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Messages - Kittie

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Supercard Archives / I'm With You
« on: November 04, 2011, 08:35:06 PM »
 ”As I stared at ‘She” I knew what everyone else saw when they looked at me.  Not the Queen of Hearts get up, but the fiery gaze, the literal flames of fury that I hold in my eyes.  It had become clear that everyone saw me as a crazy, psychopathic, unreasonable human being.  The walls of ice that I had built around my heart served to keep out the bad people, but instead, it keeps everyone out, including myself at times.  Just one look at this huge woman, and I realized that what everyone has said about me is true.  I am a cold, heartless bitch.  But more than that, I violently shove anyone away from me because I don’t want them to see all of me.  I don’t want them to see Quinn, Drew, or Tamara, or whoever else is in there.  But, being alone with my self is doing more damage than anything.  I really think I’ve lost it now.

Kittie slowly stands up in the very middle of the blue rose.  Her height is equal to queen’s single eye as it glares down at Kittie.  Her nerves slowly become under control as she looks around at the audience.  The roof of the stadium cracks off and flies away in a display of black crows, scattering in many directions.  The blue sun shines down, casting its glow over the slowly disappearing audience.  Kittie looks deep into the queen’s eyes and cups her hands around her mouth.

”Who, or what, are you?  Why did you invite me here?”

A deep chuckle is heard as Kittie straightens out her blue rose gown.  She puffs out her chest in a show of bravery as she awaits an answer.

”You cannot really be that f*cking stupid, can you?  I am you.  I am that which embodies you.  All of you, dumb broad.  I am your greatest asset, and your greatest enemy.  I am what stands between you and your goal in SCW.  I am what will ensure the end of your perfect streak.”

”NO!  You cannot be me.  If you were anything like me, then you would know that nothing could stand in my way of that Championship or my two and oh record.  IF you had anything to do with the real me, you would not stand in my way.”

”It’s not me that is in the way of that.  I am what has driven you to that record.  It is why I am your greatest asset.  It is you that isn’t strong enough.  You captured the keys of “Bravery”, “Diligence”, “Patience”, “Integrity”, “Loyalty”, and “Will”, but you haven’t the slightest idea of how to use them yet.”

”You are wrong!  I had to learn each trait in order to collect the keys.  The fact that I am standing up to you demonstrates Bravery.  I will do whatever it takes to win the Bombshell Championship.  That includes facing myself.”

”LITTLE GIRL!  You have no idea what it is like to truly confront yourself; to fight your deepest fears, and to overcome them.  Do you really want to do this?  Or do you want to go back to your old ways of using impulsive tactics and helping friends?  It really is easier that way…”

Kittie stands at attention as the queen of her mind lets out a chuckle, starting out normal, then switching to the high pitched laughter of a small child.  Kittie pulls off one of her shimmering slippers and tosses it at the queen’s eye.  It hits her hard right in the pupil, causing her to halt her laughter and blink.  She lets out a growl and then she rips the rose from the ring.  With one swift blow, the large pedals go flying.  Kittie goes along with one as she grips it tightly.  She holds onto the edge while sitting down on it.  She tries to hold her composure as she goes flying for what seems like miles.  She looks down to see the iced over checkered room, the shadow room, the lava cave, and she eventually spirals around in the large waterfall leading to the black marble fountain.  It drags her down quickly into the pool beneath.

The water is much deeper than she would have initially thought when in the rose garden before, and the force of the waterfall sends her deep down.  She holds her breath as she reaches new depths.  She spots several Kissing Gourami puckering their lips together as they swim by her slowly.  Their eyes follow her as if to greet her as she plunges down deeper.  She begins to feel more like she is falling down, rather than sinking in the water.  The romantic fish follow her down, dancing around her, almost taunting her.  She tries to swim up, but to no avail.  Soon, a large hand comes down and scoops her up, along with some of the fish.  She gargles under the water until reaches the surface where she takes a hard breath.  The fish flop around, smacking her in the face trying to escape the large grip.  They cry out in fear of impending doom before some escape, falling back down in the greatly draining pool in the palm of the large hand.

Kittie continues to gasp for air as the water causes her hair to become stringy.  She flings herself around wildly as she looks down at the rose garden, several of the large blue rose pedals still falling.  The hand raises Kittie up to eye level once more.

”I represent everything that you truly fear, in life, and in your chosen profession.  And just like these fears, I am prepared to eat you alive, swallowing you like the jagged little pill you are!”

Kittie screams along with the fish as the queen lowers her palms to her lips, taking her long, wet, and sticky tongue to lick them all up.  Like a tidal wave, Kittie is washes down the throat of the queen.  She slides down the seemingly endless slope, with a feeling that everything is over.  Not ready to admit defeat, Kittie tries to think in the darkness.  She hears the beating of the queen’s heart pounding like a drum.  Rather than distracting her, Kittie gets an idea as she reaches into pocket.  She pops something into her mouth, and instantly she feels herself begin to grow.  The lemon drop!

She grows at a rapid rate, seeming to shed the skin of the queen , bursting into her own being..  She is covered in the queen’s skin like a grotesque victory gown.  She sheds it, covered in the gore of her enemy, however, the head rolls off to cover the roses in a paint of crimson.  The head looks up at Kittie in a display of pure disbelief.  She cries in pain, but more for her ego than her defeat.

”That wasn’t supposed to happen!  The fates dictated that you would meet your end!  It would be my turn to rule this kingdom both inside and out.  The mages read it in the flames.”

Kittie flings gore from her skin as she shakes to show off her true self, clad in black Tripp NYC pants with various chains hanging down.  Her shirt reads “F*CkiN’ PrINCesS” with a rhinestone crown above it.  She smirks as she takes a long, hard punt to the head, kicking it clear across the landscape.

”Well tell your fire mages and your prophecies that they were wrong.  This b*tch is back, and badder than ever.  Fueled by desire and fury, I’m not a slave to my past.  I’m not a slave to anything.  A new ‘She’ is here, and I promise results.  Five of the six had better hope they don’t underestimate me, and the sixth one better know that friendship won’t be a part of this match once the bell rings.  Unless I am helping to eliminate a threat, teamwork will NOT be a part of this match up.  All bets are off now…”

”Kittie… Ohhh Kittie.  You may have won, but you will never escape us.  You will always be drawn back to this place, time after time.  But for now, we say goodbye to you.  It’s time to wake up.  It’s time to wake up.  Kittie, it’s time to wake up.  Wake up honey…  Wake up…..”


”Wake up, Kittie.”

Kittie feels the sting of the sun as it initially threatens to strain her eyes.  She groans as she waves off in the air.  She slowly yawns, still keeping her eyes closed.

”Leave me alone Jamie Kat.”

Kittie rolls over to her side and lets her hand swing down, dangling along the floor.  The coolness of the floor, and the shading from the sun allow her eyes to open slowly.  She looks around, seeing clothes strewn about the floor and chair.  She clinches her eyes, wiping them to make sure she is seeing right.  She thinks to herself, ”No, not again!”  She rolls over, rubbing both of her eyes when a new addition to her finger causes her discomfort on her left eye.  She squints to see the sparkle on her ring finger, and she quickly jumps up.

”Jamie Kat…  That’s cute, Kittie Kat.  Or, should I say… Kittie Staggs?”

Kittie’s eyes fly open in a fit of shock.  She sits there for a minute, pinching her arm wildly, causing a stunned Jamie Staggs to look at her questioningly. Kittie continues to pinch harder and harder until she begins slapping the same arm.

“F*CK!!!  Why do I feel this?  Shit, it isn’t my worst nightmare?”

Jamie rubs her cheek tenderly, showing off his own silver band as he does so.  His shirtless, tattooed chest heaves in an odd sense of pleasure as he leans in and kisses her steaming cheeks.  She quickly pulls away and leaps out of bed, discovering herself in one of Jamie’s dress shirts.  She quickly backs up against the wall as if trying to squeeze herself into it.  She looks over at him and her eyes quickly flash about several different emotions.  Anger, disbelief, sadness, fear, and an almost uncontrollable fury.  Jamie leans up in the bed, preparing to remove the covers when Kittie sees enough to realize the blanket is the only thing he is wearing.  She instantly places her hands out in front of him, motioning for him to stay still.

”DON’T… MOVE.  Just… stay there.  Give me a minute to process this, because I am on the verge of going completely ape shit on someone right now, namely you.  How COULD YOU?”

Jamie rolls the covers under his arms, hiding any hint that he is nude in fear of castration.  His face showing the sting of her words, and the hurt he is feeling inside as he tries to figure out the right way to respond to that.  His eyebrows curl in distaste as he leans back against the headboard.

”Okay, you know what?  You asked ME!  You brought ME to the chapel near the strip, and YOU bought the rings. I don’t know what kind of f*cked up mind games you are playing, but I’m not going to play along anymore.  If you aren’t just playing the f*cked up loon, then you need to be in a hospital somewhere!”

Jamie wraps the sheet around himself as he steps out of bed.  He shakes his head as he collects his clothing.  He pulls the ring off of his finger and throws it at Kittie, hitting just next to the wall.

”Go to h…”

”Jamie? I honestly have no clue what is going on here.  Last thing I remember, I was standing over the grave, looking at Raynin, I blacked out, and then I woke up here in bed with you.  Forgive me if I am just a little bit shocked right now to find out I’m Mrs. Staggs.”

Kittie leans down and picks up the smooth, silver band, and looks at it for a moment.  The inscription clearly reads “TWO PARTS OF ONE HEART FOREVER – KITTIE”.  Though she is in disbelief, and enraged, she realizes that Jamie isn’t the one to be mad at.  She can hear the chuckling of the queen from deep within her head.  The chuckling grows louder before Jamie speaks up.

”Well, maybe you need real help.  That Liddell chick is obviously not helping you.  She was our witness for cryin’ out loud!”

Kittie has to take a second to process the fact that Dr. Liddell was their witness before she walks over to Jamie, holding the marriage certificate in his hand.  She snatches it from his hands and looks down to see that Jamie was not lying once again.

”For the longest time, I’ve had a thing for you, but you were always looking at my brother, giving him the attention.  I don’t think you were interested, but he was the only one you didn’t treat like a sack of crap until Misty.  You are crazy, but you know what?  I’m a little f*cked up too.”

Jamie pulls on pants as he lets the sheet drop down again.  His thick wallet chains jingle as he buckles up his belt.  He clears the zipper and then he walks over to Kittie, cautiously.  He stares at the certificate with her, even though she is staring right through it.  He reluctantly reaches around to give her a respectable hug.

”You need to find a way to let yourself be happy instead of staying a tortured soul.  Your parents, that was almost twenty-five years ago.  It was very screwed up, but you can let yourself heal.  Billy was a drug addict, Spike wasn’t ever interested that way, and I have no idea about the Nyako thing.  Wish I coulda watched, but…”

Kittie shoves Jamie away from her, kneeling down on the floor, she throws up.  She shakes her head, trying to see if it is still too late to be a nightmare.  She wished she could go back to her own confine she had created in her mind, but it wouldn’t work.  She had nothing further to find there.  This was reality, and a harsh one she hasn’t had t deal with since she was a little girl.

Her hair covers the graphic scene as it hangs down, staying clean by some miracle.  Jamie leans down and pulls a piece of her hair back before she waves his hand away.  She just stays hovered over on the ground, because the nauseous feeling hasn’t left entirely yet.  She takes deep breaths to try holding it back, but nothing makes the heavy feeling go away.  Jamie forcefully wraps his arms around her shoulders as she leans against his chest crying. He strokes her hair, trying to avoid looking at the mess on the floor that luckily landed on her clothing, and not his.

”I’ve had so much stress lately.  So many memories that I suppressed have been coming back up.  I’ve always wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t just some blonde bimbo, all about tits and ass.  I have worked so much harder than most of the women I have encountered in these companies like GXW and 3WL.  Yet, I was never in the title picture.  This time I am.  This time my hard work is paying off, but I feel like I’m cracking under the pressure, Jamie.”

Jamie continues to console her in a manner that seems very much the opposite of his usual character.  He brushes her long blonde hair back.  His eyes light up when he remembers something from a few days ago at the cemetery.

Jamie walks up to Kittie once the main event Cemetary Match between six of the fiercest Bombshells in SCW.  Kittie was staring down at a fallen Raynin, but even after Raynin had left the cemetery altogether twenty minutes prior, Kittie still remained at the edge of the grave.  He playfully tickles her sides, expecting her to do a number on him like she had after his stunt in the Women’s Locker Room, but she just stands there, not even phased in the slightest.  He chuckles, and then he notices her face is ghost white.  He watches as her features just tremble.

”HEY!  I think she is in shock or something!  We need a medic over here!”

Jamie watches as she falls down to her knees.  Her lips move, but no sound comes out.  She just shakes her head and begins to pet above the surface of the grave. He leans down with her.

”Kittie?  Kittie, what’s going on?  Is this some kinda joke to get me back, because it’s pretty damn lame if so!”

She begins crying, and shaking her head before falling back into Jamie’s arms.  He holds her as she stares off into space, continuing to disagree with whatever is going on in her world.  She lays back, curling up as if a baby in Jamie’s arms.  She leans up just a little before she makes a choking sound.  Jamie watches as she begins nodding her head.  She leans back onto her knees, and begins covering her ears.

The medics come over, but as soon as Jamie helps by putting his hands over her ears, she seems to calm down.  Her breathing slows down, and she becomes quiet, even smiling as she closes her eyes.  Jamie breathes a sigh of relief as he holds her ears tighter.  She moves her hands from under and places them over his, rubbing them tenderly in recognition.  The medics attempt to prep her for attention until Jamie bats them away.  They persist, causing Jamie to let go of Kittie to punch one of the medics in the face.  As soon as he does, Kittie falls down into the open grave with a thud.

Jamie gently places his hands over Kittie’s ears, lulling her crying.  She rests down into him, wrapping her arms around his chest tightly.  Jamie places his chin on top of her head, closing his eyes too.


”The luxurious Mandalay Bay Hotel Resort and Casino is proud to host the first supercard of Sin City Wrestling…  SCW Climax Control: High Stakes!  Featuring Two Gauntlet Championship Matches to crown the Bombshell and Heavyweight Champions, as well as Blaque Hart Bruce Evans Versus Virgil… Wyatt Peterson Versus Kid Karma… JT Underwood and Maoi Versus Blade Alexander and DJ Williams … Sinful Obsession Versus Poisoned Power…  And a special confrontation of two former friends gone foe as ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward invites Spike Staggs to the ring.  SCW promises to blow the roof off of Mandalay Bay on Sunday, November 6th, 2011!”

Several fans go crazy as cameras pan the hall where a limited group of fans are permitted early for a meet and greet with their favorite SCW wrestlers before they open the gates to allow the general public in.  The fans scream and wave signs for their favorites as they wait to be admitted.  “Angel Told Me To”, “Blade is an @sshole”, and “Freight Train of Pain” frontline the crowd, but several others are spread about.  One fan in particular shakes a sign around reading, “I’ve Been PUSSYWHIPPED!”

Two screens, one on each side of the entrance to the hall feature superstar stats, and promotional video from the first two episodes of Climax Control, highlighting the things leading up to this massive debut of epic proportions.  They soon fade to the banner of Climax Control before showing graphics of the matches.  The fans buzz in anticipation.

Inside the hall, Kittie sits at a table, looking as if she were bored to death.  She runs her fingers through her long blonde hair, allowing it to fall down her shoulders, only to adjust the small silver tiara in her hair.  She is wearing the rhinestone shirt, reading “FuCKiN PRiNCeSS” as well as a pair of tight black leather pants, a white pyramid studded belt, and a few wallet chains varying in length.

She has a stack full of pictures next to her, and a pen ready, but not many people come up to her table.  She simply taps the marker against the table to the beat of the music playing on her iPod.  She bops her head as a hand sets down a water bottle before moving on to the next table.  She pops open the water bottle, and then takes a long sip from it. As she sets it down, a masculine hand reaches down and takes hold of her hand.  Kittie is shocked, but looks over to see her husband, as strange as the thought is to her.  She still waits, three days later to hear Jamie shout “You been D*ck’d!” but it never happens.  She is confused as to which she would rather happen, so she simply smiles and grips onto his hand as he leans down next to her.

”You look kinda bummed.  What’s going on?”

Kittie leans over to face Jamie, not used to being able to confide in anyone, the change is rather welcomes.  Her faint smile fades as she looks across the room.  So many of the SCW stars have their tables crowded, and Kittie has signed only one or two autographs.

”No one seems to even give a damn about me.  They want to see everyone else.  I mean, look over at Angelica’s table, for Christ sake.  She has had to restack pictures four times!  Do you see that?”

Jamie reluctantly hides something behind his back, but not before Kittie has a chance to catch a glimpse of it.  She wrestles it away from Jamie, and takes a look at it.  “XoXo, Angelica<3”  She is fuming, and she repeatedly smacks Jamie with the picture as if it were a steel chair.  She rips it up to shreds and allows it to rain down like confetti over Jamie’s head.  Before he can even protest it, Kittie places a finger in front of his mouth to silence him.

”I don’t believe you.  I know we are only married on paper, but you could at least have the decency to ask your ‘wife’ for an autograph instead of hitting up that sperm dumpster who looks like something out of a teen boys spank bank!  Un-beee-lievable!”

”Look, she handed it to me as I was on my way back over here.  I’m not going to just give it back.  That’s rude.  I don’t know what this marriage is honestly, but I’m trying to do whatever it takes.”

”Yeah, because you are all about being polite and minding your manners, right?”

Kittie leans back in her chair, whispering to herself as she looks around the room.  Jamie quickly stands up, and walks behind Kittie.  He looks out over the room, but the clientele seems more posh than anything.  Jamie snaps his fingers and pulls out Kittie’s headphones.  Before Kittie can say anything, Jamie leans down to let her in on something.

”It just hit me.  These aren’t the real wrestling fans.  They are the ones who have the money to buy early admission.  The outrageous price that’s more than I ever made in a month wrestling.  Don’t worry about it just yet.  The real fans are buzzing about the only two SCW stars to be two and oh.  Casey Williams, who has tainted victories, and you, only completely legit victories.”

