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Messages - Amanda Cortez

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Climax Control Archives / Your worst Nightmare
« on: March 25, 2015, 07:30:58 AM »
 The last weeks really have been pretty exciting for Amanda. Her career didn’t go very well and she got injured really bad in another company, but thanks God the doctors could fix her knee again. But at SCW it isn’t much better at the moment. She lost the tournament at the PPV, her friend Delia lost her title, Veronica lost against Keira and it seems that the good and glorious times of the Mean Girls are over now.

Everybody in her group seems to be frustrated, and so is Amanda, but she still doesn’t give up. Her partner Vero had taken a break for a few weeks and so she didn’t had to defend her title for a while, but now this break is over and her next match will be a title defense again. This is pretty important for her, because these tag titles are the only titles the Mean Girls still hold and Amanda really doesn’t want to change this. But about her Tag match she doesn’t care much at the moment.

For now she is happy that she was able to defeat Keira, the girl who won against Vero in the last week. It’s not that she really hates Keira, but she wanted a revenge for the Mean Girls and this revenge she got. Now she’s back at home, in her trailer at LA, and tries to relax a bit, even though this is a bit hard at the moment. Normally, till a few weeks ago, she has lived there together with her wife Rose, but then her son Jacobi moved in and also his girlfriend Kiara. Amanda really loves the two and she enjoys it to have them there, but it’s not as quiet anymore as it used to be.

But today it’s a quiet day. Her family is enjoying the day at the beach, but Amanda decided to stay at home and to relax a bit. So she sits there in a deck chair in front of her trailer and dozes a bit, but in some way she can’t really relax. Again she thinks about her chaotic career and about all this trouble at SCW. She had rejoined there to have some fun and to earn some money, but slowly everything escalates. The war between the mean Girls, her stable, and all the other divas becomes worse from week to week and it slowly goes on Amanda’s nerves.

So she still sits in her deck chair, and even though it's such a nice day, her mood isn’t very good. For a moment she wishes that her family would be here, but sadly they are all gone today and so she is alone with her thoughts. She lights a cigarette and inhales deeply, then she laughs a bit. Rose and her family doesn’t like it very much if she smokes, but now nobody can complain.

“Ok Keira, I hope you have learned your lesson. You talked so many shit, especially as you said that you want to take the tag titles from us and you don’t even have a partner. But that wasn’t the worst thing you had done. The worst thing was that you offended my friends again and again. Did you really think that I would let you get away with this shit? It seems that you have forgotten that I’m a Mean Girl too and the same counts for the title stuff. If you wanna take it from the Mean Girls, then you will also have to fight me. So tell me, is this a way to treat a friend?
I wouldn’t say so. I really don’t know what is wrong with you. You, your wife Roxi and me had had so many nice evenings together and I really saw you as my friend and then you started that shit. I really don’t get this.
I had told you that you won against Vero only by luck and you freaked out. Damn, you should have known that you wouldn’t have a chance in a real match against any of the Mean Girls, and I think this I proved last week. We had our match and I took the win. So now you see that all your childish superhero crap didn’t help you in any way and also your partner Roxi couldn’t help you. I already told you what I think about you, you’re no superhero, you’re a superloser and this you have proved last week. So do us all a favor and stop this crap. Do what is best for you and quit this wrestling job, cuz wrestling is a thing you’re really bad in.”

Again Amanda drags at her cigarette. Then she stands up and goes insides to get a drink. A few minutes later she comes back with an ice tea and sits down again. In the past she used to drink alcohol and she also took drugs, but this time is over now. She really doesn’t want to think about wrestling anymore, and now her thoughts go back to her family.

“But anyway, this all isn’t worth my time, I have better things to do. I’m a mom now and I have to take care that my kids are happy, even though they aren’t really kids anymore, they are more young adults. Oh God, I feel so old now, almost like a grandma.”

She laughs a bit, because she’s only 30, but she has been 14 as she got Jacobi. As he moved to her home she has been really happy, but then it became even better. She had heard that he has a girlfriend, Kiara, and she has talked to this girl. In some way Amanda really liked Kiara, but then it looked like there were some tensions between Kiara and Jacobi, at least Kiara said that Jacoby was completely ignoring her. Amanda felt really bad for the young girl and she really wanted to comfort her and so she invited her to live at her home too and Kiara accepted. Now they are a real little patchwork family and Amanda is really happy with how everything develops. She still doesn’t know whether everything is ok again between Kiara and Jacobi, but it seems that the young girl slowly feels better and relaxes a bit. At the beginning she has been really sad, but now it’s a bit better and Kiara enjoys her life again. NNow Amanda hopes that Kiara will find some new friends, but she’s confident, because the young girl is really such a nice person. By the thought of her a smile comes into her pretty face.

"Damn, I never thought that all this would happen to me one day. I already thought that I would never see my boy again, and now I don’t only have a son, I have a daughter too. It’s really so awesome and I love it, even though all this love things can be pretty stressing. Damn, that reminds me of all the stress I had as I was young, but thanks God this is over since I married Rose. Some people might call me a slut, because we have an open relationship, but I would never do anything that could hurt her. I hope with Jacobi and Kiara it’s the same, but there I’m not so sure.
In some way the two don’t talk to each other at the moment and I really don’t know why, but I will find it out. And even if not, I hope that they are still happy here at my house. It really would make me so sad if this wouldn’t be the case.”

Now Amanda sighs and it’s clearly visible that she is a bit worried. It’s really not so easy and in some way she becomes a bit sad, but then Rose comes back from the beach. A bit surprised Amanda sees that she is alone.

“Hey, what’s with the kids? Are they ok?”

Rose knows how much Amanda loves the two and how much her family means to her. So she smiles in a lovingly way and runs her fingers playfully through Amanda’s long red hair.. Then she bends down to Amanda and kisses her gently on the lips.

“Don’t worry about them, they are. And they are old enough to fix their problems alone. I know that you wanna be a good mom, and I can tell you that you are, but this is a thing between the two of them. There’s nothing you can do.”

Amanda hates it to be out of control, as long as it isn’t in the bed room and so she doesn’t like this thought too much, but she knows that Rose is right, like usually, and even though it hurts a bit, she nods in agreement.

“You’re right …I shouldn’t be overprotective. They are almost grown up and such problems happen. And I bet they will find a way to solve their problems, even if it might hurt a bit. But I still will do whatever I can to make them happy. That’s the way a mom thinks and I can’t change it.”

She smiles a bit and looks up to Rose, who sits down at the foot end of the deck chair. She knows that Rose understands her and that she thinks the same way. After being together for so many years, they both know exactly how the other one feels and thinks.

“True ..and you’re a good mom. But now lets talk about something else, or better, let’s do something else. The kids are still at the beach and they know that we two also need some time alone, at least sometimes. So let’s not talk about problems, let’s enjoy this nice day and have some fun.”

Even though it’s a bit strange, Amanda isn’t in the right mood for having fun and so she shakes her head, but Rose already sits on her deck chair and gives her a foot rub. So Amanda has no choice and she begins to purr a bit. She loves this too much and never can resist, but then she tries to pull her feet back.

“Please ..what if the kids come back and see us?”

Knowing how much Amanda loves it to get caressed and teased, Rose doesn’t listen to her and continues with what she does. She smiles voluptuously and laughs a bit at her wife who already became turned on.

“Don’t worry about them, they are busy. So we have some time for us. I doubt that they will come back before the evening. Hehe, I gave them one of your surfboards and now they are busy.”

That’s possible, but Amanda still is a bit worried that they could come back home earlier. She doesn’t want to get caught while doing kinky stuff, not even just making love with Rose and even though she really isn’t square, that would be too embarrassing for her.

“I don’t know …Please .. Or I run away.”

But this doesn’t count and Rose isn’t willing to let her get away, especially as she knows that Amanda doesn’t want her to stop. Normally Rose is more the quiet one, but if she’s in the right mood, she can be really dominant.

“Well, then I might have to tie you to the deck chair. Then you are all mine and you have no chance to run.”

That's a thought Amanda really loves and so she giggles, but she still isn't convinced and now she even tries to pull her feet back, but Rose was prepared and traps Amanda’s ankles between her legs. Then she continues her foot rub, but now she also tickles Amanda’s toes lightly, so that the pretty redhead starts to giggle in such a cute way.

"You're so mean to me ...."

But Rose only laughs at her and continues to tease and tickle her love, enjoying Amanda’s cute and girlish giggling and laughing. Normally Amanda is really dominant and loves it to boss others around, so it is cute to see her all helpless and giggling like a little schoolgirl. But that’s not all, Amanda also looks really pretty and cute when she laughs and giggles.

“So I’m mean? And I thought that you love this …”

And there she is right. Amanda really loves this treatment. So Rose continues a bit longer and now Amanda really laughs and screams. But all her squirming doesn’t help her, Rose isn’t willing to stop so soon. Rose is physically stronger than her wife, but it’s still pretty hard to keep the squirming Mandy under control. For a moment she stops to torture her wife and reaches besides the deck chair. With a smile in her face she shows Amanda a long piece of robe and before Amanda can react, Rose has tied her wrists and ankles to the deck chair. Now she winks at her wife.

"Maybe I should call the kids and they could help me to make you laugh again. I bet they are willing to do so.”

Now Amanda eyes widen in shock and she shakes her head violently. Getting tickled and teased by more than one person is fun, but not if these persons are her kids. This would really be too weird.

“Shit no, you can’t do this. This would be too weird.”

Again Rose laughs. She would never do such a thing and she also doesn’t want to scare Amanda, but teasing her was just too much fun. For a moment she thinks about to continue, but then she decides not to do it.

“Don’t worry, this I wouldn’t do. But only if I can have my fun with you for the rest of the afternoon.”

Amanda really is eased and she smiles. She also loves the thought of being Rose’s slave for the rest of the day and really excited she nods. And then the fun begins. For a few minutes Rose caresses Amanda’s petite body with her finger until the pretty redhead is completely excited, but then she stops it and stands up. With a smile in her face she leaves Amanda alone and goes back to the house, while Amanda’s eyes widen.

“Hey, you can’t leave me alone here …”

A few minutes later Rose comes back and now she has a feather in her hand and shows it to Mandy. Then she begins to caress Amanda’s soft and sensitive skin with the feather and Amanda purrs and giggles again. Rose begins with her armpits, her breasts, her sides, then the tummy follows and slowly she comes to Amanda’s long and pretty legs. This takes a really long time and Amanda already is out of breath and laughs and screams, but as Rose reaches her tiny feet, it is over with the tattooed young woman. She laughs hysterically, especially as Rose runs the feather under and in between her cute little toes, but the laughing is also mixed with moaning now.

Eventually Rose stops it now, but only for a short moment. Then she runs the feather over Amanda’s privates and the poor girl is really out of control. She laughs and screams, but her hips begin to move rhythmically and eventually she can’t hold back any longer and explodes.

But Rose still isn’t dome with Amanda and after a small break the whole treatment begins again. This way she tortures and teases her love for the rest of the afternoon and as she unties Amanda, the poor young woman is completely spent, but also happy again. Now she really has forgotten all her problems and she huddles against Rose, while she tries to catch her breath.

“God damn, that was so mean, but also so wonderful. Hehe, I think tomorrow I will have sore muscles in my tummy from all that laughing. Hehe.”

Then she gets her clothes and Rose helps her to get dressed again. Then she helps Amanda up and the two go back to the house. Amanda had planed to sleep a bit and to recover, but just as she had entered the house, her cell phone rings and she answers it. It’s her stepsister Casey who works for her as her personal trainer and after a small chat Amanda hangs up again. A bit disappointed she looks at Rose.

“Damn, this was Casey. It seems that she has already heard that I have this title defense next week and now she wants to train with me. Shit, that really sucks. Sometimes Casey really goes on my nerves.”

Now Rose laughs a bit. She kisses Amanda on the cheek and huddles her again to comfort her a bit. She knows that Amanda is more the lazy one and that she loves it more to have fun than to spend her time at the gym, but she also knows that Casey is right and that her wife really needs the training.

“Hey, that’s mean. She only wants your best and she wants that you leave the ring, still with the championship belt around your waist.”

Amanda knows that she is right, but she still isn’t in the mood for a training right now, especially as training with Casey always means stress. Her stepsister is so strong and has such a good stamina, so that it’s really hard to train with her. Especially their trainings matches are really stressing and Amanda mostly loses them.

“True, but I’m already tired and exhausted, and Casey won’t let me go before I’m completely spent.”

But nothing helps. Casey can be stressing if she doesn’t get what she wants and so Amanda gets dressed again. Then she packs her stuff for the gym and a few minutes later she sits in her old truck and drives to the gym. As she arrives there, Casey is already waiting for her and the tall blond winks at Amanda.

“Did I interrupt you and Rose? Haha”

Amanda roles her eyes and points out her tongue. She isn’t mad at Casey, because her sister only wants to help her, but sometimes she really goes on her nerves, especially when Casey provokes her.

“Nope, we were already finished. Hehe, and I don’t needa do anything for my stamina now.”

Then they both laugh. Casey isn’t so much in kinky things, but she knows what Amanda means. The whole thing amuses her, but like usually she is honest again within seconds. It’s not that Casey doesn’t like fun, but at the moment she is single and so the pretty blond spends all her time at the gym and this with success. She is no wrestler, but she is successful as a MMA fighter and she also does some bodybuilding contests. So she is not only very strong, but she also has more muscles than some men and she is proud of it. With a smile in her face she looks at her stepsister.

“Well, I don’t know much about your opponents, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t train you. I could call for two more fighters to help us out. I mean then we two are in a team and I can play Vero’s part during the match, even though this isn’t so easy. I don’t wanna talk bad about her, but her skills aren’t convincing. She is just an arrogant bitch and she only takes the win with cheating. If she can’t do this, then she loses, like last week against Keira.”

Talking bad about her her friends always annoys Amanda and so she glares at her sister. She knows that Casey doesn’t mean it and that it’s her normal way to talk about others, but it still hurts and is annoying.

“Hey, don’t talk bad about my friend and partner. During our last matches she has been a great help.

Casey is more the serious person and she doesn’t smile often, but now a tauntingly smile comes into her face and she shrugs. She doesn’t like Vero and all her beauty stuff and she isn’t willing to hide it.

"Well, maybe, but I still don't like her. She is one of the reasons why nobody respects the Mean Girls. You can’t think that anybody will respect you if you cheat the whole time, but this should end now. We two will train and then you will do a great match. We have to change the image of the Mean Girls and prove that you are good in the ring and that you can do a proper fight. So don’t worry about it. After we are done here, you will be ready for whatever awaits you. I can’t promise you that you will take the win, but I will make sure that the people will respect you after your match is over. They will see the Mean Girls in a completely different way. Prolly they will still think that you are bitches, but they will have to admit that you’re great wrestlers.”

Immediately Amanda understands what Casey means. Changing the image of the Mean Girls will be a great thing and help her with her career at SCW. She nods and claps her hands.

“That’s really a great idea. Thank you. I already thought of something like this, but I never had an idea how to start it. But it would be really good if the people will see us in a different light. I’m fed up of being called a loser or a cheater. It goes on my nerves, especially as it’s not true. I’m not bad in the ring and I think the people should see this too. So let’s start our training and I won’t stop before I manage it to defeat you.”

Casey puts her hands on her hips and looks down at the smaller Amanda. The tall and muscular blond has a smile in her face and she shakes her head. She knows that Amanda is good in the ring, but in a match against her, Amanda mostly loses, because Casey’s submission holds are really mean and unescapable.

“Well, then we will never come to an end. Haha, but don’t forget that they close here at 11 pm, so till then we have to get outa here.”

Amanda punches her sister into the stomach, but Casey has so many muscles that she doesn’t feel anything. The only result Amanda gets is, that her hand hurts now and that her sister laughs at her again. Sometimes it can be really frustrating.

“If you wanna win against me, then you have to try something different, but I doubt that you will have success. But at least you can try it. Oh, and if you really should have success, well, then you also can face the guys in your company. They aren’t much stronger than me. So give your best. But we should start with some weight lifting first.”

Now Casey begins to bandage her wrists and Amanda roles her eyes. She is pretty small and petite and so she really doesn’t like weight lifting, even though she is strong for her size. But she ignores the fact that she hates it and so the two begin with some bench pressing, followed by squat and several other exercises. At the end Amanda is completely exhausted and she needs a break, while her stepsister still is fit. Amanda sits down on a bench, drinks some water, and desperately tries to catch her breath. And this was only the beginning. Probably the following trainings match she won’t survive.

“Damn, you’re really gonna kill me ..”

But Casey ignores that comment and only laughs. Then she rubs Amanda’s sore shoulders and slowly Amanda relaxes and recovers a bit. She knows that this will help Mandy to feel better and that it motivates her and so she continues a bit longer.

“I won’t …but I wouldn’t be so sure that your opponents won’t try it. They really want your title and they would love to see one of the Mean Girls die in the ring, haha.”

Amanda looks up and shakes her head violently. Her team is really hated by all the others, but she loves her friends and she wants to see them having success, so losing is no option for the proud young woman.

“No way that this will happen. I won’t die and I also won’t lose my title against these idiots. This time we will prove that we are still a force. The last weeks with all this losing have been annoying enough and I really don’t want this to happen again. This time we will win. I’m the Goddess and no sore loser like Keira or all these other bitches. I will start a new era for the Mean Girls. From now on we will be the dominating stable again, but with one big difference to the past. Now we will take our wins with brutal force. The people shall fear us because of our strength and our wrestling skills and not because of our cheating.
And there’s one more thing that’s inportant for me. Delia and Mercedes will be proud of Vero and me and that’s what even counts more than the title. We two are the last remaining Mean Girls with a title and I will make sure that this won’t change. From now on everybody who thinks of the Mean Girls will think of Vero and me, the two most dangerous wrestlers at SCW.”

With a smile in her face Casey pats Amanda on the shoulder, then she helps her up again. It’s awesome that Amanda is always so full of self confidence, even if she has a losing streak and that she never gives up.

"That's the right spirit. Go out there and kill all these idiots. Wipe them away, throw them into the toilet and flush them away like shit.
But before you will do this, you will first try to defeat me here. And do me a favor and forget that you’re my sister. Just imagine that I’m one of your opponents in your title match, so don’t hold back. Try to hurt me, try to injure me, try to knock me out, just do whatever it needs to take the win.”

Then the two climb into the ring, but Amanda still hesitates a bit. She knows what Casey means, but she still feels bad to attack her own sister in such a brutal way, but Casey begins to provoke her.
“What’s wrong with you? Are you scared like a lil girl? That’s laughable, you’re even a worse loser than your fucking friends, the Mean Girls. Haha, you’re as bad in the ring as the superlosers Roxi and Keira.”

And that’s too much. Amanda really hates it if someone talks bad about her stable and so she attacks now. She moves forward and tries to kick and punch Casey, but it doesn’t seem to bother the strong blond woman. Casey only laughs at her.

“Is that all you can do? That’s a joke, a baby has more power than you.”

And Amanda tries it again. She punches, kicks, tries to throw Casey down and get her in a submission hold, but nothing really works good. With ease Casey powers out and starts to laugh at her again. So Amanda gets more and more annoyed, but she sees that she has no chance. It’s time to do something different. Now she makes some short attacks and when Casey attacks, she moves back. Amanda is really fast and so Casey has some problems with the speed and eventually Amanda tries it with all her high flying moves. At first she doesn’t has much success, but then she sees that Casey becomes slower. It seems that the strong blond woman becomes tired and now Amanda manages it to throw her down a few times, but it’s never enough to pin her. At the end Amanda tries it again, but as she tries to throw Casey down again, the tall woman blocks her attack and before Amanda can do anything, she ends up in a Kimura lock and has to tap out.
The match is over and Casey helps her up. She sees how frustrated Amanda is and hugs her sister in a friendly way.

“Hey, you did good, much better than I had expected it. I bet, if we continue this training the next days, you will take the win.”

Losing is no fun, especially not if you are as cocky as Amanda is and so she still is a bit frustrated. At first she wants to push her away and she looks at her sister and growls, but then she allows it to get hugged.

“Hopefully, cuz if not, I don’t see the come back of the Mean Girls coming.”

Again Casey hugs her and runs her hand through her hair. Normally she’s really cold, but Amanda is so cute and lovable, so she likes her and smiles. Her hand runs over Mandy’s back and she rubs it.

“You will win, I know it. You’re a real champion and you will do great in your match. The people will fear you.”

Well, that doesn’t sound to bad and Amanda almost believes it. At least she can smile again and so she thinks that she could invite Casey to a nice dinner. Rose and the kids are at home and so she has some time for herself and a dinner would be awesome. After a shower the two are ready to leave the gym and even though Amanda is a bit tired, she is in a pretty good mood. Now she only has to find out who her opponents are, but this can wait till later. The dinner comes first and she is really hungry.

After a short ride they stop in front of a restaurant and enter. Like usually there are many people who know her from TV and so she has to sign some autographs and talk to the fans, before they can sit down at a table. Amanda orders a steak and Casey her usual salad with chicken and then they start to eat.

Everything is really relaxed and the two enjoy their free time, but then Amanda’s phone rings again. At first she wants to ignore it, but as she sees that it’s Rose who calls her, she becomes curious and answers the phone. The call doesn’t last very long and she shoves her phone back into her pocket. Now Casey looks up.

“So who was it?”

Normally Casey isn’t very curious and doesn’t talk much, but she sees that it must have been important and so she wants to know what goes on. But before she can ask anything, Amanda tells her everything.

“Well, it was Rose and she told me that the match card is up. Since I got these tag titles, we didn’t had a title defense, but now this changes. The next week we will face Cynthia Warren and Candy Overton in a title match. Wow, our first title defense, I’m really excited.”

Like usually Amanda becomes excited or nervous really fast, but her younger sister is more relaxed. She only shrugs and looks at Mandy.

“So are they good? I’ve never heard anything of them, so it can’t be that impressive.”

And the same counts for Amanda. She was away from SCW for a pretty long time and so she also doesn’t know most of the wrestlers, besides the few whom she has faced in the ring, but Cynthia and Candy don’t belong to this group. She shakes her head and sighs.

“Well, me neither. The only thing I know is that they managed it to defeat the Fallen in a tag match. I don’t know how they have done it, but at least it means that they can’t be too bad. But wether that gives them the right to be in a title match I don’t know too. For me they are some fucking rookies who had luck and nothing more. But we will see. I think we will have to watch their last matches and then we will know it. But to be honest, I’m still not very impressed. I would have understood if the Fallen would have gotten a rematch or if Roxi would have teamed up with Keira to take the titles from us, but why these two got this chance I really can’t understand. Maybe one of them or even both slept with the bosses. At least this would explain this decision.”

In some way she still doesn’t understand this decision, but she also doesn’t care much and accepts it. It was pretty clear that she will have to defend her title in the near future and so it might not even be too bad. At least it is better than facing wrestlers like Misty.

“But anyway, I think this decision isn’t too bad for me and Vero. At least it’s easier to win against such rookies like Cynthia and Candy, than against real wrestler. A rematch against the Fallen would have been harder and I also know other opponents who are hard to defeat. So it’ll be an easy win, even though we still have to take care that we won’t underestimate these two. This mistake we already did at the last PPV and it really ended up in a fiasco for the Mean Girls. After this weeks wins, I’m really happy that everything changed and that we are again at the top of the food chain. So don’t worry, we will continue our training and I also will watch all the matches these two have done. But I think then nothing can go wrong and we will leave the ring as the winners again.
And it’s not only that each of us is the better wrestler than these two, Vero and me are also a great team. I know that you and also the fans, don’t like our cheating, but in title matches it can be very helpful. I do it too, but Vero is even better in it than me and so I’m pretty sure that neither Cynthia nor Candy will manage it to pin me. Nothing can go wrong.”

It’s true that Casey doesn’t like cheating, but that’s understandable. She’s tall and strong and she takes her wins with brutal force, but Amanda is much smaller and so sometimes she needs the cheating, but she understands her older stepsister and nods.

“It’s true, I don’t like it, but you’re right, the most important thing is that you two take the win. But now tell me why you’re so eager to keep these titles. I thought you do all the stuff only for getting money and having some fun and now it seems that you changed completely.”

Amanda knows what Casey means. In the last weeks she has really changed and now she cares for her career. If she would be alone, everything would be different, but now she has a real family and has to take care for them and then there are also the Mean Girls, her stable.

"Yeah, I changed a bit. As I started here again, I just wanted to have some fun, but now I have to take care for Jacobi and Kiara. For me and Rose the money I earned would have been enough, but with two kids I need more and as a champion they pay me better. That’s the main reason, but there’s still something more. The Mean Girls are my friends and the last weeks haven’t been that good for them. I mean they lost the main title, I lost the tournament and that sucks. We have been the strongest and most dominant stable in this company and I want that it is this way again. Vero and me are the last Mean Girls who still have a title and I won’t allow it that this changes. Without these tag titles we wouldn’t have any title anymore and then we would look like complete losers. But we are no losers. The real losers are Amy, Roxi, Keira and Jessie, but not we. We are the real champions at SCW and without us the company would be nothing. The fans hate us, the other wrestlers too, but without our group everything would be boring and just average. We make the best shows, we give the people what they want to have, a real show and we are the sexiest women in this business, so it’s normal that we are also the ones who hold the titles.
And there’s something more why I wanna hold this title. Many people her say that I’m too nice to be a real Mean Girl, because I don’t hate my opponents. I’m even a friend of Amy and I still see Roxi as my friend too. For me it is ok, but the other Mean Girls see that different. They say that I’m too soft and they worry that I don’t give my best. But as long as I have this title, nobody can say that I don’t give my best, especially not as it’s the last one we have.
I’m pretty sure that Delia will get the bombshell’s title back again, but till this is the case, Vero and me are the most important Mean Girls.
But there’s something more that makes me so ambitious. Losing is no bigger problem for me, as you could see after my loss against Misty, but losing against such nobodies as Cynthia and Candy really is no option. It would make us look like complete morons and that’s a thing I really don’t need.
I’m a Mean Girl, and I’m the champion, and so I will have to show that I’m one of the most dangerous wrestlers in this company. The people can hate us and the bosses can throw into our way whomever they want, we will destroy them all.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and takes a deep breath. The whole thing started as a private conversation with her sister, but it developed to a real little speech and Amanda was talking pretty loud, so that the others in this company could understand everything. The pretty redhead is really famous and so the people in the restaurant applaud at her her. Cocky as she is, she loves this attention and a smile comes into her pretty face. Now it’s really not possible anymore to stop her. She knows that all this here will be shown on TV later and so she addresses her opponents directly.

“And now listen to me, Cynthia and Candy, and listen good, cuz I won’t repeat this here again.  You two want our titles, well, so come out of your fucking hole and try to get them, but I can tell you, that this won’t be easy. You might think, that you two could defeat the Fallen, and to be honest, I still don’t understand how this could happen, but anyway, you did it. I would say, that it has been just luck and nothing more.
But now don’t forget, that me and Vero defeated them too. So your win against them doesn’t mean anything. We both won against them, so it is equal …but not exactly equal. You won by accident, but Vero and me won because we are the better team than the Fallen, so this point goes to our team.
And now tell me what gives you the right to challenge us ..I don’t know it, but to be honest, I also don’t care much. For me it makes no difference whether I win against you two or against any other team in this company, because we are the best. We proved this in the past, we did at the show last weak and we will do it again in Bucharest, Romania, when we wile the floor with you two idiots.
I can understand that you have the dream to become champion. I think every wrestler here has this dream, but it’s a mistake to think that you will have a chance against us. We will shatter all your dreams, we will destroy you and if we are in the right mood, then we will even end your career or at least bring you straight to hospital.
I’m no real sadist, as many of you think, but I must say that I don’t give a fuck about what happens to you. I don’t care whether I will have to injure you, as long as I take the win in our match. And I think you all have seen what I can do in the ring, last week as I destroyed this fucking newcomer and idiot Keira, but also as we attacked Holly backstage. I think you have seen that I can be really mean too and I think you also know that my partner Vero has no remorse too.
So be prepared to receive the worst beating up of your life. But anyway, however it ends, at least you can be proud to say that it have been the Mean Girls who ruined your career. You are losers, sore losers, but think about it, it’s better to get destroyed by a really good team like Vero and me than by one of these rookie teams like all the others here in this company. So go down with pride and don’t complain about it, because you have had a choice and you still have one.
Nobody forced you to do a title match and if you still have some brain left in your fucking ugly heads, then you back away and give up, before the drama starts. Till nothing bad has happened to you and you still have the chance to get out of this situation without getting really harmed, but as soon as you step into the ring against us, it will be too late. Then all that awaits you is pain and mischief and there will be nothing and nobody who can save you from your fate. Then you will be doomed.”

Normally Amanda is a bubbly and cheery girl, but all this trash talking here brought her really in rage. She grabs the knife and rams it into the table, so that it sticks there. For a moment she is a bit shocked, but than she smiles in a mean way.

“Ok, most of you here know me as the bubbly and cheery girl, who loves to have fun, who loves sex and kinky lil games, who loves to get her feet tickled and so on. So prolly you all don’t take me too serious, but I’ll show you, that this is a mistake, a deadly one. For you I’m not SCW’s lil TickleCutie, for you I’ll be the angel of death, the Goddess of the condemn and I’ll come over you and destroy you. I won’t only win this match and end your career, I will also ruin your life by crippling you. So be prepared to face the real horror, your worst nightmare, the most terrific thing you can imagine in your fucking life.
Now you can call me mean, but I don’t give a fuck. I have never cared about what the fans or morons like you think about me. The only thing that interests me is my success and to reach my goals, I do anything that’s necessary. Last week I fucked up Keira and that wasn’t easy, cuz she’s the wife of a close friend and now, after this match was over, our friendship prolly has ended, but I don’t give a fuck. You see that I really don’t care about anything besides my success and my stable, the Mean Girls. Now you have seen what I have done to Keira and that was nothing compared to what will happen to you if you climb into the ring against me. I ruined a friendship by beating up a girl I liked, so if you have some brain in your fucking head, then you can imagine what I will do to you. We are no friends, we never have been friends and we never will be something like that. So I really have no remorse to destroy you.
But I will show that I have heard about a thing that is called mercy. That doesn’t mean tat I will go easy on you, but I show you that I still have something like a heart in my chest. So I will give you a last chance. When we are in Romania and right before our match has started, then you two can come to the ring, go down on your knees, kiss my toes and beg for forgiveness. Then I might let you live and the only thing that will get hurt is your pride, but I think that’s a thing you can live with, because you two have no real pride.
You are sluts and morons and even your ringnames are laughable, or who calls himself the nurse, or who has a name like Candy? That’s idiotic and a joke, but to be honest, it fits to you.
But now let’s come back to my offer, or you will regret it.”

Now Amanda starts to giggle in a pretty sadistic way. Right at this moment a really weird and violent thought comes into her mind. It’s sick, but the pretty tattooed girl doesn’t care much. She has never cared what others thing about her and now it isn’t different. Then she begins to talk again.

“Well, as you might remember, I changed my entrance song last week to “19 Nails for Sophie” and I did this for Keira, to show her what awaits her if she tries to fight me. Well, for you two I have something different in mind.
We will have our match in Romania and when I remember it right, the people there, or at least the people in the small villages, believe in Vampires and such stuff. Well, I’m no child anymore and so I don’t believe in such crap and I think it’s idiotic, but do you know how to kill a vampire? Well, you take a plug and ram it into their heart.
Well, now call me sadistic and sick, but I must say that I love this kind of execution. So, as soon as we arrive at Romania, I will buy two caskets for you and two plugs and then I’m going to end your fucking life.
By requesting this match you two have messed with the devil and so you have to take the consequences. I will send you straight to Hell and there your real pain will begin. See me as a female devil and I can tell you that this female devil is worse than anything you can remember. I won’t only destroy you, no, I will torture you in the meanest way you can imagine. I’ll make your life to hell and you will beg me to kill you and to end your pain, but it will be a pain that’ll never end. You will be doomed till eternity and there will be nobody, who unbans you, no human being, but also no God, because a thing like God doesn’t exist.”

Again she pauses for a short moment and takes a cigarette out of her pocket. It’s forbidden to smoke insides the restaurant, but the pretty redhead doesn’t care and nobody stops her. So she lights the cigarette, inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring.

A few days ago my son went missing and his father is a native American. Now they told me that he was on The Trail of Tears. Ok, don’t ask me about what this is, because I can’t answer this question exactly. The only thing I know is that it has something to do with their culture and that you go there if you prepare yourself for war. Well, but that’s not all. The whole thing is pretty dangerous and you will have to face your worst nightmares there.
Ok, but I don’t wanna tell you the whole story, but me and my daughter went there too and we brought back home my son and I can tell you that everything I heard about this Trail of Tears is true. You really have to face all your fears and nightmares there, but we did it and we had success. But what I wanna tell you is, that all this is nothing against what awaits you when you step into the ring against me. There you will face the Goddess of Death and that’s worse than any vampire slayer or even as the Trail of Death.”

Again Amanda drags at her cigarette and she seems to be lost in thoughts. The people in the restaurant are shocked to hear such a violent and sick speech from this normally so nice and cute young woman and also Casey is shocked for a moment. Even though they don’t like all this weird stuff, they applaud and that brings Amanda back to reality. For a moment she doesn’t remember what she has said, but then she does and she smiles.
It’s always the same and in the ring it isn’t different. There she forgets everything around her and the only thing she has in mind is her goal to take the win and to destroy her opponent and that’s what makes her so dangerous, even though she is really small, petite and not the strongest person in the wrestling industry. This is what brings her all her wins and her success and that’s her strength and she really knows it. So she confident that she will also take the win this time and there’s nothing that can worry her.
But now she has finished her speech and slowly she calms down a bit. After all this talking, her food is already cold, but she doesn’t care much and she starts to eat again. After she has finished her meal, she pays the bill and smiles at Casey.

“And now we have to get ready. I mean we should give Rose a call, so that she can book a flight for us. I rally hope that you will come with me too.”

As she hears this, Casey smiles a bit. She has never been in Romania and so she is happy to go there too. This way she will have the chance to visit some castles her, but also to be with the people she loves and so she nods.

"Oh yes, I will come with you. Or do you think that I’ll let you go alone to such an important match. And I will also have to make sure that you won’t forget your training there …so you can count me in.”

Before they leave the restaurant, Amanda pulls out her cell phone again and she calls Rose again to tell her to book the flights for herself and for Rose, Casey, Kiara and her son Jacoby. Then she shuts off the phone and shoves it back into her hip pocket. With a smile in her face she looks at Casey.

"Ok, ready to go?"

Then the two leave the restaurant and go back to their car to drive home. They climb into the old truck and like usually Amanda has some problems to start the engine. It takes a while and the short tempered young woman gets annoyed again, but eventually she has success and the engine is running. Then she drives off and after a short ride they come back home. On her way back home she has calmed down completely and she is changed. Now she is the cheery girl again, the young mother who loves her family and does everything for them and the good friend. In a really good mood she jumps out of the car and runs into the house, where her family is already waiting for her. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 8669

Climax Control Archives / 19 Nails for Keira
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:49:26 AM »
 “Damn, this fucking PPV really wasn’t a success for the Mean girls. It’s not only that I lost my match in this tournament and that I was the one who got pinned by this retarded idiot Misty, no, Delia lost her title and Veronica lost against this wannabe superhero Keira. Fuck, the mean girls looked like idiots, a group of complete losers and not like the strongest and most dominant stable at SCW, like we always proclaim it. Another show like this and we should really think about retiring. It’s not what I have in mind, but it’s still better than ending up as a joke, cuz this we did this week.”

Completely annoyed and frustrated Amanda storms out of the arena to get a cab to the airport. From Europe she really has enough and also this damn cold goes on her nerves. So she is really happy if she is back at home in LA, together with her family. At least there she can forget all the trouble and misfortune and spend some time with the people, she loves, and with her hobbies. She already sees herself at the beach and going surfing or cruising around with her bike. Damn, that’s so much more fun than this stupid wrestling week after week.

But till she is back home it will take a few more hours in the plane and so she has to wait a bit longer till she can hug and kiss her family and her friends. Still in a bad mood she calls a cab and sits down on a bench, to wait till it arrives. She lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

"Ok and now back to this fucking show …Fuck, I really don’t know why I do all this crap. First I spend weeks with provoking this retarded moron Misty on Twitter, then I tell the whole world that I’ll wipe the floor with her and then I lose against her. But it’s even worse, it was no normal loss, I had to fucking submit to her. God damn, I wish I were dead. I made myself a complete moron.”

Full of hate she punches on the bench, but that doesn’t make her feel better. It even made her mood worse, because now her hand hurts too. She rubs it and whines a bit.

“Fuck, it seems that everything goes wrong. I can’t even beat up a fucking bench.”

Really frustrated she laughs out. It seems that everything goes wrong in her life and she would love to cry, but she fights the tears back. She still sits directly in front of the arena and it would be too humiliating, if any of the other wrestlers, or even one of her opponents, would see her cry like a little girl. So she only sniffles a bit and drags at her cigarette.

“Ok, but now let’s see what went wrong. To be honest, I really don’t know it. I have been so fucking sure to win this fucking match and it would have been so awesome to become a double champion and now all my dreams are shattered.
I really don’t know how all this could happen. I was so fucking good prepared and I didn’t make the usual mistake to underestimate my opponent. How could I do that?
I can’t remember how often I faced this disgusting slut Misty, but I remember that she wiped the floor with me in each match we had and the same crap happened this night. It was so damn humiliating and now I really don’t know what to do. I’m really not in the mood to come back to the ring so soon. Slowly the people begin to laugh at me and this really hurts.”

