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Topics - DrakeGreen

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Character Building Roleplays / Old Role Plays
« on: June 18, 2018, 10:01:04 PM »
 So I was going through some old Drake RPs and found this gem. This was the first RP I ever wrote for this version of Drake. I believe it was for his ACW debut match. There is zero match focus, as was my style back then (although I still suck at promos lol) but it really brought me back to what Drake was like years ago and reminds why he is the way he is these days. Anyways, enjoy....

Two Weeks Earlier

[The camera fades in to the exterior of a brick building on a cold, rainy February night in Newark, NJ. The block is busy for a wet winter night. Cars zoom by as if they had no regard for city speed limits. Outside of the building there are three men desperately trying to stay dry while smoking their cigarettes. Across the street, a newspaper stand owner is struggling with his umbrella trying to keep his goods dry. Two women step out of a side door of the brick building wearing raincoats, go-go boots, and a half-ton of make-up. One is taller than the other with her bright blonde hair up in a bun. The other, a brunette with long, wavy hair that just barely grazing the small of her back. They light up a cigarette and start talking.]

Girl 1: Can you believe that guy at the bar?

Girl 2: I know what the hell is his problem? He keeps staring at Rosie. You know he's been here every night this week. He never pays for nothin', either. Just stares and drinks.

Girl 1: Did you hear what he did last night?

Girl 2: No. What?

Girl 1: He followed her outside when she was leaving with Reno.

Girl 2: Are you for real?

Girl 1: Dead serious. Started goin' off on how he wanted to save her and take her home.

Girl 2: Sounds like a real creep.

Girl 1: I don't know. Sounds kinda sweet to me.

Girl 2: Are you kidding me Dani? If that man follows me you best believe I'm spraying my pepper spray all up in his face.

Girl 1: I'm just sayin'. What if he's for real. You know. Not some creep but some real man wantin' to take care of her and shit. Not some drug dealer like Reno who just wants her around for show.

Girl 2: You a hopeless romantic Dani.

[Girl 1 laughs.]

Girl 1: Maybe. But that boy is cute though...

Girl 2: Yeah he is...

[Both girls start giggling as the side door swings open. A big burly man walks out with an angry look on his face that matches his angry beard.]

Bouncer: Lacey, Dani! Get your asses inside. You're going on in 5!

Girl 2: Relax Jojo. We're going.

Girl 1: Yeah. Jojo. Why you always so mean?

[Girl 1 kisses the Bouncer on his cheek as she walks by]

Bouncer: You know I don't like the rain girl. Makin' me come out in this crap weather.

Girl 1: Oh Jojo. You're so silly.

[The camera follows as the girls walk inside. They head into a dressing room with a half dozen or so half naked women, putting bikinis and lingerie on. They stop at their respective vanities and the camera keeps moving, swooping through the dressing room past all of the women. As the camera leaves the dressing room it moves down a hallway and around a corner. It passes a man selling drugs to a young woman who is also half naked, and then it zooms by her companion who is testing the dealer's product. It moves into a bigger room and finally we get the whole picture. This tiny little brick building houses a dirty, seedy, hole-in-the-wall Newark strip club. There are a number of shady looking characters sprinkled throughout the main room, both men and women alike, taking in the scenery. The scenery, of course, is a beautiful young red headed woman. She doesn't seem like the rest of the dancers in the club; she's got a different light about her. A way, almost angelic, that makes your heart skip a beat. Her eyes are blue as the ocean, and her lips as red as the devil. There's no wonder she has everyone's attention. Everyone, that is, except a young man with dark hair sitting some twenty feet away from her at the bar. Dressed in blue jeans and a blue and white flannel shirt, he is the only one in the room with his back to her. Even the other dancers can't help but stop for a moment and appreciate her. The only things this man seems to notice or appreciate are his beverages. A short glass of scotch nestled tightly in his left hand and a tall bottle of Bud in his right hand. The man is Drake Green. He looks up, straight ahead at the bartender, and speaks as if it was for the first time in hours.]

Drake: Hey! Barkeep!

[The bartender, a small, skinny, runt of a man doesn't even notice him. He's busy peering through his small round eyeglasses at the young girl dancing on the stage. With one hand on the bar and the other rubbing his shiny bald head, he gazes straight ahead not giving Drake any mind.]

Drake: Hey! Barkeep!

[Drake grabs a peanut out of the bowl sitting on the bar in front of him and chucks it at the bartender's shiny bald head. Startled, the bartender flips around and stares at the man.]

Bartender: Hey! I told you stop doing that!

Drake: Just pour the scotch.

[The bartender grabs a bottle of cheap scotch out of the well and starts to pour the glass. He notices Drake starting to sway slightly with his eyes closed.]

Bartender: Hey buddy, you ok?

[Drake snaps out of it.]

Man: Yeah....I'm fine.

[He takes the shot and then a swig of the beer. He shakes his head trying to ease the booze down his throat and then spins around in the stool. A dancer in lingerie walks by an makes an offer for a dance, but he impolitely refuses. His eyes wander around the room, passing over a drugged out junkie sitting in a booth against the back wall and then onto an overweight man with a goatee getting a lap dance from an Asian dancer. He continues to pan around the room but stops suddenly as his eyes graze over the redhead dancing on the stage. He begins an almost trance-like stare, tuning out everything else around him. It gets so intense that he doesn't even notice a man directly next to him, screaming his name trying to get his attention.]

Max: Drake! Drake!

[Max is a middle-aged, well-built man with gray hair that still has specks of black sprinkled around. His eyes are small and dark, and his face is covered with a three-day- old shadow of gray facial hair. His bright aqua-green Hawaiian shirt screams louder than his cries to get his friend's attention.]

Max: Drake!

[Drake finally turns to face Max and a look of surprise comes over his face.]

Drake: Max?

[He asks in a groggy tone.]

Max: Yeah Drake. It's me. You ok?

[Drake jumps up quickly and throws himself on his old friend, giving him a great, big, giant hug]

Drake: Oh man! This is awesome.

Max: Ok, ok buddy. Calm down.

[Drake sits back down, now with a big smile on his face.]

Drake: Barkeep! A brewksi for my friend!

[Max motions off the bartender.]

Max: No no, I'm good. Thanks.

Drake: What?

Max: I'm a friend of Bill W now, D.

Drake: Who the fuck is that?

Max: It means I'm sober.

Drake: Oh.

[Drake slumps a little in stool in a slightly disappointed way.]

Max: Listen D, are you ok?

Drake: Yeah...of course.

Max: I mean, I've been looking for you forever...

Drake: How did you find me anyway?

Max: It wasn't easy.

[Drake throws back his shot.]

Drake: Barkeep!

[Drake throws another peanut at his head, this time smacking it off of his glasses. The bartender walks over and pours the shot for Drake. He walks away mumbling insults under his breath.]

Max: That wasn't very nice.

Drake: Ah screw him! He pours light anyway.

Max: Well you could probably use a lighter pour.

Drake: Is that why you found me Max? So you could start lecturing me again on all the things I'm still doing wrong?

Max: I didn't come here for that D...

[Drake cuts him off.]

Drake: Then why did you come here?

Max: Because I was worried about you. The way we left things off. I said some things that I really didn't mean and I …

[Drake cuts him off again, pointing toward the stage.]

Drake: Maxy, look at her.

Max: Who? The stripper?

Drake: She's not a stripper. She's a dancer.

Max: Excuse me, the dancer...

Drake: She's an angel.

[Max looks her up and down as she dances.]

Max: Well, she certainly is something, isn't she? Look D, can we go somewhere? Maybe grab a cup of coffee or something and talk?

Drake: Talk about what Max?

Max: You know, life. Your life. Maybe the ring..

Drake: Nah eff that man. I'm staying here with her.

[Drake smiles and points to the red-head on the stage.]

Max: Will you stop it with the stripper?

Drake: Dancer!

Max: Whatever. We have to talk D...

[Drake turns and faces Max and takes another shot of scotch.]

Drake: Look, I don't know why you came Max and I honestly don't give a shit. I'm glad you're here. But I'm not gonna go anywhere and talk with you and I'm not gonna cool it with the stripper.

Max: Dancer.

Drake: Whatever. Do me a favor? Either have a drink and shut the fuck up or leave. I've got some more important things to do than to listen to you preach about Bill W and the patron saints of wrestling.

Max: Oh yeah? Like what?

Drake: Like dancing!

[Drake smiles and starts to dance around very slowly to the loud music playing in the bar and Max starts to chuckle.]

Max: You're an asshole, you know that?

Drake: Absolutely!

[They both start laughing and turn over to the bar. Max motions for the bartender]

Max: Soda please.

[The bartender pours the glass of club soda and walks away.]

Max: Well if you wont go anywhere I'll guess we'll have to talk here.

Drake: Ok old man. Lay it on me.

[Max takes a folded piece of paper out of the back pocket of his khakis and hands it to Drake. As Drake unfolds it the camera picks up the heading “NWA”. Underneath it can be seen the anagrams ACW and BACW.]

Drake: I know these places.

Max: This is what I'm talkin' about D. These are the kind of places...

[Drake cuts him off.]

Drake: Max. You gotta cool it with this. I'm done with wrestling. My life is different now.

Max: I'll say. You get drunk all day, in a strip club no less. God knows what else you're putting into your body. You can't live life like this D. I owe it to your father not to…

Drake: [Getting angry.] What do you know old man? Huh? What the fuck do you know about my life?!

Max: I know a lot. I've been there. I've had the demons too, D. You need a place to exorcise them or they'll manifest here. In this place. When was the last day you didn't have a drink? When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and liked what you saw? When was the last time...

[As Max is talking Drake notices the red-headed girl getting off the stage. She picks up numerous dollar bills and some of her clothes and walks down the steps. Drake immediately walks away from Max, leaving him talking to the wind, and walks right to the half-naked red-headed girl. As she sees him coming she gets startled and a look of worry comes over her face. Drake stumbles forward and tries to start a conversation]

Drake: Hi again.

Rosie: You gotta stop this.

Drake: Stop what?

Rosie: Look, I'm not interested ok?

Drake: But you don't even know what I'm offering.

Rosie: My boyfriend is right over there.

[She points to the drug dealer in the corner, a big bald headed man wearing a leather jacket.]

Drake. He seems nice.

Rosie: Please? Before he sees you.

Drake: I'm not afraid of him.

Rosie: Well maybe I am, ok?

Drake: So leave him. Come with me.

Rosie: What? I don't even know you!

[Drake extends his arm toward Rosie.]

Drake: I'm Drake. Drake Green.

[Rosie grabs his hand and shakes it ever so slightly. As she stares up into his bright green eyes, a small, warm smile peaks out of her lips. It is clear there is an instant connection between the two; as if it was love at first handshake.]

Rosie: I'm Rosie. Rosie Long.

Drake: It's a pleasure to meet you Rosie.

Rosie: Yeah look. I gotta go. It was nice meeting you.

[Rosie quickly turns away and walks briskly into the back dressing room. Drake, slightly confused, turns to his left and sees Reno, Rosie's drug dealer boyfriend, staring back at him with a look that screams bad intentions. Drake looks down at the floor as if contemplating what to do. He quietly turns around walks back over to the bar where Max is standing.]

Max: What the fuck Drake? I'm trying to give you my life story here and you just walk away...

Drake: Shut up will you?

Max: Hey if you don't care what I got to say..

Drake: I'm serious. Just for one second ok? I'm trying to think.

[Drake looks back at Reno who is now talking to Rosie. Rosie has gotten dressed quickly and is wearing a tank top and blue jeans. They both look back at Drake and then Reno starts to pull Rosie out the back door. As they pass through the rear exit Rosie shoots a glance back at Drake, her eyes wide with fear.]

Drake: Max?

Max: Yeah?

Drake: You got a car?

Max: No. I took a taxi straight from the airport.

Drake: We're going to need a car.

Max: Well I was thinking we could take a bus to Maine..

Drake: No. We need a car. I'll be right back.

Max: Where are you going?

Drake: I'll be right back. Just pay the bartender. We're leaving.

[Drake pounds his last shot and starts heading for the back door. His heart thumping, he starts to have small flashbacks of the squared circle. He jumps up the small set of stairs and pushes the back door open. A rush of cold winter air hits his face and Drake immediately feels sober again. It has stopped raining but moisture still fills the air. Thoughts fly through his head of hip tosses, body slams, and leg drops. It's as if in one instant his old life is coming back to him. Reno stands next to his black Camaro smoking a cigarette, yelling at Rosie, who is standing on the opposite side of the car. Reno sees Drake and that same look of bad intentions comes over his face.]

Reno: What the hell do you want man?

Drake: I want the girl.

Rosie: Drake just go back inside.

Reno: Yeah, Drake. Just go inside.

Drake: Not gonna happen man.

Rosie: Drake, please!

[Drake once again looks down at the ground, contemplating his next move.]

Drake: Rosie, I just want to have a quick talk with Reno here.

Rosie: Drake please…

[Cutting her off.]

Reno: No. It's ok.

Rosie: Guys you don't have to...

Drake: It's ok Rosie. Just do me a favor and say hello to my friend Max in there. He's the one in the ridiculous Hawaiian shirt.

Reno: Yeah girl. Just go inside and keep that ass warm.

[Rosie shoots a disgusted look back at Reno and then proceeds to walk towards the back door of the building. As she gets to Drake she stops.]

Rosie: Drake...I...

Drake: It's ok Rosie. I'll see you in a minute.

[He smiles at her in a warm, comforting way and watches her as she goes inside the back door. He has a moment of clarity. He can almost see his future. Returning to the ring, Rosie by his side, and Max training him and being there to put him up on his shoulders when he wins a world championship. It would be a perfect happy ending to his story, except all of these happy thoughts come screeching to a halt when Drake turns back around and is met with Reno's fist in his nose. Drake falls to the ground, blood spewing from his nostrils. He looks up at Reno, who kicks him in his stomach.]

Reno: I knew I shoulda just whipped your ass inside. Now I'm gonna mess you up real good man.

[Reno takes his leather biker-style jacket off and lays it on the hood of his Camaro.]

Reno: You're gonna wish you stayed inside, bitch.

[SMACK! Reno kicks Drake in the face as he lays on the ground and the blood begins to flow like a waterfall. Reno gets on top of him and begins to punch him in the face repeatedly, over and over. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! He gets off of Drake and starts walking back to his Camaro with a smile on his face.]

Reno: That will teach you to mess with Reno, bitch.

[As Reno walks back to his car, it starts to drizzle again. Drake lays still for a moment and he realizes that not only has he not been in a fight for a few years, but that he's still very much drunk and is not sure if he wants to get up. He thinks about how wonderful it feels to just lay down and relax for a moment. Yeah, sure he just got his ass kicked by a drug dealer but it didn't matter now. Now he could just go to sleep, because boy was he tired. But then he thought about Rosie. He thought that if Reno did this to him just for talking to her then what was he going to do to her? And not just for talking to Drake but for anything else in the future. He couldn't just let him do that to her. He would never be able to live with that. He starts to pick himself up off the ground. As he gets up he wipes the blood from his eyes and the rain from his forehead. He keeps thinking “hip toss, body slam, leg drop”. He walks right up to Reno taps him on the shoulder. As Reno turns around, this time it's him who is met with a fist, on his left cheek. THWAP! He falls back into his car and Drake grabs him by his throat and begins to pummel him. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Reno begins to bleed from his eyes and starts to wobble towards Drake but he grabs Reno's arm...BAM! He hits him with a big hip toss. Drake picks up Reno and scoops him into a body slam. SLAM! Reno's body hits the ground and twitches for a second. He tries to move but before he can, BOOM! Drake drops a big leg drop on his face, which surely breaks Reno's nose. Drake gets up, takes a step back and looks at Reno's almost lifeless body.]

Drake: Who's a bitch now?

[He smiles as he mocks Reno.]

Drake: Let's see what you got in here.

[Drake starts rifling through Reno's pockets. He takes out his wallet and opens it up. He takes all the cash out and shoves it in his pocket, and then dumps the wallet on the ground. He then takes out Reno's cigarettes and lights one up. He walks over to the Camaro where Reno left his black biker jacket. He takes off his flannel shirt and throws the leather jacket on over his black t-shirt.]

Drake: You don't mind if I keep this do you?

[He continues to mock the knocked out Reno. He wipes some more blood from his face and then takes a long, slow pull from the cigarette. He shoves his hands in the pockets of the jacket and stares up at the sky. With his hands inside the jacket he feels something wonderful in the right pocket, which brings a wide smile to his face.

The camera cuts inside to Max and Rosie who are sitting at the bar talking. Drake walks in carrying his flannel shirt. They see him, wearing his new leather jacket and his face covered in drying blood. His hair is soaking wet from the now pouring rain but for some odd reason he looks as happy as a schoolboy.]

Max: What the fuck man?

Rosie: Oh my god.

[Drake tosses his flannel shirt to Rosie.]

Drake: It's alright. Put the shirt on Rosie. It's cold out.

Rosie: Where's Reno?

Drake: Don't worry about Reno. Everything’s ok. We gotta go though...

[Max turns to Rosie.]

Max: Well, do you have a number for a taxi?

Rosie: Yeah, I have one in my phone…

[Drake interrupts.]

Drake: We don't need a taxi.

Max: D. I'm not gonna walk to the bus station. It's pouring out. What the hell happened...

Drake: We don't need a bus.

Max: What the hell are we gonna fly to Maine then?

Drake: Nope. I got a car.

[Drake's giant smile returns once again as he holds up Reno's keys and dangles them next to his bruised, bloody face. He now has a Camaro.

The camera fades to black.]

Climax Control Archives / EnRAGEd
« on: March 03, 2017, 09:56:47 PM »

“Once blood is shed in a national quarrel, reason and right are swept aside by the rage of angry men.” –David Lloyd George

March 2nd, 2017 – The Green Home; Oak Brook, IL – 9:00 PM

The camera fades into a large living room with tall Windows lining the right side of the spacious room. A fireplace, burning bright, fills the room with a smoked cedar smell that makes the otherwise dark and cold room feel homey. Sitting on the couch, wearing a white cable knit sweater, dark jeans and drinking a glass of scotch is former three time SCW World Heavyweight Champion and SCW Hall of Famer Drake Green. He sips his scotch, letting the oaky beverage swish around his mouth a moment before swallowing, as his beautiful platinum blonde wife walks into the room.  She barely glances up as her eyes are on her phone, her fingers moving about, clearly texting or sending a tweet about. She’s sporting a turquoise t-shirt material dress that barely covered her butt. She glances over at her husband and flashes him a smile before walking over and collapsing on the couch next to him.

Mikah: What's up?

She looks at him with a small smirk on her face.

Drake: Nothing.

He barely looks at her as he responds, taking another sip of his single malt beverage.

Drake: It’s eleven o’clock, don’t you have to get down and pray to J2Hism right about now?

She rolls her eyes at her husband and types something else on her phone.

Mikah: That's not how that works, Drake.

She gives him a pointed look before putting her phone between her bare thighs.

Mikah: But I don't really think you care how it works, do you babe?

Drake takes an even bigger drink.

Drake: Please… Enlighten me. What does one who subscribes to J2Hism do? Talk a lot of shit? Be a whiny little bitch? Cry when you don’t get your way?

He finishes his glass.

Drake: Give me a fucking break. He stands up and walks over to the small bar to fix himself another glass. He opens the bottle and pours some in, swishing the glass around as he does.

Drake: Fake ass bullshit if you ask me.


He drops a few ice cubes in his fresh glass of scotch before heading back and sitting back in his spot on the large grey couch.

Mikah: And what else do you propose I do, Drake? Sit around and be a housewife for you? Make babies and raise them?

She makes a face. She looks at him and then looks at the drink in his hand.

Mikah: Or would you rather me open the show in stupid matches against Veronica Taylor?  I mean because there's not much else for me to do.

She shrugs her shoulders at him.  She glances down between her legs at the side of her phone. This annoys Drake to no end so he gets up and smacks the phone out of her hands and it lands on the floor.

Drake: What, is J2Hism all about tweeting no posting slutty pics too?

She looks over at her phone as it lies on the floor before looking up at her husband.

Mikah: I hardly ever tweet about J2H, Drake. If you ever fucking paid attention to Twitter, you'd notice it was mostly about your stupid ass.

She snaps a bit before standing up to go grab her phone.  Drake chuckles.

Drake: Maybe you should pay more attention to your career and you wouldn't have to follow some douchebag around. I mean seriously Miks, what the fuck? This guy is an asshole. I don't think I can be ok with this anymore.

He takes a drink and stares at the fire as if the conversation should be over.  She bites her bottom lip for a moment just staring at him before crossing her arms over her chest.

Mikah: And what the fuck is that supposed to mean, Drake?

She looks at him and resists the urge to roll her eyes, a nasty habit she had when things didn't quite go her way.

Mikah:  What would you do if you were in my position? Oh wait, you'd never be in my fucking position because everybody fucking loves you. You're SCW’S golden boy,  you can do no wrong.

She rolls her eyes.

Mikah: I'm not you, Drake. Far from it, actually.

She sits back down, choosing to leave some space between them.

Drake: Ain't that the fucking truth. How about you acting like a bitch all the time, because believe me we all know it's an act, and just be the real Mikah. Maybe then people wouldn't think you're such stuck up bitch and they'd actually like you too. But nope, you just hang off that dickbag’s cock to feel relevant. Don't blame me because I cast a long shadow, sweetheart. You knew what you were marrying.

She gives him a look.

Mikah: Yes, I knew who I was marrying, Drake. And I tried not being a bitch, it sucked and I go absolutely nowhere.

She takes a deep breath, trying to think of something else.

Mikah: I didn't hold the fucking Bombshell championship for nine months because I was identical to Melody Grace or Sam Marlowe, Drake. You knew that when you married me too. You knew and you know what I am like.

She places her phone away from her.

Mikah: Look, J2Hism isn't even really anything that you should be worried about! If it came down to it, I would pick you over J2Hism any day. But if you're going to be an ass about it, I might let you think differently.

Drake let's out a loud obnoxious laugh.

Drake: Go ahead. Pick that asshole. I don't want you to be some fake Melody Grace or dime-a-dozen Sam Marlowe. I want you to be you. You don't need some dipshit to make you relevant. All you have to do is put the effort in. You're better in that ring than any other Bombshell on that roster. But what you're not is some lackey for that dick. It needs to end now. And that's final.

He turns back towards the fire, swishing his ice and his whiskey in his glass. She looks at him as she sits there, biting her bottom lip.

Mikah: I'm not even a lackey! I basically do my own thing.

She stops and bites her tongue for a moment.

Mikah: You know what? It's not worth it. The whole trying to be relevant thing. If it's causing you this much grief, fine whatever. I'll be done with it.

She makes a motion with her hands before crossing her left over her right. Drake let's out a smile.

Drake: Good. My wife can't be seen with a trash bag like that. You're better than that.

He finishes his glass.

Drake: Are we done here?

She looks at him and shrugs her shoulders.

Mikah: I guess. I mean, you're throwing a fit about nothing but you're more important than my career.

She shrugs a bit.

Drake: A fit? This is not a fit. This is me telling how it's gonna be. You're my wife, and that's final.

He gets up to pour himself another glass.

Drake: I don't want to hear any more about it.

She presses her lips together, refraining from saying something else.

Mikah: Fine whatever. You're the one that brought it up but fine, I'll be done with it.

He smiles as he pokes himself another glass.

Drake: Good.

He turns around towards her.

Drake: I'll be in my office.

He brushes past her giving her a cold breeze as he heads out of the room.

"I'm over you. I can't even get annoyed anymore. I can't bother to waste my breath and bang on about the same old tired rhetoric about how you have a better chance of putting me to sleep Sunday night than beating me. I'm done with it. You're not my problem. You're has been, a not quite ever was, clinging to the World Heavyweight Champion, desperately trying to remain somewhat relevant. It doesn't even both that you snuck up on me last week. I know why you did it. We've all been there, that terrible feeling in the pit of our stomachs telling us that it's all over. That our glory days are gone. The problem here is that you're not listening to yours. You see I may be old, shit I may be rusty, but I'm something you'll never be, Rage. Timeless."

"I can walk out of that curtain, gone a half dozen months, and still get the same pop as if I never left. That's who I am. That's what I bring to the table. You all have same speech and I've been hearing it for years. That I don't really care about the fans and that I'm fake and that I just use them for cheap pops and mediocre movie openings. It's old news, man, just like you. So I'm gonna let you run your mouth, much like that smart ass boss of yours, and let you say whatever you want. Because in the end, I'm still better. I'm still going to win and I am going to beat James at Blaze of Glory. That shit is a fact. You? You're just a warm up...and an easy one at that."

Climax Control Archives / The End: Part II
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:29:53 PM »

The End: Part II

“Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” -Muhammad Ali

June 13th, 2016 – Big Ben’s Cuba Bash 2016 - Cuba – 12:30 AM

The bright stars of the Atlantic Ocean light up the dark midnight sky as we see Drake Green, wearing a dark blue polo, stone colored pants, and sandals on his feet walking softly across the white beach. He has a bright red solo cup that he clutches with his right hand before lifting it up and taking a hard drink of whatever is inside. He stops to look at the large moon before exhaling.

Ben: Ya arite, mate?

Drake turns his head to see Ben Jordan walking up toward him. Dressed in a v-neck white t-shirt, he still has his sunglasses clipped on his shirt collar from earlier in the day. He’s got a red solo cup of his own and he takes a quick sip as Drake can’t help but smile when he sees his friend.

Drake: Yeah….I’m just taking it all in.

Green looks over to see two young college-aged girls in bikinis smiling at both he and Ben.

Ben: I reckon all ya can do these days is smile and wave.

Drake: A shame isn’t it?

The two both chuckle.

Ben: Yeah….a shame I’ll have to go talk to them all by me self.

Drake: I can talk can’t I?

Ben: Dunno, mate. Can ya contain ya self?

Drake smiles.

Drake: Probably not.

They both share another laugh.

Ben: I can’t believe it...Drake Green is actually gonna get himself hitched. The myth and legend is gonna die with ya.

Drake: No...I’m sure you’ll keep the legend going for me.

Ben: True...I’ll just keep it warm for ya, yeah?

He shoots a look at Drake with a crooked smile plastered on his face.

Drake: I don’t think so, man.

He replies to his friend.

Drake: I think this is it.

Ben: I just can’t believe it. Mr. Showtime getting married. Bloody shocking if you ask me...some of the SCW crew is takin’ bets on how long it lasts.

He laughs.

Drake: I gotta say, Ben. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it was gonna last.

He can’t help but notice Ben trying to hold back his laughter.

Ben: Mate, it’s Mikah….

Drake laughs.

Drake: I know. I can’t help it man...I love her.

They both break out laughing.

Drake: I know how it sounds.

Ben: Just make sure it lasts three years…

Drake: Why?

He doesn’t even wait for a response from Ben.

Drake: You mother’re betting on the length of my marriage?

Ben laughs.

Drake: What the fuck?

Ben: I couldn’t help it, geezer. The pot was getting too big.

They stare at each other for a moment, smiling.

Drake: Well, fuck….

He takes a drink out of his solo cup.

Drake: Barry always says everyone should get divorced once. Three years it is.

They both laugh.

Ben: Cheers, mate. I’ll split the winnings with ya.

They click plastic red cups and both take a drink.

Drake: Just make sure you don’t start talking that shit around her when she gets here tomorrow…

Ben: Cockney’s honor...

Drake: You know, there's a totally different reason why I came here other than having drinks with you.

Ben: Oh yeah? What's that?

Drake: Well….Miks and I….

Ben cuts him off.

Ben: Ya pregnant?!

Drake’s eyes widen with fear.

Drake: Fuck, no. Don’t even joke like that.

Ben laughs.

Ben: Well then what is it mate? Getting cold feet already?

Drake: I want you to be my best man.

Ben stares at him for a moment.

Ben: Really?

Drake: Yeah, look. I don’t really have a lot of close friends. I want you to stand up there with me.

Ben: Oh I get it now, mate. You want me to keep the engine running for when ya get those feet cold.

Drake: No, dick. I want you to stand up there with me because….you're the best friend I got.

Ben stares at him again for a moment.

Ben: Riiiight. No engine running.

Ben winks at him and Drake can’t help but roll his eyes.

Drake: Look, if you're not interested…

Ben: Of course I’m interested, mate. It be my honor to give ya away.

He winks again and this time gives the thumbs up to Drake.

Ben: Just make sure ya girl has some good looking bridesmaids.

Drake: What about that little Aussie chick...she seems to like you…

Ben: That one there’s dangerous, geezer. Lots of danger there, for sure.

They both turn to look at the dark ocean waves crashing against a nearby dock.

Ben: It’s gonna be a good summer, Drake.

Drake exhales before taking another sip out of his red solo cup.

Drake: It sure is, kid. It sure is.

Both men cheers and take giant gulps out of their cups as their stare out into the night horizon and the scene fades out.

”Promise. There are many different meanings to the word. What does it mean to you, James? This word has come in and out of my life many times over the years. It first started showing up when I was a young kid...not much older than you. People would tell me I showed such ‘promise’ in the ring. They’d promise me great things if I just signed on the dotted line. When I think of you I think of the word promise again. You, James, show a lot of promise. And not just as a wrestler nor as a Champion. We already know you’re a great Champion. Hell, you might already be a better Champion than I ever was. But you have promise as an role model. You have promise as an ambassador. One day you will be the one they all look to be the voice of our world. You have all of that in your grasp and you’re too arrogant to see it, much like I was. Hopefully, unlike me, you realize it before it’s too late.”

“I know what you think of me. You probably think of me as that sleazy dude who is gonna try to bend your girl over on camera. Look, I want to clear it up so there isn’t any misconception. I’m not gonna try and get your girl into bed. I’m not hitting on her or asking her out or doing anything else that you seem to be ultra fucking jealous about. I’m getting married and quite honestly, I’ve been friends with Mel for a while. If I was gonna hit on her it would’ve happened years ago. She’s a good girl, much too good for either one of us, I just hope you wise up and figure that out before you ruin what you have there, kid. Don’t let your ego and your insecurities get in the way of a career and opportunity that could blow things wide open for her. She deserves better than that. She loves you kid, and a couple fake kisses on camera is never going to change that. Own it and embrace it. You have something special, something that I’m not even sure that I have. Don’t ruin it because you’re a stubborn prick who can’t help but be a crazy jealous boyfriend. Grow up and move on.”

“You wear that title well by the way. It looks good on you. You’ve done some amazing stuff, kid. It’s been an honor to watch you hold the most important title in our industry. I think you and I could’ve been friends under different circumstances. Shit, maybe we still could be, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’ve got a ton of respect for me. I know the feeling is the same, whether or not you can bring yourself to admit it is up to you. I see you in the ring and I can’t help but think of a younger version of myself. I see that hunger in your eyes. I see that fire burning in your fists. You may end up being the greatest of all time, who knows. But on Sunday...on Sunday my title comes home. If only for one more time. It’s been an honor facing the best SCW has to offer. It’s an incredible journey for me in this company, regardless of how and when it is ending. I’ve done something that for years I was told would never happen. I was told I was too young...too small…arrogant, brash, and egotistical. Narcissistic and thick headed. Sound familiar? They should...because that’s what everyone says about you.”

“Look, in the end, it doesn’t matter if I win on Sunday. I’ve built my legacy and the outcome of this match is meaningless. If I lose it’ll just another one of the few losses in my big deal. This match is not and will not be the defining moment of my career. But for you? This match is huge. You’ve beaten some great competitors.Depsayre is an enigmatic talent and rivaled by few. Travis, Connor, my good friend Ben...all fantastic competitors. But do you know what they all have in common? None of them have ever been a World Heavyweight Champion...none of them. Let’s repeat that for a second. Your competition has never held the title you hold. You’ve haven’t had to face someone that has been in your shoes for this week….this match? This is your biggest challenge, my friend. So the big question of the week is no how Drake Green will fare against J2H. No...we already know the answer to that one, kid. The real questions is...Can James Huntington Hawkes beat Drake Green. So think about it. I look forward to finding out, just as much as I’m sure you do, kid. See you Sunday...I’ve already got my place in history. Are you ready to see if you’ve got yours?”

Climax Control Archives / Why?: Part I
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:30:13 PM »
Why?: Part I

”If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”–W.C. Fields

December 11th, 2015 – Hilton Lac-Leamy – Ottawa, Ontario – 10:00 AM

[The camera fades in to the restaurant inside of the fancy Hilton Lac-Leamy in Ontario. In walk Drake Green and Barry Goldstein. Drake is wearing a black blazer, white shirt, and blue jeans. Barry is wearing a gray pinstriped suit with a bright orange tie. Drake has a nervous look on his face but Goldstein looks as clam as can be. They both look around the restaurant as Barry breaks the silence.]

Barry: Will you calm down? You look like we're about to rob the place.

[Drake shoots him an annoyed look.]

Drake: just want me to sell my soul.

Barry: Don't be dramatic. Nobody's selling least not yet. Oh there he is.

[Barry sees SCW Co-Owner “Hot Stuff” Mark Ward sitting across the room at a table, drinking a tall Mimosa. He's wearing a white sports coat with a red flower in the lapel and an open collared pink shirt. He sees them, raises his glass, and smiles widely as he motions them over. Barry turns back to Drake.]

Barry: Here we go.

[The two men walk over to where Ward is sitting. He stands up as they arrive and stretches out his arm to which Barry eagerly grabs and shakes. When he lets go of Barry's hand, he holds it for Drake to shake. Green looks down at it before looking Mark in the eye. He smirks and then takes his seat. Ward nods his head at the World Heavyweight Champion before taking his seat as well. Barry joins them.]

Barry: So, let me start by saying-

[Mark interrupts him.]

HS: Look, I'll cut right to it.

[He takes a sip of his Mimosa.]

HS: The way I see it, this little thing of ours, is costing us both alotta money, yeah? And the truth is I like me money and I know ya do too.

Drake: I'm not doing for the money, Mark.

[Hot Stuff laughs.]

Drake: What's so funny?

HS: You are, Showtime.

[Drake stands up.]

Drake: This was stupid. I'm done.

HS: Sit down.

[Hot Stuff glares at Drake and Green reluctantly sits back down.]

HS: There. That wasn't so hard was it?

Drake: Get to the point Mark.

[Ward flashes a grin at him again and then motions to the waiter standing just a few feet away. The waiter, in a white jacket, comes over and pours a glass of forty year old scotch right in front Mark Ward.]

HS: The point is that me and you....we need to be working together. All this hostility isn't doing anyone any favors. And I think you agree.

Drake: I don't

HS: Sure ya do. If ya didn't then we wouldn't be sitting where we're sitting would we? You saw my offer?

Drake: I did.

HS: And?

[Barry interjects.]

Barry: It's very generous.

HS: I was asking him.

Drake: I did.

HS: It was generous?

Drake: I'm sitting here aren't I?

HS: Then what's the problem, mate?

Drake: The problem is that I would never be able to look myself in the mirror again. The problem is that you are everything that I stand against. You are the epitome of everything that is wrong in professional wrestling today and I came her to say...against my agents go fuck yourself.

[Mark Ward stares at Drake for a moment. After a long pause he lets out a smirk and replies to the World Heavyweight Champion.]

HS: You're off the hook.

Drake: What?

HS: I said you're off the hook. This deal, my deal, lets you off the hook.

Drake: And what hook is that?