Kittie nods her head.  Her ego hasn’t been stroked this way ever.  She leans her head back against Jamie’s stomach.  He strokes her hair, invoking the first genuinely happy smile in a long time.

”According to one of my opponents, my last victory was a fluke.  It’s luck that I whooped Raynin’s ass all over that cemetery?  It’s luck that she had a quick second wind and almost eliminated me, only for me to reverse it on her when I hadn’t been beat down by her team of talentless sucks? She is the only one outside of Misty who makes me doubt my confidence to a certain degree, but I know I do the same for her as well.  I am not afraid to admit when I have competition, unlike her.  They say I am delusional, but I don’t fill my head with the idea that I’m unbeatable.  There is too much going on in my head to pad it with false securities…”

Kittie looks over to the guard gates as security lifts them up and to the side.  They begin waving people in, but the rich crowd stays hovered around Angelica.  Kittie watches as Angelica smiles and laughs along with them until she abruptly walks away from her table.  Kittie smirks as she leans forward in her chair.  The fans spread out to the various tables, and a few punk rock kids come running over to Kittie’s table, trying to beat the crowd over to her.  She is shocked at their efforts, but she gets her pen ready.  The first kid nearly knocks into the table as scoots to a stop.  He looks over to his friends quickly approaching as he tries to gasp out a few words.

”Oh my god, you are the reason me and my friends came here.  You are one tough chick!  Hot too.”

Kittie smirks and she reaches across the table to accept his hand for a shake.  He disagrees with the handshake, and he leans over the table for a hug.

”No.  Sorry.  I don’t like that.”

The kid looks hurt until he sees Kittie stand up from her chair.  She walks in front of her table and gives the kid a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.  His friends ooh and ah at the display as she ruffles his hair.  She leans over her table and signs a picture for him and hands it over to him.

”Aww dude!  I got a hug, kiss, and an autograph from Kittie!  No way.  This is probably the best day of my life!”

”Mine too.”

Kittie gets hugs from the other three before signing pictures for each of them, getting their names to go along with it.  They notice a line forming behind them, so they bid farewell as they rush off, skipping with joy.  Kittie leans against her table, watching as the line has tripled in just a matter of seconds.  Jamie folds his arms in front of his chest, but a smile spreads across his face as he watches Kittie mingle with the fans.

”Thanks for the autograph, Kittie.  Now I have almost all of the Bombshell Gauntlet participants’ autographs.  Do you know when Angelica will be back to her table?”

Kittie’s face sours a bit against her own will.  She looks up into the man’s eyes, watching the reflection of the fire in her own eyes.  She clinches her fists around the marker in her hand and she takes a step back to give herself some distance from the innocent man.

”Angelica?  Who gives a shit about that twit?  She is only in the match because she knows how to work the boss’s pole.  She never wrestled a match in her life, yet she gets to debut in a championship supercard match?  Then, she has the audacity to rub it in the faces of the women who have worked their asses off since the company opened, and many of us long before that.  I feel like I have earned my spot in this match, regardless of my mental state.  I have gone out there for both Climax Control shows, and I have worked my ass off proving that I deserve the honor of being in this title match, and she just sucks a dick and gets in the match?  Honestly, why the F*CK would you even care about getting her autograph?  You know, it is women like her that make me ashamed to be a woman.  Whether you like me or not, I pride myself on integrity.  I have only been in one other single championship match, and I got a raw deal, but do you know what that did for me?  It drove me to work harder to earn this one, and I am thankful to even have this shot.  Angelica just acts like it’s her God given right to be in this match.  She wants to call me a psychotic bitch, but she is going to find out exactly why she isn’t the first one to make that observation.  She has made enemies of most of the participants, and like them or not, I completely understand.  She calls us boring?  She wants to act like she is God’s Gift to wrestling?  I recall an opponent saying that I feel as if I just deserve this championship match out of undeserved sense of entitlement, but I have fought tooth and nail while Angelica embodies that statement to its fullest.  Her autograph is worthless unless you are starting a collection of overpriced prostitute autographs, then you should go and wait for her to decide she is bored being an obnoxious c**t and can do her damn job and charge everyone ten dollars for an autograph.  Take this and get the f*ck out of my sight!”

The crowd surrounding Kittie cheer as the man looks baffled.  He has obviously stuck a nerve with Kittie and he reluctantly takes the autographed picture and backs away toward Angelica’s autograph table.  Kittie eyeballs him before returning her eyes to the fans in front of her.  Like night and day, she smiles and begins signing more pictures, shaking hands, and even allowing a picture with a fan even though it isn’t the photo op group.  Another fan comes up, this time a woman.  She shakes Kittie’s hand with a big smile spread across her face.

”I just wanted to let you know that I think it’s amazing that there are still female wrestlers with integrity like you, Misty, Raynin, and Fantasia.  It has inspired me to go into training.  I have never been happier, and healthier, and I owe it to you guys.”

Kittie studies the young woman, admiring her ebony locks in curls, her deep brown eyes, and her toned body that even made Kittie jealous as a long time veteran of the ring.  She shakes the woman’s hand and then gives her a hug, patting her on the back.

”We are a rare breed, aren’t we?  I am surprised that you even put Fantasia in that category though.  She is an amazing athlete in the sport.  She has had an illustrious career.  I hate to say that her head just isn’t in the sport anymore.  She even said she plans on going into retirement soon.  If this were a few years ago, I wouldn’t even argue your point, but this is 2011, almost 2012, and Fantasia is a name that is best left in the history books.  I find it interesting what she said about me on WWW.  Chronic PMS.  I just have a low tolerance for stupidity and ignorance.  I am dealing with rage issues, but that has nothing to do with my abilities.  Well, I take that back.  It does have something to do with my abilities.  I apply that rage in the ring.  I unleash it there.  Wrestling has become my therapy lately.  It seems to be the only time that my head is somewhat clear.  Talking about the violence or committing it keeps me tied down to this world.  I recently got into studying this one.  I wrote her off as simply a slut, but that is more Angelica’s bit here.  Fantasia is unbridled, cunning, swift, and precise.  Is, or was, is more like it.  Now, she just has a venomous tongue, all bark and little bite.  I do have to say that she has the sense to recognize that I’m not some crazy bitch thrown into the fray.  She knows as much as I do that I deserve the chance at the championship.  I just find it funny that she thinks she will walk away without a shadow of a doubt.  I am a wild card when it comes to this match.  She said it best when she said that it is hard to pin me down.  She knows that from experience in our debut match.  But, figuratively, as she put it, she knows that I don’t even know what I’m going to do until I’m doing it half the time.  I don’t formulate a strategy.  I don’t plan anything.  I just go out there, I watch, I wait, and I listen.  When the time is right, I strike.  She found that out when I nearly knocked the war paint off of her face with that bag of poker chips to secure my first of two wins.  I bet she wishes she had been on my team last week, because she showed determination, and we worked together to secure the win.  I would have rather been saddled with her than Allison Summers…”

The girl nods her head, agreeing completely with Kittie.  She is enjoying hearing the opinion of a fellow female wrestler as much as Kittie enjoys venting it to the crowd surrounding her.  She signs a few autographs as she goes on with her rant to the young woman standing in front of her.

”Allison Summers.  She is the only reason our team nearly came out with a loss.  She is almost as bad as Angelica.  She receives a championship match, thinking it is her right to have it simply for being here.  Her boyfriend gets a title match, so why shouldn’t she?  She almost didn’t show up to fight last week.  I am, in the literal sense, crazy, erratic, and not exactly right upstairs, but I showed up on time.  I cut promos for that match.  And I fought hard to secure the win for our team.  I was steaming pissed at Allison, and if she weren’t my teammate, I would have kicked her ass all over that cemetery, just for fun.  She is weak, and doesn’t even deserve the chance she has been given here.  That is why she has a huge bullseye on her chest.  If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is people who haven’t worked their asses off the way I have, yet they are held on par with me, and they get the same recognition as me.  It really burns my ass.  That is why Rebecca Blades, Angelica, and Allison Summers are on my hit list.  Well, honestly, the only two that aren’t on my list are Fantasia and Misty.  I have bigger fish to fry than Fantasia, and Misty is a friend of mine…”

”What about Raynin?  That chick is cool.  She is a real badass too, and she isn’t a chick who flaunts the goods to make up for a lack in the ring.”

The girl grips her autographed picture, interested in what Kittie has to say.  Kittie, herself, has to stop and think.  There is certainly no denying that Raynin is all of those things.  She garners Kittie’s respect more so than half of the Bombshell roster, because of these traits.  She has serious skill, but something just doesn’t sit right with Kittie.

”Raynin is a good wrestler.  Her skill is amazing.  I give you that, but she uses cheap tactics when it comes to promos.  I believe Fantasia said it best there.  It drives me nuts.  That is just a minor factor in my overall feelings about Raynin.  When she nearly beat me, I gave her kudos.  Instead of being a true competitor at heart, she runs around, thinking to herself about how I got lucky.  Instead of admitting that I bested her, plain and simple, she says that her partners are at fault.  She had a weak link the same as we did.  She had Rebecca Blades, and we had Allison Summers.  Dead weight against dead weight is fair game.  Misty threw Fantasia into a grave, and we fought Raynin, but it didn’t last long enough for me to get some sort of advantage.  We fought it out, back and forth, and she got a few good hits in.  In the end, I am the one who put her six feet under, and secured the victory for my team.  Had the outcome been the opposite, I would have congratulated Raynin after I waffle stomped the hell out of Allison Summers.  I would have admitted that she fought a good match, but she has too much pride to admit that I got the best of her.  And believe me, I understand being delusional wayyyyy more than anybody, but she just doesn’t get it.  I feel sorry for her, because if she wants to chalk my victory from the last show up to luck, then she is going to have one hell of a harsh reality check coming her way.  But, then again, I guess it would work to my advantage if she underestimates me.  It will just make getting that championship a little bit easier.”

Kittie snaps out of it, and then just nods her head.  She signs another picture after shaking another hand.

”What about Misty?  How do you feel about facing her again, only this time with a championship on the line?”

Kittie pauses to process her thoughts once more.  The question had been posed around the debut of Climax Control, and had been on her mind since the announcement of the Bombshell Championship being introduced.  Though she would rather have focused on her opponents, eventually she would have to remember that Misty isn’t a partner this week, but rather an opponent.

”It isn’t at the top of my list of favorite things about this match.  I look forward to beating the hell out of Angelica and Allison Summers most.  Misty and I go back several years.  Her and Spike are really the only friends I have.  But, since we are all either currently in the business, or formally of the business, we have a certain understanding of what a championship means.  I wouldn’t fault Misty for throwing me over the top rope.  Do I look forward to it?  No.  Will I go willingly?  Hell no I won’t!  Is it possible?  Yes.  I know if Misty were to win, I would do my best to be supportive. I can’t say anyone else would receive the same treatment, but Misty would.  I think it is expected that neither of us will show mercy to any opponent, including the both of us, so I hope there would be no hard feelings if I were to be the one to win.  I have the highest of regards for Misty as a wrestler, even though I think she sees me as non-threatening.  I hope for her own sake that she doesn’t.  I might not be the best there ever has been, but I will continue to train, and to fight until I am.  Being the first SCW Bombshell Champion would be the first step toward that.  I am confident that I can do it, though.”

A clearing in the crowd forms, parting it down the middle, leading to Kittie.  She scratches her head, wondering who could make their way through this crowd.  Once she feasts her eyes on the person responsible for this, she can’t help but smile.  The long, slender legs of Angelica appear first, leading up to her glimmering emerald eyes that are intently locked on Kittie.  She places her hand against the waist of her white lace trimmed hotpants and she flips her hair back as if to try capturing Kittie’s thunder for her own.

”Hey bitch.”

”Sup ho?”

Angelica slowly bobs her head from side to side, watching as Kittie locks eyes with her, and she tries to break it.  She looks around with a smile perching itself upon her face with no intentions of leaving.

”So, I heard you were over here talkin’ shit?  You actually think you are going to win this match?  It might not be me, but it sure as hell won’t be the sad girl tandem that escaped from  I will make sure of it.”

”Oh, really?  How are you gonna do that?  You can’t sleep with someone to ensure that, Angelica.”

”That’s funny, because I’ve been hearing that for nearly two weeks now, and you wanna know something?  It still doesn’t bother me.  Call me a bitch, ho, slut, cumdumpster, anything you like, because I’ve heard it a million times.  I just think that it’s funny that you are still sticking up for your loser friend, even though she is going to put a knife right in your back before all of this is done and over with.  You two won’t be the final two before it happens.  But, what have you got to lose, right?  I mean, you are already a nobody…”

Jamie has had enough and he walks to the front of the table, trying to get between the two Bombshells.  He stands in front of Kittie, and points at Angelica, ready to tell her to cool it.  However, Kittie simply climbs Jamie’s back in a swift motion, leaping off to catch Angelica with a spinning wheel kick, they both crash to the ground in a heap for just a moment.  Angelica rolls over on top of Kittie, choking her, until Kittie catches her with a headbutt between the eyes.  She rolls over on top of Angelica, growling as she lays fist after fist into her face before Jamie pulls her off, kicking and screaming.  Security comes rushing over to the group but Jamie simply pulls Kittie back from the table, and walks her over to the exit to the lobby.

Kittie looks back, locking eyes with Angelica who is trying her best to act tough, letting the audience surrounding her know that she is okay.  Kittie shakes loose of Jamie and dashes back over to her, knocking her to the ground once more.  She looks down at her and jabs her finger into Angelica’s forehead.

”You are the nobody here.  You suck a penis, and wind up in a title match.  I’ve worked for seven years to get here.  Don’t you DARE tell me I am a nobody, and don’t you DARE tell me who to trust.  This match is every woman for their self.  But you had better believe me, just about every woman in this match has it out for you, and you better hope they take you out before I have a chance to get to you.  Eliminating yourself would be the greatest mercy you could possibly show yourself…”

Angelica takes a swing at Kittie who simply shoves her back to the ground with her foot.  The security guards hover around her, preparing to take her away until she shakes them away and walks backward, keeping her eyes locked on Angelica’s angry and embarrassed eyes.  She lets her know that she is not threatened by her, and the look is returned as Angelica holds her head in a show of theatrics.

Jamie wraps his arms around Kittie, guiding her over to the exit gently.  He senses she will leave willingly now, and he makes sure she gets out to the hallway where a camera is filming the scene that has just taken place.  Kittie simply bypasses it, walking with Jamie to a bit of a clearing near the far wall.  He puts his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down, but she paces back and forth.  She shakes her fists as she seems to be having a conversation with herself.  Jamie bursts out into laughter, literally rolling on the floor for a second before slowly bringing himself back up to a standing position.

”DAMN!  That was a mixture of damn funny and damn hawt!  You just told that ho what was up and she didn’t even stand a chance!  Man, that was just… awesome!”

Jamie watches as Kittie eventually returns to this world, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly.  She walks over and playfully bumps into Jamie before turning around to watch the masses of people either staring at them or outright whispering about them.  Their pointing causes Kittie to almost smile.  She watches as guards help escort Angelica from the room and through the lobby.  Jamie tightens up his chest in an attempt to appear neutral for the moment, until Angelica passes from their sight.

”That bitch doesn’t stand a chance against you in this match.  Most of the women don’t, really.”

”If I didn’t want to leave a piece for Misty, out of respect, I would have made sure she didn’t make it to the match since she doesn’t even deserve to be there anyway.  That chick is making enemies quicker than I did in my days as a heel.”

Jamie wants to see what would happen if they had crossed paths again, but he doesn’t want Kittie to lose her chance at the Bombshell Championship, so he does what he thinks is best.  Jamie chuckles as they start walking off in the opposite direction of Angelica.  Kittie obliges in a rare moment of sensibility.  They walk past the big display of cameras for the photo op going on in promotion of High Stakes.  A few people snap pictures of the unscheduled bombshell before she gets passed them toward a refreshment table.  She picks up a cookie from the table in passing, and she nibbles on it.  Jamie leans down in a playful display, taking a big bite for himself.  Kittie swats him in the shoulder.

”Hey asshole, get your own!”

”You’re right.  We need to get some meat on them bones!”

Kittie gives one more swat, this time much harder than initially.  They keep walking until someone comes running up to them.  Kittie is caught off guard when they tap her on her shoulder, eager to get her attention.  He is a young man, average height, dressed in clothing reminiscent of Kittie and Jamie’s attire.  His hair is black and the top is frosted with fire engine red, swooped up in a sort of rockabilly pompadour.

”Kittie!  I am sorry to bother you, but I was really hoping to get an autograph until that hosebeast pulled that crap back there.  I knew your brother Caleb from the hospital, and we even met once.  He bragged about you all the time.  He made anyone who ever talked to him a fan of your work.”</color>

Jamie steps between the two, unsure of how Kittie will react, but soon sees that everything is alright.  Kittie hears her brother’s name, and is instantly intrigued.  She chokes back a tear when she hears about how her brother brags about her to everyone, considering how long it has been since she has seen him.  She just nods her head, agreeing without saying anything.

”I haven’t seen him in years.  I think about him all the time, though.  I’m glad he hasn’t forgotten me though.”

”He would never forget you.  Out of everything he has going on, you are the only thing that never changes in his opinion.  He even conned the nurses to turn on GXW just in case you would appear.  You should go see him.”

Kittie reaches out with her pen ready when the guy pulls out a Kittie action figure from his backpack.  It is a limited edition figure from her later GXW days.  She always appreciated the look of insane rage portrayed on the face of the figure, not realizing how accurate it generally is.  She signs down next to the gold authenticated sticker.  She hands it back to him as he finishes talking.

”My therapist doesn’t think it’s a good idea.  But, I think it’s been long enough…  Are you sticking around for High Stakes?”

”Ha, I wish.  Those tickets are ungodly.  But, me and my guy will be watching it on Pay-Per-View instead.  I’ve really been into the happenings of SCW, even though you are what drew me here.”

”Let me try to put in a word with management.  I don’t have any pull around here, but maybe I can work a miracle.  Jamie’s brother is a friend of mine, and he might have better luck since he is a hot commodity around SCW.”

”I thought you looked familiar.  You almost won the GXW Heavyweight Champonship at their last pay-per-view, didn’t you?”

