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Supercard Archives / Re: J2H v THE ENTITY
« on: February 16, 2024, 09:02:16 AM »
J2H: So, The Entity.

His eyes were still covered by the dark sunglasses as the scene opened in a very dimly lit room. There was an air of displeasure on the face of J2H as he sat in the room, his face seemingly emotionless but the tension was there to be felt by everyone near by.

J2H: The man finally has a name. No more Mr. Video Guy, but The Entity.

He seemed to grit his teeth as he mentioned his name, a jolt of anger shooting through his body as he softly growled.

J2H: I can't believe I gave up the World Heavyweight Championship for this shit, just to end up blinded by some guy who shows up, having done his fucking homework on people and targeting me. I gave that championship up because I didn't need it, I wanted to do something fucking good and let others feel some worth and this is how I get repaid? I get some fucking clown spitting shit at me. What ever happened to good karma?

He knew he had never been the greatest guy in the world and did so much to deserve this through the years, but doing good for a change did him no favors at all.

J2H: I've been a bastard for years, I know that, I get that, I understand that I wouldn't piss on people if they were on fire, so this just might be my punishment for that, but who gave you the fucking right to be my judgement? Who gave you the right The Entity to pass judgement on me? You fucking no name prick, just show up here with your little notes on everyone, done your homework on me and this you, a man who hides behind a mask can judge me for my actions? That's what this is all about bro, it's you being a judgemental prick, deciding I'm bad, deciding I have done no good for SCW when without me, you wouldn't have even had a place to send those videos. You should be fucking worshipping me but instead you judge me?

His voice grew in anger as it flowed through his body, the more he spoke about judgement.

J2H: I've always been straight up front with people, I'm a fucking dick, and I'm good at that. I step in front of a camera or in an SCW ring, I'm a complete dick and I do what I want in SCW because I fucking can. I am star power, I am the biggest draw this place has ever seen and will ever see. When I'm done, there will never be another one like me and I know it. I'm out there to be judged by people who matter. My face is on the posters, my name is the first fucking name people think of when they think SCW. I'm young and I'm legendary. I put myself out there to be judged by people, but what about you? You're hiding behind that mask so you can't be judged. I mean I'm sure you're an ugly motherfucker anyway, most wrestlers who wear masks don't have the look for television but you might just be hiding behind that thing to judge me for a reason.

His teeth gritted, but a small smirk appeared on his face, his eyes still dead behind the glasses as he turned his head away for a second before turning back.

J2H: Let's switch this around on you. Let me tell you the real reason you sit there and judge me from behind a camera, from behind a mask. You do that because you know that you're not my fucking equal, you're not my peer, you're fucking inferior to me and you know anyone who gives a shit about wrestling, about SCW, would have shit on you if you would have stepped up face to face with me. You hide behind that fucking thing cause no one would take you seriously if you actually stepped up to me and challenged me. That's what it's all about, You want your five minutes in the sun with the best wrestler in the world, but you were scared that these people wouldn't know who you are. You're clearly a guy who is not man enough to face me, so you create all this bullshit and play games to get my attention, to make them think you're a threat.

J2H slowly tilted his head.

J2H: Well, you're not a threat but you do have my attention. I don't play fucking games when it comes to getting in that ring and that's something you're gonna find out bitch. Look at you, ya fucking coward, spitting that shit in my eyes just because you needed to get an advantage. Well that shit don't work bro. I got hit by a fucking car recently and I still got in that ring and wrestled, bled, won. You already know that though, don't you?

He felt confident in his words as he shuffled in his seat.

J2H: You already know I got hit by a car and came through it to become a champion again, because you've clearly been watching everything that's happened to me lately. You've had your eyes firmly on me just waiting for a long time to step in. Looking back, there's always been eyes burning in to my back, it's nothing new because everyone wants their time in the sun with me, everyone wants to be remembered for a big supercard match with me, but I now know your eyes were also there, peering from behind a cheap mask, counting your bottles of mist, they were always on me, so you know my history. You've seen me go through opponent after opponent. Let's be real bro, if it wasn't for me giving up that championship, I'd have been champion forever because I'm unstoppable. No matter what gets thrown at me, no matter what get's spat in my fucking face, I always get through it. Did that ever enter your tiny little mind that no matter what's thrown at me, I get through it? You've clearly watched everything I've done and why the fuck wouldn't ya? I'm J2H! The man every wrestler wishes they could be, so you've seen it all, so what makes you so fucking special?

It was a question he had asked many opponent that had fallen before him.

J2H: Fucking nothing!

Venom was attached to every word that past his lips, his dislike for the man behind the mask was more then evident.

J2H: The only thing special about you was the bus you rode to school! You have to be slow in the head to think you can just show up here and think you're better then the man who built SCW on his very own back. You must have been hit repeatedly in the head Entity if you think you're stepping in to my world and actually walking out of it alive. I didn't give a shit who you were when you showed up, you wouldn't be the first person to try and get my attention with riddles and all that bullshit, but you took something from me.

He pointed to his eyes.

J2H: For weeks I've been here trying to live life through blurred vision and blindness, for weeks I have been barely able to see my hand in front of my face. Do you know what that's like? Do you fucking know what it's like to have to be helped everywhere? Do you know what it's like to hear voices and not know where people are. Fuck, I've been hearing voices in empty rooms because the mind plays tricks on you, but the time for tricks are done. The thing is when you can't see things around you to distract you, all you can do is live in your head and I've been living in mine for weeks and you know what I've seen in my head? I've seen how many ways I want you to pay, I've seen how many ways I want to hurt you. I don't give a shit if I walk down to that ring blind, my other senses are sharp and I'm gonna know everywhere you fucking are and hurt you at every turn. Me being blinded isn't a fucking advantage, it's further proof of how damn good I am. You can take away anything from me but the only way you fucking beat me is to take away my life.

He knew he had been in bad situations before, in pain while walking down to the ring, but never had one of his senses taken away, yet for some strange reason, he still felt confident.

J2H: You've done all this homework on me, you know there's no quit in me, so do you really think taking away my vision is gonna help you much? You're more deluded then people think if you think you're walking away beating me. You're just another guy showing up, trying to make a name for yourself using prison yard mentality and going for the biggest dog in the yard. I will always be that guy as long as I'm here, I'll always be everyone's target so you doing this, just another bitch shooting your shot and failing. Just another bitch with stars in their eyes, head in the clouds thinking they can do something hundreds have tried and failed doing. So many think they can just step in here and take down the best here and fall on their faces without all the bullshit and you will do the same.

He had been in this situation before, facing the unexpected and always seemed to come out on top.

J2H: This isn't no bullshit little place where the top guys can't hang anywhere else. This is the place where the words top guys actually mean something. I made it that way and no little bitch is coming in here and taking that away from me. The Entity, you are that little bitch and no, you will not be taking down the palace that I built. You will not be ripping down what I created for your own little fun and games. This is where I take care of my business and blind or not, I will still take care of business, I will still fight for everything I got, I will give everything I got and I'm gonna make you fucking getting out of bed on Sunday. I'm gonna make you wish your momma had a headache that night because every action has an equal reaction and my reaction is gonna hit you harder then you've been hit in your life.

He felt the determination run through him.

J2H: You're gonna regret every fucking decision you ever made. From the second you decided I was the one you wanted to fuck with. From when you started to put together a plan in your head. From when you thought to yourself that you was gonna find a cool mask and find some red shit, to you accepting my challenge, to you stepping in the ring with me. All these things are gonna be regrets after Sunday. You should have picked someone you have a chance again to try and make a statement cause I'm gonna come at you with everything I have and you're not ready for that. Every scenario you have in your head about how you're gonna get through me, how you're gonna beat me, it's all delusional bullshit. You live in a fantasy world Entity and in the real world, there's only one person walking out of that winning.

He pointed his thumb at himself confidently.

J2H: You thought you were hunting me. That shit's changed because now I'm coming for you. Your mind games didn't work on me and now I'm coming for you. There's no hiding behind a video, there's no lurking in the shadows, there's no more playing. It's time for you to see if you're a man or just a little pussy trying to get a little bit of attention. Show up, man up, stop hiding, stop being a little bitch. I'm bringing everything I got and it's way too much for you to deal with. I hope you got a plan B after I'm done with you because I'm gonna make you look like the pathetic little joke that everyone knows you are. Let's see if you can back up all the shit you've been spewing, because I'm J2H, the best there has ever been and you're about to disappear faster then you got here, by my very own hands, and that's real talk bitch!

J2H leaned back in his chair, satisfied with his words as the scene fades out to black.

Monday, 11 December 2023,
Beverly Hills, California,
The home of J2H.

He'd flown back in within the early hours from Las Vegas and a week of training with Fenris. He had his reasons for the early, or late hour, depending on which way you looked at it. He had been working up until the last minute of his training camp, and wanted to get back in the early hours to possibly rest and spend some time with his family before moving away for a week in Arizona. Although his family would be with him through the December 2 Dismember week, he always felt like the spotlight was on him during that time and flying in early on Monday, to spend a day with the family before the trio moved on to Arizona was his way of maximizing time.

J2H: Ugh!

His body ached as he flopped himself face first on to the sofa in his living room, not wanting to go to his bedroom and risk waking Melody. After almost a week of non stop training in submissions, his body was beat up more then it ever was before. Fenris refused to take it easy on him and he knew even in his own bed, he would struggle to get comfortable so made the choice to just lay where he felt. He was at the point of tiredness, he didn't even jump up when he felt a pair of hands move on to his shoulders.

J2H: If that's not you Mel, there's gonna be some serious issues when I can muster the strength to actually move.

Of course it was Melody, who had been waiting in another room for her husbands return. She had heard the car pull up and knew the chances are that he would head to the nearest place to rest.

Melody: Who else would it be?

He didn't have the energy to even sit up at that point, but turn his head away from the back of the sofa to the front.

J2H: Well, I ruled out Simpson right away, unless there was some freak accident while I was away and his hands got smaller or something, but I don't know, I don't care, whatever.

He buried his face in to the sofa, the tiredness from his voice filled the room.

Melody: Rough week, huh?

He didn't know where to start as he once again turned his head to the side Melody was. She wanted to keep his attention so quickly sat on the floor next to him, moving in to his sight of vision.

J2H: Oh, you could say something like.

She knew when she made this arrangement with Aron, that her own husband was going to be put through his paces but knew he could handle it.

Melody: What happened?

His mind flashed back to his past week.

J2H: Well, he was pissed when Aron brought him to the gym to train what he thought was a new guy. When he saw me, he looked like he wanted to take my head off my damn shoulders. I didn't want to be there, he didn't want to be there, but there I was and I thought fuck it, gives me a chance to punch him in the face a few times, but he was probably thinking the same shit.

Melody tried to keep her best serious look on her face as she looked at her husband.

Melody: I think he probably was thinking that.

J2H: Oh I have no doubt. Then we get to it, agree to train and he sends me in the ring to warm up. I told him fuck off I was born ready and yeah, that didn't go well. Then he disappeared and came back with some bullshit schedule about training and other things and a contract not to sue if I get hurt.

Melody: He's just covering himself I guess.

She had to turn her head away this time to keep from smiling at her clearly in pain husband.

J2H: It was written on a fucking napkin!

Melody leaned backwards, just enough out of J2H's view to stop her from smiling, before popping right back up with her best serious look.

Melody: It was probably all he had on hand.

J2H: He had me up at four every morning to run, have you ever tried running through Las Vegas at four in the morning? It's cold, it's miserable and it's full of drunks leaving casino's in fucking Santa hats! It's an abomination.

Melody struggled to keep a smile from breaking out on her face.

J2H: Then it was training pretty much all day and I do mean all day with short breaks in between. I told him it was bullshit and over training but he said it's submission holds so man up, to which I almost smacked him in the mouth. So from running at four in the morning, all the way in to the evening I had to spend around that man. He is fucking annoying, I can see why he has to hang out with his brother, because he's the only one who doesn't see him as a dick. That's not even the worst thing he fucking did.

Melody: Oh?

J2H: He tells me during training that there's no personal calls, took my phone away and got me some shitty little burner that looked like it was something from thirty years ago, said Aron would let you know, so after all that training bullshit, I'm stuck there cut off from everything on my phone and the prick would randomly call me to do extra training or to make sure that I wasn't drunk in a casino!

Melody bit her lip, trying to force herself not to laugh.

Melody: I did speak to Aron about that.

He was in full flow of his rant at this point, almost unable to stop himself from continuing.

J2H: I mean I don't like people, they're fucking idiots, so I'm not going to go to a casino, waste my time in there, but in his eyes, I don't need the distraction cause and I can quote this, I'm trying to teach you shit I learned over years, in a week so take it fucking seriously. You'd think all that would be the worst thing possible, but it wasn't.
Melody raised her eyebrow as she rested her hand on his shoulder, placing it gently in case that was one of his many, many sore spots.

Melody: Oh?

J2H: The son of a bitch turned me in to a fucking vegan for a week!

Melody was struggling to keep a straight face and quickly darted out of J2H's vision so she didn't give the game away.

Melody: How could he make you do that?

J2H: Ready prepped meals and all that shit, all for energy, you'll need that for the intense work out. That's bullshit, that was just fucking torturing me for the sake of torturing me! One damn burger wouldn't have made a difference but I saw his face. He was loving every second of watching me eat a salad! He was getting some kind of sick kick out of seeing me suffer.

Melody: But did you learn anything from it?

J2H: Yeah a couple of things. One, vegan's are the fucking devil's very own spawn. I mean how can you sit there and tell me eggplant is any kind of alternative to meat? Like fucking seriously, I'm eating the cows so they don't eat vegan shit, that's a win to me. They are seriously annoying people when it comes to pushing things on people.

Melody put on her best thoughtful look on her face, trying to mask the laughs that were building up inside here.

Melody: I meant on the wrestling side.

J2H: Oh I learned a lot about that. I now have five moves in every situation that I can take Alexander Raven down with, from anywhere. I also learned that now I've felt this pain, there's nothing Alexander Raven can do to hurt me.

Melody softly squeezed his shoulder.

Melody: Because of all the moves?

J2H: No, the pain of listen to that dick spout shit about being a vegan all week. There's nothing that can hurt me more then listening to that pile of shit.

Melody couldn't take anymore as she sprang to her feet and point and outstretched arm towards the kitchen.

Melody: I'll go and get you something for the pain.

She didn't wait for him to answer as she was already half way across the room.

J2H: Steak, get me a steak to take away the fucking pain, and some earplugs if I ever end up in the same room as him again.

Melody made it to the kitchen but was only a few feet inside before she burst in to fits of laughter, her voice travelling all the way back towards J2H. He shook his head slowly before burying it back in to the sofa cushion. The scene faded out to the laughs of Melody echoing through from the other room.


Friday, 15 December 2023,
Tucson, Arizona,
Tucson Convention Center.

It was two days before the big show itself, the last of the SCW year but the crew were still busy working at putting together the set for SCW's December 2 Dismember V. The ring was assembled but staff were working hard building other aspects of the ringside area. It wasn't uncommon for J2H to visit the arena a day or two before the shows, often showing up a few days in advance of supercards rather then the day before when it came to Climax Control, and this was no different for him. He had avoided being in the backstage area, he had no reason to be trying to interact with people in that environment and somehow made his way in to the main arena, slowly, he walked down the steps in arena, seats either side of him. He stopped to look around, breathing deeply as he focused solely on the ring before a glance of the SCW World Heavyweight championship over his shoulder, took his attention for just a brief second.

J2H: Last show of the year, thank fuck.

He's been working hard through the year and tiredness had caught up with him, but he plowed on, giving it everything at every show. He continued to walk between the rows of seats and didn't have to wait too long before he was at the barrier separating the fans from the ringside area, and looked around again. He could already hear the roar of the crowd in his mind as he jumped over the guardrail to the ringside area, quickly garnering the attention of the people around him getting on with their jobs. He exhaled sharply as he rolled in to the ring, the crew inside stopping to look at him, but J2H just pointed at them.

J2H: You, you and you, get out of my ring now.

Confused looks came back at him.

J2H: Are you deaf? Get the fuck out of my ring.

With reluctance, the three ring technicians decided to listen and vacate the ring, but J2H wasn't finished as he pointed outside of the ring.

J2H: You, cameraman. Get your camera and get your ass in the ring now and hit that little red button that you get paid well for.

The man looked surprised but picked up a nearby camera and made his way up the steps and in to the ring. 

J2H: I haven't got all day.

The man holds the camera up and points to J2H.

J2H: It's on?

The man nodded his head and J2H was solely focused on the camera. 

J2H: I wasn't gonna do this the way I am now, but fuck it, I'm here, there's a camera here and there's someone barely competent enough to turn it on and use it. Don't fuck this up, it's one job, keep that thing pointed at me.

He narrowed his eyes at the nervous cameraman before he continued.

J2H: Alexander Raven, you know where I'm standing right now? No stupid, it's not for you to roll your eyes and say duh a lot or something like that because I know it's a wrestling ring idiot. I know it also has more of a meaning then just a place I go to work and show the world how amazing I am. This has a spiritual meaning to because this is not just a place I come to a work, this is a place I rule over and watch people's hopes fade away. This is a place that is like looking in someone's eyes and watching them take their last breath, this is where I am there to watch people's dreams die. On Sundays, people's dreams die right here in the middle of this ring.

He pointed down as he stood in roughly the middle of the ring.

J2H: This is the spot where all that hope that builds up for a week, two weeks, a month, two months, a lifetime ends up. This spot right here is where you've dreamed of being for so long, running scenario after scenario over and over in your head where each one has you walking out with something that you want, something you crave, something you need to give your existence meaning. Something that will stop you acting like a little bitch and running away from a place that treated you well. Every scenario in your head when you've been awake, every dream you've had about becoming the SCW World Champion all leads you to this place. The problem is with this place Alexander, is there's a dark force in this place, especially when there's someone who is an alpha, someone who stalks the plains, looking to take what he wants. It's a dangerous place and there's a killer on the loose. He doesn't want your life, he just wants to turn those dream scenarios in to a walking, talking living nightmare. See that's what I do Alexander, I take people like you, who have thought about being in this dark place a million times over the last month, and I take away their potential happiness.

His face changed to a stone, emotionless look.
J2H: I steal happiness. I am like the Grinch at who stole Christmas when it comes to happiness, because that's what I take and that's what I'm good at. What this place is to most is a wrestling ring, where men and women go to put on a show, but not me Alexander, this is where I show that I don't give a fuck about you, I don't give a fuck about your future, I don't care if this is the match that makes you follow every other loser on this show out of the door when they lose. This is where I steal your joy, this is where I change the course of your career one way or the other, because when I take that from you, you will question everything.

He placed his forefinger on the side of his head.

J2H: I will take that happiness and the first thing you will ask yourself is can you still do this? Then you will consider doing what every other supercard loser does and go on that, and I will air quote this.

True to his word, he air quotes the next word.

J2H: "Break", promising to return at some point and only trying to worm their way back in when other offers dry up... Don't worry, you won't be alone in that thinking, no coincidence a lot of people disappear from the roster after a supercard loss, bunch of whiny little bitches.

He rolled his eyes with disappointment.

J2H: But regardless if you're one of those whiny little bitches or not, you will question that and if you don't decide to walk off in to the sunset, then you're gonna think about what you can do next. What gets you back in the game. I hope it's the latter because I'm sick of beating whiny little bitches, but I'm gonna tell you regardless, there's no shame losing to me, because I'm J2H and I'm fucking awesome.

The disappointed eyes turn to a full face smirk.

J2H: You will be on that losing side of things, but at least I can hear that determination in your voice Alexander, I can hear that you have misplaced belief in yourself to be that guy. I can tell from your tone that you feel that not only are you are the hero everyone needs, That you're truly the hero everyone wants.

He slowly shook his head.

J2H: Idiot!

J2H once again rolled his eyes in disappointment.

J2H: You're not the hero anyone wants, you're not the hero anyone needs. Their hero is already here because I don't give a fuck if they boo me, I don't give a fuck if they cheer me, they all respect me. They know what I've done without listing off a bunch of B listers names that I beat, and they know I can talk about beating the A listers of wrestling, while you throw names like Miles Kasey and O'Malley at me, but I don't need to do that, they already respect me.

He waved a finger at the camera.

J2H: I don't have to rattle off names, but I watch you do it every single time you open your mouth, I beat him and I beat him, this is why I deserve credit. Let me stop you right there. It doesn't make me sit here and say I respect you for that at all, I mean fuck, most people have beat the names you played off, it actually stinks of stupidity and desperation so bad, you could stink out this arena for the next year. Listing off a bunch of people that are just not that good is fucking embarrassing Alexander, I thought you was better then that but you're just clutching at straws. I mean I'm not scared at the thought that you beat O'Malley, I mean who the fuck hasn't? It's cheap promo tricks 101, it's Bill Barnhart style of listing everything he's done back to World War fucking one to try and put the fear of God in to people and it just doesn't work. It's cheap, it's like me saying you lost to Peter Vaughn and I didn't, it's uncreative and it's cheap and you do shit like that and you still think you're the hero these people want and need?

He stifled a laugh as he looked down the camera.

J2H: Brother, you're not even an employee that McDonalds wants or needs. You wanna be a hero, in your mind, you're probably Batman, taking down the evil Joker over here, or Superman going after Lex Luthor, but in reality, you're like Blue Beetle or something.

J2H turned his head for just a second to admire the belt.

J2H: You're not a hero, you never will be, you're not even a sidekick, you're the guy at the start of the movie randomly walking down the street like an idiot, that pays no attention until it's too late and the bad guy gets him. That's as close as you will come to being relevant and that just makes you relevant as cannon fodder. I mean someone's gotta die first to show off who the bad guy is, right?

He threw his hands out palms up towards the camera.

J2H: But you want me to play my part in this blockbuster where you can play hero to people you don't know, then I will do just that. I will be the bad guy, I'll play the villain just so you can live up to the fantasy in your head that you really are the hero of this story. Well I'm not just any old villain, I'm telling you that this ring right here is my secret lair. I don't need a bullshit place hidden in a mountain or an underground bunker, this here is where you can come and find me hero. This is the scene of the final battle, the one thing this whole little movie in your head has been building up to. This is where the hero proves his worth to not only the good people of the SCW world, but to himself. This is the place where the hero finds out if he really is a hero or if he's just another deluded prick with God complex.

He looked at the championship belt once more over his shoulder.

J2H: I think we all know which one you are Alexander. We all know how this story ends and it doesn't end with the hero of the tale walking away as a hero, holding the gold, showing it to the citizens of Arizona with sweat on your brow and a sense of fucking pride coursing through your veins, it ends the other way. It ends where the villain stands tall, looking over the fallen hero, the crowd hushed to silence as they wonder if the hero is going to have a hissy fit and really go and hide in his secret hiding place, grow a long beard and cry through depression. They're gonna be wondering if there's going to be a sequel to this where the hero gets a shot at redemption and finally rids the world of this bad guy here.

He pointing a single thumb to himself.

J2H: That's not gonna happen Alexander because this hideout is where the hero in his own mind, gets put to rest. This is where the hero fights his last fight, where the sequel isn't needed cause the hero won't be able to rise again. This is the end game right here and look around.

He spins around, his hands pointed towards the seats before completing the three hundred and sixty degree turn.

J2H: Imagine these seats being full of citizens of the SCW world, watching the hero come and try and take what he feels is his. Look at them, cause I can see them Alexander, I can hear them, I can see the look on every one of their faces as we do battle, but in your mind, you see different from reality, you see different from the fucking truth, you see different from what you think could happen because they're not rooting for you. They're not calling your name and hoping that you're going to beat me and end this reign of so called terror that I've been on. They're actually cheering for me, they want me to put you away, they want me to stop the person that wants to be the guy, even though I'm not a hero, but you know what people love more then a hero?

He moved closer to the camera.

J2H: An anti hero.

He took half asleep back.

J2H: I'm not claiming to be their hero, but I am someone that shouldn't be supported but I am. All this I'm the bad guy and you're the good guy thing, it's all bullshit, it's delusion, just like your very own delusion of becoming SCW World Heavyweight champion because I see what these people see. You're just a guy with dreams that will never be realised. You're a guy who sees things just the way he wants with no connection to reality. I see the big picture Alexander, I see who I am and I see what is going to happen and that is the hero loses, the anti hero wins.

He pointed to himself and the championship.

J2H: The roar of the crowd, the bright lights, the burning desire, the hopes you have inside will never be enough to push you on to win this Alexander because this belt is coming home with me for Christmas, I will be the last champion of 2023, the first of 2024. While you sit at home looking in the mirror wondering what the future might hold for you, while you decide if you should man up or be a pissy little bitch, I'll be staring at the one thing you really want for Christmas.

He turned his head to look at the championship over his left shoulder.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

He ran his hand across his throat, a universal sign to cut the camera and the cameraman lowered his lens. J2H looked at the people outside the ring. He was unsure how long they had stopped to watch what he was doing, but all eyes were on him.

J2H: Get back to work you lazy fucks! You're not getting paid to do nothing!

People snapped back in to life as J2H stepped from the ring. It was only a few seconds later, he was back over the barricade and exiting the way he arrived. Eventually, the screen faded to black.

Monday, 04 December 2023.
Beverly Hills, California
J2H's home.

He'd left the show as soon as he could after defeating Peter Vaughn and headed straight back home to Beverly Hills, finding himself arriving in the early hours of the morning. Time had passed till the afternoon as he sat on the sofa in his home, reflecting back as the events were now closer. J2H had known for a while that Alexander Raven wanted a submissions match but the thought of it hadn't really sunk in until the match had now become just two weeks away. He sat in quiet reflection but Melody had picked up on her husbands feelings as he sat staring in to a cup of coffee.

Melody: What's on your mind?

She asked him as she took a seat next to him, her hand moving to his leg and snapping him away from his train of thought.

J2H: Nothing much.

After years of marriage, she knew that he was not being completely truthful about his thoughts and decided to push him.

Melody: I know you're not being honest James, so what's going on?

He sighed as his eyes broke away from his coffee cup, looking towards Melody.

J2H: I've always been a guy that looked at the next match, trained for the next match, put everything in to the next match and now here I am, looking at a match that has caught me off guard, not by a little but a lot. I was expecting something I could wrestle in and do some insane shit, but this is boring and I don't do boring.

She could hear the humanity in his voice and could tell he was troubled.

Melody: It's just like any other match, you just need to make him tap out. You have a submission signature.

J2H: That I haven't used in years. I have a few submission moves there, but when was the last time you saw me put on a submission move?

Melody stared thoughtfully at her husband. She knew he had a few moves, but can't remember when he's seriously tried to use one to make someone submit.

Melody: It has been a while.

J2H: I've used a couple to break people down but I haven't gone for a win with a submission in years. Besides, it's not about having just one submission, it's about having a fuck ton of them for every situation, and I don't have a fuck ton of them.

Melody: You have nearly two weeks, you could learn a ton of them.

J2H looked towards Melody with a frown on his face.

J2H: You want me to humble myself to ask people to knock the rust off my submission game? I don't know anyone I could go to. 

Melody: Austin could help you?

J2H: Austin is a busy man with that ranch of his. He don't do the training thing.

Melody stared in to space for a while, looking at nothing in particular but a smile starts to build over her face.

Melody: I have an idea.

With J2H's interest piqued, he looked toward his wife.

J2H: Who?

Melody tried to hide an uneasy look and waves him off.

Melody: Let me make a phone call and I'll let you know. In the mean time, could you make some fresh coffee?

He looked at Melody knowing she was up to something, but stood up.

J2H: Alright...

As he walked towards the kitchen, Melody pulled out her phone out of her pocket and hits a number. She slowly shook her head.

Melody: He is not going to like this but this will help.... Hello, Aron...


Tuesday, 05 December 2023.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Unknown Gym.

Melody had made a phone call and told J2H to head to Las Vegas, Nevada to meet the person who is going to help him knock the rust off his submission moves. He felt uneasy as he walked in to the dim gym at the address Melody had sent him to, but he had faith in her regardless of the fact she refused to tell him who his trainer would be.

J2H: Hello...

His voice echoed back at him in the clearly empty gym, just a light shining down on a raggedy wrestling ring, it's best days long behind it.

J2H: Fucking great. Whoever is meant to be here is not. Wasted my time coming all the way over to this rat hole gym.

He turned on his heels, with every intention to leave but two men move out the shadows towards him. J2H's eyes widen as he looked at the two men.

J2H: What the fuck are you two doing here?

His eyes looked up at Aron Baltassarson and none other then his brother, Fenris. Fenris looked at J2H through narrowed eyes and snapped back quickly

Fenris: What the fuck are you doing here?

J2H: I asked first!

Fenris: Fucking child!

J2H dropped his bag as he looked at the larger man, his teeth gritted in anger.

J2H: Watch your mouth!

Before things could escalate any further, Aron starts to speak.

Aron: Guys, before you two do something stupid. I played a part in you both being here right now.

Both men looked towards Aron, their eyes demanding answers from him. He took a moment to compose his thoughts.

Aron: So I spoke to Melody yesterday, who said that you needed a trainer to help with your upcoming match, a submissions match and asked if I could sort this out.

Fenris: Are you fucking kidding me? You said to me you wanted me to train someone who is on the rise and wanted to add shit to his game.

J2H: I am on the rise idiot, I haven't stopped rising. 

Aron: Guys please. This is not the time for this. I thought it was a great idea, because this is what you both need. K, you're rehabbing well to the point you need to get back in the ring with someone with good quality, and James needs help on his submission work. This would be great for you both.

J2H: I don't need help from him.

J2H once again picked up his bag, again with every intention to leave.

Fenris: I don't want to help this fucking baby. All he's done for a year is cry over me beating him.

J2H: Pretty sure I had every right to Mr. Ego.

Fenris: That's rich coming from you.

Aron: Would you two just knock it off! Don't you see you're more alike then you both know?

J2H and Fenris locked each other in an intense stare, neither man wanting to break away from it, both wanting to burn a hole in to each other with looks alone.

J2H: I am nothing like him, nothing at all like him. I'm better then he ever was or he'll be in SCW with the World title and I'll be sitting at home doing nothing.

J2H was still very bitter a year plus after these two men went one on one, and has made that more then clear at every chance. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as the two men continued to stare are each other, neither turning away for a split second.

Aron: You're exactly alike, you both have egos bigger then this building.

Finally, the two men broke their stare to look directly at Aron, instantly changing his face to defensive as he takes half a step back.

Fenris: Why would I even help him? He's a dick.

J2H turned his attention back to Fenris.

J2H: You're a dick.

Aron completely avoids the verbal exchange, feeling relived that the attention has turned away from him and back to each other.

Aron: Because he needs help, you need to get back in the ring.

Fenris: I don't wanna help him.

J2H: Besides, this past it dick can't help me, he can't help anyone.

Fenris once again turned his eyes towards J2H, once again burning a hole through him.

Fenris: Why can't I help you?

An arrogant smirk crossed the face of the SCW World Heavyweight champion.

J2H: Because I'm facing Alexander Raven. You remember that guy? That guy beat you, beat you pretty easily. How can you help me beat a guy who you couldn't even beat. It's a waste of time even trying to be taught by a loser.

Fenris took half a step forward, but stopped as a smirk now appeared on his face.

Fenris: I might have lost to Alexander Raven, but I beat you, so when you think about it, Raven should beat you.

J2H didn't say a word, he just looked at Fenris with his teeth gritted.

J2H: I don't need this shit. I'm gonna go and find a real trainer. Someone who hasn't been sitting at home eating bon bons like an old housewife.

He walked past Fenris, shoulder bumping him as he walked past, but Fenris put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him from moving on.

J2H: Move it or lose it.

J2H looked deep in the Fenris' eyes, his patience running very thin as he growls softly under his breath.

J2H: I don't need this, I don't need your help. I can find some other former MMA hack to teach me a few submission moves to beat this Raven guy. He's not that good and you're finished.

For some reason, Fenris just smiled at J2H, causing J2H to frown at Fenris, unsure what he's thinking. J2H's body tenses up as he looks at him.

Fenris: I'm far from finished.

J2H: No, you're completely finished. That shoulder of yours healed up a while ago so I heard through the grapevine, you're just too scared to get back in the ring again because you don't want to get hurt. It's fine, go cry like a bitch somewhere, I don't care.

Fenris: I could still kick your around the ring and put you in holds that you've never even heard of.

Aron: Why don't you show him?

Aron was doing his best to encourage this to happen to help out Melody more then J2H, but both men were notoriously stubborn.

J2H: He doesn't have it in him. He probably knows more about what's going on in The Young And The Restless, then he does about submission moves.

Aron sighed, he knew he had one more card to play.

Aron: Ok, you two get to kick the hell out of each other and you've both been wanting to do that from the second you saw each other, so why not try for one session? You do that, you might like it and you both get something out of this.

Both men felt unsure but both shared the same feeling of wanting to release a years worth of pent up anger and animosity towards each other. They never liked each other long before the two had even stepped in the ring against each other. They are both considered the best champions SCW has ever had.

Fenris: Fine, but if he gets hurt...

J2H: Worry about yourself, don't be worried about me getting hurt. Worry about me sending you back to the sofa with your candy and day time dramas.

Aron: Great, the dressing rooms are that way.

J2H huffed but turned to walk towards the direction Aron had pointed to. Reluctantly, J2H moved towards them and Aron attempted to join him but Fenris put his hand across his younger brothers chest, stopping him from moving on.

Fenris: I'm gonna get you back for this. In fact, for a while, I'm gonna teach him from the outside, and you're going to be in the ring and believe me brother, I got some fucked up new moves.

Fenris patted his brother slightly harder on the back then what most would consider friendly and flashed him an almost evil looking smile. Fenris turned to walk away, strangely whistling as the camera focused on Aron's face, a look of nerves and anxiety.

The session went slightly better then any of the men could have expected but J2H had told every cameraman to switch off and go. He refused to allow the training session be recorded in any way, he refused to allow Alexander Raven see anything that might give him any kind of advantage. Needless to say, this became session one of many through out the week...


Friday, 08 December 2023.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Location unknown.

The SCW World Heavyweight championship takes up the camera before it pulled backwards to widen the camera shot, to see J2H sitting behind it, his eyes looked directly down the camera as he sat in an unknown location. The scene is slightly dimmer the usual but the scene wasn't the focus in his mind, the words were. He could have spoke from any location in the world but it was never about where he was sitting, it was all about everything he had to say. He started to slow clap for a few seconds.

J2H: Bravo Alexander, bravo. Seriously, it took me a while to figure it out but bravo. 

He stopped clapping and looked down the camera with a stone look on his face, baring no emotion to anything.

J2H: When I asked you to pick a match, it was for my own ego, another chance to show the world that I can and will adapt to anything and I thought about all the tough guy matches you went through and I thought great, he's going to go for something over the top, violent, that stuff I can do with my eyes closed, but no, you looked for my weakness to give you strength, to stack the deck in your favor. You saw that my submission game was not my strongest so you took that, well bra-fucking-vo, you think you've added an extra chip or two to your stack, feel that you've made things a little easier.

He shook his head.

J2H: In pursuit of your desperate urge to win and it really is desperate, you've picked one hell of a boring fucking match to headline. This is ending the SCW year with a fucking brawler and a guy who doesn't give a shit about submission wrestling, actually wrestle a submissions match. Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds? Do you know how fucking stupid that is? It's like giving a basketball player a football and telling him to kick a field goal! It's like putting a fish up a fucking tree and telling him it's his new home. You've basically taken two guys who are not submission guys and thrown them in to this, just because you think I'm shit at submissions and this is gonna land you this thing.

He ran his hand over the SCW World Heavyweight championship in front of him.

J2H: All you did there Alexander was motivate me to try something else and that's something I haven't felt the urge to do in a while cause I'm J2H and I'm too fucking awesome as it is.

He rolled his shoulder back with a serious look on his face.

J2H: Forcing me to add submissions to my arsenal just means I'm now even better then I was before, even if my trainer was, is and will always be a dick and that's saying something coming from me.

He rolled his eyes.

J2H: I didn't see it coming that you was gonna pick such a lame ass match to face me in but it pushed me to learn something new and now I'm more dangerous then I've ever been before. I'm now more dangerous then I've had to be all because you had to push me to learn something new. My weakness has become a strength because you pushed it to happen, you made it happen and you still think you're going to have an advantage over me? No Alexander, what you've done is you've opened my eyes to stop being that guy who knows no matter what is thrown at him and pick up something else that has long term effects. You might be too drunk or too stupid to see it, but it means that from now on till the rest of my career, I am gonna be even better. There will be no more stupid loses because I'm not used to a certain style because now you've made me add to myself so it now fucking sucks to even be those bullshit MMA guys who come over cause wrestling is easier for them.

He knew the irony of that statement considering his past week and smiled.

J2H: So now you've got to ask yourself if this was the smartest match you could have picked, not only for now, but for the future of SCW because this could something that's changed the course of SCW for the future because you've made a highly skilled man, even more highly skilled and what's more, you've become the first person he can prove it to and on. You made me do this and now I'm going to show you what a fucking mistake you've made by making me do this because you get to see it up close and personal.

He looked seriously down the camera again, feeling the confidence.

J2H: Now I know what you're thinking and for a change it's not something like I'm out of whiskey, I need more. I know you've seen who's been training me because cameras follow me everywhere and you're probably sitting there smirking because you've beaten Fenris. Well good for you, but don't you think that somewhere in his head, this is why he helped me? Don't you think he's watched that match back hundreds of times and knew what he could do differently and maybe, just maybe put in to my head just how to beat you? The truth is, I don't have people to lean on, I don't want people to lean on but when I do lean on people, they tend to be people who know what they're fucking doing and I don't like the man, and he really don't like me, but he likes you a lot less then he likes me so the fact you beat him has made him work harder to get me ready to face you. Basically, what I'm saying is you fucked up and it really sucks to be you right now.

He couldn't help but smirk as he looked down the camera.

J2H: I know you want more then this championship belt, I know you want more then this championship belt, you want my respect. This is what I offered you at the start, the chance to earn my respect. I told you to earn that, you need to come and take this from me.

He ran his hand over the top of the World Heavyweight Championship belt.

J2H: This belt is a nice prize for anyone, but I know you want my respect more. Even though you're gonna step in that ring and get your ass whooped, you still want to walk out of there with the respect of this champion. I understand that because everyone wants me to respect them, everyone wants to me to give them credit cause that's like getting a rub from God himself but the only way you earn my respect, is to take my championship. The only way you earn my respect is if you make me pass out, or you get this hand slamming that canvas.

He held his hand up as if to prove a point.

J2H: I haven't tapped out that much in my career and now I refuse to so for you to take my belt, for you to take my respect, it's going to mean you're going to have to choke me out Alexander, you're going to have to wrap your arms around my throat until I just can't breathe anymore because there is actually no other way for you to take everything from me. I am not letting you take anything from me, so you're gonna have to damn near kill me to get what you want.

He looked away and breathed deeply for a few seconds.

J2H: Do I think you could actually do that?

He looked back down the camera.

J2H: Not a fucking chance Alexander, not a fucking chance. You don't have it in you. You don't have that killer instinct in you that you need to get this belt away from me. You don't have what it takes to be SCW's World Heavyweight Champion. You're just another name on the roster with nothing special about them, that thinks you're special. I've seen special talents and you are not one of them, you're dull, you're boring, you pick shit matches that you want to be remembered by and more then anything else in this world, you're no J2H and that is exactly who you need to be to lead this place. You will never be that Alexander, you will never come close. The best you will ever do is scratch a living in SCW because you will never be God tier like I am. You might well be a former Roulette and Internet champion but I've been there, I've done that but there's a big step up from that to the level I'm on. There's an ocean sized gap between that and where I am and you're just not ready to make that leap, you're just not there yet to get to where I am and while I'm here, you never will be. Your best option is wait till I get bored of holding this thing, give it up so it can drop down a level or five where you might just be close to getting it amongst the others who are lot good enough, the likes of Goth, Jack Washington, people like that who think they have what it takes but just don't.

He smirked at his name dropping, his history with Goth being as well documented as it is.

J2H: That's the only way you become a World champion here because I am so fucking far better then everyone else here, you should just really hope I get bored of it and just throw the belt away and let you waste of spaces play with it for a while.

He rolled back his shoulders and smirked.

J2H: It's not arrogance when it's the truth man.

Contrary to his statement, a pure look of arrogance crosses his face.

J2H: We both know it's the truth, you can deny it all you want but we both know why you're actually in this match. It's because I chose you to be in this match, not because it is an easy ride for me, not at all, it's because you were the only one who caught my eye in that six way match, but don't get too excited, it just shows how bad everyone else was.

A smile appeared on his face.

J2H: You just made more noise then the rest of them, you seemed like you really wanted this championship more then the rest of them. If I would have not called your name, you'd be in that stupid briefcase match instead of the main event. Let's be frank about it, I saved you from obscurity and gave you a seat at the big boys table. You're welcome for that by the way. Doesn't mean you've earned shit, I mean you lost to Peter Vaughn, I didn't, I smacked that guy all around Arizona, so don't come in to this thinking you belong here Alexander because you do not. You're here by the grace of J2H, nothing more then that. The problem is I'm going to have to make you regret being the loudest one in the class, I'm gonna have to put you in the corner facing the wall because when you come in to my ring, that is my classroom and lessons will get learned in there Alexander. At December 2 Dismember, still a stupid fucking name but still, lessons will be learned.

He pulls the SCW World Heavyweight championship from in front of him and throws it over his shoulder.

J2H: You're not gonna like what I'm teaching. You want to be called The Forgotten?

He huffed through his nose.

J2H: When I'm done with you Alexander, that is exactly what you will be. I'm J2H, SCW World Heavyweight champion and you Alexander Raven, well you will be forgotten.

He stood up.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

J2H walked off screen as the camera faded to black.

Climax Control Archives / The other side of J2H
« on: December 01, 2023, 07:58:10 AM »
Sunday 26th November 2023.
Tempe, Arizona.
Climax Control.

J2H had just finished his night, commentating on Peter Vaughn Vs Alexander Raven, and had no plans to stick around at the arena after the match, which matched his determined walk as he made his way through the curtain and down the steps. In his mind, things were simple, just go to the exit and go home. He knew he wasn't doing anything special when he showed up at the arena and not brought anything needed for wrestling, all he needed was on his person when he spoke a few words on commentary, but so an SCW World Heavyweight champion, his work was never done. He stepped down the steps leading to the top of the ramp behind the curtain, his World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and turn the corner, looking at the people around him, but Pussy Willow wasted no time approaching.

Pussy: Hey J! Nice work on commentary out there.

He stopped in his tracks, his eyes moving up and down on the long time SCW reporter, knowing that she was after something.

J2H: I know, I'm J2H, I'm fucking awesome.

He was aware that somewhere, a camera was rolling on him, it was the SCW way, film everything because you never knew what could be used.

Pussy: And you learned what match you're going to face Alexander Raven in at December 2 Dismember.

He rolled his eyes, knowing where this was leading to.

J2H: Look, I know you're here to ask whatever you want to ask, I know there's camera rolling around here somewhere, I know you have  a question or two about it so just get on with it so I can get the fuck out of this place. It's Arizona, no one likes Arizona, I don't like Arizona, the people who live here don't like Arizona, so just ask away.

Pussy looked slightly taken back by J2H's firm words but wasn't surprised by the man who often shows up to work in a bad mood.

Pussy: Well, I'm a little confused.

His patience was wearing thin as he looked at the woman through narrowed eyes.

J2H: Confusing you is not difficult to do, but ask your fucking question or let me go home to my family.

Her mouth opened with more surprise but finally managed to get out her question.

Pussy: With all the matches you've been through lately, the high level of insane feats that have got people talking for months later, were you surprised that Alexander Raven didn't go for something more violent?

J2H couldn't help but smirk a little inside. He was expecting more from Alexander Raven.

J2H: I thought that he would be more creative then that! I mean I gave him the fucking world when it came to choices, I gave him a chance to live up to his reputation of being a bad ass but it appears that he was too scared to do anything to put himself at risk. I had to go through hell against Michael Harris, I had to beat five other people in a match just to call myself a champion and he comes up with a fucking submissions match? Let's call it what it is, shall we? It's self preservation. He knew that taking on me in something big like that would only get him hurt. He knew that no matter what, putting himself in harms way wouldn't work out for him, but that's not the only reason.

Pussy: It's not?

J2H: No, it's not. The other reason is that he's trying to show that he's smart. He knows that I rarely use submissions, he know that I don't do that MMA shit, so he's playing on that. He thinks this is the best fucking chance he has of becoming SCW World Heavyweight champion. He's picked one of my weaker sides to my game to exploit it while saving himself from getting hurt, but here's the fucking thing. I'm J2H and I got weeks to learn this submission shit and within a week, I will be the best in the world with those things, so I'm not fearful of this match because my weakness will become my strength in no time. Now I'm going to go now, because this is fucking boring.

He didn't wait for Pussy to ask him anything else as he walked past her, heading towards the corridor near by but Christian Underwood cut him off by raising a hand from across the hall.

Christian: Just a minute James.

He could feel the anger build up inside him as he was once again stopped from leaving the building, stopping and giving Christian a few seconds to make his way across to speak to him.

J2H: I got places to be, like out of this state and home.

Christian raised an eyebrow at him as he looked at the shorter man, turning his full attention to him.

Christian: Before you go, I wanted to let you know something. You haven't been in the ring since you won that thing.

J2H: Who's fault is that? I mean I don't book this shit. I don't put my top stars in matches with five people who have a grudge against me through jealousy who decide to bang me up to prove a point. You're the one with the pen and could put my name down to fight.

J2H shrugged at Christian while smirking at his boss.

Christian: That's what I'm about to tell you James, because I've done just that. I've used that pen and I've wrote your name down and I've been trying to decide who to write against it and then it hit me. Now your opponent for December 2 Dismember just lost to Peter Vaughn, so I think maybe we should put you in the ring against Peter Vaughn, clash of the champions.

J2H looked blankly at Christian, his eyes locked in with his bosses eyes as he shrugs his shoulders at him.

J2H: Do it, because you know as well as I do, there's no one here who can stop me, not Alexander Raven, and certainly not Peter Vaughn. You line them up and I'll knock them down and once I'm done, once I'm finished with Raven, I'll even take Vaughn's Roulette title from him too. Peter Vaughn doesn't worry me at all, so yeah, I'll see you where ever the next show is and add his name to my list.

Christian: It's in Phoenix.

J2H sighed as he shook his head, once again disappointed by hearing another show in Arizona.

J2H: What is your obsession with Arizona? Like really? This place is a fucking dump! Ugh!

Christian shrugged his shoulders but J2H walked passed him, heading towards the exit and finally on his way home.


Wednesday 29th November 2023,
Beverly Hills, California,
Beverly Gardens Park.

J2H didn't care about his reputation when it came to being on screen, he was used to being the bad guy, to a point, he loved being the bad guy and doing all he could to be the greatest antagonist that he could be, but away from the cameras of SCW and the pressures that came with being a public figure, he liked to see himself as a normal guy, a father like most on the SCW roster. Being a World Champion and father wasn't an easy thing to do for anyone, especially when your children are young and a champion has to do the extra work, such as travelling to every show for a five minute spot, or doing extra promotional work around the world, it was tough to maintain a regular relationship. J2H somehow seemed to keep things together, dedicating a day to being around his son without Melody being around and today, James Jr had decided on feeding the ducks at a park. 

J2H: Don't run too far ahead.

J2H watched his son move ahead of him, peering out from under the brim of a baseball cap with hood covering the cap itself. The month had been cold in Beverly Hills, and J2H dressed accordingly.

JJ: I won't!

He watched as his son, bread in hand, made his way to a small duck pond and walked towards him, keeping his head down lower as people passed him by. He caught up with his next in line namesake and stood over him, watching as the ducks came closer as a handful of bread hit the water. These little moments, just watching something so simple brought a show of pride through him as he looked at him.

