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Supercard Archives / Sam Marlowe (c) Vs Mercedes Vargas
« on: June 28, 2019, 11:56:36 PM »
 Scene 1 – Something like that

The soft breezes blew through the back yard of Sam Marlowe in Vegas as she can be seen in a vintage bikini with her hair pulled back into long curling pig tails.  In her hands is a tray with a tall glass of a frosty pink liquid and a plate with food on it.  Setting it down on the table under a canopy, she settles herself on a chaise before pulling a book out and opening it.

Moments later, as she is reaching for her glass, a loud vibration from her cell phone is heard from just under her reaching hand.  Rather than picking up her drink, she presses a fingertip on the answer button and calls out a greeting.

“Sam!” exclaims the voice from the cell phone.  The tone of her friend Roberta is excited but restrained as she begins to talk again.  “I am in desperate need for your help and you can’t tell me no Sam!”

Raising one eyebrow, Sam pulls the phone towards her and saw that it was a face time call.  Her image appeared in a small square as Roberta’s face filled her screen.  “Desperate for my help Bobbie? That is a first for you,” teases Sam which only draws an eyeroll from her friend.  “So why do you need me?  I don’t know how much time I have considering that I am preparing for a match at the supercard.”

Roberta nods into the screen.  “I know Sam and I wouldn’t think of bothering you about this but well…this is pretty important for me,” starts Roberta with a sigh.  “I would normally not need the help.  But ever since you went back to school, I was a bit jealous so I found a film making class at the local college here and I have a final that I need to get down as quickly as possible but there isn’t anyone that I could ask.”

“How could I help you with a final?  Wait…film school…” muses Sam with a look of worry beginning to cross her face.  “You want me to be in your film?”

Roberta’s smile widens as she nods enthusiastically.  “It will be just like high school Sam…remember when my daddy gave me that super 8 camera and the films we did?  You know you loved it when we filmed that cheesy horror movie,” adds Bobbie.

Sam leans back, her thoughts going back to the movie the pair had done in high school.  Still reminiscing she responds to her friend.  “You want to do another horror movie?” asks Sam.  “I don’t know if I have time between now and the supercard to really film something like that again.  Although it would be pretty fun to do something like that again.  I wish I could help Bobbie but…”

Interrupting Sam quickly, Roberta waves her hand in front of her image.  “It isn’t like that Sammi, I don’t have to do a movie like that.  The teacher of this class wants us to take a song and film a video for it.  Won’t take but a day or two.  Tell me you will help me out…please please please!”

Sam can see her friend crossing her fingers and looking like a child wishing for their favorite toy.  Unable to stop herself, she begins to laugh at her friend.  “Okay, Bobbie, okay…I’ll help.  I can’t resist the poor lil girl look you have perfected.  So where do you need me to be and when?”

Excitedly, Roberta pumps her fist in victory then looks serious as she coughs.  “I need you to be in Houston actually.  And while I am at it, your mama wants you to spend some time there as well at this flower show…”

Sam’s eyes widen then narrow as she looks at the image of her friend trying her hardest to avoid the look.  “Did Moms put you up to this?” demands Sam only to have Roberta shake her head.  “I was back home and your mama was talking to my mama and those two tend to make plans then make us fulfill them.  Your mama said that she wants you to join her at the annual botanical garden charity event.”

Sam lets her head drop and sighs with a moan.  Her head doesn’t lift even as Roberta’s voice comes from the phone.  “I am sooo sorry Sam,” says Roberta.  “But if it is any consolation, Cyn and her husband are gone,” offers Bobbie.  “Listen, if I could I would film this video in Vegas, cross my heart.  Besides, you know you want to get your mind out of the match I am sure.  About now you start to get into your mind and you can’t tell me you don’t want a distraction right about now.”

“Yeah, a distraction that I can’t have considering who I am facing.  But I am a woman of my word…gimme a few hours and I will be there for tomorrow,” says Sam who sits up and gives the phone a glare.  “You are going to owe me for this one Bobbie!”

“You got it Sam, I promise!  Talk to you soon!” exclaims Bobbie who reaches for the off button and the screen flashes back to the screen saver.  Sighing mightily, Sam reaches for the table to lay the phone down before she swings her legs to the side and stands.  Picking up the tray, she moves towards the door of her home.  Opening the door, she disappears into the house…
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I am a woman of my word…I don’t say that lightly because I was raised to keep my word.  What I say I mean and I am about to say something that I mean that is more serious than a heart attack.  Now you might be wondering what that could be.  After all, there are so many things I could say.  So I want what I am going to say to sink in.

Mercedes Vargas is one heck of a wrestler but at Into the Void, she is going to be facing the one woman that is not worried about this match.  Into the Void will see her facing me for my Bombshell Roulette title and it will see her left in the middle of the ring with no where to go but down for the count.  

I am not being facetious and I ain’t lyin’ Mercedes.  I know you are capable of beating anyone on any day.  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be beaten or that you can’t lose in a match that neither of us know what could be happening.  That is why I know deep in my soul, I am goin’ to be fighting the fight of my life and I am going to be coming with a desire that is making me burn for this title.  Speaking of this title, it begs the question…are you ready for what might happen?

I have heard you time and again talking about history and time after time you have been riding on the history you have made in Sin City Wrestling.  The hard and fast rule is learning from the past so you aren’t doomed to repeat it.  Trust me when I say that I have been learning each and every time I listen to you talk about how you set all sorts of records and how good you are.  But then I hear say that there is someone who has taken most of your records and shattered them.  And not to toot my own horn but that person is me.  And at the supercard, I will be doing it again when I face you in the middle of the ring.  I used to think that breaking records was something that I would never be able to do when I first started here in SCW.  Then I go and win titles in my rookie year.  Granted I did lose that title to you but won it right back.  Then I watched you win match after match just makes me want to work harder to reach the levels you have.  See I don’t believe on resting on my laurels when I could do so much more.  You are a veteran Mercedes that any bombshell would be proud to accomplish half the things that you have.  Except for your little mean streak that you have shown, you are everything I thought I would want in this company and I made you the bombshell I looked up to.  But now it isn’t a looking up to that I am doing anymore.

This time when we meet in the middle of the ring, it is going to be a meeting of equals.  Both of us at the top of our games, both of us ready to give our all to walk out of that six-sided ring with the Bombshell Roulette championship.

Like I said Mercedes, I am a woman of my word and I promise that I will be walking out of the match still THE Bombshell Roulette Champion.

Scene 2 – A Girl Like You

Roberta is standing talking to a cameraman as a redhead walks in dressed in a pair of cut off denim skirt, white lace tee with cowboy boots.  She walks right up to Roberta and crosses her arms with a smile.  A few of the crew can be heard to mutter among themselves, commenting on the outfit that Sam is wearing.  

“I’m here Bobbie and ready to go.  By the way, you never told me what song you were going to be using,” says Sam.  She looks relaxed as she is being filmed while Roberta nods and smiles while she rubs her hands together.  Sam’s relaxed look begins to fade.

Roberta motions to the cameraman as she turns Sam to walk her towards the set.  “You know how much I love Jason Aldean right?  Well, I chose one of his songs,” begins Roberta who brushes a hand through her hair dislodging the pencil she had holding her rather curly brown hair.  “He’s actually my hall pass!” she admits before bustling forward.  

Sam stops and raises an eyebrow.  “Hall pass?  Ain’t you married?” muses Sam.

“Of course, I am married silly,” answers Roberta.  “But you know that thing where if you had the chance to make it with a celebrity, your husband allows you a free hall pass to git with them.  Jason Aldean is my hall pass!  I’ll even tell you; my husband hasn’t said it but I think he wishes you were his hall pass but we both know he wouldn’t try considering that you and me are besties.”
Sam gets a look of relief on her face as she moves closer to the set and into the view of the camera.  Nearby is a rather handsome man who is primping in front of a mirror to the side.  Dressed in a white tee and blue jeans, the young man looks quite comfortable.  Roberta moves towards him motions for him to join Sam in the set.  The pair share an awkward introduction before the sounds of Jason Aldean’s Girl like you begins to play.  The country music fills the small space as Jason Aldean begins to sing.  Roberta moves in and begins to describe her idea for the song.  

“Sam, I want you to follow along with all that is going on.  You are the girl that Doug here is dreaming of.  I want you to guide his every move.  We are going to follow the song so our opening scene is him pulling you in for a kiss…and ACTION!” calls Roberta.  

The young man pulls Sam in for a kiss as she lets her eyes drift closed.  His hands move along the waist of Sam to pull her even closer, their arms wrapping around each other as they slowly move to the music.

“CUT!” calls out Roberta.  Sam and Dave break away from each other as the make up girl quickly swarms Doug.  Roberta moves closer to Sam and holds up a vision board.  “This is not going as I planned.  This doesn’t feel right for this video.  I think I need to change it up.  Lemme me think…”  She begins to pace as the crew and Sam watch her.  Suddenly she stops and moves to a bag resting on a director’s chair.  Pulling out a cell phone, she moves to the sound table and hands it off telling the tech to play the song she had cued up and whispering something to another techie. “Let’s change this up.  We’ll be doing Tim McGraw’s Something like that.”

Sam lets her head tilt to the right as she gives Roberta a look.  “You are changing up the song like that?  What do you want me to do then?”

Roberta smiled and basically pointed to the set where someone was quickly pulling apart the props to change it up enough to film a different setting.  Leading Sam towards a window that now had a ticket sign on it, she motions for some of the crew to join them as she addresses them, “Now what I am wanting is to have a line up of customers in the ticket line and Sam is going to be in the middle of y’all until she is noticed by Doug over there.”

Sam is lined up as Doug is motioned forward only to have Roberta put a bit of barbeque sauce onto the white shirt of Doug who protests it.  Waving him off, she moves to behind the camera and yells action.  Dave’s look changes from disgust to the look a young man would have when he spies the girl of his dreams.  

The video shoot begins as Tim McGraw’s vocals fills the room.  Sam and Doug play out the story as it is sung.  At the end, the crew applaud wildly as they finish the shoot.  Roberta rushes up to her friend and throws her arms around her.  “You are a lifesaver Sam,” she says as the pair move towards the director’s chair.  As they got there, the cellphone of Sam’s begins to buzz.  

Looking down, the image of Sam’s mother can be seen.  Nervously Sam picks it up and answers it.  “Hi Moms…yes, I will be heading home soon…I will be ready for the Botanical…all right.  Talk to you soon,” she manages to add before the phone is hung up.  Looking up into the sympathetic look of Roberta, she shrugs and motions to the exit.  “Moms says I have about an hour and a half to get changed and meet her at the pavilion.  That means I gotta go.”

Roberta nods slowly.  “Say hi to your mama for me,” she answers.  “And thanks again for helping with this.”

Sam nods as she backs away from Roberta only to be approached by Doug who holds out a sharpie and a picture of Sam softly asking for her autograph.  Without pausing, she takes the picture and sharpie, signs and then hands them back before she ducks through the exit with a final wave.

Scene 3 – An overblown Black Rose

Two days later, Sam is dressed in a silver dress and heels with her hair curling around her shoulders as she walks along rows of flowers at the Botanical exhibit for the Botanical society.  Nearby are a trio of women talking.  Sam approaches the trio and waits as her mother finishes her conversation.  Finally, two of the ladies leave to speak with others as Sam’s mother speaks to the younger redhead.

“Samantha darlin’, you have to put a smile on your face,” demands Vanessa.  “Tonight is about how you are going to be stepping into a situation that society will say that you need to shine.  And as my daughter you are here to support me as I take over as the chairperson of the Houston Botanical society.”

Sam offers her mother a smile and tucks her hand through the arm of her mother as they begin to move along the hall of flowers once more.  Vanessa Marlowe stops in front of a small rosebush of roses with blooms so dark they look black.  Sam shudders as she takes in the overblown roses and moves away from them.  Vanessa wonders at the shudder and moves with Sam.

“Is there a problem with the roses darlin’?” asks her mother with a pasted smile on her face as she nods to another matron at the flower show.

Sam shakes her head negatively as if to push any thoughts of black roses away from her mind.  “I was just thinking about my match that is coming up at the supercard.  The woman I am facing has a finisher called the Black Rose Overdrive and it got me to thinking about how confident she has been lately and putting me in my place.”

“Samantha, answer me this,” offers her mother as she pulls one of the roses from the vase where is was displayed.  “Do you think that she is going to be able to beat you at your match?”

Sam thinks for a moment then slowly shakes her head.  “I don’t know Moms, she is a very good wrestler and she has beaten me before…”  Sam’s voice trails off as her mother can be seen caressing a petal of the rose before yanking it from the stem and tossing it to the floor.

“Now I could sit you down and listen to all you might say about how she has beaten you and how she is good but I would rather tell you a little story about your overblown Black Rose.  When I was a girl, there was a young woman that wanted your father…but Philip was my desire so I went right up to that hussy and I told her in no uncertain terms that she was not to lay even a gloved finger on my man or I would snatch her bald.  Well let me tell you, I didn’t have to worry about that girl once I put my foot down,” boasted Vanessa Marlowe as she continued to snatch petal after petal from the rose.  Sam watched as her mother deflowered the stem then tossed it over her shoulder.  

“Why are you telling me this Moms?” asked Sam.  

“Because I want you to know that you aren’t going to have to worry about this match.  You are a Marlowe and you are my daughter and if there is something that you want, you don’t sit back, you get right in the face of that person you are facing and you tell her that there is no way in hell you are going to let her take your title!”

Vanessa then threads her arm through Sam’s as she guides her off.   “After all Samantha, isn’t it you that is the champion and the record holder and the one that has the advantage as champion?” questions Vanessa.

Before Sam can reply, Vanessa sees another matron and calls out to her, walking away from Sam who tries to blend in as she walks back where they had come from, black rose petals being crushed under her feet as she does.

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Only days away from Into the Void and already the hype about the matches at the supercard is wild.  But that night is only going to be one thing on my mind and that is defending this title I hold.  The bombshell roulette title is considered the second-tier title but it isn’t in my opinion.  I wear this title with pride as I defend it with all my heart.  This title to me is the top title in this company.

Now I am sure that you are going to quote all the stats about the title and my record and how you have a better record than me in our matches.  I will give you that you are tough…and you do hold more wins over me.  But there has been a change in how I see this title and how I see I am going to have to defend it.

You are probably saying that I have been rather lazy when it comes to matches for this title because I haven’t had to defend it against the top tier talent like you.  But if you ask me, every woman that steps to me is a challenge in itself.  Consider who I have defended this title from.  Amy Santino, a friend, gave me a challenge for this belt.  Then there was Jessie Salco who I beat to unify the Honor and Roulette titles.  And Trinity tried her hardest to find a way to beat me but that hasn’t happened either.

Now I face you Mercedes and yeah, I am scared a little.  But that doesn’t mean that I can’t overcome my fear and defend my title.  See what happens in that ring is up in the air because of the concept of the Roulette title.  Before the match, the wheel will be spun and a stipulation chosen.  And then once we step in the ring, the title is on the line in a match that could be a career ender or a historic night with a match of the year contender going on.  Either way, Into the Void is going to make history.

Speaking of history Mercedes, you are very good at telling it.  Reciting over and over the titles you have held, the records you have set in an endless litany.  I don’t know if it is an intimidation tactic or is it something you tell yourself over and over again in a rosary of prayer to give yourself confidence in our match.  I suspect it is more of the first in your opinion but in mine, I am thinking that it is starting to be the second because I know you know that I am just as much of a competitor as you are.

I do have to be honest Mercedes…you have been exactly what you say you are.  You have made a name for yourself as one of the greats in SCW.  Maybe you were once in my position and you have fought and challenged the norms to make that name.  But in your eyes, I am not there yet.  And maybe I am not…maybe I have surpassed you?  Did you ever think of that Mercedes?  Yes you have beaten me in the past but that could be the luck of the draw that night.  Everyone can have an off night and maybe in the past, I had off nights when it came to facing you because I psyched myself out before we stepped into the ring.  And at Into the Void, you are probably thinking the same is going to happen but if you really want to know what I am thinking, let me share with you.  

I am thinking that I am going to be stepping into the ring with you and with whatever the stipulation for the match is and I am going to beat you and retain the Bombshell Roulette title and walk out still the champion, simple as.  But I will do one other thing Mercedes and wish you luck because I am coming for the win.  No regrets and no surrender…if you want this title you are going to have to pry it from my grip.  

See you Sunday where I will be the one holding the Bombshell Roulette title as Justin Decent says 'The winner of the match and still Bombshell Roulette champion...Sam Marlowe!'.

Climax Control Archives / Out of the shadow, into the spotlight
« on: June 07, 2019, 11:52:46 PM »
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<td>Narrator:  Sam Marlowe casts a very long shadow as the Bombshell Roulette champion.  No one could say a bad word about her when it comes to wrestling and her career in SCW.  No one that is except older sister Cyn who never missed an opportunity to put down the redhead.

Narrator:  Let’s take a look shall we?

Our scene opens with Samantha Marlowe, young, naïve and anxious to step out of the shadows of Cyn as she walks into the venue where Sin City Wrestling was broadcasting Climax Control.  Walking up to the office of Mark Ward and Christian Underwood behind her sister, Sam was peering all over the backstage area in awe of everyone there.  Cyn for her part was her usual cocky self as she guided Sam down the hallway.

”You know Sammi, being a great wrestling star like I am just means that you really should rethink wanting to get into the business.  I mean really, you are going to be known as my kid sister after all,” says Cyn with a toss of her head.  “Most people can be vicious that way.”

”Y’all make it sound like it is going to be bad,” replies Sam as she adjusts the strap of a small leather bag over her shoulder.  “When I gave my name to the company, I wasn’t thinking about having to live in your shadow Cyn, I was thinking that I would make my own name in my own way.”

The scoff that came from the lips of Cyn Marlowe made Sam cringe slightly in sadness before she rolls her eyes and shakes her head.  “Do you honestly think that you can do that with me in the company?  Give your head a shake,” sneers Cyn before she opens the door to the arena .  “Y’all go and have your little try out and then I will tell you I told you so and we can both get on with what we need to be doing…”

Narrator:  Not long after that, Cyn Marlowe left SCW and her younger sister who began to flourish in SCW.  Suddenly, the spotlight was beginning to shine and Sam was rising up the ladder until one fateful night…

The screen lit up as Sam stood in the ring.  The announcement of the next challenger for Mikah’s  Bombshell title was to be playing on the screen.  Suddenly the arena erupts as Sam Marlowe’s name is displayed.  In the ring, a shocked Sam Marlowe can be seen reacting to the announcement.

Moments later, she can be seen walking through the curtain and into the gorilla press area where she was surrounded by the press who began shooting questions at her all at once.

”What do you think about being named as the new number one contender?” asks one reporter.

”You know, it totally took me by surprise but I have to say that I am going to be ready to step up and step out of the shadow that Mikah has and take her title.  She is someone that I see as a great challenge and I have more fight to give that maybe she is thinking I can give.  I have thought that maybe she thinks I am an easy mark  because I am still a rookie but I promise you that I ain’t going to let her have it easy in that ring for that title,” answers an elated Sam who is wiping at the sweat on her face as she smiles for the cameras…

Narrator:  Sam went on to win the title from Mikah before being challenged by both Mercedes Vargas and Crystal Hilton.  Those three really had a storied feud with Mercedes beating Sam to take the title then losing it back to Sam at the supercard only to have Sam lose it to Crystal the next week.  

Narrator:  Then came some dark times for Sam as she fell under the wrath of Christian and was made into his own personal plaything where she would work in concession stands and backstage.  

Then of course, Cyn came back into the life of her younger sister with a vengeance.  Suddenly she was with Sam everywhere until Sam found out about her and Sam’s former boyfriend had been a little too touchy feely.  That came to a head in a possible career ending match between Cyn and Sam that saw little sister securely step out of the shadow of Cyn by pinning her shoulders to the mat and stepping out of Cyn’s shadow.

Finally the hard work had paid off and all the suffering was done and Sam Marlowe once more was put in a place to try for a title that she won, the Bombshell Roulette title.  Again she won and lost and won and lost and won a final third time eight months ago.

Narrator:  I only have one question…Whose shadow is she going to be stepping out of now?
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<td>You know what I have to say right now?  I have to say that there are three women in this main event tag match that cast long shadows in the ring.  Three women who have been multitime champions in their own right and now we have a match to showcase champions and their challengers…well eventual challengers.

See I know that in the soon to come supercard Into the Void, I am going to be facing Mercedes Vargas for my title and trust me I know that she is looking to once more hold the gold in SCW.  The last time she held my title was in March of 2015 which is something I am sure that she isn’t going to admit to at all.  I have seen all her updates and posting on social media about how the championship histories have her name all over them.  I appreciate that she has won so many titles that she could legit be called a legend.  And all respect to Mercedes, I am sure that anyone else would be worried.

But that is where you and I differ Mercedes.  I know just what I am capable of in the ring and I know what you are capable of as well.  And I am sure that any tie up between the pair of us would be a match of the year candidate but this week you and I are in a match with partners who don’t like each other at all.  And that makes all the difference in the world.

One such partner is your partner, the Bombshell Champion herself, Alicia Lukas.  Now she has been dominating and EVERYONE and their sister…mother…wife…I lost track, have wanted to challenge her.  Everyone that is except yours truly.  I say that because I would rather be a champion that puts herself out there night after night for the fans rather than just stand around and talk a good game about how she is a proven quantity and the face of the division but in all honesty, how can you claim to be the face of the company when you hold yourself back becauae you don’t value the title as others would want to do.  So I remain the most dominant Bombshell Roulette champion I can be.

Don’t get me wrong, I know how good you are and I have mad respect for your ring skills.  And Alicia, you have earned that respect.  So when it comes to this match, you are going to be the one to watch I am sure.  But respecting your strengths doesn’t make me weak.  It makes me cautious and it makes me doubly determined to be someone to challenge you in this match.  I may not be as famous as you but trust me when I say, I am just as dangerous to underestimate as you are.

Then finally we have my partner, Crystal Hilton who for the most part doesn’t seem to understand that she needs to stop thinking that she is the end all and be all of the Bombshells here in SCW.  Yes she is a former champion, yes she has defeated me and yes she has won Blast from the Past.  Bravo Crystal, you have proven your point that you are good.  But tootin’ your own horn is great and all but when it comes to this match, you are looking across the ring and seeing people you have seen before and people you have beaten before.  So will that make you think you have it in the bag and then for a perceived lack of talent across the ring from you, you decide not to give one hundred percent.  

For this match Crystal, I want your hundred percent in that ring.  Because I am not fixin’ to lose this match.  This I promise you!

So ladies, the time for talk is done.  It is time to walk the walk and step out into the spotlight.  And I have only one thing to say about our match and that is…Best of luck…y’all are going to need it.

 London Brawling…the night where Sam Marlowe faced Trinity Jones for the Bombshell Roulette title.  Spoiler alert…Sam won.

Sam Marlowe heads backstage, her Bombshell Roulette title over her shoulder, hugged to her chest as she grins crazily at the memory of the match.  She had gone out on a mission and she was walking in the backstage area still the Bombshell Roulette title holder.  Trinity had put up one heck of a fight but Sam had her number and Sam pinned her for the one two three to retain.

Later that night, a new challenger was named as Mercedes Vargas won a triple threat match.  Sam had watched and she had seen that Mercedes had taken the challenge and killed it as only Mercedes Vargas could

Two days post London Brawling, the sight of a woman exiting a rather beat up car driven by a young man catches the attention of the older lady that lives in the house next door to the home of one Sam Marlowe.  The redhead smiles as the driver opens the trunk of the car and begins to pull luggage out of it and sets it on the concrete beside Sam.  Once done, she turns and smiles at the older lady who has made her way to the small hedge between the two houses.

“Samantha dear,” begins the elderly neighbor.  “How was your trip in Europe?  Did you remember to bring me back those things from England?”

Sam drags the large piece of luggage towards her door before racing back down the drive to grab the two smaller bags.  Stopping near the elderly lady, Sam takes a moment to rummage through the smaller of the two to pull out a small package and with a flourish, hands it to the neighbor.

“I would never forget to bring you back what you asked for.  I hope those are the right ones,” says Sam as she zips up the luggage and pulls it to the door as well.  The neighbor opens the package and smiles at Sam as she waves at the young woman.

“You got it right dearie, and thank you,” she calls up to Sam.  A bright answering smile crosses the face of Ms Marlowe as she pushes her key into the house door lock and twists it open.  Pushing the door, she walks inside, her voice light and teasing as she calls out.

“Honey, I’m home!  Oh wait…I live alone,” quotes Sam as she turns to grab her luggage.

“You don’t have to you know,” says a voice that stops Sam in her tracks.  Straightening up, she turns to find Montgomery Christopher stepping into the entryway of her home.  Cocking one eyebrow, she drags the last piece of luggage into the house then slams the door.

“What are you doing in my house Monte?” demands Sam, her arms immediately crossing her chest to create some kind of shield between her and Monte.  

“Your father was supposed to come and check on the house while you were gone but instead, I offered to make the trip out here.  And when I got here, I thought I would stay,” replies Monte with a smirk as he moves towards the open living room and flops on the couch.  “So…how was London?”

“London was fine and thank you but you can go now,” states Sam as she reaches for the door knob to open the door.  “I am home now and you don’t have to stay.”  The redhead opens the door as Monte continues to sit on the couch, a hand holding a remote moves up to turn on the television.  “Monte, I said you could leave or did you not hear me.”

“Now is that any way to treat family?” he counters with a smirk as he winks at Sam.  “Heck I was almost your husband and this would have been my house too.”  A shudder passes over Sam’s frame as she breaths a sigh of relief that wipes the grin off the face of Monte.  He turns back to the television but addresses Sam once more.  “You know, I think that I was a little hasty to hook up with your sister.  Maybe I should have held out for you.”

Sam’s look of shock put another grin on the face of Christopher.  Sam shakes her head from side to side as she grits her teeth, speaking through them.  “After seeing what you were doing and how you were treating me, it would have been a cold day in Hell that I would have married you!” exclaims Sam.  “Besides, you are the husband of Cyn and good for you.  I am not going to continue this discussion…I am tired and ready to get over this jet lag.”

She moves towards the stairs and then slowly drags herself up the steps.  Monte gets to his feet to follow her upstairs.  He is about to enter her room when she forcefully stops him in his tracks.  “Tell me the reason my bed is mussed!” she demands, her eyes lit angrily.

“Where would you expect me to sleep?” he replies with a guilty look.  “It isn’t like I had a place to stay somewhere else.”  He points at the bed as Sam has moved back into the room and begins to yank at the bedding with a vengeance.  “Hey!” exclaims Monte as he joins her in the bedroom.

“You are going to have to find yourself somewhere else to stay Monte!” growls Sam.  “I’m home now and y’all aren’t welcome here.  So y’all need to pack your bags and go home or a hotel…you ain’t staying here.”

“But Sam…”

“Git out!” says Sam angrily as the drags the last of the bedding from her bed.  As she does, a small item is flipped towards the doorway.  Seeing it fall, Sam glares at Monte who sheepishly picks up the condom wrapper up and balls it in his fist, red rising on his face.  “Really Monte…really?  Does Cyn know?”

“She doesn’t know and I would appreciate it if you didn’t say anything to her,” answers Monte as he moves to grab his suitcase at the end of the bed.  Sam continues to glare as Monte shoves the last of his clothes into the bag and then angry himself, he tosses a disrespectful salute in Sam’s direction before wheeling himself out of the bed room.  Sam follows to make sure that he leaves quickly.  She makes it to the door and pulls it open to allow Monte to leave.  He turns to face Sam who just shakes her head.

“Good riddance,” she says as the door is slammed in the face of Monte hiding Sam from view.  The last view is a cab pulling up at the end of the drive to pick up a disheveled Monte.

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The first Climax Control stateside…and the return of Sam’s Superstars.

Sam Marlowe is surrounded by a bunch of kids as cameras flash backstage at Climax Control 236.  Parents of children who can be seen in casts and showing the symptoms of medical conditions take picture after picture of the Bombshell Roulette champion with each child, her full attention on the kid for each picture. Hugging a little girl close or signing the cast of a young boy who is grinning from ear to ear, she tries to fulfill the dreams and wishes of each.  

Leading the group down the corridor towards the arena and the gorilla press position, Sam can’t take her eyes off a parent and child waiting along the sidelines.  Motioning for one of the assistants to takes the rest of the group to their seats, she moves to the child and smiles down at him.  “Hey there, why aren’t you with the rest of us?” she asks the shy boy.

“I want to be but everyone is being mean to me,” says the little boy as his mother puts a hand on his shoulder.  

