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Messages - Amanda Cortez

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Supercard Archives / A last Statement
« on: February 25, 2013, 01:09:25 AM »

A few hours before the show starts Amanda and Laura get ready for their match and to defend their titles. They are still at home and now they climb into Amanda's small jeep. Laura drives while Amanda sits on the passengers seat and puts on her ring gear, a tattered shorts, a belly free top and her high heeled stripped sandals. The people in the other cars look at her and almost make an accident, but Amanda doesn't care. She continues with what she's doing and eventually they arrive at the arena. They get out of the car and enter the building. On their way to their locker room, they pass the interviewing area and like usually Amanda is happy to have the chance to talk a bit. There's nothing she loves more than trash talking about her opponents. So they enter the interviewing area and take a seat. After fixing her hair she smiles into the camera.

Well, how can I help you? A lil interview or do you prefer a kinky lil life show?

Amanda laughs in a cheery way and it's pretty infecting so that the camera team has to laugh too.

Well, there's nothing I would love to see more than a kinky little show, but we are on TV and there are minors watching, so we better keep it with the interview. At least for now. So you might wanna tell us what you think about your match and your opponents

Amanda crosses her pretty legs and dangles with her shoe. She lights a cigarette and thinks about where to begin. It takes a bit and it seems that she doesn't know exactly where to begin

Ok, I could start with telling you why we are the one and only team who deserves it to be the champions, or I could just start to trash talk about the other teams. Haha, I'm really good in doing this.

The interviewer laughs a bit about her comments.

I think we should start with your opponents. But we could also start with your little voodoo ceremony. Do you really believe in such things?

Without hesitating Amanda answers

Yes I do. I always believed in supernatural things, especially in voodoo, but I never tried it before. But this time it's different, I traveled to Haiti, so that the people there could teach me how to do it and they did it. I think that it should work. I mean it won't kill my opponents, but it'll weaken them and pretty soon you will see that it works. Necra and Amy will be busy with themselves and the Fallen wont have much power.

The interviewer looks a bit worried at the pretty young woman. She's extremely pretty, but also a bit scary with all her tattoos and now talking about this supernatural stuff.

So you see yourself as a voodoo priestess now?

Yes, I do. And you will see that I'm a really powerful priestess.

The interviewer shivers lightly and looks to the ground, but then he looks at Amanda again.

Thats creepy. But so you really wanna destroy your opponents completely? I heard rumors that you even teamed up with Necra and Amy.

Amanda laughs in a cold way.

Do you really believe in all the crap you hear? You shouldn't. But I'm not mean and I'll tell you something. Theses rumors might even be true. Just remember what happened two weeks ago as the lights went out. Our opponents have been all beaten up. So start to guess who did thus. It wasn't me alone. But anyway
And then think about my little ceremony. You have seen what I did with the dolls of the Fallen and then you've seen what happens with Amy and Necra. They were only fucking each other, but there has been no real pain.
But to come back to your question, I'm willing to do everything to keep these titles and to take the win, even if it means to use some mean tricks. The fans already hate me, so I can cheat and do whatever I want. I do t give a fuck whether they hate me even more. That's the good thing with being heel, you don't have to take care not to disappoint the fans or to piss them off. You don't have to see that you don't hurt your friends cuz you don't have any friends. So life is pretty relaxed and you can do whatever you wanna so as long as it brings you success and exactly this I do. I'm not interested in getting friends or the love of all these fucking fans, the only thing I'm interested in is my career.

Amanda pauses for a minute and she smiles a bit tauntingly.

But lets come to my opponents. I really respect Amy and Necra and I think they are great wrestlers. I also might team up with them, maybe even in this match. But at the end there's only one team who can win these titles and this team will be me and Laura. So there won't be any friendship or alliance in this match. We will take out the Fallen as a team, but then all that counts is that Laura and me win. So we will fuck up Amy and Necra the same way as we would do it with any other team. It will be ruthless and brutal and if necessary I'll cheat a d use any weapon I can get. So the same as in any other match.

Amanda pauses again and for a small moment her smile turns in a cold glare and everybody can see how aggressive she really is. The interviewer shivers for a short moment as he realizes that Amanda would sacrifice everything and everybody for her success.

So when I get you right then you're willing to do everything for your success. When I imagine what you would do to people you like, then I don't wanna know what you've in mind for the Fallen.

Amanda is really quiet and calm, but for a moment she clenches her small fists. But it's only a very short moment, so that almost anybody sees it, but there's such a tension in the room.

Well, I think you're right. This match will become there worst nightmare, with one difference, it's no dream, it's reality.

But why do you hate them that much? Is it cause of last week's attack?

For a moment Amanda doesn't say anything and only growls, but then she continues.

Yes, that's the reason. Ok, others like Jessie had attacked me too, but there I always had my revenge. I cost her the win and I made her pay, but with the Fallen its different, I never got the chance for a payback, so this match will be the right time for a lil revenge.
But there's something more that pisses me off. Since I'm here in this company I worked my ass off for getting a title and it has really been a hard time, especially as nobody wanna see me as the champion, but at the end of the day I had success and here I am. It has been a change from the underdog to the glorious champ.
And then there is this fucking team, the Fallen. All they had to do is to attack us from behind after we were weakened and immediately they get a title match. I don't know how this could happen,but prolly it's cuz they got laid by the bosses. So if you ask me, then I have to say that they don't deserve a title shot, they don't even deserve it to be in this company, but they will get what they deserve and this is the beating up of their life and the end of their career and I'll be the one who ends it. I'll fuck them up, I'll destroy them, I'll kill them ...

Her whole body stiffens and she clenches her fists again. She crosses her legs again and one of her shoes falls off and Laura bends forward and picks it up. But instead of putting it back on Amanda's foot, she takes her by her ankle and puts her foot in her lap. Now she begins to massage and to rub it to make her love calm down again. As the interviewer sees this he winks at Amanda.

It seems that Laura really knows how to calm you down and how to control you.

Amanda laughs a bit and curls her cute toes as Laura rubs them gently. It really seems that she's so much more relaxed now.

That's right, she can control me pretty good. And just wait till she tickles me, then I'm all nice, helpless and cute again.

To demonstrate it Laura runs her sharp nails lightly over Amanda's soft and sensitive skin and the pretty young woman wiggles her foot while she laughs and giggles.

You see, it always works. Hehe ...

The interviewer smiles as he watches the little show. Amanda has really pretty feet and she looks so damn cute and sexy when she laughs and giggles.

And I always thought that you're the dominant part.

Amanda still laughs and she really enjoys herself.

I am, but only insides the ring. There I'm dominant, mean and deadly. But outsides the ring it's completely different. In our relationship Laura is the dominant part. Hehe, I love it when she ties me up and tickles me till I almost wet myself. Hehe. After being tough and strong all day it feels so good to be submissive and helpless at the mercy of somebody I love. And turns me on.

Now they both laugh. Laura stops to tickle Amanda and instead she massages her again.

Ok, I understand and I know whatcha mean. But we mentioned Jessie before. It seems that you have some trouble with her and that she has challenged you for a match. Do you accept the challenge and does this mean the end of your team?

Amanda nods and then she shakes her head violently.

Yes and no. I mean I will accept her challenge and for the case she should have a title, I'll take it away from her. And no, that doesn't mean the end of the tattooed Goddesses. We will still be the champions and even if we lose the titles, what I don't think will happen, we still stay as a team and we will try to get the titles back. But being a team doesn't mean that we can't have singles matches.

The interviewer nods. It's logical what Amanda has to say and he can't say anything against it.

So let's come back to your goals here at SCW. Let me summarize it. First you want to keep the tag titles, then maybe you wanna become Television Champion too and then, maybe the main title again?

Again a smile comes into Amanda's pretty face.

That's exactly what I have in mind. I already told you how I see it. Most of the people here, the divas and the guys, waste their time with making friends or with trying to get into relationships, but I'm different. Since I came here all I did was trying to win my matches and to have success. I didn't care whether I pissed off anybody or whether the stupid fans hate me. I'm not interested in such things. But I think I showed everybody that I'm really a force and one of the most dangerous wrestlers in this company. As I came here, everybody has underestimated me. They've all seen me as the nice and freaky girl, but nobody took me honest or respected me. But I think after my first matches here this has changed completely. I worked and trained so hard and even though everybody saw me as a loser, I became the tag champion and then the bombshell's champion. People are fucking stupid, but I think this made them think different about me.
But anyway, you know that I already held two titles and pretty soon I'll get the third one too. Maybe not all at the same time, but that doesn't count. All that counts is that I hold them all and that will happen really soon.
But first we will have to see what happens this week. I mean it'll be a hard match, but I'm still not worried. We will fight tooth and nails to stay as the champions and then I can say that I've been a champion almost as long as I'm here. Maybe there are people here who will complain again and say that I only have the title cuz Laura gave it to me, but that's not true. We have defended it and we are still the champs, so all these morons better shut up. And if they don't, then I'll do it in a really violent way.
And when this show here is over them we will see what happens next. I know that the bosses don't like it when one person holds more than one title. So they will prolly try their best to hold me away from the Television title, but I doubt that they will have success. I always get what I want and it's absolutely impossible to stop me. I think slowly every moron should have realized this. Haha, so it won't take very long and I'll have the next title.

Now Amanda leans back in her chair and lights her cigarette. She's pretty confident and after Laura's massage she's in a good mood. With a quick movement she slips out of her second shoe and puts this foot into Laura's lap too, so that her love can rub and tickle them both. She purrs, giggles and laughs and everybody can see that she has a really great time. She looks at the interviewer who seems to enjoy this little show too and smiles.

So is there anything more you wanna know? Or do you just wanna watch Laura torture and tease me? It's both ok for me.

The interviewer laughs a bit about her last comment. Amanda can be really entertaining and again she is.

Well, I'd live to watch some kinky stuff, but we have minors watching the show, so we better co tongue with our interviewer. So we know that you can be sweet and cute, but also that you can be pretty viciously. I think that's a pretty big contrast, so you might wanna tell us a bit about it.

For a moment Amanda looks a bit sad, but it's only a very short moment.

Ok, but I think this is a longer story and it goes back to my childhood. I was born in Puerto Rico and came to the USA as I was four years old. My mom didn't had enough money and so she left me alone in front of a children's home. I was a small and cute child, but I've been really shy and I didn't speak English, so nobody could make me talk. They all thought that I was a bit stupid, but I wasn't and I learned English pretty fast, but nobody realized it. So most of the other kids only laughed about me or terrorized me.
But there was an old nanny who took care for me and who loved me and so it has been ok. She was like a mom to me, but sadly she died as I was 14 years old and so the drama began. I had no friends and most people rejected me, so I ran away. But what can you do all alone in a city like LA? Well, I joined a gang and there I learned fighting and so the people began to accept me. It didn't take long and I became a full member of this gang and got my money from stealing and selling drugs. But as you might imagine, I got arrested and ended up in jail. There I was the smallest one again and the others tried to terrorize and abuse me again, but they didn't kl now that I was so good in fighting and so it became violent and bloody. Even in jail I didn't find friends, but I got respected.
To make it short, all I learned was that the people only respect you when they fear you and in some way this never changed.

Amanda pauses for a moment and lights a new cigarette.

Just look at my career here at SCW. I'm pretty long in this business and in each company it has been the same. As I came here I tried to make a new start, I wanted to be nice and find some friends, but nobody ever gave me a chance. Nobody saw the nice and sensitive girl I am. They only saw what they wanted to see, the tattooed and aggressive bitch. So I had no choice again and I give them what they want. If they want blood and hate, then they can have it. I'm fucking sick of being nice and alwAys get pushed away and rejected. Now it's time again to strike back and this I will do from now on.
I don't say that I'm innocent, but it's not all my fault and now the people will have to live with the consequences of their acting. So they have nothing to complain. The cute and nice little girl is dead and left is only the vicious voodoo priestess.

Amanda drags at her cigarette and inhales deeply.

In some way I can understand you.

Then he gets a phone call and as he answers it, he switches on a TV.

I just got the massage that they bring the promos of your opponents on TV. So maybe we can watch them and you could comment them.

Amanda nods and now they watch the promos together. Amanda wants to say something, but then she keeps quiet until she has seen everything, but then she starts to laugh and it's not because Laura still rubs and tickles her cute toes.

Damn, that's really funny. These morons have absolutely nothing to say and such people wanna become champion. That's really laughable. Am I supposed to be scared now?

She shakes her pretty head in disbelief and it takes a while till she calms down again. The interviewer looks at the pretty young woman and waits for her to continue, but he also enjoys the sight of this sexy woman, as she squirms a bit while her love Laura begins to tickle her cute toes again. Amanda wiggles and curls them and she has problems not to laugh, but she continues to talk.

It seems that they all don't have much to say. Amy mentioned that she has said everything about me in one of her older promos and for me it looks like she's only scared of these stupid Fallen. Maybe she's right, but there's one thing I don't understand and that's her thinking that she could pin me. She couldn't do it the last time we met in the ring, so what makes her think that she can do it now? What I've seen from her really isn't that impressive. No, it's not only not impressive, it's crappy. With such performances she shouldn't be in a championship match. It's hardly enough for a show opener. But now it's enough, I'm fed up with talking about this unimportant slut.

Amanda reaches to the pocket of her tight shorts and pulls out a cigarette and a lighter. But right as she wants to light it Laura runs her fingers in between her toes and she giggles and drops the lighter. The interviewer picks it up and helps her to light her cigarette.

Well, with Necra it's a bit different. At least she's strong and a damn good wrestler and ...she's damn sexy.

As Laura hears this her jaw drops down and she growls. Then she digs her nails into Amanda's soft and sensitive skin, so that the dark haired cutie laughs hysterical.

Be careful with what you say, or I make you pee your pants or I eat all the others team up on you and have their fun with you.

Amanda looks at her and smiles.

I was only making a joke. But now honestly, Necra is cool and strong, but that won't be enough to pin me or make me submit. I respect her, but there's one thing that really pisses me off and that's the fact that she always talks so bad about Laura. That's a thing I really don't like and I'll make her pay for it by kicking her ass. She wants to see someone suffer, so she should look into the mirror, then she knows who will suffer.

Amanda winks into the camera. She shoves her long black hair behind her ear and smiles in a cold way.

And now lets come to my very special friends, the Fallen, and what they have to say. It seems that the only thing they realized was my trash talking about these stupid fans. Well, I do this, but I think it's a bit weak that this is the only thing they mention. But anyway, for me it's even good, cuz it seems that they underestimate me a lil bit.
And there's one thing I really think it's funny. Why the fuck does everybody think that she can beat me up or pin me? I think that really didn't happen very often since I'm here at SCW. Ok, shall they think what they want, I don't care about it.

Amanda pauses for a moment and drags at her cigarette.

But now lets come to all that creepy stuff you said in your promo. If you ask me, then I would say that all this has nothing to do with wrestling. One of you thinks that she's a vampire.

Amanda sneers.

God damn, that's so fucking pathetic and childish. I didn't even believe in such crap as I was a child and now I can only laugh about it. These fucking stories aren't even good for scaring off kids. Damn, or don't you wanna scare off anybody and think that it's romantic? Shit, I can tell you that it isn't. Bit if you really think that your a vampire or such a thing then I have an advice for you. Better visit a shrink than try to go for my title. Maybe he can't help you, but at least it's better for your health.

Amanda laughs in a mean way.

And now lets come to this other "Fallen" moron. You think you're tough? You think you're good in the ring? Well, I see this different. Everybody can talk about this fucking military crap, but even if you were there, it doesn't prove that you can fight. You wanna kick my ass? Well then come out and do it or shut the fuck up. You can't scare me and you can't even impress me. All you can do is make me laugh, haha, even though I prefer Laura's way of making me laugh.
You wanna kick your fucking boot in my face? Well, try it, but I doubt that you'll have success. I'll tell you how our match will end, you fucking moron. It'll end with you on your knees and kissing my toes. Haha ..

She laughs out again.

But lets come back to that crap you showed us in your stupid promos. All I've seen is some stupid relationship stuff, but I doubt that anybody is interested in seeing this. If you wanna make it interesting then I give you a lil advice, have real sex or do some kinky stuff. Maybe that brings more people to watch your stuff.
But anyway, who am I that I judge you. Do whatever you want, I don't care about it, at least not as long as you don't get into my way. But if you do this, then be prepared to get destroyed.

The interviewer smiles at Amanda. This contrast is really funny. On one side this tiny tattooed girl is cheery, fun to talk to and she loves it to get tickled by her love and on the other side she's violent and aggressive.

You're really an interesting personality. All nice, cute and sexy and then this violence insides the ring and all that mean trash talking. Have you always been like this?

Amanda thinks for a moment and nods.

Yea, I think so. I think it's cuz I'm so tiny and petite and that's the reason why most people think I'm cute. As a kid and as a teen I also have been much smaller than the others, but I've been a real pain in the ass. I was short tempered and aggressive and I loved it to fight. And there I realized that I'm good in fighting. But there was something else. When I was in rage then I couldn't stop anymore, even if I didn't had any chance against my opponent. Now look at me, I look cute and nice and so the others feel bad to beat up such a tiny girl. So one day at school one of my classmates tickled me instead of beating me up and he had success, I gave up and begged for mercy. So they found a way to calm me down when I was freaking out. But it seems that they also liked it to see a tough girl laugh and giggle and so my fights often ended like this and even though I loved to use weapons I mostly couldn't and so these fights didn't escalate too much. Haha, so it prevented me from going to jail or from getting kicked out of school. And there also happened something funny, in some way I liked it to get tickled into submission and so I often provoked the others so that it happened. I also ran around barefoot most of the time so that the others could touch my feet pretty easily. So that's it and in some way this hasn't changed till now.

Amanda giggles a bit.

Haha, I really like it, but I must admit that I'm happy that none of these jerks here has realized this and that nobody uses it against me in my matches. Then I prolly wouldn't be the champion. And I must say that it would look pretty stupid if the tag champion would submit laughing and screaming. Haha, so lets cross our fingers so that none of my opponents discovers my little weakness.
But anyway, even if they do so, then I still have my love Laura at my side who will save me before I submit. So I'm pretty confident that nothing bad will happen and that I'll leave the ring as the winner again.

With a smile in her face she looks at her girlfriend and waits foe an answer, but instead of giving her an answer Laura tickles her a bit harder again, so that she laughs and shrieks in a really cute way.

Hehe, that's mean, you should help me and not torture me.

The interviewer looks at them and shakes his head. These two divas are really interesting and they're extremely hot. He really doesn't want to let them go.

So anything else you wanna tell us?

Amanda shakes her head, but then she starts to talk again.

Well, maybe one last thing. Necra, Amy and the Fallen, don't get this here wrong. It might look that I'm a fun person and that it's nice to have me around, but that's a wrong impression. Later in our match you will see who I really am, a dangerous and deadly opponent and ...the champion. And this isn't the case without a reason. Haha, and really soon you will know this reason. When you lay there, all battered and broken, then you'll know why I'm the best and most dangerous wrestler in this company.

Now Amanda has enough of all this talking. She pulls her feet back from Laura and puts on her shoes again. Then she stands up, blows a kiss into the camera and takes Laura by her hand. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5100

Supercard Archives / Some little Voodoo
« on: February 18, 2013, 06:56:34 AM »

Some little Voodoo

It seems that Amanda's winning streak is really over now. She had had a few good wins in the past, but the last weeks hasn't been very good for her. All of this shit began with the loss of her title. At first it didn't bother het too much, especially as she got the tag titles again and as she could defeat them with success, but now she has been in this tournament, together with Trevor, and they lost against Karina and DESPAYRE. Nit that this is already frustrating enough, she got stripped down to her underwear and in some way she looked like a complete moron and loser. Amanda has no problem with fun matches, as long as she looks hot and sexy, but this time it has only been laughable and she feels humiliated like never before. So her mood really couldn't be worse, but the news that she has to face the Fallen, Necra and Amy for her titles again tops everything.
Completely pissed and frustrated she storms through the backstage area, on the way to the parking lot, as she is stopped by a camera team. They take a few pictures of the pretty diva and normally Amanda likes such attention, but not this time. She growls and glares at the camera and then she snaps.

So are you happy now, with filming SCW's worst loser?

The camera team doesn't stop the filming and so Amanda still stands there, annoyed like hell, and glares at them. She has her hands on her hips a and tilts her head a bit to the side, then she sneers.

So now you prolly expect me to say something about this crappy match, about this fucking show and about my fucking opponents and my partner, this son of a bitch. I'm really not in the mood for talking now, so let's bring it to the point.
I never wanted to take part in this fucking tournament and they almost forced me to do it. Then I had no choice who my partner would be and so I got this damn loser Trevor. So do you think that this is fair and that I would have any chances of winning?

She laughs out and it's clearly visible how mad and frustrated she is.

Well, now you might wanna know why I fucked him when I think he's a loser. Well, prolly this is a thing you'll never know, cuz I won't tell you what we have done in this hotel room before our first match. But one thing is for sure, it won't happen again. I'm finished with this guy. I don't need people around me who aren't able to fight for me in a proper way and who can't even defend themselves. Such people are losers and there's nothing I hate more than losers. So listen to me Trevor, better stay out of my way, or I'll do my best to ruin your career. If you ever cross my path again, then I'll tell everybody what you have done to me, that you raped me and forced me to do sick things. Understood?

Thats a complete lie, but Amanda doesn't care. She's egotistical and mean and all she's interested in is her own success. The feelings of others aren't her problem and she is also willing to hurt them if it would help her in some way.

But I'm not finished yet, I still have some words to our bosses. What the fuck did you think as you have put me in this fucking match with this fucking costumes? I'm here for fighting and not for being a joke or for entertaining these fucking fans. Couldn't you have made it a hardcore match or anything like this? Then the ending would have been a bit different.
But as we talk about hardcore matches. I have proved that I can defeat Karina with ease as I have faced her a few weeks ago and I can do it again, whenever and wherever I want. So lemme face her again and I'll destroy this fucking slut completely. And the same counts for DESPAYRE. I know that they don't make gender mixed matches here, but I really hope that they will make an exception one day, cuz this here is a challenge. I want this fucking moron in a match of my choice and then all you fucking bastards can see that I can defeat everybody. Nobody has a chance against me. Amanda Cortez.

Amanda sneers again and everybody can see that she's really honest with her challenge. Prolly her chances wouldn't be so good and she would receive the beating up of her life, but the petite diva is really tough. She isn't scared of anything and a beating up can't stop her. She always stands up again, at least as long as there is life in her body.
After freaking out that bad, she slowly begins to calm down again. She looks into the camera again and takes a deep breath. Then she fumbles into her pocket and pulls out a cigarette.

And now let's come to that fucking PPV. I know that it's my duty to put my titles on the line, but I really don't know why this has to be every two weeks. Slowly I get the feeling that these fucking bosses wanna see me lose them really fast, but I won't do them this fucking favor. If they wanna get rid of me, then they should try something else.

She sneers again. The whole thing annoys her, but she is still pretty confident that she will be able to take the win again.

It's really funny. I came here to this company and after a few weeks me and Laura won the tag titles and these morons had nothing better to do than to suspend us and to strip us from the titles cuz of this fucking drug thing. It was a fucking lie and a desperate attempt of getting rid of us, cuz Laura never takes drugs. She hates them and she's clean and this is the truth.
Ok, next thing that happened is that I became the bombshells champion and that I defeated my title with success, but then there was this fucking match against vixen. I lost it, but it hasn't been because she's the better wrestler. She forced me to submit, but only cuz I've been injured and that really hasn't been fair. Ok, it has been a loss, but anyway. Normally I should have gotten a rematch, at least that's pretty normal in every wrestling company, but I never got my rematch.
But anyway, I didn't complain. Instead I looked straight forward and got the tag titles again and the last time I had to defend them, I took the win with ease. Again they tried their best to get rid of me by putting me in a match against one of the strongest women here in this company, against Necra, but they didn't had success and I destroyed her.
Ok, I must admit that it has been pretty hard, especially after all the things she has done to me. Or maybe I only thought that she has done anything to me. At least I had some pretty bad dreams and I must admit that I've been really scared, but anyway, I was the glorious winner at the end and the next time I face her, it won't be different.

Amanda pauses for a minute and shudders. The thought of these dreams still make her nervous.

You wanna know what happened? Well, I'll tell you. She cursed me and she has sent me nightmares. I dreamed that she would take my soul and that I would be her slave till eternity, but the last dream really has been the weirdest. I was walking around in a huge tomb and I had no clue how I came here, but what made it even worse was the fact that I also don't know a way out. So I stumbled around the tomb and came into a room with a huge sarcophagus. I have been a bit worried, but I've always been pretty curious and so I stepped closer to it and took a look insides. There I saw a mummy, a corpse in bandages, but the head hasn't been bandaged. The mouth has been wide open and it had no lips and looked like an awful grin and I shivered. But it became worse and the mummy opened its eyes, but there were no eyes, only empty wholes. I really thought that I would go insane and I started to scream, but thanks god I woke up and realized that it has only been a nightmare. But anyway, why do I talk about my dreams?
It's easy, this happened a few days before my last match against Necra and now remember who took the win. It has been me. So I showed again that not even this monster can scare me off with her creepy stuff. And this hasn't changed till now. She can't scare me anymore and I know that I can defeat her whenever and wherever I want. And for her partner Amy counts the same.

Now a cold smile comes into her pretty face.

So the attempt of trying them to take the titles away from me and Laura is only laughable and this won't happen. Not in this life and not in the next one. By te way, I think that it slowly becomes boring to face the same people all the time, especially when you already know how it ends, with me as the winners. Haha, prolly that's the reason why they also involved these fucking sluts, the Fallen. But about them I'll talk later.
Let's first come back to Amy and Necra. I think you all remember what happened at the last shows. The lights went out and some people got a really bad beating up. I don't tell you who it has been, but think about it. If you aren't completely stupid, then you already know it, I've mentioned them all in my little speech.

She winks into the camera and now she lights her cigarette.

I think that it's pretty funny and that it shows how stupid the bosses are, do they really think that our group, or call it stable, will go against each other? And even if we do so, who cares? Whoever wins, at the end I'll be the winner.
But prolly that's the reason why the Fallen got involved too. Otherwise I don't see any reason why they should be in a championship match, except it is enough to beat up someone after her match. And that's the point. They are a new team and I think they should get a chance, but first they should prove that they are worth to go for a title and this then didn't do. The only thing they did is that they have attacked me, Laura and also Necra and Amy after we were exhausted from our match. Wow, that's really glorious and magnificent. They can be so proud and it's such a damn great success to beat up somebody who so already powers out and who has no strength left anymore. They can be so fucking proud.

Amanda sneers again.

But is that really enough? Does this qualify them for a title match? I don't think so. I think that it only shows that they are sneaky sluts and that there's no room for them in this company. I will wipe them away. The same way I did it with all of my opponents in important matches. But anyway, they will see what comes over them and what it means to come into my way. They can already see themselves as dead. Haha.