HS: The hook of having to be everything you think you should be. The hook of having to put on the face that doesn't belong to you. The hook of having to fake it through life.

Drake: I'm not faking...

HS: Oh shut it. You're the only one in the world that doesn't know you're full of shit. Just imagine how free it would finally be. To be able to tell everyone who tells you what to do to go fuck themselves. To have a drink and a smoke and not have to lie about it. To have all that fucking money and not have to be sorry about where it came from. You and me, we was meant to be a team, Drake. We was meant to do great things together. It's time. It's time to let it all go. It's time to get off the hook.

[He smiles as he slides the glass of scotch across the table at Drake.]

HS: Get off the hook, Drake.

[Drake stares at the glass for a moment before grabbing.]

Drake: Fuck it.

[He grabs the glass as the camera cuts out.]

”I almost laughed when Mark told who my next defense would be against. It wasn't because I think you're a joke, Casey. I mean...I do think you're a joke...but that's not why I laughed. I laughed because I completely forgot about you. I mean I really forgot that you were supposed to my teammate and compadre. You were that insignificant and useless to me. In fact, you're that insignificant and useless to everyone here in SCW. Except for people needing a cheap easy win that is. Loss after loss after loss. You've made yourself quite the bottom feeder here. So when you begged Christian for a title shot this week there was nothing else for me to do other than laugh. I've watched you for years now.”

"We've done this before, man. I've kicked your ass on multiple continents and I'll be glad to do it again. I have no idea why Christian Underwood would give you a shot for ither of my titles. That's right, I have two and you have nothing. You have nothing because that's what you deserve. It doesn't matter who gets in that ring with me. I think I've proven that over and over again. I think I've proven to the world that no matter how big and dumb, no matter how long the winning streak, I always win. You and I might have a history. You and I might have danced this dance before. Each time we do, the result is the same. Each time I kick your fucking ass and move on to something more important. This time won't be any different.”

"You're meaningless to me. I mean the fact that I even have to talk about you...for like the zillionth time, is fucking annoying. The fact that someone a talented as me, someone as decorated as me, has to waste his time in the ring with someone who should be in a dark match with Jin fucking Watanabe is annoying me. So when you tap out on Sunday, or when you get pinned, or thrown into a Santa's Sleigh, or what ever the fuck it is that will win this stupid match we're in, I want you to realize that for the final time you will have the chance to experience the greatness that is me in the ring. You'll get to watch the greatest of all time up close and personal. You'll get to experiece the real show. You should owe me fucking money.”

Climax Control Archives / A Story About Revenge: Part II
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:10:11 PM »
A Story About Revenge: Part II

”In moments of pain, we seek revenge.” –Ami Ayalon

November 26th, 2015 – Drake Green’s Home – Bakersfield, CA – 11:30 AM

[The camera fades in inside of Drake’s gym. The cold feeling cement room is heated up in the middle where Drake and Lyah Lindberg are working out in the six-sided wrestling ring. Drake is wearing an Under Armour long sleeve shirt, black shorts, with kneepads and sneakers. Lyah is wearing a bright pink Under Armour tank top, tight black workout pants, and pink Under Armour sneakers. Her hair is pulled back and she has a large, over-sized, black brace on her left knee. They lock up in the center of the ring and Drake pulls her into a side headlock. He tightens the grip around her neck before calling out to her.]

Drake: Come on. Get out. get out. Faster...faster!

He squeezes harder.

Drake: Let’s go Lindberg!

[Lyah remembers what she’s been taught, and knowing she isn’t as strong as Drake, she decides to do what she has to do in order to break free. One, followed by another, and a third elbow strike to Drake’s midsection forces his grip to loosen. Lindberg follows it up by pushing him off, into the ropes. She drops palm and chest first to the ring as he approaches her as he leaps over her. She quickly pops back up and hits an armdrag as he meets her in the middle of the ring. She transitions that to an immediate armbar attempt, her go to finishing submission hold but Drake counters immediately. He lifts her up and drops her back first onto the mat with a quick slam.]

Drake: Too slow. Get up, try again.

[Lyah rolls off the mat and the two lock up again. He grabs her and flips her onto her back before applying a chin lock. He tightens the hold.]

Drake: Come on...Lyah…

[She spins and tries to overtake Drake but she gets caught and Drake quickly slips her into his patented triangle choke….the “Rated R Chokehold”. Lyah taps immediately. Drake lets go and Lyah falls onto her back, panting heavy. He hops up to his feet and shakes his head a bit.]

Drake: What’s going on?

[Lyah pauses before answering, continuing to catch her breath. Finally, she sit’s up on the mat, looking up at him, frustration etched over her face as sweat runs down her forehead.]

Lyah: What do you mean? I made a mistake and you caught me. I tapped out. Simple, dude.

[She holds her hand out towards Drake, ready for him to lift her to her feet. He ignores her.]

Drake: A mistake? No… you didn’t make a mistake. You moved too slow. Get up on your own.

Lyah: I think I’ll take a five minute break then. Asshole.

Lyah lets her hand drop at her side, frustrated.

Lyah: You’ve been doing this for like, ever. Instead of getting mad when I make a mistake, or sorry, move too slow, maybe you should coach me instead of being a dick. Ever thought of that one?

Drake: Yeah, I have. And you know what that makes me think? That you assume because you fuck me that I’m somehow gonna take it easy on you in this ring. Well get over it because it isn’t gonna happen. You want me to coach you up? You want a teachable moment? Here’s one for you. Alexis Edwards isn’t going to give a shit if you need a breather. She isn’t gonna help you get your ass off of the mat. Now if you want that title...if you really want it...then you need to kick it into another gear Lindberg.

[She adjusts her knee brace and slowly stands up. She glares over at Drake, who has a look of intensity over his face. ]

Lyah: Screw Alexis Edwards, I can beat that bitch. Let’s go.

[Lyah again ties up with Drake in the center of the ring and he quickly overpowers her, forcing her into the corner, but instead of wait for him to let off, she lifts her right knee up into his stomach. She then slips out from his grip and hits a dropkick to his back, sending him chest first into the corner. Not letting up, she runs and jumps on his back and locks in a sleeper hold, wrapping her legs around his waist.]

Lyah: Go to sleep, Drake. Or tap out, I got you.

[Drake flips her around and tries to put her into a sleeper hold of his own but she moves faster than him and quickly slips him into an armbar. She pulls back on his arm, wrenching it tightly, knowing if she gets it extended fully, he will have no choice but to tap out.]

Lyah: Give up?!

[Lindberg would normally talk more trash, but she’s focused for the moment, wanting to prove to Drake that she’s serious when she needs to be. After a few seconds, Drake has no choice but to slam his hand into the mat, tapping out, prompting Lyah to release the hold as soon as his hand hits the mat for the third time. She rolls backwards and onto her knees with a smile over her face as her ponytail is now messy.]

Lyah: If you were Alexis, I would have kept that shit on a good five seconds.

[Proud of herself, she crawls over to him on her knee’s, and leans down, maneuvering her face just inches away from his playfully.]

Lyah: Who isn’t fast enough now, boyfriend?

Drake: You…

[He quickly spins around and then grabs her, flipping her over and pinning the back of her shoulders on to the mat. He slides over her, staring straight into her eyes.]

Drake: You’re kinda sexy when you actually put some effort in.

[He smiles as he keeps her pinned down against the canvas.]

Lyah: You were kind of sexy when you were tapping like a little bitch a minute ago…

[Her quick-witted response is offered with a grin as she presses her feet down hard against the mat and bridges her back up as Drake still has a grip on her wrists.]

Lyah: And you can’t pin me either, just like Alexis.

[He licks his lips a bit and then thrusts forward, kissing her intensely. After a moment he tilts his head back and smiles.]

Drake: the ropes while I take a shower.

[She pushes him away from her, laughing.]

Lyah: Way to ruin the moment...nothing like running the ropes to kill my mood. Jerk. I hate running the ropes.

[She stands to her feet, fixing her ponytail as she listens to his orders, and begins hitting the ropes as hard as she can. Drake heads for his residence in the back but before he turns the corner he turns back to her.]

Drake: Happy Thanksgiving!

”I’ve been around SCW long enough to see the parades of stars, men and women, that come and go. Some of them are talented, some are useless, and others are just lazy. One thing they all have in common? They all claim to be somebody. They come here and spew out mindless bullshit. They all say that they’re here to take SCW by storm. They all rant on and on and fucking on about being somebody. Do you know what the worst part is? The worst part is that its usually about one in ten that last more than three matches and probably about one in twenty that last more than five matches. People just can’t hang. People just don’t understand how hard it really is to make it here. There are guys like Steve Ramone and TNA that taste mild success. Guys that would be perennial main eventers in other promotions that sometimes just can’t find their groove here. Why you ask? It’s because SCW is the toughest place to make it. Period.”

“But you’re different Alexis. Not only have you had some success here early on and won yourself a pretty little title, but you’ve also come out and said the exact opposite of everyone else. You didn’t claim to be someone at all. In fact, you claim to be nobody. You claim to be just another hooded, nameless face in the crowd. Just another one of Timothy Stagg’s groupies. You wear the “Nobody” badge proud with hooded sweatshirts, hash tags on Twitter, and constant claims that you’re just another “Nobody”. But I’m calling bullshit.”

“You’re not nobody at all Alexis. You’re somebody, alright. In just a few short months you’ve managed to grab hold of the company’s secondary title and get yourself into Climax Control’s main event. That’s more than Tim Stagg’s has accomplished in a year and that’s more than your sad little friend Connor Murphy has accomplished in almost three years. You’ve even managed to cozy up to Mikah, the only woman who stands above you. You’ve gone all buddy buddy and it’s borderline brilliant. You’ve fooled almost everyone…almost. I know your kind. Sniveling and conspiring all the way to the top. Using people like Tim and Conner and fooling people like Mikah. I know where your career is headed and I can’t wait to see how far you can take it. But it’s about time you stop being a cowardly, lying little bitch. Show the world who you are. It’s time to stop pretending.”

November 26th, 2015 – Drake Green’s Home – Bakersfield, CA – 1:45 PM

[The camera fades back in inside of Drake’s home gym. Lyah Lindberg is in the six-sided ring. Her body glistens with sweat as she bounces off the ropes, one by one. Every time she hits the ropes, her eyes clench shut and a small whimper comes out of her mouth. Even so, she continuously runs back and forth and pushes through the pain. As she keeps running, Drake walks back out. He’s wearing a blue sport coat, white shirt, and dark blue jeans. He has a smile on her face as he watches her running. Just as he’s about to speak up and stop her, she hits the ropes and screams out in pain. She falls to her knees as he runs over to her.]

Drake: Are you ok?

Lyah: I think so.

Drake: You think?

Lyah: Yeah… I just…I’m tired. You look nice.

[Drake can’t help but smile.]

Drake: Well I had a chance to take a shower so…

Lyah: Must be nice.

Drake: Here, let me help you up.

Lyah: I don’t need help, dude.

Drake: Don’t be stubborn.

Lyah: Dude…

[She gives him a long blank stare filled with angry eyes and he backs off a bit.]

Drake: Ok.

[She rolls her eyes a bit as she stands up. She goes to walk toward the other end of the ring. She stops and reaches down to pick her water bottle up off of the canvas and as she does, the bottom of her pink Under Armour tank top lifts up a bit as she bends over. Drake notices something under shirt.]

Drake: What’s that?

[He springs to his feet and charges over to where she is standing.]

Lyah: What?

[She again shoots him a mean-eyed look.]

Drake: Let me see something.

[He goes to lift up her shirt.]

Lyah: What are you doing?

Drake: Just relax.

[He peels up the back of her shirt revealing two deep red bruises across her back.]

Lyah: It’s ok…it’s just from the ropes.

[Drake stares at the two deep red bruises. There is something horrifyingly familiar to him about them. He stares and he can feel a sense of anger come over him. His hands begin to tremble as he shuts his eyes.]

August 24th, 2004 – Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center – Los Angeles, CA – 11:15 PM

[Drake busts through the hospital room door. Sitting about ten feet away from him is a very young Jenny Green. She’s wearing a hospital gown and her eyes and cheeks are filled with the remnants of heavy black mascara mixed with tears. Her hair is dyed jet black. Her arms are pasty white and missing her signature tattoo sleeves. She looks up at Drake and her green eyes turns a bright red as she begins to sob for what looks to be the 382nd time that night. He runs over to her and they embrace. Her cries get louder as she lets go of all her emotions into the shoulder and arm of her older brother.]

Drake: It’s ok…it’s ok…I’m here.

[Her cries get louder as he rubs her back.]

Jenny: Ow ow ow ow.

[He lifts his hands up off of her.]

Drake: What’s wrong?

Jenny: My back…

[She whimpers and then buries her head back into his arms. He looks over her back and sees that her gown is tied tight in the back. He moves the right side just a few to see two horrifying deep red bruises across her back. His eyes widen and his face turns a shade of white. Just as he goes to cover her back up, two nurses walk into the room.]

Nurse: I’m sorry, sir. We’re going to need just a few minutes with her. And then she can go.

[Drake nods but Jenny holds him tight. She whispers up at him.]

Jenny: Please don’t go.

Drake: I’ll be right outside.

Jenny: Promise?

Drake: I promise.

[He gives her a kiss on the top of her head before heading out of the door. He walks into the hallway and then leans back against the wall just outside of her now closed door. He looks across the hall to see his brother Nick talking with Max. He stares at them for a moment before a cold hand interrupts him on his forearm. It starles him for a second before he realizes who it is. Is former step mother Phyllis, wearing a denim jacket and her eyes as tires as his, stands in front of him.]

Drake: Sorry, I didn’t see you there.

Phyllis: That’s ok, Dickey. You, ok?

Drake: A little freaked out. But…

Phyllis: A little?

Drake: I guess not…do we know who…who was she with?

Phyllis: She won’t say but I know.

Drake: Who?

Phyllis: This little prick she’s been hanging out with. Kid’s name is Greg. He’s a real dick….Dickey.

Drake: Why don’t you tell the police?

Phyllis: Because she’ll deny it. She loves him…

[She lets out a sarcastic chuckle under her breath.]

Drake: You sure it was him?

Phyllis: Oh I’m sure.  This isn’t the first time he’s roughed her up either…

Drake: You knew?

Phyllis: Of course I knew…

Drake: And you didn’t do anything?

Phyllis: What am I going to do?

Drake: I don’t know…protect your daughter maybe? Not a have six glasses of wine with dinner and stay awake long enough to make sure she gets home safe? What the fuck, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Don’t judge me. You know how tough it is without your father?

Drake: Yeah, I know. You’ve been telling me for ten years.

Phyllis: Well excuse me for having a tough time.

Drake: Look…

[He lets out a big exhale.]

Drake: …I don’t wanna fight with you. What can I do?

Phyllis: What can you do? I’ll tell you what you can do. You can find that little piece of shit and put him in the ground. That’s what you can do.

Drake: Come on, Phyllis. I’m not-

[She cuts him off.]

Phyllis: Did you not see those bruises on her back? Her face?

[She steps closer to him and now a noticeable tear begins to well up in her eyes.]

Phyllis: He raped my baby, Dickey. He raped your sister. Now go take care of it.

[The two lock eyes for a moment and after a long stare, one which sees tears stream down Phyllis’ face Drake turns to look for his brother Nick who is nowhere to be seen. He turns back toward Phyllis and puts his arm on her shoulder.]

Drake: Ok…tell me where to go.

”We all have those victories that we relish. The ones we can’t get enough of. I’ve certainly had a few. My title win over Kevin Carter is one. My win over Rage is another. Those times that we overcome odds that we’re not sure we can actually beat. Those special moments that can define our careers. But we also have the ones that got away from us. Those matches that for one reason or another just slip through our fingers. I’ve certainly had one or two of those. One of them…was against you Goth. A match I should’ve won. A match I had to win. Of course…we all know that I didn’t win. We all know that the premature end of my first title reign was the beginning of another great chapter in the story of Goth. I can accept that. I have to. But it doesn’t mean that I have to like it. It doesn’t mean that I have to be ok with it.”

“I’ve never had a bad word to say about you Goth. I’ve never had a reason to bring you up. I think people overlook the fact that you’re easily the most decorated member of the SCW roster. You’re the only Triple Crown Winner. You’re a former tag team Champion, a three time Roulette Champion, and of course a two time SCW Word Heavyweight Champion. That’s not counting your immense success elsewhere. Anyone who says that you’re not worthy of my title is an idiot, point blank. There isn’t anyone else in this business that I’d like to see across from that ring from me. There isn’t anyone else that I think DESERVES to be there. I’ve looked forward to the opportunity that I’m gonna get at December to Dismember. I’ve hoped for it for a long time. It’s a chance for me to correct a mistake. It’s an opportunity for me to right a wrong from a few years ago. I need this, Goth, and I can’t wait. Did you ever just have one of the moments when you feel that it’s over? That there’s nowhere else to go? I had one of those moments, Goth. Right after I lost to you. In my eyes I had hit rock bottom. I knew that no matter what I did I couldn’t erase my loss to you. But I was wrong. After two years I finally have that chance to correct the biggest mistake of my career.”

“The few things about you that do disappoint me are our recent choices. Your choice of company and the fact that you’ve chosen to align yourself next to Mark Ward has left me with no choice but to put you down in two weeks. This week is merely a warm up. It’s a chance to see what we can do together. To me it’s more about Lyah getting to punch Alexis in the face more than anything. Me and you? We have a date in two weeks. On that night the whole world will know who the best really is and to be completely honest with you…I can’t wait.”

Climax Control Archives / A Story About Revenge: Part I
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:34:38 PM »
A Story About Revenge: Part I

”Instead of a man of peace and love, I have become a man of violence and revenge.” –Hiawatha

November 3rd, 2015 – Drake Green’s Home – Bakersfield, CA – 1:30 PM

[The camera fades in inside of Drake’s forest hidden, concrete ridden home just outside of Bakersfield, California. The place is as dimly lit as a bar on Hollywood Boulevard at 2 AM and about as quiet as a library after it has closed. Small rays of light peak through the small slit windows near the top of the walls. The light is so bright to it’s surroundings that thousands of small speckles of dust can be seen gleaming in their wake. The place seems abandoned. And out of nowhere, as if it had just appeared out of thin air, loud thuds begin to fill the room.





After each loud pounding we can hear the faint jingling of a chain swaying through the air. In the corner of the room, we can see Drake. Pounding his fists repeatedly into a heavy bag, pouring sweat out of his naked chest. His muscles tighten with each thrust forward and his face cringes every time he pulls one of his noticeably larger than normal arms back to wind up his swing. His face fills with anger as his taped hands slam into the sand filled canvas bag. He begins to pick up the pace, slamming his knuckles over and over, and begins to scream a bit as he connects. He’s focused, in an overly aggressive kind of way, but his concentration is shattered when a woman’s scream catches his attention.]

Lyah: DRAKE!

[He turns his head slightly, noticing his beautiful but young blonde haired girlfriend standing just a few feet away from him with a concerned look on her face. Her eyes peer at him as he wipes some sweat off of his face. He pants a few times before finally acknowledging her.]

Drake: What?

[She continues to glare.]

Drake: Seriously…what’s up?

Lyah: What’s up? I’ve been standing here for like five minutes, dude. Are you starting to lose your hearing now too?

Drake: I told you I was gonna work out. What’s going on?

Lyah: Working out, yes. You’re not working out.

Drake: Oh, what am I doing then?

[He picks up a bottle of Poland Spring and downs a few gulps.]

Lyah: You’re beating the hell out of a punching bag. That’s not working out.

[He sets the bottle back down and turns back toward the bag.]

Drake: I didn’t realize I had to clear my work out schedule with you.

[She gets annoyed.]

Lyah: I don’t know what your problem is but the last few weeks you’ve been a total dick.

[He smirks.]

Drake: What did I do now?

Lyah: I don’t know, Drake. It’s like you’re a totally different person. All you do is talk about Mark Ward and how you wanna get even and get payback and all this ACW bullshit.

Drake: It’s not bullshit.

Lyah: Isn’t it? I mean…who cares.

[Now he gets annoyed.]

Drake: You said you understood. You told me you were with me on this.

Lyah: Yeah…with you on causing some shit and pissing my boss off. Not crazed revenge, man. You need to relax.

Drake: Relax? Do you think this is a game? What Mark Ward has done to me….

[He stops himself.]

Drake: What Mark Ward has done to us…all of us…he deserves what he’s going to get.

Lyah: And what’s that, Drake? What are you gonna do to him?

Drake: He has to pay.

Lyah: Why? Do you even remember why you hate him? Do you even know what started this all.

[He takes a long pause before turning back toward the heavy bag again.]

Drake: It doesn’t matter.

Lyah: That’s because you’re consumed by all this rage, Drake. You have to let it go.


[He screams at Lyah, startling her so much she steps back a half of a footstep. They stare at each other for a moment, as Drake pants a bit, and then he breaks the silence.]

Drake: I-

[She immediately cuts him off.]

Lyah: I don’t care. You need to figure this out or I’m outta here, dude.

[Before he can say anything else she turns around and heads back to the condo in the back where they live. He watches her walk away before again turning back to the heavy sand filled canvas bag. He stares at the word ‘EVERLAST’ written across the front of the punching bag before let his face fill with rage. He lets out a loud scream as he slams his taped fist into the center of the bag. The camera cuts out.]

August 24th, 2004 – Drake and Nick Green’s High-rise Apartment – Los Angeles, CA – 10:00 PM

[The scene fades in to a large penthouse apartment over looking downtown Los Angeles. A much younger Drake is sitting on a brown leather couch in the living room with his feet up on the coffee table reading a Sports Illustrated magazine. Behind him, out from a bedroom, walks his older brother Nick Green. He walks into the open kitchen and pulls open the black refrigerator door. He pulls out a Coor’s Light bottle and walks over to where Drake is sitting.]

Nick: Dickey, get your feet off my table.

Drake: It’s my table too, ass muncher…stop calling me Dickey.

Nick: I paid for it…Dickey.

[Drake lowers the magazine to reveal his boyish clean shaven face to Nick, who had just plopped down next to him on the couch.]

Drake: I don’t know how you drink that shit, man. Don’t you know what alcohol can do to your body?

Nick: Yeah, all you gotta do is take a look at Maxy and you get a whole life lesson.

Drake: So then why drink it?

Nick: Because it tastes good…and it’s fun. Here try some…

[Nick leans over and holds out his beer bottle toward Drake. The young future World Heavyweight Champion stares at the bottle for a moment with eyes filled with curiosity. He thinks for a long hard moment before turning up a sarcastic looking smile at his older brother.]

Drake: No way, dude. You’ll never see me drink that stuff. It’s poison.

Nick: Have it your way.

[Nick tilts his head back and slams the rest of the beer. He smiles at his younger brother.]

Nick: More for me.

[Drake smiles a bit and shakes his head at Nick who hops up to his feet. He goes to make his way to grab another beer as the phone rings.]

Nick: Can you get that?

Drake: You’re like two feet away…

Nick: Fine.

[Nick walks a few feet out of his way and picks up the phone which is mounted to the wall just outside of the kitchen.]

Nick: Heeello?

[The smile that was plastered across his faces falls away only moments after he answers the telephone. Drake turns to him and almost immediately picks up on something that must be terribly wrong. He hops over the couch and makes his way to the kitchen.]

Nick: Yes…yes…ok…I understand…we’ll be right there.

[Click. He hangs up the phone and turns to his younger brother with a near white look on his face.]

Drake: What the fuck, Nick. What’s up?

Nick: It’s Jenny…

[The two share a look that is almost identical as the camera cuts out.]

August 24th, 2004 – Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center – Los Angeles, CA – 11:15 PM

[The camera fades back in inside of a hospital emergency room. Drake and Nick come rushing down the hallway toward the front desk. They frantically ask where their sister is, only to be asked to wait in the waiting room. They pace around for what seems like hours before a LAPD police officers comes out to talk to them.]

Officer: Is one of you, Nick?

[Nick hops up to his feet.]

Nick: Yeah, that’s me.

Officer: Jennifer has been asking for you. She’d like to see you now.

Nick: Come on, D. Lets-

[The officer interrupts him.]

Officer: Just you, sir.

Nick: But-

Officer: I’m sorry but Miss Green specifically asked for just you.

Drake: That’s some fuc-

[This time, it’s Nick’s turn to cut Drake off.]

Nick: Relax, Drake. Let me see what’s up with Jenny. I’ll be right back to get you.

[Drake reluctantly agrees with Nick. He continues his frantic pacing, wondering what is going on. He stares at the clock and watches the seconds tick by. The hands seem to move slower, although he knows that’s impossible. He continues to walk back and forth not knowing how long he’ll have to wait. After a few more moments, Nick walks back out to the waiting room.]

Drake: What’s going on?

Nick: It’s not good, Dickey.

Drake: What is it?

Nick: …she…

Drake: Spit it out!

Nick: She was raped....

[The words freeze Drake. He can’t react. He stands there with his mouth hung wide open and his eyes wide. He can’t speak. After a moment his eyes start to burn and his fists begin to close. He feels his fingernails dig into his palms as he clamps his hands into a tight ball. His chest begins to heave and his heart begins to pound. And rage consumes him as the camera cuts to black.]

”I’ve watched your career for a long time, Steve; a really long time. I remember your first match in ACW. That’s because it also happened to be my first match there. I’m not sure if you remember or not but it was a mutli-man match. I think it was a six-man elimination match to be honest. You and I are quite similar in many different ways, you know. We had pretty good careers before ACW and SCW. You had a little more success than I did before you got here, winning some major championships. You were a star and although I have never admitted it before…was impressed by you. You were a professional and incredibly talented. You had it all, man. And then some where, some how, along the way you fucked it all up.”

“I’m always interested to learn what drives people to do things. I always wonder what reasoning people have for making fucking dumb decisions. You, my fearless friend, are one fucking dumb decision after another. I know you had some rough patches here in SCW. I know losing sometimes hurts. But that doesn’t mean sell out all of the good that you have inside of you to grab an extra piece of the proverbial pie. I used to look up to you in a way Steve. We’ve done this dance before you and I. I’ve defended this very title, the greatest title in all of our business, against you before. And the last time we did this we had good, honest, and admirable things to say about one another. But this time, this time things are different, Steve. This time I’ve got a huge fucking chip on my shoulder. That chip is there because I am sick and tired of fake phonies running wild in SCW. I’m sick and tired of watching people like YOU take advantage of the good ones out there. I’m sick and tired of sitting back and doing nothing.”

“You may be fearless, Steve. You may be an incredible athlete. But you’re also a sell out. A fake. A fraud. You used to mean something to these people, Steve. You used to be a hero to some. But now you’re nothing but a shell of your former self and its pretty fucking sad. I’ve beaten you before, Steve. Between ACW and SCW I’ve done it a few times, and this time around won’t be any different. The outcome won’t change, only the feelings I get when I choke you out. I used to care, Steve. I used to think to myself that you were a good guy who just ended up on the wrong side of my Rated R Chokehold. But this time…this time I know better. This time I know that you’re just a two-faced, egotistical maniac who needs to get his ass kicked all over Jamaica. I came into this match thinking that I could turn you around and that I could show you the light. But now I know…I know you’re heart is too blackened. When I see you I just see an extension of Hot Stuff Mark Ward. I just see a douchebag. It’s time to put you down Steve. It’s time end that pathetic dream of yours to wear this belt. Because let’s be honest, it’s not that you’re not talented enough. It’s not that you’re not charismatic enough. It’s just because you don’t deserve it. You’re not worthy of a Championship like this. Don’t worry, few are. Hopefully one day you’ll see the light again but until then, stay the fuck out of my way or be prepared to get rocked.”

Climax Control Archives / The Journey Back: Part I
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:12:08 PM »
"There's no place like home... -Dorothy; from The Wizard of Oz.

[The scene fades in to a small office. The walls are old but solid oak with the finish slightly faded. In the dim light we can see the name of the glass door. "Roy Taggart, PI". Behind the desk is hardened looking older gentlemen, who more than slightly resembles Ray Liotta. He stares at the glass door as if he were expecting it to open and after a few moments, sure enough it does. In walks Drake Green. Wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a dark blue tie loose around his open collar. He has a cut on his lip and his hair is a mess; he looks like he's had a rough few days. He takes a step through the door way before Roy Taggart cuts him off.]

Taggart: I was wondering how long it would take you to figure it out. You know, after all these years, I almost wanted it to be you.

Drake: I just want to know why, Roy? After everything we've been could you?

[Taggart stands up in an angry burst.]

Taggart: Because I deserved it. I put my blood and sweat and tears into this for years and for what? A lousy paycheck and a handshake? Thanks for coming, Roy, You're a great guy, Roy. You're always dependable, Roy. Well I had enough!

[He shouts at Drake, forcing the former SCW World Heavyweight Champion to step back a foot.]

Taggart: I'm not gonna be anybody's old reliable sidekick anymore.

Drake: What about my father, huh? What about all the years you spent with him. With me? Does that not mean anything to you, Roy? You're willing to throw away our friendship...

[Drake steps a bit closer to him.]

Drake: You're willing to throw everything that my father gave you...for this?

Taggart: YOUR FATHER GAVE ME NOTHING! He gave me a chair to keep warm for you so you can swoop in and get all the glory. So I can be your sidekick like I was his all those years ago. Well it ain't happening, pal. Not anymore. Now I'm only gonna ask one time.

[Taggart stares at him before pulling out a .38 revolver from inside his suit jacket, pointing it straight at Drake.]

Taggart: You're either against me....or you're with me.

[The two exchange a long stare before Drake holds his hands up in the air.]

Drake: It's your play, Roy. But I'll never be with you on this one.


[Taggart pulls the hammer back on his gun, still pointing it at Drake.]

Taggart: It's a shame it had to end this way. Sorry, partner.

[He brings his gun up straight but before he can pull the trigger, Drake slips out a 9mm.]


[Roy grabs his chest but it's too late. Red blood starts to seep through his white shirt. He falls back onto his chair, dropping the gun to the floor as blood drips from his mouth and his eyes roll back into his head. Still pointing his smoking pistol in Roy's direction, Drake finally lowers his gun and walks toward his fallen friend. He stands over him, holsters his gun, and then nods at Roy's fresh corpse.]

Drake: No....I'm sorry partner.


[A loud ringing bell is heard as lights flash in the room.]

Taggart: How'd that look?

[Drake's dead friend now stands up and is alive and well. A man runs over toward them, it is action movie director Michael Bay.]

Bay: That was amazing. I can't believe we got that in one take. I'm gonna need some reaction shots from you Drake but why don't you guys take a break for a minute.

[Drake nods as he walks off what is now clearly a Hollywood movie set.]

July 1st, 2015 - Set of "Jack Hammer 2: The White Rose" Paramount Studios; Hollywood, CA - 3:30 PM

[Drake walks over to wear a man with slicked back blonde hair is standing. Wearing a bright pink shirt under a blue suit with a matching blue tie, Barry Goldstein starts clapping and smiling as Drake walks up to him.

Barry: Bravo! Bravo! I think we got a statue in your future, kid.

[Drake shrugs his shoulders as brushes past Barry and grabs a bottle of water that is sitting on a counter behind him.]

Drake: Yeah...maybe a Razzy.

Barry: What are you kidding me? This thing has little golden man written all over it, Champ.

Drake: Yeah, right. You don't win Oscars with terrible dialogue and no plot. And don't call me that any more.

Barry: Don't call you Champ? You are the Champ.

[Drake shakes his head.]

Drake: No, I'm not. I'm an actor in a shitty movie.

Barry: Drake...what's going on with you?

Drake: I just...

[Drake looks around the room the large Paramount set.]

Drake: Look, I like doing the movies and everything. I really do. But this just isn't it for me right now.

Barry: What the fuck, kid? You can't just walk off this fucking set.

Drake: No one said anything about walking off the set, Barry. I honor my commitments. It's just...I want to-

[Barry cuts him off.]

Barry: Oh no...not back-

[Drake, in return, cuts him off.]

Drake: Yes, Barry. I want back in.

Barry: Drake...I'm sorry...but there is no way Mark Ward is gonna come around. I mean last time I called him he said rather let me fuck him in the ass with a large orange traffic cone than resign Drake Green. I mean...I'm sorry, kid.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: He said that?

Barry: Well I may have used my own words but the point is the same. He's not gonna do it, Champ.

Drake: I have faith you'll figure it out. Call Christian, he's a nice guy.


[Drake slaps Barry on the shoulder and starts to walk back toward the set.]

Barry: Drake?

Drake: Just do it, Barry. Just get it done. That's where I wanna be.

[Drakes walk back on the set as Barry pulls out a small vile, twists it open, and quickly blows a bump of cocaine up his knows. As soon as he does he frantically covers it up and looks around to make sure no one saw him. And then he mutters under his breath.]

Barry: Not a fucking chance that happens...

[He looks over to Drake who is now filming again as the scene fades out.]

"You and I have been here before, Casey. More than once. Actually, more than twice. And each time the result is the same. I'm not sure why Mark Ward chose you as my first opponent but to be completely honest, I couldn't care less. It doesn't matter who gets in that ring with me. It doesn't matter if I win or lose. What matters is the show. What matters is how entertained the SCW Universe is. You and I have a history, a history that seems to be repeating itself. Years ago you flocked to the side of another corrupt, sleazy, piece of shit boss named JJ Dixon. You catered to his every need, enjoying your time as his hired muscle. You relished the idea of being his chosen one. The hand picked to star to carry his ACW World title, and what Happened? You lost."

"I don't hate you, Casey. I really don't. I know that deep down inside somewhere there is a good man just hoping and wishing to break free. I can see that hidden in your eyes. But for some reason, you continuously make terrible choices. You keep backing the wrong guy and you keep coming up short. This time won't be any different, Mr. Williams. It's not because I need to win to prove a point or that I need this for the fans, because I don't. You're going to lose this Sunday in Uruguay because evil never wins. You chose the your side of the line, my friend, and just like every time was the wrong side."

July 20th, 2015 - Outside of Bakersfield, CA - 10:00 AM

[The scene sets in outside of a run down looking cement building. It has over grown shrubbery around it and a gravel driveway leading up to it through what seems like a heavily wooded area. A Ford pick-up truck comes pulling up the driveway as it stops in front a short, black haired woman, wearing a tight black t-shirt and blue jeans hops out. Her arms are covered with tattoos and eyes are as blue as the sky. She is Jenny Green. Around from the other side of the pick-up truck comes Drake, wearing a red and black flannel button up over a white v-neck t-shirt and faded blue jeans. He walks up next to her and smiles.]

Drake: Well?

Jenny: Well what?

Drake: I just bought it.

Jenny: What do you mean?

Drake: What do you mean, what do I mean? I just bought this place. Closed on it yesterday.

Jenny: Isn't it like, condemned?

[She has a genuine look of concern and worry on her face but Drake just laughs it off.]

Drake: No it's not condemned, man. Here check it out.

[He walks toward the door and unlocks, holding it open for Jenny to walk through.]

Jenny: Umm...I'd rather not.

Drake: Just go inside.

[She begrudgingly listens to her older brother. As she walks in she notices the place looks almost as run down as the outside. There is an old boxing gym in the middle of the wide open floor with some beat up gym equipment in one corner and some lockers in another.]

Jenny: What is this place?

Drake: It's an old boxing gym. Some former World Champ used to own it but it's been abandoned for a while. There's an apartment in the back.

