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Messages - Zoey Lukas

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Climax Control Archives / Jersey Pussies
« on: September 02, 2020, 06:41:33 AM »
Just one shot.
Detroit, Michigan
5 Years Ago.

Sierra sat backstage on an uncomfortable steel folding chair, her arms folded over her chest with a black Machine Head hoodie over her body and the hood pulled up, a few strands of her hair flowed out from it as she watched. Her brothers were in the ring, she was there to support them, sitting backstage though she had a sick feeling in her stomach. The other performers walking around talking freely, no one came up to her, no one introduced themselves. She sneered and shook her head. She got it, who was she?. She was just the younger sister of two very capable and respected indy stars who had become a very popular tag team in Canada and now North America.

Diego and Rico went about their work and she gave a small smirk, her eyes moving to a group of giggling girls. Tall, blond haired, blue eyed, untrained wannabes who had boob jobs and wanted to use this to get their looks out there. It made her angry, frustrated and her hands clenched together hidden under her arms. She tilted her head as she saw Diego fly over the top rope onto both opponents after an assist by Rico, the crowd popped so loud she could hear the walls rumble. This was just a small promotion, a weekly show that was put up on a streaming service with a handful of other local shows, but it was still out there, in front of over a thousand people. They were the tag team champions and everyone loved them.

She sighed realising she didn’t want to be there, this was night one of a two night extravaganza being promoted as the biggest show of the year coming out of Detroit, and she was nothing but a fucking passenger. Something caught her attention as she looked over at the direction of the noise. Dan Vrolick, the promoter, booker and owner of the company stormed out from the gorilla position looking at his phone. ”Mother fucker!...” He looked over at the gaggle of blonde girls who had gathered looking concerned.”Look Ladies, Cindi  is out of tomorrow nights opener, we might have to scrap the match cause we can’t find a third for team two” There were groans and tuts and whining and crying.

A small smirk came over Sierra lips, fuck em. Then it happened a small lightbulb went off and she looked over with a laugh pushing up off the steel chair to her feet approaching Dan with a little bit of trepidation and a hint of fear.

”Excuse me. Mr. Vrolick?” He turned raising an eyebrow looking her up and down, Sierra reached up, moving a little hair from her face, pulling back the hood, smiling a little before clearing her throat. ”I’m sorry to bother you but I overheard that you need someone for a match and, I think I can help.” She paused for a moment, gauging his reaction, the other girls all turned their noses up and chuckled to themselves.

Dan turned and with a movement of his hand dismissed them. ”What’s your name?”

Sierra swallowed and took a deep breath. ”Sierra, Sierra Lopez… He raised an eyebrow and looked at the monitor, Diego and Rico had just gone into the finish, winning the match and the fans were going insane high fiving each other, he smirked and turned back to her.

”You’re their little sister right?, Oscar’s daughter?” She gave another small nod biting her lip nervously. ”You have your work papers? VISA and license?” She again gave a quick nod, Dan again looked at the monitor and the craziness that her brothers had caused. He laughed to himself and reached out patting her on the shoulder.

”You’re in here at 2 tomorrow to go over a few things,.and Sierra?...this isn’t a promise….it’s an opportunity..…”

Last Week.

”You really goin back Si?”

Selena Raquel Lopez, Sierra’s younger sister and the youngest child of Oscar Lopez slowly folded her arms over her chest. Her long black hair was tied back away from her face as she slowly leaned against the door frame. Sierra smiled and gave her sister a small nod. ”So to Vegas?. Can I come? I mean I could maybe get a tryout?” Sierra laughed and shook her head with a loud sigh.

Selena, like Diego, Rico and Sierra had trained to be a wrestler. She was only 22, she had done a few tours and was picking up steam and a name before Covid hit. ”I’d like to, but I’m barely employed there. Sin City is out. Apex though? Maybe.” She shot her a grin. Selena looked more like their father than their mother. Sierra had the olive skin, but she had her mothers cheekbones. Selena though, she had the dark hair, she had the big round eyes. She was more of a daddy’s girl than Sierra ever was.

But, Sierra loved her baby sister. ”So, why you going back?. I mean...Sin City haven’t used you in what?...five months?”

Sierra growled under her breath and cleared her throat. It stung, not being asked to come back. She wasn’t asking for full time bookings. She wasn’t asking to be handed title shots. But Sin City was her home for over a year. The place that gave her a new start. ”Loyalty…” She answered with force in her voice. Selena shook her head and stepped forward slapping her sister on the shoulder.

”That should go both ways sis…”

Trenton Tigers?. Jersey Pussies.

Her eyes could be seen above the black and red bandana she wore over her face. A black hook flipped up from her sweatshirt covered the rest. Sierra sat forward on the steps at the front of her home, her hands clasped together as she laughed to herself.

”Guess who’s back. After five long months I finally have a match in Sin City Wrestling. And all I had to do was respond to an open challenge basically begging for a match like some kind of desperate ho in need of a fix. But now, since I have the attention of SCW’s roster, fans and management I can say what I want. And if what I say pisses you off and I don’t ever come back then atleast I’ll have left an impression eh?”

“Since I have been gone, the blonde bimbo lost her title, the biggest championship for women in this company got passed and handed around because no one could actually keep it on themselves, Evie Jordan, a woman who has a horrendous win loss record against yours truly is now the champion, another championship has been thrown into the mix. Lachlan has been treated like shit. The wannabe rockstar with hair that seems to be more primped than what I would ever do won the world title and lost it in a week, the weird guy who talks to a cactus has beaten the giant former world champion and taken a second title of his. What the hell is going on in this place?“

“All of this crazy crap is going on and I haven’t got a phone call to get back in the ring? I signed with another company and I never quit Sin city. I never walked away from this place. It walked away from me.“

“I called out the company week after week. Time after time. Then last week they had an open challenge in a battle royal where anyone could throw their name into a hat to get a possible championship match against Jordan. I put my hand up and didn’t get in, so instead the blonde bimbo who gets everything handed to her ended up winning. What a shock. Maybe Mercedes Vargas was right that there is some serious bias around here. And then to top it all off Christian Underwood, tweets me to say that he thought I was gone and that was the only reason why I wasn’t in the battle royal.“

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head pushing up to her feet, she throws her hood back to reveal freshly dyed flame red hair.

” and then as I said, I saw an open challenge and decided to beg to be accepted back. One of the worst tag teams in the history of tag teams has decided that they wanted to come back to Sin city and straight away they get the goddamn spotlight. The Trenton Tigers have the red carpet rolled out and everyone wants to go and face them. Are you kidding me? This bullshit needs to stop”

“There’s all of this competition in the mixed tag team division and to be honest it does make me smile. Because try as people might they still can’t hold the championships for as long as myself and Lach did.”

“But now the match has been booked, my great return to this company. We get to come back as a team in a sin city wrestling ring for the first time in months. Now the real question I have is, do any of you actually believe the Trenton Tigers are going to beat myself and Lachlan?”

“The Tigers, in whatever configurations they wanted to be in tried continuously to get those mixed tag team championships. And each time they failed. And they also decided to sit there and badmouth my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. The current mixed tag team champions. So, you four idiots couldn’t get the job done and you want to talk shit about the people who actually could?“

Sierra size heavily and shakes her head, her hands and up on her waist,she can’t help but laugh under her breath before her eyes seem to flash green and she looks forward.

”You four can all jump in the ring at the same time for all I care. Lachlan will beat the shit out of Brandon or whatever the other guys name is. And I don’t care if it is Char Kwan or Daniela. I will drag both of you untalented loudmouth bitches into the ring and beat your bloody. Because while I’ve been forced to sit at home and not take part in this company you had chance after chance to do what you needed to do and run your goddamn mouth. And you haven’t stopped.“

“Two weeks ago you threw out an open challenge which was a few words of stupidity standing around in a pre taped video. Oh the current champions never beat you, that’s great. But they beat the people who you couldn’t. And you want respect handed to you on a silver platter. Go on about how tigers are the most dangerous big cat in the world… Which are actually lions you idiots that’s why they are called the king of the jungle.“

“And if we’re staying with the big analogies, you are not predators in this jungle. At this time. In this match. You are the prey. You are the clueless dumb gazelle standing out in an open field, and I’m the lioness stalking you from the high grass. And when the bell rings and we are allowed to go out, I'm gonna run headfirst at you, and I am gonna tear you apart and leave your bloody beaten corpse in the center of said ring to prove a goddamn point. And everyone will once again chant…“


Climax Control Archives / Over
« on: March 24, 2020, 10:01:59 AM »
Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play

Roswell, New Mexico
2 Years Ago.

It had been weeks since she had brought Olivia to Roswell. Wulf’s hometown. It would be different he said. Sierra could train and rebuild, he said. They would both prepare for a return to the ring. Wulf would be focused for the first time in his life. Using that near limitless energy he had with a new determination to provide for his family. And to support Sierra. But now here she sat, her arms folded over her chest. Olivia asleep in the tiny office room just off the lounge room. Sierra in the kitchen watching the door like a hawk, her anger boiling over. The first few days they had been down here had been fine. Just like they planned. They set up the small two bedroom house Wulfs father had organised. Running water, electricity, food, internet. All of it ready to go.

Sierra had been impressed. Wulf took charge, he acted mature and organised while Sierra looked after Olivia. But she missed Jade, Wulf had promised to organise a bigger house now Sierra could bring Jade for visitation. But that is where he stalled. A week after moving, a week after uprooting her life in Canada because Wulf couldn’t stay there and promised it would be different if he went “home” things started to change. Old “friends” came by, Wulf started go go out for hours at a time, losing focus on his family and his promises and even his own goals. But this time had been the straw that broke the camels back.

2 Days. That is how long Wulf had been gone. He had told Sierra he would be gone “an hour tops”. That hour stretched to four or five, then a night went by, then another whole day and night. And now she sat waiting, her phone finally going off with a message, the simple nature of it and the wording showing that Wulf didn’t think he did anything wrong.

“Hey babe, home in 20, love ya (wink emoji)”

It had made her angry. But as the twenty or so minutes ticked by the anger built higher and higher. How dare he?. How dare Wulf do this to her?. Sierra sneered and stared at the door, each minute feeling like another hour ticking by. Then she heard the roar of a car engine, laughter and a car door slam. Her eyes darted over to the room Olivia was asleep in, god help all of them if they woke her daughter. Olivia was a heavy sleeper, she stayed out of it as the car pulled away, the doorknob turned, Wulf walked in.

He stood there, a goofy smile on his face. A smile that would normally make Sierra sigh and laugh, she would normally laugh it off, get over it and ignore the stupidity, immaturity and selfish nature, but not this time. This time Sierra had enough. Wulf raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat, time for him to put on his little act. He walked up and leaned down trying to kiss Sierra on the cheek. She moved her head out of the way, Wulf stepped back as Sierra sighed heavily.

He sat down across from her, the silence getting to him. He opened his mouth to speak, Sierra simply raised her hand up and shook her head uttering one word forcefully. ”Don’t” Wulf swallowed, Sierra placed her hands flat on the small table in the run down kitchen. She leaned forward with a snarl on her face trying to keep calm and measured. ”Two days. You said you’d be gone an hour, two days ago. You ignored my texts, you then turn up here now expecting...what exactly?” The question hung in the air for a while.

Wulf seemed uneasy, his hands fumbling together as he struggled to form or find an answer. Sierra swallowed and ground her teeth together, her long hair tied up and away from her face so she could stare Wulf in the eyes. ”You wanted a kiss? A smile? How about some dinner baby?. Is that what you wanted?” Wulf again stayed silent as he tried to search for an answer. He took a long deep breath in to calm himself looking away before clearing his throat.

”Si, I underst-” Her hands clasped together into balled fists slamming on the table, Wulf stopped instantly as Sierra growled under her breath. Her hands opened and she calmly placed them back on the small table palms down.

She sighed and breathed deep closing and opening her eyes. ”You don’t understand. Don’t think that you do. Now, the only reason I’m keeping my hands on this table is because I can’t guarantee I won’t stand up and slap the blonde hair dye out of your fucking dreads” Her voice was filled with anger, venom and vitrol. Wulf had no idea what to say, his jaw dropping as Sierra slowly pushes up to her feet, keeping her hands flat on the table in front of her.”You promised things would be different, that things would change. And they haven’t. You’re still doing the same things and I can’t do it anymore…”

She looks down pausing, Wulf swallowed hard and sat back looking dejected. ”What are you going to do?” His voice was low and labored. He was trying to hold back tears. Sierra’s heart broke again. She wanted to stay, not just for her but for Olivia. She needed a father. But this was too much, she needed to be strong. Her resolve and anger started to melt away as she realised and felt the gravity of what she was about to do.

”It’s over”

A weight lifted from her shoulders. But instead seemed to get attached to her heart sinking it down into her stomach. Wulf let out a deep breathe, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. His hands fumbled together as he cleared his throat to speak louder. ”And Olivia?” Sierra pulled the tears back, she took all emotion out of her voice and swallowed before flatly answering.

”I’m taking her back to Canada. You can see her when you like, but….you need to get your life together.” As she finished Wulf just stared ahead. He was shocked, he had no idea what to say. Sierra stood and waited, it seemed like an eternity. She wanted a reaction, begging, pleading, anger, threats. Anything at all. Instead she got nothing, he just sat there as if he was resigned to his fate and the death of their relationship. Sierra turned and walked out of the room starting to pack right away. Wulf just stayed in the kitchen and let it happen.

Crossing the river Jordan and other clever bullshit..

It was driving everyone insane. The virus, the lockdown. All of it. As things got worse SCW and SCU management did the right thing and called everyone together, setting them up in the hotel, making sure the small gym could be set up to broadcast the shows. Life would go on. Sierra, Lachlan and the girls had arrived earlier in the day. Sierra walked off to record and broadcast a few thoughts and feelings.

She found a quiet corner of the hotel room, the large beautiful room SCW management had set up for her and her family. Lachlan took the girls to play video games in the other room. Olivia not really understanding but enjoying the flashing colors. Lachlan laughed loud as Jade got grumpy at the TV. Sierra couldn’t help but smile as she sat down and cleared her throat.

”Well it felt amazing to get that monkey off my back…”

She couldn’t help but smile. And it was true. For the last few months things felt wrong;. Even with a win over Violet Amelia Holt to break up the losses Sierra still just didn’t feel right. Her attitude was horrible. And this had gone a long way to fix that, to stop the downward spiral.

” I hadn’t felt myself. In fact I realised I needed to change. A week ago I sat somewhere else and I told you all that I was gonna do everything in my power to work with teddy. Many people doubted me. Many people didn’t want to believe that I was capable of change and that I would be able to ignore my instincts to slap him upside the head and blame him for everything. But over the last few weeks and months I’ve had to change and I ignored it. So I made that conscious effort last week to do everything I could to be the professional Ressler that I know I can be. And it worked. While Hitamashi failed me as a partner I couldn’t let him take all the blame or us losing to the team of Aron and Mavis…”

“I was given a chance, a chance that I’m not even sure I earned from Brooke. She stepped away, she let me in and because of that I’m grateful and I know I can’t screw it up. And honestly that is what I was afraid of. And yes, me afraid, you heard it right. See I hear women like Bobbie Dahl and Kiera Fischer Johnson run their mouths about chances and title shots over and over and fail with absolutely no shame and I have always had this pride in myself when it has come to earn what I have…”

“So when I stood there, ready to team with Teddy I had this sudden shock of realisation go through me. If Teddy and I don’t work as a team, we won’t win. And if we don’t win, Brooke’s sacrifice was for nothing and I would be no better than the women I have criticised in the past.”

“So I stood there, terrified that if I failed I would be throwing a chance I didn’t even earn away and I would also be screwing up a chance for Teddy. And even though I find him to be an idiot and someone who I would love to beat the crap out of, he and I are in this together. He fought for his chance to get to the next round and if I let it fail, well then I would be just as bad as others in this tournament and indeed Hitamashi. And I didn’t want that, I didn’t need that. So when I was able to lock in the Sharpshooter on Mavis and I heard her tap, I felt that weight lift off me. And I knew I wasn’t going to screw it up and win or lose I had shown I deserved to be here…”

She paused and let out a deep sigh, as if reliving the moment she was able to feel it all lift away.

”And now this tournament rolls on and I find myself in an interesting position. I am one win away from going to the finals at Blaze of glory. Two wins away from a Bombshells world title shot. I don’t want to get ahead of myself but if I can work with Teddy, if he and I can get to that final match, if he and I can work with each other long enough to win I can not only tell the world I won the Blast from the past but I can also call myself the number one contender and get a title shot against whoever comes out of that triple threat match with the title. To get there though? Well it’s not like we have a clean road. On the other side of the bracket we have three current SCW champions and a SCU star who has been tearing it up…”

“Just let that sink in people”

“On the other side of the bracket, there are current champions, former world champions and an up and comer who looks great. And that is over there. And we still have to get passed our opponents this week, two people who get along about as well as myself and Teddy do, Mark Cross and Evie Jordan. And despite the fact Mark clearly gets on Evie’s nerves...much like he does the rest of us...these two have been quite impressive. They beat Salco and Andrews at CC 262, then Jack Washington and Tallyn at CC 264. I mean, I can make jokes about Jesse Salco being a weak link and Andrews being old….I can dismiss Tallyn and Jack as rookies who aren’t quite up to snuff…”

“But in this tournament. Nothing is certain. Nothing is easy. And winning matches takes all the skills you have as well as a shit ton of luck…”

Sierra couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. The thought of being nice to people and showing respect where it was due was always a foreign concept as she had been taught to think of yourself as anything less than the best and superior to all was a failure mindset.

”Now, Mark Cross is a man who has exploded onto the scene in SCW and SCU. Over in SCU he has been a champion, a guiding light and one of the bigger names to come out of there. In SCW he has been constantly up there, earning shots and much like myself just coming up short. So I get it. I can see the talent in Mark Cross, most people can. Can Mark match up to Teddy?. Of course he fact as much as I was impressed by Teddy last week the truth is that Mark is clearly the superior wrestler. Teddy might be the better athlete, but Mark looks like he could destroy Teddy’s whole career if he chose to…”

“Not to say Teddy can’t shock us all and put up a good fight. Cause I think he’s shown he can and will do what it takes to win.”

“But Mark is a different kind of beast. A different type of wrestler and someone who will do all he can and has to.”

“So, that match up is an interesting one. Can the sneaky nature and all around impressive athletic nature of Teddy Warren Steele come in and beat the toughness and natural ability of Mark Cross? See, Mark took to wrestling like a fish to water, one of those annoying guys who came from another sport and just picked up the foundations and basics that the rest of us spent years trying ti perfect just because he was already used to that kind of structure. And he has excelled at the business of professional wrestling as well as the skill and success side. So I know the danger Mark is to Teddy...and I can see danger he is to my chances…”

Sierra pauses and fixes her hair with a sigh and a smirk before looking up at the iPhone she is recording this on.

”But a bigger danger, and an even more intriguing match up is myself and Evie Jordan. See Evie being a former Bombshells champion shows she has what it takes to climb that mountain. She’s already done it. He husband is the number one guy in this company right now and I know she would love to earn a shot at whoever comes out of Blaze of glory as the Bombshells champion. And honestly? She would be a nightmare for Chistina, Roxi or Andrea. Now, Lach and I were able to beat Evie and Ben, but Evie has returned with this new sense of purpose. She clearly wants to be champion again and she’s a legit threat.”

“She and I have gone at it and we’re honestly about even.”

“I know Evie will come at me with everything she has to try and beat myself and Teddy. As much as she hates Mark I know she’s a competitor so she hates losing more.”

“Even if we get past them there is no guarantee we’ll win this. Mark and Evi are a real challenge and they are as dysfunctional and unpredictable as us which will work in our advantage. And also theres. This is a hard match to call as both teams seem to even. And I can’t say that I want it more or that I will overcome this and use all the same tired cliche’d bullshit that makes up your stock standard Jesse Salco promo. But what I can do is is promise Evie and Mark that Teddy and I will give all we have and make it a fight. I can promise Teddy that despite my personal feelings about him I have his back and I believe we can go all the way.”

“This years Blast from the past has been unpredictable and chaotic, just like every year. So, why not us?. Why not a team made up of a wacky misogynist and a woman who would kick his ass who already got eliminated once?. Why not us? Why not them? Why not one of the other makeshift teams? It’s all up in the air...all we have to do is take it….and I’m going to reach….”

Climax Control Archives / The second chance
« on: March 17, 2020, 05:29:48 AM »
If you try to see looking through your sleeve
You don't have to be afraid
But if you try to clean with kerosene
You'll burn away (burn away)
You roll the dice to see your fate
The devil always wins the game

”You’re better off with throwing grenades”

She was speechless. Normally when getting ready to cut a promo Sierra had it planned out. She knew what she was going to do, she knew what she was going to say. But this time it was blank. She let out a small sigh and sat forward, her arms wrapping around her legs pulling them to her chest as her long red hair moved in the light breeze..

”It was supposed to be this way. You know this tournament is so unpredictable. It’s an unpredictable format inside a sport and event that is already hard to predict. So to sit here and say I knew what was going to happen is just a lie. And honestly it’s the story of my professional wrestling life. And in my life in general. See, I’ve always been attracted to people that would be unstable. Carter, Mikhail, Equinox, Wulf. They were all destructive in certain ways and I let it happen. And it impacted my life inside the ring…”

She sighed, her eyes trailing over the area right in front of her. She was being honest, heartfelt and laying it all out there. She wasn’t wearing makeup, no tight jeans or band shirts, no bandana over her hair or over her face. No angry scowling.. This wasn’t even Sierra Williams. This was Sierra Leann Patricia Lopez.

”And that is why I am so thankful for Lachlan. He brought stability and love to my life. He brought me back from the brik=nk and made me recapture my smile and my happiness. And it’s no wonder that his impact on me pushed me towards my first real success. I went from being a contender in companies like WWH and DIVISION to being a CHAMPION in Sin City Wrestling. And truth be told, without him I don’t think any of this would have happened. But, that can only take me so far and while I have the talent, the drive and the support system there is one thing. ONE THING, that has stopped me from being able to climb any of the title mountains I have tried….my own attitude…”

She paused again, her hands clasping together as she takes a long drawn out breath, her head shakes side to side as she can’t help but laugh, thinking about the things she’s done and said. The wars she’s been through, the losses, the wins and how she took them and moved on.

”I know I’m good. I know I can get in that ring and mix it up with anyone. I think I proved that against Seleana, against Roxi, against Kate and even Bobbie. I have proved to0 each and every one of you that Sierra Williams isn’t a joke. But I haven’t proved to any of you that I deserve to be a champion because to be honest….I haven’t acted like one. I have sat back and acted like a spoiled brat and in doing so I poisoned Lachlan. He started acting more like me, getting angry and forgetting what made him special and I thought he was getting more aggressive the time...I will admit….”

“I found sexy…”

“But, his love for this business, his love for what we do and that light that I saw in his eyes when he would even look at a fucking wrestling ring started to fade and that was MY fault. It was MY influence. And it impacted us both. I’m not going to let it happen again. I need to change my attitude and be more like Lachlan. And now?, well now I have that chance, because I have been handed a second one in this tournament….”

Sierra pushed off the stairs to her feet, her hands moving across her own body as she leaned over against the bannister of her home, a long sigh escaping her lips.

”There’s so many variables in this. So many weird moments. See I was put into a team with Hitamashi and I thought he would be a good partner and hey, in that match. He tried. But look at all those moving parts. I was angry, he tried hard, Aron looked like a lost puppy, Mavis was distracted by her family and in the end Fenris got involved...and I could feel cheated. I could be angry and in the hours after that match. I was. I was angry, I was frustrated. I wanted to punch something over and over again but then as the anger subsided I thought to myself. What if this is Karma?. What if my anger and lashing out at people had made me unworthy? What if the anger I felt stopped me from realising my potential. And then the anger was just replaced by sadness. And guilt. I swallowed all my pride and just got back to training. Waiting for my next shot to come, not knowing that it was on it’s way.”

“Brooke Saxon, a woman who I never actually worked for since I didn’t come from Honor like all the other signees who came on at the same time as me contacted SCW and I got put in her place. A second chance. A chance to make things right not only in this tournament but also against the two people who had beaten myself and Hitamashi.”

“Of course. With this new chance comes a new partner…”
Sierra swallows hard and rolls her eyes.”And I want to give Teddy a chance. I want to believe he will have my back and hold up his end of the bargain. But his comments and actions over the last few months have left a lot to be desired. He has said and done things that have dispariaged the Bombshells roster and made them all angry and frustrated. In fact I think all of us. Including his wife, have wanted to take a fucking swing at him..”

Sierra shrugs and tries to stay calm.

”I hope Teddy and I can work together in this. Because there are many great teams still in this tournament. Aside from Mavis and Aron, we have Tallyn and Jack Washington, Evie and Mark Cross and of course Austin and Candy. That is alot of talent still in this tournament and if Teddy and I are going to win and go on to get shots at the World and Bombshells titles we need to work together. Least of all because I know what our opponents are capable of.”

“See, Aron is a rookie, we all know it but there is talent there. And drive. And truth be told Aron, I feel bad for you. You wanted to make a splash, you wanted to break out on your own and show just how much you’ve learned. Only for your brother to get involved. And trust me, I know how frustrating that can be. I have three brothers, two older and one younger. All wrestlers. So I get it, having brothers in the business is a pain in the ass. But you, not me, not SCW, YOU need to go to Fenris and tell him to back the fuck off. Cause he is doing more harm than good. Now you and your position in this tournament will be held into question. It is upto you to fix it. If you can keep him away, if you can step back up and show the world you belong here and can somehow win this thing, then more power to you.”

