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Messages - Zoey Lukas

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Climax Control Archives / A thank you
« on: July 12, 2019, 09:49:01 PM »
Don’t forget I’m human
I’m not alive for your amusement
Lost in your delusion
You don’t know who I am
Don’t forget I’m human
I’ve got the open wounds to prove it
And you don’t get to choose it
You don’t know who I am

Scene One: Just one shot…
Off Camera
Detroit, Michigan
4 Years Ago.

Sierra sat backstage on an uncomfortable steel folding chair, her arms folded over her chest with a black Machine Head hoodie over her body and the hood pulled up, a few strands of her hair flowed out from it as she watched. Her brothers were in the ring, she was there to support them, sitting backstage though she had a sick feeling in her stomach. The other performers walking around talking freely, no one came up to her, no one introduced themselves. She sneered and shook her head. She got it, who was she?. She was just the younger sister of two very capable and respected indy stars who had become a very popular tag team in Canada and now North America.

Diego and Rico went about their work and she gave a small smirk, her eyes moving to a group of giggling girls. Tall, blond haired, blue eyed, untrained wannabes who had boob jobs and wanted to use this to get their looks out there. It made her angry, frustrated and her hands clenched together hidden under her arms. She tilted her head as she saw Diego fly over the top rope onto both opponents after an assist by Rico, the crowd popped so loud she could hear the walls rumble. This was just a small promotion, a weekly show that was put up on a streaming service with a handful of other local shows, but it was still out there, in front of over a thousand people. They were the tag team champions and everyone loved them.

She sighed realising she didn’t want to be there, this was night one of a two night extravaganza being promoted as the biggest show of the year coming out of Detroit, and she was nothing but a fucking passenger. Something caught her attention as she looked over at the direction of the noise. Dan Vrolick, the promoter, booker and owner of the company stormed out from the gorilla position looking at his phone. ”Mother fucker!...” He looked over at the gaggle of blonde girls who had gathered looking concerned.
[color]yellow]”Look Ladies, Candy is out of tomorrow nights opener, we might have to scrap the match cause we can’t find a third for team two”[/color] There were groans and tuts and whining and crying.

A small smirk came over Sierra lips, fuck em. Then it happened a small lightbulb went off and she looked over with a laugh pushing up off the steel chair to her feet approaching Dan with a little bit of trepidation and a hint of fear.

”Excuse me. Mr. Vrolick?” He turned raising an eyebrow looking her up and down, Sierra reached up moving a little hair from her face pulling back the hood smiling a little before clearing her throat. ”I’m sorry to bother you but I overheard that you need someone for a match and, I think I can help.” She paused for a moment, gauging his reaction, the other girls all turned their noses up and chuckled to themselves. Dan turned and with a movement of his hand dismissed them. ”What’s your name?

Sierra swallowed and took a deep breath. ”Sierra, Sierra Lopez…[/’color] He raised an eyebrow and looked at the monitor, Diego and Rico had just gone into the finish, winning the match and the fans were going insane high fiving each other, he smirked and turned back to her. ”You’re their little sister right?, Oscar’s daughter?” She gave another small nod biting her lip nervously. ”You have your work papers? VISA and license?” She again gave a quick nod, Dan again looked at the monitor and the craziness that her brothers had caused. He laughed to himself and reached out patting her on the shoulder.

”You’re in here at 2 tomorrow to go over a few things,.and Sierra?...this isn’t a promise….it’s an opportunity..…

Scene Two: Getting back on the horse
On Camera
Primm, Nevada
Present Day

”Into the void, well, it didn’t really go as planned did it?”

She ran a hand over her head sliding her long black hair through her fingers, Sierra eyes trailed up and forward with a smirk before she let go of a small shrug.

”In this business you win some and you lose some, it’s a fact of life. Now, that loss to Bobbie Dahl, it hurt, it hurts because this wasn’t just able climbing the rankings or earning a shot it was personal. And even though Bobbie and I have settled our issues through beating the shit out of one another, well, it was still a bitter pill to swallow. We went to war, we beat the hell out of each other and when the dust settled it was her hand being raised, not mine. But, as I said, wins and losses are gonna flow. And I have won a lot more than I have lost.”

“Something that Apple Coren can’t say..”[/color[

She chuckles to herself, was it a cheap shot?. Maybe. But it was also true. Sierra looked around and wiped the sweat from her brow as she pushed up to her feet. Nevada was so hot, she wasn’t used to it and at that moment really missed Canada.

[color=red[“Since I came into SCW I have been fighting to get recognition, and I think people are finally starting to get it. A pretty picture is being drawn and the scene is clear.”

“Don’t fuck with Sierra Williams.”

“I’m happy Mark decided to book me, I’m happy I’m getting in the ring mire, because unlike some people, like Gamer INC I actually want to work, I don’t want to get in the ring once a month and then jerk myself off in public when I fluke out a win. And trust me on this Gamer bitches, me and Lach, we’re not done with you. Now, I will say that a lot of the shit talk and promotion that gets done in wrestling and even some of what I say should be taken with a grain of salt.”

“Like if I look at someone on the roster and say they “suck”. Like, Mercedes Vargas. It’s obvious Mercedes still has it and can “go” but in the interests of trying to get in her head I will go out there and say that she is past her prime and can’t hang with the younger stars like myself, Cat Riley and Alicia Lukas. Or I’ll pick on Kate Steele or Crystal Zdunich despite the fact they both have track records that indicate they can wrestle…”

“But then ...well…”

“Then there’s Apple Coren”

Sierra pauses for a moment and takes a long deep breath with her eyebrows raised.

”I remember the first time I heard of Apple, she was running her mouth about something, talking about how SCW was going to be hers and she deserved to be champion or some cookie cutter bullshit. Then the last time any of us saw her was in London where Cat Riley made her tap out like a bitch with very little effort in their whole “which part of England is better” match...spoilers...England sucks, it’s horrible, and cold, the food is shit and most people from there are arrogant self serving morons ...”

“Ireland is much better…”

“For obvious reasons…”

”Well, it’s not like you don’t enjoy the Waterford Weiner…”

Lachlan steps in from the side and wiggles his eyebrows at Sierra who just gives him a blank stare and then looks down at said beast off camera with a small laugh shaking her head, Lachlan slowly backs away and Sierra squeezes the bridge of her nose trying to refocus.

”But, Apple has done nothing in SCW this year. At all. In 2019 Apple Coren is 0-6, in fact you might even say Apple is rather...rotten…”

Sierra laughs to herself and Lachlan shakes his head with a sigh, Sierra clears her throat and continues.

”Look, Apple. I’m not going to sit here and tell you anything you don’t already know about yourself but I will give you some much needed reflection. See, Apple, SCW right now, especially the Bombshells division, well it’s full of sharks. Alicia Lukas, Mercedes Vargas, Cat Riley, Bobbie Dahl, myself talent coming in. We are all circling looking at the future and knowing that it’s do or die. And unfortunately, as much as you wish you could step up and be a part of this new wave of’re just not good enough…”

“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Jesse Salco.”

“It would be better for you, to pack up, walk out and either go to a company where the talent level isn’t as high, or retire. Just walk away and save yourself the embarrassment. Cause this match against me is not going to be a great athletic competition Apple. It’s going to be a one sided ass kicking and I’m the one swinging the boot. And no, I won’t feel bad about it. Because the way I see it Apple?. I’m doing you a favor. A loss that bad to me with how painful it’s going to be?. You’ll walk away and you’ll find something better to do with your life. You can be happy. Then, I will expect one thing from you when all this is done…”

“A thank you”

Supercard Archives / Bobbie Dahl Vs Sierra Williams
« on: June 26, 2019, 09:38:53 PM »
Deceive me, Release me, Unleash me
You’ve unleashed the wild within
Welcome to the madness
that dwells inside these eyes
Pushed unto the breaking point
you’re running out of time

Scene One: Brotherly Love
Off Camera
Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
4 Weeks Ago

It was weird being home so much. Sierra had been drifting in and out of SCW, a match every few weeks, appearances and live events, but really she hadn’t been used that much in the capacity she wanted. But a few weeks ago the news filtered through. DIVISION was back, she was returning and she was going to be able to go back to the place she made a name. The place she met Lachlan, the place she started to become the wrestler people now feared. She had come back to Canada, she had been visiting with her family on an off as Lachlan traveled back and forth to see his sister.

The girls were with their grandparents, her mother Marie and her father Oscar. And Sierra had decided she needed to stay in shape and wandered down to the local gym and wrestling school where ten years ago she started this journey. Sierra stood on the apron in red and black lycra pants, a loose fitting black Lachlan Kane shirt and her hands pulling on tape around her wrist. Meanwhile, her older brothers Diego and Rico Lopez moved in the ring and hit the ropes while laughing at each other.

“Diego, you move like Dad, come on man you’re only 32” He laughed at his older brother, Rico slowly looked over at Sierra who shook her head. “Yo you getting in or what?”. Diego slamming Rico with a tackle tackling him down, Rico hit the mat hard and laughed as the breath left his body. Diego shook his head and stepped over Rico. “Idiota!.” He sighed and leaned against the ropes near Sierra. “So, you come home for a break but decide to “work out” then...not work out?”

He scoffed as Sierra slowly stepped in the ring. “Hey, I just thought I’d let you two warm up, the old bones don’t move as fast as they used to.” Rico groaned and got to his feet taking in a few deep breaths to get his wind back before standing on the other side of Sierra, his hand going through his thick black hair.“Hey, he might be in his thirties, I’m only a year older than you.” Sierra raised an eyebrow and slowly reached a finger out poking Rico’s stomach. “Yeah?’re about to turn thirty...and you look like you’ve been eating too much of mom's cooking.” Rico looked offended and wrapped his arms over his stomach stepping back with a raised eyebrow as Diego smirked and walked towards the center of the ring with him.

It had been a while since she’d seen her brothers. They had followed in their father's footsteps at a young age, younger than Sierra. They were both early teens when they started working out in a ring. Something very normal in the lucha world. But something that made them seem different and special in Canada where they were born and raised. As Rico and Diego took cheap shots at each other Sierra seemed to just laugh and drift off looking through the gym, remembering what it was like walking in there for the first time.

The smells, air being thick and the butterflies in her stomach. She shook her head and snapped back to reality as Rico hit the mat hard.“COME ON MAN I HAVE A MATCH TONIGHT!” She couldn’t help but laugh and roll her eyes as she rolled her wrists. “Alright...let's do this…”

5 Years Earlier

Sierra was angry and frustrated. She tore through the gym passed other students. Ones working on the mats, working out with weights, and some in the ring  hitting the ropes. Sierra didn’t look at any of them, didn’t talk to any, just storming through into the female locker room kicking the door open. She reached forward and pulled the door to her locker back with such force one of the hinges bent and twisted. The other girls shuffled out of the room leaving Sierra alone, she pulled her shirt off before throwing on a compression shirt and workout pants, she moved back out onto the main floor when her brother Diego stood in front of her.

”What?....” Sierra growled looked up at her brother. His hair was done in cornrows to keep it out of his eyes, he shook his head and sighed deeply, his hand reaching out to his little sisters shoulder giving her a small pat on the side. ”You have to calm down Si.” Sierra ground her teeth together, her hands clasping into fists as Diego sighed and stepped sideways leading his sister to a quiet part of the gym, her eyes trailed across the floor as she saw Rico, their other brother rolling on the mats with others and laughing.

Diego and Rico were a popular tag team in the local scene. They wrestled all around Canada and even into the Northern US states. Sierra wanted to be like them, she wanted to drive hours to wrestle in front of new people to work as a wrestler, to quit her job at Taco Bell. But training had been slow, the time seemed to drag. Diego and Rico helped her when they could but Diego had told her over and over she wasn’t ready to do anything but spot shows.

”What is it?. You came in like a bull in a china shop…” Sierra shook her head and put her hands on her hips trying to keep calm, the anger rising up in her chest. ”My friends are right, I’m not, I’m not advancing.” Diego raised an eyebrow confused as Sierra started to pace a little before looking up at her older brother. ”Am I, am I bad at this?. Do I have a chance D?. I can’t justify it anymore.” Diego stood still, his jaw dropped as he wanted to say something, anything to calm his sister. Sierra turned and wiped the tears from her eyes going back into the locker room, Diego sighed heavily and shook his head, not even hearing Rico walk up behind him.

”Is Si ok?”

”Nah man...not by a long shot…”

Scene Two: It’s not lack of trust, it’s disrespect
On Camera
Present Day

”It’s crazy to think, that once upon a time I was ready to give all this up…;”

Sierra sighed heavily standing in her hotel room in Arizona. She had arrived a few days early to do press and interviews for Into the void. Her long hair was tied back as she looked out the window.

”I was at a low point in my life. I had trained when I was 17 years old, I started to get really good. Then at 18 I met a guy. And in my youthful stupidity I let my dreams slip away. I fell pregnant, I fell into a pit of horrible depression and drug abuse. I was in this horrible place where no one cared and I realised my life was going to most likely end. I pulled myself out of that, I dragged myself into a better life. I retrained, I worked hard and now here I am. I’m in a happy place where I can provide for both my daughters and I have a good man..”

“A good man I trust…”

“So much has been made of this match with Bobbie Dahl. She decided to bring up the fact she hits on all these other people and their significant others don’t care. She thinks I don’t trust Lachlan?. Really? You think that is what this is about Bobbie?. You seem friendly with Fenris and Ty, they seem to like you. And even if they don’t they also just laugh you off as a joke and that’s fine. That is on them. But me?. I don’t know you, I don’t like you and the fact is you walked back into SCW and decided right away to hit on my boyfriend knowing he was with someone…”

“It’s not about trust or lack of trust it’s about respect.”

Sierra shakes her head and scoffs folding her arms over her chest.

”Or rather, lack there of. I’ll fight literally anyone for any good reason in wrestling. But most of the time it just just purely business. My need to show that I’m better than someone. The fact I want to face the best of the best and become a champion. This is all just straight up normal business for people in wrestling. But what Bobbie Dahl has done, is take my business and personal lives and melded them together. And I get it, life’s a party for Bobbie. Oh yay you’re this big, fun girl who does and says outlandish things. That happy smiling face and stupid fun loving personality does alot of heavy lifting for your shitty morals and laziness when it comes to being in shape anjd being a real wrestler…”

“You want to be all happy about your two win streak and return, that’s awesome Bobbie, really it is. And if this match was just about two talented women going toe to toe for bragging rights then I would be smiling and laughing while also being the angry brutal person I have always been known as. I take wrestling seriously but I also know you should enjoy and have fun in what you do. But look at me Bobbie….am I laughing? I having fun?...”

Sierras nostrils flair and she growls under her breath.

”At into the void I’m sure I will have a little bit of fun with you. When I beat the hell out of you and teach you some respect. But hey, that’s fine by you right?. That’s all well and good with your little philosophy on entertaining the fans. You know with that attitude and your horrible make up, bad jokes and’re almost like a dancing singing clown. Thing is you know what I have learned about clowns Bobbie?. Behind the smiles, behind the laughter. They are usually sad, broken individuals.”

“And that’s what you are Bobbie Dahl. See it finally hit me why you do and say the things you do. What was it honey?. Daddy not love you enough?. You try and fill that big hole inside you with food and then when that didn’t work and you looked around and realised no one loves you outside the ring you have to run your mouth?. You get a little jealous over people like Ty and Fenris and myself and Lachlan?. Is that what it is?. You can keep on dancing Bobbie, keep up that fake smile and keep on eating your feelings and acting like you’re just that happy life of the party.”

“Cause when the bright light go down, when the matches are over and the fans go home. I will crawl into bed with Lachlan, I will smile and drift off to sleep in the arms of a man who loves me. But you?. You’ll go back to an empty room, turn off the lights...and cry yourself to sleep cause no matter what the fuck happens in our or’re still alone…”

Supercard Archives / Bobbie Dahl Vs Sierra Williams
« on: June 20, 2019, 06:11:20 AM »
I'm thinking about the old me
'Cause I've been feeling empty
I never used to be so dead inside
I think I lost my memory
I can't remember carefree
And all my days turn into fight or flight

Scene One: There has to be something more to this.
Off Camera
Taco Bell, Toronto Canada
5 Years Ago

She couldn’t get away from the smell. The meat, the cheese, the grease. It was always there now. In her hair, on her skin. Now matter how much she washed the feeling was there. Sierra took a deep breath opening her small locker in the employee room. She pulled the purple hat off her head undoing the heavy button up shirt throwing them both in her locker before pulling out a black Trivium shirt and a red knitted cap pulling it over her long black hair with a few blond streaks. This wasn’t the Sierra we know today tho0ugh, there were no tattoos, no arrogant confident swagger.

She adjusted her hat in the mirror as she sighed and looked at herself. Her eyes hung heavy and tired, her body ached. She grabbed her wallet, attaching the chain to a belt loop sliding it in her back pocket as the door opened behind her. A few of the other girls she worked with walked in, the three of them all moving to their lockers while talking. Sierra didn’t even hear her friend come up next to her. ”Yo, you wanna go out tonight?. Your moms can watch Jade right?” Sierra seemed to not even hear her, her attention obviously elsewhere.

Her fingers moved fast on her phone before she let out a deep sigh and swore under her breathe in Spanish. ”Mierda” Juliet raised an eyebrow. ”What?..Si?” She snapped out of it and turned her head sideways noticing Juliet and the others staring at her. She tilted her head trying to figure out why they were gawking. Juliet looked at the others and moved her head to the side, the other two turned away. ”I asked if you wanted to go out tonight. You ok?

Sierra smirked and gave a small shrug closing her locker and turning to lean against it. Juliet wanted to ask, she wanted to talk, but she had no idea what to say. Her long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, her blue eyes framed with the perfect amount of eyeliner. If you looked at her and Sierra standing next to each other, you'd think they wouldn’t be friends. They had very little in common. Sierra listened to rock and metal, she was from a mixed household. She had long dark hair, olive skin and had a hard outer edge.Juliet was pale, had long blond hair, blue eyes and was soft and sweet. She was the first to talk to Sierra when she started working there a few months before.

”You gotta look after Jade?” Sierra shook her head and sighed deeply. ”Nah I’m...working out tonight.” The other two girls snickered behind Juliet, she turned and shot them a look of annoyance and raised her eyebrows. ”Si, why do you do that to yourself?. I get you had a dream but now, well you got Jade. Sierra pushed off the lockers and slid her phone in her pocket, Juliet stepped in front of Sierra with a sigh. ”This wrestling thing, leave it to your brothers. Live a normal life. Work, look after your daughter, and hang with your friends once in a while”

She reached out and grabbed Sierra’s arm, she shook her head again and pushed away. ”Look, I gotta….I gotta go” The other two girls laughed again as Sierra moved out the door.

Scene Two: Personal
Calgary Alberta Canada
Present Day

”I believe the words you’re all looking for are, thank you.”

Sierra sits in an old swing on her front porch moving back and forth slowly. Her hair tied back with a bandana under her hair tied forward.

”You should all be saying thank you for what I did at Climax Control. See, I rid the SCW world of one of the biggest frauds in pro wrestling. See Amanda Cortez is a throwback to a time when womens wrestling was all about sex appeal. All about the presentation, not the substance. She was a former SCW Bombshells world champion, but she never belonged in this company in 2019. See now this company and the SCW Bombshells division is all about competition and the best of the best. It’s why, back in October last year I signed with this company.”

