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Supercard Archives / Enduring the Pain...
« on: December 10, 2011, 11:59:29 PM »
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Event: December 2 Dismember...  Sunday December 18 2011

Venue: Eagle's Nest Arena in Los Angeles, California

Match: Glass Christmas Ball Match

Opponent: Minerva Soto

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She did it!!  Raynin put the boots to that loud mouthed wench, Angelica and shut her up good...  well, at least for as long as Angelica will keep her mouth closed.  She proved herself as more than just a Bombshell, but a force to be reckoned with.  Now, the management has seen fit to pit her skills against Minerva Soto at December 2o Dismember in a Glass Christmas Ball Match!  Picture it...  All of those angles of the Rebel with a Cause reflecting off of the glass balls decorating the ring...  And the potential for carnage!!...  I swear, I almost can't wait!  Can you?  AS the world prepares for the Holiday Season, Raynin prepares herself for the potential of rending flesh from bone.  You can feel it's going to be one exciting matchup...  Will Raynin be able to come out the victor?  What role will Darknyss play in the upcoming match?  Let's find out...

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 ...  NO PAIN, NO GAIN ...  

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Definitions of ”   MENTOR"


1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.

2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
3. something that motivates;  inducement; incentive:



Time:  December 3, 2011, 4:30 PM...  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Inside of Master Kim's Dojo...  Inside the back room...



It's a small place, just off of one of the main drags through the city.  It doesn't appear to take up very much space, stuck between a florist that sells bonsai trees and a petshop where you can actually buy koi.  The window seems to fly past very quickly as you walk down the street, and if you're not looking for it, the plain sign over the door doesn't quite grab your eye.  It's  a place that on the outside seems very unnoticable.  As you enter the place,  you see all of the faces of the kids that are spread out across the mat in their crisp white gi's, their many different colored belts cinched tightly around their waists.  Their faces are all business and seriousness as they follow the instructions of the older kids wearing blackbelts with white stripes around the end of the belts that are leading the classes.  Their yells of 'kee-yah' are as sharp as the creases in their uniform pants, and their punches and kicks show that alot of practice has gone on.  Even down to the younger kids of around five who are spread out front, looking adorable and fierce all at the same time as they punch and kick just as efficiently and effectively as the larger children and teenagers spread out behind them.

Behind the student teachers and in front of the mass of students, there's a long glass wall that appears to be the end of the building, until you notice that someone seems to suddenly appear from out of the glass wall.  Another of the blackbelted students comes striding out from seemingly no where to slap her hands.  Everyone does their last movement and stands with their fists at waist level, palms down, and their feet at shoulder width, waiting for instructions.  As you walk past the students who are preparing for the next part of their lesson,  you finally get to see how the trick with the mirrors is accomplished...  The mirrors aren't a solid wall.  There are 2 walls about seven feet long that stand about three feet out from the wall, giving the illusion of a solid wall when approached from the front.  Behind the two walls, there are doorways... One is marked with a 'lockerrooms' sign, and the other, which is the one the student came from is unmarked.  

As you enter the doorway, you step into a short hallway with 2 doors, one marked office and the other marked private.  The second door will not open until the first is closed.  Stepping through the second doorway is like stepping through a portal into another dimension just about.  The room seems to sprawl for the entire block.  You can tell that the smallness of the Dojo from the outside is again just another illusion as you look around at what almost appears to be an oasis with a large rock sparring ring to one side, a zen garden with ponds, small rivers, and a ten foot, gently falling water fall, and a small altar with a bronze buddha statue on it to the other.  In the center, there is a space for training.  The concrete floor is immaculate.  Not even a speck of dust as you might have imagined there would be for this kind of floor, and you can walk silently upon it.  The sound of soft music fills the air to harmonize with the sound of the softly rushing and falling water.

In the center of the training space, a low table is laid out, covered with a starched white linen cloth.  On that table lays Raynin.  She's wearing a pair of black gi pants and a black wife beater tank top.  Around her waist is a black belt with white stripes on either end in a 'v' pattern.  Her hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, and the end of it's resting on her shouler.  Her feet are bare, and her toes are painted in a soft coral pink.  She's got her arms out to her sides, her feet close together, and she almos t looks asleep.  She's breathign slowly, and her eyes are closed.  Darknyss is slowly walking around her, looking down upon her form as she lays there.  She's dressed in a matching outfit of black gi pants and a black wife beater tank top, but the ends of her belt are decorated with a white dragon pattern embroidered on it.  Her hair is pulled back in a french braid, and the ends of the ponytail are loose and hang around her shoulders in soft waves.  She smiles down at her mentee who is laying before her.

"I'm very proud of you Raynin.  You took the first step towards your goal of gaining the Bombshell Championship, which was signing with me, taking me as a Mentor, and allowing me to manage you.  You took the second step by letting go and enjoying yourself during your match against Angelica.  You stopped worrying and living in your head and started to live in the moment... You let your wings spread like an angel and you soared and you came out a victor.  And now the real work begins...  NOW you must train your body in ways that you never have before."

Raynin opens an eye and winces, but sighs.

"You know that I train and I train hard.  Hell, I'm always training.  What makes you say that I need more training?"

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin on the forehead with her fingertip.

"As my Sensei used to say, 'A body becomes used to a regular routine, and stops gaining the benefits of such endeavors.  A body must be pushed past it's limits to be stretched, and molded into something more than it was before.'  That means, normal work out regimines can only take you so far.  You must strive to be better... different... more than what you were before, and as such, you must put your body through various stresses before it can become what you want it to be."

Raynin snorts and winces again.

"I've already been trained to be a walking weapon.  My Tia Angel saw to that."

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin's forehead with her fingertip as Raynin winces again.

"A living weapon your body might be, but it's a vulnerable vessel, which your wincing proves.  We must make your body as strong as your will so it can withstand the match which you're about to be put in."

Raynin winces again and frowns up at her Mentor.

"I can't help but wince!!  This hurts!!"

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin on the forehead again, making her jump and wince and yelp before she settles own.

"It's supposed to hurt.  Do you think that being in a Glass Christmas Ball match won't hurt?  What will you do, the first time you fall on one of those things, it shatters, and glass is ground into yoru flesh?   Are you gonna give in?  Are you gonna quit?  Are gonna throw in the towel?  Or will you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and say, 'Please sir, may I have another sir?' and keep on with the match?"

Raynin growls softly and frowns, trying her hardest not to move on the table.

"You know exactly what I'd do... If I'm cut open and hurt, I'll keep going.  If I've got glass shards in my ass, I will pick them out once I've pinned Minerva.  I've got too much at stake right now... This is my chance to prove myself to Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, that bringing me into this company was a good thing, and that I'm going to never stop trying to put on the best show possible!  I want to have the fans screaming my name!  And I want to get my hands on that Championship belt!!  I don't care if I have to throw myself head first into a huge pile of Christmas balls, or douse myself in hot chocolate...  I'm not about to stop until I've put each and every one of the other Bombshells on my victory column, complete with gold stars and glitter for an excellent match put on, and I get my shot at that title again!  So a little glass in my ass is not about to stop me.  And neither will this."

Darknyss nods slowly and leans over Raynin, putting her hands on her shoulders and leaning her weight on the smaller girl's upper body.  Raynin winces as Darknyss chuckles softly.

"Well, if you can endure this, then falling on a pile of shards of broken glass will be a walk in the park."

Darknyss pushes herself up off of hte smaller woman's shoulders and Raynin settles back down, laying there.  Slowly, the white of the linen cloth starts to change color as a blood red stain starts to form and spread around Raynin's shoulders and upper back.  She still lays there, not moving.  She breathes deeply as the stain starts to spread larger and larger.

"Pain is an illusion.  Pain stems from fear.  Fear is the mind killer.  Fear is the little death which your heart experiences when it loses control.  If you control the fear, you can control the pain.  If you can control the pain, you can control your body through just about any situation..."

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin on the shoulder.

"It's time..."

Raynin takes a deep breath and sighs softly to herself.  She sits up slowly, wincing as she does.  When she sits up, you can see what looks like a series of holds decorating her shoulders, oozing large beads of blood.  On the white cloth that was beneath her, a large red stain fof her lifeblood decorates the white background.  She stands gingerly and turns herself around, looking down at the low table.

"If you can control your fear and your pain through any situation, then you you can withstand just about anything..."

She then takes a hold of the edge of the white sheet and rips it off of the low table, and it makes a strange, almost ringing sound as she takes a deep breath....

"And if you can withstand laying on a bed of nails for a few hours, then you can make it through damn near anything... including a while in the ring in a Glass Christmasball match."

She and Darknyss stand there, looking down at the bed of nails which Raynin had been laying on.  A large bead of blood remains on the end of one of the nails for a moment before it folls down the side of it to plop on the table beneath it.  Darknyss nods slowly at her and smirks wickedly.

"Now you're seeing the method to the madness...  Or is it the madness to the method... Sometimes I can't remember which one it is.  Anyways... I think you're just about ready."

Darknyss reaches up and slas Raynin hard on the shoulder, making her cry out and wince.  Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.  

"Aahh, suck it up...  The match at the Pay per view won't exactly be a picnic in the park.  But I think you'll do just fne... Just fine indeed."

Raynin smirks and sighs deeply.

"I hope so.  I'm gonna give Minerva Soto a Christmas Present she will never forget...  And that's a humiliating defeat at my hands."

Darknyss nods slowly adn Raynin turns her head to look at her new found friend and mentor.

"Now, do you mind getting me some anti-biotic cream for my back?  Don't want it to get infected you know..."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"Come on you lightweight.  Let's go get you patched up."

Raynin nods slowly and starts to walk gingerly off towards the doorway with Darknyss leading the way as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Blowin' off steam
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:59:32 PM »
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Event: Climax Control...  11-20-11

Venue: Centennial Hills Community Center, Las Vegas, NV

Match: Parking Lot Brawl

Opponent: Angelica

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Come One, Come All!!  Hurry!  Hurry!!  Step right up and see the bout the world is anticipating the most!!  It's sure to be a battle of Epic proportions!! Raynin Versus Angelica...  Parking Lot Brawl!!  You can see it one place and one place only... Sin City Wrestling!!  At the Centennial Hills Community Center in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada!!...  But before then, Raynin is preparing herself in what most might consider a very unusual way.  When most might be out training with their trainers and goign to the gym, Raynin is off doing... other things.  What's she doing?...  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”   MOTIVATION"


1. the act or an instance of motivating,  or providing with a reason to act in a certain way:  Synonyms: motive, inspiration, inducement, cause, impetus.
2. the state or condition of being motivated:
3. something that motivates;  inducement; incentive:



Time:  November 7, 2011, 10:30 PM...  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Just off the Strip...  Outside of Club Gazzmic...



The spot is jumpin'!  Everyone's all ready cause it's Mojito Monday and those drinks are two bucks a pop, and ladies drink half off until one in the morning!  The line's already curved back down the block!  They've been nice and put up speakers outside of the building so even if you're outside in line, you can still enjoy yourself.  The ladies are dressed to impress and they know it...  The guys are in their best and they're showin' it...  There's bling everywhere the eye can see, and even outside, people can't help but move their bodies to the beat of the music that's playing.  

She's standing about half way through the line and is looking a bit bored.  It's been a while since she'd been to a club because she hadn't had anyone that she really wanted to go dancing with.  She's leaning against the wall and is playing a fighting game on her iPhone.  It looks a little like SoulBlade, but from the distance, you can't be sure.  As you take in the sight of her standing there, you can't help but be impressed.  She's looking so good, it's one of those moments where you have to start at the bottom and work your way up to the top... slowly.  

She's wearing black strappy sandals, and her toes are painted a deep red color.  Her legs are tanned to the color of molten hot butterscotch, and look so inviting that  you just want to reach out and touch them.  Around her ankle, she's got a diamond tennis anklet that catches the light as she leans against the wall, shaking her ankle slowly to the beat of the music.  Above the anklet, there's nothing but smooth skin until you come to just a few inches below her behind where the hem of her dress begins.  The skin tight black fabric of the dress shows off the swells of her butt and her hips as she reaches down with a hand really quickly and gives the hem a little tug down as a breeze touches somewhere she normally wouldn't expect to feel anything.  The dress is short enough that you can't help to try and check to see if you can see a hint of panty, but the aura emanating from her body lets you know that if you try, you'll probably be picking up more than just your teeth up from off of the sidewalk.  The sides of the dress between the hips to just below the swells of the bodice, the dress is just thin straps that cling to her waist and show way more skin than it covers.  There's a single strap of fabric that goes down the front and back of the dress connecting the bodice to the skirt.  She wiggles her hips a bit as a song she likes plays over the speakers and it's like your eyes are glued to her moving body.  She spins a bit and crosses her legs again and you can see the front of the dress comes together and is gathered bandeau style at the center of the bodice, making her cleavage very prominent.  There's a rhinestone band at the center, and the black straps going up her shoulders are studded with rhinestones as well.  Dangling between her breasts from a single silver chain is a black crystal heart surrounded by diamonds, and the matching bracelet and earrings in her ears are catching the light like crazy.  Her hair is curled and sways in the light breeze gently and looks so touchable and soft that you just want to run your fingers through it.  Her lips have a soft dark rose hint of color with gloss that makes them look like they've just been kissed and kissed hard.  Every inch of her upper body that can be seen has been dusted with very fine gold body glitter, making her skin seem to glisten and catch the light...  All in all, the look is breathtaking and heart-stopping, even as she leans against the wall looking bored.

She stands up and looks further up the line at the front door and sighs as she pauses her game and goes to the messages app.  She types out a quick message.

'Hey, it's Raynin. Am outside. Can't get in, line's 2 long.'

She goes back to playing her game as she waits for a reply and when it comes, sighs softly.

'HAHA!! How long U been waitin'? U don't wait, go 2 the front. Sending somebody 2 get U'

She rolls her eyes and straightens her dress, then starts to walk up to the front of the line.  As she's walking, she's getting catcalls and whistles from guys who are in the line and she ignores them, until one guy gets adventurous and reaches out and grabs her behind.

"Oh yeah...  That's ass is TIGHT!!!  Come on and stand with me baby and I'll... UUURRRRKKKK!!!"

He doesn't get to finish his statement because Raynin has grabbed his hand and twisted it backward, reaching out with her other hand and chopping him in the throat in a move so quick, all you see is her pulling back to continue walking on.  She puts a finger on his forehead and pushes him backward, making him stagger.

"YOU don't get to TOUCH ME you worthless piece of FILTH!!!"

The guy looks shocked as he gasps for breath.  He stands there, his hands to his throat, floundering as he coughs and leans over trying to catch his breath.  The women around him start to clap and cheer for Raynin, yelling their thanks as he's apparently been harassing anything in a skirt.  She holds up two fingers and nods before she continues walking towards the front of the line and sighs, shaking her head as she flips her hair back over her shoulder.

"Man, I tell ya'...  Some guys always think that just cause a chick is in a short skirt, or cleans up well that she's a ho or somethin'.  My Daddy always used to say, 'don't make assumptions...  because you end up making an ass out of you... and umption.'  Sage wisdom to live by these days.  And wisdom that certain folks need to take to heart in Sin City Wrestling."

She stops and leans forward at the waist, adjusting the ankle bracelet and the strap on one of her shoes.  As she does, behind her she hears a guy scream out...


She turns to look behind her and a buy is standing there, looking her up and down like she's a piece of meat and she shakes her head slowly before she stands, tossing her hair back into place and continuing her stroll back towards the head of the line.

"I'm surprised about one thing really...  My opponent for Climax Control... She claims to not be underestimating me, but that's exactly what she's done.  She's more hung up on what Darknyss had to say to me than... well... ME!"

Raynin laughs and shakes her head slowly.

"But then, I rather enjoy it when I'm underestimated.  She can look at me and think that I'm a pushover because I came right into a match and quote, unquote, sneak attacked her...  But at Climax Control, there will be no such things as sneak attacks.  It will be she and I... face to face, one on one, not in a squared circle where all she has to worry about is being tossed over the top rope or maybe being hit with a really hard clothesline, but instead in a Parking Lot Brawl where there's nothing to pad your impact on the cold, hard concrete.  This is the kind of match where the Women are filtered out from the little girls... where Bombshells are distinguished from duds...  Where Raynin steps up and shows that she's one of the top females in this company, and takes her place among the Bombshell Elites, and Angelica is forced to run back to her little boyfriend and try to bat her eyelashes to get another shot by spreading her legs again."

She checks her nails and frowns as she realizes the one thing she didn't do was go and get a manicure, then shrugs as she keeps walking, her hips swaying slowly.