Now Amanda laughs out in a dirty way and turns around. Without saying anything more she walks off to the parking lot and drives back home. The next days doesn't happen much and she spends most of her time with having fun with Laura or with reading some strange books about voodoo and such stuff.
A few days later she packs her stuff and makes a small trip to Haiti. She hasn't been here before, but she really likes it and she also likes the people here. Driving around the island is such a joy and communicative as she is, she also talks to all the people, especially to some voodoo priests. After a few days of traveling around, she's back at the small cottage, where she lives since she's here. Even though it's already 11pm it's still pretty hot and so she wears nothing but a short white dress. Like usually she looks pretty and sexy, but at the moment she doesn't care for such things. She opens a beer and now she steps out of the cottage and sits down on a bench, crossing her legs. After taking a big sip of her beer, she reaches into a small box that stands on the ground besides her. She takes some tobacco and some marihuana and slowly she builds a joint. Amanda is used to such drugs, but she had put in a lot of the marihuana and so it doesn't take long top ill she is really high. She closes her eyes and drags again at her joint. Then she keeps the smoke insides her lounges until she has to cough and then she blows it out again. She really loves this feeling and it makes her forget everything and so she doesn't even think about her upcoming title match. After she has finished her joint, she takes a last sip of her beer and then she falls asleep, still on the bench in front of her cottage.
A few days later and after nothing much had happened the dark haired girl is shown as she walks slowly through the town. Like most of the time she only wears her short white dress and she's barefoot. After walking around for a while she comes to an old house and enters. It's pretty dark insides and the sound of bongos can be heard. It takes a while till she is uses to the darkness and then she sees a huge group of black people, some men and women and also the old voodoo priest. They all move to the sound of the bongos and it's really infecting and so Amanda does it too. It's the mix between the rhythm, the singing in a language she doesn't understand and the drugs which are still in her blood, that lets her get in trance really fast. After dancing for a while she finds herself in the center of the circle and the people are still singing. The rhythm of the bongos becomes faster and faster and Amanda moves faster too. Then she sinks down to her knees, her body still moving ecstatically, as the priest slowly comes over to her. He holds a black chicken by its legs and a knife in his other hand. As he stands right in front of Amanda, he raises his arm with the chicken and cuts it's throat so that all the blood streams down over Amanda's face. It runs down her face, her neck and her chest and her dress colors to blood red. Still moving to the rhythm of the bongos, she rips off her dress, exposing her bare breasts. With one hand she rubs the blood over her breasts and then she screams out. Her body twitches a last time and then she faints.
A few hours later she wakes up again. She lays in a foreign bed in a foreign cottage and is still naked. It doesn't take long and she remembers all the events of the last night. She looks down at her body, but there is no blood anymore. It seems that somebody has cleaned her up and has also thrown away her ripped and bloody dress. So she takes the bed sheet and wraps it around her petite body and stands up. She still feels a bit weak and stumbles a bit, but she is so hungry and thirsty. After looking around in the room she doesn't find anything to eat, but thanks god an old woman enters the room and brings her something to eat. Amanda is so damn hungry so that she eats everything without asking what it is, but she also doesn't care much. The old woman sits besides her and waits till she is finished and then the two talk for a really long time. Then the old woman reaches into her pocket and gives Amanda four little dolls, that look a bit like her her opponents in her next match, one like Necra, one like Amy and the other two like the members of the Fallen. Amanda takes the dolls and hugs the old woman, then she leaves the house and walks back to her cottage.
After packing her stuff she's on her way back to the airport to get a flight back home, the small dolls still in her pocket. As she thinks of them, a wicked smile comes into her face, especially as she knows now what to do next. Then she enters the plane and a few hours later she is back at home where Laura already waits for her. She hugs her love and then she starts to tell her everything that has happened and what she has done. Laura doesn't believe in such things as voodoo, but she accepts it that Amanda does so and so she listens to her story. After Amanda has finished, they both stay quiet for a while, but then Laura begins to talk.

And you really think that this will help us?

Amanda smiles. She knows that Laura doesn't believe in such things and that she would prolly send her to a shrink, but she doesn't care.

Yes, I do. And you will see that I'm right and that I'm no psycho. Just wait till I'm finished with all this stuff. We will be the winners again and nothing can stop us. You will see that I'm right.

But Laure still isn't convinced.

Ok, we will take the win, but do we really need these stupid little dolls and all this creepy stuff? You laughed about Necra and her death crap, but what you do here isn't much better.

That's enough for making Amanda snap and so they are arguing and it ends up in a small fight. Amanda can be so damn stubborn and Laura knows this, so she gives it up. Without saying anything more, she takes Amanda in her arms and kisses her passionately on the lips, but Amanda is still angry and pushes her back. But Laura knows how to calm her down again. Pretty fast she grabs Amanda by her ankles and puts her feet in her lap, giving her a nice long massage and it works immediately. Amanda purrs and giggles and her good mood comes back. Then the two enter their bedroom and spend the rest of the day with making love.
Later this evening, Laura is already in bed, Amanda sits in the kitchen and smokes a last cigarette before she goes to bed too. She inhales deeply as she remembers the little dolls, she brought with her from Haiti. She stands up and goes over to her bag ant takes them out. Then she sits down again and looks at the. At first she takes the Amy and Necra doll and rubs then gently against each other. She giggles a bit and brings then into a position like they were making love.

Hehe, you two should have some fun too it till you're too exhausted to fight.

Then she takes the other two dolls and smiles evilly.

But you two won't have any fun, I promise'll pay for your fucking attack

She picks up the two dolls and slowly she breaks their arms and legs. Then she takes a few needles and stabs them insides their bodies. With a wicked smile in her face she takes a last needle and Stabs it into their hart. Then she drops the dolls and goes to bed too.
The next morning Laura is up first and as she enters the kitchen, she sees the dolls. She looks at them and only shakes her head, but even though she still doesn't believe in such things, she still shivers a bit. Carefully she picks up the dolls and puts them back into Amanda's bag. Then she makes them a breakfast and wakes up Amanda. The two have a nice breakfast and Laura avoids the subject voodoo and so everything is ok again. Then they get ready with their preparations for their match. After discussing there plans they leave the house to go to the gym. They take Amanda's small jeep, but Amanda still is a bit tired, so that Laura has to drive. She gives her the keys and sits down on the passengers seat, resting her bare feet on the dash board. Laura starts the engine and they drive off.

I know that you don't think that my little ceremony will help us and I accept this. So we do what you think is best and this is a nice long workout and a little trainings fight. And we will do it every day till we have our match. I promise not to be so lazy and is also wont smoke and drink till our match is over.

Now she looks over to Laura and smirks.

But to make it a bit more easy for me and also a bit more fun, you gimme a nice massage each evening. Please ....

Laura nods and pokes Amanda into her ribs, so that the petite girl shrieks and giggles.

So I consider this to be a yes. But now honestly, I think our chances are pretty good. About Necra and Amy I don't worry much. Just think back at the last show and what happened during your match. I think we are all on the same side. Ok, they want the titles too and I can understand this, but I'm pretty sure that we will all work together pretty good.

Laura looks at Amanda and is a bit puzzled, but then she turns her attention back to the traffic.

I mean we are something like a big family now, the bad girls of SCW and this should really help us so much. I thought we should all work together. I mean at first we should all take care for the Fallen and let them pay for what they have done to us. Look, they didn't only attack us, they went against Necra and Amy too, so these too should be out for revenge too. So we will all go against them and then it's like a handicap match and they won't have a chance. Ok, then we will only have to see who will be the winner, but as long as it's not that fucking team the Fallen, everything is ok for me.
Haha, now you can call me a bit sneaky and you can also call it a betrayal on our new friends, but anyway. You know me and you know how sneaky I can be. So lets just see that the Fallen get destroyed and then you keep Necra and Amy busy while I make the pin. I think this should really work and then we have what belongs to us, the titles.

Now Amanda laughs in a cheery way and Laura nods. Amanda's plan really seems to be good and so she doesn't say anything against it. A few minutes later they arrive at the gym and start their training and Amanda keeps her promise. She isn't too lazy and gives her best and the next days are almost the same. She really has stopped smoking and drinking and so she also get her reward,the nice long massages.
So they spend their time with training and trying to get fit and during the nights Amanda repeats her ceremony with the voodoo dolls. And one day after her her ceremony is finished, she sits in her kitchen and thinks about her opponents again. She is tired, but in some way she knows that she won't find any sleep. So she makes herself a cup of tea and tries to relax a bit.

I really have no clue what they all have with these stupid Fallen. I've never heard of them and I've never seen a match of them, but prolly they were active before I came to SCW. Shit, I don't even know whether they are good or not, the only thing I know is that everybody seems to fear them and that they are sneaky sluts. I really hate such crap, I mean attacks after a match is over. It's mean to attack someone who's already weakened ...

She laughs out and smirks.

At least when this someone is me. But anyway, I can be mean and sneaky too, so they will see what comes over them. Nobody attacks me from behind without paying the price for it and I'll make sure that it'll be a really high price. They will regret it, but now it's too late to regret anything. They pissed me off and now they will have to deal with a really mad Goddess and that will be more than they can handle.
But anyway, maybe all this is even good for our career. When I'm finished with them, then hopefully everybody here will see that I can defeat whomever they throw in my way. That'll be a pretty good lesson for these fucking bosses too and the fucking fans will see that there's no chance of getting rid of me. Haha, so I might even have to thank them for this stupid match.

She already had her third cup of tea, but she's still not tired and so she stays in the kitchen. It's a bit cold and so she tucks up her legs and rubs her cold toes, wishing it would be Laura who did this.

And it's not only good for my career, it's also a bit funny. The Fallen against a whole bunch of Goddesses, the Goddess of Death Necra and the tattooed Goddesses Laura and me.
Damn, Raynin and Gothika, you two will learn soon what it means to piss off all these Goddesses. Do you really think that you'll have a fucking chance against us? You might have been here half a year ago and you might have been pretty good and successful, but that has been in the past and something has changed since your last appearance in this company. In the past there were only a few divas and even less tag teams who are worth to talk about. But since Laura and I are here everything has changed. I don't know whether you have noticed it, but now we have a real force here at SCW and this is the tattooed Goddesses.
I must admit that your little attack last week took me pretty much by surprise. But it takes a lil bit more to become the champion than such a mean attack after a match. Now I'm warned and now I know what awaits me when I have to face you in the ring and for Laura counts the same. The next time we meet you won't have the advantage of a surprise. The next time you'll have to face the champions in a real match and I promise that it won't be easy. You will learn how powerful and strong we are and that you won't have any chance to take the titles away from us. So be prepared, this will be the hardest match of your fucking career and your time as a glorious and victorious tag team will be over soon. Even though you've really pissed me off, I don't wanna threaten you, but I also don't wanna comfort you and tell you that it won't be hard or that it will be a fair match, cuz this wont happen. We will do everything to win this match and to keep the titles and that means really everything. So this match is supposed to become dirty, really dirty.
I think you've already noticed that I don't have any remorse and even if not, at our next match you'll see what I mean. Blood, tears and pain, that's what will be left from you when we are finished with you and title for the Fallen. Not this week, note at the next show and never as long as Laura and I are members of this roster. Haha, I hope you got my message.

Amanda laughs out in a dirty way. She still isn't tired and she still has cold toes, but now she crawls back into the bed, hoping that Laura will find a way to warm her up and to make her tired. And exactly this happens. A few minutes later Amanda's giggling and purring can be heard through the closed bedroom door and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5067

Climax Control Archives / Some more Chaos
« on: February 04, 2013, 07:08:16 AM »

The last week has been really interesting and full of action and so Amanda is more than happy with the results of the show. She has been beaten up really bad, but at least she could cost Jessie the win again and it seems that she has some new friends now, or at least some people who support her now. But the best thing is that she could defeat Necra and Amy and still holds the tag titles. It has been a Hell of a match and she really didn't look good, but at the end she could take the win and that's all that counts. During her match she really thought that she would never win it, but then everything changed and Laura could make the pin and so everything is good again. Now she's in such a good mood, even though she later received a really bad beating up by that new team The Fallen. This has ruined her victory celebration, but Amanda doesn't care much.
Now she's at home again and she and Laura sit in front of their huge mobile home, directly at the beach, and enjoy the nice evening. They are both a little bit bruised, but nothing can destroy their good mood. Amanda sits on a deck chair and lights a cigarette while she waits for Laura to get them some drinks so that they can party a bit.
Eventually Laura comes back and a smile comes into Amanda's pretty face. She takes her drink and gives Laura a sign to sit down too.

Well, I think we did really good and it's time to celebrate our win a bit. Hehe, do t you think I deserve a little reward?

Amanda winks at Laura as she points at her feet and also wiggles her cute toes a bit.

I thought of a nice and long foot rub and some sweet tickling, hehe

She giggles a bit ant takes a sip of her drink while Laura sits down too. Laura takes her feet in her lap and with a smile in her face she begins to massage them, so that the cute Latina starts to moan and purr.

I'm really so proud. Everybody has expected is to lose the titles against these two and now we are the winners again. It's so fucking awesome and I'm so happy. We proved that we are the real Goddesses and that nobody can defeat is. It's really like a dream and life couldn't be better. Too bad that we don't have a match together this week. I really hoped that and it would have been more fun than to team up with Trevor.

At first Laura had smiles too, but as she hears the name Trevor she becomes honest again. She still doesn't know what exactly goes on between Amanda and Trevor and this worries her a bit. It's not that she doesn't trust Mandy, but she still wants to know what goes on.

As we talk about your tag partner, I really would love to know what happened between you two. And you better tell me everything. And I mean really everything. You know that I can make you confess whenever I want.

with this she gives Amanda's feet a quick tickle. To make sure that her love can't get away she traps her ankles between her legs and leaves her fingers on the bottoms of Amanda's feet, still caressing her soft and sensitive skin lightly. Bit it's not necessary to torture Amanda, cause the dark haired girl is willing to tell her everything.

No needa torture me, I'll tell you everything.

She giggles a bit and tries to pull her feet back, but she can't and so she gives it up. Laura still circles her fingers really lightly over her soft skin and the dark haired beauty can't stop giggling. She's deathly ticklish and her feet are her worst spit, so she has no chance to stop her cute girlish giggling. But it's not too much for her and so she's able to talk.

There has been nothing between us. We only made party, that's all.

But it seems that Laura doesn't believe her and so she runs her fingers under and in between Amanda's cute toes and immediately the sexy Latina laughs and screams.

I think you lie. You two were in bed together.

It doesn't take long and Amanda is completely hysterical. She laughs and begs for mercy and Laura reduces the tickling do that it's light and sensual again.

Please, I told you the truth. It's right and we were in bed together, but there happened nothing, there has been no sex. We were only drunk after partying all night and I made him believe that he slept with me. I did it so that he starts to love me and I think that would be good for our match. And as you have seen, it has been good and we won.

in some way Laura wants to believe her, but she can't. Especially not after the last show where it looked like Amanda has been a bit jealous. So she looks at her love and moves her fingers to Amanda's cute toes again. Immediately Amanda curls them and is in panic again.

I don't think that this is true. For me it looks like you love him too, at least a bit. Otherwise your jealous talking wouldn't have made sense. So better tell me the truth or I'll let you suffer till you wet yourself.

To show Amanda that she's really honest, she slides her fingers again under Mandy's toes. This time she tickles her a bit longer and Amanda is completely out of breath. Her pretty face is red from all the laughing and she begins to sweat. Amanda really is a tough girl, but she's really deathly ticklish and her pretty feet are so damn sensitive. Immediately she begs for mercy again.

Please, I was telling you the truth. I don't love him and he means nothing to me. I only wanna let him believe that I love him too. So that he fights for me, but after this tournament is over, I'll dump him. That's the truth. I promise.

Laura still isn't convinced, but for now she stops asking more. Still with Amanda feet trapped between her legs she looks at her love and shakes her head.

For now I'll believe you, but I still don't like this plan. Prolly it's too late to do anything against it, but this time you won't get away so easily. I think you deserve a little punishment, but we will talk about this later.

For now she lets Amanda go and the petite girl tucks up her legs. Amanda is pretty much out of breath and it takes a while till she's able to speak again. She's exhausted, but in some way she had had her fun too. Now she looks at Laura and a smile comes into her face.

You'll see that I told you the truth. But for now it's really better when Trevor thinks that I love him too. This will be the best for our match this week. But don't worry, it'll be over soon and then I'll tell everybody that I only want you.

She smiles again and bends forward to kiss Laura gently on the lips. Then she takes another sip of her drink.

But now we should take care for our matches this week. I think we both will have a lot to do and it won't be so easy. I don't know much a out your opponents, but considering that it's the second round in this tournament, they can't be so bad. And with my opponents it's the same. If I would only have to face Karina, then I wouldn't worry much. I've faced her before and I could take the win, so I can do it again. I don't underestimate her, but I know that I'm the better wrestler. The only thing that worries me a bit is this guy DESPAYRE. I don't know whether he's good or whether he can become dangerous for Trevor, but it might happen and that would really suck.
The last weeks have been really good for me, but I don't need another loss. That wouldn't look good in my statistics. But anyway, we will see what happens.

She thinks for a moment and it seems that she is lost in thoughts. After a few minutes she comes back to reality.

But maybe I worry too much. After our lil chat with Eric I really should be more confident and after that help I received against Jessie too. It seems that we have some really strong friends who support us now and that's more than good. It's not that I can't fight alone or that your help isn't enough for me, but this here makes it even more easy and that's awesome.

She smiles at Laura and everybody can see that she really loves her. Then she lights a new cigarette and drags at it.

And I promise that there will be nothing you'll have to worry about, whatever anybody says or you'll see on TV. You can really trust me. Oh, and you should see all this a bit more positive. It's annoying that we aren't in a match together, but at leas this way we can prove that we are the best, even if we don't fight together.
People like Karina or DESPAYRE do t have a chance against us. We are the true champions and we will be the winners, doesn't matter in which team they put us.

She bends forward and kisses Laura lovingly on her lips. The rest of the night they spend with making out and making love. Early in the next morning Amanda wakes up and wants to make them a breakfast, but Laura has left her a note that she's already in the gym and that Amanda should come there too. But at the moment Amanda isn't in the right mood for training. She's hungry and so she has other things in mind.
So she takes her cell phone and dials Trevor's number. It takes a while till he answers the phone and then Amanda greets him with a really lovingly voice.

Hey Trev, darling, I really missed ya and I thought that we two should have a nice lil breakfast. We could have some more fun and we could also talk about our tactics for the match. Hehe, at least when we aren't too exhausted.

She giggles a bit and the two continue to talk a bit more. Then she hangs up. Now she takes a long shower and looks into her locker to find some sexy clothes. It takes her a pretty long time and she doesn't find the right stuff, but eventually she has success.
After putting on a short grey dress and some really high heeled sandals, she's ready to leave the house.


Looking sexy as usually she goes to her jeep and climbs insides. After checking her makeup a last time, she starts the engine and drives to Trevor's hotel to pick him up. Half an hour later she arrives at the hotel where he lives and parks her car. In a really good mood she goes to his room and the two order a breakfast. It takes really long and the whole time their door is closed and a sign "please don't disturb" hangs at the door. Hours later, it's about 3pm, the door opens and Amanda stumbles out of the room. Her hair is a mess, she holds her shoes in her hand and it seems that she's really drunk. She stumbles to the lift and presses the button. While she waits, she thinks about joining Laura at the gym, but she's too drunk and Laura wouldn't be happy to see her like this. She will get trouble, but at the moment she really doesn't need it. So she decides to drive home later and to deal with what awaits her.
The lift arrives and she arrives at the basement. Still to drunk to drive she orders a taxi that should bring her to a bar in the center of the town. It's still pretty early for going into a bar, but she's already drunk and so it doesn't matter anymore. Half an hour later she arrives at the bar and enters. Some people look at the pretty young woman, but Amanda ignores them completely. She goes directly to the bar and orders a new drink. Then she takes a seat. This day has really been fun and so her mood couldn't be better. And then her thoughts go back to her next match.

It seems that I'll really have a great time at SCW. Not only that I'm the champion, but now I also have a strong team to hold my back and my partner Trevor is cool too. Seems my little plan works out really good. Karina is no problem for me and with DESPAYRE will see. He seems to be strong and at least he holds the tag titles. So it'll be a match champion against champion.

Now she laughs out. This thought is really awesome and temptingly, but there's still one thing that bothers her a bit.

Too bad that I can't face him myself in the ring. But these fucking stupid rules forbid matches between guys and girls. That really sucks completely. Ok, maybe it's fair, but it would be awesome if I could kick his fucking ass and shut his big mouth myself. Prolly my chances wouldn't be that big, but at least it would be a nice surprise if I could take the win. But anyway, rules are rules, even if I don't like them.
But I'm pretty sure that Trevor will be able to handle him. I really wish that he kicks his fucking ass. Yeah, then we will be the winners again and the next round can come.

Amanda laughs again and then she gets her drink. She takes a sip and thinks for a moment. Normally she doesn't talk to herself, but she's really drunk and so she does it. Some of the other visitors smile a bit as they see the pretty girl talk to herself, but they leave her alone.

But anyway, it's ok like it is, I'll fuck up Karina and Trevor has the fun with DESPAYRE. Haha, even though I think that I'll have more fun. I mean Karina is pretty cute and being so close to her can be awesome, haha.

Amanda doesn't cheat on Laura, but she always has been flirty, and getting in touch with Karina is a thought she really likes. She giggles a bit and licks her lips.

Too bad that it's only in a match in the ring and not in bed. I would know better things to do than to beat her up.

But then she only shrugs. Sex and having fun is awesome, but life isn't always fun and she knows this too good.

So it's bad luck for you, Karina. No sex, no fun, just another beating up. Haha, you know that I'm good in doing this. We've met before and you know that you don't have a chance against me. I defeated you before and I can do it again, whenever and wherever I want. So when you're smart, then you'll juz lay down and give up. At least this would prevent you from getting really hurt.
Now you prolly wanna know why I'm so sure that I'll defeat you again and I will tell you. Just look at our win /loss records, then you'll understand. And then look who's the champion. It's me and not you. I've been the bombshells champion and two times the tag champions, so do you really think that a little girl like you will be a problem for me? Haha, not even you can be that stupid. But anyway, you know how it will end and you can't do anything against it. Amanda Cortez, SCW's bad girl will be the glorious winner again. Live with it or go to hell. Haha

But now it's really time for Amanda to go home. She downs the rest of her drink and pays the bill. Then she reaches into her pocket for her cell phone, but she can't find it. Prolly she has forgotten it in Trevor's room. She growls, but then she shrugs.

Damn, it seems that the problems don't want to end. Laura won't be happy if she calls me and Trevor answers the call. Shit, I'm doomed.

She stands up from her chair and wants to put on her shoes again, but then she sees that she has forgotten them in the cab. It really begins to escalate and slowly the whole thing goes on her nerves. As she checks for some money for a cab, she sees that it isn't enough and calling Laura to pick her up isn't possible, so she has no choice and has to walk all the way, even though this won't be fun without her shoes. A bit frustrated she leaves the bar and starts to walk back home, but it doesn't take long and her feet begin to hurt. So she stops and makes a small rest. Desperately she thinks about a way to get home and then she gets an idea.
She has been in a gang and during her youth she has also stolen a few cars, so why not do it again? She's no criminal anymore, but this is an emergency situation and she has no choice. So she looks around and as she sees that almost nobody is in the streets, she walks over to a big SUV which is standing there. Carefully she breaks open the door, but as she wants to climb into the car, she hears the alarm. Amanda almost panics and wants to get out of the car, but it's already too late. Desperately she looks around, but there's no way to go and so she can't do anything and only raises her arms as the cops arrest her. Pretty frustrated and knowing that she will have a lot to explain, she sits on the back seat of the police car, her hands cuffed behind her back, and growling. Then the police car drives off and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 3278

Climax Control Archives / Facing two Losers
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:43:18 PM »

Facing two Losers

Since Amanda has started her new career at SCW a lot has changed. At the beginning she has been a really nice and friendly girl and she tried to be nice to almost everybody and to avoid trouble outsides the ring, but this has changed now. She tried it so hard to get respected and to find some friends here and she also did her best to entertain the fans, but nobody ever gave her a chance. Almost from the beginning on the fans hated her and also the other wrestlers didn't respect her, not even during the long time where she held the bombshells title. At the beginning it had frustrated her and made her sad, but this time is over now and now she begins to enjoy her time as the bad girl of this company. She had started to be sassy and she also started to attack others before the matches and outsides the ring and to be honest, she had had her fun with doing this.
Her first victim has been Vixen and the next one has been Jessie Salco, even though both attacks haven't been a really bid success. Vixen took the title from her and Jessie got her revenge by putting Amanda into a figure four leg lock, so that she had to submit, but that doesn't stop the tough little diva. When the fans want to see her as the bad bitch, then they can have it and Amanda tries her best to be like her image.
After her last actions at the show, she had heard that she will be in a team together wither Trevor and so she had made some plans. She has met him before her match and the two had had some fun while going out. At the next morning they even awoke together in bed and nobody knows what has happened this night, at least Trevor didn't know it.
Amanda has been drunk too, but she still remembers that there has only been some flirting and no sex, but she never told him this. It seems that he has a crush on her and this could really be helpful for her career and also for her upcoming tag match. So she let him believe that there has been nothing and for Amanda this was absolutely ok. She knows that it's mean and that it'll prolly hurt him when he realizes that she only uses him for her plans, but she couldn't care less. Now all she's interested in is her career and her success and everything that helps her with reaching her goals is ok for her.
Now she's in her hotel room and Trevor was already gone to the arena and Amanda slowly gets ready for her match. Like usually she's really confident that she will take another win and she's completely relaxed. Before she leaves the hotel too, she gets a coke from her fridge and lights a cigarette. As she sits down on her couch, a smile comes into her pretty face.

Well, it seems that it really couldn't come better. I think this moron really has a crush on me and so he will do everything to protect me and to hold away every trouble from me. This should really be an easy win and I think that nothing can go wrong. The only thing that worries me a bit is the possibility that Jessie might try to get her revenge for my attack last week, but we will see. Prolly I'll just have to be carefully and I still have Laura who holds my back too, is what the fuck should go wrong?

Then she puts all her stuff into her sports bag and drives to the arena too. Like usually she tries to avoid to meet anybody before her match starts and so she enters her locker room and locks the door. After putting on her ring gear she takes a small nap and then the show starts and she has to go to the stage.
Her match has been a huge success and she and Trevor could take the win, even though it was only because her opponents got disqualified, but Amanda doesn't care much. A win is a win and so it's ok for her, even though she got a pretty bad beating up by Jessie Salco. Now the show is over and she's on her way to the parking lot to drive back home. In a pretty good mood she climbs into her car and starts the engine.

Well, Jessie, in some way you did me a really big favor. I know that you wanted to punish me with this beating up, but this was no real punishment and it brought me the win. Haha, so it seems that I should thank you for your actions.
Oh, and you should have k own that a little bit pain and some bruises won't break me. So I'm really a bit puzzled that you've been so stupid to attack me during my match. I thought that you were smart enough to know that this will bring me the win. Haha, you're such a stupid moron, but anyway. Hopefully now you learned your lesson that it brings you nothing to mess with me. I'll always be the winner.

Now she slowly drives out of the parking lot. Her phone rings and she answers it and a smile comes into her face. This is really a good news from management as they told her that she's booked in a tag match for the titles against Amy Marshal and Necra. Amanda hangs up the phone and a bit later she stops at a bar to have a last drink before she goes to bed. It's really late and so she's almost alone, but she doesn't care much. She orders a beer and sits down alone at a table

Well, this is really a good news. It seems that this evening really can't become better. Not only that I have my next win and some fun with Trevor, now I'll get the chance too to show that I deserve it to be called the champion.
Prolly a lot of these morons here think that I don't deserve this title, cuz it was given to me after Trish got injured, but I'll prove them wrong. This week I will show that I'm the real champion, especially as this match is against Necra and Amy Marshal, the former champions. Laura and Trish took away the title from them and now we can show that Laura and I can do it too. I think it will be so much fun and everybody will see that we are the best team in this company.