“Don’t let your brother ruin it…”

“Just like Mavis needs to control her family. See, Mavis had the other side of it, they almost cost her the match and I know what some of you are thinking, that could work in my favor so why the hell should I care right?. The answer is simple. I don’t ever want to win that way. If I win a match, whether it’s one on one or a multi person or a mixed tag match I want it to be because I was the better woman on the night. I want it to be because I was the best of the best and I earned it. And earning it against Mavis?m well that would be amazing. Not just much as I hate to admit it, Mavis and the rest of her family are talented but because she seems to think she’s a comedian.”

Sierra smirks and leans down picking up a Taco bell cup filled with delicious Baja Blast.

”You think it was funny to make fun of my little mental breakdown?. Because I doubted myself so much I would consider going back to work at Taco bell? Which by the way I showed was never a reality by going out to an SCW ring and running my mouth. But, I get it Mavis, you have to take every little advantage you can get in the mental game. But, I can’t help but notice you didn’t care that Fenris handed you and Aron a win over myself and Hitamashi. You didn’t protest or care when something was literally handed to you on a silver platter. But this is my second chance Mavis, my chance to make it right and to try and claw my way back up to that title. To earn a shot at Christina Rose or whoever the champion will be at the end of all this. And trust me when I say that no amount of insulting comedy it going to stop me from doing everything in my power to walk away with my hand held high…”

Je suis ta fin
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
2 Years Ago

Each shot hit with all the power she had. There was no holding back. No thought of preservation of energy. The sweat ran down her face as her long black hair stayed tied back. Sierras feet danced along the hardwood floor as the heavy black bag swung from the ceiling. Her hands wrapped in black and gold boxing wraps as they moved at blinding speeds, she didn’t even know how long she’d been there for. How long she’d moved and darted and weaved. After a few more shots she stepped back and launched a kick slamming her shin bone into the leather causing a dent to form in it.

Sierra ground her teeth together, the anger rising deep in her stomach as she looked out the large window looking out onto the streets of Thunder Bay. For the last year she had called this home. A place at one point she wanted to desperately escape from. Growing up here to a French-Canadian mother and a Mexican-American father was hard enough but having to come back here after trying to hard to leave and make a life in the big bad world was almost humiliating. She loved the reason for it. Falling pregnant with Wulf’s baby last year. After losing her daughter Jade to her ex, after he used the court system against her with his lies. Sierra thought she’d never be happy. But five months ago with the birth of Olivia she was happy….


The last few months the itch had returned. At first Sierra went to the gym to stay in shape. To simply get back the body she once had and stay active. But after a month the strength returned and after watching wrestling on TV for the first time in a year it happened. She had the urge, the need, the desire. As she watched people she had beaten rise up and others stay stagnant the anger kept bubbling to the surface. Things were not good at home. She loved Olivia, she loved Wulf. but there was something missing. And now. Well, now she knew she was coming back. Signing a contract to go back to work. Behind Wulfs back.

Sierra walked over to the workout bench, her hands shaking as the feeling set in. Her joints ached. Her muscles stiffened. Her body racked with pain. But she felt alive for the first time in a year. Her hand drifting over her stomach wondering if she really had it anymore. As she stuffed her gear in her back she pulled out her phone. 10 missed calls. 5 voicemails. 25 texts. All from Wulf. She shook her head knowing what it was about.

He had been alone with Olivia.

Wulf was a great and crazy wrestler, a wonderful boyfriend, but as a father he left a lot to be desired. He felt overwhelmed and out of his element. Sierra would go to the gym, much like today and after only an hour he would panic. She sighed and walked into the locker area to get changed as she set her back down. Her phone making the message tone again as Wulf asked yet another stupid question. Sierra growled and slammed the locker door shut, her fist pushing against the flimsy metal leaving a dent. Sierra turned and sat down, her head in her hands as she took a few deep breaths. She didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to face it. And that made her feel like a bad person.

She reached into her bag and the sound of rattling was heard as she pulled out a pill bottle. She had been prescribed them but had still yet to take them. Her stomach seemed to tie itself in knots as her mind flashed back to her past. Where she had come from and the trials she had been through. Her drug addiction, losing her oldest daughter, the premature birth of Olivia. Her struggle to get back into shape and want to wrestle. All of it seemed to much. Maybe the pills would help?. Maybe they would set her free. She shook her head and placed them back in her bag getting to her feet sending a quick message back to Wulf giving him advice and promising she’d be home soon.


Later that week.

There was silence between them. As it had been for months. Since Olivia had come into this world they had both grown distant and apart. Wulf seemed to love his daughter but hate the responsibility. He was a free spirit, used to being able to just chase shiny things like a dog wandering the world. But here, and now he had to grow up. He was young, much younger than Sierra at 22, she was 26 and had been through so much already. And strangely it was the free spirit that she now hated that caused her to fall in love with him over a year ago.

When they met Sierra was broken. Two bad relationships, Carter and Mikhail had broken her. Another relationship she ruined with Equinox. It was Wulf’s sweet, free, fun nature that had helped her see the life she wanted. Or rather she thought she wanted. But now a year and some change since they got together Sierra found herself sitting at the kitchen table at their home, their daughter asleep in her crib. And the silence was thick between them. Wulf seemed tired, spent and almost resentful. Sierra was the same way. The bright spot of the last few months being Olivia’s birth, but in the last three Sierra had become a different person..

She had a need.

A need to compete.

Wulf looked across the table at her and went to open his mouth but stopped, almost as if he had a question and was afraid of the answer. His green eyes darted away and back down at his plate, the vegetables half eaten and cold as Sierra slowly cut into her steak, the blood from it pooling across the white porcelain. And there was a problem. Despite their love for one another Wulf was a very different person to her.

He was a vegetarian, he was a thrill seeker, he saw wrestling as a thrill, as something cool to do. Like a hobby. Sierra needed protein, she loved steak, she saw wrestling as her calling and had very little tolerance or patience for people who didn’t see it the same way as her. She loved being a mother but hated staying at home. Wulf has also failed to keep the money coming in, instead spending his days flipping through magazines.

Sierra’s heart sank. Is this what her world had become?. Is this what she was to feel for the rest of her life?. He was a good father, she knew it in her heart, She saw it every time he picked her up and smiled. He felt it when Olivia would smile and laugh at her crazy fathers dreadlocks and grin. But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what she needed or wanted. And both were miserable. Sierra closed her eyes and looked to the side as Wulf tried to make eye contact. His voice stuttered as he went to ask a question, one Sierra was not expecting. ”Si, are you seeing someone else?”

She looked up, her neck almost snapping up with anger as her brown eyes burned. How could he ask that. Her hands slowly closed into fists as she grew so mad she let out a nervous laugh, her body almost shaking as she tried to keep herself contained and calm. She took a few deep breaths as her teeth ground together, as as her eyes opened Wulf looked at her, hurt and wanting, needing to know. Sierra gave a small shake of her head and scoffed.”Seeing someone else?. Why would you ask me that?. Do you think so little of me that because things are rough I would just go turn my back on you?. Like a common whore?. Like the other five hundred women in this business?...” Her words spat like venom. Wulf put his head down in thought realising her anger and her hurt reflected his.

Sierra stood up as she finished her foot cleaning off her plate, her hands sore, her body in pain after working out all day to get back into ring shape, to try and get her life back. She was now close to being in better shape before she left, before she fell pregnant with their child over a year ago. Her mind still racked with guilt after finding out she was 8 weeks pregnant a week after her final match.  Wulf stood up, he moved across the room putting his plate down on the counter, his hands slowly moving across her midsection, he held her tight, Sierra didn’t show him a drop of affection, instead going about her business cleaning. Wulf moved around and pushed his body against the bench with a sigh.

” So, where have you been going?”Sierra tilted her head sideways, if looks could kill Wulf would have been on the floor, dead and gasping for air. She finished the plate and pushed it to the side before slowly looking in Wulfs eyes.”  I’ve been at the gym. I’ve been getting back in ring shape, cause while you sit on your ass and plan your skydiving and bungie jumping, I need to make money...and I miss it Wulf...I miss it all and I am so sick of this...awkward bullshit…”.

She waited for him to say something. Anything. The silence stayed between them as Wulf seemed to be gobsmacked and surprised. A shock over him as he seemed to shut down, his arms folded over his chest as he sighed and stared at the floor. Sierra’s eyes begged for him to understand, to hate it, for something other than quiet indignation. She swallowed hard and gave a nod before slowly walking past him and out the door, Wulf staying silent as the door shut behind her.

Climax Control Archives / Choke
« on: March 05, 2020, 02:36:11 AM »
Alors je vais faire semblant de me laisser aller
Alors que vous dansez dans le passé sans couleurs

Tampa Florida
Backstage, My Bloody Valentine

The sweat poured from her body as she took a deep breath. Her long red hair clung to her body as each breath helped calm her heart, beating a million miles an hour in her chest. Sierras Williams had just lost the Internet title ladder match. Her hands shook as she closed her eyes, her mind going over the last few moments of the match, watching Kate Steele unstrap the title and bring it down., she laughed and shook her head in frustration.

She looked around and was alone. She was near the gorilla position, monitors were lit up and the different producers and officials of Sin City and SCU all moved around doing various jobs. Other SCW and SCU  performers stood watching monitors and laughing. Sierra looked over seeing Jake Raab on the screen with a small laugh.

Her hands shook.

Her brain burned.

Anger filled her chest.

“I should be happy, I’m living my dream”

She tried to push the anger down. Deep down. But it stayed in her heart. Then she saw her. The woman smiled talking to a few producers and officials before waving to a few of the other talents, she stood at the base of the stairs waiting to go up the ramp. As her music hit the woman took a deep breath and made her way up the steps, one of the officials yelling “good luck”

Sierra growled and everything seemed to go fuzzy, she didn’t even see anyone else walk past and go to the entrance. Sierra snarled and got to her feet walking over to the side of the curtain to watch the match. She watched it unfold the anger grew and before she knew it her jaw had clenched together and her teeth ground down. She backed away from the curtain and pushed passed everyone else.

”I don’t want to be here”

Thunder Bay Ontario Canada, 7 Years Ago.

Her breathing was laboured. Her chest rose and fell with difficulty as each breath seemed to be a struggle. Her hair stayed over her face. A mixture of blond and black as it became a curtain, the bottom moving and flowing with each forced exhale. But the pain was gone. As he had promised. The sting and burn in her lower back now a pleasant numb as the room spun. She Laughed, a quick one not even making sense or becoming and chuckle.

Sierra looked down at her arm, the rubber tie off hung loosely down her elbow as the small injection site turned red, a small amount of blood still dripping down and out of the wound. Sierra simply smiled and swayed as she felt numb. Her entire body floating, free from pain, free from anxiety. At this moment she was in heaven. The pure ecstasy of it all over taking her senses. The room slowed and stopped spinning. The small TV in the corner flickered as die hard played. Sierra tried to stand up, her legs wobbling as she moved to the bathroom.

She stumbled through the door and fell, her hand crashing through the glass of the shower door. She laughed at herself. Unable to get up as she looked at her hand and arm, the blood moved from her palm down her wrist and up to her elbow like a monster consuming her soft pale skin. All she could do was marvel at it, laugh at it, stare at it. She let out a small moan and looked up. A dark figure stood above her. His long hair down his face as he wore all black, she couldn’t see any features. Just his eyes. Cold, black and empty.Are you a demon?”

She cackled and laughed louder. The figure bent down looking at her arm before pulling Sierra to her feet. She held on as her legs remained unsteady. He pulled her back through the room before sitting her on the bed, his hand reaching forward to hers yanking out a piece of glass. She giggled as the numbness stayed in her body like the washing feeling of going deep underwater. She felt his hand on her face, his thumb and forefinger gripping either side of her jaw as he stared down in her glassy eyes. He laughed a deep guttural chuckle as he removed her shirt. A whisper in her ear sent a chill up her spine and gave her a moment of lucidity.

Time to pay for the pain I removed….don’t worry….it’ll be over quick

She felt his lips on her neck. His breath hot on her skin as she rolled her eyes back in her head and stared at the ceiling. She studied every single discolored spot. Every single crack. Every single part of chipped paint. His hands moves over her body, grabbing, tearing, ripping. They were fast, eager, clumsy. She swayed back and forth his hands pushing her down as she tried to turn onto her stomach, he pulled her back with another whisper.

No…’ll look at me. Thank me for taking away what you needed.

She blinked and tried to keep her eyes closed. It became a blur. It became painful. The realisation hit her as her body moved along the lumpy bed. Her hands stayed over her head as her arm continued to bleed. Her body became cold. Her heart fluttered and felt like stopping. She wanted it to be over. She wanted the pain to stomp. This new pain that drugs couldn’t numb. That it wasn’t going to take away.

” And that was just the first time….” Lachlan sat silent. One of his hands reached out and lightly touched her face as he stared ahead. We were back in the present day, sitting in Lachlan and Sierras living room. Sierra cleared her throat hoping to get some kind of reaction as he just sat emotionless. A deep sigh is heard as Sierra looked away. Her bright blue eyes a dull grey. As if the story had taken all the soul in her body away. Lachlan swallowed hard and pushed to his feet
.[/color=green]” I know that was hard….”[/color]

His hand caressed her cheek again, Sierra let out a sharp breath and Lachlan hesitated. The moment of broken contact causing Sierra to panic. Her head snapping around and up to look him in the eyes. Her face begging for him to touch her. A tear rolled down her cheek, Lachlan let out a small smile and leaned down, not wiping it away but kissing it. His lips catching the tear as it hit her jaw. Sierra turned her head catching a kiss on his lips.” I’m sorry..”

”What are you sorry for Si?’She pulled away and broke down again, her hands shaking as more tears fell freely. Her voice became a whispered squeak as she became unable to look him in the face.

”For not being perfect ....Lachlan smiled and cupped her cheek looking into her eyes. In that moment he wasn’t the young brash star, he wasn’t the confident irish rogue. The outer shell he showed the world melted away and instead it was just him. A man. He kissed her again and put his forehead to hers, they moved against one another like two animals or beasts showing affection. He growled in her ear, in his irish accent. ”You are to me….”

Sick of hiding the truth, fucking lying to you
No more time left for hope, at the end of your rope
Choke, at the end of your rope


Sierra rolled her neck around, left to right and then up and down. She seemed to be stressed out and more than a little frustrated. She took a long, deep breath sitting down on the steps of her front porch. Her feet on the second step as she wrapped her arms around her legs and stared straight ahead.

”This tournament is unique. Name me another one that has this format. You get some of the best wrestlers in the world. Some working for SCW or SCU. Some free agents, some guests and even some ghosts from SCW’s past. You get them on lists and then you match them up randomly into teams like a lottery. You then put them against each other in a single elimination bracket, winners move on, losers go back to doing what they did before and at the end of this road, this weaving winding road is a pot of gold.”

“The winning team gets championship matches of their choice. It’s the ultimate prize. You can go right for the top titles, a chance to become world champion, or if you prefer and have a personal vendetta against another champion. Like say. The internet champion. You can throw down and settle it right there and then.”

“We’ve had some interesting winners of this, going back and looking at the history.”

“Last year Kale Smith and Brittany Williams won and they both failed to capture the SCW world and Bombshells titles respectively. But they still get to say they are winners of the tournament. They both get to shout that from the rooftops and their stock just kept rising. Unfortunately since then Brittany has disappeared back into mommy’s shadow and I think Kale got deported. But again, their names are still etched in the record books. A feat that everyone in this tournament is hoping to match and earn their shot.”

Sierra scoffs her eyes dart down as she takes a long deep breath.

”Maybe that won’t matter to me thought. See, I have, once again, failed to capture a singles title. I walked into another title match, and wasted the opportunity. And when something like this just keeps happening and your fail time and time again, despite the fact you put your heart on the line in every single match it ends up taking it’s toll. And if I’m completely honest, with myself and with all of you. Well I….I don’t know how many more times I can get so close, only to choke and watch it get taken away. I’ve had opportunities at the roulette title, the bombshells title, the internet title and each time I feel like I’m gaining ground but then I just let it slip through my fingers.”

“And it’s not just championships either. It’s matches against people who are either the best of the best or they’re matches against people I have issues with. I went toe to toe with Roxi Johnson, a legend in this company, this business and our current champion. And she made me look like an amatuer. And hey, it’s Roxi Johnson right?, everyone thinks they’re pretty good till they face a woman like her. There’s no shame in losing to Roxi but at the same time, it’s disheartening. But what really breaks your heart, what really takes everything you think you have and you want and flushes it down the toilet is when you go into matches against women that you know you’re better than, that you know you can and should beat…”

“And you lose…”

“That happened to me against Bobbie Dahl, that happened to me against Kate Steele, shit that happened to me as far back as that match against Mercedes Vargas. And now, here I am in a tournament where if I lose, if I choke, I’m not just letting myself down I am letting down a partner. And, look, I don’t know Hitamashi personally. I don’t like him and I owe him nothing. But, losing means his chance is done too. Now, Hitamashi left SCW, went down to SCU and has carved out a memorable career as a champion. And we have a chance to earn shots at whatever gold we like…”

“Notice I said EARN a shot?”

“See, I may have choked a few times but atleast when I have been able to get those championship opportunities they have been off my own back. I don’[t beg, I don’t whine, I don’t demand. Unlike Kate, unlike Jesse. I work for what I get. And Blast from the past will be no different.”

Sierra grabs the bannister and pulls herself up with a snarl, her long red hair flowing down her shoulders as she folds her arms over her chest.

”And our opponents are just as much of a mixed team as myself and Hitamashi. Aron Baltasarsson, who for my own sanity I will just call A-Balt. And Mother Mavis. A member of one of the best teams in SCU and people who, despite their views, are a threat. Now, I may have been critical of SCU, but they are all talented, and Mavis, while I know you’re probably the weak link in the Shepherds, you still had the guts to show up here, to put it all on the line for the Blast from the past. That deserves respect but honey, you’re standing in my way. You’re stopping me from getting my confidence back and being the woman I am supposed to be. See, winning the future star award last year has been an albatross around my neck.”

“And to break that I need to win something. Anything. I need to win it for myself and you Mavis will not stop me.”

“I am going to come after you with everything I am and trust me on this I know I’m not a push over. I know how good I am but I am sick and tired of failing. So I will do everything in my power to beat you and move passed you and go on with Hitamashi to win this tournament. Although there’s the other side of this...Aron….A-Balt…..”

“The brother of one of the most dominant human beings in SCW, a former world champion, a feared warrior. But who knows what Aron is like, he’s a mystery, an enigma. He could be a natural like his brother, an athlete who transitions into this company and the ring. Or, he might not. He could be a dud, he could not be a good student or wrestler. But the problem is we don’t know, we don’t know how Hitamashi will deal with him...but, thats the fun isn’t it?. Hitamashi and I will do everything we can to win, we will do everything we can to climb that ladder and earn our shots..and you two are just the first step…”

Supercard Archives / Bombshell Internet Championship match
« on: February 09, 2020, 07:24:51 PM »

We all have things in life that draw our attention. Often multiple things and we have to make the decision, what means the most to us? What deserves the most attention?. Is it a hobby? Is it someone else? Your entire family?

Or is it a job?

A dream?

A thought?

Passion is something that can’t be measured. It can’t be held and explained. I have two passions in my life. My family. Meaning my brothers, my mother, my father, my kids and my fiance. They are what I bleed for, what I’d die for. They are what I fight for. My brothers have always, and I mean always had my back. No matter what I have been going through Diego and Rico have been my protectors. My father, Oscar my guide and my mother Catherine, my moral compass. And at the center of it all my younger brother Paulo...he was my heart.

Then, I had my girls. Jade and Olivia. I had Jade so young, I thought I was doing her a disservice following my other dreams. But I realised that I can provide a real life for her doing this. And when I fell pregnant with Olivia. My world changed. I had just started making real progress. But when I saw her, when I held her for the first time I knew I could keep going and I could come back.

And of course. There’s Lachlan. After so many disappointments, so many broken promises and my heart breaking time and time again. And yes you assholes, I have a heart.

I had a string of relationships that just broke me. Carter Kennedy, Mikhail, Equinox, Wulf...I was just ready to quit. But, then Lachlan and I found each other. And he’s who I am meant to be with and he is who I am passionate about. He’s my support. He has my back. So that right there is one passion.

But what is the other?

Well, I think you can guess. It’s this. All of it. Pro wrestling is the other side of me. I don’t care about anything else. I like music and movies, I like video games I like other sports. I like Hockey. But the one thing I am passionate about, outside my family. Is this. Every time I thought I was done, through making bad decisions as a teenager, through drug addiction and abusive relationships, through having two beautiful daughters and everything your body goes through in pregnancy and delivery, I got pulled back in and my heart was drawn to it.

I am Sierra Williams…

And I am a professional wrestler….

Operation Jade rescue.
October 2016

It had been an hour since Sierra had arrived at the small apartment in Calgary. She sat awkwardly with a bottle of water next to her, Rico tapping his hands on the arm of the other chair, a bottle of water in front of him as well. She took a slow breath in and out, her hands fumbling with her phone as she shot off a quick text to her father to tell her where she was. Rico gave her a small nod and a smile. It shouldn’t be this awkward. They were siblings. But it was. It had been like that since she walked in the door.

Rico had been acting strange. Stranger than usual. He was usually off the wall anyway, with a hyperactive and sarcastic personality that rubbed people the wrong way if they weren’t used to it. But he had been quiet and stand offish since she arrived. He fidgeted with everything. His phone, the television emote, the water bottle. And there was no small talk. As if he was waiting for something but he didn’t want to say what. He was hiding something. Sierra raised an eyebrow and stood up moving across the room looking out of the window to the street below.

She took a drink of water and then saw Rico texting someone out of the corner of her eye. ”When I heard you called the gym and Troy told me what you said I got excited. But now, well I have no idea what’s going on. She let out a sigh, Rico heard the sadness, he swallowed hard, his mouth opened as if he was about to say something locking eyes with his baby sister before closing his mouth and looking the other direction.  

Sierra turned and looked at the front door, but then Rico’s phone buzzed, he looked down and let out a deep breath. ”Si, wait up, D’s coming up soon.” She gave him a nod and leaned against the chair, the door clicked and Diego stepped im, he was covered in sweat, a small bruise under his eye and blood on his lip, he gave a quick nod to Rico and stepped over to the fried, he grabbed a beer popping it open taking it down fast before putting the bottle in front of him, his hands gripping the kitchen bench as he calmed himself.

Sierra looked over, confused, Rico gave a grin and folded his arms over his chest. ”You get it?” Diego started to laugh, he grabbed another beer opening it before reaching around into his back pocket, he pulled out a small black flash drive placing it on the bench, Sierra looked at her brothers and then does at the flash drive. ”That shit wasn’t easy” Rico laughed and grabbed it looking it over.

”I never said it was going to be, but you needed to see him, I still owe him fifty bucks. Diego laughed and downed the beer. ”Excuse me..” ”I paid that by the way….” Rico raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly. ”I’ll take it off the hundred YOU owe me” ”Excuse me!” Diego walked around the bench to the other side snatching the flash drive back off of Rico with an arrogant smirk. ”You’re welcome asshole”


Rico and Diego stopped dead in their tracks, the conversation ending as Sierra just stared ahead bewildered and with no idea what the hell was going on. ”Is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on here?. What the fuck is that, why the fuck are you so excised, who the fuck did you go see and why the fuck do you look like you got your ass kicked Diego?” Rico cleared his throat and held up the flash drive.

”This is the key to getting Jade back.” The words seemed unreal, Sierras heart skipped, she swallowed hard and struggled to find the words, she reached out taking the flash drive before looking back up at her brothers. ”How?” Diego smiled and stepped forward. His lip still bleeding a little as he cleared his throat.

”So, we know a guy, he used to run with Dad back in the day, ran side hustles that the old man helped with to finance the gym. Not strictly legal…” Diego paused for a moment as Sierra seemed to get anxious, shuffling from side to side. Rico took over reaching out to take his sisters hand. ”This guy he, well, he knows a couple of cops who owe him a favor. So, Diego did a favor for him and he got us the uniform camera footage of your ex the night you threw him out and he got arrected...the stuff they swept under the rug.”

Sierra swallowed hard again, she was speechless. Her heart beat faster as she realised what all this meant. She felt happiness, relief, joyfull, managing to smile for the first time in months before it faded. ”Wait...D what the fuck did you have to do?” Diego just laughed to himself and smiled stepping forward, he pulled his sister into a hug and sighed deeply.

”Nothing I wouldn’t fo over and over again to get Jade back and away from that fuck…”

Motherfucker, now you got my attention
I need to change a couple things 'cause something is missin'
And what if I were to lie, tell you everything is fine?
Every single fucking day I get closer to the grave
I am terrified, I fell asleep at the wheel again
Crashed my car just to feel again
It obliterates me, disintegrates me, annihilates me

Passion Part 2:The Promo

Sierra stepped forward into an old warehouse in downtown Calgary, the walls, the door, the floor, it was all dirty and covered in dust. Her hands sat in the pockets of a black and red hoodie, she sighed and smiled staring forward into the center of the warhouse, where an old ring stood. The roped has sagged, one of the turnbuckle struts had given way and the ropes were hanging down and off sitting on the floor.

” You know, I speak about passion and this business like it’s all unique to me. But I know that to step into a professional wrestling ring, to actually put one leg over the ropes and have the other like follow and to feel the canvas underneath your feet takes passion. It takes commitment, it takes guts, it takes the type of bravery and confidence that few people really know. I know that every other woman in this match feels passion for the wrestling business.”