Jamie nods in the affirmative, reaching over for a handshake.  After the exchange, Jamie goes back to playing bodyguard.  The guy smiles and then does a sort of bow toward them both.

”Well, I just wanted to make sure to get the autograph I came for.  I’m glad I got to talk to you for a minute.  Good luck in your match, even though you don’t really need it. You are ready to be a champion.”

He gives a bashful smirk before walking off.  Jamie gives Kittie a hint of interest with raised eyebrows.  She matches his expression as they continue to walk off.

”I can’t believe I have a single hardcore fan.  A fan with a rare action figure that was stopped because of a lack of interest from the public.  But, maybe it’s a good thing.  I can surprise everyone when I come out of this match with the Bombshell Championship.  I won’t be an afterthought any longer, and I can prove all of these bitches wrong…”

Without even realizing it, Jamie slowly leaves her side, leaving her confused for a moment.  She watches as he walks over to his brother, Spike.  Spike subtly waves to Kittie with a flash of a smile before he looks to Jamie with a look of surprise.  His eyes are hidden by dark sunglasses with silver rims.  His pale skin contrasts heavily with his black tank top undershirt and loose black jeans and wallet chains similar style to Kittie’s own.

The two brothers slowly walk off a few feet, leaving Kittie.  However, Kittie is not alone as she rests her eyes on the equally pale bombshell standing right in front of her.  Misty is clad in a deep red corset with a black tank top underneath, and red and black Tripp pants with several silver chains hanging down from the bondage rings strewn about them.  Her raven hair gives her arctic eyes an even colder effect as she stares at Kittie.

Kittie locks eyes with Misty, staring at her silently.  Their nostrils flare up just a little with each breath.  Time seems to stand still as they seem to have a psychic exchange of insults.  Fans crowd around the two, ready with cameras and camera phones to capture the carnage that might take place between these two supposed “once friends”. Kittie takes one step closer, as does Misty, causing the crowd to move in closer as well. The security guards surrounding Misty also surround Kittie next.  Kittie breaks the stare as she looks down to her hand as it slowly reaches out toward Misty.

”Once that bell rings, I can’t promise anything…”

”I won’t promise a damn thing once that bell rings, either.  All bets are off then, Kittie Kat.”

”Yeah, well, good luck, Misty.”

Their eyes meet up once again, nostrils return to flaring until Misty’s hand reluctantly meets Kittie’s.  They give one firm, solid handshake before letting go of the grip.

”You too, Kittie…”

<>-{Scene Fades… TO BLACK}-<3

Supercard Archives / Don't Be Late...
« on: October 27, 2011, 10:21:38 PM »
 ”What have you done, Kittie?!?

The chill in the wind whips through Kittie’s long, flowing blonde hair, sending shivers down her spine.  Her face is covered in dirt, with a small trickle of blood coming out of the corner of her mouth as she stares down at her last fallen victim.  Her entire body quivers at the chilling of the eerie voice.  Her heart pumps faster than ever as the tombstones seem to triple in size at the very least.  Her eyes widen in the horror that comes over her.

”What have you done?  You did it again.  You put another one in a burial plot.  You are sooo good at it too, dear.”

Kittie’s posture seems to slowly deteriorate as she hunches over.  Her eyes widen as she gulps.  Her muddy hands slowly clasp her dirt covered black pants, garnering several silver and black chains, with bits of grass stuck in the chains.  Her hands slowly make their way down to her knees as she tries to stop herself from falling into the grave herself.  She looks down in horror, but it is not Raynin that she sees.  Instead, she sees a finely crafted black casket, opened up to show the restful face of a middle aged woman.  The dark sky behind her flashes into a bright, sunny blue sky.  As she falls down to her knees, she leans into the grave, caressing the cheek of the pale blonde woman laying inside.  Her lips quiver, as tears well up in her eyes.


She gasps a bit, trying to hold back her hysterics as much as possible.  Her tears are stifled only upon the vivid sounds of the birds chirping behind her.  The crisp autumn air has barely shed a leaf from the trees spread out several feet between.  The yellows, the oranges, and the reds mixed with the greens dance in her eyes clad in heavy tears just waiting to trail down her pale cheeks.  She looks next to her where there was once solid ground, but is now an equally sized plot.  This one is not empty either.  She hunches over on all fours, crawling over the first grave to get to the second grave.

She is eager to look inside, however, her pained body causes her movements to seem more reluctant.  She is at the brink of the plot as she slowly moves herself to look down into it.  Her efforts can hardly afford to pay off any longer as she studies the face of a middle aged man.  His face is heavily painted up, and hardly the person she recognized before.  His light brown, almost golden hair shines in the warming light of the sun.


Her eyes flood over, spilling her tears down her cheek and onto the same style of black casket.  She leans down, giving the corpse a hug that seems to last forever.  Her tears wet his black dress jacket.

”You didn’t do a thing to stop it, you know?  You were right there the whole time it was happening, and you didn’t even make a sound.  You’re a bad BAD girl, Kittie McPherson.  Crazy Kittie, Crazy Kittie, CRAAAAAAZY KITTIE!”

”No.  Stop it!”

”Crazy Kittie watched her parents get hacked up.  I heard she even bathed in their blood.  No!  I heard that he put fish hooks in her eyelids so she couldn’t blink.  She is going to be locked up, poor girl…”

Kittie clinches her fists in the grass, and she shakes her tears away.  In a very child-like manner, she clinches her teeth, and looks around at the many black figures now surrounding her, pointing at her.  Some taunting, others giving their half-assed attempt at throwing out pity.  Each one giving off the same voice, with different comments.

”I bet she and her crazy brother did it together.  They are both just sooo weird.  Can you believe she doesn’t have parents anymore?  They still haven’t caught the guy, but they say he will return next year, right before Halloween…”

Kittie shakes her head from side to side, clinching her ears.  This only drowns out the calming sound of the chirping birds.  It intensifies the voices.

”You’re parents are worm food, squirt.  I bet your mother would be very disappointed to see you like this.  You are all alone now, since your brother got locked up in an insane asylum.  Crazy Kittie, Crazy Kittie, CRAAAAZY KITTIE, CRAAAAAAZY KITTIE! Hahahahahaha…”


Kittie holds her ears tightly as she lays down in a fetal position.  She slowly removes her hands, hugging herself with one hand, and sticking her dirty thumb into her mouth as she rolls up even tighter into the fetal position.  Her tears down stop coming as she lays there between the open burial plots of her parents.  Her eyes are closed as she hums a lullaby to herself.

Just then, a dark, shadowed figure stands over her, and it reaches down to place its hands over her ears.  The sounds are drowned out to a simple, dull murmur.  The only sounds she hears are the vibrations traveling through the figures body.

”Everything is going to be alright, Kittie.  Big brother is gonna protect ya…”

The voice is that of a very young boy, despite the tall, dark shadow standing above her.  She whimpers as her breathing slows down.  Her emotions go numb as she lays there, bathing in the sunlight that slowly flickers out like a bad light bulb.  Upon doing so, her eyes flash open with the mess she is.  Her mascara is running down her face to her neck.  No more tears built up as the wind slowly dries those on her cheek.  She isn’t alone, however the shadows are gone.  She hears the bodies stirring in the open plots from Graveyard Match, but none of it seemed important to Kittie.

Even though some of these women were her partners tonight, prior to the final bell ringing, in two very short weeks, even they would be her opponents, with the addition of Angelica.  The thought slowly sinks into her, but just as soon leaves her and sinks into the ground, but far from dead.

A single drop of rain tickles the tip of Kittie’s nose, splitting to dance down it and onto her upper lip.  The sky lights up once more, however, it doesn’t shine with it’s previous luster, but more of a dark, grey overcast kind of glow.  The raindrops dance around Kittie as she lay there, not flinching at the drops the hit her face.  Their gentle pitter patter collect in the dirt, causing little buttons to form all around her.  The pink skull on her shirt is smacked in the face by bigger pelts of rain, matting her shirt down to her body in a tight form.  A single large drop smacks her right in the eye, causing it to blink finally.

A sort of silent calling beckons her.  She slowly rolls over onto all fours once again.  Upon doing so, she notices the two prior graves are gone, and now, a new hole in the earth has broken open just a few feet away.  As she crawls, there is an invisible mesh wall that seems to slow her down.  Once she emerges from the other side of it after a mild struggle, and a loud popping noise, she is clad in a black ruffled mini skirt, torn fishnet stockings, and a black corset strapped around her abdomen and check, with the straps wide, and her arms covered almost to the shoulder in black and white striped arm socks.  Over her face is a black veil, neatly pinned into her hair.

Free from the struggle, she slowly rises to her feet to approach the opening.  As she does, she slowly turns around in a circle to see the many shadow figures gathered around.  They all stare accusingly at her, except for one face.  A face with man with eyes that are just as empty, just as saddened, and just as clueless as her own.  She gravitates toward the figure that slowly takes the place of Spike Staggs.  He says nothing to her, but his sorrowful stare lets her know that she is not alone, with just one single flash of a glance.

Instead of approaching him, she looks down to see a large coffin, just barely big enough for the 7’4” mammoth of a man that rests inside.  She takes notice of his make up, his heavy black guyliner, his hair in neat, even, blonde tipped spikes.  His eyes closed in a peaceful manner gives her some rest, but she feels her eyes welling up once more.  She can hide her teary eyes behind her veil, but her light pink lips curl into a sort of frown as they slowly quiver.

”It shouldn’t have been him.  He didn’t deserve to go now, not this way.”

”It all started when she came around, bitch...  It’s her fault.  She went from brother to brother, like a filthy little tramp.  That’s Crazy Kittie for ya.”

Kittie looks over at the whispering figures, but her eyes instantly go back to Spike as he gently signals for her attention.  He glares at the figures, and shakes his head slowly, as a warning.  His eyes then lower once more in his own grieving.

Kittie slowly stretches out her hand to touch the face of her deceased boyfriend, until a demon-like hand reaches up, and grabs her by the throat.  None of the people around seem to notice, but the figure chokes her, making her eyes pop out underneath her veil, which is blown back by a single gust of wind.  She uses both hands to grasp around the single black talon, trying to pull it away, but the talon lifts her from the ground, and reaches over, carrying her to another spot in the ground where a round opening begins to form.  It holds her above it, her black and white checker pattern slip on shoes dangling above the dark opening.  A sinister chuckle is heard as she is released into the hole.

She screams as she falls down into the hole, that’s much deeper than she could have imagined.  She looks up to see Spike waving goodbye to her slowly, and with little alarm on his face before he slowly disappears along with any sign of the opening at all.  Swirling around her are various clocks, some quickly ticking forward, others flying backward, but each of them follow her down through the hole.  She grabs at the edges, but her knuckles simply break free with large clumps of dirt.

The force of falling slowly lifts her skirt off, as well as her corset and shirt, revealing an all black pin up girl style undergarment.  She bashfully wraps her arms around herself to cover it up, until she sees a dress dangling beneath her.  A black and pink, old fashioned dress, with the bottom bellowing out.  She lifts her arms up above her as she falls into it, and the bottom helps to slow her fall as it umbrellas outward.  She slowly spins around, watching as the faces surround her, but they are not faces at all.

”Where are you taking me?”

She shouts in confusion at a black rose the size of her head.  The black rose slowly blooms to show off a face, angelic in its appearance.  Those eyes shine like a thousand stars as her raven tresses bob slowly in the wind.  The voice sings to her the sweetest of lullabies as its motherly eyes gaze upon her.  Behind the voice of this siren, comes another voice.

[colr=red]”Come now, Kittie.  You don’t want to be late to your party.  She would be so upset if you were late…  Bye Kittie!”[/color]

Kittie’s eyes contort into a very puzzled state as she lets go of the stem with a gentle prick.  Her shimmering black shoes gently touch the icy ground, and she slides around before abruptly landing on her bottom.

”What?  What party?  What are you talking about, why am I here, I know who you are, but…”

Kittie looks up, but only sees a black and white checkered ceiling above her.  All around her is black and white checkers, glazed in ice.  She struggles to get to her feet, after several attempts, she is successful.  Her movements are graceful in their presentation as she slides around almost effortlessly toward a wall presenting a door.  However, as she approaches it, the wall and door seem further and further away.  She moves faster and faster, trying to catch it.  Upon moving, she doesn’t notice a bump on the floor and sends her crashing into the ground, sliding as the black ruffles of her dress slide up on her, showing off her black and pink striped stockings, before she slowly bumps her head on the door.  She unclenches her eyes at the impact which is far less dramatic than she had imagined.

She blinks, rubbing her head in anticipation for a world of pain, thinking that she must have hit her head harder than she actually did on account of the door being one third the size it was when she first saw it.  She grabs onto the handle, pulling herself up to her feet, just in time for the lights to go completely out.  Standing in the blackness, she calls out.

”Hello?  HELLO?  Where am I?  Could someone tell me what’s going on here?  I feel like I am in some bad Wonderland spoof!”

”This ain’t Wonderland, lady…”

”Who are you?  Please!  Tell me where I am.”


The masculine voice leaves her hardly convinced.  She moves her hands along the wall, feeling the outline of the icy double door, and it’s handles.  Locked, of course…  She feels the winds start up again as the door lets off a heavy blue glow.  She steps back, and then looks around her again, noticing the checker pattern once more, but only in the lines provided by the light.

”Excuse me, would you please tell me where I am, and who you are?”

”I’ve already told you.  You…”

”Well that hardly answers either of my questions.  I beg of you, please answer me.  I was told I’m supposed to attend a party, or else ‘She’ will be mad.”

”But, she is already quit mad.  Everyone here is quit mad as it is.  We are inside of you.  I, am you, so you see, I have, in fact, answered both of your question.

”I’ve had just about enough of these fragmented sentences and proper English.  I will have you know, I am quite puzzled by this whole thing.  I’d just won a wrestling match, and then the caskets, Billy, and then I was falling down a hole, being told by a black rose that I am late for a party.  Would you please show yourself, and help me to understand just what in God’s name is going on here.”

With just that, the scraping of a match is heard echoing throughout the room, and a blue flame appears just to the left of Kittie.  She looks over, but sees nothing at her side except for the blue fire.  She grabs at it, running her fingers through it, feeling the tickle as it dances across her hand, but no pain.  As she removes her hand, the fire dances in her palms, putting on a show for her.  One of swans dancing around her head.  She lets out a childish laughter of amusement.

The doves of blue fire disappear once she feels a tap upon her shoulder.  She looks behind her, and with the help of the flames in her palms, she sees nothing.  Just then, she feels another tap, she turns and sees nothing once again.  In a huff, she closes her hand, extinguishing the flames in her palms, and she places her hands on her hips.

”I beg your pardon, but it is quite rude to play games like this.  I demand you show yourself to me right this instant.”

She shakes a scolding finger around in the direction she thinks this person might be.  She is quickly surprised by the appearance of a wide grin, glowing white through the darkness.  Two blue eyes open just above the mouth, and the spark of another blue flame strikes the tip of a cigarette.  The smoke fills Kittie’s face as she bats it away, coughing.

The glow from the door shows the image of a cat behind these glowing features.  Her eyes narrow, making sure she is seeing this correctly, but with everything else going on, why not accept a talking, glowing cat.

”Gotcha Kittie Kat.  That was marvelous fun watching your squirm like that.  I must say, that dress suits you quite well.  Would you like to pet this pussy?”

”Just wonderful, even in this world, I can’t escape your antics, Jamie Kat, is it?  Right then, I’d rather whip it than pet it, honestly… Now, how do I get to this party already?  I don’t want an upset… Um… ‘She’.”

Jamie Kat wraps his tail around Kittie’s form, twirling her in close to him, his wide grin blowing smoke into her face once more.  He eyes her up and down before contracting his eyebrows in approval of what he sees.

”It isn’t a matter of how you get there, really.  You know how to get there.  It is more a matter of when you get there.  See, you are ready, but none of the guests have arrived yet.  Only ‘She’ awaits.  You will be there when you are supposed to be there.”

Kittie squirms around in the uncomfortable embrace of Jamie Kat, and she breaks free, falling on her bottom once again.  With a thud, she gasps loud and obnoxiously.  She slides herself next to the door, and looks up at Jamie Kat.

”I’m already tired of waiting.  I haven’t been to a party in ages, and I’m well overdue.  All I do is wait while others who are far less deserving than I get their chances to shine.  I want my party, and I want it now.”

”All you have to do is find the key, and you can start your journey.  It won’t be an easy path to follow, there will be many wonders, but even more obstacles that stand in your way.  Six obstacles between you and ‘She’, but if you can make it through, then you will be set.  You will find what is rightfully yours.  But, don’t take it from me.  See for yourself…”

In an instant, Jamie Kat’s body twists and contorts into many odd shapes, a duck, a toy dump truck, a rather dingy looking human male ( ></iframe>

She runs her hands across her face as she opens her eyes, anew.  Hovering over her is Jamie Kat, in his black and white striped glory.  He startles her and she scoots away from him in a hurry.

”You’ve done it, girl!  You’ve gotten all of the keys.  Now, you had better move along to your party before ‘She’ gets upset with you!  Run along child, HURRY!”

Kittie looks around as a stained glass door of many blue roses fades into the wall, a wondrous light shining through unlike any other light before.  Its glow is almost heavenly, and it sparkles upon Kittie’s face.  She is quick to approach it as Jamie Kat coaxes her along, wagging his feline tail in excitement.  She places her hand firmly onto the door knob, twisting to find it locked.  She shakes her head in disbelief of her own momentary lapse of memory.  She unclasps her necklace gently from her neck, and dumps the keys into her palms.

She looks over to the script written by each keyhole.  The letters are jumbled up, but Kittie reads them just fine as she quickly delves out which key belongs where.  She finishes just in time to unlatch each surrounding the frame of the door, and she turns the knob once more, causing the door to open up.

Once inside, she looks around at the thousands of people seated around at mini dining table, sipping on tea.  The walkway is trimmed with several roses in a mixture of red, black, blue, silver, white, black and red combination, and shadow roses lined with white streamer.  The bright lights flash along the diamond studded walkway, each diamond capturing just a bit of light as she passes.  Everyone waves to her, blowing kisses, clapping gently in their evening formalwear.  She waves back politely as she walks down toward the grand, six sided stage in front of her.  In the background, she hears “Broken Pieces” by Apocalyptica featuring Lacey Sturm of Flyleaf.