Jenny: Apartment? You can't be serious, Drake. You can't live here.

Drake: Why not?

Jenny: This place is a dump.

Drake: Look just go check out the apartment.

[Her eyes glare at him.]

Jenny: Do I have to?

Drake: Just go.

[He points at the hallway next to all of the lockers. She hesitantly heads in that direction. The hallway is long and narrow but the paint is noticeably brighter and more well maintained the rest of the place she has seen so far. After a couple of turns, they come to a large medal door.]

Jenny: What is this a bunker?

Drake: This is my favorite part.

[Drake puts another key into the high security lock and opens the door. As they walk in, the lights turn on automatically. Jenny's eyes widen as she looks around.]

Jenny: Wow.

[Nestled in the back of the third-world looking gym is a state of the art, ridiculously expensive looking condo.]

Jenny: Are you kidding me?

[Drake laughs.]

Drake: I told you a former world Champion lived here.

Jenny: Was it Floyd Mayweather? Jesus, Drake...

Drake: See why I bought it out now. Just needs some updates out there and it's perfect.

Jenny: Are you gonna turn the gym out there into a part hall or something.

[She giggles.]

Jenny: What the hell are you gonna do with that huge space anyway?

Drake: I figured I'm just gonna clean it up and use it to train. Add a proper wrestler ring in there and add some Crossfit stuff.

Jenny: You gonna find any time between all these movies you keep making, Superstar?

[She smiles and punches him the arm playfully. Drake half smiles at her and then gets very serious.]

Drake: Nope. No more movies.

Jenny: Oh no...gonna be a hermit up here in the woods?

Drake: No, Jen. I'm going back.

Jenny: To SCW? That dude fucking hates you. He's never gonna give you a new deal. You said so yourself.

Drake: I know...

[He rubs his slightly over grown beard.]

Drake: But I don't care. I'm gonna find a way. It's where I belong. It's where I need to be.

[The scene cuts to black.]

Climax Control Archives / 3 A.M.
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:50:17 PM »
3 A.M.

“ Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” –CS Lewis

November 24th, 2014 – Dr. Waldo Emerson’s Office; Las Vegas, NV – 10:15 AM

[The scene fades in to a large examination room in a doctor’s office. Sitting, legs and feet dangling, on the examination table is Drake Green. He is wearing a white t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned gray cardigan sweater that has a wide color. His jeans look a bit worn out and his continuously claps his white Chuck Taylor sneakers on the dashboard, as if impatiently waiting for the doctor to come in. He stares at the clock as the endless second tick away…


He replays over and over in his mind all the different ways he can react to what the doctor has to say. How should he react to finding out the results? Although he already knows the answer; he’s already received his death sentence, this is a mere confirmation of the fact. He stares at the clock.


What could be taking him so long? Drake had a 9:30 appointment after all. Why the fuck did doctor’s always me people wait? He thought if the doctor showed up to wrestling match and it started 45 minutes late he’d be freaking out calling everyone under the sun that he had to wait for some one else. Did he think his time was more important than Drake’s? A multi-time Champion and movie star? Clearly Dr. Waldo Emerson of Duke fame couldn’t. He stares at the clock.


The fear starts to set in. Drake was fine with assuming the diagnosis. He was ok with believing that he was dying because he never really confirmed it. He never took a blood test, got examined, or even actually read the symptoms and causes of ALS. He took the words that Phyllis had said to him that morning in Vegas to heart and believed every word. Stupid. Drake looks up as the door swings open and in walks Dr. Waldo Emerson. A large, fat man with a horseshoe of hair that wraps around his bald head, he walks in with confidence and a large smile.]

Emerson: Drake! Sorry if I kept you waiting. I had a crazy bitch in the other room.

[He lets out a snort of a laugh as Drake tries to force out a chuckle. Emerson sits down in a chair across the examination room from Drake and crosses his huge legs. He opens up the file and as soon as he starts reading, his smile fades.]

Emerson: Hmmm.

[Drake could feel his blood bubbling with anxiety. Why di he stop smiling? What was on that page? Drake’s impatience finally boiled over.]

Drake: Will you just fucking tell me already?!

[Emerson immediately looks up at Drake. A concerned look in his eyes as he is finally able to see how stressed Drake is.]

Emerson: Drake, are you ok?

[Drake can’t believe he’s still not giving him the test results.]

Drake: Yes. I just need to know. I need to hear it from you. I’ve made my piece with it and I just need to move on.

[Emerson shuts the file. He sets it down on the counter next to him and slants his head in Drake’s direction and then smiles again.]

Emerson: You’re fine.

Drake: What?

Emerson: You’re healthy, Drake.

Drake: But…

[He lets his confusion show.]

Drake: What about…

Emerson: Look, I don’t know about some weird cock-eyed aunt…

Drake: Stepmother.

Emerson: Whatever. You’ve got a clean bill of health. You probably want to stop piling so much booze and prescription pain killers into your body. That sure isn’t helping any.

Drake: But what about my leg? I can barely walk on it in the mornings and I have to take a shot just to get in the ring.

[The doctor stands up. He turns back to file and flips it open. He pull out an x-ray film and then walks over to the wall, sliding it on the display and then turning on the bright light behind it. He points to Drake’s thigh muscle.]

Emerson: You’ve got a lot of dead tissue and lots of scarring but it’s not hereditary and it’s not a virus or any other disease. You’ve simply just destroyed your leg on your own.

Drake: Huh…

[He can’t decide on whether to bummed that he’s hurt himself, probably permanently, or to be fantastically thrilled that he’s not actually dying.]

Drake: I did that to myself?

[Emerson shuts the light off and turns to Drake.]

Emerson: Unfortunately, yes. I see it a lot with people in your profession and other athletes.

Drake: Is there any way to fix it like physical therapy or anything?

Emerson: It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever regrow any of the muscle tissue that you’ve lost. If you were to stop now however, there’s a chance you could stop the bleeding so to speak. You can probably avoid having to use a cane later in life.

[That last sentence hits home with Drake. In his mind when he walked into that office he thought wouldn’t be alive later in life. So the prospect of walking around with a cane had never crossed his mind.]

Drake: And if I don’t stop…if I keep wrestling.

Emerson: It’s hard to say. I don’t think it will ever come to amputation. It doesn’t seem to have that bad of a trend.

Drake: Well that’s good.

Emerson: But you will lose more functionality and it will hurt more the more you try to do with it.

Drake: So what do you suggest? You know…for the pain.

[The doctor stares at Drake with a sharp look on his face. He knows Drake is just asking for more painkillers.]

Emerson: Fine. But I’m not gonna keep giving you these, Drake. I’m not your drug dealer.

[Emerson scribbles on a pad and hands it to Drake.]

Drake: Thanks, doc. You’re the dude.

Emerson: Yeah I know.

[He grabs the file and his clipboard and opens the examination room door. Before he walks out, he turns to look at Drake.]

Emerson: I mean that though, Drake.

Drake: What’s that?

Emerson: You will have to use something to help you walk if you don’t cut back. I know you love what you do but it may be time to consider retirement; especially with the movies now. Call me if you need anything…except drugs. Call Barry for that.

[He shuts the door behind him as he leaves and as soon as he leaves, Drake lies back down on the examination table and lets out a long sigh before smiling as wide as he ever has before.]

Drake: I’m not dying.

[He starts to laugh as the scene cuts out]

”Today was the first day in a long time that I smiled. I mean really smiled. Having the constant threat of the unknown hanging over me has been tough these past few months. Losing the title made it that much worse. But today I learned there is something to live for….me. It isn’t just about that title, Sean. It isn’t just about winning. It isn’t just about beating you. It’s about living. It’s stopping for a moment and realizing that the world has so much more to offer than choking out Sean Jackson and winning back the SCW Heavyweight title. Don’t take this the wrong way, Sean. I am still going to beat you. I’m still going to choke you out and I am still going to win my title back. But…when I do…it won’t be the only thing I’ll be smiling about.”

“High Stakes IV wasn’t a fluke, Sean. I’m not gonna sit here and spit lies all over the place like you do; you won and you won fair and square. You’re the Heavyweight Champion, congratulations. That being said, it’s not going to happen again. You see, you may have won but you didn’t BEAT me. This isn’t over. Our story is probably somewhere in the middle. No matter what happens on Sunday…it will keep going. For as long as I lace up my boots no one will ever get me as excited to get in the ring than you. Sean. Something about you just gets me going…gets me pumped up to be in the ring. I like winning matches…but I love winning them against you. When I win on Sunday, when I take my title back, I will make sure you stick around for the celebration. Everyone will witness the “Mental Rapist” get his mind fucked by Drake Green. Everyone will watch you as you prove why you’re the weak link in this feud. I’ve carried you this far and I’ll finish it off on Sunday. Just do me a favor and polish up my belt for me. Pack it in your suitcase nicely and make sure it’s nice and comfortable. Let it know that it’s going home, where it belongs.”

November 25th, 2014 – Drake’s Penthouse Condo; Las Vegas, NV – 3:00 AM

[The scene fades back in inside of Drake’s bedroom. It’s dark inside the room and Drake is fast asleep inside his bed. He turns a bit in his expensive Egyptian cotton sheets as he snores just a bit. As the clock on his nightstand strikes 3:00 exactly, his phone rings.


Drake shoots up. His hair a bit wild and a small bit of dry drool sits in the corner of his mouth. He wipes the drool away and then grabs his phone. He looks at the caller ID.


He hits the end button on the call and falls back into his bed. He shuts his eyes again and just before he can fall back asleep, the phone rings again.


Again he sits up only this time he goes right for the phone and scoops it up in an aggressive manner. He looks at the phone and lets out an annoyed grunt when he looks at the caller ID again.


Figuring that if he continues to ignore the call that who ever is calling would simply keep calling, Drake reluctantly answers the phone.]

Drake: Hello?


Drake: Barry?

[On the other line is Drake’s friend and legal representation, super agent Barry Goldstein.]

Barry: Yeah of course it’s me.

Drake: What are you doing? It’s…

[Drake leans over to the clock, squinting.]

Drake…it’s three in the morning.

Barry: Yeah, I know. I was wondering if you could do me a favor.

Drake: Really? At three in the moring? If I called you at three in the morning and asked for a favor you’d tell me to go fuck myself. I think-

[Barry cuts him off.]

Barry: Look, Champ, if I had anyone else to call I would.

Drake: Ok, what is it?

Barry: I’m kind of in trouble…

[The scene cuts out.]

November 25th, 2014 – Police Station; Las Vegas, NV – 3:50 AM

[The scene fades back in inside of a police station. The walls are a bright, blinding white. A stark contrast from the large black tiles that cover the floor. The place is pretty quiet save for a radio tuned to sports talk radio playing somewhere behind the front desk. Sitting at the front desk behind triple pane bulletproof glass is a large African American police officer. He sits there with his nose in his paper work as the front door opens. In walks Drake Green, wearing a pale blue sports coat with the color turned up, his gray cardigan from earlier the previous day now buttoned up, and the same faded blue jeans and Chuck Taylor sneakers. Her hair is a mess from just waking up and his five o’clock shadow is more like a thin beard. He walks up to the officer, limping as he does, and knocks on the bulletproof glass.]

Drake: Excuse me?

[The officer looks up at Drake with an almost perturbed look on his face and says absolutely nothing. He just raises his eyebrows a bit like he is waiting for Drake to speak.]

Drake: Yes, I’m looking for Barry Goldstein?

[The officer looks at him with a look as if Drake had just interrupted the most important part of his day. The officer exhales and gets up off of his chair.]

Officer: Wait here.

[He walks to the back and Drake is left to wander the lobby a bit. He walks over to the board and sees a post of the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted. He looks over each face and laughs a bit as he reads each bio. He wonders to himself what it takes to get on the ten most wanted list. If there were any set criteria like a sliding scale of wanted-ness. He tilts his head a bit before turning around quickly when he hears a familiar voice.]

Barry: Showtime!

[Barry is wearing a tuxedo with his black bowtie open around his neck and the top bottom unbuttoned. His blonde hair a bit messy and his eyes are glossed over.]

Drake: What the hell, man?

Barry: Sorry man. You drive around with one gram of cocaine in fucking Las Vegas and you think it’d be cool. Got pulled over by the one cop who doesn’t like blow or money. What are you gonna do?

[Drake smacks him on the arm.]

Drake: Shut the fuck up. Let’s get out of here.

[Both men walk out of the building together. The head down the large front steps and Barry notices Drake using the railing and having a bit of trouble getting down the steps.]

Barry: You ok, Champ?

Drake: Yeah I’m fine. My leg is just killing me.

[Barry stops and watches him walk for a second.]

Barry: It started already hasn’t it? The ALS? How much time do you have left? Enough to do the movie? I already cashed that commission so if anything has to be paid back, your estate-

[Drake cuts Barry off.]

Drake: You can relax, Barry. I’m not dying.

Barry: Really?

Drake: Yes, really. Don’t sound so excited.

Barry: It’s just…how?

Drake: Long story.

Barry: But what about your leg?

[They get down to the bottom of the steps and get into Drake’s Range Rover. He starts the car and puts it into gear, starts driving, and then turns to Barry.]

Drake: Muscle deterioration.

Barry: How did that happen?

Drake: Beating the shit out of myself for 15 years they suspect.

Barry: Well, yeah…that’ll do it. You ok?

Drake: Yeah, I’ll be fine. Where were you tonight?

Barry: Some stupid awards dinner my partners had, so…I was stuck. You know where we can score some more coke this late at night?

[Drake’s expression on his face and he slams on the brakes.]

Drake: Are you fucking kidding me?

Barry: What?

Drake: Don’t give me that shit. You know what I’m talking about. This shit has got to stop.

[Barry has a totally confused look on his face.]

Drake: Don’t give me that look.

Barry: I just…you’ve…just..

Drake: Look; twenty-four hours ago I had a different perspective on things. I wasn’t thinking about the future. I wasn’t thinking about five years from now or three years from now or even six months from now. But now I am. You’re the only friend I’ve got, Goldstein, and I need you, man. Cut the shit.

[Barry looks at Drake for a long moment before turning slightly to his right and look straight ahead.]

Barry: Wow, Champ….I’m sorry.

Drake: Don’t be sorry. Just don’t be an asshole. Deal?

[Barry turns back to him.]

Barry: Deal.

Drake: Good.

[He starts driving forward again.]

Barry: Do you at least know a good whore house because my dic-

Drake: Dude! What did I just say?

Barry: You’re a real fucking grump tonight, huh? Let’s just go get some fucking pancakes then. You’re buying.

Drake: Yeah, it’s four o’clock in the morning…you’re buying.

Barry: Fine but if the waitress is under forty I may try to bring her into the bathroom. I’m just letting you know…

[Drake laughs as the scene fades out.

Character Building Roleplays / A Night With Liz Smalls
« on: November 27, 2014, 02:09:00 AM »
 November 29th, 2014 - Drake Green’s Penthouse Condo; Las Vegas, NV - 9:00 PM

[The scene fades in with Drake Green cooking in his marble countertop kitchen. He seems noticeably overwhelmed as he tries to stir some shrimp that is in a frying pan. He takes a sip out of a beer bottle as he wipes some flour off of his dark blue button up shirt thats rolled up at the sleeves. He’s wearing a pair of faded blue jeans with a white belt, and a pair of older Chuck Taylor sneakers; much more casual than we are used to seeing him. There’s a buzz at the front door and Drake picks up his head from the stove. He takes one last sip of his beer before tossing it in the garbage can. He sniffs the air above the stove and takes in his humble attempt at a romantic dinner, checking on it before he goes to the door. He walks around the corner, out of the kitchen, and down the hallway. On his way he places a Listerine patch on his tongue and then fixes his messy hair in the hallway mirror. He smiles at himself before opening the door and seeing his date for the evening, Liz Smalls.]

Drake: Hi.

[He flashes his bright green eyes at her in an almost cheesy way.]

[Liz smiles, sneaking in as Drake held the door open. Liz was wearing a classy black dress, with matching heels. Her bright blonde hair was a startling contrast to the dress. A flower was tucked in her hair. The ‘Coast 2 Coast Covergirl’ sat her Chanel bag down on the coffee table in the living room, looking around.]

Liz: This is a nice place. Oh em gee, did you decorate yourself?

[The bombshell admires the artwork and other trinkets that line the walls and shelves in Drake’s home. Drake chuckles a bit.]

Drake: I wish I had this kind of taste. The realtor suggested a decorator that she uses.

[He makes his way back over to the stove and stirs the shrimp thats sitting in the pan atop the gas ‘Viking’ range. He looks back up at Liz and smiles again.]

Drake: Did you want something to drink? Wine or anything?

Liz: You do know I’m only 20, right?

[Liz sits down on the couch, crossing her legs as she does.]

Liz: Oh! When I used to go out with Delia, we would buy out VIP and I’d drink my ‘juice’. So I can totally handle some wine, but...its up to you.

[Drake has a bit of a surprised look on his face.]

Drake: Actually I had no idea. The way you carry yourself, you’re so mature.

[He rolls his eyes slightly without her noticing and then makes his way around the giant island in the kitchen and over to where Liz is sitting.]

Drake: Do you want to pick a bottle? They’re over there.

[He points to a giant wine fridge built in inside of his living room. Liz stands up, walking over to get a better view of it. The selection is incredible, most of which Liz has never even heard of.]

Liz: Hmmm, how about you pour me a glass of whatever would make me feel...good.

[She giggles playfully, walking over to a mirror in the living room, fixing her hair, observing her makeup. She reaches up, pulling the flower out of her hair and sitting it on the stand holding the mirror.]

Liz: So, Drake, what’s the deal? Back when I was doing promotional stuff with you for Barry, you acted like I was an annoying little brat. Now you want to wine and dine me?

Drake: I make it a point to not…”shit where I eat” so to speak. Barry is not only my best friend he’s also my agent. I wouldn’t wanna put him into a situation where it could get...complicated. Red or white?

[Drake heads for the wine fridge.]

Liz: White is fine please.

[Drake pours her a glass, handing it to her. Liz holds it up, staring at it. Drake pours himself a glass next.]

Liz: Is this gonna taste good or am I gonna gag?

[Drake can’t help but smile at her as her naivety makes her cute in an almost helpless kind of way.]

Drake: Honestly, I have no idea. But if it does...we can open every bottle in there until we find one you like, deal?

Liz: Deal!

[Liz smiles, standing up and clanking glasses with Drake. She takes a quick drink, sipping it carefully as it goes down smoothly.]

Liz: Mmmm. Thats really good.

[She takes another sip before sitting back on the couch.]

Liz: Join me?

[He looks over at the shrimp on the stove and then turns back towards Liz.]

Drake: Sure.

[He walks over to the couch and sits a few inches away from her. He can’t help but check out her legs as he sits across from her. He runs his hand through his hair before taking another sip of wine.]

Drake: So tell me something about Liz Smalls I don’t know. Something I can’t read about in a magazine or in one of your…

[He does air quotes.]

Drake:...Liz Facts.

[He smiles as he takes another sip awaiting her response.]

Liz: Hmmm, there’s alot that nobody knows about me.

[She takes a sip of her wine before sitting the glass down on the table in front of her.]

Liz: I guess something nobody really see’s is that alot of the stuff said about me really bothers me. I know I haven’t always been, um, perfect. I’ve made alot of mistakes but so do most other 19-20 year old girls who have been spoiled their entire lives.

[She looks down at her manicured hands in her lap.]

Liz: Sometimes I want to just slap everyone and tell them to leave me alone, but then...I’d look weak if I gave in, right?

[He tilts his head as if he’s taken back by the deep response. He sets his glass of wine down on the reclaimed wood table in front of them, just inches away from hers, and crosses his legs as he angles his body toward her.]

Drake: No, you wouldn’t. Something I’ve learned is that no matter what “they”’ve got to get that emotion out. That feeling…

[He taps himself on his heart.] doesn’t go away on it’s own.

Liz: I guess you’re right, but, doesn’t make it any easier. When you are, how do I put this?

[Liz contemplates the word choices in her head.]

Liz: Popular as I am, people will always say something negative. Like, I’ve been called a quitter because I left SCW because of my concussion. The same one’s who call me a quitter don’t realize or understand that I’m extra careful because my daddy died in a ring. I don’t want that to happen to me, Drake.

[The Covergirl looks down, a smile on her face as she continues talking, but its not because she’s happy, more to mask her emotions.]

Liz: Whatever. They’re idiots anyway.

[Drake nearly knocks over both glasses of wine when he hears what Liz just said.]

Drake: What do you mean your dad died in a ring?

[Liz notices the sudden change in Drake’s demeanor.]

Liz: daddy was wrestling in Cali and, I was home in bed. My daddy never lived with us, so I had no idea he was even wrestling that night, I didn’t even know what wrestling was. I was only 3 at the time.

[She leans back against the back of the couch, inhaling a deep breath, fighting through the nerves.]

Liz: Anyway, he had a match the end, his opponent punched him in the chest.

[She pauses again, fighting back tears, but not wanting to look emotionally unstable around Drake, especially since this is the first time they’ve spent time together away from a business setting.]

Liz: My daddy went down, and he never got up. The referee stopped the match, and medic people tried to help, but there was nothing they could do. His heart had literally stopped in the ring, in front of hundreds of people. They all saw my daddy die…

[Drake immediately grabs his glass of wine and pounds the rest of it, trying to hide the haunting expression on his face. He stands up and beelines toward the bottle resting on the kitchen island. He fills his glass and with his back turned to Liz, takes a huge breath and exhales. He turns back to her.]

Drake: I had no idea. That must’ve been tough.

[Liz picks up her own glass, taking another drink.]

Liz: It was. The worse thing is I was so young, that I barely remembered him. My mommy never even told me what happened to him for the longest time. She just acted like he disappeared, so I grew up resenting him, thinking he left me or something.

[She stands up, walking into the kitchen, looking at the shrimp sizzling before turning back towards Drake, walking closer to him. Her perfume is intoxicating as she stands right in front of him.]

Liz: Didn’t realize you cared so much. You looked pretty freaked out when I told you about my daddy.

[Drake is almost speechless.]

Drake: I..umm..I don’t even know. I...My father died in the ring when I was seven.

Liz: Wait, are you serious?

[Liz stares at Drake, reading the confused expression on his face.]

Liz: What happened Drake?

Drake: He...he was in a tag match and these guys just…

[Drake takes another huge sip of wine.]

Drake: They were aggressive and...his neck broke. They said it was instantaneous.

[He finishes the rest of the glass before pouring more and topping off Liz’s glass.]

Drake: Wow, this got deep pretty quick, huh?

Liz: Drake, I’m sorry. I had no idea.

[Liz takes a bigger drink than normal, sitting her glass down on the island in the kitchen. She then takes Drake’s glass from him, sitting it next to hers.]

Liz: Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll get the shrimp ready for us?

[Drake stares into her eyes. He thinks for a moment about how he expected this night to start off, and end, and how that couldn’t be further from how it’s actually playing out. He places his hand on top of hers and smiles at her.]

Drake: No. I have never cooked for a girl before. I got this.

[He smiles again and she smiles back.]

Drake: But you can stay right there while I finish if you want.

Liz: Well, okies. I’m not the best cook anyway honestly. Betcha didn’t know that about me either.

[Liz giggles, walking across the kitchen floor, her heels clanking. She seats herself at the table, looking down at the expensive plate and silverware in front of her.]

Liz: I’m not too hungry, I’m actually a little nervous. Yasss I’m nervous.

[Liz realizes she left her wine glass on the island and sighs.]

Liz: Can you get my wine for me pleeeease? I left it on the island and I don’t feel like getting up right now. I probably shouldn’t have wore heels to a dinner at someone’s house.

[She giggles again, but its Liz...she has to always put out this image, the high class, expensive taste, spoiled Covergirl image. The dress, heels, and expensive handbag tie into that image.]

Drake: Sure.

[He gently grabs her glass of wine by the stem and walks it over to Liz and sets it down in front of her.]

Drake: You look great. I mean...great. But if you’re not’ll look great barefoot too.

[He winks at her as he walks back over to the stove.]

Liz: Is your floor super clean? I wouldn’t wanna mess up my pedi. Do you know how much my pedi’s cost?

[And this is probably the Liz Smalls he was expecting. He responds without looking back to her.]

Drake: The lady comes every morning and charges me $100 so it better be clean. Oops.

[As he stirs the shrimp he realizes that he burnt the hell out of his dinner.]

Drake: like take out?

Liz: What about shrimp???

[Liz stands up, slowly reaching down and removing her heels, sitting them at the bottom of the island in the kitchen. She walks over to look at the shrimp and see’s what Drake was talking about, and pouts.]

Liz: Buuut I can’t eat take out. Mommy always told me I could get fat if I eat stuff like that.

[Drake turns to her. He looks her up and down and then moves a bit of her hair out of her face and tucks it behind her ear.]

Drake: It would take A LOT of take out…

[He picks up his glass of wine and takes another large sip and then swirls the wine around in the glass.]

Drake: Can I tell you a secret?

Liz: Mmmhm!

[Liz replies matter of factly.]

Liz: I’m like the best at keeping secrets! I didn’t even tell anyone that Tessa used to fart in public when Mean Girls would do appearances.

[Liz, realizing she spilled the secret, puts a manicured hand over her mouth as if to say ‘oooops’. Drake can’t help but let out a laugh.]

Drake: Ok, my secrets not that bad. I don’t know a god damn thing about wine. That thing was here when I bought the place and I just filled it up ‘cause I thought it would make me look more sophisticated or something.

Liz: THAT’s your secret?

[She laughs, and finishes the rest of her glass, feeling it a little since its been awhile since she’s drank. She sits the glass down.]

Liz: Well, you have good taste. Hashtag...Liz Fact.

[A laugh slips out again and he’s actually surprised he’s laughing at that and having a good time with Liz. He takes a deep breath.]

Drake: Why did you agree to come here? I mean, I gotta be honest...I have a pretty bad reputation with SCW Bombshells…

Liz: Honestly...wait, we should probably sit down first. My head is spinning a little.

[Liz grabs Drake’s arm, over-dramatizing it a bit in typical Liz fashion as he helps her over to the couch. They both sit down and Liz giggles.]

Liz: Okies...thankies. Sorry, I’m feeling that wine a little bit. But um…

[She pauses]

Liz: I came because, why not? You’re a successful, attractive, smart guy and I had time to kill in Vegas. Okies, I’m lying, I wanted to make sure I stayed out of trouble while I’m here. I wasn’t the um...most innocent bombshell when I worked here. I got into some incidents at the clubs and I kinda wanna avoid that this time. But, what about you and Misty? Give me the juicy details because I can’t stand that gremlin.

[Drake stares down for a moment and then looks up at Liz.]

Drake: There’s not much to tell.

[He leans back on the couch.]

Drake: We tried it and it just didn’t work.

Liz: So what about the other bombshells? I didn’t really hear much about your bad reputation with them. Spill it!

[Drake gets a little flustered which is highly unusual for the over-confident former Heavyweight Champion.]

Drake: I’ve done some things I’m not proud of. With people I’m not proud of but…

[He looks in her eyes.]

Drake: You have really nice eyes.

[He quickly tries to change the subject.]

Liz: Thankies!!!

[Liz almost on cue, batts her eyes at the compliment.]

Liz: When I was little, I did a lot of commercials but none for my eyes really. I did hair and toothpaste commercials. Now, I have my own nail polish. Maybe I should do commercials for eye-wear or something.

[She giggles, patting his lap with her hand.]

Liz: You have...nice facial hair. I like the stubble, rough can pull it off.

Drake: It’s complete laziness. No thought of style was put into it at all.

[He cracks a smile.]

Drake: Can you believe they want me to grow a mustache for this movie?

Liz: JUST a mustache thingy???

[Drake laughs.]

Drake: YES! I told Barry I’d up his cut if he gets them to let me drop it. I do not want my face on a million posters with a mustache.

Liz: Yassss thats GA-ROSS! You HAVE to get them to drop that.

[She laughs, also leaning back now, kicking her feet up onto his coffee table, without asking.]

Liz: Sooo, since we’re not eating now, thanks to you being a worse cook than me, tell me about yourself. What don’t I know about you? I already told you something about me!

[Drake finishes off his glass and again leans back on the couch, lifting his feet up on to the table and setting his Chuck Taylor’s next to Liz’s bare feet.]

Drake: What do you want to know...I’ll tell you anything you want.

Liz: Well, how did you get where you are? I was raised in entertainment. I started off competing in beauty pageants as a little girl, and was noticed by agents, which lead to commercials and photoshoots and then Maybelline and now wrestling.

[Liz, saying all of that in one breath quickly, takes time to suck in a deep gulp of air, smiling after.]

Liz: You have to have a story behind the success.

Drake: It’s always been about the wrestling. After my dad passed away my brother and I were raised by his best friend and tag team partner Max. We were a tag team and then..

[Drake pauses for a second and leans forward. His eyes water for a moment before he realizes it and he catches himself. He clears his throat and then looks up and over at Liz.]

Drake: I haven’t had an easy life. My brother passed away about eight years ago now. It’s been….not easy. And then Max just this summer. You know I have a sister who lives with her mom in California’s kind of lonely. I think that’s why I just shut down around people sometimes. Everyone knows Mr. Showtime but that’s not me, you know? It’s an act. It’s a job.

[Even as Drake tries hiding his emotions, Liz can pick up on them. She gives his leg a gentle rub.]

Liz: I understand, believe me. So many people look at us, and they think we’re invincible or something because we wrestle, but, at the end of the day, we’re normal people too. Well, not normal, I’d never be BASIC...but you know what I mean.

[She laughs, hoping her joke can help him cheer up a little.]

Liz: I’m really sorry about your brother, and your family life though. Its hard to enjoy life when you lose people that mean so much to you. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your brother?

[Drake lets out a deep exhale.]

Drake: It was a car accident. He was on his way home from a barbecue on the Fourth of July, meeting some producers for some action movie. If you thought I’m good looking you shouldve seen this guy. He had that look...that Hollywood look. It’s a shame...he was my best friend in the world.

Liz: I’m sorry...but, you know he would be proud of you, right? I mean look at you. Drake Green, former world champion, movie star, the talk of Vegas. How could he NOT be proud?

[Drake stares at his empty glass of wine for what seems like a long moment. He turns to Liz with a look on his face like he just thought of something.]

Drake: wanna know something about me that nobody around here knows?

[Liz notices him stare at the empty glass and takes it upon herself to get up, and bring the bottle that Drake had previously opened over to the couch. She hands the bottle to him, before walking to the island to retrieve her empty glass. She returns to the couch, kicking her feet back up on the coffee table and holding her glass towards him.]

Liz: Fill me up please…

[As Drake pours them both a glass, she smiles, sipping it.]

Liz: Now, go ahead and tell me what nobody else knows!

[He finishes pouring, finishing the bottle, and then takes a quick sip.]

Drake: I am a classically trained ballroom dancer.

[Liz was in the middle of a sip and nearly lost it at Drake’s revelation. She puts a hand over her mouth and swallows before laughing.]

Liz: YOU...a ballroom dancer? You’re kidding, right?

[Drake chuckles.]

Drake: Nope. I would totally dominate Dancing With the Stars.

[He takes another sip.]

Liz: Thats actually pretty funny, I’d totally pay to see it.

[She glances straight ahead of her, looking at her feet and then his Chuck’s right next to her.]

Liz: I’ve actually learned alot about you tonight. Like, never have you cook me dinner again or I’ll starve.

[They both chuckle, and turn their attention to each other.]

Liz: And that you have alot more to you than just being the handsome wrestler/actor guy thingy.

[Drake stares at her for a second. He looks over her golden hair and supple lips and bites his bottom lip.]

Drake: How much would you pay?

Liz: Hmmmm let me think…

[She puts a finger on her chin, pondering the question playfully.]

Liz: I think I would pay around...i don’t know, the cost of the burnt shrimp you wasted. Oh, and I’d even include however much this bottle of wine costs because we totally like...killed it.

[She giggles and closes her eyes for a few seconds before opening them.]

Drake: Deal.

[He hops up off of the couch and darts over to his stereo. He clicks a couple things on his iPod and within seconds, Salsa music starts playing throughout the speakers in the living room. He walks back over to the couch and holds his hand out to Liz.]

Liz: Wait, you said YOU were going to dance. We didn’t say anything about me!

[Liz doesn’t have much of a choice as Drake lifts her off the couch by her hand. He pulls her close to him as she looks up into his eyes.]

Liz: I love to dance, but you DO know I’m a little um….whats the word when you feel lightheaded after you drink?

Drake: Beautiful?

Liz: Yassss! I think thats it...I’m beautiful.

[Liz rubs her eyes with her free hand, feeling a little sleepy, but the music pumping through the room is enough to wake anyone up.]

Liz: So, do I still have to pay you now, or is that like...not gonna happen because you’re making me dance too?

Drake: I haven’t made my mind up yet.

[Drake swings her around as they dance and then he pulls her in close as the music slows down to a more sensual beat. He runs her hand down his back and looks at her. Again he looks at her lips and then into her eyes. He leans in closer so his lips are just in front of hers.]

Liz: Drake?

[She stares at his lips, her pouty, glossed lips quiver a little as she stares at him.]

Drake: I…

[He shakes his head back and forth ever so slightly and then shuts his eyes as he presses his lips against hers, hoping for the best. After a few moments of kissing, Liz pulls away slowly, letting go of his hand, her cheeks sport a rosy shade to them.]

Liz: Umm...wh---what just happened?

[The slightly buzzed Covergirl looks down nervously, wiping her lips. Drake scratches his head a bit as if he’s confused himself.]

Drake: Actually, I’m not sure.

[He comes to his senses and shakes his head back and forth.]

Drake: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just the wine and the dancing, and your lips are just sooo...I’m sorry.

Liz: I should probably get going now...I think its late.

[Liz looks around for her heels, forgetting where she sat them down at.]

[Drake hurries over toward the kitchen island.]

Drake: They’re umm...right here.

[He picks them up and walks them over to her. He stares at the floor for a moment before looking back up at her.]

Drake: You don’t have to go.

Liz: Well, we have a long day of shopping ahead of us tomorrow, right?

[Liz holds her heels in her hands, not yet slipping them back on.]

Liz: I don’t know if I should be driving back to my hotel though. Do, have someone that could drive me, maybe? Possibly?

[She asks, avoiding eye contact.]

Drake: I do have know...title match tomorrow too. I could drive you...but...I don’t want to.

[He immediately thinks that came out wrong.]

Drake: No I mean I would totally drive you...if you wanted me to...I just…

[He stares in her innocent, puppy dog eyes.]

Drake: I don’t want you to go.

Liz: I guess I could stay for a little while longer, more dancing.

[She giggles, dropping her heels to the floor, clanking the ground hard as they fall.]

Liz: Oooops!

[She giggles again]

Liz: I have that battle royal thingy tomorrow too, even though everyone in SCW hates me and thinks I’m annoying. Ma...maybe I could just, take the couch tonight? I don’t think its smart for either one of us to drive. You’ve drank even more than I have.

Drake: Not everyone hates you, you know.

[He picks her heels up and walks them over to the island, this time setting them right on the marble top.]

Drake: I can sleep on the couch. Or there’s a futon thing in the other room but I don’t think I’d wish that on anyone. You can sleep in my room.

[Liz yawns, shuffling back over to the couch and plopping down next to her Chanel bag.]