“I could have gone anywhere when DIVISION went on hiatus. I could have gone to a CWC fed or 4CW or hell I could have gone back to WWH and picked up the pieces of their failed company. I could have gone anywhere and did anything but instead I signed with Sin City Wrestling, because they represented the values that I love in this business. Sure, it has it’s showy Vegas side. We can sit back and see the ring announcer with a stripper body, we can see the backstage interviewers with tits and vagina names. But in that ring, in that ring is where it all matters…”

Sierra smirks and folds her arms over her chest.

”And from day one all I’ve heard is that I’m not good enough. I walked in here with Lachlan and Mercedes Vargas said he and I weren’t worthy of title shots. Then we beat them. They told us it was a fluke. Then we beat them and became champions.”

She pauses again with a chuckle getting to her feet sliding her hands into the front pockets of her jeans as she steps forward leaning sidewards against the upward posts connected to the bannister.

”And you know, you’d think after beating them, one of which being a hall of famer and the other one having held singles titles here that maybe. Just fucking maybe we would get a little respect right?. Nah, that’s not how this world works. Cause then every damn team we faced said the same thing. We were overhyped. Not good enough. Not strong enough. Then before you knew it we were the longest reigning mixed tag champs, the most defences and then. Well then we faced Gamers Inc again, and one moment was all that gave them an advantage. We built the division and then we got pushed and cast aside. Only for the current champions to take the titles we made mean something and run ...”

“Cause decisions mean so much in this world. Especially when you make the wrong ones.”

“But then what happened hmmm?”

“Did Lachlan and I whine about the loss?. Did we demand a rematch like primadonna, arrogant children?. Or did we knuckle up and move on?. Lachlan has gone and earned a shot at the Roulette title and I am so proud of him. He and Griffin Hawkins are going to go to war and the best man will walk out with that title. Meanwhile I have gone about destroying the rest of the division from the bottom up.”

She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

”Trinity Jones, Jesse Salco, Amanda Cortez. Each one of them, each beating they got. It was all just business. See that’s all any of this has been. From the moment I signed, to the tag titles, to the matches I’ve had recently, they have all just been about business. That is. Until this one. See Bobbie Dahl returned to SCW after almost two years. See Bobbie had started making a name for herself before SCW decided to go on it’s own hiatus, and when it was announced she was returning I honestly didn’t think much of it. From what I’ve seen she is rather unique, her look, her in ring style. She presents many obstacles and questions.”

“But, my mind went from thinking about her being a new opponent and what she could to to being a target. For weeks she has disrespected me, Lachlan and our relationship”

“This is someone you people love and cheer for?. This is someone who you see to be superior to me in moral standing?. She hit on a taken man, she had made lewd comments and has called me a man. Yet you people, you people cheer for her. My coworkers and the fans, all of you think she is this great fun loving woman with a great sense of humor yet not one of you gives a rats ass about the disrespectful bullshit that has come out of her mouth on a weekly basis. I took umbrage with what she said. I admit it, I got angry and why shouldn’t?. But to their credit SCW did the right thing and they signed myself and Bobbie to a match at Into the void.”

“Now, to be clear on this, I don’t hate Bobbie Dahl. I don’t care enough about her as a person to hate her. I hate that she thinks it’s ok to be so disrespectful. I hate that she thinks it is ok to try and make a goddamn mockery of my relationship and personal life. So I know what I have to do. I know what my mission is at into the void. I am going to walk down to that ring, I am going to beat some respect into her and I am going to make sure she knows that this is personal to me. This isn’t just a match for me to prove my dominance, this is a chance for me to put a giant warning sign out to the universe. And it will read…”

“Don’t fuck with Sierra Williams”

Climax Control Archives / No more mockery
« on: June 14, 2019, 05:01:13 AM »

Climax Control Archives / Out of your misery
« on: May 30, 2019, 10:59:12 PM »
Scene One-Going home
Off Camera
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Last Week

After a loss like that, after a super show and having time off it was always good to relax. It had been a while since she had been home. Back to Canada. Back to see her mother and father. She took Lachlan and the girls for a visit, they enjoyed time with their grandmother. Lachlan went out with Sierra's mother, taking the girls for lunch. Sierra had stayed home, her father Oscar sat in his chair, one hand on his knee, the other gripping a newspaper as his glasses sat down on the end of his nose.

Sierra seemed restless pacing back and forth, taking a few steps and sighing each time, looking about the lounge room, a few pictures sat on the wall, Sierra when she was younger, going through her teen years and then one of her in very cheap wrestling gear in a wrestling stance. She shakes her head and sighs as her father looks up over the top of the newspaper shaking his head. Sierra turns and moves across the room picking up her phone flicking through it. She sighs heavily again and this time her father calmly and slowly folds the paper and puts it to the side.

His hands clasp together and he tilts his head. ”You know, you can just tell me you have a problem you want to talk about..” He laughed under his breath as Sierra stopped and shook her head with a sigh. Her hands slipped into the front pockets of her jeans. ”You know what it’s like, you know what I’m like. I’m a you were” She smiled at her father who slowly got to his feet, he moved across the room and picked up a picture of himself and all his from what looked to be the mid-80’s.

He handed the photo to Sierra who studied it with a smile. ”You know losses happen Si Si. No one stays undefeated if they actually want to do this as a job. As a calling” She gave a small nod and took a deep breath, she handed the title back to her father and moved to the window looking out into the street shaking her head, her stomach in knots as she wrapped her arms around herself. ”I just feel like I let Lachlan down. We were champions together, we lost and Lachlan deserves so much better.” Her voice seems to fade away, Sierra sighed deeply and her father put his hand on her shoulder.

”When you are in a relationship, you’re always a team. In the ring, out of the ring. You have each other’s backs. I get it. I don’t think Lachlan blames you. Besides, he got pinned...dumbass” ”Dad!” The old man chuckled and shook his head as Sierra narrowed her eyes.”Well you don’t blame him, why would you think he blames you?” Sierra looked down and thought about it with a small smile and nod. Oscar pushed himself off his chair to his feet and gave his daughter a hug.

She sighed and as she stood back the smile returned. She looked over at the window seeing a car pull up, Lachlan got out with the girls, all three of them smiling wide and laughing. Sierra looked at her father who stood beside her. ”He’s a good man Si, I’m happy you found him, and I’m happy he makes you smile…” After a few moments Oscar scoffed and stood in front of her. ”But you ever tell him I said that...and I’ll disown you..” Sierra laughed and hit her father playfully on the arm as the door opened.

Scene Two-You ain’t metal sister
On Camera
Pimm Nevada
Current Day

”Well, what a shame”

Sierra Williams sighs deeply and shakes her head, her long hair tied back as her hands seem restless, almost as if something is missing.

”The mixed Tag team championships have now been won by a group who is so unbelievably lame and untalented that most people forget that it’s a rotating mix mash of idiocy. Lachlan and I exploded onto the scene here in SCW, we won the titles and we then went on to be the longest reigning champs ever with the most defenses and yet Gamer INC wanted to stand there with a straight face and say we were back for the division. And what’s worse is people listened, people listened and now they are the champions and since then what have they done with those titles?...nothing, nada, zip, zilch...SWEET FUCK ALL…”

“Lachlan and I may not have been on every show, Lachlan got attacked and we still defended the titles and we still maintained a presence on Climax Control and also on social media. We were the faces of the division and yet they pissed all over them and have now made those championships mean nothing, in a month...a freakin month they have made them mean nothing. It’s impressive really. And you know, Lachlan and I have talked about it and even though the first time Gamers INC faced us we MURDERED them and even though we have has more matches than them and have more wins than they would ever wish to have...we aren’t taking our rematch…”

“Nope...we’re not...and do you know why?...because you people, you fans and also the management of SCW doesn’t deserve to have us as the champions of a dying division that only picked up steam when we lost because all those new teams are COWARDS.”

“None of them stepped to myself and Lachlan…”

“But now the gamers have those titles and suddenly there are all these new teams ready to go after them. Couldn’t step to the best so you chase the rest huh?. That’s weak. But Lachlan and I will continue our careers here, we will go on to face new people and new challenges and for Lachy that is Griffin and the Roulette title….for me?...well for me the sky is the limit...unlike Jesse Salco where the limit’s the sky….”

Sierra chuckles again and folds her arms over her chest, her lower face covered by a black bandana.

”But before I get onto the most losingest wrestler in the history of SCW let me get one thing straight here. I am a former champion, one of the best in this company finally being unleashed on the roster as a singles star and I have to face Bobbi Dahl at Into the void?. Why?. Because she’s a pervert with no boundaries who wants to hit on a taken man?. That is bullshit. Christ a match with anyone, ANYONE else would make more sense. Shit, you could put me into the ring with any of the washed up bitches like Crystal, Amy or Mercedes, you could have me face an overrated lush like Sam Marlowe or Cat Riley. I’d even face that untalented waste of space cum bucket Amanda Cortez….”

“But Bobbi Dahl?. I’ll get in the ring and give her the beating she deserves. But It won’t get me anywhere, it won’t get me closer to the Roulette or Bombshells titles will they?.”

“Fucking pathetic…”

“And speaking of pathetic...Hi Jesse…”

Sierra growls out her name and tilts her head. Her upper body covered in a red sleeveless SCW shirt and tight black jeans.

”I mean three losses to hit triple figures?. One win in 2019?. Why are you still here Jesse?. It’s obvious this career and this business has passed you by. And look, I could be a huge bitch here, lord knows I really am an arrogant cunt with a huge chip on my shoulder and superiority complex. But what I’m going to say here is from the heart. This business Jesse, is about momentum and heart. Sure you need confidence and skills and talent and drive but when it all settles down what you really need is the heart and will to keep going.”

“I have that. I have had two children, both of whom were conceived and born while I have been a wrestler. So that means twice now I have left the business, put my body through trauma and worked my ass off to come back. I could have stayed at home, I could have retired, got a job working for my father, lived that kind of life. But I didn’t want that. I wanted this, so I put in that work and have come back with fire and determination.”

“That is what the business deserves. But you, you’ve lost that fire, that drive. You turn up to work and do the bare minimum in promos and in the ring. You collect your money and go home. You don’t eat, breathe, sleep and shit wrestling like the rest of us. You don’t bleed it, Jesse.”

“There comes a time when you are standing on the shattered piece of your career, your best days behind you and your heart no longer in it where you need to end it. You need to look in the mirror, you need to look in your own eyes and see that the light is gone and just accept it. That is the point you’re at Jesse. You’re not being taken seriously anymore. Not that you really were to begin with but now, well now it’s worse. Now you’re a parody, a name put on the card to give people like me a chance to shine bright….”

“Almost as if you...enhance our aura….or talent….”

Sierra looks up and ponders for a moment before deadpanning the camera.

”I’m not going to take any pleasure in this Jesse, hell I hate whipping a dead can’t hear it scream. But if you need to be put down, if you need to have your eyes opened I guess I’ll do it. At Climax Control I am going to get in the ring, I am going to put you in the sharpshooter and I am going to make you tap out and quit, cause it’s all you’re good for….it’s all you deserve…”

Supercard Archives / Team Eggplant v Gamer Inc
« on: May 02, 2019, 11:19:23 PM »
Camera On
Rosewell, New Mexico
Last Year.

Sierra: You’re late

She sat with her arms folded over her chest, the small apartment that she’d called home was clean but not a place she wanted to be. Stuck in New Mexico due to an agreement with her ex Wulf Erikson. He stood in the doorway his head slowly looking down. He moved in and put the baby carrier on the table facing it towards Sierra as if to show Olivia was safe and sound, asleep and curled up with a blanket.

Sierra ground her teeth and shook her head pushing off the chair and walking into the next room as Wulf followed.

Wulf: Yeah Si I’m sorry I guess I just lost track of time and Olivia was asleep so-

Sierra: Stop….

She spun around coming face to face with him, his long blond dreadlocks were tied up and away from his face, his eyes were bloodshot and then Sierra smelt it. The unmistakable odor of marijuana. She took a deep breath in and tried to calm herself, her temper starting to flare up. That latina side that caused her to get suspended from school as a child and what led her into the wrestling business. Her hands balled into fists, Wulf looked down and even in his hazy state recognized the anger, he looked down and away as shame came over him.

Wulf: Si, I just needed...I mean I needed it, I was stressed out, Olivia was crying and I couldn’t get her to stop...I just.


The sound of her hand, now open coming into contact with the side of Wulfs face echoed through the small apartments living room. He stepped back as Sierra stepped forward keeping her voice low but harsh as to not wake the tiny baby in the next room or alert Jade who was asleep in her bedroom, exhausted from staying up to wait for her baby sister to come home.

Sierra: I don’t want to hear your excuses, Wulf. You can’t do that, you can’t smoke fucking weed while looking after our 4-month-old baby daughter! fucking idiot!

Her voice got a little higher, she caught herself and turned away from him, her long hair tied up in a high ponytail, she wasn’t dressed like the Sierra we see today, there were no skinny jeans and converse, no band shirts or bandanas, no, she was in a very loose fitting mickey mouse shirt and sweatpants, a thin black hairband around and under the ponytail, she was in full “mom mode” and Wulf was there, a black singlet top and green and black FOX brand motocross pants, he wasn’t even in the shape he used to be, the six-pack he once had now a dad belly. The tears welled up in Sierra's eyes as the anger just got too much.

Sierra: How did we get here?... I We were so happy and then….

Wulf stayed silent, he couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t look her in the eye, he couldn’t take responsibility. Sierra’s cheeks were now wet with tears, he slowly backed away, his hands in his pockets, he turned to leave the room and sighed.

Wulf: Move back to Canada….

Sierra: What?

Wulfs hand moved to the archway grabbing the wall as if to keep himself steady, he sighed deeply and shook his head trying to keep it all together, his heart burning from pain as he turned to face her, his eyes red from holding back his own tears.

Wulf: I’m not good for her Si….I’m not. I want to see her, I want to be there but I’m...not where I need to be. And you have your parents, you have your sister, Jade and Olivia have cousins and your ex he...he’ll let you do go...I’ll contact your lawyer...I’ll send the documents….go home Si…

She stepped forward, speechless. She had only stayed in New Mexico so Wulf could see Olivia. She hated it, she missed the cooler climate, her family and where she felt comfortable. Ulf had got her to stay, she had been resentful and angry but tried to give him a chance to be a father, a real father. But Wulf had failed...and now...even he could see it. She gave him a nod and leans forward giving him a small hug.

Sierra: Thank you…

Camera [On] Off
London. England
Present Day

Sierra stood across the river looking over at the London Eye, she smirked and slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans, her upper body covered in a black As I Lay Dying hoodie, the hood itself pulled up over the back of her head. It was a typical cold day in London, but this was something Sierra was used to, the weather reminded her of Canada as she smiled and tilted her head.

”You know, I get how difficult this is. You promote a match against a team like myself and Lachlan. I mean really, what can you say without looking like either an idiot or a defeatist. You either go down one path where you take things we have said or done and twist them to suit your own narrative while blatantly lying. Or you take a good, hard look and admit that we are one of the best teams in the world today. See, I get it, I’m not completely heartless. I know that Gamer INC was faced with this hard decision. To either tell the truth and show us the respect we have earned or lie and try and get under our skin. I think it’s obvious based on their comments which road they took…”

“And they chose wrong.”

“Lachlan and I have been damn near unbeatable as a team or as singles stars since we came here, that isn’t propaganda, that isn’t boasting, that’s fucking fact. Lachlan has been in the upper echelon of the male side with his matches away from me and has come close numerous times to getting involved in the world title picture. Again, not hyperbole, facts, straight facts. Another fact, I have lost one match in SCW. ONE FUCKING MATCH. This isn’t due to luck or due to me hiding, this is just because contrary to popular belief, I am that good…”

“And there lies the problem. People in this business bury their heads in the sand and refuse to admit when people are better than them. Mercedes Vargas got a win over a match with me, in tag team competition I beat her, I can admit based on that and her record in SCW she is still a threat to anyone in this business. Cat Riley, Seleana Zdunich, Alicia Lukas, Dani Weston...they are all talented women who have shown just got good they can be and I can admit that they are talented.”

“But, they have proof to back it me…”

Sierra scoffs and folds her arms over her chest looking annoyed.

”Gamer INC doesn’t have this past, all they have sitting behind them is a history of failure, Time after time, failed title shots, failed feuds and instead of admitting that they were beaten, instead of admitting they need to get better and showing respect to those that beat them they would prefer to run their mouths and live in a delusional fantasy world where they are incredible athletes and performers. Like, I’m supposed to care that Char Kwan is over i9n Red Sun wrestling maybe winning a match o0r two?. Please, that company has Matt Shields as a champion, don’t make me laugh. But in SCW Gamer INC and their revolving door of shitty “wrestlers” hasn’t been able to get off the ground floor.”

“You all have losing records except for the new bitch who is brand new. But what the hell does that mean for you?. If you want to be better, to actually win then you need to accept your shortcomings and try and overcome them, not ignore them…”

“Again, facts, not lies. Lies like Sonya Ellington saying we have treated this division like crap. Really?. We have treated it like crap by simply winning matches and begging for real competition?. We have treated it like crap by challenging some of the best teams to step foot in SCW on social media and entering a few tag tournaments?. That’s how we have “treated the division like crap?”. Wow, that…...that’s stupid and is definitely proof that video games rot your brain..”

“Oh but right, we’re not allowed to mention all you do is play video games….despite it being your name, your gimmick and what you do in your spare time…”

“If you don’t want to be known for that, maybe don’t make it the only interesting thing about you since you suck at everything else?”

“And that is the worst part, see Lachlan and I want to be challenged. We want to face the best of the best and the reason why I said we weren’t worried about which combination we’d be facing is that we are prepared for anything. By the way, love how your entire promo was just you listening to me then counter pointing because you have the originality of John Blade stuck in a washing machine but...hey I guess we all can’t have an original thought in our heads can we blondie?”

Sierra snorts and shakes her head looking up at the London eye with a sigh.

”Look, I’m not asking for much, all I’m asking is that you two not embarrass yourselves and actually do research on myself and Lachlan instead of assuming things that aren’t true and making yourselves look like complete buffoons, and yes that is what you’ve done, I wish it wasn’t the case and I was just doing the whole “Arrogant heel” thing, but so many of my friends outside SCW who watched your promos asked me if it was legal for Lachlan and me to be facing peo0ple who are “developmentally stunted”

“So please PLEASE stop making our division...and by extension...the company..look stupid….see you at Wembley…”

Supercard Archives / Team Eggplant v Gamer Inc
« on: April 23, 2019, 11:12:48 PM »
If I could go back now to save myself the loss
Substanceless character brought back would be the cost
Agony today
Is tomorrow's strength
So don't run away
'Cause misery is
Evolving into something that we can't see
Evolving and becoming, transforming
So don't run away

Camera On
London England
Present Day

It was a miserable day in London, dark clouds hung overhead and looked menacing, the last few days had been the same. Cold, rainy and not fun at all. Sierra sat in the hotel room on the fourth floor looking down at the city from above. Her long hair was tied back as she looked relaxed in sweat pants and a shirt, her feet sat on a table as she let out a deep sigh. Lachlan was not there, he was having his final check up to get medically cleared for London Brawling.

Then a little voice cut through the silence making Sierra jump. “Momma?” She turned to find her oldest daughter Jade standing next to the chair, she rubbed her eyes sleepily as she looked out the window too. ”It’s raining again. Olivia is still asleep” Sierra smiled warmly and pulled her daughter up onto her lap, the five year old girl looked around and tried to get used to her surroundings. Lachlan and Sierra made the decision to bring the girls to europe instead of flying back and forth. Sierra’s ex’s both surprising her with their acceptance and permission.

