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Messages - The Troll

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Climax Control Archives / Lyons Tamer
« on: January 04, 2024, 06:50:53 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The camera switches on and the first thing seen is a closeup shot of the Troll's face.

The Troll: Is it on? Is it working?

Cameraman: Of course it's on! It's my camera, I think I would know how to work it.

The Troll: Alright, alright! No need to get your panties in a twist, Champ! I was just asking!

The camera backs up and the Troll stands in a public retail setting, a department store to be more precise, filled with people.

The Troll: Hey yo, everybody! It's your boy - the Troll Champion himself - the Troll! And as you can see from around me, I'm not in my usual digs at home but here at Macy's because my Mom wanted to come here and take advantage of some of these holiday sales. And unlike what some people might try to say...

He fake coughs.

The Troll: *KrystalWolfebitch* I actually love my Mother and take very good care of her. What my Mom wants... you get the picture! Anyway, while I was here I decided I could use this setting to my advantage and thanks to my boy Champ...

The camera turns around to show a closeup of a tall, lanky looking man who gives the people watching a goofy if somewhat creepy grin before turning back to the so-called star of this broadcast.

The Troll: You know Krystal - the chick who likes to go above and beyond to play the role of victim and when people aren't buying it or she calls them out, she lashes out and resort to high school tactics like insulting my Mom. A sweet woman who has done NOTHING to her. She whines and cries, belly aching all over social media how she's trying to redeem herself but every chance she gets, she acts like the same old, miserable biotch who first turned her back on everyone last year. The same chick whose actions and attitude got her kicked out of the Saviors in record time. The biotch who is so entitled she went into her match against Bella Madison expecting to just be handed the win and when Bella lost, what did Krystal do?

The Troll leans in and cups a hand over his ear, beckoning for an answer.

The Troll: That's right, she starts in with the excuses and the insults. Calling Bella's win over her a fluke and saying how she's going to choke when Krystal herself is the ORIGINAL choke artist! Hypocrisy, thy name is Krystal! And when Bella lost to Julianna DiMaria at December 2 Dismember V, oh Krystal was all over that and saying how right she was but she neglected to mention she didn't walk away with a win herself, now did she?

The camera motions from side to side in the negative.

The Troll: But see, that's enough talk about someone like Krystal because the world knows her time is finished. She's washed up, a has-been that never was. Time to talk about something that matters and that is your boy - the Troll - being back in action this Sunday against the so-called 'Unbreakable'...

**air quotes**

The Troll: Eddie Lyons. You know, another choke artist but at least when Krystal chokes, she doesn't talk about hanging up the boots like this guy does! She should ... but she doesn't. No, this guy is a total whiner. A man baby that doesn't even deserve to set foot inside of the ring against a five-star athlete such as myself. And this Sunday in Gods Toilet known as Denver - I'm going to prove to the world that Eddie Lyons is as breakable as Loess. ... Look it up! You know how many things that are called 'Unbreakable' but actually aren't? People think diamonds are indestructible but with a strong enough heat source, not so much! And...

The Troll passes by and glance at a dinnerware set and a nearby sign that says 'Unbreakable China'. He picks up a random plate from the display.

The Troll: This! This right here! Now this is quality make and might stand up to a good whack but like Eddie Lyons, he'll be as fragile as...

He gives the plate a sharp whack on the edge of the display table and as expected, the plate shatters. Heads turn at the sound. The Troll looks around and slowly tucks his hands into his jacket pockets, sliding the broken pieces under the table with his boot and promptly makes a hasty get away into the shopping masses in search of his Mom... and store personnel and security come rushing in after him!

Off camera...

Champ: Dude...? Wank...? I'm still getting paid for this, right???



Climax Control Archives / Wrong Justin!
« on: November 17, 2023, 06:28:38 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The opening shot is nothing but darkness. That is, at least, until the cap for the video camera is removed and promptly dropped on the floor with a clatter…

The Troll: Whoop, hold on.

The Troll leaned down out of view from where he sat in his amateur studio in the basement of the house he lived in with his mom. The Troll then sat upright and tossed the lens cap to the surface of his studio desk, calmly leaning back in his chair with a smug grin on his face. That is until he almost tilted too far backwards and he quickly caught himself.

The Troll: I meant to do that, you know. So…!

He nods graciously to the viewer(s) watching this (en)grossing web broadcast, clasping his pudgy fingers together on the edge of the desk.

The Troll: My Peeps! You of course know me as YOUR Champion!

The Troll reached off camera and picked up his Troll Championship belt and set it front and center in front of the camera. He then held up two fingers.

The Troll: Two months! That is how long it’s been since your boy has been allowed to grace everyone with his presence inside of the ring! Give or take a week! And on one hand, I can understand why Mark Ward and Christian Underwood waited until now before bringing me in to show all of these pantywaists how a real man competes inside of the ring. Too much of a good thing, y’know? They don’t want to make my in-ring appearances a weekly thing and water down the Highest Rated Superstar in Sin City Wrestling history. That just wouldn’t be fair to the plebians who tune in to see some excitement in my name and are instead forced to settle for second best like Miles Kasey and Alexander Raven and Malachi… oh wait. I sent that loser packing. Never mind! But this week? This week I was not going to take no for an answer. This match…

He jabbed his fat finger onto the desk, then into his own sternum.

The Troll: This was all my idea! I demanded this match against Justin Decent because that loser has been wasting too much airtime every week! He thinks he’s so pretty and all the girls adore him, well let me tell you something! Just because that girly man holds a win over the luckiest World Champion in SCW history - and yes I am talking about YOU - J2H! Justin thinks he can kick back every week and waste everyone’s time calling the introductions to the matches. Why is this such a bad thing? You say the man is just doing his job?

The Troll scoffed.

The Troll: If that was true, someone tell the man to put a shirt on and to stop wearing Lycra pants the world can see his pulse through! I am GLAD to have this Hardcore opportunity to teach him that he is not the star of the show! I am! And I am going to beat him down until…

**THUD!** **THUD!** **THUD!**

And there was the tell-tale sound of you-know-who!


The Troll groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose in faux annoyance.

The Troll: Yeah, Ma!?

Mom: Are you ready to take me shopping!?

The Troll: In just a minute Ma! I’m telling my Peeps about my match this weekend against Justin Decent!

Mom: Justin Decent…? Sweety! I told you to wipe the ketchup off of your contract! It’s Justin Smith you’re wrestling!

The Troll: Justin … Smith…? That really old dude who carries around a beer can!?

Mom: And the Singapore cane!

The Troll’s eyes widen and his skin pales.

The Troll: Singapore cane…?

Mom: You’re going to make your mommy proud, like always! Now hurry up and change your clothes so we can go to the store!

The Troll: Why do I need to change my clothes???

Mom: Because we’re going to Target! It’s not like we’re going to Wal-Mart or something! Target is classy!

The Troll turned and stared into the camera and mouthed ‘classy?’ before the camera switched off.

Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The very badly shot music video of the Queen hit song, "We Are The Champions" ends but the entertainment does not that's the close-up shot of the Troll sitting back in his worn out desk chairs, arms flapping about as he's in full celebratory mode…

The Troll: We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the World!

The Troll falls back against his chair and is about to speak when all of the sudden…


The Troll pulls off his headphones and calls out…

The Troll: It wasn't the cat, Ma! It was me!

A brief silence followed by….

Mom: You were choking on a fur ball?

The Troll: No, Ma…

Mom: What have I told you about safe sex!?

The Troll: Ma…!

Mom: You know we had this talk! You boys are supposed to use something called a dental dam!

The Troll: Ma.. !

Mom: I bought three gross of those suckers at Costco! I even shipped a case to that cute gay boy Carter!

The Troll: For God's sake, Ma!!!

Mom: I know, it was a little extravagant but nothing is too good for my little champion's friends!

The Troll runs a hand down his face and struggles to resume his show.

The Troll: Hey yo, it’s your boy The Troll! And I'm willing to bet you heard THAT…!

He jets a thumb upstairs to indicate his mom. He then looks around to ensure there are no witnesses or hidden cameras and then he leaves closer to his own camera and cups a hand around his mouth to stage whisper.

The Troll: How could you not? But you heard what she called me, right?

The Troll reaches off the camera, grunting, then sits back and is holding the gold and jewel encrusted Troll Championship belt close to his upper body. He jets a thumb toward himself RVD style

The Troll: That's right! Your boy The Troll is what so many of these other pretenders wish they were! A champion! S fighting champion! A defending champion! You know, UNLIKE that joke of a so-called World Heavyweight Champion, J2H! Who does he defend his title against? Little Miss Priss aka Helluva Bottom Carter!

The Troll rolls his eyes.

The Troll: And in my first match as champion, who do they have me up against? Some clown named … wait… this can't be right.

The Troll picks up an SCW contract for a closer look, then types furiously on his keyboard. He adjusts his glasses and leans in for a better look see. He finally sits back, flabbergasted.

The Troll: Rodrigo Afonso???

He frowns and looks confused.

The Troll: The guy from the Fresh Prince is my opponent!? When did HE start wrestling!?



That unmistakable sound. The unforgettable voice. The Troll pulls aside the earphone once again.

The Troll: Yes, Ma!?

Mom: Are you talking to your little friends!? Make sure you say hello for me!

The Troll: They're not my friends, Ma! They're my followers!

Mom: Oh well la dee dah Mister Big Shot! Your followers! Who are you? The second coming of Moses!?

The Troll: I told them you said hello!

Mom: Aww! That's my good boy! Did you tell them the good news?

The Troll: WHAT good news??

Mom: That I'm going to Mexico with my little boy! I just can't wait to see my little champion win!

The Troll: Oh THAT good news! I…

He does a double take.

The Troll: Wait, Ma! You can't go to Mexico!

Mom: Why not!? Are you embarrassed of your mother!?

The Troll: Of course not Ma! But you know how bad your IBS is! You can't even eat at Taco Bell without spending the night on the John!

Mom: Now don't you worry about me! That nice gay boy Miles sent me a big bottle of those Stop You Up tablets! Mommy will be alright!

The Troll: Ohhh! Swell! That's just…

He looks back down and right into the camera and gives it (Miles) the bird!

