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Supercard Archives / Re: MAC BANE (c) v ALEX JONES (c) - TITLE v TITLE
« on: September 04, 2021, 01:54:46 PM »
The First Cut Is The Deepest (Rp#1 againt Alex Jones)

“It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Connecting The Dots Part 2
Port Arthur, Texas - Mixon INC
/Scene Opens\

Southeast Texas in August is not for the weak, when ninety-seven degrees feels like one hundred and fifteen degrees that’s a whole lot of no fucking bueno. I sat in my truck with one arm out the window, and the air conditioning turned up full blast. My playlist was cranked up as well, with the current selection being “Cowboys From Hell” by Pantera. I saw the man that claimed to be the youngest son of Thomas Mixon in my rearview mirror as he approached. I took one last drag from my cigarette. I was finished with my cigarette, and field dressed it just as the youngest of the Mixon boys climbed in the passenger side of my truck. I dropped the cigarette in the travel ashtray. A small amount of smoke escaped and before this ride was done, young mister Mixon was going to want to do the same, escape.  I dropped the truck into first gear and eased off the clutch and we pulled out of the parking lot. “Talk”, I said to him as he sat there on the passenger side looking very scared. “Scared?”, I asked him before he could say anything. He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, uh...Mr. Bane….”, I made a hard left forcing him up against the passenger side window. I grunted in satisfaction as I heard his head smack against the window. “Hey...not necessary!”, he protested as he rubbed the side of his head and glared at me.

“Did you think lying to me was necessary?”, I asked him, all pretense of civility now gone from my tone. “Who are you, really!?” I demanded of him. “You have no digital footprint at all, kid, and I don’t like that.”, I explained as I scowled at him. The hard left I had taken was taking us directly towards the ranch. The place that had been my home most of my adult life. He rubbed his head and looked at me in shock. “Why are you taking me towards your ranch?”, he asked in a not quite panicked voice but he was close to cracking and I knew it. “Because it has a cemetery and if I don’t like the answers I get from you, you’ll get a real up close look at it.”, I said through a growling voice. We eased off the highway onto the farm-to-market road that I had used many times to get home from the airport. I drove us right up to the cemetery entrance. “Get out of the truck”, I barked at him. He complied quickly but didn’t try to run away, which I half expected. The kid had guts, I’ll give him that, or he’s just stupid. Either way, I was going to find out what that old man wanted. “Now then, you’re going to prove to me that you are who you say you are.”, I said to him, my voice taking on an icy tone. He audibly swallowed as he looked at me in fear.

“Tell me something that only your father would know.” I continued calmly. He paused, obviously considering what that might be. “I’ve been completely transparent with you Mr. Bane, I am his youngest son.” He began but I cut him off. “Then why is it I cannot find you online in a basic search and none of my contacts can find any mention of you.” I asked him again. “Because he had our entire family's digital footprint eradicated.” He said simply. I shook my head in disbelief, could the old man be that careful? Was that even possible? “Except for his own, that is, right?”, I asked him. “Yes, you won’t find any mention of myself or my two older brothers online in any way.”, he explained to me as he continued to become paler. “My father runs in circles that would make the strongest man sick to their stomach. Men and women who make that island look like nothing. If you get my meaning.” he said more calmly now. “He’s connected to some of the vilest human beings on the face of the planet. People who will do whatever he asks.” he said finally. “Island?”, I asked him pointedly. He sighed and rolled his eyes, “Don’t you remember the guy the whole world said didn’t kill himself.”. I nodded, “I do, sick fuck.”.

Joseph paused for a moment, “He didn’t kill himself, Mr. Bane. He was in fact murdered in his cell by the Delgado family.” There was that name again, “Delgado Family?” The palm of my hand slammed into my forehead in an exaggerated facepalm. “Atlantic City Family”, he added as I stared incredulously at him. He continued, “It’s not the son that’s dangerous, the elder Delgado is the real threat. The younger is just a puppy nipping at his father’s heels.” he finished. “None of this makes any sense right now,” I added finally. “Why does your father want this land so fucking badly?”, I added. He shrugged his shoulders, “I think it’s because it belongs to a Bane, but I’ll keep my ears open if there’s more, You’ll know right after I know.” I discarded his statement, “No, there has to be more to it than that!” I said emphatically. He shrugged again, “I suppose this was enough information for you to believe that I am who I say I am?” he asked me with a careful grin. I nodded and grunted in agreement, “I suppose it does. I’ll take you back.” I said to him, and a wave of appreciation washed over his face like a cleansing rain. We got back into my truck and started the trip back to the offices of Mixon INC.


Alex Jones!

You posed the question and I’m going to answer it right out of the blocks. You asked me if I believed you to be a proper contender? Why in the actual fuck would you assume anything else? Do you really take me to be someone who wants the easy road? Who wants to appear to be anything other than a fighting champion? Shame on you AJ, for assuming anything at all about me as a person or as a champion. The assumption is the mother of all fuck ups, sir, you know this so I won’t beat a dead horse about it. The easy path would have been taking another match with Augustino and making him the number one contender. I could have done what was expected and given the shot to a returning Jack Washington. I could have even badgered Mark Cross until I embarrassed him enough to come back for a rematch.

Augustino has shown time and time again that he’s not ready for the spotlight. His matches against me have been a joke. Far from competitive to say the least. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect the kid but he’s not there yet. I’m actually kind of surprised you haven’t taken him under your wing, much like you did with Milo.

Jack Washington?

No, fuck that guy. He lost to Mark Cross and bailed like a bitch. He’ll have to earn his way back to the title picture just like everyone else.

Mark Cross?

The same thing, he lost to me and decided to retire. Even if he came back tomorrow he’d be contending with the Jack Washington’s of the company to even sniff the main event again.

I could have even gone farther than that, I could have sent word to Sin City Underground and taken on one of their champions. So, yes Pikachu I choose you to defend my title against. Based on everything I’ve laid out here, that should bring you a sense of pride in knowing at least one man in this company didn’t overlook you. Your talent, your ability, and most importantly your legacy. Not just in this company, because your legacy and mine reach farther than the walls of this company. We are men that have been around for a long long time. We’ve affected people in ways that we don’t even know about. I’d say overall, that’s a positive thing. We each have our share of baggage, things we’ve done in the past that we’re not exactly proud of. One thing we can be proud of though is the here and now.

You and I may not be the main event for Violent Conduct but by God, we can make them regret that choice! Alex Jones versus Mac Bane is the main event in any company. We have no control over that. The ownership team of this company does, they feel like Amber versus Myra has more ability to make money than we do. Maybe they’re right and maybe they’re not. The only way to put the Men’s side of the house back where we are on equal footing with the bombshells is to bring the Sullivan Arena down! We’ll burn this bitch to the ground and put everyone on fucking notice in this company. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. From the owners to the men on this roster to the Bombshells.

How do I know we will do exactly that?

That’s the easy part, Chief.

Title versus title was the stipulation. It’s not that you have nothing to lose. Quite the opposite, I know that title means a lot to you. This match puts your chase of a record in jeopardy. It would mean that if you should lose, the front office has to have another tournament to crown another champion. I did this so I know that I will get the best version of Alex Jones. The thought of losing that title means yet another blemish on your record. You shouldn’t worry about that though. Everything is in your favor, you have all the advantages. Title versus title was my stipulation but the match will be conducted via Roulette rules. Everything is right there for you to capitalize on. Like I told Cross, I’m the mountain you have to climb, the dragon you have to slay, and the man you have to beat. We’ll find out if you can indeed capitalize on it or just be the first of many title defenses that I have. 


Time or lack therof
Somewhere in Las Vegas, Nevada
/Scene Opens\

Another day, another interview, this time with a local radio personality who was a huge wrestling fan. I personally hated these types of personalities, mostly because they think they know the business. Some call them smarks, I call them assholes. Especially the ones with abrasive personalities like Dave “The Man” Leonotis. I entered the booth and could smell right away that he was an alcoholic as well as a dick head. The aroma of cheap booze and cigarettes hit me full in the face as I entered. I was greeted by his producer first, Pamela Jones introduced herself. “Mr. Bane, thank you for agreeing to do this, Dave is a huge fan of yours, but I have to warn you.”, she paused and I finished the sentence for her. “He’s a bit of a challenge?”, I said with a smile. She returned that smile, “He’s a dick, thank god I don’t work for him.” I chuckled, “No, you just have to produce his show. Almost as bad.” I said in response. She nodded and stepped aside as she heard the footfalls behind her. “Mac Fucking Bane! In my studio!” came the bellowing voice of Dave Leonotis. The smell of booze hit me long before he got to where I was. I was really glad that I still had my mask in place so he couldn’t see the contempt I was sure was written all over my face.

We shook hands briefly, “Good to meet you Dave, thank you for asking me to do this interview.” The man actually beamed with pride at the simple compliment, that was such an obvious lie even the producer laughed shaking her head as she exited the booth. Please, come in and take a seat and we’ll get started soon. You can take your mask off if you like, I don’t give a shit about that.”. I held my hands up, “I appreciate that but as the face of the company, I have to take all precautions to make sure my health is not in jeopardy outside of the ring.”. He seemed to accept that as I pulled the hand sanitizer out of my pocket and rubbed my hands vigorously. He noticed but decided not to comment as we sat down to start the interview. I leaned back in the chair and accepted the cup of coffee that Pamela brought me. “There’s some Irish Whiskey if you’d like for your coffee”, Dave commented as he held up the bottle. “A bit early for me, Dave, thanks all the same,” I said politely to him as he lowered the bottle, obviously a little disappointed in my reputation not being what he thought it was. never meet your heroes kids, they’ll never measure up to your lofty ideals I thought to myself as the interview began.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me in welcoming the World Champion in Sin City Wrestling, Mac Fucking Bane!” he began as he introduced me to his listening audience. He continued by listing off my many titles and hall of fame inductions. This guy was a super fan, obviously, listing off shit that I had forgotten about. Companies that hadn’t even entered my mind in a decade. great, just what I needed was another fucking stalker I thought to myself. “Thank you very much, Dave, that was such a glowing review of my career I  had to check and make sure I wasn’t the second coming of Jesus or something.” I quipped at him in hopes of keeping the banter light and non-invasive. He laughed in response and clapped his hands a couple of times, “Well, I’m a long-time fan, Mac, and know your career well. I’ve followed you throughout your many trials and tribulations as they say.” He said with a genuine, if not oily smile. fuck my life I thought again. “Wow, now that’s impressive, even my attention span isn’t that long.” I continued the banter with him, hoping this stayed friendly. “Seriously though, that was very kind, I had no idea you were a fan,” I added trying to keep my voice in a place to show gratitude where none existed.

“It’s my pleasure Mac, really, I’m guessing your wife couldn’t make it this time? I was really hoping to meet Amber as well.”, he said as we started getting to the meat of the interview. “Not this time Dave, she had another engagement to attend to this time. I can’t make any promises but maybe next time.” I added to put that subject to bed. “Ah, fair enough” he responded in kind. “So, shall we get to it?” he asked, I nodded to him and responded, “Go for it, chief.”. I don’t know if he could see the dangerous glint in my eye just then but I know his producer could. His face blanched as she said something to him, he nodded. “So, Mr. Bane what’s it like to be the face of the franchise for Sin City?” I smiled beneath my mask as I glanced over quickly at the producer’s window and shot her a wink. “It’s great,” I said in response. “I mean, what’s not to love about traveling the world and representing the brand that is SCW.” He nodded at my answer, “But you also have a personal brand as well right?” He followed up with. “I do, but it’s secondary to the company brand, as it should be.” He considered that for a moment and his brow furrowed at my response. “You mean to tell me that you put the company’s interest before your own? I don’t buy that bullshit for a minute.” He exclaimed almost yelling. I arched an eyebrow at his reaction.

Dave made two mistakes just then, he stood up in the booth across for me with his chest puffed out. I laughed as I leaned back in the chair. “Dave, do you remember when we were setting this up and I told you if you went too far what would happen?” To his credit the shock jock stood his ground glaring at me, I was waiting for him to start foaming at the mouth, honestly. I laughed and stood up. I took the headset off and picked my black stetson back up. “I’m sorry Pam, I have to cut this short, it was a pleasure meeting you. And when you get this jackass back on his meds, let me know and I might come back and do another interview.”


The man I defeated for this title, well he did something foolish. He declared that he would break the record for both title defenses and days held as champion. When you go out on a limb like that, you are setting yourself up for failure. Especially when there are men like Alex Jones and myself on the roster. See, I was told that I literally came out of nowhere to win this title.

Did I really?

Since day one, I’ve told people that this was my destination. That I would win this strap and no one could stop me.

I could say that I told you so…..

But now I don’t have to.

I could represent myself like some of the champions from other companies do and declare myself the greatest thing since Betty White. Instead, I invite them to come to find out for themselves. Funny enough, there haven’t been any takers. What do I take away from that? They are either cowards or they’ve seen me in action and they know the risks involved with stepping into the ring with me. What our match will be, will all be decided by a spin of the wheel. It could be virtually anything and I’m good with whatever that may be. One thing we know, Alex, is this will not be a regular match. You can try to sell at just a regular match all you want. Once the bell rings, you’ll know just how wrong that statement is. This will be my first title defense since beating Cross for the World Title. Calling this a regular match is an insult, and I don’t let those go easily.

A regular match?

Nah, fuck that. This will be anything but a regular match Alex. As we draw closer, it will become more apparent to you and your team there at the gym. I know they have your back in all things, loyalty is a fine thing, Alex. Make no mistake about it, if they stick their nose in this match, the gentleman wolf disappears and something vastly more familiar and violent comes out to play. I know there will be people who say I’m ducking them because I didn’t give them the shot at the title. People like your buddy Austin. In some ways, he’s a lot like Jack Washington, who thinks I’m ducking him because I didn’t give him this shot. There is a reason you’re getting this shot Alex and it’s not because I don’t think you can beat me. I know you can, you’ve been a world champion before. Anyone who believes for a moment that Alex Jones hasn’t earned a title shot, well, they simply haven’t been paying attention to the whole body of work. A triple crown champion, that’s who Alex Jones is. He made the Roulette Title mean something again. Some might even argue that he made it mean more than the World Title does.

I’m not one of those people, just to be clear. By holding this title makes it mean more. Right after I won this belt, J2H said something to me that struck a chord. He was talking about how previous champions had shit the bed and hadn’t lived up to what a World Champion is supposed to be. They had taken the bar that he had personally set and left it on the floor. So my raising the bar shouldn’t be too damn tough. When I say it struck a chord, I don’t mean it in a good way. It made me angry quite honestly and now I have to pick up that bar and hit people in the face with it every time I step into the ring to defend this title. I don’t know how long my reign will be but I have no intention of letting you be the one that ends it.

Good luck out there Alex, you’re gonna fucking need it.

Climax Control Archives / Again!?
« on: August 27, 2021, 06:36:09 PM »

“The more inhuman we became the more we understood each other as humans.”

― Cameron Conaway, Caged: Memoirs of a Cage-Fighting Poet

An Interview With The Champ.

Somewhere in Vegas

/Scene Opens\


One of the things I had come to despise as a part of being a champion is the schedule. It goes with the territory but Amber and I got to see less and less of each other. She was off doing a radio interview and I was meeting an internet reporter to do the same. I watched as the steam rolled off the top of my coffee cup as I added sugar and a little creamer to it. I stirred it and lifted it up for my first sip. I caught a glance of the wouldbe interviewer over the rim of the mediocre coffee I was consuming. It took all my restraint to not spew coffee everywhere, I looked at this kid and he could be the troll’s little brother. By little, I mean younger, not smaller. Down to the self confident smirk he wore as he approached the table. He didn’t wait for an invitation, he simply spun the chair around backwards and plopped himself down. I continued to sip my coffee, ignoring his presence. I really don’t like rude people, especially from the younger generation. A much taller and muscular man made his way to the table. “Good morning Mr. Bane, has my associate introduced himself?” I look up and smile at the taller man, “No, he just made himself at home.”, I replied, gesturing to the younger man.

Without warning the taller man slapped him in the back of the head, “Maurice, we discussed this. You should always introduce yourself and ask to join someone we are interviewing. It’s common courtesy for God's sake!” Maurice rubbed the back of his head and glared at the taller man, “Josh, I told you before not to do that again, I’ll go wait in the van.” Without another word, Maurice hightailed it out of the small cafe to the van that I supposed was waiting outside. “Let me guess…” I began and Josh finished the thought for me, “yes he’s the owner's nephew.”. I shook my head in disgust, “I wish you luck with that one Josh, that’s going to be an uphill battle for you and his uncle. Please have a seat.” I said to him and gestured to the empty chair that Maurice had previously occupied. He spun the chair back around and sat down with a notebook and pen in hand. I gestured to the coffee cup still upside down in front of him, “Caraffee is full if you’d like some.”. He nodded his appreciation, turning the cup over and filling it. “Thank you sir” he finally replied after taking his first sip of black coffee. 

“I’ll have to remember this place, that coffee is pretty good.”, he said as he looked up from his notebook. I smiled and nodded, “That’s the reason I chose this place. These small mom and pop operations are the best. It almost reminds me of home.” He nodded, “So you really are from Texas?” he asked. I smiled my slow easy going smile, “Yes, my family has been in that part of Texas since before the alamo. Some seven or eight generations ago I think it was.” He nodded in acceptance of that jotting a few notes down. “What about you Josh?”I asked and he smiled. “No sir, my family is from a small town in Connecticut, I doubt you ever heard of Enfield.” he said with a smile. “Can’t say that I have, honestly.” I replied in kind. “Do you  have a preference on what you’re called?” I asked him, “Joshua, Josh?”. He smiled again, a genuine smile. “Josh is fine, sir.” I returned his genuine smile with one of my own, “Call me Mac, Josh, save the sir stuff for the suits.”, he nodded and smiled again. “Thanks Mac, I appreciate that and again I apologize for Maurice.”. I forestall with any apologies, “Never apologize for the actions of another man, Josh.

He took that in and nodded his head as if in acceptance of what I said, “That’s fair and may be the best advice I’ve ever heard.” A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, “What exactly is a glitter death match?”. I shook my head in disgust, “What a terrible first question to ask in an interview.”, no longer able to contain himself he begins to laugh. I wink at him and chuckle, “Don't even get me started on that match”. “Next question.” I said with a smile. “Thank you for humoring me and playing along.”, he said. We both take a sip of coffee and he starts the question kinda easy. “Your match with Mark Cross, that was an amazing match. Have you had enough time to really digest the enormity of what you’ve accomplished?” I smiled, “Not bad Josh, not bad at all.” I flag down a waitress and she brings me an ashtray. “You smoke?”, he nods and digs out his own pack and we each light a cigarette. “Yes, going into that match, I was a serious underdog. Rightfully so, Mark is an incredible athlete and someone that many considered unbeatable. For me, anyway. He had beaten me twice in tag team matches and had all the momentum in the world.”

I smiled remembering the match itself.

“I’m just one of those people though, the bigger the prize, the harder I come for my opponent. Title versus title...doesn’t get much bigger than that.” I said finally. He nodded along as I told the story, jotting down notes. Another sip of coffee and another drag from my smoke. “What is the toughest part of being a top champion?” he asked in earnest. Taking one last drag from my smoke, I crush it out in the ashtray. “This.” I said flatly and without much emotion. “This?”, he echoed but with the note of a question. “Yeah” I said again, flatley and without emotion. “Not the interview itself.” I began to explain. “The schedule, the grind. Running to this thing or that signing. When you’re married, it makes it hard on both. While I’m conducting this interview, she’s conducting a radio interview across town.” I finally finished my cup of coffee and refilled it. Between setting the caraffee back down and grabbing the sugar, “It goes with the territory though and we both know that. We make the most of the time we do get to spin together. It’s all just part of what we do and who we are.”


What in the actual fuck, Candace! 



Death Match

And yes ladies in gentlemen, she’s so very serious about this bullshit it makes me want to puke. This is not the type of match that you should be putting someone like Augustino in. He’s a nice kid but he is ill equipped in a match of this nature. Putting glitter on things involved in a deathmatch is like putting lipstick on a pig. I absolutely mauled that kid in a regular match a few weeks ago and now you want to involve weapons. Did he do something to make you angry? Is it PMS? Is it me? Are you mad because I didn’t make the announcement with you?

Fuck it.

It doesn’t matter.

Augustino, I would tell you I feel sorry for you. That would be a lie, and I refuse to be anything but honest and transparent as the SCW Champion. Fake is not something I do, I leave that to the Crystal and Hayden’s of the world. You and I have had this dance before but not on this level, certainly not on this platform. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a deathmatch before but this is not for the faint of heart. It’s certainly not for people with a weak stomach. I don’t know what your “friend” was thinking but this seems like a set up to me. Punishment for some slight, real or imagined on her part. When I say this, I don’t mean for me but for you. Just the disparity in size and experience is enough to explain exactly how this match will end. I’ll spell it out for you though. No rules, weapons everywhere you look. Everything is legal, and I do mean everything. If I considered you my peer or even my equal Augustino, I might be concerned, but I don’t, and I’m not. Matches like this are career altering things. Matches like this can shave years off of your career. So, that being said, I’m going to offer you something that I’ve never offered anyone in this industry before.

A way out of it.

When it’s time for the match to begin, all you have to do is bring a white towel with you. The referee rings the bell and you throw in the towel. I don’t dislike you Augustino, you are a game competitor and I do have some small amount of respect for you. That’s due mostly to your past as a champion. I don’t want to hurt you, young man, but if you decide not to do as I ask, I will leave you laying in a pool of your own blood. If you do as I’ve asked then you get to go back to the back unscathed. No harm, no foul. All your teeth will still be in your mouth and no injuries, no visits to the emergency room or emergency dental work. I’ll say it again for those in the back. If you don’t do as I’ve asked then I’ll hurt you Augustino. I’ll hurt you in ways that would make others fucking cringe. This is not personal, this is just who I am. Maybe one day you’ll understand that.

Connecting The Dots Part 1

Mixon INC - Port Arthur, Texas

/Scene Opens\


It was yet another necessary trip to Port Arthur, so here I sat in the office of the President and CEO of Mixon’s with Thomas Mixon. The man who had offered me roughly one hundred and thirty percent markup on what the land I own is actually worth. Instead of talking about that, he wanted to talk about ancient history. His latest was beguiling me of the tale about he and my mother’s first date when they were freshmen in highschool, my initial thought was, why in the actual fuck do you think I would care about yours and my mother’s love life. I smiled and laughed along with him in all the appropriate spots. Fortune decided to shine on me just as he was reaching the end of the tale, his phone buzzed from the front desk. “Mister Mixon, Mr. Delgado is on line two.”, he smiled and pressed the button to respond. “Tell him I’ll be just a moment, please.”, “Of course sir.” was the response. He looked at me and frowned, “I’m sorry Mac, I really do have to take this call.”. I returned the smile and nodded, “Of course, you’re very busy, I’ll see my way out.”. We shook hands and then I made my way to the office door.

Closing the door behind me I say to myself, “There is something rotten in Denmark.” as I make my way to the men’s room so I can wash his filth off my hands. I entered the bathroom and began washing my hands, mask firmly in place, because you can simply never be too careful. I’m not sure if it was the time I just wasted with a man who has literally hated my family for nearly five decades or the perfumed soap in the dispenser, but anger was rising, to the point that I could feel the vein in my forehead throb. I heard the door open and soon a man stood at the basin next to me, washing his hands. Casual conversation is never advisable but this slick looking kid that seems to wear a permanent smirk on his face, well, I guess he just couldn’t resist. “Known the old man for long?”, he asked almost too casually. I shook my head, “No, not really, you work for him?”. He shook his head, “No, I’m his youngest son, actually.”, I didn’t respond but listened to what he was saying as he continued. “Do not trust my father, Mr. Bane.” he said to me as I dried my hands. “Thanks for the warning, Mr. Mixon.”, I said as carefully as I could. He blanched at being called that. A chink in the old man’s armor or does he even care about his own flesh and blood. “He’s measuring you with every meeting, he’s trying to figure out how to hurt you most. He’s an apex predator in the most cerebral way.” He said as I made my way to the door. I looked back over at him, “you have a name, kid?” I said to him as I reached for the door handle. “Joseph” he replied as he reached for paper towels from the dispenser. “Thank you for the warning Joseph, you can call me Mac.” I finished as I pulled the door open and left him standing there with a slight smile on his face. 

As I walked towards the elevator, I pulled out my phone and did a quick search for Joseph Mixon. It came up blank. he’s either a liar or he has no digital footprint at all. I thought to myself, grunting, I pressed the down button for the elevator. 


Now then, having laid out your way out of this mess Augustino. Let me tell you what happens if you should beat me. If for some reason that God should smile his light down upon you. If, the unthinkable should happen.

That’s a big fucking “IF” by the way.

If you do, then my next title defense will be against you. After I’m done trashing Alex Jones that is. For you though, I can’t just trash you and call it good now can I? Well, I could but I won’t. You do have some qualities about you that make this match….what’s the word I’m looking for here? Not’s not the right word. Interesting? that’s not right either…..


Yes, that's it. 

Entertaining, indeed.

A former champion in his own right ladies and gentlemen. A former Roulette and Internet Champion. A five time motorcycle champion. A man of many talents and despite what I’ve said recently, I do have respect for the man. The transition from motor sports to wrestling alone. That is worthy of respect. He is in every match that he is booked for, never taking shortcuts in order to win matches and always competitive. Augustino is well liked in the locker room and loved by our fans. What is there not to like about this fella? He is literally a poster child for what a professional should be. Now the last time we faced off, he tried to make light of my status as a cowboy. The reason for the beating he received was about respect. I’ve said throughout my entire career that the words spoken to me have consequences. You got a good dose of that the last time we were in the ring together. That doesn’t mean I don’t like you. That means I want you to understand. You obviously didn’t have a clear understanding of exactly what and who you were stepping into the ring against. I hope that you have a much more clear idea now. If you don’t then the beating you received last time will be nothing compared to what you will experience in a deathmatch with me.

My offer still stands, you can either throw in the towel.


Become just another statistic on my way to my first title defense.

You’re really not big enough for this ride, kid.

Climax Control Archives / A New Era Has Begun
« on: August 05, 2021, 11:42:59 PM »
“You're a warrior or you're not.” - Royce Gracie

A New Era Has Begun

Out Of Reach.
Sun Princess Cruise, Post-Summer XXXTreme
/Scene Opens\

During Amber’s Match

The pulsing red light signalling Amber’s entrance and the first chords of 'Dust and Bone' by Syd Duran began to play as she made her way out to the ring. I stayed by the Gorilla position to watch her face Myra in her title versus title matchup. My own would be next but I wanted to watch my wife defend her title. I had treated it like a foregone conclusion, despite her attempts to deflect that level of confidence that I had in her. She is my world but this was her world title and so I began pacing before the entrances were even completed. I stopped once again as the bell was rang to start the match. I watched as Amber charged in and the two began trading blows. When Myra threw Amber outside of the ring, I laughed. “Bad business decision right there, Myra.”

“Atta girl! Fuck her up, Red!”, I said as Amber sent Myra into the Ultimate X structure face first. “Busted her open already.” I said as Amber threw Myra back into the ring. I continued to watch and smile until Myra rolled out of the way of the attempted knee from Amber. “Fuck!”, I exclaimed as Myra connects with a roundhouse kick and then locks in a cross arm breaker. I began pacing again but never took my eyes off the match. I watch as Myra counters the escape attempt by Amber with a small package. Then Myra hit the “Dream Crusher”, they had talked a lot about that move prior to the cruise and I felt Amber was ready for it. I yelled, “Yes” as she kicked out of the finisher! I was elated that she had escaped it but worried, I knew she would be in trouble. “Com’on Amber, you got this!” I growled. True to my wishes, Amber was back up and hit her own finisher, “Original Sin”! “Yes!” I exclaimed. She went for the cover and I watched in dismay as Myra kicked out at two.

I wasn’t alone, the fans reaction was also one of disbelief as a gasp was heard throughout the crowd. I watch along, seeing both women crash to the canvas and I shake my head in disbelief. “She’s exhausted, com’on Red, you got this.” The ref gets to a count of seven and Myra is back on her feet, “Shit”, I say as I stop pacing. I watch Myra try to climb to the top rope, but she can’t make it all the way. Then Amber is up and climbing up to the top. “Oh fuck me….that’s not really your game Red.” I feel my eyebrows arching, “Saw Dust?” Then she hits it off the top rope. Another collective gasp from the crowd. “Holy Balls….” I say with my voice trailing off. “YES!!!!” I exclaim as the ref counts three. I watch my wife celebrate as Myra rolls out of the ring. If it weren’t for the fact that Amber had just defended her title and taken Myra’s I might feel a little sorry for her. “High risk, high reward baby.” I said to Amber even though she wasn’t there yet. She had done it, beaten someone that many of the bombshells considered to be unbeatable.

When Amber finally makes her way to where I am, I grab her in a fierce hug, burying my face in her neck at first as I hoist her off the ground. Holding her head in my hands after I set her back on the ground, I kissed her firmly. My eyes are full of love and pride. “You kicked her ass Red. That was amazing to watch. Congratulations my love.”.


Amber and I sat side by side on the balcony of that cruise ship, I don’t think you could have wiped the smile off our faces with industrial grade sandpaper. A goal realized, an achievement that had been accomplished by only a few “power couples” in this business. It was rare air we were sharing now. I had also accomplished a long term goal, I was now a triple crown champion in Sin City. A new era had begun in Sin City and they were oblivious to that simple fact. They were quick with their congratulations, never the wiser that Amber and I now ran this fucking place. I pushed that thought aside as I looked over at the love of my life, “Oblivion now runs this mother fucker.” I said to her half amused. “Fuck I love you.” was her only reply, her hungry eyes spoke things her voice wouldn’t as we made our way back into the cabin and I turned out the lights.


A day in the life of a champion
The Bane Home, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

“God damnit! I hate cliches!” I said in exasperation. Amber giggled at me, as it was her cliche that had caused my reaction. “With great power comes great responsibility”, I mockingly said as I rolled my eyes. This caused her to laugh harder, she could really be quite relentless when it came to teasing me. In all honesty, I didn’t mind the teasing or her persistence. I always over reacted to her teasing because first and foremost, it brought her joy. happy wife, happy life was the cliche that sprang to my mind as I winked at her. For the uneducated, my reaction was a direct reflection of my schedule that had been sent to me by the bosses. Appearances, signings, promotional tours for the company. It left very little time for us to be together. She had a separate schedule from mine to maximize the company exposure and create better buy rates for the super shows. We would both have to be leaving pretty soon, so we were enjoying the time together.

“How’s the kid doing up in the pacific northwest?” she asked in reference to my son, Jimmy. I smiled in response, they love to tease the shit out of each other and it made me smile. “He’s doing alright, had his first match and was able to catch up with Zephyr.” I said in response. She smiled, obviously remembering Zephyr. “You did good work with that one, Mac.” She said finally. I remembered it well, Zephyr had been misguided and corrupted by others. She had been a train wreck when I met her. I had been able to get her straightened out and back on track. She now had a girlfriend and a place to call home. Actually, I had given them my house in Baltimore as a wedding gift. I was secretly in hopes that they would sell the house. They hadn’t of course and that was fine too. Should they decide to come back to that area, the house would be there. Just as my support for her would always be there. She was a special girl with that “it” factor that so many sought to achieve in this business.

“Zephyr is a good kid, no doubt about that. I’ll be interested in seeing how her and Jimmy do in Seattle.” I said finally. “They’ll kick ass”, she said in response. Then she winked at me, “They’ll have to, we set the bar pretty high for the family.” That brought a huge smile to my face. We had done exactly that. Not only for the family but for this company. Amber had beaten a woman, many believed to be unstoppable. Many had thought that it was Myra’s destiny to become the next great champion of the Women’s Division. Where she would run roughshod over everyone for a long time to come. Everyone it would seem except for me and Amber.

As for me, I was one of the few people who believed I could beat Cross. I cherished that moment. The look of shock on the faces of fans and peers alike as I came away with both titles. “Yes ma’am, we certainly did that.” I said finally. From the hallway I could hear Julz, or more accurately the staccato of her heels clicking on the tile. “You two are gonna be late!” she said in an exasperated tone. A quick look at my watch and I realized she was right. I had an hour drive ahead of me, while Amber’s was closer. I slugged down the rest of my coffee which had gone cold by now. The bitterness of the liquid made me cringe, “Gods, I’ve had whiskey with less bite than that.” I said, amused more at myself than anything. The statement elicited the desired response as both women laughed at me. A quick kiss for my wife and a hug for my daughter and I grab the keys off the counter to head to my first real work day as Sin City World Heavyweight Champion.


The era of Oblivion has begun. It’s not the end of anything, only the beginning.The beginning of something amazing to be quite honest about it. How long has it been since you had a married couple holding the top prizes in this company? How long has it been since you’ve had dominant champions? No one like me has held this title in quite some time. Not since the golden era of Sin City to be more precise. Not since the epic wars that J2H waged on this roster.  People like J2H think that previous champions were lackluster at best. I don’t necessarily agree with that but I respect his opinion. When you own the record for the longest title reign in this company’s history, yeah, I value that opinion. Why wouldn’t I? He and I are more alike than not. I’m sure that statement will rub some people the wrong way, and that’s okay, because I don’t give a fuck.