Sam can see he is fighting back tears and shares a look with the mother.  “Why do you think that they are being mean to you?” she demands.

“They think that I can’t be a fan because I don’t have any of your shirts or anything,” says the boy.  “I would love to have one but well…my medicine is too expensive and I can’t buy one.  I try to make up for it by being a bigger fan but sometimes people just think that I am faking it to get things free but I am NOT…I’m NOT I SWEAR!”

Sam straightens up and shooting a glance at the parent, she takes the boy’s hand and moves towards the concourse where a table with tees and merchandise can be seen.  She leads him to a set of chairs near the table and pulls him close.  “Lemme tell you something, I know what you are talking about.  See I am not really paid attention to because everyone thinks that I am faking being a champion.  I have had a lot of the bombshells not take me seriously because I am someone that would rather spend time with the fans rather than being above the fans.  So people are always down on me for that but I just tell myself that I am better off being the sweetheart of the fans.  They make it an excuse because they can’t beat me.  And do you know why they can’t beat me?”

“Because you can give them a ha and a hiya and then kick them?” he answers before giggling.

“That too,” responds Sam with a laugh of her own.  “And it is because I don’t care what they say about me because in that ring I am not worried about that, I am worried about not letting the fans down.  So my advice to you…don’t worry about whatever it is that those others are saying.  Be you and that is the best you can be.  But we can fix that whole no merch…”

She gets to her feet and moves towards the stack of tees and then looking back at the boy, she takes a glimpse at his sizing then pulls a shirt from the pile and brings it back to him with a sharpie in her other hand.  Sam signs the shirt then holds it out to the boy who squeals in excitement and runs to his mother to show off the signed shirt.

Pussy Willow walks up behind Sam who is watching the kid yanking on his shirt.  “I saw that Sam,” she teases.  “Seriously though, I get what you are doing with those kids and have to say that I know why everyone is your fan.  But tonight you know that they have a match between Trinity and Mercedes.  I bet both women will want to send a message to you…”

“I know Pussy and trust me I am going to be watching very closely.  But let me tell you that regardless of who wins and who loses, the belt is still around my waist and I want to let them know that it is going nowhere, regardless of who has a title shot.”

The kid motions to Sam to join them as he calls out, “We gotta get to our seats Sam!”  She motions him to go ahead and she would be coming out soon.  The kid and parent disappear as Sam and Pussy move towards the make up chairs.

Hours later, Sam is backstage preparing to leave after a final few pictures and autograph signings.  An intern walks up to her and hands her a piece of paper.  Looking at it, she then looks up at the retreating back of the intern.

“Cat Riley..non title…next week?”

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<td>I sit here right now and I am thinking to myself…’Self, why would someone demand a non title shot against me?  For the last few challengers I have had them talk about how they would take my title.  They would demand the title shot like it was something that they deserved right off the bat.  And you know what…I got used to that and kind of started to expect the demands.  But this week I face none other than Cat Riley and she DEMANDED a non title match.

But this week I face none other than Cat Riley and she DEMANDED a non title match.  Are y’all trying to mess with my head or what?  

I will say that it is a breath of fresh air to have someone actually say they don’t want a title match against me.  Don’t get me wrong, I would so be prepared to defend my title but in all seriousness, I have to wonder why you didn’t want a title match.  After all, y’all have a great record when it comes to wrestling here in Sin City Wrestling.

I have seen you wrestle Cat and I have to say that there ain’t anyone that could match you for submissions.  Or wins for that matter.  Well no one but maybe me?  After all, I have a pretty good winning streak happenin’ and I am certainly hitting a groove when it comes to wrestling.  Which kinda makes me nervous because a groove ain’t nothing but a rut with flare.  Does that mean that I think that I am in a rut because I have been facing people that have given me a legit fight for the win and I keep overcoming their strengths to pull out win after win?  Or is it that I am always prepared to face any challenge like it is a title match?  So maybe your demand for a title match not happenin’ is a little bit of a reverse psychology that you think will get to me and cause a loss.

I have actually heard that there are people that say you are crazy with a capital Cee.  I have to wonder at that.  See you set it up as a nontitle match then get me off my game, pin my shoulders to the mat and earn yourself a shot and the next time we face each other, boom it will be a title match.

Now before I go any further, I have to say that people have been talking about how you are under the wing of Christian Underwood and I know that is something that you wouldn’t exploit at all.  See, just because you live in his house, you are in his orbit and others would be front and center to claim favoritism, I ain’t someone like that.  I see you as a legitimate challenge this week and I could care less if you live with Christian or not.  Christian isn’t going to be in that ring to hold your hand or give you the win because you are going to have to earn it.  And should you win, you will have earned it because I am not a bombshell that will lay down for anyone in the locker room.  When you get in the ring with me, you are in for the fight of your life.  

I am a fighting champion Cat and I make no excuses win or lose.  And this week at Climax Control, I ain’t fixin’ to lose the match…oh no.  I am going to step to that ring and climb inside.  I am going to hold this title of mine up and show the world and our little part of it that I consider any match a title match and I will proceed to lay a championship beatin’ on anyone that is standing across the ring.  I swear you will know you have been in a fight for sure Cat Riley, my promise to my fans and you.

Supercard Archives / Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« on: May 03, 2019, 11:50:36 PM »
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<td>Here we are Trinity, only days away from London Brawling and you I am sure are ready to take me down with your amazing striking capabilities and your no nonsense, take no prisoners attitude when it comes to the Bombshell Roulette title.  I have seen you talking about how you seem to think that I am running from you.  I have heard you when you talk about this title is something that you deserve and now I know that you will step into the ring with the intent of taking my title and putting me in the place that you think I belong.  I have to applaud your confidence even though you have no reason to believe that is going to happen.  

I want you to know Trinity that I don’t take you lightly.  I realize Trinity that you are a helluva fighter and you will be able to stand tall with any other woman in that ring.  Every other woman save one.  And that one is yours truly because if you think about it, I am standing tall because of how I think of this championship and how much I desire to retain the title.

I will tell you Trinity that I live for being this champion.  No one can ever say that I don’t embody the perseverance needed to defend a title that is contested in a way that no other title is defended and that is with the randomness of a roulette wheel that decides the match stipulation and how the title will be defended.  I have seen me win in ladder matches, backstage brawls, last woman standing…you name the match I will pull out the win.  Y’all probably have a bunch of excuses of why I am not going to be able to keep this title past London Brawling.

I am here to tell you Trinity that I am not going to let you take my title away.  I have more to lose than you think and that is what drives me.  Y’all better not think that I am letting the title define me because it doesn’t.  But it also symbolizes something to me that I can’t let anyone take from me.  All my life I have lived in a shadow…the shadow of Cyn Marlowe and I was sick and tired of it.  So what did I do, I took it into my head to be better than she was and I’ll be danged but that I did step out of her shadow and make me better.  I won the bombshell world title…twice.  Then I lost that title and someone…we won’t say who…but someone decided to repay me from the hell he put me through with a bombshell roulette title shot.  And boy did I take advantage of that.  Then I lost it only to win it two more times.  And since I last title win, I have been unable to lose and seriously I don’t think that I will be losing my title at London Brawlin’

Actually each match I have as the Bombshell Roulette title holder gives me the confidence to actually say that I am not going to let you win Trinity.  I can’t let you win because I live and breathe and bleed for this title.  I don’t know if you can the same.  Sure, you have wanted this title and you have offered yourself up as the number one contender but after Sunday night, I have to tell you that you won’t have a chance at the title to claim the win.  As much as you want the title Trinity, I want it that much more which means two things…

Firstly…Sunday night at London Brawling in the very first match for SCW…you get a shot to challenge for the Bombshell title.  And secondly, you get to lose the match as I use every tool in my arsenal to gain the win.  I am letting you know I will be walking out of London as the Bombshell Roulette champion and there is nothing you can do about it.  So good luck Trinity.  Know that I am not underestimating you when it comes to the challenge but I also know that you are probably underestimating me and that is your first mistake.  Your second will be thinking that I am going to lose the title to you.  See you Sunday Trinity.

Supercard Archives / Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« on: April 27, 2019, 11:52:33 PM »
 The sounds of boots walking across a wooden stage is heard as a familiar redhead moves along the stage of the Globe theatre in London.  Sam is dressed in a white peasant blouse over a pair of dark jeans.  With her hair pulled back and no make-up, Sam seems relaxed and young as she moves to stand center stage and looks over the “pit” area.  In a humorous mood, she strikes a pose as if ready to deliver a Shakespearean soliloquy.

“The lady doth protest too much,” she says to the air as a bunch of tourists stop in surprise that a performance was to be put on this early in the day.  Sam blushes as they turn and point, the soft clamoring of their voices reaching her.  “Oops, sorry,” she adds as she moves away from the stage and into a darker corner where she is followed by someone carrying a camera.

“Hey Sam,” says Pussy who is holding the camera in the face of Sam who has turned back to look at her friend.  “I thought you wanted to talk about your match at London Brawling against Trinity.  You know I would be able to better film you out there,” offers Pussy as she motions towards the stage area again.  “Come on, we could use those tourists to give us some background noise to play up the promo work you wanted to do.  We can get them chanting your name.”

Sam’s reaction is to giggle slightly at the teasing tone of her friend.  “Thanks Pussy but I don’t think having a bunch of Japanese tourists screaming in the globe theater would be the same as an arena of screaming fans.  Besides, I think that you are right about one thing and that is going out there for the right atmosphere.”

Sam moves to join Pussy and both women move into the light of the stage where the tourists have moved on.  Sam moves out to the edge of the stage then crouches to seat herself there.  Looking around, she seems to slip back in her mind to the time when famous men would move across the stage.  

“You know what Pussy, I can’t help but think of all the quotes that would have been on a stage like this,” offers Sam almost distractedly.  “In class I read and learn all the lines and can quote them at the drop of a hat but here, here is where it gets really real for me.  But at the same time, those quotes have so much meaning for my career in SCW.  I don’t know if I can explain it but thinking of this match has so many Shakespeare quotes drifting through my thoughts.  I mean think about it.  Shakespeare put humanity on display just like SCW does.”

Pussy snickers as she moves to film Sam with the stage framing her.  “Yeah, Shakespeare wrote about wrestlers.  I think you took one too many shots to the head Sam.”

“Oh you are so wrong Pussy.  Take for example Hamlet,” says Sam as she crosses her legs and leans back on her hands.  “It has a quote that totally fits for my match against Trinity Jones.”

“And that is?” questions Pussy.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” quotes Sam, a half grin breaking over her face.  “Have you not heard her every week when she talks about the fact that I am afraid of her.  I can’t help but suppose that she is doing it to justify to herself that she hasn’t earned a title shot but yet here she is getting a title shot at my title once again at the supercard.  I have to wonder just why it is that she seems to have something against me.  Hellfire Pussy, I wonder why she seems to think that she needs to demand things like she is.  I am more than willing to offer a title shot but that doesn’t mean that she has to disrespect me because someone answered my open challenge first.  If anything she should have stepped up faster.  Oh well, I faced that challenge and what happened, I get dogged by Trinity as being scared to face her.”

“I guess she wanted to paint you in a bad light Sam,” offers Pussy.  “She doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to facing you.  Maybe she tore you down so she could build herself up.”  Sam sighs as she thinks of that for a moment.  Pussy manages to capture the play of emotions that are crossing the face of Sam.  “You know, maybe she does it because of the fact that she is afraid of facing you and failing like everyone else has recently.”

The scoff that comes from Sam sounds hollow.  “Trinity scared of me…I don’t think so.  Our last match she brought the fight to me and well, she came close to taking the title.”  Sam brings a hand up to swipe at a curl that blows across her cheek.  “I don’t believe that Trinity is afraid of me.  I seriously think that she is acting tough to try to scare me and I have to admit…”

Pussy interrupts Sam.  “Whooaaaa right there Sammi!  Do not dare to tell me that you are scared of Trinity,” says Pussy angrily.

A look of utter disbelief crosses Sam’s face as she sits up and looks directly into the camera.  “You have nothing to worry about Pussy, the only thing I am afraid of is the fact that at London Brawling I will be ending the title capturing dreams of Trinity.”

A thrill of a laugh comes from the side that captures the attention of Pussy and Sam.  A small woman is seen standing there, a cellphone camera trained on the two.  Sam offers a raised eyebrow in question as well as a half smile.  

“I couldn’t help but overhear you and I have to say that I don’t think that you will be able to promise to end the dreams of Trinity Jones,” offers the lady who moves closer still filming.  “I happen to be a big fan of hers and she is one tough woman.  You aren’t going to be able to beat her with the confidence she has right now.”

Sam shares a glance with Pussy before turning back to the Trinity fan.  “I know she is confident and I know she has skills but her record facing me isn’t too strong.  And I get she wants a title but that is something that I have a strong grip on.  The Bombshell Roulette title is something I take seriously and defending it is my reason for being right now.  I keep making history as the Bombshell Roulette champion and that will continue at London Brawling.”

“But Trinity Jones is on the tip of greatness and there is nothing you are going to be able to do to stop her,” adds the fan who lets a sneer cross her lips.  “She has said that you are nothing and will not be beating her at the supercard.  And trust me when I tell you that she has got your number!”

Before Sam can offer a reply, the woman snaps her phone off and stalks away leaving both Sam and Pussy speechless for the moment.  The two women share a glance before breaking into laughter.  After a few moments, Sam wipes at her eyes and gets serious.

“You know what Pussy,” she offers as she calms.  “That woman could be right.  I could be under the impression that I can beat her and then something happens to turn the match in her favor and I lose the title…”

Pussy holds up a hand in the face of Sam that stops her.  “Don’t you think that you will just jinx yourself.  I want you to remember who you are Sam…you are the Bombshell Roulette champion and you hold so many records in SCW.  Now I know that Mercedes Vargas isn’t here to list them all but you girl, are the one bombshell that has defined the title and I don’t see it going anywhere but back on your waist or shoulder or wherever it is you wear it.”  

Pussy looks so stern as she gives Sam the what for.  Holding her hands up in surrender, Sam nods and chuckles.  “I hear you Pussy, and I am not going to let you or the fans down.  Whatever match that I am in, whatever happens, it will be me walking out and with the title and Trinity left in the middle of the ring to wonder just why she thought that I was afraid of her.”

Sam jumps off the stage to the side of Pussy.  Once there, she stops right in front of the camera and with a smile.  “I only have one last thing to say and that is to quote Shakespeare,” says Sam as her head tilts ever so slightly.  “Cry ‘havoc’ and let slip the dogs of war!”

With those words, Sam turns and begins to walk away from the camera before it snaps to black.

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<td>Here I am again Trinity and this time I am going to be explaining to you why you will not be able to walk out the champion at London Brawling.  

I am the current Bombshell Roulette champion and that gives me a unique perspective on the title and retaining.  I am sure you have heard of the champion’s advantage which mean that you have to beat me but I don’t have to beat you.  And some champions coast on that, not putting their all into defending titles.  However, the difference between those champions and myself is that I take defending the title seriously.  I consider it an honor to wear this title and every night I defend it means that every night I take my challengers seriously enough that I don’t leave anything to chance and that means that I am the most dangerous champion you could face here in Sin City Wrestling.  Because I am that champion that will not admit defeat.

Oh I know you are going to talk about how I am going to pay, about how I have been avoiding you because I know that you will be taking me to my limits and then taking my title.  I think Trinity that the confidence you have is great.  But confident or not, there are a couple of things that I have to remind you of Trinity.  I may not be a striker like you but I am one dang strong challenge for anyone to overcome.  You may be confident but I am sure that as much as you want to take this title, I am someone that is driven to keep this title around my waist.  And that means I am going to be coming to defend it with my last breath…my last thought…my last heartbeat if need be.  This title is going nowhere and you will not be the person to end the streak I am on.

I have thought long and hard about it and I realize something important Trinity.  I am not fighting you for this title.   In all honest, I am fighting myself and my natural inclination to talk myself into defeat.  And I believe that at the supercard, all thoughts of losing will be gone and my confidence will carry me through this match to beat you and retain the Bombshell Roulette title.  Because I am ready Trinity, ready to bring the fight to you and ready to pin you to the mat…force you to submit…do whatever I need to do to keep my title.  And hopefully after all is said and done, you will have to give me the respect I deserve because I have beaten the one person that you believe could end my title streak and that is yourself.

So I have only one thing to say and that is good luck at London Brawling Trinity.  You are going to need it.. </td>

Climax Control Archives / Sam's confident and worried...can she focus?
« on: April 05, 2019, 11:53:28 PM »
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The soft whistle of a kettle just reaching the boil sounds as a counterpoint to the soft tap of nails on a counter top.  Resting on the counter is a small Ipad that has the image of Ben Jordan on it with the twin circles of call and hang up flashing in front of his picture.  Reflected in the screen is the face of Sam Marlowe, her bottom lip sucked worriedly between her teeth as she lightly gnaws at it.

A mantra of ‘pick up, pick up’ can barely be heard under the breath of Sam as she reaches across the counter and presses the disconnect button in frustration.  Moving to pick up the whistling kettle she pours a stream of hot water into a cup, the scent of a spicy tea begins to filter upwards as adds a small bit of honey to sweeten the beverage.  

“Where the bubble could you be?” she muses as she picks up the cup and brings it up to blow a soft stream of breath that stirs the steam escaping from it.  Leaning a hip against the counter, she is about to sip at the drink when the sound of a message comes across the IPad.  Sam burns her lip against the brim of the cup as she turns quickly to answer the buzz of the message.

“It is about time you called,” she says before she really knows who it is.  The face of Colton Myers can be seen smiling on the face time window.  Smiling she sheepishly runs a hand through her hair to cover her surprise that it isn’t who she thought it was.

“Sorry Sammi, been busy filming the show and there was the funeral of Luke Perry,” admits Colton.  “If I had known…” he trails off jokingly as Sam blushes and leans against the counter once more, her hand reaching for the tea she had set down.  

Sipping carefully at it, she shrugs.  “I know you must have been really busy and all that but have to admit that I missed you a little bit,” she replies as she holds her index finger and thumb with an inch or so between them.  “Actually, I was hoping to talk to you.  I have a title match coming up and needed to talk to someone about it.”

Colton’s smile fades slightly as he watches as Sam once more begins to suck on her bottom lip and gets a worried look on her face.  “Is it that bad of a match Sam?” he asks.

Sam shakes her head negatively as she sighs.  “It is a match against a friend of mine.  Amy Marshall…Santino.  Last time I faced her, she was a little preoccupied and I don’t think that her mind was fully focused but now that I laid out that open challenge and she jokingly said she wanted the shot, management agreed with her.  So this week I get to face Amy and I am sure that now that she has beaten Apple Coren, she is going to be focusing on me.”

Colton listens then crosses his arms as he replies, laying them on the surface in front of him.  “Have you beaten her before Sam?”

The bombshell roulette champion nods as she once more sips at the tea.  Colton continues to speak once he sees her nod.  “And you did lay out an open challenge…did you think that no one would pick up the challenge?”

Sam thinks about it then sets down the cup and resting her elbows on the counter top, she responds. “I didn’t think it would be Amy who would be the first one to respond.  I was pretty sure that Trinity Jones would be all over that like a chicken on a June bug but I guess Amy was quicker on the draw.”   Sam looks a bit reminiscent as she peers into space over the IPad, missing the smirk on Colton’s face.  “You know Camo, I wonder what could have possessed her to throw her hat in the ring on that challenge.”

“Maybe Sammi, it is the fact that you would offer her a challenge,” he offers with a shrug.  “I think that she is just like that Trinity Jones person wanting to knock you down a few pegs.”

Sam violently shakes her head.  “Nah, Amy isn’t like that.  She and I are friends and I know that in that ring we are both competitive but when it comes to matches, we can both leave it in the ring.  I have total respect for Amy and I have to admit, I am kind of looking forward to this match.”

Colton looks surprised.  “You are looking forward to it?” he states with the slightest bit of confusion.  “You just told me you were worried about this match and now you are looking forward to it?  Have you taken one too many hits to the head?”

That comment causes Sam to laugh heartily as she fights to breathe.  Holding up one finger as her laughter begins to fade, she is finally able to reply.  “No, no hits to the head.  I realize that yeah, it sounds like I may be a little nutty to look forward to facing a hall of famer but you have to realize that everyone else who faces me are looking to take my title and put me out of wrestling to do it.  Amy however, she’s coming to try and take my title but she is doing it with respect of our friendship and y’all gotta admit that is like a breath of fresh air in this business.  And hellfire, if I lose to Amy, I won’t have a problem with that.”

“You lose Sammi,” says Colton, “God forbid because you are definitely the one that is defining that belt you wear and I don’t think the fans will want you losing the title that you hold for them.”   A self-deprecating smile passes over the face of the champion that she quickly hides it with the cup of tea as Colton continues.  “So where are you facing Amy?”

“Climax Control is in Glasgow Scotland this week,” answers Sam.  “I am leaving Friday to be there for Sunday.  I was set to do a meet and greet at the venue Saturday.  But I am also worried about my…”

Suddenly from behind Colton, his name can be heard by Sam, interrupting her, as he is called back to set.  Offering Sam an apologetic look, he picks up his phone and brings it to head height as he stands and begins to walk back towards the set.  “I’m sorry Sammi, I gotta go.  I’ll face time you later this week.  And don’t worry about your title, it ain’t going anywhere.”

“Bye Camo,” says Sam, “Will talk to y’all soon.”

Both reach for the disconnect button at the same time as the screen goes blank.  Sam sighs as she turns and again leans on one hip against the counter and picks up the IPad and once more swipes across the face of it to her contacts list and opens a whatsapp window that has the image of Ben Jordan as she taps against the glass initiating another call that she puts on speaker to set it down.  The buzz of the call fills the room as Sam once more picks up her cup and sips as the tea, the mantra of ‘pick up up’ echoing off the ceramic of the cup as she drinks and picking up her IPad and walking out of the kitchen.

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<td>What can I say about this week’s challenge from Amy Santino for my bombshell roulette title?  

I could say that I am looking forward to stepping in the ring with Amy and testing my skills against a hall of famer who I have mad respect for.  I know Amy that when I put that open challenge out there, the possibility of you accepting was there and I am glad actually that you did.  When we faced each other last time, I could tell you were distracted and even though it was a hard-fought match, I didn’t you’re your full attention.  I know too that you are someone that could easily take the title from me and I am sure that this time when we step in the ring, the distraction is gone and you will be focused right on me and the challenge of taking my title.

But I want to remind you of something Amy and I know I say this with confidence and that is I am the champion and I have spent the last few months defending the bombshell roulette title for the fans.  That means this week as well I am stepping into the ring to fight for this title I hold, it will be with one thing on my mind and that is retaining my title.  

Granted, there is no way to know what kind of stipulation will dictate the match we will have but there is one thing that you have to be aware of and that is I am fully capable of taking any stipulation and adapting my wrestling style to it.  If that wheel lands on a last woman standing match…been there, done that.  Should that wheel land on a bra and pantie match, then I will have no problem striping you down to your bra and pantie to keep my title.  All those matches and stipulations are just a means to an end and that end is retaining my title.

Since winning the Bombshell Roulette title I have to admit that I never thought I wouldn’t want to stay just the Bombshell Roulette champion.  I had stood as the Bombshell champion and I was the target of everyone with that title.  Then I lost it.  People keep wondering when it will be that I will challenge again for that title and if you really want to know, I don’t think I want to.

I can hear everyone now…’you don’t want a chance at the top bombshell title in SCW?’  If I am honest, you would have to say that right now, the top title in my opinion is the Bombshell Roulette title because it challenges one to adapt and innovate to win the title in a situation that is completely random.  Maybe that is why you jokingly answered the challenge Amy.  Maybe you realized that all the talk and hype of the Bombshell championship was just that, hype.  Maybe you realized that the better title is the Roulette title.  Or maybe it is that you want to have another shot at me because you realize that as friends, this wouldn’t be a kill or be killed situation.

We are friends and stepping in the ring, we know that it is going to be a friendly rivalry that will see both of us give our all but when the dust settles, we can shake hands and share a pint after the match.

The only problem that I can see is what might happen when I win the match and retain the belt.  Because that is my intention Amy, winning the match and retaining my title.  This title is my life, and I wouldn’t want that to change.  So I am going to do what I need to in order to retain it and I apologize now that I am going to be coming to win the title and keep it around my waist.  You know, I keep thinking of something my daddy told me but I have added to it.  And it goes something like this…You don’t tug on Superman’s cape…you don’t piss in the wind and you don’t think you can take the Bombshell roulette title from me.

Win or lose Amy, first round is on me.  And good luck Sunday night. </td>

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Pussy Willow can be seen standing outside of a building in East London, a cameraman standing behind her as he films the door which is slowly starting to open to reveal Sam Marlowe with a small carryon.  Dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, a black tee and boots, she pulls up short as she sees Pussy.

“Hey you,” she calls as she moves out of the door and setting the carryon down, she turns and locks the door of the flat.  “I am just getting ready to head to the airport Pussy for Glasgow.  So if you want to chat, it is going to have to be in the cab,” says Sam as she motions to the taxi that had pulled up to the front of the house.

“Of course, I was just about to say that we need to do an interview for your match and I guess we could do it in the cab,” answers Pussy who then motions for the cameraman to get in the front to film the pair in the back.  Sam slides into one side as Pussy opens the door and slides herself into the other seat.  As the cab pulls away from the curb, Pussy once more speaks.  “I have to say Sam that this week you are in for a fight against your friend Amy.  Given that she is a former bombshell roulette champion so she knows a thing or two about those matches.  Are you worried at all?”

Sam thinks for a moment as she watches out the window of the car at the buildings moving past then answers slowly.  “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried Pussy.  I have seen Amy and I know exactly what she can do.  But I also have to say that she knows what I am capable of as well.  I am sure she has spoken about how she is going to be taking the title from me.  And as much as I respect her, I will respectfully agree to disagree.”

Pussy lets her lips quirk at that comment.  “Are you saying Sam that you don’t think that she will able to take your Roulette title?”

“I am not saying that I don’t think that she will be able to take the title from me, I am saying that I know she won’t be taking my title,” offers Sam.  Before Pussy can say anything, Sam continues.  “I know that Amy is one tough woman but I have to say that I am driven to retain this title because this title is something that I will fight for with every fiber of my being.  As much as people want to challenge for the Bombshell title, none of them recognize just how much better this title is.  This title is something I take pride in and there is no way that I will let it slip from my fingers and that is a promise Pussy.”

“Wow I have to say you are sounding pretty confident,” offers Pussy as the cab moves through the London traffic and then moves to the streets that are indicating the direction to the airport.  “I wonder if Amy knows how confident you are about this match and what she might have to say to you about it.”

Sam shrugs as she looks out the window, barely paying attention to the question.  “I am sure she is going to be talking about how she is coming to win.  Just like everyone else who challenges me.  And trust me, I know she could win easily but she has to know that I am going to be doing everything in my power to retain the title.  So, I guess you could say this is the irresistible force trying to move an immovable object.  I will not be letting the title go anywhere but back on my shoulder after all is said and done.”

“Do you think this will affect your friendship?” asks Pussy.

Sam turns to her friend and smiles while shaking her head.  “Amy and I are able to keep our friendship intact because we both realize that in the ring there are no friends.  This match isn’t going to be a war but it isn’t going to be a love fest.  This is not a best friend’s match, this is a title match with the Bombshell roulette title on the line.  Friends outside of the ring doesn’t mean this is going to be my friend in the ring.  Inside of the ring Pussy, Amy is my opponent and is someone trying to take my title.  That isn’t going to happen on Sunday.”

The car is approaching Gatwick Airport and pulls up to the curb where Sam offers Pussy a smile as the driver gets out of the cab and rushes to open Sam’s door.  “I wish I could stay and talk more but I have a flight to catch Pussy.  I will see you in Glasgow at Climax Control,” says Sam as she pulls a few bills from her pocket and counts out the fare for the cab.  With a wave at Pussy, Sam turns to pull the carryon into the airport and disappears from view leaving the interviewer and cameraman in the cab.

Supercard Archives / Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« on: March 08, 2019, 08:43:47 PM »
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The air of New Orleans is fresh as Sam Marlowe steps out onto a balcony in the French Quarter with a tray of drinks and after setting it on the table, she stretches her body that is covered in a half tee and jogging pants with her feet bare and her hair pulled back and held with a small wire headband with a fascinator over her right ear.  From behind her a feminine groan of pain can be heard.  Sam turns back to see her friend Roberta step through the door, her fist rubbing at her eye and dressed in a pair of Minnie Mouse pyjamas.