Climax Control Archives / So, what? I'm fighting a 1980s cartoon?
« on: July 28, 2023, 09:41:30 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The first shot is a closeup of the Troll’s face from below the neck but as he righted his laptop and fixed the camera angle, all was well. Well, about as well as could be when you were looking at his kisser.

The Troll: Hey yo, everybody! It’s your boy the Troll and I’m speaking to you live from Beijing where they STILL haven’t let us off this cramped plane and into the airport! It’s not like I’m not a VIP and have important things to do! But if they knew that then they obviously wouldn’t have put me back here in coach instead of up in business class WHERE I BELONG…

Passengers: SHHH!!!

The Troll:
Oh shush yourself!

He looked back into the camera.

The Troll: You know under most circumstances, I’d be pretty cross for being booked against some loser named ‘Max Steele’. I mean, what kind of name is that for a consummate professional - like myself – let alone a man?

He held a hand up and made a face as if to say “Right?” or “Duh!” all at the same time.

The Troll: As soon as I saw the name, it made me wonder if I was wrestling the star of some cheap 1980s animated series or the touline knock off. You can’t seriously look at that name, let alone the man, and tell me that isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Well, that or that REALLY bad episode of the Simpsons where Homer changes his name to Max Powers and those stupid lyrics burn themselves into your mind.

The Troll, despite the people crowded around him in the jet waiting to disembark into the Beijing airport, broke into song and quite loudly…

The Troll: Max Steele! He’s the man whose name you’d love to laugh at!
And you have to laugh, because his name is hilarious in your ear!
But if you say it, you can’t show fear!
`Cause his name is funny to everyone!

Stewardess: Excuse me, sir?

The hand on his shoulder and the stern looking woman standing over him broke the Troll away from his scintillating promotional skills.

The Troll: What!? What is it!?

Stewardess: We have asked you three times now to KINDLY keep it down!

The Troll: And if I don’t?

Stewardess: Then we will have you forcibly removed from this jet, that’s what.

Her calm but icy demeanor would explain to anyone that she was not bluffing nor should be challenged. Well, anyone with a lick of common sense but look at who we’re talking about. The Troll sneered at her in response.

The Troll: Yeah, right! I'd like to see you even try. Don’t you know who I am??? I’m a BIG DEAL in Sin City Wrestling so take a hike you glorified air jockey.

The stewardess turned and walked away toward the front of the cabin, as the Troll looked into the camera once again. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

The Troll: So. Rude. So anyway, where was I? Oh yes! Max Powers - er, Steele. That’s it. It’s like I said, I should be annoyed that I was booked against some nobody, a wet behind the ears rookie who probably hasn’t even graduated the equivalent to the toilet training academy of professional wrestling, am I right? OF COURSE I’M RIGHT! I’m the Troll! But…

He held his hands up in a passive display.

The Troll: I am not without understanding. I get it. Mark Ward and Christian Underwood finally understand what I’m worth to SCW and just how much the fans TRULY love me. So, they give me a working holiday here in Beijing, and in return for my bringing butts into the seats, they’re going to do what’s right. They're going to throw out whatever the hell happened last week between Austin James Mercer and Miles Kasey and enter yours truly…

He did the RVD thumbs to shoulders.

The Troll: As the final participant in the King For the Day match. THIS … is the final qualifier after Kasey and Mercer were tossed a bone and choked on it. I just know it!

He smiled quite smugly with a lilt of the head.

The Troll: So just remember where you were my peeps, on this day when you watched me predict my claiming my rightful place in…

Just then, he was interrupted by a firm hand on his shoulder. He turned to address the stewardess – again.

The Troll: Wha…!?

But whatever else he was going to say was choked on and swallowed in the back of his throat as he found himself staring up at not just the stewardess, but three security officials from the Beijing airport.

Security: Excuse me sir, but we would like to have a word with you.

The Troll turned his head back VERY slowly toward the camera – and whimpered as someone shut the laptop lid.

Climax Control Archives / It'll be good to be the King!
« on: July 20, 2023, 08:57:46 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The opening shot is nothing but darkness. That is, at least, until the cap for the video camera is removed and we are shown a vast closeup shot of nostrils. The camera pulls back and now the setting is filled with the beaming, confident face of the self-proclaimed "Social Justice Warrior" of Sin City Wrestling -- the Troll!

The Troll: Alright, so here's the deal! I'm here at the Queen Alia International Airport, ready to make history in Jordan by taking that first step to becoming the one, true King of SCW! And you'll have to give me a moment because I am about to be mobbed by my dozens of rabid fans here in Jordan! I'm a big deal here, you know!

It is o0obvious that the Troll is walking at a lumbering pace. He is walking through the tunnel that led from the plane he had arrived on, and is now setting foot inside of the airport itself. He stopped walking and turned the camera around to face... empty chairs in the airport and what seats were filled, they were filled by stone-faced citizens and visitors who simply stared at him. The camera quickly righted itself around into the closeup of his face, now baring a sour disposition.

The Troll: Hmph! Plebeians! Now before I...

But the Troll is suddenly knocked aside by people behind him who were tired of waiting and having their path blocked by his rotund visage, sending him scrambling to catch his camera and not allow it to fall and break. Which he successfully does so -- but just barely!

The Troll: Hey! This is MY MOM'S camera! If you break it, you pay for it! ... Jerks!

He turns the camera back around.

The Troll: Now where was I? Oh yeah! Before I get to the juicy part of my vlog, I have bitter, disappointing news for everyone. My mom was unable to make the trip here to Jordan to see her baby boy in action! She ate a bad sausage and now can't get off the john. But not to worry! We just installed a heated toilet seat and the plumber reinforced the pipes so she's just fine!

He gives the camera a thumbs up.

The Troll: I know she was looking forward to seeing Miles Kasey again -- for some reason. Almost as much as she was looking forward to seeing her baby boy clip the wings of a certain Raven and move on to become the King of SCW. Did you all see everything that twat Alexander Raven was trying to infer on social media? That he was considering jobbing -- to ME??? Just to see people panic when I was given the chance to become Kin g! Puh-LEEZE! I am going to win this match and I WILL become the King, but I do not need charity in order to accomplish my goals! Not like Alexander who needs more charity than all the churches, synagogues and mosques of the world can provide! I mean, seriously! How far has that guy fallen? He was once seen as one of the top prospects in SCW...

He rolls his eyes.

The Troll: And now he spends more time on his back than Helluva Bottom Carter, Courtney Pierce and Eiley combined! He really should forget about SCW and get on World's Biggest Loser because that's a program he's a natural for! The Troll is going to walk out of here in Jordan with the biggest win of his career under his size S belt and move on to Violent Conduct IX where EVERYONE will bow down before the new King! And that is a...

He reaches over and wraps an arm around the shoulder of a startled, older woman.

The Troll: ... Promise!

He plants a big, wet kiss on her cheek, causing the older Muslim woman to shriek! She turns and starts to beat him with her bag!


And before he knew it, airport security was on the scene, tackling him! The camera goes flying and it rolls over but luckily lands right enough to see the Troll pinned face-down by security officers with his arms behind his back and his thick legs kicking feebly...


Someone picked the camera up and switched it off...

Climax Control Archives / Right time, WRONG place!
« on: April 07, 2023, 08:17:02 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The moment the animated display featuring the Unsolved Mysteries logo was aired, the change is swift and the Troll finishes turning the cheap video equipment on with a closeup shot of his upper body and neck before he sits back comfortably in his chair, curiously enough with the flag of Ireland prominently featured in the background.

The Troll: Yo yo yo! It’s your boy, the Troll!

Both thumbs point at his shoulders as he continues.

The Troll: THE social justice warrior here in Sin City Wrestling! And much more importantly as the world saw last week?

He proudly sits back and pinches at his shirt, prominently displaying the Saviors logo right front and center.

The Troll: Yes sirree! The Troll - the newest Savior! The world saw the invitation just this past week and what else could a humble lad such as myself do but accept? The Saviors are the mst dominant force in SCW but they needed fresh blood! They needed a new face that could do things for them. Bring them ratings and the attention of the world once again! They CERTAINLY aren’t going to get that from … you-know-who… so Mac Bane knew where to go! And that is why I am so excited this week to be competing in Ireland! I’m so excited that I don’t even care about the fact that I am on this sham of a tour! I mean… Unsolved Mysteries!?

He makes a face.

The Troll: There isn’t a single so-called **air quotes** Unsolved Mystery featured on this tour that yours truly can’t explain! Ogopogo? So they showed video footage of something in that lake? Newsflash people! It’s a BEAVER SHOT!!!

He glances down at the comments coming on his page and he frowns and looks back into the camera.

The Troll: I know what I said! And this week? Ireland and some missing lighthouse keepers? Um, hello! Lighthouse keepers haven’t had keepers since lighthouses became automatic and ships use sonar! Did anyone stop to think they just went home? Or more likely, just left the country entirely because…

He makes a face and scoffs.

The Troll: Who wants to live in Ireland for god’s sake???

He again checks out the comments and rolls his eyes.

The Troll: Um, hello! I’M the wrestler people, not you! I think I would know where I’m supposed to be! And of course, the biggest Unsolved Mystery has to be the poor unfortunate soul that I’m up against this week! My first victim as a Savior. You know the guy - Austin James Mercer. A living example that people just hate it when you’re…

He holds up his fingers as he counts off.

The Troll: One, when you’re right. And two, when you’re doing nothing else but trying to help them. And that’ all I - the Troll - Social Justice Warrior - was doing! Trying to help Austn come to terms with his fees of jealousy and inadequacy! Anyone with any common sense can see what is going on! They can see EXACTLY why Austin keeps going after Miles Kasey by going through Carter! Or at least, they can now that I actually pointed it out! And all Austin says in response is the usual threats. Oh, sorry. Let me correct that. The usual EMPTY threats! Because the world knows that Austin James Mercer is all bark and no bite, and I am going to savor my first win as a member of the Saviors with Kat Jones in my corner! I also want to personally thank Mac Bane for flying my loving and beautiful mother into Ireland so she can see first hand her baby boy…

A phone goes off and the Troll huffs before holding a finger up for the camera and he picks up the flip phone and answers.