“But there is a difference between me and most of the people in the wrestling world. You see with me it’s a family thing. And I don’t mean a family thing like all of my siblings just happened to get into the business or just that my father was a wrestlerI have all of that. No, I mean I was born into this. My family on my father‘s side going back generations, this is what we did this was our livelihood and this was our business. I took my first steps in a wrestling room, when I was learning to speak and I was learning to write and I was speaking three languages in my home I was also climbing to the top right and leaping off.”

“While other children were playing hockey all running around with their friends and playing video games or learning an instrument or skill I was in the ring getting thrown on my back getting thrown on my head and learning what it was like to feel that staying in that pain day in and day out. There are others who can talk about having a wrestling family and a wrestling background. Take Austin James Mercer. His family was a wrestling family. But he wasn’t born into this business he came into it later in life.”

“And now you look at a lot of the women in sin city wrestling. Kate Steele, she was a musician. Crystal Hilton, she was an actress. Amy Marshall, well she’s a porn queen. And I could go on and on and on with all of you who models who stepped into the ring, or actresses, or you wanted to be a vet, or you used to be a police officer, or a soldier, not me. Shit, even Alicia Lukas was a fucking beauty queen.”

Her hands moved along the tattered old canvas, she could feel the thin mat underneath, the hard plywood under that. She smiled, her mind flashing back to when she was a kid.

”I was born and bred to be a professional wrestler. Now, does this make me better than any of you? Not necessarily. Because a lot of you have heart, a lot of you love this business just like I do. But what I have is expectations. Expectations by me on myself and expectations from others onto me. I have pressure like you wouldn’t believe because of where I come from. And the truth is, as much as I love my brothers, I’m the best out of my siblings, I’m the most talented, the toughest, the one with the natural ability and drive to make it.”

“And that might seem arrogant, or cocky, but I earned that right. Atleast, I thought I did. See since I came to SCW I have done everything in my power to be the best of the best and claim my birthright as the best wrestler on the planet. But there were always those who people have seen as better. Always those who stole wins from me. And slowly, very slowly. Every single one of you has taken a piece of my pride.”

She pulls away from the ropes, her fists clenched together as her teeth also grind.

”Even one of you has done it, some have earn it, like Roxi. Some have stolen it, Like Kate, or Mercedes. But in the end my pride is all I have right now. Because to the rest of the world I am simply a failure who has not lived up to those expectations or her potential. In fact it has gotten to the point where Jesse Salco, yes Jesse fucking Salco couldn’t be bothered to actually come at me the right way, like I am nothing more than a bug she can wave her hand at and I’ll disaapear.”

“Or maybe, it’s just because she’s as lazy as I have always said she is.“

“You actually said you didn’t have any material to cut a promo on me? We faced each other twice before, I beat you both of those times you could’ve gone and rewatched those promos. You could’ve come up with anything and come at me and tried to tear me apart and tried to get in my head but she didn’t. Because you are lazy Jesse. Because you do not have the passion for this business any more. You could’ve looked at me telling you just to leave this business and that you would know longer good enough to be in it. You could’ve tried to prove me wrong or tell me where I was wrong, but then again”
A small smirk comes across Sierra lips followed by a chuckle.”Then again, that would require me to be wrong wouldn’t it?”

“And I think we both know that I am not wrong about you. Every single time you are booked in a match is the same dam thing with you, the same tired bullshit, the same empty promises, but you never tell us how you never tell us why and when you get in the rain you never follow-through you will not be winning the Internet championship you won’t even get fucking close Jesse. Because I’m gonna make damn sure of it.

She pulls away from the ropes and folds her arms over her chest again, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
>”And while Jesse soccer is boring and has no idea what she’s doing any more there is a woman who is the most recent one that took a piece of my pride. Kate Steele, someone who  smiles and says that she’s all respectful but then decides to throw words around like “quit“. Why Kate? Because you were lucky enough to get a submission move on me and it made me tap out? So I meant to let you break a piece of my body just so I don’t have to lose? Do you know what it’s like to lose someone who you know is beneath you you fucking clown?

“Because you are Kate, you are beneath me, and the fact that I lost you makes me sick makes me wanna throw up. You called a temper tantrum I call it dealing with it. I call it going to be dark little place and realising what would happen if I didn’t pull my head out of my ass and start to be the woman that I know I can be”

“But you really want to talk about focus? You have the focus of a Squirrel on crack. Sure every couple months you get this bug up your arse when you decide that you were going to take everything seriously. You decide that you’re going to come out to the Ringin actually live up to your potential I’m going to run that will show how good you are. But then something shiny rolls across the floor and you go chasing after that. You stop trying in your matches, your promos are either non-existent or suck. You are the most inconsistent person I’ve ever met in my life Kate. And the fact is you could be great you could be someone of note you could go on with the bombshell championship and you could go on a great run with it but she won’t.

“You have no one to blame but yourself but your actions, your actions of coming back and spoiling people who are trying to build up momentum is pathetic. What will you do if you win the Internet championship Kate? Will you defend it and make the title worth something? Or will you just try for a week realise that you’re bored go back to playing your little guitar, and lose the title and make it meaningless all because you thought it was a shiny little prize that you could get your hands on that you then didn’t want any more that you didn’t want to put the effort in for. You cut this long rambling promo this week, next week? It’ll be two minutes, and you’ll just say bullshit.”

Sierra grinds her teeth together again pacing back and forth, her feet kicking up the dust on the floor as it dances through the streams of sunshine creeping their way through the windows.

”And speaking of bullshit, Hi Mercedes. Good of you to actually join us this week. It really is amazing, I’ve never seen someone with the ability to bend over and blow themselves in public as good as you. You constantly talk about how great you are despite the fact your best days are definitely behind you. You tout wins over nobodies like they are your bread and butter but the truth is the last big one you had was actually against me. And that was over a year ago. If you want to keep damaging your legacy by staying in wrestling then I honestly have nothing else to say to you about that. But this myth that you are the best? It needs to end.”

“You have all these titles and accolades and records. You’ve been here longer than almost anyone and you think it’s a surprise that you are the “winningest“ person in SCW?“

“It has been  a hell of a career Mercedes. And I know that the Internet title would be a cherry on top of that. Help you are one of the people who if they didn’t win the title I know would at least give it a good shot of having a reign that would bring prestige to it. But, the one thing that rings true is your comments about me not having a singles title rain and me chasing it. I had career hires when I walked into this place but since then my career has been like a rollercoaster, going up and down and those lows have hurt me in ways that I’ve never thought possible”

“I need this Mercedes. And I’m not going to let it dried up old prune like you stop me.”

She lets out a growl and slowly crouches down running her hands along the hardwood floor of the warhouse.

”Of course it is unfortunate that there is one person in this match you honestly deserves a title rain his dreams I’m going to have to crush. Seleana Zdunich. A woman who has challenged for, and won the bombshells championship. But also a woman who I have beaten one on one. In fact I beat her when she was the number one contender. Yet I didn’t get a title shot out of that, funny huh?”

“I don’t blame you for that Seleana, it wasn’t your fault.“

“You are perhaps one of the nicest people in this company, and honestly? That is going to continue being your downfall. Your talent can only get you so far, you need to have a killer instinct. What happens if everyone is down except for you and me and I start climbing that ladder you slide in and have a chance to knock me off but you know it could possibly break me in half and in my career? Will you tip the ladder over or you try and climb the other side to stop me in which case it would probably be too late?“

“I can tell you right now, if you are climbing that ladder I know what my choice would be. And I won’t apologise for it I won’t feel fear from it. That Internet championship is going to be mine Seleana and I don’t care what I have to do to you to get it. Unfortunately I know that you’re not gonna have the same feelings, nice girls finish last honey you need to get that through your head and you need to develop a killer instinct if not you will always just be the woman whose wife handed her world championship who was never able to cut it any time else, someone who never lived up to potential, something that I would so far know what it‘s like.”

Sierra looks remorseful, almost sad as she uses her finger to write herr name in the dust and put her handprints on either side. She pushes up to her feet and wipes her hands on her jeans before looking back at the ring.

”And, I was gonna stop this without talking about Sam Marlowe because she is honestly become such a nonfactor in Sin city wrestling that I didn’t even want to spend a second validating her stupid existence and, I was gonna stop this without talking about Saint-Malo because she is honestly become such a nonfactor in sin city wrestling that I didn’t even want to spend a second validating her stupid existence. Oh I’m sorry am I supposed to be kissing your ass Samantha? Because of all the titles of one and how amazing you are just like Mercedes Vargas?”

“And trust me Sam, as much as you’d hate to admit it you are exactly like Mercedes Vargas. I mean, You open your mouth and shit comes out. Sit there talking about how I won the mixed tag titles with my fiancé, not my husband you fucking dingleberry we’re not married yet. You open your mouth and shit comes out. Sit there talking about how I won the mixed tag titles with my fiancé, not my husband you fucking dingle berry we are not married yet. And then wondering how I’m going to go when I can’t tag out?.”

“First off a ladder match isn’t like a regular match anyway, something that you probably know but I’m just putting it out there to remind you. But in other types of matches not just mixed tag matches, I’ve done pretty well for myself. See you unfortunately I’m one of these people who are against anyone else I have been dominating, but then I come up against a champion or I get in a match to become the number one contender for something and my potential disappears. Or I’m rob the chance. So you asked yourself and the world how is Sierra Williams going to go?. How was she going to succeed?”

“By beating the shit out of people like you until you can’t move any more and then climbing a ladder snatching the Internet championship down and winning at My Bloody Valentine. That’s how I’m gonna do it Samantha. That is how I am going to submit my legacy, that is how I am going to show the world that I deserve to be a champion. And while there are women in this matter you have talent, and have had great careers, and women who honestly do deserve it. There is only one Sierra Williams there is only one woman who needs this more than anyone else and he’s going to put her body on the line like I am. So, this is a question of what is in my way to succeeding, this is a question of what the hell am I prepared to do to all of you to succeed? I guess we’ll find out ladies. Good luck.”

Supercard Archives / Bombshell Internet Championship match
« on: February 04, 2020, 04:15:11 AM »
Yeah, no more following this endless maze
Separation will define the new way
What's broken is what leads us all astray
The chosen are renewed in amnesty
Broken, hopeless, the state of all our fates
Revolted, woken, lead us from this place
Nowhere to hide, strength realigned
The signal fire's alight
Given to fight, there's hope just in sight
The signal fire's alight

“La douleur que vous ressentirez ne signifie rien dans le grand schéma des choses. Apprenez de ce que je vous fais. Prendre chaque tir comme une leçon et monter au-dessus.”

The pain you will feel will mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Learn from what I do to you. Take each shot as a lesson and rise above.

A History of Disappointment: Part One
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
3 Years Ago

Sierra sat in her ;living room in Thunder bay. Her hands clasped together as she tried to hide the pain, frustration and anger. She felt stupid and foolish.She should have known better. Running into a relationship with a man like Mikhail. She looked up through her long blonde, black and pink hair that flowed down her shoulders and over her back. Mikhail stepped back and forth trying to hide his own pain ”Please mein doesn’t mean anything….” Sierra growled under her breathe and got to her feet grabbing his phone flipping through till she found it.

Mikhail’s ex wife and him laughing and exchanging jokes in public. Her name on there changed to “Mik’s queen”. Sierra shook her head and got close to him, her fists clenching together as he took a step back. “As I said it means not-”

“Nothing...right you said that. But let me ask you a question Mikhail. If Carter suddenly came back into my life and started calling himself “Sierra’s King” how the hell would you feel?....” There was a pause. He seemed to go into deep thought rubbing his hand down his beard. Sierra’s eyes pleaded with him, her hands shook as the anger gave way to a feeling of dread and frustration. Was he listening?. Did he understand?. His eyes seemed blank, was he high again?. Had Mikhail fallen back into old habits he’d promised that he’d left behind?

His hands were unsteady, as were his feet as he swayed from side to side. Sierra shook her head in disgust backing away before leaning against the wall. Mikhail stumbled forward a little getting close to her, his hand resting on the wall near her head as he leaned in close. His breath hot on her cheek. “I don’t know how I would feel Si, I just know that I moved here for you. And my daughter will be here to be close to me…”

“And with her comes her fucking mother…..” Mikhail seemed to get angry, his hand balled into a fist against the wall instead of a flat palm, he got close to Sierra, his hand drifting up around her neck giving it a squeeze. Sierra swallowed hard and ground her teeth together, her blue eyes staring a hole right through him almost daring Mikhail to try what he obviously wanted to do.

He squeezed a little harder getting closer kissing her, Sierra didn’t kiss back she just stood there, Mikhail pulled back growling in anger before lifting his fist against the wall and slamming it harder leaving a dent. He let’s Sierra go and turns grabbing his keys “Give me the key to my house….now….”

Mikhail turned looking shocked raising an eyebrow, he backed away looking at the key before sliding it off the ring leaving it on the table. “Sierra I-”

“No. I gave you a chance. I told you that if we were to be together that it was just us. No one else. I told you I wanted to take it slow and you pushed over and over again. And now this. I was to be the only woman in your life, instead your ex is always there calling herself your queen lending a sympathetic ear. And instead of being there for me you’re always preoccupied with her….”Sierra pushes off the wall taking the key and shaking her head folding her arms over her chest,

“You have left every company because you were too much of a pussy to stand up to the “big bad people” who talked about you, you ran to your ex wife and your drug addiction. I thought you were a real man Mikhail, one I could count on, one that would step up when needed to….but instead all you are is a giant tattooed man the fuck out of my house” Mikhail grabbed his bag and stepped out the door, as if closed Sierra screamed and threw the key down before kicking over a chair. Her hands balled up as she tried to hold it all in. This wasn’t like last time. Last time she was upset and in pain, last time she was miserable. No, this time it was all about anger. Not even directed at Mikhail. No Sierra was angry at herself. Angry for believing and being gullible.

But that was going to end…..

Je suis ta fin

2 Years Later

Each shot hit with all the power she had. There was no holding back. No thought of preservation of energy. The sweat ran down her face as her long black hair stayed tied back. Sierras feet danced along the hardwood floor as the heavy black bag swung from the ceiling. Her hands wrapped in black and gold boxing wraps as they moved at blinding speeds, she didn’t even know how long she’d been there for. How long she’d moved and darted and weaved. After a few more shots she stepped back and launched a kick slamming her shin bone into the leather causing a dent to form in it.

Sierra ground her teeth together, the anger rising deep in her stomach as she looked out the large window looking out onto the streets of Thunder Bay. For the last year she had called this home. A place at one point she wanted to desperately escape from. Growing up here to a French-Canadian mother and a Mexican-American father was hard enough but having to come back here after trying to hard to leave and make a life in the big bad world was almost humiliating. She loved the reason for it. Falling pregnant with Wulf’s baby last year. After losing her daughter Jade to her ex, after he used the court system against her with his lies. Sierra thought she’d never be happy. But five months ago with the birth of Olivia she was happy….


The last few months the itch had returned. At first Sierra went to the gym to stay in shape. To simply get back the body she once had and stay active. But after a month the strength returned and after watching wrestling on TV for the first time in a year it happened. She had the urge, the need, the desire. As she watched people she had beaten rise up and others stay stagnant the anger kept bubbling to the surface. Things were not good at home. She loved Olivia, she loved Wulf. but there was something missing. And now. Well, now she knew she was coming back. Signing a contract to go back to work. Behind Wulfs back.

Sierra walked over to the workout bench, her hands shaking as the feeling set in. Her joints ached. Her muscles stiffened. Her body racked with pain. But she felt alive for the first time in a year. Her hand drifting over her stomach wondering if she really had it anymore. As she stuffed her gear in her back she pulled out her phone. 10 missed calls. 5 voicemails. 25 texts. All from Wulf. She shook her head knowing what it was about.

He had been alone with Olivia.

Wulf was a great and crazy wrestler, a wonderful boyfriend, but as a father he left alot to be desired. He felt overwhelmed and out of his element. Sierra would go to the gym, much like today and after only an hour he would panic. She sighed and walked into the locker area to get changed as she set her back down. Her phone making the message tone again as Wulf asked yet another stupid question. Sierra growled and slammed the locker door shut, her fist pushing against the flimsy metal leaving a dent. Sierra turned and sat down, her head in her hands as she took a few deep breaths. She didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to face it. And that made her feel like a bad person.

She reached into her bag and the sound of rattling was heard as she pulled out a pill bottle. She had been prescribed them but had still yet to take them. Her stomach seemed to tie itself in knots as her mind flashed back to her past. Where she had come from and the trials she had been through. Her drug addiction, losing her oldest daughter, the premature birth of Olivia. Her struggle to get back into shape and want to wrestle. All of it seemed to much. Maybe the pills would help?. Maybe they would set her free. She shook her head and placed them back in her bag getting to her feet sending a quick message back to Wulf giving him advice and promising she’d be home soon.

Home. It wasn’t there. It was in the ring. And she was going to reclaim it. And Wulf?. He was not a part of it….

A ladder to success

It had been a few days since Sierra had returned to the ring. Since she had stepped in there with a woman who despite the lack of forward momentum or talent is being pushed to the moon. Sierra took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. But the anger was there.

”So, wins and losses, effort and sacrifice. Things that in this world, in our business, are supposed to matter. Now mean nothing.”

She clasped her hands together, her fingers interlocking as she looked up, her bright green eyes shining like emeralds as a small annoyed smirk flashed across her lips. Her long red hair tied half up and half down with a black and red bandana with #KSK on it around her head and tied up.

”To get the SCW mixed tag team titles, Lachlan and I first had to beat the champions. And I was and am fine with that. See if you face a champion, any champion, one on one without the belt on the line or two on two in that case and walk away the winners then you deserve a shot at the title. You deserve that chance. And Lachlan and I, well, we took that chance by the balls and we ran with it. We proved ourselves though winning and though effort and determination. And week after week month after month I have been one of the best professional wrestlers this company has ever had. I have never demanded anything. Or begged for anything.”

“Unlike the Hiltons and Dahls of the world. I have never thrown a tantrum or attacked someone from behind or threatened or begged for a championship match. When I wasn’t getting booked and it seemed like the powers that be in Sin City Wrestling had forgotten I even existed, all I ever wanted was to be booked on a show. All I ever wanted was to get in that ring and show why I believed I was one of the best of the best of the best of the best in the fucking world.

“Then it seemed like they saw what they had. Suddenly Sierra Williams was no longer persona non-Grata in this company. I had chances to go for the roulette title and lost, instead of whining about it I took the loss on the chin and bout I would get better. Then I earned my championship match. I owned a shot at the bombshells title. It was never a one on one shot but that didn’t matter it was still a chance. And even though I lost I still could hold my head high.“

“And even now to get into the ladder match at my bloody Valentine for the Internet championship that has now been brought back to us I had to earn my spot and I never complained about it in fact the only thing that did get under my skin was the fact I was being forced to face a woman who had one match in this company. One match, and a losing match at that.“

Sierra scoffed, she pushed up to her feet, her hands now balled into fists. She had been deep in thought for the last week and as she looked at the pay per view card, she saw red. As she realised that the only person getting forced to earn a shot to earn a shot at a championship seemed to be her.

”To get in this ladder match, to earn this opportunity, I had to beat somebody. And again I was fine with that. But when I see that no one else in this match actually had to earn anything that when I get pissed off. That’s what I want to just walk around backstage and start knocking every single one of you ungrateful lazy bitches out. Not one of you was actually consistent in your effort inside and SCW ring or an arena. Not like me. But then I also noticed another match on the card. I noticed that Violet Amelia Holt, the woman I beat to get into this match, has a one on one number one contenders opportunity against Bea Barnhart.”

“So a woman who is currently zero from two in matches has a number one contenders match. Now I don’t want anyone in SCW’s management to think that I am complaining or whining. Because God for bed you might decide to take a cheap shot at me on one of your little previews for the cards like you did Lachlan…”

“But I am calling it out right now, y’all are full of shit.“

“And the fact that not one not fucking one of the women that are in this light a match had earned the right to getting it like I did makes me fucking sick. So this is what I’m gonna do, after losing to Kate steel in a match that I really should’ve won and was more about me beating myself than that stupid little brat leading me, I have a renewed sense of anger and confidence. So I’m gonna prove everyone wrong and take that fucking Internet title for myself.”

She sneers and paces back and forth. Her voice getting deeper as she seems to get angrier. Her latina heritage coming out as her accent changes from Canadian to Mexican American.

”Now, I don’t want any of y’all thinking I’m not respectful of some of the women in this match. I know how much Sam Marlowe means to sin city wrestling and the bombshells division. A woman who is one so many titles who is wrapped up days and days and days while holding the roulette title especially. I know Sam is no pushover but I also know she’s not the woman she once was. I mean losing the roulette title to candy?. Come on Sam.”

“Thing is we all come to that time in our careers where it’s time to either evolve or hang up the boots. And you don’t seem like the type who is ready to go through any type of Darwinian evolution. You are to set in your ways hell every single time you’re booked for a match we get the same thing from you the same monotone voice the same little quips . where are you trying to be clever and just fail. And in the ring you have not changed either you do the same thing time and time again and most people have figured it out which is why you have not been able to break through and get the bombshells title it’s why you stayed the same level and why you have stayed at that same plateau.”

“And Sam, no one else will actually tell you this the same way I am. They might say something similar they might say that your old or washed up or not quite where you used to be but no one will actually look at you as a human being and as a great professional wrestler who is just not been able to keep up with the rest of us. I’m not saying that you can’t win this match, I’m not saying that you can’t evolve and get to that same level of the elite women of the bombshells roster I’m just saying that for someone like you it’s going to take a lot more effort than for someone like me”

“And that’s the truth honey“

“But hey, at least you're not like Jesse Salco. Oh Jesse. Why are You still here?. Why are you continuing with the charade where you actually believe that you are a wrestler?  Last time we faced I was honest with you. The same way I was just honest with Sam. Except I was more brutal with you because I felt like you needed to hear it, now I know you can’t win every match, hell I haven’t won every match. But while I have shown in my career that I can get up from a loss and come back and be better than I was before you have not ever shown that. You have the most losses of any bombshell you have the longest losing streak yet you keep coming back time and time again and honey it’s just not healthy.”

“You are obsessed and what is even more sad is that you are delusional. Any time you seem to show some growth and acknowledge the fact that you lost is automatically washed away by the fact that two seconds later you’re talking about your desire to win this title in that title about this legend of that legend and in the end you can’t do any of it and you fail over and over yet somehow in someway despite everything you are handed opportunities on a silver fucking platter.””

“That needs to end….”

Sierra grits her teeth and stops pacing before closing her eyes, her breathing slows and she smiles and laughs under her breath again.

” But there are another three women who got handed opportunities. We have Mercedes Vargas a woman who seems to just get what she wants because if not shall unleash the sand storm of the century from her vagina. A woman who is somehow booked in a match where she may not have even been cleared to compete. Where she was booked against someone else and then pulled out of the match because of her concussion. By the way Mercedes there is a difference between a concussion and just not having the balls to compete anymore.“

“Remember how I was talking about consistency and effort before? It’s something you don’t have anymore either.”

“Your career is winding down your love for the business is disappearing. When I walked into this company you held a title and Lachlan and I took those titles from you. And since then you’ve just been floating you haven’t been putting the same effort in with anything from personal appearances to promos to actually being in matches you just don’t have it any more. And it’s time to stop lying to yourself Mercedes, it’s time to stop believing the hype that you once had it’s time for you to retire….”

“Same with you Kate Steele. I know that might seem weird since you did beat me in a one on one match but as I said, that was more me beating me then you beating me. You’re one of these people who goes around begging for championship matches crying and wanting this and wanting that without ever having to actually own it. Same as your idiot husband. The fact that you let him go around saying those things about women and never once standing up for the bombshells division shows what kind of woman you really are. You called yourself “diamond” and allowed everyone to think that you were getting thrown away by your idiot husband.”

“It wasn’t clever you didn’t really fall anyone and most of us honestly thought it was you. Because we’re not stupid. But you are Kate. You’re one of the dumbest fucking people I’ve ever met in my life you are a vapid waste of space woman whose best days are long behind her, who is only ever able to flick out a few precious little wins before falling right back into a large pool of mediocrity because that is all you are, mediocre”

“And it’s time we all stopped pretending otherwise. You don’t deserve the Internet title Kate you don’t deserve to be in this match. And you are the one person in this match that I actually want to physically hurt more than just beat. So you’re the only woman I actually was built in the face with a fucking lighter so if you know what’s good for your health stay out of my way, bitch.“

Sierra’s upper lip curls up as she pulls the bandana down and looks at the KSK, her hand closes around it.

”And how could I forget the golden woman?. Seleana Zdunich. The smiling scandanavian kiwi animal lover who is just such a respected sweetheart. What a load of bullshit.”

“I get your little game I’m on to you. You put forward this respected, liked and happy woman who just happens to earn title shots. But really how many of those championship opportunities if you actually earned Seleana? Hell you just got handed one against Roxi for nothing, you had one a few weeks ago you kept getting ones against Alicia. And if you actually go back and look at all those matches and when they happened and if you actually earned them I think you’ll find that you somehow get handed things you do not deserve but hey I don’t actually blame you Seleana.”

“If I kept getting handed those title shots it might annoy me a little bit that I didn’t earn them, but I would still damn sure fucking take them“

“What really really annoys me about you though? Is that all these championships that you’ve been handed opportunities for, you’ve only been able to capitalise once. And you didn’t even do that shit on your own. And you get these chances over and over and over again to try and reclaim that glory and your fail each and every time and much like Jesse sulker you never really take ownership of it and you don’t change. You don’t get more aggressive you don’t get better at submissions you don’t try and become stronger you just shrug it off, ”

“You keep smiling and take all these opportunities that could go to women much more deserving. Women like me. This opportunity is huge to become the Internet champion now the title is back. To be able to hold it over your head and say that you are the new champion and I’m done feeling sorry for myself and I am done questioning myself and I don’t trying to deny my own feelings.“

“I’m a bitch and I’m arrogant but I also learn I love wrestling I’m a student of the game I’m a highflier I love ladder matches and I will not hesitate to break every single one of you fucking bitches to get that title. So at My Bloody Valentine you all better be prepared to get dirty because the entire crowd is going to be chanting, kill Sierra kill.”