Jade looked so much like her mother. The same olive skin, the same dark hair and the same mischievious grin. She wore a small red Lachlan Kane shirt and she clutched a small bunny wearing the jersey of the irish soccer team. Obviously bought for her by Lachlan, she held it tight and kept looking around the hoel room. “He’s at the doctor..” Jade frowned and gave a stink eye, Sierra couldn’t help but smile. She loved Lachlan, she loved talking to him and said his accent made her day.

”He said we’d go for breakfast…” Sierra smiled and looked over at the clock, it flashed 7:12 am. Sierra shook her head looking back at Jade with a sigh. ”He’ll be back soon, he went to see the doctor early so he can get a piece of paper saying he can wrestle again. Since he got hurt” Jade gave another small nod and slipped off her mothers lap sitting on the table instead looking out the window, she tilted her head staring at the sytreet, people looked small and tiny as they moved about their lives, going to work, getting breakfast, all the normal everyday things we all do.

”What are you doing pumpkin?” Jade narrowed her eyes pressing her face against the glass. ”Looking for Lachlan” Sierra couldn’t help but laugh and smile she moved Jade’s hair behind her ear hearing a few noises from the other room, she got up and moved through the small archwayn finding Olivia standing in her crib holding the wooden railing, the 18 month old smiling nas she see’s her mother. Sierra scoops her youngest up and walks out to find Jade still staring out at the dtreet below. ”Your sister is silly..

Olivia giggles as Sierra puts her down next to Jade folding her arms, the door then unlocks and Lachlan slides in walking up quietly next to Sierra. ”What’s with them?” Sierra smirks and kisses Lachlan on the cheek whispering in his ear. ”Waiting for their father…

Camera [On] Off
London England
Present Day

”Well, ladies and gentlemen, your SCW mixed tag team champions are back in action!.”

Sierra smiles holding her half of the SCW titles over her shoulder, her black bandana over her mouth with just her eyes visible. The deep green shining as she laughs under the bandana. Her hand hooked around the title belt as she holds it tight.

”It’s been a while. See, Lach and I were riding high, we came into this company and took over the mixed tag division as well as picking up some victories on our own. We have been two of the most impressive names to come to this company in it’s hostory and week in week out we proved it. We won the championships off a hall of fame star and a guy who was a former champion, we ran Kain out of the company, we faced and beat the Jordans, we faced and beat Gamer INC and current Roulette champion Travis Levitt and his disappearing pale bitch Pandora Barrett. We have been the benchmark team and just as we were really finding our groove...Malachi happened…”

“My boyfriends younger brother, jealous of his success decided to attack Lachlan and put him on the shelf”

“Now, SCW knew for a fact that this wasn’t Lachlan or my fault, they knew he would have to sit out for a little while and because we had defended the championships three times and because we had shown the world just how good we were so consistently they allowed us to wait till Lachlan had recovered before booking us in a new match. And it’s also a good thing cause, well, lets face it the Mixed tag division needed someone to step up. Here we had a whole load of makeshift mixed tag teams, any of them could have challenged me and Lachy but in the was a group that has been sitting on their hands...Gamer INC…”

Sierra scoffs and paces back and forth in her tight black jeans and Team Eggplant t-shirt

”We’ve been down this road before haven’t we?. Thing is I’m njot even sure which combination of this little group of idiots we’ll be facing. See, we have already beaten you guys and whether it’s the same combo or a slightly different one the end is going to be the same for the simple fact that you guys are jokes. Unfunny jokes. And for proof one only needs to look at your attitude. And no I’m not talking about your laughable “save” the mixed tag belts comment. I’m talking about your inability to see that you aren’t on the same level as most of the roster…”

“Week after week you make the same statements about how you’re going to win this match and that match and how you’re going to do this and that but in the end you just stay treading water. If you lose you never come out and admit your faultsand that is keeping you in the same place, at the same time doing nothing of note. See, I’m going to give you all a little smidge of advice. There is no shame in going down fighting and losinjg as long as you take each loss as a learning experience. You fall, you pull yourself up and you come back wiser and stronger. That isn’t what you do…”

“You lost to Alex and Austin, you lost in every single big stakes match you’veb had.”

“And instead of going back to the drawing board, admitting your faults and trying hard you just bury your fucking heads in the sand.”

“It’s comical it really is. Lachlan and I have stepped up to every single challenge we’ve had in front of us, we have been given opportunities and any time he and I have lost we have grown from it, gotten better, come back stronger. The loss I had against Mercedes in that triple threat match has taught me I need to be more ruthless and that is exactly what I did against Trinity Jones.”

She pauses for a moment and snarls bringing up Trinity who she had last beaten.

”Trinity called me just a tag team wrestler and dismissed me like I was nothing, she talked a big game just like all of you video game playing nitwits do and she fell to me. That is a woman who was the former number one contender to the SCW womens roulette championship, and I beat her down like a foolish child and walked out with my hand raised. Trinity might be able to grow from this and realise where she was wrong, and that will make her one step up from any of you.”

“But hey, this is your shot right?. This is your shot to m”save” the mixed tag champinships. Yeah that’s right, save them from the only champions who have successfully defended them like us, save them from the two people who have actually made them mean anything more than a cheap trinket.”

“Mercedes and Kain paraded around with these just as something shiny to have on their shoulder or around their waists.”

“They weren’t genuine in their love for tag team wrestling.”

“But me and Lach?. We have worn them prodly, we have tried to get the division going, we have tried to get everyone to stand up and come after these and we have promoted the company and the division everywhere. Lach gets inured and needed a little time off and suddenly we’re bad champions?. Excuse me?. Do I look like I’m going to stand there and take that from a group who as a collective take more L’s than Jake Raab.”

She scoffs and folds her arms with a sigh.

”London brawling will be a moment for Lchlan and I to remind everyone why we won those championships so fast and why for over 150 days we have been at the top of the division, and why it took Gamer INC so long to come for us again. I don’t care which configuration of Team suck squad it is. Lachlan and I are a team unit, we are dangerous together or apart but together we have proved just how unstoppable we can be. No one has been able to beat us, no one has been able to stop us and it sure as shit won’t be a team of inept morons who are too delusional to admit and accept their own short comings and get better in the ring…”

“Nah, London Brawling will end with Lachlan Kane and Sierra Williams standing tall...and Gamer INC...I’m going to steal y’alls little catch phrase but actually make it mean something...for’ll be…”

“Game Over”

”So you're all stars now?
So you're what's in now?
Top of the world now
So you're the kings now?
There is only one throne and I'm not done with it
Still shitting, sleeping, eating, breathing it”

Camera On
Belfast Ireland
2 Weeks Ago

Lachlan: “Ya don’t have to sit around here ya know?”

Sierra looked up from her magazine with an eyebrow raised as Lachlan sat on the end of a bed in a check-up room. She just raised the magazine back up not even giving him an answer as the anger seemed to swirl underneath her chest. The attack from Malachi kept going through her mind. How, how could he do that to his own brother?. And now here we were, getting another checkup after the fact. Lachlan had seemed fine, he had gone about all his usual day to day things, even going for a run. But he had not been to the gym or been in a ring for a few weeks.

That was not like him. The fact was, Malachi’s cowardly attack had taken time from Lachlan’s career. And by proxy, Sierra’s.

The doctor walked in, he held a light to Lachlan's eyes, Lachlan followed it then stood up and closed his eyes before raising a leg, the doc having to catch him as he swayed a little. Sierra stood up and stayed on Lachlan's side just in case he had another dizzy spell. Despite the few weeks Lach had been away from the ring, he was still not ready. His bruises had healed aside from a few aches and pains but mentally, he wasn’t ready.

The doctor wrote a few things down and explained to Lachlan he would need a little bit more time and to see another doctor for another evaluation in a few weeks. As he left the room Sierra seemed to snarl under her breath. Lachlan looked over and shrugged as she seemed to pace like a caged animal.

Lachlan: ”You seem angrier than I am.

He quipped but Sierra didn’t laugh. He still paced.

Sierra: ”Your brother is a sniveling little weasel”

She boiled and growled as Lachlan shook his head, that just seemed to enraged Sierra even more who had been in a horrible mood for weeks

.Sierra: ”He deserves a severe beating Lachy, but SCW won’t let me do it. Their advertisers don’t allow straight up intergender matches.

He sighed and slid to his feet from the hospital bed.

Lachlan: ”And I wouldn’t want you to anyway.

Sierra went to speak but Lachlan quickly intercepted her

.Lachlan: ”Look, this is an issue between two brothers, I get you want to defend me but Malachi will get taken care of. He’s always been a hot head, he’s always been a little prick too….”

Sierra takes a deep breath as Lachlan grabs her hands, she seems to calm down before giving him a small nod of understanding.

Sierra: ”Ok, I get it. But...if I see him backstage….I’m going to beat his ass

Lachlan smirks and kisses her forehead.

Lachlan: ”And if my brother is half as smart as he believes, he’ll avoid you like the plague, now can we get some food?. I’m starving”

Sierra simply laughs and nods grabbing his hand as they leave the room.

Camera {On} Off
Cardiff, Wales
Present Day.

”Hey look at that, I’ve been booked…”

Sierra Williams voice seemed to spit with venom, her attitude oozing through her entire body language. Not just the base in her voice, but also in her rigid body shape. Her arms folded over her chest, her wide stance and her chest puffed out.

”I haven’t been seen in a ring since Lach and I last defended our mixed tag belts. And before I get into the title I still hold, the division at large and then of course, my opponent this week in Wales, The Water Lizard Trinity “least talented” Jones lemme just address my partner and boyfriends brother. Malachi…”

Sierra’s eyes narrow, we see her jawline, hidden under a black and red bandana, tighten as she seems to try and stay measured and calm. Her fists go from flat against her ribs to balled fists, still folded across her body.

”This jealous little turd of a human being, comes into the company Lach and I work for, attacks his brother in the ring and decides to run his mouth all over social media. And the worst part?. I can’t do anything about it in an SCW ring. See sponsors won’t allow a match like that to be booked with a man and woman in direct competition. So, unfortunately, I can’t just drag his ass down to the ring for a match and beat the hell out of him. In fact, I’m fairly certain SCW has kept me out of the ring due to the...issues I apparently have…”

“But one issue I have is with the Mixed Tag Team division. There have been so many debates about if the titles are relevant and what we should do since there aren’t really any “teams” left. See Kain walked out of SCW after Lach and I beat him and Mercedes. Gamer INC is basically “it” and they’re hopeless. I hear them talk or watch a promo and want to stick needles in my fuckin ears and eyes just to stop the pain. But look at Blast from the past, it’s a tournament built for mixed tags. You’re telling me you can’t just ask people if they want to be teamed up to face me and Lachlan? test themselves against two of the best wrestlers on this planet?....”


“I’m disappointed. But, that is a fight for another day as Lach is now sitting back and waiting for his injuries to heel. And now, well, now I get to show the world what I can really do. See, I have been loving being in a tag team with Lachlan, loving the challenge of working with him and our greatest advantage is also our greatest problem and weakness. Our bond”

She pauses and pulls down the bandana with a smirk.

”Lachlan is out and as such, I was also put on the shelf as SCW didn’t want an...unleashed Sierra Williams around, but, a tweet and a talk later and I’m back. And the sacrificial lamb for this little welcome back to the ring is Trinity Jones. Well, that’s nice of SCW to slowly ease my way back into the ring, not that I need it but still. Nice of them to think about me. See, Trinity is one of these women who likes to talk a big game and think she’s better than everyone else instead of just, you know...proving it…”

“Who have you beaten Trinity?. Mercedes Lewis?. Mercy who?. Pandora?. Travis Levitt’s cheating goth with what looks to be a sever pigment problem?. Iron Maiden?. Seriously?. The one opponent you have faced since the beginning of the year that would be trouble is Sam Marlowe. And she beat you and humiliated you. And I know, you’re probably thinking Trinity, what will be different about me against you?. What can I offer as far as a challenge as you stare at the broken pieces of your career in SCW?”

“I mean I’m just a tag team wrestler right?. Without Lachlan I’m nothing, or so others have said, despite the fact I was successful in other companies before Lach and I joined SCW and decided to team.”

“Well, the one loss I have is a triple threat match where Mercedes Vargas caught me in a submission, that’s it, the lone loss I have is against an SCW hall of famer. A multi-time champion. Other than that?. Well, I have won and defended the Mixed tag titles and last time I was in the ring, I beat Evie Jordan, the “big bad bitch” of SCW so bad she walked off into the sunset”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head, her long black hair falling down her shoulders.

”Trinity, sweetheart. You are a sacrificial lamb. You’re not a dragon, you’re not a threat to anyone with a championship. You are one of those people you so gleefully talk shit about. But unlike women like Mercedes Lewis, you’re not smart enough to realize you’re in over your head. Every single time you’re booked you think you’re going to beat the other person and 9 times out of 10, you’re wrong. Lewis, Barrett and Maiden aren’t even playing the same game as me let alone in the same league and now you’re stepping up to the real competition. You are facing a real champion and a real badass, and the truth is if I stepped in the ring with Sam Marlowe, I’d show you up and take her damn title too.”

“In fact, all you bitches should be happy I’m in a tag team with Lach, cause if I wasn’t and I was just booked in the bombshells division week in and week out, then chica you’d all be getting destroyed.”

“You, Kate, Crystal, Mercedes, Sam, Dani, even that blond haired fat assed puta Alicia Lukas would get her face ripped off and I’d take her pretty little belt too. This is what you’re facing Trinity, someone who isn’t intimidated by anyone, someone who instead of looking at your record this year and saying “damn she won four in a row” I saw who it was against and just rolled my eyes. I did my research, I saw what I’m against and I’m just not impressed but you should be. You should be impressed by me because the fact is that I became a champion, I stayed a champion and I broke a record with my boyfriend by my side and the company you work for was too scared to unleash me. Hell when I said I wanted to be booked while Lach was injured Christian and Mark were a little worried on what I would do…”

“I don’t blame them…”

“And you should be worried…”

“I’m angry, I’m frustrated and I am in the mood to break someone. I will lock you in the sharpshooter and pull back until you tap or I hear your back break. But the fun part, the part that will take my frown and turn it upside down?. Is answering the fun question…”

“What breaks first?...your body?...or your will?”

Supercard Archives / Team Eggplant v Travis Levitt & Pandora Barrett
« on: February 26, 2019, 07:45:36 PM »
Camera On {Off}
Salt Lake City, Utah
2 Years Ago

She could hear her breathing. Her heart beating. Her brain thinking. All of it, even her blood moving through her veins. It all seemed to pulse and slide as a sound through her body and into her ears. The streets were blurry as she pulled her way up to her feet. She moved out of the small grassy area she’d been sitting. Almost like a small park. She moved out and into the busy city. Each car that came past sounded like some kind of large growling animal. Her hands covered her ears as her senses seemed to overload.

Sierra Williams: Fuck…..

She moves down the footpath, her arm stretched out with her fingertips lightly touching the hard brick of the building to her right. She stumbles, her hand laid flat against the wall now as she steadies herself and stops from falling. Her top torn on the side, her small plaid skirt waving in the cool air. She takes a deep breath in as pain shoots up into her ribs and the back of her head.

She looks down at her hands, her knuckles cut up with dried blood, her ribs tender and obviously bruised. Her head pounds as the urge to throw up boils in the pit of her stomach. She spins around sitting down on the cold, hard concrete as people pass by, the looks range from cold indifference to merciful horror as she tilts her head unable to understand why. Sierra turns to a mirrored shopfront and can’t help but laugh, a cut above her right eye which is almost swollen shut.

Sierra Williams: What the fuck happened to me?

The words escape her lips as a thought of panic runs through her mind. Where had she bean?. How did she get wherever she was. Where was she?. Was she even in Utah?. Sierra frantically looked around, her hands patting all over her body before finding her ID and phone stuffed down her right sock. She pulled out her phone looking at the front. No calls from Mikey, No texts….

Sierra Williams: Yeah...why would he give two shits….

She growled looking through everything. Texts, notifications, e-mails. She smiled seeing a name, words and concern. The smile causing a shockwave of pain up her right side to her eye. She frantically wrote back and awaited a reply. As she received it the phone rang. She took a deep breath answering it.

Sierra Williams: Hey….no, I don’t know where I am…..I will. Yeah google maps….don’t be a smart ass...and don’t make me laugh I seem to be a little sore….I don’t know maybe….I can’t remember I don’t even….yeah...thank don’t. I’ll be fine...I’ll see you in a few days...hey um...I miss you….

Her voice was soft, his voice helped her spirits rise as she knew she wasn’t alone and someone cared. She waited on the phone, nervous at what she’d just said and implications that could be read into it. He said the words back, heart heart gave a small flutter as she hung up the phone, a deep breath passing her lips as she pushed back to her feet, a little more alert and ready after her forced rest as she found her way back down the street to her hotel.

Camera {On} Off
Waterford, Ireland
Present Day

“And still…”

Sierra smirked as she sat on the small brick fence outside the small cottage in Waterford where Lachlan’s mother lived. Her right leg dangles down as her left leg stayed up on the fence. Her hair was down as she slowly chewed a piece of gum, her eyes covered by a pair of sunglasses as she let out a deep breath.

”With that win Lachlan and I are now the most prolific mixed tag team champions in the history of the titles. Of course considering they’re not that old it isn’t quite the achievement you’d expect if they had been around a little longer or had any other champions that cared about the titles or put as much effort into promoting and defending them. And the thing is I wasn’t even sure what the hell was going to happen when Lach and I signed up for SCW. I thought he’d go after the Mens Roulette or world and I’d build my way up but instead they put us as a team. And despite the fact Lachlan and I were dating up until we had our first match in SCW together...we’d had more matches on opposite sides of the ring against each other than we had teaming…”

“And that’s legit.”

“But, we made it work. We got in the ring and we showed the world how good of a team we could be and we looked around and realised the mixed tag division should be one of the most exciting. It should be popular and people should be teaming to go after the titles but, they weren’t. So we took it on ourselves to try and build the division and make the titles relevant. The team we won them off, Mercedes and Kain. Where are they now?. Mercedes got inducted into the hall of fame, got her win back over me and has been in and out of SCW like she stopped caring once she got that spot.”

“She is over losing in WWH to someone who wouldn’t be able to cut it in SCW.”

“”But what about Kain?. The king?. Where’d he go?. A guy who was a champion here and someone who had been in SCW a while. What happened to him?. After he lost he was gone. He hasn’t been seen since. So those are former champions of this division, walking away and not even trying to come back for the championships. But that’s how much they matter right?. Ben and Evi Jordan fought their way up to face us, had one setback then walked away too. Gamer INC ain’t shit….but here we are now, ready to defend them again and the truth is Lach and I will face anyone….anytime...and defend the titles…”

Sierra pushes down off the little brick fence landing on the sidewalk in her red and black converse, black skinny jeans and a jersey from the national irish soccer team, obviously borrowed from Lachlan.

”Travis Levitt and Pandora Barrett are the next ones to get in the ring with us and we’re in a weird situation here. See Pandora started off in a good way but lately she’s been as silent as a deaf mute with her lips taped shut. But Travis?. Well, there’s a guy who has been up and down yet somehow, someway despite his abysmal win loss record has got himself not one but TWO title matches on ONE card. Wow, what a guy. Now, before I address the little goth who needs to go get a fucking tan let me just have a laugh at the phoenix boy with bad prison tats and half a haircut.”

“Do you know why you and Pandora have this shot Travis?.”

“Because SCW looked around and realised that there is no one else because the bigger names are too scared to face us. Alex Jones or Austin Mercer won’t team with Alicia to come for these, we might make wolfslair look weak. Salco and Storms won’t try it, Teddy and Kate won’t either. And Fenris or Ty won’t be looking for female partners either. I mean they’re close with Dani Weston, but Dani Weston don’t want none of me.”