Mark Cross retired shortly after our match, if that doesn’t tell you anything, you’re an idiot. He explained his retirement away in as lame a way as he could. Typical Mark Cross, not so much of a dragon anymore is he? No, he barely qualifies as an iguana these days. I was told that the bar had been set so low by previous champions that anything I do with it would be better. I’ll simply pick it up off the ground and bash people in the face with it. How’s that? That’s something I do better than anyone in the world to be quite frank about it. To me, it doesn’t matter if you’re a fan favorite or universally despised, the end result will be the same. Some would call it arrogance, I call it a mission statement. It doesn’t matter who you are, you step in that ring with me gunning for my title and I’ll put you down quicker than I would a rabid dog. All you have to do for proof of that is look at my track record in this company.

The first time I was here, they put me in the Roulette division, a division that I dominated. I walked through all the so called hardcore wrestlers like a hot knife through butter. I defeated the champion in a way that left no doubt who the very best in the ring was at that time. I left for a bit, I came back and participated in the tourney and you know the rest of that. I didn’t win it but according to the hardware I own now, that doesn’t matter that much does it? After the tourney I obliterated O’Malley and took his internet title away. I kicked his ass so thoroughly that he hasn’t stepped foot in a Sin City wrestling ring since. That brings us to today. What I said on Climax Control, still holds true. They will line up the so-called contenders and I’ll send them back to the back. Whether they’ll be under their own power when they go will depend largely on my mood that night, and the level of brutality that the fans clamor for.

As for what’s next? That’s really simple, I’ll continue to grind it out and get ready for the next show and my first opponent as world champion. I’ll go out there each and every week like this title is on the line. That’s the amount of respect I have for this company and those that I fight each week. Regardless of who you are, know this. You will get my very best each week. I will fight everyone on this fucking roster if I have to. All to give this belt back the prestige it deserves. It’s all about making this title relevant again. Simply by being held by a man, instead of a pretender. This title has relevance again, because I hold it. You all saw how we were ranked as the number three company in the world recently. That didn’t happen because of Mark Cross. That happened because I beat the unbeatable. I achieved things that were said to be out of my reach. I made this strap mean something again for the first time in a long time. A lot of people didn’t think that Mark and I deserved to even be the main event. We proved them wrong as we not only tore the house down, we set an example of what a super show main event should be. It’s all about setting that example. Setting the bar if you will. Now we move on to the present and my next opponent. A former racing champion, Roulette Champion and Internet Champion. That’s who I face this week.

You take a look at the match itself, Augustino gets to face me, one on one. If he wins, then at that point he will be getting a title shot. I’ve got nothing personal against Augistino, he certainly seems to be a good human. All around good athlete, and very competitive. If personality and drive were all it took my man, you’d already be a world champion in my opinion. You’ve got that and heart in huge quantities. That’s not all it takes though. It takes talent. You don’t lack talent but you’re not honing your skills to a fine razor sharp edge like you need to. To take on the likes of me, you’ve got to have that edge man. You simply don’t have that right now. When people look at you, there’s no fear factor involved that you might take their spot. That you might take their title. Thing is kid, I’ve already faced you on my way to a title win in this company. The first time was the Roulette division. Granted that was a multi man match and a bit of a cluster fuck. So, having faced you before and knowing what I know about you, what makes you think I would even hesitate to face you? It honestly didn’t matter to me if the title was on the line or not, it wouldn’t change the outcome.

I go into this match with the mindset that it is on the line, and nothing but a victory is acceptable to me. For you, this is an opportunity to really shine. A chance to shine brighter than you ever have in this business. A win over me will make you relevant, it will make you main event caliber. Despite your wins over Caleb Storm in the internet division, you haven’t quite lived up to your billing. No, before this match, you were languishing in Roulette matches at the bottom of the card. The people love you, there’s no doubt about that. You’re popular in the locker room but then again so was Mark Cross. All of that and five bucks will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. That won’t win you a match against me, you better hope that I trip over the ring ropes as I enter the ring and knock myself out. That’s your one and only chance against me, kid. I take no one litely, more importantly than that, I take my role and responsibilities as champion even more seriously. I’ll not allow you to tarnish the beginning of what will be a long title reign. How long it will be is yet to be determined but it won’t be you that ends it. I don’t say this to be mean or disrespectful, to earn the shot against me, you have to be a warrior. You’re either a warrior or you’re not. I don’t think you are, but hey, go nuts and prove me wrong. I’ll leave you with this Auggie, two men have scored pinfall victories over me in one on one matches. Fenris and David Shepherd.

You are neither of those men, you lack their killer instinct and until you develop that more fully….

Well, you’ll always be where you are right now. Main Event fodder.

Supercard Archives / Re: MARK CROSS v MAC BANE - WINNER TAKE ALL
« on: July 16, 2021, 12:59:12 PM »
“The climb speaks to our character, but the view, I think, to our souls.” – Lori Lansens

The Mountain Part 2

Dance, Cowboy, Dance.
Somewhere at Sea, Sun Princess Cruise
/Scene Opens\

I stood in the center of a number of people making small talk or talking about wrestling or life in general. I had my black stetson on and as new ladies entered the conversation I would tip my hat to them to acknowledge them. Freshly starched brushpopper shirt and wranglers to go with my simple black cowboy boots. My dancehall boots if you will. A question came from a lady in the front of the group, with her daughter standing beside her. I could tell that this teenager was on the autism spectrum by the way she reacted to voices. Too much conversation at one time would aggravate an austistic child. With so many of them in attendance I had to quieten the crowd a time or two. Much to the relief of their moms and dads. Overstimulation could lead to sensory overload for these kids and make it a frightening experience for them. I was hoping to avoid that at all costs.

“Mr. Bane, if I may ask, why do you do these things?”, came a question from one of the mothers in attendance. I’ve never been one to avoid questions or balk at difficult questions. I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed the sun to bathe my face and inhaled deeply the salty air. I smiled at the mother of a young woman who was there to learn. “Well, that’s a question I’ve never heard before to be honest.” I said as I looked around at all the kids, mostly teenagers but a few adults as well. “The simple and most direct answer is that it’s because.”, I spread my hands in a way that I hoped provided inclusion for everyone.”They matter to me and to the company. Every single person matters to us. It doesn’t matter to me where you come from or what challenges you face, this is fun for me.” She returned my smile, “I’ve seen others do things for “make a wish” and that kind of thing and it just didn’t seem authentic to me.” She said as she crossed her arms defensively in front of her chest. I nodded my head. “You’re worried this is some kind of Sin City PR stunt.” I said finally. Her arms noticeably loosened but her posture straightened a bit as I continued to speak.

“Well..” she began to say and I continued in a much warmer tone. “My nephew AJ passed away a few years ago. He was on the spectrum.” I said as her eyes welled a bit. I used my thumb to clear my own. “He was very special to me and my family. He was a joy to be around, not just sometimes but all the time. I always called him my little warrior but his nickname was “boots”. “ She smiled at that, “Boots?” I nodded my head, “I gave him that nickname because that kid was as tough as old boot leather.” She smiled and then laughed. “They have to be, don't they?” she asked the rhetorical question that really deserved no answer. I nodded in agreement, “There is no doubt about that.” as the planner from the cruise touched my arm lightly. “Mr. Bane?”.

I looked up at the woman, “Yes ma’am? Oh, they must be ready to begin.” I said finally, a bit embarrassed at having allowed the time to get away from me. “It’s okay, but yes they are ready to start. They seem very excited to do this.” she stated with a smile that was genuine. With the music playing softly for now, I went over the basics with the kids and their mom and dads in attendance. I’ll say this for them, special needs children are not always graceful but their determination to do things is all the motivation I’ll ever need in this life. To say it was a long process to show them just the basics would be an understatement. They had only allotted me an hour with these kids. There was another group scheduled to arrive in a few minutes. I approached the planner and she said to me, “I’m already on it Mr. Bane, we’ve got you at least another hour.” I was impressed that I didn’t have to ask. I was expecting more of a difficult situation considering how tightly  timelines are managed on these specialty cruises. Instead I smiled and went back to work with the kids. Soon we were approaching our second hour and they were finally ready. Smiling faces and laughter was the cure for a lot of things in life it would seem.

I grabbed up a microphone and announced, “Alright ladies and gentlemen, fantastic job today learning this dance so quickly. Now then, ladies if you please. Pick the partner of your choice as a dancing partner and we’ll get the music going. I watched as they began selecting their dance partners. Many of the kids were still very shy and chose their mothers or fathers as dance partners except for one. The daughter of the young woman that I had spoken to earlier. Her name was Amber, ironic huh? The young redhead made her way directly in front of me and held out her hand.

My wife had come in to check on things at that moment, she smiled at me before saying, “Looks like I have competition?” The little girl smiled and responded to her, “Damn straight sistah.”. The look of pure determination on this little one's face was priceless, my wife laughed and then held up her hands in mock surrender, “He’s all yours sweet girl, can I have him back later though?” The younger Amber smiled, “Maybe” was all she said as my wife made her exit from the room. Over her shoulder my wife yelled, “Dance, cowboy, dance.” much to the delight of the onlookers. I took the hand of the thirteen year old Amber and we began to dance to the George Strait song they had chosen, all smiles as we moved with the music. Then disaster struck as I was sure it would. She got out of rhythm and stepped on my toes a couple of times. She became frustrated and the tears began to flow, then she stopped. She began hitting herself in the forehead with the heels of her hands like I had seen my own nephew do so many times. Instinct kicked in at that point and I grabbed her in a hug, “It’s okay sweet girl, it's okay, don’t be mad.” Between racking sobs she told me, “I am sooooo sorry, I stepped on your toes.” I knelt down in front of her and looked her in the eyes, “It’s okay, I walk on them all the time.” She looked a little struck at first and then she laughed.

I stood up to my full height and held my hand out for her. She grabbed my hand and kicked off her shoes. She stood on top of my boots, barefooted and we danced. When the music stopped she stepped down off my boots and I gave her my best deep bow, “Thank you for the dance, my lady.” I looked up to find not a dry eye in the house. It had been many years since I had a father daughter type dance, but that made my heart smile. I often leave these types of things feeling better than I did when I walked into them. The feeling of making a difference is someone’s life is special to me and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. Not even a world title.


“A War Of Words Part 1”

Now you would think that someone who has been in this business as long as Mark has been, would know better than to poke the bear. I really expected more from you Mark, more than backhanded compliments and insulting the intelligence of anyone who watched that garbage promotional video that you put together. I hope for your sake that you put forth more effort in the ring than in what you had to say, otherwise this will be one of the shortest world title matches in the history of this company. As far as Myra is concerned and what I said, I didn’t stutter, I said what I said. She’s challenging my wife for her title. Did you expect rainbows and unicorns? That is all the time I’m going to waste on that horseshit. As far as my being afraid of a war of words with you goes. What is there for me to fear exactly? That you might embarrass me on an intellectual level?


What exactly is it that you might say that you think hasn’t been said to me before, son. This is not my first rodeo so to speak. I do give you credit though on some points you brought up though.

Equal Footing

People in this company seem to think that Amber and I are not on equal footing because of titles. Because as of this moment, I don’t hold a world title in Sin City that I am somehow less of a competitor than she is. That I’m less important than she is. You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried Cross. Like your assumption that you are better than me and that you’ve already won this match and will take my Internet Title without any difficulty at all. You also like to think that you can get inside my head because you’ve beaten me in mixed tag matches on two separate occasions. Making assumptions is a dangerous game to play Mark. The more you talk about how brilliant you are the more right you make O’Malley sound. He’s had you pegged as a lazy fuck for a while now hasn’t he? Brings it up every chance he gets. Doesn’t speak well to your legacy as a competitor does it? If there’s smoke, there’s fire. You’ve brought this up to me in the past, let’s talk about legacies.

Our legacy in this business does not hinge on world title reigns. That is a very shallow view, sir. No, legacies in this business hinge on much more than that. What kind of impact have you had on this industry or the community that you work and live in?  What have you done that even makes you believe you even have one? No answer is really required Mark, it’s rhetorical. Every single day, I’m giving back to the community. I put homeless veterans to work in our business. “The Oblivion Garage” is proud to put these men and women to work in order to help them get back on track and back to winning in life.

My legacy is one of giving back. People talk about it all the time but they aren’t doing it. Not unless there is a camera rolling. When I was in Baltimore, I was able to help homeless veterans get back on their feet through a foundation that a friend of mine and I established there. She started out as a homeless veteran herself, and I helped get back on her feet. She’s continued that spirit of giving. I’ve done exactly the same thing in Las Vegas with the “Maggie Cares” foundation. Leading up to our match, I’m doing activities with kids on the autism spectrum. I do these things Mark, because I give a shit about people and their struggles. When you help people who are less fortunate than yourself, it makes a difference. It is part of what I’ll leave behind when I finally retire from wrestling. I don’t do this for any selfish reason unlike many on this roster, I do these things to give back to the fans. The fans and the industry that have given me and my family so much.

I don’t come from a wealthy family, it’s one of the things that makes me so relatable to the fans. It’s one of the reasons that after I started making good money, I started giving back to them. I never turn down a request for an autograph or pass on the opportunity that this company puts before me to interact with the Sin City faithful. I’m not the reluctant type or even the type of person who balks or rebels against the requests of Sin City and their owners. You call yourself a reluctant champion. I call bullshit on that Cross, if that were the case you would have never involved yourself in the Blast From The Past tournament if the grandest prize of all wasn’t what you wanted. You’re not some rookie who didn’t know about the trappings that come with being a world champion. The only thing you said that I actually agreed with was the “capable” part. You are capable and if it wasn’t for the fact that you are trying to play games, I’d also say you were one of the best. Anyone who has any doubt about your credibility in the ring, all they have to do is look at who you beat for that title. You’ve hurt your credibility recently though and I know you hate being called out for it, so that’s exactly what I’m going to fucking do.

Survival at Sea?.
Somewhere at Sea, Sun Princess Cruise
/Scene Opens\

The name of the seminar was “Survival At Sea” with Mac Bane, a former U.S. Navy Seabee and veteran. There were probably twenty or thirty people in attendance. I sat on the stage as they filed into the auditorium and the session began. Today I’m wearing just swimming trunks, and flip flops. I picked up the microphone they had provided.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologize but the nature of this seminar has changed.” There was some initial surprise as I spotted the bosses at the back of the crowd. “They wouldn’t allow me to have real sharks for this so we’re going to do something a bit different.” A chuckle ran through the crowd. I looked up to see Christian roll his eyes at my comment, Mark chuckled and then they left the auditorium. Amber smirked at the comment and the boss's reaction to it as she sat by my side. “So, if y’all don’t mind, we’re going to come down to the floor and visit for a while.” They reacted very favorably to this announcement as we made our way down to where the rest of the crowd was sitting. I could tell that this was spiking Amber’s anxiety a bit, I took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She returned the gesture and adjusted the Bombshell title on her shoulder.

“So, this seminar has turned into a session where you can ask us anything, instead.” That’s when I felt Amber tense up a bit. Another squeeze of the hand but she was clearly uncomfortable with this. The crowd reaction was a favorable one as I made the announcement. The first question came from a young man in the front row. I sat down with my legs crossed. “Go ahead.” I nodded to him. “Thanks” he said, “Why is it that you don’t do a lot of on-air stuff like some of the other wrestlers do for SCW”. I was impressed, someone who followed along and knew what some of the intricacies are to the business and how important they are. “Young man, that is a great question. I can tell you that my bosses would love it if I did more of them. The answer is really very simple. I don’t do those first and foremost, because I like to do my talking in the ring. I like for my  matches to say all that needs to be said by me or about me.” I smiled as I continued. “As you can tell, I don’t mind interacting with the fans of our company at all.” He returned the smile and sat back down. I look over at Amber to see if she wants to say anything but she declines, “I hope you will all excuse me, I’ve got another obligation I have to go to.” With that she gives me a quick kiss and she’s off like a scared rabbit.

It’s not really a well known thing but Amber is very uncomfortable in this type of environment. The way in which she grew up was tough to say the least. There were a few disappointed faces as she left the auditorium. “She’ll be back as soon as she’s able” I told them, but I think I’m ready for the next question. I smiled as I said it, and hoped the smile didn’t look too fake. If it did, well I would deal with that later. The important thing was the time spent with fans who wouldn’t ordinarily even be able to get this close to one of us. The opportunity to get to bond with these folks is what made these events special. “Next question?” I asked as I scanned the room.

“How much does it hurt when you get slammed?” came the question from a ten year old boy sitting right in front of me. I smiled as I looked into brilliant green eyes and the freckled face that went with it. “A lot,” I said simply. Then I followed that up with, “We as wrestlers are trained to minimize the impact to our bodies but it doesn’t stop it from hurting.” His eyes were fixed on me right now. “We get hurt all the time, so it’s definitely not an easy way of life. Getting to do things like this make it worth it to the vast majority of us.”. A small smattering of applause came after that statement. “Were you really in the Navy?” was his next question. These are the ones that always make me nervous, not telling what this kid has been told at school or at home about our servicemen and women so I approach them with caution. “I was, why do you ask?” His response was quick, “Cause my daddy says  you’re full of crap.” The kid's head went forward unexpectedly as his father popped him in the back of the head. “My apologies sir, I didn’t expect him to repeat that.” came the response from his father. “They will say the darndest things at times.” was my response to that. “For the record though, I was stationed in Puerto Rico, along with a few other places that I can’t talk about.” His father nodded. “Thank you for your service Mr. Bane.”. I smiled at his reaction to that and thought to myself, this guy is a dick. So, I asked him, “Did you serve?” All I got in response was a glare from the man. So I let it go.

The next question came from an older gentleman standing near the back. “Hey Mac, what do you really think about Mark Cross?” I looked up and gave him my best smile and he laughed, obviously knowing it was fake, so I gave him a straight answer. “Honestly? I don’t.” The crowd that had gathered around began to laugh. I continued, “So, in terms of the match that I have with him coming up. On a personal level, I like Mark just fine. He seems like a good sort.” The older gentlemen quipped, “But…” and then it was my turn to laugh. “Sir, have you ever been in the wrestling business?” I asked out of curiosity. He shook his head indicating he had not. “Okay, just wanted to be sure, you could be a producer with stuff like that.” in response to my statement he smiled and shot me a wink. “On a  more serious note though. Mark is a good person, he gets a little sideways sometimes but I don’t dislike him for it.”

“That’s all the time I have for today y’all, I’m looking forward to seeing you all  at the show.”


“A War Of Words Part 2”

You see, Markie Mark doesn’t like it when someone questions his credibility. He has this super inflated opinion of himself and how good he is in the ring. All you have to do is watch his promotional video that he did for his match against Goth. Any time Mark faces someone he either hasn’t faced before or hasn’t faced in a while he likes to talk about his time in the National Football League. That’s cute and all and I’m sure you are proud of the time you spent playing football but this isn’t the NFL and that experience won’t help you here. Your opponents and even the casual fan could give two shits about your abbreviated football career. That and five dollars might get you a cup of coffee at starbucks but guess what? It damn sure won’t help you defend that title.

Just like your popularity with boys and girls in the back won’t help you defend it. Something you had said a while back, and it really stuck with me. You were talking about how most of the people in the back, although they liked you they didn’t want you to be champion. Of course not! It’s their job to not want you to be champion, because they are supposed to want to be a champion themselves. They are supposed to be doing things in order to take that away from you. I don’t understand why this is such a foreign concept to you. You wanted to be the best in the world. You won the title and everything that goes with it. Holding that title does not guarantee the respect of your peers or their admiration for what you’ve accomplished. The only thing it guarantees is their jealousy and that their spite for you will become more apparent than ever before. That is not the only huge difference between us, it's simply the most glaring.

Where is the asshole that took that title away from Kris? Do you even know who you’re climbing in the ring with? You think you do but all you’ve encountered to this point is what my friends refer to as the Gentleman Wolf. It’s another of the nicknames I’ve acquired over the years. The gentleman wolf is a man who is very polite, cordial even, but if you push his buttons then the gloves come off. That is who I have always been, Mark. I was cordial, polite and respectful each time that I’ve faced you. You in return, have acted like a dbag and let’s just go with the assumption that I’m tired of your shit. Let’s do that for a moment. I’ll even explain to you why it’s important, so important that I’m willing to explain it to you.

Moments before I faced O’Malley. I told the fans that if they came here to see The Outlaw or The Cowboy, that I was sorry that was not who they were going to get on that night. The night I won my first world title, “The One Man Wrecking Crew” was born. I destroyed an entire stable that night in order to capture it. Granted, it wasn’t supposed to be a gauntlet match but the management team there was so against my becoming the champion that they stacked the deck against me. Much like then, I now find my back against the wall with the odds against me. You think you have the clear cut advantage, holding mixed tag victories over me. Something you seemed to have overlooked though. This is not a tag match, one on one I am a very different beast in that ring. I don’t have to worry about whether a partner is in trouble and I have to bail them out. I only have to worry about myself and the person standing across the ring from me. I know you are very proud of the fact that you’ve only lost a single match in almost two years. Just as I am very proud of the fact that in one on one competition I’ve lost two matches. One to Fenris and one to David Shepherd.

They are the only ones who can claim a victory over me in one on one competition in Sin City Wrestling. As good as you are Mark, I’m better for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, is hunger. I don’t need the world title to justify myself. I want that world title. There’s a difference. A drug addict needs the drug to keep them alive. I have a hunger for that title like you’ve not seen before. I actually want to be the world champion in Sin City, Mr. Reluctant Champion. I don’t shy away from obligations and responsibilities and try to tell the world that’s the reason I get better. I do the signings and any other appearances the company wants me to do and still win matches. I put in the work, and yeah at a lot of times, it’s odd hours. I still do the work though, because I’m dedicated to my craft and my career. I am that guy that never stops working to get better. No matter what the circumstances are I still grind it out to make sure I am ready each week. No excuses.

You can’t say the same though, can you? You’ve already said that you don’t do the things the company wants, so you can get better and do better. So you can operate in the background and do things your own way, that was your claim I believe. Instead let’s be real, you don’t do the things that they ask you to, because you have no love for this company and no dedication to the fans who come out and support you each week. Where I come from we call it lazy.

The Wall.
Somewhere at Sea, Princess Cruise Line
/Scene Opens\
[On-camera - captured by a fan]

Twenty feet straight up, not a difficult climb. It was a visual representation of my time in Sin City Wrestling, I thought to myself. “My life, really”, I said to no one in particular. I had tried to get Amber to come out and do this with me, even tried to make it a competition but she couldn’t not even be provoked this time. We had a good laugh at my attempt to coerce her though. She knew me very well. I just wanted her to feel comfortable in the surroundings, although I had to admit that was likely never going to happen. At least I was able to be honest with myself about that. I would always encourage her and she would always at least try. That was an admirable trait in her, once of the many. It was late but it felt good as the breeze washed over me. I had just come from the gym and that gulf breeze dried the sweat quickly. I smiled again as I rested my hand on the rock climbing wall.

“Going up again Mr. Bane?” came the question from the young man who was in charge of the rock climbing wall. I looked over at him and grinned, “Yeah, one more time for the day.” He returned my grin and commented, “How many times is that today? Fourteen or fifteen maybe?” Again I smiled, “seventeen today” I said finally. He shook his head in dismay, “I’m glad you enjoy it but why so many times?” I looked over my shoulder, “Were you ever in the military, Rafi?” He paused for a moment, “yes, I was in the army.” he said to me. “Well then, you should understand the meaning of the wall and what it represents.” I said to him in an even tone. He nodded sagely, “I do, for us it wasn’t about getting over the wall, it was about getting over yourself and your fears. Team work.”

I shot him a wink, “Yes sir, so much that.” I said as I took my first movement towards the wall. Grabbing the handhold, I began climbing up that rock wall. “Just another obstacle, just another mountain to climb.” I kept repeating that until I had reached the top of the wall. I climbed up on top and sat there looking out over the ship and the sea that lay beyond. “Only one last thing to overcome Mac.” I grinned as I said it. Then using the harness rope system I reverse repelled down the face of the rock wall, much to the chagrin of Rafi. Once I set my feet on the deck, he looked over at me as he was helping me out of the harness. “Mr. Bane, that equipment is not designed for that.” He said it in a friendly way but I knew it was meant to chastise me. “I know that Rafi, it’s a bad habit I have.” I quipped to him. He arched an eyebrow as I said it. “Doing things the wrong way?” smiling as he said it. I shot him another wink, “Nah, I do this thing….it’s called what I want.” We shared a laugh and a fist bump as I wandered off towards the elevators.


“A War Of Words Part 3”

The mountain I’ve been climbing since I came back to Sin City is well documented. So has what Christian said about me many months ago. He made the statement that he believed I had what it took to be a future world champion. Now, thanks to Mark, everyone believes that I’ve been handed something. Forget about The Blast From The Past and reaching the finals of that tournament. Forget about the fact that I’ve won the roulette championship and the Internet championship on my first try. Forget about all my successes because if you listen to Mark long enough, he’ll tell you none of that matters. I didn’t earn my shot, it was handed to me.

Not only that but when this match was signed I was working for two companies. I know, I know...shame on me for splitting time between two companies. That of course changed very recently. My contract with Uprising expired and so I chose to make Sin City my home. That’s right, I am now one hundred percent dedicated to Sin City Wrestling. I am one hundred percent focussed on taking that world title from Mark Cross. There’s a reason I agreed to this match, even though there was a chance that I could lose. I felt like Sin City and it’s fans deserve more from their world champion. The person that is supposed to represent us all in the most positive way possible. Inside and outside of the ring. Our champion doesn’t do those things. Yes, it’s a risk, but the old saying is, “No risk, no reward” and I’m comfortable with that risk. Mr. Cross hasn’t even considered the fact that he could lose. That this old boy might destroy his ass in that ring.

You say and do things without a thought to the consequences. It’s a pattern Mark, you like patterns right? Your pattern though, it’s a pattern of destruction. Not the physical dissection of others the way I do. No, it’s more along the lines of self destruction. Whether it be personal or business relationships, you just seem to fall apart when things become too serious, or more serious than you’re comfortable with. A man at your age who is emotionally unavailable to someone who sacrificed so much for you? That’s really kind of sad my man. Your relationship with Sin City, or lack thereof. That’s even more tragic on a professional level. You balk at doing appearances for the company, even though that’s expected from a champion. Especially the world champion. Did you really tell Gemma that if you lost to me that you’d be leaving? You better start packing is my advice to you. You don’t like Vegas and you love Florida. I can understand the Florida love but you hate Vegas? Come on man, Vegas is a great city. It’s not a perfect city but there aren’t really any of those around.

Like the companies we work for in this business, you’re always going to find things you don’t like, no matter where you go. To think otherwise is not only foolish but stupid. Much like your belief that in order to be a champion, you also have to be narcissistic. That is not something I could ever subscribe to. Confidence always looks good on a champion. Humility has always served me far more than arrogance ever could. I don’t expect you to change your attitude about this though, far from it. To do that would mean that you grew, that you changed to accept an understanding that most of us have always had. That understanding would be, that you don’t have to be an asshole to win titles. Throwing money at a problem never truly solves the problem, it only masks it. It’s like taking pump inhibitors for acid reflux, it doesn’t fix the problem. It only creates a dependency on a medication.

You will eventually run into a problem that you can’t throw money at Mark. That would be me. I am your problem that you can’t pay to go away. I am that guy who’s going to take you to task. I am that man that is going to make you wish you had never agreed to this match. I am that superstar that can and will represent this company the way it should be represented. To bring relevance and prestige back to that title and this company but most of all the fans. They damn sure deserve more than you’ve given them. Their importance is something you should have learned while you were playing professional football. Another lesson that didn’t quite sink in I guess. I have said all of these things in order to drive a point home, not only to you but to every single person on this roster. I can and will be a professional at all times, if you get sideways with me this is what happens. I make you look bad and I take the thing that matters to you most away from you. I wish this was a video so you could see me extending my middle fingers of both hands in your direction. That’s what you fucking deserve.

You deserve it because you believe your own hype. That may be the most tragic thing about your ass, Cross. I don’t hate you or even dislike you but what I don’t like is this belief that you have that you are better than every other man and woman on this roster. That you are the best this company has to offer. The only way I’ll ever admit that is if you are able to beat me. The only way you walk out with both belts is if you kill me. I’m coming to take everything away, you don’t have to like it or even agree with it. Just know this...There’s not a damn thing you can do about it. I play for keeps and I always play for blood. That has always been my reaction when someone was foolish enough to think that a title was beyond my reach. I’ve been proving them wrong for over a decade, Chief. You’re not different from any of the others that came before you. Those men and women that I took world titles from. They didn’t believe I had any hope of taking their title either. They found out the hard way, that when I become hungry, no matter how special a talent you think you are, it won’t be enough to stop me. They learned that the gentleman wolf takes what he wants. I would wish you luck Mr. Cross, but that won’t be enough. Even divine intervention won’t save you from the beast that has a hunger that can no longer be sated.

Supercard Archives / Re: MARK CROSS v MAC BANE - WINNER TAKE ALL
« on: July 10, 2021, 01:03:08 PM »
“If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options.
You can climb it and cross to the other side.
You can go around it.
You can dig under it.
You can fly over it.
You can blow it up.
You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there.
You can turn around and go back the way you came.
Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.”
― Vera Nazarian

In over his head.
Unnamed Office Complex - Port Arthur, Texas
/Scene Opens\

The day after CC

Sitting in boardrooms was never my idea of a good thing or a good time even. The sun reflecting off the mahogany surface of this oversized table that would be used to seat some twenty or so people didn’t make it any better. This was who Thomas Mixon was though, I knew that long before I arrived at the local headquarters for Mixon Incorporated. I had no idea what he had in mind that he felt necessary to talk to me about. You never could be certain when someone had a beef with your family, what you might be setting yourself up for. Their motivation could be anything from jealousy to past grievances committed by my father or my mother. Hell, maybe it was both. Lord knows I had hurt enough people in my own past to float a battleship around. Not something I was proud of, but that’s who I had been and not who I am now. I sat there drumming my finger on the table top as I waited for him to arrive, seriously missing the smell of cinnamon right about then.

Right now, all I could smell was furniture polish. I’m broken from my contemplation as a short redhead entered the room in a business suit, and now the room smelled of cheap perfume and furniture polish. “Mr. Bane?” she asked in a pleasant way. I looked up for the first time and smiled, “Yes ma’am, that would be me.” I said in an even tone. She nodded a curt nod, “Mr. Mixon will arrive shortly, is there anything I can get for you? Coffee, water, soda?” I returned her curtness with a smile, “No ma’am, I’m fine, but thank you all the same for your hospitality.” A smile threatened to tug at the corners of her mouth but she fought it off like a champ. She didn’t respond, but simply spun on her heel and exited the room.

A few moments later, a man who I imagined was a rather striking fellow in his youth entered the room. His face was heavily lined, likely from years in the sun. Whether that was from work or enjoyment I’m not really sure. He stood probably about the same height as me, and that in itself sent off warning sirens in my head. My own father, I reminded myself, was also of a similar stature. My grandfather was a seven footer himself, so I eased my mind back into place and smiled at the older gentlemen and extended my hand. “Mr. Mixon, it’s good to finally meet you in person.” He gave me an easy going smile in return and we shook hands. If first impressions are anything to go by, his smile made me uneasy. Maybe I watched too much discovery channel as a kid, but it reminded me of a shark. After a long moment of us studying each other like two professional poker players, I flinched first and asked the question. “So, Mr. Mixon you had said you had things you wanted to tell me?”.

There went that easy going smile again. Maybe it was more like an amused wolf than a shark, maybe I’d have time to think about that later. In the meantime, Tom Mixon began to speak. “Please call me Tom.” He said as he started, I nodded and replied, “Of course, and call me Mac, please.” He returned my nod and smiled again. God I hate that smile, it made me want to put my fist through the back of his skull. Doing that however, would not get me the answers I needed, so I waited until he continued.

“I imagine you’ve been wondering why I want to buy your place so badly. Why would I offer such an exorbitant amount of money for it? Would you say that was accurate?” He asked flatly. I returned his tone with a curt nod, “That would be a great place to start.”, I responded with my tone as flat as his. His voice never changed, neither did his facial expression but the set of his eyes did. This man already had a steely gaze but his eyes hardened as he spoke. “I don’t know how much you actually know about me or my past. About my relationship with your family or any of that drama from the past.”, he paused there as I withdrew the envelope from my pocket. I laid it on the table and gave him a sad smile. “I know that you once loved my mother very much. I also know what my father did in order to steal her from you.”, I said finally. He looked at the envelope and the slight bulge in it, where the ring laid inside. He smiled a sad smile, cleared his throat, “There’s much more to the story that you don’t know about Mac.”


Real Talk.

The old saying is that it’s far easier to win a world title than it is to defend it. Of course that’s said by people who’ve never held one.

They’ve no idea what we put ourselves through to get to that match. The sacrifice of time, blood, sweat, tears. I know it’s cliche, but it’s also the truth. The things we will sacrifice to hold that title would stagger the mind of a casual fan. Until you’ve lived this life you can never truly understand. Winning a world title is not easy, defending it is another thing altogether. It is a mountain to climb, but once you’ve reached the top of the mountain, that’s a feeling that we never forget after the first time we’ve held one. Then it becomes an obsession, and when we don’t have one, we have to have it again. We have to get that high from holding the top title in the company we work for. To be called the best that a company has to offer to it’s fans and the world. Holding that title is not an automatic affirmation though is it Mark? There are some people in this world that will never pay you respect for your accomplishments. He’s had many, whether it be singles, tag, mixed tag….

