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Messages - Shorty

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 The spot to be is Las Vegas on the weekend of May 25th-28th.  Memorial Day Weekend was a time for remembrance of the fallen who fought for freedom, and “Shorty” Devin Tyler was no exception to this.  However, he finds himself standing at odds with his tag team partner, who seems a million miles away.  After getting her to come clean on a few things, the last thing that Shorty wants to do right now is to go out onto the stage and entertain a bunch of fans when there are serious issues to address.

However, the voice of Justin Decent booms over the speakers as the fans at the expo gather around to cheer and jeer.  Of course, the outsider is opening the show with a five minute speech, and he hadn’t prepared a single word.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages!  Please welcome to the stage, one of the participants in the Blast From the Past finals… Coming from Oakland, California, standing at 3 feet 11 inches and weighing in at 165lb, he is… “Shorty” Devin Tyyyyyyylerrrrrr!!!”

“Shorty Bounce” begins playing inside of the crowded hall as even the stars and bombshells participating in the event turn their attention over to the stage.  Shorty was used to entertaining the fans inside of a wrestling ring, but this was quite a different field for him.  He looks around, trying his best to hide how nervous he is.  Seeing Evie out of sorts has filled him with a bit of anger that he latches on to as he walks through the curtains, defying his own internal struggles as he steps out onto the stage.  The fans surprise him with a bit of a cheer.  He throws his arms up in the air to bring on the hatred as he shouts at them.

“I deserve more than that, you assholes!  Come on!  Give me more!”

He works the stage as he looks out amongst the stars and bombshells and fans, seeing the tables set up for autographs and photo ops, and he notices that more and more people are gathering in the crowd at the front of the stage.  After moving across the stage a few times, he is about to begin when he notices the podium, which is very much too tall for him.  With no consideration for his height disadvantage, Shorty is left with no choice but to act out.

After looking around, he walks over to Justin Decent, and almost as if it were planned, he rears his arm back for his signature Dick Punch.  Justin waves his hands at Shorty as he hands him his own microphone.  Shorty snatches it out of Justin’s hand and gives him a nod that tells him to get the fuck off of “his” stage, and Justin obliges.

“Shorty! Shorty! Shorty! Shorty! Shorty!”

Devin stops himself after taking a deep breath into the microphone.  He nods his head as he almost cracks a smile.  However, he refuses to let up as he waves them all off.

“Yeah, yeah, will you all shut the fuck up so that I can speak?  Damn, no respect…”

The crowd laughs at this, and Devin winks at them.  However, he has no intentions of letting them take over another second of his time with their chatter and their praise of him.

“You know, it’s funny that I’m out here getting all of these cheers, because six weeks ago, not a single one of you assholes knew who I was.  No one in the back knew me from Adam.  The fans laughed because we finally had a ‘midget’ on here that was being put into a serious match.  It had comedy gold written all over it… until it didn’t!”

The crowd cheers once more as Devin closes his eyes and uses his free hand to pinch his fingers together to tell them to be quiet.

“You see?  I still don’t have the respect that I deserve at this stage of the game.  I beat the new upstart who came out of the prestigious gym of Gabriel and Odette Stevens.  The man with all of the hopes and dreams of being on this stage right here, right now, talking about the time he bested a ‘midget’.  I ended that dream in a motherfucking quick!  He had, what?  One more match before calling it quits?  And that is just as insulting as the looks of pity that you all give me.”

The fans look shocked at this.  Shorty pays them no mind as he begins pacing the stage, looming over the microphone as he doesn’t even look at the fans.

“I ended a career, but not in the way that I wanted to.  I didn’t prove that I was the dominant superstar in that battle.  All I did was give him the stigma of getting beat by a little person.  He heard it from all of you assholes, week in, and week out.  He couldn’t handle it, and he buckled under the pressure.  He lost to Kristopher Ryans and he took off with his tail tucked between his legs.  Not only did he insult me by running away, but you all insulted me.  You’re insulting me right now by cheering for me just because I look like something off of a TLC television series, when really, you hate me.  You look at me like a sideshow attraction, but I’m so much more than that.  I am one half of the Blast From the Past winning team, and I am your future World Heavyweight Champion!”

There is a laughter that rolls over the entire crowd.  It grows in volume, which causes Shorty to get angry.  The production team leader gives Shorty the signal to wrap it up for having gone over his time.  He flips him off as he looks out into the crowd.

“So I really am a joke to you, huh?  Was I a joke when I took out Jon Dough, the man who is going to win the Roulette Championship back in just a few days?  Was I a joke when I took out the giant, Wyatt Peterson?  We’ll see what kind of a joke I am when I take on the title of the 2018 Blast From the Past winner, and Evie Baang and I have to make arrangements for custody of the trophy.”

One fan in the crowd stands out above them all as he shouts out and he raises his beer in the air.  He turns around slowly as he talks to the fans surrounding him.

“Now THIS is comedy gold, am I right?  Imagine him as the World Heavyweight Champion!”

The crowd joins him in cheering.  He relishes in his fifteen seconds of glory as the surrounding crowd pats him on the back and laughs with him.  Shorty narrows his eyes as he studies the man.  However, he doesn’t let it ruin his moment.

“Fenris and Pierce have no idea what is waiting for them in just a few short days at Into the Void, but the disrespect in here gives me the perfect opportunity to show them a little sneak peek of what happens when you sleep on me…”

Devin looks at the podium, and with one swift motion, he knocks it over onto the ground, causing it to bounce a couple times.  He drops the microphone to the ground and sends it to Justin Decent.  He hops off of the stage, relishing in it all.  The crowd cheers once more as Shorty makes his way through the crowd.  He comes up to the guy who interrupted him and gives him a high five.

“You got me, brother.  You really got me.”

The man laughs and shakes hands with Shorty.  He brings him in for a brotherly hug, but Shorty rams his fist right into the crotch of the man.  The crowd gasps, as if they didn’t expect him to do that.  Security comes in, ready to escort Shorty off of the premises.  However, the fan is almost overjoyed to get the Dick Punch, and shakes his head to let them know that it’s okay.  Shorty gives him a nudge with his foot as the crowd parts for Devin to make his way over toward his table.  There is a pause from the audience as they go silent, and Justin Decent, along with the stage manager, set up the podium once more, allowing Evie to have her moment.

“Introducing next, from Victor Harbour, South Australia, standing at 5 feet 8 inches and weighing in at 121 pounds, she is… Evie Baaaaaaaaaaaang!”

Shorty watches as Evie comes out on stage, as “Anthem of the Year 2000” by Silverchair plays over the speakers.  Evie doesn’t get into all of the theatrics as she steps onto the stage.  She leans over the microphone as she looks right over to Shorty.

“That is a tough act to follow.”

The crowd gives off a bit of a low chuckle, trying not to upset the firecracker of a little person any further.  He nods his head as Evie begins speaking.  However, Shorty cannot pay any attention to her as he gets tapped on the shoulder.  He turns around, ready to snap at someone, but he sees the General Manager of his home company, Thaddeus AKA Tad Ezra.  Shorty shakes his head as he sighs, his eyes returning to Evie.

“What do you want, Tad?”

Tad looks a bit shocked at his greeting, and he pulls an empty chair over to the table.  He adjusts his suit jacket and tie as he picks up one of the photos from the stack that Shorty has in front of him, studying it.

“You look so proud in this photograph.  Very regal.  I could see you standing in the center of the ring with Evie, hands raised up in the air.”

Shorty snorts as he shakes his head.

“Yeah, maybe because you’ve seen it three times already.  It isn’t very hard to imagine when it’s already happened.”

Tad listens to Shorty, nodding his head as he waits carefully so not to interrupt him.  Once Shorty finishes, Tad smiles.

“The difference would be that giant trophy sitting between you two.  If you play your cards right, then I might just become a traveling fortune teller.  I could give you the winning lottery numbers if you like…?”

Shorty snaps his head back to Tad, seeing the smile and detecting every last bit of sarcasm dripping from his tongue, and even inventing some that never was there.  Shorty shakes his head.

“And with every gain, there is a cost, oh wise-ass one.  So why don’t we just cut the bullshit and get to the point.  What is the cost of this victory?”

Tad gently fidgets with the Sharpie pen on the table as he tries to think of the best way to describe what is going through his mind right now.

“You have everything that it takes to be a top talent in Northern Lights Wrestling, or any company really.  You have charisma that is out of this world.  Your wrestling skills are amazing, and I’m only sorry that I didn’t see it sooner.  You have a uniqueness to you that is extremely marketable, and I’m lucky to oversee your talent.”

Shorty notices the nervousness coming off of Tad and he simply shakes his head at it.  He rubs at his temples, annoyed, as he is trying to focus on Evie to give her the attention that she deserves during her five minutes.

“Cut the shit, Tad.  I’m sure this isn’t some friendly visit just to wish me luck.  Are you concerned that my head isn’t in the game, because I assure you that it is.  Is this about trying to pump me up so that I give Northern Lights Wrestling more ratings?  Because I already know that I’m doing that.  Whatever it is, just come out and say it.  Don’t toy with me.”

Tad stops messing with the Sharpie.  The dim lighting over him hides the fact that he’s frustrated quite well.  The nervousness is his way of dealing with the frustration.  He pauses for a second, trying to think of the most delicate way to say what needs to be said.  However, bluntness is the best way for him to go ultimately.

“You are looked at within the company that you keep.  You have been making poor choices since day one.  You piggybacked onto Kader Hasheem, and the second he got called away from Northern Lights and up to Honor Wrestling, he forgot about you.  Now, you are a novelty to the Bad Boys.  Nothing more.  They are using you for a cheap pop, and once that pop fades, they are going to do to you what they do to everyone else, and they are going to abandon you.  The same goes for Evie, but there is nothing that you can…”

Shorty’s nostrils flare this time as he spins in his chair.  He looks over to Tad and his fists shake with anger.

“Wrong, wrong, and fucking wrong, Tad!  Who came to this very spot in the Gold Coast Casino five weeks ago when I debuted in this tournament.  It sure as fuck wasn’t you.  It was Kader Hasheem, who is responsible for helping to train me on how to evade strikes from bigger guys.  He did not ghost me, just because we don’t get on cameras nonstop.  The Bad Boys are not using me.  I’m using them, really.  And it already got me the golden briefcase.  I’m YOUR number one contender, thanks to the Bad Boys.  And Evie has been more of a friend to me than anyone ever has.  We started off rocky, with hopes of winning this tournament, but since then, we’ve gotten on the same page.  We’ve gone out together on the town.  We’ve bonded like friends, and for her, that says a shit ton..  So again, why don’t you cut the fucking bullshit and tell me what you came to tell me.”

Tad leans back in his chair, not responding well to Shorty’s hostility.  He shakes his head as Shorty belittles his opinion entirely.

“You need to leave the Bad Boys alone.  They are destructive.  They steamroll over anything and anyone, disregarding all that is precious.  You could be so much more than just a little person with a few solid victories.  You are above being handed victories and title contracts.  I just don’t think that you see it.  The Bad Boys will destroy you, and any hope for a career that you might have.  To be blunt with you, there is a distinct disadvantage, and as much as I as a millennial would love to sit here and say that everyone should be treated equally and fairly, that just isn’t the case.  You are strong, and we’ve seen it throughout this entire tournament.  You just need to learn to walk the path alone, build up your strength to a point that no one can deny that you are a force to be reckoned with.  Then, and only then, will you not be the butt end of every joke, like that asshole out in the crowd that you punched in the dick.”

Shorty is upset by the simple notion that Tad is trying to dictate who he associates with.  The nerve!  Shorty stands up from his chair, because he doesn’t want to hear this for another second, and as Tad speaks, he refuses to not say what needs to be said.  Devin is suddenly struck with something that Tad says, and he can’t help but lend his ears to Tad.  He patiently waits for Tad to finish speaking, and he looks down to the ground.