J2H: Daddy's gonna go sit on that bench, don't go closer to the water because if you fall in, you might have to live with the ducks.

J2H smiled as his son turned around and looked at him with a mischievous look in his eyes, on his innocent looking face. 

JJ: Can the ducks come and live with us Daddy?

J2H's eyes widen as he thought back to the duck Melody once brought home, Dexter, who seemed to have more human traits then most people.

J2H: We tried that once, and that duck was a pain in the butt.

He muttered the last words so that James Jr didn't hear through his thick, full lined hooded coat and the little man turned his attention back to the ducks as J2H took a few steps back to the nearby bench. He kept a close eye on his son as he watched him throw another handful of bread, causing the ducks to come closer. James Jr turned to smile at his father before throwing another handful of bread towards them. 

JJ: This is fun!

J2H smiled at his sons excitement as the ducks came closer. J2H loved moments like this where he could just slow down and see the world at a slower pace. It wasn't long before the bread had gone and his son was barrelling his way back to him, jumping in the air and on to his father's lap.

J2H: Out of bread already?

His son nodded at him as he wiggled to a comfortable position.

JJ: They were very hungry today. They must have missed breakfast.

His innocence made J2H nod along with his son.

J2H: Yeah and you need to have that if you want to be big and strong.

J2H looked at James Jr, he could tell his son wanted to say something but didn't know how to or how to word it.

J2H: Something wrong?

JJ: Are you going away again to wrestle?

These were the moments that the big tough wrestler side of him hated, having to leave his family if only for a few days.

J2H: I'm going on Friday and I will be back on Sunday night.

He saw the look of disappointment on James Jr's face and it was a look that he hated to see.

JJ: Ok.

Just one single word from his own son stung J2H, but he knew this is something that he had to do.

J2H: There is a good thing though.

JJ: What's that?

J2H: You get to see Daddy wrestle again.

Those words brought a huge smile to the young man's face. He loved to see J2H wrestle, it's why J2H did still wrestle rather then being a man who could comfortably live life. He was only twenty nine years old and could easily retire and live well, but he did this for his son. He did this because his son was a fan and worshipped him as a hero.

JJ: Yay! Who are you wrestling daddy?

J2H: I'm wrestling Peter Vaughn.

An air of silence filled the space as his son looked at him with a thoughtful expression on his face. He put his head on J2H's arm, not saying anything as he squeezed his hand.
JJ: He's a good wrestler daddy. He beats everyone.

J2H knew his son was a fan, even at a young age, he was almost a student of the game, watching as much as he possibly could watch when it came to Sin City Wrestling. He knew which wrestlers were on winning streaks, more so then most of the wrestlers backstage.

J2H: But I'm better. I've beat Peter Vaughn before.

JJ: In a tag match with that mean man as your partner.

J2H: Yeah, but that mean man is gone now, I don't know where he's gone but he's gone and I don't think we'll see him again. I think I should have enough to beat Peter Vaughn. Before he had a partner so he didn't have to worry too much but now I think he's at home scared because he knows I'm going to beat him.

J2H had a reassuring tone to his voice. He knew his son was becoming more and more familiar of how wrestling works with every passing day. He'd been backstage at the big SCW shows so saw how things worked, but loved the fantasy of the fact that it could be real.

JJ: Do you think so?

J2H: I know so. Don't worry, I'm not going to work this hard, spend all this time away to lose to Peter Vaughn. Peter Vaughn has his own stuff on his mind. He has to think about his own championship so things will be ok. I'll be there on Friday, beat Peter Vaughn on Sunday and be back before you know it.

James Jr looked at his father, feeling reassured by his words.

JJ: And then you're going to fight Alexander Raven.

J2H was impressed with his son's memory and how much he loved wrestling in general.

J2H: I'm gonna beat Alexander Raven.

JJ: Good cause me and mommy are going to be at December 2 Dismember.... What does dismember mean?

J2H: That's not something you need to know until you're older. It's just a show name, a bad show name but a show name anyway. I will beat Peter Vaughn, I will beat Alexander Raven and then I will be home with the championship belt and then Santa's gonna show up and leave you lots of presents if you keep being a good boy.

An excited look appeared on James Jr's face. He loved Christmas as much as he loved wrestling and couldn't wait.

JJ: Lots of presents?

J2H: Lot's of them. You know what your mother is like, she loves Christmas too, that's where you get it from. That's why I suspect we're going back to the house and it's gonna look very much like Christmas.

JJ: Can we go home and find out?

He jumped off J2H's lap, jumping up and down on the spot, looking at his father waiting for an answer.

J2H: You sure you don't wanna stay out here a little more.

A very fast shaking of the head from James Jr showed his intentions at this moment in time and J2H stood on his feet.

J2H: Alright. Let's make a quick stop off first to get some hot chocolate for mommy and Simpson and we'll go home and find out.

James Jr. didn't need another second to think about it as he quickly started to move away from the bench and pond, innocently waving towards the ducks as he passed by. J2H shook his head before catching up with his son as the scene fades to black.


Friday 1st December 2023,
Just outside Phoenix, Arizona,
Dobbin's Lookout

The week had passed fairly peacefully compared to most weeks and the champion had made his way to a location around about thirty minutes outside Phoenix, Arizona to Dobbins Lookout, a place that looks over Phoenix, located in the South Mountain Park. The usually busy spot was slightly less busy on this cold but bright December morning as J2H sat on a rock, Phoenix over his shoulder. The SCW World Heavyweight Championship sat on his other shoulder, then slight glare of the sun reflecting off the gold plates secured to the leather strap. 

J2H: Even with a view like that, Arizona is still ass.

He didn't even know why he hated Arizona so much, but for some reason, he had never been a fan of it.

J2H: All week, I've heard people say the same shit over and over. In the streets, online, everywhere I have gone this week, I've had people say to me that this Sunday is going to be my biggest fucking challenge I've had. Everyone was telling me that Peter Vaughn is the biggest challenge in SCW right now. Clearly these idiots wasn't watching when I faced Michael Harris cause he was my biggest challenge, but Peter Vaughn?

He stopped for a second, looking down at the ground below him before he lifted his head and looked deep in to the camera.

J2H: Just because the man has been on some kind of streak, doesn't make him my most dangerous opponent yet. I'm his most dangerous opponent yet. You don't get this thing over your shoulder if you're not the best in the business.

He looked at the SCW World Championship, pointing to it with pride on his face.

J2H: Can I say the guy isn't talented? Fuck that because to be a Roulette champion, there has to be something about you. To not know what match you're stepping in to takes some thought process, it takes confidence. I know this because I have been there, early in my career, I was a Roulette champion and I beat people who went on to make a name for themselves, I beat people who were much better then this roster, and that is why people are looking at you with rose tinted glasses Peter because being a champion is one thing, but the way you get known as one of the best champions of all time is based on the people you beat and you beating the Miles Kasey's, and Bill Barnhart's of the world isn't exactly setting the world on fire. I mean come on bro, you're facing Eddie Lyons for that thing, you're not facing anyone with any credibility when it comes to building a legacy, you're not beating people who have any value. Did you see me at High Stakes? Did you happen to watch the main event or did you just walk away after your match Peter? I beat Goth, Austin James Mercer, Jack Washington, HB Carter and Alexander Raven. Each man a champion at some level, each man holding those single belts and leading. You're facing guys who barely make a dent in this business.

He smirked down the camera because he knew he was right, he knew the difference in quality was plain to see.

J2H: It's really clear to see Peter that while you're having that fucking huge win streak, you haven't really taken on anyone good and I should probably let you in on a little secret about the Roulette championship. I should probably tell you something just in case you didn't know. That championship, it's there for the lesser people to play around with, it's there for people who just come here that's not really as good as they think. It's a testing belt so when you came here with all those credentials and with all those accolades, you was seen as nothing special and put in the SCW equivalent of the special education class. 

He smiled and looked at his own championship belt.

J2H: It's kind of like a test, see who can handle being a champion and leading a division. Sure, you put on passable matches, but leader of a division, you are not.

One of J2H's main gripes with the SCW roster was well known and he knew that Peter Vaughn was a prize example of his major gripes.

J2H: Anyone who knows me, knows my hate for lazy fucking champions. I got this belt, I show up every fucking week. I don't care who you are, or what level your championship is, you show up every fucking week and you talk about it. You make people interested in it, you show there's some fucking pride in what you do and you've had that belt for a long time Peter and we've seen you talk about it what, once in front of a live crowd? That's fucking embarrassing for a champion!

He turned his head from the camera, gritting his teeth before snapping his head back.

J2H: Champions, challengers, you should be working but no prick even knows what Eddie Lyons sounds like, no one knows what the Roulette Champion even looks like in the ring when he's not wrestling. You might think that you're this great champion Peter but you're like so many others in SCW right now, you're a fucking let down. You're a let down to the fans, you're a let down to your division and you're a let down to me!

He took a moment to breath and collect his thoughts before continuing.

J2H: You can claim to be whatever you want Peter, you can swing that belt above your head all day every day but having that belt does not make you a real champion. Champions lead, Champions step up, champions pull a division behind them, champions force challengers to step up and you're not doing that. You haven't since the day you won that belt and I'd bet that even with this shot in the arm, this kick up the ass, you still won't try and raise your game. I am gonna tell you how this is gonna go bro. You will have your moment in the sun with me, and you're welcome for that, but I will win. You'll go back to fighting guys like Alfonso whatever his fucking name is, and Eddie Lyons, and Bill Barnhart and you simply won't give a fuck. You'll sit there in silence while the guy who writes the card hypes you up instead of you doing it yourself. You can hold that title beating nobodies forever, You can take the easy way out on your career and get a pay check and wave around that gold for all to see, but you will never be a real champion until you can prove you're a real leader.

He stopped to take a deep breath.

J2H: What you're looking at Peter is a real fucking leader, you're looking at someone who pulls people up with them, makes them work harder then anyone else ever has done in their careers. I drag people to levels they didn't know they had and Peter, I'm looking at you, I'm looking at a man who is at the top of his division and I'm thinking that you can't step up to the level that I'm on. There's a reason I'm the SCW World Heavyweight champion and you're nowhere even close to being up on my level.

He looked at the SCW World Heavyweight championship and smiled.

J2H: I know you're probably thinking this is your chance, this is your time where you could make a real name for yourself against someone as good as me, but that makes you no different that anyone else I've had to face in my career. I've had a target on my back for years because of who I am, because of people know how far ahead of them I am. I'm used to these people burning a hole in my back because they know if they beat me, they can go up a whole new level, but just like everyone else Peter, you will try and you will fail like they did. I've watched you up close, less then a week ago, I watched you very close and I wasn't impressed. Threw yourself around the ring, didn't impress me one little bit.

He shook his head firmly.

J2H: You're not coming up against an Alexander Raven here. You're coming up against the man who is going to beat Alexander Raven in a few weeks time and end the year as SCW World Heavyweight Champion. I'm ten times the wrestler he is and always will be so you have no chance in this Peter. You're there because they couldn't find me anyone else to go against. Clash of the champions is their go to thing when someone like me needs someone as a warm up match. You're not here on merit, you're not here because your very deceiving winning run, you're here because I need to face someone and they wanted it main event worthy. The only reason you are main event worthy is because you have a piece of gold that is built on beating nobody with any credit. Well, welcome to your moment in the spotlight Peter because you're about to see what a real challenge is here in SCW.

He laid his palms out flat in an inviting manner.

J2H: But this is going to be very eye opening for you, because you're about to see that the gulf between my belt and yours is too big for you to handle. You'll see that SCW isn't as easy as you think it might be because there's a big reason I am where I am and you are where you are. This is where you see that you're better off swimming with the minnows, rather then stepping up to the sharks. I know you didn't ask for this but you will learn from this that I am not here because of my reputation, I'm at the top because I work harder then each and every person in the fucking locker room to keep my spot at the top. I put myself through hell every fucking time I get in the ring, trying to make it a match of the year every damn time and people like you who cruise along on your countless world titles and your reputation are just not as good as they think they are. You're one of those people Peter.

J2H stood up from the rock he had been sitting on.

J2H: I've seen people like you brag about being a multi time World champion and not one of them has impressed me that much, telling me how many belts you've won also tells me how many belts you've lost. Doesn't mean a fucking thing to me, what means everything to me is my urge to stay on top, my urge to be the best all the time, the power that drives me and what's driving me Peter is the fact that I'm gonna snap your six straight singles match win streak. I've beaten you in a tag match with that fucking loser Goth, but now you're about to see how different I am when you look me in the eye one on one. This is not your redemption or getting something back for the fact that you was on the losing side against me. You're not getting to lucky number seven Peter, cause on Sunday, your record takes a turn for the worst, you go in to December 2 Dismember, stupid fucking name by the way, on a loss. There's no way around it, it's just how it's going to go for you.

He cracked his knuckles as a serious look on his face matched the serious feeling inside.

J2H: For the fans, seeing someone like you who is beating everyone one on one, go against a guy like me who is just unstoppable, it might be a dream match, but for me Peter, it's just another match, just another guy with a reputation and a win streak for me to have. You're just another guy who thinks they can use me to step up and show the world who you are when realistically, you're gonna be just another guy who falls at the feet of the greatest SCW World Heavyweight champion there's ever been and while I have this belt, you'll always be in my shadow. While I'm still here, you will never be thought of as anyone other then the guy who beats the jobbers. You will never work hard enough to be as good as I am because I'm J2H, I'm the fucking greatest champion that this place has ever seen, and you're Peter Vaughn, luckiest champion SCW has ever seen. Come Sunday, people will see that you're nothing at all.

He gritted his teeth as he pointed down the camera.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

J2H walked away as the camera settled on a shot of Phoenix before fading to black.

Monday, 16th October 2023.

For some reason, he had seen the light and finally let go of so many feelings over the weekend. The sun shone a bit brighter and the birds have sung a bit louder and there was a spring in his step as he walked through a local park in Beverly Hills.

He often went for a walk on his own before travelling and the family were heading to Las Vegas later that day to start soaking in the spectacle that is High Stakes XIII, a very special show for the fans and an important part of the SCW calendar. High Stakes could make or break the company as well as the wrestlers on the show and he often showed up well in advance for this show.

He walked with confidence to where a chess set was set up in the park, yet the park was strangely empty as he sat in front of a reset chess board, looking down at the pieces before moving just one. He felt completely alone and at ease with sitting alone, but he wasn't alone for too much longer. His eyes was on the chess board in front of him but a hand appears in front of him, moving a piece against him. A male voice spoke to him with a hint of an accent, maybe Eastern European.

Man: It has been a long time, James.

J2H didn't bother to raise his eyes to look at the man who sat in front of him, just studying his next move.

J2H: I would say who are you, but for some reason, that tends to trigger bitches lately and sends them to social media to cry and try and find someone on their side, so I think I'll just say I have no idea who you are.

A chuckle appeared from the man's lips along with a huff from his nose.

Man: You once tried to kill me.

J2H raised an eyebrow as he moved another piece on the board, his eyes not looking towards his opponent.

J2H: I've tried to kill a lot of people in my life, so that doesn't narrow it down too much.

Another slight laugh came from across the board as he made his move.

Man: But I'd wager not many with a wooden stake before.

J2H tilted his head to the left and inhaled deeply, sniffing at the air deeply and giving his brain a little bit of time to process the smell.

J2H: Smells like something around here has been dead for a thousand years but that can't be true, because if that's the case, then you should be burning up in the sunlight Dmitri. 

J2H looked up and his eyes were met by those of Dmitri, the man recently announced to join SCW's Hall of Fame and huge rival of J2H. The duo had a torrid rivalry in 2017, bloody and angry that left permanent scars on both men mentally. The intensity was so high, that Dmitri's words were true and J2H did threaten to drive a stake through the heart of the man with Vampire roots.

Dmitri: You really shouldn't believe everything you read about my people.

J2H took a very deep breath as he stared with a blank expression on his face. 

J2H: Shouldn't you be haunting a castle back in Romania or something?

Dmitri smiled at the young man opposite him.

Dmitri: I see your humor has not changed in all the time we have been apart, James and I see you can still use the Romania joke while you know I am not from Romania.

J2H half smiled at Dmitri and clicked his fingers.

J2H: That's right, you're a Russian vampire, not very common these days or popular. Well, it's just not that popular to be a Russian anything these days, especially if you're in politics or control a military.

Dmitri looked at J2H with a slightly lowered eyebrows, letting time pass for a few seconds before he spoke again.

Dmitri: So how is your lovely wife and child?

J2H run his hand over his own chin, just looking across the chess board at Dmitri, his lip poked out as he considered his reaction. He hasn't seen Dmitri in years, any sporadic SCW appearances coincided with J2H not being a part of the company.

J2H: That's none of your business, that is my business and speaking of business. You didn't just happen to be passing Beverly Hills and think you'll find me for a chat and this place being empty, I'm guessing it's all your doing too somehow.

There was a sense of pride in the smile Dmitri flashed at J2H.

Dmitri: I see you are still aware of my powers.

A scoff came from J2H as he looked at Dmitri. He never did believe in Vampires or things like that, even with his dealings with a certain past roster member that showed him more to life then what we see before us and things lurking in the shadows can be real.

J2H: So let me guess, this is a weird dream and just like Brother Grimm, you've popped in to my head to warn me about something that's gonna happen at High Stakes XIII and it's only you cause Brother Grimm is on vacation or something, right? This is just not real.

An unimpressed look was on J2H's face but Dmitri just smiled at him through cold eyes. 

Dmitri: No but it does have something to do with High Stakes XIII, James.

J2H held his hand up to Dmitri, stopping him in his tracks. He wasn't sure why this face from the past had appeared to speak to him, nor did he really care. He just genuinely hated faces from the past showing up, especially when the last time they were really around each other, both men were covered in blood and J2H had a stake to Dmitri's heart, demanding his lady at ringside threw in the towel. 

J2H: Last time I saw you, or was anywhere around you, I tried to end you. I was going to end you in front of all those people. Sure, it won us feud of the year but I was trying to end you Dmitri. I'm not interested in why you're here at all. It's like a one night stand, best to leave it on that great memory of me trying to kill you. Save travels back to Romania.

The memories flooded back from that night caused a smile to just appear on J2H's face as he stood to his feet and turned around, walking towards the exit of the park, only to be met with Dmitri standing at the gate. J2H looked and felt confused as he turned his head to look back just the few feet where he and Dmitri were just sitting, looking at the empty space that was now there. He turned his head back to Dmitri. 

Dmitri: Again, Russian, not Romanian.

J2H waved his finger at Dmitri and turned his head back, just to be sure that there was an empty space where he was a few seconds before. No one had made there way there and he turned back with a confused look on his face.

J2H: How did you do that?

Dmitri smiled at J2H and slightly nodded his head towards him.

Dmitri: Because I can, because of who I am. Now James, I would just like a moment of your time before you return to that lovely family of yours and I travel to Las Vegas.

J2H: Getting a flight or turning in to a bat and saving a few dollars?

J2H smirked at Dmitri who just returned his gaze with the slightest curl of the left side of his lip as he looked at his former rival.

Dmitri: You sound nervous James and a nervous man often attempts humor to cover up for his fears of what's in front of him.

J2H: Not a touch of nerves in me.

He wasn't lying to Dmitri, inside he was as cool and calm as he could possibly be as he looked at him directly in the eye.

Dmitri: Well, now we have done our old song and dance with each other where you talk without thinking and I restrain the feelings of ripping you apart...

This line caused J2H to raise an eyebrow at the man in front of him. He put his hand out in front of him.

J2H: Do go on. 

Dmitri: I'm sure you've heard on Sunday that I too will be joining you in SCW's Hall of Fame.

J2H: And you want me to show you the secret handshake that gives you all the benefits of being in the Hall of Fame? I'm sorry to break this too you, but this isn't like one of those secret society groups or even like The Stonecutters from The Simpsons. There is no secret handshakes or perks to being in the SCW Hall of Fame. It's bragging rights for some people and an ego trip for those dicks that lobby for themselves to go in there. For the rare few, it's the honor of cementing their legacy, but mostly, it's ego people lobbying for themselves to go in. No secret handshake so you've wasted your trip here.

Dmitri: I am not stupid, I see these things for myself but I have not come here for that. I have come here for a very different reason.

J2H: Well, while we're still young... Well, some of us, you're about four thousand years old apparently.

Dmitri filed a polite smile at the confident man.

Dmitri: I want you to induct me in to the Hall of Fame, James.

Hearing those words took J2H by surprise and his face couldn't hide that fact.

J2H: Me? I tried to kill you!

Dmitri: You did, but you are the perfect person for that job. We had that rivalry that captured the imagination of the world and the world remembers it. Who better to remind people of all that we did all those years ago then you.

J2H looked at Dmitri through confused eyes, scratching the side of his head.

J2H: You're only asking me to do this because it means I need to say nice things about you and I've never said nice things about you, right.

Dmitri smiled as he shrugged his shoulders.

Dmitri: That is something you will never know. So what do you say?

He took his time before looking Dmitri in the eye.

J2H: I'll think about it.

He walked past Dmitri and through the gates, heading towards the Aston Martin parked nearby. Leaving Dmitri to utter a few more words.

Dmitri: I will see you in Vegas, James.

The camera fades out, leaving us to wonder, will J2H be the man to induct his rival Dmitri in to the SCW Hall of Fame.


Wednesday, 18th October 2023

The recent weeks of anger had seemed to have departed from J2H's body and continued to stay away. A new calm had developed along with the old confidence and arrogance he was once famous for. He felt that he let the past stay there and nothing could change the fact that his build up with Michael Harris was moved to the side for now and had to look what was in front of him.

He had brought his family to Las Vegas early this week instead of flying to the show the day before, it was a huge week in SCW history that wasn't just about one day, Vegas was excited for a week before the show and it was an atmosphere not to be missed.

Every wrestler on the SCW roster with an ounce of creativity in their head would find a good location outside of a sweaty gym or a hotel room to cut a promo, I mean who remembers a hotel room or gym promo? Or a guy in an empty room talking kind of promo? No one, so J2H decided to take the forty mile trip from Las Vegas to The Hoover Dam, just to cut a promo. Not bad for a guy who has to get dragged to work...

He stood looking over the dam as people walked by, a baseball cap shading his eyes as the camera got up close.

J2H: It's beautiful, isn't it? Fucking beats dull ass locations to talk.

He was already feeling confident in his words and he'd only spoken a single line.

J2H: On Sunday, it will be my fifth match in SCW on their last eight shows and appeared on pretty much every day show that I physically could for the last six months, more then pretty much everyone in SCW, which is not too bad for someone a few people consider as a part timer. A guy who has to be dragged to work.

He rolled his shoulders back and smirked.

J2H: But don't let the truth get in the way of bullshit if it helps to twist things in your way. Yeah, I'm throwing that towards one of my opponents, that would be you Alexander Raven.

He rolled his eyes as he mentioned his name.

J2H: Looks like someone got a little upset with me for not knowing who he is. I'm sorry to hurt your feelings Alexander.

It was a mocking tone that came from J2H and it continued.

J2H: I'm sorry I got you all upset because I really didn't know who you are but I do now, thanks to your Britney Spears style break down on social media. I do know who you are now. I know that you've beat some people, cool story bro, but I also know one match all through the cycle that you lost, and a couple of appearances, good for you! I also learned a few more things on my own... That's you're a little bitch who gets triggered when someone doesn't know who you are. I learned that you're one of those keyboard warrior sub tweeting little bitches that try and get people to rally around you with zero context or their own little fact checks, I learned that you might just be a pissy little snowflake who seeks attention on social media. That's the difference with us Alexander, I don't need the approval of some people behind a screen and I know how to grab the attention without it.

He knew he could without stooping low and his confident stance matched his feelings.

J2H: Look at it little this you poor little sensitive lamb you. All I had to do to get your attention and triggered was to ask who you were.... You had to run to social media and drop a C bomb or two to try and get mine. FYI, dropping C bombs is the lowest form of attention seeking there snowflake, makes you look like a little bitch. You had a blank canvas to make me learn about you and instead, I learned that you are the kinda guy who tries to gain friends by talking about others behind their backs. You're the kind of guy that is too lazy to research, while claiming I'm the same, so you go cheap and say I'm gimmick stealing from a man who stole someone else's must own a casino shit, when I was here before all of them, you're clearly a guy who can't take criticism. Clearly a guy who changes a script to suit yourself.

J2H looked around at a small crowd gathered to listen to him.

J2H: Because you were fairly respectable in your work last week showing your knowledge of me, but then you flipped out because I asked who you were and ran bitching about it. You knew my upbringing but didn't seem to know how many shows I've been on lately or what I did. Maybe you should actually watch the show beyond your own shit. Alexander, this bitching shows you're not ready to be a World Champion, it shows you as a little bitch so after your social media outburst, I might know who you are but I really don't give a fuck about who you are. I'm giving you even less chance to win this week.

J2H poked his lip out.

J2H: Does that trigger you too? Well, do what you do best, grab some cheap booze, go talk about me on social media without tagging me, act like a big man when I can't punch you in the face and show the world what a little bitch you are behind a screen, cause on Sunday, I'm gonna show you what a little bitch you are in the ring.

J2H confidently smiled.

J2H: Enough talk about the big baby there. Let's talk about you Jack Washington. You can call me Hawkes if you want but you'll be adding the word's mister and please stop before that, on Sunday when I'm stamping your face through the mat.

He tilted his head with confidence.

J2H: I don't say J2H because it's cool fuck face, I say it because it's a bit of a brand. Now you should know what a brand is, right Jack? That's one of those things you do differently from anyone else and market it to them differently. Something you should have thought of instead of just stealing the casino shit idea from someone and just being absolutely generic to the point of no one can remember what your casino was all about. Now if you brand something, people are gonna know what that's about as soon as they hear it. When people think of J2H, they think champion, they think leader, they think of someone who puts everything on the line to be all they can, to step up and take on the world. They think of a guy who can drag people in to a story, fuck, can actually create a story. What do they think of when they think of you Jack? Not too much.

He looked very nonchalant in his comment.

J2H: Frankly, you should be fucking proud if people compared you to me with the attitude and shit, because it never did me any harm. I do need to correct you on one thing there Jack, it's not people who don't bend the knee to me that I don't like, cause just like I'm gonna do to you, I can make them bend the knee, I really don't like anyone, and you know why Jack? Because they're all like you, they all think cause I have a dollar more then them, I'm some kind of snob, because they can't fucking face up to their own shortcomings, they can't look themselves in the mirror and see their own failures. They look at me and because I was born in to money, they, just like you think I don't need to work, yet here I am, working my balls off every week when you all think I can wake up and do what Scrooge McDuck can do and live in to a pile of money. It's jealousy, and that's why I don't like people and that's why I don't like you Jack. This is why I know I'm better then you, you're just like everyone else I've ever faced, beacon of jealousy. Also, what fucking year are you living in? People with money don't shoot pheasants, we drive fast cars and laugh at the little people... isn't that the 2023 take on people with more then a dollar then your broke ass?

He looked down the camera with waiting eyes.

J2H: Also, news flash for ya Jack, win or lose, I'm going nowhere. Leaving SCW in the hands of people like you, Raven or anyone else in this match does not bare thinking about, but don't worry, I don't plan on losing so you can go on being sick of me a little bit longer.

A confident smirk covered his face.

J2H: From one man obsessed with my wealth and upbringing to a man just obsessed with me. That's you Goth.

J2H flicked the brim of his baseball cap with his finger.

J2H: Judas, huh? What the fuck what you smoking when you came up with that nickname for me? Some kind of import from the homeland I suspect. Biblical reference to a guy that stabbed his friends in the back. I'm sure this is one of those situations where that just sounded better in your head because to stab friends in the back, you'd have to have friends and I don't have friends. I don't need friends to scramble over to get what I want, cause I'm J2H. I don't step over friends, I have no friends in this business, I have people I know, I have people that respect me enough to come and ask me to induct them in to the Hall of Fame because of legendary battles, but friends? Who needs them?

He shrugged his shoulders.

J2H: I don't need to belittle your accomplishments compared to mine Goth, far from it, we've all seen that history does that for me when you put them side by side. We've all seen how much more I've done then you and you've been around years before I ever thought of wrestling. That shows that I don't have to rip apart all of that. You've joined the bandwagon of why do I show up when I want, you've sat there and tried to belittle who I am, but what you really need to ask yourself is when you're on the roster a lot, why do SCW bosses keep paying me enough money to tempt my from my cosy little life to come back and keep having to save this place? You need to ask yourself why I'm needed if you feel you can carry this place. The truth is Goth, you should have fucking retired a long time ago because you can't carry this place. Look at the facts, I came back, I won Blast From The Past, I got hit by a fucking car and I still went on to become SCW World Heavyweight champion. I went through another two months of world class matches leading to the first ever barbed wire steel cage match in SCW, I bled all over that ring and I walked out two weeks later and said I wasn't going anywhere. I then built more over the last six weeks then you have in the last two years and end up as you put it rightly, blue balled, but I did it. 

An arrogant look appeared on his face.

J2H: I come back because you're just not good enough to carry this place and that's something I'll show you on Sunday.

He knew inside he could back up his words.

J2H: Now Austin, I'm gonna give you credit on something because the six pack of beers thing, very good, very creative shit there. I would say hats off to you, but if I take my hat off, then all these people will know who the fuck I am and that means I won't get chance to talk about you.

He casted a side glance to the people walking past.

J2H: I need to disagree with you about a fluke win because I had a lot to prove in that match and I worked myself in to the ground trying to keep that championship away from him. I bled to keep that championship away from him, so it was no fluke but it has made me more determined to put right what I screwed up on, It has made me double determined because last year at this event, I got screwed out of something by someone who went in to business for himself so I was already determined to get my own redemption out of this whole thing, now that's twice as strong.

He held up two fingers to prove his point.

J2H: You implied something Austin that these jokers in the match simply don't get. These people think it's easy to come back and be who you were, and you couldn't do that or can't yet, but I could and yet these fucks don't see me as anything other then the arrogant prick I am. Zero respect for who I am, what I can do, what I'm going to fucking do on Sunday, but you get it and just hearing those words has made me see who my real threat is in this match. There was no bullshit from you there Austin, you didn't play on who I am, just what I can do in that ring. I respect that, and that means that you've just moved up to second favorite in my eyes for this because you're not blinded by anything. I'm saying second favorite for a reason because you being the smart man that you are, already know that I should have been just given the belt because you know as well as the rest of the world does, I was going to beat Michael Harris. I'm going to right that wrong of not beating him a couple of months ago, but now I got my eye on you a little more closer Austin. 

He looked around the area for a second before continuing.

J2H: Down to one more of you to speak about, just the one and that's you Carter. Talk about pull on the heartstrings because your story lately has been just that. It's been a classic tearjerker.

J2H wiped away a fake tear from his eye.

J2H: And I clearly gave you a lot more respect then I should have by saying you was the only one who deserved to be in this match but fuck that, calling me entitled? Damn fucking right I'm entitled to that championship cause out of everyone in this match, I'm the only motherfucker who showed up every week to earn the thing. Yes, it should have been given to me or at least one on one with someone but no, that's not the way people think. I jumped through hoops, I put my legacy on the line for that championship, my legacy, the thing that defines a wrestling career, a thing that keeps you remembered long after you're in the ground, so yeah, I'm entitled but unlike everyone else in this match who think they're entitled, I am the only one who truly is. Instead I get to jump though more hoops for something that is rightfully mine.

He took a deep breath.

J2H: You think I'm egotistical but you said you deserve the championship given to you? Congrats, you pinned Harris, I pinned you, see where I'm going with this shit Carter? I made you in that match but what I created, I can and will break. I made you in to this person who thinks they stand a shot on Sunday. I made you in to this guy but it's all in your head. Everything is in your head because that one match, you lost but came out smelling like roses. You lost it made your career, in fact, I gave you the confidence to go on and beat Michael Harris.

A smirk once again appeared on his face.

J2H: Without that match, you would not have known what you needed to do to step up your game to play with the big boys at the top of the card, you would not have seen the difference in levels between your matches in the middle of the show, to your matches against the best there is in this place. I made you think that you could be better then you are but this is what makes me different from all the rest. I have more gears then anyone else in this match and I can take it to a whole new level. I'm chasing that belt like you are, and there's a lot of factors that are driving me on and not just that championship. I'm pushing myself because of last year here, I'm pushing myself because I worked my ass off for everything here so I've got gears you have never seen before.

Confidence flew out of every pour in his body.

J2H: Can you be a champion Carter? One day but you've got too much on that mind of yours to even think about the championship now. This is not gonna be a tribute to the dear departed father, this is not gonna be a pick me up for you, this is not gonna be the fairytale ending of losing someone a week before a big match and then walk out as champion where you can point to the sky and dedicate it to someone no longer with us, because frankly, I don't give a shit about what you're going through and no one else in this match does too.

He knew he might have crossed the line but didn't really care.

J2H: All they care about is winning and I'm gonna disappoint all five of you because there's only one man winning this match, there's only one man good enough to win this match and he's been talking to you for a while. In your own heads, you all think you might stand a chance but not one of you actually do. I'll see you all on Sunday, feel free to follow Alexander Raven on social media cause no doubt, he's gonna go on there and cry like a baby as soon as he sees this, with his cheap booze and lack of ability to tag people, must be a little thing with his group of cronies. 

J2H nodded confidently.

J2H: I am J2H, I am your next SCW World Heavyweight champion and that's real talk bitch!

J2H turned and walked away as the camera faded to black.

Monday 9th October 2023

He had flown directly home from the SCW show, Climax Control, his mood was alarmingly bad, even for J2H, who was notorious for seemingly being in a bad mood every waking moment. He had been told about the six way match earlier that day, but was not happy with it and had made that very clear in a very private meeting. He stood at his front door, his eyes looking at the lock as he slid his key in and turned it before walking inside. It was the early hours when he arrived home and the house was still quiet, everyone was in bed, or so he thought. A hand grazed his shoulder and he took half a step back, his fists balled up.

J2H: What the fuck!

It was Melody with a wide smile on her face looking towards her husband and the shock that appeared on his face after the unexpected touch.

Melody: Sorry.

He didn't believe she was, or sorry about most things in her life and the smile matched his suspicions.

J2H: You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack.

Melody: Well someone's on edge.

J2H: I'm not on edge, I'm pissed off.

He was inside and felt like he could explode at any minute, like everything inside him was boiling up and needed a release.

Melody: I saw the show, JJ is excited he's seeing you face so many people, but I'm guessing you're not exactly thrilled.

That was an understatement in J2H's mind and his gritted teeth matched his mental response. He wanted to yell and scream and throw things around but he knew it wasn't her fault, that she didn't deserve his wrath.

J2H: Not happy is putting it lightly. I went from building up something special to this thrown together piece of shit, for what? For nothing at all. I went out and put myself in a barbed wire cage, got parts of me torn away, and yeah, I lost but someone had a bigger plan, a plan with a bigger stage and now they've just pissed on this and watered it down. I feel like I've wasted my fucking time for end up in this mess.

Melody could empathize with her husband, she had spent nights alone, seen the dynamic of family time change because he had toured with SCW, he had been on the other side of the world, needed three stops on a private plane to even get in the same city as his family. She saw what he'd done, what he created and how much he put in to this.

Melody: I don't know what to say.

Her smiled faded to sad eyes as she squeezed his arm.

J2H: I need to go for a drive or something, because I need to clear my head, yell at a tree, I can't be like this in the house.

Melody nodded at him at uttered a couple of words.

Melody: Drive safe.


Melody's words were unheeded as he blew down the highway at speeds that would make your average person's eyes water. Thankfully the highway was fairly abandoned at this hour, allowing him to travel to anywhere. He didn't have a set plan of where to go or what even to do. He just picked a direction and hit that gas.

J2H: I still can't fucking believe this.

His car flew past sign post after sign post, he didn't know where he was set to end up but something felt like it was telling him to slow down, pull off the highway and stop. The minutes had blurred away to the point he didn't actually know where he was or how long he'd been driving but he listened to the voice inside him and looked for an exit, It wasn't long before he found one and slowly pulled off, looking around to try and figure out his surroundings. Something caught his eye to his left, a glimmer in the distance and he headed towards it, finding a small empty car park, next to a closed diner. He looked to the windscreen of the car to see for the glimmer and quickly realized he was on top of a cliff looking at the sea.

J2H: Hmmmm

He quickly stopped the engine of the very expensive and very limited edition Aston Martin Valour and opened the door, quickly stepping outside and taking in a lung full of the sea air. The moon was bouncing down on the sea, giving it the look of something you might see in an oil painting and he moved around to see on the front of the car.

J2H: What was the fucking point?

He felt that he had given his heart and soul to SCW over the last few months, giving up his quiet life, giving up his family life and he started to doubt the reasons why he did this.

J2H: This was my fucking masterpiece, this was something that every wrestler wishes he could do and now it was for nothing.

He didn't even blame Michael Harris in this situation, he had moments in his career where passion took over thought and the best decisions was not made.

J2H: I did it all, I put my fucking body on the line, gave up hours of being around my family, wrestled in the ass end of nowhere in tiny little places not worthy of me being there only to have the rug pulled out from underneath me! I took on every situation thrown at me and did all I could do to make it look better. I won, I called out Harris, it set up a genius match that should be Match of the Year and if it fucking isn't, people are just stupid voting for their friends, but we did that. Harris called me out pushed my buttons and bang, legacy on the line on the biggest stage of them all, and now all that was fucking wasted and I'm in the ring with five losers who just got lucky. Only Carter had anything to do with this whole thing that was significant. All my hard work wasted!

He had nothing but bitterness in his tone.


He sharply inhaled and gritted his teeth, putting his hands behind his head and locking his fingers tightly.

J2H: Who puts in this much work, only to get told you don't have a one in two chance of become champion, you now have a one in six chance when none of these people earned a shot at it. ell, Carter maybe but what the fuck has Alexander Raven ever done? Fucking messed around with Bill Barnhart all the time and shit at that level and no, let's piss on J2H's hard work and put him in with a guy like that. Has Austin James Mercer done anything lately? No. Jack Washington and Goth talking about the World Championship, does that mean cause they said it, they should have it? No! They took my hard work and made it a joke.

He was disappointed that this was the best SCW could come up with after it's long history.

J2H: Mac Bane is gonna be at the show, Kris Ryans will probably be there but they couldn't pay those guys good money to have a main even worth a fucking damn? Cause this match isn't worth a damn! The fans have probably cancelled the show after seeing that bullshit. Let's go from career vs legacy to six random fucking dudes.

He knew SCW could have offered someone he saw as credible, serious amounts of money to come back for one match.

J2H: This is just lazy, this is just lazy bullshit so they just took a bunch of guys who had nothing going on to try and stop me. Is this what they want? Have they used me up? Are they looking at me saying he's peaked again and it's all downhill so they gave these guys a chance? Not one of them is on an upward trajectory. Why the fuck would they screw their biggest draw? I swear to fucking god these bosses don't know what they're doing anymore. This is a show where people from the past come backstage, you're telling me you couldn't have got one of them to face me for the World Championship.... That's a point too...

A curious thought floated through his mind and his face matched the thought in it's curiousness.

J2H: Why didn't they just give me the belt?

He felt he had earned it with months of hard work and getting people to be interested in what SCW had to offer.

J2H: Why are they making me jump through hoops when I'm clearly the right man for the job? They should have just given me the belt to defend against someone. 

Paranoid thoughts started to flush through his mind as he sat on the hood of the car, his eyes just staring out in to the night.

J2H: So they want to play it like that. They don't want me to have their championship. It all makes sense now. They are trying to fuck over their biggest draw. It's actually intentional. Maybe king bitch Goth has finally got his way after all these years and talked them in to not giving me what I earned. I mean he tried the first time I won this so maybe that little bitch when to them and got his way this time. I wouldn't be surprised if he sent Christian flowers with a begging letter to be put in this one.

Paranoia had started taking over his mind and his eyes narrowed, thinking about the other people in the match.

J2H: Jack Washington too. He's been talking about coming for the World Championship. Maybe he bribed them to get in to this match. He's got to have done something. Austin James Mercer too. He's been here long enough to have been friends with the bosses. Maybe Carter talked his way in to Christian by playing on the first gay world champion thing and Alexander Raven, well fuck knows how he worked his way in to this match but he did. Maybe they're all in this together to actually stop me cause they know something.

The dripping of paranoid thoughts became a flood as they run through his head one by one.

J2H: They know that without Michael Harris, there's no one to stop me. Michael Harris is the only man who could beat me sometimes. They all know that if they had given me the belt, they knew no one could stop me. They knew that I'd be champion forever and they will all try on their own and fail on their own, but together, they can work together to stop me. It's gotta be the only reason they've done this, just so that they can stop me. Well they can't, even Thanos won a battle or two against The Avengers when they all got together, and I only need to win one to never have to be in the ring with those five fucking losers again. I don't need to do it every week, I just need to do it once.

A wry smile crossed over his face.

J2H: That's all I need to do. Just beat those fucks once and I don't have to deal with them all again. I know I could beat them all one on one and not break a sweat. I know whoever looks second best behind me will probably be the first one to step up to me after I become World Heavyweight Champion again. Seriously don't need to worry about these dick bags until they try to team up on me. It won't work now I've figured out what they're going to do. 

The smile grew wider and the confidence grew stronger as he looked out in to the night sky.

J2H: But I need to get them all back, I will get them all back, those back stabbing bastard bosses too for putting me in this situation to begin with even though I've given them the best ratings they've seen in a long time! They owe me everything from taking a company that go stale and making it special again. I can't let them or their conspirator friends stop me and I will get my revenge and I'll get it by doing the one thing that collective don't want and that's me being champion, so I will become champion again. I will piss them all off and not give a fuck about them, cause once I get my championship back, I'm bringing back the real me.

A smirk flashed on his face as he looked around.

J2H: No more playing middle of the road like I have been, no more anti hero bullshit that I've had thrust upon me. It's fucking time for the real me to come back. No more bullshit, no more nice guy, the good old me is coming back and people are about to get fucked up!

He couldn't help but smirk as he moved back around the car and opened the door with a click of the button. It took him mere seconds to move his body inside and start the loud engine. Within seconds, the vehicle was in motion and moving backwards, spinning around and heading back towards the highway before disappearing in to the night.


The night/early morning that he had arrived home, had passed but the young man's anger had grown back and lived on as he found himself in the back garden of his mansion after a very restless night's sleep. He had the camera set up to talk but wasn't in the mood, but he knew he had no choice but to get everything off his chest before his mind exploded and his home life suffered more then it should. It was a long wait to High Stakes and he knew he couldn't contain that anger for a little under two weeks. He looked down the camera with a scowl on his face before speaking.

J2H: Five of the luckiest pricks in the entire world! 

Just saying those words made his blood boil.

J2H: You five dick bags must feel like you've won the lottery at this point. Me and Michael Harris do the fucking work, he has a moment of madness and you five pricks benefit for doing absolutely nothing at all. Fuck, I didn't even know half of you still worked here because I haven't seen a damn mention or segment of half of you in months. Half of you only show up to wrestle, I put in the fucking work and you waltz in here thinking you actually deserve a shot at the top when you deserve nothing at all. I bet you're all sitting there ready to tell me how you deserve to be in this match, when not one of you have done a damn thing to earn this shot at all. You've all been picked for this match because there was no other plans for any of you at all when it should be just me being given the World Heavyweight Championship. I put in the work to make that title special and you five think you have a shot at taking it? Fuck you!

He could feel the frustration fuelling his words.

J2H: It's hard to know where to start when it comes to talking about which one of you deserve this golden chance less, so let's start with you Alexander Raven.

J2H slowly started to shake his head.

J2H: Who the actual fuck are you anyway, and why the fuck do you really deserve to be here? Let me tell you who you are Alexander, you're absolutely no one at all. What have you done to be here? Nothing at all. I bet you were like a dog with two dicks when you found out you got in this match. I bet it feels like Charlie finding that golden ticket to run around the chocolate factory because you've not exactly been a shining star here in SCW, you haven't been anything in SCW but somehow, on the biggest show of the SCW calendar, here you are, waving around your two dicks all excited, but I have some news for you. High Stakes has notoriously been my show, because I used to come back once a year for this show, so everyone thinks High Stakes, they think of me, they know this is my time to shine and people like you simply don't matter. Well Alexander, you really don't matter at all to me. You've literally lucked out to get yourself here and I'm sure you're thinking you're gonna make the most of this chance, that you're gonna be the outsider that shocks the world and becomes the SCW World Champion... Only certain people shock the world as an outsider and you're looking at the man who did that in his first World Championship win, and believe me, you're not even close to being as good as I am. I wasn't as good as I am now way back then, and you're not even in the league of the old me. 

His anger was seeping out with his words.

J2H: You're a lucky fuck Alexander and I'm gonna be real honest with you. You shouldn't be here. You'd have never been considered for this match on merit, you're in this thing cause they had nothing at all better to do with you at High Stakes. It's the only reason so you won't be leaving with the belt I've earned over the last six months, you're just here because they didn't want to leave you in catering.

He smirked although his teeth was gritted.

J2H: Austin James Mercer, that's a name I should really respect, right? Been here a long time and will no doubt be remembered here in years to come, but Austin, you've been around in wrestling for what feels like forever so you're gonna understand this phrase better then most. The wrestling business a lot of the time isn't about history, it's about present and there's an old phrase that fits you perfectly and that's what have you done for me lately?

He looked away and sharply back at the camera.

J2H: You've done absolutely nothing for me lately, you've done absolutely nothing for SCW lately. You went from headlining shows to getting outshone by your jobber partner so fucking quick, if you blinked, you would have missed it. You went from being feared to a fucking kitten in no time at all, you went from being one of the most respected men in the locker room to who the fuck cares, because you have let yourself go. You have let your standards drop, you let yourself become one of those guys who just goes through the motions these days and not add anything to what we do. It's a sad decline for a once great superstar to become a shell of who he used to be. Yet here we are Austin, a chance for you to live the glory days again, a chance for you to step on up and relight that fire but there's a guy right here who's gonna piss all over that fire before you can strike a second match. This guy is gonna stop you from getting that flame going because I already know you're finished Austin, I already know you're past it and while I once would admit that you was in my league, I'm now just looking at you in the distance. Just a damn shame the Austin James Mercer from a few years ago isn't in this match because I might have had a challenge.

He did respect Austin more then he would let on, but in his mind, his words were justified.

J2H: Who fucking next? Who fucking cares, how about you Jack Washington. A man who has been throwing the odd shot at me for a while, throwing in the fact that you want to go up against a World Champion, get your shot. You went old school and made a few comments, baited the hook, hoped that myself or Michael Harris would bite and neither of us did and you know why neither of us jumped at that just to shut you up?

He looked deep in to the camera.

J2H: Because you wasn't worth it. Neither of us wanted to carry you through a match but well done, you got the match out of necessity, you got it because like Raven, no plans for you. This or you booking this shit yourself would be the only way you would have got a World Championship shot. I'm sure the bosses heard you but they never made you challenge me, they never made you challenge Michael and that doesn't just speak loudly, it screams at me loudly like one of those shit metal bands, it says all that needs to be said about you and where you're seen in the wrestling world. You're not seen as top level championship material. You've got away with winning it a couple of times, but ask yourself, was you really backed? By the people, by the management? How many people ran to social media shouting your name and congratulating you? I'm gonna say it was a big round number, a singular big round number. I can't remember anything you did as champion, I can't remember anything you did here, because you're generic, you're forgettable, you don't stand out. You have the personality of a lettuce and the skills to match. You're not top level Jack, you never have been and take everyone else out of the match and look at me, the clear strongest in this match, even you know you couldn't stand up to me when it comes down to it. There's nothing you're gonna do in this match that is gonna make people think otherwise. Probably just here to make the match even numbers, that's about it.

He shrugged in an I don't care fashion before continuing. 