Liz: Nooo, its okies, really. I can totally fall asleep here. I would have to go back to my room in the morning though before we go shopping so I can get all pretty before I go out in public.

[Drake sits down next to her again.]

Drake:’re not sleeping on the couch. B…

[He takes her hand and looks in her eyes again.]

Drake: You don’t have to go anywhere to get pretty.

Liz: You say that now, but trust me...when I wake up in the morning it’ll look like I have a birds nest on my head.

[Liz laughs at her own joke, squeezing his hand.]

Liz: Do you say that to all of the girls you bring over? That they’re already pretty. How many bombshells have you used that line on?

[Drake looks at her with a crooked smile.]

Drake: Can I tell you another secret?

Liz: Mmmhm

[Drake leans in close to her.]

Drake: I’ve never brought anyone else here before.

[He looks into her eyes and again, gets distracted by her lips. He bites his lower lip again for the thousandth time as he inches closer her to again almost uncontrollably. Liz, doesn’t notice his face getting closer to her.]

Liz: I don’t know if I believe said yourself that you have a reputation with the bombshells. There’s no way I’m the only one you’ve brought over!

[She shifts on the couch, pulling her legs off the coffee table and tucking her feet under her as the dress tightens up due to her position.]

Drake: That’s a fair assessment but...I never lie. I may do really dick things. But I never lie...ever.

[He looks her in the eye.]

Drake: Your turn. I’m pretty sure I’ve told you every dark secret I’ve got.

Liz: Okies, you want dark?

[She takes a deep breath before exhaling, untucking her legs again. She leans in closer to Drake, resting her head on his shoulder, yawning.]

Liz: The only reason I married Sebby was so that he wouldn’t be deported back to France. I loved him, cared for him...but he asked me to marry him, otherwise he would be deported. I knew how much he loved this country, so... I did it. Then it kinda just worked...for awhile. Until he ended up getting back in touch with his ex, and asking me for a divorce. Now, I think he’s going back to France anyway to be with her, and I had to pay him in our divorce settlement. Soooo frustrating.

Drake: The fucking French, man.

[Drake chuckles.]

Drake: Not that I’ve been married or divorced but I have a step mom just an idiot. She can’t take care of herself let alone my sister so I basically have an alimony payment to her every month.

Liz: Isn’t that like...crazy? We work hard for our money and then people just wanna take it away. And then I look like I’m greedy when I demand big money to wrestle somewhere, but nobody knows what the cost of living is for me and my family! We’re accustomed to a certain way of life.

[Liz takes her head off of Drake’s shoulder, looking him in the eye.]

Liz: Why am I the bad person all the time? Like, seriously!

Drake: You’re not a bad person. It still blows my mind how much money I make. I used to make $25 a match...and that wasn’t even that long ago. Two years ago I was sleeping in bus stations in New Jersey broke. Paramount pictures handed me a check for two million dollars the other day. It’s just insane to me.

Liz: 2 million dollars? Thats crazy. I’m not getting near that for my new movie I’m about to start filming!

Drake: That’s only half.

[Drake laughs.]

Drake: I’m sorry..that was mean. We can call Barry if you want….

Liz: Funny. He hasn’t taken my calls in months. I don’t know what his problem is. I think I was getting into too much trouble in Vegas and he kind of washed his hands of me. Whatever, his loss.

[She exudes confidence in her words, but one look in her face and you can tell she’s still bothered over her manager parting ways with her. Drake touches her chin and pulls her face in his direction.]

Drake:’re a star. Remember that. People pay a lot of money to see you...don’t let that get lost on you. But with that comes the responsibility of putting on the show. It’s important.

Liz: Trust me, thats something I never forget. If I live off of my looks, or my reputation, I’ll fade away and somebody else will step up and take my spot. I’m not ready for that.

[She yawns]

Liz: And since I’m not ready for that, I think I should get some sleep. I have to be well rested for that battle royal tomorrow. I hate those kind of matches though. Its so chaotic and there’s a chance I could break a nail. Ugh.

[She reaches up, brushing the hair out of her face.]

Liz: But, my name is on the poster, right? I made an agreement to be there, so I wanna do my best.

Drake: Just remember...everyone else in that ring doesn’t matter. In a battle royal..just have fun. You have fun and you just might win. And if you’re lucky...I’ll actually buy you dinner instead of trying, and failing massively, to cook for you.

[Liz smiles, she’s thoroughly enjoyed the night, though, she may not admit it. Not yet at least.]

Liz: Well, how about you go grab me a blanket and I’ll sleep here? I see a video game thingy over there, you can play games or something while I sleep.

[Drake shakes his head.]

Drake: If I have to fight’re not sleeping on this couch. Come on...I’ll give you a pair of sweats and you can take the bed and then I don’t have to be creepy and play video games while you sleep.

Liz: Fiiiiiine! I’m too tired to fight you...even though I would totally win!

[Liz laughs, standing up from the couch, picking up her Chanel bag as the scene fades out.]

Climax Control Archives / One Night in Bakersfield
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:36:14 PM »
One Night In Bakersfield

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it moves on.” –Robert Frost

October 6th, 2014 – Jenny Green’s Apartment; Bakersfield, CA – 7:30 PM

[The camera fades in to Jenny Green, Drake’s sister, putting away some groceries in the kitchen of her loft-style apartment. The room is painted a bright lime green and is fixed with retro style appliances that almost take you in to a time warp in to the 1960’s. She is wearing a pair of tight blue jeans, rolled up at the bottom, and a tight black tank top exposing her shoulders and back full of tattoos. As she puts away a carton of orange juice there is a loud knock at the front door. She turns, closing the fridge, and walks hesitantly over to the large metal door on the far brick wall of her apartment.


Again someone slams on the door. She slowly pulls open the cover to the peep hole and looks through. Her concerned look quickly fades in to a smile as she sees her older half-brother Drake. She flings open the door and quickly pulls him in for a tight squeeze. As she hugs him he drops his black duffle bag and squeezes her back. He is wearing dark blue jeans with white Converse sneakers, a white t-shirt and an army green jacket. After a moment she lets go.]

Jenny: What are you doing here?

Drake: I had a few days off, thought I’d come see my baby sister.

[She looks at him with a crooked smile.]

Drake: Okay, fine. The closing on the house is this week so…

Jenny: That’s what I figured. You could’ve called, you know?

Drake: Well, I guess I just like surprises better.

Jenny: Did you bring Misty with you?

[Drake sort of stares at his younger sister for a moment.]

Jenny: Well?

Drake: Misty and I are kind of…

Jenny: No! I liked her!

Drake: Yeah, me too.

Jenny: What happened?

[Drake brushes past her and starts flipping through a pile of letters on the kitchen counter.]

Drake: I really appreciate you getting my mail.

Jenny: Don’t ignore me.

Drake: I’m not ignoring you.

Jenny: Sure seems like it.

Drake: Hey, what’s this?

[Drake picks up a photograph that is on the counter. In the picture are a young Drake, his brother Nick, and a very young Jenny Green.]

Drake: When was this from?

Jenny: That? I think it was from my mom’s house. I’m not really sure though. I was going through some old stuff of hers a few weeks ago and found it.

Drake: It’s nice.

Jenny: I thought so. So are you going to ignore my question all night or are you going to tell me what happened with Misty?

Drake: What do you want me to say?

Jenny: You fucked it up didn’t you?

Drake: What do you think?

Jenny: What did you do?

Drake: Does it really matter?

[Jenny stares at him for a moment and then lets out a short sigh.]

Jenny: I suppose not. I’m pissed though, Drake. I liked her.

[Drake plops down on Jenny’s old beat up couch.]

Drake: Yeah, me too. I think I’m destined to be alone.

[Jenny sits down next to him.]

Jenny: You could stop being a total asshole…

[Drake shoots her a look.]

Drake: Actually, I don’t know if I could.

Jenny: What’s going on with you? The past few weeks, every time you called, you’ve acted weird. What’s going on?

[Drake looks over at her with a concerned look in his eyes. He wants to tell her about his diagnosis but he can’t muster up the courage so instead he says the first thing that pops in to his head.]

Drake: You got any pot?

Jenny: You’re kidding…

Drake: What?

Jenny: Since when do you smoke weed?

Drake: I just thought…

Jenny: You really want to?

[Drake again stares at her for a moment.]

Drake: Sure, fuck it.

[Jenny giggles a bit as she reaches in to a small wooden box on the table in front of the couch and pulls out a small joint. She lights it up and takes a long pull before handing it to Drake. He takes it from her with a bit of caution and after a pause, takes a big hit himself. In that moment, he can’t help but think of Max. The camera cuts out.]

What is there to say about Steve Ramone that hasn’t been said? He is a fighter and a spirit that keeps coming back at you no matter what. He showed that in his epic battles with Max Burke last year over the Roulette title and he demonstrated that in the ‘FEARLESS’ way he combated against Gabriel and the evil Odette Stevens. But when you read between those lines, when you break all that film down like I have there is one constant. One underlying theme to all of the great matches you have had in Sin City Wrestling…you lose. You can’t close, you’re not a finisher, and you certainly aren’t Championship material.”

“I don’t want to be THAT guy. I don’t want you to take it the wrong way. I think you’re a fantastic wrestler. For one reason or another things just haven’t broken and landed the right way for you. That was me for a long time, just hang in there kid and maybe one day things will finally break the right way for you but unfortunately for anyone with the last name Ramone, it won’t be this Sunday.”

“You see, Steve, I’m a practical guy. I like to consider myself a fighting champion and nothing would please me more than to give you a shot at the gold at Climax Control. You’re the kind of guy that deserves it. You show up week after week, putting it all on the line for the fans. You’re my kind of guy. But the proof is in the pudding…you’re not a challenge. You’re a stepping stone in what will end up being the greatest reign in the history of the SCW Heavyweight Championship. So good luck on Sunday…you’re gonna need it.”

[The scene fades back in inside of the Ft. Benning Gym in Chattahoochie County, GA, the setting for Climax Control. The lights turn to a blue filter and we can hear the opening drums from "Burning Down The House" by the Used. The crowd jumps to their feet and they begin to cheer as "Mr. Showtime" Drake Green steps out on to the stage. He lifts his arms up and down, motioning for the packed beach to get up on their feet and cheer.]

Crowd: POP!

[Green, with a large smile, stands tall in long blue wrestling tights with three white stars on each leg and blue boots which have blue kick-pads on the front which have the "Male symbol" on them in white. He is wearing white wristbands and a black, skin tight, t-shirt with his "Male Symbol" logo on the front and "Man Of The People" written on the back. He raises both arms straight up in the air points toward the sky as the crowd starts to get behind him. Just as the lyrics for the song kick in, Drake makes his way down toward the ring, slapping hands of fans on either side of the railings.]

#Watch out
#You might get what you're after
#Cool babies
#Strange but not a stranger

#Burning down the house

Justin: Introducing first...weighing in at 230 pounds, he is Chicago's own, he is The Man of the People..."Mr. Showtime".. Drake Green!.

[Drake trades handshakes and hugs with several of the fans in the crowd as he makes his way toward the ring. He walks around the entire rings, making sure he says hello to all the fans at ringside. Finally, he hops onto to the apron and steps up on the second rope and raises his arms again for the crowd. He steps down and walks over to the opposite corner and climbs up again.]

Crowd: Showtime! Showtime! Showtime!

[He steps down off of the rope and walks over toward the side of the ring, motioning for the microphone. ]

Drake: Helloooo Georgia!

Crowd: POP!

Drake: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all
ages....welcome to the show!

Crowd: Even louder POP!

Drake: Are you ready for the most magical, the most fantastical showstopper of all time?! I am your soldier, I am your savior, I am your Main Event Maker and I got just one question for ya. What time is it?!

Crowd: Showtime!

Drake: No, no, no. I said what time is it?

Crowd: Showtime!

Drake: People of Fort Benning, MY PEOPLE! I know you can do better than that. I asked you WHAT MOTHER FUCKING TIME IS IT?!


[Drake holds his left arm up and points out to the crowd. He nods his head as he moves his arm, panning through the crowd. He mouths the words "THANK YOU" to the crowd before handing the microphone to Justin. He turns around to see Sean Jackson standing in the middle of the ring. Before Drake can react, Sean moves in and grabs him by his t-shirt and moving him back into the corner.]

Jackson: You think this is over, Showtime? You think I’m done with you? You ain’t seen nothing yet, Drake. I’m gonna keep coming after you until I have what is rightfully mine. Until I have the SCW Heavyweight title.

[Drake manages to shove off Jackson and slips out of the ring and down to ringside. As he regains his footing, he turns around and is surprised to Jackson down at ringside with him, as if he had teleported down to ringside next to Drake. Again, Sean grabs him by the shirt.]

Jackson: There ain’t nowhere to run, Drake. There’s nowhere for you to go that the ‘Mental Rapist’ can’t find you. I own you and until you give up what is rightfully mine, I’m gonna keep on coming for it.

[Jackson slams the back of Drake’s head in to the ring post and then slides him under the bottom rope. Drake struggles to get to his knees and again, as if like magic, Sean Jackson is already in the center of the ring standing over him. He slams a boot to the side of Drake’s face before kneeling down over him.]

Jackson: You can’t hide, Drake. No one can save you now. Not Max, not Barry, not your sister, and definitely not that ex-hobag of yours Misty. This is destiny, Showtime. Your destiny is in the hands of one Sean Jackson and I’m sorry to say it’s time to pay the Reaper. Death is coming for you, boy.

[Drake again manages to push off Sean and he slides down to ringside only to see Sean standing in front of him again. He turns to run around the six-sided ring and as he turns the corner. Again like magic, Sean is there waiting for him, this time with a boot to his stomach. He grabs him by the back of the head and slams his face on to the steel barricade.]

Jackson: Can you feel it, Drake? Your end is near. You’re on a one way train to hell and Sean Jackson is your conductor.

[He slams his face a few times and blood begins to spew out of Drake’s nose.]

Jackson: You can’t run from your destiny, Drake. I will find you…I will always find you.

[The screen cuts to Drake, sitting up and letting out small scream. He is on his sister’s couch, in Bakersfield, California. He rubs his eyes and tries to wipe away the nightmare he just had but he can’t, the threat is very real. He stands up, wearing now only his jeans, and walks over to the small hallway powder room. He flicks the light on and puts his hands on either side of the sink. He lets out a deep sigh as he turns on the hot and the cold water. He cups his hands and captures some water, bringing it up and rinsing off his face. He stares up into the mirror and realizes that, it is his destiny. He stares in to his own green eyes and acknowledges that whether it was Steve Ramone, Sean Jackson, or anyone else…his time is running out. The only question remaining was how he was going to go out. The camera cuts out.]

Climax Control Archives / Sex, Lies, and Wrestling Tape
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:49:54 AM »
Sex, Lies, and Wrestling Tape

“The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

September 20th, 2014 – Bouchon Bistro; Las Vegas, Nevada – 10:00 AM

[The scene fades in to an outdoor section of a local Las Vegas brunch spot, The Bouchon Bistro. Seated across from one another are Drake Green and Misty. Misty is wearing her hair up in a messy-but-cute bun on top of her head, which compliments her white long sleeve t-shirt and black Rayban sunglasses. The opaque tint of her designer eyewear provides a stark contrast to her somewhat pale complexion. She picks up a large mug full of tea and takes a sip as she stares across the plastic table at the SCW Heavyweight Champion. Drake is wearing a dark grey v-neck sweater over a white t-shirt, covering himself up a bit on the unseasonably chilly September morning. His hair is in his usual makeshift messy faux-hawk although it appears a bit more greasy than usual. His face is unshaven and looks as though it has been for quite sometime. On top of his nose sits a pair of expensive looking Lacoste sunglasses, shielding his eyes from the bright Vegas sun and defending them in their delicate, hung over state, which he is desperately trying to hide from Misty.

Drake pans around the rather packed outdoor patio, taking in the local scenery. He looks down and Misty’s slightly bandage hands and he finally brings it up.]

Drake: So are you gonna tell me what happened or…

[Misty tries to act like she’s not sure of what Drake talking about.]

Misty: What do you mean?

[Drake flashes half of a smile and points toward her hands.]

Drake: What did you do to your hands?

Misty: Nothing.

Drake: Nothing?

Misty: I was just fooling around with Eden and…really it was nothing. Are you feeling ok? You don’t look too good.

[Drake immediately drops the topic as he goes in to somewhat of an internal panic mode. He’s trying frantically to hide the morning-after-bing-drinking sweat coming down his brow and he double checks with his tongue to make sure the half-a-dozen Listerine strips he shoved in his mouth before he picked her up were still holding down their end of the bargain. He nervously smiles across the table at her and pushes his expensive sunglasses up the bridge of his nose.]

Drake: What do you mean?

Misty: I don’t know, have you been sleeping? I know with Max gone-

[He interrupts her.]

Drake: I’m good, one hundred percent.

Misty: Okay…if you need to talk or anything-

[He interrupts her again.]

Drake: Really, I’m good. You don’t have to worry.

[She stars back at him across the cheap plastic outdoor table and can’t help but smile at him. She removes her hands from her mug of Earl Grey and sets them in his. The warmth still lingering in her fingers emanates in to his hands and he can’t avoid smiling back at her.]

Misty: I need to tell you something.

[Drake’s smile fades a bit.]

Drake: Okay…

Misty: I’ve thought long and hard about what you said to me that night in Yuma, before Violent Conduct and I owe you an apology.

Drake: For what?

Misty: For not responding to you. I was shocked in the moment and I just couldn’t think of the words. You caught me off guard and for me to not say anything…

[She stops herself, sniffling a bit, and then continues.]

Misty: It was cruel.

Drake: Look-

[This time it is her cutting him off.]

Misty: Of course I love you, Drake Green. I’ve loved you since the night you sat next to me on that beach. I may not have known it yet; my brain probably couldn’t process it with all of the shit that I was dealing with but my heart knew. The heart always knows.

[His smile returns.]

Misty: These past few months have been the happiest I’ve been in a long time and to know that you’re finally able to be open and honest with me is the greatest gift you could possibly give me. I know how hard you’ve worked to stay sober and let’s be honest…

[She giggles a bit.]

Misty: …you have women throwing themselves at you constantly and to know that you have that love inside of you to ignore them…to be committed to me…there’s no better feeling. You make me happy, Drake…and I’m so grateful for that.

[Drake stares back at her. He looks in to her eyes and processes everything she just said to him. He thinks about how everything she just said isn’t true. He isn’t sober, he had his last drink about twenty minutes before picking her up this morning while he was parked in a gas station parking lot. He’d been out nearly all night with Barry Goldstein drinking and doing God knows what else. Drake certainly doesn’t know because he can’t remember half of the evening thanks to the excessive amount of alcohol and painkillers he put in to his body over the course of the past twelve hours. Sober? Drake isn’t even sure if he knows what that word really means.

He looks back at her thinking about the love that she just professed to him and he can’t help but think about the passionate night he spent with Delia Darling in Yuma, Arizona just days prior to Violent Conduct 2. The worst part about the whole thing was that although he felt terrible about breaking Misty’s trust, he didn’t have an ounce of guilt about what he did. In fact, he would do it again. With all of these thoughts running through his mind, he tightens his grip on Misty’s hands and says the only thing that he thinks is right.]

Drake: I love you too.

[He smiles back at her as the scene fades out.]

”For some reason I always find my way back to you, Sean. All roads lead back to my nemesis apparently. It’s amazing isn’t it? No matter how many times I prove that I’m better, no matter how much more gold sits on my waist…I still have to keep reminding the SCW Universe where you stand on the ladder. The truth is, I enjoy it. I relish in it and I can’t wait to do it again. There’s something special to me about beating you and doing it convincingly. It gets me excited, even more excited than sending Rage crashing through some tables and even more exhilarating and rewarding than the SCW Heavyweight Championship. This rivalry, our story, is the one I live for the most. Everything I have going on outside of the ring doesn’t matter when he step in there together, Jackson. None of it does. The only thing that does is the blood and sweat we shed for the people, MY people.

Watching you cut interviews is somewhat of a hobby of mine. Your mannerisms, the way you speak, the look in your eyes when a reporter asks you a question…I take it all in. I study you because I know that all roads do lead back to ‘The Mental Rapist’. It’s you and me, Sean, it always has been and always will be. Whether it’s New York, or Las Vegas, Canada or Missouri…the show stops with you and I. We both know it so we shouldn’t hide it. I’m looking forward to doing what I do best, beating you. It may not be the first time but I’m happy to know it won’t be the last. See you soon, old friend. I’ve missed you.”

September 25th, 2014 – Hilton Hotel; St. Louis, Missouri – 7:00 PM

[The scene sets back in inside of a hotel suite in the Hilton Hotel in St. Louis. Drake is sitting at the foot of the king-sized bed. He is wearing a black, skin tight tank top exposing his tattoos and black “Nike” gym shorts. With a remote control in his hand, he stares intensely at the flat panel television mounted up on the wall across from him. The front door to the suite opens up and in walks Barry Goldstein wearing a light colored Seer Sucker suit with a white shirt and a gold tie on. He walks in with a six-pack of beer and a large square bottle of “Fiji” water. He sets the six-pack of beer down on the table across the room and takes out a bottle, popping it open with a bottle opener and taking a refreshing gulp. He pulls another one of the six-pack and offers it to Drake.]

Drake: I’ll just take the water for now.

[Barry looks at him with a puzzled look but hands him the square-shaped bottle anyway. Drake snatches it and sets it aside next to him on the bed. Barry walks over and looks over at the television.]

Barry: What are we watching?

[Drake stays silent as Barry looks over to what is on the screen. It’s an old match…a World Tag Team title defense by Team Gorgeous…Johnny ‘The Body’ Green and Maximus the Magnificent (AKA Max Proffo). They are defending their titles against Death & Destruction…two oversized wrestlers who are equal parts terrifying and nasty.]

Barry: Holy Shit! Is that a young Slim Jim?

[Drake responds to him while still staring straight ahead at the screen.]

Drake: Yeah…

Barry: So that must be your Pop then, huh?

Drake: Yeah…

Barry: Wait a second. This isn’t the match where-

[He cuts Barry off.]

Drake: Yeah…

[Drake turns to look at Barry.]

Drake: It is.

[Drake confirms to Barry they are watching the match where Drake’s father died in tragic fashion inside of the ring.]

Barry: At the risk of sounding insensitive, Champ…why the hell are you watching this? With what just happened to Max…

Drake: I need to see something for myself.

Barry: What?

Drake: It’s hard to explain.

Barry: Try me…

Drake: Right there!

[Drake hops up and points at the now paused screen where his father, Johnny Green, is taking a double-team piledriver move.]

Drake: That’s the move that killed my father.

[Barry sits there for a second, shaking his head back and for a bit.]

Drake: Does anything look out of the ordinary to you?

Barry: You mean other than the manslaughter?

[Drake snaps his head and gives Barry a nasty look.]

Drake: This isn’t a fucking joke, Barry.

Barry: Look I don’t see anything, ok? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be looking at.

Drake: The move…to me…FUCK!

[Drake throws the remote across the room, breaking it against the wall and Barry stands up quickly.]

Barry: What the fuck?!

Drake: Sorry…I-

[Barry cuts him off.]

Barry: Look, Champ. I know you’re going through some shit but this is a little fucked up, man. I mean…that’s your father. Of course it’s not gonna look right. How can it?

Drake: That has nothing to do with it.

Barry: Then what is it?

Drake: He was sick.

[A confused look comes over Barry’s face.]

Barry: What?

Drake: My father…apparently he had a rare form of ALS. It manifests itself with massive muscle and bone degeneration…especially in the neck and spinal chord.

[Barry stares at him for a second and then looks back up a the paused television set.]

Barry: So you think that’s what happened to your Pop? Why it all happened?

Drake: I don’t know. I’m trying to figure it all out.

Barry: How did you find out about all of this?

Drake: His wife told me.

Barry: Phyllis? The crazy mountain lady?

Drake: That’s the one.

Barry: And you believe her?

Drake: I don’t know, I mean it makes sense. I remember him always going to the doctor and I know he was on medication. I just don’t know what they were.

Barry: Can’t you find some old records or something?

Drake: I’ve tried but I can’t find anything.

Barry: I can put some calls in if you like…

Drake: Thanks.

Barry: But I gotta ask…does it really matter? I mean…it doesn’t change anything.

Drake: Well…there’s something else.

[Barry stares back it him with a blank expression, waiting for Drake to finish his thought.]

Drake: This form of ALS…

Barry: Yeah?

Drake: It’s hereditary.

[Barry’s face drops.]

Barry: Shit.

[Drake stares back at him with a similar uncomfortable expression.]

Drake: Shit is right.

[The camera cuts out.]

”I’ve been so concerned with my arch enemy Sean Jackson that I completely ignored the fact that there are other people in this match too. My partners, the reigning SCW Tag Team Champions Big B and Despayre and of course Sean’s partner’s…Andrew Garcia and whatever his tag team partner’s name is.”

“I have mixed opinions tagging with the Champions. The positive ones are for the obvious reasons, they’re pretty fucking good. They’re the Champions for a reason and they are a hell of a lot of fun to watch in the ring. Big B is a powerhouse and Despayre, as crazy and odd as he is, is probably the most underrated wrestler in all of our business. That’s a fact. The problem that I have with these guys isn’t what they can do in the ring it’s some of the company they choose to keep. Rage and Gabriel aren’t too of my favorite people and the fact that they all seem to remain so close is puzzling to me. Something doesn’t fit there. Either way, I couldn’t ask for better partners in a six-man tag team main event. Cheers, bookers.”

“To be completely truthful I know very little about Andrew Garcia and his nameless partner. I know he does actually have a name but I can’t think of it right now and I’m a bit too drunk to be bothered to look it up? Sasha, maybe? I don’t know…he’s got dreads…I think. Or is that the other guy…? Never mind. The only thing I do know about these guys is the fact that they were or are trained by Casey Williams. Hopefully for their sakes he didn’t actually show them anything otherwise this could be the shortest main event in Climax Control history. If I’m being totally truthful, a rarity these days I know, my focus will be elsewhere on Sunday. I wish these guys good luck because I know Big B will probably crush them both, but my eyes are on Sean. I’m walking in to St. Louis with one thing on my mind and that is to once again embarrass Sean Jackson.”

Climax Control Archives / Rage Turned Inward
« on: August 15, 2014, 11:39:21 PM »

Rage Turned Inward

”Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.” –Louis L’Amour

”By nature I’ve always been a patient man. I’ve never been much of a reactionary; instead I’ve always been the one with the long term plan. You may say I’m of the ‘dish served cold’ variety. There have been many times in my life that I laid out and executed a plot or an idea to bring things full circle and to give myself the upper hand. I’m a man of strategy and that’s something that I pride myself on. But with you Rage, all that goes out the window…”

“I find myself using words like ‘hate’ and ‘punish’ when you come up in conversation. Words like ‘dismember’ and ‘maim’ also come to mind. It’s uncontrollable now. Maybe I did misjudge you. Maybe I thought too high of myself or too low of you but that’s over with now. It’s a new game and a new plan and the only strategy that is left is to beat the living hell out of you in San Diego. There will be no running this time. My back will not be turned away from that ugly mug of yours. There will be nowhere to hide on Sunday.”

August 14th, 2014 – Gold Standard Agency; Las Vegas, NV – 6:30 PM

[The camera fades into a large office. Beautiful wood with gold inlay lines and covers the walls all the way to the built in bar along the back wall. The far wall has a large desk with papers shuffled around and three different computer screens on the top. Across from the desk is a large burgundy leather couch with speakers on either side playing classical music. The front door to the office opens and in walks SCW Heavyweight Champion Drake Green and his friend and trainer Max Proffo. Drake is wearing a brown suit, brown leather shoes, and a white shirt with an open collar. Max, a blue suit and light blue shirt.]

Drake: Hello?

[A loud flush is heard from behind the bathroom door in the back of the office. Out walks Barry Goldstein who is wearing grey suit pants, a purple shirt and tie, and a set of dark brown suspenders]

Barry: Champ! Slim Jim!

[Barry walks over to give Drake a hung but Green moves back a bit and throws his hands up.]

Drake: Whoa, how come every time I come here you’re just getting out of the bathroom?

Barry: How do you think I stay this thin?

Max: I thought it was the cocaine…

[Barry smiles.]

Barry: Ok fine, ya got me. So what are you fine fellas doing here? I got a seven o’clock with an Asian and an ending, which is happy.

Max: Always the gentleman, Barry.

Barry: I try. So seriously I gotta get movin’ and shakin’. What can I do for you guys?

Drake: I wanted to talk to you about this Rage problem.

Barry: Ok, talk.

Drake: I want you to call Erik Staggs and have him make this match no disqualification.

Barry: Well I can’t really. Erik and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms after that no good traitor nephew of his went behind my back and signed with that weasel fuck Declan Krause.

Drake: You’re seriously still upset about that?

[Barry stares at Drake with a blank look.]

Drake: Ok, geez…

Max: Well what about calling Mark Ward? I know he doesn’t exactly like any of us but I know he pretty much despises Rage too.

Drake: No, no way. I don’t want Ward any where near any of this.

Max: Well can’t we call Christian Underwood? We don’t have any problems with him do we?

Drake: No, not at all. Christian is a great guy.

[Max and Drake turn to Barry who is looking up toward the ceiling trying to look as innocent as possible.]

Max: What?

Barry: There may be a slight issue there…

Drake: What issue could you possibly have with Underwood?

Barry: I may have shown him penis last year at the SCW Christmas party.

[Max shakes his head and Drake lets out a chuckle.]

Drake: Why did you do that?

Barry: He’s gay…

Drake: So?

Barry: I wanted to give him a cheap thrill…

Max: Let me get this straight. You showed your penis to the owner of Sin City Wrestling because you thought he would be happy about it?

Barry: Well, yes. But he wasn’t exactly that happy.

Max: Well of course he wasn’t that happy.

Barry: Please, he should be so luck to have a piece of ass like this.

[Drake interrupts them.]

Drake: Look, back to the point. I want to beat this guy’s face in with a steel chair. Can we make this happen or not?

Barry: I’ll make some calls. But seriously, I gotta run. April’s got the best hands in Vegas…IIIIIFFFF you know what I mean.

[Barry winks at Max.]

Max: You’re disgusting.

Drake: I want this, Barry. Make it happen.

Barry: I said I would make a few calls. Let’s talk some more about it at the ALS thing.

[Drake drops all expression from his face.]

Drake: What ALS thing?

Barry: You know, the ALS thing.

Drake: No, clearly I do not know.

Barry: The ice bucket thing. The kids get to dump the cold water over your head and then people donate money.   

Max: Yeah, the ALS Ice Bucket thing…

[Drake turns to Max and then back to Barry.]

Drake: I didn’t agree to this.

Barry: Actually, you did.

Drake: Well, cancel it. I’m not doing it.

Max: What?

Barry: It’s not that simple, Champ.

Drake: Simplify it. I’m not going.

Barry: Yes, you are. We advertised the shit out of this. I can’t cancel at the last minute on this one. No can do.

Drake: Figure it out, Barry. That’s why I fucking pay you.

[Drake turns and walks out of the office leaving Max and Barry standing in the center of the room.]

Barry: What’s gotten in to him?

Max: I’m not sure. He’s been testy lately.

Barry: Talent. Look I need you to get him there for me, ok?

Max: I’ll take care of it. But let me ask you a question.

Barry: I will not kiss you, Slim Jim.

[Barry turns and walks around his desk and starts to shuffle through some papers while standing behind it.]

Max: Seriously. Did you really flash Christian Underwood?

Barry: Do I look like the kind of guy that would do such a thing?

[Max stares at Barry.]

Barry: Good point. But no I did not. Do you really think I wanna let crazy psycho anger man go to town on our Champion with a fucking lead pipe or whatever else he can get his hands on. If this thing stays a fair fight, Drake can take him in the ring. He’s a better wrestler and a better tactician. But if this thing turns into a brawl…

[Barry purposely lets his sentence trail off.]

Max: That’s what I figured.

Barry: Look, I really gotta run.

Max: Yeah I know, hand jobs.

Barry: Massage…

Max: Uh huh.

Barry: Just make sure you get grumpy pants over to the park tomorrow, ok?

Max: He’ll be there.

[The scene fades out as Max walks out of the office.]

“What is Rage? I’ve been wondering that recently, what the word actually means. If you look at it in it’s actual verb context, which I did, it means to act or speak with fury; show or feel violent anger; move, rush, dash, or surge furiously. That’s a lot of different ways to explain anger in motion, which is what you truly are. I’ve been trying to research this phenomena which is you, my useless opponent, and I’m starting to think that you’re not real; that you’re a figment of someone’s imagination. A character made up to try and prove to people that you’re relevant. To show the people, MY PEOPLE, that you’re important. I know you whine and bitch about how you don’t care what they think about you or what you do and how you do it but the truth is, I know you do. We all do. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be here. We all need that acceptance and their adulation in one way or another. People call me the fraud but they should really start pointing their fingers at you, Rage. You’re the biggest fraud of them all.”

“Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we? And no I’m not talking how you cheaply blindsided me at Climax Control a few weeks ago or how you tried to provoke me along the way. I’m not talking about how you cornered me at Into The Void 3 before I even won this belt because you saw the writing on the wall. You knew the outcome of that match and you so desperately wanted to sink your teeth in to something that mattered. You were jealous of all of the glory and respect that I was getting so you picked your spot. You attacked me when you knew it would have the most attention and garner the most reaction. You did it live on national television, when the whole English speaking world was watching so you could get the acknowledgement you wanted and so that it could create the backlash that you wanted it to. Not just a Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Title match but also a match against the greatest Showstopper that ever lived. But I digress...I want to go further back. Before any of that. Before you faked an arm injury to get out of facing Mark Ward. Before you left your fellow stable mate Despayre hanging in a lurch. Before you put all of us to sleep….”

“I wanna know what type of child Rage was. I want to know where he came from and what he did. I want to know how on Earth there was ever a mother that could love such an ugly face. You’re a mystery to our world. The only thing I know about you is that you like to catch head from the old man Synn. That you like huff and puff and bore the hell out of everyone that watches. But I plan on making it my number one priority going forward to dig up that past that you seem so desperate to forget. It is now my life’s ambition to bring up every putrid and horrific memory you have so you can relive through it all. I hope it’s just as tormenting as it was before. Win lose or draw on Sunday…you now have an enemy. An enemy that you truly have never seen the likes of.”

August 15th, 2014 – Police Memorial Park; Las Vegas, NV – 10:00 AM

[The camera fades back in outside at Police Memorial Park In Las Vegas. Set up in front of a reporter and some photographers are three children standing on stools with buckets of ice water in front of them. Off to the side and off camera are Drake Green and Max Proffo. Drake is wearing a black tank top and back gym shorts. He paces back and forth as Barry Goldstein is seen heading towards them in the background of the park. Drake begins to pace more angrily as Barry gets closer.]

Barry: Showtime!

Drake: What?

Barry: Well hello to you too.

Drake: Did you talk to Underwood yet?

Barry: No…I-

[Drake cuts him off.]

Drake: Why not?

Barry: I just don’t think it’s a good idea, Drake.

Drake: I’m sorry I forgot that I paid you for weighing in on wrestling matches.

Max: Drake!

Drake: Look you said you’re the guy that could get me anything I wanted, right?

Barry: This isn’t-

[Drake cuts him off again.]