“You really think you know what it’s like in my shoes, don’t you?  You think it’s just as easy as believing in yourself and working hard to make it in this sport.  It’s not.  I’ve been through the wringer my entire career.  I’ve had to claw my way to the bottom of the barrel.  I’ve fought ten times as hard to be looked at as equals to men who are ten times less talented than me.  That right there is a sad fact.  But guess what?  I’ve made it.  I can make my own choices on who I hang out with, and what my shirt says.  I am a Bad Boy, loud and proud.  I’ve spent so much time with them, and I’ve heard many stories.  So if I can be honest now, nothing that you say means shit to me.  You only want me to stop hanging out with them, because of the history that you have with the Bad Boys, and more specifically, Dax.  Since you have to be professional now that you are his boss, you can’t stand that I have his attention, even if it’s not the way that you did.  So you can take that selfish motive, and you can roll it up in a nice little ball.  You can take that ball, and you can smooth it out.  Go ahead and put a little lubrication on it.  Give it a kiss for good luck, and shove it straight up that tight little ass of yours…”

Shorty speaks every last word of his in a callous manner.  He has stopped caring, and at the same time, he doesn’t even give Tad the satisfaction of laughing at him.  Stating it as fact is enough to upset Tad to the point of silence.  He nods his head and politely excuses himself from the table.  In true Bad Boys fashion, he gives Tad a tight slap on his backside as Tad walks away.  He takes a deep breath as the roar of the audience makes him look back at the stage.  Shorty takes his seat back as he picks up his pen to begin signing autographs.

Evie exits the stage as the crowd parts the way for her.  She looks them all up and down until her eyes come to rest on Devin.  Once she gets over to the table that has been set up for them, she takes a seat, smoothing out her dress.  Unexpectedly, she looks over to Devin and asks the question on her mind.

“What was with that guy?  The boss from your other company…”

Shorty shrugs his shoulders, and now that Tad is out of sight, he smiles deviously and chuckles aloud.

“He thought he was going to tell me what to do, and who I can associate with.  Unfortunately, when you try to talk down about my friends, you are going to wind up crying.”

Evie gives him a look that asks what he means by that.  Instead, he simply shrugs his shoulders.  The two had developed a way of communicating without words, and her next silent question asks if she was mentioned in this.  He again shrugs his shoulders and sighs as the fans begin coming up to the table in an orderly line.  They begin signing pictures and merchandise while reluctantly shaking hands and doing what they are being paid to do as the scene fades out.


With a big match coming up at Into the Void, training had been almost non-stop since the win over Wyatt Peterson and Amy Marshall. Shorty and Evie had been nearly inseparable. Between the non-stop training, the speed dating event, and the SCW Into the Void Fan Fest, it is a miracle that they had any time apart.

While this has caused them to bond further than even they had expected, they have spent a lot of time exhausting themselves. This was definitely not good for their chances of winning and a day of rest was just what the doctor had ordered. Luckily, Shorty’s new acquaintances lived together in Las Vegas, and their house was nothing short of fricken sweet. They were putting Shorty up over the last nearly two weeks.

The five star treatment was just what he needed. Shorty sits on a lounge chair in a red Speedo that shows off way more than anyone would ever want to see of him.  He is spread out under the sun as it beats upon his bronzed. There is a female in a white two piece bikini that is rubbing Shorty down with oil as he sighs in relief.

“I can only imagine how you got this gig, sweet stuff.”

The woman rolls her eyes as she flips her blonde hair over her shoulder to lean over Shorty to get his right shoulder while pressing herself onto his back.

“I thought your signature misogynistic name for women was Sugar Tits…”

Shorty looks over his shoulder and right into her big blue eyes. While she certainly qualifies for such a name, Shorty can't help but sigh and shake his head.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is someone who has a special place in my heart, and she will forever be the only Sugar Tits for me.”

The girl seems very disinterested, but her job is to be Shorty’s entertainment during his stay in Las Vegas. She asks the very obvious question.

“So, you have a girl then? That's a shame. But we can still have a good time, right baby?”

Shorty chuckles.

“No, she's not my girl. No thanks. She is a friend, and it started out as a way of trying to get under her skin. We didn't have the best start, but we've gotten really close. It would never go there, so if you are worried about not getting to see a man that is 3 foot 11 that's still hung like a fucking horse, and exactly what he is capable of doing with what God blessed him with, then don't be. I'll still put it in you later…”

The girl sighs, but as her gold digging eyes wander over to his crotch, taking notice of what he's packing, her tune changes slightly. She begins rubbing on his chest and working her way down to his well defined abdomen, but she is distracted by a furry flash of brown and ink flying past her. She gasps and then goes to shield herself as the ever so familiar voice of Dax Beckett echoes over the entire pool area.



Surprisingly, Shorty doesn't mind the splash, but the abrupt shouting causes him to lower his sunglasses and he stares right at the pair of empty shorts floating at the top of the pool. He shakes his head as Dax’s head emerges from the water, and his hair clings to his face. He opens his mouth before sputtering water, gasping for air. Shorty winces and groans.

“Ahhh, man… do you even realize that your pale white hairy ass is blinding the neighbors, you jackass?!”

Dax reaches up and moves his hair out of his face as he blinks a few times, looking for Shorty. However, the next few blinks are for added insult.

“Bruh, where are you? I can't see you. Does somebody got a microscope?”

“Yeah, remember? Its next to your bed, so that you can see what you're doing when you touch yourself at night, shit head…”

Shorty leans back in his chair as he soaks up the sun. He lowers his shades once more as Dax paddles over to the edge of the pool, letting his shorts float freely in the water.

“You got jokes. Just like your place in the Blast From the Past tournament.”

Shorty practically snorts in response to Dax, which causes Dax to pay attention with a goofy smile on his face.

“Don't be salty because I made it further than you could ever dream of making it. Just because my partner is actually worth a damn, that doesn't give you the right to make fun, fucko.”

Dax takes it all in stride as he leans back. A censor bar covers his nethers as he does a back stroke across the pool. Shorty shakes his head and scoffs as Dax talks to him in a louder than normal voice.

“You got a mouth on you. That's why you blend in so well with us.”

“By the way, your ex pulled me to the side to tell me I should ditch you guys.”

“It would probably be a wise career move, but where is the fucking fun in that?”

Shorty goes to respond, but he knows Dax has a point. It was never about advancing his career. It was all about making a point and sticking it to “the man” who tried to keep him on the lower tier of the industry for so long. Instead, he is cut off by the sound of FaceTime going off on his phone. He picks it up to see it is Evie calling. He quickly answers.

“Yo, Sugar T. What's good?”

The sun makes it hard to completely see Evie, but he sees her just enough to catch the black slinky dress and the dark hair coming down over her shoulders.

“My little nugget, all things are good. I am just working on that video package you insisted I make.”

“It is only fair, Eve’s. Consider it a favor for me.”

Evie stares at the screen and sighs as if looking right into his eyes.

“I am, and that is the only reason I am doing this. I'm still surprised that you want me to do an apology video to Miss Minnie.”

Shorty grins as he lifts his sunglasses to look right at the screen. Evie looks away, annoyed by the notion.

“It'll be good for us. Help us to make you an ambassador for little people. After that stunt, I can't even look at another little person without getting a dirty look.”

“So, my speech goes something like this. *ahem* Miss Minnie. It is me, your old pal, Evie. I would like think that you have forgotten me, but when I punted you off of the stage, and I heard a few bones break, even over the roar of the crowd, I doubt you have. I'm sure it is the last thing that you remember of this sport. It must be a terrible thing to have to relive daily. The fall would have hurt anybody, especially someone who is small, even for a little person. I then went on to steal your tag team partner, and I felt no remorse. No remorse for harming you or costing you the only job you will ever get outside of a traveling sideshow…”

Evie stops talking as she looks back up to the screen. She watches Shorty look back at her as if asking her to continue. When she doesn't and he clears his throat, she speaks.


“Was there… Anything else?”

Evie hums as she repeats a few words throughout the speech. She scans the speech and continues this until she reaches the end of it. She places her hand to her forehead and chuckles.

“I did forget something. Thank you, nugget. *ahem* and I still feel no remorse.”

“That is the shittiest apology speech I think I've ever heard. Why don't you put a little effort and heart into it?”

Shorty shakes his head as Evie scoffs.

“I am many things, but I am not a liar. I could also add that I didn't do it because she was a little person. I did it simply because she was there. It was not an act of hate against anyone.”

Evie feigns innocence as she stares back at Devin. Her eyes sparkle to sell the act, but Devin is not buying it. Even when Dax chimes in.

“That came straight from the heart, bruh.”

“And that is exactly why this is so terrible. I mean, that does more damage than good. At this rate, she might as well forget about the whole thing!”

Evie is quick to jump on this.

“Okay, scrapping it now. I will see you in Sunday. Enjoy your rub down by the platinum hand whore!”

Evie blows him a kiss. Just as he is about to respond, Evie ends the call and cuts Devin off. He sighs as the woman behind him begins reaching down toward his nethers once more. Shorty moves her hand back up to his chest. Dax climbs out of the pool as the censor bar gets marginally bigger. He then slides his shorts on to cause it to disappear entirely.

“You only got like 200 words left. You better at least mention your opponents, son…”

“Why? Courtney Pierce and Fenris don't seem too concerned about this match. I've trained my ass off for this match. I've already focused on them and gave them more attention than they deserve. They think that they have a chance at this match because suddenly they've gotten on the same page. Meanwhile, Evie and I have been on the same page since our first match together. We have been in sync throughout this entire tournament. Yet people still think that we aren't shit.”

“Welcome to our world, bruh.”

“Shut up, Dax. I'm on a roll! Now I lost track of where I was going…. Shit… Evie and I have shown that we can work together as a cohesive team practically since day one. So the rip off routine isn't fooling us. We are onto that game. We have their entire game plan mapped out. Courtney is going to claim that Evie’s win last week was a fucking fluke. She's going to blame it on someone else because she is being trained by the Queen of Scapegoating. And Fenris? We literally know his game plan because he was trained by the same people who trained Evie. We got this. The tournament is ours, without a single doubt.”

And with that, Devin realizes his time is about up. But not quite yet. He let's the gold digger stand up and he walks over to the pool. He helps her to step inside. He follows her in shortly after as the scene fades out on their forms disappearing into the water.

 Las Vegas, Nevada is host to a taste for any flavor you can imagine.  You can throw your money away in so many interesting fashions.  Things that are not legal anywhere else in the country are here.  When Evie said that she was going to help Shorty get laid to calm him down, he was game.  He dressed to the nines for this occasion, a black suit and blue shirt, open half way down his chest, neatly shined shoes, and the Rolex on display.  His teeth are recently whitened for the occasion as he strolls inside of a sketchy looking club. Evie dressed in black heels with red soles, as  a dark green slim fitting off the shoulder dress hugged her legs and waist, and of course everywhere that it counts. Her hair is slightly curled as it bounces with each step she takes.  Shorty is smiling from ear to ear as he opens up the door for Evie.  She enters first with a nod of thanks.  He enters next as his eyes rest on the line in front of him.  There is a resounding giggle from the ladies in the line that slightly wipes the smile from his face momentarily.  He could feel all of the judgment from the women in front of him, but tonight was not the night.

“I can’t believe I even agreed to this.”

Evie is instantly regretting her decision to use this as a medium to help get her tag team partner to lighten up some.  Shorty shrugs his shoulders as he eyes up each lady, seeing the potential of the fixer uppers standing before him.  The blonde that would turn to a 9 with a new set of headlights and a paint job, or the Asian with the snaggletooth.  He nods his head as he walks up next to Evie.

“Sugar Tits, you need to relax. It’s about time you had some fun in your life.”