The pretty redhead rests her arms on her knees and sighs. A last time she drags at her cigarette, then she throws it away. A bit nervously, but more annoyed, she looks on her phone to check how late it already is and then she sees that she doesn’t has much time to come to the airport in time. So she calls again for a taxi and shoves her phone back into her hip pocket.

"Well, it's already complete crap that I made myself a complete idiot and that I ruined my dream, cuz this time there really isn’t anybody whom I can blame. It has been all my fault, I just wasn’t good enough and prolly I’ll never be it.
But what’s even worse is that I ruined Despayre’s dream too. I really wished him that he would get a chance to go for a title and now everything is fucked up, and all this cuz I’m too stupid to do a proper fight.”

Again the pretty tattooed young woman pauses. She has her eyes closed and thinks for a moment, but then she realizes something. It hasn’t been all her fault. Ok, she hasn’t been good enough to defeat Misty, but with the help of her group this match would have ended in a different way.

“But wait, maybe it wasn’t all my fault and there’s no reason to feel sorry for Despayre. I was blaming this jerk Watts that he stopped my girls from helping me, but that has been a mistake, it has also been Despayre’s mistake. He and his manager were the first ones who started to hold away my team from the ring and this has been the reason why I had to tap out. So there’s really no reason to feel sorry. If he wants a title, then he should learn to fight like a champ and that also means to cheat from time to time. It might not be honorable, but at the end all that counts is the win and he cost us the win.
And there’s something more. He did pretty good in his part against jerk Watts, but at the end he also wasn’t able to pin this motherfucker or to make him submit, so it has been his fault too.
Anyway, it’s too late to change anything, but I really don’t have to feel sorry. This match has been crap, but it’s over and so it’s time to look forward. Prolly we will have to defeat our titles soon and this will be a great success. At least there I have the partner I’m used to have and so nothing much can go wrong.”

Still a bit frustrated, Amanda lights a new cigarette, but slowly her self confidence comes back. She still doesn’t feel too good, but it’s not only because of her own loss, she also is disappointed because her whole group has failed.

“Damn, that one loss already is crap, but what makes it even worse is the fact that our whole group has failed. S dominant stable, this week we looked like idiots and this wasn’t all my fault. Let’s begin with Vero. She is my friend and I still love this girl, but what she did this week against Keira was more than crap. I don’t get it how a skilled and experienced wrestler like Vero can lose against such a person like Keira. It’s unbelievable.
I don’t wanna talk bad about Keira, because she’s the wife of one of my best friends, of Roxy, but to be honest, in the ring nobody can take her seriously. She’s awesome in bed and I love her kinky behavior, bit wrestling is really one of her weaknesses. She stumbles around in the ring like a fat cow, so I really don’t get it how Vero could lose against her, it was laughable and shouldn’t happen to a real Mean Girl.
Losing against Misty was already crap, but against a girl like Keira it’s even worse. In some way she acts almost as stupid as Roxy, with one difference, Roxy I can respect as a wrestler, even though her superhero crap is annoying and goes on my nerves, but with Keira it’s different. She isn’t even good in the ring and all she can do is doing some trash talking.
There’s nothing wrong with trash talking, but if that’s all you can do, then it’s laughable and you make yourself a joke. But anyway, it happened and we can’t change it anymore.
So all this was already laughable enough, but what has been even worse was Keira’s trash talking after her win. If you ask me, then I’d say, that she won by accident and that doesn’t give her the right to talk bad about the Mean Girls or even request a title match. For getting a title match it needs a bit more than one win. But anyway, normally that shouldn’t be my problem at the moment, cuz I’m farer away from a title match than ever before in my life, but she wants to have a match for the tag titles and so it is my problem now.
How can this idiot think that she has a chance against me and Vero? Hasn’t she seen how easily we defeated Raynyn and Gothica a few weeks ago? It seems now, otherwise she couldn’t think that she has any chance to go for a title. But that’s not all, she doesn’t even has a partner.
Haha, it seems she wanna do it all alone and she has no clue how a tag match works. But wait, she wants Roxy as her partner. Well, in some way I can understand this, because she is the only one in this idiotic group who can wrestle, but sadly that’s not possible. Roxy already holds a title and so she can’t go for another one, so no chance for Keira.
Sorry babe, but you’ll have to find another way to go against the Mean Girls. This here won’t work. But I think it won’t be so easy for you to find someone else who is willing to team up with a complete loser, so forget all your dreams and do yourself a favor and leave SCW as fast as possible. Nobody wanna have you here and I’m not the only one who thinks like this.
But even if you manage it to find someone who fights with you, then there’s still another problem, and this problem is called Amanda Cortez. You won’t be able to win a match where I’m in and I’ll make sure that you’ll regret that you ever came here. I will not only defeat you, but I will also destroy you and end your fucking career.”

Now Amanda almost has forgotten that she was waiting for a taxi. Talking shit about her opponents and other wrestlers is a thing she really enjoys too much and then she is unstoppable.

“And now let’s come to the last loss of the Mean Girls, to this fucking match between Delia and Amy. For me this match really was a big problem, because Delia is one of my best friends, but Amy too. So I really didn’t know for whom I should cheer.
Normally I would have cheered for Amy, because she is really a close friend and we also had a few meetings, where we really had so much fun. Hehe, I will never forget the night where she spanked me with that brush and later tickled me silly. Oh God, I never screamed as much before in my life and I really thought that I wouldn’t survive it, but it also had been so much fun and I’d love to do it again one day soon. It was so awesome.
So Amy isn’t only a good friend, but also a sex buddy and after she never had a title match for years, she really deserved it. Normally I should be really happy that she won and in some way I am, she really deserves it to be the new champion.
But there’s still one problem, and this problem is that she took the title from my other best friend, from Delia. Delia has been the one who brought me to the Mean Girls, even though at the beginning nobody wanted to have me there. She has been the one who organized this wonderful welcome party for me and she supported me wherever she could. So I’m really sad that she lost this title after all these months without a loss. She never got pinned and so we can say that she is one of the best wrestlers in this company. And now this long reign finally came to an end and I could really cry. I hoped it so much that my two best friends wouldn’t fight, but there was nothing I could do. I could only watch this fucking drama and stay away, but that still doesn’t mean that I like what had happened at the PPV. I would have preferred if these two wouldn’t have to fight, but anyway, we can’t undo it and so we all will have to live with it.
So now it seems that the great times of the Mean Girls are over, but there’s one thing for sure. We might go down as a stable, but me, Amanda Cortez, will never go down without a hell of a fight. So my next opponent will feel the whole power, the brutality and all the aggressions of a real Mean Girl. She will learn what it means to suffer and she will pay for all the crap that had happened to us at this show.”

Eventually the taxi had arrived and now Amanda jumps up. She climbs into the car and drives off to the airport. Really eased that she can leave Europe for now, she enters the airport and goes directly to the boarding area. Without any problems they let her pass and so she can fly back home to all the people who love her.

The flight was really quiet and ten hours later Amanda arrives at LA. She leaves the plane and after some looking around, she finds someone to carry her bags. Then she calls for a cab again she has to wait pretty long. All this is so annoying, especially as Amanda is really short tempered, but nothing helps. Here are so many people who want to get home, so that her swearing brings her nothing. Eventually it’s her turn and so she throws her bags into the car and then she’s on her way back home.

Even though she is really tired, she is also excited to see her wife Rose again and also her stepsister Casey and her son Jacobi. She is really so curious what happened and what she had missed during the long time she has been away. Half an hour later, she arrives at home and after paying the cab, she storms into the house. As she sees Rose, she jumps into her arms and kisses her again and again, so that none of them can speak for a longer time, but eventually she tells Rose everything what happened and what a fiasco the show has been. Rose tries her best to comfort her, but it’s not so hard, because seeing Rose again had made Amanda so happy, so that she almost forgot all her problems. The two huddle and kiss, Rose tickles Amanda and they are both in heaven and after a while they end up in bed like usually. After some hours of kinky fun, Amanda lays in Rose’s arms, resting her head on her chest and smiles happily.

“And now you must tell me what happened while I’ve been away.”

And this Rose does. She tells her everything that had happened at home and in her little flower shop and so the two have a really nice evening. Then Rose begins to talk about Casey and Jacobi too and as Amanda hears that her son and her stepsister really became good friends, she is more than happy. After she hasn’t seen Jacobi for such a long time, it’s awesome to have him back and also that he really seems to like her family too. Now she only wishes that she could see him a bit more often, but that’s so difficult, because she is so often away from home and also Jacobi lives pretty far away. This really makes her a bit sad and desperately she thinks about a way how to change it, but she has no good idea. She could quit her job and move closer to him, but then she wouldn’t have enough money anymore, so this isn’t an option.

After talking about the whole thing for a pretty long time, the two still have no idea about what to do and so they decide to sleep a bit and to continue in the morning. But just as they switch off the lights, Amanda’s cell phone rings again and she answers it. For a moment she is quiet, but within seconds she has a happy smile in her pretty face. She doesn’t say much and mostly listens, a thing she normally doesn’t do, but her smile becomes broader. She almost isn’t able to speak.

“Yes …that’s be awesome …That’d be really a dream. I love this idea …Oh God …that’s so wonderful …”

The phone call takes pretty long and Amanda becomes more and more excited. She sits in her bed and now she even has tears in her eyes and sniffles. Rose was watching her, but she couldn’t understand about what they were talking, but as she sees Amanda’s tears, she holds her close. Lovingly she kisses her on the lips and after Amanda has hang up the phone, she asks her what is wrong.

“Hey, what has happened? Any problems?”

But Amanda still isn’t able to speak. She sniffles and laughs and the smile comes back into her face. It seems that she is crying because she is so happy and now Rose really wants to know what goes on.

“It ..It was Jacobi. He will come to LA soon and he wanted to visit us.”

Rose smiles and runs her fingers through Amanda’s long red hair. She likes Jacobi too and she knows how much Amanda loves her son, so this is really a great news.

"That's awesome. I'm really happy to see him again. He’s such a great young man.”

Amanda smiles even more and now she kisses Rose. She wraps her arms around her wife and huddles against her and then she sniffles again, but eventually she manages it to talk again.

“He is. But this time he won’t only visit us. I mean … he just ask me whether he can live with us. Oh God, it’s my biggest dream that became reality now. After all these years without him he wants to stay with us in our house. That’s so awesome. Please tell me that it isn’t only a dream, tell me that it’s the reality.”

As she hears this, Rose’s jaw drops down. She knows that this is what Amanda wishes so much and so she is happy too. She holds Amanda close and doesn’t let her go anymore.

“That’s really so great and I’m so happy.”

They both are too excited to sleep now and so they just sit in bed and talk about the future. Wrestling they have completely forgotten and they are only making plans about what to do next. At first they need a room where he can sleep and then some other things.

“Oh God …I really don’t know where to start. We need a room for him. I mean a young man can’t sleep in our bed room.”

Now Rose starts to laugh a bit. She loves her wife and it’s so cute to see her confused like this.

“Don’t worry about this. Our trailer is big enough, so we shouldn’t have a problem with finding a room for him. He will have enough room and everything will become good. We should just think about something else. I mean, now as he lives with us it wouldn’t be good if he sees you doing such fetish stuff. I mean here in bed it’s ok, but as a good mom, you shouldn’t do these movies anymore and we should also think about what to do with our club.”

Now it's Amanda's turn to be shocked. Her jaw drops down and she looks at Rose.

“I know that you’re right, but we need the money …”

But rose shakes her head. She places a finger on Amanda’s lips to shut her up and smiles.

“No, that’s not true. We have my flower shop and you work for three wrestling companies. This should really be enough. And if you try to get a title again, then you earn even more money than now, so it really should be enough.”

The discussion goes on for a bit longer, but Amanda knows that Rose is right. She loved her job as a fetish model, but it’s true, that it wouldn’t be good if Jacobi sees her in a video. So she doesn’t protest and only nods.

“You’re right. We will close our club and no photo shootings anymore, at least no kinky ones. It would really be a drama if he would see me in the Web. But one day I must tell him what I have done. I mean it’s better when I tell it to him than if he finds it out alone. I don’t wanna disappoint him or even lie at him.”

This goes on for a bit longer and eventually the two manage it to find some sleep. The next day, really early in the morning they awake again and Rose makes them a coffee and a nice breakfast. Normally Amanda doesn’t stand up so early, but today they have so much to do. Amanda has to do some phone calls with all the wrestling companies she’s in. She needs more matches and so she has to talk to the owners of these companies. But that’s not the main problem. This is to find someone who buys Amanda’s club and also keeps all her employees. So she calls an estate agent and after two hours of talking everything is cleared. He will look for someone who buys the club and he said that it looks pretty good. So Amanda and Rose are in a really good mood.

After organizing all this stuff Amanda looks on her watch and sees that it’s almost one pm. So it’s time to buy some stuff for Jacobi. The two leave their trailer and drive to the next shopping mall. There they buy some furniture, a bed, a stereo, CDs, a PS4, several games and all the stuff a 16 years old young man could like. The two have so much fun that they almost forget how late it is and as they are finished, the shopping mall is ready to close.

Really exhausted they carry all the stuff outsides to Amanda’s old truck and with some problems they manage it to throw it insides. Then they drive back home. Normally they would have spent a nice evening together, especially as Amanda will have to fight again soon, but they still have so much to do. So, instead of going to bed or to watch TV, the two begin to clean up their huge trailer. It takes really long, but eventually they are finished and one of the rooms is free for Jacobi and his stuff. Then they bring all the stuff from the truck insides and decorate everything.


Early in the morning they are finished and really satisfied with their work. Amanda sits down on Jacobi’s bed and has a warm smile in her face, but she also is a bit worried. Will he like his new room? And will he like it to stay here with her? She doesn’t know an answer, but she still hopes it so much.

“Oh God, I really hope he will like it here …”

Rose sits down besides her and puts her arm around her wife. Gently she rubs her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek.

“He will, I know it. It’s awesome here and he will see how much you love him. I’m sure that he will enjoy it here and I also know that you will be a great mom. He will be so proud of you.”

“Hopefully …”

But then they stand up and Rose gently pulls Amanda over to their own bed room. It’s already early in the morning, but they still need some sleep and so it’s bed time now. She smiles at Amanda in her lovingly way.

“But now we really should sleep a bit. I mean you don’t wanna be too tired when he arrives here and we also have to book the flights to Germany in two weeks.”

Amanda’s eyes widen.


But Rose shuts her up by putting her finger gently on her lips.

“I’ll tell you later after we had our breakfast. It’s not too important.”

For Amanda it is important, because she had lived there for a few years and her foster family, Casey’s parents, still live in Germany. So this would be a great chance to visit them, but at the moment she can’t think of anything. She is so tired and after she crawled into the bed, she immediately falls asleep.

Some hours later they awake again and Mandy remembers that Rose had said something about Germany. While she makes them a coffee she begins to bug her wife. She can be so curious and now she really wants to know what awaits her.

“And now you must tell me everything you know.”

With a smile in her face Rose looks at her wife. She loves it to tease Mandy, but this time she is willing to tell her everything she knows.

“Well, I haven’t seen the match card till now, but I’ve seen the schedule and so I know that this show will be in Germany and that you will prolly face Keira. I think that the city is Munich, but I’m not so sure.”

As she hears this, Amanda's eyes widen. As a kid she has lived in Berlin, Germany in a foster family and this family is Casey’s. So Amanda is really happy to see them again.

“Wow, that’s so awesome. This way I can visit Casey’s parents. I really love them, cuz they have always been like real parents to me, but sadly I haven’t seen them for years. We talk pretty often at the phone, but seeing them is so much better. Damn, I’m really so happy.
Casey visits them pretty often, but I never found the time with all these jobs in different wrestling companies. But anyway, now I can visit them and I know that they will be happy to see me too. And I’m really curious how they will react when they hear that they have a grandson. We really must take Jacobi with us. But now I must call Casey to tell her the good news.”

Now Amanda is really excited and can't wait to call her stepsister. She dials the number and after a few seconds Casey is at the phone. This time she didn’t want to go with Amanda on tour, but as she hears that she will have the chance to visit her family, the normally so cool young woman is excited too and agrees to come with Amanda.

While Casey and Amanda talk about the whole thing, Rose books them the flights and then she waits till Amanda is finished with talking to her sister.

“God, I thought that you would never come to an end …”

Amanda knows that she talks too much, but this time it has been necessary to tell Casey everything. It would have been mean not to take her with them and Amanda loves her sister.

“Well, I think I had to tell it to her. Normally she visits them once a year at Xmas, so she is happy to find a way to see them again.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and it seems that she becomes a bit sad. The pretty redhead is really very emotional and thinking back at her chaotic childhood always makes her sad.

“Damn, they really have been so nice to me and they loved me the same way as their real daughter. At the beginning it has been wonderful, but then they moved to the USA and there the chaos began. I still don’t know why I did it, but I began to take drugs and to steal, but they have always forgiven me and they still loved me. At the end I even ran away and that was it.
It was so fucking mean from me and I really thought that they would never forgive me, but they did. They didn’t know that I have been in jail, but after I got released, I managed it to call them and they forgave me everything. They still treated me like their real daughter and I was so happy. They would also have visited me in jail, but as I was there, I was too ashamed to tell them.
But anyway, now it’s over and I’m happy that we will visit them. It will be a wonderful trip to Europe. Hehe, now I even don’t care anymore whether I win my match or not. All that counts is to see my parents again.”

Now the two have something to eat and sit at their kitchen table. While they eat they talk about the future and the next show and Mandy is really relaxed and in a good mood. Then she looks at Rose and smiles.

“Well, the show will be in Germany, so I think it’s something very special for me. So I thought I should change something. Since years the people are used to my old entrance song and now, after nine years, it’s time to change it. I thought it should be something very special, something weird and sick, that really fits to me and it should be in German. Yes, and I have something very special in mind. It’s sick and weird, but so everybody knows what awaits me when they face me in the ring. Just listen.”

With this Amanda pulls out her ipad and looks for a song. She switches it on and a mean smile comes into her face.

Welch wunderschöne Frau
(What a wonderful woman)
und ich dachte sie sei mein
(And I thought she was mine)
sie hat mir ja auch gehört
(She belonged to me)
doch eben leider nicht allein.
(But sadly not alone.)

Ein Engel mit rotem Haar
(An angel with red hair)
sein Name war Sophie
(And her name was Sophie)
ich hab alles für ihn getan
(I have done all for her)
doch geliebt hat er mich nie.
(But she never really loved me.)

All die Jahre hab ich es verdrängt
(All the years I tried not to see)
dass ich vielleicht nicht der einzige bin
(That I might not be the only one)
der ihr seine Liebe schenkt und in ihren Körper dringt.
(Who gave her her love and and made love to her.)

Doch irgendwann nach ein paar Jahren
(But after a few years)
da stürzte es ein das Haus der Lügen
(The building full of lies crashed)
mit einem Mal hab ich alles erfahren
(Suddenly I realized the fact)
dass da noch 19 Männer neben mir waren.
)That there were 19 more guys besides me.)

Aus Liebe wurde Hass
(Love turned into hate)
im selben Augenblick
(In the same moment)
ich verlor fast den Verstand
(I almost lost my mind)
doch nun führt kein Weg zurück.
(But now there's no way back.)

Suchte mir 19 Nägel aus gehärtetem Stahl
(I looked for 19 nails made of steel)
jeder von ihnen ein 30cm langer rostfreier Totenpfahl.
(Each of them a 30 cm long torture stake)

19 Nägel, 19 Nägel für Sophie
(19 nails, 19 nails for Sophie)
sie blutet aus 19 Löchern
(She bleeds out of 19 wounds)
so heftig wie noch nie
(As much as never before)
ich schenk ihr 19 Nägel
(I gave her 19 nails)
19 Mal rostfreier Stahl
(19 nails made out of steel)
doch erst Nagel Nummer 19
(But only nail no. 19)
beendet ihre Qual.
(Ends her pain.)

2 für die Augen
(2 for the eyes)
2 für die Ohren
(2 for the ears)
2 werden sich in Hals und Zunge bohren
(2 will be stabbed into her throat and tongue)
2 durch die Hände in die Unterarme
(2 through her hands into her arms)
sie nimmt Gestalt an, Stahl für die Dame
(Slowly it becomes good, steel for the lady)
2 für die Knie
(2 for the knees)
für jedes Schienbein 2 gemeine
(For each leg 2 mean ones)
und durch die Füße wird sich Stahl
(Through the feet will the steel)
mit heißem Blut vereinen
(Be mixed with hot blood)
bleiben 2 für die Brüste
(There are left 2 for the breasts)
und der letzte Nagel
(And the last one)
noch reserviert für den Platz zwischen den Beinen
(Is reserved for the place between her legs)
für jenes feuchte tiefe Loch.
(For this deep and wet whole.)

Doch bevor der Stahl kam
(But before the steel came)
da gestand ich Sophie
(I told Sophie)
all ihre 19 Liebhaber
(All her 19 lovers)
ich tötete sie
(I killed)
vor ihrem Ableben
(Before she died)
hab ich sie gefragt
(I asked them)
ob es sich lohnt für dich zu sterben
(Whether it was worth to die for her)
"nein" haben sie gesagt
(“No” they have said)
so erhielt ich 19 Schädel,
(So I got 19 skulls)
19 Schädel für Sophie
(19 skulls for Sophie)
all ihre 19 Lover
(All her 19 lovers)
so leblos wie noch nie.
(Dead as never before)

Ich schenk ihr 19 Schädel
(I gave her 19 skulls)
19 Mal durch Berg und Tal
(19 times through good and bad times)
doch mit Schädel Nummer 19
(But with skull no. 19)
beginnt erst ihre Qual.
(Starts her pain.)

19 Nägel, 19 Nägel für Sophie
(19 nails, 19 nails for Sophie)
sie blutet aus 19 Löchern
(She bleeds out of 19 wounds)
so heftig wie noch nie
(As much as never before)
ich schenk ihr 19 Nägel
(I gave her 19 nails)
19 Mal rostfreier Stahl
(19 nails made out of steel)
doch erst Nagel Nummer 19
(But only nail no. 19)
beendet ihre Qual.
(Ends her pain.)

Again a mean smile comes into her face and she winks at Rose.

"So do you like it? Hehe, the next time I will show a video too and I come with some long nails to the ring. May they call me sick, but they will see that they can’t await any mercy from me.”

The song is disgusting and Rose doesn’t like it too much, but in some way it’s funny how aggressive the normally so submissive Amanda can become. So she laughs too.

“Oh shit, this thing is really sick, but in some way such things fit to you.”

Now she giggles and winks at Amanda.

“Haha, you and your kinky lifestyle. This girl could be you, Hehe, but for you I wouldn’t take nails, I’d take 19 feathers and tickle you to death. Hehe, but I could bet that you like it.”

They both laugh in a cheery way, but then Amanda becomes serious again. She remembers the last conversation with a girl called Keira on Twitter and that chat has been really annoying. The two have been something like friends, but now Amanda sees this a bit different. Ok, Keira is still the wife of one of her best friends, of Roxi, but this chat really escalated and so Mandy isn’t so sure anymore what to think about the whole friendship.

"True, to me it would fit better with the feathers, but if I face Keira, the thing with the nails is ok.”

Now Rose is a bit puzzled and looks at her wife.

“But I thought she and Roxi are friends of you. Did I miss something?”

Amanda hasn’t told her all about this trouble and so she does it now. She lights a cigarette and smiles in a sad, but also angry way.

“Ok, I tell you. You know that Roxi is one of my best friends and in some way I liked Keira too, especially as she is Roxi’s wife. But we had a longer conversation after she defeated Vero and this conversation wasn’t very nice. It ended almost in war and now I’m really pissed.
But wait, switch on the camera, so that they can bring it on TV, so that Keira sees that too.”

Amanda pauses for a moment and Rose takes a camera and switches it on. Now Amanda’s facial expression isn’t sad anymore, but still really angry and aggressive.

"Ok, Keira, I think now you can see this here too, at least if you aren't too stupid to switch on a TV.
Since I came back here to SCW me and Roxi are in different teams and it never had been a bigger problem, but now you joined the party and everything changed. You had a match against my partner Vero and in some way you managed it to take the win. Ok, I’m not happy about this, but I stayed quiet. I haven’t forgotten that you are Roxi’s wife and that we had had some fun in the past, so I ignored the whole thing and I thought it should be ok, but it seems that I was wrong.
Because then you started to talk shit. On Twitter you said that Vero was the first Mean Girl you could defeat and that others would follow. You also talked about getting Tag gold. But it seems that you have forgotten that I’m a Mean Girl too and that I’m one half of the tag champions. So if you want tag gold, you have to fight me too.
Anyway, even this crap I could ignore, but a few days ago you went too far. I can’t remember exactly how it began, but you were insulting Vero again. I got involved and told you to shut up, but you didn’t. Instead you began to insult me too, but you should have known that I would punish you for this. Ok, you requested a match and you can have this match, cuz I’m nit scared of you.
But it seems that you are scared of you. Otherwise I can’r explain why you backed away as I suggested a match where the loser gets fired. I thought you were so confident to take the win against me. Well, if that’s the case you also could have accepted my challenge. But no, you didn’t. You even called the bosses for help because you know that you have no chance against me and that you will lose this match.
Well, I would call this desperate. You play the tough and dominant one and now as it becomes serious, you run away lie a lil girl. Fuck, that’s laughable, you fucking slut.
If you’re really so tough, then come out and prove it to me, accept my lil special stipulation and try to make me get fired, but you know that your wrestling skills are too crappy to do this. You know that you would be the one who gets fired. Fuck you you desperate wimp.
But anyway, the boss didn’t allow this match and now you think that you are safe, but there you’re wrong too. I can also end your career in a normal match. This wouldn’t be a bigger problem and I have done such things in the past. So be sure that you won’t get away with your fucking insults against the Mean Girls. I will punish you and I’ll make sure that you will regret that you ever opened your fucking mouth. You will regret that you came to SCW, you will regret that you ever touched a Mean Girl, and you will even regret that you were born.
We only have a normal match, but I’ll make sure that you will end up in hospital, injured and crippled for the rest of your fucking life. And now don’t think that your wife Roxi will be there to save you, cuz my friends will take care that she won’t even come close to the ring. I don’t want war with her, but I want war with you. So if that means that Roxi gets hurt too, well, then I can only tell you that I don’t give a fuck. If she comes into my way, then she will get destroyed too.
But you, Keira, you are my primary goal, or shall I better say victim? I will show the worls what you really are, a fucking desperate wimp and a fucking losers. You wanna be a superhero? Well, that’s idiotic, cuz such crap as superheros doesn’t exist, but I can tell you what you are, you are a SUPERLOSER. Haha and superlosers do exist, at least one and the name of this one is Keira Fisher.
But anyway, I think I have wasted enough time with talking about you, you fucking stinky slut, so let’s bring this here to an end. Challenge me and you get punished, provoke me and you get punished too, but if you ever come close to my friends, then you won’t only get punished, then you will get destroyed.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and takes a deep breath, but then she continues.

"And now some last words about the Mean Girls. I know that we didn’t look very good at the last show. Delia lost her title against one of your fucking friends, against Amy, Vero lost against you, you slut, Mercedes lost and I did so too, so it really was a bad day for the Mean Girls. I don’t even know how or whether it goes on with our stable, but however it ends, I’m still here and I won’t go down with fighting back. I’ll show you all that there is still one Mean Girl left who can fight back and who can take the win in a match and this Mean Girl is me, Amanda Cortez. At the next show I’ll prove that the Mean Girls aren’t death and so this fucking cunt Keira will be my first victim.
At the next show you will see one of the most brutal matches in the wrestling history and you will see the end of a career, of Keira’s.
And now a last word to you, Keira …Go to Hell and FUCK OFF.”

Amanda flips the bird into the direction of the camera and then Rose shuts the camera off. Mandy is still in rage and so Rose waits for a moment, but then she shakes her head and winks.

“Wow, that was really a mean speech, but I loved it …I bet That Keira will piss her pants if she sees this.”

As she hears something about pissing pants, Amanda laughs in a dirty way.

“She won’t only pee her pants, she will poo and prolly it is better if we bring her some diapers to the ring. At least I don’t wanna touch her after she has done this. Haha …”

Again they both laugh in a really dirty way, but the Amanda has enough of talking about her opponent. Slowly she calms a bit down.

“But now it’s enough. I don’t want that this slut ruins my good mood. She isn’t worth my time, no, not even worth to breath the same air as me, so let’s just forget her for now. Her end will come soon, but till then let’s enjoy this day and get ready for the arrival of my son.”

Now it seems that she really calmed down again and a happy smile comes into her face. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 7351

Supercard Archives / WATTS & MISTY vs DESPAYRE & CORTEZ
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:36:05 AM »
 “Life couldn’t be better. At the moment everything is really perfect and I love my life. I’m happy as never before.”

Amanda is really in a good mood. She has a small cut at her forehead, but it’s almost healed and also the bruises at her ribs are almost good again. The petite diva sits at home in her trailer and smiles happily. She is so relaxed and in such a good mood and everything would be perfect if Rose would be there too, but sadly Rose is at work. So she is alone, but this time it doesn’t bother her too much. She stands up and slowly she walks to her kitchen. Like usually when she is at home, she only wears her sleep shirt and she loves it to be half naked, especially as she loses her clothes anyway as soon as Rose comes home. She looks into the mirror and as she sees the cut, she growls a bit, but it’s not too bad and so the smile comes back into her face, especially as she thinks of her son Jacobi and the last show at SCW.

“At SCW me and Despayre could take the win and now we are in the finals of this tournament. Sadly at PPW and FFP it didn’t went so good for me and I lost there, but that’s no bigger problem. In both matches I had to submit and at PPW they even threw me into an EMT truck and tickled me silly, but I survived it and so it’s no bigger problem. I’ll be back there too and then I’ll get my revenge. But at least at SCW I could win and I was the one who made the pin. Yay …Jacobi will be proud of me.”

She takes her cup of coffee and warms her cold fingers before she takes a sip. Then she sits down on a chair, tucks up one leg and puts her foot on the chair.

“And now I’ll tell you all about Jacobi, my son.”

A lovingly and happy smile comes into her pretty face and she takes another sip of her coffee. Then she lights a cigarette and thinks about how to begin. Amanda is used to do long speeches, but this time she doesn’t know exactly where to begin.

“Well, I think I should start at the very first beginning. As you all know, I’m born in Puerto Rico and as a really small child, at the age of four, I came to the USA. My dad has left us alone and my mom didn’t had enough money to take care for me, so she left me in front of a children’s home. There I lived for a few years and then I got adopted by a German family. They brought me too Berlin and as I turned 12 they returned to the USA. All in all it was ok there, but as I turned 14 I ran away from them. I really don’t know, because they were really good people, and I still feel sorry for this.
But anyway, I can’t change it anymore. As I said, I ran away and lived in the streets of LA and really soon I became a member of a gang. I earned my money with stealing and selling druges and I’m really not proud of all the crap I have done, but as a teenie it was ok for me.
And then I met this guy. His name was Storming Raven and he was much older than me, but that was no bigger problem. I looked older as I am and I never told him my real age and so I had sex for the first time in my life. He was really nice and lovingly and he really deserved something better than me, but that wasn’t the main problem. The main problem was that I became pregnant. Yes, pregnant and this with 14. This was really too much for me and I wanted to die. I didn’t want a baby, especially not as I was almost a kid myself. I was so desperate.
But as I said, Storming Raven was a really nice guy and he stayed with me. I became my baby and we called him Jacobi. Damn, I never wanted a kid, but I loved him. He was my blood and I was his mom and I really wanted to be a good mother.
But as I said, I was too young, especially for having a family and so I began to cheat on Storming Raven. I had sex with several members of my gang, I took drugs again and all in all I was a pain in the ass and a horrible wife. At the beginning Storming Raven didn’t say anything and ignored it, but it became too much and two years after Jacob’s birth he left me and took Jacobi with him. I was so desperate and sad, because I really loved my baby, but deep insides I knew that it was the best for the kid. To kill the pain I even took more drugs and the whole situation escalated. I did illegal street fights and earned money with it, but most of it I earned with selling drugs. Damn, and I was a fucking junkie, but this way I almost forgot how mean I had been. At the age of 18 they arrested me and threw me in jail because of all the drug stuff. I was three years there and it was pure hell, but one thing was good, I became sober again. I never took drugs again.
But being sober brought back another problem. I began to remember that I had a family and what I had done to them and I felt so fucking guilty, but I deserved it. I had to pay for my sins. I always hoped, that Storming Raven would come back one day and visit me in jail, so that I could see my baby again. I only wanted to hold him one last time, but this never happened. He never visited me and for Jacobi it was prolly better. His mom a druggie in jail, I doubt that a lil kid would understand this.
But I was alone and there were so many times where I wanted to kill myself, but I never had the guts to do it. I was a coward and so I had to live with my sin. Eventually, three years later, I got released from jail and I was free again. At first I was happy, but then I became another problem, I couldn’t find a job. I had learned nothing and so nobody took me and so I began with wrestling. Fighting was the only thing I could do good and there was a company that gave me a job.
As I said, in fighting I was good and so I had some success, but I still missed my family, especially my lil son Jacobi. There has been no night where I wasn’t thinking about him and I was so sad and depressive, but after all these years I was too scared to search for him. I was so sure that he didn’t want to talk to the person who abandoned him and his father, but selfish as I was, I was more scared that he could reject me. So I felt guilty, but I didn’t do anything and so I stayed alone. It was crappy and mean and I know that I’ll have to pay for it one day when I’ll meet God. Damn, I know that I will end in Hell and that I can’t await that God forgives me, but that’s all my fault.”

Still sitting on her kitchen chair Amanda sighs. A tear runs down her cheek and she begins to sniffle, but she doesn’t wipe it away. Thinking of all this brought back all her dark memories and she feels guilty again. It takes a while and she can’t speak, but then she continues.

"I've never been happy, but eventually it became a bit better. I was wrestling for several companies and I've been so busy with training and doing matches, so that I almost forgot my crappy life. I could live, but in some way it was no real life and the only thing that kept me alive was my hate and the success I had. Yes, I’ve been a really great wrestler, but happy I’ve never been.
But then I met a girl with the name Rose. I liked her from the very first beginning and really soon we became lovers. Half a year later I married her and now everything became good. The first time in my fucking life I was happy again. We lived together, she trained with me and we spent every single minute together and this never changed. I still love her and she’s everything for me. So it seems that everything became good, but when I was alone, I still thought of Jacobi. Damn, was my baby ok? Did he had a good life? Die he eventually find luck?
Damn, I knew that I would never get an answer to all these questions. I would never be with him when he had his first day at school. I wouldn’t meet his first girlfriend and I wouldn’t be proud when he comes to college. Shit, I felt so guilty again and that’s one of the reasons why I hated it to be alone. Together with Rose I almost could forget my problems.”

Now the smile comes back into Amanda's pretty face. Everybody can see how much she loves Rose and that she's really happy with her. She rubs her toes and giggles a b’t, but then she continues with her story.

“It’s true, I was happy again, at least most of the time, just not these days when I’m alone. But now back to the story how I found Jacobi. A few weeks ago I met a girl called Serai. I knew her from one of the companies I’ve been in and we never were real friends, but we didn’t hate each other. So we talked a bit and she began to offend me. She called me a slut and all such things and then she started to talk about my son. She said that I’m a bad mom and that I abandoned my family and she was right. I’m really a bad mom, but it was too late to change something. I knew that she only said this to hurt me, but the bad feelings came back and I felt guilty again. This trash talking went on and at the end it ended in a match between us, a match with a very special stipulation. If I win, then she would quit and I could throw her in a grave and bury her. If I lose, then she would throw me in an EMT car where I get tickled silly till I’m back at home, Haha, a really long ride. And I lost that match, so it was a really hard night for me.
But that’s not the subject now. Let’s come back to Jacobi. Serai continued to hurt me, but she also told me that Jacobi has Twitter, but I still was to scared to contact him. Eventually she encouraged me to contact him and this I did. God damn, I was so scared and almost died and I was sure that he would never answer and I even would have understood him. Wo wants a mom who disappeared years ago and never tried to contact you?
But I was wrong, he answered and we talked on Twitter. After a few days we even met for the first time after 14 years and I was so scared again, but mostly I was excited. So we met and what I saw was so awesome, he was a wonderful 16 year old young man and he is so damn nice. We talked the whole night and in some way he even liked me. So from now on we met more often and then he even called me mom. Damn, I was so choked that I started to cry, and I was happy as never before in my life. Then he told me that he wants to become a wrestler too. Well, that’s ok for me and this way he can at least learn something from me. Maybe I have the chance now to be a good mother and I will to everything to make him happy. God, I know that you won’t forgive me, but thank you. Thank you so much.
Anyway, he’s back in my life now and me, Jacobi and Rose are a bit like a happy little family now. I visit him and he visits me and everything is good now. He even came with me to my matches and he brought me so much luck. You see, at SCW I could win and at PPW and FFP I could at least do a good performance and I think he is proud of his mom.
Damn, I’m so happy and thankful and at the moment my life really couldn’t be better. I have my baby back, I have a wife and I have success, Damn, I really feel like the Goddess I proclaim to be.”