"The one thing I don't get is how she can come out and say with a straight face that she's not a whore...  Angelica flat out STATED that the way she got into the Bombshell Gauntlet match was by sleeping her way to get there...  What does that make you?  A dag blasted SAINT??!!  I don't think so...  A whore is a whore...  you sleep with men for money or possible financial gain... you're a whore.  You can call it whatever you want...  Girlfriend for hire...  Sexual consultant...  Escort with benefits...  A ho is a ho is a ho!  I could SEE if you were going around like a virgin in fear of your virtue wearing a chastity belt and trying to wrestle with your knees chained together cause you wanted to make sure no one could even pretend to think that you were anything else... But when you ADMIT that you did whorish things... BRAG about it... FLAUNT IT ABOUT...  Well then girl... that makes you a whore.  You can't say you're a whore one minute, then turn around and claim that you're not the next...  What do that call that in political terms again...  oh yeah...  A Bill Clinton statement...  you know, and his whole, 'I did not inhale' and 'I did not sleep with that women even though she may have sucked my cock a little bit...' kind of statement.  You can't flip flop on this... Either you did it and you're  a ho, or you didn't and you're a liar.  Either way, I've got about as much respect for you out of the ring as I do the gum on my shoe."

She lifts her arms over her shoulders and stretches with a yawn.

"In the ring... Well,  you did hold your own against a couple of those chick, but I can't say I respect you in the ring yet, cause you still haven't proven yourself to ME personally!  But we shall see how long you last when we're in the middle of that parking lot.  But the thing you have to realize is... this is what I've spent years training for.  This is what I made my living doing.  And it's not just in the middle of a parking lot with a referee waiting to count you out.  You may have had training in a gym, sparring with some blonde chick name Tammy, or Ashley...  But I did my training in the most intense of ways.  The back alleys of Afghanistan... buildings in ruin from bomb blasts... having to watch where you step and fall for fear of activating a stray landmine...  Mumbai, where if you lose the person may just cut your head off and wear your teeth as a trophy...  The jungles of Brazil where if the guerrilla fighters don't kill you, the wildlife just might...  THAT'S where I did MY training for this kind of match!!  It wasn't for glory, it wasn't for fun, it wasn't to win a belt... It was to save lives and hell, just to fuckin' SURVIVE that I fought.  You think you're so bad...  Hell, I'm worse than a fuckin' DEMON in these kinds of matches, because I don't fight just to win.  I fight to SURVIVE!  I fight as if if you DON'T win, your life is in danger, and losing equals DEATH!!!  You have NO IDEA what kind of a fight that can be!!  But soon... very soon you will.  And once your eyes have finally been opened to that kind of a fight...  Hell, if you make it through even five MINUTES of that kind of a fight... maybe... just maybe I'll begin to respect your abilities.  But until then... you're just another deluded little girl."

She finally makes it to the head of the line and steps up to the bouncer who has his back turned and is talking to someone inside of the door.  She reaches out and taps the bouncer on the shoulder who turns around and looks her up and down and laughs.

"Sheeit, ain'tchoo cold, gurl?"

Raynin smiles sweetly and cocks her head to the side.

"Actually, now that I'm outta line, I'm freezin' my tits off.  Look, my friends are already inside.  They told me that my name should be on the list."

The bouncer crosses his arms and looks her up and down and chuckles.

"Yeah, that's what they all say.  That cat about for heads back keeps sayin' he's the Prince of Persia.  There's a blonde chick who kept sayin' she was Paris Hilton, sayin' everything was hot, but you could tell she was no Paris Hilton.  And then, there's this weird old guy who kept hittin' on the girls in line and struttin' back and forth like a peacock and sayin' he was gonna buy this club if I didn't let him in and have me fired..."

From the further back in the line you hear a deep male voice which kinda sounds familiar yell out...


Raynin looks around confused and frowns as the bouncer shakes his head and chuckles.

"Look gurlie... I hate to say it cause you are lookin' kinda fine right about now but... There ain't no list, and there ain't no gettin' in unless you make it through the line."

Just then, a familiar feminine voice calls out from the shadows of the doorway to the club.

"Don't worry Clarence.  She's with me."

Raynin looks up and sees Darknyss come stepping out of the club.  She's wearing a black lace dress that's damned near see through.  Beneath which she's got a strapless bra.  The skirt is a little less opaque, but you can see the outline of a thong and the flash of her skin underneath.  The arms are full and flair out from elbow to wrist, and her arms are decked out with silver bangles. She's wearing black thigh high leather boots and there's a black leather choker decked out with rhinestones around her throat.  Her hair is hanging down her back in loose waves and there's purple streaks in the front of it's curls.  She smiles as the bouncer takes her hand and kisses the back of it gently.

"Had I known she was here with you, I'd have let her in with no questions Lady."

Raynin looks from the bouncer to Darknyss, then back to the bouncer and back to Darknyss again, holding up a finger looking confused.

"Wait a minute!!  How did you??..."

Darknyss shrugs and winks.

"Ancient Chinese Secret.  I'll tell you about it later.  Come on, the spot is on fire tonight!!  Let's go dance!!"

Darknyss grabs Raynin's hand and pulls her into the club giggling as the scene fades out.

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Time:  November 8, 2011...  1:50 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Just off the Strip...  Inside of Club Gazzmic...



The party is still going strong, even though it's almost 2 in the morning.  The DJ's been spinnin' the hot tracks that keeps the bodies in motion.  The dance floor has been packed from opening with folks from the moment the doors opened, and the intensity isn't letting up.  The lights are bouncing everywhere, and people are doing the same, all having an awesome time.  Smack dab in the center of the crush of bodies are the group from Sin City Wrestling.  Darknyss an Raynin are moving to the music, looking like they get paid to dance.  

Raynin motions that she wants to get a drink, and she and Darknyss head off the dancefloor towards the VIP room in the back.  They grab a couple of bottles of water and sit down on a couch, breathing heavily.  Raynin is grinning from ear to ear.

"MAN!!  I haven't done something like this in so long!!"

Darknyss chuckles and takes a sip of her water.

"I try to do it at least once a week.  Helps keep my cardio up and it's fun to do."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head, sighing heavily.

"So, how did you end up here tonight?"

Darknyss grins and shrugs.

"Claire and I go way back.  She did my make up when I was in GXW.  She saw me and told me about tonight and asked where we should go, and I mentioned this place.  A friend of mine owns it."

Raynin nods slowly and leans forward a bit.

"Did you also come so you could talk to me cause I didn't call you back?"

Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"Ok, you got me.  Guilty.  I just thought it would make you feel less intimidated if you saw me like this, and not as like I'm the Great and powerful Oz kind of situation.  Look, I'm here to make you an offer.  Let me take you under my wing.  Show you some things...  You're awesome in the ring, but you're too controlled... You need to let loose... let your hair down... Mix things up a bit.  And I can show you how to do just that."

Raynin cocks her head to the side and chuckles.

"Does this have anything to do with Angelica being my opponent at Climax Control?"

Darknyss chuckles and nods slowly.

"Ok, that too.  I just can't stand the copycattin' little ho.  Look, the offer's on the table.  You just let me know."

Darknyss jumps back up as the music changes and dances her way back off to the dancefloor, leaving Raynin to sit and think about things as the scene fades out.

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Climax Control Archives / An Invitation to Party...
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:00:10 PM »
 Event: Climax Control...  11-20-11

Venue: Centennial Hills Community Center, Las Vegas, NV

Match: Parking Lot Brawl

Opponent: Angelica

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She'd tried her hardest, but Raynin was still not able to overcome the friendship bond that has been established by Misty and Kittie to take the Bombshell Championship.  She put up a good fight, and it took the both of them working together to take her down.  Now, she's got to get her mind put back in place to start the up hill battle to the top of the ranks of the Bobmshells so she can gain the coveted title.  She's got her first obstacle in the form of Angelica, and in none other than a Parking Lot Brawl.  Will she be able to put the Gauntlet match behind her and keep her cool during this matchup?  Or will it become what it's being hinted to be...  An all out battle for the ages  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”PREPARATION"


1: the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty

2: a state of being prepared

3: a preparatory act or measure

4: something that is prepared; specifically : a medicinal substance made ready for use

5. a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.

6. any proceeding, experience, or the like considered as a mode of preparing for the future.

7. an act of preparing.

8. something prepared, manufactured, or compounded: a special preparation for sunbathers.



Time:  November 6, 2011, 12:30 AM...  After High Stakes...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Mandalay Bay Events Center...  Backstage...



She's dressed all in leather from head to toe...  The soft kidskin kind of leather that you just want to touch.  The black leather pants look painted on, and her jacket is just as tight, hugging her curves like only leather can.  She's got her jacket halfway unzipped, and underneath, the purple halter top shows off just enough cleavage to be inviting.  The black lug bottomed boots don't make a sound on the ground as she walks, her mind deep in thought.  She's carrying her black helmet with the silver dragon emblazoned around it's edges, dangling it from a few fingertips as she moves with her saddlebag draped over her shoulder. She's walking through the backstage halls of the arena, trying to keep her composure.  She's had one hell of a night and her emotions are running rampant.  Her chest is tight from trying to keep her cool and not letting in to the anger, regret, and disappointment she's feeling within herself.  As she's moving past the make up station that's being broken down, she sees a group of the make up artists standing there talking quietly to themselves.  She lowers her head and tries to move past them as quickly as she can without being noticed, but she's stopped as someone sees her ducking past a spool of wiring and a few stagehands.

"Hey!! Raynin!!  Wait up!!"

She stops and takes a deep breath and turns to see the make up artists coming over towards her.  One in particular is a short, chunky red haired girl named Claire, and she does the makeup for most of the backstage talent.  The shorter woman puts a hand on Raynin's shoulder and rubs it slowly.

"Hey, I just wanted to say that I was watching your match and I thought you did really well."

Raynin nods slowly and sighs softly, shrugging.

"Yeah, I did well, but just not well enough to end up with the title around my waist."

Claire nods pats her shoulder again.

"Well, what do you expect?  Just like in the first match, it was basically a handicapped match for you.  Misty and Kittie are thick as thieves, and will always have each other's back."

Raynin shrugs and sighs again.

"Yeah, but it shouldn't have mattered.  I've fought and bested men in places I think you'd never ever see who were trying to kill me before, and they still didn't fight to take me out as hard as those two did.  But then of course, I wasn't hindered in the things that I could do to beat them like I am in a wrestling match...  You have no idea how much I wanted to just..."

Raynin grimaces and makes the motions with her hands like she's snapping someone's neck, growling as she throws her hands up in the air and then suddenly just kind of sags and sighs heavily.  She looks at Claire and shakes her head.

"I don't know if I'm strong enough to keep things under control."

Claire shrugs and lifts her eyebrow at the taller woman.

"Then don't."

Raynin frowns slightly and looks at the makeup artist who has pulled a makeup brush from somewhere and is toying with the bristles.

"Then don't do what?"

Claire smiles and chuckles softly.

"Don't try to control things.  Let it loose.  Let it all hang out girl!!  You're always so uptight and you walk around here looking so serious...  I know...  Come out with me and the girls tonight and let your hair down...  Get funky fresh and loose..."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow up at the other woman and tries not to smrik.

"Get funky fresh and loose?  Say what?"

Claire throws her head back and laughs.

"You know what I mean... Don't lose your sense of humor girl.  You just need to have some fun.  That's all I'm sayin'...  You need to not worry about things so much and just enjoy yourself.  You started wrestling cause it was fun for you, right?"

Raynin nods and sighs heavily.

"Actually, I started wrestling because my Tia Angel thought it would be the best way to prepare me for what I'd experience in my basic training and afterward.  I've always thought to approach things like a mission...  It's been so long since I've wrestled just to wrestle...  Maybe I have lost the enjoyment of being in the ring."

Claire taps Raynin in the center of her chest with the end of the makeup brush and throws her hands up in the air.

"There you go...  You've lost your motivation.  Once you've found it again, then I'm sure you'll start to turn things around in the ring."

Raynin nods slowly and smirks.

"True... very true.  And I can honestly say I at least accomplished one thing I absolutely wanted to do in that match."

Claire looks at Raynin curiously.

"Oh really?  And what was that?"

Raynin chuckles wickedly.

"I lasted longer in that match than Angelica, and I took her out personally.  I made it my business to make sure that I was the one who took her out.  I didn't' want anyone else to have the satisfaction of that feat.  I swear, I can't stand her big mouth."

Claire shrugs and turns back to the makeup table and continues to pack her things up.

"She's rubbed alot of people the wrong way.  And I'm certain alot of the other females will thank you for taking her out.  But now, you need to think about what you're gonna wear when you go out with us tomorrow night."

Raynin smiles sheepishly and nods.

"Alright... I'll go."

Claire claps her hands and giggles like a school girl.

"PERFECT!!  So, this is where we're going tomorrow night...  Here's my number, you go grab something to put on and I'll meet you there at ten o'clock.  We're gonna party like it's nineteen ninety nine!!  Or... maybe two thousand and nine...  who cares!  It'll be a blast!!"

Claire pulls out a pen and a notepad and writes out some things, then pulls of the sheet and hands it to Raynin.  She reads it and frowns slightly.

"So, who all is going"

Claire goes back to packing up the last of her things.

"Oh, a few people... Shelly, Trina, Claudia... A couple of the other stage hands... It'll be fun."

Raynin nods and shrugs. 

"Cool, cool.  This could be fun."

Claire sidles up beside Raynin and bumps her hip with her own and chuckles.

"You bet it'll be fun!  It'll be just what you need to take your mind off of things... Re-center yourself and shake it like you're gonna break it!"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"Yeah, just be careful you don't shake it cause you DID break it.  I'll see you tomorrow night then."

Raynin waves to the rest of the group and heads out of the arena towards the parking lot.  She looks around at the parking lot and sighs, smiling grimly as she walks towards a black Ducati motorcycle with chrome trim.  She pulls a pair of black leather riding gloves from her pocket as he moves.

"Next show will be coming soon...  Another Climax Control, and this time, it'll be so sweet for me.  This place... this is going to be the scene for the demise of Angelica.  It's not going to be about wrestling... it's not going to be about impressing anyone... it's going to be about a beat down, plain and simple.  She claims to be heaven sent and hell bent, but what she truly is going to be is hell bound.  Because I'm going to take her through hell and back just to send her down there again.  I'll be her own personal grim reaper.  I'm so sick and tired of hearing her mouth...  every day it's 'blah blah blah, I'm pretty, blah blah blah, I'm better than this person, blah blah blah, I'm better than that person'... I'm gonna shut her mouth for her.  So she's cute... so what!  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and inside, she's about as ugly as a horse's ass while it's droppin' a deuce.  Looks fade, beauty tarnishes, but what you do and say leaves an impression that can last a lifetime, and right about now, the only impression she's leaving is one that makes people want to kick her teeth in.  Angelica...  Boy, was that a misnomer or what?  And for those of you who aren't used to those thirty-two dollar words, that means someone whose name doesn't fit their face or personality, or calling something a name that doesn't describe it properly. She pulled the wool over her parents eyes something fierce to end up with that name cause she's about as angelic as a demon dancing in the pit, roasting an person on a spit over some flames.  She's about to get a serious wake up call.  Cause being pretty doesn't mean shit when it comes to this business we're in.  It's about heart... and she's heartless... It's about determination... and the only determination she's got is to chase the boss's dick.  It's about honor, and she has none...  She's about as honorable as a crack head fiending for a rock that steals his mom's clock radio to give to his dealer.  It's about skill, which is something she's seriously lacking...  But then, this Parking Lot Brawl is not going to be about any of those.  No rules... no disqualifications... no ring...  no ropes...  Just me and her in a circle of vehicles, each of which can be used as a weapon.  It's not gonna be about hurricanranas, or elbow drops, or hell, even clotheslines.  It's gonna be about breaking your opponent's spirit and laying them the fuck out."

She leans over as she reaches the motorcycle and slips the saddle bag over the back end of the bike securing it, then leans over and raps her knuckles on the ground and whistles and winces slightly as she stands slowly.

"There won't be any padding out here to try and ease the shock of falling on this stuff.  The cold, hard concrete is unforgiving.  It does brutal stuff to bodies...  It draws blood, it breaks bones...  It disfigures pretty faces and turns them into so much ground meat and blood and gore.  Have you ever seen a person's face get scraped across concrete Angelica?  The meat just peels back from the flesh like you're peeling an orange.  You get to see exposed bone, and the blood!!... Oh ho ho...  the blood is so intense...  this is what kinds of harm you're going to have to look forward to.  And I'm not even going to start on the possibilities presented by things such as a backdrop onto a car hood, or maybe a powerbomb through a windshield...  I think I'll let you experience that first hand and tell me what you think of that.  Me... I'm used to it.  Growing up in Oaxaca was no picnic or a walk in the park.  Let alone the things I've seen oversees...  Trust me, I wear my clothes strategically to hide the scars of what I've been through.  For me, a Parking Lot Brawl is just another day at the office.  You pick up your teeth when you're done, wipe the blood from your eyes and limp on off to the next battle.  I've survived, and I came out better for it.  But for someone like you...  You'll probably be too busy trying to protect your precious face to worry about the axe kick coming to the back of your head to knock you out."