Climax Control Archives / Te Quiero Taco Bell
« on: January 30, 2020, 07:17:46 PM »
”Look, maybe I went hard on the guy, but coming here is the only thing keeping me sane right now. After what happened at the hearing….I need this…” Troy sighed and reached out putting a hand on Sierras shoulder. He just smiled warmly and gave a nod before moving passed her towards the office. He then stopped and turned. ”I forgot to tell you. Diego left a message for you. He said when you’re done here you should go meet him and Rico at their apartment.”

Sierra gave another nod, she had left her phone at home deliberately. Every time she held it she looked through the pictures of her and Jade, it made her heart sink and ache. She couldn’t go through that right now. ”Did they say why?” Troy laughed and shrugged. ”Something about his friend coming through and a plan coming together?” Sierras head short up with a smile on her face. She had thought it was all a lie, that Diego’s far fetched scheme wouldn’t work. She grabbed her bag and walked up to Troy catching him off guard with a hug. ”Thanks Troy...thanks for everything...I’ll see you round…”

Searching for gold in a broken home
I'm drawing blood, blood from a stone
I have nothing, no silver lining
Just the guilt of surviving

Internet Darlings.

It had been a few weeks since her loss to Kate Steele. A few weeks since feeling the humiliation and anger rise up in her stomach to the point where she felt broken and unworthy. A week of self reflection later and a few trips to taco bell to remind her what she didn’t want to go back to had pulled her out of it. Lachlan had helped, as always he was her rock, her guiding light. And now here she sat. Inside a hotel room in Orlando Florida.

She sat with her back against the wall, her hair under a black bandana as she kept one leg bent and up and the other straight out.

”Did you all actually believe I had snapped”

She laughed loudly, referring to the change in social media. The taco bell tweets, the taco bell puns. It seemed to entertain people but also worry them. Even Bobbie Dahl, Sierras now longtime rival had noticed and worried she had gone “crazy”. But Sierra hadn’t. Not by a long shot.

”It was to prove a point. See I know where I come from, I know what I’ve gone through to get to a point like this. And as I said on Climax Control, I shouldn’t have lost to Kate Steele. I shouldn’t have, it was on me and that hurts more than most people can fathom. See if you go into a competitive match against someone you know is good the loss doesn’t sting as much, because you know you’re facing a peer, an equal, someone who will use the win over you to advance their career and go to higher heights. Look at Bobbie and Roxi, they were my last high profile losses and just see where they are now.”

“Bobbie is the number one contender for the SCW Bombshells title and Roxi is the champion. They were good enough to beat me and they’re at the top of the division, but I held in there with them, I took Roxi, a fucking legend, to her limits and almost had her and genuinly feel that one on one I could take her if given the chance. And Bobbie? Well she and I always beat the hell out of each other bu8t for some reason whenever she and I go at it she comes out on top..”

“These losses did sting, they did get under my skin, but I could deal with them..”

“Losing to Kate?. I couldn’t stomach it. And I’ll tell you why. Kate Steele is someone who has succeeded in wrestling despite her lack of talent and fortitude. She is a weak minded child who flip flops between wanting to be a badass british wrestling flag bearer and a meek respectful wannabe. She goes from being a dominant woman in her relationship to being a subservient little waifu to a misogynist pig. Truth is Kate Steele has no earthly idea who the fuck she wants to be and the fact I lost to someone who struggles to put a goddamn coherant sentence together made me sick to my goddamn stomach.”

Sierra spit the words out, the anger rising up and obviously still weighing heavily on her mind. She felt the need and want to hit something or someone. Repeatedly. Over and over until whatever or whoever it was stopped moving. It seemed like the old Sierra was back.

”See it all hit me at once. This realisation as to why I lost. Cause as I said, I shouldn’t have. I lost because the Sierra that cut that promo a few months ago, that was tearing through the division had disappeared. I had become complacent. I believed my own hype and I had won that future star award and for a while I believed I just had to be here and success would come. But that isn’t how the world works, and certainly isn’t how professional wrestling works. And somewhere along the line, I lost sight of that, I let my head get bigger than it should have. And in doing so...lost what made me special…”

She pushed to her feet, her voice cracking a little as she looked out the window and then back to her phone that was recording this whole thing. Her hands slid into the front pockets of her black skinny jeans as we see her white and black shirt, a picture of her father on it as she shot a smile.

”I come from a family that was born and bred into this. My father was a legend in Mexico before moving to Canada with my mother. He created a life for himself from humble beginnings. I became entitled, I let him down and I dishonored my family name. And now, I need to make up for it. I refuse to become just another name on the roster or a face in the crowd. And luckily, Mark and Christian still see me as a future star. And as such have put me into a match to qualify for the Internet title ladder match at My Bloody Valentine. And to get there I have to face newcomer Violet Amelia Holt…”

“It always amuses me though, facing a new name on the roster. You don’t know much about them, I mean Violet has so much she can draw pn with me, the fact I went from being in a dominant tag team to being a better than average singles star but I have yet to win gold by myself. The fact these opportunities slip through my fingers, hell she could even go down the idiot route and say that I’m obviously nothing without Lachlan and he “Carried” me, something that manny morons in this company have said.”

“But, reading the info for this match on SCW’s website and all the local advertising caught my eye.”

“I know SCW had to talk people up, but did they really call you “one of the fastest rising stars” Violet?. That has to make you feel real good considering all we’ve seen from you is tapping out to Bea Barnhart. And hey I mean no disrespect, Bea could be a great talent, that could have just been a bad night, but calling you that?. They really are trying hard to hype this match up. But let me help you Violet. See, you’ll get in the ring with me and do your best. And hey, I will respect the effort and truth be told I’m not dumb enough to take you lightly...cause that’s when ipsets happen and thats when you end up choking and failing…”

Sierra scoffs and paces back and forth before catching herself in the mirror looking at her shirt with a laugh.

”You and I Violet, we come from a similar background. You come from a wrestling family. Trained by your father, in the shadow of your older sister Shelby. I get it, I understand. For a long time I was in the shadow of my brothers Diego and Rico, known as the Canadian Cabron’s. I watched as they riled Canada, went to Europe, Japan and down to our homeland of Mexico, I watched them set the American Independents on fire. So I get it, you’re going to want to break out of that shadow. I’m sure my little brother feels the same way while he trains back home and wrestles for local promotions…”

“And I invite you to try Violet, bring your best, bring your heart,,,,”

“So I can break it…”

Climax Control Archives / Someone like you
« on: January 15, 2020, 04:09:59 AM »
I wake up every morning with my head up in a daze
I'm not sure if I should say this, fuck, I'll say it anyway
Everybody tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase
I don't know if it's a phase, I just wanna feel okay, yeah
I battle with depression, but the question still remains
Is this post-traumatic stressing or am I suppressing rage?
And my doctor tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase
Yeah, it's not a fucking phase, I just wanna feel okay, okay?

Popular Monster

”I’m going to kill that mother fucker”

It was October 2016. It had been a few hours since Sierra had come back from meeting her ex and his lawyer. She had told her parents what happened, the words had trembled from her lips and she took her seat. Sierra’s father Oscar paced back and forth, her mother looked up at home with a sigh. Sierra sat on the edge of the couch. She had been numb since she had walked in. Her parents had expected to see her daughter. They had been looking forward to the visit. To the family time.

But it had been taken away, in one moment. A few lies taking Jade away from her mother, her grandparents and her uncles.

Her eyes stared forward, looking down at the carpet. Her father's feet shuffling across it, his hands moving as he spoke. But the words just faded out, it sounded as if she was underwater. All noises seemed drowned out. Like her feelings. She couldn’t face it. The pain, the sadness. The anger. Her father took care of that. Her father was angry, her mother had the sadness. They had shared it the second she told them.

Sierra swallowed hard and pushed up to her feet, Oscar stopped pacing as Catherine reached up to take her hand. Sierras eyes filled with tears as she looked up into her father's eyes. ”I’m sorry”. Her voice was barely a whisper. Catherine also started to tear up, Oscar calmed down and pulled his daughter into a hug, he lightly rubbed her back as Sierra started to cry. She just let it all out, all the anger and all the pain.

After a few moments Oscar took hold of her shoulders and pulled Sierra in front of him with a small smile. He wiped away her tears and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. ”We will fight this. Steven will not get away with it. He will not take Jade away from you.” Sierra gave a small nod of acknowledgement and appreciation. She backed away and made her way from the living room and up the stairs to her bedroom closing the door behind her as she sat on the end of her bed.

Bzz Bzz

Her phone went off lighting up, herr eyes darted over seeing the text from her brother asking her to come meet them both at the gym. She quickly replied with a no placing her phone face down and staring off into space. Her mind phasing out as she thought about Jade and where she was going from here. The lies Steven brought up and half truths. It was a set up from the start. She was blindsided, so was her lawyer. He couldn’t do anything but let it happen.

Sierra felt useless. She felt like she was a failure as a woman, as a mother, as a daughter. Her hand balled into a fist as the anger rose up again and her eyes welled up with tears, but these ones weren’t the slow ones of sadness that had streamed down her face when she was held by her father. These were ones fueled by anger. Hatred. Negative places that would bring only ruin and damage.

Bzz bzz

Her phone again, Sierra growled and grabbed the phone. Another message from Diego. This one strongly worded.

Si, we have a plan. Get here now.

Her lips turned up into a sneer, she typed back furiously. Her thumbs moving fast before stopping. Instead of pressing send she took a deep breath and calmed herself, deleting the message and sending two words…

Five minutes

She stood up throwing off the dress she had worn to the courthouse, no need for that. She grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black band shirt before throwing over a leather biker jacket and tying up a red bandana over her hair. She turned and moved her way down the stairs to the door, before her parents could say anything Sierra was out onto the street making her way down the two blocks to the gym.

There were so many cars there, imports with body kits and rims, she smirked and shook her head, knowing that inside was the entire crew.

Guys and girls Sierra had trained with and also trained. People that would have her back. It hit her at that moment that she had family ready to be there for her. Not just her parents, not just her brothers, but family she had been at war with. She swallowed hard before stopping at the door turning to see a baby blue subaru impreza. S small smile coming on her face. Her younger brother, Raphael. She moved to the door swinging it open, everyone was there, sitting in the ring or next to it. Sierra swallowed hard and smiled. Raphael was there, his arrogant smirk plastered on his face.

He winked and mouthed “later” as Diego stepped forward to talk. Sierras voice was low and in a whisper, shaking at the support being shown. ”What is this?” Diego smirked and put an arm around her looking at all the friends, students and family before leaning over. ”They got your back Si, and we got a plan” Sierra laughed under her breath as Diego pulled her towards the group, all of them coming up to give her a hug and show support. But now...the plan was going to come together.

Promo: Breaking a Diamond…

It had been a month since the Bombshells title match, a month of Sierra sitting and reflecting on all of it. Everything that had happened, all she had been through and put herself through in pursuit of a dream. She bounced a basketball up and down, dribbling it once or twice before holding it, feeling the bumps on it and then doing it again.

”I failed at December to dismember. Like completely, totally and comically failed. But I was still in the match, I was still there giving it my all for a shot at being able to call myself the best and hey, you can’t fault any of the girls in that match. We all put our hearts and souls into it, and in the end it took all five of us, a shoulder injury and a hall of famer to take down Alicia Lukas. And now, Roxi Johnson stands at the top of our mountain as the champion. And she earned it, as would any of us in that match. I took out Seleana, again, only to be caught behind by Cristina ...”

“That bitch, but hey, you get put in a hold like that, you tap or risk an injury, so I did. I tapped out. I lived to fight another day. But what kind of day did I live to fight for?. You know, I’ve been here for over a year and have a pretty damn good record. But I have never received a title shot one on one. Never. And sure I have been given opportunities I have earned but some people in this place have been handed one on one shots.”

“Roxi Johnson, Amy Santino, Crystal, Seleana. All handed shots because of stupid reasons. But me?, Nah, I went the honor bound route and just wanted to earn what I got. And in the end look what it got me. I got put in a fucking huge structre and failed again…”

“And I thought maybe, just maybe I would be rewarded for the effort I have put in. I thought maybe. JUST MAYBE. They would never overlook me again.”

Sierra rolls the basketball away and gets to her feet, she paces back and forth laughing nervously under her breath as her red signature converse tap along the concrete. Her hands drift into the front pocket on her black hooded sweatshirt. Her fiery red hair flowing down and out of the hook that is pulled up.

”But then, we get to the first Climax Control of the new year. And I’m not on it. So I thought to myself that Mark and Christian were giving me the first one off because of the brutality we all went through. I took that one on the chin and smiled and understood. Right up until the card was signed and put up for preview for this week. And low and behold the main event is a fourway match where the winner gets to go on to face Roxi for the title. And not only am I not in it, but the four women who are, don’t fucking belong there.”

“Yeah I said it, get your goddamn targets ready, cause Sierra is shooting again…”

“Sam Marlowe, Keira Johnson, Bobbie Dahl and Andrea Hernandez. Are you kidding?. Marlowe lost her Roulette title and I already beat her and proved I’m better, and all Marlowe has done is be a second rate baby back bitch who has always lived in the shadow of women like Vargas, Roxi and now Alicia. Yet she gets a chance? She gets a shot?. And Kiera?. Kiera gets a shot? The wife of the champion who has done NOTHING since coming back to SCW except lose time and time again? She gets a shot?...really?”

“And we reward bad behavior with Bobbie Dahl huh?”

“Yeah, Bobbie beat me before the title match, but has done nothing since then except attack people and whine and cry and bitch and piss and moan over and over again, time and time again. She this bitch put Alicia on the shelf for three to six months and y’all are going to reward that?. Seriously. Fuck you…”

“Oh..wait, wait. I almost forgot about Andrew Hernandez, kind of fitting since everyone keeps forgetting about this dumb bitch. This big talking arrogant fuckwit who doesn’t actually do anything she says she’s going to. But then even after losing in the title match, just like I did, she gets handed another opportunity on a silver goddamn platter. Now, I know what you’re thinking. What does this have to do with your match Sierra?”

Sierra sighs and calmly turns before kicking the basketball clear across the court as it hits a chain-link fence hard, Sierras head snaps back as she snarls.

”Everything. The fucking answer, is everything. See those four women, those four failures and mediocre snore fests get to face off for a chance to go for the biggest prize in SCW. And I’m facing Kate Steele. I’m facing a former champion and former title contender who since losing to Alicia in her own home country has done nothing but play out this stupidity of a relationship with her dumbfuck husband who can’t make up his mind if he’s a man, woman, transexual or fucking pumpkin. And we all have to sit back and watch this abomination of social justice and smile.”

“We all have to watch this crappy, overindulgent bullshit get shoved down our throats…”

“That is who I’m facing, that is what I’m doing..”

“Oh how the mighty have fallen, and no I’m not talking about Kate I’m talking about me. Last month I was facing the best of the best, in championship matches. And now I’m going up against Kate. I have gone from being a championship contender to facing a woman who pretended to be getting cocked by her husband only to be the woman under the mask in reveal that no one cared for no one was shocked by no one really paid attention to except to make fun of it.”

“ it is an insult that I’m not in that main event. It’s an even bigger insult that I’m now expected to face you Kate. A year ago I would’ve been honoured, because I was coming into your company I was only a contender in the mixed tag team division. You, or a former champion in a few different places you had a name and you were someone worth facing. But now, your legacy has become that of a joke. Your husband is a joke, Your family is a joke. Your band is a joke. And you make your friends like Griffin Hawkins look like jokes.”

“But I refuse to let you make me into a joke.”

Sierra shakes her head pacing back and forth again, her hands now becoming more animated as she breathes deep and tries to calm and center herself.

”I refuse to keep getting pushed down the ladder to the bottom of the pile. I refuse to allow the higher ups in this company to forget about me. Your time has passed Kate. You belong in the same area as Amy Santino, as Kiera Fisher, as Amanda fucking Cortez. You have overstayed your welcome in this division, instead of reinventing yourself as a strong independent woman who can still go we can still remain relevant, you reinvented yourself as simply your husband’s wife and you allow him to run his mouth all over social media and make you look like a bigger full than you already are and I need this win. I need to stay relevant. And I need to be a role model for my daughters so they want to be more like me and never want to be someone like you.”

Supercard Archives / Bombshell Six Pack Survival
« on: December 13, 2019, 07:02:40 AM »
So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit
You tell me lies
And you get what you get
So blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head

Scene One: The struggles continue
Off Camera
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
4 Years Ago

It had been a year of visitation. A year of limited time with her daughter. A year of not being able to see her everyday. Jade was now 3 years old, her vocabulary growing, her attention swelling. She was an incredibly smart child. And now Sierra was sitting at a park in downtown Calgary, the usual meeting spot.

Sierra’s hands shook as she took a deep breath. Her nervous energy obvious to anyone who walked past. A cigarette stayed between her long slender fingers as she took a puff, the end shortening as she inhaled and held the smoke in. It burned down her lungs and stayed before she pushed it out. The cold morning air swirling the smoke upwards. Sierra only ever smoked when nervous and today she was. Her heart raced, her body shook, she looked around in a fragmented way.

All of it was killing her softly. She turned and noticed a car, her hand moving towards the brick wall she was perched on as she put out the smoke. She slid down onto the concrete and moved along the path putting her hands in the front pockets of her black hoodie, her bottom half warmed in a pair of faded black jeans, her black combat boots hitting the ground hard. ” MOMMA!”

Sierra smiled wide, her arms shooting out as she dropped to her knees catching the small girl as she ran into her arms. Her mousy brown hair tied in a high ponytail her soft facial features similar to that of Sierra, after a long hug Sierra pulled back with a smile kissing her on the forehead. She looked up with a frown as she got to her feet, in front of her stood two men, an older man with a briefcase in a suit and one who looked to be mid to late 20’s, short spiked up black hair in casual clothing. ” Steven….Mr. Hatch….” She gave them both a quick nod as her daughter clung to her leg. Sierra swallowed hard as she sat back down on the small brick wall lifting Jade onto the side with her.

Jade smiled at her mother, Sierra smiled back but her eyes seemed to puff up a little she noticed Mr. Hatch staring at her, he raised his eyebrows and Sierra gave a small nod looking at Jade. ”Honey I have to speak to Daddy’s friend why don’t you go play and we’ll go for breakfast after ok?” The little girl smiled innocently, looking like a mini version of her mother ” Ok Momma….”

She jumped down and took her father by the hand. Steven just gave an arrogant smirk and laughed as Sierra felt uneasy. Her stomach folding over as Mr. Hatch seemed to sigh showing annoyance at Steven’'s attitude. He looked back at Sierra, his dark brown eyes showing a sadness and regret. Sierra dropped down and took a deep breath. ”Miss Williams I….I don’t know how to say this. But Mr. Nicholls has challenged the visitation...he’s claiming you’ve relapsed and-”

Sierra interrupted frantically, her arms moving around as she seemed to shake. ”WHAT? no no sir. This can’t...I haven’t. I haven’t touched that stuff in five years. I’ve been clean and can’t-” Mr. Hatch sighed and put his hands up trying to defuse the situation. ”It’s been done. Steven says he has proof. And until your day in court all parental rights have been suspended, Miss Williams.” Sierra starts to hyperventilate. Her chest heaves up and down as she shakes her head. She looks over at Jade, her little face a ball of happiness and light as her father pushes her on the swing. Sierra goes to walk to her but stops before burying her face in her hands, her heart beating fast and feeling as if it’s going to explode.

”Wait...I can’t take her with me today?...but I just promised...I….I can’t” She pleaded louder, Mr Hatch shook his head, his eyes filled with sorrow. ”I’m afraid you have to leave. You cannot have contact with her until your court date.”

Sierra grabbed his arm, her hand gripping him as hard as she could, her eyes filling with tears. ”No...please...PLEASE you can’t...she won’t understand she’ll think I didn’t want to see her please...just let me.” He pulled his arm away, Mr Hatch looked sheepish as he backed away.

” I’m sorry...I’M SORRY...Miss Williams...there is nothing I can do...just be at the district court next month.” Mr. Hatch turned and walked towards Steven and Jade, Sierra stepped back and as they walked away she could hear Jade’s cries, Sierra collapsed behind the wall pulling her knees to her chest, the tears rolled free, they moved down her cheeks as she rocked back and forth, her arms shaking as she looked at the date on the summons, the evidence needed. Sierra felt it build, the anger, the hate. Jade was gone...she felt it well up and break in the back of her mind before letting out a primal scream.

Promo: Anyone but you
On Camera
Las Vegas Nevada
Present Day

”Bullet’s are loaded now. See most of the time, during our regular shows of the year we don’t have alot of time to listen to what people have to say about us and fire on back. But here we go”

Sierra looked up through her long red hair, a smile on her face as she stepped back and forth across the main room of the suite. Lachlan Kane sat over the other side playing with Jade and Olivia as Sierra adjusted the cell phone.

”The biggest misconception all of you have is that the public notion of me is false. You all think that the tough bitch thing is an act. Despite everything I have done in the ring and despite all evidence to the contrary. All five of you, champion included, need to ask yourself, do you really want to get in a giant domed cage with me?. That isn’t me trying to intimidate, that isn’t me trying to play mind games. I am legitimately asking. Do you all want this?”

“As bad ass as our champion seems to be, as experienced as Roxi is, it won’t matter. It won’t stop me.”

“I don’t care if I start the match, if I’m the last one out there, or somewhere in between. When I’m in the match I’m going to try and hurt every single one of you. It won’t be personal, but I want that title, I want that championship, I WANT MY TIME ON TOP. I have earned it, I have earned it by busting my ass since I put my name on a contract here. I came in as someone who had been flirting with stardom. I had been in bigger companies after spending years in smaller territories. And since Lachlan and I got here we have both seen our stock rise as we have become stars. Lachlan is one of the best and most popular men in this company and I am the breakout star in the women’s division.”

“Forget Bella Madison, forget Andrea Hernandez. I am the future of SCW and the bombshells. Of course unlike many of the women here including Andrea I don’t need to “save” the division or “save” the title. The title and the division is in a great place. But, I want the title to simply show I am one of the best in the world.”

Sierra smiles and shakes her head at the simplicity of the statement.

”And truth is, that Alicia has been the champion the division needed. And the only way she’s losing that thing is by being beaten. She won’t lay down and give it up, she won’t listen to Andrea Hernandez or Crystal’s whining and just give it up. And I get it Alicia, you know you’re talented, you know you’re one of the best, and you have earned the right to have an ego, but I’m not going to buy into you being the baddest bitch in SCW when I’m around.”

“Thing is you’re coming into this match with a crazy amount of confidence and that seems to have rattled the others. But not me…”

“It is damn impressive what you’ve done, incredibly impressive to, that you’re walking into a match as the champion with five contenders and you’re not even batting an eyelid. And why would you? With the exception of me you’ve beaten all four of the other women here. You beat Seleana over and over, you beat Christina, you beat Roxi and not just that, but you are the one who brought Roxi back by wanting a dream match with her and even putting the title on the line. And speaking as someone who has lost to Roxi...that takes balls…”

“And of course you beat that whiny idiot Andrea Hernandez….but all of us at once? It will be  a miracle if you come out of this yet that seems to be the way everyone is going in their predictions. But I ain’t buying it Lukas. I’m coming for your title champ...and I’ll go through all the other bitches to get it…”

Her voice changes, it gets a little deeper as her movements become more animated.

”And one that I’m looking forward to running through is Crystal. See, Crystal is the master of backhanded compliments. Talking about my success in SCW. how I’m a “tag team specialist”. Despite the fact the only time I’ve ever been in a tag team throughout my entire career was when I signed to SCW and teamed with Lachlan and before and since then I have been on my own. And the fact I have a great winning record in SCW must also be lost on you Crystal.”

“But you’re right, title matches and opportunities are rare in our business…”

“Unless you beg and plead for them like you do…”

“See I didn’t need to do that, I have gotten every single opportunity by earning it. The mixed tag belts? Earned by beating Mercedes and Kain. This title shot? Earned by beating Bella and Sam Marlowe. And hell, I even earned a title shot by beating up my significant other, just like you, but I did it in a match in division, one on one, you did it cause you’re an untrustworthy puta… and I’m gonna love breaking you…”

She pops the top on a soda taking a sip with a laugh.

”Of course, I think maybe Seleana should do it instead. I already told the world how much I like Seleana and her guts, her glory, the fact no one can ever hold her down. And hey, it’s heartwarming. You rise up, you keep coming over and over again and you’re right, you are the only current bombshell who can say they hold a pinfall victory over Alicia since Dani is still out. But Sel, honey, sweety. You have to understand that the reason why people try and take that “win” off you is because…”

“It’s bullshit”

“If Crystal hadn’t of helped wouldn’t be able to say you’re a former champion…”

“That’s just a fact. And you can try and fool Hernandez but we all know in the end your win wasn’t really a win. Cause the proof is right there. Without Crystal helping you Alicia has dominated you. She took the title back off you in a fourway, then beat you not once but TWICE in rematches. That means, and follow it with me, you have had four world title matches in the same time I have had one, and you want to talk about YOUR struggles bitch?”

“Four title opportunities Seleana. FOUR. To my ONE. And I’ve beaten you when you were the number one contender last time. You just hand around SCW like a bad fucking smell…so either go home and stay there, or go home, change your attitude and come back and be a little less boring”

Sierra holds her thumb and forefinger together.

