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Topics - Bo Dreamwolf

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Climax Control Archives / Let's give this another try, shall we?
« on: October 12, 2018, 10:08:52 PM »
 "Well! Can you believe it? Bo Dreamwolf, after all this time, back inside of an SCW ring. A few people were surprised when my name was announced as being one of the participants in this tournament to crown a number one challenger to SCW's World Heavyweight Champion, and you want to be let in on a little secret?"

"I was probably the most surprised out of anyone."

"Not that I wasn't aware that I was going to be doing it, god no! It was the fact that I was surprised that I had agreed to it in the first place! The last time I set foot in the ring was at the final Climax Control show of 2017, at the time their final Climax Control -- period. Granted my performance in that Survivor Series match was less than stellar, and nothing to be personally proud of. Which begs the question why am I back in the ring after swearing that one time was the last time?"

"Funny you should ask that. My family was wondering the same thing."

"Bo, you told us that the last match you were in was actually going to be the last match you'd be in!"

You remember my sister, Abigail, don't you? It's hard to forget such a fetching person, especially when she has both a point and a voice that can stress said point. I had told both her as well as our Grandmother, who was seated at the head of the dining room table as was our usual custom, while Abigail took her own seat to our Grandmother's left while I served the Shepard's pie that Abigail had meticulously prepared. Since my sister went to such lengths to prepare such amazing meals every day, the least I could do as thanks was to serve it. And she had made it just the way I loved it; with extra ground beef and extra extra cheese.

Hey, you only live once, am I right? And if I choose not to ever get blood to my feet again then so be it. There was a time our Grandmother would probably have objected to those additions but now she has taken my mindset as her own. I'm such a rotten influence!

"You're right." I conceded as I took our Grandma's plate and served up a healthy portion of the dish and with a look, inquired if she wanted some of the broccoli Abbey had prepared as a side dish. I suppose a healthy alternative was her way of making up for the little additions she had provided. Dishing some of that out as well, I set the plate before this wondrous woman before I took Abigail's plate to repeat the process. I said, "Believe me when I say I was as surprised as you when I told Mister Ward I'd do it."

"Then why?" Grandma Eileen asked. She was not judging, unlike Abigail. She might be concerned, just like Abbey, but she was sincerely curious. She knew how much it hurt me when I was practically forced into retirement because of my back. To an extent, Abigail was aware as well, even if she didn't understand my love for a sport she viewed as barbaric.

"Because they asked me to." I finally relented. I handed Abigail her plate and then moved over to Grandma's right and took my own seat, conspicuous that I had yet to serve myself. Somehow I felt my appetite would be nil until this discussion had concluded. I went on, "When Mister Ward contacted me earlier this year about their promotion reopening, they did ask me to return for that and have a new run. I turned them down. I was sorry to do so but I just couldn't risk it after the surgery I had. Mister Ward understood. And it about gutted me to do so."

"You really miss it, don't you?" Abigail asked with a frown, once again unable to relate while our Grandmother looked thoughtful as she processed this little chat.

"I do, Abbey." I replied, all but ignoring the look she gave me for the use of her despised nickname. "I can't help it. I loved doing it. I loved the travel and the physical competition. And it hurts, I mean really hurts knowing I had to give it up before I was ready."

"But it was for your own good." Abigail said. "I mean, had you not retired, you never would have gotten the surgery."

"Not necessarily." Our Grandma surprised us both by interjecting so she could voice her own viewpoint. "Perhaps Bo could have had his surgery and once sufficiently recovered, could have then went back to competing?"

I smiled despite myself, grateful for not just Grams defending me, but also for her effectively thinking the same way that I had -- at the time. But that was a long time ago, over two years to be exact, and I shook my head and said, "I don't think so. It was one reason why the decision to have the surgery came so easily. I went as far as I could in wrestling. I ... I guess I hit the proverbial wall. I just couldn't go any further than I already had."

"Bo..." Abigail started to speak, forgetting her meal and placing a reassuring hand on her dear brother's forearm. She may have hated the business but she understood what it meant to me, and how much it hurt not making it to the level so many had expected of me.

"It's okay Abbey... Abigail." I corrected myself. "It's true. I can't deny I didn't go as far as people like Mister Parker and Mister Ward expected of me. I got a couple of titles to be proud of, but when standing beside someone like J2H?" I shook my head. "There's no comparison."

"Is that why you're doing it?" Abigail asked. "To try and get out of that kid's shadow?"

"No." I chuckled, smiling. "No, I think it'll be a very long time before anyone gets out of that young man's shadow. He proved himself a prodigy and more. No, it's like I said. I agreed because Mister Ward was patient and understanding, and he asked me to."

"He asked you to return before and you said no." Grams pointed out, and I conceded the point.

I said, "True, but that was when he wanted me back regularly. This is just a special tournament. I know who my first opponent is. I haven't stopped working out and I'm taking a few days to go to Atlanta and work off whatever vast amounts of ring rust I have with Mister Parker."

"I can't help but blame him for your agreeing to do this." Abigail pointed out, popping a forkful of her meal into her mouth.

"Abigail..." Grams said in a soft but warning tone. Mister Parker had met Grams many times, both here in Oklahoma as well as the few times she stayed at the Parkers' ranch in Georgia. As well as many times while I toured more regularly both in SCWS as well as my first foray in the sport in Global Championship Wrestling. Simply put, Grams adored Mister Parker and he respected the hell out of her as a matriarch and his elder.

I spoke up, perhaps in my own attempt at shielding my sister. "He did lend a few words that helped encourage me, but he knew lines that couldn't be crossed. He knows I can't come back regularly. He knows I don't want to."

"Really?" Abigail said with just the faintest trace of skepticism.

"Really." I answered back. "He knows that if I had to choose, and I did, that teaching would win out over wrestling. He knows how much I love it and what those kids mean to me." I reached for the pan that had the Shepard's pie in it but before I could grab the spatula, Abigail stood up and grabbed it first. In a rare show of conceding on her part, she took my plate and started to dish out an extra large portion of my favorite meal.

I went on, accepting the plate gratefully as I spoke, "He also knows I can't afford the physical risks any more. That was actually a point he brought up himself, and Mister Ward agreed. This is just a one-off, this tournament. A special event like that last match."

"You could still get hurt in one match." Grams said, and I answered back with a smile, "I could get hurt just getting out of bed, Grams. I can't hide from life's risks."

Bless her, Grams smiled at my choice of words, while Abigail picked up her glass of milk and muttered, "Brat." Which I took to mean she now understood and would no longer argue my decision.

"So what happens if you win this tournament?" Grams asked. "Is there a prize?"

"You might say that." I answered, unsure how they would react to said "prize." I said, "The winner gets a guaranteed shot at their World Champion."

Grams nodded, although she looked a touch too thoughtful for my personal tastes. Perhaps putting two and two together and coming up with bullshit. I said I wouldn't be able to wrest my way from James' shadow and I meant that, but a chance to fight for the world title? An opportunity that I only had once in my entire career? Grams continued with her meal, while Abigail simply stared at me, the discomfort prompting me to try and shield myself from her attention and focus on my own dinner plate.

I never could put one past my sister.

"Who is the champion?"

"A kid named Fenris." I answered. "He was in Mixed Martial Arts and was trained for wrestling by Gabriel and Odette Stevens. Though I've never seen the kid compete." And I hadn't. Truth was, I haven't watched much wrestling, especially that of SCW, since my own retirement. I know that makes me seem ungrateful but there couldn't be anything further from the truth. The simple fact was, the rare few times I did watch SCW on the laptop, it brought on such a heartache that I could have wept buckets. Seeing what I had lost and could no longer have again. It made me want to forget about the risks and jump back in head-first.

It wasn't a risk I could take, and I didn't believe that I was that strong to withstand it.

I finished saying, "But Mister Ward did send me a couple of his matches to watch if I wanted."

And less than ninety minutes later, as all talk of my decision had faded away, my family and I relaxed in the living room of our house while I used my laptop to stream one of the previously mentioned matches to the large HDTV I had purchased for our Grandmother. And yes, the pangs made me regret turning this on but curiosity simply got the better of me. On the screen, the young World Champion was defending his title against the gargantuan Casey Williams. The giant mountain of a man had controlled the majority of the match, but after the smaller man shocked everyone, Casey most of all, by successfully German suplexing Williams over, the MMA star landed such a kick -- with his bare foot no less! -- that it knocked the giant out cold and left him vulnerable for the count of three!

At the impact of the kick, the very sound, Grams jumped and covered her mouth with her fingers, while Abigail slowly turned her head to address me...

"Your teaching job has medical insurance, right?"

"I couldn't have drawn a better first round opponent in this Gold Rush tournament than a man who is himself a former World Champion. Giani Di Luca held not just the World Championship, but also the Roulette and World Tag Team titles, so he knows very well what it feels like to stand on top of the mountain and look down. And yes, judging by the way the man carries himself with his superior attitude, one can only imagine that he does a lot of 'looking down' on anyone else who isn't him."

"And you know something? That's fine. It's okay, because I always enjoyed competing against men who were full of themselves an allowed their reputations inside of the ring to swell their heads just a bit too much. Trust me, I've seen it before. Remember, I did have a bit of an ongoing relationship in the business with Nick Jones, and there just was no man more in love with himself than that man there! But if I had to go on record, I would dare say Giani could come in a close second, and why not?"

"I can't deny the man has earned his reputation. He has the looks, the talent, and was always able to carry himself with a microphone, and he also worked side-by-side with our own J2H when he was known as James Huntington-Hawkes III. Simply put, the man has a level of success a mile wide, but he also has allowed that success to give him one major case of a superiority complex. He simply refuses to believe that anyone else can be on the same level as he is, and he will go to the greatest of lengths to keep anyone else rising close to him crashing right back down to the bottom of the ladder."

"Reputation aside, those are the types I always enjoyed facing because I loved to see the looks on their faces when they realized that they just weren't as good as they imagined when they find themselves inside of the ring and against someone who was schooled by the very best. It'll be something like ... well like what his face will look like come this Sunday."

"Good luck Giani. The 'Italian Stallion' is about to get gelded."

Climax Control Archives / I need this
« on: December 15, 2017, 03:14:22 AM »
 Tahlequah Public High School

Wow. It's been quite awhile, hasn't it? Two years and six months to be exact, since my last public appearance for SCW. Tunis, Tunisia if I recall, and my last opponent? Try Hall of Famer Sean Jackson. I was very honored to face him in what was my last match. Even though neither he nor I -- or Mister Ward and Mister Parker -- knew at the time that it was my final time in the ring. Sean won, of course, but I take a bit of pride in the fact it took a handful of my trunks for him to get the job done. But afterwards? My body was just so banged up that I just could not go on lying to myself that it would get better on its own. Plus, there was the personal issue I had when Mister Parker and Mister Ward discovered my issues with morphine. And the aftermath. I won't go into detail as I'm afraid that the experience is one that I want to forget but will never live down, but suffice to say Mister Parker lived up to his threat.

He marched me right into my own house and forced me to confess everything to my Grandmother, which was about the worst possible thing he could have done to punish me for my idiocy. The look of disappointment in her eyes will haunt me for the rest of my life, I'm afraid. It was also that look that forced me to come to terms with what I had been doing, and the risks I had been taking. Not just with my body, but my career as well. Not just my wrestling career, mind you, but the one that left me more personally fulfilled. During some time away from the ring, I had completed my studies and I made that final step from being a teacher's assistant to a full fledged teacher. And the best part was, I was able to remain at Tahlequah High where I had gotten my foot in the door to start with. I loved teaching American history, particularly that of the Cherokee, and I loved the kids that I teached. If I was to have them and the board trust me, I couldn't allow that black mark on my record. It could cost me everything. So I marched into the Superintendent's office and told him -- everything.

I had expected to be fired on the spot, but the man was far more understanding than I felt that I deserved at the time. He expected me to get cleaned up from that moment on, and I would submit myself to drug screenings if he had reason to suspect otherwise. Plus, he too wanted me to have the surgery on my back that was long overdue. He knew that I had been hurt in the ring during a tour of Japan, and my insistence on continuing with my career rather than have it treated only made things worse. If I had the surgery and took the necessary time off to recover, then my job would be waiting for me when I was ready to return. And if I had any doubts or worries, waking up in the hospital to a mountain of get well cards and small gifts from the boys and girls in my class erased each and every one.

So, that's a bit of my story in where I've been. And where I am now? Where else? School! The day was almost over but there was quite a bit happening before we would call it a day. Next week would be the final week before Christmas break, and the entire school was raising funds to see to it that we could celebrate it in style for the children. Each teacher's class would be competing to raise funds for a nice Christmas party for all. Pizza was the initial food of choice, but God bless these kids. The way they were going, we could probably have Olive Garden cater! And my class? One of the boys had seen a meme on Facebook about a teacher that had been taped up to a wall, and people donating a dollar for a strip of tape.

Yeah. That was why I was currently standing on a chair along the far wall of my class, literally cocooned in a mass of red and green duct tape that the kids were selling at what I would think of as an alarming rate! It took some convincing on the part of the kids to get me to agree, but in the end I saw myself as a sport so I went along with it. What I hadn't intended was that they were inviting the students from other classes, AND from the Elementary and Junior High as well! Like I said, cocooned! They could take the chair out from under my feet and I would never touch the floor! And once I had been secured, the Superintendent himself placed the reindeer antlers on my head, once he knew it was safe to do so I should emphasize!

Of course, while the kids were having a grand ol' time putting their teacher through this (I had my plans for getting even!), it did give me time to reflect on what was coming soon...

I walked about the kitchen of my home that I shared with my Grandmother and sister Abigail, my ear to the phone but a hushed whisper to my voice. Given the topic of conversation, I wasn't certain that I was ready for either to hear what was going on.

"Closing?" I frowned. "You're certain?"

"Unfortunately." The voice of my trainer and mentor, Austin Parker, stated with a sigh on the other end, all the way in Georgia. "Christian and Mark had been talking about it for some time, but Ward called me not too long ago to let me know they had made the final decision."

"But ... why? I thought SCW was still doing great business!"

Mister Parker answered, "It is, but both Mark and Christian want to work on other projects and they can't do that while still running SCW. It takes up too much time every week, and ah have a feelin' they also want to spend more time with their families."

That I could understand. Family always came first. But it still felt like a punch right to the gut to know that now I had been part of two promotions that folded before their time. First it was GCW, and now SCW.

"One more show, Bo." His voice drew me from my thought process. "On December seventeenth. Last edition of Climax Control in Vegas."

I asked, "And they want me to be a part of it?"

"You, and a good deal more of the men an' women who were a part of the fed's past. They got somethin' cookin', but aren't sayin' exactly what. An' you've kept yourself in shape. Still work out after that surgery of yours. You might need a refresher course here, but that won't be no trouble."

I nodded, but then a question struck me so I found myself asking, "Why didn't Mister Ward call me to ask if I would do it?"

"Mostly because he thought it would set off alarms with your Nan and sister." Austin answered. "He knows about you telling them you were finished, so he thought ah'd be best suited to see if you were up for it."

I found myself frowning, "That'd ridiculous. He calls now an' then to check up on me. Probably in hopes Abigail will answer the phone, but still..."

Austin chuckled, "Maybe so, so what do you want me to tell him?"

I drew in a breath, then cast a sidelong glance back over my shoulder and towards the kitchen. Abigail was in the process of making dinner, and Grams was in there lending a hand. Something said between them had Abigail laughing, and I had a feeling that my desired answer would kill the levity of the mood. I missed wrestling, I don't mind telling you. Seems I fell into the same path of fate as my own mentor did, when his career inside of the ring was cut short. My own was ended well before I was ready, and here I was being given a chance to step inside the ring one more time. Perhaps to get that sense of closure I felt like I had been missing all along.

I turned back and spoke into the phone...

"You're not serious."

I knew that would be the first thing that came out of Abigail's mouth the moment I sprung the news on them. Well actually I had expected it to be more laced with more accusations towards my sanity but Grams was sitting right there so Abbey had to keep it light.

"I am." I nodded as I sat at the head of the dinner table, looking at the two most important women in my life. "SCW is going out of business and Mister Ward wants me to be a part of one of the final two shows."

"I thought he knew you were retired." Grams asked as she chewed thoughtfully on her Granddaughter's pot roast, one of Abigail's best dishes.

"He does." I nodded, picking up my glass of iced tea. "And I am. But he also knows that I never got an official farewell to the sport before everything went to hell for me. I was just plucked away. This is something that I need. Just the one time."

Abigail picked up the gauntlet and challenged me, saying, "And this one time will wet your appetite for another, and maybe even another down the road and before you know it, you'll sign a contract for somewhere else."

But I shook my head and answered her, "No, I won't. I only ever wrestled for promotions that Mister Ward had a hand in running as I trust him. If he, or Mister Parker aren't involved, I want no part of it. And for the foreseeable future, I think it's safe to say that this is it."

"So you're just going to risk everything then?" Abigail waved her fork in my direction, directly challenging what her older brother wanted. But that was a sister's love for you. "You had serious back surgery, Bo."

"I know but..."

But she wasn't finished with me, not by a long shot. She interrupted my rebuttal, "And god knows what could happen in this match. You say there are nine other men involved?"

I nodded, "Four partners for me on my team, five on the other side."

Abigail went on, "That's multiple men who may have multiple motives for wanting to see you hurt just so they can be the winners of this last show. You are willing to put yourself at risk and for what? One match in a profession that is just one step above a circus sideshow!"

I bristled at that particular analogy, and set my glass down before I pointed at her and said, "You not only just insulted me, but a profession I loved."

"Let's all just calm down." Grams said, holding her hands up. "We are at the dinner table."

"I didn't mean it like that, Bo." Abigail conceded. "But truthfully. What has wrestling ever given you to warrant this loyalty?"

"You mean besides paying off the mortgage to this house so we didn't risk losing it?" I raised my brow, now feeling my own temper starting to flare. Which happened rarely if you ask those close to me. "Or how about providing you the attorney to divorce Darius?"

I knew bringing that last example up was hitting below the belt, but damn it her words had me more angry with her than I could ever remember being. But our argument was ended then and there, thanks to Grams. Cooler heads prevailed and by the end of the night, they understood. Neither of them liked it, but they understood why I needed this. And they both said they would be there in Las Vegas, watching and cheering me on.

I imagine that was their way of saying they would be looking after me.

Tahlequah Public High School

I had just finished looking back on things that were leading up to this special match, when I realized that at some point in time, someone had slipped a pair of elf ears on me. I must be the sight! But at least the kids would make out like bandits during their party, thanks in part to my own personal embarrassment. Then to make matters worse, the familiar sight of my sister stepping through the door, assisting our Grams, struck me like a bolt of lightning. I had forgotten all about Abigail volunteering to help, and of course Grams would want to come along. She adored kids.

No sooner did they enter the classroom and see my predicament than Grams's eyes went wide and Abigail covered her mouth but not before the laughter at my expense escaped her.

"Oh ha ha!" I mock laughed. "Are one of you going to help me put of this or not?"

"Not a chance!" Abigail laughed as she helped Grams to have a seat at a vacant desk. By this time, all the kids and much of the faculty were used to my sister and Grandmother being seen at the school. Both helped regularly during events throughout the school year. She turned around, and with hands on hips, fully examined her older brother. She shook her head and all she could say was, "Well, at least it's not the most embarrassing spot you've been caught in."

"There was the time you got your trunks pulled down on live television."


"Or that mud wrestling match you were caught in."

But by then I figured what was good for the goose, and I hit her with the retort, "Or there was the time you got your headphones caught in the elevator doors and took a nose dive in a elevator full of people." I smiled as she stopped fast and I felt heads turn our way and that sort of just egged me on as I continued, "Or the time we were kids, Abbey, and you sneezed in church during silent prayer and ended up farting."

I smiled, quite proud of myself as she just stared at me. Then she smiled, and I sort of knew that my own goose was cooked for that last one. Or calling her Abbey, her hated nickname. She turned around and looked at the students and asked aloud, "Did your teacher tell you that he was planning on assigning you a book report before the end of the day?"

There were a collective symphony of groans and I exclaimed, "Abbey!" Oops!

She walked over to the nearest student with the red duct tape and asked, "How much?"

The student looked at me awkwardly before replying, "A dollar a piece?"

"Fine." She pulled her purse from her shoulder, opened it and fished out some cash. "Give me two."

It would seem the chance to earn two more dollars for their party trumped loyalty to their dear and much beloved teacher as the boy eagerly accepted the two dollars, and tore off two strips of the tape, handing it to my sister. She turned around and marched over toward me,

"Abbey, don-MMPHH!" and she promptly pressed both pieces of tape over my mouth, shutting me right up. She turned around and gave my students and everyone else her brightest smile, and to their credit, they were at least TRYING not to laugh. Abigail said, "I guess this means no book report?"

And THAT was greeted with cheers from my class! I huffed beneath the tape and rolled my eyes.

Okay so maybe I had that coming.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Part of me never thought I'd be here again. Las Vegas. The Gold Coast Casino. The home territory of Sin City Wrestling. When I first signed to SCW thanks much in part to Mister Ward, I made the very same journey then that I was now. Right now it's Thursday, just three short days from Climax Control; the very last one that will take place in the glorified history of SCW. Grams and Abigail are still back at the hotel, catching up on some much needed rest, but I had to be here right now. They had originally planned to remain at home in Oklahoma, but I was insistent that they come along with me for this one last time. And Mister Ward was particularly insistent as well, but I had an inkling that had more to do with my sister than anything else. I try not to think about that, though. I had to see this for myself because I was still in a sense of disbelief on what was happening, at what I never thought would happen.

I paused as I set foot in the lobby of the Gold Coast and looked around. Even at this early hour of the day, the people were here in droves, playing games of chance and socializing and just having a good time in general. Which I suppose is what Las Vegas and their famed casinos are all about. I never did get into the gambling bug, myself. For one, I couldn't afford the risk. And two? Mister Ward and Mister Parker never let me play anything, citing they had seen numerous times what the gambling bug had done to people during their careers. Especially Mister Ward who was based in Las Vegas the last six years.

I just won't tell that about the time I tried out a slot machine when I went downstairs to order a burger and needed SOMEthing to pass the time while waiting!

I glanced about the lobby and smiled as my eyes passed over the TGI Fridays on the far side. How many times I met with some of the men and women who called SCW home after a show here, had a few drinks and ate. All in the name of celebrating another well-done show. Friendships were made. Fans were entertained. It's not a memory that I will soon forget. I'd be blessed if they were forever remembered.

I walked past the check in counter and weaved my way through the people and slot machines, taking the route that I was still familiar with, even after all of this time. The golden Buddha statue was always an eye sore to me, but it was like a homing beacon to where I needed to go. I turned the corner right around it and found the escalators that would take me up to the next floor where the grand ballrooms were and the rooms where meetings and lecture halls were held. As I traveled up, a familiar face or two passed me on the way down, and it dawned on me that I would probably never lay eyes on them again. Mostly backstage employees of SCW who were busying themselves, preparing for the weekend's festivities. I gave them a polite wave and a smile as I arrived in the upstairs hall and turned to the double open doors that led into the Grand Ballroom where Climax Control and a number of Supercards had been hosted over the years.

It was bustling inside with much activity. The rows of chairs were in the process of being arranged around the perimeter of the six sided ring, which also was slowly being put together. Under most circumstances, the ring crew did this task on the mornings of the programs, but this time was different. This event was different. Given the historic nature of the show, it was to be expected. Men and women from years past were returning to pay homage to SCW and celebrate all that is was, and is. Myself being among them. Fan meet and greets were scheduled, as were autograph sessions and press conferences. It would take days for all of this to sink in, but Mister Ward and Mister Underwood were sparing no expense for this one. Nothing would top it.

Well, nothing save for Full Circle.

I turned my head and spotted an unoccupied chair in the far corner of the Ballroom, and made my way over to have a seat so I could watch the set up and just contemplate what was happening around me.

"I still can't believe it. I don't think that anybody can. Even though the discussions had been going for months from what Mister Ward had said, it still came from out of nowhere and as a great surprise. Not only to the men and women who were currently putting their bodies on the line, but also to those of us that did so in the past. No more Sin City Wrestling. It's just unheard of."

I leaned forward on the chair with my forearms rested on my knees and clasped my hands together. It was still something to realize I felt no pain in doing so simple a position, but that is what one of the many benefits of surgery can bring to you. The same surgery that I had put off for years in my own misgivings.

"I admit that I had my own doubts about making this last journey into the ring for the SCW Universe, but in the end there really was no way that I was going to be able to say no to Mister Ward and deny myself the thrill of just the one last time. And that's just what it's going to be; one last time. After my surgery, I realized and understood that my time in the ring was basically at its end. My wrestling career was over and this? This is my grand hurrah, if you'll give me that indulgence. And I couldn't ask for any finer men than the ones I am teamed up with."

"Spike Staggs has done it all and is one man that can legitimately be referred to as a wrestling legend. It would come as no surprise to me that SCW wanted him back for this last Climax Control. The man was one of only two I believe to hold the NeWA World Championship when it was still a thing. That coupled with all his SCW accolades, I believe our team is in capable hands with him alongside of us."

"Jordan Williams is another who has seen it all and done it all in this sport. Everywhere he went, championship gold followed. I just wish I had spent more time on the road when he was actively competing because I can't help but think the experience would have been invaluable!"

"Tom Dudely? I remember facing him way back in GCW, and even though I came out ahead in that match against a ring veteran and former World Champion, I learned more from that one match against Tom than most of the other matches in my rookie year."

"And since this is a tag team event, who more would you want on your team than a tag team expert? Despayre dominated tag team wrestling for years with a number of partners, most notably Gabriel, until he graduated onto the singles scene and won the Internet title twice. He's small in stature but you won't find anyone fighting with a bigger heart. Damn shame he retired because this kid has World Championship written all over him."

I rubbed a hand along my jaw and continued.

"Taking nothing away from the five men we will be striving to survive against in this chance of a lifetime encounter. Unfortunately when Mister Parker told me Nick Jones would be a part of this match, part of me wanted to do a U turn and just walk away. The other part that came out on the winning side told me this would be my last and best shot at shutting the man up for good. Nick Jones is a cocky, self absorbed braggart, but he's a talent. I'd be lying if I tried to claim he couldn't back up that ego of his. To say he and I have a past would be a gross understatement, because at one point he took extreme lengths to make my stay in SCW as miserable as was possible. Not with attacks mind you, but just by generally being an annoying brat in a grown man's body. The prank war that he instigated was just the beginning..." I smiled. "But I would like to think it ended in my favor. This match, I hope to get my fair share of time in there with him because we never really did get to settle things inside of the ring."

"Gene Banton Junior? That's a young man that had the world at his fingertips and just let it slip away without taking full advantage. He's a second generation star, son of Gene Banton who won world championships everywhere he went! But unlike his celebrated dad, Junior just didn't take the business as seriously as he should have. It's a damn shame because had he, then I am certain we would have seen his name at this point in the Hall of Fame and held more championships, many times over. He was just that good, but relatively immature in the long run. This match, against men with a wealth more experience, some who competed with and against his own father? Lessons are going to be learned this weekend Junior. Class will soon be in session."

"As a Hall of Famer and Grand Slam Champion, everything Kain set out to accomplish, he did. It may have taken him awhile to finally win the world title, but when he did so, he did convincingly! You knew going into a match with Kain, you'd walk away battered, beaten and perhaps even bloodied. It didn't matter whether you won or lost, all you'd know was that you were in a fight. Kain played to win, and fought at all costs to walk away from any match with his head and arm held high. I don't have his striking ability, not by a long shot! But I have no qualms in believing that everything I learned from Mister Parker puts me a head above 'the King of Kings' as far as technical ability goes."

"I was surprised Goth agreed to this match, given his own history with Kain. But I imagine the chance to succeed on such a show as this allowed past grudges to be buried. Like Kain, Goth is both a Grand Slam Champion and Hall of Famer, and I have no qualms in admitting he'll be one of the most dangerous opponents to set foot in the ring against. He wants to win at all costs, and has done so many times over. His track record is no mistake, and neither are the accolades that have followed him everywhere he went. Goth is another one I never had the privilege of going up against, but I will say that I look forward to my time in the ring with him. Aside from Spike on my team, I believe Goth is the prime example of what a wrestling legend truly is. And it'll be my pleasure to celebrate my team's win with him when all is said and done."

I drew in a deep breath and exhaled, shaking my head as I relaxed back against the chair.

"But if ever there was a wasted talent, it would have to be J2H. Not that he himself is a waste, but it's just a waste that he has stepped away from the ring and let all that talent go to waste. The kid could be the hottest free agent in the sport, go anywhere, even Japan, and take the world by storm! If there was ever someone bred for this sport, it's James Huntington Hawkes III. No that he started off that way, mind you. (Kid lost his debut to a teddy bear for god's sake!) But nobody - NOBODY - exemplifies the hard work aspect of this business like J2H does! That lad was sick and tired of being seen as a joke, and he went out and actually did something about it! He built himself from the ground up, mentally AND physically! I should know. When I visited Mister Parker's ranch during his training, I lent a hand when able. The kid came from nothing, and rose to become the best of the best. And the best part was he didn't do it for anyone other than himself. To prove that he could be what he wanted to be; and that is, taken seriously. I never got to have a match with J2H. Our training sessions were the only times we shared a ring, so this will indeed be a treat."

I stood up and slowly made my way to the open double doors of the Ballroom. I paused just long enough to take one last look at the ring crew setting up the six-sided ring.

"I'm looking forward to this. More than anyone understands. I will come out on top. I have to."

Climax Control Archives / What matters most
« on: May 21, 2015, 08:41:39 PM »
 "You know, it's funny. Over the past several days, ever since the lineup or the next Sin City Wrestling card had been first announced, I've had a number of people, both fans and a handful of peers, ask me where I've been. They see my name on the official marquee for the show, facing none other than the current number one challenger to the World Heavyweight title, and they almost express surprise. I've had a few detractors make heir remarks about my 'so-called' wrestling schedule. I've had others make light of the fact that I'm not there inside of the ring often enough for my fans. Fair enough."

"I even took a little time to indulge in some online surfing to see what people had to say about the match I have found myself scheduled in this weekend against Sean Jackson. You can imagine my surprise when I saw in a predictions thread that practically everybody has stated they believe Sean Jackson will walk away from this match the winner. At first I was hurt, and then annoyed. Then I came to understand to some degree why they might think this to be the case, because aside from his losses in the championship scene, Sean Jackson has been on an impressive winning streak as of late."

I mean the man has taken on such credible contenders as Chris Shipman and Drexel Matheson, two of the most violent and blood thirsty competitors, and he's walked away with both his head and hands held high. He has reason to be confident, and I admit I would be an outright fool if I were to gloss over him. My trainer Mister Parker would kick my tail in just for making such a cardinal error after everything he's taught me to do, and what not to do. And assuming anyone is an easy victory is one of the biggest mistakes that any competitor ca make once that bell rings. Just as I think Sean Jackson would be making the same if he were to simply think he is going to set foot inside of that ring against me and walk away with an easy win."

"No, my schedule recently has not been everything that I would like, and what perhaps my fans would like, but when I am in there, I would like to think I give a pretty good accounting of myself. I've went up against some top competitors since my return, and to date have found myself on thee short end of the stick once, and that was in the Blast From the Past III tournament. But one on one? It's not usually my custom to brag about my accomplishments but indulge me this once. Gavin Stephens, I put his shoulders to the mat. Granted it had some controversy as the guy had his foot on the ropes. The man went for some payback afterwards and we had ourselves a nice little bout of fisticuffs, but before we could really settle things between us, the guy tucked his tail between his legs and high tailed it out of SCW before we could make things square between us."

"Then of course, there's the reigning Roulette Champion, Lord Raab. I had so many people making more predictions that Raab would walk away the winner based solely that our match was to be held in Germany where he had the hometown advantage. It's a credible reason, indeed, and I admit I was a bit flustered hearing boos against me for the first time in memory, but in the end it was not the hometown hero who left Germany as the winner. That man happened to be me. And you know something? I almost felt bad doing it. All those fans came to that show to see their boy win, only they left that night having witnessed the exact opposite happen."

"It says something, doesn't it? That history seems to be on my side. Every time people make the mistake of thinking I'll lose because I'm either out of my element location-wise, or because I haven't been as active as my opponent, it just makes me want to work even harder to prove the critics wrong and walk away the victor. Sean Jackson, you probably should have went in and asked everybody betting for you to win to quiet down because all of that built up confidence on their part is only going to work against you."

"So now, kindly allow me to explain, just a little bit about where I have been and what I've been up to. Maybe then you'll come to understand why I'm not here every week when expected to be. You see, I've explained time and again that I indeed do have other priorities outside of professional wrestling. Ones that actually take/I] priority."

"Look everyone," I said as I sat back against the edge of my desk in the class room filled with near thirty students in grade nine. I felt their eyes on me, some with angst, others with frustration, but at this time of year, it seemed only natural for any young man or woman to feel this way when they were about to take an extremely important exam in order to pass on to the next grade and continue with their education. I went on and said to them, "I know you're not looking forward to the time you're going to spend taking this final exam, nor are you happy about the time spent studying for it when you'd much rather be going to the mall, the movies or..."

I waved a hand in the air, trying to come up with one of those games kids played on their phones during lunch or when they should be doing their work. I frowned and came up with," ... Angry Birds?" I heard the chortle of laughter and snickers at my expense and shook my head. I shrugged and asked, "Is that even still a thing?"

"Only when we're bored to the point of extreme." Answered one boy, a young mister Jay Grant. This statement of pointed bluntness was met with a few scattered laughs, and I may not have laughed outright, but I personally could not help but smile. Jay was one of my finest students here at Sequoia High School where I worked aside from wrestling professionally, and if he kept things up, I dare say he would go on to graduate with full honors.

I said, "Well, if that's the case then I'm even more grateful I take precautions against using phones during class or else you'd never get any work done."

And by precautions, I meant the large, nylon net hanging beside the door where at the start of every class, the moment the students step inside of the room, they deposit their personal cell in the net and pick it up on the way out of class. This reduces the fraction of a temptation to cheat during class, play one of those God awful games, or just to shoot off the random text. None of the kids were happy about this little rule of mine, but when they heard the option of not doing this and being given an automatic "F" for the day, they chose the former of the two options. Of course, the one time I had forgotten to turn my own cell phone off and it rang across the entire class, I found a good thirty plus sets of eyes focused on me and they followed me as I walked across that class and dropped my own phone in along with theirs.

Fair is fair.

I went on with my lesson and addressed the teenagers sitting at their desks, looking sullen. I said, "Try to look at it from my standpoint. You all have already got a remarkable grasp of the concept of the class and what we'll be covering in American History on the final test. I've pretty much even told you exactly what needs to be studied and refreshed in your minds. A little studying each night, and you'll be good to go. Then an hour later after the test and when the school year ends, you'll have ... what? Three months to recuperate from Mean Ol' Mister Dreamwolf's class?"

I looked around and saw a few faces relax into smiles. It helped. It meant that my words were having the desired effect.

"Me, on the other hand," I continued. "I have to sit up all night, grade those tests, and after the school year ends, do I get the summer off? No. I have to keep working, pick up additional dates wrestling, and see my body get thrown around every which way while you guys and girls are busy shopping, going to movies and generally being teenagers." I sighed, then frowned out at all of them, but they knew me well enough to see the sparkle of mischief behind my own eyes as I said rather forcefully with as mean a tone as I could muster, "So suck it up!"

Timing is everything as before some of my saucier students could deign me with a proper response ass even the most well mannered students might be tempted to do, the bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. As the kids stood up and gathered their books before they would make ready to go retrieve their beloved phones, I made certain to call out, "Enjoy your weekend everybody, and just so you know? The substitute will be giving a surprise pop quiz Monday morning to see how ready you are for my final exam!"

Although some of the students made haste for the net to get their phone and leave for the day, most paused and turned their heads to give me the quizzical look.

A young lady spoke up questioningly, "Are you supposed to tell us about pop quizzes?"

I just smiled and gave a shrug of my shoulders, and replied with, "It's my quiz. I scheduled it."

I just smiled as my kids, yes -- my kids
gave me their own smiles and bid farewell for the weekend, a few even promising to watch me compete on Sunday. I gave a wave and started packing up my things.

"Yes, Sean Jackson, I do consider this to be a great deal more important than allowing my time in the ring to pick up. I know what I can do inside of the ring because I've done it. I've both won and lost matches, and held my fair share of championship gold. I've done that once, and I'll do it again, but this is the future of this nation that I'm in front of, trying to help prepare them for what's to come and yeah. I will say that is a lot more important than fighting another man to get a fifty pound piece of gold to wear around my waist."

"I do everything I can to engage these kids and make them want to be where they are. I do the same for the fans when I am able to be there for them, both inside of the ring and if they want a picture or autograph afterwards? Hey. It's not asking much. I am not like most people. I've had too many people tell me that I was too nice to be involved in professional wrestling. The backstage politics would gut me. I'd be taken advantage of by people who would want to use me. I'd be pretty willing to bet that you think that my not being around as much as you have is going to give you a pretty decisive advantage over me once that bell rings. You might even think you're going to use those petty mind games of yours somehow to lull the Indian into a false sense of security and take him apart. That's fine. Great, even. It just means the look on your face is going to be that much sweeter when you find yourself on the receiving end of the exact same pounding that you had intended for me."

"Just don't make the mistake of thinking that just because I haven't been active in an SCW ring, means I haven't been active at all."

On the Atlanta, Georgia estate of his manager and trainer, Austin Parker, Bo Dreamwolf found himself once again in a grueling training session with the man himself inside of the professionally sized wrestling ring set up on his family grounds. Austin was never one to let time go to waste, and during Bo's time off from SCW, Austin insisted Bo make the journey from Oklahoma to Georgia at least two weekends a month to keep his skills sharp inside of the ring.

The ring was located inside of a barn on the ranch, but his family could swear they could hear the slams and grunts and groans of pain from all the way inside of their home.

Inside of the ring, Bo was working a sparring match against Austin himself, and had a leverage advantage of the Hall of Famer, bending him over backwards so both his head and feet were on the mat while his back remained in a bridge. Bo sought to force Austin's shoulders down the hard way by jumping on his exposed midsection, but the ring veteran saw it coming a mile away and kicked his legs up to grab Bo in a swift body scissors on the mat.

The pair soon found themselves on their feet again and Austin quickly pulled Bo's leg out from under him, causing him to fall to his back on the mat. Austin went old school and trapped him in a step over toe hold but Bo used the mindset drilled into his over the years by rolling over and using his legs to trip Austin down to the canvas face-first and Bo rolled through, grabbing him in a side headlock on the mat.

Later Bo found himself on his feet and trapped in a full nelson, with Austin's raw strength adding increased pressure on the back of his head and neck. Bo opted for the simple way out and just fell, using his dead weight to break Austin's grip. Bo then rolled backwards and tried to use both feet to kick Austin back against the ropes but Austin grabbed his feet and rolled him the rest of the way back, trapping him in a dragon sleeper. However Bo escaped this debilitating hold by reaching up and back and using the leverage he had to snapmare Austin over his shoulder.

Austin grabbed Bo in a front facelock and threw his arm over his shoulder. Grabbing a handful of Bo's trunks, he brought his protege over with a snap suplex that jarred his back against the canvas. Austin wasn't done there, however, as he rolled right through the maneuver, retaining the front facelock, and Bo soon found himself trapped on the mat in a seated position.

"Nothing you think you can put me through Sean Jackson will equal what I have put through time and again inside of that ring in Atlanta. Even if I am not on the circuit with everyone I have come to know and the newcomers who I look forward to meeting, not once have I been allowed to grow weak or idle. I have been beaten down, battered and bruised by a man that I respect more so than almost any other in this world, and that's on a good day. On a bad, things tend to get more than a little rough."

"You walk into the ring with your confident air about you and your entourage backing you up, thinking that everything you have done recently proves you're to fulfill a destiny. When in actuality, all you did in that last match of yours was climb a ladder the fastest. Bra-vo. Ladder matches are not wrestling. Gimmick matches do not prove to anyone who the better wrestler is. It just tells everyone who all has the capability of lucking out with the most grace or speed."