He smiles, trying to lighten the mood some as he follows her up toward the bar.  He sees people grabbing for their name tags, which he can’t see due to his stature.  He fumbles around for his tag, finding it after several attempts.  He peels it off and places it strategically on the breast of his jacket.  He hears Evie mumbling under her breath, as he taps her on the back.

“I’d rather drink gasoline and eat a lit match.”

Shorty chuckles at her commitment to being a downer as there is a twinkle in his bright blue eyes.

“That’s the spirit. Now enjoy the next two hours of your life and I’ll see you at the end.  You can thank me later.”

Shorty winks at Evie before he leaves her to enjoy herself, hoping that she just might actually let loose for once.  He walks off to the bar, thinking to himself that letting loose for her would be quite the impossible task, and she would be just fine to keep up with the bad attitude, because that keeps her on her toes.

Shorty walks up to the bar as he orders and receives his drink.  He takes it up in his hands as he drops a bill in the tip jar for the bartender who didn’t crack a joke or look at him funny for his size or the slightly higher pitch of his voice.  But, it also made him more attractive to potential mates, showing that he’s actually not that bad of a person.  He taps on the bar as he turns around to get in line with the rest of the men.  The one next to him looks down and cracks a smile at him as Shorty looks up at him with a grimace.

“What the fuck are you looking at pencil dick?”

“I was just thinking you looked like that “Shorty” Devin Tyler from Northern Lights Wrestling, eh.”

Shorty’s hostility eases up as he nods his head, licking at his bottom row of teeth as he tries to come to terms with not being the butt end of a joke in almost 10 minutes now.  He adjusts his posture, a swagger in his step as a smile creeps upon his face.

“That’s because I am “Shorty” Devin Tyler.”

“This isn’t the time, but could I get a picture after this little thing?  I’m a fan.  Me and my friends came from Winnipeg just to see you and Evie win this tournament or whatever.”

Devin’s smile grows widely as they are each ushered toward their tables, and their Bro Talk had been interrupted.  But the feeling boosted his confidence levels greatly.  He glances over to see Evie peeking down at her phone, and he just sighs, until her eyes glance up at him and she lightens up, even if just a little bit.

Devin then looks over to the lovely brunette sitting at the table in front of him.  He pulls out the chair and takes a seat, awkwardly sitting in it.  She pulls out her note card and instantly begins writing and not even acknowledging him.

“Hey there, sweet stuff.  I’m Devin Tyler, but you may know me from the local wrestling company, Sin City Wrestling, where I’m a performer.”

“Oh, honey… I have a very clear rule that I only date guys that are 5’11”... so sorry.”

Devin cracks a smile, waiting for laughter to ring from her soft, slightly raspy voice that just screams “Gold digger”.  However, that laugh never comes, and Devin is left to try to soften the mood with a joke.

“Like Meatloaf said, two out of three digits ain’t bad.”

“Hmmm… no…”

She takes a drink from her glass as she taps her neatly manicured nails against the table, doing everything she can to scope out the other suitors, all while avoiding looking at Shorty.  Shorty shrugs his shoulders and stares directly at her clearly fake breasts for the remainder of the three minute round.  Once the buzzer goes off, he steps out of his chair and walks over to another table.  The snaggletooth Asian chick looks at him and begins to giggle.  She points at him and instantly begins spouting off Mandarin.  He just keeps his hand on the chair.

“You small man!  So small!  So small!  Mother stop bugging me about grandbaby if I bring you home.  I’m Lin.”

Shorty looks up at her, and not even the perfectly petite shape of her body, and her soft, delicate features are enough to overcome the desperation that is spewing from her.  He rubs the back of his head nervously as he reaches into the coat of his pocket to get caught up with scratching out the first two.

“Yeah… So, I don’t think that’s going to work out.  Even I have standards, and those standards say that I don’t think this is going to be a match, because you’re…”

“Too beautiful?  I know.  I not want relationship. I want scare shit out of mother.  I still have sex with you.”

Lin nods her head as she looks down to Shorty.  Shorty grits his teeth, sucking in air as he slowly begins to shake his head.  He takes a sip from his drink before just downing the entire thing.  He holds his empty glass up in the air as he taps it with his free finger.

“I’m gonna need a refill.  As soon as possible, please…  And everyone looks at me like I’m the short end of the stick, but this is just too much.”

Before Shorty can continue on, the buzzer goes off and Shorty pushes the chair back in all of the way before practically running over to the next table.  He pulls the chair out and looks up at the lady sitting there.  She has a cat in her arms and Shorty looks as if he’s confused until her laughter breaks the silence.

“Hey there… Devin.  I’m Sarah, and this is Mr. Smooty, my service cat.  I have horrible anxiety, and Mr. Smooty helps me to control it when I’m out in public.”

Devin stares at the cat who looks as uninterested as every man who has just left Sarah’s table.  He shrugs his shoulders as he takes his seat and his new drink is placed in front of him.  He taps his fingers against the table, trying not to say what is on his mind.  Mr. Smooty meows and yawns.

“Well, it seems that you and me have something in common already.”

“Oh yeah?”

Sarah leans down with a healthy smile on her face, ready to hear what Shorty has to say.

“We both seem to have an affinity for pussy.  Difference is, yours don’t lick itself.  Am I right?”

Sarah looks confused by this.

“Mr. Smooty is a very clean little guy and… ohhhhh…. I get it.  You got jokes.  Mr. Smooty loves a guy with a good sense of humor.”

“That wasn’t a little too low brow for you?”

“I’m not dead.  Even if I am a thirty year old who lives with cats in an empty two bedroom apartment with minimal decoration and unpacked boxes from three years ago when I moved in.  I can appreciate toilet humor.”

“That’s… depressing.  Unfortunately, you’re the best date I’ve had tonight, so maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll match up, and I can prove that I’m not bluffing.  I’ll treat you like a sensual postage stamp.  I will lick it before I stick it.”

Sarah bites at her bottom lip as he hazel eyes dance over Shorty’s defined features.  She slowly covers up Mr. Smooty’s ears as she leans in for a closer, most intimate description of what might come.  Shorty hears a loud bang and he looks around to see a greasy haired man lying out on the ground, knocked out cold.  He is not surprised to see Evie feigning innocence, and he can’t help but smile because the man looks like a proper douchebag.  However, his attention soon goes back to the young cat lady as she speaks to him.

“Tell me more, Devin.  Would you be willing to wear a cat mask with the mouth open.  That would be so hot…”

“And… now you’ve killed it.  Potentially.  Okay, you’re still the frontrunner, but that bar is extremely low.”

“Who are you kidding?  I’ve been propositioned by a UPS truck driver and an out of state pizza delivery boy who both said they had a deliver to make to South Sarah Lane.  This is the most romance I’ve had all night.”

Devin laughs, but Sarah does not.  Her eyes scream “Help me!” even if Mr. Smooty is keeping her from showing it physically.  However, before Devin can reply, the buzzer goes off.  As Devin leaves the chair, Sarah grabs his hand with her free hand.

“I didn’t get a Brazilian three hours ago for nothing.  Don’t torture me, little man.”

Devin leans down and kisses her hand to let her know that, despite moving on, he would still bone her.  He slides her a piece of paper with his name and number on it, pre-written from a stack, as he moves along.  He places his drink on the next table and pulls the seat out.  As he looks across the table, his mouth just drops open.  The name on the tag is “Cheryl” but it is definitely not Cheryl.  Sitting in front of him, in a black vest over a white blouse and sunglasses over her eyes, her long lavender colored hair is tucked behind her ears as she sighs.

“Queen of Apathy?  I… I don’t even know your real name, unless…”

“Cheryl is not my real name.  It is a reference to the first of the Evil Dead movie series titled “Evil Dead”.  They required a name, so it seemed to be the only true option.”

“I guess the real question here is… Why are you here?”

Apathy shrugs her shoulders as she picks up her drink.  She reaches into her vest to pull out a silver flask.  She dumps a good chunk into her glass nonchalantly before tucking it back into her vest.

“And did you just spike your free whiskey with more whiskey?”

“Don’t judge me, Devin.  To answer your aforementioned question, I am here, not because I am seeking true love, but because I am trying to force myself to get out more and do things that make me uncomfortable.  Sadly, this wasn’t it.”


Devin rubs the back of his head as he tries to figure it all out.  Apathy doesn’t offer any further answers as she sips at her drink.  Devin also takes a sip.

“So… are we doing this, or…?”

“If you mean engaging in meaningless conversation that is supposed to make me feel more comfortable in offering up my body to you for an equally meaningless night, or minute, of disappointing intercourse, then yes.  I am open to it, but only because I have a drinking problem and feel no shame or disappointment in myself.”

“Hey, I’m game.  Could you meet my friend Evie so she can help you adjust the war paint to look appealing.  And maybe we can work out a payment plan to get the headlights lifted, maybe bulked up a few sizes?”

Apathy removes her sunglasses, knowing that her cover has been blown.  She begins looking around nervously as she places a hand on Devin’s.

“You are terrible at this.  I don’t feel anything, ever, but even I know that I’m worth more than this.  If you had just stayed quiet, I might have been able to move past this.  But there is no moving past your misogyny.”

“God, I just want to bend you over that chair and go to town on you right now…”

And with that, Apathy does something she almost never does; she smiles.  Of course, it is an empty smile and her dark brown eyes show exactly that, but somewhere deep down, she took this as a strange compliment.  However, the buzzer goes off once more, and Devin has to move along.  The dark beauty sitting in front of him at the next table looks over at him as she talks into her cell phone.

“Nah, I can still talk.  Yeah, it’s some short stack white boy wit’ a fat ass and stubby legs.  Nah, bitch!  Not short like Quentin.  Short like Little People Big World short!”

“I’m right here, bitch!”

“Uh, excuse me short shit, but I am on the phone?  Damn, you rude...  Sorry KiKi, this one just called me a bitch when he small enough to be my bitch.  Nah, I ain’t gonna do this one.  It’s like he cut off at the knee, and I can’t do it.  Girl, you play too damn much!  I don’t care if he is the perfect height, I’m not…”

Shorty sighs as he downs his second drink, pulling the card out to scratch this one off too, tuning out her phone call.  He shakes his glass in the air, waiting for his other to be brought to him.  He places his card back into his jacket as his drink is brought to him right at the sound of the buzzer.

“Thank fuck!”

“Yeah, bye bye Wee Man.  Girl, you don’t even know!”

Shorty flips her off while scratching his nose.  However, he doesn’t waste much time on her as he walks over to the last table that Evie is sitting at.  He pulls the chair out and sighs as he slams his drink down on the table.  Evie cracks a smile as she watches Shorty almost writhe in the experience after practically forcing her to come here. Evie picks up a glass and lifts it to her crimson lips.  She takes a drink from her glass as she just smiles at him.  He shakes his head.

“Why didn’t you try to talk me out of this?”

“You really seemed to be getting on well with the snaggletoothed one.  Is she going to be your top pick for the night?  Isn’t that how this thing works?”

“Nah, I’m thinking about cat lady, to be honest.  She is a fucking freak, but at least she looks at me like an actual human being.”

Evie laughs for a moment, but her laughter only heightens when she realizes that he’s not joking.  Shorty can’t help but laugh a little as well.  He rubs at his chin as he realizes how badly this sounds.

“Damn it, that is pretty fucked up, isn’t it?  I can’t help it, Sugar Tits.  So what if she’s a freak?  I’m a freak, too.”

“Please don’t say that.  The last person I knocked out cold called you that, and I didn’t much appreciate it, my little chicken nugget.”

“Awww, are you going soft on me, S.T.?”

Shorty looks at her as she shrugs her shoulders, flashing him a bit of a smile that only confirms what her eyes are saying.  Devin shakes his head at her and points to her.

“Well don’t. I need you to keep being a hard ass for another couple of weeks.  We’ve got a tournament to finish up here, and our chances of winning are even better without Glow Stick and generic S&M Twitter lesbian.”