What could I possibly say at this point? Another mixed tag match, another loss. For those who actually know me in this business, they know I don’t make excuses when I fail. I own it. I’m the one that got pinned again in a mixed tag match. This makes the second time, doesn’t it Mark? I do find a certain level of amusement in what follows though. I’ve no idea why you ran out of the building like that after a win, but then again it’s none of my damn business. That’s not the amusing part though. For anyone who still actually reads in this technical age we live in. The writers recapped the match and the upcoming matchup. They said that this still gives no clear advantage to the champion. Really? I mean, don’t get me wrong, there’s no shame in being pinned by the world champion but he has no clear advantage going into it?

That’s the amusing part to me. How can anyone actually think that, believe it, and then write it up? He has every advantage in this match. The man has two pinfall victories over me in tag team matches. He has all the momentum in the world going into this match. The man has lost exactly one match in almost two years of competition. You’d think the company would throw this guy a bone, but that’s simply not the case. So although Sin City won’t, I certainly will Mark. You earned my respect long before we stepped into the ring together for the first time. Even when you called into question the number of times or even if I had won world titles with other companies. I get it, there’s a lot of pretenders out there that claim to have been a world champion but never have actually held the titles they claim. I understood why you did it, and the thought of anyone trying to get into my head has always amused me. It’s scary and it’s dark in there, and certainly not for the faint of heart.

The other thing I’ll say is that many people who follow Mark on social media. They seem to have issues with the things that Mark does. I laugh at those people, because they simply have nothing better to do than to be an asshole on twitter. Some of these people are sitting at home right now because they needed a break so they could decide if this business is really what they want to spend their time on. Others are just assholes in general and trying to generate cheap heat because they don’t have a creative bone in their body. When I say that I am not one of those people, I mean it in the most sincere way possible. They and I are not the same. What a person does in their personal life away from the ring is their business. You can say that when they put it out to the public that makes it your business but you’d be wrong. I hope that Mark just keeps on doing what he does, and I’ll keep doing what I do and neither of us will care about the court of public opinion.

Except for the Sin City faithful, their opinion matters and judging by the reactions that Mark gets when he enters the arena, I’d say he’s doin alright. So, that being said, the fans and I think a lot of the champion and the way he conducts himself. His conduct on social media has zero to do with the mountain of work I have ahead of me. I’m certainly no stranger to hard work, I come from a wrestling family but created one firmly embedded in ranching and farming. A very blue collar family to say the least. My boys grew up in a world where bailing hay and feeding animals wasn’t a hobby, it was an everyday way of life. That taught them what hard work was from a very early age. The same as it was for me, I spent my summers bailing hay as a teenager. Back then, that didn’t pay much to be quite honest. My family didn’t come from royalty or even well to do. These are some of the things that molded me into the man I am today.

Mark, I talk about these things not as a way to fill a space in a promotional video but so you’ll know exactly who you’re getting in the ring with. When our match has come to a close, you’ll know that I left every ounce of everything I am in the ring. You will get everything I’ve got in my soul. I would spill every drop of blood I have in my body to win this match, make no mistake about that. I will not however put my integrity or work ethic in question. I am not a by any means necessary competitor anymore. I won’t rob the fans or you of the match that is deserved by two men who have been on a collision course for quite some time. Mark my words, the fans, company and this industry will be rewarded with a match for the ages. This will be the epic clash that we all deserve. Mark deserves it, the company deserves it, I deserve it and the fans damn sure deserve this. This supershow is stacked from top to bottom, every match is a potential show stealer. Hell, some of the matches on this card could be a main event anywhere.


In over his head part 2
Mixon Incorporated - Port Arthur, Texas
/Scene Opens\

“I fell in love with Emily in elementary school” he started to say but his wording drifted off as he stared at the envelope. “May I?” he asked. I nodded, “Of course” I replied and slid the envelope across the tabletop to him. He smiled as he emptied its contents onto the table. He picked up the promise ring he had given my mother so many years ago and he studied it and finally sighed heavily and set it back down. His eyes welled ever so slightly and he brushed the single tear away from the right side of his face. “Here I thought I didn’t have any left for her.”, he stopped and looked at me, “You didn’t come all this way to watch an old man cry.” I smiled as he said it. I returned his smile, “No sir, but you take your time. I’m certainly not going to rush you.” I said politely to him.

The torment was plain as day on his face, obviously, this all brought back many bad memories. I would bet some good ones as well. The pain was there, etched in this old man's face like it was chiseled in granite though. It’s the kind of thing that makes you want to comfort a person for the love lost, that had such a huge impact on their personality. If I hadn’t already had a great dislike for my own father, this added interest to that account and compounded it.

“I know you must have often wondered why your family was treated so harshly.” He said, then holding up the ring he continued, “This is but a small part of it.”. “Your father.”, he pauses, his face starting to darken with anger. “Was a rotten bastard”, I finished the sentence for him. He nodded his head and had more to say, much more I thought to myself. There was something behind his eyes as well, I couldn’t put my finger on it but there was something there. There was that feeling again, like a sailor being in shark infested waters. “There’s a reason he’s not laid to rest on the land that I own. Mom is there and my grandmother but he’ll never rest there.” I added. He nodded and the anger seemed to fade from his face. “That is primarily the reason I want the land, Mac. I want my final resting place to be beside Emily, as it should be.” He added in a soft baritone voice. He picked the ring back up, rubbing it with his thumb as the ring rested against his index finger.

I thought about that, how odd that he would use that as his reason for wanting the land. Surely there must be more to this than that. I lost love fifty years ago? “That’s a very emotional and passionate reason sir. What other reasons might there be aside from that.” I asked him as politely as I could.


Real Talk Part 2.

I mean I could literally go on for hours about the accomplishments of Mark Cross and what a great champion he’s shown to be so far. I have to go back to the tournament though and something he said to and about me. He questioned my accomplishments without really knowing anything about me. So, I’m going to talk about me for a minute, because I think this needs to be done in order to set the record straight. I am an eleven time world champion. I’ve been inducted into five different halls of fame as a professional. What does all of that amount to? Not a fucking thing, because those are past accomplishments. I hope by saying this though that he and everyone else will have a better understanding of who I am as a pro. I take the work I do in the ring very seriously. The work I do outside of it when representing this company, even more so. The last time we met, you said that my past was not relevant. You were wrong then and you are wrong now.

My career has been built around starting at the bottom and through hard work and perseverance rising to the top and holding the top strap. Have I done that in every company? No, but it doesn’t deter me at all. If anything it inspires me to get better and to do better. Much like growing up in this business. You talk about learning it from the inside out. I got to see and learn about who I didn’t want to be in this business from some of the worst bastards this industry has ever produced. The same can be said of learning who I didn’t want to be as a man. I was around grown men who couldn’t control their egos or their libidos. They were all married men, but you couldn’t tell it by the way they conducted themselves. That was also a lesson in integrity, something I try to maintain every day.

The politics; there’s nothing you can really say that’s respectful about that topic. The guys who spent all their time in the owner's office trying to get a title shot that they hadn’t earned. Again, that goes back to having integrity and believing in yourself whether the owners of the company do or not. More recently though, our champion has shown a lack of that. When you look at what he said about the mixed tag match we had. That was just a giant whine-fest wasn’t it. I mean, complaining about your responsibilities as a champion? Really Mr. Cross? Okay, moving on, nothing to see here.

I could say more, but why bother. I mean everyone heard what you had to say about the match itself. The most important thing to take from that though, is that you still won it regardless of the way you or anyone in the match felt about it. My performance in that match was lackluster at best. I’ll admit that, just like my other losses in this company, at the time I just wasn’t focused on the task at hand. I’ve already apologized to my wife for that. She deserved better, especially from me. So, let’s talk about my won-loss record shall we? That was not my first loss in tag team matches obviously. The majority of my losses here in Sin City have come in mixed tag matches. I’ve lost twice to you and once to Ryans, which wasn't really a match at all.

That accounts for three of my five losses in this company. The other two came in one on one matches. I’ve lost to David Shepherd and Fenris who happen to be teaming together for this event. That’s it Mark, those two losses in singles competition. Think about that for a bit.


In over his head part 3
The Sun Princess Cruise
/Scene Opens\

A short time after boarding

The announcement had come over the speakers of the cruise ship as expected, ”Attention all passengers, please report to the promenade deck for orientation. You could almost feel the collective groan pass through the ship as people started making their way to the promenade deck with their life jackets in hand. This was one of the single most monotonous and boring things about going on a cruise. If you didn’t attend, they would escort you from the ship. When I told Amber about this little factoid she seemed very amused as her right eyebrow shot up, “Sounds like the voice of experience.”. I responded to her statement with a laugh, “it came very close to that. I had serious doubts about a commercial cruise liner being able to educate me on safety protocol aboard ship.” It was that damnable pride thing once again that had bitten me in the ass. She smiled and laid a hand on my forearm, “We should probably go down there then.”. I smiled as we made our way down the stairs to the appointed location for our cabin.

We at least pretended to listen and follow the instructions given by the crew. I looked around and some of these fans and wrestlers alike looked like they were seasick already and we hadn't even left the dock. I thought to myself, “Some of these folks are in for a long trip.” It took longer than we’d like but the demonstration was over with and we could go back to whatever we were doing. “I’ll see you back upstairs love”, she said to me as she made her way through the crowd. I made my way to the board that had some of the Sin City Wrestling activities to make sure that the demos or classes if you will had actually made it past the quality assurance people. When they originally asked about that, I told them that the things I was good at might not make for a good and family friendly class. Christian of course balked at that and told me surely there was something I could do. Our management team was big on fan interaction and so I told him, “Fine, I’ll teach a swimming class or something.” His response was a glare, “Or something” he quipped.

I studied the board and found my name and shook my head. I read it out loud, “Two Steppin’ with the Cowboy Mac Bane”. I sighed aloud and chuckled. “Well it’s been a minute but I’m sure I can do that.”. I continued to scan the board, that was all that I was scheduled for today. The schedule for the first full day at sea, “Oh man, that’s gonna bring back some memories.” I said in a voice that even to me sounded far away. “Survival At Sea - A Seminar With A Former United States Navy SeaBee.” Also something I could do easily, it wasn’t the thought of teaching but I had always been uncomfortable at best in these types of settings. I felt more than I heard the mooring lines being disengaged as the ship was beginning to make it’s run for open water. It brought a smile to my face. The sea had always been where I felt most at home, even more so than a wrestling ring. The sea is what brought me peace.

I looked back at the board one last time and realized an important detail I had missed. There were a number of special needs children on this cruise. I remembered Amber saying something about that earlier, they were huge fans of Sin City. Making this even more critical than it was first thought to be. I smiled, remembering my nephew AJ. A very special young man, I don’t talk about my sister Lindsey much, hardly ever really. She’s a recovering drug addict, AJ was a product of that life. Her addiction is what caused him to be born with MR. I loved that boy like he was one of my own. So teaching special needs kids to dance would be an honor. I felt the ship begin to rock ever so slightly and smiled. We were on our way and it felt good to me. Making my way out onto the deck, I leaned against the railing and inhaled deeply, closing my eyes. I embraced everything the sea had to offer.

For four years of my life, she had been my mistress, until I accepted an honorable discharge from the Navy. Then the road and wrestling took her place in part. Never fully though, the times I’ve spent on the beach and in the water for fun, those were great memories too. The best aspect of the ocean for me was what it did to my stress levels. A little time near these briney masses of water just seemed to suck all the negativity out of me. I remember the first time aboard ship, it had an amazing effect on a young sailor.

twenty seven years ago

Fresh out of survival training in Biloxi Mississippi I found myself deployed on the USS Belknap. Many of my shipmates were sick less than twenty minutes into our trip. My Chief grinned at me as I leaned on the railing. “Bane, you’re a natural it would seem.” he said to me as he slapped me on the shoulder. I grinned at his elation that I wasn’t sick like the others, “Yes Chief, I love the ocean!” I exclaimed enthusiastically. He continued to chuckle as more and more of the sailors under his command became sick. “Hey Chief?” I asked as he laughed. “Yes Bane?” he replied. “You’re an evil bastard, did you know that?” I asked him, making sure to smile so he knew I was fucking with him. “You wounded me sir”, he said as he winked at me.

present day

It was then that I wondered how Amber was doing. I started heading up to our suite to check on her.


Real Talk Part 3.

There was zero shame in losing to Fenris or to David for that matter. Each is a great talent in the ring and each brings a lot to the table. That like most things we like to talk about in this business is in the past. I don’t look past my failures as a competitor, they are important aspects to learning. When I look at the internet championship, it makes me think about how I got here, again in the past but relevant. It started with my first run in the company, I dominated the roulette division. No one, and I mean no one could match the intensity of my bloodlust in that division. I won the title and barely broke a sweat doing it. Sounds disrespectful doesn’t it.


Or maybe it’s just a fucking fact. Then I left the company, I didn’t just throw the roulette title in the garbage. I was a pro and handed it back to ownership like I’m supposed to. Even though I had left, I was invited back to participate in Blast From The Past. I had a game partner and we ran through the competition like a hot knife thru butter. Until we faced you and your partner. That’s an important caveat that I want to make sure is there. I want to make sure that the respect is obvious. Even though I had failed in my attempt to get that world title shot, I stuck around, because I felt like there was more for me to do here in Sin City. I was rewarded for my loyalty with a match against O’Malley for the internet title. I’ll say this, that young man has a mouth on him but he’s a fighter. I beat him in a competitive match, a match that I still talk about today because it was a damn fine match. It also set the course for where we are today.

At Summer of XXXTreme everything I’ve worked for, that you’ve worked for is on the line. When I look at the Internet Title, it means so much to me, more than you can possibly imagine. It’s not the top strap in this company, but it’s been abused by some of my predecessors. In my hands it becomes relevant again. The title doesn’t make the man, the man should define what the title means in his or her hands. A title in my hands elevates it, this title, the internet title was passed around. No one could defend it properly. I mean, I took it from O’Malley on his first title defense. Then I defended it against Milo. How it was defended still makes me a bit ill but that will be addressed in time. The bottom line is that I defended it, and I did so with honor, integrity and work ethic.

So, we know that it’s all on the line. Title vs. title in a winner takes all scenarios. What would it mean for me to lose this title to you? I’m sure that’s the question on everyone's mind right now. How would I react without a title on my shoulder. I can say in all honesty, that it would crush me to lose this title to you Mark. It’s not that I don’t respect you or like you. This title represents my crowning achievement in Sin City to date. If I lost that, it would feel like I lost a bit of myself. The reason behind that should be obvious. I’ve invested so much of who I am into this run as Internet Champion. I know you have as well, representing the company as it’s top superstar champion. So, the same question I would pose to you, how would Mark Cross deal with losing the world title to a man he has two pinfall victories over?

I’ll leave that for you to answer champ.

The struggle as I continue to climb this mountain is real y’all. Every day is a battle, a battle worth fighting. To be recognized as one of the elite in Sin City is the game and the goal. I know the game all too well, I’ve been playing it for a long assed time. Is it worth it at the end of the day? I can say without reservation or hesitation that it is. Now I’m sure that the champ is full of confidence about his second pinfall victory over me. I’ve covered my record for all to see and hear. Am I less than confident about my chances against The Dragon?


Here’s why.

This ain’t a fucking tag match champ.

All that being said, it would seem we each have a mountain of our own to climb don’t we? Mine is my career long battle with climbing and fighting my way to the top of a company. Doing what I always do, scratching and clawing my way out of obscurity and into the top spot on this roster. Where I belong champ. Obviously I have great respect for you and your accomplishments and none of this should be considered a backhanded compliment at all. You have your own mountain to climb, whether you realize it or not.

That mountain is me.

You know he’s laughing right now at that statement right?

That’s right Mark I said it, you have to prove to the company and the Sin City faithful that you can actually beat me one on one. I have great respect for your abilities Chief, I just don’t like your chances. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about our match and whether you’ve kept it respectful or resorted to your old ways. I hope you decided to do the right thing chief. Otherwise I’m going to treat you like a cunt and make sure you understand that what I say holds true. The things you say to or about me or my family have consequences. Make sure you are willing to pay the price.

Climax Control Archives / Oblivion Returns
« on: July 02, 2021, 08:26:41 PM »
“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” ― Aldous Huxley

The return of Oblivion

The Game
Oblivion Garage
/Scene Opens\
[10:00 PM]

Did you  know that for some people, the smell of oils and fluids was an aphrodisiac?  For gearheads it is, not so much for people that don’t work with their hands. For me, when I walk into this garage that is what I smell and it’s that odor that makes me happy. Maybe because it’s that, and there is a hint of cinnamon in the background. It’s that cinnamon smell that lets me know that Amber has been here recently. This garage was something that Amber and myself had built with our own hands. Sure, the building was already here, she had bought it for me and we love it here. Everyone has their escape mechanism, whether it be video games, books, television, movies or whatever you might think of. This was ours. One of the places we truly enjoy, away from wrestling and the constant grind. A break from training, even though as a couple, you couldn’t get much bigger than what we had in front of us. A pair of matches that could cement our legacy in the history of Sin City Wrestling. That in itself weighed on more as much if not more than anything right now, for me and I could tell on her as well.

I was in the office, going through invoices and various other paperwork that needed mine and Amber’s attention. I really couldn’t focus on that right now though. My mind just kept going back to the phone calls and text messages that Amber was avoiding. “Must be a real scumbag if she’s avoiding that person like this.” It did beg the question though, exactly who was this Delgado guy? The first thing that popped into my head was the East Coast Mafia but it didn't seem realistic. I knew that the life of a Carnie was tough and keeping an operation like that going was expensive. Was this guy a loan shark from back in the day? Did Grizz still owe him money? She was the only one that might be able to answer that question and she didn’t want to discuss it, so I’d leave it alone for now. I wouldn’t pursue it unless it became a problem for us as a couple or if it messed with the Garage or our careers. Then I would deal with Mr. Delgado in my own way. Of course, that could also make things worse. There were only a few situations that could be called anything close to resolved where violence was concerned. Away from a wrestling ring that is.

The other thing that invaded my thoughts tonight was that the old man, Mr. Mixon wanted to buy our property. Amber was good with it, the kids were good with it. Then why was I so hesitant about selling it to him. There was something there that just didn’t add up, I had ordered another mineral survey of my land. There hadn’t been one done since I first bought the place some twenty five years ago. That wasn’t going to arrive today though. So I had nothing but time. Time to think about it though, that also meant time for me to worry about what Thomas Mixon was up to. I mean, did it really matter? At the end of the day, him owning that land, why would I care?

A crash from one of the bays broke me out of my train of thought and I was on my feet in an instant. My hand immediately went to the small of my back where my Smith and Wesson M&P forty-five rested in it’s holster. I made my way out into the bays with my hand still on my pistol. “Whoever you are, I am armed and you are trespassing.”, I said in a loud and firm voice. A black cat ran out from under an engine stand. I followed her with my eyes and she went to a partially open door. The door was our storage for parts and other supplies like paper towels for the bathrooms. I eased my hand off of my pistol and made my way to the room where the cat had disappeared to. Turning on the lights for the storage room I looked around and didn’t see anything. I heard something though, the cries of kittens. I looked up on one of the shelves and saw the momma cat trying to hide. I exhaled a sigh of relief and looked at her, “It’s okay girl, you’re fine for now.”

I happened to spot a small dish near the shelving unit and smiled. “Either Amber or one of the boys decided you could stay.” The hum of a small electric device caught my attention now. I looked around and saw an old burlap sack trying to hide a small refrigerator. I smirked and pulled it off. Opening the fridge I found some small cartons of milk and resting on top of that was a collection of canned cat food. I shook my head in dismay at my own softness these days. “Yep, Red is rubbing off on me for sure.”, I said as I opened a can of catfood and dumped its contents into a bowl that was obviously left there for the cats. The smaller bowl that sat beside received part of the carton of milk that was in the door. I looked up and the momma cat and her kittens were huddled around the bowl eating and purring. “What’s seven more mouths to feed?” I said to myself, amused at the situation.

My mind went back to Thomas Mixon, my only memories of him were from childhood. I remembered heated shouting matches between him and my father. It had gotten so bad that our family was banned from his stores. On one occasion I remember the police being called, it was so bad in fact that both he and my father were arrested for disturbing the peace. The vibration in my front pocket notified me that I had a call coming in. I looked at the time and it was after ten. The caller i.d. said that the caller was anonymous but the number was definitely from the Port Arthur area. I let it go to voicemail, “Probably wanting me to extend the warranty on my truck or something.” I mused to myself. The vibration again, notifying me of a voicemail. I had visual voicemail so I looked at it. “I’ll be damned, it’s like I summoned him.”, I stared at the message like someone who had been struck dumb all of a sudden.

“Mr. Bane,
This is Thomas Mixon the third. I am calling you in regards to the offer made on your property, I know this cannot be an easy decision to make. If you would be so kind as to call me back tomorrow, I’d like to discuss it. Maybe I can help with some of the questions you must have.”

I clamp my mouth shut and allow my breathing to return to normal. I had no idea that my breathing had escalated to the point of nearly hyper-ventilating myself. Could the old man read my mind or something? I shake my head, trying to clear the cobwebs. “What in the actual fuck….”, I say to myself, obviously since no one else is around right now. I look back down at my phone again and sigh. “Only one way to do this and that’s in person.” I say to myself. I sent him a text message letting him know I would reach out once I was in town.

“Mr. Mixon,
I will reach out once I am in town so we can discuss this. It’ll be a couple of days from now.”

I didn’t wait for a response, I would check my phone later to see if he received the message. I went back to the office to lock up, knowing that there was no way I could focus on paperwork for the shop. I would go home, get some sleep and hopefully get some perspective tomorrow.


The Game ctd...
Bane’s Home - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\
[6:00 AM the next day...]

I remember waking because the morning sun crept under my eyelids, might I add it was unwelcomed. “Fine, asshole, I’m awake now.” I said to the sun. “Day star bad.”, I mumbled as I stumbled my way to the kitchen. That first sip of coffee, “God damn, that kisses the soul” I said in my half asleep state. I sat down on the couch, sitting my cup on the side table. I looked down at the scrap book that had belonged to my mother. I had always thought it a cheesy thing to do with old photos and letters. Perhaps there were some clues in there I thought to myself. “Well, let’s take a look. Worst case scenario is that I find nothing at all.” I said flatly, I honestly didn’t believe there was anything in there to find. I untied the ribbon and opened the binder up. I heard metal on wood as a small object clattered across the coffee table. I picked it up and it looked like a promise ring. I hadn’t seen one of those in a long time.

Investigating the front of the binder, I found a hidden panel of sorts. It was a pocket really, made from paper. Inside that pocket was a letter.

“My Dearest Emily” I began to read, Emily was my mother’s name.

“I hope you will accept this token of my affection and a promise for better things in the future. I wish I could be there to give this to you myself but family business continues to drag me to New York. The boring part of the family business, the board meetings on top of investor meetings. I love you more than anything in this world.

Love Always,

I felt my jaw sag open, and shook my head to try and clear the cobwebs. I don’t know how long I sat there staring at the letter but when I realized someone else was there, I looked up to see my daughter Julie. “Compelling stuff, huh?” she quipped at me as she sat on the arm of the couch. I nodded my head and put both the ring and the letter back in the place they fell from. “It seems I’ve learned something new about my own mother today.” I said back to her. Julez smiled that smile that let me know that she already knew about this. It dawned on me that this was likely the reason she had spent so much time going through these old scrapbooks. I had to ask, “Did you find anything else out from these?” I said pointing at the book in front of me. She smiled and shook her head indicating that she had not. “No, the rest of what I know came directly from grams.” She said after only a short pause.

“So, why did you never tell me about any of this?”, I asked her bluntly. She smiled again and then said, “Because grams asked me not to, not as long as her and grandpa were still alive.” I nodded my understanding, “Probably better that way. I need you to move Julez, you’re in the way of me and my coffee.”, I said with a smile. She got the hint immediately and moved to the other side of the couch. She crawled up in the corner and sat cross legged so she could face me as she talked. “She and I would talk about her school days as she liked to call them for literally hours.” She started saying. I motioned for her to go on. “She told me that she had been in love with Tommy, as she liked to call him, since elementary school. He had been her steady boyfriend from fourth grade all the way through high school.”

She didn’t pause but went on into the retelling of my mother’s story. “She was nineteen when she met grandpa, he was smitten with her from the first time they met. Soon he was showering her with gifts, trying to win her affection. The problem was she was promised to Tom Mixon and rebuffed all of grandpa’s advances.”, she pauses there, to breath and focus on her recollection of the story. “On one of the many trips that Tom made to New York that summer, grandpa would come calling and they did eventually go out on a date of sorts. She would later tell me that it wasn’t really supposed to be a date but a night out amongst friends.”

She hesitates, swallows hard but continues. “On that night out with friends, she uh...she doesn’t remember all of it she told me. She had woken up naked in grandpa's car, barely covered with one of his jackets.” She pauses there as she sees my face darken. “She swore that he hadn’t done anything, I see you’re thinking what I was the first time she told me this story. She doesn’t believe that he would drug her. He told her that nothing happened between them. That he simply grabbed her off a table top and covered her up when she started stripping out of her clothes.” She could tell by my reaction and the look on my face that I didn’t believe a word of it. “That son of a bitch.”, I said flatly. She nodded, “He let it be known that they were a thing after that, it ruined her reputation and the Mixon’s forbade Tom from seeing her anymore.” She said finally.

I felt the sigh escape my lips, “No wonder he harbors so much hatred for this family.”, I said quietly. She nodded and hugged my neck. “It’s not the only reason, but yes, that’s where it started.”


Bane Home
/Scene Opens\
[7:00 AM]

The air in vegas had a weight to it this morning, if I was in Texas this feeling would be normal, it’s called humidity. For Vegas though, it wasn’t humid at all. The weight was likely imagined as I got ready for one of the biggest matches of my career to this point in Sin City Wrestling. The camera was already recording as I made my way out onto the decking. The boards creaked in complaint as I stepped across them. I looked around the backyard of our home and smiled.

When you build something with your own two hands, that’s a matter of pride and accomplishment. When Amber and I moved into this house, there was nothing back here. The deck, and everything else, we built with our own hands. I’ve taken such pride watching her as the Bombshell Champion in Sin City. It’s almost as if that division was built around her to compliment her skills. She has been a dominant champion to say the least. She has put that division and you could even argue that she’s put this company on her back and carried the load as only she can.

I smirk, knowing that not everyone would agree with that statement and it would likely piss off some of the boys around here. The simple and quick answer is I don’t care.

Truth, like a lot of things in this life is painful. There’s not a man on this roster that wants to hear about the women carrying this company. That, however, is the truth whether anyone likes it or not. Does it hurt their fragile egos? I don’t know, you’d have to ask them. Over the years since I’ve known Myra, I’ve seen a great many things from her. It’s the things that she says that resonates with me the most. She clings to the past and wears it like a badge of honor. The slights she suffered in other places, real or imagined are not important. See, perspective is a person's reality. In her mind, she suffered because of another group of people. She never achieved that goal of being a world champion there because of them. That is her perspective, so therefore it’s her reality. When you’re talking about perspective, that’s all that matters. It’s what she believes to be true, whether it’s factual or not is another story altogether.

I shake my head at the memory of her spouting off about a glass ceiling in another company, instead of owning her own shortcomings and flaws.

All that being said, she was a good tag partner during The Blast From The Past tournament. We functioned well as a team, but we are not a team in this match. This match is to determine which match will be the main event. Whether it’s the men’s or the women's world title match that will be showcased. Which division will deserve the most attention from the company and the fanbase. Look at Myra, she’s done things that no one expected. Look at her track record. She’s held the Internet Title longer than any other title holder in the company. She has shattered the old record for days and defenses of the internet title. She’s one of the few women in this company that holds a pinfall victory over my wife. So don’t mistake my words Myra, I do respect your ability. I just don’t like your chances.

I smile ever so slightly at the camera as I continue.

You know what this match won’t be about? Which match will draw the most money. Which conflict will be more compelling. Myra chasing a world championship in a winner take all scenario, or yours truly doing the same thing. Due to the way this was set up, those are things that simply won’t matter. They matter to us individually, but that’s a close up personal view of the title situations in this company. The thousand foot view though, the blast from the past drama will certainly help draw people in. That is as important as any of the rest of it, as far as the owners and the investors are concerned. I should say, from a business perspective. There’s that word again….Perspective.

I wink at the camera and continue.

Perspective and how to each person, that is their truth. I would say that a person's truth can be somewhat jaded or shaded in one direction or another. Take the members of the Wolf’s Lair for example. They recently put Sin City on notice that they were taking over. While I’m certain that they intended that for the most positive way possible. I’d say that their truth and the rest of ours may differ a bit.

I smile a sad smile and nod at the camera remembering my own thoughts on disastrous runs with world championships elsewhere.

Alex Jones is not the only one who has had disastrous world title runs. I mean, because it didn’t happen here I’m sure he doesn’t see it as relevant. My first run as a world champion was pretty bad. Way back in time, there was a company called UCWA that was run by someone who at the time I considered a friend. I won that title from someone who I admired and respected a great deal. That title went to my head and inflated my ego in such a way that I alienated a number of people who were near and dear to me personally. So, I get it, we all have these things in our past. If you let it affect your present, that’s a different story altogether. If you do, it fucks with your future as well.

Spreading my hands to emphasize that it is all encompassing. I then bring them back in front of me and clasping my hands together, I look back up at the camera.

This final show before the big cruise though. This is my focus. My wife and I have fought each other more times than we’ve tagged together. Make no mistake about this, we are as cohesive a team as you will ever face. Mark, I know you are a very accomplished talent in your own right. You are the Sin City Champion. The man who represents the Men’s roster, to the chagrin of some and the amusement of others. You’ve accomplished many great things in your time with the company. This match however, will be quite different. This is not Blast from the Past where you can get by with a so-so partner and come out on top. This match will decide which match is the main event for the super card. This match will determine momentum, and which side will be considered underdogs going into it.

I shake my head in disagreement and frown at the camera.

Son, let me tell you something. Those days are over.


Climax Control Archives / More to Be Done.
« on: June 18, 2021, 11:00:24 PM »

More To Be Done.
In-Studio - Bane Home
/Scene Opens\

The calm before the storm, I thought to myself as I stared at the camera. I had done a lot and probably pissed off more than one person with what I had said a couple of weeks ago. Did I care? No, not in the least, I was here for a reason. It was time to make that clear if I hadn’t already. I adjust the cufflinks on my stark white shirt. I can smell the heavy starch that they use in order to make this look as crisp as possible. The black slacks I’m wearing have a lighter starch in them but the creases are razor sharp. Black alligator boots and belt finish the look.

The last time I was in front of a Sin City crowd, I was defending my Internet Title against Miles. The Troll took exception to Milo sending flowers to the Troll’s mom. Under normal circumstances I would have sympathized with him for what he did. This is the Troll we’re talking about however, and that fat piece of shit stuck his nose in my business. So, Miles didn’t get a fair shot at winning that title. Neither of us was happy about that but nothing can be done about it now. Would it have made any difference if the Troll hadn’t inserted himself? No one knows to be fair and honest, Milo is one of those kids with so much potential that I know he’ll earn himself another shot at some point. Not the way I wanted to have my first defense to go. What I wanted was a decisive title defense, not some rolly polly coming out and ruining it for myself and Milo.

I shake my head in disgust as I remember what happened.

So, first we had Alicia Lukas, Queen for a day winner, giving Miles an internet title shot and herself a world title shot against my wife. How’d that work out for you? Then there’s Vinnie, the King for a day winner giving himself a world title shot against Mark Cross.

I shrug it off.

I can’t say that I blame you really, I might have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. Mark Cross is an interesting guy to say the least. Him and his hashtag four hundred club, that’s amusing to me.

The smile I was wearing is gone.

I’m laughing on the inside, no, really. I get it Mark, setting goals is important. Setting realistic goals, even more so. That led me to respond to your open challenge on social media. You told Underwood to put me on the waiting list?

My anger starts to bubble to the surface as my eyes narrow and my brow furrows.

I don’t feel like waiting, Mark. I’m not a patient man, you see, so at Climax Control I’m going to spell it out for everyone after my match. My match with David is a non title match, this surprised me. Has the good Shepherd not done enough to warrant a title shot? Does management not believe in you? Do you not believe in yourself? Doesn’t matter to me, this match is what it is. If you beat me, think of all the credibility you’ll gain. If you succeed you put yourself in a great position for a future shot at the Internet Title. If you don’t? Well, that just means you were the next victim on my way to the top. Make no mistake about it boys, that’s exactly where I’m going. Not that I don’t have work in front of me, I still have a lot of work to do before I get there.

I wink at the camera as the scene fades.


What are you up to exactly?
The Bane Home, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

The flickering of a computer monitor bathes my face in an eerie light. My bleary eyes poured over the email again to make sure that what Aeric had told me was correct. I run my hands through my tangled hair and then let my arms drop by my side. Leaning back I mutter to myself, “This old bastard is trying to turn into a real land Baron it would seem.” I take a sip of my coffee, leaning forward and I study the last paragraph more closely. “The real question is do I care?”, I say with a bemused tone. The family place was something I bought and built with my own two hands. I wanted to make sure that my kids had everything I didn’t as a child. The offer was better than I would have thought the old man was capable of putting together. My place was four thousand acres of timberline. The property was thick with pine and oak trees with a small amount of mesquite. “He’s not even asking for the mineral rights...I just don’t get it.” I mused to myself.