Raynin throws her leg over the bike, chuckles and looks down at her helmet as she starts pulling the straps out so she can put it on.  She lifts her eyebrow as she smirks evilly.

"You know... It's been a long time since I just let loose on someone.  Just said, 'fuck it, I'm gonna enjoy just beating the shit out of this person', but something inside of me is really happy that the brass thought to line this match up.  You know... here's something to wonder about Little Miss Pretty Pants...  If Mark Ward really cares that much about you... why would he put you in a match like this one against someone who you've pissed the fuck off?  This... This is my playground!  I grew up in the streets.  I fought for every ounce of respect I earned...  I gained it with blood, sweat, tears, broken bones, and missing teeth.  You're just too used to having things handed to you. But come Climax Control, all you'll be handed is a knuckle sandwich, and a nice big glass of whoop ass served ice cold."

She slips her helmet over her head with the visor up and buckles up the strap under her chin, then starts the bike, revving the engine.  She turns back to the camera and smirks again.  She brings her fist sharply into her hand and chuckles, shaking her head slowly.

"Heaven sent...  HA!!  After I'm through with you Angelica... You'll be praying for hell to grant you relief from what you'll experience.  Adios!"

She puts up two fingers in and flips down her visor, then guns the bike.  Smoke billows up around the back wheel as she sits there for a bit, then the bike shoots off like a rocket, disappearing in the night as the scene fades out.

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Time:  November 7, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific Location... Unknown...



She had to get out of the confines of the city today.  The concrete jungle was closing down upon her, and she couldn't think, so she drove out into the desert and decided to go for a little bit of a hike.  She's dressed casually in a pair of skin tight black jeans and hiking boots with a black and grey flannel hoodie on over a t-shirt.  Her hair is in a pair of pigtails, dangling down on either side of her face as she moves.  All she needed was a feather on the end of one of them, and she'd almost look Native American with her coloring and the hair.  Her dark sunglasses are protecting her eyes from the sun and she's got a bandana stuck in her back pocket.  She's got a small backpack on her back and it bounces slightly as she walks.  She's moving along a trail until she comes to a tall outcropping of rock.  In the distance, you can hear an echo of rocks falling from a high distance, and she can't help but smile as she starts to climb the outcropping and stands looking out over the vast desert surrounding her.

"Sometimes I wonder just what it would be like to truly stand at the top of the mountain.  To be the one that everyone has to look up to because you're the best of the best.  You have that one thing that proves that you're the best... The Championship title... to feel it's weight against my hips as I step out on stage...  That's my one goal in this company."

She slides her hands along her waist, imagining the feel of the Championship title resting there and sighs as she leans her head back, letting the sun beat down onto her face.

"I gave up my name...  I gave up my career...  I gave up my world...  I gave up EVERYTHING for this opportunity...  For this chance to stand in the ring with the best this company has to offer and defeat them!  And while I have yet to get a win, it's not because of my lack of skill... oh no... I've got skill coming out of my ears... What I keep hearing is, it's because it just wasn't my time yet.  I wasn't hungry enough.  I hadn't paid my dues enough.  I haven't given up enough...  BULL SHIT!!!  It's because I haven't found a way to divide and conquer the Misty and Kittie regime yet...  But Regimes fall... Friendships falter...  People backstab other people all in the name of power and glory and I know that one day... ONE DAY my time will come!!  And I will stand atop the all mighty Bombshell Division mountain!!  And I WILL hold that Championship title HIGH and be declared THE NEW Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion!!  And that moment...  That moment will be GLORIOUS!!!"

She takes a deep breath and puts her hands on her hips as she squints, putting her hand over her eyes as she looks down at the rocks she used to climb up and notices that in one of the holes, a rattle snake has stuck his head out and is testing the air.  A large black scorpion comes out from a hole right above the snake and leaps onto the back of its head.  The snake and the scorpion start to tussle, the snake spinning as it tries to snap at the scorpion, and the scorpion trying to hold on and sting the snake.  She sighs slowly and shakes her head.

"Isn't that just symbolic of what it means to climb to the top of the Bombshell Division mountain in Sin City Wrestling.  You gotta climb over all of the snakes, riff raff and low lives stepping on their heads to make it in this company.  And you have to do it carefully so you don't end up getting bit in the end and losing all of the ground you worked so hard to cover.  But no matter what... You've just gotta crush 'em."

She picks up a large rock, aims, and then drops it over the edge of the outcropping.  Just as the snake sinks it's fangs into the scorpion, the scorpion stings the snake in  the top of the head, only to have the large rock come down with a squishing sound to crush them both.  Raynin leans over and looks at the ruined mess of what's beneath her and chuckles.

"Sometimes you can let the low lives take each other out... But sometimes... you just have to do a little wetwork and do it yourself.  At Climax Control...  I get to do a little wetwork.  I wonder if Mr. Ward's gonna do this old school, with everyone out there watching to ensure that Angelica can't slip through the ring of cars and run away, or if we end up having the entire parking lot as our playground.  There's on preparing for something like what's going to happen when that match starts little girl.  All you can do is say your prayers, cross your fingers, eyes, and toes and hope and pray like a MOTHER FUCKER that you come out of that with all of your appendages still attached, your scalp still safe on your head, and your face still in one piece.  And as you can see by my glowing smile, my flawless skin that I generally come out of situations like this no worse for wear.   But I'll do you a favor chica.  I'll buy you a nice stash of concealer to hide the marks once I'm done with you.  Who knows... maybe after I'm done, Mark will toss you out like the piece of trash you know deep down you really are."

Raynin crosses her arms over her chest and takes a deep breath.

"For me, Angelica, you'll be nothing more than a stepping stone.  I may have stumbled and fallen in the beginning, but if there's one thing I never am, it's a quitter.  I won't stop until I get what I want.  I'm worse than the energizer fuckin' bunny!  I will just keep going and going and going until finally I have achieved my task and I can stand there and dance on your fucking head in the process!!  But actually... I'll get to do just that at Climax Control once I lay you out and leave you battered, broken, and bruised in the middle of the Parking Lot."

Raynin reaches in her back pack and pulls out rope, a harness and a carabiner, which she slips up onto her body over her jeans.  She hums softly to her self as she leans over and hammers an o-ring into the top of the outcropping of rock and threads a line to it, attaching it to her harness.  She leans over the edge of the rocks and tosses the end of the line down.  She looks up and grins confidently.

"You see, one of the biggest things that separate the women from the little girls like you is... I'm not afraid to take chances.  I'm not afraid to go out there and put it all on the line.  People ask me why I do the things I do... why I gave everything up without knowing what the outcome will be, and I say this... 'Why fear the unknown?  All you have to do is step out, and everything unknown comes to light.  Things are only unknown until you know them.'  Think about that..."

She suddenly leaps high into the air and goes flying off of the side of the out cropping, shrieking into the wind as she hurtles downward in a slow arc.  She twists her body in the air and pulls her feet up and catches herself about halfway down the outcropping with her boots against the stone.  She uses this hopping style motion to lower herself down to ground level, then pulls the rope loose and packs it back in the back pack.  She slips it back on her back and smiles as she looks into the camera.

"Here's another little tidbit for thought Angelica?  How do you stop a speeding locomotive with your barehands?  The answer to that is... you don't.  You either get out of the way or you get steamrolled.  And come Climax Control, you can just call me the little engine that could.  Chugga-Chugga, Chugga-Chugga... toot toot!!"

Raynin kicks the rock that she tossed over the side of the outcropping out of the way reaches into the bloody mess and pulls out the carcass of the rattle snake, nodding slowly.

"Not bad... this'll make an awesome belt."

She stands and turns walking back down the path she came down, swinging the rattle snake's ruined body as she goes, whistling all the way as the scene fades.

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Supercard Archives / Find out what it means to me...
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:59:22 PM »
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An Over The Top Rope Elimination Gauntlet match is the next task in store for Raynin.  Will she prove that she's got what it takes to truly be the Best Bombshell in the Sin City Wrestling and be the first to claim the truly coveted Bombshell Championship Title?  Will the proposed team up between Fantasia and Raynin pay off during the match to bring her dreams of becoming Champion to fruition?  She's got alot on her mind as she prepares herself for some stiff competition as she has to take out Angelica, Allison Summers, Rebecca Blades, Kittie, Misty, and Fantasia.  Let's find out...

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 ...  YOU WILL LEARN ...  

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Definitions of "RESPECT"

1. a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in): to differ in some respect.

2. relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.

3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.

4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.

5. the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.

6. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.

7. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.

8. To relate or refer to; concern.

9. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See Synonyms at regard.

10. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.

11. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.

12. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects.

13. A particular aspect, feature, or detail: In many respects this is an important decision.

14. an attitude of deference, admiration, or esteem; regard

15. the state of being honoured or esteemed

16. a detail, point, or characteristic; particular he differs in some respects from his son

17. reference or relation (esp in the phrases in respect of, with respect to)

18. polite or kind regard; consideration respect for people's feelings

19. (often plural) an expression of esteem or regard (esp in the phrase pay one's respects)

20. to have an attitude of esteem towards; show or have respect for to respect one's elders

21. to pay proper attention to; not violate to respect Swiss neutrality

22. to show consideration for; treat courteously or kindly

23. Archaic to concern or refer to



Time:  October 25, 2011, 9:30 PM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Raynin's Apartment...



It was another night for her, like so many others she's lived through in her life.  Most nights, she's curled up in an easy chair, wrapped up in a crocheted blanket.  She's got a bowl of ramen noodles in her lap which she's put some vegetables in and she's munching on them slowly, using some chopsticks.  Not the most glamorous fare that you'd expect for a Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell to be eating, but she was always one for the simpler things in life.  

If you looked around her apartment, you would see that it wasn't anything special.  It's an industrial loft, with minimal furniture, a couch, an easy chair, and a bed in one side of the room with a dresser a tv and a mirror.  She's also got a small table with two chairs in the kitchen area, with the majority of the rest of the space having been set up to be her own private training ground. 

Tonight, she's got alot on her mind, so she's decided she needed a bit of meditation to clear her mind.   In one corner of her training ground, she's set up a kind of shrine.  On one wall of the north east corner of her apartment, she shows her religious side.  Everything is surrounded by rows upon rows of candles.  Being the devout Catholic that she is, she's got a trio of statues set up, one in the center of Jesus Christ, with one to the right of the Virgin Mary, and one to the left of Saint Mary of Magdalene.  The statues are set up in front of a crucifix which is attached to the wall hanging above everything.  She's even got a small dish of holy water which she gets blessed by a local priest every week.  

To contrast the Christianity of it all, on the other wall of the north east corner of her apartment, she's set up a small buddhist shrine.  She's got small rock waterfalls set up on either side of a larger statue of buddha and they're bubbling quietly.  She's got incense set up to burn when she needs, and a serenity gong as well.  This one corner she keeps sectioned off with a paper privacy screen, so she can have one tranquil spot in her own space.

She's dressed in a pair of grey yoga pants and a dark blue sports camisole.  Her long hair is pulled back in a tight frenchbraid, and the tail of it is wrapped up in a low bun at the base of her skull.  She's barefoot, her toes painted in a soft pink color from her recent pedicure.  It's one of the few things she actually indulges in on a weekly basis.  She's kneeling on the floor in front of the two shrines, looking back and forth from one to the other.  She finally decides what she needs to do.  She sighs and pulls out a pair of small candles and lights them on the largest candle surrounding the statues in front of the crucifix and sets them in a pair of candle holders with the others.  She folds her hands in her lap and lowers her head slowly.

"Holy Father, I'm coming to you today for your forgiveness.  It's been a month since my last confession, and I know that you understand why I don't take these sessions to an actual priest.  It's always been... safer for all who are involved to just keep them strictly between us.  Help me to remember the child I was before...  Forgive me for the woman I've been...  and for the woman I must become.  I light this candle to honor her memory.  And I light the second candle to send up my sins and transgressions so that I may be washed clean and be made anew."

She sighs and picks up a rosary from off of the small altar, kisses the crucifix on the end of the chain and starts to run the beads through her fingers slowly.

"I'm coming to ask forgiveness for both what I've done and what I'm about to do.  I am asking forgiveness for what I did during the graveyard match.  I lost my cool and I wanted to seriously hurt Kittie.  She pushed my buttons and took me to that place that causes me to contemplate some serious wetwork.  But in a way, that's a good thing.  It's made me want to win the Bombshell Championship match so much more.  I have to admit...  I'd forgotten just how good it feels to have some competition that's not trying to actually kill me.  Though in Kittie's case, that might actually have been what she was trying to do.  She's nuts!  She's twisted!!  She's... She's amazing!!  And that's exactly what I need to push myself to the next level!  I need someone who is going to not hold back one bit to take things from that normal level of just good to the awesomeness that is bubbling just beneath the surface."

She looks down at the rosary and breathes deeply before she looks back up at the faces of the statues in front of her. 

"It's like a whole new door within me has opened up and I'm becoming something new... someone new... someone different from who I was before.  I know this is true because while I wanted to just let it all go, I didn't.  I kept on my eyepatch.  I don't think any of the others even realized that I still had it on.  I don't even think they noticed really.  I can't believe that I left it on.  Who knows... maybe if I had actually taken it off, I could have won that match."

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head slowly.  She reaches into the front of her top and pulls out her eyepatch, looking down at it as she sighs softly.

"This patch has been with me through thick and thin.  This is how I trained as a kid.  Tia Angel felt that it would help me to with my training.  I wore this patch through my lucha libre training as well as my martial arts training.  I did my first clothesline wearing this thing, as well as received my first set of stitches from a misstep while doing training with my katana against Tia Angel's squadmate, Vlad.  It's how I learned to shoot an arrow from a bow, a bolt from a crossbow, and a bullet from a gun.  It helped me to focus on my target and keep my mind set on the task at hand.  I wore it through every mission I had after making it through basic training...  It's defined my transformation from who I once was to the person I've become..."

As Raynin's talking, different scenes from her past begin to play on the canvas of her mind.  She sees herself as a teenager, doing a martial arts katta with her Aunt wearing the eyepatch.  It fades into a scene of herself sparring with her Aunt, this time with the eyepatch on the other eye.  The scene fades to a scene of Raynin as a child with her Grandfather watching her as she trains with him, wearing the eyepatch as she does rolls and runs the ropes of a wrestling ring.  She doesn't time her turn right and barrels through the ropes, and lands on her back on the outside of the ring, holding her back and wincing.  She gets angry and moves to remove the eyepatch, but a stern look from her Grandfather makes her sigh heavily, then stand slowly and climb back into the ring to go back to running the ropes.  This time she hits the ropes squarely and rebounds, picking up speed as she moves.  The scene fades out to another scene of Raynin as an adult in fatigues.  She's got the eyepatch on, holding a semi-automatic rifle up to her shoulder, and she's shooting at a target in the distance.  She doesn't flinch as she draws a large 'X' from the center of the target out.  Her Aunt walks over to her and pats her on the shoulder and nods.  The scene fades out to Raynin as a teenager again, sparring using swords with an older man with red hair, both in black gi, the swords moving almost impossibly fast as they go back and forth and circle one another.  

The scenes stop playing through her min and she sits there, still looking down at the eyepatch.  She closes her fist around it and chuckles softly to herself.

"I learned to heighten my senses with this eyepatch.  My depth perception became sharper.  My hearing was taken to a different level.  It got so I could smell the sweat and adrenaline on a person's skin so I could almost sense a person coming at me so I could dodge any attack before it came at me...  We used the eyepatch as a way to buil my speed and accuracy.  With this on, I was good... very damned good at what I did.  An when I took it off... I was that much better.  It was like when I take off my eyepatch during a mission, or a sparring match in my training, because of the training for so long wtih it on, it's like a releasing of sealed powers.  And I only took this off if I knew that what I was facing was a challenge that warrants me needing that extra... oomph I guess is the best way to put it.  For when I need that extra bit of get up and go so to speak."

She chuckles to herself again and slips the eyepatch back in her top and goes back to sliing the rosary beads slowly through her fingers.

"It seems I underestimated the level of competition in this company.  I thought that I could take out Allison, Kitty and Misty without the use of my full potential.  Who knows... had I simply taken off my eyepatch at the beginning of the match, things woul have ended very much differently.  But as my Tia Angel always used to say, 'hind sight is always twnety twenty.  We need to have our future sight just as strong.  And that takes planning, strategy, prior knowledge of our objective, and the reduction of luck from our targets.  And for me, that means I'll need to continue my training, study my opponents... learn their moves and work out counters to their moves..."

She sighs heavily and shakes her head slowly.

"This will mean a call to mi Abuello.  If I know him, he's already watched Climax Control and will ahve some suggestions for me.  One of the biggest ones being, 'stop thinking I don't need to use my full potential to come out on top.'  I know for a fact that to win this, I'll need to take off my eyepatch as soon as I step in the ring... and that's just what I'm gonna do.  I'm stepping up for this with both eyes open.  No question about that.  And I'll leave my opponents laying in the ring with both eyes shut."