J2H: And there's you Goth, another man who really can't believe his luck because even after you was in the ring with me a few weeks ago and I reminded you of what a shitty wrestler you are and told the world what a shitty human being you are, you end up in this match with your chance of getting what you've been talking about constantly since you returned, but I'm gonna stop you there.

J2H put his hand up to the camera.

J2H: In more ways then one because I'm not letting you get that championship because you don't deserve it. You lost a lot of credibility when you couldn't beat me or Michael, you was the worst wrestler in that match but losing creditability is becoming a bit of a trend for you Goth and it was all by your own hand. No one made you start losing credibility, no one fucking grabbed it and started pulling it away from you. It's started when you joined The Saviors, knowing that they couldn't save someone from drowning in a puddle, they've saved nothing about SCW, but there was a straw that broke the camels back. With your credibility slipped to the point of a joke, you decided to help it along by giving lard ass a championship belt for winning one whole match in his career. That's your value on championships, giving them to someone for one win, that's it. You're a man who wants to lead this company but your value of championship belts is giving the to fat ass basement dwellers who get lucky once. Let me tell you this Goth, you are not the man to lead this company and you never will be. In your head, you might have been that guy who had wars with me and many others, but in reality, you're still that entitled piece of shit that cried to the bosses when I first became World Champion. You're not who you think you are, you couldn't lead a horse to water, let alone the place I put eyes on for the last six months, so I will stop you at all costs.

His anger had turned to seriousness as he continued.

J2H: There is one man in this match who deserves to actually be in this match through actual merit. One man and it's not the lottery winners I've mentioned earlier and that would be HB Carter. He actually did something I did too in the past and beat Michael Harris...

There was a slight smirk that appeared on his face.

J2H: Believe me when I say that's not the easiest thing in the world to do and yeah, I admitted that Carter took me past the limits I expected him to so this should have been one on one, not all these fucking people sharing a spotlight that was never made for them, it should have been the two of us and that's it. You came very close to beating me before Carter, very fucking close and yeah, I admit it, I took you lighter then I should. This is why it should have been one on one, not six people going for the belt that's rightfully mine and no one elses. That way, I could have cleared things up once and for all on who the better man is and we all fucking know it's me but one on one this time around, I would have made sure there was not a doubt in anyone's mind who the better man was. I don't make the same mistakes twice Carter, and the first time, I nearly made a huge mistake, I watched Michael Harris make that mistake I nearly did and took you lightly, that shows how much better I am then him and why I should be crowned champion now. We both went in with the same mindset against you and I won, you beat him. That shows who the real main guy is. Now wipe that smile off your face because I'm sitting here being nice about you because here comes the real truth. You're still like the rest of them, a luck of the draw thing so SCW could give as many people a chance to be a champion as they could without things becoming a major cluster fuck. Everything does down the exact same way though. You don't walk out as champion, and I will knock those stars out of your eyes that you have. You're smarter then these fuck faces. They're gonna sit there and say they deserve this, you're gonna sit there and be realistic and know there's only one winner coming out of this.

He pointed to himself, just to make the point.

J2H: That's the thing, there is only one winner coming out of this and you five are not gonna be that one winner, not one of you will be that winner. No one has worked harder then me. Michael Harris and I naturally gave the world something to remember, we naturally gave everyone something to talk about over coffee. It should have been my legacy against his career and Michael might be sitting in the stands with his paperwork that says suspended written all over it, but I refuse to let months of hard work end with someone undeserving walking away with the championship.

He stared firmly in to the camera.

J2H: We gave a story where Michael or I walk out with that fucking belt and believe me, one of us is and there's only one of us in that match. You five don't get to piss on me walking out with the SCW World Heavyweight championship, because it's destined to be mine. I didn't work hard just to have someone take this away from me. I might not get Michael's career but I will add to my legacy.

He huffed seriously.

J2H: I will be the one finishing that only Carter played a minor role in. I will not let any of you take away from months of my hard work. You need to open your fucking eyes and see everything was leading to High Stakes XIII. From Day one of me coming back and announcing I would be in Blast From The Past, it was all leading to this show. The drama and pain along the way, the self doubt, the confidence bursts, the massive highs to the lowest points for months have all been leading to this night, to this show and you'll have to kill me to stop me from finishing what I started.

He cracked his knuckles together.

J2H: At High Stakes, you five will make me look good, because I'm gonna beat each and every fucking one of ya. I'm gonna show you all that only I deserve to be the SCW World Heavyweight Champion. I started this story, none of you, I'm gonna end it the way it should be ended. With my raising that championship belt above my head. That's real talk bitch!

J2H walked away as the camera faded to black.

Climax Control Archives / What if...
« on: September 29, 2023, 11:05:15 AM »
Friday, 29 September 2034
Corbin, Kentucky

What if....

Everyone loves a what if story, so let's tell you one. What if J2H didn't have the money he did and didn't take wrestling seriously....

It's a path many wrestlers have to choose between in their careers when the question what am I doing this for seems to come up in to their heads. It might be after a damning loss, it might be after not having the success you expected to have at that point of their career, it might even be after getting hurt seriously for the first time in their career, but every wrestler at some point, will ask themselves that question. It's not always about that question though, it's about the answer. What are your levels? Do you want to be the best you can be or are you just happy scraping a living and not really giving a damn about anything else.

Well what if J2H was one of those people? What if he didn't care about the fame, or the hard work to get there?

It was a time to suspend belief as we jump eleven years in to the future to a place called Corbin, Kentucky, a place many probably haven't even heard of, let alone had the urge to find on the map or go and visit. A forty year old J2H sat in a dimly lit locker room, but the toned body from modern days had never been and haggard looking shadow of what could have been, sat on an old wooden bench as a light flickered in the room.

J2H: Place so shit, can't even fixed the lights.

His voice was less smooth, more gruff then the modern day version, as if years of fast food and cigarettes had taken its toll on him. He looked towards dripping water in the corner of the room and shook his head in disappointment as he reached down in a bag next to him, reaching in and pulling out a bottle of cheap scotch and placed it on the bench next to him. He fished his hand in once more, pulling out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, pulling one from the box and holding it in his teeth. A flick of the lighter sent and orange and blue flame dancing towards the end of the tobacco filled tube and he breathed in the toxic concoction of seven thousand plus chemicals.

J2H: That hit the spot.

A cough came from his forty year old lungs, the smoke blowing in different directions as he reached for the bottle of scotch and unscrewed the cap. It took him seconds to lift the bottle towards his mouth, removing the cigarette from his lips with his left hand and glugging from the bottle after a quick movement of his right arm. He pulled the bottle from his lips, his face wincing at the cheapness of the alcohol and that added burn that comes with inferior brands.

J2H: Ugh...

It was all he could muster as the scotch hit home and his eyes looked around the room once more and he let out of a sigh. He raised the cigarette again, putting it between his lips and taking another inhale of thick smoke before blowing it across the empty room. The room didn't stay empty too long as his attention moved to the doorway and the promoter of tonight's show, a man with a balding head and a bad comb over walked towards him in a suit that looked like it had come from a thrift store twenty years ago, stood in the doorway. He walked across the room, cutting the space between them down in just a few seconds.

Promoter: James, you can't smoke it here!

J2H scoffed as he took another puff from the dwindling down cigarette and blew smoke in a disrespectful manner at the promoter, not really caring what he has to say. He reached for the bottle once more, lifting it up and taking another swig before screwing up his face at the bitter taste.

J2H: I can do what the fuck I want and you don't pay me enough to care about this place or the rules, so fuck off.

Frustration instantly hit the promoters face as he looked at the former SCW star, instinctively running his hand over his hair and messing up his bad comb over.

Promoter: You can get the building shut down because of that and you shouldn't be drinking before a match.

J2H looked at him through eyes filled with contempt and a mouth full of gritted teeth.

J2H: Again, you don't pay me enough for me to give a fuck, you don't pay me enough to be here... In fact, what shit box town are we in right now?

Promoter: Corbin, Kentucky.

He shook his head as he looked at the promoter.

J2H: A place where the best part of the town is the sign that reads your now leaving Corbin, Kentucky. I used to go on world tours, I used to wrestle on television, I used to travel the world and now I'm in hick town USA.

The promoter was clearly uneasy at J2H's outburst against the town.

Promoter: I grew up here.

J2H lifted the cigarette back to his lips and inhales deeply once more, letting out a cough as his lungs cleared of the toxic smoke. He dropped the cigarette to the floor, using his tattered wrestling boots to stump out the last of the burning tobacco and looked the promoter in the eyes.

J2H: You have my sympathies.

Again, the promoter looked uncomfortably at J2H, his eyes glancing towards the bottle as J2H picked it up for another drink, followed by the screwed up face. The promoter quickly tried to change the subject.

Promoter: We need to run through the show. You're on first.

J2H quickly put his hand up to the promoter, stopping him in his tracks, much to his frustration.

J2H: First? You have me curtain jerking? Are you fucking insane? I'm J2H! I was on SCW television, I was a former roulette and tag champion! I was someone people wanted to see every week and you got me opening the show in front of what, fifty people?

Promoter: Forty five confirmed people, but we expect more then that with walk up sales.

J2H: Great so we might expect forty eight then. You want me to open the show in front of forty five confirmed hicks and a couple of sisters slash wives that might show up. You want me to do that when I'm J2H? I was on some of the biggest shows in history and you want me to do that.

He stood up in frustration and it was clear to see the years had not been kind to the physique of J2H. His stomach hung over his wrestling shorts, almost covering the top half of the band. He took a half stumble towards the promoter.

J2H: I deserve better then this shit you're offering.

Promoter: It's what you agreed on when we spoke on the phone.

J2H turned his back on the Promoter for a few seconds, his eyes closed, his teeth grinding against each other as he spun back.

J2H: Well I must have been drunk or fucking stupid to agree to this bullshit! I must have been out of my mind to ever consider coming to a place where the average amount of teeth in people's heads just happens to be three! I must have been on something to ever agree to work in this place, in this town around people with IQs lower then their shoes sizes.

He took a deep breath as he looked around the run down makeshift locker room and back to the promoter.

J2H: I could go back to Sin City Wrestling if I wanted!

The promoter tried to hide a smile as J2H turned around in frustration. He knew J2H could never go back to Sin City Wrestling after he left because he chose the path of least resistance, the path of laziness over working hard.

J2H: But fine, you want me to wrestle first, that's fine. I'll do it because the sooner I do, the sooner I get out of this place and head somewhere much better.

Promoter: Right, so you go out there and you cut a promo about your opponent, a wrestler called Turbo, then he interrupts with an attack, you guys go back and forth for ten minutes and he beats you.

J2H couldn't believe what he was hearing as he looked at the promoter through narrowed eyes. He had come all the way to Kentucky to wrestle for ten minutes.

J2H: Are you fucking for real? I've come all this way to wrestle first and that time? Are you insane? I should be here putting on the show of their lives and I'm losing to a fucking guy called Turbo? Are you seriously out of your mind!? I'm the biggest star you've ever had here, I'm the biggest star you ever had here, so why the fuck am I losing to a guy called Turbo.

The promoter knew J2H was only a star in his own head, he knew his career had not gone the way he would have liked it to with minimal effort.

Promoter: Turbo is a local guy, he wrestles for me a lot, so he's going over in this one.

The thought of laying the promoter out with a right hook had crossed J2H's mind but he closed his eyes and took a very deep breath before looking at him again.

J2H: Fine, I will go out there and cut a promo, I will do the job, I will give them a match they would remember but I want you waiting for me right behind the curtain with my money so I can do that and get the fuck out of this place, agreed?

A look of relief covered the promoters face as he felt he'd won this round, unaware J2H might have had other plans.

Promoter: Great, you have a deal, show starts in two minutes so get ready.

The promoter left the room quicker then he walked in and once again, J2H reached for the bottle, lifting it to his mouth for one more shot of cheap scotch, before putting it back in to his sports bag. After pulling the zipper tight, J2H stood up and pulled the bag over his shoulder and headed towards the entrance. He saw the promoter and slid the bag from his shoulder and pushed it towards the promoters chest.

J2H: Hold this, get my money ready.

Generic music played as J2H stepped through the curtain and couldn't believe his eyes. A tired old ring was set up in the middle of a run down hall, just a barricade between floor seats and nothing else. No protective mats covered the floor, just cold, hard wood. J2H walked to the ring to boos and nothing more, zero theatrics or any sense of caring. He got in the ring, looking around at the people there, estimating maybe thirty and took the microphone off the ring announcer.

J2H: Cut that shit music that sounded like a thirteen year old made it on an old beat up computer while on a break from watch his sister in the shower.

Instant heat came from the crowd as J2H smirked.

J2H: You know who the fuck I am and you're probably wondering what a superstar like me is doing in a town like this. Well you're not the only one asking that fucking question cause I've been asking myself that question from the second I happened to be here and I can not wait to leave this damn place. I was told a few minutes ago I'm facing some hometown guy called Turbo.

The thirty or so people in attendance cheered the name, but J2H didn't care.

J2H: Original name bro. Being from around here, I guess you guys have a lot in common with him. I presume he too only had two teeth and introduces his wife to people as his sister.

More boos hit the ring, but J2H still didn't care. In this moment, he was numb.

J2H: I don't wanna be here longer then I have to be, so bring this backwards fuck out here right now so I can beat him and get the hell out of here.

Generic music played once more and a man with a mask ran to the ring at full speed. A referee had been waiting outside the ring and took their cue to slide in. Turbo quickly slid under the ropes and in to the ring. The feeling of impatience rattled through J2H as he looked towards the referee and waved his hand to hurry things along. The referee called for the bell.

J2H: A match to remember...

He beckoned at Turbo to run to him and Turbo understood, running to him to allow J2H to duck the clothesline. Turbo bounced back off the ropes and hit J2H with a high knee to the head. J2H crumbled to the floor and Turbo went for the cover.




An air of shock descended on the building as J2H smiled and rolled out of the ring, turning back to just flip the bird at a stunned Turbo and referee. He walked back to the curtain and through it, back to the promoter.

Promoter: What the hell was that?

J2H smirked at him as he pulled the bag from the promoters hands, just looking him square in the eyes.

J2H: I promised you a match you'd remember, that people would remember and they will remember this. Your little home grown boy just got a big time win against someone who has been on TV, he can dine out on that for a long time and I can get the fuck out of here and never look back, so pay me and let me go.

The promoter looked uneasy but reached in to his pocket and pulled out a single one hundred dollar bill and handed it to J2H. J2H looked at it and walked past the man, hoisting his bag over his shoulder and making his way to the exit. He didn't feel the need to shower after a four second match or even change, just wanted out of the place as quickly as he could. He pushed the door open and made his way towards the parking lot.

J2H: Where the fuck did I park?

His eyes moved around before settling on his car, an old beat up red car with a huge scrape down the side of it and a yellow door. He made his way to it and opened the door, the door clearly not locked, owing to the fact J2H thought no one would steal that piece of shit. He threw the bag in the passenger seat and moved around the car to the drivers seat. He pulled open the stiff door and took a seat inside. He reached for his bag, pulling out the packet of cigarettes and placing one between his lips and scrambling around for the lighter. A few seconds later, the cigarette was lit and J2H looked around the surrounding area.

J2H: What the fuck did I do with my life?

A moment of clarity set in for the former Sin City Wrestling star.

J2H: I should have worked harder...

He slumped his head on the steering wheel, countless thoughts running though his head as he realised he was the only one to blame for his career going down to this....


29 September 2023.
San Francisco, California

It was a stunning afternoon in The Golden Gate city, and it was as alive as to be expected for the forth most densely populated city in America, but J2H had found a quiet place to sit and talk. With the Golden Gate Bridge in the shot, he sat down at the waters edge and looked towards the huge landmark stealing up a lot of real estate on the camera. His eyes turned back towards the camera on the right of his face, the wind blowing his hair from right to left, just a cool breeze just strong enough to move his blonde lochs.

J2H: Everything you just seen Jaycee, everything that aired before this, the whole what if scenario, that's where you're heading.

He was never one for giving any kind of advice to anyone but he smiled at the thought of the tie in from what just aired.

J2H: We're wrestlers and it's not about some bullshit people think where if the fans talk about you, you become popular and able to take on the world, work anywhere, have a spot at the top of every card, be known everywhere you go. It's not fucking like that. You have to put in the work, the effort to be where you want to be in this fucked up world we call professional wrestling and you seem to be going the wrong direction. You seem to be running away from what people consider a success. You're sitting there wasting yourself away Jaycee and believe it or not, I used to be just like that.

He thought back on the days of humiliation that he suffered at the hands of everyone.

J2H: You was probably watching me all those years ago as a teen, watching by rise, but there was a time before that when I was everybody's little bitch. Let me refresh your memory and give you a little inside information. I bought my way in to SCW, charity shit because I could, not because I wanted to put in the effort, work for embarrassing shows and companies in piss smelling social clubs full of drug dealers and other criminals who found a place to do their dirty work away from the eyes of the law. I didn't want that bullshit, I wanted a shortcut and Christian Underwood did a charity auction to be a wrestler for a bit. Probably gave the money to some shitty animal charity or something like that, but he did that, I had the money, I had my foot in the door with no real effort. I sat backstage that day, looking at the eyes upon me, looking at everyone thinking who the fuck is this kid and what right does he have to be amongst us?

A slightly pained look crossed his face as he thought back.

J2H: The locker room leaders were dicks Jaycee, they didn't deserve hero worship, they were just straight up entitled dicks. I was this kid with a ego that kept most of their hate shielded and all I had to do was walk to the ring, act all high and mighty and go home, but humiliation number one happened that night. Just before the show, I was told there was an idea for me. In my head, I'm thinking great, then I was told I was gonna be given a shitty little belt and lose it to a fucking Teddy Bear. Do you remember that shit from back in the day Jaycee? Do you remember watching me lose to a fucking Teddy Bear because that damn thing was getting more of a push then anyone else backstage. It was child's play, it was embarrassing as fuck, I knew it was people trying to make me look like shit but I did it. I went out there and make an ass of myself and that's when SCW took advantage of me Jaycee.

He shook his head as his mind drifted back to some unpleasant incidences.

J2H: For a one off night where I didn't do anything, and I was meant to go find a trainer if I wanted to be a wrestler and come back, that was the offer, but they thought they could take liberties with me and fucking hell, they did just that.

He rubbed the side of his head.

J2H: I was learning on the job in every goofy match they could think of, I was covered in plum pudding at Christmas, and fake blood at Halloween, all under the guise of roulette matches. I was beat up by old guys and thrown in trash cans Jaycee, that was my fucking life. I could have been one of the famous Seven Deadly Sins, but the thought of working with Despayre and Rage made my skin crawl, and at that point, I had a simple choice to make. I had to decide what kind of wrestler I wanted to be. I had to choose where I wanted my career to take me, fuck, I had to decide if I even wanted a career in wrestling. I had the money to the point I didn't need wrestling, I didn't need to see those smirks on people's faces backstage, but something about me had caught on with the people. Maybe they wanted to see me humiliate myself every fucking week or something, maybe they wanted to see me get beat up, but people knew the face.

He pointed to his face but doesn't show emotion.

J2H: I could have gone home to my huge mansion, I could have sat there watching old movies and using years of top education to forge my path in life, or I could have fought for something more. I decided to fight for something more, so I searched for the best fucking trainer out there and I found him. You can talk about the best gyms till your blue in the face, The GO Gym, Wolfslair, Hero Academy, Hells Gate and of course your very own one Jaycee, Jet City. Each of those have had former World Champions teaching future World Champions, but I refused to be a generic wrestler turned out by the same old formula. I wanted unique and I got that.

A half smile appeared on his face.

J2H: See now you've had the advantage there Jaycee because you came out of one of those world class training gyms, you didn't have to suffer the embarrassments that I had to, you had a step above most people, but you're finding yourself in the same position I was in all that time ago. You have the choice to make, step up or get stepped on and you find yourself in a great place to do just that.

A smirk appeared on J2H's face as he breathed in the cool, fresh air.

J2H: You're in the biggest match of your career and you have disappointed everyone around you so far, but here you are, by order of Michael Harris to have the biggest match you're ever likely to have. It's a chance for you to step up and show the world you're not a loser. It's a chance for you to sit there and try and take things more seriously. I had to choose between being that guy who people pissed on, or become that guy who pissed on others and I stepped up and look at me now. I chose not to become a joke and put in the effort and you're in the same spot.

He cracked his knuckles and looked at the water in front of him.

J2H: Ben Jordan might see you as a future World Champion, he might see you as someone with potential but it's fucking amazing how different someone else can see you because I don't see you as that. I see you as the guy who's gonna drift through his career, clinging on to a well paid SCW contract for as long as he can because deep down he knows that all that awaits him in the big wide world when that contract is done, is twenty beer soaked people in a tiny room who think that you absolutely suck. Your career is gonna take a nose dive when you leave this place and you'll be working for places who can't air their fucking shows on time and claim tape delay.

He looked at the camera with a tilted head and a smirk on his face.

J2H: Yeah, it's 2023 and shit places still use that bullshit.

He rolled his eyes.

J2H: Anyway Jaycee, this is your dilemma at this point, this is where you need to choose if you're going to be the man who steps up and stops wasting his career being lazy, doing fucking nothing of note and cruising through a contract you haven't justified from the second the ink dried. It's time to either shit or get off the pot Jaycee because like I told Kris the other day, you either get your head in the game or it's gonna get real ugly real fast.

J2H waved his finger at the camera.

J2H: Just don't think you're getting a win out of this, far from it Jaycee. I can turn people in to stars just by beating them. Carter's star went through the roof after a match with me to the point I picked him personally to take on Michael Harris. You can be the same because I am gonna be your motivation because on Sunday, you're gonna feel that buzz of being in the ring with someone like me, you're gonna feel the buzz of real competition and nothing short of it. That kind of buzz is addictive Jaycee, that kind of buzz is something you can't get from anything else and it could give you the motivation to drag your ass off the floor, stop being the forgotten member of Jet City. No bullshit love in's like your thing with Ben Jordan, this is the addiction you're gonna need. Now believe me when I say you won't be winning this one at all, but this is your chance to have that star of yours start to rise, this is that chance for you to have people put eyes on you. This is not a time for you to be winning but it is a time for people to take a little more notice of you.

He takes a long deep breath before locking eyes with the camera again.

J2H: Take this one seriously Jaycee because if you don't, then this doesn't end well for you, you might as well show up, lay down, give up and I put you in my rear view mirror and start thinking about what fresh hell I'm gonna put Michael Harris through. Let's be real, I shouldn't even be taking you seriously Jaycee because you're a waster, a waste of talent, because there's a block in our own mind that won't let you be anything more then this, but I don't like wrestling chumps, I want the best everyone can offer, it's how I get the eyes look at me and hear those voices say just how good I am. I don't want some half effort bullshit from you because you know you've already lost. I still want you to give it absolutely everything you've got. I refuse to look like shit because you don't put in any effort so put in the fucking effort, accept the fact that you won't win but you will walk out of this match smelling like roses. Go and make those Jet City people proud even in defeat.

He stood up and looked around for a second or two.

J2H: I don't accept shit in the ring against me. I don't care how much you've lost in the past, I don't care if you are in a miserable mood. When you're in the ring with me, it's one hundred and ten percent or go the fuck home. There's more then enough people out there willing to step up, willing to take your place in this whole thing. There's thousands of wrestlers out there that will kill for a chance to be in the spotlight Michael Harris gave you. This is a career defining defeat for you Jaycee so try and keep up, try and look as good as you can because I'm telling you that you won't win but put in the effort at least then when you go backstage, sit there and reflect and ask yourself one simple question.

He raised his forefinger.

J2H: Do you want more matches against top stars like me, or do you want to break your body down in front of hicks for fifty bucks a night?

He paused for a second.

J2H: The choice is yours but I'm demanding you step up to me, I'm demanding you do something more in this one night then you've ever done in your career because if not, I'm taking you apart and waking up on Monday morning not giving a shit. I'm waking up and knowing that you'll be working for peanuts in dive towns in the near future and there will not be a single ounce of sympathy from me at all. That's real talk bitch!

J2H walked away as the camera fades to black.

Climax Control Archives / Sick of this!
« on: September 22, 2023, 07:43:42 AM »
Monday 18th September 2023
Beverly Hills, California.

He was still fuming when he walked in the door of his Beverly Hill mansion on Monday morning, staying behind in Fresno for the night to try and relax and not bring his mood home with him but it was all for naught. He stormed in to the house where he lived with his family and wasted no time at all just moving through the house, not even calling out for Melody or Simpson as he made his way to his own personal gym. Moving through the wooden door, his eyes look towards only one thing, a punching bag across the room. He dropped his work bag next to him and leaned down, pulling the zip back and reaching in, pulling out a promotional photo of Michael Harris with the SCW World Heavyweight championship over his shoulder.

J2H: Even looking at that smug little bastard holding my belt makes my skin fucking crawl.

He moved quickly moved his hand back inside the bag and pulled out a roll of wrist tape and pulled a strip off, placing it on the top of the photograph and pushing it firmly on the punching bag. He quickly unzipped his jacket and threw it to the floor, not caring about cost or neatness and swung a bare knuckle punch at the photograph, instantly crunching it up.

J2H: My legacy, my fucking legacy! My legacy was made by beating people like you! My legacy was made by risking it all for no gain, that's my damn legacy and you're not having it you son of a bitch.

Another bare fist cracked hard against the picture, causing a slight rip.

J2H: You're career is gonna be mine fuck face, my belt is coming back home. I will be a four time champion!

A left hand connected with the torn photograph, lengthening the rip on it.

J2H: The bosses made a fucking mistake Michael, they made a huge mistake by stopping me from putting my hands on you for a month, they made the biggest mistake of their professional career because by the time that time passes, I am gonna make sure that I don't hold back. I'm not just taking my championship back, I'm not just taking your career to add to my legacy, I'm gonna leave permanent damage on you so every time you look at it, you're gonna remember who the fuck I am!

He swung a right hand that almost tore the photograph in half and took a deep breath but was distracted by his phone ringing in his pocket. He growled angrily under his breath as he reached in to his pocket, not even looking at the name or realizing that it was a video call. He hit the button and an angry tone flew from him.

J2H: What!?!

Out of the corner of his eye, he finally saw that the phone call was a video call and lifted it up to put his not so pleased face in the camera frame. He saw his trainer, Austin Parker look at him with lowered eyebrows and a disgruntled look on his face.

Austin: Watch ya tone when ya speak to me? And why would you answer the phone like that, it might have been your mother or someone.

J2H wasn't in the mood to be talked down to or treated like this and he rolled his eyes to show his contempt for the tone. 

J2H: What do you want Austin? I know you didn't just call me to talk about my phone etiquette. Unless you did and if that's the case, you really need to find better ways to fill your time. Maybe take up reading.

He could see Austin also wasn't in the mood to play games and he and J2H always had an honest dialogue flow, even when his real training had just began.

Austin: I ain't calling ya to talk about how y'all answer the phone, I'm calling to ask ya a simple question.

J2H sighed deeply as he looked at Austin, waiting for him to continue with what he wanted to say.

J2H: Go on before I get to your age.

Austin didn't approve of the joke, but kept a straight face on camera, just looking at J2H.

Austin: What the hell was you thinking last night?

J2H: I was thinking why the hell do I work for this curve ball throwing company when I could be sitting at home with my family, that's what I was thinking.

Austin knew J2H was avoiding the real question, so chose to push him a little further.

Austin: You know exactly what I mean James! Are you out of your tiny mind agreeing to put your entire legacy on the line against a guy who is likely to retire one way or the other?

J2H's face instantly went blank as he looked at Austin.

J2H: What do you mean?

Austin rolled his eyes at J2H as he run his hand over his forehead.

Austin: He's reeled you in James. He pulled that you can have my career shit to reel you in and keep you there. The man is a manipulative liar, he's going for your legacy and the chances are if he beats you and takes your legacy, he's gonna stand in the ring the next week and retire anyway! How the hell can you be so stupid not to see that?

J2H stood looking at the camera, pondering what Austin just said to him and letting it sink in. He'd never thought of it that way before, he was simply blinded by the thoughts of getting that championship back.

J2H: First off, it's fucking annoying how little faith you put in me! Do you think I wouldn't go in to that match and win? This is me Austin, I'm the good long term asset here, there's no way he beats me again. Secondly, this is what I get for pulling on the monsters fucking tail. I thought I could take him of all the power and send him away, I fucked up and I didn't do that. Thirdly, I was good to move on and he came out there to me and kept this shit going and there is only one way to end it and it's me taking his fucking career and adding it to my legacy. It's the only way it ends.

Austin looked perplexed at J2H's words and shook his head with disapproval.

Austin: You put your god damn legacy on the line! Everything you worked for, everything I set you up to get in the first place!

J2H: Hold your horses there cowboy! This isn't about you! This is about me and what I can fucking do. You threw me the pass but I kept running and running and running with that ball. You gave me the tools, I went on to be the best wrestler there ever was. Your legacy of training me won't change. Besides, all the little bitch is doing is giving me a gag order if he beats me. I just can't talk about all I've done.

J2H smirked down the camera at Austin.

J2H: I can't talk about it if I lose, but the internet won't forget it, the people around the world won't forget it, they sure as fuck won't edit every fucking show where I win a belt, but you're forgetting one major fucking thing to this whole damn thing.

Austin: What's that?

J2H: I'm not fucking losing! He beat me once at his own game, in his own little comfortable place, but I refuse to give up my fucking legacy to him. Besides, there's other shit to deal with first Austin.

Austin: I'm not worried about some pissy little tag team match next week. You lose this....

J2H could feel Austin's words grate on him more then they should and quickly snapped at him.

J2H: I'M NOT GONNA FUCKING LOSE! It's that simple! I don't know why you're even fucking doubting me! I am who I am and I am gonna win that fucking match. I am gonna go and single handedly take out Goth and Peter Vaughn, because we know that fucking joke of a partner is gonna be as much use as a paper bag in a thunderstorm. I'm gonna do that and give him a front row seat to me doing that. I'm gonna show him up close and personal who the fuck I am and scare him in to knowing his career ends in my hands.

Austin: But...

J2H: No fucking buts Austin! You pretty much called me to tell me I was a dick for putting it all on the line, but you know what Austin? You know fucking what? It's my legacy! It's gonna grow after I win this match against these piss poor Z list Savours, it's gonna grow more when I get rid of Michael Harris for good. No risk, no reward and it's fucking shit that you have the balls to call me and act high and mighty over my career. I lose, fuck it, J2H dies but I don't.

Austin: Hold on...

He wasn't in the listening mood as he started to pace around the gym.

J2H: No, you hold the fuck on! I made this legacy beating people like him! I made my career defeating everyone and this son of a bitch is no different. I'm gonna push this to the fucking hills and it's a dick move that you would even doubt me, so fuck you Austin!

Austin's patience had run out and his mood quickly soured.

Austin: Why don't you shut up you little egotistical son of a bitch!

His quick remarks shocked J2H in to silence, other then just a mutter.

J2H: I'm egotistical...

Austin: I heard that! Yeah, you are. If you lose this, then what? Did you think that far ahead?

J2H: No because I'm not gonna lose that and it's shit you don't have faith in me to win this one. It's shit that you don't think I can. If I lose, big fucking deal. I'll come back wearing a mask and start again, or I become just James and start from the bottom and create another legacy. Fuck it, I'll go in the Hall of Fame twice under a fresh start, but I will tell you this Austin, I will be fucking winning and that's that, case closed. Call me when you have more faith in me.

J2H didn't wait for another word to come out of Austin's mouth as he quickly cancelled the call and dropped the phone back on to his bag. He interlocked his fingers behind his head, breathing deeply and trying to release the anger from his body. His mind rushed as he thought about Austin's words cutting in to him and punched the punching bag with Michael Harris' face on it once again. His bare knuckle shot echoed around the room as the photograph finally gave way and fell to the floor. He didn't know Melody had been standing behind him, listening to his conversation with concern on her face. He slumped to the floor, sitting down in front of the punching bag with his legs crossed, looking at the torn photograph.

J2H: I can't lose this but I need to focus on Peter Vaughn and Goth. I need to focus on those two, I need to get this Harris bullshit out of my head and see this as a handicap match. I need to...

He could feel eyes looking at him from behind and turned his head to see his wife Melody standing back and looking at him.

Melody: You know, Austin could be right.

Just hearing those words made him grind his teeth firmly and left out a huff of breath through his nose. Melody heard but still approached her husband, slowly sitting next to him.

J2H: First off, don't you start as well cause I have no patience today, secondly it's rude to eavesdrop on someone else's call.

Melody looked at him through sympathetic eyes as she shuffled around to face him.

Melody: Sorry, but you were loud enough that I heard you on the other side of the house. I didn't know you were home yet.

J2H: Yeah, I didn't wanna yell out, just wanted to punch this son of a bitch in the face.

He picked up the photograph from the floor and looked at it before throwing it over his shoulder.

Melody: So last night...

He rolled his eyes at his wife.

J2H: You too? You're gonna tell me I'm an idiot too for putting everything on the line? Look, I am my own fucking man here and if I wanna put it all on the line, I will.

Melody looked slightly uncomfortable at hearing her husband like this. She knew he was a bit of a hot head when it come to certain situations where he would act before thinking.

Melody: Not so much that. The whole getting fired thing if you hit Michael Harris and the tag match.

A rare half a smile appeared on J2H's face as he looked at Melody.

J2H: Do you really think anyone in that fucking office is gonna fire me or dick wad? They fire me, then they're fucked. They know how much they've made since I've been back. They know I've done everything to help people step up to the plate. They fire me, they fuck their whole Supercard. There's no chance they will.

Melody: They might to make an example of you.

J2H: They really won't. If I knocked him in to the middle of next week, they still won't fire me. The hardest part is getting through that fucking tag match with him standing there lurking.

J2H stood up and reached down to Melody helping her to her feet.

J2H: I don't want to deal with that stupid prick anyway. I need to focus on that damn match. Whoever came up with this shit needs a kick to the face. Maybe I should say fuck that and stay here and not give a damn about it.

Melody frowned at him, slowly shaking her head. She knew he had never looked so serious at walking away from a match and put her hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

Melody: I know you won't do that.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, his jaw clenched and his body tense.

J2H: Won't I? What the fuck they gonna do to me if I don't show up? Fine me? Big fucking deal! I don't want this match, I've never wanted this match, this is just the creation of a sick mind who wants to sit there laughing while I do what I do. It's bullshit Mel, utter bullshit and I want no part of it. Even bitch boy Harris don't want any part of it, so if neither of us show up, what's it matter? Goth will brag that he beat me by default and that's the only way he can ever beat me. Peter Vaughn will just sit there looking goofy and getting ready to face someone like Barnhart for the eight hundredth time. Who really gives a shit if it happens or no.

Melody: The fans might.

J2H: The fans want to see me kick the shit out of Michael Harris, that's all, nothing more, nothing less. That's all I wanna do is get my hands on him. 

Melody: You need to...

Before she could continue, J2H cut her off bluntly.

J2H: You know what? I am fucking sick of people telling me what I need to do and what I don't need to do. I'm sick of people telling me I'm a dick for putting my legacy on the line, I'm sick of people trying to tell me what's best for me! I'm J2H! I've done things my way my entire career and guess what? I'm fucking good at it! I've made myself in to the most talked about person on the SCW roster ever because I did it my way and no one else's. I didn't follow a path everyone else took, I cut my own fucking path!

He shook his head at Melody.

J2H: I don't need this shit!

He turned away from his wife and stormed out of the room, leaving her standing confused as he disappeared through the door and the scene faded to black.


It was Friday and J2H had found himself in Fresno, California, but his sour mood had yet to subside as he sat in the stands of the Selland Arena, the same arena where SCW was to host Climax Control 373. He watched from up high as the ring crew were seen putting together the stage area and arranging floor seats. J2H looked to his right to see the camera next to him.

J2H: Who came up with this bullshit? I mean fucking seriously, someone wants me to be in the ring with someone who cut my flesh up like a butcher going to work on a pig and not expect me to fucking hit him?

Anger rose through his body as he gritted his teeth.

J2H: And team with him no less. Fucking team with him. I don't know who's sick mind this one came out of but it's bullshit. A lesser man would have packed up his shit and fucked off home and stayed there but I'm not a lesser man.

People could accuse him of many things but having no pride is his work was not one of them.

J2H: So it's come down to this to team build for a team I never wanted and a team I won't be part of again after tonight. Teaming with a man who wants to rip down everything I've ever built, take a sledgehammer to the walls of my career. Since I heard about this match, I have been pissed off and rightly so and that has left a sick and bitter taste in my mouth but that just means that some fucking losers have got to pay for it and well, looks like those losers are apt this week because it's Peter Vaughn and Goth.

He knew he had many successful battles with Goth over the years, so confidence filled him from that alone and the smile on his face matched the inner confidence.

J2H: Losers is the actual right word. The Savours, the group who has saved no one or nothing in their entire SCW run, a group that's had more fights amongst themselves, then standing up as a unit against the rest of SCW to take over. Hey dick wads, do you know what being in a stable actually means? It means uniting, it means standing up and fighting together but all you dicks are known for is beating each other up. The in fighting made you look weak with your best crew that involved Mac Bane, Ken Davison, guys who could hang at the top and even they kicked the shit out of each other. Now what have you got? An over the hill dark side douche who is about sixty, a guy who has a nickname that is a bit meaningless, a whole bunch of women who wouldn't know how to get a promo in on time, and a fat fuck who thinks he speaks for the world when his only meaningful contribution to society is keeping tube sock companies in business.

He felt disappointment when talking about The Saviors.
J2H: You gave a championship to chubby because he won one match in fifty, you took on Krystal Wolfe and kicked her out in a couple of weeks, this should show you all the mentality of you people. You're all indecisive, pathetic little losers, past your prime with no direction. You couldn't save a fish from water.

He waved his finger at the camera.

J2H: And in that sea of losers, there is one man who stands out, but trust me, it don't take a lot to stand out when you're swimming in a sea of shit, and that's you Peter Vaughn.

He paused for a second to drag out the drama.

J2H: I had heard of you Peter, long before you decided to end your career by joining those bunch of rejects and misfits. I heard about your championship credentials, and knew you were a world champion in a few places and for that, I give you just an ounce of credit. You've even come in to SCW and done the right thing, stay low, build slowly instead of the two pump chumps that win a top belt in a shit hole company in front of fifty people and think they can step up to the big stage like SCW and be on my level. You've done it the right way, but this is the biggest fucking match you'll ever have in your career because you're lucky enough to be in the ring with me. This is where shit gets real, this is where your perception of SCW changes very quickly, cause I ain't like those low level nobodies begging for shots at the lowest belt. I'm not Miles Kasey, I'm not Bill Barnhart, I am something beyond those. I am more then a God compared to those guys. That's too big of a step for you to come on up Peter.

He was serious in his words and his face reflected that.

J2H: Everyone you've faced in SCW so far have been amateur hour, but me, I am a different class. Take yourself to school, look at my legacy and all the shit I've done.

He fired off a stern look down the camera.

J2H: Yeah Michael Harris you coward little bitch, I said my legacy cause it still is my legacy and always will be...

He leaned back in the chair.

J2H: Look at my legacy Peter, name one man in SCW you've faced that has the credentials I have, the skills that I have. Name one fucking person you've ever faced in your career that has my kind of levels. My guess is even though those multiple world title reigns in those little puddle companies you thought were oceans, no one even come close to everything that I can bring to the ring. That's the difference between us, you've gone out and found little places you can look big in, while I've been the company man in the biggest company in the world. I've been the company man where legends came to face me. I don't have to chase, they came to me, so while you were scratching it out in the cesspits that called themselves wrestling companies, I was already beating legends. My point to this is all those title runs of yours means shit to me. The Roulette title is the most prestigious you've ever had and that's not even a world title. Sunday is where you see what being at the top of SCW is all about because I am the peak of it all, I'm the next SCW World Heavyweight Champion...

He looked down the camera, just mouthing the words "Fuck you, Michael."

J2H: And you're in over your head. I am gonna give you some seriously good advice Peter, the best you'll ever get here.

He moved his face closer to the camera.

J2H: Get the fuck away from whatever this incarnation is of The Saviors. If you want the success, get away from them now, move as fast as you can. Goth is a joke, The Troll is never gonna amount to anything. The work ethic is shit to the point most forget to get their promos in at all to the point that it's a miracle they even have a fucking job, and not one of them is even close to being as good as Mac Bane, Ken Davison, Matt Knox, Amber Ryan. This is a piss poor leaderless group and they will destroy everything you've ever done. You will not come up smelling like roses with this group, they will drag you down, get away from them all, bro, I know, I know that tag team partner of yours and you need to get away from that shit while you can.

He was feeling honesty flow through him as he continued.

J2H: And no on to you Goth. We've known each other a long, long time, haven't we? Going back to when I first won the World championship. We've known each other that long because you were in that gauntlet match when I won the belt. I know you're old but do you remember your reaction to me winning the championship? Cause I fucking do.

J2H had told the story countless times, but wanted to again with more detail.

J2H: It's been clear in my mind ever since the day I won it, Valentine's Day, 2015, seven years ago, two weeks short of my twenty third birthday. I remember that day well and more then anything Goth, I remember becoming the companies youngest World Champion and walking through that curtain holding the belt, not knowing what was next, how things worked, what to do. I had no champion to defeat for me to walk up to and say thank you, I had no one tell me what to do and I remember walking up the ramp with my mind racing, thinking about if I should give this up, if I was good enough. I went from midcard to starting something special and I walked through that curtain and you was the first person I saw there Goth, but you wasn't looking at me ready to congratulate me. You was standing there bitching at Christian Underwood because you didn't fucking win the match. You stood there whining and crying because this kid, and yes, I heard you say kid, took the World Championship.

A look of anger flashed over his face.

J2H: I heard you say I didn't deserve it, that I was nothing and that burned in my mind like someone had stuck a red hot poker in my ear. You didn't give a shit about me, just your spot. You was an old guy then clinging on to your spot and you're an old guy now trying to do the same. Difference is seven years later, I have passed everything you've ever done yet your fucking entitled ass sat there saying I wasn't fucking worthy! You was meant to be a professional but all you did was suck the fucking air out of the locker room and fill it with poison, because some young kid showed he was better then you.

The more he spoke, the angrier he became.

J2H: Fucking professional? You were nothing more then a vindictive little prick, but as soon as I heard the words, saw the act, I knew I had to prove you wrong, I knew I had to stick this middle finger up and say fuck you Goth.

He flipped his middle finger to the camera.

J2H: I did that, I proved countless times that every time we went to war, I fucking won. No matter the situation, I fucking won. I am not giving you credit for acting like an entitled dick and I sure as fuck will knock your teeth down your throat if you try and take any kind of credit for who I become, but this is why I come after you more then anyone else on this roster when we're in the ring. I turn in to that twenty two year old, listening to someone I used to respect and I gotta fuck you up man. I change and have to completely fuck you up.

He took a moment to breathe, trying to let the anger fall away.

J2H: I know it still plays in your mind, it was no coincidence that when I won the World Championship recently, you wanted to jump up and take it from me, like a fucking brat who sees someone with better toys then him. Been the story of your career when it comes to me. I become champion and it eats you alive, you can not wait to try and take it from me. Remind me again, how many times have you tried and actually been successful?

He lifted his hand, making a zero with his thumb and forefinger.

J2H: I'm your fucking white whale Goth, fuck that, let's go behind the character, I'm your fucking white whale Gerrit, I've been in your head since that night and no matter how many times you try and jump up and derail me, no matter how many times you raise that harpoon and try and take me down, you never fucking will. You haven't in the past and you sure as fuck won't in the future. Do I make myself clear to you? Am I through your thick skill? Let it go Goth, cause I will only disappoint you again and again.

His voice finally softened.

J2H: Nothing changes here. I will see you, I will beat you again Goth. I will put it that same level of anger against you as I always have and the result remains the same. This time you get to drag a partner down with you.

He turned away to look at the ring but continued to talk.

J2H: That is my playground, and on Sunday night, I take down a champion and a chump and Michael...

J2H turned back to the camera.

J2H: Just because you're protected now, remember, it won't last forever and that's real talk bitch!

J2H turned his head back to look at the ring as the camera faded to black.

It was promotion week for Sin City Wrestling show Violent Conduct IX. For most people it was straight up show the fans what you were doing that week, throw in a little bit of fan interaction to sell the show on people there or get them excited for it, but the life of a champion was often unseen by the majority of fans. For a World Champion, there was a lot that was done in between the camera scenes and the bought of creative genius from everyone involved from the wrestler themselves, to the consultants, to the camera crew and the editors that clean everything up the best they could. Champions had to go where they were told, in to certain wrestling markets and hype up the show, but not many gave you a glimpse in that, because a lot of the same questions were asked and answered, but J2H was different. He wanted to show the fans what champions should do. He showed up on every single show while being the champion, which is more then most did. He didn't even remember off hand who most champions were because of their lack of appearance but he wanted the fans to know who he was and the work he put in behind the scenes, so he invited a camera crew along with him to see what he did when the cameras wasn't on.... in four cities on three continents in just four days. He knew that he had to be adaptable, he knew some people he'd be talking to would want James the person, some would want J2H the character and he was ready to be both.

He'd said goodbye to his family on Sunday and headed right to a private just for destination one....


Monday 21st August 2023,
London, England,
TalkSPORT radio.

It was 10am in London and people were used to listening to TalkSPORT to hear Simon Jordan and Jim White's usual show, but today was different and advertised early for a special guest host of Melissa Reddy to host a special segment of their show featuring none other then SCW World Heavyweight champion, J2H. The cameras showed J2H sitting opposite of Melissa in the London based studio.

Melissa: Welcome back to TalkSPORT, I'm Melissa Reddy and we have a special treat for you today. We're breaking away from the football talk for just half an hour to speak to Sin City Wrestling superstar and current World Heavyweight champion, a man you know well, J2H. Welcome back to London, how are you this morning?

He was feeling a little tired from a long flight, but he couldn't let on.

J2H: I'm doing good. Thank for having me over here again. I love London.

He did have a soft spot for London, but he didn't overly like it, but diplomacy was expected for this kind of interview.

Melissa: That's great to hear. Now you're on a whistle stop tour of the world to promote Sin City Wrestling's supercard, this coming Sunday, live on the SCW network, called Violent Conduct IX. You're headlining, is that correct?

J2H: That is very correct, I am headlining in something called a barbed wired cage match, which is essentially a cage covered in barbed wire, against a former champion called Michael Harris.

Melissa: That sounds dangerous, but I admit to being a wrestling fan and I did see your last match against Michael Harris, where you won the championship and I know you guys can see the championship on our webcam set up but it is beautiful up close.

He looked at the title over his shoulder with pride.

J2H: Just looking at it makes it worth it. Going through all the trouble of coming back is worth it when you look at it.

Melissa: And it was a lot of trouble and effort to get it back, you had to win a tournament just to get a chance to win it.

J2H: I did, it was called Blast From The Past and I'd never won it before, but I sat talking to my wife about it for the sake of our son, who had never seen me wrestle for more then a match or two. He's only a little one, but now he's aware of everything, and he loves wrestling, he loves seeing me in a ring.

Melissa: And that's why you returned after a long time off?

J2H: It was. He watched the older stuff and loved it, he gets it well and this was me showing him live what it's all about, so I thought a good run in the tournament would get him seeing enough of me that I could do that, and move on, but I ended up with a good partner, I won and went on to face and beat Michael Harris.

Melissa: Does your son go to every show.

As much as he knew his son would love to be at every show, J2H shook his head.

J2H: No, He would love to go to every single show, but with the tours and school, I couldn't bring him along for the ride every time but he will be there on Sunday.

Melissa: Does your wife ever worry about your well being in the ring?

He knew Melody did, but she rarely mentioned it to him.

J2H: I think she knows I'm good at what I do. I'm sure she worries but I think she trusts me more then anything else. She knows that when I'm in that ring, I will come out in one piece.