As she thinks of her opponents, a smile comes into her pretty face. She seems a bit lost in thoughts while she lights a cigarette. Her eyes are almost closed and it seems that she doesn't realizes what happens around her. It takes a pretty long time, but then she continues to talk.

Necra, Necra you really think that you're so strong and nobody can defeat you? Or that you are really immortal and everybody fears you? Damn, not even you can be so stupid to believe this.

She shakes her pretty head and then she wipes some of her long, black hair out of her face. For a moment she looks up, but then she looks again at her drink, so that her hair hangs in her face again, but this time she doesn't do anything against it. Prolly that's even better, because nobody recognizes her and so she doesn't has to sign autographs or give interviews. Normally Amanda likes this, but at the moment she prefers it to stay alone.

Ok, I must admit that your show has been pretty good and that even me was scared of you at the beginning. All your talking about death and taking my soul really scared me off and as you've put a hex on me I really thought that it's over with me. You brought me nightmares and they were the pure horror and later everything in my life went wrong. I even thought that the loss of my title had to do with this curse, but now I know that I've been so fucking wrong.

Amanda laughs a bit and takes a big sip of her beer. In the past she really has been scared of Necra and all these things, these nightmares and curses and the constant talking about death, but now this has changed and she sees it completely relaxed.

I have defeated you in the ring and so did Laura and some others. So you aren't no goddess or even immortal. I must admit that you're strong and dangerous, but nothing more and now you can't scare me anymore. I know that it'll be a hard match, but I won against you and I can do it again, whenever and wherever I want. Your show is good and you're strong, but the only one you can scare is little girls and not me, the real Goddess of SCW. This week your reign of terror will end and I'll be the one who ends it. But that's not all, when I'm finished with you then everybody will know that you're nothing more than a human being with some cool tricks, but they will also know that I'm a Goddess. Haha

Amanda smirks and it seems that she's really in a good mood and that nothing can worry her. Deep insides she still is a bit nervous, but it's more because Necra is so strong and Amanda is really tiny and petite, but she would never admit this and she also tries to hide her real feelings. Now she plays the tough bitch and nothing will destroy this image.

Necra, I don't know whether you know everything about me. Prolly you still see me as the nice and cute girl who loves it to get her feet tickled and who tries to be friend to everybody, but if this is the case, then I must tell you that you're fucking wrong. As I started my career in this company it has been true, but all these morons here made me change. Now nothing nice is left and all you should know about me is that I'm a deadly opponent in the ring and that it's fucking dangerous to face me.
But I'll help you a bit more. During my youth I've been in a gang and I also made some really nice street fights. Later I got arrested because of heavy assault and I spent a few years in jail. So believe me, I know how to fight and this week you will see it, haha, as my victim.
Don't take all this here too personal, because it's not, but you had the bad luck that you were chosen to be my opponent in this match and you can believe me, I won't give away this title, especially not to you.

Now Amanda orders a new beer and lights a cigarette. She had planed to leave after one drink, but at the moment she doesn't like to go home. The alcohol slowly makes her even more aggressive and Amanda likes this feeling. It reminds her at her youth where she has been a member of a big gang in LA. This time is over for a really long time, but in some way she still loves it to remember it.

Oh, and there's something more. Since I'm here in this company nobody really took me serious or even respected me, but this should change now. I don't know why all this happened, especially after me and Laura won the tag titles right after we started here. Later I became the bombshell's champion and it still didn't change and now I'm the tag champion and still everybody thinks that it's easy to beat me up and that I don't deserve it to have the title. But now it's enough, I'm so fucking sick of all this crap and so it's time to do something.
Defeating Odette twice didn't help, but maybe it helps to defeat SCW's wanna be monster or Zombie Necra. Haha, I don't believe in such crap with immortals and so on, but prolly a lot of these fucking fans believe it and prolly some of these stupid other divas too, so it'll be a really bid surprise for them to see how their Goddess goes down.

There are only a few people in the bar and now they look over to Amanda, but she ignores them completely and continues to talk to herself. Normally the people come over to her and try to flirt with her, because she's so cute and pretty, but this time they all leave her alone. It seems that everybody sees that she isn't in the mood for a friendly chat.

And if you think that Amy will be a help for you, then I can only tell you that you're fucking wrong. In my opinion she's nothing more than a joke and I think she has no right to be in a title match. She's a filler and so she should have a match at the beginning of the show and not in the main event. But anyway, she's part of your team and so I'll have to deal with it. But remember, I could defeat you, so it won't be difficult for me to defeat Amy. It will be so fucking easy, like this ...

Amanda snaps her fingers and smirks.

But lets forget this fucking loser and come back to our match. It's not only that I will win and stay as the champion, I will also destroy you. You don't believe me? Well, I can't force you to do so, but don't forget that I have my love Laura at my side and that she won against you too. So together it shouldn't be hard for us to become the winners of this fucking match. Consider yourself already as the losers and live with it you fucking sluts.

Amanda throws some coined on the table and then she leaves the bar to drive back home. At home she looks around and as she sees that Laura is at home she approaches her and kisses her passionately. Laura already knows that they have this match and after some talking about the next show Amanda drags Laura to their bedroom. She smiles lovingly and winks at her.

I think, after we two won our matches, it's time to celebrate our victory a bit. Hehe, and I have a nice lil idea ....

She giggles a bit and presses Laura down on the bed. They role around and then Laura sits on top of Amanda and presses her down.

Please tie me up and tickle me till I cry and beg for mercy, I need this now ....

Deep insides Amanda really is submissive and she loves it to be helpless and get tortured in such a way. But outsides the bedroom, she's the tough and undefeatable biker chick and nothing and nobody is able to break her. But now they are at home and there she can be the submissive and cute girl.
Laura grins and then she does what Mandy has told her to do. She takes a piece of rope and ties Mandy's wrists behind her back and then her ankles too. Then she ties Mandy's wrists to her ankles so that Amanda lays there in a hogtie. Like usually Amanda only wears her flip flops and with a quick movement they are gone and Laura digs her nails into the soft and sensitive bottoms of Amanda's feet. Immediately Amanda starts to laugh and scream and as all aura goes under and in between her toes, the cute dark haired girl begs for mercy, but Laura isn't willing to let her go. After a really long time Amanda is completely exhausted and she even got a huge orgasm and then Laura unties her and Amanda huddles against Laura. She has a happy smile in her face as she looks at her love. Still breathing heavily she turns back into the tough biker chick and a smile comes into her face.

Wow, that has been really fun, I love this.

She giggles a bit as she looks at Laura. Her pretty face is still red from all this hard laughing, her eyes are a bit teary and her hair is a mess, but she looks so damn cute and sexy and she knows this too good. She has such a sweet smile in her face as she looks at her love Laura.

Thanks God nobody sees us like this. This really wouldn't fit to the image of the two tough and tattooed Goddesses. It's better when they only see us as the strong and tough bitches. But the next show will be the perfect chance to prove this. Let them think whatever they want, when we are finished with Amy and Necra they will see that it's a deadly mistake to underestimate us. We will destroy and fuck up these two morons. I don't give a fuck whether the fans hate us for this or not. We are the champions and nothing will ever change this.

Now Amanda stands up and goes to the kitchen to make them a breakfast. As she comes back, Laura is still in bed and she place the plate on the bed so that the two can eat. She kneels down besides Laura and fills her cup with hot coffee. Then the two have a wonderful breakfast.

That's right, but don't forget that we will have to fight for this and that means some hard training too.

Amanda nods. She's a lazy girl, but she knows that Laura is right and she really wants to keep the titles. So, after they have finished their breakfast, they stand up and leave the house to go to the gym. This time even Amanda is really motivated and she spends a pretty long time with weight lifting ad cardio, the two things she hates most. Then they practice some new moves in the ring. Amanda is a high flyer and luchadore and so she prefers speed, fast moves and jumps, but because of her petite frame she has some problems with submission holds and exactly this they train now. At first it doesn't look too good for the smaller Amanda, but after a while she gets used to it and at least she manages it to struggle free or to end up in such a hold. After a few hours their training is over and Amanda sits on a bench, trying to catch her breath again.

Damn, I never thought that it would be so hard, but anyway. We have the whole week till our match and that should be enough to get me fit for facing the bigger Necra. It won't be easy, but I think I'll manage it without letting her break my neck. Haha

As Laura sees how confident Amanda is, she has to smile too. Whatever happens, Amanda always is optimistic and in a good mood. Not even after she lost her title against Vixen she has been frustrated. Instead of whining she just looks forward and looks for a new goal or for a chance to get her revenge. So it looks really good for the team.

I remember that ones one of the divas here said that I don't take all this here serious and that I'm only here for having fun, but that's not true. I take it serious. I just don't cry when I lose and don't see it negative. Instead I see it as a chance to learn something and to improve. So it's no problem that I lost against Vixen, maybe it even made me stronger and for the case I have to face her again I'm prepared. And it's the same with Necra. In my first match she has beaten me up, but now I know what awaits me and I'm prepared. This ont happen again and after all of this training here, I'm pretty sure that we two will take the win.

She smiles at Laura and then the two leave the gym to drive back home. The next days are all the same and the two spend all day with training. Amanda even has stopped smoking and drinking, so that she's really good in shape. Now it's the day of the show and the two drive to the arena. They park their car and go to their locker room and after a while they are ready for their match. Then they leave their locker room and Amanda goes over to the interviewing area. She's already dressed in her ring gear, a tattered jeans shorts, a belly free top and some really high stripper sandals and like usually she looks so hot and sexy. The interviewer greets her and almost checks her out, but as he wants to ask her something, she only raises her hand and shuts him up.

Wait, I'm not here for giving an interview, this we can do after my match is over and after we defeated Necra and Amy. Let me just have a few last words for the fans and for our opponents.

She smiles a bit, but it's a cold smile. Slowly she sits down on a chair, crosses her legs and dangles with her shoe. She realizes that the interviewer looks at her long and sexy legs and she poses a bit for him and the camera. Amanda really knows how pretty she is and she loves to show what she has.

So lets begin with these fucking fans. I know that all you motherfuckers don't like me and that that you all wanna see me lose my title, but I don't give a shit about what you think or what you want. Hate me, condemn me, I don't give a fuck. But one thing is for sure and that's the fact that I won't lose this match.
It's not that I'm mad at you cuz you boo at me and cheer at my opponents. I couldn't care less about what morons like you do and how they act. Just go to Hell, but deal with the fact that you'll have to see me in the main events and not only this, you'll also have to see me as the winner, if you like it or not.

Still with her cold smile in her face she looks directly into the camera. She leans a bit back in her chair, so that everybody can see her boobs that almost hop out of her shirt.

And now to you Necra and Amy. Maybe you still think that I scare you or that I'm worried about our match, but I must disappoint you, cuz I'm not. I see al this pretty relaxed and this not because I'm cocky or I underestimate you. I trained so much and now I know that I'm the better wrestler and my love Laura is better than you too.
Damn, what or who do you think you are? A wannabe Goddess of Death and a fucking moron who follows her. Fuck no, that really doesn't impress me. Just tell me what you have done since you two are here at SCW. One of you talks about being immortal and al this fucking crap, but loses all her important matches. And the other one just makes nothing that could be called impressive. Damn, I don't even remember any match of you and my brain works pretty good, so that I don't forget much, but it seems that all you've done is some crappy rookie matches, but that's not enough to be called the champion.
And then remember how long you two held the titles. Was it a week or even a month? Well, that's not very long. I think in your first title defense you already lost it again. Damn, and that's all. I'm pretty sure that in a few months nobody will remember your fucking names. They will forget you and that's good, because such nobodies aren't worth to be kept in memory.
And now look at me. I came here and lost my first match, but from then on it went always upwards with my career. I won the tag titles, I became bombshell's champion and stayed as the champion for a long time and now I'm tag team champion a d I haven't planed to lose that title so soon again. Haha, and I also can say that I defeated the best wrestlers in this company. So compared with what you've done, that's really a lot.
But now it's time to come to an end with this lil speech here. I really have better things to do than talking about two fucking losers. And in a few minutes you will know what this is. Haha, it's the beating up of these losers.

Now Amanda laughs in a dirty way. She bends forward and picks up her shoe that she has lost and puts it on again. As she does this, her breasts almost pop out of her shirt again. Then she stands up and smiles into the camera. She blows a kiss and then she walks off into the direction of the stage, swinging her hips in a really sensual way and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4432

Climax Control Archives / A Guy as a Partner? Well, we will see
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:43:59 AM »

A Guy as my new Partner?

The first match in the new year hasn't really been a success for Amanda. It's not only that she lost it, but she also lost her title and this even by submission and so she really isn't very happy with the results, but at least Laura could take a win in her match. So it still has been a bit frustrating for her, but at the end it couldn't kill her good mood. Now she sits at a bar and tries to relax and recover a bit, even though it's a bit hard, because every bone in her body hurts from this stupid match. She orders a drink and as it comes, she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

Well Vixen, you stupid bitch, it seems that I really underestimated you this time, or I become too old for this fucking job. A few years ago this would never have happened and then you would have been the one who submits against me, the Goddess of War.

She growls a bit and this thought really doesn't make her happy, but then she only shrugs. Her whole life has been a mix between ups and downs and so this loss doesn't really encourage her. She has had worst things in her life and so she doesn't take all these things so serious anymore. As long as she makes a good performance and as long as she gets paid, it's all ok for her.

Maybe I should change my name. The last time I really haven't been like a goddess anymore and it slowly becomes laughable. A goddess tapping out and begging for mercy is just too idiotic and that really shouldn't happen again. But prolly this is ok, because I didn't take all this here serious enough, but I can't help it, there are more important things in my life than this fucking wrestling.

For a while she only sits there and sips at her drink, but then she remembers something else. In the past the fans have always loved her and cheered at her, but during her last matches this has been different. Now it seems that they all see her as a heel and that everybody cheers at her opponents and this hurts really bad. Her facial expression becomes sad and she sighs.

I don't know what I make wrong and why everybody sees me as the bad girl and hates me. It hurts fucking bad. I always did my best to entertain everybody, to be nice and friendly and my matches also have been fair, at least most of the time. I didn't cheat more than everybody else and so I really don't understand why they all wanna see me as the loser. But anyway ...

She laughs out again, but now it's more a bit frustrated

At least the fans got to see what they wanted to see and so I think it's ok, at least for them.

Amanda shakes her head and drags at her cigarette again. If she wouldn't have been such a cheery girl, then she would have been really frustrated now, but so she only shrugs.

So if they all see me as the bad girl of this company, then they can have it. And so I already can start to behave like a meanie, and this right now. So lets begin with my last opponent, this wannabe champion Vixen. Ok, you have this title, but that doesn't mean anything. You won this one match, but this has only been luck and nothing more, but it also doesn't mean that you will have this luck again. You and all the others are right when they say that I don't take this job very serious. Yeah, I don't give a fuck whether I win or loser or whether I'm the champion or not. I don't need this fucking title to become happy, there are really more important things in life and that a lesson I have really learned.
But now back to you Vixen. I hope you become happy with this title, and I really hope you'll enjoy the time you have it, because it'll be a really short time. Really soon there will come someone it take it away from you. Well, prolly this won't be me, cuz I think they won't give me a title chance again, but that doesn't matter. There are so many people in this company who are better than you and so your reign won't last long. Haha, this you can see as a promise.

She begins to laugh again and now it's no nice and friendly laugh, it's a bit mean. Amanda throws her cigarette away and lights a new one, then she orders a new drink.

Ok Vixen, in your last promo you said that you respect me and that's nice from you, but that doesn't mean that I respect you or that I have to talk nice about you. I haven't changed the way I think about you. For me you're only a stupid bitch who had had some luck. But that's not all. You might be the champion here in this fucking company and prolly you won't have to fight me again for the title, but that doesn't mean that you're safe from me. I have defeated all good wrestlers here and that's a thing you haven't done, so when I see it in the right way and I'm still the stronger wrestler than you. So be warned, I can beat you up and I will do it and I will do it as soon as we meet again, let it be in the ring or somewhere backstage, I don't give a fuck.
Haha, but don't be sad or frustrated, you will get used to the fact that nobody respects you and that you have a target on your back. I know this feeling too good. At the beginning it's not very nice, but then you will get used to it, haha, and at the end you won't care anymore what any of these motherfuckers thinks about you. And you will also get used to some backstage attacks from jealous opponents. So you can see this as a trainings session for your future life as a champion. Haha, it won't be easy and all the others here will try to make your life to Hell and I will be the main actor in this little game. Hehe, I always wanted to play a villain in a movie and now this will be my chance. For me it's a chance and you can already see yourself as doomed.

Amanda giggles a bit by this thought and she really likes this idea, but then she calls for the barkeeper and as he comes, she pays her bill.

But now it's enough with this fucking wrestling and all this title crap. Now it's time to go back home and to party a bit with Laura after her big win.

She stands up and leaves the bar. Back outsides again she takes a deep breath and walks over to her Harley, that stands directly in front of the bar. A bit slower than usually she climbs on it and starts it. Then she drives back home to Laura. Back at home, Amanda immediately runs over to Laura and hugs and kisses her again and again.

Damn, I'm so fucking proud of you. Yay, my love is the new champion, that's the best news I heard for a really long time.

She kisses Laura again and then she winks at her.

And the funniest thing is that you hold the titles with this stupid bitch Trish. Haha, I always thought that you hate her and now you have to work together with her. Hehe, I hope you'll have your fun with doing this.

Again she smirks at Laura and then she starts to laugh. At first Laura has been a bit offended, but as she sees the cute dark haired girl in such a good mood, it's so affecting and she has to laugh too. It's really hard to be mad at Amanda, whatever she does or whatever she says. With a quick movement she grabs the smaller girl by her arms and pulls her down on her lap. Now they kiss each other and Amanda huddles tightly against Laura, but Laura breaks the kiss and looks at Amanda.

Be careful with what you say or you might regret it.

But Amanda still giggles and doesn't think of stopping to tease Laura. She still sits on her lap, her arms wrapped around Laura's neck and looks into her eyes. Then she licks her lips.

Well, maybe I wanna regret something. Hehe, a nice lil punishment for teasing you and for losing my stupid title would really be so much fun. Hehe, I thought of something very special ....

The cute girl giggles again and then she thinks for a moment before she continues.

I already submitted once tonight, so why not do it a second time? I though of something nice and pleasurable and I wanna be helpless at your mercy. So do with me whatever you want, I'm all yours.

She kisses Laura again and presses herself even more tightly against her. Now she nibbles lightly at Laura's neck and then she looks at her with pleading eyes.

Please, massage me, tie me up and tickle me till I'm almost dead ...I really need this for relaxing and for feeling good again. And then ....then fuck me ...

As Laura hears what Amanda wants, a smile comes into her face. She already thought about having some fun with Amanda and a way to celebrate her victory, so Amanda's offer is really temptingly. They both stand up and go to their trainings room, where they have a massage table. Now Amanda kicks off her shoes and strips down till she's completely nude. Then she lays down face down on the massage table and turns her head a bit to the side, so that she can see what Laura is doing. Laura looks into a locker ad takes out some massage oil, a vibrating massage device and a long piece of soft rope, then she comes back to Amanda and as the tattooed beauty sees all this stuff she giggles.

Well, it seems that everything fits together now. At SCW I play the bad girl now and here at home the bat and mean bitch gets punished for failing to defeat her title. Hehe, I think that will be fun. But make sure that nobody interrupts us or sees this here. For all the others I'm still the bad and tough biker chick who loves violence and who loves to cheat. Haha, they want me like this and so they can have it. But it would be a bit strange if they see their mean villain laugh a d giggle like a school girl. Haha ...

While Amanda was talking, Laura has tied her hands to the legs of the massage table and her feet tightly together at the other side of the table. Amanda can still squirm a bit, but she has no chance to get away and she's completely at Laura's mercy. And so. The fun begins and Laura pours and rubs the massage oil all over Amanda's back, her ass, her legs and her feet and the dark haired cutie moans and purrs as she feels Laura's strong hands everywhere on her body. Together with being completely helpless, it's such a wonderful feeling.

Oh shit, you really know how to make me feel good. That's so much more fun than this stupid performing in the ring and that trying to entertain the fans. These motherfuckers really aren't worth my time and they don't deserve it to see a Goddess perform for them. It's annoying and a complete waste of time, I really have better things to do.
Shall they love their fucking NXT sluts and Vixen a d all the other fucking bitches, I don't give a fuck. Damn, I really begin to hate these morons and with the other so called bombshells it's not better. They are nothing more than dirty sluts and they go on my nerves. But anyway, now the time of being nice and friendly is over. They had had the chance to respect me as their champion, but they forfeit it and now it's time for them to pay the price for being so mean to me. I won't play the nice girl anymore and now I will destroy them and hurt them, the same way they have hurt me.

While Amanda is talking, Laura continues her massage, but in between the massage she switches between caressing Mandy's soft and sensitive skin lightly and digging her fingers hard and deeply into her muscles and ribs, so that the pretty, dark haired girl starts to laugh and giggle. Laura continues for a longer time and as she sees how much Amanda enjoys herself, she smiles lovingly at her girlfriend.

But I'll never hurt you. I only wanna see my little bad girl laugh and giggle. By the way, did anybody tell you how cute you look when you're helpless and try to squirm away?

Now she lets Amanda catch her breath and continues her massage, so that she can talk again. Amanda relaxes again and closes her eyes, but she knows that it isn't over, but she loves it to suffer in such a sweet way. Even though she's really tough and been though she loves it to beat up others, she also is completely submissive at home and it almost can be called masochistic, but she doesn't has a problem with this. It helps her to relax and to deal good and so it's ok for her.
She doesn't exactly when all this began, but already as a kid and teen she loved it to tease and terrorize the others. Thanks God she always has been so tiny and cute and so nobody has beaten her up to stop her. Instead she mostly got only tickled as a punishment, but she always has enjoyed this and so she provoked the others even more. Nobody has realized that this tough little girl loved this kind of punishment and so it went on.
Later, as she began to explore her sexuality, she realized that it was a huge turn on for her to get spanked and tied and tickled and that she had a fetish for getting her feet pampered and tickled too. Amanda has always been really pretty and cute and so it hasn't been really difficult for her to get what she wants. Most of the time she ran around barefoot and loved it to show her tiny and pretty feet. So there were enough moments where her friends touched her there and also tickled her and she always has been in heaven. Now, since she is together with Laura, she has someone who loves it to dominate her and so Amanda is happy as never before in her life. At home, she is the submissive one and it's a wonderful contrast to her behavior in the ring.
In the meantime Laura takes care for her cute little ass and her pretty long legs and Amanda moans and purrs again.

Hehe, yes, I heard this before and it seems that Thera are many people love to see me like this. At least the video clips I'm in sell really good and that proves that I have many fans. Haha,I but don't be jealous, you're the only one who is allowed to do this to me without getting a beating up. If anybody else would try to do this to me, I would smash his jaw with my steel caps and this is a promise. Haha

Laura had slowly made her way down Amanda's legs and now she rubs her pretty feet so that the cute girl moans again. But it's only for a few minutes and then she runs her sharp nails over Amanda's soft and sensitive skin and now the pretty young woman really laughs. Laura caresses her soft skin and then she digs her fingers deeply into Amanda's foot bottoms and now Mandy really screams and laughs. Especially as Laura runs her fingers under and in between her cute toes it's really over for Amanda and she begs for mercy, but Laura shows no mercy. She continues to terrorize her friend in this sweet way and then she lets her catch her breath again and massages her again.

Damn, I think you juz made me cum. Hehe ...

Amanda giggles in her cute way and now Laura unties her so that she can sit up again. She turns around so that she can see Laura and she has a broad smile in her face.

You really know how to treat your little goddess and how to gimme back the strength I need. I may have lost this week, but that still doesn't mean that I'm out of competition or that I can't go for the title again. I don't know whether they will gimme a title match again, but it doesn't matter. At the next show I'll be back and then I'll do what I can do best and that is kicking asses. Yes, they will regret it that they have treated me so bad and now they will see what happens when they piss off a Goddess.

Slowly Amanda gets down from the massage table and walks over to the bathroom. She takes a long hot shower and slowly she recovers from all the exhausting fun. In a really good mood she leaves the shower cabin and looks into the big mirror. She's really satisfied with what she sees and for a moment she poses in front of the mirror.

Shit, I'm really so damn pretty. I have the face of an angel and a wonderful body and every girl is prolly jealous when she sees me. So I really don't understand why nobody likes me at SCW and especially why the fans hate me too. I haven't done anything bad to anybody and so they have no reason to dislike me. It's mean and it's not fair, but anyway. As long as Laura loves me, everything is ok for me and I really don't need the fucking love or the respect of all these morons. They can all bite me.

she laughs again and now she dries her hair. As she is finished, she puts on a tattered jeans and a small and belly free top. She looks for some shoes, but like usually she prefers it to run around barefoot and so she leaves them away. Then she leaves the bathroom and looks around where Laura could be. After a while she sees her outsides the house, sitting in a deck chair and looking at the water. Amanda approaches her from behind and without saying a word she kisses her neck. Then she sits down besides her and looks at her.

Well champ, what shall we do next, having some fun at the beach, going out for a nice lunch or having a training for our next matches? If you ask me, then I would prefer the lunch and then the fun at the beach, but that's only my opinion and it's up to you to decide what we do today.

As she hears what the lazy Amanda has in mind, Laura starts to laugh. It's typical for Amanda do avoid stress and training, but it's necessary and so she shakes her head.

We'll have the fun and the lunch later, but first we drive to the gym and have some training. Even though I still don't like Trish I wanna keep that title and you need some training soon. I don't wanna see you lose another important match, now you need a win.

She looks down at her friend and smirks.

And you better put on some shoes, or I'll have to clean your feet with a brush and then you'll scream so aloud that the neighbors will call the police.

As Amanda hears this, she starts to laugh a bit. The thought of this treatment sounds fun and she winks at Laura.

But maybe I could like this ..hehe ...

But then she gets some flip flops and puts them on and then the two girls go over to Amanda's small jeep. They climb into the car and drive back to the arena. As they enter, they slowly walk into the direction of the gym, but before they can start their training, a camera team stops them. Laura is a bit annoyed, but like usually Amanda is really talkative and so she's happy that she has the possibility to be on TV again. She smiles into the camera and like usually she looks so pretty and sexy.

Well, so tell me what you wanna know ...I'll answer to all your questions.

They film her for a bit longer and Amanda poses for them and then the interviewer asks her the first question.

Ok, then lets begin. Last night you lost against Vixen and not only this, you lost by submission and you lost your title, so how do you feel?

It takes a while until Amanda answers and for a moment the interviewer thinks that she could be offended, but she isn't. She even has a smile in her pretty face.

How I feel, we'll, at the beginning I've been a bit sad and frustrated. I have really been so proud to be the champion here and so it wasn't my nicest day, but don't worry, now I see it a bit more relaxed. As you already know, I don't take all this here very serious and I'm more out for having some fun, so I couldn't care less whether I have a title or not. I really don't give a fuck. The only thing that really hurts is the fact that I had to submit.