The pretty young woman smiles happily and she's really lost in thoughts. Then she puts the cup away and looks down at her foot. Last night, after her loss she got tickled senseless and she still has the marks of the nails of her tormentors on her soft skin. It has been pure torture, but in some way it has been fun too and she giggles by the thought of this ordeal. Then she stands up and goes to the bath room. She puts off her sleep shirt and as she stands in front of the mirror, she sees all the bruises and marks from the kendo stick, with which she got beaten up and also the red scratch marks from the brutal tickling. She lightly shivers, but she shrugs.

“Well, it’s such a low price for having my son back. For this I would even walk over glowing coals ..”

Then she steps under the shower and turns on the hot water. As it touches her wounds and bruises, she screams out. Damn, it hurts so bad, but she ignores the pain. After a few minutes, she comes out of the shower and carefully fries herself, taking care that it doesn’t hurt too much. Then she puts on a new shirt and leaves her trailer. It’s already midday and so she sits down on a deck chair in the sun and looks at the ocean. She still is happy and smiles, especially as she now thinks of her last match at SCW.

“And it’s so good that Jacobi saw me win at SCW. Otherwise he could have thought that his mom is a sore loser. But I won and I did it against Kaelin and Jade. One of them is a former champion and the other one still hold a title. Damn, I said it in my promo and on Twitter, that I will blow them away, and this I did. Ok, it wasn’t as easy as I thought, but Despayre and me ended up as the winners and I even was the one who pinned Jade. Haha, so I’m a real winner and I’m proud. But I’m not only proud, I’m also happy that Jacobi could see his. Damn, yes, his mom is one of the most dangerous wrestlers in the world and soon I’ll hold a second title. Tag champion I already am, together with Veronica and now I’m in the finals of this tournament. So if Despayre and me win the next match we will have won the whole tournament and then I’ll have the chance to go for the next title.”

She smiles and is a bit lost in thoughts. In some way she really loves this thought. She has never been very ambitious, but now, after she met her son Jacobi, this has changed and she wants him to be proud of her.

“Then I’ll be a double champion and I know that my son will be so happy. I might not be the best mom, but this has changed now and at least I’m a good wrestler. I just have to see for which title I will go then. I could chose the Bombshell’s title from Delia or the Roulette title from Roxie. Both matches won’t be easy, but I think defeating Roxie isn’t that hard, but getting the bombshell’s title would be awesome too. Then I have the most important title in this company.
There’s only one problem, or better, it’s two problems. Deliah is the boss of my stable and my friend and this would cause trouble. So you might say I should take Roxie’s title, but that’s not much better. She’s my friend and we had had some sessions with so much fun. Hehe, I’ve been her tickle buddy and I still am and I don’t wanna ruin this friendship. Not for such a fucking title. So it’s really hard to decide what to do and to be honest, I don’t know it. Maybe I should ask Rose when she comes back home or I ask my trainer and stepsister Casey. They always have good advices for me. So it should be possible to find a solution for this problem.
Now it might be a bit arrogant to say that Despy and me are already the winners, but it’s a fact and nothing and nobody can change this fact. I don’t underestimate Misty and Watts, but they are just idiots. They can’t win and they will never do it. I’m the best, the Goddess and nobody will stop me on my way to glory.”

Being in a really good mood now, the bubbly young woman laughs in her cheery way. It’s such a wonderful day for her and she really enjoys it. Here in LA it’s pretty warm and so she enjoys the sun, especially as she will have to travel to Copenhagen soon. There her next match will be. The last week she already has been in Europe and she really didn’t like the cold, but it would have been less stress if she would have stayed there, but that wasn’t possible, because she wanted to meet Jacobi in the USA. So she’s back at home and it’s fun too, but soon she will have to book a flight for herself and her family. But it’s still enough time and this can also wait till tomorrow.

“So now it’s settled, I’ll have to face this jerk Watts and his moronic partner Misty. Damn …”

Normally Amanda doesn’t care much about how her opponents perform in the ring. She’s really cocky and full of self confidence, so she doesn’t even think about a loss, but this time it’s different. Against Misty she already lost a few times, so she knows what awaits her and Watts matches she has watched too, because this guy even can become dangerous for her partner Despayre.

"And I won't take the risk of a loss only because I underestimated them. I know they are strong, but I’m strong too and so I’m prepared. I know all their strengths and their weaknesses and I also know how to use them against them. So I’m pretty sure nothing much can go wrong.”

It’s not possible to ruin her good mood. Now she sits up in her deck chair, tucks up her legs and hugs them. Her chin rests on her knees and she wiggles her cute toes. For a moment she wishes that Rose would be there and caress and tickle them, but sadly she’s alone at the moment.

“I just wish that we would have different opponents. I mean someone who’s a bit more easy to defeat. It’s not that I really think we can lose, but it will be a hard work to take the win and I don’t like such stress. An easy win would be so much more fun.
Anyway, I can’t change it, they are in the finals and there’s nothing I can do. But at least this jerk Watts isn’t my problem. Ok, in some way he is it too, but I don’t have to face him. This Despayre has to do and I’m confident that he can take him out. With a bit luck I won’t even have to fight Misty because Despy already has pinned jerk Watts. Haha, this would be awesome and so I can recover a bit longer from all the stress of the last weeks.
Well, you might wanna know why I’m so confident after Misty has beaten the crap out of me in the past and I’ll tell you. It’s because I have the best partner at my side whom you can imagine. I know, Despy doesn’t look really dangerous. He isn’t tall and full of muscles, no, he’s even pretty small and petite, but that doesn’t say anything about his wrestling skills. I have seen him perform in the ring and I almost couldn’t believe what I saw. It was awesome. He managed it to beat up guys who are twice his size and he never really had problems with doing this. The normally so kind and nice boy was really a fighting machine and I never thought that he could be that vicious in the ring.
Yes, normally he’s nice and friendly and a bit like a lil child. It might be a bit strange to see him come to the ring with his teddy and some people might laugh about him, but that’s a mistake. Others might even call him retarded or even worse, but that’s not true. He isn’t retarded, just a bit different than others and there’s nothing wrong about being different. I’m different too.
Anyway, call him however you want, but don’t underestimate him, cuz he will be the one who destroys you, the same way he did last week with Kaelin.
Oh, and one more thing about Despy, normally he isn’t my partner, but during this tournament he is. And he’s not only my partner, no, he also became my friend. So don’t you dare to talk bad about him, cuz if you do, then I’ll be there to fuck you up. Offending or hurting one of my friends is the same as offending or hurting me and you all know what it means to hurt the Goddess, it means endless suffering and death at the end. So be warned.”

Amanda takes a deep breath and looks up into the sky. It’s still warm here and so she has no reason to go insides. She lights a cigarette, inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring. Then she sits up completely. She buries her feet in the warm sand and she loves the feeling, while she wiggles her toes.

“And now you prolly wanna know why I call Watts a jerk. It’s easy, cuz he is one. This motherfucker talked to me a while ago and also on Twitter and all he had to do was to offend me. He said I’m ugly, I’m a slut and much more things and this I can’t tolerate. Ok, I don’t have to face him directly, but I’ll still try to make sure that he gets punished for his harsh words and I know that Despy will do it.
And now back to him being a jerk. He has won all his matches since he is here at SCW and he mocked me because I have pretty many losses, but that means nothing. It’s easy to take the win against all these nobodies they through into his way. Everybody can do so.
But anyway, he might still be dangerous, but that still doesn’t give him the right to talk bad about me, SCW’s cute lil Goddess. I don’t know why exactly he did it, but prolly it’s cuz he never can have a girl like me. He says that I’m ugly, a freak, a whore or whatever, but deep insides I know it that he loves to watch me, and also my little fetish movies. I could bet that he’s one of my best customers, haha. I could bet that this moron really enjoys it to watch my sessions with Rose and my customers and that he sits in front of his computer and jerks off when he sees it or even thinks of me. Damn, you idiot, why don’t you just admit it? C’mon, just show the world who you really are, a little jerk who loves it to see a pretty woman in distress. Just have the guts to make your outing, but for doing this you’re prolly too scared. So there’s nothing more you can do than wishing to get your hands on me, but that will never happen, cuz these gender mixed matches aren’t allowed here at SCW. So all he can do is sitting there, all lonely and masturbating about the pictures of a girl he never can get. Damn, I almost feel sorry for him, but only almost, because this arrogant bastard deserves this fate. Shall he stay alone for the rest of his life or shall he spend his time with this ugly idiot Misty, I don’t care, at least not as long as he doesn’t come into my way, but sadly this he did. So I can’t ignore him any longer and now I strike back. I’ll make sure that he will get destroyed during our match and that his winning streak will end. This will be his first loss at SCW, but I promise that he will never forget it. He won’t even only get beaten up by Despayre, no, we will also force him to go down on his knees and to kiss my toes and than had to beg me to forgive him. Haha, and maybe I’m even nice and do so, who knows.
But I’m not mean at all. I might be a Mean Girl, but I’m still the nicest Mean Girl they ever had at SCW, so I will give him a lil reward after he begged me and called me a Goddess, his Goddess. I’ll send him a tape with my last session with Rose and me at my club and I bet he will love what he gets to see. It’ll be a great help for him and some great wanking material for this idiot. Haha, I almost can see him doing it right now. Eww, it’s so disgusting.”

Amanda lightly shivers as she thinks about all this. Again she drags at her cigarette and then she starts to laugh, but it’s not her usual cheery laughing, no, it’s mean and dirty.

“But now enough with the talking about this disgusting jerk. Let’s come to his idiotic partner, to ugly fat Misty. The thing with me and Misty is a really long story now and we don’t like each other from the very first beginning of my career at SCW. I really can’t remember how everything began. It never has been a real feud, but it’s still a rivalry and this goes on since years. She was one of my first opponents as I joined SCW and I must admit, that she really wiped the floor with me. Shit yes, during our first match I looked so bad and I was about to quit this job, but thanks God I didn’t. Otherwise I wouldn’t stand here as your tag champion.
But that wasn’t the only time I faced her. After my return to SCW and after I teamed up with Vero as a part of the Mean Girls, I had to face her again. Sadly we couldn’t win this match, but it wasn’t all my fault, at least I haven’t been the one who gets pinned, but anyway. I don’t wanna blame Vero, because my role during this match wasn’t much better. We both received a really bad beating up and this match really was no fun. In some way I hoped that I won’t have to face her again, but I also wanted my revenge. Nobody is allowed to threat me, the Goddess, like this and so she will have to pay for it.
I’m not so sure whether I’ll be able to defeat her in a singles match, but in a tag match I have chances. I’ll try my best and I’m sure I’ll find some ways o hurt her really bad and if it really doesn’t look good for me, then I always can tag in Despayre to save me. So there really isn’t much that can go wrong.
But it’s not only Despayre who will help me to take the win, there’s something more. It’s the fact that she lost her memories. Ok, normally that’s nothing I would laugh about and in some way this stupid bitch deserves it. She laughed about me after my loss and so she had to pay. I haven’t been the one who attacked her, but I must say that I’m happy that it happened. Haha, and for me it’s really good. I mean, she might even have forgotten how to wrestle. Isn’t that funny?
I think it is. Me, the Goddess, in a match against a retarded moron. Oh God, this is laughable, it’s a farce and I must take care that I don’t laugh myself to death. Hehe, this is so idiotic. By the way, I think it’s time for her to change her name from Misty Waters to idiotic Misty, that fits better to her now.
By the way, why do I even talk about this retarded ugly person? She really isn’t worth my time and this time I’ll prove that I’m the better wrestler. I’ll just go out there and destroy her. This time I’ll be the one who wins and not only this, Ill wipe the floor with her. I’ll beat her up as bad as it never happened before in her fucking life. I’ll beat the rest of brain out of her head and after I’m done with her she will need a feeding cup to eat properly. Yes, then she won’t even only lose her memories, she will lose the rest of her brain too. Shell be a stupid babbling something who pisses into her diapers. Fuck yeah, this will be the end of Misty Waters.
And again I will prove that I’m the real Goddess of SCW and that it is a fucking big mistake to come into my way or to even piss me off.”

Amanda is pretty much in rage, but thanks God now her cell phone rings and she answers it. It’s her son Jacoby and immediately her hate is gone and the good mood comes back. He tells her that he loved it to see her matches and that he also wanted to come with her to Copenhagen, to watch her next match. Amanda is really happy and after talking to him for more than two hours, she hands up. Then she dials the number of the airport and books the flights for herself, Jacobi, Rose and Casey. Then she puts her phone away and all this talking made her a bit tired. She goes back to her trailer and for a moment she thinks of going to bed and to sleep till Rose comes home, but then she decides not to do it. Instead she gets a sandwich from the fridge and a diet coke and then she goes back to her deck chair. Sleeping she can also do here. She sits down again and leans back, then she starts to eat her sandwich. At least she isn’t hungry anymore, but now she gets sleepy. So she closes her eyes and dozes a bit and it doesn’t take long and the tattooed beauty falls asleep.
A few hours later, it’s already early in the evening, Amanda feels a tickling at her foot and she wakes up, giggling in her cute way. As she opens her eyes, she sees Rose, who just came home and who tickled her to wake her up. Mandy smiles lovingly and holds out her arms.

“Hehe, such a wonderful way to wake up.”

Rose comes a bit closer and the two hug and kiss each other, then she sits down besides Mandy, holding the petite woman close.

“And I thought after your ordeal after your match you had enough of such things.”

Amanda giggles. She never gets enough of kinky fun, especially not if Rose does it to her. She huddles closer against Rose and runs her fingers through her hair. Then she looks at her and winks.

“No way ..I love it and I never get enough. So you don’t have to worry, I’m already waiting for my daily punishment for being lazy. Hehe, that’s exactly the reason why I prefer it to do nothing.”

They both laugh and then Amanda begins to tell Rose what she had done and also that she had booked them the flights to Copenhagen and a hotel. She also tells her that Jacobi will come with them and Rose smiles. Now she knows the boy too and she really likes him. He’s Amanda’s son and so he is her son too and for Jacoby it also hasn’t been a problem that his mother is married to another woman. So everything is ok.

“It’s good that he comes with us, this way he can cheer at you and he will be proud to see his mom win. And for you it’s a little extra motivation to give your best. I think you don’t wanna disappoint your son.”

Amanda nods in agreement. She is still in Rose’s arms, but now she sits up a bit more and looks at her wife.

“I would never disappoint him and I’ll make sure that he will love the show. Haha, and no kinky fun. I don’t want that he sees his mother in such situations. That’s not good for a young man. I wouldn’t know how to explain this.”

Now Rose starts to laugh. Normally Mandy isn’t prude and so it’s funny to hear such things from her.

“Gosh ..he’s a young man and he knows what sex is. So don’t worry about it. He has probably seen more than you want to know. And two girls having sex or you getting tickled isn’t a thing that would shock him. Don’t forget that he’s no baby anymore.”

Amanda looks up and now she pouts. She isn’t mad at Rose, but in some way these words had hurt her.

"For me he always will be my baby. I missed his whole childhood and his youth and now I try to be a good mom. And if this means to stop doing this modeling stuff or even to stop wrestling, then I don’t have a problem with retiring. I can also look for a normal job. Like the thing you do. Or I could help you with your flower shop.”

Again Rose huddles Amanda. She feels a bit bad and now she tries to comfort her wife. Lovingly she kisses her on the cheek.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. And you’re right, he’ll always be your baby, but you must treat him like an adult. And with quitting your jobs, I see that different. I think it’s not so easy to find something new and the flower shop doesn’t bring us enough money. So this would be a problem. But it’s no problem that you are a wrestler, especially as you are really good in the ring. And the modeling stuff is ok too. Ok, you do fetish stuff, but you never do nudes and you’ve never done real porn, so it’s ok. Jacoby won’t have a problem with it he will be proud to have such a pretty and popular mother. So don’t worry about it. And now you should stop thinking about such things. You’ll have a really hard match at Copenhagen and you should focus on this. So you need some training and some time to relax. We all wanna see you win and then we wanna see you become a double champion. Hehe, it’s your duty to do this for your family.
By the way, as we talk about getting ready for your match, I’ll call Casey, so tomorrow in the morning you two can do some training. In the meantime I’ll pack our stuff for Copenhagen. So all you have to worry about is your match and your opponents and nothing more. Understood?”

Rose is right and Amanda knows this, so she nods. She still is a bit worried, but she tries to wipe these thoughts away. She lights a new cigarette and looks to the ground.

"You're right and I know this, but I can't help it, my feelings say something different. But anyway, I think I don’t have to decide it right now. For now we leave everything like it is and I just focus on this damn match. I really wanna become a double champion and I think I have great chances that this will happen.”

With a smile in her face Rose nods. Again she hugs her wife, but there’s also something that worries her. She doesn’t know exactly how to begin and waits for a while, but then she starts to speak again.

“I know that you can defeat Misty. It won’t be easy, but I know that you can do it, but there’s another problem and this problem is your partner Despayre. I don’t talk bad about him and I know that he can be awesome in the ring. Prolly he is the best male wrestler in this company, but I think he has a problem in his family.”

Amanda looks up and she is really a bit worried. It’s not that she is scared that Despayre could be distracted, but she likes him as a friend or even like the little brother she never has had. So it would hurt her to see him sad. But before she can ask anything, Rose continues to tell her the whole story.

"Well, I heard that there's something with a woman he knows. I think her name is Theresa and I heard she had a heart attack and is in hospital now. I don't know exactly who she is, but I think she’s the householder of the family and this for years. So he prolly really likes her and so he could be a bit distracted.”

As she hears this, Amanda’s eyes widen in shock. She doesn’t know Theresa, but she can imagine how Despayre feels, especially as he’s such a nice young man.

“Damn, that really sucks. I don’t know her too, but I heard Despayre talk about her and it seems that he really likes her. She must have been something like a nanny for him and so he’s prolly in shock. I was already worried, why I couldn’t reach him the last days, but now I know why, he’s in hospital and visits her.
Damn, I really hope that she will be ok soon. It hurts me so bad to see this boy sad, especially as he’s so nice and as he cares so much for his friends and family. You’re right and he might be a bit distracted, but I doubt that. I mean he’s a professional wrestler and he can deal with such things. And he has his family who comforts him. I have the feeling that they are really a great family and that they will all support him. So he will be ok till our match starts.
But anyway, that’s important for me, because I wanna take the win, but what’s more important is that this woman will be ok soon and that Despy becomes happy again. We still have two weeks till the show and I’m prepared pretty good, so there is enough time to visit her in hospital and to find a way to comfort Despy.”

Even though Amanda is well known for her really mean trash talking, she also can be nice and for her friends she does everything. So she takes her phone and begins to call the hospital. After a few calls she knows the hospital and the room where Theresa is and hangs up.

“It’s not too far away from here, so I’ll book us a flight and in a few hours we can be there. I’m sure that this visit will comfort Despy a bit and it’s so much more useful than this troubling with this idiot Misty on Twitter.
You won’t believe it, earlier I posted that I have a match against her and that me and Despy will win this tournament and seconds later I had an answer form her and jerk Watts. These two are really so annoying. They offended me and then they said that I started this trouble. It really goes on my nerves and it’s time to shut them up forever.
Imagine, this retarded bitch and her friend even said that I make jokes about people with handicap. Damn, that really sucks, I would never do that and I also make no jokes about her. I just tell the truth. She doesn’t know who she is and she forgets everything, everybody knows this and it’s no rumor, it’s a fact. So it’s also a fact to say that she is mentally handicapped. That’s not my fault and she can’t blame me for this. It’s the truth and she should live with this fact. Haha, the same fact as the one that we will win this tournament.”

But then Amanda has enough of all this talking about her opponents. In some way these people aren’t so important for the arrogant and cocky young woman. She knows that she will take the win against them and so it’s a waste of time to think more about them.
She stands up from the deck chair and together with Rose she goes back into her trailer. There she gets dressed and a few minutes later she is ready. In the meantime Rose had packed their stuff and then they call Casey and Jacobi and tell them that they will visit the hospital first. Later they will take the flight to Copenhagen, where they all will meet again. Then she takes her bags and together with her wife Rose she leaves the house. The cab is already waiting for them and then they drive off to the airport.

Word count: 7140

Climax Control Archives / I love Europe
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:30:45 AM »
 “Another match, another win. It seems that I’m really on a winning streak. I could take the win in each match during this tournament, I git the tag titles and now we are in the next round, the semi finals. Yay, it looks like nothing and nobody can stop me, SCW’s very own little Goddess. Life really couldn’t be better, even though a lil break would be awesome too, so that I could focus on my other jobs too. My club is run by my wife Rose now and for photo shootings I don’t have enough time too. And even if I would have time, with all the marks and bruises of my matches nobody will book me. It’s not that I don’t get enough money for my matches, but in some way it still sucks, because I really love this photo shootings and doing these lil fetish videos is even more fun. Damn, I really have to change some things in my life.”

This week the SCW show will be in Stockholm, Sweden and so Amanda and her team, Rose and Casey, didn’t fly back to the USA. Amanda hates the cold weather in Europe, but flying back home would be too much stress. So they booked a flight directly to Stockholm and the three are in their hotel now. Casey spends the rest of the day at the gym, like usually, and Amanda and Rose are at the spa area of the hotel. They both lay in the yakuza, with a drink in their hands and enjoy the hot water. In some way Amanda is already a bit excited again, especially as she sits there, with her feet in Rose’s lap and Rose lightly rubs them. Now Rose winks at Amanda.

“Well, the thing with the photo shootings really sucks, but maybe we will find someone here in Sweden, who will book you. And with your lil movies I can help you out. Haha, we can do it right here.”

Rose laughs in a cheery way and licks her lips as she looks at the naked Amanda. She really loves what she sees and she can’t get enough of Amanda. With her long red hair, her pretty fave and her gorgeous body Amanda really is a dream girl and if she isn’t in the ring or cuts a promo, she is really such a cute and nice person, so the fans love her and all her friends do so too. Even though she can be really sassy, nobody can be really mad at the cute bubbly girl.

“But I think we shouldn’t do it too extreme. I mean you had a hard match last week against this idiot called Dreamwolf and his useless bitch and this week won’t be better. You’ll have to face Alex Kaelin and a girl called Jade Manendez-Arcador. I don’t know whether they’re really good, but at least this guy is the Roulette Champion and she has held this title too, so they can’t be too bad.”

A bit curious, like usually, Amanda looks up. She never is worried before her matches, but it’s still exciting, especially as she doesn’t know many of the SCW wrestlers after her long break. It’s not that Amanda doesn’t care about her job, but she can be pretty selfish and cocky and so she doesn’t watch most of the matches of the other wrestlers. This time it hasn’t been different, but she doesn’t care and only shrugs.

“Good to know, but they can’t be that good, otherwise I would have heard of them. And don’t forget that I have Despayre as my partner. This kid is really awesome in the ring. He might be a bit strange and acts like a lil boy, but when he’s in the ring, he’s really a force. Just look how easy he could handle this stupid Indian. He didn’t had a problem, even though this guy has been so much bigger than himself. So I’m pretty sure that he won’t have a problem with Kaelin too. And the girl won’t be a problem. I have defeated so many of these wannabe wrestlers and socalled divas that it really won’t be so hard. If I can handle these monsters Gothika and Raynyn, then Ill be able to pin Jade too.”

As Rose hears Amanda’s cocky talking about her former opponents, she laughs a bit. Even though Amanda mostly acts cute, she van also be a brat and be very offending. She never talks nice about her opponents. But the pretty redhead can be so cute and Rose loves her more than everything else and so it’s always fun to listen to her trash talking.

“Haha, yes, you did a really good match, but you can be happy that it’s not allowed that the guys fight the girls. Otherwise Bo would really have tied you to a stake and tortured you to death. Haha.”

Hearing Rose talk like tis makes Amanda giggle too. This thought is really funny and Amanda loves kinky little games, even though she prefers such things with her wife Rose or her friends. There she is open to everything, but she also does such stuff for money, at home at her club Amanda’s Dungeon.

“Well, maybe this would even have been fun. At least it’s better than all these boring and exhausting long wrestling matches. But true, it’s good that the girls can’t face the guys and in some way I’m really eased that it is this way, even though I think that I also could win against some of the guys, maybe not against Despayre, but Kaelin shouldn’t  be a bigger problem for me, so Jade I will just blow away.”

For a moment she pauses and takes a sip of her drink. It’s so nice here in the warm water, together with her wife and Amanda is completely relaxed. Ok, she will have a match soon, but in some way her thoughts are not really by her match. She would prefer a nice long vacation now. But after this small break she comes back to her match.

“It sucks a bit that I don’t know much about these two idiots, but anyway, maybe it’s even good. I mean then they can’t be that great. I really don’t know how these two managed it to advance in this tournament and what’s even more strange is that they even managed it to get a title. I always thought that SCW is a company full with great wrestlers, but it seems that I’m wrong there. People like Jade and Kaelin aren’t great and will never be. I don’t know how they could manage it to win their matches, but it must have been just luck and nothing more. Their inring skills can’t be the reason for their wins, cu even my grandma could defeat them with ease. They are idiots and they don’t belong into a wrestling ring.
Ok, that might be a bit too harsh, so I’ll correct it. They can wrestle, but please not in a match against me, the Goddess and Despayre. We really deserve it to get good opponents and not such idiots. This match is a farce.”

She puts her drink to the side and wipes some of her hair out of her face. In the meantime Rose Lightly tickles her foot and Mandy giggles happily. She curls her cute lil toes and wiggles her foot, but she doesn’t pull it back. It just feels too good and she loves the light tickling. It makes her happy and also arouses her.

“But anyway, maybe it’s even good. I mean it’s an easy way to get into the next round and then the next title comes closer. And I wanted a break, well, this match will almost be like a break and we can see our lil trip to Stockholm like a nice vacation. We can go shopping, we will party and have fun in bed and we will just have a great time. It will be wonderful and not even the cold weather can bother me. So if it’s too cold we will just spend a whole day in bed or here in the whirl pool. It’ll just be awesome. About getting ready for this match we can think later.”

But now Rose stops tickling Amanda’s foot and looks at her love. She agrees with what Mandy says, but even though she has done some matches too and also won a few titles, she still is also a bit more insecure and not so full of self confidence as the tiny tattooed diva.

“But don’t underestimate them. I really don’t want that anything goes wrong. I wanna see you as the winner and not these idiots. They might have won their matches with some luck, but this can always happen again. So later we should really join Casey in the gym.”

With a smile in her face Amanda shoves her foot between Rose’s legs and gently rubs her there till she moans and begins to make cute noises. It doesn’t take long and Rose is in heaven and her noises become louder. She screams out in passion and then it’s over. Pretty exhausted she sinks back and looks at Amanda with a happy smile in her face.

“Wow …That was really awesome …Hehe, and now it’s your turn …”

Amanda crawls forward and wraps her arms around Rose, holding her close. Normally the petite bubbly girl is always up for having fun and now it’s not different, but in some way her thoughts are already at her upcoming match. So she only smiles at Rose, but she shakes her head.

“No …let’s do it later. You’re right, I shouldn’t underestimate my opponents. They might be bad wrestlers, but sometimes even such morons have luck and win a match. This happened in their last matches and I don’t wanna have this happen again. So we better get outa here and meet Casey at the gym. Some training is always good and then we go a bit shopping or sight seeing. And then we have the whole night for having fun.”

That’s true and Rose understands that too. So they climb out of the whirl pool and dry each other in a really lovingly way. It doesn’t take very long and Mandy is excited again, but now it’s too late. Rose is already dressed and so Amanda gets dressed too. Just as they are about to leave the spa area, Amanda’s cell phone rings and she answers it. It takes a few moments and then she shoves the phone back into her pocket, with a huge grin in her face. So Rose becomes curious too.

“Hey ..what was this?”

For a moment Amanda waits, but then she begins to tell Rose everything. She would have teased her a bit by not telling her, but it would be mean, because Rose really is so curious and it’s so easy to make her worry.

“Well, it seems that we have some luck. It was a big photo studio here in Stockholm and they wanna book me. I think it’s pretty cool. In LA we can’t do much at the moment, because we are always on tour and I really don’t wanna disappoint all my fans. So we will have the chance to do a big photo shooting here in Stockholm. He told me that we should meet him tomorrow in the morning and that he wanna do a lil video too. Hehe, this will be so much fun and we still have enough time for some training in the afternoon. Haha, at least if I’m not too exhausted after they are done with me.”

The two young women laugh in a cheery way and then they leave the hotel to look around a bit in the city. After two hours of walking around in the cold, they are both a bit tired and it’s time for a little break and a cup of hot chocolate. They stop at a coffee shop, sit down there and order. Amanda looks at her wife and smiles.

“By the way, I think I should do something with my hair. I mean when I have a photo shooting tomorrow, then it should look really good. And a manicure and a pedicure will be good too. I wanna look nice, sexy and cute. Oh, and I think then we could go and buy some shoes. I mean I could need some boots, it’s so damn cold here.”

Rose nods. She loves the thought of visiting such a beauty shop together with Amanda and buying boots is fun too. So she likes this idea and after the two have finished their hot chocolate, Amanda pays and they are on their way again. They stop at a beauty shop and Amanda talks to the girls there. A few minutes later she already sits in the chair there and one of the girls makes her hair, two take care for her fingernails and two more give her a pedicure. Ticklish as the cute Mandy is, immediately her giggling can be heard and it’s so cute that really everybody has his fun to watch her. And so does Rose. She just sits there and drinks a coffee while she waits for Amanda. Still giggling Amanda begins to talk to the girls and one of them recognizes her. She ask her whether she is one of the SCW wrestlers and Amanda nods.

“Yeah, I am and I’ll have a match this weekend.”

Amanda is really good in the ring and her performances are awesome. She knows it too good how to entertain the fans in the best way, but she is also cocky and so she loves it to get all the attention of the people around her. But she’s also a nice young woman and so she promises them to give them free tickets for the show on Sunday.

“Hehe, and if you manage it not to tickle me to death, then you all get free tickets for the show. I love it to have my fans with me, so it’ll be awesome and you all can see your Goddess perform in the ring. Ok, you’ve seen me on TV and that’s already great, but live it will be even better.
So you will have your fun and I’ll have a few people there who cheer at me. Hehe, it has been a really great idea to come here.”

Again she giggles and the girls continue to take care for her. They are a bit more carefully now, but Amanda looks so cute when she giggles and so they can’t resist and from time to time the two girls tickle her toes. Rose watches them having their fun and smiles lovingly while she drinks her tea.

“Oh yes, it was ..I always love it to see you in such situations and getting some new fans is good too. We need everything that’s good for your publicity.”

The girls are happy about their free tickets and Amanda too. Now they ask her about her plans, especially about what she will do if she wins this tournament, because she already has a title and then there’s only one title left, the one of her friend and team member Delia. For a moment Amanda isn’t so sure about what to say. She never doubted that she would win this tournament, but she also never thought about a match against Delia.

“Well, it’s no question whether I will win, because it’s a fact that me and Despayre will leave the tournament as the winners. Hell, what should go wrong? Do you really think that this nobody Jade will stop me? Look, I had had real wrestlers as opponents, such as the Fallen, Misty, Melody, Amy and many more and in most of these matches I ended up as the winner or at least I made a great performance. So this stupid bitch won’t be a problem for me. I’ll blow away this fat cow like this.”

She snaps her fingers and laughs out. Sadly this has ruined her fresh nail polish and so the girls have to begin again, but it’s no problem for them. They all love Amanda’s talking and also her cute reactions to the pedicure and so the two girls who are giving her the pedicure aren’t mad, even though they now have a bit more work.

“So it’ll be an easy match. Against the Fallen Vero and me didn’t look so good, but last week my performance was pure perfection. I have been the one who pinned the opponent and this week I’ll do it again. There won’t be any moment during this match where Jade will have a chance against me. So there’s nothing to worry about.
Well, after this win there will be one more match and this is the finals. I think this could become pretty hard, but in some way I know that I’ll leave the ring as the winner again. So you can already see me as the next no.1 contender for a title of my choice. Ok, here at SCW gender mixed matches aren’t allowed and in some way I’m happy about it, even though I know that I could even defeat some of the guys. So if there would be something like the cruiser weight division, then I would have chance to win such a title. But that’s not possible. The tag titles I already have, so there’s only the bombshell’s title left and sadly this one my friend Delia has.
But anyway, all that counts is that I win this damn tournament. I’, mew in this group of the Mean Girls and so I’ll have to prove that I’m worth to be a member. Ok, I proved it by winning the tag titles, but if I win this tournament, what I don’t doubt, it’ll even be better. Delia will be proud at me and everybody will accept me as a full member, even though I’m a bit different than the other Mean Girls. That means that I’m not that mean and that I still have friends and that there are still fans who cheer at me like you guys.”

She smiles at the girls and then she giggles again. Damn, if this pedicure wouldn’t tickle her so bad, but in some way she still has her fun and the girls too. It’s so cute to see the tough championess laugh and giggle like a school girl, especially as Amanda also begs in such a cute and innocent way.

“Hehe ..please be carefully …”

The girls give their best and eventually Amanda manages it to speak again. She is a bit out of breath and from time to time she has to laugh again, but all in all the speaking works properly. To relax a bit Amanda lights a cigarette and even though it’s forbidden in the beauty shop, nobody stops her. They even bring her an ashtray.

“So if I win I’ll be a full member and then the only choice I have is to face Delia, but I doubt that this will be a bigger problem. That doesn’t mean that it’ll be easy to defeat her, I mean that it won’t be a problem to face her in the ring. Look, all that counts is that one of the Mean Girls holds the title, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s Delia or me and I know that Delia sees it the same way. So what ever happens, the Mean Girls will be the winners.
And there’s one more thing, I might try to get a fun match so that it doesn’t get to violent and nobody gets hurt. The other option will be to just lay down and let Delia take the win, even though I don’t like this option, so this I prolly won’t do. So pretty soon you will see me in the ring against my partner.
Delia can be a very tough opponent and her wrestling skills are awesome, so I’m not sure how this match will end. I’m really not so sure whether I’ll be able to win against her in a fair fight. But that doesn’t matter, she’s my friend and so it’ll be ok if she pins me, cuz cheating and mean tricks I’d never do against her.”

She smiles in a friendly way and even though she can be a bit sneaky, everybody believes her. They all know that she would do everything for her friends and for the people she loves and that cheating in a match against them is no option for her.

“And this is a promise. But I don’t promise that I won’t cheat against these two motherfuckers Kaelin and Jade. They aren’t worth my time and so I’ll do everything I can to make it a short match. I just need a win and I really don’t wanna waste my strength and energy in such a match, because I will need it for the finals. So this Sunday everything can happen. And this Sunday I won’t promise that I won’t cheat or use weapons. Sadly they took away my brass knux at the airport, but that’s no bigger problem, my love Rose bought me some new ones here. Haha, so I’ll be armed and it’ll be an honor for me to smash them into Jade’s ugly face. Haha, and for her it’ll be a favor too, cuz she’ll need a surgery and this they can combine with something to make her look prettier, even though it would prolly be the best to cut off her head. Sadly this isn’t allowed here …”

Everybody laughs about Amanda’s joke and for a moment there is a small break. Then the girls are finished with her nails and hair. Amanda stands up and looks at her nails and her hair and as she is really satisfied. Her hair is freshly colored and her nails are bright red and her feet are wonderfully soft again. So she smiles happily as she carefully puts on her shoes again, taking care not to ruin her fresh nail polish. Then she pays and Rose and Mandy leave the shop.
The two walk around in Stockholm and really enjoy their time. They stop at a few coffee shops and have hot chocolate and cookies and then they continue their sight seeing and shopping tour. It’s just fun and the two are in a really good mood, but it’s so damn cold. Amanda comes from LA and so she really isn’t used to this weather, but in some way she loves the snow. It’s so romantic and she already thinks of a nice evening, together with Rose, in front of their fire place. She’s a bit lost in thoughts, but her cold feet bring her back to reality and she remembers that she wanted to buy some new and warm boots. The two stop in front of a shop and look insides. Immediately Amanda discovers some really hot looking high heeled overknee boots, but Rose stops her.

“Hey …I thought that you’re looking for something warm.”

That’s not really what Amanda wanted to hear and she pouts a bit. She loves sexy outfits so much and especially high heeled boots are awesome. They look good and make the tiny diva a bit taller and so Amanda would love to buy them. A bit frustrated and sad she looks at her wife.

“Damn, but they look so hot and sexy …I love them …”

But there’s no discussion. The two enter the store and after some looking around Rose comes back with a pair of ugg boots in her hand. As Mandy sees this, her eyes widen in horror and she shies back. They look comfortable and warm, but running around in such ugly boots really is a thing Amanda doesn’t like.

“No way that I’ll wear these ugly things …I”d look like an elephant. Forget it.”

Rose roles her eyes. Sometimes Amanda can be so annoying, especially when she acts like a lil kid, but Rose isn’t willing to listen to this. So she shuts her up with a gesture and for a moment she even glares at her pretty wife.

“Just shut up. I’m fed up with your constant whining that it’s so cold, so you buy these things. I don’t care whether they’re ugly or not, at least they’re warm. And here’s nobody who knows you, so it really doesn’t matter how they look. Hehe, at home they come off anyway, so don’t worry about it.”

She winks at Amanda, but Mandy still isn’t happy. She sighs frustrated, but then she buys these boots, puts them on and the couple leaves the shop. Without her high heels Amanda is much smaller and looks so cute, so that Rose has no choice and has to hug her. She wraps her arms around the petite redhead and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

“Damn, you’re cute too with these boots and I love you, so don’t worry.”

Pressing her body tightly against Rose, Amanda smiles happily. She feels so safe and comfortable and she really wishes that this moment would last forever, but sadly her cell phone rings the second time this day and she answers the phone. Like usually when Amanda is at the phone, it takes a while and it seems that Mandy really likes what she hears. After a few minutes, she hangs up the phone and has a huge grin in her face.