Melissa: So you've never had any injuries in the ring?

J2H: Early in my career there was a couple of small injuries, but I knew how to take care of myself. I wasn't rushing back in to things then, took an extra time off to heal right. I was young and could have been stupid but I looked at guys in the same company as me held together by tape and I knew I didn't need to be that. The only time I ever rushed back was after something that happened outside of the ring, because I was facing the guy I'm facing on Sunday, so I rushed back a little quicker then I should a couple of months ago.

Melissa: Well let's talk about Sunday, shall we? This is one of Sin City wrestling's biggest cards of the year and it seems to be lined up with huge matches.

J2H: SCW always does this for supercards, everything is always stacked from top to bottom. Lots of championship matches, lots of rivalries coming to a head, a lot of stories finishing and I think a lot starting. I won't lie and say I'm friends with anyone backstage in SCW because I'm really not, but I know how people think with these type of shows, even if they don't show up through all the build up, or even at all until this show because they mostly want something for nothing, they do have this mentality of giving it everything for these big shows, so it should be good.

He had to blur the lines there, even though this was more of an out of character interview, most people thought his hatred towards people being lazy on SCW shows was more of a character thing, it was a very personal opinion but he was happy to let people think otherwise.

Melissa: And it all ends with your match, how do you think that's going to go?

He knew he couldn't blurt some things out, so he once again blurred the lines between fiction and reality.

J2H: I'm gonna win of course. I'm gonna beat this guy again, Melissa. I was the one who told him to drag himself back to SCW, I was the one who told him to get screwed up in the head and bring something back with him from the hell I sent him to, so I expect it is going to be brutal one way or the other. I know we're both gonna bleed all over the place, I know we're both gonna give it everything we got, I know we're going to try and hurt each other in there and we both will. The next morning won't be fun for either of us, we're both gonna be physically ruined, but I'll be waking up smiling because I will have the SCW World Heavyweight championship with me.

Melissa: You sound very confident.

J2H: I am very confident. I've been in the ring with this guy before, I know what to expect. I got nothing in this world to worry about when it comes facing this guy again, nothing at all, so I'm ready for Sunday.

Melissa: It's Sunday, it's live on the SCW network online, from around midnight here, correct?

J2H: It is and it will be worth every hour of missed sleep. Call your bosses now, tell them you have Monday off because of me because Violent Conduct is going to be the best thing you'll see in a long time. That's real talk.

He smirked at his modified catchphrase, knowing that it was too early to be turning the London airwaves blue.

Melissa: Well thank you for joining us J2H, we'll be back after a quick ad break and Jordan and White will be back with their show. Good luck on Sunday.

J2H: Thank you.

He would have loved to have stayed and chatted but he had two more appearances in London and then off to the next city.


Tuesday 22nd August 2023,
Berlin, Germany,
Podcast with Stefan Raab.

A black background covered the screen and white words appeared.

"Right here, I was going to show you a podcast being filmed in Germany, but the truth is, it was utter shit. Stefan Raab is actually a very boring mother fucker, who looked so familiar but I couldn't place it. Whoever it was that he looked like must have annoyed me in the past cause the urge to punch this guy in the face was there - In case you're curious, I might have punched the guy in the face. His questions were boring and I could barely understand his piss poor attempt at English, so I decided I wasn't gonna risk my promo stuff going long because this strange little man that German's tend to like even though he once told a sixteen year old girl she'll be in porn because of her name*

*I only found this out while reading his wiki in post production of this promo while deciding what to put here. I'm glad I punched him now! So sue me, ya pervert!

Anyway, enough of that loser, this is what I did on Wednesday."


Wednesday 23rd August 2023,
Ottawa, Canada,
CTV Morning Live.

It was another day, another continent for the SCW World Heavyweight champion as he sat below the studio light in the CTV Morning Live studio in Ottawa next to host Rosey Edeh as we wait to come back from commercial. He knew this one was a light hearted interview with the former Olympian and knew he had to pick his answers wisely and very diplomatically. He waited patiently for the show to return from commercial, just looking at the SCW World Heavyweight championship over his shoulder and for Rosey to do her introduction.

Rosey: And welcome back to CTV Morning Live, I'm Rosey Edeh, and I'm joined by a man you know from Sin City Wrestling, World Heavyweight champion, James Huntington Hawkes the third, better known to you on screen as J2H. Welcome to the show James.

He smiled through gritted teeth, unsure how he felt about his real name being used but this was a morning show, a relaxed interview with someone who knew her sport and her advocacy for women in sport. Again, he knew quickly words had to be chosen wisely.

J2H: Thank you, glad to be here.

Rosey: You've been a busy guy lately promoting the SCW show coming up this Sunday, you just flew in from Germany, correct?

J2H: I did, I got here a couple of hours ago, and was in your place of birth the day before so yeah, been travelling around a lot.

Rosey: Seems like we have a guest who has done some research on me.

J2H: It's a long flight from Germany.

He smiled at her, trying to make her feel at ease as best he could.

Rosey: I'm sure you've been asked a lot about Violent Conduct IX, over the past two days, so let's have a change of pace this morning, let's talk about you with a wrestling theme. You've been wresting from a young age, but it allowed you to meet your wife through the sport, a wrestler herself, how does she feel about what you do now?

He was a little taken back by the question, like most before an interview, he had run a million questions and answers over in his head but this was not one of them.

J2H: Looks like I'm not the only one who has done my research. She's ok with it, she watches everything I do and at times points at things I could have done better. I think because she was a wrestler, she understands a lot better then partners not with a wrestling background who worry about their partners getting hurt. I'm not sure she'll like the upcoming match but she's pretty relaxed about things.

Rosey: And you have a young son too that also seems to enjoy it.

Another taken back moment, that J2H had seconds to think about before answer her comment.

J2H: He's a big fan of pretty much every wrestler he meets and sees. He loves being backstage at the shows he's at and most of the roster have time to sit around with him and talk wrestling.

Rosey: Is it something you can see him doing in years to come?

J2H: I think it would be very tough to stop him, he's already practicing dropkicks and basic moves in the pool, so I think it would be hard to keep him away from it.

He hoped that the questioning would not go any further concerning his son and wrestling. He knew his son was a fan and saw much more at shows then other people who end up in wrestling, ever get to see, but he wasn't sure he wanted him to go in to wrestling.

Rosey: Now there's been a whisper that you're a very different guy on a wrestling show, then you are in real life. What is the difference between James and J2H?

He lowered his eyebrows and frowned slightly. He'd never really been asked these kind of questions before.

J2H: I don't think there's too much difference, I just don't need to have my guard up around my family. People think I have the big ego when it comes to wrestling and I do. I know what I've done in wrestling and yeah, I should have an ego, every wrestler should have an ego or it's not worth getting in the ring, but I have that ego outside of wrestling too. I have to remind everyone in wrestling who I am, but I don't need to walk in to a coffee house and remind the barista that I'm J2H. Same guy in the ring as well as outside the ring, I don't tolerate laziness or stupidity, so I guess the only difference is when I'm around my family.

Rosey: I used to be the same when I was training and missed family time.

J2H: Then you get it. I travel the world, so when I come home, I become dad rather then J2H, because James is J2H without a microphone and some guy in front of him to trash talk.

Rosey smiled at J2H, giving him time to catch his breath.

Rosey: So I have seen SCW for a long time, and they've always stood out to me for equality for men and women wrestlers, with women breaking barriers.

He could see her nod at him as if to comment without a question, feeling compelled to continue from her words. He smiled inside as he felt this could be a perfect chance to show his intelligence and ability to have a deeper conversation.

J2H: SCW really is a great place to be in that sense. SCW got criticized for having separated divisions and it still does, but for me, it's a chance to build two great things rather then one. The women in SCW are treated great, they've headlined big shows. What SCW has done had made men and women equal in their own rights, which is more then what most can say out there. Inter gender matches come across as lazy, it throws everyone in the same pool and this is why SCW is special, it gave everyone a chance to shine. Plus it's not my thing to see men beat up women.

Rosey: So if you was offered a big contract in a place that did matches like that, you wouldn't take it?

He knew this was a loaded question that was designed to place him on the spot but he was ready for it.

J2H: I wouldn't consider taking it for a second. I've been offered big deals by big places and I've turned them down for that reason. I think women should have the chance to shine without a guy with my credentials going in and stopping them. I'm proud of my career for what I've done. I'm not say these women are not tough and talented, cause there's a lot that are and could stand up to the guys, but my morals would make me turn down deals like that.

He knew that could be taken wrong and there would be some dick on the internet claiming he was sexist or something, but he would never be interesting in fighting a women.

Rosey: So we're almost out of time here James, but it's been wonderful having you here and learning about the man behind J2H, I wish you and your family well. Before you go, please tell our viewers about the show.

J2H: So the show is on Sunday, it's called Violent Conduct IX, and you can see it on the SCW network, grab the app on any device you have and you can see it there from about seven PM local time. I will be defending this championship in the main event against a guy called Michael Harris, who is a very decorated wrestler. It's a stacked show with lots of belts on the line, so don't miss it!

He smiled the warmest smile he could down the camera.

Rosey: Thank you for joining us James, we'll be back after this.

The show cut to commercial and small talk was had between the two. He drifted out of conversation, his mind was already on his next flight... Four hours to Cancun, to spend the afternoon, evening and night with his family before his last stop on the promotional tour.


Thursday 24th August 2023,
Mexico City, Mexico,
Salón de Cabildos.

He left his family in the morning to get to his final tour stop. It was early afternoon in Mexico City as J2H entered the last of his media duties for the week, a press conference in City Hall. It had been a long week and the travel had been harsh but he'd finally made it to his last destination before travelling back to his family he had a few hours with yesterday in Cancun. Tiredness made him cranky and his body ached from hours stuck on planes, but he knew how to use it to his advantage. He was in Mexico City, the home of South America's most die hard wrestling fans and he knew that everyone in that building hadn't come to speak to James, they wanted to ask questions to the great J2H. Mexican wrestling fans loved a character when it came to wrestling and J2H was going to give them just that as he walked in to the room, his championship thrown over his shoulder. Instantly cameras flashed in his face but his sunglasses took away most of the damage the could do and he made his way to the chair with his name plate in front of it pointing to the crowd. A Mexican man sat next to him.

Mexican man: Hola, my name is Miguel and I am here to interpret to Senor J2H should it be needed and to moderate this press conference. Please raise your hand and I will select you to ask your question. Please understand that his time is very limited, so please no follow up questions. Welcome J2H.

The was an odd applause from the media personalities, which was unusual at a press conference but J2H shrugged it off.

J2H: Yeah thanks Miguel. I mean you would have thought they would have gone Senor Vinnie to do this shit, but Pete the Cactus has more personality. Let's get on with this.

He was in full J2H mode as Miguel pointed to someone in the crowd and listened to the question in English.

Journalist: Hola Amigo, on Sunday you face Michael Harris in a barbed wire cage match, have you ever been in one before.

J2H rolled his eyes at the man asking the question.

J2H: I hate shit journalists that don't bother fucking researching anyone before showing up, taking up space and oxygen and ask stupid questions. Google could answer that one for you. Waste of a fucking question. I have never been in a match like that, no one has been in that kind of specific match in SCW, people have done some crazy shit in SCW but this one is new, this one is one of a kind until some genius waters down the concept by sticking it on the Roulette wheel.

Hands appear in the air and another is selected.

Journalist: As it is your first, do you have any nerves?

J2H: I don't feel nerves, I never have felt nerves and this thing is a walk in the fucking park. I don't have any worries about this. It's not like I haven't bled in a ring before and it's not like I haven't done it when people have used everything against me to try and beat me but fail. I'm not nervous, I'm not scared, I'm just ready to kick the shit out of that old son of a bitch and prove to him that I will always be better then him.

Another question is quickly selected.

Journalist: When you entered Blast From The Past, did you expect to be sitting here months later with the championship?

He knew he alluded to just being in the tournament in the past and in other interviews, but this was about being J2H.

J2H: Not only did I know I was gonna be sitting here, I knew I was gonna get a good partner, win, destroy Michael Harris, and do it all over again. I can read people pretty fucking well, in fact here's one for you. Jack Washington is gonna with King for a Day and book himself against a champion, probably me, you heard that here first too.

Miguel pointed to another raised hand.

Journalist: Should you lose on Sunday, will you be leaving SCW?

J2H: First off there amigo, I won't be losing. This fucking belt is staying with me because I said it will be staying with me. Michael Harris don't deserve this belt, he never did in the first place but let's play your game and answer the question. If I lose, then no, I won't be crawling under a rock, or going to hide because you seem to forget what season it is after Violent Conduct.... It's J2H season bitch and I got a right to wrong from last year, so no, I won't be a pissy little bitch hiding away.

More hands raised and another pointed at.

Journalist: Senor J2H, do you think this match will be harder to win then your past match with Senor Harris?

J2H: No, I will still beat him, the only difference is, is that sick bitch can try and stab me with more then a pen in this match. It means he can sit there and slice my skin like ham, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna win. He's got a lot to prove and his head has been fucked with but I think that's why I'm gonna be better then him. Mentally, he's lost the match, he's not obsessed with winning no matter how many times he says that shit, he's obsessed with hurting me and by the time he finishes running around like a bull in a china shop, he'll be too fucking tired to keep up. Might be there first time you see an old man take a nap mid match.

J2H smirked as another question was asked.

Journalist: Do you feel you will steal the show on Sunday?

J2H: What kind of stupid question is that? Like seriously, did you just go and round up every idiot with a pen that you could kind Miguel and set this shit up? Steal the fucking show, name one other match on the card that can steal the show, name one other wrestling in the entire world who can do what I can do? There is fucking no one out there that can do that, not a single person. All I need to do is walk down that fucking ramp and the show has been stolen. Fuck it, I've stolen the show and all I've done is sit here and talk to you taco loving dicks. This alone is something for you to tell your grand kids and donkeys about, let alone what I'm gonna do on Sunday.

He could feel himself getting annoyed at the stupid questions but he let it continue.

Journalist: When you started your career many years ago, did you aim to be the man you are today?

J2H: About time an ok question. I was brought up with money around people who did whatever it took to get to the top of whatever they decided to go in to and they did. I know the top people in every walk of life so why wouldn't I want to be at the top of what I do? When I started wrestling, I saw myself as being the man someone built a company on and I was treated like trash by so many people when I walked in the door. It made me better so all those little bitches helped make me who I am today, but fuck giving them credit for it cause I made them look good. I wanted to be known as the man who built worlds and fuck it, I am that guy, but I'm not putting down my tools just yet because there's still more to do to have my name the first one thought of when people think of SCW in twenty years time.

He looked around the room but more hands appeared.

Journalist: Do you think Michael Harris respects you?

J2H: I don't give a shit if he does, or if he doesn't. I don't care about that because I know after Sunday, he's going to respect me. At this point in time, he could have a voodoo doll sticking pins in me. He could be playing with his emo friends trying to cast spells on me. At this moment in time, his feelings towards me mean shit. After Sunday, he won't need to publicly say a word, I will know he will respect me.

Another question was quickly asked.

Journalist: Do you respect him?

J2H: Right now I just wanna kick the shit out of him. I don't feel anything towards him, I just want Sunday to come, get in the ring with him and bury Michael Harris once and for all and not have to see him slowly move around the ring again cause I know once I do that, he'll be done for good. There will not be a moment I look over my shoulder, I will celebrate every day that I was the one that got rid of him, now, anymore stupid questions or can I go?

He didn't wait for a reply to come, he simply stood up.

J2H: No? Good!

His championship was over a shoulder and he was on his way out of the door before anything else could be said. His patience and tiredness had overtaken him and it was time to head back to his family. Just around three short hours later, he was with them and happier then he had been all week.


He had finally made it back to Melody and James Jr, but he had one more thing to take care of. He'd been selling the match around the countries for days but now it was time to do the final thing on his list, talk directly at Michael Harris. It had felt like forever since that pen pierced the champions head and the anger had been building in him more the closer the time came to this moment. Days away meant he had no urge to be away from his family and decided to take them to the beach with one solitary cameraman to capture the moment. He laid on a towel and looked in the distance as Melody and James Jr splashed in the warm water, Simpson close by the two just in case of any issues. He snapped his finger to get the cameraman to turn to him, his body just covered in long white shorts, past his knees and a bucket cap.

J2H: Cameraman, get the shot on my face if you don't mind.

Cameraman: Are you sure this is a good idea? This is a public beach and you have a lot of gold there.

The cameraman moved the camera to a shot of a bag and J2H opened up the bag, pulling out the SCW World Heavyweight Championship.

J2H: I don't give a shit, are you rolling?

Cameraman: Yeah.

He pulled the championship across the top half of his body, putting his arm over it.

J2H: So it's finally come down to this, the talk is nearly over, the running away from me, only to hit a sneak attack when it suited you instead of just putting your name on a contract like a man. The chances you had to look me in the eye and just tell me I was better then you... It's all gone now Michael and we're down to the home straight, the final dash to the finish line. Inside a hell of mesh and barbed wire we step and there's no escape. It's time to pay for the months of dodging me, it's time to pay for the months of silence and not facing me like a man, it's time to pay for the scars on my forehead. I hope you have the credit for this, because this guy right here, is coming to collect.

His tone was calm and deliberate as he spoke with serious eyes.

J2H: The reinvention was something unexpected but do I look like a man who gets thrown off his game by a serious look? Do I look like a man who would sit there and let it play on my mind that the big scary, psychopath is going to get me anytime he wants? Nah, that's shit and you know I'm not gonna flinch at that, but great work creating that cold atmosphere like many have done before you.

He could hear people say his name from around him but he kept his cool stance.

J2H: I had a lot of flights Michael, I've been all over the place just trying to get everyone's eyes on us, to do my job that so many champions don't and sell the shit out of this division, out of this company, I did that and on those flights, you know what I did? I watched your matches from SCW, every single one of them, I watched everything you did and then I watched what you did last week and I admit, it felt different. It felt like this was not the Michael Harris I went to war with and it got me thinking Michael. I didn't just take your championship, did I? I took a whole lot more then that, and your pride, I took a little bit of your soul along with everything else I took. Deep down I knew that I did, and I took everything from ya, and I might have said it before but everything about you last week confirmed that I broke you more then I first thought I did.

Part of him felt a little proud for his actions.

J2H: I didn't just ruin your career, I ruined your life and I'm not sad about that at all Michael. Inside me, there's a sub conscious me doing a little happy dance, but this me, I'm not satisfied with that. To me, I toppled the king but I didn't kill him, now it's time to finish the job.

His words hit the sea breeze with the confidence of ten men facing one.

J2H: I get why I didn't, because for months leading up to when I had my shot at the king, I looked like a bitch, I looked like second best in the whole thing, I looked like a shell of who I am. I got hit with a car and away while the cameras was on you, I was the one looking weak for not being able to be there, and maybe, just maybe that took away my killer instinct, maybe that made me less of who I am and maybe that's why I didn't kill the king when I should have, but that's not the case this time. This time, you've been brooding, you've been hiding away somewhere and I have the power, so it's my turn to finish you off. It's my turn to do what I should have done months ago. I beat you when I was hurting, I beat you when I was doubting myself and doubting why I put myself in your path, why the fuck I bothered even coming back for Blast From The Past when I knew no matter who the partner would be, I would win it. I doubted myself every day from that car hitting me till the time the referee's hand hit that canvas for the third time. Even with all that self doubt, that self loathing, I came through it and proved too much. Do you see the difference this time around?

He looked to the side to see people looking at him but turned back to the camera.

J2H: This time you have the doubts, you have the self loathing, you have all of that and me? I'm back to my best. You had me hit with a car cause you thought you could beat a crippled J2H and you remember what happened? You fucking couldn't and here I am all healed up and shit with the confidence I have and you? You don't have my recovery skills, you can not physically and mentally overcome what I can do, you don't have that in you. You've lost Michael, you've lost already because your self doubt will destroy you, you're not strong enough to beat it. I had the drive to get over my self doubt and step on up and I did it, because I'm mentally fucking stronger then you, but your little bitch fest, woe is me bullshit shows that you're not even close to being mentally ready for me. I didn't sit there and go buy some eyeliner, listen to music to cut your wrists by. I laid in that hospital bed and I told myself there's only one man that can beat Michael Harris and that was J2H, not a guy feeling sorry for himself, a guy with more confidence then anything else and he beat you. You in the same mindset, you ran to your fucking wardrobe looking for the darkest clothes you had.... Yeah, you're not right in the head to beat me.

He tapped the side of his head as if to prove a point.

J2H: Bro, you are coming across as a man with a midlife crisis or something.

He snorted slightly before continuing.

J2H: You might as well show up on a motorcycle or something, whatever old dudes like you do to make yourself feel young. You're coming off as a desperate old man and it's not real becoming of you.

He looked at James Jr and Melody in the distance before continuing.

J2H: I heard everything you said, I let those words burn in to me and man, if I am the be all and end all for you, then when I beat you, you should be fucking proud. Do you know how many retirement matches I've been asked to do? People seek me out to send them off in to the sunset and you're bitching about me sending you off there on Sunday? Shut the fuck up man, I've turned people down for their last match, you should be fucking proud I'm sending you on your way for yours on Sunday.

He had a serious look on his face,

J2H: Why would I do it you asked so damn much, why would I want to do it again. Well at first, it was to prove I could beat you again. It was to prove that you can't come back when you're tired of sitting at home and say I got lucky against you, and yes, you would have come back, you're old but wrestling is in the Harris blood. You can say you wouldn't until you're blue in the face but I know you would have, and by that time, I would have moved on and laughed and you would have been sitting there calling my name out for months, so I thought I'd do it, get it over with, show you I was the boss and either send you on your merry way or watch you destroy people like Bill Barnhart and Goth, but now I think my reasons have changed for getting you back, like you've helped me see the light.

He pointed towards the sun and smirked.

J2H: It only hit me while I was watching, but deep down, I wanted you to come back so I could retire you properly. Think about it, you might have felt down after losing, a lot of champions do, but they grow some balls, get over it and come back eventually, but if I got you to come back and I beat you twice on the spin, you'll never come back. Maybe it was evil genius, maybe it was me baiting a trap, offering you anything that you wanted to step back in so I could just banish you away from SCW for good. It could just be that I loved embarrassing you so fucking much when I was still hurt, I wanted to do it one more time while I'm feeling amazing.

He turned his hand over.

J2H: On the other hand, you could be right and everyone else in this division are not worth a damn and I wanted a credible opponent, you'll never know which one it was but the facts still remain that I am still walking out with this.

His hand ran across the shining gold championship.

J2H: The fact still remains that I have got you to use that sick as fuck mind of yours and I'm gonna beat you at your own game. You could have picked anything in the world, could have had my hands tied behind my back, you could have picked anything at all and I still would have beat you. Maybe I just got a kink for humiliating people.

He tilted his head in thought before looking back at the camera.

J2H: Who fucking knows, but what I do know is I'm going up two zero against you Michael, and this time, I won't call you back, I will move on and go against someone else, probably Jack Washington when he wins King For The Day and books himself against me... Yeah Jack, you're fucking see through.

He rolled his eyes.

J2H: You'll be in my rear view Michael so appreciate the fact that I'm giving you your last moments of relevance in this business, I'm giving you your last meaningful contribution to the wrestling business. This is something you're gonna be remembered for, one of the greatest main events of all time and put out of your misery by me once and for all. The wrestling world will rejoice as we say goodbye to Michael Harris. I've proved you're my little puppet that I can command, I got you back just by pulling the right strings, and I'm gonna pull the right strings to send you back away. Dance for me puppet, dance your ass down to the ring, dance around the cage like some cheap whore because just like that cheap whore dancing in the cage, your night will also end with you on your back and looking at the lights, wanting everything to end quickly.

He might have looked serious on the outside but couldn't help but smile on the inside from that very impromptu cheap whore line.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

J2H finished just in time as he was quickly joined by his family as the camera faded to black.

Sunday 13th August 2023
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Blood streamed down the face of J2H as paramedics held gauze over the SCW World Heavyweight Champion's forehead, minutes before, his flesh was penetrated with a fountain pen thanks to the hand of Michael Harris. He didn't need any help to the back but medics insisted of being by his side, holding wads of thick white medical equipment on his head to stem the flow of blood running down his face.

J2H: Mother fucker!

Medic: Please try not to talk.

J2H: Every time I end up around that mother fucker, I end up with a medic near by.

His words were pretty much to himself but he felt that he needed to say them anyway. He could feel the eyes of everyone around him looking at him, and the show had barely begun but to start off like that set off an uneasiness backstage, just for the sheer creepiness and cold side that Michael Harris brought, let alone the brutal ending.

Medic: We need to get you to the trainers room so we can have a doctor look at this a little closer.

He didn't reply right away, he could just feel the eyes upon him without seeing them due to blood in his eyes and medical equipment stuck to his forehead. He could only be lead through the backstage area and in to a room away from prying eyes. It wasn't too long before he was rushed through those halls and in to a doctors office and helped towards a fed.

Doctor: Well that is one way to start off a show.

J2H groaned at the doctor, unable to see him just yet.

J2H: Believe me doc, I didn't plan on walking down to that ring and getting stabbed in the face with a fucking pen, I thought he wouldn't show up.

The doctor seemed confused by this whole thing.

Doctor: But I thought wrestling was...

J2H cleared his throat, he wasn't a massive protector of the business like some, but he worked in a very different way then most people.

J2H: I know what people think about wrestlers and wrestling but not everything is written down doc. I personally say what I'm gonna do and leave it in the hands of others to do their part and everything happens on the fly so I didn't know if he was gonna be here, I sure as fuck didn't know I was gonna get a pen jabbed in me. I'm no bullshit script everything guy.

Doctor: I see, well, let's take a look at this.

The medic removed the covering to take a look at the damage and allow the doctor to see, but J2H still couldn't see him, his eyes were blurred with blood and a splitting headache damaged his chances of focusing on anything for a while.

J2H: How many holes in my head?

The doctor cleaned the blood from J2H's forehead, the medic had done his job on trying to stem the flow of thick red blood to his face.

Doctor: At least five more then you went to the ring with, and some of these look deep and might need a hospital visit.

J2H had spent enough time in hospitals thanks to the Harris family and was not too keen on another trip to a hospital courtesy of another Harris family member.

J2H: That's a hard pass for me. I am not going to a fucking Brazilian hospital, are you insane? This is a fucking country who had a present who believed Covid wasn't real while everyone around him died from it. I can't imagine their hospitals are in good shape. Just stitch me up and let me go on my way and get out of here so I can go get on a plane and go home.

Doctor: I wouldn't even recommending travelling that far without a night or two of rest.

J2H: Less talking, more stitching doc.

He was frustrated at the thought of staying in Brazil longer then he had to, more then frustrated at the thought of not being around his family. The tour had already proven to be harder then he expected and more frustrating then he ever wanted, which brought him to doubt that he's even done the right thing by putting everything in to being World Champion again.

Doctor: This is going to take a while. Most of the blood had stopped, but some of these wounds are very close by.

J2H: Do what you gotta do.

A quick spray of antiseptic spray on to the wounds caused J2H to wince but he reached in to his pocket to pull out his phone and try and look at it through slightly less blurry eyes.

Doctor: You took your phone to the ring? Wasn't you worried about it being broken?

J2H: You wouldn't leave your phone backstage with all these cretins about either.

Through his blurred eyes, he could see messages from Melody had taken over his screen, causing him to slightly sigh as he hit the call number on the front of the phone but before he could even get a word in, the phone call was accepted along with a video request. He hated Melody seeing him the way he was but he hit accept anyway and held the phone up to where he thought his face might be in shot and waited.

Melody: James? James are you there?

Melody could only see the doctor fiddling with the open cuts on his head but something about her words told him she couldn't see him completely so he lowered the phone towards his chest, giving her a different angle.

J2H: I'm here...

Melody: I can see you now. Are you ok? What was all that about?

Concern filled her voice as her face seemed sad. She hated seeing him like this, there might have been a part of her that didn't like the fact that he had returned to the ring, but she made it clear on many private occasion that she wasn't pleased at all the risks he was taking again at this stage of his life.

J2H: I'm fine, just a few flesh wounds that need a few stitches, it's nothing major, I've had a whole lot worse then a pen hit me in the face.
Melody: I was so scared! He looked crazy, this shi...

She stopped herself from cursing at that point. He knew she didn't like to curse at all, she was too sweet to go on an curse word tirade but could see she was close, so he put up his hand to stop her.

J2H: Yeah, he felt crazy. I don't know what it was but that didn't seem like the guy I was in the ring with a couple of months ago. He felt like his soul had gone, like everything was on auto pilot. Even when he had that pen, it felt different but I'm ok. I've put myself through a lot worse then this thing, so don't worry.

No matter what reassuring words he had from his lips to Melody's ears, he couldn't take away the worry in her voice.

Melody: I watched my husband get stabbed in the head with a pen repeatedly after he signed up to a barbed wire steel cage match. Your son watched you get stabbed in the head with a pen and is not going to go to bed without watching you have that cage match.

He knew she was one hundred and ten percent right, even if he didn't want to admit it out loud but he had agreed to this and couldn't back out.

J2H: It's too late to do anything about it now. I will do that match but I've gone through wars in the past and everything worked out.

Melody: You didn't have your son watching at the time.

He winced in pain as the doctor got to work stitching his forehead up but sighed because he knew Melody was right about the situation.

J2H: I know that and I'll tell you what. I will sit and talk to him and explain to him about a few things so he's ready for it all and won't need to be worried so much when the time comes. That way, he'll know what to expect and I'll tell him I'm selling everything when that crazy bastard no doubt rubs my head in to barbed wire.

Melody was unimpressed with the barbed wire comment but felt oddly at ease with J2H when he mentioned talking to their son about this.

Melody: Maybe he should know the truth about wrestling.

J2H smiled down the phone at his wife.

J2H: He's smarter then you think Mel, he knows there's a lot more behind it then two people fighting. He's not silly at all.

Melody sighed at her husband.

Melody: So when are you coming home? I know the week before the show is a huge promotion week, but when are you coming back to Beverly Hills?

He thought about it for a second, thought about the doctors advice and that maybe he should listen but he shrugged off that thought immediately as he looked at the phone.

J2H: How about this? You start packing up enough things for two weeks for you and JJ. Tell Simpson to pack too and I will make arrangements for a couple of weeks on a boat in Cancun. We'll stay there, I will explain a few things to James Jr, we relax for a bit and then I will go do the promo tour that SCW sets out for me and be back in time to gave a few days with you before the supercard.

Melody's eyes lit up, she always was a sucker for a trip to Mexico and J2H didn't mind the seclusion of a private boat.

Melody: Really?

The tone in her voice completely changed as she looked excitedly at her husband.

J2H: Really. I've been running around this god forsaken world for months trying to show people what a real champion does. I've been showing everyone for a long time how to do this thing right so yeah, fuck it, I deserve a few days off.

Her smile said it all as she beamed down the phone at her husband.

Melody: That sounds amazing!

He matched her smile, looking back down the phone at her.

J2H: I'll get this thing stitched up and I'll get on a plane and sort things out. Should take me like ten hours or so to fly there, so pack some bags, get some sleep, tell Simpson to dig out those bright orange shorts, and I'll send you all the information you need to meet me in Cancun tomorrow. I'll get you a private plane arranged and I will see you then.

Melody: Sounds wonderful, but please, in the meantime, take care of yourself and don't get yourself in too much trouble.

J2H: I don't think I could if I tried. It's gonna take a while for my head to get stitched up and I'll be leaving as soon as I possibly can.

She seemed completely relieved by this news and trusted her husband to do just that. She knew he wasn't one to party or socialize with people if he didn't have to.

Melody: Ok babe, love you, see you tomorrow!

He never got tired of hearing that from her and smiled to show his appreciation.

J2H: Love you too, give JJ a hug for me.

She smiled and hung up the phone, leaving J2H with the doctor to work on his face.

J2H: Could you hurry this up a bit? I gotta get out of this place as soon as I possibly can so I can get to somewhere much nicer then this.

Doctor: If I work too fast, you could end up scarred.

J2H: I'm heading in to a barb wire cage match with a sick fuck. I already have the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills rubbing their hands together hoping they get a call from me after that match, so speed it up.

The doctor did as he was told, well as fast as he could without a possible malpractice suit landing on his desk and it was only a day later where J2H had kept his promise and headed off to Cancun for a reunion with his much missed family...


Monday 14th August 2023
Cancun, Mexico.

Arrangements were made on the long flight from Brazil to Mexico and a yacht had been secured for a couple of weeks by J2H for his family. He had arrived a few hours ago and took the chance to sit in the sun on the deck of the luxurious boat. The sun was strong as he laid on a sun lounger, occasionally tilting his head towards the entrance of the boarding area of the boat, eagerly awaiting the arrival of his family. Although only an hour had passed since he took up his spot in the sun, it felt like forever till a car pulled up near the boarding plank and Melody, James Jr and Simpson had exited with their luggage.


It was a familiar cry that brought a smile to the champions face as he looked towards the sound, watching as his son ran up the plank and towards his father. J2H barely had the chance to sit up before his son jumped across and landed on him.

J2H: Oof!

J2H sat up and wrapped his arms around James Jr, the young boy squeezing as tightly as he can around his father.

JJ: I missed you Daddy!

His words could melt anyone's heart and J2H smiled widely.

J2H: I missed you too.

It took a minute or two before the young man released his father and looked at his bandaged head, less then twenty four hours removed from a pen piercing his skin.

JJ: Does that hurt Daddy?

J2H shook his head towards James Jr, his shoulders tensing as he looked at him.

J2H: Nah. It doesn't hurt, you know that mean man couldn't hurt me with a car, so he couldn't hurt me with a little pen. I'm fine.

J2H watched as Simpson and Melody boarded the boat, both moving towards the father and son combo.

Simpson: Good day to you sir.

J2H: Good to see you Simpson.

The big man nodded his head and smiled as Melody wrapped her arms around her husbands neck, kissing him on the cheek before moving her head back to look at his covered war wounds.

Melody: This is beautiful here.

J2H nodded in agreement as he looked around at the calm water and the peaceful way of life at this time of day.

J2H: It really is.

Melody looked at James Jr, ruffling his hair.

Melody: Why don't you and Simpson go change in to something cooler so I can speak to Daddy for a little bit?

JJ: Ok!

J2H nodded towards Simpson who took the hint to give the couple some alone time to talk, and the big man instantly put his hand out to James Jr, who run towards him.

J2H: The bedrooms are through that door over there, use anyone for now and I'll point out where you'll be staying in a while.

Simpson: Very good, sir.

James Jr made his way to Simpson, who quickly grabbed the closest two bags and hoisted them up as if they were nothing, and lead James Jr away from the couple. Melody looked up to see them disappear out of ear shot before looking at J2H.

Melody: How's that thing really feeling?

She pointed to his head and J2H sighed as he looked in to her eyes.

J2H: Hurts like a son of a bitch. It's all stitched up but it won't fully heal in the next two weeks, so he won't have a hard time opening it up again and making me look like I'm wearing a shit Spiderman mask or something.

Melody looked uneasy at his words as she run her hand over his shoulder.

Melody: Is there anything that can be done to stop that?

J2H: Not without me wearing a mask or something. It'll be fine anyway, wouldn't be the first time I've bled early. I'll just keep kicking on and do whatever it takes to keep my championship. I'll just do what the doc told me to do and I'll be ok.

Melody sighed as a sign of her not being too comfortable with the idea, but knew there was nothing she could say that would stop him from being part of that match, even if it meant him risking heavy blood loss. She decided not to think about it and change the subject slightly.

Melody: So next week, promo week, what do they have you doing?

J2H: It's basically a few cities around the world from Monday, a few questions here and there to promote the show, get people watching. I'll fly through the night, sleep on the plane, do spots on TV, radio, podcasts, whatever. It feels like a waste of time to do that just to answer a few questions and move on, but it's part of being a champion.

Melody felt unhappy at the fact he was going to be gone in under a week, but understood how things work.

J2H: But I don't need to be anywhere other then here till Sunday night, and this thing is rented till the Monday after the show, so while I'm away, you can stay here, enjoy the weather, come to the show on Sunday.

Melody: I don't think coming to the show is a good idea. I know James Jr will love to be there seeing all his fave wrestlers but James, I don't think it's a good idea for him to see what you could look like after the match, in person.

He did share her concerns but knew that there was no way in hell his son would be happy being so close to a show and not being able to go.

J2H: I will talk to him and tell him that I might not look pretty after that, but we both know he's going to want to be there to see this, we both know there's very little chance that he wouldn't want to see this.

Melody knew he was right but hated the thought of her son seeing something like that. They'd flown to Mexico to be with him and knew he would want to be backstage.

Melody: Maybe if you speak to him, it might help.

J2H: I will as soon as he...

J2H was cut off by the sound of footsteps running towards him and he turned his head slightly to see his son bounding in his direction. James Jr jumped towards his parents with a hug for both and Melody put her lips close to his ear.

Melody: I'm gonna go and change so we can go swimming, Daddy wants to talk to you for a minute or two, ok?

JJ: Ok Mommy!

Melody kissed him on the forehead and stood up and James Jr sat across his fathers lap, looking at him as Melody moved away from the two.

J2H: I need to have a grown up talk with you about the wrestling show coming up that I'm on.

His son looked at him with a touch of curiosity in his eyes.

J2H: Daddy's gonna have a big match soon and I know you want to be there...

JJ: Yeah, I do!

He could hear the excitement in his son's voice.

J2H: It's not gonna be a very pretty match. It's a very dangerous match where it's gonna look like I'm really, really hurt. It will look like I'm going to be in trouble, but I want you to know that when I'm out there and I look like I'm in trouble, I will be fine. Even if it looks like I'm hurt, I'm not going to be hurt at all.

Instantly, James Jr's face changes to sadness and worry, not unlike his mother's face when she is concerned.

JJ: I don't want you to get hurt.

J2H: I won't be hurt, but it might look like I am, and this is gonna make mommy sad and worried, so I need you to do something for me, ok? I need you to know that I'm ok and when mommy looks scared, I need you to hold her hand and tell her that I'm alright. It might not look like I am but I will be completely fine. Just remember to look after mommy for me because I'll be in the ring, doing what I do.

It took a few seconds for James Jr to process what he had been told, but he nodded.

JJ: I will take care of mommy.

J2H: Good boy.

JJ: And you will be winning in a cage, a big cage.

J2H: Huge cage. Nothing will stop me from winning that match. I will be doing everything I possibly can to win that match cause I'm a superhero.

JJ: Roxi and Kiera are superheroes!

J2H tapped his chin, thinking for a few seconds before answering his son.

J2H: Well, Roxi is, but Kiera's a bit of a loon, but yeah, Roxi certainly is.

He smiled at his father as his father stood up and placed him on his feet and looked around.

J2H: Right, let's go find your mother because this thing has it's own pool on, and you've been on a plane for a while, so thinking a swim might just do you good.

JJ: Ok!

J2H took his son by the hand and the two walked away, looking for Melody and Simpson.


Friday 18th August 2023
Cancun, Mexico.

The week had passed too fast in everyone's opinion, but J2H had enjoyed every second of being around his family before he set off on a tour around the world to promoted Violent Conduct, but he had something left to do and that was talk about a certain person.

Night had fallen and J2H sat on the front of the yacht with the SCW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and just a single camera on him, and he begins to speak.

J2H: Michael Harris....

Just the mention of his name brought anger through the champions body.

J2H: I bet that felt so fucking good, right? Showing up with a contract right in front of you to sign, knowing you could sit at home for a couple of months, hiding away from the wrestling world only to come back and get yourself a main event spot. Not only that, done with a little bit of reinvention, almost psychotic. Well congratulations on finally hitting your emo teen phase, thirty years or so later then most, but congratulations getting there.

He smirked as he ran his hands over his championship belt.

J2H: For weeks I lobby for you to come back, stand up and face me, let me prove that I could beat you again, and this is what you come back as? A pissy little bitch that shows no emotion?

It was a questioning tone used, but he shrugged his shoulders.

J2H: Frankly, I'm pretty disappointed.

He slowly shook his head before continuing.

J2H: I was expecting you to actually be a man about everything. I expected more from you then this thing that you've become. You've been in this business a long time and I expected you to show up, shake my hand like a man, thank me for making you relevant and then tell me that your story wasn't done, that this belt will be yourself again, trash talk a little and come at me with a little more respect, but what you did I get? The cold silent type, and that disappoints me Michael, I am disappointed in you, but ok, if that's what it is, then that's what it is, because something out of that makes me very proud.

He slowly nodded his head.

J2H: I'm proud that I absolutely broke you, I broke Michael Harris when people have spent years trying. I'll add that to my legacy list of achievements.

An arrogant smirk rested on his face.

J2H: So let's look at this new you Michael. Is this the you that you think can actually beat someone like me? Is this the you that you think has a great chance of defeating me and becoming the man to lead this place again? If that's the way it is, then I think you're gonna be very disappointed by the end of this. I think you're gonna have to look at yourself and see that there's not a version of your Crystal Hilton style gimmick flips that you can do, that is ever good enough to stand up to me. You could show up in tutu, throwing glitter balloons to the crowd for all I care and it wouldn't get in my head at all.

He smirked again at the thought.

J2H: So this strong, silent type, Michael that showed up to stick a pen in my head, isn't gonna worry me at all, but believe it or not, I get it. I told you to be fucked up, I told you to use your sick and twisted mind to come at me with everything you possibly could and you did just that. The barbed wire cage match, the first of it's kind in SCW, that's pretty fucked up right there, it is directly from the mind of a psychopath, and that's why I get what you've done. The pen to my head, signing in blood, is intimidation that a psychopath would use to scare someone. The showing up and being dark, quiet, distant, detached, broody, the look of an absolute psychopath and I could feel the difference in you, but I know it's being done just to fuck with my head, just to mess with my mind and try and stop me from being on the top of my game, but I see a flaw in your plan here Michael, a big fly in the ointment.

He stopped talking for just a second for a dramatic pause.

J2H: If I'm faced with a psychopath, then I'm fighting for my life, right? That's what you want to get in to my head, is that I could actually die in that ring against you. That's clearly what ya fucking going for, but if I'm going to die, if someone wants the power to end my life, then I'm gonna fight till I can't fight no more, because the actions I take, doesn't actually matter, I have no filter, because I need to survive, so I will be doing everything I possibly can to do just that and survive. My gloves will be off too. You're be driving by hate, revenge, but me being driven to survive is all I need to do to over come this whole thing, so thank you.

He pointed at the camera.

J2H: Thank you for making this very easy for me, because it's fight or flight mode for me and I don't run from anyone at all. Guess that means I'll be fighting and you've made it so easy for me to do that. A cage is bad enough, but throw in sharp bits of metal around there, well I'm more in my element then you think. I'm not just some technical wrestler, or a high flying God here Michael, I know how to get down and dirty in the ring, I know how to adapt to matches. I was a fucking Roulette champion for a while, I went through hell then. I tried to drive a stake through a vampire's heart in a match, that left me bleeding like a stuck pig... Ever been in a match with a vampire with blood lust and bled all over the place and still survived? I have, so you think barbed wire scares me? You think being in a cage scares me? You're out of your fucking mind.

He lifted the SCW World Championship higher on his shoulder and pointed to it.

J2H: This right here isn't the only thing I'm fighting for in there now. I'm fighting for everything, I'm fighting for my life against someone who doesn't give a fuck about me, my life, my health, my legacy and that's when I'm at my best. That's when I can get dangerous and do more damage to you then I have to many other people. You can play the evil shit all you want, but my head is very clear Michael, my job is very clear and you must have been sitting at home through that time wondering why I didn't move on, why I was giving a broken old man a shot at redemption?

He looked to the side for a second before looking back down the camera.

J2H: Because I needed to prove to people that I could beat you not once, not twice. We put on one hell of a fucking match not too long ago that could have gone either way but I didn't want those whispers that I got lucky, or you just run out of steam. I don't want that bullshit hanging over my head. What I want is people to know I am clearly better then you, that I am the best champion SCW has seen this year, the best of all time and that involves taking you down not once, but twice and I'm gonna put it all on the line to show the world that I am exactly that. I'm not full of shit Michael, what I say will come to pass.

He looked confidently down the camera.

J2H: You might have picked up the pen but I'm picking up the sword to prove that the pen is not mightier then the sword, far fucking from it. It's a sword you will fall on, it's a sword that will end your dreams and send you back in hiding once more, it's a sword that will end everything you want in life. Don't worry man, even at your age, you can go find a place somewhere that you can dominate and tell people you're still some kind of big shot. You can go act that you're special because I won't be in those little ponds to tell people otherwise. That's your future Michael, you get to go take it easy somewhere after I beat you at your own little fucked up game. I will be showing you and the world that this championship is exactly where it belongs.

He ran his hand over the championship belt.

J2H: I called you back because I knew I could do it and beat you. I'm not gonna let myself down by getting you back and fucking this up, I will be fucking you up Michael. This ain't no fairytale ending for you, this ain't no return and retake the throne like some fantasy novel. This is real, this is what's gonna happen and that is you're gonna come back and I'm gonna beat your punk ass at your own game and I will be leaving with the SCW World Heavyweight around my waist, over my shoulder, over my head, where ever the fuck I want, because I am the champion, I will stay the champion, so bring on the cage, bring on the barbed wire that's gonna rip my skin in to pieces, bring your old ass and your emo new you, bring everything you got because all of that together, still won't be enough. You want this belt?

J2H pointed to the World championship.

J2H: Come and take it from my cold, dead hands.

He stood up and nodded to the camera.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

And with that, the camera faded to black.

Climax Control Archives / Carter? Ok....
« on: August 04, 2023, 10:47:33 AM »
J2H was fuming when he walked through the curtain after his segment on Climax Control. Anger crossed his face, mixed with a hint of frustration as he burst through the curtain with his championship over his shoulder. The atmosphere in the backstage area instantly turned ice cold as staff members averted their gaze as to not meet the gaze of the SCW World Heavyweight champion as he looked around the backstage area.

J2H: Who's the fucking dickhead who played that son of a bitch Harris's music?

He was met with a few casual glances and silence as people quickly moved away from him as he stepped down the steps that led away from the ramp.

J2H: You lot fucking heard me! Who played his damn music?

Again, an awkward silence filled the backstage area, more and more people moved away as he looked around through narrowed eyes, but was quickly approached by Hot Stuff Mark Ward and Christian Underwood.

HS: What's going on?

J2H looked towards the two bosses, his eyes narrowed as they dart between the two owners of the company.

J2H: What do you mean what's going on? Do you even watch your own show or does someone give you the rough idea of what happens?

Christian: Of course we watch the show, but what the hell are you going on about?

J2H: Michael Harris clearly isn't here, right?

HS: Michael Harris hasn't been on the tour at all. He lost the match, like most champions who lose, he got offered time to relax and he took it, so no, he's not here.

J2H: So who's the clever dick that played his fucking music to fuck with me.

Christian: Let me see if I can figure that one out for you.

Christian turned away from the group, but J2H's eyes don't leave him as he put his finger up to an earpiece and muttered to himself. He waited for a few seconds as the World Champions eyes burned a hole in his back, waiting impatiently for a response. After a few more seconds, Christian finally turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

Christian: No one played his music.

J2H: So you're saying I just randomly heard his music play because no one pushed the button to play it? I didn't have a stroke out there, all those people heard the fucking music, and you're telling me no one at all pushed the button to make it play.

HS: I was at the table that could make it happen with a couple of assistants, I never called for it to be played.

Christian: And the guys in the truck said they didn't play it and I trust them, they've been with us for years sooooooo....

J2H grinded his teeth, his anger and frustration started to get watered down with confusion as he tried to decide if to believe them. He knew these two had pulled tricks like this for years to move things along, but it made no sense for them to do so with Michael Harris missing in action and not sure if he was even returning.