“Amanda Cortez wasn’t teamed with Equinox…”

“I was talking about Keira Fishhhh…”

Shorty catches on to what Evie did there, and he can appreciate it.  He picks up his glass and takes a drink.

“How about you?  Who is your top pick?  There was plenty of choices.”

Evie taps her chin curiously for a moment as she thinks it over.  She pulls her note card out and looks over it before sighing.

“The choices were plentiful, but if I had to choose, I would probably say the one that’s on the stretcher right now.  I just felt a connection.”

“What, between him and the table?”

Evie shrugs her shoulders as if to tell him that she doesn’t know what he’s talking about and he rolls his eyes with a soft chuckle.

“Not even a chuckle?  Damn, I thought it was funny.  But not as funny as our match coming up in eight days.  Sporty Spice and the Icelandic Maya Angelou quoting sonuvabitch.”

Before Shorty can get any further, the buzzer sounds one final time, much longer than before.  Evie and Shorty look around to see that this was the final round as the host steps to the middle of the room with a microphone in hand.  Their voice booms over the speakers.

“I want to thank you all for coming out tonight.  I hope that you’ve enjoyed yourselves.  If all goes well, each of you will be set up on a date with your partner of choosing, if you both match up.  Please submit your card to me with your top two choices, and lets get some chemistry going, shall we?”

There is a soft round of applause before everyone goes silent.  Evie takes all of two seconds to fill out her choices, while Shorty thinks about it for a second.  Like a gentleman, he collects Evie’s card and climbs down from the chair.  He walks it over to the host without even looking at it.  Something within him just doesn’t want to see what kind of taste his partner has.  He brings it over to the table where they, a woman with dark red hair and glasses sits next to a preppy millennial that is wearing way too much cologne, are collecting the cards.

Shorty meets up in the center with the men, or at least what remains of them.  They all seem rather confident in their choices as they stare down at Evie.  Shorty stares down at Sarah, the cat lady, as she forces Mr. Smooty to wave at him.  He winks at her and signals for him to call her.  She looks a little disappointed in this gesture as Shorty is handed his card.  He begins walking toward the snaggletooth, Lin.  She smiles and claps her hands as he slowly steps in that direction, before veering right past her, down the line, until he comes to Evie.  She gives him a sweet, almost devious smile as he pulls his chair back out.

“Now who is going soft, nugget?”

Shorty mocks her silently, pretending to nag as she reaches across the table and picks up his hand.  She looks directly into his eyes as she looks around to see the resentful glares from the other guys that wanted the opportunity to spend more time with Evie.  She returns her gaze to him.

“Listen to me.  I don’t want to date you. I don’t want to go to dinner with you.  I don’t want anything to do with your freakishly large penis, considering your stature.  This is the most touching I will ever do with you.  This is a result of being the most decent guy in this bar right now… next to Mr. Smooty.”

“What do you think this is?  It ain’t a marriage proposal, Sugar Tits.  I just answered honestly.  I had the best time tonight when I got to this table at the end.  Cat Lady is a definite thing over there, but I enjoyed this way more than her and her asshole service cat.”

“You know, this simply will not work.  Mr. Smooty is a sweetheart and he was my second choice, and… I have to admit, I hate his guts. I do.”

The two share a laugh as everyone else looks over at the “couple” with ire and aggravation, all while they are too engrossed in their own conversation to care, or even notice.  Shorty takes his hand back and picks up his drink and finishes it off.  However, instead of requesting another, he just lets it sit there.

“It’s okay.  I’ll give her something else to pet in public.”

“Your bald head doesn’t seem nearly as appealing, though.”

“Hey, I got a chrome dome, but that’s not my only head.”

“Sasquatch below the belt, I assume?  Women don’t like that as much as you guys wish they did, as it requires effort to keep trimmed.”

Despite his efforts to get Evie to cringe, she shrugs her shoulders at the suggestion.  Shorty licks at his bottom lip, trying to think of something smart assed to say in response, but the truth of the matter keeps him silent on the subject.  The conversation veers in so many different directions this evening from here on out.  There are laughs, there are angry moments.  There are ribs and jabs aplenty, but the two really seem to finally connect on a personal level, even as the free drinks from the sign up fee for the speed dating event end, they keep them coming.

Soon, they are urged out of the door for having had enough to drink and getting loud, disrupting the chill vibe of the bar.  Shorty looks over to Sarah, who found herself paired with Taylor, the eyeliner art major with an affinity for choking.  He sees her biting at her bottom lip as she talks with him quietly, covering Mr. Smooty’s ears again.  He demonstrates his choking abilities on the air, causing a trace of glistening sweat to trickle down her cleavage.  This elicits laughter between Evie and Shorty as they exit the bar into the lobby of the hotel.  They move their way through toward the doors as hotel security begins to follow behind them.

Once they are outside, they laugh at the simple fact that they actually got thrown out of the bar for having too good of a time.  Evie stumbles a bit, leaning on Shorty, who laughs in return.  He leans into her a bit to avoid the sidewalk that is threatening to come up and smack them both in the face.  Shorty looks up at Evie as he begins to speak.

“I… I can’t lie that it feels good to not be the biggest joke.”

“That title goes to Taylor, I think.  He actually thought I would go back to the hotel room with his sad cliche of a life.  His parents made too much money to pay him any attention.  He wanted for nothing, and so his life feels meaningless, and he has to express his Bourgie angst through painting and sculpting with pubic hair…”

Shorty nods his head as he listens, until his inebriated mind catches up.  Evie leans off of him and he leans back as he shakes his head.

“No, not tonight.  Tonight was a great reminder that I’m not the freak everyone paints me out to be.  But that’s not what I was talking about.  I meant in SCW.  I’m 3’11”.  I’m from another promotion that’s full of freaks.  Yet, here I am, in the finals of Blast From the Past.  People like to claim it’s because of you, but I did my part.  I’ve knocked people, and I’ve been on point.  I have exceeded expectations.”

“I can’t lie.  When I signed up for this tournament, I hoped to find myself in this spot.  Then, when I found out who my partner was, I was preparing myself to get knocked out in the first round.  I did not expect to get this far, but you’ve proven yourself to me, and to everyone.  They are taking you very seriously.”

“But the fact is that we are put up against a pair of jokes.  It makes this entire tournament mean nothing.  You and me, we fought Roxi Johnson, a legend in the  SCW Hall of Fame.  We fought Jon Dough, a multi time champion who is somehow the inside joke of SCW that nobody but me gets.  And don’t even get me started on Amy Marshall.  She is Jon Dough meets Roxi Johnson.  Somehow highly accomplished and a giant joke.  But, they are accomplished.  Each round has been a challenge to us, even if we kidded on camera about it being nothing.”

Evie’s eyes sparkle under the lights of the Las Vegas Strip as she listens to Shorty as if he were preaching gospel.  He pauses for a minute, feeling the breeze carrying the mist off of the large fountain as it blows across their faces, refreshing them in this moment of clarity.  Evie takes a seat on the edge of the fountain, nearly falling back into it.  She grabs onto Shorty’s hand as he helps to steady her.  She sighs as she responds to his comments finally.

“You can’t be serious.  Our matches to this point have been great, even if only because we were in them.  We have been the show stealers.”

“I’m going to not be an asshole for like five seconds with that damn camera in my face.  Jon, Roxi, and Amy were all worthy competitors.  Kira Phoenix showed promise.  Wyatt Peterson might be a big dumb shit, but he was competent in the ring.  O’Malley… okay, he was a waste.  But Fucking Fenris?  Courtney Pierce?  Who the fuck are we going up against here?  A spoiled bitch who got trained by another spoiled bitch?  A kid from the wrong side of the tracks of Iceland who doesn’t know how to stay in his own lane?  We went through hell to take out some of the best this company has to offer, and as laughable as that is, we did it.  This match is easy, and the only people who don’t realize that are the ones who are laid out before us, making people think that this victory was planned.  I don’t want people thinking that we won because we weren’t the best in the tournament.”

“People can’t seriously be that stupid.  They have to know that isn’t the case.”

“You of all people should know not to give people so much damn credit.  It goes to their heads and they wind up like the entitled Courtney Pierce.  Or they find themselves believing that they actually have accomplished something worthwhile like Fenris, who was handed a career in this sport.  I had to fight, scratch, claw, bite, and climb my way to some hodunk developmental territory in Canada just to get into this world.  I was handed nothing, and I still got taken as a joke because of my size.  The tournament up to this point has been a direct reflection of my entire career.  I came here to prove that I’m better than what they were asking me to do in Northern Lights Wrestling, and I’ve done that.  But the thing is that I’m better than Northern Lights Wrestling.  I’m Sin City Wrestling material.  I’m World Heavyweight Champion material.”

Evie nods her head as she listens carefully to what he’s saying.  She closes her eyes to soak it all in for a moment before opening her eyes again.

“I’ve already won this thing once, and I’ll do it again.  Two years in a row.  And we already saw how that turned out.  You are far more reliable than my last partner, so I know we’ve got this.  I can certainly see you taking on the World Heavyweight Championship.  You’ve got the drive.”

“I do!  Even if those two fucks have delusions of grandeur and think that they have a chance to take this.  This is lesson number one for these entitled pieces of shit.”

Shorty looks over to Evie, who may have enjoyed one or ten too many whiskey’s as she nods her head with her eyes closed.  Shorty is afraid that she might throw up, and as he goes to pull her hair back, she loses her balance.  She grabs onto him to steady herself, but the spinning going on in her head is too much, and the two teeter on the edge. Shorty tries to plant his feet on the ground more, but it is to no avail as the mist gathered on the ground makes it too slick, and Evie hugs onto him tightly as they fall into the fountain with a loud scream.  The scene slowly fades out on them.

Climax Control Archives / The Roast of...
« on: May 04, 2018, 11:44:19 PM »
 The following is another excerpt from the blog “The Shorty Bounce” by Devin Tyler

Here we go again.  Another week, another round has passed in the Blast From the Past tournament.  This week, we get to take on the Punk and Country Connection.  So, basically, we are taking on the most dysfunctional bunch of misfits since me and Evie.  Granted, we figured out how to co-exist, but these two have only been lucky.  Evie and I have been spending more and more time together, and I gotta admit; she’s not as big of a pain in the ass as I originally thought.  Though, to be clear, she is still a pain in the ass.

We got this match in the bag, and those two trophies might as well have our names written on them.  We are the underdog team of the century.  We will continue to move through the competition.  This week will not be any different.  It is just par for the course.  Amy Marshall isn’t a joke.  She’s the goddamn punchline.  And Wyatt?  He’s nothing more than a tagalong to the living, walking self-Roast that is Amy Marshall.  He’s probably been gone too long to realize that underneath all of the awful, cheap warpaint, Amy Marshall is nothing.  She’s a cheap imitation of what a Bombshell is all about.

Is it that he doesn’t realize, or that he’s too goddamn stupid to realize it?  It’s hard to tell.  What with that toothless hillbilly routine of an accent he’s got going on?  If he didn’t at least have decent looks, he would belong in a circus sideshow.  I know, up until fifty years ago, people could have said the same thing about me.  But hey, I don’t carry around the moniker of Dumbest Man Alive.  Of course, for him to actually think that he’s got a chance proves that theory all by itself.

But it should be interesting, right?  The smallest man to step foot inside of an SCW ring versus one of the tallest, biggest, bulkiest men to step foot inside of an SCW ring?  It will be interesting, but only if you are smart enough to put the money on me.  Which, forgive me, but from what I’ve seen in this neck of the woods, people aren’t exactly smart.  That’s why idiots flock to Nevada, to throw all of their money at machines with hypnotizing, pretty little lights, and then once they are just about down, they drop the rest of their money of liquor and hand whores to make them feel better about their lives before they return to the mediocrity of the Midwest.  That’s right, Nevada is the Mecca for bumbling idiots.