My phone began to buzz, an incoming call from Aeric Bane according to my caller identification. I swipe the button across, “What’s up kiddo?”. “Hey Pop.”, he said, followed by a long pause. This is a real attention getter in my family, that boy talks ninety miles an hour and for him to pause, meant he was thinking. His thinking is never a good thing. It generally means either bad news or he’s got some crazy assed scheme in mind. “What’s wrong Aeric?” I asked in a matter of fact way that means spit it out, son. He knows the tone all too well as do all my kids. “Nothing really, I was just thinking….”, and there it was I thought to myself and my immediate instinct was to cringe. Makes me glad he wasn’t in the room. “Oh yeah? What were you thinking about, son?” I asked him. Another long pause of silence. “Aeric, you are making me nervous.” I say in a sharper than normal tone. I can hear him bark a laugh on the other side of this conversation.

“I know it’s not my strong point Pop, so I don’t blame you for having some reservations but I think I figured out why Mixon wants our land.”, and there it was, my son, the private detective. There are idiots, then there was Aeric, an idiot in tin foil armor. A heart the size of Texas and brain the size of a walnut. I allowed a slow breath out in hopes of hiding my frustration. “Oh yeah? So what do you think the old bastard is trying to do?” I honestly hated to encourage him but I love my kids and I love it when they try. “Well Pops, our land butts up against the Johnson Place, which he’s also trying to buy.” he started explaining. “Hold up.” I say quickly scanning the email that Aeric had sent me earlier. “Looks like your being a man-whore is paying dividends Aeric.” He laughs again, “We all have our strengths, right Pop?” Now it was my turn to laugh as he used one of my own phrases against me. “Indeed we do, son, indeed we do.”. “Latest is that the Johnson’s are going to sell. According to someone at the title office, they’ve agreed to sell him all mineral rights.” he informed me and I nodded along with what he was saying. “I found out the same thing, through a different source of course.”

“I’d love to get ahold of the mineral survey that was done on their place.”, I said mostly to myself, I wasn’t sure my son even knew what that was. I can hear him sigh, “It’s the third attachment in the email Pop.”, he said, chastising me for not being more thorough. Now it was my turn to bark a laugh, followed by the words, “Of course it is.” I opened the attachment, it was a thorough report but it really revealed nothing. It was standard for that part of Texas. “Maybe there’s nothing to find here.” I muttered to myself. “I mean, not everything is a communist plot.”, I said finally. My son began laughing, “You mean my childhood was a lie?”. Then I began to laugh, when they were children, if anything at all went wrong that’s what I would call it. It was something I had picked up when I was in the Navy.


More To Be Done Part Two.
In-Studio - Bane Home
/Scene Opens\

So, when I won the internet title, it was the expected outcome. You know, like Dave being an asshole. It’s expected.

I smile at the camera.

Now if I know Dave at all, he’s probably pissed about me calling him Dave. Religious types are always rather stuffy about that kind of thing. Just like they’re stuffy about sexuality. The truth is as forgeign to them as the possibility that same sex love exists. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though. One thing at a time.

My smile broadens as I begin to get into the meat of what I want to talk about.

You claimed for a long time that you hated Fenris, and then you laid a lip lock on him like hadn’t been seen in a wrestling match in ages. You’ve been preaching against homosexuality for months, even when your dad spoke out about your attitude about it, you shunned him. Imagine everyone’s shock when that happened. Then again, what should I come to expect from a wannabe cultist. You guys get tired of life in the compound or something?

I shake my head to indicate my disgust with who David is as a person.

Maybe you decided to use it as a psychological ploy, but then much to the surprise of everyone he kissed you back. That was entertaining as hell for everyone. The social media response was priceless. That brings us to an often misused term by those in the clergy. The Truth.

My gaze narrows and brow furrows again as I address my opponent.

Dipshit, you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on the ass. You don’t even have to be necessarily observant to know this about you, Dave. You’re a liar and a fraud. You lack integrity and even the common decency to address people properly. In my first match as the Internet Champion, I wanted to do nothing more than make a statement. Due to the interference of others I wasn’t able to do that. I guess you’ll just have to do, little man.

My gaze hardens as my intensity is more obvious and my anger is beginning to bubble to the surface. I begin unbuttoning my shirt, undoing the cuff links and I slide the shirt off of my body.

My body and the scars that I carry are like a roadmap to the story of my life in this business. My entire career I’ve been reckless, putting my body on the line, night in and night out. I am who I am, I put asses in the seats, whether Mark wants to admit it or not. I am the most logical number one contender to that world title that there is in this fucking company. This is my truth David. I’m sure you believe that I don’t deserve this belt or the accolades that go with it. The truth will be standing across the ring from you at Climax Control. They say that the truth hurts, and in your case it will be even more painful than you can imagine, kid.

I raise both hands, middle fingers extended.

That’s what I think about your opinion of me, Dave. I have absolutely nothing to gain by beating you. That is what is going to happen chief. So, we’ll find out if you’re a man or a fucking snowflake. What happens when I turn up the heat? I’m willing to bet you melt like the bitch that you are. At the end of the day, the only thing that gets settled is what Sin City already knew. I’m a dirtbag, no good bastard.

Climax Control Archives / Setting the Bar
« on: June 04, 2021, 10:50:02 PM »
“One man told me, ‘My tooth is hurting’. Why would ‘your’ tooth hurt you? This is considered a contradicting statement. What is yours, it will never give you pain and what is not yours will always give you pain. If you expound on this, you will have the solution!”
― Dada Bhagwan

Setting the Bar
In-Studio - Bane Home
/Scene Opens\

I should be on top of the world right now, I stand here holding the number two belt in this company. The problem is, there’s a nagging sensation in the back of my mind though that I didn’t get the best that O’Malley had to offer. I just didn’t feel like his heart was in it. That’s why this title has a less than satisfactory feel to it. I stand there staring at the light, knowing that the camera is rolling. I hold the title belt up waist high and look at it.

I should feel something more after winning this from O’Malley. He was a proud champion and a worthy one. See, I don’t give a rat's ass about what anyone thinks of that man. He was a fighter and that’s something to be proud of. He’s taking some time off right now and I hope it helps him, he needs to come back stronger and more focussed than before. This guy wants that for you, come back when you’re ready and we will have a little rematch. Whether I have the title or not, I want every fucking thing you’ve got. That’s my challenge for you.

I shift the title belt and draping it over my shoulder I continue. One of the problems with this title recently has been the difficulty in defending it. It added more weight to the expectation that people had of me. That being said, the weight of the belt seems heavier than it should but I continue with the promotional.

I’ve set challenges for myself as well. What I told the Sin City faithful holds true. I’m defending this against anyone who has the balls to step up and put themselves in harm's way. It doesn’t matter to me whether someone thinks they deserve a shot or not, the only thing that I ask in return is that you bring everything you’ve got to the ring with you. That you leave it all in the ring. No excuses, no retreat, no surrender.

I slap the belt a couple of times with my free hand, the sound of flesh on metal dissipates in the studio as the sound absorbing materials diffuse it.

This starts with you Miles. Though you didn’t sign up for this match, it was gifted to you. Regardless, you are the next man up for a shot at owning this title. I watched your Roulette match. You are a game competitor and have so much heart. It really is to be admired.

I smile and look at the title belt, then back at the camera.

You’re a good man Milo, and I meant what I said. I think you’re undervalued. Why would a man of talent and potential be satisfied with a Roulette Title match? Especially not against your mentor. I’ve been at this for a long time, Miles. I do my research, I know from watching you from afar that you seem to go back and forth between confident and humble. You never seem to go full out arrogant though.

I allow the smile to slide away, replaced by a more serious expression.

The real question is why? Alicia believes in you, Alex also believes in you, otherwise you wouldn’t be a part of his group. It surprised me when I realized that you aren’t an arrogant prick though, considering who you run with. I know you are glad for inclusion in Wolfslair, because for whatever reason that is important to you. Maybe it’s because they seem to you to be an elite faction. Maybe they are and maybe they’re not. I’m sure to you and many people in Sin City, they are. We’ve all had a veteran we idolized. So I get it, you look up to AJ. You appreciate what he’s taught you and the opportunities associated with the group you belong to. Just remember this, they’ll teach you all you know. Not all they know. However, your inclusion in the Wolfslair, It’s a kind of validation in a sense.

I take the belt off my shoulder and hold it chest high.

This however is all I need for my own personal validation.

I look up from the Internet Title and back at the camera and I smile.

It’s the thing that puts me that much closer to my ultimate goal. A goal that was within my grasp but I failed to achieve. I could dwell on losing in the finals of Blast from the Past but that’s pointless and gains me nothing. These failures though, aren't setbacks, they are opportunities to learn. Even with as much in-ring experience as I have, I learn something new every day. Today I want to learn exactly who Milo is, I want you to show me. Leave it all in the ring, kid, bring the fight to me that I know you have inside you. How you fare against me will be the measuring stick, the bar if you will. I set the bar very high in Sin City, all you have to do is look at my win and loss record. I’ve won eleven matches and lost three. Only one of those losses was in one on one matches. I’ve no shame in losing to a man like Fenris.


Back to the Grind
Unnamed Gym - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

A while back I had started a regiment to build my speed back up and continue on my journey to drop a few pounds. That had really paid dividends when I had faced O’Malley for the Internet title match at Into The Void X. In the last year I had gone from three hundred pounds down to two hundred and eighty pounds. My old trainer was still in Dallas, and I didn’t have the time to fly back just for that. I’d take what she had me doing and add to it. I had spoken to Lindsey earlier that day and she loved my ideas. We had started with sprints, running as fast as I could for as long as I could, then resting, recovering and doing it again.

A couple of hours earlier

I was on a zoom call with my trainer, Lindsey, discussing how I could add to what I was already doing in order to build on the speed training I was doing.
“So, Lindsey, when we first started this...has it really been a year?”, I asked with an amused tone. She smiled, “it has been. You’ve done really well, and from the looks of it, it’s really paid off.”. I return her smile, “It has indeed, thank you for taking the time to work with me. When we first started it was all about tempo training. Over time we added intervals, mostly because of my age and we were trying to cut down on the risk of injury. I wanted to get your opinion on getting back in the gym and working on my core strength again.”

Without any hesitation she responds to me, “Of course! Legs and core will help you to increase your speed more than what you have. What were you thinking in terms of specific exercises?” She asked, obviously intrigued. “Deadlift, Hang Clean and use a sled.”, I responded. She nodded enthusiastically with my proposed add ons. She tapped her lip as she thought and then looked at me with that lightbulb moment on her face. “Box Squats will also help. It really builds leg strength pretty quickly.”.

back to present

Now a box squat is an interesting exercise. What you do is, get a box that’s about knee high so you can sit down on it without your thighs moving beyond being parallel with the ground. Squat down on the box so your glutes rest on it for one to two seconds, then stand back up by driving through your heels and hips. For this session, I started without the weights or a barbell. Within minutes I could feel the burn in my legs. That boys and girls is how you know it’s working.

“Damn Pops, you are seriously tearing it up!”, I heard from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see my oldest son, Jimmy. I smile as he approaches and I take him with a big sweaty hug. “Gross, Pops!”. I chuckle, “You never get too old to get a hug from your Dad.” He smirks at me, “No, I mean you’re sweaty gross.” and we both laugh a little. “What brings you to Vegas, kiddo.”, I ask him. He scratches the stubble on his chin, “Well, I’ve decided I’m relocating to Seattle for that new gig.”. I nodded my head in agreement, it would be good for him and teaming with his adoptive sister Zeph would  help as well. “Good”, I said in a matter of fact tone. “I think you’ll enjoy the Pacific NorthWest, Washington is a beautiful state.” He smiles at the statement, “Oh, and I brought you a surprise”, he says as Lindsey walks into the room. “I’ll be damned”, honestly shocked that she is here.

I give Lindsey a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “What in the world are you doin in Vegas?”, I asked her. “Well, I’m going to Seattle too, actually.” I smile as my son reaches out instinctively to hold her hand. “Good, I’ll worry about this knucklehead a little less if I know you’re there to make sure he walks the straight and narrow.”. She laughs a silvery laugh, much like Amber does when I’m a little too charming as she calls it. “I see you are really making strides with speed training.”, she says to me in the form of a question really. I nod, “I hope so, most of the people I’m in the ring are a lot younger than me. The kid this week will be a challenge.”. She nods her head sagely, “Miles Kasey, right?” “Yeah, good kid from what I’ve seen and a tough competitor.”, I responded to her with all honesty.

“There are a lot of younger competitors these days, all out to make a name for themselves and for some, like Milo, trying to win that first title.” I pause, having said that and realized it must have made me sound like a bitter old guy. Jimmy studies me for a moment, “And what do we tell fate?”, he says with a smirk and wink. I return the sarcasm, “Not today, asshole, not today.”


Setting the Bar Part 2
In-Studio, Bane House, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

I think about what I had said previously, I’d been fortunate with so few losses. I loved the fact that I was winning and that I was impressing the right people. Setting the bar was accurate in my mind, I felt like that’s what I was doing and I would continue to do exactly that.

This will be your third title opportunity this year. There’s no shame in losing to someone like Alex Jones, not at all. I’ve known Alex for a long time and have always thought highly of him. I’m not Alex though. Our styles are not even remotely similar. Facing me is a different kind of fight. I’ve been around the business for longer than a cup of coffee. I’ve held titles before and what they tell you is very true. It’s far easier to unseat a champion than it is to defend a title.

Still holding the title in front of me.

You see, the first time I was here, I had lost exactly one match. A mixed tag team match against Ryans and Mikah. Not that you could actually call that a match. It was more of a cluster fuck. Anyway….I was well on my way to my first title opportunity. I was undefeated in singles matches and had absolutely dominated the Roulette division. I went on to win that title, but had to leave due to a family emergency. Fortunately for me, the guys who run Sin City didn’t hold that against me. I know how that looked, me leaving right after winning a title.

I take the Internet Title and put it back on my shoulder.

That leads me to where we are today. You’re still looking for that first title win. I’m defending this title for the first time. That presents a problem, for you, not for me.

My gaze as I look into the camera hardens, all pretense of being friendly is now gone.

Milo, you are one hell of a talent. I have much respect for your ability and the heart you show in the ring. I find myself forced to put that aside though. In order to bring back the prestige that this title should have, that means I will fight with everything I’ve got to make sure that this title doesn’t get passed around like a Walmart toy at a three year olds birthday party anymore.

My expression doesn’t change, I reach up with my free hand and pat the belt, to the average viewer it may even seem like it’s an affectionate pat.

We have many differences, you and I, I won’t even start on the size difference. That’s obvious and hardly worth my time or that of the fans to talk about. The biggest difference between us is that I earned my shot at this title. You were given a shot by Alicia. That being said, I’m going to treat you like I would anyone who tresspasses or threatens what is mine. I’m not going to talk about fair or not fair, that’s not really it at all. It’s about respect for this industry and self respect.

You were just so overjoyed when this match was announced. You weren’t expecting this, I think it’s mostly because you know you don’t deserve it. What have you done? Who have you beaten to make you relevant enough for a shot at the number two belt in this company? If you are able to beat me, you get automatic credibility as a competitor here. You gain relevance as well as this title. A title that ranks higher than the one that Alex Jones currently holds. That’s quite the carrot to be dangling in front of a young up and coming star, right?

What if I told you it was a trap, not a thirst trap, a very large trap that would leave you marked for years to come. I don’t say these things to be funny or to try and sound cool. I’m being very real with you, so you will know who you are stepping in the ring with. Make no mistakes about it Milo, I’m going to hurt you in ways you haven’t even thought of yet. If I were just a brawler, you might have an advantage. You might still, if you can figure it out. I don’t think you’re stupid so don’t get it twisted. I do think you’ve been led to believe that you are more than you really are. Do you even know who you are as a competitor? Have you finally figured out how to get out of your own way?


The Bane Home, Las Vegas NV
/Scene Opens\

If you ask most Texans what means the most to them in life, they’ll tell you it’s family first and foremost. It wasn’t very often these days that I could get all of mine under one roof at the same time. Julie was attending pre-law classes on the east coast, Jimmy was about to go to Washington for a new company that was just getting started. This particular company also had a couple of friends of mine, so he would know a few people going into it. Aeric was not really looking at new places to go work, he was happy with whatever life pushed his direction. I think the kids being here helped a little with taking the edge off of Amber. Recently in Reno, we were working for another company and held the tag team titles. We defended them and that did not go according to plan. We lost those titles and it ate at her because she took the pinfall in that match. All thanks to a loaded entrance prop. I almost felt sorry for Alicia and Miles respectively, almost.

Amber was still at “Oblivion Garage”, so it gave me some time with the kids. Supper was already in the oven and would be done in the next fifteen minutes or so. Julez had said she wanted to stay with us for a while, since she wasn’t going back to college until the fall. The place in Texas was being cared for by my foreman Jimbo Rodgers, funny how my old friend resembled that other guy with the same last name that plays football. I had also gotten an offer on that land but hadn’t talked to Amber about it yet. Aeric was the first to pipe up about that, “Did old man, Mixon call you?”, he asked. I looked up and the other two were curious now. “Yes, he did.” I replied in a matter of fact tone. “He wants to buy all the land except for where the house sits plus about five acres. What he’s offering is beyond the going rate, so that makes me suspicious.”, I said to Aeric, “Do you know what he’s up to? I know you keep up on rumors and gossip around Port Arthur.”. He shook his head, “No sir, there’s some speculation about him trying to buy up a lot of places around town but it’s just that.”. I nodded at him and then addressed the three of them.

“I haven’t decided, mostly because this is the first chance I’ve had to talk to you all about it. Plus I haven’t talked to Amber about it yet either.”, I watched them very closely for reactions. None of the three of them even flinched. Julie said to me after a moment, “Daddy, it’s your land, if you want to sell it, I don’t think any of us will object.” This was followed by Jimmy, “Pop, do what you think is best.” And finally Aeric, “As long as the house and the family plot remain…”. I smiled as each of them spoke and finally responded to them. “It’s our land, as a family it belongs to all of us. I’m glad you are all being open about it, and I’ll let you know what’s decided.”

The timer of the oven went off at that moment, I started to get up but Julie beats me and heads toward the kitchen. The aroma that was coming from that direction was fantastic, I could hear Julez in the kitchen pulling the fish out of the oven.

“God, I love Mahi”, I say to no one in particular. Jimmy smiled and said, “Well, I’m sure that it’s not Gaido’s but it will be spectacular.”. I responded with, “Well, can’t have Nick being all worried, can we?”.


Setting the Bar Part 3
In-Studio, Bane House, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

We are now approaching the end of this promotional video and I turn and stare out the window. I’m conflicted, because I know Milo is a good person, the real problem is that I am not a good person. I take this industry and this promotion very seriously, what Alicia had done, had rubbed me the wrong way.

I sincerely hope you have Miles, I hope you have it all figured out. I hope you have a strategy in mind for this match. I know I do, and I’ll even tell you what that is. With your high risk style, it’s obvious that you’ll try to use your speed to gain an advantage. It’ll work great too, until you make a mistake. Then I’ll knock you on your ass and your real education will begin. Remember what I was saying earlier about being more than a brawler?

I tilt my head first to the left, the vertebrae pop, then to the right with the same outcome.

I remember you talking so highly of being at the wolf’s lair gym and the titles that adorn their walls.

I point out the window to the inner hallway, where my titles are lined up.

The world titles, the hardcore titles, the television titles and tag team titles. For those of us who have been around for a while, we have these, it doesn’t make us better than anyone else, kid. What it does make us is opportunist. We were in the right place at the right time, because we busted our asses. We weren’t given anything, we fucking earned it.

I shake my head and try to quieten the anger but it just won’t relent.

To be completely fair about this, I’m not mad at you Milo, the situation is the real problem. I’ve never been a fan of these types of rewards for winning a match. Yeah, she’s Queen for a day and gave you this title shot. I can understand her giving herself a title shot. She’s been around for a long time and many would say that she’s earned that right. All you’ll end up earning is a beating.

This is not just a title defense for me, this is about setting the bar. This is about making a statement. This is about making this title mean something again!


Supercard Archives / The Next Step
« on: May 15, 2021, 09:23:44 PM »
The Next Step Part 1

Youth versus experience
In-Studio - The Bane Home - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


Once again, I was in the studio, prepping for my match with O’Malley. The smell of acoustic foam always made me smile, and the sound of silence was a real thing. Unless you’ve been in a recording studio you simply wouldn’t understand. It’s a satisfying sense of nothingness, when it’s something you’ve designed with your own hands. Much like my career, it’s something I take pride in because it was of my own design. I smile at the camera, this match is my focus, my opponent has my undivided attention.

 When you look at Sin City from a thirty thousand foot view, what do you see? To me, what I see is a company that has a great mix of young and veteran wrestlers. I see a company that is thriving while many other places are closing their doors. There are a number of things I attribute to. I always tip my cap to the leadership team that runs this place. Mark and Christian are top shelf in my opinion. They not only asked me to come back to Sin City but they welcomed me back. To someone like me who’s been in the business for longer than a cup of coffee, that kind of attitude is always appreciated.

I walk towards the camera, smile still in place but allow my eyes to narrow to reveal my intensity and my seriousness about this match. I unconsciously clench my fists so tight that the camera captures the white knuckles.

The next thing I attribute the success to is the level of competition in Sin City. Some of the most talented competitors in our business today, call Sin City Wrestling home. Not our world champion, Washington’s trash. I’m hoping that Cross takes that strap off him and sends him on his way.

Unclenching my fists so that my fingers regain some of the blood flow I continue.

Our Internet Champion; whether you like O’Malley or not, he worked his ass off to accomplish one of his goals. He beat a very game champion to capture that title. Augustino is a challenge, no doubt about that, he can push you to your limits. O’Malley bested him in a very competitive match. Hats off for the both of them, that was a fun match to watch. I could literally go down the line and talk about each champion and how they got there and how tough the obstacles were for them to get there. My focus is on this match, this opponent and the title we’ll be fighting for at Into The Void.

I set my jaw, not so hard that my teeth are clamped, just enough to allow my seriousness to creep through.

The first notable thing that comes to my mind, thinking about this from an objective point of view is the difference in our time in this business. It’s well known about my history and my past in the business, so why bother you with that tired old diatribe about the obvious. I have two things in my corner, experience and cunning.

My brows furrow as my intensity grows.

Youth versus experience. The age old question, will younger and faster win the day or will experience and cunning win out. Now, O’Malley is not young perse. He was late arriving to this business and it shows to be quite frank about it. For a man that’s pushing forty years old, at times he reacts like a much younger person. I’m not judging here, I’m simply pointing out the obvious. See, I know you’re proud of capturing the Internet Title as well you should be. Holding the number two belt in this company should be all it takes for you to gain the respect that you feel like you deserve. I agree, I think you deserve respect for the things you’ve accomplished in your short time in this business. As you’re finding out, respect is hard to garner from peers in this business. Holding a title is not a guarantee of respect given to a person.

My facial features relax and a more friendly smile plays across my lips.

I’ve heard you say it a lot, the wanting to be better and wanting to do better. Then in a match that could have been a showcase when you teamed with Kris, what did you do? You got laid out for being a disrespectful fool. You chose to show up your partner instead of being a professional and trying to work with him. From the time the bell rang you tried to be a showboat. From a personal view, I was looking forward to facing Kris to start that match, but you charged across the ring thinking you were going to submit me in the opening moments of the match? I’ve been doing this for twenty years chief, did you really think that I don’t know how to wrestle? That I wouldn’t know how to counter every move you’ve got in your arsenal? Don’t be daft. You simply have to be smarter than that O’Malley. I hope you learned something from our brief time in the ring. I hope you picked something up to help you to defend your title.

My next statements are said with a crispness and a slightly sarcastic tone.

You’re going to need all the advantages that you can get. There are a few things you can depend on when we face each other.

First and foremost, I don’t cheat to win matches.

Regardless of what I think of my opponent, I always try to do things the right way.

I hope you’ll do the same.

I’m not holding my breath on that one.

Keeping it going
unnamed medical facility - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


I sat in the waiting room at the clinic, this had become a part of my routine over the years. I learned that with all the abuse I had put my body through it was necessary to now get these treatments that elongate the muscles. I had so many damn knots in my body it was ridiculously painful just to get moving in the mornings on most days. My guy Todd McFarlane was really good at this and he smiled as he entered the waiting room.

“Hey Mac, I’m ready for you.” He said as he extended his hand, I shook his hand and stood up. I smirked as I clapped him on the shoulder, “That’s because you aren’t on the receiving end of this torture my friend.” He chuckled a bit and then said, “Worth it though right?”. I smiled and nodded my head in agreement. “It’s worth every excruciating moment T.” We headed towards the back, and into his torture chamber as I liked to call it. I was already in shorts and a sleeveless shirt for meeting up with Amber later in order to work out and work through a few things she was going through.

Todd began as we always do, range of motion for my knees. “Not bad progress for your age Mac, your range of motion is better than when we first started this.” In response I grunted as he pushed my range farther, “It’s not the age, T, it’s the mileage.” With this done, he takes a piece of segmented bamboo from a nearby filing cabinet. I roll onto my stomach as he begins to begin working the back of my legs. “You know Mac, it’s all part of the lifestyle you lead. After so many years of doing what you do, tendinosis begins to set in. It becomes harder and harder to stay in shape to maintain what you’ve already built.” I grunt in pain as he finds and breaks up a knot in my upper calf. “That’s why I trust you to help me. You were spot on when you talked about elongating the muscles.” I say through clenched teeth as he finds another knot and grinds it out, this time with the point of his elbow.

“Jesus, that hurts!” I swear to him, in a way that comes out more of a growel. “Yeah, I’m sure it does.” he quips to me. “That is what you pay me for, to break that shit up.” A nod and grunt from me as he continues to work. “It is, and your damn good at this.” I say again as he pauses. He then begins working on my back. “Definitely progress, do you remember the amount of knots in your lower back when we first started these treatments?”. I nod my head and grunt as he finds a small knot in my lower back. “Yeah….there were far too many….Damn!” I grunt out as he destroys another one. “Only two this time” he says, obviously surprised that I’ve kept up with what he told me to do. He continues with stretching me and then he starts with the deep tissue massage and working on the knots in my upper back near my shoulders.

“Most guys my age have retired”, I say as he continues. “They’ve either been satisfied with what they’ve accomplished in this business or they’ve given up on their dreams. I’m never satisfied and I never give up.”


The Bane Garage - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


The man that called himself Sam, an older white haired gentleman, had shown up on time to pick up his motorcycle. I greeted him with a smile and a handshake. “Mac, how the hell are ya?” He asked in the form of a greeting. “I’m good Sam, how’s things?”, I asked in return. He stopped and thought a moment, scratching the stubble on his chin, “Could be better, could be same shit, different day?” He said to me and chuckled a bit. He nodded towards the bike, “She ready?”. I smiled, “Yes sir, she’s good to go.”, I said as I motioned him to follow me deeper into the garage. He followed me and he sighed as he ran his left hand down the length of the bike. “Glad you didn’t do anything with the scratches, Mac, Thank you.” I nodded solemnly before replying, “I wouldn’t dare, not without your consent.”. He smiled, “You’re a man of character, Mac, I like that about you. You get it.”.

I did, “get it”, you don’t mess with another man's ride no matter what your personal feelings are, some people consider those scratches as giving the machine additional character. “Yes sir, I do, get it. You wanna take her for a test to make sure she meets your expectations?” I asked him in a very earnest way. He held out his left hand for the keys, and I gave them to him as he started the old bike up. I stepped out of the way as he engaged the clutch and drove off into the night. I felt good about the work we had done on his machine. Amber and I were a damn good team at everything we put our hands to. I had actually wanted to touch up the pain on that bike but Amber had insisted on not doing that. She was right of course, and I knew it was the right thing to do, or in this case the right thing not to do.

“He seemed pretty happy”, she said from my left. There was that smell of cinnamon again, it always seemed to make me smile. “I think he was, time will tell though.”, I said in return. We had returned home with just enough time to get ourselves together after some gym time. Amber was still dealing with some shit from her title defense. I know that frustration well, no matter how hard you prepare or how much of yourself you throw into this. There always seemed to be something that happens to try and taint what you’ve done. In this case it was the referee not catching that her opponent had put their foot on the bottom rope. It’s unfortunate but not her fault. “What do you mean, time will tell?”, She replied casually. I smiled as I turned and gave her a kiss. I draped my left arm across her shoulders. “Happy customers don’t leave reviews.”, I said and we laughed about that as we headed towards the office to lock up. “Fair”, she stated in agreement, “But fuck those poeple.”, more laughter as we headed down the hall.


More thoughts...
In-Studio - The Bane Home - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


continued from earlier trash talk segment

If you want to show the world that you are serious about being better and doing better. Shake my hand before and after the match. Make amends with Kris for the bullshit you started in that tag match. I’d be willing to bet your wife, Darcy, would agree with me.

I hold up my hands in mock surrender, because I know things like that are frowned upon.

No offense, I’m just saying she seems like a reasonable sort. I mean, I’m sure that all of this is not new to you. What I’m saying is likely what many have said to you and about you over the months since you first made that declaration. If I’m wrong about that, I feel certain you will call me out for it. Just as I am going to call you out for a few things.

I set my jaw before continuing, this time though, my teeth are clenched.

I’ve said throughout my career that things said to me have consequences. I’ve not only said it, but I’ve backed it up every fucking time. It’s not that I care what people say, your opinion doesn’t mean shit to me. I get it, you’re trying to play head games to help you defend your title and your spot. We’ve all done that in this business.

I allow my jaw to loosen as I continue a smile blooms across my face but not the friendly kind.

You’ve got something in your possession that you are going to be defending. I know you’ll defend it with the energy and strength you can muster. Just like when I came back here, you had a lot to say about someone who won a title and left. You said it without knowing why I left. I know you’ll bring it up again, it’s nothing new man. Every single person I’ve faced since coming back except for Fenris has tried to use that against me. I’ve put them down, one by one, not just because I want to win. Not because I have to win. I did it to prove a point.

I spread my arms out and then slammed my left fist into my right hand for punctuation.

I did it because I can.

I did it to prove to them that the shit they say doesn’t matter and that try as they might they are not going to get under my skin or in my head. They wouldn’t like it in my head anyway, it’s a very dark and dangerous place to be.


Unnamed Gym
Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


My wife had stormed away and I had watched and let her go. Sometimes you had to do that so they could have their space and in time see reason. I sat on the bench and began wrapping my hands. I had been working on footwork prior, and my shorts and sleeveless t-shirt were already drenched. I had watched her work the bag, and wanted to incorporate a little of that style into my own. Not everything fits, mostly due to the size difference. That dirty boxing style worked really well for smaller competitors but there were elements that made a lot of sense to me. For me it was mostly about the foot work, but some of the fighting elements were gold. The foot work would help with agility and evasion. The hooking punches to the kidneys would help immobilize smaller opponents.

I had been watching Amber fight, literally for years. Even knowing what she was going to do wouldn’t save you from the ass beating you were about to endure.

Duck right
Duck right
Elbow strike to the temple

Give them a pattern, then make them pay for it.
I continued the pattern but this time instead of an elbow strike, I would incorporate a knee in the gut followed by a clubbing forearm to the back of the head.

“I’ve never seen anyone try to emulate my style before. I don’t know if I should be flattered or insulted.” She said to me as she approached. I smirked at her, “Unless I’m doing it wrong, I don’t think I’d feel insulted.”. Catching my smirk she returns one of her own. “Not wrong, different. How did you pick up on my style anyway?”She looked genuinely curious as I continued through the routine and alternated it with something of my own each time. I panted as I replied, “I was once told that I have a photographic memory.” I finally stop and look at her, “Once I’ve seen something, I don’t forget it and with some study on the technique, can generally incorporate it into my own arsenal.” She nodded at me, seeming to understand and shook her head in dismay. “That’s freaky and fucked up, Mr. Bane.” I barked a laugh, “Would you have me any other way, love?”. She doesn’t say anything but gives me a kiss in response.

She began walking towards the locker room and said over her shoulder, “You’re not doing it wrong, your technique needs work but that could be devastating.”


[color=#ff4444My final thoughts[/color]

In-Studio - The Bane Home - Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


Third and final part…

There are many places in the world that are dark and dangerous. Inside that ring with me is one of them. Unlike a lot of people, I don’t hate you. Quite the opposite, I think you have potential to be great. That would require something from you that I don’t think you’re really quite ready for.

I cross my arms in front of me, I momentarily look down at the ground, allowing the smile to become even more broad.

It would require you to be willing to learn from your mistakes. You would have to commit yourself to learning to not react to the things that people say. It would require you to learn to get out of your own way. I’ve been watching you fight for quite a long while O’Malley, you have excellent technique and you execute it well. The problem has always been decision making.

I look back up at the camera, the smile is gone. My look is serious but genuine.

The recent tag match is simply the most recent example of your poor decision making inside the ring. There are countless other examples of a man who’s so very desperate to impress others that he takes risks that should be left alone. You’re better than that, anyone who has taken time to watch your matches would say the same thing. You are so much better than what you’ve shown. You could be earning your own place on the Mount Rushmore of Sin City but you keep doing stupid shit. I’m not going to pursue tearing you down, that’s one of the big differences between myself and others. I don’t have to do that to get the best out of you.

The other difference between me and most of the other long time veterans is that I’m willing to teach. I’m willing to help in circumstances that most people won’t. Should you decide that you truly want to be better and get better, let me know. It won’t protect or save you from this match. It’s really about the best I can do for you.

I don’t really need to tear you down going into this match, I don’t want you to feel as though you have no hope. I don’t want you to feel less than confident going into your first title defense. I want you to be you, how else can you learn? How else can I teach you what you need to understand?