J2H: So he somehow remotely hacked the system and played his own music just to fuck with me for mentioning his name a couple of times recently? I smell bullshit, I think you have someone on your staff that is playing buddy buddy with him and they're using me to mock, even if the shit has no intention of coming back. It's his big final fuck with James moment.

HS: I don't know what to tell ya, but I'll look in to it and see if I can find out what's going on.

This did nothing to pacify the feelings running through J2H as he looked at Hot Stuff with narrowed eyes.

J2H: Why don't you call Michael Harris and find out what the fuck his game is. Find out if he wants to come back and get violent or if I have to downgrade and face Goth because he made a big fanfare of digging up a group who can't stay together for more then five minutes and mentioned my name. Been there, done that with Goth.

Christian: Like he said, it will be looked in to and we'll figure it out.

J2H sighed as he looked toward Christian and back towards Hot Stuff and shook his head slowly. The anger only slightly subsiding for a little while.

J2H: Well while you two figure that out, I'm going home. I've bounced around this tour doing absolutely nothing but talk and I'm sick of being away from home, so I won't be around next week. Hit up Harris and get him on the show to talk about things and I'll go be like the rest of the roster and stay at home when I'm not needed.

Hot Stuff and Christian shared an uneasy look, instantly getting the attention of J2H.

J2H: What?

HS: Actually, we need you to show up next week. We have a title defence for you so you need to be in Peru next Sunday.

A sharp inhale from the champion quickly showed he wasn't happy with the news he had just received from his bosses, he had his heart and mind set on some time at home with his family who he had rarely seen since he became champion.

J2H: Seriously?

Both Christian and Hot Stuff nodded their heads at the same time as thoughts rushed through J2H's mind. He knew he was the champion and wanted to lead by example. He had flown half way across the world, just to sit and talk for a few minutes, but he knew he needed to do that to prove what he'd been saying about the SCW roster for a long time.

J2H: Fine, I'll fly in on Saturday.

Another uneasy look crossed the bosses faces as the exchanged glances, causing J2H to roll his eyes at the pair.

J2H: Now what?

Christian: We're recommending everyone goes there as soon as possible. The air is thinner where the show is and we need everyone there to get used to it to avoid any issues. We have medical professionals to check everyone out when they arrive and again a couple of days later to see if you have acclimatised to the area.

J2H run his hand over his head, not sure he could believe what was being said by his bosses. It meant more time away from his family, but he knew he couldn't refuse, not just cause of personal pride, but he had long claimed the SCW roster was lazy and only show up to wrestle. He'd shown up when he wasn't wrestling, he could hardly do the opposite in his mind and not show up to wrestle.

J2H: Fine...

He shook his head towards the bosses.

J2H: Who am I facing?

HS: HB Carter...

J2H wasn't sure how to take the news, so took a few seconds to let it sink in. He was unsure why Carter was picked when he had all but offered Miles Kasey a shot at the championship on social media not too long ago, but he knew there was no one else stepping up.

J2H: Yeah, ok. I'm gonna go now, cause I got a very awkward conversation to have with my wife about the fact that I won't be flying home.

He didn't wait for a response from either of the two bosses and breezed past them and towards the locker room.


Ninety minutes later.

China was below him as his private plane, flying towards Peru, just at the beginning of two refuelling stops on a twenty hour plus flight. A look of concern was on his face as the plane hummed through the air as he sat with a laptop in front of him, the curser hovering over Melody's name. He took a deep breath, just waiting for a few seconds, running the potential conversation over and over in his mind before finally hitting that call button. It didn't take too long before the smiling face of his wife Melody was on the screen.

Melody: Hey baby!

He smiled just hearing her voice, the tour taking it's toll on him for just being away from his family. He knew tours were like this and would usually take his family along with him if it was more of a lighter travel tour, but this shotgun, all over the place tour was not one for his family.

J2H: Hey babe.

Melody returned his smile as she looked at him from across the world.

Melody: Are you heading back home now?

He wanted to open his mouth and blurt out the words he'd practiced in his mind all the way to the airport, all the way through security, all the way through take off, but he couldn't. Melody could sense something wasn't right with her husband.

Melody: J, what's wrong?

He sighed as he looked at the screen, knowing he was about to disappoint not only her once, but twice when she had to tell his son that daddy wouldn't be home just yet.

J2H: I can't come home right now.

They were not the words he practiced in his head for an hour before, but they were the only words that would come out of his mouth.

Melody: Oh?

He could feel her disappointment from across the globe and he never wanted to let down his family.

J2H: Unfortunately, they want me defending next week in Peru, some shit about the air being thin so they want me there right away along with the rest of the roster. They'll probably all be flying out tomorrow morning or something but this pissed me off and I just wanted to get the fuck away from there, so right now, I'm somewhere above China, heading to god knows where to refuelled, then heading to god knows where else to refuel, then possibly a third god knows where to do it again and then to Peru.

Melody couldn't hide the disappointment in her voice as she spoke to him.

Melody: I really wanted you to come home, James Jr misses you. He loves seeing you on the screen, but he misses you being here.

Those words almost broke his heart, he wanted to be home with his family and was hoping to do so if only for a few days.

J2H: I'm sorry, I didn't know about this till I walked back through the curtain but I can't be one of those champions who don't defend. I mean for the last few weeks, I think only Salco has been defending all the time, no one else has. I really wanted to be home, I told them I'd go home,fly in on Saturday, but here I am.

Melody was always a person who tried to make the best out of a bad situation, even when inside she was angry or annoyed.

Melody: At least you'll get to stop over in some different places. You'll be able to see some of where ever you are.

J2H: I'm going as far as airport VIP lounges or something like that, I'm not staying in any over night. This whole China to Peru thing will end up about thirty hours of travel when you count the stops. I'll just sleep on the plane or something.

Melody: You know as well as I do, that is going to drive you crazy being stuck on a plane for so long.

She was right, but he knew that he just wanted to get there and be done with the whole travel thing.

J2H: I'll have lots of time to go less crazy when I'm there and I don't give a fuck what I'm told to do the following week, I'm coming home right after the show and I'll fly where ever I need to for the weekend. This tour thing has been horrible.

Melody: You used to love touring.

J2H: I used to love it when shows were three or four hours apart, but twenty plus hours is too damn much, especially when it's places I can't really bring you and JJ. It's too much travel to be here with me. A tour of one country, or a continent, great, but this is double figure travelling between each show. It's too much.

Melody: Comes with being the champion.

She smiled at him, reassuring him but deep down, he felt differently.

J2H: If I knew this shit would throw me all over the place, spending more time away from you both, I would have put in a lot less effort against Harris.

Melody: You did it for JJ. He wanted to see you win and you did for him. You put in the effort so your son could see you be a champion again instead of him constantly watching your old matches over and over again.

He knew she was right but he hated being away to the point the pandemic was not as bad for him as it was for others. Staying at home was his idea of heaven.

J2H: I know and I will do it as long as I can.

He was serious, nothing more motivating then your own child to be the best you could be.

Melody: You look tired. Why don't you get some sleep and call me when you get to your first stop and tell me where you are.

He nodded at the camera.

J2H: I will but I think I'll just record something quickly for the match, send it in, get it over and done with so I can spend the rest of the week hiding from the fucking world in no doubt, some crummy hotel room with shit wifi.

Melody smiled at his tone, but knew he was serious.

Melody: Love you!

J2H: Love you too. Give the little man a big hug from me and tell him I will call him tomorrow.

Melody nodded and blew a kiss before the screen went blank and J2H fiddled around for a recording program on his screen. He found one eventually and it was time to talk about HB Carter.


J2H: Well Carter, aren't you a lucky man?

He looked deep in to the camera.

J2H: You must be feeling like the proverbial dog with two dicks at this point because I bet you didn't expect to be going to Peru and headlining a show against the world champion giving you a chance to walk in to Violent Conduct with the biggest prize out there. I bet your jaw hit the floor and you cried on little Miles shoulder, used that mop top on his head to dry those tears and double check that you heard right. Well, you did hear right Carter, at a young age, you've been picked to go against the greatest SCW World Heavyweight champion of all time.

He smirked at the camera.

J2H: I was younger then you when I got a World Heavyweight championship shot and well, I don't miss so I won, fuck, three shots at the big prize and three wins for me but there won't be that fairytale ending for you Carter. In fact, I know what it's like to be young and looking at this belt knowing it could be mine, but I did it in a tougher way. I took on the whole roster in a gauntlet match where no one thought I would ever stand a chance and not only did I stand a chance, I did it and pissed off everyone around. It was more then glorious, let me tell you. Seeing people like Goth throw a backstage fit was amazing. Seeing the whole roster sulk because this young kid went and beat all their old asses because no one took him seriously. I learned a valuable lesson that day Carter, I learned that you need to take everyone seriously or things could blow up in your face, so I will take you seriously, but I can't help but think you've seen this match announcement, or someone has run up and told you, and you've already beat yourself up here.

He tapped the side of his head.

J2H: You saw my name and you knew at that point it wasn't gonna be an easy night for you at all and already, I know you can feel the nerves running through you, already I know that you're sitting there wondering how you can solve the problem that no one else has solved in a long time and beat J2H. I can answer that for you Carter, you can't beat J2H, it is that simple. Everyone has tried, and no one has in almost a year. The last person to beat me was Fenris, later last year, no one else has even come close Carter so get rid of every thought in your head about ever beating me, wipe the thought of becoming World champion out of your head right now because it will only end up in disappointment.

He smiled down the camera.

J2H: Everyone is going to be telling you that this is your big chance Carter, that this is where you can shock the world, make something of yourself, be the man you want to be. Everyone gets in to this business to be where I am right now, everyone gets in this to be a champion, to be THE champion. Little titles are cool while you're learning so much about this place, but it's not about those little titles, it all leads up to the big prize, that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I am what every young wrestler wants to be and it doesn't matter if you come out of the GO Gym, it doesn't matter if you come out of Jet City, everyone aspires to be the champion but no one tells you about the guy who already is the champion, no one tells you the fight they have in them and this is your first shot at this Carter, those people can encourage you as much as they want but the truth is very, very simple. You're not ready for this, you're not ready to dethrone me at all. You can come in to this one full of piss and vinegar, you can listen to everyone building you up, wanting you to take this from that meanie J2H, but it's all false.

He stopped for a second.

J2H: Everyone that tells you that you stand a chance in this thing, they're not believing in you at all, they're really not, they're just trying to fill your head with confidence and your heart with hope. They don't actually believe it, they're just trying to make you believe it but that's not going to be enough at all. That's not gonna make you actually win. Words do not improve skills in a week, even if you hit the training mats constantly until next Sunday, it's not going to improve your chances of beating me, because there are no chances of beating me at all. These words might make you more determined to shut me up, but it doesn't mean it's going to happen.

He shook his head.

J2H: Just because someone on the booking committee likes you, or drew your name out of a hat to face me, it doesn't even mean they have faith in you to even beat me. It means you was the best option of a bunch of people who don't put in the effort. Maybe because you have occasionally appeared without being booked, you was deemed worthy of this honor, and that's exactly how you should see it, as an honor, as a privilege to be in the ring with me and use it as an experience. Don't need to over think it, you're not gonna win, you never was because I am better then you in every way, I was a World Champion by the time I got to your age, but you need to see this as nothing more then a learning experience so when I've thrown the belt away to whoever when I get bored of it, you will be able to go against a lesser man and have a much better shot at becoming a champion. This is your time in my spotlight, but it's not your time to shine Carter, you're there for just a little exposure while they fuck around and find out who I'm facing at Violent Conduct, yes me, not you. Back up plan for you to be champion has not even entered their mind.

He felt the confidence run through him.

J2H: This is not about you as such Carter, they might be thinking long term for a push to the top in the future but this is not the start of your big run, this is not the start of you being pushed to the stars. You must be thinking about this right now and you will think about it all week and you will come to the conclusion everyone else already has and that you're cannon fodder, that you're just there. I bet by the time this airs probably on Friday or something, you'd have found your first set of grey hairs, you would have had many sleepless nights, you would have seen me walking around Peru and gone scuttling back in to your shell with the nerves too much to handle. I bet when you have slept, you've been waking up with cold sweats and shivering. I think I've been in your head all fucking week Carter and not in the same way you usually dream about men. I think by now, I've haunted your dreams and I'm gonna know for sure as soon as you start talking about me. I know you'll be looking down that camera with a dry mouth and a squeaky voice because you know, I'm already in your head and have been since the second you heard about this.

He looked serious at the camera.

J2H: I know I'm there Carter and the closer it gets to the match, the worse it's gonna get. Hell, just hearing me speak right now, I bet you felt that chill running up your spine. Now you know I'm talking directly to you Carter, you're feeling it even more, am I right?

He stopped as if giving someone time to answer.

J2H: It will not get any easier when you're standing in the ring and you're waiting for that music of mine to hit, because it will feel like it's lasted forever there. You'll look at the crowd and you won't be able to stop yourself from getting caught up in the moment. It will hit you even more about the situation you're in and you will crumble. It's happened to bigger and better people then you Carter. That's when reality strikes and you melt Carter. Don't take it too personally, you're just not ready to be at my level, no one here is on my level, but you almost certainly, not even close. It's not you're fault, you're just no J2H, there's only one of me and that's all there needs to be because I am top of the world, the best SCW World Heavyweight champion there has ever been and I will show that to you Carter, up close, personal and this is gonna be something you can tell your gran.... errrr, nevermind. This is something you can at least talk about for a long, long time. The day you got your ass kicked by the legend himself...

He leaned closer to the camera.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

J2H closed the laptop and leaned back in his chair as the camera faded to black.

For most people, the Summer XXXTreme cruise was the highlight of their wrestling year. It was essentially a free vacation, with the only drawback of having to be aware of the people around them will be watching everything that they did. It was like life under a microscope for a week of their lives. There had never been much of a problem between fans and wrestlers, most either opted for long distance looks of their favourite wrestlers, or tended to be very friendly. J2H was not a huge fan of the cruise but knew he couldn't hide away from everyone forever. He knew this as he walked in to his slightly upgraded cabin with his wife Melody and son James Jr.

JJ: Daddy! This is awesome!

His son's excitement echoed around the room as J2H pulled a suitcase through the door of the cabin, as his son charged in the room, for the first time being old enough to appreciate everything around him on the ship.

Melody: SCW really went all out for you.

J2H: It's cause I'm a big deal. Champions used to get this kind of thing, but I guess Blast From The Past winners do too.

He looked around the room, impressed by the two bedded cabin that SCW had provided him with and shut the door behind his family. He quickly made a move to the bed in the room, sitting himself down and kept an eye on the curiously exploring James Jr. Melody sat next to him.

Melody: Are you ok? You look a little off.

He looked at his wife to his left and smiled at her.

J2H: I feel ok. I thought I was gonna just hate everything right away, or feel the nerves as soon as I saw the ship, but I'm good.

Melody looked at him through concerned eyes.

Melody: Nerves? You?

He sighed, he knew what he wanted to say but opening up fully was never one of his strong suits, even with his family.

J2H: Well last time I was in a big solo match at a supercard was against Fenris and I choked. Everything about that was terrible, thinking about it, I'm sure Fenris would probably say the same right now but the build up was generic, both our final push to get people interested sucked and the finish for me sucked, even though the match was pretty good, but balls got dropped there. I thought maybe the nerves would hit me knowing that I'm headlining a supercard and that I was gonna think that all over again.

Melody: Blast From The Past should have taken that away.

J2H: That's why I did Blast From The Past babe, but I needed that safety net for a partner and I got that. This is different and when I looked at the ship, I thought it may flood back memories of me dropping the ball again, but I'm telling you, this is different, this feels different. Going in against Fenris, I felt burned out on every level and looking back, I think he was too. I mean he beat the legendary J2H and went on and did nothing. Beating me should come with an automatic world championship shot built in but he failed, but this, it feels different, it feels like it's my time to get four hundred days as soon as the last bell rings.

Melody had always been his biggest supporter, long before they were even a couple and her loyalty had always shone through.

Melody: I believe in you, I believe you're going to win this and become the champion again.

J2H: So do I. Maybe getting hit by that car wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me.

This comment took Melody by surprise.

Melody: That almost killed you.

J2H smiled at Melody, putting his hand on her knee to reassure her.

J2H: It also made me feel alive. People say they come back from the brink with a new appreciation for life, a new found passion. Well this whole thing has lit my passion, everything about it did. Everything we took from off screen to on was natural and it made me feel a passion for wrestling that I haven't in a long time. Everything that happened made me get that feeling back that I am where I want to be right now, it made me want to fight like the champion I am. It brought a lot out of me that I haven't felt in years.

Melody: You didn't feel that from your other matches over the years?

J2H: The Fenris thing was a mess, the whole Teddy Warren thing was pointless. He was all talk, a year to build and did nothing, after a couple of months, I felt what was the point, it was a let down. Kris Ryans was probably the only match in years where I felt like everything was lining up because of respect and he got the full force me. That's when I felt something until recently. When I looked at this ship, I didn't feel burned out, I didn't feel like I did my last big solo match, I felt confident, I felt like I knew Mel, I felt that I knew I was going to be at the top of my game again.

Melody leaned over and kissed her husband on the head, squeezing his knee and smiling.

Melody: You do sound like that old you again.

Not only did he sound like the old him, he felt like the old him again.

J2H:  I am babe, and when I get out there, everyone is going to see just that. I held back a little against Bill, I didn't need to go out all flashy against a guy like that but this one is going to be like going back in time.

Before another word can be spoken, James Jr jumps on the bed, bouncing around before standing up behind his parents and wrapping his arms around both their necks.

JJ: This room is cool!

J2H: You know what else is cooler?

JJ: What daddy?

J2H: The outside of this thing, it's got everything on and all the wrestlers are around, or probably drunk at least.

JJ: Can we go see them?

J2H stood up, flipping the suitcase on it's side and unzipped it.

J2H: Why don't you run off and get changed in to something cooler and we'll go walk around.

He handed James Jr something out of the bag and watched in delight as the little man jumped off the bed and took the clothes to change in to. J2H looked at Melody.

J2H: And as for you, I lined something up for you before I even got on the ship.

Melody: Oh?

She looked excited and J2H couldn't help but smile inside.

J2H: So you've done the heavy work while I've been on the shelf, doing everything for JJ while I've been doing everything to recover from these bumps and bruises and when I was touring, on the other side of the world in places I didn't know existed. I think it's time you should relax so I set up for you to go to The Lotus Spa for the day, get all those funky treatments and whatever and I'll take the little guy around the ship. I haven't got the live promo till four, so there's lots of time.

Melody waved her hands around in front of her with excitement before planting a kiss on her husband's lips, only to hear a noise from the other side of the room.


Melody and J2H smiled as they broke the kiss, looking towards James Jr and J2H stood up, reaching in to his back pocket and handing a day spa pass to Melody. He turned to James Jr and raised an eyebrow at him.

J2H: Really to have a look around?

JJ: Uh uh!

He took off towards the door, leaving his parents behind.

J2H: You have a great day, and I will do fill the kid up with ice cream.

Melody smiled at J2H as she stood to her feet to hug him.

Melody: You know he's going to be too distracted by all the wrestlers around to think about ice cream. This is like heaven to him.

J2H agreed in his head, as much as he just wanted his child to be a child and enjoy those things, he knew he was mature for his age and would much rather hang out with people then do the normal childhood things.

J2H: You're not wrong. Little man, come hug your mother.

The tiny feet of James Jr running back towards Melody are heard in the distance and he throws himself at Melody with a huge hug before turning and running back to the door. J2H smiled towards his wife, quickly shrugging his shoulders before moving towards his son.

J2H: Wait up little guy!

It took James Sr just a few seconds to catch up to James Jr and open the door and in to the hallway he wandered.

JJ: Which way Daddy?

J2H didn't know, although he'd been on the ship a few times in his career, he wasn't overly familiar with it. He looked for a sign and thankfully saw one.

J2H: It's that way if you want to go outside.

He looked at his son, who looked back with innocence and excitement in his eyes.

JJ: Yay! Let's go outside!

J2H smiled as he took his son by the hand and walked through a few hallways, turning corners before the warm morning sun burst through a door at the end, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Before the two could reach it, a sound could be heard.

JJ: What's that Daddy?

A screaming, screeching sound could be heard from coming behind a door and J2H looked above to see the word bar. He looked through the window to see Jessie Salco on stages, microphone in hand, attempted to sing.

J2H: It's Jessie Salco warming up for karaoke.

JJ: It sounds like she's in pain.

J2H couldn't help but smile at his son's comment as he got on a knee next to him.

J2H: It is pain for anyone who listens. You see, Christian put her in charge of running the karaoke, and in this suspended belief that seems to happen on this cruise ship, it's like she has every song in the world, including those real bad heavy metal songs that no one has ever heard of, in her catalogue.

JJ: That's weird.

J2H: Reality don't exist on here son. We should probably move on before we get permanent ear damage from that stuff.

JJ: Ok!

The two moved outside the door, and were met with a bustling sea of life, people moving around the outside looking for places to go, new things to explore. The pool was almost full and James Jr looked around in awe. He had been around people before, sat in the backstage area for wrestling shows, but never been around so many people going about their days. He squeezed his fathers hand a little tighter.

J2H: Don't worry, these people are under strict rules about how to act with other people, if not, Daddy can throw them overboard.

James Jr smiles up at his father, although he didn't know that his dad might just do that if need be.

J2H: Everyone will be good.

They continued to walk around the pool area, but J2H could feel every eye around him looking at him and his son. He expected it to happen, he knew deep down people were not used to seeing this side of him where he was actually human rather then a dick and although they had softened to him recently thanks to the actions of Michael Harris, he could feel every set of eyes watching his every move. Usually he would walk around in a hoodie or something that masked who he was but a hoodie on a cruise ship in summer would have made him stand out like a sore thumb.

JJ: Are you ok daddy?

His head had started to swim a little with the sun hitting him as hard as it did considering he spent weeks in darkened rooms just to help with the unwanted gift of a concussion.

J2H: I'm fine, I just need to sit down for a minute or two.

He looked for the nearest sun lounger, which thankfully was a few feet away and made a move for it, sitting down halfway up, and putting his son in front of him to sit down. He could feel the eyes of his sun lounger neighbours upon him, but he didn't care, he needed to get his head to stop swimming. He couldn't help but wonder if the concussion had yet to completely disappear, but it was too late for doubts. His train of thought was broken by his son's voice.


J2H snapped out of it just in time to see Devona standing in front of the two.

Devona: Hey handsome! And I'm not talking to you.

Devona nodded her head towards J2H as James Jr jumped from the sun lounger to hug Devona in front of him. She hugged the little boy tightly before he fell back down to his seat.

J2H: Excuse me if I don't jump up and hug you.

Devona: I'd be scared if you even attempted it.

No one would ever thought J2H and Devona would have become two people who could say things like this to each other before Blast From The Past but the two had become respectful during their time as partners and at times, pushed each other to do better then before.

J2H: People will kill for that from me, but you're not like most people, something not right about you.

Devona: People have been saying that about you for years, but you seemed to have done well for yourself. Where's that lovely wife of yours?

J2H: I thought she deserved a break. She's been running around me since the not so much of an accident thing, and looking after the little guy while I was away. I thought she deserved to have a day in the spa and I'll find something to do with JJ.

Devona: There's a kids area just over that part of the ship with things for him to do.

Devona pointed her hand across the ship, garnering a nod from J2H.

J2H: Thanks, I'll take him over in a bit, just need to sit for a minute or two.

Devona: Are you ok?

J2H didn't really want his son to overhear too much of what might be wrong with him and hoped he wouldn't understand what was being said.

J2H: Just a bit lightheaded from erm, the sun. Recovering from a bad headache has that effect on some people, if you know what I mean.

Devona nodded her head, picking up on the subtle hints of what was being said by J2H.

Devona: Well, if that headache gets worse, you might want to see someone about it, it's not good wrestling with a head.

J2H waved him hand at Devona in a dismissive way. He knew come hell or high water, he was not going to give Michael Harris what he wanted and walk away from it all.

J2H: Don't worry about me, I'm good. You should be more worried about yourself, your first ever Bombshell championship shot against a champion who has pretty much said nothing, done nothing leading up to here, hard to get a read on. Are you nervous yet?

Devona: No, I'll be fine.

He could tell that there was nerves in Devona and it would only be natural to have those nerves. The pressure feels off a lot more if it was on a regular show, but a supercard, one of SCW's biggest supercards of the year, he knew there was nerves in her.

J2H: You can try and hide all that, but I know there's something kicking in there. It's not a bad thing, just turn them in to something good.

Devona shrugged at J2H, trying to play things off.

Devona: Well, aren't you full of advice today?

J2H smirked at Devona, looking at her with a confident look on his face.

J2H: I got more advice if you want.

Devona: Oh, feel free to enlighten me.

J2H leaned forward on the sun lounger and quickly covered his son's ears.

J2H: Don't fuck up.

He removed his hands from his son's ears, causing James Jr to look around confused at his dad, but J2H just smiled at him, getting a smile in return.

Devona: Oh that was profound.

J2H: More then you think because now, you're not going to because you know that I can rub it in your face forever and ever. I have your number, even when you're back down south playing with cats and cows or whatever, I can text and remind you of it, and you really don't want me doing that forever until you finally come back and win that belt.

Devona sighed, she knew he was the kind of guy that would do something like that, just to antagonize her for the sake of it.

Devona: Ok, I won't mess it up.

J2H: That is what I like to hear. I want us both getting off the floating bowl of germs as champions or everything we ever did was for nothing. All those Blast From The Past matches will mean nothing if we don't walk off as champions for this thing. Now where did you say that place was?

Devona pointed her hand across the ship again as J2H stood up.

J2H: Come on little man, let's go see what's over there for you to do.

James Jr stood up and waved at Devona.

JJ: Bye Devona.

Devona: Bye sweetheart.

J2H just nodded to Devona as the two walked across the deck, past the pool and in to the children's area. He looked around at area, looking at the kids running around. James Jr pointed at the ball pit, looking up at his father with hopeful eyes. A nod indicated he could go and it didn't take the child moves then a few seconds to run off and jump in the ball pit. J2H smiled as he found a chair nearby to sit in.

He watched his son play for hours until it was time...

A big crowd gathered on a lower deck, looking upwards at the deck above, it was that time for something special, something that the people on these cruise ships rarely see outside of Summer XXXTreme. Most people used their time to talk to people directly to sell their matches at the most fan interactive event of the year, but not J2H. He was never a fan person, but opted to drift away from the traditional promos done on the ship. He avoided the cliche and typical old school hotel room - or in this case cabin - promos, he had avoided the late night, on the ship thing. He wanted to do it in front of a live crowd and the buzz of anticipation could be felt all over the ship. It wasn't too long before "Lights Out" by POD started to play and the crowd screamed for J2H as he stepped up on the deck above them all.

"Well shit." He muttered to himself away from the microphone.

He couldn't believe the sea of fans below him, it seemed like the entire ship had turned out to see him speak and a smile reflected that as he looked down at everyone. He waited for the crowd to hold off the cheers and the music to stop before raising a microphone to his lips.

J2H: Now this is what it's all about!

He knew a line like that would draw cheers from the fans and it had the desired effect on everyone as he planned.

J2H: I don't need to tell you who the fuck I am, because you already know that I'm the hero that you need.

Again, it was a cheap line to pull cheers from people and it worked.

J2H: See, I'm not some bitch ass wrestler who needs camera cuts and a director to tell me how to act, how to deliver a line, how to get the biggest impact and reaction, I'm J2H, all I need to do is fucking talk and every word hits home, so I'm out here talking to you all like a man, fronting everything like a man, because that's just what men do.

He could feel people hanging on to every word he said, even though he just started.

J2H: I know all you people are here on this cruise because of me and because of I'm in the main event, because I'm back where I should be. I know there's people out there wondering if this is the last time I step in to a ring and you wanna be there to see it, but I think deep down you know why I'm here at Summer XXXTreme XI, it's to become a champion again, in front of each and everyone of you, in front of the eyes of the world. That's exactly what I'm gonna do cause I didn't end up on a floating batch of metal and wood to go home without that leather and gold.

He listened to the cheers from the crowd, feeling proud.

J2H: I know that Michael Harris is around here somewhere, I know he's blending in with you all to listen to me speak rather then just show his face and make himself known because he's too scared that you guys will hurt him on my behalf, but don't worry, I'll get the hits in for you all by the time I'm done with him. I know he's out there and I'm glad he's there amongst you all because I want him to feel the hatred for his old ass, I want him to see that the people here saw what you and your disappointment did to me, and they're on my side, you pushed everyone here to get behind me and I was unstoppable before Michael, I'm going beyond that shit, cause right now, with me, these people pushing me on, you're fucked bro!

He listened to the cheers and watched eyes dart around, potentially looking for Michael Harris. He didn't know for sure if he actually was there, but he could feel The World Heavyweight Champion was listening somewhere.

J2H: I know there's not one person here that wants you to walk out with the World Championship Michael so I'm gonna give everyone what they want. I'm so in your head at this point Michael, that I know that you know that your time as champion is coming to an end, I know that you know that the only reason you're showing up is so that these people won't call you a pussy every time they see you, I know you're here but you know the result, you know the way this goes. You fear me so much Michael that you've already beaten yourself. I didn't come back for you, I came back to add Blast From The Past to my impressive list of things I won, I came back to tick that combined reign of mine with that championship to over four hundred days, I didn't come back for you but seeing you with that championship, seeing you walk around with that shit eating grin on your face, it's just a fucking bonus I get to take that belt from you.

He felt like he was in full flow and the crowd was responding with cheers towards him as he walked up and down the stage.

J2H: I heard every word you said last week Michael and more then anything, I heard how shaky your voice had become, I heard something in it that I haven't heard against any opponent you've ever been against. I heard the doubt in there that I've never heard before. Everything you said against any other opponent, I heard confidence, I heard power, I heard a World Champion talking but about me now we're this close to standing across the ring from each other, looking at each other eye to eye in what I know will be the start of one of the best matches SCW has ever seen, I heard that voice crack, I heard defeat right there in your own voice. This was not the Michael Harris I watched back, this was a Michael Harris that would be scared of his own shadow if he thought I was standing there ready to attack. This was a Michael Harris who would jump at the sound of a champagne cork popping, this was a Michael Harris who stunk of nerves. You all heard it, the man is fucking finished before he ever steps in a ring with me.

There was a cheer around that seemed loud enough for J2H to feel on the deck above.

J2H: You even came across as ranting man, breaking the forth wall shit using terms like gimmick. Bro, I ain't no gimmick, I'm the real fucking deal and these people know this. This is me, the cameras turn on and I don't need to practice lines or stop and say this don't sound like my character cause I don't have a character, I'm me, and anyone else you've seen, they're just piss pour J2H rip offs. Let me tell you who I am. I'm the guy with so much confidence, I am unbeatable, I'm the guy who is the best wrestler in the fucking solar system, I'm above everyone who's ever stepped up to me and if you take away the money and the attitude, I'd still be that son of a bitch that's is above everyone. I don't need gimmicks and shit to get over, I am the definition of over. If I wasn't, these people wouldn't be here.

J2H looked at the crowd cheering, and smiled both inside and out.

J2H: I know wrestling is in your blood, I know it's in your family, Harris is a well known wrestling name, I didn't need all that shit attached to me, I made my own legacy that you claimed that you was trying to protect. You didn't think of one thing Michael, the only permanent thing in this world is death. Even if it would have taken me some doctors in the ass end of Mexico, ten years in to the future, to clear me, I would have come back, and beat your ass all around the fucking nursing home your fuck face son is gonna put you in when you cut him off. All you would have done if you put me out of wrestling was add to my legacy, because one day I would have been back and it would have been the greatest comeback of all time, but things like that are beyond your capabilities of thinking. The more I think about this whole attempting to kill me thing, the more I smile, the more I laugh because ladies and gentlemen, I knew that I got under an old man's skin enough for him to pound his fists on the ground and cry. I think we should all be glad Michael brings extra wrestling gear with him because I'm pretty sure after he see I was next in line, he needed a change of tights.

J2H chuckled but a louder laugh came from the crowd.

J2H: You wouldn't be the first Michael, Teddy Warren actually pissed his pants in front of me when I stood face to face with him. Fear makes us do stupid things, it makes us act like idiots, in your case, makes you speak like you're backwards. Me making deals with Christian Underwood, yeah, there was a deal made, but not to screw you. The deal was something along the lines of "Here's a shit ton of money James, please come back for Blast From The Past." and I said yes, that simple, getting your title, happy little coincidence. I don't have to screw you out of anything, I didn't screw anyone out of anything through the whole of the Blast From The Past. I don't have to because I'm J2H and I'm that fucking good. I show up, I beat everyone in front of me and that just the way it is.

He shrugged as the crowd waited for him to continue.

J2H: I think you forgot to take your med's old man, because that paranoia bullshit you got going on is embarrassing shit. I've had like a couple of conversations with Christian since I got back and I couldn't give a shit about your issues with him. Do you see him on the stage with me with pom poms cheering me on you fuck wit? Do you see him anywhere near me? No, because this whole scenario is all in your tiny old mind. You wanna be real? You're just getting your excuses in nice and early Michael, you're trying to justify a loss before it happens and that just shows you off for the weak son of a bitch that we all knew you were. I might as well be wasting my time standing here trying to bury you because you're doing my job for me, you're rambling on and burying yourself. Seriously, no one had to tell me I'm better then you, everyone here already knows that.

He stood listening to the cheers cover him and smiled as he looked down at everyone.

J2H: For all I give a fuck, Christian could have your poster above his bed and kisses it before he sleeps and that still has nothing to do with me. Your little conspiracy theories of me being his puppet, way off base. I've never been anyone's puppet and I never will be Michael, I will never be someone's right hand in a pissing contest I don't care about. It's time to get you back to the nursing home and up the dose on that medication if you think that I am working for anyone. You're just trying to hide your shortcomings as a man, as a wrestler and as a champion. It's a smoke screen because you know as well as I do, you're not up for the task so you try to plant your bullshit in everyone's head so they feel sympathetic to you, but let me make this clear, there's only one person on this entire ship that believes that shit, and that would be you Michael. Even ho one and ho two don't believe it. Your dipshit kid, he don't believe it, only you do and that just sad bro.

He nodded as the crowd cheered, he could feel them on his side more and more as he continued to talk.

J2H: You've had your dipshit son hit me with a car, I sat there at times with double vision, with pain like you could never imagine and here I am. I'm still standing coming off a win, I'm still ready to go, so what else you got, man? What else you got in your arsenal when you already threw your best shot at me and hurt your fucking hand. We haven't even heard the first bell and you've already hit me with your best shot, with everything you're little mind could come up with and it was an utter failure. You already blew your load and like I overheard your onlyfans chicks saying, it was as disappointing as usual.

There was a deep inhale of oxygen at this point, it was something J2H was aiming for and wasn't disappointed.

J2H: I don't give a fuck about the big scary things Michael Harris as done, no one here does. No one cares about what jobber you've beat up, it doesn't scare me off at all, you don't scare me at all. All I listened to was names you rattled off that were never good enough to step in to SCW, would you like a broom to sweep up all those names you dropped that no one knows? I don't care who these people are, I've never heard of them which makes that whole part about them pretty fucking sad. I don't need to tell you all the shit I've done, cause you only have to sit there and know the basics about what I've done, and that is simply beat much better men then you. I've beat much better opponents then you have ever faced, I did that, I didn't have to fuck around and set people or fire, or use chemicals to put them to sleep because you no longer have the knock out power, I didn't have to do anything like that. I showed up and proved with these.

He held up his fists and the crowd waited for him to continue.

J2H: And I used them, along with my brain to become the most successful man in wrestling. I appreciate the little turnaround you're trying on me, it's funny to watch. I love the fact you're giving me a chance to back out, when you've done everything you can to do that when you've proved you are too scared to face me but I'm going to make this clear as day. I'm not going anywhere at all without my SCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Everyone bursts in to loud cheers, loud enough for the vibrations to carry through the deck.

J2H: Once I get my belt back and it's always been my belt, just been on loan to anyone who's held it after me, I will happily disappear from your life, you can go rebuild your career with a feud with Bill Barnhart, someone on your level right now. You will never have to worry about me haunting you again, you'll never have to deal with your superiors again. I'm not running and you're fucking stupid if you think I would run after what you did to me, you're stupid if you think I would even consider running from you. I'm running straight towards you, as fast as I can and you're not gonna like it for a second. I won't be going Michael, I want that World Championship, I'm gonna face you and I'm gonna squeeze so damn hard around your throat, you're eyes are gonna pop out like a Looney Tunes cartoon.

He could feel the determination running through his entire body.

J2H: For what you did to me, there is more then hell to pay, you've brought a level of hate right out of me and that is what's gonna drag me through. I will not feel anything you throw at me, I will not see anything but you and I will make sure I hit over and over again until you stop moving. I'm gonna make your little car stunt look like it was nothing because the things I have planned for you Michael, they're gonna traumatize you for the rest of your life and that's....

He paused as the crowd yelled towards him.

J2H: Real talk....

J2H held the microphone closer to his lips and pointed at the crowd, saying the last word along with them.

J2H: Bitch!

With that "Lights Out" blasted through the speakers and J2H took a bow before heading of the stage and the camera fading out.

28th May 2023.

He had stayed in that hospital for a week, constantly being a thorn in the side of hospital staff and other patients alike, demanding almost hourly to be discharged and sent home but the hospital staff, as much as they would have liked to have seen the back of J2H, refused to let him go before he wanted. He'd already had a speedy recovery while being there, everything healing well and ahead of schedule.

He had sent Melody back to Beverly Hills, feeling his son's education was more important then his hospital stay and turned down her offer to come back for the weekend, Simpson was sent to the medical centre to help him return to home.

Simpson: Are you ready to go sir?

Simpson looked at J2H as he pulled his jacket on to his shoulder, his face still bruised from the harsh landing of metal vs the human body.

J2H: I'm fine Simpson, I just need to get the fuck out of this place because these places have a way of fucking with your head more then fixing your body.

His body was improving, but the effects of cracked ribs seemed to be the lingering pain left along with issues with his foot and back but in general, he felt fairly ok.

Simpson: I will get your bags sir.

Simpson made his move to pick up J2H's small bag. He had no intention of staying in Vegas on the night this happened, he just showed up with a small bag with a few essentials in and had every intention of flying back directly after the show.

J2H: Melody didn't have to send you here, I'm fine all things considered and I mean that bag is tiny, it's got hardly anything in it. I've been here all week in one of those stupid gowns.

Simpson: Ms. Melody thought it would be a good idea to send you a change of clothes sir, the others are somewhat tatty and still has blood on them.

J2H rolled his eyes, not too worried about his appearance for a change.

J2H: We're going from here, to the car, the car to a private yet, to another car, to home, it's not like anyone was going to see me.

Simpson: You'd be surprised sir, there's a lot of people outside with signs of well wishing, waiting to see you. In fact, they have been there for days hoping to see you.

Just hearing that took J2H by surprise a little and the look on his face matched that. He had never been considered a fan favourite, nor did he want to be considered a fan favourite, but part of him understood why. He thought he heard fans cheering him when he won Blast From The Past, even more so when he appeared on the fateful hit and run night.

J2H: These people must hate Harris more then they hate me. I must be losing my touch Simpson.

Simpson: I doubt that sir, but one could argue that Michael Harris has become the biggest heel since you, especially as champion, you do share that quality of forcing fans to get the reaction you want.

J2H looked at Simpson with a touch of surprise. It was hard to argue that point as such, even if he didn't like the thought of he and Harris actually being alike in the sense of being able to draw heat from an ice cube.

J2H: I stand by the fact that I'm better then him in every sense of the word Simpson, much, much better then he could ever be. He's old, he's past it and lets be real, I'm much smarter then he will ever be.

Simpson: How so sir?

J2H: Think about it, there's well over twenty years difference in age. I've done more in wrestling then he ever has, I've been better then him on every level there is out there. I've been smart about this every step of my career, I haven't had to wrestle all the time and I'm still the biggest draw out there. I haven't had to work hard every week because for years I did and now when it comes to me and wrestling, I'm God level. I can disappear for years at a time and come back and keep my spot. Michael Harris can not do that. My career has been great in terms of not becoming a broken down wrestler. It's where these people fuck up. It's a cash grab. Go hard early and end up crippled. I'm surprised Jessie Salco is still going.

Simpson: Ten years strong, sir.

J2H: Until she wakes up one morning and her body breaks down and she becomes nothing at all. I go away for a little bit, come back, still the top person in SCW. It's no surprise as soon as I signed up for Blast From The Past, ratings went through the roof and I became the man again.

J2H looked at the door, his limits of being in a hospital had been reached five minutes after he arrived, it was now time to head off home and be around his family.

J2H: It's time to go home now Simpson, I don't want another minute in this place.

Simpson: As you wish, sir.

Simpson picked up his bag and moved towards the door, opening it for in the injured J2H as the man himself moved towards it. A quick turn to the right saw the duo walking down a corridor, passing a nurses station. Another quick turn to the left saw him in the waiting room, looking at the exit.

J2H: What the fuck?

He eyes glanced upon a crowd of people outside the medical centre, some with banners with his name on them. He stopped, slightly taken back by this show of support from random strangers.

Simpson: I did warn you sir.

J2H: Where's the car?

Simpson: Just the other side of those people, sir.

J2H sighed but Simpson had very much planned ahead for this scenario, nodding towards a security officer who spoke quickly down his radio. A swarm of security guards moved in, just moving the crowd back to make a path for the two men to get through. J2H felt weird as the crowd began to chant his name, something he wasn't accustomed to on the street. He'd always found a way to blend in with the crowd whilst out on the street.

J2H: We should go.

Simpson: Agreed sir.

The two made their way towards the door, the doors automatically opening for them and they walked through to cheers and well wishes. J2H walked through with his head down, but listening for the mention of his name and the well wishes that came with it, slowly moving towards the black car waiting for him. Simpson got to the car door first, reaching for the handle and opening it, allowing J2H to slide in, but he stopped and turned around to the crowd.

J2H: Yo! be quiet for just a minute.

A stunned silence came over the crowd, no one expecting J2H to even acknowledge the crowd, but all eyes were on him as he looked from face to face.

J2H: Simpson said you guys have been here a long time waiting for me to come out, so you can have an update before TMZ sit there and throw some bullshit up on their website. The last week has been a bad fucking week, just laying there doing nothing, but the people here took care of me and I'm healing up fast. Yeah, there was some worrying shitty moments there, times I thought I would never get out of this place, I thought that everything I worked for in Blast From The Past was gone and I'd have to put off this whole thing, but I'm gonna tell you all straight up right now, it doesn't matter what I have to do. It doesn't matter if I have to wrestle in this boot, it doesn't matter if my neck is so screwed up that taking one fall could cripple me, I am going to be on that cruise ship, I am going to fight, not wrestle Michael Harris, I mean fight, a drag down slugfest, war. More importantly, I'm coming off that ship with ten pounds of gold, I'm waking up the next day with a combined four hundred days with that belt. I'm coming off that ship as your new SCW World Heavyweight champion and that's real talk. Thanks for coming out.

J2H could hear the cheers as he got in to the back seat of the car and pulled himself gingerly over to the other side, allowing Simpson and his small back to join him in the backseat. Simpson pulled the door shut behind him. Just seconds later, the engine was revving and the car was slowly pulling away from the medical centre, much to the relief of J2H.

Simpson: That was a very nice speech sir, very classy.

J2H just nodded his head towards Simpson in appreciation of his words.

J2H: It's probably the first time I've tried to be a face when talking to a crowd in a wrestling way. I guess if they waited there away from their families, then they didn't need me calling them a bunch of losers. Besides, I heard the crowd reaction for me a week ago, I heard them chant my name, I heard them want me to kick the shit out of Michael Harris, I heard them will me on. It looks like I'm the good guy in this whole thing because they hate me more then him. I might as well get some practice in because I'm gonna show up next week and kick the shit out of him.

A look of concern appeared on Simpson's face as he looked at the former world champion.

Simpson: I don't think that's wise at all sir. I feel you still need to rest, I think you need to put yourself in a position where you come back as strong as you can. I know that you're a determined soul and that you will do anything to return as soon as possible but this is a situation that you should be a little more cautious about. Mr. Underwood and Mr. Ward are sticklers for the health of their performers and I believe they will not allow you to return so soon. They are very cautious when it comes to injuries.

J2H: I am fine.

Simpson: You're not sir and they will find out the second they put you through medical testing to see if you are. I strongly recommend you just sit the next couple of weeks out, at the very most, send in recorded stuff from home, you have a wide range of places you could speak from.

J2H: If I don't show up, Harris wins, I need to be there to stop him from letting that ego of his explode.

Simpson: One could argue that he expects you to show up sir and a second wave of his plan may come in to affect.

J2H sighed, he knew Simpson was only looking out for him but he couldn't help but feel disappointed that he was being advised not to appear.

J2H: I don't want to be one of those people who get their shot and go radio silent. I have always told people to get off their asses and work for it, put the fucking effort in. No one does that anymore, no one can be bothered anymore. They show up, they wrestle, they get told of their matches in advance and do nothing. I can't even remember when a champion on any level said hey, I know, I'll get people interested in this one. I can't remember a challenger doing the same thing. You know how shitty that makes things look? This is why when I come back, I do what needs to be done, I show up, especially when a match means something. Remember my early career and what I used to do?

Simpson: You were on the show every week sir.

J2H: Every fucking week without fail. I didn't take a single week off. No matter who the opponent, I put the work in, and it's simply the reason SCW can never forget me, it's why when I come back, people instantly know something exciting is going to happen. Honestly, I don't know who most champions are at this point because no one bothers to show up with their belts. I can't cruise through this whole cycle and do nothing. I'm not gonna become one of those lazy bastards who's mindset is I have a shot, I don't need to do any work for it now. This is why SCW has become nothing without me. Same old people, same old shit. I can't be one of those people.

Simpson's face was full of empathy as he looked at J2H. He knew how critical J2H was of the current rosters and how he missed the days when the old school roster like Drake Green, Goth, Rage and even Despayre, top level people, would be on every show regardless of what was going on.

Simpson: What I suggest sir is we play this by ear as the saying goes. Rest for a while, speak to medical professionals about quicker ways to recover, speak to Mr. Underwood and Mr. Ward and just spend time with Ms. Melody and Master James. They have missed you terribly since you've been gone.

J2H: I had to send them home Simpson, there was no point of either of them watching me lay in a hospital bed for a week. No point at all to that.

Simpson: I would agree sir but it did not stop them from worrying about you or missing you at all. One could say that there was a very tense atmosphere in the home, but I did all I could to make them feel at ease.

J2H: I'm sure you did your best Simpson. The important thing now is this car moves a bit faster so that I can get on that plane and go home.

Thankfully, the car did move through the Vegas traffic to the airport and it wasn't long before J2H and Simpson were on a private plane, starting their one hour and twenty minutes flight to Los Angeles International airport, before the short drive to Beverly Hills. The flight was uneventful and the car ride even less eventful as it pulled in to driveway of J2H's Beverly Hills mansion.

Simpson: I will get your bag sir.

J2H: Thank you Simpson.

The car stopped and just a few seconds later, the door next to J2H swung open, allowing him to exit the vehicle and move towards the front door. He took a second to compose himself before reaching in to his pocket and finding the right key. He slid the key in to the lock before turning it an opening the door. Before he could step in, a million scenarios ran through his mind, causing him to stop and take a deep breath. Pushing the door, he was met with two smiling faces, the faces of his wife Melody and his son, James Jr.


It took the young man mere seconds to make up the distance in between them and jump at his father. Without a second thought and fatherly instinct kicking in, he reached for his son and picked him up. His son hugged him hard as he tried to put on a brave face but J2H could feel the pain running through his body with a burning sensation. He tried to hide it well, but he could feel his teeth involuntarily gripping together as hard as the could.

J2H: Hey little man, did you miss me?