“Remind me again why we do this to ourselves,” mutters Roberta as she spies a cup of coffee on the table in a drink tray from McDonalds.  “I swear if my husband tells me next year that I am staying home, I am going to believe him,” she adds before bringing the cup to her lips and sipping at the warm drink before letting the cup lower slightly to a hum of enjoyment.

“We do this because it is a tradition from when we went to college here,” replies Sam.  “We made a pact that each Mardi Gras would be spent here in the French Quarter and the three of us would be seeing who would be the one to get the most beads from the parades.   For the first couple of years it was Edie because she had no filters and flashed everyone in college.”

“Hey, I was sure that it would work and it did…I never had to pay for dinner or anything else for that matter,” teased Edie who stepped out from behind Roberta with a couple of bags of food that she set beside the coffee.  “Oooo is this what I think it is?” she demands as she reaches down to pick up a cup that she opens to reveal a café au lait with sprinkles of chocolate floating on top.  “You are the best Sammi!”

The redhead tosses a grin over her shoulder as she looks down on the quarter, the excitement of Mardi Gras adding a brightness to the view as parade floats are being prepared.  Finally Sam turns to her friends and puts her hands on her hips.  “Okay you lazies, if we are going to get a great spot to watch today’s parade, we have to get a move on,” she tells her two friends who have reclined back on the delicate furniture of the balcony.

“Oh Sam, why do we have to leave this place and get into the push and shove of the people flashing for beads?” asks Roberta who puts her feet up and sips again.  “Last night we had one heck of a night and I just want to recover today.”

“Bobbie, I have to leave tomorrow to get back to Vegas to prep for Blaze of Glory.  I have a real challenge from Trinity Jones and I am taking it seriously.  She seems to want to paint me as someone that doesn’t deserve to have the title I hold and that she is going to take it from me,” states Sam as she reaches up to rub the back of her neck.

Edie rolls her eyes and then raises her cup to Sam.  “Like you really need to worry Sam, you have held this title how long?  It is going nowhere.”

Roberta nods in agreement.  “Edie is right, Sam you need to remember that you have done things that Trinity can only dream of.  You have held the bombshell championship…TWICE!” exclaims Roberta holding up two fingers, before continuing after throwing up a third finger.  “And you have held the Bombshell Roulette title THREE times!”

Both Roberta and Edie keep nodding as Sam moves closer and takes the third seat at the table.  “Okay guys but let me point this out…to have held those titles more than once means I lost a match to lose the title,” she states as she brings her elbow to rest on the table and sets her chin into the cup of her hand with a hmmph of worry.  “I don’t want to have to call myself the four time Bombshell Roulette champion.”

Roberta puts her hand on the shoulder of Sam getting her attention.  “Listen Sammi, we know how you get before a big match and well we have faith in your abilities so you just take today, relax and totally take your mind off the match and enjoy the sights…”  Roberta’s voice trails off as she sees a couple of men preparing for the parade with their shirts off.   She nods at her friends and motions.  “With a view like that, who has time to worry about wrestling matches against other women?”

“Does your husband know you look at other men?” demands Edie with a smirk.  

“He knows I am not blind,” rebuts Roberta.  “He also knows I am faithful and even if I do look…AND I DO…I never ever touch.”

Sam and Edie share a look then all three break out in laughter.  Putting her hands on the top of the table, Sam lifts herself out of the chair and then with a smile to her friends, she heads towards the doorway into the room.  “Well if you two are going to be staying out here, checking out the view…” Sam says as she motions towards the men, “I am going to be the first to have a hot shower and I may not leave you guys any!”

With that final taunt, Sam ducks through the doorway and into the room.  Moving towards the bathroom, she reaches down for the edge of her shirt and begins to work it upwards…

*~ BLINK ~*

The steam of the hot water covered the glass doors of the shower and made it opaque.  Standing there, Sam lets the stream pound onto her shoulders as she rests her palms on the wall.  The water has her hair streaming wetly on either side of her face obscuring it.  A voice can be heard from outside the shower, the words beating the ears of Sam as she sighs and raises up to let the water stream on her face.

“I can’t let her get into my head,” says Sam softly as one hand curls into a fist and slams against the wall gently.  The voice continues to speak, the words of Trinity Jones playing on a loop, each sentence driving deeper into the psyche of Sam.

Eyes closed as the water beats down, Sam remembers back to when she faced Trinity before to a time limit draw and how she kept her title but wasn’t satisfied by the draw.  Trinity’s words keep twisting that verbal knife deeper and deeper into Sam’s head, the cadence of the words matched by the slamming of a hand against the wall until suddenly, the words are cut off.  Standing upright, Sam wipes the water from her eyes and then brushes back her hair as she turns towards the now open door and her friend Roberta standing there, one hand on the pause button of the phone that had been playing.

“Okay Sam, I get it, you are punishing yourself needlessly by listening to someone push your buttons,” offers Bobbie.  “Do you really think that listening to this {expletive} is going to help you in the ring at Blaze of Glory?  Instead of listening to the words of someone desperate to prove themselves, I want you to listen to the words of someone that knows you better than sometimes you know yourself.”

Sam chuckles as she reaches for the taps and turns off the water.  Reaching to the towel rack she pulls a large fluffy white towel from it and then wraps it around her body before stepping from the shower and grabbing a smaller towel to squeeze the water from her hair.  As she does, Roberta moves to sit on the toilet and watch.

“Bobbie, you know I have always been one to have to deal with everyone down on me.  You have seen my sister do that to me and now no matter who I face or what match I step into, that is all they talk about,” admits Sam as she turns and angrily tosses the now balled up towel back into the shower stall.  “I have everyone telling me that I am scared, that I am not a champion that is worth the title.  I let it dig into me and do you know why?”

“I bet you are going to tell me,” answers Bobbie as she picks up and hands a comb to Sam who smiles her thanks.  Starting to stroke the comb through the tangles in her curls, Sam is quiet for a moment before Bobbie speaks up.  “So spill Sammi.”

Sam lets a soft chuckle escape at the impatience of her friend.  “I do it because it drives me to prove them wrong.  What you see as punishment Bobbie is me preparing for my match mentally.  I can’t tell you how many times listening to Cyn has driven me to do better than what she has said about me.  It is the same when I hear everyone putting me down like Trinity has these last two weeks.  Right now listening to her spout off about how I am not a fighting champion that is running from her…goodness knows that I am not hard to find nor am I afraid of anything.”

Bobbie’s eyes widen at Sam’s comment.  “You can’t be serious Sam?”

Sam looks at the mirror and the reflection of her friend.  “Of course I am serious Bobbie.  Oh I make the mistake of letting it get to me a little I will admit but it is a side affect to wanting to be the best.  It’s like most people ask what burns their rear…and normally the answer is a flame about two and a half feet high but for me, it is the put downs from the ones wanting to take my belt.  It fires me up.”

“You are so lucky it is me here listening to this.  If it was Edie, she would be trying to interpret your psyche given that she is the psychologist out of the three of us,” jokes Bobbie.  “Listen to me, the economist telling the English Lit master’s student slash wrestling champion what to do.  Just don’t let it get to you Sam.  I mean who really is this Trinity person to talk about you when she really hasn’t gotten anywhere in SCW.  You are a champion and a dominant one at that if my husband is to be believed.  So all you have to do is remember that you are the champion Sam and she has to beat you, you don’t have to beat her.”

Sam offers her friend a half grin as she brings the comb down the last bit of tangles in her hair and then sets it on the sink side.  “You’re right Bobbie, thanks for the advice.  I guess I can take a break from getting ready to enjoy today and I will deal with Trinity later in the week,” Sam says before looking down at the towel then back at Bobbie.  “And I need to get dressed if we are setting out to find our parade place.”

Bobbie gets to her feet and holds her arms out, wiggling her fingers slightly.  “Bring it in Sammi,” she taunts as she motions for a hug.  Sam gets a nervous look on her face as she backs away towards the door with a giggle as Bobbie follows her complaining why Sam won’t hug her.

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The wheel of roulette title match stipulations is standing in what looks like the backstage area of where Blaze of Glory is set to happen.  The match stipulations run the gambit of pillow fight to pudding match to inferno match to death match and all kinds in between.  Moving to stand beside the wheel, one hand trailing along the edge as Sam Marlowe turns to look towards the sound of footsteps that indicates she is being joined by someone.  Into the view comes Pussy Willow, a camera in her hands.

“I don’t think we are supposed to be here this early Sam,” mutters Pussy as she takes in the champion wearing a pair of dark jeans and a light leather jacket over a halter top.  Sam’s boot heel taps slightly on the concrete as she gives Pussy a look.

“I know,” she replies.  “Do you think this not listening will ruin my good girl rep?”  Hearing the teasing tone in Sam’s voice only makes Pussy huff with irony.  Sam nods as she holds up her free hand in surrender.  “I am just going to be a few minutes Pussy and there weren’t any cameramen available.  I just want to send a message for my match this week to Trinity considering all the things that she has said about me and I don’t want her to think that I am avoiding her because that is the last thing I want her to think.”

Pussy nods in agreement as she films Sam who moves to stand in front of the wheel, her hands reaching out to hold onto two of the pegs as she begins to speak…
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   <td>Trinity I get it now, I really do understand where you are coming from and I have to say that bravo, you have made it known that you are the best striker in this company and maybe you are and maybe you aren’t but that isn’t going to matter in this match at Blaze of Glory.  You are facing me in a match that no one can be ready for.  Well that isn’t completely true.  I prepare for any and all matches to defend my title and when it comes to defending it, I am going to be doing that with no fear and no quit as of Sunday night.  Which then begs the question…what are you going to do when I come like a fury at you to defend my title.  

Since our last match I faced women and each one was a lesson that has brought me to the edge and pushed me further.  But I want to remind you of something…our last match was to a time limit draw.  In this match, there technically is no time limit. You claimed rightly that you did take me to the time limit.  And I will admit you do hit hard but do you have the stamina to face me in a match that could see me take you to an hour or more?  Do you have the desire to see blood just to win a first blood match?  Do you have what it takes to step into a ring or venue or arena that could see me leave you in a pool of blood and pain to be the last woman standing to retain my title.  I have battled in those kinds of matches and I am ready for anything.

The Bombshell Roulette title is something that I value more each day and I am honored to defend it against anyone.  I make each match a title match in my mind and now at Blaze of Glory, you get a title shot.  Which means I see you as an obstacle to burn through on my way to continuing to make history.  

I bet right now you are thinking that you are going to be the next Bombshell Roulette title holder and I have to apologize.  Because if you think that you are going to take the title from me, you have another thing coming.  I am not defined by the title but Trinity, that title is defined by just who wears it and I may be the sweetheart of SCW but do not think that I can’t be a wildcat when I need to be.

So let me wish you luck Trinity because when it comes to that title I am going to be the fire and the fury that will incinerate your dreams of being the Bombshell Roulette champion.</td>

“Wow Sam, where is that from?” asks Pussy who continues to film Sam who just smiles.

“I guess you could say that I got tired of hearing everything Trinity was saying and wanted to remind her just who was the champion.  Is it too much?” asks Sam nervously as she lightly sucks her bottom lip into her teeth to worry it slightly.

“I have been telling you that you need to be more like that Sam,” replies Pussy as she stops recording.  

Suddenly a door is opened as a voice calls out scaring both women who turn to see a security guard moving down the ramp.  The pair look at each other guiltily before moving to join the security guard who begins to question them.  Pussy reaches into a pocket and pulls out her ID and she and Sam talk to security who guides them up the ramp taking notes before all three disappear behind the curtain.

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Supercard Archives / Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« on: March 02, 2019, 11:33:07 PM »
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Cliimax Control – The Face off…

Sam Marlowe and Trinity Jones stood face to face with the title between them, no words spoken.  Sam had heard the words from her earlier in the night.  And she saw as well that Trinity was going to get her wish and face her for the Bombshell Roulette title at the supercard.  

The red light of the camera flickers off as the view heads to somewhere else for the show.  Sam lets the title lower as her lips break into a smile.  Putting the title over her shoulder, she holds out her hand.  “Good luck Trinity,” she offers in a friendly voice but Trinity says nothing only to move off leaving Sam watching her with a bewildered look on her face.

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The door to the Staggs dungeon opens to reveal Sam Marlowe with her hair pulled back into a long braid that hangs over the lapel of a denim jacket that covers a pair of tights and a half shirt that reveals a rather taut stomach.  Wrestling boots hang by the laces from one hand as Sam is rocking a pair of hightops.  Moving into the gym, Sam looks around for her trainer who steps out of the office.  Vixen Staggs is dressed in a pair of tights herself, the name Vixen emblazoned on the side.  A Staggs dungeon hoodie covers the matching top.

“Hey champ,” calls out Vixen, her slight French accent slipping out.  “I got your call but it has me wondering why you called me.  You know you have a standing offer to train here.  What do you need me for?” asks Vixen as she tucks her hands into the hoodie pocket and moves towards Sam who lets the wrestling boots drop at her side.  

“I know I have the offer,” begins Sam as she brings her hand up to the back of her head, rubbing along the back of her neck.  “I guess what I wanted to do is train with someone that could really take me to my limits.  From what I heard at Climax Control, Trinity Jones is going to be coming at me full bore and I can’t let her have the opportunity to get a drop on me.  And you are the one person I know that can give me the training that I need without making me feel like I wasn’t.”  

Vixen only nods as she pulls a hand out of her pocket then pats Sam on the shoulder.  “Well then, since you are here to get your derriere kicked, then you better put on those boots and meet me in the ring,” says Vixen before turning to the ring and moving towards it.  As she walks, she motions for a pair of students to join her.  

Sam watches them join Vixen in the ring as she reaches down to pick up the boots and moves to the ringsteps.  Sitting down on the steel, she can feel the slight cold touch of it as she kicks off the hightops and pulls on the wrestling boots.  “So, where are Spike, Eden and the twins?” asks Sam nonchalantly as she pulls up a foot and begins to tighten the laces.

Vixen reaches up and unzips the hoodie as she casually calls over her shoulder to Sam.  “The kids are at school and Spike is in the office…did you want me to bring him out here or would you rather he not see you get beaten?” she jokes as she pulls off the hoodie and tosses it at the corner.  Turning to Sam, she motions for her to finish and get in the ring.

Sam stands and then slides into the ring under the bottom rope.  Getting to her feet, she looks at Vixen and offers her mentor a smirk.  “What are these two going to be doing?” asks Sam as Vixen leans back into the corner as the first student moves to meet Sam in the middle of the ring.  Before Sam can say anything else, the student lunges and attempts a single leg takedown that Sam manages to barely avoid before shooting a look at Vixen.

“They are going to be training you,” says Vixen as she watches for the student to once more attempt a takedown but Sam sidesteps it and then moves closer to Vix.  “You know me too well so before you and I spar, I want you to face someone that you haven’t before.  Both of these girls can give you an idea of what to do when facing someone you haven’t before.”

Sam thinks for a moment before shrugging then getting her head into the match against the first student.  The pair locks up and the student puts Sam into a headlock but Marlowe sends her into the ropes where she rebounds and comes at Sam with a clothesline.  Taken off her feet, Sam quickly rolls up and stands to face the rebound as the student again bounces off the ropes.  Sam leapfrogs over the advancing wrestler then manages to catch the student from behind when she stops.  Launching her over her head with a German suplex, Sam immediately follows up with the Sammiwrap to quickly have the student tap and Sam releases her.

“Bon…tres bon,” mutters Vixen as she motions for the other student to move to Sam.  This time, the pair circle slowly before locking up.  Neither can gain the advantage as Vixen moves to circle them.  “You have to be ready for anything Sam, don’t let your opponent get the better of you and don’t underestimate them,” states Vixen as she watches the student force Sam into the corner.  Frustrated, Sam holds up her hands for a clean break but the student levels her with a forearm shot that has Sam drop to the mat in the corner.  “You let yourself open up for that attack Sam.  How many times do I have to remind you that not all of your opponents will respect you or fight fair.  Again!”

Sam gets to her feet as she rubs her jaw.  The student smirks as she backs away and then motions for Sam to lock up.  The pair lock up as Sam manages to get under the hold of the student and pushes her towards the corner.  The student holds up her hands for Sam to release the hold but is again caught with a forearm that only staggers her this time.  The student climbs the turnbuckles and launches herself off the top with a crossbody that Sam ducks under.  The student lands hard then she clutches at her midsection as Sam turns to look at her.  Concerned she moves but is warned by Vixen.  Sam cautiously watches and as the student begins to rise, rushes to take her back to the mat with an enziguri before using a schoolgirl roll up for the pin.  Vixen drops to make the count and then taps Sam on the shoulder after the three.

“Something tells me that you are still a little bit of a want to help everyone in that ring and that will cost you if you don’t pay attention.  Now if you ask me, you are ready for any newcomer that thinks they are going to step in the ring in a roulette title match and get the better of you,” says Vixen with a smile.  “You have the advantage when it comes to roulette title matches because you can adapt to any stipulation but that also means that you can’t get cocky.  I have seen film of Trinity Jones and trust me when I tell you that she is ready to take your title.”

Sam nods as she sucks her bottom lip into her teeth and lightly chews it worriedly.  “I know she is a lot of talk but how seriously do I take it?” demands the redhead as she moves to lean on the ropes.  “It isn’t like I have a choice about taking her as a threat.  Anyone in that situation could pull off the upset and I have to give it to Trinity, she is a threat.”

“But Sam, you are the champion and more of a threat than she is,” replies Vixen with a pat to the back of the champion.  “So champ, now that you beat my students…let’s see how you do against a former Bombshell Roulette champion!”

Sam laughs as she turns to see Vixen ready to wrestle, her body in a low pose.  Sam advances and is just about to lock up with Vixen when the door of the gym opens to reveal a familiar redheaded gentleman wearing a letterman jacket in blue and gold with an R on the chest.  His arrival has all the female wrestling students in a frenzy but he only has eyes for one person.  Sam and Vixen move to the ropes where Vixen leans against them as Sam drops and rolls out of the ring to stand in front of Colton.

“I’m here,” says Colton.  “Who was it that you wanted me to meet?”

“I wanted to introduce you to my mentor, trainer and friend,” says Sam as she turns to Vixen and points at her.  “Camo, this is Vixen Staggs and Vix, this is Colton Myers, my…friend.”

“Your…’friend’ is he?” teases Vixen.  

“It’s complicated,” Sam and Colton both say which only draws a laugh from Vixen who slides out of the ring and holds out a hand to Colton.  

“Nice to meet you now if you would like to sit and watch, I have to put Sam here through her paces,” says Vixen before motioning Sam to the ring.  Colton nods and moves towards a bench where he is surrounded it seems by the student who appear to be watching Vixen and Sam in the ring.  Inside the ring, the pair circle and lock up in the middle of the ring as we leave the scene.

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Soft music can be heard to play as the Bombshell Roulette title faceplate is seen then pulled away to reveal Sam Marlowe with the title on her shoulder.  With the belt framed by her red curls, Sam looks calm and confident in a pair of dark denim jeans and a University of Nevada ripped tee over a black half shirt.  Standing in front of her is a cameraman with Pussy Willow standing right beside him.  Sam is motioned at and begins to speak.

“Trinity,” she begins as a hand creeps up to rest lightly on the title as if holding it on her shoulder.  “I know you have gotten the opportunity to try to make a run at this title that I proudly hold.  At Blaze of Glory seven, you are going to be watching the wheel spin to see what kind of match that you will be entering to try to take my title.  And that is all you are going to be able to do is try because I am not in any way, shape or form going to let you take my title.”

Sam brushes a hand through her curls as she pushes them behind her ear.  

“I have to say that congratulations are in order for you getting a title shot at the Bombshell Roulette title and that is no small feat.  But I also have to know if you are ready for what getting a title shot at this title really means.  It means that a wheel will decide what kind of match we are going to be fighting in.  I don’t know about how well you are able to adapt to a situation that doesn’t give you an advantage or not.  I know I have, it seems, an uncanny ability to excel in matches that come as a surprise to my opponents.  Oh don’t get me wrong, there have been some matches where I wasn’t even sure that I would be able to pull it out but here I am, still the Bombshell Roulette champion.”

Pussy moves into view and then smiles at Sam then the camera.  “So Sam, let me ask you this then.  Were you surprised that Trinity was given the shot?”

“Not at all Pussy, Trinity does deserve it.  She has a pretty strong record for the last few matches but like she said, she has been facing hacks and now she is going up against someone that has been making history here in SCW.  Two-time Bombshell champion, three-time Bombshell Roulette champion and the only champion in the history of SCW who has had three one-hundred-day title reigns.  I keep making history, don’t I?” asks Sam with a self-depreciating smile.

Pussy can only nod in agreement as Sam quirks her lips as she tries to think of what else she might be asked.  “If you are facing Trinity Jones, I do have to ask as well, she seems to be mentored by Tony Thorn.  Do you see that as a problem Sam?  He is quite intelligent and he has gotten Trinity this far and perhaps he will give her the winning formula to beat you,” ask Pussy with concern.

Sam thinks for a moment as she wonders just what she wants to say.  “Well, I know that Tony Thorn is a great wrestler, undefeated I believe but that is all well and good facing the superstars of SCW.  But being a bombshell is a little different and when it comes to this title, I am a completely different type of bombshell.   I am the type who rises to the occasion and I am the one that takes the lemons that the Roulette wheel gives out and I make lemonade,” she says with conviction.

Before Pussy can ask another question, Sam continues.  “I won this title and now if you ask anyone, the Bombshell Roulette title and Sam Marlowe are almost synonymous.  I live, breathe and bleed for this title and I am willing to do whatever I need to as the champion in that ring.   I may not fight dirty but that doesn’t mean that I can’t battle hard for the title.”  Sam smiles at that as Pussy takes the microphone back.

“Sam, we have to know, at Blaze of Glory, with Trinity attempting to take the belt, are you prepared if on the off chance that you might lose?” asks Pussy with a serious look that makes Sam’s smile fade.

“Of course, Pussy, I am always ready to be in a situation where I could lose my title and I have been in situations where I was sure I was going to lose it.  But somehow, I manage to dig deep enough to give that one hundred and ten percent and I manage to pull out the win by sheer force of will,” states Sam.  “And at Blaze of Glory, I am going to be a force to deal with so I want to take this opportunity to wish Trinity good luck in her attempt to take this title.”

Sam again caresses the title faceplate, her fingers tracing along the nameplate with her name on it.  Before Pussy can begin to talk, the cameraman motions that the interview is over as he mumbles something about being out of power.  Pussy can’t believe him and moves to check the camera as a ring tone can be heard.  Looking up, Pussy and the cameraman watch as Sam pulls her cell from her back pocket and then with an apologetic smile moves off speaking into the phone after pressing the answer button.

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Climax Control Archives / About to make history in the main event
« on: February 15, 2019, 11:43:56 PM »
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Scene One:  Scream in the Storm
Song of the Moment:  Talking to myself – Linkin Park

“Let’s see what has come of me putting it out there that I have an open challenge for the bombshell roulette championship,” calls out a voice as a red head leans back to slide into a large overstuffed chair, her legs dangling over the arm of it in a pair of knee high socks.  Dressed in a pair of denim shorts with a torn sweat shirt with Stitch on it, Sam Marlowe looks relaxed and happy.  At eyelevel, an Iphone X is lit up with a twitter feed that Sam swipes through, her smile fading somewhat as each post scrolls by without so much as a mention.  Sighing she lets the phone fall as she gnaws gently on her lower lip.

Colton Myers walks into the room with a bowl of popcorn and a pair of beer.  Seeing Sam chewing her bottom lip, he sets the warm bowl of buttery goodness on her chest and then sits himself down on the matching overstuffed chair, the act of which sends a game controller sliding to the floor.  “I know that face Sami, what’s wrong?” asks Colton.

Sam doesn’t answer right away as she fights to sit up and pulls her phone from under the bowl of popcorn.  Setting the bowl on the table between the pair, she sighs once more then shows the phone to Colton.  

“This is what is wrong,” she states in a huff as she waves the phone in Colton’s direction.  “I would have thought that after what I said at Climax Control that I would have at least prompted a reaction out of someone…anyone in SCW.  But obviously I am in no way shape or form even noticed anymore,” Sam adds dejectedly as she pulls the phone back and slumps in the chair.

“That ain’t true,” replies Colton who twists off the cap of one of the beer and holds it out to Sam who reaches out and grabs it to bring it to her lips.  “Hell, you are the Bombshell Roulette champion and didn’t you tell me that you are like the most famous of those?”

Sam chuckles with a roll of her eyes.  “Yeah, most famous according to whom?  Mercedes keeps spouting facts and I have to admit, I do get proud hearing her giving ‘em but that only lasts until I disappear once more from the radar.  It is frustrating.”

Colton can see how much this is bringing Sam down and nods slowly.  Leaning up, he yanks the phone out of her hand which makes her protest.  He looks it over, then with a flick of a finger shuts down the Twitter app and then powers down the phone.

“Give me that!” exclaims Sam.  “I have to…”

“You have to do nothing Sami,” Colton retorts.  “Like you said, you are ignored and aren’t even noticed so use that.   If you get a reaction, that means they see you coming and you know that ain’t the best offense darlin’ and right now, you are flying under the radar and you have the advantage don’t you?”  

Sam thinks a moment as she narrows her eyes at Colton who offers her a lopsided grin.  “Besides, only people you really need to worry about is me and you.  Me because I am going to beat you with this video game and you because you have a title match to get ready for,” says Colton.  “So who is it against this week anyways?”

“Actually it is against my friend Amy,” offers Sam. “ friend Amy Marshall,” adds Sam at Colton’s quizzical look.  “We are actually main eventing the show for my title.  And I am sure that Amy won’t be holding back even though we are friends.  But that I what I like about Amy, she is all fight and no regrets.  I have to say that I am looking forward to the match.”

Colton brings his open beer to his lips and takes a long swig of it.  Pulling it away, he motions towards Sam with the neck of the bottle.  “So then what is the worry about whether or not anyone is paying attention to you Sami.  I am sure that they are watching and besides, this will give you time to prep for facing her.  What kind of wrestler is she anyways?”

Sam ponders that question as her hand hovers over the popcorn for the moment.  “I guess I would have to say that she is one of the stronger women in SCW.  She’s a hall of famer and multiple time champion…and quite ready to take my title if I let her,” answers Sam.  “And trust me, I have seen her do it and I ain’t going to let that happen to me.  I have to go into that ring on Sunday,” says Sam as she brings the neck of the beer bottle to her lips to finish the bottle then sets it beside the popcorn.  “I have to go to the ring and I will have to fight my hardest to keep the title.  And between you and me, I am ready to do just that.  I like making history and when I win Sunday I will do just that.”

Sam beams proudly as she reaches for a small handful of popcorn to toss a couple of kernels into her mouth and crunches them around the smile she offers Colton.  He can’t help but laugh at the comedic look on Sam’s face.  “That’s my girl,” he offers around his laughter before holding up the bottle with a small bit of beer left.  “Here’s to retaining the title Sami,” he toasts the redhead as she gets to her feet and moves towards Colton and leans over him to reach down and grab her phone before teasingly bopping him on the nose.

“Thanks Camo, now are you ready to lose?” she mocks as her other hand pulls the game controller out of Colton’s hand and once more flops onto her chair.

“You’re on!” he replies as the television flashes on and the title screen for the video game appears.

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Scene Two:  Friends make the best Opponents
Song of the Moment:  Friendships – Pascal Letoublon

Sam Marlowe can be seen standing in the ring as the crew is putting the finishing touches on the venue for Climax Control.  One of the technicians comes over and says something to Sam which makes her nod and smile.  He walks away as Sam moves to the middle of the ring and turns to look towards the entrance way where a cameraman can be seen rushing to the ring, his camera swinging at his side.  Holding up her hand, she motions for him to slow down.

“No hurry,” she calls out.  “I am actually going to be here a while so take all the time you need.”

The cameraman stops at the ringsteps and begins to catch his breath as Sam once more begins to pace inside of the ring.  He finally shoulders his camera and then calling out to the redhead he begins to film her as she begins to speak looking down into the camera lens.

“Amy, I want to talk to you about what this week on Climax Control is going to mean to the both of us.  Now I know you know just what the importance of this match is and the fact that you and I are the main event of the show, makes it that much more important,” begins Sam as she moves slightly and is tracked with the camera.  

“First of all, I want to say that you have my respect Amy, you have done it all and with style I have to say.  Grandslam champion, hall of famer, serious threat each and every time you step in this ring.  I appreciate that you are one of the pillars of this division and stepping into the ring with you on Sunday is going to be an honor for me,” says Sam as she puts a hand over her heart.  