At into the void, you’ll get the opportunity to experience oblivion and what it truly means first hand.  This is not a threat, veiled or otherwise. It’s simply the way it has to be. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. I’m sure that you’ll once again mention how I won the Roulette Title and left. You’ll point out that my wife is a world champion and I am not. I look forward to all of these tired old tactics. If you can’t surprise me with your promo at least try to in the ring. Beat me if you can.

Prove me wrong O’Malley

Climax Control Archives / A Blast
« on: May 07, 2021, 05:57:11 PM »
A Man Of My Word
In Studio
/Scene Opens\

My body ached, still, from the fight that Fenris and I had at Climax Control. There were many bright sides to that though as I smiled through it all. One bright side is that my ears had quit ringing. To gain the trust and respect of someone like Fenris was important. Not to some perhaps but it was to me, to me he was the measuring stick of Sin City. Not many here could say that they went toe to toe with The White Wolf and came out better for it. The camera had been recording, I’d edit out the silence later. I looked up at the camera and smiled.

That moment, when you lose but you still win. The fight that Fenris and I had was an absolute show stealer. It was a fight that will be remembered around here for a long time, but that’s just one man's opinion. The more important aspect of this was that I got the opportunity to keep my word to Sin City’s Alpha.

I take up the Singapore Cane that’s propped against the chair I sit and hold it across my lap.

Now then, David, should you want your property back, all you have to do is come talk to me at Climax Control Three hundred and ask politely, then I’ll let you have your toy back.

Setting the cane aside, I lean forward, elbows resting on the knees of my freshly starched denim jeans. The button down I wore had the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, so I felt the stiffness of the denim against my skin. I smiled again.

Much like I was chosen to face the Internet Champion, whoever that might be at Into the Void. We now know that will be O’Malley.  I was chosen as a partner for J2H. Not by management but by the man himself. His randomness can be a bit amusing and I’ll be the first to admit that he likely didn’t want me as a partner but here we are. Then again, to go after Ryans, I doubt he cared who it was that he had as a partner. Doesn’t bother me in the least. It’s all about opportunity.

I lift up and lean back in the chair, I cross my left leg over the right, resting my left ankle on my right knee. Giving a very casual look as I allow my arms to rest on the arms of the chair.

It provides opportunity not only for him but for me. O’Malley and I already know we’ll be meeting at into the void for the internet title. We also know that it will be highly competitive. Although I doubt he’d be willing to admit that. This is yet another opportunity for me to prove I belong. Whether we pin Ryans or O’Malley doesn’t make a bit of difference. One of them will get pinned. Whether it’s by me or my tag team partner, who I know when he cuts his promo…

I roll my eyes.

We’ll get to hear more about how great he is. You could try to deny him his due but that’s just stupid. He is one of, if not the most decorated wrestler in the history of this company. A man who not only deserves respect but demands it. Right, wrong or otherwise, he is who he is. He doesn’t care what others think and I’m much of the same mind. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of what I do or whether I’ve earned anything in their eyes. I said it not long ago, and  it’s the same thing that J2H said to Fenris.

Uncrossing my legs, I stand up to my full height.

You’re opinion of me doesn’t fucking matter. It’s your opinion and it’s none of my business. If you start buying into that particular game, you only hurt yourself when you believe their bullshit. The opinion of others simply doesn’t matter. Each person has to do what’s best for themselves. At the end of the day, you have to live with the things you’ve done, they don’t. Don’t just say you want to be better, to do better, be who you say you want to be. Don’t make excuses for the things you do. I do things the right way, that doesn’t mean I’ve never done it another way. I can be that guy, but I choose not to be. See the difference O’Malley?


The Grand Opening
The Bane Garage, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

A grand opening for a business is a big deal, especially when it’s our grand opening. This is something that Amber and I had dreamed about for a long time. Something we were both damn good at and have a real passion for. The sound of impact wrenches filled my ears while the smell of various fluids associated with the motors filled my nostrils. I smiled as I saw Amber, with a grease smudge on her right cheek and a beatific smile on her face. Her joy made me smile, we were still newly married so everything about her really, made me smile.

“Coffee”, she smiled taking the cup of black coffee from me as I offered it. It was still early morning and we had many of the locals here to talk to us, or I should say challenge our knowledge of the bikes we were proposing to work on. We simply smiled and answered their questions. We sipped coffee with them and answered their questions, to the satisfaction of many and to the chagrin of others who were sure they would stump us. A shared smirk and fist bump sent most would be party crashers on their way. It was the gentlemen on the nineteen sixty “Bonnie” that really took the cake though. This is a machine that embodies the phrase “classic bike”.

In an even baritone the older gentleman, who had white hair that was so white it was damn near a platinum blonde. His handlebar mustache matched the hair on top of his head. He had an easy going way about him which seemed to put Amber at ease but it raised all kinds of red flags in the back of my mind. “I mean, I don’t expect anyone here to know anything about my machine, honestly.” He stated in a very matter of fact way. This annoyed me for the obvious reasons.

“Oh yeah?”, I said in a very coy manner. He sneered at me after I said it.

“Yeah, especially not someone who doesn’t have grease under their nails.”, he said in an irritated tone. I looked down at my fingernails and he was right, I’d been out running errands that morning and hadn’t been able to work on a single bike yet.

“Well then, let’s start with this...For some, Triumph is the first and last name in motorcycles. Depending on who you ask, it's the very best motorcycle ever built. Triumph Bonneville made its first appearance in 1959, the Triumph Bonneville was named after the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, where it shattered numerous land speed records. We’re talking about a machine that easily reached speeds of up to 115 miles per hour, which for the time was crazy. Especially when we’re talking about the time, in the late 1950s and early 1960s. She was nicknamed the “Bonnie.” by those who truly appreciate her and loved her.”

The look of shock on his face was priceless, so I continued, “See that “V-Rod” over there?” I asked him in my own matter of fact way. He looked over to where I pointed and nodded. “Amber and I tore that one down and rebuilt everything in a day.” I looked over at where his Triumph Bonneville sat up on its kickstand. “What’s the story of your Bonnie?” I asked him genuinely intrigued that he would bring it in. He looked over at the glorious machine and smiled.

“Sometimes, it gets stuck in a high gear, and won’t downshift properly.”, He said in a more somber tone than he probably intended. I understand though, these machines are as much a part of the person's life as their kids are sometimes. Hell, if we’re honest, in some cases they are more important.

“Common enough, you’re a long time rider, or at least that’s my guess, so I won’t insult you with improper downshifting. Ever had to lay her down?” I asked him in earnest because I had a hunch I knew what the problem was. He nodded sagely at the question.

“I was in Dallas when that damn snow storm hit.” He started to say. “Sorry for cutting you off, you lay it down on the left side?” He motioned for me to follow him. I walked out to where the bike was and saw the still unrepaired scratches along the left side. My respect for this guy was sinking fast, but I don’t know his story so I’m trying hard not to judge. I see where the shifter looked like it was partially bent, which meant the spring inside was probably damaged as well.

“Looks like the shifter got damaged, which means the spring inside is probably damaged as well.” I said to him as I pointed at the slight bend in the shifter. “there’s a spring in the shifter that keeps its arm against the shifter detent. When it’s working right, the detent engages in preparing for the next shift.If this return spring is broken, the detent spins without engaging, and the shifter shaft would not be able to rotate the shifter drum.”

He looked at me and smiled, “My name is Sam.” he said as he reached out to shake my hand. “Mr. Bane I owe you and your wife an apology.” I shook his hand in return, “I’m Mac and this is Amber.” She shot him a smile as well, trying to put him at ease, but I could see the storm behind those eyes. This old fella dodged a bullet and he just wasn’t aware of exactly how lucky he was. I waved him off, “No problem at all Sam, did you want us to work on it?” He allowed a long slow breath to escape him and finally nodded. “I’d appreciate that. She belonged to my wife and I’d like to get her running and in top shape as soon as possible.”

I smiled at him, knowing how things become sentimental. “She’ll be ready by Saturday, go see Johnny at the desk and he’ll get everything sorted, including the price. I don’t like surprises, and our customers shouldn’t have any.” I told  him in a conspiratorial manner. He returned my smile and headed towards the lobby. It may have been my imagination but he seemed to have a pep in his step as he left us. I turned and looked at Amber, her eyes had welled a bit at the mention of his wife who had obviously passed being the owner. “Well Red, we have our work cut out for us.” I said to her in a way that I hoped spoke of the joy I was feeling. Judging by the smile on her face I’d say it was obvious.


The Grand Opening Part 2
The Bane Garage, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

A few hours later…

There are few things that make me as happy as being in the ring and facing a worthy opponent. Working on bikes, especially classic motorcycles, that was a close second. It required patience and a steady hand working on some of these older machines. I always found it ironic that the things I enjoyed doing were done with a methodical approach. Whether it was dismantling an opponent or refurbishing a great old piece of iconic machinery. Each of these things brought me great joy.

A shadow fell over me as someone stood behind me, “is it what you thought?” came Amber’s question about the shifter I was working on. I looked over my shoulder and winked at her, holding up part of the spring, “Yes ma’am.”, then another piece of it. “Broke into three different pieces.”

“Oh, shit” she muttered almost under her breath. I laughed at her response as she came around to get a closer look.

“It gets worse actually”, I say to her, causing her eye brows to go up. “Uhoh…’ was her response to me.

“Yeah, there are no kits for this bike.” I said flatly as I continued on putting the new pieces into place. “Then how? shit, you fabricated them didn’t you?” I smiled at her and blew her a kiss. “Yes ma’am.”. She rolled her eyes and laughed, as I continued to place the new pieces together in the chamber. She came back around and looked at the pieces assembled in the housing and smiled. “That’s some damn fine work.”, she said admiring my handy work. I smiled at her again, “Why thank you, I bet you say that to all the boys.”. With an amused look on her face she said to me, “Why yes, yes I do.” As she sauntered away I just kept thinking, You’re one lucky sumbitch Mac.


Final Word
In-Studio - Saxon Hotel
/Scene Opens\

They labeled this a special attraction. Interesting name for it, I’ll say that much. That’s not to belittle the match at all, it is a showcase after all. A showcase for J2H and Kris Ryans, in their own opinion it’s the last of anything that they feel needs to be settled. A showcase for  myself and O’Malley as well. He’s the reigning and defending Internet Champion. I’m the man that wants to take away that title.

Kris and I have sort of been in a match together, not really a match of course. That swamp obstacle course bullshit but a loss is still a loss after all. It took me three days to get the smell of that match out of my hair and nose. I’ll be honest, to this day I still believe that had they given Amber and I a proper shot at the mixed tag straps, we would have taken the Black Sheep out and been the new champions. Not taking anything away from Kris or Mikah, that’s for damn sure. They were great champions. I know that Kris likely thinks I don’t like him and that’s simply not true. I have great respect for you as a competitor and I would have loved to have had a match against you one on one for the world title. You were without a doubt one of the best as world champion. You represented the company well, unlike the jackass known as Jack Washington.

O’Malley, this is the first time we will face off in a wrestling ring. Back when you were the roulette champion we were scheduled to face each other. You lost that belt to Kedron Ross, so we never got the chance to see if you could back up all your talk. I remember very well, early in the blast from the past, you said I wouldn’t do shite in that tournament and even if I did win it all, I still wouldn’t do shite. I could be pissed off and run you down about not doing shite with the opportunity you had but I won’t. Not because of any other reason than it brings me down to your level. You seem to have a real problem Chief. The problem is that you can’t get out of your own way. You keep self-destructing like a professional. Like it’s become your life’s goal to fuck up every good thing you’ve got  going for you.
In spite of all of that, you’ve earned my respect O’Malley, whether you believe it or not. I know you don’t care but I’m going to say it here. I think you need to hear it personally. The reason I have respect for you is because of your tenacity and your never say quit attitude. All that pissing and moaning you did on social media? I didn’t buy into it, I felt like it was all for show, just so the boss would throw you a bone. I say good for you. I mean we all do what we have to in order to make sure we stay relevant right? Augustino didn’t deserve to hold that belt, we both know that. That’s reserved for warriors. The real fighters of this company should be the ones going after the top belts.

That’s a couple of weeks away though and I’m not going too far ahead of reality here. The reality is, we have to get through this match. A match that won’t settle anything at all for any of us involved. This is the primer for the explosion that’s going to occur down the road. The real story is that J2H couldn’t wait six months to start his campaign on Kris. He’s a man who’s been accustomed to either getting what he wants or someone giving it to him without his asking. He’s my partner for this tag team match, and a damn good one. As for the “don’t fuck up” comment, I’ll do my best but I make no promises. I know that I should have left the sarcasm switch turned off but I just can’t help myself sometimes. I wouldn’t worry too much Chief, I think as a team we’ll be okay.





Climax Control Archives / When Two Alpha's Fight
« on: April 30, 2021, 04:56:55 PM »
OOC - Thank you for all of you who showed support for myself and my family last week. I really appreciated the support and understanding.

When Two Alpha’s Meet Part 1
/Scene Opens\

I had started the camera recording, as I stared out the small window. Leaning against the rib high window sill, I smile as I think about the matchup with Fenris. The invading rays of sunlight bathe my face, causing my smile to broaden. When the match had been teased on social media, I won’t lie, I was instantly stoked. Because although the new kid had  gotting a non-title shot against Jack Washington. I got to fight “The White Wolf” Fenris. That meant almost as much to me as the title match I had coming up at “Into The Void X”. I allow the smile to fade as I turn and face the camera.

The White Wolf and The Outlaw go head to head for the first time ever. There’s a lot to like about this match. That young man thinks he’s a stud, and maybe he is. I mean if you look at it, he’s beaten everyone there is to beat here in Sin City, hasn’t he? He is without a doubt one of the toughest kids I’ve ever seen compete. When I call you kid, it’s not intended as an insult, it’s just relative to what I’m talking about going forward. You are one of the few people here I have any respect for at all.

Still leaning against the window sill with my elbows bearing the wait, I allow the smile to return.

I mean, if it were otherwise, I would never have offered to watch your back. I see everything Fenris. I watch and rewatch our weekly show for things the camera might pick up that the naked eye might not. Your war with Mercer for example. Not many people in this business put family first anymore. Another reason I have far more respect for you than most anyone else on this roster.

I look back over my shoulder at the wall where pictures of my family hang. Pictures of Amber with my kids, all grown, but still you can see how close they are. Amber is not their mom but they don’t treat her as if she’s not. My boys, both decorated champions and my daughter. The crown jewel of the family, thankfully she didn’t choose wrestling as her future.

I enjoyed the kidding on social media, it genuinely made me laugh. In all seriousness though, if you think that our match is going to go like that. You’ve made your first mistake around the rules of engagement with me. Whether you’ve underestimated me or overestimated your own ability remains to be seen. You’re still young though, I would say that you’re full of piss and vinegar. The exchange on social media makes me think that you’re just full of yourself.

Now fully turned around, still leaning on the window sill I smirk at the camera.

Maybe we are not so different after all. I was like that at your age myself. When you’re good at something, there’s no fault in that. Obviously our backgrounds are very different. Where we grew up, how we were raised, who we were raised by. All of that contributes to who we are as human beings. At the end of the day though, and this is what I meant by maybe we’re not so different. Your love for your family, your passion for this business and your dedication to your craft. It’s all very admirable and I see a man who’s worthy of my respect.

The feed cuts and blackness falls on the screen.


A very different kind of fight
Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

I had served my country faithfully as a member of “The Fighting Seabees”, the plight of veterans was present no matter where I lived or worked. The fight was real and it was harder and tougher than most men or women I had faced in a wrestling ring. On any given night, there were as many as six hundred veterans that were homeless and living on the streets of this city. When I wasn’t training for my upcoming fight with Fenris or spending time with the love of my life, you could count on me being at one of the shelters. I could do a lot of good here and I knew that, much like we had done in Baltimore. This was different though, I had plenty of help in Baltimore, I was kind of on my own here. I could have drug Amber down here, but she was pretty busy herself. Doing this, every chance I get, was one of my passions. A lot of these men and women were abandoned by their country. At least that’s what they believed. It was part of what I do, to educate them and explain the process of how to get back on a positive track.

“Hey Chief”, I greeted my favorite among the veterans. He was retired, homeless and pissy most of the time. He smiled and waved at me as he approached the serving line. “What’s good Mac?”, he asked me. I quickly looked over my shoulder and seeing the kitchen supervisor wasn’t looking, I added an extra piece of meatloaf. “This meatloaf is Chief Parsons, cookie did great today on it. I slide his tray back to him and he picks it up, slyly palming the twenty dollar bill that I put beneath the tray. Parsons, although pissy most days, was a kindly old man who had started to recover. He was on a waiting list for housing and I’d gotten Sin City to at least allow him to work some house shows in our concessions.

“Mister Bane, you know what he’s gonna spend that money on, don’t ya?”, came the question from the lady that stood next to me in the serving line. I looked at her, smiling, I responded, “Yes I do, he’s going to spend it on his cell phone bill, Miss Klein.” she snorts, shaking her head, “he’s an addict Mac, he told you that was what he was gonna do?”. I shrug, “That’s our gentlemen’s agreement. If I find out different, it’s a violation of our agreement.”. I watched as Parson’s sat and ate his meal quietly, wearing a short sleeve shirt today, showed no signs of track marks or any of the tell-tale signs of addiction. Still though, I would do what I always did at the end of the day. I would follow the Chief for a bit. He wasn’t the only vet I kept tabs on though. There were others that only came in during certain days of the week.

Miss Klein laid a hand on my shoulder, “Mac, you’re a good man. All of us that work on this line, we know what you do every time you come here. Despite what you present to people on television, it's easy to see who you really are.” I chuckled a little, “Now, Miss Klein, you talk to me like you know me. I care about these folks, no one should ever be homeless. Whether a person serves their country or not, shouldn’t ever happen in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.” I was preaching to the choir and I knew it, she and the others had been working in the shelter for many years. The shelter wasn’t closing for the day but I knew the Chief would be leaving soon. “Miss Klein?”, I said to her. “You’re welcome Mr. Bane.”, she beamed at me. Again, she made me chuckle. I took the apron off as I made my way to exit the kitchen slash serving area and placed it in the laundry bin nearby.

As if on command, the Chief placed his tray in the scullery pick up area and made his way out the door. I gave him about a five second lead on me, before I exited the building myself. When I stepped out onto the sidewalk Chief Parsons was waiting on me. I smiled and nodded as I headed to the corner of the building. I went around the corner where my truck was parked. I stopped where I usually do, digging my zippo out of my jeans pocket. Then I dug my cigarettes out of the left pocket of my t-shirt. Taking one out of the hard pack, a quick thumb motion to light my cigarette and then Chief comes around the corner as well. “I figured you’d be on your way home by now Mac.”, he said to me as he leaned up against the brick wall about three feet from me. I scratched my beard with my free hand and smiled. “Well Chief, I figured I’d have a smoke before I headed on home.” His phone began ringing and he dug his phone out and answered it. “Yeah, this is Parsons.”, someone on the other end must have delivered some good news as I see his smile.

“I’ll be damned.”, was all he said as the call ended. He pushed the phone back down in the front pocket of his ragged old jeans. “Good news?’, I asked him. “I got approved, Mac. Just like you said I would if I just tried.”, now the tears began to flow for the old fella. I reached out to give him a congratulatory handshake but he knocked my hand away and grabbed me in a rough embrace. Through the tears he managed to finally get out, “I’m not homeless anymore Mac.”


When Two Alpha’s Meet Part 2
/Scene Opens\

Fenris and I could go back and forth about accomplishments, both here and elsewhere but that’s just bragging and it really doesn’t address our match. Our match is special to a lot of people. I know that Christian Underwood has been wanting to book this match for a long while now. Why is that though? Just my opinion and I haven’t asked him about why. I know a while back he took to social media and made the proclamation that he believed that I was a future world champion in Sin City Wrestling.

Then I left, for reasons of my own after winning the Routlett Title. I know that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, especially when I was invited back to participate in the “Blast from the Past” tournament for a shot at the world champion. There was a lot of noise made during the tournament about that, the thing is this. A lion never concerns himself with the opinions of sheep. That being said, I’m still not concerned with whether anyone fucking likes it or not. I made it to the finals only to lose to Cross. Unlike when O’Mally got his ass whipped by Jack Washington, I didn’t take to social media and cry like a bitch. I toasted him on his victory and wished him well. It’s called integrity, you should probably google that shit sometime, O’Malley.

That brings us to today and my match with Fenris. When you say that someone has the potential to be a world champion in Sin City, why wouldn’t you book them against someone who has long been lauded as one of the very best in this company. A former champion himself and a guy who is respected by many and feared by many others. Rightly so, I might add. The young man has all the tools and he’s proved it against all in this company. Our respect appears to be mutual and my offer, regardless of this match still stands. If you ever need someone to watch your back, just let me know. There are not many in this company that I consider worthy of my respect. You fight for all the right reasons, and that’s enough for me.

Don’t make the mistake that some other people in my past have made though. Don’t misinterpret my respect for you as a professional as a weakness. If anyone thinks for a moment that I’m looking past Fenris to my match at the supercard, another assumption that would prove foolish. I never look past my opponents, I focus on each match, they all matter and they are all important to me. I never take my opponents words personally, I take each match I’m in personally. I not only represent myself in each match, and I’ve never looked at it that way. I represent my family, this company and this industry. Those things all matter to me, and if they don’t to others, well that’s on them.

This is not just a pay day to me, I was born into this business and I’ve lived and breathed it ever since. As much as people don’t like wrestling families, that is a part of who I am and I’m proud of that fact. Yes, I’m a second generation wrestler, and I’ve raised another generation of them. So when I say I represent so much more than myself when I enter that ring with The White Wolf, you can take that as the gospel. When I tell you, Fenris, that you will get every ounce of who I am as a professional and as a man, you can take that as the gospel. If anyone sticks their nose in this match, you can rest assured that you will be treated appropriately. You can, yes you guessed it, also take that as the gospel.

The White Wolf and The Outlaw, first time ever. By far my biggest match in Sin City to date. So, what happens when two alpha’s meet? A match that will be remembered as one of the best that Sin City has ever seen. That’s what. Fenris, me and you...this is going to be fucking epic.

Climax Control Archives / The Bell Tolls
« on: April 09, 2021, 08:58:09 PM »

The Path Forward.
The Bane Home, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


The shot opens with me staring at the blinking red light of the camera not far away. It rests on a tripod and I still have the remote in my hand. I set it down and rub my bare arms, they are still bruised from a very busy week. Again, I’m wearing the sleeveless Mac Bane, Sin City t-shirt. It’s early so there’s still a bit of a chill. I slap the knees of my jeans in unison and stand up.

If you were expecting excuses or reasons that Myra and I lost, you’ve come to the wrong place. Cross and Steel were simply better. We own the loss and hey, Cross did something no one else has ever done in Sin City. He pinned me.

I continue to work out the kinks in my body, you can hear the audible pops as tendons and ligaments express their collective concern.

Am I going to be inconsolable since losing? Nah, fuck that. Pissed off, but not sad or depressed. Even being angry about a loss is short lived, it’s replaced by determination. It simply adds fuel to the fire that burns in me every day.

I stand near the firepit that has blazed to life, holding my hands out to the warmth.

What leaves me cold at times is the conscious decisions that people make. The decision to book me against someone like the troll.

I smile at the camera in a way that can only be translated as unfriendly.

Now then, Underwood says that it shouldn’t be misconstrued as a punishment or a slight. If you ask most men on this roster though, I think they would have a different opinion of that.

The smile turns into a smirk.

Don’t misunderstand, Christian, I don’t think you’re punishing me. It does send mixed signals though, why book me against this curtain jerker when you could have waited for Fenris to be cleared. Now that, is a television worthy match, and one I’m looking forward to in the near future.

The smirk I wear then turns into a sneer.

As for this...troll, kid, you ain't special. You’re simply next in line on my path forward. Make no mistake about it, you’re going to be feeling this one for weeks to come.


The Path Forward II.
Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


The man known as Charles Marlowe stood triumphantly in what could only be considered a battlefield. The parking lot of the “MC” headquarters was covered in bodies and blood, the smell of sulfur and copper filled the air. It reminded me a lot of Afghanistan and Kuwait to be honest. The years of combat as a member of the forward operations team and construction battalion had taught me to stymie the emotions and focus on the task at hand. Charles knew it well, he had been a part of my unit then. The few people from the club that could still walk were handcuffed and led away to a waiting van to transport them to a holding facility. Their leader lay dead, not three feet from Charles.  John Pike would trouble no one, ever again. Neither would any of his lieutenants who had refused to surrender. They all went out in a blaze of infamy. Charles holstered his pistol and made his way to where I stood.

“Hell of a show you put on Chuckie.”, I smiled and shook his hand. He returned not really a smile but a grimace. It was then that I noticed he had been wounded, a stray bullet had torn into his right shoulder.

“Wasn’t my intention to start a fire fight, especially not so close to the strip.”, he shook his head in dismay at the carnage around him. That was about the time that Charles forgot his training and his stomach decided to relieve itself of all contents. I wrinkled my nose at the smell as he continued to be noisily sick.

“Chuckie, you really need to watch your diet more closely.”, I said to him as he began to laugh and half way choking on his own vomit. “Bastard”, he exclaimed between heaves. I nodded in agreement.

“Yes sir, there’s a lot of folks who would agree with that assessment of me.”, I said in a matter of fact way that generally makes people angry. Not Charles though. His stomach finally quietens down and one of his guys brings over a towel that has been soaked in water or some such liquid and he scrubs his face with it. Then a dry towel for his face and he straightens back up.

“Mac, anyone ever tell you that you talk too damn much?”, He takes a deep breath and hangs his head. I shoot him a wounded look and he laughs at my faked reaction to his insult. “Mac, never change.”

“I have no intention of it, Chief.” I smile at him again and begin walking towards my bike. “Don’t ever ask me to be involved in any bullshit like this again, Chuckie.” I say as I approach my V-Rod. One kick and it starts, if he said anything after that, it was lost in the sound of the motorcycle as I sped away from the scene.


The Path Forward III.
The Bane Home, Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


An old, rusted barrel sits not far from the fire pit. The flames had just begun to lick the top edges of the barrel. I throw another log into the barrel and after a brief moment it begins to consume the fuel provided. Once I’ve deemed it burning well enough, I go back to the patio chair. The vest I had been given and the cardboard box containing certain pictures that I don’t want to see anymore rest there. I pick them up and go back towards the barrel.

“Never again”, I say to myself as I toss the vest into the barrel. I wait a few moments for the vest to catch fire. Next, I reach into the cardboard box and grab the photo album that has mostly pictures of my father and it goes in as well. “Almost as good as an effigy.”, I say softly. Then the last piece, the old man's vest. I toss it in as well, causing the flames to leap higher. It doesn’t take long before the fire causes the barrel to turn red in places as the items burn hotter. The smoke coming from it is pitch black. I take the cardboard box back to the chair and set it down beside the chair. I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, a shock of red hair and the smell of cinnamon. I smile as I see her approach. I reach down and start the fire pit.

“Hey Champ.”, I say smiling as she approaches. She returns my smile, although a bit restrained, I can see and feel the genuineness of it.

“Hey yourself.” she says to me, as I lean in for a kiss. The kiss, unlike her smile, is not restrained. We break our embrace, and she asks, “Cooking something?” she asks as the smirk comes to her face.

“Nah, just making sure the past stays in the past.”, I say, equally as light hearted. She arches her right eyebrow but doesn’t ask whatever question she has in mind. I put my arm across her shoulders and pull her in closer as we watch the barrel continue to burn. “I did once promise you that if you wanted, I’d set the world on fire so we could watch it burn together.”. Her laugh, it always has this silvery quality to it. This time is no different and when she looks up at me, her eyes sparkle, which causes me to pull her in tighter. When she looks at me like that, I feel like I could set the world on fire, just for her.


The Path Forward III.
in studio
/Scene Opens\


The Troll, is how he refers to himself. He sits in his mom’s basement, whoofing down twinkies and sucking on bottles of coke. Honestly,  there's no shame in that and who am I to judge someone for the lifestyle they choose.

All that being said though, some things I do have to say about this matchup. I mean I would normally take the time to point out my opponent’s redeeming qualities.

I got nothing.

You do not appear to have a single redeeming quality. You talk shit to the women of this company, and you wouldn’t last three minutes in the ring with any of them. You, little man, are a piece of worm-ridden filth that doesn’t deserve to share oxygen with decent people. Let alone share a ring with someone like me. I won’t reduce myself to fat-shaming or anything like that but c’mon man! Get in shape, at least act like you actually belong here instead of a wanted poster for pedos.

You sicken every single person that comes into contact with you. I almost started to feel sorry for you up until I forced myself to watch one of your promos. After about 2 minutes of that garbage, any sense of sympathy, much less respect…


That’s not even the worst part of what I have to tell you, big boy. The worst part is what happens next. What that is, is our match. See, you weigh almost as much as I do, the problem? You’re five foot eight. What does that tell any veteran of this sport? If you last as long as five minutes in the ring with me, you’ll soon start running out of stamina. From what I’ve heard that usually happens by the time you’ve walked to the ring.

None of this really matters, I know when you cut your promo from the basement of your parent’s house, you’ll be very brave. It will be all bluster though, you know it, I know it and most of all the fans know it. Not to say that you care about what the fans think, I mean I’ve seen the way you talk about them. To you they’re all marks, to us, you’re a glorified fan-boy at best. You have no relevance in the grand scheme of things, nor does management have any kind of plan for you. Nothing other than what happens this week.

You’re being punished, in the worst possible. You’re being placed in the ring with someone who has been in this sport for nearly twenty years. I’ve forgotten more about wrestling than you can hope to know. Not all is lost though young man. I mean I could fall down a flight of stairs and break my neck. I could be hit by a car or a train or an airplane. Or maybe, just maybe you’re good enough to beat me. I hope you don’t really believe that the last part is possible. What drew my attention to you, to begin with, was the way you treat women.

See, I was raised to believe that women were just as worthy of respect as any man who ever walked the earth. It’s not simply a southern thing that causes someone like me to hold a door open for a woman. Regardless of what you think their status is. I don’t talk down to them, I was raised with manners. It’s just common decency really, not that I suspect someone like you would understand or subscribe to that idea.

After this match though, you’re going to start seeing things in a fresh new light. As in, a flash of light, right before you blackout from the pain. I’m not coming to wrestle a match with you. No, Gabriel Thomas Wank. I’m coming to hurt you, not because I think you deserve it. Not because the women of the locker room are clamoring for it. I’m doing this because I can, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

OOC - Thank you Mark Cross and Ruby, it's been a fun rp cycle, I've enjoyed it very much.

“People's desires were easy to read, clear as bottled glass and just as sturdy.”
― J.Y. Yang, The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories

The Edge of a Razor
Undisclosed location
/Scene Opens\


Have you ever stepped out onto a ledge, placed your feet so that your toes were over the edge and put your face into the wind and took a leap of faith? I’ve done this time and again throughout my career, trusting my gut and not necessarily what I saw. The note I had taken from Amber’s apartment, still rested in the inside pocket of my jacket. Every once in a while, when I moved I would catch a whiff of cinnamon. That made me smile, it was like knowing she wasn’t far away or that our thoughts were somehow linked. Knowing that she was likely thinking about me right now and trying to figure out if she had somehow damaged our relationship by taking the road I knew she was traveling on. A road I had travelled many times, and one that I am eagerly moving down myself. I look at my phone and decide to send her a text message.

We are doing the right things for the right reasons, love.

I pressed send and waited until I got the notification that it had been delivered. I then look at my surroundings. A dimly lit, smoke filled room. I’d been sitting here for a couple of hours in this cash game. “Texas Hold’em” had been a trendy thing over the past few years but I preferred something with a bit more skill. As traditional as it gets, five card draw poker. So far I had picked apart the tells of everyone at the table, except for John Pike, the leader of this MC. He checked, raised me three times tonight. Each time he was holding at least a pair of aces. Each time I beat him with small straights. This time though, he didn’t check, he had pushed roughly two hundred thousand dollars into the pot. The pot value was now about half a million. I was not going to play out of position, I leaned back in my chair and smiled at him. His shoulders were tight, even though he was smiling. I watched as he tried to play it off by leaning forward and steepling his fingers in front of his face. He had only drawn one card from the dealer. He was watching the reaction of everyone when he had made his bet. I still had not picked up the two cards I had drawn from the dealer.

“Mac, you gonna look at those cards?”, he asked me as his smile grew even broader. I was last to play in this hand. We had watched everyone else fold grudgingly. I looked at my stack of money, I could easily call him and not be hurt should I lose. His body language suggested he was bluffing, everything from the fake smile to the tight shoulders made me believe that. My gut confirmed it as I called him.

“Oh, I will in a moment.”, I smiled at him as he turned over a straight flush. Deuce, three, four, five and six of diamonds. “Great hand John.” I say as I turn over first the three cards I had held, the ten, jack, and queen of hearts. I turned the first draw card over, the nine of hearts and then the queen of hearts to complete my higher straight flush. I had beaten him again and he was pissed, although trying really hard not to show it. Everyone else at the table was shocked at the outcome, they just knew he had me this time. I knew he didn’t, he was becoming easier and easier to read. Right now I knew he wanted to reach for the pistol he had stashed under the table but he kept his hands on the table. The sleeveless shirt I wore showed that I wasn’t stashing cards, I kept my hands on the table for all to see. He finally shakes his head and stands up. I keep my eyes on him, he’s not someone you would trust any farther than you could throw them.
“I don’t know how you keep doing that Mac, but I’ll figure it out.”, he said as he started to walk from the table back towards the bathroom. “Back in a minute”, he said over his shoulder. His enforcer, Tiny, walked over to the table. “How did you do that?”. The big man was earnest, if nothing else. I smiled at him. “It’s not hard, the desires of men are easy to read. John is an alpha, just as I am. His desire is dominance, in all things in life. He got nervous with that killer hand because of his desire to best me. He knew I was the only one at the table that would call. That made him even more nervous. Desires, like egos, are a fragile thing. It’s no more difficult to shatter the desire of a man than it is to throw a glass bottle on the floor.”