“So what was this about?”

Rose is always a bit curious and so Amanda tells her everything. She lights a cigarette, inhales deeply, but then she doesn’t want to let Rose wait any longer.

“Ok, it was a call from a local photo studio here at Stockholm. I was already a bit worried, because we never were at home the last weeks and we couldn’t do any photo shootings, but now everything becomes good. They wanna book me and they pay good. The last weeks we didn’t had much income, especially not as our club is closed at the moment, but this here is even better. Normally I take 300 USD for one hour, but here in Europe they even pay more. They are willing to pay 500 Euro for one hour and they wanna book me for about three hours, so we will get more money than at home. I love Europe.”

Happy and really in a good mood Amanda lights a cigarette. Then she takes Rose by her hand and smiles. The two start to walk again and now they are looking for the next coffee shop.

“And what do you have to do there? I doubt that they pay you 500 Euro just for a few photos.”

Amanda nods. She drags at her cigarette and blows out a smoke ring, then she turns back to Rose. With a smile in her pretty face she shrugs. She already knows wha awaits her, but that’s absolutely no problem for her. As a professional fetis model she is used to such stuff.

“Well, some photos they will take too. Just the usual stuff, you know, me getting tied up in different ways and so on. And then they wanna make such a lil fetish movie. But I’m not worried, it’s nothing new and it’s much money for doing nothing, just sitting there and laughing while getting tickled silly. It’s almost like the stuff I do in my sessions at home.”

Now Rose looks up. She knows that Amanda loves such kinky stuff and she always likes it to come with her to these sessions, but she still is a bit worried, because of Amanda’s important match.

"But three hours is pretty long. I hope you won't be too exhausted after it's over. Don't forget that you have a match the next day.”

But Amanda only shrugs again. It seems that the tough tattooed young woman really isn’t worried and that she even likes the thought of getting it for such a long time. In some way it’s a challenge, but it can also be relaxing.

“Don’t worry, I’ll survive it. Look, at home I have these one hour sessions without a break and this movie will be with breaks, so it can’t be that bad. I doubt that I’ll be to exhausted to fight the next day. And don’t forget that it won’t be such a hard match. These two are really no opponents for me. These wannabe champions are just laughable. They are no wrestlers, they are a joke. I really can’t understand how they managed it to stumble into the semi finals. It’s a miracle, but anyway, I’ll make sure that their way will end here. No finals for Kaelin and Jade. The finals will be a match between me and Despayre against Misty and Watts. That’s a match, but not this farce this week. I think we would even win this match with hands tied behind our back and blindfolded. It really will be easy, so we don’t need much preparations for it.
But don’t worry, I won’t underestimate them. They might be bad wrestlers, but I still watched their last matches. It wasn’t very impressive. The guy only stumbles around in the ring like a blind idiot and Jade acts like a pregnant elephant. Just nothing to worry about. But anyway, I studied all their moves, even though they don’t have many. But so I’m prepared and I know what awaits me. And then we still have the afternoon after my photo shooting. We can pick up Casey and do a last training. This should really be enough for these two idiots. More would be a waste of time and energy. But now lets get the next coffee and let’s enjoy the day. These two aren’t worth to think about them any longer.”

With this she takes Rose by her hand and they enter the next coffee shop. Like usually Amanda is hungry and so they order some more cookies and two cups of coffee. As the waitress brings them their food they start to eat again. In a really good mood the two enjoy their day and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5057

Climax Control Archives / Playing Cowboys and Indians
« on: February 10, 2015, 04:09:36 AM »
 “Ouch …Ouch …please, be a bit carefully …stop it, no more  …”

After winning the tag titles, Amanda is back in her locker room and her sister and trainer Casey and her wife Rose is with her. Normally Amanda should be happy that she could win this match, but she isn’t, because the whole match has been a complete chaos. It was a normal match, but her opponents, the Fallen have been so much better and stronger, so that Amanda and Vero received the beating up of their life. During the whole match they couldn’t do any proper action and they could only take the win by cheating, like usually. This time Vero has knocked out one of their opponents with the belt, as the referee wasn’t looking, and then she had dragged Amanda’s lifeless body over Gothika, so that Amanda and Vero are the champions now.
So they have the titles now, but they had to pay a high price and Amanda is completely bruised and damaged. There isn’t a single part of her body that doesn’t hurt and so she is whining and complaining as Casey checks whether she has any real injuries. It goes on for a bit longer and Amanda even starts to cry and sniffle, so that Casey has enough of all this.

“Hey, you act like a lil school girl and not like a champion.”

But that doesn’t help and Amanda continues to cry. Nobody sees her and so she has no reason to hold back and she also doesn’t want to hold back. She acts a bit like a small child, but that’s no problem for her.

“Damn, but it hurts ..why should I hide my feelings and play the tough one if nobody sees me? That makes no sense.”

The strong and tough Casey roles her eyes. She’s really tough and brutal and so she can’t understand that Amanda acts like this.

“Because you are the champion now and so you should act like one.”

Now Amanda stops the crying and looks at her sister. She is annoyed that Casey is so cold hearted and it hurts her. So she yells at her.

“But I don’t feel like a champ, I feel like crap. I’m happy that they didn’t break our bones. Damn, that was no match, that was a beating up, a massacre. They wiped the floor with us, especially with me and I think I really didn’t look like a champion, I more looked like a rag doll or like a complete idiot.”

It’s clearly visible that Amanda is annoyed and frustrated, but the cold hearted Casey doesn’t care, but now Rose gets involved. She kisses Amanda lovingly and holds her close.

“That’s not true …you had a bad day and that’s all. And don’t forget that these two are really strong.”

Amanda huddles at her wife and she is really happy to have her. She smiles lovingly and in Rose’s arms she feels better immediately.

“That’s true, they are really strong, but you’re right, and at the end all that counts is who won this match and the winners were we, me and Vero. It hasn’t been our best match, but we have the titles and in some way I’m proud. And I’m pretty sure that Deliah will be proud too. It has been a great success for the Mean Girls and I could prove again that I’m worth to be in their team. We are the champions and I would say that that’s a reason to party, if there only wouldn’t be these damn bruises.
But anyway, party we can do later. For now I’m just happy that it’s over and that I have a week to relax before all this stress begins again. But now back to that match. I think that the wrestling world now knows what we can do in the ring. We have been the complete underdogs and it really didn’t look good for us. Everybody was betting against us, but we still did it, we took the win against these two ugly weird monsters. There’s no reason to talk bad about them anymore, because their title reign is history, but they are still scary and I don’t wanna face them again. Fighting them is almost as bad as fighting the guys, a thing I really try to avoid. I don’t want my pretty face gets damaged.
Haha, for other divas it’s no problem, because they are already ugly, but for me it isn’t. I’m the Goddess, the cutest diva in this company and I don’t want this to change. So no match against these idiots again.”

Fir a moment Amanda pauses and it seems that she has forgotten all her bruises. She is proud to be the champion and so she smiles happily, looking cute as always, even though her eye slowly becomes black and also her lip is a bit swollen.

“But at least now everybody knows that we aren’t scared of facing such monsters. The Mean Girls never back away or give up and this we could prove. The fans might not love us, and the other wrestlers too, but at least now they have to respect us. So everything is good and this was only the beginning. I mean if me and Despayre win this tournament, then we will have the chance to go for another title. Well, then I’ll hold all titles in this company, even though I don’t like the thought of facing Delia. She’s my friend and I don’t wanna beat her up. I would know better things to do with her if she only was into girls, hehe.”

As she hears this, Rose’s jaw drops down. She isn’t the jealous type, but this is still too much and she glares at Amanda. Pretty fast she reaches forward and pokes Amanda in the side, so that the cute redhead giggles.

"Hey, are you crazy? Sex with Delia ...that's a complete no go."

Still giggling Amanda smiles at Rose and runs her fingers over her cheek. She loves her and would never cheat on her and now it’s time to comfort her. She really doesn’t want to see Rose hurt or even sad and it would break her heart.

“Don’t worry, I love you and only you. I mean, Delia is pretty, but I’d never touch her, at least not if you don’t want it. I mean a threesome could be fun, hehe.”

Amanda giggles, Casey roles her eyes and Rose laughs too. She never can be mad at Amanda, even though Amanda can be a bit annoying.

“Well, maybe a threesome would be fun, but as you said, Delia isn’t into such things and we don’t want to make your boss mad. Haha, so we should take Casey.”

“Hell no …”

The tall blond woman raises her arms and moves a bit back. That’s really too much for her and she doesn’t even want to hear this. Tickling Amanda sometimes is fun, but no sex, even though she only is her stepsister.

“I think I better leave you two alone before all this here escalates. Just tell me when we leave here. I’m at the lounge and get a coffee.”

Then she leaves the room and so Rose and Amanda are alone. The couple look at each other and they both laugh, then Rose gets an ice pack for Mandy’s eye and sits down besides her.

"Well, prolly it's better that she is gone. We just have to take care that we don’t forget her when we drive to the airport. I think she would kill us and it’ll even be worse than your match against the Fallen.”

They both laugh and now it seems that Amanda has forgotten all her bruises and her pain. She leans forward, wraps her arms around Rose and they kiss passionately. Lovingly she nibbles at Rose’s ear and whispers.

"I want you"

That’s exactly what Rose wanted to hear and she gently presses Amanda down on the couch, holding her by her arms. They kiss again and rub their bodies against each other. They are both in heaven and begin to breath heavily. After a few minutes, Rose stops it and smirks at Amanda.

“But it won’t be so easy for you …”

Within seconds she rips off Amanda’s clothes and so the petite redhead is all nude. Carefully Rose caresses Amanda’s tight body, taking care not to touch all the bruises, even though this is really difficult, because there are so many of them. Amanda moans, but from time to time she whines and so Rose stops it again. She looks at Mandy, thinking for a moment about what to do, but then she takes Mandy’s feet in her lap and gently rubs them until the petite redhead giggles and purrs. Then she takes her by her ankles and lifts them up. With a lovingly smile in her face she licks and nibbles the bottoms of Amanda’s feet and Mandy giggles and laughs, but then she begins to make cute noises. To make it even better, Rose kisses Mandy’s cute toes and licks and sucks them, driving the tattooed girl wild completely. Her tongue circles around Amanda’s cute toes and now it’s over, Mandy laughs and shrieks, but she is so aroused now. She has her eyes closed and is in heaven and after a few minutes she screams out in passion and explodes. Completely out of breath she sinks back while Rose continues to rub her feet.

“Oh God, that was wonderful ..I love it. The best way to treat your cute Goddess and to celebrate our win. Hehe …please do it again …me wants more.”

Rose laughs a bit and winks at Amanda. It’s so cute that Mandy never gets enough of getting pleasured, but now it’s time to pick up Casey and drive to the airport. So she shakes her head.

“I’d love to, but now we have to go. We have to look for Casey, because I really want her to get mad and then we must go to the airport. I have enough of Wales and this fucking weather. I really need the heat of California to recover from all this stress.”

Even though Amanda would have loved it to get pleasured a bit more, she nods. Rose is right and getting home will be awesome. So she stands up, but now the pain comes back and she moans. So Rose helps her to get dressed and to pack their stuff and then the two leave the locker room. After a few minutes they find the lounge and also Casey, who already is a bit impatient, but not too mad and so the three leave the building and call a cab. After a short drive they arrive at the airport and without any problems they check in and fly back to LA.
Back at home the nice life begins and Amanda recovers from all her injuries. Most of the days she spends at the pool or at the beach and after a few days she is ok again and ready to begin with her training.

Doing nothing has been so much fun, but now it’s time again to train and to get ready for her next match. So she checks the match card again and sees that she has to face Bo Dreamwolf and Crystal Hilton in the Blast of the Past Tournament. After being away from SCW she isn’t so good informed anymore about who belongs to the best wrestlers, but she still remembers that Dreamwolf has been the Roulette Champion in the past and also his partner Crystal can’t be that bad, because at least they managed it to come into the next round of the tournament. So it would be a deadly mistake to underestimate her opponents. But like usually Amanda is pretty relaxed and not really worried. She watches a few movies with matches of her opponents, especially their last one in this tournament, and now she is really confident that she will take the win against these two and advance into the next round. So her main goal to win this tournament comes closer and she is really excited.
She has watched the matches together with her trainer Casey, so that they both know what awaits Amanda and so that they can optimize their training. It doesn’t take long and Casey has a plan and also the cocky Amanda knows what to do. She will focus on her MMA training, knowing that she will have success with this. If she gets her opponent into a grapple, she will be able to use one of these deadly submission holds and she will force her opponent to tap out. And even if this doesn’t happen, she still has Despayre, who’s really dangerous in the ring. So she is sure that nothing much can go wrong.

“Well, the next two idiots we have to defeat. It really sucks that they always throw such morons into our way. I really could need a real opponent. These damn losers slowly make me sick.”

Amanda is the nicest of the Mean Girls, but she's still a Mean Girl and so she is good in trash talking and she loves it more than anything else. She loves it to show that nothing can scare her and she isn’t worried about anything. Even though she also can be nice and the fans still love her because of her cute appearance, she can be really mean and aggressive, insides the ring, but also outsides when she makes interviews.

"Damn, a match against such a native American who still seems to live in the jungle and against a stupid bitch who wanna be a movie star, that’s more than laughable.
Now don’t call me a racist, cuz I’m none. I’m not from the USA myself and I would be the last person who would laugh about such things, but just look at this guy.  He dresses like the evolution has stopped 200 years ago. He hardly can’t speak and his fighting skills aren’t worth to be mentioned. Maybe with a tomahawk he’s better, but please not in the ring. Damn, and I’m no cowboy whom he can scalp. So do me a favor and hold away this moron from me. It’s laughable and doesn’t belong to a wrestling show. This idiot belongs to a freak show at an amusement park.
And his partner isn’t much better. A girl, or lemme better say a woman, cuz she really isn’t that young anymore, who says about herself that she is a movie star, that’s really a joke. Just look at her, how ugly and fat she is. Do you really wanna see such a person in a movie? Well, at least I can’t say that I don’t want.
But anyway, it’s not the main problem that she is ugly, even though I don’t like ugly persons, but this way she at least fits to her stupid partner. But the main problem is that she isn’t that good in the ring, so that she should be in such a tournament. I really don’t know how it could happen that these two didn’t already got eliminated, but anyway, I will make sure that this will happen now.
As I said before, this is a wrestling show and no freak show, so we really should find a way to get rid of these laughable idiots. Shell he go back to the plains or the jungle, or wherever he came from and she should go back to her so called film studio. I don’t care, as long as they stay away from me and as long as I don’t have to touch their ugly stinky bodies.
But sadly this won’t happen and I have to waste my time with them. Damn, I really have better things to do. Having a match each week really sucks. I have my club and now it’s already closed for the second weekend. Damn, that really sucks. I don’t wanna think about how much money I’ll lose and all this for facing these two losers. I get paid 300 to 500 USD for a one hour session, and the weekends are the days where I get mostly booked, so it will be so much money I’ll lose. Damn, these idiots will pay for this,, this I’ll make sure and you can see this as a promise.”

Eventually Amanda is finished with her trash talking and so the two can drive to the gym to do some training. Now Amanda takes it seriously and so they spend the next days with some really intense training, where Amanda mostly practices her MMA skills. She’s already really good, but so she even becomes better and she is really good in shape.

A few days later it’s time to move to Oslo, where the show will be and Rose books the flights for them. Amanda, Casey and Rose pack their stuff and then they are on the way to the airport again. After a really long flight, they arrive at Oslo and as Amanda has expected it, it’s so damn cold. This time they didn’t book a room at the hotel, but they booked a small house near Oslo. It has been snowing all day and so it looks wonderful, all white, and Amanda is really happy. She is dressed in really warm clothes, a black pants, thick boots, a red sweater and a warm jacket and her cap, but it’s still too cold for the tiny young woman, but Mandy loves the snow and so she’s in a good mood.


They enter the house and after it’s warm there, Amanda explores everything and then she goes out for a long walk in the snow, together with her wife Rose. It’s so romantic and the two talk about what they will do in the evenings.  Laying around naked in front of the fire place will be so awesome and they really can’t wait till it becomes evening. But at first they decide to sled a bit. The two really have their fun and hours later they come back to the house, with wet clothes, but in a really good mood. Casey is already waiting for them and she is really annoyed, because she would have preferred to spend the day at the gym.

“Oh …are the two lovers eventually back? I hope you had your fun, cuz I had. Starving is really awesome …”

Rose and Mandy look at each other and then back at Casey and laugh. Normally it’s Amanda who’s always hungry and it’s fun to see her sister like this.

“Oh, don’t worry, you won’t starve so fast. Haha, you could have eaten some snow, hehe, but don’t take the yellow one, that tastes so salty ..”

They giggle like little girls, but then they get rid of their wet clothes and help Casey to make the dinner. After spending the whole day at the fresh and cold air and now after they aren’t hungry anymore, it’s time to relax a bit. So they all go into the sauna and enjoy the heat. Especially Amanda loves this, because there they can run around naked, a thing the pretty redhead really loves. After 30 minutes of sauna it’s time to cool down again and so they leave the sauna. They could have jumped into the cold water, but they also could go outsides and rub snow over their bodies, but Mandy doesn’t  like this thought. She prefers it to have it warm and comfortable and so she shakes her head violently as Rose suggests to go outsides.

“No way that I will do this …”

Now Rose and Casey look at each other and then back at Mandy. Suddenly and with out a warning, Casey grabs Amanda by her wrists and Rose takes her ankles and they begin to carry her outsides. Amanda struggles like mad, but she’s really small and petite and so she has no chance against the two stronger girls. They carry her outsides and throw her naked into the cold snow and Amanda screams bloody murder. But that’s not enough, thee two follow her and rub the cold snow all over Amanda’s petite body, so that Mandy shrieks and squirms, but they hold her down, so that she can’t escape. Mandy is almost hysterically, but in some way she still loves such fun. She fights back, but then the two begin to tickle the hell out of her. Casey kneads her ribs and her tummy, while Rose digs her fingers into Amanda’s soft and sensitive foot bottoms. Now it’s over and Mandy is completely out of control. She laughs and shrieks hysterically and roles around in the snow. Eventually the fun is over and Casey and Laura help Amanda up. Still laughing and giggling they go back into the house to warm up a bit. Then they spend the rest of the evening in front of the fire place and it is so romantic. Then they all go to bed.

The next day, after a nice and long breakfast in bed, they decide to visit Oslo. They walk through the city and enjoy it there. Sadly the day is much too short and it becomes evening so that they have to drive to the arena, where Amanda will have her match. They enter the building and after a few minutes they found their locker room, so that Amanda can get ready for the match. Like usually she puts on some small shorts, a sports bra and fighting gloves, the same stuff she wears in her MMA fights and then she is ready to go to the stage. She lights a last cigarette and waits till it becomes time, but then she hears a knocking at the door and Rose opens the door. As Rose sees the camera team, she shakes her head.

“Please no interview now …Mandy has a match in a few minutes, so let her relax a bit.”

But Amanda interrupts her and asks them to come in. She loves it to talk and she isn’t nervous in any way, so it’s no problem for her. But she doesn’t want to give an interview and prefers it to make a small speech, so she makes them a sign to shut up.

“Ok guys, come in, but no useless questions. But don’t worry, I’ll tell you everything you wanna know. Lemme begin with the question how I feel, being a champion now. It’s easy to describe, I feel wonderful. As I came back again to this company a few weeks ago, I just did it to earn some money and I really didn’t wanna go for a title. I never have been this ambitious, but remember the first time I joined at SCW. There it has been the same. After a few matches I have been the tag champion and a few weeks later the women’s champion and it seems that it won’t be different this time.
As I said, I didn’t want a title and I only teamed up with Vero, because we are in the same stable and she wanted a title. Well, the result you all have seen last week. Now you might say that we don’t deserve it and that we stole the win, but that doesn’t mean anything. All that counts is the fact that we are the champions now. So you see, I had success again, even though everybody said that my best time is over, but it’s not.
Anyway, we are the champions and now I’m in this tournament, together with Despayre, one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever known, and the price for winning this tournament is another title shot. Well, I thing you all know what this means, it means that I will hold a second title soon, because there’s no doubt that Despayre and me will win this tournament.
Now yyou might wanna know why I do all this and I’ll tell you. I do it, because there’s no better female wrestler in this company than me, so there’s no way that I don’t get this title too. I’m not ambitious, but seeing all these ugly fat cows here, trying to perform in the ring, really hurts my eyes. They are a shame for the whole women’s wrestling and it’s time to stop this farce. I’ll show you all what real wrestling is and so I’ll hold the next title soon. I’m a real woman, the one and only Goddess, a real wrestler and not such a worthless bimbo, so it’s logical that I defeat everybody whom they throw into my way. Yeah,  I’ll win tonight, I’ll win this tournament and really soon I’ll be a double champion.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and drags at her cigarette, while Rose applauds. She blows out a smoke ring and smiles into the direction of the camera. Too good she knows how pretty and cute she is and she enjoys the sensation she gets.

“But now it’s enough with the talking about me and my goals. Let’s come to my partner, the wonderful Despayre. I know that many people in this company say that he is retarded, because it’s strange that a young man loves candy and runs around with a teddy. Well, to be honest, I found it strange too as I saw him the first time, but now I see it different. It might be strange, but he isn’t retarded. Even though I had had some trouble with his dead and his friend Melody, he still helped me in our match and held my back. He never betrayed me and that’s a thing I really appreciate. He’s a wonderful young man and if he loves his teddy and his candy, then it’s ok for me. Shall he bring Angel with him to the ring, I don’t care. Maybe this teddy even brings us luck and if not, then it’s at least cute. So Despayre listen to me. Don’t listen to all these idiots here, just stay as you are, you’re a wonderful guy and all these morons who talk bad about you are just jealous, because they know that you will kick their asses in the ring. You’re really the best wrestler in this company and I wish it so much that you will hold gold soon and I’ll do everything I can to help you to have success. Oh, and there’s one thing more, I’ll kill everybody who comes even close to Angel and who talks bad about you, so you can really see me as your friend or even as your big sister.
And now a little reward for you, after we have won this match I’ll buy you as much candy and chocolate you want. That’s a promise.”

Again Amanda pauses and takes a deep breath. Slowly it’s time to get ready for her match, but she still has to say something. She doesn’t want to leave here without some last words about her opponents whom she condemns.

“And now let’s come to these two wannabe wrestlers, too these idiots, to my opponents Bo Dreamwolf and Crystal Hilton. Damn, just look at these idiots, they call themselves a team, but all they are, is being a joke. An adult who plays Cowboys and Indians like a lil kid. What shall I say to such crap? Ok, he’s native American and I respect this, but that doesn’t mean that he has to run around like a moron. All his people are dressed like civilized people, just this moron has stopped 200 years ago. It’s laughable, it’s hilarious and I would laugh about it, but this makes the whole match to a farce. Damn, or do you wanna fight a freak show? I doubt that.
But anyway, he looks like a moron, he acts like one, but that wouldn’t be a problem if he would at least perform good in the ring, but not even this he can do properly. Fuck, you don’t need much brain to be a good wrestler, but it seems that he doesn’t even have enough for doing a good fight. To be honest, I even doubt that he has any brain in his head, all that’s insides there is some crap. Damn, otherwise he couldn’t call himself Dreamwolf. This name sounds so fucking idiotic. Aren’t wolves these ugly animals who attack from behind and if their victim attacks, they run away? And don’t they only hunt in a group because they are too scared to do it alone? Well, then this name really fits to this guy, but it also shows us how stupid he is. I would never give myself such a name. Haha, and the thing with the Dream might fit too. He prolly has the dream to become champion, but I will shatter his dreams.
Now I already said that I don’t like ugly and stupid people and that’s one of the reasons why I really can’t stand this person. Shall he crawl back into his wigwam and play with his tomahawk or fuck his squaw, I don’t care, but he better stays away from me and Despayre or I’ll fuck him up as bad as it never happened before in his fucking life. I always hated people like him and I still do so, they are good for nothing and it’s a waste of time to deal with them.”

Amanda looks into the camera and poses for a moment. A smile comes into her pretty face and then she giggles and licks her lips.

“But maybe I forgot one thing. Hehe, doesn’t Indians have feathers in their hair and at their clothes? At least that would be something useful from him. Haha, I love feathers ….”

But then she becomes honest again. She glares at the camera team and wants to begins her trash talking again, but then she hesitates and smirks.

"Just gimme a sec. I think I’ll have to change my ring gear so that it fits. I mean if I have to fight an Indian, well, then I should at least look like a cowboy. Hehe”

Amanda isn’t shy and so she begins to strip down to her underwear. She doesn’t care much that all this will be seen on TV. Then she opens her locker and after some searching she finds what she was looking for. Pretty fast she puts on a small white shirt, a really short leather skirt and some western boots, even though she will kick them off right before her match. Then she takes a cowboy hat and puts it on. With a huge smile she looks into the camera and poses, knowing exactly that she looks really hot. Again her cute giggling can be heard.


"Well, now I can only hope that he won't tie me to a stake and tickle me with his feathers till I submit. Hehe, cuz this will be his only chance to win this match.”

Another giggling, but then a cold glare comes into her dark eyes. She’s a bubbly and cheery young woman, but right before a match she takes everything serious and doesn’t want to be in a good mood. So it only takes seconds till she becomes aggressive again.

“And now let’s come to his partner, or to my victim, to Crystal, this so called movie star. Me and my love Rose love it to watch movies together when we are in bed, and I’ve seen so many. Well, now I must admit that I’m not the most intelligent person in this company, but movies I love, and I remember each of them. So I must say that it’s really strange that I’ve never seen any with Chrystal in them and I also never heard of a company called Rose production. So what does that mean?
There are two options. Number one is that everything is a lie, that she’s too unimportant and too ugly to play in a really good movie, a thing I can imagine. Just look at this fat cow. Do you really wanna see her on TV? I don’t think so. All it will bring you is eye cancer, haha.
Well, and the other reason might be that she performs in a very special kind of movie.”

Now Amanda winks. Everybody can see that it will become really dirty now, but she has no remorse and it’s just too much fun to talk bad about her opponents.

"I mean porn. Well, there’s nothing wrong with porn and I love it. Some people even call the stuff I do porn too and I don’t care and I’m even proud for doing it, but why the hell is this woman to scared to admit it? Is there something wrong with spreading your legs for money? I don’t think so, at least not as long as you have the guts to be proud of it. Then it really is ok.
But it’s not ok what this woman does. She calls herself an actress and nobody has ever seen something from her, her company is fake and ll this stuff. But prolly she even doesn’t appear in normal porn movies, because she’s to ugly and fat for such stuff and there are only some perverts who wanna see her naked or get banged. Damn, I almost feel sorry for this chick, but only almost.
Then there’s this thing with her being a wrestler. Well, shall she try to be one, but to be honest, I don’t think she is one. I haven’t seen much from her and all I’ve seen wasn’t very impressive, so facing her is a waste of time for me. I’m the champion and I have better things to do than fight against rookies and wannabe divas. That’s nothing for me. I also don’t see why such a chick should have the chance to go for a title, at least not at the moment. She can try it again in a few years, but not now. And now I’ll take care that she disappears out of this tournament, together with her stupid partner. They are nobodies and I’ll show them what I do with nobodies, I’ll throw them into the toilet and flush them away like shit.”

Again Amanda laughs, but this time it’s a bit dirty. Then she looks at the camera team and gives them a sign to stop the filming. She loves it to do such speeches and to entertain the fans with her vulgar trash talking, but now it’s time for her to get ready for her match. She is already in her ring gear, but the last minutes before it starts, she needs it a bit quiet, so that she can focus on her match and her opponents.

“So if you would excuse me now, I have to get ready now and I don’t wanna come late to my match. I’ll tell you more after I’m done with these two idiots.”

The camera team leaves and now Amanda is alone with her wife and her stepsister. Even though she only has a few minutes left till she has to fight, she still is pretty relaxed. A last time she looks into the mirror, making sure that she really looks hot and sexy for her match. She turns around and poses a bit and it seems that she is really satisfied with what she sees. Then she opens her locker again and after a few minutes of searching, she found what she was looking for. With a huge smile in her pretty face, she shoves her brass knux under her belt.

“Well, just to make sure that nothing goes wrong. And now let’s go and play Cowboys and Indians …Haha.”

She takes Rose by her hand and the two leave the room, while Casey stays in their locker room. Then they slowly walk into the direction of the stage and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6014

Climax Control Archives / Mean Girls forever
« on: February 03, 2015, 06:28:19 AM »
 “Thanks God the show is over and I survived it without really getting harmed. It’s not that match against tis jerk Evans and Vero. This has been ok and I’m really happy that I didn’t had to face Vero. Ok, we have been in the ring for a few minutes, but it hasn’t been very long and we didn’t had to harm each other. Most of the work had Despayre and Evans. Haha, and he kicked Evans ass so bad. I never thought that this small guy could do it, but it has been awesome to watch it.
At first I was a bit worried as I heard that I had him as my partner in this tournament and then I met him backstage. Damn, and this didn’t make it better. In some way he was cute with his teddy and the way he talked, but is such a boy a wrestler? I didn’t think so, but I should be so damn wrong. But first we met his father and this guy really scared me, especially after we troubled on Twitter after I helped Vero to take the win over Melody. So I was really worried, that he could influence his son, but thanks God he didn’t.
And then we had our match. After Vero and me left the ring it was Despayre who did all the work and he really did such a damn good job. It has been hell on earth for Evans and he didn’t had a chance anytime during this match. Ok, he isn’t the best wrestler and even I could pin him, but Despayre did really awesome and I’m so happy to be in a team with him. We will have success and win our next matches too. Hehe, and then comes the title hunt. I didn’t wanna go for a title, but now I changed my mind and we will see how it develops.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and leans back in her seat. Together with her stepsister and trainer Casey and her wife Rose she sits in the plane back to the USA and she’s happy to be at home soon. England has been fun, but Amanda has enough of the cold weather and so she’s looking forward to come back to LA. Now the petite pretty redhead slips out of her shoes, tucks up her legs and begins to rub her cute little toes. A smile comes into her pretty face.

“But that has only been the official part of the show. At the last show I made this offer, that the winner of one of the matches can have me as a price for one night in my dungeon. Ok, not that what you think, I mean no sex, but with a lot of kinky fun. Well, and this happened. I didn’t think that it would be in England, but he rented a dungeon there and after the show, as I wanted to go back to the hotel, he kidnapped me. He brought me to this dungeon and there I got it really bad. Ok, I don’t complain because I made this offer, but as he was done done with me, I was completely spent. I never got tickled that bad and I still have sore muscles in my tummy from all the laughing and screaming. Hehe, and my poor feet are still pink from all the tools he used at them.”

Again Amanda giggles and rubs her feet, while Rose becomes interested. In some way she still can feel the fingers and all the tools on her soft and sensitive skin. Rose isn’t the jealous type, but talking about such stuff always makes her curious. She loves her wife and she also loves all the kinky stuff Amanda does. It’s no problem for her that Mandy lets others touch her, as long as it’s not her privates and as long as it doesn’t come to sex.

“Oh, this you can have at home too. But now as you started it, you must tell me everything.”

Now it’s Amanda’s turn again to giggle. She looks at Rose with a lovingly smile in her face. She knows that Rose loves kinky stuff too and it would be mean not to tell her, so she begins to tell her everything and she does it in a really detailed way. She knows that rose loves this and it’s a turn on for her to tease her wife a little bit.

“Well, at first I didn’t know what goes on and I have been a bit scared, but then I saw who kidnapped me and so I knew what will happen. He tied me up, gagged me and then he used some feathers everywhere on my body till I couldn’t take it any longer. But it came worse, later he put me into the stocks and tickled my feet till I almost peed myself. Damn, he used brushes, his fingers, a comb, vibrating tools and everything you can imagine and I laughed as hard as never before in my life, but to be honest, even though I screamed and begged for mercy, it has been so much fun and I would do it anytime again.”

A bit turned on by Amanda’s detailed description, Rose licks her lips. Gently she runs her fingers over Amanda’s cheek and smiles lovingly at her wife. She really would love to hear more and it would be even better if she would have been involved in the fun. For a moment she looks a bit sad.

“This sounds really awesome and it seems you had your fun. It’s a pity that I haven’t been there too to join the fun.”

Amanda leans over to Rose and kisses her gently on the lips. Still a bit tired and exhausted, but really happy she leans against Rose. She is so thankfully that she is married to this wonderful woman and she would die without her. Being close to Rose always makes her feel so comfortable and happy and now it’s time to comfort Rose.

“Don’t worry, the next time you will join and then we do it at home in my dungeon. It’s so much more fun if you are at my side during such sessions. Oh, and I think the next winner will love it too. I mean I will make this special little offer again after the next show and maybe they will even bring it on TV. I’ll have to talk with the bosses about it, but I’m pretty confident.”

Now the stewardess brings them their drinks and they all relax a bit. Casey sleeps right from the beginning of the flight and Rose and Amanda talk a bit longer. Amanda has turned around a bit, so that she faces Rose and puts her feet into Rose’s lap, so that her love can massage and rub them. She purrs lightly and it seems that the two have their fun. Really lovingly Rose runs her fingers over Mandy’s sensitive soft skin and the pretty redhead is in heaven. Now Rose looks down and laughs a bit.

“It seems that you really enjoy yourself. You’re really such a kink lil girl. I thought after the events of last night you should have enough, especially as you still have the marks of all your tools on your skin, but it seems you never get enough.”

Amanda’s skin is really still a bit pink and she also has some scratch marks, but that’s no problem for the tough little girl. She still moans and giggles and she doesn’t care that everybody can see what goes on. No, it’s even fun to know that people watch her. In some way Amanda is a bit exhibitionistic.

“That’s true, especially if you do it with me …”

After hearing this, Rose really can’t hold back. It’s pretty crowded in the plane and so it wouldn’t be too good if Amanda becomes too loud, but it’s so much fun to tease her, especially as Amanda is so cute and sexy if when she giggles. So Rose doesn’t only massage her, but she also spiders her fingers lightly over Amanda’s foot bottoms and begins to tickle her. Mandy still purrs, but now it becomes hard not to become loud.She clenches her small fists and bites her lips, but from time to time her sexy and cute laughing can be heard and already some of the other passengers look at the two young women. As they see what goes on, they smile friendly, because Amanda is really so sexy and cute and hearing her cheery laughing is really fun. So the fun goes on for the rest of the long flight and Mandy is really in heaven. Sadly the plane has to land now and so rose has to stop teasing her wife. Amanda slips back into her shoes and now they wait till the plane has landed.
After getting their luggage, the three are on the way to Amanda’s jeep. With some problems they throw all their stuff into the small car and then they drive back home to Amanda’s trailer where they all live together. One hour later they arrive and climb out of the car. They are still a bit tired from the long flight, but also happy to be at home now and all of them are too excited to sleep now. So they think about what to do next. It’s a warm and sunny day and after being in the cold in England, they are happy to be back at home. Amanda’s huge trailer stands directly at the beach, so that they can look at the ocean. Rose isn’t a fan of water sports, but she enjoys it to sit in the sun, with a drink in her hand, but Casey and Amanda love the water and also going surfing. Sadly today it’s a bit too windy for surfing, so Casey decides to take a nap, but Amanda doesn’t care much. Instead of normal surfing, she decides to go windsurfing. She isn’t a pro, but pretty good and even though she’s really small, the heavy wind and the high waves are no problem for her.
After having her fun for a few hours, Amanda comes back to the beach, tired and exhausted, but more than happy. After a short rest, Rose helps her to put her stuff back into the car and then they have a beer at the beach. It’s such a nice day and the two lovers enjoy their time together, but eventually it’s time to go home, especially as Amanda is really hungry now and they still have to prepare the dinner. So as they come home they eat together and the rest of the evening they spend with watching TV. After all this action they are tired pretty early and they go to bed soon.
The next days aren’t much different and Amanda has no match, so she has nothing much to do. Most of her time she spends with Rose, but at the end of the week she books a flight to Ireland so that she can watch the show. It’s not that she is interested in wrestling, but she had made an offer at SCW that the best performer of the show will get a session with her in her dungeon. Normally she would have done this at home in LA, but she decided to give Amy Marshall the reward and so she wanted to meet her directly after the show in Ireland. After a few phone calls she has booked a dungeon and then she was driving to the arena. Sadly Amy didn’t win her match, but that didn’t destroy the good mood of the two and so they drove to the dungeon, where Amy had her way with Mandy. Even though they are in different teams at SCW, the two are friends, and so Amy didn’t only get one hour with Amanda, no she got her for a whole night. So Amy tortured and tickled Amanda the whole night until the pretty redhead was almost dead, but they really had their fun and Amanda didn’t regret it that she made this offer. But eventually this night was over and Amanda had to fly back home, so that she has enough time to get ready for her next match. This time she will have to perform in Wales and she is booked in a tag match, together with her partner Vero against the Fallen. Amanda isn’t very ambitious, but losing she hates, especially as this match is for getting the tag titles. A few weeks ago she had said that she doesn’t want a title, but she knows that Vero really wants it and she doesn’t want to disappoint her friend. So she has no choice and has to give her best, even if it means that she will have real stress. The petite redhead is in a really good shape and she’s a good wrestler too, but she isn’t sure whether she will have a chance against the Fallen. It’s not that she has negative thoughts, but before she left SCW a few months ago, she has lost against them and in this match she really didn’t look good. Till now she doesn’t know what went wrong, but it seems that all the things they tried didn’t work and so she got her ass kicked as never before, even worse than in her last match against Melody and Misty. So she really isn’t happy with her match and the good mood of the last days is gone. Desperately she thinks about a way how to win against these two, but she has no idea and so all she can dis to train even harder as she normally does. Almost all day she spends in the gym with her stepsister Casey, who trains her and as the match comes nearer she is really fit.
Again it’s time to book a flight and so Amanda, Casey and Rose are on their way to the airport. It’s a really long and annoying flight, but eventually they arrive in Wales and take a cab to their hotel. It’s a nice hotel, not very luxurious, but comfortable and so it’s ok for Amanda. She doesn’t need much and so she is happy. Till the show two days are left and so they all have enough time to explore Wales and have some fun in the pubs there. Sadly they close pretty early in the evening, but probably this is better, so Amanda gets enough sleep and doesn’t has so much time for drinking. It’s a bit boring in the evenings, especially as Amanda isn’t used to go to bed early, but that’s no bigger problem. This way she has some more time to have fun with Rose in bed and so it’s ok.