“I also want to say that I know we are friends and any other time I would be there for you having your back and giving you all that I could but that is on the other side of those ropes,” adds Sam as she points to the ring ropes.  “Outside there, we are friends, might not be the best of friends, but friends nonetheless.  However when you and I step inside of these ropes, that is where the friendship ends and the rivalry begins.  Because inside these ropes you are coming to try to claim my title and I am trying to retain it.  And I am warning you now Amy, that is all you can do…TRY.   I am going to be retaining the title because I am not going to let it slip through my hands, especially in the main event of the night at Climax Control.  When it comes to this belt, I seem to have an extraordinary ability to shine in the match, whatever match the roulette wheel determines.  I have made my bread and butter in this division on being the bombshell to beat when it comes to the Roulette title.”

Sam brushes her hand through her hair as she half turns away from the camera before speaking again, softly as if not wanting to.  

“I know you are going through some stuff in your personal life that ain’t the best of motivators and I get that but Amy, make no mistake, you need to have your head in the game on Sunday when you step into the ring with me.  I am not going to let you bring your ‘B’ game to this match, you are goin’ to have to make sure you bring your ‘A plus’ game when it comes to facing me for the Bombshell Roulette title.  I am not going to be holding back and I am not going to let your situation take advantage of the friendship I have for you.  If you want to win this title, you are going to have to work for it.”

Sam looks at the camera and slowly a half grin breaks across Sam’s face.  “Tell y’all what, after this match, when I win, drinks are on me for a night out on the town.  And win or lose, we leave it all in the ring and once we step through those ropes we don’t let the match get between the friendship.  So Amy, good luck my friend.”

With that, Sam moves to the camera and offers it a wink before the image of Sam disappears into blackness with only the sound of Sam’s voice being heard to ask if the cameraman had gotten the message.

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Scene Three:  Friends and…Lovers?
Song of the moment:  Can’t fight the moonlight – Leann Rimes

Valentine’s Day, the day when thoughts turn to love and florists and chocolatiers are decimated of their stock in a mad attempt to secure the heart of one’s beloved.  A holiday that Sam Marlowe just can’t seem to get her heart around.

In the romance department, Sam has been rather unlucky in love.  Her last boyfriend was now her brother in law thanks to her sister Cyn.  But that doesn’t seem to stop him whenever the family gets together.

So the redheaded sweetheart of SCW was content to sit at home, fuzzy pink hearts adorning a light silver sweater that accents all the curves of Ms Marlowe.  Complementing the sweater is a black pencil skirt over knee high boots that shine in the dim light of the hallway as she stops to stare into the mirror in her foyer.  With her red curls cascading over one shoulder, she looks soft and feminine, nothing at all like the all business wrestler that she normally appears.  

Suddenly a knock on the door makes her jump nervously as she gasps.  Clutching a fist over her heart, she chuckles weakly before moving to open the door to reveal Colton standing there, a single rose held in front of his chest as he takes in how Sam looks.  A low whistle later, he smiles.  

“You sure clean up mighty nice,” he teases which only makes Sam blush.  Colton holds out the rose that Sam takes and bringing it to her nose, she inhales softly and offers Colton a smile.

“Thanks Camo,” Sam replies as she motions for Colton to come in.  Closing the door behind him, she passes him to head to the kitchen where she finds a small vase for the rose and fills it with water to set the rose into.  Colton follows behind and when Sam turns to move towards the doorway, he is right there.

Nervously laughing, Sam looks into the warm eyes that are looking at her in a different way.  Sam’s eyebrows come together as she tries to figure out just what is going on.  “You want to tell me something Camo?” asks Sam suspiciously as she leans back against the counter.

“Is it that obvious?” he responds as a hand moves through his hair, making it stand on end…more than usual.  “I just don’t know if I should tell you or just let sleeping dogs lie and keep you as a friend.  Or tell you what I am really thinkin’ Sam.”

Concerned at the seriousness of his comment, Sam puts her hand on his arm and offers him a soft nudge.  “We’ve always been truthful with one another Colton.  We can tell each other anything.”

Colton once more runs his hand through his hair before giving Sam a deep look then moving closer to her, his hands moving to her waist to pull her in close.  “I wanted to say…Happy Valentine’s Day Sami, would you be my Valentine?” he murmurs before his lips descend on hers and his arms pull her in for a closer embrace.  

Surprised at first, Sam’s eyes drift shut as her arms move up to wrap around the neck of Colton.  The pair continue the embrace as the scene fades out.  

 The sound of a pair of boots makes a counterpoint to the sharp clacks of heels on concrete as a pair of women walk along the hallway towards the door to the outside of the venue that had hosted Inception three.  Coming into view, Sam Marlowe is dressed in a pair of jeans with a University of Nevada letterman jacket over a Sam tee with damp curls framing a pair of belts over her shoulders and a well-worn duffel bag swinging at her hip.  Beside her strides Pussy Willow with a bag slung over her shoulder and a smile on her face.  The pair are deep in conversation which can be heard as they approach the doorway.

“I knew you were going to win tonight Sam,” enthuses Pussy as she can’t help punching at the air near the shoulder of Sam who dodges the hit with a mock cringe.  “I thought that you did great against Jessie Salco but you had to know you had her number from the moment that the title unification match was announced.  Heck, Mercedes keeps giving the numbers and you are undefeated against her still.”

Sam offers Pussy an answering smile as she looks to her friend and shrugs under the belts that slip slightly off her shoulders.  Steadying them, Sam replies softly.  “You had to admit though Pussy that she really wanted to win the match and I got lucky tonight.  And before you say it, yeah I get that she isn’t going to admit defeat even with losing tonight.”

Scoffing at the response, Pussy nods and continues towards the parking lot after pushing the door open.  The pair exit the building only to spy someone leaning against the wall beside the door.  The man offers a low whistle at the pair which has Pussy looking at him with surprise with recognition appearing in her eyes.  “Oh my god!!!  Sam, it’s that guy…you know the one…Archie Andrews from Riverdale!!  I am basically fan girling here Sammi!”

A low chuckle escapes the man as he pushes himself away from the wall.  Dressed in a pair of denims with a pair of cowboy boots and a South Side Serpents jacket over a white tee.  In one hand is a package of paper that he lets hang at his side.  Sam shakes her head as she turns to Pussy Willow and moves between the two.

“Pussy, relax, this isn’t the guy that plays Archie Andrews..well not the actor.  This is my friend Colton Myers and he is a stuntman that happens to be KJ Apa’s stunt double for Riverdale,” says Sam as she then turns to Colton and points at Pussy Willow who still appears to be fangirling.  “This is my friend Pussy Willow, interviewer extraordinaire for SCW.”

“Pleasure ma’am,” offers Colton as he reaches up to tip an imaginary hat, his Texan drawl making Pussy melt slightly with a sigh.

“It certainly is,” answers Pussy as she moves towards him.  Sam still between the pair holds up her hands and stops Pussy.  

“Don’t you have somewhere to be Pussy?” asks Sam as she points towards the car of Pussy that is parked nearby.  “You told me you were heading to the party at that casino that everyone is talking about.”

“True, hey why don’t you two come with me?” she asked as her eyes devour the body of Colton as a red rush of embarrassment rises in his cheeks and he ducks his head slightly to run his free hand through his already mussed up hair.  “Oh come on Sam!  It would be a great way to celebrate!”

Sam thinks about it for a moment then offers Pussy an apologetic look.  “Listen Pussy, wish I could say yes but I have to get home and ice down my shoulder before too long but listen, you and me can go and celebrate another night ok?”

“What about your friend here?  Could I borrow him as my date at the casino, Rocky Mountains would be soooo jealous!” demands Pussy as she moves to link arms with Colton in a very friendly manner.  “I promise to be gentle with him, girl scout honor.”

Colton takes the hand of Pussy that had curled around his arm and with a regretful look, offers a kiss to the back of it that has Pussy fanning herself.  “As much as that sounds like a great idea, I have other plans tonight.  Maybe another night?” asks Colton.

Defeated, Pussy steps away and moves towards her car and pulling open the door, turns hopefully back to Sam and Colton who has stepped up behind the bombshell roulette title covered shoulder of Sam.  Tilting her head, she makes one more attempt to encourage the pair to join her.  “Last chance Sam, celebration at the casino with yours truly…”

Sam’s nose wrinkles slightly as she shakes her head with a smile.  “I’ll take a raincheck,” answers Sam.  “Have fun and stay safe.”

Pussy nods once then slides into the driver’s seat of the car and waving at the pair, she backs out of the spot and moves through the parking lot leaving Colton and Sam alone in the parking lot.  Sam looks at her friend.  “So, what are you doing here Camo?  I would have thought that you were going to be in Canadia shooting the show,” she asks as the two of them begin to walk towards a beat-up green Chevy.  

Reaching towards the shoulder of Sam with his free hand, Colton grabs the strap of the duffel which stops Sam and he tugs gently dislodging the title belt on that shoulder but managing to hold it in place as he takes the duffel off.  “Allow me, it looked heavy,” he offers before shouldering it himself and motioning Sam to continue.  “I knew you had the big match at this show and I wanted to be here to cheer you on but my plane was late and I got here after the show so I hustled to the backstage door after one little stop.”  With that he holds up the package in his other hand and presents it to Sam who gives him a look then looks again at the package.

“A present?” teases Sam.  “Whatever could it be?”

“You will find out if you open it a little faster there Sami,” Colton teases back.  

Sam opens the package to reveal a small bouquet of blue flowers that look like small clusters of butterflies.  Looking up at Colton she has a surprised look in her eyes.  “Bluebonnets?  Where on earth did you find bluebonnets Colton?” she wonders.

“Bluebonnets from deep in the heart of this Texan,” he teases.  “I had to search everywhere and had to order them special.  I was determined that I have them win or lose for you,” he adds which has Sam giving him a raised eyebrow look of surprise.  I only wish I was here earlier though to see you win your match.”

“I don’t know about that,” offers Sam.  “Jessie really gave me one helluva match, pardon my language.  It was a fight for sure.  But I did it and now all I have planned is take out, a night in and a rather large ice pack and literally Netflix and chill,” she adds as she stops and reaches into the pocket of the varsity jacket and pulls out a set of keys.  “You are welcome to join me if you don’t have a place to stay.  My guest room is yours.”

Slipping the key into the lock of the door of the chevy, she twists it to hear a sharp click as the door is unlocked.  Colton reaches and opens the door after she pulls the key from the lock.  Sam smiles as she gently reaches inside after pulling each belt from a shoulder and folding the straps inward.  Setting them on the seat she turns and reaches for the duffel bag that she adds to the backseat.  Turning once more, she comes face to face with Colton who is smiling down at her.  With her breath catching in her throat, Sam swallows nervously as she looks questioningly at her friend.  “Ummm Camo,” she begins to speak as he leans closer then offers her a kiss on the cheek to whisper “congratulations” into her ear before pulling back.

Sam lets a nervous chuckle escape as Colton moves back then around the car to the passenger side.  Sam looks over at him across the top of the car.  “So,” he says as he pulls open the passenger side door., “what kind of food are we getting and who is buying?”

The intensity is broken as Sam can’t help but laugh as Colton and she slides into the car.  The slamming of the car doors is drowned out by the roar of the engine coming to life as the lights flash on and beam into the half darkness of the parking lot.  Suddenly the chevy lurches into motion as Sam drives toward the exit and the green car merges into the traffic on the Strip.

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Sam Marlowe appears in a small window on a laptop screen with the words Facebook Live under her smiling face.  Leaning back, she can be seen with an SCW tee on and her hair pulled back to be held with a couple of small diamond clips.

“Hey all to my superstars out there, Unified Bombshell Roulette/Legacy champion Sam Marlowe here.  I thought that after the week holiday that I got after Inception three, I would come on Facebook live and let y’all know that I haven’t forgotten you with the break I took to study and the twitter holiday that I had from the drama.  But I am back and I thought that together we could find out if I am actually going to be in the ring at Climax Control this Sunday.”

Sam looks down at her screen as the image of her can be seen showing the SCW webpage.  Clicking on the card page, Sam can be seen looking at the card then smiling as she looks at the camera of FB Live and winks.

“Here we go, first show back and your Bombshell Roulette Honor Legacy champion has a title match.  Now I know that most people would be asking…’Sam, don’t the champions of SCW get to rest on their wins and at least be able to take the time and let other people work for title shots before jumping right into a title defense?’  Well normally that might happen in other companies but not Sin City Wrestling.  See in SCW, the champions are fighting champions and are ready to defend their titles whenever and wherever.  And I am no exception.”

The image lags for a moment as Sam appears frozen before it starts up again.

“I consider myself a fighting champion and that means that I am ready for any match at any time.  In all seriousness though I approach every match like it is a title match.  I am not one to just think that a match is just a match.  And as champion, the best example I can give is to be a fighting champion.  So this week’s title defense is going to be like every other match, fought with intensity to defend my titles the only way I know how…full on straight shootin’ and no surrender.  And there are three reasons for that.  One…the fans.  They deserve my best every night I step in the ring and that is what I aim to give ‘em.  Second are these two little beauties.”

Sam leans out of frame for a moment reaching for something that she pulls into view.  In each hand is a title belt, the SCW Bombshell Roulette title and the Honor Legacy title.

“I unified these two titles at Inception and now as the Unified champion I will be defending them this Sunday on Climax Control.  I guess the saying is true, there ain’t no rest for the wicked or the best.  Sure I can’t really claim to be the best in the company, right now that is Dani Weston.  But there is something I can claim and that is that I am the best Bombshell Roulette champion in the history of the company right now.  And Sunday will just add to my Legacy…see what I did there?”

Sam giggles softly, her hand covering her mouth after she lays the title belt on her shoulder.  

“Now I see that I am facing Pandora Barrett in her first title match here in SCW.  And granted when I scouted the match she was in at Inception, she did amazin’ in that match but I have to wonder if she is ready for a title shot at the Bombshell Roulette title.  I mean it is a very different type of match than she might be used to.  Because y’all know, there is no real way to prepare for a Bombshell Roulette title match because y’all don’t know what kind of match you are going to be in.  I have been in some very violent matches and luckily I haven’t had to defend or fight in a gimmick match but that doesn’t mean that I am not ready to.  See, I prepare by preparin’ to face anyone in any match.  Yeah I have mostly moves and holds that would make me a reckless high flyer with a little bitty bit of technical.  But no matter what happens or where that Roulette wheel lands, that is the moment that I begin to prepare.  I am able to adapt instantly to whatever match that wheel lands on.  I have proven time and again that I am an innovator in that ring when it comes to Roulette matches.”

Sam gets contemplative for a moment as she leans back with the titles resting on her shoulders, the straps pushed up slightly by the back of her chair.  Looking into the camera, she begins to speak again.

“I guess I really should be talking about Pandora and trust me I know that she is going to come out and probably give me a tongue lashing to beat the band about how good she is and how she is going to take my title and maybe just maybe you might luck out but see, the odds are against you when it comes to beating me in that ring.  Pandora, I am a little spitfire that is like a Texas tornado, you can’t stop me when I set my mind on it.  And my mind is made up to keep these titles and that means in no uncertain terms that I will put you down for the count.”

“I am not scared of the challenge nor am I afraid of you Pandora.  The titles will be going nowhere and let me tell you right now, congratulations, you have stepped into the ring with someone that will show you just how hard it is going to be to pry these titles out of my hands.”

Sam once more grabs each title in her hands and holds them up to show the camera.

“Welcome to the ranks of the contenders for the Bombshell Roulette, Honor Legacy championship Pandora.  It means that you have arrived in Sin City Wrestling and you have the chance to win a title here.  Sadly, that chance is slim to none and Slim has left the building.”

Sam laughs at her own jokes for a moment before a beep can be heard in the background that gets her attention.  Sam can be seen looking to the side and then back at the camera.  

“Wish I could stay and chat but that sound right there is telling me that it is time for me to go and get ready to head out for a meeting with my professor about my thesis for my masters.  And as much as I want to stay here and talk to y’all, I need a good mark for my degree so we will talk again and I will see y’all Sunday night when I beat Pandora Barrett to retain my titles.”

Sam leans up into the camera and smiles once more before reaching for the signoff box while waving at the screen leaving it to be paused with the words that Sam Marlowe is no longer live.

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Supercard Archives / SAM MARLOWE v JESSIE SALCO
« on: January 11, 2019, 11:23:39 PM »
 Sam Marlowe opens the door of her house in Vegas and moves to open up her mailbox.  Reaching inside, she pulls out an envelope with a postmark from her hometown.  Letting the lid of the mailbox close, she moves back inside as she slices the envelope open to pull something out of it.  Looking at the photo in her hand, she smiles as her eyes become unfocused as she thinks back to that day…

Disembodied voices can be heard in a large open room where lights and staging areas can be seen.  To one side, Sam Marlowe is relaxing on an equipment box with one knee pulled up to her chest and an arm wrapped around it.  In the other hand, a small book is held up to catch the best light as Hamlet can be seen in gold on the green leather cover.  Sam is dressed in a black and mesh shirt with a pair of black tights and a belt that rides low on her hips.  Completing the look, a pair of black boots with a gleam of patent leather.  

“Samantha darlin’, you look amazeballs,” drawls a rather high-pitched voice as a young fashionably mussed man walks towards her, one hand holding a camera up to focus on Sam who looks up and smiles at the cameraman.  “Don’t you agree Colton?”

Colton Myers dressed in a sweater and jeans smirks at Sam who raises one slow eyebrow.  “Yeah, I have to agree with you there,” he responds before winking at Sam.  “But you might want to have someone do something about those…” he adds as he points to a pair of interns who can be seen watching Sam as she slowly closes her book and then sets it down beside her.

The photographer notices the smirks and moves to wave the pair of interns away as Sam moves closer to Colton.  “I didn’t even notice they were looking but why would you have Lionel chase them off?” she asks her friend who shrugs as he puts an arm around the shoulders of the redhead to guide her towards the set.

“Maybe it was because I ain’t a person that appreciates men ooglin’ a girl I am friends with,” offers Colton.  “Maybe it is because you are special to me or just maybe too much attention is on you and I want some too.”

Sam can’t help it as she clutches at her stomach to hold in her laughter.   “You are too funny Camo,” giggles Sam.  “Jealous of the attention being on me?  That I don’t believe.”

“Must mean that you are special to me then,” he teases as the pair are once more joined by Lionel who sends one final glare at the two before smiling at Sam and Colton.

“I have to tell you that I really appreciate you helping me with filling out my portfolio for my photography final you two.  I mean I could have done the obvious but I think I would be better off using my friends to tell a story.  So here is what I want to see you doing…” says Lionel as he puts himself between Sam and Colton to bring them onto the set but each standing alone.  “Here is the story.  You are a pair of starcrossed lovers…Colton here is a little bit country and you Samantha darlin’ are a little bit rock and roll.”

The friends share a glance as Colton waggles his eyebrows.  Lionel misses that but the giggle from Sam that followed makes him pout slightly.  “Come on you two, this is serious.  Now I want you Samantha to be all like singing and dancing while you Colton give us Marlboro Man look and I will write this story in pictures of the pair of you.”

Lionel nods once in emphasis as Sam gives an answering nod then moves to her mark.  Someone in the large room turns on some rock and roll music that brings a smile to the face of Sam.  Picking up the beat, she begins to sway in time as Lionel begins to shoot her movements.  The sounds of the whirs of each frame of film being taken can be heard faintly under the sound of the music.  Lionel takes a deep breath as he finishes then he holds up a hand and the rock and roll is cut off as a more country sounding song hits.

“Your turn Camo,” encourages Sam as she moves slightly.  Lionel nods enthusiastically as he flutters around Colton to pluck at his sweater and muss up his hair.  Colton fights the urge to brush away his friend’s hand but Lionel is quicker and he moves off to begin to capture the look of Colton as country music continues to play.  

Suddenly Lionel raises a hand then motions for Sam to move in front of Colton who is laying on his hip with an arm curled to hold him up.  “Now here is the joining of the pair…” he enthuses.  “I want you Sam to be cheeky and Colton, you the dark brooding look of a cowboy…”

Sam smirks at Colton raises an eyebrow at the photographer.  “Come on Camo, give us the smoulder,” teases Sam which only gains a grumble of agreement from Colton.  Lionel agrees with Sam as he pulls back.  Colton narrows his eyes slightly as Sam brings up a hand to lightly bite the mesh of the glove in a cheeky pose.  Lionel smiles and then brings up the camera to capture the look.

“I’ll send you the pictures when I am done…” promised Lionel as Sam and Colton came over to see the image which he quickly pulls against his chest.  The pair leave unsatisfied as Lionel looks down into the viewfinder of his camera and nods slowly.

“I think I have to get this framed,” says Sam as she moves further into the house after setting the picture down on the envelope.

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A camera feed can be seen as Sam Marlowe looks intent into the camera lens of a facebook live posting.  She can be seen in her Sam Marlowe baseball tee with her hair curling around her shoulders.  She lets a smile cross her face as she begins to speak.

“Hi to all my fans and thanks for joining me on this Facebook Live post.  Now I won’t have much time to take questions but I wanted to send out a message and let everyone know what is coming up for me and that is Inception Three where there will be title unification matches all night long.  Now if you have not been keeping up with SCW you wouldn’t know about how Honor Wrestling has joined SCW and how the titles for both promotions will be unified at Inception,” says Sam.

Taking a moment to let that comment sink in, she pulls a bottle of water into the camera frame to take a sip before addressing the camera once more.

“And as everyone can suspect, I am also going to be defending my bombshell roulette title against the holder of the Legacy championship in Honor.  And interestingly enough the person that I am facing is Jessie Salco,” admits Sam as she gets a pensive look for a moment.  “How intriguing you have to say.  Jessie Salco who has turned her back on the promotion that has given her chance after chance that she didn’t make the most of.  I mean she is one hell of a competitor but when push comes to shove, she didn’t rise to the occasion successfully here when she faced the champions for title shots.  But she beat one hell of a competitor to win the Legacy championship in Honor.  And she is using that win to justify her turning her back on SCW because she believes that it has let her down…or rather management has let her down.”

Sam thinks for a moment as she brushes a hand through the red curls by her ear, tucking a curl behind it.  “Speaking of…the name of her title is the Legacy championship.  Which makes me wonder, what kind of legacy will Jessie leave behind her after Inception?” muses Sam.  “I think that should she win then she will have deserved to talk about how she is a success and that Mark Ward and Christian were wrong.”
Sam looks to the side then reaching out of shot, she brings in a title belt, her roulette title and sets it against her shoulder with her hand caresses the gold as she continues to speak.  “Jessie has said that she is going to take this title to prove that Honor is better than SCW.  My opinion is, how is she going to react when in that ring I take the Legacy title from her?” offers Sam with confidence.  “We both know how well she does against me in the ring.  I mean Mercedes Vargas has put the numbers out there and if you look at them, there is no chance of Jessie walking out of the ring with the win.  In fact, I am undefeated against her.   Heck, I even ended her second bombshell roulette championship reign in twenty seventeen.  So Jessie is talking out of her…”

Here Sam stops to look down at her title for a moment before back to the camera to change the topic.  “Jessie, I know you desperately want to win this title and I am glad you are getting the chance to try.  But that is all you are going to be doing…Try I mean.  After all, I have so much to prove with the title and when it comes to the roulette title, I am the one that has been defining what it is to be the Bombshell Roulette champion and at Inception Three, there will be no chance of me losing this title and every chance of me taking your title because Jessie, I am that much more desiring of the win.  But I know you are going to be quite the fight so when I win and unify the titles, I am going to know that I earned it by beating you in the middle of the ring,” adds Sam.  “You see Jessie, I respect you as a wrestler, I really do.  However, I also know my skills have been improving and I know that you are going to be one of the hardest challenges I have ever faced when it comes to this match.  But it means that the win will that much sweeter.”

Sam smiles as she says that before once more getting pensive and crossing her arm over her chest as she taps at the tip of her nose with the other hand.  “I suppose I could say that you will be the last ever Legacy champion but I just realized that when I win your title, that will make ME the last Legacy champion in Honor history.”

Sam looks down to the corner of the screen to see the time and sighs before offering the camera a smile.  “I wish I could stay longer but I have to head out and get training for facing Jessie.  So to the fans, thanks for joining me today and for Jessie…Good luck at Inception Three…you will definitely need it.  And with that, I have a message for you Jessie…”

The image of Sam on the screen is replaced with another image…

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Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe's Christmas party
« on: December 21, 2018, 11:54:41 PM »
 The shouts and noise of young children playing can be heard as Pussy Willow and a cameraperson moves down the corridor towards a large room that is decorated with Christmas decorations made from paper and medical equipment.  In one corner, an ivy set up is decorated like a Christmas tree, the heartbeat monitor providing the flashing lights.  Kids in pajamas and hospital gowns are rushing around the room where nurses are trying to get their attention.  Suddenly as Pussy moves into the room, the sound of bells can be heard.

“SANTA!” scream all the kids as the door on the opposite side of the room opens and a figure moves into the room.  The red suit with a furry white trim covers the figure as a rather large sack is over one shoulder as Santa moves into the room with a jolly ho ho ho.  Surrounded by the children, he is guided to a chair in the middle of the wall and pushed into the seat there.  

“Hold on you guys, Santa just got here and needs to relax before listening to your Christmas lists.  So we invited our favorite elf to come and tell us a story,” says the head nurse in a santa hat.  Collectively, the kids moan in disappointment before a cough from Santa has them quieting as a young woman walks into the room dressed as Mrs Claus, a pair of half glasses resting on the tip of her nose with red curls tucked under a red velvet and white mop cap.  The red velvet dress hugs her curves but flares out into a skirt that is trimmed with white.

“Hello there,” says Sam Marlowe in a kindly voice.  “I was asked by Santa here to come and read you a story and well, I couldn’t disappoint Santa, now could I?”  The children agree that disappointing Santa would be a bad thing as Santa himself moves forward and holds out his hand to Sam to guide her to the seat where she settles and pulls out a book.  

“Shhh,” says a nurse as she kneels beside the wheelchair of a young boy who shyly smiles at her before he reaches out and grasps at the hand of the nurse who offers her own smile.   Across the room, a boy snorts and calls out that he wants to talk to Santa.

“You know, if the kids want to have the story after they talk to Santa, who am I to argue,” offers Sam who sees Pussy at the back of the room motioning at her.  The kids shout their agreement as Santa is once more surrounded.  Sam gets out of the seat and moves to allow Santa to sit down.  She moves towards Pussy as a line up starts in front of the Santa figure.  Reaching her friend, she stops and turns to watch the kids.

“So Pussy, how did you know I was here tonight?” she demands softly, barely heard over the squealing of the kids in the lineup.  

“Oh come on Sammi, of course I knew that with it being Christmas and you being you, it was either an orphanage or children’s hospital,” begins Pussy with a giggle.  “That and I called and your sister answered and told me.”

Sam’s eyes roll as she answers the giggle with one of her own. “I should have known, investigative journalist that you are.  But seriously, what are you doing here in Houston?”

Pussy looks at her friend.  “I’m here because I know you weren’t at the show on Sunday and you have a match this week at the last Climax Control that I really need to talk to you about.”

Sam crosses her arms and quirks an eyebrow to take in Pussy who is quietly motioning for the cameraman to start to filming.  “Pussy, I was at an airforce base, not the ends of the Earth.  I heard about my match coming up this week and I have to wonder why I was chosen to team with Cat Riley.   But wondering that won’t stop me from teaming with her or helping her win.  I couldn’t let anyone down when they are teamed with me.  So I guess that means that Cat and I will be making the best team in that match.  But one of the things that I don’t know is who we are facing.”

“That is an interesting thing…you are facing Crystal Zdunich or Hilton,” says Pussy before continuing, “and her friend and enforcer Mercedes Lewis.  This is a team that have teamed before and are friends so they seem to have the advantage in this match.”

Sam watches the kids with Santa seeming to have not heard what Pussy has said.  Pussy begins to speak but Sam holds up her hand for a moment.  “I heard what you said and you know, they may be the best of friends and they may have teamed before but you have to ask yourself just who is this Mercedes Lewis?  Have we seen her in SCW before?  Have we seen her wrestle or even grace a ring in SCW?  Not really and if that is the case, how much do you think we need to worry?”

“But Sam, she is teaming with Crystal Hilton,” adds Pussy.

