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Messages - R.O.A.R.

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Supercard Archives / Silver looking good in Japan
« on: September 15, 2012, 03:12:08 PM »
Argento vs DJ Williams

Scene 1

(The scene is Orlando Florida, and there is a beach house on the beach and we see a young lady in the house)

Lili Argento: Michael! Michael, get up.

(Lili Argento is Argento's 17 year old little sister whom Argento had raised ever since their parents were murdered. Argento slowly gets up)

Argento: Alright sis, I'm up. Give me a minute to get dressed.

(A few minutes later He comes in the kitchen in a tanktop, and workout pants.)

Lili: There you are. You know my eighteenth birthday is coming up.

Argento: Of course.

(He musses up her hair)

Argento: I havent forgotten little sister. However, that is a little less than two months from now.

Lili: I like to think ahead.

Argento: I know you do, and that sometimes gets you in trouble.

Lili: I know big brother, and i love you for being concerned, seeing how you raised me for so long.

(Argento smiles. Then Lili's phone rings. She goes in the other room and talks for a bit and a few minutes later she comes back in the kitchen)

Lili: Michael, my friends and I want to go shopping at the mall a little later, would you mind driving me up there?

Argento: Sure, but you have your own vehicle.

Lili: I know, but it's not as cool as yours.

(Argento chuckles a bit)

Argento: Alright. I'll drive you. Now go get cleaned up. I will make us breakfast.

(Lili goes to shower as Argento starts breakfast as Scene 1 ends)


Scene 2

(We see Argento and Lili at the entrance to the mall, and her best friends Amy, and Jackie are there. Lili meets up with them, and the two look at Argento)

Amy & Jackie: Hey Michael.

(They say flirtingly. Argento chuckles a bit, knowing those two have a crush on him. Amy just turned 18, and Jackie just turned 17.)

Argento: Hello young ladies.

Lili: C'mon you two, leave my brother alone. You know hes too old for you.

Amy: Hey, I just turned eighteen.

Lili: Yeah, but you are not out of high school yet.

(Amy pouts.)

Argento: Go on you three.

(He says with a chuckle. They go in. Then Argento's cell rings, and he sees that its their uncle Vinchenzo)

Argento: Ciao Zio Vinchenzo (Hello Uncle Vinchenzo)

Voice: ....

Argento: Vi ho detto una volta, Lili e non tornano a Venezia. (I told you once before, Lili and I are not coming back to Venice)

Voice: ....

Argento: Io non mi mossi Lili e da Venezia per causa mia, dopo mamma e papà sono stati assassinati. L'ho fatto per amore di Lili e il benessere. Inoltre, tu e il resto della famiglia non importava per Lili ed io, in primo luogo. Lei si preoccupava solo mamma e papà. (I did not move Lili and Venice for my sake, after mom and dad were murdered. I did it out of Lili's sake, and well-being. In addition, you and the rest of the family did not care for Lili and I, in the first place. you all only cared about Mom and Dad.)

Voice: ....

Argento: Davvero? Allora dove eri quando avevo bisogno di Lili e il resto di voi, dopo il loro assassinio? Ho dovuto prendere ciò che hanno lasciato Lili ed io e mi ci ha spostato in America. Ho fatto. Pertanto lo zio Vinnie, a meno che non si ha intenzione di scendere e visitare a noi, noi non è necessario. Ciao. (Really? Then where were you when Lili and I needed the rest of you after their murder? I had to take what they left Lili and I and I moved us to America. I did. Therefore Uncle Vinnie, unless you plan on coming down and visiting us, we dont need you. Ciao.)

(Argento hangs up and then heads in the mall and heads to where the young ladies are as Scene 2 ends)


Scene 3

(The scene is on the way home. He is also giving Amy and Jackie a ride home.)

Argento: Did you three have fun?

Amy: Yes we did. We got great new outfits, and purses and all that good stuff.

Jackie: I got Hello Kitty stuff.

Lili: I thought you hated Hello Kitty?

Jackie: That was Amy.

Amy: Yeah, never could get into that. now Justin Bieber, that i could get into.

(They arrive at Amy's house)

Argento: Here you go Amy.

Amy: Thanks Michael.

(She playfully blows a kiss at him, and Argento rolls his eyes and chuckles. She grabs her stuff and then gets out the car)

Lili: Send me pics girl.

(They drive off and then a few blocks down, they drop Jackie off. Then they head home. When they arrive, Lili gets out of the car)

Argento: Don't forget to pack when you get in there. We head off for Tokyo tomorrow

Lili: For that supercard you are part of. I can't wait to go to Japan. I loved it there.

Argento: Yes. Go ahead in, I'll be in in a minute, I have the promo to do for it.

(Lili heads inside and then Argento smiles)

Argento: Konnichiwa Tokyo, Japan. It seems to me that my opponent, DJ Williams has got the sword of Damacles hanging over his head. Well the only thing he should be worried about is Violent Conduct, and myself.

(Argento thinks)

Argento: Ashton Gibbs, it would be in your best interest to keep your nose out of this match, because I will not hesitate to knock you out with a boot to the face. DJ, i think it was the right decision to leave the Dream Chasers. However, just because i got knocked out by Jabba Jaw last week, doesnt mean i wont give you the fight of your life.

(Argento shakes his head)

Argento: DJ, Tokyo, Japan will be the place where the Silver Fox will shine, and the little situation you have going for you will not be the only thing you have to worry about.

(Argento smiles)

Argento: Japan is rich in its tradition when it comes to professional wrestling. I respect the hell out of the Puroresu style. My father dabbled a little in it, and was well on his way to becoming a star in Japan before he was murdered. DJ, I will be proud to wrestle in front of the Japanese fans, and they will witness a fight i will give you.