Waiting just short of the stage is a man with spiked black hair, spiked out of the sides of a black top hat, dressed in a patched up black tuxedo, holding a pot of tea in front of him.  His eyes are traced in the blackest of eyeliner, and his diamond blue eyes twinkle from under a twisted up pair of glasses.  Hanging from his eyebrow piercing is a silver chain, linked to a silver pocket watch which he pulls out.  He looks at the time, and taps it as if to tell Kittie that she is almost late, shaking a finger at her while brandishing his devilishly sinister, yet awkwardly handsome smile, before offering her a spot of tea.

Kittie shrugs her shoulders, and then politely nods her head.  The man smiles a sinister smile as he pours the tea into an invisible cup, which he gently hands to Kittie.  She reluctantly reaches out to take it, but the tea merely melts to the floor in front of her.  The dark hatter simply shakes his head in comedic disbelief and gently pushes her toward the steps to her left.  She slowly places her beautiful black shimmering slipper to the first step, bringing up her blue rose gown so she doesn’t trip, in a most graceful presentation.  She steps up two more before entering the grandest stage yet.  She looks over as attendants quickly wrap the posts in white ribbon, three rows.  More attendants pour water over the six posts, and each grows a vine of roses signifying each rose, except blue.  Kittie smiles, but in a display of confusion rather than one of appreciation.

”Making her way to the grand stage, hailing from the real world, it’s the BLUE ROSE of KATASTROPHE!”

Kittie is stunned by the voice, until a large amount of water pours down on her from the strange spout in the ceiling, covering her in water.  As it does, a large blue rose envelopes her entire body, springing her into the air to look down at the many who watch on in amazement.  She flings the water from her hair, shaking it off to give off a look of being dry once again.

”Now, making her way to the grand stage, hailing straight from the temporal lobe, I proudly present to you…‘SHE’!

Kittie looks around, but she doesn’t see anything at first.  That is, until she climbs up onto a higher pedal from the center.  She bends up, and is startled to see a very large, blonde haired woman looking back down at her.  She gasps loudly as she looks up into those deep blue eyes, and she nearly falls from the large rose.  The beast of a woman backs away slowly, showing off a much larger version of Kittie, decked out in a puffed out red dress, her make up done in red and black, and a matching crown to top it off.  She hears a sinister laugh that makes all of the other noises in the background simply fade out in comparison.  She rolls back, kicking her feet at the beast that simply dismisses her with the batting of her sparkling eyelashes.  She continues her sinister laugher as Kittie freezes in an instant fear.  She just watches the entire arena area grow by ten times the size, leaving her to feel as if she were as insignificant as an ant.  She lets out a loud scream, fearing what just might lay ahead for her in this coming battle…

<>+*{Stay tuned for Part II}*+<3

Climax Control Archives / I'm Thinking, "What The Hell?"
« on: October 21, 2011, 07:10:22 PM »
 Part 1: The Refresher Course


“You want me to WHAT?!”

The bright lights of the Vegas Strip flash brightly, making promises of money and sex at every turn.  The crowds move toward their chosen venue, whether it be casino, theatre, shop, or restaurant, everyone goes their own ways.  Intriguingly enough, each person or group moves along as if they are the only ones walking the street, bumping into others, avoiding eye contact, and talking so loud, you know they’ve had a few too many.

The women of the strip, so lovely.  It is an ocean of furs, feathers, glitter, spandex, leather, lace, real and fake.  You have all kinds ranging from your typical corner hookers, to your high scale escorts, and just about every fetish in between.  Each one looking to earn their living with any fella for the right price.

A strange young man walks through the crowd on his cell phone.  Moments ago, his face was glowing brightly inside of a casino, but one string of max bets, and some unsettling news has changed his face into a twist of depression and anger.

”Have you lost your damn mind, uncle Erik?  No.  That’s it, no.  I’ll just sell my body to the night to get home to St. Louis.”

”Come now, don’t be childish.  You are already there, so why not make an appearance.  Make some extra cash.  It’s no big deal.”

The man stops and rests against a trash can, tilting his head back to look up at the sky.  He shrugs his shoulders, mouthing “Why?”  Then, he drops his backpack down on the ground next to him.  He adjusts his fingerless gloves after pulling off his knitted cap.  He sets it on top of the black dome shaped trash lid, and then nestles his fingers in his medium length dark brown hair.

”Yeah, you are right.  It’s not a big deal.  You just want me to escort a CRAZY PERSON down to the ring, and spend time with her before and after? Have you seen her promos?  She’s bat shit crazy, but it’s no big deal, huh?  You couldn’t even make it through a meal with her before you ran away!”

He sets the phone down on top of his hat, as if pretending to listen.  He pulls out a cigarette from a silver case in his pocket, followed by a Zippo lighter that sports ace cards of each suit, flames behind, and LV engraved below.  He shakes his head, flipping off his lighter before lighting his cigarette.  He leans his head down toward the phone, exhaling smoke as he shouts, “Yeah...

He spots a young lady walking by, and he slowly undresses her with his eyes, slowly moving his tongue around behind his lips before letting it slip out for just a second.  From behind her crimson locks, she flashes a smile back at him, flaunting her ass-ets as she walks away, glancing back to make sure he is still looking.


He rolls his eyes as he takes another drag from his cigarette.  He picks the phone back up and puts it to his ears.  He chokes a bit on the smoke before answering.

”I’m listening, chill.  You want to get her laid, even out the crazy.  Well, she’s hot and all, but she has Stage 5 Clinger written all over her, and I’m NOT doing it. Find someone else to do it.”

”You are just too difficult.  You asked for exposure, I am giving it to you.  You asked to be put back on the map, but you don’t want to work for it.  You just want to sit around piddling yourself with that circle jerk club of yours, well guess what?  You need to grow up.  If you didn’t jack off instead of focusing on the task at hand, you could have won the title after Spike vacated it.  You really are pathetic, son.”

Jamie hears a click on the other end, causing him to grip his phone tightly in his hands.  He acts like he is going to throw it, but instead he slowly brings himself to a state of calm, sliding back in his black hoodie pocket.  He kicks the side of the trashcan, screaming at the top of his lungs “F****************CK!!!” drawing a bit of attention to himself.

”Why do I get stuck babysitting this beast all the time?  I was her manager in 3WL.  I led her to being crowned the 3WL Tag Team Champions with that hot slice, Nyako.  I took that seriously.  But, do wrestling fans really like serious, thought provoking scenes and promos?”

Somehow, in the background, Jamie Staggs hears a very loud, resounding “NOOO!” with booing mixed in.  A slight smirk comes across his face, chuckling to himself as he leans against the trashcan, taking the last drag from his cigarette before flicking it into the street.

“Should I walk around with a Hamlet skull, reciting Shakespeare?”


”Should I pull up in my fancy Corvette, slowly open up the butterfly door, slowly step out, remove my designer shades, look into the camera and with my eyes, say ‘I’m better than you…’?”


Jamie cups his hands to his ears, making people stare strangely at him as they walk by.  A man even tosses some spare change to Jamie as he passes.  It breaks his concentration, making him bend over to pick up the change.

”Hey, thanks buddy... *AHEM*  Or do the wrestling fans want to see some average, everyday, blue blooded SONUVABITCH who goes over a slip n slide covered in broken glass just for kicks?”

Jamie smiles and nods his head, stuffing the change in his pocket before grabbing his hat and his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. He turns to the camera who has been taping him the entire time, finally letting it be known that he was being taped.  He walks up to the camera, and he presses his face just inches away from the lens, locking his eyes on each an every viewer.

”They want to see a special, one time appearance from the Valedicktorian of Dumbass University on Sin City Wrestling, escorting that crazy, mental, ‘so-crazy-not-even-a-mental-asylum-can-contain-this-b*tch’ Kittie down to the ring?  Danger is my middle name, and I promise I will let my presence be known at Climax Control.

‘The same way Kittie will.  Fantasia, I remember you kicked my girlfriend’s ass in GXW, but that chick was about as talented in the ring as Angelica is.  Not to mention, she is as talented under a desk as I’m sure Angelica is, BUT… Kittie is a wild, uncontrollable force, and SCW Bombshells better recognize this sh*t!  Fantasia, do your self a favor, and remember that ass kicking you took in front of the thousands in attendance, ‘AND THE MILLIONS WATCHING AT HOME’.  Remember it good, because there are no weapons in this match.  There are just fists, elbows, knees, feet, a canvas, ropes, and six turnbuckles.  You might think it’s an advantage, but I’ve seen Kittie cause more mayhem with those than any weapon.  Do yourself a favor, and do your homework.  Watch a few 3WL DVDs, and let al notions of her GXW history flutter out of your mind…”

Jamie takes just a few steps back, allowing his entire face to show, rather than just his eye.  His eyes wander just a bit.  Trying to remain serious, he just begins to laugh.  A trickle of giggles at first, but then, he takes a few steps backwards, bending down to clutch his stomach.  He even goes as far as to fall back onto the dirty sidewalk, causing pedestrians to shout at him as they pass. He allows himself time to breathe before slowly getting back up.  He takes one more deep breath as he brushes off cigarette butts, papers, and gum wrappers from his hoodie and pants.  He looks back to the camera once more.

”No dude, I’m not laughing about what I just said.  I was laughing about what I was going to say.  I was gonna say that Rebecca Blade is an enigma…”

He cups his hand over his ear, begging for the inaudible whisper to be a little louder.

”Oh, BLADES.  My bad.  I guess I messed that up because this ‘enigma’ hasn’t cut a promo yet, so I don’t even know who the broad is.  At least that hot piece Allison Summers has been seen kissing JT Underwood and drinking bougie microbrews.  At least I have heard of her as the chick who wears skimpy clothes and appears in someone elses promos, but is too lazy to cut her own.  She is hot…  Anyway, Rebecca BladeS…  Enigma, or just to worried about facing the psychotic Kittie, and the MILF, no offense bro, Misty?  Can’t get it together enough not to piss yourself at the thought of facing them?  It’s okay, we understand.  We really, really do.

“And Raynin…  Bangable, I gotta admit.  But is she really capable of wrestling.  No, I mean wrasslin’?  She can jump around the ring doing acrobatics.  I’m sure she is a surgeon with a shotgun, but this isn’t the secret services.  This isn’t Mucha Lucha.  You can get away with that stuff with some people, but Kittie will just catch you and drop you on your face.  I’ve seen it before.  Keep asking yourself who you are, because when Kittie is done with you, you might not know the answer…  What?  If I keep going, I will sound like who? Sin?  Ohhh Y and two N’s.  Nah, I’m not trying to copy Synn.  I’m not walking around acting like Count Chocula in the middle of a church.  I’m on the streets with the people!  I’m don’t need to do the talking for Kittie.  I’m sure Kittie will have plenty to say about her match for herself.  She isn’t the type to watch some dude’s junk bounce in her face rather than talk about the match herself.  Don’t you have a scheduled thing… Oh, I’m in it?  Well, let’s go ahead and cut this, bring it over to her.”

***Abruptly, the camera flashes into a static fuzz before fading to a “PLEASE WAIT PATIENTLY” screen.  Funky muzak plays in the background before a low male voiced announcer speaks.  “Thank you for your patience.  Tonight’s Valedicktorian Speech was brought to you by… CAMPBELL’s SOUPS.  Like Angelica, they are MMM MMMMMM GOOD!  We now return you to your regularly scheduled promo…”  BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP***


”It’s so dark here… Where am I?”

All I feel here is a cold, dark emptiness.  My body trembles, not from fear, but from the hypothermic conditions in this dark, lonely, emptiness.  No one is here, no one.  Every time I ask, I get the same answer.  Silence.  If I didn’t feel like I was getting frostbite on most of my body, I could really get used to this.  The only voices I hear are my own.  Mine is clear as a bell, but the rest of mine echo through.

Sometimes I think I am in my own heart.  It’s covered in ice, and so far away from my brain that I just hear the echoes.  I like it.  I feel normal here.  Solitude..  Sweet, sweet solitude.

Today, I think I found an elevator in here.  I don’t know where the elevator leads to, and I’m scared to find out.  Heh, me… Scared.  I didn’t even know that I could be scared. But here I am. Nervous.  I know it seems silly to freeze nearly to death, but who knows where it leads.

Will I still feel peace and quiet?  Or will I be bombarded by the voices?  Will I burn to death?  Will I be stuck in a nightmare?  I just don’t know.  But, there it is, taunting me.  It calls to me sometimes, offering lies.  Lies… Promises of safety, tranquility, happiness.  But I hear the screams coming from up there.  Anguish.  Hurt.  Rage. Anxiously calling out, not to me, but to God.  “God help me.  PLEASE GOD!”  Who knows what they’ve done.  I don’t.  Will God ever save them?  Are they in hell?

Am I going to hell?  No.  I will stay in the comfort of the ice and shadows.  “Are you a good bitch, or a bad bitch?”  I hear it asking.  When I walk up to that elevator, the sounds echo through this barren wasteland.  An abyss of icy slush, gusts of arctic winds.  Are emptiness and tranquility the same thing?  I think they are synonyms.  One is the optimistic way of saying it, where the other is pessimistic.  I feel them both in the winds as they blow my hair out behind me.  To that who asks me, I reply, “I am neither a good bitch, nor a bad bitch.  I’m THAT bitch.”

When I work up the courage to go through that door, will I, too, ask God to save me?  Will I beg for salvation?  Or will I be the one who saves them?  I’m a perpetual sinner.  I am who I am, and I make no apologies, because I have, never once, received one.  I have never heard, “Kittie, I’m sorry I killed your parents.”  I’ve never heard, “Sorry, Kittie.  You aren’t good enough for new parents.”  Or, “I am sorry that no one thinks you are worth saving.”  They think I’m hopeless.  They outside of my head, and they inside.  I have been called weak, small, scrawny, damaged, broken, mental, crazy, psychotic, worthless, violent, dark, empty…  I am, as Erik Staggs said, the underdog.  The after thought.  How can I save anyone when I can’t even save myself?

I hear Misty, asking for help.  She needs me to tag in, but I’m not even there.  I feel Allison reaching over the ropes to tag in.  I can taste the metallic taste of blood coming from inside of my cheek.  I can smell the fear coming from Rebecca Blades as my own blood rage consumes us both.  I can see Raynin flying toward me, and I know Fantasia is relishing it.

Can I help Misty?  My sort of friend?  In this match, we have each others back.  I know I can count on her, and I know she can count on me.

Can I help Allison?  No, I can’t.  She is just a shell like me.  She is empty.  She doesn’t have the drive to add anything to this match.  She might as well stay at her new home, unpacking, because she is useless as far as I am concerned.  I might be teamed with her, but I refused to call her a partner, but rather, the team’s handicap.  She is nothing more to me than any of my opponents.  Just a pretty face, nothing more.  She is pretty…  Her perfectly tanned skin.  Her doe-like eyes.  Her pretty, pretty, PRETTY HAIR!  And the body that makes all the boys stare.  Boys like empty heads and big breasts.  In my own modesty, I have neither.

Raynin, dear Raynin.  You, too, are just a shell.  I sympathize with you on that note.  A well groomed government hitwoman. Nothing to truly call a family, but f*cked up memories of being pushed to your very limits.  Studied in luchadore, Peak physical condition.  Impressive physique, really.  But wrestling is more than that.  Huricanranas are very visually appealing, high flying tactics make the fans scream with approval.  But, the charisma doesn’t win matches.  The show that you put on doesn’t win matches.  An impressive moves list won’t even win you a match.  Its heart, passion, will, spirit, aggression that make those maneuvers come to life.  You are stone cold, emotionless.

Rebecca Blade… That’s all I can say.  No one has heard anything from you at all.  To say that I feel anything whatsoever toward you would simply be a lie.

And Fantasia…  Last show, I looked into your eyes, and down into your soul…  I watched your rise, and I caused your fall.  I saw the darkness in you, very much like my own darkness.  I feel a sort of kindred bond, strangely.  Your void is filled with your insatiable thirst for lust.  Mine is filled with my unbridled desire to cause violence and pain.  I can’t help you out with your desire, but you helped me with mine last show.  And I am looking toward you for help this week as well.  But, I won’t take it all out on you.  I need to draw new blood, and there are two others on your team who can help me get my kicks…  *Chuckle that echoes throughout*

Come Climax Control, I have some news for these ladies.  I am out for blood, and I am out for gold.  I am not out to make friends, and I refuse to make nice with anyone besides Misty.  The quiet has helped me to realize this.  And with this newfound confidence, I find myself drawing closer and closer to that elevator door.  It is two panels of ice, with a glow coming from within.  I walk to the other side, and I see the same thing.  I want to walk through it.  I want to see.”


”And that is good enough for today.”

Slowly, the light shines through, so brightly that Kittie has to blink a few times to allow her eyes to adjust.  She squints as she slowly looks around.  What she sees comes as quite a shock to her.  Her arms and legs are restrained to her bedpost.  She tugs fiercely at them.  Dr Liddell is standing next to her bed, with a silver bell in her hand.  She stares down at Kittie with a look of concern.

”Are you back?  Or is it still her?”

Kittie stops tugging for the time being.  These blackouts were starting to happen more and more, each time she seems to find herself in a strange predicament.  Dr. Liddell unlocks the arm shackles quickly before moving down to the leg shackles.

”Doc, what is happening to me?  I am really trying to get better, but things are getting worse.  Why did you have to restrain me?”

”You… She wouldn’t go back quietly.  I was forced to trick her into hypnosis.  Even then, she was still present.  You both spoke, each with your own story of what was going on.  This is a very strange find.  Usually when one is suffering from multiple personality disorder, hypnosis gets down to the true self.  Both personalities were telling me different parts of the same story.”

Kittie stretches out, as if she had just awakened from a deep sleep.  She yawns, as she sits up, rubbing at her ankles, noticing slightly swollen red rings around them.

”I guess she put up a fight.  My wrists and ankles are sore.”