She winks at the interviewer and then she points at Laura.

I always thought that I'm really tough and normally Laura is the only person who knows how to make me submit, but I think I've been wrong, at least this time. Fuck, I screamed and begged like a lil school girl and this is so fucking humiliating. But anyway,it's over and I survived it and now I look straight forward and I promise that this won't happen again.

Before the interviewer can say anything, Amanda raises her hand and shuts him up.

Wait, and don't interrupt your goddess, I'm not finished and there's something more I wanted to say. As you may have noticed, I tried my best to be friendly and to be nice to everybody, but I think it has been a huge mistake. What did it bring me? Nothing, nobody took me serious, nobody liked me or wanted to be my friend and nobody respected me. Even these fucking fans were booing all the time while I've been in the ring and they all wanted to see me submit or getting pinned. Ok, they got what they want, but I still don't understand why everybody sees me as the bad girl. Maybe it's because I attacked Vixen a few weeks ago, but that wasn't meant personally, it has been a mistake and I really regretted it, but I can't undo it. But anyway, I think that's no reason to hate me. But it seems that these fucking fans see this in a different way and I'm not willing to fight for their laugh. If they wanna see me as the bad girl, then they can have it, but they should know that this has been a really bad mistake. I've always been a dangerous opponent, but now it's even worse. I have no problem with using weapons and with cheating,so nobody should complain when it becomes dirty in the ring. Haha, and don't blame me, it's not my fault, blame these fucking fans and these fucking stupid bitches here that caused this lil heel turn.

Without any further words Amanda takes Laura by her hand and the two walk off into the direction of the gym. There they spend the rest of the day and even though Amanda is a bit lazy, she tries her best not to give up so early. She isn't the strongest person and so she really has to do something for her strength and so she spends so much time with weight lifting, even though she hates this more than anything else. But hopefully it will bring her success one day, then all that training wouldn't at least me for nothing. After this weight lifting sessions the two practice some submission holds. The main goal is to help Amanda to become better in getting out of such a hold. Laura is much stronger and so Amanda has really big problems and most of the time she has no success with her attempts to get free, even though Laura tries to motivate her by tickling her when she has her in a grapple, but not even this helps Amanda to break free and so she's a bit frustrated. But as mentioned before, she isn't willing to give up so easily and so she tries it again and again. Eventually their training is over and they drive back home.
The next days aren't much different and Amanda and Laura don't have a match at the next show. Normally they would have made a trip somewhere, but this time they stay at home and try to get ready for their next match and so the next days are almost the same. They train and eat and the evenings they spend with having fun, but they don't talk much about their future plans. Ok, Laura has the tag titles, but her partner Trish is injured and it's not really clear how it will go on, especially as they both don't like Trish. Probably Laura will need a new partner soon and then the title hunt will begin again. Deep insides Amanda hopes that Laura will take her as her partner, but she doesn't ask her and so she still doesn't know how everything will end now. It would be cool to get a title again, but in some way she also has enough from title hunts after her last painful loss. She really doesn't need this again. So for the moment she has happy as it is and she enjoys her time with Laura.
But then the next show comes and at first Amanda doesn't want to watch it or even go there, but Laura can convince her to come with her. She promises that it will be a nice surprise and Amanda is always so curious and so she comes with Laura. And there a really nice surprise awaits her, after a while Laura goes to the ring and proclaims that now, after Triah's injury, Amanda will be her partner and so Amanda has a title again. So it really couldn't become better for Amanda. Without doing much she is the champion again and she's proud and happy, especially after she and Laura already won this title a few months ago and after they got stripped of it.
But there also happened something more at the show. After being at the show, Amanda had decided to watch the match of Jessie Salco and like usually the bubbly and sassy girl couldn't be quiet and had to get involved. She couldn't keep her mouth shut during this match and so the whole thing ended with some arguing between Amanda and Jessie. But that's not all and at the end Amanda tried to attack Jessie. Like usually she had in mind to cheat and to use her brass knux, but this time everything went wrong and Jessie could overpower the physically weaker Amanda and disarm her. That would have been humiliating enough for the cocky and tough little girl, but it even came worse. After a short fight Amanda ended up in a submission hold and Jessie didn't let her go until she begged for mercy and cried like a little school girl. Normally Amanda likes it to be a bit submissive, but only at home when she's together with her love Laura. In public and especially in the ring she plays the tough and bad chick and so such a ending of a fight is really so humiliating for her. It pissed her off and frustrated her and so she is really out for revenge now.
So both girls are now on their way backstage and Amanda's feelings are a mix between being happy about her title and being pissed because of the public humiliation through Jessie. But like usually it doesn't take too long and she calms down again. Even before they have reached their locker room, Amanda has checked her mails with her phone and so she sees the new match card. Sadly she isn't in a match with her partner Laura and instead she has Trevor Irons as her partner and she'll have to face Kain and Alexis Morrison. She doesn't know much about these persons and like usually she isn't happy about this, but she can't change it. It's pretty difficult to have a partner whom she doesn't know, but probably Trevor isn't too bad and there's still some time left to meet him and to talk to him. Now they enter their locker room and Amanda lights a cigarette while she turns to Laura.

Damn, I have really hoped that we two will be in a team together and now I'll have to deal with this Trevor guy. But maybe it's not too bad and I have already a little plan.

She smiles, but it's not friendly and it seems that she has something mean in mind. When everybody sees her as a heel, then she can also act like the bad girl. She always tried to be nice and to find some friends, but nobody ever gave her a chance and now she has given it up. Even though she still isn't really mean, she doesn't has a problem with playing the tough and aggressive bitch. When the fans want this and hate her so much, then they can have it.

There's still some time left till our match and that's enough time to meet Trevor. I thought of going out with him and having some fun with him. When he likes me or even loves me, then it'll be easier for us to take the win. I mean then he will do everything to protect me and to help me and so it'll prolly be an easy win for me. Haha, that might be mean and the others might call me a whore, but I don't give a fuck. As long as it brings me success, it's ok.

As she sees that Laura doesn't like this idea, she puts her hand on her arm and tries to comfort her. She loves Laura more than anything else and so she doesn't want to worry her or make her sad, so she tries her best to make her feel better. Hopefully Laura will understand and agree to what Amanda has in mind.

And you don't have to worry, I only love you and I won't have sex with him, so there's no need to be jealous. It'll just be some flirting and having fun and nothing more. Look, it's good for my career and my success and there's nothing to worry about. When all this is over, then I'll dump him and it's over.

She gives Laura a passionately kiss and it seems that Laura is a bit eased after she had heard this explanation. She still doesn't like this plan, but she knows how stubborn Amanda can be and that it's impossible to stop her when she has a plan. So she sighs, but she nods.

Now I'll only have to study my opponents. About Alexis I know that she's pretty good and that she had had some success, but about Kain I don't know anything. It seems that he's a complete nobody, but that shouldn't be my problem. I mean that'll be Trevor's problem, cuz he'll be the one who faces him in the ring.
I don't know much about the rules of such a mixed tag team, but I'm pretty sure that the guys have to face each other and the girls too, so prolly it won't happen that I have to face Kane and I can focus completely at Alexis.

Amanda pauses for a moment and lights a new cigarette. She still isn't so sure about what to think about this match, but like usually, she's confident./color]
And Alexis is an opponent whom I can handle. It can't be so hard to defeat her. Ok, she's not that bad and she had had some wins here in this company, but against me she's nothing. I've been the bombshell's champion, the tad champion and she had no title, at least as far as I know. So it's the usual thing and I'll have to face a fucking nobody.
Haha, so I think the whole match can really become fun. Seducing Trevor and fucking up this stupid other team will be so awesome and I think I'll really have my fun. It fits so fucking good to my new image as the bad girl. Haha, from now on they can call me the Hardcore Harlot.

Now even Laura has to laugh. She believes Amanda as she said that she would never cheat on her and so everything seems to be ok again. Amanda is happy too. A trouble with Laura would have really been the last thing she could need at the moment.

And if I have some luck, then I don't have to do anything in this match. I mean, maybe Trevor does all the work and pins Kain and I'll only have to see that he can't tag in Alexis, bit this shouldn't be a bigger problem. A nice lil attack outsides the ring and everything should be ok.
It's not that I have a problem to face her in the ring, or that I'm scared. I know that I can defeat this stupid bitch whenever or wherever I want, but why make it the hard way when I can have an easy win? I would be such a fucking moron.
Haha, and this lil plan is just wonderful and I know that it will work out perfectly.

Now she smiles at Laura and kisses her again. Her arms are wrapped around her girlfriend and she looks up to her.

And when this stupid tournament is over, then we two will team up again and then we'll show the world that we're the best team in the world. Nothing and nobody will ever stop us.

Now the two kiss again and with one hand Amanda switches off the lights. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6140

Supercard Archives / Back from Vacation, Back for the next Win
« on: December 30, 2012, 05:26:20 PM »

Back from Vacation and back for the next Win

The last Climax Control has almost been a huge success for Amanda. She has been able to win the match and so she still is the champion and so she's more than happy. The only bad thing is that she has underestimated Karina a bit and so she has gotten a really bad beating up at the beginning of the match and she also ended up in some really mean and painful submission holds. There have been times where it really didn't look good for the petite diva, but at the end all her experience and skills had helped her and she could take the win.
But the price for this win has been really high and Amanda got bruised really bad. Karina had had a few really good moves and her submission holds had been really painfully. Amanda still can feel the pain in her arms, her shoulders and her back. Damn, she's really too small and petite for this job. But thanks to her experience and her speed she mostly manages it to take the win. But the whole thing is still pretty dangerous and with each match she risks her health., but anyway, this is her job and she hasn't learned anything else than fighting.
Now she walks down the halls and rubs her hurting arm and for a moment she thinks about giving up everything. Maybe she only gets too old for this job and she should look for something else. All her friends from her youth are married and have kids, but that's not the kind of life Amanda wants. Her hand moves down to her championship belt which she still wears and a smile comes into her face. Her success proves that she isn't too old or rusty and she laughs out.

Well, maybe I'm not the you gets wrestler here in this company, but again I could prove that I'm still not too old and that I can win against anybody here. The others might be you her and physically stronger than me, but I still have this fire insides me that helps me to defeat them all. Haha, my list becomes longer and longer and I'm still not finished here.

She laughs a bit and now it's a bit arrogant and cocky, but she doesn't care. She knows that she's good, prolly the best wrestler here, and she also knows that none of these rookies and wannabe champions will be able to stop her so soon.

I still remember my first day here and how they all looked down at me and even laughed at me, especially after I lost my debut match against Necra. They all thought that I'm a nobody, a fetish model or a porn star, and that I shouldn't be in the ring, but I proved them all wrong. At first I won the tagteam championship and then I defeated their favorite diva, Odette, and now I'm their champion. Haha, now nobody laughs at me anymore and now they know what I can do in the ring. I'm not the nobody or the underdog anymore, now I'm a real champ and they fear me.

The dark haired woman stops walking and leans against the wall. She reaches into the pocket of her tight and tattered jeans shorts and pulls out a cigarette. Now she lights it and inhales deeply, then she blows out a smoke ring.

Well, normally I would await that they respect their champion, but in some way I have the feeling that this isn't the case. Damn, I really don't understand why they don't respect me. I'm a good wrestler, I'm a nice person and the fans live me, so I really deserve some respect. But anyway, shall they reject me, shall they hate me or even condemn me, I don't give a fuck. For me it's enough when they fear me and this they do.
Damn, when I see all these jealous bitches I can only laugh. They all talk about how great they are and that they can beat me with ease, but who's the champion now? Me, the condemn underdog. Haha, these fucking morons really don't see how laughable they are.

The tattooed beauty laughs in a dirty way. She drags at her cigarette again and blows out another smoke ring. Then she drops the cigarette and even though she's barefoot she steps it out and it seems that it doesn't hurt her. She crosses her arms in front of her chest and leans her head back at the wall too.

But anyway, I don't give a fuck about how they feel and what they think. These jealous bitches don't care for me and I don't care for them. They don't like me and so they will have yo learn how it feels to have me as their enemy, even though this will be a really hard and painful lesson.

Bow she pushes herself away from the wall and slowly she walks into the direction of her locker room. She opens the door and as she sees that Laura is already there, all her rage is gone. Now she's the cute and cheery girl again. With a broad smile in her face she jumps into Laura's arms and kisses her again and again.

Have you seen my match, how great I've been and how I defeated this stupid bitch? She didn't had a flu of a chance.

Laura listens to Amanda's words and for a while she doesn't say a word, but then she begins to speak.

Yes, I've seen your match and I'm really proud that you won, but most of the time you've been on the receiving end of the beating up. This stupid bitch, as you call her, got you really bad.

But as she sees the offended facial expression in Amanda's face, she kisses her lovingly on the lips  it or seems that it isn't so easy to bring back Amanda's good mood.

Damn that hurts. It's really mean to say such things, especially as it isn't the truth and you know that. And you don't needa apologize. If you wanna make me happy, then the only chance is to give me a nice long massage. My fucking arm still hurts and my back too. So do something to make your Goddess happy.

The dark haired young woman looks at Laura and still tries to look angry, but it's a bit difficult. She never can be mad for a longer time and so now it's the same. Laura smiles at her friend and like usually she knows what Amanda wants. The petite girl really loves it so much to get nice and long massages and also to get tickled lightly until she can't stand it any longer a d Laura loves this too. It's so much fun to see this cute girl squirm and here her moan and giggle until she almost loses her mind. The. The sassy and dominant girl is all submissive and Laura loves it to have her all at her mercy.

Well, I would know something that makes you feel better immediately and it also helps you to forget the pain in your arm.

She smiles at Amanda and leads her over to a massage table. After helping her out of her clothes, so that Amanda is only dressed in her bra and panties, she asks her to lay down on the table and Amanda obeys without any protest. She rests her head on her hands and waits for the massage to begin.

Ok, that sounds like a plan. Show me how a real champion should be treated. Make me feel like the Goddess I am.

And so Laura begins. She takes some massage oil and pours it over Amanda's tattooed back. Then she gently rubs her back, her shoulders and her cute and firm ass and it takes only seconds and Amanda purrs and moans. She really loves this so much and it lets her forget all the stress and pain. Immediately she feels good. Then Laura slowly moves down to Amanda's long and pretty legs and this is really such a pleasure for the petite girl. Every touch of Laura's strong hands makes her moan more and she really is in heaven.

Damn, now I really feel like a Goddess. I would love to have this all day and night. Yeah, you rally know how to treat a champion a d the best wrestler of SCW. Too bad that nobody else knows it, but these jealous bitches are just too stupid. Instead of hating me they should better worship me and be my servants.

She laughs a bit about her words a d I. The meantime Laura moves up to her ass and her back. She looks down at Amanda and winks at her.

Maybe there you're right, but they don't, so you have to live with it. But anyway, just relax now and feel like a Goddess.

She continues to massage Amanda's back, but now she runs her fingers really lightly over Amanda's soft and sensitive skin, tracing all the tattoos on her back, so that the pretty young woman starts to giggle lightly. Each touch of her fingers makes Amanda get goosebumps and she squirms and giggles in such a cute way. It tickles her, but it's not too much and so Amanda can enjoy it. It makes her feel so good and it helps her to relax.

Oh shit, yes ...I love it.damn, that really blows away all the pain I felt everywhere in my body.

She turns her head a bit and opens her eyes, so that she can see Laura. With a smile in her face she winks at her love and friend.

And I think that my legs and feet hurt too. Yeah, I think they hurt really bad.

She giggles a bit and waits what Laura will do, but she doesn't has to wait very long. Slowly Laura moves down and her fingers circle over Amanda's cute and firm little ass, so that her giggling becomes louder.

Shit yeah, hehe, now you got me ....make your Goddess happy.

Laura runs her fingers over the backside of Amanda's legs a d now the dark haired cutie shrieks from time to time. She squirms a bit and everybody can see how much she loves this, but then Laura stops her sensual treatment. Amanda turns her head and looks a bit disappointed, but that doesn't last very long. Now Laura climbs on top of the table and sits down on Amanda's legs, so that they are trapped. Playfully she slaps Amanda's cute ass and laughs.

Ok, I do what you want. After your great win tonight you really deserve a very special reward. Haha, and now you can laugh for me, my cute little Goddess.

With this she begins to run her fingertips really lightly over the bottoms of Amanda's small feet and the dark haired beauty starts to laugh and giggle. She wiggles her feet and curls her cute toes, but there's nothing she can do and she has no chance to get away from Laura's wiggling fingers and she also doesn't wanna get away. Amanda's skin is so damn sensitive and it drives her crazy, but she loves every single moment of this treatment and even as Laura goes under and in between her cute toes she can't get enough. She laugh and giggles in her cute way and she looks so damn sexy as Laura caresses and tickles her. Laura knows that it easily could turn into a torture, but she wants Amanda to enjoy it and so she continues to tickle and tease her feet only lightly, but she also does it for a really long time. The cute girl laughs and giggles and she completely helpless. There nothing she can do and she also doesn't wanna do anything else than enjoying this treatment. And then it happens and her giggling turns more into a moaning. Laura knows that this happens from time to time and so she continues, but now she tickles her a bit harder a d really soon Amanda's lustfull screams can be heard.
Eventually Laura stops it and then she helps Amanda up. The petite girl is really exhausted and still almost delirious and so Laura helps her to get dressed again.

Ok, but now it's enough for now. We should go home and relax a bit and then it's time to see whom you'll have to fight next.

Amanda would have loved to get more of the fun, but she knows that Laura is right and so they leave their locker room and drive back home to Amanda's huge trailer home. As they arrive there, they go to bed immediately and spend a nice and wonderful night together. The next morning is pretty quiet and while Amanda makes the breakfast, Laura checks the match card. Laura has a match, but Amanda has none and so all she can do is to help Laura with her preparations and train with her and this they do every day for hours. Normally Amanda is a bit lazy, but she really wants to help Laura and so she doesn't complain. All the days are the same and it's really exhausting, but at the end all their efforts bring them success and Laura can take a great win. Eventually she could prove again that she belongs to the group if the strongest wrestlers of SCW. Now the show is over and the two spend the rest of the night in a local bar, having some drinks and dancing a bit.

Damn, I'm so fucking proud of you. You can't imagine how happy I am that you won and pinned this damn bitch.

Laura smiles at her, especially as it was really necessary for her career to take a good win and now she could show that she's back in the title hunt. So she's more than happy and in a really good mood, but before she can answer Amanda continues to speak.

The last weeks have really been a bit hard for you. First we got stripped of these tag titles, then you weren't allowed to wrestle for weeks and at the end that fucking losing streak, but thanks god this is over now. I'm really more than happy, yay.

She orders a new drink and smiles at her love, but suddenly she becomes serious and it even seems that she's worried a bit. She lights a cigarette and doesn't exactly know how to begin.

It really makes me happy that you could prove how dangerous you can be in the ring. Prolly you'll get the chance to go for the title soon. The only bad thing is that you'll have to face me then. I really would love to avoid this, but I think we will have no chance. Damn, that's really not what I want, maybe I should juz give up and lay down.

As Laura hears this, she shakes her head violently. That's really not what she wants and she's a bit annoyed.

Shit, that's crap, I want no easy win against you. If we have to face each other then I want you to fight as hard as you can. I don't want the title as an Xmas present. And if you don't, then you'll get the beating up of your life. I promise that you would regret such a nonsense and that you'll never forget it.

Amanda looks a bit shocked. She only wanted to avoid a match between the two lovers, but she also understands Laura. She also wouldn't like to get a win as a present. So she puts her hand on Laura's arm and smiles lovingly.

I know what you mean and I'm sorry that I suggested such a crap. I juz wanted to avoid a match between us, I really hate it to hurt the people I love. But you're right, it would make you look like a moron who can't take a normal win and I don't want this, so I'm sorry. So don't worry, I'll show that I'm the champ not without a reason. If we really have to face each other, then it'll be a hell of a fight. I promise that I won't make it easy for you, it'll be a match that nobody will ever forget.

Laura smiles, this is rally what she expects Amanda to do and she's glad that it has been so easy to convince her. But as she hears what Amanda says next, her jaw drops down.

And when I think about it ...I really don't wanna lose this title, not even against you. I think I'm the better champion, cuz I'm prettier and cuz I'm the better wrestler. And I think the fans deserve it to see the best wrestler of SCW as their champion. Everything else would be too disappointing for them and I hate it to disappoint my fans. They want their sexy lil TickleCutie with a belt around her wonderful slum waist.

She giggles in a cocky but really cut way, but it seems that Laura doesn't think it's funny. Laura growls and glares at her love.

If you do t stop that cocky trash talking, then I'll beat you up right here or I'll tickle you till you pee your pants. You know that I hate such talking, so don't provoke me.

Amanda's eyes widen, she covers her mouth with her hands and she tries to look really scared, but then she winks at Laura and places her foot on Laura's leg.

Feel free, I'll take every punishment you convince me too.

But Laura shoves her foot to the side and now Mandy really pouts.

In some way I knew that you would react this way, but you don't always get what you want and you should learn this really soon.

Amanda isn't very happy that she didn't get what she wants. She's such a cute girl and she's used to it that almost everybody does what she tells them to do. But she doesn't protest and only looks at Laura with a sad puppy look, but as Laura ignores this too, she becomes honest again.

Ok, ok, I learned my lesson, no fun today. But now I'm honest again. You would be a wonderful champion too and I would really respect you as the champion, but to be honest, I feel good with the title and it makes me proud to have it, so I would prefer it if I would win and so I'll do everything so that I don't lose. I hope you understand this. And I think that I'm good too as the champ. I perform great and the fans love me, so it'll be really hard for you. But anyway, it doesn't matter much who wins, as long as its a food and fair match. And even if I should really lose, what I don't think will happen, I'll come back and try to get the title again. I could live with this and I hope you can too.

Now all Laura can do is to nod in agreement, because she thinks the same way. The two girls finish their breakfast and now they get ready for their Xmas vacation. They have booked a trip to Hawaii, to relax a bit and to spend Xmas with warm weather in the sun and Amanda also wanted to go surfing a bit. If she doesn't wrestle she spends most of her time on her surfboard and she's really good in doing this. It takes pretty long till they have packed all their stuff, especially as Amanda has so much windsurf equipment, but eventually they are finished and now they carry all the stuff to Amanda's jeep. Half an hour later they arrive at the airport and Amanda smokes a last cigarette before they check in. And then they sit insides the plane and wait for the take off.
It's a nice and pleasant flight and so they are both pretty relaxed. The only thing that bothers Amanda is that smoking is forbidden and so she kills the time with eating and sleeping. A few hours later they arrive and after getting their bags they rent a car and drive to their apartment. It's not big, but nice and clean and directly at the beach, so there's nothing to complain and they are both happy. This will be a wonderful week and there will be nobody who bothers them and they have all day and night for having fun.
During the days they spend their time with going surfing or hanging around at the beach and the evenings they spend with romantic dinners and sitting in front of their apartment. Mostly they are alone and enjoy their time together. It's a really nice vacation and the two girls spend a nice and wonderful Xmas and new year together, but eventually it's time to fly back home and to take care of their business again. The two are a bit sad to leave this wonderful place, but Amanda is still the champion and she will have to defend her title at the first PPV of the new year and this will be in January, so there isn't much time anymore and she has to get ready for her match and start her preparations.
She still doesn't know whether Laura or someone else will be her opponent, but at SCW are a lot of strong wrestlers and so she knows that it won't be easy for her. It's not that she's really worried or scared of a tough match, but she wants to be prepared as good as possible and that means that she has to train a lot and also that she has to study her possible opponents. It's no nice thought for the lazy Amanda, especially after this wonderful days together with Laura. She really would have preferred it to stay at Hawaii for a bit longer, but the fact that she is the champion and that she seems to have a winning streak at SCW motivates her to start her training again.
So they pack their stuff and after a last breakfast at the beach they drive to the airport and fly back home. It's pretty stressing to get all the stuff in the car again, but eventually they have success and after a short ride they arrive back home. Amanda still isn't happy that their vacation is over, but it's also nice to be at home again. She loves her home and when Laura is with her it's really a dream. Now Laura puts their stuff back into the house and Amanda checks her mails. She's so curious to see who her opponent will be and so she can't wait any longer and as she sees a mail from SCW she opens it immediately opens it. It's not that she's really worried but she becomes a little bit curious and pretty fast she looks at the email and realizes who her opponent will be. As she reads the mail cocky little smile comes into have face then she calls for Laura to come and look at it too. But then her jaw drops down. It's no match card, but they tell her to come to the last show of the year. Amanda isn't very happy and growls.

Fuck, I really have better things to do than watching these fat bimbos stumble around in the ring. In not gonna go there and I won't watch any of these boring matches.

But after some arguing Laura can convince her that its better to go there and so Amanda gives up. The two get ready and after a while they drive to the arena. It's a good show, but the cocky Amanda doesn't wanna watch it. So she hangs around backstage, smoking and drinking, and it's pretty boring for her. Eventually she manages it to go to the ring and listens to the stuff Vixen has to say, and immediately the trouble begins. It ends in a fight and Amanda injures Vixen by accident and then she gets the beating up of her life. But that's not enough and the brawl continues backstage and if they wouldn't have gotten separated and would have looked really bad for the smaller and weaker Amanda. But thanks God it doesn't escalate too much and nobody gets injured, except of Amanda's pride and that's bad enough.
Now she's back in her locker room and Laura tries her best to calm her down, but it's not possible. Amanda already is a bit drunk and so she's so much more aggressive than usually. She runs around in her locker room and punches against the wall, so that her hand hurts, and her mood even becomes worse. She howls out and holds her hurting hand while Laura only looks at her and shakes her head. She has given up to calm down her furious friend.

This fucking skit, who does she think she is that she comes to the ring, challenges me, the champion, and even attacks me? She will pay more than ever before in her life.

But Laura reminds that she has been the one who attacked first and this annoys Amanda even more.

Ok, I've been the one who started it this time, but I didn't start the whole war. When I remember it right then everything began a few weeks ago as we had our tag match against this fucking bitch and her slurry friend Odette. They attacked us after the match was over and so this has juz been a revenge and she deserved it.

The thought of this match still hurts, especially as it has been a loss for Amanda and Laura and losses she really hates. She wants her revenge and so she has started this trouble, even though she regrets it a bit that she injured Vixen's face, but she would never admit this. Instead she continues her trash talking and cursing.

Normally I would feel bad because of the cut in her face, but this time it's different, this slut deserves it that her ugly face even becomes more ugly than before. She's a pain in the ass, but now I'm here to stop her and to get rid of her. Since I became the champion I have the feeling that she is jealous, because I'm better than her and also prettier. Ok, I can understand this, but this doesn't give her the right to attack us. But anyway, now she made it even worse and it's only her fault that her ducking face is ruined.
But anyway, it's not the time to talk about her fucking face, it's time to talk about the upcoming PPV.

Amanda laughs out in a dirty way. Then she sits down on a chair, lights a cigarette and a cold glare comes into her pretty face.