I knew I was wasting my breath, Tiny was a dumb son of a bitch on a good day. I began stacking the bills in order of least to greatest dollar amount. There were about one hundred dollars in one dollar bills. I walked up to the bar, rolled them up and deposited them in the tip jar for the bartender. I gave him a smile and wave as I headed towards the door. “Thanks dude!” he called after me, I responded with, “Always tip your bartender well.” I could hear John coming out and back into the main room. “Hey Mac, what about that meeting with Sin City?”. I stopped in mid-stride. “There won’t be one Chief, they declined to meet with you. I guess they're happy being a small promotion.”

John took that in stride, “No problem, there are other ways afterall. Like you beating that simp for a shot at the title. Having a world champion on the payroll never hurts business at all.” he said matter of factly. I studied him for a long moment, “Two more matches to go before that can become a reality John.”, I said using a tone similar to his own. He smiled that broad, fake as hell smile. “Oh, I get that. Just like I get the fact that you beat me clean at that poker table. You’ll want to make sure you win that match Bane. It would behoove you to be in a world title match soon.”. I laughed at his statement and then stopped abruptly. I heard the shuffling of feet and when I looked up, Tiny was between me and his boss. I walked up to Tiny and patting him on the chest, I leaned to the right. “Save your breath, threatening me is pointless.”

A look can say far more than words, right now the look on Pike’s face was somewhere between fear and rage. I just about had him to his tipping point. His stability now rested on the edge of a razor. A dangerous place for him to be right now. I had embarrassed him at the poker table and now called him out for his bullshit with his boys. A lot would be decided in the next few moments. I looked up and Tiny shot me a wink, maybe he was smarter than I or anyone else gave  him credit for. The thing about John Pike was that he was smart. He was really too smart for his own good at times. I’d gotten to know him a little, and as smart as he was, he was easy to manipulate. That’s a bad quality for a man in his position.

“Getting in a pissing contest with me is a really bad idea John. You already know this to be true. You do whatever it is you think you need to do. I’ll try not to lump you in the same column in my mind that’s inhabited by the disdain that I have for Mark Cross.”

My statement seemed to visibly shake him from his rage and his features smoothed somewhat. “C’mon Bane, I’m not that big a douchebag.”


“When moral superiority combines with billowing ignorance, they fill up a hot-air balloon that's awfully hard not to poke.” -Barbara Kingsolver

Poking the bear
/Scene Opens\


The studio door is already open as I make my way inside and take a seat. My notification chimes, “A new promo has been added by Mark Cross, would you like to listen?”. I laugh, “no”. I wanted to watch it but I would do that later. I had some recording of my own that I wanted to do first. There was that hint of cinnamon again, she was either thinking about me or would be home soon. That made me smile.

So, not so long ago, one of my opponents took to social media. Trying once again to take a shot at the lack of titles I have here in Sin City. More importantly at the lack of titles I have overall in his opinion.

I roll my eyes at the thought of what he must have said in his most recent pile of garbage.

Let me guess, Mark likely talked about all the titles he’s won and likely made fun of the fact that I’ve only held the Roulette Championship. Which I handed back to the company right before I left. As I told you on social media, you can trash my history all you want, that is if you can find anything on me at all. See, the biggest majority of the companies I held major titles in have been closed for years.

I realize that won’t stop you from trying to beat a dead horse, and it’s barely relevant in this case. You like to brag that no one has been able to pin you in seven blast from past matches. That’s cool, but that’s not the case in matches in general is it? Sure, you’re flawless in tournament matches. Not in other matches though are you? You see, I’ve been in ten matches in Sin City and no one has been able to put my shoulders to the mat for a three count. Think about that for a minute shit head.

No one so far has been able to beat me in a match.


You could argue that those weren’t big matches against quality opponents. You’d be mostly right, although I’d consider Max and Despy far from bottom of the barrel opponents. That may be your opinion, but it’s definitely not the opinion of many around here. Again trying anything you can in order to get in my head. You wouldn’t like it there, it’s a dark and dangerous place, son.

I rock forward in the chair I’m sitting in and with an amused expression I continue.

I do enjoy facing people like you Mark, you are like the kids in corporate america today. They try to play the political game at work, believing that will net them something they don’t deserve. Trying to gain an advantage that they wouldn’t know what to do with if they had it. Your idea of mind games is so amusing. It’s really not funny but if it wasn’t so pathetic I’d laugh.


I would laugh out loud.

Sadly though, I’m not laughing chief. No one is, right now they are likely trying to figure out, in such a big match. Why is Mark Cross mailing that shit in? Your first promo was a lot of taco bell hot sauce. It was lame, kinda like spicy ketchup instead of legit hot sauce. Instead of pleasing the palate, it simply left people wanting something of substance. Honestly I don’t know why you even bothered with that.

I hope you bring more fight to the ring than you have to the microphone to this point. I know I will bring every ounce of everything that I am when the bell sounds, you will know you’ve been in a knock down drag out fight for your life. Make no mistakes Markie Mark, when I start throwing these soup bones around, I’m gonna bust up that pretty face of yours. I’m gonna enjoy the fuck out of that. I hate you frat boys with a passion not seen since biblical times.


Growing up infamous
Port Arthur, Texas
/Scene Opens\


I stood in front of a very old building that had been scheduled for demolition no telling how many times, but every time the date came up, something stalled it or cancelled it altogether. The windows were all broken out and the local police had to clear out the homeless that had taken up residence at least once a week. As I stood there looking at it, memories came flooding back.

30 years earlier

No Mac! Put something into it, son! God damn, you’re dumb as fuck!

He was able to trigger me then like no one else could, once those words were out of his mouth, he was on the ground holding his jaw and staring up at me.

That’s more like it he said as he stared at me and my heavy breathing. Unless I missed my guess, I’ve died at least five times before you ever knocked me down. Then he did what he always did. He laughed it off and shook his head as if it never happened. Never a word that encouraged anything from him. My accomplishments meant nothing to this man. Nothing less than perfection ever would be.

Might try easing up on that boy of yours Melvin. I looked over to see the man who would become a mentor to me later in life. My father’s response was typical. Fuck off Frank., I watched in amazement as the two men now stood nose to nose. It was Frank that took a step back. Yeah, that’s what I thought. How I raise my kids are none of your concern, oh great Punisher, how fucking original. Frank stared at my dad for a long moment. This is my house bitch, my ring and I’m the one that pays the bills around here. Not some has been, who hasn’t held a title in a decade. I saw the fire in my fathers eyes and the hate began to build. Frank’s glare turned into laughter as he saw my father’s intent in his eyes. Frank turned to me and said, Get out of the ring, kid.

That brief turn of his head to warn me away was all the opening that Melvin Bane needed, he sucker punched Frank, knocking him prone. He yelled at me, See how it’s done, boy?! No Mercy! Not Ever! In typical fashion he had talked too much for his own good as Frank was back on his feet. My father saw this and like the coward he was, ducked out of the ring.

Present Day

This was my first lesson in relevance. I remember that day so very well. It hadn’t been a decade since my last world title but when you don’t have one, it certainly feels that way. The second lesson I learned that day is the kind of man I didn’t want to be. There was a third lesson I received that day as well. I rubbed my jaw remembering him breaking it, because I hadn’t stood up for him at the venue. My mouth was wired shut because of that. Maybe he’s the reason for my hard edge and my vile temper. That was something Mark Cross was about to find out about.

I hadn’t thought about my father in a long, long time. The reasons are pretty simple, he was a bastard that had never wanted kids. He had four, myself being the only boy. Maybe it was time to try and reconnect with my sisters. There was a wedding coming up after all. The thought of that day still brought a smile to my face. I looked around just then, the smell of cinnamon was very strong. I smiled and then looked behind me, a bakery.

fucks sakes Mac, it must be time to go home. From there we put the plan into motion to claim what is ours. I’ve often wondered if Sin City ever had a married couple be their men’s and women’s world champions simultaneously.


“Hot air expands, and a seriously pompous attitude is the inflation of choice by those lacking substance.” -Vanna Bonta

It’s Go-Time
/Scene Opens\

Work ethic is something I was taught at a very early age, from a hard taskmaster. My old man was as legit an asshole as you’d ever hope to never meet. Thinking about that and some of these kids I’d been facing. They know nothing of work ethic or pride in what you do. Mark Cross, however, appeared to be different. He at least talked a good game. It was an amusing and satisfying feeling knowing he would be inconsolable for weeks after I pinned his shoulders to the mat for the one, two, three. The producer signaled me that they were ready. Cowboy hat, and duster now gone from my ring gear. Replaced by a cutoff SCW - Mac Bane t-shirt and skullcap with my brands logo on it. I smile at the camera as they begin rolling.

Well kids, here we are. Blaze of Glory is just about upon us. Previously I had talked a little about Ruby and how I felt like she was the strongest member of that team. I didn’t spend a lot of time on her for one simple reason.

I won’t be in the ring with her.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on what she had to say about my partner though. Myra is who you will be in the ring with. You’ve made a lot of accusations toward her. Calling her a paper champion. I’ve seen Myra take men out for lesser insults, just so you know. That’s about as much as I’ll say about you Ruby. If you pin her you’re the new internet champion, if you don’t then your just another bitter bitch with no titles.

Now Markie Mark, he’s a real special guy. Mark ,you did something that surprised me. Instead of focussing on the guy you have to fight, you glossed over me like I didn’t matter. The majority of your promo was focussed on Myra. Even though you said you and she hadn’t run in the same circles, you talked like she was an old friend of the family. Now then, that being said, maybe I don’t matter to you. You firmly believe that you guys are the favorites right?


Confident people don’t go on social media trying to bolster their confidence by tearing someone else down. I prefer two platforms for that. They both speak louder than anything you can do on social media. The promo is my second favorite platform. Whether recorded or live and in person with us facing each other across a span of no more than three feet. If you should be so brave that is.

My amusement is gone now, replaced by my trademark smirk. I hold up my right hand, index finger extended.

Things I know about you Mark, first and foremost. There is no doubt that you are a quality athlete.

Counting them off as I go, I extend my middle finger to stand beside my index finger.

You’ve held virtually every title there is to hold under the Sin City Wrestling umbrella.

Then my ring finger joins the other two.

A former NFL player, who left the sport because he got bored.

I roll my eyes at that one and then the pinky finger joins the fray.

Confident that he can run through anyone on this roster, despite being a member of the active roster.

Now my thumb comes out for the fifth point.

Trained in Japanese strong style.

Closing my fist, I return my hand to my side.

All of this culminates to nothing Cross. None of it matters right? According to you no one’s accomplishments matter. The entire body of work means dick.

I spit on the floor for emphasis.

What was it you called Hall of Fame awards...a popularity contest. Unlike your generation of athletes, mine didn’t get participation trophies. The places I worked, based your induction on your entire body of work

I make a wow face at the camera and the smirk returns again.

Imagine that shit, son. See, I’m not, and have never been the most popular wrestler on the roster. Not any place I’ve ever been. I get a kick out of being hated. So, you  know, your popularity contest theory means less than shit to me.


Your argument is invalid.

The smile disappears after I make that statement.

Just to be fair, I have to correct you on something. I’ve not avoided talking about titles I’ve held. I’ve held many in many different places. Not that you could track that down, those companies closed their doors long ago.

Spreading my arms wide I continue.

I’m not going to get into a pissing contest about that, you said it didn’t matter right? It does to you now. Only because for some reason you believe it will be a psychological edge that you so desperately need in a match like this. I’m already in your head and you already know that Myra and I have won this match. Long before we ever step into the ring.

I allow my arms to drift back down to my side and this time a feral smile replaces the smirk.

What was it you said to Cassian, that you would be inconsolable for weeks if you lost? I’m so looking forward to that. Watch pompous asshats like you struggle with life makes me fucking smile. Not just on the inside, no I’ll be smiling so much it will create a glow that will be picked up by the god damned space station.

The feral smile becomes broader as the shark smells the blood.

People like you in this business are all the same kid. Someone, probably your father or perhaps your mom. They once told you how great an athlete you were and you believed them. Truth is, you’re not special, you’re a fucking cookie cutter. The frat boy with perfect hair and teeth. Of course all that shit was a lie you know. You’re a scum bag with a trust fund, and that’s all you’ll ever be. That’s not to say you don’t have a shot at winning. You just don’t have a shot at winning against me.

I bring my hands out in front of me, my right hand grasping my left wrist as I allow them to rest against my belt.

My favorite way to send a message is what I do in the ring Scott. At times it’s not pretty, throwing hands is second nature for me. Every swing is a finisher, every move is delivered with malicious intent. You’ve been told your whole life what a great this or that you are. You talk about how well rounded you are. You are your own best hype machine Cross. Too bad all that hype won’t save you. There’s another thing that is really a damn shame.

I bring my hands up to my face in a mocking “namaste” position, never losing my smile I finish the promo with….

All those things they told you your whole life? Nothing more than hopes, dreams and hot air.


The Affairs of Dragons

"He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you."— Friedrich Nietzsche

Preamble Part 4 - Blast From the Past
/Scene Opens\

The shot opens up to a close up of only my eyes, rimmed red, not from tears but from lack of sleep and anger. One thing that pisses me off more than just about anything is when someone interferes in my match. That’s where I begin with the last part of my preamble series.

Integrity; Your women’s bombshell champion has none. You interfered in a match that might have had long reaching consequences for you. Now, it just has consequences. I hope God has mercy on your soul because the woman that’s coming for you has none. She’ll stop at nothing until you have been destroyed. I’m getting the popcorn ready for that one, you’ve no chance of surviving this let alone retaining your title. I hope she rips your heart out of your chest and eats in front of your child. That’s exactly what I’d fucking do!

The camera pans out, I pass in and out of the camera's angle as I pace like a caged animal. The match against Amber and Despy, still eating at me.

Maybe worst of all, you did this just to spite Amber. So, in turn you hurt one of the few good people in Sin City. Amber and I never try to pretend to be good people, we are who we fucking are. Despy and to a lesser extent Synn, deserved better than that. They deserved an opportunity to work their way into the finals. You took that from them. More importantly you made Myra and I look like this was planned. Even Synn, not quite accusing Myra but as close as you can get without saying the words. The respect you earned as a champion, how little or how much is debatable. Any credibility you might have had is gone. Was the spite worth it? Only you can answer that one, more importantly though. Was what’s coming for you and this company worth it?

I feel my anger rising as I continue to speak, and the pacing continues as I do so.

Then there's O'Malley. You should probably save running your mouth at me until after you actually win something. You have about as much ability to win that title from Jack as my dead grandmother does. And trust me, she had way more talent in the ring than you do bitch. My family and my friends don’t have to defend me, I do that very well on my own. It’s fine, you don’t know what you don’t know. I do know a few things about you though. My first time in Sin City, I was supposed to be facing you for the roulette championship. After I was declared the number one contender, you came out and ran your mouth at me. The next week, you lost the strap to Kedron Ross. You’ve got a history, too bad it’s a history of failure.

I feel the heat in my face as my blood pressure rises, I continue on regardless of the way it looks.

All of this culminates in something that this company is not ready for. It’s not a threat, it’s simply the way it is. Mark I suggest you go into that mode where you become a selfish prick. You’re going to need that just to survive what’s coming next!

I walk up to the camera and poke the center of the lens.

This is your wakeup call SCW, I won’t be what anyone expects going forward. Even my standing here now warning you….it won’t prepare you for what I’ll do to claim what’s mine.


Las Vegas, NV - Bane’s home
/Scene Opens\

The sun has dawned on a new day in the Bane household. There was a void in my soul right now, knowing that Amber had gone dark on social media. She had left the house, she hadn’t left me but that feeling of emptiness was still there.

“I just… There’s just things I need to come to terms with.” She had said to me as she was leaving. That had been almost nine hours ago. It would have probably of helped had she responded to messages but I know she felt like this was something she had to do. Her opponent had made this very, very personal. So this left me to my own devices, that’s never a good thing. I usually get myself into trouble under these conditions. I hadn’t even gone outside of these walls since she left. What I did do though is go up into the attic to dig out old photo albums. I sat here looking at very old pictures of my mom and dad. It dawned on me then, how much of an influence he had on me from a very early age.

Not the same pops, but similar enough.

I look at the picture again and chuckle. Back in the day, my old man was one hell of a fighter. He wore a beige colored cowboy hat to the ring, black vest, trunks and boots. He once told me his claim to fame was being the most hated man in Texas Wrestling. His laughter was genuine and without remorse. Most of the time when I had talked to him about wrestling it was like picking the brain of the mad scientist after they had already won. Inside the wrestling ring my father was a vile human being, outside of it he was tough but fair. For comparison, the character that Sam Elliot plays on the ranch would be close.

Too bad you were such a stupendous prick, pops. You would have liked Amber. Mom would love her.

Funny thing about reflection, it’s rarely therapeutic, sometimes cathartic but rarely does the person any good. They will eventually sit there and wallow in their own self pity. That wasn’t really what I was doing right now. I had suspected that my dad had been up to no good. I wasn’t entirely buying what the agent had told me about it all being a lie. I turned the page of the album and there it was. It had stared me in the face countless times over the years. A picture of my dad wearing a black vest. The patch had not evolved in all this time.

I’ll be goddamned….you really were a fixer for them, weren’t you old man.

Sometimes, knowing the truth and knowing what to do with it are two entirely different things. I mean, knowing this to be true, I could go on this long trip to try and redeem a name that no one remembers. I could try to help local law enforcement to put them away and try to cause the club to dissolve. There was another option as well.

I could do what I want and take what I want. Consequences be damned.

It wasn’t just me that would be affected though, that was the hard part. Amber, my kids, they all had to be taken into consideration. Best case scenario was that I would be living a double life. Worst case was I get arrested for doing some stupid shit and Amber kills me. We didn’t have money troubles, far from it, we were  more than flush. We could retire from wrestling tomorrow and never have to work again. Not in the garage or anyplace else for that matter.

Then why consider doing this at all Bane?

I say to myself in a way that would not elicit a response from me, it was strictly rhetorical anyway. Maybe it was the words of the dbag O’Malley that still rang in my ears. “Even if he does win, he won’t do shite.” Granted, he doesn’t know me, but he liked to talk like he does. Regardless of the shit talking, a part of what he had said rang true to me. They had no reason to believe in anything that I said. The wrestling world had forgotten who I was and what I was more than capable of.

Is that strap worth it?.

I close the photo album, setting it aside on the couch beside me. I look towards the closet that hasn’t been opened since I stored some old stuff in there. I stand up and make my way to the closet door. I look inside and find my old case. Picking it up, I smile at the weight of it in my hands. Something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. I look down and see a shadow box from my early days in the business.

From my first hall induction.

I smile looking down at the old photo of me after winning my first world title. Remembering who I was then, made me smile even more broadly. Not a friendly smile. Have you ever noticed that when a great white shark swims through the water on those documentaries, he always seems to be smiling? That’s what I feel right now, the feral ferocity of an apex predator. I turn my back on that image and cover the distance between the closet and the couch and set the case down on the couch. I open the case and inside are my old tools of destruction. Twin louisville slugger baseball bats, and my old fifteen pound sledgehammer.

Hello old friend, would you like to come out and play?

I smile as I lift it up, my eyes even with the head of the sledgehammer. Even though I know the road I’m about to travel could have long reaching consequences, in my heart I also know that the end game will be worth it. I felt like Amber was likely having a similar conversation with herself right about now. If ever there were two people that were kindred spirits, it’s the two of us. There was nothing we couldn’t do, together. I had a hunch that she had gone back to Atlantic City and that’s where I would go next. She said she needed some time to think, we both knew that was crap. I would go to the AC and see if I couldn’t help her get through this. She might rebuff me for trying but then again….

The risk is alway worth the reward.


Amber’s Apartment - Atlantic City, New Jersey
/Scene Opens\

Going on almost no sleep, I eased the rental into the parking lot where Amber had her apartment. The complex itself was more quiet than normal. Of course it was roughly three in the morning. I put the car in park and killed the ignition. I grunt at the effort of climbing out of a midsize car. God I hate rentals. I think to myself. At my size, it made it difficult at best to get in and out of. Making my way to the door, I reach for my keys and realize that the apartment key is gone.

She must have taken it before she left…

I sigh as I lean heavily on the railing. When I look back up again I see the key taped to the door. I shake my head and chuckle a little to myself…

She knows me so well.

I peel the key off of the door, removing the tape, I ball it up with my thumb and index finger and toss it over my shoulder. I won’t lie, my heart is heavy right now without her and I’m hoping to find her inside but I know I won’t. She’ll be long gone from here by now. I slide the key home and twisting the door comes open. I walk into the living area.

Red! You here?

One can hope right? No answer and no recent signs of her. Except for the note she left. It sat on the bar folded over in half, looking for all the world like a little pup tent.

I held the note there, absorbing what it said and what it meant. My beautiful bride to be, even after all the time we’ve spent together. I know she’s happy, I see it in the way she looks at me. Even when she thinks I don’t see it. I don’t miss much, even the small glances she gives me that no one else seems to catch on to. I also know she’s terrified, body language means a lot when you know what to look for. Knowing the signs had saved my life more than once. I fold up the note and stick it in the inside pocket of my jacket. That’s when I spotted the coffee cup. I grabbed that and the contents weren’t quite cold, a tepid temperature. I confirm that by dipping my index finger into its contents.

Alright Red, I’ll be there when it all comes undone. Like I promised Jack and Rooster that I would be.

I walk into the hallway that leads to the bathroom, seeing footprints where she stepped not long ago. Amber hardly ever wore perfume but for some reason I smelled cinnamon in any room she’d been in. I could smell it very faintly now, confirming she had been here not long ago. I open the bathroom door. The towel she used, balled up and on the vanity. I cringe at this and the water in the floor where she stepped out of the tub. She knows I hate that, and that for whatever reason causes me some amusement. there are a number of things that we do to each other, just for the sake of annoying the other. I take the towel and clean up the mess she left behind. Then circling back to the laundry room I drape it across the washer. I come back to the living area and I look around the room one last time, thinking that I’ve missed something somewhere. Something that might tell me where to look next. Also knowing that when she didn’t want to be found, she wouldn’t be found. Until the next show anyway. A smile returned to my face for the first time in days.

Now it’s time to go fuck some shit up.

/Scene Opens\

Standing in front of the Sin City backdrop, my eyes burned a little less, my steps were a little lighter and I felt a ton better after a little sleep. Was it as much as I needed? No, probably not, but it would do. My anger….had not subsided one bit. There’s a fire that burns hot inside my soul, maybe even more so than when I was younger. I have a real hatred for show offs and cowards.

Ruby Steel and Mark Cross. A really good rookie and veteran combination, obviously. They face Myra and myself in the finals now. Myra was just recently inducted into another hall of fame and I’ll say it again for those sitting in the back. Congrats to Myra on an honor that is well deserved. A guy like Mark, he hates it when something like that is brought up. He’ll probably hate it more when I say that Ruby has carried his ass through this tournament. One thing people like Ruby fail to realize is that all the awards in the world don’t make you special in this business. I watched your promo from last week and you’re absolutely right, being in the business for a short time does present disadvantages that are difficult at best to overcome. Someone like my partner, Myra, will absolutely take advantage of your inexperience. It’s not meant as disrespect, it’s just a fact. Myra is a super smart competitor and although she is not likely to take the by any means necessary path, don’t think for a moment that she’s lost her intensity and desire to be great.

I give the camera a wink as I continue.

Your partner,Mr. Cross though, and yes that’s as much respect as you’re going to get from me. He makes it very clear that he will take any low road he can to get there. It’s one of the few things I like about you, Mark. You’re upfront about who you are and what your goals are. Like discrediting your competition. You made the assertion that former Roulette champions and current are the guys you beat for fun around here. That’s a direct or almost direct quote, you’ve never beaten me. We’ve never faced each other before in any kind of match. Yes, I won the same title that Cassian carries now. You may even believe that I’ve not really beaten anyone in Sin City yet. The truth is this, I’ve beaten everyone they’ve put in front of me. In one on one competition, I’m perfect. My only loss has been in a mixed tag thing. Couldn’t really call that a match, it was mostly gimmicky bullshit but it still counts against me as my only loss.

I feel my eyebrows furrow and the pinching sensation between my eyes that soon follows.

For whatever reason, you so firmly believe in your own hype that you consider yourself untouchable. That my man is a dangerous mind set to have in this business. Especially against someone who’s so well rounded. See, I’m not some rookie that just won his first title. No, that was a long time ago. You, however are one of those people that thinks your own accolades are the only ones that matter. You’ll discredit a person's entire body of work while promoting your own in an effort to make them feel less than who they are. That’s what you did with Cassian to get inside his head right? It’s a real fucking shame that shit won’t work on someone like me.

I smirk at the camera now, I know it pisses people off when I do it. It’s one of the reasons I’ve always done this.

Passion and talent are something that we talk about a great deal in this industry. Now if you listen to Mark Cross long enough, he’ll try to convince you that he’s the only one with either of those things. Not just in this match but any match he’s involved in.

I shake my head in disgust and exhale slowly but foreably.

Mark, you’re not even the most talented wrestler on your own team. Your biggest opponent in this match isn’t even me.

It’s you.

You’re one of those people who just doesn’t seem to be able to get out of your own way. For all of your money and your fame in Sin City, do people outside of the company even know your name? I know it wasn’t from your NFL career. That was pretty fucking lack luster wasn’t it? I know that as far as Sin City Wrestlings goes you’ve won the internet championship and the Roulette title. I think I also saw your name on the list for mixed tag title holder. Of course you are defending your win in this tournament from last year. Which for those who don’t know, you did absolutely dick with.

That’s right, I said it, I didn’t stutter and here, I’ll say it louder for the folks in the back…

You’re a statistic, simply one of the many who’ve had that shot and couldn’t pull it off. Maybe you don’t have the killer instinct to get it done. Or maybe you’re simply not as talented as you believe yourself to be. Regardless of the reason you’re simply a bump in the road on my way to my first world title reign in Sin City.

You don’t have to like it.

You simply have to embrace the idea that there’s nothing you can do about it.

There was that smile again, the great white was circling and there’s blood in the water. It was time for me to feed.


Climax Control Archives / Grit
« on: March 12, 2021, 10:05:54 PM »
“I like grit. I like love and death. I'm tired of irony.” -  Jim Harrison

Preamble #3
/Scene Opens\

With the Sin City backdrop behind me and a signal from the crew that we were rolling I begin my preamble for this week.

Grit, now there’s a word you don’t hear used much anymore. Many of the competitors in this tournament don’t even know what it means. Not because they lack education, they simply lack context. They have no reference for it, many of them grew up in a world where it was okay to quit. I mean why not give up? Everyone gets a trophy, right?

Rolling my eyes and then narrowing them, I continue.

If that was your childhood, you should without a doubt, find a different line of work. In this business, in this industry, you have to have grit to win championships. It’s not enough to be talented. Hell, I’ve known tons of talented wrestlers that never held a world title in their career. They all had that “IT” factor but lacked real substance when it comes to this business. Having grit is about not giving up, no matter the odds and no matter how many times you get knocked down. It’s a measurement in stamina, passion, a desire to be more than you think you can be. Those are the people who succeed in wrestling and in life.

I drive my fist into my open hand for emphasis.

In the first round of this thing, we faced a pair of performers who have that. Gritty competitors, and I would be remiss and callus if I didn’t pay them some modicum of respect. The last round though, that was a joke. Maki and Bill? I should probably ask Mark why he even allowed them to enter the tournament. Maki probably feels better now anyway. You know, after no longer having to team with Bill that is. It’s like having this unwanted weight removed from your body. That thing that was dragging you down is gone. She’s not the type to know what winning and losing with grace looks like though based on her social media posts. Those clowns you referenced that are main eventing this show? Whether I like those women or not is not relevant, they have earned their place in this company. Period.

I give the camera my shocked face now as I talk more about Bill.

So, after getting his ass handed to him by yours truly, what did Billy-Bob go and do? He actually won a match. Go figure. I’m glad that you finally managed to turn it around. I mean you gave that little heartfelt speech and all about how you’re relevant and all. Now all you have to do is make sure you are capable of delivering on what you promised. Not that anyone buys into your bullshit but you do you.

I allow my levity to melt away as I return to business and the task at hand.

Myra and I have talked many times about the irony of our teaming together. We both spent some time in another company. I saw her once nearly kill another woman in the ring, Amber and I were both there the night that happened. Myra felt that she had been pushed way too far at that time. She was a different person then. I was much the same as I am now, as tragic as it is when a fellow wrestler goes down like that. That is what we sign up for, that is the reality of this profession. I know that Myra felt like shit for a long time but the fact is this. We all know the risks that are a part of this life. The number of men and women I’ve put out of this sport is not a low number. How much regret have I felt over that?

I spread my arms wide, shaking my head, I utter one word.


Squaring my shoulders and my jaw, and narrowing my gaze once again. I do these things not only for dramatic effect but so the audience and my opposition knows that I’m deadly serious. To make sure they understand exactly how much this opportunity means to me.

Myra and I have done far better as a team than anyone thought possible. This week though, the semi finals of the Blast From The Past tournament. This will not mark the first time my future bride and I have stood on opposite sides of the ring. The last time was in the finals of a number one contenders tournament for a chance to face Jack Michaels. He was the world champion in another company at that time. She went on to face and then defeat that man. The man who would later adopt her as a member of his family. In that match, we fought tooth and nail for that opportunity. This will be no different. For those of you who think that one might take a dive for the other. You obviously haven’t been paying attention to who we are as individuals or as a team. I’d no more do that for her or to her than I’d piss my my mother’s grave. I knew that Myra and I would face Amber and Despayre at some point in this tournament. I honestly thought that it would be the finals. That’s not how they decided to do it though. We’re okay with that, it would feel strange for us not to be facing each other in an event this important.


Ride Cowboy Ride
Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\

Nestled between highway five seventy three and Las Vegas Boulevard North is the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 10047. This parking lot was currently filled with bike’s of all kinds with a few parked in the dental office next door. It wasn’t designated for overflow, these guys just didn’t care. Not like anyone was going to mess with a guy sporting his colors. This was not a case of multiple motorcycle clubs being gathered but a single group. No matter where you go in the United States, the Badidos were well known, universally reviled and feared. So, what the hell was I doing here? Taking care of business was exactly what I was doing. I sat there, studying the men and women coming in out of the “V” for about twenty minutes. As I finish my cigarette I see the man I am here to meet. Pike, the son of the man who founded the group back in the sixties. John Waverly Pike was not a big man, but he was a dangerous one. I didn’t have to fight him to know that.

“John.”, I say as he approaches me. He was cautious, and smart, so I had to give him credit on doing his homework. He was taking no chances, surrounded by armed men. When I say armed I don’t mean it was on display so to speak, but the slight bulge around their left breast flap of the vests they wore really did little to conceal it. I smirk at them as they stop a few feet away. “John, you must think I’m a real dangerous fella or something with all this show of force.”.

He returns the smirk, “I learned my lesson last time.” he says as he lets the smirk slip away replaced by a smile. Not a friendly smile, but a feral one. The look you give someone when you are ready to end them, permanently. “Shorty here..” he gestures over his shoulder at one of his men. “He holds grudges, his knee is gonna need surgery.” I look over at “Shorty”, which as you can imagine was a nickname given to a man who stood almost a head taller than myself. “Shorty” was anything but short, standing probably about six feet eight or nine inches tall. Now it was my turn to smirk.

“Holds grudges, and he’s stupid.” I say with a smile on my face now instead of the smirk. John laughs along but Shorty has made his way to his bosses side. He glares at me with hate in his eyes but he’s smart enough not to say anything. “Shorty, I’m sorry for hurting your knee. Will that help sooth your pride and ego?”, I ask him in earnest. He seems to consider it and then nodding his head like a dumb ass he agrees. We shake hands and John laughs at the scene while rolling his eyes behind his big friends back.

“So, tell me, John, what exactly is it you want me to do?”, I ask him. I’m fully expecting him to ask me to throw matches or aid someone else in winning matches. Imagine my surprise when he tells me that it’s much more simple than what I expected. He gives me an easy going smile, which of course was a warning sign that I didn’t miss. “Mac, all I really need you to do is make an introduction for me.” My right eyebrow shoots up, and he smiles again. “I want to meet the owners of Sin City Wrestling.” A long whistle escapes me causing everyone to chuckle. “Throwing matches and that kind of shit are so old school and bush league Mac. We have much grander designs than that.” His statement, although it did catch me off guard, I don’t skip a beat in my response.

“That’s a good thing, because I would never agree to that.”, I say in a flat tone that betrays no emotion and no room for negotiation. “A man of honor.”, he surmised with a nod and a smile. “Even men of honor have a price, Mac. It’s not always monetary, sometimes it's something as simple as a guarantee that their family is safe or something like that.”, he says with that feral smile returning. I give him a feral smile of my own as I reach for the saddle bag on my V-Rod. Hands flash to holsters and I laugh. “Your boss would be dead three times before you ever fired a shot.”, I quip to them as I pull a manilla file folder out. I hand him the folder.