And that right there is precisely why Wyatt is perfect for Sin City Wrestling.  Does he have the makings of a World Heavyweight Champion?  Probably not.  Scratch that, definitely not.  He would barely make a good Roulette Champion, but let’s not get too hasty.  Point is, he does not have what it takes to move on to the top of this company, and I do.  But, once again, I get to prove that inside of the ring this week.  I’ll see you losers in the six-sided ring in just a couple of days.  Enjoy your delusions in the meantime.


We come in to see “Shorty” Devin Tyler sitting poolside with a cold drink in one hand, and a second drink in his other.  He has a pair of shades on as he sits there, watching the pretty girls walk past.  He is wearing a Speedo and nothing else beyond the sunglasses.  He takes a sip from one drink as he looks around once more.

Just then, a pretty blonde approaches him with a smile on her face.  Shorty smiles and sets the extra drink down on the side table as he starts to sit up in his lounge chair.  The woman is dressed in a skin tight pink bikini and white flip flops.  She leans over, practically putting her bosom directly in his face.

Woman:  Excuse me, kiddo, but have you seen this bald, handsome, muscular guy hanging around?  I was supposed to meet my Tinder date here, but I can’t seem to find him anywhere…

Shorty lowers his sunglasses with a smirk on his face, showing off his pearly white teeth.  He clicks his teeth as he winks at her.

Shorty:  This little boy is all grown up from the waist to the chiseled jawline, baby.

Woman:  Ummm… I think I left my oven on in my hotel room. Sorry…

Shorty:  But none of the rooms have ovens!

The woman awkwardly lowers her head and scurries on away from Shorty.  He can’t even react to it as his jaw just hangs wide open.  He can do little more than mutter a simple scoff as he puts his sunglasses back on.  After a moment, he begins speaking under his breath until the anger overrides the shock, and he gets progressively louder.

Shorty: … the actual fucking fuck is that all about?  We chatted for two weeks, and she saw all of my pictures on the fucking app!  Is it not obvious that I’m a little person?  I’m standing next to a high chair for crying out loud!  How dumb could that broad be?!

A young man in Bermuda shorts and a black tank top comes walking up to Shorty with a smile on his face.

Man:  Hey, you’re that short stack that’s in that local wrestling company, Sin City Wrestling, right?

Shorty:  Hey asshole, I might be little, but I am a human being, chapstick dick!  And yes, I am that “short stack” who has blown through every piece of lame ass competition that they have put in front of me in SCW.

Man:  Bro, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to insult you like that. I thought that was your name. I seen you go through all of those big dude, and I’m impressed.  I was wondering if I could get an autograph or something for my girl.  She gets to go to the show while I work.

Shorty looks over as the squealing girl across the pool with blue and white hair, waving at them.  Shorty’s eyes instantly fall to her black bikini top, or rather what is about to pop out of it at any given moment.  Shorty winks at her as he stands up and shows off everything he’s got, which is enough that the camera has to blur it out.  The man suddenly feels insecure as he leans back a little bit.

Shorty:  That’s your girl?  The fine piece of hipster ass over there that’s blushing at the sight of what I got?

Man:  Yeah… We’re in a non-monogamous, poly relationship because it’s the latest trend since Veganism.  But I’m pretty sure that she only wants an autograph.

Shorty:  Bruh, she wants more than an autograph.  She wants my pen shoved so far… Never mind, anything for a fan.

Shorty pulls a pen out of nowhere and a picture of himself.  The man looks around, trying to figure out where it came from, and Shorty instantly signs it. “All the best, you fine piece of hipster ass, -”Shorty” Devin Tyler 510-840-**** Room 208, Your boyfriend can watch as long as he’s not in my line of sight.”  He then smacks the picture into the man’s chest and goes back to his drink. The man looks at the picture and shakes his head as he starts to rip it up.  However, his girlfriend comes up to him, and they bicker as she rips the picture out of his hand.

Shorty watches the fight ensue with a devious smile on his face as the girl storms off.  He walks back over to the bar, drinking the rest of his drink before setting the empty glass on the bar.  He walks inside of the hotel with a towel around his neck.  As soon as he walks in, several hotel patrons stop and stare at him.

Shorty:  What the fuck are you staring at?!  Haven’t any of you seen a little person before?  Oh, why don’t you go ahead and snap some pictures, because they last longer you arrogant regular sized pieces of horse shit!  Un-fucking-believable!  How many of you want to have your kids stand next to me so that you all can laugh at it later?  Huh?  Or why don’t you stick me in a five piece suit and give me an oversized lollipop?!  How about that?!  Oh, you would like that wouldn’t you?  “We represent, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild.  And in the name of, the Lollipop GUILD!  WE WISH TO WELCOME YOU FUCKERS TO MUNCHKIN LAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!”

Shorty practically has a stroke as everyone blinks and stares in his direction.  The entire hotel falls silent as Shorty looks around to see that there is a cute puppy walking on his hind legs while balancing a ball on his nose.  Shorty purses his lips as he lowers his gaze to the ground.  He sighs as he walks further inside of the lobby.  He goes up to the elevator and presses the “Up” button.  He waits as everyone watches him and shake their heads in disgust as their whispers echo through the room.  Finally, the bell rings and the door opens.  He steps inside, and finds himself alone, with a breath of relief.

Shorty:  Goddamn, that was embarrassing.  Thank God I’m by myself.  I just sang the “Lollipop Guild” song while cussing out children and the elderly.  What the hell is wrong with me?  Am I really that horrible of a human being?

Shorty continues to mutter to himself as the bell rings and the door opens.  He starts to walk out before bumping into the leg of a bellhop.  The bellhop smiles and pats Shorty on top of the head as he coos at him.

Bellhop:  Awww, how sweet.  Where are your parents, little boy?

Shorty grits his teeth and clenches his fists together.  He shakes in anger before losing it and punching the bellhop right in the dick.  The bellhop falls to his knees as he looks at Shorty with a look of pure and utter betrayal.

Shorty:  I’m a grown man, you sack of shit!  I wrestle for Northern Lights Wrestling and I’m doing a showcase here in Sin City Wrestling!  I have a job, I’m not a child!  I’m a man!  I’m a real, living, breathing, eating, shitting fucking man!

Shorty shakes his head as he turns around and pretends to kick dirt up over the bellhop on the ground.  He walks over to room 208 and he pulls his room key out of his Speedo.  He slides the key card and the door pops open.  He walks inside as the hipster chick from poolside comes rushing up, stopping the door from completely closing.  She taps Shorty on the shoulders and he starts to turn around as the woman wraps her leg around him, sinking down to his level.

Shorty:  What the holy-fucking-shit?  Sorry, Winter, I had to steal that one…

Hipster Chick:  I got something else you can steal, baby.  Mommy needs hewr wittle manzy mans.

Shorty looks up into her eyes, confused and shocked at the same time.  He shakes it off and his jaw drops.

Shorty:  Momma! Momma! Yes!

Shorty turns and shoves the door closed behind him, causing the scene to fade out on the door, but not before the sound of several loud banging noises are heard, causing doors to open to stare down the hall toward room 208.


The cameras return to the live studio audience, many with drinks in their hands as the lights come back on.  They are cheering and laughing from the previous round of “The Roast of… Amy Marshall” as we quickly pan across them.  The camera then focuses in on the set where we see Evie Baang seated in a comfortable chair next to a thin glass podium with a microphone.  Her legs are crossed as she settles in, a smirk coming across her face.  Suddenly, “Shorty Bounce” by Lil Wayne blasts over the speakers and the crowd gives off a mixed reaction, but it is mostly positive as the sign above the stage requests that they cheer and applaud.

“Shorty” Devin Tyler steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in a charcoal grey suit and a blue shirt that is opened half way down to show off his uniquely chiseled physique.  He holds his arms out at his side to wave in the applause, note cards in his right hand as he steps out.  He then sets his arms out in front of him and begins doing the Shorty Bounce as he approaches the podium.  He stands up behind it, and it practically hides him.  Evie gives a toothy grin as she walks over to the curtains and pulls out a step ladder.  She sets it up in front of the podium as Shorty climbs it, much to the laughter of the audience.

Shorty stands up in front of the audience as he adjusts the microphone to a lower point as Evie takes her seat once again.  Shorty sets his cards down on the podium as he leans onto the podium for support.  He stares out into the audience as he sighs into the microphone.

Shorty:  Are you assholes as excited as I am to talk about Amy Marshall?

Again, the crowd gives off a mixed reaction, though the sign above the stage requests a round of boos.  Shorty rolls his eyes as he leans back up to a standing position, adjusting the microphone once again.

Shorty:  I mean, who wouldn’t want to talk about an SCW Hall of Famer, right?  A Grand Slam Champion?  She has all of the makings of a solid opponent… on paper.  Yet, somehow, people aren’t even talking about her in this match… or ever really.

Shorty looks out into the audience as crickets literally chirp.  He shakes his head as he looks to Evie, who is yawning.

Shorty:  Fuck all of you!  Haven’t you ever heard of comedy of truth?  People are talking about her opponent who literally did jack shit in his short time in SCW.  The retarded cowboy.  He was a tag team champion.  Big fucking whoop.  Yet his speech impediment makes him endearing, and people want to hear more about him.  Maybe because he’s not as played out as Amy’s vagina. Heh?

Shorty looks bright eyed out at the audience as he gets a couple quiet chuckles.  He slams his fists against the podium as he snaps at the audience, who only seem to blink and stare in return.

Shorty:  Oh come on now!  That was funny!  You shitheads don’t understand sophisticated comedy!  Let’s be a little more high brow from here on out, okay?

The audience chuckles slightly at Shorty’s little outburst, but this is good enough for him to return to his stiff routine.

Shorty:  Wyatt Peterson, dumb as a box of rocks.  Does he even know what a wristlock is?  Does he realize that wrestling isn’t a bar room brawl at the local dive bar?  Being a giant doesn’t make him better than anyone.  It just means that the bigger cranium makes it easier for me to give him a concussion from that tiny pea brain rolling around inside of his head…  Laugh damn it!  Laugh!

Shorty looks out into the audience and he doesn’t see a single reaction.  He flips the podium over, causing it to shatter, and his cards fly everywhere.  Evie covers her mouth as Shorty jumps down from the step ladder.

Shorty:  Alright, let’s go ahead and stoop to dick and fart humor.  Will that be what gets you going?

The audience looks to one another and they begin to nod their heads.  Shorty shakes his head for a moment before nodding along.

Shorty:  Okay, fine.  Let’s do this.  Wyatt Peterson, the only competitor in this match who has spent more time on his back than Amy Marshall!

The crowd laughs at this one, but Shorty is still on an angry roll as he begins pacing the stage, causing his mind to race.

Shorty:  Wyatt Peterson, putting the “Cunt” in “Country”.  Why?  Because he’s a big, fat cunt!  A pussy.  He doesn’t have what it takes to get past me.  Height is not everything, and that is literally the only thing he’s got on me.  There is absolutely no skill there.  I mean, his only hope, as we’ve seen in the past, is for a partner to come along and carry his ass to a victory.  I’m sorry, but you can’t hide behind Amy and expect her to do that, because Amy is a choke artist.

Shorty grins for a moment as he looks over to Evie who nods her head, urging him to continue on as she practically reads his mind.  The crowd waits for it almost patiently.

Shorty:  Inside of the ring, that is, because we’ve all seen how well she can suppress her gag reflex outside of the ring.

The crowd bursts out into laughter at his low brow quip.  He shrugs his shoulders as he looks out into the audience.

Shorty:  Wyatt Peterson has made a career out of relying on others.  He definitely pulled the wrong card when he got Amy Marshall as a partner.  We all saw what happened last year when one of SCW’s most promising up and comer’s got stranded with Amy as a partner.  He went from a shoe in for the next SCW World Heavyweight Champion, to a Tag Team Champion that faded into obscurity.  Inside of the ring, because the last I checked, his role as “Throbbin’” in Buttman and Throbbin’ earned him a Woody Award at the AFA’s.  Gives a whole new meaning to the term “Up and Cummer” huh?