Drake: I want this match with no disqualification. Can you deliver or not?

Max: Just stop it, D.

Drake: I want an answer.

Barry: The answer is no, I won’t do it. You wanna beat this guy? Do it in the ring. You’re better than him but not at his game. You beat him in the ring and make him tap out and we move on to bigger and better things.

Drake: Bigger and better things?

Barry: Yes.

Drake: Like what? ALS fucking ice bucket challenges?

Barry: Branding Drake, this is for your image.

Drake: This is bullshit. Dumping ice cold water on myself in the middle of the desert on a hot fucking Friday morning is really righteous. Give me a break!

Max: Cool it, D.

Drake: Come on this is a joke. I’m fucking out of here!

[Max steps in front of Drake.]

Max: Like hell you are.

Drake: I can’t do this, Maxy. Not now.

Max: Give me one good reason why not.

[Drake stares at Max for a second. He thinks about finally telling Max his secret. Telling him what Phyllis had driven all the way to Vegas to tell him on the eve of Into The Void 3. He closes his eyes for a moment and imagines all of the weight that would be lifted off of his shoulders when he finally got that off of his chest. His thoughts get interrupted as a production assistant walks over and interrupts.]

PA: Umm, Mr. Green? We’re ready for you.   

[Drake opens his eyes. He thinks about how great it would be for it to be out in the open but then it hits him. He realizes that both Max and Barry would never let him get in to the ring with Rage if they knew the truth, if they knew how his father died and why his neck was so weak in the first place. He turns to Barry and then turns back to Max. He looks over to his right and sees the children smiling, waiting to dump ice cold water on their hero for a cause they knew nothing about. He nods to Max and then walks over to the children. He puts a smile on his face that looks natural and easy. He shakes the hands of the children’s parents. He turns to the camera and says a few words before smiling again as he gets soaked in ice cold water. The camera cuts to black.]

Climax Control Archives / Two Steps Back
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:34:35 PM »

”Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. –Martin Luther

July 17th, 2014 – Starbuck’s Coffee – Flamingo Road; Las Vegas, NV – 1:30 PM

Phyllis: Drake, didn’t you hear me? You’re dying…

[Drake stares straight ahead, almost motionless, as he looks at his former stepmother Phyllis Green. He blinks once or twice before picking up his cigarette and taking another drag. He exhales out in to the open air and lets out a deep sigh.]

Phyllis: Drake-

[He cuts her off.]

Drake: Yeah, I heard you.

Phyllis: And you don’t have anything to say?

Drake: What do you want me to say? Thanks for letting me know I’m dying? Or how about thanks for letting me know I’ve been blaming Max for twenty years for my father’s death for no fucking reason at all? What the fuck, Phyllis?

Phyllis: I’m sorry. I just didn’t know how to tell you.

Drake: Jesus Christ…you know you can’t just walk in and out of my life and expect me to believe that you actually give a shit. I’m done with this conversation.

[Drake grabs his sunglasses and puts them on and takes one more drag of his cigarette. He flicks it off on to the curb and slides on his designer Lacoste shades as he stands up.]

Phyllis: Drake, wait-

Drake: Fuck you!

[Drake cuts her off in a stern voice, forcing a blank look on her face. He drops down a few dollar bills on the table as he picks up his black suit jacket and puts it on.]

Drake: Take care of yourself, Phyllis.

[He turns around and starts walking, leaving her sitting at the outdoor Starbucks table. He lets out a deep sigh of anger and frustration as he turns the corner. He walks along the street until he sees a small, hole in the wall style bar. He takes a quick look to his left and right, to make sure no one recognizes him, before ducking in the front door. The place looks like your everyday dive bar with neon beer sings hanging in the windows and posters of local Las Vegas bands hanging around on the walls. A large billiard table sits off to the right where two men are playing. Drake bee lines for the bar and takes a spot on a stool. He immediately raises his right hand for the bald headed bartender’s attention that comes over and greets him with smile.]

Bartender: What say ya?

Drake: Scotch, neat.

[The bartender’s smile fades at Drake’s curtness but nevertheless he makes the drink. Drake smiles with a ‘thank you’ under his breath as he accepts the glass. He turns around, still wearing his oversized sunglasses, and takes in the scenery. He notices a good looking young woman standing over by the pool table, watching the men play. A smile comes over his face as he looks over her long legs. He notices her high red heels and her short black skirt and his interest gets peaked. They make eye contact and exchange smiles as Drake takes off his designer shades. He motions her over and she gladly accepts, walking over to him one seductive step at a time.

A slight breeze blows the through bar that makes her dirty blonde flop a bit on her shoulders. Her overdone blue eye shadow hides her dark eyes and her bright red lipstick matches her cheap heels. She gets up to Drake and in a very cliché way asks him a question.]

Blonde: Got a light?

[She smiles as presses a Newport in between her lips, hoping that she’s assuming correctly. Drake pulls out a lighter and flicks on the flame in a very James Bond way. He sets the lighter down on the bar before engaging the blonde in conversation. He outstretches his arm as he introduces himself.]

Drake: My name’s Tom…Tom Seaver.

[He’s not sure why he lies but he gets a small thrill when he does. She reaches out and grabs his hand and lets out a bit of smoke as she smiles.]

Blonde: You can call me Gina.

[The two hold hands for just a moment before she slowly slips her hand out of his. He eyes her up and down one more time and when he looks up a rather large man is standing behind her.]

Man: Can I help you son?

[Drake stares up at the slightly older man. He’s wearing a plain brown hat with salt and pepper hair sneaking out from underneath it. His torn denim jeans compliment his dirt green polo. In his right hand sits a bottle of Budweiser and in his left, a pool cue.]

Drake: Actually, no. I think we’re ok. But I’ll let you know if we need anything.

[Drake condescendingly slaps the man on the shoulder and turns his attention back to the blonde girl.]

Man: I think you better leave, son.

Drake: There it is again…son. Is there something I can help you with?

Man: Yeah, there is.

[There’s a long pause while Drake waits for the man to elaborate.]

Drake: And that would be…?

Man: You could get the fuck out of here.

Blonde: Abe!

[The blonde girl turns around in defense of Drake.]

Blonde: Me and Tom were just talking here.

Man: I see what you’s were doing. I don’t like it.

Drake: Look-

[The man interrupts Drake by poking him in his chest with his pool cue.]

Man: I didn’t ask for your opinion asshole. I told you to get lost.

[Drake’s smile fades as he turns back to the bartender. He scoops up his glass of scotch and washes a bit down his throat He sets the glass down and lets out a small sigh.]

Man: What’s the matter boy, you deaf? I told you to-

[Mid-sentence, Drake turns around and snatches the pool cue out of the man’s hand.


The man falls backwards and wobbles in to an empty table after Drake smacked him over the head with the pool cue so hard that it snapped in half. The blonde shrieks as she watches a bit of blood start to stream down his face. Drake drops the broken cue and then grabs the man by the shirt collar. He balls up his right fist and unleashes on the man, letting out all of his pent up frustration Punch after punch, he feels the weight of all of his world lift off of his shoulders.


He pulls his the man in close and smiles at him before tossing him down to the tile floor. Drake turns around to see the few bar patrons staring at him with a both a bit of disbelief and a bit of horror on their faces. Drake turns back to the bar and finishes what is left of his scotch, setting the empty glass back on the marble bar top. He drops a few bucks in front of him before quietly picking up his Lacoste sunglasses and slipping them on over his nose. He turns back around, nods to the blonde who is staring at him in complete shock, and heads for the door; stepping over the fallen big man in the process. He pushes open the bar door and walks outside and as he gets to the curb he stops. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. As he exhales the first drag a large smile comes over his face just as the scene cuts out.]

”There are a lot of emotions running through my mind this week. Lots. For one, I am again the Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. Something I’ve yearned after for the last ten months and something I’ve dreamed about for a long, long time. I’ve earned my place back at the top of the world and I don’t plan on letting it go anytime soon. This time I’m not letting go, they’re gonna have to pry it out from my dead hands and that’s a promise. Second, I’m fucking pissed off. I’m pissed off at a lot people for a lot of reasons but the best place to start is my asshole of a step mother. On the eve of one of the most important battles of my life, one of the most important times of my life, she drops this shit on me. Now when I get back to Vegas after this mini tour I have spend whatever free time I have in a doctor’s office hoping that she’s just an idiot, that I’m not really dying. Great.”

“I’m pissed off that my neck hurts. Of course things weren’t made any better by that over grown cheap shotting prick Rage. If there’s one thing I hate in this world it’s people that don’t have the guts to hit me when I’m looking at them in the eyes. This is something that will have to be dealt with shortly. I don’t need second rate superstars running around and claiming a shot at my title. Especially losers like that.  This title deserves to be in the ring with real stars. Speaking of which…”

“I’ve never actually spoken to Equinox. I’ve followed his career a bit and he’s been gaining some incredible steam. The people in the crowd, my people, seem to love him and that’s good enough for me. I always love seeing new stars born and with the stranglehold that he has on the Roulette division at the moment, I’m glad I’ve got a chance to tag with him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty sure they guy is off of his rocker. I’m almost certain he’s a certifiable bag of nuts. I guess I’m just happy I have to team with him and not against him. He’s made a ton of strides in his short time in SCW and I’m exciting to have a front row seat and see what he can do on Sunday. It’ll be interesting at the very least.”

“I know nothing of Big B, like literally nothing. I know he was one of that asshole Nick Jones’ entourage and I know he made the right move in getting out of that pack and stepping out on his own, well sort of on his own. He’s made a nice name for himself in the tag division and he’s done fairly well since aligning himself with Despayre. He’s another one I’m looking forward to seeing close up and first hand. Despayre is probably the most under rated super star in all of Sin City Wrestling. He’s incredibly talented and knows his way around the ring when most others don’t. He’s a multi-time tag team champion who, in my opinion, deserves a hell of a lot more than what he’s rewarded with. I’ve been waiting for a long time to see him step out of the shadows and go on a well deserved singles run but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe the bear is hold him back?”

“All three of my colleagues share something in common with me, we all care. We all want to put the best show on we possibly can for the fans. But the difference between me and them, and more specifically me and the Bosom Buddies…is I don’t associate with a cheating piece of shit like Rage. For all of the good that they stand for and for all of the good they can do they have one major flaw; judge of character. For the life of me I can’t comprehend or understand why they can associate with such a bottom feeder like Rage. The Seven Deadly Synns lost a lot of stock in my book when they allowed Rage to waltz back into their family. So, unfortunately, you’re all guilty by association. Every last one of you. It is now my personal mission to rid SCW of anything Rage and regrettably you two fall under that category. As long as Rage is running happily along side the two of you, you’re both a target…and pretty easy ones at that.”

August 7th, 2014 – Spago Restaurant; Beverly Hills, CA – 9:15 PM

The scene sets back in inside of the fancy Beverly Hills restaurant, Spago. Sitting on the terrace, the large brick walls give off a romantic feel as they glisten in the candlelight. Sitting at a table, directly in the middle of the terrace, are Drake and former SCW Bombshell Champion Misty. Drake is wearing a dark blue sport coat over a white shirt. In his breast pocket sits a matching white pocket square. He opted for the casual look this evening, wearing a set of ‘Toms’ and blue jeans. Misty, her pale skin glistening in the moonlight, wears a tight black dress with a purple ribbon across her waistline. She runs her finger around the rim of her wine glass, staring intently into the delicious looking glass of burgundy. She looks up to see Drake, with his scruffy face and bright green eyes, staring just as intently at her wine. Misty looks over to see Drake’s diet coke and she shuts her eyes.]

Misty: Shit.

Drake: What?

Misty: I forgot you weren’t drinking.

Drake: It’s ok, I’ve grown fond of diet coke.

[He winks at her and she fights off the smile she wants to instinctively give him in return.]

Misty: Look, I appreciate that you feel like you need to make something up to me but…what do you want? Why all of this?

Drake: What? Two friends can’t just have dinner and catch up?

Misty: Two friend can, yes. But not you and me, so what’s up?

[Drake stares at her for a moment, debating in side of his own head if he should tell her what Phyllis had come to Vegas a few weeks ago to tell him. He stares at her beautiful face and then shakes his head a bit.]

Drake: I just missed you.

[Misty lets out an annoyed chuckle.]

Misty: You know, I thought…

Drake: Thought what?

Misty: I don’t know. Nothing I guess.

Drake: It’s ok, you can say it.

Misty: I thought maybe you were going to you know…apologize.

Drake: Apologize for what?

Misty: Being a jerk maybe?

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: All right, fine.

[He takes a sip of his diet coke and sets his napkin down on the table.]

Drake: I’m sorry I was such an ass. Better?

Misty: It’s a start.

Drake: Seriously, though. I am sorry. It was really tough for me to get through that neck thing. You were there for me and I pushed you away, I’m sorry for that.

[Misty stares at him. She lets her dark eyes connect to his bright eyes and she can’t help but smile at him.]

Misty: What am I gonna do with you?

Drake: Well you could start by saying congratulation…I’m the Heavyweight Champion for God’s sake.

Misty: Where are my manners? Congrats, champ.

[She raises her wine glass to him and takes a drink as Drake follows suit with his diet coke.]

Misty: So what’s next on the Champion’s agenda? Big tag match coming up, no?

Drake: I guess.

Misty: You guess?

Drake: Yeah…I have other…people…on my mind.

Misty: Rage?

Drake: Yes, him.

Misty: What are you going to do?

[Drake stares straight ahead in Misty’s direction. He peers almost straight through her as he answers a bit monotone.]

Drake: I haven’t decided yet. It’ll happen and when it does it’ll be swift.

[He snaps out of it a bit.]

Drake: But I’m not here to talk about work.

[Misty leans in a bit and smiles a bit seductively.]

Drake: Well, then Mr. Green, tell me. Why are you here?

[Drake smiles back at her a bit. He peers around the restaurant and then something catches his eye that makes his grin grow wider. He stands up and grabs Misty by her hand and pulls her up.]

Drake: Follow me.

[He darts across the terrace with Misty in tow and they push through the doors and in to the busy restaurant. They walk over to the hallway near the coat closet and Drake stops short, letting a waiter walk boy. As he goes to turn around again, Misty grabs him by the arm and stops him in his tracks.]

Misty: What are you doing?

[Drake smiles at her with his green eyes and then in a quick motion, he pushes open the coat closet door and yanks her inside with him, closing the door behind them.]

Misty: Drake! Are you insane?!

Drake: Maybe.

[He smiles one more time before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in close in a tight embrace. They kiss passionately for a moment before Misty pushes him back a bit.]

Misty: I can’t do this. I can’t keep doing this with you.

Drake: Doing what?

Misty: I know who you are, Drake. I know a lot more about you than you think. I’m not Tessa Flannigan ok? You can’t just shack up with me when it’s convenient for you. I’m a mother. I’m not some club hookup.

Drake: I know. I don’t want you to be some random anything.

Misty: Then what do you want?

Drake: You. All I want is you. I can’t promise you anything other than that. I don’t where I’m going with this but what I do know is that these past few weeks without you around have been fucking terrible.

[Misty lets out a laugh.]

Drake: I miss you and I want you here with me.

Misty: I don’t know, Drake.  You live in California and…

[Drake interrupts her.]

Drake: Not anymore. You were asking what I ‘bought’ this week…

Misty: Yeah…

Drake: I bought a condo in Vegas. I bought that condo for us. Maybe not right now but maybe…down the road we could…

[Misty grabs him mid-sentence and pulls him in for another passionate embrace. This time Drake doesn’t let her pull away as he slowly runs his hand up her back. He kiss her neck gently and he gently tugs on the zipper and pulls it down the a long the back of Misty’s dress. Her dress drops to the coat closet floor as the camera cuts to black.]

Climax Control Archives / Recovery...
« on: July 04, 2014, 08:43:51 PM »
”Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

April 16th, 2014 – Drake’s Mountain House; Bakersfield, CA – 2:00 PM

[The camera fades in on the exterior of Drake’s home in the Tehachapi Mountains. A deep fog settles over the gravel driveway leading up to the rather large wood and stone home nestled between a wide clearing in the mountain. The cool April air sends a slight mist through the atmosphere as a white Chevrolet Impala pulls up the long gravel driveway. The sedan pulls past the three garage doors and makes its way to the front of the house, coming to a stop in front of the tall double doors in the front of the house. The driver turns the ignition off and flops the keys on to the front passenger seat of what is obviously a rental car. He opens the driver door and steps out with his heavy boots before standing and stretching tall, signifying the end to what seems like a long journey. The middle-aged man stands tall in tight blue jeans and a lightly blue, barely button shirt. His denim jacket matches his designer jeans as if they were meant to be together. He rubs gray stubble covered chin with his callous hand before looking over at the large double doors. He smiles a bit as the camera pulls out and we can see who he is; Max Proffo.

He steps up toward the door and rings the door bell. After a moment of impatient waiting he begins to knock on the door. After the fourth or fifth knock, the door slowly pulls open. Standing in the doorway is Drake Green, or the shadow that is left of him. His face unshaven and overgrown, he stands short in pajamas and a bathrobe. The ice in the glass of scotch that he’s holding is clicking and clanking as a look of surprise quickly turns to a look of anger.]

Drake: What do you want?

Max: Is that any way to greet a friend?

Drake: If I was greeting a friend maybe…

Max: Come on, D.

Drake: I’ll ask you again, what do you want?

Max: How about a ‘hello’?

Drake: Fine. Hello. Now why the fuck are you here?

Max: You gonna let me in or what?

[Drake looks at him for a moment and then rolls his eyes before turning around and walking towards his living room leaving the door open for Max to walk through.]

Max: Love what you’ve done with the place.

[Max sarcastically remarks as he looks around the mess that has become Drake’s home. Empty booze bottles are flung around the living room and piles of dirty laundry are heaped up. Drake walks over, sipping his scotch, to the large floor to ceiling windows and stares out to the meadow that resides in his back yard.]

Drake: For the third time, Max. Why are you here?

Max: I was worried, kid. Thought I’d come check up on ya.

Drake: Well I’m fine.

Max: I can see that.

Drake: If you’re to judge me then you can just get the fu-

[Max interrupts him.]

Max: Enough with the dramatics, D. Your sister called me and told me you declined the surgery. What’s going on?

Drake: What’s the point? It’s not like I can go back. It’s over, Maxy. Everything I ever lived for died out there with Sean Jackson; all of it. The only thing that’s left over is this…a bottomless bottle of scotch and eternity knowing that I couldn’t get it done. That Mark Ward got me and it’s over. Surgery ain’t gonna fix that, pal.

[Max walks over and puts his hands on Drake’s shoulders.]

Max: Who the fuck cares, man?

[Drake stares with a bit of confusion.]

Max: I spent my whole life wrapped up in that business. A business that that killed the best friend I ever had, a business that practically drove your brother to his death…I’m not gonna watch the only son I’ve got left…blood or no blood…live like this. It’s not worth it, D. I thought there was nothing else out there and I was wrong.

Drake: Oh yeah, what’s out there?

Max: Life. Life is out there, kid.

[Drake and Max share in a hard stare with one another. After a moment of no talking, Drake breaks the silence.]

Drake: I’m happy for you, Max. No sarcasm, no bullshit…I really am. But I can’t just move on. It’s too engrained in who I am. Having that surgery seals that fate for me. If I have it done then I can’t go back. I’m not ready.

Max: So what are you going to do then, Drake? Just sit here and get drunk until your neck magically fixes it self? Or better yet, maybe you’ll get so depressed that you’ll just kill yourself. You think I don’t know what it’s like to be depressed. I spent twenty years blaming myself for your father’s death. I pigeon holed you and your brother into this career because I didn’t know how to raise a kid and that miserable stepmother of yours couldn’t be bothered to help. I blamed myself for a long time, D.

Drake: So what changed?

Max: That changed.

[Max points to the glass of scotch in Drake’s hand.]

Max: If you want change, real change, that’s how you do it.

[Drake rolls his eyes.]

Drake: Give me a fucking break.

Max: Don’t do this, D. Don’t waste your life like I did, I’m begging you. There is so much more out there than this.

[Drake stands for a moment in more silence. He looks up at Max with a small tear in his eye and a look on his face like he just figured something out.]

Drake: I don’t know how to stop, Maxy. I swear to God I don’t.

Max: I can help you. I can move back and be here with you.

Drake: What about Carmen?

Max: She’ll understand.

Drake: Fuck that, I’m moving in with you. I’d rather recover from neck surgery in Hawaii than Bakersfield fucking California.

[Max smiles.]

Max: So you’re gonna do it, is that a yes?

[Drake smiles back.]

Drake: Yeah, Maxy, I’ll do it, as long as I don’t have to sleep on the couch.

Max: I’ll buy you a bed.

Drake: You’ll actually buy something? Restaurant is doing well?

Max: Nah it’s tanking big time. I was gonna use your credit card.

[Drake and Max share a laugh. Drake sets down his glass and puts his hand on Max’s shoulder.]

Drake: I’m sorry for not being at your wedding. That was a dick move.

Max: Yeah, it was. But I’m glad you’re ok.

Drake: Thanks for coming, Maxy. I’m sorry if I let you down.

Max: You never let me down, kid. I’m so proud of you.

[The two share a father-son like embrace. Drake pulls away and wipes away a few tears.]

Drake: You’re the best friend I’ve got.

[Max wipes away a tear of his own.]

Max: You’re the only one I’ve got, D.

[The two share another embrace as the scene fades out.]

April 21st, 2014 – Presbyterian University Hospital ; Pittsburgh, PA – 9:00 AM

[The camera fades in to a small, square hospital room. The walls are covered in white tiles and plaster. The loud sound of beeping echoes through the room as the camera focuses in on Max and Jenny Green standing in front of a stretcher. Max is wearing a white t shirt and blue jeans and Jenny stands in black yoga pants and a faded orange ‘Main Event’ t-shirt. Lying in the stretcher is Drake. His face is now somewhat groomed and his eyes are a bit droopy as he stares up at his frined and sister. An intravenous drip sits stuck in his left arm, right above the tattoo of the  â€˜Male’ symbol on his inner forearm.]

Max: You tired?

Drake: How long am I gonna have to sit here? I wanna get this show on the road so I can get to Kauai and meet all of Carmen’s friends.

Max: It should be soon. I’ll go see if I can find a nurse.

[Max pats Drake on the leg before heading out of the room. As Max leaves, Jenny moves in closer and sits on the gurney next to her brother. She takes Drake’s hand in her own and smiles a bit at him.]

Drake: What are you smiling at?

Jenny: You’re an idiot.

Drake: What? Why?

Jenny: You know why.

Drake: Clearly I do not.

Jenny: Look, I just want to say one thing-

[Drake cuts her off.]

Drake: Where did you get that t-shirt?

[Jenny and Drake both look down at her orange ‘Main Event’ t-shirt, the moniker of Drake’s tag team with his brother Nick.]

Jenny: I’ve had it forever. Kinda faded huh?

Drake: Yeah…

Jenny: What made you guys pick orange, anyway? It’s hideous.

Drake: It was Nick’s favorite color. I hated it too.

[Drake smiles at Jenny.]

Drake: What were you going to say?

Jenny: I wanted to tell you not to be an asshole. There are some people who care about you in this world and you shouldn’t push them away. Max and me are family but some of them don’t have to stick around ok?

Drake: I…uh-

[Jenny cuts him off.]

Jenny: Just shut up. Some body wants to say hello before you go under the knife, ok?

[Jenny stands up and walks over to the door to Drake’s hospital room. She opens the door and in walks Misty. Drake has a near shocked look on his face as he sees her. She walks over to him with a pissed off look on her face.]

Jenny: I’ll leave you two alone.

Drake: Gee, thanks.

[Misty cracks a very faint smile at Drake’s sarcasm. She waits patiently for Jenny to shut the door and when she finally does, she winds up and punches Drake in the arm.]

Drake: Ow! What the hell?!

Misty: What? You don’t deserve it?

Drake: Maybe a little…

Misty: You did, and a lot more too.

Drake: Look, about that. I’m sorry.

Misty: It’s ok. I know you were going through a tough time.

Drake: I was but I think it’s gonna be ok for a while.

Misty: Jenny tells me you gave up drinking?

Drake: Yes ma’am, four whole days sober. Are you my prize?

Misty: Don’t even…

Drake: What are you doing here anyway?

Misty: Well…

[Misty plops down on the bed next to Drake and runs her hand through his longer than usual hair.]

Misty: Jenny called me and told me what was going on and I thought I’d come by and send you off to the doctor.

Drake: You flew all the way out here just for me? I’m flattered.

Misty: Well I also had an autograph signing in Philadelphia…

[They both smile.]

Drake: Are we going to be ok?

Misty: Us? Sure. We’re friends right?

[Drake stares a Misty for a moment before responding to her.]

Drake: Yeah, friends. But I-

[Before Drake can finish his sentence, two nurses walk in.]

Nurse: Ok, Mr. Green. It’s time.

[Drake turns to Misty.]

Drake: Will you still be here when I’m done?

Misty: I won’t but call me. We’ll talk.

Drake: Ok.

[Misty leans in and kissed Drake on the forehead. She smiles down at him as he goes to say something.]

Drake: I l…

[Misty eye’s perk up as her interest in what he is about to say shows through.]

Drake: I’m glad you came.

[Misty’s eyes show a bit of disappointment before she ultimately smiles at him again.]

Misty: Me too, good luck.

Drake: Thanks.

[She walks over to the door and opens it. She turns back and gives Drake one last smile before she leaves as the nurses begin to prep Drake for surgery. The camera fades she closes the door.]

”Surgery was scary. There was a part of me that actually believed that Dr. Maroon was going to slip with his scalpel and I would never walk again. I was terrified of going in, under a knife, and not having any control of the outcome. It was almost the most scared I’ve ever been…almost.

Sean Jackson is a name that does not ring hollow with me. He’s not your prototypical wrestler. He’s not six foot five and doesn’t weigh two hundred and fifty pounds. He shorter and a bit lighter than me and he scares the living shit out of me. He’s not out for the three count. I don’t know if he really cares about winning either. I know he says he does and I know he talked about how I beat him so many months ago and that it had stung him, but the truth behind his eyes seems to sing a different tune.

He thrives on blood. He excels at inflicting pain and he gets off on watching others suffer. These are not normal human tendencies. There is something off putting about him and it goes deeper than just his desire to hurt. I truly believe that if he could get away with it, he would kill his opponents after he beat them. He would sacrifice them to his evil witch Vanessa in some ungodly ritualistic way that would send the people, my people, running from the bleachers. I could almost picture him ripping my heart out after the end of that Blaze of Glory match. I could almost see the smile he would’ve had across his evil face. His beady eyes would stare in excitement as I had my last breath. Yeah, he IS that evil. I know what you’re thinking. ‘This anesthesia is starting to go to Drake’s head, are you sure he’s getting enough oxygen?’ The man is certifiable, it’s a fact.

As I lay here, during an operation that I secretly hope will let me wrestle again, I can’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if I beat Mark Ward back at ‘My Bloody Valentine’. If I wasn’t robbed of my ACW title. Would all of this been inevitable anyway? Would Sean figure out a way to get his hands on my title? Would he have set his sights on ruining my career anyway? What if I never lost to Goth? What if I was strong enough to keep my head in the game then? Where would I be now? Is this all just a bad dream? Am I going to wake up and have to get ready for a return match with Kevin Carter?! Maybe the anesthesia is getting to me…

I’ll never not regret ending my career the way I did. I’ll never get over letting Sean Jackson and Mark Ward get the best of me the way they did. I hope deep down inside that a miracle happens in Pittsburgh while I’m under the knife because what I want more than anything is to get back into the ring one more time and get back what was mine. No, not the ACW title, and not even the SCW title. I want my life back. I want my career back. I want to be Mr. Showtime again…”

June 15th, 2014 – William Pecole Park; Reno, NV – 10:15 PM

[The camera fades back in to a dressing room back stage at Climax Control. Max, wearing a dark gray suit, is pacing back and forth after just witnessing on the television monitor the ‘Drake Green Appreciation Night’ segment where Drake agreed to get back in the ring, despite his surgically repaired neck, and face Sean Jackson for a chance to challenge for the SCW title. He paces back and forth furiously as he waits for his friend.


The door flies open and in walks Drake Green in a fury. He rips off his designer suit jacket and flings it against the wall with all his might. His bright orange tie flails in the air as Drake lurks forward and slams his fist against the wall.]

Max: Alright! I get it, you’re pissed off. Well so am I, D. What the hell?

Drake: What did you want me to, Max? Just sit there and take it, all of it? Let him talk about my Dad, and you, and Nick like that?

Max: Yes, Drake that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do because you can’t FUCKING wrestling anymore. It’s only been three months since the surgery and you’re supposed to wait six months before carrying more than fifty pounds! What the fuck were you thinking?

Drake: Apparently I wasn’t.

Max: Clearly. I’ll call Barry in the morning and get all this taken care of. We can go back to Hawaii if you want.

Drake: No.

Max: Ok, fine. Stay in Bakersfield but I miss the beach.

Drake: I meant don’t call Barry.

Max: What-

[Drake cuts him off.]

Drake: I want this. I want Jackson in the ring.

Max: Have you lost your mind? What about ‘YOU CAN’T WRESLTE ANYMORE’ do you not understand?

Drake: I need this, Maxy. I do.

Max: Oh do you? Well that makes it all ok then. This isn’t a game, Drake. He can fucking kill you in there. In fact, I’m pretty sure he would actually like to kill you in there. This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not gonna do this.

Drake: Is it really? Dr. Maroon said I was way ahead of schedule. You were there, were you not?

Max: Ahead of schedule to start running again, not get piledriven into a set of steel steps which is exactly what Sean Jackson will try to do to you. I know you feel like you need to prove something, Drake, but you do not. It’s all over.

Drake: I don’t want it to be!

Max: So what? You’d rather die in the ring? I already watched a member of the Green family die in the ring and I’m sure as hell not gonna do it again.

Drake: Max, please. One match. If I lose it’s over. I’ll sell the house and move to Hawaii with you, I swear. We’ll get fat on the beach together.

Max: Drake, its just fucking stupid. It doesn’t make any goddam sense!

Drake: Sure it does. What was your last match?

Max: It was a loss against an old timer from the NWA, guy named Mike Bell.

Drake: And?

Max: And what?

Drake: How did it feel?

Max: It was a loss, it felt like shit. What do you want me to say that it still eats at me?

Drake: Yes.

Max: Of course it still eats at me. It was my last match but that’s different.

Drake: Why?

Max: Because I couldn’t have gotten killed, that’s why!

Drake: Don’t give me that shit. My Dad was perfectly healthy and look what happened to him. It sucks and it’s terrible but I can die driving back to my fucking hotel, Maxy. I’m not some perfume ad guy. Great it pays the bills but it’s not who I am. I’m a fighter and a showman and I only know how to do one thing. It’s who I am Maxy and I’m not letting it get taken away from me.

[Max stares at Drake for a second and after a moment his eyes widen.]

Max: You knew this would happen. That’s the whole reason you even agreed to come on the show tonight.

Drake: What?

Max: You knew that evil fuck Sean Jackson would try to goad you into this match. You knew he wouldn’t be able to resist himself.

Drake: What are you talking about?

Max: You know what I’m talking about.

Drake: You’re crazy.

Max: Am I? It’s what you wanted isn’t it? This was all a show. You knew what Jackson would do and you were betting on Mark Ward letting his arrogance get the better of him. You knew that if you kept saying no that he would eventually dangle that SCW title in front of you, didn’t you? Didn’t you?

[Drake stays silent for a moment. He looks down to the ground and lets out a deep sigh before looking back up at Max with a wide, twisted smile on his face.]

Drake: You got me.

Max: You son of a bitch. And you asked me to fly from Hawaii to be here with you because you thought if I was here I wouldn’t be able to say no to you when you asked me to train you.

Drake: Was I right?

Max: Yeah, you were right.

Drake: YES!

[Drake runs over and grabs Max and hugs him tightly.]

Max: Ok, ok.

[Max playfully shoves Drake off.]

Max: One match, D. That’s it.

Drake: What if I win? Then we got the title.

Max: Well…if we’ve got the title…

[Max smiles and Drake smiles back at him.]

Max: Your sister is gonna kill me.

Drake: Ooh, yeah, I forgot about her. Maybe we can Barry to help with her.

[Max laughs.]

Max: I don’t even think Barry can stop her.

Drake: Maybe we should go to Hawaii…

[Both men laugh as the scene fades out.]

”I know you think you’re some sort of maniac out there, Sean. I know you view yourself as the best there ever was. I know that your victory over me is something you feel has propelled you in to some other level of greatness but the reality of it is, it was a fluke. You haven’t done anything. You haven’t accomplished anything that would make me believe otherwise. All I really see is a whiny little brat.

Sure I think you’re mean. I think you’re an awful person who doesn’t hold anyone else’s well being in any regard let alone a high one. But does that make you great? No, it just makes you a criminal. I’ve beaten you before and I will again. This time you won’t have Mark Ward and his cronies by your side. It’s just going to be and you and the canvas, nothing between us except a referee. When the people out there chant my name, because they will chant my name Sean, I want you take it all in. I want you to relish in all of it because on Sunday night you will know what great really is.

I want you to think about that night back in March of last year when you saw your Empire state title taken from you. I want to remember what the feeling felt like when you heard that ref slap his down for third time and came to that realization that you were just bested. That someone with more talent, and more charisma in his left pinky than you have in your whole body beat you and did it with ease. I am a SCW Champion and I accomplished that all on my own. I didn’t have Mark Ward shoving me down people’s throats and pushing me up the card because I wasn’t talented enough to get there. Mark Ward had to hold me back because he couldn’t contain me.

I know how things can end up on Sunday. Don’t take this as me under estimating you. I know how dangerous you can be Sean. I know that streak of pure evil is hiding inside of you and that you are the ultimate opportunist. I’m aware that if I let my guard down for too long that you wouldn’t hesitate to send me right back in to the operating room. I know you Sean. I’ve taken the best of your punches before. I know how you move, I know how you think, and I know what makes you tick. Come Sunday you’ll see first hand what makes me tick. You’ll know, finally after all these months, why I am better than you. Why I truly am the Man of the People and why Climax Control really is my show. See you in Tempe…”

Climax Control Archives / The Return of the Show
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:35:07 PM »
 The Return of the Show

December 6th, 2013 – Drake’s Mountain House; Bakersfield, CA – 3:30 PM {Two Days Before December 2 Dismember}

[The camera fades in to a large living room that is brightly lit from the floor to ceiling windows that line the far wall. Staring out the window, drinking a glass of scotch, is Drake Green. He is wearing a pair of jeans, brown shoes, and a gray cardigan over a white button up shirt. He stares out the window into the woods surrounding his home in the mountains of Bakersfield, CA. He contemplates the last few months of his wrestling career, and whether or not he wants to continue. His bright eyes look over his professionally manicured lawn that is lined by designer looking rock wall that heads down the mountain side. He breathes a sigh that seems to be filled with a bit of relief as he turns around.]

Drake: I’m considering it.

[He turns around to stare at JJ Dixon, sitting cross legged on Drake’s leather couch drinking a glass of scotch of his own. He is wearing a black suit and a matching black tie over his slightly wrinkled white shirt.]

JJ: I think you’re making the right move…

Barry: I’m sure you think so.