“Oh and that is supposed to scare me?” teases Sam with a gentle nudge against the arm of the interviewer who laughs.  “I suppose you could make a case for the fact that it was Crystal who took my title when I was the Bombshell Champion and I will freely admit that yes she did win the title from me but you also have to remember she needed to cheat to do that.  And I am a little bit older and a little bit more ringwise and I am able to see her for what she is and I know my limitations and believe me Pussy, when it comes to wrestling, I have stopped limiting myself.  So when I get in that ring, I let myself go and I hit that ring full throttle and nothing stops me when I put my mind to it.”

Pussy nods but speaks up as the cries of the kids seems to mute.  Motioning for Sam to follow her, she moves to the windows where the sunset is bright and frames Sam.  “Listen Sam, I know that you seem to think that you can talk all tough and that but in reality, you have one hell of a match coming up before Christmas and you have to give credit where credit is due and that is the fact that Crystal has had your number in the past and…”

Sam again holds up a hand to interrupt Pussy.  “I appreciate what you are trying to say but you have to realize that I am more confident nowadays.  See I used to feel that I wasn’t the capable wrestler that I am now.  See, two years ago when I faced Crystal, I was the young rookie and was so unsure of myself but now, after what I have gone through these past two years and the fact that I have won more titles and I have climbed mountains that others can only dream of, I know that I am going to be better than Crystal at Climax Control.  And besides, have you seen my partner?  She will definitely have her eyes on Crystal considering that she will be facing her at Inception.  So I guess that means that I am going to have to keep my eyes on Mercedes Lewis.”

A nurse moves towards Sam and Pussy who are talking.  “Excuse me Sam but the kids are almost finished with Santa and then it will be storytime, so giving you the five minute warning,” she says.

“I’ll be right there,” replies Sam who smiles and waves.  Pussy moves beside her once more as the pair turns towards Santa.  “So, Sam,” begins Pussy.  “What about Mercedes Lewis, she is completely unknown in this match and I am afraid that might be the mystery factor that could lead to Crystal and Mercedes to win.  Thoughts?”

Sam thinks about it as she chews softly on her lower lip.  “I guess you could say that Mercedes may prove to be the unknown factor but then again, you have to realize that in any match there are going to be many factors that could affect the outcome but I have to say again, I am confident that I will be prepared for whatever is going to happen in the ring.  And with that last comment, I have to get back to the kids,” says Sam who begins to back towards the chair again as the Santa sitting there stands and dusts off the seat.

“Good luck Sam,” calls out Pussy who then moves to the side of the room and has the cameraman continue to film as Sam sits down on the chair and opens the book at her side.

Sam begins to read the story as children settle around her.  

“Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…”

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“And I heard him call e’er he drove out of sight, ‘Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.’”

A small redhaired child sat on a small cushion and stared up at a Santa lookalike sitting on the chair in the middle of the room.  She is dressed in a long nightgown and had a small tube attached to an iv machine.  

Suddenly a man can be seen leaning down over the small redhead. “Hey princess, don’t you think you want to come with me to see Santa,” he offers.

Little Sam Marlowe shakes her head slowly as she gets to her feet.  “No Daddy, I don’t think that Santa can give me what I want,” she says slowly before she puts her hand in her father’s and turns to walk out of the room.

“How do you know Sammi,” asks her father as he follows her, holding her back enough to make her stop.  “You don’t know if you don’t ask.”

Sam hangs her head and then without speaking, she moves towards Santa.  The man reaches down and pulls Sam onto his lap.  “Well now little girl, what can Santa do for you?”

Sam looks to her father then back at Santa and leans up to whisper into the ear of Santa.  He listens then pulls away in surprise as Sam sighs and speaks out, “I know it will be really hard but Daddy said I should ask.”

Disappointment has Sam’s shoulders drooping as she moves to the tree that is set up across the room.  Her father moves to talk to Santa who lets him know what it was that Sam wanted for Christmas.  Once he finds out her request, he moves to Sam and taking her hand, he moves to the window with her and sits on the sill to be at her height as he smiles at her.

“Sammi, why didn’t you tell me what you wanted for Christmas?” he asks her.

“Daddy, I know that me asking for that was just going to be disappointing.  I wish we could all be home for Christmas instead of here,” says Sam as she waves her hand to take in all the room.  “I know we can’t Daddy but like you wanted me to, I asked Santa.”

“Princess, sometimes there are things that have to happen like having to be in the hospital over the holidays but it is important to have family around you at a time like this.  I know you don’t like being here but you are here to get better.  So we can have more Christmases.  But I think we can do something for your Christmas wish…”

:End flashback

“And I heard him call e’er he drove out of sight, ‘Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.’”

Sam’s voice fades as she offers a smile to the kids who are sitting around her.  Closing the book, she looks at the kids then motions towards the door where the parents of the children appear.  The squeal of the children as they are joined by their families as others come in and begin to load tables with snacks and drinks for everyone.

The nurse comes over and smiles at Sam.  “This tradition that you and your father started really brings the Christmas spirit to the kids here,” she says.

“I know that I had to do something,” offers Sam.  “I remember wanting to have family with me for a Christmas feast when I was sick made me feel better.  And I thought that I would continue it.  Sadly this time I had to have it so much earlier in the season because I have to be in Nevada for Christmas.”

“Well Merry Christmas Sam,” the nurse says.

Sam offers a smile to the nurse who is joined by a child who pulls at her scrubs to get her attention.  Sam waves her off and moves towards the drink table and picks up a glass and raises it as she is once more joined by Pussy.  “So Sam, can we finish what we started earlier?”

Sam smiles and nods.  “I tell you what, let me just give one last comment and then I am going to finish this party with the kids here.”

Pussy quickly motions to the cameraman to film Sam who looks directly into the lens.

“Crystal and Mercedes, tis the season for giving and fulfilling wishes and this week at Climax Control, I am going to be doing just that.  I am going to be giving you all of my attention in that ring and when I am standing across the ring from you, I will be giving you the fight of your life.  And I will be Sammi wrapping it especially for you.  Another thing I am going to be doing is fulfilling the wish of beating you and my wish of walking into Inception and the New Year with a win,” says Sam.  “You know that you are going to be in a fight when this Bombshell Roulette champion tags with Cat Riley and the two of us beat you on Sunday.”

Sam smiles widely before reaching for some glittery tinsel and putting it around her shoulders, she once more addresses the camera.  “I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Season’s beatings to you and Mercedes Crystal.”

Sam dissolves into a fit of giggles as does Pussy as the cameraman presses stop on the camera as the scene fades out with the children surrounding Sam and Pussy to laugh with them.

Climax Control Archives / Main event, three champions, oh my
« on: December 07, 2018, 11:55:52 PM »
 “So this is Canadia huh?  Looks pretty special,” muses a voice as a pair of redheads walk along the set where filming is being done.  The woman has on a pair of jeans, dark doc martins and a bomber varsity jacket with University of Nevada emblazoned on the chest.  Long red curls hang down her back and a pair of silvery shades hold them in place as Sam Marlowe is walking along.  Beside her in a very recognizable costume is a red headed Colton Myers who has his hair slicked up in an organized mess that he runs a hand through to make it wilder if possible.

“Yeah, special for sure,” he teases back with a smile.  “You got to agree it is beautiful up here,” he adds as he opens out his arms to take in the view.  In the distance, a sign indicating Riverdale is seen as Sam stops.  

“Did I tell you again thanks for inviting me up here,” offers Sam as she sticks her hands into the pockets of the bomber jacket.  “Been kind of wandering to say the least with nothing to do right now.  Got my thesis well in hand and my wrestling isn’t moving too fast right now.  I would have figured that they would have me wrestling way before this but all I have been able to do is a couple of in ring promos,” says Sam as she looks to the sign then back at Colton.  “Hey I can’t say I am unhappy with that.”

Colton chuckles as she blushes.  “Sam old Sami, always wantin’ to make others happy and to not complain.  You know this is me right?”

Sam’s cheeks flush a deeper pink as she ducks her head which adds to the laughter from Colton.  “Hey, I ain’t one of those people that change to suit needs or anything,” replies Sam.  “I guess it is one of those things that makes me…well me.”  

Saying that, Sam turns to begin to walk along the set as Colton moves to walk beside her.  When she doesn’t stop, he moves in front of her to force her to stop before putting his hand onto the shoulder of Sam who looks at him with a sigh and a quirk of her lips.  “I don’t think that you bein’ the way you are is a bad thing Sami.  Hell, not many people tend to stay the same when push comes to shove.  Some take the low road and other just make paths for themselves.  Truth be told, I kinda like the fact you haven’t changed.”

Now it was Colton’s turn to blush as Sam’s quirked lips widen into a smile.  “I am sure Camo that you like the fact because it kept us out of so much trouble,” says Sam as she tilts her head slightly and reaches out with one hand to poke Colton in the midsection.

“Camo?” says a voice to the side who moves into cameraview, the accent clearly indicating the person is a New Zealander.  Sam is surprised as KJ Apa moves into view dressed just like Colton after pulling on a shirt.  Looking like twins has Sam shaking her head.  “Who’s Camo?” he asks again.

“Guilty,” says Colton as Sam points towards him.  KJ looks confused and Sam quickly speaks up.

“My daddy was a Lone Ranger fan and one day he and Colton’s dad were talking and Daddy called him Kemosabe,” begins Sam as she looks off into the distance but more in nostalgia.  Well Colton here has the initals CAM and mine are SAM, we decided that as best friends we would use that Kemosabe idea with our name so he became Camo and I was called Sami.  Kinda paraphrased the Kemosabe with CamoSami.  Just really nicknames,” offers Sam who looks up at her friend who is standing behind her, his hands on her shoulder.

“Keen, that is mean as!” enthuses KJ before pointing back at the set where a bunch of people can be seen.  “I came to get you for the next shot, looks like they have me doing something dangerous and need you to fill in.  Nice to meet you by the way,” he adds as he backs away.  

Colton moves in front of Sam and offers her a halfhearted grin with a hand over his heart.  Backing away slowly, he nods once.  “Work is never done,” he offers before motioning her to follow him.  As the pair reach the set, Colton removes the jacket and moves towards the set up for the shot leaving Sam to watch from the sidelines.

Standing there watching the action and seeing Colton doing his job, Sam feels a buzz against her hand and pulls out a cell phone that has a text on it.  Taking her eyes off Colton for the moment, she turns to read the text which is from an admin at Sin City Wrestling that is providing Sam with her match information for the next edition of Climax Control.  Reading it, the soft murmur of a not so bad expletive is heard as Sam raises her head in disbelief.  Turning to see Colton in the middle of a stunt, she puts the phone back in her pocket and begins to wander off set and around some of the actor’s trailers before once more pulling her phone out of her pocket.

Looking around, Sam presses a button and begins to record a rather choppy “Blair Witch” kind of film.

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Hey y’all, Sam Marlowe here to talk about what is going to be happening come this Sunday at Climax Control when yours truly steps into the ring with a surprise partner in a tag match that everyone saw coming.  Sunday night I am teaming with Dani Weston, the current Bombshell Champion, can you believe it?  I couldn’t when I saw it but let me tell y’all, I was over the moon when I thought about it.  And why wouldn’t I be?  Dani Weston is a helluva wrestler and she is the champ after all.  And considering that I am the Bombshell Roulette champ, this is a tag team made in a booker’s heaven if you ask me.

And as you all know, the Bombshell titles in SCW and the women’s titles from Honor Wrestling will be up for grabs at Inception coming up in January and we both need to prove that we are definitely going into that supercard with all the intentions of unifying our titles with the matching titles from Honor Wrestling.

And speaking of Honor Wrestling, I have to say I am not that familiar with it but truth be told I have been scouting the talent ever since Honor joined the SCW family.   I have seen the woman known as Alicia Lukas and oh my goodness, she is on fire here in SCW.  She is tough and ready to mix it up.  She is also full of herself and knows what the business is about and will no doubt be talking about how she is dominating and that she will win this match on Sunday because she is who she is.  I hope though that she isn’t counting us out…because I have this sayin’, “Underestimate me…it will be fun.”  I really got this feelin’ that is exactly what Alicia is doing, underestimating just how good Dani and I are.  And when she does that, it means that she’s going to be cocky enough to let her guard down and that will be the end of that.

Then we have her partner and the current Honor Legacy champion, Jessie Salco.  What can I say about her that hasn’t already been said?  The perennial whiner who can’t seem to catch a break in SCW when it comes to titles.  But she goes over to Honor and wins a title there and crows like she has the world at her feet and no one can beat her.  Well, sad to say, when it comes to Jessie Salco, there is someone that has her beat and that is me.  I don’t think she realizes that she is going to have to face the two most dominant women in Sin City Wrestling.  There are reasons that Dani and I are champions and those same reasons will be why we are going to be having our arms raised in victory Sunday night and then come Inception, it will be our titles absorbing the Honor ones and Dani and I will be crowned the champions leaving Jessie in the dust to once more begin to whine when she doesn’t have a title.  

And Dani, I hope you know that since we are tag partners, I am there for you one hundred percent and I ain’t going to be letting you down.  Jessie and Alicia have tagged before so I hear and that might give them the advantage for all of a hot Texas minute but one thing is sure, just because we haven’t teamed before doesn’t mean that we don’t have the skill and the ability to best them in the ring.  

Maybe I should be talking up my abilities and the championships I have won.  Tooting my horn ain’t my style though.  I get into that ring and I do what I do best and that is shine like the star I am.  See, y’all ain’t fightin’ just me in that ring.  I am bringin’ all the fans with me because the title I hold is their title and I will be damned if I am going to let them down…

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The sudden ringing of the phone cuts off the recording as Sam scrambles to answer it.  On the other end, a familiar voice can be heard.

“Hey Sammi, it’s Pussy, was wondering if you would give me an interview for your match on Sunday.  I got a sound byte from the others in the match and you are the last hold out,” says Pussy as her image appears on the screen in a face time window.

“Hey Puss, yeah I got a sound byte that I just recorded so I will send it along to you,” answers Sam before pushing against the screen to open the file send button on the face time and ships off the recording to Pussy.  “Sent.  Now I have to be talking interview time here, think you can maybe ask me a question or two about the match coming up.  No one tends to do the old school interview after all.  I’ll be back in Vegas tomorrow so why don’t we set something up?”

Pussy can be seen nodding her head.  “I’ll grab a cameraman and meet you for lunch?” asks Pussy.

“It’s a date,” answers Sam who smiles to someone offcamera.  “But got to go, Colton’s looking for me.”

Sam begins to walk towards the young man as Pussy’s voice can be heard coming from the phone.  “Colton…who’s Colton?  Sam…SAM!!”

Pressing her thumb against the hang up button, Sam joins Colton as she slides the phone into her pocket.  The pair head back towards the set quietly talking as the rush and bustle of filming happens around them.

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Pussy Willow can be seen sitting in a banquet in a restaurant, her cameraman beside her fiddling with the camera as a familiar redhead approaches in a dark dress and ever-present doc martins.  With her hair pulled up in a long pony, Sam Marlowe looks relaxed and calm as she slides into the seat across from Pussy Willow.

“Okay Sam, spill…” begins Pussy with a curious look on her face.  “Just who is this Colton and why haven’t you told me about him?”

Sam sets her hands on the table, a blush stealing over her face as she answers.  “Colton is a friend, only a friend.  We have known each other forever and his daddy and mine are business partners.  Satisfied?”

“Not really until I see some evidence of this Colton.  But that isn’t why we are here is it?  You wanted to do an old school interview so that’s what we are going to do.  So counting down…five four three…” Pussy mouths the last two numbers then puts a smile on her face as the cameraman films the pair.  “I am here with SCW Bombshell Roulette title holder Sam Marlowe who will be defending and possibly unifying her title with the Honor title held by Jessie Salco at Inception.  This week however, you are in a tag team match against Salco and her partner, SCW newcomer, Alicia Lukas.  What are your thoughts?”

Sam pauses for a moment before beginning to speak.  “Well Pussy, my thoughts are that this is going to be a main event the likes of which have been seen before but will quite possibly never be seen again.  Time and time again, the champions have tagged together against possible opponents and Sunday night is no different but different at the same time.”

Pussy looks confused for a moment before Sam continues to speak.  “From that look, I guess I must be talking in riddles.  Let me make things clearer.  Sunday night, I am walking into that ring with the Bombshell Roulette title over my shoulder and I am going to be expected to tag with the SCW Bombshell champion Dani Weston.  Now I know that I really ain’t a tag wrestler but I give my all in that ring and if that means tagging with Dani then that is what my focus is going to be on, tagging with Dani and not letting her down,” offers Sam.

“Okay…” replies Pussy.  “You do know you are facing Jessie Salco and her partner.  First, tell me what you think about having to face Jessie when in a couple of weeks, you will be facing her to unify her title and yours at the supercard.  Will that give you pause in this tag match this week?”

“What it is giving me Pussy is a chance to scout out Jessie as Honor champion.  See, I have seen her in the ring in SCW and admittedly, I am undefeated against her in that ring but here she is coming into this match defending Honor and not the company that she seems to believe has let her down.  Question is I guess, did it let her down or did she let it down?  I mean she has demanded, whined and basically made herself into a nuisance for title shots only to fail.  What does that tell you?”

Pussy nods as if the information Sam has given was the wisdom of the ages.  “That is all well and good Sam but she is tagging with undefeated Alicia Lukas.  This is someone you haven’t faced before and do you think that is a disadvantage for you?”

Sam chuckles as she wags her finger at Pussy.  “Nice try Pussy but I am not going to fall for that,” says Sam.  “I have not faced Alicia Lukas but from the sounds of it and her, she is someone along the lines of a Mikah with her ‘I am better than you’ talk that only puts her in one place and that is right in my crosshairs.  I hope she’s done her studying about how I do against people that think they are the end all and be all of the wrestling world.  I hope she realizes that when it comes to people that thinks they are all that, I make them respect me in that ring.  So I ain’t going to brag and I don’t see Alicia as putting me at a disadvantage at all.  Maybe just maybe I am putting her at a disadvantage because I know exactly what she is like and I know exactly how to take someone like that down.”

Sam leans forward confidently as she continues.

“And as for Dani Weston, before you ask, I am not going to bring her down, she has earned my respect and I hope that I have earned hers.  Because this Sunday, the pair of us are fixin’ to beat Jessie and Alicia in the middle of that ring.”

“Sounding confident Sam,” offers Pussy.  “Last question…anything you want to say to Jessie about Inception?”

“Only this,” begins Sam, pushing her hair back before she speaks again.  “Jessie Salco will be bringing her Honor title to the ring at Inception and when she does, she will be facing the Bombshell Roulette champion who has every intention of taking her title and merging it with the Bombshell Roulette title.  And once that is done, I will defend it like I defend my Bombshell Roulette title, with and for the fans.”

With that, Sam is interrupted by the waitress who delivers a drink to set it in front of Sam.  The two friends end the interview as they give their orders to the waitress as the camera is switched off and the scene goes to black.

Supercard Archives / EVIE BAANG (c) vs SAMANTHA MARLOWE
« on: November 09, 2018, 11:29:20 PM »
 The sounds of the Super Mario Bros fill a room accompanied by laughter and comments spoken in Texan drawls, one sounding masculine the other a familiar feminine voice.  Sitting in front of a large sectional on the floor, the young man is leaning back against the couch dressed in a Titans jersey and a pair of worn and comfortable jeans.  Sitting beside him, Sam has her curly red hair held back with a silvery headband, a Sam Marlowe tee(sold on SCW Shop) and a pair of jeans with scuffed and ripped knees.

“Y’all are cheatin’ Colton,” says Sam Marlowe as she begins to button mash the controller in her hand, her tongue poking out to pull her lower lip inward to catch it with her teeth as she moves Mario across the screen of Mario Bros III.  Catching a tanoki suit, her Mario turns into a raccoon and flies up into the sky to catch all the coins there.

“Cheatin’ like hell I am,” Colton retorts as he reaches for the bowl of popcorn sitting between the pair.  “But you promised me that we would be talking about what you are doing now.  I hear you got a career going as a wrestler, can’t say I saw that comin’,” he adds before tossing a couple of kernels into his mouth.

Sam shoots him a side eye as she continues to rack up points.  Finally, she completes the level, leaping to stop the roulette at a star.  Motioning for Colton that it is his turn, she leans back against the side of the couch and smiles slightly.  “So, what do you want to know?” she asks.

Colton moves Luigi down to the next level and presses the “A” button to start the level.  He spares a glance at Sam who winks.  “Tell me why you got into wrestling,” he asks as he begins to guide Luigi along the level.  “I mean Sammi, wrestling wasn’t even on your radar when we were kids.  I remember a tomboy that was going to be playing in the NFL for the Titans.”

“The tomboy is still around but when Cyn started with Sin City Wrestling I was just finishing up college and I went to a show once,” begins Sam as she picks slightly at the frayed edge of her left knee that she has pulled up to her chest.   “I watched it and I thought that I could do that so I asked her to train me a little and then I tried out for the company.  They hired me after scouting me in a Podunk federation.  Then they put me in touch with the person I consider my real trainer, Vixen Staggs.  The rest is history and can be found on the website.”

The sound of Luigi dying brings Sam’s attention to the television screen.  She giggles with glee as Colton sends the controller skittering across the table.  Sam leans up to pick up her controller but is stopped by Colton who can only grimace in a smile as he shakes his head.  “I give Sam, you got me,” he says as he moves closer to her.  “Besides, I don’t have much time off and I would rather be catching up and not losing badly in this ole game.”  

Rising to his feet, he holds a hand out to Sam and pulls her to her feet as well.  “So much time has passed since we went away to college and I was sorry we lost touch with my family moving away and all,” he offers.  “Besides, with you getting so old and all…” Sam’s mouth drops open in surprised shock before Colton’s wink makes her snap it shut again. “I want to get back to the CamoSammi of when we were kids.  I miss that friendship.”

Sam ducks her head and nods in agreement.  “I know what you mean.  I miss our chats too.  I would have loved to been able to tell you about my wrestling and going for my masters,” says Sam as she reaches down for the popcorn then curls up on the couch.  Colton slouches into the corner of the sectional facing Sam.

“Were you surprised I came to your birthday?” wonders Colton.  “I was surprised at that Monte guy being all handy grabby.  Isn’t he married to Cyn?”

“Yes, yes he is but before he was, he and I were kind of an item for a while until he decided I should be more of a submissive girl rather than an independent woman.  Do you know he actually tried to get me fired as a wrestler?” she asks with an incredulous look on her face.  “I actually had to fight him and my sister to keep my job.”  Colton looks surprised at that.  Sam nods sadly before brightening and leaning back.  “Yep but I didn’t hold back and I kept my job.  And I won a couple of titles along the way.  And speaking of titles, I get another shot at one at High Stakes coming up next week.  The roulette title for the bombshells.”

“Roulette title?  What is a roulette title?” he asks as he reaches towards Sam’s lap and the bowl of popcorn resting there.  “I get roulette and all.  Does this mean you are gambling for the title?”

“Not exactly…” offers Sam as she pulls her feet up underneath her.  “They spin a big roulette wheel with different types of matches on it and whatever match it lands on, that is the match we wrestle.  Could be anything from a pillow fight to a death match.”

“And you do this volunteer to do this?” demands Colton.

“If you are challenging for or defending the roulette title, you kind of have to.  And not to brag, I am kinda really good at it,” adds Sam proudly.

“Really good at it,” sneers a voice from the doorway where Monte and Cyn can be seen dressed to head out of the house.  Monte in a suit jacket and dress pants that match the dark navy of the dress worn by Cyn, the two smirk as Cyn nods towards a now slightly angered Sam, her smile widening as she realizes that once more she has gotten under the skin of her younger sister.  “She would like to think she is good but in reality, she is nothing more than a half talented wrestler with a gold horseshoe shoved directly up her…”

“Thanks Cyn,” growls Sam as she motions for the pair to leave.  “Don’t you have to be somewhere or something?”

Monte pushes up against Cyn and puts his arm around her waist.  “Sam is right darlin’ we do have lunch at the club today with Daddy,” says Cyn, her sneer belying the friendly tone she has taken.  “We’ll leave you two to talk about the unremarkable career that Sammi here has chosen.”

Monte and Cyn leave with a final poisoned grin and soft chuckles.  Sam harrumphs and slides deeper into the sofa.  Colton shoots her a questioning look.  “Typical Cyn,” offers Sam with a wave in the direction of where Cyn had been standing.  “She compliments you while sticking a knife in your gut and twisting hard.”

“Let it go Sammi,” offers Colton.  “Besides, wrestling is a career.  Some would say my job ain’t all it is cracked up to be.”

Sam looks at Colton, wonder on her face as she pushes herself up to face him more directly.  “Y’all never said what it is that you do for a living,” Sam says.  “Don’t tell me, international spy or something right?”

Chuckling, Colton twists his fingers into a gun and points it at Sam.  “Call me Myers, Colton Myers!” he exclaims before pretending to shoot Sam who falls backwards ‘dead’ but totally spoiling it by laughing.  “Seriously, I ain’t an international spy.  I am something more down to earth.  I work in entertainment…”

“Just like me?” interrupts Sam.  “I mean in sports or acting, not wrestling.”

“Sorta, I’m a stuntman.  They got me doing the stunt work for that new Riverdale show up in Vancouver,” replies Colton.  “I have to head back by end of the week.”

“OMG I should have guessed that,” answers Sam as she pulls up her two hands and makes a camera viewfinder, “you look like that guy playing Archie.  It’s kind of a guilty pleasure for me, Riverdale I mean.  Always gotta love a ginger like my friend keeps saying.”

“Anyways, I do the stunts for that show so maybe should invite you up to Vancouver, show you around and all that,” he offers.  “I’m leaving in the morning for shoots this week.  Why don’t you come with me?”

Sam looks dejected a little.  “Wish I could but I have to get back home to Vegas to get ready for the supercard.  I got some training to do and I am sure my friend wants to do an interview for the show too.  Can I get a raincheck?”

Colton nods, a shy smile crossing his face as a hand moves to brush through his hair making it stand on end and giving him a boyish look.  “Only for you Sammi, and only if you get me a ticket for this High Stakes thingamabob.”  Looking down at his Apple watch as it rings with a telephone number, he shoots up from the couch and leans towards Sam.  “Gotta go Sammi,” he says hurriedly before planting a quick peck on Sam’s cheek.  “Text me the ticket.”

He begins to rush from the room only to stop as Sam calls out that she doesn’t have his number.  He turns back and seeing her cell phone on the table, picks it up and begins to try to unlock it.  Sam pulls it away from the muttering Colton and unlocks it before handing it back to watch him enter his contact info.  Flipping the phone at Sam, he offers her a cheeky grin then backs away before turning to leave her in the room shaking her head and looking down at the contact information.  Colton is gone as Sam stands and tucks the phone into the pocket of her jeans as her other hand grabs the popcorn.  She turns to leave only to feel the vibration of the phone.  Pulling it out, she sees a message from Colton which makes her smile.

“Good Luck Sammi!” heart Camo.

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A room bare of anything except the SCW roulette wheel with all the matches on it can be seen where the footsteps of a pair of heels can be heard approaching.  As the bombshell appears, it is Sam Marlowe with her hair pulled back into a long curling red ponytail that shines in the bright harsh florescent lighting of the room.  Moving closer, she runs a hand over the wheel and lets her finger trace a match type before she begins to speak.  She is dressed in a tight pair of jeans with a roulette tee tied in a knot at the small of her back.

“Evie, I know I have been pretty quiet and I haven’t really been talking much about anything concerning our match that is coming up at the supercard and I have a very good reason for that.  See, I was at home in Houston where my family helped me celebrate my birthday and I took time for me.  But that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t focused at all on our match.  That has always been in my mind these past weeks,” offers Sam without looking at the camera filming her.  “I keep going over in my mind what is going to happen in this ring especially considering it is a match that neither of us know what it could be or how we could prepare for this.”

Sam finally turns to the camera and sighs as she sends the wheel into motion, the soft clack of each match type passing is loud in the silence of the room.  The wheel stops on a match stipulating first blood which has Sam chuckling.  “You know though, there is a method to the madness of preparing for a match that you don’t know what is coming in.  See I have been preparing for any possibility in this ring on this night when I challenge you for the Bombshell Roulette title at High Stakes.  I have defended the title in match after match in ways that women aren’t supposed to defend or challenge for.  I have bled, I have fought through injury and pain and I put the title first and foremost in those matches and that is where I have to get to at High Stakes.  And trust me, I will get there, that I promise you. ”

Sam once more reflexively spins the wheel, this time, her attention fixed on the camera.  The clack clack is matched by a slight tic on the side of Sam’s lips.  Once more it stops on a match type that is intent on causing pain.  Sam lowers her eyes only for a moment then once more addresses the camera.