The Troll: Hello? … Ma!? Where are you? …. The hotel? You can’t be! … Because I’M at the hotel right now! … No, I’ve been waiting for the limo to bring you from the airport to the hotel. …. Me? I’m filming my promo for my peeps. … Yeah, yeah. I know you’re proud of your baby boy. I’m going to make you proud! Imagine me beating Mercer here in Ireland! … NO, Ma! Ireland. I-R-EL-A-N-D! … Ma, I know where I’m supposed to be. WHY would I be in Scotland of all places?

He makes a face toward the camera with a gesture at the phone in his hand.

The Troll: Okay Ma, I’ll humor you. Give me a second.

He leans over toward his laptop and he starts tapping rapidly at the keys to draw up the SCW website and the tour itinerary. He starts to scroll down the page until he reaches… his skin pales. His eyes pop open WIDE. His jaw drops. He snatches the phone, fumbling with it and drops it a few times before shouting into it…

The Troll: I GOTTA GO MA!

He snaps it shut and scoops all of his equipment up, pulling at the video camera and laptop, turnin g the shot upside down and around like a rollercoaster and he RUNS, tripping and falling in a heap as the camera goes static!

Climax Control Archives / That's just not right!
« on: February 10, 2023, 07:21:51 AM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The sickenly sweet Valentine's Day gif transitions to an immediate closeup of the Troll’s face as the camera for his vlog is turned on and he sits back in his comfortable yet outdated desk chair. He leans back, the ever-present cocky smirk on his face as he fixes his glasses and clasps his hands above his gut.

The Troll: Hey yo, it’s your boy The Troll and you know what time of year it is? That’s right! It’s time for the most important day of the year, and naw! I don’t mean Christmas or someone’s birthday. This here is Valentine’s Day where we gather together with our special someone and celebrate that feeling that makes the world move! And yes folks, this year your boy - The Troll - has his special lady to celebrate it with!

The Troll extends his hand to a framed photograph that is facing him and away from the camera. He picks it up and turns it around for the viewers to see…

He then sets the framed picture back down onto his desk and turns it away from the camera so that only he can see it.

The Troll: That’s enough. I don’t want you poor couch potato fanboys to get the wrong idea - like you actually have a chance with a beauty like this. That is for me and me alone. She goes for guys who make big bucks and are winners! Not some poor losers who have no futire and live in their mom’s basem-

He clears his throat and continues on.

The Troll: Like i said, this is going to be the best Valentine’s Day with my special lady because I have gone ALL. Out!

The Troll leans off-screen and picks up a HUGE heart-shaped box of chocolates and a large, plush Unicorn. He shows them off for all to see before he sets them back off-screen.

The Troll: And that’s not all, but I made my reservations for Katherine and myself for a five star dining experience at Dennys! First class babes like her get first class treatment all the way! And that’s not all, she is going to be going on this date and be treated like a  Queen because she’s going with a KING! That’s right! She is going to go because after this weekend, she will have no mor doubts as to my love and my loyalty! She is going to be going with a WINNER - because I have this match scheduled now against a total and complete loser like Malachi! Oh yeah, he came back to SCW with a little bit of fanfare but when you get right down to it - nobody cares whether or not he’s back. Sure he got a win against that loser rock star who’s taken one too many guitar shots to the head, Alex Rush! But when he has a match against a REAL athlete like myself…?

He closes his eyes and shakes his head with a haughty derision.

The Troll: He’ll suffer his first loss since returning and he’ll then realize he has no place in SCW where the big boys play. He’ll tuck his tail between his legs and waddle off to some minor league territory that’s more backyard wrestling than it is professional! And what’s more…



The Troll closes his eyes and sighs at yet another interruption from his beloved and surprisingly popular mom. He opens his eyes and slips off his head phones, looking up at his ceiling which also happens to be her floor.

The Troll: YES MA!?

Mom: Are you taking your little girlfriend out for Valentine's Day?

The Troll: Yes Ma!

Mom: Well how come I’ve never met her!? How come you never bring her home to meet me?

The Troll: Well Ma, about that…

Mom: What, are you ashamed of your MOTHER???

The Troll: No, Ma! I’m not! I’ll bring her to meet you after Valentine’s Day, I promose!

Mom: Well… so long as you PROMISE…

The Troll: Maybe we’ll swing by after I pick her up so he can say hello!

Mom: Oh no, that won’t work.

The Troll: Why not???

Mom: I have a date for Valentine’s Day!

The Troll almost chokes taking a drink of his giant drink, spewing soda ev erywhere! He hurriedly tries cleaning it up and looks up!

The Troll: A DATE!? What do you mean you have a DATE!?

Mom: Do you need Mommy to clean out your ears again??? I. Have. A. Dae! One of your little wrestler friends asked me out the last time I went to a show with you. He’s taking me on a tour of the Sausage Factory!

The Troll: One of… MY friends!?

Mom: Oh yes! Girl’s still got it!

The Troll rubs his temples.

The Troll: Oh god… this can’t be happening! Wait… it’s not Miles Kasey is it!? He’s the one friendliest to you!

Mom: Of course not! He’s dating that little gay boy Carter! I don’t have what it takes to be the other man!

The Troll silently mouths “the other man”?

Mom: It’s Alex Rush!

The Troll: Oh okay, that’s al-WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Climax Control Archives / Troll vs Golden Girls, er - Golden Guy
« on: November 18, 2022, 08:20:32 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

Immediate closeup of the Troll’s face as the camera for his vlog is turned on and he sits back in his comfortable yet outdated desk chair that has seen better days. He leans back, the picture perfect example of cocky confidence with his hands clasped on his belly and fingers interlaced together.

The Troll: Hey, yo! It’s your boy, da Troll! Funny way to kick things off this time around, isn’t it?

He scrunches up his face and shakes his head in the negative.

The Troll: It’s really not. You see, the Golden Girls is one of those overrated sitcoms from the worst era of television history - the eighties. Still, it is a piece of history and I have to admit my mom watched the reruns every day on her television. It’s really nice to see her enjoy something and get her well deserved laughs in. She gets her Golden Oldies on the television, but me? I get mine inside of the ring apparently. I mean…

He rolls his eyes quite brazenly.

The Troll: “Chronic” Chris Page? I mean, seriously? Who pissed in the Cheerios of the matchmakers this time around and why am I being the one made to suffer for it? Okay, it wouldn’t be the FIRST time that I stepped inside of the ring with the Golden Girls of SCW - or in this case, I suppose it’s the Golden Guys. I mean…

He holds up a hand and starts counting off of his chubby sausage-like digits.

The Troll: “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart. Fugly as he is, he’d have to be Blanche because he’s always going about lying about his age and thinking he’s all that. Mac Bane? He’s Dorothy, because he acts all big and tough but back him into a corner like I did and he becomes a blubbering, whiny mess who deep down is really just a scared little girl. “Godly” Ken Davison is tied with Matthew “the Raven” Knox on  the old, senile one of the group … Sophia? Which brings us, of course, to “Chronic” Chris Page who is the dumb one of the group - Rose. Now he has shown a bit of brain s now and again, just like that character did, but it’s few and far between because this week, you haven’t heard jack from him. And why? Because deep down he’s seen what I’ve accomplished inside of this business and he knows that I’m a force to be reckoned with! So, he’s hiding. That’s smart. But will he stay hidden?

He closes his eyes and shakes his head.

The Troll: Of course not. That’s because that made up storyline of a reputation his overpaid PR Agent has eaten away at his brain, making him believe his own hype. He really BELIEVES that he is this legend in the business and that he’s held ALL of these championships and been in ALL of these Hall of Fame ceremonies.

He huffs and stares into the camera.

The Troll: There is nothing more pitiful than a man who can’t accept the reality that is staring him right in the face. Sad, huh? Now I would have HOPED that in recent events, that the world would be a happier place. The Republicans - MY PEEPS - won the House! Huh? Huh? And of course, there’s the fact that your boy here…

He does the RVD thumbs pose.

The Troll: Has officially got game. My lovely Kitty showed up and kicked the balls of that sad O’Malley so hard he gave himself a hummer. Haha!

He laughs and claps his hands together. He wiped a gleeful tear from his eye.

The Troll: That was so great! But…

He sighs.

The Troll: People aren’t happy for me. If nothing else, they’re insulting me even more and… insulting my beautiful Katherine too! THAT … will demand a reckoning! And I thought when my Mom fainted last week, it was because she was so happy for her beautiful baby boy but sadly… no. She fainted because she was sad. And WHY was she so sad?


As if on cue…


The Troll sighs.

The Troll: Yes, Ma!?

Mom: I’m not talking to you!

The Troll: Okay Ma!

Mom: I just can’t believe you! After I tried so hard to raise you right, imagine! Going off and starting something with that girl and breaking the heart of that poor Miles boy!

The Troll stares into the camera, shaking his head and jetting a thumb up.

The Troll: That’s why!

Climax Control Archives / (Un)Lucky the Leprechaun aka O'Malley
« on: November 11, 2022, 07:31:30 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

Immediate closeup of the Troll’s face as the camera for his vlog is turned on and he sits back in his comfortable yet outdated desk chair that has seen better days. He clasps his hands on the surface of his folding table desk and wears a cocky smile on his face.

Troll: Hey, yo! It’s your boy, da Troll! You know, I’m not usually the sort to apologize when I’m wrong, and I never apologize when I’m right, but I figure since you people out there are my peeps and have been good to me as my loyal viewers, I’m going to give you all a bit of a treat today. I…

He points toward himself with a thumb.

Troll: … Am going to apologize to…

He twirls a forefinger around and points right into the camera.

Troll: … You! And just why am I being such a nice guy? Because I meant to have this special vlog for my match against Lucky the Leprechaun - otherwise known as O’Malley - days ago. That’s right, you know the guy! The coward who is in cahoots with Mark Ward and Christian Underwood to **air quotes** return to SCW and attack me COMPLETELY unprovoked at High Stakes! That loser and his equally loser wife clearly can’t take a joke so he jumps me from behind and guess what! While everyone usually celebrates a great show with drinks at a club, yours truly had to spend most of the night at a hospital! By the time I got released and went to the club to join in on the fun, everyone was gone! Probably knew that if O’Malley were there, I would have taught him a lesson! Injured or not! And then they go behind my back and sign me to a match against that painted up hussy - O’Malley, not Darcy - not even bothering to tell me he had resigned in the first place!