“What’s this?”, He asks as he looks through the documents. “Hold on.”, and now he realizes how far in over his head he is. “Those are pictures of your wife and children at various times this week at the four different houses you own. It was six up until you sold two of your beach homes about three weeks ago.”, I say as I resecure the flap of my saddle bag. “Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking your smarter than me chief. My family is my first priority in all things. You fucking think of going near them and I’ll put you down for a dirt nap you won’t ever wake up from.” He lifts his head up from the folder and smiles, “A kindred spirit I see. You just earned a lot even if you think your just defending your own.”

I swing my left leg back over the seat and onto the peg, “I’ll be in touch once I have a word with the owners.”.


Just Truth
/Scene Opens\

Night has fallen in the desert, the temperature has started to drop. The firepit can be heard as I sit near it. The flames licking at the wood inside, with the acrid smell of burning oak drifting towards me. I light a cigarette, the glow of the zippo lighter framing my face in a light glow. I inhale enjoying the nicotine and the taste of the fuel that comes with using a zippo lighter. I exhale through my nose.

You would think that having to face my future wife in a match would cause me to pause going into it. That it might cause me to pump the breaks. You’d be wrong of course. Thing is, Amber Ryan is one of the most badass women to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots. Period. End of story. I don’t have to speak about Red, I mean, she’s Myra’s problem in this match not mine.

Another drag from the cigarette as I sink back farther into the chair. Closing my eyes, I continue.

But who is Despayre really, Amber’s tag team partner. I know he is beloved by the fans and his peers alike. I know Red has enjoyed hanging out with him as well. The young man I see on camera running from women and men alike is not who shows up in the ring. I know he has a thing for teddy bears. According to the Sin City archive, this man has won every title except for the one that matters. So, this is his chance to shine. A chance to take greatness by the balls and make it his own. A rare talent in this business, make no mistakes about it. I’ll not disparage this kid or his ability.

Another drag from the cigarette and I then crush it out in the ashtray.

You didn’t really believe that bullshit did you? I’d disparage my own mother if I thought it bought me anything. You see, I know his story. I know about the car wreck that took a normal childhood away from this young man. He was robbed of everything that could have been his. Now, he works for Synn. Now there is a person worth hating. I vaguely remember the seven. Gabriel was an absolute beast in the ring. That’s not who is in this match though. No, this is Despy with Synn and of course Angel in his corner.

I look at the silver flask that sits on the table beside me. Picking it up, I make sure that the inscription is plain to see on the camera. Then I take a drink.

This was given to me on the night I was inducted into a company hall of fame for the first time. There were three others that followed this one over the years. I was a two time world champion there, the longest reigning world champion they ever had. You don’t care about things like that though, because I haven’t done it here right?

My grip on the flask tightens as I set it back down.

Right. Thing is, even though everyone loves Despy and Angel. I cannot allow this opportunity to pass me by. I will not allow it. Synn I’m sure you love him very much, but you’ve no idea who he’s stepping in the ring with. Amber should have probably told you. Despy is not that much bigger than her. The last time I faced her, I dislocated her shoulder…..


That being said, what do you suppose I’d do to your boy there for the opportunity?

I wink at the camera.

The question you should all be asking yourself right now is what won’t I do to win? What won’t I do to fulfill what everyone knows I’m capable of. Mark knows it, Underwood knows it, and Amber knows it. Hell Mark and Christian both said it out loud. I am a future world champion in SCW.  I am the future of this division and this company. I will not be denied my shot at whoever the world champion happens to be.

The Bulldog couldn’t stop me.

Max Burke couldn’t stop me.

Despy can’t stop me.

Mercer can’t stop me.

Kris Ryans can’t stop me.

Alex Jones can’t stop me.

O’Mally sure as hell can’t stop me.

Why the hell is that guy even in the main event picture?

In this match, I send a message. Those who know me best know what that means. You don’t understand yet, but you will soon enough. We are winning this match.


You don’t have to like it, but you have to realize by now that there’s nothing you can do about it!


Climax Control Archives / The Light of Hope
« on: February 26, 2021, 09:02:36 PM »
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”
― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

{Snuffing Out The Candle Of Hope - In-Studio - Mac and Amber’s House, Las Vegas, NV}

[On-Camera: Recording]

I stared out the window, the grey clouds streamed by overhead, driven by a strong south bound wind. My hands clasped behind my back and my head bowed in thought. I slowly unclasp my hands, the soft scraping of my denim sleeves against the belt loops of my jeans the only noise as I allow my arms to rest by my side. I slowly turn and face the camera.

“They say that dreams are born in the darkness, that a dreamer spends vast amounts of time in the darkness, with their focus on the light at the far end of their journey. The dreamer travels toward the source of light, that single point of hope. They develop tunnel vision and become devoted to a single path. That point of light where they can make their dreams become reality. Our opening round opponents felt this was true, all they had to do was get past Myra and I and their path was assured. Except for one thing, Amy and her partner, the former World Nightmare Champion from GRIME, Max Burke never thought they’d lose. Even though they were considered underdogs by a large margin. All you had to do is pay attention to the betting lines on the match. This is Vegas afterall.”

The lights in the room are dim, so I light two candles on the window sill. Then I turn back around smiling slightly.

“I’ve faced Bill before. The last time I was in Sin City, he’s who I fought for the number one contender status for the Roulette title. Granted, that title doesn’t really hold any prestige, but it allowed me to set a precedent. That being, that if I want something? I simply take it. That match against the so-called bulldog was as close as the title match I had with the champion.

It wasn’t.

Kedron was no champion, even that title deserved better than him. I’m the one that added prestige to that title, only briefly though as personal matters took me away from Sin City.”

I watch the candles burn, and then pinch the flame out of one of them with my thumb and index finger. I rub my thumb and index finger together with a smile.

“Max and Amy were at least worthy opponents, former champions in SCW and GRIME, respectively. Bill is known to me, just as Maki is known to Myra. I also know that Myra’s title is on the line in this match. It is not lost on me that should Myra and I lose this match, then your partner becomes the Bombshell Internet Champion as well. Just as long as it’s Maki that makes the pin. I’m not about to allow that to happen to Myra. Don’t get me wrong, she and I are not friends. We have the same goal. A shot at a world title. If nothing else, she learned last week that I don’t have a lot of patience. Time is money, if you want to put on a wrestling clinic, talk to boys and girls clubs of america, I’m sure they’ll accommodate you. Hell they might even pay you for your time.”

I extinguish the second candle in the same way as the first. I don’t turn back around this time though, I continue to stare out the window and watch the clouds roll by.

“Maki is Myra’s problem to deal with. Not a big problem, more of an annoyance really. Like Mosquitos in Texas in July. I mean, my favorite redhead destroyed you with minimum effort. Amber made you look like a clown, so I really won’t spend too much time on you. I will say that I tried to find something that I could give you a compliment of some kind on. Some redeeming quality of your character or some accomplishment that I could use. I went looking through the records of Bombshell division and, not that I looked that long or hard but I don’t remember your name being mentioned anywhere.”

I shrug my shoulders indifferently.

“Myra knows who you are and I guess that’s all that’s important. It won’t do you a damn bit of good, it will end the same way that our match against Amy and Max went. See, there’s a difference between doing whatever it takes, as I know you are both wired that way, and being able to do whatever it takes to win. You two are nothing more than a pair of wannabe stars. The proof is all over the damn place, I shouldn’t have to shine a spotlight on it for you two to understand. Yet here we are.

The team of Maki and Bill B. Two more dreamers in SCW, hoping to catch us unaware. You hope that we’ll look past you. You hope you’ll find some chink in our armor as a team. You hope that you can win.”

I turn my head just enough so the camera can catch as I smirk back at the candles again.

“And just like that, the light of hope was extinguished.”


{Mac and Amber’s House, Las Vegas, NV - “The Plan”}


I’ve always been the type of person that did the right thing, because it was the right thing to do. I’d recently visited with my old mentor, Frank Zane. Him and my dad had taught me that was the way to be. Frank insisted though that it was time to put more of who I really am out there for people to see. You have to be careful doing what I’m doing now, sometimes when you put yourself out there it can turn out badly. My focus now though was Charles Marlowe and the growing problem that the MC called the Bandido’s was causing in Vegas, not Vegas proper but in some of the outlier areas.

“You want me to, what?”, I asked again. Charles cringed, he knew he was asking me a lot. I also knew he hated to ask me. The problem was that he had been so severely injured that he was barely able to defend himself right now. He held up his hands in mock surrender, albeit very slowly. His right arm was barely out of a sling and it was still healing so his movements were much slower than normal.

“I want you to help me put a stop to them. Get their leaders and everyone involved.”, he stated again for probably the third time. I shook my head and stood up from the kitchen table. That’s when the pacing began, sure I’d done some wet work for Jeff a few times but this was different. These people knew who I was, they knew who my family was. Amber and I were supposed to be getting married in April for fucks sakes. I certainly didn’t want a wedding to turn into a funeral. At the same time though, taking on this kind of operation was something I was well accustomed to. It’s what the military had trained me to be.

“Chuckie, if I do this, you had better make sure there are eyes on every member of my family. If anything happens to them, I’m coming after you. I don’t give a fuck if you are a federal agent. You’ll be hurt in the same manner that they had been. You understand?”. I say with finality, he looks at me and I know he understands. I was more than certain that he knew about some of the things I had done overseas. I was also sure he disliked those things regardless of the reasons why or the orders that forced me into those situations. He kept giving me that look, a look that said many things without saying a word. Finally it was me that broke the silence.

“I’ll keep it as clean as possible, no one has to die, but also remember this. It’s my ass on the line out there and I’ll do whatever it takes to come home to my family.”, I stated it flatly and without emotion so he understood the gravity of the situation he had placed me in. What he didn’t realize was that this is such a big part of who I had become as a person that secretly and I hate to admit this. I embraced opportunities like this.

Marlowe simply nodded his head, “I understand, maybe now more than ever.”. He said it with emotion and conviction as he reached up and unconsciously touched the tender part of a wound that was still healing. The plan was that I would call on them and try to get a meeting to set up my joining the band so to speak. It turned out that I didn’t have to do any such thing…

My default ringtone began to play, “Badass” by Saliva echoed from the speakers on my mobile. The caller i.d. Read, “Private”, that could only mean that John Waverly Pike was calling. I walk away from Marlowe and accept the call. “This is Mac.”, I say as nonchalantly as possible. There’s a short pause before he responds.

“Bane this is Pike, have you reconsidered my offer?”, he asks in a voice that’s almost a whisper.

“I have.”, I responded to him in a soft, even manner. I knew his type, he hated the word no, and when that wasn’t what you gave them more often than not surprises them. This was one of those times. I had caught him flat footed, the sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line was all I needed to hear to know that.

“Excellent, is the secret agent boy still there?” was his next question. That let me know they were watching him and my home. It was both good and bad at the same time.

“He is.”, that was the question I was dreading but it caused me to smile on the inside. I really couldn’t quite put a finger on why but the feeling of elation that came over me, that caught me by surprise.

“That’s good, if you step outside, you’ll find a box on your front porch. Inside that box are your colors.” He said in a more confident voice. “You don’t have to wear them in public, or even to the ring. Just the fact that you’ve accepted them is all me and the boys need. Don’t worry about Marlowe, we’re not going to kill him.”

I look back over my shoulder at Marlowe, he nods at me as the line goes dead.


{In-Studio, Las Vegas, NV - “Garbage Time”}

I stood in front of the Sin City Wrestling backdrop, just hours before showtime. The camera was already rolling. The black leather duster and stetson are now gone. Replaced by a skull cap with my brand on it and a sleeveless shirt of denim with pearl snaps down the front of it. Faded jeans and black boots complete the outfit. My hair hangs loosely around my shoulders instead of my usual ponytail. It was time to address the Sin City faithful before mine and Myra’s second round match against Maki and Bill.

“Where do I even begin with this horseshit, y’all?” I say with emotion in my voice. I had been involved with a social media dispute earlier in the day with Maki. I shake my head in disgust.

“Anytime a competitor says on social media, “I’ll just let you maximize your ring time and beat Myra for the Internet Title….”, really mother fucker? So, what if it’s you and I that start the match and I beat you senseless and she never even sniffs the fucking ring?”

I’m angry about his attitude towards the match. I hadn’t even watched his promo yet, I’d do that later. This was about him being lazy and worse, her being an idiot.

“Maki, you’re a dipshit. Instead of being pissed off by your partner’s lack of enthusiasm for even being in this tournament, you told him thank you?”

I give the camera my best “what the fuck” look.

“Seriously? And I quote, “Thank you, Daddy Bill”. I’m going to enjoy watching Myra destroy you. Oh, and by the way, your match against Amber was never competitive. She beat your ass, and you know it.”

Grumbling angry words under my breath and now pacing. The fact that the camera operator and the boom mic attendant couldn’t keep it together because of what I had said was not lost on me. They were openly laughing at the comments I had made.

“Even the ham and eggers here are laughing at you two. It’s almost like they see you as the punchline to some really bad joke. You’re used to that though aren’t you Billy Bob. I mean, you didn’t even want to team with your old lady anymore right? Told her not to worry about whether she was booked for the shows. You needed her to support you in your endeavors. If Bea is smart and I know she’s smarter than you Bill. She’ll hire a good attorney and cut her losses. You don’t even deserve to be in the same ring with athlete’s like Myra and I. You’re a waste of fucking carbon. Where is your drive, your ambition, your passion for this business?”

I must have struck a nerve with the crew, they had stopped laughing and now were studying me very intently. Hanging on my every word.

“Maybe that part of this is lost on you Bill. Maybe you simply don’t get it. You are simply too damn dumb for this business. You’re lazy as well and I think that makes it even worse. Did you wake up one morning and realize you’re not talented enough for this tournament and would never win a world title here? Did you give up and decide...fuck it I’ll let Maki take us as far as she can?”

I sneer at the camera as I continue.

“It must be hard to rely on the talent of others, even though you know in this case. It’s simply not enough. Maki, for all of your talent, how ever much or little that might be. It won’t be enough. You are like the proverbial one legged man in an ass kicking contest. You’ve been handicapped for the second year in a row with a partner who doesn’t share your passion for competition. He’s satisfied to just still have a job. He collects a curtain jerkers paycheck and is more than happy with that. If it wasn’t so damn pathetic, I’d feel sorry for you both. He’s not committed to the task at hand like my partner is. Myra’s more man than Bill is, and that’s the damn truth. I’m sure you’ll be fine in the ring against her unless you piss her off and the ring bell is handy that is.”

I allow the memory to come to me and I smile.

“That’s what my partner is capable of. I know she’s turned over a new leaf since she’s been here and I applaud that. Knowing though what she’s capable of if she’s pushed to the limit or if someone pushes her buttons too often. That’s the difference between her and you Maki. She knows what it takes, and she’s not afraid to go there. You don’t have one tenth of Myra’s ability and less than that when it comes to passion for this business. You didn’t have an exit strategy in mind for this tournament because you thought that no one could beat you. You’re about to find out how very wrong you are about that. You’re about to find out first hand what it’s like to have that light of hope extinguished. Like they say in other pro sports though, there’s always next year.”


Climax Control Archives / Only the beginning
« on: February 12, 2021, 07:29:35 PM »
The Garage and The Hurricane
Mac and Amber’s Place - Las Vegas, NV
[Time: 4:45 PM Monday February 2nd]
/Scene Opens\

The 2001 V-Rod; it only took me leaving Baltimore to find time to finish the refurb on it that had been in progress for three years. It was finally finished and running like the champion it was. The paint job on it had faded long ago, Amber and I had recently fixed that though. It started as gun metal grey but faded to black when you got to the back of it. This monster would go from zero to sixty in a little over three seconds. The press on this bike says three point five but thanks to the adjustments that Amber and I had made to it, we topped that with three point two-five. This motorcycle was an absolute beast and it fit my personality to a tee. “A beast riding a beast, love it.”, Amber said to me as we finished cleaning up from the final adjustments we had made to it.

I smirked at the comment, as I finished towling my hands dry. She swatted me on the backside as she brushed past to get to the door that led into our kitchen. She was still hobbled by the ankle injury she had suffered mere months before. It may have slowed her down outside, but inside of it she was still a demon with red hair. I admired her passion for what we do, it mimicked my own in a lot of ways. She stopped at the door, turning she smiled, “Coffee?” I returned her smile, “Not sure, how is it when paired with wedding cake?” She laughed as she disappeared into the house to make the coffee. “Bane, you are such a lucky bastard.”

With “Blast From The Past” coming up, I was very focused on the task at hand. Teaming with Myra had been the last thing I had in mind. Not that I minded it much mind you. Away from Baltimore, she was different, better I think. At least I hoped. The women’s division here was special, so special that I believe the men should be thankful that there is a women’s division. To be fair and honest as I often am, for good or ill, it was superior to the Men’s division. I had been away from Sin City Wrestling for quite a while. Most won’t accept why I left but I don’t worry about the opinions of others. Much like the Lion does not worry about the opinions of sheep. He simply destroys them and consumes their essence. That was my intention upon returning with Amber to SCW. We weren’t on the same team this time around, but that’s okay, we knew what the stakes were. We also knew that one would not betray the other.

I kept a backup camera out here for moments like these. Even during the pandemic, our life was chaotic with travel and trying to make sure we had enough time to plan the wedding in April. Getting all the details ironed out would be the real devil in this. Lots of people to coordinate with, invitations to send and all the frills and dressings that my future wife damn sure deserved. She more than deserved the fairy tale wedding. “Aha! There you are.”, I exclaimed as I spotted the camera tucked away and only partially visible. I pulled out from it’s hiding place, which was really that it was partially obscured from view by a tarp that had been haphazardly thrown over the top of it. I was going to have to talk to my son Jimmy about that shit. “What in the hell did he do with my stand?”, I cussed at no one in particular.


Mac and Amber’s Place - Las Vegas, NV
[Time: 5:45 PM Monday February 2nd]
/Scene Opens\

After much cussing and searching, I finally gave up on finding my stand. Amber of course found this to be amusing and asked me if I had loaned it to Jimmy recently, I don’t loan my son anything, for the record. No matter though, I still had my studio to work with. The camera is already recording as I sit down with my coffee. If you were there you could smell the Irish coming off in waves as the aroma filled the small space. I smiled at the camera, this would be my first promo in Sin City in months.

“Blast from the Past. A tournament with a rich history. A tournament that has both Amber and I in it. She, however, is not my partner for this one. You should all be very thankful for that little silver lining.”

Take a sip from my coffee cup, allowing the warmth to wash over me. I do love a good Irish whiskey, especially when it’s actually from Ireland.

“Welcome to my preamble for the tournament and my path forward. For those of you who don’t have much of an education, that means, this is the part where I tell you how screwed you are and that you have no recourse.”

I stare at the picture of Amber and I that hangs on the wall nearby. Our wedding date was fast approaching and we were still planning most of it. In the background you can hear her cuss ,that’s all the evidence you really need about people’s availability. I smirk as I hear her drop yet another f-bomb.

[/color=limegreen] “I am teaming with your record setting Internet Champion from the bombshells side of the house. Myra is one hell of an athlete in her own right. I take nothing away from her. We also have a history of sorts. When I was in Baltimore, she was my debut opponent, she was also my supershow opponent.[/color]

I smile as I remember those matches, they were good matches, they were competitive.

“What I’ve got is a pretty damn good partner, whether we’ll have any chemistry or not is yet to be seen. I’m not too damn worried about that though. Myra and I are the kind of people that just handle their business in the ring. It’s really just that damn simple. Much like our opponents for the first round.



Mac and Amber’s Place - Las Vegas, NV
[Time: 5:45 PM]
/Scene Opens\
A few months ago, a man named Charles Marlowe had paid me a visit. Charles, or Chuckie is how I have known him, planted information in a database to be found by the Bandido leadership. Data that would put my family and friend in harm's way. So far, that hadn’t been the case, everyone was healthy and happy. Or as happy as they could be in the world today. Now Chuckie, he was a special agent from the department of homeland security. Which meant only one thing, these clowns had gone from running drugs and prostitution to something far worse was my assumption. Today though, Chuckie sat at my kitchen table, his head heavily bandaged. He had just gotten out of the hospital a few days before.

”It looks like they’ve declared war on HSA Chuckie.”

He grunts in pain as he nods his head in agreement, gingerly touching the place where the bandages stop and his barely healed skin begins.

“You could say that.”, he winced and pulled his hand back down from his face. He grasped the coffee cup in both hands and smiled. The coffee in this house has that effect on people. He sighed contentedly as he took another sip. “Thank you for the Irish, Mac. That’s really good.” I returned his smile and allowed him to take solace in the warmth of the coffee for a moment. His eyes came back to me and there was an unasked question there, but in his current condition he may have been too scared to ask.

“No Chuckie, I haven’t heard anything from them since the night you left. How long was it after you left my house that they jumped you?” I watched him wince again as he swallowed more coffee. “Wasn’t them.”, he managed to say before he started to cough. I allowed him a moment to recover before I asked.

”Then who? What have you stumbled into man?” I stood up from the table and began to pace back and forth between the living room and the dining room, racking my brain, trying to think of who else they might have partnered with.

We don’t know, the crew that attacked me and my team were chinese.” He made the statement and saw the look on my face and it clicked for the both of us. We’d need more proof first but this had “Triad” written all over it. These were people that you couldn’t fuck with and walk away from it. I sat back down heavily in my chair, setting the coffee cup down, I rested my elbows on the table. Burying my face in my hands, I exhaled slowly before bringing my hands back down. ”The only good thing that came from this, is the fact that I wiped all traces of the data that we had planted. Your name doesn’t exist anywhere there that they can find.”

I nodded an acknowledgment that I understood what he was saying. “But they already know who I am, and who those closest to me are. The damage has been done, thanks to you. Now, you want me to help. You want me to clean up your mess. That about right? I level my gaze at him in a way that dares him to deny anything I just said. He doesn’t though, Chuckie knows he’s in over his head. Just as I know he’s in over his head. He’s not CIA, where those fucks have no conscience. No, Charles Marlow has a family of his own and he inadvertently kicked a hornets nest. He’s still trying to figure out if he can get his own out of harm’s way or if they’ll all be stung to death. I liken it to Sin City Wrestling in a way. They brought Amber and I back but they don’t realize they’ve kicked the hornets nest. Now, we are going to sting them to death.

You’re not wrong, Mac. I didn’t see this coming, can you help or would you even consider it?”

I studied him for a long moment, the man who sat at my kitchen table was tired and severely injured. Definitely not the same kid I remember from Puerto Rico. He doesn’t move or even say anything else, he stares at his coffee cup and waits on me. When he finally does raise his head to take a drink of the coffee, his emotions play over his face. Pain, fear, and anger are all present in his eyes.

“I shouldn’t. I’m getting married in April, Chuckie. Who knows about what you’ve uncovered so far. Obviously the MC is not operating alone. You got jumped by a chinese crew but that doesn’t mean that the Triad is involved. They could just be hired goons. You may not need me at all, if you can coordinate this with others.”

He smirks at the mention of other groups.

“My superiors know what happened and the evidence that I provided to them, just disappeared. I’ve tried to reach out to other groups, but my place within HSA, I have no political capital to operate off of.”

”You should have chosen more wisely Chuckie”, a soft and deep voice came from the kitchen as our old commanding officer, Robert Jeffrey Castello entered the room. The look of shock on Chuckie’s face was priceless. Jeff was one of those people that when he entered a room all conversations stopped. He commanded the room and the respect that is due to a war veteran and decorated sailor who had served his country with distinction. Chuckie almost shot to his feet, causing Jeff and I to smile.

“Easy son, no formalities please.”, Jeff said in his easy going way. ”I think I can help with this, this incident has come to the attention of the Director of National Security. Foreign agents attacking a member of the Homeland Security Agency have that kind of impact.”


Garbage Time
Mac and Amber’s Place - Las Vegas, NV
[Time: 5:45 PM]
/Scene Opens\
[on-camera - In-Studio]

I leaned back in over-sized office chair and thought how I wanted to address the opponents that Myra and I would face. I finally decided on a path and now I begin…

“Max Burke and Amy Santino. The roadblock that exists between Myra and I and the next round. Max is a former roulette champion, and he did something down in GRIME. World Nighmare Champion or some such. The rules are much like the Roulette Championship. It allows people to explore their own creativity. Pursue things that might lay hidden or things they’ve never thought they were capable of. I’ve no such issues. I don’t have dark fantasies that lay hidden away, they are always on the surface and they are always present. Most people, in these types of matches, they like to talk about, “By any means necessary”. The problem is, they don’t really have a clue what it means to live that life. They’ve no clue about the things that come with that philosophy. The guilt that comes creeping up on you while you sleep, the inability to even look at your own face in the mirror without being repulsed.”

I smile a beaming smile at the camera as I sip from the coffee cup.

”Amy, Amy, Amy. That’s quite the burden you’re carrying. We all know that Max is dead weight. The real power on your team is you. It’s quite the resume you have, a great track record. Too bad you’re nothing more than a dime store version of Amber Ryan. I do mean a very cheap knock off. You are Myra’s problem to deal with, but I don’t think my record breaking partner in this tournament will even break a sweat in doing so to someone who hasn’t been active in a while.”

Taking another sip from my mug, I allowed a sigh of contentment to escape me.

“That brings me to my partner in all of this, Myra Rivers. Now she and I go back a little ways. Another company, another time. She was my debut match there and my pay per view debut. We fought tooth and nail, mostly over an imagined insult but that is the past. We are not friends, but I think we could be the dark horse team to win this whole damn thing. We are not the type of people that go kissing the boss’ ass. She’s earned her way to where she is within this company. She’s worked her ass off to win that “Internet” Title and worked harder to maintain it. She’s simply beaten everyone they’ve put in front of her. In the prime of her career with nothing but good times ahead. There’s a lot there to be respected. Like when she left Baltimore, she put all of that behind her and is a better person for it. Her personal issues are well documented and I’m certainly not going to drag all of that up and expose old wounds.”

I pause more for dramatic effect than anything, then continuing…..

“What have I done in Sin City? Not too much really, I’m undefeated in singles competition. I won your Roulette Championship and then handed it back and left. The reasons I left are my own. Do I regret just abdicating the Roulette title? Nope, that shit is beneath me. I’m a wrestler, not a garbage time performer. I don’t need special rules to become a violent man, I was born that way. Something else that you will learn to hate about me. I come from a wrestling family, tradition matters. This tournament is just the beginning boys, I’m here for the long haul and yes I am going to capture the world title and elevate all of you. I’ll put this company on my back like no one who’s ever been in sin city has before. This company matters. Max and Amy think they matter, they also believe for whatever delusional reason that they’ll win this match. The only thing they’ll win is an early exit from this tournament.”

The smile previously seen on my face is now gone. I usually do this so the enemy knows how very serious I am about this match. Allowing my brows to furrow, exhaling through my nose to give a visage of a raging bull. This time when I speak it’s barely audible, almost a growl.

“Max and Amy will find out what the term, “By any means necessary” really means. You’ll learn a lesson in what true aggression looks like and what it means to play for blood. This is not a game to me, this is in my blood and as much a part of me as my shriveled up black heart is. You and I are not the same, you don’t deserve to share a ring with me. Hell, you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as I do. I’ll see you at Climax Control, Myra and I will be removing our obstacles, one speed bump at a time.”

“When change cometh, she will bring peace at her back. She will not bend to your will; you must bend to hers.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch


I take my customary place in front of the microphone stand, pressing the button on the remote, I wait for the light to begin flashing red and then I begin.

“Welcome to my preamble for the Roulette Championship match.” I say with a smile on my face as I spread my arms out in a welcoming gesture. “My introduction if you will, for those unaware of what a preamble is.”

I bring my arms back in, and place my hands in front of me, casually in front of my belt buckle.
“I felt it only fair to do this in order for my intentions to be made clear. So, there are no misunderstandings between myself and the so-called roulette champion. As is normally the case when I speak, I begin using my hands as I speak, slamming one hand into the other for emphasis. ”My intentions at this point should be clear. I will do everything in my power to liberate that championship from the man who doesn’t deserve it or want it. He’s made his opinions of me clear, but that’s all about to change. Not only am I going to change your opinion of who I am and what I’m about. I’m about to change your perspective on a great many things.”

 I stop with my hands, my right hand still balled in a fist and covered by my left hand. Inhaling slowly, I elect to impart a little wisdom. “It is said that the only constant in this world, especially now, is change.” I open both hands, steepling my fingers, I lean towards the camera. ”Things constantly shift and change around us. Unlike my opponent at High Stakes Ten, I’m aware that nothing is etched in stone.” Leaning back to my original position, I allow my hands to fall back by my sides. “I’m aware that there is a constant state of flux in this world in general and in this business to be more specific.” I give the camera a crooked smile, “Nothing is forever, especially not title holders.”

I cross my arms in a defensive gesture, The champions of our sport are supposed to be stewards of the company they work for. Making sure that the championships they carry are represented in a professional manner. With my arms still crossed I shake my head in disgust, “That they make the title they carry mean something, no matter where in the pecking order it falls.It’s not the championship that’s supposed to make the man. It’s the man who carries that championship that’s supposed to make it mean something more than what it is. That’s why those who manage to do that  prosper,  and those who can't….?

With arms still crossed I simply shrug my shoulders, “They simply go away, they don’t matter and they don’t put asses in seats. The reason I’ve always said...Champions come and champions go, there is but one constant...

The fight.

That’s what I represent and that’s who I am at my core.”

Uncrossing my arms, I continue. “People like you are always the same, you live in past glories, so full of yourself and so sure that none can stand against you. You talk about past wars with people as if they are relevant to our match. You know nothing of me but what you’ve seen here in Sin City, too fearful to see past your own window. A man of the world, but you show no knowledge of it. I would expect such a seasoned professional to acknowledge life outside of his own fishbowl. That would be a bit outside of your own comfort zone though wouldn’t it? Too much effort to make sure you know what you’re talking about when you start flapping your gums.”

I shrug my shoulders again, “There is only one person within Sin City that can halt the momentum I’ve started with. His name is not Kedron Williams. You keep right on talking about me like I don’t matter and I’ll show you how much I do matter. Not just to this division but to this company. I may be new to you, but I’m certainly not new to this sport or this industry.”

I allow a genuine smile to come to my face as I lean towards the camera again. “Funny thing about the way you approached me in your previous promo. You started trying to bury me with the fact that you didn’t think I’d beaten anyone. On the fact that my only match teaming with Red was a loss. It’s like when you’re fighting with someone on social media, you resort to profanity, you’ve already lost.”

The smile shifts, becoming something almost feral looking. “I’m glad, that lets me know you’re terrified of losing that belt. My time in Sin City has not been one hundred percent successful, that much is true. That cluster fuck of an event you could hardly call a mixed tag match. So, who have I beaten in singles competition? Everyone they’ve set before me, you’re really bad at this whole occult being a douchebag thing. Maybe you don’t realize it. Much like your unintended irony. Much like your being a Roulette champion, my mid-card status is a temporary thing.

I square my shoulders and set my jaw, now speaking between clenched teeth.

“More importantly though, you don’t seem to grasp the status of that championship belt to begin with. You think holding a glorified hardcore title makes you a main eventer? So, not only are you a fraud but you’re also an idiot with delusions of grandeur. This all goes back to what I was saying about the people holding these titles are supposed to be a representative of our sport. The reason there is a limited influx of talent is because you and your predecessor made the title meaningless. I saw this from afar and it’s one of the reasons I’m here. To put all champions on notice, the lack of effort has been noticed by people outside of Sin City. I’m here to make this title and all the others matter again.

I make my eagerness obvious as I begin rubbing my hands together in anticipation of the match.

“The stakes for you have never been higher, you have everything to lose and I have everything to gain. Bottom line is, it doesn’t matter what you think of me or my ability, I’ve got nearly two decades of track record to back up everything I say and do. You are simply the next in a series of stepping stones on my way to the top and the SCW Championship. So, a rhetorical question for you, oh mighty son of salem, how many matches did you wrestle here before you got your first title opportunity? I call it rhetorical because I don’t give a damn”

Issues and Colors Part 2
Las Vegas, Nevada
/Scene Opens\


Two-Weeks Ago[/i}

As I rode away from the bar, Barlago, the words of the unnamed man echoed in my mind. My own father had been a fixer for these fucking scum bags. I’ve been a lot of things in my life but not a cheat. I’d never dream of doing such a thing. The only thing that really eased my anxiety was the rumble of the Harley. As I ate up the miles, constantly checking my surroundings as I do, I see them in the distance. They’re following me, either to make sure I don’t talk to the local PD or to continue the conversation. Maybe they’re even concerned that I’d go to one of the local clubs and pass along what I know. Their leader didn’t strike me as the type to give up with just a single casual conversation. I check my mirrors again and I see smoke, just before the shock wave causes my bike to wobble ever so slightly. I ease off the highway at a gas station.

I coast into the pump area of the station. I look at the pumps and there’s a sign that requires pre-pay. I kill the motor, setting my stand and climbing off the bike I smile.

“This should be interesting.”

Looking down I see an anomaly, it almost looks like a fleck of dirt. I study it more closely.

“I’ll be damned.”

I say to no one in particular. With my thumbnail, I’m able to dig a small almost unseen tracker. I drop it on the ground and crush it under the heel of my boot.

“Someone doesn’t like the word no.”

I mutter as I walk into the store to pre-pay for my gas. An old fashioned bell above the door dings lightly as I push the door open. The employee there, a bright eyed red headed kid. His name tag said “Dusty” and he was listening to music from the eighties. He waves and smiles as I walk into the store.

