack me from behind, then jump Despayre, you had no idea that you would find yourself in the spot that you are in now."

The sound of foot falls echoed in the hallowed grounds of the Las Vegas located House of the Lord, the Guardian Angel Cathedral. It was colorful, more colorful than most houses of worship that Synn had the misfortune of setting foot inside. Pastels colored many a mural on the otherwise traditionally white interior of the arched structure.

It was wide, almost empty space within save for the many rows of pews and the altar dais at the very end. Synn strolled casually down the center row, his eyes roaming while his hands remained clasped behind his back.

"Rather drab by comparison." Synn observed as his eyes roamed, pausing at the very first pew. He shrugged. "But I should think the Lord wouldn't have a care."

Synn then moved further forward and stepped casually up onto the dais and took a spot behind the podium of the altar, where the word of God was addressed through the lips of the priest each Sunday, a task Synn was taking on for himself for now in a very different manner.

"An ironic twist for you, is it not Travis? A man who appears flashy on the outside, but with very little on the inside to offer anyone. It describes perfectly what you bring not just to Sin City Wrestling, but to me, myself and I, as I set foot inside of the ring for my first singles match in well over twelve years."

Synn tilts his head to the side and exhales gently through his nose.

"Sad, really. I had hoped if the day ever came when I set foot in the ring, it would be against an opponent capable of drawing money. Someone that when opposed, it would actually mean something. Ah well."

Synn shrugged.

"Even I can't have everything. I had hoped for glory but suppose settling for revenge will have to do."

"I'm sure you thought beforehand, 'Oh! I bet if I attack Despayre, you know -- again -- then it's certain to get me my second straight attempt at the Internet Championship!' And under most circumstances, I would have to agree. I mean, after all, that was how you managed to sneak by and get your first opportunity against Despayre, now isn't it? An opportunity that you squandered when you did what you do best; fail. You thought, like so many others, that Despayre would be easy pickings. A simple chance to take advantage on a physically smaller young man with certain perceived disadvantages where mental capabilities are concerned. And you found out that everything you believed about him and your chances against him were ill conceived."

"The only problem is, that you found out the fact quite too late."

"So! You thought to yourself that you would give it one more go, and try! Try again!"

Synn frowned.

"The only problem is, is the fact that you held a lack of imagination. And ... a lack of foresight. Had Christian Underwood had his way, then your plans would have worked out for your own self interest, but that was not what happened, was it? I suppose we have Mark Ward to thank for that. Whereas you had hoped to integrate yourself into another undeserved title match against a man you have attacked twice now, now you have to face a very angry and over protective father."

Synn stepped out from behind the podium, his fingers drumming almost idly on the smooth, wooden surface.

"You should have put more thought into this situation, Travis. Although I have been gone for a number of years, away from the ring, who do you think has been responsible for the training of Despayre and Gabriel, former and current champions in both singles and tag team ranks? Men who have met you before inside of the ring and soundly defeated you. Were I not capable of handling myself inside of the ring, I'd have never been capable of training another to do the very same."

His head turned toward the camera.

"And a man, myself I might add, that has held a fair number of championships around my own waist in times past. EFWO. GXW. Which is more than I can say for you, Mister TNA. You come into this match with impressive credentials where minimal matches are concerned, but when the stakes are high? You tend to fall short. And mark my words, Travis. This is no regular match. A championship may not be on the line, but for you, the stakes could never be any higher."

Synn's eyes burned into the camera.

"Forget what you did to me. You messed with my son. You attacked him -- twice. You think you're tough in body and mind? You think you can be sick and twisted in order to get what you desire?"

Synn shook his head and an almost sick and twisted smile crosses his face.

"Delve into my past and you will see that you are but a rank amateur. 2017 will begin as a walking nightmare for you Mister TNA. And your excuse?"

Synn gazed around at his surroundings, before again looking deeply into the camera.

"I suppose the Devil made you do it. So blame him for the Hell your life is about to become."

That being said, Synn simply started walking back down the aisle of the church, the only sound being his footsteps until the loud clang of the church's door shutting behind him.

Climax Control Archives / Despayre - The Boy Who Saved Christmas!
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:40:41 PM »
 "James Tuscini, huh? Wait, didn't we already do this? Hm, let me check my papers. I'd hate to walk into this promo and be misinformed..."

The sound of papers rustling.

"Oh yes! Here we go! July 3, 2016; James Tuscini versus Despayre! Ah! My record for being right remains intact! You know, at first I was wondering why the rematch between the two, but if there's anyone that deserves a championship title opportunity, it's James Tuscini. A two-time Roulette Champion, and perhaps a soon-to-be World Tag Team Champion with the vampire, Dmitri, at his side. I bet one of these days, James even challenges for the World Heavyweight title, but that's the future. This is all about the present, and a hint of the past."