Now it’s the last day before the show and Amanda gets a phone call that she should come to the arena. Because the people in Wales drive on the wrong side of the street she doesn’t want to drive alone and so she takes a cab to the arena. She pays and then she enters the huge building. After looking around for a while, she finds some staff members and asks them for the way to the interviewing area. Because of their strange accent, Amanda doesn’t understand them and it goes a bit on her nerves. The pretty redhead is really short tempered, but the people in wales are friendly, especially as Amanda looks so cute and sexy. So one of them takes her by her hand and brings her to the interviewing area, but there she has the same problem and it’s hard for her to understand the questions. She really tries it hard, but in some way nothing helps. She could have walked away, but some publicity is good for her career and so she just starts to make a little speech.
Amanda always looks hot and sexy and this time it isn’t different. She wears a really short leather skirt, a small white top, western boots and a cowboy hat and she looks so damn hot again. Knowing this, she smiles into the camera and then she begins to speak.


“Ok ladies and gentlemen, at first one thing …I love you all. Yes, that’s true and this time all my love goes to the wonderful people of Wales …”

Again she smiles in her cute way and blows a kiss into the direction of the camera. Amanda is a member of the Mean Girls, a stable that is really heel, but most people still love her, because she has such a cute way and so nobody really can be mad at her and this she also uses for her advantage.

“So here I am, your wonderful cute and lovable Goddess. I know that you all love me and that you wanna show me your love, but this time I’m not only here for some kinky fun performances, no, I’m here to do a title match, but to this we will come later. At first one thing, I’m not gonna disappoint you and so there’s still my offer. The best performer of the night will get a session with me in my dungeon, so guys and girls, give your best. There were already a few persons who had the honor to get this reward and if you ask them, then they will tell you how much fun it is.
But this time I will offer something else. Later, I mean after this weeks Climax Control, when we are all back in Vegas, I will start a new lil game. Everybody who wants to participate gets 15 minutes with me and the winner will be the persons who gets the cutest reactions from me. And the price for winning this lil game is that I’ll be his or her manager for the next three matches. Isn’t this a great price for having some fun with me? I think it is. And it’s not only that you have SCW’s cutest diva in your corner, I’ll also be a great help for you and I promise that I will bring you so much luck that you win these matches. So guys and girls, give your best.”

For a moment the tattooed cutie pauses and blows some of her long red hair out of her face. Another smile into the direction of the camera and then she continues. She takes a deep breath and then the normally so cheery and bubbly young woman becomes really serious.

"But now let's come to the next reason why I’m here, to this title match. Damn, I could spend the next hours with talking about kinky stuff, but sadly there are some more things at this show and one of them is the match between my lovable friend Vero and me against the Fallen, Raynin and Gothika for getting the tag champion. Ok, that’s not completely true, cuz they hold the titles at the moment, but this will change soon, I mean at the end of the night.”

Amanda is a really cheery young woman, but now she’s completely serious and there’s nothing cheery left. She seems to be a bit worried and not very happy with the whole situation and she has no problem to show this. She is cocky and full of self confidence, but that doesn’t mean that she has to hide her feelings and that’s one of the reasons why the fans love her, even though she always plays the bad girl at the shows.

“Now you might wonder, why I’m in a title match after I said that I don’t want a title. So do I kid you? No I don’t. I really don’t want this damn title or any other title, but I know that Vero wants it so bad and so I have no choice, as her friend and partner I have to help her. You all know me, I never let my friends down and so I am in this match.
It seems that I don’t have much luck during the last weeks. I just wanted to get some normal matches for having some fun and entertaining the fans and always I end up in matches that end up in a title hunt. At first I get into this tournament and if me and Despayre win it, we will get title matches and now I’m in this match against the Fallen and this only because my partner and friend wants it. Damn, it really sucks that nobody asks me what I want.
But anyway, I just said that I don’t let down my friends, so Vero, you really don’t have to worry. I’ll be there at your side and together we will show what the Mean Girls can do in the ring. Yeah, we will kick some asses and I promise that we will have success with this. It won’t be easy, but I know that we will have success. We are the best team in this company and nothing and nobody will be able to stop us.
Now you might say that I’m cocky. Well, this might even be the truth, but it doesn’t change the fact that Vero and me are the best wrestlers. Ok, we didn’t win our match against ugly fat Misty and whiny Melody, but that doesn’t mean anything, we just had bad luck, but all of you know that we two are the better wrestlers and …that we are so much sexier than our opponents. Ok, that’s not the subject here, but that had to be said.
But now let’s come back to our match. We lost the last match, but don’t forget, it has been a random match and there it doesn’t count much who wins or loses it, but this time it’s different. This time we don’t have a random match, this time we will have a title match and so it’s time to show what we can do and to take away the titles from these two ugly bitches. We will destroy them, we will fuck them up.”

She clenches her small fists and growls, trying to look dangerous, but in some way it doesn’t work. Amanda is such a pretty and cute young woman and even though her whole body is covered with tattoos, she still doesn’t look dangerous. In the past this has bothered her, but now she only laughs about it and uses it for her advantage. It’s always good if your opponent underestimates you. So she laughs out and continues her speech.

"So you all see that I'm serious and that I really want the win and this not only because Vero needs a title. No, the other reason why I need this win is cuz e and Laura lost against these two idiots in the past and this really bothers me. This time we will clear it and show that we are the better wrestlers. Ok, I don’t have Laura at my side, but I have Vero and that’s even better. She’s one of the best wrestlers I know, and comes right after Delia, the current champion and our boss.
So we are back at talking about our team and how good we are. Delia is the women’s champion, Mercedes has a title and o it seems that it’s time that Vero and me also hold a title. We don’t wanna go against our team members, sadly we can’t go against the guys, so there’s nothing much left for us, only these tag titles.”

Amanda sighs, a bit frustrated, but then the smile comes back into her face. She bends her back a bit and crosses her arms in front of her chest, so that her boobies almost jump out of her skimpy top. She tilts her head a bit to the side and winks.

“But it’s not that I’m really sad about this. Some people might think that the tag titles are a second class title, but I see this different. Sometimes it’s even more difficult to have success with a team than in a singles match, at least if you aren’t used to fight together with a partner. But thanks God, this problem we don’t have. Me and Vero had had matches before and so we are used to hold our back. So nothing can go wrong and at the end we will have success and be the glorious winners, holding the titles then.
Well, now you know the main reason why I take part in this title run, but there’s another reason too. You all know that I’m the newest member of the Mean Girls and so I still have to prove that I’m worth to be in their group and what is better for proving this than a title match? Nothing.
So there’s one thing I can already promise, Delia, you will be so proud of me after we are done with the Fallen and you won’t regret that you took me in your group and gave me this nice and wonderful welcome. I will show that I’m more than SCW’s pretty lil TickleCutie, I’ll show that I’m one of the most dangerous wrestlers in this company and that it’s a deadly mistake to underestimate me.”

The tiny little diva is so full of self confidence now and she laughs out, but then she becomes really honest again. She pauses for a moment and lights a cigarette. After inhaling deeply she blows out a smoke ring and looks at it. It seems that she really is lost in thoughts, but then she starts to speak again.

“And now let’s come to our opponents, The Fallen or also known as Raynin and Gothika. Shit, I already know these idiots from my last appearance here at SCW, 14 months ago. So I might let out all the trash talking, but I wouldn’t be Mandy if I wouldn’t find some ‘nice’ words about my opponents. Haha, and I also don’t wanna disappoint you. I know that you would miss something if there wouldn’t come the trash talking right before my match.
So let’s begin with Raynin. I think there hasn’t changed much since I left SCW to take a hiatus, but I’m willing to repeat it. Ok, She and her fucking friend have kicked my ass really bad, the last time I met them in the ring, but this is long ago and won’t happen again. I have been out of action for a while, but I still trained and I improved my wrestling skills, but I’m not here to talk about me, now I’ll talk about this fucking bitch.
I don’t know much about her and her fucking life, but if I remember it right, she is one of these stupid and ugly military chicks, whom nobody really like. In normal life nobody can stand them, because they are no real women, they are ugly and try to act like a man and in the army nobody likes them too, because they try to act like men, but they aren’t men. So all in all they belong nowhere, especially not in a wrestling federation and in a ring against me. Shit, such women do everything to get respect, but in some way they never get it and all what people do is to laugh about them. They get condemned and I do so too. How can I respect a chick who acts like a man and has balls and a dick between her legs instead of a pussy? It’s wrong and in some way it’s disgusting.
But anyway, now you might say that she showed that there is some brain left in her head as she left the army, but that’s wrong. It’s too late. Nobody who isn’t a complete moron would earn such a fucking institution as the army. Hell no, can a person be normal who likes war and killing other people? I don’t think so. If you ask me then I say that it’s sick and disgusting and that soldiers are potential murderers and that they belong into prison, prolly  even in the death row. Such psychos shouldn’t be allowed to run around free and to harm others. Just look what these idiots have done in Vietnam, in Korea and everywhere else in the world where is war. All they did was bring pain over the people who live there. Fuck, such a person I’ll never respect and I’ll show here where she belongs too, into the trash. I’ll throw her into the toilet and flush her away like shit.
Ok, but that’s not all, this fucking bitch has left this group of morons, called army and went back to Mexico for becoming a wrestler. Well, this isn’t the worst idea, especially as she had the help of her grandpa, even though I doubt that it brought her much. I can’t say much about him, but to be honest, I have never heard of him and this prolly has a reason. Prolly it’s because he isn’t as famous as she always says, but anyway, even if he was and if he was good as a trainer, that still doesn’t mean that this chick can fight. Ok, she knows a few luchadore moves and I must admit that they look pretty cool, but can she really survive in a match against me, the Goddess or my partner Vero? I doubt that. We will wipe the floor with her and end her career. Yes, we will make sure that this moron won’t bother anybody again with her crappy performances and her idiotic talking. We will send her right into hospital and after her rehab, they can keep her there and bring her to a place where psychos belong, into an asylum.”

Really disgusted Amanda spits out. Then she drags at her cigarette again and inhales deeply. She really doesn’t like her opponents and everybody can see this, but she doesn’t care. She has no problem with offending them and she isn’t scared that they want to make her pay for her harsh words. So now she continues with talking about her other opponent, about Gothika.

“And now let’s come to this other idiot, to Gothika. This ugly fat cow is prolly even worse than her friend. How the hell can an adult act like this? All this vampire crap with bats and this stuff. Hell no, this is nothing for adults, it’s stuff for some teenies or kids. It’s just laughable and makes her look like a moron. Prolly she wanna scare her opponents with this crap and with some of the girls here it might work, but I’m not such a stupid bimbo and so all I do is laughing abut her. Take your fucking bats and shove them up into your stinky fucking ass, you cunt.
Ok, that may be a bit too much and I’ll stop it now, because some kids might listen to my lil speech here, but I won’t stop talking about her and telling the truth. What the hell has she done in her life? I don’t know it and this not because I’m not informed. I don’t know anything about her, because she never did anything really important and if you ask me, then I’ll say that this will never change. Alone she is nothing and the same counts for her partner. Only as a team they feel strong and this really is a bit desperate, but after our match everybody will see that they aren’t even strong as a team. They are desperate losers and such idiots don’t belong in a wrestling company. If they would perform as a monstrosity at a carnival, then it would be ok, but please not in a wrestling ring. It’s completely idiotic and nobody wants to see such crap. I really don’t get how they can be so stupid not to see it. They’re a joke and I’m ashamed that they are in the same company as a Goddess like me, but I’ll end that soon. I’l make them look so laughable that they will never come back to the ring again.
Fuck, yes, I hate them and I have no reason to hide my feelings. They defeated me once and I never got the chance to get my revenge, but now I have this chance and I’ll take it. Yes …you two bitches will pay. Raynin, I’ll end your career. And Gothika, if you really love vampires so much, well, then I’ll make sure that you’ll end like one, with a plug stabbed through your fucking heart.”

A bit out of breath from all this trash talking Amanda pauses again. It takes a bit till she calms down again, but then the friendly smile comes back into her face. It might be fake, but she still looks cute and she knows that the fans love it to see her like this.

“And now a last thing for all my fans out there. I know what you all expect from me. You all wanna see a great match, a cool and viewy performance, fun and action in the ring and all this you will see and that’s a promise. But the best thing will be that me, the Goddess whom you all love, will leave the ring as the winner, with a title around her waist.”

She runs her hands in a really sensual way and swings her hips. She can be so cocky, but she really is such a pretty young woman, so that she can do such things. Then she blows a kiss into the direction of the camera and turns around to walk away. Just as she leaves the interviewing area, she sees her wife Rose, who came to the arena a bit later. The two hug and kiss each other and now Rose wants to know how the interview went.

“So how has it been?”

Still in Rose’s arms Amanda giggles happily, but it’s also a bit mean. She knows that she really said some nasty things, but she doesn’t feel bad for doing this. It’s just too much fun to provoke her opponents and to let them look like idiots.

“Well, it has been awesome. It was so much fun to laugh about these two idiots, and I’m sure that the fans will love to hear this. They will love me, their Goddess, and about our opponents they will only laugh.”

Rose smiles and in some way it’s cute how full of self confidence Amanda is, but Rose still is a bit worried. She loves her wife and she really doesn’t want to see her getting hurt.

“Damn, you’re really such a nasty girl, but take care that you don’t piss off your opponents too much. I don’t wanna see you getting hurt or even getting injured.”

That’s so cute and Amanda is really cute. She wraps her arms around Rose and presses her petite body tightly against Rose’s. Then she kisses her passionately.

“Aww, I love you for saying this, but you don’t have to worry. These two could win against us once, but now I have a stronger partner and I’m sure nothing will go wrong. We are the better team and the better team will win, that’s a fact. I think they won’t be a problem for us. Don’t worry, I don’t underestimate them, but you know, I’m a witch and witches can see the future and in our future I see a great win.”

Now Rose can’t hold back and has to laugh about the cocky Amanda. This girl is really so cute, even if she’s a bit too big for her boots. Playfully Rose pokes her into the side and Mandy jumps and shrieks.

“Ok, you’re a witch and can see the future, but you know what happened to witches in the past? They got tortured and executed and I think in your dungeon you have the right equipment to do this.”

Happily Amanda giggles and huddles against Rose. She is so excited now and her nipples become visible through the tight shirt, but she doesn’t care much. She has never been square and so she’s completely fine with it.

"Hehe, that sounds temptingly, but please without the execution at the end. I really love my life, and I think you prefer me alive too. Otherwise I only could come back as a zombie, but I think zombies aren’t good in bed. Hehe, and I might eat your brain.”

“Eww, I don’t like zombies. But honestly, you know that I would never hurt you or harm you. Without you life would suck.”

Then she looks down at Amanda's slim body and squeezes her cute firm ass, so that Mandy jumps again.

“But the first part will happen. Making you confess is just too much fun.”

But Amanda shakes her head violently. She loves such little games and she can be stubborn and so it’s fun to tease Rose a bit.

“No way, you won’t have success …you know that I can be tough …”

But Rose only shrugs. She points down at Amanda’s western boots and winks at her wife.

“Just wait till these boots come off. Then I know a way to make you talk, even though I’m sure that you’ll love it.”

They both laugh and Amanda playfully slaps Rose’s ass. Then she takes her by her hand and drags her into their locker room. The door closes and it doesn’t take long until Amanda’s cute giggling can be heard everywhere in the hallway. It goes on for a bit longer and then the giggling turns into a hysterical but happy laughing.
A bit later Amanda and Rose are shown again, as they sit on their couch insides the locker room. Amanda is still dressed in her skimpy ring attire, but now without her western boots. She rubs her feet and still giggles happily. It seems that she is really exhausted and out of breath, but slowly she recovers. Now she lights a cigarette and smiles at Rose.

“God damn, I really love this so much, but sadly we will have to get ready for this match. It doesn’t worry me, but I shouldn’t be too exhausted before it starts, otherwise I’ll get pinned within the first minutes and this I really don’t want. I have no problem with being submissive and in bed I really enjoy it, but in the ring I’m not the cute lil girl, there I’m a force and a threat.
This idiots have defeated me in the past, but I’ll make sure that it won’t happen again. This time me and my partner Vero will leave the ring as the winner and with the titles. That’s a fact and slowly the people here should get used to it that I’m the invincible Goddess.
I never wanted these titles and I must say that I still don’t need them to become happy, but I must admit that it will be fun to take them away from these bitches. It’s always awesome to beat up and humiliate someone in the ring and what could be more humiliating than getting dethroned? I think for  these useless chicks it’ll be the worst thing that could happen to them in their lives, because they have nothing else. They have no private life, no career outsides wrestling and nothing else that could be important for them, so taking the titles from them will destroy them completely and it’ll be more than they can stand. It will be their end and for me it will be so much fun to be the one who makes them leave this company in shame. Haha, I love such stuff.
Now you might call me mean, but I don’t care much. I’m a member of the Mean Girls and that should explain everything. I’ll make my boss and my team proud and they won’t regret it, that they took me into their team. Haha, now the pretty lil TickleCutie will turn into the absolute force which destroys everything that comes into her way.”

For a moment she pauses. The petite pretty young woman stops rubbing her cute feet and stands up. For a moment she thinks about putting on her boots again, but then she just shrugs and laughs out. With a happy and voluptuous smile in her pretty face she look at Rose.

“Well, now it’s showtime, so I won’t need them. But you could come out with me to the ring. This way I’d feel better and it’s good to have the person whom you love at your side. It’s not that I’m scared or worried, but it just feels better and you can also look that nothing goes wrong. I mean that they don’t cheat or try some things. I don’t know whether they do it, but it could be possible. They are weird psychos and so you never know.”

Rose stands up too and kisses Amanda lovingly on the lips. Then the two are ready to leave the room, but Amanda stops again for a sort moment. She reaches into her locker and shove her brass knux under the belt of her skirt, then she winks at Rose.

“I don’t know whether I will need them, but it’s better to be prepared for everything. Before everything goes wrong I’m really willing to use them and if we lose this match, what I don’t think will happen, I’ll use them too. Then it’ll be my revenge to smash them into their fucking ugly faces.”

The two high five and after another kiss they leave their room and slowly go to the stage. Amanda is pretty relaxed, but it’s clearly visible that she is completely focused on her match. A last time she cracks her knuckles and then her entrance music can be heard and it’s time to go to the stage. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 7013 words

Climax Control Archives / The best team
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:37:21 PM »
 “Well, it seems that not everything is as easy as it seems to be. As I joined SCW I really thought that I’ll get another winning streak and after I lost my first match, this battle royal, but after that win against Traci it seemed that I’ll have success again. Especially after joining the mean girls everything seemed to become great, but then these fucking bitches whiny Melody and ugly fat Misty came into my way and destroyed my dream. It’s not that I really complain about this damn loss, but it still hurts. It’s no fucking fun to lose against such stupid bitches, especially not as I still think that Vero and me are the better team, but anyway, something went wrong. Maybe we should have just trained more together or maybe it has been this fucking biased referee, I don’t know it exactly.
But anyway, I can’t change it anymore, but that doesn’t make me give up. I already said it on Twitter, but I’m willing to repeat it again, I know that I can defeat each of them whenever and wherever I want and I’ll prove that I’m right. Yes, I’ll make them submit and I’ll force them to kiss my toes. I think now everybody knows it and they have no chance to shy away if they don’t wanna lose their face, especially not as our boss got involved in this conversation too.
Yes, you heard right, I requested a submission match against each of them and I always get what I want, and I really, really hope that I’ll get this match soon, so that I can prove that I’m the most dangerous diva in this company. Yeas, I’m a winner, I’m the Goddess and soon every other fucking diva will bow down to me.”

The pretty redhead growls and it seems that she is really annoyed and in rage. She isn’t very ambitious, but losing she still hates and so her mood isn’t the best. Ok, the match was one week ago and so she should have gotten over it, bit she isn’t. The cocky little diva is still mad and disappointed.
Now, still in her sleep shirt and still a bit tired, she sits in the kitchen of her huge trailer, where she lives, and thinks about the whole situation. It’s still pretty early in the morning and she has just finished making her breakfast, a coffee and some pancakes. The eating she has just finished and now it’s time for the second coffee. She fills her cup and lights a cigarette.

“But sadly, before this will happen, I’ll have to see how it develops with this stupid Blast of the Past Tournament. I think this will come first, before I get the chance to get my revenge. Fuck, it sucks.
It’s not that I have a problem with this tournament, no, I haven’t, especially not as the winner gets the chance to go for a title. Haha, sounds cool, at least for most of the people here in this company, but not for me. The tournament is ok and it might be interesting and I’ll get the chance to kick some fucking asses, but going for a title isn’t my thing, at least not at the moment. It’s not that I don’t want one, but at the moment it would be a bit too much stress and there are things that are more important for me. Yes, and these things are having fun and supporting the Mean Girls.
So let’s come to the first point, to having fun. Well, I think everybody here knows what I really love. I love it to get attention, I love it to kick some asses and to fight, and I really, really love my kinky lil performances. Haha, and all these things I do here, so everything is ok.
Now there’s point two, supporting the Mean Girls. Well, I think till now I did a really good job. I helped Vero to take the win against whiny Melody and also our last tag match wasn’t too bad, but there this tournament doesn’t fit to our plans. Yes, there I’ll have to team up with a random guy and it is possible that I’ll have to face one of my team mates in the ring. Well, it’s not that I’m scared or that I’m worried that I could lose, but why the fuck do I have to face my own friends, when there are enough people in this company whom I really hate? And why the fuck do I have to team up with one of these ugly fat guys, when  everybody knows that I prefer girls? Ok, wrestling has nothing to do with my sexual preferences, but it still sucks and I don’t want this crap.
Fuck, I really don’t know why I signed up for this tournament. I hope it’s not such a big mistake, because at the moment I really don’t need any more problems and facing my team mates could lead to problems.”

After taking a sip of her coffee, Amanda sighs and everybody can see that she really doesn’t like all these thoughts. It’s not so easy to worry her, but she doesn’t feel too good and all these thoughts don’t help to bring her into a better mood. A bit annoyed she drags at her cigarette and inhales deeply.

“But anyway, now it’s too late and I can’t do much anymore. I should have thought about the consequences before I signed the contract for this fucking tournament, but now I’ll have to live with the consequences. Ok, I could try to avoid it to face my friends, or I could lay down and let them win, but this I won’t do. If I fight, I will do it good and this means that I’ll do everything to take the win, even if it means to beat up a friend or to cheat. Yes, everything and there’s nothing that can stop me. So we will see what will happen next.
But now it’s not the time to think about all the stress and trouble that can come, no, it’s time to get ready and train some new moves to surprise my opponents in the ring, and thanks god, there I have some really great help. Yes, I have my sister and personal trainer Casey and she will help me with all this. She’s no real wrestler, but she’s a former MMA fighter and she knows so many fucking great moves. Haha, and I know them too after we are finished with the preparations for the next match.”

Amanda drinks her second coffee and lights a new cigarette. Then she is about to stand up, but she is interrupted as she hears her phone. She looks at it and it's a new message from SCW. Normally Amanda doesn't care much about her mails, but this time she is curious, especially as she is in this tournament and still doesn't know who her partner is. So she takes the phone and a bit nervous she looks at her mails. As she has finished reading it, she roles her eyes and sighs. It's really no good news. She will have team up with Despayre and her opponents will be Bruce Evans and her friend and team mate Veronica. Pretty annoyed she puts the phone away and growls.

“Damn, it seems that it always becomes worse. First I lose my title at GZWA, the. My knee gets injured and now I'll have to team up with a guy who can't stand me against one of my best friends, Veronica. This really sucks completely.
Ok, I'm a professional wrestler and I shouldn't have problems with facing my friends in the ring, cuz it's my job, but this time it's different. I don't have much friends and I don't wanna lose the few I have, so the whole situation is crap. Damn, if I had known this, I wouldn't have signed up for this tournament, especially as there's nothing interesting in it for me. I don't want this title shot and so I shouldn't care about how it ends. Well, so I could just lay down and give the win to Vero and her partner, but this isn't the way I act. I hate losing and giving up I hate even more. Damn, yes, call me cocky, but I love it to look good in the ring and this time it's not different, so giving up is no option, especially not after I already have to many losses in this company. If I would have won against Misty and Melody, it would be a bit different and another loss wouldn’t matter, but I didn't win, so I'll have to fight, whether I like it or not.”

For another moment she pauses. It's really time to get ready for her training with Casey, but Amanda isn't in the right mood. Her problems really bother her and it makes her nervous and insecure, a thing she really hates. She closes her eyes and rests her head on her hands and after a few minutes she looks up again.

“Well, but maybe it's not too bad. I mean the thing with facing Vero. I really like this girl and I'm happy to be a part of the Mean Girls, but hasn't she been the reason why www lost this match against these two dumpasses? I mean she was the one who got pinned and not me and she acts a bit like I have been the weak part in our team, but that's not true. Ok, I didn't protest because she's my friend and because I didn't wanna make her even more furious, but in some way it still hurts. I'm not the weak part and if I would have been alone in that match I would have won it, that's a fact. But anyway, so it might even be good to be in a match against her. This way I have the chance to prove how good I am and she can't say that she's better than me. Vero won't be happy if I pin her, but she will have to live with this fact, and so she and the rest of the Mean girls will see that I'm more than SCW’s pretty lil TickleCutie, they will see that I'm a real wrestler, a force in the ring and absolutely dangerous. After I'm done with her, my position in our group will even be better and I hope that they'll accept me as a full member then. So the whole thing isn't too bad.”

Again she pauses and her mood slowly becomes better, but for a moment the bad thought come back. Amanda is a tough young woman, but she's also very emotional, and even though she hates it, it's really important for her that her friends love her and it's also important for her to get respected.

“The only bad thing is that Vero takes all this so damn seriously. She hates losing and she will be really mad at me if I should be the one who pins her. But anyway, she will have to live with this and also with the fact that I'm the better wrestler. I always care to much about others and about what they think about me, so now it's time to change this and to care for me and my career. Yes, that's more important than anything else. It's my job and the only chance for me to earn some money and the more successful I am, the more money I get for my matches. It's not that I really need so much and normally it's enough for me to be with my wife Rose, but I already got injured and I think my knee will never become ok again, so my career won't last so long anymore and I'll have to see what I'll do then. So some money will be a great help for my future plans.
But now it's enough of all this thinking about Vero’s feelings. It'll be a hell of a fight and at the end I'll be the glorious winner and she will be the one who gets pinned. She won't love it, but she will survive it and I promise that it will be a fair fight, so the only thing that gets hurt is her fucking pride and that's not too bad.”

A smile comes into her pretty face and now she's the cheery girl again, that everybody loves so much. She even giggles a bit, but then she becomes honest again.

“Ok, a fair fight, that's what I promise, but only when it's me and Vero in the ring. This doesn't count for Evans. He's still my enemy and I don't give a fuck whether he gets injured or not. Damn, it's already hard enough to fight Vero in a fair way, so I hope nobody will complain. I’m so used to all this cheating and using weapons, so that it really will become hard. So I think Vero has no reason to be mad and me and I really hope that she understands me. But now enough of this, let’s come to my other opponent, do Evans.”

Again Amanda pauses for a moment and she seems a bit lost in thoughts, but then her smile comes back, but now it’s more viciously. Everybody can see that she doesn’t like this guy and she makes no attempt to hide these feelings.

“Well Evans, I don’t know much about you, I haven’t seen any of your matches till now and to be honest, I’m not very interested in seeing any of them. We also never had bigger issues, but that also doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is the fact, that you’re in the team of my opponent and so you are my enemy. I don’t give a fuck whether you hold a title or not and I also don’t give a fuck about how good you are, because you are the problem of my partner Despayre and I know that he will kick your ass, but about him I’ll talk later.
I’m not so sure whether they have changed the rules at SCW, but the last time I checked them it was that there are no gender mixed matches. So I’ll only have to deal with Vero and Despayre with Evans. But even if they have changed them, I couldn’t care less. I’ve been in so many feds and there I also had gender mixed matches, so that I think I can deal with it. I might not be the strongest person, but I still know that I can kick your ass if I have to do it. So there’s nothing much I’ll have to worry about, the win will be ours.”

Slowly it’s really time to get ready and to meet Casey, but Amanda still isn’t finished. At least she has managed it to stand up from the table and to pack her stuff for the gym. She puts everything in a huge bag and now she’s almost ready.

“At least I hope there’s nothing much to worry about. I mean my opponents are no problem for me, but with my partner I’m not so sure. It’s not that I think he isn’t good in the ring, because I know he is, but it’s something personal. You all might remember that I helped Vero in her match against Melody and, to be honest, I don’t feel sorry for doing this, but there were a few people who weren’t happy with my actions and one of them is Despayre. I don’t know whether he’s a friend of Melody or whether he just doesn’t like cheating, but he messaged me right after the show, and it seemed that he really wasn’t happy. But anyway, I managed to talk with him the last days and there he seemed to be pretty relaxed, so I still hope that everything is ok between us. But even if not, the price for winning this tournament is getting a title shot and so I think, no, I know, that he will give his best and that he will do everything to take the win. So it looks like I really don’t have to be worried about anything. My opponents are two persons whom I can defeat with ease, and my partner is one of the best wrestlers in this company, so this tournament will be a great success for us and I know that Delia and the Mean Girls will be proud of me, even though they are in different teams this time.
So listen to me, Despayre. I’m not sorry for anything I’ve done in the past, but I hope that we two can settle our problems for now. I don’t expect me to become my friend, but I hope that you’ll respect me as a wrestler and that you can forget our problems during the time we will have to work together. Because then, and I know this, we will be an awesome team and there’s nothing and nobody who can stop us and who can hold us away from the titles. So let’s go out there and kick some asses on Sunday, even if it’s the asses of our friends. We don’t have to love each other, but we should act like adults and separate our personal feelings from the job. Yeah …Let’s win this fucking tournament.”

Eventually Amanda is finished with all this talking and she is about to leave the house, as the door opens and her wife Rose enters. Rose has been away for a longer time, visiting her family, and Amanda was already missing her so much. As she sees her, she drops her sports back and jumps into her arms. The two haven't seen each other for a longer time and so they kiss passionately and huddle against each other. It seems that they really don't want to let each other go again.

“Damn, I really love you so much and I missed you like hell.”

Now Amanda tells Rose everything what happened the last weeks. It takes a bit longer, but now Amanda doesn't care whether Casey has to wait or not. The two lovers talk and they forget everything around them and at the end Amanda can't hold back any longer and drags Rose to the bedroom. For a moment she feels a bit bad, because she knows that her stepsister won't be happy, but as Rose lightly tickles her sides, Amanda forgets everything. The pretty cute girl giggles and squirms in such a cute way. Now they are in bed and Rose slowly strips the smaller Amanda down until she's completely naked.
In their relationship Amanda is the more submissive part and so she loves it to be under Rose’s control. So this time it isn't different. Within seconds the stronger Rose has Amanda pinned down and she kisses her passionately. Then she starts to tickle Mandy’s sides and the petite redhead giggles and squirms. Again Rose kisses her and gags her with her kiss. Desperately Amanda squirms and she begins to rub her body against Rose’s. She's so excited now and it's clearly visible, that she loves what happens to her and that she’s in heaven. Amanda is so damn ready now and she wishes that Rose pleasures her more, but suddenly Rose stops it and Mandy sighs in frustration. But Rose isn't mean and she really loves Amanda. So she takes out a few soft ropes and ties Amanda’s wrists and ankles to the bedposts. With a smile in her pretty face she looks down at her now helpless wife and takes a long fluffy feather and begins to run it all over Amanda’s soft and sensitive skin. The tattooed girl moans and giggles and she's in heaven again, but Rose isn't finished with her. She takes the feather and runs it over Amanda’s foot bottoms, so that her giggling becomes louder and as she runs the feather under and in between Mandy’s cute little toes, the petite redhead laughs hysterically, but everybody can see that she has so much fun. Even though Rose loves her wifie, she can still be pretty sadistic and so she tortures her love for a few more minutes in this cute way and Amanda is completely spent and wrecked. Eventually Rose shows some mercy and she begins to kiss Amanda everywhere, especially between her legs. Now it's too much for the cute tough girl and she explodes. She throws her head back, bends her back and loses control.
Then Rose unties her and after some huddling Amanda slowly catches her breath and recovers. Then the two get dressed again.

“Oh shit, you don't know how much I have missed this …”

Both young women laugh happily, but now it's really time for the gym. It's pretty sure, that Casey won't be happy and so they really hurry up. They pack their stuff and throw the bags into the car. Then they drive off to the gym. Half an hour later they arrive there and Casey is already waiting. The tall blond mostly is in a bad mood and this time it's even worse. She glares at Amanda.

“I hope you two had your fun, but with kinky games you won't win your match and also not the whole tournament.”

Knowing that Casey is right, Amanda nods. She doesn't like it that her sister takes everything so seriously, but she respects it and sometimes it's even useful, especially when it comes to important matches and this match is pretty important. So Amanda doesn't protest and looks at her sister, with a smile in her face.

“I know're right. Let's start the training and in the meantime Rose will get us something to eat.”

That's ok for Casey and so she nods.

“That's cool. So we will see what we can do here. I thought of something different than the usual wrestling stuff. Don't get me wrong, wrestling can be cool, but if you ask me, then for destroying your opponent the MMA fighting style could be better. It's pretty brutal and nobody expects you to do all these submission moves. And I think it would fit pretty good to you. I mean you already have some really good punches and kicks and you know many ways to throw down an opponent. So the only thing that is missing are some cool submission moves to weaken your opponent or to make him give up. And this we will train today and the next days. There's enough time till your match, so I'm confident that you will be fit.”

Again Amanda nods and then the two begin their training. Casey is a really skilled MMA fighter and she shows Mandy all her tricks, but even though Amanda tries it so hard, she never wins against her sister, but at least she manages it to free herself out of these holds and after a while she also can use some cool and useful submission moves. So for one day it's enough, and knowing that they have enough time to practice more, the two stop their training. They go to the locker room area and after a shower and some new clothes they are fresh again, even though Amanda still is a bit tired. But they are both hungry and prolly Rose already awaits them at home so that they can have dinner. They leave the gym and climb into Amanda’s car and before she starts the engine, Amanda looks at her younger stepsister.

“Well, that was really a great training and must thank you so much. I don’t think that anybody expect me to change my fighting style in such a short time and I’m pretty sure that it’ll be a huge success and bring us the win in our match, maybe even the win in that whole tournament.
Haha, and Vero and Evans, take care …I know that you two won’t underestimate me and Despayre, but what awaits you in our match on Sunday will be worse than your worts nightmare. It’ll be the hell here on earth and you’ll wish that you will never have stepped into the ring against us. You won’t only lose this match, no, your title chances will be gone for a really long time too. So I’m pretty sure that you won’t forget this match for a really long time. I don’t know whether any of you sees this promo, but I really hope it, cuz I love the fact that you’ll piss your pants cuz you’re scared of me, the Goddess of War.”

Then Amanda starts the engine of her jeep and the two drive back home. It takes a while, cuz they end up in a huge traffic jam and Amanda is already annoyed. She growls and really tries to relax, but it doesn’t work very good.

“Fuck, I really hate this. Rose is waiting with the food and we two sit here in this fucking car and nothing happens. I’ll try to call her.”

Still really annoyed, she pulls out her cell phone, and as she sees that her battery died, she freaks out completely. Frustrated and furious she throws the phone out of the window, but that doesn’t help to make her mood better. No, she’s even more angry, because the cell phone was pretty expensive and now she has to buy a new one.

“This fucking thing is completely useless …”

While Amanda still complains, Casey just sites there, with a grin in her face. Sometimes it’s too funny to see how easy it is to make Amanda freak out. Casey doesn’t want to provoke her even more, but she also can’t hold back and has to tease her a bit.

“You should save your energy for your match. That would be more useful.”

That’s really too much for Amanda and she snaps. She turns around and glares at the younger woman and for a moment it looks like she is going to slap her, but she doesn’t do it, but she yells at Casey.

“And you better shut up.”

But it doesn’t take too long and Amanda calms down again. Amanda is short tempered, but she also becomes normal again pretty fast and after it’s over, she mostly can even laugh about it. And this time it’s not different, especially as they are driving again, even though it’s really slow.

“And hopefully in England it’s better, but I doubt so. These idiots drive on the wrong side and the weather is also fucking awfully. They told me it’s mostly cold and rains all day, so there won’t be much we can do there. Normally I love it to visit foreign countries, but why the hell must it be England? No normal person would visit such a country for vacation.”