She's jealous cuz I am the champion and she wanted a title match and now she has it. That's ok, but I think she doesn't realize with what she has to deal with. When we are in the ring then there won't be any officials who separate is and also her fucking boyfriend will be too far away to save her. There will be only and her and nobody will be able to stop me from destroying her. It's not that I'm mean or that I take this business personal, but she went a bit too far and now it's time to show her that she's nothing more than a fucking nobody.
I don't know why they gave her the chance for a title match, but for me it's ok. I didn't want this title, but now I have it, and I'm not willing to give it away again, especially not to this ugly fat cow with her crappy wrestling skills. Haha, or shall I better call her scarface? At least this name fits pretty good to her now.

Amanda drags at her cigarette and laughs again. There's nothing left of the nice and cheery girl and at the moment she's only mean and sadistic, but she doesn't care much. All she feels at the moment is anger and hate.

I really don't see any reason why this stupid bitch thinks that she's better than me. Ok, she won that fucking tag match, but that has only been by accident and that means nothing. I'm not without a reason the one who has the belt and not her. Damn, is she too stupid to see that she has no chance against me? Since I have the title every single bimbo in this company thinks that she has to challenge me and this slowly goes on my nerves. I really don't understand why they don't see that I'm juz better than them. I have defeated the best wrestlers in this company, like Necra and Odette, and her even twice, so defeating a girl like Vixen really shouldn't be a problem for me, I will do it with ease, like this.

She snaps her fingers and laughs in a really arrogant way.

But anyway, shall they send me all these rookies and arrogant bitches, I will juz blow them away. Haha, and it will make my life even easier and more fun. Ok, it's not really satisfying to fight rookies and losers, but it saves me time and stress and I don't have to train as much as for a real title against a real opponent.

Amanda drags at her cigarette and blows out a smoke ring, while Laura brings her a new drink.

But maybe I shouldn't complain too much and enjoy the easy life as long as it lasts. One day they will realize that it needs better wrestlers than Vixen to dethrone me. It's not that I really want this, but it would make the matches a bit more interesting. Since I'm here it has been a bit too easy for my taste and this match against Vixen won't be a difference, it will just be the usual crap. Damn, I'm good and I'm used to use all these luchadore moves and here I only need a few kicks and a finisher or a dirty lil trick to take the win, that's really a bit to easy.

Laura has only watched her and listened to her trash talking, but now it becomes a bit too much and so she interrupts her live and friend.

Mandy, you better stop it now. You're beginning to underestimate your opponents and you know how this can end. You're a really good wrestler, prolly one of the best here at SCW, but that doesn't give you the right to call the others losers and rookies. That's not fair and that's not the truth and there's something more. You were complaining that nobody respects you the way a champion should be respected, but that's not possible when you act and talk like this. A champion shouldn't do backstage brawls and a champion should respect her opponents too and this you don't do.

Amanda has been so much in rage that she has forgotten everything around her and also that Laura has been listening to her little speech and now she feels a bit bad and looks to the ground. She knows that Laura is right, even though she still thinks that's she's SCW's best wrestler.

Ok, I'm a bit cocky, but it's not true that I don't respect my opponents. Necra and Odette I do respect, I'm juz not so sure what to think about Vixen. She might be not too bad, but since her attack even the thought of her makes me angry. And there's one more thing that really pisses me off and even hurts me and this is that they all think that it's so easy to defeat me. I have been reading all the stuff at twitter and they all think that they can get my title and that it's easy for them. Damn, it seems that they see me as a nobody and that hurts, especially after I defeated the best wrestlers in this company. Since I'm here I won almost all my matches, we became the tag champions and now I'm the bombshell's champion and they still think that I'm a newcomer who shouldn't have a title. That's nean and it hurts me.

She looks up and clenches her small fist in anger and frustration. Laura knows how she feels and so she doesn't interrupt her again.

And that's another reason why I'm so much in rage. But anyway, hopefully when this is over they will see that I deserve it to be their champion. But I'm pretty sure that they will change their minds when I'm finished with Vixen. Damn, this girl really made a fucking big mistake as she came into my way and now she'll have to pay for it. Nobody attacks me without paying a high price and nobody tries to get my title without a beating up. So she made two mistakes and now it's playtime. But anyway, it's not that I'm sad about it, cuz the while thing became a bit too personal and that's a thing I don't like, but she wanted it and so she can have it.
Slowly any of these wannabe bombshells should have realized that I'm no easy opponent and that it's hard to fight me and so Vixen shouldn't come and complain when I wipe the floor with her. And hopefully this will be a warning for all the others who might think of challenging me one day.

It has really taken a pretty long time, but eventually Amanda has calmed down again. She still sits there, with her arrogant smile in her face, but her mood is better.

But I'm not as mean as it looks at the moment and I'll give Vixen a last chance. If she comes to the ring, kneels down in front of me and kisses my toes, then I might be nice and forgive her and then I'll show some mercy on her. But if not, well, then I can't promise that nothing really bad will happen to her. So Vixen, listen good, cuz this is your last chance not to her destroyed by me. It's completely up to you how it ends. You can leave the ring on your feet, ok, a bit humiliated, but still in one piece or on a stretcher, right on the way to hospital. So think about it and make your decision and I hope you make the right one. Haha

Amanda laughs again in a pretty sadistic way and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6102

Climax Control Archives / The Reason why I'm the best Champ
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:19:39 AM »

The reason why I'm the best champ

The last show really could have been better for SCW's sexy lil TickleCutie Amanda Cortez. In a really hard tag match she and her love Laura had to face Odette and Vixen, two girls from NXT. Even though Amanda has defeated Odette twice, she really got her ass kicked in this match and at the end she was only happy that it was over and that she didn't end up in hospital. Now the show is over, the match is lost and both divas are on their way back home. Their mood isn't really good and so they sit in their car and don't talk much. Laura is driving and Amanda sits on the passengers seat, her feet resting on the dashboard a d her eyes closed. She dozes a bit, but in some way she can't relax a d she also can't forget the events from the last show. Sometimes she growls a bit, but most of the time she's quiet and ignores everything around her.
The two divas had planed to drive home directly, but instead of taking the way back home, Laura decides to stop at a local bar, so that they could get a few drinks and relax a bit before they go to bed. Laura stops the car in front of the bar and shuts off the engine. Now she climbs out of the car and waits for Amanda who begins to look for her shoes, which she has thrown on the backseat. Laura smiles a bit, because Amanda is always missing something and in some way it's even cute, even though it also can be a bit annoying, especially when they are in hurry. It takes a while and Amanda still hasn't found them in the chaos of her car and so she gives it up. She only shrugs a d climbs out of the car, then she follows Laura and they enter the bar.
It's pretty late in the evening and so there aren't many people anymore, but the two girls don't care, they only wanna have a few drinks and they don't wanna make party and so it's ok for them. Laura orders a beer and Amanda a Cuba libre and now they sit down alone at a table and wait for their drinks to come.
It takes a while and so all they can do is wait, but pretty soon some of the people realize who they are and ask them for some autographs. Laura isn't really happy about this, but Amanda is so damn cocky a d she loves it to get attention and so she signs the autographs and talks to the people. Some know her from wrestling, but some also from her job as a fetish model and so they talk about both of her jobs and Amanda loves the conversation. Slowly her mood becomes better a d as she gets her drinks almost everything is forgotten.

Damn, you can't always have good matches and this week we were on the receiving end of the beating up, but such things can happen. So why be sad or think about it any longer than necessary? The only important thing is that we didn't get injured and that we didn't look too bad. Yeah, and I hope that it still has been entertaining for the fans.
Oh, and I wanted to apologize for the bad performance, I hope you can all forgive me and I'll find a way to make you happy again.

Thats exactly what the people wanted to hear. They cheer at her and suddenly one of them suggests that Amanda should pose and dance for them, so that they can take a few photos from their favorite diva. At first Amanda hesitates a bit, but now also a few others begin to bed her and before she can do anything, they pick her up and lift her up on a table. Amanda struggles a bit, but she's tiny and petite and so it's easy for them and so Amanda has no choice. The song "Stripped" by Rammstein is played and Amanda behind to dance for them in a really sexy and sensual way. She knows exactly how sexy and cute she is and she's good in dancing, so it's easy for her to turn the fans on. They play a few more songs and Amanda continues her little show.
The atmosphere at the bar becomes better and pretty soon it's a real party. Almost everybody is cheering at Amanda and so she begins to strip for them, but only down to her bra and panties. In the past she had also done full nude photo shootings, but since she is so successfully in the wrestling industry she leaves some clothes on. Especially now, as the Bombshell's champion it wouldn't be so good to make a full strip, but that's ok for the fans. Amanda is cute and sexy and so it's enough for them to see her in bra and panties.

As she is finished with dancing, they bring her a new drink and let her relax a bit, but Amanda still sits on the table. She lights a cigarette a d takes a sip of her drink.

Damn, that was really fun and it made me forget all the crap from last night. And I hope that you're happy too.

Amanda really loves such performances a d so she's happy and in a good mood again. For Laura counts the same thing. She's a bit more shy and would never strip or dance for anybody, but to see Amanda laugh and giggle makes her happy too. Amanda's good mood is really so infecting. She looks at Amanda and smiles and now she caresses Amanda's leg a bit while the cute dark haired beauty relaxes from her show. Laura knows that Amanda is tired after having a hard match and after dancing for more than two hours and so she massages Amanda's sore feet in a really gently way. She knows exactly how much Amanda loves it and as Amanda purrs a bit, Laura smiles happily. It's really a joy to see this cute girl being happy and relaxed.
After a while she helps Amanda down from the table a d they sit down again. They order a new drink and Amanda leans back on her chair. She rests her long and pretty legs on the table and lights a new cigarette. Still only dressed in her bra and panties, she really looks so sexy and some of the fans are still looking at her. Amanda is such a pretty and cute girl and she has such wonderful long and toned legs with really cute little feet and she really loves to show them. It's a bit mean, but it's so much fun to show what she has and she also loves it to tease the others a bit, even though this brings her in trouble from time to time. But here everybody likes her and so it's ok. They only watch the pretty couple and so Amanda and Laura can just talk a bit.

Well, I think the next time we must be a bit more carefully. It's not that we underestimated our opponents, but they have been stronger than I thought and also our plan with separating them didn't really work. The next time we really must look better in the ring.

Now she laughs a bit.

No, nobody can look better than we do, but I mean our performance must be better.

Laura nods and agrees. In some way the cocky Amanda is right and they have to work on their team work, even though it's already pretty good. Amanda with her luchadore moves and her kicks and Laura with her power and submission moves are really a good team, but the competition in this company is really big and so they will have to train a lot if they wanna become successful as a tag team.
Now she looks at Amanda's pretty, naked legs and winks at her friend.

But I think now it's time to put on some clothes again. It's not necessary to tease the people here even more than you already did.

But Amanda doesn't react. She really loves it so much to show what she has and she knows that the fans wanna see her like this. Almost everybody wants to touch or huddle this cute girl.

Or you should give them another little show, everything else wouldn't be fair.

Now she runs her finger lightly over the soft skin of Amanda's foot and the cute girl giggles and curls her toes. The fans are looking again as they here these noises and it seems that it could become interesting again. But Amanda is tired from her match and also from the dancing, so she wants to pull away her legs. But before she can do this, Laura gives one of the other visitors a sign. He comes a bit closer and holds Amanda by her arms so that she can't get up from her seat. Two others hold her ankles a d press them on the table, so that the dark haired beauty is trapped. It seems that she already knows what's coming over her and even though she likes it, she protests a bit.

Hey, you can't do this here ...not here in public.

But Laura only laughs.

It wouldn't be the first time for you, so why being so square?

She tickles Amanda foot again and the cute girl laughs in such a cheery way. The tiny girl squirms in such a sexy way and she really looks hot in this situation. Now it seems that some people really can't resist and so they join the fun and and tickle her cute feet too until Amanda really laughs hard. It's a bit torturous, especially as the run their fingers under and in between her cute toes, but in some way Amanda loves this and this is clearly visible. They tickle her feet for a pretty long time until the tattooed beauty is completely hysterical and then they let her go again. Amanda is completely out of breath and her pretty face is red from all the laughing. It takes her a while to recover and in the meantime they bring her a new drink. She downs it and this time she listens to Laura's advice and puts her clothes on again. Eventually they pay their drinks and leave the bar. Amanda is really tired and needs some sleep and as they sit in the car, she already falls asleep. As they come back home, Amanda is still sleeping and so Laura picks her up and carries her into the house where she brings her to bed. It was a long night for both of them and so Laura goes to bed too. She puts her arms around Amanda a d holds her close, so that she won't get any nightmares again and then she falls asleep too.

The next day Amanda awakes pretty late and Laura is already gone to the gym. So she makes herself a breakfast and as she drinks her coffee she checks her mails on her iPad. After this nice and wonderful night she's in a really food mood and she thinks that nothing can destroy this good mood, but then she sees a mail from SCW. Pretty curious she opens it and reads that she has to defend her title against Karina Koji. It's not that the dark haired Beaty is really worried, but a title defense means always stress and Amanda Hayes stress. It would have been so much more fun to enjoy her time as the champion without doing anything and especially not with facing another girl whom she doesn't know. So she roles her eyes, growls and lights a cigarette to calm down a bit, but in some way it doesn't work. Her good mood is gone and all this because of this fucking job, and that annoys her even more. Now she really will have to do something and start her preparations.

Damn, why the fuck do they put me in a title match and this even though its not even a PPV? That sucks completely and it isn't fair.

She growls again and glares at her iPad. If this thing wouldn't have been so expensive, them she would have thrown it out of the window, but so she can hold back and only shuts it off.

And this against such a nobody again, but at least they have realized that I belong into a main event and not these boring guys.

yeah, that has always been a thing that bothered the pretty girl. Why are only the guys in the main event and never the bombshells? That's really not fair.

I really don't see a reason why the girls never get a main event. We are prettier than these ugly and fat guys and we are the better wrestlers too. But anyway, now it's not the time to complain about such crap. Finally they have realized that I'm the best wrestler in this company and that it's only me whom the fans wanna see. Yeah, they want me, SCW's sexy lil TickleCutie and no fat guy. Haha.

She laughs out in her cheery way. The petite diva really can be so damn cocky, but it doesn't bother her. The fans love her and she has had some success in each company she has been, so her behavior can't be too bad.

But a main event match against Karina Koji, does that make sense? I don't think so. Ok, they all say that she has been champion before, but as long as I'm in this company she wasn't and she even didn't come near to a title match. I really don't even see any reason why they gave her a title shot. There are other girls who deserve it much more, like Odette, Vixen and Necra, but not this stupid bimbo. Maybe she had held a title, but what I've seen from her hasn't been very impressive.
Ok, she could take some wins, but this has been more by accident. If you ask me, then I would say that she looks like a pregnant elephant when she performs in the ring and nobody wants to see a pregnant elephant as the champion.

Amanda starts to giggle and stands up from her chair. She walks over to the huge mirror and looks at herself. A smile comes into her face and she's really satisfied with what she sees. Amanda is really such a sexy girl with her big breasts, her slim waist, her cute and round butt and her long legs and her cute little feet. Her face with her big dark eyes is also to dream for and it's pretty clear that most of the people love such a cute and pretty girl. But it's not only that the fans love her, she also takes advantage from her pretty appearance when it comes to trouble and fights. She's so cute that nobody can be mad at her, whatever she says and even if she's trash talking. And even if it comes to a fight it helps her. Most people have remorse to really hurt such a petite and tiny diva and this even in wrestling matches. During her youth she mostly only got tickled when she became too sassy and that's a punishment she even likes and sometimes it still happens. So she is full of self confidence and she knows that nothing really bad will happen to her. But she's not only cut and nice, during a match she can also be sneaky and she loves it to cheat a bit by using possum pins or using her brass knux. She smiles in a lascivious way and runs her hands over her hips.

If they could chose who should be the champion, then they would chose me and that's a good choice. Haha, but they have no choice, I'm their champion and I'm not willing to give away this title, especially not against such a stupid bimbo like Karina. I might lose it again one day, but only against a real opponent like Odette.
Haha, but now it's not the time to talk about losing, it's time for another glorious win again and winning I will do. This you can see as a promise.

Now she turns away fro the mirror and goes to her bathroom. After looking around in her locker she finds some black nail polish and sits down on the toilet seat. She puts her feet on the edge of the tube, that is right in front of the toilet. And begins to paint her toe nails black. For a moment she wishes that Laura would be here and do it, but she's alone and so she has to do it herself.

It's really so funny. In this company they all see me as an underdog or as a newcomer and everybody thinks that it's easy to win against me. And especially since I won the championship it even became worse. Now every bimbo in this company thinks that they will have to challenge me in a match. Fuck, and all this cuz they are jealous. I'm prettier than the others and I'm the better wrestler too. I think I already proved it as I defeated their her Odette twice, but I don't have a problem to prove it again this week when I beat up Karina.
Call me cocky or too big for my boots, but I don't give a fuck. It's a fact that I will win and it's also a fact that Karina's time is over. Ok, she has been champion before, but that's so long ago that not even the oldest of our fans remember it. Her time is over and nothing will change this. But that's not all. It seems that she tries to make an attempt to come back into the main event scene, but this really isn't the best moment. She shouldn't have done it as long as I'm the champion.
But I'm not mean and so I will admit that she will get her chance again.

Now Amanda starts to laugh, but now it's not cheery anymore, it's even a mean laugh.

And that will be when I retire in a few years. But maybe it's even earlier, when I have an accident and when they bring me to the ring in a wheel chair. But to be honest, I think I even can defeat her when I'm in a wheel chair or when I'm blind. I hate it to talk bad about my opponents, but I think that Karina doesn't has the potential to survive a match against me in one piece, even if I should be crippled.

The petite diva giggles and goes over to her couch. Slowly it's time to meet Laura at the gym and do some training, but Amanda still is too lazy and after breakfast she's tired again too. So she sits down on her couch, rests her legs on the table and switches on the tv. After watching a comedy she starts to watch some older matches from Karina. What she sees is pretty good and it should give her the motivation to go to the gym now and to train for her match, but before she gets up, she lights a new cigarette.

Well, it seems that she's a lil bit better than I thought, but still not good enough to become the new champion. If that's all she can do in the ring, then she will never be able to dethrone me. But anyway, I won't only prove again that I'm the best wrestler of this world, I will also show that I'm a really nice champion. I will win against her, that's for sure, but I will also try not to humiliate her too much. Haha, everybody will see that there's only one diva who deserves it to be called the champion and that's me. But again, I'm nice and I also think that the fans, who pay so much for their tickets, deserve it to see a good match. Ok, when I don't hold back, then I can pin her after a few seconds, but that would be too disappointing for everybody. So I'll try to make it a bit longer, so that the fans get something for their money and so that Karina doesn't look too bad. That won't be easy, but as the champion I should be able to do this and so everybody will be happy. The fans got to see a good match, Karina isn't humiliated and the most important thing, I'm still the champion.

Amanda drags at her cigarette and a happy smile comes into her pretty face. She really loves these thoughts and so her good mood comes back again. Now she stands up and gets dressed so that she can leave the house and drive to the gym. Like usually she puts on her tight and tattered jeans shirts, a belly free top and some flip flops. Then she leaves the house and drives to the gym, where Laura already waits for her.

As Amanda arrives there she spots out Laura and jumps into her arms. She huddled against her friend and kisses her again and again and then she tells her everything about her upcoming title match. It doesn't take long and Laura promises it to be in her corner and help her out.

Don't worry Mandy, I'll be there and ill take care that nothing goes wrong, even though I'm sure that you can defeat Karina without help. But now it's enough with the talking and we should start with our training. It's already pretty late.

Now Amanda has heard what she wanted to hear and she is eased and so they start with some stretching as a warm up, followed by weight lifting. Amanda is really tiny and petite and so she isn't very strong and that's the reason why she doesn't like weight lifting, but this time she is motivated and tries her best. After about two hours of hard training they make a break and Amanda is really exhausted. She takes a bottle of water, downs it and looks over at Laura.

Ok, gimme a lil break so that I can recover, but then we will do a lil trainings match. This time ill show you what a real champion can so in the ring.

She winks at Laura and then she stands up. The two girls go over to the ring and climb insides. For a moment Amanda thinks about asking someone to be the referee, but in a match against Laura she doesn't need one. So she throws her flip flops out of the ring and circles around Laura, waiting for the first attack.
Laura is the stronger person and more a brawler and she loves it to use submission moves, but against Amanda that's not easy, because Amanda is so damn fast and with her high flying and luchadore moves she's really dangerous.
She had planed to let Laura make the first attack, but then she decides to do something else. She runs into the ropes and as she swings back, she takes Laura down with a hurricanrana. Normally Amanda takes such trainings matches not very seriously, but this time it is different and she really gives her best. Almost the whole match Amanda is dominating and Laura really is in serious trouble. As Laura is really tired, Amanda manages it to throw her down with a DDT. For a moment she thinks about lifting her up again and hitting her with one of her finishers, but that would be a bit too brutal and Amanda doesn't wanna hurt her love too much. So she only goes over to Laura and wants to pin her, but Laura only plays possum and roles Amanda up in a schoolboy pin. Mandy is a bit taken by surprise, but she manages it to kick out, but Laura doesn't give her a chance to get up again. She grabs Amanda by her ankles and switches her around. Then she bends Mandy's legs and crosses her ankles and presses her legs down to her ass. With both hands age reaches to Amanda's head and wants to pull it back, but that would really hurt the tiny diva.

Ok, that's it. You wanted to show me how a real champion fights, but now I think you'll show how a champion laughs, giggles and submits.

Desperately Amanda thinks about a way to break free, but it's too late and before she cans do anything, Laura runs her fingers lightly over the bottoms of her feet. Immediately Amanda starts to laugh and she wiggles her feet, trying to escape, but with no success. Laura asks her whether she gives up, but Mandy shakes her head violently.

Fuck no, a champ doesn't give up.

bit Laura only smirks and continues to tickle Mandy and as she runs her fingers under and in between Mandy's cute toes, the pretty girl really becomes hysterical and taps out. Laura terrorizes her a bit longer, but then she helps her up and kisses and hugs her lovingly.

Sorry, that was really mean, but I couldn't resist. You're just too cute when you laugh and giggle. Bit you have been awesome in our match and normally you would have won it. You're really a great champion, hehe, and also such a cute one. And I'm sure, no, I know that you will win against Karina and that you'll leave the ring with the belt around your waist.

Now they both laugh and then they leave the gym, holding hands, and being so confident that Amanda will defeat Karina and stay champion. They walk over to the parking lot, where their car is and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4521

Climax Control Archives / A lost Bet
« on: November 20, 2012, 05:17:58 AM »

A lost Bet

It's the night after the PPV and Amanda's huge trailer home is shown. From the bedroom some hysterical laughing, giggling but also some moaning can be heard. Now the room is shown and we can see Amanda laying on her bed, completely nude and only with the Bombshell's Championship belt around her waist. Her wrists and ankles are tied to the four bed posts and Laura Jackson, her best friend and lover, kneels above her with a long white feather in her hand. Slowly Laura runs the feather over Amanda's chest, her breasts and her armpits and the dark haired beauty giggles and squirms in such a cute and sexy way. Laura continues this for a pretty long time and then she moves down to Amanda's pretty long legs and the petite girl becomes louder. Laura smiles at her as she sees that it's really hard for Amanda to bear this, but she also knows that Amanda really enjoys this treatment.

Too bad that you lost your lil bet. Haha, or maybe it's good, at least I have my fun and it seems that you enjoy yourself too.

A few days earlier, before her championship match at the PPV Amanda hasn't been really confident that she could take the win. She has been pretty sure that she would lose, especially after Odette had threatened her to make her submit. So she had made a little bet with her love Laura where Laura would be allowed to tickle Amanda into submission if Amanda would become the champion and Laura would get the whole night and there wouldn't be a safeword for Mandy. Nobody has really expected this, but at the end of the night Amanda could take the win and now the tiny and cocky little diva is the champion, but now she will have to pay the price. Back at home Laura had stripped Amanda down and she was only allowed to wear her championship belt, cuz it looked so damn sexy on her bakes skin. Then Laura began the punishment and Amanda had to suffer in a sweet way and Laura made sure that she can enjoy her punishment too. She knows all of Amanda's ticklish spots and her erogenous zones, so that it's really easy for her to make the tiny diva laugh and scream, but also to pleasure her. So they both have a great time, even though Amanda screams and begs for mercy.

Hehe, yeah, I do ...but that's no way to treat a champion. Mercy ...

But Laura has other things in mind and that means no mercy for Amanda. Instead she focuses more on Amanda's inner tighs and also runs the feather over her privates until the poor girl is completely hysterical. But between the desperate laughter also a lustfully moaning can be heard and Amanda moves her hips in a rhythmical way.

I don't think that my cute lil champ needs mercy right now. For me it looks like you need it even more at a very special place. Haha, but if you really want mercy, then you should have thought about that price before we made our little bet. I have warned you that you might pay a high price if you're so negative, so keep quiet and enjoy what I do to you.

And enjoying her punishment Amanda does, especially as she feels the feather between her legs. It tickles like hell, but she's so close to explode and so she wishes that Laura would continue there a bit longer.

Especially after you're now officially SCW's lil TickleCutie you should really admit that you love what I do to you.

Amanda still laughs, moans and trashes around in her bonds, but she manages it to nod. She's so close and she wishes that Laura would touch her privates again, but Laura has other things in mind and doesn't wanna make it so easy for her. So she moves the feather slowly down Amanda's legs until she reaches her tiny cute feet. Amanda already starts to scream and beg even though Laura hasn't touched her there till now and then the tickle hell begins. Laura runs the feather over her soft soles and Mandy wiggles her feet desperately. She curls and spreads her cute toes and as the feather slides under and in between them she really goes wild. This is her worst spit, but it also arouses her and so Laura takes care for her feet for a really long time. Then she shows some mercy, but she doesn't stop the tickling of Amanda's toes. Instead she takes another feather and caresses Amanda's privates with it and now the cute girl can't hold back any longer. Still laughing on top of her lounges the tiny diva explodes again and again until she almost faints.
Eventually Ananda's ordeal is over and Laura untied her. The petite girl is still exhausted and breathes heavily as she huddles against Laura. She's tired and worn out, but she has a happy smile in her face. Now she rests her head on Laura's shoulder and slowly she catches her breath.

Damn, this has been really hard and so much fun and I think I really deserved it. I mean as a punishment for my pessimistic behavior and as a reward for winning my match. Hehe and now I proved again that I'm a tough champion. I think not everybody would have survived such a treatment. Hehe

She giggles lightly and huddles even closer to Laura. Now she closes her pretty dark eyes and thinks back at the glorious moment as she won the title and defeated her worst enemies. The tiny and cute diva really feels like a Goddess right now.

This match has really been so damn awesome. I think nobody had expected that I would take the win and leave the ring as the winner and I must admit that I didn't think it too. Especially after all the things that happened, I really thought that Necra or Odette would win. Juz remember all the bad dreams Necra had sent me and how she threatened me to take my soul and make me her slave. And when I think of the beating up we received during our first match against her, I still shiver and can feel the pain. Haha. And now she's the sore loser and I'm the champion. This is really too funny and I would love to see her stupid face now. I could bet that she's so badly pissed.

They both laugh and then Laura winks. She runs a finger gently down Amanda's spine so that the petite girl shivers and giggles again.

That's right, but if I were you I wouldn't bet anymore. You know how this can end for you.

They both laugh and now Amanda doesn't suggest any bets anymore. She rests her head on Laura's shoulder again and the broad smile comes back into her face.