“Nah got selected because you and Pandora are expendable. And I don’t think anyone in their right mind thought you’d be the one to get through to that World title match…”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head.

”But here you are. You and your little girlfriend have a shot at the titles. And Lach and I have made them mean something. And trust me on this Travis, you and Pandora are going to have to show a hell of alot more than you have lately to get these. And I wonder. Does Pandora have any concerns about this match?”

“I mean, Pandora hasn’t exactly been reliable has she?. I don’t think anyone would blame you for not having your heart in this Travis. You put all your effort into the mixed tag match and then you go into the world title match at a disadvantage. You somehow beat me and Lachlan and you’re stuck defending titles with a partner who doesn’t even look like she wants to be here.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that though….see Lachlan and I are the best team here, individually we’re great, together...we’re unbeatable…”

“But you and Pandora, just simply...aren’t. Pandora you came into SCW with so much fanfare, so many people celebrating your arrival and Travis being all happy about it. You came in and made all these bold claims about greatness but when push came to show you fizzled out. Instead of you being a big giant became a whimper. You are like going to Mcdonalds wanting a double quarter pounder with cheese and bacon and walking out with one of those flat, disgusting...50 cent hamburgers, with the flat meat, no taste and no substance…”

“Fact is, Travis you have become a name here, Pandora is a failure and as good as you both think you are, at Blaze of glory Lachlan and my reign will continue and we will keep dragging this division along, kicking and screaming into the spotlight, and when the dust has settled, after all is said and done Lachlan and I are going to start daring teams to come in and face us….cause no one...NO as good as us…”

Climax Control Archives / We don't play games
« on: February 14, 2019, 06:54:29 AM »
No importa cómo caemos. Solo que nos levantamos.
Peu importe comment nous tombons. Seulement que nous nous élevons.
It doesn't matter how we fall. Only that we rise.

Roswell, New Mexico
2 Years Ago

Her hands shook, her eyes focused. A million thoughts ran through her head, ranging from happiness to a deep sadness, to anger, frustration, all of it mixed together in a giant emotional ball. Each breath seemed to shudder in and out of her body as her chest raised and fell at a higher pace than normal. Each passage of time seemed like an eternity. Every second, every minute. Her body started to get cold as she looked around the bathroom. The eggshell white tiles touched her legs as she sat indian style, the small white stick in her hands moved with her shudders and shakes.

Sierra Williams: Fuck…

The word seemed to push out with my power than she had intended. A streak of fear moved down her spine and through her body. Had he heard her voice?. Was he going to start wondering where she was?. Sierra pulled herself up on the edge of the bathtub, the sink still running with hot water that had caused steam to rise and fill the small bathroom. She took another slow deep breath trying to calm her racing heast as she wiped the mist from the mirror. Her long black hair wet and hanging down her body, a white towel wrapped around her.

The hotel amenities left in there laying across the sink and small bathroom bench. The small bottle of shampoo laying on it’s side empty with it’s conditioner twin standing tall next to it, the small circular bar of soap wet and slowly melting started to stain the small dosh it was left in. Sierra closed her eyes and started to wish, a wish she had never expected to make as she muttered to herself like some kind of arcane chant. She opened her eyes looking back into the mirror, her brown eyes focused in on her reflection as she let out another breath and slowly looked back down at the object in her hand. To her pain and and sadness, and strange conflicting happiness the result had not been changed or altered.

Sierra Williams: Shit!

The word exploded even louder than the last, her hand mover up to her lips as she turned off the tap, she heard movement outside the door, she held her breath for a moment and listened close. Then she heard it, Wulfs voice.

Wulf Erikson: Si? ok?

She swallowed hard, her eyes darting from side to side, should she hide it?. Should she tell him?. Should she wait and take another test?. All the questions asked but no answers from herself given. She moved around the bathroom putting her clothes in the bag grabbing her underwear and a baggy shirt, she started to get dressed before realising she hadn’t answered him back, her voice stuttering a moment as she let the towel drop.

Sierra Williams: Y-yeah I’m fine, just getting my shirt know..ready for bed and such….

Her voice was obviously different. The words falling and raising with a higher pitch as she added a chuckle at the end. Her mind regretting it and shooting one word that also muttered out her lips. Stupid. She stopped as some positive thoughts came through her head. Wulf could be happy, he might not be so against anything. He also isn’t as smart as most would hope to be. Maybe she could hide it. Maybe the test was wrong. Maybe he didn’t sense anything different. She held the white stick in her hand and wrapped it up in the towel as she went to the door, she slowly opened it and looked up. Wulf stood there in front of her. His face full of concern and a nervous energy.

Wulf Erikson: Are you ok? You seem off. Is it the weird stomach thing you’ve had? Are you still throwing up?

The question was difficult to answer. The last three weeks she had not been in the ring, she threw up and officials had taken her off the cards to be a competitor. For the last month she had sat on the sidelines. Her calling avoiding her as she had just begun gaining traction. But now, if it was true there would be a wait for her career and dreams. She smiled lightly, doing her best to let nothing on as she lowered her voice to a calming flow, her body language relaxing as she leaned forward kissing Wulf on the cheek.

Sierra Williams: I’ll be fine..really….

She smiled again, wider this time with a small laugh under it. Wulf tilted his head studying her. He looked like a lost puppy, wanting to ask questions, desperately seeking answers. She looked away and moved past him to the small fridge, she grabbed a bottle of water and set the towel down on top of the bar fridge before looking over at the bed. As she moved toward it she stopped, Wulf moved behind her grabbing the towel.

Wulf Erikson: Si…..what’s this?

The realisation send a shock of fear into her heart and down through her stomach causing it to tighten as she took in a sharp quick breath holding it, slowly she turned around and swallowed hard, Wulf stood there holding the pregnancy test in his hand, his eyes trailing over the small box with two dark pink lines, the symbol for positive. She stuttered as her hands clasped together.

Sierra Williams: I...well..see….congratulations...daddy…..

There was an awkward silence, so thick with tension as Wulf stayed silent. Sierra swallowed hard again and waited patiently. Wulf seemed to turn white, his normally tanned skin mixing to a pale grey as his hands shook much like Sierra’s did before. His eyes trailed from the test back to her, he looked as if he was going to say something, but no sound came out, instead his face twisted into a happy smile, filled with an overpowering joy and the excitement that a new father should feel. Sierras heart lifted as she smiled back softly, but before she could say anything Wulf’s eyes rolled back, his body followed as there was a loud thud on the floor of the hotel. Sierra raised an eyebrow looking at her passed out fiance.

Sierra Williams: Well….shit….

{b]A few days late
Roswell, New Mexico

Wulf sat in the office chewing his gum nervously. His legs moving and twitching as he looked around the while walls, different medical tools sat there including a height chart, a weight index and chart. He sighed deep and his hands began to fidget and move, Sierra slowly looked to the side and raised an eyebrow. Wulf just seemed to get worse as the seconds ticked and dragged on, his hands reaching out to the desk to grab a pen as he looked at it and read the name on the side to himself. He put it back and made a small clicking noise with his tongue, Sierra just shook her head in disbelief as he got up and stared at the walls

He measured himself up against the height chart, then read the poster on smoking and lung capacity. He played with his dreads humming before Sierra finally snapped.

Sierra Williams: Wulf sit down!

He jumped and turned with his eyes wide, he shuffled over and sat down next to her as Sierra shook her head, her long black hair free and easy as it moved across her face and then down her shoulders. The door opened as the doctor stepped in the room holding a large flipboard and a file. He put it on his desk and fumbled with a pen in his pocket before sitting down across from them, his hands clasped together with a goofy smile on his face.

Doctor: Well, Mr Erikson, Miss Williams, I’m sure you’re eager for this..

He opens the file and pulls the first page up and back, Wulf stares straight a small line of sweat moving from his brow as Sierra swallows hard and sighs deeply.

Doctor: You are pregnant. 7 weeks as a matter of fact. Congratulations.

Sierra took a deep breath, the doctor confirming what she already knew. Wulf on the other hand didn’t take it quite so clean. He turned white again and held his stomach taking a hard deep breath popping to his feet. The doctor tilted his head looking confused, the light above shining off his bald head. Wulf walked over to the small sink in the corner washing his hands and splashing cold water on his face.

Doctor: I’ll..leave you two alone for a moment…

He got up and moved from the room, as the door shut Wulf shook his head.

Wulf Erikson: Wow, it’s really real Si.

Sierra Williams:Yeah…

Wulf sounded scared, his voice raised and peaked before his breath quickened. Sierra sat calm and collected. Her body language staying still and relaxed. Sierra laughed a little and shook her head.

Sierra Williams: I knew it was going to be confirmed. Those pregnancy tests have gotten pretty damn good….you going to be alright or do I need to call the doctor back?

He turned and gave her a sarcastic look before leaning against the wall with his arms folded. A small laugh escaping his lips as he studied her face, admiring her nature and ability to stay calm. “Seeing the little stick was one thing, it was a question, a possibility. Not a certainty.” He laughed and folded his arms over his chest as Sierra got to her feet picking up the piece of paper. She put it right up to his face with a grin.

Sierra Williams: That means it’s certain. In 7 months time, give or take a little, you’re going to be a father.

His shaking hands moved up, his fingers lightly taking the test results in his fingers as his eyes moved over the words, he smiled and gave her a small nod again.

Wulf Erikson: I get it Si, I do. I’m just….I’m going to take some time to get used to the you said..7 months, give or take.

She gave a small smile and a nod before taking his free hand in hers leading him out of the office and too the street with a sigh.

Present Day: We don’t play….

”That..was a war…”

Sierra Williams opens her eyes and shakes her head. Her long hair flowing down her shoulders as she takes in a deep breath steadying herself.

”I don’t like Evie Jordan. I think I have made that clear on social media as well as in promotional videos and each time I punched that bitch in the mouth during our matches. See she has had this ego about her that really got under my skin. She had this arrogance and this air of superiority. I hated Evie Jordan yesterday, I hate her today and guess what, I’ll hate her tomorrow. But even I have to admit that she is a tough bitch….”

“I put her in a sharpshooter and she lasted longer than most. In the end she may have tapped out but even then, as a competitor, I respect Evie Jordan…”

“But, Lachlan and I still beat Ben and Evie, we still retained our mixed tag team titles and it was also a war. And since Lachlan and I have been here we have dominated this division. The only setbacks we’ve had have been in a few mish mashed matches. Lachlan lost to Tony Thorn recently and I lost in a triple threat match. It was my only loss since I stepped foot in SCW five months ago.”

Sierra smirks and folds her arms over her hockey jersey with a scoff as her head tilts.

”But the work of a champion is never done and Lachlan and I are ready to defend OUR tag team titles against anyone. I don’t care if it’s a random made up team of two people who have nothing better to do, I don’t care if it’s Ben and Evie again. I don’t even care if Roxi Johnson walks her ass back into SCW and picks Ty West or Fenris as a partner. Lachlan and I are fighting champions. These titles hold a special place in my heart not just because Lachlan and I have won them together but also cause this is the first championship I have been able to win that isn’t just a regional thing. I had my shots in other companies for gold and I was always just a fingertip away. But SCW have given us a place to shine and for that I will be grateful…”

“And now here we are getting ever closer to Climax Control 229 where we face Gamer Inc. A group of four and we have no idea which members will be in the ring with us. I heard Beverly cut a promo so she is the female side but I have no idea who the male will be. Honestly, it doesn’t matter.”

“Not saying that Gamer Inc doesn’t matter as a whole, it just doesn’t matter who will be in the ring with us. See Lachy and I will be prepared for anyone and everything. Cause that’s what we do. We are a team in and out of the ring. We live together, we train together, we keep each other grounded. We are a team in every sense of the word, and the only way a team will dethrone us is by being a better team. Will that be Gamer Inc?. Who nows, I mean they probably have extensive experience and a great chemistry…”

“Or do they?”

Sierra pauses for a moment and smirks.

”Since Lachlan and I joined SCW there have been nine events held. Seven Climax Controls and two supercards. Now, in those nine shows I have appeared in 5 of those. I lost one match out of those five. ONE. Lach has been at seven of those shows and won at five of them and lost twice. Now, the matches we lost were triple threat matches. And we are undefeated UNDE-FEATED in tag team competition. But, that doesn’t mean we’re slouches when we aren’t teaming. I’m one and one in non tags. I lost a triple threat after being blindsided and Lachlan has beaten people like Kader Hasheem and Jake Raab...yeah a Jake Raab who is now a former world champion…”

“So our career in SCW have been pretty damn amazing. I mean we have beaten Mercedes Vargas who is a hall of famer, we beat a team who BEAT YOU CHUMPS. And we kept our tag belts. But what about Gamer Inc, surely they must have an amazing run right?. Surely the whole time Lachlan and I have been knocking over teams and putting on amazing performances these four had to have been showing the world just how amazing they are….”

“Those same nine events, Gamer Inc didn’t have matches at five of them. And the four matches they did have, you want to guess how many matches this number one contender incredible team and stable of “totally real wrestlers” won?...go it I’ll wait…”

Sierra looks at her watch for a moment and then her nails before rechecking her watch after about 20 seconds.

“One, one match. Against Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine, two people who got shipped back to Sin City Underground. Every single other match they have failed miserably. They lost to Ben and Evie, They lost to Amy and Jon, they lost to Alex and Austin and they weren’t even good enough to have a match at High Stakes 8. Now I only included Gamer Inc’s tag matches, not however many matches they may have had as singles wrestlers, I was nice and included mine and lachy’s singles forays to add a little balance...even though there is none…”

“Gamer Inc are a group who like to stay visible on shows and rarely perform and when they do they simply do not stand up and be accountable for their own careers and shortcomings. They do not hope to grow and accept losses they simply ignore them. I know I lost to Mercedes in a triple threat match, my one loss and I hope to overcome that and someday avenge it. But, if we’re talking Tag teaming, Gamer Inc are failures. One win against a team that isn’t even in SCW and a bunch of losses to better teams does not make them contenders. And the worst part is they have talent. They have talent back lack the drive, heart and understanding to be anything more than a group of chuckleheads who will keep getting beaten and cashing their checks...meanwhile Lachlan and I will keep being the greatest tag team in the world…”

Climax Control Archives / Kill Sierrs Kill
« on: January 23, 2019, 06:38:43 PM »
Je Suis ta fin

Camera On >[Off]
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
18 Months Ago

Each shot hit with all the power she had. There was no holding back. No thought of preservation of energy. The sweat ran down her face as her long black hair stayed tied back. Sierra's feet danced along the hardwood floor as the heavy black bag swung from the ceiling. Her hands wrapped in black and gold boxing wraps as they moved at blinding speeds, she didn’t even know how long she’d been there for. How long she’d moved and darted and weaved. After a few more shots she stepped back and launched a kick slamming her shin bone into the leather causing a dent to form in it.

Sierra ground her teeth together, the anger rising deep in her stomach as she looked out the large window looking out onto the streets of Thunder Bay. For the last year, she had called this home. A place at one point she wanted to desperately escape from. Growing up here to a French-Canadian mother and a Mexican-American father was hard enough but having to come back here after trying to hard to leave and make a living in the big bad world was almost humiliating. She loved the reason for it. Falling pregnant with Wulf’s baby last year. After losing her daughter Jade to her ex, after he used the court system against her with his lies. Sierra thought she’d never be happy. But five months ago with the birth of Olivia, she was happy….


The last few months the itch had returned. At first, Sierra went to the gym to stay in shape. To simply get back the body she once had and stay active. But after a month the strength returned and after watching wrestling on TV for the first time in a year it happened. She had the urge, the need, the desire. As she watched people she had beaten rise up and others stay stagnant the anger kept bubbling to the surface. Things were not good at home. She loved Olivia, she loved Wulf. but there was something missing. And now. Well, now she knew she was coming back. Signing a contract to go back to work. Behind Wulfs back.

Sierra walked over to the workout bench, her hands shaking as the feeling set in. Her joints ached. Her muscles stiffened. Her body racked with pain. But she felt alive for the first time in a year. Her hand drifting over her stomach wondering if she really had it anymore. As she stuffed her gear in her back she pulled out her phone. 10 missed calls. 5 voicemails. 25 texts. All from Wulf. She shook her head knowing what it was about.

He had been alone with Olivia.

Wulf was a great and crazy wrestler, a wonderful boyfriend, but as a father, he left a lot to be desired. He felt overwhelmed and out of his element. Sierra would go to the gym, much like today and after only an hour he would panic. She sighed and walked into the locker area to get changed as she set her back down. Her phone making the message tone again as Wulf asked yet another stupid question. Sierra growled and slammed the locker door shut, her fist pushing against the flimsy metal leaving a dent. Sierra turned and sat down, her head in her hands as she took a few deep breaths. She didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to face it. And that made her feel like a bad person.

She reached into her bag and the sound of rattling was heard as she pulled out a pill bottle. She had been prescribed them but had still yet to take them. Her stomach seemed to tie itself in knots as her mind flashed back to her past. Where she had come from and the trials she had been through. Her drug addiction, losing her oldest daughter, the premature birth of Olivia. Her struggle to get back into shape and want to wrestle. All of it seemed too much. Maybe the pills would help?. Maybe they would set her free. She shook her head and placed them back in her bag getting to her feet sending a quick message back to Wulf giving him advice and promising she’d be home soon.


A few hours later]/b]

There was silence between them. As it had been for months. Since Olivia had come into this world they had both grown distant and apart. Wulf seemed to love his daughter but hate the responsibility. He was a free spirit, used to being able to just chase shiny things like a dog wandering the world,. But here, and now he had to grow up. He was young, much younger than Sierra at 22, she was 28 and had been through so much already. And strangely it was the free spirit that she now hated that caused her to fall in love with him over a year ago.

When they met Sierra was broken. Two bad relationships, Carter and Mikhail had broken her. Another relationship she ruined with Equinox. It was Wulf’s sweet, free, fun nature that had helped her see the life she wanted. Or rather she thought she wanted. But now a year and some change since they got together Sierra found herself sitting at the kitchen table at their home, their daughter asleep in her crib. And the silence was thick between them. Wulf seemed tired, spent and almost resentful. Sierra was the same way. The bright spot of the last few months being Olivia’s birth, but in the last three Sierra had become a different person..

She had a need.

A need to compete.

Wulf looked across the table at her and went to open his mouth but stopped, almost as if he had a question and was afraid of the answer. His green eyes darted away and back down at his plate, the vegetable half eaten and cold as Sierra slowly cut into her steak, the blood from it pooling across the white porcelain. And there was a problem. Despite their love for one another Wulf was a very different person to her.

He was a vegetarian, he was a thrill seeker, he saw wrestling as a thrill, as something cool to do. Like a hobby. Sierra needed protein, she loved steak, she saw wrestling as her calling and had very little tolerance or patience for people who didn’t see it the same way as her. She loved being a mother but hated staying at home. Wulf has also failed to keep the money coming in, instead of spending his days flipping through magazines.

Sierra’s heart sank. Is this what her world had become?. Is this what she was to feel for the rest of her life?. He was a good father, she knew it in her heart, She saw it every time he picked her up and smiled. He felt it when Olivia would smile and laugh at her crazy father's dreadlocks and grin. But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what she needed or wanted. And both were miserable. Sierra closed her eyes and looked to the side as Wulf tried to make eye contact. His voice stuttering as he went to ask a question, one Sierra was not expecting.

Wulf: Si, are you seeing someone else?

