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Climax Control Archives / I said what what!
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:59:52 PM »
 Climax Control, 9/28/14

Event: Sin City Wrestling's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 9/28/2014

Place: St. Louis, Missouri
Venue: Scott Air Force Base


Opponent: with, Raynin Vs.  AZZ ‘N CLASS’s Chanelle Martinez and Torielle Jackson

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After months of being away, the Angels of the Fallen have come back to the halls of Sin City Wrestling.  And what a shocker!!  Gothika is no longer teaming with her best friend, Diamond!  Instead, there is the return of her friend and protegee, Raynin, who has been locked away in a mental institution for almost a year!  What sparked this return in this manner?  What is the mental state of Gothika’s partner?  And what about Gothika herself?  Racked with her own turmoil, what is her mental state?  I know I can’t wait to find out… Can you?...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

September 26, 2014

Bonjour Tout le monde,

It’s been a long road back to this place, this point in time, this moment when I get to say… The Angels of the Fallen are back home in the Sin City Wrestling!!!  All of us!!  Not one or two of us… Not the ones who people think deserve to be here, but all of us…  And I must say, it feels so good to be back.  There were points in time when I’d think to myself…  â€œHey… Gothika… Do you think it’s all going to be worth it?  Do you think that it’s all going to happen just as you picture it in your head… All of the fans will jump to their feet and cheer and clap and be excited to see you and your friends step back into the ring?”  And what I do is I shrug my shoulders and think back to myself…  â€œHell yeah it’s worth it!!  And I know that my fans will do just that!  Our fans are not fickle creatures who change their minds about who their favorite is from moment to moment.  Our fans are fans for life!!  I got emails and letters in the real mail… I mean snail mail!!  For real!!  All of them asking me, when I was coming back… What was happening?...  And when were they to expect to see me back in the ring?...  I mean, who actually takes the time to write a letter anymore, unless they’re mailing out a payment for something?  THAT is dedication!!  And so, I knew that no matter what was happening, I had to come back.  I had to fight, not just for me…  Not just for my friends… But for the fans that were counting on me to come back to this place right here…  The Sin City Wrestling!

Now yes… I know you’re all expecting it to be me and Diamond, because that’s how it’s been for so long…  But after everything we went through to get my girl back… Raynin was my partner when I came here.  She was the first of us here in SCW.  She was the first of us to become Bombshell Champion…  She was the reason for my being here… And as much as I love Diamond, I have to stand by her now.  She’s put in so much effort to be able to come back, and I have to say, I’m proud of her for not giving in when things looked the darkest.  She is worthy of the name she has with us.   She is worthy of the wings she bears.  Diamond has been and will always be my best friend.  But right now… Raynin is my partner.  I trust her.  I’ve always trusted her.  I always will trust her.  I don’t care how crazy she seems, I know she will always have my back.  Once and Angel… Always an Angel.  

Being an Angel is not some flighty thing.  I know some of these tag teams who exchange members like they change their panties, every other month, they have a new partner, or they break up, and get back together.   Hell, they’re like a Bad Romance or something…  That’s no way to form a team.  That’s no way to be able to truly work together and work well together.    And while we may switch up among ourselves, that’s because we all work together… ALL of us.   We’re like interchangeable parts of a giant puzzle… Or like Legos with all of their little connecting dots…  Or like fried peanut butter and bananas sandwiches...  we just  fit together perfectly, and we're hot hot HOT!  I mean us in the ring, when our adrenaline gets going... no matter which one of is in there... It's ELECTRIC!!  It's like wild fire!!  I mean, we're so close knit, it’s like sometimes, we may bust out each other’s finishers… just to show that we can do it too.  'Why is that?'  you may ask...  Well, for no reason other than we can do it.  I mean, of course we know how to do each other's finishing moves.  I mean, why wouldn't we?  We certainly know how to execute them because we helped each other come up with those moves.  We help each other make sure that they’re perfected, and we help each other to train for those moves over and over again.  We show each other how to up the ante on each move, and make it even more spectacular than it was before.  It's why when we step into the ring, we're like a machine..  A well oiled machine... You can't begin to understand just what that means unless you've ever been in a partnership like that.  I mean, we're more than just partners.  We're like family.  Sisters from another Mister and all that good shit.  

So here we are again, we're back into the thick of things as soon as we touch ground.  We come back, and we have to face a pair of females that we've tackled before...   And I do mean tackled before... I think I speared one of them so hard, she practically flew out of her all too short shorts.  I mean, it was all intense and everything at the time, but...  I mean let's face it... We're talking about a couple of women who helped pioneer the Bombshell Tag Team Division here in the SCW.  We were the whole reason why the Tag Team Division was started... We were one of the original Tag Teams of the Sin City Wrestling...  Raynin was the third Bombshell Champion, and that was only because she didn't come into the company at it's inception...  I am a former Bombshell Champion, and we've both held the Tag Team Championships... Hell, I've lost count how many times.  I'm sure I've got it written down somewhere...  And what does that mean for Miss Martinez and Miss Jackson?  That means that they've got a fight like... well, like the others they've had in the past when they've faced us.  I'm sorry to say that it would be business as usual when they face us.  But then, I think they knew that already.

Have these two women bettered themselves in the time we've been away?  Hmm.. Maybe... Quite Possibly.  Have these two women come up with some new tricks that might surprise my partner and my self?  Perhaps.  But what they don't realize and won't come to know until they have stepped into the rings against my friend and I is that we weren't just sitting back twiddling our thumbs while we were away.  Raynin was in a place that none of you would ever like to see...  She experienced things the likes of which would haunt your most frightening of nightmares.  We were gone so long, just so that we could let Raynin try to come back to the reality that she wasn't locked up anymore.  See, being in that place does things to you...  They say that they're fixing you, but all they were doing to her was making her worse.  But that's probably a good thing in the ring.  But you know what girls...

C'EST CHIENNES DROITE !! Je suis de retour !! Soyez prêt pour les DOULEUR POUR COMMENCER!!!  {“That’s right bitches!!  I’m back!!  Get ready  for the pain to commence!!” }

Very soon, the fun will begin again.  Azz 'N Class...  You may respect us... But there's no way you're going to beat us.  The sooner you accept that fact, and take the whoopin' we have in store for you....  Well, I was going to say the better it would be for you but... Nah... It's just nothing but sadness in your future.

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / In The Midnight Hour...
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:57:35 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control    DATE: Sunday, March 9, 2014

Place: Bakersfield, California - Venue: Icardo Center    


Opponent: vs VIXEN  

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Another week looms over the superstars and bombshells of the Sin City Wrestling as the weekly Sunday episode of Climax Control approaches. Everyone's on the edge of their seats to see how things will unfold for the Blast from the Past II Tournament as well as one other match... The upcoming Main Event... The Bombshell Championship Matchup between Vixen and our Vampyric Champion, Gothika!  Vixen has been going on and on about how much she's accomplished in the SCW and she felt that it deserved yet another Championship match...  How will our Champion react?  What will unfold as the time for their climactic battle approaches?  I know I can't wait to find out... Let's see shall we?….


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The scene opens up at the Sin City Wrestling’s Headquarters, with Miss Pussy Willow sitting in an armchair.  She’s got a stack of notecards in her lap, and she’s flipping through them for a moment as if she’s trying to order her thoughts, then she looks up at the camera and clears her throat.

“Hello everyone.  I’m Pussy Willow, and this is a special edition of ‘Behind the Scenes, the Life and Times of the Angels of the Fallen.’  We’ve got an unprecedented moment unfolding at this time.  I’m here in the SCW Headquarters where I’ve been asked to do an interview.  I’m joined here with none other than the Sin City Wrestling’s Bombshell Champion, Gothika, and her partner, Diamond.  Hello Gothika, and welcome.  It’s been a long time since you’ve done an interview.  You are looking beautiful as ever.”

The shot pulls back to show Gothika sitting across from Pussy Willow, decked out in the normal black rubber and patent leather which has been shined up till it looks like new money.  Her rubber corset and bots, while black still stands out in stark contrast to the shininess of the black patent leather of the long sleeved top and the pants she has on.  She’s got the Bombshell Championship title belt sitting in her lap, and her hand is slowly fiddling with it as she sits there.  Her hair is hanging loose around her shoulders and she reaches up to flip it away from her face as she nods slowly.

“Hello Pussycat.  And thank you or the compliment.  It has been quite a while since we’ve done this hasn’t it.”

Pussy Willow actually blushes at hearing herself called Pussycat and shakes her head sowly.

“Now Gothika…  You haven’t called me that in so long!  You’re making me blush!!”

Pussy Willow looks towards Diamond and smiles.

“And you… Diamond, you were a big surprise to the SCW world as you stepped back into the world and onto the Sin City Wrestling’s radar.   Let m give you he official welcome from the interview cast.”

Diamond is wearing a light blue suit with a cream colored satin camisole.  She’s got a silver chain around her throat with a large sapphire teardrop pendant that’s surrounded by diamonds, and matching earrings hanging on her earlobes and a diamond and sapphire tennis bracelet around her wrist.  Her hair has been pulled back in a french twist and she has stray tendrils of curls hanging around her face.  She smiles softly as she nods towards Pussy Willow.

“Thanks so much for the welcome.  It’s my first interview in a long time, so bear with me.  Who knows what I might say.”

Pussy Willow holds up a hand and smiles.

“I’m sure that you’re going to be fine, so don’t worry about it.  Now, let’s get down to the business at hand…”

Pussy Willow lifts her index cards and straightens them out with a tap on her knee, taking  deep breath before she speaks.

“Alright, let’s start with this…  Gothika, how does it feel to be the longest reigning Bombshell Champion in Sin City Wrestling History?”

Gothika chuckles and pats the title sitting in her lap gently.

“How do you think it feels?  It feels amazing!  Since I stepped out on the Sin City Wrestling stage for the first time, this was the goal I was hoping for.  To be not just the Bombshell Champion, but the Bombshell Champion of the ages!!  Misty took the honor of being the first…  but being the first is not the same as being the best!  I’ve made my mark in history in my own way.  I dominate this company’s bombshells!  I am the ruling body of the Bombshell Division, and unlike how others may have been, I’ve done it in a true vampyric and royal fashion… With an iron fist, much blood, much pain and much suffering.  People step out of line, and I put them down with extreme prejudice!  Some might say I’m a bully in the ring…  But truth be told, that’s what needs to happen!  Outside of he ring, it’s a different story.  I’m a Champion for the fans!  I’m someone they can either love to love, or love to hate!  But they all respect the fact that I AM the Champion.  I don’t hide myself from the fans… I’m out there signing autographs, taking photos, mingling…  I do what I have to do and want to do to be there for my fans.”

Pussy nods slowly and flips through her cards a minute.

“Then let’s talk about what happened before the Pay Per View… “

Gothika sighs heavily and shakes her head slowly.

“Do we have to?”

Pussy shrugs and lifts an eyebrow.

“The people want to know…  So you know I have to ask…”

Gothika nods slowly and gestures with her hands.  Pussy takes a deep breath and nods slowly.

“Alright… So there you are in the hospital room with this little girl…  And she asks you a question hat you had a strange reaction to.  She asked you to turn her, and you said no.  Why is that?”

Gothika looked down at her hands and he’s fidgeting them slowly as she blinks rapidly for a minute, then she wrings them so tightly that they turn bright red.  Diamond reaches over and puts her hand on Gothika’s for support.  Gothika looks up at Pussy and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“I’ll answer your question with a question and maybe you’ll understand…  How can I wish this…  All that I am… All of the bloodshed, the terror, the horror on one so young?”

She takes another breath and leans forward in the chair, putting an elbow on the arm of the chair and gesticulates as she talks.

“People see the world of the vampires as what they see on tv and in the movies.  They think it’s all glamorous and cool… It’s twilight or true blood, Being Human, everybody’s beautiful and young forever, not sick, not hurt…  They think that’s how their life as a vampire is gonna be…  But it’s not.”

Gothika sits up again and shakes her head slowly.

“Life as a vampire is not a fix all for everything that’s happening.  If your body is broken before you’re turned, it doesn’t fix itself.  If you have broken your back before you’re turned, you can’t suddenly start to walk again…  If you have brittle bones syndrome, your bones don’t suddenly become stronger.  If you’ve gotten a broken arm, and you’re in a cast, it doesn’t heal itself.  It’s the opposite.  Cuts heal with vampyric blood, but that’s something that has been built into who and what we are to be able to hide our being there if we wish.”

Gothika takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

“If I’d been able to…  If I’d turned that child, she’d be damned to a life in those braces.  Sure she’d still be alive, but she’d be wracked in the pain she’s going through still.  Her bones would stop rotting, but they would still be as brittle as they are now.  She thought that she’d be somehow transformed by my turning her… But she wouldn’t have been.”

Pussy shakes her head and points at Gothika.

“What about you though?  You don’t have that problem.  You said when you were turned, you had this freaky healing factor that you got from it.”

Gothika takes a deep breath and nods.

“I do…  but then, I”m not a normal vampire.  I am a hodgepodge of genetic material.  My vampirism wasn’t contracted in the normal manner.  And I was not given a choice.  This was thrust upon me in one of the most heinous acts imaginable, and while I”ve embraced my condition, I still despise it.  If I had a chance to go back to being normal…  To being simply human… I’d take it in an instant.  Or, at least that’s what I keep telling myself”

Pussy nods slowly and takes a deep breath before she asks another question.

“Alright then…  So, these past few weeks you’ve had request after request by the other ladies of the company to try and claim the spot as the Number One contender for your title.  There’s been the ever present threat of Roxi Johnson, and Necra Octavian Kane has been very vocal in wanting to claim the Bombshell Title for her own.  And now, there’s this newest grab by Vixen, who you will have to face at Climax Control this upcoming Sunday.  What do you think of the sudden push of the other Bombshells to de-throne you?”

Gothika smirks and shakes her head slowly as her eyes start to turn to that eery ice blue color that they go to when she’s agitated.

“How do I feel about it?  Truth be told, I’m excited by it.  I love the competition.  I love knowing that all of the other Bombshells are envious of my position, and want to be me at this point in time.  Necra is chasing a dream of being a grand slam champion, something that Vixen has already achieved…  But think about it like this…  Vixen only became a Grand Slam Champion by riding other people’s coat tails.  And just because she gives good…  let’s just say ‘face’ doesn’t mean she’s worthy of taking me out.  Nor does she truly have what it takes to do it.  She’s face me down over and over again, and every time, all she’s been has been meat for the slaughter. And I know or a fact that this time, it will be no different.  The only thing she should be happy about is knowing that I don’t want to taste her red.  She’s so much of a used glove, I’d be afraid of what I might catch if I tasted her essence.”

Gothika turns to Pussy and takes her hand and slides her fingertips along the back of Pussy’s hand gently.

“Now you my little Pussycat…  It’s been so long since I’ve tasted you my dear…  And you were quite exquisite if I might say so…   You had this…  flavor of desire and and want, underlined with fear and anxiety…  you tasted so delicious….  That’s why I call you Pussycat if you remember.”

Pussy pulls her hand back quickly and blushes deeply again and squirms nervously.

“I remember.  But you’re not supposed to bite me anymore, remember?  The bosses said you weren’t supposed to…”

Gothika throws her head back and laughs, her fangs extending slowly until they are bared at full length and Pussy Willow tries to scoot her chair back away from Gothika who laughs again.

“Don’t worry My dear little Pussycat…  I’m not going to feed from you tonight.  I”ve put myself on a fast when I have a match coming up.  I train and train and get myself good and hungry…  The hungrier I am, the more intense I am in the ring.  Being hungry brings out the blood thirstiness that dwells inside of me, and that translates to a better experience in the ring.  You’ve heard the fans as they scream for more and more…  They want to watch me put my opponents into the Sweetest Embrace and sink my fangs into their throats and enjoy the feel of the sweet red filling my mouth and my senses.  They enjoy watching me tenderize my meal first by beating the crap out of them, and more than anything else, they enjoy me pinning my opponents for the one, the two, and the three and coming out of my matches as the victor.”

Pussy scoots her chair back to where it was and clears her throat a moment.

“Alright… So what about Necra’s request for a shot?  How do you feel about that?”

Gothika grins, her fangs flashing in the light in the room.

“For Necra… I say…  Bring it on.  Do your worst.  I’ve not truly feasted from her…  The thought of what her blood might taste like… I’m curious.  She claims to be the Goddess of the Dead…  But she bleeds red like everyone else.  She may taste like ashes…  Or she may taste better than the sweetest strawberry soaked in champagne and dipped in chocolate.  I won’t know until I have her trapped in my grip and I break her skin with my fangs, and her essence first flows over my tongue.  But I relish the chance to do so.  So of course Necra… I accept your challenge… But don’t think for a moment that you’ll succeed.  Because like you and Vixen, I too have a dream.  I want to have the record of not just the longest Bombshell Championship reign, but longest reigning Champion ever in the Sin City Wrestling…  and that means I have to hold out for another four months to beat out Sinful Obsession’s eight and a half month reign.  So, don’t think that any of you that decide to get froggish succeed.  I am the most ruthless Bombshell Champion to grace these halls…  And that will not stop!  I will rip through all of you like your bodies are made of tissue paper, just on general principal!  And I will revel in your suffering!!”

Pussy Willow clears her throat and blinks quickly before she speaks again.

“Well on that note, it’s time for a commercial.  When we get back, we will speak with Diamond.”

The camera zooms in on Pussy Willow as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 3247  ***

Climax Control Archives / Diamond rp 1
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:59:50 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 2/23/2014

Place: San Francisco, CA     Venue: War Memorial Gymnasium


Opponent: with DEREK THORNE vs ETHAN BRODY and DELIA  

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It's the opening round of the Blast From the Past Mixed Tag Team Tournament, and everyone is excited for what's about to go down.  The first set of matches were exciting and have baited the crowd's breaths for what is to come up next.  And this Sexy Mistress of Magic is just as excited as the rest.  The VooDoo Queen has a chance to step into the squared circle pared with the Epic, Derek Thorne.  They get to tussle with Ethan Brody and Delia to see if they're able to advance to the next round.  The only downside though, is she wasn't able to be pared with her Mr. Yummy-kins, Jeremiah, "Big Tiger' Hardin.  That would have been Epicness Personified had it been able to come to pass.  Plus, with Argento gaining a win in his first round match, should Diamond win her match, she could end up standing toe to toe against her BFF's Boyfriend!!   Drama ensues everywhere you go with this tournament!!  But when you think about it...  It's going to be down right AWESOME!!  Let's see what else transpires, shall we...

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 …  EYE TO EYE, TOE TO TOE   ...  

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 February 18, 2014...  10:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada… Raynin's Apartment Building...  On the Gym Floor...


It's just not been the best times for our resident Wicked Witch of the East.  She's been keyed up all week.  She's agitated, and in a bad mood.  Her normally gorgeous face is marred with a frown, and she's had her bottom lip stuck out in a sulk so deep, nothing could pull her from it.  And trust me, everyone has been trying to liven her mood.  Not even when Jeremiah decided to do his impression of a banana split and covered himself in ice cream and whipped cream, and placed a cherry in an interesting spot, it only lightened her mood for long enough to enjoy her little sweet treat.  And why was she so upset?  I think we all know why...

Diamond was on the gym floor, taking her frustrations out on the heavy bag in the best way knows how.  She was hitting things with her bare fists.  Well, unless you count tape as something.  She'd started on the wooden strike pole, but stopped when she'd felt the sting beginning along the backs of her knuckles.  The bag was jumping around as she struck it with punches and kicks so fast and hard, that it sounded as if the bag was grunting in pain.  She was covered in sweat because she'd been doing this for the past hour and a half and she was still in a ticked off mood. Finally, she just screamed in utter frustration and did a jumping side kick and sent the bag swinging.

She let the bag swing for a bit longer, then grabbed it, resting her head against the leather, breathing heavily as she closed her eyes and tried to still her storming mind.  At that point, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she didn't even open her eyes for a moment because she knew exactly who it was.

"Jeremiah... I know you are worried about me, but there's nothing you can do or say to make me feel better right now."

She hears him sigh heavily, and she takes a step back and starts hitting the bag again.  Her chest was heavy with the exertion and her hands ached as she knew that underneath the tape on her hands, her knuckles had split open from being hit so much.  Sure enough, the next few strikes left small red smears on the leather and she could smell the scent of blood when she would bring her fist closer to her face.  Jeremiah was standing behind her, watching her as she worked.  She knew he was taking in every inch of her sweat drenched body clad in the dark blue spandex short shorts with light blue accents and the matching halter bikini top.  It was a little less than what she would normally work out in, but she had known she'd be working hard, and she was hot, so she was happy to have on what she was wearing.

"Come on Emme!!  You can't still be mad about the fact that we're not partners for the mixed tag tournament!  It's just a tournament!  It doesn't mean that what we have is gonna be affected in anyway!  It's just business, you know that."

Diamond keeps hitting the bag and her frown deepens slightly before she shakes her head and stops, dropping her hands quickly. She turns around and shakes her head slowly as she reaches out with her aching hand and pokes Jeremiah in the center of the chest.

"You can't be happy that we're not teaming with each other."

Jeremiah shakes his head and sighs heavily.

"Well, no I'm not happy, but I'm sure not everyone is happy.  I mean look at Argento.  He was put in a match with the woman that Gothika calls her 'Nemesis'...   You know he wasn't too happy about teaming with her, but he put up with it and they have made it to the next round."

Diamond nods and sniffs lightly as a stray water droplet tickles her nose.  She reaches up and wipes it away with the back of her hand.

"Yeah... And think about this... I don't mind facing Argento cause he's a friend, and I'm not dating him... But you... "

Jeremiah takes a deep breath and sighs heavily.

"Yeah... If we both win our matches..."

Diamond shakes her head and pokes him in his chest again.

"No... WHEN we both win our matches, that means that we will have to face each other.  Are you really ready to test our relationship with that?  Are you sure you can handle getting your ass handed to you by me an my partner?  Can you really bite your pride down and hug me afterward and kiss me and make me feel better cause I had to beat your partner to a bloody pulp?"

Jeremiah chuckles and shakes his head.

"And what if I end up having to do the same to your partner?"

Diamond smirks and shakes her head.

"I have seen Derek Thorne in action... I'm  not worried in the least with his capabilities.  But as for this... Jade... character... You better tell her to make sure to keep her hands to herself.  If I see even the slightest misstep...  I'll smack a bitch.  And you know this to be true.  I protect what is mine."

Jeremiah chuckles and smirks as he slips his arms around her waist and nuzzles her nose with his.

"Oh, ho ho... so I'm yours now?  You own me?"

Diamond slips her arms around his neck and smirks and licks his lips playfully.

"Oh yes... I've successfully marked you.  I've staked my claim, and you know it.  And if you ever forget just who you belong to...  I have no qualms about re-educating you about that fact."

Jeremiah throws his head back and laughs.

"Well my dear... I don't think I will ever forget.  But you know how much I enjoy your... um... re-education.  Why don't we have a quick little class so you can refresh my memory."

Diamond smirks and pulls herself from his grip and takes his hand in hers, pulling him towards the locker room and the private showers.

"Well, maybe just a little taste... for being a good boy."

They close the doors, and we hear a soft feminine chuckle as e scene fades out.

Supercard Archives / GOTHIKA vs ROXI vs NECRA vs AMY MARSHALL
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:59:36 PM »
 Event: SCW's MY BLOODY VALENTINE    DATE: Sunday, February 2, 2014

Place: Primm, Nevada   Venue: Star of the Desert Arena



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The time is fast approaching for the Star of the Desert Arena to explode with excitement as the hottest ticket in Sports Entertainment comes to it's floors.  That's right!  The Superstars and Bomshells of the Sin City Wrestling will be bringing their pay per view, My Bloody Valentine right to you folks at home and those at the arena!  They will be putting on a show the likes of which has never been seen before!!  The Vampyric Bomshell Champion will defend her title in a Fatal Four Way match against three very intense women...  The Goddess of the Dead, Necra Octavian Kane, Amy Marshall, and the self proclaimed super hero, Roxi Johnson!  Will Gothika be able to defend the attacks of not one, but THREE other bombshells and be able to retain her title?  Or will she be taken out and a new Champion crowned?   The crowds are on the edges of their seats, ready to see what is about to go down... Are you ready for it?….



Time: January 23, 2014…  6:30 PM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…  San Lucia’s Children’s Hospital...

Hospitals are all about utilitarianism.  The people who build and design them think that the stark, white walls, muted colors, and prints of photos for decorative art is soothing.  But those people aren’t the ones who have to sit and look at them all of the time.

And those are just the adult hospitals.  Hospitals for children can be even worse than th adult ones.  I know, I know… It’s confusing that I might say something like that, but it’s so totally true.  Instead of the continual muted colors, there will be random and frenetic pops of color…  as if someone walked through the building and said to themselves, ‘Hmmm… so self, I think we need to have this hallway look like a disjointed rainbow.  What do you think?’ and their self agreed with them.  The random rooms that are set up in the craziest colors…  A room that’s all red, or all royal blue, or even a deep purple and covered pictures of clowns and ponies and unicorns and puppies and kitties… It’s like a crayon factory exploded in one single location, only to go around the corner and it’s the stark white walls again…  It makes you wonder how they expect children to get better in such garish accommodations.

Tonight, we’re in one of those Children’s hospitals.  St. Lucia’s deals with mainly the kids who have severe or terminal illnesses, and of course, the folks at the “Have-A-Dream” foundation have gotten some requests for the Sin City Wrestling wrestlers to come and see some of the children.  And there was one person in particular that everyone wanted to see.  The SCW’s Bombshell Champion, Gothika was the prime request.  And of course, she obliged them by making an appearance with her friends and fellow Angels of the Fallen, Darknyss and Diamond, along with Jeremiah ‘Big Tiger’ Hardin and Argento.  

As they’re walking through the halls towards their destination, you can see everyone popping their heads out and around corners to try and see who’s coming.  You can hear a random gasp, and ‘Wow!!  Do you know who that is?!!’ being uttered as they move towards the Oncology ward.  Gothika has her title belt slung over on of her shoulders and is decked out completely in black leather.  Her nostrils are flared, and her eyes are scanning almost nervously as she inhales deeply.  Diamond sees how being in the hospital has affected her, and she moves over towards her, her long hair swishing softly against the thick bubble jacket she’s wearing to combat against the cool winter air.  The fur topped cream collared leather boots are clacking softly, and her skin tight light blue jeans look painted on as she puts an arm over Gothika’s shoulder and leans in close.

“Hey girl…  You alright?”

Gothika chuckles softly and shakes her head slowly.

“I dont’ know.  All around me, I can smell it.  I know you can too.  That presence hanging thick in the air…  The smell of death and disease.  There’s no amount of disinfectant or anti-microbial cleaner that can cover it.  It’s weirding me out Emme.   I’m not a stranger to death…  But I’m so used to it being quick and clean…  This… This reminds me of my Grandmother.   I had to sit and watch cancer eat her up from the inside out, and it was horrible.  And now to see this happening to all of these kids…  I don’t know if I can do this…”

Darknyss slows down her own walking, her black suit with thin white pinstripes swishing softly as she moves.  She motions for everyone to stop walking and puts a hand on Gothika’s shoulder.

“Hey…  You can do this.  This is not about you.  This is about putting a smile on the face of a child who may not ver get the chance to actually see what we can do live.  It’s about making a difference, and giving a kid a bit of relief from their every day.  Now pull your shit together, and put a smile on.  These kids… They’re MY heroes cause they keep on fighting.  They don’t give up, much like we do.  And for them to understand the necessity of perseverance at such a young age…  I’ll do whatever I can to give them even one day of peace, just like I know you all will too.  This is the same as it is in every hospital we visit.  It’s nothing different.”

Gothika shrugs and sighs heavily.