”And speaking of boring. Andrea Hernandez. Honey you can take your respect that you have for me and put it into a little tiny ball and stick it up your ass. I had to drink three redbulls and snort some powdered sugar to stay awake through your promo. But when it eventually circled around to the fucking point my eyes flat out popped out of my skull. You’re calling Alicia stale while saying I’m “newer” to the scene.”

“Despite the fact I signed my SCW contract the same day as Alicia...October 15th 2018 I signed my name on the dotted line. I have been in SCW for over a year, I had a record breaking title reign with the mixed tag titles and I have beaten a long list of SCW Bombshells, I even rid our world of Amanda Cortez….”

“Y’all are welcome...still haven’t got my fucking thank you…”

“But now I feel the like ridding SCW of someone else. You. And you want to know how focused I am on this match chica?. You’ll see when I rip you our of one of those pods and beat your ass so bad you have to go beg them to re-open OCW so you have somewhere to be successful…”

“Now, success in other places as well as SCW hasn’t been a problem for Roxi Johnson. And hey I love Roxi, there’s no secret I’m a fan, I mean the red hair? Hell?. And I loved, loved, loved facing her one on one. Even in losing to her I still enjoyed when happened because I was able to learn so much and I have watched Roxi cut promos on people and be this scathing downlow bitch for a while now. And I respect it, but I prefer to be a bitch to people whether I like them or hate them. I don’t lie to people and tell them I’m a hero and a paragon of virtue while also speaking out the side of my mouth…”

“And as I said I respect it Roxi. You are a bitch and you run your mouth better than anyone yet you still somehow have so many friends despite the fact you are such a bitch. I mean fuck you love Amy Santino so much you give her one of your little personalised respect know those things that went out of fashion about a year ago, even though you said the SCW bombshells title was in purgatory and Amy thought whoever said that was an idiot…”

“Wow...that must be a little awkward huh?”

“But, hey I’m going to wrap this up because unlike everyone else I’m not going to take 35 minutes t get my point across while not actually saying anything worthwhile...not calling anyone out...just sayin. Nah I said enough and at December to dismember I’m going to walk out there ready to break each and every one of you and take that SCW title...all while the crowd chants...Kill Sierra Kill..”

Supercard Archives / Bombshell Six Pack Survival
« on: December 07, 2019, 07:07:37 AM »
I ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep
Ain't gonna breathe, til I see, what I wanna see
And what I wanna see, is you go to sleep, in the dirt
Permanently, you just being hurt, this ain't gonna work
For me, it just wouldn't be, sufficient enough
'cause we, are just gonna be, enemies

Scene One:Courtroom Drama
Off Camera
Calgary Courts Center, Alberta Canada
5 Years Ago.

Sierra shook in fear and anxiety, the hard wooden bench vibrated under her legs as they moved up and down, her arms crossed over her chest as she wore a black shirt, white button up shirt and a jacket. Her long freshly dyed blonde hair was tied up and back away from her face, make up that was done by her mother made her look older and more mature than she was instead of the young age of 22. She sighed and looked over at herr lawyer, he was talking to her father Oscar who also wore a suit, he looked smart and dignified. A man very respected in Canada for his years of service entertaining people all over the country.

Her brothers too wore suits which was more of a distraction than an encouragement. Her mother stood next to her looking down with a warm smile, her hand coming down onto Sierras shoulder as she tried to calm her down.

It had been a few hours, they made arguments, they had been examined and talked. Steven had brought an entire team of high priced sharks from the biggest law firm in Canada. He had pulled out all the stops to try and get custody of Jade, the now two year old daughter of Sierra and himself. Now there were final examinations and a character witness that had just been announced. The bailiff stepped out through the large wooden doors calling them all inside.

They shuffled in, Sierra taking her position at the front of the courtroom, Jade sitting on her grandfathers lap as Steven and his team stood behind the other table. The judge stepped in and sat down. He shuffled papers and cleared his throat. ”Alright, lets get the final interview going so I can reach a decision… Stevens lead attorney stood up adjusting his jacket before stepping around and looking at the back of the room with a smirk.

”We would like to draw attention to and call Officer Chad Bowman of the Calgary police department. Sierra raised an eyebrow, that sounded so familiar but she couldn’t place the name, but the face. The face had looked so familiar, the officer had short brown hair with a few whisps of grey as well as alot more in his beard. He took his seat next to the judge and cleared his throat as Stevens lead attorney slid a file in front of him. ”Officer Bowman, can you identify the file I just placed in front of you?”

Officer Bowman leaned leaned forward and gave a small nod ”Yes, this is a report I filed on the 17th of July 2010.”

Sierra’s heart skipped, that date. Her stomach swirled as a sickening feeling moved through her stomach. Steven wouldn’t. Would he?. She looked over at him, Steven turned and flashed a grin at her. An evil smile full of hatred and arrogance. Sierras hands shook again, this time harder and faster/ ”And what happened on that day sir?” Sierra swallowed hard and closed her eyes trying to hold back tears.

The officer looked at Sierra and then down. ”Sierra Leann Patricia Lopez was apprehended outside the tiki bar in downtown Calgary, we had responded to an emergency call to apprehend Miss Lopez as she was violently intoxicated” Sierra sneered and tried to hold in her anger and frustration. How dare he bring this up?. It was Stevens fault, he had wound her up, played with herr heart for his amusement. She had snapped and punched a girl in the face, she had then grabbed an empty glass and smashed it against her face, the poor girl is now blind in one eye, all because Steven thought it would be amusing to lie….

The rest of the terrible night was there, laid bare in front of the courts. They had painted Sierra as an angry violent, immature drunk. Someone who was a party girl who would go to violence at the drop of a hat. She had no idea what to say, what to do. They had no defense of it, it was there in writing, on public record. She didn’t even hear the decision, she knew what was going to happen, she knew where it was going.

She shuffled out of the courtroom, it was almost unheard of, for a mother to lose full custody to the father. But Steven and his money had played them. His father and mother had paid for the defense, for the lawyers and a private investigator. He had resources Sierra just could not afford. She needed to get out, she felt suffocated.

She burst out the doors to the street, the fresh air hitting her as the tears started to fall, she could hear her brothers coming after her, but she was numb. Numb to the world around her. But not the pain and the anger….

She failed…

On Camera
Las Vegas Nevada.
Present Day

”I suppose it had to happen right?. First off, before I get into the six pack challenge, the women in it and what I want to do I have to address the elephant in the room…”

Sierra pauses and brings her hands to her lips before laughing and shaking her head.

”Sorry, poor choice of words. But Bobbie Dahl, congratulations on beating me. You were able to use the environment and your skills to be better than me and I can’t fault you for it. I always said you were a tough competitor. You’re still a little bitch though, you’re still a whiny arrogant shell of what a champion should be. And in the end Bobbie, I’m still the one in this match and not you. But hey I’m sure you’ll twist the narrative and say you belong in the match and whine and cry while you go on to face Keira…”

“And probably beat her since that’s something everyone does…”

“But before you go celebrating and throwing your hands in the air like you’re some kind of conquering hero, maybe realise that in beating me you really didn’t gain much. Sure you can say you beat me in a street fight and have one up on me, but when the dust settled did people give a shit about Bobbie Dahl?. Or were they still talking about what I had done in the space of two weeks?. The matches I had, what I accomplished and what I said. That is what people cared about. Not you, not the match and not what you want to do.;”

“So here we are, the two week lead up to the Six pack challenge and the final supershow of the year a chance for one of the women in this match to really solidify themselves as the best of the best.”

Sierra pushes up to her feet, her arms sitting by her sides as she tilts her head allowing her long red hair to flow down her shoulders and back.

”And what a cast of characters we have in this match. We have me, the angry women who has been overlooked, and sat at him when all I want to do is work.; The woman who is just now starting to enter her prime. And trust me on this, I am just starting to enter it. I am about to turn 28 years old, I come from a family of wrestlers. My father ran shows, he made sure myself and my brothers all respected the business. I busted my ass before walking away because I wanted to have “a life”. I then went on to have a child and struggle through my life before realising that this...THIS is what I want to do…”

“It’s in my blood. And I know so many of you can make that claim, that you love the business, that you are dying to be a part of it and that you are great performers and wrestlers and to a certain extent it’s true. And this is what we do, we will get in the ring, we will all fight while people stare in awe and the one of use that has the right mix of skill, anger, determination and luck will walk out as the champion. And I get it, we will all say variations of the same thing and insult each other and give each other a little bit of respect, I know this because it’s what I’m about to do….”

“And it’s obvious…”

“But we have all earned out positions in this match. We have all had to prove ourselves to earn our spot. But, looking around, the other four of you that are designated “challengers” are all names that our...esteemed champion has beaten. The truth is that the only person in this match yet to challenge Alicia is me. The rest of you have failed and fallen, some more than once.”

Sierra sneers and rolls her eyes folding her arms over her chest looking more than annoyed.

”I get it, this match is one where they needed challengers and needed to make sure we all qualified and earned our shots but still, it disappoints me out of all the women in SCW who have come in and never had a match with Alicia, I’m the only one to qualify and be “fresh meat”. I mean christ how many title shots is Crystalina Hilzdunich going to get?. I mean yeah Crysy cakes, you earned your spot here, you are a legend in SCW, you are a former world ch...oh that you or is that the other one?. I honestly can’t keep up with it, and neither can anyone else. You lump on all this bullshit on a spoon and expect to have us all just eat it and give a rats ass. But we don’t the way you want us to…”

“We don’t care if you change your name, change your hairstyle and change your personality, we don’t care if you flip flop from respected veteran to vicious arrogant self serving bitch. Cause all of it just makes you unlikeable”

“And the sad fact is Cristina, you should be liked. You should be a beacon in the SCW bombshells division, you are a former champion and legend. You should be respected and looked up to, you should be leading the way to show us how to act but you really aren’. You’re failing, you’re floundering and I honestly do not believe you’re good enough any more to be at the top of the division, and you should retire...dye your hair a nromal color, choose a fucking name and stick with it.”

“But in this match, you like everyone else has a moment and a chance to become the champion. But will you? I don’t see it. But I do see me...breaking you in half and leaving you in a pile of sweat and regret….”

“Just like you leave your wife in…”

She snorts and shakes her head.
>”Oh hey, speaking of Cristina’s wife, how are you Seleana?. The most likeable member of the family. Which isn’t saying much, that’s kind of like saying you’re the most talented member of Nickelback. And the thing is, even I like you Seleana, you’re a sweet, kind respectful woman who puts her heart, body, mind and soul on the line in every match she’s had and in the record books it does say you were a SCW world champion. And no one can take that away from you but the issue is you’re too much of a sweetheart to ever embrace that. Cause deep down, right in your know…”

“It meant nothing…”

“Your greatest moment was both given to you and taken away by your idiot wife. And if it was me? I would have ended her. Shit back when Lachy and I were first dating the idiot who ran Division put me and him in a match together, winner got a world title shot. And I used his feeling for me against him. Why?. Because there is business and personal. If you notice I have never really talked shit about Cristina for breaking your face to get a title shot, cause personal…”

“Personally Sel, I like you, but business wise, well it means if you get in my way...I’ll break your face worse than Cristina did, I already beat you and humiliated you once...don’t make me do it again….”

She snarled and kept her arms folded tilting her head again.

”And then we have the pretty new toy of SCW. Andrea hernandez. The OCW star who stepped into SCW, got a few wins under her belt and then seemed like she’s too good to be like the rest of us. You stepped up and faced the champ Andrea, you got beaten down and shipped off and even though you bounced back to get a spot in this match the truth is that Alicia exposed you.”

“Sure, you have talent, nobody and I mean NOBODY is denying that. But as far as championship aspirations go I think you need more time. I can see you being a thorn in my ass for years to come if you can stay here and fix your attitude, and trust me, that is coming from someone who probably has the worst attitude here.”

“Again, you have a chance to make your career right here, you have a chance to beat the “unbeatable” and become a champion, I just don’t know if you’ll be good enough at this point in your career. But, someone we do know still has Roxi Johnson…”

“I know Roxi still has “it” because at High Stakes nine, she and I entered the ring and we had a match that I am proud of and is legit my best match to date, despite the fact that I lost I still went toe to toe with a goddamn hall of fame legend. And the thing is, a loss is something you can learn from, something that you can sit back and see the mistakes you made and where your opponent was successful and you can study.”

“And honestly Roxi, you taught me alot in that match. So thank you…”

“Just too bad wrestling talent isn’t sexually transmitted or your wife would be in this match…”

“But, I know you will put your all into this, I know you will bust your ass Roxi, I know you want that title back and you want to beat Alicia just as bad as the rest of us do. I can see in your eyes how bad you want it and in my heart I believe that you are the most dangerous person in the match. Aside from me….”

Sierra chuckles and sighs before looking straight up and into the camera.

”Of course how could I forget the champ herself. Alicia Lukas. The woman who has put the SCW bombshells title on the map. And hey we can’t really talk to much sht right?. You have beaten almost the entire roster, you have defended that title more than anyone in one reign and have held the title the longest in a single reign and have made that title worth so much.”

“Now, I can respect your title reign without kissing your ass chica…”

“You have been a great champion but something needs to change. Someone needs to take you down. Roxi was right about the title and your title reign. It’s stale, boring, people want to see you lose.”

“But, someone worthy has to. And you and I know that the others are struggling to prove how worthy they can be Alicia. So, I will step up. I’m the one person who yo7u have never beaten, I’m someone who has been at the top of my game and getting better week after week. And in this match anything can happen. including Sierra Williams, standing tall and becoming the SCW bombshells champion…”

Climax Control Archives / Win
« on: November 29, 2019, 03:07:07 AM »
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen
When your heart's not open
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're broken
When your heart's not open

Scene One: Trash
Off Camera
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
6 Years Ago

She could hear him yelling. All sorts of horrible words and statements. Lies and slander. The tears were hot on her cheeks. Her hands trembled and Jade, barely a year old was crying in her crib. Sierras arms were wrapped around her legs as they were pulled to her chest. All the mistakes she’d made in her life rushed back in. The drugs, the drinking. Partying with friends and her boyfriend at the time. The father of her daughter.

Steven had been a dream. They met in high school, he had been nice to her, never laughing about her mixed heritage. Never telling her to “go south”. Steven had been her angel when they were teenagers. But now, in her early 20’s, a young child involved, Sierra had stopped drinking, stopped partying. And Steven hadn’t. Tonight Sierra had enough. Steven had gone out, he took his wallet and left, Sierra was exhausted. She had worked a twelve hour day, gone to the gym, her body ached. Her mind was broken….

But it didn’t matter to him. Steven had come from a rich white family. He didn’t have to work, he di9dn’t have to struggle. But Sierra was raised different. She provided for Jade, she provided for herself and tonight was the straw that broke the camel's back. After he had left, Sierra locked the door, Steven never took keys with him, too much to lose. So he would always get Sierra to stay up and wait so she could let him in.

Tonight she kept the door locked.

”Sierra?. SIERRA OPEN THE DOOR YOU BITCH” Jade cried louder, Sierra turned finally hearing the cries and the yelling. She had tried to block it out but now Jade seemed in distress. She stood up picking up her daughter cradling her in her arms. Jade started to calm down as she felt her mother hold her. Steven was still pounding on the door, still yelling. Sierra took a deep breath kissing Jade on the forehead whispering to her. ”I’m sorry”

The door cracked. Sierra put Jade back down and stepped back, the door opened and Steven stood there shaking his head obviously angry, the smell of Whisky on his breathe as he stepped forward. Steven looked down at Jade who was now calm but still awake, he sneered and slammed the door pushing Sierra through the small living room to their bedroom, his hand wrapped around her upper arm squeezing it hard leaving red marks that would turn into bruises. He shoved her hard against the closet doors.

Sierra fell down and tried to pull herself up, Steven stood over her staring down in anger. ”You locked me out bitch?. How dare you Sierra..”

”You’re drunk again…” The words slipped out, they had venom and disgust behind them with some disappointment and sadness. Steven sneered. He looked menacing and ready to go. He had never struck Sierra before, he had never been angry enough to, but yelling, threats and rough handling had escalated. He stepped forward, his hand raised. Then they heard it, voices from outside in the hallway. Sierras heart beat faster as two police officers stepped into the room, weapons drawn.

It all happened so fast, one moment Sierra was staring into the eyes of a man that she once loved, that was her teenage sweetheart. Now he had been pushed against the wall, one of the po9lice officers reading him his rights. The handcuffs locking shut and Sierra was sitting on the edge of her bed, the other officer asking her questions. She went on autopilot, answering what she could, trying to hold back more tears.

An hour later it was over, she had packed up the car ready to travel to her parents house.

The apartment was empty now. It was quiet, the door was still damaged and she just didn’t want to be there anymore. As she started her trip back home she realised maybe this was all for the best. And she was never going to let anyone step on her again. She was going to live her dreams, she was going to go back to wrestling, she was going to do her parents and her brothers proud. This wasn’t the end.

It was just the beginning.

She pulled up to her parents' house. It was about 3AM. She stepped out of the car and her father was there, waiting outside. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to. He just pulled his daughter forward giving her a kiss on the forehead. Sierras mother smiled warmly taking Jade inside. Sierra started to grab her things, Oscar put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around leading to the house. ”That can wait till tomorrow” She sighed deeply stepping into the house, her mother was already sitting down slightly rocking back and forth trying to get Jade back to sleep.

The house was inviting, warm and calming. The second Sierra stepped into her old room, still looking the same with her posters of different bands, wrestlers and a Calgary Flames signed jersey in a frame she smiled. This was it. She was home….

Promo:Big bad Boobie
On Camera
Primm, Nevada
Present Day

”What a few days eh?”

Sierra raised the bottle of water to her lips taking a sip, she had just got done checking into the hotel ahead of Climax Control 255. Her hair was tied back, she wore a long sleeved black shirt and camouflage style pants and black boots. It was warmer in Primm than it was in Canada, much warmer, but it was still right on the edge of winter.

”Two weeks ago, Sierra Williams was a name many had forgotten. See I had won the “future star” award and while many people had applauded me for it and waited for me to raise up to some imaginary level of skill, others simply rolled their eyes and acted like it was an empty gesture. And the thing is, I kind of get it. See, there can be many parallels drawn between the career of my opponent in SCW Bobbie Dahl and myself. See Bobbie and I have both seemed to find it hard to crack and break through to that next level. We’ve both failed to get any singles gold here in SCW despite us both trying.

“Hell Bobbie stopped me from taking on Sam Marlowe for the Roulette title. And then promptly failed. And the messed up part is, the match Bobbie won, didn’t require as much skill as you’d think. She won it, she faced Sam Marlowe and she failed. Meanwhile, one on one, I would have ripped Marlowe’s head off and stuck it up her ass. I would have taken that women’s roulette title and I would have been the champion. But instead what we got was Bobbie failing again and again and again until she finally snapped.”

“Meanwhile I simply did what I always should have done and I let go…”

“I let go of all the anxiety I had, I let go of all the fear and insecurities. I went toe to toe with Roxi Johnson and she beat the last part of fear I had out of me. See, Roxi is a legend in SCW and wrestling in general. And I gave her a fight that she wasn’t expecting. She beat me but after the match I looked at her and realised I had earned her respect and I was on the right path.”

She flashed a small grin, her bright green eyes sparkling as she took another sip of water pushing up to her feet taking a deep breath as her black boots tapped along the marble tiled floor of the hotel floor.

”So fast forward and I get this anger building up again, cause after my performance against Roxi I thought maybe I’d get more chances to prove myself. But it wasn’t until I challenged anyone on the roster that they took notice and put me in the Three way for a chance at getting into the six pack challenge coming up at December 2 Dismember. See at CC 253 I was ready to make an impact, I was ready to shock the world. So many thoughts that Cella Madison would do it being this popular newcomer, or Sam would being a champion and a mainstay here in SCW but it wasn’t. It was me…”

“I beat them both, I punched my ticket and I wasn’t done there. See the anger I showed in my promo, the pure truth that I decided to tell everyone got the attention of SCU. They wanted me to take on their whole roster in a gauntlet match and in the end I walked out of there with $30 000 dollars and the respect of their roster. I didn’t ask for their respect. I took it. Just like I took any last piece of credibility from Jesse Salco just days later.”

“And that’s the difference between myself and Bobbie Dahl. I was invited to SCU to be in a match, she turned up and did nothing but exist. I have done nothing but win and call my shots since suffering a heartbreaking loss while she has done nothing but attack people and run her mouth. She lost to Sam Marlowe, she lost to Christina Zdunich then blamed it on Dani Weston or someshit, she then beat Candy a woman who might be talented but isn’t really on the same level as most of us. And she gloated about it.

I have been destroying two rosters of women, earning shots and silencing critics and this bitch does nothing but attack people from behind and cry about it being her time.”

“But hey, don’t say that guys, don’t bring up her whining, bitching and crying. Don’t bring up her glaring personality flaws and show the world what kind of person she is. She’ll call you out for using it against her and call you unimaginative. But the thing is Bobbie, when you have something wrong with you, or you’ve done something and you happen to just bury your head in the sand like a damn ostrich of course people will call you out on your shit.”

Sierra rolls her eyes and clears her throat as she keeps moving around the almost deserted hotel foyer

”But the worst part Bobbie, is that I once respected you. See you came back to SCW after some time away and you wanted to create a career for yourself. You were a smiling, bubbly, happy girl who liked to party with her friends and had this charming attitude. Sure you annoyed the shit out of me but you still had this likeable quality. You beat me one on one over something as trivial as me getting angry over you admiring my soon to be husbands abs. But when we fought and the dust settled I gave you the respect you deserved.”

“And since that first match our careers have been on a similar trajectory. We both had shots and chances at getting higher up the ladder. But out of the two of you you had more chances, you had the spotlight on you more while I ran through name after name but was only ever treading water. You though let opportunity after opportunity slip through your fingers to the point where we at right now. You attack all these women because you think it’ll get you somewhere. But in the end the only way you can get what you want Bobbie is by winning. Earning your shots”

“You failed against Christina and it snapped in your brain. You were already angry and fractured but you went at everyone and I was honestly considering giving you a pass. But then I realised that you were going to keep going until someone got in your face and slapped you upside the head.”

Sierra stopped near the large windows at the front of the hotel looking outside at the cold night sky.

”The match was signed. A street fight and I was ready to go. I was ready and I wanted you one on one because you were going to get what you deserve but then it happened. You tried to get me to put my SCW bombshells title shot on the line and when I didn’t you accused me of being scared. The thing is, part of that is true. See part of me thi9nks you will have some kind of nefarious plan to rob me of something that I have earned..”

Sierra spits the last few words between her teeth, the anger obviously rising up in her chest.

”I mean how dare you Bobbie?. You earned a shot at Sam Marlowe in a bullshit match and did I challenge you for the shot?. Did I walk up to you and say “hey you may have earned what you got but fuck you I’m better and I want it?”. No, no I didn’t I accepted I was beaten and I went back to the drawing board. But you couldn’t do that. Your ego wouldn’t let you so you called me out and tried to outsmart me. You told the world that I played into your little trap but really it was nothing but childish antics by an oversized tantrum throwing toddler.”

“See, if I accepted your challenge, you would have been looked at as a genius and I don’t accept you get to stomp around and tell the world I’m scared and that you’ll beat me right?. It was a great move but that whole idea you had was an hinging on me being stupid or prideful enough to run headfirst into your challenge or myself and everryone caring that you had something like that to say…”

“But here’s the thing, if you win, if you show people the size of the balls you have and someone comes along, like you and says something like that, you don’t get looked at as the hero get looked at as a fucking asshole…”

“I mean come on, you want to stand there and say Sierra Williams has no guts?. I just went through three matches in the space of a week where I earned a title shot, earned 30G’s and beat up an idiot. And then I got signed up for and am happy about a street fight with you. No one is going to believe you, no one is going to care about your wild ramblings where you say outlandish things and act like you’re some big bad bitch when all you have shown us in the last month and a half is that you are an arrogant, delusional child. Insecure and grasping at anything she can in this world to stay relevant. Cause in the end she can’t do the one thing that matters in this business…”


Climax Control Archives / Cult of personality
« on: November 19, 2019, 06:27:52 AM »
Is it, money or women to funny beginnings, tragic endings
I can make a million and still not get enough of spending
And since my life is based on sinnin', I'm hell bound
Rather be buried than be worried, livin' held down
My game plan to be trained and, military
Mind of a Thug Lord, sittin' in the cemetery

Scene One: Can you back it up?
Off Camera
Calgary Alberta, Canada
Last Week

It had been a week since Sierra had posted a pre match promo that seemed to set the world on fire. A verbal beating that seemed to make some people angry, others impressed and some terrified. For the first time since she had lost her half of the mixed tag belts with Lachlan Sierra felt angry and on fire. But she was enjoying herself. And now after winning one of the biggest matches of her career Sierra went back home, walking into her home gym in Toronto. The door opened, her gym bag was slung over her shoulder and instantly the atmosphere felt different.

Normally Sierra would walk in, some would nod in her direction, others would say hello. A common courtesy for someone related to the founders of the gym, her older brothers. But this time, the members stopped what they were doing, all of them staring at her, men, women, veterans, rookies, they all stopped what they were doing. And the applause came. It caught her off guard, she looked around and slowly pulled the hood from her heavy jacket backwards. A smile flashing on her lips as she gave them all a wave and a small nod.

”Thanks guys” She seemed caught off guard and even embarrassed. Very slowly the various members of the gym went back to their routines and drills, Sierra moves over to her locker dropping her bag and taking off the heavy coat before hearing footsteps approaching, she raised an eyebrow looking over to find her brother Diego standing next to her, he slowly leaned to the side against the wall, his bandana tight around his head as Sierra raised an eyebrow. ”What?”