She looked up, her neck almost snapping up with anger as her brown eyes burned. How could he ask that? Her hands slowly closed into fists as she grew so mad she let out a nervous laugh, her body almost shaking as she tried to keep herself contained and calm. She took a few deep breaths as her teeth ground together, as her eyes opened Wulf looked at her, hurt and wanting, needing to know. Sierra gave a small shake of her head and scoffed.

Sierra: Seeing someone else?. Why would you ask me that?. Do you think so little of me that because things are rough I would just go turn my back on you?. Like a common whore?. Like the other five hundred women in this business?...”

Her words spat like venom. Wulf put his head down in thought realizing her anger and her hurt reflected his. Sierra stood up as she finished her foot cleaning off her plate, her hands sore, her body in pain after working out all day to get back into ring shape, to try and get her life back. She was now close to being in better shape before she left before she fell pregnant with their child over a year ago. Her mind still racked with guilt after finding out she was 8 weeks pregnant a week after her final match.

Wulf stood up, he moved across the room putting his plate down on the counter, his hands slowly moving across her midsection, he held her tight, Sierra didn’t show him a drop of affection, instead of going about her business cleaning. Wulf moved around and pushed his body against the bench with a sigh.

Wulf: So, where have you been going?

Sierra tilted her head sideways, if looks could kill Wulf would have been on the floor, dead and gasping for air. She finished the plate and pushed it to the side before slowly looking in Wulfs eyes.

Sierra: I’ve been at the gym. I’ve been getting back in ring shape, cause while you sit on your ass and plan your skydiving and bungee jumping, I need to make money...and I miss it, Wulf...I miss it all and I am so sick of this...awkward bullshit….

She waited for him to say something. Anything. The silence stayed between them as Wulf seemed to be gobsmacked and surprised. A shock over him as he seemed to shut down, his arms folded over his chest as he sighed and stared at the floor. Sierra’s eyes begged for him to understand, to hate it, for something other than quiet indignation. She swallowed hard and gave a nod before slowly walking past him and out the door, Wulf staying silent as the door shut behind her.

Camera [On] Off

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Present Day.

“Evie fuckin Jordan…”

Sierra Williams laughs to herself as she clasps her hands together. Her long black hair tied back and away from her face that is half covered by a bandana. Her eyes seem to be the focal point as she puts her head down slightly, tilting it to the side, her eyebrows furrowed downward as a small noise similar to a snort escaped from under the bandana.

“Before I get into this match and what it will mean to me and hopefully to you let me make one thing clear. Lachlan and this shit…”

He words spit like venom, angry and sharp/ What we’ve come to expect from Sierra Williams. A woman who seems to have a constant chip on her shoulder. A woman who doesn’t even seem to take the time to enjoy the fact she and Lachlan won. They did exactly what they said they would and have again proved themselves to be the best tag team in SCW. But something burned inside her. Anger was rising up as her arms moved up and over her chest crossing over, her legs straightened as she took what looked to be a power stance.

“Not that you’d know since apparently, our win was a shocker. Many people, in SCW and in the wrestling world believed our win was an upset. An upset?. Really?. You know, this company was going through a major change when Lachy and I decided to sign our contracts. SCW took a hiatus and the funny part was when I was leaving WWH and I went to DIVISION it was because SCW was taking time off. I was thinking about signing here and I should thank them for closing really. Cause I met Lachlan at DIVISION, so it’s funny how these things work out. But still, SCW had come back, Honor merged and there was an influx of stars. Lachlan and I could have been lost in the shuffle. We could have been forgotten about and put on the damn pre-show every week. But we were given one prove ourselves in the minds of the SCW fans and management…”

“We were free from the Honor stigma…”

“Free from the “us vs them” mentality that Y'all have adopted”

“Nah, Lachy and I were a bolt of lightning that struck SCW and the mixed tag division, it created fire, sparks and an explosion. Suddenly the titles no one gave a rats ass about, the title that had been passed around and traded between teams since it’s Inception meant something. Tell me, what is London Underground doing now?. Hmm?. Hell, I’ll do you one better. Look at the people we won these off. Kain and Vargas. Two who many considered to be the best of the best here?. Where are they now?. Kain has barely been seen to the point where I want to put his ugly face on milk cartons and Mercedes Vargas lone bragging right has been a half of fame induction that should of told her old ass to retire and a win over me in a triple threat match the grand scheme of things has meant nothing…”

“We make these titles matter….”

“We make these titles worth holding.”

She laughs to herself and paces back and forth a little. Her black skinny jeans moving under the red and black hockey jersey thrown over the top. Her hand moves around and up towards the bandana pulling it down and off, she stuffs it into her back pocket leaving it dangling down.

”I’ve said it time and time again and while some fans agree with me, and even members of management the roster at large doesn’t. The roster disagrees. Ben and Evie both did. Amy and Jon did too. But when Lachlan and I won these titles SCW put together a tornament to crown number one contenders. And as we know Evi and Ben Jordan were able to beat every single other team put together. They earned a shot against myself and Lachlan. And while I personally think forcing Ben and Evie into having two matches in one night was a mistake, there was nothing we could do about it….”

“See all three teams went into Inception with a disadvantage. Jon and Amy had the same one as Ben and Evie, whoever won had to have two matches. But for me and Lach?. People have to remember, the other two teams had weeks to prepare for us, we had no idea who we’d be facing until the night. We had no idea what kind of physical and mental condition they would be in. We had to think on the fly….”

“And we did, and we won. Our hands were raised, our titles handed to us and we were on top of the world until the whispers started. First that it was an upset, then that if Ben and Evi had been healthy we wouldn’t have won.”

“And it’s amazing to me how all the respect from Ben disappeared when Lach and I won. I wasn’t expecting a damn thing from Evie, at all. But Ben?. I thought maybe he would have said something. A tweet, a text message, an e-mail. On the night he shook Lachlan's hand and that was it. They went silent. They disappeared only to re-emerge like nothing happened. In fact, all we heard from Evie and Ben was stupid in-jokes and Evie whining about how apparently we have all forgotten what kind of person she is….”

Sierra just shakes her head with a laugh and her eyes rolling before folding her arms back over her chest.

”Oh honey, I know what type of person you are. See attitude-wise we’re pretty similar. You’re an alpha bitch who likes to be on top. The reason why you and I don’t like each other is that the second we saw one another we knew, this bitch will rip my head off. And I like that about you, Evie, don’t think I don’t. It’s one of your very few redeeming qualities. See in the professional wrestling kingdom, we’re two bitches who will circle around one another growling until one of us makes a move and then it’s on. Claws are out, teeth are bare and we’re rolling on the floor trying to take each other out. And again...I like that…”

“But the differences between us are what annoys me.”

“I’m a hard edged, arrogant, self-righteous bitch. But I know who I am, I know what I am. I live, breathe, eat and sleep wrestling. Evie Jordan wants people to remember “who she is”, Like we could ever forget. Yu like to put yourself forward as some kind of ultra-dangerous angry badass. You spend your time going to parties with your Husband while I’m in the gym working my ass off. You two look like a pair of fame whore movie stars whereas me and Lachlan?. We look, act and sound like PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS. Cause that, that’s what we are. I’ve never seen you promote yourselves in the ring, I’ve never seen you post pictures of yourself standing in a wrestling ring, holding a title, being an athlete. All I see from you two is glamour shots and that kind of bullshit…”

“You’re a tough cookie Evie, I’ll give you credit for that, but I’m sick and tired of this “can only win in tag matches” narrative that people have got going with me. So I’m going to get in the ring and show the world what I can do one on one.”

Sierra smirks and shrugs with a sigh.

”Evie, I’m going to be interested to see how you rebound from this. It wasn’t like you and Ben got blown off the card, but I want to see, do you acknowledge that Lachlan and I were better?. Are you going to look at us and realize at Inception 4 we were the better team?. Or are you going to act like others and make excuses? I lost to Mercedes Vargas in that triple threat match, I made a mistake, I got caught and I tapped out. I admit it and I will learn from it, but you? Will you learn from your losses? Your mistakes? See that’s what losses in this business are. They’re lessons to help you grow, but based on your attitude, you seem to have a learning let me help you, let me be the gracious person I am and give you the beating you deserve all to the echo of the fans chanting “Kill Sierra Kill”..”

Supercard Archives / TEAM EGGPLANT (c) vs TBD
« on: January 11, 2019, 04:42:30 AM »
Camera On
Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada
18 Months Ago

Sierra walked out of the family court her hands balled into fists as she quickly put gum in her mouth. She heard laughing, a familiar voice. She turned her head and growled seeing her ex Donovan with his lawyer. They laughed and shook hands. Sierra turned and walked towards him, a hand grabbing her arm unexpectedly. She spun around and came face to face with Wulf. His long blonde dreads tied back as he stood dressed somewhat respectfully and smart in a button up shirt and long pants.

He looks over at Donovan and shakes his head slowly. Sierra grits her teeth and hears the laugh again, she pulls away from Wulf and goes toward him, Wulf slides up and around in front of her close enough to whisper

Wulf: It ain’t worth it SiSi….

Sierra breathes deep over and over, her chest heaving as her teeth grind together. Wulf grabs onto her tight and rubs her back slowly. His hand drifting up and down over and over, his cheek meeting hers. Sierra sighs and calms herself. His scent causing her to breath normal, her chest raising and sinking at a slower pace. Donovan looked over at them with a sneer, a flash in Sierra’s eyes caused him to speed off faster.

Sierra: He lied, he stood there and lied to the judge, he paid off that cop...Wulf….I’ve lost Jade….

Wulf had no idea what to say, he slid his hands from her back to her hands holding them tight as he looked deep in her eyes. The anger started fading, instead a sadness took them over. Tears started to well up as the weight of the situation started to bare down upon her. Wulf squeezed her hands and cleared his throat.

Wulf: Babe, listen to me. No matter what happens I promise you we’re going to fight this. We’ll get her back….I’ll get her back….I don’t know how, but I never make promises I can’t keep Si

She gave him a slow nod and pressed her head into his chest, he ran a hand through her long dark hair and smiled as she squeezed him tight. Sierra pulled back wiping the tears from her eyes taking a deep breath before adjusting her clothes.

Sierra: Thanks for being here Wulf. I needed it….

Wulf: There’s nowhere else I’d rather be Sierra.

Je suis ta fin

Camera On [Off]
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
10 Months Ago

Each shot hit with all the power she had. There was no holding back. No thought of preservation of energy. The sweat ran down her face as her long black hair stayed tied back. Sierras feet danced along the hardwood floor as the heavy black bag swung from the ceiling. Her hands wrapped in black and gold boxing wraps as they moved at blinding speeds, she didn’t even know how long she’d been there for. How long she’d moved and darted and weaved. After a few more shots she stepped back and launched a kick slamming her shin bone into the leather causing a dent to form in it.

Sierra ground her teeth together, the anger rising deep in her stomach as she looked out the large window looking out onto the streets of Thunder Bay. For the last year she had called this home. A place at one point she wanted to desperately escape from. Growing up here to a French-Canadian mother and a Mexican-American father was hard enough but having to come back here after trying to hard to leave and make a life in the big bad world was almost humiliating. She loved the reason for it. Falling pregnant with Wulf’s baby last year. After losing her daughter Jade to her ex, after he used the court system against her with his lies. Sierra thought she’d never be happy. But five months ago with the birth of Olivia she was happy….


The last few months the itch had returned. At first Sierra went to the gym to stay in shape. To simply get back the body she once had and stay active. But after a month the strength returned and after watching wrestling on TV for the first time in a year it happened. She had the urge, the need, the desire. As she watched people she had beaten rise up and others stay stagnant the anger kept bubbling to the surface. Things were not good at home. She loved Olivia, she loved Wulf. but there was something missing. And now. Well, now she knew she was coming back. Signing a contract to go back to work. Behind Wulfs back.

Sierra walked over to the workout bench, her hands shaking as the feeling set in. Her joints ached. Her muscles stiffened. Her body racked with pain. But she felt alive for the first time in a year. Her hand drifting over her stomach wondering if she really had it anymore. As she stuffed her gear in her back she pulled out her phone. 10 missed calls. 5 voicemails. 25 texts. All from Wulf. She shook her head knowing what it was about.

He had been alone with Olivia.

Wulf was a great and crazy wrestler, a wonderful boyfriend, but as a father he left alot to be desired. He felt overwhelmed and out of his element. Sierra would go to the gym, much like today and after only an hour he would panic. She sighed and walked into the locker area to get changed as she set her back down. Her phone making the message tone again as Wulf asked yet another stupid question. Sierra growled and slammed the locker door shut, her fist pushing against the flimsy metal leaving a dent. Sierra turned and sat down, her head in her hands as she took a few deep breaths. She didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to face it. And that made her feel like a bad person.

She reached into her bag and the sound of rattling was heard as she pulled out a pill bottle. She had been prescribed them but had still yet to take them. Her stomach seemed to tie itself in knots as her mind flashed back to her past. Where she had come from and the trials she had been through. Her drug addiction, losing her oldest daughter, the premature birth of Olivia. Her struggle to get back into shape and want to wrestle. All of it seemed to much. Maybe the pills would help?. Maybe they would set her free. She shook her head and placed them back in her bag getting to her feet sending a quick message back to Wulf giving him advice and promising she’d be home soon.


Camera [On] Off
Las Vegas, Nevada
Present Day.

We were only a few days away now. Inception 3. A huge event for SCW. A huge event for Sierra and Lachlan. They had come in and as a team beaten the best, but as singles competitors seemed to come up short. Sierra stood in the gym staring at the different equipment. Her long black hair braided and stuck to her skin through sweat as he hands clasped together. A few strands of hair flowed down the sides of her face as she sighed loudly.

”I don’t really know what to say here. We’re only a few daysd out freom Inception and I seem, lost. See there’s all this talk about SCW vs Honor. All this talk about Wolfslair and the different title belts and unifications. But where do Lachy and I fit in that?. He and I weren’t a part of Honor, he and I signed with SCW when the merger happened. Coming in from Division when it folded. So where do he and I stand?. Well, I suppose the answer is actually quite simple…”

“We stand with each other.”

“Lachlan and I are two of the best wrestlers on this planet and we have shown it. From the second we walked into this company to the second we will walk out of it, we will be two of the best. And we have been preparing to show it. But, it’s been a struggle. In not knowing who are opponents are going to be we have had to come up with a variety of gameplans and strats for this. We don’t know the condition either of our possible opponent sets could be in. But, all three teams have their own obstacles to overcome. See no matter who wins out of Jon and Amy or Ben and Evie, they are going to have to contend with fresh champions. And no matter how long they have to collect themselves, it’s going to be hard for them to have two matches in one night….”

Sierra pushed up on her knees getting to her feet as she moves around the gym, she picked up a hoodie and slid it on doing it up as she picked up her bag and moved through to the outside, she stopped and leaned against the brick wall with a sigh.

”I also feel like some people don’t “get” us. And what’s more, I feel like some SCW roster members don’t get how professional wrestling works. See there is always going to be a company that is better than the one you were before. Even when switching back and forth. That is the way peoples ego’s work. “Oh you came from WWH?. Well that place sucked.”. It’s the same old song and dance. But you know what I found out?. It’s the competitors not the company. Look at Alicia Lukas, she has beaten alot of the top names in SCW in another company but people still talk shit about her and count her out. How the fuck does that make sense?”

“It’s the same here. As I said. I like Ben and Evie Jordan, they have been great names and ambassadors for SCW and are a great team. But they’re whole “SCW is a place like you’ve never been” schtick is bullshit. SCW is a professional wrestling company. The names and faces change but the challenges and obstacles remain the same. You people want to put yourselves up on a pedastal?. Honor, SCW blah..fuck that shit…”

“I’ve been around the world, large companies, small companies, all women companies, death match companies. All of it mixed together and I only won my first major title after two and a half years of being in what people would call “mainstream” companies here in SCW. Does that mean I automatically think the companies I came from were better?. Hell no. In WWH I had a chance at being the first ever Brimstone champion, hell I beat Slappy McGoo that big seven foot bastard that entered SCW to advance in that tournament. In DIVISION I had a shot at Dickie Watson for the title, and both of those I came up short. But does that mean WWH and DIVISIONS competiton was tougher?..”


“It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. What means something, what means the world is going out there week in and week out and proving it. Being a great professional wrestler is about consistancy and as a team Lachlan and I are consistant. And if we want to make these titles mean something we have to keep being consistant.”

Sierra shakes her head with a small laugh.

”Ben brought up that Lachlan and I didn’t keep the mixed tag division alive, like we personally broke his little heart or destroyed his illusions about SCW. Because London Underground held these championships and they are two hall of famers. Really? That’s your argument?. Ben, since these titles got brought in they have been passed and handed around through different teams without anyone really putting a stamp on them. Lachlan and I want to keep these titles not just to increase our own profile and show how good we are we want to keep these because losing them to you and Evie or Jon and Amy will just keep them going around and around again and in the end everyone will have a turn and the title belts themselves won’t matter….”

“I might be wrong, Lachy and I might now be the team to do thyat, it might be Ben and Evie, it might be Amy and Jon.”

“But, I wouldn’t bet against us. Ben seems to be the more level headed of the team and he seems happy to suck up to Christian and Mark, verbally blowing them and SCW like he has cancer and the cure is going to ejaculate all over his face if he sucks them off hard enough. And Evie?. Well, Evie put her foot in her mouth when her over glorified model wannabe ass decided to infer that after being in the ring with her I’d puss out and ask to never face her again…”

“Really bitch?”

“Do you fucking know who I am or where I’m from?. Honey you think you’re some kind of bad ass gucci girl but lets be honest. In my world, back home, you’d be nothing but an coño tonto. I’d rip your fake nails off one by one, shave that head of hair and shove your ass out the door. You wouldn’t last five minutes against me on the street or in a ring. So slow your roll, shut your fucking mouth and get in line behind your husband because when you talk it puts the womens movement back ten steps…”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head swearing more in spanish, then french, then back to spanish, before calming down.

”But, still, atleast Evie opened her mouth and tried to show some fire. Unlike Amy and Jon. Jon seems to be confused as to what he’s even doing here, talking to Song like she has ANYTHING to do with this and Amy who, well, seemed more confused about our name than anything else. And boring?. Fucking boring?. You can call me and Lachy alot of things, arrogant, goofy, kinda dumb. But boring?. Honey, you’re stretching….”

“And as I said, I want to face Jon and Amy just to get in the ring with Amy to see how I measure up…”

“That’s cause, ya know...I’m a champion..not a wannabe like Evie…”

“In a few days it all happens. Lach and I will know who are opponents are, and then we’ll get in the ring and settle it. All I can really say is that whoever walks out of Inception as the mixed tag team champions is going to have damn sure earned it. And at the end of the night, there will be atleast some fans chanting Kill Sierra Kill….”

Supercard Archives / TEAM EGGPLANT (c) vs TBD
« on: December 31, 2018, 02:00:05 AM »
See the pain in my eyes see the scars deep inside
My God, I'm down in this hole again
With the laughter, I smile with the tears that I cry
Keep going down this road called life
Don't need your sympathy
I just want for this silence to stop killing me.

Camera On {Off}
Roswell, New Mexico
18 months ago

Sierra was alone. For the first time in days, perhaps weeks she was sitting with her thoughts. Nothing to distract her. Nothing to stop the memories from flooding in. Normally even at night, she had someone there. Wulf. Even if he was asleep the sound of him breathing was enough to calm her, the feeling of his arms around her enough to stop the bad thoughts from creeping into her mind. Sierra’s hands trembled as she looked at her bag. The front pocket specifically. She inched closer as every single fiber of her being and every thought in her mind screamed at her.

Don’t do it….