"I can't help how I feel.  I go through this at every hospital we visit. I just can't help it.  Even from the beginning, when we first started doing these visits, it always just breaks my heart to see a little kid going through so much hell.  They should be out laughing and playing and having themselves a good time.  Now cooped up in some hospital bed being poked and prodded and bombarded with radiation and pumped full of drugs.  That’s why I hate coming to these things.  I feel like… like I want to save them somehow.”

Argento comes over and wraps his arms around Gothika and kisses the top of her head gently, stroking her upper arms.

“Hey now…  We all know it’s difficult…  We know that beneath that arctic shell of yours, you have a heart of gold.  I you didn’t, you wouldn't be here right now, putting your heart through the ringer just to bring a moment’s joy to these kid’s faces.  That’s why we’re all here.  But don’t dwell on the negative.  Enjoy the positives of this visit.  You know you are going to have a blast with these kids.  So let’s just have fun.  Ok?”

Gothika nods and sighs heavily.

“Yeah, I know.  It’s the same thing we say every time we go visit.  Alright, alright… I’ll lighten up.  Let’s go and do this thing.  Deep down, I’m really excited because I love interacting with the fans.  They are the reason why I go out there every day and put my all into being the best… Why WE go out there.   And I want to make these kids' days.  So, let's do this."

Everyone nods in acquiescence, and they start moving through the halls again.  By the time they’ve reached the Oncology ward, Gothika has changed her outlook on things, and is laughing and joking with the others.  As they round the corner and step through the doors of the ward, Gothika is in her element.  Everyone has come bearing gifts for each and every child there in the Oncology ward.  The group has gone from room to room, spending at least a half hour with each of the eight children on the ward.  They've given out X-box Ones and Playstation fours, even a few Wii U’s.  But the one thing that was given to one very special patient was given by Gothika.  

She entered her room, and there sat this small thing, only eleven years old.  She was decked out all in black, and had on a long black wig that was parted down the center, and was braided in pigtails as she laid back on the bed.  She looked a little like Wednesday Adams as she was flipping through channels.  She looked totally bored, and Gothika didn’t know what to expect when she stepped in.

“Hi there.  Are you Caitlin?”

The little girl didn’t even look up, she just kept flipping channels.

“Yeah, that’s me.  If you’re here to draw more blood, I hope you got a small gauge needle because they had to switch out my pique line.”

She pulled down the top of her shirt and pulled out the end of a catheter and didn’t even turn he head.  She’d just resigned her fate to what she thought was about to happen.  Gothika’s eyes teared for a moment, but she blinked the tears away and smiled brightly.

“Nah, if I’m taking the red stuff, I’m gonna take it another way.”

The girl frowned and mouthed, ‘the red stuff?’ then sits up slowly and turns her head to see who’s standing in her door, and she shrieks like a banshee before she sits up as fast as she can.  She swings her feet to the ground, and they hit with a loud clunk.  That’s when Gothika sees the large braces on her legs.  The girl picks up a pair of crutches and struggles to get out of bed.  Gothika knows better than to try and stop her as she walks slowly, and from the look on the young girl’s face, very painfully over to where Gothika is standing and throws her arms around her waist.

“I knew you were gonna come for me!!  I just knew it!!  Gothika, you’re my favorite!!!”

Gothika hugs the girl back and smiles down at her.

“Well, thank you Caitlin.  I can see you’ve got my keen fashion sense already.”

The girl nods and motions with her head for Gothika to join her.  They walk over and the girl climbs slowly back into her bed as Gothika sits in the chair beside her.

“I’ve been watching you since I was about five.  You’re my idol!!  You’re so strong, and pretty, and you don’t take no shit from anybody!!”

Hearing the words coming from the girl’s mouth makes Gothika throw her head back and laugh.

“Yeah, I don’t take no shit from anybody.  You said that right.  And I’ve got a few things for you, so that you aren’t so bored around here.”

Gothika reaches into a big bag and pulls out an X-Box one and places it on Caitlin’s bed, along with an array of different video games, a headset, and a second controller.  

“I heard you gamed a lot before you ened up  stuck in here again.  So I thought I’d bring you a few things.  I made sure to put in the new SCW game too, so you can at least try to tay sane in here.”

Caitlin nods and leans forward slowly.

“I can’t wait for the pay per view though Gothika.  I’m rooting for you, though I know you’re gonna take it to Roxi, Amy and Necra.  I mean, you’ve beaten them all before.  This fatal four way match is gonna be a cakewalk for you.”

Gothika throws her head back and laughs.

“Yeah, I think it will be too.  Even if they gang up on me, I’ve still got an ace up my sleeve.”

Caitlin’s eyes sparkle.

“Can you tell me what it is?”

Gothika shakes her head and points to the cameramen around her.

“Nope… I don’t want it to get leaked out.  But I do have something for you that’s extra special…”

Gothika reaches in her bag and pulls out an SCW Bomshell Championship title belt.  It looks just like her own, but written on the face plate is Caitlin’s name.  She hands it to Caitlin whose jaw is on the floor.

“Oh My GOD!! Gothika!!! This is so awesome!!”

Gothika smiles and shrugs.

“Hey, I may be the Bombshell Champion, but you’re a Champion in my book too Caitlin.  Here you are, keeping your head up through all of this mess you’re going through…  not everybody can say that they do that.”

Caitlin lowers her head and looks at the belt and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly.  She whispers 2 words softly that shock Gothika to her core.

“Turn me.”

Gothika is speechless and when she doesn’t say anything, Caitlin looks up and says it again.

“Turn me Gothika!!  I didn’t ask you her for toys and games…  I’m tired of hurting.  I have a form of bone cancer… My skeleton is literally rotting from the inside out… I don’t know how much longer I have… Please… turn me?!!”

Gothika looks at the little girl in shock and hakes her head slowly.

“I can’t… I won’t…”

Gothika stands and walks out of the room as the scene fades out…

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Supercard Archives / GOTHIKA vs ROXI vs NECRA vs AMY MARSHALL
« on: January 25, 2014, 11:58:07 PM »
Event: SCW's MY BLOODY VALENTINE    DATE: Sunday, February 2, 2014

Place: Primm, Nevada   Venue: Star of the Desert Arena



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It’s time for the Pay Per View.  Everything’s been building up to this moment…  The clash of the year…  The Bombshell Championship is being defended in a Fatal Fourway matchup!!  Our Vampyric Champion has to stand off against four females who she’s faced in the past, all at once.  You know it’s going to be a fight to remember, as the Angelic Champion has pissed each of these women off in turn over the past year since her return and along the road to the Championship.  Will Gothika be able to overcome this newest challenge and be able to retain her title?  Or will  her meteoric rise finally be stopped, and she topple of the mountain o power?  We’re all excited to find out what’s going to happen, so let’s get to it!!….


Time: January 21, 2014…  9:30 AM…  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada… Location:  Deavon Justice's Hotel...  In the Lobby...

It was one of those mornings you could only dream about.  The air was just crisp enough that it had a bit of a bite to it, and the sky was just clear enough that you could see the big fluffy clouds floating overhead.  It was one of those priceless mornings that you dream about when it's raining, and the sky is dark, or when you've been cooped up in a cubicle farm all week and it's a Friday afternoon, and you have a picnic planned with your significant other for the very next day.  Yeah... it was one of those kinds of mornings.  

It was also one of those mornings where the cameramen of the Sin City Wrestling were all hyped up on coffee and donuts, and their sugar rushes had them extremely excitable.  They were zipping around trying to follow everyone as quick as they could to make sure that they didn't miss a thing.  And this morning was no exception.

Deavon Justice was used to this kind of thing though.  This pillar of wrestling prowess had seen more camera time than most other folks in almost every company out there.  So today was just another day at the office for him as he stepped off of the elevator with his daughter Hillary in tow.  Sporting his usual blue jeans and an old school Mortis t-shirt from the AWO days, accompanied by his leather jacket he looked every bit as dangerous as he does when he steps into the ring... that is until he looks at his daughter and smiles.  I mean, who couldn't look at that gorgeous face... Those sparkling eyes and quick smile and not help but smile back.  She was Daddy's Little Girl for sure, dressed in a matching leather jacket, stretch blue jeans and the old school Mortis Crop top.   What he didn't know was that smile was about to get wiped right off of his face.  

Deavon was talking to his daughter.  She had every ounce of his attention... which was why he didn't notice the tall form approaching him, or the large fist aimed his way until it struck him in the gut... hard...  So hard, it doubles him over even before he knows what hit him.  He coughs and gasps.

"Ooooohhhhhfffff!!!  I know that fist... Hey Darknyss."

He looks up to see his old friend and ex-rival standing over him looking pissed.  She's frowning, and almost looks as if she's pouting a bit.  She's dressed to impress in a cream colored linen suit with thick black pinstripes, and a pair of black leather pumps, which put her at about an inch above his tall frame.  She's got her arms crossed under her breasts, and she's tapping her toe on the carpet, and you can tell just how unhappy she is.  But when Hillary looks up at her and grins, Darknyss can't help but to crack a smile too.  She scoops Hillary up in a hug and beams down at her.

"Hey Hillary!!  It has been such a long time!!  The last time I saw you, you were in ribbons and pigtails!!   You're all grown up now!!"

Hillary chuckles and shrugs.

"Hey, It's been much longer than that, cause i was just wearing pigtails and ribbons yesterday."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"I'm being serious though.  You are looking so good!  I can't believe it!!  And I'm diggin' the Daddy/Daughter look.  Your outfit is so cool."

Hillary shrugs and smriks.

"Hey,  you know me.  I'm just doing what I do.  But look at you!  You look spectacular!!  Is that Armani?"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"They wish.  You remember one of the girls that used to wrestle with my group, Lyrique?  Well, she's started her own designer label.  I'll give you her number. She's does absolutely FABULOUS work!!"

Deavon is still doubled over, gasping for air, and he looks up with an incredulous look.

"What about me?!!  No hi, no how you doin'... I just get blasted in the gut?"

Darknyss rolls her eyes and holds her hand up in his face.

"I'm not talking to you.  I'm pissed at you.  But Hillary is innocent, so I'm gonna talk to her."

He finally is able to stand up and rubs his stomach for a minute before he throws his hands up in the air.

"Hey!! What the hell did I do?  What transgression did I partake in that warranted a shot like that?"

Darknyss  pivots on her heel and pokes Deavon repeatedly in the chest with her fingertip so sharply he winces with every poke.

"You... did not... tell... me ... you... were coming ... to the SCW!!"

He moves his chest away from her poking finger and frowns, rubbing the spot that he was certain was now bruised.  He shakes his head and smirks.

"Well that's because I'm a grown ass man and I don't have to give you my entire itinerary of shit I have to do in a day.  Besides, you should be flattered that I came.  I only came to see if I could get the chance to kick your ass."

Darknyss smirks back and huffs a bit.

"Well 'Old Man'... I guess you're just shit outta luck then, cause we don't have an intergender division in the SCW.  Besides... i don't wrestle anymore.  I'm just a manager now.  I am letting the youngsters have a shot at greatness.  Besides, DT and I are trying to have a baby so..."

Deavon interrupts her, holding up her hand as he blinks in shock.

Hold up... wait just one damned minute here!!  Did you say DT?  As in Dark Tiger?"

Darknyss nods and lifts her eyebrow at him.

"Yes as in Dark Tiger.  Who else did you think I meant?"

Deavon shrugs and lifts an eyebrow at her.

"Well what the hell??!!  I thought that you two might have been broken up by now...  I mean it's been what... almost six years since I'd seen you two together last."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"Nah...  You know me... I don't mess with a good thing.  And the two of us just... work.  We're engaged now."

Deavon nods slowly and keeps looking at her with his eyebrow raised.

"Now?  Weren't the two of you engaged back in the AWO?"

She nods and shrugs.

"Well, it's been an on again, off again engagement.  He goes through these times where he needs to travel and live everywhere else but with me, he stays gone or disappears for like eight months and I get pissed and give him back his ring...  Then he wakes up and comes back crying saying he's missed me... You know how the old dance goes.  This time though...  He's been pretty solid.  It's been three years of constant contact, so I said we could start again to try to have a kid.  Nothing yet so far, but the trying sure has been fun.  He’s off in Japan again, training with Sensei Mosley’s former classmates to get further training in Isshin-ryu and will be back in the states in time for us to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  I know I can’t wait for that.  I swear, I’m gonna be on him like white on rice when he gets back…”

Deavon makes a face and shakes his head, putting his fingers in his ears.

"Please!!  Stop now!!"

Hillary chuckles and points at her father with her thumb.

"He can't stand hearing about his friend's sex lives.  He says it's creepy."

Deavon makes a face at his daughter.

"That's cause it IS creepy!!  It makes me feel all sleazy and nasty and gross and sick to my stomach!"

Darknyss grins and leans in close to him.

"If you think me talking about having a kid is bad, just wait till I start gushing about how sexay my man is, and how we hug and kiss and get all mu-mu-mu squishy with each other."

Deavon looks like he's about to turn green and he puts a hand over his lips.

"That just made me throw up in my mouth a little bit."

Darknyss and Hillary both laugh hysterically as Deavon turns around to hide his green face.  Darknyss moves over to Hillary and puts an arm around her shoulder.

"Well, it seems I've done a number on your Dad's stomach.  So I'm guessing that means he's not gonna want to join the girls and me for a home cooked breakfast.  But I'm sure you're hungry seeing what time it is."

Hearing the mention of breakfast, Deavon turns around quick as a flash with a grin on his face.

"Did you say breakfast?"

Darknyss chuckles and crosses her arms under her chest again.

"Yes I said breakfast."

Deavon's eyes start to sparkle and he lifts his eyebrows excitedly.

"You're cooking, right?  PLEASE tell me you're cooking!!"

Darknyss grins and shakes her head.

"Of course I'm cooking.  I got my hands on this awesome new honey egg bread which I think will make some awesome french toast with a home made caramel sauce, maple syrup and topped with some fleur de sel... I think it's gonna be..."

Darknyss quirks her eyebrow at Deavon as he's looking like a starving dog chasing after a bone as she describes what she's going to be making for breakfast.  She looks at Hillary who's got a similar expression on her face, then they look back at Deavon and burst out laughing.

"Ok... Ok.. I get it... You're hungry!!  You guys follow me back to my place, and I'll get you all fed.  Just remember... no drooling on my carpets!!"

Deavon claps his hands and starts dancing crazily.


Darknyss rolls her eyes and chuckles, shaking her head.

"You are such a nut!!  I swear, sometimes I can't take you anywhere."

The trio head out the door, chatting and laughing all the way out.


The kitchen is toasty and the scent of bacon and sweet caramel is filling the air.  The cameramen are standing around all hoping that Darknyss will be nice enough to share some of what she’s cooking with them as they watch her playing Suzie Homemaker.  She’s pulled he hair back off of her face in a loose up do, keeping it in place with  couple of well placed chopsticks, and put on a frilly lavender apron with ‘KISS THE COOK’ emblazoned on the chest in dark purple embroidery, and she looks almost like a professional chef as she flitters around the kitchen, moving from the fridge to the stove to the countertops like a hyperactive fairy on too much honey and nectar.

Siting around the kitchen table are Deavon and Hillary Justice, the other Angels of the Fallen Diamond and Gothika, and Michael Argento.  The room is quiet as they sit around and wait for the food.  Deavon clears his throat and stands and goes over to look over Darknyss’s shoulder at what she’s cooking and tries to slip his finger into the caramel sauce, but she stops him with a swat to the back of his hand with a large wooden spoon, making him yelp and pull his hand back, shaking it.

“HEY!!  Hands off of the food while I’m cooking!!  Can’t you be patient for like ten more minutes?  It’s almost done!!  I’m just getting the bacon nice and crispy!”

Deavon sticks his bottom lip out and pouts for a minute.

“Aww Lady!!  Come on!!  It smells so god!!”

Darknyss frowns and points at the chair he just vacated with the spoon.

“Drop your butt in that seat partner!!  You’re acting like you haven’t eaten anything but bread and water in a month!”

He smirks and snags a piece of bacon from the paper towel where it’s draining before she can swat him again and Darknyss growls at him.

“Well, what do you expect!! I haven’t had your cooking in so long, I feel like one of those kids you see on the feed the hungry commercials!  You’ve heard my stomach since you even mentioned breakfast.  It remembers how good of a cook you are.  Can you really blame me?”

Deavon grins and winks at Darknyss and Gothika chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

“Same old Deavon.  I had to admit, it was nice to see you work in the ring.  And I know you’re happy that you don’t have to face any of us since we’re in the SCW and there’s that whole no men on women policy.”

Deavon shakes his head and sighs heavily.

“Actually, I’d love to take one of you again.  I’m hoping that I can convince Darknyss here to talk to one of the owners so she can strap on her boots and take an ass whoopin’ from me one more time.”

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

“Don’t you mean so I can put you over my knee once more and spank your ass like I have so many times before?  You put on a good front, but I know you’re glad that we don’t have to face each other.”

Gothika smirks and shakes her head.

“Well, they do have inter gender matches every now and then.  But they’re very rare and we actually have to request them.  But they do happen.  Who knows…  That epic tie breaker match you two have been itching for just might take place.”

Gothika picks up her title belt from her lap and places it on the table in front of her and she notices Deavon looking at it and she smirks.

“Yeah…  I am actually enjoying this Bomshell division.  I have people throwing themselves at me to try and take this title from me.  And come the pay per view, I’m going to do everything in my power to sink my fangs into one of my opponents.  Of course I’m going to beat the living snot out of them all first to tenderize them.  There’s just nothing like the added flavor that pain and anger and fear puts into the taste of the red.  It gives it this… I don’t even know what to call it… and essence… an added spice…  that certain je ne sais pas…  I mean, everyone believes that the red would taste universally the same… But you’d be surprised how much diet, the amount of exercise the person gets… even their blood type changes the flavor of it.  I know I think Argento tastes better when he eats a lot of pineapple and fishes that are high in fatty acids like lake trout, mackerel, and some good salmon.”

Argento chuckles and nods slowly.

“Yeah, whenever we go out for sushi, she can’t keep her hands off of me.  Remember that time when you brought home that soy sauce and we…”

Deavon starts to make a retching sound in his throat and holds his hands up, waving off Argento’s statement.

“Look buddy… I know we just met and all, but I’m gonna warn you right now…  Keep that kinda shit to yourself.  That’s not stuff you discuss in front of me.  I’ve known these girls for like… ever… Since my Hillary was a little girl…  So no talking about that… behind closed doors stuff around me, ya’ dig?”

Gothika throws her head back and laughs.

“Since Hillary grew up, you’ve become such a prude, Old Man!  Besides, he was actually going to say we bought special soy sauce from the restaurant and we…”

Deavon shakes his head and makes a noise, stopping her mid sentence-

“EEEEEHHHH!!!  Nope!! Nope!!  Stop right there!!  Don’t you do it!!”

Gothika starts to laugh and tries to finish her sentence.

“But all we did was we…”

Deavon puts his fingers in his ears and starts to shake his head quickly.


Gothika reaches over and pulls his fingers from his ears.

“We used it to marinade some tilapia filets silly man!!”

Deavon puts his hands down and straightens his clothes.

“Oh… Ok, that I can listen to.”

Gothika sits down and leans back into the chair and chuckles.

“And then I had Argento eat it off of my naked body like one of those chicks in a sushi bar.”

Deavon throws his hands up in the air and makes a face.

“GAH!!!  SEE!!  GAG ME!!!”

Gothika throws her head back and laughs and shakes her head.

“I’m just playing!!  I’m just playing!!!  That is never gonna get old!!”

Everyone chuckles and Diamond stands to go and grab the coffee pot from the warmer and refill everyone’s coffee.  Gothika takes a deep breath and stretches and yawns, and as she does, her fangs flash in the light.  Deavon adds the fixings he likes and stirs his slowly, taking a deep breath.

“You know… I still can not get used to seeing that.”

Gothika frowns slightly and looks at him confused.

“Seeing what?”

Deavon points at Gothika with his spoon and nods towards her.

“Seeing the fangs… seeing her as a… whatever she is…”

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

“I’m a vampyre Deavon.  I was a vampyre before I left the AWO, and I’m still a vampyre now.”

He nods and puts his spoon down on the table.

“Yeah, and it creeped me the fuck out even then.  The thought of you… biting someone and drinking their.. their… “

Gothika holds up a hand and shakes hr head slowly.

“We call it the red Deavon.  It makes it easier to think about in terms that are tolerable.  And I don’t just get it by biting people… I also have a steady stream of incoming supplies that I get from animals and donors… It’s just human red works better than animal red.  But everyone has a little bit of red every now and then… When you cut your finger and suck the end of it to stop the bleeding…  you’re drinking a bit of the red.  When you get a rare steak or a hamburger, or even a nice thick tuna filet… that red juice is just that…  It’s the red after it’s been heated.  I’m just doing that on a grander scale is all.  It’s no biggie.”

Deavon grimaces and sits back, running a hand through his hair for a moment, then he sighs heavily.

“So Gothika…  I’ve been looking over this whole big thing going on between you and your opponents at the pay per view.   You sound confident, but something is nagging me.  Are you really as confident of the win as you sound?”

Gothika adds some cream and sugar to her coffee and stirs it, the spoon clinking softly against the inside of the mug as she looks down at it, contemplating her next statements.

“To answer your question…  I’m always confident that I will do well in a match.  But I never assume thatI will win, or lose.  I can’t think in things that black and white.  What I do think is this…”

She takes sip of her coffee and wraps he hands around the mug as she places it on the table.

“I think that a person’s ability to win a match is governed by many things.  It’s their skill level… It’s their training… It’s their desire to win…  But it’s that Sheer Dumb Luck factor that comes into it the most.  Especially when you’re defending.  And that’s why I have changed how I think about things when I’m going into a title defense.  Most people go into it thinking, ‘oh, I’m the champion… I’m better than everyone here… so I know I”m gonna win it.’  But not me.  I go into it thinking much like one of the opponents think…  I think to myself, ‘I know I good…  I know I’m damned good…  I wouldn’t be where I am right now if I wasn’t damned good.  I have fought through countless opponents to get to this point.  I have put my body through hell with training and training and training just that little bit more…  I have put my emotions through hell trying to keep my mind in the right mindset to believe that I deserve to be right where I am at this very moment…   I have worked hard and persevered through every adversity that’s been placed before me to be right here, at this spot, at this very moment, in the situation that I’ve wanted to be and striven to be in.  So now, it’s time to prove that I am as good as I believe that I am.  Now it’s time to prove that I deserve what has been placed before me.  It’s time for me to show the world that I can succeed and be the best of the best at what I’ve been placed here to do!’  

People have asked me over and over again why I keep succeeding when all of the odds are stacked against me in terms of winning and keeping the Bombshell Championship.  And the whole fact of the matter is… when I step into the ring… I never step into the ring with the mind set of ‘I am the Champion.’  I go in there hungry…  I go into the ring with the mindset of, ‘I have to win this match at all costs…  There is on half way… There is no easy way out.  There is no risk I am not willing to take, there is no compromising anything… I have to win!’…  And THAT is why I know that I’m coming out of My Bloody Valentine as still the SCW Bombshell Champion.  Because no one is hungrier than I am.  And thanks to a little discussion I had with Darknyss and Argento this morning, I’m gonna make sure that statement is true.”

Deavon lifts an eyebrow and looks at her confused.

“What do you mean?”

Gothika takes a deep breath and leans forward in her chair and takes Argento’s hand and kisses the back of it gently.

“What I mean is… as of today, I will not be drinking any more of the red until after the pay per view, unless it’s absolutely necessary.  Argento is going to be getting back into the ring soon, and he needs a break.  And I’m feeding too heavily before my matches.  Darknyss is right about one thing… When I’m hungry, I’m more lethal… I’m more intense and focused on taking out my competition so that I can get my fangs into them, and I think that’s gonna be what I’m gonna need for an edge.  I’m going up against four opponents… not just one.  And I’m quite sure that they’re going to try and team up against me to try to win, so I have to have an ace in the hole… And if I’m truly vicious… Then I think that’s going to be my trump card.”

Gothika sips her coffee again and shrugs.

“I have been trying hard to keep my hunger under control because it can be so very unpredictable as to when it will manifest itself.  But I think I can handle it now.  I’ll keep around the donor supplies, and will only have some if it gets to a dangerous level, and then only enough to curb my need, not satiate it.  Now this means that I’ll probably be consuming much more meat than normal, and our grocery budget will take a hit… But I think it’ll work.”

Gothika grins and leans in and kisses Argento softly.

“Besides…  I haven’t gone on a good rampage in a long time…  And the sex Argento and I have after one of my rampages is just… epic!!”

Deavon grimaces and throws his hands up in the air.

“GAH!!!  SEE!!! There you go again!!  I was enjoying this conversation until all of the gross stuff at the end!!!”

Diamond quirks her eyebrow at Deavon and chuckles.

“So, hearing about Gothika drinking blood is ok, but hearing her say she has amazing sex with her man is gross?”

Deavon nods and points his spoon at Diamond.

“Hey… I’m a man of old school values…  Well, sometimes.  Don’t knock my scruples!!”

At that point, Darknyss puts her spatula down and claps her hands.

“Alright!!  No more gross talk!!  Food’s ready!!  Plates are lined up on the counter!  Grab one and enjoy!!”

Darknyss grabs the warm maple syrup and the caramel sauce and moves out of the way to put it on the table as everyone jumps out of their seats and starts trying to push and shove their way towards the food on the counters as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

***  Word Count, 8,713  ***

Climax Control Archives / Is it destiny or is it memorex?
« on: January 17, 2014, 11:59:39 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 1/19/2014

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Tryst Nightclup



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My Bloody Valentine is right around the corner, and things are heating up around the Sin City Wrestling.  New faces are showing up, old friends are coming out of the wood work, and the Pay Per View is shaping up to be one for the books!!  Our Vampyric Bombshell Champion is gearing up to step up once more in a tag team match up against the team of Traci Paterson and Necra Octavian Kane.  Only this time, her partner will be someone she’s worked with in the past, Mercedes Vargas.  Will Gothika be able to step up to the plate and come out of this match victorious?  Or will all of her hard work go up in smoke?  I can’t wait for the action to begin!  I know it’s gonna be epic!...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

January 15, 2014

Bonjour Tout le monde,

Have you ever wondered what your life would have been like if a single thing had changed in your past?  I mean, something so minuscule, that you don’t think it would make a difference, but in all truth it might change your entire world.  You know… something like, having been born with blue eyes instead of brown, born blonde instead of a brunet or auburn, or been born with b-cup breasts instead of triple d's?  What if you had smaller feet, or bigger for that matter?  What if u had a gap in your teeth, or curly hair instead of straight?  What if you'd been born with the normal five toes instead of maybe six or seven like my friend’s double cousin Buford… That one  still makes me cringe…  Anyways...  What would your life be like if just that one single thing was different?  That's truly something to think about...

Now..  What if it wasn't something small, but something major...  Something like, instead of having an IQ of one hundred ten, you were like me and had an IQ of one sixty-five or more even?  What if you had  been born with athletic prowess, or instead as a klutz?  What if you were born deaf or mute, or blind?  What would your life have been like for you?  What if you were born before your sister or brother, and you were the older sibling instead?

Now let's think even bigger...  What if you were headed to work one day and instead of taking Fifth street, you cut across on Main and went down third?  What if you had worn dress shoes that day instead of your Nikes, and hadn't been able to run to catch that elevator up to your office?  What if your kid had gotten sick, and you had to stay home one day instead of going to a big game?  Or what if in high school your dog really ate your term paper and you'd failed political science that year?


Causality is the effect of the choices we make and how they interact with the world around us.  In essence...  The smallest change can alter the course of our destinies.  The smallest change could make us a king or a queen, or a pauper in the streets.  Cause and Effect my friends...  Two of the most dangerous words in the English Language because these two words govern everything around us without us even paying attention to it.  

Now I'm going to let you know why this is such a prominent thought on my mind these days...  There was a point in my past where I could have changed things in my life.  I could have become like you...  someone who sits on the sidelines and just watched as things happened around me.  I could have settled down and become a wife and mother.   I could have become a teacher, a dancer, a martial arts superstar...  There are a lot of things that could have happened, had I simply made another choice...  