Hearing this Casey can’t hold back any longer and starts to laugh. It’s too funny to hear her sister call herself normal.

“And you call yourself normal? That’s a joke.”

If anybody else would have said this, Amanda would have freaked out again, but she loves her younger stepsister and so she only giggles and shakes her head. Her good mood is almost back and so she only answers in a sarcastic way.

“Well, maybe you’re right and I’m not completely normal, but I still know what crappy weather is and so I don’t like the thought of spending the whole weekend there. But anyway, the only good thing is that we can’t do much there and so we can really focus on this fucking match. So it might not be too bad. Oh, and I heard that their beer and whiskey shouldn’t be so bad, so we can at least celebrate our win after I’m done with Vero and Evans. Haha, you see, sometimes even I can see the things positive.
But anyway, if it goes on like this we will never get home or even to England. So lets find a way to make it a bit more fast. I really have enough.”

Again they stand and this time nothing happens and it doesn’t look like the traffic jam could be over soon. Amanda really has enough and this time Casey too. The two look at each other and climb out of the car. They leave it where it is and don’t care that the other people are completely furious. Amanda flips them the bird and then they begin to walk into the direction of the metro. A few minutes later their train comes and one hour later they are back at home, where Rose already waits for them. She isn’t too happy that she had to wait so long, but after Amanda explained everything, it’s ok and then three have dinner. Amanda talks about what they have done at the gym and they are all in a pretty good mood.

“So let’s see that we will have some fun in England …I hope it won’t become too bad, but I’m pretty sure that it’ll be ok, especially as you two come with me.”

That’s exactly what they wanted to hear and Rose and Casey are more than happy. It’s always fun to travel with Mandy and this time it won’t be different, especially as Mandy always has some special surprises.

“And I think the show will be a great success too. It’s not only that me and Despayre will win, no, the best performer of the show gets the chance to have me for a lil one hour session. Haha, kinky fun is always fun, even more than fighting.”

Many people would be jealous, but Rose isn’t this kind of girl and she sees it pretty relaxed, especially as she will be there to join the fun. So they all laugh and now the friendly chat continues a bit longer, then the scene fades to black.

« on: January 01, 2015, 12:01:58 PM »
 OOC: sorry, I posted first in the wrong area. Lol, but here it is:

The last show of the year 2014 as been Amanda’s official come back and it has been a great success for her. She could win her match against Traci Pattersen, then she could help Veronique to take the win against Melody and at the end she even got a wonderful initiation party where all of the Mean Girls members tickled her with long black feathers, so that she really had her fun. Now the petite redhead should be really happy if there weren’t two problems. The first big one is that her girlfriend Laura isn’t very happy with her being a member of the Mean Girls and the second one is, that it seems that the leader of the Mean Girls, Delia, had had a deadly accident at the last show. Now Amanda, who really likes Delia, is really shocked and worried, especially as she hadn’t heard any more news about this accident. The fact that Delia might be dad is really pure horror for her and she tries not to think about it and still hopes that everything will become good.
Now Amanda has spent the Xmas holidays and the New Year together with her Girlfriend Laura and her stepsister Casey and all in all it has been a nice holiday, even though she still is so worried about Delia, but she has tried not to think of this drama. At Xmas they had had a huge party at Amanda’s club with some special performances and the same was at the New Years eve. Amanda has invited all the members of SCW and also all her friends and fans and so this party has been a huge success. It seems that the pretty redhead is really popular and after her comeback she became even more popular. Most people love the bubbly girl and even the people who don’t love her want to see her kinky performances and this not without a reason. Amanda is a really sexy young woman and she knows how to entertain the fans. With her tough outfit she looks like a mean biker chick, but she acts so cute and this is a nice contrast. She’s also extremely pretty and it seems that most people would love to huddle her and to protect her. But that’s not all about her, besides being very nice and caring for her friends, she can also be vicious and mean in the ring, so she fits really good to her new stable, The Mean Girls.
But now the Xmas break is over and Amanda is back home and she also got booked at the first PPV of the new year. In some way she had hoped that she would get a little break after her last match, but she’s also happy to be back in actin, even though it will be a really hard match against Melody and Misty, especially as these two really don’t like her. They have trash talked on Twitter and Amanda didn’t let out any opportunity to insult them, so its really possible, that these two want to make her pay and punish her, but Amanda isn’t too worried. At least she has her friend and team member Veronica at her side and so they have good chances to survive this match in one piece and even take the win.
Now, back at home, Amanda has just done her first party in her club and, like usually after such parties, she’s really exhausted and tired. She should start her training now, but at first she has to recover a bit. So she sits alone in her trailer, where she lives, and tries to relax a bit after all this stress of the last night.

“God damn, does this never end? Isn’t it enough, that this monster, Necra, killed my friend Delia? And die they really have to book me in a match against these two psycho bitches?”

The petite beauty sighs. She still sits on her bed, Indian style, and rubs her feet. Last night at her party in her club, she got it really good and she still has sore muscles in her tummy from all the laughing and giggling.

“I really don’t know, why it always has to escalate after I join in a company. I really always get into trouble and I don’t know why. I’m nice, I’m cute and I never do anything bad to anybody. All I do is helping out my friends and exactly this I did at the last show. I didn’t start this stupid war and if Melody can’t live with a loss, then it’s not my fault. I only helped my friend Veronica and I would do it again. I’m always here for my friends and my team, even if it means to get some problems. But if you think that I can’t handle these problems, then you’re so fucking wrong, cuz I can.
Everybody knows me as the cute girl, SCW’s lil Tickle Cutie, but I also have another side. I can be vicious too, otherwise I wouldn’t have been the champion here and all the other companies I’ve been in. But anyway, I’m not here to talk about past times and to wine about things that are over and out, I’m here to get all the glory back and this will happen. The people might think that I have no chance against Misty or Melody, but I’ll prove them wrong. I might be the underdog in this match, but they all will see that I still can fight and that I didn’t lose my spirit. Yes, I’m still a fighter, the Goddess of War and soon I’m back at the top of this company.
As I rejoined, I haven’t been that ambitious, but after all this trouble, this has changed. Now I want revenge for what happened to Delia, I want revenge for all the insults I had to hear from Misty and her fucking friends, and I want to show that I’m still the top diva in this company. I don’t care much if anybody has a problem with this. Shall they come out of their holes and tell me and I’ll kick their asses, but prolly they’re all to wimpy to do so.”

Foe a moment she pause and looks down. The pretty redhead is a bit lost in thoughts and the thought back at all this trouble, she really doesn’t like, but then she wipes all these thoughts away. One of her strengths is her indestructible optimism and this optimism comes back now.

"They call me a wimp, a freak, or whatever, but in reality they are the wimps who are scared of me, or why else would they run their mouths about me and my life style? Damn, all they are is being jealous. Just look at all my fans. I’m back in this business for a few weeks now, and I already have more fans than all the others and I know that all these fans really love me. You can say that it’s cuz of this fetish stuff and the shows I do and maybe you’re right, but who cares? All that counts is that they love me and support me and that they give me the strength to survive in this business.”

Amanda clenches her small fists and growls, but then the door of her bedroom opens and her love Rose, her stepsister Casey and her girlfriend Laura enter. Rose has been on a longer vacation to visit her family and Amanda hasn’t seen her for a few weeks, but yesterday, at her party, Rose came back and so Mandy is more than happy. Now as she sees her, she wants to jump up, but Rose sits already on the bed and hugs Amanda.

“Wasn’t it a nice surprise as I joined your party yesterday?”

Still in Rose’s arms, Amanda giggles happily. She really loves this girl and she is so glad to have her back. Being without her for such a long time really had made her sad and so she doesn’t want to let her go again. She huddles against Rose and is so happy.

“Oh yes, it was, especially that you joined the fun. I really missed you so much and I’m so happy to have you at my side again. And now I have two managers, you and Laura, hehe, and my personal trainer Casey. That’s so awesome and I really feel like a Goddess now, with all the people who worship me.”

She looks at the people she loves and has her cutest smile in her face.

“Now I only have to call the Mean Girls and then all my friends are here.”

She wants to pull out her cell phone, but Rose holds down her arm, so that she can’t.

“Wait, do this later, or do you want your friends to see how submissive you can be? I’m not sure whether this would be good for your career. The people already thing that you’re too nice for the Mean Girls.”

But Amanda shakes her head and laughs out in her cheery way.

“Oh, about this you don’t have to worry. They made a initiation party for me last week and they tied me down with fluffy pink handcuffs and each of them had a feather. Hehe, the rest you can imagine …I laughed and giggled so much, but it was also so much fun and I think the fans loved it too.”

She knows Amanda and how cute and pretty she is, so the pretty Rose smirks And kisses Amanda lovingly on the cheek.

“I can imagine that they did. As cute as you look when you giggle, they must have loved it. Haha, and it seems that your new friends know exactly what you like.”

Happily Amanda smiles and kisses her love on the lips. Within seconds the kiss becomes passionately and the two hot girls begin to make out, but then Amanda breaks the kiss.

“Yes, they do, but if you do it to me, then it’s even more fun. Hehe, like last night. I thought I had to die and I never thought that you guys could be so sadistic. But it was so much fun and we should do it again soon.”

“We will, but first we have to get you ready for this damn match. I don’t wanna see you getting beaten up, I wanna see you as the winner.”

This is exactly what Amanda wants to hear, but she’s still in her kinky mood. She stretches out her legs and wiggles her toes, hoping that one of her friends will tickle them lightly, but at the moment this doesn’t happen.

“Don’t worry, you will see me as the winner. Don’t forget that I have Veronica at my side and she’s a damn good wrestler. Ok, she cheats a lot, but this is only good for us and will bring us the win. This combined with all my high flying moves and nothing can go wrong.”

The four young women still sit on the bed as the door opens again and Veronica, Amanda’s partner in her match, enters. She looks at them and smirks.

“Oh, I hope I didn’t interrupt you, but I knocked the door and nobody opened, but it wasn’t locked, so I though I might enter. By the way, I wanted to thank you for your help last week, it was awesome to see Melody cry after her loss.”

Now Amanda smiles warmly. She’s really happy that Vero came over and hearing this feels so good.

“Aww, thank you. You know that I do everything for my friends and you girls are my friends. Oh and I’ll make sure that she will cry again after we are done with her. Haha, then she really will have a reason. Two losses in a row will prolly be more than she cam handle, especially as even her friend won’t help her. Ok, Misty has been good in the past and she held a few titles, but that’s long ago and I think her time is over. I don’t know whether she still has what it needs to be a champion. I even doubt that she can survive in a real match. Her only advantage is that everybody thinks of how good she has been in the past and is scared, but I’m not. I see her like she is, a relict and a sore loser now, but nothing more. Her glory is gone, her good times are over and they will never come back and we will make sure that everybody sees this. They all will have to learn, that the Mean Girls are the most dominant stable at SCW.”

Veronica smiles at her and nods. Normally she’s pretty arrogant, but Amanda she likes, especially after Amanda had helped her to take the win against Melody last week.

“I hope so too. I really don’t like these two idiots and it would be fun to break them completely. They will learn what it means to mess with the Mean Girls.”

Still sitting on her bed, Amanda looks up to Vero. She's really happy that her friend and partner came over and so her mood is really good and she's full of self confidence.

“That’s true. And the same counts for Melody. Another loser without any chance to get a title. They aren’t even worth our time, but anyway, it`’s fun to break these morons. They will get what they deserve. By the way, have you seen what Misty told me on Twitter? She called me a bitch, said that I’m annoying and such stuff. And I really don’t let her get away with this. She will pay a really high price. By the way, after we are done with these idiots, we should make another lil party to celebrate our victory. Haha, and I need a lil reward then, hehe, I just thought of the fluffy pink handcuffs again, and the feathers.”

As she hears this, Vero laugh out and Mandy’s friends too. She shakes her head and can’t believe that Amanda loves it so much to get tickled, but in some way it’s really cute, like everything on Amanda.

“Girl, you’re really kinky …”

Rose has been quiet for a while, but she’s always open for having fun and so she gets involved too. She looks at Vero and then back to Mandy, who is already excited.

“Well, with this I could help out. Haha, maybe some fun to motivate you, so that you know what you get as a reward after your win.”

The whole group laughs, but Amanda’s trainer Casey roles her eyes. Casey is the one in the group who takes everything honest and this time it’s not different. She likes fun too, but her training is the most important thing for the muscular young woman.

“Hey, I’m not here to join your kinky fun. I wanted to pick you up to go to the gym. That’s more important now than lolling around in bed.”

Amanda knows that her stepsister is right, but it’s still not what she wanted to hear. She has no problem with training, but having fun is more important for her and so she’s a bit annoyed. Playfully she kicks Casey, but as she tries it again, Casey blocks the kick and traps her ankle between her legs, so That Mandy can’t do it again.

"You better don't do this agin and now you move your ass out of this bed.”

But Amanda only giggles and points out her tongue. She knows that this will bring her in trouble, but this she wants. It’s just too much fun to get dominated and punished bey her friends in a friendly way.

“I would, but if you hold my ankle, I can’t. I’m so sorry ..”

Now Casey roles her eyes again. Amanda can be really a pain in the ass, but in a cute way and nobody can be really mad at her. She’s so cute and bubbly, but sometimes she needs it to get stopped. So Casey tickles her foot and Mandy immediately giggles. She tries to pull it back, but Her stepsister is so much stronger, so that she doesn’t has a chance.

"Hehe ...that's mean .."

But she loves it and so she doesn’t really fight back. The others look at the cute girl and how she giggles and they smile. Rose loves it to see Mandy in distress and so she licks her lips.

“Haha, tickle fun with Mandy again. I know that we should go to the gym, but maybe this here will motivate her a bit. And it’s good for her stamina. At least I think so, after it’s over, she’s more exhausted than after a long run.”

Before Amanda can do anything, she grabs her other ankle and like Casey she traps it between her legs too. Then she looks at her long sharp nails and smiles in a sadistic way. Mandy struggles a bit, but not too much, cuz she doesn’t want to get away. Then she begins to run her sharp nails all over Amanda’s soft and sensitive foot bottom. Immediately the pretty redhead laughs and giggles and she wiggles her foot, but that doesn’t help her and her friends have no intentions to stop. Laura has been quiet the whole time, but now she gets involved too.

“Ok, as she loves it so much, it’s time for the handcuffs.”

With this she presses Amanda down and cuffs her wrists to the bed posts, so That Mandy is pretty helpless now. She still struggles a bit, but it doesn’t help her much and in some way she is happy that she can’t get away. It feels so good to be at the mercy of the people whom she loves, even though she knows that they won’t show mercy.

“Maybe Rose is right and it motivates her if she knows what awaits her after her match.”

In the meantime Casey and rose have tied Amanda’s ankles to the bed posts too and now Rose opens the locker and as she comes back, she hands everybody a long black feather. Without a warning, they begin to run the feathers all over Amanda’s soft and sensitive skin, two at her upperbody and two at her feet. Mandy laughs and giggles in her cute way and she’s really in heaven. It doesn’t take long and her face is all red from the laughing, especially as Rose and Casey go under and in between her cute little toes, but she doesn’t beg her friends to stop it. She enjoys it too much. Eventually they stop and untie Amanda and the tattooed cutie still can’t stop giggling.

“Hehe, why did you stop it? I haven’t asked for a break.”

They all laugh and huddle the pretty young woman and it’s Casey again who answers.

“I know and you’ll get more, but not before we have been in the gym and before you two have beaten up ugly fat Misty and whiny Melody. Deal?”

They help Mandy up and it takes a while till she catches her breath, but then she smiles happily and wipes her long red hair out of her face. It’s a bit messy, but Amanda still looks so cute and pretty.

“That’s mean, but deal. By the way, ugly fat Misty and whiny Melody fits really good to these idiots. They really should change their ring names. But even if they don’t, I’ll make sure that everybody will call them like this. I have enough fans who are willing to support us. Haha, and then we make sure that everybody laughs at them. Shit, they really go on my nerves and even hearing their names makes me sick. But with their new ringnames it’ll be at least possible to talk about them without throwing up.”

Now Amanda stands up. She still breathes heavily as she looks at her friends, but at least she is willing to get dressed. She opens her locker and looks for a proper outfit, then she disappears in the bath room. A few minutes later, she comes back and now she’s dressed completely.


She smiles at her friends in her cheery way and points at the ball in her hand. A few times she throws it into the air and catches it again, then she points to the door.

“Ok, I’m ready now, but instead of running we could play some beach volleyball, that’s good for the stamina too and it’s more fun, not so boring. So me and Rose against Casey and Laura and Vero is the referee. Haha, and the losers pay the food after we are finished with training. I already could have dinner now. All this laughing and giggling makes me so hungry.”

Even though she likes this idea, Casey sighs. Sometimes Amanda’s special wishes go on her nerves, but mostly she accepts them and does what Mandy says.

“You’re really a pain in the ass, but ok, loser pays. So let’s go, otherwise she might end up in bed again and this time all naked. It’s not that I don’t like that, but then we never get out of this house and we don’t have too much time till the PPV.”

Now it’s Amanda’s turn to role her eyes. This endless talking about the PPV goes on her nerves and she can’t hide it any longer.

“Ok, then let’s go before someone here freaks out completely.”

She points at Casey and then the group leaves the house. They all climb into Amanda’s jeep and drive to the beach. There their volleyball match is a huge success and there are many people who watch the pretty girls in action. At the end, Casey and Laura win the match, but Amanda doesn’t care much. All that counts is that she has had her fun and this she head, especially as there are so many people who know her from wrestling and who want to have autographs now. Amanda always has been a bit cocky and so she loves the sensation she gets. She signs the autographs and talks to the fans and at the end she invites them to come to the show and to her aftershow party and everybody is willing to come. Even though Amanda is heel, they all love her and her performances in the ring and this makes the petite diva really proud. Normally this shouldn't be the case, but in some way nobody can be really mad at her and Amanda knows this and uses it for her advantage.
Now Amanda and her friends are back on their way to her jeep, as a camera team approaches them. They switch on the camera and Amanda is more than willing to pose for the camera. The petite latina really knows how sexy she is and loves to show it. Then they want to ask her some questions, but she cuts them off.

“Hey guys, please no interview now, I'm really a bit exhausted.”

The camera team is a bit disappointed, but Amanda smiles at them and then she starts to speak again.

“But don't worry, I won't leave here without everybody hearing my lovely voice. Lemme guess, you wanna hear me talk a bit about ugly fat Misty and whiny Melody. Well, I already said so much about them, but I'll summarize it for you.
Everybody awaits me to be scared of these two stupid sluts because in the past they've been pretty good, but I'm not. I don't give a fuck whether one of them has been a champ or not. I don't give a fuck if they can scare others, cuz me they can't scare. I only stand here and laugh about them. Melody is noting more than a whiny wimp who doesn't see that het time is over and ugly fat Misty isn't better. Shall she think that she's strong, but I know better. She isn't, she is nothing against me, the Goddess of War or if you like it more, SCW’s lovable lil TickleCutie.”

With the cutest smile in her pretty face the tiny Latina blows a kiss into the direction of the camera and the scene fades to black.

Climax Control Archives / The Goddess is back
« on: December 16, 2014, 10:02:00 AM »
 It's been a while since Amanda has been in a wrestling ring. Really a long time ago are has left SCW, after she's been tag champion and bombshells champion, and since then she hasn't done much. She has opened a club and spent most of her time there and she also has done many fetish videos and photo shootings. So her life has been pretty easy and she was more than happy. But then she got this message from SCW and was invited to take part in this alumni battle royal. There she couldn't take the win, but she didn't care much and so her normal life went on, but the leader of the stable the Mean Girls began to bother and provoke her. At the beginning Amanda could ignore it, but then it went on her nerves and she accepted to meet Deliah in the ring. Amanda had planed to stop this insulting and was ready for fight, but everything went different.
Ok, she has been out of action for a while, but for staying fit and in shape she still trains kick boxing and so she's still pretty dangerous. So she came to the ring and the trouble began. After some arguing, she tried to attack Deliah, but she underestimated her opponent and got overpowered pretty fast. But that wasn't enough and it came even worse. In some way Deliah must have known about Amanda’s weaknesses and so she tickled her into submission.
At first Amanda was really mad to get humiliated in public, but deep insides she enjoyed it and so she teamed up with the Mean Girls and Deliah. So now she's part of this dominant stable and she hopes that this will bring her success, but even if not, at least she has some friends after her return. Now she thought that she could start it relaxed, but one week after this event she already got booked in a match against Tracy Patterson and so the quiet life was over. Now she has to train again and all the stress begins again. So now she's back at the gym, dressed in her normal ring gear, a small black shorts, a skimpy top, fighting gloves and no shoes and waits for her stepsister to arrive.


Normally Amanda trains alone or she has different trainings partners, but this time it is a bit different. It's not that she is really good or ride about her match, but she wants to be prepared and so she thinks it could be useful to refresh her wrestling skills again. So what could be better for this than to fight a former MMA fighter and bodybuilder like her stepsister Casey. It took her only one phone call and the tall blond Amazon was willing to help her out and train her. Normally Casey works as security in Amanda’s club, but she also works as a personal trainer and fitness instructor and so this job offer was perfect. She accepted and half an hour later she arrived at the gym.


After a hug and a kiss between the two sisters, they sat down on a bench and discussed Amanda’s plans.

“So you need my help? Well, here I am, but before we start, you must tell me why you returned to this company. I thought that you were busy with your club and with working as a model.”

This is really not so easy to explain, but Amanda gives it a try. She tucks up one leg, hugs it and rests her chin on her knee.

“That's true, but in some way I had no choice. I did this one match, this battle royal just for fun and I wanted to prove that I'm still good in the ring. Ok, I didn't win, but I also didn't look too bad, but I wanted it to be a one time thing. So I left the arena and everything was good till this damn girl Deliah began to provoke me. So I came to the last show and after some arguing she tickled me into submission …”

As Casey hears this, she starts to laugh in a friendly way. Normally the tall blond is really cool and doesn't show any emotions, but it's just to funny to see how Amanda always brings herself in trouble.

“Haha, why did I know that something like this would happen?”

For a moment Amanda is a bit offended and wants to explain it, but Casey interrupts her. She knows Amanda so good and it's always fun to tease her in a friendly way. With a warm smile in her face, she looks at her stepsister.

“And now you will tell me that you enjoyed it and that you decided to help your enemy?”

In some way the whole situation is too funny and so Amanda can't be offended anymore. She looks at Casey and giggles lightly in her cute way. She tilts her head a bit to the side and smiles at Casey.

“Well, I didn't want to tell you, but you're right. Something like this happened. Ok, at the beginning I was so damn mad at her, but then it changed …I mean she could also have beaten me senseless, but she didn't do it. Instead she did something to me I really love and I think that was really fair after all the men crap I told her.
But that's not all, I think she's a really cool person and she's the boss of the most dominant stable in this company, so it's cool to be in her teams and to have her and her girls as my friends. I think there's nothing wrong with my decision.”

Casey nods in agreement and kisses her sister on the cheek. They don't think the same way, but Casey loves her sister and supports her the best way she can.

“Yeah, it's ok. But now tell me who's your opponent this week.”

“It's a girl called Tracy Patterson and there's nothing much I know about her. The only thing I really know about her is that she wants the title of Mercedes, another member of the mean girls. So it's a pretty good start for me. I mean I'm new in this stable and it would be cool if I could take out one of their opponents. Ok, I'm not that mean, but this time it's a bit different. I mean I don't only wanna win, it would be great if I could injure her so that she's weakened if she has to face Mercedes.”

Casey is a bit brutal and sadistic and as she hears something about injuring someone, a sadistic smile comes into her face. She loves violence and blood and so this is exactly what she wants to hear.

“Oh, did I hear right, my cute lil sis wanna injure someone? So tell me, is it a hardcore match?”

A bit frustrated Amanda shakes her head. She's not that big, but she's skilled in the use of weapons, so a hardcore match would have been a good start for her, but sadly it's only a normal match and the use of weapons wold bring her a loss through disqualification.

“Sadly no's just a normal match and I have to find another way to take the win. Ok, my kicks are good and my high flying moves too, and I'm sure that I can take the win, but is this enough to bring her in hospital? I'm not sure, at least not without risking my own health. You know, I could do some of these kamikaze moves, but I also don't wanna break my own bones, so it would be better to find another way to bring her to hospital.”

It doesn't take very long and the brutal Casey has the answer. Bringing others to hospital is one of her specialities and so it's easy for her to give Amanda a good advice.

“Well, then you should try it with a nice submission hold. There's nothing better for injuring someone than an ankle lock, an armbar or even the Kimura lock.”

But then she looks at the petite Mandy and shakes her head. Amanda is a good and skilled wrestler, but for power moves and also for submission holds, she is a bit to small and weak, but the two will find a way to solve this problem.

“But if you ask me then I would say that you aren't strong enough for such moves …and then you end up on the receiving end. Haha, and then Tracy might tickle you into submission too. Haha.”

She reaches forward and playfully tickles Amanda's foot. Immediately the petite redhead giggles in her cutes way and curls her tiny toes. She's really ticklish, but she loves it to laugh and so she doesn't pull her cute foot away.

“Hehe …nooooo …that's mean.”

“But I see that you like it, otherwise you would have pulled your foot away.”

And this is true. Amanda really loves it, even though at the moment she would have preferred it not to admit this, but she nods and Casey stops tickling her. She looks at the cute Amanda and smiles.

“Ok, so we have to do it in a different way …”

And Amanda thinks that she knows what comes next and so she shakes her head violently.

“Forget it, I won't wear boots …I hate these heavy things and I'm not so fast with them. And it's harder to jump on the ropes and such stuff, so no chance …”

Casey roles her eyes, but she knows how stubborn this cute girl can be. So she thinks for another moment and then she has the answer.

“Ok, no boots. But now I know what we do. You're fast and flexible and your stamina is great, so I might have a good idea. You'll power her out with all your luchadore and high flying moves and when she's groggy, it's time for the Kimura lock or something else. We two will go to the ring now and make a trainings match and then I show you how to use one of these moves properly. I think this plan is pretty good and nothing much can go wrong. You'll be the winner and with some luck and when you're fast enough, you bring her to hospital before the referee can stop you. Haha, I've done this in some of my MMA matches too and it always worked perfectly.”

A smile comes into Amanda's pretty face and she's happy that she has a solution of her problem, but deep insides she isn't mean. Mostly she only acts tough and bitchy, but all in all she's a nice and friendly person.

“Yeah, that will work, but there's still one problem …I think I'll feel pretty bad if I injure her. I mean she hasn't done anything bad to me, so it's not right to ruin her health.”

But Casey shrugs it off. She has no remorse and she would do it without thinking about it any longer.

“Damn, you're really too nice for this job. Just imagine how happy your group will be if you help them in such a way. That would be such a perfect start for your comeback. So forget your remorse and just go out there and destroy her.”

Even though Amanda doesn't like that thought, she knows that Casey is right and so she nods again. She isn't very brutal, but sometimes violence is a necessary thing and can't be avoided.

“Ok, ok, I'll do it …but I still don't like it …”

Again Casey roles her eyes. This arguing doesn't bring much and she really hopes that Amanda will stop to complain.

“It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. You will just do it, cuz if you don't, then your team will never respect you. Damn …you as a mean girl. That's really funny …I really don't wonder why everybody only knows you as SCW’s tiny Tickle Cutie …”

And now she got Amanda. The petite young woman jumps up and glares at her stepsister. She has no problem with her nickname and in some way she even thinks that it's cute and fits to her, but insides the ring she wants to look dangerous and dominant.

“Shit …that's not true, I can be mean and dominant. Don't forget that I've been tag champion, bombshells champion and one of the most feared wrestlers in the company. Ok, it's a while ago, but this time will come back soon. So don't worry, I'll do it, I'll give my best and I'll destroy this damn bitch.
Yes …You heard right, I'll fuck her up, I'll wipe the floor with her ….I'll end her career.”

Now Casey smiles. It's fun to see that Amanda can get in rage too and that she becomes really aggressive from time to time.

“That's the right spirit and now it's time to practice all this. So are you ready for the ring?”

She stands op too and before she goes to the ring, she kiss Amanda on the lips. It's a bit pre lovingly than between normal sisters, but she's only Mandy's stepsister and so it's ok. Then she playfully slaps her ass.

“Ok, let's start now …”

The two climb into the ring and then their training begins. Right at the beginning of her match Amanda attacks her sister with her really hard kick boxing and karate kicks and she tries to drive Casey back. Normally with this tactics she has success, but her hard kicks don't affect the strong and tall young woman. Casey blocks them, but even if they hit her, she doesn't care and only grins. So it's really hard for the smaller Amanda, but she doesn't give up so easily. She wasn't the bombshells champion and so she has another plan. Instead of trying to kick casey, she wants to try some jumping moves from the ropes, but this plan doesn't work. Casey has realized that Amanda slowly gets tired and so she tries to go for her legs to throw her down like in a MMA match, but Amanda is skilled too and so she manages it to avoid a grapple, but slowly she gets frustrated.
Eventually she kicks Casey again and this time it's against the chin, so that the tall blond stumbles backwards. This now is Amanda’s chance and now all her high flying moves follow. Pretty groggy Casey tries to do something, but Amanda is too fast and eventually she hits the 619. Now she wants to go for the cover, but as she jumps over the ropes to hit a splash on Casey, Casey catches her and throws her down. This now is the end for Amanda. Casey is still a bit groggy, but she's so damn strong and so she grabs Amanda's legs and flips her around and before Mandy can do anything, she is in an ankle lock. Now Casey demonstrates how to break an ankle, but she loves her sister and so she doesn't apply too much pressure.

“So you give up?”

But Amanda is a tough girl and shakes her head. Now there's nothing much Casey can do. One option would be to really hurt Amanda, but this she doesn't want. She loves the petite girl and she also doesn't want to injure her before her match, but ending the hold is also no option. For a moment she hesitates, but then she scribbles her fingers over Amanda's foot bottom and immediately Mandy's cute giggling can be heard, but she violently shakes her head and doesn't submit. Now the people in the gym hear these cute noises and look what goes on in the ring. As they see how cute Amanda looks as she laughs and giggles, they begin to cheer at her and it seems that everybody, inclusive Amanda, has his fun. This playful game goes on for a bit longer, but then Casey thinks that it's time to end it. She knows Amanda’s weakness and even though the cute red hurt desperately curls her toes, Casey manages it to run her fingers under and in between them and now it's over for Mandy. Even though she loves this sweet torture, she can't stand it very long and she laughs hysterically. For a few more minutes she can be tough, but then she almost wets herself and taps out. Normally Casey would have let her go, but the other people still cheer at her and so she continues a few more minutes, until Mandy is completely exhausted and hysterically. Then she helps her up and hugs her. After holding her close and kissing her lovingly she smiles at the petite young woman.

“You're such a trooper ….”

Mandy still giggles and then she playfully punches her sister in the side, but she takes care that it doesn't hurt. The two really love each other and so such playful fights are normal for them.

“And you're so damn mean …I would have won this fight if you hadn't used this unfair move …”

“But you wanted it …”

Now they both laugh and the others cheer at them again. For another match Amanda is too tired and so they make a small break. Casey drinks some water and Mandy rubs and massages her foot.

“Damn, I still can feel your fingers everywhere.”

“Well, so you still have your fun, haha …”

Again they laugh and then they begin to discuss about what to do next. Another trainings match they will do later, so it's time for some weight lifting. But before they start it, Amanda winks at her sister.

“Hehe, yes, it has been fun.”

Hearing that Amanda admits it makes Casey smirk. This kinky little girl can really be so cute and her good mood is affecting.

“Ok, then I should call your friends and tell them how much you love this treatment. Maybe, if you win your match you'll get a reward and your boss Deliah tickles you into submission. I've heard that she can be pretty dominant.”

The cute Mandy giggles again and tilts her head to the side as she looks at her stepsister. Voluptuously she licks her lips. She really loves the thought of kinky little games, especially when she's the victim.

“Well, that's a good plan and it'll motivate me even more to win this match. Haha, I hope that she will like that too, but I think I could have success. I think she had her fun too as we met in the ring the last time. But as we talk about Deliah and the Mean Girls, I think that I need something very special as my ring entrance. It might be a cool idea, if she cuffs my hands with fluffy pink handcuffs and brings me to the ring with a leash. Hehe, then everybody sees that I'm their new property and to whom I belong. And …it looks really sexy.”

This is really true and so Casey nods again. The petite Amanda is really so damn sexy, especially when she looks helpless or is in distress. So the outfit with fluffy pink handcuffs fits perfectly to her.

“Oh shit, I bet that you look sexy and that the fans will love you.”

All this is exactly the stuff Amanda loves and so she's unstoppable now. She's in such a cheery mood and this good mood is infecting.

“Haha, now I almost feel sorry for Tracy. If I can look forward to such a reward, then Tracy really has no chance. Hehe, I'm so fucking motivated now, so poor Tracy really has no chance. The plan with making her tired with all my highflying moves will prolly work good. I mean against you I also almost had success and Tracy isn't as strong as you, so I'll reach my goal. And then the ankle lock, or even better the Kimura lock. I think this we can train the next time. Then I really have good chances to bring her right to hospital. Damn, I really don't wanna change the roles with her, but anyway, it's her own fault. Why does this stupid bitch has to go against the Mean Girls?”

“I don't know ..but I know that you'll do good in your first match after your long break …”

Still in such a cheery mood, Mandy jumps into Casey’s arms and kisses her again and again until Casey almost can't breath anymore.

“Thank you, it means so much for me that you believe in me. It's good to have a friend at my side.”

Amanda still hugs her stepsister and it's not so easy for Casey to get free, but eventually she manages it and laughs.

“Hey, don't break my ribs. By the way, this would be a cool move for you, you can hug and kiss your opponents to death.”

About this joke they both laugh, but then Casey becomes honest again.

“But there's one more thing you shouldn't forget. If you really wanna dominate your opponent and use submission holds, then you needa be a bit stronger, I mean physically stronger. So we shouldn't forget the weight lifting. I know that you don't like it, but it's necessary.”

Knowing that her sister is right, Ananda nods in agreement. She hates weight lifting, but she's willing to do it.

“Ok, ok …you're right, so let's do it. As sooner we start as sooner we are finished and can go out for dinner.”

And so the two young women begin their training again. Amanda isn't as strong as her sister, but she gives her best and she is really willing to become stronger. It's pretty hard for the petite girl, but she doesn't give up and so, about one hour later, she's completely exhausted and needs a break again.

“Ok, I think this should be enough for today. If e continue, it will kill me and this I really don't want.”

Casey laughs a bit as she answers in a tauntingly way.

“Aww, it won't kill you. The worst thing you'll get is some sore muscles, but this you will survive. But anyway, I think you're right and for today it's enough.”

Really happy that it's over, Amanda hugs her sister again.

“Great, so let's take a shower and get something to eat. And later you could give me a nice long massage. Hehe, you know how much I love it and you're so good in giving massages.”

“Ok, this you can have and after this long training you really deserve it. Oh, and if you win your match I'll give you an extra long one as a reward, so give your best.”

Mandy giggles and licks her lips.

“Oh great, this will motivate me even more. Hehe, at first the tickling through my friends and then a massage from you, that's really so awesome. So now Traci really can see herself as dead. I will destroy her and I'll show that I'm still one of the most dangerous wrestlers in this industry. I may have had a longer break and maybe I'm not good enough anymore to get a title, but I'm still good enough to win against the normal divas of this company and after the show is over, everybody will know this. They will learn again that they still have to fear me and that it's no fun to be in the ring with me as the opponent. Haha, and Traci will be my first victim. I might be SCW’s Tickle Cutie, but in the ring I'm dangerous, dominant and deadly. Haha, and now don't say that I can't be dominant. Just remember what I have done to my opponents in the past. I destroyed them and I defeated the hardest opponents and I'll prove that I still can do this. I'm the Goddess and nothing will change this.”

Now the two high five and leave the gym, then the scene fades to black.

Climax Control Archives / Amanda's Bombshell Battle Royal Promo
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:19:47 AM »
 â€œIt's been really a while since I left SCW and I must say, that this leaving wasn't easy for me. Yes, it has been a hard decision and it brought me many sleepless nights, and, to be honest, I still think pretty often back at the time at SCW.”

The petite redhead pauses for a moment and has a smile in her face.

“So now you might ask why I didn't return and that's easy to explain. I had had some health problems and then I just became too busy. I still work for three other federations, but that's not all. I also opened a night club, called ‘Amanda's Dungeon’, and keeping this running costs me so much time. So I almost forgot that I wanted to come back. But then something happened. I got a phone call from an old friend and he asked me whether I wanted to come back for one match and there I couldn't resist and said yes. So here I am. SCW's tough and ticklish biker girl is back.”

A smile comes into her pretty face.

“So you see, I'm back, even if it's only for one match for now. But maybe then I will come back completely, it would be really awesome and a dream that could become truth. Yeah, a dream, cuz I really missed that place. Even though I'm not very social, I saw the people there a bit like a family. Haha, even Odette, Amy, Misty and all the other bitchy and snobby chicks.
I don't know whether they are still there, but I think a few are and so it will be fun to see them at the next show, where I'll participate in this battle royal. Yeah, that's the main reason why I wanna do that match. Ok, a win would be cool ok but that's not so important anymore. It's more important to meet all the people whom I liked in the past.
In the past I've seen this different and I really needed the wins, and this adrenaline during the matches, but now it's different. I don't need this stress anymore and I also don't need the money anymore. I earn my money with my nightclub and that's more than enough and if I want action, then I go to the gym and train some MMA. So all in all I can say that I'm happy, but sometimes I still miss something. Yes, I miss the friendly rivalries and the competition and now I will get it back, even if it's only for one night.”