"This Sunday in Tunisia, that will be when you learn what exactly wrestling is. See then if you're man enough to do so without taking any of your cheap shots or using those people you bring to the ring with you to give yourself some sort of psychological advantage. Well, two can play that game Sean. If those women and that lawyer think they might feel the need to step in and lend you a helping hand, and trust me when I say that you're going to feel you need it, then I am feeling gracious enough to warn you that I have people to who will be all too happy to see to it they keep their hands to themselves and stay back where they belong. And if it looks like that won't keep them at bay, well let's just say that I have another trick up my sleeve. A little something I looked into that could easily turn the tide in my favor and use your own fun tricks against you."

"I don't believe in mind games Sean. I believe in fair play and using our own God given skills to prove who the better man is. Gabriel Stevens has already proven to you time and again who the better man between the pair of you is, and now it's my turn. And as far as mind games goes? Well, just push me far enough Sean. It would be a treat to see thee look on your face when your own tricks get used against you."

"I've proven myself before, and I will do so again. But being a family man Sean, I would think that perhaps you above so many others would come to understand that there are things in life that mean so much more than achieving personal success."

Tahlequah Cherokee County District Court...

Above all else, I think preparing for this day was what kept me away from being on the road for Mister Ward. My sister Abigail had been fearing this day for what it would bring, that being an end to something she had wanted since her childhood. Namely a family to call her own.

The letter had arrived certified several months ago, and Darius, her estranged husband at the time, had followed through on a threat he had made well over a year ago and filed for divorce, seeking to end their marriage on the sole basis that he could no longer control Abigail the way that he had done so for the first two years of their marriage. Perhaps had he not been such a greedy piece of... dirt, things may have worked out between them. But Darius wanted to take possession of Abigail and my Grandmother's house due to its location and market value. All the man cared about was money, and arrogant as he was, he thought his wife would stand idly by and watch while he attempted to wrest control of the estate away from our family.

He was wrong.

The house had been transferred to my name, as had the title of being the power-of-attorney for our Grandmother. Darius could not handle this, and he attempted some low and dirty legal tactics to have Grandmother declared incompetent to nullify her recent actions. That was the final straw for Abigail, and for the first time in recent memory, she stood up for herself and left Darius. He thought he could use this against Abigail once the divorce proceedings began.

Again, he was wrong. But not just about that. Darius tried using the fact she had physically struck him as a weapon against her, and may very well have succeeded -- had it not been for the testimony from Mister Ward, Mister Parker and myself over the fact that he had grabbed her by the arm and her actions could be construed as defending herself.

Darius thought his money would gain him the advantage over us as far as attorneys went, but bless them, that's where the Parkers came to the rescue and used their own resources to ensure Abigail had for herself a capable and apparently man-hating divorce attorney. I could look past that this one time I imagine. Just for my sister, and to get accurate descriptions from her as to the looks on Darius' face when her attorney worked against his own, left, right and straight down the center. Darius even thought that since they last lived in Houston, he could manipulate it so their final court dates would have to be held there. Again, Abigail's lawyer proved him wrong.

It is why I am here, seated in the back of the court room, watching in silence as my sister stood beside her soon-to-be ex husband before a judge, both with their attorneys beside them. Darius fought against the notion of alimony, but it would seem that again, this was not to be his day. I had to refrain from chortling in amusement as one thing after another did not go his way in this court room. Abigail had told my Grandmother and myself that she did not even want alimony from Darius, but we talked her into it, stating simply it would be pleasure enough getting it, knowing how much it pained him to separate himself away from the money. That brought a smile to her face and was enough to get her to agree.

"Before I finalize this, have either of you anything you wish to say to the other?" The judge asked the two of them.

I could not believe my ears when Darius actually had the gall to turn to Abigail and say, "It's not too late to put an end to this ridiculous farce."

The look Abigail shot his way spoke volumes, and it was only the fact she was standing in a court room setting that kept my sister from saying anything that would have found her in contempt. She simply shook her head and looked away. I was so proud of her in that single moment that I did not even hear the sound of the judge's gavel, nor what words he had spoken to the two of them, ending the proceedings for the final time.

I glanced up and saw Abigail and her attorney approaching and I stood. No words needed be said other than the "Thank you." I spoke to the lawyer who helped Abigail get her life back. I shook his hand, and then wrapped an arm around Abigail's shoulder, escorting her from the court room. Yes, this was above all else, why I have taken so much time away. Simply put?

My sister needed me.

"I busted my butt to come back from that dark place I put myself in, and the first thing I made sure of was that I would still be able to teach. Only when told I still had a job teaching at did I contact Mister Ward to see whether or not I should bother to go back into training, and the man was gracious enough to understand my problems and assure me I still had a place on the Sin City Wrestling roster. By the grace of God, he looked past the mistakes of the past and told me that I would always have a home in Sin City Wrestling. This will be the next step in proving to Mister Ward that the confidence he showed in me, and that which others have also, has not been cast aside lightly. I am here. I am staying here. And whatever time you intend to cash in that contract Sean Jackson? You are going to go into that event, knowing that Bo Dreamwolf put that blemish on your record."

Climax Control Archives / Confessions Part II
« on: March 20, 2015, 11:40:48 PM »
 "I know. It has been awhile since we last saw one another. I am hoping that you an forgive me for that little transgression but you see, when I first made my return to Sin City Wrestling a few months back, I had come into an arrangement where I was not going to be on as full a schedule as many of my peers were. I was cutting back my time on the road, and my time in the ring. The better to make certain I rested well and avoided re aggravating old injuries that had been a bane on my wrestling career for a fair number of years now."

"Rest assured, had I had my way entirely, this would not be the case. If I were able, I would be appearing on each and every show that Mister Ward and Mister Underwood promoted. I would be signing autographs at every given opportunity and making publicity appearances anywhere and everywhere that they needed or wanted me. After all, it would be the very least that I could do after their willingness to work with me, and more importantly, forgive me for my past sins and the embarrassment I laid on their shoulders, as well as my own. And more importantly, I would again be right where I feel that I belong. Right where I will be this coming Sunday in Munich, Germany. I would be inside of the ring, testing my skills against the very best that SCW has to offer."

"Who knows? Perhaps one day I will have earned the trust of friends and family to again be where I once was. But for now, I am here as I am -- and I have nobody to blame other than myself."

"It's something that happened that I can barely even remember, but one that I would just as soon forget. I had to sit there and listen to both Mister Ward and Parker tell me in graphic detail of everything that happened that morning in Las Vegas, both in the hotel room where they found me, and the way there for what would be the most horrific day of my life."</color>

It was still early enough in the morning where the sky overhead was blanketed with a colorful arrangement from nature's own pallet, as pinks, yellows and oranges tinged the skyline overhead with a blanket of blue and golden overcasts. A scant few clouds hovered overhead in the heavens with a tinge of gray, hinting to the previous night's weather forecast of rain in the very near future. One would have to give wonder to whether those who called Vegas their home would prefer to enjoy such a beautiful morning as they were blessed with at this given moment, or wish for the rain to be drawn in that any city surrounded by dry rock and desert would need.

A crowd gathered outside of the Hilton in the famed "City of Sin", doing what crowds were often wont to doing: getting up close and personal with matters that were none of their concern. It was simply he nature of the beast. A person witnessing something interesting or even horrific involving someone else would want to get a closer look and gawk unabashed with open curiosity. They would talk and gossip with friend and neighbor alike who were as nosey as they, but somewhere in the deep recesses of their minds, they truly believed that they had a right to know whatever was going on. Simple because.

The ambulance had pulled up only minutes ago before the medics had piled out from within and hurried as fast as they were able to the inside. Those watching from outside the hotel and inside in the lobby while 'pretending' to go about their own personal business, watched with eagle eyes for any new developments as to the ongoing drama that was unfolding before their very eyes. One might think that in a city like Las Vegas, people would have better things to do than to pay such close attention to such things happening to others.

One would think.

However they did not have long to wait before their idle curiosities were satiated as the doors to the hotel lobby were swung open and the crowd parted like the Red Sea as the paramedics wheeled the gurney past the door and through their own masses, en route to the waiting ambulance. The man lying on the gurney was a familiar site if one followed the world of professional wrestling. If not, to them he was just another man. His long black hair was scattered on the head rest of the gurney and his bare upper torso was tanned with tribal tattoos with what exposed flesh that they could see. An oxygen mask was firmly set over his mouth and nose, the elastic wrap draped back around his head to hold it in place as his soft, chestnut brown eyes wavered about weakly, as if he were unaware of what exactly was happening, trying in vain to take it all in.

"Move!" The loud bark of command ordered, a voice deep in resonating tone and heavily laced with a Southern twang. "God damn it! MOVE!"

Austin Parker, Bo Dreamwolf's manager, mentor, and if you want the truth, father figure, was following the paramedics, hurrying in their wake as Bo's other friend and mentor, 'Hot Stuff' Mark Ward, and the woman who had captured his affections only too recently, Brandi Shotze, were right there alongside him. And they had little to no patience for dealing with the 'looky loos' who were starting to crowd around them and block their path, all in the name of getting a better view of what was happening.

Right up until one man got right in Austin's path to stand on the tips of his toes to get a better look and Parker proceeded to shove him from out of his way and sent the guy sprawling to the pavement, scattering those around him to get out of his way.

"Hey!" the man bellowed, more embarrassed from the spill than hurt, but he was indignant over the actions. He rolled over and started to stand up. "What the hell is your problem!?"

But showing quite the amount of uncharacteristic restraint as opposed to his usual demeanor, Austin simply kept on walking, picking up the pace and ignoring the shouting man behind him. The guy came ever so close to making a most foolish mistake at following and confronting the group, but Brandi herself turned around and pointed a single digit in his face and said, simply, "Back <Be>off</Be>!" And the look in her eyes and expression on her face was all the man needed to decide that discretion was the better part of valor and he tucked his tail between his legs and stepped back.

"Is someone going with him?" The lead medical tech asked as two others swung the rear doors of the ambulance open.

"I am."/"I am." Came the unified response of both Austin as well as Brandi. Their heads turned sharply toward each other and before Brandi could utter her own argument, Austin put a finger in her face and growled only loud enough for hr ears to hear, "No. Not after what you caused."

Austin turned his back to her and she stepped up with a frown of disbelief on her face and she practically shouted, "What the <Be>hell</Be> is <Be>that</Be> supposed to mean!?"

Mark was prepared to intervene if need be. Brandi was under contract to Sin City Wrestling, and was thus his responsibility. On the flip side of the coin, Bo was like a second soon to Austin, dear to his heart and as such, he thought of the young Cherokee as his own responsibility. Plus, Mark knew full well when it came to protecting and defending his own, Austin would not hesitate to lash out physically. Formidable as Brandi had proven herself time and again through the years, a physical confrontation between the pair would be no contest.

Just as Austin spun around, seething anger on his face, Mark was right there with his hand firmly gripping Parker's shoulder, possibly the only thing preventing his old friend from knocking the busty Bombshell aside for what he now laid at her feet.

Austin's glare was hot -- dangerous -- and he shook his head slowly from side to side before he spoke in barely a whisper, "Liquor ... and his medication." His tall form tensed and Mark silently pleaded for Austin not to do anything that he might come to regret later. Instead, Austin fought down his white hot anger and pointed at Shotze before he blurted out, "If anything -- <Be>anything</Be> happens to him, it's on your head!"

"Sir?" The lead paramedic again called to gain their attention. Their heads turned and he looked at the two men and one woman imploringly. "If one of you is going, we need to leave and get him..."


"Calm down!"

The other two paramedics called out, gathering everyone's attentions to a situation quickly unfolding in front of them. They had just about started to lift the gurney into the back of the ambulance when Bo, sudden realization dawning on him, started to struggle.

"Bo! Calm down!" Mark barked before either Austin or Brandi could do so themselves as they rushed over to his side and grabbed his arms, holding them down while the two paramedics strapped his arms down too prevent him from doing himself any harm. Bo's eyes were wide with fear but he could not speak while the oxygen mask was over the lower half of his face.

"Stop!" Austin said, almost hollering but refraining in order to hopefully prevent the nosey bastards behind him from getting anything further from the situation to yak about over breakfast. "God damn it Bo, ah said calm stop!" And his own hands clamped firmly on Bo's shoulders, preventing him from further movement until he had been secured.

Those same brown eyes darted bout and locked onto Austin's own, and there was a fear deep within. Fear and now, possibly -- anger.

"Yer goin' to the hospital." Austin commanded, not willing to even listen to any arguments from Dreamwolf against the notion. "An' <Be>ah'm</Be> comin' with you."

The last part of the statement was spoken as much for Bo's sense of security, as much as to inform Shotze that the topic was not up for debate. As Bo was lifted up and placed into the ambulance's back, Austin gripped the sides of the frame to follow when Mark quickly grasped him by the arm and looked at him dead serious.

"His family." Mark spoke quietly. "Do we call them?"

Austin glanced back into the ambulance only briefly before he looked back to Mark and shook his head. "Not yet." he answered. "Not until we know more about what's happening." And he then climbed into the back of the ambulance and the driver closed the door and secured it.

As the driver went around to the front to climb in, Mark, Brandi, and those who had crept closer during the ongoing drama, stepped back and watched as the siren quickly sounded, the lights flashed and the ambulance pulled out of the Hilton's parking lot, taking Bo to the hospital.</color>

"What is a monster?"

"Merriam Webster defines a monster as being a strange or horrible imaginary creature, something that is extremely or unusually large, or lastly, a powerful person or thing that cannot be controlled and causes trouble."

"You will forgive me, Lord Raab, as I am not one to perform the typical amount of trash talking like my peers, but if I am to be honest, none of these really sounds very much like you. Well, not really. I admit that from what I've seen, you have caused a great amount of trouble for those you set foot inside of the ring with, and there is a distinct lack of control where you are concerned. Yet also from what I've witnessed, there is even less of a desire from those who are meant to look after you, whether they be that muscled backup that follows you around like a whipped puppy, Samuel McPhereson, or your anger management professional. If that is indeed his profession, and given the nature of your recent displays, I would dare say the man needs to work on finding for himself a new profession because his current is sorely lacking in any areas of success."

"And then there are your own teammates in that stable known as the Rejects. They obviously see something special in you, otherwise they never would have sought to include you within their ranks. Makes sense, yes? So why on earth would they want to control what instead they would do better to see let loose against their collective enemies and professional rivals? It just makes the term 'monster' move even further from our person in regards to accuracy than I would have initially imagined."

"Now when I think of a monster, I think of the varied examples set in stories and mythology in tales that I've been privy to since I was a boy. To me, a monster is something like a vampire, but you do not drink blood, nor do you sparkle in the sunlight. And yes, that was a joke. Monsters have been a part of history since the very dawn of time, and I have read so many stories about fearsome and deadly creatures from cultures the world over. You have werewolves that have existed in tales from every nation. Zombies from Louisiana to as far as Africa. A Basilisk that could destroy life with its very breath and eyes that could kill with a simple glance. Harpies that spread disease and tormented those that offended the ancient gods of Greece. Giants. Griffins. Lamia. The Kraken, a sea beast that could easily sink the largest of ships and drag sailors to their watery deaths. And the tragic tale of the maiden Medusa, who was cursed to lose her beauty and become a sight so horrific that one look would turn any living thing to stone. Her crime? She had been raped by one god in the temple walls of another."

"Those, Lord Raab, to me are monsters. True monsters. Now I understand that these examples are from tales of fancy, but the true horror of this thing we call life comes from the stories we see on the evening news on our fellow man. Mortal monsters. The very same ones that walk side-by-side alongside of us on the random, every day streets. Historical human 'monsters' such as Elizabeth Bathory, the so-called 'Blood Countess' that killed hundreds of virginal girls and bathed in their blood in a misguided belief that doing so would preserve her youth, vitality and charming beauty. Perhaps England's most infamous serial killer known as Jack the Ripper. A man that systematically terrorized Victorian London by killing and dismembering an upwards of eleven prostitutes, and as he was never caught or discovered, that number could very well be grossly inaccurate. Then in more modern times, there is Jeffrey Dahmer, a sadistic killer that murdered several young men and not only violated their corpses, but cannibalized them as well. And there are others, far too many to mention as they are most likely ones that we have yet to even discover the heinous crimes they have committed. If they have even committed them as of yet. Just your random, every day men and women who walk the streets, laugh at their tables in restaurants, and hide what darkness lies within."

"So, that being said, I am led to wonder where that leaves you, Lord Raab. It makes me want to know just what kind of 'monster' you really and truly are. I've had the pleasure of watching you since you first debuted here in SCW, and if I am to be blunt, I have seen very little to live up to the hype that you have given yourself. Oh don't take my words for the usual insults and trash talking that tends to plague the every day promotional video of me and mine, but to me, you are just like every other man that enters this sport and declares himself a monster. The only difference is, you are much, much smaller."</color>

The first thing I actually remembered was my laying back in that hospital bed, my arms strapped down to the rails on the bedside. Why, you might ask? The better to prevent me from reaching up and attempting to pull that tube from down my throat. Have any of you had a stomach pump? A tube pushed forcibly down your throat to drain whatever toxins you have in your system, out? Trust me when I confide in you that it is anything but a pleasant thing. It hurts -- horribly. The gag reflex alone made me wish I were dead but what is even worse is you find yourself getting almost used to it. Almost. It's just not something I thought I world ever have to get used to.

Whenever something happens like that, to anyone, we all think the exact same things: how and why. How did this happen to me. And why me, out of all the people in the world. Why did it have to happen to me.

If I am to be perfectly honest, I wasn't even altogether certain at the time what had happened. I was in detox from almost killing myself by an accidental overdose, thanks to my preference for not allowing any to know my weaknesses or to admit that I did, in fact, need help. I was -- am, after all, only human.

"Hey boy." I heard the voice from somewhere to my left and I turned my head as best I could.

The grogginess did not make it any easier, nor did the tube itself. My head simply felt as if it were filled with small rocks that were being ground together and it made it rather hard to focus, or even think. Still, it took little effort to recognize Mister Parker's face as he was now standing over me and looking down into my eyes, as if perhaps he were examining me himself. Knowing the stubborn man as I do, he probably didn't trust the doctor enough to know and wanted to see for himself. It was for that reason alone I could have laughed, and why I loved the man as a friend and pseudo father alike.

My eyes cast slightly to the side to spot a chair that looked more torture device than it did comfort, but a half empty bottle of Coke and an open novel on the bed stand.

"Yeah." Mister Parker spoke again, and I slowly (painfully) tuned my head back so that I could look up at him. "Ah been here awhile. Most of the day as a matter of fact. Sent Angel back home an' promised ah'd call her. Docs said you'd be here at least overnight, but ah insisted you get released soon as possible `cause you had a family to get back home to."

That awoke something in me, and I could have coughed that tube back up from out of my insides so that I could speak of my most immediate fear. I pulled on the harnesses that held my arms secured and felt just so frustrated at my inability to move. How I ever let Brandi talk me into doing this that one night is beyond me. (Don't judge me.) My point is, I wanted loose. I wanted to swing at something. I wanted to grab hold of Mister Parker so that I could voice my concerns but he knew already what was going through my head as he placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke,

"No, they don't know." He said, a trace of disappointment all too evident in his voice and facial features. This only added to the immense wave of discomfort and guilt I was already experiencing. He went on, "Ah didn't want to worry yer gramma before we knew anything. Mark phoned and told yer sister that you were more banged up than we thought an' was bein' examined. Thought it might buy us enough time until we get you released and home."

He massaged my shoulder as a man might until he gripped it tighter than any may have appreciated and said, "There, see? Now you made us all liars."

I wanted to just lay down and die after he said that to me. I mean, I was already laying down. Why couldn't he have just pushed my pillow over my face and end it for me? I was at my lowest point then, having done this to myself and dragging those I cared most for down along with me. Instead, I was reduced to being given something by my nurse to make me sleep so I'd be blessedly oblivious to the next several hours and slowly I went to sleep. I did, however, notice that not once did Mister Parker leave my side. Not once until it was time for me to leave the hospital the next day.

It only got better (worse) from there, and I say that with as much sarcasm as I can muster now that I can look back on it. Before they would release me, I had to talk to both a police officer, as well as a psychiatrist. Both wanted to question me in regards to the morphine that I had been (legally) prescribed, as well as the circumstances behind my being hospitalized. In short, they wanted to be certain that I had not attempted to kill myself purposely. Nice, huh?

But I suppose that I have nobody else to blame but myself. Speaking of which, in case some of you were wondering, yes Brandi did try to visit me. Many times as a matter of fact, but somehow, some way, Mister Parker stone walled her at every turn. he believed then, and perhaps still does to this day, that what happened to me was her fault. Only, it was not, and I told him as much. Brandi did not force the alcohol down my throat. I did that to myself. I just never realized at the time how much I had been drinking that night. I don't even think Brandi was aware that I was on such a terribly powerful pain killer as I was. Had she known, I doubt she would have let me take so much as a sip of anything stronger than buttermilk.

Go try telling Mister Parker that, however. Man is the most stubborn individual I've had the pleasure of knowing since -- well, since my sister, Abigail. Until Mister Parker and Mister Ward discovered my pill bottle, Abigail was the only other person that was aware that I was taking something like that. And she, too, was asked to keep it fro our Grandmother.

Go me.

So that being said, after the doctors and police were satisfied and convinced it was all a gross accident, I had my pills confiscated under orders to speak with my doctor in Tahlequah about possible alternatives, and I was released. After all that, it was already nightfall and Misters Ward and Parker decided that we would stay at a small hotel out of the way of the public eye for the night, and we would be on the road first thing in the morning to take me home.

"Yes, Grams. I'm fine." I said through the phone to my Grandmother back in Oklahoma. "She had been told the cockamamie story from Mister Ward about an injury without much detail, and I had to have known it would have her concerned. Especially given the fact I was going to be an upwards of two days late returning home from Las Vegas.

She was concerned about my voice, and why it sounded so raspy to her ears. One of the perks of having that damn tube shoved down there. My throat would be sore for days and I'd be talking like Froggy from those old Little Rascals shorts.

"That's where I was hurt, Grams." I told her, and in a twisted sense, I wasn't exactly lying per se. I had been hurt in the throat -- thanks to that tube. I know. Grasping at straws and all that. Split ends or hairs or however that saying goes. All I know is, I couldn't face the truth with the woman I loved more than life itself. I couldn't hurt her with the truth after everything she and Grandfather sacrificed to raise us to do right and give us such a blessed life both then and now.

"Yeah. I should be home tomorrow afternoon." I told her. "We're just staying one more night so we don't have to drive at night. We'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

I turned around from where I was standing against the wall, and for the first time noticed that Mister Ward and Mister Parker had entered the room. I was so distracted by my conversations with Grams and Abigail over the phone that I hadn't heard them set foot inside. Of course, I was sharing a room with Mister Parker. I guess he wasn't feeling too trusting after what had happened and wanted to keep watch over me personally. And really, who could blame him? I tore my eyes from theirs as they watched me, and returned to my chat with my Grandmother.

I said, "Yeah, tell Abbey I love her. Yes, you too." I smiled, for what felt like the first time in forever, even if it had only been a couple of days. "Bye bye." And with a flick of my thumb, I ended the call on my cell and turned to face the two men who, along with Brandi, had saved my life.

I waited for the storm to hit, but all Mister Ward said was, "How's your nan?"

I fidgeted, oddly enough as I reacted as if he had struck me when all he did was ask gently how my family was. I shifted enough to lay the phone down on the table beside my bed and sat up against the headboard. I answered, "Fine. She and Abbey are both fine. Just worried is all."

"Understandable." Mark nodded, his eyes and voice both serious. I could tell when the man known as "Hot Stuff" was neither smiling nor joking, it wasn't the best of signs. He was as obviously disappointed in me as Mister Parker was I imagine.

"You shouldn't be on the phone." Mister Parker said as he stepped further into our room and set a tall bottle of raspberry tea purchased from the convenience story across the street for me down onto the table beside me. "The doctor said to let your throat rest so it might heal faster."

"I had to call them." I stressed with a touch of defiance I had no right to feeling. Not after everything that's happened. "I had to let them know I was okay and would be home soon."

"One of us could have done that for you." Mister Ward pointed out, and yes, he was right. Still, the two men whom I respected the most in this business had already reduced themselves to lying enough on my account as it were. I would have them doing no more.

I looked to the drink they had purchased for me and reached over to take it. I twisted the cap off and took a drink, and almost wished I hadn't as my throat was in a terrible amount of pain, and even a sweet tea such as this burned going down. I grimaced and only heard Mister Parker speak, and it was only a moment later that I took to understand his words were for Mister Ward and not myself.

"Can ya step outside for a minute? Got to have a private word with the kid here."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

That last part should have been a glaring warning signal to me that it was anything but. When Mister Ward yells, you can tell he's, well, pissed. But when he's upset and quiet as he just was talking to Mister Ward, it would send shivers down the average man's back.

"Alright." Mister Ward nodded. "I'll be right outside." And he turned and pulled open the hotel room door and set foot outside. God how I wished I had the foresight to have asked him to stay, or at least keep the door open, but I simply wasn't thinking at the time and could only watch as the door shut with the soft click of the latch.

"Bo," Mister Parker said as he set his bottle of beer down atop the small television across the room. He then turned around and approached the bed I had claimed for my own in this double room. "You an' ah, we need to have ourselves a little chat."

And before I knew it, Mister Parker struck me with such a vicious backhand that it sent the bottle flying out of my hand and the contents splashing against the far wall. To hell though with my lost drink! That blow was the hardest I think I have ever been as unfortunate to feel in all my days in this business! It sent me flying right off the bed and I fell to the floor, jamming my shoulder. A sharp pain had went straight up my arm. It wasn't broken but damn did it hurt! Then, before I could right myself, Mister Parker was right on top of me and he unleashed all that pent up anger and bitter disappointment on me with his fists!

For the second time in twenty four hours, I had no clue what the hell was happening! That first shot alone was enough to knock me senseless and now I had this man on top of me, beating the living hell out of me! I struggled, yes, but after everything that happened, there was no way I could throw him off. The man weighed an excess of almost two hundred and sixty pounds for god's sake! Plus, deep down a part of me now believed I thought I deserved what he was doing. I just was unable to appreciate the fact at the given time. I'm sure you understand.

"Drugs!" Mister Parker bellowed as he continued to drive fist after fist into my skull. "You stupid, ignorant jackass!" And each word he yelled brought yet another of those meaty fists of his into my head. And I have to tell you something: it sucked!

My head exploded with pain. I could tell my lips and nose were bleeding. I could taste and smell the blood. The left top half of my face started to go numb from the flurry of blows he was laying into me when from somewhere I could hear the door of the hotel swing open and Mister Ward yelling.

"Hey! HEY! What the bloody fuck are you getting at!?" He pulled Mister Parker off of me, perhaps the only person that would have been able to do so. He secured his arms around his waist for a better grip and even then Mister Parker gave him quite the struggle, trying to get loose and get back to me. "Stop it! STOP!"

With a twist of the waist, Mister Ward actually used some of his wrestling expertise to throw Mister Parker back onto my bed and before my mentor could get up and return to beating the snot out of me, Mister Ward stepped between us and held his hand up, stating calmly, "Just. Stop. Kid's been through enough. Look at him."

I must have been quite the sight because whatever Mister Parker saw caused him to stop from any further attempts to kick my head further in.

"Go. You're staying in my room." Mister Ward said. "I don't trust you not to beat the shit out of him while he's sleeping!"

"I..." Mister Parker started to say, but he was cut off.

"Go!" Mister Ward yelled, and to his credit, Mister Parker actually listened. He started to step through the door, but not before he turned back to look as I was helped up off the floor.

Mister Parker said, "Soon as we get you home, yer tellin' your gramma an' sister exactly what happened. The truth."

I could already feel my eye swelling shut, but it did not stop me from starting to look up and trying to look to him and shake my head no, pleading, but he was having none of it.

"You tell them." He said. "Or I will." And with that, he slammed the door shut behind him.

I swallowed what felt like a rock sized lump in my throat, and turned to face Mister Ward. I thought he was going to help me to the bathroom to clean the blood off of me, but all I saw was his fist flying towards my face.

It was the last thing I can remember from that night.</color>

"You know what's funny, Lord Raab? I was more scared of that final threat Mister Parker threw my way that night, than I am of anything you think you could do to me when we have our match this coming Sunday."

"I admit that I am not a man of many words when it comes to these promos. It's just not my way to trash talk ad belittle the skills of the men that I am up against. After all, they are just out to earn a living in this business, just like I am. They want the same things that I do, namely championships and recognition. yet I can't help but state in all honesty that as a monster, you fall short of the reputation of others in this business who called themselves the very same. Men such as the late, great Andre the Giant was thought of as a monster inside of the ring during his prime. Tag team legends like the legion of Doom or Demolition. The Big Show. Kane. The Undertaker. Men like that by sheer stature alone are monsters. You sir, are not."

"I myself have never heard of a monster like you. A monster that stands a mere six foot four and barely outweighs me by 13 pounds. You have violent tendencies inside of the ring, that much I have to give you. But go and show me a wrestler that isn't capable of putting up a fight when he has to. I myself have been forced into some situations in the ring that I am not altogether proud of. Ask Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. He and I had one hellacious hardcore match a few years back that forced him out of SCW for the time being, so like you, I am as capable of wielding a steel chair when I have to."

"I just prefer not to."

"That is the key difference between you and I, Lord Raab. You consider yourself a monster. Not because of stature, but because of attitude. You inflict pain on your opponents because you like to. Plain and simple. You use the ring as your own personal therapy session, and your opponents are your lab rats to take out every little frustration on. Didn't get that bike when you turned ten? Give them a shot across the head with a chair. Expected a car on your sixteenth birthday and got disappointed? Deliver a piledriver on the outside of the ring!"

"The point is, you are no different than any other hardcore style competitor that I have come up against since I first set foot inside of the ring nearly ten years ago. You're all the same. You talk loud and growl at anyone who looks your way, thinking it'll intimidate your opposition and thus hand you the advantage going in. Then you simply throw punches and kicks, and if the opportunity presents itself, you start using whatever you can get your hands on. All in the name for making up in your lack of actual skill inside of the ring. A skill set that I have painstakingly worked my butt off to hone under some of the greatest competitors this business has seen. Skills that have allowed me time and time again to take a man down and break him apart until he's just another man."

"You're not the first so-called monster I've faced. I've went up against bigger, badder and certainly better, and I fully intend to prove to you what I proved to them: that on any day, a talented wrestler can and will best a talented brawler once that bell rings. I would apologize for spoiling your homecoming Lord Raab, but I'm sure you understand that it's just business."

"Every monster has it's proverbial Achilles heel. Dracula had Van Helsing. King Kong had Fay Wray. You know what I see when I look at you, Raab? Not a monster, but a man. A man in a mask with an inflated reputation for violence. Yet if you were a monster, then you would be staring at your Achilles heel across the ring once that bell rings this coming Sunday."</color>

Climax Control Archives / Arriving in Oslo
« on: February 13, 2015, 10:24:56 AM »
 The sky had opened up here in Oslo, Norway. I had taken the liberty of checking ahead on what the weather conditions would be like over in this part of the world at the behest of Mister Parker's wife, Ms. Angel Cassidy-Parker. Her husband, my friend and mentor, Mister parker, well he admittedly never takes these sorts of things into consideration.

You'd never hear me admit this aloud, at least wherever he could hear me, but he is the stubborn sort, and believes himself indestructible. I don't even think I ever heard the man sneeze or sniffle, let alone catch a full blown cold. But I also happen to think that's more or less due to the machinations of his wife's care, and her having me watch out for him when she isn't joining us on the road of the random tour that I find myself thrust upon. When Mister Parker had last gotten off of the phone with his family in Atlanta, it was in the low end twenties, quite chilly, and there was a threat of rain which just made the air have even more of a hard edged chill to it due to the in coming precipitation. Mister Parker had packed for himself his usual wear for cold weather -- his favorite jean jacket that his wife says should have been thrown out when it was still in fashion. That's also why she had me sneak that out of his luggage before we left for Oslo and put in the winter jacket she had sent me for him.

It's also why he gave me the 'stink eye' the entire plane ride over here, seated in that bulky coat.

It's just as well. I think the weather here in Norway even caught him off guard. The jet had started to let the passengers off at the airport, and being up front in first class (why he is never willing to ride anything less is beyond me), he and I were among the first to exit. No sooner did we set foot off of the jet than did a blast of the cold air sift through the spaces between the jet's exit and the ramp, than that manager of mine uttered a blistering curse.

"Jesus Christ!" He snarled, all but ignoring the farewell of the head stewardess and pilot as he walked right past them and into the ramp. "It's cold as Hell!"

The rain that just so happened to be falling also didn't help matters any.

"Thank you." I made certain to give my respects to the men who flew us here safely and the women who made certain to see to our comforts, and that of the other passengers as well. I then followed him, pulling my carry-on behind me as he did himself and called behind him, "That observation sort of cancels itself out, doesn't it? I mean, Hell is not exactly supposed to be 'cold' now is it?"

Mister Parker paused only long enough at the 'mouth' of the ramp to look over his shoulder and gift me with an expression I dare say he had learned to perfect over the years and say, "If you want to be a smart ass, y'all can go there an' find out."

"I'm telling my Grandma on you." I called after him as he continued on into the Oslo-Gardermoen Airport's vast interior with my hurrying to catch up with him.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt for us to experience at least some of the culture of this place."

I said as we rode side-by-side on the Flytoget, an airport express train that would take us from the airport and straight to Oslo central Station, where we would find a ride to the hotel. I was looking at a pamphlet I had grabbed at the airport that detailed many of the local sights and attractions for the many tourists that found themselves here in Oslo for vacations, be it personal or business. I looked up and saw that Mister Parker wasn't paying very close attention, as he was seated beside the window of the train and was watching the sights of this beautiful city pass by en route. The sky remained gray and cloudy, and the rain that fell from above splashed against the windows of the train. It would have been much to my own enjoyment, but Mister Parker was not a lover of this wet weather, nor were the majority of the passengers judging by the random grumblings I could hear.

"We're here for business, Bo. Not pleasure." He stated, his eyes only straying to from the window for a moment to take the briefest of glances at the pamphlet that I was trying to attract his attention with.

"I'm aware of that." I answered, and as usual I was tempted to bow down to whatever he said but why come to such beautiful places so early if you weren't going to take advantage of what the places had to offer. I continued, "But we are getting here early, so why not take in some sight seeing? Look."

I had to practically hold the pamphlet under his nose to get him to look as I said, "We could visit the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, or the Akershus fortress?"

Mister Parker sighed as he rolled his eyes and tore his attention away from what I was trying to stress and he said, "You've mistaken me for muh wife Bo. Ah never was much for tourist attractions."

"Maybe not but if you don't go out and find some goodies to bring back home for your wife and little ones, you're going to be sleeping on the couch until this world tour is over." I said with a smile.

To his credit, Mister Parker didn't give me much of a clue in his facial features but I knew the man well enough to know that I had just scored huge points for the win of this particular debate. He just grumbled audibly and mumbled, "Now yer the one soundin' like muh wife."

"Impossible." I sat back in my seat, satisfied. "My butt's cuter."

I felt his eyes suddenly on me and I cleared my throat. "Not that I've looked."

"Okay, it's Austin Parker here. You're going to have to get over the fact that ah took over this here bit of the promo Bo was cuttin', but there were some words said recently and ah have to step in because everybody knows that Bo is too nice and respectable of a kid to say what needs to be said."

"Ah'm not."

"An' it mainly goes out to that Amanda Cortez character, who decided to open her big mouth, an' by a miracle, it wasn't because she was on a big date an' was about to swallow someone's... well, I suppose even ah probably shouldn't go there. Ah do have kids an' Bo's family will be payin' close attention."

"The minute Cortez started yappin' away, she showed just how damn ignorant she was. Talkin' all that crap about Bo an' his lack of skill was probably the biggest load of horse shit any rassler ever spewed from outta their mouths. Bo Dreamwolf? Not a great in-ring rassler? Sister, ah think that skull of yers has been slammed into the head board one too many times by whoever, or whatever, has been the latest thing to mount you. Bo can rassle circles around anyone here in Sin City Wrestling. He's become one of the finer technical athletes in the sport, an' if you can't see that ... well you've obviously been drinking."

"Compare yerself to him all you like, but in the end there is no comparison. He's a better athlete than you could hope to be, an' unlike you, has earned his accolades. First time you ever got yer hands on those tag titles, you had them handed to you -- literally, as opposed to winning them inside of the ring. Now this time? You had to resort to usin' foul tactics to regain the gold. You might as well focus on how long you'll be able to keep hold of them titles with that partner of yers because in the end, your run in this tournament is at an end, and you'll have nobody to blame but yerself. "

"Insult him. Belittle him. It's all jest words in the end. Bo can smile and nod, and take his payback in the form of walking away from that match as the winner, knowin' he jest proved you wrong.  I tend to have the more direct approach, an' for you to judge him by his appearance, jest because he takes great pride in his heritage as his grandparents taught him to? Well all ah can say is if appearances tell the tale, then you have to be the biggest tattooed crack whore that money can buy. All ah ever see are pictures an' shots of you wearin' next to nothin' an' tweetin' about sex and what have you. Well pardon me for 'slut shamin', but you madam, are a slut."

"Yer all talk Cortez. Everything you said about Bo, ah seem to recall you sayin' towards the daddy of that partner of yers as well. Yet what happened when you came face to face with the man? You backed down with yer tail between yer legs, like the whiny little bitch that you are."

"Now that partner of yers? Him I will give due credit. I met the little guy before SCW was a thing, way back when he an' Gabriel were workin' for a place called the Asylum Wrestling Alliance. Synn brought them to muh home for some additional trainin' an' ah have to be honest; Despayre is a handful for someone so damn little."

"Ah never saw a kid move about the ring like he does, while his opponents fight like crazy jest to get their hands on him an' get a grip! Kid moves like greased lightning an' trying to catch him is about as tough as successfully nailin' jello to a tree."

"Ah can't figure Despayre out. Ah tried an' ah even told Synn the same damn thing. They trained him well for the ring, but he rarely, if ever, goes into that ring with a sound strategy in his head. His own buddy Gabriel said it was damn near impossible to get him too focus on any match, so what do they do? They just let him climb in there an' jest turn the kid loose. An' you know something? It works! Something is obviously goin' right with this strategy because how often do you see the kid lose? Three-time tag champion here in SCW alone, an' has the record for the longest championship reign over anyone in terms of length. All ah hear are people sayin' that it's because of his partners, but ah ain't buyin' it. There's a reason why that kid can go in there, a quarter of the size of most of his opponents, an'' still walk away with his head an' arm held high."

"He's special. Damn special, an' ah ain't about to let Bo take him lightly, even if he is the more experienced worker an' has the better technical skills. You can't prepare for someone who is capable of goin' in there and doin' jest about anything. So all I can promise is that ah told Bo to do what he does best. Get a hold of Despayre, take him down, an' don't let go. Sooner or later, the superior skills will come out on top."</color>

Climax Control Archives / It's the simple things
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:06:54 PM »
 The last time I had glanced at the clock on the kitchen counter, the time has been just after four in the morning. A trifle early one might think for anyone to be up and about, especially on a morning where the weather was as it is, but like my sister Abigail tends to say to anyone that would discuss her older brother, I am unlike most people.

The sky was dark as would be the norm for this time of night, but even here out away from the bright lights of the city, one could see the colors of the early morning sky. It was not yet dawn where the darkness would recess into the horizon with colorful hues of pinks, golds and oranges. That miracle of the coming morning was still a fair few hours away. At this time of the year, the sun did not rise until roughly past seven, so I was quite content to simply sit out here on the porch and enjoy the rain as it broke through the gray and purple clouds in the star lit sky.