“I know Evie that you are probably in a situation that you aren’t comfortable with considering that as Ben’s best friend, we have been forced into some kind of truce but come High Stakes, I am not going to see you as Ben’s wife,” says Sam, her eyes narrowing slightly before widening with a glitter that is caught by the camera.  “I am going to look across the ring and I am going to see the person that I have to beat to regain the title and, in that instant, you will only be another challenge on my way to a third title reign as the Bombshell Roulette champion.”

This time without looking Sam spins the wheel again before moving in front of it and addressing the camera as if it was Evie herself.

“Evie, I know who you are and I know who you are trying to be,” says Sam slowly as if it hurts to reveal what she says next.  “You are fighting to be me.  Oh sure, you would probably say, ‘me trying to be like little Miss Goodie Two Shoes Sam Marlowe, don’t make me laugh.’ But deep inside I have seen it and do you know why?  It is because you know that everyone sees you as Mrs Ben Jordan and you have to live up to that.  I am not asking you to be me Evie, because we both know that is impossible.  But I am not looking for the good Ms Jordan…I am looking for the badass you have been.  Because should I beat my best friend’s good girl wife, that isn’t the challenge I am looking for in challenging for the belt.”

“The person I want to face in that ring is the one that gives very little eff’s and dishes out punishment like a dominatrix on a sub.  Do you really think that I don’t know you are conflicted when it comes to me.  Because I know you seem to think that you need to be my acquaintance for Ben’s sake.  Ben doesn’t even figure in this match at all Evie,” offers Sam as she turns back to the wheel and spins it again before catching it to stop it on death match.  Turning to the camera with a flirtatious smile, Sam begins to wonder outloud.  “Is this the match you want to see Evie?  Is this the way you want to defend your title?” Sam moves the wheel to put it on a pillow fight and chuckles, “or do you want to lose your title in a pillow fight…no, that isn’t a match that I suspect you want to face me in.  Boarding school pillow fight champ, right here,” taunts Sam with a thumb pointed at her chest.

Sam’s face changes from humor to seriousness.  

“Let me just say that no matter what the match type is going to be, I am going to be prepared to take you to your limit and when you get there, I am going to push you right over it.  Which is going to mean Evie that I am coming for the belt and I am not leaving High Stakes without it.  And when the dust settles, I hope there will be no hard feelings,” offers Sam. “After all, we do have to still remain civil because of your husband and my best friend being one in the same.”

Sam stops with a smile before turning back to the wheel and speaking to it rather than the camera that is still filming.  

“Whatever happens Evie, I am going to give you the match of your life to take back my title!”

With that said, Sam reaches up and sets the roulette wheel to spinning before stepping around it and disappearing behind it.

Supercard Archives / EVIE BAANG (c) vs SAMANTHA MARLOWE
« on: November 03, 2018, 11:56:18 PM »
 Soft music can be heard coming from behind a closed door.  Along with the music, a voice can be heard singing along slightly off key followed by a giggle as the words of the song are not matched by the singer.  Suddenly the door opens to reveals Sam Marlowe walking into the main room which is decorated with a lot of sports themed posters and trophies and medals that rest on a open concept bookshelf.  Dressed in a pair of sweat pants that are cut off at the knees and a worn boarding school polo with the collar popped and bobby socks, Sam looks relaxed as she moves to the bed that dominates one wall of the room surrounded by posters of bands from the early 2010’s.  Flopping on her stomach, she reaches across and pulls her IPad off the nightstand and towards her.  Opening it and swiping her finger across it, she lightly presses mid screen to open a camera view that she swipes to video and begins to speak.  A small image of a “rec” appears in the lower left of the screen.

“Here we are, and in the next two weeks I have an opportunity to be a three time Bombshell Roulette champion,” muses Sam as she appears thoughtful for a moment.  “And if I am honest, this was a complete surprise for me.  I figured that I would have to fight my way back up the ranks and then eventually I would get a shot at trying to gain the number one contendership to a title and maybe in a couple of months I might get a chance at that title.  Little did I know that I would be doing it at High Stakes and so soon after coming back to the company.”

Letting a soft laugh escape her, Sam tucks a curl behind her ear.  A thoughtful look passes her face, her eyebrows knit slightly.  

“The only thing that worries me is that people will be coming out of the woodwork and saying that ‘how can she get the shot when she is just back in SCW when there have been so many others who deserve shots before me.  And for all sorts of reasons that could be true,” muses Sam, “however, you have to realize a couple of things.”

Leaning back, Sam reaches outside the camera’s view and pulls a cup of something into view.  The steam from the mug wafts upward, the scent sending Sam’s eyes closed in appreciation as she sips at the drink then once more moves it out of camera view before beginning to speak again.

“The first reason is that I went into a fatal fourway to decide the person to face Evie for the Bombshell Roulette title and I won it.   I am sure that people have been talking about the fact that my friend Amy Marshall had her shot stolen by Apple Coren but when we went into the match, she had to know to keep her head on a swivel,” offers Sam, “but now she is in the match for the Bombshell World title and I wish her luck.”

“Then of course you have the fact that I was injured when I lost the title to Brittany Williams and I know that it really isn’t a guarantee however, defeated champions do tend to get a rematch for the title but I didn’t get that since I was laid up with an injury and could not get my title rematch,” says Sam as she subconsciously rubs at her neck and shoulder.  “Now I would have been satisfied like I said to wait for my opportunity but you can’t fault a girl for taking a chance when opportunity knocks.”

Sam sits up and then reaches out of the camera view again and pulls in a piece of notepaper and waves it in the view of the camera.  “When I left the last Climax Control, this was handed to me and I had a bit of a laugh when I read it,” says Sam.  “I have to say that whoever writes these comments really are creative however, I do have a bit of a problem with what was written about my match.”

Sam looks down at the card and then back up into the camera.  Turning the paper around, the match description mentions her best friend Ben Jordan as the connection between Evie and herself.  Puffing up her cheeks with a deep breath that she slowly releases, she points and addresses the camera.

“I can’t believe it that already the speculation begins about how Ben is the connection between Evie and I, and that he might be one of the reasons behind this fight,” she begins as her free hand moves to brush through her red hair, pushing it over her shoulder as she continues.  “I know that Ben is her husband and I know he is my best friend and before anyone gets it into their head that I am going to try and use our friendship in this match, I am putting this out there.  When it comes to this match, I am not going to put Ben in the middle of this fight.  This is between Evie and I for the title and I am not going to make Ben have to choose.”

Sam looks serious as she tosses the paper to the side and once more addresses the camera.  “I hate the fact that people seem to think that I base my fights on my friendships or non-friendships in this company.  I put everything in the ring and leave it there.  So to actually say that I fight for the titles just because I don’t like someone or they are my friend is false,” affirms Sam as she entwines her fingers together.  “I have never put any thought of who I am facing across the ring is anyone other than my opponent and a challenge I need to overcome.  I am not someone that uses emotion to fuel my battles, I use the challenge of being better and stronger and if that means I face a friend or someone I “hate” then that is who I am going to face and I am going to beat to win.”

From outside the bedroom, a voice can be heard calling out Sam’s name.  Hearing it, Sam looks at the camera and puts a finger to her lips as if asking for their silence.  The voice gets closer and can now be recognized as Cyn Marlowe.  Suddenly a hand can be heard to slam against the closed door which has Sam cringing slightly before the voice moves away.

“I really can’t deal with her right now,” says Sam in a conspiratorial whisper.  “Ever since she married Monte I have just felt like I needed to cut her out of my life.  I don’t need the negativity.  And speaking of negativity, I have totally pushed that out of my life and how I view the challenges coming my way when I step in the ring.  From now on, there is going to be no doubt or no excuse to fail.  I am sure that I am going to get in that ring, I am sure that I am going to give my all in that ring or out of it if that is what the Roulette wheel decides and I am going to win back my title for a third time!”

As she finishes that thought, the door to her room is thrown open to reveal Vanessa Marlowe who shoots Sam a smile and with a soft wave to her daughter motions her to join her at the door.  Sam stands revealing what she is wearing.  Her mother’s hand moves to her chest as she takes in the look of Sam.  “You are not wearing that are you?” Vanessa demands which has Sam looking down at her clothes then up at her mother.  Vanessa moves towards the closet as Sam tries to block her making her mother speak out.  “Samantha, we are attending a lunch with our designer for our costumes for your birthday this week.  So you need to change and quickly,” Vanessa says as she disappears inside of the closet and pulls out a soft blue dress and hands it to a speechless Sam who tries to sputter a response but isn’t able to reply quick enough as the older woman floats out of the room with a reminder to hurry before she disappears.  

Turning back to the recording, Sam leans down and looks into the lens.  “Well you heard it here first.  I have to head out with Moms who as you saw is a force of nature that I can’t seem to argue with.  And I am sure that since she did this online, I am sure there will be someone that will say that if Sam can’t even argue against her mother, how can she dare to talk back with a backbone in the ring?  See I was raised to respect my elders and I was raised to respect my parents but let me make one thing clear.  When it comes to the ring, there is no one that I will back down from even though I respect them.  Evie, you may think that I am a fish out of water when it comes to facing you for this title but I am one of the bombshells that has been the one to define Bombshell Roulette championship and I will look forward to adding to that definition when I win the title back.”

“Samantha!!” is heard from down the hall which has Sam scrambling to turn off the screen and rush towards the open door of a bathroom.

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Costumed people can be seen moving towards a brightly lit house.  Music can be heard as a redheaded woman stands at the door of the house slipping candies into the bags of young trick or treaters.  Dressed as the queen of Hearts, she is joined by a blonde man dressed as the King of Hearts.  Further in the home, a cowboy can be seen leaning towards a redheaded Scarlett O’Hara.  Guests dressed in a multitude of costumes mingle under a spinning disco ball, the alcohol and music blending together to provide an atmosphere of celebration.

The Queen of Hearts moves towards the Scarlett O’Hara and speaks over the music.  “Moms, where is Sammi, this is for her tonight,” demands Cyn Marlowe with a sneer as she crosses her arms.  “It is her birthday after all!”

Vanessa Marlowe keeps a fixed smile on her face as she looks around the room.  Not seeing her youngest daughter, she turns back to Cyn and Monte who had joined the pair of Marlowe women.  She is just about to demand that Cyn find her sister but Monte speaks up quickly.  “I’ll go,” he offers which makes Vanessa smile and Cyn’s sneer to fade only slightly.  

After leaning in and whispering something in her ear, Monte gives her a kiss on the cheek then heads further into the house.  Shooting a look back at his wife and mother in law to see if they are watching him, he waves and smiles before turning and heading towards the stairs where a rather familiar looking redhead can be seen dressed in a rather sexy cheerleader costume with blood splatters and her hair pulled up into two long pig tails, standing on the bottom stair looking over the crowd.  Reaching her, Monte leans on the rail of the stair near Sam Marlowe and puts a hand over his heart.

“Be still my heart,” he says to Sam, his eyebrows waggling in a leering way.  Sam shudders slightly as she moves away from him and into the crowd without making a comment.  Monte moves with her, his hand moving to rest on her hip as he guides her through the crowd.  She shoots him a glare and moves out of his embrace but is only able to move a few steps away.  

“Shouldn’t you be with your WIFE?” growls Sam as she feels the hand of Monte once more rest against the small of her back.  

“She’s with your parents,” Monte replies as he leans closer, his breath moving the small curls by her ear as he continues speaking.  “She isn’t looking and I think you know that I would have rather been with you.”  

Sam scoffs as she appears to be looking for someone.  “Well you made your choice,” hisses Sam before she is stopped by Monte who moves in front of her.  Sam tries to move around him but he puts up his arms to stop her.  Sighing, she moves to flank him but he manages to stop her on his left side.  Exasperated, she glares as she says “Monte, we are done!” through clenched teeth.

Moving even closer, Monte slides his arm around her waist and pulls her close but feels a hand on his shoulder.  Turning quickly, Monte smiles into the face of Cyn and another person.  “I was just catching Sammi here, tripped over someone’s foot I think,” he offers as Cyn releases the arm of the stranger and wraps herself around Monte.

“Thank you, Monte, for finding Sammi for us.  Now Moms needs us to watch the door for guests. And Sammi, she wants you to go and see her,” says Cyn as she begins to guide her husband away leaving Sam with the stranger who looks rather familiar. He is dressed in a rather scattered, barely pulled together Harry Potter.  Sam looks back the way Cyn came to see her mother waving before turning back to the man still standing in front of her.

“Thanks,” she offers as she begins to move in the direction of her mother before feeling a hand on hers.  Turning, the man offers her a shy smile as he pulls her hand through his arm and begins to walk her slowly toward the area where her mother had been.

“I bet you don’t remember me do you Sammi,” offers the young man, his soft drawl making the hairs on the back of Sam’s neck stand up.  “I remember y’all,” he adds as he gives her a side eye.  Sam has a look of confusion on her face as she tries to think about this young man and who he might be.  The pair walk along the crowd parting as they get closer to her mother.

“I’m sorry but you seem so familiar but I just can’t remember who you are,” she says as the man chuckles.  The pair have reached Sam’s parents as Vanessa approaches Sam, her father pats the man on his shoulder.  “Colton, thank you for bringing our Sammi over to us.  But why don’t you do us a favor and keep Sammi company?”

Sam turns and looks at Colton and suddenly her eyes light up as recognition passes over her face.  “CAMO!!” she squeals in surprise.  “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you, you have really changed!” Sam can’t help but shake her head muttering under breath that she still can’t believe it.

“Yeah yeah,” he agrees with a cocky grin.  “The geek grew up right?”

“You were never a geek Colton,” offers Sam as once more, he takes her hand and slips it between his arm to lead her towards the refreshment table.  “Or if you were what did that make me?  I mean I was more tomboy than anything and I remember the two of us spending hours in your treehouse reading comics and playing video games.”

“Do you think that you still got it?” jokes Colton.  “You did play a mean Mario bro but now I hear that you got all girly you know.”

Sam’s eyes narrow slightly as she nods slowly.  “You are just so lucky that I don’t have my Gameboy here or I would show you!” teases Sam as they finally reach the buffet of spooky treats.  

As the two wanders along the table, Colton’s joking stops as he once more gives Sam a side eye.  “So Sammi, I hear that you are doing something that we talked about when we were kids.  Making it in wrestling.  I have to think that is something we never thought you were going to get into, did we?  You always talked about playing football with the boys or getting a guitar and hitting the road singing and playing your way famous.  Now you are famous and not for those things but wrasslin’.  What happened?”

Sam can’t help but laugh at the foolish dreams she had in her past.  “I guess y’all gotta blame Cyn actually.  She started to wrestle and had me help her out in the gym and I thought that maybe I could do the same.  Y’all remember that I always wanted to outdo Cyn to prove to Moms that I was just as worthy as Cyn in this family.  Cyn was Moms’s superstar and I was daddy’s little girl, admits Sam.  But when I joined the company, Cyn started to get over shadowed and then finally surpassed I guess you can say.  And all that did was prove that I had the drive and that she wasn’t serious about doing the work,” offers Sam as she reaches into an edible display of fruit and pulls out a skewer before turning and pointing it at Colton who seems to be watching Sam with a strange look that has the redhead wondering what could he be thinking.  

“You know what I think,” he asks softly as Sam gently peels the fruit from the skewer.  “I think that we need to have a night out and you can fill me in on what you have been doing lately other than setting yourself up for a title match.”

Before Sam can reply, her mother glides up and slip her hand against the side of Sam.  “Samantha, could you be a dear and come and have your birthday wishes and cut the cake.

Sam nods as she regretfully gives Colton an apologetic smile and heads through the crowd with her mother as she moves toward the stage leaving Colton to watch her walk away before he leans up against a nearby pillar as the DJ announces Sam and the crowd is lead in a round of Happy Birthday as the music rises and the scene fades out.

Climax Control Archives / Quotes, costumes and some last words
« on: October 19, 2018, 11:25:05 PM »
 “I love this place and willingly could waste my time in it.”  

The sound of a voice echoes in what appears to be an empty room, a spotlight shining in the middle of a ring.  Stepping into the view of a rather shaky camera is a familiar redhead who smiles.  Dressed in a white tee under the tight straps of the wrestling singlet with a now familiar heart with an S and M

“Shakespeare wrote these words and I have to say it is one of the two quotes I claim as my favorites,” says Sam Marlowe as she moves into the center of what looks like a wrestling ring.  Looking around it, she smiles as her hand moves to trail along the top rope.  

The typical six-sided ring that commanded center stage in the gym known as the Staggs Dungeon resembled in every way the ring of SCW where the bombshells and superstars were highlighted each Sunday night on Climax Control.  It perfectly frames the redhead as she stopped with her back to the camera that is filming her.  

“Although I guess you really can’t say that I waste my time in this ring,” muses Sam as she turns to offer a half smile to the camera then turns to directly address it.  “I tend not to waste time in the ring when it comes to SCW and the fact that I am out to prove something to everyone there.  See, people seem to think that I am the sweetheart of Sin City Wrestling and that I am really only a pushover that doesn’t have what it takes to win titles and keep them and maybe they were right but that was before something in me realized what I was doing.”

Sam turns again to the camera and slowly crosses her arms over her chest as she leans into a corner.  The cameraman climbs the ringstairs to get a closer look at the bombshell.  

“I bet you are wondering what in the heck I am talking about,” says Sam.  “it is like the quote I gave you, I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it and I realized that was what I was doing…wasting my time.  But I wasn’t wasting the time on the fans, no that time for me is more valuable than you know.  The time I was wasting was sitting back and getting into matches that would see me wrestle for the fans and give up what I was in the past.  I coasted while I worked on my masters but I decided that I needed to prove something to myself now that I have been so successful with college and that is to prove to myself I was still someone that could win championships.”

A look of determination crosses the face of Sam who is once more straightened in the ring and had now begun to pace along the ropes once more.  

“Don’t think that I haven’t thought about stepping back into the ring and going after championships once more but I decided that I would once more work my way up in the rankings and I figured in a couple of months I could actually step into the ring like I did at the last Climax Control and say that I wanted to be given another chance at a title in SCW.  Little did I know that little chat that I had with the fans would result in the match that I am in this week on Climax Control,” states Sam as her fingers tuck a red curl behind her ear.  

The sound of a door opening and bootheels moving across the hardwood floor catch Sam’s attention as Vixen Staggs comes into view.  Sam smiles as she waves before turning back to the camera and begins to speak again.

“Like I was saying, this week they decided that they needed to find a new number one contender to Evie Baang’s Roulette title.  And in doing so, four bombshells were chosen to be in a fatal fourway for the chance to challenge Evie,” says Sam.  “And one of the lucky ones is yours truly.  I get a chance to become the number one contender to the Bombshell Roulette title and if, no when I win the match, I am going to reclaim something that I have missed for the longest time.  Oh, I was content to wrestle and get the win but I wasn’t focused enough to really make a run for a singles title.  But now, I am able to focus on what I want to regain and it is the Bombshell Roulette title.”

Sam reaches down to the mat where the camera takes in a piece of paper with writing on it.  Picking it up, she waves it slowly at the camera before softly clearing her throat and begins to read.

“This here is the card for Climax Control and on it is the list of bombshells in the fatal fourway,” muses Sam.  “I think that I should be taking this seriously.  After all, the list is one of some of the most talented bombshells in SCW.  Take for example, the returning Trinity Jones.  We have faced each other before and at the time, I was able to beat her but thing is, she has returned and since her return she has been someone with her eyes on the prize and now isn’t someone you should take lightly.  At any given moment she could pull out the win from anywhere in that ring.  So facing her will be difficult and I will definitely have to keep my eyes on her.”

Sam crosses the name off and then looks at the next name on the list.  Looking up into the camera, the smile on her face fades slightly.  “Next, I have to mention the stepmother of the woman that took my Bombshell Roulette title, Seleana Zdunich.  And I am sure that since what happened on Sunday, she might have lost some of her focus because of that dreadful video that Kate Steele played,” offers Sam with a slight grimace.  “I don’t know if she will be wanting to hurt someone or will she be unable to focus on the match itself.  Either way, this isn’t going to be her night I am sure.”

Sam crosses Seleana’s name from the list and then looks at the final name on the list and sighs.  “Then there is the one woman that I can actually say I consider the toughest challenge in this match.  I respect the heck out of Amy Marshall.  Out of all the people here in SCW, I can basically call three people my friend and Amy is one of the three.  Don’t get me wrong, that girl can kick rear like nobody’s business and I am sure that is what she is going to try to do in our match on Sunday.  But I have to remind her that I am not going to let this shot slip through my fingers.  I want that title shot and sadly if I have to beat Amy to get it, that is what I am going to do.  But I leave it all in the ring and after that match, win or lose, I am going to offer Amy my hand and I will buy the first round.”

Balling the paper into her hand, she tosses it over her shoulder and moves closer to the cameraman who is on the top step of the ringstairs.  Sam leans herself on the top rope and smiles down at him.  “I am coming to get the title shot ladies,” offers Sam before a smile begins to creep across her face and a slight chuckle escapes her.  “Guess that means I am going to have to change that quote from earlier…I love this place and I will not be wasting my time in it!”
Sam again laughs as she moves back towards the opposite corner where Vixen has appeared once more.  The camera is not able to hear what the two are speaking of but Sam kneels down as Vixen puts her arms on the bottom rope to talk to the redhead as the camera stops filming.

<img src=>

Sam Marlowe is resting at home, her cellphone at her side as she has a large book open across her lap as she writes in a second notebook beside her.  In the background is the sound of a calypso introduction to Kokomo by the Beach Boys.  Sam softly sings along with the music as she writes.  Dressed for comfort with Askem curled around her shoulder, Sam seems to have no care in the world.  In front of her is an open laptop with the image of Sam and her friends at Mardi Gras.  

The song changes just as the metallic digital sound of an incoming Skype call can be heard to chime.  Sam reached for the remote and pointing it behind her she mutes the music as she recognizes the caller and groans slowly before reaching across the small expanse and presses answer.

“Hello Cyn, long time no talk,” says Sam with a grimace of a smile.  

On the screen is Cynthia Marlowe-Christopher who can been seen sitting beside an older redhead with patrician features who leans forward with a brittle smile.

“Samantha dearest, I am calling because I have to ask you what you will be doing the final week of October,” asks Vanessa Marlowe, mother to bombshell Sam and someone that Sam can not seem to avoid.  

“Well Moms, my friend Ben is having a party and I thought…” began Sam before watching as her mother raises one finger to waggle it in a negative fashion.

“Samantha, you know too well that is not something you want to be doing considering that week is your birthday and that every year since you were four we have celebrated with a family Halloween party with all your friends…” says her mother before trailing off after catching the cringe from Sam on her screen.   “Young lady, you will be coming home and you will be celebrating with your family.  I WILL NOT take no for an answer.”

Desperate for an escape, Sam looks around for a moment before hearing the verbal noose tighten as her mother continues.  “Samantha, you little friend Colton will be here, he is back from his excursion overseas and he has told me that he can’t wait to see you again.”

Sam smiles a bit at the comment about Colton before letting her face go back to a blank as she slowly nods, the fight all but gone now.  “Okay Moms, I’ll be home for my birthday but one of these days you are going to have to let me do my own thing,” says Sam.

“Yes yes Samantha darlin’ eventually we will have to I suppose when we are gone,” suggests her mother in a tone of voice that has Sam wanting to facepalm but she fights the urge.   “And I suppose you will need help deciding just what you want to be for Halloween dear and I do have some suggestions…let me send them to you.  Cynthia, please send these costume ideas to Samantha while I go and see what your father is doing.”

Cynthia rolls her eyes and nods at her mother who pats her shoulder then moves off as if to escape the dirty business of sending an email.  Cyn leans into the screen and smirks at her sister as the sound of an email being received is heard.  Sam reaches for the laptop to pull it towards her and then opens her email to see a little bo peep costume, a rather large hoopskirted Scarlett O’Hara dress and a Miss Piggy costume complete with a large foam head.  Sam’s nose crinkles in frustration at the images on the screen.

“What is the matter Sam, don’t like the costumes that Moms picked out?” taunts Cyn as she watches the image of her sister cringe with each new picture.  “Oh, and I happened to hear you have returned to wrestling again.  What, SCW need a curtain jerker to make their rookies look good?”

Sam’s eyes roll before she flexes her neck and then offers Cyn a smile.  “I returned to SCW but not as a curtain jerker like you seem to like to make me.  Actually, believe it or not, I am in a number one contender match this week,” answers Sam which only has Cyn laughing at her response.

“Number one contender…wow…you think you are ready for that or does management just like to see you choke like you normally do?” asks Cyn with a big smirk then looks at her wrist before she motions that she has to go giving Sam no time to answer as she cuts the call leaving a frustrated Sam staring at the screen, soft muttered curse words escaping her lips as she sets the laptop to the side and angrily rises to her feet.

Moving through the house and to her bedroom, Sam walks towards the closet and reaches inside to pull out a clothing bag that she unzips to reveal the House of El super symbol.

“I hope Moms doesn’t mind,” mutters Sam as she returns the clothing bag in the closet once more and then heads back out of the room as she scene fades out.

<img src=>

Pussy Willow and a cameraman are standing outside of the hotel where SCW superstars and bombshells are staying before Climax Control.  They appear to be watching for someone in particular.  Suddenly Pussy spots her target and grabbing the cameraman by the arm, she drags him along behind her as she calls out to a redhead who is fighting to pull a rather beat up duffel bag out of the back of a small rental car.

“SAM…Sam,” calls out Pussy getting the attention of Sam Marlowe who uses one final yank to pull the bag out.  Shouldering the duffel, Sam turns to face Pussy who pushes the cameraman into position and then motions for him to start filming only to growl in frustration as he fights to pull out his camera and begins to film.  “Good help is sooo hard to find,” she adds as finally the cameraman starts to film the pair.

“Don’t be too hard on him Pussy, you got him rushing from turnbuckle to ringpost.  Besides, what did you want?  It isn’t Climax Control yet,” says Sam after offering a smile to the cameraman who nods his thanks.

“I want to interview you Sam, this is a big return for you to step into a match for the number one contendership to Evie’s title.  Isn’t that a good enough reason?” asks Pussy.

Sam thinks about it for a moment then nods slowly.  “Guess you are right Pussy, I mean I am sure that the others are talking so I better get my thoughts out,” offers Sam.  Letting the duffel fall to the ground, Sam moves to position herself beside Pussy as if they were in the arena and it was Climax Control.

Pussy coughs and then brings a microphone out and points at the cameraman.  “Sam Marlowe interview in three two one…” starts Pussy before turning to Sam.  “I am here with Sam Marlowe who this week on Climax Control will be one of four women in a fatal fourway to decide the number one contender for the SCW Bombshell Roulette title.  Sam, I have to ask, what did you think when you saw your match for this week?”

Sam ponders the question as Pussy pushes the microphone in her direction.  “Well Pussy, I have to say that I was really surprised by the fact that I went out last week and said that I was shifting my focus back on the singles titles and then this week to be put in a position where I could very well get a title shot against Evie Baang for her Bombshell Roulette title,” answers Sam.  

Pussy pulls the microphone back.  “Well let’s talk about the competition, shall we?  First up, Seleana Zdunich, the wife of recently embarrassed Crystal Hilton.  What do you think your chances are against her?  Everyone seems to think that Seleana is the future but you do have to realize that something could be off for her in this match.”

Sam takes a slow breath.  “First off, I want to say to Seleana that I am sorry that Kate Steele did what she did and I am also going to apologize for the fact that I can’t let my emotions feel sorry for you.  This is for a title shot and regardless of what is happening in your personal life, you are going to have to focus or you won’t be able to function.”

Pussy interrupts her friend by pulling the microphone towards her.  “There is Trinity Jones in this match as well.  She has had quite the comeback Sammi, what do you have to say about her?”

“Pussy, you know that I know that Trinity has come back with a vengeance and is also looking to win gold here in SCW but Climax Control isn’t going to be her night to earn the right to move on to face Evie because I want her to know that I am going to be fighting for the right to face Evie and I won’t hold back when it comes to taking the prize,” says Sam with a wink at the cameraman.

“And Amy Marshall?  Isn’t she your friend?” asks the cameraman earning himself a glare from Pussy.

“That is going to be an interesting conundrum for me.  See, out of all the bombshells here in SCW, Amy is the only one I can really say that she is my friend.  And that is saying a lot but she knows what it is like to want something so bad that she won’t let anything stand in her way when she wants it.  And I know that is what she is going to say about this match.  And if it is anything like how much I want it, the fight is going to be between Amy and I on Sunday,” says Sam with slight frown.  “And if she came out and said anything different, that isn’t the Amy I know.  But I will always say, win or lose, Amy Marshall has my respect in that ring.”