His son's eye lit up as he looked at his father. He was slightly used to J2H being on the road at times, especially on the tours with SCW, but he expected him back a week ago.

JJ: Yeeeeeeeeeah!

J2H: Good, I missed you too.

He'd held on for as long as he could but had very little choice but to place his son down on the ground once more, which pained him to do so after a week apart.

JJ: You don't look so good Daddy.

J2H looked in his sons eyes, he could see he was concerned and no child should ever feel concern in their carefree youthful days, but it was there as plain as day. It was a heartbreaking sight for J2H as he pulled him close, covering his ears for a reason and looked at Melody and whispered.

J2H: He doesn't know?

Melody just shook her head at J2H and J2H loosened up his hug on JJ.

J2H: I'm fine, I just took a fall in Vegas and had to stay there for a little bit, I'm good though.

Melody: Why don't you go find that drawing you made for Daddy?

JJ: Ok!

It didn't take him more then a second of hearing that to dart off through the house and Melody and J2H made their way to the living room of the house.

J2H: What did you tell him?

Melody put her arm around J2H, linking it as tightly as she dared as not to hurt him more then he was already feeling and looked at him.

Melody: He fell asleep before the end of the show so he didn't see it. When he woke up, I was already on my way to you. Simpson told him that I had to go somewhere and would be back soon. He took him to school and the park and you sent me home like I knew you would so I was back before too long. I just said you had to stay in Vegas for a few more days to help Despayre.

J2H frowned as Melody smiled at him, she knew J2H was not a fan of Despayre, regardless of Despayre thinking that J2H was his best friend.

J2H: Of all the excuses you could come up with...

J2H slowly sat down on the nearest sofa, enjoying the feeling of the leather shaping itself around his body and Melody sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and looking at him with bright eyes.

Melody: I knew he would accept that and move on. He knows Despayre lives there, he's always under the impression that you and Despayre are friends so I said he was helping his friend out.

J2H: I suppose it stopped him worrying and asking questions.

Melody: It did. Enough about that, how are you feeling?

He didn't want to lie to his wife but he felt the truth about how bad the pain could be, would be too much for her to handle.

J2H: I'm ok, I get twinges here and there and the occasional headache but it's nothing I can't handle. It didn't kill me, it made me stronger then before. I'm not saying I'm one hundred percent, but I'll be ok for the supercard and I will get that belt back.

Melody looked worried at her husband. She'd seen him go through hell and back before, seen him go through war after war, so was always glad when he was away from the ring, but this hit her differently.

Melody: James, he tried to kill you. I know that wasn't scripted, the camera wasn't right, the angle wasn't right, it was a complete set up. The man attempted to murder you on television.

He could tell she was fighting back the tears, trying not to show weakness and he tried to reassure her by putting his arm around her.

J2H: You're right, he tried to kill me because he's scared of me. He'd rather face prison then he would facing me. It was a gutless move and I will make him pay for it one way or the other, I will make sure of that if it's the last thing I do.

Melody: The last thing you could have done was walk through that parking lot. I might be sitting here planning your funeral.

He could feel in his heart that Melody was getting more upset and squeezed her a little tighter.

J2H: But I'm not, I'm here, I'm ok, bones will heal and I ain't one of those people who are gonna be mentally fucked up by this. This happened, I'm here, I'm here for a reason so to me, there's nothing to worry about. I've been hurt more in spots in the ring that people screwed up. My natural instinct kicked it and I took the bump like a pro. Well, almost like a pro, the speed it was going, it was always gonna leave some damage, but I just caught it out of the corner of my eye at the last second and adjusted just fine to it.
Melody: James, maybe this is a time you need to ask yourself if this is worth it anymore. You don't need wrestling, we don't need the money. You got offered a lot to do Blast From The Past, and more to do this, but there's no amount of money that's worth it where people like that would hit you with a car.

He understood her concern but as much as he played it up everywhere he went that he is a mercenary, he's there for the money, this wasn't the reason he returned.

J2H: Melody, this isn't about the money at all. You're right, we don't need it but here the truth. SCW has gone downhill fast and someone needed to stop it. SCW gave me a lot in life, without it, we wouldn't be sitting here, JJ wouldn't be here, the things we've done off the back of it wouldn't have happened. Before SCW, I hated travelling, I could stay in this house all day and at times, I still can, but it got me out there to see the world, it got me to meet you, it got me doing fun guest spots all over the media, it got you in a film. It gave us a lot more to life then we would have had before this. Life would be different now if it wasn't for SCW and I don't want it to fall to shit. The roster is the laziest I've ever seen it. There are no surprises anymore, everyone know it's gonna be Jessie and friends appearing five times a show. Blast From The Past proved that. All those names, same old people. I need to save SCW again.

Melody: I don't wanna see you get killed trying to save the place when no one else is trying.

Her voice was softer and it didn't go unnoticed.

J2H: I can save it, I just need to win that belt, I need to lead by example and show everyone what they should be doing, because there are no leaders there anymore, there's no one to stand up and push it. All I need to do is get that belt and remind them all of a better time, call them all out, tell them to step up or fuck off.

Melody: I don't want you hurt.

J2H: How about I make a deal with you right here and now?

Melody's head sharply turned to J2H, her eyes narrowed and ready to listen to what he had to say.

Melody: Go on.

He paused for a second, just to make sure to himself that this deal was what he wanted. He had to be sure he could live with this choice.

J2H: If I lose to Michael Harris, I will step away from SCW. I won't say retire because no one ever really does retire, but I'll step back, put my hands up and not even consider returning unless there's a real reason to. No more trying to save SCW, no more pointless returns, no more High Stakes matches, none of that without a real reason to. Just me in California all the time without the problems of wrestling.

Melody: You mean that?

Her tone seemed brighter as she looked at her husband and he nodded his head in return.

J2H: I mean it. I either get back to the top of the mountain, or I just ease up completely. No more long drawn out storylines. Do we have a deal?

Melody: We have a deal.

There was a lot of excitement in her voice, which caused him to smile, but that was it, the pressure was on more then ever. Win and drag SCW up by the bootstraps or slip back in to the shadows. In his mind it was win/win regardless. He could do either and be happy. So which would it be? The stakes at Summer XXXTreme XI just got a whole lot higher...

The sun had fallen over a sleepy Beverly Hills, the stars lit up the sky and a warm, summer breeze run through the land of J2H, randomly and occasionally bending the grass in the backyard pool area. The man himself walks through the grounds, a camera tracking his every move.

J2H: They say that things get passed down through the family, from mother to daughter, from father to son. A lot of traits go from one to the other, but for the love of God, I never thought stupidity can be passed down from generation to generation but clearly, that family with the Harris name share that common trait.

J2H shakes his head slowly.

J2H: I mean how dumb do you have to be, to turn your son willingly in to a criminal, because you're too much of a pussy to face someone man to man?

He shrugs his shoulders.

J2H: I guess you all saw that Michael Harris is really going for the father of the year award this year, I guess you all saw the whole thing unfold before your very eyes on television, the initial event, the weeks of the classic who done it mystery. We went from suspect one, to suspect two, and it turns out suspect one was behind it by getting someone no one has ever heard of before or seen to do his dirty work, it's a classic tale but the levels of stupidity can never be matched by anything. A live confession of father and son on national television for the attempted premeditated murder and conspiracy to murder in front of millions of people... Ladies and gentlemen, the geniuses that are Michael and Jayden Harris, two of the biggest clowns the world has ever seen.

He can't help but smile as he thinks of the insane happenings of the past month.

J2H: Maybe this was your grand plan all along Michael, or at least your plan B. If you didn't kill me like you wanted, and you clearly would struggle to kill an ant at this point and your dopey son, well, he's just as good at trying to kill as you are, maybe if you didn't kill me, a world wide confession is your way out of this thing. You confess, you're looking at time behind bars if I want that to happen, you and your son get to share a cell for a long time, and more importantly, you don't have to face me and get what's coming to you. Let's be real here Michael, you're more scared of facing me, then you are dropping the soap in the shower. The thought of going against me, is more of a terrible thought then knowing that little Jayden is gonna become Bubba's bitch behind those bars. You'd rather turn your son in to prisons latest pass around sex toy, then lose to me. That's the reality of it all, you fear me more then you do a lifetime behind those bars. This proves stupidity, this proves that you and your son are absolute idiots, because I ain't ever been to prison, but I'm pretty sure there's tougher guys then me in there, I'm pretty sure there's people in there that will love to make your life a living hell. I should take it as a compliment that you'd rather run from me to a lifetime of being someone's little bitch.

He smirks at the thought of it.

J2H: And I'm sure there's a certain bunch of people out there just waiting for the word of J2H to come and give you a pair of shiny new silver bracelets, you must be wondering why you're a free man. It's all down to me, I haven't pulled that trigger yet Michael because I want you looking over your shoulder, I want you wondering if the next knock on the door is going to be the one that ruins your life. Hell, maybe I'll just sit there and wait for just the right moment to give the green light to have your idiot son arrested for the crime of listening to your senile old ass and let that play on your mind. I know you think you're good with this mind game shit, but you basically loaded a gun, handed it to me and told me to shoot you whenever I feel like it, and I'm loving every second of the fact that I can pull that trigger any time I feel like it. I can make that call any time I want. You thought you could fuck with my head, you thought you could getting the upper hand in these mental little games but you really wasn't. You shot yourself in the foot so much, your life is never gonna be the same again, I'm gonna make your life a misery.

A serious look covers his face.

J2H: The only good thing to come of all this was the fact that we saw your nephew is a changed man and deserves credit for that, but you Michael, you showed the world once again what a snake you really are. Shown the world that some people can not change, but I'm gonna help you change because what you did, your life is in my hands and it's only gonna get worse once I take that championship from you, because you'll know the charges you're about to face, well you did it all for nothing. You did this shit to get rid of me and it failed, it went down quicker then your wives when you offered them ten bucks, I'm still here and I'm going to be World Champion again, I'm going to take that championship from you and I'm gonna make you sit and watch every damn day because I know how much that is gonna eat you up inside, I'm going rub my success in your face constantly, while you think about the fact you sent your son to prison. I'm gonna make sure that not a day goes by where you don't see my face everywhere you go. You thought this was gonna mess with my head? Oh no Michael, this is about to backfire on you cause now I'm about to mess with your head. I'm about to make your life an absolute living hell.

He smirks as he looks down the camera.

J2H: Everything you've done to me, everything you thought was a great idea, while you sat there cackling like a typical movie villain, was all for nothing, everything you thought you could do, everything, it was for nothing Michael because it's not gonna stop me from taking that fucking belt from your clammy little hands. It was my destiny to return and win Blast From The Past, it is my destiny to take that championship belt back one more time and it is my destiny to break the records I set. This is about me Michael, and you should know it's about me because even the fans want to see it and trust me, they've never cheered me a day in their lives until they wanted to jump on the bandwagon and see me become champion again because they don't want you as champion, they never wanted you as champion, and I get to come in and play hero. I am not the hero most people want and I never will be but I am as sure as shit the hero they fucking need right now. I'm the hero to lead SCW out of the dark age you created.

He continues to walk through the grounds of his home while talking.

J2H: I am what they want and I've never cared if the fans cheer me, I've never cared if they boo me, I've never given a shit on their reaction, I didn't care when they wanted me to disappear, I didn't care when they begged me to come back, cause I'm the one on the battlefield, I'm the one fighting but this time, I'm going to give them all what they all want, and we know what they all want. We know they want that belt back with me, we know they want me to get rid off you, they know they are sick of Michael Harris and his ego that eclipses the sun, fuck, it eclipses my ego and I'm fucking proud at the size of my ego. For the first time in my career, someone's ego is bigger then mine, but yours is coming out of this one bruised as fuck Michael. This is gonna be where you see no matter how good you think you are, no matter how tough you think you are, you're nothing and I do mean nothing compared to me.

He stops for a second to look down the camera.

J2H: I was the youngest ever World Champion Michael, and you are the oldest, I'm pretty sure you've heard the story of the young lion always taking the place of the old lion when it's his time to shine and the old one to sit in the sun and enjoy retirement? I'm sure people have been telling you that one since you turned forty, but in this case, it's true. You're not a leader, you never have been, just an arrogant dick who somehow was put in a position to lead when you had no business doing so. You was put in a place where you wasn't wanted, where you didn't belong. You was pretty much that low level office worker who someone jumped the line and become everyone's boss, much to the dismay of everyone except yourself. You probably justified it by either not giving a shit or tapping in that ego where you thought you didn't have to be popular, you just had to be respected. Here's a big fucking news flash for you Michael. You're not popular and you sure as shit are not respected. Not by the fans, not by anyone in the back, not by anyone in the office and certainly not by me. You're the guy who can quit tomorrow and no one would shed a single tear for you.

J2H mockingly rubs his eyes as if he was wiping away tears.

J2H: Not one person would give a shit if you wasn't on their televisions, not one person would care if they never saw you again. I'm gonna turn their dreams in to reality because that is exactly what I'm going to give them, because it's what you deserve. You didn't just take away my time in the ring, you took away a lot more then that by getting that thing that should have been swallowed to hit me with a car.

Anger crosses J2H's face.

J2H: While you had your son do that to me, you took away things I could do with my son, you took away things I could do with my family, you stole that from me Michael, you and Jayden stole that from me. You took away me being able to pick my son up, you took away going to the park, you left me sitting in my house doing nothing because the pain running through me stopped me from being a functioning human being, just because you were too scared to man up and just face me. You robbed me of weeks of my life because of fear. You struck first because you were pissing your pants that I was gonna strike first and expose you for the coward you are, but you did that yourself and took me out of normal life. You stole time from me and my family and that can not and will not go unpunished Michael. Do you know what it's like to have your kid son look at you knowing you're hurt and don't know how to help? Do you know what it's like to see the pain in a child's eyes because he can see the pain in yours? This is why I'm going to end you, this is why I'm going to take you apart, this is why there is no chance of you getting out of this in one piece.

He slowly shakes his head.

J2H: There's not a chance you survive what I'm going to bring to your door, because you've pissed off the wrong guy. You tried to take away everything I've worked for, destroy everything I've done, took away time I could have spent better but you saw against Bill Barnhart, I haven't lost a damn step Michael, I'm looking better then ever, I am better then ever and this is something you will not be able to deal with one little bit. Weeks sitting at home and recovering and guess what? Did you see me miss a beat? Did you see me miss a step? No? Because I never missed anything. What I did to Bill, that determination, the fact that I was so fucking good, not even your little appearance could take away just how amazing I was, nothing you could do could have stopped that and if you think that was something, wait till I get my hands on you, wait till I get my hands around your throat and squeeze the fucking life out of you.

He stops walking and puts his hands together in a squeezing motion.

J2H: It's gonna take a fucking army to stop me when I get in that ring with you, a literal army because my filter is off, my limits are off and there will be nothing but blood lust and hate as soon as I see that face. You can't run anymore Michael, you can't use your bitch boy to get at me, you can't run and you can't hide because once I get my hands on you, you're done, you're finished, its over for you. The championship will be mine but there will be blood on my hands, and the thing is, I'm going to enjoy it, I'm going to love the feeling of your blood dripping through my fingers, I'm gonna love the feeling that will give me. I'm going to enjoy every single minute of that without exception and it will be at that exact moment in time, when that first cut comes, when my first slices through your hard like a knife through warm butter, that's when you're gonna know without a single shadow of a doubt, without a second thought, that you well and truly fucked right up. That's when you're gonna know you should have been a lot more respectful then you have been, that's when you're gonna know that the biggest mistake of your life was ever crossing me.

He points down the camera.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

J2H walks away as the camera fades to black.

Climax Control Archives / Can not be broken.
« on: June 16, 2023, 06:50:56 PM »
Right after Climax Control 361.

What? What is going on? Why is it dark? Fuck, I can't open my eyes, come on James, what the fuck happened? Why am I in my own head?

Think.... just think, what was the last thing you remember? You was walking through the parking lot, about to get the hell out of.... fuck, where was I? I can't even remember that.

Think... You was leaving somewhere you can't remember, you was walking through a parking lot, that was it! You could see the car and something hit you. A car hit you. It must have been Harris trying to get you out of the game, but a fucking car? He fears me that much that the son of a bitch tried to kill me.

Open your eyes James, see what's around you... Unless you can't, shit, am I dead? Did the motherfucker kill me or something and this is it, this is what death is like? Just stuck in your own head constantly talking to yourself? This can't be how it ends for me, hit by some bitch because he's too scared to lose his title.

What's that bleeping? What the hell is that? If I'm dead, this must be my punishment, a life time of bleeping in my head. Nah, I can't do that. Open your fucking eyes James.

His eyes fire open, but only to be seen in a hospital room, through blurred vision, he can only see two doctors moving around him and a nurse assisting them.

Nurse: Mr Huntington-Hawkes, try not to move, the slightest movement can cause more damage.

J2H's voice was groggy but he knew he needed answers and lot of them.

J2H: Where the hell am I?

Nurse: You're at a medical centre, you were hit by a car as you were leaving an arena.

J2H: Michael fucking Harris.

The nurse doesn't catch the name completely as she busies herself around him, while the doctors check his vitals.

Doctor: It seems considering the nature of the accident, it could have been worse.

J2H cleared his throat, trying to turn his head but a neck brace kept it in place.

J2H: It wasn't a fucking accident.

Female voice: Now now James, no need to be a potty mouth.

Again he tried to turn his head to see where the voice was coming from, but his neck was firmly in place. Seeing this, the female moved her head in to view to show it as Devona.

J2H: Fuck, I really am dead and now I'm in hell.

Devona smiled at J2H.

Devona: I'm an angel, don't you know?

J2H scoffed but a sharp pain ran through his body, causing him to wince.

J2H: Yeah, so was Lucifer, don't you know?

Devona: Well, that shows you haven't got brain damage, at least no more then usual.

J2H closed his eyes for just a few seconds, unimpressed by Devona's half truth attempt at humor. His eyes flash around the room, trying to clear his head.

J2H: Out of all the people they could have sent with me to where ever the hell I am at the moment, why did they send you? Like seriously, why you?

Devona tapped her chin, looking at him.

Devona: I guess I was just the unlucky one who happened to be nosey at all the noise going on in the parking lot and I saw you looking like a badly shaped pretzel and my doctor instincts kicked in.

J2H: You're an animal doctor.

Devona: And you're an animal at times.

A sigh passed through J2H's lips, he was in no position to argue with anyone, pain went through him at every slight turn. He could feel pain all over his body and his face told the story.

Nurse: We should give you something to help with the pain.

J2H: No, I don't want anything to help with the pain, I don't like shit that fucks with your mind, I can handle it, just do what you gotta do.

Devona: Well aren't you a big boy.

J2H: Shut up!

The nurse chuckled as she moved away from J2H.

Devona: Maybe you should take something for the pain, the pain of me having to listen to you talk.

J2H gritted his teeth, unable to turn to Devona.

J2H: This is why you're an animal doctor, because they can't understand a word you say which is great cause your bedside manner is fucking awful. How about being useful and calling my wife, or telling me what the fuck happened?

Devona: First off, Christian called Melody and she will be here as soon as she possibly can. Secondly, I don't know the details. All I know is you got hit by a car, but I would say it was more then planned because there was a camera set up and it was shown.

J2H: That son of a bitch Harris is behind it. He couldn't have just done it, he had to show the world just for a pissing contest, I swear to everything unholy that I will get the motherfucker back for this. Just let me get up from this thing and I will go deal with him.

The nurse leaned over him, stopping him from pulling himself up.

Nurse: I really wouldn't recommend that. You have two cracked ribs and a concussion right now, and that's from the primary assessment, there's no internal bleeding as far as we can tell but we need to do scans for other injuries. You could have more then just those mentioned. You could have brain injuries.

Devona: How would we tell the difference?

Devona laughs but J2H lays there unimpressed by Devona's joke.

J2H: I swear to God I would have rather had Jason Adams here with me spinning around in his chair then have you making really piss poor jokes.

Devona: Ah, lighten up, you're alive and stable, it could have been much worse.

J2H: But I'm here! I should have been on a plane, going home.

Devona scratched her head, looking at J2H and putting an oxygen mask over his face.

Devona: What's that James? You want that pain medication now?

Muffled sounds came from J2H, but Devona winks at the nurse, who smiles back and quickly presses a nearby machine, sending pain medication through his veins.

J2H: Motherfu....

Darkness, nothing but darkness as the sedating pain medication quickly kicked in, leaving him in a world of his own. Hours passed but it felt like minutes before the medication effects started to wear off, his eyes opened again to see the room lit, but staring through the window with a glance of side eye, he noticed it was night time.

J2H: What time is it...?

Devona: About three in the morning.

To his surprise, Devona was still there and he was no longer restrainded by anything.

J2H: What are you still doing here? And where is Melody?

Devona stood up from the chair she was half asleep in before he woke up and moved closer to him.

Devona: Melody is about an hour away at the moment and no one else was going to come and visit you, so I decided to stay here.

J2H shook his head and strangely felt comfort that he wasn't there alone, even if he would never admit that to Devona or anyone else for that matter.

J2H: You didn't have to do that.

His head was groggy and his eyes were heavy but he needed answered.

Devona: Well I did anyway. Did you know that you snore like a rhino?

J2H half sat up in bed and looked at Devona, noticing the neck brace is still on him.

J2H: I do not! And if I did, it's because someone got the nurse to drug me and but me in laa laa land for a while.

Devona smiled proudly at J2H, nodding towards him with a sharp shake of her head.

J2H: That was not cool, I was handling the pain well. Now, what the hell is wrong with me?

Devona: Well, the done tests and scans while you were old cold. You have a big time concussion, a couple of cracked ribs, you have whiplash, so you need to wear that thing around your neck for a while, oh and that boot you have on your right foot, it's because you chipped a bone in your foot.

J2H looked down for the first time noticing the air boot on his foot.

J2H: That did all those tests while I was asleep?

Devona: I guess you must have great insurance or something. No internal bleeding, no organ damage but you have a lot of deep bruises.

J2H: If that fuck face has taken me out of Summer XXXTreme, I swear to whoever, as soon as I can come back, I will and he will be stuck in a hospital for a long, long time.

He felt the anger in him but the residual medication in him took the edge off slightly.

Devona: Most should heal in time for that but you need to rest a lot. The cuts and bruises and broken bones should be ok, they're not big breaks.

J2H: Let me guess, you looked at the x rays...?

Devona: Well, yes, the main worry is your neck, that could take time but you could be ready in time.

He sighed, a million thoughts rushed through his head as he laid his head back down on the pillow.

J2H: I got money and there's nothing money can't fix. I just need to find the best in the world that can deal with these injuries and I'll be back in time to kick the shit out of him and win the world title.

Devona: You know you don't have to rush back? That title shot will be waiting for you, they won't take that away from you. There's no point risking your life over a championship.

He knew she was right, but he wasn't willing to admit that to her.

J2H: I'll be fine, I just need to get out of this place and on a plane. Spend a few days relaxing and I'll be back at work next week. I'm not one of those dick bag challengers who have nothing to say or do.

Devona: Christian is not going to let you work. He called to check up on you and you're not working till your ready to work and have been cleared by specialists. You know how he is, he won't let you do anything unless you've been cleared to do so.

Hearing that annoyed him. When he won the championship the first time, he was a champion who showed up every week, probably one of the few things he and Michael Harris had in common, but even when he wasn't a champion, he would still be there when full time contracted. He had a deep despise for wrestlers who just showed up to wrestle.

J2H: I might not be full time contracted at this point, but I'm not like those lazy pricks on the roster. I'm not one of those dick bags that know about a title shot a month in advance and do nothing to sell it. I need to be there, I need to work, I need people to be interested.

Devona: And you also need to heal because if you show up there, and get involved in something, you're gonna end up ruining your chances. It only takes one shot to your head and your neck is ruined again.

J2H: I can't just sit around and do nothing while that asshole walks around thinking he's got me beat. I need to get out of this bed and go and fuck him up.

Devona: I wouldn't recommend it. Look, take the week and see what happens. Right now I'm going to guess you're not going to be allowed to leave here for a while, so stay, get the best care you can and worry about work later. Just get some rest for now. I'll stay till Melody gets here.

He could feel himself becoming tired, even after a short interaction with Devona so wasn't going to argue, he just nodded his head towards Devona before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

There's still a lot of this story to be told and in time, it will be, but until then, let's just to the present.

J2H sits in the Desert Sun Stadium in Yuma, Arizona, the night sky shining down on the ring in the empty stadium, just J2H stands in the middle of the ring. Camera's are seen set up around him around the ring in a long shot. The camera switches to one closer to his face.

J2H: Just over a month ago, I wondered if I would ever stand in this ring again. I wondered if I would be able to stand up, let alone face anyone again, but there was one driving thought in my mind. I knew I had to be ready for Summer XXXTreme, I knew I had to be on that fucking ship because someone had hell to pay and here I am, standing in this ring again and on Sunday, I gotta show that I am still the fucking man.

He turns his head to a camera to his right.

J2H: Guess what? I already know I'm still the fucking man.

He smirks.

J2H: In just over a couple of short weeks, I have one of the biggest matches of my career against a man who has come back, pissed all over the competition and is becoming more hated then I was and believe me, that's some work because I only had to breathe and people hated me, I only had to exist for hatred to fall my way. It's a huge match, and Christian said to me before I walked out to that ring last Sunday, what kind of shape am I in. I told him I was match ready and he said for me to prove it this coming Sunday, so it got me thinking, he's got a few top guys there he can throw me against, he's got a decent roster he can choose from. Hell, I know he could have made a call to a big superstar and got him back for a match, but what does he give me?

He rolls his eyes.

J2H: Bill fucking Barnhart...

J2H lets out a long audible sigh.

J2H: Out of everyone, he scrapes the bottom of the barrel and pulls up a shit guy like Bill Barnhart. Bill fucking Barnhart of all people. A guy that claimed to have an IQ of one hundred and thirty, yet the silly bastard still tries to convince people that he's younger then he is. I mean look at you Bill, you must have had one hell of a tough life to look the way you do. You must have been beaten with the ugly stick repeatedly. You're trying to claim that there is ten years difference in our ages, ten years and seriously look at you and look at me. You look old enough to be my grandfather, yet you claim to have a high IQ. Pretty sure you're more then a little bit mentally challenged. I'm pretty sure Bea is not only a mail order bride, because who would willingly want to touch you? I'm also pretty sure she's your live in carer because you clearly have early dementia.

He taps the side of his head.

J2H: Everything, and I do mean everything about you Bill is so old fashioned, that no one can believe in it anymore. Your look is straight out of times before you claim to have been born. Your finishing moves were probably used in the first ever wrestling show that ever existed. Seriously, who uses a fucking hammer lock as a normal move anymore let alone as a finisher? Let's talk about your outdated sleeper hold...

J2H can not help but laugh before continuing.

J2H: A fucking sleeper hold! A sleeper hold as a finishing move, I mean seriously! No dragon sleeper, nothing cool, just an old fashioned shit move like that as a way to bring the people to their feet. The easiest move to ever counter, but you've been pulling that one out of the bag for a long time. It reflects who you are as a person and a wrestler. Just fucking boring. Everything you do is boring Bill, everything you do is so out of touch I mean let's take a look at those promo skills you have that puts people to sleep.

J2H yawns, dramatically bouncing his hand off his mouth.

J2H: Makes me get a damn good night's sleep just fucking thinking about them. Let's be honest, having Bea talk shit for you is embarrassing, not because her voice is like sandpaper, or because you looks like someone who love you long time, which is just uncomfortable in itself, she's just really bad at it. Like she has the charisma of a peanut and that's insulting to the nut. Talking about all the shit you've done in your time here is embarrassing because you ain't done shit here worth talking about. Having her drone on about your opponents makes you look like a straight up pussy. It makes you look like you're not man enough to speak yourself, it makes you look like you're not worth people's interest. Anyone who needs a manager to talk shit about your opponent ain't worth a damn. I mean especially if they sound like her. Especially if people would rather stick chopsticks in their ears deep enough to hit the brain, then listen to someone like her. That reflects on you bill, that reflects on how shit you are in this business. This is not the eighties anymore where the guy looks tough and someone talks for him, because you don't even look tough. You just stand there looking sweaty and repulsive to the point where I know people switch off when they see you on screen because they don't want to see their dinner come back up. You're literally a disgusting human being. You haven't evolved at all. You're on the same level as an ass scratching gorilla.

He shudders at the thought.

J2H: What else do you do in those promos of yours? Song lyrics, oh yeah, you love a song in those, a little sing that is like nails on a chalkboard. You know what that tells me? It tells me you don't have anything good to say, it tells me that nothing in your head is remotely creative so you pull out the Tom Petty stuff to show people you won't back down. Yeah, I'm shitting my pants at the thought of a song used against me.... An old song that no one's heard of it years.

Sarcasm drips from his voice.

J2H: Are you seeing the bigger picture here Bill? Are you seeing what I'm trying to tell you at this point? You're not a fit in this modern wrestling world, you're as old as dirt, everything about you is as old as dirt. Wasting promo time to sing, having mail ordered bride sing your praises when you ain't done shit, fuck, even the stupid bulldog and pink song through your entrance. It's cringe worthy stuff, it proves right there that you're about as modern as the invention of the wheel. It's as modern as the first time someone discovered fire. You're primitive, everything about you is primitive, you're a caveman Bill, not set for this world, certainly not set for this business. Let's not fuck around with words Bill, you compared to me, you're not even close enough to be considered a modern day wrestler compare to me.

He points to himself.

J2H: This is seriously the biggest match of your life and that's not because of you, it's not because you've earned anything, it's simply because it's me in the ring against you. I win Blast From The Past, forced to sit out this entire cycle and still come back and get the main event spot, you and your undeveloped brain and broken down really at least seventy year old body is just coming along for the ride. You know why you were chosen?

He waits for a few seconds.

J2H: Because they know you're not a challenge to me, they know you're just here to take that giant L. They could have given me anyone, they could have given me someone who could actually beat me but they gave me you. Think about that for a second. You're stuck doing shitty mixed tag matches, failing to get a championship shot, rent a bride gets involved in another person's match, sending you to probably opening the supercard, and yet here you are in the main event against me. It's doesn't take a genius to work out why you're here and regardless of your claims, you're not a genius so I will spell it out for you. You're here to lose, because you're not on my level, you're not even close and you never will be.

A smirk crosses his face.

J2H: That's the cold hard truth Bill because look me, I built this company and made it what it is today, right now, I'm all people can talk about. I mean what else is going on around here? Absolutely nothing, that's what's going on around here, not a damn thing. I'm also the future, the future SCW World Heavyweight champion and that's something you can never ever claim to be, that's something you will never ever hold claim to. I don't give a fuck how close you think you've come in the past, I am streets ahead of every single person you've ever faced. I'm the best wrestler you will ever face, even if you drag your career out for another forty years, I will still be the best you've ever face. I don't lose Bill, I sure as shit won't be losing to you. I know who I am, you know who I am, you know that I am the best wrestler to ever step foot in an SCW ring, everyone knows that. You're cannon fodder, you're the front line that no one expects to return home, you're the guy that's just there to take the beats you deserve.

A confident look crosses J2H's face as he smiles.

J2H: No one is giving you a chance in this one and rightly so. Not even I am giving you much thought, the only thought you're getting from me is I am going to use you to send a message to Michael Harris. I know that weasel son of a bitch is gonna be watching this close. You're gonna be the message I deliver to him that no matter what he tried to do for me, no matter what he cooked up, no matter how much he tried to break me before he could face me, it didn't work. He took a shot at the king and he missed, he went for that hail Mary and got it completely wrong, he did that and it's going to cost him everything and I'm gonna show him what he's in for when I face you. I will show him that I'm as sharp as a straight razor and you're gonna be my punching bag. I'm gonna use you to show him just what he's got to be worried about.

J2H smiles again.

J2H: The only thing I'm worried about in this match Bill, is getting that sweat of yours all over me, cause even in pictures, you just look like you fucking stink.

A disgusted look appears on his face.

J2H: I am coming to make an example out of you sweaty and try as you may, use all the cheesy as fuck lines, sing your songs, have her talk for you, practice your ancient moves, get the dog ready, lie about your age and IQ, cue up your worst possible theme music that has no connection to you, but none of that is going get you out of the starting gate.

J2H walks towards one of the camera.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

He walks past the camera and out of site as the scene fades to black.

It had been almost a week since Devona came to Beverly Hills to spend time with her tag team partner and his family, at his son's request but it was time to go back out on the road again. J2H had told Devona he was going to make sure she got back to London with him and he was a man of his word as Sunday morning, the group consisting of J2H, Devona, his wife Melody and his son James Jr were on a flight to London.

James Jr sat in his mothers arms on the private plane with just those four on, outside flight crew as the plane soared through the air towards London, England. J2H sat on a row of seats on his own, his feet across the row and earphones on his head. Devona sat in a row in front, but she looked through the gap in between seats to look at J2H.

Devona: Hey!

J2H ignored her, the music playing through his ears causing him to not see Devona's call, but Devona waved at him.

Devona: HEY!

At the moment she waved her hand, the young man let out an almighty yawn, causing his eyes to close and miss her hand being waved in his direction.

Devona: Darn it!

She reached her arm through the seat and tapped J2H on the brim of his baseball cap, causing him to slowly look up.

J2H: Hey!

His word was short and breathy as he looked at her through narrow eyes, but pulled the over the top red headphones off his ears.

Devona: That's what I've been saying for a few minutes.

J2H: Good! Good for you! Now what do you want?

Sarcasm dripped from his tone as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow, hoping she'd get to the point as quickly as possible.

Devona: I just wanted to thank you for this past week, I know you didn't have to invite me out to Beverly Hills, or even get me a plane to come out, or let me stay at your house, but for whatever reason, you did and I appreciate it.

J2H: Oh, I had my reasons for doing it. You don't see it yet, but I had my reasons.

His answer was filled with an I know something you don't know sort of tone, which took Devona by surprise as she looked between the seats.

Devona: What's that supposed to mean?

She was genuinely curious and her tone matched that curiosity as she looked at him.

J2H: My son might have suggested the idea, but I'm J2H, I saw an opportunity and I took it, it's what I do.

Devona: Do you come with a translator? Because I have no clue what you're talking about at all.

This just caused J2H to smirk at her.

J2H: I'll tell ya later, because I'm tired, and I'm gonna sleep, plus I know this is gonna weigh on your mind a lot just thinking about it all and that makes me really happy.

He pulled his headphones back on over his ears and smiled at Devona before closing his eyes. Eventually, the whole plane was asleep as it made good time towards England. Hours passed before J2H was woken, he felt something smack him across the head.

I guess you'd have to watch Devona's promo to find out what that was all about...

The rest of the flight went smoothly and the group landed safely in London City Airport. Getting off the plane on the smaller airfield, Devona looked slightly confused.

Devona: This doesn't look like Gatwick or Heathrow.

There was an air of surprise in her voice as she looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, looking towards the water filled dock next to the runway.

J2H: Well done genius, it's because we're not at Gatwick or Heathrow. People are idiots, just because they have London in the title, doesn't mean they're in London, they're outside London, well this is London. The rest of those people fly in to the bigger places without knowing they're hours outside London, they fly in because that's where the airlines go, then sit in a car for two hours to get to the city. Where we are right now, we're fifteen minutes from the hotel, and that is about fifteen minutes or so from the arena we're in on Sunday. Every other person on that card are not as smart as I am. They deal with people waiting at the airport trying to get autographs, we come through a place that is used pretty much for business people who don't give a damn about a couple of wrestlers.

Devona rolled her eyes at J2H as he tapped the side of his head and the group of four moved towards security. It wasn't too long before they were outside the airport and heading towards a limo waiting for them. Fifteen minutes later, the group were outside the Hilton Hotel in South Quay on the Isle of Dogs. The car pulled to a halt and the driver quickly moved from the drivers seat to the door to open it. Melody was the first to exit, followed by James Jr and Devona. J2H stepped out last, looking at the confused look on Devona's face.

Devona: I don't think this is where the SCW crew are staying.

J2H nodded in agreement at Devona.

J2H: Well aren't you smart? Of course this is not where the SCW crew are staying, that's the whole point of it. They're miles out because Christian probably got a cheaper deal, but we're close to the arena, at a much better hotel.

Devona: I can't afford this.

J2H: It's already done.

As the driver takes the bags out of the back of the limo, Melody nodded to J2H and pointed at the doors, not wanting to break up their conversation. He knew that meant she and young James were about to go inside the hotel to check everyone in while J2H waited for the bags to be unloaded.

Devona: I don't know what to say.

J2H: You know I said I let you be at my house for a reason?

Devona: Yes.

J2H: Well this is also done for a reason, the private jet, the hotel, all done for a very specific reason leading up to this final.

Devona: Which is?

J2H: I wanted to show you what it's like to live as a champion, to live as a winner, sure you've won a title but you can't call yourself a champion. You lost the Internet belt and decided that giving Whiskers their shots, or giving Rover his kidney pills was a better option then fighting back and getting that title back. You didn't have the killer instinct.

Devona: Gee, thanks. That was a long time ago.

Devona sighed as she looked away from J2H.

J2H: I'm showing you the champions lifestyle. Everything I have shown you over the last week has been to show you how to be a champion and don't give me bullshit about not being a champion, because we all know it was everyone's intention that signed up for Blast From The Past to become a champion. It's a means to an end for everyone in this whole thing, and the end is to become a world champion. You didn't come back to see if you still had it, you came back because like most people, it's at least in the back of their mind to become a world champion. Some people come and do it cause they're lazy and just want a quick way to the top, but this is what you need to aim for to get that killer instinct.

Devona looked back at J2H, picking her words wisely as she exhaled.

Devona: You have always had this life, you were born in to money.

J2H: Yeah, and even if I wasn't, I've made so much out of wrestling and what it's brought me, even if I didn't have that start, I could still live the life I had now. When I became a world champion, the offers were rolling in, I was getting offered a hundred grand for two hours signing photos for nerds in comic book stores for two hours. I could do that shit for ten hours a day and make half a mil because of that. I could still walk around wearing this hundred grand watch.

J2H pointed to the very expensive watch on his wrist.

Devona: That thing cost six figures?

He nodded proudly at her.

J2H: When I left SCW, I got offered two mil for a two week tour with just four shows on it. This is a champions life. This is what you can have if you just find that killer instinct, don't play nice, don't be respectful, don't sit there and think you owe anyone anything.

Devona: I...

He put up a hand to stop her from talking.

J2H: Small mind mentality will get you nowhere. You could be living my life, well, close to my life, living it up in a big house, making serious money, without getting flea bites and dog drool all over you.

Devona: I'm happy doing what I'm doing.

Devona was justified in her words, but it didn't stop J2H from his hard sell approach.

J2H: You're happy with that when you could have so much more, you could have the world. I checked out your history, don't you think you could do better for your family and friends? I'm sure your grandmother hasn't always wanted to live in a tiny little place, you could have the money to change that. You could have the money to get your idiot friend a full time carer just to stop him walking in to traffic because he can see his face in a window across the street. You could even buy that monster guy clothes that actually fit instead of being two sizes too small. Being a champion is life changing, not only for the champion, but for the people around them.

He knew exactly what he was doing, he knew he was trying to fire Devona up to give her an extra edge in the match on Sunday.

J2H: A lot of people go on and win the World championship after Blast From The Past and it's time for something fresh up there. Amber, Roxi, Masque, giant yawns, trying to get them to show up when they wasn't wrestling was a miracle. This is why no one has interest in that division anymore but you could be the one to change that and get people to take notice again. You could be the one to do that. The whole Amber and Masque drama confused the fuck out of me and I'm on the inside, imagine what it would have done to the average fan, and Roxi, well, Roxi is just the same old Roxi she's been since day one, she needed a super villain turn years ago. People need someone new to look at.

Devona raised an eyebrow at J2H as she rubbed her chin.

Devona: Since when do you care about the fans?

J2H: Oh, I don't give a shit about them, but they pay to keep the company going. I could walk away from wrestling and be offered seven figures elsewhere within three days, but they pay to keep things going and this is your chance to get something back from it all, get over the heartbreak of the Internet title all those years ago and make some serious money that would put you in a place where if you decide sticking fingers up cat's asses is your future, as creepy as it sounds, you can do that for fun and never have to worry again. I'm not sure why anyone would do that anyway, but wouldn't it be nice to live a life without worrying about if you can make rent?

Devona sighed, maybe some of his words hitting home.

Devona: And it starts on Sunday?

A smile crossed J2H's face as he looked at Devona. He knew he was getting through to her.

J2H: Yeah, once you win that, the momentum is on your side. I can see Roxi winning on Sunday so you going up against Roxi, a woman who has not really done much lately regardless of being a so called champion, the momentum is on your side. Once I win on Sunday....

Devona: We....

He waved his hand at Devona.

J2H: Pft! Whatever. You will have the spring in your step you need to seriously push on. I mean do you really want a fucking losing with a nickname like The Pink Puppy to have that chance? It's an embarrassing thought! You'd never live that down! They might as well fold the company if she ever won the World championship, she belongs in a mental hospital, heavily sedated to save the world from her fucking crackpot ways. I think she's a reason that SCW need stricter drug testing policies.

Devona tilted her head to the right, possibly agreeing with the assessment J2H has made.

J2H: This could be the life you have, this could be how you live from now forward because winning that Blast From The Past, being on the right path to being the face of the company, not just a division, the whole company, being the person responsible from putting asses on seats, this is the life you can have. Fuck up in the Blast From The Past and this is the life you'll never have. You need that winning mentality. If you don't want the best places to live, the best places to see, stay in the best hotels, drinking the best champagne, then you're simply fucking your body up for no reason at all. Winning on Sunday makes everything worth it. If you don't wanna make a better life for yourself, why waste your time and energy?

Devona seemed to be lost in thought as she looked at the hotel in all it's luxury, the wheels in her mind turning over.

J2H: Melody should have checked in by now, I'll get someone to get the bags and bring them in. Why don't you go step in to the life that you could have if you give it more then anything you ever have in the past on Sunday.

Devona still seemed lost in thought as she made her way to the door and in to the lobby. Slowly a smile crept over J2H's face, almost grinch like in it's speed and wideness as he watched Devona enter the lobby.

J2H: Now if that doesn't fire her up, nothing fucking will. You still got it James, you can still wrap people around your little finger for your own gain if you want to. I don't care who you are or what you say, how you act, money is the greatest motivator in the fucking world and everyone knows it. My job here is done.

And with that, J2H looked around for someone to take in the bags as the scene fades to black.


London was a beautiful city at night, bragging a skyline that could be matched by very few cities around the world. It shone through the darkness with it's big, iconic buildings and landmarks along the River Thames, from the Tower of London, to Tower Bridge, even down the river towards Westminister and iconic buildings there. J2H himself was standing in a London iconic landmark himself at this point as the dark night covered London, he was at the top of the London Eye, what can only be described as a giant Ferris wheel with pods. He looked over the city with a smile on his face.

J2H: What a buzz, what a view, what an iconic weekend to be in London of all places. I don't know if this was clever planning from the big wigs in the office, poor planning from the same people, or if it was just dumb luck but this weekend is huge for London, it's huge for England. This weekend is the Coronation of a brand new monarch here in the UK, on Saturday, King Charles III will be officially crowned king of UK. That means shit to me, but I've been in London all week and I know what it means to all these people in England, well most of them, so London is gonna be partying all weekend for the King, but here's the thing, Charlie boy isn't the only one getting crowned as a king this weekend, cause there's a guy you're looking at right now, he's gonna be crowned as a king himself. Sunday, I give England a reason to continue to party in to their given Monday off, because I'm gonna be crowned a king, I'm gonna be crowned Blast From The Past Winner.

He smirked as he looked over London.

J2H: I've been called a prince before, I've been called a king because people know brilliance when they see it and I am all that. It's more then I can say about my opponents on Sunday. I mean I don't really give a shit about what they said about me this week, but I did watch what they had to say last week about me and Dawn Warren, you just constantly prove that you need serious mental health help because you're not all there in the head.

J2H pointed to his head.

J2H: You were either born stupid, or worked really fucking hard to become stupid, and if the latter is the case then well done, you've actually got that far. I do find it a fucking miracle though that you can function as a normal person every day. The way you fucking speak, The Surf Boys should sue you for stealing their style and those two idiots were as thick as donkey shit.

He rolled his eyes.

J2H: You had a nice little visit to Jet South? How wonderful for you, how inspiring for you that would have been, but yeah, wasn't Courtney Pierce and Oliver Zahn linked to them? Didn't I beat both of them? Yeah, fucking smart going to the home of losers to get inspired. No one needed you to talk on about your brother, the guy who pisses his pants when I'm around, the guy who went through a cross dressing stage and wishes people could forget about it. People cared about him as much as they care about your bullshit little sob story about how hard it was growing up. Save that shitty little sob story for American Idol, it might work on there, but it won't here. No one gives a fuck if your an underdog cause let me tell you this, not every underdog wins, not every one of them gets their moment in the sun, not every one of them gets to have that moment.

He held a finger up.

J2H: I was gonna leave it there for you, but you did bring up the fact I beat your brother and gave the Internet belt to Caleb Storms, do you know why? Cause I wanted to give that belt to the worst wrestler on the roster, sadly, your brother was the worst wrestler on the roster and I didn't feel like giving it back to him, so Caleb Storms was a close second. It's just a shame your brother isn't actually on the roster, or I might have won the world title and gave it to him as the worst on the roster. There you go Dawn, you can now brag about the fact you're the woman in this tournament I've spoken the most about, that will be your biggest achievement in SCW ever.

He smirked.

J2H: Don't feel worried Calvin, I haven't used up all my shit talking about her. Rumor has it this week through the grapevine that I might have lit a fire under your ass. Well, fantastic, but I admit, I ain't watched any of your shit from this week, for all I know, you and your clown friend might have run off and joined the circus, but there's a lot of your words still ringing in my ear from last week.

He pointed to his ears.

J2H: You made a good point or two Calvin, no one expected you and Dawn to get this far but should I take my hat off to you? I don't think I will. You are right that everyone expected me here, of course they fucking did, I'm J2H, everyone expected me here the second my name was confirmed for it, they knew I could drag shit like Bea Barnhart to the finals if I had to. Of course everyone expected me to be here Calvin and I get this weird, respectful tone coming from you when you spoke about me. I really hope that's fucking changed this week cause that's not the you I want. I do appreciate the respect you put on my name, because I earned it by taking on everyone, by beating everyone to get that respect, because I never had it when I first became SCW World champion, I had to scratch and claw my way up to the top to get that respect. Let me tell you a true story Calvin about respect.

He paused for a second.

J2H: When I first won the SCW World Heavyweight championship, I wasn't expected to win, I'd never really been in the main event that much, I was that solid mid card guy that everyone pissed on, everyone looked down on. I was the guy everyone wanted to make fun off, I was the guy everyone came to and asked to do comedy shit where I looked like a complete idiot. I spent my time in more trash cans then anything else, and then I got that opportunity to be in a gauntlet match for the World Championship. I watched the smug little faces of everyone who didn't even see me as a threat Calvin. I went out there with a plan, and it worked out perfectly and I walked backstage a champion and the first thing I saw was two people who considered themselves top guys complaining to Christian Underwood about the result. I saw two grown ass men having a bitch fit because I was the champion and they were not and I remember looking at Mark Ward and just saying that I didn't want this belt. I told a few people that I didn't want it and word got around to the point that even people who hadn't won in months was lighting up my DM's talking about an angle we could do where they won the belt, people who couldn't lace my boots then, let alone now. At that point Calvin, I knew no one respected me and I had to fight every fucking day of my life to get that and go on to be the greatest champion there has ever been.

He paused to reflect for just a second.