I had always loved this type of weather. Always. My immediate family would seem to be somewhat divided on this aspect. My dearly departed grandfather and sister much preferred the bright blue sky and lots of sunshine, which is always nice to enjoy when there are chores to do throughout the day. But between you and me, I don't think there is any form of comfort quite like waking up to the sound of rain tapping at your bedroom window. My grandmother would be the one in the family who agreed readily with me on this. She absolutely loves to hear the rain at night or in the early morning hours and snuggle under those thick, warm comforters on her bed and just listen until she either falls back to sleep or until the rain ceases, whichever would come first. Which is nice, I will admit, but me? Personally I become restless when I hear the rain coming down, the harder the better, and I simply have to throw open a window or set foot outside on the porch where I can enjoy it in its fully spectacle.

Which is where I am right now. I wanted to enjoy this as much as I could before the impending trip to Ireland so I had put on a pot of coffee which I would probably finish myself before the first of my family awoke, and out onto the house's enclosed porch I came. This was a bit of a pet project that Abigail and I had endeavored in during the fall months; to put up screen awning around the entire porch on the front side of the family house so we could sit out here and enjoy the weather, despite what Mother Nature might throw our way. We even had two heating furnaces added to the 'decor', so to speak, so that during the colder months out of the year, we might still come out and enjoy the weather in relative comfort.

Which is why I'm sitting out here right now, bundled up in my winter jacket over the T-shirt and pajama pants that I had been sleeping in when the rain woke me up. Hey, I was no fool. I love this weather but I didn't feel the urge to die from a cold while en route to Ireland. So I had both heaters turned up high and that first cup of coffee held between the palms of both of my hands, a small bit of added comfort while I simply sat there and watched. I did not even day dream as I was wont to do, or think about the upcoming match I was involved in, nor the world tour as a whole. For me, the great joy of the rain was simply sitting there and watching it, well, rain.

I lifted the mug of coffee to have a sip, the steam from the contents all to visible in this early morning air, with or without the heat from the furnaces. It was yet only 47 degrees outside, and despite the comforts added on the porch, nature simply won out in one form or another.

I could remember when I was a boy, sitting at the desk in my bedroom with the windows pushed out during the rain and watching as the rivets of rain water splashed down from the room, to the top level of my open window, down to the second, and to the ground below. It was much like a waterfall, and as anyone in my family or those close that I call friend will testify, I harbor a bit of a special place in my heart for anything that has to do with waterfalls. They are simply a breath taking miracle of nature, no matter what form they come in. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I take such delight in the rain, as if I am somehow in the center of the grandest water fall of them all. Who knows? I have never stopped and tried to decipher my own mind's workings. As Abigail would tell you, and perhaps my Grandmother as well, that would be a lost cause all unto itself. I simply did then what I am doing now. Sitting back, relaxing, and watching as the water poured down from the roof, as some went down from the gutters, but all washed out into the road that went past our house. It would be an hour or so before cars drifted by with any regularity, splashing the water that flooded the sides of the neighborhood street up onto the pavement.

My eyes actually left the roof's edge of the house and the water cascading down from it for a fair bit of time and out onto the road which was illuminated by the street lamps. I could not help but be properly mesmerized by the way the golden light from those lamps shone down onto the running water, and the ripples from the splashes of water from above as it struck the surface of the street water harder. The rain was definitely picking up in its intensity but I didn't care. I was safe and comfortable. Part of me wishes that I had thought ahead to bring a book or my ereader down from my room so that I might put away a chapter or two while it rained, but in the end it was best that I had not done so. For one, reading relaxes me and it probably would have put me to sleep right here and now. Then where would I be? Also I would have missed the simple pleasures of the coming rain and what it entailed for me as a person, so the reading material stayed where it was, as did I.

I am either getting old or absent minded, because I was enjoying this so much, I did not even notice the light in the living room switch on, nor did I hear the soft sound of my Grandmother's footsteps as they arrived at the door that led out to the porch.

"I thought I might find you out here." Came the soft voice of the woman I had come to love as both a mother and grandmother lo these many years since Abigail's and my own parents died tragically in a car crash. I started. I admit it. I'm man enough to admit that I reacted accordingly to hearing a voice come from behind me and sloshed the hot coffee in my mug onto my leg, and let me confide in you a little secret: pajama pants don't do much to shield your bare skin from the scalding contents of a hot cup of coffee.

"Bo. Language." Grandmother said, but she had a softness in her eyes that told me she understood the choice word I had not even realized at that point in time I had uttered. She pushed the patio door open and set foot outside. She was still clad in her bed clothes, but had on a robe that Mister Parker had bought for her once when he was overseas, and slippers on her feet to stave off the morning chill. And around her shoulders was the blanket that normally was on its resting place over the back of our living room sofa. Every so often during my 'busier' excursions while competing for Sin City Wrestling, a guest or two was known to stay over at our house. Normally it was Mister Parker or Mister Ward, and the sofa was where they crashed ore often than not. Unless Grandmother got it in her mind that I should sleep there so our guest had the comforts on my bed at their disposal. Either way, the blanket was always there, for just such emergencies.

"What brings you out here?" I asked, taking concern that it was still cold out and I was concerned for my Grandmother's welfare and health. "It's cold outside and Abigail would kick my tail if you were to get sick just for sitting here with me."

"If you can enjoy this rain out here, then so can I." Was her only response to my show of concern as she took a seat on the second chair out here, at my side, and who was I to argue? It did not matter her age. She was relatively healthy for such an advanced age as she had, but she was our Grandmother and as such, she was always right -- even if she was wrong. But I dare anyone under our roof to try and prove her otherwise. Even Mister Ward and Mister Parker, the two strongest willed men I know, have found themselves shut out a time or two by her authority beneath this roof.

Never tell them that I said this but seeing them speechless at her behest was a treat to see.

"And if you want to get technical young man," She smiled like an impish little girl as she gratefully accepted my mug of coffee into her own hands. Something else Abigail might take me to task for. Grandmother's doctor asked her to ease off the caffeine and Abigail had been relentless on her following doctor's orders. me, however? Not so much. I want what is best for her, yes, but she wants so little and a morning cup of coffee is one of her simpler of pleasures. So, as a dutiful grandson, I indulge her.

She continued, "I might the same thing of you." She took a sip from the cup of coffee and mad a face but I chose to ignore it. She usually drank her's with just a hint of cream and sugar. Me, on the other hand, I preferred flavored creamer with the taste of chocolate. She simply didn't have the sweet tooth that I did.

I opted to have some fun and go on a bit of the defensive as I pointed out, "True, but I'm not the one who just recovered from a cold a couple weeks ago. Do you think it wise to come out here in the night air and the rain and risk falling ill again?"

"Oh poo." She said, and that might have very easily been settled but she always did like getting the last word in -- and explaining why she did so. "It's an old wives' tale, getting sick just by being out like this."

"Really?" I asked with a mischievous grin of my own, looking right over to her. "Then why did you always make Abigail and myself come in out of the same weather as this when we wanted to play?"

"I said it was an old wives' tale." She sniffed primly. "I didn't know the truth of it until I was old."

I laughed. I couldn't help it. That was my Grandmother's reasoning for you. I settled back into the chair and looked back out and as her eyes followed mine, I trusted that she knew best. I mean, she was almost in her eighties. She must know enough about life and what was best for her if she had made it this far.

She started too speak, "I actually was wondering why you were up. I know the rain always captivated you, but don't you have to be up soon so that Abigail and I can drive you into Tulsa?"

"Not for a fair few hours." I answered, accepting the cup of coffee back from her. I guess it was too sweet for her. "Most everybody else is probably already in Ireland as we speak but Mister Ward know that I don't want to leave home until absolutely necessary, so he and Mister Parker help arrange my flights accordingly."

"Putting off such a trip just to spend time with an old lady." Grandmother shook her head.

"But enough about Abigail." I chuckled, turning to give her a wink. "I like to hang out with you, too."

"Oh!" Grandmother cackled in girlish delight, covering her mouth with her hand and looking 'up' where the bedrooms were upstairs. Her own was downstairs for convenience. "I just bet Abigail kicked something in her sleep and will never know why she had the urge." She paused a moment before clasping her hands in her lap, and I could not help but notice the way that she subtly massaged her knuckles. This chilled weather must be causing her arthritis to flare up a bit again, not that she believed I noticed.

I said, "It's a long flight. I can catch up on what sleep I've missed on it."

"But the car ride to Tulsa isn't as short." She pointed out. "And you're driving. Won't you be sleepy?"

"Won't you?" I smiled. "You're going with Abigail and myself for the car trip."

"I'm not driving."

"You know, in wrestling there is an unspoken rule on the road." I teased. "If the driver is awake, and we all hope he or she is, then everybody else in the car has to stay awake either."

"Interesting." She nodded. Then she turned to me and smiled, "I guess then it's a good thing I'm not a wrestler and can sleep when I chose."

Sometimes the sense of humor this woman deftly displayed was simply too much and I could just lose myself in it. One couldn't believe that she was as old as she was, and as sharp in mind and humor to boot! I chuckled and nodded, point well taken.

"Are you concerned about your match?" She asked. "Didn't you tell Abigail and myself you were on a team with a young lady?"

I nodded. This was indeed unique territory for me. Tag team wrestling was most definitely not my favorite thing in the world, but never before in all my years as a competitor have I ever been involved in a mixed tag team match. being paired on a team with a woman was as alien a concept to me as mustard would be on a steak. I had no objections to teaming with any of the SCW Bombshells, because they had all proven themselves as capable as any man on the roster, each and every one. Its just never a chance that has arisen before me at any point, and here I am. I did volunteer for this event, after all. Maybe it's a natural part of my being Native American, but there is something about one's heritage that  find fascinating, including the origins of this sport in itself. Mister Parker gifted me with a small video collection of wrestling matches from what he called the 'Golden Era' of professional wrestling, and it made me want to take part in this 'Blast From the Past' event and honor the men and women who came before me. Those who paved the way for many generations of wrestlers to come.

I have always found history to be one of my favorite topics. It's why I teach it at school, and a hobby of mine, delving into not just my family past, but that of the Cherokee nation as a whole.

"I'm looking forward to the match, actually." I admitted. "I've never been involved in something like this before so it'll be something new to experience."

"You don't have to wrestle the young woman on the other side, do you?"

"No, thank god!" I laughed, despite myself. "They don't allow men to compete against the ladies in SCW, Grandmother!" I could see her breathe a bit of a sigh of relief. My Grandfather had never, ever, laid a hand to the woman he held in such high esteem, and she absolutely abhorred the idea of any man laying a hand to a woman, whether it be for sport or not. I chuckled, "It's just as well for my own ego as I have no doubt in my mind that Amy Marshall could and would whip my tail."

Finally, I managed to get her to chuckle a rather light laughter. She nodded, knowing full well that I would take great care not to get hurt as best I was able, and I would do all I could not to allow the women in the match to come to harm from myself or the other man I would be personally facing in this, the opening round.

Joshua Acquin is a fierce competitor. He would have to be as I realize he held the Tag Team Championship around his waist, and to hold any championship in Sin City Wrestling was a true testament to his own unique capabilities inside of the ring. He would not be an easy foe to conquer inside of the ring. He was an impressive technical wrestler, but I, and perhaps I am tooting my own horn a bit, I feel that I have a bit of an edge in that department. After all, I would like to think that I was trained by the best, and Mister Parker has never allowed me to ease myself from my training. Even after the personal setbacks that I had suffered from this past year or so. In fact, I would dare say that he intensified the training regime he had me under double. The one thing I was forced to acknowledge that Joshua Acquin held an edge over me was the fact he had a vicious streak in him that I simply did not. Oh I can and will fight if pushed, and I have many times, but this man weaves that hard edged fighting ability into his matches with his technical prowess and tat indeed makes for a formidable opponent.

His own tag team partner is no less top notch, and she will make for a tough opponent for my own partner, crystal Hilton. I was not entirely jesting with Grandmother on whether or not Amy Marsall could whip my butt if she so chose. If there were any woman on the roster that could handle herself inside of the ring with  man, it would be her. The woman is a complete package inside of the ring, with technical skills that rival any man's,  high flying aerial style that would make your average Luchadore south of the border green with envy, and if you saw her do to Gabriel Asar what I did a few weeks ago, you'd see that she had a hand at brawling as well. Though I would dare say that the jackass deserved it and more.

All of this will make for a competitive match I am certain, but one that my partner, Crystal Hilton, and I eagerly await. Miss Hilton has held her own inside of the ring and I am proud to go into this match at her side, although between you and me, I would have truly gotten a kick out of it had I been teamed with Brandi. Still, Crystal has an impressive showing inside of SCW's rings, and we will do all in our power to move on in this tournament.

"Come." I said to my Grandmother, standing up. "I saw you shiver. Time to go in."

She shook her head in mock dismay, but smiled none the less, pleased that she had  grandson that loved her and sought to take care of her in these her golden years. Too many young people my age want to get rid of those older than them and put them away where they can't be bothered. Not me, nor my sister, and Grandmother knew it.

I turned off both furnaces and then helped her up from her chair and escorted her inside. I paused while I took one more look outside as the rain started coming down even harder.

And, should anyone think to get any ideas and act the part a fool,  Mister Parker has promised that he would be there to show them just how bad of an idea it would be to even try. That was more of a promise to my Grandmother and Abigail rather than me. They knew I had to try, and this match was another chance for me to do just that.

I reached up with my index finger and flipped the switch that turned our porch light off, and I shut the patio door behind myself and locked in, listening as the rain pelted against the roof and windows.

Ireland and my opening round match would soon be here. Bring it!

Climax Control Archives / Confessions Part I
« on: December 12, 2014, 07:02:46 PM »
"You know, I've thought about this long and hard, and I can't help but feel that the timing of this match, my first in over two years, is perfect for this time of year. You might even say that it makes me feel like a bit of a kid again. You know what I am talking about, I'm sure. Christmas is just right around the corner and the children of the world look toward this one magical morning where they experience plenty. You know what you want, or at least you believe that you do, and you wish for it with all your heart. Ah but our mind, your mind is suggesting something altogether different. A part of you wonders if you will get what you believe is your heart's desire. Another part of you ponders if what you wished for is really, truly what you want. Looking back, you perhaps wonder if somewhere along the way, you made a mistake when wishing upon that star. When you sat on the lap of jolly  ol' Saint Nick, did you tell him one thing when somewhere along the line, you realized you wanted another?"

"You might say that's the cross roads at where I am right about now. I've come to a fork in the road that I've been traveling along for the last two plus years, and I am looking both ways before I determine just which way is the way for me. Oh don't get me wrong. I wouldn't be where I am today had I not known it was what I wanted, but I think for me, the wonderment is whether or not what I wanted is what was best."

"A couple of years ago I was at the best of my game, at least that's what I believed at the time. I had held the Roulette Championship for a brief period of time, and a time or two I even competed for the Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Championship. And although that prestigious title had yet to find its way around my waist, the simple fact that I had main evented a time or two, for both Climax Control as well as the inaugural Summer XXXTreme supercard gives me reason to believe that my career was heading in the right direction. Had I just pushed myself a little bit further, a little harder, I truly think that I would have made it to where I had most desired to be. Of course, that was before I made a few mistakes in my life."

"I've been graced in this business with good friends and friends who have become like family, brothers if you will. And for all they gave me, I had kept secrets from them purely for the sake of my own ego. I couldn't admit that I was hurt, and had been for quite some time, so I resorted to other measures to make it through the long nights, relatively pain free. I did so legally, contrary to what others had done on their own, but it made it no less shameful. To me, as well as those that I love most. I had so many people telling me that I was too nice to be in such a back stabbing business as professional wrestling. I had been described as being one of the more respectful competitors. I hear those things and it makes me feel proud, but it also makes me feel ashamed for what I had done, and what I had almost caused to happen due to simple ignorance."

"Now before I move on ahead, I hope you will indulge me and let me look back and share with you a few confessions from time to time. I had kept so much bottled up and away from those that have had my back for so many years. Think of this as a cleansing of the soul, if you will. After everything you all have done to support and wish me well, I think you all deserve to know the truth. Now you will forgive me if I go about this in a different way than I was usually accustomed. The memories are a bit foggy so I am relying on friends and family to help fill in the blanks. I have made several mistakes. What can I say?"

"I am only human."</color>

<Be>November 11, 2012
Mandalay Bay Events Center</Be></color>

Synn walks at a fast pace towards the ring and jumps up on the ring apron to a confused looking Blaque Hart. Blaque Hart steps towards Synn but before Synn or Blaque Hart can say anything, Synn nails Blaque Hart in the face with a jarring right hand.

<Be>Simone:</Be> Blaque Hart may need some dental work after that shot!

Blaque Hart stumbles back towards the center of the ring, Bo springs to his feet and wraps his arms around Blaque Hart and lifts him backwards, crashing Blaque Hart through the chair with a German suplex! Bo bridges, keeping Blaque Hart's shoulders down. Drew drops down to count


Ding, ding, ding!

<Be>Justin:</Be> The winner of the match.... BO DREAMWOLF!

<Be>Adams:</Be> That's it! Bo wins and Blaque Hart has to leave SCW!

<Be>Simone:</Be> I won't be missing him.

Blaque Hart lays on the floor, staring out at Synn in shock as the realization sinks in of losing

<Be>Simone:</Be> Don't forget to turn the lights out on your way out Bruce! </color>

High Stakes II had been a commercial success for Sin City Wrestling. The building had been near to sold-out capacity, and not during a single match had the crowd been silent or chanted the ever-annoying 'bo-ring' that would seem to curse so many matches as of late in the major leagues.

It seemed almost a shame when the building had started to empty out. Such an evening it was! Several brand new champions would now reign in the SCW! The new Bombshell Champion in Amanda Cortez! The shocking achievement in James Huntington-Hawkes III winning the men's Roulette Championship! Becky 'Ragdoll' Jones and Jessie Salco winning the Bombshell Tag Team Championship! But above all, the main event highlight of the evening when Spike Staggs defeated the most dominant man in SCW, Nick Jones, for the SCW Heavyweight Championship!

But for the young man seated at the booth in the lobby bar of the Las Vegas Hilton, it was something even more. Bo Dreamwolf stepped completely out of his element when he participated in a Hardcore Rules match against his perennial rival in Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. Both men  had scored victories over the other, and this was to be their final encounter inside of the ring -- literally. Blaque Hart had demanded that this match also be added on with the stipulation that the loser would be forced to leave Sin City Wrestling afterwards.

Bo had agreed. Austin Parker had tried to talk him out of it but it was one time that Bo's pride had over ruled his mentor's advice. The match was set and despite all misgivings, Bo fought hard and implemented the weapons available when he had no other alternative. Blaque Hart gave as well as he got, and the two alpha males brutalized each other to the point it seemed neither would walk away unscathed -- if either would be able to walk away at all.

Some might even say that Synn caused the loss on Blaque Hart's part. That might very well be true, but given that it was indeed Hardcore Rules where anything and everything was fair game, nothing could be said. The win was Bo's. The loss was Blaque Hart's. What would happen next in the camp of Bruce Evans was anyone's guess. The stipulation of 'Loser Leaves' was not in the legally binding contract, so would he be a man of his word? That would only be answered another day and at another time.

For now, there is a tale to be told where something long kept hidden would finally come to light.

"So, how's your gramma?" Brandi Shotze asked as she took a seat in the booth opposite of Bo in their shared booth, a beer in her hand.

"She's okay." Bo nodded. He himself had a glass of brandy in front of him, along with a shot glass empty of tequila that he had just downed before this buxom bombshell had returned from the bar. "I wish she and Abigail had been able to make it to the show but she came down with that cold and it just wasn't worth the risk of her getting even sicker."

Brandi nodded and took a large swallow of her beer and despite himself, Bo found the motion incredibly intriguing. His 'fear' of her aside, Bo had to admit that the shared amorous times that they shared with one another over the past number of weeks had been some of the most fun he had ever experienced. He had come to find the time they shared together to be very satisfying, and he had started to truly like her.

She said, "Yeah well, better safe than sorry. She probably watched the show on the computer or something with your sister."

"Yeah," Bo said. "I hate to think the fuss they'll make when they see me walking in, looking like Frankenstein."

"Frankenstein wishes he looked that good." Brandi muttered but with a wicked smile. "Perfect man my ass."

Bo looked up and wore an impish smile on his face as a flush of color tinted his cheeks. Try as he might, he simply was unable to grow accustomed to the flattery that this woman threw his way on his ... physical qualities? He reached over toward his drink and his hand brushed against the silverware wrapped tightly in a napkin, accidentally sending it to the floor.

"Damn." Bo muttered as he leaned over and immediately regretted the action as a searing pain shot up his side and enveloped the whole of his back. He bit back from crying out but the anguish on his facial expression alerted Brandi to his condition.

"What is it?" She asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Bo answered as he caught his breath and sat back upright and dropped the silverware back onto the table.

"Don't give me that shit." Brandi scolded the man. "Just because I got big tits doesn't make me a dumb ass! I saw your face. You're sweating like a pig and I haven't even touched you." She rested her forearm on the table and looked at him accusingly. "It's your back again, isn't it?"

"Among other things." Bo frowned as he picked up his glass and drained it. He clenched his eyes tightly as the burning sensation of the alcohol coursed down his throat. He took a moment's pause and then opened his eyes. "That match certainly didn't help."

It was then for the first time that Brandi really noticed the welts and bruises on Bo's head and arms, and she could see the padded sign of the bandages on his upper body through his shirt.

"So," Brandi started to say, resting her chin in the cup of her palm. "Should I assume this means you won't be up for tonight -- if you'll pardon the expression?"

"I'll be fine." Bo assured her. "I'll just take my meds and all will be right in the world."

"Sounds good!" Brandi said as she stood up and clapped Bo on the arm. "Then let's get moving. We'll have you back on your back in no time."

Whatever Bo had done, or more to the point, however he had 'performed', he must have done something right as Brandi awoke earlier than she intended, none the worse for wear from her evening spent drinking, but with a voracious appetite. Opting to let the man beside her sleep in for a bit longer, it's not like he hadn't earned it, she slipped out of the bed she shared with Bo and hit the shower, determined to wake herself up first, and then wake up 'Tonto' as she sometimes might refer to him as. There was a rather large breakfast buffet down in the lobby of this hotel and she intended to do some damage to it. Knowing Bo, he probably wouldn't have the stomach for as much of a morning meal as she did right now, without risking losing whatever he ate a half hour later. He just wasn't as much of a drinker as she was, but bless him, he tried and that's what counted!

Reaching for the knob (all boob jokes aside), Brandi turned the shower off and stood there for a moment, allowing the steam to remain wafting across her skin and along the shower tile. She then reached out through the shower curtains and grabbed blindly for the nearest towel hanging on the rack and pulled it free in order to give hr mist skin a brisk rubdown. She then whipped the now damp towel along her chestnut tresses to at least keep it from dripping everywhere and making more of a mess of he hotel room than she had already done last night.

Who knows? Maybe she shouldn't have tried playing "Ride `Em Cowboy' with the injun without warning him first?

Once satisfied she was at least moderately dried off, Brandi gave the damp towel a toss, and grabbed a fresh one and wrapped it around herself. Modesty aside, she was in fact, a lady. And if she could hear the half of you suppressing those snorts of laughter, she'd box your ears until they bled. She stepped out of the shower and then opened the bathroom door, and almost immediately her flesh was ignited with goose bumps as the cool air hit her warm, moist skin. She gave an involuntary shudder, Christ why did Bo always prefer sleeping with the god damn A/C on? She turned her head past the corner of the room where her clothes from the previous night were flung over the armrest of the chair by the bed's side. She instead opted for something fresh, and not so worn and walked over to where she had dropped her suitcase.

Jostling Bo's bare leg which had snaked its way from beneath the comforter of the bed, Brandi spoke aloud, "Bo. Wake up Sleeping Beauty." And she opened her luggage and started to rummage around for something to put on. She knew Bo would be headed back to his home in Oklahoma after breakfast, but she herself had plans for the rest of the day with Odette Ryder and Cookie S'Mores. She pulled out a tank top that didn't have any beer stains on it, or at least any that were detectable, and grabbed a pair of blue jeans. She turned to head back into the bathroom when she noticed that Bo hadn't stirred.

Christ, she silently mumbled to herself. She must have really done a number on the poor guy the previous night. She grabbed his shoulder and gave it a shake. "C'mon. Get up. I'm hungry and I ain't eatin' alone!" She gave another shake of his arm, then frowned.


"Bo?" She dropped the clothes to the floor, not caring if they got wrinkled and she grabbed a firmer hold on Bo's shoulder and gave him a harder shake. "Bo!"

Still nothing. Brandi started to breathe deeper, quickly, not knowing what the hell was going on but she knew enough to know that something simply wasn't right. She glanced at his chest and saw a rhythmic movement, or at least she thought she did. She then grabbed for his wrist and held her fingers to it. There was a pulse, thank God, but did it feel wrong, somehow? Weak? She was no expert and couldn't tell, but her face was now betraying the fear that was starting to swell in her already swollen bosom.

"Bo!" She gave him a hard shake once more with her one hand and cracked her other open palm across his cheek, trying to rouse him by any means necessary. "God damn it, Bo! Wake up!"

It was no use. He wouldn't wake up! Now uncaring for her modesty, Brandi ran for the hotel room door and looked around. The hall was empty, as all the wrestlers for SCW were probably sleeping off their previous night's celebrations! She saw a cart belonging to the hotel maids who would be working the floor, changing out sheets and such, but no maid in sight. She then hurried out of her room and ran for the first door she laid eyes on, and pounded heavily on it!

"Wake up! Help!" She called as she continued the heavy pounding. "I need some God damn help!"

She could hear noise elsewhere behind one of the other doors, but she knew who was behind this one and it was the reason she ran for this one first.

"God damn it!" She bellowed, pounding on the door. "Open the fuc..." But before she could finish her harrowing statement, the door was yanked open and a very disgruntled looking Austin Parker filled the door way, rubbing at his eyes with one hand and resting his forearm along the side of the frame.

"Jesus Christ!" He angrily seethed. "What the hell..." It was then he noted who was standing in front of him, and her attire, or relative lack there of! "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, girl! What the hell aren't you wearing!?" Was the first thing that came to Austin's mind, as opposed to his initial demands of what Brandi Shotze was doing pounding on his door.

"Bo won't wake up!" Brandi hollered, and she heard the tell-tale sound of one or more locks on the doors in the hall being undone. But she cared little for any disturbances she was causing at this early hour. She stared hard at Austin who was  forcing the sleep from his system with her words like the shock of water in the face.

"What the hell are you talking...?" He started to say but Brandi grabbed his arm and dragged him the hard way from his hotel room, clad in just a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt.

"Bo!" She reiterated."I can't wake him up!"

And there it was, like a shot to the heart, when her words hit him exactly and Austin practically shoved her out of his way as he raced across the hall and right through the open door to Bo's and Brandi's shared hotel room. Brandi did not even pay no mind to the other sleepy yet curious faces as they poked from out of the door to see what was going on. She raced right after Austin, almost tripping and hitting the door frame in her haste but she righted herself and followed, finding Austin half on the bedside, shaking Bo as hard as he could.

Only then did she notice Bo starting to stir, but in an incredibly weakened state. He tried lifting his arm as if to roll over, but it was like when you laid on you own arm in bed and it fell asleep, and you were attempting without success to move it!

"Bo, c'mon boy." Austin did as Brandi attempted earlier, slapping him on the cheek with the palm of his hand, trying to rouse him. The fact he was beginning to show movement was a testament to his success, but it wasn't enough.

"What in flying fuck is going on!?" Their heads turned to spot none other than 'Hot Stuff' Mark ward standing in the door frame of the hotel, clad in just a pair of pajama pants, most likely hastily thrown on had he been sharing his bed with anyone, and he usually was. Mark looked particularly disgruntled at the bedlam of the noise being generated when he saw the situation in front of him and his healthy tan paled a shade lighter. "Oh bloody hell..." He muttered and hurried into the room, darting right past Brandi who seemed to be in shock.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Mark barked at Brandi. "Call the god damn desk and get an ambulance here!"

Mark's volume and tone snapped Brandi from her state and she quickly grabbed the hotel phone, tearing it from the receiver and started to dial frantically.

Mark then assisted Austin in pulling the barely coherent Bo up into a seated position when something on the bed stand attracted Ward's attention. He turned his eyes to cast a look and saw a bottle of pills, and recognized the prescription label for the pain killer, morphine. Next to it, an empty shot glass.

"Austin..." Mark said and he turned to look at Austin who was completely preoccupied with trying to help Bo. As big of a self-proclaimed bastard as he was, Austin thought the world of this young man he had trained for a career inside of the ring. A young man he watched over while on the road and sought to protect as if he were his own flesh and blood. And in many ways, that was exactly what he became over the course of time; like a son.

"Austin!" Mark hollered, finally getting parker's attention and with a nod of the head, Austin looked to where Mark was directing him and he too saw the evidence, and what had accidentally caused this state of emergency. Austin immediately shot Brandi a look that Mark felt would have roasted him alive had it been possible. Austin looked at Bo, seeing the sweat on his bare skin, skin that felt feverish to the touch.

"Son of a bitch..." Austin muttered then shifted himself, pulling Bo up against him and looked at Mark. "Move."


"Move!" Austin commanded. "You ain't going to want to be near this!" And that being said, Austin used the hand of the arm draped around Bo's shoulder to hold the Native American's jaw open, and then, with his free hand, jammed his fingers into Bo's open mouth, causing the gag reflex. Bo gasped and came alert enough to struggle but Austin held him tightly and did it a second time, this time with the intended result as Bo lurched forward at the waist and got violently and physically sick on the carpeting of the hotel room floor!

"Fuck me!" Mark jumped back out of the way, and Brandi also cursed openly as she slammed the phone down.

Bo fell forward, and only Austin's strong arms kept him from suffering a hard fall on top of everything else. Austin threw the sheets from the bed on top of him to protect his modesty at the very least. Bo landed hard on his hands and knees and Austin dropped to his knees beside him, holding his shoulders as Bo continued to get sick.

"That's it boy." Austin said calmly, more calm than he truly felt at the time. "That's it. Get it out of yer system."</color>

"I'll be the first to admit that it wasn't one of my finer moments. In fact, it was probably the worst. I never felt more humiliated, or ashamed, than by having the men I look up to so highly stand there as I vomited up the contents of my stomach while I wallowed in my own self-misery. Mister Austin Parker, who stood by me since the very start and has supported me through every trial and error, both personally as well as professionally, that I have come across since I first set foot inside of that gym all those years ago. I can't thank him enough for everything he's done for me, and to have repaid him by nearly costing myself my own life. It's something I don't know if I'll ever be able to ask forgiveness for, let alone forgive myself. I could speak the same for Mister Ward, who gave me so many chances for the sole belief that he himself believed in me. He did not do these things to help build my career and push it forward because of Mister Parker who was his close friend. he did it because he trusted me. He believed with all his heart I was capable of everything he thought. And that was how I thanked him."

"Then there was Brandi, a woman whom I have grown quite fond of over the course of time, despite my best efforts to remain elusive. I freely admit that there were times her straight forward attitude scared the living hell out of me, but her self confidence I believe is what caused me to grow closer to her in admiration. She does not care what anyone thinks of her, and is unwilling to change herself to suit another's needs, as it should be. I understand what happened scared her to no end, although she might be difficult to admit such a thing."

"There is certainly more to tell, but for now I think what I've shared with you for now will suffice to explain why I had left so abruptly after that win. A win that could have propelled me forward once again into main event status. At least, this was all just a piece of the puzzle. The rest can wait for next time, because right now there are other things that need be addressed, namely this coming Sunday in Arizona, and the man that I will be setting foot inside of the ring against."

"Gavin Stephens is a man that I admittedly know little about, but what I have been able to look up and study has been nothing short of impressive. You've had a pretty successful go of things thus far in your career, Gavin, and that success has apparently elevated you onto a pedestal that nobody else but you, and perhaps your wife, believe you deserving to be set upon. Ironman Championship? While I really haven't the faintest clue what that particular title is all about, the fact that you held it is a testament enough to your capability inside of the ring. Winning a title, any title, in this profession is something to be proud of, but it's what you let that success do to you over the course of time that defines you as both as a professional as well as a man."

"I've held a title or two in my time. Here in Sin City Wrestling, I wore the Roulette Championship around my waist. I defeated none other than Lucian frost for that honor, and held it until I met Primetime Matthew Kennedy. Before that, in Global Championship Wrestling, I won the North American Championship, and was never defeated for that title until the time that promotion, most unfortunately, went belly up. That belt is still in my possession, Gavin, but you know what the key difference is between you and I? I'd like to think those titles made me more confident, while you? Your own success made you little more than a school yard bully."

"Yes. I've heard enough about your backstage mannerisms and how you treat both your peers as well as the men and women who work diligently to make SCW a success behind the scenes. You push and you threaten. You laugh at the intimidation factor that you inflict upon others that have little course to defend themselves, and you feel proud of yourself when doing so. Don't you, Gavin? You feel proud to stand over others such as the men who set up the ring, or the woman who does the makeup for the Bombshells. The staff who bring the ring jackets and robes from the ring to the backstage area, you take great pleasure in yelling at them, tripping them in front of crowds, and generally making their very existence a living hell to experience. That's alright. I imagine it works for you, because the fact of the matter is, you are a bully, and like all bullies, you have your strengths, as well as your weaknesses."

"Your strengths are, of course, your false sense of bravado when you find some tidbit of success behind your actions. For every victory you have inside of that ring, it just fulfills that purpose you have to take out all that anger you feel because Santa didn't bring you that yellow pony when you were just a little brat. You score a victory, and in your own mind, it elevates you higher and higher, until you are not just looking down at your peers in SCW, but the entire world around you. Of course, that's all you really have going for you. Your weakness is but one, really, and it's the very same weakness that every other bully on the face of God's green earth suffers from;"

"Fear of reprisal. You have no problem picking on people that are smaller than you, weaker than you, but once you find yourself up against someone bigger, badder and better, then that is an altogether different story. You don't like it when that person you just hit upside of the head hauls off and hits you back. You can't handle it when you realize that when inside of the ring, you not only have to be able to dish it out, but you discover that you sure as hell have to be able to take it! I may not be bigger than you, Gavin. Badder is debatable at the very least, but better? All false modesty aside, of that I am certain of."

"I will gladly shake your hand before this match, Gavin. I will even shake it afterwards if you're half the man I doubt you to be. But during? Well, I did not come back after all the hell that I've experienced, just to fail. I've been in this business a good deal longer than you. I've experienced more inside of that ring both here as well as across the ocean, and most importantly, I had, have, the finest teacher this sport has ever produced. I asked for this match, Gavin. I asked for my return to be against someone tough and promising, and Mister Ward did not fail me. The only one he failed, is you. Try all you might. Fight as hard as you have to, but in the long run, a school yard bully, deep down, is nothing more than a craven little coward, and when you find yourself flat on your back, yelling 'uncle', you'll do exactly what any other bully in your position would do."

"In your case, you're going to go running home to your wife, and try to find someone else that you can act the part of the big, bad man against."

Supercard Archives / A worthy cause
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:00:07 PM »
 <img align=left src= "" width="244" height="334">"I had never understood just how much work went into booking and promoting a professional wrestling event. Not until the time had come where I decided to book my own."

"I guess this might take a bit of explaining how I came about this decision. Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking to compete with Sin City Wrestling. I have absolutely no intention of promoting wrestling being the next step on my career path. This was just an idea that I had that could help provide some much needed aid to the poor souls who had suffered so much from the Hurricane Sandy tragedy. After all, many other celebrities had taken steps to raising funds for the disaster relief funds floating around. Why couldn't I do the same? (Not that I consider myself a celebrity by any meaning of the word.)"

"So here I am, laying the groundwork for what was going to perhaps be one of the most unique and satisfying experiences of my life."

"The first step was to figure out whether or not I was going to need a license to promote wrestling. I know this was to be for charity and a one-time only thing, but in situations such as these, you can't afford to skip any steps on the ladder that is the law. The last thing I would need is to be escorted out of the building in handcuffs just as soon as the opening bell had sounded. I mean, if that's what would happen. I don't know. I guess the worst that could happen would be they'd simply cancel the show."

"I wasn't taking any chances, however, so I started doing research on all avenues."

"The first thing I discovered was that I indeed did need a license for the state of Oklahoma. I suppose I could have looked elsewhere but this was going to be a personal endeavor, and not only did I want this held in my home state, but I was determined to hold it in my home town. So I set about applying and woe be to me when I discovered a year long license would cost me over a thousand dollars! That was a definite road block because I just did not have that kind of money to spend. I know many of my peers in SCW speak of big money, but the fact of the matter is, their money comes from other promotions or endeavors. SCW is an indy fed and no indy fed pays out thousands of dollars in salaries. I was ready to just pack the idea in when my sister, Abigail, pointed out something that I hadn't noticed. A simple month long license would only cost one hundred dollars. Now, as much of a tight wad as I like to consider myself, that I would be able to swing. It just turned out that I didn't have to. My sister and grandmother both wanted to help in some way with the disaster relief funds, so they each contributed half of the money I would need for a promoter's license."

"I truly do love my family for the faith they show in me, and it opened the door for me to get things started. The next thing I was going to need was a location, but that was actually the first piece of the puzzle that I had solved."

"So, Bo. What can I do for you?" The principal of the school where I taught, Mister Montoya, asked as he took a seat at his desk, opposite of where I had currently accepted a chair of my own. The teachers of the school, Mister Montoya most of all, were perhaps critical of my second profession, but also incredibly supportive. They knew well that many of my students appreciated professional wrestling as fans, and knew that I incorporated this fandom into many of my lessons to their own benefit.

It was why I immediately thought of this school.

I answered, "Well, it's going to be a bit of a surprise to you, I'm sure. But, I would like the use of the school gym to hold a wrestling show."

"A wrestling show?" Mister Montoya repeated with a knitted frown.

"Yessir." I said with a nod to confirm what he had heard. "It was an idea that came to me some time ago after the Hurricane hit the East coast. I wanted to see if I could hold a show that could raise funds to send to New York and the other states hit for disaster relief."

Mister Montoya nodded, then said, "I see. Well, it's a noble idea. Not something unexpected to anyone that knows you Bo, but you have to understand why I might be a bit hesitant. Not everyone here at the school supports that business, and some might even disagree with the use of our school for such an event."

"A regular show, perhaps." I conceded. "But I don't think anyone would object to a show being held for a charitable cause. And if there were any, I think it could be argued that the pros would far outweigh any cons on the matter. The violence factor should not be an issue, as there is far more violence in the average TV show or movie than any wrestling show."

"And the sex factor?" Mister Montoya asked. "I might not be a fan but I know much wrestling is built around glorifying the women involved, and to some extent, the men."

"True." I nodded, then added with a laugh. "I mean, I myself found myself an unwilling participant in a mud pool match! But, this isn't any promotion out to raise eyebrows or push the limits. This is just a one time show that I'd like to hold, featuring some of the men and women I've grown to know over the years. It would give the kids a nice evening out, and raise money for a worthy cause. I even have a few ideas on how to involve the students, you know, to give them a sense of accomplishment."

Mister Montoya nodded, his hands clasped on his desk. I could tell he was thinking it over and the idea, I could see, had merit in his eyes. This was my only real shot at doing this because there was no way I could rent a venue for use.

"And you're sure the school gym would be large enough for this?" He asked me.

"Oh, definitely." I nodded. "We could easily fit over a thousand people in the audience with the stands and chairs on the floor. I don't think we'll get quite that many, but one can hope."

He rubbed his chin and sighed before he said, "The minor worry would be the fact that we just had the gymnasium floors finished." He looked up at me and smiled. "But I imagine that's why the school also has insurance. Bo, you can use the gym."

I could not help but feel the smile immediately on my face as I reached over the desk and shook my boss's hand, thanking him profusely.

"Okay, those hurdles had been leapt over, so I could move on from the where to the when. One thing I knew in this sport was that timing was everything. People would not attend the show if they didn't have available funds, so the earlier in the month, the better. Also, weekends were a must. I would have preferred a Friday or a Saturday as those were the single most ideal days of the week for any wrestling show, and especially the independents."