She took a deep breath and slowly unzipped the front pocket reaching inside pulling out a silver heart-shaped locket. Her hands trembled along with her heart as she noticed just how dark the room had become. A small table lamp the only source of light as it dimly lit the room from the side showing strange shadows creeping up the walls. Sierra sighed and opened the locket. She stared inside, on one side a picture of herself and her mother. On the other a picture of herself and her own daughter, Jade.

Sierra tears up, the silence deafening to the point of madness. Her eyes focus on her daughter's face. The little girl looked so much like her mother. The eye structure, cheekbones, shape of her lips. The color of her hair. It was all surreal. The two pictures looking so similar. Her thumb rubbed across the glass as she took a deep breath trying to calm her heartbeat. The door behind her opened, the sound of the latch causing her to shut the locket and slide it in the pocket of her hooded sweatshirt.

Wulf: Hey babe I got….food….

As Wulf stepped in his smile faded, he looked at Sierra's face, she turned away trying to hide her emotions as her fingers drifted to her eyes wiping away the tears. Wulf set the paper bag on the table of the hotel room moving over to her, he slid around and dropped to one knee in front of her, his hands wrapping around hers as they stay clasped together on her lap. His long blonde dreads were tied up high as he stared into Sierra's eyes, she took another deep breath. Wulf didn’t ask or say anything, his hand gliding from hers up to her cheek, his palm resting against her soft cheek before moving her long black hair from her face behind her ear

Sierra tilted her head into his palm, her lips softly kissing the rough skin as she closed her eyes and let the tears fall. She reached in her pocket pulling out the small locket opening it and handing it to Wulf. He looked down at it, his eyes widening as it clicks. All of it. He leans up kissing her softly and sliding his arms around her pulling Sierra against his chest letting her hear his heartbeat.

Wulf: Happy Mother's day…..

She let go of it all gripping his shirt in her hands as she softly wept against his chest. His hands drifting from her shoulder down her back and up again, She pulled her forward onto his lap and held her tightly, his lips moving to her forehead as he came close whispering in her ear.

Wulf: I love you Sierra….

She smiled faintly leaning her forehead against his, her hand grabbing him and interlocking her fingers before pulling his hand to her chest. Her heart slowed to a calm beat, her body stopped shaking and the smile widened as the tears started to dry.

Sierra: I love you too Wulfie…..thank you

Inside my body, I'm a stranger
Stuck in a place that never changes
The world around me seems unaffected
But here I am behind the bars in my own prison
Behind the bars in my own prison

Camera On
Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
7 years ago.

Her breathing was labored. Her chest rose and fell with difficulty as each breath seemed to be a struggle. Her hair stayed over her face. A mixture of blond and black as it became a curtain, the bottom moving and flowing with each forced exhale. But the pain was gone. As he had promised. The sting and burn in her lower back now a pleasant numb as the room spun. She Laughed, a quick one not even making sense or becoming and chuckle.

Sierra looked down at her arm, the rubber tie off hung loosely down her elbow as the small injection site turned red, a small amount of blood still dripping down and out of the wound. Sierra simply smiled and swayed as she felt numb. Her entire body floating, free from pain, free from anxiety. At that moment she was in heaven. The pure ecstasy of it all overtaking her senses. The room slowed and stopped spinning. The small TV in the corner flickered as die-hard played. Sierra tried to stand up, her legs wobbling as she moved to the bathroom.

She stumbled through the door and fell, her hand crashing through the glass of the shower door. She laughed at herself. Unable to get up as she looked at her hand and arm, the blood moved from her palm down her wrist and up to her elbow like a monster consuming her soft pale skin. All she could do was marvel at it, laugh at it, stare at it. She let out a small moan and looked up. A dark figure stood above her. His long hair down his face as he wore all black, she couldn’t see any features. Just his eyes. Cold, black and empty.

Sierra: Are you a demon?

She cackled and laughed louder. The figure bent down looking at her arm before pulling Sierra to her feet. She held on as her legs remained unsteady. He pulled her back through the room before sitting her on the bed, his hand reaching forward to hers yanking out a piece of glass. She giggled as the numbness stayed in her body like the washing feeling of going deep underwater. She felt his hand on her face, his thumb and forefinger gripping either side of her jaw as he stared down in her glassy eyes. He laughed a deep guttural chuckle as he removed her shirt. A whisper in her ear sent a chill up her spine and gave her a moment of lucidity.

Time to pay for the pain I removed….don’t worry….it’ll be over quick

She felt his lips on her neck. His breath hot on her skin as she rolled her eyes back in her head and stared at the ceiling. She studied every single discolored spot. Every single crack. Every single part of chipped paint. His hands moved over her body, grabbing, tearing, ripping. They were fast, eager, clumsy. She swayed back and forth his hands pushing her down as she tried to turn onto her stomach, he pulled her back with another whisper.

No…’ll look at me. Thank me for taking away what you needed.

She blinked and tried to keep her eyes closed. It became a blur. It became painful. The realization hitting her as her body moved along the lumpy bed. Her hands stayed over her head as her arm continued to bleed. Her body became cold. Her heart fluttered and felt like stopping. She wanted it to be over. She wanted the pain to stomp. This new pain that drugs couldn’t numb. That it wasn’t going to take away.

Sierra: And that was just the first time….

Wulf sat silent. One of his dreads hung down past his face as he stared ahead. Sierra cleared her throat hoping to get some kind of reaction as his hands seemed to tighten together. A deep sigh is heard as Sierra looked away. Her bright blue eyes a dull grey. As if the story had taken all the soul in her body away. Wulf swallowed hard and pushed to his feet.

Wulf: I know that was hard…

His hand caressed her cheek, Sierra let out a sharp breath and Wulf hesitated. The moment of broken contact causing Sierra to panic. Her head snapping around and up to look Wulf in the eyes. Her face begging for him to touch her. A tear rolled down her cheek, Wulf let out a small smile and leaned down, not wiping it away but kissing it. His lips catching the tear as it hit her jaw. Sierra turned her head catching a kiss on his lips.

Sierra: I’m sorry…..

Wulf: What are you sorry for Si?...

She pulled away and broke down again, her hands shaking as more tears fell freely. Her voice becoming a whispered squeak as she became unable to look him in the face.

Wulf smiled and cupped her cheek looking into her eyes. At that moment he wasn’t the young brash daredevil, he wasn’t the immature jokester. The outer shell he showed the world melted away and instead it was just him. A man. He kissed her again and put his forehead to hers, they moved against one another like two animals or beasts showing affection. He growled in her ear.

Wulf: You are to me…..

Camera {On} Off
Las Vegas, Nevada
Present Day

”Did you all enjoy that break?”

Sierra leans back with her arms folded over a black and red shirt of her own merch. A Canadian flag but the maple leaf is the color of green on the Mexican flag with her striking a pose under it. A small smile comes across her face as she tilts her head.

”The time has come right?. In ception 3. The clash of champions. The show that has been hyped up for months as the final melding of Honor and SCW as the Honor and SCW champions clash to find out just who the hell gets to walk out as champions and their heads held high.; And over the last few weeks the Honor guys have been going on about how SCW doesn’t want them here. Meanwhile, Lachy and I have gone about our business. Coming in here from Division after it’s untimely and annoying death. And we have been two of the best newcomers this company has and we have proved it by winni9ng the mixed tag belts and making them matter…”

“See when Mercedes and Kain had them, they were an afterthought. Kain and Mercedes are so focused on their own careers and other titles and hall of fame inductions that they couldn’t see the team in front of their eyes that was about to do what they couldn’t. Make the mixed tag team division relevant. Lachlan and I became the number one contenders, we won the titles and then SCW went about creating an entire tournament just to find out who was next to face us. And over the last month or so they have been going at it to bring us two teams….”

“Amy Santino and Jon Dough going against Ben and Evie Jordan….”

“The Jordans cemented their spot by beating London Underground and Amy and Jon beat Char Kwan and Jack Stewart….”

Sierra can’t help but laugh to herself and roll her eyes.

”There have been some interesting matches in this whole series and some interesting teams. People who are actual career tag teams losing to randomly thrown together nonsense and some who seem to have hit their stride. Now Lach and I will be watching intently backstage to see who we’ll be defending our titles against. And if I had my arm twisted to pick who we’d be facing I guess I’d have to pick The Jordans. See they are an actual team. They are a husband and wife duo. And way back when this tournament first began they came to use and we had a lovely little talk. They want these titles bad and what they represent and so far, they have held up their end of the bargain. Ben is very much like Lachlan. He’s a talented guy, he knows what he can do in that ring and respects everyone and is honestly what you’d call a “nice” guy…”

“And then there’s Evie….”

“Evie seems to have a temperament similar to mine. But while Lachlan and Ben match up as far as physical skill and wrestling attributes go, Evie and I don’t. She might have the attitude, she might have the sneer, but she’s a prissy little princess. She works well with her husband and I can tell there’s some real talent there. But there are differences between us. See I’m an angry, sometimes insane, bitch and you?. You lack ambition. In some respects so does Ben. You two could be the greatest mixed tag team in the world. You two could be more than enough of a challenge for me and Lachlan. And as the ladder gets higher and you keep climbing those rungs it starts to look like a long fall on the way down. But as I said. If I had to pick opponents it would be you two. Cause you are an actual team and as a team, you’re the two biggest challenges we could have….”

“As a team….”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head.

”Now, from a personal standpoint, I personally believe my biggest challenge would be Amy Santino. But that’s just me. See Amy is what you’d call a legend in wrestling and certainly a legend here in SCW. I have followed her since she used to wrestle for NCW back in the day and she has always been interesting to me. A woman who has never given a shit what people think about her and to someone like me that was liberating. Everyone knows my story, everyone knows I grew up in Canada and because of my family, I was never really accepted the way others were. So I look at you Amy and I know that we think the same. I would love to get in the ring with you and see just who the fuck is better. And this mixed tag match might give us a preview of that. But it won’t be just you and me in there…”

“I’ll have Lachy, and you’ll have...Jon Dough…”

“I’m sorry but I can’t take a guy seriously who walks around in a mask, apparently has no idea who he is and calls himself. Literally. JON FUCKING DOUGH. It’s not funny, it’s not clever and this mask-wearing douchebag is just a stain on pro wrestling. Lachlan and I love this business, Amy is a legend of it and the Jordans are a real challenge and real team but Jon Dough?. This strange, weak-willed little man?. You see the position I’m put in right?. See Lachlan doesn’t care, he’s easy going and just enjoys wresting. But for me?. I sit here and look at the real challenge, I look at my own personal want in facing Amy and then I feel disrespected that you are her partner.”

Sierra shakes her head bringing her half of the SCW mixed tag titles up over her shoulder.

”You see this title?. You see how now it’s wanted bt some awesome teams and the division has become something special?. That was us. So many companies just ignore their tag division. So many companies just don’t care. Hell WWH’s tag division is in shambles, 4CW’s is an afterthought. But SCW had an idea. They knew that with the split genders people still wanted to see men and women in the ring at the same time so as a compromise they did this. They made the Mixed tag division and on paper, it was a great idea.”

“But no one team has been able to be the face of the division. No one team has been able to bring the prestige to the titles that they truly deserve. London Underground, Mercedes and Kain, Sam and Caleb…..”

“Out of the former champions the only team still teaming is London Underground and they failed at one of the last hurdles. Sam Marlowe and Caleb storms are both off pursuing singles gold. Mercedes and Kain seem to realize that they can’t beat us so why bother?. That is an issue. See Lach and I want to build this division around us, we want the titles to mean something and if we lose them to our first real challenge then we aren’t any better than the ones that came before. We won’t be doing these titles justice, so even though Ben, Evie, and Amy have shown they’d be worthy champions if we want to be the champs we said we are we have to win...we have to keep the titles...and we have to show dominance. If not this division, these titles...they’ll mean nothing. And I don't know about you, but I’m tired of tag titles being shiny trinkets for bored singles stars to hold. So whether it’s the Jordans, or Santino and Dough they will be in for a fight against one of the best teams in wrestling today. And you all will see it at Inception 3…”

Climax Control Archives / Fading Star and a piece of furniture
« on: December 12, 2018, 12:29:27 AM »
Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes
(The more things change, the more they stay the same)

Camera On {Off}
Fresno California
2 Years Ago

Equinox: Thanks for meeting me Sierra…

She sat across from him in the small diner in the inner suburbs of Fresno. Just a small walk from the hotel all the talent were staying at for the week. She trailed up to his eyes, looking past the long multi-colored hair with a black bandana underneath, his amazing cheekbones and jaw structure.” He’s very handsome” she thought to herself before realizing she had been staring too long without saying a word. Her cheeks blushed a ruby red as she cleared her throat and tried to sound disinterested with a fake monotone sound.

Sierra Williams: You asked me out here for something Equinox...what is it?

He gave her a small smile, one filled with arrogance. He’d seen her blushing red cheeks, looked past the fake tone and disinterested half grin. He knew he was in her head. Sierra waited for his reply and swallowed hard lifting her coffee to her lips trying to hide any and all emotion from the situation. Equinox leaned forward with a small wink and twinkle in his eye.

Equinox: I just wanted to apologize for going after Mikfa-...Mikhail like that...And if that contributed to your break up I’m truly sorry. I hate the guy but you obviously saw something in him and I-

Sierra Williams: No it’s fine really….

She interrupts him and smiles with a chuckle behind it putting the coffee mug down. She looks away for a moment avoiding eye contact. Instead, she slid her long blonde hair behind her ear and chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Should she be there?. She and Mikhail had just broken up. Was this right?. Or proper. Equinox tilted his head and slid his hand across the table grabbing hers with a small squeeze.

Equinox: Hey you ok darlin’?

Sierra jumped as if waking from a daydream. She blushed an even brighter red feeling the warmth of his hand on hers. His fingertips were coarse and rough, but the way he touched her, smooth, soft and tender. A simple gesture full of caring and no sinister intent or used for a personal gain. No, this touch was one of someone who under the facepaint and daredevil antics was a real human being. Filled with compassion.

Sierra Williams: Yeah absolutely. Just got lost thinking for a minute is all…

He gave a small nod back and moved his hand picking up his own coffee drinking the last before clearing his throat and looking around nervously. He scratched the back of his neck and took a deep breath.

Equinox: Hey look, I don’t want ya to think this is too forward or anything but, well I think you’re a great girl and you were too good for Mikhail….and I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me dinner….

Sierra’s jaw dropped as she stuttered a little being caught off guard. She looked around and took a deep breath.

Sierra Williams: Like as friends or did you just ask me out on a date?

Equinox: Well it was a date actually…

She goes silent focusing on a point on the wall behind him to relieve the tension and nervous energy. She saw out of the corner of her eye that he was starting to get nervous with her lack of communication and no answer. She took another deep breath but before she could answer….

Equinox: Hey it can just be as friends Sierra no pressure….

Sierra Williams: Si….

Equinox: What?

She leans forward with a small smile crossing her soft pink lips, her eyes softening along with her voice as she grabs his hand.

Sierra Williams: My friends and also….guys I’ll be me Si….Equinox....

Equinox: Call me Mikey…..

She gives him a nod and laughs to herself, her eyes sparkle as the light hits them as she looked down and away.

Sierra Williams: Come on...let’s get out of here….

Par la victoire, nous apprenons

Camera On {Off}
Las Vegas Nevada.
2 Years Ago

Sierra Williams: Are you sure about this Mikey?

Equinox: Of course Si….this is my thing….

Sierra closes her eyes and moves forward, the wind whistles through her hair and against her ears. She can hear the voices of everyone around her, their conversations all melding together. She takes a few deep breaths before looking out and off the end of the bridge. A large walkway over one of the gorges in the Vegas desert. Sierra looks down and takes a deep breath.

The height puts her off a little as she shakes her head and backs up into Mikey who smiles. He wraps his arms around her waist clasping his hands together holding her tight. His feet also together ready to jump with her. He smiles wide kissing her cheek.

Sierra Williams: Mikey….I can’t do this….

Equinox: Yeah you can Si, I got can do anything.

Sierra Williams: You’re jumping with me right?

He gave her a nod. They both approached the edge. As her toes got to the end of the platform and she felt the space in front she took a deep inhale in. They stand at the edge together, Equinox’ hands tighten around her waist as he holds her. Her chest heaves up and down as she looks straight ahead, birds fly at eye level and all the other voices fade out with all the other noises and soon all Sierra can hear is his breathing, his voice, and their heartbeats

Equinox: Keep your eyes open, trust me, feel my arms around you and know that I will never...ever..let go….

Sierra Williams: Promise?....

Equinox: Always Si….

And with that, he pushed off. He held onto her tight as the air whipped past them. She kept her eyes open seeing the ground rush towards her, her heart almost exploding through her chest. But she didn’t scream. She smiled and felt like flying. She felt free. Equinox squeezed her as Sierra put her arms out, they slowed down and then stopped for a split second before they then went the reverse way going backward fast. And again she felt like flying. But it wasn’t the jump, the air or the birds….

It was him, his touch, his words, his heart. As they stopped and raised back up Sierra smiled wide, her hair flowing down and over her face as she turned to kiss him as they continued being pulled back up. She stared into his eyes and the feeling of freedom grew. As they raised up to the platform and were unstrapped Sierra held on to him tight.

Equinox: We’re back up Si….I told you we’d be alright….

She laughed and stepped away from him looking back for a moment before leaning against the railing of the bridge. Her long blonde, pink and black hair moving in the wind as she ran her hands along the railing. Equinox gave her a boyish grin stepping forward placing his hands on hers, he leaned in and kissed her lips, as he pulled back with a smile she leaned her forward on his chest and sighed.

Sierra Williams: I’m falling for you in more ways than one Mikey…….

Camera {On} Off
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Present Day

”Finally. You know, I get there’s a lot of people in SCW and the wrestling world at large who just enjoy being signed to a company and enjoy just collecting a paycheck, sitting at home. I get there are some people who are just happy to be in this business. But, I’m not like that. I signed on to SCW not just to tag with Lachlan but to be one of the best in the world. I enjoy being one-half of the mixed tag team champions, I enjoy holding this…”

Sierra slowly lifts up her half of the tag titles. She slides the title belt over her shoulder and smiles moving back and forth.

”See, I am happy to finally hold a major title. I had my chances in WWH, I had my chances in DIVISION but I could never quite get there. And in SCW Lachlan and I broke through that glass ceiling. But I want more. I want the Roulette title, I want the...argh...Bombshell title. See, I haven’t had my time to shine in a singles match yet. I have been teaming with Lachlan and we have done a great job. We were stars in another company and we walked in here and got asked to team up. See the mixed tag division needed rebuilding. It had already become stagnant and Lachlan and I kicked it in the ass. Something that Jake Raab seems to have a problem with.”

“Yeah Jake, we all heard you. We all heard your whining and crying, we all saw you throw your little tantrum before Lachlan beat you. We came into SCW, we beat the champions twice. We did it when the titles weren’t on the line, we did it with the titles on the line and if they had wanted a rematch we would have done it then too, but it seems to me Mercedes and Kain want to get on with their lives. And SCW is giving a whole host of people the opportunity to earn a shot against us and I tell you what. If you went and found a woman to team with Lachlan and I would put our titles on the line against you too, but, nah, instead you went and bitched your way into a shot for another title. Congrats Jake, meanwhile I’m going to be stepping into the ring with Mercedes Vargas and Ella Singleton.”

“And I’m excited for that, cause as I said, I haven’t been able to show what I can do. I haven’t been able to stand on my own two feet but now, I have that chance to…”

Sierra laughs to herself and adjusts the SCW mixed tag title.