The Troll shakes his head.

Troll: The blatant disrespect around here is sickening! But that’s enough time wasted on that fool. I just wanted to explain why it took me so long to even dignify O’Malley’s very existence. But you see? I’ve been busy with my new lady friend!

The Troll nods with a cocky, self-satisfied smile on his face and does the RVD thumbs pose.

Troll: That’s right! Your boy, da Troll, has a social life!



The Troll closes his eyes and sighs. Yep! We didn’t have to wait long this time, did we? Okay, we all know the real reason why people tune into the vlog from this human wart, and she wasted no time in making her appearance known - so to speak. The Troll opens his eyes and looks ‘up’.

Troll: No, Ma! I was talking to all my fans and admirers!

Mom: Oh well FINE, then! If you don’t want to tell me who you were really talking to, then that’s just fine by me!

Troll: Ma…!

Mom: I spend all day up here all by myself. Far be it for me to try and interfere in your life and just want to know what’s going on in the life of my baby boy!

Troll: I was telling them about Kitty, ma!

Mom: KITTY!? Oh HELL NO, Gabriel Thomas Wank! You are NOT bringing a pussy into this house!

The Troll stared into the camera and mouthed ‘pussy?’.

Mom: You know I am deathly allergic! Your father - God rest his soul - tried bringing a pussy into my home and I itched for days!

The Troll, still staring into the camera, arched an eyebrow and got a weirded out look on his face.

Mom: My doctor told me to wash it to help with the itching and it smelled weird until it dried off! Your father had to hold it in front of a space heater for...

Troll: Ma….

Mom: It made for a great guard animal, I admit that! At the least sign of danger and that pussy's hair stood right on end!

Troll: MA!!

Mom: Yes darling?

Troll: I wasn’t talking about a cat, Ma! I was talking about my girlfriend!

Dead silence.

Mom: Your what?

Troll: I said I have a GIRLFRIEND, Ma!

Dead silence. Followed by….


The Troll jumps up from his chair and tears off his headphones.

Troll: Ma!? MA!!!

And he runs as fast as he can upstairs….!

Climax Control Archives / Misty is ALIVE!
« on: October 07, 2022, 09:32:31 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

Immediate closeup of the Troll’s face as the cam ear for his vlog is turned on and he sits back in his comfortable yet outdated desk chair that has seen better days. He clasps his hands on the surface of his folding table desk and wears a cocky smile on his face.

The Troll: Hey yo yo yo, everyone! It’s your boy …

**RVD thumbs to the shoulders**

The Troll: … The Troll, here with the mind blowing expose that you were prom-


The Troll’s smile falls and he sighs.

The Troll: Wow. She broke her record.


He looks up toward the ceiling of his boudier which also happens to be the floor of the house’s first floor.

Troll: Yes, Ma???

Mom: Are you talking to your little friends?

Troll: Yes Ma!

Mom: Well you tell them "hi" for me!

Troll: I will, Ma!

He returns his attention to the camera.

The Troll: Now before we get to the root of why you’re all here, let me just say that it is about time that the top brass of SCW - that’s YOU Ward and Underwood - gave me my just due and put me in a spot where I can get for myself a championship match! Of course, the fact that you put me against three losers to earn this spot at High Stakes XII instead of doing the FAIR thing - which is just booking me against the Roulette Champion - is a travesty for another day! After all, how many times do I have to show Bulldog Bill Barnhart who’s boss? I mean, what do I have to do to show that old fool that he is the past whereas I am the future of this company? Roll up a newspaper and hit him on the snoot like a bad puppy who just piddled on the floor? Old Man Barnhart has had ENOUGH chances at the championships of SCW! It’s time for a REAL MAN to step up and step past a liar like him! I mean… the man is trying to convince everyone that he’s in his thirties. If he’s in his thirties then I’M a light heavyweight!

The Troll shakes his head and huffs.

The Troll: Then of course there’s Agostino Romano who has got to be THE single most overrated Superstar EVER! And when I say ever, I mean in the entire ten year history of Sin City Wrestling! All they ever do is hype this joker by telling everyone that he’s a record breaking three-time Internet Champion!

The Troll scoffs.

The Troll: Yeah, and they also forget to mention he also lost all three of those championships on the FIRST defense! Oh-OH! And then they REALLY insult me when they put Alex Rush of all people as the fourth member of this match! I mean, seriously!?

He makes the WTF face.

The Troll: Alex Freaking Rush!? The only reason this lunatic held any sort of championship down in the minor leagues was because of a rhino! … Yeah! You heard me right - a rhino is behind every accomplishment that Alex Rush has had in his life! What does that tell you about the so-called legacy this dipstick will leave behind? And these are the men they think are worthy of competing against ME for a title shot at the biggest event of the year…



Yes, Ma???

Mom: Are you telling all your friends about your little wrestling match this weekend???

The Troll: Yes Ma, I am!

Mom: Aw! That's Mama's sweet, baby boy! Going after his very first championship! I'm so proud of you!

Troll: No, Ma! I told you! I have to win this match first to earn the championship match!

Mom: Oh. Do we have any Scooter pies?

The Troll does a double take before returning his full attention to his vlog.

The Troll: Now, I promised everyone out there a MAJOR news drop and as you all know - I Do Not Lie! This news is so big that it might even surpass every other nomination for the WTF/Holy Sh!t Moment of the Year in the 2022 Awards! This has everything to do with a former Superstar in SCW, the kind of guy who gets off on walking around wearing eyeliner and putting gel in his chest hair. Yeah. You know who I’m talking about…!

The Troll holds up a picture for the camera to see.

The Troll drops the photo and huffs.

The Troll: Yeah, O’Malley! The former SCU Underground Champion and SCW Roulette Champion and – probably the one person who can beat out Agostino Romano as the Most Overrated wrestler in SCW history! But this isn’t about attacking the man or throwing shade because Lord knows I’m not the sort! This revelation comes from a place of caring because my news is hopefully going to save the man from a life of humiliation – wel, further humiliation. You see, the poor man has been duped. He is a victim here, and it is my job to save him from himself! Because his wife – Darcy? She is not who he thinks she is! Are you ready for this?

He clears his throat and readies himself.

The Troll: Darcy – is Misty!

He spreads his arms out wide and nods.

The Troll: I know, right!? The very same Misty that the world thought died YEARS AGO is alive and well! Misty, Hall of Famer and one of the original Bombshells FAKED her own death for reasons unknown! She is alive and well and in this callous act has thrown all the respect and adoration the fans gave her right back in their faces! Now you might be asking how can this be true when Misty and Darcy look nothing alike but ah HA! Your boy the Troll knows! After she faked her untimely demise, she couldn’t live with her own actions and live without O’Malley so she went all Nicholas Cage and did the whole Face Off thing to come back a whole new person, start over because she had screwed up her life so ABYSMALLY – and worm her way right back into O’Malley’s life like she had never left!

He slams a fist onto the table surface.

The Troll: I will not stand for this! Women are always treating men like childish fools and acting all superior! Well let me tell you, Misty may have believed the world had been fooled by her little deception but NOT ME! And I will not rest until she has confessed the truth of her emotional crimes against O’Malley and…



What is it Ma!?

Mom: Don't you "what is it Ma" me! I raised you better than that and that's the way you talk to your mother!? What if I died right here and right now and that's the last thing you said to me!? THEN you'd be sorry! THEN you'd…

The Troll: I'm SORRY Ma! Did you need something?

Mom: How come you never invite any of your little wrestling friends over? Like that sweet boy with the butt? What's his name?

The Troll runs a hand down his face, knowing exactly who she means.

The Troll: Miles Kasey, Ma!

Mom: Yeah, him! Or that Bella Madison! She's such a little doll! How come you never bring them over?

The Troll: Ma...

Mom: What, are you ASHAMED of your mother??? Is THAT it!? My own baby boy is ashamed...

The Troll: I'm NOT ashamed of you Ma!

Mom: Then why don't you ever invite them over!?

The Troll: Because I don't LIKE them, Ma!

The Troll suddenly looks into the camera with horror at his admission and quickly shuts it off![/font]

Climax Control Archives / All these losers!
« on: August 12, 2022, 07:15:20 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

Indian Coffee House

Located opposite the Presidency University in College Street, the most famous of Indian Coffee House branches in Kolkata. Where else would you expect a to-class celebrity like the Troll to be set up for his latest web blog broadcast?

The amateur-made logo for the webcast fades away into nothingness and the Troll is the first thing seen. The Troll sits back in his chair and shakes his head, eliciting an audible sculpt of derision.

The Troll: Boy I tell you! A good man like me, the first class grade athlete such as myself, just can't cut a break because I don't fit the physical mold of the perfect wrestler! Am I 6 ft 2? No! Do I have sculpted pecs like Austin James Mercer? No! Do I strut around the ring, wearing nothing more than tiny little wrestling trunks that in some countries could double as a swimsuit? No! What you see before you when I compete, that is a real man! When the world thinks about the average American man, you're looking at him! I am the prototype of the average American male! The self-made man that the fans want to see! They want to cheer for the person that they can most identify with! Me, myself and I!

He jobs a fat thumb back into his sternum repeatedly, emphasizing the point of each word.

The Troll: And yet, what respect do I get!? None! Do you see me getting a cut of the merchandise take? Absolutely not! The bosses couldn't see fit to give me my just due! You couldn't pry that money out of their clenched fists with a crowbar and a tractor! I've taken down some of the top stars of SCW and brought in the ratings that they all crave, and yet I get no thanks! I get no rewards! You also how I manhandled that skinny prepubescent teenage girl Finn Whelan a few weeks ago and yet nobody made mention of it! And why? They all thought that Finn would walk away as the winner, dominating yours truly, only it didn't happen that way! Once again, their creative editing works against me just because I'm not who they want to push to the top! They don't see your boy, the Troll, as marketable!