"However, that was one luxury I would not be privy too and I had to settle for a Sunday afternoon. Reason being was the school had a few weekend events already scheduled that I could not in good conscience compete with."

"So Sunday it was. The next thing I was going to need was a ring, and I knew of only one person who had their own."

"Yer own rasslin' show?" My mentor, Mister Austin Parker, questioned over the telephone.

"Yeah." I said as I sat back in my favorite chair in my living room. "To raise money for New York. I got a date and a place to hold it. I just need a ring to use and since you're the only person I know of that owns one, and I'm on a pretty tight budget..."

"You thought you'd call the old man and see if you could use his." He finished for me.

"Well no. I had no intention of calling an old man." I smiled with genuine laughter in my voice. "I was actually thinking of you."

"Oo! Flattery!" Mister Parker said from his end of the phone. "Very smart! Alright kid, we can do this. You jest give me the time and place and ah'll get the ring there in plenty of time."

"How?" I couldn't help but blurt out. The question came to me so swiftly, I couldn't help but wonder why I didn't think of it before I made this call.

"Ah do own a truck, y'know." Mister Parker answered. "An' ah got a trailer big enough to haul the ring in. We'll jest need a few guys to help get it moved into yer gym or whatever and put it together."

"Not a problem." I said. "I can help with that and a few of the teachers said they would help too if we needed it."


"Oh, one more thing." I said.

"Of course." he said with a mocking tone but one that I had become accustomed to over the years. "Can't make this easy, can ya? What is it?"

I said, "Since this is a charity event, I was hoping all proceeds would go to the cause. Do you know of any workers who would be willing ....?"

"To travel to Oklahoma and work for free?" He finished.

"Yeah..." I said, hesitant, because I worried about what the answer might be. "I have a couple of guys here and there who said they'd do it, but I'm obviously going to need more."

"Ah think ah might know a few." He said, easing my tension. "Hell, maybe ah can get Derrick an' Tony to do something for it."

Derrick and Tony? Of course! Chippendale and Thunder! The fans knew them as the tag team legends, Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal. They had just stepped out of retirement for a one-time only wrestling match against Mister Ward and Jordan Williams in a Legends Tag Team Match. I knew that they and Thunder's two children called New York City home so this disaster affected them greatly. They left the state for the time being and were currently staying at Mister Parker and his wife's ranch in Atlanta.

He then said, "You get yours confirmed. Then call me back in a couple days. Ah'll start placing some calls and see what ah can do."

"Thank you." I said, and after giving my mentor my good-bye, I hung up and started to breathe just a little easier.

"Mister Parker did more than just get a few names. He called in a number of his contacts and I ended up with a plethora of who's who in this business, men and women, ready, willing and able to make the trip here to work this show for free for a worthy cause."

"I could hardly believe it!"

"Okay! I had the venue, a ring and the men and women who would be participating. I dipped into a bit of my savings to get some posters and the tickets printed. Now all I needed was help in the advertising. I knew just how to spread word around the fastest way possible. They don't call the internet the 'information highway' for nothing."

"So, here's the deal." I said as I took a seat on the edge of my desk to address my class. "Many of you already know that our school will be holding a wrestling show in the gym to raise funds for Hurricane Sandy victims."

Many of the students nodded, and a number even wore smiles and fist bumped their neighbors -- showing perhaps more enthusiasm for the show itself rather than the cause.

I went on, "And given I am the one in charge of promoting it, I am going to need some help. And I'm willing to make this an extra credit project for everybody -- even those of you who have no interest in wrestling."

Drew Anglen, a fifteen year old boy seated in the center of the class, raised his hand before speaking and asked, "What do you want us to do?"

"Simple." I smiled. "I want you all to use your hobbies to the benefit of those on the East Coast. I know many of you have both Twitter and Facebook accounts, because I have a number of you on my friends lists on those websites. I am going to pass along a sheet to everyone here with all the information on the show. The date, time, location, who will be appearing -- everything. I want you to promote this as much as possible. Post it on your Facebook walls and Twitter posts. Share it with others. I'll be posting a scan of the poster for the show. Feel free to share that as well, and encourage your friends to do the same. The more word gets spread, the bigger crowd we'll draw and the more money we'll raise."

A miss Veronica Coates asked, "I know I'm going to sound like a total dweeb asking this, but what if we're not into the whole Facebook/Twitter thing? How can we get the same extra credit?"

I turned at the waist and picked up a large stack of what were the posters made for the show. I turned and held them up for all to see and said, "If anyone finds themselves in that situation, or if they want to do a little extra to help, I'll give you some of these posters to put up around town. Store windows, telephone poles, memo boards inside of grocery stores, the YMCA, whatever you can manage. Point is, everyone can benefit from this. And, for those of you who are interested in wrestling, you do this, and I'll let you into the show for free and see to it you get to meet the wrestlers backstage."

That little announcement was met with quite a bit of excited chatter from many of the kids in the class.

"It wasn't just the kids who helped advertise this show. I sent the details too every wrestling website and newsletter with credibility. I spoke to the local news in case they'd be interested in covering any details of the show for the newscast. I also gave all the details, and a few tickets, to a couple of the radio stations around town so they would both advertise the show, while running contests for the tickets and hyping their own ratings all in one fell swoop."

"Finally the night of the show arrived, and I couldn't possibly have been more thrilled -- or nervous. I had the final list of who would be working and sat down a week in advance and took all the names and came up with what I thought would be a fun show for all involved. I then called Mister Parker and his wife to get their take on what I came up with."

"They proceeded to take it apart and switched the matches around to what I have to admit, was even better. (Yeah there is a definite reason I am not a promoter!)"

"I was the first to show up at the gym, as was only fair. A local DJ, and a fan of the sport, had agreed to use his incredible set up for our sound system. Mister Parker arrived soon after, along with his family, and Chippendale and Thunder, and they and my teaching colleagues, had the ring set up in no time at all."

"The local Coca Cola distributor also got involved, and set up no less than three of their vendor trucks outside of the school for our use to sell snacks and drinks for the show. Students and their parents took charge of those, and all proceeds from these sales also went to the cause."

"I can't tell you how thrilled I was as I stood in the back of the school and welcomed each and every man and woman who arrived to give their time and bodily welfare for this cause. I met each one with a shake of the hand, greeting them as a friend and equal. I let not one pass by me without giving them my thanks and appreciation. I watched as they went down the hall and took a look at the large blackboard with the show's rundown on it. Who they would be working with and in what order. They then moved on and separated into either the boy's lockerroom, or the girl's."

"Despite all of this, the one thing I worried about the entire time was what kind of crowd would be drawn to this event?"

"As it would turn out, I had no reason to fret at all."

"Wow." I murmured as I peeked from behind the curtains erected over the door of the gym where the wrestlers would be making their way to the ring.

The gymnasium was packed - literally! Every seat that I could see was taken, from the folding chairs around the floor, to the stands on three sides of the gym itself! I was so damned proud of my kids! They really came through!

And the enjoyment was not lost on anyone in the crowd, as there was a little something for everyone involved. They were behind the show and all of the wrestlers from the start to the end. Even my sister and Grandmother pitched in, taking the tickets at the door.

It all opened when a young Japanese wrestler named Condor Sawaii traveled down from Canada where he was working regularly to open the show against another cruiserweight in the multi-colored Heavy Metal. These two kids put on a high flying exhibition that even had the workers in the back stunned with awe. There were countless near falls until Condor put Heavy Metal down for the pin.

Then a part of me had been curious if we could pull off something a bit edgy for this show, so I spoke to Mister Parker about a man he had worked with many times in the past named Brian DeFuria. This guy was nicknamed the Ragin Cajun and with good reason; he took the term hardcore to the extreme. He started off as a 'pretty boy' wrestler, but then outgrew it and went hardcore which quickly would become his trademark. Well he agreed to travel from Louisiana for this show and his match against KORE: Python was just brutal! Considering we were in a school filled with kids, I asked both guys to avoid blood letting, if at all possible. They agreed (begrudgingly), but that didn't mean they went easy on one another! Anything they could get their hands on, they used! They fought all over the gym until Brian pinned Python while he was stuck inside of a mangled trash can. I paid particularly close attention to this match, because I would be competing in a Hardcore match soon myself. My first, and what better way to learn than by close observation? Okay, so maybe there was a bit of an ulterior motive in my booking this. So sue me.

I know a number of the people working this show were less than well-known, but I was very lucky to get some SCW stars to take part. Even the bosses took part as Mister Underwood teamed up with his 'husband' and partner in Scott Schriener aka the Big Pump and this could have easily been billed as another Legend's Tag Team match as they opposed the other half of the SCW bosses, Mister Ward and Jordan Williams. It was a big win for Hot n Sexy when Mister Ward pinned Mister Underwood right there in the middle of the ring!

I knew deep down I had to give those teenage boys I taught a bit of a treat so there wasn't any chance that I would not book the ladies. Fantasia of the Seven Sins stepped back into the ring and she went up against one-half of the Party Girls in Brandi Shotze. It's true what they say about the female of the species being deadlier than the male because these two women went at it, tooth and nail! Brawling! Wrestling! Catfighting! They did it all, right up until Brandi pinned Fantasia to end their contest.

I wanted a big match as the next to last and another tag team match I felt would be popular. I spoke to the right men and found myself booking the popular tandem of Gabriel and Despayre against one of their own teammates, Shane Boswell, and his cousin and former partner, Jason Adams. It had been years since Bad Medicine worked together as a team but the chemistry was still there, as evidenced by the fact that the dominant Sins could not defeat them and both teams went to a thrilling thirty minute draw that had everyone on the edge of their seats!

Then it came time for the last match, the main event. Yes, I was involved. I could not resist the temptation of wrestling in front of my kids and some of my colleagues. I wanted to be earlier in the show but Mister Parker and his wife pointed out that in this case, I would be the so-called 'hometown hero' and I should be on last to draw the most out of the show. I didn't agree with that, but who was I to argue against the more experienced? The thing was, who would I be working against? That answer came in surprising fashion as none other than Synn himself stepped out of retirement to be my opponent. The man had not competed in a number of years but that did not stop him from throwing everything he had at me, and in brutal fashion! How he maintained that physique is beyond me but good God! If I had any notion he might take it easy on me since it was my hometown, I was sorely mistaken! I'd like to think I gave as good as I got, but nothing I did seemed to be able to hurt him or wear him down enough to put his shoulders to the mat. Yeah, in case you haven't guessed -- I lost the match. Synn pinned me, and I hate to admit it, but he did it cleanly.

I could hear my kids boo when Synn was announced as the winner, but I hugged the man never the less and thanked him profusely for the match. I then closed the night off by thanking everyone for everything they did to help make this show a success.

It was truly a night to be remembered.

"Would I do it all over again? Most likely, if the cause was just, but now there are other avenues to take. other paths to cross, and Blaque Hart Bruce Evans is the first among them."

"This match between us has been long in coming, and there is little more that can be said between us to tell the other, and everyone else listening, our take on the other. I admire the man for what he is able to accomplish in the ring, if not his ethics in doing so. When he told me he could handle his own against me in the Scientific Rules match we competed in, I was skeptical. But I'll be damned if he didn't keep to his word and give me everything he could and then some. Still, it wasn't his arm that was raised at the end of the evening. That distinction belonged to yours truly."

"It'll be the very least that I can do when I return the favor and face him in this Hardcore Rules match that he has been so desperate to get me into. I still believe that he just wants a match with no rules, because in a fair fight, he was unable to get the job done. Trash cans. Kendo sticks. Steel chairs. Those are the tools he needs to try and put me down successfully in the ring. Not armbars, suplexes or step over toe holds."

"Well, it's all nice in theory, but there will be a very big difference in his accepting my challenge as opposed to my accepting his;"

"I won't lose."

Supercard Archives / Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:39:10 AM »
 "You know, in all the years that I've been involved in wrestling, I've aired countless promos and aired so many aspects of my personal life. I've let the fans in, so to speak, and they've gotten to know a little bit of everything about me over the years. But here's a little something that I'm willing to bet not many of you were aware of."

"I hate -- and I mean hate dentists!"

"Then again, that's not really very much of a secret, is it? After all, do you know of anyone who wakes up one morning and says to themselves, 'Oh, gee! I feel like paying my local dentist a visit! Oh! Better still, maybe he'll have to take a drill inside of my mouth! Hooray!'"

"Yeah. No. I doubt this visit would have been wreaking such havoc with my mind if Halloween hadn't just been a few short days ago and my sister and I had watched the horror movie 'The Dentist' on cable. Our own little tradition, if you will, since we were kids. The week leading up to Halloween? We'd watch one horror or monster movie per night. Unfortunately one night we just happened to watch a movie about a psychotic dentist -- and here I am."

"Well Bo, I have some good news and some bad news." Doctor Ryan said, re-entering the exam room with his assistant trailing behind him. Seriously, where is it stated that all dental assistants had to be young, blonde and buxom? Do they manufacture them at some form of ranch, like Playboy bunnies and those handsome UPS men that my sister seems to fawn over? (Don't tell her I said that.) In the dentist's hands, he was holding a set of X-Rays and looking them over. He glanced up and smiled. "Which would you like first?"

"I'm sitting in a dentist's chair, and he walks in and says he has some bad news?" I sighed. "Spoiled for choices." I shrugged. "I guess bad first. Least the good news will dull that."

"I think it will." Doctor Ryan said with a confident smile. "The bad news is that unfortunately that one tooth was cracked straight down the middle. Hence why you've been in such pain. It went straight to the nerve and as such, I'm afraid we won't be able to save it."

"I had that feeling." I nodded. "So the good news?"

"The good news is that the other two teeth were just knocked loose, so as long as you take it easy, avoid chewing, etcetera -- the teeth will take root again and they'll be fine. Maybe a little crooked but fine, never the less."

"That is a blessing." I nodded. "My sister was making meatloaf for our dinner tonight. Now I'll have an excuse not to have to eat it."

Doctor Ryan and his assistant Candice (Candy, really?) both chuckled at what they perceived to be a joke, and I guess it was. A truthful one, however. Abigail is nothing short of a whiz in a kitchen but the one thing she seems to have trouble with, is meatloaf. So why bother making it? The logic is lost to me. Pride, perhaps?

"So..." Doctor Ryan said as he set the X-Rays down and Candice maneuvered around behind me to place a 'bib' around my neck. "...I'm afraid we're going to have to cut that bad tooth out." And he walked over to the glass cabinet where I could clearly see the syringes and pain killers that he was about to inject into my mouth.

"Thanks, Gabriel. I really owe you one, buddy."

"You know, I've traveled extensively since my foray into the rough and tumble world of professional wrestling. I've been as far as Africa, Europe and Asia. I will go on record and credit the men in Japan as being the roughest and hardest hitting that I've ever opposed, but I seriously don't think any of the ones I've fought could hold a candle to Gabriel and that kick he nailed me in the face with. And trust me, I should know! The Japanese use martial arts kicks the way most wrestlers use their fists! Yet Gabriel hit me with one that really rang my bell harder than I can recall being hit before. All I remember is waking up with a horrible pain in my face and blood in my mouth."

"I should be angry with him. I should have sought him out, demanded a match against him and by all logic, forced a reckoning. After all, I had done him no harm. I played no role in what that blathering idiot Bruce Evans did to that boy. Quite frankly, I should have kicked Gabriel's ass. 'Should' being the operative turn of phrase. The problem was, I felt none of those things. Not really."

"Truth of the matter is, I fully understood just why
Gabriel responded the way he did when we found Despayre locked in that coffin. A coffin! I mean, seriously! Who in God's name would do that to another human being!? Especially a boy who everyone knows already has certain mental deficiencies! It would be akin to locking a child in a coffin! I have no idea how long Despayre had been locked in that coffin, but I saw with my own two eyes his reaction. I saw how the inside of the coffin was shredded by the boy's fingers, trying to get out. I heard the terror in his voice when he screamed for Gabriel to help him."

"That is why I can't find it within myself to answer Gabriel's attack in kind. I understand fully why he did it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to end up doing the exact opposite. When I saw what Bruce Evans did to that kid, I fully came to realize the level of cruelty that Blaque Hart was capable of. I'm not going to target Gabriel for that kick to the mouth that sent me to the dentist. I'm going to take this out of Evans's hide with interest. I'm going to make whatever terrors that were inflicted on Gabriel's friend's mind seem tame by comparison to what Bruce is going to be put through. Blaque Hart wanted a Hardcore Match, and he got one. I might never have been in one before myself -- and that is a fact I'm certain he was counting on -- but he obviously forgot that I was trained by a man that is by the very definition of 'hardcore'."

"Mister Parker's exact words? 'Show that bastard no mercy, because he sure as Hell won't show you any.'"

That's pretty much the reasoning behind why I had to visit that dentist, and why I was now stepping inside of my home in Oklahoma with half of my face numb and a mouth full of cotton. By all common sense, I should have went to a dentist straight away in Las Vegas, but if I have to be honest, I wasn't going to be coerced to visit any dentist other than my family's own. So I took the pain killers and put up with the agony for a few extra days until I got back to Tahlequah.

"Bo?" I heard my Grandmother's voice coming from the living room and I turned the corner, taking a detour from my intended destination of the kitchen for an ice pack and found the matriarch of my family seated in her chair, watching the news. "What happened at the..." She glanced up from the screen and I felt her concern immediately when she saw my face. "Oh no..."

She turned the television on mute and stood up from her chair and walked around the table beside it to get a closer look at me. She placed her fingertips from both hands on the sides of my face gently and tilted my head to inspect my face. She clucked her tongue and let my face go.

"Will you be needing...?"

"Is that Bo?" My sister interrupted as she entered the living room, wiping a dish with a hand towel and she caught sight of the condition of my face and frowned. "Ouch."

"Yeah." I murmured and tossed the keys to my car into a dish on the coffee table. "That about sums everything up perfectly."

"What did the dentist say?" Abigail asked and it was just as well she had come in, as the way my mouth felt, I was not keen on repeating myself. The less talking I had to do, the better.

I sighed and said simply, "One tooth was cracked and had to be removed. Two others were knocked loose but will reroot."

My Grams's face fell and she shook her head.

"So I suppose it's just soup for you tonight." Abigail added. "No meatloaf."

"Hunh." I jetted out my bottom lip  and looked to my Grandmother. "There's your silver lining."

Grandmother's eyes sparkled with mischievous humor at that crack and Abigail shifted a hand to her hip and gave me a scathing look, but one of humorous intent. She pursed her lips and shook her finger in my direction.

She said, "Just for that, I know what the first meal is going to be when you can chew again." She then looked at Grams and said, "I'll have supper ready in a bit. You want to finish watching the news while I get Bo to help?"

"Not particularly." Our Grandmother answered. "It's all just terrible to watch. That storm has hurt so many people."

She was, of course, referring to Hurricane Sandy, or what some had coined it -- Frankenstorm. This storm had brutalized the East Coast, leaving a trail of devastation in it's wake. Millions were without electricity, and roughly fifty or more tragically lost their lives. It had been a topic of discussion in our house since it had first started. Oklahoma had felt the winds and some heavy rainfall, as had Georgia as is my understanding from when I phoned Mister Parker to check on his family. He told me that his and his wife's friends, Tony and Derrick who wrestled Mister Ward and Jordan Williams at the last supercard, came to stay at their ranch with Tony's children until things cleared up, as they called New York City home.

"Well take a break from it then." I suggested. "Pop in one of your 'Golden Girls' and have a laugh while Abigail torments me in the kitchen."

"Which would be a laugh in itself." Grams smiled and she moved back around to sit in the chair, not to turn on one of her movies but to continue watching the news. That was just her way, it seemed.

I turned and saw Abigail head back down the hall and toward the kitchen and I calmly followed her. No sooner did I set foot in the kitchen than I smelled something actually good, and if it were her prepared dinner, I would hazard a guess that her skill at this particular dish had improved greatly. A shame then that I wouldn't be able to sample it myself to see.

"Here." Abigail said softy, shutting the freezer door and holding out, of all things, a large Wendys Frosty, to me. "I ran there as soon as you left. Had a feeling it wouldn't be the best of news."

I smiled my thanks as I took it. There was no avoiding it. Leave it to my sister to find even the smallest of ways to take care of her big brother. I walked over to the sink and opened the cabinet door to the bottom where the garbage can was, and proceeded to pull all of the cotton from my mouth and threw it in with the refuse. I then grabbed the nearest spoon and proceeded to dive into the sweet treat that would also have the added benefit of numbing the area where my tooth had been.

I stood back against the counter and watched as my sister opened the oven door to check on dinner, and then she shut it and moved over to the cupboards. She glanced my way and asked, "So how is it?"

"Great." I said thickly, shoveling another spoonful of the frosted treat into my mouth. "How could it not be?"

Taking a large can of soup from the pantry, my dinner I assumed, she shook her head and said, "No, I mean your tooth, or what used to be your tooth. Does it still hurt?"

I nodded, "It will for awhile, I guess. Pain'll go away on it's own in a day or two. The other two that got knocked loose will fix themselves."

Abigail grabbed a can opener from a drawer and opened the can of soup while she continued with her train of thought, "Is that going to be safe? I mean, you said this match coming up had no rules. You two could do anything to each other. What'll happen if he hits you in the mouth?"

"Well, I'll probably either end up paying another visit to the dentist or they'll fly out all on their own, most likely." I answered as she dumped the soup into a sauce pan and set it on the stove. "Either way it'll work itself out."

"Not funny." Abigail said as she turned on the stove to heat my dinner and then turned around, taking a brief break while talking to me. "Maybe they'll let you cancel?"

I tilted my head and smiled at my sister's ignorance over the business side of wrestling. "Over a tooth ache?" I joked. "Come now, Abbey. I've seen men wrestle with busted ribs. Surely I can do the same with just a couple teeth loose."

"A match like that, you could get hurt." She did seem determined to voice her displeasure at the notion of my going into a match where absolutely anything could happen. "You just seem more hard edged about it lately."

I nodded, setting the half full cup on the counter beside me. I said, "I feel a little harder edged. Have ever since the show was over."

"This isn't about you, any more. is it?" She observed.  "You've been talking about what happened to that boy ever since that show was over."

"You saw the match?" I asked. She nodded silently to confirm that she had and I sighed, "Then you saw what that bastard did to that boy?"

"I saw." She whispered. "So did Grams. She was, I guess 'horrified' is a pretty good way to describe her reaction."

I nodded and picked the Frosty back up and sighed, "That was pretty much how I felt too. That boy has ... problems. I don't know if his friends and family intend to do anything, but maybe they won't have to the way I'm feeling."

"Maybe not." I admitted. "It just feels like it. I just want to kick his condescending ass for doing that to him."

"You know what your problem is?" She asked, turning back to continue with our dinner preparations. "You feel as I you have to take the weight of the world's troubles on your shoulders. Now go keep Grams company. Dinner's almost ready."

"Yes, Ma." I joked and took my Frosty back into the living room and had a seat on the sofa to my Grandmother's left.

I leaned back into the cushions and turned my attentions to the scene on the screen, watching as the very location of the World Trade Center was flooded. I listened to a report on the millions living there, and how everything had been ground to a screeching halt. The subways were flooded. How were these brave people going to recover from such Hell?

"I was thinking of sending some money." Grandmother said softly, pulling me from my own thoughts. "There's a telethon that's going to air. I thought it might be nice if the three of us sent them something to do our part."

"A telethon, huh?" I nodded. I could donate as much as needed. I knew Abigail would, as would our Grandmother.

That was when an idea started to enter my mind.

"Do I really take the weight of the world's troubles on my shoulders, as my sister so eloquently pointed out? Who knows? I'm usually my own worst judge, but this is one case where I have decided to. This thing between Blaque Hart and myself has went on far enough to the point it's almost gotten tedious. We've had a couple of matches against one another, and each of us picked up a win against the other. The key difference is that while I got my win cleanly, he had to cheat to achieve his. Then we ended up in a couple of forced tag team matches, teaming up with each other. Yes, the one win we got was because of him. But might I also stress the fact that in our loss to the tag champions, he did no better than I?"

"And yet to hear this boastful buffoon talk, you'd think he could do no wrong. You'd think everything that has happened between us has been entirely in his favor. He talked big but what has he really accomplished here in Sin City Wrestling? Nothing, really. He's scored a respectable number of wins over quality opposition, including myself, but everything else he has fallen short on. Championship gold has eluded him so far, but that's none of his fault, not to hear him speak of it. No, of course not. The fact he has choked in every title encounter that he's been in is the fault of his opposition, or the staff of Sin City Wrestling themselves."

"Never his own fault."

"Well, Blaque Hart, the time for you laying blame on everyone else's door steps is at an end. I am so tired of listening to you run at the mouth, talking so much trash about the United States and yet not hesitating to swarm in here and cash your paychecks every chance you get. You seem to despise everything about America except for the money that lines your wallet."

"I've listened to you for so long, and by now it's gotten to the point where I just want to turn the sound off so I don't have to bother hearing you repeat yourself. I give you full credit. You knew what you were doing when you challenged me to this match. You knew that I had never been in a hardcore match before of any sort. You knew that it would put you at a decided advantage. Fine. I can admit that. But the fact is, Blaque Hart, is that I am tired of all of this false bravado that you put on, and I'm tired of the pain you inflict on others in your self fulfilling quest for greatness."

"What you did to Despayre was beyond disgusting, and yet you smiled. You actually found the mental anguish you put that kid through amusing! I hope to God his friends and family decide to turn your butt into mulch, but they're going to have to get in line after me if they want to do it. I was sickened by you using someone's fears against them like that without a care. I was sickened by the mere thought of what the after-effects of what you did. At first I was planning to just go into this match and wing it, as is the case for most hardcore matches. But your actions gave me a drive I didn't have before. Your cruelty is your own detriment."

"I avoided any form of hardcore match because of the simple fact that they are not 'wrestling', and they show no talent for skill or athleticism. They are just a cheap way to get a 'pop' from the crowd, and satisfy a modern lust for violence. You can't beat me cleanly, Evans. I already proved that. So now you have to have a situation where you can use a chair across my head or choke me out with a cable. That's fine, because you forget that these things you plan to do to me, I can also do to you."

"You just don't think I will. That will be your mistake, Blaque Hart. I might have had no intention before of doing this, but that's all out the window now, and by your own doing. I have had so many people refer to me as one of the nicest or more respectful men in this business. A distinction I appreciate, but I know that if I want to win this match -- heck, if I want to survive this match, I can't afford to be nice. I can't afford to respect you for being anything more than a leech who attaches itself to anything remotely successful in the hopes a little of that will rub off on itself."

"Because that is all you are, Blaque Hart. A leech. A common slug -- and I have no intention of being very nice to you."

Climax Control Archives / A haunting opportnity
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:41:02 PM »
 "I love Halloween. I always have."

"Ever since I was a kid and when Abigail and my parents were still alive, Halloween was by far my favorite holiday. I loved the whole costumes and Trick or Treat traditions. The horror movies and even as an adult, staying at home and passing out candy to the tots who would come to our door, begging for treats."

"After our parents passed on, Grams and Grandfather took up the tradition to take Abigail and myself out each Halloween once dusk started to set it. Some narrow minded individuals always thought she and I would be dressed as Native Americans, for obvious reasons. But no. We always enjoyed being creative with our costumes. I preferred monsters with the goriest makeup I could muster. Abigail always fancied fantasy females such as elves and faeries. Oh man, I just wish I could show you the picture of her in this really elaborate faerie costume from when she was eleven! Unfortunately though, beautiful as it was, she grew self conscious over the years and won't let anyone be shown."

"I can remember when as a teenager I was too old to go out Trick or Treating, I would stay at home with my grandparents and help them hand out candy. Not that I actually beat them to the door very often in order to do so. You see, handing out candy that one spooky night was a favorite for our Grandparents as well. The neighborhood kids always knew it would be worth coming to our house in particular because our Grandparents always had the best treats to give out. Not just candy, either, but popcorn balls and caramel apples. They had it all to give away -- what Abigail and I didn't help ourselves to when we were able, I should add."

"I even remember the one year Grandfather fell ill and could not take Abigail out, so while Grams handed out candy at home, I took it upon myself to escort my baby sister out for what turned out to be her last year to Trick or Treat. The following year she decided she was too mature for such silliness."

"Baloney, I say. Nobody is too old to enjoy this dark holiday with candy and movies, goblins and witches. It's just all a matter of having fun but doing it safely. That's why I went to the school board at the Sequoyah school and proposed what I thought would be an ideal way for the kids too old for trick or Treating to enjoy the holiday. It would also be 'safer' than seeing them running around in the dark, playing pranks or God forbid, stealing the smaller children's hard earned candy."

"Hey, it happens. Sad, but true."

All of this is why I'm in the kitchen of our home, working my butt off, trying to get everything ready. By now I probably smell like a sugar factory, given as many treats that my Grandmother, sister and I have dutifully prepared for this school party in which the three of us would be helping to chaperone.

I wanted everything to be perfect for the kids. Granted, they'd probably not even care how nicely these treats were being presented. They'd just grab and chow down -- which is probably what I would do if I were in their shoes. (Heck, I snuck a few myself when neither of the women folk were looking. Shh!)

"I still think you're over doing it a bit." Abigail said as she walked in and surveyed the sweet scene. All around us on every counter and all over the table were small plates and baskets filled with everything from caramel corn to candy apples, and my Grandmother's special sugar cookies decorated with colored icings to befit the holiday.

"How can you say that?" I shook my head as I looked about, apparently not seeing what she was. "Willy Wonka himself would be proud of what we accomplished in this kitchen."

"Yeah, my point exactly." Abigail smiled as she started to pick up some baskets in hand. "Are you sure enough kids will even be showing up?"

I nodded and followed her lead, picking up some plates with homemade rocky road fudge piled high one them. "I think so." I said as I followed her out into the hall. "It's not just the grade I teach that's coming. Everyone from the freshmen to the seniors were invited."

"I hope you're right." She said as we set down our load down on the tables in the hall, right by the front door. She turned around and dusted off her hands. "You sure spent enough on all of this."

"No more than you do when you cook for Christmas." Our Grandmother spoke up, stepping out into the hall from the front room where she had been prettying up some of the covered platters I had made up, filled with her homemade butter cookies. Just covering them up wasn't enough, apparently. They had to have orange and black ribbon and little ghost stickers as well.

Hey, whatever tickled her fancy. That's what I say.

"That's different." Abigail protested with a faux air of indifference. "That's Christmas."

"Yeah and that's just figuring for family." I smiled, reaching into a bowl and grabbing a handful of Abigail's caramel corn before she could so much as smack my hand for doing so. I popped a few pieces into my mouth and replied while munching, "This is going to be for a lot of kids so I want it to be fun for them."

"Mm hm." Abigail pursed her lips and pointed toward me with her finger. "And I'm sure the other teachers will be impressed with that caramel stuck between your teeth."

Hm, damn. I frowned and went toward the mirror that was hung on the hallway wall and picked at the spot with my pinky while I listened to my Grandmother speak;

"You can't tell me you don't want those boys and girls to enjoy these treats. You took a great deal of care making those candy apples."

She really did, actually. Anybody can shove a stick in an apple and dip it in hot caramel. But my sister took each one after she dipped them and added something special to it. M&Ms, crushed peanuts, mini marshmallows ... oh she did it all. If she thought it would go well on them, she went crazy.

"Oh, I know." I heard Abbey say, admitting defeat. "It was fun. I just want to make sure the night goes well for Bo, too."

Grandmother said, "It will. We'll be keeping him company and the other teachers and parents chaperoning will be bringing food too."

"Not as much as this candy glutton I call a brother is, I'll bet."

Damn, that took long enough. I gotta remind myself how dangerous caramel popcorn is on these teeth! Almost as bad as Milk Duds. Now those things are hell!

"You know..." I spoke up as I turned around the corner to approach them where they were chatting. "You two don't have to come with, if you'd rather stay at home. Trick or Treat isn't until next week anyway so there's still that if you'd rather..."

"Oh nonsense!" Grandmother said, waving off my concern with a flick of her hand. "Someone has to be there to make sure you don't eat all of this before it even gets to the school."

I had suspected they were only going with me to keep an eye on me or because they missed me from when I was on the road. This wouldn't be the first school function Abigail volunteered to help me with, with Grams coming with to help out any way she could. There was the spaghetti dinner to raise funds for the band, and a bake sale for the cheerleaders, as well.

It hadn't really occurred to me that perhaps they wanted to go simply to keep themselves busy. Grams always loved being around kids of any age, so I couldn't fault her for that. Abigail enjoyed helping me out at these functions simply because. I imagine it was also a way for my sister and myself to get our Grandmother out of the house more often, as well.

"Woman's got a point." Abigail said. "You've already eaten half the fudge I made for tonight."

I could not help but shrug at her, trying to look as innocent as possible (and failing miserably). "Hey, it's your fault. Not mine." I reasoned -- badly. "You should have made something other than rocky road."

"I did." She said with a comical sneer as she started to walk past me. "You ate that too."

"Oh yeah." I frowned, remembering. "I'm going to have to jog an extra mile just to work all that off."

"An extra five miles is more likely." Grams added, patting my stomach as she passed. Boy! Grandmothers really knew how to zing their grand kids -- and without fear of reprisal!

"Hey..." I called out in a sad protest, my hand on my stomach where she swatted it. "I am not..."

I glanced down and patted my own stomach. Oh. Maybe I am getting a little....

"Well it's your fault!" I called out toward the two women, following them into the kitchen. "All that good cooking you two are always coming up with..."

"And the Whoppers and Big Macs when you're on the road..." Grams said.

Abigail chimed in, "And the fact he can't seem to pass a Wendys without stopping for one of those Frostys."

"What is this!?" I called out, aghast. "Pick On Bo Day?"

Grams and Abigail shared a look and then said together, "Yes!"

Oh ... pth!" I stuck my tongue out at the two of them and blew a raspberry. "We still have a couple of hours before we have to get all this to the school. So there's time for you to go get ready."

"Ready?" Abigail frowned. "I'm ready."

I turned from the counter where I had started to load my arms up with plates of candy and looked her over. A tan sweater, a matching calf length skirt and her favorite boots. I kept my head down but looked up at her through my eyebrows and she stood firm, planting her hands squarely on her hips.

She asked, "And just what is wrong with what I have on?"

I could not help but feel the smile grow on my face. She didn't "get it" and that little bit of info just made me feel all the more smug.

"It's not very fitting for a Halloween party, is it?" I asked, smiling wide.

It dawned on her. I could tell the moment she understood what I expected as soon as I saw her frown. She started to shake her head.

"Oh, no. No way." She said, waving her hands, palm out. "I have not worn a costume in since I was a kid, Bo."

"It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, Abbey." Oops. Used her least favorite nickname -- again. (heh) "Just a little something to suit the occasion. I am." I shrugged and jetted a thumb at our Grandmother. "Grams is."

Abigail turned to her and her frown turned to a raised brow of surprise. She asked, "You are?"

"Why not?" Grams replied, taking a bite of a sugar cookie. "I'm a good sport."

"And young for her age." I winked, then turned to my sister with an overwhelming sense of superiority. "C'mon Abbey, er, Abigail. You don't want to be the only one standing out, do you?"

Abigail looked back and forth between Grams and her beloved brother (that's me), before she huffed and snatched a plate off of the counter and 'stormed' off into the hall. I laughed (albeit silently) and held my hand out to Grams and she slapped her palm down into it in an amusing 'low-five'.

Any worries my sister had about the student turnout was unfounded as the school's cafeteria was packed with teens from freshmen to seniors, each one in costume to take advantage of the evening's good will from their school teachers, directors and family volunteers. The lights were kept low for atmosphere and theme music from scary Halloween movies was playing through the school's sound system.

An entire table set up back against the wall was filled with treats from not just my household, but a number of others. We really wanted these kids to have a safe and fun celebration, and it appeared they were. I looked around from where I stood against the far wall with my own family, and saw so many kids in the most colorful and elaborate of costumes, many with plates piled high in their hands while they talked and mingled with their peers.

Grams was chatting with two teachers, and I noticed Abigail maneuvering her way from the table after having freshened it up and approaching me. I couldn't help but smile at how great she looked. If Mister Ward saw her dressed up in this medieval style gown and feathered ball mask, I think his heart would thump right out of his chest. Our Grandmother was just as sweet, in her black and red sweater, Mickey Mouse ears atop her scalp and a little black smudge on her nose, just because.

What was I wearing? Well given my long hair and the shape of my face, I happened to fall to the ideas of my students (the girls that is), and I ended up as a Native American version of a Lord of the Rings elf. I doubt I'd ever live it down if Mister Parker saw me dressed like this, but then Mister Ward told me about a party where my mentor was dressed up like Julius Caesar so I don't have much to worry about.

Abigail arrived at my side with a plate filled with cookies and a few pieces of fudge and handed it to me. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my little sister?

She said, "The kids look like they're having a great time."

I nodded, enjoying a bite of butter cookie before I responded, "I'm glad, and a bit relieved."


"Hey, I was hoping this would all work out for the best but I have to admit, I was a little worried not very many would show."

Abigail smiled and leaned against the wall at my side.

"So you have to leave in the morning for Las Vegas?" She asked casually.

"Yeah." I said, keeping my eyes closely on the kids dancing on the open floor. "I'll get back sometime Monday evening if all goes well. Then I have to get ready for the big show." I looked over my shoulder at her and asked, "You and Grams are coming with me for that one, right?"

"Yes." She answered with a nod. "Though I haven't told her yet what kind of match you let yourself get hoodwinked into."

"I didn't get 'hoodwinked' Abigail. the man challenged me, and I accepted."

She turned to look at me and I hated seeing that kind of worry in her eyes. I knew already she was thinking about my injuries and what a match with no rules could do to them.

She said, "You could have turned it down."

I chuckled and shook my head, "No. No, I couldn't have. Not if I wanted to keep forging ahead there. He accepted mine, so what's fair is fair."

"Your challenge didn't involve the loophole where he could bash your head in with a trash can, Bo."

"Point well taken." I admitted. "But I guess it's just an aspect of the business. Or a guy thing. I have to do it. I accepted. The contracts are signed. It's a done deal."

"You're going to have to tell Grams sooner or later what you got yourself into." Abigail pointed out. "You know that, right?"

"I know." I said quietly. I turned to her and gave her my best smile. "Everything's going to be fine."

She gifted me with a shoulder nudge before the two of us turned back to watch the kids enjoying themselves. Everything would be fine.

It had to be.

"Well, I had been hoping for some time for another opportunity at an SCW Championship, but I have to admit that this isn't quite what I expected."

"I will be the first to admit this puts me in an awkward position. And I'm not saying that because the bosses have a nasty sense of humor that put me with Bruce Evans for a partner -- again. I'm saying it because I never really saw myself as a tag team wrestler. I've been wrestling for a number of years now and it was just something that never drew me in. I just could not see myself just standing there on the ring apron, watching someone else wrestle while I waited to get tagged into the match. And yet, here I am! Not in just an ordinary tag team match, but a match competing for the Sin City Wrestling Tag Team gold."

"This is going to be a daunting task, to say the very least. Again, I'm not referring to the fact that the man watching my back as my partner will most likely end up stabbing me in the same back he should be keeping an eye on."

"No, I'm referring to the simple fact that the team that we're trying to dethrone has never suffered a loss together as a team in the three years that they've been together. That is one monumental accomplishment and I don't know of any other tag team in wrestling history that can even touch that. I asked Mister Parker if he knew of any, and you know what he said? There's just never been a tag team like Despayre and Gabriel in the business before. I believe that."

"I did what I always do when faced with wrestlers I've never opposed before. I studied them. I looked up every match I could of them in both SCW as well as their old stomping grounds in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, and my god I've never seen such teamwork! They really are bonded like brothers, let alone close friends. And the fact that they are as different as night and day both personally as well as professionally makes them all the more troubling to try to handle."