”And I get to do it, against one of my idols again. But you know, there was a line in MGK’s song “rap devil”. When your idols become your rivals. And you and I Mercedes are now rivals. Look, you are a Hall of Famer Mercedes. You have a long history in this company that is one of the best runs and careers that anyone could ever hope for. You have collected titles, accolades, and records. You have been one of the best of the best and no one. NO ONE can take it away from you and yeah, it should be celebrated. You should be congratulated. But at the same time….being a champion and a legend comes with certain setbacks and harsh realities.”

“See, you walk backstage and all your former rivals will shake your hand, the management group will smile and want to keep you around cause, as you said, you’re too important to this company to lose. Thing is, they’re all disrespecting you. They all look you in the eye and tell you how great you are. They tell you how you’re one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots but what they don’t tell you, is that your aura as a bright shining star, had faded. What they don’t tell you, Mercedes is that those doubts you have inside yourself. Those ones creeping in the back of your mind day in day out as you put up your little “this day in SCW” nostalgia posts are real.”

“It happens to us all Mercy. And honestly, it’s fucking painful to watch.”

“I remember breaking into this business and looking up to you. Being a real fan. And now?. Look at you. You had a great run in Honor. But you were protected. You had people around you. Then you got beaten and the idea of immortality broke apart. And then as the companies merged, your name has fallen to the ground, and no one can help it up. You’re past your use by date. And the only way now to save face is to look in the mirror and understand who you are now…”

Sierra scoffs and folds her arms.

”You had the chance to be humble, to be a respected locker room leader when Lachlan and I beat you and Kain. You could have gone out there all over social media or in the ring and said “these two are the future” you could have shown us the proper respect. But you didn’t. Instead, you ran your mouth, called it a fluke and then seemed to be shocked and surprised when it happened again and we became the champions. But the thing is Mercy, it's not just with us. I mean Lachlan and I are new to the world stage, he was a big name in the European Independents and myself in Canada and Mexico, so I guess a lack of respect for someone like me isn’t that rare….but then you had your match with Alicia Lukas and that...that is where we really see the gap come in…”

“Alicia outpaced you and beat you. You talked a lot of trash and couldn’t back it up and not once, to myself, to Lachlan, to Alicia or to anyone have you hung your head and shown one ounce of understanding. You’re a world-weary veteran and as I said an SCW Hall of Famer. But your actions have been that of an angry, bitter, aging starlet. Jealous that the next generation does it faster and harder….and now Mercy...time is up…..”

“Just like it seems to be for the first wheel in our little shin-dig Miss Ella Singleton. It looks like it was time up on your pursuit of the Honor Legacy Title and a win over Jesse Salco. It was entertaining to watch you go after her and dig yourself into a hole with your pre-match bullshit as you ran your mouth only to get beaten down and humiliated. Not once but twice.”

“And to be honest with you Ella, that’s all I know about you. You have basically been Jesse Salco’s bitch for the last month and somehow you get thrown into this triple threat match against an aging legend well past her use by date and even further from their prime and myself. A current champion, the future of SCW...That’s what you’re stuck with Ella. You’re an afterthought in a match between two much more talented and memorable people. But with that being said, that’s what makes you dangerous. Your ability to kind of, blend into the furniture and go unnoticed, but trust me on this Ella, I’m not going to forget about the self proclaimed “duchess” of Florida….especially when I’m walking back up the ramp at Climax Control as a winner….”

« on: November 05, 2018, 03:39:33 AM »
 La douleur de la perte n'est jamais surpassée par les opportunités de l'avenir

Atlanta Georgia  
Camera On [Off]
2 Years Ago.

She bit her nails obviously feeling nervous. He looked at her with a strange raised eyebrow. Her hand moved away from her hand as her bottom lip curled as she bit it. Mikhail laughed to himself as he sat coolly across from her, his large muscled and tattooed arms being shown off by his black sleeveless “Rammstein” top

Mikhail Reinhardt: As much as I enjoy staring at you dear you need to talk…..

Sierra looked down and clasped her hands together sliding forward. She took a deep breath before sipping some water.  

Sierra Williams: I’m sorry I’m just rather embarrassed….

Mikhail Reinhardt: embarrassed?..why?

She looked around and took another drink of water. Her hand shaking a little as she scratched the back of her neck, her bright green eyes darting left and right.

Sierra Williams: Going back to Carter...running away as I did I-

Mikhail Reinhardt: You don’t need to apologize, I understand…

Sierra’s eyes widened as she sat back.  

Sierra Williams: You do?

Mikhail Reinhardt: When we spent time together and we were in that hotel room, you were always distant and I was...not in a good place…

She nods slowly and swallows hard, her mind flashing back to that night. Mikhail obviously affected by something.

Sierra Williams: I still should have stayed. I had something good with you and I walked out when you needed me all because of Carter. Because of misplaced loyalty and being gullible to believe his lies.  

Mikhail chuckles and runs a hand through his beard as he slides forward.

Mikhail Reinfeldt: Sierra, we can all fall under influences it’s not your fault...besides if I didn’t think there was a future with you and I didn’t want to see you do you really believe I would have come?....

Sierra Williams: I suppose not. Mik, I don’t know what we are yet, I know I want to spend time with you, I know I want to be more than friends….

Mikhail Reinhardt: What’s stopping it?...I’m here….I’m ready….

She smiles and clears her throat moving her hand over his.

Sierra Williams: Thank you…..

Mikhail Reinhardt: Come….I'll take you somewhere nicer than….this….

She laughs as he gets to his feet helping her up, as they turn he puts his arm over her shoulder, Sierra looks at his hand and grabs it leaning on his shoulder with a happy smile as they leave together

“The Keg” Steakhouse and Bar Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada
Camera On[Off]
2 Years Ago

Music blared from the jukebox as the bar seemed full almost to capacity. Tables full of laughing patrons, burgers, fries and beer. Leaning back against the bar was Sierra Williams. Her hair out under her familiar black bandana. A black leather biker jacket over a pink fishnet top and a black top underneath. A pair of black skin-tight jeans showed off her hips and legs. A beer in her hand as she looked out across the floor.

She smiled and put her beer down suddenly running across the floor through the crowd, she squealed and jumped into the waiting arms of Mikhail Reinhardt wrapping her legs around his midsection into a kiss. Regulars of the place seemed to laugh and a few wolf whistles were heard. Sierra smiled as Mikhail let her down to her feet, her black boots clunking against the hardwood floor as the music kept blasting.  

She took Mikhail's hand leading him over to a free booth, he sat down and Sierra slid onto his lap.  

Sierra Williams: Nice to see you found the place, your stuff all settled in?

Mikhail Reinhardt: Ja love, it’s all set up.

Mikhail's hand wrapped around her midsection as her hand cupped his face giving him another slow deep kiss, as she does the jukebox changes songs as “I love rock and roll” the real Joan Jett and the Blackhearts version, not that horrible Britney Spears abomination plays. Sierra laughs and moves a little on his lap before getting up.

Sierra Williams: Beer?

Mikhail gives her a small nod and Sierra moves through the crowd of people as she stops and sings the chorus with a few local girls. She makes it to the bar and calls the bartender over, she whispers in his ear and laughs as he goes to grab the order. Sierra can’t help herself and starts dancing moving her hips. Suddenly before the beers arrive she feels a hand on her ass. She spins around and gets in the guy's face, a few of his friends laughing behind. Before she knew it Mikhail was there, his long undercut tied up and high.

Mikhail Reinhardt: You have five seconds before I make this the most painfully embarrassing night in your pathetic existence.[.color]

There was laughter, Mikhail snarled behind his beard, his hands balled together in fists as he slowly took his denim vest off, complete with metal patches his upper body covered in a black sleeveless top. He tilted his head with a growl, Sierra quickly stepped in placing her hand on Mikhail's heart.

Sierra Williams: Boo, there is no sense in getting into fights with the local morons…..besides…

Sierra suddenly turns and hits a hard right hand to the offender's nose, a loud crack under her fist as it breaks and blood splatters across the bar. Sierra straightens her jacket and turns back to Mikhail.

Sierra Williams: I can take care of myself…..

Two beers got put on the bar as Sierra grabbed them and handed one to Milk, a smile returning to her face as Mike looks down at the carnage caused, the guy's friends dragging his semi-conscious body out of the bar as a few of the locals just laughed and jeered. Sierra then smiled sweetly offering to cheers Mik, he raised his beer to her and took a drink as Sierra downed hers right away.  

Sierra Williams: To new beginnings...

Thunder Bay Ontario.
Camera On [Off]
3 Years Ago

Sierra’s hands shook as she took a deep breath. Her nervous energy obvious to anyone who walked past. A cigarette stayed between her long slender fingers as she took a puff, the end shortening as she inhaled and held the smoke in. It burned down her lungs and stayed before she pushed it out. The cold morning air swirling the smoke upwards. Sierra only ever smoked when nervous and today she was. Her heart raced, her body shook, she looked around in a fragmented way.

All of it was killing her softly. She turned and noticed a car, her hand moving towards the brick wall she was perched on as she put out the smoke. She slid down onto the concrete and moved along the path putting her hands in the front pockets of her black hoodie, her bottom half warmed in a pair of faded black jeans, her black combat boots hitting the ground hard.

Jade: MOMMA!

Sierra smiled wide, her arms shooting out as she dropped to her knees catching the small girl as she ran into her arms. Her mousy brown hair tied in a high ponytail her soft facial features similar to that of Sierra, after a long hug Sierra pulled back with a smile kissing her on the forehead. She looked up with a frown as she got to her feet, in front of her stood two men, an older man with a briefcase in a suit and one who looked to be mid to late 20’s, short spiked up black hair in casual clothing.

Sierra Williams: Donovan….Mr. Hatch….

She gave them both a quick nod as her daughter clung to her leg. Sierra swallowed hard as she sat back down on the small brick wall lifting Jade onto the side with her. Jade smiled at her mother, Sierra smiled back but her eyes seemed to puff up a little she noticed Mr. Hatch staring at her, he raised his eyebrows and Sierra gave a small nod looking at Jade.

Sierra Williams: Honey I have to speak to Daddy’s friend why don’t you go play and we’ll go for breakfast after ok?

Jade: Ok Momma….

She jumped down and took her father by the hand. Donovan just gave an arrogant smirk and laughed as Sierra felt uneasy. Her stomach folding over as Mr. Hatch seemed to sigh showing annoyance at Donovan's attitude. He looked back at Sierra, his dark brown eyes showing a sadness and a regret. Sierra dropped down and took a deep breath.

Mr. Hatch: Miss Williams I….I don’t know how to say this. But Mr. Nicholls has challenged the visitation...he’s claiming you’ve relapsed and-

Sierra Williams: WHAT? no no sir. This can’t...I haven’t. I haven’t touched that stuff in five years. I’ve been clean and can’t-

Mr. Hatch: It’s been done. Donovan says he has proof. And until your day in court all parental rights have been suspended, Miss Williams.  

Sierra starts to hyperventilate. Her chest heaves up and down as she shakes her head. She looks over at Jade, her little face a ball of happiness and light as her father pushes her on the swing. Sierra goes to walk to her but stops before burying her face in her hands, her heart beating fast and feeling as if it’s going to explode.

Sierra Williams: Wait...I can’t take her with me today?...but I just promised...I….I can’t….

Mr. Hatch: I’m afraid you have to leave. You cannot have contact with her until your court date….

Sierra Williams: No...please...PLEASE you can’t...she won’t understand she’ll think I didn’t want to see her please...just let me….

Mr. Hatch: I’m sorry...I’M SORRY...Miss Williams...there is nothing I can do...just be at the district court next month….

Mr. Hatch turned and walked towards Donovan and Jade, Sierra stepped back and as they walked away she could hear Jade’s cries, Sierra collapsed behind the wall pulling her knees to her chest, the tears rolled free, they moved down her cheeks as she rocked back and forth, her arms shaking as she looked at the date on the summons, the evidence needed. Sierra felt it build, the anger, the hate. Jade was gone...she felt it well up and break in the back of her mind before letting out a primal scream.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Camera [On] Off
Present Day

“Are we really shocked?”

Sierra smiles to herself and runs a hand through her long black hair, it just flows down over her shoulders and back as she moves across the front of her home almost pacing looking irritated.

“The wrestling business is a fickle shitty place. Everyone is so concerned with clutching and holding onto their spot that they can’t actually see their nose in front of their face. Mercedes Vargas and Kain are two such people. Names who have made themselves close to legends in SCW. Hell Mercedes is going into the SCW Hall of Fame. And that is A HUGE accomplishment. In fact, it’s another awesome thing she can put in her long, obnoxious bio. I understand why Kain and Mercedes are so angry and bitter. They have been two of the bigger names here with title reigns and big wins and now people like myself and Lachlan come along and light the world on fire.”

“We have walked up to the roulette wheel, put it all on black and watched as the ball turned and fell. And people like them, they can’t handle it. They like being the biggest baddest dogs in the yard and can’t stand when people who are their equals, or superiors walk into the company. And that’s an issue cause when they are beaten when they are bested. Like they were in our debut, their fragile little egos can’t stand it.”

“I saw it in Kain’s eyes when he cut his little promo. He was so angry about what I said prior to our tag match and what I said in my last promo that he felt the need to try and point out where I was wrong. Instead of just hyping himself up, hyping his partner up he went through and decided to play counterpoint. It’s a shame cause for a moment when Kain was telling us all how Mercedes was amazing and a legend and a dominant force in the “bombshells” division I actually believed him. For a split second I thought to myself, ya know maybe it was just an off night. Maybe Kain and Mercedes will just steamroll over myself and Lachy at High Stakes.”

“But then, I snapped back to reality.”

“Reality seems to be a concept that you and Mercedes both struggle with. Fact Kain, you and Mercedes got beaten. You can call it a fluke you can say it won’t happen again but the fact remains that when High Stakes comes and goes and you two are now titleless you will have no soft landing. You have made all these promises of violence and you got so offended by me calling you a weak link that you have backed yourself into a corner. See now, now it’s a case of win or your already fractured reputation breaks and shatters into a million little pieces…”

Sierra laughs to herself and shakes her head again grumbling in Spanish under her breath.

“If you beat Lachlan and me then all you’ve done is prove that apparently, we don’t belong in the ring with you which makes the fact we already beat you even more shocking and makes the loss humiliating for you two. And I guess it works both ways too. I told you, I FUCKING TOLD YOU that Lachlan and I were not to be underestimated, I told you that I was dangerous and damn good at what I do. I told you Lachlan was an amazing talent. You still ran your mouth. You still didn’t want to believe it “Alex”. And now here we are ready to go to war again and you want to flip our win on its head, turn that mirror around and tell us to look at ourselves because it was “one single match”...”

“We live our lives week to week, match to match. And while I am damn proud Lachlan and I got the win in our debuts against two current champions who have also held singles gold and one of which is a Hall of Famer I’m also not foolish enough to wipe my hands and say “well the job is done”. This next match is a restart. It is a new day and a new chance. We will not forget what we learned facing you, we won’t forget we now have a slight mental edge over you and Mercedes, BUT, when that bell rings and we go at it again, it will be on even footing.”

“Now, if you can also just look in the mirror and stop the amazingly boring monotone delivery of your facts and arrogant douchebaggery, that would also be great.”

“I tried to make it all the way through and honestly all I got out of it was “Your win was a fluke but congratulations, I’m a boring douchebag, and I want to get in Mercedes panties but I’m so deep in the friend zone getting tagged in the match makes me hard.” Really, riveting stuff. I would recommend getting a manager or letting Mercedes do all the talking, cause Kain, buddy, while wrestling is something you are obviously good at. Talking?. Seems to be a bigger L for you than the one Lachlan and I gave you at Climax Control…”

Sierra raises an eyebrow and laughs to herself.

“And speaking of talking, Mercedes Vargas. Mercy, next time you and Kain feel the need to cut promo’s can I suggest you two get together. Go over your notes and split up the plot points on who and what you’re going to talk about to0 avoid any crossover. “Blah blah, congrats. Blah blah, we’re better, blah blah it won’t happen again.” Of course one thing Mercedes said sticks out. About the roster wanting her and Kain to lose and I feel like I need to give Mercedes a GIFT here…”

She chuckles.

“A...a GIFT..see what I did there?...”

She pauses again and clears her throat before continuing.

“People want to see the successful fail. I meant what I said Mercedes, I am a huge fan of yours. As a woman of Hispanic heritage, I’m sure you understand why. You have been to the top in a lot of companies and you’ve done it because of how good you really are in that ring. You’ve done it here, you did it in Honor, you’re even doing it in WWH, although... let's face it that company is a shadow of what it once was and with Honor and SCW joining forces and former DIVISION stars coming over means that it has an uphill battle being as relevant as here. But still, you have been the name on everyone’s lips for so long that is why I made my comments about who you were becoming.”

“I meant what I said Madre respetada. You are becoming Sam Tolson and I didn’t just say that out of some kind of need to insult you or make people who hate you laugh I said it because I don’t want that. I want to go out to that ring with Lachlan, have a great match and show just how good I am and in the process win those title belts. When all is said and done and you have lost to myself and Lachy again the last thing I want is to see a woman who I held in high regard making excuses because she can’t admit someone is better than her. I thought you were better than that.”

“My record in WWH was damn impressive. But anyone who beat me I showed the proper respect for. Lachlan beat me in DIVISION, Dickie Watson stopped me from being the final DIVISION champion. I showed them both respect. But you?. For every word of respect we beat out of you, there were fifty disavowing it and making light of what we did and what we can do. I mean, standing at a merch table, replica belts? A pine box with a maple leaf on it?. Kain backing you and him into a corner?. All the harsh words and arrogant chest thumping bullshit is leading to a situation where you win and you just beat people who weren’t in your league and if you lose?...”

“You got beaten a second time by people who apparently “aren’t good enough”. So now, win or two look pathetic….But let me ask you, Mercedes, what will happen when you lose to us?. Will you look at us and nod saying “yeah they beat us, respect”? Or will you do what I and everyone else really believes you’ll do, and start making excuses?. I already know where I have my money….”

« on: November 01, 2018, 07:17:50 AM »
 Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada
Camera On [Off]  
2 Years Ago.

Knock Knock

The sound echoed through the small house in Thunder Bay. The heavy wooden door didn’t budge as a repeated knock sent another echo through. A male voice was heard as Sierra sat alone. Her hands flicking the polaroids. A younger looking version of herself. Perhaps 19 or 20 stares back with Carter. A much younger Carter 17 or 18. His hair cut short, no beard. His arms and upper body skinny and covered in a hockey jersey. His arm draped over Sierra’s shoulder, her long black hair tied up and away from her face.

She shakes her head turning to the next one. A similar picture only this one was a little later. Carter’s hand no longer draped over her shoulder as a friend, now it was around her waist. Curled on her hip. Sierra’s body pressed against his as her hand stayed over his heart. Sierra ground her teeth together letting out a growl, then she heard it as if snapping from a daze.

Carter Kennedy: Sierra I know you’re in there!...let me in!....

She scoffed and shook her head turning to another photo, a stab to the heart as he eyes moved over it. Carters lips were on hers, the photograph captured by a friend without their knowledge and given after as a gift. Sierra’s hands shook as she dropped the pile and turned towards the door, her voice deeper now with more base and anger, her French/Mexican mixed accent coming through stronger.

Sierra Williams: Well maybe if you had fucking come home to me like you promised I WOULDN’T HAVE CHANGED THE LOCKS CARTER….

Carter Kennedy: SI!...come on please...let me explain….Si!

He yelled louder, the neighbors no doubt heard and were getting ready to complain. Sierra just shook her head again as she looked at the pile of pictures she had just dropped on the small table. One hung out from the pile. Her hand drifted down, she gave it a small tug and raised it up as her hand met her lips. Sierra and Carter together, their hands interlocked around her midsection, she closed her eyes and took a sharp breath in trying to keep her composure.  