Amanda is pretty much lost in thoughts and so she doesn't hear that the door opens and Laura has entered the room. Laura sneaks behind Amanda and kisses her on the neck.

“Hey, missed me?”

With a smile in her face, the pretty redhead turns around.

“Oh yes, I did. It was so boring all alone, but I have cool news.”

Then she begins to tell Laura everything that happened and also that she will make an appearance at SCW. She's so excited, that it's hard to stop her, but eventually Laura can speak too.

“Well, for me it sounds good and I really hope that you'll have your fun. So do you wanna go back there completely?”

That's a good question and Amanda doesn't know the answer. She thinks a while, but then she shrugs and sighs.

"I don't know. A part of me wants and the other part says no, because of all the stress and the endless training. So I can't answer to your question right now. But I'll think about it and after my match you'll get the answer. I wasn't the most popular girl there, but the last days I talked to a few people from SCW on Twitter and they gave me the feeling that I got missed and that they want me back there. I'm not cocky or selfish, but I must say that it feels good. So we will see how everything develops. I even talked to a girl who has a stable there …well, everything sounded interesting.”

Then she laughs out in a cheery and happy way.

“Haha, and some promised even to bring a feather to the ring. Haha, they still haven't forgotten how to get me good.”

The pretty redhead smiles in her cute way and poses a bit for the camera.

“So I can promise you that you'll have the same fun with my return as I will. Yeah, fun it'll be, but not only this. I'm also going to prove, that I'm still the best in the ring and that I'm the one the fans wanna see and not all these boring bitches, like Misty, Amy Marshal and all the others.”

Again she giggles.

“As we talk about Amy Marshal, I really don't know what her problem is. I was talking a bit to a guy, called Gabriel Asar, and in some way this seems to piss her off. Damn, I really don't know why. Ok, I must admit, that I've been a bit flirty, but that's all, I didn't touch him and he didn't touch me, so nothing happened and I think there's no needa be jealous. But anyway, this stupid bitch is jealous and I don't know what I've made wrong. It's not my fault that I'm the prettiest and cutest girl they ever had at their show. Damn, yes, that's the truth, and prolly this ugly fat bitch is just jealous, cuz she's nothing against me.”

A look into the mirror and the cocky petite girl smiles even more.

“Haha, it's really funny, I said something about a comeback and immediately this messaging at Twitter started, the drama began again and also some friendships were renewed. It's awesome and in some way I must admit, that I really missed all this. Haha, even if there are some divas that prolly would love to see me dead. But I can comfort you, I won't die and in the ring will be the same great action as in the past. I'm still the same old Mandy you all know, deadly in the ring, terrible ticklish and so damn cute.”

She turns away from the mirror and sits down on her couch. After she has lit a cigarette, she takes some nail polish, this time a pink one and begins to paint her toe nails pink. As she is finished and the nail polish dries, she drags at her cigarette and leans back. Another light giggling and she continues her speech.

“Hehe, looks good. At least I think so, and I hope the others will like it too ….hehe, especially as there has been a guy who wanted to buy a feather for me. Hehe, so he I'll have more fun to try it out. Damn, I get kinky again, but I can't help it, it's just too much fun.”

As she giggles again, the door opens and Laura enters the room. She looks down at Mandy and kisses her on the lips.

“What did I hear about feathers? Are you already flirting again with some people? And I've heard that yo want to wrestle again at SCW.”

For a moment Amanda blushes, but then she wraps her arms around Laura's neck and pulls her down to her on the couch.

"That's true, but you don't have to worry, you're the only one I love. And yes, I'll make a onetime appearance at SCW. Just this one match and then I'm gone again. Well, at least that's what I've planed. But there's also the possibility that I'll stay longer. It depends a bit on how I do in this match and how the fans react to hen they see me again. I mean when they still love me, then I might do some more matches. I hope you understand that I can't disappoint the fans, and you know me, I love the action in the ring.”

Laura nods and so Amanda continues.

"But anyway, you really don't have to worry about anything. We still will run our club and I still will have enough time for you. And I hope that you take the whole flirting not so seriously. You're the only person in my life who's important for me. Hehe, and you're the only person who's allowed to touch me in some special places.”

Now Laura has to laugh.

“Does that include your feet too?”

The pretty redhead starts to giggle and turns around a bit. Then she puts her feet into Laura's lap and wiggles her toes.

“Well, almost …hehe, at least if you touch me in a sensual way.”

Laura begins to rub Mandy's feet and after a few minutes and after Mandy is completely relaxed, she begins to tickle her toes lightly and immediately Amanda's cute giggling can be heard. The tattooed beauty squirms, but she doesn’t pull her feet away.

“Hehe, that's even better than a feather and you know how it ends when you do this with me.”

Slowly Amanda's giggling becomes louder and she also squirms more, but Laura has trapped her ankles with her legs and so there's no escape for the petite girl. Slowly Amanda really becomes hysterically, but eventually Laura let's her go. After a last short tickle, and a kiss on her toes, she stands up and pulls Amanda up too.

“I know and so let's go there.”

Half an hour later the two come back out of the bed room. Both are rally exhausted and a bit tired, but still too excited to sleep. So the two get a few drinks and sit don again on the couch in the living room. After talking about some random stuff, they come back to the subject wrestling and Laura wants to know whether Mandy wants to return completely.

"So now honestly, are you back at SCW? You can tell me.”

Again Amanda shrugs. She still doesn't know it and so there's nothing much to say.

“As I said earlier, I don't know it, but it could happen. Look, I'm not that old so that I have to retire, and my physical condition still is good, so why not? And when I look at all the divas in the company, then there's only one thing to say, I'm better than them. And now don't say that I'm cocky, cuz I'm not. I watched a few videos and I've seen a few of them perform in the ring, for example Amy Marshal. And she's even worse than at the time as I have been at SCW. So I think my chances for a cool comeback aren't too bad.”

Laura wants to say something, but Amanda shuts her up in a friendly way.

“Don't say anything, cuz you know that I'm right. I've been the champion there and I faced the toughest people there and I always did a good performance, so why should this be different now? Ok, I admit that I'm a bit older, but I'm still good. You know that I train every day together with my stepsister Casey and we do wrestling, MMA, gymnastics, weight lifting and all this stuff. So I'm really good in shape and I still know how to fight. So there's no reason not to try it again and you must admit, that it old be awesome if I can get a title again. Ok, I'm not so sure whether this will really work, but at least it's worth a try. And I still have some business to do there.”

She giggles and winks at Laura.

“I told you that you don't have to worry because of my flirting, but I must say that it's so much fun to provoke this stupid bitch Amy, so that I want to continue with it. But that's not all, I will face her in this battle royal, but I want her in a one on one match. Damn, she really deserves a beating up and there should be someone who shows her how crappy she is.
Then there's this girl Delia, I talked a bit to her on Twitter and I don't really know what to think about her. She seems to be a bit bitchy, but in some cases ay cool, so it'll be interesting to meet her and also to face her in the ring.
Then there's Eric Staggs, another person I haven't seen for years. He has always been cool and hope he still is there.
Haha, and last but not least this guy Gabriel Asar, another guy I talked to at Twitter. It seems that we have a few things in common and so it can be interesting for me to meet him in person. But as I said, don't worry, I'm into girls and I only love you, so meeting him will just be a friendly meeting and nothing more. Haha, but I wanna find out everything about these common interests.
So you see, there are really some reasons to go back there. And it would also be cool if you would come with me as my trainer and manager. Yeah, this I would really love.”

Now a smile comes into Laura's face and she nods.

“Ok, if you really want this, then I will support you and I'll also be your manager and trainer. Personally I would have preferred it if you wouldn't go back there, because of all the stress, but I know that I can't change your mind, so there's only one thing and that is to help you to get back at the top of this company.”

Hearing this Amanda jumps up and down and claps her hands. Then she jumps into Laura's arms and kisses her passionately.

“I really hoped that you would say this and that you’ll be at my side. Yay, I'm so happy and this is the best thing that could happen to me.”

She takes another sip of her drink and looks at Laura. Mandy has always been a bit chaotic, and she always needed someone to help her with the organization, especially now as she is so busy. She still works full time as a fetish model and is really successful in this job. Then she has a night club, where she's the CEO and then these jobs in several wrestling federations and now maybe at SCW. So it's really hard to organize all this and without Laura's help, she really wouldn't know what to do first. So Laura makes the organization for her and her stepsister Casey is her personal fitness coach. Casey is a former MMA fighter and after a really heavy injury, she has stopped it. For a while she has a irked as a security at concerts and in clubs, but she missed the fighting and so she started a a fighting sports instructor and fitness coach and no she works for Mandy. She makes the security in Mandy's club and she also trains her.
Now Amanda thinks about what they have planed for today, but the only thing she remembers is that she wanted to train with Casey. So she looks at Laura for some help.

“But now let's see what we will do today. The only thing I remember is the training and this we should do a bit longer because of this match. I really wanna look good at the show.”

In the meantime Laura checks her calendar and after a while she has it.

“Well, that training is in the evening, at least that's what Casey said as she called us yesterday. So we have some time for the other stuff. We have to organize the shot at your club this weekend and then you have a photo shooting too. I think you're booked for two hours to make one of these fetish films.”

Amanda's eyes widen.

“Wow, two hours is really hard. Hopefully after it's over I'm still in the condition to do some training. Haha, but at least I can leave away the cardio, cuz all this laughing is good for the stamina.”

She giggles in a cheery way.

“And what is with the show at my club? I thought everything was clear. We have a DJ, we booked a bondage model for a performance and a few bands too. So what could go wrong there?”

“Well, the model is the problem. She has the flu and can't work this weekend, so we have to find someone else.”

For a moment Amanda thinks about it and then she pulls out her cellphone. Desperately she tries to find a new model, but only a few days before the show starts, it's hard to find someone. Two hours later and pretty frustrated Amanda gives it up.

“Ok, now I have enough of this crap. Normally I have better things to do, but if we don't find anybody else, I'll do it, or do you wanna make it?”

But Laura Sykes her head vehemently and Amanda laughs.

“Ok, then this is settled and I'll do the show. Haha …”

Laura nods and it seems that she has another idea.

“Well, I know that you like such stuff and you're damn sexy and good in it, but we can do it even better.”

Eyes wide open, Amanda looks at her.

“And what would that be?”

“Well, I think some little publicity for your appearance at SCW would be cool. So why not invite all the members of this federation to come. I bet you already pissed off so many of them, so that there are many of them who wanna see you in distress. I think this ay we will sell so many tickets and there might be a way to make it even better.”

Again Amanda is a bit surprised.

“And what is better than seeing me in sexy outfits and getting tied up?”

Now it's Laura's turn to laugh.

“Silly one, you are the boss and you play the dominatrix in your club, so it's cool to see you completely submissive. Haha, we will sell the tickets for about 50 USD and this includes five minutes spanking your cute ass or tickling your feet. Haha, I bet the people will like this, especially at these whom you have pissed off. I'll put it on your website and so the people can buy it online. Haha, and the show we call ‘Revenge on the boss’”

Amanda's eyes widen and she becomes a bit pale.

“Wait, …maybe this is a bit too much. They will kill me.”

But it's already too late and Laura has already posted it on Mandy's website.

“Too late, it's up. But don't worry, they won't kill you, they just make you suffer a bit and this you deserve after you pissed off so many people again. Oh and it brings us a lot of money too, so don't complain.”

In some way Laura is right and Amanda knows it, so she nods.

“Ok, true …a lot of money and I'm dead after they are done with me. Haha, maybe it has been a mistake to piss off all these people, but anyway.”

Playfully Laura slaps her on her cute ass.

“Aww, I almost feel sorry for you, but only almost, cuz I know, deep insides you love such a treatment. Haha …”

As she looks at the website, a satisfied smile comes into her face.

“Look, it jus has started and we already sold tickets for more than 5000 USD and it still gets more.”

“Damn, I'm doomed ….”

But Laura comforts her, even though she has her fun to see Mandy getting that nervous.

“That might become a bit too long, but don't worry, we can divide them in teams, so that two or three people can team up on you.”

It seems that this doesn't convince Amanda and she playfully punches Laura's arm.

“That's really not funny and if you would be in my situation, then you would see it the same way. But anyway, now it's too late and we can't disappoint the fans, so it seems that I'll have to do it. Shit, but at least I hope it'll bring us some publicity, cuz if not, then I'll fire you as my manager.”

Now they both laugh and kiss each other, but then Amanda breaks the kiss and looks at Laura.

“Ok then, this is cleared, so when is my photo shooting?”

Laura looks at her watch and laughs out.

“In about 30 minutes, so we really should hurry up, if you wanna be there in time.”

Now the hectic begins. Within minutes Amanda has her outfit and is ready. Then the two young woman leave the house and jump into the car. Amanda is driving and like usually she drives much too fast, but she doesn't care much and so they arrive at the photo studio right in time. Everything works well and two hours later this fetish film is finished. The producer is happy and Amanda too, even though she's completely exhausted and out of breath. So Mandy and Laura leave there and drive to the gym, so that Amanda can train for her match. This time Casey drives, while Amanda tries to recover, as she sits on the passengers seat, her feet on the dashboard. She looks over to Laura and giggles.

“Hehe, such shootings are really fun, I love it.”

Laura knows that Amanda can be a bit submissive from time to time, but, even though she knows her for years, she still can't understand that Mandy makes such videos.

“I know that you love it, but I still can't understand what's so enjoyable to get tied up and tortured, even if it's only by getting tickled. But anyway, if you love it, then it's ok. Haha, and it brings us a lot of money. It seems that there are many people who love to see you in distress.“

Mandy nods in agreement.

“Exactly this it is. I love it to make all my fans happy and if they wanna see me like this, then it's ok for me. It's a job, just like this wrestling job too. Haha, but I must admit, that it's really fun. I love it to laugh and I love it to get touched, especially on my feet. And these soft ropes feel really so damn good, so why shouldn't I love it?”

She giggles in a cheery way and the friendly conversation goes on for a bit longer. Eventually they arrive at the gym and climb out of the car. Mandy winks at Laura.

“Ok, here we are. So the stress begins again, but at least I can leave away the cardio. For my stamina I have done enough. So we can start with the things that make really fun, like trainings matches. And I also think that this is pretty important after this long break at SCW.”

They enter the gym and Casey, Amanda's stepsister, already waits for them. The tall blond girl stands there, her muscular arms crossed in front of her chest, and like usually, she isn't in the best mood. She growls.

“I thought that you would never come here. I hope you had your fun with all your kinky stuff, but with such things you won't win your damn match.”

Amanda is used to Casey’s unfriendly behavior and so she ignores it. She knows that Casey loves her and so she isn't mad at her. With a friendly smile in her face, she kisses Casey on the cheek.

“I know it's a bit late, but now we are here and can begin.”

“Then move your ass into the ring …”

Amanda laughs, but she does what casey tells her and they begin with the training. Casey is really strong and so Mandy has her problems with her, but she does good and from time to time she even manages it to bin the tall young woman. About one hour later Amanda is really tired, but casey doesn't let her go. She glares at Amanda.

“I say when it's enough ….so the next match. Don't be so damn lazy.”

And so it goes on for a bit longer, but eventually they are finished and go to the shower room. Amanda is so tired, that she hardly can't move and so she needs pretty long to catch her breath and to relax under the hot water of the shower. Then she gets dressed and now all three of them decide to go out for dinner before they go home.
As they are back in the car, Laura starts the engine, Casey climbs on the backseat and Amanda takes a seat on the passenger seat. Now Laura turns her head and smirks at Amanda.

“Oh …and I have a little surprise for you.”

Now Amanda becomes curious. She loves surprises and she can't stand it to hear the latest news.

“C’mon, please tell me …”

Normally Laura loves it to tease Amanda a bit, but this time she doesn't do it and so she tells her everything.

“Well, there will be some girls in your match whom you should know, for example Karina and ….me.”

As she hears this, Amanda's eyes widen.

“Oh shit, I really don't wanna face you. I mean Karina is ok, I've beaten her before and I can do it again, whenever and wherever I can. But facing you is shit. I really don't wanna beat up the person I love.”

“Haha, who says that you will beat me up? It can also be vice versa.”

But Amanda shakes her head.

“There I wouldn't be so sure. You know that I've been the most dangerous wrestler at SCW and I think this hasn't changed. I've held the title there and I know, if I will really come back, then I will get it again. So it's pretty clear that I will be the winner.”

"Keep dreaming .."

The friendly arguing goes on for a bit longer and they all have their fun. Then they arrive at the restaurant and as the three climb out of the car, the scene fades to black.

Supercard Archives / ODETTE RYDER vs AMANDA CORTEZ
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:15:18 PM »

It's the last day before the PPV and Amanda is giving a press conference. Dressed in a short and sexy dress and some nice looking high heels she sits at a table, with a micro in front of her and her girlfriend Laura sitting besides her. The room is crowded with reporters and they are all eager to ask her their questions. So it's pretty noisy and Amanda has problems to understand them. But eventually they all calm down a bit so that the show can begin.

"Ok, Miss Cortez, we've just heard that you finished your second movie. What's your reason for this sequel?"

That's easy to explain and so Amanda doesn't take long to answer. With a broad smile in her pretty face she looks at the interviewer, cuz talking about her new movie is always fun for her and it makes her proud. Cocky as she is she loves all the attention she gets.

"That's easy to explain. The first part has been a huge success and many people were watching it, so they asked me if I would play the demon queen in a second part. At first I didn't want too, but after they told me that the demon queen will win I couldn't resist. It's ok to be the one who loses, but once it's enough. Now I prefer to win, like in real life."

Amanda pauses for a moment and so the next reporter asks his the meantime she makes sure that her long raven black hair is ok and wipes some of it out of her face. Still listening to the questions she puts on some lipgloss.

"As we talk about winning, you won many matches the last weeks and there are many people who say that you cheat and steal wins. How do you think about it?"

Now she roles her eyes. She really hates it when somebody reminds her at this, especially as it's the truth, and everybody can see it. Before she answers she leans back in her chair and after a look at Laura she fumbles into her pocket, pulls out a cigarette and lights it. A bit coldly, but still polite she answers.

"Ok, let's set things straight. It's true that I cheat and it's also true that I stole some wins, but that doesn't mean that I can't take a win alone. I did it before and I'll do it again. Look, I can beat up whomever I want, the divas, the guys and especially Odette. This you can see at the PPV. There will be nothing left from her when I'm done with her. She might be one of the strongest wrestlers at SCW, but against me she's nothing. I can defeat her whenever and wherever I want. And I won't only defeat her, I'll fuck her up, I destroy her."

As they hear these harsh words from her most of the reporters look a bit shocked. Tiny and petite as she is, Amanda looks so cute and so this answer really surprises a bit. Even though she always plays the tough bad girl nobody expects her to be really that mean.

"Wow, these are harsh words. Why do you hate her so much?"

Her first reaction is to shake her head and to raise her hand, but then she gives up her resistance and agrees that she hates Odette. It wouldn't make any sense to deny this fact, so why shouldn't the world hear Amanda's reasons for this hatred.

"I don't hate her. Shit no, I hate her, more than everything else in life. She goes on my nerves and in some way she even scares me. I'm not so sure why, but in some way it is this way."

This hasn't explained her reasons for this hatred and so the reporter asks her again. Hopefully he will get his answer to this interesting question, but now Amanda is willing to explain it in a better way.

"But why? I think there really is no reason."

Again Amanda shakes her head. She drags at her cigarette and after a small pause she tries to explain it a bit better. But she's not so sure whether anybody besides herself understands this, especially as she sometimes doesn't understand her own reasons.

"There is. Lemmy try to explain it. It began right after I joined here at SCW. I was new here and I was a bit insecure. Ok, I've wrestled before, but I heard a lot about this company and I didn't know what expects me here. The only thing I knew about this company was that everybody said that they had damn good wrestlers her and especially that Odette is one of them.
And then it began. I had my first matches here and I did pretty good and I even did good in a match against Odette. I even became the champion and not her. But that's not the main problem. Even though I was the champ everybody overlooked me and Odette got all the glory and respect I deserved. It's true, that made me jealous and I began to dislike her. So I think that was the moment when this rivalry, or call it feud, began. Then I lost a singles match and that pissed me off even more ad what also pissed me off was the fact that the fans loved her and hated me. Shit, everybody wanted to see me lose and that really huts me. So I thought it would be juz fair to destroy her idol and so I began to terrorize her and to provoke her. Damn, yeah, maybe that's mean, but that's what I had to do.
Ok, then I thought that it's enough of all this drama and I tried to turn back to other goals, but I had no goals, not after these stupid bosses banned me from all title matches. So I really had nothing to do. I won my matches, but nobody cared and I never got a chance for gold. So I thought it might help when I defeat the best wrestlers of this company, like for example Roxie or Amy or Necra, but also Odette. Yeah, sadly she belongs to this group. But anyway, this still is no real reason to hate her, but what she did last week really gave me a reason to this hatred. She has faked to kill Laura by throwing her from a roof and a week later she defeated her in a match and I got a beat down too. I think it's pretty understandable that I won't tolerate this and that I have some revenge in mind. And this revenge I will get at the next PPV when I face her. I hope that this explained everything a lil bit."

The reporter nods and then he asks his next question, but he's a bit worried that he could offend her. Most people don't like Amanda, especially not the wrestling fans, but this reporter is a huge fan of her and so he doesn't want to hurt her feelings.

"That's true, that explains a lot. But there's one more thing you could tell us. We know that you hate her, but do you still fear her?"

But Amanda isn't offended. She only shakes her head and smiles at the reporter with her cute smile. She's so hot and seducing and she loves the reaction of the people to her flirting.

"No, not anymore. A few weeks ago I really did and I even had nightmares where she haunted me, but I visited a shrink and now these worries and fears are gone. I still know that she's dangerous and that it'll be hard to beat her, but now I know that I can do it. And even if I don't, I'll survive it.
But what's pretty important is,mis the fact that I can't take the win when I'm scared. Then I don't have any chance. But this doctor helped me to fight my fears and now everything will be ok. You will see that I'm right when I'm finished with her and when she's destroyed. Then I'll be the number one again."

It seems that they all understand what she wants to tell them and after some mumbling of the reporters the next one asks her about her future plans. It might be interesting to hear what she has planed after she almost got fired and after she got banned from all title matches.

"As we talk about being the number one again, do you have in mind to get a title again?"

For a moment Amanda has to think about this, but after a while she nods. Slowly she sees this feud in a positive way and she thinks it can help her on her way to success and glory and even to get a title again one day.

"Yes, I have. I think after this win against Odette nobody can overlook me anymore, then they have to give me a title match whether they want it or not. Everything else would make no sense. I must be a champion and soon everybody will see this."

it seems that they all have the same opinion and a murmur can be heard. Then the next reporter begins to talk. Amanda drags at her cigarette and seems to be pretty relaxed.

"That sounds good. And do you think that your feud with her is over after this PPV?"

For a moment Amanda doesn't know what to say. She loves talking, but this here is really a difficult question. It's not that she doesn't want to answer, but she really isn't sure how to go on with her feud. Sometimes she would prefer it if it ends, so that the stress is over, but sometimes she also wants to continue it.

"To be honest, I don't know. Normally I would say yes, but this time it might be a bit different. For the case that I win then I would say that it's the end of this feud, but who knows whether Odette can live with this loss and whether she's willing to accept the fact that I'm the better wrestler.
And if she wins ...Well, then it's not over. I won't stop that war until I get my revenge for what she did to Laura and me. And I also won't stop before I proved that I'm the fucking best wrestlers in this fucking company.
So it's pretty open how it'll go on at SCW."

The reporters seem to be satisfied with this answer and so the interview goes on. Now it comes again to a point that Amanda could be offended and so the reporter really is carefully about how to ask her this question.

"That sounds interesting. So we have hope that this interesting feud goes on for a bit longer. And maybe we see you as a champion soon. But lets come back to the fact that Odette brought you nightmares. What helped you against this fears."

A smile comes into Amanda's face and she really isn't offended. A few weeks ago she wouldn't have admitted that anything could scare her and she would have freaked out to hear such a question, but since she has visited the shrink its different. Now she sees everything more relaxed and also can admit her weaknesses.

"That's a bit complicated. Mostly I was scared by getting humiliated if I lose against her. But in some way that's no problem for me anymore. You all know that I'm pretty submissive in my real life, but in the ring and at the shows I try to hide it and there I play the tough and indefeatable girl. But I realized that this is stupid. I've done so many lil video clips where I got humiliated and I really enjoyed this work. And there I have many fans who buy my clips and who love to see me as the victim. And as I said, I like it. So I think in the ring it's not much different. I still prefer it to take the win, but even of not, at least I do something to entertain the fans and that's all that counts. So however it ends, it's ok for me. And the next point I already explained before. I won't give up after a loss and I'll continue my lil war against Odette till I'm the glorious winner. So you see, I can't lose, whatever happens."

The reporters really were a bit surprised to hear this from Amanda. So for a moment it's pretty quiet, but as the subject comes to her kinky stuff everybody is interested again and wants to hear more about this. That's exactly what the fans want to hear.

"As we talk about your video clips. Do you still work as a fetish model?"

Without hesitating Amanda nods. She has a smile in her pretty face and she winks at the reporters. Talking about such stuff and her sexual preferences is always fun for her and she loves it.

"Yes, I do and I don't have planed to stop it. I love it and not only this, it's a kinda lifestyle, my lifestyle. So you can expect more kinky stuff from me. Haha."

Some of them know her stuff, but she's so damn sexy and pretty and so everybody wants to know what she has planed and what kind of stuff it is. As more details she tells them, as more fans will watch this show and it will become a great success.

"And what would that be?"

The pretty young woman giggles a bit. She really isn't ashamed for the stuff she does and she loves it to talk about it. It's fun to tease the audience and before she answers, she licks her lips in a voluptuous way.

"Haha, prolly the usual stuff, some bondage, some spanking and a lot of tickling. Haha."

The reporter who had asked this question smirks as he hears what Amanda has to say. With his next question he tries to encourage her to tell them more and it seems that he will have success with his efforts..

"Sounds awesome. So it seems that you really have a few fetishes."

And Amanda really has no problem with talking about her fetishes and about kinky stuff. She even admits that she's normally the submissive one, even though it doesn't fit to her role of the bad chick, but maybe just that contrast is it that makes it so interesting.

"Yeah, I have some and one is that I have a foot and tickle fetish, where I prefer it to be the victim. Yes, it's fun and I really love it."

One of the reporters grimaces as she says this. Then he laughs out and wants to hear a bit more about it.

"Ouuch, isn't that painfully? For me this sounds pretty torturous."

Amanda shrugs. He's right and it is torturous, but she loves it. And she also knows that they want to see her as the kinky tough girl and so she gives them what they want. It's no problem for her and its her way of life.

"Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but for me it's mostly arousing."

The jaw of the reporter drops down and he almost can't believe what he has just heard. They all knew that she likes it, but that it arouses her really surprises them a bit.

"Even though you scream and beg for mercy?"

Now Amanda laughs again. It might look a bit strange, but she really loves it and she also loves it to beg for mercy, especially when she knows that she won't get any. Being completely at the mercy of a person whom she loves is so wonderful for her.

"Hehe, yes. That's part of it and the best thing is if you don't get mercy. Then it's really fun even though you think that you won't survive it. But it's so arousing and also relaxing."

What they just hear is really hard to believe and they are all a bit puzzled, so they want her to tell them more about it.


Knowing that they are really puzzled and curious, Amanda winks at them and begins to tell them a bit more. While she talks she giggles in her cute way, knowing exactly how sexy she is.

"Yes, before my matches I let Laura tie me up and tickle my feet till I almost die. Hehe, this always leads to sex and I feel so good after it's over. Oh and in some way it gives me power and makes me feel strong after I could prove how much I can take. Haha, you see, I'm a really tough lil girl."

"Haha, do you wanna prove this?"

Everybody would have expected that Amanda wouldn't do that, but now she shocks them. She shrugs and agrees.

"Sure, why not?"

Without hesitating she slips out of her high heeled stripper sandals and puts her feet into Laura's lap and Laura starts tickling her so that her cute girlish tickling can be heard. She's laughing, but she still can talk to the reporters and so she encourage them to join.

"If you want then you can help her. Haha, but as I said, I'm tough and you won't break me. Juz try it out."

Laura traps her ankles tween her legs and holds them in place and now the reporters can help her to tickle Mandy and this they do. Pretty soon Amanda is really hysterical and has tears in her eyes, but she doesn't tap out, even though the whole show goes for almost an hour. But then she pulls her feet back and winks at them.

"Ok, you had your chance and you couldn't break me. Haha, I won usually. I'm always the winner."

She giggles a bit and wipes the tears out of her face. She looks so damn cute even though she's a bit sweaty now and her hair is a mess, but she's still damn pretty and this she knows.

"But now it's enough with the fun. Lets come back to our lil interview. I bet there's something more you wanna know."

Still a bit exhausted she lights a new cigarette and inhales deeply. With her free hand she rubs her feet and then she slips back into her high heels. Now she looks at the reporters and waits what else they want to know. But then the ringing of a cellphone can be heard and one of the reporters answers it. Then he stands up and switches on one of the TVs which is standing in the corner of the room. Everybody looks at it as Odette's promo is shown. But just as everybody thinks it starts, the electricity is gone and nothing works anymore. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 3319

OOC: sorry for the abrupt ending, but my motivation to write for this match is gone. Wanted to trashtalk a bit about Odette's promo and that doesn't work. So it ends here. But anyway.

Supercard Archives / ODETTE RYDER vs AMANDA CORTEZ
« on: June 10, 2013, 01:07:22 AM »

The Demon Queen strikes back or Amanda and the Shrink

It's a dark and stormy night and the demon army has occupied and destroyed the whole country. Almost everybody is dead or in slavery and they have killed whoever came in their way, men, women and even children. Now the final battle is almost over and the army stands right in front of the castle of the king. It's a really huge army and the soldiers of the kings won't have a chance against them, but they know what expects them when they lose and so they fight till death, but it doesn't help them.
The floor is covered with blood and the last soldiers flee back into the castle and try to close the gates, but they are followed by the demons. The leader of the demons, a woman in a light black leather armor and two swords in her hands follows them with a few of her men. As she sees that the gate opens and to let in the fleeing soldiers a smile comes into her destroyed face.

"Well, that won't help you. I'll get you wherever you hide."

She laughs in a devilish way and now her destroyed face and body is shown. Her whole fave and body is covered with burning scars, her hair is burnt away and her lips and ears too. Where normally are the eyes are only deep black holes left and she looks really scary.
Now she screams out and yells at her men to attack the enemies.

"Get them all, I want them all dead."

The demon soldiers attack again and the burnt woman is in the first row. She swings her swords with a deathly accuracy and kills everybody who comes into her way. Her armor and her face is covered with blood and it seems that she really loves and enjoys this massacre.
Now almost everybody is dead and also a lot of her own soldiers died, but she doesn't care and she doesn't show any mercy. Only the king and a few soldiers are left now, but they are surrounded by the demons and their horrible queen. They still try to fight back, but it. Doesn't help them. Now the demon queen gives a sign and her army stops the massacre, but they still have their weapons in their hands and so the soldiers of the kink are under control. The king, with a sword in his hands, looks at them in horror and knowing that this will be his end he screams out.

"What the hell do you want and who are you?"

Still with her bloody swords in her hands the demon queen looks at him and starts to laugh in a inhuman way. In her destroyed face you can't see any facial expressions and it's pure horror to look at her.

"Don't you really know who I am?"

The king looks at her in horror and shakes his head. The only thing he knows is that these monsters terrorize his country since years and that it seems that they took the final win now. He realizes that he and his men have no chance to escape their fate and he sighs in frustration.

"Ok, then I might help you out a bit. Do you remember that girl who fought against you years ago? You have captured her and tortured her almost to death and then you have burnt her alive on a stake. When I remember it right, then her last words have been that she will come back one day and get her revenge."

Slowly the king remembers that day and his eyes widen in horror. He remembers the girl and he even remembers her name. Now the demon queen snaps her fingers and suddenly the burnt ugly monster turns into a beautiful young woman with raven black long her, a face like an angel and a pretty petite body. All the wounds are gone and a sweet smile comes into Amanda's pretty face.

"Well, now she is back and stands here right in front of you to get her revenge."

The king is so much in shock that he can't say anything and he only stares at the beautiful Amanda and it's clearly visible that he realizes who she is. The fate of this girl has haunted him in his dreams and he still feels sorry that he executed her in such a cruel way, but the worst thing is to see her alive here. Ok, not really alive, but as an undead. After a few minutes he wants to say something, but Amanda gives him a sign to shut up.

"I admit that I made a mistake years ago as I turned against you. It was ok that you captured me and punished. Me, but I was a young girl who didn't know what she did. It wasn't necessary to punish me in such a cruel way. You destroyed my life and tuned me into the monster I am now. So don't blame anybody but yourself for the things that happen here right now.
I promised you to come back for revenge and today is the day when you will pay for your sins. You destroyed my body and my life, but now I'm here to destroy you."

The king looks at her and now he has tears in his eyes. He's not scared for his own life, but for the life of his men and his family and he really doesn't want to see his kingdom go into slavery or even get destroyed completely.

"It's true, I have been cruel and I'm really sorry for this. I know that it's too late to change anything, but please listen to me. I'm really sorry and please forgive me."

Amanda only laughs. It's pretty clear that she doesn't feel any pity and that she doesn't even think of forgiving him. She wants her revenge and she wants it now.

"Too late forgiveness."

The king knows her and he also knows that she won't show mercy on him. He wants to speak again, but then he sees that Amanda's men has captured his family too and his eyes widen in horror. Now he's really willing to do anything so that Amanda lets his family go.

"Please, not my family. I know that you can't forgive me and that you will kill me, but my family has nothing to do with this. Please, let them go. I do whatever you want, but let my family and the rest of my soldiers alive, they are no threat to you. You won."

A smile comes into Amanda's pretty face and she gives him a sign to kneel down in front of her and so he does. Still smiling in an almost friendly way she looks down at him. She still has her swords in her hands, but it doesn't look like she's going to use them.

"Ok, let me think about it. If you accept me as the new queen and if you worship me, then I might let them live. So how do you decide? Kiss my boots and everything will become good."

The king hates this moment, but he has no choice and so he kisses Amanda's boots. He would do everything to save the rest of his family and so he even accepts it that he got defeated by this brutal monster.

"Ok, you're my queen and you reign over this country. We are all your slaves.

Amanda's facial expression softens and a warm smile comes into her face. For a moment it seems that she will keep her promise, but then the smile disappears and she glares coldly at him. Then she gives her men a sign.

"Kill them all ...and his family first."

The king screams out in horror, but before her he can speak Amanda has raised her arm with the sword and cuts off his head. His skull falls to the ground and Amanda picks it up quickly by grabbing it by his hair. She looks into the. Dead eyes and laughs again devilish.

"And now you will see them die."

While the massacre continues Amanda turns back into the destroyed burnt monster and her devilish laughing can be heard again, then the scene fades to black.

Amanda and the producer of this movie have just watched the last scene of the film and they are happy about how it came out. The producer claps his hands and Amanda smiles happily.

"This was awesome. I think it'll be at least such a success like your first movie. It's really cool.

Amanda smiles happily while she lights a cigarette. Shes really proud that she was the main actor in this movie and making it has been so much fun, especially as she loves the character she played. Then she winks at him.

"Yeah, it has been awesome and I think I'm pretty good as the evil demon queen. Haha, the making of this movie was so much fun, especially as I identify my self with this demon queen. She's really such a cool character and I feel a bit like her."

She laughs a bit and the producer nods. He knows that this has been the role of her life and he's happy that he could make that movie with her. Amanda has been good as an actor, but it's also good that she's a famous wrestler, so many people will watch this movie and it will be another huge success.

"Yeah, that's the perfect role for you. You are the demon queen and don't only play her.

He's right and so Amanda nods with a broad smile in her face. She's not mean in real life, but the circumstances made her mean and that's the same in that movie and in her real life.

"Yeah, I am her. And the best thing is that I was the winner this time. Don't get me wrong, I really love it to play the victim too, especially when I get punished and tortured at the end, but this time it was fun to win and to show how strong I can be. It's the same as in real life. There I love it too to be the victim, but when it comes to fights I prefer it to be the winner and the dominant one.

The producer winks at her. He knows her for years and he also knows that she's a bit kinky and that she loves it to play the victim and it's ok for him. This pretty young woman is really awesome, doesn't matter in which role.

"I noticed that. In the ring you are pretty dominant and your winning streak is really awesome.

Amanda laughs a bit as she hears this. It's good that others see it the same way as she does. Since she was a kid she loved it to play the strong and tough chick and that has never changed, but getting a nice little punishment can be so much fun too.

"Yeah, some punishment is fun, especially when I get my feet tickled. I really love this. But in the ring it's different. I think you know what I can do there and I want that everybody sees me as the strong bitch there. Haha, no cute little victim, just the strong and brutal monster. That's what I love."

She laughs again and the producer nods again. He knows that she can be really strong and tough and even though he's no wrestling fan, he has seen most of her matches and he thinks that she's really good.

"Exactly. But I think you don't have to prove that again. Prolly everybody knows that you are strong, tough and dominant. So there's nothing you have to worry about."