She dips her fingers in the holy water and crosses herself before bringing the rosary to her lips once more, kissing it gently.

"I pray that you will give me the clarity I need to see things through to completion, and grant me the serenity I need to not lose my head and keep my cool so that I can execute my plan of attack with precision.  In your son's name... Amen."

She stands slowly and places the rosary back on the altar and she seems to have a look of peace on her face.  She almost looks like a different person as she stands there in the light of the candles.  The lines of her face have softened, and she looks like the weight of the world has been lifted from her shoulders.  She sighs softly and nods to herself before she walks around the privacy screen...

And a whole new look descends on her face.  She's got a look of determination and fierceness on her face now.  She walks across the floor and picks up her cellphone, placing it on her speaker dock an dials an international number from memory.  The phone rings over speaker as she moves to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water from inside.  The phone is answered on the third ring and the voice that comforted her as a child answers.

"Hola Rayniña."

She smiles softly at the sound of her Grandmother calling her by an old nickname.  She also hears running water in the background, so she knows that her Grandmother is in the kitchen, more than likely finishing up the dishes from dinner.  She opens her water as she speaks.

"Hola Abuela.  I'm sorry to disturb you so late.  Where's El Jefe?  Is he still downstairs, or has he closed for the night?"

She hears her Grandmother turn off the water before she answers.

"You didn't disturb us Niña.  He worked late with an old friend.  You know how he can be when he's helping someone.  We just finished eating.  We had one of your favorites.  Black beans and rice with bananas."

She chuckles as she hears her Grandfather's deep voice rumble in the background.

"Tell her I watched her on the tv.  She was sloppy!  I have some pointers for her."

She can't help but smile as sips her water and she hears her Grandmother yell back her answer.

"Kaiate!  Hush you!  I'll let you talk to her after I'm through you old goat!  He always interrupts us when I'm trying to talk to you!  He's so bossy sometimes!  I swear, he took the right name when he decided to become 'El Jefe' cause all he does is try and tell everyone what to do.  Now...  Niña...  I watched you on the tv with him.  You know what I'm gonna say...  you're not eating enough.  You're so thin!!  I swear, when you come and visit, I'm going to sit you down and make you eat!" 

She throws her head back and laughs.

"Well Abuela, you always thought I was too skinny.  You said the same thing about my mother.  But I promise you, I'm eating.  It's all of the training that I do.  But you know I will never turn down one of your meals.  And I will be coming to visit soon.  I know he will want to work with me some." 

She hears her Grandmother moving dishes around in the kitchen and finally she hears a chair scrape the floor loudly and her Grandmother sigh heavily as she sits.

"You know you work too much Niña.  But then, I think you get that from your Abuelo.  You and he both just don't know how to sit still long enough to rest.  I remember when I first met him.  He was so handsome in his mask.  But then, you don't have to sit and listen to me reminisce about things like that."

Raynin sighs heavily and sits on the bed, curling her feet up beneath her.  She takes another sip of her water before she speaks.

"I took a trip to the casino before Climax Control.  I won.  I'm sending what I won to you and El Jefe."

Her Grandmother sighs and Raynin knows she's sitting there at the kitchen table, wiping minuscule crumbs from the surface into a napkin.

"You know that you don't need to do that Niña.  The gym is doing well.  We got three new applicants last week."

Raynin shakes her head and falls back on her ppillow.

"And I also know that El Jefe is probably helping them without charging them, just like he did the last four to come out of the facility.  He's too nice sometimes.  I know he wants to keep lucha libre alive and well, but he's letting the wrong kinds of people in and you know it.  Not everyone is meant for the mask.  I know I wasn't.  And it killed him to know that, but I just think I'm too pretty to put my face behind a mask.  Besides... I couldn't wear my eyepatch with a mask on."

She hears her Grandmother make a rude noise and she can't help but grin.

"Personally I can't stand that horrid thing.  Your eyes work perfectly fine.  There's no need for you to wear that thing."

Raynin chuckles as she hears her Grandfather's booming voice start to bellow from the other room and getting closer as he comes into the kitchen.

"Of course she has to wear it.  How else do you expect her to get any better?  And would you please pull out the sopapillas you promised me after I took out the trash?"

Her Grandmother sighs heavily again and you hear her pushing the chair back as she stands.  

"Here's your Grandfather Niña.  Te Amo mi bonita."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"I love you too Abuela"

She hears her Grandfather clearing his throat and saying something softly to her Grandmother, as they pass the phone between one another and a soft kiss being shared between them.  Raynin wonders at how they've still found time in all of their years together to still keep that affection and love between them.  Then she hears her Grandfather's voice speak, and she feels like she's eleven years old all over again.  His tone just commands the utmost respect.

"Rayniña...  You have forgotten your fundamentals."

Raynin stammers and sputters as she treis to deny the accusation.

"El Jefe... I haven't forgotten my fundamentals!!  I... I... I still know how to do a drop toe hold and a clothsline!  Even a suplex!!..  I swear!!  I..."

He interrupts her with a disapproving grunt that stops her mid sentence.  He takes a deep breath and when he speaks his tone sends her back to feeling like the eleven year old girl she was when she started her training with him.

“You have chosen to neglect your fundamentals Niña.  You have chosen to become so wrapped up in the flashy and the devastating moves that you have forgotten what it means to wear your opponent down with your fundamentals.  Admit it to yourself and to me!  If you don’t, then I won’t tell you what you need to know in order to win in this Over the top rope Gauntlet match!  And even worse, you will continue to fail!”

Raynin pouts petulantly for a few minutes, then she sighs and slowly.

“Si Abuelo.  Perdóname por favor.  You are right.  I admit it.”

Her Grandfather grunts again and takes a deep breath before he continues to speak.

“You keep talking about luck.  Luck is an illusion!  Luck is what someone who has lost their focus and caused themselves to fail says about the person who wanted it  just that much more than they did!  You lost at Climax Control not because someone else was lucky, but because you didn’t want it badly enough!  Admit it to yourself!!”

Raynin curls up on the bed hugging her pillow and when she speaks, she sounds like a child who is being chastised.

“Si Abuelo.  Perdóname por favor.  You are right.  I admit it.”

She hears her Grandfather start to munch on the sopapillas her Grandmother have made and her mouth starts to water as she imagines the crunchiness of the chips and the sweet taste of the honey of her favorite dessert.  She puts the pillow over her face and moans softly to herself as she hears her Grandfather sucking the last of the sweetness from his fingers.

“Abuelo!!  That’s so unfair!!  You know how much I love Abuela’s sopapillas!!”

Her Grandfather chuckles softly to himself.

“Consider this your punishment for taking your eye off of the ball.  You underestimated just how good these other chicas actually MIGHT be!  And something tells me that you’re starting to do the same with going into this matchup!  And that’s the last thing you need right at this is to not be focused!  Do you think that I lost focus in the ring?  Do you think I could have become El Jefe if I got too cocky and arrogant and forgot the most important parts of my training?  Of course not!  And neither should you!”

She sighs again and looks almost as if she’s about to cry.

“Si Abuelo.  Perdóname por favor.  You are right.  I admit it.”

Her Grandfather sighs softly and sucks at his fingers a few more times, and she groans at the sound of the sweet treat being enjoyed.  She smacks his lips slowly as he chews.

“I bet you forgot about the all time most important tip one needs when dealing in an over the top rope match.  I think if I remind you of it, that you’ll remember how important it is to not forget your fundamentals in the future.

She sits up and sighs softly.

“Please El Jefe.  I promise you, I won’t forget my fundamentals in the future.  I want to be the first ever Bombshell Champion so badly, I can literally taste it!  If I do win, it will be sweeter than those sopapillas you’re torturing me with, and  you know it!!”

Her Grandfather crunches on more sopapillas and chews slowly before he says three simple words…

"Pelar el gato.”

Raynin frowns for a moment as she tries to remember what fundamental those words are for.

"Pelar el gato?”

She hears her Grandfather take a deep breath and knows he’s nodding slowly.

“Si…  Pelar el gato.”

She furrows her eyebrows as she thinks to herself about those three words…

"Pelar el gato…  Pelar el gato… Pelar el gato… Pelar el gato?…”

Her Grandfather nods again and munches on more sopapillas.

“Si… Pelar el gato.”

Finally, it’s like a lightbulb goes off in her head and she sits up straight, an excited light glinting in her eyes.

"Pelar el gato?!!!”

Her Grandfather munches more and swallows and clears his throat, sounding proud that she’s finally gotten what she’s been trying to get through her thick skull.

“Si… Pelar el gato.”

Raynin jumps up off of the bed and starts to jump around excitedly.

"Pelar el gato!!  How in the world could I have forgotten about that??!!  You’re right! It’s part of my fundamentals!!  I’m so sorry El Jefe!!  I won’t forget them ever again!!  I feel so stupid!!  It was staring me right there in the face!!…  I promise you Abuelo!  I won’t fail you again!!  Pelar el gato!!  It’s so simple!!  I have to go and get started working on those fundamentals!!  Pelar el gato!!  Muchos Gracias El Jefe!! Te Amo!”

She giggles as she hears her Grandfather munching again and tries to mumble his goodbyes around his sopapillas and she hangs up on him.  She then jumps in the air and shrieks as the scene fades out…

"Pelar el gato!!!”

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Time:  October 26, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific location:  Unknown...



"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!"

Those three words are what have her hanging here, dangling above a tank of icy cold water by a wire the same thickness as the ropes of a wrestling ring, her muscles trembling as she pulls her body up over the wire and back again over and over again.  She can feel her body protesting as she’s been doing this over and over again till the point where she wants to almost pass out, but she knows she can’t stop now… not quite yet…

"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

She’d spent the first few hours in the practice ring she had set up with her sparring partner, letting him throw his two hundred and forty-five pound body against hers over and over again as she stood on the ring apron and held onto the ropes, not letting go.  She finally realized that with an over the top rope match, the one primary thing she needed to make sure didn’t happen was that she wasn’t allowed to actually go over the top rope no matter what.  So she’d spent hours on hours working on her hand grip strength, her arm strength, her grip stamina…  She had to make sure that no matter what, if she was ever put into this situation, that she wouldn’t be actually sent to the arena floor...

"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

She’d spent the next few hours letting her sparring partner toss her over the top rope while she grabbed on in any way possible and stopped herself from going over to the arena floor.  She’s pulled herself back over the top rope… Wrapped her body around the ropes and held on for dear life… flipped herself over the top and back into the middle ropes… ducked under the bottom ropes… Anything it took to not go down to the floor.  She let this man brutalize her body in the name of preparation to the point where her body was trembling with exertion and exhausted, just as she knew she would be during the match, and still she didn’t stop.  She wouldn’t stop.  She knew too much was at stake!...

"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

And so she put her body over the take of ice water to prepare herself for the inevitable… When she would be so tired that nothing she could do could keep her from going over and down to the ground… But she needed to dig deep and make sure that didn’t happen!  She was holding her body in that weird manner, hands in a reverse grip, and she continually pulled her body up over the rope, and held herself there balanced on the brink before she lowered herself back down to be once again in the predicament of dropping, just to force her body back up again.  She didn’t want to fall down into the icy depths below as she’d have to simply pull herself back up and out onto the rope again to continue her challenge she’s set up for herself.  

"Pelar el gato!!  Skin the cat!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

She remembers doing this as a child with her Grandfather as he worked with her on her fundamentals.  She had to skin the cat over and over and over again until she’d literally fallen from the rope and down to the ground, crying from the cramps in her muscles.  Her Grandfather had actually carried her up to the apartment that day and rubbed her arms until the cramps had lessened… but the very next day, they were at it again, pushing her body to the point of pain over and over again until she could finally withstand the training.  And here she was, having to do the same to herself now that she’s a grown woman.  She thinks to herself as she continues to torture her body.

{  The time is fast approaching…  I can’t let myself stop… I can’t give up one inch… I can’t give up one iota of a moment to despair or disparaging remarks…  This is my chance at greatness!  This is my shot!!   This is my time to go the extra distance and finally gain the respect that I have been fighting so hard to gain.  I know the ones I will have to keep my eye out for… Misty…  Misty, you’ve given up so much to get where you are…  But the question is, will you have the ability to give up so much more to be able to attain that prize that’s dangling just in front of you?  You and Kittie both feel you deserve the title.  You both feel that you’ve fought for your dues and earned the title already.  But you’ve both forgotten one simple fact and that’s the fact that the only person who deserves to hold the Bombshell Championship is the one who actually  makes it through the Gauntlet match.  Nothing is ever promised in life.  We can only fight, and scrap, and scrimp and claw, and scratch our way on to gain that which we want.

Kittie, you say that I’m disrespecting you by saying that you got lucky with your win at Climax Control, but you and I both know the truth.  It all came down to who was willing to go that extra mile and who wanted to inflict the most damage.  At that point, it could have gone either way…  You obviously wanted it more than I did.  But at High Stakes…  There will be no question as to who’s the hungriest.  You can try to beat me, you can try to break me, you can try to hold me down, but there will be nothing, and I do mean NOTHING that will stop me from making sure that I’m the one on top getting the one, the two, and the three, and I stand with my hand held high in victory.  NOTHING!!!  You can sit back and say that I disrespected you by calling your win a fluke win…  you can believe that if you want… But respect is something that has to be earned with me…  You fired the first shots with disparaging remarks…  don’t give what you can’t take little girl.  Because it will all come to bite you in the backside in the end.

Allison Summers… You’re doing the right thing by stepping back out of the lime light.  I know you’re going to do your best and go out there and give it the old college try…  But I think we all know that you’ve thrown in the towel.  And that’s alright.  Knowing when you’ve been defeated before hand is a good way for you to stop before you get yourself truly hurt.

Rebecca Blades…  Girl, just give it up.  No one has seen hide nor hair of you.  I know you could be off doing some secret sabbatical style training, but in truth I think we all know that you’re just cowering and hiding your head in the sand because things were harder than you thought they would be.

Fantasia… I’ll say this… I’ll have your back for as long as I can… But when it comes down to it… I want.. no… I NEED to be Bombshell Champion!  It’s a desire that goes deep down into my bones, and is rooted there in the core of my very being!!  And even with the respect that is mutual between us…  That is one thing that will always come first.  My drive to be Champion.

Angelica, Angelica, Angelica…  Our resident whore of Babylon…  The more you run your mouth, the more it makes me want to kick your teeth in.  All I have to say to you is… I know that you protest too much. You have such big words and you’ve yet to back them up.  I’ve stepped out there and Ive given as well as got my licks in.  And all you’ve done is put a big fuckin’ target dead center in your forehead and every one of us are gonna be gunning for you.  You have about an ice cube’s chance in hell of surviving this match.  Don’t plan on having gold around your waist any time soon because it’s going to end up right where it belongs around my waist.  }

Her body has finally taken as much punishment as it can and she lets go of the rope and starts to drop down to the icy water below.

“High Stakes will be the moment for me to shine!!”

As Raynin hits the water, the scene fades out...

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Time:  October 27, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific location:  Unknown...



The previous night had been chilled as the days are beginning to grow shorter, so out here in the desert, you had to be careful.  While it might start out as a hot day, the temperatures can get low enough to frost if there's any bit of humidity in the air.  Last night had been one of those nights, which made the day a bit stickier than usual.  She'd spent the last few days, obsessing over just what went wrong during the match at Climax Control, trying to figure out why things didn't work out the way she'd planned, until early this morning, she just couldn't take it anymore and had that need to move in the great outdoors.  

She'd packed a cooler with lunch and about a dozen water bottles and a backpack with a few essentials, grabbed her camel pack which she'd filled with water and tossed it all in the backseat of her old, 1982 Volkswagon convertible, put the top down, let her hair loose and slipped on a pair of dark sunglasses, then just started driving.  The one strange thing she took with her was this old, tin, G.I. Joe lunchbox which she kept on her lap.  To most it would seem that she was driving aimlessly, but to the rare few who actually knew anything about her, they knew she never did anythign without a purpose.  She knew where she was going, that it would be a quiet place to work out the kinks that were filling her body and that it would be a change of pace after doing all of her training at home.  Having all of her workout gear in her own home saves alot on gym costs, but sometimes she just had that urge to wander, and today was one of those days.

She made a single stop by the Money Box, taking that G.I. Joe lunchbox in with her.  She pushed the sunglasses up onto the top of her head as she leaned over a table next to another patron to fill out one of the slips.  It's some guy in a pair of jeans and a wife beater with an old looking cap on his head to cover his too long hair.  The guy bent over his own slip beside her looked up quickly at her and smiled, showing off his chipped front tooth before doing a doubletake and gasping as he takes a few steps back and points at her.

"Holy SHIT!!  I know you!!  You're that chick from that new wrestling company aintcha?!!"

She looks over at the guy with her eye raised up and smiles softly and shrugs slowly, continuing to fill out her slip.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

The guy brings his hand down on the counter with a slap, then brings his finger back up and keeps pointing at her.