”She called me over because she said she was in trouble.  She acted like you.  I obliged her enough to get her restrained, but then she got angry.  Not in the way that you usually do, but a very scornful, outraged sort of way.  No cursing, but extra violent.  She was very intent on getting free, almost to the point of bodily harm.  I believe she would have harmed me if I didn’t restrain her.”

Kittie stands up from her bed, walking over to her closet to pull out her favorite black strap pants.  As if she isn’t bothered by the presence of another person, she slides her shorts down, and in a few swift motions, she pulls her pants on.  She leaves the white babydoll tee.  She looks back toward the doctor with little concern in her expression.

”Well, honestly, I don’t know how to stop it anymore.  I can’t control it, the medications aren’t working, and I really just don’t know what to do.  The rages still come, the personality splits are becoming more common than they ever were.  I feel like I am getting stronger, but as I grow, so do they.  I just… I don’t know.”

She runs her fingers through her hair to loosen the tangles, but also as a distraction from the issues at hand.  She walks back over toward Dr. Liddell, sitting down next to her, with her elbows on her knees, and her hands propping up her chin.

”Grab the butcher knife…”

Kittie’s ears perk up just a little, looking over to Dr. Liddell.  Her head tilts to the side as she stares, hearing the statement echoing through her head.  Dr. Liddell looks back over to Kittie, also questioning her stare.  She brushes a dark tress of hair from her own face, tucking it gently behind her ear.

“What did you say, Kittie?”

”I thought you said it.  ‘Grab the butcher knife.’  What am I supposed to do with it?”

”You know what to do with it…”

In a very slow and cautious maneuver, Dr Liddell moves herself away from Kittie, taking small, slow steps backward.  Her dark eyes quiver in a sort of panic, while she does her best to maintain her composure.  She slowly adjusts her dark red suit jacket, moving into the doorway, but not leaving it.

”What do you do with the butcher knife, Kittie?”


A soft chuckling echoes through the room, Kittie grabbing at her ears to cover it up.  Instead, the sound only intensifies.  ”Put it in the b*tch! Just stick it in her!”  Kittie begins screaming at the top of her lungs, rocking back and forth as she does.  She takes a breath, but then continues.  Dr. Liddell pulls out a pocket sized notebook and takes down notes.  Between each stroke of the pen, her eyes look up to Kittie.  Dr. Liddell’s lips move, but her voice is canceled out by Kittie’s screaming.

”Ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAHHHHHHH!”


Soon, a figure comes crashing from behind Dr. Liddell, crashing on top of her.  The hooded figure turns her over, pinning her to the ground.  Liddell pulls the hood back to reveal the chivalrous Jamie Staggs.  Unbeknownst to each other, she begins smacking at his face with her notebook as Kittie continues the screaming behind them.  Jamie pins the doctor’s hands down to the ground, staring into her eyes in an attempt to help Kittie.

”Who the F*CK are you, lady?”

”I’m Doctor Tanya Liddell, who the f*ck are you?!”

Jamie slowly releases the doctor, and leans down on his knees, opening his mouth to apologize, but instead, he is met with a slap to the face from the doctor.  She begins beating him over the head with her notebook, trying to dig the steel rings into his skin as she does so.  He waves her hands away.

”Geez, lady!  I’m Jamie Staggs.  My uncle sent me over here to check on her before her match, and… WOULD YA STOP HITTING ME?!?”

Jamie finally gets the doctors attention, and she stops hitting him.  He brings himself up to a standing position, before quickly turning his attention over to Kittie.  He approaches her quickly.

”Uh, yeah, I wouldn’t…”

”Hey Kittie, it’s me-ohhhhhhh!”

In an attempt to protect herself, Kittie drives her fist directly into Jamie’s groin, dropping him to the ground instantly in front of her.  She jumps back on her bed, gripping at a pillow as if it were a deadly weapon.  Her breaths are erratic as she looks down to the jumbled mess of a man on her floor, and then to Dr. Liddell, who can’t help but chuckle.  Being polite, she covers her mouth, and tries to get a serious look on her face.  Kittie grips the pillow as she crawls back across her bed to peak down below her.  Upon seeing the writhing face of Jamie Staggs, she drops the pillow, and covers her face in embarrassment.  Rather than forming an apology, she simply regains her composure, giving off her normal bit of attitude.

”Jamie, what the hell are you doing here?  Really, what?  I haven’t seen you in, like, four years…”

”Apparently I’m getting punched in the dick by you, ya nutty b*tch!  Geeeez, I gotta say, that’s a fire right hook though…”

Kittie laughs to herself, trying to maintain an aggravated look on her face.  She reaches down as if to offer Jamie assistance in getting up.

”Nah… I think I’m good like this for now, at least until my balls come back out to say hello.”

Jamie rests his hands on his stomach as he takes short and shallow breaths.  He closes his eyes, clinching them tightly before slowly opening them again.  He peers up to Kittie, watching the fire dance in her eyes.  He notices a broken beauty in her as she stares down at him.  A smile slowly flashes across his face, before he brushes it back away quickly.

”If my swollen nads are any indication, you’ve got this match in the sack, er… bag.”

“Good cover,” he imagines himself saying as he slowly sits up.  His face is covered in small beads of sweat.  Slowly he wipes them away, pulling himself up to his knees.  Kittie pats his back unenthusiastically as if to say, “there, there Jamie…”  He rolls his eyes at her, before getting all the way up.  He towers over the two, standing at 6’4”, but he might as well be eight feet tall in comparison.

”So… Jamie.  Again I have to ask, what are you doing here in my home?  I feel a little bad for punching you, but I think it’s a valid response.  Also, it’s a simple question.”

Kittie crosses her legs over one another, and folds her arms in her lap.  Staring up at him, she begs for an answer.  Jamie smirks as he stares down at her.

”What?  A guy can’t come over and visit his girl friend who he hasn’t seen in a few years without getting rocked in the junk?  Honestly, I’m offended, Kittie.  Hurt, and a little sore, but offended mostly.”

”I’m not your girlfriend, by the way.  And, I bet you lost all your money at a casino, didn’t you?”


Jamie unfolds his own arms, dropping them to his side in surrender.  He lets out a sigh once finishing his admission of guilt.  He readies himself to sit down next to her, but takes her glare as proper warning to keep standing.  He looks over to the doctor who has quietly taken a phone call, and is standing just outside of the doorway now.

”I said girlfriend as two words, like girrrrrrl frrrrriend, also by the way.  And, yeah, I blew all my money at the casinos, and partially at the strip clubs, but that’s only because I was on a winning streak at the casino, and I had a system, and… Bah, I’m rock bottom broke.  I’m actually here because Erik has declared me as your special guest escort to Climax Control this week.”  Jamie quickly leans over, cupping his hand around his mouth as he whispers.  ”I think he thinks you need to get layyyyyyed.”

Kittie punches him three times in the arm in rapid succession.  She follows the last one up with a shove.  Her teeth are clinched in anger, but she does her best to control it, acting as if she is just playing.  Jamie rubbing his arm lets her know she is being too aggressive.

”I don’t need to get laid.  It’s actually the last thing I should probably do, especially with YOU!  No offense, but, ewww.”

”Hey, no, I don’t find the fact that you find me repulsive is offensive at all.  No, it’s fine, really.  But, you don’t know what you are missing…”

He uses his hand to motion toward his crotch as if it were an extremely impressive display.  He raises his eyebrows at her to gauge her interest.  Upon seeing that there is none, he continues doing it to goad her.

”I mean, think of it like training for the match.  It could help you stay limber.  I can bend you in all sorts of positions.  Or, you could even put me in a choke hold?  Still no?”

”You know what?  If I didn’t just punch you hard enough to make your testicles retract inside of you, I would slap your filthy F*CKIN’ mouth!  You are so dirty, and I’m actually offended that Erik would think it was a good idea to have you escort me to the ring.  I don’t even want to be seen in public with you, let alone on television, with hundreds of thousands of people watching.  I did it for a month in 3WL, and I never heard the end of it.  You are just… No.  No, I’m not going to start, because your brother is a good friend of mine, but no.  Sorry, it’s not happening.”

Jamie lets the insults roll off of his back this time.  He reaches down and aggressively grabs onto Kittie’s hands.  He leans down to eye level, holding her as still as he can.  His aggression turns into a sort of pleading.

”Look, I’ve had a shitty night, and I just want to get back home to St. Louis.  I gotta wait a few days until Climax control, because it’s the only way for me to get home.  One time, and I will be outta your hair.  I won’t even come onto you more than like 5 more times if you just agree to let me bring you to the arena.  Not even to the ring, but just the arena.  Give me at least that, please?”

Kittie’s look of worry and rage simply fade from her face as she slowly loosens one of her hands free.  She runs it down his cheek.

”You are kinda cute when you beg.  I think we can make that work.  But you can only escort me to the arena.  All the lady lumps might get you a little distracted, and I don’t need any to baby sit you while I’m trying to win a pretty pivotal match.”

Jamie smirks, raising his eyebrows up and down at the thought of many, many lady lumps in the ring together.  He relishes the attention from Kittie, slowly placing his hand on her right breast.  Immediately upon contact, she hauls back and slaps him hard across the face.  Spit flies from his mouth, and his eyes open in surprise.  He gently touches the side of his face, half from the shock, and half from the tinge of pain trickling through his jaw.

”But, but… You said I was cute…”

”I said kinda cute.  Is that some sign that your usual sleazy girls give when they want to be fondled, because if it is, then my bad!”

Jamie raises his hand in protest, but Kittie quickly raises her hand, as if she were going to slap him again.  Instead of allowing him even a second to speak, she glares at him, starting a rant of her own.

”You can LEAVE now!  Before I begin to regret letting you take me to Clima… to the show!  If you try anything else, I will make what Misty did to hot tub guy seem like a little pat to the groin!”

Jamie stares at Kittie for a moment, questioningly, but decides to oblige her.  He gets up from his spot on the bed, and walks over toward the door.  As he passes through the doorway, he slides his hand at the door, slowly turning around.

”Ya know, when a girl has you on her bed, stroking your face, saying that you are ‘kinda’ cute, she usually expects something like that to happen.  I think you’ve got a thing for me, at least one of the voices in your head does.  Deny it all you want, but, one day, some lady is gonna snatch this up, and it’s gonna be tooooo late…”

”Yeah, leave.  Out.  The door is just down the hall there…”

As Jamie slowly walks through the door, letting his hand slowly slip off, Kittie raises her gaze toward the door.  She opens her mouth to call for Jamie to come back.  As soon as she does, he eagerly reproaches the doorway.  Kittie smiles, and bats her lashes at him, causing his goofy smile to return.

”Jamie.  You were right.  Something inside me wants you.  But, it’s the gay guy, Drew… Just thought you would want to know that.”

Kittie holds her arms out in front of her, thrusting her pelvis at the air, as she smiles.  She motions with her eyes from Jamie to the invisible person in front of her.  Jamie taps his chin for a second, giving it the slightest thought before waving her off, and disappearing through the doorway.  Kittie’s arrogant grin is only a mask for the laughing she is doing on the inside as she stops thrusting.  She rests herself back on the bed, propping her pillow behind her head.  She just closes her eyes, tuning out the phone conversation going on in the background.

”Girl!  Why’d you let him leave?  He had me at ‘limber you up for your match’…”

”Ewww, no.  Seriously, no.  If you’ve seen the company he keeps, you would definitely understand.  Girls like Allison Summers, Fantasia, and Angelica.  I’m better off rolling around naked on the floors of Planned Parenthood, honestly.  I should even go ahead and wash these sheets…”

”It could be good practice for your match, and I wouldn’t mind seeing what he got goin’ on…”

”I have trained plenty for this match.  Since I signed that contract, I have put everything I’ve had into wrestling.  I’ve researched what there is to research of the competition in the Bombshell division, and I plan to mow through any obstacle the heads can throw my way.  Last week, I defeated a legend, and I defeated a friend.  This week, if all goes well, I will defeat the same legend, as well as a no-show, and a Jane Doe who doesn’t even know who she is, even though she spent an hour going on about it.  ‘Who are you?’ I felt like I was watching a Calvin Klein commercial for their newest scent.  Enough of the existentialism already…

”You are the one having several conversations with yourself, in your own mind…”

”And I’m working on a bottle of pills to get rid of it…  The only person who hasn’t bored me yet in the Bombshell Division is me.  Rebecca Blades is too chicken shit to even cut a promo, but I can’t say too much because that dumb hooker who is on my team is the same.  Angelica only knows how to work a pole, not a wrestling ring.  And that pun was definitely intended.  Fantasia is more concerned with her wannabe Chip n’ Dale boyfriend to have a clue of what is going on, having her stable head talk for her.  And, of course there is existential girl, Raynin…

“And, Misty…  I love her to death, but she needs to pull her head out of her ass.  She worries about me screwing up the match with my slight meltdowns, but she needs to focus on the prize.  That is her problem, and honestly, I think that if we lose this match, and it isn’t Chicken Shit Allison Summers that breaks us, it could be HER and HER lack of focus.  My head is in the game.  All of my minds are focused on this match, and the Bombshell Championship.  Every single aspect of my being yearns to be crowned the FIRST Bombshell Champion, just as much as getting the very first Bombshell match up won.  So, my partner had better stop and think about who she accuses of not being focused.”

”Dang girl, did you really just diss on your only kinda friend outside of your head?”

”Not nearly as bad as she did to me.  But, who ever screws this up, whether they are on my team or not, they had better prepare to be Pussy Whipped.  And by that, I mean they are going to have to deal with me…

Kittie’s lips twist into an innocent, genuinely happy smile.  Her feet sway along as she gets ready to continue her internal conversation, until she hairs a screeching that ceases all internal thought.

”WHAT?!?  FIRED?  LIKE F*CKING HELL I’M FIRED!!!” Ohhhh, you can take that paycheck, and shove it up your asshole, you ungrateful little prick.  And I do mean LITTLE PRICK! ….. Oh yeah?  Well WATCH ME!”

A loud cracking sound is head upon the entry of Dr. Liddell’s Smart Phone into the wall of the hallway.  She fumes loudly as she walks down the hallway toward Kittie’s room, where Kittie bounces up and down like an excited child on Christmas morning.

”Uhh ohhhh.  It seems the doctor has gone a little crazy herself…”

However, as soon as Dr Liddell enters the room, she has a smile painted across her face, her eyes trying hard to tame the fire within.  In a gentle manner, the doctor enters the room and stands just a few feet away from Kittie, placing her index and middle finger on Kittie’s nightstand, tracing the contours as she moves along.

”Sooo?  As you, um, might have just heard…  Our employer is no longer ‘our’ employer, only yours.  Erik Staggs seems to think I am not doing a good job handling you.  He likes quick fixes, but I really think that you need in depth, long term help from someone who has been dealing with you for nearly ten years.  The choice is yours.  Because I have invested so much time, I would like to give you a much cheaper rate, if you would like for us to continue our sessions?”

Upon mentioning it, Kittie watches the doctor squirm underneath her usually confident exterior.  Kittie taps her chin, thinking it over very calmly.  Dr Liddell leans down lower to look into Kittie’s eyes, even going as far as to beg with her own eyes.  Kittie opens her mouth to answer as the scene fades… TO BLaCK!

Climax Control Archives / I Hold These Pieces of Me
« on: October 13, 2011, 07:26:20 PM »
 ”I connected and maintained the Kat’s Kradle for the three count.  First Bombshell victory in Sin City Wrestling history, and against a legend of her decade...  It felt good.  No, it felt great.  But it didn’t seem to do anything for me.  I still feel cold… heartless… angry… unforgiving… confused.

“Could it be because I didn’t hear a single cheer?  I fought tooth and nail against two damn good wrestlers.  I came out on top, and no one expected it.  Two former champions defeated by a no name.  I was hardly recognized by the media.  All of the publicity was geared toward Misty Vs Fantasia (Vs Kittie), as if I were hardly even a second thought.

“Were they confused that I came out on top?  Did they expect me to hardly even be seen in the match?  Like I am going to spend most of the match on my back?”

”You have to MAKE them take you serious Kittie.  They don’t because you haven’t made yourself known in the wrestling business, even though you have been a part of it for ten years…”

”Who’s there?”


”Who is ‘Me’?”


”Okay, now I’m really confused.  Wait, am I having another conversation with myself?  Doctor Liddell says that’s not healthy.”

*Chuckle*”You are just one piece talking to another.  It’s not the same thing as talking to yourself.  You let that doctor into your head way too much.  Nothing is wrong with you, except that you focus too much on the wounded part of yourself.  The rest of us call you Kittie, since you have taken over as the face of our self.”

”Wait a minute.  If you are a piece of a whole, and I am a piece of a whole, and we are talking, we are still part of that ones self, so wouldn’t it be talking to yourself?”

”… no.  It is nothing like that.  When one speaks to their own self as a whole, and that whole responds, then it is crazy.  You just let that doctor feed all of that Freudian bullsh*t into you, and you take it.  Everyone has broken pieces of their personality, and they shove those pieces down.  Normally it is the strong part that survives, but somehow the weakest link made it to the surface.  It beats me, but it is what it is.”

”I resent that, you know.  If you were an actual person outside of my body, I would kick your ass!”

”B*tch fight!!!”

”Drew, would you please stay out of this?  She doesn’t need to remember you right now.  She doesn’t even remember us.  We were all kids when she knew us.”

”Girl, you just don’t know.  I missed my girl, Kittie.”

”The doctor needs to increase my dosage on these meds.  I’m f*cking losing it.”

”You want to forget us?  Damn, I thought we was girls, but you’re just gonna diss me like that?  Forget’chu then…”

”Ummm, you don’t sound like a girl, though…  Okay, so there is Drew.  What about the other one?”

”That wretched biatch is Quinn.  She thinks she’s better than the rest of us.  She just don’t know…”


Shaken from her thoughts, Kittie looks up from her closet, peaking behind her to see a man standing in the doorway.  She gasps, looking down to herself, clad only in a black lace bra and matching panties.  Her eyes grow in embarrassment, then into a bit of a rage.

“Who the F*** ARE YOU?  What are you doing in my room?”

The man, zipping up his pants, slows down, and smiles awkwardly before running his hands through his short auburn hair, scratching his head.