Pussy nods in agreement before a smile crosses her face.  “What happens if you win that shot and have to face Evie?  Won’t that be awkward considering…” offers Pussy before she is stopped by Sam.

“You mean won’t it be awkward facing the wife of one of my best friends?  You are dang right it will be awkward but I can’t look at it that way,” begins Sam.  “If I win that title shot I am going to take full advantage of the shot to do my dangedest to take back the title and if I do, then it has nothing to do with Ben or Evie or anyone else.”

Sam pauses for a moment, taking a long breath and then continues.  “The desire to be the champion once more is starting to burn bright and hot and the fist step is this fatal fourway.  So my last words about that is…”

Sam bends down to pick up the duffel and shoulders it before she smiles at the camera and Pussy and continues to speak.

“Good luck this Sunday, I am on my way to regaining the Bombshell Roulette title and I am starting with Trinity, Seleana and Amy.  And with that I have to jet Pussy, I have some plans for later.  As always it has been great talking to you.”

Sam moves backwards towards the hotel as Pussy can’t say anything as the film goes to black.

« on: September 14, 2018, 11:06:19 PM »
 <FONT COLOR=WHITE>The sound of music can be heard throughout the open stage area of the small theater, swelling as it is joined by a voice singing the Music of the Night song from Phantom of the Opera.  No one stands on the stage as the viewer of the theater tries to find the source of the song.  The only person that can be seen is Sam Marlowe, a pair of denim jean shorts and a white cotton denim shirt that is tied lightly across a rather trim midsection.  With her hair pulled back in a rather messy cascade of curls that run riotously down her back, she has her eyes closed and is singing along with the Phantom, her voice mixing as a smile breaks across her face.  A loud cough catches her unawares which forces her eyes to snap open and a blush of bright crimson to tint her cheeks.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  How long have y’all been there listening?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The cameraman moves his hand in front of the camera and motions a very short time with his finger and thumb before he changes it to a thumbs up in a compliment to her singing.  Ducking her head, Sam moves to sit down in one of the small theater chairs and motions for the camera to join her.  When it does, she tucks a loose curl behind her left ear and begins to speak. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe: I bet that is a first for you or anyone really.  Surprise, the Bombshell half of the Mixed Tag champions loves Broadway musicals and can sing them.  Believe it or not, if I wasn’t wrestling I suppose I would want to try my chances on a stage somewhere.  Maybe that is why I love it here.  Daddy helped me buy this place which I named Escape and it has given me a chance to pretend at times that I am not Sam Marlowe, SCW bombshell.  No, here I can be Samantha Marlowe…Broadway star or Sammi Marlowe, singer of songs. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Getting a far away look on her face, Sam sighs as the music changes and softens slightly into a slow piano playing a song.  Sam turns back to the cameraman   </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  You may be wondering why I am not in a gym training for this upcoming supercard and why I am here.  Simply put, I have trained hard for the match and I have put myself through the toughest training I could.  I spent time with my mentor Vixen and she pushed me hard to prepare with the help of her husband Spike.  See, I know that this match is important and I know that one of the teams I am facing are trained by Gabriel and Odette Stevens.  Hall of Famers for SCW and pretty damn good if you ask anyone.  So I figured that I needed to use my connections and who better than the original hall of famers, Spike and Vixen Staggs.  Yeah, everyone seems to want to be trained by the Stevens because they have the need to be seen working with the best.  Or maybe it is because the Stevens have an open door policy for anyone to train there.  And yeah, they do have champions coming out of that gym and bravo for them because we all know that they do have some excellent students.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The camera view seems to shrug as if the person behind it has no clue to where Sam is going with her comments.  Sam crosses an arm over her chest and taps at her nose as she gets a thoughtful look on her face. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I could really say mean awful things like others about the people that train and learn at the Steven’s gym but in actuality, they are all very good athletes who in reality have won championships or are on track to challenge for titles and if truth be told, I am pretty sure that they know it.  But you have to also realized that just because I haven’t gone to them that I am not trained by a pair of great trainers either.  And I think that might just be to my advantage in this match.  I mean Mackenzie and Charlotte are super tough but their kind of tough isn’t really wrestler tough.   </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Again the camera “shrugs” at Sam’s comment as if asking what in heaven’s name she is talking about.  Sam herself is very reflective as if talking to herself.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Mackenzie did take Mikah to her limits and basically proved that she had what it takes to actually beat the Bombshell champion and did it quite handily.   And if I were any normal person stepping into the ring with her, I would have to say that I should be scared and I will admit to being a little scared but it is more scared that I am defending my title in a match against a woman that has been so dominant.  But then I think of the fact that I am the current champion and maybe she just might be a little scared of me.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The fact that Sam had said that with a completely straight face is utterly destroyed as first a giggle escapes her then a chuckle as if she is fighting back a tide of laughter that can’t be stopped.  The camera view jiggles as if laughing with the bombshell.  Finally getting control of the laughter, Sam wipes at her eye to brush away the tears of mirth.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Boy oh boy, sometimes I make myself laugh too much with these little chats.  Truly, y’all can’t believe half the things I am thinkin’ at any one time.  Like for instance, talking about Mackenzie like she is a regular gal when clearly she isn’t.  Don’t get me wrong, she is the former champion, the very first one in the mixed tag title scene.  But here is where it gets interestin’.  See, I am here talkin’ about Mackenzie like it is a done deal that she will be the one in the ring facing me.  But that ain’t something that is set in stone because see, there is someone else in London Underground that could be in the ring.  Charlotte is also someone that could be in that match. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The cameraview moves almost questioningly as Sam again taps a finger against her nose as she ponders the match and the different variables that could be introduced.     </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  See, London Underground works with a principle that any two of that group can get in the ring and compete for the titles so I could sit here and talk all about Mackenzie and totally ignore her partner Charlotte and that could really cause me a problem because of a cocky think I know what they have planned situation.  I mean yeah, it has been more Mackenzie in that ring and trust me I know she is tough but that might be the game plan for London Underground.  To make me think that it is going to be one of them and then at Violent Conduct it is completely the other.  Wouldn’t that be a mule kick in the teeth?  I prepare for one and it is the other that steps into the ring.  So I have to really think about training for both.  And I have.  I trained hard and studied the match tapes of Mackenzie and then Vixen pointed out that Charlotte was just as dangerous so I trained double hard to learn everything I could about her too.  I wasn’t going to be cocky, not one bit when realized that if I want to keep my title I have to be willing and able to face either of them in the ring.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam pulls a leg up to place a bare foot on the seat and wrap her arms around the knee as she rests her chin on it.  Looking at her, a slightly knitting of her brows is the only indication that Sam could be concerned about the upcoming match.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I know I shouldn’t be too worried about the match because it is a mixed tag match and I am only responsible for half the work but I am the type of wrestler that really needs to put it all into the match and leave everything in the ring.  And I know my partner Caleb will have his hands full with the men of London Underground.  But I ain’t going to let him down in this match.  I am going to fight the fight of the night to keep our titles around our waists and if that means that one hundred percent isn’t enough, I am going to be giving that much more in search of the win.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam stops and looks up at the cameraman and smiles again.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Will y’all listen to me jabberin’ away about how I am going to bring the fight to the ring when I have to say that this is a match that most people seem to think that I am the underdog for.  First ever mixed tag champions, the mixed tag team that beat them for the belts and then lil ole me and my partner Caleb, the current champions who beat the team that beat London Underground.  It’s been a while since I studied logic but if we beat the team that beat the first team, doesn’t that logically suggest that we would be able to beat that first team?  Hmmm I wonder…I bet that London Underground would disagree with that hypothesis.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Regardless of what they say or what they do, London Underground is going to be in that ring to dominate and prove why they need the titles but don’t want them.  That’s right, I said it.  They need the titles but don’t want ‘em.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> The camera view moves closer to Sam’s face as she offers it a small half smile as if to say come closer and let me explain… </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I am pretty sure that both Mackenzie and Charlotte will tell you they don’t care about the titles but if that was the case, why give them the shot?  After all, Mackenzie beat the Bombshell champion, why isn’t she moving in on that title?  Why isn’t Charlotte thinking that she can challenge for a singles title?  Both of those women are talented enough and sure as hellfire strong enough to win one but they just want to rest on their dominance of the mixed tag titles.  And I guess that is all right.   </FONT>

Sam Marlowe: I guess what I am doing is playing all sorts of scenarios in my mind to figure out why they are in the match.  But one thing I am pretty certain of is that they don’t think that I am going to be a challenge and that right there is going to be why I am aimin’ to prove that I ain’t just another pretty face bombshell that is nothing more than eyecandy compared to Mackenzie and Charlotte when it comes to wrestling.  I ain’t going to sit back and just let them bring the fight to me, I am going out there and I am going to give the fans, the people watching on the live stream and every person out there includin’ Mackenzie and Charlotte a reason to believe that I ain’t going to make taking the titles easy whatsoever. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The camera view moves up and down as if agreeing with Sam which only makes her smirk slightly as a giggle bubbles up from the bombshell who then let’s go of her knee after checking the watch on her wrist.  The laughter changes to a gasp of surprise as Sam rushes to her feet and then begins heading up the aisle of the theater before stopping to turn and wave at the camera. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I wish I could stay and talk but I have class to get to and if I don’t hurry, I am going to miss my test today.  Last one before I get to relax and prepare more for the match at Violent Conduct.  See you later. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Reaching down to grab a bag that the camera had missed, Sam spins around and disappears through a curtain at the back of the theater.  </FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Pussy Willow can be seen rushing along the wall of a gym that is very familiar.  Above the door reads Staggs Dungeon and when Pussy pulls open the door, the sounds inside for the most part are the familiar sounds of bumps being taken, feet stomping on the canvas of a ring and grunts and moans of students mixing with the sounds of moves being called out by a voice that is very authoritative.  Stepping from the bright sunlight to the interior where she waits as her eyes adjust, Pussy can see a redhead wearing a wrestling singlet over a rather battered and torn sleeveless half tee.  Making her way into the gym further, Pussy sees Sam working on a heavy bag, her hands taped lightly and her bouncing feet in red converse hightops moving her around the bag to attack from all sides.  Pussy stands back only far enough to avoid a collision as she calls out to her friend. </FONT>

Pussy Willow:  Hey Sam, I was wondering if you had time to talk about your match at Violent Conduct?  I mean it is only days away and you have a really big challenge coming up.  You are facing Mercedes Vargas and Kain not to mention London Underground’s bombshells. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam stops throwing punches at the bag and then brushes the damp curls out of her face as she catches the bag and leans heavily against it breathing deeply.  Pussy raises one eyebrow as Sam slowly begins to shake her head at the interviewer.   </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Y’all want to know something Pussy?  I have to admit that I am not going to see this as big a challenge as you think it is.  I mean sure, the odds are stacked against me keeping my title and with those odds, a lot of people are betting against Caleb and I but believe or not, I think we stand a better than good chance to win this match at Violent Conduct. </FONT>

Pussy Willow: What makes you think that Sam?  London Underground was pretty dominant when they had the bombshell tag titles and then again when they won the mixed tag titles.  And look at Mercedes and Kain, both of them are grand slam winners.  These are big challenges for you.  Okay but let’s break it down.  I know you gave my cameraman that exclusive about the London Underground but you need to give me the low down on Mercedes Vargas. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam nods as she moves away from the bag and grabs a water bottle that she pulls the spout open to shoot the liquid in the bottle into her mouth with a splash against her flushed face.  Turning once more, she aims a punch at the heavy bag before moving between it and Pussy with a motion of her left hand inviting the interviewer to join her near a corner of the gym where a skipping rope can be seen.  Grabbing it, Sam begins a slow skip as Pussy begins to speak again. </FONT>

Pussy Willow:  Tell me Sam, just what are you going to have to say about Mercedes.  After all if you asked anyone who knows anything about SCW and your career in it, your arch nemesis could be said to be Mercedes Vargas because the two of you seem to keep meeting for matches and especially title matches.  What do you have to say about that?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe: I’m just lucky I guess.  After all, how many bombshells can claim to have a somewhat dominant streak against someone that has won so many titles in Sin City Wrestling.  But don’t think I don’t know that when I face Mercedes she brings out the best in me.  I mean she is the one out of all the bombshells in this company that makes me glad to say I am getting into the ring to face her.  Oh I am glad that I face the others but there is something about Mercedes Vargas that adds that little bit more incentive to the effort I put in.  Maybe it is because she keeps on about how good she is and her records and it just irks me that she acts like she is the end all and be all of SCW.   </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>As she speaks, her voice gets slightly breathless as the speed of the rope increases.  Pussy watches as her friend begins to sweat from the exertion of the jumping and the rope becomes a blur.  Finally it stops and Sam lets it hang at her feet as she starts to talk once more before Pussy can. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Now if you ask me, I would have to say she has every right to say that she is good but she isn’t unbeatable.  I should know because Caleb and I beat her to take the titles away from her and end her tenth title reign.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:  That is true Sam but didn’t you hear what she said about you last week.  I mean she talked about you like you were nothing at all for her to deal with.  Did you?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Pussy, if I listened to everyone talkin’ me down, then I wouldn’t have the confidence to walk out to that ring.  And have you ever seen me not want to get in that ring and defend a title or forfeit a match?  I don’t listen to the rantin’s and ravin’s of someone that needs to put someone down.  Hellfire I did hear what she said and like water off a duck’s back, I am just lettin’ it roll right off.  See, she seems to think that she knows me but truth is, she doesn’t know me that way.  All she sees is what she wants to see and that is fine with me.  All I can say is underestimate me Mercedes, it will be fun.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam drapes the rope over her neck as she leans against the wall, sliding down to sit against it.  Sighing, she offers a sad look to her friend which makes Pussy raise an eyebrow in surprise. </FONT>

Pussy Willow:  What is that look for Sam?  Are you thinking with all the talk that has been going on that you are going to lose your titles?  Because if you ask me, that is probably what London Underground and Mercedes and Kain are thinking.  If you could tell them anything, what would you want to say?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  What would I want to say?  I’ll tell you what I would want to say.  I would want to say that I consider y’all challenges that I respect but they need to give me the same respect.  And no one seems to.   But that is just fine by me because I don’t need to be handed that respect and if I have to fight to earn it then you better believe that I am going to be taking the fight to them and giving them reason to respect me.  And if that means that I am to beat both bombshells at the same time, then you can believe that is what I am going to do.  I am not afraid to prove anything in that ring.  And if I have to do it by pinning Mercedes or Mackenzie or Charlotte, then that is what I am going to do.  But no matter what, I am going to defend my titles and I am going to be like a mama bear with her cub.  They ain’t gonna know what hit them.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Pussy’s eyes widen in surprise at the confidence in Sam’s voice.</FONT>

Pussy Willow: You sound really confident Sam but I do have to remind you that this is a match of three sets of champions, so no matter what it is going to definitely be a fight. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  You can be dang sure of that Pussy.  I mean yeah, it is going to be a fight but it is going to be a fight I am out to win.  And I know that Caleb is prepared to do what he needs to in order to keep these titles and I know that I know what I need to do to keep them too.  Between the two of us, we ain’t going to let these titles go without a fight.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam pushes herself back up the wall as Pussy stands too.  Before Pussy can say anything else, Sam’s attention is caught by the sound of her name being called out from across the gym where the pair can see Vixen motioning for Sam to join her.  Patting Pussy on the shoulder, Sam smiles and motions with her head towards Vixen.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Guess it is back to work Pussy.  See you at Violent Conduct.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam leaves her friend and walks towards Vixen who begins to speak in a low voice as she guides Sam towards the ring where Spike can be seen.  The last image seen is Sam rolling under the bottom rope of the ring as Vixen climbs the ring stairs to slide between the ropes. </FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The back of a University of Nevada varsity jersey can be seen.  Dressed in a pair of navy hightops and a dark pair of denim capris that are molded to her legs, Sam turns to slowly face the camera that is pointed at her, the red recording light flashing as the redhead brushes the windblown curls that frame her face behind her ear.  Around her waist rests the mixed tag title belt with her name emblazoned on it. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  It is getting matter of fact, forty eight hours from now will see me and Caleb Storms defending these titles in a triple threat match that will see us facing the first two teams to hold these belts, London Underground, the first team to hold these titles and Mercedes Vargas and Kain who beat them to take the titles.   Now you would think that right about now I should be gettin’ very nervous about the match and be talking my usual good luck messages and the like and trust me I do wish them good luck.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam offers a thumbs up to the camera as she smiles. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe: Now Mackenzie and Charlotte, I hope the two of you have flipped that coin or whatever it is you two do to decide who it is that is going to be getting in the ring and Mercedes, I hope you got whatever you need to prepare for this match.  Seein’ as I am coming to the ring with all of the fans behind me I sincerely hope that there will be no hard feelings when I bring the fight to you to keep my title after all, that is what you would do in my shoes right? </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Nodding slowly, Sam moves closer to the camera while still remaining in focus.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I am not going to be cocky enough to think that I have what it takes to totally dominate in that ring and I know that there are men that are going to be facing off as well in that match so it is not up to just you and I for the titles.  But when it is time for the bombshells to be in the ring, that is when it is going to come down to who wants it more.  Is it you London Underground?  I don’t really think so because you see to just not really care much anymore given what I have heard.  Could it be Kain and Mercedes Vargas because she needs to be a champion to somehow justify her career in Sin City Wrestling?  Will this match give her title number eleven?  I don’t think so because there is one team who wants these titles more than the two of you and that is Caleb and I.  And the fact that we want to keep them means we are going to be one heck of a team to overcome because we won’t be making it easy to pry these titles off our waists.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam lets a hand rub softly against the plate of the title in a caress. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe: Good luck London Underground and Mercedes and Kain, you are going to need it. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam walks away with a smile and whistle, her hand resting on the belt as the view goes to black. </FONT>

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« on: September 08, 2018, 11:48:20 PM »
 <FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam Marlowe has always been about giving her all in the ring and this time, at Violent Conduct Five, she is going to have to give more than one hundred percent in that ring to retain the mixed tag titles that she currently holds with her partner Caleb Storms.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Although after last week and the fact that she had to referee a match where her partner Caleb lost to the man that Sam considered her best friend, Ben Jordan, she didn’t know where she stood with her partner. So rather to talk to him, she was confronted by Christian Underwood who in his own way added to her doubts with his perverse enjoyment of making her the referee…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Well let’s see what happened next…</FONT>

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Christian Underwood: Good night Samantha. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Christian walks away chuckling leaving Sam in the hallway.  With a soft snort of frustration, Sam moves towards the locker room area and begins to stuff her bag full and then tossing it over her shoulder, she moves towards the back entrance of the arena at a rather fast walk hoping that she wouldn’t run into Ben or Caleb.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam’s luck holds until she makes it to the garage where she can see her friend Pussy Willow standing almost as if she is waiting for Sam at her rental car.  Sighing with defeat, Sam slows as she points with the key fob of the rental like a gun and presses the button making the lights flash on the car as well as causing Pussy to squeak in surprise before looking around for Sam and spying her walking forward toward the car.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:  Sam my god I saw that match and I can’t believe that you had referee between your partner Caleb and your friend Ben.  I wouldn’t be you for all the tea in China.  What do you think your partner will be thinking right now considering that you just raised someone else’s hand in victory?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam shakes her head as she fumbles with the key fob in hopes of avoiding the question but Pussy being the fine investigative reporter that she was only stood there, a raised eyebrow and half smile the only indications that she was going to get to the bottom of the story.  Sam moves around her towards the trunk of the car and pops the hood to throw her bag into the trunk and then shuts it again hoping that Pussy might have taken the hint.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> No such luck.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:  Listen Sammi, I know you are probably thinking that Caleb is really going to be pissed at you and well maybe he might be but he has to know that Christian made you do it.  We all saw how you looked when he forced you on the ramp and down to the ring.  But I do have to ask, do you know why he did that?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  He said something about ticking him…</FONT>

Pussy Willow:  Tickling?  I didn’t think that Christian would consider something funny like that.  Are you sure?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe: Yeah, I am sure.  He made sure to tell me that just about ten minutes ago.  Now all I want to do is head to the airport and home.  I ain’t feelin’ all that good right now Pussy.  I wish I could stay and all but…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam makes a gagging motion which has Pussy backing away in surprise.  Sam smiles apologetically as she reaches for the door and opens it to let out a blast of warm air.  Ignoring it, she closes the door behind her shutting out Pussy who only can tap on the window to get Sam’s attention.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:  I am going to get back to work but with the supercard coming up and the fact that you have a title defense there against two really good teams, I am going to let you head home.  I’ll call you later in the week k?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam nods meekly as she pushes in the accelerator and then presses the ignition that brings the engine to life.  Pulling out of the garage, Sam merges into traffic as she turns the car in the direction of the local airport.    With the light traffic, she arrives within twenty minutes and heads to the enterprise counter to turn over the key fob and motion in the direction of the car sitting in front of the office.  With that task done she moves toward the counter where a weary blonde is sitting, her ascot askew as she looks down at a clipboard with boarding passes tucked under the clip.  Sam approaches and offers her a half smile as she pulls her bag forward.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I am wantin’ to see if there might be a flight tonight to Vegas.  I have a ticket here for tomorrow morning but I just got this call and I need to get back tonight…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> The stewardess begins to peck away at the keyboard in front of a monitor.  Each time the key is tapped, Sam’s fingers provide an answering tap on the counter as she looks towards the seats near the gates.</FONT>

Stewardess:  There is a flight in another twenty minutes but to upgrade you, we will require an additional fee.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Sure, anything to get home.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam pulls her wallet from a pocket in the bag then opens it and pulls out a credit card that the Stewardess runs through the debit machine before the squeal of a printer can be heard under the desk.  Reaching down, the stewardess smile tiredly as she hands the boarding pass to Sam who takes it and turns away to head to the seats by the gates.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam sets her bag on the floor in front of her as she sits on a rather hard plastic chair and curls her feet up under herself.  Pulling her cell phone out, she opens twitter types a few tweets then shuts down again before she hears the call for her flight.  Gettng to her feet, she moves towards the gate called and into the skyway before walking up to the entrance of a small plane.  The male steward offers her a smile as he welcomes her to the plane.  Moving into the very small interior, Sam notes there is very few people on the flight.  Checking her boarding pass, she approaches the seat she has been assigned.  Sliding towards the window, she flops in the seat and slouches down to stare out the window after putting on her seatbelt.</FONT>

Lady::  Hello miss, mind holding this for me?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam turns to see an elderly lady holding out a rather vintage crocheted purse.  Without thinking, Sam reaches up and grabs it from the lady who then turns to pick up a carry on and lifts it over her head to stow it away before sliding into the seat beside Sam and taking the purse from her.</FONT>

Lady::  Thank you sweetie, I am so glad that someone is here to help.  I find that manners have been declining lately.  I men all those people who think they are better than one.  I tell you, manners are a lost art.  Speaking of…my name is Janie what’s yours?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam offers a smile and straightens to hold out her hand for a handshake.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I’m Sam, but most people call me…</FONT>

Janie:  Sammi…My Sam was the same.  Pity though he passed…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Both women hang their head slightly, it is a southern thing, before Janie continues.</FONT>

Janie:  And actually, I recognized you after you said your name was Sam.  Only redhead Sam I know is Sam Marlowe.  ‘magine me getting to meet one of my favorite wrestlers on this rinky dink plane.  So tell me, is that Ben Jordan as nice as he acts and is he really married to that Evie lady?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Y’all see the real Ben in that ring andout of it and he is a gentleman, and a sweetheart.  And yes, he is married happily to Evie.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> The sound of a voice over the loudspeaker has both ladies preparing for takeoff.  Sam takes her usual position with hands clutched in her lap, the fingers tangling as she fights off nerves while Janie begins to paw through her purse and pulls out a stick of gum that she opens and then draws out the gum to slide it into her lipsticked mouth and begins to chew it.  The sound of the planes rotors coming up to speed has Sam clutching harder at her hands as Janie braces against the seat, her chewing getting louder in sync with the whine of the engines.  Suddenly the plane is in the air and Sam can let her fingers go.  Janie continues to brace with the arms and Sam turns to see her with her eyes closed and her mouth moving in prayer.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Hey Janie…s’ok?  Y’all look like you are speakin’ to the man upstairs and all but ain’t nothing gonna happen to you.  It’s only a hop step jump to vegas and then you can sit back and relax til we get there.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Janie opens one eye to look at Sam in desperation as a nervous laugh breaks the silence.</FONT>

Janie:  I don’t know about you but this is my first flight since I had to be in Vegas by 9 am and it is too long to drive.  I usually drive you know, less likely to crash and all.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Actually, flyin’ is really safe.  I do it all the time as you could guess.  Besides, the stewardess will be comin’ along with a snack or drink.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Janie lets her other eye open slowly then smiles at Sam.  The redhead smiles back before turning once more to the window watching the lights fade as the darkness of the desert changes the night view into a black velvet with only aa few bright sparkles few and far between into the distance.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> The steward comes along and Sam can hear him ask Janie if she would like anything to drink.  The woman orders a glass of wine as the steward puts a small container of nuts on her tray table.  As he pours the wine, he asks Sam what she would like to drink.  Sam turns her head to shake it at the offer of a cold drink but instead requests a tea as the steward adds the container of nuts on her tray table.  He opens a small carafe of hot water and fills a coffee cup with it before laying a tea bag and spoon on a napkin he had flicked onto the tray.  Sam thanks him and begins to steep her tea as Janie begins to speak again.</FONT>

Janie:  I have to ask Sam, I can call you Sam right?  I mean we are flying buddies and all.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Sure y’all can call me Sam.  And whaat do you want to know?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Janie takes a sip of her wine then turns in the seat(as much as the seatbelt will allow) and gives Sam a narrow eyed look.</FONT>

Janie:  What do you think your chances are in the match at Violent Conduct?  Do you actually think you can retain the titles?  Given that you are facing the former champions and all.  And actually, what do you think of both pairs of champions?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Surprised at her knowledge, Sam straightens up and begins to think about her answer as she slowly stirs the tea in front of her before she replies.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Wow, y’all caught me by surprise with that question.  I mean that match ain’t happening for two weeks and to be honest, right now I wasn’t thinkin’ too much about it.  I mean yeah, it is there in the back of my mind and all but still, my mind hasn’t really been on the title defense today.  But thinking about it I have to say that it is a very good chance that Caleb and I will retain.  After all this is out first defense and well for two people that were just thrown together for the first part, we definitely have a chemistry you know.  It has to be something like that because honestly, we are completely different people.  He’s heavy metal rock and I am country.  He’s long hair and black shirts…I’m blue jeans and cowboy boots.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> A scoff from Janie surprises Sam as she is in mid speech.  Reaching for her tea, Sam gives Janie a look before asking where the scoff came from.</FONT>

Janie:  I have to say Sam that you really are a cavity inducing sweetheart.  I saw that happened with Caleb and the fact that he got the win and did it by blindtagging you so he could claim all the glory.  And we both know that he then tried to say that it was he that was the one carrying the team. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Before Sam could say anything, Janie holds up her hand.</FONT>

Janie:  I know that this is the point where you would defend your partner and I am just not having it.  Because I want to ask you some other things and since I have you as a captive audience so to speak I want to know…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Captive that she was, Sam’s mind was definitely taken off of the night before the flight as Janie soon had her laughing with some of the questions she asked as the flight continued…so back to our regularly scheduled flash forward.</FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam Marlowe comes into view, this time she is dressed in a pair of blue cut offs with a white picot lace halter.  Barefooted, Sam walks into the patio of her house, a plate of steak in one hand and a rootbeer in the other.  Setting the steak down by the barbeque, she opens it before she lays the steak on which immediately begins to si</FONT>le.  On the table nearby, an open laptop where a recording of the action can be seen.  Sam turns to face it bringing her smiling face into view.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Welcome y’all to my backyard where today I decided that I was going to give you the lowdown on the mixed title match that is fixing to be held on Sunday September 16 in the Hanger in Lancaster California.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam uses a pair of large tongs to flip the steak.  Closing the lid, she moves to sit in front of the computer and continues to speak.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Seeing as this is the very first defense of the mixed tag title for Caleb and I, of course you would know that there was going to be a rematch for the titles against Kain and Mercedes Vargas.  And of course, you know that Christian Underwood and Mark Ward always have something up their sleeve to give the fans of SCW every bit of excitement and are always good for a twist or two when it comes to matches like this.  And here is the twist…they added London Underground to the match just to make things more interesting.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam takes a sip of her drink then addresses the computer again, this time her brows knit and a look of determination on her face.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I have to say that it was a twist I wasn’t really expecting considering that London Underground ain’t really wanting the titles again if you can believe the talk.  I mean sure, they are a threat and I know that Mackenzie or Charlotte could beat me ringpost to turnbuckle but I also know that I can give as good as I get.  Yeah maybe they are bigger and badder but I have my speed and my high flying that just might cause them trouble.  See if they want to use their power on me, they have to catch me first.  And I will not hesitate to bring the fight to them, no sirree bob.  After all, I am a champion and that is what champions do.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam stops for a second, holding up a finger and then moving to the barbeque once more to check and turn her steak.  Walking back to the computer she leans over and putting both hands on the table on either side of it, she continues.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I will admit that I am looking forward to stepping into the ring with either of the ladies of London Underground.  Both of them are helluva a challenge and one that I am looking forward to conquering.  Then we have the other former champion in Mercedes Vargas in the match.  The record holder will be looking to become an eleven time champion and will be fighting tooth and nail should it come to that.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam looks to the side as she speaks, a look of worry now on her face.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Listen, I know what you are thinking and I know that the odds are stacked against me retaining and that is ok.  I like those odds and I like breaking them.  I ain’t going to put down my opponents, hellfire, they have held the titles too but I have to admit that I have a whole lot of respect for Mercedes and the gals of London Underground but I need to show them that I deserve the same respect.  All three…I mean four of us have been champions after all.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> Sam moves to the barbeque and opening it allows a waft of hickory smoke to escape as she rescues the steak from the flames and puts it on her plate.  Turning to the computer once more, she addresses it.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I also want to let my partner Caleb know that I don’t think he carries me in the match and I don’t think that I carry him in the match.  He’s going to have his hands full with Kain and London Underground too but I want him to know that I got his back and am going to be giving one hundred and ten percent.  Now if you excuse me, Mama said it wasn’t polite to video promo and eat so I’m gonna have to say bye for now but trust me, next week, at Violent Conduct, I am going to be coming out fighting and I am going to either keep the belt or go down fighting.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> With those words, Sam reaches for the keyboard and sends the image to black.</FONT>

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Climax Control Archives / Can Sam Marlowe Win Gold once more?
« on: August 24, 2018, 11:55:45 PM »
 <FONT COLOR=WHITE>A redhead is seen straddling a bench dressed for a work out.  The lightly knotted tee is plastered to her body as her long red curls hide her face as they hang damp and limp.  The whole image is of a woman tired and worn after a hard work out.  The room around her is empty as music fills the air.  Getting to her feet once more, she moves slowly towards the mirrors that make up one wall and looks herself over.  Finally the face of Sam Marlowe comes into view, flushed from the exercise and glowing except for the darkening around her eye, two black stitches and the slight swelling which are the only indications that remain from the sneak attack she suffered at Climax Control…</FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Pussy Willow rushes towards the medical area where Sam Marlowe is seen sitting on the guerney with a bag of ice on her neck with a bandage that she is holding against a bloody cut over her eye.  The EMT is preparing a suture kit and sets it beside Sam who grimaces slightly before turning to face the interviewer.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Hey Pussy, you look like you are in a rush for some reason.  Busy news day?</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Busy day is right!  I hear that you got attacked and I needed to come back and check on you.  And I also heard about next week’s card and I have to talk to you about that as well. So tell me, what happened?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam shrugs slowly which sends the bag of ice sliding along her neck.  Reaching up, she straightens it then begins to speak.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Someone sent a message out to me at ringside when I was talking to Jason and Belinda and I came back here only to find someone who got the drop on me.  I wasn’t able to see who it was but as you can see, they managed to get first blood.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    My goodness Sammi, that doesn’t look good.  What are the EMTs saying?