"No no no!!  I know it's you!!  I was sittin' right down front at the last show and I got to watch it all up on the big screen!!  You're one of those Blondeshells aintcha??!!  Yeah, you are!!  I know you are!!!  Admit it!!  Admit it!!"

Raynin finishes filling out her slip and stands up straight, picking up her lunchbox and shaking her head slowly, shrugs again.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sir, now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to..."

She moves to walk away but the guy jumps in front of her, holding up his hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa there little missie...  No need to get all dismissive with me!!  I just wanted to know if you were one of those pretty ladies that gave such an awesome main event last week is all!  Cause if you are...  I'd like to show you a few moves of my own!!"

The guy takes a step closer to her and she sighs exasperatedly and steps back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"If I just say I am, will that make you leave me alone so I can continue on with my business?"

The looks her up and down lewdly rubbing his stomach and he shrugs.

"I don't know... Depends on what else you can do for me..."

She rolls her eyes and moves to step around the man, but he reaches out quickly and grabs her arm pulling her to him roughly.

"Where you think you goin' girl??!!"

She doesn't think, just reacts and twirls her arm until she's got a grip on the man's wrist and gives it a quick twist and he's suddenly in an armbar.  The movement is so fast that the guy barely has time to shriek before she's flipped the angle and he's in a hammerlock with her standing behind him.  She growls in his ear menacingly.

"Now listen here you two bit lowlife.  All I wanted to do was just complete my business and go about my day like any other person, but here you are, calling attention to me that I simply didn't want.  Now, I suggest that you move along before I decide to truly get upset and do something like snap your wrist, or maybe break your arm, or smash your face into the wall!"

The man starts to whimper and stammer.

"Wait!!  Wha... wha... wait a minute!!  I was just playin'!!   I swear!!  I just wanted your autograph!!"

Raynin pushes him towards the counter where she'd written out her slip and pushes him against it.  She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small notepad and grabs the inkpen and scrawls her autograph on the paper, ripping it off and slaps it on the man's chest hard.

"There are other ways of getting an autograph besides being an ass you know.  Next time, simply ask for it.  Now...  I'd suggest you walk away quickly before I decide to get the authorities involved."

She pushes him away from the counter and walks around him, then over to the line for the counter.  The guy folds up the autograph and puts it in his pocket as he looks around and leaves the facility.  She runs her hand over her forehead and sighs heavily, shaking her head.  Just then, she hears a feminine voice ahead of her speak to her.

"You were alot nicer about that than I was.  Good for you."

Raynin looks up and sees a tall, shapely, muscular woman standing in front of her, running her hand through her long dark wavy hair.  The woman looks familiar, but she can't seem to place who she is.  Raynin squints her eyes, then her eyes suddenly go wide as she realizes that the person standing in front of her is actually one of her idols...  It's former GXW Diva, AWO Multiple time Champion, Darknyss.  Raynin squeals like a little girl and grabs a hold to her hand, shaking it up and down ecstatically.

"Oh My GOD!!  It's you!!  I mean... You're her!!  I mean.. You're you!  I mean... wait... what am I saying?!!"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes Raynin's hand back, smirking.

"Yes, that's right... it's me.  Raynin isn't it?  Very nice to meet you."

Raynin's eyes go wide as it hits her that her idol knows her name.

"Wait... what?  How do you know who I am?"

Darknyss smirks and shrugs, leaning her head to the side.

"Any great wrestler always keeps an eye out for future opponents and new talent.  You were pretty impressive out there at Climax Control."

Raynin is almost giddy at the thought that Darknyss has kept an eye on her in the SCW and she blushes.

"I just tried to do my best to win is all.  I'm up for the Bombshell Championship at High Stakes, and it's about all I can do not to just run around screaming my head off at how excited I am about it.  Though some of my opponents are acting like I don't get how good they are.  Angelica... She's the one who pushes my buttons the most though...  She slept her way into the Championship match for a debut match.  Can you believe that?  All of the rest of us actually worked at it, and she's just handed a Championship match on a silver platter.  I swear... I can't believe Mark Ward would even touch her though."

Darknyss shrugs and smirks, shaking her head slowly.

"Don't let her get to you.  She's just playing mindgames.  The main thing you have to remember is, no matter how they got into the match, they're just one more obstacle between you and your goal and treat them as such.  Besides... having a Championship match as your debut match isn't that big of a deal.  And for her to say that she's the only person to do something like that is a crock.  I debuted in the AWO in the Diva's Championship match and I won.  Besides... she's trying to hard to be special.  Almost everything about her is something taken from my past.  Heaven Sent was the name of the stable I was in back when I was in GXW...  And you can CERTAINLY tell that she's no angel.  I swear, Mark's taste in pieces of ass he's l has certainly been slipping if that's the best he has "

Raynin chuckles and is basically awestruck at the thought of her idol giving her pointers about her match.  She licks her lips slowly and looks around before she speaks.

"Well, I'll have to take your advice then.  I'm not one to let mindgames get to me anyways.  Like I said before...  The person who becomes the first ever Bombshell Champion is not the one who feels they deserve it, or who sleeps their way into the match, it'll be the one who earns it.  And with our line up, I can tell it will be alot of blood, sweat, and tears shed during this match.  And someone who cares so much about their looks like Angelica might not make it through once the blood starts to flow.  She may just eliminate herself instead of even trying.  But me... I've shown that I don't care about what I have to put my body through.  I won't stop, I won't give up.  I'll just keep going and going until I come out on top.  This time, there won't be any luck on anyone's side when they go up against me.  There will just be me standing with my hand raised in the end with every other one of these chicks standing outside of the ring, glaring up at me enviously as I hold that Championship title in the air in victory."

Darknyss chuckles and nods slowly.

"I think you'll do just fine.  You remind me alot of myself when I first started out.  I think you'll make a great Bombshell Champion."

Raynin blushes again and grins like a kid in a candy store.

"So, what brings you to Vegas?"

Darknyss smiles back as they move up in the line towards the counter.

"Actually, I'm here visiting an old friend.  I was passing through on my way to another venue for the company I'm working for and when I heard he was in the city, I just had to stop for a bit.  And I got a call that my sister got into a car accident and needed some extra cash for a new car because she didn't want to risk letting her husband know she'd crashed her car... again.  Like he would care... He adores that little hellcat.  And I've told her about texting while driving, but she never listens to me."

Raynin sighs and cocks her head to the side.

"Well, I was just thinking about what an awesome team we could make if you had the time to come to the SCW.  You and I as a tag team would be EPIC!!"

Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"You're right though... I think that the two of us could wreak some havoc on the SCW and Matt would be happy to see me again."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow curiously.

"Matt?  As in THE Matt Ward?  As in Mark Ward's..."

Darknyss nods and grins.

"Of course Matt Ward.  And don't even go there between the whole Matt/Mark thing.  I hear it all of the time and I keep telling everybody they're just a couple of men.  I swear, I could beat them both with one hand tied behind my back, and they might just like it."

Raynin chuckles nervously and shakes her head slowly.

"Well, Mark's the boss.  You gotta be at least a little bit in awe of the boss."

Darknyss reaches in her wallet and pulls out a business card, and writes a number on the back and hands it to Raynin.

"No, you don't.  You show the boss respect, not awe.  There's a difference, and I think you know that.  Look, her's my number.  Call me after High Stakes, and we'll talk about maybe some sort of future between you and me."

Raynin takes the card and nods slowly as the pair of women approach the head of the line.  Darknyss waves at the agent behind the counter as her turn comes up.

"Alright, it's my turn.  It's been awesome talking to you Raynin and a pleasure meeting you.  I should be back for the show though.  Don't forget to call me."

Raynin nods, and Darknyss walks up to the counter.  Raynin's called to the window on the other end, and she walks down to the open spot and sets her lunchbox up on the counter.  She opens it and pulls out a huge stack of cash and passes it along with the slip to the agent behind the counter.

"Six Grand.  Same info as last time.  I know you gotta count it."

The agent nods slowly and starts counting the bills as Raynin watches.  She looks up just long enough to wave at Darknyss who's walking out the door.  The scene fades...

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Supercard Archives / Cleaning Up...
« on: October 29, 2011, 11:59:12 PM »
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She made an impact on Climax Control, but no matter what she did, for her, it just didn't seem to be enough.  Raynin impressed the world with her skill and agility, but still ended up coming up with a loss in the impromptu Six Bombshell Tag Team Graveyard match.  But even if in her own mind, she didn't do what she needed to do because she didn't win, she'd definitely made an impression on the Powers That Be, as she's been named made a part of the Over the Top Rope Gauntlet Match to become the first ever, Bombshell Champion!!  She will face every other Bombshell from the Graveyard match, plus one more as it will be Raynin, against Misty, Fantasia, Allison Summers, Kittie, Rebecca Blades and the newest Bombshell that she can already tell will become a thorn in her side, Angelica!  Will Raynin continue to make an impact and be able to make it through this trial by fire and become the first ever Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion?  Let's find out...

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Time:  October 24, 2011...  Late night/Early morning...  After Climax Control...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Inside Raynin's Apartment...  The Cox Pavillion Arena...  Inside The Bombshell's Lockerroom...




Definitions of "GAUNTLET"

1. A protective glove worn with medieval armor.

2. A protective glove with a flared cuff, used in manual labor, in certain sports, and for driving.

3. A challenge: throw down the gauntlet; take up the gauntlet.

4. A dress glove cuffed above the wrist.

5a. A form of punishment or torture in which people armed with sticks or other weapons arrange themselves in two lines facing each other and beat the person forced to run between them.

b. The lines of people so arranged.

6. (Historical Terms) a punishment in which the victim is forced to run between two rows of men who strike at him as he passes: formerly a military punishment
run the gauntlet

a.  (Historical Terms) to suffer this punishment

b.  to endure an onslaught or ordeal, as of criticism

7. An onslaught or attack from all sides: "The hostages . . . ran the gauntlet of insult on their way to the airport" (Harper's).

8. A severe trial; an ordeal.


The room was completely fogged...  Full of steam from the hot water of the shower that's running in the background.  The black and white tile of the bathroom is covered with droplets of condensation as the hot white cloud billows over the top of the shower door.  

The door of the shower is clear enough for you to see the very feminine outline of Raynin as she stands beneath the spray of the shower.  The fog in the room and the condensation on the glass of the door obscures more interesting parts, but you can see every curve of her body through the shower door.  She's got her hands on the wall and is leaning forward, letting the water flow down over her hair and run over her face.  She's breathing heavily from the heat that's surrounding her, but it's helping to ease the soreness in her muscles after everything she'd gone through that day.

As she's standing there, she keeps flashing back to the tag team matchup that had taken place earlier today and everything else that had transpired.  She shakes her head and pounds the side of her fist against the tile as she growls to herself.


She sighs and runs her hands over her hair and leans her face back, letting the hot spray rain down over her.  She shakes her head slowly and turns around, leaning her butt against the cool tile and sighing as she wipes the water from her eyes.  The water beats down on her back and shoulders, the hot water stinging on the bruises and cuts that still decorate her back and arms.  The cut on her cheek has been stitched closed already by her and the thin trickle of blood that was oozing from it earlier had stopped.  She winces a bit as the hot water hits a more sensitive spot and grumbles to herself.

"I can't let this go because I know that had I simply had someone I could truly trust to go out there and give as much as I did, that I could have come out the winner.  The only consolation is, I must have impressed the Powers That Be enough for them to put me in the Championship match.  I've got another chance to show off.  And this time it'll be in a ring, not in some creepy ass cemetary.  This time, I'll just have to survive the gauntlet and come out on top.  And in that sense, I think I've got a bit of an advantage that the others don't have.  Cause in my previous line of work, it was always a type of gauntlet.  You survived, or you died.  There was no, 'oh, you can come back and try again.' and I've got to start thinking of these matches more like my missions used to be.  Not just about showing off anymore...  Strategical strikes...  Take out my opponent as fast as I can because there will be someone else coming within the next few minutes to try to take me out.  Try to keep it as one on one as possible, because let's face it... I know that the only person I have that I can trust out there is myself.  That got proven when Fantasia and Rebecca Blades left me to face off against the Old lady and the Crazy Kitten.  But this time, it's a Gauntlet match...  And over the top rope Gauntlet match!!  I am actually excited about it!  It's giving me goose bumps!"

She shivers under the warm spray and rubs her hands up and down her arms, shuddering at the feel of the goose pimples on her flesh.

"A Gauntlet match... Just think if I'm one of the the first ones in the ring...  I'd have to fight through each and every other female in that ring and take them out one at a time.  Oh, I'm always strategizing...  I didn't make it to squad leader in the first four months of my deployment for nothing.  It would be best to toss the first girl over the top rope as quickly as possible, or, maybe even try and form some kind of alliance with someone so we can work as a team against the others until it's down to just the two of us...   But that's not how it's gonna be.  I know it's not.   Out of them all, who could I trust to have my back the way I would need?  Certainly not any of the others from the tag team match... They proved that to me.  Then it's down to me, myself and I.  I'm just going to have to go out there and do anything and everything I can to not get eliminated.  I have to be slippery as an eel, strong as an ox, quick as a jackrabbit, cunning as a fox and I'm just the person to be all of that and then some.  I have to show each and every one of these females that stepping up to me is like stepping up to a brick wall and banging your head against it... Just plain stupid.  I want to win this...  I need to win this...  I have this deep seated desire to be the best Bombshell in this company, and I will not stop until I've proven that's just what I am!  I can't let it be any other way!  I can't be anything else!!"

She wraps her arms around her body and sighs as she pushes herself off of the tile and squeezes the water out of her hair and turns off the water and grabs her towel, wrapping it around herself before she steps out and grabs a second towel to wrap around her hair.  She stands in front of the mirror and writes the word 'Champion' in the fog and puts her fists on the counter as she looks at that single word.

"I keep hearing everyone say how they deserve to be the Bombshell Champion because they did so well in this company or that company, that they feel it's their right to be Champion because they were so good in the past...  Personally I think that's just utter bullshit.  Nothing should just be handed to you.  If you don't put in the time and the hours and give of yourself as much as you can, then you simply haven't earned it.  I'm not go to sit here and flap my gums saying I deserve to be the Bombshell Champion.  Not because I've spent years in this business, or because my brother has blown up my ego to the point where I feel I'm God's Gift to Women's Wrestling...  No, I think for my debut match I showed that I'm good because of my training.  I've shown I'm good because of my skill.  But I'm not gonna say I flat out DESERVE TO WIN!  Why should I?  In the end, the Bombshell Champion will be the person who goes out there and leaves it all in that ring.  The Bombshell Champion will be the one who either is lucky enough or skilled enough to be able to take everyone else out.  In the end, the person who becomes Bombshell Champion will be the person who wants it that much more than anyone else.  It'll be the Bombshell who is so hungry for that title that she will put her body, her blood, her bones, her everything on the line for the chance to hold that title high...  And right about now, I think I've shown that I am that hungry.  No, I won't say that I deserve to be Bombshell Champion.  But what I will say is this...  I will fight and fight and keep fighting until I can't fight anymore to become the Bombshell Champion."

She writes two names at the top of the glass and looks up at them.  One is Rebecca Blades, the other is Allison Summers.  She pulls out her facial moisturizing cream and starts to rub it on her face, sighing heavily.

"Out of everyone that were in that match, these two disappointed me the most.  Allison Summers... I'd heard she was gonna be one of the biggest names in this company...  She was supposed to be this big, bad ass, and yet... She's not even really trying.  I've seen more from get up and go from little old ladies on scooters than what I've seen from her.  She's so busy worrying about her boyfriend that she can't even see the nose on the end of her face.  Just like Rebecca.  They're both just like... Starstruck by the pieces of manflesh on their arms that they can't keep their minds on anything else.  They don't want this chance... not really.  They just simply want to be the armcandy of their men.  So I know that taking those two out won't be that hard to do."

She writes two more names out on the glass underneath the first two and sighs softly as she looks at the names of Fantasia and Angelica.  She reaches out and gets some of her lotion and starts to rub her hands together and slide it over her shoulders.

"Fantasia is another who's let what's between her legs take control of her body.  She's so hot for Shane that she can't think about anything else.  She can't concentrate on the task at hand... But she's not as bad as the other two.  She just might be someone I can talk to about that alliance...  But I know she'd stab me in the back as soon as my back was turned.  So it's best to just let her implode on her own and just stand on my own two feet.  I don't know... maybe I'm too untrusting...  Maybe I should try to reach out to Fantasia and see what she says.  But then, everyone I've trusted has either died or left me."

She puts a question mark beside Fantasia's name and shakes her head slowly.