[The camera moves over to Barry Goldstein, who is leaning up against the wall opposite the couch. He too has a glass of scotch, the color of which matches his brown sport coat and his gold tie. He takes a puff off of his big cigar before taking off his tinted glasses and running his hand through his slicked back dirty blonde hair.]

Barry: I just don’t see what’s in it for Drake, JJ.

JJ: What’s in it for Drake? He gets a new contract that will earn him more than he’s ever earned before. That’s what is in it for him.

Barry: Percentage wise maybe but percentage of what? We can’t even guarantee he’s gonna have any on screen time? He’s gonna be the Champion of company with no roster, no television deal, no events…what’s the plan? I understand you both want to screw Mark Ward but my interest here is purely financial and this is a shit investment. I mean so what I you buy the company out from underneath him? Then what? All you’re really doing is buying a name and archives.

Drake: What if we attach the ACW World Champion to SCW television?

JJ: How would we do that?

Barry: No, that’s brilliant. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.

JJ: But how could we make that work?

Barry: You’re way over paying for the ACW name as it is. Why not take advantage of that? You think Ward is even gonna read that contract? No fucking way. He’s gonna be so excited about the cash he can now blow on cheap hookers he’s not gonna give a shit about what Japanese holdings company he’s doing business with. You just add a ridiculously high appearance fee for the ACW Champ and everybody wins.

Drake: You really think that will work?

JJ: It will work. Mark is so full of himself he won’t read the contract. Barry is right.

Drake: Ok, I’m going to do this JJ. But I gotta be honest with you about something.

JJ: What’s that?

Drake: I don’t trust you. I haven’t trusted you in months. You’re a snake and I don’t put it passed you to screw me over once you’ve gotten Mark back. I think you’re a conniving, sad excuse for a man and I’m scared to shake your hand.

[JJ stands up and sets his glass of scotch down on the table in front of the couch.]

JJ: Look, D.

Drake: Drake. You can call me Drake.

JJ: Ok…Drake. I know I fucked up…big time. I ruined everything I had. No one knows this more than me. I didn’t take care of my stars-

[Drake cuts him off.]

Drake: Your stars? I don’t give a shit how you treat me, JJ. It’s the fans. They don’t serve to be duped and treated like they’re not important. Like they don’t matter. They’re the ONLY thing that matters. Without them we do not have a leg to stand on. You need to apologize to them.

JJ: You’re right. Right after we do this with Mark it will be the first thing that I do.

Drake: No. You have to do it first. There’s no way I’m stepping out on that stage with you on Sunday night before you apologize to them. If you want me, then they have to care about you…period. If they don’t then this is never going to work.

[JJ steps up close to Drake and stretches his hand out.]

JJ: You’ve got a deal.

[Drake sizes up JJ for a moment. He stares down at his glass and swirls around the remaining bits of scotch and ice. He takes the final sip before landing the glass down on the window sill. He grabs JJ by the hands and steps in closer.]

Drake: We’ve got a deal. But if you fuck me…or the fans…I promise you I’ll come after you for everything you’re worth. Are we understood?

[JJ smiles.]

JJ: Absolutely. This is great news.

[JJ walks over and shakes Barry’s hand.]

Barry: I’ll rewrite the contracts up and have them at your doorstep first thing tomorrow morning. Just make sure they get over to the Japs.

JJ: Of course, I will take care of it.

[JJ takes in a deep sniff of the air.]

JJ: Can you smell that?


JJ: Mark Ward is already shitting his pants.

[Drake and Barry smile back at JJ before JJ leaves. Drake walks JJ to the front door and closes it behind him. He turns around to see Barry standing right behind him.]

Barry: You trust him?

Drake: No, but what other choice do I have? I spent all my money on this fucking house.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: Plus…I miss Maxy.

Barry: Yeah, about that…

Drake: What?

Barry: He’s not coming. He didn’t have the heart to tell you.

Drake: You’re kidding, right?

Barry: No. He said he met the love of his life out there. He doesn’t want to leave.

Drake: You think he’s still pissed?

Barry: Probably, but come on. We’ll get the best trainers out there.

Drake: How? I’m broke.

[Drake and Barry chuckle.]

Barry: I’ll front you, Champ. But I want 15% now.

Drake: 15% of me? That’s a lotta fucking dough.

Barry: Not anymore it isn’t…

Drake: Right. Look, thanks for sticking by me these past couple months, Bar. I appreciate it. You’re a real good friend.

Barry: Friend? Friends got nothing to do with it, Showtime. You’re a cash cow. Where am I gonna go?

[Drake laughs and the two men share a quick hug. They say goodbye and Drake closes the door behind him and he walks back to the living room to clean up the few glasses of scotch and the empty bottle. He comes across a picture of Rosie, his ex-girlfriend, he has sitting on the baby grand piano on the edge of the room. He picks up the picture and smiles for a bit before putting it back down and exiting the room, turning the light off in the process.]

December 31st, 2013 – Drake’s Mountain House; Bakersfield, CA – 11:50 PM

[It had been a few days since Drake had endured one of the worst physical beatings of his career. Despite coming out on top in the finish, Mark Ward’s message was sent loud and clear. He didn’t particularly care about taking the title from Drake so much as he cared about physically punishing him. It worked. Drake has two broken ribs, again, a hairline fracture in his forearm, and a severe concussion. He was keeping it under wraps as much as he could but to anyone who knew him, he looked hurt. The camera fades back in to Drake’s living room. There are about two dozen people enjoying themselves at Drake’s for New Years. Sitting by himself, wearing a light pale blue sweater and a pair of blue jeans, Drake sits up against one of the large bay windows, starting out into the mountains, something that seems to be his favorite pastime as of late. After a moment, a female’s hand touches Drake on his shoulder. He turns around quickly to see his bay sister, Jenny Green. She is wearing a blue dress with high black heels. Her arms are near covered with tattoos and her dark black hair is up on her head. She smiles at Drake who faintly returns the smirk.]

Jenny: Are you ok?

Drake: Yeah, I’m cool. Just relaxing.

Jenny: Can I introduce you around? This is your house you know…

[Drake grabs Jenny’s hand as it sits on his shoulder.]

Drake: I’m hanging out with my mountain at the moment.

Jenny: Drake…it’s New Year’s Eve. What’s going on with you?

[Drake breathes out a long sigh and then turns to face his younger sister.]

Drake: Honestly?

Jenny: No, I want your dis-honest answer.

Drake: I miss Max.

Jenny: I know you do big bro but you can’t just sit around moping about it. Look around you. Your house is full of beautiful women, it’s almost midnight, snap out of it dude.

[Drake smiles. He stands up and pans around the room. A waiter walks by with glasses of champagne on a tray and Jenny quickly scoops up two flutes and hands one to her brother.]

Jenny: See, it’s a party, a pretty swanky one too.

[Jenny joins Drake in looking around the room.]

Jenny: Who are all of these people?

Drake: Actually, I have no fucking clue.

[They laugh together.]

Jenny: Where did they come from?

Drake: Most of them are Barry’s people and some of the Japanese people work for JJ. The rest…I don’t know.

Jenny: You feeling ok? I saw that match ya know…

Drake: Yeah, I’m cool. No new scars for you to cover up or anything.

Jenny: Too bad.

Drake: You wanna get outta here? There’s got to be somewhere better to be then here. I was thinking about grabbing the plane and going to see Max. Maybe try to talk him into coming back to work.

Jenny: Now? It’s almost midnight, Drake. Why don’t I go find you a nice girl to kiss in a couple minutes and you can stop acting like a Nancy?

[Drake shoots her a dirty look.]

Drake: You know I hate that name.

Jenny: Well…?

[Drake pans the room again.]

Drake: I think I’m gonna take-

[Before Drake can finish his sentence, Jenny sees a tall blonde walk by. She grabs her by the arm and pulls her over. She is about an inch taller than Drake probably because her black heels stand nearly six inches high. Her small, tight, black dress is rather poofy at the bottom and is a stark contrast to her pale white skin. Her blonde hair is pin straight and just passed her shoulders with bangs in front. Her bright blue eyes provide a nice brightness above her ruby red lips. She’s startled at first but when she makes eye contact with Drake a small smile creeps over her lips that she seems a bit too desperate to hide.]

Jenny: Hi! I’m Jenny…what’s your name?

Blonde: Penny. My name is Penny.

[The blonde stares back at Drake, waiting for him to introduce himself.]

Drake: I’m Drake.

[He stretches out his hand she softly grabs it, providing a quick shake, and then she drops as if she is afraid to touch it any longer. Her smile gets bright and a tint of rosiness comes over her pale white cheeks.]

Blonde: I know who you are.

Jenny: Don’t worry. Everyone else does too. So what are you doing here?

Blonde: I work for Mr. Goldstein’s office. He invited the whole office so I just thought I’d come by and…

[She trials her sentence off as she makes more eye contact with Drake. Jenny rolls her eyes a bit and then smiles at her brother.]

Jenny: Yeah…I’m gonna go back over to my friends now.

Drake: No you don’t have-

Jenny: Dude…it’s almost midnight. I’m not gonna get any action over here…

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: Thanks for umm…

Jenny: Don’t mention it.

[Jenny walks away and Drake turns back his attention toward the blonde. He stumbles to think of anything to answer because truth be told, he really isn’t interested in anything she has to say. He takes a moment to think of what to say to politely excuse himself.]

Drake: Look, I-

[The blonde grabs his arm and yanks toward the center of the room.]

Blonde: It’s almost midnight!

[She pulls him in to the middle of the crowd of people at the party in his own living room and everyone begins to count down.]







[The blonde positions herself close to Drake, eagerly awaiting a kiss from the celebrity whose New Year’s party she is attending. Drake frantically tries to think of a way to get out of that scenario as he looks around the room before his eyes settle on a picture hanging on the wall. The picture is of Drake when he was about 21years old with Max. He focuses in on Max.]



[He looks hard making eye contact with the printed version of his former trainer and best friend.]


What would you do Max?

[He thinks to himself for a moment as the countdown finally stops.]


[Drake looks one more time at his friend and then wide, twisted grin comes over his face.]

Drake: Fuck it!


[He grabs the blonde by the back of the neck with his left hand and pulls her in forcefully giving her a passionate smooch on the lips as the camera fades out.]

I’d been waiting for a few weeks now to see who it would be. To see who the dickbag Mark Ward would select next. I guess he noticed that surprise opponents don’t work and are just a waste of effort because this time he had no problem telling me, along with the whole world, who my next title defense would be against. Cyrus King, the old pebble in my shoe. I use that expression for a reason because let’s face it, you’re little more than that. You were bothersome when you aligned yourself with that disappearing act of Lukas Von Aelfric back in ACW. You were a little more than annoying when you joined up with Max Burke and attacked me a few times but you were pretty easy to put away last time.

Unlike you, I truly believe the words that come out of my mouth. When I get out in front of the millions of Showstoppers and tell them all that is I want to defend this belt against every single former ACW Superstar I mean it. We all deserve a crack at this belt. We all worked toward something at one point and whether we got along well or not, we all meant something to that great company. There’s a long list of competitors I’d love to give a shot at this belt. My friend Ben deserves one. So do Simon, Steve, Jeremiah, and Casey and probably even Ethan Brody and Landon Axel. You are on that list, Cyrus. I’m going to deny that but I need to make one thing clear. You are at the very bottom. You’ve done nothing to prove to me that you are able to carry the mantle of All-Pro Championship Wrestling. Not one thing and quite frankly, I’m a little insulted that you were the one that Mark Ward picked.

Loser. I don’t know if you remember that word but I still do. It was the word I had used to describe you. It is the only word simple enough to explain the lack of tenacity or ability that you possess. Last time we had this dance, you spoke a lot about ending me. About how you were the King and about how I was going to bow down to you. What happened? You got knocked out cold. I’ve bested you and your tiny little head before and I’ll do it again. Maybe then Hot Douche Mark Ward will show the bollocks he claims to have and get in the ring with me himself. Until then, you’ll have to do. ACW must live on…


Climax Control Archives / Payback...
« on: September 27, 2013, 11:08:41 PM »
 September 22nd, 2013 – Jalousie, St. Lucia - 11:00 PM

[The camera fades in to a small dressing room, backstage at SCW’s Climax Control in St. Lucia. The room is covered in what looks like sand, a small makeshift beach bungalow converted in to a dressing room for Sin City’s talent as they are on their beach tour. There is a small vanity with a large black duffel bag thrown on top of it. Hanging over the chair is a dark blue suit and a white button down shirt. Across from the vanity is a dirty looking two-seat couch and small, faded table which looks like it is about to fall over as it has one leg that is nearly cracked in half. A large gust of wind blows through the room, blowing the half open newspaper on the table to the ground, as the door swings wide open in a hurry. In walks Drake, still in his gear, followed by his friend and trainer and Max. He storms in to the small room and in a fit of rage, shoves his duffel bag to the floor off of the vanity and then kicks the small table, officially breaking the thing in to pieces.]

Max: Jesus! Will you calm down already?

Drake: No I’m not gonna fucking calm down. I’m sick of this. I can’t even take a piss without these guys getting involved. And now I have to deal with Cyrus again? Are you kidding me?

Max: You gotta hang in there, kid.

Drake: Don’t tell me to hang in there. I’m done hanging in there. This guys want a war and now they’ve officially pissed me off. I’m not gonna stop until they are beaten and broken. I’m gonna start with that piece of trash King.

Max: What are you gonna do? You can’t go around attacking people.

Drake: Why not? That’s what they do. They don’t give a shit.

Max: That’s not you, D. We don’t do things like that. We’re better than that.

Drake: Are we? Are we really? Because I really don’t think that walking up behind Max Burke and beating his head in with a steel chair is all that beneath me. In fact, I might just go do that now. Him and his little nasty slut Ruby.

Max: What are you, crazy? You’re gonna hit a woman now? Look at yourself. This is what Mark Ward wants, D. You think he cares about Cyrus King or even Burke? He has them by his side just to tear you down and guess what? It’s working. You can’t let yourself fall down to that level.

[Drake turns to face the vanity and leans over the small wooden piece of furniture. He drops his face in to his hands and slowly rubs his eyes before peering up and looking at himself in the mirror. He looks over the small welt that is building up on his chin form Hot Stuff’s Red Hot superkick. He gazes over his new beard that is desperately trying to cover his scarred chin. He rubs his eyes one more time and then turns back around to his friend Max.]

Drake: You’re right.

Max: I know.

Drake: I don’t know what to do, Max. All I want is that SCW Heavyweight title. Ward’s never gonna let that happen if I don’t join him.

Barry: I wouldn’t be too sure about that.

[Max and Drake shoot their eyes over to Barry Goldstein, Drake’s agent, who is standing in the door way. Wearing a bright red sport coat and a white t-shirt underneath with dark jeans, he pushes in to the room with a bit of swag in his walk. He takes a hard puff on his big cigar and then runs his other hand through his slicked back dirty blonde hair.]

Barry: Ward isn’t the only owner of Sin City Wrestling. And he certainly isn’t the VP of Talent Relations and Head Booker who also happens to be an old friend who owes me a favor.

Max: What are you talking about?

[Barry takes another hard pull from his cigar and blows it in Max’s direction as Max waves hand, trying move the smoke away from his face.]

Barry: What I’m talking about is Drake’s position on the card for High Stakes III in Trinidad.

Drake: Ok…

Barry: My good buddy, Erik Staggs, has booked you in one of two matches. Either a Number One Contender match for the SCW Heavyweight title…or…

Drake: Or what?

Barry: …or…if Carter beats Goth next week…you will be headlining the show against the prodigal champ, Kevin Carter.

Max: You’re kidding…

Barry: No I am not kidding. I am that damn good. We should really talk about upping my percentage, Showtime.

Drake: We’ll see what happens. I want Max Burke next week.

Barry: Can’t do it.

Drake: Bullshit.

Barry: It’s the truth. They’re not letting it happen.

Drake: Then fine. Give me the overgrown jerk off with the long hair.

Barry: Cyrus King? I’m not letting that happen. There’s not gonna be any money in it. He’s like a jobber.

[Drake steps in close to Barry.]

Drake: Do I look like I give a rat’s ass about money right now, Barry? I want that piece of trash in the ring on Sunday and I’m gonna beat his unusually small head in.

Max: Small head?

Drake: You haven’t noticed?

Max: Noticed what?

Drake: His head. He’s got these ginormous shoulders and thick neck but then he’s got this tiny little head.

[Barry and Max start laughing.]

Drake: I’m serious. It’s tiny. There’s something wrong there.

[Drake cracks a smile as Barry and Max continue to laugh.]

Barry: Look, Showtime. You get in the ring with this guy and you lose, I can’t guarantee that title shot will stick around for High Stakes. That could seriously hurt your stock. And it doesn’t matter if he’s not that good, Hot Stuff and Max Burke will be right there. You know that.

Drake: I hope they are right there. You don’t get it. Either of you. I want their blood and I’m not gonna stop until I get it. From all of them.

[The camera focuses on the twisted smile that forms over Drake’s face before it fades out.]

“Cyrus King. Who are you? I mean really, who are you? I don’t know anything about you. I hear you’re a former marine. A man who fancies himself a military man. I guess that kind of makes sense. You see, a military man is a soldier, one who must follow orders. You can’t do anything on your own. You don’t have the presence of mind to make decisions on your own. That’s why you gravitated towards that piece of garbage JJ Dixon in ACW and that’s why you’re now under the thumb of an even bigger asshole. ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward.

You strike me as someone who could probably make a name for himself here in Sin City Wrestling. Not much of a name but you might be able to secure a Roulette title shot at one point. Maybe. But you lack the ambition to think for yourself. Time and time again you react to the people around and find your rightful place in line. Rank and file.

It’s rather puzzling to me as to why these people even want you around in the first place. You’re a loser. You got your brains kicked in by a sixteen-year-old pro-wrestling wannabe. You couldn’t even hang with James Huntington Hawkes, what makes you think you’re gonna have a chance against the world’s greatest showstopper? I would imagine it’s a near certainty that you’ll have Max Burke and that wanker Ward in your corner on Sunday. It won’t matter as the only bowing down I’ll be doing is to the crowd after I kick your teeth in and make you pay for what you did to me. You’re first on the list Cyrus. That’s a bad place to be.”

September 27th, 2013 - Colony Club Gym, Barbados - 3:00 PM

[The camera fades in to the large, state of the art work out facility located at the Colony Club in Barbados. Working out on the rowing machine is Drake Green. He’s wearing white ‘Nike’ sneakers with black socks halfway up his ankles, black mesh shorts, and a white muscle shirt showing off his matching ‘Nautical Star’ tattoos on each shoulder. He listens to his iPod as he pulls back and forth on the rowing machine, sweating intensely. Mid-rep, someone touches Drake on the shoulder. He drops weights and turns around quickly, gearing up for a fight.

Standing in front of him is a rather large man. Wearing dark jeans and a skin-tight black tank top stands the six foot eight, 300-pound behemoth of man known as Rage. Drake sizes him up and then pulls one of his white earphones out and lets it dangle down as he wipes the sweat from his brow. He breathes heavy for a moment before letting out a small smile.]

Drake: Can I help you?

[Rage stares silently for a moment, his eyes piercing into Drake’s.]

Drake: Dude…what do you want?

Rage: I want to take Mark Ward’s head and squeeze it off of his body.

Drake: That makes two of us. Why are you telling me?

Rage: I saw what they did to you. I keep watching what they do to you. I can’t fucking take it anymore. I just want to run out there and beat them all down into the ground. Every last one of those motherfuckers.

Drake: Ok…

Rage: I saw you have a match against Cyrus King on Sunday.

Drake: Yeah, listen-

[Rage cuts him off.]

Rage: I’m gonna be there with you. If anyone of those pieces of shit gets involved I’m gonna tear their heads off and shove it down their necks.

Drake: Look man, I appreciate it. But I don’t know you and I don’t need your help.

[Rage leans in closer to Drake.]

Rage: Looks like you do to me. Aren’t you sick of getting your ass kicked every week? I’m sure as hell sick of watching it.

[Drake stands up.]

Drake: You’re really starting to piss me off.

Rage: I’m always pissed off. I’m pissed off watching Mark Ward and his group of assholes get away with whatever they want all the time. Aren’t you ready to make a stand? Aren’t you ready to fight back and let these motherfuckers know that you’re not gonna take it anymore?

[Drake stands there and thinks for a moment.]

Drake: It’s not that simple. If I keep fighting back, Ward is just gonna make it that much worse. He’s not gonna stop coming after me. He won’t give up.

Rage: And you will?

[He lets out a sigh.]

Drake: No. Never.

Rage: That’s what I thought.

Drake: Why are you doing this?

Rage: Because I absolutely fucking hate Mark Ward and I want to piss him off.

Drake: I know what you mean.

[Rage holds his hand out to Drake.]

Rage: Let’s get these sons of bitches…

[Drake grabs Rage’s hand the two men shake each other’s hands.]

Drake: I’ll see you on Sunday.

Rage: Yes. Yes you will.

[Rage walks off and out of the gym. Just as he does, Max walks over, wearing his near patented Adidas tracksuit.]

Max: What the hell was that all about?

Drake: He wants to help me.

Max: Help you with what?

Drake: Help me kick the crap out of Mark Ward and his supremacists.

Max: Do you trust him?

Drake: No, not really.

Max: So what are you gonna do?

Drake: I’m gonna let him help. What’s the worst that can happen, I get my ass kicked again?

[Max smiles.]

Max: That’s true.

Drake: The way I see it, Mark Ward needs to feel like he lost at least once. If the big guy helps out in that department, then we all win.

Max: I hope you know what you’re doing.

Drake: Time will tell. In the meantime, we’ll at least get to see Hot Stuff sweat. If only for a moment. Besides, that’s one large very angry man. I’d rather have him on my side than not.

Max: I agree. Come on, let’s get out of here. That beach is calling my name.

Drake: You go on. I’m gonna hit the weights for a little while longer.

Max: Alright, kid. I’ll see ya in a bit.

[Max leaves the weight room as Drake fixes his earphone back in to his ear and then sits back down on the rowing machine. He picks up the handles again and the scene fades out.]

Loser. That’s the word that keeps coming to mind when I think of you, Cyrus King. I like the fact that you believe that you belong in the ring with me. That you think you can compete. Your delusions I’m more comical than your undersized head. You call yourself the King. That’s a fucking joke. You can’t even hold a candle to me. The power of the people is more than you can handle.

I’m done. I’m done laying in waiting for Hot Stuff and his cronies to come out and beat me down. I’m done taking it from him and people like you, Cyrus. You think you mean something? You’re barely hired muscle because Mark Ward doesn’t have the balls to get in the ring with me himself. He’d rather have you and your piece of trash, counterpart Max Burke do his work for him. But the truth is, if either one of you hade the balls to attack me from the front, rather than behind, neither of you would stand a chance. And you know it. That’s why you continually cheap shot me from behind and why it takes two and three of you to keep me down. That all changes Sunday.

Sunday I fight back. Sunday starts my revolution. I’m gonna start with you, Cyrus King, and I’m not gonna stop until Mark Ward himself kneels down at my feet and begs for forgiveness. I’m not gonna stop until each and every one of you knows the pain that you’ve been forcing upon me these past few weeks. You’re gonna wish you never agreed to join his sorry ass. From now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy. I’m gonna punish you on Sunday. I’m gonna punish Max Burke and his skank Ruby, I’m gonna punish that dirty slut Tessa Flannigan, and finally…when the time is right…I’m gonna punish ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward.

The people need their savior, and on Sunday, he’s finally gonna get his.”

[End feed…]

Climax Control Archives / Friends & Enemies
« on: September 20, 2013, 08:29:03 PM »
 OOC - Permission given to use Misty...

September 13th, 2013 - 8:30 PM - Cane Garden Bay, Tortola

[The scene fades in on a small small deck overlooking a beautiful scene of Cane Garden Bay. Perched high above the water, the deck sits attached to a small vacation rental home in the gorgeous rolling hills of Tortola. The ocean side crisp air blows silently as the sun starts to set. The locals start to close their windows and shut their doors as their day continues to wind down. Sitting up on the small deck on a wicker chair is Drake Green. Wearing a pale pink button up linen shirt, white pants, and sandals, Drake sips a short glass of scotch on the rocks while he smokes a cigarette and takes in the beautiful view. His hair is a bit messy and his five o'clock shadow has now grown into a thin beard. He has soft music playing in the background. Music that is no doubt calming but seems a little too romantic for two men alone in a beach house. A chime is heard emanating from his pocket. He pulls out his iPhone and checks. A large smile creeps over his face as he reads the message on his phone. He jumps up, flicks the cigarette over the balcony and heads inside. He walks through his rented bedroom and into the next room where Max, wearing yellow cabana shorts and a bright blue tank top, is sitting reading a book. He looks up with a slight look of worry as Drake enters the room.]

Drake: Hey, Maxy.

Max: Yes, D.

Drake: What’s with all of the candles.

[Drake looks around the room and notices the multitude of candles lit around the house.]

Max: They keep the bugs away.

[He shakes his head and smiles, laughing at Max to himself.]

Drake: Do you have any wine?

Max: Umm, you’re asking the recovering alcoholic if he has any wine?

Drake: Come on, dude. Don’t exaggerate. You recovered like seven years ago.

[Max turns around to face Drake as he looks through the cabinets in the sitting room.]

Max: It’s an ongoing process, D. It takes time and discipline. None of which you know anything about. What do you need wine for any? You don’t drink wine.

Drake: Well I just told Misty I bought a really nice bottle of local wine this afternoon and she should come by and drink it with me.

Max: You lied to her?

Drake: I wouldn’t call it lying.

Max: Oh, I’m sorry. So you did buy a really nice bottle of local wine this afternoon then?

Drake: Ok, maybe I lied a little bit. But now I need wine. You think you could go grab some for me?

Max: You’re on your own.

Drake: Come on please? She’s gonna be here in like fifteen minutes.

Max: Better hurry then.

Drake: Thanks.

[Max turns back around to his book, with a small smile now creeping over his face.]

Max: Welcome.

[Drake turns and looks around and then grabs the set of keys off of the table. He heads out of the front door and begins to walk down the crowded dirt road. He passes several natives who look at him with a puzzling eye. “It could be the pink shirt or the bright white pants” he thinks to himself as he looks at his watch and decides to pick up the pace. He starts to jog a bit as he gets closer to the center of town. He stops a couple of local townspeople and asks them where he could buy some wine but it is as if they don’t understand him or they choose to pretend not to. He carries on, finally coming to a small local store. He walks in and a great big twinkle emerges in his bright green eye. The walls are lined with liquor, beer and wine. He shuffles over to the wall and grabs three bottles of red wine off of a shelf, paying no mind to cost or quality. He grabs a bottle of scotch as he passes that section and he heads over to the counter where the cashier is standing.

Its at this point that Drake realizes he is a tad drunk. He takes a hard look at the cashier. Their wide shoulders and broad chest, coupled with the flowing long hair and feminine facial features are making it very hard to determine whether or not this is a man or a woman. He lines up the wine and the booze and smiles at the...person.]

Drake: How much?

Cashier: Ce sera dollars soixante-cinq.

[Drake seems taken back by the cashier’s deep voice and the fact that they are speaking a different language.]

Drake: What?

Cashier: Ce sera dollars soixante-cinq.

Drake: Yeah, I don’t speak...umm...Tortolan.

Cashier: C'est dommage maintenant donnez-moi dollars soixante-cinq.

[Drake scratches his head.]

Drake: Ok. I don’t know what you are saying to me. I’d like to buy my booze and leave. How much?

[The cashier smirks at him when they realize that Drake is a bit annoyed.]

Cashier: Sixty-five.

Drake: Finally, English.

[Drake assumes his regular cocky smile like he has accomplished something but it quickly fades and his eyes sink down as he reaches for his wallet but only finds an empty pocket.]

Drake: FUCK!

[He startles the cashier as he screams out. He looks at his watch and sees that he only has five minutes until Misty is going to be at his rental house.]

Drake: Look,’am. I forgot my wallet. I’ll be back in the morning and I’ll pay for everything.

Cashier: No. You pay now.

Drake: Come on. You know who I am. I’m Mr. Showtime. You can trust me.

Cashier: Non, si vous n'avez pas d'argent, alors vous n'obtenez pas quelque chose de moi. Vous devez quitter mon magasin dès maintenant ou je vais appeler la police. Personne ne me prive. Sortez. Sortez.

Drake: No, look. No police ok? There’s a really hot girl coming over and she needs wine. Understand. FUCK!

[He blurts out the “F” word as he looks at his watch. Three minutes.]

Cashier: Watch.

[Drake quickly makes eye contact with the cashier.]

Drake: What? Excuse me?

Cashier: You want booze. I take watch for money.

Drake: You’re out of your head right? This is an eight thousand dollar watch.

Cashier: No money, no booze.

Drake: How about my shirt.

[The cashier looks puzzled.]

Drake: This is a $200 Robert Graham.

[The cashier’s look gets even more puzzled,]

Drake: Stone Rose?

[The cashier raises up their arms as they have no idea what Drake is saying.]

Drake: You can sell it.

[The cashier thinks for a moment and then the camera immediately cuts to Drake running out of the shop, shirtless, carrying a brown paper bag full of booze. He sprints back up the road, weaving in and out of people walking alongside the road. He gets back to the rental house just in time to see a taxi pull away.]

Drake: Shit!

[He looks around the back of the house and decides to sneak in from the porch. Starting to sweat from all of the running, he climbs over the railing and into the room. He hears voices from the other room as he carefully put the wine on a shelf. He pulls one bottle out of the bag and grabs two glasses off of the bar. He turns to walk toward the room and remembers he doesn’t have a shirt on. Just as he goes to grab one, the door opens.

In the doorway stands Misty, wearing small heels, dark colored jeans, and a black top with a deep purple trip. Her hair is up and back in a ponytail and her face is covered in a thin layer of makeup. She has a smile on her face as she’s Drake. He smiles back but then realizes that’s shes not just smiling but laughing at him.]

Drake: What?

Misty: You’re shirtless, holding a bottle of wine and two glasses, sweating, to a background of candles and Jack Johnson. You’re kidding me, right?

[A look of what seems like embarrassment comes over Drake's face.]

Drake: It's not what it looks like.

Misty: Uh huh.

Drake: Seriously. The candles and music are all gushing out of Maxy's feminine side.

Misty: And your shirt?

Drake: It...umm..

[Drake hesitates for a second, not wanting to let Misty know he had initially lied to her.]

Drake: I was just kinda warm.

Misty: Put a shirt on, will you?

[Drake smiles as the scene cut to the two of them on the small deck attached to the bedroom. Drake is now wearing a light blue V-neck t-shirt and the two of them are drinking wine, laughing, and having a good time.]

Drake: So then, after all of that, I tell him Climax Control is in San Francisco.

[Misty laughs.]

Misty: That’s hilarious. So what did he do?

Drake: He spent the entire trip at the hotel. He didn’t even come see me wrestle.

Misty: The whole time?

Drake: That’s Barry Goldstein for you. The most stubborn person you’ll ever meet. Well, maybe the second most stubborn.

[Drake smiles at Misty.]

Misty: I’m not stubborn. Just strong willed.

Drake: Whatever you call it. So it’s getting kinda late. You can just crash here if you want.

[Misty laughs.]

Misty: Yeah, I’m sure you would love that.

Drake: What?

Misty: You don’t have to be so obvious.

Drake: I’m being honest. I, as your friend, am concerned for your well being. We’re in a foreign country and you shouldn’t get in a random cab this late at night.

Misty: So I should just stay here with you then?

Drake: Yes. And Maxy you know. I’ll sleep on the couch and you can take my bed.

Misty: You’re sweet, but thanks. I’ll be ok.

Drake: Ok, fine. We can share the bed but I get the better pillow.

Misty: What am I gonna do with you, Mr. Green?

Drake: Please, call me Drake.

Misty: Sorry. Bad habit.

[Misty takes a gulp of her wine glass.]

Drake: I like you, Misty.

Misty: Drake-

Drake: No, no. Let me finish. You’re a very refreshing person to be around. I don’t mean I wanna date you or even sleep with you. Well...maybe sleep with you…

[Misty chuckles.]

Drake: It’s just nice to be able to talk someone, that’s all. You know with Max it’s either about how I drink too much or how I should be training, or lifting weights, or watching film. And with Barry, I mean all the guy cares about is me making him money. He’s nice enough but that’s all it is. I guess what I’m saying is, there’s something inside of you. Something that’s broken, like me. And it’s nice to talk to someone who gets it.

Misty: You don’t seem so broken to me, Drake.

Drake: Let’s just say I hide it a bit better than you.

Misty: Why do you hide it?

Drake: I figure no one really wants to hear about it. That as long as I’m Mr. Showtime then everyone will love me. They’ll cheer for me.

Misty: It’s not all about them, Drake. It has to be about you too.

Drake: Thats the problem. The people want me to win for them. I want to win for them too. They’ve been behind me this whole time and they deserve me to hold that title up just as much as I do. But lately something has changed.

Misty: Like what?

Drake: I can’t really describe it. It’s like that deep desire to win that sits inside, the competitive nature, it’s getting angry. Like it wants more than what I’m giving it.

Misty: Maybe you should stop drinking.

[They share a smile.]

Drake: Maybe I’m just talking out of my ass.

Misty: It’s good to get it out sometimes.

Drake: It’s nice to say it to someone who actually listens.

Misty: Well, it’s my pleasure. You listened to me complain so its the least I can do.

Drake: I wouldn’t call that complaining. Just bitching.

[Drake smiles and Misty gives him a shot in the arm with a smile of her own.]

Misty: Why do you always have to ruin it when I start to think you’re nice?

Drake: Bad habit.

Misty: Yeah I guess we’re both full of those.

Drake: Maybe in another life we could’ve been something, Misty.

Misty: Oh yeah?

Drake: Yeah. I would just screw it up in this life anyway.

Misty: Not if I did first.

Drake: Friends?

Misty: Friends.

[They cheers and drink their wine as the scene fades out.]

September 15th, 2013 - 10:45 PM - Cane Garden Bay, Tortola

[The camera fades back in to a backstage room at Climax Control. The room is brightly lit, with one overhead light that seems to have a bulb of way too much wattage stuck in there. Surrounded by the beige colored styrofoam drop ceiling tiles, the light is as bright as the high noon sun. The walls are a thick rectangular brick, painted white like hospital walls. Drake is sitting on a small stool while the backstage Doc checks out a cut above his right eye that is still pouring out blood. The front of his pink button up shirt is covered in blood, so much so that it is starting to leak through the shirt onto his skin. He sits nervously, tapping his feet, as the Doc continues to examine him. Max, wearing a black SHOWTIME t-shirt, black pants and shoes, paces back and forth just as nervously as Drake taps his feet. He watches as the Doc fastens a winged bandage over the cut.]

Doc: I think that’ll do it for now, Drake.

Drake: Do you think it’s going to need stitches, Doc?

Doc: I think you’ll be fine. Just let it heal for a week or so.

Max: Can he compete next week?

Doc: I think by next Sunday you should be fine. Like I said, you shouldn’t need stitches.

Drake: Not that it matters. Hot Stuff isn’t gonna give me a match.

Max: You don’t know that.

[The Doc stands up and grabs his case.]

Doc: You know where to find me if you need me, fellas.

Drake: Thanks, Doc.

Max: Yes. As always.

Doc: It’s a pleasure.