He slams his clenched, clammy fist on the table top, rattling the cup and utensils on the surface.

The Troll: I swear! I really can't wait for this lame tour to end! India has got to be the worst experience that I've ever had the misfortune to… experience!

Several patrons that have overheard him shoot him dirty looks that go unnoticed.

The Troll: I mean, first I am not granted an automatic title match against Goth rather than the **bosses** just letting that paper champion do whatever the hell he wants with his championship, offering up a title match at Violent Conduct 8 to just ANYBODY! But now, they decide to put me - ME - against that LOSER Hitamashii! I mean, seriously!? Hitamashii!?

The Troll looks left and right, arms held out, utterly bewildered at his professional predicament.

The Troll: I know, right!? Me! Your boy, the Troll! Undefeated! Against that SCLoser!

He takes on a mocking tone…

The Troll: Oh but Hitamashii is a former Underground Champion!

He twirls a finger in the air, mocking the constant quote of accomplishment.

The Troll: Well whoopty freaking doo! First, the guy couldn’t even win or retain that belt without having his bitch friends CONSTANTLY interfering in his matches for him! And two - look at who he lost the title to! HBCarter, of all people! Well newsflash, Hitamashii! You’re not up against some loser like Carter or anyone else from SCU! You’re against me! The Troll! Excuse me - the UNDEFEATED Troll! And once I put you down in history, there’s NO WAY that the higher ups will be able to deny me my due!

The Troll picks up his iced coffee for a drink and pokes the straw in his eye!

The Troll: oh - ow! Medic! Medic!

He reaches blindly for his laptop and fumbles to switch it off.

Climax Control Archives / You can't keep a good Troll down
« on: July 29, 2022, 08:12:08 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The amateur-made logo for the webcast fades away into nothingness and the Troll is the first thing scene, an unfortunate closeup of what appears to be wire brush but as he draws back, is revealed to be nothing more than a closeup shot of the hair in his nose. The Troll turns his camera’s features on and with the lightning around him, he is revealed to be seated in a shabby hotel room; complete with faded paint on the walls that is peeling in worn spots, a window with no view save for a large tree right in front of it, a bed with the blankets turned over and rumbled and pillows that look as if they’ve had better days.

The Troll: Hey, yo yo everybody! It’s your boy, the Troll, here for another expert broadcast of the Wit and Wisdom of the one and only - The Troll! And you know what that means! A healthy dose of the truth, and nothing but the truth! And you want a hint of the Truth to start things out!? Take a look around me! You see where I am? You see the conditions that a man of my stature has been put in??

He waves behind him with a flail of his flabby forearm.

The Troll: Take a guess where your boy is this week! Heck! I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count! Your boy the Troll - that’s me - is all the way in Jaipuri, India! And you wouldn’t believe the lengths Mark Ward and Christian Underwood went through to keep yours truly out of this country! And why? Because they were afraid! They were afraid of what I was going to say to expose them and Sin City Wrestling! Because the last thing any cherry picking corporate schlongs like those two want is for the soft minded, weak-willed plebeians to know EXACTLY what is happening behind the scenes of their precious money making scam! And that is what SCW is - a scam! I’ll tell you why, it's because of the second reason why they went through such lengths to keep me away! Because of this high and mighty soft serve wimp named Finn Whelan that they have me up against tonight!

The Troll waves his hands around and shakes his head.

The Troll: Oh yeah, I heard ALL about the mighty and fearsome Finn Whelan! The guy is a pencil neck geek who has the body of a flat chested Bombshell but apparently the bosses expect big things from him! They think he’s something special and a future World Champion but I know better!

He pokes himself in the chest, emphasizing each word.

The Troll: I. Know. Better! Finn Whelan has about as much chance at living up to those lofty expectations as Ben Jordan has at not coloring his chest hair so you don’t see all the gray! Finn Whelan has as much of a shot at beating me this weekend as Melissa has at admitting she injected that big booty full of cement!

He leans in close to the screen and stage whispers.

The Troll: Explains a lot about that Bombshell, doesn’t it?

He taps a knowing finger to his temple and leans back the way he was.

The Troll: I’ll give you one chance, Finn, to just walk away from this match and save your dignity because the Troll is out for blood, baby! And you have only Ward and Underwood to thank for everything I was put through over the last two days! First, I SOMEHOW was given the understanding I was supposed to be in Indiana for a match so I flew ALL the way there, only to get chewed out by the **air quotes* bosses to get my, as Underwood put it, ever expanding backside to INDIA! I mean - INDIA!? Who in God;s name comes to this forsaken country WILLINGLY!? They don’t even eat BEEF! What does it tell you when a man can’t go out and get a decent hamburger because of religious morals! Imagine – pandering to the locals!

He rolls his eyes.

The Troll: Then I get stuck in coach, and do you see where they put me up when a man of MY distinction should be in the suite!? YOU Whelan! This is all your fault and I swear to GOD I am going to…!

*THUMP!* *THUMP!* The tell-tale sound of something banging on the wall.


The Troll closes his eyes and shakes his head, letting loose a sigh.

The Troll: Yes, Ma!?

Mom: Be a good boy and get your Mommy some ice from the machine!

The Troll: Yes Ma!

Mom: That’s my boy!

The Troll then side eyes the camera.

The Troll: And I want to know WHO was responsible for THAT!? Milo Kasey…!

He points right into the camera.

The Troll: It was YOU, wasn’t it!? Or maybe… Ben Jordan!? If I find out it was the Cockring King…!

He then sits back again, only something goes ‘crack’ and he plummets backwards with his feet sticking straight up in the air at full camera angle.

The Troll: CUT! CUT!

« on: March 09, 2022, 07:57:51 PM »
“Looney Tunes With A Capital CUCKOO!!”

Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The camera angle opens with a large form front and center. which is explained altogether too easily as the form recedes to reveal a Robert Pattinson printed T, but not for his new megahit, The Batman. No, THIS particular brand of printed media was of Pattinson's much earlier hit, the one that made him a household name, with his image bearing the likeness of Edward Cullen from Twilight fame. It was then revealed to being none other than the hefty girth of SCW's resident conspiracy theorist and expert player of the "victim card"....

The Troll: Hey yo yo yo! It's yours truly, your boy The Troll! Here to give each and every one of my peeps a healthy dose of what you need the most; the TRUTH!

He picks up a small hammer and gives a set of chimes on his computer desk aka a folding card table, sending the chimes' melodies ringing.

The Troll: And what better example to lead by than by the travesty that happened just this past Sunday when yours truly was the victim of a brutal and unprovoked attack by not this one person, but two! If you can actually count that little psychopath Despayre as a person that is. And as for his little partner in crime, the most overrated wrestler in the history of Sin City Wrestling, Mikah? Well here. S the fact. I would have put up more of a fuss with the higher ups and I was tempted to even file a lawsuit against her for her attacking !e DESPITE the mandates SCW has an effect against intergender competition, but the truth is that I just felt so bad for the poor thing. That's probably the first time she's ever felt the touch of a real man and what has to be years! But here is the good news as PROMISED!

He brings a closed fist down onto the surface of his "desk" - promptly knocking over his large strawberry Dr Pepper from Wendy's.

The Troll: Shit! Aw DAMN it!

Sending him scrambling to pick up his now wasted drink and attempting to pick up his keyboard with one hand while trying to salvage the mess with a dirty paper towel. But just as he is making some progress..

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*


The Troll winces and pulls the headphones away from his right ear and looks upward to the first floor level of his family house.

The Troll: What, Ma!?

Mom: Was that YOU using the blue language!?

The Troll looks left, then right, and casually glances back up…

The Troll: Er, NO – Ma!

Mom: Well who was it then!? Was it one of your little friends? Do you have someone over and you didn’t even THINK to introduce them to your mother!?

The Troll: No Ma!

Mom: That just figures! You probably got that nice Miles Kasey boy to visit and didn’t even bring him up for tea! Just wham, bam, thank you…


 Crickets chirp just long enough until…

Mom: Big surprise….

The Troll returns to his broadcast when he blinks, then looks back up and mouths “What the fu-fudge!?”  He then looks back into the camera and shakes his head.

The Troll: Now where was I? Oh YEAH! You wanted justice for your boy, the Troll? You wanted the SCW bosses to do what’s right? Well I am here to tell you here and now that “Hot Stuff” Mark Ward PERSONALLY sent me a fax from his offices in Las Vegas…

He holds up a paper, but keeps it short and sweet before he slaps it back down onto the surface of his “desk.”

The Troll: And he decided to do what was right and he offered to CANCEL this match against that walking Looney Tune character Despayre and suspend him indefinitely for his unprovoked attack! But, you know me…

He holds his arms out in a gesture of self presentation.

The Troll: I know I have a lot of people out there supporting me, and the Troll appreciates his peeps! So I told Mark Ward absolutely NOT! I want to keep this match as is because I want to show the world just how overrated that nutcase Despayre really is! Although – don’t be surprised if Mark Ward, my close and personal friend, decides to make this match the Main Event because we all know that is where the Troll belongs! And Despayre? He’s a one trick pony with that teddy bear of his. Without that toy, he’s nothing and when - not if - when I climb that pole and grab that dumb bear ….

The Troll slices his thumb across his throat in a universally recognized gesture.

The Troll: I am going to tear that dumb bear’s head clean off and shove that stuffing right down Despayre’s throat! And that - my peeps - is THE TRUTH!

Climax Control Archives / JC ... Hi-C ... whatever!
« on: February 04, 2022, 08:20:10 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The amateur-made logo for the webcast fades away into nothingness and the Troll is the first thing scene, an unfortunate closeup as he turns his camera’s features on and leans back into his comfortable, if obviously well-used, gaming chair.

The Troll: Hey, yo yo everybody! It’s your boy, the Troll, here for another expertise broadcast of the Wit and Wisdom of .. you guessed it - The Troll! And you know what that means! A healthy dose of the truth, and nothing but the truth! But above all, a hard dose of tough love for some plebians because that’s just the sort of man that I am! I. Care!