Sam Marlowe:    Saying I am goin’ to need a copy of stitches to close this up.  But this ain’t nothing right now.  I am still angry that someone decided that they wanted to attack me.  I mean I didn’t think that there was anyone that thought of me that way.  But I guess that I got someone who ain’t too happy with me.  Oh well, I guess that next time I am going to have to be more careful about backstage.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam offers a half smile with that comment before the EMT indicates she needs to lay on the guerney.  Reaching up, she pulls the ice from her neck and hands it to the second medic before being helped to lay down on the bed.  The EMT opens a sterile cover that he puts over the face of Sam who is trying to lay quiet.  Beside her, Pussy sits on the edge of the chair drawn up to the bed.  </FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Well since you don’t know who did this to you, then maybe you might want to know what your match is next week. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Before Sam can reply, the EMT inserts a needle along her eyebrow to numb the area of the cut.  Sam winces at the slight pain and whimpers ever so softly.  Pussy reaches to the hand of Sam and squeezes it in sympathy.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Thanks Pussy and yeah, tell me, who am I facing next week?</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    None other than Mercedes Vargas.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam tries to furl her brow but only one side is working as the freezing begins to take effect.</FONT>  

Sam Marlowe:    I am facing Mercedes Vargas?  One on one?</FONT>

Pussy Willow:     Actually it isn’t one on one, you are facing her in a mixed tag match.  So it will be her and her partner Kain against…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The EMT leans over Sam and tells her to stop talking and moving as begins to stitch her eyebrow.  Pussy continues to hold the hand of Sam and speak about next week.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    …you and your partner from the Blast from the Past, Caleb Storms.  Best part of this, you could possibly be a champion after next week.  Can you imagine that, you could be the mixed tag champion with Caleb this time next week.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The medic finishes up with the final knotting of the stitch then wipes at the cut with the sterile cloth.  Sam smiles up at him then is helped to sit up.  She turns to let her legs dangle off the guerney as she talks to Pussy.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    They made it a title match?  I’m not a tag wrestler though…well except for the Blast from the Past tournament.  I don’t know what to say to this.  I mean the opportunity is one heckuva a one but what about London Underground or the other teams?</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Don’t ask me, I don’t make this stuff up.  You and Caleb get a chance to face Mercedes and Kain for their titles and let me just say that believe it or not, you might have a very good chance of taking the belts.  Both of you are ready to be champions from what Caleb keeps saying.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam thinks for a moment as a small droplet of blood follows the angle of her brow and then dribbles down the cheek of Sam who wipes it away and begins to smile.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    So someone either wants to see me and Caleb get our behinds handed to us or that same someone doesn’t want to see Vargas and Kain keep the titles.  Either way, we are goin’ to take advantage of the opportunity.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam slips off the guerney, stumbles only slightly before she heads towards the locker rooms leaving Pussy to wonder at her friend who begins to softly whistle “We are the champions” as she disappears around the corner of the hallway.

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam’s eyes lose their distant look as she shakes off the memories and moves back from the mirror.  Tossing the sweat dampened towel she had picked up to the side, she reaches for a remote that is laying on the bench and turns up the music emanating from somewhere.  The song swells slightly as she places the remote down once more and rolls her neck.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Taking a slow breath, she begins to sway and move to the music, a soft underlying hum joining the music.  The redhead rises on her toes and begins to move gracefully across the floor using very rudimentary ballet moves.  She is unaware that she is being watched by Pussy Willow who has opened the door to the gym and allowed a cameraman to move beside her and begin to film Sam who is lost in the music.  Pussy taps the cameraman on the arm and then points him at Sam as she calls out.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Looking good Marlowe!</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam shrieks in surprise and stumbles over her feet as Pussy grimaces guiltily before moving to reach for the towel to hand it to Sam who uses it to cover her act of surprise as she rushes to pick up the remote and lower the volume.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Hellfire Pussy, y’all got to give a gal a bit of notice before doin’ things like that.  My heart is racing and it ain’t from the exercise!  What are you doing here anyways?</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    I wanted to get an interview because you know that Mercedes and Kain are probably getting ready to rip you a new one and I wanted to see if you had anything to say about the match this week at Climax control.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam moves to the mirror once more, her hand brushing the damp curls from her forehead.  Turning to the side, she reaches for an unseen box that she opens and pulls a bottle from it.  The sides immediately frost up in the moist air of the gym as Sam shakes the drink then opens it to bring it closer to sip from the neck of the bottle.  Sighing as she puts the top on the bottle and sets it down on the bench before straddling the bench behind it, Sam clears her throat and begins to speak. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I have to say that I wasn’t really ready to believe you on Sunday night Pussy.  I mean it was almost surreal that I would be given a shot at any gold considering that it was only one week after my return.  But given that there has been a lot of action around the titles, what with London Underground losing them to Mercedes and Kain and still not asking for a rematch?  Seems almost like they are jinxed or something…lullin’ wrestlers into a sense of anything is possible.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Pussy nods in agreement as does the cameraman after he pulls his head away from the camera so as not to jiggle it too much but still, the image of Sam moves slightly out of focus before he returns to right it and film Sam again.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Well, how do you feel about teaming up with Caleb Storms?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    What a complete sense of déjà vu.  I mean we haven’t teamed since we were eliminated from the Blast from the Past.  And I do have to address the comments that I have been hearing and seeing on Twitter.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Yeah, I keep seeing them too.  I mean everyone is painting him with the same brush as Jessie Salco…</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    First of all Pussy, I think that Caleb is gettin’ a bad rap.  Sure, he opens his mouth and sometimes he sticks his foot in it but from what I have seen, he is just trying to get the higher ups to actually see that he has some skills in the ring and if I was to talk to him about doin’ that, I would say to him that he should be lettin’ what he does in the ring speak for itself.  I mean, granted he gets the attention but it is all the wrong attention.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Pussy nods as Sam once more brings the bottle to her lips after uncapping it.  She waits as Sam caps the now empty bottle and tosses it to the recycling bin by the box then turns to face the interviewer again.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    I can’t argue with you about that Sam.  But my God have you seen Twitter?  Everyone and I mean everyone is down on Caleb.  I follow Ben and I saw what he posted about you needing a doctor’s appointment because you will be carrying Caleb.   </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Ben can be a right prat when he wants to be and I know he is probably working out the frustration of having Caleb trashtalking him about the Roulette title and I will admit that it was getting a little bit annoying to see him week in and week out slagging Ben because he wanted a title shot.  Well now he has one and I hope that now he has this title shot he is going to give Ben some room.  Which means that I am going to really need to be on my best at Climax Control.  Ben is going to owe me for this one I am sure.  Because if we win this week, then I am sure that Caleb will be backing off Ben, or at least I hope he will. </FONT>

Pussy Willow:    I doubt it Sammi, I really do.  I don’t think that Caleb would ever stop going after the singles gold even if he does have tag gold.  So winning those titles means you need to want it for you.  And will you admit that you will probably be carrying him in the match?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam wags her finger at Pussy who gives her friend an innocent look.  Quirking her lips, Sam’s glance strays to the side before turning to look at the camera as she thinks of her reply.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Y’all are tryin’ to get me in trouble aren’t you Pussy?  I mean if I admit that I think that I am carryin’ him in the match, I may hurt his feelings and hurt my chances for a solid teaming and if I don’t admit it, I will never hear the end of it if we win by my pinning of Mercedes, the words will come back to haunt Caleb.  So I am going to be politically correct and say that both of us will be bringing our A games to the match and whatever happens will happen.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Frustrated by the comments of Sam, Pussy changes her tactics and speaks of Sam’s opponents.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Okay, enough about Caleb for now, we will get back to that later.  Tell me now about the fact that you will be facing Mercedes in the ring.  She is a ten-time champion in SCW and she is very confident about keeping the title around her waist.  What could you possibly say to counter the idea that she seems unbeatable in her own words.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I have to say Pussy, she could very possibly be the most arrogant champion other than maybe Mikah in this company but you do have to give the devil her due.  She is as you say a ten-time champion and because of that she has earned the ability to talk the way she does.  But I do also have to remind her that yeah, she double tough but there has been people who beat her and trust me when I tell you that I remember vividly when she beat me for my Bombshell title.  But did I cry or whine about the title, no, I just went out and beat her to get it back once more.  And maybe that is what I need to do this week.  I need to get in that ring and keep up with my winning ways.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    But you only just returned Sam and only have one win under your belt.  This is only your second match back and now you got a title shot for the Tag titles.  Speaking of, what do you think about the fact that Sin City Wrestling has a brand-new type of title with the mixed tag titles.  You have to admit that no other company has done with these new titles.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>A smile crosses the face of Sam.  The cameraman takes in all the emotion on her face as she speaks.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    It is pretty interesting Pussy.  And original but we do have to point out there are so many other companies out there that have women wrestling men and winning tag titles but I definitely have to applaud Sin City Wrestling on the fact that these titles are done right with the women facing the women and the men facing the men.  If you ask me, I like this much better and can’t wait to take part in the match for these titles.  And to face Mercedes Vargas and Kain, two very dominant wrestlers in the ring.  And I know they aren’t going to make it easy on Caleb and I.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Of course not!!</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam can only laugh at the obvious attempt at objectivity.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I get it Pussy, it is a complete up hill battle for Caleb and I but trust me when I tell you that I am ready to do my best in that ring.  See I will look at it like it is only between me and Mercedes and leave Kain for Caleb to deal with.  Between the two of us, we have a surefire chance at taking the titles and if we do, we’ll defend them.  So I am goin’ to be confident and say that we are goin’ to fight our hardest for those titles.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Good to hear Sam, I think you may be fighting a losing battle facing those two but you know I will be cheering for you.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I know Pussy and as much you think it is a losing battle, that is just goin’ to make me fight that much harder.  But now I really think that I should be getting ready for this match on Sunday and I can’t do that if you are here so let’s make plans for Sunday and y’all give me the gym back for my workout.</FONT>

Pussy Willow:    Sure Sam, talk to you Sunday.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Pussy stands and motions for the cameraman to stand and the pair head out of the gym with the cameraman walking backwards still filming Sam as she gets off the bench and moves to the mirror once more, this time, pulling off the tee to reveal a skintight halter under the straps of the wrestling leotard she has on.  The last image seen is of Sam bent over stretching out once more to begin another workout.</FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam Marlowe moves along the hallway towards a door that she slams her way through before walking out into the bright sunlight of the University of Nevada campus after a class on the classics (see what I did there huh).  The walk to the beat up chevy in the far part of the parking lot is done rather quickly as Sam gets to the car and after opening it, tosses her bag into the backset and then she slides into the vehicle to slump in the front seat.  Putting her hands on the steering wheel, she contemplates the empty parking lot then a smile begins to break as she turns and reaching into the backseat pulls out a go pro camera and exits the car once more.  Setting up the Go Pro, Sam presses record then backs away from the camera to reveal herself in a soft pink blouse and a matching plaid skirt that leaves little to the imagination. She stops a few feet away and begins to talk to the camera as if she is in the middle of the ring at Climax Control. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    The time has come for me to challenge once more for a title in Sin City Wrestling and I would be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the challenge of facing Kain and Mercedes Vargas in the ring at Climax Control for the Mixed Tag Team titles.  Yeah lyin’ through my teeth.  See, it has been a while since I have held gold and if truth be told, I do miss it.  Not that wrestling for the fans is a rush that I love too but there is a difference when you hold a title. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Pausing for a moment, Sam takes a deep breath and gets a thoughtful expression on her face before she addresses the camera again.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I don’t rightly know if I an explain it or not but holding a title in a wrestling company is a little like winning a marathon.  You fight and fight until you cross the finish line and all the pain of that fight disappears when your hands pull the belt to your chest, feeling the adrenaline increase your heartbeat until it is a strong throb against the leather of the belt.  Listen to me wax poetic about a title belt…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The tinkle of Sam’s laughter carries on the slight breeze that ruffles her ginger curls.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    and I suppose that maybe I should be talking about the fact that once again I am teaming with Caleb Storms in this match.  I do have to let him know that regardless of what my friends say and regardless of the fact that we did wash out of the tournament, I ain’t goin’ to be the one that will be lying back and thinking that just because he got the win to take us to the second round in the Blast from the Past, I can slack off.  Nah, y’all see, I have to keep up with my wins because in some ways, I am just like Caleb Storms.  Not taken seriously enough by the people facing us across the ring I am sure but both of us are ready and able to surprise anyone on any given night. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    Don’t get me wrong though.  Mercedes Vargas and Kain are both wrestlers that have tasted glory in Sin City Wrestling.  Both have been champions and both of them know what it takes to retain titles.  Both of them understand the drive to be a champion and I am sure that both of them are doubting the drive in Caleb and I.  Maybe that is a good thing because if you underestimate your opponent, you tend to be beaten by that opponent.  Overconfidence is something you need to realize sets roadblocks in a champions way.  And those same roadblocks can cause those on top to tumble to the bottom in one fell swoop.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam puts her hands behind her back as she addresses the camera and smiles.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I know right now that I am preparing for the fight of my life.  I have something to prove for sure and that is that I am someone that is a danger from the opening bell to the last three count or submission.  Nobody takes me seriously but that is a mistake because they are discounting a two-time bombshell champion who ended the winning streak of Mikah the first time and beat Mercedes herself for my second title reign.  Then of course there are my two Bombshell Roulette championships that I won.  So yeah, maybe I ain’t as titled or…</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam raises her fingers to make air quotes.</FONT>  

Sam Marlowe:    Entitled as say Mercedes with her ten championships.  But I am sure that y’all are really underestimating me right now.  Which Mercedes, if you are, is a mistake.  After all, you know just what I am capable of doing and if you didn’t think that I was still capable of it, that means you are going to be lazy and sloppy and a former champion after Sunday.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam’s smile fades as a serious look crosses her face as she addresses the camera, not noticing the small crowd of people that have begun to gather around her.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    I am coming for the title match Mercedes and Kain and I am coming with two things on my mind.  The first is that I am going to have to scratch and claw my way in that match to probably get your respect.  And that is fine by me because I know what I need to do and that is keep the two of you off your game with innovation and my not so typical wrestling style.  I know that Mercedes is very much into the submission and technical moves of wrestling but I am someone that likes to take risks and fly.  And believe me Mercedes, I ain’t afraid to fly when I need to.  So Sunday night Mercedes and Kain, Caleb and I will be bringing the fight to you and when the dust settles and you look to see your title belts, I hope y’all ain’t surprised when you see them in the hands of Caleb and I.  We are coming for the titles and we won’t leave Climax Control without them.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam’s comments have the people cheering.  Sam turns quickly to see them there and blushing a bright red, she moves to the camera and presses stop.  The new fans are cheering as she ducks enough to set the camera into the car then with a flirty grin, she turns back to the crowd to give them a curtsey with a soft laugh as the parking lot crowd continues to cheer as Sam waves then slides into her chevy.  Starting the engine, she slowly pulls out of the parking lot as the other begin to head off in other directions with the excitement now over and Sam pulls away.</FONT>

Climax Control Archives / The Return of Sam Marlowe
« on: August 10, 2018, 11:49:27 PM »
 <FONT COLOR=WHITE>The return that no one saw coming, well almost no one saw it.  After the injury sustained by Sam Marlowe when she lost the Bombshell roulette title, the newsmakers, smarks and all other forms of media were reporting that her career was over and that she was gone, career over by 25.    </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>That was then, and back then, even Sam thought it was over.  She was spending her time just sitting around reading Shakespeare and feeling sorry for herself.  And if you asked her, she would have told you it was over…or would have if she hadn’t gotten that one visitor that forced herself to look at what was going on and made her realize that she needed to come back to SCW.  </FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>A redhead rested on a rather worn sofa in the middle of a large open room.  Her red hair covers the soft neck brace that keeps her neck stiff.  One hand rests on the woman’s forehead while the elbow lay on the back of the sofa.  Dressed in a pair of sweats and a soft tee, Sam Marlowe’s attention is not on the book in her lap but rather focused blindly on the wall where a shelf can be seen, a bombshell title and a bombshell roulette title are set together.  To the side, a poster can be seen, Into the Void seven with an image of Sam herself with the Bombshell Roulette title.  A soft sigh escapes from her as she once more looks down to the book in her lap.  Suddenly, the ring of her doorbell catches her attention and she turns to the door.  A second ring has her standing and moving slowly towards the door. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I am coming…hang on!</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam makes her way to the door to glimpse through the spyhole.  The person on the other side of the door brings a smile to the lips of Sam as she unlocks the door and pulls it open. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe: Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.  How have you been?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The door widens to reveal a rather familiar face.  Sam moves back to allow the person to enter the house.  The person turns back and with a grin while pushing a pair of silvered aviators up to pull two toned hair back from the face of one Hall of Famer, Vixen Staggs who is dressed in a rather casual jersey mini dress and a pair of doc martins.  Sam shuts the door behind the pair and moves towards the living room again and flops back on the sofa with a grimace.  Vixen follows more slowly as she begins to speak. </FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  So when does physio start?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam shoots Vixen a look as the other woman sits on a wingback chair across from Sam. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:   I don’t know what you are talking about Vix.  Doctor says I  probably will to have to hang them up.  After an injury like this, he is convinced that I won’t be able to get back into the ring.  So I am ready to you know, be full time student and not a bombshell anymore.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The words sounded strange coming from Sam and both Vixen and Sam heard the pain in the comment.  Vixen lets one eyebrow float upward in surprise but begins to shake her head.</FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  If you think that I believe that Sam, I got a bridge you might be interested in.  If I know you and I think I do, there is nothing you want more than to get into that ring and that is what we are going to help you do.  Let’s go.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Vixen stands and moves towards Sam. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Go?  Go where?   </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Vixen holds out her hand and waits for Sam to take it before pulling her up to a standing position.  Sam looks confused as she slowly rises with her hand in Vixen’s. </FONT>

Vixen Staggs: We are taking you to the gym and I have a friend that I want to introduce you to.  We’ll call him to meet us at the Dungeon.  So you go grab some workout clothes and come with me.   I am not taking no for an answer.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The Hall of famer pushes Sam towards her stairs then points as the redhead slowly climbs the stairs and disappears upstairs.  From her room where she is grabbing a pair of dark tights and a half tee that she slides into a bag, she calls down to Vixen who is tapping her boot against the ceramic of the entry way of Sam’s house.  Sam moves down the stairs and joins Vixen. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  You know, the doctor was quite clear about this Vix.  He’s sure that I am done.  </FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  You have heard of a second opinion haven’t you?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>With that, Vixen pushes her out of the house and towards the beat up car in the drive.  Hours later, Sam and Vixen are at the Staggs Dungeon where the pair are joined by a man with a high and tight which indicates that he is military.  Vixen snaps off a smirking salute before enfolding the man in a hug.  Sam hangs back, her hand rubbing at her neck self-consciously as she looks anywhere but the pair of people who turn towards her talking in French.  The only words Sam understood was her name and that was it.  </FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  Guertin, I want you to meet Sam Marlowe.  She is a friend of mine and one of my students.  She was dropped on her head and I suspect she got a stinger so do you think you might give her a once over?</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam smiled sheepishly as she held out her hand. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Only thing I caught was my name.  Nice to meet y’all.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The falling back into the soft drawl of Texas was something that brought a smile to the friend of Vixen. </FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  Careful Sammi, Guertin here has a thing for southern accents.  Sam, want you to meet Guertin, he and I were in the same unit in the military up in Canada.  Once he got out, he studied sports medicine and physiotherapy.  I think that he might be someone that can help you get back in the ring.  He’s gonna give you the once over and between the two of us, I think we can do wonders.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam looks doubtfully at the pair who only smile and move her towards the benches near the ring and Guertin begins to do an assessment of Sam as he pokes and prods the redhead.  Keeping his touch gentle, he manages to take some notes then moves off for a moment leaving Sam and Vixen to chat. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe: Even if he says he can’t help me, at least you tried Vix and thanks for that.  And if he manages to get me ready to get back in the ring, I am going to need a lot of work so are you going to have time to give me as well?   </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Guertin moves back to join the women and hands to Sam some notes and moves towards some equipment near a mirror.  Turning back he motions for Sam to come closer.  As she does, he begins to speak in a soft voice with a slight French accent as the image of the pair of them in the mirror fades with him beginning to rotate her head gently. </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Flashback over, we are back with a sore Sam Marlowe, her hair plastered to her forehead and neck dressed in leotard and wrestling tights at the Staggs Dungeon.  In one hand is a rather large bag of ice that she gently lays on the crook of her neck where it meets her shoulder.  She sits in front of the mirror, her head hanging down before a cough catches her attention and a bottle of water is dangled in front of her face.  Reaching for it, she smiles and leaving the ice bag on her shoulder, she opens the bottle to take a long sip from it.</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Thanks, I needed that!  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>A soft chuckle from Vixen Staggs who has her own bottle of water.  Straddling the bench beside Sam, Vixen gives her a look and raises an eyebrow in an inquiring way.</FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  So what did they say?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:   They said that the tests went well.  Then they gave me this piece of paper… </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam reaches towards the bag at her feet and pulls a paper from it to hand to Vixen.  Reaching over and taking the paper, Vixen looks down as her hands work it open.  Scanning the paper, she quickly looks up at Sam who lets a quirk of her lips spread into a smile. </FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  Bravo, you’re cleared to wrestle again?  That is merveilleux!!  Now when are you going to let the bosses know?</FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    They already know.  I kinda made the announcement at last Sunday’s Climax Control and well this week I am in a match for this Sunday’s Climax Control against Portia Alexander.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Vixen nods slowly as she crosses her arms over her chest with one hand moving to rub against her chin thoughtfully. </FONT>

Vixen Staggs:  Interesting…I have been hearing stories about this Portia person.  But I think you are ready for this so I want you to kick butt and take names like you did before.  Only this time I will be watching!</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Vixen wags a finger at Sam who pretends to be fearful as she holds up her hands which sends the bag of ice sliding from her shoulder.  The two women both reach for it causing some laughter as Sam leans back against the mirror to lay it once more on her neck.  The scene fades out with the pair discussing strategy for what will be coming at Climax Control. </FONT>

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Standing in the middle of the ring with all the technicians building the sets and setting up for Climax Control around her, Sam paces slowly, one hand clutching the top rope lightly.  Closing her eyes, she allows the cable to drag across the skin of her palm as she refamiliarizes herself to the sensation.  Stopping suddenly as if she can feel someone watching her, she turns to find a cameraman silently filming her.  She offers him a smile as she turns to rest her arms in their satin jacket sleeves on the top rope then motions that she has something to say.  She looks relaxed in a pair of daisy dukes, sneakers and a white cotton picot trimmed blouse under a retro fifties satin jacket </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:   I suppose I should be saying something and usually it is light and fun and fan centric however, I have to be honest with you.  This almost didn’t happen and thinking about it now I have to admit that there were a couple of reasons that I worked my butt off to get back into ring shape this quickly.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam licks her lips as she pauses, emotions choking her up for all of a minute before she talks again. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:    The first is the fact that I love this sport.  I love the thrill of testing myself against some of the best in the business one on one or sometimes two on one or sometimes everyone for themselves.  And I know that I have been at the bottom of the company and I have been at the top but between you and me, there is so much more I want to do with my career and this Sunday I start at Climax Control when I face Portia Alexander.  </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  Speaking of Portia Alexander, I am pretty sure that she is preparing for me in any way she can and that is a good thing.  I don’t want my first match back to be a gimme, I want it to be something that is going to test me and prove that all the hard work I have put in to make my in ring return was worth it.  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam stops as she straightens then puts her hands into the pockets of her jacket. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  And the second reason was my contract and the fact that I just couldn’t sit back and let it lapse with me sitting there doing nothing.  I have a very strong work ethic that my Daddy instilled in me and I will be danged if I was going to go out that way.  I guess the saying is that the only way I would be leaving is with my boots on.     </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  And finally the real reason I returned was for the fans.  They supported me when I was on top and when I was lower that low.  And if they can give me their support like that, hellfire, I am gonna give them one hundred and fifty percent of Sam Marlowe.  They deserve that.  So…  </FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam stops to take a slow breath that she lets escape her lips then addresses the camera once more. </FONT>

Sam Marlowe:  I have to tell you Portia that I’m sorry.  I am sorry you are my first opponent and that I am going to be coming for the win this week on Climax Control.  I mean I could take it easy, be careful and just slide though but I know somehow you won’t be letting me do that now will ya?   I would not expect any less from anyone that signed an SCW contract.  So in that ring, bring your best Portia because I am bringing mine.  And good luck.  I know what it is like when you have a match with a name that has some significance but don’t hold back.  Just because I am a two time former Bombshell champion and a two time former Bombshell Roulette champion doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance.  Like Daddy says, the sun will shine on a dog’s rear sometimes.  But I’m confident that this week on Climax Control we are going to make our match one for the fans for sure.  I’ll see y’all in the ring on Sunday.</FONT>

<FONT COLOR=WHITE> With that, Sam pushes away from the ropes and slides between them to jump onto the floor and begin to walk away with the camera following her until she disappears behind the half hung curtain into the backstage area.</FONT>

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