J2H: Why did I tell you that very true story? Because that story is what I think about before I walk through that curtain every single time. Every single time I walk through there, I'm looking for success to get the respect I deserve. This Blast From The Past is the same thing for me Calvin, even though there is more respect on my name then the whole SCW roster together, I walk through there and zero respect and the way to get it back is to beat you. The way to earn it is to beat you. I'm not walking out of London with no respect, because I really am the greatest to ever step in that ring Calvin, and this has been the one thing I haven't added to my past accolades, this is the one thing I haven't got. I have all the replica belts sitting at home that I have won, I have all the awards SCW can give me, sitting at home, but that Blast From The Past win, it's the last part of my collection. It's driving me Calvin, it's driving me to get that last little trinket, it's driving me on and after Sunday, when we meet again and I have no doubt we will meet again after this, and you sit there and you list every thing I've done, you list every award I've won, you can also add Blast From The Past winner to that list too.

He stopped as he looked out over London before turning to the camera.

J2H: It's great that you've watched me enough to predict what I was going to say about people I've defeated in this tournament before, it's great that you seem to have done your homework on me, but that means you know exactly what I can do in that ring. I'm glad you're not buying in to the aura of things, because people that do come at me with fear, they come at me knowing their race has already been run, they're not a challenge to me at all. I'm happy you're beyond that because you just might be a challenge, you just might be someone on a higher level, but your fact checking could use a little work there.

J2H tilted his head.

J2H: I vacated one title in my whole career and it was nothing to do with defending it. I got roped in to a match with a bitch who just happened to be Internet champion. I do this thing, I build shit for a year usually, High Stakes was my show and the shit head brother of your partner challenged me a year before the match and then in true Teddy Warren I'm a bitch fashion did nothing for a year. When the match rolled around, he was a champ, of course I won and I gave that belt away, I didn't want the stench of a loser around me, so I gave it away. I had no intentions on sticking around, I had nothing to prove to no one at the time, absolutely nothing to prove, I was one that could do everything at a young age and get out. I'm twenty nine Calvin and I've done more here then anyone else has. I was born in to money to I never needed to be someone like you Calvin, I never needed to be the person who wrestled till I died or couldn't walk again. I can answer the whole sub par talent thing, because I can make any average Joe look fucking fantastic, but the question you really need to be asking yourself is why do SCW keep bringing me back and paying me a shit load of money, when they have people like you on the roster?

A smirk crossed his face.

J2H: If you think I come back for the easy shit and run from the hard shit, why would I put myself in this position where I could have been teamed with a loser and taken on one of the bigger names right away? Also, if I come back for matches I can just breeze through, what does that say about you?

Another smirk crossed J2H's face.

J2H: I'm not coming in angry, I'm not coming in pissed off, I'm coming in to win Calvin, I'm coming in to show you why I am J2H and you're a dude with a clown friend. Sunday will see London's second Coronation, because SCW doesn't just revolve around J2H, the fucking world revolves around J2H. Two kings get crowned this weekend, and one of them will be King James, the better King James. Sorry Calvin, you're not gonna stop me and that is real talk bitch!

And with that, the camera fades.

It had been another hard earned victory for the unlikely team of J2H and Devona, one they were pushed to their limits to earn over a former World Champion and a woman who should have been up the top years ago. Three down and one to go, but there was no time for J2H to celebrate, nor did he want to celebrate as he walked through the curtain and in to the backstage area, quickly followed by Devona, her light up the room smile all over her face.

Devona: Hey! Wait up partner!

J2H ignored her as he made his way through people backstage but Devona continues to hound him, moving a half a step faster then him and standing in front of him, her arms stretched out in front of her.

J2H: What do you want?

His tone was cold, but it had come to be expected from him.

Devona: Where's the fire?

He wasn't impressed with the whole cliche line and rolled his eyes accordingly as he looked at the slightly shorter Devona.

J2H: It's inside of me, it's inside of me to get the fuck out of this stupid country. My obligation to be in that stupid forest ended when the match ended. I've been away from home for too long and with that little bit of time off, I'm saying screw the shower, I'm picking up my bags, hell, I might not even get changed and I'm going the fuck home.

Devona: Well that's just gonna be unpleasant for the pilot, but there is no flights out of here to fancy land.

A smirk crossed J2H's face as he put his hand on Devona's shoulder.

J2H: This is the difference between us, you think in the box, and I don't, do you know why?

Devona shrugged her shoulders at J2H.

Devona: Enlighten me.

J2H: Because I have a shit ton of money and when you have a shit ton of money, you can do whatever the hell you want. I have a private jet waiting for me and that means I get to get out of this shit hole of a country when I want and yeah, I'm gonna do that right now.

He pointed to the exit and walked past Devona, not giving her a chance to reply directly to him, but she couldn't stop herself from muttering something to herself.

Devona: He's a pain in the ass! I don't know how his wife puts up with him.

J2H was out of ear shot and in to his dressing room, picking up his bag and was out of the arena before anyone knew it.

12 hours later, he had finally got away from the wrestling world and made it home...


He stood outside his Beverly Hills mansion, tired from the last few weeks of hard work, tired from the constant travel to places off the beaten path. He was as tired as he was happy to be home. He dropped his bag outside the front door, waiting for just a second to look around the land that he had strangely missed for the last few weeks while he was touring.

Eventually, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, breathing in the familiar smell of his own home. The house sounded empty, which might not have been a great surprise to him, as he never told anyone he was coming home, that he just wanted to surprise his family, but his curiosity made him bring his bag through the door and leave it in the hallway before exploring the house to see if anyone was around.

Moving in to the living room, he heard a sound outside the house, in to the back garden and pool area. He moved towards the door leading to the outside, just peering his head around the corner. His smile told the story as he watched his wife Melody, and son James Jr splashing around in the pool. He stood just staring at a sight he had missed for so long, but it didn't take too long for him to be noticed.


Melody spun around in surprise as JJ pulled himself out of the pool, running towards his father and jumping at him. Usually J2H would not have been happy being soaked but he was more then happy to be home and see his family.

Melody: James!

She too found her way out of the pool and moving towards her husband, a little more weary of putting her arms around him, but he nodded towards her opened his left arm, giving her a chance to pull herself close.

Melody: I didn't know you was coming home, I thought you would be gone until after the tournament finished.

He shook his head at her slowly while smiling.

J2H: You have gotta be kidding... Not working next weekend, no need for me to be running off to London so soon.

Melody: But you love London.

It's true, for some reason, J2H did like London more then most places, he and Melody had often travelled to London for a city break. He had a thing for it's history, and culture, even though he thought the food was swill.

J2H: I'd rather spend a week at home, then go to London next week. In fact, I think you should come with me, come and see some old faces, take the little guy backstage.

He looked down at James Jr, the boy just hugging his fathers leg. J2H reached down and lifted him up, looking at him.

J2H: What do you say? Wanna go to England next week?

JJ: And watch Into The Void?

J2H: Of course.

The boys face lit up with excitement as he squeezed his father hard. J2H slowly lowered him to the ground, watching him jump around with joy.

Melody: Why don't you go get dried off and dressed so we can go do something with Daddy?

Her hand ruffled James Jr's hair as he nodded his head and ran towards the sun beds covered in towels. J2H looked around at the pool before keeping a watchful eye on his son as Melody wrapped her arms around him.

J2H: It's so good to be back home.

Melody: It's so good to have you back home. We've missed you here.

He squeezed her just a little tighter but the two were quickly interrupted by James Jr approaching.

JJ: Daddy, where's Devona?

J2H dropped to a knee to be at eye level with his son.

J2H: I don't know, she could be anywhere in the world.

JJ: But Daddy, she's your tag team partner and I've never met her and I want to meet her so bad.

J2H looked his son in the eye and he knew he couldn't resist giving him what he wanted, but the thought of more time around wrestlers was not what he wanted.

J2H: You can meet her in London when we go there. Go get dressed and we'll go out somewhere.

He could feel the disappointment from his son, but he did as he was told. Melody smiled at her husband.

Melody: You're gonna call her, aren't you?

J2H: Yeah...

It might have taken him hours to get through to Devona but this is where you switch to watch her stuff and see what went down on said phone call...


So you've seen Devona's work I hope, if not, you might need to for this to make sense...

So Devona had finally been released by James Jr, allowing her to freely wander around the house with Melody and even getting to see a little of Beverly Hills, allowing J2H to have a little father son time. It was one of the things he had missed the most when it came to being away. He could do it when James Jr was younger and SCW was more local, he could often be home before the little man could wake up but the bouncing around the world was something he hated to do. There was another side to J2H that was rarely seen on camera, the family guy, where he was just a husband and father.

He would love that time, and got used to it when he was away from the ring. He didn't have to work, but did enough to keep himself busy, but his family always came first to him, no matter what. Being away from them made it hurt for him, but the moments that followed meant the world to him.

He sat in what he called the media room of his home with his son, his hand wrapped around a Playstation 5 controller with his son on his lap, his son with his hands on his fathers as they played a game on a giant screen in front of them.

J2H: What do you think? Do we go in like a ninja or do we run in screaming and shoot everything that moves?

He looked down at his son on his lap, who looked back up to return his gaze.

JJ: Ninja!

Just the tone of a simple word made J2H smile as he nodded at his son, looking up at the screen.

J2H: Ok, but we gotta be very, very quiet. Like the man who hunts Bugs Bunny.

A chuckle came from his sons lips as he looks up towards his father.

JJ: The bunny always wins Daddy.

J2H: That's because Elmer wasn't quiet enough, if he was, then he would have caught that bunny and... Erm, had him as a pet.

He didn't want to tell him what Elmer was much more likely to do given the chance to poor Bugs so he simply made it more PG.

JJ: Let's be a ninja!

The two looked up at the screen in front of them and with JJ's hands on J2H's hand, the two control the character on their screen around any character looking to stop them. They both smile as they get to where they wanna go on the screen and James Jr throws his hands in the air in victory.

JJ: We did it!

Just hearing those words made J2H's almost icy heart melt as he looked down at his son with more pride then many have.

J2H: We did! We were like ninja's, no one saw us coming, no one knew we were there and you know why? Cause we're unstoppable!

JJ: Unstoppable!

J2H looked at the time on his expensive watch sitting on his left wrist and looked back at his son, who had turned around in his lap to get a better view of his father.

J2H: It's getting a bit late now little man, time to get you to bed. You know what that means? One day closer to London and getting to see all your wrestler friends.

JJ: But I'm not tired.

As soon as he protested, a big yawn came from the boy, loud for such a small child. J2H looked down at him with a single raised eyebrow.

J2H: Now that yawn says something very differently. In fact that yawn tells me it's time to brush your teeth and go to bed so you can wake up and run around like crazy again tomorrow.

JJ: It didn't tell you that.

J2H stood up and lifted James Jr with him, the child instantly wrapped his arms around his fathers neck and let out another yawn, almost down J2H's ear. As J2H turned towards the door, he noticed someone standing looking at him.

J2H: How long have you been standing there Devona?

Devona stepped forward, the light covering her to be seen more clearer in the room.

Devona: Long enough to see you guys become ninja's.

J2H looked at Devona, his face scrunched together as his eyes looked at her face.

J2H: What's with the look on your face?

Devona had been watching them for a while, unable to say a words, her eyes watching a father son bonding moment.

Devona: It's just strange to see you like that. It's almost like you're a completely different person. At work, you're a bit of a D word, in public, you're the same, but seeing you like that, it's a different side to you that I didn't expect.

For some reason, a smirk crossed over his face as he looked at Devona.

J2H: Is it really that hard to believe that I wasn't nice to my very own family?

Devona: Well, yes, because you're not nice to anyone.

J2H: If I wasn't nice to them, they wouldn't be my family for too long, would they? Here's the thing, I know who I am when it comes to getting in the ring, I know who I am when I'm out in public, it's the side of me that hates people, that hates humanity and all the stuff that comes along with it. The worlds biggest problem is humanity. Face it, we're all a little messed up in the head, that's my feelings every time I leave this house because its about being realistic, but inside these many walls, it's not anyone outside them, it's about the people inside them.

Devona just stood and listened, slightly taken back by the more human side of J2H.

J2H: I could lock those doors and never step out in to the world again and I'll be happy. During lock down, I was happy because the world was going to hell, but I wasn't in it. I have everything here, seriously everything, outdoor pool, indoor pool, games rooms, this room, I even have a room set up like an old time bar and a cinema room, I have a freaking bowling alley. I get to deal with the people I want to deal with inside here, so yeah, I'm not gonna be a D word in here, because people are not D's in here.

Devona stood open mouthed at him, surprised by the way he was speaking. Even his tone seemed different.

Devona: I don't know what to say, it's like you're human after all.

J2H: Yeah, just don't tell anybody that.

JJ: Daddy.

James Jr's tired eyes looked up at his father, looking like he had just woke up.

JJ: Can Devona stay with us until we go to London?

With puppy dog tired eyes, I think you know how this story ends, but J2H avoids the question for the moment.

J2H: Let's get you to bed and I'll talk to Devona.

A smile made it to James Jr's face as he buried his head in to J2H's chest.

J2H: I gotta...

Devona: Sure.

Devona stepped out of the way, allowing J2H to pass and get his tired son to bed. As for if he agreed to let Devona stay, I'm pretty sure you can work that one out on your own.


Night had fallen and James Jr was tucked away soundly in bed, Melody was moving through the house, and who knows, maybe Devona was somewhere in shock at the size of her bedroom, it was the perfect time to talk about Into The Void. J2H sat on one of the balconies over looking the back yard, a camera set up by himself. He took a deep breath before turning his head towards it.

J2H: I said I was going to come back and win this whole thing, to prove to the world that I am still the most special talent SCW has ever had. I told everyone I was going to win and here we are, one win away from to proving to you all that I never lost it. I'm one win away from greatness, trust me, it's going to happen. I got the backing of the world and you might think that would create a whole lot of pressure on me, but I didn't travel around the shit parts of this planet, just to come this far and lose to a guy who is constantly upstaged by a guy who looks like a fucking muppet!

He shook his head in slight disbelief.

J2H: I know I should talk about that idiot Dawn Warren, but fucking hell, the woman doesn't need to be insulted, she was already cursed in life being a fucking Warren! She must have murdered millions in a past life to come back as a Warren for punishment. You don't make it easier for yourself do you Dawn, because you have the stupidest fucking nickname the wrestling world has ever heard! Pink Puppy, fucking stupid. Puppy's can be put to sleep Dawn and that is gonna happen at Into The Void.

He knew his focus had to be on Calvin Harris, Dawn Warren was just an after thought to him.

J2H: It's funny how alike Calvin and I used to be before he let some clown fuck steal the spotlight from him. I remember the Calvin Harris of old, he was a lot like me, he had the arrogance because he knew he could back it up. He had the don't give a damn attitude that made him hated, he even had the do anything possible to win and to hell with the consequences. It was a lot like me, but something happened Calvin, something changed with you to the point you've gone soft. Something inside that head of yours just stopped working, you became weak because of it.

He smirked as he looked away from the camera slightly.

J2H: We never crossed paths and I would like to think if we did back in the day, that it would have been a hell of an explosion, a match that would have people talking about it for years, to have everyone who rates matches, give it five stars, but that was the old you Calvin, that was the you that had instant respect on his name. This you, well, it's a joke, and not a very funny one, this you isn't even close to who you once were. You're a shell of the man who only had to be on screen for two minutes to piss the world off. You're now dropped down to comic relief with a guy who is spoken about more then you are. People don't watch your shit for you, they watch your shit for that weirdo clown who hangs around you, nothing more.

His eyes turned back towards the camera.

J2H: You know it's true.

A confident look passed over his face.

J2H: Clown man is the only reason people watch your shit when you're meant to be the star attraction, you're meant to have the eyes of the world on you when realistically, you're playing second string to a guy who offers nothing to the world. Does that make you a worthy Blast From The Past winner? No, it makes you look like you're nothing at all, it makes you look cheap, it makes you look corny. Let's be real, when it comes down to it, there's only one person in the match that looks like a Blast From The Past winner, there's only one person in this match worthy of winning Blast From The Past and that person, you're all looking at right now.

He pointed to himself.

J2H: This was never about you Calvin, this tournament was never about you or anyone else in it, it was all about me, from day one. It was always about the rise back to the top for me to give this company some credibility again, to give it something it's missed for a long time, a champion who can carry the company on it's back and take it to new heights because this place is piss poor. Lots of champions and only a couple of them show up to try and lift their divisions, it's lazy, it's poor and I'm the man to change that. I'm the man to show them what putting in the effort can get them, and it starts by winning Blast From The Past, and going on to win the SCW World Heavyweight championship. I'm a lead by example kind of guy when I got a belt around my waist and I will be getting that belt around me again by going through you.

He quickly pointed down the camera.

J2H: This is the final, the biggest challenge, the end boss and I am more then aware what lies ahead for me, I'm more then ready for everything you have to throw at me, I'm more then ready for whatever you got because I know I'm not going down on this one. I didn't drag myself away from my family, I didn't drag myself around the world, wrestling in leisure centres and piss poor locations just to come this far and lose. This is not how my story ends Calvin, this is the new chapter in my career, this is where I remind the world again that I am head and shoulders above everyone in this company. This isn't even bragging, this is straight up fact, this is straight up me telling you the truth on how things really are here. I could sit at home for ten years, come back and still be the best fucking wrestler in the world. I don't give a shit what people think about me, but even my doubters know I'm the best there is and that they're lucky be alive when I am.

The arrogant tone from his voice filled the air.

J2H: And you'll be glad to know you're about to get a master class once again, you're about to get shown what real wrestling is, what a real wrestler is. Fuck everything else on the show, no one wants to see the random thrown together shit, no one even wants to see the two top titles defended, they all just wanna see me and what I'm gonna do, they all just wanna see just how good I am. It's a fucking treat for London because I put asses on seats, I sell out buildings and I am gonna give the fans their money's worth and then some because I'm not coming to play, fuck that, I'm coming to win, I'm coming to kick the shit out of you Calvin and send a message to Michael Harris that if he is still champion the day after Into The Void, then his time is done, his time is over.

He felt confident in those words.

J2H: You're a stepping stone to a much bigger thing for me, that's it. Like everyone else who has come before me in this tournament, like Kain, like Oliver Zahn, like Godly Ken Davison, you're gonna fall the exact same way that they did, you're gonna fall just as hard as they did. There's no prize for second place here, it is all or nothing and I'm leaving with all and you're leaving England with absolutely nothing. Sure, you can say you got to a final, that you gave it your best go but your best is not good enough, it will never be good enough, you will not be good enough because the truth is, you're not on my level, you're never gonna be on my level. You're always be in the shadow of that clown, and both of you will always been in my shadow. The old Calvin Harris might have stood a chance against me, but this Calvin Harris, man it's gonna be the easiest match I've had in a long time.

He looks deep in to the camera.

J2H: You might have dragged that flea bitten Warren woman through this tournament but your luck runs out here, your barrel is dry, you have run out of steam. You can't keep dragging her to victory, and now you won't.

He slowly shook his head.

J2H: This is my time to win and you have nothing in that arsenal of yours to stop that. Hell, I think deep down, you already know Devona is twice the wrestler your partner is, and you know I'm four times the wrestler that you are. It's obvious to everyone else in the wrestling world, it should be very, very obvious to you too, so here's what I'm gonna tell ya to do. Enjoy every damn second of it, enjoy every single moment you're in the ring with me, enjoy the experience cause at the end of the night, it will be very, very sour for you. There's only gonna be one Calvin and it ain't you man, it will never be you. As soon as my name went down to sign up, there was only ever gonna be one winner and it was only going to be me. Everyone knew it, so enjoy the fact you get to share a ring with me, enjoy the fact that you can bask in my spotlight for the first time ever, enjoy the occasion, but I am not leaving there without having my hand raised and looking down on you with you wondering what day it is.

He smirks down the camera.

J2H: It's just the way it is, you can't chance it, it's just destiny and I will make sure that comes true. All the moving around, all the time bored out of my skull sitting in a hotel room trying to avoid each and every person in the company, avoiding the fans, slowly driving myself crazy because I had no family with me and you know as well as I do, I don't have any friends in the company, all of that, all of that sacrifice, all of that pain not living the life I wanted, being dragged from heaven in Barbados, to hell in Scotland, to purgatory in Romania, all of that shit will be worth it when I pin you Calvin. All the flights, shit food, shittier people, opponents that wouldn't be worth my time, all of that will be worth it when they announce my name as winner of Blast From The Past. The hell I've put my body through on this tour when I could have been right here not watching SCW, you guessed it, absolutely worth it when I write my name in the history of this place once more.

He took a deep breath.

J2H: I'm determined not to lose Calvin to make this all worth it and I will be doing what the old Calvin Harris would have done and I am pulling out all the stops to win. There is no other way, there's nothing off limit for me. I will be doing it all and I will be the guy with his hand raised at the end of the night... That's real talk bitch!

He smirked at the camera once more before reaching over and switching it off, the scene fading to black.

Climax Control Archives / Playing God
« on: April 21, 2023, 04:05:37 PM »
This tour was starting to wear a little thin on J2H and it wasn't going to get any better. The SCW crew was told to show up in Romania at least four days before the show to get set up for their haunted forest experience, forced to stay in the haunted forest itself as a camping experience. The bosses of SCW always did love to flip a big surprise but this was one of their worst though the eyes of J2H. He was used to luxury and the life he was brought up in to the point he had never been camping in his life. He didn't know what to expect but this was far beyond his worst nightmares as he looked around the area that SCW had set up for him.

J2H: What the hell is this shit?

He looked around as he stood on the campground that SCW had provided, many small tents had been placed around the same area, keeping the SCW crew in the same place. Most of these tents looked like they had seen much better days, faded cloth covering most of them. He watched as SCW wrestlers and crews were seen being directed to their sleeping spaces for the next few days.

J2H: We're wrestlers for fucks sake. We rely on our bodies to entertain people, so what drunken genius thought he'd cripple half the roster by making us sleep on the ground for days? What drunken genius decided to take away the luxury shit that helps us relax and stick us out here to get eaten by a Wendigo or something?

A nudge to his ribs caught his attention as he looked down to his left to see Devona standing next to him, looking up at her slightly taller partner with a raised eyebrow. His first thought was to wonder how her smaller frame could hold up the huge bag on her back, covering most of her body, but his thought quickly snapped back to the seconds earlier of having his attention taken away from him.

J2H: What are you doing?

Devona flashed J2H her wide smile as she looked at him, her eyes full of life and excitement at the thought of this camping experience, the chalk to J2H's cheese when it came to opinions on the whole situation.

Devona: Well first off, do you know that talking to yourself is most likely going to get you locked up in a little padded room where they shoot you full of happy drugs?

He looked around the place he was standing in and back at Devona.

J2H: Not seeing the problem with that at this moment in time considering where we are right now. I will happily take the warm padded cell with extra clothing options over this horrible place. Why SCW would book a tour to these nowhere little places is beyond me. The only reason we're selling these places out is because of me.

Devona had got used to his rants and just responded with a raised eyebrow towards J2H, mostly ignoring what he was saying.

Devona: Uh uh. Secondly, what is a Wendigo?

J2H: Monster that takes people who are camping, feeds off them for a long time.

His answer seemed to take Devona back, catching her slightly off guard with what he said.

Devona: Right, and you know about these things?

There was an air of arrogance as J2H looked towards Devona with a half smile.

J2H: Lady, you don't know half the shit I've seen in my life. Remember I was haunted by a pale face motherfucker some time ago, it wasn't fun and it certainly wasn't pretty.

Devona looked at J2H like he was absolutely crazy, his haunting by the man known as Brother Grimm came a long time before Devona had even considered being a wrestler.

Devona: I don't know how to really respond to that at all.

J2H looked at Devona with narrowed eyes, his mind trying not to think back to the days of being haunted by Brother Grimm, being protected by Baba Yaga, but his train of thought was quickly snapped away from him by an SCW staff member.

Staff: Devona and J2H, hi guys.

Her bubbly personality instantly annoyed J2H, he was never one for people with the carefree personalities, other then his wife, hence his rocky relationship with Despayre.

J2H: What the fuck do you want?

His words had taken the wind out of her sails as she looked deflated.

Devona: Don't mind him, he's a little cranky, he hasn't had his nap yet. He gets so snappy when that happens.

J2H looked at Devona with an evil, angry look on his face.

J2H: Shut up!

Devona looked at the staff member, and smiled at her, seemingly putting her at ease.

Devona: See what I mean? So cranky.

J2H growled under his breath and looked at the staff member, instantly making her uncomfortable once again.

J2H: You didn't answer my question. What the fuck do you want?

Staff: I erm, I wanted to show you guys to your tents. I'm the camp coordinator, I'm showing everyone to their tents and giving them camp rules.

J2H: Lady, we're in a haunted fucking forest, I don't think any rules apply here at all.

Once again, the staff member looked uncomfortable. Every word that came out of J2H's mouth seemed to put her on edge and make her feel awkward towards him, but Devona made her feel at ease again with her southern accent.

Devona: Lead the way!

Her excited tone put a smile on the young woman's face as she pointed to a pair of tents and walked towards them. Devona fired J2H a look and nodded her head, towards them, much to the displeasure of her tag team partner. Devona moved effortlessly behind the young woman, as if she was feeling no weight at all from the heavy bag on her back and J2H followed with a sigh. The young staff member stopped in front of two tents, spaced a fair distance apart and pointed to them.

Staff: Devona, you're on the left, J2H, you're on the right.

J2H looked at the tent, tiny, ragged, barely being held up by the poles dug in to the ground.

Devona: We're gonna be neighbours!

J2H: I am not staying in this shit hole, not a chance.

Anger had filled his eyes as he looked at it from the outside, but moved his head towards the opening, looking inside before pulling his head out and shaking it rapidly at Devona.

Devona: Did they forget your favourite teddy bear or something.

J2H waved a finger at Devona, not saying a word at her grinning face before turning away from her and reaching in to his pocket and pulling out his phone.

J2H: Fucking hell, barely any reception!

He walked away from the group, tapping away on his phone and hoping as he sent through what seemed like a long winded message to someone. He waited patiently for a few seconds and a reply quickly bounced back to him. A feeling of relief rushed through him as he turned back to Devona and smiled.

Devona: I don't like the look on your face.

J2H: In an hour or so, you're gonna see why I'm smiling.

He was right, cause an hour or so later, no longer was the broken down old tent there, but a white luxurious tent was seen in it's place. Devona and J2H stood outside looking up at it, a proud grin on J2H's face.

Devona: How did you manage to do all that in a short amount of time?

Her question was one most people on the campsite would have wondered as they walked past.

J2H: I'm J2H, I can do anything I want, when I want, I'm fucking good that way.

Devona: I guess money can get you everything you want.

He looked at Devona, the two coming from very different backgrounds, but he didn't care and took the comment at face value.

J2H: And so much more.

J2H wandered inside and Devona instinctively followed him. Her eyes widened as she looked around.

Devona: Ok, I need a snap of this for Twitter.

Before J2H could protest, her phone was out and a picture was being snapped and posted on Twitter.

J2H: I didn't say you could do that!

His bark didn't phase Devona in the slightest as she bit her lip.

Devona: Funny, I don't remember needing your permission.

His patience with Devona had run out as he ushered her to the door of the tent.

J2H: I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I don't want you bugging me, so I'm gonna go find something to do, so go, wander away, go get lost in the forest or something.

He didn't wait for a response as he walked in to the tent and instantly moved towards the bed, not knowing that outside Devona was already planning to help him with his hunger. His body hit the bed and his eyes closed, hoping for some peaceful sleep but that wasn't the case.

His night and Devona's night was about to take unexpected turns. For him, it wasn't going to be very pleasant....


He shut his eyes for a few seconds but a strange feeling of movement without movement rushed over him. He quickly fired open his eyes, but he was no longer in the tent he was calling home for a few days. His eyes looked around the unfamiliar surroundings, darting from one side to the next. Confusion flooded his body and senses as the tent walls were replaced with old wooden logs, forming a cabin around him. He looked up at where he was, his bed replaced with an old dust covered chair. Looking around the room, he saw old trinkets, scratched silver cups that had seen hundreds of years, odd shaped symbols made of wood adorned the walls, the floor was nothing but old wooden planks.

Voice: About time you showed up.

The voice alone forced him to turn his head towards an old rocking chair and an old lady sitting in it, slowly rocking back and forth.

J2H: So it was you in Scotland...

The old woman lifts her head to reveal herself as Baba Yaga, the woman who has protected J2H for many years from Brother Grimm, a man who sort after the former prince brat for reasons of his ancestors.

Baba Yaga: Of course James, I'm always watching over you, even when you don't see me, I am there.

He looked towards the old woman rocking in her chair and takes a step towards her, the old wooden floorboards creaking under his feet.

J2H: This is a fucked up dream, right? It's because I fell asleep in a haunted forest and now it's all messing with me, right?

The old lady glanced at him, a half a smile on her face as she side eyed him.

Baba Yaga: A dream? Far from it James. I heard you say that you were hungry but something tells me you'd politely refuse my offer of refreshments.

She looked towards a cauldron bubbling on a lit fireplace, smoke rising from the old back steel bowl.

J2H: I'm going to pass on that.

He looked back towards the old woman just rocking in her chair.

J2H: What are you.. am I doing here?

Baba Yaga: You do realise where you are, correct? You're in Romania James, where a certain person was hunted. The haunted forest is my backyard, I planted a lot of what you see hundreds of years before you were ever born.

An uneasy feeling runs through the body of J2H as he looks around the cabin.

J2H: You never answered my question, what the fuck am I doing here? You can't just go around kidnapping people because they're in your backyard!

He could feel the anger in him rising as he searched for answers from Baba Yaga, but the old woman wasn't phased by the feeling of aggression in the air.

Baba Yaga: I wanted to warn you about something James. You see you've changed a lot over the years, you're putting your guard down a lot, and when you leave yourself open like that, you do not know what evil lurks in the shadows.

J2H: And by evil, you mean a certain Brother Grimm?

Baba Yaga: It would be foolish to think he was the only one hunting your bloodline back in the good old days, but you're here at the epicentre of all evil. This is the very forest that Grimm was hunted in. He is close by James, so you can not drop your guard. You need to go back to the you who built this legacy. You have become soft.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing from Baba Yaga. He never saw himself as going soft.

J2H: Bullshit!

Baba Yaga: It isn't. Look at you, you had doubted yourself since you lost one match against a former world champion, you have not been shy in making people aware that you wasn't happy. It's become a sign of weakness for you and it needs to change, it needs to stop.

He took a deep breath as he couldn't stop his mind from thinking about the words he heard.

J2H: And how do I stop such a thing?

His words were thick with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes away from the old woman.

Baba Yaga: Be who you're meant to be. Be the man who once was a champion, be the man who the world knows. You are that champion James, prove it on Sunday against someone who believes he is God. Show the world who you truly are. Show the world that you're still that guy. Harden your heart and prove to them who you are.

J2H: And this will keep that pale faced dick away from me while I'm in this country?

Baba Yaga: It should. Remember, you're in his play pen right now.

J2H: Go back to the old me. Be ruthless, be aggressive, and just kick the living shit out of everyone in my way?

She nodded her head towards him.

Baba Yaga: It will make you so much stronger then who you have become. Be the old you once more and no one will stand a chance against you.

J2H: Lady, I've never changed when it comes to being in that ring. I go there, I prove I'm better then everyone on the roster and I go home. That has not changed. You want proof of that, feel free to get on your broomstick and have a ring side seat because this J2H is gonna do what I always do and just go out there and win. You don't need to worry about me when it comes to handling business because I always handle it my way.

Baba Yaga: Now that is the spark I wanted to see. Now rest well James.

His eyes fired open and he looked around the room, realising that he was back under canvas in his own luxury tent.

J2H: What the fuck was that? Was that even real?

J2H looked to his left to see a single bowl of stew, left by his bedside. Unbeknownst to him, left by Devona.

J2H: This place is just too fucking weird.

With a huff, J2H spins over, burying his head in the pillow as the scene fades to black.


The camp fire was winding down as J2H sat opposite it, the thoughts of earlier, wondering if it was a dream or reality was thick in his mind, but he knew he had a job to do, someone to talk about, a match to sell to use an inside term. He looked up at the camera as the fires of the campsite crackled around him, still enough to light up the dark night.

J2H: I guess you could say so far in this tournament, I've done ok.

He knew he was being modest, the smile on his face couldn't hide the arrogance he felt.

J2H: Fuck that, I have made this fucking tournament worth watching and we all know that shit is true and now we move on. I don't give a shit what woman is on the opposite side of the ring, I really don't care at all.

He shrugged his shoulders as his face turned to a blank look.

J2H: I only give a shit about the man who gets to look this greatness right here in the eye and tries to come up with a way to solve a problem here that no one else can, and that would be you Godly Ken Davison. Man, people think I got an ego but you actually think you're the lord and creator of everything that we deem as life. You feel that you, one bald headed old coot believes that you can give life and snap it away, just like that, you... seriously Ken, you?

He shook his head in disbelief.

J2H: You believe that life happens because of you? Are you fucking sure on that? You can't even keep that little shitty stable of yours together let alone create mankind, let alone give us all a destiny that we must reach, give us all an end game that we must get to. You can't keep your own little house in order but you claim to be not a God, but THE God? Man, you're a fucking joke with a worn out gimmick and a tired old wrestling life.

He shook his head.

J2H: I mean ok, you won the world championship here, held it for a whole ten minutes and it was gone again, and this is your way, God's way of redemption to get back to the top of that mountain and look down upon people once more. This tournament is your way of forcing yourself through and once again looking down on what you apparently created, but I bet even you in your infinite wisdom had no fucking idea that you'd have to go against a man like me, a man you supposedly created. Not even you could expect to go against a superpower that you just can't figure out because that man is me and this is where your rise to the top of the mountain stops. This is where the ascension for you stops because I didn't need to be the man like you just sitting there telling people that you are God, I became a God myself by doing shit people thought was impossible. I dragged my ass out of garbage cans and little shitty comedy spots on shows to show people who I am. I might have started in the game as a boy, but I became a man, a myth, a legend and a God, I did that without some bullshit moniker or telling people I was that, I proved I was that. You woke up one day and said that's it, that's the hook, I'm just gonna call myself God now... One of us went out and did the hard work and proved they were better then humanity, one of us went out and showed that they were a cut above the mere mortal, and that one of us was me Ken, not you, but me!

He took a deep breath as he watched the fires in front of him crackle away before continuing.

J2H: I didn't stand before people and tell them who I was, I stood before people and showed them who I was, I worked on who I was, I became a cut above humanity, I didn't sit there and say who I was and expected them to believe me, I showed them who I was until they couldn't stop watching, till they took notice. That makes me so much better then you Ken, oh so much better then you.

He was never short of confidence and he wasn't at this moment in time.

J2H: You're a man Ken and any man can be beaten... Well, most men at least, I'm the exception to that rule because you know, I'm better then you all. You know what that means creator of all? It means that I am going to beat you if more ways then you could ever come up with, and you came up with everything, right?

His sarcastic tone filled the night air.

J2H: If that is truly the case Ken, you already know how this all ends, you already know that I am going to beat you within an inch of your existence. You already know I'm gonna absolutely destroy you and make you my bitch. You heard right, I'm gonna make God my bitch, it's that fucking simple. Yeah, you've done well to get as far as you have but I'm still gonna go further, I'm still gonna push my limits past anything that you can ever get up to. My limits on what I can do in the ring are far beyond yours Ken, far beyond any level you think you can reach because honestly, you can't beat me, you'll never be able to beat me, I'm that much better then you, I can beat you without even blinking. I am seriously your creation that you needed to lock in purgatory for all eternity, because I am more powerful then the man who calls himself God.

He smiled as his eyes looked at the burning embers of the campfire in front of him.

J2H: There's no act of God that can stop me from going on and winning Blast From The Past, there's no act of God that's gonna stop me from behind World Champion again, there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it Ken. I'm going to win Blast From The Past, I've taken out a Hall of Famer, a rookie and now I'm gonna strike God down with all the might in the world. I'm going to do that and I don't even give a shit who is waiting for me in the final, because they're just a little bump in the road too. I'm going for that championship Ken, and I will strike you down to get to it.

He had never been in the same ring with Godly Ken Davison in his life but he felt the confidence flow through him.

J2H: If you gave us all our own destiny, our own ending to our story, you know how this match is gonna end, you know that it's gonna be me walking out of that ring with that winning feeling and you looking at a disappointment you created. You've never seen someone just like me before Ken because anything you expect from me, I'm gonna be one step ahead. Everything you think you have figured out about me, trust me, you haven't because you're not stepping up to just anyone, you're stepping up to me and like everyone else who has ever stepped up to me, you're gonna see that I am not you're average opponent, I'm far better then your average opponent. I'm like something even the creator has never seen before because I don't show up and talk shit with nothing to back it up, I show up and talk shit and can back it up far more then your average man. I'm better then them all and you're about to see that close up, you're about to see just how great a man could be because I don't care who you are, you will not stop me from reaching the place I wanna be, you will not stop me because I am destined to become SCW World Heavyweight champion again and I'm doing it the right way. I didn't come in here and demand shots even though I could have, I came here to win this tournament and come hell or high water, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. You're just in the way right now and I'm gonna brush you aside with so much fucking ease, you're gonna start wondering what the fuck you did to deserve it.

He nodded his head confidently as he continued to talk.

J2H: There's nothing you can do about this one Ken, it is what it is and what it is, is another win for me, another step forward for me. On the bright side for you, you might now be able to focus on that shit show you call The Saviors because they need fucking saving, they're a mess, focus on them because I will lift the extra burden of you being in this tournament.

J2H smirks down the camera.

J2H: That's all there is to it Ken, we know how this story goes, we know how this is written, we know the ending. We know that come Sunday night, I'll be the one getting ready for the Blast From The Past final and you will be back preaching the words of how to bounce back from this whole thing. On Sunday, I'm gonna prove that you're nothing more then a man with a complex, that's it, nothing more, nothing less, just a man with a complex.

He stands up and the camera follows his face.

J2H: That is the word of J2H, that's real talk bitch!

And with that, J2H turns away and walks off camera as the scene fades.

Climax Control Archives / Relief
« on: April 14, 2023, 02:15:27 PM »

Barbados, a little under two weeks ago.

It was back to winning ways for J2H as he, along with Devona had defeated Eiley and Kain, a woman of great potential and a man past his peak in the mind of J2H. He might have been past his peak but J2H proved to himself something that he had been haunted by for a while, he proved that a guy with an MMA style and hard hitting as Kain was, he was able to somehow overcome that.

He sat in the ring for a few seconds after the match, just listening for his name to be announced as winner, it was a familiar sound that he had became accustomed to over the years, but a sound he never got sick of hearing. It was justification for hard work, it was justification that no matter who the opponent was, he had given it his all. Of course, after hearing his name announced, he didn't want to stick around, he had the winning feeling but this time felt different, this time there was another feeling swimming through his veins as he left the ring and walked up the ramp, just drowning out the sound of the fans, he felt something that had never really washed over him before.


He marched through the curtains, feeling eyes burning in to him from every single angle possible, everyone from fellow wrestlers, some used to the style of J2H and who he was, and some new faces who were just trying to see if the tales of J2H had been true. In his mind, he couldn't give a shit about what people thought about him at that moment in time and congratulation words fell of deaf ears as he hurried through the people backstage, not taking a single thing in front them. He had one goal, get the hell out of that building as fast as he could.

He was never known to be the most sociable type when he didn't have to be, sure, he'd do all the things a champion would do when he was a champion, he'd do all the press things but he'd be out of there and back home as quickly as he could. He knew he couldn't just get back home, he was on an Island thousands of miles from home, but he could sure as shit get out of the building.

It didn't take him long to get back to his dressing room and sitting down on a bench under his locker and that's when it hit him stronger, the relief of getting through another match, beating the mental block put in his head by the whole Fenris situation. He cupped his intertwined fingers around his head and let out the strongest sigh of relief as his body folded over. He had done it and got through it and now it was time to get out of the building.

It took him a few minutes in the shower to wash the sweat from his body before he stepped out, taking no interest in watching the other matches left on the card, and to get dressed before he picked up his bag and pulled his phone from his pocket. He looked through the messages on his phone, filled with congratulatory and well wishes and smiled as he saw a picture of his son celebrating his win. He rolled his thumb to the next message from Austin Parker.

"If you couldn't beat that old bastard, I would have disowned you."

That brought a smirk to J2H's face as he rose to his feet, throwing his bag over his shoulder and heading out of the door, only to run in to Christian Underwood.

Christian: Nice work out there.

Instantly, the arrogance in J2H kicked in as he looked at Christian.

J2H: Yeah I know.

A wave of his hand showed Christian he wanted him to move out of his way, but Christian just rolled his eyes at the egotistical man.

Christian: That's one thing I admire about you James, your modesty.

He wasn't impressed with Christian's attempt at humor, he as more focused on getting the hell out of the building, but something had struck him during the match, and he wasn't thinking about Kain's fists or feet.

J2H: Good, and I hope you'll appreciate my honesty.

This caused Christian to raise an eyebrow, his interested dialled up to eleven.

Christian: Oh?

J2H: Sign Eiley, seriously, sign Eiley, she has it all.

Christian: Duly noted.

His tone was blank but J2H knew that if he thought there was something about an opponent, then Christian should too. Christian knew that J2H was drilled in every aspect of the wrestling business during his training with Austin Parker, including spotting good talent.
J2H: And another thing Christian.

Another rolled set of eyes greeted J2H as he looked up at his boss.

Christian: What would that be? A brass band to follow you around for your next match? Maybe a couple of people holding giant leafs to keep you cool?

J2H: I've seen where this tour is going and the last thing I need is to be kept cool.

Christian: Then what? Cheerleaders?

J2H couldn't help but shake his head disappointedly at Christian.

J2H: You know, I thought your jokes were shit on Twitter, especially your April Fools joke, but man, you must have a birthday coming up because you're about to hit the age where your jokes are only funny to yourself.

Patience had finally run out from Christian as he looked at J2H with judgemental eyes.

Christian: What is it James?

His blunt tone whistled through the air as J2H looked at him with calmness.

J2H: Never, EVER bring that joker Kain back again. He is not the guy he used to be, hell, I had to carry his old ass through that thing. It was ridiculous. I know Blast From The Past is to bring back older guys too but fuck, he sucks.

J2H didn't wait for a response as he walked past Christian and towards an exit door, walking past other wrestlers watching the end of the show. He stopped short of the exit by a few feet, reaching in to his bag and pulling out a baseball cap and placing it on his head. He knew the fans would gather outside as they often did, waiting to catch a glimpse of their favorite wrestlers and try and take pictures. He waited by the door, gathering his thoughts before making his way through the door. He kept his head down but glanced up under the peak of his cap, looking at the gathered fans, but sharply turned left, keeping himself in the shadow of the building and hoped that no one had seen his quick escape.

He heard whispers from the crowd, pretty sure he heard his own name mentioned but he kept walking and acting like he was invisible. He quickly made his way to the lively area of Barbados, thankfully just a few minutes away from the arena, where the night sky was lit up with bright signs of bars and restaurants on the sea front, it was Barbados after all, pretty much everything is on the sea front, but he felt he could blend in a little better. He didn't think that the people at these places were wrestling fans, at least not yet while the show was still going on, he figured they'll be mostly tourists being waited on by the locals.

He quickly slipped across the road nearby and towards the beach, his head hanging low and avoiding eye contact with party goers and locals alike before finding a few steps leading down on to the golden Barbadian sands with the tide just slowly drifting in. Raising his head for just a few seconds, his eyes scanned the beach for a quiet spot. The feeling of surprise ran over his body as he looked around, seeing more people on the beach then he expected at night, but his surprise soon faded as he realised there were more couples then anything else.

The sand crunched under his feet as he moved to a quiet spot, underneath the shadow of a large rock and sat down on a smaller rock in front, taking a moment to take in the breathtaking scene around him. The moon shining down on the sea was enough to make anyone, including J2H, appreciate life a little more then usual.

J2H: Well, you did it James.

He wanted a moment to talk to himself, maybe for some intelligent conversation but he needed some time alone.

J2H: That monkey is off your back and you're free again. No more doubt, no more worry, no more bullshit weighing you down. It might have only been Kain, a man who was not even in good shape but it wasn't about that, was it, it was about the self doubt caused by bullshit, now disappearing.

High Stakes had absolutely rattled him, his confidence was gone, regardless of how he made it seem, he had doubted so much of his life because of that night, he felt sick at the thought of even getting back in to a wrestling ring again, but tonight had taken a lot of that self doubt away, it had free his mind, body and soul from being weighed down with what felt like an anchor around his next.

J2H: Now we move on to whoever is next and we do it again, then again, then we get the World champion and we do it again.

He didn't know at this point on who his next opponent would be but he could feel the confidence running through him, he was oddly happy, he was content, he feared absolutely no opponent, hell, he didn't even know who the fuck was left in the tournament but he was still confident that he could take on any man. It was a feeling that he had missed for months.

J2H: There is no fucking way I'm gonna slow down, it's mine for the taking and I'm going to take it. I am the Michael Jordan, I am the Pele, I am the Muhammad Ali of Sin City Wrestling, I am the greatest that has ever laced up a pair of boots.

He smiled confidently as his eyes looked out to sea and that feeling rushed over his body once more.


J2H: It could have been worse, least the weathers been good.

Some would call those famous last words when you fast forward a couple of weeks to the next time J2H competes, with the location, pretty much the opposite of his time in Barbados.



Grantown-on-Spey, Scottish Highlands, Scotland.

Never had be been in a town like Grantown-on-Spey in the Scottish Highlands, most wrestling shows, or concerts, or anything designed to draw a crowd, tend to find themselves in the denser city areas, but SCW are unique in their tours and picking places off the beaten track, in hope to draw people to these new locations. Historically it had worked for SCW every time they went to Europe or the UK, attracting fans from different countries trying to get a look at their, in most people's terms, guilty pleasure. Grantown-on-Spey had a new life to it all of a sudden thanks to the arrival of SCW, they town seemed happy and so did the people, well, except for one person.

J2H: What the fuck is this shit?

The cold air had gotten to the man used to the California sun as he found himself standing in the hotel lobby, looking through the glass door leading to the streets of Grantown-on-Spey. He had been in the hotel room since his arrival in Scotland, not venturing out in to the streets for a chance meeting with people. He'd even gone as far as to dodge Devona, his own tag team partner since he arrived, not once replying to her messages or requests to meet to work on a few things. He had cut himself off from the SCW roster as he usually does.

He looked through the glass, debating on if he should venture out in to streets, running possibilities through his head but cabin fever had got to him over the last couple of days to the point where he felt the craziness might start creeping in to him. He pulled up the hood of his thick back coat, pulling the hood over his baseball cap as far as it could go before pulling down on the strings to tighten them up, trying to hide as much of his face as he possible could.

J2H: Well, here goes nothing.

He made his way to the door, his hands pushing on the cold glass to open it and shuffled in to the street, looking around to get a sense of location. He had arrived at night and not taken much notice of the town before, so this to him was seeing the surprising quaint and pretty town for the first time. People moved past him, his oversized hood doing it's job well as no one seemed to take any notice of him, except one older lady, of traditional grandmother age, stared at him from across the road, just looking towards him as if no other person moved through the street.

J2H: Yeah, that's not fucking weird at all. I guess every town has a crazy cat lady and that must be her.

For just a second, he considered turning tail and moving back in to the safety of the hotel, but he opted to turn left, away from the woman and her stare. He shuffled slightly down the street, and for the first time, lifted his head and looked around at what stood before him. Just for a second or two, he was slightly in awe of the older style buildings, something you would only see in a television adaptation of something that might have been set in the eighteen hundreds. Growing up in Beverly Hills, these types of building were only really seen on television and to see it for the first time with his own eyes, left him surprised.

He gathered his thoughts pretty quickly and decided to move on, feeling that he would be more anonymous if he continued to walk. He didn't exactly know what he was looking for, maybe just a story to relay to Melody and James Jr about the tour and what it was like to be in these obscure places. Maybe he'd see something that he never expected to see that he could mention, but the town was almost normal, albeit slightly busier then normal due to SCW being around.