"And then there's Angelica.  She's a loud mouth.  She's an ass kisser.  She's an arrogant, stuck up twit who is probably out trying to screw every one in management.  In fact, I wouldn't have put it past her to have done that to get the chance she's getting for her first match.  Oh, I know she's close with the boss from the last company he ran, but I don't care.  Being close to the boss doesn't guarantee you a damned thing.  She's still got to make it past me to even come close to touching that Bombshell Championship, which means her odds of winning just became zero.  In fact, I am gonna enjoy taking her out for running her mouth off against me.  I'm not the one you ever want to have as an enemy.  It's bad enough being an opponent because even if you do get a win over me, you won't truly be able to enjoy it because you'll be too broke down to do so.  And let's just say... Angelica is one of the first who has been put on my shit list...  And I have a feeling it won't be long before others are on that list as well."

She writes two more names on the foggy glass above the word Champion...  One is Misty, and the other is Kittie.  She smirks to herself as she lets her hair down from the towel to hang in wet ringlets down her back and chuckles ruefully to herself.

"Misty and Kittie...  Oh I know these two will be the ones that I will have to overcome more than any of the others...  But let's face it...  This isn't going to be like the tag team match.  No more team work...  No more working together... It's all for yourself, and I have a feeling once Misty and Kittie realize that the only other competition besides me they will really have in this match up will be each other, they will decide that it's better for one to take the other out, and then come and deal with me one on one, because I don't think they'll be able to really face one another and not come out of it without damaging their friendship.   I think Misty and Kittie will be too engrossed in getting the win to be able to work together.  They will see each other as I view everyone else in this company at all times, and that is as opponents.  I really do think that the minute Kittie finally bears her claws against Misty, she will realize truly what a threat that nutcase is."

She writes a single name over the word Champion and smiles softly.  It's her own name.  She reaches up and wipes the other names off of the glass, revealing her face in the glass and leaves her own there and nods slowly.

"This is the future.  This is what is going to happen and how things will be.  How do I know?  Because I can feel it in my gut that I'm going to come out the winner.  Not because I feel it's owed to me, or because I've screwed the boss to get it, but because I know that I've worked hard.  Because I know I'll be putting it all on the line.  Because I know that the others truly won't give as much as I will.  They all have other concerns to think about.  Misty has her daughter.  Kittie has her family.  Rebecca and Allison have their men, and Angelica has her ego.  But me... this is what I have.  A single minded desire to stand at the top of the Bombshell mountain, the bodies of my opponents strewn below me and the Championship in my hands.  This is all I have.  I've given everything else up for this.  And I do mean everything.  I've given up my career, my past, hell, I've given up my name for this.  And there's nothing that anyone can do that will stop me.  Climax Control was a fluke win for Kittie.  High Stakes will be a completely different story..."

She thinks back to what had happened earlier that day...  Recalling the end of the match and how she came to be in the state she's in now.

Raynin stands up and finds Kittie standing just opposite her, her face contorted in anger and fists shaking! She suddenly screams in wild anger at her ally having been eliminated. Kittie jumps onto a headstone and dives over the open grave Misty had fallen into and she crashes into Raynin, bringing both to the ground! The momentum throws both women over and they topple down the hill end over end. They hit the bottom and are both hurt and dazed. They get to their feet and Raynin grabs her by the hand and short-arm clotheslines her down! Raynin looks around for the final open grave and spots it nearby, across the dirt path road.

Raynin turns back around and Kittie throws a handful of dirt in her eyes, blinding her! She grabs two handfuls of Raynin’s hair and knee lifts her in the head once, twice – three times! Raynin goes down on her back, holding her head and wiping furiously at her eyes. Kittie pulls her up harshly and sends her across the path with an awkward Irish whip that causes her opponent to tumble down into the turf.

Simone: I wonder just how forgiving these Bombshells will be with Ward and Underwood for devising this whole debacle!?

Adams: Well considering Underwood is into guys, Hot Stuff will be the only one who has to worry about that.

Simone: I don’t know if that’s the smartest or dumbest thing you’ve said all night.

Adams: Well take your time to figure it out. I’m patient.

Kittie stomps over to her fallen foe and reaches for her but Raynin lunges up and grabs her in a headlock and drags her don into the ground with her! Both women struggle on the ground until they fight their way to their feet with Raynin retaining the headlock. But Kittie then grabs her around the waist and lifts her up, trying for a back suplex, only to have Raynin land on her feet behind her.

Simone: Smooth move there girl!

Raynin lands a punch right to Kittie’s kidneys and the blonde wildcat howls in pain and staggers forward, towards the open grave! Raynin grabs her by the hair and shirt and starts to throw her forward towards the grave but Kittie puts on the breaks and drops to a dead weight so it can’t be done. Raynin growls in frustration as she whips Kittie up by the hair and tucks her head down between her legs. She then wraps her arms around Kittie’s waist…

Adams: is she seriously going to…?

Simone: Oh come on! I know she wants to win but not like this!

Raynin smiles wildly and lifts Kittie up in the air for a powerbomb into the grave but Kittie starts fighting her way out, hammering her in the head! Kittie then falls backwards with her legs scissored around Raynin’s head, and she counters with a hurricanrana, throwing Raynin over into the open grave!

In her mind, she seemed to fall in slow motion into the darkness below, and what took meer moments appeared to take forever to her.  She watched the dirt below coming toward her and she turns her body before she lands so she takes it on her back as carefully as possible, and all she can think of is, 'How in the FUCK is this happening?!!' as she plummets into the grave.  When she lands, all of the wind is knocked out of her and she lays there, her hair covering her face as dirt starts to tumble in from the sides to cover her a bit.

{  The show is over now.  Climax Control this week had been amazing.  The crowd was electrified and amazed by the feats of all of the wrestlers who had put themselves through awesome matches that pleased and teased the crowd.  And yet, for one, the show had been anti-climactic.  Things didn't quite work out for her the way she had planned, so it was more than a bit of a downer for her.  Raynin had put on quite the show, taking control of her team and coming close to the win, but in the end, Kittie had ended up getting the best of her.  She was so upset over the way things ended, that she just didn't want to see anyone.  After the trainer had patched up her cuts and iced her bruises, including one hell of a shiner that she knew would end up turning all manner of colors by the next day, and put a bandage over the cut on her cheek.  When she'd finally had enough of being checked over, she'd pushed the medics out of her way and went off to find somewhere quiet to sit by herself.

She'd decided to climb up into the rafters of the arena so she could make sure she wasn't interrupted.  She ran up the stairs, knowing that with every step the anger that was building inside of her was threatening to bubble over.  She climbs a ladder up into the ceiling, where there's a trapdoor.  She growls and hits the door with her fist and it banged open, hitting the wall as she finally let out the primal scream that had been building inside of her.  She closed her eyes, threw her head back and let out a roar so loud and intense, the cords in her neck bulged out with the force of it.  Her hands were balled in fists and she was holding them so tightly out at her sides that her muscles in her arms actually trembled.  Once she'd run out of breath she finally just sagged and looked down at her feet, her shoulders slump a bit.

"Damn it!!  I can't believe she actually got me!"

She sighs heavily and slips her hands into her pockets, then starts to walk forward and climbs up onto one of the beams.  She gets to the first intersection of beams and slowly lowers herself down onto the beam and sits, dangling her feet over the edge.  She sits there and just watches as the rest of the arena starts to empty.  She looks at her hands and closes and opens them slowly.

"All of my training...  All of my hard work...  I knew it would all be for nothing if the others didn't do their part, and that's just what happened.  It didn't matter how hard I worked if the others didn't have my back.  And just as I knew would happen, I was left holding the bag.  It all turned into a two on one attack, with me the primary targed.  But that's alright...  I might have ended up getting taken out in the end, I still made the impression I wanted...  I let the two ego driven chicks know that I'm no push over.  They expected me to just lay down and take it, but instead, I handed them their asses.  That was a fluke win, and I think deep down they know it.  If Kittie hadn't gotten lucky, I would have dropped her ass into that hole and buried her..."

She balls her hand into a fist and sighs as she turns her hand over and checks the time.  She'd been so deep in thought that she didn't realize that she'd been sitting up in the rafters for almost an hour as the cleanup continued beneath her.  She sighed heavily then, climbs to her feet.

"Alright, I think if I head back down now, I can walk into the lockerroom without blowing a gasket and get my things...  I'll shower when I get home."

As she's dusting herself off, she hears the door bang open and hears feet come running out onto the ledge behind her.

"Just stay right there Miss!!  Everything's gonna be just fine!!  I'm here to help!!  I know things might seem desparate right now, but that's no reason to do anything rash!!"

Raynin frowns and cocks her head to the side as she looks over her shoulder at the commotion behind her.


She sees a pair of police officers standing on the ledge looking up at her.  Both of them look like they've had one jelly donut too many, and are breathing heavily after having climbed all of the stairs and the ladder to get to where the ledge is. She groans softly to herself and lifts an eyebrow as she notices that one has a bullhorn, and he's panting into it, sounding like the world's loudest and worst obscene phone call.  She turns and puts her fists on her hips, cocking one out to the side and shaking her head slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

The officer with the bullhorn goes to try and talk through it but pushes the wrong button and it starts to wail with a loud siren.  He swears as he starts pushing buttons to try and stop the whirring screeching sound, and finally stops it before bringing it back to his lips.

"Everything will be ok ma'am.  Please just stay calm.  I'm Officer Johnson, and this is my partner Manfrini.  We're just here to help.  There's no reason for you to get upset and jumnp."

Raynin shakes her head and chuckles a bit.

"Wait a minute... What??!!  You think I'm up here to jump?!"

The officer holds his hand out and shakes his head slowly.

"No, we don't think you're gonna jump.  In fact, you're not gonna do that.  We're gonna sit down and just chill out, rap a bit...  You know, talk a few things out."

She rolls her eyes and throws her hands up in the air and sighs heavily.

"What in the world made you think that I was jumping?"

Officer Johnson brings it back to his lips and holds his hand out to her again.

"Please ma'am, please just calm down.  No one is saying you're a jumper if you don't like that term, we can come up with a different one.  Can't we Manfrini?"

He slaps slaps the other officer on the shoulder and he shrugs and scratches his head slowly.

"Um, yeah, sure we can Johnson.  Um, what about having a desire to be life challenged?"

Raynin does a facepalm and shakes her head.

"Um, are you two like comic relief or something?  This has got to be a joke.  I'm not jumping."

Officer Johnson holds his hand out again and mistakenly hits the button for the siren again and the bulllhorn wails right in his partner's ear who jumps and makes a strange face.

"Damn it Johnson!!  Watch were you're pointin' that thing!!"

Officer Johnson finally finds the right button and hits it again and turns off the siren.

"Sorry Manfrini..."

His partner shakes his head and rubs his ear.


Officer Johnson turns and shakes his partner's shoulder.

"I said I'm sorry about that Manfrini."

His partner leans in next to Johnson and frowns.


Johnson shakes his head and sighs heavily.

"Forget it Manfrini."

His partner leans in again frowning more.


Johnson brings the bullhorn back to his lips and holds his hand out to Raynin again.

"Listen, you have so much to live for.  So you lost your debut match, so what?  You have so much more to live for..."

Raynin rolls her eyes and nods slowly.

"Damned right I do.  I haven't even begun to fight.  That match may have been a loss, but I put in more of an impression on everyone in that match than you can ever believe.  They now know that I'm not just some pushover!  I'm a threat the likes of which they've never seen before!!  And if... IF I'm chosen to be in that Championship match, I know for a FACT that I'll be coming out of that match as the Sin City Wrestling's first Bombshell Champion!!  And why do you ask?  Because I'm going to fight for it and fight for it like a Tasmanian Devil to get it!"

Manfrini frowns and looks at her and shakes his head slowly.

"What does a Steam shovel have to do with wrestling?"

She shakes her head and sighs.

"Look, I'm coming down and I'm heading home.  You two can just go on about your business.  Just leave me alone."


She heads back over the beams of the rafters slowly until she comes to the ledge and drops back down onto it, pushes past the two cops, then walks over to the door of the stairs.  She opens the door calmly and makes her way back down until she's backstage.  She goes to the Bombshell's lockerroom and doesn't say a word to anyone, even though people are trying to get her attention.  She grabs her bag and shoves her things from her locker into it, stopping only long enough to check the board to see if she was on the SuperCard for the Bombshell Championship match like she was expecting, and nods slowly, smirking to herself when she confirms that she is and walks out the door. }

She comes back to herself and smirks as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"I simply won't let another take that title.  I hope they're ready for what's coming their way.  Because I'm coming and coming hard."

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / First Impressions ( Raynin RP 2 )
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:55:38 PM »
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A new face is about to step on the scene of the Sin City Wrestling Federation.  A true Bombshell is about to be dropped in that division with the appearance of Raynin.  For her debut match, She gets to team up with Rebecca Blade and Fantasia as she takes on Kitty, Allison Summers, and Misty.  Raynin is ready to make an impact, but the question is, what kind of impact will she make in the six Bombshell Tag Team match?  Will Raynin make the impression that she's hoping, and watch her star rise?  Or will she crash and burn?  Let's find out...

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 ...  IMPRESS ME...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

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Time:  October 15, 2011, 9:30 PM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  The Strip...  Valiant Casino and Hotel... The game floor...




Definitions of "IMPRESS"

1. to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings; influence in opinion:

2. to fix deeply or firmly on the mind or memory, as ideas or facts:

3. to urge, as something to be remembered or done:

4. to press (a thing) into or on something.

5. to impose a particular characteristic or quality upon (something):

6. a : to apply with pressure so as to imprint
  b : to produce (as a mark) by pressure
  c : to mark by or as if by pressure or stamping

7. a : to produce a vivid impression of
  b : to affect especially forcibly or deeply : gain the admiration or interest of


The table was slow, and everyone seated there was flustered.  The dealer was hot.  The players just couldn't seem to catch a break tonight.  Almost every hand was BlackJack or Twenty-One for him, and he was cocky that he was going to pullin a very high count tonight with a low payout, just like the bosses wanted.  The players almost wanted to ask for a new dealer or go to a different table, but this was the only table open with a fifty dollar minimum bet.  Everything else was too cheap, or to expensive to try.  One of the players finally just gave up.

"Screw this...  I've already lost almost six hundred dollars I'd just won at Roullette.  I'm headed to the Poker tables."

The dealer smiles smugly and holds up his hands.

"Are you sure man?  You never know... the next hand might just be your winner."

The player picks up his drink and downs it and shakes his head.

"Nah man...  I know when a table's cursed and it's time to move on...  Later."

As the man turns around, he sees a sight that makes his heart stop for a moment.  He puts his hand to his heart and his jaw hits the ground as this beautiful woman comes strolling slowly over towards the table.  He watches her body move, starting from her feet in the silver and black sandals, toes perfectly manicured, and the silver anklet around her ankle with the small heart dangling from it.  He slowly lifts his eyes higher, drinking in every inch of her long, toned and shapely legs until he comes to the very high swirling hem of her black empire waist dress.  It hangs to barely an inch below the swell of her behind, and accentuates the curve of her hips.  The neckline plunges deeply, and the swells of her cleavage are dusted with a hint of body glitter which trails along her shoulders and down her arms.  As she moves, her hair swishes aside as she stops a waitress and turns around and you can see that the glitter continues down the backs of her shoulders as well, making her seem to glow.  Her almost waist length hair has been curled so it hangs a bit shorter, and the shining curls fan out around her face, looking touchably soft and the player can't help but lift a hand as if he wants to touch it.  He pulls his hand back quickly and looks down at his hand, licking his lips.   He looks again at the cleavage and the large heart shaped pendant dangling on the silver chain just between the swells of her breasts and imagines himself kissing her flesh and he moans audibly as she approaches.  The rhinestone chain that are the straps for the dress just add to the look of the outfit, but it's when he finally comes to her face that he practically loses it.  She's gorgeous...  Her makeup flawless, her shadow smokey and making her dark brown eyes look catlike, her lips painted a soft and glossy rose color and full and begging to be kissed.  In his mind, he sees her walking in slow motion.  He watches as a smile tugs at her lips and twinkles in her eyes and makes her look even more beautiful.  For this one guy, this took a lifetime to happen, but in actuality, it only took less than a minute for her to walk from the other side of the room to the table.  She stops in front of him and smiles, nodding towards the table.  When she speaks, her voice is a beautiful and melodic as he expects it to be.

"How's the dealer tonight?  Is he any good?"

The player can only nod slowly as he tries to find his voice.  She chuckles soflty and the sound tinkles through his ears into his brain, entrancing him even further.

"If he's a good dealer, then why are you leaving?"

He licks his lips and shrugs, then turns back to the place where he was sitting, and she takes the spot right beside him.  The dealer had also been keeping his eyes on the woman as she moved, then takes a deep breath as he stops the game to shuffle the cards.  The waitress comes over with a drink and sets it at the woman's elbow, and she reaches out to hand her a couple of bills, but the player stops her hand before she can move.  

"Please, let me."

She lifts an eyebrow as she looks at the man, and nods slowly, smiling softly.  The player hands the waitress a fifty dollar chip and asks for a drink of his own, then the pair turn back to the table.  He smiles softly at her and holds out his hand.

"I'm Greg."