Diego shrugged and made a face before smirking. ”Wasn’t sure you’d be in for training superstar”

Sierra groaned and rolled her eyes closing the locker door before pulling her arm across her body to stretch and doing the same with her other arm. ”Why are you busting my balls? Rico on a lunch break?” She sneered looking around the gym for their oldest sibling, Diego shook his head and moved around sitting down on a bench as Sierra put her foot on it to stretch out her calves.

Diego clasped his hands together before shaking his head with a small sigh. ”Nah. Rico ain’t here, he’s down in Mexico, he’s making out a deal for us to go on a tour…” Sierra raised an eyebrow and bounced on the balls of her feet a little to warm up after stretching. She smiled looking down at Diego with a wink.

”Hey, if you and Rico want to come to SCW I can talk to Mark and Chri-” Diego shook his head and put a finger to his lips, Sierra stopped mid sentence as he stood up and pulled his little sister into a hug, Sierra seemed to freeze a little as various members of the gym stared. She lightly pushed Diego back with a raised eyebrow. ”What was that for?”

”Nothin...just proud of you...that’s all...and also thanks for the offer, but Ric and I will be fine, besides SCW doesn’t have a male tag division” Sierra gave a small nod as Diego gave her a small pat on the shoulder, before walking off he stopped and gave a large sigh. ”Go get that title though need some singles gold..” He held out his fist and Sierra bumped it with a smirk before looking over at a few of the women who smiled and waved at her, she growled and shook her head.

”What y’all think i’m gonna be nice now?....get on the mat”

Promo: Rest in peace Jesse
On Camera
Las Vegas Nevada
Present Day

Tap tap tap tap

The sound of Sierra Williams fingernails tapping on the table in front of her rattled out over and over as her four fingers hit in a pattern over and over.

”What to do, what to do. See last week I cut a promo that set the wrestling world on fire. It seemed like everyone, all of you had forgotten about me. See I signed to SCW with little fanfare but soon the world knew who I was because Lachlan and I made you stand and take notice. See we were the shiny new toys. Management loved us, the fans loved and hated us and our competition begged for us to screw up and eventually we did. Gamer INC took advantage and then ran off because Lach and I said we’d take our rematch eventually. They got so scared they fucking disappeared and made the titles meaningless and I blame every single one of you for that….”

“I blame the fans for believing their lies, I blame managament for not forcing them to simply hand over those fucking titles. Now those championships simply exist and Lachy and I have moved on to bigger and better things…”

“Oh you all didn’t hear?. Lachlan beat Alex Jones, Lachlan is marching to December 2 dismember and towards the SCW world title to snatch it off the mexican meathead and I’m going to the same damn show to take the title off the overrated blond bimbo with the fat ass…”

“I marched into CC 253 and I took what I wanted. I beat Bella Madison as hard as she tried, god bless her. And I beat Sam Marlowe, one of the “legends” of SCW and the bombshells division. And people seemed surprised. That's what I don’t get, so many thought maybe Sam would go on to add another notch to her record, or maybe Bella would be able to win and go on to be included with her fellow SCW rookie Andrea Hernandez. Because again...she’s one of the shiny new toys…”

Sierra scoffs and rolls her eyes, her long red hair looking bright under the light above as she pushes up to her feet pacing back and forth.

”But, last week also seemed to be the moment where the veil of reality that sat between Boobie Dahl's brain and the real world was set on fire and she decided to jump a whole load of us. Now, I don’t care if Boobie wants to jump Bella or Sam or Candy or Alice, or anyone else in this division. But Boobie should know by now, you put your hands on me and start shit with me and I will bring hell with me.”

“But, I have more pressing matters to attend to because unlike Boobie I got into the six pack challenge. Unlike Boobie I didn’t choke like Mama cass elliot on a ham sammich like she did. So, I’m going to give Boobie a pass. But just one. You lay your hands on me again Boobie and I will end your career and send you back to the golden coral greeters podium where you fucking belong…”

“But, that is for another time. See someone pulled out this week and as such I got a phone call asking me to be ready to face Jesse Salco at CC 254, after I travel to the MGM grand for SCU where I will be fighting the entire roster in one night. And I could have said no, see I had the night off but, one, I’m a fighter and two..let’s face it facing Jesse Salco is a night off anyway…”

Sierra pauses for a moment and deadpans the camera before clearing her throat and continuing.

”Look Jesse, at this point I’m not sure what there is left to say. You have had an up and down career in SCW. But right now, as of this week you have now lost 11 matches in a row on Climax Control. 11!, that’s insane. Now, you got a win over Cristina at High Stakes but..come on that doesn’t count it’s fucking Christina Zdunich….. And hey, I know you were looking forward to facing Alice Knight cause even though she’s good she’s not...upper echelon good so you actually had a chance, a small chance but still a chance of beating her. And since I don’t like whipping a dead horse I’ll give you a chance Jesse…”

“All you have to do is meet my list of demands…”

“Number one, leave SCW for a period of six months, nothing less, promise to name your firstborn daughter or any female pet you might have “Sierra”, so I am a constant reminder of your inadequacy. And lastly and this is the biggest one, erect a statue of me, in your living room, that you bow to every know..simple things…”

“See, Jesse you’re just not cutting it and I understand you have it in your head you can still hang. I get that in your heart you believe you can still have this wonderful comeback story where you claw your way up to the SCW bombshells title. But, you got handed a chance on a silver platter and not only did you fail I think Alicia took your heart, your soul and your credibility in the space of ten minutes and if...I didn’t already assume it was LONG gone she would have taken your goddamn virginity too…”

Sierra pauses…

”Cause she fucked you…”

She pauses again and shrugs.

”And the funny part Jesse?. I’m beat up from winning a triple threat match against two women infinitely more talented than you, then being attacked by Big Boobie Buckeye, and I will be going to SCU to take on their whole damn roster and then facing you, I’ll be beat up, under the weather over trained under motivated and still tough enough to whoop your ass. And when it is all said and done Jesse, when you are staring up at those lights atleast you will be able to say , you got beaten by the future SCW bombshells champion…”

Climax Control Archives / The art of shooting
« on: November 15, 2019, 05:59:14 AM »
I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah
You don't wanna fuck with me
Got the police bustin' at me
But they can't do nothing to a G
Let's get ready to rumble

Scene One: You’re gonna be a star kid
Off Camera
Los Angeles California
3 and a half years Ago

The bright lights of LA were different. Sierra had been to many other cities in her time, major ones throughout Canada, Mexico, Europe and the continental United States. But this was the first time she had been to Los Angeles. And the city of angels hadn’t really lived up to its name. She had heard police and ambulance sirens, seen so many intoxicated and inebriated people and others who were selling everything from bootleg DVD’s to drugs to their own bodies. Sierra moved down the street, her hands in the pockets of her jacket, a black and red bandana tied backwards under her hair.

She sighed deeply, she hated being here. She hated most large cities, but they were necessary as she travelled with the
[REDACTED] machine. Things had been better at work in the last seven months. While her trajectory had climbed slowly she had watched as Carter Kennedy, her ex boyfriend had a rocket strapped to his ass and had been sent on his way. It seemed that the company had forgotten about her and it was all about “The Canadian King”. But as the months went by, Carter would crash to the earth and burn.

But Sierra?...Sierra had become a star.

Sierra had faced some of the best of the best in [redacted]. She had beaten Samantha Tolson, a woman whose ego was so much bigger than her actual in ring skill, like a man bragging about his penis size when he was painfully average. Sierra was on a streak, she was a name, she was being cheered, And that is why she was here navigating the streets of Los Angeles. The show for the company she worked for was going to be at the forum tomorrow but Sierra had been invited to meet with an agent, someone who said he could take advantage of the buzz.

Sierra had never had an agent before. She had done everything on her own.

Now though, she had some form of collateral to negotiate a better contract, to give her daughter a better life. Sierra stopped near a four story office building, it looked sterile, white and boring. A few plate glass windows littered across the front, she moved through the entrance and passed the desk to the elevator in the back making her way up to the third floor. The usual noise greeting her as the doors open.

The waiting room was filled with different people, mma fighters, actors, actresses, singers. And there was Sierra the only wrestler, she shrugged and took a seat, but then the door opened and a head popped around the side. ”Sierra come on in kid.”.

She stood up confused, everyone else seemed annoyed as they stared at her moving passed them, jumping the line. She sighed and moved to the hallway and through the door looking around the office as she noticed different magazine covers, all set out to imply he was responsible. The agent, Carl smiled with a big toothy grin, his receding hairline combed over to give an illusion of a full head of hair. He was dressed in an off the rack suit, not taylored in any way. He was trying to look smart.

Sierra scoffed and sat back in her usual arrogant way as Carl cleared his throat. ”So, I’m sure you’re asking yourself why us?. Truth is you need an agent and someone to handle the business side of wrestl--” His voice trailed off, Sierra stared ahead, she had stopped caring. She knew this was all just for show, she had been hardened over the last few months. She knew how to smell bullshit, she knows how to ignore stupidity. She let out a small sigh and then snapped out of it just to hear the words….

”You’re gonna be a star kid”

Sierra laughed to herself and shook her head getting to her feet. Her hands pressed on the table as she smiled at Carl who slid a piece of paper to her, a contract, five years and 15 percent of the gross she was to make. She snorted taking the paper and scrunching it up before throwing it in the wastebasket. ”A year ago, I would have signed that ...but I’m nobody's fool. Goodluck Carl..”

She sneered walking back out and through the waiting room laughing even louder as the stunned faces of young hopeful entertainers and athletes watch her.

Promo: Working yourself into a shoot
On Camera
Toronto Canada
Present Day.

”It has been a few weeks since you’ve all seen me. Last time I was standing in the ring with Roxi Johnson, legend of SCW. She and I put on a show at High Stakes in a hard hitting classic. And now as we pop out the other side things seemed to go back to normal…”

Sierra seemed angry and frustrated, she huffed and p-uffed and pushed up to her feet pacing back and forth muttering to herself in spanish under her breath.

”Normal for me in SCW is being used on TV once a month until I kick up and stink and they give me something to do. Normal for me is being consistent till I get an opportunity only for someone nowhere near as talented as me to somehow fluke a win and go on to be a huge joke. And yeah, this time I am talking about Bobbie Dahl. See, a few months ago I faced Bobbie in a match after she disrespected me and my relationship. She was able to build some momentum and use that to go on to challenge bigger names and even beat me again in a farce of a match to go after Sam Marlowe and the Roulette title…”

“And do you see where all those opportunities have gotten her?. Is Bobbie Dahl still the fun, laughing successful woman you all thought she’d be?. Or is she now an angry whiny bitch who makes excuses? Is she someone who failed against Cristina Zdunich and has stumbled over hurdle after hurdle?. Is that something that I have ever done?. Is that something that pops in your mind when you think of the name “Sierra Williams”? Cause I don’t think so.”

“But it does deeper than that…”

“Lachlan and I took the opportunity with both hands to build a division, only for a team of punks known as Damer INC to fluke a win over us, lie about us, take our titles, piss on our legacy and then come close to destroying the mixed tag division and now here we are and Lachlan and I are still STILL the ones in the record books as the longest reigning champions. Those titles now mean less than nothing and have been passed around from team to team. All because Mark and Christian decided to give them “an opportunity”. And the truth is that while they have come and gone, while these names and teams have risen and fallen I have stayed the course. I have been consistent and even now as I come off a loss to Roxi I should still be feared…”

Sierra scoffs and throws her hands in the air.

”We are coming up on a match where six women will be entering the ring to compete for the SCW bombshells title. December 2 dismember and three spots are taken so far. One of which being taken up by the champion herself. The overrated blond who has never faced me one on one that seems to make the majority of you bitches piss yourselves in fear, Alicia Lukas. The other two spots are taken by Roxi Johnson who, lets face it, earned her spot by simply BEING Roxi, because she is that damn good. And Cristina Rose Hilton whatever the fuck her last name is Zdunich who must have the contra code for infinate title shots on her ass, and of course that’s where Seleana got it from to use it too….”

“But, three spots remain…”

“And we have Fisher-Johnson vs Hernandez, Vargas vs Zdunich and then, myself, Bella Madison and Sam Marlowe need to battle it out for the other right to be in this clusterfuck of a match. And let me just say that while I am all for people earning opportunities why the hell are half the women in this shindig?. Kate Steele should have never have been in the mix, neither should Bobbie and neither should Cristina. Not to mention Vargas who has been on the losing end and ducking Alicia since blondie kicked her ass last time, then Seleana getting another chance to qualify after she got embarrassed time and time again. Then there’s Fisher Johnson who is only interesting due to the pussy she gets third knuckle deep in and Andrea Hernandez who just got her ass kicked by Alicia too ...”

“But everyone lineup line up get your goddamn opportunity to be in this clusterfuck, cause in the bosses minds the only way anyone is going to beat Alicia is if one of us gets lucky in this match despite the fact I could whoop that bitches ass one on one...something Sam Marlowe can’t say…”

Sierra spits venom and paces back and forth snarling as her hands ball into fists.

”Did y’all forget about me or someshit?. Was Bobbie metamorphosis into a fat blond version of me distracting you from the fact I FUCKING EXIST and I have been in SCW almost a year?. I know compared to say, Sam Marlowe that ain’t shit but hey I have still been kicking ass here. The fact is that one on one I am damn hard to beat, Bobbie caught me o0n an off day and Roxi is a legend and everyone else has fallen in front of me one on one and SCW didn’t have the balls to put me in a goddamn one on one qualifier because deep down they do not want me in that fucking match.”

“But they’ll put you in there Sam Marlowe. Despite the fact when you went one on one with Alicia she merc’d your ass like you were nothing.”

“And shouldn’t you be focused on defending the roulette title and zoning in on six hundred total days with that title. You know the one that you keep going back to because the world title is something that just keeps on slipping through those fingers. But hey, I ain’t denying you’re a talent Sam, in fact it’s funny to me Vargas was walking around acting like top shit when she is clearly behind you in everything you do. She’s stuck in your shadow and you have a great past in SCW, I’m not going to discredit that. But you are another one of these names from the previous generation that has no goddamn clue what wrestling really is…”

“And you should know, because like me you have older family members who do this, with you it’s your older sister Cyn and with me it’s my older brothers. But I have already siren above them, I have already exploded onto a national stage and honestly, you have come out of your sisters shadow and I congratulate you on that but in the end Sam, I am not going to be beaten by someone who walks around calling herself “SCW’s sweetheart” and doesn’t have the balls to step up to people on social media or in the ring when they are called out like the mealy mouthed little bitches they are…”

“You beat Bobbie Dahl, you beat Vargas, you’re still a champion, but I will cave your fucking skull in….”

She scoffs again and stretched her arms in the air before chuckling to herself.

”And then there’s little Bella Madison. The pink haired pixie. Malachi’s sweet little princess. I’m sure some people thought she and I would get along since we’re basically family right?. Look, Lachlan is my family. He’s my fiance and I love him and he may have forgiven Mal but I haven’t and Bella?. Well, she’s dumb enough to love the piece of shit so I guess it’s time I slap some sense into that girl but before I do, I really need to congratulate her….”

“Yeah that’s right…”

“Congratulations Bella. It’s great to see you make it to a reputable company like SCW instead of wasting away in that shithole Apex with Levi and Jack. Really, welcome, maybe you’ll do well here, and by well I mean not going fifty fifty with your wins and being made to look like a useless inept child. But that won’t be this day, see you got handed a damn carrot Bella. This is my first real chance at earning a shot at SCW’s biggest title. My first shot at getting into the big time. And you ...well you have been here two months, you’ve gone two and two and you get the same shot as me?”

“The longest reigning mixed tag champ ever? Someone who beat a hall of famer on my first night here? Someone who has gone toe to toe with the best and beat the number one contender for the bombshells title before Alicia killed her ass. You’re on that same level?. I don’t think so. And hey don’t get it twisted Belly Boo, I hope you have some form of success, because as much shit as I give you, you are tough and have the balls to step in the ring. But, you need to stop puffing your chest out, flaring your nostrils and acting like you have your big girl pants on when talking to me. That is how someone is going to get hurt. And trust me here, Mal...can’t help you...and even he has to know what I’m capable of…”

“So both of you, get in the ring, bring all you can and hope you can get a win while my back is turned cause that is the only thing you can do to rip that opportunity from me..”

Supercard Archives / Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« on: October 18, 2019, 05:05:46 AM »
You learn to live with pressure when it's the only thing you feel
It's never like you see, it feels like you never know what's real
I don't cave on the outside
But it wears me down in my own mind
Don't forget I'm human, I'm not alive for your amusement
Lost in your delusion, you don't know who I am
Don't forget I'm human, I've got the open wounds to prove it
And you don't get to choose it, you don't know who I am

Scene One:You don’t know who I am
Present Day

All the days in Hawaii and throughout the carribean have been amazing. Bright and filled with sun, sand and salt water. And now here she was, sitting in her bikini, on s tool, in a pool, at a bar. The cooling water flowing over her legs and bottom half as her hand wrapped around a small glass filled with a blue liquid, a red cherry sat in it with ice cubes. Sierra smiled and pulled the glass to her lips taking a small sip, her face turning as she shook her head and placed the glass back down. She coughed and looked over at the bartender, Her eyes staring a hole in him as this was the drink he had recommended.

She drank the rest, alcohol should not go to waste. But then she looked over with a smirk, the guy moved over through the water to her, his blue eyes looking her up and down as Sierra deliberately showed off her engagement ring to make sure he didn’t get any ideas. As he leaned down on the bar she tilted her head and slid the glass to him. ”Another there red?” His voice was deep, but being put on, his muscles seemed to twitch as Sierra raised an eyebrow.

She cleared her throat and leaned in close. ”No” He looked surprised raising an eyebrow as Sierra looked behind the bar with a smirk. ”I’d rather a real drink, instead of the bitchdrink you just gave me. Grab the Jack, grab a glass and set it down here.” The bartender looked a little shocked and raised an eyebrow, his eye catching her engagement ring and it finally clicking, Sierra batted her eyes with a sarcastic fuck you smile. He backed off and grabbed the bottle putting it down in front of her she poured herself a glass and took a sip with a grin as it went down her throat. She was relaxed and happy.

Her mind flashed to her daughters, her stomach sinking knowing both her girls were with their fathers. Wulf she didn’t worry too much about, but her other ex, he who shall not be named. That made her skin crawl. Sierra was in a good p-lace now, but it wasn’t always that way. Her mind flashed back to before Wulf, before Ilivia, when Jade was younger and she barely saw her.

There was a hole in her heart, alcohol, pills, other assorted things tried to fill that hole. That wasn’t her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling that way. From remembering and feeling it all. Her hands drifted over the glass as she took another sip when a voice broke through the memory haze. An Irish voice, calm, soothing. Her happiness. ”Thought I’d find ya here love.” Sierra turned her head flashing a small smile as Lachlan sat next to her. His eyes covered with black sunglasses, wearing board shorts with the Irish flag on them and no shirt. Even now Lachlan’s cheeky boyish grin made her forget her hard assed ways and made her swoon like a school girl with her first crush.

”Everything all right?” She just smiled and gave him a nod before reaching over and grabbing a second glass pouring some Jack for Lach sliding it to him, he smirked and took a sip as Sierra took a long deep breath looking out from the pool to the beach only a feet away. It all hit her, her life was perfect now.

From where she had started, all she had went through. The here and now was perfect. ”Everything is great Lachy, everything is perfect.” She leaned forward kissing him slowly, Lachlan smiled and gave Sierra a small nod, his lips twisted in the same boyish grin as before. Sierra took another drink and sighed happily, Lachlan looked over at the bartender, now a sheepish shell of the muscled cocky douchebag he had been before. ”Are you nervous? About fighting Mal?” Lachlan laughed and shook his head.

”We’re brothers...fighting is what we’ve done since we were children Si.” She let out a loud laugh, Lachlan was caught off guard as Sierra thought about her own brothers. How she missed them, but how they too fought like wild animals when they were younger. Families, they’re all the same. ”And how about you? Nervous facing a legend?” She tilted her head raising her eyebow’s Lachlan laughed again and nodded slowly ”I know...stupid question, just be careful..she’s sneaky…”

”Oh. She’s not the only one”

Promo: Legends Fall…
On Camera
Present Day

”Facing me is offensive is it? Roxi?. Amazing how much bullshit spews from your mouth.”

Sierra slowly smiles, looking up through her long red hair that sits for the most part tied back away from her face apart from the front that hangs down her cheeks.

”You waltz in here, back from other companies. Get handed a title shot, an opportunity on a silver platter, but no, Roxi the superhero didn’t want it, she just took it because it was the right thing to do. And then in failing, while in heated words with our “champion” you insult the entire division. But no, Roxi Johnson is such an amazing great competitor and legend of our sport. Teaming with her wife and Griffin Hawkins, beating Crystal Zdunich in a classic, and even in a loss to Alicia you still looked good. But poor little Roxi, feels disrespected and is doubting herself. And everyone is expected to clap their hands and smile and make you feel better about yourself. Again, you present yourself as one thing when you are clearly another…”

“And all the while all we hear is “oh well, that’s just Roxi, she doesn’t take shit.”. Really? Then how do you explain away the bullshit you’ve been running your mouth with Roxi?. See, I’m a bitch, I’m an arrogant, loudmouthed asshole and I admit it and expect it.”

“People know when I speak it may not be the most complimentary…”

“But you, a loved and respected veteran, someone who’s public persona is supposed to be so powerful and..well..”good”. You do nothing but shit on everyone. Take your comments about me, forget the rest of the division, forget the champion, what about me?. You felt disrespected by being in a match with me or how it was presented? Roxi, the only woman who sees herself as “old” is you. I do see you as a veteran and you may be a bit older than me but you think SCW is banking on me to rise to the top?...are you that jaded and paranoid?”

She pauses for a moment, raising her eyebrows with her arms slowly rising in a shrug. She grabs a bottle of water drinking it down before pushing to her feet, despite the heat she still stands in her tight fitting black jeans, converse and a sleeveless Asking Alexandria shirt, her red and black bandana tied around her neck.

”You talked of loving SCW at one time and how happy you were to be back but now you’re fucking standing there accusing them of some kind of presentational bias?. Is your ego that fragile? Christ Roxi, it’s not even in SCW by itself but in the wrestling world as a whole that your shadow is cast over the rest o0f us. I know you’re a bigger star than me, I’ve seen it, I said it and I felt it. You have done it all in this company. But, you still complain like a child?”

“You kidding me?”

“This opportunity, I’m not going to look down at it, I’m going to look at you and see you for what you are, a dangerous Hall of famer who is still on top of her game.”

“I can gain so much with a win over you, but a loss? After how you’ve felt about yourself and presenting yourself to the loving fans of this great company?. You lose to me and I can already see and hear the bullshit. I can already see you sitting there and spouting off nonsense about doubt and how your loss was “on you”. Sometimes Roxi you just have to wake up to the fact that there are people better than you out there, and that whole “I beat myself” shit is just that…”


“You tell the world I’m liked by Mark Ward?, Because he enjoys watching me kick the shit out of people? That I have “Fanfare”?. So you hear those chants of “you’ve still got it” but don’t hear those idiots in the stands booing me?. Wait, I take it all back, you are old because you’re clearly fucking deaf. These are all lies you need to tell yourself in your paranoid little brain. And I have to tell myself it’s paranoia Roxi, because if it wasn’t then you are really losing it and don’t even pay attention to a company you’re signed in…”

“Guess it’s too much fun playing those drums and posting about it on Twitter, right Rox?”

She tilts her head with an arrogant little smirk.

”High Stakes nine is the biggest event this year. It is SCW’s biggest show, the highlight, the crown jewel. You know that better than anyone. Now, you are, as we have established, ad nauseum, you are a legend and a hall of famer, with so many victories and moments that the entire world remembers you for and loves you for. But what am I Roxi?”

“I have faced some of the best of the best in SCW and in other companies yet I have never been a dominant force or a world champion or even a singles champion. The only title I have won is a mixed tag one, the one you mentioned. And how many people still see me as just that? A tag team wrestler? A specialist at teaming with Lachlan and useless without him?.”

“We all beat our doubts and disappointments Roxi”

“But, me? I’m low enough on the totem pole, staring up at the lights where my doubts are justified. Yours? Yours are just sad and confusing. I don’t know what you’ll do after this match Roxi and I honestly don’t care. But I know, win or lose, I am going to stay in SCW and keep doing what I do…”

Supercard Archives / Roxi Johnson V Sierra Williams
« on: October 12, 2019, 03:39:40 AM »
And the walls came down and the Heavens opened
It's too late to claim your innocence
Once the trust is broken
It was just a little taste
It was so sweet
You couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams
You had to taste it, reach out and take it

Scene One: Answers from the bottom of a bottle.
Toronto Canada
4 Years Ago.

Whisky burns when it goes down. No matter how fast you throw it back, how quick you swallow, the burn hits your tongue, your throat and then all the way down to your stomach. It was a feeling Sierra knew well and the last few weeks it had gotten worse She was gainfully employed, working for a large company, but even though she was on another brand, going around a different loop she still had to see him. Carter Kennedy. The charismatic pretty boy who had been her friend, tag team partner and lover. But three times he had burned her.

Three times Sierra had let her heart out, after she had vowed not to, after her first ever relationship broke her and hardened her he still somehow, someway got inside her mind and talked her into feeling something. And now she had nothing left. Nothing left to give, nothing left to want from a man.

She had gotten attention from a few of her coworkers, she shut each one of them down with cold answers and steely eyed glares of hatred.