J2H: What am I even doing?

He was set to turn around and walk back, but he looked towards a crowd, pointing towards his direction. Feeling he'd been spotted, be quickly moved in the direction he was going, hoping to avoid people and quickly turned the corner in to a familiar face.

J2H: Fuck!

Devona stood before him, her light up the room smile on her face as she looked towards her Blast From The Past Tag Team partner.

J2H: Like seriously, fuck my life right now.

Devona just flashed her smile to the now grimacing J2H, not returning her smile or enthusiasm at the situation.

Devona: And hello to you too partner.

He signed as the word partner left her lips and looked at her with a flash of anger in his eyes.

J2H: Are you stalking me or something? I have avoided every little wrestler, crew member and boss for days and you just pop up out of nowhere?

Devona: It's easy to avoid people when you don't leave your room.

The statement took him back slightly, catching him off guard. There was very few people who knew what he had been doing in Scotland since he arrived.

J2H: How did you... Wait, so you was stalking me?

His paranoia shot through the roof as he looked at her, waiting for answers. Since he became a husband and father, he had avoided being constantly in the publics eye. It helped to add to his mystique when he did appear on SCW shows.

Devona: It's not like I wire tapped your phone or anything. It doesn't take a lot to find out about you. You know it's not healthy to lock yourself up.

J2H: What are you? A doctor now?

Devona waved her finger towards J2H in a playful manner.

Devona: Technically, yes.

He wasn't in the mood for Devona and her quick wit.

J2H: A human doctor I mean. Not someone who sticks their fingers up a cats ass and calls themselves a doctor, I mean a real doctor, for people.

Devona: Aw, ain't you sweet.

J2H didn't know what to make of that comment, again, Devona had thrown him off guard with a comment he was not expecting or ready for.

Devona: It shows you've done some research on me.

J2H: What can I say? It was a long flight to the ass end of nowhere, where we are right now. I needed something to make me sleep.

Devona: I feel so burned right now.

Her sarcasm wasn't lost on J2H, but he shook his head and tried to walk past her but she blocked his path.

J2H: Excuse me.

Devona just stared at him through narrowed eyes and held up her hand.

Devona: Look, I wanna do some team building here, and guessing that you want to avoid most people.

J2H: All people.

Devona: Yeah, yeah, what if I told you we could do both those things in one go?

J2H: And I don't have to be around people.

Devona: Just me.

He sighed as he looked at Devona, but his interest was higher, not at the thought of spending any kind of time with Devona, but to avoid the majority of people.

J2H: Ok, I'm listening...

Welllll, this is the part of the story where you switch over to Devona's promo to see what Devona's idea was and what they spent the day doing.

Go ahead, I'll wait. 


Now I presume you've had a chance to view Devona's promo, you can understand why J2H was limping gingerly towards the sofa in his hotel suite, his feet swollen from the day with Devona that he didn't want. There was a camera set up in front of the sofa.

J2H: Fucking Devona and her stupid team building ideas, who the fuck does that shit anyway?

He slumped down on the sofa, with the camera in front of him.

J2H: And now I gotta talk about this Sunday, build it up for all you skirt wearing weirdos to come and watch us. I gotta sell the show for you to come and see me? Bullshit Scotland, you're gonna come dragging your haggis munching asses to the show anyway and the rest of the world is gonna tune in to see me, we all know it, but fine, let's get this done.

He was aching like hell and this didn't help his mood as he waited for a few seconds.

J2H: I don't have to talk about that Ariana woman and yeah, I ain't gonna waste my time. Devona is going to put you down like a dog, generic but fuck it. 

He knew he didn't have to talk about Ariana and that was enough for him, his focus was elsewhere.

J2H: For me, this is the fucking opposite of my last match, you can call it magic of the Blast From The Past, I call it shit, but I've gone from a place like Barbados, against an opponent that I knew, to a miserable, rat infested shit hole of a place in Scotland against someone with zero respect on his name because he hasn't earned a thing. Oliver Zahn? I that his name? I don't know a whole lot about you and I don't really care to learn but here's what I do know Oz. Like many before you, they came here with one thing to give them a head start, one thing to be noticed, to make people sit there and say SCW could have a prospect on their hands and that's the whole Jet City brand and that is all because of one man, the late great Kris Ryans. It was because of Kris, that people came through and could live up to the hype, it was because of Kris could take the average doe eyed wannabe wrestler and turn them in to something good, he could literally polish a turd and turn it in to a diamond, but Kris isn't here anymore.

He always had a lot of respect for Kris Ryans through their epic battles and through his turbulent life, that respect never went away.

J2H: It pains me to say Kris isn't here Oliver, but with him gone, there's no one, not a single person ever coming through Jet City again, will ever instantly get respect on their name, or taken seriously. Not by me, not by the fans, not by anyone. Kris Ryan made stars, with him gone, there are no more stars coming out of that place so I have nothing to fear about you, I have nothing to worry about when it comes to facing you.

He never had much fear for any opponent, but he did always respect the people that came out of Jet City and their speedy rise to the top of the SCW ranks.

J2H: Was I impressed with your first round win? Not really but you got the job done and I went back to see if there was anything remotely interesting about you and there wasn't a damn thing that made me sit up and take notice. There wasn't a single thing that made me think you're worth it here. You're really not worth my time, you're not worth my words, but here we are, having to do this shit. 

He was growing bored with having to talk about this match.

J2H: This is a much bigger occasion for you then it will ever be for me. You're in the ring with me, J2H and if you have done your homework, you will know all about me, you will know about all the things I've done, all the things I'm more then capable of. You will know I'm not a beat up old man, dining out on past glories, I'm actually in those years that people consider prime for a wrestler. You'll know I'm not the Kain's or Casey Williams of the world, just coming back to get my face on TV to hope it leads to some shit box convention hiring me to sign pictures for drooling, sweaty fans. You'll know that I'm doing this whole thing to win the fucking tournament. This is not me getting on the show to lead to other things, I'm not like you using this place to start a career, I'm here to win. My career has lead me places only people like you can dream of, I've done things that no one else has ever come close to doing Oliver. I'm not here to cruise through or make you look good, I'm here to go through people like you, I'm here to show the new that they're not ready just yet and the old that they're finished.

He was confident in his words, hiding the pain of his swollen feet behind the confident look on his face as he sat in the empty room with just the camera in front of him.

J2H: I'm here to be me, I'm here to go through you Oliver and send you back to the drawing board. Fuck, I don't know if this is gonna be your last match here and I couldn't give a shit cause come Sunday in this backwards shit hole of a place, it doesn't end well for you at all. 

His eyes burned a hole down the camera as he looked seriously for a few seconds, just contemplating his next words.

J2H: You've had your moment under the big lights, you can go home and tell your friends and family about the excitement of being in a big company, facing the guy who built this place on his own back, talk about all the people you've met. They will hang on to every single word you say for a while, they will ask you what J2H was really like - FYI, I'm a dick and I know it - and you should enjoy every single moment of the great unwashed asking you these things, because that will become your moment in the sunshine, that will be the only time people will be interested in you, because on Sunday, the sunshine you're getting from being an SCW star, will come to an end. Your glory days will not be in the wrestling ring anymore, they'll be about your month long journey in wrestling before you came to the conclusion that you're not good enough. Just another guy with impossible dreams and no way to ever get to them.

He took a deep breath and a few seconds to think about what comes next.

J2H: The only credit that I'm gonna give you is that you, unlike many who claim to be superstars, actually signed a contract to come and play with the big boys. There's so many on the roster that claim to be big and tough but piss their pants at getting someone shit like Bea Barnhart as a partner.

He almost breaks away from his match hyping, cracking at the forth wall.

J2H: You know it's true, you're a bunch of bitches.

He quickly gets himself back on track.

J2H: They really fucking are, but anyway. You showed that you've got more bulls then the so called tough guys here just by putting your name down and saying to hell with the consequences and let fate decide. Fate has brought you to a strange place Oliver, it's brought you to me. On one hand, you get to share the ring with me, not many SCW new people have had that privilege and trust me, it's a privilege, one of the greatest moments of your life. You could wrestle for another fifty years and you will never have a moment like this in your career again, but you know as well as I know, this is where I put you down like a dog and you go and join the other Jet City rejects that fuck off after a loss and is never seen again.

He cleared his throat as he looked with an intense stare down the camera.

J2H: Truth is, you could be anyone Oliver and it all stays the same. I didn't leave my family, fly half way around the world to this pimple on the world's ass kinda place, just to lose to you. I didn't come to a place to freeze my balls off, not to have my name in the next round. Come on, who at my level would come all this way to lose to someone like you?

He shook his head, slowly but seriously.

J2H: I'm here to win Oliver, I'm here to look good and then I'm gonna get the fuck out of this place and get as far away from here as I possibly can. There's one of my motivations for getting this job done quick cause as soon as it is humanly possible, just to get out of this place and never look back. Seriously, who fucking tours Scotland anyway, let alone a place like this.

His eyes told the story of disappointment.

J2H: So expect me to not fuck around in this one Oliver, expect me to go through this as quick as I can. There's no sick fuck mentality in my head where I will get a kick out of punishing you. This is me getting the fuck in and getting the fuck out of here. Enjoy being in my shadow while you can because this match isn't lasting long. That's real talk bitch...

And with that, he slowly stood up, moving towards the camera before switching it off and the scene fades.

Climax Control Archives / Confidence...
« on: March 28, 2023, 10:46:03 PM »
Having a poker face is an expression that becomes more and more common to wrestlers. They dislike to show signs of weakness so they act differently then what they would at home. That's a trait people have accused J2H of in the past and yes, he was different at home, he was a family man to his wife and kids, he wouldn't tell them to fuck off like he would anyone else, but no one ever doubted his confidence, except one man... himself. At High Stakes, he intended that was it for him, there was no going back, there was no more in ring stuff. He was gonna go down as the greatest champion of all time and beat Fenris in the process, only one of those things will ring true.

He was done, but in a much more different way. It wasn't a satisfactory ending to a career that changed wrestling forever, it was a disrespectful ending to a career that made Sin City Wrestling one of the best in the world. That's not bragging, that alone is real truth. Wrestling without the J2H era, SCW would not have survived. The return happened to beat up Teddy Warren, for the sake of beating up Teddy Warren, but for a moment under the lights, it felt like he had to redeem himself somehow, wash out the sour taste of that bullshit loss to Fenris. He put his name down for Blast From The Past and set in motion rumours that his signing up would bring back the likes of Mark Cross, Despayre and Ben Jordan. It brought up rumours that his sign up alone could bring back the woman he sees as a mirror to him, Mikah. Even though none of those things happened, the sign up was big business for the tournament.

Till the weeks went by and the confidence started to wane away. The thoughts of why the fuck bother entered his head. There's no superstar matches in this tournament, hell, there might have been should Mark Cross, Despayre and Ben Jordan had returned, but looking at the other sign ups, there was nothing. He knew he was the biggest name in the whole damn thing, and yet, he didn't want it. He was the biggest name on the High Stakes show and someone decided to screw him over at the last minute, so why should this tournament be any different? Every passing day, the confidence in himself felt less and less.

So what do you do? You go back to where it all really started.

You go knock on an old cowboys ranch door without telling him you're coming.

You go and see Austin Parker and that's just what J2H did.

He walked through the mud, leading to the front door of the small house situated on the ranch in Georgia, his expensive shoes turning from white to brown as last nights rainfall softened the ground he stepped on.

J2H: You'd think this guy would put a real drive way in or something leading to the house instead of this combination of mud and horse shit. 

The cameras moved up J2H's body, before resting on his tired face, looking like it had been a while since sleep had been his friend. A few more mud loaded steps through the ground had finally led him to the front door of the homestead. He looked around, hoping for a second that he had timed his visit right and that Austin and Ms. Angel had not changed their schedule in the years he'd been gone. He rattled his right hand on the wooden door that had seen much better days and waited. Footsteps behind the door got distinctively louder as they made their way closer and a creak of an old hinge in sync with the door opening, caused J2H to look up and look at who was standing in front of him. Ms. Angel's eyes grew wide as she saw a man who had been a guest for a long time, yet hasn't been back in a while.

Ms. Angel: Oh my! 

Her soft southern tones filled the air. 

Ms. Angel: James? You've grown in to a fine young man.

He took that as a compliment, he wasn't aware if Ms. Angel still kept up with wrestling, and his absence from television made him more of a special attraction then someone that was seen weekly. His pride at the compliment was soon shattered as the southern belle reached in to hug the man she treated like a son years before.

Ms. Angel: What a wonderful surprise. What are you doing here? 

Her tones were hushed as she stepped back, keeping her hands on J2H's shoulders and looking up at him from her petite statue.

J2H: I didn't know where else to go Ms. Angel.

He had a respectful and polite tone when addressing her, it was the way he had always been while training on this ranch. Angel wasted no time in announcing his presence as she turned her head and called in to the house.

Ms. Angel: Austin! We have company.

A few mutters came from inside the house, as J2H would consider it, a bear with a sore head growl, but the footsteps of big cowboy boots become increasingly louder as they moved towards the door. It took just a few seconds for the long strides of Austin Parker to find himself behind his wife.

Austin: Huh.... Melody finally kicked yer ass out?

He didn't react straight away, but J2H's eyes darted between Ms. Angel and Austin, before looking up at Austin.

J2H: I never did understand how such a sweet lady ended up with someone like you.

Austin: Ah could say the same about you. What are you doing here?

A few seconds passed as J2H sighed slightly. He looked up at Austin with a sharp exhale through his nose.

J2H: I need help Austin.

Austin pointed in to the house and J2H reached down to his shoes, slipping them off his feet and leaving them outside. He wasn't always a respectful man, and would often have to be reminded of house rules, but he knew better here. He'd spent a lot of time being on the ranch, learning how to wrestle while helping out on the farm. Free labour he used to think before the muscle mass started to grow. It only took a few seconds of minimal struggle to remove his shoes, before he was walking through the ranch house and to a living room. 

Ms. Angel: I'll go make some tea.

She had turned and exited the room before J2H had even taken a seat on the sofa, opposite an arm chair that he knew was Austin's seat.

Austin: Well, spit it out. You didn't come all this way from your mansion in Beverly Hills unless there's something going on.

J2H sighed once more. He was never someone that could open up just like that, but Austin was a mentor to him, he was someone J2H looked up to in every sense. To him, when it came to wrestling, there wasn't a problem Austin Parker couldn't solve.

J2H: I signed up for Blast From The Past as you know and since then, I've wondered why. Like what was the point after the last match I had.

Austin: Still pissy about the whole Fenris thing?

He gritted his teeth through natural reaction. He was pissed every time Fenris had his name mentioned.

J2H: Wouldn't you? The company screwed me like a cheap hooker. I was never meant to lose, it was meant to be a damn draw. It was meant to be a draw when I stepped through those curtains, it was meant to be a draw halfway through the match and whatever happened, something changed. People went in to business for themselves because they couldn't have a fragile ego draw with a legend like me. They screwed me Austin, and the bosses were too spineless to stop it or even tell me to my face before I went out there.
Austin: Do yer know what happened?

J2H: I have suspicions that a certain little Icelandic bitch wanted to beat me so much, that he had something to do with it, left some people in doubt and that's why things changed mid match. I mean come on, how petty do you have to be to do that just to claim a win over me. He could do the job to Alexander Raven or whoever it was but fragile ego stopped him from drawing with me? Karma got him anyway with that bike accident anyway. Either way, it's fucked me.

J2H never heard the footsteps of Ms. Angel returning to the room carrying a tray with a teapot on and three cup.

Ms. Angel: Ahem.

J2H looked towards her, realizing his use of the language. He'd always been respectful around her, watching his tone and language.

J2H: Sorry, let me rephrase. Either way, it fudged me.

Ms. Angel nodded her appreciation at the change of language as she placed the tea tray on a nearby table. She poured from the teapot to three cups and handed one to Austin and then to J2H.

Ms. Angel: I happened to hear some of that, why do you feel like that?

J2H: It's killed my confidence. That was meant to be my way out, and on the way out, I got screwed and why? Someone decided to ruin who I am after I bled for the company. Someone decided to put their needs or wants, over everything and now I'm just the guy who lost to Fenris, who lost to some guy I could beat in my sleep. It's made me feel like I'm not J2H anymore, it's made me feel like someone's ruined my whole creation due to ego. I'm not confident I can trust anyone in this company.

Austin: They've always been good to yer.

J2H: Until they decided to screw me there. I think there's someone in that place that doesn't appreciate the work I've put in, that doesn't appreciate anything I do, that might be jealous, but they call the shots and because they're not fans of me, I'm screwed in the first round. Maybe that's their big twist, knock out the favourites in the first round to twist things up. Something stinks in the SCW board room these days. They're either easily influenced, or someone has favourites and I'm not on that list, so what's the point.

It had been bothering him since that loss to Fenris, and for the sake of keeping up appearances for the wrestling business, it was rarely spoke about what happens behind the curtain. Wrestling is a murky business, people tend to look out for themselves. J2H knew he was a bastard on screen, he knows being a bastard is part of his real nature, but he spent a career evolving from the spoilt rich kid to the man he became, but knew it meant shit if there's people behind the curtain that don't see your worth.

Ms. Angel: Well, Austin had something akin to that many years ago. He played a character called Romeo, who had moderate success, but couldn't get on the top step.

J2H couldn't help but smirk towards Austin.

J2H: Romeo....

Austin: Shut up.

Ms. Angel: Anyway, once Austin turned in to himself, in to Austin Parker, he did everything he could to get noticed, to stay in people's thoughts. You remind me of him James, because you did things that kept people talking about you. You talk and people listen. You fade the line between protecting the business and exposing it. Austin did the same and it made him in to one of the biggest heels in wrestling.

It was food for thought for J2H. He knew that Ms. Angel had guided Austin's career to levels that not many have seen. Anyone can be an asshole on the screen, anyone could be hated, but to be truly hated, it was an art form.

J2H: So give them a reason not to treat me like horse sh... stuff? 

Austin: Cut a blurred lines promo on Kain. Make them see that y'all better on the screen then that guy. These tournament things are about gaining traction with the crowd. About who makes the money for the fat cats. Y'all just gotta show them that you're still money.

Reasons like this is why J2H always went back to Austin and Angel for advice. They might not have been directly involved in the wrestling business for a long time, but they always had a great mind of how things worked and how to be fresh. They had a way of reminding you that nothing is ever handed out for free in the wrestling business, it's earned. Some people are destined for greatness, but never get there because they don't wanna work, and some people want greatness and get there because of the work.

J2H: That's good advice.

Austin: As for yer confidence. It's time for a trip to the place it started.

He knew exactly where Austin meant and after a quick cup of tea, it wasn't long before the two were moving through the mud again towards an old barn set away from the house. With a creek of the barn doors, J2H was met with a familiar sight, an old wrestling ring that had seen better days, bales of hey surrounding the ring and stacked high on a second floor and the old familiar smell of dust and staleness in the air.

J2H: Wouldn't kill you to send the cleaning lady around here once or twice a week, or blow through some fresh air. This place still smells like chickens and horse shit.

Austin: Which still smells better then some of those colognes ya spend four figures on and think they smell great. Now lets cut the shit and talk man to man. That shit with Fenris, put in the rear view mirror and forget about it all. Whatever happened, happened. It's in the past, leave that shit there and look forward. Ya got a good partner and shot callers would be idiots to waste that team, so put on your big boy pants and look forward. Y'all can win this tournament, y'all can win the World championship again. Y'all can end ya story the way ya want. By that time, ain't a person in this world that's gonna remember that ya lost to Fenris for whatever reason. Look around ya, what do you see?

J2H: A place that should have been condemned years ago. I mean there's diseases here yet to be discovered.

It might not have been the prettiest place in the world but Austin was always proud of what he had.

Austin: It's where ya started. Yeah, you jobbed out and was treated like a bitch for over a year when ya broke in to the business but this right here is where ya stopped the James Huntington-Hawkes III bullshit and became J2H. This is where the story started, but where it ends is where ya want it to end. Y'all twenty nine years old and been doing this for twelve years. Ya story could end in a year, it could end in five years, it could end in twenty years. Y'all got that choice.

J2H: I ain't doing this shit for twenty years.

Austin: My point being there's a lot ya can add to ya story. Winning Blast From The Past is something ya ain't done, and well, ya ain't gonna get a better chance with the partner ya have, so ya might as well take it. Then go win that World Championship. Pretty sure the ending to ya story is gonna be much better being a champ, then the draw it should have been against Fenris. That's the beauty of the business, endings change all the time. Your ending is better then a pissant little draw. 

J2H: Hmmmmm.

J2H didn't know what to say to those powerful words coming from Austin Parker. It was the kick up the ass that he felt he needed, the reason he came to the ranch to begin with. 

J2H: So this is where I start the next chapter in the J2H story.

Austin: Yeah. Don't waste this chance.

J2H: You know what? J2H, World Heavyweight champion again, it does seem to have a very, very nice ring to it.

He could feel the old fire running back through his veins as he thought about every world Austin said and the thought of being World Champion again did seem to get his motor running again. He kept up with SCW through his time away and wasn't always impressed with the people who was champions. They were the opposite of him and he knew it. He knew that when he was champion, he was on the show every week, no matter what belt he had in his possession, and now champions appear less on the show then anything else. There was more chance of seeing bigfoot then there was seeing an SCW champion appearing on the show just to purely promote their divisions.

J2H: I'm actually the person SCW needs to remind them what being a champion is all about. Mind if I get a camera crew here? I think this is the perfect place to talk about Kain.

Austin fires a quick thumbs up....

It wasn't long before phone calls were made and a local camera crew on behalf of Sin City Wrestling was sent to the ranch to capture a blurred line promo from J2H, it was his speciality after all and this would be no different as he walked up and down the wrestling ring, set up in the dusty barn owned by Austin Parker. There was an air of intensity around him as he paced slowly back and forth, talking away from the camera.

J2H: Confidence... It's something that keeps us all ticking over, it keeps us all moving forward without fear. A little while ago, I had that, I had that running though my fucking veins at a speed of a bullet train but like most things flying along, it's got to come to an end and it did until today. I started to think about a lot of things and I came to the conclusion, fuck it, I'm J2H, the best fucking wrestler to pull on the boots, the best fucking wrestler to bleed in the ring, the best fucking wrestler on this planet.

A quick head turn towards the camera showed a look of confidence, a confidence from days of old, a confidence only he could muster up.

J2H: Doesn't bode well for people in the Blast From The Past tournament. Now I might have come back with a rush of blood to the head to answer Teddy Warren's challenge, which we can all agree, is a waste of fucking time. The man is lazy as fuck, all talk, no action, just trying to sit in my spotlight again to feel relevant, but it did drag me in to this tournament Teddy, it did make me want to do something and that something is stopping you from winning. I know what he's thinking, I know he doesn't give a shit about this tournament because he knows once I do the hard work and win it, then win the World Heavyweight championship, he can run that mouth and get me to accept things with a belt on the line. I do the heavy lifting, he sneaks his way in to a main event. Well Teddy, you better pray I don't win this, because while I'm World Champion, you will never get another shot at the championship. But that's all for the future, let's talk about the present and what is facing me.

He turned to lean on the rope, looking down one of the cameras in front of him, stationed outside the ring.

J2H: Eiley and Kain. Eiley, I don't have to talk about you, I don't want to talk about you, but I've done a little research on you and you're just Mikah-lite. There's no other way about it, you're a cheap knock off of someone who lifted the Bombshell division to heights it never reached before and haven't since, so you're not a threat nor danger, but please, enjoy your exposure on SCW television because it's not lasting long.

He really had nothing to say about female opponents in this tournament, he didn't care for any of them at all. Outside his wife or Mikah putting their names down, there was never gonna be any interest for him.

J2H: Let's talk about you Kain. I mean I'm sure someone got really fucking excited at seeing your name appear out of the hat, you know, those fifty plus year olds that saw all that shit you did back in the AWA, and early SCW days, but you wanna know my reaction? It was a big who gives a fuck that they dug this guy up. No one's seen or heard from you for years but I remember everything. Remember when I left no stone unturned when it came to people? Well I still remember all the stuff you did back in the day, I still remember everything about you. Let me refresh the memory of people and let me tell the new fans, and new people on the roster all about you Kain. See, Kain is not very good at what he does, he used to be feared but like most people who used to be feared, he developed this reputation, this ego, this old school mentality that he was something special because he was pushed to the stars in AWA. He believed his own hype without having the talent to actually back it up. He was the guy that lost a match, cried to everyone, and then attacked the person who beat him the following week, just to, and I'll use a behind the curtain term here cause I don't give a fuck, get his heel heat back. It was nothing to do with heel heat, it was to do with not wanting to look like the bitch he was. If a good guy got a measure of revenge, he attacked again. It was a never ending cycle with this guy to the point no one wanted to work with him, cause he was a dick. He's done nothing at all to make me think any different of the guy, he probably thinks his return is big news. Listen to me here Kain, no one thought you was big news when Mercedes Vargas was carrying you through another championship run and no one thinks you're big news now.

A smirk came from the cocky J2H as he glanced away for just a second.

J2H: No doubt he will come and beat me up after I beat him for that heel heat, only to disappear and never to be seen again.

He looked back at the camera, believing every word he was saying. A roll of his eyes set off the tone to continue.

J2H: And the promo work, my God! I've never seen a man say so much that meant so little. The guy was an absolute fucking bore. He wasn't very smart, too many kicks to the head in his street fighting days no doubt. He spent days pouring over everything someone said about him and recorded himself trying to de buff everything said about him. It's not creative, it's fucking lazy. In a microphone battle in the ring, by all means, go for it but I know that bag of dicks would sit there and try and rip peoples work apart to look the better man. He was fucking lost without it. There was not an independent thought that went through his head without prompting.

A quick tap to the side of his head with his forefinger emphasized the point.

J2H: He's gonna do it again, I've set my trap and new fans, new roster members,  you're about to see that again. Hey Kain, how are you doing there taking notes to spin my own shit back on me? Did you just see that you walked in to my trap and tore up the script to try and show I was wrong and you have independent thoughts? 

The arrogance of J2H began to fill the room like a heavy cloud, dusting over the camera crew.

J2H: That was you Kain, that's the way you was and I don't believe anything changed. Just a regurgitating shitty wrestler and like most, back for the pay day because you pissed all your money away on cheap booze and cheaper women. I wasn't impressed with you then, I'm not gonna be impressed with you now, and I know I gotta carry you through a match on Sunday in Barbados. I know I gotta work with someone who is past him prime to advance. I'm not like you Kain, we might be in the Hall of Fame, but I'm not like you, I'm so far ahead of you, you're in a different state. I'm not here for the pay day, I'm here to win this tournament, and go on and be World Champion.

He pushed his hair back away from his eyes as he looked down the camera, a determined look on his face.

J2H: There was no excitement when I saw you drawn against me in the first round, there was no excitement at all but there was one saving grace for me Kain. Recently, I have an issue with egotistical MMA pricks. I have an issue with little bitches that feel that they're better then they actually are and just like Fenris, you're that person too. It's like they took your personality, took your basic skill set and gave it an Icelandic nationally and we got Fenris. In case you haven't worked it out, I dislike Fenris, I dislike MMA crossovers, I dislike dicks and you and Fenris are like two peas in a caged pod. He might have got the upper hand against me, but there is no fucking way I'm losing two straight matches against MMA assholes who think they are God's gift to wrestling. When I step in the ring with you Kain, I'm gonna see Fenris and I'm not even gonna try and stop that red mist from dropping across my eyes, I'm going to encourage it to drop across my eyes.

He points to his eyes.

J2H: I'm gonna demand it shows up and there's no amount of suplexes you can do to stop me.... For you new guys, that's another Kain thing you need to know, lots of kicks and suplexes, you'll see that in the match. Back on point, you will be paying for another man's sins Kain and there's nothing you have ever had, that is going to counter what I got. Firstly, my moves are not nineties throwbacks for a start, my stuff is shit hot and even if you spent all your time away plotting for this day to come back with a whole load of new shit, it will still be pointless because my motivations to win this whole thing, far greater then any motivation you can have. I think your motivations are financial, there's nothing else for it because you were never good enough to be top of SCW, you were forgettable. The only match I can ever remember you in was London Brawling, your big fight all over London with Hot Stuff himself in a cinematic match before cinematic matches were ever cinematic matches, but everything else you've ever done was a snooze fest. There's no one last great run in you, there was never even a good first run in you. This return Kain, it's going to be a waste of a spot in this tournament.

J2H smirks down the camera, his words hitting hard.

J2H: On the bright side, at least you get a free vacation on the company, might be able to get yourself a suntan, run up a healthy bar tab, be around people and have a little walk down memory lane about when you used to be relevant, even if it was only in your own little tiny mind, but as far as this tournament is worth for you, your little return which you probably think is gonna blow the ratings to new highs, is actually the end of the road for you now, the end of the road for your career, the last we will ever have to hear the name Kain.

He believed every single word he said as he strolled up and down the ring once more.

J2H: I'll expect your attack on me to happen the next show for your...

He lifted his fingers in air quotes as he stopped.

J2H: "Heel heat".

The cocky smirk returned to his face and he leaned over the top rope, looking at the camera outside of the ring.

J2H: Your journey ends Kain, it ends at the first stop and you can crawl back to where ever the fuck you've been hiding for yours. You will be forgotten quicker then you have been in the past. You won't be spoke about by any wrestling fan again and that's real talk bitch!

And with that, the camera faded out to black, knowing that J2H had once again, found his confidence.

Supercard Archives / Re: FENRIS v J2H
« on: October 28, 2022, 01:34:59 PM »
Exert from untitled J2H autobiography.

It happened again.

I don't know what it is about High Stakes, the show or the hype around it, but it happened again. I could feel the tension building in me as SCW approached Violent Conduct. At times, things have been a year in the making, mostly because I walk through the curtain after a hell of a match and someone says me and you, next year and call it adrenaline, call it the buzz of the crowd, call it what you like, I struggle to say no. It's like a drug to me and I always seem to say yes. I thought 2021 was going to be my last, I thought it was my quiet sign off from the wrestling world, it was a huge pay day for me, so it was time to be a father properly and not take stupid risks, but then it just happened.

I could feel the hit of the High Stakes drug calling my name, I could feel that something was gonna go down and I knew just from watching the build up to Violent Conduct, that my phone was going to ring.

It was a cold Monday morning about halfway through the cycle when my phone did ring and I saw Christian's name on the caller ID and it was like I already knew what was coming, I already knew what the conversation was going to be. Don't get me wrong, I hear from Christian or Mark once a month at least to talk about the show or to look for opportunities to surprise the crowd but I felt this conversation was not gonna be a surprise for me.

I was right.

Christian spoke about High Stakes being J2H season, he spoke about how it wouldn't be the same without me there one way or another. He told me that High Stakes was my show. I wanted to say no, I wanted to tell Christian to let it be this year, that if he wanted me there for camera time, let me just bring my son and be a fan.

But I just couldn't say no.

There was no plans set, I said I would do an open challenge knowing I could fall flat on my face as so many have with open challenges. I still put that down to people not looking at anyone else's work but their own and missing opportunities but what was the worst that could happen? I put out an open challenge, everyone hides and I smirk saying that no one has the balls to stand up to me? Yeah, that's not exactly bad for me. It just protects the legend of who I am, who I become. Part of me wanted that I think where I could just act the big man, everyone will cower down and I could just sit there and watch the show I made famous.

It wasn't to be.

So Christian invited me to India, but that was not for me at all, so we agreed upon a video telling people I will be at the show after Violent Conduct to allow anyone to come to me and show how tough they are. I got the usual Twitter responses with Mark Cross seemingly interested, only to not make contact with anyone and seem to have a hissy fit afterwards that it wasn't him going against me. The truth is, no one stepped up, not one person reached out to Mark or Christian and said I want to do this. Seemed like I wasn't the only one having this problem.

Fenris too stuck out an open challenge on the same show, and what I learned a time after we went to war, people ran from him too. You might think at that point this match came about because everyone else decided not to step up, but you're wrong. Although between the minds of Mark and Christian, I wouldn't be surprised if the two saw a light bulb and dollar signs as soon as they realized that no one wanted to face me, no one wanted to face Fenris, but neither of us knew that would be the case until Climax Control. There was no planning before that, well, not from me at least but possible from a pair of bosses with a mind for business and a smell for financial security.

So how did it happen? How did this all come about?

I showed up for Climax Control and waited around for a while in a private room when Mark appeared. We spoke about how things were gonna go that night and I told him that I was gonna go to the ring and talk, I didn't want to know who was gonna come out that curtain to take me up on my open challenge, I wanted it to be natural. I told him the phrase I was gonna use to end my part and have either someone come out or I wrap it up. Mark agreed, gave me a start time to be at the curtain and everything was fine. I heard rumours a while later that Christian was with Fenris talking the same thing.

So yeah, those two might have come up with a genius idea and blocked anyone else attempting to accept the open challenges or made the best of a bad situation. To know for sure, you'll have to read their autobiographies.

So I show up just as Fenris walks through the curtain to talk and stood just watching the screens next to Christian and Mark and I couldn't help but ask.

"So who accepted his challenge?"

Christian didn't hesitate but to answer at me without looking at me.

"No one. He's gonna say what he has to and yell a bit."

Just for a few seconds, that brought a little smile to my face, but just for a few seconds because it hit me. Was I gonna have the same fate? I looked around the faces waiting in the backstage area and none were looking at me. If they knew in about ten minutes time, they were gonna be face to face with me, in their head they would be trying to cut a promo on me, they would be imagining every word they plan on saying to me, but no one was making eye contact. The thought crossed my mind that maybe SCW have hidden someone away till the big reveal. I had to ask.

"I don't want to know who, but is there someone who's gonna interrupt me?"

It was Mark's time to answer.

"No." Was his short reply. "You get to call the roster lazy."

Part of me felt relieved at hearing this, that I didn't have to worry, but there was that craving running through me. There was a guy in the ring talking right now and everyone had run away from him too. I had a split decision to make at that moment in time and I made it.

"Fuck it, hit my music."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw Christian and Mark share a glance and a smile, maybe they did engineer it and if they did, they got two of the most dominant SCW World Champions in the history of the company about to be face to face.

It took me a few seconds to hop up those steps and behind the curtain as the music hit and cut Fenris off in the ring. I knew he didn't know about this, I didn't until seconds ago, and it hit me - I didn't know what the fuck I was going to say to him, I didn't know what reason I was gonna come up with for going for this match but it was too late to turn back now.

People thought I was delaying my entrance to build up anticipation and drama but it was nothing to do with that. The crowd was so loud, I could barely hear my music! I took a chance and walked out and looked around and the screaming faces and the noise was just deafening. Everything felt like a blur, but I could see the look on people's faces were in shock. They knew I was going to be there but they didn't know they would see Fenris and J2H in the same ring. Fuck, I didn't know we were gonna see J2H and Fenris in the same ring until a few minutes ago.

The whole situation felt surreal as I walked down the ring ramp and all I could think of was what the fuck was I gonna say when I stepped through those ropes. I looked at Fenris face and I could tell he was just as surprised to see me there as I was being there but I had my game face on. The second I got in the ring, I barely heard Fenris mutter the words "fucking hell" and I'm sure he barely heard me reply "you're not my type" because the crowd was on fire, the crown was electric and they knew they were about to witness something great.

They did witness something great there because it lead to the epic match that followed that people will talk about for years to come.

In that moment, everything felt right, the pain I felt after the match, not so right, but I walked through that curtain thinking yeah, that's my last High Stakes.... Probably!

The night was completely black, barring only for the moonlight shining through the trees of an unknown forest, casting shadows to the ground. A cold breeze rustled the leaf's on the trees, sending a random few to the muddy ground. Rain had fallen earlier, making the earth thicker, allowing small animals to leave their print in the earth. There was an eerie silence as J2H moved from behind a tree, his eyes darting around him as if he could sense danger. There was no look of fear on his face as the cold breeze blew his hair across his face.


The noise turned his attention to the right after hearing the small twig break under the pressure of something much heavier. He took a second to look at the surrounding areas before making his move in the direction of the sound. He knew he was looking for something, it was like he was tracking it from a distance.

He quickly moved between the trees, moving towards the sound before stopping and looking at the ground, his eye catching sight of a broken twig. He leaned down to see a large paw print, pressed firmly through the twig and in to the mud. J2H looks at the direction of the print, noticing more in the same direction before walking as softly as he can in the same direction, alert to his surroundings as he hunts for whatever he is looking for.

A soft growl echoes from in front of him, causing his head to snap up and look in that direction and piercing blue eyes shine through the darkness towards him. He stands frozen, looking towards those pale eyes, not moving a muscle before a slight smile creeps on to his face. The piercing blue eyes seem to be projecting some kind of straight light towards J2H, but the young man doesn't flinch, but just like that, the eyes are gone and darkness replaces where the eyes once were. J2H stands straight up, but his eyes stay in the direction of where the eyes once were.

J2H: I'm not afraid.

His tone was harsh and sharp as he moved towards where the eyes were, being careful not to step on unsolid ground as he moved to where those eyes once looked at him from. He moved through the trees to find himself in an opening in front of a cave.

J2H: Don't you get it? You're so used to being the hunter, but you're not anymore, you're not the alpha, you never was.

The eyes appear in the cave once more, looking towards J2H as he steps forward confidently and looked at what stood before him. The blue eyes got closer to reveal them set in to the huge head of a white wolf, almost as white as snow, but his piercing blue eyes felt like they could cut through wood.

J2H: I'm after you wolf, you're not who you think you are anymore. Don't you get it at all? When I'm around, you'll always be second best to me, you'll always be nothing. I come and I go but when I return, it is the return of the king. You might think you run this place, but you don't.

The white wolf took a step out of the cave, his tone animal body moved more towards J2H, for the first time, the moonlight shining down on the animals gleaming coat, somehow causing it to look whiter than snow.

J2H: In your head, you know this.

This time, J2H took a step closer to the wolf before sitting down, cross legged in the clearing before the cave. He stared the wolf deep in to his blue eyes as the wolf took another step closer. J2H could almost smell the rotting animal on the wolf's breath as he looked him in the eyes, not flinching, not showing any type of fear.

J2H: I own you, I will always own you, because I am not like the rest of the people out there that avoid you. I am not like the people who will run and hide. I've watched you wolf, I've watched people come in to your pack and I've watched you lose your animal instincts. I watched each and every one of them rip away at everything, everything that made you who you was, you're gone.

J2H watched the wolf step closer, almost nose to nose with him.

J2H: If you were the old you, you would have ripped by throat out by now, but you haven't, cause you can't, you recognise the alpha around here, you know that I am better then you in every way. You don't have it in you anymore, you never have when I'm around.

This time, J2H moved his face closer to the wolf's face, pressing his nose towards the animals.

J2H: You're all growl and no bite.

J2H watched the wolf growl loudly in front of his face, drool falling from the corner of his mouth but J2H just runs his fingers on his head before standing up and looking down at the huge animal.

J2H: I'm the alpha.

J2H's eyes fire open, looking around the room his in as his man servant Simpson walks past.

Simpson: Good evening sir, it seems that you fell asleep on the sofa once more.

J2H yawns as he rubs his eyes, his vision clearing to see the outline of the huge man, Simpson.

J2H: What can I say? It's a slow night.

Simpson: Indeed sir, I hope you had pleasant dreams.

He couldn't help but smile up at Simpson as he stretched out his shoulders.

J2H: It was more like a look in to the future Simpson, in a crazy way.

Simpson: Oh?

J2H: Oh, you know, Sunday, putting down someone who thinks the world is scared of him. Destroying a man who thinks he's an alpha, but really, he's nothing special.

Simpson: Oh, is that match weighing on your mind sir?

J2H smiles as he shakes his head at his man servant.

J2H: Not at all Simpson. This is just another match, well, quietly, possibly my last match, not because of who I'm facing but it's time to leave SCW in the past. I didn't need the money when I walked in their door when I was seventeen, and I don't need their money now, so this might be my last and if it is Simpson, I'm going to give them all something they're going to remember for a long, long time.

J2H stands up and walks past Simpson as the camera fades.

J2H lays by his pool on Friday afternoon, the sun peaking through the clouds above his head. He looks up at the camera above him.

J2H: Yes, it's Friday afternoon, yes, I'm still at home and no, I don't give a shit about not being where the show is being held.

He leans back, stretching out his topless body, just long board shorts cover him up.

J2H: I've heard what you people have been saying, I've heard the accusations that I've become lazy and not sold a fucking thing. Fuck you, I'm J2H, I don't need to sell a fucking thing for you people to make this the most watched promo on the SCW site, I don't need to run around and break my back, being around a bunch of random people kissing my ass and telling me how good I am, just to get you to watch a show that you're gonna watch anyway. It's the show that J2H made famous and I'm on it so why the fuck would I leave my family to be at a show for five minutes?

He shakes his head

J2H: I wouldn't waste my time when you all know the spectacle that's going to happen on Sunday. I heard the why didn't you show up at the press conference shit too. Again, why would I? We all know how it would have gone. There would have been some back and forth, and I would have stabbed Fenris in the head with a pen, or he would have stabbed me in the head with a pen and one of us would have signed their name in the others blood. You all know how it goes. That wouldn't have made you want to see the match more, because you people wanted to see it from the second Mr Feminine grabbed my finger and said he accepted my challenge. You know it, I know it, the world knows it.

A cool, calm look passes on his face.

J2H: Fenris hasn't had to go out and do anything, I haven't had to do a thing because you people want to see me kick his head in or him kick my head in and if you say you don't, you're a fucking liar and you know it.

He nods.

J2H: There is another question I have heard a lot lately, why Fenris? Why go for a guy like Fenris who is known for putting people's lights out, a man who has more knock outs in SCW then any other wrestler in the history of SCW?

He shrugs.

J2H: Why the fuck not?

A smirk crosses his face as he reaches over and puts sunglasses on his eyes.

J2H: He hasn't knocked me out in a match, what's there to be scared of? This is why I did it Fenris, because everyone seems to run scared from you, they seem to want to hide from you, they see their name up against yours and think they're gonna get hurt. This roster is spineless, they was never gonna step up to you because they fear getting hurt, the only reason they would step up to me is because they want five minutes in the J2H sunshine where they can say they lost to a legend like me. They can sit there in my presence and tell their grand kids that they faced the best wrestler ever to have lived, but you, they feel they're gonna get hurt with your reckless shit.

J2H sits up on the sun lounger.

J2H: But I don't fear that at all, because I know you're not gonna catch me with one of those clumsy kicks, I know you're not gonna get anywhere near me with those stiff punches of yours. I'm way too fast for you. I stood up to show these spineless pieces of shit in the back, claiming to be wrestlers, that there is nothing to fear, I stepped up because I knew I could beat you and walk out of that ring better then I went in it. These people live in fear, they fear good matches because they fear getting hurt but I am going to show them all you can walk in to the wolf's lair, the wolf's den, whatever the fuck you wanna call it, and walk out as a winner.

J2H rubs his chin.

J2H: And that's something you see yourself as, isn't it Fenris, a natural born winner. From MMA to wrestling, a winner, a technically gifted athlete that could stand up and rise in any sport. Guess what? I wasn't, I wasn't that athletic type, I made myself the athletic type, I make myself in to the man I choose to live as. I did that because I sat and watched wrestling on TV, I watched wrestlers who are now my bosses and said I wanted to do that and I worked every damn day of my life to become that. I got thrown in trash cans, beat up by old guys, just to earn a little respect in a sport I wanted to be a part of, while you walked in the door from somewhere else and got the big kick to the top like some kind of hero. I never got that shit Fenris, I worked hard to go from the boy, to the man, to the myth, to the legend to the God I became. I am what a wrestler is supposed to be, and you walked in here and put fear in to people's hearts.

J2H waves his finger.

J2H: I am who I am because I worked hard to be who I am and it doesn't matter how many times you fought in cages, no matter how many people's heads you kicked off in to row D, this is wrestling, I am wrestling and I am that man who is going to out wrestle you, avoid those kicks to the head and walk out with another High Stakes win under my belt.

J2H points to where a belt would usually be.

J2H: I do this for the shit and giggles Fenris, I come back every year to face someone, give them a chance to look good, I don't care who it is, from Teddy Warren to the late great Kris Ryans, I come back to give people that chance to be in the ring with me, but they wanted to fight me, but you? When I walked down that ramp and said I was chasing you down, I saw the look on your face and it's a look rarely seen from you. It was a look of ooooooohhhhh shit. It was a look on the face of a man who knew that open challenges could backfire and fuck has this one backfired for you Fenris, this has blown up in your face. I saw a look in your eye that I've seen many times, but never seen it from you. It was the look of a man who had wondered if it was best to keep your mouth shut and just let the booking gods take care of you. It was the look of a man questioning every choice he's ever made.

J2H nods solemnly

J2H: And so you should. From thinking you can do that and take on the world, you get to face the absolute best in the world. You was thinking maybe some loser like Caleb Storms would appear to take you on as a throwback to your better days and instead, you get me. Fuck it sucks to be you, huh?

An arrogant look passes his face.

J2H: And now you have to deal with the consequences of what you threw out there in the world, now you need to deal with opening that big rubbery mouth of yours and have to deal with my foot about to fill it. You sat there as the king of striking thinking this is gonna be easy, no matter who walked through that curtain, and instead, I'm gonna hit you so fucking hard, I'm gonna make your mother wish she swallowed the night you was conceived!

He smirks wider as he know that remark is cutting close to the bone.

J2H: I'm gonna make your whole family wish that you was never born because I am gonna put you through so much pain, they'll be throwing the towel in for you. Every single person in your backwards country is gonna feel what I'm gonna do to you to the point their tears will put your piss poor country six feet deep in water because I'm not coming to play Fenris, I'm coming to go out on a bang, I'm coming to set off fireworks, I'm coming to make me look great as always, and you as the wrestling fraud you've always been. You're not scary anymore, you haven't been in a long time, you may very well be reckless and that's why people don't wanna face you, but scary? You're not a wolf, you're a fucking kitten.

A serious look crosses J2H's face.

J2H: I'm walking down to that ring with the confidence of a champion, I'm walking down to that ring knowing that I'm walking out winning, I'm walking down to that ring knowing I'm walking out with my hand held high and doing fine. I'm not going in your knock out stat, I'm not going in your tap out stat, I'm not going in your pin stat. I'm coming to beat you Fenris, I'm coming to show the world I can sit at home as long as I want and come back and still be the same guy I was when I was a world champion. More importantly, I'm coming back to remind you that there was only one great world champion around this place and it was me, it wasn't you Fenris, it was me. When you're retired, no one is gonna remember you at all, no one is gonna remember your bland story of coming to SCW, kicking a few people and going, but people will remember me for eternity. People will remember the evolution of James Huntington Hawkes III, to J2H, I am living SCW history and will be forever, but you? You'll just be another MMA guy who got too old or too shit for the cages and had to come to wrestling for an easier ride. Well Fenris, this is gonna be proof that this ain't no easy ride and I am the man I've always said I am, and that is the greatest wrestler in the history of wrestling.

The confidence flows through J2H.

J2H: This is your wake up call Fenris, don't do open challenges unless you're me cause you're never gonna know who's gonna walk in that door and give you the biggest headache of your career. I can do it cause I can beat anyone, but you, you've made a serious mistake and it will bite your squarely on that ass of yours. No fear, no surrender, nothing like that from me, the only way you beat me on Sunday at High Stakes, is if you kill me. That's not even a joke, that's not even meant to be funny, that is me being absolutely serious. The only way you win is if you kill me. I want you to think about that Fenris, I want you to think how far you will go to say you've taken down the legendary J2H. It's the only way you can possibly win.

J2H leans back in his chair.

J2H: And that's real talk bitch!

And with that, the camera fades to black.

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