"When Despayre wrestled James in July, things were just a dollop different. Despayre wasn't the Internet Champion at the time. No titles were at stake. But I will commend Mister Tuscini on being a very honorable competitor inside of the ring for that match. Unlike others who have faced Despayre in the past, James Tuscini didn't take the short cuts or the low road. He didn't rely on someone else to bail him out of a jam. He came to the ring to do one thing; wrestle and wrestle well. (Does that count as two things?) And he did just that! He gave Despayre a real tough match, boy howdy! But Despayre was the one who came away from the ring with his arm held high, but Tuscini made him earn that victory! He didn't go down easily and he showed that Sicilian fighting pride and kept fighting until he just couldn't fight any longer -- then fought even longer! So I can understand why when deciding Despayre's challenger for the last show of the year, they went with Tuscini."

"The key difference is this time there's more at stake between one man and the other. This time it's champion versus challenger and if anything makes Despayre fight even harder than before, it's to retain the gold that he fought so hard to make friends and family proud pf him. Those folks mean the entire world to Despayre, and every young man wants his loved ones to be proud of his accomplishments. And even though singles matches and singles championships are not the highest of priorities for Despayre, it doesn't mean he's going to ease up in any way in order to ensure the Internet Championship stays around his waist. In fact, it means he'll fight even harder than he did last time, and knowing that, it means most likely that James Tuscini will also bring his A Game and take things one step further to do what only two others have been able to do; pin Despayre's shoulders to the mat for the three count."

"And backstage I understand many praised the two for the chemistry they displayed together inside of the ring. That's rarely how it goes when you have a David versus Goliath match happening in the ring. Now Tuscini isn't the hugest wrestler in the sport, but when you're up against Despayre, just about every match is a David versus Goliath match. Ten inches taller and almost a hundred pound weight advantage. See what I mean? That's the sort of advantage Tuscini has walking into whatever the match stipulation will be against the champ. But here's a little nugget of information, and if you've paid close enough attention over the years, you'll have already come to realize this; Despayre's faced bigger men, and beaten them. In singles and tag teams, he's faced them all. This time will be no different, other than the possibility of a handshake. because Tuscini is one of the good ones. He has a reputation, I grant, but he has pride and is an honorable man, even if he does get a bit rough."

"It's nothing Despayre hasn't faced before, even when he wasn't the champion. Ask Casey Williams. Ask Samuel McPherson. Ask, dare I say it? RAGE! All big men. all powerful. All rough. But there's just something special about this little guy, when even his best friend and 'big brother' Gabriel would admit it perplexing as to how a guy as little as Despayre could handle men that huge that others have a hard time against. It's an enigma wrapped in a mystery and covered in secret sauce! That's Despayre! That's the SCW Internet Champion! And that, Mister Tuscini, is your opponent."

"Good luck!"</color>

"Are you done yet?" Despayre asked as he stood inside of the open door to his special hidey-hole aka his bedroom. he gazed across the room where on his bed stand sat a toy SCW wrestling ring, complete with a couple of wrestling figures in a pose, and Angel. Wait, Angel? Yes, the world's most (in)famous teddy bear sat in the ring and a cam corder was pointed in his direction, resting on the spacious bed that could have fit half a dozen Despy's.

He hurried across the room and switched off the camera before he reached into the ring and scooped his bestest furry pal up into his loving arms. He said, "I know you wanted to hurry up and get my shoot finished for me but Lucas is here! We have to get downstairs so we can fulfill our duties as hosts!" Despayre did an about-face and turned to make his exit when he caught sight of the two wrestling action figures in the ring; one being the toy version of himself, and the other being the figure of the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, J2H. Only in this particular pose, history repeated itself as the Despayre figure was flat on its back while the J2H figure was making the cover. Despayre looked at Angel and shook his head.

"That's NOT funny!"

"Seriously, thanks for watching Lucas for us." Gabriel said as Synn accepted the near two year old in his strong yet uncomfortable arms. Gabriel sat his son's overnight bag down on the foyer floor then paused before he could continue. He couldn't help but find himself smiling at the awkward way Synn held the baby. Try as he might, and Synn had held Gabriel's son many times, but he just didn't seem to have that special way with babies that other men had. Still, Synn was quite proud of Gabriel and Odette both and continued to try.