"Gabriel is as fine a competitor as you could ever hope to set foot in the ring against. I would certainly rather have him for a friend than an enemy. What else can you say about a man who was the very first Heavyweight Champion of the SCW? His loss was controversial in itself, but the man is just talented! He is a skilled technician but takes to the air to throw off the opposition. That is where I am going to have to focus on countering. Gabriel has earned his place in the business. The man has my respect for his work ethic and the fact he can blend his ring style with showmanship like I've never seen before. If he's watching this right now, I want to wish him the best of luck. I'm hoping to work a bit of magic myself and do what nobody else has been able to do; dethrone the Sins."

"His partner, Despayre, I just do not know what to think about that kid! I have heard stories about his past a bit, random locker room gossip I guess you might call it, and it's disheartening to think what he's been through. Yet it's quite heartening to see what he's managed to fight past and accomplish with his own shortcomings. The thing is, whatever you might think would hold him back, almost seems to empower him. I have watched every match I could find of this young man, and I repeat; I do not know what to do about him! He is small in stature, but where you might think that would be a hindrance, he uses it to his advantage. I have watched so many of his opponents struggle just to get a hand hold on him. He's like greased lightning to get a hold of, and just about as dangerous once you manage to. Despayre is a gifted aerial wrestler, and that can be countered, but the times when he just seems to, I guess 'snap' is the word for it, I don't know of any counter for competing against an animal. And by animal I mean absolutely no offense. That is just the first word that comes to mind when I see him just go on the attack. He appears hard enough to get a two count on, let alone a three count!"

"The ironic thing? Mister Parker told me about a time a few years back when they first started wrestling when Synn brought them to the Parker ranch for a training session. He put them through the ringer a bit, though not nearly as rough as he still does to me to this day. He told me basically the same thing that I tell you; Gabriel and Despayre are as different as night and day -- and that's exactly what makes them so dangerous together. Their styles blend perfectly, but what's more important? They actually care about what happens to the other. They may not be blood, but they are brothers."

"I can not say the same about my own partner, but if he can keep from kicking me when I'm down (again!), then I won't German suplex him on his head, either. I'm going out there with every intent to walk away with the tag team belts with new owners. Gabriel and Despayre -- good luck my friends. Blaque Hart Bruce Evans  -- don't even think about doing what I know you're thinking about doing!"

Climax Control Archives / Compromising situation
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:07:09 PM »

I approached the waiting area at the airport in Tulsa and saw those two fabulous ladies waiting for me. My Grandmother was the first to come up to me with her arms held wide, a waiting invitation to envelope me in the warmest of embraces. Say what you will, but you are never too old to enjoy a grandmother's hug. I hugged her as tightly as I dared without squishing her (when did she get so petite?), and then slowly separated myself from her arms and turned to spot that sister of mine, waiting for her turn. She was as 'bubbly' as a young girl as she beamed in pleasure, grabbing me in a fierce hug and I had wondered if she ever intended to let me go.

This was a ritual I never grew tired of when I returned home from being on the road. Normally my trips for Sin City Wrestling only would last a couple of days, three at the most. I had a brief period of time off from tours for SCW, but the last two became extended and I ended up away from home a lot longer than I intended, or cared to be. I know a lot of people would look to me and ask why I was having such a negative attitude towards the touring overseas, especially that of Asia. The answer is actually pretty simple once you think about it;

I worried. I couldn't help it, but I did. I know my Grandmother and sister were home alone and any time I was away from the homestead, I privately wondered what was going on that I might not be privy to or if something might happen when I'm not there to prevent it. I guess that couple be seen as being somewhat chauvinistic. It's not intended to be, believe me. I see it as more of a 'big brother's prerogative' when it comes to Abigail, and as far as our Grandmother? I'd be ashamed of myself if I didn't think I had to worry about her.

Of course, try telling either of these two strong-willed women this. I called home constantly while I was touring Asia, even after I realized what kind of phone bill I was racking up. And what does my dear sister do? Did she listen attentively at the stories I have to tell about what's been happening? The sights that I've been seeing? Did she quietly listen while I bemoaned how much I missed her and Grams? Of course she did. That's the duty of a little sister! Right before she chewed me a new one for paying more attention to her and Grams at home when I could be living it up in Thailand or Japan! Here I am trying to find out if Grams was taking her medications, or if Abigail had heard back from her divorce lawyer without having to deal with Darius, and she's telling me to lighten up, get off the phone and go have fun.

(And by 'have fun' I strongly believe that means buy the two of them plenty of goodies so that they can live vicariously through me.)

"Okay, so..." Abigail said with a flourish I adored when she and I ended our shared hug. "We could go on and on, asking for details about where you were, who you saw and what you did, but I think we can all agree that's best left saved for dinner conversation."

She cast a look back to our Grandmother who nodded with a comically stern expression that I don't think a blind man would have been fooled by Abigail then turned back to me and she continued, "So I think the simplest way to do this is to simply cut out the middle man and give us our presents now."

"And does the man who bought your presents have any say in when I give them to you?" I asked, shaking my head and trying my best to look exasperated.

"Technically, I suppose." Abigail answered, then she shrugged. "But it's not like we'd listen. We'd just keep pestering you until you caved anyway."

"Oh." I nodded. "So it'd be like any other day of the week."

"Hey!" Abigail scolded me with a playful swat to the shoulder that stung, despite the fact she held back. One of these days Grams really needs to teach her how to hit like a girl. (Don't tell my Grandmother I just said that!)

"Fine..." I sighed, defeated. I lowered myself own to my knees and winced. Luckily for me, Grams had been looking the other way, her attention diverted by a soldier returning from another flight to his family that were waiting. Unfortunately Abigail had been looking my way and her light-hearted expression quickly shifted to a frowning concern.

Abigail was the only person who I had actually confessed to my problems -- my physical problems, meaning the lingering injuries to my back and neck. She was also the only one who knew that I was taking a specific medication to make the pain from those injuries somewhat tolerable. It was only a small technicality that I only had to tell her because she found said pills while doing a simple load of laundry. I don't know if she would have actually told our Grandmother, but I doubt it. She was aware Grams had enough to fret over and think about without this hanging over her head. Plus I don't think my baby sister would want to hurt or embarrass me should my little secret be discovered.

I stood upright again, holding the two packages in my hands.

"Okay, but just these first two. I have a few others being delivered and in my luggage but those you'll have to be patient for until we get home."

"Us? Patient?" Grandmother asked with a smile as her outstretched hands accepted the package gratefully.

"Force yourself." I replied as I handed Abigail her own. "And before you reduce that paper to shreds, I'm going to have to ask you to wait a moment. I need to speak with my favorite sister."

Abigail looked up, her fingers already seeking the nearest vulnerable area of that wrapping to tear it free. "I know you're not referring to me." She quipped with a tight lipped smirk. "I'm nothing but a pain."

"While that may be true," I said, taking her arm with my hand. "My point remains the same. We'll just be a moment." I said with a wink to our Grandmother who had sat down on the nearest chair with that brightly colored package on her lap.

Our Grandmother said, "Is it alright if I just have a little peek?"

"No!" I said sharply but the smile on my face must have been infectious because she returned it --- followed right with her sticking her tongue right out at me right there in the center of the airport.

Abigail and I didn't go far. Just far enough away so that we couldn't be overheard and with enough people around us to shield us from certain prying eyes. I didn't care if our Grandmother was in her seventies. She had some pretty sharp eyes and even sharper ears.

"How's your back?" Abigail asked me as I steered her around a corner and stood still. "I saw you... I mean, I saw."

"I know." I answered, not wanting to give any details so as to give her any more reason to fret over my back than she already was. "That's why I wanted to talk to you. Did you bring them?"

She frowned. I knew she would, and I knew she would be even more hesitant. She looked around, the discomfort on her lovely face all too evident. I hated this. I hated making her so uncomfortable, but it wasn't something that could be helped since she was now 'in the know'.

"Bo..." She started to say but didn't seem able to bring herself to finish.

"Abbey..." I started to speak, and saw the look on her face when she shot me such a look. I knew she hated it when I called her 'Abbey' but I think that's also why I did it. My own personal responsibility to nitpick and tease my baby sister with habits she detests. "Just please give them to me? I couldn't take them with me to Asia, and had to resort to herbal teas which didn't do much besides make me sleep."

"I hate doing this." She frowned as her hand slipped into the pocket of her long, floral print dress. "I was hoping you'd be better by now."

"Hm." I forced a smile, despite the bitterness I felt deep inside for this bad deal I had been dealt by the Fates. "Hope springs eternal."

She took my hand and squeezed it, and I felt it covertly slipped into the palm of my hand. She looked up into my eyes and I saw the pain that was in them. I felt ashamed of myself enough when nobody knew about my problem, but now seeing this in Abigail's eyes, I felt positively miserable.

"Thank you." I whispered and she just nodded, not saying a word. I nodded back towards Grams across the ways and went on, "Go open your presents. I'll be right back."

"Hurry up." Abigail said quietly while she turned around and headed back to where Grams was seated, chomping at the bit like a child to open her gift.

I glanced down at my clenched hand and turned and started walking, looking for the nearest men's room. I found one easily enough, and slipped inside. I was amazed that nobody was inside, but took it as a blessing so I need not feel the awkwardness of the situation any more so than I already did. I looked down at the bottle of pills in the palm of my hand and felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Well, this wasn't exactly what I had been expecting, but then again I shouldn't be surprised by anything that I end up booked in. When Blaque Hart Bruce Evans challenged me to a Hardcore match, his own specialty as he preferred to think of it as, I figured that we'd be set against each other right away and bring this particular chapter to our careers to a dramatic close."

"Apparently I thought wrong. It would seem Mister Ward and Mister Underwood think this match would be best suited for the next Supercard, whenever that may be, and until then, we'd play a game or two to better amuse the fans paying to be entertained. I guess I can understand that, but it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

"Competing against a man like Blaque Hart is one thing, but to be coerced into teaming up with him and being expected to actually trust him enough to watch my back? Forgive me but I simply don't see the wisdom in putting us into such a precarious position. I don't trust Bruce Evans, and I'm pretty sure that he would say the same thing about me. The only thing that might be a glue that holds our team together is a respective desire to win."

"So can I count on that, Blaque Hart? Can I count on this insatiable need of yours to play a trump card and walk out the winner, so you won't end up stabbing me in the back? Let's save that for later."

"As for our opponents, you can't get much tougher than Goth or Argento. One man is a champion, the other is a former champion. The tricky part is that one beat the other for his championship, and so I'm going out on a limb here and saying their team won't have much more cohesion than my own with Blaque Hart."

"Goth is a feared man inside the ring, and even more so out of it. He's a veteran, and one of the most sadistic psychological masterminds that has ever been a part of this business. I mean, anyone that would go so far and stoop so low as to try to mangle that teddy bear of Despayre's just on a whim is sick and twisted, and knowing Goth, this is all flattery to him. I was not surprised when he won the SCW Roulette Championship. It was bound to happen that this man would wear gold around his waist. He did, and he will again soon. That I'm certain of. This is the first time that he and I have ever met in the ring, and I could only wish it was in a one on one encounter because his ring type is one of the ones I enjoy competing against the most. Perhaps another time, but for now, I'm going to have to share you Goth. Just please don't insult me by thinking you're going to intimidate me. I was trained by Austin Parker. That man intimidates me!"

"And Argento, the current SCW Roulette Champion. I bet you're looking forward to the first time you get to defend that championship of yours. I was the same way. Yes, I'm a former Roulette Champion myself. I know what it's like to hold championship gold around my waist, and that championship you wield specifically. I'm not after your title. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps another time. I just want you to understand that I know what it's like to be in your shoes, and the simple fact being in a roulette divisional rules match will not catch me by surprise. true, it's not how I prefer to spend my time in the ring, or wherever else I may end up to compete in the match, but I know to expect anything and turn it to my advantage. As the Roulette champion, you've already proven that you can do the same. I respect that, but I won't let that respect shift any kind of advantage to you. I may not be the greedy type, but I want this win Argento. You're just going to have to deal with Goth on your own time."

Supercard Archives / Taking care of business
« on: September 19, 2012, 04:13:16 AM »
 I am not normally someone who enjoys shopping. I admit I find it to be somewhat of a waste of time to walk into a store or a mall for the sole purpose of browsing and/or window shopping. I just feel like there's so much that could be done and accomplished aside from wandering around a mall or Target or ... wherever and just looking at stuff. If I don't have a list when Grams sends me to the grocery, I'm lost.

(That or I wind up returning home with the wrong brand of something or other but that's neither here nor there.)

If I have to go to the mall or some department store, it's for a specific reason. I have something I want to buy. I walk in, buy it, walk out. Simple, yes? Not when you have a Grandmother and sister who feel the opposite way that you do, it isn't. I've never understood how those two can spend so long at a Target or a Wal-Mart, and even longer at the local mall. Seriously, who spends an entire day at the mall just looking around? My family, that's who. And it's yours truly who always ends up doing the driving because I realize shopping is one of our Grandmother's simple pleasures that she can still indulge in in her late years, and I want to be there for as much of it as possible. I can only be thankful that they just do this once every other week.

So I have to sit back and ask myself; why am I enjoying this?

I'd spent most of the morning here at this quaint street market here in Tokyo, and found myself genuinely interested in much of what the proprietors were selling in each one. There was everything from arts and crafts to fresh food, and even pastries and the like. I found myself quite surprised when I ran across another stall where an elderly gentleman was selling Native American weaves that one might hang from their walls. They were of beautiful quality and handmade from what I could gather. I wanted immediately to buy one or two for home (and did), but that did not stop me from insisting on authentic Japanese goodies for my two special ladies back home.

(And maybe a gift for Brandi Shotze as well.)

I had already decided that both Grandmother and Abigail would get kimonos. Heck, I was tempted to get one for myself as well. How can you not look at that colors and artistry of those gorgeous robes and not want to indulge and get one for yourself?

I knew that Mister Parker was somewhat annoyed at me. He hated shopping even more than I did, but I saw him looking at those same kimonos too when his wife had her back turned or was moving toward another stall to look about. He wanted to get straight to our training session at a colleague's gym. I'm sorry but this wasn't going to wait. I had cut my first promo against Blaque Hart and with a second still in the waiting list and training to come, I was going to have precious little time to do a little shopping so I could pick up some souvenirs for my family that was waiting back home.

I also had a little bit of a side stop that I had to make here, myself.


I turned at the sound of my name being called and spotted Ms. Angel over at a stall across the street. She was waving to me and I scooped up my bags and headed on over to see what it was that had caught her eye and how it involved me.

She asked me, "Are these what you were looking for?"

She stepped aside and motioned with her hand to draw my attention to a large table carefully decorated with an allotment of porcelain and wooden nesting dolls. For those who aren't aware (or who haven't read the appropriate promo), a nesting doll is a series of sculpted dolls, each smaller than the last and placed inside of the other. Grams had always wanted one and it was one of the main reasons behind my little shopping excursion today.

"Yes!" I smiled and moved around the table to inspect them while a kindly looking elderly Japanese woman smiled and waited patiently. I had to admit that I was spoiled for choices and wished my Grandmother could see them and choose the one she herself liked best. Each one was decorated subtly with paints and carvings and appeared as smooth as silk to the touch.

"Found `em?" Mister Parker asked as he joined us at the booth, and a quick glance from both Ms. Angel and myself allowed us to see a couple new bags in his hand from that booth that was selling kimonos. I knew he would! "Maybe now we can get going and get to the gym?" He offered and was promptly swatted in the stomach by his wife. He rubbed the spot with his free hand and frowned down at her (and I mean 'down' -- he's 6'5" and she's 5'4"). He asked, "What the hell was that for?"

Ms. Angel said, gesturing toward me, "He's trying to pick the perfect one for his grandma. Give him some breathing space."

I heard a quiet 'huff' behind me and knew without looking my mentor had just performed a dramatic roll of his eyes. I didn't dare turn to look or else the smile I had on my face right now would probably earn me a few extra body slams when we got to the gym.

I leaned down over the table to look at a few of the ones on display in the back, and sighed. I stood back upright and brushed my hair from where it had fallen over my shoulder and smiled at the 'granny' who was presiding over this and smiled.

"It's so hard to decide." I said, whether she understood English or not. "They're all so beautiful." And they were. I swear if I were a rich man, I would have bought them all. Each one had a quality that the other did not and that had me thinking Grams would like the one, then the other. I probably would still be struggling for a choice when Mister Parker came to the rescue.

"Hey." He gave me a tap on the shoulder. "What about that one?"

He pointed at a small tree in a ceramic pot where another was one display. It was sculpted out of a pure, white wood and decorated in a simple and tasteful way with just a hint of colored oils. It was perfect.

"Yes." I nodded and pointed toward that one in particular. I didn't want to touch it myself. I had heard to just start grabbing these products was considered rude in Japan. The woman smiled and reached for it herself and once she had taken it down, she held it out to me. As I had it in my hands, I knew this would be the one my Grandmother would have selected for herself as well. I looked up and smiled. "How much?"

The old woman nodded and must have understood at least that much because she answered me with, "6216."

"How much!?" Mister Parker exclaimed and that got him another smack to the stomach.

I looked at him and had to smile as I said, "That's just $79." and I held it back to the woman with a nod. I reached for my wallet with my exchanged currency while she carefully wrapped the doll in sheer, white paper and laid it inside of a small box. She tied a string around it to keep the top on and handed it to me while I passed her the money.

"Are we ready now?" Mister Parker asked, emphasizing the word 'now'.

"Not yet." His wife answered before I could. "I saw another booth i want a peek at first."

"This is gonna be the death of me." Mister Parker jokingly (?) said as we followed her from the stall to the courtyard of the street. "We've spent all morning here and if ah drop over here an' now, yer only gonna have yerself to blame. Then how are you gonna feel?"

She didn't miss a beat when she answered, "I'm going to feel like I'm no longer shopping with a five year old."

Mister Parker watched with a frown as she moved across the street to another smattering of booths and stalls. He turned and pointed a forefinger at me and warned, "An' you jest wipe that smile offa yer face." before he started to follow his Ms. Angel. he paused when he realized I was not following and turned to ask, "You comin'?"

"Not yet." I answered. "I'm going to check something else out for myself. I'll just be a bit and I'll meet you right here in a few."

There we saw it! The rolling of the eyes!

I watched him head off and then turned around myself and walked along the street and passed many booths until I came to a small store in an equally small building on the corner of the street. I knew enough from my past tours here that this was an herbalist store that sold traditional Japanese herbs used for cooking as well as to heal varied ailments.

I had already bought an extra large bottle of Advil at the local store in front of the Parkers, claiming I was feeling under the weather and didn't want to take any chances of being ill before the actual show. But the truth was with my actual prescribed pain killers still at home, my back and shoulder were tightening up on me with alarming regularity. I suppose I could have brought the meds with me, but I was traveling with friends and didn't want to risk them seeing in case the screening personnel at the airports questioned me about the pills.

A couple of the men I worked with here in Japan around two or more years back swore to me these helped when brewed in a tea. So who was I to judge? I figured anything is worth a try when I was hoping to ease the burden of the pain I was in constantly.

"お困りですか。?" The older man behind the counter asked me the moment I stepped through the door and the small bell overhead had signaled he had a customer.

I sat my bags down by the door so as to soothe his suspicions in case he thought I might slip a little something extra in them without paying, and approached.

"ください。" I knew a little Japanese, but was afraid that it was incredibly rusty given I hadn't been here in well over a year. So to make matters simpler for the proprietor and myself, I had written down the herbs that I was looking for along with a Japanese translation (thanks google!) on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

He looked it over and read that I was asking for ginger, noni and ginkgo biloba. Each one used for treating pain of varying degrees. He looked at me with a toothless smile and nodded before he walked back to the rows of shelves he had at the back of the store with so many jars filled with different herbs that had been crushed into a fine powder. I watched as he selected the three that I had asked for and placed them on the counter and proceeded to measure small amounts into small, plastic bags. I would have thought he not giving me enough had I not been forewarned how potent these sort of herbs were when taken in their natural state. But the Chinese and Japanese had been using them for centuries so who was I to judge?

He placed the jars back where they belonged and then put my purchases in a brown, paper bag and held it out to me as I passed him the amount he had written on the bag. I only hoped these would do the job. I'd wait until the day of the show and my match against Bruce Evans before I took these so I'd be at running at full capacity.

I tucked this into my already bloated shopping bags and scooped them up before I headed back outside again. I just turned the corner of the building and walked back into the market when a heavily laden Mister Parker carrying all of his and his wife's shopping bags stalked toward me.

"There you are." He called out. "What the hell exactly did you need in this part of the square?"

I shrugged. "Tea herbs." I answered innocently enough. I mean, technically it was true.

"What exactly qualifies a person to label themselves a 'wrestler'? The use of this term is thrown around rather aimlessly these days, which is sad. When you think of a wrestler, or more precise, a professional wrestler, what do you think of? Me, I think of a man or woman who is a skilled athlete in the ring. Someone who can do more than drop a leg on their opponent or pick a smaller opponent up for a body slam. These days it seems that anybody can use the term 'pro wrestler' when describing themselves just because they possess the ability to step through a set of ring ropes. Can you swing a chair? Why, you must be a pro wrestler. (insert sarcasm here)

To me, a professional wrestler is just that. A wrestler -- in the literal sense of the word. Not someone who relies solely on size and strength to get by coupled with a clothesline and a legdrop. But more so someone who can spot a weakness in an opponent and wrestle them down to the mat and exploit said weakness. Someone who can work a certain body part until it's completely useless and then move on to the next, until the opponent is ready to hand in the proverbial towel and call it a night.

I've been asked who I think are the best wrestlers in the sport, past or present. Many of you might be disappointed in some of my answers but I can tell you who I do not think fits the bill. Men like John Cena and Batista for one. John Cena is charismatic beyond compare and strong as an ox, but as far as actual clinical wrestling ability? I'm sorry but I do not see it. Batista was big and strong, but that's it. His size made him intimidating and that alone is what he had going for him. Also, Ric Flair. Yes, the Nature Boy. As much of a legend as he is, it's hard to call a man a wrestler when he mainly seems to chop and kick, and every match is seemingly the same thing night after night.

As hard as it is for me to say this because I enjoy the ring style so, but aerial competitors don't fit the bill. To me, that style is acrobatics, not wrestling. I apologize, but it's true.

The best? Easy, Austin Parker. "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward. Dean Malenko. Bret the Hitman Hart. Lance Storm. If I might bring the ladies into this; Miss Linda and Susan Sexton, a woman bar none in technical expertise on the mat.

Notice how nowhere in the above did I mention Blaque Hart Bruce Evans?

Reason being he had shown me no reason to place him in the same category as the above men and women. And before he says so, no, he is not better than any of them.

Blaque Hart Bruce Evans likes to speak of himself in a vaunted sense of self worth, but when you get right down to it, he has shown very little aside from the fact he is capable of cheating to come out ahead of me in a match. Anybody can pull the tights or use the ropes to get a victory, which is exactly what Blaque Hart had to resort to in order to put my shoulders down on the canvas for the one-two-three. Any other time or place, he would have been defeated soundly, but no. Not that night, and not by any just means.

You can boast and brag all you like, Blaque Hart, but you can't ignore the fact that you had to hold onto my trunks to pin me. Well, you might be able to ignore it. You have thus far. All I've heard from you is how you beat me, but you never seem to be able to bring up just how[.i] you managed to do so. It's just as well. Everybody save for the official saw that little rule infraction, but it's about to be corrected.

Boast all you will, but I knew very well that a man with an ego the size of yours would never be able to pass up the chance to shine in the spotlight of a major Supercard like 'Violent Conduct'. And you can insult me as much as you feel the need, but the fact remains you continue to brag about beating me so there must
have been something about me worth bragging about. You don't brag about manhandling a jobber in the ring, but when your opponent makes you bleed and sweat, then you can brag. And you've done more than enough for the both of us.

Even from before our match, I watched you and what you were capable of inside of the ring. I can admit it; you are a dangerous competitor -- but, I wouldn't exactly call you a wrestler. Now here you are and you've went and accepted my challenge to a match where there are no short cuts. You're going to be in front of several thousand people watching your every move and there won't be any excuses for when you end up flat on your back for the one-two-three. Or who knows? I have a few new tricks up my sleeve. There's always the option of tying you up in knots so tight that even the Boy Scouts wouldn't be able to figure them out and you'll have no other option but to cry 'Uncle'.

Either way, everyone here in Tokyo and watching the world over is going to find out you're the third best wrestler in the ring that match -- because even the referee could wrestle circles around you.

Supercard Archives / Confidence and concerns
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:58:11 AM »
 I can't remember the last time I was looking forward to a booking so much. There's not even a championship on the line, and yet so much is at stake here.

It's been a couple of years since I've been booked to compete in Japan, but back then I was touring or the independent promotions in that country, not for my home promotion that I was signed to. This is the first time Sin City Wrestling would appear live in Japan, and I couldn't be happier that I would be a part of it. A couple of the other wrestlers who knew I had been here a time or two even asked me to lend a hand in the sight seeing and be their tour guide. I told them that I'd give it my best shot. I had to admit that when I had been here before, there wasn't a whole lot of extra time for sight seeing when you worked for a Japanese promotion. It's an aggressive style with an even more aggressive work ethic, being on the road near six days a week and you'd be lucky to get a full day off in a two or three week working period. Everything else was training and public appearances.

It was one reason why I was heading to Tokyo extra early. I wanted some time to enjoy this trip for what it was and have the opportunity to be a fan as well as a wrestler. I also had a bit of a quest, if you will, because my Grandmother asked me for a very special souvenir. I'm not sure if any of you are aware of what a nesting doll is. It's one of those porcelain dolls where you take the top half off and there's another doll in likeness and style inside, and you take that one's top off and there's another -- well you get the point. That's what my Grandmother asked me for, and I wanted as much extra time aside from our promotional appearances to do my shopping. I do not intend to leave Tokyo without finding one for her, and perhaps a nice kimono for Abigail. I do not dare return from this trip without a little something special for both or else I'd never hear the end of it.

This all was a bit of an added reason as to why I laid out that challenge to my opponent for 'Violent Conduct' in Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. Don't get me wrong; I wanted to put that smug upstart in his place, and see that perpetually smug expression of his go sour when he gets beaten on one of the biggest shows of the year. But I'm far from being undefeated. I've lost before, and I'll lose again. I've been knocked down a peg or two myself thanks to a low blow or someone holding the ropes. But challenging that man got me booked on a show in a nation I've been aching to revisit for some time, and would give me ample time to see it as I was unable to before. Call me sneaky.

Perhaps I've learned a thing or two a bit too well from Mister Parker.

I looked to my side at the airline seat to my right and there sat my mentor and trainer, in the flesh. He took me aside and told me that he had not been to Japan since that fateful match he had years ago for Generation-X Wrestling. For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, Mister Parker had a big grudge match against none other than Hot Stuff Mark Ward for the GXW World Championship. A badly timed maneuver caused Mister Parker's head and neck to get caught between what should have been ring ropes but had been replaced by barbed wire.

It had not been a work, nor a shoot. It had been an accident. They happen in this business, but that one caused more harm than it should have and had done severe damage to Mister Parker's neck and the muscles in his back to the point his doctor said if he stepped inside of the ring again, it could cost him more than he would be willing to pay. It could cost him his ability to even walk right, from what I was told. That had to have been a truly sad day for Mister Parker, to realize his career inside of the ring was so cruelly cut short.

I could understand now why he had not returned to Japan. If something that traumatic had happened to me, I doubt I would want to venture to the origin of that nightmare. I knew it was taking a lot for him to make this trip, but there was no way that he was going to let his wife come to Tokyo by herself. Well, she wouldn't really alone. I'd be around and so would her friends, Tony and Derrick who were actually going to be competing in a legend's tag team match against Mister Ward and Jordan Williams.

I cast a casual glance to my right, past Mister Parker and saw his wife asleep in her own seat, her head on a small pillow rested against the window. Then I looked around and just across the aisle, there they were. Tony and Derrick, or as I knew them as a fan over ten years ago, Thunder and Chippendale. I have to admit I was beyond excited that these two were going to make a one-time return to the ring, and I would be there to see it in person. Part of me wishes I would be sitting there in the front row as a fan, but backstage on the TV monitors would have to do.

Thunder was a big guy, and even for first class he seemed a bit cramped in his seat while he tried to sleep on this long flight. Derrick was awake and keeping himself busy, reading a book Tony had bought for him in the airport gift shop. It was sort of what I was trying to do myself.

I looked down at the Kindle that my sister had bought for me as a gift a couple weeks ago before I had left Oklahoma to start my part of this tour. She knew how much I loved to read, as did Grandmother. Heck, my bedroom and half of the living room had been taken over by book shelves filled to the point of clutter with books I had collected over the years. Grandmother told me if I kept it up, at that rate there would be no room left for us to live in. Hence Abigail's gift of this e-reader. I still wasn't quite used to not holding an actual book in my hands, as I looked down and tried once again to get into reading the 'Fellowship of the Ring,' the first in the trilogy of the 'Lord of the Rings'. It's a favorite of mine, one I've read many times, but this time I just seem to keep letting my mind become preoccupied with other thoughts.

"Will you stop fidgeting?"

I looked up from my 'book' and to Mister Parker beside me and he was giving me one of 'those' looks he seems to have perfected over the years. I wasn't sure what he was referring to but in my infinite wisdom, I responded with;


He rolled his eyes and said gently so as not to wake up his wife, "Yer the only person ah know of that can't get comfortable in first class. You haven't stopped fidgeting since take off."

I thought for a second. 'Have I been fidgeting?' Hunh. Who knew? I looked back down to my Kindle and shrugged. I said, "I never really have been the best flyer."

"It's been smooth since we took off." Mister Parker stressed. "And it is First Class. Why don't you just put that thing away and get some shut eye? Make this plane ride go faster for you if that's the case."

"I'm all right." I responded, shaking my head. "Just not used to First Class I guess. I feel almost guilty riding up here when so many of the others are back there. Plus the money..."

"Stop yer bitchin' Bo." He said in all the gentle manner I have come to expect and appreciate (yes I am being sarcastic) over the years. "SCW booked the flight reservations for everyone back there. Anyone who wanted to upgrade to First Class had the option."

I looked at him and smiled, "I didn't upgrade though. You did that for me."

"That's right." He retorted. "Ah did, and ah paid for it so stop worryin'. It's done."

"I just don't like people spending money on me is all."

"Tough." He said with a smirk. "It's not like it's the first time ah've done it. Plus who do you think yer foolin'?" He turned and gave me a wicked little grin, even for him. "You jest wanted to be hanging back there with that gal, Brandi Shotze."

I ... didn't really have much to say to respond to that. Anything declaring my innocence would have gotten him to call me a liar. Anything sarcastic probably would have seen him put him in some torturous submission hold right there in the aisle of the plane. So I did what any man in my position would have done. I shrugged and went back to my reading. Or I tried to at least.

"If it makes you feel any better, you don't have anything to worry about."

Both Mister Parker and I looked over to his wife, who everyone referred to as simply Angel, or Ms. Angel. Mister Parker frowned and said, "Ah thought you were asleep."

She came back with, "I did. And i woke up to hear that so-called pep-talk you gave Bo, here." She leaned over and looked at me, "You don't you know. Have anything to worry about."

I shook my head, "I'm not worried about the match."

She answered, "I know. That's a given. Bruce Evans is a skilled wrestler but you have him beat by a mile when it comes to ring training. Luckily you had a competent teacher." She gave her husband a smirk.

"He still does." Mister Parker said as he leaned back in his seat and clasped his hands on his waist, then shut his eyes to try and get some rest. he continued, "Day he stops bein' muh boy is the day he retires himself."

I couldn't help but smile. That was always the way Mister Parker thought. A student only stops being one when he retires, and the fact he still referred to me as 'his boy' always brought a smile to my face.

Ms. Angel went on, "But I wasn't referring to the match. The conclusion to that is a done deal. I was talking about worrying about your sister."

"Abigail?" I frowned. "Why would I be worried about her? She and Grams are keeping each other company..."

"And you're not there to watch over them as you prefer to." Ms. Angel finished. "They're in Oklahoma, and here you are heading for Japan, a good six thousand miles away."

"Six thousand." I muttered and turned back in my seat and just stared ahead, blowing out a breath. "I never really thought about the distance before."

"Good going." Mister Parker mumbled and I heard something that sounded suspiciously like a swat to someone's arm. I could only imagine what that had been.

Ms. Angel continued, "You've already told us, Bo, that you were worried that Abigail's husband would try to get her back or pull something when you were gone. Like you believed he thought it would be safe to do so while you were gone."

I replied, closing the Kindle and having given up on trying to read for the time being. "Yes, well, he hasn't exactly been making any attempts to get to her while I was at home. Abigail told me one he was scared of what I might do to him."

"And he may very well be." Ms. Angel replied. She then leaned over and slapped the back of my hand with her own. "But give your sister some credit, huh? I met her. She seems like a very strong willed woman with a mind of her own. She never would have called you to come get her that night if she didn't. Plus it's not many women who can resist Mark when he decides to pour on that British charm."

Mister Parker's eyes opened a bit and he said, "Is that so?"

Ms. Angel turned to her husband and said, "He's never tried."

"Good thing, too." And his eyes closed again.

Ms. Angel looked back to me and shook her head with a smile. She then said, "I can't tell you not to worry. You'll do that anyway, Bo. My kids are at their grandparents. I know they're safe and sound, but I worry anyway. It's part of human nature. Just know that your sister is safe, and try to relax. We'll call them as soon as we land to let them know you're okay and you can see how they're doing. Okay?"

I said nothing but silently nodded my head. I watched her turn back and close her eyes, setting her head against the pillow again to try and sleep.  It was still dark outside through the plane's window, with just the faintest hint of the coming dawn over the horizon. If we called home when we landed, it would probably wake up our families from their own rest. I imagine it would be night time or something to that like back in the States.

A stewardess passed by and asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I politely declined. I reached back and shifted my seat to lean back just a bit so I could relax but not disturb whoever was behind me. I closed my eyes and tried to coerce my mind to go anywhere but back to Oklahoma.

"This match against Blaque Hart was just a formality. If I didn't have the confidence that I could beat him in such a match as I devised, I never would have challenged him to it. All I see him do is rough house and pull shady tactics to walk away with the win -- especially when he did so over me. He boasted and acted like the match against me was a drawn conclusion, that it proved who the superior athlete was.

I guess it proved one thing; that he had to cheat in order to pull off a win over me.

That won't be the case this time. It won't even be possible this time. There won't be any cheating in this match, Blaque Hart. You won't be able to throw any closed fists, pull any hair, or even lay in a stomp with your boots. And if you think you'll be able to pull a fast one from out of the referee's sight with a quick choke or grabbing my tights again to get the pin against me, think again. This time there's going to be two referees, not just the one. And what one doesn't catch you trying, the other will.

This one will be all about wrestling skill. Stamina. Technique. I don't know about you Bruce Evans, but I've had the absolute best in training since I got my start. That training has yet to stop, and it will be continuing on after we arrive in Japan. You can talk as much as you want to, but in the end, running your mouth won't be doing you any good to walk away from this match with a win. It's going to be all about what we can do in that ring, and I'm willing to bet that I can get done just a little bit more than what you are capable of."

Climax Control Archives / Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
« on: August 31, 2012, 06:26:56 PM »
 Before anything else, I am sincerely hoping that we can refrain from any of the typical Indian in India jokes, if you would be so kind? For one, I'm not Indian. I'm Native American, and have been proud to be so since the day I was born.

I have to admit I was looking forward to this tour of Asia that Sin City Wrestling had embarked upon. I didn't get booked for Thailand last week, but that's okay. A couple of years ago, I had been booked on a one week, three show tour of the nation and the scenery was nothing short of breath taking. I would have enjoyed visiting again with a little more wiggle room for sigh seeing, but as I had been there once, I had no room for complaint. It gave me precious little time to spend at home with my family until it was time once again to take off overseas. With promises, of course, for presents for the ladies in my life for when I returned home.

However I had not been lucky enough as of yet to get to see India in person so I am both pleased and grateful to have gotten booked on this particular show. Blaque Hart Bruce Evans is a skilled competitor, bar none, and I believe he and I will give the fans a real treat once it's our time inside of the ring. The rest of the tour, both China as well as a potential return to Japan, are intriguing thoughts. But for now, I intend to enjoy India as much as possible.

I can't even begin to tell you all how much my sister and Grandmother pestered me to remind me to make certain to have enough batteries for my camera to take as many pictures as possible of these sights in India. New Delhi is one place both ladies can agree on that they wished to be able to see. So experiencing it vicariously through my camera would have to suffice. I know enough how much of a tourist I must resemble. No real sense in denying it. I might as well kick back and enjoy it until Sunday looms its ugly head.

The one good thing about these tour stops is there is only one show per week, which gives all of us who are working for the SCW plenty of time to enjoy the sights before each show should we be lucky enough to arrive early. Of course we have the obligatory fan meets and autograph signings, interviews and some of us with special TV appearances. Those are to be expected, and not something to be taken for granted. If we want to succeed and get our names out there, it won't happen by sitting in our hotel rooms or running our butts off, seeing the sights.

As Mister Ward and Mister Underwood both said before this tour first started; It's a working holiday.

I had to admit to myself a hint of surprise that many of these New Delhi fans of professional wrestling knew who I was. India doesn't exactly have the market of the sport, but news travels fast with the internet and television so the arrival of Sin City Wrestling was met with much excitement.

Today is the first day of my arrival, a Wednesday, and I had no chance to really get settled in or to see any sights. It was a pleasant room that I walked into at the hotel. Small, but comfortable. I didn't need much, really. I really didn't plan to be here any more than necessary. I wanted to make the most of my time here, so all I needed really was a place to sleep and refresh myself. Unfortunately I didn't even have time to do that.

No sooner did I set my bags down in my room than my hotel room phone rang. I crossed over and picked it up, and felt a curious frown on my brow as I answered, "Hello?"

"Blimey, Bo! I was wondering when the bloody hell you'd finally get your arse into town!"

Of course. Mister Ward. Even without the British slang I'd know the voice anywhere. I brushed my fingers back through my hair and could feel the grit. I needed a shower and a good wash after that plane ride.

"Well you didn't tell me I had to be here any sooner." I said, perhaps a bit more defensively than I probably should have. I guess being tired doesn't work too well for me. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing wrong. Well, `cept for the `tude." I could hear the humor in his voice but it didn't stop me from regretting how I spoke so quickly and frankly. "Someone needs a nap!"

"That would be nice." I said, admitting to both him and myself I was about ready to crash. "With any luck I'll be doing so after a quick shower here in a minute."

"Er... I know you'll hate me for saying this but that's going to have to wait, mate."


Mister Ward elaborated on his end, "It's the reason why I'm calling."

"You mean besides to show concern for where I was?" I quipped. "You're as bad as my Grams."

"Careful ya smart arse." He replied with a laugh in his voice if not outright. "I got her number. bring her name into this and it's open season!"

"Oh fair enough." I protested humbly. "You win. But you cheat."

"I know." He admitted. "But that's why I win."

I set the hotel room's phone back on the bedside table and sat down, and almost immediately wished I hadn't. It was incredibly comfortable and made me wish I could just forget about the rest of the day and sleep sleep sleep. But it would appear duty called.

I asked, "So, what's up?"

He answered, "We have a bit of a meet and greet set up by the India Gate. It's a big deal and we could use one more to be there if you'd be so kind."

I groaned and said, "Playing on my good upbringing and manners is not playing fair, Mister Ward."

"Of course it's not." He said. "That's another reason why I win. Plus we set it up there so you guys and gals could get in the sight. It's a big deal for New Delhi, the India Gate. Bring your camera."

"Alright. What time?"

"I'll have a cab sent over within the hour. Time enough for you to get changed and prettied up."

"I think I'm pretty enough as it is."

"Alright, now enough's enough." Mister Ward laughed. "My ego must be rubbing off on you. See you then."

"Bye." I said as I hung the phone up and fell to my back on the bed and heard myself sighing with exhausted pleasure. I imagined that I could have said no or at the very least, asked for this day off because of this jet lag, but I never seemed to be able to do such a thing. It's all part of the job.