But instead, I'm here.  Everything that I've done, everything that I've been through had been to bring me to this place... this moment... this specific point in time...  Every experience I've had to go through has been to create... Me...  the person I am right now...  The woman who has become the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion and has held it for almost four months now and who will after  the pay per view, still be Bombshell Champion.  This person that I am is a culmination of every stubbed toe, every broken finger, every pulled muscle, and every ounce of blood, sweat and tears I've shed.  It's the embodiment of every joy and sorrow, every triumph and every loss, every fight I've had to live through... it all has come together in one bad ass sexy vampyric beast of a Champion.  Everything I've gone through has brought me knowledge... It's given me strength of will and and of character.  It's given me the drive and need to go out each and every time I step into the ring and scrap like a mad woman so I can put on the best show I can... and come out of it victorious.  

Bloody Valentine is right around the corner my friends.  A day that has been aptly named as to what I’m planning to do to my opponent is not going to be for the faint of heart.  But the best thing is… I get to give her a taste of what she should expect a few days early.  You see… I’ve been denied my quota of the red stuff as of late.  Roxi has been dodging my fangs, but soon… very soon, I will be able to sink my teeth into something tasty.  Traci Paterson has rubbed my friend the wrong way…  She thought she could step up to the living legend of Female Professional wrestling.. the Wrestling Goddess, and one of my closest friends, Darknyss and come away from it unscathed…  You don’t grim face an Angel of the Fallen and not come away from it tasting shoe leather.  And just like in our last match, when I made her feel the wrath, and she ran from what I could deliver, I will do so again during this match, and every match I have when I stand against her.  Again… cause and effect.. You piss off one Angel, and you put a target on your chest the size of the state of Texas.  Hell, you just change your name to punching bag and be done with it.

Necra… Necra… Necra… oh Necra… You who have tried to stand against me before…  And failed miserably every time that you have…  I will enjoy taking you down and having you looking up at the lights in that dazed and confused way that you can do…  trust me.  I’ve beaten you before, over and over again for a reason, and every time I step out in that ring, I prove that reason… twenty thousand fold.  You believe yourself o be invincible…  And for that reason, you are weak.  No one is invincible.  Hell, I know I’m not…  I don’t try to be.  I don’ want to be.   You see,it’s that knowledge that someone just might get lucky enough to find your kryptonite, that’s what makes me what does work in the ring… very… very… DANGEROUS!!  My few vulnerabilities make me work harder to overcome them.  They make me strive to do better and be better than I am at that very moment… during EVERY moment…  And it’s helped me to accomplish what I have in the SCW and so much more!


And if you didn’t know… now you know.  

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 1445  ***

Climax Control Archives / Rollin' With The Punches...
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:02:48 AM »
 Word Count, 1118

*kept trying to add it, but whenever I'd try to save it, it wouldn't take.  Oh well... just as well this way.  Cheers!!  ^.^

Climax Control Archives / Rollin' With The Punches...
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:59:37 PM »
Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 1/12/2014

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Edge Nightclup



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Things have been up and down for the Sin City Wrestling's Vampyric Bombshell Champion.  With the New Year being over and done with, Gothika's got her mind set in continuing her run as Champion, even knowing that the target on her shoulders is getting bigger and bigger as her reign continues.  The Powers That Be are announcing changes to come to the Bombshell Division.  Will Gothika be able to roll with the punches, and keep the ball rolling on her keeping the Championship?  Or will the upcoming changes be more than what she. An bear?  She's been tossed into a Bombshell tag team match with the 'Jersey Devil Diva',  Joanne Canli against Traci Paterson and the woman who has become Gothika's persona nemesis, the SCW's resident self- proclaimed super hero, Roxi Johnson.  Personally, I think things are about to heat up to a whole new level.  Let's see what happens shall we...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

January 8, 2014

Bonjour Tout le monde,

The clock keeps on ticking.  Every second, every minute, every hour, every day there's no stopping the forward motion of the hand as it counts the spans of our lives.  Some embrace the change, some try to fight against it.  All of the makeups and aging creams out there are a testament to that.  Some battle the onward march of time by having their faces lifted, their tummies tucked, and their bobs filled with silicone to battle the sag of age.  And then there are those who have had time thrust upon them in massive quantities...  Then there are those like me...

For me, I don't know what the future holds for me.  as the days go by, I don't see a line, a wrinkle, a grey hair... nothing.  The passage of time has not touched me.   I know this is because of what has been done to me.  My turning was traumatic, devastating, frightening, and one of the worst days of my life.  It cost me more than most could ever imagine, or dare to consider.  I’ve spoken about my turning in the past, so I’m not going to rehash it here.  This is a time for me to discuss more things than just the drama that has befallen me in the pursuit of my life.

One thing my turning has given me is the ability to be adaptable.  It’s given me the ability to be mutable… to go with the flow, and excel when things change for what most people would think to be a negative aspect.  That’s something that makes me stand out, not just as a person, and as a wrestler, but as a Champion as well.  

It’s the ability to roll with the punches that has brought me this far.  I’ve had to endure more changes than most would be able to accept… from my thirst returning in the extreme way that it has, to my partner being ripped from me in such a dramatic manner, to my best friend Diamond returning to the world of wresting to have my back in such an extreme manner.  Most wouldn’t be able to handle these changes… and yet, here I am… still keeping a hold to the Championship, when most would have dropped it long before now.  Here I am… Three months and still counting… And I don’t plan on letting it go quite yet.

But that’s just the beginning of things…

Tag Team matches abound lately…  Week after week, it’s a tag team match, or I’m defending my title.  I’m not complaining… I know that my friend and I are trying to dip our toe back in that division so that we can bring some true prestige to that set of titles once more.  I mean, Misty and Vixen…  They’re trying their best, but domination just ain’t their bag.  They can’t seem to get their groove totally set on like Raynin and I had.  But then…  there has not been a Bombshell Tag Team quite like the Fallen.  We’ve been through hell and back, and kept fighting till we were able to stand up and show our accomplishments.  We’ve had epic matches, and Electrified crowds world wide…  And even though Raynin is not with us right now, The Fallen still fly high.

So, now I have to team with Joanne Canelli… She and I have proven in the past that we can work together when the need arises…  Even though she’s not quite up to the standards of the Fallen., she’ll do in a pinch.   And we have to stand toe to toe against a proverbial thorn in my side…  Roxi.  Roxi Johnson.  That bad penny that just keeps turning up over and over again.  I swear...  I'll give it to her.  She's persistent.  But persistence when you stand against me is just sad.  All you're doing is putting yourself in harms way over and over again.  But Roxi... I'll have no qualms about putting my foot down your throat once more.  And I'll make sure to give your partner Traci a similar treatment.  

All of you bitches who try to stand against me need to remember something very important...


And you can take THAT to the BANK!

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count,   ***

Climax Control Archives / It's Only Magic...
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:00:22 AM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 12/20/2013

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Gold Coast Casino


Opponent: with Gothika and J.D. Phoenix Vs.  The Foshan Clan Bombshells and Vixen  


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Well now… Since Diamond wasn’t able toseal the deal during her debut match, everyone is wondering what will happen during this upcoming episode of Climax Control, when the Angels of the Fallen have to team with the Kick Ass Bombshell, J.D. Phoenix in a 6-person tag team match against the FoShan Bombshells, Orchid and Song, and one half of the Bombshell Tag Team Champions, Vixen! Will history repeat itself, or will the Fallen and J.D. Phoenix be able to work together and be victorious?  Let’s ee what happens…

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All you can see is darkness.  It surrounds everything.  It covers, and stifles the air, hanging oppressively over al you can see…  or not see.  But in the darkness, you can hear the sound of breathing.  The breathing is   rhythmic.  It starts kind of loud at first, until the sound of drums begins.  The drumming is as heavy as the oppressiveness of the darkness.   The beat is in time with the breathing.  Soft and slow at first,  but it begins to pick up speed…  and as the speed builds, so does the sound.

When the drumbeat comes to about the speed of a heartbeat, the chanting begins.  It’s a guttural language, but the chanting matches the rhythm of the drumming.  It starts out with a single voice, but builds and builds until there seems to be a whole crowd of people surrounding you.

{  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…     }

The sound of the chanting increases in volume as the speed increases, and the darkness actually seems to get heavier.  You still can’t see the people who are chanting, but in your heart you can feel them closing in on you.  Circling like sharks on a wounded dolphin, or wolves on a baby doe, waiting for that proper moment to strike and pounce with fangs bared…

{  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…     }

In the darkness, a twin set of eerie green lights seem to glow and move about in the darkness.  It circles around slowly, the only light in the room, but not bright enough to illuminate anything.  The twin lights move in time with the chanting as it builds and crescendos.

{  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…     }

Suddenly, there’s a flare of strange green light as a fire pit in the center of the room is lit, and the flames glow a sickly color.   You can see that we’re in the basement of a building, in  a huge room.  On the floor around the fire pit is a circle, dug into the concrete of the floor with ome kind or gouge, the groove of which is filled with some red substance that you just really don’t want to know just what it truly is.  Around the room, there are men, all in random state of dress.   Some are drumming, others are on their knees, hands raised, and dropping down to the rest their foreheads on the ground as they all continue to chant.  All of their eyes are stark white, as if in a trance or glazed over, and they are moving as if they have no control over their own actions.

In the center of the circle, dancing around the fire pit is the person running the show.  The twin green lights are none other than the eyes of the Sin City Wrestling’s Angel of the Fallen, Diamond.   She’s wearing a white piece of fabric wrapped around her body like a halter top toga, letting it fall to about mid thigh.  She’s barefoot, and her hair is piled up on top of her head, small tendrils of curls falling around her face, framing it.  Her pet snake, Baby is wrapped around her shoulders and body, his tongue flickering in and out in the dense air.  Her body writhes and twists as she dances, leaping through the air, undulating as she dances.  She doesn’t miss a step in her dance as she tosses a handful of crystal dust on the fire and it flares again that sickly green color.   She leans back in an almost impossible back bend and opens her mouth.  Baby slithers up between the swells of her breasts as one of the men outside of the circle uses a long barbecue fork to place a guinea pepper in her mouth.  Their chanting builds and builds as he stands there and chews the pepper, letting it’s heat flood her mouth.   She holds the chewed pepper in her mouth and doesn’t swallow, letting the fires of hell fill her senses.   Baby wraps itself around her neck, and she suddenly stands bolt upright and spits the remains of the pepper onto the fire, and it flares once more as the chanting finally reaches a fever pitch.

{ Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  GUNSTA GRANSTA BRUNSTA FLANSTA UNSTA DANSTA BANSTA DUN!!  DASTOANON!!     }

When the flames die down once more, and you can see, Diamond is standing completely upright, with Baby wrapped around her hips, trailing down her leg as it starts to slither off to the floor.   In front of her rests a white goat.  Or at least that’s what it looks like.  Every now and then, when you look at the goat, it seems to flash to being the form of a bound and gagged young woman who looks surprisingly a lot like Vixen, except for the stray mole on the girl’s face.  Diamond picks up a picture of Vixen, and a picture of Orchid and Song and places them beneath the chest of the goat who paws and tries to bleat, but can’t, as it’s mouth is wrapped in rope.   The goat shies away from Diamond, and as it does, we get that glimpse of the bound woman, shaking her head as her eyes are wide and frightened, and struggles against her bindings, moaning against the tape gagging her, tears streaming down her face.

Diamond lifts a wicked looking dagger with a curved blade, and a green jewel on the pommel.  She lifts it high in the air and leans her head back.

“Oh great loa… I bring you these humble sacrifices of pain and suffering with my pleas… Fill my with your power…   Give me victory over my enemies…   Let them not be able to stand against me and those I care for…  Let us win at Climax Control…  As only you see fit!!”

The chanting starts up once more, and Diamond puts her hand beneath the chin of the white goat.  Again, it’s image flashes back and forth between that of an animal, and the bound form of the woman who looks like Vixen. Diamond leans over and kisses the forehead of the goat and grins wickedly.

“Just like my opponents at Climax Control…  You will be the sacrifice for my ascension into being one of the greatest bombshells in the SCW.  Nothing personal really.  Just…  the way things must be.”

The shot closes in on the dagger as it’s raised high above Diamond’s head, and hangs there…

{ Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  GUNSTA GRANSTA BRUNSTA FLANSTA UNSTA DANSTA BANSTA DUN!!  DASTOANON!!     }

As the last line of the chanting ends,  the dagger falls, and there’s a single shriek as red is splashed on the pictures resting on the floor.  It keeps flowing until the pictures are completely covered.   A red covered hand picks up the photos and they are dropped into the fire and it flares again, and everything is decended into darkness once more.

 ~*^*  End of Scene  *^~  

It’s late at night, and Diamond is laying in her bed, sleeping.  She’s not sleeping well, as she’s being wracked in a nightmare.  She’s  trembling under her covers, and she tosses and turns fitfully.


The cameraman continues to zoom in on Diamond's face, slowly watching the glistening tears drip from her eyes, looking almost crystalline in the glowing moonlight.  As he continues to zoom in on her eyes that are clenched tightly shut, a bright blue flash blankets the scene, and when it finally clears, we see Diamond sitting in the center of what looks like a hall of light blue crystal.  Everywhere you turn, you see Diamond reflected in the glass there.  Every once in a while, the scene in one of the mirrors will flash to somewhere, some time else, and we know that we are in the depths of Diamond's mind.  The look on Diamond's face lets us know that she's being bombarded by emotions. Her face is tear streaked and she's sobbing, the sound of her crying echoing through the hall.  She wipes her eyes and sniffs.

“There are just some memories I don’t want to remember…  But these define me as a person…”

Diamond looks at another one of the walls, and the scene there changes as we watch.  We see a younger version of Diamond dressed in blue and white flannel shorts and a grey ribbed belly shirt, her hair pulled back from her face in a pony tail.  She's screaming in horror as what can only be described as monstrous creatures come through the window of the house she's in and chase her around until she comes to a bedroom where a man and woman who are obviously her mother are fighting off other creatures.  As she pulls out the mojo bag, the man and woman are swarmed over, and all that can be seen are their faces which are contorted in screams of pain.  The young Diamond screams in anger and flings sparkling dust at the creatures, causing pieces of them to melt and steam as they continue to swarm over her parents.  Diamond's mother reaches a blood drenched hand out towards her daughter before even that is covered in the creatures.  Diamond is still continuing to throw the dust around and the creatures that are retreating away from her shriek inhuman cries of terror and flee from the house.  As the creatures are fleeing, Diamond slowly sinks to the floor, still throwing the crystalline dust, screaming in rage.  When the house finally falls quiet, all but for the sobbing of the young Diamond, she finally stops throwing the dust.  She looks over at the puddle of creatures that swarmed over her parents, and sees a double hump where you can see that even through their anguish, her father and mother attempted to reach and protect their daughter.  Diamond looks around at the mess and down at herself with a wild look in her eye.

{  I couldn't save them.  All of that power in me and I froze.  My mind went blank.  }

Diamond's face suddenly goes slack and her eyes turn glassy.  She almost seems to not be breathing as she moves and stands slowly with an almost numb expression on her face.  She then walks into her room, collects a bag of things including her journal and photoalbums, not even a single tear falling from her eyes.  She packs up her cd collection and she can hear people wandering outside wondering what is going on.  She sees a neighbor who used to babysit her come in and hears her scream in horror as she sees the mess in her parents' bedroom, then shudders as she continues packing her rolling bags.  She goes through her mother's jewelry and just tosses the entire jewelry box in her bag, including some of her father's cufflinks.  The neighbor attempts to gain her attention, but Diamond waves her off.  Once she's gotten everything she wants, she goes back to her parents' room and just looks around.  She drags the bags out the big hole in the wall and doesn't even look back as she just tosses a handful of the dust over her shoulder and walks on.  As the dust hits one of the piles of goo that was a creature, it ignites and burns.  Soon the fire spreads and engulfs the entire house.  Diamond sets her jaw and watches the flames from her friend's porch, tears flooding down her face.

{  I made a promisee to myself right then and there not to be put in any situation where I would lose my family again.  I stayed with my friend and her parents until I had to move on to my other grandparents, but it just wasn't the same.  No matter what I have gone through… I have always wanted my parents back…  }

 ~*^*  End of Scene  *^~  

Supercard Archives / EMMA ROSE vs DIAMOND
« on: December 06, 2013, 11:53:39 PM »
 Event: SCW's December II Dismember, II     DATE: Sunday, 12/08/2013

Place: Hollywood, California   Venue: Vanguard Grand Nightclub


Opponent: Vs. Emma Rose

What a way to make an entrance!!  Diamond bursts onto the scene in a truly magical fashion, defending her friends on Climax Control after a vicious attack by the Bombshell Tag Team Champions, Misty and Vixen, and Gothika’s partner for that night, Roxi Johnson!  Now the newest Angel to grace the SCW stage is about to step in the ring against another bombshell that’s trying to prove herself, Emma Rose.  What’s going to become of this situation?  You can expect it to be explosive to say the least…

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The following is an excerpt from an interview that as printed in Wrestling Weekly.

So, the time has come for me to introduce myself to Sin City Wrestling. Hi there my name is Morganna Treshon Le Veaux.  But you all know me as Diamond.  

So I know you're all curious about me and what I'm doing here so let me give you a bit of background about me.  I'm no stranger to the likes of Mark Ward and Christian Underwood. I've graced their company in the past, and it was interesting to say the least.  I've traveled all around the world, seen all manner of places, done so many things, but nothing can compare To the feeling I get when I step in the ring.  Well, that's not entirely true. There is one thing that gives me feeling that rivals what I feel when I step in the ring...  but that's something I will have to tell you about later.  

I have to admit, when I was younger wrestling wasn't the first thing that I would have thought of doing, but who has their entire life planned from birth. Hell, when I was a kid, I aspired to be a dentist.  I used to think that was the epitome of success as a child.  Being born in a little shack in the Bayou of Louisiana doing anything other than being some Creole dude's wife or baby mama, maybe gettin' a job as a receptionist somewhere, that's about all you can normally aspire to get.  So being a dentist…  Some one who helps the people of the community and makes them better…  And gets paid enough that they can have a nice house  on a proper street with concrete and everything…  That was a lot to hope for.  Some people say it's hard to get out of the hood, but trust me, getting out of bayou is even harder.  Especially for someone like me.  You see, I'm not just any old Creole chick that you see walking down Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras.  I was born to do bigger and better things.  I was born into a world Shrouded in mystery. I was born into a world most considered to be dark and brutal, and are usually right. I was born into a world of danger, and blood, and magic.   And that’s because my birth was foretold to ma Grandmere…  My Grandmother…  One of the strongest mambo in the bayou during he time…   The Loa put me in her dreams, and told her of what I was to become…  a Grande Dame.  And if you hadn’t gessed it by now…  I’m a Voodoo Queen.

But that’s just the tip of the iceburg of what I am.  I’m a university graduate, with a Doctorate in Anthropology and a minor in what they call, Dead Languages…  A Witch Doctor so to speak.   I’m also fluent in six different languages, not including the Creole patoi of the bayou.   But above all else, I’m an accomplished wrestler.  I’ve held titles in sixteen different companies… I’ve stood toe to toe against giants… literally giants in the industry, and taken them all down.  And now, I get the pleasure of adding the title of SCW Bombshell to that list.

But no matter where I came from…  I’m always looking towards the future.  A very bright future which includes a win against Emma Rose in my debut match.  Now, I know that Emma Rose has been on a rise… She’s got the goods, I can tell.  But skills are only one part of what’s needed to be a success in the world of professional wrestling.  It takes experience, nerve, drive, cunning, and a ‘not gonna quit’ attitude…  All of which I have in abundance.   But I think there’s one thing that I have that Emma Rose doesn’t have…  And that’s a deep seated ruthlessness that comes from seeing everything that you know and love being ripped away from you in a single night of violence.  

But that’s something for another story.  All you have to know is…  Everyone believed that the Angels of the Fallen were done for.  With Gothika and Raynin losing the SCW Bombshell Championship Titles, and Raynin being put out of action, it was thought that the whole house of cards would all come crumbling down…  But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.   It’s just morphed into a new form.  Not like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers…  More like a new entity being born from an old one.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Fallen shall soar higher and brighter than ever!!  The Age of the Angels is still in full swing!  And the Era of Blood and Magic has just begun!
 ~*^*  End of Scene  *^~  

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Time: November 25, 2013…  11:30 AM…  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada… Location:  Raynin’s Building...

The elevator to the apartment pulled slowly up to the floor, stopping with a ding.  It was surprising how Raynin had set up the entrance to the apartment.  When the gate of the refurbished freight elevator was lifted, you are confronted by a pair of huge double sliding pocket doors, complete with a key for the added protection of those that lived inside.  Darknyss and Jeremiah were moving his things in after the paperwork had been settled for him to move into the apartment.  He slid the doors open, and the pair started to use the hand carts they’d brought to move the stacks of boxes from the elevator into the large space of the living room.

“I swear Aunt Lady…  I still can’t believe you got me this apartment!!  And I didn’t have to pay a deposit or anything!!!”

Darknyss shrugs and smirks.

“Well, I just hope you can deal with the terms of staying here.”

Jeremiah stops where he’s standing, and looks at Darknyss with a frown.

“Terms?  What terms?”

Just then, he sees a blur launch itself towards Darknyss and wrap itself around her, and he jumps back in shock.

“What the WHAT??!!”

All he hears is,


Jeremiah realizes that it’s Diamond, and Darknyss chuckles as she tries to extricate herself from her friend’s enthusiastic embrace.  Diamond keeps babbling as she bounces happily around her friend.

“Oh My GODDESS!!  LADY!!  It’s perfect!!  The tub… The Kitchen…  And the size of it…  I have been moving my stuff in all morning, and I still have so much room!!!  I still can’t believe this place is all mine!!”

Jeremiah does a double take and holds out his hand.

“Hol’up.. hol’up, hol’up, hol’up…  HOLD UP!!  All yours?”

Diamond turns quickly with a hand to her chest and looks surprised at the sight of Jeremiah.

“Ohh!!  Hi there…  How are you doing?  I didn’t know that Lady was bringing you around too!   Did you offer to help arrange the furniture?”

Jeremiah frowns and shakes his head.

“Um… yeah… MY furniture!!  I signed a lease on this place last week!!”

Diamond shakes her head and points to Jeremiah.

“Wait a minute… What are you talking about?  Last week?… Um… no… I’m sorry… you must be mistaken…  Raynin is letting me rent this place… I signed the paperwork right before she got snatched up at Climax Control!  I signed the paperwork that Friday!!  This place is mine!!”

Jeremiah starts to get agitated and shakes his head.

“The hell it is!!  I’ve got the paperwork right here!!”

He pulls out the lease he signed, and hands it to Diamond for her to look at and she frowns as she looks it over.

“You didn’t pay a thing for this!!  Raynin is renting this place to me for two dollars a month, to cover the legal aspects of the lease!!  I paid her in cash for two years already!”

Diamond walks over to the kitchen counter and brings over her own paperwork, and hands it to Jeremiah who starts to look it over.  He shakes his head and hands it back to Diamond with a rough growl.

“Who cares what that paper says!!  I was promised this place over two weeks ago!!   This place is mine!!”

Diamond puts her hands on her hips and frowns, her eyes starting to change from their dark brown, lightening to a greenish hazel, and then to a striking green as she gets upset.

“And I don’t give a flying fuck what you say!!  I put money into this and paid for it up front!!  This place is mine!!”

The pair degenerate to a shouting match, and Darknyss finally puts her hand up to her mouth and whistles a shrill whistle that silences them both.  She holds up her hands between them and sighs heavily.

“Actually, you’re both right.”

The pair turn slowly to look at Darknyss and Diamond frowns.

“Whatchoo talkin’ about Lady?”

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

“Well, if you both read your leases, you’ll see that you’re SHARING the apartment.  It’s a two bedroom, two bathroom place with enough space where you two will not be bumping into each other.”

Jeremiah shakes his head and frowns.

“Aunt Lady… This was supposed to be my bachelor pad though!  I mean, what if I want to bring home a dime, and she’s here?  What am I supposed to do then?”

Diamond holds up her hand and nods quickly.

“Yeah… and what about my…. Well, my extra curricular activities Lady?  What about them?  I can’t necessarily do those with him around?”

Darknyss shakes her head and frowns.

“Wait… I thought you had the basement and the roof for that stuff?”

Diamond opens her mouth to speak, and frowns, and closes it.

“Oh yeah…  But still…  what if I felt like walking around the apartment skyclad?   What then?”

Darkynss throws her head back and laughs.

“Since when have you been modest about going skyclad Diamond?”

She opens her mouth to speak again, and shuts it, frowning.

“Oh… Yeah… you’re right… But I still don’t like it!!”

Jeremiah chuckles and shakes his head.

“Hey, you can go skyclad or whatever all you want… I wouldn’t care WHAT you wore…  I think you look good in anything you wear… But still… The fact of the matter is, this is supposed to be my apartment!”

Diamond chuckles and shakes her head, smirking.

“Um… Jeremiah… going skyclad means going naked… you’re literally clothed in the sky, meaning the air.”

Jeremiah blushes for a minute, then smirks and licks his lips slowly.

“Well well… You know… that’s all good too.  I mean… I like to sleep naked, so…”

Diamond laughs and lifts her eyebrow at him.

“I just bet you do.   Look…  I think we can make this work.  Just don’t go on the roof or in the basement, and we’ll be all good.  I’ve already got a sectional, and a good washer and dryer set.”

Jeremiah nods and shrugs.

“Cool… then I don’t have to go out and get any new furniture, cause my bedroom suite is being delivered later today.”

Diamond takes a deep breath and holds out her hand to him.

“So I guess this makes us roomies?”

Jeremiah takes her hand and smirks and brings it to his lips and kisses the back gently.

“I guess it does.”

Diamond drops his hand and takes a deep breath.

“So then, I’ll help you start moving in… I’ll go grab some boxes.  Oh… By the way…  I’m a bit of a clean freak about the kitchen…  I love to cook, and I like my pots and pans to be up to my standards, so hands off.”

Jeremiah chuckles and grins.

“Good… cause I just make dirt.  I think we’ll get along just fine.”

Diamond heads for the elevator to grab some boxes as the others keep moving Jeremiah’s stuff into the apartment.

 ~*^*  End of Scene  *^~  

Supercard Archives / GOTHIKA (c) vs ROXI JOHNSON
« on: December 06, 2013, 11:38:16 PM »
 Event: SCW's December II Dismember, II     DATE: Sunday, 12/08/2013

Place: Hollywood, California   Venue: Vanguard Grand Nightclub


Opponent: Vs. Roxi Johnson

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So, the clock keeps on ticking towards one of the biggest nights of the year…  That’s right!!  It’s almost Christmas time!!!  True, we’ve just had Thanksgiving, but any true Christmas Shopper was out there on Black Friday with the rest of them, fighting and squabbling to get the best prices of the year, preparing for that most magical of days, when Santa comes down the chimney to deliver presents….  And I know what present the SCW’s resident spandex clad super hero is hoping for.  She’s hoping that he’ll help her defeat the current Bombshell Champion, Gothika and claim that title for herself.  But the Vampyric Champion is hell bent on making sure that Roxi’s stocking is stuffed with coal… so she can bash her in the face with it I’m guessing…  And so that she can dash Roxi’s dreams of being the SCW Bombshell Champion once more to as many pieces as there are snowflakes that Santa brushes off of his beard each Christmas Morning.  No matter the reasons why she’s wanting it to happen, you can tell that the battle that is going to take place at the Pay Per View is going to be EPICNESS IN THE FLESH!!  Can Gothika keep her cool and her championship firmly around her waist?  Does Roxi Johnson actually come from a family of South Park’s Crab People like Misty claims she does?  Will Christian Underwood get his wish of a sexy Santa Claus, wrapped in a bow under his Christmas Tree this year?  I know I’m no the only one who’s on the edge of their seat with excitement as I wait to see what’s gonna happen….  Let’s get to the action....