She smiles back and takes his hand and blushes softly as he lifts her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it softly.

"I'm Raynin.  So, why were you leaving earlier?"

Greg shrugs and shakes his head.

"Because I was losing and losing bad.  The whole table was.  So I thought it was time to try my hand at another game."

Raynin shrugs and taps the table with a fingertip, then lifts an eyebrow slowly, tilting her head to the side.

"You know, all it takes is the introduction of one new element to a table to turn it around.  Who knows... maybe I'll be your lucky charm."

Greg smiles back.

"Well, just meeting you Raynin, has already made my night that much more lucky."

She takes a sip of her drink and licks her lips slowly.

"Then why don't we see if we can get your money back and then some..."

They turn back towards the dealer who still has the smug look on his face as she reaches into her cleavage and pulls out a folded wad of cash and tosses it on the table.

"Fifty and hundred dollar chips please."

The dealer counts the cash and puts the chips in front of her, smiling at her.

"So, you think that you'll do better than the others who've been here all night?"

She smirks and lifts an eyebrow up at him.

"I just might surprise you, along with a few other people."

The dealer chuckles and shakes his head.

"We'll see.  Place your bets."

She nods slowly and places her chips down on the table.

"Yes... you will see."

The dealer starts to deal the cards, and when he comes to Raynin, he deals her a blackjack, and deals himself a bust hand.  He frowns as he starts to pay out to the players who all start to cheer.  Raynin smirks and takes some of the chips off of the bet line as she lifts an eyebrow at the dealer.

"Underestimating me has never been a wise decision for anyone to do."

Raynin takes a sip of her drink and Greg calls the waitress back over to the table.

"I think you were right Raynin... Maybe you are my lucky charm.  I just almost half of my money back in a single hand."

Raynin shrugs and fluffs her hair up a bit.

"Then let's keep playing and see how this night turns out."

The dealer finishes paying out and prepares for the next hand.

"Place your bets..."

Greg turns back to Raynin and puts an elbow on the table.

"So Raynin, what do you do besides being people's good luck charms at blackjack?"

Raynin takes another sip of her drink and starts to toy with the ice using her straw.  She digs out a piece and pops it in her mouth, crunching on it slowly.

"Well, what would you say if I were to tell you I was a professional wrestler?"

Greg chuckles and whistles slowly.

"Well, I'd say that I'd love to see your moves up close and personal sometime."

Raynin's face takes on a darker cast for a moment, then she smiles sweetly and shakes her head slowly.

"You don't want to do that.  You seem like you're a nice guy, I can tell you wouldn't know what to do in the ring with me.  You'd be best served by just taking me as your lucky charm and that's it."

Greg leans over and places his hand on her thigh gently and gives it a pat.

"Maybe I'm not such a nice guy.  Maybe I'm the type of guy who likes to... play a bit rough.  Maybe I'm the type of guy who likes to turn a nice sweet young thing like you and broaden their horizons."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"I'm not as young and sweet as you think.  And believe me, my horizons are quite broad as they are.  Maybe you should take a hint when someone tells you that they're out of your league and accept it.  I'm a risk taker...   I'm the type to jump out of an airplane without a backup chute or go cliff diving when I've been told the water level's low just to see if I can score some cool fish or lobster in the tide pools.  I'm really not the type of girl you'd want to take home to meet mom because I might just grab her by the hair and plant a big wet one on her if I think she's hot enough."

The dealer places a pair of tens in front of her, and she decides to split them while everyone looks at her like she's crazy.  She shrugs at the others around her and smiles sweetly as the dealer comes back around to her, placing her cards out for her.  She smiles sweetly to him as he puts out a nine and and eight.  Raynin stops him with a wave of her hand and puts her elbow on the table and takes a sip of her drink before she grabs Greg's finger in a small nerve pinch and pulls his hand from her leg and places it on the table.

"But Greg... not only am I a risk taker, I'm not the kind of person you want to piss off.  So, why don't you just go on and enjoy getting your money back before you take your night from a nice, amicable one ot one that would end up with you getting your ass kicked by a girl."

Greg looks once more at her eyes and he can see the serious cold look in her eyes behind the sweet smile and he visibly trembles at the weight of her gaze.  He picks up his drink and takes a long deep swallow of it and gasps as it hits his stomach.

"You're right...  I took things a bit too far... I apologize.  I don't know what came over me."

The dealer busts again, and starts paying out to the players as the waitress comes over and takes Raynin's empty glass and gives her another drink.  Raynin thanks her and motions for her to get Greg another drink and hands her a fifty dollar chip.

"Here Greg... This one's on me.  Let's keep playing and take as much of the dealer's chips as we can.  What do you say?  To winning?"

Raynin lifts her glass to her tablemate and he nods slowly and taps his glass with hers.

"To winning.  So, what wrestling company do you work for?"

They both take a sip of their drinks and Raynin sighs softly.

"I've just been signed by Sin City Wrestling.  I am very excited, as this is my first match in... well... years.  I used to wrestle as a kid, and I was very good... very damn good.  I trained with my Grandfather down in Mexico.  They call him 'El Jefe' now.  Ever heard of him?"

Greg chuckles and shakes his head.  

"No, never heard of him.  But then, I can't even remember the names of the wrestlers in the various companies here in the US.  I know there's supposed to be some famous ones who are actors and stuff...  They're just big muscular guys to me.  But the Divas...  mmmmm, I've always liked watching women wrestlers...  The hair flying around, their bodies pressed up against each other..."

Another round is dealt, and half of the players lost, but Raynin and Greg both got blackjacks.  Greg howls happily and pumps his fist in the air and Raynin shakes her head, chuckling softly as the dealer slides her winnings over to her and she takes part of the stack off, leaving the rest for the next bet.  She looks over at Greg with a smirk.

"Why Greg... you're a regular pervert."

He blushes and chuckles, looking her up and down slowly, rubbing his fingers across his lips gently.

"Yeah, I am.  Is it making you interested?"

Raynin throws her head back and shuckles, shaking her head.

"Not in the least.  Especially since you've just reduced a serious sport down to basically tits and ass.  I'm sure if you actually saw how much actually goes into stepping into the ring, you wouldn't think it was just hair flying and female bodies pressed against one another.  And in the company I'm in, we're called Bombshells, not Divas."

She downs her drink and takes a deep breath as she looks over at her tablemate.

"It's alright... There are a lot of people who underestimate me.  They think I'm not impressive enough, or not special enough...  But that's alright.  Because once we stand toe to toe... That's when it matters about being impressive.  People can think what they want of me outside of the ring.  I could give less than a damn about that.  But in the end, they will do what everyone ends up doing, which is respecting me and my abilities.  Do you know that I train at least six hours a day to get my body ready for stepping into the ring for just one night a week... maybe two?  I wake up, and I put myself through weight lifting, stretching, core training, cardiovascular training, and that's just the basics to keep myself up to my own rigorous standards.  Then I go about the rest of my day, run my errands for a few hours before I go to the gym and I spar.  If you could see certain body parts, you'd see that I have bruises in places that you'd say there really shouldn't be because I want to be that damned good.  I've been told that I'm not impressive...  But that's from someone who has never seen what I'm capable of in the ring.  I've been told I'm terrifying because of my intensity level.  But that's from someone who would probably jump at their own shadow.  I've been told I'm a cold fish...  But that's from someone who doesn't know me.  I've been told that I come off as a little bit nuts...  And that's from someone who DOES know me.  But I'll say this... the one thing no one will ever call me is a coward.  I don't back down from a challenge."

The waitress brings another drink and a large glass of water and places it beside Raynin who lifts the water an takes a sip.  She sits back as the dealer sets up another round of cards.  

"That's like my debut match that I have in Sin City Wrestling.  I've been put in this six person tag team match against these three females that I know might have an advangtage because two of these chicks are friends.  They know how to work together.  Plus, one of my tag team mates hs already lost against one of them.  Most anyone who would call themself a sane person would back away and just accept the loss, maybe not even show up, but that would be the way of a coward.  And I'm very much far from a coward.  In fact, I relish the chance to step out against these three other women and put the other two women to shame with my skills.  I want to show that I can outshine anyone and everyone who I step in the ring against and end up with my name in lights as the number one Bombshell of the company!  I want to be the best of the best, and this will be my chance to get myself noticed, by taking out three other women single handedly...  How could I NOT end up being noticed if I did that?!!  I know that I should say something nice about my tag team partners...  But Rebecca Blade has basically been incognito, and Fantasia...  Fantasia's already shown that she doesn't have what it takes.  Out of every one on my team, I'm the only Bombshell who might even slightly have a chance to come out with the win.  Fantasia's got her head all twisted by some guy she's dating, and well, I've already told you that Rebecca Blade hasn't deemed to show us her face yet.  But that's just the beginning.  You see, two of my opponents already understimate me.  They have their heads all blown out of proportion with their own egos and thinking about just how good they are because of what they did in all of their past companies that they look at me as just some new kid on the block.  That's mistake number one.  They think that I'm just some high flying, flashy, mask wearing, glitter covered piece of work, and that all I can do is just bounce around in the ring.  That's mistake number two.  While I have a lucha libre background, and I have high flying moves, that's only a part of it.  I have a basis in mat work.  I have a background also in martial arts.  I was taught by some of the best in the country in ninjitsu, tae kwon do, Aikido, and Isshin-ryu karate.  I trained with the boy's wrestling team in college, which was part of what sparked me to want to come back to wrestling.  Of course I have close combat training because of my previous employment opportunities...  Besides which, I'm bigger and stronger than both of them.  I may look like I'm just another pretty face, but I've got at least three inches in height on all of these girls and I know how to use it.  Look at this..."

Raynin flexes her arm and makes a muscle and completely forgets to take the chips down from the bet line and the dealer deals another hand.  Greg reaches out and puts his hand on her arm and whistles at how hard and cut her muscle is.  When he turns back to the table, he sees that he's been dealt a pair of fives, and Raynin's been dealt a pair of fours.  He looks at her and she lifts her chin at his hand.

"Split the fours.  Trust me.  Take a chance."

He shrugs and nods, and splits his fours as she splits her sixes.  In the end, he ends up with seventeen and eighteen, while she ends up with nineteen and twenty one.  The dealer ends up with sixteen and has to hold there, so they're both winners.  He downs his drink and whoops as he's paid out and pulls his chips back to count them.  He's doubled his money back and is like a kid in a candy store.

"Wow Raynin!!  You really were a good luck charm tonight!!"

Raynin smiles and pats Greg on his back.

"What did I tell you?  It's all about skill, luck, and timing my friend.  Just like a wrestling match.  And in the end, the one who can put those three things together in the best way will come out the winner.  And I've got the first two... luck is on my side, and I've got the skill...  Now, I'll just need the timing.  And having two of my opponents not liking their third partner is definitely a bonus.  Allison Summers is already on Misty and Kittie's hitlist.  Who knows... maybe if I'm lucky, I can find a way to use that to my advantage...  You know the old saying, divide and conquor is always the best strategy when dealing with opponents who aren't the best of friends.  I can find a way to make use that.  Make them see daggers at their back being held by their team mates, so they go after one another.  And once they're fighting... that's when I'll strike."

Greg lifts his eyebrow and looks at Raynin with a surprised look on his face.

"You approach this like a general planning a war.  What were you?  Like an Amazonian warrior in a past life?"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head as she lifts her drink to her lips and takes another sip, sliding her tongue along her lips to not lose a drop.

"Something like that.  All I know is, when I get in the ring, I won't stop until I've proven that I'm the best of the Bombshells.  That way, when I claim a shot at the Bombshell's Championship, there will be no contesting that I am just that damned good.  I will have proven what I can and can't do.  And I will stand at the top.  I'll be the name on everyone's lips."

The dealer busts again, and everyone gets paid once more, and Raynin lifts her arms high in the air and stretches.

"Well, I'm glad I could help you a bit.  Thanks for letting me run my ear off to you tonight."

Raynin slides her chips back and asks for a tray and starts to pile them into the tray as she finishes her drink.  Greg frowns and watches her.

"What?  Are you going now?  We just got started!  We're wining!!  We're on a roll!!"

Raynin shrugs and shakes her head.

"True, but just like in wrestling you have to play it smart.  You have to wait your time and let the perfect opening for you to break loose and shine to come up.  You have to feel the vibes and know when you need to back off... and now is the time to back off."

She nods towards the other side of the table where the dealer sighs and slides the cards off of the deck and starts to shuffle again.  She shakes her head and takes a deep breath.

"I think it's time to move on to another game.  I think now's the time for a little carribean stud, or texas hold 'em.  Let's go and check out the other tables Greg.  I'll let you buy me another drink."

She slides off of the chair and picks up her tray of chips in one hand and her glass of water in the other.  She chuckles as Greg gets his own tray and hurries to pile his own chips into it and down his drink.  He offers her an arm and smiles giddily.

"Well then come on my lucky charm.  Let's go and win some more money.  I swear, I feel like I should be chasing a rainbow and talking about pink hearts, orangs stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, and purple horseshoes with you on my arm."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head, slipping her arm through his as they move off through the tables towards the carribean stud table.

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Time:  October 16, 2011, 7:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  The Strip...  Valiant Casino and Hotel...  Room 1022



She'd decided to treat herself to a night in the hotel because she'd drank so much while she was playing at the tables and didn't want to risk the drive home.  Plus, the guy, Greg had gotten insistent on finding out where she was staying, that she just randomly said that she had a room here in the hotel.  She could smell stalker material from a mile away, and if she had gone home, who knew what may have ended up happening.  She couldn't take the risk of having to call up a cleaner when she was just getting started with this new venture.

She was wrapped up in the comforters and was comfortable for a while, the soft arms of sleep had taken her a few hours ago, and she was sleeping soundly when it started.  Her eyes were rapidly moving behind her eyelids as the nightmare that was really a memory played once again on the moviescreen of her mind.  She murmurs and trembles as she grips the pillow under her head tightly and she's taken into the past once more...

She remembered that it was hot down in Oaxaca that year.  She was on the tail end of the summer, and they'd travelled down to her Abuela's birthday.  They were supposed to be surprising her Grandparents with a birthday cake they'd had picked up and frozen in the cooler in teh back seat to stay fresh during the drive down from Kileen, Texas.  So far it had held up, but they'd needed to stop to pick up the ice cream.  They were just outside of Oaxaca when they'd decided to stop and fill up the tank in the process.  She remembered her father had given her the keys as they'd all piled out of the car and went into the store.

"Here you go **********.  You're a big girl now, so you can hang onto these.  Now, I want you to help your mother go and pick out some really good ice cream, and a couple of cold drinks for us, ok?"

She'd nodded and grabbed her mother's hand and almost pulled her along into the store as her parents chuckled at her enthusiasm.  Her father had paid for the gas and gone back out to pump it, while her mother and she stood at the ice cream freezer, trying to pick out ice cream.  Her mother picked up a container of neopolatin and smiled down at her.

"I think this would be best my niña bonita.  That way, everyone can get the kind that they want."

She'd nodded, then picked up a container of butter pecan too.

"What about this too, Mom?  You know it's my favorite.  And Abuelo likes it too!"

Her mother nodded and leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

"Ok ***********,  we'll get this one too.  Now, we've still got a while to go before we get to your Abuelo's gym.  Why don't you go to the baño and go before we get back on the road?"

She nods and together they head over to the bathroom.  She pushes her mother's hand away from the door handle as she tries to help.

"Mom... I'm a big girl now.  I can go on my own."

Her mother chuckles and shakes her head, then turns around to take the ice cream they'd picked out to the counter to pay for it.  She'd finished going and had washed her hand when she'd heard what she'd thought was a loud fire cracker going off.  She jumped, then started to creep towards the door of the bathroom.  That's when she'd heard the yelling.  She opened the door a crack and peeked her head out and saw her mother and father on their knees in front of the counter with their hands behind their heads.  A couple of people with bandanas over their faces were holding guns to their head and yelling at them.  She doesn't even remember what was said, it was all still a blur.  But she saw her mother and father look straight at her.  Her father was angry and frightened, but not for himself, but for her and her mother.  Her mother was just kneeling there, tears spilling from her eyes and silent as she slowly shook her head while looking right at her.  The people in the bandanas started to yell at her father, telling him to help them get something from behind the counter, but he refused to move.  When he didn't move, one of the people aimed the gun at her mother.  Her father threw his body in front of hers just as the gun went off.  Little did he know, the bullets they were using weren't normal bullets.  The bullet ripped through his back and into his wife's chest as they wrapped their arms around one another.  He died almost instantly, but she was still alive as she laid there, coughing blood.  She looked right at her daughter and mouthed one word slowly.  "LIVE!" Just then, another shot ripped right through her forehead and she fell back unmoving....

And at that moment she woke up.  Always at the same place, she woke up.  She wraps her arms around her knees and starts to rock slowly as the tears she'd been unable to spill back then due to fear and not wanting to be caught spill down her cheeks now.  Once again, that soft feminine voice whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And the answer is heard...