Slowly I sat up and started to unbutton my shirt so I could jump in the shower. It was time to get to work.

I wish that I had told Mister Ward that I would have found my own way over to the India Gate. On the way over in the cab I watched a trolley go by and I had an immediate desire to hop on the thing and just go wherever it might take me. Luckily I still had plenty of time after today to so just that. I have never ridden a trolley before, and one can never be too young to indulge in a whim. But I was here now and I had to admit I was pleased to not having passed this up.

The India Gate was a marvel to behold.


It is the national monument of the nation of India, and commemorates the 90,000 soldiers of the Indian Army who lost their lives while fighting in World War I and the Third Anglo-Afghan War. It is inspiring to say the very least, and I felt the perfect place for those of us in the SCW to meet the people of this proud country. As it turned out, the event was being held here as the sun started to go down in the sky and overhead we were blanketed in colorful hues while the stars started to peek out from overhead. The lawns of the great Gate were filled with fans who were lining up along the tables erected for the SCW stars in attendance.

I cast my eyes down the table during the beginning and recognized a good many men and women seated side by side, signing the pieces of paper and 8x10 photographs that were being handed out for free. The Seven Deadly Sins were there, as was Jordan Williams. Odette Ryder and the rest of the NXT team were gathered together. I even saw a few who were not booked to compete on this show, but were arranged to be here for promotional purposes -- the Party Girls for example. It just went to show how seriously SCW was taking this tour, to spend the money for their stars to appear for the fans even if they were not to be in the ring this coming Sunday.

"Bo Dreamwolf."

I looked up from signing a photograph passed to me and found a small family standing in front of me. A young mother and father and two even younger, small boys. The parents wore warm smiles on their faces but the two boys, whom I assumed to be their sons, seemed positively ready to fire off into orbit. They had that glistening light in their eyes, matching he bright smiles on their faces that I believe is one reason why many of us begin our foray into the wrestling business to begin with. It never gets old seeing children that excited to lay eyes on you and meet you face to face, as if you were some sort of living, breathing superhero.

"Hey there." I said, looking from one of the boys to the next. "How are you doing?"

I offered my hand over to them and both boys eagerly grasped it, one at a time and gave it a hearty shake. They looked to their parents and eagerly awaited with smiles as the dad asked me if I would mind standing with the boys for a photograph.

Oh Lord. As tired as I've been, I can only imagine I look like proverbial Hell for photographs, but it was not something I could outright deny. Well I could, but I wouldn't.

"Of course." I said and I stood up and slid through the small area between the tables until I was standing in front where the fans stood gathered. I placed my hands on both boys' s shoulders and gently guided them so that each was standing on one side of me. I slowly kneeled down between them and they put their small hands on my shoulders and waved to the camera their father was holding and I gave it a 'thumbs up' with a smile of my own.

Once the flash went off, both boys made this happy 'whooping' noise and ran to rejoin their father and mother who both thanked me profusely. I made certain they knew that no thanks were needed, and I proceeded to thank them. I held up a forefinger to give them pause and grabbed two of my 8x10's. I signed my name to both along with a little personal message for each boy and passed them over.

You'd think I had just handed them a handful of gold, the way their faces lit up. The father shook my hand and they moved down to the next superstar at my side. I made my way back behind the table and sat down as more fans lined up before me.

No, I never really got tired of this.

"I can't say that I am disappointed to find myself in the ring once again with Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. As anyone out there would know, this isn't the first time he and I have met inside of the ring. We have a bit of a past I guess you could say, and I am not ashamed to tell you that he is a competitor that I have come to respect inside of the ring. For all of his, I guess you could call say 'personality defects', he is a skilled wrestler and one of whom could dethrone any champion in the SCW. The only flaw he has, I guess you might say, is his ego of which he has quite a large one."

"I was proud when a wrestling newsletter spoke about our past match and gave it such a rave review. Four stars it rated us out of five. Quite an accomplishment when that same newsletter did not give some main event matches the very same. I could only imagine what Blaque Hart and myself would be capable of if there were championship gold on the line between us. But there's not. It's just him and me, and the only thing on the line is our win-loss records and pride."

"No gold on the line, but I can assure everyone that he and I both have the same in our sights. I can't speak for him, but I have never lost sight of the accomplishment that has thus far eluded me, and that's the SCW Heavyweight Championship. I have no excuses for my past trail of unsuccessful attempts at that title belt. The other men at the time were simply the better men. But I have to admit I grow tired of people who say that I have either lost the drive or desire to get what needs done, done. I have heard some say that I just am not trying as hard as I could."

"If that's what they want to believe, then fine. Let them. I know my desire for this business, and what I want to get done in it. I have sat back for long enough while others have stepped past me and taken something that I long to have around my own waist. If they want to believe that I'm not capable of getting the job done, or that my heart is not as into it as it once was, fine. I have no qualms at showing them just how very wrong they are."

"Blaque Hart Bruce Evans will simply be the first in a long line to learn this lesson the hard way."

Supercard Archives / Uh oh
« on: August 10, 2012, 09:23:07 PM »
 Well, I have to admit; This is nice.

Given everything that's happened the past few weeks, finding myself on a cruise liner like the Royal Monarch was an unexpected pleasure. I had been trying to think of ways to take my mind off of things like my chronic back pains, my sister's troubles with Darius, and the ever constant world of drama that seems to be professional wrestling. I've tried to divide my full attention to all of these little situations, but I have to admit lately I've been feeling like I've been getting pulled in opposite directions. I want to devote my full attention to finally getting that Heavyweight Championship around my waist, but it's not easy when you have a family member that you dearly love in need of your aid. Then you start focusing on them and realizing to help them, you need to succeed at your goals and for that, you need to devote your time to those goals.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I was happy to be getting another chance at the SCW Heavyweight Championship, and to have a wrestling performance on an actual cruise was unheard of. I asked Mister Parker is he ever heard of something like this and he hadn't. It was just another example of the shifting winds of the wrestling landscape, and the way the minds of Mister Ward and Christian shifted along with it. My mind reeled at the obvious questions like would the ship be sailing still or in a port during the show, and if it was still moving, how would that affect our performance in the ring given the unsteady nature the ring would be under. I want to win this. I need to win this, for more reasons than just to be professionally recognized as the best at what I do -- although that is certainly a lofty goal.

Mister Parker is somewhere on this ship right now with his wife, his children at home in Georgia being watched by their own grandparents as I'm told. I'm guessing the Parkers are using this little trip as an excuse for a second honeymoon. After so many years of being married, they deserve it. That's why I've avoided going to my mentor and yes, friend, as much as possible with everything that's been happening. he doesn't need me showing up at his door step at every turn with him picking me up when I feel about ready to fall under the weight of these burdens. I can't fathom going to Mister Ward because he's my boss and I don't want to fall under the same category as Nick Jones, running and crying to my friend when something isn't going my way.

So I've found myself just trying to relax these days leading up to this six-pack challenge, taking advantage of the days with the fans and my family. I have to admit I am so grateful that Mister Ward took the initiative to make sure my Grandmother had a booking to come along on this cruise. It took some convincing on my part, as well as that of Abigail and Mister Parker himself to get her to agree to come. But she did, and what's more, a third ticket just so happened to be worked into the deal and Mister Ward wanted my sister to accompany us. I know very well this romantic Lothario had his own reasons for wanting Abigail to come on this trip, but the man also has a heart, hard as it might be for some fans to come to understand. I knew he saw that third ticket as an excuse for Abigail to get as far away from Darius, her soon-to-be ex-husband as she could. He would have no access to her here on the open seas while she could find time to be her own person. It gave my Grandmother the chance to do something she'd never done in her long life. And me? It gave me the chance to temporarily forget my own troubles and responsibilities.

As I said, this was nice.

I found myself walking through the casino, a rather impressively large one for being on a cruise. Though who am I to judge? Like my Grandmother, I've never been on one. I've been to casinos before, however, during my forays in Las Vegas as a part of SCW. (And no, no jokes about casinos on reservations, please!) It was hard not to as they seemed to be everywhere, from hotels to even convenience stores. Some of the guys practically dragged me to some casinos here and there while we're in town, saying going to Las Vegas without hitting a casino is like going to a strip joint without tapping some.... well, you get the picture. Here on the ship there was a slew of blackjack tables, as well as roulette, Caribbean stud poker, craps and slot machines. From what I could see, this appeared to be one of the more popular of the activities offered, especially amongst the adult crowd as children were not allowed in here. I heard random cheers and good natured calls. I guess that means some people were winning. I wish I could know what that was like. The few times I tried my hand at these games I wound of on the losing end, and that kind of sucks.

I had three colorful drinks in my hand, two of which had those funny little umbrellas sticking up out of them. Those would be for the ladies. I'm sorry, I might be all for trying new things but if Mister Parker saw me drinking something with an umbrella in it, I doubt I'd ever hear the end of it. I weaved my way around several of the slot machines and gaming tables, to come upon a small table where my sister and Grandmother were seated, taking a bit of a break from the gaming. At the start of the cruise, I had handed them both a couple of envelopes with a little gambling money inside. they had tried to protest my giving them money to play the games with but this is one of the rare times I won out. That or they just let me think  did. I wouldn't put that past them, either. They certainly made use of the gift, and more successfully than I ever had. Abigail had already doubled the money I had given her. My Grandmother had won a few times but not nearly as well.

(Oh and for the record, a couple of the boys had lured Abigail into a few rounds of poker on deck -- and lost. Oh where were the cameras when that happened?)

"So, how's the winning going?" I asked as I set the glasses down and slid them to their respective recipients. I took a seat in one of the two remaining chairs and asked, "They make you two stop before you put the casino under?"

"Hardly." Abigail smiled as she picked up her glass and had a drink. Grandmother sipped her own through the straw. Abigail went on, "We just wanted a break. We've been in here for a couple hours now."

I shrugged and said, "Well, no saying you have to stay in here all day. There's plenty to do besides gamble. There are shows in that theater, a movie is always playing, music and dancing lessons, swimming...."

"Yeah, your friend mark suggested I go swimming, too." Abigail rolled her eyes and took another sip before setting her glass back down. "But I have a funny feeling he just wants to see me in a swimsuit."

I smiled and turned to my grandmother. "What about you?" I asked. "It's been years since you got into a swimming pool."

"Bo, it's been years since I've fit into a swimming pool." Our Grandmother retorted, causing both my sister and myself to laugh. She went on, "I might enjoy sitting out in the sun by the pool but I am too old to be putting on a swimsuit and dallying in the water."

Abigail shook her head and huffed, "Oh please. There are people older than you getting into that pool, so don't use age as an excuse. I think it would be good for you."

I agreed, "I think Abigail is right."

Grandmother said, "I think you both need to hush about the matter before I toss you both overboard."

Abigail and I looked at one another and in perfect timing, we went, "Oooo!"

"Mind if I join you?"

The voice came from out of nowhere but the smile on Abigail's face told the story when before any of us could answer, the chair beside me was pulled out and into it flopped Brandi Shotze, probably the only person signed to Sin City Wresting that I could freely admit intimidated the living crap out of me.

I snuck a look at my two female relatives and both were smiling at my expense, knowing full well this little corner I seemed to have found myself backed into regularly in regards to this rather well-endowed young woman. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I dislike her. i just never met a woman who was so ... forthcoming in her intentions. She was open and outgoing, and I had to really admire the fact she simply did not care what others thought of her. She was being herself and to her, that was all that mattered. If someone didn't like it, that was their problem. not her own.

She reached over and grabbed the drink that was in front of me without a second thought and asked, "So how are you folks enjoying this little boat ride so far?"

"It's my first, so I'm not much to judge." Grandmother said. "Still, it is pleasant. I'm glad Bo convinced me to come along. It does an old woman good to know her grandson cares about her enjoyment."

"Mm, he is a caring person, isn't he?" Abigail smiled, resting her chin on her hand and milking this situation for all it was worth. "Any girl would be lucky to have him."

I stared at Abigail and tried my best glare to get her to end this little bit of fun at my expense but I should have known better than to think I could accomplish such a task.

"Abbey..." I started to say when I felt a hand slap hard on my thigh. i turned my head and Brandi was smiling at me as well.

"Yeah, he's a real work of art, isn't he?" She said, turning back to my family but not removing her hand.



"Your hand?"

"Oh forget about that hot stuff. Just a friendly pat on the leg."

"That's not my leg."

Brandi looked down and blinked, her eyes popping wide open. She looked up and mouthed, Wow, before saying aloud with a smile as wide as her bust size, "My mistake."

Grandmother's eyes closed but her shoulders quivering told me she was having little success holding in the laughter. Abigail had her hand over her eyes and she was shaking with mirth as well. I just had my eyes closed tightly and felt my face grow hotter by the second.

"I think I need a drink." I said and slowly stood up.

"You have one." Abigail laughed. "Well, had one."

"I'll go with." Brandi said, standing up. "I could use a belt of something myself."

"You have something." i said, pointing to the drink that used to be my own. "Right there."

She responded by picking up the glass and downing the entire contents in one fell gulp. I could not help but stare. I blinked and shook my head. I looked back at my sister and Grandmother who looked equally impressed.


I said aloud and started away from the table, and to the bar with Brandi accompanying me. despite the small level of discomfort, I still moved chairs aside for her to pass through and allowed her to go on ahead of me. Say what you will, it's just how I was brought up. We arrived at the bar and Brandi promptly slapped her hand down on the counter, causing a few starts behind the counter as well as those sitting at it.

"Can I help you ma'am?" The first bartender asked as he approached us.

"Yeah I'm going to need a bottle of Bud." she said, rubbing her chin. "And gimme a shot of Jack on top of that."

"Of course." he then motioned towards me and asked, "Is this together?"

"Yeah." I sighed, resigning myself. I was not going to let her pay for her own drinks while in my company. "Just get me the same."

The bartender nodded and turned to get our drinks as I fished my wallet out of my back pocket, only to find Brandi leaning back against the bar, an effect that seemed to make her ample bust seem even more...ample. An effect I'm certain she was well aware of.

She pointed at my wallet and smiled, "I woulda got that for ya."

"I'm sure." I replied, and for some reason, found myself smiling at her assertive nature. I said, "You're pretty straight forward, aren't you?"

"I have my moments." She answered, turning back around. "`Specially when I see something I like." And she clapped me on the back and I almost dropped my wallet when a searing pain suddenly went right up my back. Brandi frowned at my reaction and turned aside against the bar and asked me, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah." I nodded, taking a deep breath and gathering myself from the sudden shock. "Just a bit of a back spasm."

"Sorry." She said and turned away to watch as the bartender set our drinks on the counter. "Didn't know you were hurt. Didn't mean to..."

"It's alright." I said sincerely and handed the man the cash, including a healthy tip. I imagine he'd be earning it with Brandi nearby. "You didn't know. Not your fault." I picked up the shot glass and Brandi did likewise and I found us clinking the shot glasses and we tipped them back and downed the contents. I coughed and set the shot glass down and almost wheezed, "Wow. Strong stuff."

"I thought it was mild myself." Brandi responded and I found myself appreciating her candid nature. Of course she would. She set her own shot glass down and grabbed the bottle in front of her when my sister and Grandmother approached us.

"Where are you two off to?" I asked. "I thought you were going to stick around."

"Well we heard Gabriel was going to put on a bit of a show for the cruise." Abigail said. "I wanted to see it but Grams and I thought we'd do a little shopping at the souvenir stand first."

"You just enjoy yourself, you two." Grandmother said, patting me on the hand and not even giving me the chance to suggest I tag along. I watched them make their way out of the casino when I felt a pair of hands grip my shoulders and begin to knead my shoulder blades. While I had been distracted, Brandi had moved behind me and taken it upon herself to start giving me a shoulder massage.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well if you have to ask I'm not doing it very well." She quipped and gave me a sharp smack on the backside. "Now be quiet and let me try this."

I looked up at the sympathetic expressions of two of the bartenders and sighed as I let her work her fingers into my back muscles. It felt good, I had to admit. At least until her fingers hit the wrong spot and my beer bottle flew out of my hand and spilled along the counter.

"Sorry!" I called out and the bartender raised a hand to indicate that there were no hard feelings. The other had another one set in front of me and I slowly picked it up and I found Brandi frowning.

"That should not have hurt." She said. "It was just a little massage. Are you sure it's just a little back spasm?"

"Sort of." I answered truthfully and took a long drink from the bottle in my hand.

"Well come on then." Brandi said, taking my arm and directing me toward an empty table big enough for just two to sit at. "You can tell me how you hurt your back, and I can tell you how I can make it all better."

I allowed myself to be steered toward the table, all the while thinking how I was going to get even with Abigail and my Grandmother for abandoning me like this.


I wasn't certain how long Brandi and I had been sitting alone at this table. It was kind of lost to me now. It tends to happen when one engages such a woman in a shot drinking contest. Each of us had a row of six shot glasses in front of us, and a few empty beer bottles to boot. We both watched as a waitress cleared the empty bottles away, and returned a moment later to get the empty shot glasses, leaving the two each that still had tequila in them. It was just our second round of beer -- I think. I wasn't sure either how many times the shot glasses had been replaced.

I just know I was feeling quit a bit more relaxed than I was previously.

Brandi leaned forward against the table and picked one of her shot glasses up. She said, "japan, huh? That's how you did it? Shit." She downed the shot and set it back down in front of her, gritting her teeth.

"Shit. I hear that place is the toughest to compete in, and we're heading there, huh?"

"Yeah." I nodded, taking up my own shot glass and tossing it back. The bite of the strong alcohol coursed through me in a pleasant, burning sensation and I put the glass down. I wavered my hand toward her, blinking heavily. "If you get booked on that show, be ready because that style is... is insane."

"Damn." Brandi shook her head. "I'm looking forward to it."

I shook my head and found myself smiling, "You are something else, you know that?"

Brandi picked up her remaining shot glass and nodded, "I'll take that as a compliment."

I picked my own and we both downed them.

Brandi asked, "How's the back now?"

"Who's back?" I asked with a smile and she busted out laughing, slamming the palm of her hand down on the table.

A waitress walked up and asked, "Another round?"

"Sure." I said. "Why not? The night's still young."


My head hurt.

My mouth felt like it was stuffed full of cotton.

I swallowed and my throat felt dry.

How much had I drank? And how did I manage to find my way back into my suite? I didn't want to open my eyes. The beds in this ship were just too unbelievably comfortable. I stretched and my back admittedly felt better. I brushed my arm to the side and up against the other body in the bed.

"Morning." I heard Brandi say.

"Morning." I answered.

Okay, my eyes opened.

Supercard Archives / Taking that first step
« on: August 04, 2012, 04:26:43 PM »
 So much has happened over the past week that I have to admit that I'm having a pretty difficult time in processing it all.

Several years ago when I met Mister Parker for the very first time, he and I had a long talk about the business of professional wrestling and family, and how at times one will always tend to over shadow the other. He said that when you become a professional wrestler, and if you have family at home, be it siblings, a spouse and children, or like me, a grandmother, you will have to take a respite from being at their side in order to further advance your career. Initially I didn't understand the concept of for what sounded like literally abandoning your family, but as he explained it and I later came to understand, if this is your dream and you're using it to support that family, then there will be times when you have to step away from them in order to do what's needed to help provide for them.

I admit I scoffed, although not openly but I know Mister Parker knew what I was thinking. After all, he had thought the same thing when he first entered the business and when things really took off for him and he had to leave his home and family for weeks at a time. It was rough for him, he told me, but in the end if the bond was there, then their family would endure. And it has. Mister Parker and his wife have been married for nearly sixteen years. He told me once that he was one of the few wrestlers on the road who never 'indulged' himself with extracurricular activities, in other words -- ring rats. I believe him. Although they had tried with him and still do. I remember once with Mister Ward watching him reduce one adamant girl who wouldn't take no for an answer to tears in order for her to get the message; his family meant more to him than a cheap moment of company.

I thought I could do that and perhaps even better, still and always be there for my family. I might not have always succeeded with the company issue, but as far as my family I always made certain my grandmother was always watched after while I was on the road or touring a foreign country. Whether my sister would come to watch over her, our neighbor who is like family, or even the Parkers who would often have her stay at their home in Atlanta, she was watched over and taken care of. So in that degree I felt a bit of success.

A shame I realized too late that while I took all precautions to make certain she was cared for, there was another who was dear to me I am ashamed to say I perhaps overlooked. I know I've discussed the relationship between my sister Abigail and her husband, Darius, numerous times, so I'll try to avoid boring you with repeating myself. Needless to say, things were worse between them than I had imagined. I knew they argued quite a bit, but I never knew how much, or how vehemently.

Not until last week when Abigail called me from out of the blue to ask me to come to Oklahoma City to pick her up. She had left Darius.

You see, I always knew Darius had control issues when it came to all aspects of his life, especially when it concerned his wife -- my sister. He wanted her to be a house wife, to concentrate on being the mother of his children and to care for their home. Now please don't misunderstand me. Taking care of a home and children is work, believe me I understand that, but not going out into the world and holding a job simply wasn't my sister's style. But, she did it anyway because Darius asked her to and she loved him. She didn't see it for what it was; a manner for him to control her. She had little money to call her own save for the pitiful allowance he allotted her on a weekly basis and when he moved them from her family's side to Texas, I saw it as him removing our influence, mine most of all, from her. Darius knew in our family we would always stand by the other, and he did not want my grandmother nor I to be there to put any doubts into Abigail's ear as to her role with her husband.

I didn't let that stop me. I loved my sister and risked much to voice my opinion against her husband. Grandmother knew, as did Abigail herself, that I disliked Darius with a passion I can't ever recall feeling towards anyone. He systematically manipulated my sister into complete dependence on him, and I hated him for it. But still, my sister wanted to handle things her own way. She wanted to make this marriage work despite the negativity she endured on a ritual basis. She was just that kind of woman; strong and determined. She stood by Darius against any onslaught he suffered from me, and I only stopped when I believed it might risk the very bond she and I had since we were children being raised by our grandparents.

And then Darius made one fatal mistake in judgement; He decided to try and use his lawyer to have our Grandmother declared incompetent and thus nullify her signing the family house over to me. Darius was a greedy bastard who had a keen eye for money. He knew our house was prime real estate and he thought eventually he'd get his hands on it thanks to his family connections with Abigail. Oh I wish I could have been there to see the look on his face when she told her husband that Grandmother had signed the deed of the house over to me. Our grandmother had reached her eightieth year but her mind was as sharp as it ever had been, and she knew Darius for what he was. She could recognize the gleam of greed in his eyes whenever he paid us the rare visit with Abigail, and so she did the one thing she knew that would keep our family homestead out of his grasp. Our family attorney studied everything for days before he was satisfied there were no legal loopholes for Darius to use against us in a court of law, and it was done.

That's when he decided to fight dirty and try to accuse our Grandmother of senility and accuse me of using that fact against her for what eh referred to as my own "selfish purposes". What he didn't count on was my sister discovering this, and that one act being the final straw in their now fragile relationship. Abigail would not give me the details as of yet on what exactly happened. I just know she collected what money she had stashed away and what clothes she could carry, and she hopped on the first bus she could catch to get to Oklahoma, effectively leaving him and that piece of her life behind.

The fear she had to have been enduring when she made that final decision. The courage it took to move past that fear and do what she had to. The doubts my poor sister had to have been struggling with from the moment she stepped on that bus, until the moment she saw me at the bus station. I can not even begin to imagine the hellish turmoil she had to have experienced in those waking moments. I can only admire her for having been able to make it past the trial and not have turned back.

This is why I've been feeling guilt these past several days, ever since Abigail moved back in. I wish you could have seen our Grandmother's face when she saw her darling little girl was home again. No words needed to be said. Grandmother knew what was going on through life experience alone, and she welcomed Abigail home again with open arms. It's just our way. Darius tried calling -- repeatedly -- and each time with the same threat; come home or face divorce. None of the calls were returned. Abigail had made her choice.

All of this is why I felt overwhelming guilt still as I pulled my car into the drive way of our home and parked it. I keep thinking that if I had been home more, and had fought harder, my sister would not have had to go through any of this. Yet when I tried saying this she just gave me 'that look' and the subject had been dropped. Grandmother explained to me that we all had our own paths to make in life, and none of them would be entirely without thorns and road blocks. We had to stumble before we could walk. It didn't make me feel entirely better over everything, but it did help soothe the doubts somewhat.

I turned the engine of my car off and stepped out, shutting the drivers door behind me. I then walked around to the back of the car and opened the rear passenger's side and grabbed the two grocery-laden paper bags from the seat. I never understood why Grandmother always sent me to stock up on groceries so much. The pantries, fridge and our two freezers were stuffed to capacity. Nobody can ever say they've been to our home as a table guest and say they went home hungry. if they did, it was their own fault. Mister Parker and Mister Ward can attest to that. Now, with Abigail home again, Grandmother felt she had one more mouth to feed so that meant for trips to the store for me as opposed to the usual delivery that came once a week for her. Normally, she would accompany me to get out of the house. (I strongly suspect it was also she also liked to peek at the Enquirer and Weekly World News but she would never actually purchase those rags.) But she did not want to leave Abigail home, so I went alone with a list and God help me if I left something off.

Walking up the three steps to our front porch, I started to lower the bags to the wooden porch so I could open the door when it opened anyway, with my Grandmother standing there with that perpetual twinkle in her eye. Her arm stretched out to hold the door, she beckoned me inside with a wave of her free hand.

"Come on now." She said to me. "I don't want the cat getting out again."

"Maybe you should consider letting her out once in awhile." I said as I slipped past the doorway and she shut it behind me. "That's probably why that little thing is going wild in here and clawing at everything."

"Your pants leg does not qualify as 'everything' Bo." She almost cackled and reached for one of the bags but being the gentleman that I like to consider myself, I pulled the bags out of her reach and winked.

I said, "What kind of man would I be if I let a lovely lady such as yourself carry such a load?"

She just rolled her eyes and moved past me and headed for the kitchen, saying behind her, "Oh you are so full of it. Just like your Grandfather."

"Full of what?" I asked with a smile as I followed after her. "Charm? Grace? Stunning good looks?"

She stopped just long enough to turn and give me a funny look before setting foot in the kitchen. I entered after her and wasn't about to give this one up as I offered her another, "How about a butt you could bounce a quarter off of?"

"I'll have to ask that young lady we had drinks with about that one."

Okay, maybe I would give this one up.

I stopped and slowly set the groceries down onto the counter and Grandmother took one look at what I can only imagine being a face flushed deep red and she barked out in laughter.

She giggled like a school girl and said, "Oh I'm sorry, but you had that one coming!"

"If you say so."

"And I did." She smiled and walked around and she started reaching into the bags to remove the groceries and set them on the counter so she could begin putting them away. It would be of no use for me to offer to help, as she always turned me down. She wanted everything in just the right spot and this was her domain. It was her way or no way so I tried to stay clear of the kitchen as often as possible.

"Did you get the cookies?" She asked as she snooped in the second bag.

"I got them." I answered. "Both kinds."

"Both kinds?" She asked, looking up to me. "I just asked for the walnut milanos."

I nodded and nodded towards the bag. "They're in there. So are the oatmeal ones Abbey likes."

"Ah." No more needed be said.

We both knew Abigail would end up being a bit spoiled while she was going through this rough patch in her life, and deservedly so. She pulled the box of oatmeal cookies from the bag and handed it over to me and I went around the table to the cupboard where the dishes were kept and fished one out. As I tore the box open and tilted it so a number of cookies slid out onto the plate, I had to ask.

I looked up at my Grandmother and asked, "So, how is she?"

"Still in her room." She answered with a light sigh. "She doesn't seem to want to come down today."

I nodded. I knew all of this was weighing heavily on our Grandmother. She wanted to be there for Abigail just like she and Grandfather had always been, but this was one instance where she had to allow her grandchild to recover all on her own.

Of course, she'd have a little assist from her big brother.

After pouring a tall glass of cold milk, I moved around to the kitchen's entrance and said, "Let me go see what I can do."

"She might not let you in." Grandmother said. "She told me she just wanted to be alone."

I leaned back into the kitchen and smiled, "Well then she won't get the cookies then, will she?" And I left again, leaving a laughter behind me coming from the kitchen.

I walked upstairs and down the small hallway to the last of the two bed rooms. The other was mine, as Grandmother was getting on in years admittedly and she did not want to make the trip up and down those stairs every day so during her last visit, Abigail and I converted Grandfather's old den into a new bed room for her. I think we over did it on the pink decor but it is Grandmother's favorite color and that's all Abigail needed to know. I always felt my sister would make for an incredible interior decorator but go try telling her that.

I knocked on the bedroom door and said, "Open up! It's the police!"

I waited and didn't hear anything for a few seconds when Abigail said through the closed door, "Bo, I'd really like to just stay in bed. Please."

"I have cookies...." I called out in a sing song voice that I could only hope would annoy her enough to open the door just to shut me up. "Oatmeal coooookies....."

I waited again and again, several seconds passed. I was starting to imagine she had just rolled over and ignored me to go back to sleep when the latch on the door turned and it pulled open. I took one look at her and knew that my sister had spent a good portion of the night crying. Her hair was disheveled and she had not yet even changed from her bed clothes.

I asked, "Are you going to let me in?"

"Is that the only way I'm going to get the cookies?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

She huffed, her good humor shining through this dark cloud even at a time such as this, and she opened the door wider and i passed inside, handing the plate over to her. Abigail walked around and sat back on her bed, scooting back to rest against the head board. I took it upon myself to sit on the edge of her bed so I could be close to her.

At first I didn't say anything, and neither did she. We just let our company be enough for one another as I waited and watched her pick up a cookie and nibble at it in a silent form of contentment.

"Sometimes I wonder what it is that I did wrong."

I wasn't certain that I had heard her correctly. Actually, I wasn't certain I had heard her at all. The words just came from out of nowhere all of a sudden, it was only seeing her lips move with the words that convinced me she had actually spoken.

She continued, "I thought everything was going to be alright. That I could make everything alright." She took another bite and shook her head in self dismay. "I can't believe I was so stupid."

"Stop it." I said. I watched her head slowly droop and her eyes clenched shut tightly but not enough to stop the first stream of tears from escaping and slowly sliding down her cheek. I don't think I ever hated Darius more than that exact moment I saw that tear escape my sister's control.

I lifted my feet up onto her bed and slid back to sit beside her and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. I think that was actually what she had been waiting for because no sooner did I do so, than did she rest back against me, forgetting all about the cookies in front of her. She wanted to be held and to be reminded that she was still there. A person.

"None of this was your fault." I said as I felt her head rest down against my shoulder. "That's something you need to get through that thick skull of yours. You went out there and tried to make this succeed."

"And I failed."

I shook my head and said, "No, you didn't fail. He did. Darius is the one that pushed you away. He's the one that thought he could test you and your loyalty to your family. That's not a person that you can change, Abbey. It's a person you have to separate yourself from before his negativity drags you down as well."

She sniffed back, forcing herself not to let loose more tears just yet, and she asked, "Why did I marry him? Why did he have to do this?"

"You married him because you loved him." I said, telling her the truth. I then said, "As for why he did all of this ... who knows? Sometimes people change for the worse. From what you told me, him being an only child had his parents give him everything he ever wanted. He was never told 'no' in his childhood and when he became an adult, he expected that kind of treatment to carry over. He thought anyone and everyone should cater to his every whim and desire just because. When it didn't happen, he became a child again and acted out to make things happen his way. I guess you might say this is all his parents' fault. He didn't have the same upbringing that you and I did. Our grandparents took the time to teach us right from wrong and the meaning of the word 'no'. His parents just thought it would be easier to give in and let him always have his own way. They had no back bone in dealing with their own son."

"It almost sounds like you feel sorry for him." Abigail sniffed.

I scoffed and shook my head, "No, I don't think I could ever feel sorry for him after everything he's done to you and Grandmother. I just dearly wish you hadn't hit him because I would have loved to have done that myself."

Abigail said, "And he would have had you in jail that same night for doing so. Me, he won't do anything other than use that against me in the divorce proceedings." She slowly sat up and wiped her eyes before she went on, "I don't care though. Let him. He can have everything if it just gets me away from him."

"You would let him win so easily?" I asked.

"He lost me, Bo." Abigail smiled as best she could while wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. "That makes him the world's biggest loser."

"Touche'." I answered and leaned over to give her a lasting hug. Once we separated, I started to stand up and I said, "But try to come downstairs soon, okay? You have Grams worried sick."

"Tell her I'm fine."

"She needs to see it for herself." I said. "Plus, I need to take you shopping soon. We need to get you some things you can wear on the cruise."

"Bo..." Abigail started to say, her eyes closed again. "I thought we had settled this. I don't think I can go on this cruise, even if I was invited."

"Maybe that's exactly why you should go." I offered. "I finally got Grams to agree to go. It's going to do her a world of good, and it would do the same for you. Mister Ward was nice enough to send me a third ticket for you. You've never been on a cruise before so you might have a really good time. In fact, I know you will."

Abigail brushed that long, black hair from over her shoulder to behind her ear and she drew in a breath. I knew she was fighting with herself inside on whether or not she could or would go. I knew she wanted to go, but when people are in these kind of moods, it sometimes seemed as if they would sabotage themselves from doing things to help them to recover. They would deny themselves the chances to get up and get out to make themselves feel better. That was not something I was going to let her do to herself.

"Come on Abbey." I said, using my best annoying pleading voice. "Mister Ward will be very cross with me if I don't get you on that ship." This was quite possibly true as I knew he invited my sister for the main purpose so he could try to work those British charms on her. He and I would have to have a chat about that goal sometime. "Plus I'm going to need the cheering section when I have my match. You know how unpopular I am."

Abigail just rolled her head to the side and looked at me to say, "Oh give me a break."

"You give me one." I said with a smile. "You can't leave me alone on that ship with Grams. She'll be trying to fix me up with every available woman that crosses my path."

Abigail said, "Bo, I'll be trying to fix you up with every available woman that crosses your path! Especially that scary one that almost carried you off."

"Yes, but if it gets you on that ship I'll gladly endure it." I smiled as she looked at me and she shook her head.

She reached down and picked up the plate of cookies again and kept her eyes on it when she asked, "When does the ship leave?"

I could not help but smile. Success! I answered, "It leaves Saturday evening."

She picked up a cookie and sighed as she took a bite. She said, "I guess this means I can use this as an excuse to buy a few new clothes."

"And to make your big brother sit near the dressing room, holding your purse." I added.

She gave me that fiendish little smile and said, "That is a nice bonus, yes."

"So you'll come?"

She huffed and said, "You're not giving me much choice here. Though I strongly suspect you're also pressing this issue to keep any chances away of me going back to that lout while you two are gone."

I gave this thought a moment's pause and frowned, asking her, "Why? Was that something you were considering doing?"

She turned to me and said simply, "No. That's not something you had to worry about."

"Good." I said and I headed for the door. I pulled it open and turned to her to say, "Get dressed in your finest shopping clothes, m'lady. I'll take you to yonder Target to buy something pretty."

"Target!?" She exclaimed. "My I do feel quite the royal personage! And here i was worried you'd take me to K-Mart instead."

"Abbey, you wound me."

I smiled and headed out into the hall, shutting the door behind me. I took a moment to collect myself and feel as if this little hurdle passed had been done so successfully. I was not going to be happy until I had gotten my sister on that ship.

"It amazed me to look around and see the level that the SCW Heavyweight Championship has pushed the men in the six-pack challenge into. The SCW title belt is like the shining beacon, a star in the heavens that six men are standing on the top of the mountain, at its highest peak and stretching with their arms. Reaching, straining to touch that star and grasp it into their hands. It's a goal that's within their reach, but in the end that star will only fall into the grasp of one man. Only one man will answer to that final bell and he will be the man himself. The SCW Heavyweight Champion. I want to be that man. I will be that man. The others in this match have each said at one point or another that they will do the contrary because they deserve it more."

"How can they say such a thing? How can they actually stand there and tell their peers that their dreams mean more than the dreams of another? Its something that I personally don't understand. Everyone's dreams matter, gentlemen. Everyone's wishes and desires mean no more or no less than someone else's. It's not even about who's means more. It's about which of us is going to work the hardest to realize those dreams. Which of us will pull out all the stops to defeat five other men and walk away with the gold around their waist. Some of us will stoop to low levels more so than the others to walk away the top man of Sin City Wrestling. others will stick more to the rule book and fight as a man should, but still not yielding the match to the others willingly."

"I am going into this match with all the drive and ambition that the rest of you have. I have every bit the level of determination as Jordan Williams or Kain or the champion himself, Rage. I have the same fire and hunger of Nick Jones and Lucas Darby. Just because I don't spend the vast majority of my time trash talking my opponents doesn't mean I don't have the desire. Just because I show respect when it is due, doesn't mean I can't put aside the feeling of brotherhood I feel with some of these men. Just because I choose to abide by the rules of the jungle doesn't mean my style of competition isn't as intense or successful as someone who bends every rule in order to take the easy road to that light at the end of the tunnel."

"I don't need to talk trash or to cheat to show what kind of man I am. The simple fact that few of my opponents ever have much bad to say about me shows that I am doing something right. So you'll please understand if I choose to forgo the usual 'I'm going to kick your butt' content in this promo. It's all been said and done anyway. Why bother repeating it and just end up sounding like a broken record?"

"I appreciate it more than you can know when these men speak highly of me and what I've done or tried to do. I learned from my rookie years that respect from your peers was a difficult thing to attain in this business, and few truly managed to accomplish such a thing. I didn't set out to try and make people like me or to coerce them into respecting me for my actions. I simply acted as myself. I behaved like me, like my own person. I was lucky enough to walk through this path and the man I am is the one these men have spoken kind words for. In the end, it is something I am truly grateful for."

"But as I said before, that spirit of brotherhood and camaraderie will have to be put aside because when six men are put inside of the same ring to compete for the same lofty goal, it can only spell chaos. It'll be every man for himself and God only knows what will happen then. Personally I've never even heard of a six-pack challenge so I don't know if we fight until one by one, we each get eliminated, or if we simply go at it all at once like a triple threat or four corner match and the first man to get the pinfall is the champion. I notice the bosses like to keep things like this as a bit of surprise and that's fine, believe me. If Mister Parker taught me anything, it's how to adapt my style to any given circumstance. So, once we understand where we go from here, that's just what I'm going to do."

"Nick, we've had our past history, you and I. I was watching these situations going on between you and Jordan and I honestly thought maybe you were turning over a new leaf. I was hoping you were becoming a changed man. I don't know if the moment had overtaken you and that's why you attacked Jordan, or if it's the same spots on the same leopard, but I know well enough not to turn my back on you. Even if you were to be sincere in wanting to be an all new man, you are still a man of opportunity. If the chance to strike comes to you, you'll take it, whether the opponent's back is turned or not. Of that I have no doubt. The thing is, if you have turned for the worst, you played that hand far too early. The smart thing would have been to continue on with that little charade, and to have struck when it really counted; during the championship match itself. You didn't. You struck early, and let everyone know what could be expected out of you. That was a mistake you will come to regret Nick, and one that I intend to capitalize on."

"Kain, you are one of the ones whose words struck me as unexpected but I want you to understand that it makes them no less appreciated. respect is a two-way street, and you earned mine long ago. Maybe not the short cut and tactics you take, but certainly the talent you have and the skill in which you wield it. As a former world champion, you've already proven yourself to be every bit as capable of walking away a champion as the rest of us, but if you think i will bow down to any man, you are sadly mistaken. if you think i will fear you, then a piece of the respect I held for you just went out the window. I bow to no man, and I will fear nobody that believes it their God given right to be feared. your desires and glory mean no more and no less than my own. Like me, you are simply a man, Kain. One that can be beaten, just like anyone else. You won't like hearing this, but it is the simple truth; you are a mortal Kain, and any mortal has a weakness that can be exposed."

"I really haven't much to say right now toward or against Lucas Darby. he has such a golden opportunity and he hasn't even stepped out and shown himself as of yet. I know some people might have spoken out against his being placed in this match, so early into his SCW career, but i won't. he has shown himself to be a top tier competitor from the time he signed his first contract. He's rugged, skilled, and has every tool at hand to be a champion. But he's not going to accomplish that goal if he doesn't step it up and show himself to us, one and all."