[The Doc leaves the room and Max takes a seat where was just sitting.]

Max: You ok, D?

Drake: Am I…? Is that a joke? Two weeks ago I get embarrassed on television. First by some skank Hot Stuff hired to try and convince me to be his lackey and now by Max freaking Burke? Are you kidding me?

Max: I don’t know what to say.

Drake: I do. That guy is lucky he high tailed it out of here before I got backstage. Next week he’s a dead man.

Max: What are you gonna do? Beat him down? That brings you right down to their level, D. Don’t you see? That’s what Ward wants. He wants you to retaliate. Because once you are that angry, that desperate, he’s got you right where he wants you.

Drake: I don’t care where he wants me! I’m gonna beat the ever living crap out of Max Burke, all over St. Lucia.

Max: Why don’t you take that aggression and focus it in the ring. Take it out on whoever your opponent your opponent ends up being.

Drake: Mark isn’t going to give me a match, Maxy. He knows that not only does he not have to pay me if I don’t wrestle but also, I don’t get closer to the title without a few wins under my belt this month. He’s punishing me, Max. And there’s nothing we can do about it.

Max: What about Underwood? Can’t we talk to him.

Drake: I don’t know.

[Drake runs his hands through his hair, showing his frustration.]

Drake: It may all be pointless. I might as well take him up on his deal. How bad could it be anyway?

Max: You can’t start thinking like that, D. We have a goal and we’re almost there. Just a few more matches. We don’t need to be in debt to that man for anything. Not even for a free cup of coffee.

Drake: You’re right. It’s just bad timing with him. Why he couldn’t start this shit after I got a title shot? At least then he wouldn’t be holding me back from anything.

Max: Well hopefully you sneak on to the card next week.

Drake: Yeah, I doubt that’s-

[Drake is interrupted by a loud knock pounding on the door. He looks to Max with a look of surprise and worry.]

Drake: You don’t think-

Max: No. No way they would try something now.

[The pounding on the door continues.]

Max: I’m gonna answer it.

Drake: Wait.

[Drake grabs Max by the wrist as he starts to get up.]

Drake: You’re with me right?

Max: Of course.

Drake: No matter what?

Max: D, you’re the only family I got.

Drake: Ok.

[The pounding gets louder.]

Max: I’m gonna get this.

Drake: Ok.

[Max gets up and makes his way toward the door. Right as he goes to grab the doorknob, the big heavy white door swings open. Practically falling through is Drake’s agent and friend Barry Goldstein. His ear length blonde hair is slick back tight and his face is clean shaven. He is wearing black slacks and shoes, a red button down shirt with the collar open and a light grey plaid sport coat. In his ear is Marlboro red and in his right hand is a thick cigar and he has a white t-shirt over his shoulder which he throws down on the table as soon as he gets into the room.]

Max: What the hell?

Barry: Well you coulda opened the damn door, Slim Jim.

Max: If I knew it was gonna be you on the other side I probably would’ve locked the door.

Drake: Settle down, boys.

Barry: Jesus!

[Barry walks over to Drake to get a closer look at his eye.]

Barry: What did they do to you, Showtime?

Drake: Don’t get me started.

Barry: Who did this to him?

[Barry looks at Max and points toward Drake.]

Max: Max Burke.

Barry: What did he get tired of wrestling dark matches or something?

Drake: Mark Ward put him up to it.

Barry: What? Why did…

[Barry has a look on his face like he just discovered the secret to eternal youth.]

Drake: What?

[Barry sits down across from Drake.]

Barry: Well I started to notice there weren’t many checks rolling in with the name Drake Green written on them so I put in a call to my old friend Erik Staggs. He told me Ward had blacklisted you for the remainder of the tour here.

Drake: Blacklisted?

Barry: Yup.

Max: That’s unbelieveable. This guy’s got a lot of nerves.

Barry: He didn’t go in to any real detail. He certainly didn’t tell me they were making play dough out of your face either.

Max: I guess that explains why you’re here.

Barry: Yeah, Macho. I gotta protect my best investment.

[He gets up and puts his arm around Drake.]

Barry: Besides. I missed you mother fuckers.

Max: We missed you too.

Drake: So what do we do now?

Barry: What do we do? We get on my plane, we go to Jalousie and the ridiculous vacation suite my agency has reserved for us for the week. Only you gotta sleep in the bathroom, Maxy. No room for washed 80’s stars there.

Max: Yeah go to hell…

Barry: We drink till our dicks fall off, you get coffee Macho, and we have some freaking fun!

Drake: What am I gonna do about a match?

Barry: You let the me worry about the business side of things, ok Showtime? You gotta get some rest and heal up that eye ‘cause Barry Goldstein is here to save the day and he’s gonna fix everything. Ok?

Drake: Sure.

Barry: Good, now put this on.

[Barry picks up the white t-shirt that he originally came in with and hands it to Drake.]

Barry: Can’t have you getting any blood on the italian leather seats on the jet, ya know what I’m sayin’?

[Drake takes off his blood stained pink button up and throws on the white t-shirt.]

Barry: You boys ready?

Max: Ready as I’ll ever be.

Drake: Let’s do it.

[The three men head toward the door. Max opens it up and lets Drake and Barry out first. He then closes the light and walks out behind them as the scene cuts out.]

“Campeona. She was beautiful. She was perfect. How could she really have been a figment of my imagination. It doesn’t make sense. I felt her. She was alive. She touched me in a way that no one has before. There was a connection that was too intense to not be real.

I’ve spent days rationalizing all of this in my head. I couldn’t tell Maxy about. I’m too afraid he’d try to lock me up in the loony bin for it. He has to know that I’m still not over it. Who could be? You have the best night of your life, with the most beautiful and perfect women you’ve ever met just to wake up in the morning and she’s gone? I know what you’re gonna say….she’s not real. And you’d probably be right. But still, could you really be over something like that. The feelings I felt were real, whether she was or not.

Did I really just say that? How could the feelings be real if she didn’t exist. Maybe I do belong in the loony bin. Either way, I’m not telling Max OR Barry. Barry has enough to deal with. He’s been on the phone with Erik Staggs for almost two days in a row trying to get me a match. I told him it better be Max Burke. I don’t need nor do I want a shot at his title. I just want to beat the piss out of him. We’ll see. Hopefully Barry can work his magic. In the meantime...Campeona….”

September 19th, 2013 - 2:45 PM - Jalousie, St. Lucia

[The camera fades back in to a beautiful sunny beach in the Jalousie Resort. The beach is packed with locals and vacationers alike. Laying on matching beach chairs are Max and Drake. Drake is laying shirtless, with a blue and white bathing suit and his Ray-ban sunglasses on. His beard now full and the cut above his eye is reduced to a small red line above the eyebrow. He smokes a cigarette and has a fruity looking frozen beverage with a long twisted straw sticking out of it on the table next to it. Max, also shirtless, is wearing a bright red Adidas bathing suit and has his oversized Maui Jim sunglasses sitting across his nose. He too enjoys a cigarette but he has a bottle of water on his beachside table.]

Max: This is nice.

Drake: You ain’t kidding.

[Drake stares down a pair of college girls in bikinis.]

Max: So what’s going on. Gonna see Misty this week?

Drake: What is with you? That’s like the third time you’ve asked me that.

Max: Because it’s good for you to have some companionship.

Drake: I got you and Barry.

Max: Companionship beside an old man and that crazy nutcase agent of yours.

Drake: Misty is just a friend.

Max: So.

Drake: Just drop it ok?

Max: Ok. I’d just like to see you have someone else in your life besides me, that’s all.

Drake: Now that you mention it, I heard from Jenny the other day.

Max: Your sister?

Drake: Yup.

Max: You’re kidding! How is she?

Drake: She’s good. She moved back in with her Mom.

Max: She left the uh…

Drake: The stoner, yeah. About a month ago.

Max: Well, that’s good. Her mom is just up in Bakersfield. That’s only a few hours away.

Drake: I was thinking about going to see her. Hopefully Barry’s working his magic and getting me a match or otherwise I may just fly home tomorrow and go see her.

Max: I’m sure Barry will come through. As much as it pains me to say it, he always does.

[Just then Drake looks to his right to see Barry walking along the beach. He is wearing khaki colored bermuda shorts, a pair of brown leather Sperry’s, a blue and white button up short sleeve shirt, and a big pair of sunglasses. Just under his sunglasses, his nose is covered with white sun screen.]

Max: Speak of the devil.

Drake: What the hell is wrong with this guy?

[Barry, getting closer, starts waving his arms to get their attention. He finally gets over to them and plops down on to the beach chair on the other side of Drake.]

Barry: I’ve been looking for you guys forever.

Drake: Sorry. We’ve been right here. Relaxing and checking out the scenery.

[Drake motions toward the two college girls.]

Barry: Yeah well, I’ve been on the phone with Erik Staggs all morning. Not like you guys have been doing anything productive but I’ve been working this whole time.

Max: And?

Barry: Main event with Damien Kingston. Who loves me?

[Barry throws his hands up in admiration of himself.]

Drake: Who?

Barry: The Liberty guy.

Drake: I have no idea who you’re talking about.

Max: You know the guy who walked out Nick Jones.

Drake: The guy with the tattoos? The arrogant prick?

Max: That’s the one.

Drake: I thought we said Max Burke?

Barry: Couldn’t get him.

Drake: What the fuck? Why not?

Barry: He’s already booked defending his title. Look kid, I got you the main event ok? Three hours ago they didn’t even want to give you a match. Who cares who it’s with. Pay day bitches!

Drake: So let me get this straight. You get two or three matches in SCW, you walk out on one of them, and you’re in the main event. This is exactly what’s wrong with Hot Stuff and that’s why I can’t concede to him. The fans deserve better. Something doesn’t add up there.

Barry: Apparently they were trying to get Kevin Carter back but they couldn’t hammer out all of the details of his deal. Sounds like he needs a better agent.

[Barry winks at Drake.]

Drake: Yeah well, Carter was probably still at home wiping the tears away from losing his title. What a cry baby. Guy like that doesn’t deserve the title in the first place.

Max: So what about this Kingston guy?

Drake: What about him? Sure he’s a tough kid. I’m sure he’ll bring everything that he can and I’m sure it’ll be a tough fight. But that doesn’t matter. If he has to be the one then it’s him. Just like all the rest, I’ll knock ‘em down.

Max: I wouldn’t take this guy lightly, D. I’d say lets hit the film this afternoon.

Drake: Does it really matter, Maxy? I know what guys like this are all about. I’ve seen them a thousand times before. They walk and talk and act like they’re tough guys. They try to pick fights with everyone around them but in reality, they are just insignificant card fillers. The days of “Argh I’m gonna beat you up” are long gone. It doesn’t matter how much breath you waste saying it. You’re just saying the same thing over and over and over again. It’s getting a bit tiring for me.

Max: Still. He’s tough and this isn’t gonna be easy.

Drake: We’re in Sin City Wrestling, Maxy. It’s never going to be easy. Especially when you have guys like Kingston hanging around because they are dangerous. They get their heads filled up when they are in other organizations and they show up here and they actually believe they belong in the main event right away. I’m not saying Kingston isn’t good. I watched his couple of matches, the ones he didn’t walk out on by the way, and he’s tough. His moveset is dangerous in a good way and even though he’s a prick, the crowd enjoys it and that’s always a plus for me. But just because he’s got an over inflated and unwarranted ego doesn’t mean he belongs in the main event.

[Max rubs his head and Barry seems uninvolved in the conversation, still staring at the college girls.]

Max: I wouldn’t think that way, D. You can get surprised that way.

Drake: I don’t want you to misunderstand me, Max. I get it. Kid’s got talent. But because a whiny cry baby couldn’t make the match, he’s in the main event. I don’t know, maybe I’m just angry. I’m freaking pissed it isn’t Max Burke in the ring with me.

Max: I understand. But you got put that personal stuff behind you. You have to rise above Mark Ward and all of his bullshit. It’s time to concentrate on Kingston.

Drake: You’re right.

Barry: So you guys wanna hit that club we saw later?

Max: Sounds good.

Drake: Yeah, maybe later. I got some fill to watch with Max.

Max: Alright. Let’s do it.

[The three men get up and start walking across the beach as the scene fades out.]

”Damien Kingston. The epitome of the new wave of professional wrestling. The indy kid that everyone hates to love. You’ve got the look down, that’s for sure. What is it, 32 tattoos?  You preach your beliefs and to a point I respect that. You truly fancy yourself in a way that few others do. You have a message that you believe and that goes a long way with me. You have a purpose. You’re not just some argle bargle pro wrestler who likes to “beat people up.” I won’t underestimate you there.

But you’re still inferior. Not to me. I’m not that full of myself. You’re inferior to everything that my fans stand for. For truth. The truth that you live is a lie. You continue to gobble up your own diarrhea of the mouth like you’re God’s gift to professional wrestling. You speak about liberty as if you know anything about it.

For justice. What do you know of justice? You go unpunished for walking out of a match because you were losing it. You don’t have the stomach to digest the taste of defeat. Instead you’d rather run to the back like a coward and that’s the problem that I have with you. You say you deserve to be in the ring with the best because you truly are the best but I really need to let you in on something. Being the best doesn’t mean winning every match that you are in. Nobody goes undefeated in professional wrestling. Being the best is about weathering that storm. It’s about taking a loss on the chin and moving forward. I lost to Nick Jones too. It sucked but it happens. Two weeks later I fought for the SCW Championship and guess what, I lost that too. It happens and it’s part of the life that we have chose. But to walk out of the ring simply because you couldn’t hang? By definition you don’t belong here.

For liberty. What does the word liberty actually mean to you? To me it means the quality of being free. Freedom from physical restraint and the power of choice. I’m not sure if you really understand it’s true meaning and that’s pretty sad since you brandish the word everywhere. To me it sounds like the only liberty you want to have is to bitch and complain about everything around you without having the balls to get up and do anything about it. You say you are here to change professional wrestling, but instead you’d rather walk out before your match is finished. I know your kind, Damien. And it’s a sad joke of a kind. The kind that makes me feel bad for you.”

September 19th, 2013 - 2:45 PM - Jalousie, St. Lucia

[The scene fades back in to restaurant and bar. The bar is outdoors. The floor is made of concrete and is sunken down a few feet, requiring a small set of steps to enter the area. The bar is made of aging copper, half oxidized and colored green. The tables that surround the dance floor are covered in white tablecloths and surrounded by brass colored chairs with ladder backs. Hug from the surrounding building and flying overhead are multicolored lights, resembling Christmas lights. The place is quite crowded even though it doesn’t look like what you might expect to see in a resort town. The camera catches Drake walking down the steps. He is wearing a light khaki suit with brown leather shoes and bright lavender shirt with an open collar. His belt buckle is rather large and reflects the lights coming down from above. He enters the bar and takes a look around before spotting Barry and Max. Barry is wearing a black velour sport coat with a white open collared shirt and gray slacks. Max is a bit more dressed down. Wearing a button up short sleeved shirt and jeans. Drake makes his way over and takes the seat across from them.]

Barry: Hey, Showtime!

Max: You made it. We we were starting to get worried.  

Barry: Yeah. Slim Jim here was about to send out the search and rescue.

[Max chuckles off Barry’s comment.]

Max: You ok, D?

Drake: Yeah, I’m good.

Barry: So what did you think of Kingston when you were watching the film?

Drake: He’s...umm...he’s an attacker. He goes after it pretty good. It’s not gonna be easy that’s for sure.

Barry: Just remember, you get paid more if you win.

[Barry holds up a shot glass and downs the drink.]

Drake: Thanks for reminding me.

Max: So what’s the plan for the rest of the week. You wanna hit the gym tomorrow?

Drake: Sounds good. I was thinking I’d try to get a hold of Hot Stuff.

Max: D-

Drake: I gotta put an end to this nonsense, Maxy. I can’t give him what he wants. I have to go ahead on my own, you know, just us. But there’s got to be something that he wants that’ll get him off my back.

Max: Just be careful with him. He’s a slimey bastard.

Barry: I say join him.

Max: Come on!

Barry: What? You’ve got the boss or at least one of the bosses of the company you work for telling you to join him and he’ll take to the top and you’re turning him down? Doesn’t make any sense to me.

Max: It’s like signing with the devil.

Barry: The devil has feelings to, ya know. All I’m saying is you want that SCW Championship bad, Ward can give it to you. Probably on a silver platter too.

Drake: I can’t. Not him, not now.

Barry: Look, you pay me to make those decisions for you. Let me make the decision. I’ll make the call right now and square this away.

Drake: The answer is no, Barry. I mean that.

Barry: Ok. But the money-

Drake: I mean it.

Max: Let it go, Barry.

Barry: My lips are sealed.

[Barry mimes zipping up his lips.]

Barry: So I gotta tell you about this cute little Asian…

[As Barry starts to tell them about his new girl, Drake starts to pan around the room. He looks around the other tables, taking in the surroundings. The older couple, no doubt celebrating a milestone anniversary. A young couple, possibly a honeymoon. He watches couples as and other as they dance on the dance floor to the french folk music being played by the small band in the corner. As he peers around he notices something familiar in the crowd. A woman. She is wearing a long tight white dress and brown sandals. Her hair is dark and wavy and her skin a beautiful light brown that glistens in the moonlight. She turns her head and smiles at him just before she disappears into the crowd.]

Drake: Campeona..

[He whispers her name and jumps up from the table. Max and Barry call after him but he either ignores them or doesn’t hear them. He makes way over to the dance floor and starts to look around at an almost frantic pace. He sifts through the dancers, peering around them looking for her. He passes by a group of young women who try to incorporate him into their circle but he flashes a quick smile and politely refuses. He continues his search to no avail. She’s gone. Was she another figment of his imagination? Could she be here in St. Lucia? He shakes his head rubs his eyes a bit before realizing that he must have been seeing things. He looks back over to Max and Barry who seem to be in some sort of a heated discussion.

He decides that rather than going back to the table he would just make his way over to the bar and order himself a drink. He walks up to the copper bar and waits a moment for the bartender to come over. The smaller gentlemen walks over, wearing black pants and a bright red vest over his white shirt, and smiles.

Bartender: Hello, sir. How may I help you?

Drake: Just a Johnny sir, black. Please.

Bartender: Of course. One moment.

[Drake rubs his eyes again. He starts to think about Damien Kingston and all the film he had just tried to soak up. He won’t admit it to Max or Barry, but he’s scared. The guy is an animal in the ring and with all of the beatings Drake had been taking lightly, he doesn’t know if his body will live up to the challenge. The bartender comes over and drops off his scotch.]

Drake: Thanks.

[Drake drops a bill on the bar and then takes a long sip of his drink. He puts the glass back on the bar and takes a deep breath, enjoying every last second the scotch goes down his throat. He stares for a minute at his glass, before he is interrupted.]

Misty: Hey there.

[Drake looks over to see Misty standing to his right. She is wearing dark jeans and a dark purple top. He checks her up and a small smile creeps out of his mouth,]

Drake: Hey.

Misty: You, ok?

Drake: Yeah, I’m cool. Just enjoying a cocktail.

Misty: By yourself?

Drake: Unless you’re joining me.

Misty: I can’t. I’m meeting Ruby. I just came down here for a second.

Drake: Ahh, Ruby. Just Ruby?

Misty: Well…

Drake: Tell Max Burke I said hello.

[Drake turns back toward the bar and takes another gulp of his scotch.]

Misty: He’s not that bad.

Drake: Tell that to my face.

Misty: Are you sure you’re ok?

Drake: Yeah, I’m cool.

Misty: We gonna have that dinner?

Drake: How about tomorrow?

Misty: Ok. I’ll see you then.

[Misty leans in and gives Drake an awkward half hug.]

Drake: Goodnight.

Misty: Goodnight.

[Misty turns to leave.]

Drake: Hey wait a second.

[Misty turns back.]

Drake: Why don’t you blow them off? Let’s do that dinner tonight.

Misty: I can’t tonight, I’m sorry. Definitely tomorrow.

Drake: Yeah. Tomorrow.

[Drake feigns a smile.]

Misty: Goodnight.

Drake: Goodnight.

[He holds up his glass as if he is cheersing her and then takes another gulp. He watches her as she walks away and up the stairs. Again he takes a long gulp of his scotch, this time finishing the glass. He puts it back on the bar and motions for the bartender to come over and refill it, which he does. Drake picks up his newly filled glass and turns back around toward the dance floor.]

“Maybe I am just that crazy. Max said I took everything I want in life, the SCW Heavyweight Championship, and rolled into a picture of the perfect woman. I even named her Campeona, the female word for champion. It doesn't make much sense to me but I guess the mind plays funny tricks sometimes. After all, I did have poisonous venom from a scorpian in my body. Who knows? But why can't I get this picture of perfection out of my mind. Maybe Misty was right. Maybe I should stop drinking. Again, who knows?

And then there is Damien Kingston. A main event with a formidable opponent that could very well embarrass me on live television. My ribs aren't fully healed yet, I'm pretty sure I have a concussion, and that cut above my eye isn't healing very well either. On top of all of this, there is Mark Ward. Something that I am going to have to deal with sooner or later. Could Barry be right? Is it worth sacrificing the love of the people to sell out for that seemingly elusive gold belt? Maybe Barry is right. Maybe its worth it. All that money. All that fame. But then what could I say to my people? I could never be right with them again and as silly as that seems, that matters to me.”

[He takes another gulp of his scotch as he peers around the crowd. His eye catches the small group of women who tried to pull him into their dance circle before. He remembers their faces but he can’t quite place them. And then, after a moment and few more sips of his scotch, it hits him. They are the college girls from the beach earlier in the day. He makes eye contact with one of them. A tall blonde with a small waist and an even smaller red dress on. She runs her fingers through her hair and then motions to Drake to come over. He takes a look down to his glass of scotch and ponders for a moment.]

Drake: Fuck it.

[He downs the rest of the glass, drops it on the bar, and heads over to the blonde in the red dress as the camera fades out.]

Climax Control Archives / Aftermath
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:34:19 PM »
 August 26th, 2013  8:45 am

[The camera fades in to a large bedroom. As it starts to pan all around the brightly lit room a loud buzzing sound is heard in the background.


It moves over the expensive oak furniture and the tall, half drunken glass water that sits on top of it. It zooms passed the long easel mirror and the rich mahogany door.


It comes to a small, wooden, dressing chair and the wrinkled suit jacket that is thrown on top of it. It moves across the room to the large, king-sized bed with the wood and leather headboard and the deep, black silk sheets.


It zooms out to see man sleeping under the covers. He starts to move around and a muffled groan shoots out from underneath the silk sheet.


He throws over the sheet to reveal his messy dark hair and the three stitches above his left eye. He lays there shirtless, with a nautical star tattooed on each shoulder and the male symbol permanently etched into the inside of his forearm. He reveals his familiar bright green eyes. He reveals himself. Drake Green.


He slams his hand down on the alarm sitting on the small table next to him. He sits up in bed and stretches out his muscular arms and then reaches for the sky. He pulls them in and begins to rub his eyes but he is stopped immediately from the pain as he remembers about the deep cut above his eye. He pushes off the remainder of the covers and brings his legs out to the side of the bed and they touch the floor. He stretches his arms one more time and then begins to stand up. He is wearing Nike gyms shorts and black socks that go about halfway up his calves. He starts to walk slowly toward the dresser and the glass of water, but it seems to be noticeably uncomfortable to do so. He finally gets to the dresser and grabs the glass of water. He pulls it up to his lips and a small smile cracks on his face as the cool liquid touches his dry lips and throat. He drinks the whole glass and then puts it back down on the dresser as he makes his way downstairs.

As he gets down to the kitchen he sees Max, wearing a bright blue ‘MAN OF THE PEOPLE’ t-shirt and white Bermuda shorts with flip-flops. He  is sitting on a stool at the center island, drinking a coffee and reading the newspaper. He peers up from the paper as Drake walks in and then sets it down on the counter, waiting for Drake to say something.]

Drake: What?

Max: How are you doing?

Drake: I’m fine.

Max: You sure?

Drake: Yeah, I’m good.

[Max notices as he limps over to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of Tropicana, opens it, and downs some juice before returning the bottle to the fridge. He hobbles over to the island where Max is sitting and plops down on a stool next across from him. He grabs Max’s cigarette pack and pulls one out. He lights it and then takes a long pull, exhaling slowly.]

Max: You know, you shouldn’t be smoking.

[Drake gives him a long, hard stare.]

Max: How are you dealing with all of this?

Drake: Maxy, I’m fine. Ok? I’m just looking forward to relaxing for a bit. I thought maybe we’d take a trip. Maybe Mexico for a couple weeks. What do you say?

Max: I wish we could.

Drake: Why can’t we?

Max: I got the call from Barry this morning. We’re booked on Climax Control.

Drake: Mother fucker! You would think after the last two weeks that I’ve had, they would be considerate enough to give me one damn week off.

Max: I was kind of surprised myself, D. But not as surprised as I was when Barry told who were booked with.

Drake: Who?

Max: You’re not gonna like it.

Drake: Just tell me.

Max: Casey Williams.

[Drake stares blankly at Max for a second before letting out a wicked looking smile.]

Drake: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Max: Why are you smiling?

Drake: Why? Because this is the best news I’ve gotten in a while. That’s why.

[A look of shock creeps over Max’s face.]

Max: We’re talking about the same Casey Williams, right? The beast that nearly squashed Ben Jordan last night? The guy that could pick you up and toss you into the fifth row if he wanted to? That Casey Williams?

Drake: Yes, Maxy. That Casey Williams.

Max: And why exactly are you smiling about this? What seems to be the happy part about this?

Drake: Are you kidding? After what his crew and that piece of shit J.J. Dixon did to me last night? This is payback, Maxy. They fired me in ACW, remember? They embarrassed me in front of all of my fans, Maxy. I start with Casey. Then I finish with Dixon.

[Drake turns to walk toward the living room but stops himself after a few steps. He shuts his eyes and tries to bear the pain that his body in. He tries to hide it inside and keep it from Max, but he isn’t fooling anyone.]

Max: Yeah, you’re gonna beat down Casey Williams, huh? You can’t even make it to the couch, can you?

Drake: I can make it just fine.

[Drake starts off again, this time pushing all the way to the sectional sofa in the grand living room. He plops himself on the couch and sets him right leg up on the coffee table. He leans his head back toward the ceiling and stairs and the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. He closes his eyes for a bit before being interrupted by Max who just walked in.]

Max: I’m worried about ya, D. You haven’t been yourself lately.

Drake: I’m fine.

Max: Ok, D. Its’ just…if you get in to the ring with a guy like that….and you’re hurt like you are…it could be bad.

[Drake turns to Max who is still standing in the hallway, facing in toward the living room.]

Drake: I appreciate your concern, Max. I really do. I mean that. You’re the only family I really have anymore, save for that crazy sister of mine, and I need you. But I also need this match. I need to choke the ever living shit out of that overgrown three hundred pound piece of trash. It needs to start somewhere.

Max: I’m not your boss, D. All I can do it offer you my advice. But I understand how you feel. I’m with you if you need me.

Drake: You know I do.

Max: Ok. Let’s take at least a couple days off.

Drake: At least.

[They smile at each other as Max leaves the room and Drake goes back to staring at the giant chandelier. He takes a few deep breaths and tries to stomach the pain of his cracked ribs. The camera fades out as Drake shuts his eyes.]

August 30th, 2013  7:45 pm

[The camera fades back in to Drake, sitting in his chair in front of the camera. He is wearing a black Adidas track suit and cross trainer sneakers on. His hair is dark and spikey as always and his face is as unshaven as it has been in a while. Gone are the stitches above his eye, replaced by just a winged Band-Aid. Drake stares intensely at the camera for a moment before picking up the small remote and clicking it on.]

Drake: Casey Williams. The Freight Train of Pain. I guess before a week ago I didn’t have much of an opinion of you at all. You’re the typical big guy in professional wrestling. Not much to really say. Not that you aren’t a bit impressive. Your strength is all but unmatched, at least in Sin City or All-Pro. I guess I can say you’re somewhat of a scary dude.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: I was really confused as to why you decided to join up with Dixon. At first I thought, yeah Casey is kind of a dick but he’s not that low is he. But then I realized what it was. Gold.

[Drake looks over his shoulder to the his desk where an empty glass display case sits. The glass display case that used to hold his Maritime Championship.]

Drake: Gold can do a lot of things to a lot of guys, Casey. It can change them, transform them. Make them in to something that at heart they truly are not. I know. I’ve seen it and lived it. I’m on a quest for gold right now myself. But with you, with you there is something more to it. I don’t think it was just all gold. Sure that was a good part of it but it was more to it. I figured you out though, Casey. You are a much simpler man than the rest of us. That’s not an insult by the way. It’s a little bit of a compliment actually.

[Drake lights up a cigarette.]

Drake: You like to hurt people. Really hurt people. You get off on it. And the thought of pairing and aligning yourself with J.J. Dixon was the opportunity to give you all that you love. To be the first All-Pro Championship Wrestling World Champion and to really put a hurt on whoever got in your way, without and repercussions. Well guess what, big guy. You lost. You’re not champion of anything. And to add insult to injury, it was you who got beat. You who were bloody and battered.

[He takes a drag.]

Drake: So what did aligning yourself with the most disgusting, conniving, snake of a human in the world of professional wrestling get you, Casey? Nothing. You’re in the same spot you were before. Except this time a little worse for wear. You’re beaten and bit  broken.  I can see that in you. Sure, I’ve got my ass kicked around the ring the passed few weeks and I’ certainly not one hundred percent. But the beautiful thing about that Casey is that I don’t need to be. I don’t even need to be seventy five percent with you.

[He takes another drag.]

Drake: I’m actually that much better than you, Casey. Yeah I know I just lost my Maritime title to that freak of a human Lukas. And I know I just lost my first chance at the SCW Heavyweight title. The difference between you and I Casey is that those title shots are going to keep on coming. Because I make a difference. People pay money to see Mr. Showtime. I bring the asses to the seats. What do you do? Oh yeah, you suck J.J. Dixon’s ass all the way to the loss column. So say what you will. I invite it. There’s only one possible outcome for our match. On Sunday, my quest for revenge begins. I promise to all who will listen, I will make Dixon pay. Unfortunately for you, Casey. You come first.

[He puts his cigarette out.]

Drake: Don’t worry though, Casey. You’re not my only goal here on Climax Control. I have another one. Now that I’ve shredded myself of some other gold, it’s time to look on to the next. Soon I’ll have what’s coming to me. A real shot at Kevin Carter’s gold. Not some bullshit match with tons of people in it. A real one on one match where Kevin knows he can’t beat me. If he wonders why the good people of high seas booed him that night, it’s because they only wanted one person walking off that ship with the SCW Heavyweight title. And it sure wasn’t his old ass.

[Drake leans forward.]

Drake: Anyway, first thing is first. I’ll put you out quick. It would be quite the story to make the Freight Train tap. See you soon, Casey. Rest up. You’re gonna need it.

[The camera cuts out as Drake hits the power button on the remote control.]

Climax Control Archives / A Weird Evening...
« on: July 13, 2013, 12:55:17 AM »
 July 11th 2013 8:50 pm

[The camera fades in to a dimly lit restaurant. A soft piano is playing in the distance as the patrons enjoy a quiet dinner on this warm Las Vegas evening. The walls of the restaurant are covered by what seems to be exposed dark gray brick, but as you look closer you can see it’s just a plastic façade. Large, burning candle sconces are fastened to the walls every four feet or so to help sell the castle feel the restaurant seems to be going for. The camera pans around the large dining room focusing on different patrons. An older couple sitting against the back wall, celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, shares a champagne toast together. A young lesbian couple seems to be having an argument as they go back and forth but try desperately to keep their body language and voice levels down.

The camera comes to a halt on a small table in the center of the dining room. A young woman with strawberry blonde hair, wearing a bright lime green dress with a floral print on it and matching heels, sits across from her date. A good looking young man with dark hair in a makeshift faux-hawk, stubble on his cheeks and chin, and bright green eyes. He is wearing a dark blue blazer, a white and blue pinstriped shirt with an open collar, blue jeans and white Puma sneaker. He is Drake Green and he is on his date the waitress with the southern drawl, April.]

April: So that’s when my Daddy upped and moved us to Nevada. Right when the cattle ranch was opened.

Drake: And where are you from exactly?

April: Texarkana. The Texas.

Drake: I didn’t know there was any other side.

April: Well, being in Texarkana gives you quite a unique opportunity. See, you can stand in both Texas and Arkansas just by moving a couple little feet.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: Isn’t that something.

[April smiles back.]

April: Are you mocking me, Drake?

Drake: I wouldn’t think of it.

[The two lock eyes and smile for a moment.


A waiter opening another bottle of champagne for the older couple startles them.]

April: Gee, that was loud.

Drake: Isn’t that something?

[Drake looks back over at the older couple.]

Drake: These two people have been together for fifty years. That’s nearly two of me.

April: That is two of me.

Drake: I can’t even imagine what that’s like.

April: I can, two soul mates spending their entire lives together. What an amazing feeling that must be.

[Drake looks back at her.]

Drake: You wanna get outta here?

April: I told my Daddy I’d be home by midnight, Drake.

[Drake gets up and pulls his chair around the table next to hers. He sits down, grabs her hand in his and gives it a quick kiss. He looks up at her and smiles.]

Drake: I’ll have you home by 11:45.

[April bites her lip gently and smiles back at him again.]

April: Okay.

[The camera cuts to Drake and April walking down a quiet street holding hands. There are several people on the street, all walking quietly. Drake has thrown his blue blazer over the shoulders of April as they walk.]

April: So tell me something I don’t know about you.

Drake: Like what?

April: I don’t know. How about here you got that name Drake? Not very common.

Drake: It’s a family name. It was my mother’s maiden name. She was an only child and she wanted her family name to live on.

April: That’s sweet. Where are they now, your parents?

Drake: Not around anymore.

[April stops walking and turns to Drake.]

April: I’m so sorry, I had no idea-

Drake: No, it’s ok. Its’ been along time now. My mom passed when I was only a few weeks old. My dad…I was seven.

April: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Drake: I do. I have a younger sister. She lives somewhere in Oregon now with her hippy boyfriend. I haven’t seen here in a few years.

April: Just one sister?

[Drake thinks for a moment. He thinks about his best friend, his brother Nick who passes away just over seven years ago. He thinks about how much he misses him and how great things would be if he was still around.]

Drake: Yeah. Just the one.

[They start walking again.]

April: Tell me about her.

Drake: Not much to tell. She’s two years younger than me and she’s a nutcase. Smokes alotta weed and plays guitar. Last time I spoke with her was Christmas time. She asked me for some money to fix her car and promised to pay me back before the end of January.

April: Well, she’s only a few months late.

Drake: That was Christmas 2011.

[The two share a chuckle as they come up to a quaint little row house.]

April: This is me.

Drake: So it is.

April: Thanks for such a great night, Drake.

Drake: No. Thank you. This was really refreshing.

[April takes Drake’s blue blazer off of her shoulders and hands back to him. She smiles with her eyes at him and then extends her hand toward him. Drake smiles back at her and hesitantly grabs her hand and shakes it.]

April: Goodnight, Drake. I hope we get to do this again soon.

Drake: Me too.

[Drake pulls April close to him and moves in for a kiss but she moves her head slightly to the right and away from Drake’s lips.]

Drake: What’s wrong?