"I'm nobody  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

She shakes her head slowly and sighs.

"That little girl is no more.  That frightened, helpless girl has grown into me.  No one knows who I am.  So now I can become the person I was always meant to be.  I can become the Bombshell Champion!  I am Raynin!  I am Raynin!!  I am Raynin!!"

She sits there, rocking herself slowly, repeating that same line over and over again as the night bleeds into the day.

"I am Raynin!!  I am Raynin!!  I am Raynin!!

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Climax Control Archives / Who Are You? {Raynin RP 1}
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:15:52 PM »
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A new face is about to step on the scene of the Sin City Wrestling Federation.  A true Bombshell is about to be dropped in that division with the appearance of Raynin.  For her debut match, She gets to team up with Rebecca Blade and Fantasia as she takes on Kitty, Allison Summers, and Misty.  Raynin is ready to make an impact, but the question is, what kind of impact will she make in the six Bombshell Tag Team match?  Will Raynin make the impression that she's hoping, and watch her star rise?  Or will she crash and burn?  Let's find out...




Time:  October 12, 2011, 7:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Raynin's Apartment... 




Definition of TRUST

1a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something 
 b : one in which confidence is placed

2a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope 
 b : reliance on future payment for property (as merchandise) delivered : credit <bought furniture on trust>

3a : a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another 
 b : a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement; especially : one that reduces or threatens to reduce competition

4archaic : trustworthiness

5a (1) : a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship 
    (2) : something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another b : responsible charge or office c : care, custody <the child committed to her trust>


Everything is darkness, deep and velvety, swirling around, wrapping everything in nothing but blackness.  Nothing can be seen, but you can just feel a presence out there.  A soft feminine voice whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And an answer is heard...

"I'm nobody  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

The voice is one that's full of emotion.  It continues to speak on, almost like in a voiceover monologue.

{  'I'm nobody...  I'm no one...  Just another face in the crowd out there in the sea of faces.  For years, that had to be my mantra.  Aunt Angel wouldn't have it any other way.  It had to be that way.  I had to be... forgettable.  I had to be unnoticeable.  I had to be... ordinary.' }

The soft feminine voice again whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And an answer is heard...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

The darkness lightens a bit, and it's like we're in a fog filled, darkened space.  You want to turn around and look everywhere and see everything, but the darkness can't be pierced.  You feel like you're all alone, but for that presence that's prickling up your spine.  The monologue continues, echoing with a soft voice.

{  'Growing up with a black ops agent, you tend to pick up little things...  You have to, or you die.  Being nobody, being no one, being a ghost, being a shadow becomes your shield, it becomes your kevlar vest that helps you to survive.  And I had to learn quickly what it took to survive.'  }

The soft feminine voice again whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And an answer is heard...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

The darkness slowly starts to lift and it's like someone is waking from sleep and blinks at the world.  The scene switches and we see a beautiful young woman laying on her side, wrapped up in her blankets, hugging a pillow.  Her long dark hair is spilling over the edge of the pillow that she's resting her hair on and she's blinking slowly at the morning sun.  She takes a deep breath and looks at the mirror that's on the wall across from her bed.  She hears the voice whispering in her head again.

"Who are you?"

She whispers back to the voice in her head.

"I'm Raynin."

She sits up slowly and stretches and runs her fingers through her hair as she yawns.  As she moves, you see that she's in a studio style loft apartment.  At first glimpse, it looks almost abandoned with very little furniture, and no decorations on the various walls... All except for one which almost looks like a shrine.  She pulls the covers from her body, revealing a pair of blue plaid flannel pants and a white ribbed tank top and stretches. She yawns again and leans over, stretching to her toes, and her voice continues to speak like a voiceover.  

{  'When I was younger, I never thought that my life would end up like it did.  I mean, when I was seven, I wanted to be a dentist.  Who'd have thought that my life would have ended so much off track...  Instead of sticking my hands in people's mouths to fill their cavities, I've been knocking their teeth out in the back streets of Chinatown, or running from the police in the back allies of Tibet.  And now...  Now, I'm about to finally step into the footsteps of mi abuelo...  Ahh, my grandfather...  What an awesome man he's always been.  Man, I haven't seen him in too long...  I wonder what he will think when he finally sees me step into the squared circle...'  }

She scratches her stomach as she climbs out of bed and walks over to her dresser drawers, pulling out some clothes, humming to herself, then heads into the bathroom.  The door shuts, and you hear the shower start to run.  Then it's like a fast forward was done and she's stepping back out of the bathroom fully clothed.  She's wearing a pair of black lycra biking shorts and a black sports camisole tank top.  The outfit hugs her curves like a second skin, showing off every muscle in her body as she moves.  She walks over to her closet and opens the door, pulling out a pair of gym shoes and sitting back down on the bed, she starts to put on her socks and shoes as the voiceover continues to play out.

{  'But then, I can honestly say, had it not been for my grandparents, I wouldn't be here in the first place.  Mis abuelos...  After everything went down, they took me in.  I guess you could say, they helped make me into the woman I've become.  Especially mi abuelo.  You see, he was a famous luchador down in Mexico.  Straight out of Oaxaca, he became one of the most famous masked wrestlers back in the day...'  }

She ties up her shoes and stands, walking over to the wall where her dresser is resting.  Over her dresser are a series of pictures.  One is of herself as a little girl with her hair in pigtails, wearing a little blue flowered dress and ruffled socks.  She's standing in front of her mother, who looks very much like her as an adult, wearing a yellow and white polka dot sundress, and her father, who's wearing his uniform.  She kisses her fingers and reaches out to lay her fingertips on the faces of her parents before she moves onto another photo...  In this photo, she's a little older, and is standing with a large man in a blue, black and silver luchador mask.  He's standing beside a smaller woman  who you can tell is Raynin's grandmother as she looks exactly like her mother, only older.  Raynin lays kisses on the picture of her grandparents, then reaches up to the frame just above this picture.  In the frame, the mask that her grandfather used to wear is behind the glass and she stroke her finger along the outline of it slowly.

{  'Mi abuelo...  He was always so big and strong, and even when he was older, everyone looked up to him.  He was always a star in my eyes.  After his back was injured and his doctors wouldn't let him wrestle anymore, he opened his gym.  That's where I learned to live the life of a luchadora...  At first he didn't want to teach me, but when Aunt Angel showed up... He changed his mind...'  }

She starts to think back to the past, and the world gets hazy as a flashback starts to ensue...

She remembers the day her Aunt Angel came down to Oaxaca, Mexico.  She was living with her grandparents in their apartment over the gym.  It was late autumn and still warm.  It was three months after the death of her parents, and Raynin still hadn't really come to terms with how everything had happened.  She was ten years old and her eleventh birthday was in a few weeks, though she didn't really feel like celebrating.  She was sitting on the balcony in a swing beside her grandmother, helping her to pick greens for their dinner, when she heard her grandfather's voice booming out below them.  

"So, you finally decided to show up Angela...  Why now?  Has it been handled?"

She crept over to the railing and squatted down, poking her head between the columns so she could look down at the street below.  She saw a woman who looked like her father standing in front of her grandfather, and they were talking heatedly.  The traffic had chosen that moment to pick up and she couldn't really hear what was being said.  When it died back down, she heard her grandfather speaking again.

"You might as well come up and see her for yourself.  It seems she's just as curious about you as you are about her."

He points up to where she's peeking over the edge of the balcony, and she sees the surprised look on her Aunt's face.  She expects for her Aunt to be upset, but instead, she smirks proudly and heads into the facility with her grandfather.  The scene fastforwards to dinner, and Raynin's helping her grandmother place the table as her Aunt sits there, watching her closely.  Her grandfather is sipping iced tea at the table and he sighs heavily.

"So Angela, why did you come now, if things haven't been settled?"

Her Aunt looks between Raynin and her grandfather slowly and takes a deep breath, folding her hands and leaning forward, placing her elbows on the table.

"Well, I wanted to get a little glimpse of her potential.  I told my superiors of the situation, and they want to give me an opportunity that is very rarely offered.  They want me to train her...  It's an experiment.  They want to see if a child is groomed early enough, whether they can succeed at what I do.  I told them I had to settle things first, but once I'm done with this... assignment, I'll be placed on base and we will begin training.  For now, I want you to teach her what you know.  Lucha libre has alot of very useful grappling techniques which will help her to excel in what I have to teach her once she's in my hands.  Teach her everything you know Jefe.  I want her to be the best student you've ever had.  Because when I get my hands on her...  She will work harder than she's ever known."

Her grandfather nods slowly and sips his tea again, sighing heavily after he puts his glass down on the table.  He points his finger at her Aunt and shakes his head slowly.

"We still don't know if she's even up for this Angela.  We don't know if she can deal with what happened...  What if..."

Her Aunt holds up a hand and shakes her head slowly, then looks over at Raynin with a serious expression on her face.

"Why don't we just ask her Jefe.  What do you say niña?  If you had the chance to train so you could see if you could save even one other little girl from going through what you've been through, would you take the chance?"

She looks up at her Aunt with eyes too old to be those of an eleven year old girl and she shrugs slowly.

"You knew the answer to that even before you asked it Tia Angela.  I don't want ANYONE to have to feel what I've felt these past few months.  What do I have to do?"

Her Aunt wipes her eyes as she leans over and kisses her niece's cheeks, taking her shoulders in her hands and shaking her lightly.

"All you have to do is survive.  Don't give up, don't quit.  Don't let it eat you up inside.  Nothing can touch you if you don't let yourself stop.  You'll soar higher than the highest eagle."

Raynin watches as her Aunt wipes the few tears from her cheeks and her face suddenly becomes an unreadable mask.  Her Aunt Angela looks at her grandfather and nods slowly.

"It will be handled Jefe.  I promise you...  It will be handled with extreme predjudice."

Her grandfather nods slowly, and she looks from her aunt to her grandfather and back again, confused.  Her Aunt strokes her hair and hugs her close as the scene fades back out to the present.

Raynin stands there stroking the pictures one at a time as she remembers everything that took place with crystal clarity, almost as if she were reliving each moment.  She sighs heavily as she comes to a picture of her and her aunt standing in front of a school.  Raynin's dressed in a navy blue graduate's cap and gown and her Aunt is in her dress uniform, the white of it pristine as she stands beside her niece.  They're saluting one another and you can see the barely contained pride in Raynin's face as she looks at her Aunt.  She shakes her head slowly as she pulls herself out of the reverie that keeps threatening to drag her back into the past.

{  'After that night, I was worked harder than I ever thought was possible.  I had my normal chores, but on top of it, I went through a training unlike any other.  My grandfather was an extremely strict task master, pushing my body to the limits for hours on end.  He'd promised my Aunt that I'd be ready, and he made damn sure when she walked back in the door two years later, my body was a well muscled, lithe and limber, oiled machine.  I swear, I had no idea why he would even let me do half of the things that I did...  But then, I was in Aunt Angela's hands... and my real training began.'  }

She walks out of the bedroom and off towards the kitchen where she opens the door of the refrigerator.  She pulls out a banana and a bottle of water and shuts the door as she moves towards the open space which is left after her very minimal furniture.  She places the water bottle and the banana on the coffee table and starts to roll her joints one at a time, limbering up.  As she's moving, she keeps hearing that soft voice whispering to her.

"Who are you?"

And the answer keeps reverberating through her mind...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

She shakes her head, trying to remove the voices from her head.  She pulls out a scrunchie and pulls her hair back into a tight ponytail as she starts to lunge from side to side, continuing the stretches.  She comes back up to a standing position with her feet together, then bends slowly at the waist, breathing deeply as she holds the stretch.  She then places her hands down on the floor and pushes herself up into a deftly executed handstand, holding it before slowly lowering her chest down towards the floor on her hands till her upright body is propped on her elbows and fingertips in a strange position.  She is keeping her breathing slow and steady as she pushes herself back up to the full handstand position.  She spreads her legs wide in an inverted chinese split, then drops her hips slowly towards the ground in a controlled curl, holding her legs up off of the ground as she's still on her hands in a spread eagle without one ounce of tremble in her arms.  She continues to move from pose to pose, stretching her body nimbly as she moves from her hands to her feet and back to her hands, until she finishes with a forward handspring.

{  'Tia Angel...   She made mi Abuelo look like a pussycat in comparison.  He broke down my body to build it up, and she broke down my body to build the steel in my spine.  I swear...  The only people I've been truly able to trust are all on my wall in my pictures.  I haven't been able to trust anyone else... not really.  No friends...  No companions...  I mean, I've had boyfriends and all, but I've still kept them at arms length.  Just can't let anyone close, because everyone that does get close...'  }

She doesn't finish the line of thinking as she starts to do acrobatic moves, flipping her body and contorting it in so many different angles, she looks like some kind of bird flying through the air.  She stops the flipping, and a slight sheen of sweat has broken out on her forehead from the exertion, but her breathing is still controlled and even.  As she's moving, that soft voice echoes through her mind again.

"Who are you?"

And the answer dances just behind her lips, begging her to say it... Needing to hear her say it...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

She does everything she can to try to ignore what's so obviously agitating her.  She continues to move though, keeping her mind focused on the object at hand, which is to prime her body for her upcoming match.  She starts to move her body through a complex martial arts katta, slowly moving her hands and feet in punches and kicks and leaping and soaring through the air in backflips and forward rolls in between each different strike.  She poses on one leg, her other leg stretched up almost to her shoulder with only the slightest lean to the side as she stands there, the light sheen of sweat turning into larger beads as she continues to exert herself.

{  'Tia Angel wanted me to be nobody.  A shadow that could become what they needed me to be.  A ghost, moving through the sea of life, so I could be a weapon of unbridled destruction.  But I couldn't take it anymore.  I couldn't take not having an identity...   Not having a name... Just being some nameless small fish in this big pond we call life.  So I walked away from it all...  I couldn't take my old  name as I'd given it up.  That little girl... she's gone.  I took the name that she'd wanted me to have...  I am Raynin...  And I'm being forced to stand in a team with two chicks that I can't trust to truly have my back and stand against three opponents who have already shown that they can wipe the floor with at least one of my supposed teammates.   Psshht!!  That's rich!!'  }

She swings her leg and does a strange looking corkscrew back-layout flip and land agilely on her fingertips and a single foot.  She brings her other foot down slowly in a spread eagle stance and slips one hand behind her back and starts doing single arm pushups on her fingertips.  She keeps moving up and down slowly, her muscles cording in her arms and shoulders, switching between arms as she continues to think to herself.

{  'Why do I have the feelin' that in the end, I'm gonna have to carry this whole team through this entire match.  That's alright though... I'm used to havin' to carry a mission.  Tia Angel trained me very well and I can stand on my own against anybody.  I'm just still in shock about the fact that I'm being stuck in a Tag Team match up so early though.  I haven't even been given a chance to show what I can do by myself yet.  And instead they want me to put the fate of my victory in the hands of others.  They want me to trust these females who have shown that they are severely lacking in the ring.  And here I am, having to prove myself to the entire world that I have the abilities that my entire being screams I have.  Trust is something that's earned... It's not freely given.  And I'm trusting Fantasia and Rebecca Blade to watch my six when Fantasia clearly couldn't watch her own front if she were walking face first into a mirror.  These females have a lot to prove to me if they expect any kind of trust.  Or maybe they're depending on me to be the one to lead them all to victory...  Because regardless of what everyone else thinks, I know I will do whatever it takes to win.  But I mean DAMN!!  We're already at a disadvantage because Misty and Kittie are all buddy buddy and shit...  But that's why in every good strategy, you search for the weakest link and you break it.  And I think I've found the link that needs to be snapped right in two in this little girl-fest...  Allison Summers is ripe for the pickin' and ready to be plucked. '  }

She places both of her hands on floor and pushes her body backward until her legs are in a chinese split and she holds her self up by just her fingertips and her toes on the floor looking like a contortionist.  She slowly starts to lift her lower half up into the air and into an upright chinese split again on her fingertips, and lowers her body over and over again in a handstand pushup on her fingertips.  She brings her feet back down nimbly like a cat and she shakes her head as she walks back towards the dresser and leans on it.  As she's moving, that soft voice echoes through her mind again.

"Who are you?"

She hears the voice whispering in her head over and over again.  She paces back and forth in front of the mirror as she fights to keep control of her overflowing emotions.

"Who are you?"  "Who are you?"  "Who are you?"
"Who are you?"  "Who are you?"  "Who are you?"


She yells back to the voice in her head with so much emotion that you can feel everything in it ripping through your body.

"I'm Raynin!  I'm the Sin City Wrestling's newest Bombshell!  I will be the one person in this company you will never... EVER want to forget!"

She smashes her fist into the mirror and it shatters into slivers and spills out onto the floor.   Raynin stands there looking down at the shattered mirror, her face a mask of cold emotion repeated over and over again in the individual shards.  In one of the larger shards, her reflection turns into herself as a child, and you hear her kid self's voice say...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

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