Then comes that all-too familiar thud on te floor of the house, which just so happens to be the roof above the Troll’s head in his room - the basement of his mom’s house.


The Troll closes his eyes and sighs, hoping - believing - that he would have more time to devote to his ‘peeps’ before the inevitable was to happen. He pulls the headset from his right ear…

The Troll: WHAT, MA!?

Mom: ‘What, Ma!’ I hope your little friends hear the way you talk to your poor mother!

The Troll: I’m SORRY, Ma! I just got down here to start tal;king to my peeps…

Mom: Are you eating those nasty things again!? If you don’t slow down on those things you might end up putting on weight and I don’t want my baby to get fat!

The Troll: I won’t, Ma! What did you need???

Mom: It started raining outside! I just put up the wash!

The Troll: O…kay? Are you going to go get it!?

Mom: Gabriel Archibald Wank!

(The Troll quickly (but not quick enough) covers the microphone in a misguided attempt to stop anyone from discovering his shame – namely his middle name.

Mom: I just sat down to watch my stories! I need you to get up here and get the wash down before it’s ruined!

The Troll: Ma! I’m BUSY!

Mom: Oh well ex-CUSE me, Mister High and Mighty Pro Wrestler! I was only thinking of you because you know what rain water does to that special detergent for your underwear and how it gave you that nasty rash last time up your…!

The Troll: Okay Ma! I’m COMING!

Mom: Aww, that's Momma's sweet boy!

He reaches forward and turns off the camera…

And several minutes later, the camera is turned back on and the Troll resumes his spot.

The Troll: Sorry about that, you know me. The ever-dutiful son! A man’s work is never done, which brings me to why I’m here today. How long has it been since yours truly has been given the opportunity to shine? Not since the start of December! Can you believe that!? They have tried so hard for so long to hold me back, to hold me down, but no sir! That is not going to happen, I won’t allow it! You know me, peeps! I just keep fighting because that’s what a REAL man does! He does not forgive, and he does not forget! Which is why, sooner or later, I am going to get my hands on that little freak Despayre and wring his neck and then make him sit back and watch as I wring the neck of that STUPID teddy bear of his! But…

He holds a hand up, conceding a point.

The Troll: This one isn’t about that sick freak. This is about your boy, that’s me, finally being given the chance ti get back inside of the ring so I can show some new loser in SCW what it means to debut against a real superstar! And they give me some guy who sounds like he should be wearing his initials on his high school Letterman jacket!

He ‘air quotes’ with a snide expression.

The Troll: JC! Maybe I’m wrong. Forget the high school dropout routine. He sounds like some gay rap superstar.

Hey yo yo yo! I’m really a boy!

He thumps his chest and gives the camera a lame rap gesture.

The Troll: What kind of stupid ring name is that!? Hi-C is more like it because any fool who talks smack about yours truly and steps inside of the ring with me by CHOICE… well, he has to be high because he can’t possbly be willing to do something so dumb by choice! He’s been talking smack for days abut what he’s going to do to me with hos like Kat Jones and other Vegas tramps jumping in to cheer him on, which is just going to make things even sweeter when I put him down and shut them up! And since he has his own cheerleading section, that’s just going to make things go even worse for poor JC!

He holds both hands up.

The Troll: Don’t blame me, JC! You only have those bimbos to blame for what I’m going to do to you. So-called unbeaten superstar, about to taste his first loss in well over a year!

He snorts.

The Troll: As. If! I believe he has a win-loss record THAT impressive about as much as I believe he’s held as many championships as he likes to brag about. And you all know me and how much I hate a braggart! Well all those titles you CLAIM to have held just means you’ve lost a bunch of championships!

And that is THE TRUTH!

Climax Control Archives / Quote the Raven - WHO!? vs. Matthew Knox
« on: December 03, 2021, 03:29:37 AM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The Troll: October! That is how long it’s been since I’ve been home and able to grace each and every one of you with the brilliance that is … moi! Do you see what is happening to this world when I’m not around for each and every one of you to benefit from my wisdom and expertise in - everything? The world goes to hell! Okay, granted, the world was going to hell long before I was ever even born, but did you ever stop to think that when I was born, things started to shine just a little bit brighter? Then I just up and vanish - poof! And we see a complete regression in society as a whole! And who do we have to thank for this?


That sick and twisted little freak! Do you know what he did!? Do you know where he SENT ME!? I still don’t know HOW he did it, but one minute I was sitting in the office of Mark Ward, the big boss praising me for speaking my mind and backing down from no one, and the next thing I wake up in Timbuktu! … TIMBUKTU!!! That’s in Africa!

The Troll sweeps his arms out wide, knocking his Giant Gulp soft drink to the floor and scattering several papers to the wind!

The Troll: I can’t… I can’t even! I don’t know where to begin! It took me two days just to find out where I was because nobody there speaks English! You’d THINK even in a remote region like that, my platform - my webcast - would be seen and recognized but they acted like I was some foreign stranger! A nobody! Can you believe that!? DO YOU KNOW THE KIND OF HORRIFIC THINGS THAT ARE HAPPENING OVER THERE!? Does anyone even CARE!? By the time I FINALLY found some help, someone who actually spoke English like everyone should, I’d been there for almost a whole week! I’m finally able to place a phone call and my poor MOTHER!

There is a repeated thud on the ceiling of the basement.

Mom: Did you call me!?

The Troll sighs and removes his headset just enough…

The Troll: NO MA! I was just talking to my peeps on my show!

Mom: Oh well EXCUSE ME Mister High and Mighty and Not Even Thinking About Talking To Your Poor Mother…

The Troll snaps his headset back on and rubs his hands down his face.

The Troll: My point is, my ma has a heart condition! Her son just vanished, disappeared!

Another series of thuds.

Mom: WHO has a heart condition!?

The Troll: … NOBODY Ma!

Mom: Do I!? OHMYGAWD! Did you talk to my doctor without telling me!?

The Troll: NO MA!

Mom: Do you promise your mother!?

The Troll: I PROMISE Ma! … For the LOVE of…

Mom: Aww! I love my baby boy too!

he roll just collapses forward, whacking his forehead on the front edge of his desk - three straight times. He then sits upright, eyes closed and he takes a deep breath before resuming his broadcast. He looks into the camera.

The Troll: And do you know? When I called the SCW offices, collect, nobody would accept the charges!? Nobody would send me the money or help me raise it at least in order to get back home! I had to raise the money myself! I had to do horrible, dirty, DEGRADING things that will haunt me for life in order to get home to my mom! After everything that I’ve done for SCW, that is how they repay me! After my mere presence caused their ratings to skyrocket, they just cast me aside and pretend that they don’t even know who I am! Hunh! Well we’ll just SEE about that! The best revenge is success! And I am going to take over SCW! And Despayre? Don’t think I forgot about you, you little freak! This isn’t over between us!

The Troll gives the universal ‘I’ve got my eyes on you’ sign.

The Troll sneers and holds his hands up.

The Troll: But that’s the future, am I right? Now for the first time since October, you all are going to get to see me inside of the ring, doing what I do best! But… am I challenging for a championship title as a reward for my perseverance in returning to you? No. Am I at the very least being given the same chance as losers like Brayden Hilton at earning a shot at a championship?

The Troll shakes his head, eyes closed.

The Troll: Of course not, because why make things easy on me!? If it’s not hard on the Troll, then it’s not entertaining. That’s the mindset of Ward and Underwood, and everyone out there is in on it! They could have at least given me someone like Miles Kasey or Fenris, but who do they put me against? Some wet behind the ears NOBODY named Matthew Knox! Or as he likes to call himself…

Air quotes…

The Troll: The Raven! Seriously? Two guys in the past two weeks show up with that name, ‘Raven,’ and one of them is in MY rightful spot in the Internet Qualifier! But I get stuck with the runt of the litter so I can welcome him to SCW with the beating that the bosses obviously want to see me dish out! Let me tell you something peeps! I have heard of nothing but bad things about this guy! A real piece of work! Some overrated idiot with a superiority complex who acts like the world should just be handed to him on a silver platter! He’s even worse on Twitter, acting like he’s all that; Mister High and Mighty! Guys like that DISGUST me! They ruin it for those of us who really do know everything! Well tell me something then… Matthew. Do you know enough to know just how deep in it you actually are, against me? Do you know just how much the bosses must hate you to put you against me so I can humiliate you in front of the world and spoil your big debut? That shows just how much faith that they have in me! I’m the best thing they have to offer and my takeover of SCW begins…

Repeated thuds on the ceiling.


The Troll: What, Ma!?

Mom: What do you want to drink with your dinner!?

The Troll: Coke, Ma!

Mom: I’m giving you tomato juice! I’m worried about my boy’s cholesterol!

The Troll: MA!

The webcast is turned off….

Climax Control Archives / I have to wrestle a WHAT!?
« on: October 01, 2021, 07:16:55 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

As the camera turns on and the podcast begins, The Troll sits back, this time sporting a red ball cap on his head with the ‘MAGA’ logo on the forefront and his shirt, stained with a recent chili dog feast, bears the emblem “Trump - 2024” front and center on his chest. Yes indeed, the Troll is a tried and true supporter of all things Donald Trump! And truth be told, who’s really all that surprised?

Once he reaches forward to hit the ‘air’ on his little makeshift studio, he sits back and exhales sharply, shaking his head.

The Troll: I tell you my peeps, I swear I don’t even know where to start this time! Usually, I have a set plan, you know? I have everything thought out right down to the most minute of details like any professional would. But this week, and everything that’s happened? Your boy the Troll is experiencing a first! He’s actually at a loss!

He clears his throat and holds up an index finger. He reaches over and grabs the giant sized 7-11 soda cup and slurps deeply before setting it back down again.

The Troll: maybe we should work this out with the most important topic and then so on down. And he first would be, of course, the travesty of that audit in Maricopa County in Arizona. All those reports that you hear that the auditors found that not only did Biden win the state legit but they discovered even more votes for Biden than previously believed?

The Troll shakes his head.

The Troll: Fake news! It’s just like the REAL president, yours and mine - Donald Trump - said, they REALLY discovered enough votes for him to turn over the travesty of the 2020 election three or four times over and that is a FACT! Donald Trump is and has always been OUR President of the United States! Believe it!