Without being prompted, the crowd roars with cheers and laughter.  Shorty starts to get into now that the crowd is getting into it.  He puffs out his chest like a beast as Evie even offers him a clap.

Shorty:  Wyatt Peterson probably thinks that he’s got an easy breezy week ahead of him, right?  A Hall of Famer that’s carried him through two matches already has his back.  Unfortunately, what he doesn’t realize, because he’s been gone for so long, is that Amy Marshall played it smart and waited for opportunities to weasel her way into every single accomplishment she’s gotten to her name.  I mean, why wouldn't he question that?  It’s gotten him past two teams.  It’s just unfortunate for him, because Amy has never, and will never, make it past Sugar Tits… I mean, Evie Baang.

Evie pushes her shoulders in, taking pride in her new nickname.  She bounces her shoulders slightly as the crowd gives off a very masculine round of cheers and cat calls.  Evie leans back in her seat as she crosses her legs in the opposite direction, listening intently to Shorty now.

Shorty:  Wyatt Peterson believes he’s destined to win this whole thing.  I would say “thinks he’s destined”, but that would imply that he’s capable of putting together a coherent series of thoughts that doesn’t revolve around Honky Tonks and double wide trailers.  What he doesn’t realize is that the team that everyone thought was going to win 2018’s Blast From the Past Tournament has already been taken out, and they were taken out in the first round… by this Dream Team, motherfuckers!

Shorty walks over to Evie and he poses next to here, rapidly moving his finger between the two of them to emphasize that he’s talking about them.  He then marches back to the center of the stage to take his place.

Shorty:  Roxi Johnson, the superhero on the streets, and the bondage queen freak in the sheets, and the potato-eating, Guinness chugging, piece of shit who tried to exploit his wife’s untimely death to further his career, O’Malley.  Yeah, we took them out.  That was the team that the internet said was going to win this entire thing.  Fuck you, internet!  This tournament belongs to two people, and it definitely isn’t Amy Marshall and Wyatt Peterson.  It belongs to “Shorty” Devin Tyler, and “Sugar Tits” Evie Baang, bitches!

There isn’t so much a round of laughter, but a chorus of cheers, prompted by the board above the stage, of course.  Shorty throws his arms up in the air, drawing it in even louder.  He then waves the audience off as he brings the microphone up to his lips again.

Shorty:  I figured I would slay the beast before I take shots at the easy target, because that’s what a true champion would do, and after we take out these two piece of trash, we will breeze on to those trophies.  Watch out Kristopher Ryans, because I’m coming for you.  I’m going to be the smallest World Champion in SCW history, but I’m going to pack the biggest punch.

Shorty holds his fist up and mimics a Dick Punch that gets the crowd roaring again.  He smiles and nods his head as he looks out across the audience silently for a moment. He then begins speaking again.

Shorty:  Now, let’s get a little less serious when we talk about the reason we’ve all gathered here this evening.  It’s “The Roast of… Amy Marshall” afterall, right?  Let’s bring out the guest of honor.  Without further adieu, fresh from the free clinic on West 5th Street in Reno, Nevada, let’s give it up and hope that the antiviral drugs have had enough time to work… Please welcome, Amy Marshalllllllll!!!

Shorty lightly claps his hands together as the audience seems shocked.  The curtain parts and out steps Amy Marshall… except it’s not.  It appears to be a homeless woman with dirt covering her body.  She is wearing a large purple mohawk wig, a dirty Misfits tank top, black and grey plaid skirt, fishnets, and a studded leather jacket with matching boots.  She stumbles out onto the stage as she sticks her tongue out and throws up the horns.  She nearly falls over and grabs onto Shorty to hold herself up on his bald head.  As we get a closer look at her face, she has “herpes sores” painted onto her face.  The crowd laughs at this display as Shorty and Evie help the woman over to the large leather chair in the center of the stage.  She falls into it and instantly falls asleep.

Shorty:  Classy.  How could someone not wife that, am I right?  She’s off the market, so please pay no attention to her exposed beaver…

Shorty points over to the woman, wearing no undergarments, as a censor bar covers the subject in which Shorty is speaking of.  He shakes his head as he moves a chair out in front of “Amy” that covers her up.

Shorty:  We all know that Amy is never truly off the market.  The ring is just a white mark around her finger when she puts the ring on a stranger’s nightstand.  Her husband is okay with it, so who are we to judge?  It’s a new age, the times they are a’changin’ as one Bob Dylan says.  Then again, with a nose that big, bruh can’t be too picky.  I mean, I could crawl up and hide in that beak!

Shorty mimics climbing up and taking cover as the crowd offers a decent chuckle.  Shorty shrugs his shoulders.

Shorty:  Meh, they can’t all be winners, right?  Amy Marshall surely knows that one.  She has had some impressive wins, but her losses far outweigh her wins.  I mean, the losses are practically twice as heavy.  She should be used to losing, but this renewal of her otherwise dead career has given her hope.  How fucking cruel?  She actually thinks that she can win this match.  Is she stupid?  Sorry, that was a stupid question.  She’s proven time and time again that she’s not the brightest crayon in the box.  She’s an idiot, more of less.  But, yet somehow, she’s the Einstein of her team?  That’s fucking sad…

“Amy” wakes up for a second and flips Shorty off before curling up in the leather chair and falling back asleep.

Shorty:  As if Amy’s wrestling career wasn’t enough of a joke.  Amy Marshall is a well known porn star turned porn director.  She’s starred in such films as Amy Does Atlanta, Ann Arbor, Austin, Albany, Anaheim, Allentown, Amarillo, Ames, Anchorage, and Asbury Park.  And famous director of such cinematic masterpieces as Jurassic Jugs, Long Ranger, Tale of Two Titties, American Hair Pie, Bi-Curious George, Fill Bill, Edward Penishands, and Cum Sluts of New Jersey Vol 4.  That is an impressive resume.  Add that to reigns as Bombshell Internet, Tag Team, Roulette, and World Champions, losing most of them on her first defense, and you’ve got a real talent on your hands. In her hands.  However you like it, because you don’t even have to ask!

The crowd laughs again as Shorty settles back near the chair that “Amy” is seated in.  He brushes her hair out of her face as she moans and turns over to the opposite side.  She puts her ass in the air, and Shorty leans over to nearly barf at the mere suggestion.

Shorty:  Goddamn, please don’t offer that beat up mess between your legs to me!  It looks like you’ve given birth!  Do you even have any children?  Or is that where all good careers crawl up inside to die and fade away into obscurity?  I’m sorry, but I’m just getting mine going, and I’m not ready to peace out just yet.  Besides, you’re a triple bagger.  One for your head, one for my head in case yours falls off, and a third so I can puke into if both bags fall off.  And let’s not forget the double entendre, that I would need at least three rubbers to feel safe!

The crowd groans at this, rather than laughing.

Shorty:  What, too much?

The crowd nods as they agree with his statement.  He shrugs his shoulders as he continues on.

Shorty:  You can’t expect less than that!  Look who we’re talking about!  Everything she touches turns to shit.  Except the Metal and Punk Connection, because that was shit before she even signed her name to the dotted line.  See, my momma raised me to believe that you are as the company that you keep.  And where I come from, Northern Lights Wrestling, a subsidiary of Honor Wrestling, the company that Amy keeps is shit.  Jessie Salco.  Sure, she’s had a few runs herself, and she’s better than Amy, as fucking sad as that is to say, but she couldn’t carry a crowd if her life depended on it.  And let’s not forget, she couldn’t sell a glass of ice water to a man stranded in the desert, let alone a wrestling move.  And Kate Steele?  The woman who will turn on you so fast that your head will spin.

The crowd claps, seeing the truth in Shorty’s words.  He doesn’t even give them the chance to get further as he continues on.

Shorty:  That’s who Amy Marshall is.  She can’t say that she’s too trusting, because she’s been in this business far too long to trust everybody, let alone anybody.  How can Wyatt Peterson trust her?  Is he just blinded by the thought of a title, like every other piece of shit in this business, who takes no pride in their work, and would stoop to any level, including riding Amy’s ass and coattails through this tournament, just to hold a belt for one week before moving on to the next conquest?  Maybe, but he’s also a dumbass, backwoods, inbred cousin fucker, so let’s take that into account.

Shorty pauses for another cheap pop from the crowd who is almost dying at the last comment.  Shorty smiles as he looks over to Evie, who motions for him to wrap it up.  He clears his throat as he looks back out to the center of the audience.

Shorty:  In short… pun intended… damn you, Sugar Tits, now you got me doing it… In short, because everyone seems to need to be reminded of the most obvious facts, every single moment.  Let me remind you, you are looking at the winning team, right here.

Shorty points between himself and Evie.

Shorty:  It’s going to take a lot more than a washed up, beat up ex porn star and a giant who is as quick witted as I am tall, to take us out of the game at this stage.  You are looking at your future champions, and your Blast From the Past 2018 winners, guaranteed or your money back!  Now can we please get security to help this poor homeless woman… I mean “Amy”... off of the stage, and please burn that chair.  Thank you all for coming out tonight!  Now get the fuck outta here, because I refuse to pay extra for the rental of this set!

Shorty waves at the audience as the “Applause” light comes on over the stage.  Shorty is all smiles as a set of security members comes out and fights off the Amy Marshall impersonator, even as she pulls out a switchblade.  With the ruckus going on behind Shorty, he is oblivious to it all as the crowd continues to roar.  Evie and Shorty take a bow at the center of the stage, just as “Amy” throws a chair over their heads and into the audience.  The audience begins to scatter as things continue to fly, unbeknownst to the two roasters of the evening.  The scene fades out.

Climax Control Archives / Sick and Tired
« on: April 20, 2018, 10:44:50 PM »
 The sound of relentless coughing echoes throughout the room as the camera fades in to see “Shorty” Devin Tyler sitting up in bed.  He has an ice pack sitting on the top of his head, and his nose is almost as red as Rudolph’s, so much so that you may even say it glows.  He hacks up and spits into a nearby receptacle before looking up.  He sighs and shakes his head.

“What the hell, really?  We gotta do this right now?”

“We are running out of time to do this.  You only have a matter of hours to get this done, edited, and airing.  You put it off long enough.”

The voice behind the camera is none other than Shorty’s friend, Kader Hasheem of Honor Wrestling.  Shorty doesn’t look very happy as he takes the ice pack off of his head.  He takes a drink of water to help suppress the cough before he starts to speak.

“I guess now the mystery is solved.  I just won the match of my life, alongside Evie Baang, in the first round of the Blast From the Past Tournament.  We should be celebrating loud and proud all week because of it.  All over Twitter, bragging about it like others are doing.  But we’ve been pretty silent, especially me.  Is it because we have a lot of class?  Are we just that confident that we don’t need to rub it into the faces of all of the haters out there?  No.  It’s none of that.  And in case you’re a bunch of fucking morons who can’t see what’s going on, it’s because I’ve been sick.”

Shorty coughs again, leaning over to hold onto his ribs as he groans.  He tries to stop himself with a slight drink of water, which works only momentarily.

“That’s right, I’ve been sick as a fucking dog, laid up in fucking bed, with a fever that only just broke this morning.  Any lesser of a man, and I would have to put out a message to Evie, apologizing for not being able to continue in this match.  But, contrary to popular belief, my size is not an indication of my manhood.  I will be coming into this match, all guns ablazing.  Even if only to spite everyone, to prove them all wrong, and to punish…”

Shorty adjusts himself in bed, pulling the covers up, clutching them tightly in his cold hands.  He looks as if he’s ready to speak again, but instead he reaches over and grabs a tissue.  He blows his nose into it and balls it up before throwing it into the trash can.