”Very funny…  Alex.  The guy you’ve been sleeping with for like 3 days straight.”

Thinking it a joke, he smiles warmly before gently approaching her from behind.  He reaches to wrap his arms around her, until Kittie spins around, laying a hard right hand to his face.

”I don’t know what kind of a sick joke this is, but you need to leave… NOW…”

She grits her teeth firmly in place as she takes a step back, grabbing at something to put in front of her so she doesn’t feel so awkward being semi exposed in front of this stranger.  She stares him down as he holds his pale face, staring back at her.  He waits for her to make some sort of hint that it’s all a joke, but when it doesn’t come.  He lets out a sigh, and opens his mouth to speak.  Instead he is immediately cut off.


He takes his hand from his cheek, and he grabs at a tight fitting black shirt, pulling it quickly over his head before putting on black boots, not even tying them, all while muttering to himself.

”You sure know how to pick ‘em Alex.  Crazy b*tches…”

He barely has time to dodge a black steel toe boot being chucked at him, before another connects with his arm.  An entire fleet of shoes and boots come flying his way, causing him to dart through the bedroom door, being chased.

”Crazy?  You think I’m crazy?  How is this for crazy?!”

”Pretty f***in’ crazy!”

Kittie follows him, grabbing at anything she can to throw at him, even picking up a snow globe.  She is too late, as it smashes against her apartment door instead.  Her breathing is erratic as she looks out the window, watching the young man run down the street in a panic.

Her expression of anger and hatred quickly turns to that of fear and sadness.  She puts her fist to her mouth, trying to hold back the crying.  She is successful, but instead, she leans against the wall, and closes her eyes as she sinks to the floor, in the broken glass.

”Oooh, he was hot, girl.  Why you chase him out of here like that?”

Kittie replies by shouting out in desperation disguised as anger.  However, not in her head, but aloud.

”YOU brought him here, didn’t you?  Didn’t YOU?!  I’m not a whore like you, Drew!!”

”Don’t I wish, coz I could do some things to that a…  Nevermind.  I didn’t bring him here.  I never had control of you.  I was just your best friend.  We played Barbie’s together when we were seven, cut off all their hair and pulled a Britney with them *chuckle* but I look out for you where I can, even after you forgot about all of us.  These other b*tches getting’ you twisted though.”


”It wasn’t me either.  I’m not a whore either.  As a matter of fact, the way you dress makes me think you are the promiscuous one of the bunch, except you rarely let anyone in.  Pun intended.”

Kittie slowly brings herself to a standing position, allowing a few pieces of glass to fall from her skin.  Very few visible cuts on the legs, no worse than a shaving job gone wrong.

”If not you two, then who?”

”Her name is…  I can’t say it.  Quinn, you do it.”

”I definitely will NOT!  You know she doesn’t like to be talked about.”

Kittie tugs at the hair on the sides of her head, pulling at it, causing the voices within to whine as the pain grows heavier.  All of the noise gets to Kittie, causing her to shriek.


In unison, both voices shout out painfully, ”Tamara!”

Instantaneously, Kittie allows her hair to fall back down, slowly rubbing at the side of her head from the pain produced by the hair pulling.  She winces a bit before looking around.  Her eyes finally rest, like the ocean after a storms passing.  Her worried expression turns to one of complete and utter calm, and she takes a deep breath before looking around the room, seeing the entire mess of shoes, glass, and papers.

”Alex?  I think I might have blacked out from all the craziness, because I don’t remember…”

Eventually it all sinks in, and she sits down on the white leather couch, sighing.  She twirls her hair around between her fingers as she sits there.

”She needs to reeelax and just let go sometimes.  It’s why she has the issues she has.  I bet she wouldn’t mind so long as I take over for her during her match again.  I sure hope she didn’t think that Spear to Misty was all her doing.  And the poker chip bag?  Like she was caught up in the moment or something…”

“Kittie” pulls her slightly messy hair behind her, smiling at her reflection in the mirror.

”Girl, we need to show off your face more.  You are so pretty.  Picking up Alex was so easy with these looks.  Tripp Pants and tank tops are sooo ten years ago, girl.  You can still pull off the rebel girl style and look sexy at the same time.  I’m gonna put together an outfit for you to wear to your meeting tonight with Erik Staggs, and you are gonna *raises voice a few octaves* LOVE *returns* it!”

She stands up, seeming to flaunt her legs off in the mirror as she sashays toward it slowly.

"Mmmm girl... So much potential but I have got sooo much work ahead of me getting you ready  You are already focused on the match but you need that wily edge that I can give you  You really think that Misty is going to help you win when she couldnt even manage to get the win last week by herself  And Allison Summers  Who the hell is she  Her fashion sense is pretty good but I dont know what she can do in the ring

"And Fantasia doesnt scare me  I took care of that one setting you up to hit the Kats Kradle and like a good girl you did it  She went down like nothing  Rebecca Blade and Raynin I dont know a thing about these girls but Im pretty confident that its enough  No one has heard of either of them before their signing."

“Kittie” walks into the bathroom, looking right into the mirror as she picks up a tube of lip gloss.  She brushes it on gently, puckering her lips together before letting them smack together.

”Don’t worry about them.  Just let me get you dolled up for this meeting, then we can hit the clubs in search for a new stud to help you train…”

Her eyes light up in a devious manner as she combs through her hair, an almost empty smile spread across her face as she cherishes each stroke of the brush, feeling the realness.

”Let’s just see if we can’t get you another notch in your win column, doll.”

The Meeting With Erik Staggs
(Collab with Misty)


The deep red double doors, decorated with golden studs and intricate designs swing open, causing their golden handles to knock against them repeatedly. Just inside these doors is a ground level koi pond. The fish display greatly contrasting mixtures of colorful white, black, and orange, swimming underneath the glass walkway toward a waterfall trickling down the black mineral rocks. Others hide inside of the sparse, yet pluming foliage.

Once past the entryway, the light Asian theme gets just a tad thicker with Japanese lanterns perched at the end of the glass walkway, and the eerie muzak plays the tune of “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. Waiting near the beginning of the tables is a polite young woman who you with a smile and a bow. Her empty politeness is quickly cut off by a quick response of “I’m supposed to meet with an old asshole in the back corner booth. Salt n pepper hair, cocky grin, probably drinking some merlot or something?”

The lady frowns at her indecent language. Kittie is decked out in a black cocktail dress, modified with a plaid corset, and plaid straps and silver chains hanging from the waistline. She is sporting black combat boots and torn fishnets. Her hair is pulled back into a bun with black chopsticks protruding from it in an “X” shape. She holds her left hand out, as if to repeat her question.

“I not understanding your mean, but lady no speak such bad word in public.” Her smile returns as she nods her head.

Kittie shrugs her shoulders, and tries to go along with it, feeling less patient than normal. Her jaw clinches slightly, but she tries to mimic a smile as best she can. “I am with the Staggs’ Party.”

The smile turns into a sort of intrigued smile and she nods, her voice seeming to get one octave higher. “Ohhh! You wrestler. Yes, yes! Kittie..” She moves her hand out as if to put her words on a marquee “She go APESHIT on you ass…beesket!” She covers her mouth, hoping her words aren’t heard by anyone else. She turns, her flowing white gown gracefully following her movements. “This way, please.”

Kittie’s eyes rise in a bit of surprise, in a good way. She follows the young woman to the very back corner, strategically placed an equal distance from the bar, the hibachi tables, and the kitchen area for maximum privacy. Kittie is the first one there, so she gently seats herself in the unconventional booth. She stares at the four napkins folded neatly into origami swans next to empty wine and water glasses, and a small, rotating paper mobile, perpetuated by the heat from the candle inside. The spinning casts wondrous shadows of birds flying when you stare at it against the wall, captivating Kittie’s attention, and putting her into a lull.

As Kittie goes into La-La Land, she doesn’t notice the next person to arrive for this meeting. Misty is dressed in her version of nice black pants with a gray and black corset style shirt, and she chose to leave her hair down for the night. She feels slightly under-dressed seeing Kittie in cocktail dress, but she doesn’t care. Dresses of any kind have never really been her style.

“Well if it isn’t the bad ass chick who whooped my ass just a few days ago..And wearing a cocktail dress on top of it!” Misty says as she takes a seat across from Kittie with a smile.
“How the hell are you the first one to get here? You always struck me as the one to be late to these types of things.”
Kittie looks away from the wall of wonderment to see Misty. Her words catch her by a bit of surprise in many ways, but a bit of a smile overtakes her face, which is quite a rarity. She stands up from her seat, showing off her less than formal side of her outfit while reaching out for what seems to be a hug, but instead clinches herself. She mutters in a low tone, “Air hug…” before returning to a normal tone of voice. “Isn’t it a surprise? I’m pretty punctual when there is a free dinner involved.”Instead of giving any hint of being sarcastic, she simply sits back down, scooting into the booth. “Since I got here first, you get to stare at your kinda soon to be father-in-law face to face.” It is only now that she chuckles.
Misty rolls her eyes. “I really didn’t want to come to this meeting without Spike, but he’s back in St. Louis now, and it sounded like this whole thing was mandatory.” She leans back and folds her arms across her chest. “So here I am. But, like you said, it’s a free meal so I’m game. I just wish I could have gone back to St. Louis after Climax Control on Sunday. I could have at least spent the week at home.” She sighs, but shrugs her shoulders.
Kittie nods her head, feeling the awkward silence between them for just a moment. Awkward silences bother Kittie to no end most of the time, so she is quick to think of a response. “I can’t stand this prick at all. I only joined SEI because of Billy and Spike. Erik did great things for their careers, and that unmentionable blond bitch. You were already established. The rest of us have had to fight to even get our names dropped in a public revue.”

Kittie accepts a glass of water from a woman coming around with a pitcher, taking a drink from the cool, refreshing water. The woman also asks, “Anything to drink?” Kittie responds with a negative head shake.

The woman looks to Misty next. “I’ll take an Iced Tea with lemon, thanks. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the glass also.” The woman nods and walks away to retrieve Misty’s drink.

“I see your point, honestly.” Misty says, getting back on topic. “I’m not even sure what the whole point of this meeting is, considering most of SEI’s members are no longer even wrestling anyway. Aren’t you and I the only two active wrestles out of the group?”

Kittie snorts in a sign of disgust suddenly, catching Misty by surprise even. Kittie shakes her head from side to side, letting Misty know that she isn’t completely right. She swallows down another drink of her water before continuing with actual words. “They are wrestling no name brands, or are inactive. I would be doing the same. Andretti was supposed to be here instead, but she had a shopping trip or something, and left Erik Staggs hanging. Instead of letting everyone know he’s a pompous asshole, he pulled straws, and my name came up. So, here I am…”

Kittie looks down at her glass, stirring the ice with her fingers gently. She lets a full blown smile spread across her face as she stays intent on her ice. A smile of a true sadist comes over her entire face as she lightly chuckles. “And let’s not forget the resident long legged pole dancer who likes it rough, and decided she should try wrestling. The bitch who watched… and laughed as ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward broke your fiancée’s leg… ending what could have been a record title reign.”

Misty raises an eyebrow, wondering how to respond to Kittie’s last statement. “Let’s also not forget that “Hot Stuff” Mark Ward is now OUR boss. I haven’t forgotten what he did to Spike, but at the same time, all that is in the past and Spike is healed now. He could be wrestling now too, but he chose not to.”

The waitress finally returns with Misty’s Iced Tea and sets it in front of her. Misty nods as if saying “Thank You.” She squeezes the lemon into the tea, stirs it and takes a sip.

“As for Angelica.” Misty lets out a small laugh. “I really have nothing to say about her. She’s the type of woman who gives us real wrestlers a bad image. She can’t fight, and if she were put into the ring with me, I’d prove it. Too bad she’s not facing us this week.”

Kittie shakes her head once more, shooting her eyes at Misty like daggers. She clinches her napkin in her fist as her nostrils flare. “How can you be so naïve?! As soon as you left, he dropped the Mr. Nice Guy act. He is NOT over it, by far. I didn’t win last week by being naïve. And we won’t win next week by being naïve, either!”

She unclenches the napkin, as if to return to “normal” again. In a bit of shame, she looks down at her ruined napkin, poking at it with her finger.

Misty seems taken aback by Kittie’s sudden outburst, but she isn’t surprised. She is curious about one thing, however.

“And how is it that you seem to know more about my fiancée than I do?” She questions, almost sounding suspicious. “You haven’t lived with him for the past six years or so have you? No. I know he’s not over it, but I’m trying to help him GET over it. Holding grudges and being angry about stuff that happened in the past isn’t healthy. Especially around my daughter.”

Kittie nods her head quickly, humming “Mmmhmm, mmmhmmmm, mmhmm…” She takes a deep breath and looks up to Misty, her eyes innocent and empty. “I’m sorry.”

The words cause shock to both of them, but is quickly interrupted by the overwhelming stench of Drakkar Noir and cigars as the handsome older gentleman rounds the corners with a smile upon his face. He sheds his jacket quickly and hands it to the small lady escorting him to the table. He winks at her and then looks over to the table, giving off the signature Staggs half smile as he sits down across the table from the two women. He sits so that Kittie’s hopes of not having to look at him are shattered, but only half way between them. He stretches his arms out over the back of the booth with a sigh.

“I will take a bottle of your finest merlot.” He clicks his jaw for effect before turning back around to face the two ladies in front of him. “First off, let me congratulate Kittie for the upset win last week. I was very surprised that the veterans didn’t hand you your ass in a doggy bag when they were done with you.” He smiles and chuckles as he extends his hand across the table to Kittie. Instead of a handshake, she roughly snorts her nose and places a loogie in his hand before placing it closed with a smile.

“And fuck you very much for the kinda compliment.” She smiles politely before returning to talking to Misty. “I understand. He’s just a friend, and I hate to see him, or any of my friends having trouble. You two have been there for me, and I just wanted to be there too, I guess.”

Erik wipes his hand clean with a look of utter shock and disgust on his face. Misty looks at him from the corner of her eye, doing her best not to laugh. He extends his hand to Misty as well, but she ignores it completely.

“Erik,” she says without a care. “It’s always a…pleasure…to see you.” She exaggerates with the sarcasm as she refuses to acknowledge him further.

“Well, Spike is fine, I can assure you that.” She says to Kittie. “I’m trying to keep the peace with Mark Ward anyway, because with him as one of our bosses, he can very well book me in a jello match just to be an ass. Not that I’m saying he would anyway. I’m sure Christian Underwood could hopefully prevent that from happening in any situation.”
Erik Staggs lets out an arrogant laugh before shrugging his shoulders and pointing back to himself with his thumbs. “Hello, I’m Erik Staggs, your business manager. I kind of have an investment in you two, and I’d like to make sure we are all on the same page here… Where is Angelica?”

As the waitress sets down his glass, she also hands him a card, which he reads silently. He tosses the card in the air and slams his fists down on the table. “Great! She isn’t showing up, and you two are hosting your own version of The View. What is it the kids are saying these days on facespace and mybook? FML?”
Misty rolls her eyes and doesn’t even attempt to correct his technologically illiterate use of words. “FYI, Erik Staggs, I don’t need you as a business manager. I don’t even remember how I got involved in this whole company in the first place.”
She turns her head and looks at him, this time with a smile. “I’m sure you could find Angelica wherever Mark Ward might be right now. Either that, or I’m sure she is working the poles at one of the many strip clubs somewhere in town. Her presence won’t be missed. I can assure you of that.”
Erik crinkles his noise as if to oblige Misty somewhat, but his nature is that of a viper, loud and fatal. “You are so right. Really, I mean, you both did such an amazing job in the ring last week. But, do you know who brought in the most royalties in all of the interviews, name drops, youtube virals, merchandise sales, and bids on their contracts? I will give you a clue…” He point to Misty, winks and says, “Not you.” He moves over to Kittie, and then lowers his gaze before spewing his venom. “Oh, and not you, but Angelica… So, I’m sure that she won’t be missed!”

He takes a sip from his wine glass, and then sets it down to collect his thoughts for just a moment. “And to say you don’t need me is just rich, Misty… Just rich! How do you think Spike could afford that nice home of yours without stepping foot in a wrestling ring in about 5 years? Do you think he wished upon a star? Do you think he asked the Good Witch, and just had to click his heels together three times? Because I’m pretty sure it is from his cut of royalties, and promotion of his book sales. So, you are right. He doesn’t need me, but he does… For you and Timothy, and that little doll Eden.”
“Oh damn I forgot!” Misty replies sarcastically. “Because YOU were the one who got into that ring and wrestled all those years. YOU were the one who took beating after beating…injury after injury. You were the one who put your blood, sweat and tears to fight for the numerous championships. Ha!” She laughs.

Kittie tilts her head to the side, and pouts out her lips as if to be saddened. “But, Erik. I thought Staggs Entertainment was like a family. I thought it wasn’t about the money. It was supposed to be about the fellowship, wasn’t it? Now, I just feel duped.”

Erik gives her a quick stare before looking between the two, catching Misty biting her fist to subdue a laugh. He rolls his icy blue eyes and continues with the matter at hand.

“We need to focus on your match. You are both teaming with the vivacious Allison Summers, someone I don’t know much about, and I assume neither of you do. Then, you will be taking on Fantasia, a legend in women’s wrestling… as well as Rebecca Blade, who I’m not very familiar with. I have heard that Raynin is one who knows her way around a wrestling ring. She is a force to be reckoned with. But maybe, instead of talking about that, Misty could spit in my other hand, and Kittie could tell me how she doesn’t need me as a manager.”

He tries to hold a straight face, but doesn’t last more than three seconds before he laughs at the absurdity of that statement.

Kittie leans forward, grabbing onto the shiny red tie draping from Erik’s black shirt. She pulls on it, bringing Erik to eye level with her. She melts his icy eyes with the fire in hers.

“Last week wasn’t a fluke, Erik. I’m breaking free of everything that people have said over the past few years thanks to Dr. Liddell’s help. I’m channeling my anger into wrestling, and you have been seeing results. 3WL tag champs with Nyako, and Number One Contendership to the World Championship, and the only reason I can’t list it as a won championship is because bad management caused the place to close down. What these ladies don’t see is that I am focused on one thing, and that is being crowned the first Bombshell Champion. If I have to tag with a no-name like Allison Summers, at least I know I have Misty on my side. I have no doubt that we will win this one.