The Troll leans back in his chair and shakes his head, twiddling his fat thumbs.

The Troll: I suppose that rings us to the next topic, and that’s the return of Kris Ryans. Now you might be surprised by this or asking yourself why I’m either bothering talking about that has-been? Well truth be told, I feel kind of sorry for him. And here’s the reason why, and it’s my scoop of the week! You remember how we all saw that bleached blonde AA reject Mikah mention her beautiful new home in Hawaii? And then just last week we see Kris make mention of how he had to leave Hawaii? That’s it!

The Troll slams his meaty fist down onto his table.

The Troll: That’s the TRUTH right there! Kris Ryans and Mikah are back together! AGAIN! Just when you thought the man developed some common sense and dumped her ass, he falls right back into the same trap! Mikah is a USER! She was doing everything in her power to make Kris something he wasn’t and a shadow of his former self, and just as he’s making progress to being what he once was, he goes and shoots it all to hell! Just like that!

He snaps his fingers.

The Troll: And for a woman who only weeks ago was STILL trying to get into the pants of ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward? You’d think Kris would have wizened up by now, or maybe he just wasn’t aware? Though I guess I can’t say he was too smart to start with if he was bending over for Fenris. Face facts! Kris Ryans just has bad taste in whoever he decided to knock boots with!

And speaking of Sodomites, that brings me to the third and most disturbing topic of all; the fact that the powers-that-be decided to place me not in the match I deserve the most to be in; for the vacant Roulette Championship! But they have me going up against David Shepherd, and I do not mean ‘going up against’ in the literal sense! I mean, this is a guy who almost caused that cruise ship to capsize the way he and Fenris were rocking the boat, so to speak! I was two floors below them and I STILL got sent off my bed the way they were going at it! And it’s DISGUSTING! And THAT’S the guy I have to step into the ring with!? It’s unfair! It's unjust! It’s no wonder though he has such a screwed up sense of what is right and what is wrong! Look at his family life! His parents make David Koresh look like Tammy Faye Baker! And that sister of his…! Well while she may be pretty hot, she’s probably responsible for half the STDs in the state of Oklahoma!

Well not to worry David! The Troll has your back … pun not intended. This match isn’t going the way you want, but given your sad lot in life, that’s hardly unexpected. I’ll take a hint from those cop shows and show you why being in the ring with yours truly will scare you straight. Your family will owe me a fruit basket after this, because you know what they say is in the state of Oklahoma!

He leans back in his chair, hands behind his head, feet kicking up on the desk with a smug smirk on his fat face.

The Troll: Just a bunch of steers and…

And the chair toples over backwards and the Troll lands hard on the floor with a thud!

With a satisfied smile

Climax Control Archives / What's a Malachi?
« on: August 13, 2021, 03:49:17 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The Troll: Yo yo yo! It’s your boy! The Man of the Hour where truth never goes sour! The Troll is back and if you’re tuning in, it’s because you are one of the fair few who wants to know what is REALLY happening in this wild and crazy world of professional wrestling, which is also a world filled with lies. Some big, some small, but in the end, there is no such thing as what they call a ‘little white lie.’ A lie is a lie, period! So when you come to me, you get a reprieve from all of that because ALL I bring to you is the TRUTH!

And the TRUTH is -- your boy has some good news and some bad news. Bad news first, as it should be so we can bring this edition of ‘Under the Bridge’ to a close with some feel good moments. The bad news is -- that Mark Ward was fully prepared to do what was the RIGHT thing to do and award the vacant Internet Championship to yours truly, the only one who deserves it! The biggest name on the Internet - so who ELSE should it be??? BUT -- and this is where the bad news comes in  … that bubble brained airhead interim boss Candy stepped in and she went behind Ward’s back and instead of giving me what is my rightful due, she instead put me into the opening round match of the tournament instead! Now I have to go through SEVEN other feebs in order to finally take what is rightfully mine?


But then again, the world isn’t fair. I just want to know when it’s ever going to be unfair in MY favor? Hm??? But see, here’s another piece of perplexing news; they put me up against something called a Malachi. I mean, what even IS a Malachi??? When I first saw the lineup for the show and saw my match, I thought I was up against Senor Vinnie’s distant cousin, twice removed; but that sounds more like Mariachi. Malachi, the same guy who couldn’t hack it in SCW so he ran away with his considerably small tail tucked between his legs so tight he’d make an awesome drag queen for some nightclub in downtown San Fran! The guy who has the weakest fighting spirit but qhat do you know? The bosses lured him back with a promise at MY gold - and HE’S who I have to face?

The Troll shrugs.

The Troll: Fine. Have it your way boss - bosses. You’re only going to make yourself look bad - worse than Malarky, er - Malachi. Because you went through ALL the trouble of bringing this halfwit back who couldn’t win a match, let alone a championship, if it wasn’t for his wife Bella! SHE’S more of a man than he is! And for all that trouble? He’s just going to get smeared across that ring and eliminated quick and easy. It really doesn’t exactly put good faith in the booking decisions around here, does it? Then again, word has it that Mark Ward is secluding himself away behind closed doors and just taking a steady stream of naps while the inmate - in this case, Candy - runs the asylum! Never thought I would say this but…




The Troll: Oh for the love of…

The Troll pulls his earphones away from his ear for a moment…

The Troll: What do you want Ma!?

Mom: Do you want to go to church with me and your Aunt Clara!?

The Troll: No, Ma!

Mom: I just heard you say you wanted to bring Christianity back! I’m so proud…!

The Troll: Not Christianity, Ma! CHRISTIAN!

Mom: That’s what I said! But fine! If you don’t want to spend one hour at church with your poor mother … God knows how long I have left and how much it would mean to see my baby boy all gussied up and singing just like when he was little!

The Troll: Ma…

Mom: Not that I want to pressure you! You might just get a call from Father Neal B. Formee telling you I choked on my communion…

The Troll: AlRIGHT Ma! I’ll go! Just this once!

Mom: Aww! That’s my boy! Now hurry and get ready so we can get the front pew before that nasty Helena Handbasket gets there first! Lady always farts in church and blames the wax on the pew and her dress!

The Troll sighs heavily as he reaches forward and turns the screen off…

And a quick flip and it’s turned back on and he whispers into the camera with a conspiratorial tone.

The Troll: This one is for you, my Bodacious Bobbie! I had a GREAT time last night!

He winks and turns the camera off again.

Climax Control Archives / Obedience training for the Bulldog
« on: July 30, 2021, 08:05:44 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

The Troll: So, I bet you all think you got a good laugh at my expense, hm? No. I’m not talking about what Miles “Botox Buttocks” Kasey pulled when he went behind my back and invited my mom onto the Summer XXXTreme cruise, because that’s not it at all. I LOVE my mom and now, apparently, so does everyone else! That kind of worked against you, didn’t it Miles? You thought somehow, in some way, having my mom on board would be a detriment to me or an embarrassment, but it worked out for the best! Everyone loved my mom!”


Mom: GABRIEL! Did you just call me!?

The Troll pulls his headphones away for a brief moment and casts his eyes upward.

The Troll: NO MA! I was just telling my peeps how everybody loved you on the ship!

Mom: Aw, that’s so sweet!

The Troll looks back into the web blog screen and is about to speak…


He sighs and pulls his headphones away again.

The Troll: What, Ma!?

Mom: Did that nice boy with the butt ever ask you out!? You know, the ones that invited me on the cruise WHEN MY OWN SON DIDN’T!

The Troll stares hard into the camera and exhales through his nose, mouthing ‘Thanks Miles!” before…

The Troll: NO, Ma!

Mom: Aww! My poor baby is going through his first heartbreak! Momma’s here for you!

The Troll groans and runs a hand down his face before he looks into the camera to address his ‘peeps.’

The Troll: Where was I? Oh, yes! The so-called humiliation Miles and certain others think they got at my expense, and all because of what happened when I stepped into the ring with a Living Legend like J2H. Well face facts, people! What else did you think was going to happen? NEWSFLASH! I let J2H win! It was all part of the deal! You know how it is with that guy! He shows up when he’s clearly not wanted and only wrestles when there’s something in it for him, and ONLY against people he clearly won’t lose to! It’s called creative control, and J2H has it in spades! If we fought for real, do you actually think that scrawny kid would stand a chance against me?

The Troll scoffs.

The Troll: Please! Everything about that punk is as fake as his Cracker Jack tattoos! And speaking of fake, that brings us to the poor slob who I’m stepping into the ring against this weekend, the next victim of … (RVD thumbs) The Troll! And that is “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart!

The Troll: Oh look! There’s the geriatric dear right now, resting up. He takes a lot of naps, you know. It takes a lot of energy to walk allll that way down the aisle and then he has to climb those steps and get into the ring without breaking a hip or hyper extending his joints lifting his leg that high to even get through the ropes. So, aside from Bill Barnhart being set up for the ultimate humiliation and falling in yet ANOTHER defeat, let me fill you in on a little secret about the famous ring veteran.

The Troll beckons us closer with a wave of his finger.

The Troll: Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart is one hundred percent fake! … Well, maybe that isn’t so much of a secret, because anybody who has watched his promos or seen his matches knows this for a fact. I mean, just LOOK at the man! Bill Barnhart would have us believe that he is a man in his thirties!? What, does he think that we don’t even have eyes? Are we headless or something and he thinks we can’t see the man for what he is!? This is a guy that sang at Betty White’s sixteenth birthday for crying out loud! A ring veteran who hit his peak in the 1930s! The man, I admit, was a Hall of Famer and a former champion many times over. We know because he takes every opportunity to remind us every chance he gets. But here’s something he forgets in his advanced years…


I mean, seriously! How long is this joke going to rest on his laurels before even he understands his best years were probably when he was in diapers! Oh, wait… at his age he’s probably back in them so nix that train of thought. Fake. That’s all he is. Fake age, and apparently a fake friend. Am I the only one who realized he didn’t even CARE about what happened to his so-called (air quotes) ‘friend’ Senor Vinnie at Summer XXXTreme at the hands of that Bible Thumping Basket Case David Shepherd? Vinnie’s career is OVER because of David and all Barnhart is acting like it was just another match.