"Now Jordan Williams is a man that little needs be said about because we pretty much already have said it. One look at him and you pretty much have seen it all. He's the veteran amongst us. he has more experience than the rest of us put together, I dare say, and believe me Jordan, I say that with the utmost of respect. I am in awe when I look back at your history in this business and all of the things that you've accomplished. We've met in the ring, but never one on one. It seems that something always comes between that experience, doesn't it? A tag team match here, a six-pack challenge there... it's always something. That's fine, I'm a patient man. I can wait. I know you're expecting to have the utmost advantage in this match because of everything that you've done over the course of your career, but you have five men in that ring who each have the same ideals and goals, and no level of experience is going to carry you past that hurdle. I strongly suspect that you have Nick Jones and Kain targeting your back, and I have every intention of engaging Rage in a rematch if you will. I have the training, you know this, and the experience is coming my way. Let the chips fall where they may, Jordan, but I strongly suspect they'll be falling over in my favor."

"And that leaves you Rage, you might say saving the best for last. And you are the best. As the Heavyweight champion, only a fool or a liar would be stubborn enough to refuse to admit that fact. That chance I had against you really made me realize just how hungry I was for that title around your waist. I wasn't able to put you away and score that win, but then again, you couldn't do the same with me, either. Did that do anything to your confidence level, I wonder? Could it be the first sign of cracks are starting to appear in the foundation of your reign? I mean, if you can't pin one of your challengers, what then will you do when you're facing five? If I know you, you'll plow through us hard and fast and your anger and energy will both erupt like an active volcano. See? I can't deny any of that. I was in there with you. I felt the stiffness and power behind each of your blows. You gave me the thrashing of a lifetime. I don't think I ever hurt like that before, and I sincerely hope i don't ever feel like that again. But the fact is, that match went to a draw. Neither of us won, but neither lost either. That makes this chance against you stand out for me all the more. I would rather face you one-on-one again, but I'll grab that brass ring whenever it's my time to reach for it. It's in my reach, Rage. It's my time."

"Each one of you will slowly come to accept that."

Climax Control Archives / Big brother is watching
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:04:20 PM »
 Tulsa, Oklahoma

All-Star Wrestling

Austin Parker and Mark Ward stood at ringside, watching intently at the action inside of the squared circle while the match inside continued on with it's intensity.

Austin knew the local promoter of this modest but successful indy promotion, a good friend of his over the past fifteen years who had put on shows in near every major city in the southern United States. He brought some quality independent professional wrestling to various high school gymnasiums and lodges and civic centers, employing some talented youngsters alongside grizzled veterans. Men and women. Singles and tag teams. He had it all, a little bit for everyone's tastes, but just yesterday afternoon while Austin and Mark were visiting Bo and his grandmother in their home city of Tahlequah, Austin received a call from this friend.

A top talent he had booked had injured himself in a training session and was thus unable to make it to the show to compete. It would be a 'hit or miss' situation so he asked Austin if there would be any way he could manage a bit of a favor for him...

It just so happened that Austin did know a certain local wrestling celebrity and it took very little prodding to get Bo into the car with his gym bag and off they went.

The crowd in the Tulsa Civic & Convention center cheered as Bo Dreamwolf clamped on a side headlock against his scheduled opponent, the masked Viper. The match was nearing the twelve minute mark and the fans had been solidly behind their local favorite against this masked heel, ever since the opening bell.

Viper managed to pry his way free from the headlock and he grabbed Bo's arm and wrapped it over the top rope and delivered a swift kick to it, threatening to hyper extend Bo's elbow from the blow. Bo grabbed his arm, favoring it, as the Viper moved up behind him like an animal stalking its prey and the masked man delivered a wicked kidney shot to the back that sent spasms of pain coursing through Bo's back, more so than it should have. Bo staggered forward and Viper grabbed him from behind in a full nelson and he continued to work him over, using Bo's long hair to his advantage by working his fingers in the black tresses to keep him secure. He gripped those tresses to maneuver Bo over to the top rope and grind his forehead across it, resulting in a vicious rope burn. Bo yelped in pain and Viper spun him around, pinning him in the corner where he buried a knee deep in his stomach.

Mark slapped his hands against the apron of the ring, shouting encouragements inside to Bo while Austin silently rubbed his chin and studied the happenings going on.

The Viper grasped two handfuls of Bo's hair and used it as a handle to snapmare him over onto the mat. he then leap frogged over Bo's head and ran into the ropes, coming off with a sliding lariat. Viper then covered Bo and hooked his leg but was only able to get a count of two. Viper grabbed him by the hair and drove a fist into his head before dragging him up to his feet. he sent Bo into the far corner with an Irish whip but as he charged in, Bo kicked his legs up and wrapped them around Viper's head in a scissors hold. Viper struggled to pry his legs apart but Bo kept the scissors locked on tight. Viper then sought to counter by turning around and Bo used this to his advantage by pushing off the corner and bringing Viper across the ring with a monkey flip.

"Nice move!" Mark was heard saying, commenting on the unique counter to the corner attack.

The Viper started to get back up, bent over at the waist, and this positioning allowed Bo to sail over his back with a sunset flip that perhaps would have been the end but Viper was too close to the ropes and grabbed hold of the bottom strand with both hands. Bo rolled back, releasing the maneuver but kept hold of Viper's foot to keep control of the situation. Bo started to reach down and pull Viper to his feet but the masked heel used his wits and grabbed Bo, pulling him over into an inside cradle and a handful of trunks that surprised the young Native American and almost cost him the match, save for a timely kick out. Both men were up but Bo with his back turned and he didn't turn about in time before the Viper clubbed him in the back with his forearm, knocking him to his knees.

Austin frowned in observing this. He slowly stepped closer to where Mark stood and whispered to him and Mark nodded.

The Viper sent Bo reeling with a short-arm clothesline, then pulled him up before he had time to recover and drove him down to the canvas with a scoop slam. The Viper then looked out at the two ring legends and sliced a thumb across his throat before he proceeded to make his way to the top of the corner while Mark and Austin started calling into the ring to Bo to 'get up'. Viper positioned himself carefully and then jumped back in a daring moonsault attempt -- only to have Bo roll out of the way and the Viper crashed hard on his front side!

"Little shit...!" Austin turned to Mark and cursed. "Played us all with that one!"

Mark chuckled and said to his friend, "Can't imagine where he learned that!"

The Viper was stunned, staggering to his feet and clutching his ribs, when Bo grabbed him around the waist from behind and brought him up and over with a bridging German suplex for the successful three count! The crowd cheered enthusiastically as the referee raised Bo's hand while he remained down on one knee, holding his back while the announcer declared him the victor for all to hear.


Well, maybe tonight I wasn't entirely to be viewed as a stick in the mud. True, most of the other guys after the show went to the gentlemen's club known locally as the Ritz Cabaret. Actually, that's where Mister Ward wanted to go as well. "Be a team player." He said to me. Team player my eye. It was pretty obvious why the guys opted to make that their hang out spot for after the show, which isn't entirely a bad thing mind you. It would prove for a nice distraction. Still, Mister Parker wouldn't budge, being a married man, and I was more than just a bit hungry so we went elsewhere, with quite a bit of grousing from Mister Ward. Mister Parker told him that he was free to go with the others if he wanted but I knew better; considering I was their ride.

<img align=left src= "" height=300 width=480>Instead, we decided to head out to a place I knew called SMOKE., a combination of restaurant and bar. It's a very nice place actually with live music, the food I was craving and the alcohol that Mister Ward had a hankering for.

It's actually where we are right now, seated at a table booth against the far wall where we could do a bit of 'people watching' while still maintaining our privacy while we ate and drank. I have to admit I liked this place. I always have. My sister and I once took a bit of a road trip in our late teens while our grandparents were away, and that's how we found it. Since then, if we were able, we'd try to return at least once a month to enjoy ourselves.

It's funny, isn't it, when a certain place attaches itself to you, body and soul? Maybe that's why I wanted to come here tonight. I wanted to experience it again, this time with two men who were also important in my life. Mister Ward looked right at home, I admit. Mister Parker himself appeared more into looking around at the people and paintings on the wall than even I. And if it wasn't the atmosphere that attracted me, it was the food itself. Don't worry. I won't bore you with the details of the food we ordered. Needless to say I put away a couple of their famous chicken fried steaks while Mister Ward and Mister Parker each had what was called a New Yorker. (I don't think I ever saw two men eat so much as those two are able when they put their mind to it!) Unfortunately while they also indulged in a couple pitchers of beer, I was relegated to sweet tea as I was apparently the designated driver.

"So what was up with you tonight?" Mister Parker asked me just as I took a bite of the food from my plate. Why does it always seem when you're out at a restaurant and someone says something to you, it's always after you have a mouthful of food? I looked up and he leaned back with his frosted glass of beer in his hand. he seemed to be studying me when he asked, "You having some back problems or something?"

Damn, I thought silently. I felt like a deer must feel like when its caught in a car's headlights. My back had been flaring up and I had forgotten my pills at home in the rush we were in to leave and get to Tulsa in time for the show. I had been kicking myself over that but hoped things would go well enough I wouldn't need them. That kidney shot Viper had given me had told a different story. I was loath to lie but what was I to do? Tell the truth? I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head,, denying the fact.

I answered, "No, not really. The muscles just been a bit sore. Tightened up I guess." I reached for my glass of sweet tea and took a drink and knew the explanation wasn't entirely accepted by either of them. "The shots he was giving me didn't help matters much."

"Well that's the odd thing." Mark jumped in. "From where we were standing, he didn't work your back over all that much. A kidney shot, a slam and a suplex here and there..."

"All of which I'm sure you recall what they felt like?" I offered, trying to diffuse the bit of investigating they seemed intent on before it really got anywhere. "My back was sore before I even got in the ring. All of that just aggravated it."

A moment's pause and Mister Ward finally yielded with a nod. "Fair enough." He said and went back to work on the 'frito pie' the waitress had just delivered to the table for him. Mister Parker stared at me a moment longer before turning his attention to the flat screens against the bar's wall. There was a game on that had attracted his attention, for which I am grateful. Although I don't really think he altogether believed me or my explanation. I tried to divert my attention to the remaining food on my plate and casually glanced at the TV screen, the same game Mister Parker was studiously watching, when Mister Ward spoke up.

"I hear from Austin here you got offered a contract with WGPW."

This caught me off guard, as I hadn't thought Mister Parker would confide in him this little business offer. WGPW stood for World Grand Prix Wrestling, a promotion that was gaining steam here in the United States. Oh, nothing like the level of WWE, or even TNA. It was close more to something akin to Ring of Honor I would say. The head officials of this promotion had watched me on a webcast of SCW and contacted me at home to offer me a spot on their growing roster. They didn't get the answer they were expecting.

"Yeah." I nodded, setting my glass down and looking Mister Ward in the eye so he knew I was being truthful. "I turned them down."

"Really." He said and picked up his pitcher and poured the last remnants of the beer into his glass, then signaled to the waitress for another. he turned back to me and asked, "Mind if I ask what brought that on? They're a growing promotion and might be able to offer you a bigger contract than SCW." He exchanged a glance with Mister Parker and looked at me again. he continued, "I mean, Sin City Wrestling is an indy. They're pretty much touring the entire country."

"And that's exactly why I turned them down." I explained. "I have no desire to really do that any more. At least at this point in my life."

"At this point?" Mister Ward scoffed. "Christ kid, you're just a pup!"

Mister Parker turned to him with a smile and said, "He's five years younger than you, Mark."

Not one to turn down an offered gauntlet, Mister Ward turned to him with just as wide a smile and said, "And he's sixteen years younger than you! I win!"

Mister Parker arched his brow and turned back to the sports on-screen, muttering a curse under his breath. Mister Ward turned to me and I had no success in shielding the smile I felt. Mister Parker was never pleased when someone made a crack like that about the age differences between us.

I spoke up and said, "My point is, I have other responsibilities aside from just wrestling. I feel bad enough just going on these tours of Japan I get offered a couple times a year because it takes my away from Grams. I just don't want to be on the road five days a week and only get to be home a few days out of the month. And it's not just that, I do have my teaching position to consider. That means too much to me to give up on. The school is kind enough to work with my SCW schedule when needed, but going national or even international is asking too much."

"Gee," Mister Ward mused, putting on a playful tone to his voice to match the expression on his face as he sagged his shoulders. "And here I thought it had to do with your loyalty to Christian and myself."

"That too." I chuckled as I popped a French fry in my mouth.

That was when Mister Parker tore his attention from the game and turned to Mister Ward and smirked, "Ah think it also has a good deal to do with that uber fan he's made recently."

I almost choked on that damned fry as Mister Ward started chuckling at my expense. I knew of course they were referring to Brandi Shotze. I was set to respond in kind to the manner in how Christian Underwood was always checking their backsides out (although he had the good sense to not set foot in their showers 'accidentally' like a certain big breasted Bombshell had done to me) when my cell rang.

I glanced down at the number and had to admit surprise. it was my sister, Abigail. I looked up at the two men and held up a forefinger. "Pardon me a moment." I said. "I'll nail you both with my scathing rebuttal in just a minute."

I clicked the answer button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, sister mine." I said and tried to ignore the sudden perk of interest I saw in Mister Ward from the corner of my eyes. "What's up?"

"Can you come get me?"

"Excuse me?" I heard the words but thought certainly I misunderstood them, or at least heard them incorrectly. "What did you say again?"

"You heard me, Bo." She said, not one known to repeat herself. "Can you come get me? Please."

"What's wrong?" I asked and felt the eyes of my two dinner companions turn my way out of concern as opposed to simply being interested.

"Bo, please! I'll explain later. Just please come get me!"

"Okay." i answered. "Calm down. Where are you?"

"At the Greyhound bus terminal just outside of Oklahoma City."

"At the...!" I practically spat. I knew then something was very wrong. Abigail hated buses. When she came to visit or to watch over our Grandmother she drove or Darius indulged her in a plane ticket. But to ride on a dirty, smelly bus was a bit much for her. "Abigail..."

"Bo! Please don't prolong this! Just come get me!"

"Alright. Alright, calm down." I glanced up and by now the situation was not lost to either Mister Ward or Mister Parker who could easily overhear. "Listen, I'm in Tulsa right now. I was on a show, but I'll call Grams and tell her I won't make it back tonight."


"Stop. I'm on my way. Promise. Just sit tight." I clicked the phone off and closed my eyes for a brief moment, drawing in a deep breath before exhaling it silently.

"What's going on?"

I opened my eyes and found theirs on me and there was concern welled deep within. I started to stand up, grabbing for the check but Mister ward quickly beat me to it, snatching it away from me.

I said, "Abigail's at the bus station in Oklahoma City. She needs me to come get her."

"is she alright?" Mister Ward asked as he fished out some cash and dropped it to the table with the bill.

"I don't know." I answered, shaking my head and moving out of the booth. I knew damn well for a fact that she wasn't if she actually got on a bus by herself. I knew things were worse for her and Darius than she was willing to admit but this call just became the proverbial nail in the coffin.

"Well," Mister Parker slid from the booth and drained the last remains of his beer from the mug and set it down on the table. "Let's go find out."

I stared at them for a brief moment. i fully expected they'd need to return their own respective ways; Mister Ward to Las Vegas and Mister Parker to Georgia. I didn't expect them to actually want to come with me to get my sister. It's times like these that makes me truly understand the value of friendships developed over the years.

I gave them both a nod and turned to head for the exit with both of them right at my side.


By now it was well past midnight.

I know. Everybody hates those annoying time jumps that are rampant in these wrestling promos, but think about it this way; would you rather I spend the majority of time here talking about the one and a half hour long road trip from Tulsa to Oklahoma City? Luckily the distance was short, perhaps a hundred miles or so at the most. I left my passengers do most of the talking between themselves; topics such as their families and wrestling in general. As Mister Parker stated, the vast level of horse shit that WWE has become. To that I would have to agree. It's gotten to the point where they spend seventy-five percent of their air time with segments and interviews as opposed to matches. Why even bother tuning in for a two hour wrestling program when you'll be lucky to see thirty minutes of actual wrestling? It's sad.

"There it is." Mister Ward said and I glanced over to where he had pointed and saw the Greyhound terminal just a block away. I pulled the car into the parking lot and wasted little time in turning the engine off and hopping out, with Mister Ward and parker hot on my heels. I meant to find my sister and as quickly as possible.

It didn't take long, as she must have been diligently watching for me since I had ended our call. I didn't even get to the entrance door when i heard her voice call out to me.


The three of us stopped and I turned to spot her stepping out of another of the terminal's doors and she hurried toward me as fast as she could, carrying two heavy suitcases. Mister Ward wouldn't give up such a golden opportunity and he was the first to rush over and relieve her of her burdens before i could assume my brotherly duties and do so myself. She gave him the briefest smiles of thanks before she brushed her long hair from her eyes and she turned and hurried over to me.

I stopped and allowed the two of them to approach where Mister Parker and I stood, waiting for them. No sooner did she get to my side than did she throw her arms around my neck and hug me more fiercely than I believed possible. She would not cry, not in front of the two men with me, but I could feel her strong desire to.

I finally let her go and rested my hands on her shoulders and made her look me directly in the eye when I asked, "What happened?"

She paused, unable or unwilling to answer. Before I could repeat the question, a flicker of her eyes toward my companions told me of her discomfort at airing whatever skeletons in the family closet in front of strangers; strangers to her that is. I nodded and said, "It's fine. We can discuss it when we get home. Let's..."


She jumped and turned around and whispered, "Oh no..."

The rest of us looked and I felt the frown on my face immediately as I saw my brother-in-law Darius hurrying over toward us, an angry scowl on his face and sporting another one of his immaculate suits. Christ, did he ever go anywhere where he didn't look like he belonged in a business meeting? he arrived right in front of us and did not even bother to dignify myself or Mister ward or Parker. his eyes were on my sister and I did not like the ugliness I saw in them.

"I can't believe you!" Darius scolded her, and in front of us no less. "I can't believe you actually had the sheer gall to walk out of our home like that! Just up and vanish!"

"Hey." I started, trying to soothe the anger that was welling up inside of me to come to my sister's defense. "Ease up."

Darius turned to me and put his forefinger up in my face and said, "I don't think I was speaking to you." He turned back to Abigail and said, "Come on. we're going home." he grabbed for her arm but she deftly pulled it away.

She stared hard at her husband and shook her head slowly. I could see her eyes glistening but she was a trooper and fought back the tears as mightily as she was able. She said, "I am going home. You can go to Hell for all I care."

"You listen to me..." Darius started and that was when Mister parker took a step forward and placed his arm in front of Darius, blocking my sister from her husband's advance.

Mister Parker said, "Ah think the lady said her piece."

"You listen to me..." Darius said, again sticking his finger up but this time he made the mistake of putting it in my mentor's face and Mister Parker quickly clamped his hand around it, causing my brother-in-law to wince openly.

Mister Parker said, "You do that again boy and ah'll see how you like it when ah bend the damn thing all the way back." And he let him go and Darius grabbed his hand, massaging his sore finger.

He glared at Mister Parker and shook his head defiantly, "I should call my lawyer right now and sue..."

"You've been pretty good at that lately." Abigail cut him off. "Calling your lawyer for every little thing."

"Be quiet." Darius warned.

Abigail of course, wasn't about to listen when she had a head full of steam and she took a step closer and said, "Why don't you tell Bo here about that last call you made to your hot shot lawyer? Hm? Why don't you tell him what you're trying to do and what caused all of this?"

Darius growled, "I said be quiet Abigail."

I looked back and forth between them and frowned, "What're you talking about, Abbey?" I was surprised when she didn't react to that despised nickname I had bestowed her with years ago. "What's going on?"

"Don't..." Darius started but Abigail turned away from him and faced me instead.

She said, "He's trying to challenge Grams' signing the house over to you! He's looking for his lawyer to have her declared incompetent so he can take the matter to a judge so he stands a better chance at getting his hands on it!"

I stared at my sister for what seemed like an eternity, before I glanced up at Darius who swallowed hard under my stare but did his damndest to maintain his composure. I cast a sidelong glance at Mister Ward and Parker who appeared to be just as upset at this man as I was. Well, perhaps 'man' was a bit of an indulging term when it came to Darius. Worm was better suited.

"I always knew you would try anything to get that house." I said as I started to take a step toward him. "But I had no idea you two-faced, back stabbing son of a..."

But before I could do what I wanted, Mister Ward grabbed my arm and pulled me back away from the bastard. I tried to pull free but i give him credit; he has a hell of a grip.

He shook his head and said, "Don't waste your energy. Wanker's not worth it."

"Oh go ahead." Darius stated, now acting the role of the brave one -- especially since I was being held back. "Let him. I'd have his sorry ass hauled to jail in the blink of an eye." He turned to Abigail and this time beckoned her with a demeaning wave of the hand. "Now enough of this foolishness. We're leaving."

Abigail just glared at him and shook her head, not saying a word but making her intention fairly evident. Mister Parker stepped up past me and beside her and this time it was he who pointed a finger in Darius's face and then away from the group of us.

Mister Parker said, "Yer right. Enough of this foolishness. It's time you left little man."

Darius frowned, aghast that anyone would speak to him in such a manner. he sneered, "I can decide that for myself, thank you. I am a big boy after all."

Mister Parker scoffed at this statement and leaned down, his 6'5" frame towering over Darius's own 5'8" one. Mister Parker stared hard into his eyes and I watched my brother-in-law flinch when Mister Parker asked, "Compared to who?"

"This is none of your business you inbred hillbilly." Darius said and he suddenly had Abigail by the arm and he said forcefully, "Now let's go!"

It happened so fast, none of us had a chance to intervene in our own manner. I know I started forward the moment he touched my sister. As did Mister Ward and Mister Parker. But Abigail beat all three of us to the punch -- literally when she hauled off and decked Darius right in the jaw! My sister has always been a lady at heart. She's a petite 5'4" but she can be a real pistol when she's angry and the way Darius's head spun around from the blow and he fell back against the wall of the terminal was clear evidence to that. Mister Ward immediately barked out in laughter at the sight of my sister having punched her greedy husband right in the kisser! Mister Parker just smirked and nodded as Darius rubbed his sore jaw and hurriedly checked his teeth for any that might have been knocked loose. I did nothing, save for scoop up my sister's bags as she took my arm and I escorted her back toward the parking lot and the car with Mister Ward and Parker right on our trail.

I heard Darius call out, "If you leave Abigail, don't think I won't have those divorce papers drawn up!"

Abigail pulled from my arm and turned around and answered his challenge, "I'll see to it that is the first promise that you keep you bastard!"

Nothing else need be said. We headed for the car where I loaded the luggage into the trunk, and Mister Ward (of course) opened the front passenger door for Abigail.

I was taking my sister home.


"Wow. So much has happened over the past several days, that I'm not entirely certain what all if happening and what I can do to correct it and make things better. For now though, I understand the simple fact if I want to move ahead and succeed, and do right by my family and friends, I need to focus my attention squarely on what's happening inside of the ring, and what's about to happen."

"I don't think I've ever been a part of a bigger match than what was announced to be the main event at the next supercard of Sin City Wrestling; Summer XXXTreme. I mean, when you take six men, each talented in their own way and all either champions or top tier contenders, you're bound to have a match of the year candidate on hand. Whoever walks away from that match will be the champion, but you can rest assured that it'll be the fans who are the winners in the purest sense of the word."

"But now, of all things, to find those same six men split into teams of three for a six man tag team match to really hype this upcoming Heavyweight title match? Wow. I can't say as I understand the pairings together. Friends opposing friends. Rivals teaming up with one another. I tell you, it's going to cause more than its fair share of chaos once that bell sounds, but there's no way that I can deny the fact this match alone is worthy of main event status on any show anywhere in the country."

"On my team are two men I'm overly familiar with; one more so than the other and one I'm not entirely certain that I can trust to watch my back. Jordan Williams is one of the top legends in this game, and not because of family ties or kissing the proverbial backside here and there. You don't get a championship history that this man has without knowing full well what you're doing inside of that ring. he and I have that common bond in the fact we both have ties to one Austin Parker, a man who helped Jordan with his training, and the man responsible solely for my own. I fully admit that even after all these years, I still go to Mister Parker to brush up on anything he has to pound into this hard head of mine. You never stop learning. That's something I was told once, and I do take it to heart. Lucas Darby on the other hand, I'm not entirely certain what to make of him. On one hand, I can see he is one of the fastest rising stars in the SCW, and deservedly so. He's tough, and has that look that makes him a marketable package. I believe he deserves this chance at the SCW Championship, but considering it was just two weeks ago that he attacked me in the ring during that little 'pier six brawl' all six of us were involved in... Lucas, I'm fairly certain you want to win this match just as much as I do. More so, perhaps. So you watch my back, and I'll watch yours in return. We'll save the actual fighting for when the gold is on the line."

"But now the three that we've been paired to go up against? Oh I am so looking forward to stepping into the ring with all three."

"Rage, it was just last week that we fought to a no contest, you and I, over that Heavyweight Championship you wear so proudly around your waist. A no contest. You do, of course, understand what that means? While it means that I wasn't able to wrest the title from you, it also means that you were unable to defeat me and set aside my challenge for that gold. It means that in the future, I will be looking for that singles rematch for the championship that I think I've worked hard for and deserve. But first things first. I look forward to facing you once again in this match where we are on clear sides, no chaos of a six-pack match. I know you deserve to hold that title. You never would have beaten a man like Nick Jones if you didn't. It's what makes the desire to face you again so great. You proved yourself worthy of that title, and it's now something I too have to prove. One of the greatest legends of the ring had said time and again, that to be the man, you have to beat the man. You're the man, Rage. That's a fact. That alone should be hint enough of how badly I want to quell the rage that burns inside your heart. This six-man match is just the first step."

"Now, Nick? I do not know what to make of you as of late. Despite the fact that so many people will openly say a leopard can't change his spots, or in your case, a skunk can't change his stink, you seem to be proving the so-called experts wrong. I find myself stumped trying to understand you and the things you do, the reasoning behind, well, everything. You're an enigma, wrapped inside of a riddle, and I am looking for the answer. I haven't forgotten the things that we've done to one another. I haven't forgotten what you've cost me in the past. I just sincerely hope that everything you've been showing us is genuine and sincere, because if it's not? You're going to find yourself at the top of a list of every wrestler in the back. You'll have so many men here gunning for you, and I intend to be right there at the front of the line. If you happen to be sincere, well then you have my sincerest apologies, and I wish you the best of luck in everything you want to accomplish. But for now? Business is at hand, and I will do my best not to let anything personal again come between us. I'm respectfully asking you show me the same courtesy. Otherwise I'll tie you up in such a knot that the Boy Scouts of America themselves will be at a loss as to how to undo it."

"And Kain, you're the only one of the three men that I'm opposing tonight that I have yet to set foot in the ring against, as either a tag team partner or opponent. That's a good thing, I think. It's always best for your experience factor to go up against a variety of opposition, the more talented and diverse, the better. I've watched you since your arrival in SCW, and I don't think anyone has made more of an impact against the main eventers like you have. Perhaps not by using the most legal of tactics, but in the end, you've had the most main event spotlights shining down on you so in your case, i guess the end justified the means. I won't deny the success rate you've had, or the fact you're what I see as a complete package. You're one of the most evenly skilled athletes that I've ever watched set foot inside of a wrestling ring, so I can't imagine why you feel the need to stoop to the tactics that you do. Alas, it's not for me to question. You do what it is that you feel the need to do, but don't think to try such endeavors with me, Kain. I was taught by the very best, and I have no qualms at the thought of being able to take you down to the match and keep you there. Some mistake my quiet respect for my opponents as a weakness. In the end, it's not my shoulders that usually end up pinned to the mat. think about that Kain, before you opt for those shady short cuts against me that you so favor. We're new to one another, so think of this match as a sneak preview for the feature attraction."

"I know I will."

Climax Control Archives / A golden oppurtunity
« on: July 20, 2012, 04:10:38 PM »
 "I have to admit that I was really beginning to lose patience. And hope."

"Last week I was asked by Mister Underwood and Mister Ward to make the trip from Tahlequah, Oklahoma to Malibu, California for that particular edition of Climax Control. I didn't know why. I didn't ask. There weren't really very many details being thrown around, but the business itself was unpredictable. I assumed that one of the talents had canceled or been unable to make it for any one of a hundred possible reasons, and they wanted me to substitute in a match. I figured, 'Sure. School was out for the summer so I'd love to get a regular schedule wrestling again in the time off from my 'day job.'"

"The trip itself wasn't easy. Over a fifteen hundred mile drive to get there. Why I didn't just invest in a plane ticket is beyond me. I guess I just wasn't thinking. My mind's been on a few other things, but that is neither here nor there. I finally get there and I'm told that I'm needed for promotional purposes for their upcoming Supercard, 'Summer XXXTreme'. Well, imagine my surprise that I drove almost two thousand miles to be told I didn't have a match."

"I was instead asked to appear before the show at the fans' usual meet and greet. That part I didn't mind. It's always a thrill for me to get to sign an autograph or have a fan ask for my picture. Oh and here's a little secret; don't ever ask for my picture, assuming yours won't get taken as well. I've learned the vast majority of fans who ask for a wrestler's picture want theirs taken with them, even if that's not what they asked for. So if I have to have my picture taken, then so do you! Play coy all you like but once I'm asked, my arm is going around your shoulder and that camera will be in the hands of someone else so smile and say 'cheese'!"

"Imagine my surprise, a pleasant one, when Mister Ward met me in the middle of the show and handed me my salary for my personal appearance. It was the same amount as I would have gotten had I competed. Not bad, but truth be told, I still would have preferred a match. Over the course of my career in Sin City Wrestling, I haven't been getting booked as much as I would have liked, but truth be told, part of that was my own doing. Family obligations and my career as a teacher got in the way but God bless them, Mister Ward and Mister Underwood always managed to work around that and get me booked when they could. I just admit that I wanted more."

"I really thought things were going to take off when this 'thing' with Nick Jones started. As the heavyweight champion, any feud against him would become an instant championship encounter. The only problem with that was, I wasn't the only person who was gunning for Nick. Since his arrival, he had made a fair few enemies and each one wanted what he held around his waist at the time. A number of wrestlers had that professional 'gold fever' and I was one of them. The fact that it was held by that loud mouth, egotistical jerk made the prospect all the more sweeter. I just couldn't seem to get at the front of the line for my opportunity to strip him of his most prized possession. I really wanted to get even with him for costing me the Roulette Championship."

"Now don't get me wrong. I was proud to be the Roulette Champion. Every championship is a great championship. It adds to your personal legacy in the business and keeps your status cemented. Nick took that away from me, so I wanted to return the favor and take away his own. proud as I was of the Roulette Championship, the heavyweight title was my real goal. I think it's that way for every wrestler to want to eventually hold the top prize, no matter what title they might currently be wearing around their waist. It's a lesson Mister Parker instilled in me from the very beginning;

Be proud of what you have in this business, but don't ever close your eyes to a higher goal."

"Words to live by. Then the unexpected happened. Rage got a second chance at Nick one-on-one and lo and behold, we found ourselves with a brand new Heavyweight Champion. Don't misunderstand me. I'm happy for Rage. He busted his butt for that win and earned it. But when that happened, I thought my own chances of a title shot flew right out the window. Everything that had been building between Nick Jones and myself no longer held any meaning in regards to a title match between us. if we met again, it would end up being a singles match and nothing more. Those big one-on-one matches are great, trust me. You always learn from them and getting the best of Nick in a normal encounter would be fun, but I was starting to really feel those 'hunger pangs' hit me. I wanted the championship. I wanted Nick's championship, and that desire was really no longer valid."

"So there I sat backstage at the Firestone Fieldhouse when all hell started to break loose in the ring. The tag team match between Lucas Darby and Kain against Nick and Jordan Williams went south and all the guys were fighting. The referee couldn't stop it so out i went, hoping to lend a hand. I got into it with Kain, then I got a shot from Lucas. Before you know it, the champ himself, Rage was out and they might as well had paid me to wrestle because I sure was in a battle royal, albeit an unofficial one. That's when the bosses stepped out and surprised us all, announcing that the six of us would be competing in a single match for the very championship I had been wanting a crack at in a few weeks."

"Okay, so it wasn't a singles match, a one-on-one. It was still a chance at the top title and I was going to take it and do everything in my ability to beat those five men and walk away with the gold. Oh but then it got even sweeter. The bosses wanted to hype things up so they decided to have Rage put his title on the line, and who should be the lucky recipient of title opportunity one, but yours truly. I smiled. I guess I was thinking too fast at what I wasn't going to get, because before I knew... I had it!"

"So now I'm going to be heading for San Francisco, and I am going to take destiny by the horns and make the most of this chance."


I felt the gentle tap on my bare shoulder and I about jumped out of my skin. I had become so engaged in my thought process about this match with Rage that I didn't even hear my grandmother come outside, let alone approach me from behind. That is until it was a bit too late and I gifted her with a god natured laugh at her grandson's expense.

I turned around to face her, a bit wide-eyed and her eyes danced with the merriment she had now so enjoyed for making me start unintentionally. She clucked her tongue and shook her head at me, the smile never disappearing from her face.

She said, "Well, I didn't mean to scare you but a little fright is always good for you. gets the heart pumping and makes you realize you're still going."

"Yeah," I mused, looking back at the soft dirt my hand was half buried in. "It won't make my dry cleaner any happier though."

My grandmother had a very pretty little garden that she enjoyed taking care of. We lived in a wonderful little neighborhood and our house was modest but never without it's comforts. The garden outside in front my her crowning glory. I can't even name half the flowers she had growing in it, save for a few roses, lilacs and orchids but I knew there were plenty of others. It was my Grandmother who excelled at growing flowers and caring for them. She'd been doing it all her life and had even won a few awards at local shows. She always had a green thumb. Me? My thumb was a bit closer to a shade of black by comparison. Still, her garden needed some tending today and it was in the triple digits so I had her stay inside in the air conditioning while I watered the weeds and trimmed the flowers -- or something like that. So long as I promised not to massacre her arrangements.

I slipped the two rose stems I had accidentally clipped with a couple of weds out of her sight and behind my shoe and looked up.

"So, to what do I owe the dubious pleasure?" I asked. "I thought you were watching your shows."

"I came to check on you." She answered and made a wayward gesture towards me. "And good thing I did too. You've been out here a bit too long."

I could not help but smile. "Why? Could you smell me all the way from inside the house?"

"No." She met my quip with her own sharp witted answer. "I couldn't smell you until I set foot out the door. But I have eyes, Bo. You're starting to burn."

I frowned and glanced down at my shoulders and lo and behold, my tan skin was starting to show the signs of turning a healthy shade on many pink! I thought I had dressed smart enough for a bit of yard work. Muscle shirt, shorts, but I guess showing too much skin in this heat wasn't my brightest move. I sighed and stood up carefully. Two times this week Grandmother had almost caught me take a mis-step and I almost gave away my physical conditioning, a secret I held close so as not to worry or disappoint her.

I pulled my gloves off and used my bare hands to brush my shorts off and I followed her up the three steps that led to our porch and was about to step inside after her when she turned just enough to gift me with a stare through the screen door. She glanced 'down' and my eyes followed and I knew when to admit defeat. I reached down and pulled off my sneakers so as not to leave any remnants of my foray into her garden on her clean floors.

My house, perhaps legally. But it would always in heart be her home. I just happen to be lucky enough to be allowed to live there with her, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We had just stepped inside when the phone started ringing.

"You get that, Bo." Grandmother said. "It's probably for you. I'll get the lemonade for you to cool off."

I turned the corner and walked into the living room where the phone's main line was. I took a seat down onto the chair that was my Grandfather's and was my favorite because of that sole reason. I leaned back and picked the phone up and held it to my ear.


"Bo." It was Mister Parker. "I got some news for you."


"Bang." He chided me in jest. "Ah jest got off the phone with Mark. It's all set. Your tickets will be sent for you for the cruise liner. Did you manage to get your gramma to agree?"

I cast a glance back towards the kitchen and heard her opening up the fridge. "No." I answered. "I'm trying. I think it'll do her a world of good to be out in all that fresh sea air but she keeps telling me she's too old for that."

"Hm, pity." he said. "Well, keep tryin'. Oh and Mark told me to make sure you knew there was a third ticket bein' sent in the package."

"Third?" I frowned, not understanding. "Who else does he expect me to bring? My Grandmother's cat?"

"No." I could hear the amusement in his voice and it all became clear. "But ah think he's hopin' you might bring yer sister with ya too."

"Oh Christ." I muttered and heard him start to laugh. "Doesn't he understand my sister is a married woman?"

Mister Parker replied, "In all the years that you've known Mark, when has a wedding band really kept him from takin' an interest in a pretty woman?"

I sighed. "For that reason alone I shouldn't mention this invitation to her. She has enough on her shoulders as it is."

"Well, think about askin' her anyway." he said. "It'll keep Mark off muh back if you do an then we'll all be happier."

I glanced up as my Grandmother entered the front room and handed me a glass of her homemade raspberry lemonade. I took a drink and she asked me,

"Is that Mister Parker?"

"Sure is." I answered.

She leaned in to the phone and called out, "I'm not going and that's final!"

I lost it, and on the other end, I could hear Mister Parker laughing uproariously himself.

She says that now, but I don't think she's heard quite the last of this little debate.

"Well Rage, I can't even begin to express how much I'm looking forward to this match against you. I haven't had an opportunity to set foot in the ring against any member of your stable to date, but I assure you that I've kept aware of the Seven Deadly Sins. Only a fool wouldn't. The whole lot of you have made an impact in the SCW. It's not every often we see a stable these days that is as dominant as you are to the point each member has a shiny gold belt wrapped around their waist. heck! Even that teddy bear companion of Despayre's has one."

("Is James Huntington-Hawkes III ever going to get that Universal title back?")

"You waited a long time, Rage. longer than even me, I believe. A lot of people were starting to wonder if anyone would be capable of stripping that title from Nick. Some believed Jordan Williams would be the man to do it. Alas, he fell just a hair short. I'm certain that you're well aware of the history between Nick and myself, so I hope you take no offense to the fact that at the time I had hoped it would be Nick I was facing in a championship match. Still, you proved yourself the man. A worthy man capable of doing what so many others had failed to do. Now you're the champion, and I finally have that shot I had been wanting since i signed on the dotted line."

"I remember being a champion, Rage. Not just here but a few years ago in the Global Championship Wrestling organization. I had won the GPW Intercontinental championship, second only to their world heavyweight title. I was beyond excited because I was still in my rookie year and to win such a prestigious title so soon? I knew that the challengers would be lining up, and perhaps down the road this win would catapult me into contention for the big one. Unfortunately destiny didn't play to my favor and the GPW ceased operations before I could even make my first title defense. A bit of a bitter pill to swallow but things don't always work out the way we hope they do, do they?"

"So trust me when I say out of all the Sins, you're perhaps the one that I am most well aware of. You've been around longer than Gabriel or Despayre. Almost as long as Synn himself. I've watched you since your days in Generation-X Wrestling, on TV and recording. That's the beauty of having a wrestling scholar as your friend, mentor and manager. Mister Parker has a slew of your matches just waiting to be seen and studied, all the better to watch and to learn."

"I think I can go on record and say that you're probably, to date, the largest man that I've ever found myself up against. certainly the meanest and angriest (no offense!). So I know I have to be at my best when that bell sounds and you come charging. I am expecting nothing short of a full blown mauling by your hands. And I will brook nothing less. If I was the champion, I'd give any challenger the hardest fight of my career to keep them from taking what was mine, and I expect nothing less from you. I've seen the hurt you've put on just about every man you've stared down from your corner. It's why you're the top man in this company today, and why I imagine it'll be no easy task to secure a win of any kind against you. But am I up for the task?"

"Oh yes."