“I pinned Fantasia last week. The veteran that you claim should have handed me my ‘ass in a doggy bag’. Misty and I are the only real competition in the division, and I respect her. Anyone else better expect to see the not-so-nice side of me. This week, Allison has a pass from being P*ssy Whipped. Raynin, Fantasia, Rebecca Blade…”

Kittie stops and shakes her head before letting go of Erik’s tie, allowing him to gently sit back in his seat. The waitress walks over to the table with a half smile, but the rest looks very worried and surprised at the same time. Once she sees they have calmed down, she speaks up loudly.

“You order now?”

Climax Control Archives / Candy Clouds of Lullaby
« on: October 06, 2011, 09:50:04 PM »
 Color Index
(Part 1) Dr. Liddell (Part 2) The Old Friend

”Lilly is an investment banker.  She put together my portfolio, and I’ve brought in millions from her genius…”

Katalya McPherson Session 618- Dr. Tanya Liddell Surveillance tape from 10-31-1986

The surveillance tape rolls inside of what appears to be a police station interrogation room.  The feedback from the voice is not very clear, but the child-like innocence from the voice is authentic and warming despite the cold steel surrounding the long-haired little girl.  So angelic in her white night gown, her light blond hair trailing down her back, and down the sides of her face perfectly.  Her face is smudged, but it is hard to tell the color of the smudges due to the black and white tape.  Every now and then, the remote signal causes cross feed, blurring the screen momentarily.

Despite her rough looks, the girl is beaming with a smile that seems to emulate the warmth of ten suns.  She politely clasps her hands in front of her on the cold steel table in front of her.  She looks over to a dark-haired man in front of her, giving him an empty gaze that would seem to imply childhood innocence to the untrained eye, but this detective was all but untrained.

“So, your cat gives you investment tips? Maybe I should talk to her…”  Being polite, he gests, but his eyes, and his thoughts are focused on one thing, and one thing only.  “Does someone want your millions?  Did mommy and daddy try to take it away from you?”

The little girl gazes around the room, as if trying to get a clue of how to answer.  After a moment of this, she returns her dead stare back to the detective.  “I would share my bubble gum with Caleb, but he only likes the grape.  I like strawberry.  Mommy always buys us each our own so we don’t have to fight.  But sometimes, we like to mix them, and we trade pieces when we chewed em already. It’s not very hygenie-ic but we like to.”

The detective folds his hands together, he leans down to get to eye level with her, trying to see past her childish demeanor to see down to the real issue, but even he is having a hard time.  “I want to ask you some questions, Kittie.  Can I call you that?”

Young Kittie nods her head happily.  “Like a kitty cat.  Mommy and Daddy and Caleb and Gramma n Grampa call me that. Kittie Cat.  But my name is Kat-ayyy-lee-uh.  One time Caleb called me butthead, but I didn’t like that not at all.”

“I promise I won’t call you… butthead… if you let me ask you some questions, okay?”

Kittie looks down to her thumbs as she twiddles them slowly, nodding her head.  Her smile fades as she looks down to her thumbs.  “Okay Mr. Mike.”

“That’s Detective Mr. Mike…”  He gives a forced smile that convinces Kittie to crack a small smile as well, but her gaze remains on her thumbs which endlessly chase each other.  “I’m not used to talking with children, because I don’t have any myself, and this might be a little hard.  If you need me to stop, just let me know and we can take a break, okay?”


“What do you remember about the last few days?”

Kittie’s thumbs begin swirling faster and faster as she sputters incoherent sounds.  She takes a deep breath with her lips still moving.  “It wasn’t our fault.  We were good kids, he said it!  Daddy took it one step too far and he got what was coming to him, he said!  He did say that!”  Kittie’s nostrils flare up as she continues to twirl her thumbs.  Her eyes widen as if staring past her twiddling thumbs, through the table, to the center of the Earth.  “Caleb held my ears so I couldn’t hear them making cotton candy.  I like cotton candy, but the machines scare me.  They sure do!  He said there were unicorns if I just closed my eyes and called for them.  I didn’t see them, but I saw Lilly.  She talked to me, and told me about investment banking.  She also told me there would be lots of cotton candy…”

Kittie stops talking, and her thumbs stop twiddling.  Her eyes seem to stay completely still as her lips quiver.  She shakes a little, except her eyes.  They stay completely still, and empty.

Detective slowly reaches his hand over across the table, trying to console the six year old Kittie, but she gets up from her seat quickly, and with a blood curdling scream, she shouts “STOP!!!!!!!  STOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!  MOTHERF*CKING BRATS STOP SCREAMING!!!”

She backs up against the wall, and once she touches the cold metal reinforced wall, she seems to understand the weight of what is going on.  Shocked for a second, she slides down the wall and bursts into tears.


Kittie stands in front of the television, staring at it coldly, an expression of indifference spread on like a finely crafted porcelain mask.  Standing next to her is Dr. Liddell, wearing a red business suit with a black blouse underneath, and a bright red scarf around her neck.

Dr. Liddell watches Kittie closely, looking out for any sign of emotion.  Her notebook is not on hand, but she is taking mental notes.  She comes up short as Kittie simply bats her eyelashes at the screen, then looks over to the doctor.

”You don’t want me to watch the whole thing this time?  Do I need to study the way I cried for another fifteen minutes before they brought me out to see Caleb?”

While normally Kittie would be sarcastic, she is being fully serious.  Her eyes locked onto Dr. Liddell, waiting for further instruction.

Dr. Liddell’s eyes sparkle with a sense of astonishment.  She lightly claps her hands together before moving toward Kittie with her arms stretched out for a hug.  Instead of hugging, she grips herself tightly as if to imitate giving a hug to Kittie.

”Kittie! I am very proud of you.  This is a major breakthrough for you!  You are learning to keep your emotions in check, and soon enough, we can go back to visits once a month, just like you wanted it.”

”It’s not a breakthrough.  It’s just the fifty fifth freakin’ time you’ve had me watch it.  After a while, the pain of those memories just fades to nearly nothing…  Or at least to a level I can tolerate.”

Dr. Liddell releases her imitation hug, her face melting into a bit of a frown.  She reaches out for Kittie’s hand, which Kittie hesitantly accepts.  The doc walks her over to her desk to sit in the chair across from her own desk chair.

As they sit down, Dr. Liddell reaches under her desk and pulls out a chilled bottle of water for Kittie, and one for her self.  Kittie takes the bottle, and slowly begins peeling the label from it.

”Now, Kittie, I feel like you are just being a bit humble about your accomplishments.  Why don’t you just repeat the exercise that Detective Mister Mike asked you to demonstrate in the video?  But I want you to dig down deep, and really open up about that night.  If you can do that, even you can’t deny it is an accomplishment.  In 25 years, you have only really scratched the surface yourself.  These suppressed memories need to come to light so that you can deal with them.”

Kittie wants to argue, but she simply cannot think of a reason why she shouldn’t attempt the exercise, other than the fact that it might be difficult to deal with.  She clasps her hands together on the table in front of her, nodding her head in approval.  Without realizing it, she begins twiddling her thumbs, just as she had done almost 25 years ago in the video.

She closes her eyes and tries to focus hard.  Waiting on the doctor to begin questioning, she takes deep breaths, in… and out… In… and out…

”Does someone want to take your millions away from you?  Mommy and daddy?”

”Me and my brother didn’t kill my parents, you cocky prick… And I like strawberry bubble gum.  Next question.”

Astonished, Dr. Liddell takes a second to digest Kittie’s paraphrasing.  Kittie’s jaw clinches a bit, but she practices her breathing exercises more thoroughly.  Eventually, she eases her jaw again, giving Dr. Liddell the signal to proceed.

”I know it is painful for you, but would you mind if I asked you some questions about what happened that night?”

”Kittie Cat… Katalya… Dead family members, yes you can ask me questions.”

Kittie’s breaths become a bit more rapid and shallow, causing her to struggle just a little harder to breath.  Her eyes move around rapidly underneath her eyelids, and just a hint of sweat gathers above her neatly manicured brows.  She lowers her head just a little bit, waiting for the doctor to continue.

”Now, Kittie, I want you to DIG DEEP.  I want you to really try here.  You are not 6 years old anymore.  Can you tell me, what happened in the last few days, referring to the days leading up to the video?”

Kittie’s breaths become another notch more erratic and she fights back trembles.  Dr. Liddell slowly reaches for her notebook, and then quickly snatches up her pen without making a peep to disrupt Kittie’s train of thought.

Kittie’s lips slowly work their way up to a full tremble.  She opens her mouth now, gasping for air.

A large man pushes his way through the white bedroom door of Kittie and Caleb’s parent’s room.  Their parents are laying in bed, reading until the sudden sound startles them.  His black work boots hit heavy against the floor as he slowly approaches their bed.

Across the hallway, Kittie watches as the man closes the door.  Being the precocious child she was, she had to get up to investigate.  Hesitantly, she puts her feet on the floor one at a time, and she pulls herself from her pink fluffy bed covered in stuffed animals.  Worried, she clears her throat as she approaches her door.  She opens her mouth to call for her mommy, when a small hand reaches just around the corner to cover her mouth.  She struggles to talk, but the hand muffles her, much to her own irritation.

”A big man, dressed all in black went into my parent’s room loudly.  He woke me and Caleb up from our sleep.  Caleb made sure we didn’t make a sound before he brought me back into my room, and closed my door.  It was too late to make a lot of noise..”

”It’s too late to talk loud, Kit.  We gotta play hide n’ seek from the man.  He wants to find us, but we can’t let ‘em.”  Caleb had always been the voice of reason between them.  He doesn’t let Kittie protest before trying to push her into her closet, soon following.

”I was… so scared now.  He tried to tell me we were playing, but I knew better than that.  The man was so loud, and my parents, and the dogs...  ‘HE DESERVED IT, YES HE DID!’  Like a broken record.  Everyone yelled, until the loud BANG BANG BANG BANG!”

After two loud gunshots, the last two were accompanied by the yelping of two dogs, followed by Mrs. McPherson’s loud cries.  Caleb went to put his hands over Kittie’s ears, but by this time, her bedroom door had been kicked in.  The loud sound caused Kittie to scream in terror, giving away their hiding spot.

”After that, it all cuts out… I only remember…”

Scattered memories collect in an incoherent, fragmented mess of screams, whimpers…

”He held my ears so tight, but my eyes took every bit of it in.  There was blood…  Cold, dead, empty eyes staring at us.  I don’t know for how long.  I hated him…”

Huddled over inside of a dog cage, the young boy clinches his hands around his sisters ears, his own eyes closed, full of dreaded tears.  He kept yelling something, over and over, but the sound is muffled.

“Close your eyes, Kittie!  Keep them closed!”

Kittie’s eyes shoot open, and immediately she jumps out of her chair, kicking it behind her.  She lets out a primal scream as she knocks every last thing in reach off of the desk, causing Dr. Liddell to shoot up from her chair, quickly taking her computer monitor off of the desk, grasping it against her chest, as she watches.


”Kittie, you are not mad at me.  You are mad at him… Channel that properly.  Your match!”

Kittie paces back and forth, the rage in her eyes so strong, so intense, that she barely has any bit of control.  She walks over to the wall nearest the door, and she leans against it with all of her strength.

”I want to see him.  Arrange for me to see him, Liddell.  I don’t care what it takes, you make it happen.”

”I don’t think that is a good idea.  If you thought this episode was bad, then who knows how you will react to seeing him.”

Kittie turns around, removing her hands from the wall she almost intended to move with the way she was pushing on it.  She leans against the wall and slowly slides down, almost to a sitting position.  She places her hands on her knees before placing her head firmly against the wall with a THUMP noise.

”All these years, you’ve said that.  Did ya maybe think it might help me to get a vivid picture of what happened that night, and also allow me to see the only person there to protect me from what happened?  The one who went into an asylum by shaving off just enough trauma from me to keep me out of one?”

Dr. Liddell finally feels a sense of calm, enough to where she sets her monitor back down on her desk, focusing on it to adjust it to the right angle.  She brushes off her blouse as if some non existing dust were covering it.  Once satisfied with the result, she pushes her chair back up to the desk.  Her eyes are focused on Kittie as she cautiously makes her way over to her.  She squats down to get at eye level with Kittie, so to make sure she understands clearly.

”You bring back a little more each time we do these exercises, and slowly you are filling in the missing pieces.  If you go to see him, looking for these answers… I fear it will be too much, too quick.  Does that make sense?  We don’t need you getting put into an asylum next to your brother.  It isn’t what he would have wanted for you.  Do you understand?”

Kittie’s eyes lower to her interlacing fingers as she slowly regains control of her breathing.  The fire in her eyes slowly decreases, but it never goes out.  She takes one big breath, slowly letting it out.

”I understand what you mean, Doc.  I really do.  But you don’t seem to get it.  I don’t have a protector.  I don’t have a safe zone.  I don’t have a sense of stability.  Everyone else is dead and gone.  Gram, Gramp, Mom, Dad, Lilly, Billy, Roxie…  The closest thing to family is Jamie and Spike, Misty and the kids…

“I just haven’t seen him in almost 10 years because you thought it was unhealthy.  He is in a cage now, and he needs someone to give him some sort of comfort.  He is still in there somewhere, and I need to see him.  Even if it’s only to visit?”

Trying to hold back the tears, one escapes from her eye, rolling gently down her cheek..  This is something never before seen from the tough as nails, hard as a rock exterior, die hard warrior woman.  Her eyelids clinched closed, she lowers her head as if to hide it from Dr. Liddell.

”That wasn’t so hard, now was it?  As for visiting your brother, I still don’t think it is healthy for you.  But, if you feel so adamant about it, we could try your method…  But first, let’s set a goal for you.  If you take the next few days to train, reflect, and make frequent entries in your journal, then I will talk to his doctor about setting up a visit.  And if you win your match, maybe we will throw in an ice cream cone…”

Picking up on the note of sarcasm, Kittie lets out the faintest of laughs, using it mostly to choke back her other emotions threatening to burst out from within.  She lifts her head up, looking at the doctor with a sly smirk upon her face.

”That one hasn’t worked since I was 9 years old.’

”Well, deny it all you want, but everyone likes ice cream…”

Dr Liddel returns to a standing position, straightening out her clothing as she does so.  She walks back over to her desk and takes a seat, making sure to avoid the clutter strewn about the floor.  She takes a moment, tapping her fingers against the desk to see if Kittie has anything further she would like to discuss on the matter.

”Now, I promised our employer that I would make sure you were in the proper mindset for your match this week.  From last week, it seemed that you had really boosted your confidence level.  You really seemed to know where you stood on the topic.  Since their promos have come out… is there anything that you would like to further discuss on that end?”

Kittie rises from her sitting position, leaning against the wall for posterity.  She comes back over to the chair she had been sitting in before, resting herself down gently.  She flips her hair out of her face before folding her hands in front of her.

”I covered most of it last week before I even saw their promos.  I still pretty much feel the same way.  Except there is one ass biscuit that seems to talk a LOT about people he has no business talking about.  Someone who needs to keep his insinuations to himself before he pisses off someone who will likely come and rip his head off…  And to call Las Vegas ‘his city’ is ridiculous.  Nine months in the town, and you think you own it?  Try living here your whole f*cking life!  At least some people here know my name…

“But, he isn’t in my match, and he better thank God he isn’t.  But someone who is in my match, and seems to have an inflated ego, is Fantasia… Former champion, former lame moniker, longest reigning champion of some fed most of the world has never heard of…  Bragging about that would be like bragging about how I held the UCW Hellkat Championship for a month.  It isn’t prestigious, it doesn’t really amount to a damn thing as far as I’m concerned.  All it says is that she hasn’t accomplished anything in recent history, which really does only put her on par with me.  I like her confidence though.  I really do admire it, even if I do think it seems a bit stale.  Outdated by a good ten years…

“Misty is the one I’m concerned about.  She has had 3 fairly recent title reigns from GXW.  She still has the belt in her trophy room if I remember right.  She is as relentless as I am.  She has proven herself to the newer generations of wrestlers time and time again.  That’s something I haven’t done… Yet!  As much as I hate to have to make an impact by defeating a friend in our debut match, it’s very important that I do.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I don’t underestimate her, and I hope for her own benefit that she doesn’t underestimate me.”

Dr. Liddell clasps her hands together neatly over her notebook as her dark eyes rest upon Kittie.  She smiles at the resilience of the young bombshell.

”You mentioned that Misty is the closest thing to a sister that you have.  I know it must make it hard for you, considering the rather delicate situation she is in.  She has her small child watching, her teenage boy, and her husband watching.  How does it make you feel to know that your ‘family’ won’t even be cheering for you?  And knowing the children will be watching… How does that impact your mindset going into this match?”

To be honest, Kittie never really thought about having not one single soul in her corner for this bout.  The realization comes out crystal clear as she lowers her eyes once again to the table.

”To be honest, it sucks a little.  But wrestling is my life.  It’s all I’ve had since my valet days.  It slowly filled that hole deep inside, and since the first time I stepped in that ring, I never really had anyone in my corner.  Not having anyone in my corner now is no different than any other time I came out victorious.”

Kittie lifts her eyes from the desk, as if staring at a third person in the room, behind Dr Liddell.  Fixated on something, she clinches her jaw as she continues.

”With the exception of a few months of wrestling tag with Nyako, I haven’t ever truly had anyone pulling for me, but my drive hasn’t ever been impacted by that.  This is for me.  This is to prove to ME that I can do it.  For so long I’ve had to valet, manage, job, work the shit matches, play the floozy, bow down to the burned out legends who need the money because they are no longer relevant, make the pretty girls look like they have even an ounce of talent, breaking candy jars over Amazonian dipshits because they stole what I worked so hard to earn…  No more!  It’s time the world sees exactly what I’m capable of.  I refuse to sit back and take it!  The only way to be taken serious at all, is for me to walk into Climax Control and show it right out of the gate.