But now she had a week off, a week off from TV tapings, from local live events, from promotional duties as one of the fastest rising women on the roster. She kept it together long enough to visit her daughter, but the second Jade left with her father, the second she saw the look on her ex’s face, the smart ass cocky grin, the judging eyes, she lost it. And for the last three days she had sat with her television blaring the horrible daytime TV shows and nighttime infomercials

But with open whiskey bottles lined up on her table.

Shot glasses sitting side by side, but only her fingerprints would be on them

But sitting here, not focused on anything except the momentary relief the buzz of the alcohol would give her, left her open to surprise. She didn’t hear her father Oscar walk in, using a key she had given him in case of emergency. He found his daughter, her feet on her coffee table, an open bottle clutched in her hand as she just stared ahead, her dark brown hair shiny from not being washed, her eyes had bags under them and she just swallowed hard.

”Most people drink with other people Si Si”Her fathers voice caused her to jump, she put the bottle on the table and tried to get up almost falling back before steadying herself, Oscar reached out to grab her arm, Sierra looked up sheepishly at her father and cleared her throat.

Her eyes shifting back down before she addressed him. ”I’m fine, I just slipped.” Oscar let out a deep sigh and let Sierras arm go, she straightened her shirt and turned walking towards the kitchen. ”Can I get you anything? A beer? A soda? water? Oscar stepped forward and shook his head.

”Si I came here because your brothers are worried, you have had all week off and you haven’t been at the gym and” Sierra turned suddenly on her heals almost falling over but catching herself as she felt the anger raise in her stomach.

She growled and her hands clasped into fists. ”Oh? They’re worried, a few months back they kicked me out of the gym, that shit was my home papa” She stopped, she realised she was getting upset. Sierras heart beat fast as she felt the tears start to well up in her eyes. And she also called him Papa, something she only did when she was upset, her hands moved up to her face as she failed to stop the tears from falling.

The self loathing also started. She hated herself. She hated feeling weak and powerless. Her father stepped forward, not saying a word. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and sighed just holding her, his hand lightly rubbing her back. And in an instant Sierra started to calm down. In that moment she was a child again and the only thing that could calm her was her father.

Everything was going to be alright…..

Everything...was fine?

Promo: No one will survive
Present Day

”This is beautiful, but I need to get in the right mindset for this.”

The sun was out, the breeze was blowing. Hawaii was gorgeous. But Sierra Williams wasn’t in the mood for that. Her fiery red hair was blowing behind her, her green eyes shone under the midday sun and the bottom half of her face was covered by a bandana that was in the shape of the Canadian flag, but the maple leaf in the middle was green making it the colors of the mexican flag showing her mixed heritage.

”You know, many people would sit back and look at the career I have had so far in SCW and indeed the wrestling world at large and say I have had some measure of success. Certainly more than some people who just fail and burn out. I had my fun working the indies, I enjoyed travelling around the US, Mexico, Europe and Asia. It was great and I learned so much and made money doing it. I went to WWH and while I didn’t have the same measure of success as some people I still came close to winning titles and championships...I still showed the world what I could do…”

“I did the same at DIVISION and lets face it, if it wasn’t for Dickie Watson I would have been the first ever DIVISION champion, I beat James Raven there who is a former world champion of many promotions. But it all lead me to SCW and to be honest. SCW feels like home. From the moment Lachlan and I signed our contracts and before the ink was even dry I felt good about being here.”

“Then the success happened. The success fell onto us as we were asked to team together in the SCW mixed tag team division. And it exploded.”

“We became popular and defended the titles happily and with that came a higher level of success I had never felt. But, when we lost and we realised we had other ideas for our success and both Lachlan and I wanted to expand our experience and see what we could accomplish by ourselves. And since then...well it has been a struggle…”

Sierra shakes her head folds her arms over her chest, she is wearing a black and red SCW shirt and black jeans with red high top converse.

”I have had ups and downs I have had wins and losses. I build myself up beating everyone they put in front of me until I have something of note in front of me and then I fail. I slide back down that ladder and I have to start again. And to be honest. I am tired, of starting again. I have watched Gamer INC, the team who beat Lachlan and I do nothing with the win they got over us, I watched Bobbie Dahl a woman who earned my respect through beating me also fall to the same glass ceiling I have.”

“And the thing is, it’s on us to get through it, and I don’t plan on failing. See it wasn’t that long ago I beat Seleana Zdunich the current number one contender for the SCW bombshells title. Then again, my opponents wife, Keira Fisher also accomplished that so, is that really as big of an accomplishment?.”

“But now, well now before me at the biggest show of the year I have a challenge. A real challenge. King of. See I have a former champion, a woman who the entire wrestling world seems to fall all over themselves because she’s so loved…”

Sierra scoffs and rolls her eyes as she leans back against a small fence.

“Roxi Johnson, a member of Team Hero. It’s amazing really, I mean I like comic books and movies but I don’t really see the world in black and white but if I did, I would be a villain, but not you right Roxi? Not you. I mean you’re a superhero, a person everyone can believe in. Loved by so many people from fans to management to social media. You’re a darling of the wrestling world. But, there’s one problem. See your outward impression you give, the smiles, the waves, the thank yous and i love yous to everyone. It’s all fake, because from what I have seen from you, the things you said, the actions you’ve taken well..Roxi…”

“You’re a bit of a bitch”

“Oh no Sierra said a dirty word.”

“Look, I’m not denying or doubting your skills Roxi, the truth is you are cut from the same cloth as Mercedes Vargas. You have great records and moments and awards and you absolutely deserve all the respect in the world for those. But then, you left, you left to go take up a part time job and also be a mother and again, you and Keira, I respect you both because I myself am also a mother to two beautiful little girls. So I know the struggle. But if I look passed your accomplishments, if I ignore the respect I have, then I am left with an opponent standing in front of me and a challenge I need to overcome to remind the world that Sierra Williams is for real…”

“You know why I need to do that Roxi?. See, you’re a made woman, you’re comfortable. You came back to SCW and you can coast on your past and lets face it. That is what you have been doing, Alicia gave you a title shot and since then you have been...meh….you haven’t been the legendary world beater everyone thought you’d be. But it doesn’t matter Roxi, you are untouchable.”

She smiles and throws her hands up before pushing off the fence.

”But me? I’m not. You are closer to the end of your career than the beginning but me? I’m just getting started. I need to beat you, I need to silence all those people who believe I am just a name on the roster. I need to make sure everyone who has ever said I was just a “tag team” wrestler being dragged on by Lachlan eat their words. And this Roxi, is the biggest match of my career because of your name, because of your past and even if you haven’t been on a roll or haven’t been as “good” as people’re still Roxi Johnson…”

“Your name holds weight, your voice adds legitimacy.”

“And you know, I already said I respect what you accomplished but, I need to make it clear, as I person I think you’re full of shit. You are someone who projects this aura of smiles and happiness to the world like you’re a good person. You have people like Griffin Hawkins and Amy Marshall fooled. But when you had a chance to stand up to the current champion, to show you are the hero you think you failed…”

“And no, I don’t mean because you lost to that little blond bitch who holds our world title…”

“Before the match you talked about your generation and how they were better than who is here now, throwing all of us under the bus and when you lost?. What happened Roxi?. A hero would have been the bigger woman and congratulated the person who beat her, but you didn’t do that. And that evidence? That just leads me to believe you aren’t the person you let everyone believe you are. You are not the happy superhero woman who is a good person who shows respect to almost every female on social media every wednesday. You’re not the rock fan who posts what song you are drumming too, you’re not the woman who keeps posting pics of herself in a bikini…”

“It’s a show...a the ring you’re exactly like me...but sister...I’m not falling for it and at High stakes 9, I’m going to expose you..”

Climax Control Archives / Roll the wheel
« on: September 13, 2019, 10:31:43 PM »
Somebody shine a light
I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me
So cut me from the line
Dizzy, spinning endlessly
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me!

Scene One: I told you so
Toronto Canada
4 Years Ago.

Sierra breathed deep, her long hair tied up into a tight bun on the top of her head as she moved on the grappling mats, her body covered in ultra lightweight tapout work-out gear(not a sponsor). She was rolling with a young girl who had just started training. A little blond french canadian thing. Her facing features reminding her very much of
[Name Redacted]. They went to lock up, Sierra ducked down with a double leg taking her to the mat with ease and holding her down. After a few moments Sierra pushed up to her feet and offered her hand, the girl smiled and gave a nod thanking her for her help. But, Sierra ignored her.

She said nothing, she hadn’t been talkative in the last week since the incident backstage at a WWH show. Sierra had been moved to another brand, but she still had to see it, Carter and the woman he cheated with all over WWH TV, he was being pushed to the moon. It made her heart ache and her stomach boil.

Sierra shook it off and tried to get back into it, the little blond girl moved fast, Sierra’s mind flashed again to Carter and that small room that he was found in, the feeling in the pit of her stomach that Made Sierra almost burst into tears, in front of her new co workers, her employers and everyone else backstage. Everyone knew now of course, they never said anything directly, but the show she had been at two days ago had left scars and anger, pitied looks that even now made her want to throw up. But this moment of fear and anger left her open and before she knew it the girl had taken her down and was not on top of her.

The gym was silent.

Men who had been running the ropes and learning counters now stared in quiet disbelief.

Everyone was looking. Sierra felt herself losing it. She felt tears well up in her eyes and anxiety in her stomach. A rage building in her heart. And with that she planted her feet, bucked her hips and threw the young girl off her with a huge force before pivoting off her knee and forward taking the girl down as soon as she got to a vertical base, Sierra moved around, took her back and sunk in a deep choke. The girl struggled, she panicked, she tapped. And then, she passed out.

Diego made it over, he pulled Sierra off her, dragging his sister to her feet. Sierra growled and looked down at the coughing and sputtering girl. Diego shoved her back. ”Hey...HEY ENOUGH...SI!” Sierra breathed deep and shook her head backing away as others helped the little blond girl, Sierras hair fell from the bun, a few strands in front of her face. Diego looked around at the rest of the gym as they all stayed silent. He grabbed Sierra by the arm and pulled her sideways into the office slamming the door behind him.

”Sit down…” Sierra ignored him, folding her arms over her chest. Diego kicked the chair out from under the desk and pointed at it. ”Sit down Si!” After a few moments she let out a deep sigh and slowly lowered herself into the seat. Diego moved around to the other side and laid his hands flat on the table. ”We warned you, we tried to talk you out of it, we tried to make you remember why trusting Carter was a bad idea. And you didn’t listen.No9w look at you…”

Sierra stayed silent, she just folded her arms and looked ahead. Diego let out a sigh and closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. ”Go home Si, take some time away, do your job, make your dates, then come back when you’ve calmed down.” Sierra went to say something, Diego put his finger up and shook his head. ”Just go Si...please...for both us us…” She pushed off the chair, keeping eye contact with her brother, she ground her teeth and turned towards the door showing passed Rico on the way out, he reached out for his sister, Diego shook his head. ”Let her go bro…”

Promo: Roll the wheel.
St. Barts
Present Day

”So, do you take me seriously now?”

Sierra Williams, long fire red hair and all stood with her arms folded. It was a wonderful day in St Barts, a bottle of water dangled from her hand as she smirked and shook her head.

”The calls of “Sierra lost it” and “Sierra is just a tag wrestler” seem to have faded away right?. See, you people need to recognise the talent, the drive and what I’ve done. I mean, yes, Lachlan and I did dominate the Mixed tag team division, we did go on an incredible run. But, look at my record. Even without the tag team title run, without the wins there, then all you have is two blemishes on my record. A loss to that idiot Mercedes Vargas in a triple threat match and a loss to one of my opponents in Bobbie Dahl.”

“But what about the rest of my wins?”

“What about what I have done to the roster huh?”

“Well, it’s amazing how people will write off your accomplishments and basically shit on you. It’s amazing how very few people can look at you and see you as a danger because their fragile as fuck egos won’t let them\. Griffin Hawkins didn’t see Teddy Steele as a threat, and now Teddy is walking around with the damn mens Roulette title. Mercedes Vargas didn’t see Sam as a threat despite her record, instead referring to Marlowe as “her shadow” despite Sam winning the women’s roulette title for the fourth time.”

“People did that with me.”

“They wrote off my tag team success, they then went and just shrugged at my singles wins. Like I was nothing without Lachlan. Then as I have gone through a large chunk of the women’s division, Apple Coren and Trinity Jones. You all still STILL refused to take me seriously. So now, after beating the goddamn number one contender I have to ask again. Do you take me seriously now?”

She waits for an answer that will never come, she pops the top off her water taking a drink.

”But, even with my recent success I get why I might be viewed as an underdog here. Even though Kate has been nothing but a failure over the last few months and since beating me Bobbie seems to have gone into a downward spiral. I mean Kate has sat there and watched the whole dynamic of her relationship flip. See she has gone from being the dominant one, in the wrestling world and their personal life, to being cucked. I mean, a few short months ago, Kate was strutting around with a briefcase telling the world she was about to win the SCW bombshells title in her hometown.”

She stops for a moment and raises an eyebrow with a smirk before leaning close.

”How’d that go for you Katie cakes?.”

”I can answer that. You lost. You lost spectacularly. And see, a real measure of someones personality and who they are as a human being is their ability to bounce back. And you didn’t really bounce back Kate. You just kinda, existed. And you have failed time and timer again while almost begging for title shots like they were crack. But hey, your prayers have been answered, you get a chance to become the number one contender and face Sam Marlowe. The only problem is, standing in your me. And while you sit there and watch your husband be a champion and run around with a legion of hos like he’s suddenly “Teddy Pimp Daddy”, I have been winning and winning and winning….”

“Cause that is what I do…”

“So bring it in the roulette rules match Katie, I’ll be waiting, I’ll be waiting to whoop your pale english rose ass all over the ring, I will take you down, lock you in my sharpshooter and I will make you tap out of the match like your husband is about to tap out of your damn marriage…”

Sierra sneers and steps back with a smirk before walking out of the shot, after a few awkward moments she steps back in with a scoff.

”Oh shit I’m sorry, I forgot about Bobbie Dahl….”

She laughed to herself and shook her head.

”Story of your life hey Bobbie?. Most of the fans forgot about you after you were able to beat me. Even Artie forgot about you….”

She shrugged and continued.

”Look. Bobbie. Honey. I’m not going to go down the same route as Kate and make veiled fat jokes. Cause that is low hanging fruit and you are a big, beautiful woman. Hell Bobbie, I really hate Kate and her attitude but I like you. I really do. You may have rubbed me the wrong way with Lachlan and hitting on him and our match but in the end you beat me and I respected you for it. I wanted to shake your hand, I told you in public, on social media that there we no hard feelings…”

“But then the dropoff happened.”

“You scratched and clawed your way up to a title shot, you failed and then you started to circle the drain and failed again in the roulette title ultimate X. Then I see your best friend forget you exist, I see you moping and whining on twitter. And I wonder. What the fuck happened to you?.”

“What happened to the funny, arrogant, cocky, bad-ass woman who beat me?. Cause this, are now?. That’s not the woman who went toe to toe with me. I look in your eyes now Bobbie and I don’t see fire and energy. Nah, now I see someone who is defeated and broken. Someone who doesn’t deserve another shot at the title. Someone who in all honesty...doesn’t deserve to be in an SCW ring….”

“And that might be harsh or whatever but you need to hear it so you can change it. But it won’t be this time. See that ball is going to start rolling, the roulette wheel will spin…..and in the end, that little ball will land on red….cause ladies..Sierra Williams is straight fire…”

Climax Control Archives / An underdog story?
« on: September 06, 2019, 08:14:53 AM »
It's not the end of the world
Think where you started from
To where you're standing now
It's not the end of the world
The best of us rise from the fall

Scene One: This was a mistake.
San Diego California
4 Years Ago

The nerves were getting to her. A tingly feeling in the pit of her stomach, her fingertips sparking like a tesla coil. Sierra paced back and forth trying to keep warmed up, there were only minutes till her debut, a tag match with Carter against some other local guys. She moved down pulling her kickpag up a little higher, fussing with the cord on her wrestling gear to make sure it was tied tight to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions. She turned to see a WWH producer walking towards her stopping as he flicked through a sheet of paper and moving the headset and small microphone to the side.

”You have two minutes. Where’s your partner?” He looked down the hallway as a shot of fear came through with the anxiety and nerves. Sierra stumbled over her words as she looked from side to side.

She seemed embarrassed and angry at the same time. ”I-I don’t know. I’ll find him.” She smiled and gave a frantic nod, she was panicking and the producer knew it, he swallowed hard and have her an accepting nod. ”Fuck” Sierra moves down the hallway towards the lockerooms. She moved past a few of the other wrestlers, producers and general stageing hands. ”Carter?.....CARTER?” They looked at her as if she was crazy, she kept moving down the maze of walls and white painted brick.

”CARTER??!?!” Sierra stopped dead in her tracks as she heard a voice through a door, two voices. One male, one female. ”Carter?. Is that you?”

There was a loud banging noise followed by a laugh and a low angry cough. ”Fuck” It was Carter, she knew the voice, Sierras eyebrow raised up as she knocked on the door. ”Hey yeah..coming...just getting dresse-prepared...for our match.” After a few moments the door opened, Carter slid out fast shutting the door behind him with a grin while pulling his ring vest around his shoulders.”You ready for this baby girl?”

Sierra had an uneasy feeling in her stomach, this wasn’t nerves for the match now, this was a sick, horrible, wrong feeling. A feeling of betrayal. Sierra turned as Carter led her back down the hallway towards gorilla. She stopped mid step and turned, before Carter could grab her Sierra got to the door pulling it open. ”You piece of shit….” Sierra stepped back as a half naked
[Name Redacted] popped her little blond head out and waved to Carter before moving past Sierra with an arrogant smirk on her face. Carter looked down and shook his head.

”Sierra I”

Her hand shot up, her head shook and she closed her eyes. ”Just, just stop ...we have a match…” She pushed passed him and moved to the curtain stopping as the music hit, she and Carter pushed out and the second the lights hit, the second she heard the crowd the personal shit got left in the back. After the match ended and they won their debut they moved back through the curtain covered in sweat and the backstage area was full, the roster was there applauding, Sierra smiled, Carter came up behind her and put an arm around her.

She shrugged his hand away and forced the smile back on as she shook hands and thanked everyone. The second she moved around the corner she turned and slapped Carter across the face. ”I’m talking to management. I’m getting transferred to the other show. I will not let you destroy me, or my career...we’re done..”

She growled and turned away, Carter went to open his mouth but decided against it. Sierra never looked back kicking the locker room door in slamming her shoulder into [NAME REDACTED]. ”Enjoy him bitch...I don’t need a leech on me anymore.”

Promo: Step up or step off
Present Day

”Good lord it’s hot…”

Sierra sighed and wiped the sweat from her forehead. The sun was out in full force as Sierra crossed her arms over her chest, she dug her feet into the sand and smiled as the wind whipped across the coastline, her fiery red hair flowing to the side.

”Gotta say, working for a company that looks at summertime and says “let’s work in tourist spots” is pretty awesome. I didn’t get to compete at Summer XXXtreme, but I was on the cruise. I was able to drink and dance and enjoy all the themed festivities, meeting fans and hanging out with Lachlan as he got ready for his match. And despite how it all went down, I’m proud of Lachlan. I’m proud he is getting opportunities. And one day, maybe Lachlan and I will team again and try and reclaim the mixed tag titles...”

“But there comes a time when you have to look back and be proud of what you accomplished. And despite the idiots who run their mouths and have little understanding of what the tag division was in SCW before we arrived. See if you look at this company and the wrestling world in general tag team wrestling is not appreciated as it should be. SCW dissolved the male and female tag team divisions, they created a mixed tag format as a way to make it relevant. And despite a strong start with the available teams the titles quickly became nothing but props for overinflated egos to hold and covet.”

“Mercedes Vargas and Kain…”

“So, Lachlan and I signed our contracts and when we saw those titles we got excited and wanted to take the division on as a challenge. To make it matter. And we did. We accomplished our mission. But there comes a time when you need to look down paths less travelled. Through my career I have been in and out of teams, I’ve dabbled being by myself and I had success when I did. Even here. Look at what I’ve done, what I’ve accomplished and what kind of professional wrestler I am. Shit I’ll say it right now…”

“I’m the darkhorse in this company. And people need to stop sleeping on me.”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head moving her hair behind her ear to keep it from blowing across her face.

”With Lachlan needing time off from being hurt after that Ultimate X and also the fact he went head first into the singles divisions I decided now was my time to give it a shot. To try and prove that I’m not just a tag team wrestler like Apple Coren, Trinity Jones and Jesse Salco said I was. Whether it’s Alicia Lukas or Sam Marlowe I don’t care. Or hell, it might even be my opponent Seleana Zdunich. You know, I have to hand it to you Seleana. You have been able to consistently stay at the top of the women’s division and around the title. And hell, you haven’t had the easiest road. You have tried and tried hard. Scraping and clawing. Through all your troubles.”

“And then, at Summer Xxxtreme you went toe to toe with Amy Santino, a legend in SCW and won the right to face Alicia Lukas for the SCW bombshells title. Again. And hey, you earned it, there is no one. No one who can take that away from you and Sel, I gotta say honey, you should be bouncing off the walls and be happy. You finally proved that you belonged right?.”

“Hell, you’re a stand up broad, a woman of the people who earns everything she gets. You don’t beg or strong arm for title shots, you don’t throw tantrums if you lose. No Sel, you’re above all that. And hell I was impressed watching what you’ve had to say over the last few weeks. Especially with your comments towards Amy Santino.”

“But, then again, while you showed tremendous ability to actually see how things are the usual bullshit did slowly rear its ugly head with you…”

“Honey, you said you needed to prove to Alicia Lukas that you weren’t a fluke. You were never a fluke. See Sel, a fluke would be you getting a roll up on her, hitting a big move out of nowhere and getting the one, two, three. You won the SCW Bombshells title, because your wife interfered. That’s the only reason. And for you to ignore that fact and puff your chest out like you’re some kind of great talent who could have won, well. I’m sorry. That’s not how life works.”

“You’re a sweet, naive girl. You are. I won’t deny it. I won’t lie and say you’re like your wife or whatever the hell. But you need to wake up to the fact that you got handed an SCW title you never deserved and never should of had and the second you had to defend it you dropped the ball. And shit, you then got handed another title shot. And you lost that one too. But now you have this huge chance at redemption right? Such an amazing Rocky story.”

Sierra throws her arms in the air with a wry smile.

”But this isn’t hollywood, this isn’t one of those sports movies where you are fighting your way back to the top with a cool 80’s montage set to Survivors Eye of the tiger. You are not in the mighty ducks. No, you’re more like the Odessa high school football team from Friday night lights. The little engine that could who fights and claws their way to a title shot, gets everyone around them believing they could win and be a champion…”

“But then failing at the last hurdle because they just aren’t as good as they believe and fairytales aren’t fucking real.”

“Also I’d like to point out, that even if you take away all my tag matches and the titles I won there, my singles record, percentage wise, is still better than yours. In fact I have lost four matches in my entire career here. Four. And did I get a title shot?. Have I been put in a match for the Roulette title?. Or the Bombshells?. Have I even had the opportunity to earn a shot?. Lachlan has, you have despite your losses, even your abusive beanhead fake ass wannabe latina wife has. But I haven’t. And I, much like you let my actions speak louder than words.But the fact you would stand there and champion yourself as a pinnacle of the morally and ethically righteous while being an abject failure?....”

“Nah fam…”

“You got talent, you have heart but the fact remains you got HANDED a title reign. You have had more title shots and opportunities than anyone in the last six months and still want to play the role of the goddamn underdog?. Bitch are you kidding me?. You have become one of the most popular and looked upto women in SCW. Despite your losses, despite your failures. You still have earned shots over and over again but there’s the problem. We’ve seen it. We’ve seen women like you in the scene, and your wife, and Kate Steele.”

“Mercedes Vargas, Sam Marlowe,.those are names that have bung around title scenes too. What about Bobbie?. What about Cat Riley?. There are women who don’t get the same shots as you Seleana, and yeah, you’re not like the Mercedes Vargases and Crystal’s of the world. You don’t beg and plead for shots or complain. But you’re also not that underdog anymore. You’re a choke artist, you’re the woman who is always hovering around but not quite good enough to get it done...And a win over you?....well...lets see them ignore me when their number one contender is laying on her back and staring at the lights. Then the Roulette title...well….lets see them stop me…”

Climax Control Archives / First vs the best
« on: August 09, 2019, 10:04:08 PM »
All that I'm to do
Calculating steps away from you
My own
Growing through
Delusion from mania

Scene One: Not again
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
4 Years Ago.

She went through the motions, working on the mats with a few of the other girls. Double leg shot, take down, roll around, try and gain wrist control. Back up. Rinse, repeat. Sierra didn’t even see her brothers talking in the corner. Watching, studying. Diego whispered something to Rico who moved closer to the group of women. Most of them where trainees, rookies who had been in the school for less than a month. Sierra finished her rotation and stayed crouched at the side of the mat watching but not really paying attention.

In fact, she almost jumped out of her skin when Rico opened his mouth. ”Anything catch your eye” Sierra looked up and pushed up to her feet with a smile, it was a fake smile. And Rico knew it. He turned to look at Diego who shrugged. Sierra cleared her throat and tried to project confidence.

”Yeah, I’m just going through a few things, helping out.

Rico raised an eyebrow, he sighed and shook his head before nudging his head sideways signalling for Sierra to follow, they moved passed the rings and weight benches to a quiet corner. Rico paced back and forth looking Sierra up and down before crossing one arm over his chest and the other curling up to cradle his chin in his fingers. Sierra looks around nervously with a small laugh. ”What’s going on?