(Argento nods)

Argento: DJ, Tokyo will bear witness as I beat you down, wear you out until you cant go on much further, and We will see what kind of fight you bring to me. Say what you want, but when you step in the ring with the Silver Fox, you will know why i came to SCW, and that is to fight, to wrestle, and to kick ass and take names. Siver might be second place, but i will not settle for second place. Ciao.

(Argento heads into the house as scene 3 ends)

[end RP]

Climax Control Archives / Fox on a Wall
« on: September 02, 2012, 11:32:23 PM »
 (The scene is the Great Wall of China, and the cameraman takes in the beauty of the magnificent structure)

Voice: The Great Wall of China. Amazing structure isn’t it.

(The cameraman then pans down to Argento who is standing on it. He is wearing a graphic T-shirt, Black Jeans and silver Timberlands.)

Argento: Over five thousand miles of it. Breathtaking structure. But you are not here for me to give you info on one of the seven wonders of the Modern World. You are here for my promo for this week's Climax Control.

(Argento smiles and chuckles a bit)

Argento: Quite a name for a show huh? Hey, whatever floats their boat. I just wrestle.

(Argento thinks as he starts walking)

Argento: Now, let me get right down to it, and talk about my two opponents. First off, we have James Shark. Now, I might not know about James Shark, but let me offer a little advice for him. Milk the fifteen minutes of fame you soon will get for all its worth, because soon enough, you will know who i am.

(Argento thinks)

Argento: Then we got a guy who aligns himself with a group that has milked those minutes way too much in my opinion. Anthony King, Something baffles me here. You align yourself with the likes of a kid that Justin Bieber ought to slap in the face just for looking like Bieber, The SCW's answer to Two and a Half Men, and who I am going to call Rihanna Gaga.

(Argento smiles)

Argento: Tony, that little group called the Dream Chasers? Why do you associate yourself with a group who could mess up a wet dream? If you do not like me calling you Tony, well that's too bad. Deal with it.

(Argento smirks)

Argento: Back to you James Shark. Again, I might not know you, but you seem like a guy who would give me more of a fight than Tony would, but this is a triple threat match. Hey, I am all for it. You see Shark, You do not associate yourself with anyone that could give the Goonies a run for their money.

(Argento thinks)

Argento: I came to SCW to prove myself here. I am known to speak my mind, and I have my haters that hate me for that. Tony, don’t get me wrong, Rihanna Gaga with you looks great, but I am pretty sure that maybe somewhere in there is a quirkiness that could give Lady Gaga a run for her money, hence why I call her Rihanna Gaga.

(Argento smiles)

Argento: I know people hate me for speaking my mind, but they are just going to have to get over themselves. Other people count that as honesty, and I respect them for that. That’s why most of the fans love me, because if I offend people, it’s probably for a good reason. Tony, my reason for offending you and your group is because its guys like the Dream Chasers that demand respect aren’t taking seriously, and probably never will.

(Argento continues walking down the Great Wall of China)

Argento: James Shark, So far, even though you haven’t spoken yet, you have given me no reason to talk bad about you. Tony, you and your little group, whenever you talk, about 5 minutes into your babbling on about not getting respect and you claiming you are the best and what not, I fall asleep. The NXT and the Sins have ample enough reasons to claim why they are the best. You guys on the other hand bore the hell out of me. Tony, I see a little let down in your future. James, we will see what you bring to the table this week. I will see the both of you in the ring. Silver might be second place, but i will not settle for second place.

(Argento leaves the scene as he continues walking down the Great Wall)

[End RP]

Character Building Roleplays / Everything's coming up silver
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:16:19 AM »
 (The scene is the outskirts of Las Vegas, right at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign)
Voice: Las Vegas. Nevada's answer to Atlantic City. I have been to Vegas, but that was maybe two years ago.

(The cameraman pans to a guy wearing a white tank top, blue jeans, and tattoos on his left arm, colored silver.)

Guy: They call this place Sin City. I find that very appropriate. However, it is indeed a fun place to visit. I wouldnt want to live here, but a fun place none the less. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Michael Argento, but to the wrestling world, I am simply known as Argento.

(Argento steps past the sign, and starts walking down the road into Vegas)

Argento: They have a wrestling company solely based in Vegas. I find that intriguing, holding a wrestling company only based amongst the bright lights, the bawdiest of showgirls, and gambling far as the eyes can see. There's nothing wrong with that, and i applaud the owner of the company to do such a thing.

(Argento continues to walk down the streets)

Argento: Now that i have told you who i am, let me tell you what i am all about. I am all about kicking ass first, and taking names later.

(Argento smiles)

Argento: I do have a little sister Lili, who happens to be my roommate, since i have raised her since both our parents were killed. You see, I am not all that bad of a person, and just about the majority of the fans know and respect that, and for that, i show respect back.

(Argento thinks)

Argento: To the haters that boo me however, I say let them. It just tells me that they are just jealous that they can't do what i have been doing for years now. Haters are there to hate, and i don't mind that at all. In fact, I welcome it. Let them hate.

(Argento then stops at one of the nightclubs, and enters it, and the bouncer gives him the once over, and lets Argento in. All the showgirls look at him and smiles)

Argento: Good evening ladies, Carry on.

(The ladies do so, even though Argento doesn't own the place, he has that mystique about him, and the looks as well.)

Argento: I get that a lot, and i do come to nightclubs to look and buy drinks, I am a one woman guy. For those that are maybe Italian illiterate, Argento is Silver in Italian. Silver might be second place, but i will not settle for second place. This promo is over.

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