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 …  BFF’S INDEED  ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

December 4, 2013

Bonjour Tout le monde,

So, another week passes, another holiday goes by, and I’m wondering, just what it is that you all have been thankful for this Thanksgiving Holiday.  Were you able to enjoy your friends and family? Did you gorge yourselves on turkey and dressing, and cranberry sauce? Did you slice the pumpkin pie and cover it in whipped cream, then sit back and watch football until you all were dropped into a food coma?  Is that what you did this holiday?

If that’s what you did… then good for you.  I’m glad you were able to enjoy your holiday season.  Just like I’m hoping hat Roxi Johnson enjoyed her Thanksgiving.   I know…  you’re all wondering why I would say something like that.  Well, truth be told… I’m not heartless.  I do have blood flowing through my veins being pumped by that muscle that normally has become the symbol for those glorious emotions known as love, compassion and kindness.   And contrary to popular belief… I do feel emotions.  In fact, I feel them extremely keenly.  Which is why I react the way that I do when the things and people that I care about… Those and that which I hold dear… And everything which I cherish is threatened.

You see… it’s not that I don’t like Roxi Johnson.   Well… Let me put that a better way…  It’s not that I don’t think that Roxi and I could eventually be friends…  Hang on… Let me try that again… It’s not that I don’t respect Roxi Johnson…  

Nope… now wait a minute… Let me stop myself right there…  Let me break a few things down for a minute…

In the beginning… when Roxi first stepped onto the scene, I thought to myself…  Now there is someone who is going to set herself up as an icon.  As someone who will stand out from the crowd, and not turn into one of those sycophantic attention whores who do things, and go after titles for the status that is involved with holding them.  I thought she was going to be one of the ones who stood for the integrity of the sport.  And I thought that I would and could respect her…  But let’s face it… She got her hands on the title and she just… changed.

Here I am… standing in the back, cheering her on… Hoping that she would fight the good fight, and I don’t mean all of that truth, justice, and the American Way bullshit…  I mean fight for honor… fight for integrity… fight for respect!!!  And yet, she becomes just another Cookie Cutter Barbie, only wearing a flippin’ mask!!  She turns herself from ‘The Break Out Superhero Bombshell’ into ‘Just Any Old Bombshell in The Back’, and it was like a knife to my sense of sensibility!!  I swear, the mask is just to hide the shame she should be feeling deep within her for turning her back on that which should matter most to her!  The art and sport of wrestling!!!

And finally, it got to the point where I just couldn’t take it anymore…  And I have to admit… the loss of the Bombshell Tag Team Titles was like kismet…  Because it opened up my opportunity… And I took it!!

Yes I called her out.  I called her out because she needed to be called out!  She needed a wake up call in the form of a good, hard slap to the face and a kick to he jaw, which I supplied in abundance!!  And yet… she was surprised that I beat her.  She was surprised that she lost.  She had expected… EXPECTED for me to just roll over… be a push over and an easy win!!  When I’m so very much far from that!!  I am no one’s easy win!!  I am no one’s push over!!  I am no one’s patsy, and I’m NOBODY’S FOOL!!

I saw through you like you were a window pane Roxi.  I SEE THROUGH YOU NOW!!  All of your bravado and your grand standing…  All of your self proclaimed bad ass-ness…  It is all just your way of hiding the truth…  That you fear me.  You fear knowing that you can’t stand against me!!  You fear knowing that you won’t be able to get your hands back on his Championship Title as long as I’m holding it!  You fear the fact that I’ve got your number, and your scent, and I enjoy hunting you down and stalking you in the ring! You fear your destiny, which is to lose against me!  You reek of the fear!  It engulfs you like a sweet scent that calls me to beat you down in order to tenderize you and cause the fear to engulf your essence, and then sink my fangs into you and drink it all down to strengthen me!  


Oh Roxi… You seem to enjoy this little dance we do almost as much as I…  I toss you a little bit of bait, you get your little taste of courage back, and again, you fall into the waiting clutches of the hunter.  But I’ve got a purpose and a destiny…  And it goes like this…

Et la bête en moi se lèvera et frapper mes ennemis, laissant derrière lui dans son sillage une traînée de cadavres et un fleuve de sang. Il jettera à perdre ceux qui s'opposent à nous, ouvrant la voie pour le juste de monter aux cieux, et en broyant le immoral dans la poussière sous C'est talon de la chaussure! C'EST SOUS TALON DE LA CHAUSSURE!

{ And  the beast within me shall rise up and smite mine enemies, leaving behind in it's wake a trail of bodies and a river of blood.  It will lay to waste those who stand against us, paving the path for the righteous to ascend to the Heavens, and grinding the immoral into the dust under it's boot heel!  UNDER IT'S BOOT HEEL!! }


   JE SUIS VOTRE MONSTRE PRIVÉE ET votre pire cauchemar! JE SUIS CELUI QUI VOUS Sens frissons et tremblement dans la terreur de se cacher sous la couette LA NUIT! Je goûterai votre peur et il va me nourrir et me rendre plus fort! JE SUIS GOTHIKA! CHAMPION DES bombes! ET AU PAY PER VIEW je vous mettrai en déroute ROXI JOHNSON![/size]


See you at the Pay Per View everyone…  I know that I for one, am anxious for the day to arrive.   It’ll be almost as much fun as Christmas Morning.

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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Time: November 29, 2013…  12:30 PM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…  Our Lady of Eminent Peace Mental Hospital...

All around her was white.  Everything… the walls, the floors, the ceilings… the bed…  The linens…  it was like an endless sea of white, surrounding her and drowning he senses.  They’d even clad her completely in white.  A pair of white pajama bottoms, and tank top, topped with the white straight jacket that they kept her almost constantly confined in.  The only things that changed the blandness of her surroundings was the hair that hung down over her eyes, and her feet at the end of her white pajama bottoms, and those few little splashes of color were not enough.

Behind her eyes, she kept hearing The Other, taunting her…  trying to coax her into the depths of the inside, where it could weave a world for her to escape… But she knew that if she did, then it would take over and leave her stranded deep within herself.  And so…  she put up with the feeling of being consumed by pure white…. All day, every day… just white.

When she couldn’t take the oppressiveness of it any longer, she would sit and count, over and over again, chanting a little rhyme to herself to pass away the time.

“One, two three, four, five, six….   Bash them with rocks and hit them with sticks….   One, two three, four, five, six….   Bash them with rocks and hit them with sticks….”  

Sometimes, when the oppressiveness of the intensity of the white became too much, she would curl up against a wall and bang her head against it until a splash of red would show.  When the red was there, she would sit and stare at it for hours.  She’d look for patterns in the splatter to keep her mind sharp… much like looking for patterns in the clouds.  Sometimes, she’d see a unicorn… Sometimes she’d see a kitty cat.  But lately, The Other was even twisting even the littlest bit of joy she could find, turning it into a gruesome sight.  She’d see maggots in the red, and hear The Other taunting her in her head, telling her that her mind was spoiled and they came from inside of her.  She’d see images of herself, bent and broken, and those that put her here were standing over her, grinning down at he evilly.  When that would happen, she’d shriek and chant over and over to herself.


Sometimes it worked, and the images would go away quickly.  But more often than not now, it wouldn’t work fast enough…  It would disappear only just before her agitated state would bring ‘Them’ in with the syringes that poked and filled her with the mind numbing stuff.  She knew she wasn’t crazy before she got here…  But she also knew deep down that if things didn’t ease up, that by the time she got out, either The Other would have won, or she’d be stark raving mad.

Today, things were different.  Today, The Other was blessedly quiet.  She was curled up on the floor, her knees to her chest, still bound by the straight jacket, and she was able to concentrate on the color of her toes, and sing a little song to herself that she’d sing when she was a child as she tap, tap, tapped her toes and feet on the ground.

“Little Rabbit Foo Foo, hopping through the forest… Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head.

Little Puppy Boo Boo scampers right after…
Barking at the field mice and slobbering on their head.

Little Kitty Shoo Shoo, skitters right behind him…  
Pouncing on the field mice and chomping them till their dead.”

That’s when ‘They’ came and broke up the endless white…  ‘They’ came into the room, and pulled her to her feet, and she knew better than to struggle.  She just kept singing her song…

“Little Rabbit Foo Foo, hopping through the forest… Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head.

Little Puppy Boo Boo scampers right after…
Barking at the field mice and slobbering on their head.

Little Kitty Shoo Shoo, skitters right behind him…  
Pouncing on the field mice and chomping them till their dead.”

‘They’ took her to the bathroom where all that was in the room was a large tub filled with hot water, a bar of soap and a wash cloth, and undid the straps of the straight jacket, taking it from her.  She heard ‘Their’ instructions…  to bathe quickly and not to dawdle.  She knew that if she was going to survive this, she would need to comply.

Two of ‘Them’ left the room, leaving only the female ‘Them’ behind to keep an eye on her.  She slowly took off everything as the female ‘Them’ held up a towel so that the males outside couldn’t see what they weren’t supposed to see.  No no no… No flashing… That is a bad thing, and you end up with more time in the endless white, or even worse…  The padded white.

She sunk into the hot water and reveled at the feel of it on her skin… The sensation broke the monotony that had filled her mind and she slipped herself completely under, and came back up to feel renewed and rejuvenated.  She scrubbed herself clean, and when she was done, she took the offered comb and detangled her long hair before she stepped into the long white robe the female ‘Them’ was holding out to her.  She wrung the extra water out of her hair and quickly braided it into a single braid down her back, and let the female ‘Them’ put a hair tie on the end of it before she stepped behind a screen to change into a new colored outfit… This one a light blue.  It broke up the all encompassing white, and she smiled a bit as she started to sing her song again.

“Little Rabbit Foo Foo, hopping through the forest… Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head.

Little Puppy Boo Boo scampers right after…
Barking at the field mice and slobbering on their head.

Little Kitty Shoo Shoo, skitters right behind him…  
Pouncing on the field mice and chomping them till their dead.”

She kept singing as ‘They’ lead her through the hallways to a new section she hadn’t been to before.  This place had color…  There were windows, and the floor was black and white tiles… like a chess board.  As she walked, she kept her eyes down on the floor, counting the steps she took, praying to herself that she would not be sunk into the endless white for a while.

‘They’ sat her down at a table and placed a deck of cards in front of her, and it was like a transformation took place.   Her hands started to work as if on their own, shuffling and cutting the deck, and dealt a hand of solitaire.  The familiar movement settled her mind, and it was like she could almost think straight again.

She was deeply ensconced in a difficult game of spiderette solitaire, looking for a way to open a space to put her king when a hand reaches out and puts a six-stack on a stack ending in a seven and opens up a space for her.  She looks up and blinks slowly as a familiar voice reaches her addled brain.

“Hello Raynin.  It’s Gothika.”

She smiles at the sight of her friend and jumps up to hug her, but stop with her arms out as one of ‘Them’ moves towards her menacingly.  She stands there with her arms out as Gothika turns and speaks to ‘Them’ sharply.

“It’s ok!!  She’s just happy to see me!  She won’t hurt me, you asshole!!  Now get back to where you were and let me say hi to my friend!!”

Gothika turns back to Raynin and slips her arms around her friend’s waist and hugs her tightly as Raynin hugs her back just as fiercely, finally letting the tears flow from her eyes to dampen Gothika’s shoulder.

“It’s you!!  It’s really you!!  I get so confused sometimes…  I can’ tell what’s real or not anymore!!  It’s ‘Their’ fault!! ‘Theirs’ and The Other’s…  ‘They’ pump me full of these meds, and The Other just won’ leave me alone!!  She keeps rattling around behind my eyeballs, screaming to be let out…  But if I did let her out… Then I know I’d never get out of here!!  And I don’t just mean out of the hospital, I mean out of my mind!!  She’d turn it into a prison!!”

Gothika nods and pats her friend’s back gently and sighs heavily.

“I know Raynin.  I really do know.”

Raynin pulls back from her friend and looks around nervously.

“What day is it?  How long have I been in here?”

Gothika swallows and sits beside her friend, setting a bag down on the table beside her.

“You’ve been in here a couple of weeks.  It’s the day after Thanksgiving.  The December 2 Dismember II Pay Per View is coming up, and I get to defend my Championship against Roxi Johnson.  She called in a rematch clause on me.”

Raynin runs her hand over her face and sighs heavily.

“So long… It’s felt like much longer though.  It felt like I’d been in here for months.”

Gothika nods slowly and shrugs.

“Well, good thing is, they took you to a new hospital, and the Head of the department let me bring you some of the Thanksgiving Dinner that Darknyss made.  Bad thing is, they changed your meds to something stronger.”

Gothika leans in close and whispers to her friend.

“But I’ve got something that will help you with that…”

Raynin shakes her head and swallows heavily.

“I deserve to be here…. I can’t believe I actually attacked you and Lady…  I’m sorry… I really am…”

Gothika shakes her head and unzips the bag she’s brought and opens a Styrofoam plate filled with food.  She leans in again and takes Raynin’s hand in hers.

“Listen… Stop feeling sorry for yourself!  I know it wasn’t you!!”

Raynin pulls her hand away and shakes her head, banging her fist against the side of her temple over and over again, starting to rock slowly.

“But it’s my fault!!  I left you and Lady in the lurch cause I couldn’t’ keep my cool!!”

Gothika reaches out and shakes Raynin’s bicep sharply and growls at her quietly.

“Chill!!  Now!!”

Raynin stops and looks up at her friend.  Gothika places the plate in front of her and sticks a spork in the food quickly.

“Look Raynin…  Lady and I are fine.  Diamond stepped in, so we’re not an Angel down.  She’s also looking into why you suddenly snapped like you did. She doesn’t think it was you!  She thinks someone’s been tampering with you… Like maybe Mama Louvelle has someone in the SCW that’s doing stuff to you.  She’s investigating while she’s here.   She also gave me a little something that should help you to get The Other under control.  I slipped it in your mashed potatoes while the guard wasn’t looking, so make sure you start with those.  Ok?”

Raynin looks like she’s sulking and Gothika slaps her bicep playfully and picks up a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

“Look, don’t make me do the choo choo train noises with you.  Trust me… Trust Lady… Trust Diamond…  Just one spoonful and things should start to look up.  What she came up with should also help keep those meds at bay.”

Raynin nods and takes the spoonful of food and swallows it, almost without tasting it.   Almost instantly, her eyes brightened, and looked more clear.  She takes the spoon from her friend and starts shoveling the food into her mouth.  As she does, Gothika reaches into her bag and pulls out a strange looking doll.  It’s hand stitched, and she goes to hand it to Raynin, and the guard comes over, grabbing Gothika’s hand.  Gothika looks up at him and frowns, growling deep in her throat.

“Take your hand from me.”

The guard drops her hand and says gruffly.

“You aren’t allowed to give the patients anything!”

Raynin sighs heavily and sits back, holding up the hand stitched doll.

“It’s just a doll.  I’ve already cleared I with the head of the Department when he cleared the meal.  He thought that something from home might help bring her back to her senses.  I have a copy of his orders right here.”

She reaches in the bag and pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to the guard who looks it over.  He nods and takes the doll from Gothika’s hand and places it beside Raynin’s plate, then goes back to standing by the door.   Gothika leans back towards her friend and nods towards the doll.

“That’s one of Diamond’s poppets…  She keyed it specifically to you, using some of your hair from one of your brushes.  Keep it with you a all times.  Keep it tucked in your waistband.  It will keep the spell that’s I just put in your food active.  This should help at least until we can get you out of here and get some serious mojo working on you.”

Raynin looks down at the doll and blinks back tears.

“I thought you would have given up on me after I attacked you like that…”

Gothika shakes her head and pats her friend’s hand gently.

“Of course not… You’re my friend…   You’re my sister from another Mister…  You’re an Angel!  And Angels are FOR LIFE!!  Through thick and thin, good and bad…  We will ALWAYS have your back!  There are Angels world wide!!  You are NEVER alone!”

Raynin nods and takes a few more bites of her food before she looks up at her friend and holds her fist out for a bump.

“Rip Roxi a new one for me, ok?”

Gothika bumps her fist with her friend’s and nods slowly.

“Oh you know I will.  I’m not letting this Championship out of my sight for a good long time.”

Gothika sits back and watches her friend finish her Thanksgiving meal as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 4,103  ***

Supercard Archives / GOTHIKA (c) vs ROXI JOHNSON
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:55:32 PM »
 Event: SCW's December II Dismember, II     DATE: Sunday, 12/08/2013

Place: Hollywood, California   Venue: Vanguard Grand Nightclub


Opponent: Vs. Roxi Johnson

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It’s that time of year again folks!!  The holidays are right around the corner, and it’s time for another December 2 Dismember Pay Per View!!  Only THIS time…  Gothika is the star attraction, as the person she teamed up with on Climax Control only a week ago is now her opponent!  That’s right, because she pulled some strings, and called in her rematch clause, The Vampyric Angel defends her Sin City Wrestilng Bombshell Championship against the self proclaimed superhero, Roxi Johnson.   Everyone is wondering exactly what’s going to happen with this…  Especially now that Gothika’s friend and old partner, Diamond has returned to the ring, and taken the place of Raynin in the Fallen.  Will the Blood Thirsty One be able to spread her wings and keep her upward climb going, or will things spiral out of control for her?  The plot thickens as the Wrestling World Turns….  Let’s see what happens shall we?....

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 …  ENOLA ENO ON  ...  

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*****  ATTENTION!!  *****

The following scene was cut from the airing of the previous episode of the Sin City Wrestling’s weekly episodic series, Climax Control.  It is intended for mature audiences only.  Parental Discretion is advised.


After the match, the ref brings over the belts and a microphone and Gothika snatches hers away, from him.  Misty and Vixen get to their feet and hold their titles up, smirking proudly, not saying a word.  Gothika holds hers high and points at it.  She then grabs the mic and gets right up in their faces as Roxi stands nearby, looking around like the odd man out.  Gothika chuckles evilly and starts to sing in the mic.

Gothika: Three of these things belong together… Three of these things are kinda the same…  But one of these things is doin’ it’s own thing… Now it’s time to play my game…  It’s time to play my game.

Misty and Vixen roll their eyes, and Gothika starts to laugh again.

Gothika: Oh, and  know what you guys were thinking…  You were thinking that I was talking about Vixen, Misty and I being Champions… But EEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!!!!  WRONG!!!  YOU LOSE!!  YOU DO NOT pass Go, and YOU DO NOT collect two hundred dollars…  You go STRAIGHT…. To the losers box!!!

Gothika starts laughing hysterically and points at Roxi, Misty and Vixen.

Gothika:  Do you know why I say that?  Aww, come on… I know you know…  Misty… you should really know the answer to that one... simple…  easy to answer question…  Do you know why that answer would be wrong?  Hmmmm?  Come on… Speak up… Don’t be shy… I’ll even give you three guesses at the answer.  

Gothika take a step back and starts to hum the Jeopardy theme song and the crowd joins in.  When she’s hummed a few bars, and no one has said a word, she suddenly snaps her fingers and laughs again.

Gothika:  Aww, it seems that the cat’s got your tongue Misty.  But don’t’ worry.  I’ll answer my own question…  What would make the answer wrong is…  Roxi’s not the odd man out because she’s not a Champion… It’s that I’m the odd man out… Because while I’m a winner, you three are just… LOSERS!!!

Gothika puts her hand to her forehead, making an L sign and waves it at the three other women.  

Gothika: That’s right… Misty, you and Vixen are losers because you just lost, and Roxi… you’re a loser because you’re beating a dead horse into the ground, if you think that I’m going to let you take my title from me.  That’s right… I’m doin’ my own thang!!  I’m rockin’ out with my socks out, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon!!

Gothika and Darknyss both laugh and point at the three women standing in front of them.  They stop laughing together as if on cue, and get a serious look on their faces.

Gothika:  That’s right…  I’m the odd woman out in this little foursome.  I’m the one who’s different, because unlike the three of you, even though everything else APPEARS to be crumbing around me, I’m succeeding!   I’m coming up with sevens while you are all rolling snake eyes!  I’ve not just made lemonade out of the lemons that this whole screwed up situation handed me… I’ve made a whole freakin’ lemon merengue pie out of it…  And it sure is sweet.

Gothika smirks and she shrugs her shoulders as she gets up in Misty’s face.

Gothika: Face it Misty…  You thought you had it all figured out… but I flipped the script on you!  Just like tonight, when you thought that you could stop me in the tag team division, just because I’m not working with my OFFICIAL partner, it doesn’t mean I’m still not a force to be reckoned with in the Tag Team Division.  You taking those belts from the Fallen… It was just a fluke Misty!!  You and I and everyone around you… WE ALL know the truth!  You talk about how much you enjoy being the Tag Team Champion, but I know the truth about you!  Deep down, you know that the Tag Team Championship is not what you really want… It’s a band aid on that ache that’s deep inside of you.  You know that I am holding the one thing you truly want and YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!!  I did what you couldn’t, and it eats at you, and eats at you!!  Just like what Roxi will have to deal with at December 2 Dismember, you’re going to lose to me… AGAIN!!  Keep those titles warmed up for me… Because they will soon be around the waist of the Fallen ONCE AGAIN!!

Misty shakes her head and laughs, bringing her own mic to her lips.

Misty: Oh yeah? You and what army, you vampyric bitch? Or have you forgotten that your partner just took a trip with the white coats to the loony bin?  And from the looks of it, she’s going to be stuck eating tapioca for a very… very long time.

Roxi is getting agitated, standing there and listening to what’s being said, but not being paid any attention to as Gothika smirks and gets nose to nose with Misty.

Gothika: The Angellic Army is all around us Misty.  And Raynin WILL be back…  But I wouldn’t need Raynin to take those Bombshell Tag Team Titles from you and Vixen.  Just like I won’t need Raynin to beat Roxi Johnson at the Pay Per View… AGAIN!  You see, unlike you, I don’t NEED outside help to beat you Misty!   I’ve already tasted your essence and your fear…  I know how to push your buttons…  Just like I know Vixen’s buttons and Roxi’s here…  Just know that soon, those titles will be coming home, and the Angels of the Fallen will be once again crowned the Sin City Wrestling’s Bombshell Tag Team Champions after we whoop your asses…  Just like I’m going to whoop Roxi Johnson’s ass at the Pay Per View on Sunday night!!  You see…

Gothika doesn’t get the chance to finish her sentence, because at that moment, Roxi has heard enough, and had enough of being treated like she wasn’t standing in the ring.  She grabs the Bombshell Title from Gothika’s hand, spinning her around and swings the title right into Gothika’s face, dropping her down to the ground!   Darknyss is stunned, and before she can move, Vixen takes her title belt and smashes it into the face of Darknyss, sending her backward and through the second rope, crashing down to the arena floor.  Misty doesn’t miss out on her chance to get a bit of payback, and the three other women, all converge on the fallen Bombshell Champion, laying the boots to her, kicking her towards the ring ropes as she curls up, holding her head, and tries to roll out of their clutches.

Suddenly, the lights flash a blinding bright blue, and an explosion goes off in the center of the ring, blowing up a large thick cloud of smoke and glitter.  Everyone in the ring freezes and turns towards the cloud, looking confused, until out of the smoke jumps the form of Diamond!  She’s got an equalizer in her hands, in the form of a kendo stick, and he shrieks like a banshee as she comes out of the smoke swinging.  Misty, Vixen, and Roxi dodge blows and no one gets hit, but it backs them away from the fallen Champion.  Diamond snatches the Bombshell Championship title from Roxi as she, Misty and  Vixen bail out of the ring, and Darknyss rolls under the ropes and lays there near Gothika, holding her head.  Misty, Vixen and Roxi stand at the bottom of the ramp, glaring at Diamond who stands between them and her friends, brandishing the kendo stick menacingly.  She bends down and picks up the fallen mic and brings it to her lips.
Diamond: Something told me you three were bitches gonna try somethin’ like this, so I was ready for it!!  Come on!!  I know you thought that you’d be able to take out my girl… That she’d e easy pickins so you all could just come out here and roll roughshot over her…  Well guess what, bitches…  Shit just got real!!

Roxi tries to get into the ring on the far side of the ring, but Diamond shrieks again and swings the kendo stick.  Roxi jumps away from the ropes, and the kendo stick hits the ropes instead.  Roxi heads back around the ring and joins Misty and Vixen at the ramp.  Darknyss and Gothika have gotten back to their feet, and Gothika picks up the Bombshell Title, putting it over he shoulder.  Diamond points at the three of them and smirks as she brings the mic back to her lips.

Diamond: My girls ain’t NEVER alone!!  Like Gothika said… We’re everywhere!!  For every one that falls, one shall rise…  That’s right!!   You take out any of us and another will take their place!!  The Fallen are NEVER an Angel down!   I just signed a contract, and I’m itching to get back to tag team action, and having gold around my waist!!  So get ready for a new age to begin for the Fallen…  The Era of Blood… And Magic!!!

Diamond backs up until she’s beside her friends, and as Darknyss and Gothika put their arms over Diamond’s shoulder, she points the kendo stick at Vixen, Roxi, and Misty, then blows a kiss at them as the scene fades out.

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

November 26, 2013

Bonjour Tout le monde,

So, the time has come for me to step up and defend my Championship…  and against none other than the one who I took it from.  Wow…  Roxi… I always knew you were a gluton for punishment.  I didn’t’ know you were such a masochist though.  You must be, if you continue to try and step up against me.  What… Did you think that because you and I teamed up last night, that you what… got a bit of insight into the inner workings of my mind, and it might give you a bit of an edge? Or.. let me guess… you thought that because you got in a few licks after the match, that I’d just roll over, and hand you the Chamiponship that I worked so hard to grab a hold of?  Get real little girl!!  I can tell you now that all that will happen is that I’m gonna go out there and let loose all of the anger and aggression that I”ve been holding inside of me on you.  And when I’m done, I will stand over you and plant my foot right in the center of your chest and let the referee count one, then two, and finally three.

I know what you think is gonna happen Roxi.  You think hat when you step out there in the ring against me, that we’re gonna do a dance, go round and round, and you’re gonna just get in some spectacularly heroic move, and it’s gonna seal the deal for you…  But I can tell you right now… That’s not gonna happen.   Because heroic moves are things for the comic books… And this is real life.  And your reality is truly about to bite the big one !  Think about this…  Even in the comic books, the hero doesn’t always win.  Robin dies…  Batman gets his back broken…  Superman bites the dust…  and Roxi Johnson loses to Gothika… once again.  She doesn’t get the Bombshell Championship back.  She goes out there and gives it her all, but in the end, just like what’s gonna happen in real life, she gets her ass kicked!  She gets a mudhole stomped in her ass, and stand over her, holding MY SCW Bombshell Championship high in victory!  

I know you think that my taking the title in the first place was a fluke.  It’s the only thing that your brain will accept as the truth, because in your little comic book fantasy, you can’t lose!   In the little world that you’ve concocted in your mind, you’re the crime fighting bad ass who comes out and defeats the bad guy by beating them into submission with your secret weapons…  You fight for truth, justice, and cookies or some bullshit…  Whooped dee freakin’ doo!   You can do no wrong…  You’re always able to come out on top of your next evil doer.  But it’s time for you to wake up Roxi.  You’re no longer in your comic book world.  Just like you’re no longer the SCW Bombshell Champion.  In the real world, you can be beat.  In the real world, you can be taken out.  In the real world, you are nothing but just another chick who’s trying her hardest to step you game up to the next level so that you can try and take back what you lost… and what I now hold.   See, now you’re here in MY reality…  You’re in the real world Roxi.  In the real world, I’m fighting for what I know is right!!  In the real world, I’m fighting for honor!  I’m fighting for my friends!  I’m fighting for myself!!  I’m fighting for survival!!  My fight for survival started a long time ago, and it continues on, even now.   Sensei Mosley told me this a long time ago…   “If you want to fight, you fight!!  When you step into the ring, you leave it all in there!!  Your pain, your hurt, your self loathing, your doubt… ALL  OF IT!!  You let it slough off of you like gunk down the drain!  Your reality is what you make of it!!  You don’t want to be judged, you won’t be.  You don’t think you’re strong enough, you are.  You think you’re a failure.  Don’t be.  You have all of the weapons you need… Now!!  FIGHT!!!  And don’t stop fighting!!  You don’t give up!!  Not now, not ever!!!”  And from ay one, I have not stopped fighting.    