“I don't think it's a coincidence that I get sick as a motherfucker the second I step foot into this disgusting cesspool of disease known as Sin City. The land of hookers and middle aged Midwest tourists, I was bound to walk away with something. Doc says two days is plenty to get over it and be back in shape to wrestle.”

Shorty adjusts himself in bed as his chest rumbles before another bout of coughing. Once he catches his breath, he continues.

“When you look at the trash that they put Evie and myself up against this week, it makes me wonder. Take a look at Kira Phoenix. She likes to break the rules. I like people who go hard, but to bend the rules is despicable. And that's coming from someone who punches people in the dick. I can't respect that. You got talent, and if you weren't stuck with a scrub as a partner, you might be able to actually show it off. Of course, you aren't as talented as Evie, so there is that.”

Shorty takes another sip of water before continuing on.

“That brings us to you, Jon Dough. Mr. Golden Briefcase. All the potential in the world, and you are just destined to fall. It's like a theme for you. That's probably why you haven't cashed in your briefcase. You know that while you have it, you are still interesting. People care about you. Without it, they won't pay attention to you. Who could blame them when even your name is like a lame pun? A play on words that just falls flat, like your performance. Don't worry, Evie and I will go on to make you famous when we beat you and then go on to win this entire tournament. You get to be a footnote as the one who got beat by the winners of the tournament. Just like O’Malley and Roxi Johnson, and just like the next two teams that fall to us. You will see what I mean when Sunday rolls around and passes you by. You won't even see it coming, because I'm too quick for you. I might be 3 foot 11 inches, but by the end of Sunday, you will be on your back, looking up at me. I will be the last thing you see before you fade out for the three count.  My size will not stop me from putting you down. Count on it. I will see you on Sunday. That's a wrap.”

With that, Shorty continues on with the coughing as he settles himself back into bed. He covers his mouth with a tissue as the camera cuts out.

Climax Control Archives / Stacking Up and Getting Down
« on: April 13, 2018, 10:47:07 PM »
 The following is an excerpt from the blog “The Shorty Bounce” by Devin Tyler

[font color=red]Blast From the Past is just around the corner and there’s lots of names out there returning for this show and it seems like there’s a lot of hype ahead of them.  I can’t wait to meet some of them.  Call me a fan.  Not a fan of them, but a fan of this sport, and a fan of the opportunity to take them down one by one.

People have been asking me, “Shorty, why are you popping up here for a chance at a title that you have no chance of winning?  It’s a bad bet.”  Fuck you because I can.  Exposure is exposure and right now I need it.  Do you take me seriously?  I didn’t think so.  3’11” and 165lb.  I’m built like a goddamned pit bull and just as vicious.

My entire career I’ve been told that I’m just another little person and I will be nothing more than the butt end of every joke.  I will not accept that.  I am bigger than my height.  I am more than my limitations.  What I lack in size, I make up for with bite.  While you’re laughing at me, I’m going to kick your ass with speed and strength, and you will find yourself on your back for three, bitch.  Lights out.

Back to the question of why I’m here.  I’m here because people don’t expect me to be.  I heard there was an open invite and I figured why not?  If I find myself an audience, I’m going to perform for them.  They might not like what I have to say and they might not like what I’m about to do, but that’s their problem and not mine.

Vegas hasn’t ever seen someone like me.  “Midget wrestling” isn’t new to the city or the promotion.  I looked shit up and it’s happened before, but it wasn’t something serious.  It was the piss break of the night, or the comedy relief after a hardcore Roulette Rules match.  It wasn’t the highlight of the night.

So it looks like I got a little bit lucky when I got teamed up with last years winner.  Let’s see if Lady Luck is on my side, or if it’s a case where lightning won’t strike twice.  It’s Hunger Games out there bitches and as it stands, the odds are forever in my favor.  I look forward to seeing what Sin City is able to throw at me.


Thursday, April 12th, 2018; Cornerstone Classic Steakhouse - Gold Coast Casino Las Vegas

It’s a cloudy day in Las Vegas, but the city is never dark.  The neon lights shine bright enough for the darkest of nights.  The highlight of it all right now is the Gold Coast Casino, the home to Sin City Wrestling, the site to Climax Control 1 and Climax Control 201.  Fans of the promotion are flocking for the return show and no former star is safe from the mob of flashing cell phone cameras and sharpie pens.

That is where Devin Tyler is safe.  He walks from the elevator and walks to the Cornerstone Classic Steakhouse dressed in a dark grey tailored suit with a blue striped dress shirt that is unbuttoned down to half way down his torso.  He has a smile on his face as he watches returning stars trying to dodge the masses, and others who use it to feed their egos, all while he whistles and walks up to the restaurant.

He steps inside and admires the red, black, and tan tile of the floors and the wooden facade.  The neon blue lighting of the underside of the bar glows across the first few tables, jam packed with people, save for one.  Devin looks over to the hostess, who doesn’t even seem to notice him there.  He clears his throat as he licks his thumb to brush it over his eyebrows and he smiles.

“Oh, sweetie, are you lost?  Should I try to page your parents?”

Devin’s face sours quickly when he hears this and he stomps his foot.

“I’m not a damn child!  I’m a grown ass man, and I have a reservation!”

“Do your parents know that you use such language?”

The hostess asks as she leans over the counter and her top shows off her ample cleavage.

Devin flicks a quarter on there and then rubs at his chin.

“Yo, Milk Bubbles. It's Devin Tyler. Got a reservation for two. Chop chop.”

The hostess opens her mouth at Devin’s comment and he reaches up to lift it to closed. She is stunned but grabs two menus as she leads him to his table. She places the menu down at the bar style table and places the other menu across from him. She starts to walk off when Devin clears his throat again. He looks over at the table and then to her. She is confused for a second.

“Are you freakin’ serious? A bar table for a man that isn't even 4 feet tall?” Devin shrugs his shoulders as he tries to figure out the logic in all of this.

The hostess taps her chin as she tries to figure out a solution.

“Do you need a booster seat?”

Devin’s jaw drops to the floor practically before his eyebrows drop in the middle out of anger and he waves her away. He climbs up the chair, struggling as he tries to gain his footing on the rung of the chair.  He gets up to the seat and his legs kick as he tries to swivel around.

“Goddamn bitch asking me if I need a fucking booster seat?  What do I look like a four year old or something?”

Devin stops himself from moving for a second when he hears footsteps approaching behind him.  He goes limp as he turns around to look at Evie Baang coming up behind him, cameras flashing in the process.

“I guess I should be thankful that our upcoming match isn’t a ladder match because then we would really be fucked.”

Evie flashes a devious smile in his direction as she pulls out her own seat and sits down.  She lifts up the menu as she tries to pretend she is giving Devin the courtesy of trying to hide her laughter, but she gives him a peek.

Devin finally finds the momentum as he swings his legs in front of him and twists to scoot onto the edge of his chair.  

“I could say the same about a math contest, Sugar Tits.  I took the liberty of ordering you a salad when I saw how fat ya ass has gotten since last year.  You’re welcome.”

Evie bites at her bottom lip as she lets a laugh escape.  She reaches across the table and gently pat’s Devin on the top of his head.

“It’s so cute that you are trying to play wrestler right now, but what do you really want to be when you grow up?  A Veterinarian?  Firefighter? Marine Biologist?”

Shorty flips his menu open as he tries to pretend that he’s not paying attention to her, but the vein in the center of his forehead popping out says the exact opposite.  

“Maybe I should have ordered the fish for you.  They say it helps brain function. It must be exhausting repeating the same fucking midget schtick you keep spitting at me, ma.  A real workout for the brain.”

As Evie is about to respond, a set of fans approach and ask for an autograph from Evie.  Evie smiles for the camera as the fan leans in to catch a selfie.  

“Amy look!  It’s Evie Baang, and she’s like having lunch with her baby nephew or something.  It’s so cute.”

Devin slams his fist against the table so hard that it knocks over the empty water glasses sitting out.  

“I’m not a fucking child!  I’m twenty-six years old for crying out loud!  Why don’t you assholes go get a life and stop bothering this has been?”

The fans gasp at the outburst from Devin and they walk off having been offended.  Evie feels a mix of aggravation with the “has been” comment and relief that Devin cleared the pestering fans away from her.  

“I could have handled that myself.”

“And I guess you couldn’t have done it before they pissed me off to the point that I had to.  Damn, I hope we have better chemistry in the ring than we do right now, because you leave a lot to be desired.”

“You are making this too easy and I’m no longer having fun with it, so let’s cut to business, shall we?”

Evie folds the menu down in front of her as the waitress comes over for introductions.  She looks to Evie first. “New York strip, medium rare and a loaded baked potato.”

Evie sets her glass upright as the waitress fills it to the top.  She sets Devin’s up and fills it as she smiles at him.

“One thing that we agree on.  That’s a start.  Let’s make it two baked potatoes because I’m hungry A.F. right now.”

“Honestly, sweetheart, I just don’t know where you put it?  Even with a hollow leg, am I right?”

Evie jests with the waitress, doing only so to upset Devin, and it works.  She shares a laugh with the waitress who takes her leave from the group as Evie looks back to Devin.

“I thought it was getting old, but I was wrong.”

“That’s what you get for thinking, honey bunny.”

Devin takes a few gulps of his water as his cold blue eyes stare at her like a rattlesnake who is waiting for his prey to get just where he wants it.

“I know you think I’m a fucking joke.  That’s not news to me.  Ever since I tried breaking out four years ago, and got laughed out of my promotion, I realized that no one is ever going to take me serious until I made up for my size with an attitude of a seven foot giant.  We can waste all of our time going back and forth with this childish bullshit, or we can try to make ourselves get along and we might actually stand a chance in this tournament.”

Evie listens with an almost absent sparkle in her eye, tuning out most of what Devin is saying until it somehow becomes relevant to her.

“Boo hoo, cry me a fucking river.  People laughed at you so you think you’re a twice your size because of your attitude.  I’m not trying to give you some kind of tough love because I want to see us succeed.  I’m actually offended that they stuck their last years winner with someone like you.  It goes to show that Mark and Christian want me to fail.  I’m not pretending to be pissed off to break the ice.  I’m really pissed off.”

“That’s great, because I am too.  I’m angry that they expect me to get along with someone who already had their fifteen minutes of air time because they know how to sinch their waist to show off their ass, and knows a little more than two moves.  I already feel like an outcast in Sin City, and I’m only here for the tournament, which I’m guessing is just for the week since we’re already settled on losing.”

Devin growls this under his breath so not to cause a scene in the restaurant, due to the growing awareness around them

Evie sips on her water, listening to Devin speak.  She doesn’t know what’s coming over her but she gives him the opportunity to speak.  Once he is finished, she responds in a bitchy sort of way.

“I never said I wanted to lose.  I said that I wanted a different partner.  You are shit, and I even tried to find one way to spin having you as a partner.  I really did try, but all I found was you punching people in the dick and bitching and moaning about not being taken seriously.  I can’t see us winning.  I just can’t.”

“I want to do more than punch people in the dick.  I can do more than that.  Comedy sells, but it doesn’t pay the bills.  I’m not even angry anymore.  I’m kind of depressed that I wasted my time for a cool grand to compete in this thing.  I could have showed more of my skill, but instead, I’m teamed with someone who has just as little faith in me as I do in them.”

Devin draws with his finger on the condensation on the glass.

Evie rolls her eyes as she brings her phone out onto the table, trying not to show any reaction to Devin’s comments.  Devin takes notice and sighs as he takes a drink from his cup.  He looks over toward the ordering station to see if their food is close to coming so that he can escape this miserable meeting. With no such luck, he shakes his head.

“You know it’s a real shame that you are so set on this outcome, because we’re not up against the impossible.  Sure, Roxi Johnson might be able to wipe the floor with you, but O’Malley is an inexperienced hack who won’t get far against me.  He’s arrogant and thinks he knows better than I do when I have years of experience he doesn’t have.  There’s a team strategy.  Why don’t you sit on the outside of the ring and look pretty while I do the grunt work and put that asshole O’Malley on his back for three?”