Ok, ok, I don't bet anymore, prolly this is better for me, even though I'm pretty sure that I would win this time. But anyway, juz look at Odette and what this arrogant bitch said about me before our match. Now in sure that she's quiet and will have some sleepless nights because of her loss and the humiliation that she wasn't able to win the title. This arrogant moron called me a tickle fetish girl, shit. Ok, there she might be right, but this tickle fetish girl kicked her ass like never before and cost her the win and the title. Haha, she should have listened to my hint, then she might have taken the win, but a normal ankle lock doesn't make me submit. Haha, she's such a stupid bitch.

Amanda laughs a bit and then she leans her head down at Laura's shoulder again. She's in such a good mood now and the happy smile in her face doesn't wanna disappear again. With one hand she touches down to the belt that is still wrapped around her waist and it feels so good.

Damn, now I really feel like a Goddess. Haha, Necra always says that she's the Goddess of Death, but now I proved that there's only one real Goddess and that's me, SCW's lil TickleCutie. I showed them all how dominant I can be in the ring and that it's really a deadly mistake to underestimate me.
But as we talk about Goddesses, now everybody has to treat me like one. They all have to worship me and you have to do it too.

She winks at Laura and it sounds really honest what she said. Amanda really can be a pain in the ass with her cocky behavior, but in some way she's so cute that nobody can be really mad at her.

From now on one of your duties will be to use the feather on my toes every evening before I go to sleep. Haha, and you can use it on another spot too. This will be awesome.

Amanda giggles happily and Laura growls a bit, but Amanda doesn't hear it anymore cuz she already fell asleep. It's the first night where she doesn't has nightmares and where she doesn't dream of Necra, dear and all that scary stuff.

The next days really are a dream for Amanda, because Laura really treats her like a Goddess and fulfills all her wishes and dreams. Amanda fells like in paradise and life couldn't be better. Laura brings her her food to the bed, they watch TV all day or spend the day with sunbathing and surfing and before sleep Amanda gets really nice and long foot rubs or she gets caressed with the feather. So Amanda really feels like a Goddess and the already cocky lil girl becomes even more cocky.

The next days aren't much different and the couple spends their time wit sleeping and having fun, but eventually it's time to take care for their business again. Amanda is the champ and Laura wants a title too and so they have a lot to do, at least they should start with their training now. It's a nice warm day and they sit in front of their mobile home and have a nice breakfast together. Laura gets them some new coffee and Amanda checks her mails with her iPad. As she sees a mail from SCW she becomes really curious and as she sees that she's in a tag team with Laura against Odette and Vixen, she becomes really excited. She can't even wait to tell this Laura and as Laura comes back with the coffee, she really can't hold back any longer.

Guess what, we are in a match together and we will have to face the former champ and Vixen. Isn't that great? We can show that we are the best team in this company.

Laura isn't so sure what to think about the whole thing. She's happy to be Amanda's partner in this match, but their opponents are really good and so she doesn't see it as positive as Amanda does.

Well, it's good to be in a team with you, but these two are really hard to defeat and so we will have to train a lot before the next show and we also have to study their tactics. So it won't be as easy as you might think.

Amanda looks at Laura and only shrugs. She's a cheery girl that mostly thinks positive and so it's hard to destroy her good mood and this time it's not different. She knows that Laura is right, but she still sees herself as the winner of this match, especially now after she won the title. She has always been full of self confidence and now, as the champion, it even became worse. Now she thinks that she can defeat everybody and that her winning streak goes in till eternity. She takes a sip of her coffe and looks at Laura.

Damn, normally you're the one who has to cheer me up and not vice versa.

She laughs out as she says this. Now they have finished their breakfast and so Amanda lights a cigarette and inhales deeply. She knows that it isn't good for her, but she can't stop it. It's the only bad habit she still has, after she had stopped drinking and taking drugs years ago.

I never said that its easy, but remember the last time we two have been a team, there we defeated the tag champions and that means that we're the best team in this company. Ok, we didn't get the titles because of this fucking drug test, but that doesn't mean anything, we won that match and so we have been the better team and why should this be different this time?

The thought back to the day where they got stripped from their titles still hurts, but Amanda wipes this thought away. She doesn't wanna think of such crap and she must be positive, otherwise she could get worried and make mistakes in her match.

And that's not all, we didn't only defeat the tag champions. I've defeated Odette twice, yes, in both of our matches I've been the winner

Now it's Laura's turn to laugh because Amanda doesn't say the complete truth. It's right that she had win both matches, but the first one only with Necra's help, otherwise she would have lost it.

But only with Necra's help.

The tattooed cut girl growls a bit, but then she decides to ignore this comment, at least she tries it. But she doesn't has much success with her attempt and so she starts to speak again.

Ok, ok, you're right, I got eliminated in our first match, but that has only been bad luck. It's because it has been dark and I haven't been prepared against her attack. But look at my second match against. There I've been in a match against the three most dangerous wrestlers of SCW and I defeated them all yea, I threw Necra and Odette out of the ring and then I pinned Jaya.
Oh, and don't forget that I was dominating the whole match. If it has been singles matches then I would also have won against each of them.

Now Laura laughs again, cuz this is Amanda's second lie.

Oh, have you forgotten that Odette almost made you tap out? And if she would have tickled your foot during this ankle lock, then you would have given up and she would be the champion and not you.

It's so much fun to tease Amanda a bit and so Laura smirks as she sees that Amanda really pouts. For a moment Amanda doesn't know what to say, but this is only a very short moment.

But she didn't tickle me and so I didn't give up. But besides this lil accident I've been the best wrestler in this match. If not, then she would have found a new way to make me submit, but she didn't.
Now you might call me cocky again, but I know that I can also defeat her in a singles match. She's good, but not as dangerous as everybody thinks or as she wants everybody to think. She's a normal girl and so it's possible to pin her. And ...this time she will be the one who gets pinned and I will do that.

For a moment Amanda pauses, but then she shakes her head.

No, I won't pin her, I will make her submit, that will be so much more fun. The last time we met in the ring she wanted to do terrible things to me, she wanted to make me submit and she wanted to humiliate me, but her plan didn't work. I'm smaller and not as strong as she is, but I could prove that I'm the better wrestler and I will prove it again. At the end she has been humiliated because she had to lose the ring as a sore loser and this week I will humiliate her again. Haha, I can already see her stupid face after she tapped out against SCW's lil TickleCutie.
This damn bitch laughed about me and my nickname, but when this match is over, then it'll be my part to laugh. And not only this, the whole SCW universe will laugh at her and her crappy attempts to defeat me, the champion. Again she will be the loser and now hopefully the whole world will see this. She doesn't gas the potential to win against me, neither will she be able to become the champ as long as I'm in this company.
Damn, this bitch really makes me angry. It's not cuz she's my opponent or cuz she tries to get the title, it's cuz she's an arrogant bitch. In all her speeches and promos she was talking bad about me and now it's time to pay for this.
I'm really a nice and friendly girl, but now she went too far and it's enough. It's necessary that someone stops her and who would be better for doing this than me, the Bombshell's Champion? I think there's nobody who can do this better than me and I must admit that this will be a real pleasure for me.

Amanda laughs again, but this time it isn't nice and friendly like usually, it's cold and even a bit mean. Laura isn't really used to see her live like this and so she's a bit confused, but Amanda calms down pretty fast.

It seems that here are many people who see me in the wrong way. They only see me as the nice and friendly girl, who loves to have fun and laugh and who's a bit submissive outsides the ring. But the fact that I enjoy it to be tied and tickled doesn't mean that I'm submissive in the ring too. There I can be really dominant and it's time that the other wrestlers realize this too.
Ok, I must admit that it's even usefully, cuz they underestimate me, but slowly it begins to go on my nerves and it's time to correct this wrong view. From now on they shall all see me as a dominatrix and if someone has a problem with doing this, then I'll kick her ass the same way I'll do it with Odette this week. Fuck yes, exactly this I will do, I'll fuck them up all.

As Laura hears these harsh words, her jaw drops down and then she starts laughing until the tears are running down her cheeks. The tiny and cute Amanda as a dominatrix is really too funny.

Ok, ok, enough. You as a Dom? You can't be honest, especially not after the last nights you spent tied up in our bedroom. That's really not realistic.
But anyway, with the rest you're right, insides the ring you're a force and it's a deadly mistake to underestimate you. But I think since you became the champion everybody knows this. So don't worry, nobody sees you as a loser or a weakling. But from now on you also must be more carefully cuz now everybody knows what you can do in the ring and will be better prepared than in the past.

With this Laura is absolutely right and so Amanda only nods. The petite girl is sometimes a bit too big for her boots, but she isn't stupid and so she sees the reality.

You're right and I'll be carefully. I won't underestimate Odette, but to be honest, I'm still not worried. I mean that I have you as my partner in this match, so what shall go wrong?
But as we talk about partners, do you know anything about this girl called Vixen?

Laura shakes her head, she knows the same about Vixen as Amanda and that's nothing. It's not that the two are really worried, but it still sucks and is annoying.

Damn, then we really have to find out something about her. I really hate it when I don't know what awaits me in a match and it can also lead to a bad surprise. And I hate bad surprises.
All I know about her is that she should be pretty good. At least all the others say this. I've never seen any of her matches or a promo, so we must really be carefully. I think the fact that she's in NXT too and that she has been a Roulette champion in the past tells us that she can't be too bad.
Well, I don't know exactly what goes on here, but it seems that the bosses put her in the mainevent scene. I don't know whether that's important, cuz Jaya was going for the title too and she really hasn't been that good, but I also might be wrong. They don't put her in such a match without a reason, so I have to expect that she's better than I think. Damn, that sucks.
I really would have hoped that Odette's partner wouldn't be a former champion. That would have made it so much easier for us.

Amanda drags at her cigarette and then she throws it away. Now she takes another sip of her coffee and thinks about the whole situation. She's really lost in thoughts and so Laura leaves her alone for the next minutes. Eventually Amanda is finished and looks up again.

Well, I think that I have a plan. I really wanna humiliate Odette and make her suffer as a revenge for her mean trash talking. So it would be cool if you would take care for Vixen and if you leave Odette for me. It's up to you what you do to her, as long as you keep her busy and beat her up, but then you shouldn't forget that Odette is the one who shall submit in that match, so tag me in and let Odette tag in too, then I do the rest.

Amanda pauses for a minute and then she gets a new idea. A mean smile comes into her pretty face.

Wait, I juz got a new idea. We can also try to avoid that Odette tags in Vixen. We juz have to keep her busy and so it's like a two on one handicap match. We both beat her up and when she can't fight anymore then you keep Vixen busy while I use a nice submission hold on Odette. I think this plan could work and that it'll bring us the win.

Amanda has a broad smile in her face and everybody can see that she already sees herself as the winner. Her mood couldn't be better and she stands up and walks over to Laura. Now she sits down on her lap, wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her love on her lips.

And the we two will be the most dominant couple at SCW. We will write history and nobody will ever forget us, neither the fans and neither the other wrestlers. Soon we will become members of the hall of fame.

Now the two girls have finished their breakfast and so they get dressed and ready to go to the gym. Then they leave their mobile home and drive back to the arena to do some training. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4114

Supercard Archives / An Interview with the new Champ
« on: November 05, 2012, 03:21:41 AM »

Its the day of the PPV where Amanda will have her title match against Necra, Odette and Jaya. It's still pretty early, but Amanda already leaves the house to drive to the arena. It's not that she is nervous, but she has planed to relax a bit in her locker room and slowly to get ready for her match. Now she climbs into her jeep and drives to the arena. After a short ride she arrives there and enters her locker room, where she already puts on her ring gear, a tight and tattered jeans shorts, a small white top, some wrist bands and her really high heeled stripper sandals. Now she gets a coke from her fridge and lights a cigarette. But just before she can sit down, she hears a knocking at the door and as she opens it, she sees a camera team standing there.
Amanda really loves interviews and she enjoys it to talk, but at the moment she really would have preferred it to be alone, but she's a friendly person and so she lets them in.

Ok, come in ...I'll answer to all your questions, so whatcha wanna know?

She smiles at the guys and as they enter the room, she sits down on her couch, making sure that she looks hot and sexy for the fans. Amanda is a really pretty girl and so that's really easy for her and she feels good as they switch on the camera. She crosses her long legs, dangles with her shoe and title her head a bit to the side while she waits for the first question.

Ok Miss Cortez, or can I call you Amanda? The first thing I wanted to talk about is how you feel before this match. I mean it's a really important match and the fans would prolly love to know whether their favorite diva is nervous or worried.

Amanda laughs a bit and like usually she looks so damn cute, but also focused on her match and her opponents. She smiles and shakes her head a bit.

Ok, you can call me Amanda or Mandy, all my friends do this. And not to the question how I feel. I feel good and I'm not worried or scared. Ok, it's a really important match for me and it will be one of the highlights of my career, but I see it pretty relaxed. I mean why should I be nervous? It's not my first title match and not the first one that I will win, so I'm really relaxed and I see it in a positive way. Juz look at me, I have so many wins, I know that I'm good and I also know that many of the other divas underestimate me and that's a deadly mistake, but that's good for me.

The interviewer interrupts her with a new question.

Why do they underestimate you?

Amanda laughs again in such a cheery way and her good mood is infecting.

Haha, prolly cuz I'm so tiny and petite. Nobody expects such a small girl to be so strong in the ring, but I think there are some more reasons.
Another reason might be that I'm such a nice and friendly person, at least as long as I'm not in a match. I hate trouble and I like to be friend with everybody, so nobody expects me to fight hard or even brutally, but I do this when I'm in a match. There I don't know ny friends and I also have no remorse to really hurt my opponent and my luchadore moves are pretty good for doing this. That's my only chance to throw down all the bigger opponents, but there's also the risk to injure them while doing this.
The second reason is prolly that there are many people who know me as a fetish model where I'm mostly the submissive one. In these lil clips I get mostly tied up, spanked or tickled and so I'm the one on the receiving end. Don't get me wrong or think that I'm cocky, but most of the people are pretty stupid. They think that a submissive girl can't be strong, tough and dominant in the ring and so they think it will be easy to defeat me, but there they are wrong. When I'm in a fight, then I'm the dominant one, but when my opponents realize this, then it's mostly too late and they get the beating up of their life's.
In some way it's funny but I can use it as a big advantage and it helps me really so much on my way to the top of this company. And to prove that I'm right is so easy, juz look at my career in this company. I'm genre for only two months and that's already my second title match.

The interviewer raises an eyebrow and it seems that he's a bit skeptical.

But you opponents know you this time, you've faced them all before and against Necra you lost and Odette threw you into a grave. So I think they know your fighting style and what awaits them when they face you.

Amanda knows what he means, but she only shrugs. He's right, but it doesn't worry her.

Thats right and in some way it's even good for me that they know me. I lost against Necra, but only cuz I made a mistake and that mistake has been that I've been scared of her. She's so mysterious and looks so cold and deadly and this frightened me and impressed me, but now I know that I can beat her. After our match she began to terrorize me and she sent me nightmares. Ok, at the beginning it has been horror, but now I know that all this hasn't been real, it has only been an illusion and now it doesn't scare me anymore. I'm prepared and I know how to fight her. She's strong, but she's no goddess, she's a human being like me and you and when I'm done with her, then everybody will see this.

Amanda pauses for a moment and look at the interviewer. She still has her legs crossed and dangles with her sexy shoe, making sure that they all can have a good view at her pretty long legs and cute lil feet.

Well, and with Odette it's pretty similar. She has been the one who eliminated me in our last match and so she might think that it's pretty easy for her to defeat me again. Haha, she also called me a lil tickle fetish girl and she has been right, but that doesn't mean that I will be an easy target for her. She will be pretty much surprised what it means to face me in the ring. And there's something more, I already said this in my last speech, but I will repeat it again. The special stipulation that she can only win by submission will break her neck and make her lose.
Don't think that I'm cocky, but I'm pretty tough and it's not so easy to make me submit. I can stand pain, I can stand fear, I can stand almost everything. Now you might wanna know how I can be so sure, but that's so easy to explain. Since I've been 14 years old I've been in a gang and there I learned to fight. I got beaten up, I got attacked with a knife and I even got shot down and I survived it all. It's not so easy to break me and I never submit, at least not in a fight. Later I ended up in jail for some really stupid crap I did. This has been Hell, but it also increased my fighting styles and I learned never to give up and till now it didn't change. Now I'm in this wrestling business for more than 6 years and I think I proved it enough how tough and strong I am. I had had so many matches and there were hardcore matches too, I got injured and I got beaten up, so I think there's nothing much that really can break me. So I'm pretty sure that Odette won't have a chance to get the title, at least not by making me submit. Maybe she will have success with the other girls, but I doubt that. Necra also doesn't look like a person who submits only cuz of a bit pain and I thing for Jaya counts the same thing.

Amanda really is so confident that nothing can happen. Now she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply, then she smirks at the interviewer.

Haha, the only chance to make me give up is if she starts to tickle me, but not even this worries me too much. I mean everybody wanna take the win and it would also take a while to make me submit this way and so one of the other girls would save me. So you see that it looks pretty good for me and at the end of the day I'll be the one who leaves the ring with the belt around her waist.

Amanda has a broad smile in her way, but before she can continue, the interviewer stops her again.

But what is with Jaya? You only talked about the other girls, but you forgot her and she might be a bad surprise for you.

But Amanda shakes her head. It's right and she didn't say anything about Jaya, but not because she forgot her. She is pretty sure that Jaya won't become too dangerous for her.

Well, Jaya ..I didn't forgot her, but I think she won't be too dangerous. In our last match she has been the one who got eliminated first and I've been the one who did this. So why do you think that I can't handle her? She might be pretty good, but she doesn't have the skills to become the champion. From all these girls she is the weakest one and prolly she will be the one who gets pinned. It's not that I underestimate her or that I think she's a bad wrestler. I respect her and I think she has some potential, but for becoming champion she needs some more training. Maybe in a few months this will be different and then she'll be really dangerous, but not now. At the moment I see her just as a rookie, a pretty good one, but still a rookie.

While Amanda was talking the interviewer got a message on his phone and he looks at it, then he turns back to Amanda.

Hey, I just got a message that could interest you. Odette's promo for the show is on air now. Maybe you should watch it.

Miw Amanda becomes curious and she switches on the TV. She really doesn't like what Odette has to say and she clenches her fists and growls. She's kind and friendly, but this really goes on her nerves and annoys her.

Damn, this is really pretty mean, this fucking bitch has gone too far. How can she say such things about me?
Ok, I can understand that she says that she's the best and how great she is and I also can understand that she wants the title, but the rest is crap. She can never make me per myself and I don't beg for getting tortured by her. Damn, she is so stupid and doesn't understands anything. And this fucking bitch called me a fetish freak a d that our last match was no real match.
Fuck, then I'll have to show her what a fetish freak can do to her. And when she even loses in a match like the graveyard match, we'll then it will be prolly worse in a normal match. When she thinks it hasn't been a real match then it should have been easy for her to take the win, but she couldn't.
So what does this tell us? It tells us that she ca t even win a fun match and that's not so good for a person who wanna become the champion. But let's come to our upcoming match. It's right and it will be normal match, but this will be even worse for her. On the graveyard she had had the chance to run away from me and Necra, but in the ring she won't have this chance. So the only thing she can do is to wait until we have destroyed her completely.
Then she says that I don't know anything about her, but that's not true. Maybe where shelves they don't have a TV, but I have one and so I've seen her last matches and if you ask me, then I would say that it hasn't been that impressive. Ok, she has been the champion here, but I really can't say how this could happen. Haha, prolly cuz she fucked the boss and they gave her some easy opponents. But this time the things are a bit different, the boss doesn't fuck her and we are no easy opponents. No, it will be a Hell of a fight and she will never forget this in her fucking life.
Haha, and as we talk about fucking, she shall better run back to her wannabe lover Gabriel, or whatever he is, or to her so called friend Mel. Haha, there she should enjoy her last good fuck, cuz when I'm finished with her she won't even be able to do this. Haha, and her ugly face will be damaged so badly that nobody will ever look at her again.
Damn and then she asked what I have done here at SCW. Maybe it hasn't been so much, but I could win my last matches and that's more than she did. She can't blame me that I'm new here at this company and that I try to get success, but that shows us what a jealous person she is. It seems that this stupid butch has a problem with me.
But anyway, in some way it's even understandable. Prolly she sees the fact that her time here is over and that's a thing she can't stand, especially not when a newcomer dethroned her. Haha, for such a cocky bitch this must really be unbearable.
But anyway, I couldn't care less whether she likes it or not, her time is over and nothing can change it.
Haha, I think she will be pretty mad at me after her beating up, but maybe one day she will be even thankful that I ended her career, cuz what's more laughable than an ex champ who tries a comeback that doesn't work?
Ok, with a comeback there's nothing wrong, but after all the things she said she must take the win or she will become a joke, but sadly that won't work. So she should thank me for preventing her to become even more laughable.

Now Amanda really is in rage and she stands up. She turns off the volume, but leaves the TV switched on for the case that they show a promo from Necra or Jaya too.

Damn and how can anybody say that he doesn't fear anything? Damn, that's only stupid. Only morons don't fear death and danger cuz it could destroy them. The fear would make you careful and suspicious and it helps you to react in the right way. So during a fight fea can be really helpfully. It might bring you to run away or fight. I admit that I know this feeling and that I fear the death and also a beating up, but that doesn't make me flee, it makes me attack my opponent, but it also makes me carefully. That's the reason for my success during the last years, but prolly you're to stupid to understand this. But anyway, after our match you will understand it, but then it's too late for you, cuz then you've already lost you last title chance.

Amanda pauses for a moment and slowly she begins to calm down again. She didn't wanna become so mad, but sometimes she is really a bit short tempered, especially when something goes on her nerves. In the meantime the interviewer looks over to the TV and as he sees that they show Necra's promo, he switches on the sound again.

Oh, that might interest you, they show Necra's promo and it seems that she has a lot to say.

Amanda had enough from these promos, but now she becomes curious again and looks at the TV screen. For a while she doesn't say anything, but then it's really enough and she switches off the TV. Then she turns back to the camera team.

Ok, at least this was a bit better than the lil speech from Odette, but it still goes on my nerves. I can understand that she wants to get the title and that she sees me as an enemy and that wouldn't be a problem with me, but the thing with taking my soul is really a bit too much. Isn't it enough to face me in the ring? Damn, I really don't know what she thinks she is.
It seems that she really thinks that she's undead or a goddess or something like this ad that she has the power to destroy me and take my soul and make me to her slave. Shit, this is weird. Ok, she might have the power to destroy me, but only because she's skilled and strong, but that's all. She doesn't has and supernatural powers and she's a human being like all the other wrestlers in this company too. The rest is only illusion, even though I must admit that her illusions are really good. All these creatures and how she changes the color of her eyes or turns her hand into a Skelton hand, it all looks so damn real.
At the beginning I really thought that she could do all this things, but now I know that she can't. She will have to fight in a normal way, juz like all the other divas and that's it.
But anyway, if she thinks that she is a goddess and that nobody can harm her or defeat her, then this is even good for me. It will be a nice lil surprise when she gets beaten down by a normal mortal like me and prolly she doesn't expect this to happen, but it will and this she can see as a promise.
Damn, she really makes me sick. Shall she run over the graveyards with her weird friends and play with coffins and tomb stones, but she better stays away from me and this title. Cuz if she doesn't, then she might really end up in a cold grave and prolly this she won't like so much.
Shit Necra, I will show you who the real Goddess is and that me. When I'm done with you, then you will be on your knees, kisses my toes and worship me and when I'm really nice and in a good mood then I let you and your fucking soul go. Haha ....

Amanda laughs out and the interviewer smiles too. This petite and tiny girl is just too cute when she starts all this trash talking. Now he looks at her and gets ready for his last question.

Ok Amanda, now we know what you think about your opponents and their promos, so now you might wanna tell us what it means to you to become the champion.

For a moment the dark haired beauty thinks about his question. She sits down on the couch again and crosses her legs again.

Ok, I think it doesn't mean all for me, the most important thing for me is to have as much fun as possible and to entertain the fans in the best way. Haha, Odette named it right as she called me a lil tickle fetish girl, I love to laugh and I love it so much to have fun.

She smirks and she looks so damn cute as she does so.

And I look so damn cute and sexy when I laugh and giggle, so I really don't have a prob with getting tickled into submission, not as long as the fans wanna see it.

She smiles again and then she comes back to the subject championship.

But to be honest, it would be fucking cool if I would win the title. Look, all of the people who are here in this company are here to have success and winning in a title match is the best success you can imagine and I'm no exception, so I really wanna have this title. But even if I don't win, then it's still awesome to be in a title match after this short time I'm here.
But lets not talk about losing, I think my chances are pretty good and so I already see myself with the belt around my waist. Damn, that would really be an important step in my career and it will bring me all the respect and glory I deserve. But that's not all, it will also help me with my modeling job, I think I'll earn so much more money when I'm the champion. Haha, prolly there are so many people who wanna see the bombshells champ in distress so that I'll get booked really often.
Haha, and now you prolly wanna know how all this fits together and why I think that such a person like me could be a good champion. That's easy to explain. The main reason why I think that I'm a good champion is because I'm completely different from all the other girls in this company. Here are many good wrestler, but they are all bitchy and if you ask me, then I would say that they take it all too serious. They forget the fun and also to entertain the fans. Damn, week after week our poor fans have to see these bitchy girls and their stupid trash talking and the talking about how great they are and I think that this will become pretty boring after a while. Each show is like the other and that sucks.
But with me as a champion it will be completely different. I will entertain them, I will make sure that they have fun to watch my matches and they will respect me.
Just look at the other girls, they act so tough, they are so strong and then look at me, I'm tiny and petite, I can't use power moves and I can't use most of the submission moves cuz I'm to weak, but I still take the win in many matches. I think that's really a thing the fans will respect and that will be the reason why they will even love me more than they already do. And it will also bring me the respect of the other wrestlers. I don't try to insult anybody, I don't injure anybody and I don't talk bad about them. All I do is juz to try to get the win in my matches and that's a thing everybody can live with. Damn yes, I think this is a reason why I will be a really good champion.

Ik Amanda, thank you for your time, it was really interesting and fun to talk to you. Now I wish you good look for your match and that all your dreams become truth.

Now the camera team leaves Amanda's locker room and she's alone again. In some way she's happy that she can relax a bit before her match starts and so she gets a coke from her fridge. Then she sits down on her couch again, lights a cigarette a d takes a sip of her coke. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4183

Supercard Archives / On the Way to Glory
« on: October 31, 2012, 09:27:44 AM »

On the way to glory

The last show has been pretty stressing for Amanda. She has been in a tag match together with Necra against Jaya and Odette. Normally this wouldn't be a bigger problem for the tough, tiny diva, but she has some serious problems with Necra and the Goddess of Death sends her terrible nightmares and haunts her in her dreams, so that Amanda really didn't sleep much. And now this demon has to be her partner. But that's not all, there has also been a special stipulation in this match, it's on a graveyard and the goal is to throw the opponent into an open grave where they have to stay for the rest of the match. It's not so easy to scare Amanda, but graveyards are scary for her and she's also a bit claustrophobic.
Anyway, at the beginning the match went pretty good and Amanda could eliminate Jaya, but then she got thrown into a grave too. But thanks God she didn't had to stay there very long, cuz Necra could eliminate Odette too, so that Amanda and Necra took the win, so all in all the show has been a success and Amanda should be more than happy. It's not only that she survived thus horror match, she also left the arena with another win and that's important for her career, especially as its the last match before her title match at the PPV.