You want to know why it was that you lost to me in the first place Roxi?  It was because I wanted that Championship title so bad, I could taste it.  I could feel it calling to me in my veins!!   I wanted it more than you wanted to keep it.  And that’s why you lost it.  You’re just not hungry enough for it Roxi.  You don’t’ want I for the right reasons.  You want it because you can’t believe that you lost it in the first place.  You are still thoroughly ensconced in your fantasy world, and you still believe that you’re the true Champion…  And you need to have the title to try and keep your fantasy world going…  You want it because you need that escape.  Well, too bad!   This title is mine now!!  And unlike you… I will put everything on the line to be able to keep it!!


Get ready Roxi… your whole existence is about to be blown to bits… And there's nothing you can do to stop it!!  I will rock you to the very core of you, and turn your world upside down.  And then, after you've succumbed to the Sweetest Emrace, I will send you to your own personal hell… Where you are tormented second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, an day after day with the fact that you are no longer the SCW Bombshell Champion… And that I am.  Get ready for oblivion Roxi.   I've already got your ticket ready.

The Pay Per View is almost here…  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Enjoy your Turkey Day.  

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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***  Word Count, 3005  ***

Climax Control Archives / Another Blog Spot...
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:59:43 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 11/24/2013

Place: Hollywood, California   Venue: Vanguard Grand Nightclub


Opponent: with, Roxi Johnson Vs.  Misty and Vixen  

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I can’t believe it!!  The Angels of the Fallen have lost a key member of their team!  The Rebellious One, Raynin has been taken out of the equation by Mark Ward and Christian Underwood due to attacks perpetrated by The Other upon random people in the company, and it’s left the group a woman down.  With the Fallen an Angel short, how will they cope?  What will happen now that the most Dominant duo has become a One Woman Band?  The Powers That Be have pitted The Vampyric Champion in a match against two women who you know are happy that their biggest completion has been split up.  Gothika is set to see action against the Bombshell Tag Team Champions, Misty and Vixen in a Non Title Tag Team Match, and her partner is none other than the person who would love most to see her fail…  The Self Proclaimed Superhero herself, and the woman that Gothika took the Bombshell Championhsip from, Roxi Johnson!!  Will the two women be able to work together to come out with a win? Or has Mark Ward and Christian Underwood just put Gothika in a three on one handicap match?  The plot thickens as the Wrestling World Turns….  Let’s see what happens shal we?....

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 …  ENOLA ENO ON  ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

November 18, 2013

Bonjour Tout le monde,

So…  Those that control the Sin City Wrestling have struck a blow that cuts so deep inside of me,…  They’ve taken my partner from me.  They’ve locked her up and tossed away the key.  They’ve come to realize that one of the key strengths of The Fallen is our togetherness.   It’s the fact that we stand as one against our opponents. Unlike most, we don’t care who gets the pinfall, as long as we get the pinfall.  It’s the fact that we win that matters the most to us.  We’ve learned to play off of our strengths to compliment each other… We’ve trained our asses off to get to that point.  Merde!!   Ma sœur, mon partenaire, mon ami a été pris de moi et mes douleurs cardiaques à cause de cela!  { Shit! My sister, my partner, my friend was taken from me and my heart aches because of it! }

However, they’ve made one grave miscalculation.  And that was that they did not take me down along with my partner!!  If the Powers that Be want to bring to a screeching halt the meteoric rise of the Angels of the Fallen… or better yet, the Meteoiric and Destructive descent of the Fallen upon their unsuspecting victims in the Bombshell Division of the Sin City Wrestling, then they should have not just taken out one of us, but ALL of us!!  You see, even if one of us falls, that doesn’t mean that we all hang our heads in despair and rend our clothes and gnash our teeth!!  On the contrary my friends… That means that we knuckle up, and push that much harder!!  That means that we dig down way deep into our cores and we pick up the slack and we keep on going!!  Because it’s not those that strive towards the goal that matters… but the goal itself!!  And that is to put the names of The Fallen on EVERYONE’S LIPS!!  That is to make the names of The Fallen UNFORGETABLE!!  It’s to make the reputation of The Fallen as the most Dominant, the most feared, and the most EPIC group to grace the squared circle in the Cin City Wrestling, and I’ll be DAMNED if I stop pushing towards that goal!!

Regardless of if Raynin is there with me or not, that doesn’t change one very crucial fact.  That fact is that I AM the Sin City Wrestling’s Bombshell Champion!   My skills as a wrestler…  As a SINGLE’S wrestler are second to none!!  I’m the best of the best in this company, and I plan on proving it once again!!  

You see, Darknyss and I learned a very important and crucial thing a long time ago.  Oh yes, we’re no spring chickens, nor are we rookies in the ring.  You see, we learned that when it comes to what you want in the world of Professional Wrestling as well as in life is not always what you get.   We learned that bullshit walks and money talks, and depending on whose ass you kiss or kick, you either get a brown nose or a big pile of crap on your shoes.   Or if you’re lucky and you happen upon the golden goose, you end up with a pile of gold… but either way it goes, you’ve gotta choose what you’re about.   Do you get where you’re going by brown nosing, and schmoozing your way, or by sleeping your way to the top, or do you get there, kicking and screaming, and fighting, and scrapping, digging and clawing your way to the top of the game.  

Well, you all know which option my friends and I took.   We’ve never sunk down to the level of some of these females out there.  We’ve always stood our ground and stood up for what we believed.  We worked our asses off to get where we’re at now, and we’re not gonna stop.  We don’t care who you team us up with.  We know that we’re strongest when we’re teamed with each other, but put us with our worst enemy, and we’ll still go out there and put our butts on the line.  We will give that much more because we know we’re at a handicap, working with someone who only THINKS that they know what we’re about.  But we will still step up.

Misty and Vixen think that I’m at a disadvantage because I’m without my partner.  But the truth of it is, I’m even more dangerous without her.  Why?  Because of how she was taken from me, that’s why.   Oh, you both think that because I’m teaming with someone who can’t stand my guts, and who has it out for me as much as the two of you, that I’ll want to just turn tail and head for the hills.  Au Contraire…  Because of what happened, it makes me just want to fight that much harder.  You may have the numbers on your side, but you’re not even one tenth as pissed off as I am right now!   Roxi Johnson…  All I have to say is, if you think you might slip up in this match, then don’t even step up.  Because I’ll steam roll over you just as hard as I’m planning on doing to Misty and Vixen!  

You see, I’m out to prove that no matter what you do to the Angels of the Fallen, you just won’t be able to keep us down!   You can kicks us, punch us, knock us down on the cold concrete, and it won’t stop us…  Pricks us, make us bleed, break our bones, and destroy our bodies, and we’ll just knit ourselves back together and come back for more!!  You can try to take one of us out of the equation, but it simply won’t matter, cause another will step up to take our place!!  We’re like freakin’ BAY BAY’S KIDS!!  WE DON’T DIE, WE MULTIPLY!!  WE SPAN THE GLOBE, AND BACK AGAIN!!

Some want to know why it is… Well, this might shed some light on the subject…

Le Credo Des Le Fallen  {The Creed of the Fallen}:

Nous réussissons ensemble, nous ne parvenons pas ensemble. Nous montons ensemble, nous mourrons ensemble. Nous nous élevons ensemble, nous volons ensemble. Nous gagnons ensemble, nous dominons ensemble. Mais toujours, nous sommes ensemble. Un cœur, une passion, un même objectif!  Amis pour la vie, les sœurs de la vie, les anges pour la vie!  C'EST la façon des Le Fallen!  

{ We succeed together, we fail together.  We ride together, we die together. We rise together, we fly together.  We win together, we dominate together.  But always, we are together.  One heart, One passion, One Goal!!  Friends for life, Sisters for life, Angels for life!  THAT is the way of The Fallen!! }


Nor me, Bitches.  

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count,   ***

Climax Control Archives / Gothika RP 1
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:59:13 PM »
 Climax Control, 11/10/13

Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 11/10/2013

Place: Reno, Nevada   Venue: Reno Sparks Convention Center


Opponent: with, Raynin and Lizzzie “The Prodigy” Short Vs.  Roxi Johnson, Joanne “The Jersey Devil Diva” Canelli, and Emma Rose  

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Since winning the Bombshell Championship, the Vampyric Angel has been on a bit of a roll.  She’s defeated everyone that’s decided to step up against her and in proper fashion…  Meaning she’s handed every opponent she’s had their asses on a silver platter. And she’s planning on doing the same thing once she steps into the ring against Roxi Johnson, Joanne Canelli, and Emma Rose.  But what is running around in the back of her mind is the ability of her tag team partner, Raynin.  Will Raynin’s mental instability work for or against the team that she’s participating in?  Will Lizzie Short be able to mesh with the former Bombshell Tag Team Champions?  Or will everything fall apart?  I can’t wait to find out… Can you?...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

November 7, 2013

Bonjour Tout le monde,

Have you ever had that one moment in time when everything just… clicked?  That one moment when the cards seemed to fall in place so perfectly…  All of your ducks are in a row… and all you can do is just sit back and watch everything just tick tick tick like dominoes falling one after another.  That was what it was like when I won my Bombshell Championship.  I stepped out into the ring, and I let loose like a hurricane on an unsuspecting seaside town.  I was like Hurricane Katrina and Sandy all wrapped up into one when I stepped up against Roxi Johnson.  And since then, she’s tried everything that she could to try to take me down… And every time she has, she’s wound up with nothing but a big fat goose egg, as well as the knowledge that she’d failed at her latest attempt to take me down off of my pedestal of triumph.  

Roxi Johnson…  My newest favorite punching bag.  So far, you’ve been lucky…  Every time I’ve tried to taste you, you’ve found a way to slip through my fingers.  But even though I have not been able to taste your essence on my tongue, I still have been able to overcome you and take that which you have found so necessary… That which you’ve found so…  needed… That which you’ve coveted as much as everyone else in this company…  That’s right.  You may not have been bitten quite yet… And I do mean quite yet… But you have been BEATEN… and quite summarily… over and over again.  Doesn’t it sting… Doesn’t it seem like a big slap in the face to have tried so hard to hold onto that which you felt so possessive over be taken by someone that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to best?   Oh, you’ve gotten a win over me…  once…  I guess you could say I was feeling benevolent…  I wanted you to have that small taste of victory… that one little bit of hope that you could stop me from taking what for you was the symbol of the height of your career…  That way, when I took it anyway, and you failed to best me any other times, it would make your defeat that much more sweet.  You see… you may have had a single win… but since then, you just can’t seem to get the job done.   Doesn’t that just stick in your craw?  Doesn’t it just send your mind over into that place of uselessness and hopelessness because you know that as long as I’m the Bombshell Champion… You won’t be able to get your hands on the title ever again.  Oh, I know that the Powers that Be want to give you a rematch.  They think that you’ve still got what it takes to topple me off of my proverbial mountain… But you and I both know the truth. When everything is said and done… All you are is a spandex clad lump.  And when we stand in the ring in this tag team match come Sunday… I will prove that fact once again.  Oh, and I do plan on making sure that I will finally get my taste of you.  My friend, Raynin, Lizzie Short and I will tenderize you properly…  We will beat you with our fists.  We will stomp you with our feet.  We will crush your body so that when I do taste you, your blood will flow easily.  We will flavor the red within you with fear, and despair, and pain.   And I know that finally sinking my fangs into your flesh… tasting your essence…  Feeling it run over my tongue and down my throat will fill me with such an intense feeling of pleasure, that beating you in the process, and pinning you for the win, will be icing on the cake.   But it won’t just be you that will be brought to the platter.  Oh now Roxi.   Because you are bringing along a couple of party guests.

So now…  Because she’s had such a hard time getting a win over me one on one, Roxi has gone through a series of tag team partners, thinking that if she brings along a little bit of help, that she can put the boots to me and stop the reign of terror that I’ve decided to bring down upon her head.  She’s conned a new set of lambs to bring to the slaughter.   Let’s start with the first one…  

Joanne Canelli, the self proclaimed Jersey Devil Diva.   The woman who has run, ‘Quote, unquote, the Family’ for… A-B-C, X-Y-Z number of years, has a whole host of skeletons in her closet, is supposed to be the most dangerous Bombshell in the company…  et cetera, et cetera, et cetera…  All of this posturing… All of this self bloating… All of this…  boosting up of your ego, and yet, I’ve done the one thing that you claim is not possible.  I have continually had your number.  I had your abilities pegged the first time I stepped into a ring against you.  At one point in time, my friends and I actually thought that you might be a good… what would be a good word for it… A good asset to our little family, seeing as you understood the necessity of having people who are loyal and will always have your back.  However, the first time you had the chance, you turned your back on all of what could have been.   You were opportunistic, you were deceitful, and you were looking out for only one person, and that was yourself.  And while those can be qualities to admire, we realized one very important fact…  You didn’t have what it took to be truly great.  You didn’t have that… that oomph… that need… that drive to push you to the top and hold it.  I mean sure… you had a bit of a spark… but a bit was not enough.  You need to be a shark with the scent of blood in the water and on the prowl!!  A fuckin’ barracuda in the ring!!   A piranha that’s ready to sink it’s teeth into anything and everything!!   But you were lacking that instinct that would take you to greatness!    Basically, you were missing that certain…  Je ne c’est pas.  That intangible thing that turns you from just another critter in the pile to an Alpha Bitch!!  You see me… I command respect!  I DEMAND respct!  And when I don’t get the respect I deserve, I TAKE IT!!  I take it through brute force and domination!!  My entire team is like that!!   We’re ALL Alpha Bitches!!   And we band together because we knew that fighting one another would be pointless.   Why tear each other up and allow for some unworthy little piece of nothing pick up what pieces we left by the wayside.  And so we came together to become the most Dominant Female Force in this company!!  In ANY company we are in, we do the same thing!!  We step up and we blow the others out of the water!!  

Don’t you get what I’m saying?  We thought that you had the potential to be one of us, but you showed us that you were just like all of the other sheep out there!!  You were nothing but meat for the beasts in us!!   You were not destined for greatness, but to become nothing but another sacrificial lamb to the greatness that is The Fallen!  But who knows… maybe one day, you can show us that spark that you’re missing… We will have to wait and see.   But for now, all you are is just cannon fodder for our guns.   We will trample you into the dust…  And see if you can remake yourself into the image that we once thought you could be.  

So at Climax Control, don’t be upset when we take you to the extent of human suffering and leave you dangling on the precipice so that we can enjoy your torment.  Mmmm, I will make you feel the Sweet Surrender and enjoy the flavor of your horror.

And now we move on to number three in this little group.  The newbie who put on a good showing last week…  Emma Rose…  Mmmm, there is nothing like introducing myself to fresh meat.  I love it.  I love seeing the spark of fear in the eye as I display what I’m capable of in the true fashion of The Fallen…  by going out there, putting the boots to you with extreme prejudice.  There’s not really much I can say about you Emma Rose.  I think you put on a very dynamic and impressive display.  Of all of our opponents, I think that you’ll be the one that will carry the team upon which you’ve found yourself.  I’ll be surprised if you don’t make a serious impression on this company.  But in the end, you’ll be nothing but another lamb for the slaughter.

You see, it’s because my partner and I are a well oiled machine.  And Lizzie Short… well, she’s just as capable as the rest of you… But still, you’re stepping into the ring with he best Bombshell in this company.  When it’s all said and done, there’s only one comment I can make that says it all…


Such an all encompassing statement, don’t you think?  It  puts everything into perspective.  The Angels of the Fallen and Lizzie Short will see you in the ring at Climax Control girls.   Make sure you eat all of your Wheaties, get enough fatty acids in your diet, take your vitamins, and get plenty of rest.   Because when you Feed My Need…  I want it to be more than a snack.

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 2004  ***

Climax Control Archives / Raynin Rp 1
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:55:00 PM »
 Climax Control, 11/10/13

Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 11/10/2013

Place: Reno, Nevada   Venue: Reno Sparks Convention Center


Opponent: with, Gothika and Lizzzie “The Prodigy” Short Vs.  Roxi Johnson, Joanne “The Jersey Devil Diva” Canelli, and Emma Rose  

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The Powers that Be in the Sin City Wrestling decided to give the Rebellious Angel a pass.  They had her locked up for all of the attacks that have taken place over the past few weeks.  Our resident Rebel has apparently been randomly attacking stagehands and workers without any of the other Angels finding out.  But they granted a reprieve….  That’s right, Raynin will be in action at Climax Control, as she and her partner, the SCW’s Bombshell Champion, Gothika team with ‘The Prodigy’, Lizzie Short against two women that the Angels have lots of experience defeating, Roxi Johnson and ‘The Jersey Devil Diva’, Joanne Canelli, along with a new cog in the works by the name of Emma Rose.  With Raynin’s mental stability hanging in the balance, will she be able to keep it together long enough for the trio to get a win?  Or has the demon residing within Raynin taken hold enough for her to lose grip on reality all together…  Let’s find out shall we...

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 …  WHAT’S INSIDE ME??!!  ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********

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Time:  November 4, 2013, 7:30 PM...  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…   Location:  Our Lady of Mercy Hospital for the Clinically Insane…  In Doctor Cliff’s Office…  


The place was stark white.  All around, all you could see was white.  White floors, white walls, white ceilings…  White doors with chrome handles that reflected the white on white over and over again.  The information desk was white, and even the computers sitting upon that desk was white.  Even the people working behind the desk were wearing white.  It was an attempt at conveying serenity and purity upon those inside.  

The trio of women walked slowly up to the information desk and waited for the nurse behind the desk to realize that hey were there and waiting to be acknowledged.   The nurse was on the phone, chatting in a soft voice with someone on the other end, and paid the trio of women no attention.  When they’d been waiting for longer than expected, one of them cleared their throat to get the nurse’s attention.  The nurse held up a finger, and the trio of women all rolled their eyes, almost in the exact same way at the exact same time.  The nurse finally ended her conversation and hung up the phone to turn her attention to the trio of women standing before her.

They looked nothing alike, and yet, she could tell that they were all of a single mind.  The look on each of their faces was of concern.  She cleared her throat and attempted to smile as comfortingly as possible.

“May I help you?”

The tallest of the trio stepped forward an took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“Yeah, I hope you can.  We are here to see about a patient that was brought here last week.  Her name is Raynin…   A doctor named…  Doctor Cliff called and requested that we come see him.”

The nurse nodded slowly and started typing on the computer.  

“Of course…  I’ll need to have your names so I can see if you’re on the list of approved visitors.  I’ll also need each of you to sign in, and I will need your photo ID’s for confirmation.  Once I have those you will need to each sign a waiver, and I will provide you with locker keys.  You may take nothing in with you…  Apparently except for the camera.  This is strange… We normally don’t allow anything at all…”

The tall woman looks a bit flustered, but she nods slowly.

“Yes, I know it’s strange, but…  you see, we’re with the Sin City Wrestling.  We have to be followed all of the time.  Doctor Cliff was made aware of the situation, and he okayed for our cameraman to come with his camera.”

The nurse nodded slowly, then shrugged.

“Well, I’m not a wrestling fan, so I have no idea what this is all about.”

The tall woman chuckles a bit and speaks again.

“It’s almost like a reality show.  You know… they follow us around and put our life out there for everyone to see.”

The nurse frowns a bit as she starts putting paperwork on white clipboards.

“Doesn’t that get a bit.. tedious?”

The tall woman sighs heavily and nods.

“Extremely.  But it is what it is.  I’ve been doing this for almost fifteen years now, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

The nurse smiles and places the clipboards up on the counter of the information desk and sits back down in front of the computer.

“Well, you enjoy your job.  That’s the important thing.  Now…  I need each of your names so I can print out nametags for you.  You must keep these nametags on at all times.  You will also be outfitted with a visitor’s bracelet.  You will not be ale to get in or out of the facility without the bracelet.”

The tall woman steps up and picks up one of the clipboards and pulls out the attached pen and starts to fill out the paperwork.   The other women pick up their clip boards and step back from the counter.  When she finishes, she hands the woman the clipboard.

“I’m Darknyss.  I know the paperwork says something different…  It’s a wrestling name…  It’s all I can say.”

The second woman steps forward, her skin pale and a hint of fang which makes the nurse gasp a bit.  

“I’m Gothika.  And before you ask, yes I know I’m pale, and yes, you see fangs.  I haven’t eaten this morning cause I’ve been a bit flustered about everything that’s going on, and I’m hungry.  But don’t worry…  I won’t cause trouble.  I want my friend out of here as quickly as I can get her out.”

The third woman steps up to the desk but she looks extremely distracted.  She’s looking around the foyer as if she’s looking for something.  When she sets down her clip board, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment.  When she opens hereyes, the nurse screams as she notices that the woman’s eyes have changed from an almost golden color to a green so bright, that they appear to glow.  The woman holds out her hand and shushes her.  When she speaks, there’s a hint of a creole accent that’s been worked hard at hiding to her voice.

“Shhhh chere…  Don’t you worry…. I know it’s a shock when you feel something like that…. That evil energy is swirling all around this place…   But, truth be told, I’m surprised that you don’t feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing all of the time. “

The nurse puts a hand to her mouth and gasps again as the woman’s eyes turn back to that golden brown color.

“Your…. Your eyes!!”

The woman smiles sweetly and blinks her eyes slowly.

“Yeah, freaky ain’t they.  Anyways, my name is Diamond.  Now, if everything is ready, let’s go on and get this visit over with.  Which way do we go.”

The nurse puts their badges on the table along with their armbands and locker keys and points to a hallway to her left without saying another word.  The trio of women walk down the hallway and come to a rom filled with lockers of various sizes.  They deposit everything, then lock the lockers, and follow the signs posted on the walls to a far door where a guard is standing.  He takes their keys one at a time and places each person’s armband on their wrist, and scans it with a hand held scanner before letting each person through the door one at a time.  Behind the door is another hallway.  At the end, there’s a set of white bars.  When they get to the bars, another guard scans the armbands, then opens the door to let them all in.  He points down the hallway and nods slowly.

“Doctor Cliff’s office is number one fifteen.  It’s down this hallway, third door on your left.”

The women all head down to the door and from behind it, they can hear the chanting that they’ve become so accustomed to.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assss the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

Darknyss lifts a hand and knocks on the door.  The chanting stops, but only for a moment.  It picks right back up with only skipping the one beat.  The trio step through the doorway as they’re asked to enter.   There, behind the desk sits a man in his fifties, wearing a labcoat.  He stands and extends his hand.

“Hello ladies.  I’m Doctor Heath Cliff.  I’m the resident psychiatrist here.  You three must be Darknyss, Diamond, and Gothika.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Please, have a seat”

The three women look over at the seats in front of the desk and each takes a seat.  As one, they all look to their left at the fourth seat that is occupied.   Raynin is sitting there, her wearing a straight jacket, bound and trussed up almost like a turkey.  She’s got he feet up on the chair, her knees to her chest, and she’s rocking slowly as she repeats the chant that has filled her days over and over again.  The doctor takes a deep breath and pulls out a chart, setting it on the desk in front of him before he temples hi hands and starts to speak.

“Well, as I told the CEO of your company…  Raynin here is a deeply troubled girl.  She’s deep in a delusion and it’s not looking as if she will be able to come out of it.  She’s certainly got multiple personality disorder.   But her personality manifests in her delusion as a…  a malevolent spirit.  A… A demon from the very pits of hell.  She believes she’s… well, for lack of a better word, possessed.   And while I’m okaying for her to be released in your custody because of the court order that Mr. Ward and Mr. Underwood sent, I am stressing against you all it.   Miss… Raynin is an extremely troubled individual, and unless her delusion is broken,  no one can guess what her reactions will be to stimuli.  Right now, we have her on medications meant to calm her, but they are appearing to have no effect.“

Darknys chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

“Doc, you’re saying that you don’t believe her.  Look, we know about the other Raynin that exists inside of her.  We’ve come to deal with it.  What I was hoping you could do was help HER to deal with it.  Hell, I could have told you that meds wouldn’t work on this because it’s not a chemical disorder that you’re dealing with!”

The doctor picks up a pair of glasses from his desk and an ink pen and starts to write on a pad.

“So, you’re saying that you believe in her delusion?”

Diamond looks at Raynin, then back at the doctor with a look of shock.

“Are you saying that you don’t believe that?  Listen to her doctor.  That voice that’s coming from her… it’s not her own!  If you don’t wake up and face the truth of this situation, and try to help her suppress the Other…   who KNOWS what she’s capable of?!!”

Diamond stands and walks over to Raynin and puts a hand on her head, and closes her eyes for a moment.  Raynin freezes like an electric shock has gone through her as soon as Diamond touches her head.  Diamond’s eyes flash open, and go that glowing green color, this time, it’s bright, like a couple of Christmas lights are in her eyes.  The doctor jumps in shock and screams.


Darknyss leans forward and brings a hand down on the doctor’s desk sharply to bring his attention back toher.

“Hush up now Doctor.  Diamond is… for lack of a better word, she’s a VooDoo Priestess.  She can do things that you can’t.  She can see things… She can tap into forces that you can’t even imagine.  She’s tried to help Raynin get a handle on this thing that’s got it’s hooks in her in the past, but has only been able to suppress it, not get rid of it.  Now, why don’t you just sit ack, relax, and let Diamond see what she can find out.”

Diamond’s body starts to tremble visably as she concentrates on what is happening within her friend’s head.  As she is standing there, Raynin slowly turns her head and a sibilant laughter starts to emanate from her throat.   She starts to chant again as she stares at Diamond.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assss the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

Diamond’s trembling starts to get more intense, and her body almost begins to look like it’s convulsing as Raynin’s chanting gets more and more loud.  The color of Diamond’s eyes brightens until you can see what looks like green spotlights on the wall opposite her, and her whole body is shaking like it’s lit up with electricity.   The sibilant laughter starts again, as Raynin chants faster and faster.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assss the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

A single drip of blood starts to flow from Diamond’s nose and her eyes widen even more as you can tell she’s trying to hold onto whatever she’s doing.  She slowly turns her face towards Raynin and struggles to speak.

“Yu… yu…. You ca… can…. Cannot ha… ha… have her!!!”

The sibilant laughter comes bubbling out of Raynin’s throat again, and even as the laughter rumbles out of her, the chanting doesn’t stop.  It’s like there are two voices coming from her throat.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assss the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

”Do you truly think that you can stop me you bitch of a witch?  You have no idea who I am!  I am the beast from the pit!!  I am the thing which everyone fears!!  I am going to have this bitch, and when I’m done with her, I will continue on with the world!!”

Diamond struggles to speak as she continues to fight the thing that’s within her friend.

“Bu…. Bu… But I… I know that you wa… wan… want to get back into the ring so th… that you ca… can try to get another bu.. bu.. belt.  I know that’s wha… what you want…  If sh… sh… she’s locked up, you can’t do that.  Ya… Ya… You have to let go of her so she can get back into the ring.”

The chanting picks up in volume and speed, and an evil smile spreads across Raynin’s face.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assss the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

”You make a valid point witch.  I will let the meat go for now…  Just for now… so that she can get my precious back around my waist.  But you have not seen the last of me.  I am always just behind her eyes.”

The chanting picks up speed until Raynin’s lips look almost like they’re not moving at all.  It goes up to a high pitch, and gets so loud, that everyone but Diamond has to put their ands over their ears.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assss the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

Suddenly, Raynin slumps to the side, and Diamond collapses to a heap on the floor.  Darknyss grabs some tisues from the doctor’s desk and he looks at the trio of women in shock.  He suddenly jumps up and points at Ranin.