Carter Kennedy: Si… you still have that box?....

Her eyes sprung open, she tried not to look. Her heart pleading with her brain, begging it not to look. She turned her head to the dresser. There facing her was a small velvet box. Burgundy in color with a small gold trim, her mind flashed to the night Carter handed it to her, promising her someday he’d fill it with something for her. Her hands trembled as she turned and picked it up, her feet moving with purpose towards the door, he took a breath in and held it to her chest as her other hand laid flat on the wood.

Carter Kennedy: Si, I have what belongs in there, please….please open the door baby….

The walls crashed down as the cracks broke. She closed her eyes tight as tears flowed down her cheeks. She unlocked the door opening it slowly. She stood in a white sweater, black jeans, and her bare feet as the cold air rushed in. Carter stepped in and closed the door behind him, he took off his jacket and his hand drifted under her chin pulling her face to his. The second she saw him it all faded away. The hurt, the anger, the pain. It was all gone.

His deep brown eyes stared into hers and showed remorse, sadness and above all love. The shell Sierra has put up faded away and disappeared. She let out a small breathy sigh and looked away. Carter swallowed hard and grabbed her hands, the box cupped in there.  

Carter Kennedy: Marry me…..

She was unable to speak, instead, a few whimpers pushed from her body. She swallowed hard and tears flowed. Carter took her hand sliding the ring on her finger and then pulled her body against his. She wrapped her arms around him refusing to let go as he kissed her forehead.

Carter Kennedy: Is that a yes?/

Sierra Williams: Of course it is….you idiot….

They both laughed and stayed locked around each other. Carter swayed side to side as Sierra turned her head and listened to his heartbeat. After a few minutes, Sierra pulled back and wiped her tears from her eyes looking at her hand and the ring.  

Sierra Williams: What took you so long?....

They both laughed and Carter shook his head cupping her cheek before kissing her slowly as he pulled back he smiled warmly and looked deep into her eyes again.

Carter Kennedy: I just needed to lose you to know how much I needed you….I’m sorry Si, I love you…

Sierra Williams: I love you to Carter….I always did….

Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada.  
Camera On [Off]  
A few weeks later

She was so angry, her hands were shaking. The messages scrolled by. As her eyes took it all in. I miss you, Carter, they said I love you, Carter. The dates showed the time, the dates betrayed his lies. She dropped his phone and turned as he walked in with a smile. A smile that quickly faded as he saw her face and his phone. Carter swallowed hard and stuttered.

Carter Kennedy: Si I-

Sierra Williams: No….I don’t want to hear it…

She stepped forward handing him his phone, the screen now cracked. Her long blonde hair with red and black streaks flows down from under a black bandana tied around her head. Her bright blue eyes staring into his with a mixture of pain, embarrassment, and anger. Carter just stared blankly, embarrassed he got caught. He turned away unable to look her in the eye. Sierra shook her head and turned away, tears welling up in her eyes. They felt hot as they streamed down her face. Burning like acid along her pale cheeks. Carter stepped forward and put his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off and turned to slap him across his face.

Sierra Williams: DON’T!.....I don’t get it, Carter, I was gone, you wanted someone else and I was gone but you continually over and over again pulled me back in with your promises and lies. All I wanted was to be happy and every single time I went to move on you sabotaged it….DIDN’T YOU?...

He stayed silent, looking down and away. Sierra seethed. Her teeth grinding together as she burned a hole through him with her gaze. Her fists clenched together as her nails dug into her palms. Her engagement ring cutting against her flesh. Blood trickles from her hand and drops to the floor. Carter looks down and opens his mouth to say something. Before he can Sierra turns her hand taking the bloodstained ring off setting it on the table.  

Sierra Williams: I’m done, Carter…..I wanted you...I loved you. But this...I can’t do this and I don’t want to

Carter Kennedy: Si….come on..we can work this out….

She grabbed her bag slinging it over her shoulder, as she went to walk passed him Carter grabbed her arm hard pulling her back into a kiss. For a moment when their lips met, she forgot herself. Lost in the memories. She pulled back and swallowed hard shaking her head again. As he reached out for her she swung her fist connecting with his jaw. Carter stumbled back, Sierra growled her anger and stepped back towards the door.

Sierra Williams: Don’t try and find me, don’t come and see me, if you do happen to pick up the pieces of your career that you and that silly little bitch Ashley flushed down the toilet DO NOT contact me….

She opens the door stepping through, she chuckles and stops turning back over her shoulder with a smirk.

Sierra Williams: Oh and I know you never asked because you didn’t want to know, but yeah...Mik and I slept together….he is a real man...not a man-child like you...grow up Carter…..


Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Camera [On] Off
Present Day

”Sometimes, “I told you so” just doesn’t cut it you know?”

Sierra Williams is the picture of confidence as she paces back and forth in front of her Calgary home. A red bandana around her head as her long black hair peeks out from under it. She wears a black Lachlan Kane shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans as she smiles and shakes her head.

”I stood here before Climax Control 220 and I told you all what Lach and I were going to do. I told you all and I told Kain and Mercedes and then when I got to the show I told you then too. But see, they both have this arrogance they carry with them. It’s not really a bad thing, I mean arrogance has done me well in my life and career. Knowing that you are better than someone, knowing how good you are and going out there and proving it is the greatest feeling in the world. I struggled and scratched and clawed for years and I was held back because of my former tag team partner. I had to sit back and watch as he made stupid mistakes. It wasn’t until I struck out on my own two years ago that I finally found the recognition I deserved and started making a name for myself….”

“But in Lachlan, I have an equal. I have a guy who is just as hungry as I am who isn’t dumb enough to make the same mistakes others have.”

“Now, Mercedes and Kain rightfully had confidence going into this match. I’m not going to begrudge them that. We came onto their turf, we had success in o9ther places. We were names in Canada, Japan, Europe, Mexico and a few companies in the states but we were an unproven and unknown commodity here in SCW. That is until we beat the champions. Now, before I get into all that I think maybe I need to explain the dynamic Lach and I have.”

“Lachlan is calm and honorable.”

Sierra smiles and blushes a little thinking about him, she clears her throat and shakes her head putting the “mean” face back on before continuing.

”He will go out there and be the calming influence on me and stop me from doing anything too, let’s say, drastic?. Then there’s me, I add the necessary anger and aggression to the team. I’d be just as comfortable punching either of you in the face repeatedly as I would trading arm drags and single leg takedowns. We have the perfect blend and we trust each other completely. We share a ring, we share a bed, we share a relationship that will go on long after our careers wind down. Do you two have that?. I mean I know I watched Kain give Mercedes a verbal lick and tickle in his promo but aside from a business relationship build on mutual masturbation what is it that you have as a bond?”

“You do have a few things in common, the mutual arrogance and championship history. But you also have something else in common. Being wrong. You said we had no chance. WRONG. You said we were against the wrong opponents. WRONG.. You were wrong.

She chuckles again and shrugs before mumbling under her breath in Spanish.

”Something caught my eyes and ears though. Kain, you stood there and said in the strongest of tones. “No, you will not win”. That sounded like a guarantee. That sounded like a certainty. And everything Mercedes decided to spew out amounted to “I am a god in SCW, I am unbeatable, look at these statistics”. You know the only problem with making certainties and talking like you’re unbeatable?. When you you two look like a pair of assholes.”

“Or, in Kain’s case talking himself up like that and saying we consider him to be a “dark horse” makes me think something else about him. It makes Kain look like, a weak link. And hey man if you’re the best SCW has to offer to the point where you want to go after the world title and Fenir then maybe Lachlan is wasting his time going for those mixed tag titles with me and he should just go straight for that world title. Cause Lachlan is clearly twice the man you are. Just like I’m twice the woman Mercedes Vargas is…”

Sierra scoffs and folds her arms over her chest showing a certain attitude and swagger.

”See, Mercedes is someone who has had so much success that when she is presented with someone who is an equal or maybe someone who is better than her, her mind twists and contorts the truth. Mercedes beat Sam Tolson for that Honor title. You know who else has beaten Sam Tolson?. Me. Now, that list of people who have humbled that arrogant bitch is long and distinguished but it goes towards my point. I used to chuckle and laugh at Mercedes dragging Tolson around by her deflated ego. I used to laugh at the fact Tolson refused to admit Vargas could be better than her or her equal or give her props for beating her.”

“But now?...”

“Well all you have to do is look at Vargas’ attitude. Alicia Lukas beat her, she doesn’t acknowledge it, instead throws out random shit about win streaks, unpinned streaks and how great she is. And it’s not just restricted to her. Look at this past week. Lachlan and I beat her and Kain, and when presented with this fact. And it was a fact. Mercedes simply said. Lightning won’t strike twice. Really?. Really Mercedes?. Congratulations Mercy. You have become what you hate…”

“You have become Samantha Tolson…”

Sierra snarls and shakes her head knowing that one line will cut deep.

”I’m not going to deny you’re a great talent, Mercedes. I would never say that. In fact, for a time I looked up to you. But those who don’t respect the past are doomed to repeat it and you already failed that test. Lachlan and I will go into this match with confidence and with respect to your abilities as professional wrestlers. High Stakes will be a great night and it will be a war. But it will be a close war that could go either way. And either you accept that or fail. And then when you are standing there, without those pretty titles, what is it that you’ll say?. What statistic will you throw out there to avoid having to face your own insecurities and career mortality?.....this truly is High Stakes gambling….and I hold all the aces bitch”

Climax Control Archives / The Irish Canadian Alliance
« on: October 23, 2018, 06:33:25 AM »
 Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada.
Camera On [Off]
Seven Years Ago

Troy Connors: Sierra!

His voice ran out across the gym. Athletes in all shapes and sizes went about their business. Muscular men, smaller men, some as big as seven foot tall some just over five foot. They move, grappled, hit punching bags and hit ropes inside one of the two rings. A huge Canadian flag hung in the rafters from one side to the other. Troy Connors stood looking through the crowd of people with two young thin men beside him. Troy was well respected in the wrestling world. He had traveled extensively and had an impressive resume of major companies and mid-card titles.

Through the crowd stomped a woman. Tall, maybe 5’9, long black hair tied up and away from her face. High cheekbones, plump lips, strong jaw, and almond shaped brown eyes. She moved her way around before getting elbowed by a large man, he turned and saw who it was, the scowl on his face immediately turned to an apologetic and respectful nod. She got there and looked at Troy with a small smirk before noticing the two young men.

Sierra Williams: Connors?

Troy Connors: I need you to show these two around, they’ll be joining us here.

Sierra raised an eyebrow her mouth dropping open as if she was about to say something, she stopped and sighed as Troy folded his arms over his chest like a disappointed father would warn a daughter. She turned to them and shook her head.

Sierra Williams: Alright...come on you two….

Troy smiled as Sierra returned it with a smirk and a sigh as she moved through the group of athletes looking around pointing to the mats set up over one side.

Sierra Williams: Ok so-

????: Hey nice to meet you my name is-

Sierra Williams: I don’t care, So pretty self-explanatory, those are the grappling mats to just work on subs and escaping them, those are our rings, you can move around hit moves, have some fun…..

One of the guys looks down and stares at Sierra's ass, he nudges his fellow student and points, he just rolls his eyes and tuts.  

Sierra Williams: And there are the hard bags to do some striking, and the back is weights and cardio. There are showers, we have a rotational list so you don’t walk in on the other girls...any questions?

????: Uh yeah I see some girls training with those guys…

Sierra Williams: Yeah, we keep shower time separate for obvious reasons but not training…

????: Isn’t that unfair?... I mean for all y’all….Y'all are just girls….

A hush falls over the gym. Everyone just seems to stop what they’re doing. The loud grunts of effort, the talking, yelling and general noise you’d find in a gym just fade away to nothing. They all stop and just stare for a moment. Some averting their gaze as Sierra stops mid-step. She pivots off her heel and gets face to face with him. She looks him up and down with an unimpressed smile.

Sierra Williams: Just girls?....alright...get in the ring…

????: What?.

Sierra Williams: Get in the ring...did I stutter?....

He looks at the other student who just shrugs before rolling in the ring, Sierra turns to all those working out and gives a small gesture with her hand vacating it. She leaps onto the apron and steps between the ropes leaving just the two of them. She stares at the kid who stretches out with an arrogant look on his face

Sierra Williams: Try and tap me out….

He scoffs and nods, they move around each other, the kid taking up a lower position, he slides around before dropping to one knee and swiping at Sierra’s legs, Sierra steps back and sighs, the kid stands up and laughs looking around at the entire gym who seem to just be quietly watching some looking almost fearful, he slides in fast going for a double leg, Sierra moves and jumps hooking her arm under his chin, landing on his back with her legs around his hips locking in a choke taking him to the mat, she squeezes, the kid taps. Sierra refuses to let go until he’s passed out.

Troy Connors: Sierra!....

She let him go and rolls back to her feet before pushing him out of the ring under the bottom rope, she stepped out and jumped down as the other trainee stood in awe. Sierra just smirked and shook her head.

Sierra Williams: Do you have any stupid questions I’ll have to beat your ass for?

He shook his head with a grin, Sierra gave him a nod, the kid shot his hand out with a cough,

Carter Kennedy: My name’s Carter……..Carter Kennedy…..

Phoenix, Arizona
Camera [On] Off
Present Day

“My name. Is Sierra Williams. And I am here to be the best…”

Sierra slowly smiles and folds her arms over her chest. She wears a sleeveless Calgary flames shirt with her hair flowing over the top of a black and red bandana.

“I get what you’re all thinking. That’s why everyone gets into this business right?. To be the best?. To be the champion?. And hey that’s true. We all have the same goals. We become wrestlers for other reasons too. Money, Fame, to entertain. But at the core, if you’re not in this business to win championships then you’re doing it wrong. Now, some of you may or may not know who I am and what I’m about. So again, my name is Sierra Williams. I was born in Thunder Bay Ontario Canada. My father is Mexican and my mother French Canadian. I can speak three languages, I am mixed race and proud of it….”

“For the last seven years, I have traveled the world as a professional wrestler. I spent so much time traveling around Canada and then branching out into the USA, and down to Mexico, over to Europe and some time in Japan and down in Australia. I went everywhere. I sometimes traveled 18 hours to get paid i9n gas money and a slice of pizza. It’s not a story any different from a lot of us in wrestling. Sure there’s some who had the easier way, who just kind of fell into professional wrestling and yeah that pisses me off. Just like looking at the blond haired blue eyed barbie dolls who joined just to look pretty do. I have scraped and clawed my way into companies and I have put my body on the line day in and day out. I have sacrificed time away from my daughters to make sure they can have a future. I have bled and sweat on every damn continent I could for this business….”

“And, I was able to meet someone through it….”

“Lachlan Kane and I are a couple. Two peas in a pod, two people who understand this business but have very different outlooks. See Lachy smiles and laughs and will shake someone's hand before a match. He is about Honor and Respect. I’m about breaking faces and making everyone feel inferior. But somehow, someway he loves me. And I need to make this perfectly clear. In Division I used Lachlan's feelings for me to get a win over him. If I’ll do that to the man I love, the fuck you think I’ll do to any of you?”

She let out a large scoff and shook her head, her hands sliding into the front pockets of her black skinny jeans. Another bandana hanging down from her back pocket.

“But it’s really only been the last two years that I have made a name for myself. And for 13 months of that, I wasn’t even in the ring. See I got signed to WWH with my ex-boyfriend. Carter Kennedy. “Who?” I hear some of you ask. And to that, I say, Exactly. Carter is a nobody. He broke up with me and I went out to that ring and started beating the shit out of anyone they put in front of me. Including beating a woman who is an old friend of one of my opponents this week Mercedes Vargas. In Samantha Tolson. That’s right, I beat and destroyed the former Honor champion, the women Mercedes embarrassed Sam Tolson. And I did it easily.”

“In WWH I was on the fast track to championship gold and fame. Until I got pregnant. I had my second girl, Olivia. And eleven months later I went back to WWH and again I started beating the hell out of opponent after opponent climbing the ladder towards greatness. Hell, I would have loved to have faced Mercedes there since she stayed. Yeah, Mercedes stayed when a large chunk of us walked out and joined Division.”

“And I went about doing the same thing there. I earned a shot at the champion Dickie Watson and I main evented Divisions first ever Pay per view. I took Dickie to his limit, I beat Lachlan, I beat James Raven, I showed the world how good I can be. Then Division was to close and our contracts all became null and void. So Lachlan and I talked, we looked around and saw that Honor and SCW were merging. We saw SCW as a place that would be ready to grow even bigger. It was going to become one of the biggest companies in North America and maybe even explode and go worldwide. So, we joined….and we will be at one of the biggest Climax Controls of the year…”

“The Halloween Special…But this is it huh?. Sin City Wrestling, the new stomping ground for Sierra Williams and Lachlan Kane. And wouldn't you know it there’s a place for us to get our names out there and do it together”

Sierra is still dressed in the same outfit. Her hands in front of her waist with her thumbs hooked through the belt loops of her tight black skinny jeans with tears in the knees. A pair of black and red converse on her feet and the bandana that was around her head had now moved and was tied around her neck.

“Obviously my goal in Sin City is to win the Bombshells world championship. Although that name will have to go, Jesus Christ. But I have titles to chase and dream matches to have. Who wouldn’t want to see Sierra Williams against Amy Marshall?. Or Sierra Williams against Jesse Salco?. Sierra Williams against Alicia Lukas?. This all could happen. Hell, I could go whoop Crystal Hiltons ass or Dani Weston.”

“But before I get to those matches Lachlan and I are being teamed up against the mixed tag team champions in a non-title match in our SCW debuts. And the bigger part?. If we win, Brooke Saxon has announced we get a shot at the champs again, this time with the titles on the line at High Stakes. I mean, damn that’s huge. Our first matches against champions in this company?. Glad to see Brooke Saxon, Mark Ward, and Christian Underwood recognize talent.”

She laughed to herself and bounced on the balls of her feet looking excited.

“Talent like Kain and Mercedes Vargas. The current reigning and defending mixed tag team champions. For just over a month you two have been the champions and you have a history here. Kain, you’re a former Internet and Roulette champion as well as regular tag and mixed tag. You’re a beast of a human being and look like you could handle business. A martial arts expert, you’re 6’3, 240 pounds. Trust me on this, me and Lachy, we ain’t looking past you. That would be stupid on our parts but I know how good Lachlan is, I know how tough I am….and I know a little bit about Miss Mercedes Vargas…”

“Honor, WWH, here. You have been a champion and a big name for a while now. In fact, part of me is truly impressed at how much you’ve been able to accomplish. No bullshit, I don’t give respect easy but you got it.”

“Thing is Mercy, I’ve never been the type of person to look at a reputation or something people have done in the past and piss myself in fear of them. Or get intimidated. See, I get it, you like to keep track of where you’ve been and what you’ve done and like to talk about your accomplishments and accolades. I do it too, to an extent. But Mercy with all you have, all you’ve done and all you still have yet to do, the only thing that matters is when you’re actually in the ring. See when I take my fist, and punch you in the mouth does the fact you ate eggs for breakfast on 248 days out of 500 when you’ve won really matter?. Thing is Mercedes I’m sure you know who I am and have done some research on me and you’ll know that despite success in small indy companies when it’s come to the major few I’ve been in I have always been successful but struggled to get my hands on any gold…”

“That needs to change. It’s going to change. And it’s going to change when Lachlan and I step into the ring with you at the Halloween Climax Control and earn our SCW Mixed tag team title shots….”

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