So all in all Amanda is happy with her performance and so she spent the last days with making party and having fun with Laura. But now the time for having fun is over and she has to get ready for her big match at the ppv. There she will have to face the same girls, just with one difference, this time Necra will be her opponent too and that's pure horror for the tiny diva. She isn't only worried, no, this time she is really scared. Odette as an opponent has been hard, but Necra is even worse, at least that's Amanda's opinion.

But anyway, she can't change it and if she wanna become champion, then she will have to deal with all her opponents. So all she can do is to train as much as possible and think about a way how to take the win. So now she's on her way to the gym and as she enters there, she starts immediately with her training, without signing autographs or talking to the fans like usually. After some stretching as a warm up she wanted to do some weight lifting, but in some way she can't focus on her training.

So she makes a small break, sits down on a bench and takes a sip of her water while she thinks about her situation. It will really become hard for her, but mostly Amanda is optimistic and so she tries to wipe away all the bad thoughts.

Damn, this will really become hard. I have been so happy that I survived my last match and now I have to face them all again. Damn, when I'm not carefully then all my dreams will be destroyed.
But anyway, at least now I know with whom I'll have to deal, at least that's a big difference to my first matches and that's something positive.

A weak smile comes into her face, but at least it's a smile and it shows that Amanda begins to think positive again. Normally she is a cheery and nice girl, but sometimes she has these moments, but thanks god this is over now.

Haha, I've faced them all and so I can be sure about what awaits me. So lets begin with Jaya, the girl I have eliminated in our last match. I know that it's a mistake to underestimate an opponent, but at the last show she hasn't been really convincing, so my chances against her couldn't be better. Haha, I never thought that it could be so easy to throw someone into a grave.

Now she laughs out, but the thought of the graves makes her shiver and so she stops laughing. She remembers to good how it felt too lay in the cold grave, especially as she is a bit claustrophobic and small rooms really scare her, and that brings her thoughts to her next opponent, to Odette

Well Odette, you have been the one who eliminated me, but that doesn't mean anything, especially not that you will take the win at the ppv. You took me by surprise, so all you had was luck, but the next time we meet you won't have so much luck.
You were the opponent whom I fears most and I must admit that I'm still a bit worried, but Necra has showed us that it's possible to defeat you, so it will happen again, juz with one difference, and that is that I'll be the one who defeats you.
Now you might wanna know why I'm so confident and that's easy to explain. I'm the best wrestler in this company and I'm the only one who deserves it to be called the champion.

The cute dark haired girl laughs again and now everybody can see that she really comes into a good mood, especially as she thinks about the special stipulation Odette got for her match. It's not that she thinks that she wouldn't have a chance against Odette, but when her opponent is weakened, then it's always good for her.

Haha, now you might say that I'm to big for my boots and maybe your even right with this. In a normal match I would say that you would prolly take the win, but not this time. Juz look, all I will have to do is to pin you or to knock you out, but your only chance to win is by submission.
Haha and this is my biggest advantage. For making me submit you first have to get me in a grapple, but that will never happen. I'm much too fast and too skilled for you, you fat cow.
But even if you get me, you will never manage it to make me submit. I might be petite and even a bit too small, but I'm tougher than it looks. Don't forget that I've been a member of a gang and that I've been in jail too, so I know how to fight, I can stand pain and its not possible to make me submit. So you won't have any chance to take the win against me.

Knowing that this isn't completely true she starts to giggle lightly and some of the other visitors of the gym look over to her. It seems that all the people in the gym were listening to her little speech and that they think it's interesting to hear what this pretty little diva has to say.

Ok, ok, I admit that this isn't completely true. I think you already knew how to make me submit as you called me the lil tickle fetish girl. Haha. So if you wanna gave a chance to win against try to tickle me into submission, that's the only way to make me give up. But be warned, I can stand a lot and it also won't be so easy to get me into such a situation. But I'm not mean and so I'll give you a chance. I'll come to our match without shoes, so you can try to get my feet, but even this won't be easy cuz my kicks will be really hard.

As she says this she giggles again and tucks up her long and pretty legs. Then she rubs her cute toes and smiles at the fans who are watching her now. Amanda is really such a cutie and the fans love her and love to see her perform in the ring and they also love her posing and her freaky little shows.

Ok, but if you really should get success, then I'm doomed, but at least I will submit laughing and I think that would be fun too, at least for all these wonderful fans.

Some of the fans applaud at her and she smiles her friendly smile. Amanda really wants to become the champion and that her main goal, but entertaining the fans is even more important for her. So she could even live with such a loss and it would be ok for her. But now her thoughts go back to her last opponent in this match, to Necra.

And now to you Necra. Do you really think that I've forgotten what you did to me during the last weeks only cuz you helped me to take the win during our last match last week? Damn, not even you can be that stupid. It's not only that you really have hurt me and Laura during our last match, it's also that you terrorized me during the last weeks.
You might have forgotten it cuz it might not have been very important for you, but for me it has been important. You haunted me during my dreams, you threatened me, you wanted to see me dead and take my soul, but that will never happen.
Ok, I must admit that you really scared me to death and that I almost didn't get any sleep during the last weeks, but that doesn't mean that I will run away like a crybaby. No, I will fight back as long as I can stand on my feet and breath alone.
Necra, you might be strong and dangerous, and may e you're even a demon or a goddess, who knows, but I really couldn't care less. At the PPV you will be nothing more like a normal wrestler and like any other wrestler in this company you can be pinned too.

Ananda isn't really sure about what she said, but she tries to believe it and to think positive. After her nightmares began she has been really desperate and even consulted a shrink, who helped her to become confident again and who also gave her sleeping pills. The dark haired beauty didn't completely get rid of her nightmares, but it helped her a bit and she slowly began to feel better.

So Necra, be warned, you can't scare me anymore and you can't take my soul. I visited a shrink and he really helped me. He gave me sleeping pills so that I for rid of my nightmares and he also explained me that there is no Goddess of death. You are no Goddess and all you are is fake. You're a human being, a mortal, like all the others here. Maybe strong and dangerous, but not deadly.
But anyway, I could bet that I'm not the only girl here who get terrorized by you and maybe with the others you had success, but I will be the first one who really fights back. I'll end your reign of terror and I will also end your winning streak. But that's not all, I will not only defeat you and become the new champion, I will also destroy you. There's no room for people like you in this company.
When I'm done with you, then you can be happy when you're still alive.

Ananda clenches her small fists and growls a d the fans at the gym, who had listened to her speech, cheer at her. They really like this cute girl and they all wish her the best and that she becomes the champion.
Now Amanda realizes that all the people were watching her and that they also listened to her speech. She smiles happily and everybody can see that she loves it to be in the center of all the attention. Now she stands up from her bench and poses a bit for the fans so that they can take some pictures. Then she signs some autographs and also talks a bit to the fans. Amanda really loves it to be so close to them and so she answers all their questions.

Well, you wanna know what it means to be a champion?

For a moment it looks like the dark haired beauty doesn't know what to say and she thinks for a pretty long time, but then she answers. It's not so easy to explain all her thoughts but she tries her best so that all the people will hopefully understands her.

Ok, that's not so easy to explain. At first I would say that the champion should be the best wrestler in this company, but in some way that's not all. Here are pretty many people who are skilled and who are good wrestlers but none of them is worth to be called a champion. Lemme give you an example, juz look at Trish Newborn she is a good fighter, but she's a bitch too and the people hate her. Even though she's a champion, nobody wanna see her with the belt.
Well, I think that has been a pretty good example. The champion should be a person who is lived by the fans and who gets respected by all the other wrestlers. Yeah, respect is the most important thing for a champion.
But as we talk about respect and wrestling skills, juz look at my three opponents at the PPV. Take Odette as an example, she's strong and skilled, but I wouldn't call her a champion. She's a stupid bitch who is too busy with her private life and who talks bad about her opponents. She always says how great she is, but when I look at her last performances then I would say that she isn't that good. Haha, she ended in that grave too and it even had her name on it, so she should better stay there and leave us all alone.

Amanda pauses for a moment and wipes her long black hair out of her face. She still stands in the middle of all the fans and she makes sure that everybody can hear and see her. It feels so damn good to be in the center of all this attention.

And now let's come to Jaya. You all have seen what she had done in her last match and that hasn't been much. She has been eliminated first and I must say that it had been so easy. She really shouldn't be champion, no she shouldn't even be in a title match. But now it's enough, I'm really not in the mood to talk about such losers. So lets come to the next girl, to Necra.

As Amanda says that name, she shivers lightly and takes a deep breath. Everybody can see that she really has problems with this lady and that she doesn't like her. She would never admit it, but Necra's strange behavior even scares her.

I must admit that she's really good and dangerous, but that still doesn't make her a champ. Juz look at her strange behavior, she calls herself a goddess and she terrorizes the whole roster with her freak show. That really isn't the way a champion should act and that also doesn't bring her any respect. The people fear her, but they don't respect her.
And then remember the last time where I met her backstage, she kissed me and this in public. Ok, I like girls and everybody knows this, but that doesn't give her the right to kiss me against my will, this is almost like rape and such a person belongs in jail and not into a wrestling company.

Amanda shakes her head and she really is annoyed. But then she poses again for the fans so that everybody can see how cute and pretty she is and this makes her feeL better imediately.

But now it's enough with all these losers, bitches and wannabe goddesses, now it's time to talk about a real champion, about me.

She points at herself and for a moment she wishes that she would be a bit taller, but she can't change it. So she steps on the bench so that she can look down at the fans and now she feels really big and great, like a Goddess.

I don't know whether I'm the best wrestler, prolly not. I lost a few matches and I got eliminated by Odette, but that doesn't matter. At least I fight fair, I am loved by the fans and the others respect me and that's more than the other girls have.

Now she bends her back and runs her hands over her hips in a very sensual way, almost caressing them. She knows exactly how hot and sexy she is and she has no problem to show it.

Juz look at me, wouldn't I be a wonderful champion?

All the fans nod as Amanda asks them her question, they all wanna see her with the belt around her slim waist and they also wanna party with her after she took the win in her match.

Yes, I think I would be a damn good champion. It's not only that I am good, I'm also the hottest and prettiest girl in this company. Juz imagine how good this belt would look around my waist. I think then you would even love me more. Haha, there's really nobody who deserves it as much as me to become the next champion and don't worry, I won't disappoint you. I will win my match, I will take the belt and I'll leave the ring as the glorious winner and this you can see as a promise.

Now really everybody cheers at her and Amanda waits a while till they calm down again. Then she slowly climbs down from the bench and takes a big sip from her water. Just as she wants to continue her training she spots out a familiar person, Laura Jackson. A smile comes into her face and she walks over to her and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

Did you hear all the things I said?

As Laura nods, Amanda laughs out. Laura has done her best too to cheer her up and so she could see that it has been a success. Amanda is cocky and full of self confidence. Now Amanda tilts her head a bit to the side and winks at Laura.

But it's good that you're here now, so you'll be the first one who gets the chance to train with the new champion.

Laura roles her eyes a bit, but like usually she loves it to train with her friend. So the two girls continue with some weightlifting and also some training with the sandbag. Amanda's punches aren that hard, but her kicks are really powerful and dangerous and so she focuses mostly on them. For the next two hours they are really busy, but then Amanda has enough. Slowly it becomes boring and she really needs some action, so she suggests to do a trainings match.

So whatcha think, shall we do a lil fight?

Laura really loves it to fight with Amanda and this time it isn't different. She nods and so the two girls enter the ring and get ready for their little match. Now all the other people in the gym have stopped their training and they come over to the ring to watch the upcoming action. It's not too often that two SCW divas make a match here in this gym and so nobody wants to miss the show, especially as it will become a really interesting match. The fighting stiles of the two girls really couldn't be more different. Laura is a brawler and loves punches and submission moves, while the petite Amanda is a high flyer with strong kicks and many luchadore moves. So it really should become a nice and spectacular show.
Both girls lock up in the middle of the ring and Laura wants to start the match with a few really hard punches to Amanda's body. If they would hit her, then she really would have been weakened, but Amanda is to fast and so she manages it to duck away. Then Amanda attacks with some kicks, but Laura can block them and so it doesn't bring her much. But Amanda doesn't give up so easily and so she runs into the ropes, swings back and throws Laura down with a hurricanrana, that is followed by a moonsault splash. For the first part of the match it really looks like Amanda has the upper hand and the fans cheer at her, but then she becomes to cocky again. Instead of pinning Laura she poses for the fans and so she gets hit by some really hard punches and has to back away. But again she manages it to get free and now she jumps on the turnbuckle and down at Laura, throwing her down with a hard clothesline. They are both a bit groggy, but Amanda manages it to get up first. Now it's really time to go for a pin, but Amanda is too cocky to hook up Laura's leg. Instead she stands above Laura and looks down at her. With a smile in her face she places one foot on Laura's chest, pinning her down and then she begins to count.
Laura is a bit groggy, but not too groggy to realize what happens to her. Really fast she grabs Amanda's foot and twists it so that the smaller girl screams out and falls. Now Laura gets up, still holding Amanda's foot and getting her love into an ankle lock. Now it really wouldn't be hard for Laura to twist Amanda's ankle really hard, but it's only a trainings match and she doesn't really wanna hurt her love. So she just holds Amanda and makes sure that she can't reach the ropes, but as she asks Amanda to give up and Amanda refuses it, she starts to tickle Amanda's foot. The petite girl is really deathly ticklish and so it doesn't take very long and she taps out desperately while the fans cheer at Laura and encourage her to continue a bit longer. Amanda really looks so cute when she laughs and giggles and so Laura continues a bit longer, but then she lets her go and helps her up. The fans applaud and then the two divas leave the ring, holding hands.
Now they go to the locker rooms and after getting rid of their sweatty clothes they take a shower together. Like usually Amanda is really turned on when they are both naked, but she can hold back, even though its a bit frustrating. But eventually they are ready and Amanda can't wait to get home and have her fun with Laura. As they sit in the car, Amanda places her feet on the dashboard and dozes, while Laura drives the car. Amanda lights a cigarette and places her free hand on Laura's leg while she looks over to her.

I really love it so much to fight against you, even though it mostly ends with me giving up. Haha, but against you I love it to submit, hehe, but only against you.

Now the traffic light turns to red and Laura has to stop the car. She opens the windows so that they get fresh air into the car and looks over to Amanda who still drags at her cigarette.

Well, I love it too, especially when I'm the one who takes the win. But this time it has been really close. If you would have hooked up my leg, then I wouldn't have had the power to kick out. But anyway, you have been to cocky again and that had cost you the win. But I hope you have learned your lesson and that you're more carefully in your title match.
I mean when you fight as hard as in our trainings match, then you really should have good chances to take the win. Jus be carefully, try not to be to cocky and leave the posing for the fans away until you have the win. Then you will have enough time to pose. But if you listen to all these advices then you really should be the champion soon, hehe, and in the girlfriend of SCW's next champion. That's really awesome.

The lights turn to green again and so Laura starts the car again. A few minutes later, they arrive at home and Amanda thinks about going to bed immediately. She still can feel Laura's fingers on her sensitive body and even the thought of what comes next is a huge turn on. But as they enter the house, she realizes that she is hungry. It's a bit too late to make something to eat and Amanda isn't that good in cooking, and is she calls a pizza service.
While she waits for the pizza, she goes to the bedroom and puts on her sleep shirt. Then she comes back to the living room and takes a seat on the couch, besides Laura. Now Amanda is really happy that they are back at home and that she can relax a bit. Sometimes all the stress really becomes too much for the tiny diva and she wishes that she could take a timeout or even quit wrestling.

Sometimes I really wish that all this would be over, it's really a bit too much stress for me.

As Laura hears this she is a bit puzzled and almost can't believe that Amanda is honest. But before she can say anything Amanda shuts her up by raising her hand. She knows that this has been a shock for Laura and it makes her feel bad, so she tries her best to comfort her partner.

Don't get me wrong, it was only a thought. I mean that it's pretty stressing, my modeling job, all this training and then all the jetting to the shows. Sometimes it really goes on my nerves.

She pauses for a moment and sighs as she thinks about how to continue. Sometimes it's really a bit difficult to explain everything she feels without Laura getting her wrong.

There are really some days where I would live to go and juz have a normal life together with you. But don't worry, I won't retire before I have this title in this company. Damn, I do this job for such a long time and I've been in so many different companies and everywhere I've been the champ in a really short time, so why should it be different here?
And in some way I would also miss the fans and the feeling to be loved by everybody. Ok, I could focus more on this modeling, but then I would be like all the other fetish models and that's not my cup of tea. So I think that I'll have to stay here for a bit longer, at least as long as I need to reach my goal.

She laughs a bit and smirks. She really means what she said and hopefully she has been convincing.

And maybe even a bit longer. I mean that I can't win the title and then retire, cuz then everybody will say that I only won it by accident. So I'll have to stay and to defeat it in a few matches before I can go.
But anyway, I already talk about it even though I'm not the champ till now. So at first I should focus on getting it and defeating all these stupid bitches and wannabe goddesses. But I'm pretty confident that I'll have success when I'm carefully and when I listen to all your advices.
I juz have to find a good tactic for this match. In these fatal four matches really everything can happen and even the worst loser can take the win by accident. But I think I'll use my normal tactics, I juz stay away from everything and when they are all weakened ill get the chance to make the pin. That worked so often in the past, so it will work this time too. I'm not too worried that anything could go wrong, I juz have to be a bit carefully. But when I look at my win loss records then I can say that my tactics aren't that bad.

a[nods and hugs the dark haired girl. She kisses her and just as the kiss becomes passionately, the doorbell rings. Amanda roles her eyes and doesn't wanna let Laura go, but Laura stands up and opens the door. It's the guy from the delivery service who brings them the pizza. Laura pays and then the two girls start to eat while they watch a bit tv. They watch some old matches from Amanda's opponents and Amanda makes some really sassy comments.

Juz look at them, they are like pregnant and fat elephants, it's a miracle that they don't trip over their own feet and that they don't injure them selfs. It's really too funny, I could watch this freak show for hours.

Laura laughs too, but she still doesn't likes Amanda's cocky comments. She turns her head a bit and growls as she looks at her love. Everybody can see that such a behavior really annoys her and that she's willing to stop Amanda again, like earlier at the gym.

Hey, I already told you that I don't like this behavior. I think I already showed you what happens when you act like this.

But Amanda doesn't listen to her and continues her trash talking. So Laura sees only one way to stop her. Really fast she pushes Amanda back, so that the smaller girl ends up laying on her back. She grabs Amanda's legs by her ankles and traps them between her legs, then she starts tickling Amanda's cute feet until the smaller girl is completely hysterical and begs for mercy. But Laura shows her no mercy and continues a bit longer. Amanda is laughing so hard that her pretty face turns red, but she also likes it. Eventually Laura lets her go and pulls her up so that Mandy sits on her lap. Amanda wraps her arms around Laura's neck and presses herself tightly against her love. They kiss each other and the kiss becomes more and more passionately. Laura rips down Amanda's sleep shirt and her hands run all over Amanda's beautiful body and the dark haired cutie starts to moan and purr. With one hand Amanda still presses Laura against her while she switches off the lights with her free hand, then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5308

Climax Control Archives / A Horror Team
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:42:01 AM »

A Horror Team

After Laura's suspension and after they got stripped from their titles Amanda has been really frustrated and also sad. Ut took a pretty long time till she got over it and she still is waiting for the day when Laura comes back into action. During her long career Amanda has always fought alone, but since she's together with Laura, they are in a tag team and Amanda was really happy about this. It feels so good to have someone in her corner who holds her back and she doesn't wanna miss this feeling anymore. So it's a bit strange to be all alone again and Amanda doesn't like this fact. The only thing that comforts her is the fact that Laura will be back soon and then they will try to go for gold again.

But in the meantime she will have to fight alone and to look for some new goals. The only good thing in this situation is that the bosses gave her the chance to go for another title and Amanda took this chance. In a really hard match she could defeat Vista and another girl and now she's really close to her goal to become the champion in this company. She is more than happy and has spent the next days with making party with her friend and love Laura Jackson. But now the time for making party is over and Amanda has to take care for her business again. The best thing would be to start with the training for her next match.

But before she could start with her training and her preparations, she has gotten a call from a few fetish video producers and they have booked her. It seems that her success in her last matches has also brought her some more success in her other job as a model. Almost the whole next week Amanda has spent with traveling through the country, from one photo shooting to the next. The whole thing has been pretty stressing, but it brought her pretty much money and she also has had her fun doing these shootings. Mostly she got tied up, spanked or tickled till she was completely breathless and almost peed herself, but sometimes she also posed as a dominatrix and Amanda really loved this kind of work.

Now she's back home, her ass still a bit sore and at her feet she still can feel the tickling, but she's in such a good mood. She opens the door of her huge trailer home and as she sees Laura, she runs over to her, jumps into her arms and doesn't wanna stop kissing her. Laura is much stronger than Amanda and so she has no problem to stop her and after a while she just takes Amanda and places the smaller girl on the couch.

Damn, do you wanna kill me?

But she laughs as she says this and looks at her cheery friend, while Amanda slips out of her shoes and lights a cigarette. She looks up to Laura and has such a lovingly smile in her face.

Nah, I would never do that, I'm just happy to be back at home and to be with you again.

She smiles again and looks so cute as she does so. Laura sits down besides her and puts her arm around Amanda's shoulder, while Amanda huddles a bit closer to her friend and love. She feels so wonderfully and safe when she's in Laura's arms.

The last week has been so stressing, at first this match, where I really never thought that I would take the win and then this lil tour with all the photo shootings. I'm really happy to be back at home and to be with you again. Yay, now we have some time to relax and to have fun.

She turns around on the couch so that she faces Laura and puts her feet into Laura's lap. Now she winks at her love and wiggles her cute toes. The dark haired cutie loves it so much to get a foot massage and also to get tickled on her toes. It might be weird, but it helps her so much to relax and Amanda also looks so cute when she laughs and giggles.

Please, make me laugh and giggle, tickle me, I really need it now.

Laura laughs a bit as she hears this, but she begins to give Amanda a long and nice foot massage so that the pretty dark haired girl purrs and giggles like usually. She squirms a bit and it feels so good.

Didn't you get enough tickles the last days as you were on your tour?

Amanda smiles happily at Laura and drags at her cigarette. She inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring, then she looks at Laura and winks. Again she wiggles her cute lil toes.

But nobody makes it as good as you. Hehe, you know how much I love it to be at your mercy. It's so wonderful and I feel so free when you do it.

The pretty young woman smiles again and Laura continues to massage her. From time to time she lightly tickles Amanda cute toes so that the tattooed girl giggles and they both have their fun. Now Laura continues her massage so that Amanda is able to talk again and so she continues.

As we joined here, I really didn't think that it would become that stressing. First this battle royal, then the tag match and your suspension and now this match against Vista and Josie. Damn, this was really hard and from time to time it was even pretty narrow. I really thought that one of them would pin me or knock me out, but anyway, at the end I had success and now nothing and nobody can stop me on my way to gold. This time I will have success. And then we will have to see that you come back, so that we can get these fucking tag titles. I'm really fed up of seeing Trish and Bianca as the champions. It's really time to stop their reign.

Amanda growls a bit and she slowly comes in rage, so Laura thinks about a way to cheer her up again. For a moment she stops her massage and now she runs her fingers really lightly over Amanda's pretty legs and down to her feet. Then she takes care for Amanda's cute toes and the pretty girl laughs and giggles again. She loves it, but now it becomes a bit too much and she tries to pull her feet away, but Laura has trapped them between her legs and so Mandy is helpless at her mercy.

This way I love you more than being angry. You have such a cute laugh and giggle.

And laughing and giggling Amanda does. Slowly she even becomes hysterically and so Laura gives her a small break, so that she can recover a bit. Amanda breathes heavily and her long black her is a mess from all the struggling and squirming. Her pretty face is red and she looks so cute, being so exhausted.

Ok Hun, and when we are finished here, it's time to do some training for your next match. I really wanna see you as the champion, but that's not all, I don't have much to do and so some training would be awesome to kill the time a bit.

Amanda breathes heavily and it takes a while till she can speak again. She knows exactly what Laura means and she can understand her friend. Sure, she wanna get another win, but it's even more important for her to find a way so that Laura doesn't get too frustrated. She nods and smiles at Laura.

Your right, we really could need a training. I wanna become the next champion and I also need a few more wins and you are the best trainer I can imagine. Hehe, but if you keep tickling me, then I won't be able to do some training, then I need sex first. Hehe, you really know how to turn me on.

Laura smiles and she begins to tickle her cute friend again, but this time only lightly, so that Amanda can really enjoy it. She smirks at her love as she sees her cute reactions and she loves what she sees. Laura loves it so much to make the tiny girl happy, especially as its that easy.

Ok, you'll get what you want, first we have some fun and then we two drive to the gym and get you ready and fit for your next match. I don't wanna see you get pinned. Oh and you really should do something for your stamina and your strength. Your moves are really good, but you are to weak. That's a thing we have to work on.

Amanda knows that Laura is right, but she would never admit it. She fakes to pout a bit, even though its a bit hard when Laura massages her, but Amanda is pretty good in acting and so it looks convincing.

Damn, that's really not fair. I might not be the strongest wrestler, but for most of these chicks it should be enough. I can defeat almost everybody here and I think I already proved it. And in all the other companies I've been, I've also won almost every match. They don't call me the Goddess of War without a reason. I'm the ultimate force here and at the next show I will prove this again.

Laura smiles as she hears Amanda's words. She knows that Amanda is really good in the ring, but she still doesn't like this cocky behavior and so she tickles Amanda a bit harder again. This time she takes really care for Mandy's cute toes and really soon Amanda begs for mercy.

Yeah, but a really ticklish and cute lil force ...

She smiles at Amanda and everybody can see how much she loves the petite dark haired girl. Amanda is so lovely and almost everybody likes her and her cute laugh.

But there's something more that I have to tell you. This week you have free and I'm back from my suspension. I have a match and it's in the same tournament you're in. So if I win, then we two will have to face each other in the ring very soon.

As Amanda hears this, she almost jumps up. She pulls her feet back and crawls on Laura's lap, hugging and kissing her. Now she is really excited and almost clinches at Laura while she looks into her eyes.

Damn, why didn't you tell me such an important thing a bit earlier? I'm so happy for you and that you're back in action again. I really hope that you will take the win and that you get a chance for the title match too. It's no problem for me when we two have to face each other in a match. I mean when I can't win it, then you're the one who deserves it most to become the champion. I'm really so fucking happy.

Now the two girls kiss each other again and this time it's more passionately. After this good news and after this wonderful massage and getting tickled in such a wonderful way, Amanda really can't hold back any longer. She rips off her clothes and presses herself tightly against Laura, still sitting on her lap. Then the lights go out and a lot of screaming, giggling and laughing can be heard.

The next days doesn't happen much and the days are almost the same. The two have their fun and now Amanda also trains together with Laura for her match. She knows that Laura might be her next opponent, but she doesn't care much and she wishes that Laura will take the win in her match. As the show comes closer, Amanda is even more excited than Laura and she really wants to come together with Laura to the ring, but Laura refuses this. She wants to do her match alone. At first Amanda is disappointed, but I some way she can understand this and so she agrees to stay away from the ring.