“I don’t give two shits, or a f*ck who gets in my way.  Misty will likely do the same.  She just better hope that Eden isn’t watching, because I would hate it if that little doll were to see what I might do to her mother.  I wouldn’t want her to turn out scarred like me.  I know from experience, watching your parent bleed does things to the head.  Hopefully Spike will put her to bed early Sunday night…”

”I’m in awe, Kittie.  That’s very powerful, and it sounds like you truly are convinced that you will, in fact, walk out of Climax Control victorious.  He will be very happy to hear that…”

* * * * * * *

**Part II: An Old Friend

-Just hours before Climax Control-

The arena door slowly opens, giving a quick peek at the frantic backstage action leading up to the show. The long white hallway of locker rooms, offices, and refreshment tables are crowded by busy worker bees, buzzing along with their own important tasks.  No familiar faces, no one even taking notice of the intensely cold woman making her way through, dodging the different crews, the whining talent that is unhappy with their accommodations, the interviewers more interested in getting a word with the fresh faces and the accomplished talent.

Kittie’s long flowing hair bobs behind her as she bumps shoulders with a man holding a clipboard.  He stops to look her up and down, noticing her black baby tee sporting a pink skull, her Tripp pants with pink straps and silver chains, and matching bracelets.  He scowls at her, shaking his head in disbelief.  “Young lady, how did you get back here?  Security around here sucks.  Go back to your parents and go in the fan access entryways!”

”I’m a wrestler, you twit.”  She pauses for just a moment to study his nonchanging expression.  “I’m Kittie… I have a match tonight.  Still not ringing a bell?”

”Oh, the jobber fighting Fantasia and Misty. Women’s locker room is just dow-uhhh!”  Kittie finally decides against thanking the guy for directing her toward the locker room by grabbing onto his shirt, pinning him against the wall.  She digs her silver claws into his shirt, causing the wide eyed tech to sputter what may or may not be an apology.  Kittie shakes with anger, even letting out a low pitch growl at the balding man.  Kittie takes a deep breath, and lowers her gaze to her hands, slowly letting go of the man’s shirt.  She point her fingers at her face assertively.

”Remember this face, because it’s going to be the next face of the Bombshell division.  You will see.  They all will…”

Kittie slowly takes a few steps backward before disappearing down the hallway, almost blending into the crowd.

”I’m starting to really notice a difference with the intensive therapy, but now and then, I just… lose it.  In this business, that can be a good thing, but not always.  I got that one under control, but who knows how the next one will go.”

Kittie makes her way toward the door of the Women’s Locker Room.  Out of the corner of her eye, she notices a dark figure leaning against the wall.  Black, messy spiked up hair, over a pale white face, those icy blue eyes the jewels of his finely crafted face.  Upon noticing Kittie, the man pushes off of the wall and turns toward her, his lips curling into a smile, causing his lip ring to shine for a brief second in the light.

”Well, well.  If it isn’t Ms. Kittie Cat.”

His deep, slightly raspy voice booms out at her, almost startling her for a moment, before her mind clears and she realizes who it is.  She wraps her arms around him in a friendly embrace, feeling the coolness of his leather jacket against her warm cheeks.

”Spike Staggs…  How is everyone?”

”Kids are great.  They are really a handful, especially Eden.  But I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  How have you been?  It’s been a while…”

Kittie nods her head, trying to break the gaze between the two.  Small talk just isn’t either of their strong suits.  Avoiding the obvious topic of conversation just doesn’t seem to be much of an option anymore.

”Look…  I hope the kids aren’t here to see this, Spike.  I love Misty to death, and tonight will not be anything personal, but I’m going to give it my best shot.  I don’t want to upset you, but I won’t hold back, and I don’t expect Misty to either.”

Spike’s eyes twinkle in an odd sense of pride.  His signature half smile shines through his dark exterior as an awkward moment of silence is shared between the two, broken only by Spike’s deep chuckle Kittie looks away for a second before taking a step back.

”The kids are here tonight because of the SEI mandatory gathering of support, but I promise you I will keep Eden’s eyes from the match… I would be disappointed in either of you if you held back, especially with the stakes so high.  You and I have been through a lot since GCW, and I wouldn’t hold it against you if you did what you had to do… Between you and I.  As long as you keep it within the realm of fair competition.”

Kittie tilts her head to the side upon hearing SEI (Staggs Entertainment Inc).  This organization of wrestlers was founded by Spike’s uncle, and boasts an impressive roster within several different wrestling organizations throughout the world.  It is her tie to Spike initially, as well as her entry to the wrestling world.

”SEI?  Support?”

”Yeah, everyone will be in attendance tonight to cheer you and Misty on.  I would have been here either way for that.”

[yellow]Kittie places her hand on the door knob, ready to enter until the thought of running into Misty before the match really entered her mind.

”Is she…?”

”No, not yet.  I’ve been waiting to surprise her.  I’m just glad I got to let you know you do have a fan out there rooting for you, both of you.”

”I need to get ready for my match.  I need to get my head straight before I see Misty…”

”You two will figure it out, I’m sure.  Next week, it will be like nothing ever happened.”

"I kind of doubt that, Spike... But thanks for wishing me luck..."

Kittie smiles and nods before turning back toward the door.  Spike places his index and middle finger against his forehead, saluting Kittie as she disappears through the door.  He leans back against the wall, looking around for Misty once more.


Climax Control Archives / Bottled Rage: An Introduction
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:26:41 PM »

“It has been a while since you have stepped into the ring. Are you sure you can handle it?”

There has always been something about this office that settled well with Kittie.  All of her cares and worries melted away with her visits to her therapist, Dr, Tanya Liddell. Perhaps the dim mahogany motif reminds her of her father’s study. Maybe the strong aroma of roses coming from the air fresheners strategically placed around the room reminds her of the rose bushes in front of her childhood home. Or maybe it was the extra comfortable couch Kittie is sprawled out on. Any way, it is soothing her to the point that her usual guard is down.

Kittie: It’s been 4 years… I don’t even believe it. Seems like just yesterday I was celebrating my last victory for the 3WL World Championship contendership with Ny. It was the victory that was supposed to make everything better.

Kittie takes a deep breath, feeling the anger start to surface. She looks over across to a chair where a slender brunette sits, tapping her pen lightly against her notepad.  Her hair is tucked neatly up in a bun, and her glasses reminiscent of a secretly sexy librarian. Sensing this tension surfacing, she extends her hand out toward Kittie.

Dr. Liddell:  Katalya, you know that you are in a safe place right now, and letting out your anger would not be a bad thing. It is the best way to dig down to the deeper issue here.  Don’t you agree?

The tone of her voice sounds very soothing, but also very forced.  Leave it to Kittie to pick up on this.

Kittie: Do I look like a fricken five year old Doctor? Because I don’t think I do, and I would appreciate it if you would treat me like an adult.

Dr. Liddell smirks with a sense of satisfaction as she adjusts herself in her seat, crossing her left leg over her right, showing off her perfectly toned legs covered in black nylons.

Dr. Liddell Good, Kittie. Let it out. It’s only natural to hide your true feelings with anger, and to get to the root, you need to shed this anger. That is why I suggested wrestling again.

Kittie: Well, as I was saying, that victory was supposed to make everything better. I was supposed to go on and fight the champion to prove to myself that all of the scamming, all of the screwjobs I have gone through in my wrestling career were all in my head… Well, they weren’t.  The place closed down before I even had a chance to wear that gold.  And their reunion show? What a load of shit. I didn’t even get to face the champion, some washed up hag got to… And Ny and I were stripped of our Tag Team Championships for no reason whatsoever. *angry chuckle* And you tried to label me as a paranoid schizophrenic, but I proved you wrong…

Dr Liddell takes notes, scribbling across the paper while still looking over at Kittie. Almost a sort of taunting look is what meets her gaze. Kittie leans up from her spot on the couch, letting her long hair drape down her back freely.  She adjusts her black leather studded bracelet as her blue eyes turn aflame.

Kittie: You wanted to put me on those damned medications to turn me into a robot. A manufactured bimbo like any of those 3WL hookers, or the GCW skanks, or the GXW whores!

Dr Liddell: I still maintain that you use one experience in one organization to justify your delusions, Kittie. I never said you were schizophrenic either. Haven’t we talked about putting words in other people’s mouths?

As if Kittie doesn’t even hear Dr Liddell, she stands up from the couch and begins to frantically pace.

Kittie: I will tell you this. Having to face Misty is going to be a challenge, because she is a bitch, the same way I am. It defies the laws of nature, but we get along. We see eye to eye, and we respect each other.  She deserved to be a 3 time champion. She deserved the glory, unlike that….

Kittie kicks over an end table with a lamp on it, causing it to crash to the ground.  The sudden outburst should affect Dr. Liddell, but it doesn’t.  She just scribbles faster on her notepad and then lifts her glasses up to further inspect the rapid, shallow, angry breaths of Kittie.

Dr. Liddell: That’s very good, Kittie. I will bill you for the lamp, but it’s healthy to work through your aggressions!  We need to see more of that!

Kittie:… that BITCHMUFFIN Michelle Andretti!!  She comes in and runs the place. She couldn’t wrestle her way out of a paper bag!

Dr Liddell: Let me ask you this… Are you mad at her, or are you really just disappointed in your performance?

Kittie is brought back to this dimension at these words.  She turns to her therapist with an angry glare on her face, until the soothing environment comes back to calm her down.  She plops down on the couch the way a 3 year old pouting would, crossing her arms over her chest. However, her eyes lower in dismay, avoiding the doctors stare.

Kittie: My performances were top notch since re-entering GXW.  Nothing less than stellar.

Dr Liddell: Your problem is that you think you deserve recognition, simply because all of the other ladies are getting it. You admitted to me that when you were a manager, you wanted to get in the ring. That was all you talked about for a year, that you could do what the other ladies did, only better.  Then, once you stepped into the ring, you felt you deserved a win before the bell even rang.

Kittie glares up through the long strands of hair trickling down her face, biting her bottom lip in a mixture of guilt and denial.

Dr. Liddell: Once you won a match, you felt you deserved a championship.  You have ambition, but you desire instant gratification. You are no better than your opponents for the opening show. You are to rage what Fantasia is to lust.

Kittie: Don’t you dare even compare me to that… tramp.

Dr Liddell takes note of Kittie’s words with the slightest of smirks, stopping what she is writing to gaze at Kittie in her fragile, childlike state.

Dr. Liddell:  Lust is also a yearning for instant gratification through sexual experiences.  If you think about it, you really are the same as Fantasia.  She seeks out to satisfy her most carnal urges of passion and fury.  You seek out to satisfy your most carnal desires of passion and fury.  So, to compare you to Fantasia is really not an opinion, but a solid fact.  There is a void within you both that aches to be filled through very primal interactions with other humans.  Perhaps even similar reasons.  Maybe she also has abandonment issues?  There is a wanton need to satisfy the desires of others around you.  Your methods might be different, but your passion comes from similar seeds planted in your brains.

Dr. Liddell watches Kittie while she speaks to her, noting that Kittie is now rocking back and forth, whispering to herself as she does.  She clasps her hands over the notebook, as if to hopefully give off the impression that she is a friend with a sympathetic shoulder instead of a therapist making ungodly amounts of money to be there.

Dr. Liddell: Go on. Externalize your feelings. Remember, safe environment here.

Kittie continues to rock and whisper, but she soon slows down and opens her eyes once more.  Eventually she stops, thinking for a moment.

Kittie: Unlike Fantasia, I don’t need to rely on my T&A to distract and reel the fans in. I don’t need anyone on my side to get the job done.  My track record might not show it, but I get results.  I train and work out six days a week. I perfect myself, and prepare myself for this.  I obsess about winning, and since I have fully dedicated myself to this sport, I have gotten countless wins, and not with cheap tactics and illusions. I do it with pure will.

Dr Liddell: You have never faced Fantasia before. How do you know what to expect? I don’t think you have even been in the same building as her.

Kittie brushes her hair out of her face, making herself comfortable on the couch once more.  She lays back, closing her eyes, taking deep, calming breaths.

Kittie: I don’t honestly know.  I hear she has an impressive record, but I haven’t seen any of it.  As if she has been out of the picture for too long.  There is bound to be some ring rust that needs to be shaken off.  I can’t count on it, but I would bet money on that.

Dr Liddell pauses, waiting for more before she continues on.

Dr. Liddell:  I’m glad to hear that you have been sticking to your regimen of diet and exercise.  I really feel like this is the proper outlet for your rage issues.  It is like making the best of a bad situation, because you are still young, and you are in peak physical condition.  Instead of wasting that, you are using it as a coping tool.  It’s very admirable, and I applaud you.

With a sincere clap of the hands, Dr. Liddell notices a smile forming on Kittie’s face.  This smile was not one of the desired pride, but one that secretly begged the question, “Is this chick serious?”

Dr. Liddell: Now, I want to work very intensively with your buried issues over the course of the next few months.  Once we have peeled back a few layers of anger, maybe we can get down to the real issue at hand and begin working on that so your anger control issues might clear themselves right up.  I will need to increase our visits to twice a week.  Are you okay with this?

Kittie softly mumbles a “Yeah…” before Dr. Liddell looks to the clock on her wall.

Dr. Liddell:  I know this match is important to you.  Before we move on, is there anything else you would like to talk about?  Maybe your feelings on going up against a good friend of yours?  How does that make you feel?

Kittie opens her eyes to stare up at the white ceiling.  She thinks about the question for a moment, ignoring the cliché, and she sighs.

Kittie:  I really don’t know how it makes me feel.  We aren’t best friends.  There is a history there, some good and some not so good.  But, in our off time, we have started mending those differences, and I think that we are better.

Dr. Liddell:  But, I am interested in hearing how you feel about fighting a friend in a hardcore wrestling match, with weapons strewn about.

Kittie pauses once more, as if the thought of fighting her friend with weapons involved has not crossed her mind.

Kittie:  I didn’t even realize it was Hardcore Rules.  Misty is a mom now, and I couldn’t even begin to think what I would do if I rehabilitated her on account of her daughter.  I know her, and she won’t do anything too crazy because of that.  But, she won’t let up.  I’m most afraid of her in this match, honestly.  I have seen what she can do, especially with a weapon in the mix.  She and I will do a lot of things for the win.  She has so much to lose, and I only have room to gain.  She has the advantage there.

Dr. Liddell:  Do you feel this way because of your long-time friendship and career affiliation with her boyfriend, Spike Staggs?

Kittie:  Yes, mostly.  He has been there for me through a lot since I first joined this business, and because of that is why Misty and I became good friends.  His son calls me Aunt Kittie.

Kittie straightens herself out and gets back to business quickly.

Kittie:  I have been wrestling longer than Misty, I haven’t enjoyed the success that Misty has, but this is a new start.  I have no doubt in my mind that Misty will pull out all the stops to put on a good show, just as sure as I will.  If all else, the three of us could steal the night.  All I know is that I will respect my friendship with Misty, I will play one hundred and ten percent fair, but I will not hold back.  Hopefully that is enough to get the first win of the Women’s Division.  Maybe that will fulfill my carnal desires?

Dr. Liddell: Yes, quite possibly.  And, if not, it would be a great start.  Now, in your personal life, have you began to heal from your break up with Nyako?  Have you given any thought to where you would like to go from here?

Kittie gets restless at this question, more so than the questions about wrestling.

Kittie:  I never even considered women before Nyako.  We had a special bond in the beginning, and I’m just not sure that feeling would ever come back with another woman.  I’m just moving on, continuing as I did before her.  I don’t really know what else to say Doc.

Dr. Liddell:  That is a big step from last week.  I’m proud of you.  Now, if we could only get to the root of your obsession with former wrestler and crush, Desperado…

Kittie’s eyes widen, and she instantly leans up from her laying position.  She begins huffing and puffing, trying her hardest not to over react.

Kittie:  Did… you just… say… Dessss… purrrrr… AHHHHHHHHHHDO!?

Kittie grabs the opposing lamp and throws it against the wall, clinching her fists together, trying hard to maintain what composure she might still salvage.

Dr. Liddell: Okay, that’s number two.  I needed new ones anyway…

Kittie stands up abruptly and quickly walks to the door which she shoves open, and quickly disappears through.  Dr. Liddell covers her mouth to try hiding her snickering as she walks over to the door to close it.  Once she knows Kittie is out of hearing range, she lets herself go a little, enjoying a hearty chuckle.  Walking over to her desk with her notepad, she settles in at her computer to enter her data. Giving herself a brief pause, she presses the console on her desk.

Dr. Liddell: Rhonda, please send in maintenance.  My meeting with Katalya ended early again this week.  Broken glass clean up.  Thanks…

After just moments, a voice emerges from the console.

Rhonda:  Yes Dr. Liddell.  Also, you have a call holding on line 3, should I send it through.  He said it was important, but would not give his name.

Dr. Liddell:  Yes, please do.

Typing away at her computer, she hears the phone ring, and picks up the receiver.  Taking a deep breath, she does her best to regain her own composure.

Dr. Liddell:  This is Dr. Tanya Liddell… Ahhh, yes.  Our session just let out a few minutes early.  It was… interesting as always….  The sessions have been more and more about wrestling each week.  We might have had two or three minutes of personal discussion….  Yes, she is motivated…. I know you have a lot riding on her… Yes… Yes…. Um, yes.  I know you aren’t wasting your money on these sessions for nothing.  We have made progress, but I have already said too much…  Look, all I can tell you is this.  She is more motivated than ever, and you have me to thank for that.  I have fixed what needed to be fixed, and broken what needs to be broken in order to make this work.  Trust me.

Still typing away during her phone conversation, she nods her head along with the person on the other line.  Finally irritated, she stops typing, turns in her chair to face the base of the phone, and she rests the palms of her hands flat on her desk.

Dr. Liddell:  No, she doesn’t suspect a thing.  I know for a fact she doesn’t, because she would say something.  She suffers from paranoid delusions, and she still doesn’t see it… Yeah, it’s kind of my job to read between the lines.  So, unless you want to discuss compensation for my damn lamps she broke, then there is nothing more here for us to discuss….  Mmmhmm.  You got it…

Upon hanging the receiver up, she shakes her head with a sort of irritated smile.  She goes back to quickly typing as the scene fades out to black.

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