Devin flashes an arrogant smile across the table at Evie, who doesn’t look the least bit impressed by the shot he threw in at the beginning.

“Roxi Johnson, the Bondage Queen of Twitter?  Right.  While I cannot deny that I look hot outside of the ring, I am twice as hot inside of the ring.  Maybe we can get a little five piece suit, a wig, and a giant lollipop.  ‘We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild.”

Evie pretends to be enthusiastic as she sings the song from the iconic movie, but Devin slams his fist on the table again.  Evie stops and stares at him as he glares back at her.  Soon enough, both of them start laughing.  Devin shakes his head.

“I have to admit, that was good.  Not intelligent, but unexpected.”

“I’m good for that now and then.  At least now we know that you can take a bloody joke.”

Evie puts her phone away as she sighs, trying not to crack a smile once more.  Devin rubs at his face to try to wipe the smile off of his.  Just as he is about to look around once more, their order arrives promptly.  Devin wipes his forehead with relief as the two share a meal.  With the initial animosity aside, they talk and get to know each other a little better, becoming more and more comfortable with each other, sharing a few laughs in the process, and forming a bond that could very well grow to be unbreakable within time, should they be given such an opportunity.


Friday, April 12th, 2018; Gold Coast Casino Las Vegas Auditorium

The Sin City Wrestling Fan Fest is in full effect this evening as the crowds finally get their chance to get all of the autographs that they could ever want.  Champions with their belts, and their favorite challengers lined up at tables.  It was a wrestling fan’s dream come true.  Sin City Wrestling was gracious enough to allow the non-contracted wrestlers to have their own tables.  For a second, it felt nice to Devin to sit back and receive the star treatment.  That was until hardly anyone came up to his table, and if they did, it was to give him “aww’s” and snapping pictures in his face.  He shakes his head in disappointment as he kicks his feet up on the table and leans back in his chair.

“At least there’s some hot bitches up in here.  Summer must be just around the corner.”

Devin smiles to himself, thinking about it.  However, a crowd of people come up on him, and he is surprised to see these faces.  He leans back down and gets ready to stand up for a fight until he sees the ring leader.

“Hey yo, Shorty what’s happening?”

The tall, muscular “Iranian Crusher” Kader Hasheem, star of Honor Wrestling approaches the table wearing a shirt that looks like it could rip if he moves any of his rippling muscles the wrong way.  Shorty jumps over the table into the arm of his very unlikely friend.

“Motherfucker, what are you doing all the way down here?  Alabama is a far cry from Vegas!”  

Devin laughs as the only person who is allowed to make short jokes to him cradles him like a baby for a second before setting him back down.

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t support my little friend like this?  I’m hurt asshole.  Of course I would bring the cheering party, Devin.”

“Hey!  With the audience, it is ‘Shorty’ and only ‘Shorty’.  Do not call me Devin.

Devin looks around at the group in front of him.  The misfits of Northern Lights Wrestling have come along with the Honor star to show support.  The obscure such as Queen of Apathy and Drew Masters are there, and the unlikely faces that are not new to Sin City Wrestling, such as Mz. Holly Wood and Celeste North, who receives some of the darkest stares as she smiles in return.

Hasheem looks around at his surroundings, raising his nose at it before putting down money for an autograph from Shorty.  

“Some of us are your friends and others are your enemies, but Northern Lights stick together, even though I got called up to Honor, we are still brothers. We come out here to Vegas to cheer you on when you take this tournament by storm.”

“That's if I even make it past the first round. You are acting like I have this in the bag.”

Devin says when he looks out to those who are there to support him. They all shake their heads refusing to listen to it.

Celeste moves forward and sits down on the edge of his table folding her arms over her chest as she looks down at him.

“Coming from someone who made a career here in SCW out of being the underdog let me tell you that you can't lose faith in yourself. You just can't. If you lose faith then you won't have anyone believing in you and you will be defeated by yourself. Go out there and win this match, and then the next, and then the next. Take it one step at a time.”

Mz Holly Wood steps up next dressed in her finest drag suitable only for the Las Vegas Strip.

“Baby boy you need to take a look at who you are facing. You got a semi-retired wrestler slash superhero, and a rookie who wants to cling to the tit of his dead wife’s career. You have experience and determination to win this damn match.”

“You know what? You're right. Me and Evie are not the jokes in this match. It's our opponents.”

Devin signs an autograph for a fan who walks up to his table. He shakes hands with them as they pose for a picture. The fan walks off and Devin shakes his head.

“I have spent all this time worrying about embarrassing myself and letting my partner Evie down, but the fact is that I'm not going to let her down. I'm not going to let myself down either. I'm a skilled competitor. I might be short but I can definitely pack a punch. I know what I'm doing inside of the ring. I just finally found a promotion that let me come in to prove that I'm capable of kicking ass.

“Let's talk Roxi Johnson. I have seen a few of her highlights and I did my research on this company. A Grand Slam Bombshell Champion. One of the biggest names to ever set foot in the Sin City Wrestling. I should really be intimidated going up against someone like that right?”

Devin looks right into the camera and he waits a second for someone to respond. However, no one does. Instead, he gets a few strange looks from his fellow wrestlers.

“Maybe, but I'm not. Roxi Johnson is like oh so many before her and even more since. She thinks she is the best. She thinks she went out on her terms and that she could come back at any time and regain her throne. It is too bad that she is delusional because that's not going to happen. Even if I weren't in this match, there is no fucking way that Evie would sit back and let that happen. This is still her time. She really can come back and take the throne. She isn't the champion because she didn't want to be the champion. Well guess what she wants now? What Mikah has. And that means exactly what you think it means, that she is ready, willing, and very able, to storm right through the goodie two-shoes heroine of this tale.  I get the pleasure of having the best seat in the house while she does so.

“Evie and I had a really long talk, and we’ve gotten on the same page about things.  We are ready to take on whatever Roxi and O’Malley want to try to throw our way.  Evie has been spending most of her time in the gym, and I have been no different.  We come correct to this party.  I’m not going to sit here and say that we’re better, because I don’t really need to.  We trained together, and we’ve been keeping in contact about our strategies.  We might actually be the most in sync team that is in this tournament.  Since we’re in Vegas, I’m just going to say it.  A smart man would put their money on Evie and Shorty to win the entire thing.”

Devin won’t apologize for being blunt about this as he signs a few more pictures for fans who are starting to gather around the Northern Lights Wrestling star, and his company that has joined him all the way from Canada to be here.

“Roxi is a thing of the past.  That much is already known by everyone but her, and even I think that she knows it’s the truth somewhere deep down inside of her.  How could she not?  She hasn’t been seen in this company actively in a while.  She has just shown up for the odd appearance for special events.  That’s not the makings of a superstar, but a legend.  I’ll give my respect to Roxi, because she truly is a legend.  Without her, there might not have been some of the greats in Sin City Wrestling.  People like Mikah and Delia Darling and Crystal Hilton would have nothing to come to in order to make this company a better place.  They couldn’t improve something so easily if someone like Roxi had not set down a shitty path for them to follow.  Odette Ryder and Vixen couldn’t hold it all up on their own, and neither could Misty.”

Devin covers his mouth as he looks at the crowd that is shocked that Devin even muttered such words.  They gasp and cry out and some even cheer for the Bombshell who has since gone on to a better place.  However, Devin waves his cooth goodbye and continues on.

“That’s a name we’ve been hearing a lot about, isn’t it?  The great and all powerful Misty.  I can’t say that I’ve had time to look into every aspect of Misty’s career, because there was plenty to look at.  Bombshell Championships galore, and a couple Bombshell Tag Team Championship reigns on top of it.  She was a monster of a competitor.  I’m sorry, a monster of a human being.  From what I can tell, she was probably the most self-centered, conceited, glory hog.  Nobody could ever measure up to her.  She had to be in the middle of everything, and if she wasn’t, she hated it.  She would retire and get our hopes up that finally someone else might have a chance to shine, and we wouldn’t have the same juggernaut shoved down our throats, but then someone hotter would come along, and she had to come back to upstage them.

“It wasn’t until someone actually put her in her place, that she left for good.  She knew it was her time to give up.  She moved on toward Green-er pastures. Drake Green.  Get it?  She started herself a little family since she couldn’t seem to get it right the first time, or the second time, or God knows how many other times.  Then, when she finally thought she got it right, she realized that it wasn’t the family that was ever the problem. It was her.  She wasn’t welcomed back, so what does she do?  She drives into a fucking medium on the highway, with her own daughter in the car, with little to no regard for anyone but herself.  Basically, she went out in her own personalized M.O.  Selfishly, and disgustingly.

“And that’s the “legacy” that O’Malley wants to carry on?  I’m sorry, but that’s more than just a little fucked up.  We already sat through this program once.  Do we really have to see it again?  It’s tired, it’s boring, and it’s so played out that it’s not even funny.  Your recycled, idiotic Irish accent isn’t any better.  We’ve already seen a piece of shit Irish wrestler come through here, and he didn’t fair very well either.  Name me one thing about you that screams “intimidation”?  Please?  Because now that I really think about it, I’m struggling.  The only thing that I can come up with, and seems to be the only thing original about you to separate yourself from your dead wife, is that you are clinging onto the names and past glories of others.

“Your trainer, Gabriel Stevens.  He seems to be a big deal.  First ever World Heavyweight Champion.  Many Tag Team Championship reigns.  Leaves for sabbatical with the wife and kids, and comes back to do it all over again?  That’s more like it.  Why didn’t you just change your name and pretend that you had no relation to your dead wife, because Gabriel Stevens is a name that you can take to the bank, whereas Misty’s name only makes you out to be a whining, sniveling, attention-seeking pussy.  You really need to learn how to brand yourself better, ‘lad’.”

The crowd is in pure and utter shock at this point as Devin doesn’t even blink or shy away from it.  Even as the fans begin to throw trash at him, held off only by the Northern Lights Wrestling stars playing security for crowd control.  Devin just smiles at them.

“Your wife might have accomplished a lot in this company, but guess what?  You won’t.  You will forever be the guy who went down for the three and caught the hands of someone who was 3 foot 11 inches and 165 pounds.  You could go on and take out every motherfucker in this company after that, hold every title in this company, and that will still be your identifier.  “The guy who got taken out by Shorty in his debut match”.  It’s fine, because if you are anything like your wife, then we know that excuses will be your forte.

“You couldn’t get the job done because Shorty punched you in the dick.  You didn’t get the win because Shorty ducked under every one of your punched.  You weren’t able to save yourself from embarrassment because I cheated.  And if you haven’t thought up this excuse already, then I have just hand delivered it to you.  You can thank me later.

“The fact of the matter is that no amount of training from the best in this promotion, or this business, is going to save you from what I have to deliver to you, O’Malley.  I hope that you didn’t actually plan to make a career out of this, because I will forever be the footnote of your career, the one who took you out in the beginning.

“I hope that I’ve lit a fire under your potato and cabbage eating ass, O’Malley.  I hope that I’ve pissed you off to the point that you’re going to bring your very best, because I won’t accept anything less than that.  On Climax Control #201, Sin City Wrestling’s official return, I want to steal the spotlight from the Main Event.  Win or lose, I want to be remembered as more than the “short guy”.  I want to be seen as a wrestler that stacks up to the competition.  Now get the fuck outta my face.  I got a stack of pictures that nobody wants now that I’ve spoken the truth…”

With that, Shorty begins balling up the pictures and tossing them at the audience around him, returning the favor and laughing as he nails someone with each picture.  He flips off a few of them, causing the actual security team to come to his aid as he is about to get rushed.  Kader Hasheem lifts him up and helps to carry him off, even as he tries to fight it.  Shorty kicks his feet as he tries to still get at the fans, almost instantly making the company regret bringing him in at all.

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