Eventually the show is over and sadly Laura didn't win her match. In some way Amanda is eased that she doesn't has to face her in that tournament,but she also feels sorry for her and she tries her best to comfort her love. But it seems that Laura isn't really sad and frustrated and so it's ok for them and so the couple looks forward to what will come next.

Right father the show is over Amanda and Laura look at the new match card. Now it seems that Amanda and Laura won't have to face each other and that's the only good thing with the new match card, cuz now Amanda will have to team up with Necra against Odette Ryder and Jaya de Carlo. As she hears this she really isn't happy. It's not only that she will have to face one of the hardest opponents, Oddette, but she also has to team up with her worst enemy, with Necra. After all the things that happened between these two divas it really doesn't look good and Amanda is more than shocked, but Laura is pretty much pissed off too.

Damn, they really put me into a match with this monster as my partner, that can't be true. I'm not pissed or mad at her cuz she has defeated me the first time we met in the ring, but this terror she started after our match was really too much, it has been more than I can stand.
Every night she comes into my dreams and says something like "I will be hers one day". Damn, that's really too much, all these nightmares and the nights without sleep where I try to stay awake so that she can't haunt me and terrorize me. And then she even kissed me at the last show. I really don't know how to get rid of this demon, she's so scary and I wish that I would never have met her.

Amanda sighs frustrated and Laura puts her arm around her shoulder and tries to comfort her. Mostly this works, but this time it's not so easy, it seems that Amanda really is worried and this almost breaks Laura's heart.

Yeah, she is scary, but you must think positive. She wants the title too and so she also wanna look good in her match, so I think she might be a great help for you. I mean it's better to have her as a partner than as an opponent.

Amanda knows that Laura is right, but she still doesn't like the thought of being in the same ring as Necra. As an opponent she is a horror, but as a partner it's not much better, the only way Amanda can stand her is when she's really far away.

I know that you're right, but I don't even wanna be in the same building as this monster. She scares me to death and I can't do anything against this. Ok, as an opponent it would be even worse, but that doesn't help me. The only thing that is missing after she kissed me is that she rapes me after our match. Eww, that's a horror thought and the worst nightmare I can imagine.

Laura nods and still tries to comfort her love, but now it's really hard. Amanda isn't depressive, but that match really is a horror for the petite girl and it seems that she really doesn't wanna calm down and relax. Normally Amanda is a cheery girl, but when she's in such a mood she really can be a pain in the ass and it's so hard to make her feel good again, but Laura isn't willing to give up so easily.

And Necra is only one of my problems, the other one is Odette. She has won almost every match since she is in this company and she's one of the hardest opponents you can imagine, that's really not fair. Why does such a crap has to happen to me?
Ok, Jaya shouldn't be a bigger problem, I haven't heard much about her and I haven't seen any of her matches. That could mean that she isn't so important and so I think that I won't have a problem to take her out. Damn, but with Odette I'm not so sure, this could really become hard.

But now Laura gets an idea and a smile comes into her face. Prolly Amanda really will like what she has to suggest. For a moment she thinks that Amanda could protest again, but then she's confident that her idea will help Amanda to feel better and to see this match in a positive way. Before Amanda can say anything, Laura shuts her up by gently pressing her fingers on her lips.

Wait, you have a tag match, so it could be pretty easy for you to stay away from Oddette, if you don't wanna face her. Juz try to take care that you're always in the ring against Jaya. If Odette tags in then you only have to tag in Necra. So they are both busy with each other. Juz let Necra make the dirty work and pin her opponent. I'm pretty sure that she can do this. And even if she doesn't, then you can still pin Jaya and this really shouldn't be so hard.

as laura has expected it, Amanda really likes Laura's idea and a broad smile comes into her pretty face. This plan really could work and now she is optimistic again and even sees herself as the winner of this match. It seems that all her fears are gone now. Laura is a bit puzzled that she has success so easily, but she knows her friend and also how emotional she is. It's easy to scare and worry Amanda and to make her depressive, but mostly it also doesn't take long to cheer her up again.

That's really an awesome idea and it could work. Shall Necra take out Oddette and I take care for this weakling called Jaya. Haha, that's really brilliant.

Now Laura shakes her head. She really doesn't like the way Amanda talks about Jaya. Sometimes this cocky behavior is cute, but it's also dangerous if Amanda underestimates her opponent. Amanda is a really good wrestler, but there have been many matches where she lost after she took it all to easily and Laura really doesn't want that this happens again.

Yeah, it is a good plan because its from me, but that doesn't mean that you should underestimate Jaya, such things can be a deadly mistake.

Amanda blushes a bit and looks to the ground. She knows that Laura doesn't like such a behavior and she feels a bit sorry. She loves Laura and she doesn't wanna make her angry. Then she looks up again and tries to explain everything.

I don't underestimate her, I juz think that I can handle her. Look at my last matches, I always won, so why shouldn't I win against her? I'm good, no, not only good, I'm one of the best wrestlers her and really soon I will be the champion and then everybody will see this too. haha nothing and nobody will stop me.

She laughs again in her cheery way and looks at Laura with her cute smile. She really can't help it, but now she feels so confident again and in some way she knows that everything will become good for her.

And when I have the bombshells title, then we two will come back as a team and get the tag titles too. Ok, don't say anything now, I know that I don't have it till now, but ...

For a moment the worried facial expression comes back into her face, but she wipes away all the bad thoughts. Only if she thinks positive she will get the success she deserves.

Ok, I know that I have to face Odette and Necra again when it goes for the title, but maybe I can defeat them too. They are strong, but I'm not too bad too and so my chances shouldn't me that bad. But I'll take care for this problem later, for now the most important thing is that I survive my next match in one piece and not only this, I also wanna leave the ring as the winner.

Amanda pauses for a moment and thinks again about the whole thing. She still doesn't like Necra and this match, but maybe it's not too bad for her and her plans and maybe it will even help her on her way to glory.

And maybe it's not even too bad that I'm in a team with Necra. First she will hold away Oddette from me, but maybe she also stops her terror against me after we have been partners. Ok, I don't really believe this, but there are still chances. I don't want her as a friend, but it would be ok if she would juz respect me and leave me alone outsides the ring. That would at least be a good beginning and it would make my chances to become the champion bigger.

Amanda smiles by this thought. Go.d doesn't mean everything for her and the most important thing for her is to look good in her matches and to have fun, but having a title makes everything even better.

So for now all we can do is to see how everything develops. I will juz try to take the win this week so that I have another win in my win/loss record. Haha, as the next champion I really need some wins and it also makes the other wrestlers fear me.

She closes her pretty eyes and the smile comes back into her face. It seems that the pretty girl is really lost in thoughts, but then she starts to speak again.

Juz imagine how great it will look when I can say that I've been the one who won against Oddette. Yeah, that makes the start of my career here even better, even if its only with the help of Necra. Haha, maybe you're right and this match isn't even so bad as I thought at the beginning. Life isn't always easy, but at the end everything will turn out good for me.

Now her good mood really is back and sh looks at her friend in such a lovingly way. They have planed to go to the gym now, but Amanda isn't really in the mood for training now. At the moment she would prefer it to be alone with Laura and have some fun. Slowly she crawls on Laura's lap and wraps her arms around her while she begins to kiss her really passionately. Then she switches off the lights and the Sven fades to black.

Word count: 4073

Character Building Roleplays / Lost in Dreams
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:08:04 PM »
Me no wanna stay here ...

But then she sees this golden castle and for a moment she almost likes it, but thenNecra tells her what it is and the dark haired beauty becomes pale. Staying here for eternity, without love and the people she loves is pure horror for her. She covers her eyes and cries quietly.

But why? What have I done to deserve this? This is torture, without anybody, without love or hope ....

Slowly her hands sink down and she looks up to Necra. She puts her hand on necras arm.

I might not be the best person and I made many mistakes in my life, but nobody deserves this here. I paid for my sins .....

At least she hopes that this is the case, but she's not really sure about this.

Character Building Roleplays / Lost in Dreams
« on: October 12, 2012, 04:19:53 PM »
That will never happen, I'll never become your servant. And all this here isn't real, it's ....I don't know what it is, but that's not possible ....

But Amanda isn't so sure whether its real or not. The only thing she knows is that it scares her to death. Now Necra tells her to step besides her and she obeys. All these creatures are so scary and Amanda would have loved to hide somewhere, but there is no place to hide. She swallows and looks  at Necra.

C'mon, why do you do all this to me? I ..I want back ome, to Laura, to the people I love ...

Manda hates this, but she sees no way to get away. Slowly she sinks down to her knees and looks at the goddess of death. Maybe it will help her if she submits.

Character Building Roleplays / Lost in Dreams
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:35:47 PM »
 As Amanda sees Cerbus she almost gets a heart attack. She stops and looks at it and she really would love to run away, but she doesn't know where to go and this palace is so scary. So she enters the room and then she sees Necra. Now she tries it again to hide her fear, but she has no much success. She looks at Necra and then to the ground and steps from one foot on the other.

What ...what do you want from me? Please ....lemme go ....

But she follows Necra. It's strange, but she can't do anything against it. It seems that her will is broken completely.  Slowly she follows Necra, not knowing what will happen next, but in some way she thinks that it can't get worse. This place is so cold and dead and Amanda already feels like being dead.

Please ...tell me what you want from me ...

Character Building Roleplays / Lost in Dreams
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:39:26 PM »
 Amanda listens to what he says to her and then she watches him leav. He was scary, but now she feels completely alone and this is even worse. She sniffles a bit and wishes Laura would be here, but then she follows the path. She sees all the people who are waiting and as she thinks about it and that it could be her fate one day too, she really would love to run away.

Damn, this is already like Hell, how could it become worse.

Now she reaches the palace and she really managed it not to talk to anybody. She enters the huge building and looks around, not knowing where to go. It's cold and she's still dressed in her sleep shirt and so the petite girl shivers. The floor under her bare feet feels like ice and she wishes she would be far away from here, but she keeps walking through the halls. She looks around and almost panics as she sees nobody anymore.

Please ...somebody help me ....please ....

Character Building Roleplays / Lost in Dreams
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:52:10 AM »
 Amanda wanted to touch the water, but as she gets told what will happen she pulls back her hand immediately. She looks at the bbodies and it really scares her.

Damn. What the fuck is this, I mean why can't they come back?

But then she sees the crowd and she becomes curious.

What are they waiting for? Please tell me.

In some way she is curious, but she also feels so lonely and helpless. She sits in this skiff and now even some tears run down her cheeks. She hugs herself and hopes that its over soon and that he will bring her back home.

Character Building Roleplays / Lost in Dreams
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:09:36 PM »
 Amanda isn't so sure whether she's sleeping or not, but shes a bit scared and worried as she realizes that Laura isn't there. Then she sees that person standing there and she shivers. It's not so easy to scare her, but this skeleton is to much for her. She closes her eyes and hopes everything will be normal when she opens them, but it isn't and the skeleton is still there.

God damn, what the hell do you want

For a moment she thinks of running away, but she can't move, she only stares at the Skelton and it becomes more and more cold,

Climax Control Archives / A new Goal
« on: October 09, 2012, 05:40:17 AM »

Amanda's first PPV at SCW is over and it had been a huge success for the petite girl. It's not that it has been her first PPV in her career, but after her bad start at SCW this win has been really important for her, especially as it has been a title match and she and Laura are the new tag team champions now. It has been a really hard match and at the beginning it didn't look so good for the two, but then everything has changed and they could take the win, even though Trish has been really brutal in this match. Amanda's face is still swollen and one of her pretty eyes is almost closed, but after this win she doesn't care much. It's a low price for such a wonderful win and so it's ok for her, even though she won't be able to do some modeling for a while.
Now the two are in the plane on their way back to the US and they are in such a good mood. The plane has started and they just got their drinks and spend the time with talking about their match and their great success.

Yay, it's so awesome, I love my life. I must admit that I was a bit worried after she had kicked my ass so badly in the past and after I had seen her last matches. She is good and this time she has been so much more brutal than in the past. But anyway, she wasn't good enough to defeat us.

She laughs in her cheery way and looks at Laura, knowing exactly that Laura doesn't like it too much when she's so cocky, but this time she doesn't care about it. She has always been like this and so she won't change anymore.
Now she takes a sip of her drink and relaxes a bit. Amanda doesn't like it to be in a plane, but in some way it always makes her sleepy. She slips out of her shoes and turns around in her seat, so that she faves Laura, and puts her feet into Laura's lap, who begins to massage her in a gently way.

I know that you don't like it when I talk like this, but I have really seen us as the champions as we started in this company. It's not that I'm cocky or to big for my boots, but we are really the best and we are the only ones who deserve it to get this title. Look at the other teams, these stupid ghetto team Ass n Class and also at the former champions, they all think that they are so great and they do nothing more than some fucking trash talking and what do they do in the ring? Nothing, at least nothing important. Ok, Trish did some cool actions and for a moment I really thought that she would knock me out and make me submit, but then she was t able to finish it. Damn, that's really weak for a former champion.

Amanda laughs again in her cheery and friendly way. The tiny diva is in such a good mood that its really hard to stop her now. In the meantime Laura lightly tickles her toes and smirks as Mandy starts to giggle and to curl her cute toes.

Haha, if I had you in a grapple, then I would know a way to make you submit. You can be happy that the other divas don't use your lil weakness against you.

She continues to tickle Mandy and the cute girl giggles more and squirms in her seat. Laura smiles as she sees her friend and love in this situation, cuz the petite girl really looks so cute when she laughs and giggles and also cuz she knows how much Mandy loves it.

Hehe, that's right, but thanks God they don't know it, otherwise I really would have a problem to take a win here, even though I must admit that it's fun to submit I such a way and that I can live with it. Haha, but for my career it wouldn't best good, cuz the money I get for my matches would be much more less when I lose a lot. So do me a fav and don't tell anybody.

Laura nods and continues to massage and tickle the feet of her love and Amanda is so relaxed now. Her mood really couldn't be better and at the moment her life really is wonderful.

But anyway, for now we should see that we get home so that we can party a bit and celebrate our win. And then we will have a week free so that we can do a nice lil vacation. But then we must see what comes next. This bitch Trish really has been pissed as we took the titles from her and I bet that she wants to have them back and that she is out for revenge. This damn bitch has been so viciously and we really must be carefully.
But anyway, I'm not worried too much, we two watch our back and so I'm pretty sure that nothing bad will happen, even though I'm also pretty sure that she will try something. Maybe it will be a backstage attack or she will juz challenge us again, but in some way I'm sure that something will happen. But anyway, I think we are prepared, we could beat them once and so we can do it again.

Laura nods as she hears what Amanda has to say. It's good to see her in such a good mood and also that she's so confident. Amanda is a really cheery girl, but she's also very emotional and so she comes in a bad mood pretty fast and sometimes she's even a bit pessimistic and depressive, even though it doesn't take long and she gets over it.

And I'm also pretty sure that the bosses wanna see us in a rematch too. So the whole feud will prolly develop pretty fast, faster than we want it. I'm not pessimistic, but now Trish knows what she has to expect when she faces us in the ring and so she will be prepared too. That doesn't mean that we can't win again, but I think it will be some really hard work. I would prefer an easy win, but I know it won't be easy, but anyway, we will keep the titles and nothing and nobody will be able to stop us.

Amanda smiles at her friend and love, but then she becomes honest again. Trish isn't the only problem they have.

But that's not the only problem we have, there's something else. I haven't told you cuz I didn't wanna worry you, but a few days ago I met Necra. You remember, this stupid bitch who threw us out of the ring in our first match. Well, at first I wasn't really worried, but in some way she's really scary. She is so strange and weird and her friends aren't better. She even said that she wants to do something bad to us or tries to cripple us and such crap.
You know me, it's not so easy to scare me off, but she had success with doing this. You haven't seen her, her hand changed into a Skelton and her eyes were changing their color all the time, she's a real monster and I really don't wanna see her again, especially not in a  match.

The petite girl shivers a bit by this thought and its clearly visible that she is really a bit scared. Laura tries her best to comfort her and to make her feel good again. So she continues to massage her love and then she also tickles her toes a bit harder so that the cute girl really laughs. Mandy squirms in such a cute way, but now her good mood is back and she smiles at Laura in such a lovingly way.

Don't worry too much, I'm sure Necra will leave us alone and even if she doesn't. Well, then we will kick her ass too.

Now they both laugh and the rest of the flight is really relaxed. They spend the time with sleeping and eating and Laura tickles and teases Mandy from time to time. So they both enjoy their time and a few hours later the plane lands at the airport of LA. After getting their luck age they go to the parking lot and climb into Amanda's old jeep. Then they drive to her trailer home near the beach and there they spend the free week with surfing and laying around in the sun. It's really such a nice time and they both don't wanna go back to Vegas, but they have a match again and so they have no choice. They need some more training and they really have to get ready for their next match. So they pack their stuff and then they are on their way to the airport again.

Back at the arena Amanda checks her mails and what was going on at SCW. It doesn't take long and she sees the news that they got stripped of their titles and that Trish and Bianca are the champions again and ll this because Laura failed a drug test. At first Amanda couldn't believe what she was hearing, but then she sees that it's true. Now Amanda and Laura are in their locker room and discussing the whole thing. It has been a huge shock for them and they were both pretty much frustrated. Laura is really down and says that she never took drugs and Amanda believes her. She knows that Laura likes a few beer, but drugs? No, she never took them and never will do it. So Amanda tries her best to comfort her partner and love.

It's no problem Laura, I believe you. I know that you don't take drugs and I really don't know what went wrong here. Maybe they mixed something as they took the blood test or they wanted to mix it so that Trish and Bianca keep these titles. But anyway, don't worry too much about it.

Laura still isn't very much eased and looks at Amanda.

It sux that we lost after this match, it was so great, but anyway. And I know that it's also crappy that you got suspended for a while, but as I said, don't worry, we are still a team and I stick with you. And I really don't see a bigger problem. Ok, it has been a bad start, but look, we could defeat them with ease and we can do it again. We were the better wrestlers and we still are, so we will become champions again and this very soon. These fucking bimbos think that they are safe from us, but they aren't. We take a smaller break, or maybe even a longer, but then we come back and then we fuck them up completely. I promise that they will wish that we still would be the champions and that they wouldn't have to face us again. The last time they got their fucking asses kicked, but the next time we will destroy them completely.

Normally Amanda is really such a nice person and she really hates trouble, but this was a bit too much for her. She's not only disappointed, no, she's angry and pissed like never before in her life. She really has no clue what happened and she doesn't know who gave the bosses the hint to make a drug test or who manipulated the test result, but she's pretty sure that it has been one of these jealous bitches who don't wanna see two newcomers as the champions. Prolly she will never find out who it was, but these things changed her a bit. As said before, she's nice and friendly, but when somebody pisses her off she also can become viciously and this happened today.

Well, I think it won't make much sense to try to find out who caused this drama, so we should better focus on our goals. I mean it's enough of playing nice, now we will show them who we are and we will make them pay for this betrayal. I don't know whether Trish and Bianca have to do something with this, but they will be the first ones who will pay and I promise that it will be a really height price. But they won't be the only ones who pay, the rest of this fucking roster will pay too. Slowly the whole thing here goes on my nerves.
It's not that I really need this fucking title, but I hate it to get screwed and this happened. And I also don't understand how the bosses could believe this crap. I always thought that they were pretty cool, but it seems that I was fucking wrong. They are bloody motherfuckers, juz like the rest of the company. Fuck, this really goes on my nerves. I don't need this title and I also don't need this fucking job. Normally I juz would say, let's leave here, but I hate the way they treat us and I would say that it's time to fight back.
We already showed them that we can defeat these wannabe champions whenever and wherever we want and if these two really were the best team, then I must say that there won't be anybody who can be dangerous for us.

Now Amanda really is in rage. She has her small fists clenched and growls and now she really looks pretty dangerous. Laura looks at her love and is a bit shocked. She has never seen her like this, but now she sees that Amanda is really honest with her plan of running riot at SCW. At first she has been a bit insecure, but then she changes her mind and is willing to follow Amanda on her path of destruction.

You're right Mandy, we will show them that it's not so easy to stop us or to get rid of us.

The two continue to talk a bit more about their plans and about how to continue as Amanda's cellphone rings again. Amanda looks at it and then she sees that she just got a new mail from SCW staff. Pretty curious Amanda opens the mail and as she reads it, her jaw drops down. She just reads that she will be in a tournament for becoming the no.1 contender for a title and that she will face Cassie Banton and Vista Kills. For a moment she's really speechless and so Laura takes the phone and reads the mail too.

Well, it seems that at least you will get the chance to show who we are. It seems to become an interesting match and your chances to get gold aren't too bad. And my fucking suspension seems to las a bit longer, I have no match.

Amanda really feels sorry that Laura has no match and puts her arm around her shoulder to comfort her. It's sad and she's also a bit angry, but she's also happy that she can show that she's one of the best wrestlers in this company.

Damn, it really sucks that they still didn't book you, grr, I could kill them. But at least I got a match again. I was already worried that they wanna get rid of both of us. But anyway, I'm not really happy with the way the things go here at the moment, but at least it seems that we don't get ignored completely and I hope that they will book you too soon again.
Ok, it's cool that I will have the chance to go for a title, but it's a singles title and that's not exactly what I want, I want the tag titles and I could run riot when I see that these losers who got their asses kicked the last time we met them I. The ring, get the chance for a title again. Fuck, that sux.

Laura nods, but now it's time that Amanda focuses more on her next match than on the missed chances from the past. Amanda knows that she is right, but she's very emotional, and so it's pretty hard for her to forget all the crap that happened. But eventually she manages it to bring her thoughts to her upcoming match.

But you're right, I really should care more about my next match against Vista Kills and Cassie Banton. This will be a great chance to come back into the title hunt, even though I must admit that I'm not really worried. Look, how nervous I have been as we had to face Trish Newborn and the. It has been so easy to take the win. So why shouldn't this be so different now? I mean Vista is the person whom they all expect to win and prolly I should be worried a bit, but you will see, I will defeat her too. Ok, she had had many wins in the past and she really kicked some asses, but I think now it's time to stop this winning streak and why shouldn't I be the one who stops her? I think my chances aren't that bad.
About the other girl I can't see much, I haven't seen her in the ring before and I also have never heard from her, but they all say that she's dangerous too. Damn, should I be worried again? I don't think so. You can call me cocky or to big for my boots, but I would call it self confident, cuz I know what I can do in the ring. I might not be the best wrestler in the world, but my skills are good enough to defeat most of these bimbos and I also have so much inning experience. I do this fucking job for years now and I had had enough wins so that I really have all reasons to be self confident.

Now Laura laughs a bit as she sees Amanda's cocky behavior. Sometimes it goes on her nerves, but this time it's really cute and she loves it to see Mandy in such a good mood.

But let's come back to these two bimbos. I doubt that their skills are better than the ones of Trish and Bianca, so I really wonder why they put them into this tournament. I mean is every rookie allows to take part in it? Anyway, we will see what happens at the show.

Now Amanda starts to laugh a bit.

The whole thing was meant as a gift to me cuz I got stripped of the title too, but they will see that this gift isn't for nothing. I deserve this match and I prove that I deserve it. They will see that I can take any title I wanna have and that I defeat whomever they throw in my way. I don't care whether its Vista, Cassie or any other of these bimbos here, I beat them up all. They will see that none of them will have a chance against me and that I'm the only one here who deserves it to be in a title match. Haha, and then we will see, then it's time to destroy the champion and to crown a new one.

Amanda laughs again and her good mood is really infecting, so Laura smiles too, but then she becomes honest again and looks at Amanda.

I really hate it to interrupt you or to stop you and in some way you're right, you are a good wrestler and I think that you have really good chances to take the win, but please do me a favor and don't underestimate your opponents. And don't forget that it's a triple threat match and in such a match everything can happen. So please be carefully, cuz I wanna see you leaving the ring as the winner.

Amanda smiles happily as she hears this. She bends forward and kisses Laura lovingly on the lips, then she winks at her.

Don't worry about it, you will see me leave the ring as the winner and I don't underestimate them. I know that such matches can be dangerous, but I can handle this. I will take care that nothing bad will happen and don't forget that I have enough experience for such matches. I make it the way I usually do in such matches, at the beginning ill try a bit to stay away from my opponents so that they can weaken each other and then I come and attack. Then I juz have to try to throw the stronger opponent out of the ring and pin the other girl. I think that this plan should work good, at least it worked pretty often in the past, so I think I really can be confident and you see the future champion right in front of you.

Amanda laughs again in her cheery way and poses in front of Laura. Sometimes the petite girl really can be so cute and funny and Laura laughs too. She almost forgot her own trouble and all her thoughts are with Mandy and her upcoming title hunt. Then she looks at Amanda and winks.

Ok, champion ...or shall I call you Goddess?

Thats exactly what the cocky tiny girl loves to hear and she has a broad smile in her face as she looks at Laura she's still posing and looks sexy as usually and she also knows this. Amanda really is a cute little Goddess and most people love her and nobody is mad at her cuz of her cocky behavior.

Well, I would never demand. This, but when you suggest it, then you can call me Goddess if you want, I like this, hehe ...

Laura smirks again as she hears this. She still watches Amanda pose and only shakes her head.

Ok, my Goddess ....

Then, without a warning, she grabs Amanda by her wrist and pulls the smaller girl down to her. Amanda struggles a bit, but she was taken by surprise and pretty soon she finds herself laying over Laura's knees. Amanda is a cheery girl and so she giggles, but then Laura slaps her ass a few times, not hard, but so that Amanda shrieks. Laura winks at her struggling friend.

Oh ..oh, that's not the way a Goddess acts like ...

But Amanda doesn't care, she giggles and shrieks and struggles with her legs while Laura slaps her cute ass. Then Laura gets a better idea, with a quick movement she grabs Amanda by her ankles and traps them under her arm like in a headlock. With an evil smile in her fave she begins to tickle the bottoms of Amanda's cute feet and now the petite beauty really laughs until she's completely exhausted. It doesn't take very long and Mandy begs for mercy and so Laura lets her go. She pulls her up, so that Amanda sits on her lap and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

Ok my cute lil Goddess, what now?

Amanda still giggles and slowly she recovers.

Damn, that was mean ....but it was fun too. Hehe, and now you turned me into a real Goddess, the Goddess of love ..hehe ...But you're the only one who sees me like this, for all the others I'm the Goddess of War and the future champion of this company.

She kisses Laura again and this time the kiss really becomes passionately, then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4143

Character Building Roleplays / After the Show
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:37:43 PM »
 Amanda is really scared now and she almost cries. As Necra passes her with the snake around her arm she almost starts to sob.

Shit, what do you want from me? Can't you juz leave me alone?

She really doesn't know what to do and now she tries something else. She knows exactly how cute and pretty she is and maybe it will work here too. So she looks at Necra and she seems to be so helpless and desperate.

Please, let's forget all this trouble. I'm sorry if I have offended ya. Please ...

Character Building Roleplays / After the Show
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:03:49 PM »
 As Necra comes closer Amanda shies back until she touches the snake. Now she shrieks. She doesn't know what's worse, that beast or Necra.

Shit, leave me alone ...

Now she feels some panic and her hands tremble. The dark haired beauty hates herself for being so weak.

Shit ... Don't come closer or ...

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