He shrugs.

The Troll: No big deal, am I right? Bulldog will just sweep it under the rug and find someone else to ride the coattails of and leech off of their popularity. Luke he does with Bea. I mean, we all see THAT relationship for what it is!

The Troll cups a hand over his mouth and stage whispers.

The Troll: That’s a trophy wife situation if I ever saw one. It’s just a shame that Bea is more of a man than Bill is. On average she does more talking about his opposition in his promos than what he does. It makes me wonder what she’s going to have to say about yours truly. But sorry to disappoint Bea, but my heart is spoken for. Which brings me to my final point to make. Last but not least, I want to dedicate this win, my ultimate victory over an aging Bill Barnhart, to my boo, Bobbie Dahl. The future Missus...



The Troll: WHAT Ma!?

Mom: Is skinless chicken and salad alright for dinner!?

The Troll frowns and stares up at the ceiling.

The Troll: What’s with the rabbit food, Mom!?

Mom: I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and he said according to my weight I should be seven foot, one!

The Troll starts to say something, then freezes and stares up at the ceiling again….

Character Building Roleplays / ALL ABOARD! aka A Surprise From Miles
« on: July 11, 2021, 07:27:31 PM »
"It's an outrage! A travesty! When one of the biggest events of 2021 is happening and THE biggest new Superstar in all of SCW is NOT booked!? What kind of perversion is this!? A sham! It makes a complete mockery out of the entire sport of professional wrestling! But if you think I'm going to just let this go and bow out gracefully, you're about as brain dead as the vast majority of unwashed plebeians out there! I'll have a match! Just you wait and see!"

Sun Princess Cruise

The sound of the multitude of crates, luggage and bags in the Troll's arms swung to and fro, slamming into the walls of the narrow corridor of the Sun Princess cruise. It might have just been his imagination, but the Troll could have sworn the deeper he went into the ship to find his luxury suite, the more narrow the halls got!

Is that even possible?

Qh! He looked up and saw a cruise employee walking down the corridor - in the opposite direction.

The Troll: Little help? ExCUSE me!? A little HELP!

Hm, they must not have heard him since they picked up speed and practically ran until they vanished around the corner. His eyes narrowed and he let go of the bags in his right hand...

The Troll: YOU just made the LIST!


The Troll:

The luggage he dropped landed squarely on his foot and he hopped up and down in pain, biting his bottom lip.

The Troll: What else could go wrong!?

He then found himself outside of a cabin door, and the number looked right. He let the remaining luggage sink to the floor and he fished out his ticket and gave it a once over. Yup! Cabin R350. TGhis is the one! Ahhh! A whole week of luxury, lounging about in his own luxurious sui-


He stared aghast at the so-called "suite" that was smaller than even the smallest hotel room! There was a bed, and a microscopic desk - but that was it! No mini bar! No bathroom and shower! There was barely even enough room to walk around the bed itself! His mouth was as wide as his eyes as he stared in disbelief!

The Troll: No - nonono! Nooo! This can't be right! It just CAN'T!

He must have spent ten minutes looking back and forth between the room number on the door and the one on the ticket. He struggled back upstairs to find a ship employee to find his real room, only to be told be no less than FOUR separate employees that this was indeed his cabin!

The Troll: Unbelievable! This won't stand! We'll just SEE about this!

After spending what seemed like forever getting all of his clothes and online equipment for his show into his room, he now barely had enough room left for himself! He practically slammed his laptop and speakers on the small desk, determined to get online to his peeps and voice his outrage...

The Troll: What else can go wrong!?

...There was a knock on his cabin door.

The Troll: Well it's ABOUT time!

He stomped up to the door and swung it open.

The Troll: I demand a refund and to be moved to the presidential suite - **GASP!**

And the Troll found himself staring right into the smiling face of Miles "Milo" Kasey! The Troll quickly tried to swing the door shut but Miles put up one hand against the door to prevent it, and even with his hefty weight and both hands, Miles EASILY kept the door from shutting.

Miles: Take it easy, big man! I'm not here to throw you overboard.

Miles glanced 'upward' as if in contemplation.

Miles: I think I'm about fourth in line for that.

The Troll: H-h-h-how did you find me!?

Miles: Oh that was easy. I just asked them where the smallest, worst room was and whelp! Here I am!

The Troll sneers but that charming smile never leaves Miles' face.

The Troll: Very funny! This is just a temporary situation, I assure you!

Miles plays along, nodding all serious-like.

The Troll: What do you want!?

Miles: Oh I just stopped by because I have a surprise for you.

The Troll: A surprise? For me? I don't want - no, wait! YOU GOT ME A MATCH!?

Miles: Even better!

The Troll: What could be better than...???

From down the hall...


The Troll's face falls and goes stark pale, which just makes Miles' smile spread even wider.

The Troll: .... No....

Miles: Yup! Say "hi" to Mom for me!

Miles waves idly goodbye and walks off down the hall, whistling casually and leaving a shell shocked Troll standing frozen in his doorway.

Climax Control Archives / I hate to say I told you so....
« on: June 07, 2021, 02:38:08 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“Well! Well! Well! What do we have here!? A sense of karma? A little taste of justice? You know, hard as it is to be humble, I hate to say I told you so…”

“You heard it here first, loyal viewers! And to the hearing impaired - listeners! The Troll told every single one of those plebeians in the Superstar division that it would only be a matter of time before Mark Ward and Christian Underwood realized my value to Sin City Wrestling! I told every single one of you whiny little babies that Ward and Underwood could not - WOULD NOT - be able to silence the truth! And here we are! Next week! Your boy, that’s me. The Troll! I am going to be not only challenging Alex Jones for the Roulette Championship, but I am going to be walking away with it as well. Bank on it!”

“It’s no offense to Alex Jones and everything that he’s accomplished in this sport, which if you want to be honest, really isn’t all that much. It’s not like he’s, say - Alicia Lukas? All those World Championships and Hall of Fame inductions that he likes to tell everyone that he’s been bestowed with or won inside of the ring?”

He shakes his head ‘no’ with a haughty sense of self righteousness.

“All fake. All made up. To pad the so-called resume of the even more so-called ring veteran. If he was really as great as he wants everyone to believe, it wouldn’t have taken him so long to win a title where he didn’t have to rely on a tag team partner to carry him. He would have had the World Heavyweight Championship by now, not the Roulette title which has went downhill in prestige for the last several reigns. That’s where I come into play! Once I win that title, and I will, your boy - the Troll - will bring the Roulette title back to the stature it enjoyed when it was first created.”

“Then of course, there’s the little matter of my good friend Miles ‘Milo’ Kasey. Well, Miles? Didn’t I warn you? Did. I. Not. Warn. You!? I told you that you’d pay for saying something - anything - about my mom, and that’s what you get! Not that you had much of a chance against Mac Bane anyway, but anything that I can do to show you up for being the overrated never-was that we all know you are, I’ll do!”

“And to think that you, and people like Caleb Storms and Bobbie Dahl (and god knows who else) thought you could make me look bad in the eyes of MY Mom by sending her flowers!? MY Mom loves me more than anything! But you lot just keep sending more flowers and more, and you should see the whole upstairs of our house! It looks like a botanical garden threw up everywhere! Well the laugh is on ALL of you! You see, my mom hasn’t been home all week! She’s been out of town visiting her brother. She’s due back later today, which gives me all the time in the world to change the names on the cards of those flowers so…”

Suddenly there is the sound of a door swinging open upstairs, and the Troll realizes that he has waited too long and we hear the Troll’s (apparently) much loved mother shouting from upstairs...

MOM: “What the…!? What’s with all these flowers!? Oh Lord… oh Lord Almighty! Who died!? SOMEONE DIED!! Gabriel! GABRIEL! Where’s my baby boy…!?

The Troll rolls his eyes and huffs audibly before shouting upstairs to answer his Mother.

TROLL: “MA! I’m FINE! I’m downstairs!”

MOM: “Oh thank you JESUS! Wait, if it wasn’t you then who….?? It was your Aunt Agnes who died, wasn't it!? I warned her that one of those STDs was going to get her in the end! Oh my poor, dear sister Agnes! Why her!? I warned her that her promiscuous ways would bite her in the butt!”
TROLL: “Ma! Aunt Agnes wasn’t promiscuous! She just wore short skirts because she was proud of her legs!”
MOM: “I know your aunt had nice legs! I just don't know why she had to wave them about so much!”

TROLL: “Ma! Nobody died!”

MOM: “Oh thank the Lord! Wait, if nobody dies then… Aww, did some lucky girl wrestler catch mama's baby boy's eye? Which lucky girl sent you flowers, huh? You can tell me!”

TROLL: “No, Ma! No girl wrestler sent me flowers!”

MOM: “Well if some ‘girl’ wrestler didn't send you flowers then who.. Oh My GAWD!

TROLL: “What…? Mom, NO!

MOM: “It was one of them fellas, wasn’t it!? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Momma still loves her baby boy! So who was it, huh?”

TROLL: “Ma…”
MOM: “It had BETTER not be that David boy! I like that he’s a good Christian boy but he has issues!”

TROLL: “Ma…”

MOM: “Not that Fenris, either! He has anger problems, and his legs are too hairy! You’ll get rug burn!”

TROLL: “... Ma!”

MOM: “Oo! You know who you should go out with? That nice Miles boy. He has good 'stuff' back there!”

TROLL: “Ma…!”

MOM: “More cushion’ for the pushin’...”

TROLL: “Ma! I'm NOT gay!”
MOM: “Exactly! Who needs labels any more? Gay, straight... let's just all be lovers!”
TROLL: “MA! For God's sake!”
MOM: “Gabriel Thomas Wank! Don't you take the lord's name in vain in my home God damn it!”

The Troll starts to saw something but freezes and sighs. He takes off his glasses and drops them on his desktop. He grips the sides of the desk with both hands and begins beating his head onto the surface….


MOM: “Oh for the love of…! Gabriel! Call the plumber! There go those damn pipes again!”

Head down on the desk, he blindly reaches for the power button of his computer and presses it…

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