"You see Rage, as hard as you bring it to me to retain your championship, that's just as hard as I'll be taking it to you to strip it away. I don't presume to think of myself on equal standing when it comes to the ability to exchange fisticuffs with you. I'm not that foolish! I've seen other men try the same and walk away battered, bloodied, and beaten. I will not be that man. I'm not a fighter, rage. I am not a brawler. I was trained for this business to be what I am; a wrestler. I believe that's where I hold the advantage over you. You're bigger than I am. Stronger and just plain angrier. I see that works for you. The anger is as fuel to a fire. the trick is knowing when not to get burned."

"I won't be like so many others. I won't stand here and tell you in detail what I intend to do. For one, it's foolish to explain to your opponent just how you intend to take them down, because then they'll know what to expect and have a counter for it. And two, as I was taught -- strategies do not always go according to plan. You can look for weak spots and where your opponent lacks and think to yourself, 'Hey, that's where I'll target him and the rest will be history!' I've had some opponents think the same of me but they always fail to understand one key thing about any ring strategy; your opponent simply has other ideas in how they think the match will go. They have other ideas that conflict with your own and then where are you? It's time to improvise what's going to go down in that ring and Rage, it's not going to be me."

"I waited a long time to get a chance at the top prize in Sin City Wrestling. I've waited a long time to get the top prize in any promotion, be it world or regional. I know when and where to make the most of the opportunities passed down to me, and Rage?"

"This opportunity will be golden."

Climax Control Archives / My sister, my rock
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:14:40 PM »
 You know, sometimes when life seems to get a little edgy or rough around the edges, I like to look back at recent things that made me smile or laugh and forget the negativity for as long as possible. I know there are times when that's not a realistic thing to accomplish and you have to focus on the bad to get it out of your life and turn the negativity into a positive light. I'm here to tell you that it's not always easy, but it helps when you have people close to you that bring you out of the depths and makes you feel good about yourself.

The one constant I have to admit that I have in my life has always been Abigail. Despite the differences we've experienced over the years and the problems that have arisen between us over her marriage to Darius, we've still been the shoulder for the other to lean on when in times of need. I don't know how we do it, nor do I understand, but there have been many a times in our lives when we seemed to know out of the blue when the other needed a 'pick me up' and we acted accordingly. Our grandparents would tell us the same thing each time; that it was the spiritual bond as siblings that gave us such support from one another. I don't know if I believe that, but Grandmother and Grandfather never steered us wrong before. Why should I not believe them now?

I imagine you're wondering why I bring this up now. It's simple, really. So many fans who are on the outside looking in tend to forget the fact that celebrities, whether they be actors or singers or yes, professional wrestlers, are really just people all the same. Just like the people sitting in the stands, cheering us on -- we ourselves were in that same spot in years past. When we move on to a new territory and meet new peers or wrestlers of whom we looked up to in childhood, we get that very same electric thrill that the youngest of fans feel when they meet us at the shows, in hotel lobbies or in the airports.

Over the past few times I've made myself known to everyone, I've brought my sister a little further into the spotlight. Not intentionally really, but when you have a person in your life you cherish and who is there for you unconditionally, these things simply happen. After all, they're there in your life for a reason.

I mention my sister's support because recently I believe I truly needed it when she discovered something I had hoped would remain hidden. It happened just over a week ago, when my family was preparing to accompany me to Sparks, Nevada. I can only be thankful that Grandmother was taking a nap at the time...

"Abby, what are you doing?" I asked as I moved into the kitchen and found my sister going through one of the bags that I had packed for my trip. She glanced up and gave me 'that look' she always did when i used that familiar nickname for her, the one that she never really cared for. My sister believed in calling people by their names, not shortened versions of them or nicknames. unless of course she was calling me an ass, for which most of the time I probably deserved it.

"What does it look like?" She said with a faux sigh of exasperation. She pulled out a pair of jeans and dropped them into a laundry basket and continued to address me, "If my own helpless brother is incapable of packing a bag of clean clothes for his trip, I guess it falls on his sister to do it for him."

"What?" I frowned as I stepped up to the table and pointed down to the clothes in the bag that she was rifling through. "Those are clean. I just..."

"Oh pth." Abigail raspberried me with her tongue between her lips. "Not all of them are clean." She pulled up a fairly worn T-shirt of mine that I've had for a couple of years now and eyed it with open disdain. "I can't believe that you actually still have this monstrosity." And she tossed it into the pile she was deeming as in need of 'repair'.

"It's my favorite shirt." I reasoned, unable to fathom the mind set of women who didn't comprehend the male mindset in refusing to discard with favored clothes, no matter their condition. "I sleep in it."

"It needs to be put out of it's misery." She mused as she moved aside to the cabinets near the wash room where the laundry was done. She popped open a door and took out the non-name brand detergent and turned around to find me starting to move the clothes she took out back into my bag.

"hey!" She hurried over and batted at my hands with her free one. "Stop that! Go back to doing ... whatever it is that you do to kill time."

"Like what?" I asked. "We don't leave until tomorrow morning."

"You could start dinner while Grams is asleep."

I looked at her and set a hand on my side and she nodded, biting her bottom lip. "Right." She said. "Probably not the smartest suggestion I ever made."

True that, I thought. I'm probably the only person in the world capable of ruining Rice Krispie Treats.

"Then just make me a pot of coffee, please." She said, waving me away with her hand. "I'm sure you can handle that at least. And I'll probably need it given what it'll take me to get my dear brother ready for the road."

"Abby..." I started to say but she cut me off.

She asked, "What are you afraid of? That'll I'll find one of those cute little thongs the world saw you in a couple of weeks ago? You remember, when that partner of yours pulled your pants down?"

She had that girlish grin on her face which told me she was watching my face flush quite the scarlet red. I knew when I was beaten so I turned around and headed for the kitchen counter to make her that pot of coffee, leaving behind what I was certain my sister wearing a very smug smile knowing she had bested me in that exchange.

I also knew better to argue because she simply needed to keep her hands busy. Darius had called just that morning to tell her he would not be returning as planned, but would be staying almost three weeks longer in New York. Some sort of business deals and transactions his form was involved in if i understand it when she was talking to our Grandmother. I tried not to listen in, as I was reading the newspaper in the other room at the time, but I don't think anyone with family in such a spot would not stoop so low as to allow a word or two to slip to our ears. Especially when I could hear the tears in her voice. Never before had I wanted to strangle that brother-in-law of mine more.

"Bo?" My sister's voice arose behind me as I was getting the coffee out of the cabinet. "What's this?"

"What's what?" I asked as I started to pull the top off of the canister and grabbed for the coffee maker to get it under way.


I turned around to see what she was talking about and I swear i almost dropped the coffee pot onto the floor. My sister was holding my pill bottle in her hands. Like a fool, I must have already put it in my bag and forgotten all about it, or simply forgotten which bag it was in. And it just so happened to have been in the very same one Abigail was going through. I forgot myself. I stood there, frozen, staring at the pill bottle before I looked up and caught my sister's eye.

"Bo." She said, her grip giving the bottle a slight shake. "What are these?"

"They're pills." I answered, and the moment I said it aloud, I realized how lame it sounded.

Abigail simply looked at me and gave me a sharp expression that, if she'd let loose on Darius once in awhile, would probably make her life a little bit easier.

"Yes, I can tell they're pills, Bo. I'm not blind." She held them up and started to glance at the label. "What I'm asking is what are they for?"

"They're for me." I finally said and started to make a grab for them but Abigail stepped back so that she could get a closer look at the label and I could tell the moment she saw the prescription name. Generic name or not, she had always gotten better grades in school than I did and she'd know it for what it was. Her brows creased into a frown and she looked up at me.

"Morphine?" She practically spat. "Bo..." She shook her head, her face know knitted in a mask of confusion. "What are you...?"

I didn't let her finish her question when I grabbed the bottle from out of her hand and turned and walked back toward the counter.


I spun back around to face her and I wish I hadn't. The swift, sudden movement caused that searing pain to go up my side and spread over my right side like ink pooling in a bowl of water. I winced and paused. I tried to hide the discomfort from her but my sister was no fool. She saw me in pain only recently at the airport, and now this time...

"Not so loud." I quietly pleaded. "Don't wake her up." 'Her', meaning our Grandmother, of course.

Abigail forgot all about helping me with the laundry chores and took a step closer to me. It was amazing to see how quickly the mood she wore on her face could change so easily as the weather itself. Now she showed genuine concern for her older brother, and laid a hand on my arm. Her eyes were not on my face, however, but on my side which she could tell by my stance that I was favoring.

She looked up and I couldn't face her. I just couldn't.

"How long?"

It was a simple enough question, but right now I didn't believe myself capable of thinking very clearly. I glanced at her, tearing my eyes away from inspecting my shoes and the only thing I could think to say was, "Hm?"

"How long have you been hurt?"

"I don't know." I admitted, shaking my head. "Awhile. A year or two. I really can't tell you honestly."

"A year or two." She repeated, her face now truly showing worry. "How? Is it this...?"

"Wrestling?" I asked, then sighed and nodded to confirm her suspicion. "Yeah, I guess so. I took a bad fall when I went to Japan. Their rings are harder. Their style is rougher, and I never really had time to take care of things."

"In two years you haven't had time to have this properly taken care of?" Now her words were mixed with venomous disbelief.

"It's being taken care of Abby." I said. It was true, or I tried to make myself believe it was true. The body has a way of mending itself. Mine just seemed to be taking a little bit longer than usual. I turned around and went back to making the coffee for her, if for any other reason than to try avoiding this subject going any further.

Unfortunately, my sister was as stubborn as any other member of our family. More so, even. When she got a proverbial bee in her bonnet she could be a real firecracker. She wasn't about to be deterred from this and she asked the one question I had hoped she wouldn't, "Does Grandmother know?"

The cupboard door slammed shut. my own fault, letting my reaction be out of my own control. I set the canister of coffee down on the counter and I took a deep breath with my eyes closed. Once I found my sense of calm, I just shook my head. I opened my eyes and stared at my hands.

"And don't tell her Abigail."


I turned my head and frowned. "Because she has enough on her mind already. You know that the slightest thing worries her, even when it doesn't need to. Her own medical bills, the care for this house. Worrying about Darius trying to get his hands on this house..."

"Do not take that tactic with me, Bo." Abigail warned me sternly. "Do not try to use my husband to distract away from these issues."

"What issues?" I asked with a little more attitude than I really intended.

"The fact that my brother is on drugs." She answered calmly, but with enough conviction behind her words to make me turn around, ignoring the pain that was again growing against my side and shoulders.

I growled between my teeth, "I am not on drugs!"

She contradicted me, starting to say, "Those pills are morphine and morphine..."

"Was prescribed to me legally by a doctor!" I interrupted her hotly. "here is no call for this, Abby! Any of this! I'm fine!" I insisted.

She didn't reply to me, not at first. For a brief moment I had thought this was over, or she would choose to let it go. I was a fool to think that. This was my sister we're talking about.

"Why didn't you get it checked out by a doctor?" She finally asked.

I sighed and leaned back against the counter. I closed my eyes and found myself pinching the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. "Abby, I did have it checked out. That's why the doctor put me on those."

"And he didn't suggest surgery?" She asked. "It could be serious."

"He did suggest surgery." I admitted. "I turned it down."

"Wha.. why?" Abigail looked at me as if I were insane. "Bo if surgery will fix ... whatever it is that needs fixed, then you should.."

"I can't."


I sighed and pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and lowered myself into it. Abigail wasted no time in pulling her own chair out and set it closer to my own and took her own seat. She stared at me, saying nothing but waiting for an answer. I wasn't sure how to explain it so that she would understand. Truth be told, I wasn't sure I understood it myself. So I just started talking and hoped that somehow, it would make sense.

"I haven't agreed to the surgery, because if I do it, I don't know how long it might take to recover." I explained. Or tried to. "Everything I've worked for ... I could lose."

"You mean your wrestling." Abby said with no attempt to shield her disdain for one of my chosen professions. She never liked wrestling. As a child, she would tease me for watching it, and at times would do everything she could to get me and Grandfather to change the channel when it came on the television. When that didn't work, she would simply leave the room and read or spend time with Grandmother (who didn't particularly care for the sport either). I was shocked, quite literally, when she said she was going to come watch her 'big brother' compete in person for the very first time.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I've been doing this for some time Abby. I put so much time and energy into building as solid a reputation in the business as I could. If I have that surgery, it could be months before I'm cleared to wrestle. Maybe a year or more..."

"So?" She frowned, not understanding my reasoning after all.

"So," I continued. "Wrestling is notorious for forgetting the men and women who gave so much to it. It's the old saying of 'what have you done for me lately' I guess. If I'm out for that long, everything I worked for might be for nothing. it might be lost."

"Do you really believe that?"

I just nodded.

"Then to hell with the business." She said with a swollen scorn to her words. "If it treats the people in it that way, you or whoever, then it doesn't deserve to have you in it!"


"I'm serious!"

"So am I." I found it almost alarming at how calm I became as opposed to how worked up my sister was getting. "It's not just the wrestling. It's the teaching and..."

"The teaching?" Abigail frowned. "What has that got to do with anything? I should think you'd be able to spend more time teaching without taking those personal days off for traveling."

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, "I do more than just stand in the class room and talk. I try to help out wherever and with whatever I can. School functions, class plays, anything they need. I won't be able to do that much if I'm laid up." I stopped playing with the spoon that was on the table and glanced up and admitted to her, "And I wouldn't be able to do the work around here that I do."

Abigail's slender shoulders almost seemed to deflate as she leaned back against her chair and looked at me. "That's what this is all about, isn't it?" She asked.

"Not everything." I admitted. "But a big chunk of it. It's why I don't have a fuller schedule wrestling. I can't take that much time away from home in good conscience. Not without someone here to care for Grandmother and I tend to prefer doing that myself."

"She has me, you know."

"I know." I said right back. "But you also have your own husband, and you told me you two were talking about children. You live in Texas, Abby. You can't just drop everything and come here every time I need to hit the road. It's not fair to you, or to Grandmother."

"How do you think she'd feel, Bo, if she knew you were hurt and wouldn't help yourself because you wanted to take care of her instead?"

"She doesn't need to know that." I leaned forward against the table and laid my hand down on her own forearm. "Don't tell her Abby. Promise me."

"Bo." She frowned and tried to retrieve her arm from my grip but I didn't let go.

"Please." I said.

This time it was she who would not meet my eyes. Those lovely brown eyes of hers that captured many a school boy's heart focused on everything but my own. She finally whispered, "I don't like this."

"And I don't like asking you to do this." I said, and she finally looked up at me. I could have wept at the concern in her eyes. My little sister, worried about me. "But it is a necessary evil."

That's my sister, and just one of the many reasons why I adore her. As angry as we can make each other at times, neither of us could see it as a fathomable thing to betray the other. She promised me she wouldn't tell Grandmother about the pills, or my injury. But on the flip side she also made me promise to try to take it easy in the ring and avoid getting hurt. She made quite the point that every match i signed to be a part of would just aggravate my injury and possibly worsen it. Plus, she asked me to try to lighten up on the morphine pills, and find other possible options to help with my pain. We discussed her taking me to one of the reservation elders for possible herbals remedies, but that would have to wait. It risked the elders telling Grandmother and that was to be avoided at all costs.

So I proceeded to make Abigail her coffee while she tended to my 'shabby' clothes and the following day we found ourselves on the road, heading for Nevada. I knew it would be a small adventure. My Grandmother had already met a fair few of my peers in the business. Shane Boswell, Gabriel, of course Mister Ward, and a handful of the others. None of them had met Abigail though and I was looking forward to introducing them to her.

I should have known how Mister Ward would have reacted to being introduced to such a beautiful woman as my sister.

It was customary for the workers to arrive at the arena extra early to go through the plans for the evening's show and help out any way we could. Myself included. I told everyone to keep a watch out for my family who would be arriving backstage as my guests until it was time for the show to begin. Then they'd get front row VIP seats Mister Underwood had arranged for me.

I was actually talking to Mister Ward and Mister Parker who flew in for this show when Christian escorted my sister and Grandmother over to me and I made the proper introductions. That's when Mister Ward proceeded to turn on the British charm in regard to my sister, kissing the back of her hand and paying the light compliments.

You know, one thing I noticed about Mister Ward is that the prettier the woman he's talking to, the thicker his British accent becomes? Hm, go figure. I'd ask him about that but I doubt I'd get a sensible answer that didn't have to do with his libido. Still, I admit I felt a tingle of amusement, watching him try to work his charm on Abigail, and not really get anywhere for his efforts. She held up her wedding band and that pretty much ended it. Well, it probably wouldn't have if Grandmother hadn't been standing right there.

The after party, now that was a night I could probably do just as well to forget. I don't go to too many of those. Not out of a desire to avoid socializing with my friends, but more so a desire to just get to bed or get back home if I can get on the road that evening. However when the guys approached us after the show about going to this club, I started to turn down the offer when Abigail spoke up and stated she'd like to go. I figured Grandmother would be too tired, but she stated she wouldn't mind a nice glass of sherry.

I knew when I was a beaten man.

It was actually a pretty nice evening, as everyone who worked on the show, wrestler, official and staff alike, attended and had a good time. Myself included, I must admit. Well, at least until I excused myself for a moment and left our table. I had managed to grab one for my family and myself, and several wrestlers swung by to meet my sister, and those who hadn't met her -- my Grandmother. I have to note that Jordan Williams was especially respectful towards the matriarch of my family.

Anyway, I was coming back to the table when who did I see seated at our booth but that rather aggressive Bombshell, Brandi Shotze. I am not afraid of any man on the SCW roster, but that woman is a different story. It was bad enough her officiating my mud match against Matthew Kennedy, but afterwards she 'accidentally' walked in on my shower, and I can't walk anywhere around her and that partner of hers (or bend over god forbid) without hearing a symphony of whistles and catcalls. I feel so cheap!

So what was she doing there, you might ask? I came up just in time to hear my 'sweet' sister ask Brandi, "How would you like to be the mother of my nieces and nephews?"

Well Brandi slammed her empty beer bottle on the table and said, "Sure! I'll give it a shot!" And before I knew what was happening, that woman got up and slung me over her shoulder and started to carry me off! To much laughter and cheering I might add -- and most of it coming from my table!

All I can say is thank God we were in a public place or else I'm afraid of what might have happened (other than a stolen kiss and a few good gropes that is).

Did I ever mention Brandi scares me?

"Looking back onto lighter times makes it easier to step forward when you know things won't be easy.

I have no qualms at admitting this is probably going to be the hardest match of my career. Being put in the ring against three such men as I'm up against, each one a viable world caliber contender, and each of us with the same goal.

Nick Jones. The Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. Rage, Blaque Hart Bruce Evans, Jordan William and myself. We each have a reason why we want to face Nick, an it's not entirely for the reason of the gold around his waist. That's just icing on the cake. It hasn't been any secret of what's been happening between Nick and myself. I never really wanted to believe that Nick would allow this ridiculous rivalry with Mister Parker would escalate and flood over into my own path. Yet it has, and here I am. I guess Nick thought he could have more fun at Mister Parker's expense by picking on me, thinking me vulnerable, and things just seemed to escalate from there. Especially when I started to fight back and give him a taste of his own medicine. Apparently that's unheard of for Nick Jones, and the you-know-what hit the fan. The worst thing he could have done to my career is when he cost me my Roulette Championship. Matthew Kennedy should never have beaten me for that title. I had him beat, when Nick cost me the win, and I went home from London without the very title I walked in with. That is my motivation for wanting to win this Fatal Four Way match. I want to win it, and get the chance to meet Nick Jones one-on-one, with nothing to stop me from returning the favor and taking away what his ego holds most dear, and I'm not talking about his girlfriend.

None of the men I'm up against will be easy. Rage has the size and strength advantage over all of us. I have never seen a man with such a perpetual case of PMS (pun intended) as he has, but the scary thing is -- it works for him. When most men's emotions cost them in the ring, Rage channels his anger and it serves as fuel for the fire within his belly. It makes him focused and he fights even harder to put away the opposition. Though with four men in the ring, I don't know how successful his anger issues will be. I'm certain we'll end up pairing off, but a part of me thinks it would be most advisable that we try to take the big man out before we worry about each other. Rage is simply too dangerous to think otherwise.

I admit when I was first told Blaque Hart was in this match also, I didn't think it quite fair. Here the man had all the momentum in the world and he just left. Then he returns and right away he's acting that he should be in the main events and chasing after the heavyweight title as if he had never been away. I couldn't fathom the sheer level of arrogance he must have swelling that head of his to just think he should be able to return after all of this time and get a shot at Nick Jones and the Heavyweight Championship! But there's nothing to be done about that now. The Fatal Four Way match has been signed officially and he is a part of it. The only thing I can do is go in there and prove to him that his return was premature. He simply is not ready.

Jordan Williams, I admit that I saved you for last. It wasn't too long ago that we met in a tag team match, and I would like to think that I held myself very well the few moments that I was in the ring with you. Out of all four of us, you have the most experience, and the record with the most amount of gold. I can't imagine what your trophy cases at your home must look like. Unlike so many other champions in this business (Hulk Hogan and Triple H), you've earned every single belt that's been around your waist. You earned your reputation. I wasn't surprised that you won the SCW tag Team titles, but I was surprised that right after you lost the titles in London, you were stepping up for a crack at Nick's title. I can't really even recall the last singles match you had here in SCW, so I have to ask; what makes you believe you should be the number one challenger? It's not fair or right for you to think your past wins should carry over to here. But then again, what do I know? Personally, I would love the chance to wrestle you one-on-one. We have an uncanny amount in common, especially with one Mister Parker. The man who aided in your training and is solely responsible for my own. I still find myself being brought to his ranch from time to time. I don't think my training will ever be totally complete in his eyes, and that's alright by me. He runs me ragged. he argues with me. he berates me from time to time to fight harder. And do you know why? Because he knows what I am capable of accomplishing inside of the ring. he knows I can be the best if I just set my mind to it. Well guess what, Jordan? My mind is made up. I'm walking out of Sparks, Nevada as the number one challenger. Because I know I deserve it."

Climax Control Archives / Family Matters Act 2
« on: May 17, 2012, 12:37:31 PM »
 Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

The Tulsa International Airport wasn't as busy as I would have suspected as I stepped off of the rampway and found myself weaving in between the people who were standing in line, waiting to board themselves. I imagine if I had really given it any thought, I shouldn't be too surprised. I guess more people travel during the weekend than the start of the week.

I paused only long enough to buy myself a Coke from a small vendor and I then made my way through the confines of the airport to retrieve my luggage and meet my sister who was picking me up. 'This day is going to be a long one.' I kept the private thought to myself as I stepped onto the escalator that would bring me down to the baggage area. I knew it to be true as it was almost noon, and I wouldn't get home until well into the afternoon. Then I had to make certain too contact the school officials to let them know I was back and would be in for classes again starting tomorrow. I needed to check in with Mister Parker and let him know i arrived safely, and see what he knew anything about the bookings over the course of the next few shows. I'd need to let the school officials know who were always gracious enough to work around my wrestling schedule. I imagine the substitute teachers in their employ were grateful as well. And of course, I would have to take care of any odd chores of my own and of course, my Grandmother would probably need a few things done as well if Abigail hadn't already taken care of any loose ends.

Then there would be a quick trip to the pharmacy at our local grocer. That I would not be able to put off if I intended to be able to move at all in the morning. This tour of Europe, while fun and informative, had been nothing short of a living Hell on my personal welfare. When my prescriptions got confiscated right here in this very airport, I was left to fend for myself throughout most of the time in Paris and London and elsewhere. As much as I felt my body was being racked with nagging pains, may the people at Tylenol forgive me but their products simply don't do the job when one is used to the blissful effects of a light morphine. The over-the-counter medicines helped somewhat, but not enough. Not when I was spending my time being tossed across a ring and dropped at a height of ten plus feet. It was a wonder I was even able to get out of the ring and head for the back. I think I spent more time under the hot showers than the rest of the roster combined. That and the rare occasion of a shot of Jack helped get me through another night. I didn't want that particular dependency to continue though.

On a side note, I really wish they would have put signs over the locker room doors. That rather buxom Bombshell, Brandi Shotze, 'accidentally' wandered into my shower. That was certainly an awkward moment.

I liked this airport. I arrived at the base of the escalator and it opened right into the lobby where the baggage carousels were for the many flights. I checked my ticket for the carousel number where my bags could be retrieved and headed over when a movement and familiar face caught my eye. I turned my head to spot my sister standing by the correct locale I was headed for and she was curiously bobbing a bright, neon green balloon in her hand with a smile on her face.

I frowned briefly, despite the amusement I felt inside and turned to approach her. Once I got close enough, she threw her arms around me and welcomed me with the loving embrace only family can understand.

"Oh, it is about time!" Abigail stated as we parted and she gave me a playful huff of feigned exasperation. "Your flight was due almost forty minutes ago."

"You'll have to forgive me." I replied casually with a feign of indifference in my tone. "The next time I decide to have a flight delayed due to weather, I'll make certain to check with you personally to see if it's convenient."

"See that you do Rain God." She replied without missing a beat as she slid her arm within my own and personally escorted me towards the carousel that held my flight's bags and such. My curiosity would not be contained much longer so I simply had to ask;

"What's with the balloon, anyway? Going through your second childhood finally?"

She raised her eyebrows and shot me a haughty look without deigning to turn her head to look at me directly and she shrugged, "I wasn't sure how crowded it would get in here so I wanted to make sure you saw me."

"By playing with a neon balloon?"

"It worked, didn't it?"

"Touche'!" She smiled, satisfied that she had won out on this particular sibling debate and passed the balloon from her hand to my own. I looked at it and said, "Well, at least I can't say that you never gave me anything."

"Yeah, wait until grams sees you with that." She smirked, pursing her lips tightly.

That little tidbit caught my attention and caused me to 'accidentally' let the balloon slip from my grasp and go floating up to wherever balloons go to pass on. I said, "Grams? You brought her with you?"

"Mm hm." Abigail murmured through her lips as we arrived at the baggage carousel and waited for my bags to arrive. "She was tired of being in the house and wanted to go with me for the drive."

I raised a brow and looked at her over my own shoulder, "Aren't you the one who chewed me a new one for taking her on these little road trips?"

Abigail shrugged noncommittally and said, "Yes, well, that was before I was aware of her little secret weapon to get youngsters like us to do what she wants us to."

"Grandma Guilt?"

"Grandma Guilt." She confirmed as my bags appeared around the bend and I grabbed at two of them while Abigail, went for the third.

I hefted them up and turned to her with a smile as she set the baggage cart down and proceeded to give it a pull. Figures my wise sister would be the one to get the bags that didn't need to be carried. She glanced up at me to meet my eyes and I shook my head, "There's no defense for that tactic."

"Please don't remind me." She answered with a rather phony sense of annoyance and she led me over to a waiting area with seats where I spotted that fabulous lady who had a small book on her lap and she glanced up.

I never could tire of that shine in her eyes when she spots me showing up. There's nothing quite like the love of a grandma. I set my bags down and walked the extra few steps to gather my grandmother in my arms and she returned the embrace as fiercely as she was able.

I let loose the hug and my grams smiled like a girl quite a few years her junior and asked, "What did you bring me?"

I frowned and held my arms outward, "What? No 'hello dear grandson'?"

"Hello dear grandson." She smiled and looked at my bags and pointed at them. "What did you bring me?"

A brief bark of laughter managed to escape me and I turned around to look at my sister. I jetted a thumb back toward the older woman and asked, "Can you believe her?"

"Don't expect me to come to your defense." Abigail said, shaking her head. "I better be seeing a little something for your baby sister too."

"Wow." I said and I walked over to my 'baby sister' and relieved her of the baggage and hefted it towards me. "What chance does a man have when his sister teams up against him with his grandmother?"

"None at all." Was the answer I got from Abigail as I dropped down to one knee and winced. I tried to hide it but I was facing my sister and i could almost bet that she noticed. Yet if she did, she said nothing to alert my grams. The two little beggars moved in to hover closer as I unzipped the baggage and said aloud, "You'd think my safe return would be enough to satisfy you two."

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" Abigail chirped as I fished out a brown box adorned in a golden ribbon and handed it to her. I then gave a violet box over to my grandmother  and hefted myself up to a vertical position and watched as these two acted the parts of 'little girls' and they practically tore off the ribbon and opened the boxes.

"Chocolates?" Abigail said with a smile. The box was filled with truffles of varied flavors; everything from champagne to key lime.

I nodded, "From Paris."

"Oh my." I heard the murmur from my grandmother as she held out the beautiful scarf I had picked up in Holland. It was a blend of several shades of purple in both light and dark hues in a floral pattern. Abigail walked over to her and took the silk accessory and draped it around our grandmother's neck and arranged it so that the tie dangled over her shoulder. She looked up at me as her fingertips draped along the soft garment and she said, "Oh it's lovely."

"I got it in Holland." I nodded. "It was so beautiful I immediately thought of you."

My grandmother rolled her eyes which caused both me and my sister to chuckle. Abigail promptly turned to me and smiled sweetly before she said, "And I suppose the chocolates reminded you of me because your sister is so sweet?"

I shrugged and replied with a simple, "Okay." and was promptly rewarded with a cuff to the arm by my so-called 'sweet sister'.

"Just for that..." She said taking one of the candies from the box for herself and holding the box over to our grandmother to pick one. "You get no chocolate."

I replied, "Big threat considering I bought enough for myself as well." I nodded toward one of the bags and said, "There's more but they can wait until we get home and I... what are you doing?" Referring to Abigail who was now on the tips of her toes and looking into my ear with one eye closed.

"Checking for any traces of dried mud." Came the short and terse response.

I exhaled and looked to our Grandmother who shook her head and said, "She's been waiting to make some joke like that since we saw your match."

I shifted my gaze to my sister and narrowed my eyes at her. I said in an accusing tone, "You recorded that blasted mud match, didn't  you?"

Abigail gave me her best 'Who, me?' face and I responded as only I would be able with some opposition.  I picked up my cast aside baggage and headed for the exits.

I was no fool.

"Looking back to the simpler things serves it's purpose, if you take the time to think about it. When life hands you some bitter disappointments, you like to believe that you can count your blessings to make what's bad seem not so much so."

"I thought that I was on top of the world when I went into Europe as the Roulette Champion. I believed if I could just make it past the next few weeks, I'd return to Oklahoma as the champion still, and possibly move up in the rankings for a Heavyweight Championship encounter. That all went to pot the moment they booked me in that 'Clash of the Champions' tag team match with the SCW Champion, Nick Jones, as my partner."

"Mister Ward has told me so many stories about this man and the small war of practical jokes they carried against each other, that I had a difficult time believing that any of it was possible. I mean, I admit I never understood why you'd want to even bother with such immature actions against a person who in effect, you would be working with for the foreseeable future. I heard everything from Nick picking Mister Parker's pocket to pay some outlandish hotel bill, to a bit of payback where Nick ended up at some gay leather bar surrounded by some rather intimidating men. And back then I don't think Nick had his Entourage around to protect him from exploring hands by those fetish enthusiasts. It just all sounded so ridiculous that I couldn't believe it -- until I myself ended up with Nick both as a tag team partner as well as an antagonist."

"I know you all are familiar with what went down, if you'll pardon my pun, in Europe. As far as the jokes I mean. So there's really no need to go into further detail. That's for my own sake as well because I don't think I will ever get over the humiliation of being stripped naked by two transvestite prostitutes and come that close to being molested in ways I wouldn't want to explore with the female of the species -- well, maybe. All these incidents between us proved to me only one thing when it came to the Champion. And that's the fact that Nick Jones is perhaps the most spoiled, immature child that is on the SCW roster. True, so many people refer to Despayre as a child in a man's body, or James Huntington-Hawked III as a spoiled 'brat prince', but to me Nick has each one beat."

"Of course that could be because I haven't really dealt with either Despayre or the rich kid before."

"Nick has it in his head that being who he is, champion or otherwise, he should be able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, to whomever he wants -- without the fear of reprisal. He thinks his jokes and actions are funny, and nobody has the right to get upset or deal him a little payback. That's because then it's no longer funny -- to him. That's all I did after all. Just a little payback, but not much. I nearly get gang banged and I was painted blue, so compared to that, getting tossed out onto the streets of Berlin buck naked isn't nearly so bad, is it?"

"Well, Nick certainly thought so and his actions proved that he's not man enough to endure a taste of his own medicine. Our trading insults and jokes wasn't enough for him. Not by a long shot. He had to up the stakes in London when he cost me the Roulette championship and prevented me from returning home with gold around my waist to make my family proud. I think deep down he knew what he was doing in that regard, and even if he didn't, the damage was clear. I think Nick thought that would be the end of it. That costing me my match against Kennedy would be the end of what was going on between us. He probably believed that there wasn't much else that I could do after that. But oh how wrong I want to prove him to being."

"I'm more than willing to bet that he didn't think I'd go to Mister Ward and ask for a match against him. Any match, so long as it allowed me to get my hands on that smug jackass. Nick doesn't have to pretend any longer. I know he called Mister Parker whining and complaining about what I did and what he needed to do to get me under control. You know what Mister Parker told me, Nick? He just told me to get out there and prove to you that you're not as invulnerable as you like to think yourself to being. Anybody's shoulders are capable of being pinned to the mat, including that of a champion's. Including your own. But when we finally get into the ring with each other, I'm not going to be trying to put your shoulders down for the three count, Nick. I don't think I'll be quite satisfied until I tie you up into so many knots you'll find yourself tapping out to the tune of your own theme music. Hearing you squeal in pain and telling the referee you give up will be sweet, sweet music to my ears, and it'll vindicate everything that has happened in the shared past of Mister Parker and myself."

"When you cost me the Roulette title, you proved an old adage to be true; that every champion has one thing in common, and that they will all one day be a former champion. Personally Nick, I would love to be the man that unseats you from that lofty throne that you've put yourself on. I've never held the top singles championship of any promotion I've worked for, and doing it at your expense and seeing the smug look melt off that kisser of yours will be all the reward I need. You started something Nick, so I want you to sit back, relax, and wait for the inevitable. Because I intend to finish it."

"I knew the moment my tag team partners were announced that the win would be in the proverbial bag. You just don't get any more dominant than the combination of Gabriel and Despayre. These two have never tasted defeat in tag team competition, and this will not be the first blemish on an otherwise spotless record. They wouldn't be holding the Tag titles if they didn't know how to work as a team, and now I have to enter somewhat unfamiliar territory as I find myself in their 'sinful' midst. Plus it has more to do than just with their quality work inside of the ring. It also has to do with the mentality of who you're dealing with when you're facing Sinful Obsession."

"Despayre's reckless antics make it almost impossible to prepare any strategy in the ring against him. I should know. On a hunch I tried coming up with something if the time ever came I would find myself facing him and Gabriel. I got nothing. I spoke to Mister Parker and he told me with an opponent like that, all you can do is play it by ear and try to ground him. And as far as Gabriel goes? The distinction of being the first SCW Heavyweight Champion speaks all that need be said. I say with no doubt that if a rather tainted backstage deal had never taken place, Gabriel would still be the champion -- and you wouldn't Nick. So I admit to looking forward to what will be happening in the ring when the former champion faces the current."

"That brings me back to Nick. Don't think I haven't noticed how this man acts whenever Despayre is anywhere near him. Anger. resentment. perhaps a tinge of fear mixed in that mind of yours, Nick? Well, don't you worry. I want to occupy as much of your ring time as possible in our six man tag, but I won't be selfish. I know how much you look forward to spending some quality time with your friend, Despayre. I'm sure I can sacrifice a little time for him to play with you."

"Which brings me to the other two members of Nick's team, and that's Bobby Cage and Johnny Brown. Now see, I thought that since Nick and I would be on opposing teams, then the two men on Nick's team  would be a pairing that might soon be facing the Sins for the tag gold. If that's true, I can't think of a more unlikely combination to challenge Gabriel and Despayre than Cage and Brown. And even if it isn't, I am more than familiar with at least one of these two guys."

"The True Brit has already opened his mouth and promptly stuck his foot in it. He can talk all the trash he wants, make all the Indian taunts and jokes that he thinks will turn an ear to his direction, but it'll all be for naught when the bell rings because there's a big difference between Johnny and myself. I've been a champion. He hasn't. I'll be a champion again, and before he even gets his first taste of SCW gold. He has got a pretty solid win/loss record, that I can't deny. But he hasn't exactly been in there at a main event level by his own admission. And it's not the fault of the staff of SCW, either. It's quite simply because he hasn't earned it yet. So let him run his mouth all he wants. Let everyone in Sparks, Nevada sit back and watch the big man choke on everything he spewed. All it'll get is a smile of satisfaction from me. Johnny, the only end result of all this bravado on your end will be you being tossed right out of the main event picture because you proved that you just were not ready."

"Bobby Cage on the other hand, has seen action in the upper echelon of the shows in Sin City Wrestling. He's had chances and even if he hasn't been able to grasp that brass ring, the time will come. His time will come. I know because I've been in the ring with him at least once or twice and the man has one of the roughest, stiffest styles I've ever had to try to adapt to. I'm man enough to admit that I can't go in there with the Convict and expect to trade fisticuffs with him and come out on top. If I tried, he'd most likely hit me with enough shots that my head would be spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist. So it's all going to come down to an age old debate of who is the better athlete ... a boxer versus a wrestler. There have been a number of times in history when these two sports have met, and a boxer stepped into a match officially against a wrestler. And more often than not, it was the wrestler who walked away with his held high. Because if a boxer can't stand, and can't have the use of his arms, then he's useless in a fight. This time won't be any different, Bobby. Unlike your two partners, you do have my respect. I would certainly be willing to shake your hand, but during the match? It's all business. I'm not letting anything come between me and putting my foot up the backside of your partner, the Heavyweight Champion."

May 16, 2002

I watched as the last of the students filed out of my class room with their bags and books. I took a small degree of amusement from their grumbling at the stack of homework I had assigned because I knew that years ago, I was one of those complaining students. It's funny how time changes these things. How I used to hate the mere aspect of homework itself, only to find myself discovering the wisdom behind it when I discovered my hidden desire to be a teacher and set out on the path to achieve it.

There was an after school function that I had to get ready for, a spaghetti dinner to help raise funds for our school choir to make a trip to the regional competitions. A lofty goal my family and I heartily would endorse. My sister was planning to come to this 'feast' and bring our grandmother along. I imagine too both get her out of the house as well as keep either of them from having to make dinner tonight. The worthy cause was just icing on the cake.

But I picked up my phone to see if I had any calls. I saw that there was just the one, from Abigail. Her husband, Darius, had went to New York on some business trip with his banking associates. I strongly suspected that was just a  ruse to get a paid vacation from their employers and time away from the so-called nagging wives. Abigail could have went along but she told me herself she'd sooner dance naked with our mailman than hang out with a bunch of boring bank accountants -- and that included her own husband.

Have I ever said how much I loved my sister?

She surprised me even more so when she announced that she and my grandmother would be accompanying me on my trip to Nevada for the next Sin City Wrestling show. Now I have to confess that Abigail said she quite honestly detests professional wrestling. She finds it barbaric, but she also supports her big brother and wants to cheer him on at least once before the drag aka her husband, gets home and whisks her back home to Texas.

I clicked onto my phone to check my messages, thinking all the while she also had some hidden agenda to wanting to tag along. Most likely it has something to do with the not-so-hidden amusement she got at my expense with the wanton attentions I seem to have earned from an SCW co-worker in Brandi Shotze. She also said she wants to meet some of my wrestling friends. Mister Parker I can understand. I almost shudder to think of her meeting Mister Ward.

The message played, and my sister's voice piped up, "Bo, I just wanted to remind you that Grams and I would be there around half past three. I know the dinner doesn't start until four or so but I thought it would give Grams a chance to rest while I can help you and the other school staff set things up. Bye."

The call ended and the timing was perfect as I heard a rap on the classroom window. I looked up to see the two smiling faces of my beloved family looking in on me and waving. I couldn't help but laugh as I beckoned them inside from the Oklahoma heat outside. They turned and vanished towards the school entrance and I started to pack up the papers on my desk into my briefcase with a light heart.

Family really was everything.

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