“You keep her away from me!!!  She’s yours!!  The paperwork is already filled ou!!  Get that… that…. Whatever she is the hell out of my hospital!!”

The doctor backs up to the wall and Gothika chuckles, arinning wickedly to him.  She quirks her eyebrow at him and shaeks her head.

“Welcome to the world of The Fallen…  Monsters Elite.”

She lets her fangs drop quickly an hisses at the doctor, and he shrieka, and faints to the ground as the scene faces out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 3362  ***

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Climax Control Archives / A Changing of the Guard...
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:59:53 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 10/27/2013

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Blood Village


Opponent: with, Mercedes Vargas Vs.  Misty and Vixen  

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SHE'S DONE IT!! SHE'S DONE IT!!  THE VAMPYRIC ONE HAS DONE IT!! SHE'S BECOME THE SIN CITY WRESTLING'S BOMBSHELL CHAMPIPON!!  That's right…  The Vampyric Angel has become the Champion!!  And now the target is square upon her shoulders...  What will happen next?  Let's find out shall we?...


Time: October 21, 2013…  10:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…  Sin City Wrestling's Headquarters...

The trio of Angels have finally landed back on US soil.  And while there have been ups and downs, thrills and chills, changes in careers, and new Champions named and crowned, they knew that they were extremely happy to be back at home.

Raynin had gone straight to the vet's to pick up her cat, and took him back home where they'd curled up in bed and she'd fed him exotic fish that she'd brought back home from the trip.  Darknyss had called up her fiancee, Dark Tiger, and spent the past few days on Skype, getting reacquainted with one another.  Gothika had gone over to Argento's apartment and spent a few days wrapped around him like leather on a Dominatrix.  But now, it was time to get back to business.

Darknyss had gotten a call from the Powers that Be in the Sin City Wrestling, asking for the Angels of the Fallen to make an appearance at the headquarters that morning, and as much as the others didn't want to go in, they'd pulled themselves away from what they were doing to show up at Mark Ward's office.  Right now, they were a little bit early, so they'd decided to stop and enjoy a bit of the Vegas Sunshine before they went inside of the building.

They'd decided to ride their motorcycles since it was such a beautiful day, and the trio of Angels were decked out in their leathers of various colors as they climbed off of their Kawasaki Katanas.  Darknyss was decked out in dark and light purple leather jacket with black leather pants and boots and a black helmet with a light purple dragon decorating it.  Her bike was black with a matching purple dragon on the tank and chrome accents.  Raynin was dressed in red and black leathesrjacket, with black leather pants and boots, with a basic black helmet.  Her bike was black with red flames decorating the tank.  Gothika was dressed in her normal attire of black leather pants and shirt, with a black rubber corset around her waist.  She's wearing knee high black leather boots with silver buckles, and she's got a black leather trench coat on.  She's not wearing a helmet, and instead is wearing a pair of black wrap around glasses, and her hair whips behind her as her coat blows back in the wind.  As the trio pull up to the parking lot, Gothika looks over at her friends, and hops off of her bike, taking her title out of the compartment under the seat and starts to head of towards the front door before the others can barely get their engines turned off.  Raynin pulls off her helmet and sighs heavily as she run her finger through her hair.

"Gothika!!  Hey!  We said we're sorry1!  I thought you'd forgiven us by the time we'd gotten back from the trip!  You've been in such a good mood!  What's wrong now?!"

Gothika turns around and shakes he head as her partners run to catch up with her.  She holds a finger up to Raynin and shakes it at her partner.

"I still can't believe that you two interfered in my match at the Pay Per View like that…  That was MY Moment!!  It was MY TIME to do what I needed to do and prove that I had what it took to win!!"

Raynin throws her hands up in the air and stomps up to her friend.

"Look… We apologized!!  Over and over and over, we apologized!!  What more can we say?!!  Look, you got the title… and THAT is what matters!!"

Gothika looks at her title and shrugs.

"Yeah…  You're right… But it makes me look like any of the other champions that used to hold this title… I wanted to be better than them."

Darknyss puts her hand on her friend's shoulder and turns her back around as they all head towards the building.

"But you ARE better than everyone else…"

Raynin holds up her hand and quips out quickly.

"Except me!!"

Gothika looks over at her friend and sticks out her tongue, but Darknyss continues what she was saying.

"Yeah, except for the might mouse over there…  But look… so we helped you out a little bit…  What are you going to do about it?  Are you going to give the title back?"

Gothika looks at Darknyss in shock.

"Say what?!!  Give the title back??!!!  Are you high or something?  What the hell have YOU been smoking?"

Darknyss frowns and shakes her head as the trio walk through the door and down the hallways towards Mark Ward's office.

"Um… no I'm not, and nothing… you know the only high I like is he one I get in the ring, or when I"m lifting…  I'm all natural…  no additives, no fillers…   I'm one hundred percent Grade A, home grown…  Just like you two.  Anyways… I said that to prove a point…  All that maters is that you hold onto that title for dear life.  Because as you know… you now have a target the size of the state of Texas smack dab on the middle of your butt."

Gothika nods and sighs heavily.

"Yeah, you're right.  But I will say this…  I will give Roxi Johnson a rematch if she wants it… all above board and everything…"

Darknyss pats her friend on the shoulder and smiles.

"At-ta girl…  now… let's see what he hell Mark Ward wants so we can go back home and get ready for training!  I've got this new idea to increase our stamina!!  We go climb a wall wearing backpacks full of weights…  And we do it while being chased by men with bamboo sticks to poke, prod, and smack us on the butt if they catch us…"

Raynin and Gothika look at each other, then at Darknyss and say in unison…


Darknyss chuckles and reaches up and knocks on Mark's office door.

"Hey… it was just a thought…"

Darknyss opens the door as she hears Mark say 'Enter' and the trio step into the room, chuckling…  But the chuckles die quickly as they enter and see a few men in white uniforms standing around Mark's desk.

Darknyss frowns and looks around.  She gets to say three words...

"What the hell?…"

And the men in white coats swarm the trio.  Three men grab Gothika who is struggling, and takes two of the men out with quick shots to the temples.  Four men grab Darknyss, and she starts tossing men around the room.  But six men grab onto Raynin who is fighting like a tasmanian devil, dropping them like flies.  Suddenly, someone tags her with a taser and she drops like a sack of potatoes.  Darknyss and Gothika are about to attack, but Mark holds up a hand to stop them.

"It has to be done!!  I promise you Darknyss… Gothika… She's a danger to us all!!  She's attacked stagehands…  makeup artists… She even broke poor Jodie's arm because she said a curl was out of place!!  She'll be fine… now… let these men do their jobs, and sit and we'll talk about it…"

Darknyss and Gothika stop and watch as Raynin is dragged off unconscious by the men in white lab coats…

The scene fades out...

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 2,587  ***

Supercard Archives / ROXI JOHNSON VS GOTHIKA
« on: October 11, 2013, 11:59:48 PM »
 Event: SCW's High Stakes III     DATE: Sunday, 10/13/2013

Place: St. Trinidad   Venue: Turtle Rock Beach


Opponent: Roxi Johnson  

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As the Pay Per  View approaches, everyone is on pins and needles as they await the outcome of some of the most explosive, life changing, and ground breaking matches that the Sin City Wrestling could have made.  With so much on the line, the Vampyric One, Gothika will be stepping into the center of the ring to stand off against the self proclaimed Super Hero, Roxi Johnson.  With so much leather and spandex flying around in the ring, it's sure to be one awesome match.  As long as the Vampyric Angel can keep her mind on the prize, she could end up walking out of High Stakes III  with something she's been coveting since she walked into the doors of the company…  the SCW's Bombshell Championship Title.  Will she finally be able to grab a hold to what has become the ultimate prize for her?  Or will she let it slip through her fingers?   Everyoen's on the edge of their seats, anxious to see what's going to happen.   Let's find out just what will take place, shall we?...


Time: October 1, 2013…  10:30 PM

Place:  On the Open Seas…  Aboard the Royal Monarch Cruise liner…  The Fallen's Suite…  In Gothika's Room...

It as one of those nights that are rare and special.  A night that was made for lovers and the things that they do.  Romance was in the air, and it made the hairs on your arms stand on end and the goosebumps to travel all along your flesh.  And being out on the open sea just made things that much more romantic.  You could feel the ions on the soft and salty ocean breeze as they are charged, and they tingle as they dance along your skin like mini lightning storms.  

The moon was climbing up in the star filled sky, looking like a huge ball of light resting on a cloth of deep dark velvet, speckled with rhinestones.  It was one of those nights that proposals were made, indecent proposals were accepted, babies were conceived, and restaurants made lots of money selling lobsters, chocolate covered strawberries, and champagne.  It was a night for roses and bubble baths, and diamond rings to be exchanged…  And for the Vampyric Angel, it was a night she would never forget.

She was walking through the halls of the ship as she headed towards her suite after a rather intense work out.  She'd ended up having a rather good day.  She'd gotten her body prepared for her upcoming match against Roxi Johnson, and now she was ready to relax, relieve some tension, and slip between the covers so she could wake up the next day and do everything lee she needed to do to prepare.  She was tired.  Her muscles were sore, and she was starving as she'd ended up working right through dinner.  But she knew that she'd have to wait on everything.  Argento was coming over, and they were supposed to be having dinner, so her relaxation was going to have to wait.  

Sometimes she wondered if he actually knew everything that was flittering around in her mind about him.  She'd been through hell with all of these crazy accusations that have been going around about her and him because of his little sister, Lilly.  He'd been through just as much hell, if not more.  He'd been subjected to tests, drugged, kidnapped, forced to go to see shrink after shrink, after shrink… all because he told everyone that he loved her, and let her take what she needed from him…

At just the thought of the red stuff that she got from him, Gothika's fangs ripped through her upper gums like a bullet being shot, and that familiar taste flooded her mouth, making her salivate.  She'd not been this completely smitten with someone's flavor before.  And it helped that he was gorgeous…  and sweet… and…  She suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and she put a hand up to her mouth, looking shocked.

"Holy shit!!  I'm falling for him!!  What the hell?!!  When did this happen?"

She looks around and shakes her head as she keeps heading towards her rooms.

"I can't believe it!!  I had promised myself that I would try to keep myself from doing this… But…  fuck me running'!!  He's gotten to me!!"

She makes it to her room and shakes he head once more slowly as she puts the key into the lock and opens her door slowly and hears…


She looks up and blinks slowly as she takes in the room.  It had been decked out in candles everywhere.  There was champagne and rose petals decorated the floor and were strewn across the bed.  The sheets had been changed to these black and red satin sheets that caught the light of the candles in soft reflections.  There, stretched out catlike across the bed was Argento.  He was wearing a black kimono style short robe, and she could tell that there was little else underneath it and she couldn't' help but to put a hand up over her mouth to cover the fact that she'd suddenly started to drool hungrily.  He sat up and smiled at her, blushing darkly.  He let the top of his robe fall open slightly, revealing a flash of his bare chest as he looks at her eagerly.

"I didn't know if you had forgotten that I'd made plans for us… But… I just thought…  Well..  I drew you a bath so you could have a nice long soak and I could wash your hair and your back… Or not, and just watch if you'd prefer… I know we haven't…  well… not yet, and…  see… I got us dinner!  I have chocolate covered strawberries, and we have champagne and caviar and lobster and filet mignon…  And… well…  Wow… even when you've spent the whole day  working out, I still can't believe how amazingly sexy you are…"

He stands up and walks over to Gothika, sliding a hand up her arm slowly, and leans in, kissing her softly on the lips.  As he kisses her, she can feel his lips pressed against her fangs and she literally growls softly as he slips his tongue between her lips gently, sliding it gently against her fangs.  She felt her the tip of her fangs scrape gently along his tongue, and she could taste as well as smell the scent of the red that bubbled up along the center of his tastebuds, and she couldn't help but pull back reflexively, as she felt him trying to move closer against her.  She moved her head away and pulled out of his arms, shaking her head slowly.

"No… Michael, no…  I… I can't… not right now…  I… I just… I can't!!"

She starts to try and move away, but he grabs her biceps and pushes his lips back against hers, slipping his tongue between her lips again and not letting her push him away.  She finally succumbs to his affections and slips her arms around his waist and starts to suck roughly at his tongue, moaning at the sweet, salty taste of him as he fills her senses.  She can feel herself falling into the taste of him… She could hear his heartbeat as it became that drumbeat that pushed her deeper into the hunger that was beginning to consume her once again.  She didn't see him anymore…  Not his face…  not his sexy body… not his skin… All he became was a mass of veins and a pulsating heart pushing that fluid that called her, trying to drag her deeper and deeper into the rhythm of her hunger.  She fought against it…  She had to, because if she didn't, she knew she'd be lost to it all and she didn't know what would happen after that…

She pushed him away and shook her head quickly.

"No Michael!!  Don't you see?!  I'm dangerous!!  Don't you get it?  You look at me and you see some wild animal that you think you can turn into a house pet!  But I'm not!!  I'm a monster!!  I'm the beast in sheep's clothing, just waiting to pounce you and rend you to pieces!!  You see me like my opponents see me… like all I''m doing is just talking a lot of bullshit, trying to scare them…  Until they actually step into the ring against me, and they realize that I am the thing that their parents warned them about late at night.  I'm the monster which haunts their dreams… And after facing me in the ring, I become the thing which wakes them in the middle of the night, screaming for help!  I AM A MONSTER!!!  You can't turn a hoe into a housewife, and you can't turn a vampire into just your girlfriend!!  Don't you get it?  It's like when you kiss me… Yes, I love it, but I can't help but see you as food!!!  When I step into the ring, my opponents look to me like a steak looks like to a tiger!!  I want to beat them to a pulp to tenderize them, sprinkle a little salt on them, and then munch away!!  And as much as Roxi Johnson tries to prepare herself for what I just might do at High Stakes III, I'm going to do the same to her!"

Argento walks over to her and even though she tries not to let him, he slides his hand down her forearm and takes her hand gently in his and lifts her knuckles to his lips, kissing each one gently.  He shakes his head slowly and takes a deep breath.

"Gothika…  I'm not so much of a fool as you think I am.  I'm completely aware of what you are…  And I keep telling you that I accept it.  I know that I'm meant to be food for you.  And I'm accepting of that…  I just want you to think of me as more than just food."

Gothika swallows and closes her eyes and lets her breath out in a shudder.  She stammers out to him…  

"I… I do think of you that way Michael…  I… I…  I luuhh…  I luhhh…"

She squeezes her eyes shut tightly and just blurts out what she's been trying not to say…


His eyes go wide and he gasps, and she suddenly grabs him and kisses him deeply, her mouth claiming his as she whispers against his lips over and over again…

"I love you… I do… I truly do love you… I tried not to let it happen, but I… I couldn't stop myself… I do.. I love you Michael…"

As she kisses him, she starts to push him towards the bathroom.  When she has her back to the camera, she pulls her camisole off over her head, exposing her bare back to the camera and pushes Michael through the bathroom door and poses as he looks her up and down slowly.  He whispers out breathlessly…

"Have mercy!!!"

Gothika chuckles evilly and shakes her head.

"Oh no… no mercy for you… just like there will be no mercy for Roxi at High Stakes…  You said you wanted to be mine… completely…  well, you're about to experience just what it means to be mine.. Just as Roxi is about to experience what happens when I don't hold back.  You and she will experience every bit of the monster that I can be…  But… Unlike you… Roxi won't enjoy what I'm going to do to her…  Now…  Go get that loofah…"

Argento nods and picks up the loofah scrub brush as Gothika steps into the bathroom with her hand on the door.  She shakes her hair out and runs her fingers through it and growls softly.

"Get ready…  Cause I'm comin' for you…"

Argento squeaks a bit and trembles.


Gothika slams the bathroom door shut on the cameraman.  We hear a loud splash and some laughter, then loud moans as the scene fades.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 2958  ***

Supercard Archives / ROXI JOHNSON VS GOTHIKA
« on: October 05, 2013, 11:53:44 PM »
 Event: SCW's High Stakes III     DATE: Sunday, 10/13/2013

Place: St. Trinidad   Venue: Turtle Rock Beach


Opponent: Roxi Johnson  

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The time has finally come for the Vampyric Angel to get her shot at claiming the coveted Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Championship for herself!   After a full year of working towards this moment…  Putting herself through her own mental hell as she tries to get noticed so she could be in the running, she's finally gotten the shot she's dreamed about.  She's thrown down the gauntlet and after the back and forth of the past month, the time is now!  She has to step into the ring against the woman that she's challenged almost two months ago…  The self proclaimed superhero, Roxi Johnson!!  The stakes could not be any higher than this moment!  Will our resident Blood Sucker be able to do what she's claimed that she can do and put an end to the reign of the Spandex Clad Champion?  Or will she be taken out before her meteoric rise can reach it's climax?  Will he be able to claim that which she's wanted to hold for so long?  The suspense is killing me!  Let's find out what happens...

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 …  DRAG YOU TO HELL  ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Tag Team Champions, The Fallen.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: October 1, 2013…  8:30 PM…  Just after Sunset...

Place:  On the Open Seas…  Aboard the Royal Monarch Cruise liner…  In The Exercise Room...

Everyone in the company has been enjoying themselves on this trip on the High Seas.  It's been fun in the sun and all that jazz for most of the Ladies and Gentlemen who have decided to get on the amazing ride that is working for the Sin City Wrestling.  There has even been a couple of weddings that have sparked off between a few of the people who work off camera.  When John and Victor got married, there wasn't' a dry eye in the house.  And when Courtney and Cameron got hitched…  Let's just say there were more fights that took place during that ceremony than took place during the show two nights later.

But this has been not just a pleasure trip for everyone.  Things have taken place in the ring that made it very different from a simple vacation or tour.  Matches have been won and lost…  Titles have changed hands…  Number One contenders have been named…  Champions have left the company leaving a large hole where there shouldn't have been one…  Lives have been changed…  Fates have been sealed…  Yes, it's been a real roller coaster for the men and women who step through those ropes to bring you quality entertainment week after week.  And for the Angels of the Fallen, things have truly been up and down.

But the one thing that was a constant, at least or one half of the Former Bombshell Tag Team Champions was the upcoming match that had been scheduled at the Pay Per View.  Gothika was to step into the ring against the woman whose chest she'd decided to slap a huge bullseye.  She was to stand toe to toe against Roxi Johnson for the title which she'd been wanting to get her hands on since she'd stepped foot into the company.  She was finally getting her chance to grab a hold of the title which every female in the company has been tripping over themselves to get their hands on.  The coveted Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Championship was within reach of her fingertips and she was hell bent not to let it slip through her fingers.

So she was preparing herself in the only way she knew how…  She was training, and training hard.  Normally, she'd let Darknyss work her out, but with them being trapped on the boat, she'd decided to give Darknyss a day off and train by herself.  So at this moment, while her friend was off enjoying a bit of the night life, she was in the exercise room, trying to up her max just a bit before the big day hit.  He was wearing a pair of black spandex short shorts, and a matching sports bra with a pair of all black Reebok high tops and a pair of black slouch socks, pushed down around her ankles.  Around her forehead, she's got a black sweatband and matching wristbands around her wrists.  She had her iPhone in an armband around her forearm, and a pair of bluetooth headphones wrapped around the top of her head, holding her dark hair back in soft waves, keeping it from falling into her eyes. Her pale skin stood out starkly in comparison to the outfit she was wearing, and her body was drenched in sweat.  

She stood beside the bench where she was lifting, sipping water from her water bottle slowly so as not to shock her system.  Her hair was hanging down onto her shoulder in wet loose waves as she shook her head quickly, then started to bop her head to the music she was listening to as she worked her body out.  Her eyes were flashing in the fluorescent lights of the room, and she leaned over to pick up her towel to wipe her sweat drenched brow, breathing heavily for a moment before she sat back down and laid back so she could start another set of bench press.  She had a good start going with her set when her teammate, Raynin walked through a far door and came over to stand at her head, spotting her as she lifted the heavy bar slowly.  After she had finished her set of fifteen, Gothika put the weights back on the rack and set up.  Raynin motioned for her to take off her headphones and Gothika sighed heavily as she pulled them off of her ears.  Raynin frowned a bit before she spoke.

"I thought you were gonna wait for me to get back from the bathroom before you started the next set.  Why did you start early?"

Gothika shrugged and shook her head.

"Well, I'll be honest… I have been feeling like you aren't really trying to help me out with this."

Raynin's frown deepened and she raised her hands in shock.

"What the hell?!  Why would you think that?"

Gothika raised her eyebrow and looked Raynin up and down slowly.

"Um… maybe it's because for the past few weeks, you've been trying your damnedest to make me look bad!"

Raynin's jaw drops and she looks shocked and hurt and she took a step back from her friend, shaking her head slowly.

"I can't believe you would say that!  How in the hell can you think that?  I've never done anything of the sort!!"

Gothika picks up her towel and wipes her face again, breathing heavily and she shakes her head.

"Well you sure could have fooled me!  Ever since I threw my hat in to try and get my hands on the Bombshell Title, it has felt like you've done nothing but try to sabotage me!  You cost us our Tag Team Titles…  You practically threw me to the wolves at Climax Control…  I mean come on Raynin!  What the hell!!  If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were jealous of the fact that I am join to get the chance to hold onto the title that you've been wanting to get your hooks back in for the past year!"

Raynin rolls her eyes and shakes her head and takes a step towards her partner.

"That couldn't be any further from the truth than the rumor that Roxi Johnson's a natural red head.  I mean come on… you can tell from a mile away that it's a bad dye job.  And you should know me better than that.  Of course I can't say that I'm not jealous cause yes… I wanted the shot.  But you also know that I couldn't be happier that you got it!!  I mean, let's face it!  You and I both know that for the Bombshell Championship to be taken back to it's former glory, it has to be held by an Angel of the Fallen, which means, you, Me, Darknyss or Michelle has to have it around one of our waists.  And since Michelle isn't wrestling, and Darknyss said she WON'T wrestle unless it's absolutely necessary, that leaves you and me.  Besides…  you deserve your chance!  You've worked hard to get it!  You've put your body through hell, dealt with the mind games, and you've come out on top of them all.  Hell yeah you deserve this shot!  But I promise you…  Cross my heart and hope to suffer one of Darknyss's worst trainings imaginable…  I am not trying to sabotage you Gothika."

Gothika frowns and crosses her arms and shakes her head slowly.

"Then I just don't get what's gotten into you, Raynin.  I mean, I'm putting my all out there on the mat for everyone to see.  But it just seems like you've about given up."

Raynin takes a deep breath and shrugs, shaking her head slowly.

"Nah.  I haven't given up.  You know I haven't.  It's just… I've got alot on my mind right now.  I just can't seem to get focused on what's necessary.  But that doesn't mean I won't stand by you when you go out there and take it to that schizophrenic bitch, Roxi.   I mean let's face it…  when it is all said and done…  She's only human."

Gothika takes another sip of her water and shake her head slowly.

"Hey…  With everything that I've seen since I found out that I was a vampyre…  And everything hat you've seen since you found out that you had an entity born of a demon and a Santaria practicing witch…  how can you deny the possibility of super heroes actually being out in the world somewhere?"

Raynin chuckle and shaeks her head.

"Oh, I'm not saying that super heroes don't exist… I'm just saying that Roxi's not one of them.  She's just delusional.  Truth be told, I think that she just decided that if she had a funky back story for her desire to hide her face behind a mask instead of just coming out and being proud  of begin a luchadora, that people would like her better.  But she failed to realize… that being a masked wrestler is cool in and of itself!  I mean, look at El Jefe!  He wore his mask proudly for decades!!  He lived, ate, breathed, slept, hell, he even bathed in his mask…  Living the life of a Luchador… You don't take off your mask… ever!  Even when he was taking  crap, he wore his mask.  THAT is diligence!!  THAT is loyalty to one's mask!  THAT is believing in the art of Wrestling!!  Using your mask as just an excuse to have some made up backstory about super heroes…   that's just all kinds of wrong!  That's disrespectful to the history and tradition of Masked Wrestling!!  And I for one, hope you put the fear of the Luchador GODS in that woman!!"

Raynin has gotten so emotional that she's crushed her water bottle in her hands, turning it into a completely new shape and made it unusable.  Gothika chuckles and lifts an eyebrow as she looks at her friend, sipping her water again.

"Well, you're taking the Way of the Luchador very personally today aren't you."

Raynin shrugs and looks down at her mangled water bottle and takes a deep breath before she throws it in the trash.  She goes to a small fridge by the doorway and grabs a bottle of cold water and cracks the top of it as she walks back over to her friend, drinking about half of it down as she walks back. When she gets back she holds her bottle out to her friend and nods slowly at her.

"See… that's the thing!  None of you truly get i!!  I lived his life!  It was part of my training!  Mi Abuello had me wearing a mask for about three years of my life!  When you're a Luchadora and you choose to remove that mask…  you can never go back to it!  True, you can switch masks…  you can remove it for cleaning…  But once your face is revealed… Once you're unmasked… you can never go back to the same mask!  To go back to it… It's sacrilege!!  And yet, she flaunts her true face all of the time!!  How can one who treats her mask the way she does even attempt to portray herself as a true Champion and she does not even understand the Way of the Mask?!!"

Gothika takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.  She reaches out and pats her friend on the shoulder gently.

"Don't worry Raynin.  I will make Roxi remember what it means to be a masked wrestler.  Because I'm going to make it so she won't want to take that mask off for a while.  Because there will be my bootprint imprinted on her face for a long time."

Gothika wipes the sweat from her brow again, then starts to stretch her shoulders as she stands there and continues to speak.

"I have to admit though..  With everything that's been going on, I have been trying to keep a handle on my feeding.  I don't know… maybe I've finally reached a plateau in my hunger.  I've eased up on my late night feeding.  I'm down to only three donors, three times a day  The elders said that once my initial feeding frenzy was sated, that things would settle down.  I mean… don't get me wrong… I'm still hungry…  I"m constantly hungry… but I can keep it under control.  The only time I'm really hungry now is when I step into the ring.  And let's face it…  Roxi…  Roxi's taste is not quite what I thought it would be.  I found her to be a little… well, best way to put it was flat.  There was no flavor to her.  No… Je ne c'est pas….  I don't know… maybe she's not getting enough fatty acids in her diet.  Maybe she just has no taste…  Maybe she needs to eat more pineapple and up her antioxidants… All I know is… much like when she's in the ring, she just had no spice… no…  pick up and go."

Raynin chuckles and lifts an eyebrow.

"Most people say she's quite energetic in the ring."

Gothika shakes out her arms and walks over to the rack of dumbbells and picks up a pair of large dumbbells and starts to curl them slowly as she stands there, facing the mirror.  As she moves, she lifts an eyebrow and looks at her friend's reflection.  

"I'm not most people though.  And while she may bounce around the ring a bit…  there's a big difference between jumping off of a rope and diving onto people and being energetic.  Not like us.  We electrify the crowds.  We get people out of their seats and cheering or booing us.  Hell, love us, like us, hate us, despise us… I don't care as long as you have us on your mind.  I mean let's face it…  No one is always liked, and no one is always hated.  Half of the crowd likes us and cheers, going crazy, asking for our autographs, hanging out around our dressing rooms just to get a glimpse, a hug, or a picture with us…  the other half are booing us… Waiting at our autograph signings just to yell at us, or talk shit about us…  Or waiting outside of our dressing rooms just to try to get a picture of us in an embarrassing position, or throwing crap at us while we're coming down the ramp to the ring…  Remember the dude that threw eggs on Darknysss's car because he was mad that she helped us get our title shots or the Bombshell Tag Team Championships?  That's what I'm talking about…  It didn't matter really…  not to her, not to me.  Because we were in their minds.  We are in their thoughts!  We are loved and hated…  Fifty-Fifty…  but One Hundred Percent of the fans are thinking and talking about US!!  We are in EVERYONE'S MOUTHS!!  We are in everyone's thoughts!!  People treat us like how you treat the Way of the Luchador!! They eat, sleep, breathe, drink, shit, piss and dream The Fallen!!  They sit up and think about s twenty-four seven!!  And out of every other wrestler in this company, no one else can say that!!  No even our bullshit current Bombshell Champion can say that!!  We are the most controversial…  The most inspirational… The most talked about group in this company!!  And everyone knows it!!  Which is why I got the shot that I did!!  Mark and Christian knew that folks would come to watch the drama that would unfold around this match, and I did not disappoint!!  We are drawing the crowds…  Just to see if I will be able to take out Roxi and claim the title for myself…  Which I know that I can do it.  I know that I will do it.  And there ain't a damned thing that will Roxi will be able to do to stop me from doing just what I say that I'm going to do."