"You don't have to thank me for every time you and Odette would like an evening to yourselves, Gabriel." Synn answered back as he shifted the baby to one shoulder, then immediately regretted it because it seemed a magnet for whatever Lucas ate to come uneaten on his clean shirts. "You've watched Joshua enough times, and I'm glad to do it. And besides..." Synn looked up at Gabriel with a dark twinkle in his eyes. "I understand Joshua has a new story to tell his nephew."

"I do!OooOOP!"


Despayre's momentum once again got away from him as he slid down the banister and went flying off the end, and only Gabriel's slick reflexes kept him from being struck down by a Despy Cannonball!

"Are you okay?" Gabriel laughed as he helped his 'little brother' to his feet and Despayre waved his arms about, his pride hurt worse than his fanny.

"I'm fine!" He said as he dusted himself off, trying covertly to rub his derriere. (Okay so maybe it was a little sore from that rough landing.) "That went exactly as I had intended!"

"Then you did it rather well." Synn added, and the sarcasm bounced right off of his son who looked at his father and nodded in agreement with his chin jutted out.

"Did you make Lucas another blanket fort in the living room, Despy?" Gabriel asked with a smile, noting his love of blanket forts and the desire to pass their knowledge on to his son. Every time Lucas was to stay over, Despayre worked over time designing and building the perfect blanket fort.

"No." Despayre shook his head. "Angel said it was too chilly to sleep in a fort downstairs. Forts are notoriously drafty this time of year." Gabriel nodded, secretly relieved that his son wouldn't be sleeping downstairs like usual, even if Despy did supply an over abundance of blankets and pillows for his ultimate comfort. Then Despayre added, "But I made one in my room so we're all good!"

Gabriel nodded when Synn said, "Uh, Gabriel?" Gabriel and Despayre turned to Synn who remained holding the baby but with his eyes closed. "Please take him so I can change my shirt -- again."

Gabriel snorted back a laugh, unsuccessfully, as Despayre moved to take Lucas from his father's arms so that he could go and change; Lucas's little tradition with Synn remaining strong.</color>


"Twas the week before Christmas, and you wouldn't believe,
What the man known as Tuscini, was hoping to achieve.
To do what no other had been able to do,
And dethrone the champion before my time was yet through."

"The fans were all clamoring to see a great show,
'What the hey?' They pondered, as they could play in no snow.
With a father's wise counsel and a teddy bear's love,
I sought to win big and be successful thereof."

"When inside the ring, the challenger stood tall,
And spoke how the champion should prepare for a fall.
It was then that I listened and prepared for a fight,
To prove to the challenger that he'd be in for a long night."

"The lights high above soon dimmed and the time now drew near,
And I walked to the ring with many a fan's cheer.
I stepped through the ropes and what did I see?
But the challenger, Tuscini, staring right back at me."

"Tall the man was, tanned and well built.
Ready to dethrone me with no remorse and no guilt.
Talented he was and a fighter to boot.
No siree! He wasn't your average brute!"

"The crowd was alive, and cheering me on,
As I did all I could to counter his brawn.
Sure he was bigger and stronger, that too!
But I was the champion and knew what to do."

"He came at me with clotheslines and suplexes galore.
And I took all he had and then asked him for more.
And he did oblige, as was nature of the season.
To give and give more, without rhyme nor with reason."

"He wanted my title, that much was quite clear.
So I had to fight fire with fire and do so without fear.
If he tried cheating, I'd poke him in the eye,
Pull hair and bite and his dreams would go bye."

"Yet continue to fight he did as I'd expect,
And he'd drop me down hard and leave me quite wrecked.
But pin me he couldn't nor would I tap out.
I'd just fight harder and give him a heck of a bout."

"He was dressed in red trunks, nothing fancy or flashy,
And yet my dad says he'd like him in something trashy.
He came dressed for business, and looked the part too.
All ready to wrestle, I'm telling you true."

"His eyes burned bright, his determination aflame,
To become Internet Champion and with it the fame.
For with the gold title, comes fortunes galore.
Money and babes and probably more."

"And with  Uncle Pinky in his corner, and Synn here in mine,
I set out to prove that the holidays indeed were my own time to shine.
Because I don't like losing, but then again, who would?
And try as he might, Tuscini would reign yet only if he could."

"But he can't, so he won't if I have anything to say.
And it all comes to a head on this very Sunday.
On Climax Control, we shall meet man to man,
And I will emerge the victor, no matter what you have planned."

"Thus I am the champion, which means I'm the best,
And you're wrestling me which is a heck of a test!
So I leave you this good will, until the time comes when we meet!
Merry Christmas James Tuscini! You're going down in defeat!"</color>

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