April: I’m not the “Kiss on the First Date’ type of girl, Drake. I’m sorry.

Drake: No, don’t be sorry. Are you kidding me? I like that.

April: Are you sure?

Drake: Yes.

April: Ok, good. ‘Cause I can’t wait to see you again.
Drake: How about next Tuesday?

April: It’s a date!

Drake: Great. I’ll see you then.

[April slowly moves a way holding on to Drake’s hand as long as possible. She finally lets his grip slips away and she smiles as she disappears behind her front door.  As he turns around he throws his blazer back on and then pulls his iPhone out of his pocket. He turns it back on to see he has 6 new voicemails. He sees that they are all from Max so he calls him back right away.




Finally Max answers.]

Max: D.

Drake: Max, what’s going on?

Max: You better come home, D.

Drake: Everything ok?

Max: You gotta see this.

Drake: Ok. I’m on my way home.

[The camera cuts out.]

July 12th 2013 12:30 am

[The camera fades back in to the exterior of Drake’s home. A black Porsche Cayenne GTS speeds up the driveway and screeches to a halt right in front of the blue stone walkway that leads to the front door. Drake gets out of the car, still in his blue blazer, and walks briskly up to the front door. As he gets the he can see Max, who is wearing a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, standing with Barry, who is wearing black jeans and boots, a black and white striped button down with an open collar, and a pink blazer. As he gets closer he can see what they’re staring at. There are words that seem like they’re painted on in red to the large double front doors.


As Drake gets closer Max turns around to him.]

Max: Can you believe this shit?

Barry: Some fucking, young punks.

[Drake walks up close to the door and examines the writing.]

Drake: What does it mean?

Max: I don’t know.

[Drake touches it with his fingers.]

Drake: It’s thick. Doesn’t feel like paint.

Barry: I don’t know, champ. It gives me the fucking creeps.

Drake: What do you think, Max? Kids?

Barry: Who else could it be?

Max: Could be Nick Jones. He’s known to purposely do shit to mess with people.

Drake: Yeah, but this isn’t him. Can we get this cleaned up?

Max: I already called the cleaning crew. They’ll be hear in the morning.

Barry: Thank fucking god. I thought I was gonna have to stop coming over here. Thought this place was cursed.

Drake: Yeah, right.

[Drake pulls open the front door and heads into the his home. Barry and Max follow suit. They get into the living and Drake throws his blue blazer down on the couch.]

Drake: I’ll be right back.

Barry: We still going out?

Drake: Yeah. Give me like fifteen minutes.

[Drake walks through a door on the other side of the living room and into a small office. On the back wall are several championship belts enclosed in glass cases, along with a framed “Action Packed” t-shirt and a signed copy of Slamfest Magazine with Jordan Williams on it. Across from the memorabilia wall is a chair with a small table next to it with a green screen behind it, sitting in front of a camera. On the table sits a remote control, an ash try, a lighter, and a cigarette. A small smile creeps over Drake’s face as he walks over to the chair and plops down. He picks up the stogey and sparks it up. He takes a few strong pulls and a slight sense of euphoria fills his body. His smile gets bigger as he picks up the camera’s remote control and clicks it on.]

Drake: Nick, my good friend Nick.

[Drake giggles.]

Drake: take that word for a second. Friend. What does it mean? It means trust. It means companionship. It means…oh fuck who knows. I certainly don’t any more and quite honestly I don’t know if I give a shit. There’s something about though, something that gives me a little warm fuzzy feeling inside. I rented the Wrestleclassic PPV when you beat Blade Alexander for the title. I remember watching you thinking, this guy is a real douchebag.

[Drake laughs as he takes another pull off the cigarette.]

Drake: You were the one. When I signed on that dotted line, this is the match that I wanted. Ever since that Wrestleclassic , I wanted to punch you in the face. I mean, really just smack you. I don’t want to beat you. Don’t tell Barry I said that, he’ll have a fucking heart attack. He’s angry enough this match isn’t on a PPV. He keeps going on and on about losing money. I don’t care about any of that though. I just care about one thing, Nick.

[There’s a loud knock on the door.]

Barry: Come on we’ve got a 2:30 appointment.

Drake: I’ll be right there.

[Drake turns back to the camera.]

Drake: I just want them to cheer my name. And they’ll do that Nick. They’ll do it if I drop you and they’ll do it if I lose. Do you know why? Because they love me. I’m not some sad selfish man like you. A man that needs to constantly talk about how great he is and how wonderful and amazing his accomplishments are. Because none of them matter, Nick. If the fans don’t love you then what is it for? Personal pleasure? Ego? None of that fits here, bro. So go on, make like you and be a douchebag.

[Drake gets up and clicks the camera off. He takes one last long pull of that smoke and then heads toward the living room and the camera fades out.]

July 12th 2013 2:30 am

[Barry and Drake are walking down a narrow path in what seams like woods, which is odd for the middle of Nevada. They get to what looks like a small shack, with run down shingles on blacked out windows.]

Drake: This can’t be it.

Barry: What?

Drake: You thought that graffiti on my front door was creepy and look where you’re bring me in the middle of the night.

Barry: Just trust me ok. This guy is the fucking man.

Drake: Ok.

[They step up to the door and Barry knocks three times.]


[A screechy female voice from inside pokes through the wooden door.]


Barry: It’s Barry. We’ve got the 2:30.

[The door creeks open and standing in front of them is a thirty-something year old woman with long light brown hair standing in heels, a bra, and panties. Attached to the strap of her bra is the number “7” in glitter paper. She starts to talk to them in a very monotone, cigarette influenced voice.]

Seven: Welcome to Ali’s Therapeutic Services. Ali is a very busy man and although you have an appointment for 2:30, I need to assess the importance of the situation. Please, on a scale from 1 to 10, please elaborate on the gravity of your situation.

[Barry and Drake turn to each other and shrug.]

Barry: Let’s say a six.

Drake: I was gonna say five.

Seven: Well?

Barry: Five and a half.

Seven: Right this way.

[The woman leads them down a narrow passageway into what looks like a waiting room. There is another thirty-something year old woman standing behind counter in the same uniform; heels, bra, panties. She has a number “3” pinned to her bra strap. Sitting on a bench is a young man in a plaid shirt and blue jeans. His hair is messy and his glasses have extremely thick lenses.]

Seven: Please have a seat here and wait for your name to be called.

[Drake and Barry take a seat next to the young man on the bench and watch the woman walk away. Barry turns to Drake and smiles.]

Barry: Huh? Pretty fucking awesome huh?

Drake: Barry…did you take me to a whorehouse?

Barry: No. This is Ali, man. This guys is the real fucking deal. He’s a shaman from India or Pakistan some Fucking-stan. He knows his shit.

Drake: Some fucking-stan? Really?

Barry: Look, just trust me ok? I know things like this.

Drake: Ok, Barry. I trust you. But if one of these Newport smoking housewives tries to touch my junk I’m outta here.

[Just then, the woman from behind the counter calls out for them.]

Three: Mr. Green?

[Drake stands up.]

Drake: That’s me.

Three: Ali will see you now.

[Just as Barry and Drake start to make their way into the room, the young man from the bench stands up and interrupts.]

Man: Excuse me? Excuse me?

Three: Yes sir?

Man: I….I…I had a 2:15 appointment. It’s now 2:33 and I’m still waiting. This isn’t fair. These guys just got here.

Three: Sir, we’re going to have to ask you sit back down.

Man: This isn’t fair. I demand to see Ali. I will not stand for this.

Three: Sir, if you do not sit down and relax we’re going to have to ask you to leave.

Man: But-

Three: But, nothing. These gentleman are a 5 and a half. You sir, are a 12. Now sit down.

[Drake and Barry chuckle to themselves as the young man sits back down.]

Three: My apologies, gentlemen. Please follow me.

[Drake and Barry continue to follow the woman down the narrow hallway.]

Barry: Look, champ. Ali is a very serious guy. Don’t get disappointed if he doesn’t even acknowledge that you’re in the room.

Drake: That’s cool.

Barry: Ok, good. I just don’t want you to get upset or anything.

Drake: Me?

Barry: I know, I know. Just a disclaimer.

Drake: I think I’ll be ok.

[They get to another door and she knocks three times.]


[The door opens to reveal yet another woman, this one blonde, wearing the same uniform; heels, bra, panties. This lady has a glittery “9” attached to her bra strap.]

Nine: Come in, please.

[She smiles intently at Drake as the two men walk in. They walk passed her and around another corner. They turn into what seems to be a room draped in black sheets. At the center of the room is a bed of pillows sitting in front of a rather large middle-eastern looking man with his eyes closed, wearing a black robe and a large gold turban. As the two men get closer he stops them.]

Ali: Who’s there?

Barry: Hey Ali, its-

Ali: Goldstein? Barry Goldstein?

Barry: Yes. Yeah it’s me.

Ali: Barry Goldstein 2004 Premature ejaculation. 2007 erectile dysfunction.

Barry: Hey-

Ali: 2009 erectile dysfunction again.

Barry: Ok-

Ali: 2011 Premature ejaculation and night terrors.

Drake: Night terrors?

Barry: My last divorce.

Drake: Ah.

[Ali opens his eyes and motions for them to come sit down.]

Ali: Tell me, Barry. What can I do for you today?

[Drake and Barry sit.]

Barry: Actually-

Ali: Mr. Showtime?

Drake: You got me.

Ali: Oh my god, my kids are never going to believe this. Nine! My camera!

[The woman walks over with a camera.]

Ali: Take a picture of me and the Showstopper.

[Ali leans in and puts his arm around Drake as she takes a picture.]

Ali: This is so exciting. Please, tell me why I have been bestowed such an honor.

Drake: Actually, I don’t know. Barry here thought it’d be a good idea for me to come here.

Ali: Barry? Please elaborate. Fill us all in.

Barry: Well since you know him so well, Champ here’s got a big match coming up. I thought maybe a little bit of your wisdom could help us out a little bit.

Ali: Ok, how can I help?

Barry: I don’t know, man. Maybe a couple of Hail Allah’s or something?

[Ali laughs.]

Ali: Barry this is not what I do here. You know that. Please, Drake. Tell me about this match. Who is it against and how can Ali help you?

Drake: Well it’s Nick Jones. And I thought maybe you can give me some guidance as far as how to focus my energy or something.

Ali: I see. Nick Jones is indeed a formidable opponent. He is also a douchebag.

Drake: I know! That’s what I was just saying a little while ago.

Ali: Up top my brother!

[Ali holds out his hand for a high five and Drake obliges.]

Ali: Ok, Drake. I may have a way to help you. Please, let us hold hands.

[All three men grab each other’s hands in a circular set up. Ali closes his eyes and he very softly starts to chant some ethnic words. After a moment his eyes open and suddenly drops both Drake’s and Barry’s hands.]

Drake: What is it?

Ali: I cannot help you.

Barry: What?

Drake: Why not?

Ali: I do not wish to discuss this any further. Nine!

[The woman walks back over.]

Drake: No wait. You gotta give me something here, Ali.

[Ali looks at Drake and pauses for what seems like an eternity.]

Ali: You are surrounded by darkness, Mr. Green.

Drake: What do you mean?

Ali: That is as much as I can say.

Drake: Bullshit.

Barry: Hey, Drake-

Drake: No. I want to hear this.

Ali: Ok, fine. There is a shroud of ugliness that surrounds you. It is not an internal darkness, Mr. Green. It is something that is coming for you. It will over power you and there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening.

Drake: What does that mean?

Ali: It means that someone, not someone near you now, but someone is coming for you Mr. Green and when he does, it may not be smart to be around.

Barry: The door…

Green: Isn’t there something I can do to stop it?

Ali: You cannot wash water and you cannot burn fire. Some things, Mr. Green, some things you just cannot change.

Green: Who is it? Is it Nick Jones?

Ali: I cannot say.

Green: What the fuck does that mean?

Ali: It means that I cannot say. Now if you will excuse me I have another appointment waiting.

Green: This is bullshit.

[Drake and Barry get up and walk toward the door. Just before they leave, Drake turns around and walks back toward Ali.]

Drake: You know what?

[Drake picks up Ali’s camera and throws it on the ground and then stomps on it, breaking it to tiny little pieces.]

Drake: There. There’s something dark for you.

[Drake storms passed Barry and out of the room as the camera fades to black.]

July 13th 2013 4:00 pm

[The camera fades into a dressing room. Drake Green is pacing back and forth in front of the vanity and the small sofa. He is wearing a light gray suit, brown shoes, and an open collar lavender shirt. Max is sitting on the couch, wearing a black suit and a white shirt with a black tie. He looks up at Drake who is nervously pacing back and forth.]

Max: You ok, D?

Drake: Yeah, I’m fine.

Max: You’re not still bugged out by that whole shaman thing are you?

Drake: …

Max: I fucking told Barry not to being you there. It was only gonna fuck with your head.

Drake: It’s not that.

Max: What is it?

Drake: It’s everything. Its; the graffiti, the weird letters that Barry keeps getting that are addressed to me, the hang ups I get at the house. And the weirdest part, I keep feeling like there is someone watching my when I’m sleeping.

Max: This guy really got you, D. Maybe we should cancel the match with Nick Jones.

Drake: What? No way. You know how many people bought tickets to see me? I couldn’t do that to them. What time is this thing anyway?

Max: I don’t know. Barry said four o’clock so it should be soon.

[Just then there’s a loud knock at the door. Drake walks over and answers it and there is young man wearing a headset, a polo shirt, and khaki shorts.]

Man: They’re ready for you, Mr. Green.

Drake: Ok, I’ll be right out.

Man: Sure thing.

[The young man shuts the door.]

Drake: How do I look?

Max: Like a champion.

Drake: Ok, good. I’ll see you out there.

[Drake opens the door up and sees the young man with the headset. He follows him through the hallways, up a small set of stairs and then onto a stage where there is a place for him to sit in front of a crowd for a press junket. Standing in front of the table is a heavyset woman with short dark hair. She comes the reporters down.]

Woman: Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I’m sure you all know who this is. You’ll have 30 minutes to ask all of your questions. Will begin with Trisha Geer.

Reporter 1: Drake, how confident are you feeling coming in to this match with Nick Jones.

Drake: Pretty confident, Trisha. I always try to approach every match the same. I just prepare mentally and physically and try to make sure I’m at my best on Wrestleday.

Reporter 2: Are any at all intimidated by Nick Jones?

Drake: No. Not at all. Look, I’m not gonna sit up here and say Nick Jones sucks ‘cause it just isn’t gonna happen. The dude is tough, Tougher than most people I know but that’s not what makes him as good as he is. Its’ the trash talking. He gets in your head and he doesn’t leave until he knows he has you beat.

Reporter 3: Do you think you’re gonna win.

Drake: I try not to play those guessing games, Miss. It rarely turns out ways you would suspect it. My focus on Sunday night is to put on a show. Because hey, I am the Greatest Show on Earth and that’s what the fans pay to see. I’m gonna make sure they get a match that they’ll never forget.

Reporter 2: So what is your overall opinion of the man?

Drake: He’s a d-

[Drake stops himself from using curse words in front of children.]

Drake: He’s at the forefront of the SCW title picture and he should be. He’s the company’s top guy and he’s got a Man of The Year award too. Not to mention all of that and more but he’s the only two-time SCW Heavyweight Champion. Which means if I beat him I’m likely in the Simon Jones category.

Reporter 1: So do you see yourself in the SCW Main Event going forward if you do in fact beat Nick Jones at Climax Control on Sunday?

Drake: I think we’ll see that either way. The truth is the people love me. I’m there guy. So even if I lose, they still want me in the main event, so that’s where I’ll be. I’d love to sit here and chat but I got a trainer that’s really up my ass. Don’t forget to catch Climax Control live on Sunday.

[Drake gets up and walks out of the pressroom as reporters try to sneak in more questions. He walks through the door to the backstage area and the camera fades out.]

Climax Control Archives / Settling In
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:50:27 PM »
 June 29th, 2013 10:30 pm

[The camera fades in to a big, bright, open casino floor. The smell of fresh cigarette smoke lingers through the air. The loud sounds of the crowds of people hovering over their respective gaming tables is cut repeatedly and rather dramatically by the unnerving high decibel sirens coming from the jackpot winners and slot machines. The camera begins to follow a cocktail waitress through the sea of tables. She is wearing a black corset, a small and tight black skirt, black stockings and tall black heels. She is carrying a tray full of different cocktails and packs of cigarettes. She stops along the way at a few tables to deliver drink and take more orders. She finally makes her way to the black jack table. Sitting across from the dealer are three men and one older woman.

From right to left there is a tall African-American male with a bald head and a thick goatee. He is wearing a loose fitting blue button up short sleeve shirt. Next to him is the older woman who has her up tightly in a bun and is wearing shiny, almost reflective, gold button up blouse and big, dangly red earrings that match her bright red lipstick. Next to her sits a very nervous, and very sweaty Barry Goldstein. He is wearing a pink dress shirt and a light blue tie. His sleeves are rolled up and his top button is left open. He is wearing brown, oversized sunglasses and his blonde hair is ruffled in a mess. Next to him sits Drake Green. Drake is wearing a loose fitting navy blue polo shirt and dark jeans. His hair is a bit unkempt and longer than usual. He nervously rubs his black and white Converse sneakers together before he notices the waitress.]

Drake: Oh thank god.

[The waitress comes over and hands Drake a plastic cup full of ice and scotch. He hands her a chip out of his stack and then takes a long, large gulp of his drink. She walks over and exchanges a full beer with an empty one from the man at the end of the table and then walks away. Drake turns back to the dealer.]

Dealer: Sir?

Drake: Yeah, yeah. I’m thinking.

[Drake looks down at his cards and sees a “King” and a “Six”. He swallows a bit more scotch and then picks up the cigarette from the ashtray sitting in front of him and takes a long pull. He looks across the way at the dealer’s cards. Another “King” stares back at that sits next to a face down card. He concentrates hard for a moment on the face down card as he takes another long pull from the cigarette. He exhales and then looks back up at the dealer.]

Drake: Hit me.

[The dealer turns over a “Four” and Drake lets out a sigh of relief. The relief however, lasts only for a moment until the dealer reaches for his face down card. His heart pumps as the dealer turns it over. “Five”. His heart pumps even harder and louder as the dealer reaches for an extra card. He pulls it out of the shoe and flips it over. “Jack”. Drake and Barry hug each other as scream out in joy.]

Drake: YES!

Barry: I knew that motherfucker would bust!

Drake: Ah god damn I love me some black jack!

Barry: How does it feel?

Drake: It feels great.

Barry: I fucking love Vegas. Let’s cash out and go find some blow.

[Drake laughs.]

Drake: I’ll cash out but you’re on your own with the blow.

Barry: You’re right. You’ve got that Lacoste thing going on. We’ll get geeked up later at the club.

[Drake and Barry pick up their chips and walk toward the cashier booth.]

Drake: I don’t wanna keep disappointing you but I’m not doing cocaine with you.

[Barry laughs.]

Barry: Hey! A boy can dream can’t he?

[They get to the cashier booth and they both get their money. Drake takes out his wallet and puts the few hundred dollar bills back into his wallet and puts it into his wallet. He turns to Barry who pulls a baseball-sized wad of cash out and adds his newly acquired dough to it.]

Drake: Jesus, Barry. What the fuck?

Barry: What? I got two ex-wives. Cash is king, bitch.

[Drake laughs again.]

Drake: Do you know where I’m supposed to go for this Lacoste thing?

Barry: Yeah, Body English. But you can’t go like that, Champ.

[Drake looks over his clothes.]

Drake: What’s wrong with this. It’s a Lacoste shirt.

[Barry smiles.]

Barry: Your hair. It’s a mess. It looks like you rolled out of bed nine months after your last haircut.

[Drake turns to look at his reflection on a reflective piece of medal on the wall.]

Drake: I guess it’s a little messy. Fuck.

[Drake looks around the hallway in the hotel casino. He spots a gift shop and walks that way.]

Drake: I got an idea.

Barry: What? You gonna cut your hair with a keychain?

Drake: Funny.

[They walk in to the gift shop and Drake picks a flat style hat up off of the rack He puts it on and turns to Barry.]

Drake: What do you think?

Barry: I think you look like the caddy I fired last week.

Drake: Great. Let’s rock on.

[Drake walks over to the counter and pays for his hat. They make their way through the corridors of the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. They find an elevator and take it down two floors. As they leave the elevator they make a right and head down a long hallway. At the end of the hallway stands a tall, well-built man in his late forties. Wearing a gray suit and a black, open-collared shirt underneath, the man shouts out to Drake and Barry. Upon hearing his voice, Drake and Barry recognize him as Max.]

Max: It’s about time assholes.

Drake: Don’t blame us. Blame the tables.

Max: I blame him.

[Max points at Barry.]

Barry: What’s new? I could be a thousand miles away and you would still blame me.

Max: Do you guys have any idea what time it is? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Drake: Don’t worry, Maxy. I’m here now.

Max: And what the hell are you wearing on your head? Why are you not wearing a suit?

Drake: It’s Lacoste remember?

Max: Just come on. Get in here.

[The three men step into a small white room with a large “Lacoste” sign on the wall. After a moment, a short, blue-eyed brunette walks in wearing a tight red skirt and an even tighter black tank top. She is holding a clipboard and walks right up to Drake.]

Brunette: Mr. Green?

[Barry interjects.]

Barry: That’s Mr. Showtime, sweet tits.

Drake: Please excuse him.

[The woman holds back a faint smile as she speaks to Drake, not paying much attention to either of the other two men.]

Brunette: Would you mind signing here, Mr. Showtime?

[Drake smiles back at her.]

Drake: Not at all. What’s this for?

Brunette: This is a disclaimer saying that Body English and the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel are in no way liable for any and all damages, both emotional and physical, that may be incurred while you appear in this event.

Drake: Wow.

Brunette: We call this the Pauly Shore form.

Barry: Ah. I get it now.

[Drake grabs her pen and signs the form and she hands him a piece of paper.]

Brunette: And this is for you.

[Drake looks at the piece of paper and then back up at her. They smile at each other for a moment.]

Brunette: Have a good time tonight, Mr. Showtime.

Drake: I’ll try.

[They smile at each other again as she leaves the room.]

Max: What did she give you?

Drake: A phone number and what looks like a room number.

Barry: Give me that.

[Barry snatches the piece of paper out of his hand.]

Drake: You’re a dick.

Barry: Oh man. What I would give to have your body for one day.

Drake: I don’t know if you could handle it.

[Drake takes the piece of paper back from Barry. He folds it up and puts it in his pocket.]

Barry: Look, I’m gonna hit the tables. You guys have fun and I’ll see you tomorrow. Remember we gotta meet Christie the realtor at 10 am.

Max: Who?

Barry: Christie… the realtor?

[Barry holds his hands out in front of his chest to mimic large breasts.]

Max: Oh. Yes.

Barry: See you in the morning.

Drake: Later, Bar. Don’t lose all that cash.

Barry: Please! I’m gonna burn this bitch down, kid.

[Barry ducks out the door and closes it behind him.]

Max: So you ok, D?

Drake: Yeah, of course. What’s up?

Max: It’s just that we haven’t had much time to talk since the whole Jericho Hill thing.

Drake: Jesus, Max. You’re acting like I lost or something.

Max: Not at all it’s just that I know how much that one meant to you. Your first singles match in SCW, your first Pay Per View match in SCW. Plus I know you really wanted to kick that guy’s teeth in.

Drake: I’m good, Maxy. I’m great. I’m moving on. To bigger and better things.

Max: That’s right to the ‘Main Attraction’ no less.

Drake: Yeah. I tell you this guy is good, Maxy. I mean real good.

Max: Aren’t they all?

Drake: Not like this. This guy is the real deal. This is the kind of match that we came to Vegas for. He’s no Ben Jordan but I had a lot more time to train for Ben.

Max: Well fuck me if I’m wrong but you sound a little worried there, D.

Drake: What? Me? Worried isn’t the word, Maxy. Focused. That’s the right word. This one puts me in the picture, man. I take this guy down and I’m one, maybe two steps away from Simon Jones or whoever. This is big.

Max: I have to tell you that I’m a little surprised that you are taking this guy so seriously.

Drake: Why?

Max: Ever since we moved here all you’ve wanted to do is hit the tables and the bars with Barry.

Drake: Are you jealous, Maxy?

Max: No I’m not jealous. I’m annoyed. I’m annoyed you’re not hitting the gym and watching film. Before we came out here you were a monster in the gym and the film room. Now it’s just party central with you.

Drake: I know. I’m focused though. I’m here. We’re gonna do this. Right after I go out there and lap dances from strippers in Lacoste bathing suits while Lacoste pays me $25,000.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: Love him or hate him, Barry gets us paid.

Max: Yes he certainly does.

Drake: I promise tomorrow morning. The gym bright and early and then we go look at this apartment. I think this is the one.

Max: Alright, D. Go have fun out there.

Drake: I will. Come here, bro.

[Drake gives Max a big hug.]

Drake: It’s me and you, Maxy. To the top.

Max: You got it, kid. Now go enjoy yourself. I’ll see you in the morning.

[The camera fades out as Drake walks out of the room.]

June 30th, 2013 10:15 am

[The camera fades back in to the outside of a large, contemporary looking home. The home is most likely made of brick, with sand colored stucco covering the whole structure. There are several large windows in the front, nearly the whole height of the home. Beautifully architected landscape surrounds the large villa with different types of trees and shrubbery. A large bluestone walkway leads from the large oak front door down to the driveway. A BMW X5 is parked at the top of the driveway. A Porsche Cayenne pulls in behind it, with Max at the wheel.

Max steps out first, wearing light gray pants, white sneakers, and a dark blue v-neck sweater with the sleeves pushed up. Out from the back seat steps Barry. He is wearing the same clothes as last night: A pink dress shirt very wrinkled and black slacks. His tie is gone but his large sunglasses cover his no doubt hung over eyes. If that isn’t a give away, his extra large ‘Seattle’s Best’ coffee is. Out from the front passenger seat steps Drake. Wearing a white v-neck t-shirt, blue jeans, and white ‘Puma’ sneakers. His eyes are hidden as well, covered by large reflective Aviator sunglasses. He pulls them down to get a better glimpse of the home.]

Drake: Holy shit, Barry. You’ve got to be fucking with me.

Barry: Nope. This is it.

Max: Mother of god, D.

Drake: This has to be the main house. We must be renting the guest cottage or something. I pad double for a one bedroom in New York.

Barry: Well champ, we ain’t in New York no more.

[Just then a click-clack of heels can be heard shuffling down the bluestone walkway. All three men look over to the see a slightly heavy blonde woman in a bright red business suit, with her in a giant bun, come running down toward them. As she runs her giant breasts bounce up and down in an almost comic-like fashion.]

Christie: Yoo hoo! Barry!

[Max turns to Drake and whispers.]

Max: This is the really hot realtor?

[Drake chuckles.]

Barry: Christie, my love. Where’ve you been all my life?

[Christie runs up and gives Barry a big hug.]

Barry: What did I tell you boys? Biggest tits in Vegas right here.

Christie: Oh Barry, stop it! You’re such a joker!

Barry: I’m not kidding baby.

[Max extends his hand toward Christie.]

Max: Hi, Christie. My name is Max.

Drake: And I’m Drake.

Christie: Hello, Max. Helloooo, Drake. I’ve heard so much about you, Mr. Showtime.

Drake: All good things I hope.

[Christie stares Drake up and down.]

Christie: All good, baby. Now come. You boys are late and I got an 11 o’clock.

[The three men follow Christie back up the bluestone walkway. They get to the front door and Christie opens the door and they walk in to a magnificent foyer with marble tile and a large marble fountain that has water flowing through it.]

Max: Jesus, D.

Drake: This is a joke right, Christie?

Christie: No, Drake. This is Las Vegas. The entire place comes furnished and is available for a six-month lease only. The owner doesn’t like to do one year but you can renew as many times as you like.

Drake: I’ll take it.

Max: D, don’t you want to see the rest of it?

Drake: No, I’m good. I’ll take it. There’s a pool right?

Christie: Yes with a separate pool house that doubles a guesthouse. It has one bedroom, a working kitchen, and a full bathroom.

Drake: Look at that, Maxy. You get your own guesthouse.

Christie: When would you like to move in, Drake?

Barry: Hey, Christie? You mind if I have a moment alone with my client?

Christie: Of course not Barry. I’ll be in the kitchen.

[Barry waits for Christie to walk out of the room and then turns Max and Drake.]

Barry: Look, Champ. Now may not be the best time to lock yourself in to a lease like this.

Drake: What are you talking about? This is a third of the rent I was paying in New York and look at the place.

Barry: I know that but things were different then.

Drake: How so?

Barry: Well for starters you were making a lot more fucking money. We had all that alliance cash coming in.

Max: What the fuck, Barry?

Drake: You said I was the highest paid guy in ACW. What the fuck?

Barry: You are. It just so happens that nobody makes any money in ACW and those dicks in SCW are hard balling me on some of this expense stuff.

Drake: What does that mean?

Barry: Why do you think I’ve been pushing you to do all of this extra stuff? The appearances, the commercials, all that bullshit. You need the money.

Drake: Fuck me. I can’t believe this.

Barry: Look its not that bad ok. We’re making plenty of money it’s that none of it is guaranteed right now. We gotta keep looking for it. Which if I may say so myself, I’m pretty fucking good at.

Drake: Well how do we make it guaranteed?

Max: We just bought an $80,000 Porsche, Barry! Why the fuck didn’t you say something then?

Barry: Look, its not that bad. I’m just telling you the whole picture here.

Drake: How do we make it guaranteed, Barry?

Barry: You win.

Drake: What, against Kevin Carter?

Barry: Something like that, yeah.

Drake: Something like what?

Barry: You don’t just beat Carter, ok? You beat them all, every last one of them. You get that belt and we’re golden. You do what you do and I’ll do what I do. You beat Simon Jones or whoever the fuck has that belt they won’t say no to you. They’ll give you anything you want, D.

[Drake turns to Max.]

Drake: What do you think?

Max: It does have a guesthouse. And besides, it’ll cost you a shit ton more to keep living at the Hard Rock.

[Drake thinks for a moment and then turns back to Barry.]

Drake: Don’t fuck this up, Barry. I want this house.

Barry: I got this, D. I got it.

Drake: Ok. Tell Christie I wanna move in tomorrow.

Barry: Let me grab her and you can tell her yourself.

Drake: No, Max and I got a lot of film to watch.

Barry: What are you gonna do, leave me here?

Drake: It’s your punishment.

Max: Ask Big Boobs McGee for a lift.

[Max and Drake walk out of the house and Barry calls after them.]

Barry: Guys! This isn’t funny! Fuck you, come on! God dammit!

[Drake and Max chuckle as they walk back down the bluestone patio. As they get to their SUV Drake stops Max.]

Drake: I’m gonna beat this guy right, Maxy?

Max: I don’t know, D. But I will tell you this. If he’s gonna beat you, he’s gonna get his fucking ass kicked trying to do it.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: Get in the car. We got a lot of work to do.

[Max smiles back and they both hop in the car. They drive off as Barry comes running back down the walkway.]


[The camera fades to black.]

July 4th, 2013 3:30 am
>[The camera fades back in to a dimly lit bedroom. It pans over the expensive dresser and chest of drawers. It follows the dark hard wood over to the large, antique bed. Moans are heard as the camera moves up to the mattress. Under the black satin sheets are two people making love. Their moans get louder as the camera gets closer and they climax. The man, who is on top, rolls off to the right and gasps for air. The woman, a brunette, starts to giggle. As the camera gets closer we can make out who they are. It is Drake Green and the brunette from the Lacoste event.]

Brunette: Fuck, Drake. Now I get the whole Mr. Showtime thing.

[Drake smiles.]

Drake: I need a cigarette.

[He sits up and picks up his black shorts from the floor. He throws them on and stands up. He walks over to the dresser and grabs his pack of cigarettes but they are empty.]

Drake: Shit.

Brunette: This is really your house?

Drake: Yeah. I moved in the other day.

Brunette: It’s beautiful.

Drake: Thanks. I’ll be right back. I’ve got some more cigarettes downstairs.

Brunette: Hey, come here.

[Drake turns back toward the brunette. She is laying naked in the bed with the black satin sheet covering her self, her leg sticking out in a very sexy pose. Drake leans down and gives her a long, passionate kiss.]

Brunette: Can you grab me some water?

Drake: Sure.

[Drake slides on his slippers and then heads out of the bedroom. He walks through the loft hallway and then down the large grand staircase. He walks in to the kitchen and looks for the cigarettes. He doesn’t see them anywhere. He grabs two bottles of water out of the fridge and then heads through the living room to a small room on the other side of the house. He opens the door to reveal a camera sitting in front of a green screen, a chair and a small table. On the table sits a remote control, a pack of Marlboro reds, a lighter, and an ashtray. He plops himself down in the chair and lights himself up a cigarette. As he takes a long pull he looks straight at the camera. After a moment of deliberation, he picks up the remote and clicks the camera on.]

Drake: Kevin Carter. The Main Attraction. You know there isn’t a hell of a lot I can say about you that I can’t say about myself. You’re talented, you’re good looking. I’m not being a fag or anything. Just saying you’re a good-looking dude like me. You like sex. I mean that’s all you and your crazy girl ever tweet about. Breaking each other’s shit off and what not. Which I kinda dig to be honest with you. It’s must be incredible to be in a relationship like that. I’ve never felt that before.

[Drake takes a long drag of his smoke and then scratches his head.]

Drake: Some one told me you’re a porn star. I don’t know how true that is. I don’t know if that’s something that was just a rumor through the grapevine or if there is any real fact to it or not. That’s one thing I never understood. Porn stars. I mean I understand why people watch porn. It gets you in the mood, helps you take care of business if you’re lonely. I can appreciate that. But why be a porn star. I always thought that the moment you spend with someone is special. Now I know what you’re gonna say. ‘Drake is a fruit cake’. I’m not. I don’t watch Lifetime nor do I like Mandy Moore and I don’t cry myself to sleep, or anything like that. But there are plenty of things I share with everyone. Hell I’m a celebrity for fuck’s sake. They know everything about me.

[Drake takes another drag of his cigarette and then blows the smoke up into the ceiling.]

Drake: I guess what I’m trying to get at Kevin is don’t you ever just want to wash the façade away? Stop trying to be this cool edgy, guy. I don’t need to fuck on camera because I can fuck hot pieces of ass like the Hard Rock girl up stairs with out auditioning for it. I don’t mean that as an insult to you. I hope you don’t take any of this the wrong way. I happen to have a lot of respect for you. I just don’t understand you. You talk about being the main attraction when the truth is; no one actually wants to see you. I think that’s rather sad.

[Drake takes one more pull on his smoke and then puts it out in the ashtray.]

Drake: There’s only one attraction in SCW now, Kevin. It isn’t Nick Jones or Tom Dudely. It isn’t Kain or Simon Jones either, and certainly isn’t some washed up porn star. You’re looking at him right here. He’s Mr. Showtime Drake Green. And as talented as you may be, as tough as you may seem, you’re just a stepping stone. Just a rung in a ladder on the way to the SCW Heavyweight title. Nothing more, nothing less. So until Sunday my man, take care. Good luck and god speed and remember one thing. On Sunday, it’s Showtime.

[Drake picks up the remote to the camera and shuts it off. As he does this the camera cuts out.]

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