Gothika smirks and nods slowly.

"People have been asking me if I'm nervous about this match…  I'm not.  I'm confident.  I'm confident because I know that in the end, I've got more skill in my little finger than Roxi Johnson has in her entire body.  I'm bigger than her… I'm stronger than her…  let's face it… even if she does have super powers, I"m faster than her.  I've better trained than she is.  And to make matters worse, she's just not as pissed off as I am.  She's not wanting it as much as I am.  She doesn't have as much riding on this as I do.  And that's just what makes me more dangerous than her.  That's what is going to give me my winning edge."

Gothika puts the weights back on the rack and takes a deep breath, smirking confidently.

"When the dust settles, the referees will see that it's me standing there with my foot on Roxi's chest, pinning her under my boot heel. And they will have to count the one, the two, and the three and declare me the new Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion.  And that's what scares her the most.  It's not my fangs…  It's not my skills… It's her destiny to fail and be taken out by me.  I can see it in her eyes.  I can smell it on her scent.  it will be her fears that will be Roxi's Downfall… and give rise to my Ascension to the pinnacle of the Bombshell Division as it's Champion."

Gothika picks up her towel and wipes her face off again when her phone rings.  She pushes the answer button on her headphones and picks up her bottle of water, taking a sip as she speaks.

"Speak to me…  Hey Argento…  Yeah, we have about another hour and I'll be heading back to the room…  No, I missed dinner…  Alright, that sounds good.  Room service it is…  I'll see you there…."

She ends the call and takes a deep breath as she turns to her friend.

"Alright girl, you heard that.. We've got an hour, so let's put this work out in high gear…"

The pair move on to another station as the scene fades out

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 3427  ***

Climax Control Archives / The Doctor Is In…
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:00:06 AM »
Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 09/15/2013

Place: Tortola   Venue: Cane Garden Bay

Match: Mixed Tag Team Matchup

Opponent: With Goth vs Roxi Johnson and Simon Jones  

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On Climax Control two weeks ago, The Fallen's own Vampyric Angel, Gothika put on a clinic when she went up against the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion and self proclaimed superhero, Roxi Johnson.  She straight up put a hurting on this chick for real!!   This week, she's been given another chance to take on the Bombshell Champion, but this time in a Mixed Tag Team Matchup.  And her partner will be none other than the SCW's Heavyweight Champion himself, Goth!  Whoa…  Coink-i-dinkle or what??!!  These two will go up against the team of the Bombshell Champion, and the number one contender for the SCW's Heavyweight Championship, Simon Jones.  An interesting match up to say the least.  Will the team with the name that screams alliteration be able to take on one of the most prominent figures in the SCW…  And Roxi Johnson and be able to walk away with another victory under their belts?… Or will it be proven that what happened with Gothika against Roxi Johnson just a few short weeks ago was a fluke as others claim it to believe?…  In the end… only what happens on Climax Control will be the deciding factor… Let's see what unfolds shall we...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's most enigmatic and dominant tag teams…  Not just Bombshell tag teams, but tag teams in general, The Fallen.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: September 10, 2013…  11:30 AM…  Just after Summer XXXTreme...

Place:  On the Open Seas…  Aboard the Royal Monarch Cruise liner…  In The Kitchen…  In the walk-in meat locker...

The Superstars and Bombshells of the Sin City Wrestling have been working hard on this tour.  But as hard as it's been, it's been very rewarding and beneficial.  It's been an impromptu vacation for those who didn't have to compete, but still had to travel with the others.  For others, it's been a way to reach out to the fans of other countries…  Learn more about the various cultures… grab ahold to some great souvenirs, and lots of wicked cool gifts to send to friends and family members, as well as to keep for themselves.  And for others still, it's been a way for them to catch on some awesome rays of sunshine, or catch a few waves on their surf boards.

But for a few Bombshells and Superstars, it's about more than just traveling, and gifts, and getting a tan and spending time on a surfboard.  For a few of these wrestlers, their lives are changing… moment to moment throughout this tour…  they are not the same as they were the moment before…  They are evolving… molting… reshaping themselves into something new… something more… something different…

For one Bombshell in particular, this statement could not be more true.  Because as the days progress, she's becoming something she never thought she'd ever become…  And she's starting to realize just how much she's coming to like what it is she's becoming…  A monster…  

The freezer is one of those huge industrial sized ones… It looks big enough to hold enough meat to last the entire ship at least a month without having to stop for supplies.  But today, a portion of it has been emptied in a big circle to make room for what's about to happen today.  forming the circle are huge slabs of frozen meat of all various types… There are sides of beef, full pigs, even full lambs… All skinned and prepared, and missing their heads and vital organs…  It's a scene of carnage straight out of a butcher's paradise.  Against the walls behind the slabs of meat are metal shelves filled with various frozen cuts of meat as well.  This was the meat locker… dedicated to nothing more than the food that most men and a lot of women tend to want more than anything else these days… meat, meat and more meat.  

Against the far wall, in front of a large group of shelves which contain only huge rolls of paper, twine, and plastic sits a huge butcher block table.  It's been bolted down to the floor of course to make sure that no matter how hard the boat swayed, that table would not move.  And to make sure that none of the expensive meats inadvertently spill over onto the floor of the freezer, it's got a high lip on either side made of stainless steel.  This lip also acts as a blood barrier…  The table is slanted slightly to one side, which allows for the blood to pool all to one corner, and out a small plastic tube that gets attached to the corner, and down to a bucket, which right now, is about half full.  There's a large rack hanging from the high ceiling, looking like a chandelier out of your worst nightmare due to the bright lights strung around the inside of the rack to light what happens down on the table.  A magnetic strip circles the rack, and attached to it are various implements of butchery… Some of which look more like medieval torture devices rather than something used to carve out a ribeye, or get that perfect filet of salmon that most drool over when they sit down for dinner.

It was in front of this large table that looks like an altar to some blood god that they had decided to have this little… impromptu meeting.  They were already set up… a circle of chairs set about ten feet away from the butcher block table.  So close that you can still smell the scent of the last offering made up to the gods of the buffet tables.  The scent of beef blood is still so strong, that the man pulls out a spray can of air freshener and is about to spray it in the air when the butcher, who is bringing in a set of fresh cuts grabs his hand and roars at him.

"HEY MAN!!!  You can't do that!!  This ain't some office you can just do what you want in!!  This is all of the food we have to prepare!  Do you really want to contaminate what you're going to be eating with this poison?  Spray this in here, and you're ruining almost a half million dollars worth of meat!  Do YOU have enough to pay for that?"

The man huffs arrogantly and lifts his chin and looks at the butcher with a raises eyebrow and pulls his arm away from the man roughly.

"For your information, I do make enough to be able to deal with ruining a half million dollars of anything that I want!!  I don't care if I do ruin all of this…  filth!  This place stinks!"

The butcher gets up in the man's face and frowns deeply.

"You'll care when you can't get your filet mignon tonight!  Where do you think it comes from?  You think the beef fairies just come down and magically put it on the grill for you to eat?  No!!  It starts right here, in this very room!  And it's SUPPOSED to stink!!  It's a fuckin' meat locker you asshole!!"

The butcher grabs at the can of air freshener, which the other man tries to keep from him.  When the butcher grabs his arm again, the man gets huffy again.

"Do you have any idea who I am?"

The butcher rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"No I don't man, and now ask me if I give a flying fuck.  You could be the President of the fuckin' United States!  It would not matter two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail!  I'd tell Barrack Obama the same damned thing!!  You don't spray chemicals around open food like that!!"

The butcher finally grabs the can of air freshener from the other man and pushes him back down into the chair where he'd been siting, and the man looks up shocked and indignant.

"HOW DARE YOU!!  I am Dr. Vingian!!  I could have you fired!!…  Arrested!!…"

The butcher puts the bottle of air freshener in his pocket and starts laying out the fresh cuts of meat out on the table and rolls his eyes as he does.

"Hey, like I said… I don't give a fuck about who you are…  You don't mess with the food I work with!"

The doctor looks around and shakes his head slowly.

"I don't see any food!  All I see are carcasses!!"

The butcher chuckles and nods slowly.  He pulls out a pair of gloves and a big cleaver.

"Exactly!  These carcasses are what eventually become your hamburgers, and your steaks, and your pork chops, and your legs of lamb…  This is what it all looks like before the chefs get their hands on it.  It all just starts out as meat!"

He brings the cleaver down sharply with a loud thud, making it stand up straight in a large side of beef he's got laid on the table.  Just as the cleaver falls, a familiar face is dragged into the room, kicking and struggling by three huge men dressed as orderlies.  It's Argento.  He's wrapped up tightly in a straight jacket, and is struggling against his bindings and cussing up a storm.

"This is not right!!  I have freakin' rights here!!  I'm going to call a lawyer on you all!!  This shit is wrong on so many fuckin' levels!!  Why can't you all just leave me the fuck alone?!!  Let go of me!!!"

The doctor picks up a notepad and straightens his tie as he watches Argento get manhandled into the chair and is finally just left there.  Argento takes a deep breath for a moment, then jumps up and headbutts one of the men in the gut, sending him flying into a nearby side of meat and knocking him out.  As he does, the butcher yells.

"Hey!!  Quit your playin' around my meat!!  I've gotta cut that for dinner tomorrow!!"

Argento looks around and is about to head through an opening between a whole pig and what looks like a half of a goat, when he's grabbed on either side by the other two orderlies and is manhandled back to his seat where he keeps struggling.  The doctor scribbles a few things in his notepad, then sighs heavily, seemingly bored with the entire exchange and he speaks loudly to Argento.

"Mr. Argento… Michael… I must tell you that If you keep these antics, I'll have to restrain you in the same manner in which we had to restrain your… um… let's just call her your lady friend."

The doctor points over Argento's shoulder, and we can see a large handcart being wheeled into the room, backwards.  As the cart is turned around, we see that Gothika has been bound in a straight jacket, which has been attached to the hand cart, holding her in place.  A leather and metal mask has been placed on her face, making her essentially look like Hannibal Lecter…  only much better looking, especially due to the tight leather pants that encase her lower body.  Her hair has been pulled back in a high ponytail, and it's hanging down around her shoulders in long waves.  But it's her eyes that are the most dramatic in this getup.  They're almost glowing a bright blue, ringed in blood red fire as she glares at the doctor who is sitting in front of her.   A low growl rumbles up her throat as she looks over and sees Argento is bound in a straight jacket as well. She slowly turns her eyes back to the doctor who's got his head down and is scribbling in his notebook quickly.  Agento takes one look at Gothika and tries to launch himself at the doctor, but the orderlies grab him and slam him back down into the chair roughly.  Argento looks up at the too orderlies and chuckles softly to himself and shakes his head.

"Be happy that I'm in this straight jacket…  or I'd have ripped your heads from your shoulders."

The doctor's eyebrows go up and he looks up at Argento with a curious look on his face.

"Threats of bodily violence…  how interesting…  I'm starting to get a real insight into you as a person Michael…"

Gothika laughs evilly, throwing her head back.  The mask she's wearing distorts the sound of her voice a bit, making it sound more… gravelly.  The doctor turns his head towards Gothika and takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"You know Michael, your… friend here is a most curious specimen if I've ever seen one.  A truly delusional case here…  She actually believes that she's a vampire.  Oh, it's not just some fantasy she's wrapped around herself… She actually believes she's a vampire to the point that she's caused physical manifestations of her delusion within her physiology."

Gothika laughs again and looks right at the doctor with an evil smile.

"The lambs are screaming again Clarise.  Do you hear them?"

The doctor stands and walks over to Argento and pats his shoulder gently.

"You my dear boy… You've been drawn into her delusion…  I've seen the scars on your throat…  You've actually allowed this woman to bite you… repeatedly…  how many times, I'm not sure so far… but you've actually allowed her to drink your blood.  And that's why we're here.  I want to know why."

Argento chuckles and shakes his head.

"I do it because I love her you whack job.  And I really don't need to be here!  I'm quite sane!!  It's YOU and your psycho-analytical cohorts who are too blinded to see the truth when it's staring you right in the face!"

The doctor reaches up and takes off his glasses, then reaches in his coat pocket and pulls out a handkerchief and starts to clean his glasses slowly as he starts to pace back and forth in front of the couple.

"You call me delusional and blind, but it's you who's allowing someone to literally use you for a walking thermos.  And for what?  For love?  Love is just a chemical reaction of the body, used to intensify emotions.  And you believe that gives what you and she do some kind of merit?  If you keep saying things like that boy, I'll come to think you're as delusional as your friend here."

Gothika growls again and the doctor turns his attention to her.

"Do you know why I've had you brought here my dear Gothika?"

Gothika smirks behind the mask and lifts an eyebrow.

"Because you secretly want to donate to my cause?  You want me to eat your liver with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti…  Or maybe you want to be the nice Chianti…  I'd put you as a what…  nineteen-sixty seven…"

She inhales deeply and exhales slowly.

"Mmmm, from the scent of you…  your sweat is high even though you're locked in a meat locker…  You're nervous… Your adrenaline is running high… I'd say simply from your scent you're an A negative…  am I right?"

The doctor looks up at her shocked and his chin is on the ground.

"How… how did you know?"

Gothika throws her head back and chuckles.

"Because I'm a vampire, Doctor…  I can scent my prey for a few hundred yards… And right now, you smell like prey.  I haven't had that scent hit me so strongly in a couple of weeks now… Not since I was last in the ring with Roxi Johnson.  Mmmm… now that is one truly sweet treat there… I'm anxious to get in the ring with her at Climax Control again in a few days so I can sink my fangs into her again and take another taste before I drive my fist into her face and send her down to the mat hard."

The doctor swallows audibly and shakes his head before he comes over to stand in front of her, looking up into her eyes.

"You just did that to frighten me…  There's no way you could have known my blood type by my scent…"

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head slowly.  

"Ok doctor… keep believing that if it helps you sleep at night.  Oh, which reminds me…  What's your room number Doctor?"

The doctor opens his mouth to speak, then closes it quickly and frowns, looking up at Gothika curiously.

"And just why is it that you want to know my room number?"

Gothika grins, and even through the metal slits of the mask she's wearing, you can see that her fangs have elongated.

"Mmmm, because I want to show you exactly what I am.  Since you don't believe your eyes, your ears, your instincts… Not even the warnings of your predecessors…  You know you're the fourth doctor that Argento and I have had since this whole…  psychiatrist debacle has begun."

The doctor taps her arm with his ink pen gently and smirks confidently.

"Au contraire my friend…  I actually paid very close attention to the tapes that I got of your previous sessions with my predecessors.  Which is why I have you and your friend here bound in the manner that you are."

Gothika growls and snaps her teeth at the doctor so loudly that he jumps back and squeals a bit.  She chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"No my dear doctor… You did not pay very close attention to your predecessors.  What did your predecessors say about me?"

The doctor flips through his notepad to some previous notes and starts to read from them.

"Well, it reads that you're not a fake.  It reads that you are indeed a vampire.  They tried every test that why could on you, physical tests, blood tests, Rorshach tests… They even ran IQ tests which you tested off the charts on…  All of the tests they ran…  I have folders and folders full of tests...  and all of the tests came back inconclusive…  And each of the past doctors you have attacked and bitten… Which is why you're in a straight jacket and a mask, and Mr. Argento is bound in a straight jacket so he cannot release you and let you attack me too."

Gothika throws her head back and laughs evilly and lifts an eyebrow as she looks at the doctor.

"And do you think that restraints will keep you safe?  Do you truly believe that doctor?  Do you think that anything truly could stop me from getting my hands on you if I truly wanted to?"

The doctor opens his mouth to speak and closes it as he starts to think for a moment, then opens them to speak again.

"I think that they will keep me relatively safe.  And if not, there are the orderlies to protect me."

Gothika growls softly and lets the low rumble morph into a chuckle.

"Oh doctor… Doctor, doctor, doctor… It is not ME who is deluded… it's you!  It's you and every other Bombshell and Superstar out there that has ever underestimated me and my abilities…  Take my future opponent this week… Roxi Johnson… she thinks of herself as a superhero who has super powers… She runs around in a costume and talks to imaginary friends that she says are superheros too… but only she can see and hear them.  And yet, I'm the one who's in a straight jacket because I've accepted the monster that is within me… The monster that I've become.  Roxi fears me… she fears what I am capable of… and truth be told, so am I.  I'll be honest of it…  What I am capable of doing scares me shitless sometimes.  Because the sheer depths of depravity to which I have the ability to go to is bottomless.  I am perfectly ready, willing and able… AND capable enough to put my opponents through such levels of agony that it would send most running to the hills…  Why do you think that my friend, Raynin and I were Tag Team Champions for so long?  Most of the Bombshells are literally afraid to step into the ring against us… and for very good reason.  We don't care if we put our opponents into the hospital… We don't care if we wind up in the hospital right along side of them… As long as we get the win.  We don't care if there is so much blood in the ring, that it looks like the canvas is red instead of white.  We've run the gambit of matches…  all kinds of matches…  And win, lose, or draw…  We still came out as victors because of what we did in that ring.  We stepped up.  We always step up and we give it our all in each and every match that we have."

The doctor looks up at Gothika and his eyes catch hers and he gasps as he sees the color of them changing and moving like molten fire.  She smirks as she keeps looking down at him.

"And this week, I feel that I'm luckier than most… Lucky because I get to team with the SCW Heavyweight Champion.  Lucky because even though my tag team partner is my best friend and knows me almost as well as any person who is not me can know me, if I have to team with anyone, I feel that I deserve for it to be the Heavyweight Champion.  Besides which.. I've seen him in the ring… He's as hellbent on carnage and destruction of an opponent as I am.  I have no worries about being Dominant in the ring if I'm in a Mixed Tag Team match if he's my partner.”

As Gothika is talking, she's wiggling her shoulder's and we hear a loud pop, which knocks the doctor out of his reverie for a moment.  She clears his throat and shakes his head slowly as he flips through his notes again.

"So you feel that your enjoyment of hurting people is a good thing?"

Gothika smirks and chuckles which causes the doctor to look up at her again.  The shot zooms in on her eyes slowly as she talks.

"Oh yes… yes I do doctor.  You see, I'm a wrestler… Being good at hurting people is what I do.  And I've become very… very good at hurting people.  If anything, Simon Jones should be thanking his lucky stars that it's not an Intergender match.  Because as much competition as I have with the bombshells, I do miss taking on the males.  You see, the one thing that has stopped me from wanting to take out Mr. Jones and a few of the other males in this company is the fact that the Powers that Be feel that men and women shouldn't fight each other.  It's got to do with the whole… woman beating thing.  But I've always viewed it as if a woman feels she's good enough to step up into the men's division..  Good enough, strong enough, capable enough… she shouldn't be viewed as a woman at that point, but instead as a competitor.  And I am a competitor.  I am my opponent's worst nightmare all wrapped up in a pretty package that smells damned good when I step into the ring.  And I can go toe to toe with any man that gets in my way… So if Simon thinks that he'll be safe from my wrath if he just hangs back, and keep tagging in Roxi…  he'll find out what it means to tangle with a vampire soon enough.  Besides… I've been curious to see what he taste like…"

We hear another pop and the sound of buckles coming undone, then dropping to the floor.   The shot pulls out and we see that Gothika has escaped her bonds and is approaching the doctor quickly.  The Orderlies try to stop her, but a couple of well placed side kicks drop them like hot rocks.  The doctor scrambles backward, shrieking in fear and sounding like a scared rat.  Gothika chuckles and whispers in his ear.

"The lambs are screaming again Clarise… And I enjoy that sound…"

The shot zooms in on her open mouth as her fangs sink into his flesh and the sight of red spelling down his neck fills the screen along with the sounds of his scrams of terror as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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*****  Word Count, 4231  *****

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Climax Control Archives / the demon emerges
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:00:03 AM »
 Climax Control, 9/8/13

Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 09/08/2013

Place: St. Thomas   Venue: Morningstar Beach


Opponent: With Gothika and Raynin in her corner vs The Queen of the Damned, Misty With Odette Ryder in her corner  

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The Powers that Be in the Sin City Wrestling have finally taken heed to the words of the Angels of the Fallen.  Though not in the way that they'd been expecting.  They've decided to pit the Rebellious Angel, Raynin in one on one action against Misty…  To prove…  what exactly… that what Darknyss, Raynin and Gothika have been saying is true?  To give Misty the wake up call to the fact that like it or not, the only way she can get a win against the Angels is to steal one with the help of others?  Maybe because they think that Misty will put Raynin in her place…  Maybe they think that Raynin doesn't have what it takes to do what she's done in the past and take it to the self proclaimed Queen of the Damned in true Angellic fashion, and systematically take her apart, bit by bit, piece by piece?  Well, whatever the Management were thinking, they've done the one thing that Raynin's been hoping would happen… given her another chance to get her hands on Misty.  Now the question that remains is… will Misty be woman enough to keep her cronies out of the match, or will things be a repeat of just about every match between one of the Fallen and the woman who helped take their titles from them?  Let's see what unfolds… As the Wrestling World Turns...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********

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Time:  September 2, 2013, 7:30 PM...  

Place:  Detroit, Michigan…   Location:  Downtown Detroit…  Hart Plaza…  


The day had been warm bright.  The sun had risen bright and beamed down on the city to turn up the thermostat…  but the heat here was nothing in comparison to how it is back in Las Vegas.  Where the heat in Vegas is thick and oppressive, here in Detroit, it's like a warm pair of fluffy pajamas in comparison to being under a pile of thick down comforters.  It was like the difference between a nice warm bath and the heat of a steaming hot tub boiling away at full heat.  Yeah… with a temperature difference of about thirty degrees… you can really feel the difference between the summers of the two cities.

Darknyss had decided that since she'd missed most of the holidays at home with her family, that they would go home for a visit.  Right after Gothika had finished her match, Darknyss had a helicopter waiting for them.  They had piled into the chopper and took a short flight to the waiting airport where there was a private jet waiting for them.  They didn't even get to take a shower or anything.  

The travel had taken all of the evening.  The trio had slept during the flight, so when they finally got to Detroit, they were only slightly spent, which was a good thing for Darknyss as her mother had invited the entire family and most of her friends.  The girls basically had about an hour after they'd stepped into the Darkk family home to change into shorts and t-shirts before her mom had hustled them out into one of Darknyss's trucks and off to Palmer Park for a party.  Mrs. Darkk had even hired a DJ out for the day, and the sounds of the party music had filled the neighborhood.  Everyone made use of the pool for the last day before it shut down for the winter schedule, and they'd stayed out there well into the night.  It was awesome for everyone…  Everyone except for one person.

Raynin had felt like a bit of an outsider.  These were Darknyss and Gothika's friends…  It was Darknyss's loved ones…  It was like she was the third wheel in the group.  Out of everyone there, the only people she really knew were Darknyss, Gothika, Michelle Andretti and their friend, Diamond.   She walked around and smiled and nodded, listening as everyone they chatted about situations only they knew… talked about people that she knew nothing about…  told jokes that she didn't get, and all she could do was just grin and bear it, feeling like an idiot in this crowd of strangers.  She'd tried her best to enjoy herself, but after her third drink, she was just irritated with the whole thing, and had just wandered the park until she'd found a spot in the woods that she could seclude herself.   It was this wooden fort made to look like it was an actual tree, though you could tell it was carved out of two by four planks and put together.  It had a strange smell…  a vague scent of earth mixed with wood and pee that tends to permeate places where lots of little kids always congregate and made you wonder if it was safe to sit down and you had to keep checking the ground to make sure that the last Little Johnny who happened to sit there didn't leave a little something extra behind.  She'd climbed to the top of the fort and perched herself there, sipping her drink and looking out into the darkness of the wooded area, listening to the sounds of the trees, with the music still echoing on the wind.  She'd gone deep enough into the woods that the trees had minimized the sound down to a low din, and she could almost ignore it.

She'd just sat there, sipping her drink, and enjoying her time alone in the dark until she heard her friends calling out to her in the distance.


"Do you think she went to the hidey hole?"

"It's possible…  Let's go check there…"

She heard the sounds of her friend's footsteps traveling down the trail towards where she was sitting, but she didn't move.  She didn't want to move… she couldn't move.  She was just sitting there, staring at a single leaf…  Entranced by it's intricacies…  the soft changing of the colors even though summer had technically not ended… the sight of the veins running along it's delicate flesh… the small marks left by a caterpillar's nibbling along one edge…  Everything that made that leaf unique was etched into the flesh of it…  And yet, in the grand scheme of the entire tree, it melded and blended into the shape of the whole…  That's how she felt at that moment…  Like she was almost invisible in the grand scheme of things.

Her friends broke through the coverage of trees at the entrance to the trail and stood there, looking up at her.  Darknyss sighed and threw her hands up in exasperation.

"THERE YOU ARE!!  We've been looking all over for you… screaming your name to the high heavens…  It's not safe out here by yourself!"

She didn't move her eyes from that spot.  It was like the leaf had expanded to fill her entire consciousness for that single moment in time.  She lived, and died a million lifetimes in the space it took for her to finally come out of the apparent trance she was in.  She lifted her drink to her lips and drained it dry and sighed heavily, speaking to her friends without even taking her eyes from that single leaf.

"What, do you think I can't take care of myself?  You forget, I'm trained in all types of combat.  I'm pretty sure that if a couple of junkies tried to jump me, I'd come out of that confrontation without a scratch."

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter what you're trained in…  No one walks around Palmer Park Woods without at least telling someone where they're going…   That's just common safety training.   Besides…  It's not just the junkies you have to worry about in these woods.  There's supposed to be ghosts in here too."

Raynin slowly lowers her eyes down to her friends and lifts an eyebrow at them.

"With what I have inside of me, do you really think that a little thing like a ghost would frighten me?  Hell, that would be a welcome change of pace.  But don't get your panties in a bunch.   I've been sitting here for a while after doing a little exploring, and the most dangerous things I've experienced in this park so far is the overwhelming smell of urine that seems to cover everything in this park.   Does it always smell like that?"

Darknyss sighs heavily and nods.

"Unfortunately, it does…  What can I say?…  There are a lot of disgusting people out there who think it's funny to pee on park equipment.  Look, everyone's just about done packing up.  It's time to head back to the house.  And tomorrow, we have a training session with Sensei Moseley.  He may have retired, but he said he wants to see what you've got.  And I have to admit… he sounded pretty eager to get his hands on you Raynin…  And truth be told, I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing."

Raynin leapt down from the top of the fort, , landing in a crouch and striaghtns slowly, sighing heavily as she brushed dust off of her butt and the backs of her legs.  She rolled her shoulders and leaned her neck from side to side, enjoying the sounds of hearing her spine crackling like rice krispies.

"You know me… I welcome any challenge, even if it's just training.  Who knows, it might actually be fun…."

The next day, she'd ended up regretting the words she'd said about training with Sensei Mosley being fun.  She'd spent from seven in the morning until almost five o'clock this afternoon out on the old Michigan State Fair grounds, inside of a maze of mirrors, being attacked by random opponents coming out of no where, all while she had the words of Sensei Mosley being pumped through a hidden PA system, accompanied by the strains of some piece by Mozart.  The music was distracting enough, but it was not knowing what was real and what wasn't that was truly making things hard for her.  Because when she would look in the mirrors, she wouldn't just see her opponents… she would also see the thing inside of her, staring out at her in her own reflection.  She'd turn left, and see a man coming right at her, but end up getting hit on the right.  It was totally disorienting.  After one extremely hard hit to the back of the neck that drove her to her knees, she struggled to get up and put her hand on the mirror to steady herself, and was shocked as the fingers of her reflection curved out of the glass to wrap around her own and grab a hold to her hand.  She looked up in shock to see her doppelgänger smiling down at her with an evil smile on her face.  The Other Raynin's red snake like eyes are glinting in the low light of the maze of mirrors, and being reflected everywhere she looked when she tried to turn away from the face.   And she hears the hideous sibilant voice as the Other starts to sing to her...