He sighed and moved a little closer. ”You seem, off. Like maybe you’re in deep thought about something. Sierra slowly shook her head turning her nose up and closing off her body language. Her bottom lip curling up.

”I have no idea what you’re talking abo-” Rico’s hand shot up into Sierras face, she jumped back and Rico slowly shook his head.

”Si, Diego and I both have seen it over the last week but here, today, you have been complacent. That just ain’t you. So spill it, the fuck is goin on chica?” She stuttered and stayed silent, her heart started to beat harder and faster as she noticed her hands fumble and her movements become jerky and sudden. She cleared her throat and brought down her voice so no one else could hear.

Diego looked over, his eyebrow raised as Rico leaned in closer. ”I got a contract offer...from WWH” There was a small silence, Rico stepped back looking confused before letting out a small laugh under his breath.

”Yo, you think so little of me and D that you’d hide this from us?. Why Si? Before Sierra could open her mouth Rico sprung forward giving his little sister a hug with a laugh. ”This is great news I’m only grinding your gears, but for real you don’t need to be worried about me and D...we ain’t jealous types ya know?” She swallowed hard and gave a nod with a huge smile, her hands sliding down into the pockets of her work out shorts as Diego walked over. ”Hey sister got a contract from WWH…”

”For real?. DAMN!” Diego too grabbed Sierra and gave her a hug, lifting his younger sister in the air. ”Does pops know?, nah of course not he would have told us. Yo we need to tell pops this is awesome”

”NO!” Sierra’s voice went high pitched and louder than she intended, not only did Diego and Rico stop and look but half the gym, Sierra realised she was now the center of attention and gave an awkward grin and a nod sending everyone else back to work. She lowered her voice and adjusted her shirt. ”I mean, not yet cause. It’s not a done deal, I haven’t signed it. She cleared her throat, Rico raised an eyebrow and Diego too looked confused.

”Why not?” It was a fair question, a contract with WWH was usually overpriced and guaranteed money. Why wouldn’t she sign?.

She took a deep breath and gave a small nod to herself to build confidence. ”Because it was organised by...and came from..Carter”

”Oh hell naawww”

Both Diego and Rico reacted, Diego turned and walked away looking as if he was about to punch a wall, Rico brought his hands to his face and rubbed his cheeks. ”You know pops is gonna kill you for this right? Not before he...or we kill Carter” There was a small silence as Sierra looked down and away biting her lip harder playing with her bandana awkwardly. ”Ahhh shit….you two….argh”

”No, look, was a one time thing but this is a huge opportunity. I’m going to sign, for my career but Carter he…

Diego turned and walked back in bellowing. ”If that fucker does anything...ANYTHING to hurt you again,.I’ll break him in half myself and no one will find the body.. Sierra opened her mouth, Rico did the cut it motion with his hand, Sierra instead just gave a small nod. Diego huffed and looked over at Rico who gave him a small smile, as Diego walked away Rico followed and reached out touching Sierra on the shoulder.

Scene Two: Whoops
On Camera
Present Day.

”Hey look guys we have a great new division building with new te- annnnnd it’s gone”

Sierra slowly shrugs and sighs loudly throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

”So, the reality TV boy and his silly little wannabe wrestler agent thing come into SCW and run their mouths, get a golden opportunity handed to them have a draw with us and get another shot and then. Flake. And lose. And then disappear from social media and apparently, the company. Wow. Amazing. It’s great to see that we have people so dedicated to their craft. And the thing is, the saddest part. While Evelyn was a silly little girl caught up in something she had no right being in...Liam on the other hand…”

“He has talent, if he’s gone, that would suck. But he needed to be told the truth. He was not special because of his sexuality, he was not different or unique because of it and wasn’t going to be treated any different.”

“He needed to be noticed because of how good he was in the ring.”

“That’s it. And he failed.”

“It was a moment where if they were going to win or do anything in this company, it had to happen. But, after a “draw” with us, they realised in a match where that wasn’t going to be a possibility, well, they faded into nothing. No big pre match talk, no running their mouths on twitter, no real movement in the ring. They walked in, lost, took their pay check and went home. Like good little bitches…”

She laughs to herself, her arms now folding over her chest as she tilted her head to the side.

”Lach and I do not do that. We are not about that. We turn up, win or lose and we do our job, we work hard and we make SCW matter. We made the mixed tag titles matter, and we don’t do that by being hall of fame former world champions or playing video games on twitch begging for money like a lazy stripper. We do that by being a great team who is determined to win and be competition for EVERYONE. See, no matter how good you are, how big and bad you are, when you see that you are facing Lachlan Kane and Sierra Williams, you know damn well you’re in for a fight.”

“And we had to watch while those titles we loved, cared for, defended and made special, got turned into nothing. They got devalued and so did the entire division and what’s worse is, we told you it would happen. I stood in front of a camera, much like I am now and I told each and every person watching that if we failed, if Gamer INC was able to fluke a win over us that they would take our little baby that we created...and flush it down the toilet.”

“And they did, they took the belts and ran and when they were told to turn up to work after their little holiday, they ignored it.”

“They just didn’t care.”

“So now, now it’s up to us to win those titles and rebuild them back up to mean something again. But, as much as I joke about the division being dead the last four teams much as I’d hate to say it, qualified. See on the other side of the bracket we have Jack Asher and Emmie Ward, two people who, while are arrogant assholes, are a real team and look like they belong here and above all..are passionate about mixed tag team wrestling and those titles.”

Sierra shrugs and smiles to herself before pacing back and forth.

”Same with Vinnie and Amy. Vinnie is a guy who could possibly be the World champion and Amy Santino is a SCW legend, that is a team that I believe would take pride in those titles. And both teams would also give us a fight. Provided we can get through our opponents this week. And this is strange for us because Lach and I are facing people who...have held those titles before…”

“Not just any former championship team. London Underground, the first ever SCW mixed tag team champions.”

“A team we have never faced…”

“And honestly, they are intimidating, because unlike alot of the teams we have seen, London Underground are a legit success.An incredible winning record in any combination, tag title runs and wins and titles. London Underground are a team that Lachlan and I could of built our careers off of facing. That was, until they decided to...disappear.”

“See, the SCW mixed tag team division should of started with a bang with them as champions, they should have been the team to beat and the record setters but instead they held the mixed tag titles for a month. A month. And then. Well, then we look at the fact they were the last ever Male and Female tag champions, won in battle royals. So, while London Underground can claim being amazing wrestlers, former champions and talents...well...are they really?...”

“Lachlan and I defended titles, beat the “best” and we stood tall and unlike Gamer INC and London Underground we are still HERE. We are still fighting. And at Climax Control, Lachlan and I will beat the first ever mixed tag team champions and prove...beyond any doubts, that we are the best tag team not just in this era...any era…”

Climax Control Archives / ContraDICKtions
« on: August 01, 2019, 07:29:23 AM »
You carry this weight trying to cover your mistakes
To make it seem like nothing could ever break you
But I see right through, 'cause I am broken too
In all the same places as you
And if you needed proof, I'll reopen my wounds
Reopen my wounds, yeah
I see myself in you (in you)
I know you can make it through

Scene One: Don’t let it get to you….
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
4 Years Ago


The word pushed out of Sierra's mouth as she paced back and forth. Her hand gripping her phone as tight as is could. It shook as she flipped it to look at the screen again., The message was there, it was clear. He was back and she had no idea what to do. She swiped the lock, typed furiously on the screen and stopped, her thumb hovering over the send button, she moved her hand up sweeping her hair behind her ear pacing back and forth again, she came to a stop staring up into the full-length mirror on her bedroom wall.

Her hair was dyed blonde, a move she made the week before after overhearing a promoter at a local show she had worked at saying he and the other’s liked blondes. She swallowed hard and shook her head hating the feeling n her stomach. Her upper body covered by her Calgary Flames jersey, a pair of tight black jeans on the bottom as she ground her teeth, unsure of if she should press the button. Before she could make the choice her phone vibrated in her hand with a second message…


The word was sprayed louder this time as she moved across the floor to her bedroom window lightly pulling back the curtains to look down onto the street, a feeling of anxiety and fear running up her spine as she noticed the familiar black Dodge Charger in her driveway, a car she hadn’t seen in three years. She swallowed and looked over at Jade asleep in her crib in the corner, her little hand slipping through the bar. She looked out again, the door opened and he stepped out, a ghost from her past. His short brown hair cropped just like it had always been.

He slid the sunglasses off his face and looked up to her window with a small grin and a nod, he pointed to the door and started moving. ”Shit” Another expletive, this time Sierra moved and opened the bedroom door making her way down the stairs to the front stopping right in front of the door, she could see the outline through the glass partition, her heartbeat fast as that anxiety and fear mixed with anger. She unlocked the door and slowly opened it as he shot a grin. That grin. ”What do you want Carter?”

Carter Kennedy, or King Kennedy as he would call himself stood in her doorway. A young Canadian wrestler who she had trained with when she started at 18, a guy who she fell for, a guy who broke her heart and walked off moving to the states, leaving Sierra and their dreams behind.”Is that any way to say hi after so long?” He tilted his head and gave a nod as his eyes moved up and down her body, Sierra rolled her eyes and leaned on the door frame.”Hmm a blond eh?. Looks good. His voice lowered as he again shot the grin at her.

His boyish good looks and charm being turned up to a hundred since she last saw him. Sierra swallowed hard and gripped the door frame in her hand, her black painted nails almost taking a small amount of the finish off as she dug them in. ”Again, what do you want Carter?”

He stood there for a moment or two, looking directly into Sierra’s eyes, directly into her heart. He always had that ability, even when he was a skinny little kid from Winnipeg. Now he was a six-foot three, toned and tanned superstar who had taken a large contract. ”Look, I heard a few things and wanted to see you.” His eyes moved passed her into the house studying to see if her brothers were home, and lucky for him. They weren’t. Either would have tried to kill him. Sierra scoffed and shook her head. ”Really?. You “heard” a few things? Like what?. That I hooked up with a guy when you left?. That he knocked me up? That I’m working at fucking Taco Bell?”

There was an awkward silence as Carter stepped back and swallowed hard, Sierra bit her lip and shook her head as she pulled the door slightly. Carter’s eyes trailed up and he stepped forward quickly. ”Now, no Si you got it wrong I….I heard you were wrestling again. In fact, I saw a tape online that someone linked me looked great. Her eyes lit up as she smiled and her face and body language softened. ”You think so? He gave a nod and stepped closer to the door. ”Yeah…look...let me in Si….I just want to talk and I don’t want to do it out here on the street.

His eyes pleaded, Sierra bit her lip and as every part of her screamed not to, her hand reached up unflipping the lock and opening the door. Carter stepped in and smiled ”Seeing you in the ring again, brought back a lot of memories and I realized, we have unfinished business, you’re still young and a few years ago...we could have been the best tag team in wrestling…

”Yeah till you walked out on me There was an awkward silence and Carter cleared his throat fixing his tie, Sierra sighed feeling bad that she just blurted that out. Carter reached into the breast pocket of his jacket pulling out a document placing it on the table. ”What...what’s this? Carter gave a small smile and pulled out a pen placing it on the contract slowly shoving it towards her. Her eyes trailed over it and she swallowed hard.

”That, well, that is a provisional acceptance document. Basically, my new employers want to hire you and this says you’re in and will report to their training facility. Hellsgate I believe it’s called, it’s for their second show. Sierra’s heart felt like it was going to explode, her voice that was normally confident and strong came out like a whimper. ”This, this is for WWH?” Carter again gave a small nod, Sierra’s hands shook as she slowly pulled the paper towards her taking the pen and signing her name on the bottom, she closed her eyes as a few tears slid down her cheeks, the amount of money on the contract making her head spin.

”Thank you!...thank you so much. She reached out taking Carter's hand in hers standing up with him to give him a hug, the hug lingered for a moment and as she went to pull back Carter leaned down kissing her, Sierra's instinct was to push him away, to tell him, no, to say she had no interest in him. She didn’t trust him, but after this and their past she melted, she folded….and that was the start…

Scene Two: Second Chance…
On Camera
Pico Rivera, California
Present Day.

”Qué montón de mierda9What a load of shit)

Sierra shook her head her hair tied back in a high ponytail as the sun beat down in California. The heart seemed to be getting to her as she wiped some sweat from her brow with her bandana before stuffing it into her back pocket with a grin.

”A draw, a double count-out, whatever the fuck you want ti to call it. Do you believe that shit?. You know, I can handle losing. It pisses me off, as it does anyone. But a loss is a clear cut ending. It doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room, you lose, you lose, you go back to the drawing board and you come up with someth9ing for your next opponent but this?. This puts a giant question mark over Lachlan and me. The most dominant team in SCW and the only people who have ever made those titles mean a damn thing and we couldn’t even get past a brand new team where one of them is, by her own apparent admission, barely even a wrestler.

“Do you know how that reflects on me?”

“Do you realize how foolish Lachlan and I look now?.”

“It’s maddening really. And the thing is, I can stand here and admit that Evelyn is better than I gave her credit for and Liam could be a legit threat. But what the fuck do I know right?. It’s not like I am one of the most talented women on the roster. It’s not like I have a winning percentage that would make the Golden state warriors go “oh hey goddamn”. I have proved time and time again that if you throw a fastball or a curveball at Sierra Williams, that I will step up and crowd the plate, choke up on the bat and swing for the damn fences and in times out of ten I whack that mother fucker over the far fence and take a long stride around with my head held high.”

Sierra starts to get fired up as some locals stop and look, watching intently as she continues to gleefully show her passion.

”Fact is I could jump into any division against anyone on the roster and put up a fight and make it a contest. I’m not limited to the Mixed tag division and I’ve shown it. I could jump in there with anyone gunning for the Roulette title, I could jump in there with the roulette champion Mercedes Vargas, I could go for Alicia Lukas’ chunky ass and snatch up that title. But I don’t. I don’t because I am focused with Lachlan on regaining those tag titles. And I have had people ask me, Why?”

“Why Sierra?. Why go for tag title glory instead of singles titles?”

“No one cared about the mixed tag division, why try and get the belts back?”

“And you really want to know why?. Because they deserve it. The titles deserve real champions and we have a nice little tournament going but having a few matches to get those championships don’t mean anything if you don’t back it up and be the best champs you can be. I love those titles, I love teaming with Lachlan and I love proving why we are the best. I have love for tag team wrestling and I have a lot more to prove with Lachy before we decide to compete in the other divisions….”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head.

”Now, last week sucked. I’ll put that right out there, as I said, a draw, a double count-out makes me feel sick and raises a lot of questions. But, I will say that I have gotten a little, tiny, minuscule amount of respect for Liam and Evelyn. Cause I respect anyone willing to get in the ring. Evelyn came at me with everything she had and I thought it was..impressive. Almost. But what I find less impressive is Liam Ryan. See, he’s someone who seems to believe that because he’s gay that he’s special. I’m sorry to break it to you Liam, but there’s isn’t a damn thing special about you.”

“Fenris and Ty West are not special because they’re in a relationship, they’re special for what they do in the ring and you are nothing but an overblown caricature trying to use your sexuality to seem like something unique and different when in reality you’re just sad. I would think it was sad if it was some woman posting pictures of her ass and tits to get likes because she’s lacking in the personality department. Like Amanda Cortez was.”

“Now you have a personality, but it’s one-note. One repeated note being strummed over and over again. Put as plainly as I can, your personality is the equivalent of pop-punk music. One song structure re-arranged over and over again and while people with small brains will lap it up, the real fans and real people who look at you will get bored of you in about five seconds and go find something else. All we have discovered about you is you’re gay and you were in the military. That’s it, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, people know a hell of a lot about me. They know my personality traits, my struggles with my oldest daughters father and where I cam from, they know I’m a child of a mixed-race couple and all the issues I have had and why I love wrestling…”

“They knew that about me from day one. But you? You’ve been here a month and you’ve shown yourself to be nothing but a walking, talking stereotype….and on a side note Liam. I already went to war with one overexaggerating queen...don’t push me...stay off my kool-aid”

Almost as if on cue Lachlan Kane steps up with two plastic cups with what looks to be green kool-aid handing one to Sierra.

”You looked thirsty...“

”Not as thirsty as Liam though right?”

Lachlan stops drinking mid-sip and lowers his cup.

”Please don’t…”

He slowly backs away and turns, as he does Sierra reaches out slapping his ass before coughing nervously and continuing.

”Now, moving on from Liam to the one I really should be concerned about. Evelyn Welch. It’s freaking so funny to me how you stand there and talk about not wanting to compete yet here you are. I get it, you’re pushing little Liam to the top to be a star. But this ain’t it chief. You’re in a mixed tag tournament which means you have to actually care about what you’re doing. And you don’t, you’ve admitted you don’t. See Evie, you’re not like me, or Mercedes, or Alicia, or Amy Santino. We have all bled for this business, we have all gotten concussions and broken bones and have pushed our bodies to limits that are quite frankly inhuman.”

“You don’t want any of that. You really don’t.; Hell you got a small shot from Twisted Sister and cried about it, and then against me, you did everything you could to avoid getting the beating I would have given you. But what really annoys me and lets me know just what kind of inept fool you are is your comments towards me. You clearly have no idea what I’m about. I mean, I look like a street rat?, I dress like a whore?. I wear wrestling attire, I wear what everyone else does in this damn business you fucking dimwit…”

“But, I have to ask, why are you commenting on my perceived lack of femininity and telling me to see a stylist instead of worrying about whose face I’m going to bust open while then calling me a whore, that sounds like a contradiction. And as for my work in other companies, you mean main eventing a companies first ever pay per view for the world title? Face it, Evelyn, you did no research and you decided to try and pull things out of your ass to try and get a rise out of me and that’s a very valid gameplan. But the only problem with that gameplan is that, as you pointed out and as I did last mixed tag matches it’s men vs men, women vs women. Which means when I next drag your pretty little blonde ass into that ring, I’m going to break you in half, I’m going to make you squeal like a pig and then when all is said and done, Lach and I will go on while you have to explain to Liam why the hell you failed him...Climax Control 244 bitches….you’re gonna get got…”

Climax Control Archives / We're back
« on: July 25, 2019, 06:57:00 AM »
Today, up on this hill, I’m counting all the killers
They sway as they swarm, a look of gluttons in their eyes
They mutter as the body loses warmth
They pick your bones like locks inside a tomb

Scene One: A new beginning
Off Camera
Detroit, Michigan
4 Years Ago

The beads of sweat rolled down her brow as she sat backstage, the roar of the crowd echoing in her ears. The other girls hated her, she could feel it, see it, smell it, even taste it. They all sat at the other end of the large locker room licking their wounds and staring at her. Sierra didn’t care, she didn’t need anyone in here’s approval. She had the crowd. She had the lights in her eyes and the fans in her heart. Her tongue probed in her mouth touching a small cut on the inside of her lower lip, the taste of blood making her chuckle as the metallic flavor mixed with her spit.

Sierra turned her head spitting blood into the sink before letting out a small laugh, the door opening with a knock before a voice rang out. ”Yo Si” Diego was waiting, her hand drifted over to her black hoodie that she had worn to the ring before the match, she threw it over her body flipping the hood up before stopping near the door. ”Y'all need to train harder, less posing, more punching” She went out into the hallway the door closing behind her as she took in a deep breath.

Diego whispered something to Rico, he smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder before turning and nodding at Sierra who beamed from ear to ear as she high fived Diego. ”Well, don’t you look pleased with yourself? She just gave a small shrug, Diego letting out a laugh as he leaned against the wall, a shirt with her brother’s team name on his upper body. Sierra pulled a red bandana from her pocket tying it around her head, her long black hair flowing down her back.

Diego pulled an envelope from his back pocket handing it to Sierra, she smiled and gave him a nod opening it. ”That was a lot of fun” Diego laughed and waved at a few of the other wrestlers Sierra stopped counting and smiled looking at Diego holding up a handful of ’20s. ”This is double, there has to be a mistake”

”it’s an advance….for your next appearance

Sierra’s jaw dropped as she looked at the money, a small note with a date on it, ”It seems you made an impression. He wants you to get some new ring gear, to train non stop and to get some merch together.” He stepped forward handing her a DVD. ”He also said, send this to the companies listed, he made a video0 vouching for you with tonight’s match on it. It’ll get you booked” She stood speechless, it all hit her at once, the one chance she took, speaking up yesterday and what she showed in the ring, it all came to a head.

Diego leaned in giving his sister a hug. ”You did good kid”

Scene Two: Back together again
On Camera
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Present Day.

”What did I tell you?

Sierra smiled, her cheekbones rising as her green eyes seemed to blaze as the confidence rose inside her. Confidence hadn’t been a problem for her in years. Not since realizing she was even better than she thought she was and ten times better than anyone had ever given her credit for.

”I want you all to cast your minds back to when Lachlan and I defended our titles against Gamers INC. I want you all to remember the fact those idiots lied to you all. And you all bought it hook, line and sinker.  Lachlan and I were bag champions when all we did was eat, sleep and breathe wrestling and more specifically the mixed tag team titles. We defended them and we were good at it. But then, in a moment pure luck they were able to beat us. We took our eyes off the prize and I let my anger get the best of me and in the end, we watched as an inferior team walked away with them…”

“Lachlan blamed himself…”

“I blamed myself”

“But in the end, it was what it was. And I sat back and waited, I wanted to get back in the ring with Gamer INC, I wanted to make them taste their own blood and leave them lying in a pile of sweat and disappointment. But then, well, then they disappeared for two months with those titles. Championships that had been on TV and relevant for months because of myself and Lachlan. No one else. Us. Mercedes and Kain walked as a team, Mercy went on to win the SCW roulette title and Kain vanished. We faced Ben and Evi Jordan, we faced Levitt and his little pasty puppet, we even beat Gamer INC the first time. But what happened after that?. They hid from us to the point where Mark and Christian had to strip them of the titles and hold a tournament…”

Sierra smiles and steps sideways looking up at the replica of the SCW mixed tag titles she has on her wall, a picture of her and Lachlan holding them up under it with the date and name of the event under it.

”Lach and I never got out rematch because they disappeared and in that time other teams rose up to stake their claim. Hence why this whole thing was necessary and I know what some of you are thinking. Some of you think I’m going to stand here and complain that this tournament exists and the truth us far from it. I like the i9dea of this tournament because it gives Lach and me a chance to prove what I have been saying all along. That we are still and will always be the benchmark for tag teams in SCW and in this industry. Not the douchebags from SCU, not the elderly team of Ace Hart and his bag of bones wife. Not Asher and his partner or Santino and whoever she decides to team with. Nah, it's me and Lach.”

“And in our first-round match up we get to face two brand spanking new names in SCW. Evelyn Welch and Liam Ryan.”

“Such a pretty pair. All style and from what I’ve seen, no substance. I’m sure the skinny little pretty boy Liam Ryan thinks he’s hot shit since he was able to beat Anthrax right?. And Evelyn beat Twisted sister. Wow, amazing. I applaud your wins but at the same time you’re really stepping up in competition now. Liam, I’m sure you’ll have something to say about this that will have to do with being in the marines and while I thank you for your service you have to realize professional wrestling isn’t the military. There’s plenty of other former servicemen and women in this business, and it doesn’t always mean success puta.”

“See, Liam, you beat a guy who is honestly, one of the biggest jokes in SCW and the wrestling world, a face-painted freak who turns up, gets beaten up, collects his paycheck and goes home to rip heads off Barbie dolls or..I don’t know, legs off cockroaches, but this week, in this match, you have to face Lachlan Kane. My partner in and out of the ring and a guy who has been facing the best of the best in SCW and in other companies. Steel sharpens steel and trust me on this…”

“Lachlan is hard as steel…in more ways than one”

“You are stepping into the fire Liam, and it’s going to take more than an average six-pack and a pair of overpriced underwear to beat him, just like it’s going to take more than a win over Twisted Sister and being a “head bitch in charge” to beat me. But come on, head bitch in charge?. In charge of what?. You signed a contract to compete in SCW and then you said you’d “sue” her if she did harm to you?. YOU’RE NOW A WRESTLER YOU IDIOT.”

Sierra throws her hands in the air and shakes her head obviously in pain trying to process that level of stupidity.

”You are now entered into a tournament to crown the new mixed tag team champions and in your debut as a team in SCW you have to face the longest reigning champs and the team that made those belts worth anything to begin with. Now, Liam looks like a silly little pretty boy but atleast he identifies himself as a wrestler. You on the other hand are a “manager” or “business associate”. So I’m going to give you some advice Evelyn, if you and Liamk want to have a chance, a small, tiny, miniscule chance at advancing, you better hope we get ourselves disqualified or one of us trips and breaks something.”

“Lachlan can beat Liam, I already know that.”

“But you?. If Liam should tag you in and you and I go face to face, I will break you in half. Apple Coren, Jesse Salco, Amanda Cortez, Mercedes Vargas, Trinity Jones. All of these women are wrestlers, some of them are very bad wrestlers but still, women who have bled and sweat for SCW and the business at large. Now, I don’t know what your problem is with Mark or what his problem is with you but that isn’t really any of my concern. What matters to me, what I want, is those mixed tag titles back and chica what is stopping me, is you.”

“You are my speed bump, you are my obstacle and if there is anything you need to learn about me is that I don’t avoid obstacles in my life. I run through them. I trained to be a wrestler at a young age, I fell pregnant with my first daughter and fought to come back, I fought an abusive ex, a drug addiction, another pregnancy and raising two daughters to fight my way back up to my dreams and stay relevant only for some snooty ass blond bimbo bitch with her nose up in the air to come along with her little prince and take this shit away from me?...”

“Nah...fuck that...the crowd is going to chant it and you’ll hear the words echo...Kill Sierra Kill”

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