“Welcome to Fuzzy’s gas and go.”

He exclaims as I walk in. I grab a bottle of Mountain Dew from the barrel and set that up on the counter.

“Thanks Dusty, fill up on two please.”

I put a twenty dollar bill on the counter as he goes to work initializing the pump and I walk out to see the arrival of about ten men on a variety of different machines. Hayabusa's, Harley’s, an Indian and even a duck.

“Crime must pay pretty well.”

I muse to myself as I cross the parking lot to my own Harley, my Road King was built for cruising, not for speed. That’s what my Dyna Super Glide that I rarely rode these days was built for. Plus it needed a rebuild done on it to get it back up to specs. I begin filling my tank as about five police cruisers pull into the station. They form a semi-circle to prevent anyone from leaving. Ten officers in total, brandishing shotguns and side arms when they spot twenty one people on motorcycles. I stop the gas pump and step away from my bike before they even order me to. I lace my fingers behind my head as I do.

“You’ve done this before, obviously.”

One of the officers said nonchalantly. Two of them, one on either side of me began to ask me questions. As the others move into a tactical formation to approach the others, who’ve mimicked my own movements.

“No sir, I’ve never been arrested.”

I explain calmly.

“Anything I need to know about before I start searching you?”, he asks me in a slightly elevated voice. I can tell he’s nervous and likely not a seasoned cop.

“My everyday carry is in it’s holsters on my back. My license for it is in my wallet, you’ll find that in my front pocket.” I explain to him as calmly as I can.

He has my wallet, and removes my holster with my everyday carry still inside it. “Mr. Bane, if that’s your real name. You were identified by a witness as having been at an establishment called “Barlago”, roughly half an hour ago?”

“That’s right.”, I say, remaining calm as he continues to search me.

“Were you also aware that the establishment blew up, shortly after you were seen leaving it?”, he takes my right arm, swinging it behind my back to put cuffs on me. His partner stops him though.

“I’d say he is clean, rook, see his lack of colors and them wearing theirs proudly….”, as he nods towards where the rest of the bandidos are all being arrested. He releases his hold on me for a moment and the older officer smiles apologetically.

 “I’m sorry sir, the rook’s these days are maybe a little over zealous and enthusiastic.” I shake my head and laugh.

“Hell, that’s alright Officer, no harm no foul as far as I’m concerned. That bunch over there, I’d be real cautious with them.” I say to him in earnest. The look from their leader could shred steel that he gives me.

“What in the actual fuck are they doing in Vegas.” He scowls as he says. “Fucks sakes, just them being here could spark a war.”. He exhales forcefully as the rookie officer hands my everyday carry back to me. very likely what they are trying to do is what my mind screams at me., I muse inside the confines of my own brain. Putting my everyday carry back in place, I watch everything unfold as arrests are made and rights are read. Something about that whole thing just smelled rotten to me.


The One-Man Wrecking Crew and The Hurricane Painted Red
Las Vegas, NV
/Scene Opens\


The thing I’ve heard over the years from other friends of mine who are married is that if you don’t work hard at your relationship it will fall apart. I’m here to tell you, that’s bullshit, if you have to work that hard at your relationships, then they are not good ones. Not good for you or the other person. Amber and I had the kind of relationship where everything was easy for us. We were a great team and nothing seemed unreachable for us as a couple. It made some of our friends sick to their stomach because of the way we are. Our friends are not shy, so we get a lot of ribbing about our relationship.

Now we find ourselves on the couch. I take her hand in mine, there is comfort there. A kind of warmth that I’ve never felt in my life. She is my peace of mind, my safe place and the reason that I work so hard on progressing my career again. We’ve just been sitting here and  talking about nothing in particular and from the entryway, I hear my daughter Jules.


Amber and I look at each other then back at Jules. Amber cannot hide the smirk that’s starting to form. I smile and look back at my daughter.

“Hey Jules.”

She frowns at me.

“Sorry for dropping the f bomb dad.”

She says rather meekly as I stand up and cross the room to where she stands.

“Amber and I are getting married.”

She slugs me in the arm, then goes around me to where Amber is sitting.

“You’re a turd, dad.”

I nod as she goes around me to look at the ring.

“Yes ma’am, you could say that.”

The fangirl-like squee was almost eardrum shattering, as she stared at the ring. So loud that even Amber cringed.

“Fucks sake, I know you’re excited, but…”

Jules, now embarrassed, holds her hand to her mouth.

“So sorry, I forget sometimes.”

Then Amber engulfs my daughter in a hug.

“Me too Jules, me too”

She says to her softly. I step to the side table and grab a box of kleenex and carry it over to where they are sitting. Both women, openly crying now. I sit down next to Amber and grab her hand, squeezing gently. She smiles up at me and takes the box of tissue. She puts it in front of Jules first then takes a few for herself and hands it back to me.

“Looks like you need a couple of these yourself, tough guy.”

I smile and take the box and grab a couple. I knew the tears were falling, I was just ignoring them and enjoying this moment in time. I used the tissue to wipe my own tears away. This moment in time was special, the way they interacted and reacted to each other was amazing. At least to me. I would later come to call this moment, the squee heard around the world. I still needed to tell Jimmy, but with Jules being so great with it, I couldn’t imagine him not being excited as well.

“Have you told bubba yet?”

Jules asked me, and I shook my head indicating I had not.


Amber asked with an amused look. I waved her off.


I said, amused myself. I hadn’t realized she didn’t know Jules’ nickname for her brother. Jules though was in action now, she jumped up and ran.

“She must need to go grab her phone.

I muse to myself as Amber begins laughing.

“An eighteen year old girl needing her phone? Surely you jest.”

Now, it’s my turn to smirk.

“I never jest and don’t call me Shirley.”


Issues and Colors Part 3
Las Vegas, Nevada
/Scene Opens\


In 2018, Jeffrey Faye Pike, then sixty-three years old and the president of the Bandidos MotorCycle Club, was sentenced to life in prison. His son, John Waverly Pike took over the club and its operations. The operations of the club were numerous, ranging from racketeering, weapon smuggling, prostitution, and drug trafficking. These things all happened so close to home that I couldn’t help but know about them. Pike and his second in command were both arrested in San Antonio, just hours away from Port Arthur. They were both sentenced to life in prison. It was Portillio though, the more dangerous of the two that had everyone in the state angry. Pike had given him permission to declare war against the Cossacks MC. A war that raged across the state and back again. Portillo, an expert strategist from all accounts, was given two consecutive life sentences with an additional twenty years tacked onto it for good measure.

All of that being said, you might understand why I wouldn’t believe my father was involved with these people in any way. That life was not for me, that’s for damn sure. I’d done my homework and of course there were anomalies in my old man’s checking account records. I wasn’t sure at this point if it was payouts from them or from the promotion for championship bonuses. I was going to find out though, and I was going to find out why they were targeting me. Why? I mean I’ve been a professional for almost two decades, why approach me now? My thought process is broken by the old school telephone ring of my cell. I slide the bar over to accept the call before I really even check the caller i.d.

“This is Mac.”

I place the call on speaker, as I usually do.

“Mr. Bane, make sure you watch the news tonight.”

I frown and the call disconnects from the other end. I do check the caller i.d. Which is tagged as “unknown”. I know who it is though, “Fuck you Waverly. You piece of shit.”. I’d done my homework and I knew what I was up against with this one. I was also able to find out that he hated being called Waverly. I dig the remote out of the console in the center of the sofa. I look at it for a moment and realize the news is starting soon. I press the button labeled power. I sigh as the anchorman goes into his introductory story, running the same information we’ve all  heard a thousand times about social distancing, masks, and the rising death toll in our country. Story number two began….

“Just hours after the Barlago Bar just outside of Las Vegas was blown up, two of the ten arresting officers were found dead. Shot execution style, according to law enforcement spokesperson.”

That has my attention and I sit a little straighter in my seat.

“Rookie Officer Nick Delgado of Brooklyn, New York and an eleven year veteran Joey Elipse of Las Vegas, Nevada were both pronounced deceased at the scene.”

I shake my head in disgust.

“Killed for doing their job. These motherfuckers have got to be stopped.”

“I couldn’t agree more Mr. Bane.”

A voice came from the entryway, I looked up to see a man that appears to be around six foot four and probably around two twenty. “Your daughter July let me in, I hope I’m not disturbing you.”. I wave him in and turn the television off.

“And you are?”I ask the question although the assumption is he’s either FBI or a local detective with the Las Vegas PD. I was wrong on both counts it would seem, he smiled and dug his wallet out of his front pocket slowly and carefully so as to not alarm anyone.

“My name is Charles Marlowe, I’m a special agent assigned by the department of Homeland Security.” He says, showing his badge to me. I grunt and then nod my head. I extend my hand and he shakes it in return.

“Well, Special Agent Marlowe, how can I help you get rid of that scumbag?”

He studies me for a long moment and then smiles.

“You don’t recognize me do you Mac?”

I’m taken aback, and no I didn’t quite honestly.

“No?....I don’t….”

His smile broadens as he begins telling me how we had met previously.

“I was actually introduced to you by our old friend Maggie Fletcher. She was our Lieutenant in Puerto Rico.”

“Oh shit! Chuckie….I remember you now! Damn man, look at you….”

He laughs a bit and we sit down on the sofa. He regains his composure from us reuniting. I mean, Charles and I were not close. He was a friend to Maggie and that made him a good soul in my book.

“Mac, has Pike tried to get you to join?”

I furrow my brow and nod my head.

“He did, I told him to fuck off.”

He nods his head sagely.

“I also presume he told you about your father?”

My demeanor changes and my eyes harden.

“I don’t believe that crap for a second Chuck.”

He gives me an easy going smile and nods his head agreeing with me.

“Good, that’s because that shit was a lie we fed him. We injected false data into his father’s database in order to put him on a false trail.”

The words he was speaking were english, and well enunciated but I don’t think they quite registered in my brain.

“You son of a bitch! You set me up! My family could be at risk right now because you used me as bait. I should fucking kill you right now.”

He stands up quickly and backs away, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

“Mac, I was trying to get to you before they found it. We need your help to get this family off the streets.”

I cut him off in mid explanation.

“Then someone new takes over the club and comes looking for me and mine. You’re an idiot!”

He quits back peddling and stands his ground taking a defensive stance.

“Now Mac, listen, we have a plan and it will result in the end of them all.”



Credibility and respect. These are things that usually go hand in hand. Especially for someone like you. By the very nature of your longevity here, you have a certain amount of credibility as a competitor. That credibility leads to a certain amount, albeit grudgingly given, respect. The fact that I’m new here, to you at least, that means I have no credibility and am deserving of no respect. In your opinion I have no credibility because the people I’ve beaten are of no great consequence in the grand scheme of things. What if I told you, I was of a like mind as you on that particular subject. For me though and if you can look at things from my perspective.

From the fatal four-way to the number one contenders match, I’ve simply beaten everyone that they put in front of me. They weren’t close matches, I dominated every single event. Even watching those tapes won’t prepare you for what I do in the ring. I’m not going to throw out numbers to you because it’s just metrics. Metrics are great in corporate america where they seek to thin the herd based on how productive an employee is. It however doesn’t amount to jack shit when you’re fighting in a ring or outside of it for that matter. There’s a significant size difference between us. None of that matters though. My six foot six inch, two hundred and eighty pound frame doesn’t matter. I’ve been beaten by men smaller than me before. It may happen again but not at High Stakes Ten. The numbers don’t reveal one very important thing.


It cannot be measured on any scale, the person who wants it the most is the one who wins in these things. Passion or heart or whatever you’d like to call it. I don’t sense that from you at all. I sense a man with a dead soul, someone who only does this for money and has no sense of pride when it comes to our sport. You espouse your greatness to anyone who will listen. Your elite status that the world should kiss your feet. How you picked and chose when and where you would compete. Sounds like they need to investigate their legal team and fire some folks. Contract writing seems to be a downfall here. Last time I checked, contractually obligated, didn’t have one meaning for someone and a different meaning for someone else. Of course I feel quite certain that for a Warlock of your caliber the rules are different right?


It’s something you believe you have. From your social status to your status as a champion here in Sin City. You believe that you are privileged and not to be held to the same standards as others. You speak of mine and Amber's loss to the Black Sheep in one breath and say that getting tossed into a swimming pool are not the same. Either it’s more of that privileged speak or your just fucking dense. The other option is that you pay attention to no one you can see beyond the end of your nose. Funny thing is chief, I’d be willing to bet that when I punch you in that nose of yours you’ll bleed like everyone else. You’ll lose like everyone else and at the end of the night, that privilege won’t do shit for ya. I think the thing that stands out the most to me about you is simple.


For all of your confidence, this is the only division you’ve had any success in. According to the reading I did on the championship histories. You’ve won the Roulette title twice. It must be painful to languish in a division for a third tier title the entire time you’ve been here. That’s the way it is for people like you. You talk and talk and talk, I guess it’s because you like the sound of your own voice. Talking does not net results. Fighting does. Fighting with passion and purpose will defeat arrogance and privilege every fucking time. I don’t care if you’re from a blue blood family in Massachusetts or a country family from New Orleans. One thing I should note, the nineties called and they want their cheesy one liners back. The bane of my existence indeed. I ought to break your jaw for even saying that. Trying to be funny when you should be showing the world that you are dedicated to your craft.

A Student of the Game.

Are you starting to get a sense of the disadvantage you have? I’m a student of the game in every sense of the word. As a second generation wrestler, I learned very early in life that in order to be successful, you have to study the sport. Be able to spot trends and changes and be able to adapt to them. To evolve with them if you will. I study my opponents and I learn their tendencies. I learn what makes them tick. What pisses them off and more importantly what causes them to pause, out of fear or shock. What their strengths and weaknesses are and how best to exploit both. Your real disadvantage though is that you don’t know me. You’ve no idea what I’m capable of in the ring. You’ve no clue about my history, who I’ve beaten, who I’ve crippled or why. The one thing that you will learn up close and personal is this. There’s only one guy here that knows me even a little. Alex Jones. He however remembers a very young and brash kid from Texas that really didn’t know what the hell he was doing. Things are much different than they were then. I’ve evolved as an athlete and as a professional.

Perhaps at this point you’ll understand that I’m not just some fucking scrub that they put in this match to be your punching bag. If you don’t realize it before the match, you’ll realize it after the bell rings.

“You’re a daisy if you do” - Doc Holiday, Tombstone

Issues and colors
Las Vegas, Nevada
/Scene Opens\


two weeks ago

After the commotion in the bar had been settled, I made my way out to my Harley. The bar fight had definitely made me feel a bit better as I walked out into the evening air. Two men approached me as I approached my bike. The taller one was about my size, wearing colors for all the world to see. The patch of the “Bandidos” on his chest. Cheap sunglasses to finish off the tired old look that should have died with “The Sons of Anarchy”. The smaller man, he was the true danger here. He slid the Oakley sunglasses off and put out a blocking hand to stop the bigger man's progress.

“Mr. Bane, might I have a word with you? As civil as possible if you please.”

I smiled at the smaller man, he reeked of expensive cologne and wise decisions in life. So I stopped near my bike, took off my jacket, and rolled up my long sleeves, I laid the jacket across the saddle of my motorcycle.

“Alright, you go first and I’ll listen for a moment at least.”

He returned my feral smile, I liked that about this guy. He nodded in acceptance of the proffered terms of engagement. He's hired muscle growled at me forcing me to laugh.

“That’s a fair exchange, Mr. Bane.”

I dig my skull cap out of my back pocket, securing it in place. He’s watching my movements, weighing and measuring. He thinks he can take me but he’s not convinced. He continues.

“Interesting colors you wear, I don’t recognize them, a new MC?”

I shrug, allow him to keep guessing.

“Perhaps, maybe I’m just some guy who likes to ride and I have no loyalties at all.”

He smiles again.

“Mr. Bane, two things you should know. First and foremost, I know who you are and that at least part of your family lives here in Las Vegas. The second thing you should know is that my club is establishing its presence here and not you or anyone else can prevent that.”

I roll my eyes and sigh.

“If you don’t mind, Chief, I prefer my threats to be a bit more direct. You don’t seem skilled in the nuances of a veiled threat. Whatever you’re here doing….I could give a fuck about that. You don’t scare me nor do you or your hired goon impress me.”

I set my right foot, making sure my balance is proper in case his moron decides to do something stupid. He glares at me, but then physically relaxes.

“Fair enough Mr. Bane.”

I hold up a finger.

“Look, Mr. Bane died some twenty years ago. I’m Mac, but you already know that.”

An easy-going slippery smile appears on his face.

“Yes I do, more importantly, I knew your father as well. Maximilian Bane, probably the greatest Texas Heavyweight Wrestling Champion the state had ever known.”

I shrug again, nonplussed as this is all public knowledge.

“A simple google search would tell you all of that.”

I say it is a simple and factual manner, with no hint of emotion or the rising annoyance I’m feeling right now.

“I’m assuming there’s a point to all of this? I mean other than stay out of our way or else...that’s such a tired old trope and it’s really starting to piss me off.”

His eyebrows arch either in annoyance or surprise. The surprise is my bet, I feel certain that he’s not used to being spoken to in this way.

“My point, yes, I’m offering you a position within my organization. That was my plan even before you cleaned house in there.”

He says pointing over his shoulder at the bar.

“When I say I knew your father, I meant that he was on my payroll. He worked for me up until the day he passed away.”
“Well, life is just full of these little surprises, isn’t it. So you’re telling me that my father was a part of organized crime, his entire career? Is that what the fuck you’re saying to me?!”

He holds up his hands in mock surrender.

“Not like that, no, he wasn’t running guns or drugs or anything like that. That was the old way. The new way is...well it’s more sophisticated and we’ve branched out into various other avenues.”

I shake my head in disgust.


He smiles and nods his head in agreement.

“Yes, that’s the antiquated term that is used from time to time.”

Before he can continue with his sales pitch, I cut him off.

“I’m not a good person, I do have lines even I won’t cross. Fixing matches? Nah, I'm good, Chief. Good luck to you though. You’re gonna fucking need it in this town.”


In the studio
Mac’s Home Studio in Vegas
/Scene Opens\

I sit in silence thinking of what I want to say. I rub the left arm of the soft Sin City sweatshirt they’d given me when I signed my contract. It’s a soft sweatshirt and really kinda perfect for this. I look up at the flashing red eye of the camera and smile. Then I look at the picture of Amber and I was surrounded by family and friends after our engagement was announced.

A lot of people around here like to stir the pot. Take O’Malley for example, seconds after I had won the right to face him for the Roulette title, he made his way out to talk shit to me like I’m some rookie. He was a pretty decent champion but ultimately his lack of focus caused him to fail. He underestimated a former champion and lost his title. So, Instead of facing him, I get to face the company Warlock or whatever.

I roll my eyes at the mention of it.

I guess your pact with whatever patron you fell in league with, didn’t give you powerful enough to retain that title, to begin with, did it? It didn’t make you clairvoyant enough to prevent yourself from being submerged in a pool of your own mediocrity on the cruise, did it? It certainly won’t prevent me from knocking your teeth down your throat to claim what’s mine.

I flash a smile at the camera and then a wink.

I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings about who I am or what I’m about. I told everyone when I arrived that those titles that this company holds in such high regard would be mine, one by one like pokemon, I gotta have ‘em all. So far there’s only one guy in Sin City that believes me and he put it out on Twitter for the world to see. Who was that guy you might ask? Christian Underwood recognizes me for what I am and what I’ll mean to this company. I put asses in seats, just like my fiance Amber does. We’re the kind of people that raise the wrestling IQ and the credibility of any company we enter.

I square my shoulders, setting my jaw, my gaze hardens.

I never try to pretend to be something I’m not, Kedron. I’m a very real threat to every damn title in this company. You just get to be first. The first of many. You don’t have to like it, you don’t even have to believe it. When it happens, I won’t even tell you I told you so. I won’t have to, you’ll know it’s implied. There’s no malice here little man, I do what I do because I love to fight. You could even say I live for it. We haven’t met yet, so we have no reason to feel one way or another about each other.



Glitter and Blood
Las Vegas, NV - Bane’s House
/Scene Opens\

I rarely have sympathy for anyone, but Amber Ryan wasn’t just anyone. She was my world and the rest of the world knew that I would die protecting her. The problem is that in Sin City Wrestling, male on female violence is prohibited. I’d watched her and her battle with the so-called hero of SCW. That cunt definitely lived in a glasshouse. The scene from the tarmac had stuck with me. The glitter that was stuck to her, the matted blood that caused mine to boil. This was her war though, and I had no place in it. At least until someone gets involved that’s actually a male. Then at that point, I can assert my presence in that fight. Until then I could do nothing more than offer support and love. So, that’s what I did. She still limped slightly coming down the hallway. We knew each other so well, as she passed me with her hand out, I handed her a cup of coffee. She studies it for a moment looking down at the dark liquid.
“Yes dear, it’s black, as black as our collective souls.”

That got a smile out of her and a half-hearted laugh.

“According to the Sin City faithful in any event.”

I add as she walked toward the back door of the house, all I got in return was a grunt of amusement. Which is normal at this time of the morning. She’s not a big talker early in the day. So I let her go on the back deck.

“I almost feel sorry for you, Roxy. Almost.”

I finish stirring my coffee and then make my way outback. She’s had a few sips of coffee and she’s continuing to stare at the diamond ring on her left hand. I had caught her staring at it on several occasions since we had gotten engaged. Every once in awhile, I’d chuckle as I saw her pinch herself. Her post on social media, about even the bad guy getting a happy ending, had stuck with me. I step out onto the deck to find her once again staring at the ring. Granted that thing is huge. I felt a man should show how much someone means to them. I’m sure that some would call it showing off. Maybe it was, I mean hell, it didn’t even put a dent in my bank account. She deserved it. She deserved to be truly happy and I kinda felt like I did as well. So, I clear my throat as I walk towards her, causing her to blush, if only very slightly.

“Damnit, Mac!”

I give her a warm smile and a kiss as I walk past her.

“Yes Ma’am?”

She tries to glare at me over her coffee cup and I smile even more broadly.

“You’re a turd, scaring me like that.”

“Yes ma’am, I certainly am, but I’m thrilled that you like the ring so much.”

She stares down at it again and that smile blossoms from her again.

“I...I really do, it’s fucking gorgeous.”

She reaches down to pinch herself and I take her hand in mine. Kissing her knuckles lightly.

“It’s real Amber, as real as anything you’ve ever felt. I love you more than I can really put into words. You are my world, and no matter what. No matter what we do, as long as we do it together, it will always work out.”


Las Vegas
/Scene Opens\

I get ready for the second and last session, for the time being. I’ve abandoned the mesh-backed office chair. I stand in front of a microphone on an actual stand this time. I double-check the pop filter to make sure it’s secure before I begin.

So, all that being said, how will the man who doesn’t covet titles and belittles the emotions of others as a weakness. How will he react when I take that title away from him?

I openly smirk at the camera now, allowing my confidence to shine through.

How did it feel the last time you lost that title? Did it elicit any emotions from you at all? Not that I expect you to talk about it publicly. No, you’re a proud man and a damn fine wrestler Kedron. I think what you are mostly is a fraud. A Warlock? Maybe, it is twenty after all, and the way this year has gone, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised or shocked.

I pick up the tumbler that holds my favorite scotch in it and sips on it lightly.

Grand Cru, I highly recommend it, if you are interested in those kinds of things.

I smile and set the tumbler back down.

Just as you were to be a legitimate challenger for O’Malley, I was deemed the same by this company. Granted, Bill is not exactly a top-flight talent, but he’s a tough bastard. I'll give him that. I’m not O’Malley, I’m certainly not Bill. I’m much more than either of them. People like you always look at the way I dress and the way I speak. The first thing that pops out of your mouth. Oh, he’s just some dumb redneck, he’s not even a real cowboy.

The smile is now gone, I lean in towards the camera.

I certainly hope that’s what you believe Williams, I really do, because when people think that way towards me. The feeling of euphoria as I put them in their place. It just gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling that I can’t even get from a bottle of scotch.

I rock back on my heels and allow the self-confident smile to return.

I’ve been doing this for a long time Kedron, this will hardly be the first of this kind of title that I would have won in my career. No far from it. I could list them off, but why bother, no one in Sin City would care. Just like they wouldn’t care about the number of times I’ve been inducted into a company hall of fame. They won’t care or believe until they see your shoulders pinned to the mat and my hand raised in victory. That’s when they’ll realize that I’m the real deal and not just spouting bullshit because I like the sound of my own voice.


Climax Control Archives / Outlaw Shit
« on: October 30, 2020, 08:44:23 PM »
“I was never trying, necessarily, to be an outlaw. It was just the place in which I found myself.” - Hunter S. Thompson

Outlaw Shit
Las Vegas, Nevada - Bane’s House
/Scene Opens\

Even after days since the event, too many showers to count, and a neti pot. The stench of stagnant water was still in my nose. I couldn’t decide what was worse, the smell, or the not a no but not a yes either from Amber when I proposed. It’s hard to describe, the feeling of bearing your soul to the one person who means the most to you in this world. To get an “I don’t know if I can.”, it’s a difficult pill to swallow. It certainly wasn’t about pride, no pride and ego got decimated in that fucking cess pool of a “match” that they put us in.

What in the actual fuck was that?

I shake my head in dismay at the thought of the Bayou match that we had to participate in as our debut as a team. Losing to those two stung, more than just a little bit.

Fucking Black Sheep…

I take a deep breath, hoping to not smell stagnant water again, but there it is.

[/color=limegreen] eh, could have been worse. Could have been a loss against someone like Augustino or Calloway.[/color]

I shake my head, hoping I never have to see that day. I take the ring box out of my blue jean pocket. I open the box and stare at the ring. Only for a moment before closing it again and putting it back in my pocket. The mornings in Vegas were cool but hadn’t quite gotten to crisp, as they had in Baltimore, or Atlantic City yet. I hadn’t seen much of Amber since the proposal, only short periods of time, like prepping for our match against the black sheep. I still got the occasional text from her, probably checking on me to make sure I’m okay. We’re still together, her rejecting my proposal or was it really a rejection? I push the thought out of my mind as my phone begins to buzz. The text message is from booking.

[You are booked against Calloway for the upcoming show.]

I think disgust is the best I can use to describe how I feel after seeing that.

Well, fuck. Mr. I can’t cash in on an opportunity at a title shot eh? That’s fine.

I send the confirmation back to booking.


Outlaw Shit
Las Vegas, Nevada -”Undisclosed Bar”
/Scene Opens\

I’m the type of man that doesn’t have to go looking for trouble. It seems to have me on speed dial and GPS location services cranked up to eleven. Two wheels, and the road beneath me was what I had felt would be good for my soul. I had taken a long assed ride, with no particular direction in mind. The cool air at eighty miles an hour on a hog had helped to flush the majority of the stagnant water smell from my nose. I’d eased off the highway and pulled into a spot where I could get a drink. It was a hole in the wall dive, far from Las Vegas. I parked far from the other bike’s that were here, a courtesy in my way of thinking. In addition to the fact that I didn’t want anyone to confuse me as part of something I hadn’t been a part of in a long time.

It wasn’t until I went to reach for my everyday carry that I noticed the decal on the gixxer. I knew that logo, I prayed that it was either a former member or a pretender. I loosen the pistol in my shoulder holster, just in case.

[/color=limegreen] You better be playing pretend kids, if the knights find out your in town they’ll be pissed.[/color]

Despite my better judgement screaming at me to get on my bike and take my ass home, I turned the collar of my jacket up and opened the door to the bar. Unfortunately, it was not some pretender, there were half a dozen members of the “Bandidos”, all sitting at the bar. The bartender, an elderly man, probably in his early sixties looked terrified. I took my riding gloves off as I walked towards the bar, slapping them against my right thigh as I made my way. The dust from my jeans flew off, looking like a cloud in the few rays of sunlight that came cascading through the nearby window. The noise they made garnered some attention from the men at the bar.

We don’t serve your kind here.

The big man said to me flatly and without amusement or mirth. I looked over at the bartender who was trying his best to wave me off and get me to leave and I just smiled at him and at the guy sitting at the bar. I sauntered up to the bar, doing my best John Wayne stride. I leaned up next to the bar.

My kind huh. You own this bar?

When he smiled I thought it was a trick of the light, you really don’t expect perfectly straight teeth or a brilliant smile when dealing with folks like this.

Somethin like that.

Again I smiled at the man, see, when you’re trying to pick a fight with someone, the last thing you really want to do is remain seated.

Well then, perhaps I can serve you, buy you a drink.

The man glared at me as I smiled at him.

Bartender another round for these fine, upstanding gentlemen. Johnny Walker Blue for me.

The man sneered at me over his beer, then he said something stupid.

Want me number too sweetheart? Maybe you want me to fuck you later?

I looked down at the man who was still seated. I smiled at him as I took out my phone, his buddies started to laugh.

No princess, I’ve already got your number.

He was struck dumb in that moment. He just looked at me like a doe does before it gets hit by a car.

See, you already violated the golden rule my friend. If you’re going to start shit with someone you don’t know. The last thing you should do is remain seated.

That’s when he tried to stand up.

We ain’t….arg….god...that...hurt

As soon as he had tried to stand, I buried the heel of my cowboy boot on the side of his knee. It folded up nicely. Then I slammed his face into the bar on his way to the floor. The other five were drunkenly trying to get out of the chairs at the bar. They were doing a bad job of it as well. I just shoved the closest one and down they went like a drunken domino tower.

Barkeep, now would be a good time to call the cops.

With the commotion, that was all the barkeep needed as he ducked down behind the bar and called nine one one. They were all ready to fight, all six of them until my .45 cleared its holster. Evidently a few of these boys were ex-military and immediately recognized the nineteen eleven A that I was carrying. Once they settled down, I put my pistol back in it’s holster. The cops showed up to find all six of them seated on the floor.

The bartender told the police about the harassment by the group and what I’d done in order to get them calmed down. He kept saying…

“Damndest thing I’ve ever seen…”

I did finally get my drink though. The poor barkeep offered me the entire bottle of Johnny Walker Blue for what I’d done.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

If he had money to throw away like that, I mean who am I to argue. They began leading the group out of the bar.

Maybe you ain’t cut out for this outlaw shit boys. You should probably find another means of making money. I hear Walmart is hiring.

I say with sarcasm dripping from my voice. A string of profanity by the group as they were being forced out of the bar by the local police. I laughed, and so did the bartender.


The Promo
/Scene Opens\

Leaning back in the mesh-backed office chair, I roll up my sleeves as I prepare to cut my promo for Sin City Wrestling. My shoulder length hair hangs loosely as I look down at my ripped jeans and cowboy boots. I finally finish rolling my sleeves up and I stand up to my full height.

When I beat...oh...what the hell was his name….guess it doesn’t matter. When I became the number one contender for the Roulette Championship. O’mally had the balls to walk out there and tell me that I had to earn my shot. To make matters worse, I don’t even get to face that jackass for the belt. All that flappin your gums and you can’t even defend the title?

Dafuq is wrong with you.

It’s rhetorical

If you’re keeping score at home, that means it requires no answer.

Thinking to myself, I really need to send Amber a text, I need to talk to her.

None of that matters now. The tag team loss to the black sheet? Ancient history. This week, go home show, it’s me and you Calloway.

I scratch at my beard for a moment, then smoothing it out I continue.

See, Stevo is one of those people who likes to think of himself as a contender for the Sin City Title. That’s what he said prior to the last match he was in, isn’t it? A ladder match. All you had to do was keep Austin Mercer or Augustino off that ladder in order to secure a prize for yourself. A shot at the title. You simply couldn’t manage that. So, now, It’s Mercer with the title shot and you get to be my warm up.

I smile at the camera knowing how much he hates hearing that. No man wants to be regarded as nothing more than a tune up for another guy getting a title shot.

You were so focused on the Covid outbreak, I think you spent more time on that than talking about your opponents. I suppose it’s understandable, being so far from home and missing the comforts of home. I would say I feel your pain but I don’t.

I maintain my smile as I sit back down. I lean forward slightly, resting my elbows on my knees.

I refuse to live in constant fear, of course, when you’ve died twice in your life it kind of goes without saying. I fear nothing Calloway. I have no reason to.

I allow the smile to fade from my face. Drawing my hair back into a ponytail, I rub the scar that shows on the display.

Kandahar, Afghanistan in nineteen ninety four. The navy medic who patched me up thought I was dead, they say I had no pulse.

I undo the top three snaps on my shirt. Moving the left side of the shirt further to the left. The start of a scar shows on the camera.

Dallas, Texas in nineteen ninety six. I’ll spare the details but that scar runs from my collar bone down to my navel. A maniac with a machete tried to end my life over a poker hand.

I move it back and refasten my shirt.

[/color=limegreen] So, if you don’t like the fact that I don’t think much of you or your ability to talk the talk  and walk the walk. Maybe that will shed a little light on it. Those men who tried to kill me, told me they were going to do just that. They failed.[/color]

My smile is completely gone now, replaced by nothing that would indicate any kind of good nature. My face hardens around my eyes and I set my jaw.
When I watched your promo for that last match...I I don’t mean wow, like I was blown away. I mean wow, what a pathetic piece of garbage you are. Six month plan? Fucks sake dude. I don’t think you’ll last six minutes in the ring with me. How the hell will you ever challenge for a Sin City title match?

I shake my head in disgust.

The mighty Stevie Calloway trying to turn over a new leaf by eliciting sympathy from the Sin City faithful? Hey Steve, you can find “Sympathy” in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis. Seriously broh, be a man, fight the fight. If you want to go home, go the fuck home.


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