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

She shakes her head and puts her one free hand to her ears to try and stop the sound and yells.

"No no no no no!!  Not now!!  Not during all of this!!  This couldn't have happened at a worse time!!"

She watched as the Other Raynin leaned down and put her face up against the inside of the mirror, right near Raynin's own.  The other started to push her face into the mirror, and the glass seemed to turn into taffy and stretch outward towards Raynin…  slowly… almost as if she were  pushing against a large piece of rubber, stretched on a frame.  It almost looks as if the mirror is giving birth to her double and the mirror is the placenta wall that the Other Raynin is trying to break through.  All the while, her hand is trapped there against the mirror, in the grip of her double.

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

"Stop it!!  Stop it right now!!  I've got way too much riding on this up coming match, and I can't have you playing mind games with me right now!!

The Other Raynin finally breaks through the mirror and steps through it to stand there beside her.  The other slowly crouches down beside her and grabs a hold to her chin and squeezes it a bit roughly.  She growls before she speaks, her words practically dripping with venom.

"Don't you think I know what isssss riding on thissssss matchup?!!!  You versusssss Missssssssty… The woman who took our shiny away….  The woman who ssssssstole that which wassssss ours by right, by trail and contessssst… that which we worked ssssssssso hard to gain…  Do you truly think I don't undersssssssstand the gravity of what thissss match meanssssss?!!!"

Raynin turns her head away from The Other but the Other turns her face back so that she can look her in the eyes.  Raynin growls and barks a reply back at her doppelgänger.

"Then if you know how important this match is, why are you bothering me right now?  Right in the middle of training, when things are so very crucial?  When I'm working with a man I don't know, but who taught Gothika and Darknyss, and most of all, is close friends, and fellow training buddy mi Abuello!  DO YOU TRULY THINK THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL OF THIS?!!

The other hisses as she yells back just as vehemently, her red eyes flashing with a blood in a glass lit from behind with a bonfire.


Raynin tries to move her mouth to speak again, but she can't.  It's like her vocal cords stopped working.  She reached up with her free hand and grabbed at her throat, her eyes frantic as she looked around in shock.  She finally looked up at the Other and realized what had happened.  The Other Raynin had taken control and she knew she was in for a fight just as big as the one she was going to be facing at Climax Control.  The Other smiled wickedly down at her and a hissing chuckle rumbled from her throat.

"I sssssseee you're finally grassssssping the sssssseverity of the sssssssituation in which you find yourssssssself my dear.  You ssssssssseem to forget that you sssssssssstruck a deal with me.  You told me that if I gave you my power…  If I worked with you insssstead of trying to take you over, that you'd be able to hold onto the shiny.  That you'd keep me in the sssssssssstatussssss to which I'd grown accusssssstomed…  To be loved and adored by the millionssssssss and millionssssss of fansssssss as the besssssssst of the bessssst…  And yet, here we ssssssstand….  sssssssstripped of that which we'd worked sssssssso hard to gain…  And yet you're just accepting that defeat!  You're sssssssitting back and training inssssssstead of going up to that bitch and ripping her throat out like a good little monssssssster and taking back the title which belonged and should sssssstill belong to usssssssssss!!!  What isssssssss wrong with you??!!!"

The Other stands there, looking at Raynin as if she's waiting for a reply and Raynin just sits there, glaring at her angrily.  When Raynin doesn't say anything for a bit, the Other gets pissed and grabs her shoulder and shakes her roughly.

"Ansssswer me!!!  What issssssss wrong with you??!!  Are you mute or ssssssssssomething?!!"

Raynin lifts an eyebrow and sighs exasperatedly at the Other, then gestures to her throat, and the Other chuckles and shakes her head.

"Oh… Yeah, that'ssssss right…"

The Other wipes a hand over her brow, and Raynin starts to cough, and realizes that she can speak.

"If you remember… during the match, you were no where to be seen.  You'd decided to go AFK so to speak.  Besides which, there wasn't really very much we could do about keeping a title when the referee was in our opponent's back pocket.  Flagrant cheating…  I mean just all out cheating, right in the referee's face, and he did nothing to call the match in our favor.  But if you sit back and think about things… you'll realize that Darknyss has something bigger and better for us in the works.  She's trying to get a new shiny around our waists…  We've taken the first step with Gothika beating the Bombshell Champion….  And now it's my turn.  I just have to prove myself against Misty…  Which I know that I can do…  And I'm on the way to getting my hands on the Roulette Championship!  Which I'm sure you would enjoy holding even more than just the Tag Team Championships, because we would hold it by ourselves!  Not with Gothika!"

The Other cocks her head to the side and looks at Raynin, the wheels in her head obviously turning.

"The thing of it isssssss….  I'd grown rather… attached to that Tag Team Championship.   It had become mine…  And to have it ripped from my grassssssp….  Without being given a chance to put in my own abilitiesssssss to it'sssss defensssssse….  That is a problem.  You know that I could have helped you to keep that title… And yet, when the time came, you kept me back from putting in any effort in the match.    You could have usssssed my sssskills…  Esssssspecially when I can do thingsssss that you can't.  Thingsssss like thissssss…."

At that moment, one of the opponents that Sensei Mosley had hidden in the maze of mirrors suddenly came rushing up behind Raynin.  The Other Raynin took control of her body and made her roll backwards into a handstand and  perform a perfect capoeira handstand whirlwind kick, sending the man flying back down the hallway from whence he came before making her sink back down to her knees.  Raynin hadn't even seen the man coming behind her, but the Other had known it was there.  She looked around confused and realized that with that motion, the Other was no longer standing beside her, but was in her head and able to take control whenever she wished.  She heard that sibilant laughter once more ringing out in her head, and the hissing voice whispers in her ear.

"That'sssss right Raynin… No matter where you go… no matter what you do… I'll be watching you.  I'll be waiting for the moment for me to ssssssstrike.  I will have my time to put little Misssss  Misssssssty in her place.  There will be no sssssssstopping me thissss time.   Like it or not, at Climax Control… it will be me facing off againsssssst Misssssty…. not you.  Ssssssso just ssssssuck it up and deal."

And with that, things had gone quiet in her head.  After all of the craziness and the whirlwind of the past few weeks, all she wanted right now was just a little bit of quiet…  Something to calm the insanity of her life and bring a bit of sanity back into it…  All she wanted was something even slightly resembling a bit of normalcy within her crazy, mixed up world…   IF that was even possible for  someone possessed with the demonspawn child of an insane witch.

So now here she was, down along the waterfront of the Detroit River.   She was at Hart Plaza in the middle of the week.  The sun was just starting to go down and the sky was starting to go from the bright blue of the daylight to the orangey pink color of sunset that we all know and love.   Raynin was sitting on a rock, overlooking the river and was writing in a notebook as she tried to keep her thoughts to herself.

So, it's soon going to be time for me to step into the ring against one of my most dangerous of opponents.  Dangerous, not because of her skills, but because her lack of respect for anyone and everyone.  Dangerous because when it all is said and done…  through hook and crook, she's had my number.  But I know in my heart of hearts, that at Climax Control, that will change.  Regardless of what she throws at me, I will be the one to come out of that match victorious…  Because I have a demon in me… pulling my strings… working me like a puppet… tugging me left and right, and unbeknownst to Misty, she’s ticked this demon off much more than she has me.  

I don’t know what will happen at Climax Control to tell the truth.  I don’t’ know if I’ll be able to keep the demon at bay… Or if the Other will come out and turn the ring into a place of carnage and destruction.  All I know is… at the end of Climax Control… God willing… I will emerge the victor without the help of that evil which dwells inside of me.  

I pray for the souls of all of you sinners… Especially you Misty….  I pray that I will be who you face…. Because if you face the Other…  Just think on this…. If she frightens everyone…  Even ME…  How can you hope to stand against her?"

As she sits and looks out over the water, she starts to feel a bit of solace, and she closes her eyes to the soft wind that blows out over the river.  But deep in the back of her mind, she can hear the song repeating over and over in her head… All be it softly for now…  But who knows how loud it will ring out once Climax Control starts...

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

<hr size=1 color=silver><hr size=1 color=silver>



Time:  September 4, 2013, 11:30 PM...  

Place:  Detroit, Michigan…  The Darkk Family Home…  


The night was heavy and oppressive.  The heat had gotten trapped underneath a thick overcasting of grey rainclouds, as a storm threatened the entire day.  The smell of ozone was so prominent, people were walking around with umbrellas, just knowing that at any moment the heavens would open and a flood of thick droplets would start to pour down upon their heads…  But the downpour that was promised by the black clouds that completely blotted out the sun all day, and now the moon never broke free of it's lofty prison.  The air was still prickly with the humid heat, and made you feel like if you stepped outside, you stepped into a wet blanket that just wrapped around you and held onto you tightly.

Earlier, It was so hot and sticky, and gloomy outside that day, that the day of fun that everyone had considered having was postponed.  Darknyss, Raynin and Gothika were going to take the whole family out to the park to enjoy a day with a to celebrate the holiday they hand't gotten to celebrate due to having to travel.  Gothika had even invited her mother to join them.  Since it was so cloudy, Darknyss's mom had decided that the impromptu family reunion just take place there in the backyard.  Darknyss's nieces and nephews didn't mind the change in venue because either way you sliced it, they were going to be getting the day off from school, and had spent the entire morning and afternoon frolicking in the pool while Darknyss and her father took turns playing with them while watching over the the grill.  Everyone kept one eye and one ear on the sky… listening for any thunder, and looking for the first droplets to spill out of the clouds overhead, but they never did.  Every now and then, a peal of thunder would rumble out in the distance, but that was all.  The rain threatened…  but never delivered.  All day it was like that.  It didn't stop the fun though.

Gothika was in the living room with Raynin and Argento as she played scary face with the younger kids which was a big hit with everyone but the littlest one.  Darknyss's niece, Latrice and Doug's youngest was the one that shocked them all.  Little Claudia, only two years old didn't like the scary face that Gothika made at her.  When Gothika bared her fangs at her and hissed, Little Claudia shocked everyone.  She howled and balled her little fist up and punched Gothika in the face hard enough to actually bring tears to the Vampyric Angel's eyes.  She looked up at Latrice in shock who chuckled and shook her head, taking a sip of kook-aid.

"OH MY GOD!!  TRICIE!!  What are you FEEDING these kids!!  She hits almost as hard as you do!!"

Little Claudia wasn't crying, but was sitting there beside Gothika, fist still balled up and preparing to strike again.  Latrice leaned over and stroked Claudia's hair and spoke softly to her to try and calm her down before she looked up at Gothika, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey… I warned you about frightening my kids.  You have to remember exactly whose kids they are.  Have you seen little DJ these days?  He's not so little anymore.  He's only ten years old, and he's already six feet tall.  And Dee Dee, his twin sister is right up there with him.  Hell, all of my kids make me feel short.  Those two are already almost a foot taller than me…  Do you have any idea how hard it is to try to discipline kids when you have to point up to them to get their attention?"

Gothika chuckles and hands Little Claudia a sucker to try to make up for frightening her.  The little girl looks from the sucker, back to Gothika warily, but finally the lure of candy was greater than her fear of Gothika.  She snatched the candy, looking back and forth from the candy, then up at Gothika who this time makes a funny face instead of a scary one, and Little Claudia giggles.  Gothika leaned over and kissed the top of her head, and the little girl climbed into her lap, curling up in her arms to suck on the sucker noisily.  Every now and then, she'd pop the candy from her mouth and wave her sticky hands at her mother.

"Momma!!!  Yook!!  Ucker!!  I dodda ucker momma!!!"

Latrice nods and grins at her daughter, holding her hands up and away from the sticky child who's attempting to grab a hold to her mother and cling to her like velcro.

"Yes Dia baby… you got yourself a sucker.  Is it good?"

The little girl nods enthusiastically and grins from ear to ear and tries to speak around the sucker.

"Mmm hmm…  Ish nummies!!"

Latrice reaches into a diaper bag and hands Gothika a pack of wet wipes with a chuckle.

"See, you messed up giving her something she can make a mess with… You're on cleanup duty Gothika.  Oh, and a word of advice…. she always likes to stick suckers…"

Gothika suddenly yelps as Little Claudia has put the sucker in her hair, and has reached up with hands slick with sticky candy and  is now trying to free the candy… by ripping it from Gothika's hair, along with as much hair as can be stuck to the sucker.  Latrice sighs heavily and shakes her head.

"As I was saying… Little Claudia likes to stick suckers in people's hair.  Ooohh, she's got you good… Come on… let's get you to the bathroom so we can get you and this little terror unstuck…"

As this whole interaction is going on, Raynin has come into the room, walking slowly.  She is agitated, and her eye is twitching.  She's mumbling softly to herself, and is chewing on a lock of her hair.  She suddenly walks over to Gothika, grabs her hair in one hand and the end of the sucker in the other and yanks it free, taking a good bit of hair with it, making Gothika yelp in pain.


Latrice suddenly claps a hand over Gothika's mouth and covers the words that are still coming out of her mouth.


Latrice looks around the room and grins sheepishly and shrugs.

"Claudia has gotten into the habit of repeating the 'S.W.E.A.R' words that she hears people say.  So can you please keep it PG?  I know that hurt a lot, but… think about the little ones…"

Gothika growls softly from behind Latrice's hand and nods slowly.  When Latrice moves her hand, Gothika takes a deep breath and turns back to Raynin looking quite upset.  

"What the…  Fudge Raynin?!  Do you have any idea how much that…  flippin' hurt?"

Little Claudia grins and laughs and claps her sticky hands and points at Gothika.

"Flippin'!!!  Flippin' Momma!!  Flippin'!!"

Latrice nods and smiles at her still candy-covered daughter.

"Yes Dia baby…  Flippin'.  Very good."

Gothika lifts an eyebrow and looks from the baby up to Latrice and chuckles.

"Da….  um, I mean…  Dang Latrice… I see what you mean…"

Little Claudia suddenly starts to clap and chant extremely loudly in rhythm.


Raynin suddenly starts to scream and speak in a guttural language that no one understand while rocking back and forth where she's standing.

"Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!"

The baby stops screaming and frowns, looking at Raynin.  Raynin looks back, her eyes suddenly looking snake like and hisses at the baby who suddenly screams and breaks out in wails of fright, tears streaming down her face.  Raynin starts rocking back and forth even more forcefully and screams right with the baby, bringing a fist up to her head and starting to bash herself in the temple.  Her rocking becomes more and more forceful and suddenly she rocks her upper body backward while not moving her lower body, and her body seems to form a right angle.  She stands there, frozen like a statue, her mouth still gaped open and screaming.  Darknyss comes rushing into the room with her mother to see what's going on.

"What the frack is going on in…"

She stops when she sees Raynin standing there, looking like an upside down letter L, her mouth hanging open as she screamed while looking at nothing.  She quickly turns her head to look at Darknyss, screams louder, then starts to repeat the words she'd said earlier, over and over again, almost as if she's chanting them.

"Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!  Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!  Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!  Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!"

Darknyss looks at Diamond who is just as shaken up as everyone else.  Diamond is just staring at Raynin in shock, a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as saucers.  Darknyss shakes Diamond's shoulder to try and pull her out of the shocked state she's in.

"Emme!!  Emme!!  Please tell me you know what the heck is going on with her right now!!  Do you know what she's saying?"

Diamond shakes her head and swallows audibly.

"No… I have… absolutely no idea what in the world is going on right now."

Raynin suddenly starts to speak, and it's like two mouths are speaking the words… One in another foreign language and one in english.

"Benden önce durmak herkese vay haline! Senin lanet yaklaşımların saat olarak korku içinde titremeye!  Zaman bizim büyüklüğü bizi soymak için aranan olanlar üzerinde dövme için intikam için geldi. Bizim intikam hızlı ve saygı bizi soymak anlamına olanların hak olan adalet titiz olacak. Biz yargıç, jüri ve cellat olarak ... Ve cümle şiddetlidir ... VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE!
 { Woe to all who stand before me!  Tremble in fear as the hour of your damnation approaches!  The time has come for vengeance to be wrought on those who sought to rob us of our greatness.   Our revenge will be swift and exacting of the justice that is deserving of those who mean to rob us of our respect.  We are judge, jury and executioner...  And our sentence is severe...  VENGEANCE!!  VENGEANCE!!  VENGEANCE!!  

Raynin's body continues to contort itself, her hands turning into claws, and her upper body turning until she's almost facing the floor.  Suddenly she screams again, this time her face contorted in fear.


Suddenly she collapses onto the floor, her body starting to relax as she's finally fainted.  Darknyss rushes over to Raynin's side and starts tapping her cheeks to try and rouse her.

"Raynin!  Raynin, what happened?!!  Are you ok?  Tricie, get the kids out of here!!"

Latrice looks around, confused as Little Claudia continues to scream.  Darknyss looks up at her sister and shouts at her.

"Latrice!!  LATRICE!!  GO NOW!!  GET THE KIDS OUT OF THIS ROOM!!  Mom, go and get me a glass of water!  Hurry please!!"

As the others clear out of the room, Darknyss leans over and whispers in Raynin's ear.

"Now listen up you… whatever you are… Demon spawn, hellhound, hell, I don't give a damn if you're Lucifer himself.  If you try that bullshit again in front of my family, I will personally find a way to rip you out of Raynin's body and shove you face first up the rear end of a bull and plug it up so you have no way out!!  You get me?!  You just traumatized my nieces and nephews!  And I for one am not a very forgiving kind of person!  You dig??!!"

Diamond has overheard what was said and she leans over and puts a hand on Darknyss's shoulder, frowning slightly.

"Wait a minute… was that…?"

Raynin's face turns towards Darknyss and the snake like red eyes are still there, but her face is smiling with evil pleasure.  

"Hey there Darkky.  Aww…  What?  No hugsssssss and kissssssssssssses?  No chocolatesssssssss or tea and crumpetsssssssss for little old me?"[/b]

Darknyss sits back as Raynin's body unfolds itself from it's strange contortions, then settles into a crablike squat, looking at her friend.  Darknyss growls and reaches out a hand toward Raynin's throat, then stops short, her hand literally trembling in anger and a desire to complete the movement and throttle her friend'


Diamond frowns and leans forward and whispers a word of power, causing her eyes to flare up an eerie bright green as she works a magical sight to see what Darknyss is talking about and she pulls back quickly in shock.

"Dear Mary, Mother of God in Heaven!!  What?!!…  What are you?!!"

The Other grins and pops up to a standing position before Diamond who jumps back herself.  The Other Raynin bows courteously and grins.

"Ahh, where are my mannersssss….  I'm Raynin… It'ssssss a pleasssssssure to finally meet you Diamond.  Esssssspecially sssssssince the lassssssst time we almossssst met…"

The Other Raynin suddenly pops up and grabs Diamond by the throat, trying to squeeze the life out of her.

"Oooh yeah….  That'sssss right… You tried to kill me!!"

Diamond grabs a hold of Raynin's wrist, gasping for breath, but remaining calm.  Her eyes flare a brighter green as a sickly looking green flame flares on her hands, and Raynin yelps, jumping back as if burned.  Diamond's eyes keep their eerie green color and she clears her throat for a moment.

"Yes… Yes that was me… And you never really did tell me your real name demon.  But I'm sure I'll learn it eventually.  And when I do, I will cast you out of my friend, and she will finally be rid of you."

The Other Raynin throws her head back and laughs, shaking her head.

"Aahh, no no no… it'sssssssss not going to be assess easssssy as you think now.  You sssssseeeee…  Our fair Raynin has made a deal with me…  One which will keep me very well entrenched within thisssssss  mosssssst beautiful of bodiessssss….  And which your friendsssssss will want to have happen… Asssssss it will aid them in gaining control of that which they sssssseek to grab a hold to…  The SsssssCW Bombshell and Roulet Championshipsssss as well assess the Tag Team Championshipssssss."

Diamond is about to move towards Raynin, but Darknyss grabs her shoulder and shakes her head slowly.  The Other Raynin smirks evilly and throws her head back and chuckles.

"Oh yesssssss ….  Thisssssss is going to be ssssssssooooo much fun….  Watching firsssst  Misssssssty… and then the two of you ssssssquirm."

The Other Raynin throws her head back and laughs.  She starts to walk towards the stairs to go up to the bedrooms.  And as the scene fades out, she starts to sing the eerie song that she tortures Raynin with.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

<hr size=1 color=silver><hr size=1 color=silver>

></iframe> tubular bells


Time:  September 4, 2013, 11:30 PM...  

Place:  Detroit, Michigan…  The Darkk Family Home…  In the the Guest Bedroom...


The night was heavy and oppressive.  The heat had gotten trapped underneath a thick overcasting of grey rainclouds, as a storm threatened the entire day.  The smell of ozone was so prominent, people were walking around with umbrellas, just knowing that at any moment the heavens would open and a flood of thick droplets would start to pour down upon their heads…  But the downpour that was promised by the black clouds that completely blotted out the sun all day, and now the moon never broke free of it's lofty prison.  The air was still prickly with the humid heat, and made you feel like if you stepped outside, you stepped into a wet blanket that just wrapped around you and held onto you tightly.  The thunder pealed in the not so far off distance, and lightning flashed across the sky, lighting the scene with an eeriness that was so dense you could almost touch it.   Just when you thought things were going to be ok, the lightning lit the sky like an industrial strength flash bulb, thunder boomed right over head, and the heavens finally loosed it's quarry, and the rain began to pour down in buckets…  frigid for that time of the year, and cold enough to sting the flesh as it struck.

A loan figure approached the walk of the Darkk family homestead.  Draped in a black trench coat with the collar pulled up and a hat pulled down to obscure the face, the figure carried a satchel and an umbrella which did nothing to stop the rain which was pelting down in huge droplets.  The figure however paid no heed to the onslaught of nature's tears, and just plodded on straight to the front porch of the home.  The figure stepped quietly up the steps and under the eaves of the porch and out of the rain, then lifted a hand to ring the doorbell, but before the button could be pressed, the door opened with a soft creek.  Standing just inside of the door is Darknyss's mother.  She looks distraught… Extremely worried and agitated.  She takes a deep breath and nods slowly, stepping back and gesturing for the figure to come in.

"Good… you made it.  I was worried you didn't get my message."

The figure lowers the umbrella and closes it, then steps into the foyer,  setting the umbrella beside the door, then lifts a hand to the hat and removes it slowly to reveal an older man with intensely silver eyes and hair that's damp around the edges from the rain.  He removes his coat slowly and reveals a black suit with an all white collar, denoting him as a man of the cloth.  Darknyss's mother takes his hat and coat and hangs it on the nearby coat rack and nods towards the door to the living room.  He follows her at a slow pace, taking note of everything in his surroundings.

In the living room, Darknyss and Gothika are sitting with their friend, Diamond talking quietly amongst themselves.  As they hear the footsteps coming in from the hallway, they all stop talking and look up expectantly at the newcomer with Darknyss's mother.  Mrs. Darkk nods around the room and makes introductions.

"Girls, this is Father Corrin…  the priest that I told you about.  Father Corrin, this is my daughter, Zatanya, and her friends, Damia and Morganna."

Darknyss stands slowly from the couch and extends her hand to the priest, shaking his hand and nodding in acknowledgement.

"Father Corrin… It's a pleasure.  I'm sorry to say it, but my mother still can't help but call us by our real names.  We're all wrestlers, and as you can tell from the cameras, this is being recorded for our weekly shows… Please… if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you address us by our wrestling names…  I'm Darknyss… And this is Gothika and Diamond."

Father Corrin nods around the room and smiles slightly.

"The pleasure is all mine.  I have to admit, I'm a bit of a fan.  Most of the priests from my old seminary are…  You're The Fallen from Sin City Wrestling if I'm not mistaken."

Gothika smirks and nods slowly.

"Guilty as charged Father Corrin.  And Diamond is a free agent… at least for now.  She's go her eye on somewhere to dip her toes in though.  So you can expect to see more of her pretty soon."

Father Corrin turns his attention to Diamond who keeps looking upwards and mumbling something under her breath.

"Ah yes…  You're another member of the Fallen…  or an ex member if memory serves…  You teamed with Darknyss and another one of your friends in another company…

Diamond nods and smiles softly, looking distracted.

"That's right Father.  I'm one of the Originals…  From back when were were Heaven Sent…  We became the Fallen not much longer after Gothika joined us.  It seemed to fit what were were standing for at the time, and it's been who we are for years now."

The priest looks almost like a kid in a candy store, looking from one to another of the girls.

"I'm actually pretty excited right now…     In fact we have a priest who knows your friend, Raynin's Grandfather…"

Just then, you can hear soft singing coming down the stairs.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

Everyone stops and turns to look at the doorway and freezes as they see Raynin standing there in a pair of flannel pajamas, her eyes turned back in her head so far, all you can see is the pure whites of them.  She stops where she's standing and the song keeps being hissed out through clenched lips.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

She slowly turns her head to look at the group of people who are sitting in the room.  Her face is slack, and all the while she never stops singing the song.  She starts to speak, and when she does, it's like there are two records playing at once… Raynin speaking, and the song being sung.

"Darknyss…  Did you call the priest?  Was it you?  I don't' think she likes that the priest is here.  I don't' know what she will do with a priest here.  {  'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?…  Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….  Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…  }"

Raynin turns to the priest and swallows thickly, shaking her head slowly, her eyes still turned up to show only the whites of her eyes.

"I know why you're here, but there's nothing that you can do right now.  It's best that you leave before she does something drastic.  I can control it for now, but…  If she gets angry… I don't know what will happen.  Please… Please just leave it be. {  Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…  Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find…  Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly…  Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!  }"

The dual voices suddenly stops and a sibilant laugh rumbles through Raynin's voice box sounding like the hissing of a snake if it could laugh.  When she speaks, you know it’s the Other speaking, and not Raynin.

”Who called you Priest?  Was it Darknyss?  Was it Gothika?  Or was it the meddling witch, Diamond?!"

Darknyss’s mother stands up and frowns at Raynin.

“I did you…. you horrid creature you!!  You frightened my grandchildren!!  And I won’t stand for anyone… ANYONE hurting my family!!  And Raynin is now a part of this family, so you just get out of her right now!!"

The Other laughs without Raynin moving an inch.

”So… You think that a priest can save this poor miserable creature’s soul?  You think that a priest can stop me from decimating that wretched woman Misty once we step into the ring at Climax Control?  Think again!!  I have control now!!  She’s given herself over to me willingly in exchange for power and prestige!  A deal has been struck!!  And you know that once the die is cast, only the Almighty himself can pry me loose from this child’s flesh!!"

Raynin finally moves, her head turning at a sickening angle to look at the priest who is standing almost completely behind her.  It almost looks as if her head turned around completely to the back and the eyes which showed only the whites now showed the reptilian like red slitted irises.  She laughs again and starts to walk backwards towards the priest who starts to back away from her slowly.

”You priest… I know you…  Your name is written in the annals of hell…  You once tried to defeat one of my brethren…  You succeeded in sending him back to hell, but he taunts you still…  and you think that you can defeat me?  You think that you can stop me from completing my side of my bargain with Raynin?  Think again!!  At Climax Control… Misty will stand toe to toe against not just any other foe, but a foe imbued with the forces, skills and knowledge of the supernatural!!  Hell shall be unleashed against Misty, and she will not stand against it!!"

With that last statement, it’s like the strings of a puppet are cut and Raynin sinks to the floor unconscious as the scene fades out

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 …  END OF FEED  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

***  Word Count, 8347  ***

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