But Amanda isn't convinced. She knows that she is good, but Odette has won against her before and so she is a bit worried and also frustrated. She hates losing in her matches and seeing that others have more wins than she has makes her jealous and sad.

"Nah, that's not completely true. You know that I lost against Odette and I don't want that to happen again. I hate being a loser and I hate it when I don't look good in the ring."

Now the producer shakes his head. He doesn't want her to be frustrated or sad and so he tries his best to build up her self confidence again. His star should be proud and happy and not sad.

"You do look good in the ring. And you shouldn't worry about Odette. She's a normal wrestler, maybe a good one, nothing more. Oh, and I really don't know why your feud ended up in such a hatred."

Amanda sees this different and so she protests again. For her Odette is no normal wrestler, for her she's the pure horror and she really hates her, at least most of the time and especially after their trouble escalated so much.

"She's no normal wrestler, she's fucking dangerous and she has kicked my ass really bad. And with our hatred I don't know how it began. I think it started as a normal rivalry as we both thrived to get that title. I won and I think that Odette was a bit jealous. At least there she started to talk bad about me and there she said that I couldn't win against her. Ok, them it was followed by some attacks where I got her pretty good and I must admit that I was also talking bad about her, but that was all. I didn't hate her, she only went on my nerves and as she is in team SCW while I'm in team Erik, it's understandable that I don't like her. Anyway, I wouldn't care much, but the last two weeks it really escalated. First she faked that she will kill Laura and I must admit that I was really scared to death. Then she defeated Laura in a singles match and has beaten me up too. Do you really think that I will let her get away with this? No, I won't. Now I will act like the demon queen and come back for the revenge I deserve. It's time to pay the price and it will be a high price. Sadly it's not allowed to cut off her head, but I'll make sure that her fate won't be much better. Till two weeks ago I didn't hate her, but now I do and that's the worst thing that can happen to her."

The producer gets her a drink and hands it to her. Knowing how viciously Amanda can be when she hates someone he nods. Then he raises his glass for a toast.a

"Well, then lets drink on the end of Odette and on the win of the demon Queen. Cheers."

Withe a broad smile in her pretty face Amanda raises her glass and then she takes a deep sip.

"Cheers. But I think now let's talk about something different. I don't wanna ruin my good mood. So what do you think, shall we do a third part of that movie?"

The producer thinks for a moment and then he nods. The first part has been a huge success, the second part came out really good, so the thought of making a third part is really temptingly and he likes this idea.

"Definitively yes. I think a last part is necessary and there the good guys win.

That sounds like a good idea and Amanda thinks about how it could go on with the story. After a pretty short time she already knows what could happen next. something where the good guys win and also a happy end for the evil demon queen would be awesome. She throws away her cigarette and lights a new one.

"I think I could have an idea. What if the demon queen isn't so bad as it seems? She could have some remorse and let the family of the dead king live. After a while they can escape and now they're out for revenge for the death of their father. They found a group of rebels and so the war begins again. After a while the demon army is about to win again, but the rebels manage it to capture the demon queen. Now they must find a way to make her give up, but it doesn't work. She's already dead and so nothing can harm her. But the rebels don't give up too. They find a way to turn her into a human being again and so they can convince her to help them. After some light torture, this time not as cruel as before, Amanda gives up and helps them. So she betrays the monsters and so the good guys take the win in the last battle. But that's not all, Amanda fights on the side of the rebels now and as a reward they let her go and so she's free and a real human being again."

Amanda laughs and has a happy smile in her face. The thought of the demon queen getting released from her ban and getting saved is so nice and exactly what the emotional Amanda loves.

"A real happy end and exactly the way I like it. In stories and also in real life. I'm no big fan of sad endings."

she smiles, but it's a little bit sad, so that the producer puts his hand on her arm to comfort her. He doesn't know exactly why her mood changed so fast again, but he will find out and so he listens to her without saying anything for now. His hand is still on her arm and he looks at her.

"I juz wish that real life would be the same as these fairytales. Bit sadly there's mostly no happy end. Prolly that's the reason why I love such movies. Even though it's a bit brutality mostly ends good and has it's romantic moments. And when there's a love story involved then it's even better."

The dark haired girl sighs and she's lost in thoughts completely. She's very emotional and also a bit sentimental and so she really enjoys it to get some love and to have friends who care for her.

"Well, about my love life I really can't complain. I'm so happy to be with Laura and it's just wonderful. But so we come back to all this drama. I love happy ends and I will make sure that this will become a happy end, at least for me. And that means that I will get my revenge on the person who had the guts to hurt and humiliate the love of my life. Yes Odette, hurting Laura has been almost such a crime as hurting me and like in a fairytale there must be a punishment for this crime. But there's one fucking big difference to the fairytale, the punishment will be even more brutal."

She laughs again and now it's in a pretty sadistic way. It's funny to see how fast her mood changes. One moment she's sad and a bit helpless and in the next moment she turns into a sadistic little bitch who loves it to hurt and injure others and who shows no remorse.

"Now you must say that everybody deserves a fair trial and that also includes you. But don't worry, Odette, you will get your trial and I will be the prosecutor, the witness and the judge and this all in one person. Haha, and as the judge I say that your guilty a d that you will be convicted to get destroyed by me, Amanda Cortez. Haha, and now I'll be your hangman too."

She laughs in a devilish way and the producer smirks at her. It's really awesome to watch this cute girl. Even though she's so tiny, petite and pretty she can look pretty dangerous and aggressive and it's a huge mistake to underestimate her or not to take her threats seriously.

"This was really an awesome speech, you sounded like the demon Queen again. If I wouldn't be one of your biggest fans then I would almost feel sorry for Odette, but only almost. But to be honest, I don't like her too and I think she deserves it to get destroyed by you."

Amanda loves it to hear this and even though she still is a bit aggressive, her mood becomes better again. She takes another sip of her drink and looks at the producer. She really appreciates it that she has friends who are on her side and who support her whatever happens.

"Thank you, it feels good to hear such nice words and also to know that even a person like me has some fans. I know that the people love my movies, but in the ring they don't wanna see me win. I'm pretty sure that they all wanna see this Australian bitch win, but there I'll disappoint them. She won't win and she'll be on the receiving end of the beating up. This time she will be the victim and not me."

As he sees how full of self confidence she is the producer nods and smiles at her. That's exactly the way he wants to see her and how her fans want to have her.

That's the right spirit for a demon queen. That's what I wanna see and I'm sure that there are more people who wanna see you as the winner and maybe also as the new champ one day.

As Amanda hears the word champion she looks up. She hasn't thought about this subject for a while, but now she's forced to think about it again. She doesn't like it too much, but maybe she will get another chance to go for a title soon.

"Me and champion? I don't think so, at least not at the moment. Haven't you heard that I'm banned from all title matches at the moment. Prolly that's the punishment for being in team Erik and for pissing off the bosses so bad. But when I think about it then I might get another chance soon. I mean look at my matches. I won them almost all and when I can take the win against team SCW's strongest wrestler, then they can't ignore me any longer and then they'll have to give me a title match.
So you're prolly right and I'll be the champion soon. Haha, I won't get crowned, but this belt is almost as good as a crown."

This thought really makes her happy and she giggles lightly. Then they continue their friendly conversation, but now it's time for Amanda to go home. She wants to meet Laura for dinner and so she leaves the film studio and drives to the restaurant where Laura is already waiting for her.
They have a nice dinner and then they spend the evening with making love at home. It has really been a nice day and Amanda is happy and in a good mood, but after she went to bed and fell asleep she became terrible nightmares and was screaming in her sleep so that Laura has to wake her up.

"Shh ...everything is ok. I'm here and I'll protect you."

A bit comforted Amanda huddles against Laura and eventually she falls asleep again. The rest of the night is quiet, but during the next nights her nightmares become even worse and they always had something to do with Odette and Amanda being the victim who gets destroyed and humiliated like never before in her life. At the end Amanda almost doesn't sleep anymore. She is tired and exhausted and slowly Laura becomes worried too. So one morning Laura suggests that Amanda better goes to a shrink.

"Ok, now it's enough. Normally I wouldn't suggest that, but without sleep you can't win against Odette. So it's prolly better if you visit a shrink. He can prolly help you and so you'll be fit again soon."

Amanda really doesn't like this idea and so she protests, but after a longer discussion she agrees. Maybe some professional help will be good for her. So she kisses Laura and leaves the house to drive to the shrink. Amanda arrives there, shuts off her bike and enters the office. They shake hands and the Amanda takes a seat in a recliner. They start talking a bit and slowly Amanda gets comfortable. She isn't nervous anymore and relaxes a bit and in some way she believes that she can trust him and that he will help her. After offering her a coffee, he asks her about her problem and Amanda starts to speak.

" it's pretty easy to explain. In a few days I'll have a big wrestling match and now I have nightmares. But it's not the same as being a bit nervous right before a big match. This time it's different."

The doctor doesn't say much and mostly he only listens to her. He only encourages her to continue when she stops. Then he asks her about her dreams. For helping her he really must know everything and he must bring her to tell him everything about her fears and worries. This won't be easy because Amanda is a tough little chick who doesn't like it to admit that she's scared, but he's confident that she will talk.

"Well, that's a bit complicated. To understand it you should know that I played the main role in a horror movie. I played the demon Goddess there and at the end I destroyed the whole world. Ok, that's no reason to get bad dreams, but now I dream that I'm this demon queen and that a group of rebels destroys me. And the leader of this rebel group is that stupid bitch Odette, my opponent at the next show.
I know that I have good chances against her, and when I'm awake, I'm not really worried, but during my dreams I almost die. She haunts me, she terrorizes me and at the end she tortures and humiliates me and this till eternity. In my dream it's even worse than death. It's really a bad nightmare and it scares me. I could live with it, but the problem is that I can't sleep anymore after I had this dream and I need my sleep. I must be fit to beat this stupid bitch. Damn, I really don't want my nightmare to become reality."

The doctor still listens to her and nods. Then he smiles at her and after a short moment he begins to speak, while Amanda looks at him, curious about what he has to say. A bit nervously she taps with her fingers on the table.

For me all this sounds pretty normal. You have some problems with other people and also with your bosses in this wrestling company and so you love it to escape into this fantasy world. Normally that would be good, but it seems that all this is a bit too much for me and in some way you see this girl Odette as your worst opponent. And not only this, you are even scared of her. You don't have to admit it, but it's the truth. And that's the reason why she can haunt you in your dreams."

Amanda doesn't like to hear that she's scared, but he's right and so she can only nod. As he asks her why she hates Odette so much, she begins to tell him everything. She tucks up her pretty legs and hugs them, resting her chin on her knees. Then it takes a while, but eventually she continues to speak and she even admits that he's right with what he has said.

"Ok, you're right, I'm a bit scared. And why I hate her? I don't know. One reason is that she has attacked my love Laura, but that's not the only reason. I hate her because the crowd loves her, because she has more wins than me, another reason is that she won against me in a singles match and the worst thing is that she won more titles than me."

The list of reasons why Amanda hates Odette goes on for a bit longer and as she is finished, the doctor smiles at her. He's really skilled and so he understands exactly how she feels. Now he must only bring her to accept this too. This will be the first step and then the chances to help her are really good.

For me this sounds like you are a bit jealous too.

Amanda growls. She stretches out her legs again and crosses them, then she starts to dangle with her shoe in a pretty nervous way. That really hasn't been what she wanted to hear, but deep insides she knows that she is right and there is no reason for her to protest. She wants his help and so she will work with him together even if it means that it could become a bit uncomfortable for her.

"I'm not jealous. Ok, I am a bit scared, but not jealous."

"You are and you should really see this. And don't worry, that's normal. Everybody is jealous and you must learn to live with this. But that's not all, you can also stop it if you realize that you have no reason to be jealous. So tell me what kind of success you had during the last years."

That's easy for Amanda and immediately she begins to talk. Talking about her successes is so much fun for her so that a twinkle comes into her pretty eyes. Especially as she thinks about the first time she met Laura she feels so happy and relaxed and as longer she talks as better she feels.

"Ok, first I found the love of my life, Laura and I'm so happy that I'm with her. Then I'm a pretty famous fetish model and I love this job and my videos sell really good. I'm an actress too and I performed in two movies and they were both awesome and brought me pretty much money. In that wrestling job I've been in several companies and I won a few titles. Now at SCW I won the tag titles, I've been the bombshell's champion and I won a lot of my matches. So it doesn't look to bad for me. There are only a few girls who are better than me. The only thing that bothers me a bit is that I'm not allowed to go for a title at the moment and that the fans hate me. I want them to love me."

The doctor nods again. Now comes the most difficult part, to explain her that all this is normal and to tell her how she should see the things. Hopefully it will work and hopefully she will understand him, but Amanda is smart and so he's confident that he will have success.

You must realize and accept that not everybody loves you. Some people do, some even hate you, but who cared? It won't kill you or harm you if they hate you. And with your career everything is ok. It seems that you are pretty successful and I would say that you have no reason to be jealous. Odette might have more wins, the fans might love her and maybe she's even better than you, but you are good too. You're an amazing wrestler and you really should know this. So you don't have to be jealous. I can understand that you don't like her, but should you really hate her? I don't think so. Hate is never good and you become to emotional. You should see this as a rivalry and focus on taking the win against her. But even if you don't win, it won't kill you."

But now Amanda protests. It's really hard for her to accept all this and to change the way she sees it. For a bit longer she isn't willing to change her thoughts. She clenches her fists and pouts.

"It will kill me. No, it's even worse. It will be humiliating a d I think I can't live with this."

But the doctor is used to stubborn people and so he doesn't give it up. If he would stop now, then he will never be able to strengthen her and to help her to feel better, so he tries a new tactics and starts to ask her some question so that she sees that nothing bad can happen to her.

So what happens when you lose? Will you die? No. Will you get injured? No, prolly not, cuz there's a referee. So the only thing that gets hurt is your pride and that doesn't kill you. It's not nice, but you can live with it.
That was the first thing. The next thing is, who says that you will lose? For me it looks like you have good chances and if you win then you'll be proud like never before in your life. So you really should start to think positive. Write down all the things you're good at and when you get worried again the read them again and again. So you won't forget them and it will help you. But you must also try to live with a loss or a humiliation. This happens to everybody. It's not nice, but you can try to learn from it. Don't blame yourself for this loss, just think about what you made wrong this time and try to avoid these mistakes the next time. So nothing will stop you on your way to become a happy person and it will also help you to get success."

After talking to him for a while Amanda really feels better and a few days later and a few sessions later her nightmares slowly go away. Sometimes she still has them, but the difference is that she wakes up and then falls asleep again. So it becomes better for her and she isn't so tired and exhausted anymore. But she still visits her doctor and so one day he asks her what's her main problem with getting humiliated.

"Now I have one last big question. Why are you so scared of getting humiliated in your matches? I think you're a pretty cool and relaxed person and so I don't understand it. I've seen a few of your fetish videos and there you get humiliated too when you get tickled till you scream and beg for mercy and there it seems that you even like that."

To this question Amanda really has no answer. She thinks for a moment and doesn't know what to say, but eventually she manages it to find an answer. Slowly she's on the right way, even though she still doesn't know it.

"You're right, but in some way this is different. I get payed for getting humiliated and so that's ok. I give the fans what they wanna see. And I like it. I love to get tied up, I love to get tickled and it arouses me. But in the ring I get payed to get the win and there's nothing that arouses me. I love fighting, but I only love it when I win."

The doctor smiles and nods at her. Now he knows that he has won and it won't take much longer and she will see that there are really no reasons for all her worries and fears.

"I know that you see it this way. You don't get payed for getting humiliated, but you get payed for entertaining the fans. And there are two persons in a match and only one can win, so the other one gets paid for a loss. Oh, and if it entertains the fans then a loss should be ok for you too. So there's nothing wrong with losing from time to time, as long as it's not always. I hope you understand what I mean, it doesn't make you a better person when you always win. And it doesn't make you a bad person when you lose. So don't worry about it too much and don't let it destroy your self confidence. You're a nice and awesome person and that shouldn't change, no matter what happens in the ring and during your match against Odette. Just don't take it too serious and try not to change yourself too much. Just be a bit more relaxed and everything will be fine."

It's nice to hear such words and so Amanda smiles again. They keep talking for another hour and at the end amanda understands that he was right and that there is no reason for her to be scared. She smiles happily and after continuing the conversation a bit longer eventually shet has to leave. She says good bye and then she drives back home to her trailer where Laura is already waiting for her. The rest of the day the two young women spend with having fun and making love and then they go to bed. As mentioned before, Amanda's nightmares are much better and so she awakes pretty relaxed in the morning. They have a breakfast and then they think about going to the gym, but Amanda isn't so motivated, so they just sit there and talk a bit longer. Now Laura wants to know how the session with the shrink has been and so Amanda tells her everything.

"I think it has been a pretty cool idea to go there. That guy is awesome and he really helped me. Now I see everything a bit more relaxed, even that awful trouble with Odette and I'm not scared anymore that I could lose that match. Hehe, cuz I won't lose it. I'll fuck her up completely and the victory will be hours. But even if not, who cares?"

She giggles a bit and smiles at her friend. Then she puts her feet into Laura's lap and wiggles her cute toes in a temptingly way. It's pretty clear what she wants and she hopes that Laura will massage and tickle her.

"But what helps me even more to relax would be a nice long massage. You know how much I love this and that I need everything to take the win at the weekend."

Laura shakes her head, but she knows that Mandy loves it and so she begins to massage her feet until Amanda purrs and giggles. Immediately the cute girl relaxes and she seems to be so happy. Seeing her like this is such a joy for Laura so that she really has no intention to stop it and to disappoint Amanda.

"Ok, I do it, but only if you promise to go to the gym later. We really need some training and you shouldn't be so damn lazy. Cuz if you don't come with me, then ...."

Now she runs her sharp nails over the bottoms of Amanda's petite little feet and the dark haired beauty laughs and giggles. To make sure that Mandy can't escape she traps her ankles under her arm, like in a neck lock and continues to tickle the cute little Latina. It doesn't take very long and Amanda is completely hysterical and so Laura massages her again. Now Amanda moans and looks at her love.

"Ok, I promise to train with you. Hehe, but please don't stop this here. You know that I love it. And you can't stop it now, that would be mean. It's so arousing ...Juz a lil bit longer ...please."

Laura smirks as she hears this. Amanda is so cute when she begs and it's really impossible not to make her happy. And there's something more. Mandy has such a wonderful soft skin so that it's really so much fun to touch her and to caress her and Laura really loves it. She also loves the cute way Amanda giggles and so she will continue as long as Amanda wants it and even a bit longer.

"Ok, a little bit, but we play after my rules ...and I say when it's enough."

With a smile in her face she takes a piece of rope and ties Amanda's ankles together and then her hands too. Then she takes Amanda's feet in her lap again and rubs them a bit more. They are so soft and sensitive so that Laura really doesn't want to stop, but she knows how squirmy Amanda can be when she gets tickled and how much she can struggle, so the ropes are really necessary to prevent her from kicking Laura into her face. And Amanda loves it to be all helpless at the mercy of her love and so she purrs again.

"Ok, your rules long as you make me happy everything is ok."

Laura continues with what she is doing and laughs a bit, especially as she starts to rub her feet a bit harder so that Amanda shrieks in a cute way. Amanda is so cute and it's funny that the tough little diva loves it so much to be tied up and helpless.

"Well, we will see. But I'm sure you'll be happy when I'm done with you."

Then she starts to tickle Amanda again. At first really lightly, so that the dark haired cutie really enjoys it and Amanda laughs and giggles, but it's mixed with moaning now. Then Laura tickles her harder and Mandy screams and squirms until she is bright red in her face and has tears in her eyes. After a while Laura shows mercy and begins with the massage and the light tickling again until Amanda almost explodes, but Laura is mean and doesn't let her cum. Always when she's near to climax Laura punishes her hard and so Mandy is in real trouble. She so aroused and never has the chance to cum and slowly she's frustrated and begs.

"Please ...don't be so cruel, release me ...make me happy ..."

But Laura doesn't even think of stopping torturing the cute Latina. She knows that it's a bit mean, but she also knows that this is exactly what Amanda loves. The tough little girl really loves it to get pushed over the limits and exactly this is it what Laura will do. So she runs her nails harder over the soft skin of Amanda's foot bottoms and digs them deep into her skin. She knows that it's really torture for her friend, but she also knows that Amanda will climax when she continues this brutal treatment a bit longer and so she tickles her as hard as possible and Amanda laughs screams and has tears in her eyes. Her soft foot buttons are already pink from this treatment, but Laura still continues, driving her love over the edge.

"I'm not cruel, I give you exactly what you need and what you want."

Amanda laughs, moans and screams and she's completely hysterically and desperate, but she loves this torture so much. Eventually she can't stand it any longer and even though Laura tickles her really hard by running her fingers under and in between her cute toes, Amanda explodes. Completely out of breath she sinks back and Laura unties her. She holds her close and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

"So is my little demon queen happy now?"

Amanda is still completely out of breath and huddles against Laura. For a pretty long time she still giggles and isn't able to talk, but then she smiles at Laura in such a lovingly way.

"Yes, I am happy, hehe ....was a bit hard but so much fun and that's really so good for relaxing. Hehe, it seems that you'll have to do it always before my matches. You'll be surprised how good I can fight then."

They both laugh about Amanda's strange request. Still holding Amanda in her arms Laura kisses her again. She's willing to do everything to make Amanda happy and so she nods in a friendly way.

"Ok, we make a deal. I do this to you before we go to sleep till your match and you train with me every day. Deal?"

Amanda claps her hands and without hesitating she agrees. This is really a wonderful deal and knowing that there are almost two weeks left till her match, so that there will be so many hours of wonderful fun, is really such a wonderful thought. She can already feel Laura's hands everywhere on her body, exploring all her ticklish spots and her erogenous spots.


After all this fun it takes a little bit longer till Amanda recovers. She's really exhausted and her knees are a bit wobbly, but it doesn't help to complain. She knows what she will have to do now and so she stands up and sweaty as she is, she thinks that a shower would be good. So she takes a shower and gets dressed in a tight jeans shorts, a small top and her flip flops. She looks into her locker and gets some stuff for a work out. After putting everything into a huge bag she comes back to the living room, where Laura still sits on the couch. Now it's time to keep her promise and to go to the gym with her love.  She still doesn't like the thought of a hard training, especially not after she still is a bit tired, but she has promised it and so she will do it. for a moment she thinks of the wonderful reward she will get after her training and it brings a smile into her pretty face. So the useful things a d the fun will get combined and this way it is ok for her. The part with the training she could skip, but she also knows that it's necessary is she wants to take the win in her match against Odette and so she accepts her fate. she smiles at Laura and gives her a sign that she is ready and that they can go now. Now Laura stands up too, grabs her bag and the two leave the house and climb into Amanda's jeep, then they drive to the gym. and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 8010

Climax Control Archives / Dancing on your Graves
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:33:42 AM »

Dancing on your Graves

its a pretty funny situation and in some way it really fits to Amanda's character and to her behavior. She sits in the middle of the market place, her feet locked in a pair of heavy wooden stocks and the people tickle the hell out of her and she laughs herself almost to death. It's pretty late in the afternoon and she's here in this position since midday, so she's here for several hours and even though she loves such stuff she is slowly hysterical.
It's such a renfaire festival and she performs as a thief here and gets caught and locked up in the stocks and gets punished for the entertainment of the crowd. It's a good publicity for her and she gets payed pretty good, so she loves it to perform in such shows, even though it becomes pretty torturous after a while. Now she gets a small break to catch her breath, but she still sits in this uncomfortable situation. But at least they leave her alone for a bit and so she can recover a bit and also think about the events of the last days.

She had had a match against Becky Jones and she could take the win again, even though she only won because of Laura's help, so it has been a stolen win again. She doesn't remember anymore how many of these stolen wins she already has, but in some way it fits to her current situation where she plays a thief who stole from the visitors. So it seems that she really deserves this kind of punishment and she shakes her head and laughs a bit. But she doesn't has much more time to think about her match, cause her break is over and the crowd is eager to dee her suffer again. As they come closer Amanda's eyes widen in panic and she struggles, but she has no chance to get free again. For a moment she thinks that the idea hasn't been so good to perform here, but then it begins again and the people start to tickle her feet again and all she can do is to laugh herself almost to death and it seems that the people really love it to see her in this situation. It has been clear that she will get caught after stealing, but she has hoped that it wouldn't have been so early this day. But anyway, now it's too late and she can't change anything anymore.

Hours earlier she has come to that market place, dressed in a long and tattered dress, barefoot and her long black hair hanging down over her shoulders. She looks a bit dirty and like a poor girl, but pretty as she is she still looks sexy as hell. This early in the morning there aren't many people at the place and so it's a bit hard for her, but she is very skilled in pick pocketing ad so she doesn't worry about getting caught. She sees the first family and slowly approaches them. With a smile in face she talks to them and poses for them and while they take pictures of her she steels the wallet of the guy. As she is finished with her little show she smiles at them and leaves.
Then she looks around for her next victim, but before she decides who it so she goes to the officials of the show and gives them the wallet so that the guy will get it back soon. Then she spots out the next victim, an older woman. She bumps into her and as she helps her to pick up her bag again she steals something from her too. This goes on for a pretty long time and if her stealing would have been for real, she would have earned enough money to live for the next days without any problems. So everything is good. It's part of that show that she will get caught and then punished by the crowd, but she doesn't know exactly when this will happen and so she is still pretty relaxed. After having something to eat she comes back to continue her stealing and this time she spots out a younger guy. She walks over to him, swinging her hips and smiling at him. After talking to him for a while she comes a bit closer and puts her hand on his shoulder. Then she stands up tip toed and kisses him on the check, but while she does this her hand reaches into his pocket to pull out his wallet. It seems to be an easy job again, but then someone runs into them and so she drops this stupid wallet. She wants to turn away and run, but the guy has realized what is happening and he grabs her by her wrists and holds her. Then he screams for the officials. It doesn't take long and they are surrounded by people who are watching the scene and then some guards arrive. Amanda still struggles and tries to break free, but they don't let her go. Instead they tie her hands behind her back and bring her to the middle of the market place where the judge is and where the court will be.
There isn't much to say because they had caught her and almost everybody has seen it and so she gets sentenced to sit the rest of the days in these stocks. Now she has to sit down on a wooden bench, her hands still tied behind her back, and her feet get locked up in the stocks. Amanda looks scared and it's part of the show, even though she really loves these shows. One of the soldiers who has arrested her looks at her feet which are all dirty from running around barefoot all the morning and smirks at her.

"Seems that they're a bit dirty, but I think we can change this. Haha, wanna have you look pretty when you have to sit here for the rest of the day."

Amanda looks at him and it seems that she doesn't know what he means, but she shall learn it really fast. The soldier takes a bucket full of water and a brush and he begins to clean her feet by brushing them. Ticklish as Amanda is she starts to laugh immediately and also begs for mercy, but the soldier only laughs and continues his work. After a few minutes Amanda's feet are clean, but she is red in her face from all the laughing and she looks so damn cute. And that's her problem now. Cuz of her hysterical laughing there are many people who are watching the scene now and it seems that they like what they see. Now the soldier puts away the bucket and the brush and looks into the crowd.

"It seems that we have a really ticklish little thief here, so I think we have the right punishment for her. She will have to stay here in the stocks for the rest of the day and everybody who wants is allowed to tickle her. But please be fair guys, no physical pain for this cute girl."

The crowd applauds and then Amanda's punishment begins. First the people from whom she has stolen begin to tickle her, but pretty soon also the others join and so she doesn't has much breaks in her ordeal this afternoon and she can do is to laugh and scream until she almost faints. Her sides hurt from the laughing, her hair is a mess and her foot bottoms are all pink from the brutal tickling, but it seems that nobody has mercy with her and so she gets no more breaks. Eventually her time is over and the market closes and so one of the soldiers releases her. He helps her up and she has some problems to stand alone with her wobbling knees. Then he gives her something to drink and also a cigarette so that she can recover a bit from all her laughing and screaming. He smiles at her.

"You really have been a damn tough and brave girl. I didn't think that you could stand this punishment for such a long time."

Amanda is really exhausted and her voice is a bit raspy, but she has liked the show too and so she manages it to smile at him.

"Well, it has been harder than I thought, but all in all it has been really funny and I liked it. I thin we had a great show and the people enjoyed it too."

the soldier nods as he hears this and then he asks her whether she wanna go out for a drink with the rest of the crew and Amanda nods. A drink is really what she needs now and so she loves this idea, but she hesitates for a moment.

"Yeah, sure. We can have a drink, but lemme first change my clothes. I don't know whether that's the right outfit for going to a bar."

But he shakes his head.

"Nah, that's not necessary. It's already pretty late, so let's go now. You can change your clothes when you're at home again. By the way, you look really good in this outfit. Oh and when we are finished I'll give you a ride home."

There's nothing much Amanda can say and so they pick up the rest of the crew, the judge, some more soldiers and some people who worked as merchants at the market place. Amanda knows them all for several years and she has done many shows with them and so they are all friends of her and everybody is in a really good mood. It has been a very long day, especially for Amanda, and so they are all thirsty and as they enter the next bar one of the soldiers orders beer for everybody. They are still dressed in their medieval costumes and so the people look at them, but pretty soon they realize that they were the guys who performed at the renfair festival. Especially they recognize Amanda and there are also many of them who know her from her wrestling shows too. So it doesn't take long and she has to sign some autographs, but then she has time again to chat with her friends.

"It's really funny that you always play the thief at our little festival. And in some way it fits really good to you. Don't get me wrong, but in your matches you also win by cheating and with some mean little tricks."

Amanda smiles as she hears this. The guy is right and she has absolutely no problem with admitting this.

"That's true, I win with cheating, but not because I can't take a normal win. I juz prefer it because it's easier and less stress. Haha, I'm a lazy person. And you're right, playing a thief is fun and I enjoy it very much. It's prolly cuz of my youth. You all know that I was a member of a gang and that I earned pretty much money with stealing and such stuff. Prolly that's the reason why I'm so good in it. And I love these shows and also getting caught at the end is fun, so the good guys win and the bad girl gets what she deserves. Haha, like in a fairy tale."

Her friends laugh a bit as they hear this.

"That's true, it's like in a fairy tale and it's fun. But lets come back to your wrestling career. We really love your matches and I think everybody loves it to see you win. And I think you already proved that you can also win without the help of Laura or without cheating. Now we are curious to see how the thing with Odette develops. I think they will find a way so that you can't get any help, so you are alone. Hopefully everything becomes ok."

Amanda laughs again and orders a few more beer for herself and her friends.

"I hope so too, but I'm pretty confident. Ok, the last time I faced her she has wiped the floor with me, but that doesn't mean anything. I already won two matches against this stupid slut and I think I can win another one. It can't be so hard to defeat her, even if I'm alone and without help. I can do it and I will do it."

Amanda pauses for a moment and takes a sip of her beer while her friends look at her and wait till she continues. She loves talking and so it's clear that she won't stop it now.

"But that's not all, I don't only just wanna win this match, I wanna destroy her."

Now one of her friends interrupts her.

"Why's that? We all know that you're pretty emotional, but that sounds like you really hate her."

Amanda growls. The subject Odette always makes her angry and it's hard for her to stay calm.

"Yes, I do. I really hate that stupid bitch and that's easy to explain. The first reason is that she won against me in our last match and that's a thing I really don't like. Then I hate her arrogant behavior, the way she talks about hoe great she is, her relationship stuff with this loser Gabriel, just everything on her. She's a disgusting ugly bitch and it's time that someone beats her up and why shouldn't I be this someone?
But there's still something more. The last show this ugly slut really had the guts to attack my girlfriend Laura and I'm gonna make her pay for this. It's not that Laura can't look for herself and solve her problems alone, but this here is different from a normal feud or attack. It's fucking personal now.
The people might say that I win my matches by cheating and that I'm not fair, but was it fair from Odette to attack Laura? I don't think so. It has been crappy and sneaky. This slut doesn't has the guts to go against me directly and so she tries it to piss me off by attacking the people I love. And I must say that she had success. She pissed me off and this more than anybody had done it before. But she made a fucking big mistake. Now she won't only have to deal with Laura who prolly wants some revenge. She also has to deal with me and this really is no fun. You all know me and you all have seen what I can do in the ring when I want it and now I want it. I fuck her up, I destroy her and I make sure that she will never come near to me or the people I love again. I will end this fucking feud and I will end her fucking career."

Amanda comes more and more in rage and now nobody interrupts her again. She lights a cigarette and drags at it.

"I know that it won't be so easy like my last match against this stupid Becky Jones, but I'll find a way to take the win and I will make it in a way that nobody can say that I don't deserve it to be the winner. It seems that she wants to challenge me and I accept this challenge. It will be just me and her, without a manager and without a team which helps us. So something like a steel cage match would be cool, or a match where everybody is banned from ring sides. So nobody can say that it wasn't fair and nobody can blame me. Haha, the only think they can blame me for is that I destroyed their idol, their favorite wrestler. Haha, and this will happen. When I'm finished with her her ugly fave will even be more disgusting than it already is."

Now Amanda starts to laugh, but it's not cheery, it's more mean and sadistic. Normally Amanda is a nice and friendly girl and all her friends know this, but at the moment the normally so submissive girl is in a really sadistic mood. For people who don't know her that good this might be a bit strange, but her friends know her and they also know how dominant she can be when it comes to fighting. They nod at her words and some also encourage her to continue, but slowly Amanda calms down again and the rest of the evening they spend with friendly chatting. Then, a few hours later, the bar closes and it's time to go home. As promised earlier this evening one of her friends drives Amanda home and there she goes to bed immediately. Laura is already at home and sleeps and so Amanda is pretty quiet so that she doesn't wake her up. It doesn't take very long and after this exhausting day she falls asleep very soon and dreams of her next great victory. But not only of a victory, she also dreams that she destroys and cripples Odette and that she is the one who ends her career.
The next morning the couple awakes pretty early in the morning and after having a nice long breakfast they check the match card. Laura is supposed to face Odette and Amanda has to face Amy and Ambrosia Grey. It's a funny situation because Amanda had thought that she would face Odette, but this way it fits too after Odette's men attack on Laura.

"Well, I think this way it fits too. I wanted to beat up Odette, but after that sneaky attack against you, you really deserve a revenge on her. Beat her up, destroy her for me."

Laura nods. She still is pissed when she thinks back at this attack and she really loves to kill Odette.

"This I will do. I really thought that she will push me down from that stupid roof and I'll make her pay for this. She will regret her sneaky actions."

Amanda growls as she thinks about the last show. She was really so worried as she has seen what had happened to Laura.

"Yeah, that was really too much. I almost got a heart attack as I saw her push you down from that fucking roof. But this was her last action. Now we will stop her and she will get what she deserves."

Now Amanda lights a cigarette and then she comes back to her own match. She has no problem with facing Amy, especially not after Amy left team Eric. Amanda sees this as a betrayal and so she is eager to get her hands on Amy.

"So make her pay and in the meantime I take care of Amy. I always have seen her as a friend, but now after she left team Eric I see this different, now she's an enemy and she will get what every enemy gets, a beating up. In some way it makes me a bit sad because it always hurts to lose a friend, but to be honest, for team Eric it's no big loss. It's not that Amy is bad in the ring, but she also isn't that strong and so she shall go wherever she wants, we can live without her.
Normally I talk a lot about that I end the career of my opponents, but about Amy I won't say such things. I will just beat her up and show the world that team SCW has another loser in their team. Haha, in some way it really fits good. When I'm finished with her everybody will see that she had no chance against me and that it's the best for our team that she is gone. Haha, they're really a great team of losers, aren't they?"

Amanda drags at her cigarette and laughs a bit. Then she thinks for a moment and she isn't so sure what to say about her other opponent.

"With Ambrosia it's a bit different. I haven't seen any of her performances and I don't know anything about her. Is she good in the ring, is she a rookie? I don't know it. Normally I should be pissed that they put me in a match against such a newcomer. It's an offense. Me, the next roulette champion against such a fucking rookie. That's a joke. But surprisingly I'm not to mad about this crap, I see it even positive, it'll be another easy win and they will all see that I deserve it to be the next roulette champion. So this match might even be good for my career. The only sad thing is that such a match isn't even close to the main event and I don't like it to be in filler matches."

Now Laura interrupts her and puts her hand on Mandy's arm.

"You shouldn't be so arrogant and you shouldn't underestimate your opponents. You already know that this can be a deadly mistake."

Amanda doesn't like what she hears, but she knows that Laura is right and so she nods.

"You're right, it can be a mistake, but this time it isn't. First, I don't underestimate them and second, I can beat them whenever and wherever I want. Do you really think that they have a chance against me? I don't think so."

She laughs in a dirty way. Then she looks at Laura and smirks.

"So you don't have to worry, nothing bad will happen to your lil Goddess and at the end of the night I'll be the glorious winner again. Amy will be taken out really fast and then I'll take my time with Ambrosia. She will learn soon what it means to face the Goddess of War."

She fakes to be sad, but then she starts to giggle again.

"In some way it's even a bit sad. I mean it's her debut match and she's so full of hope and wants to look good and take a win and then she lays there on her back, all beaten up, and gets pinned by me. Well, that's really no great debut, but anyway. This way she will at least learn that it's better to stay away from me. Haha, there have been so many divas who had to learn this, so she won't be the first one and also not the last one. Haha, and why the fuck should I care about her feelings? I really don't give a fuck whether she is frustrated and gives up this job or whether she will stay here and try it again against one of these other losers in this company. As long as I'm the winner everything is ok for me."

She laughs again and gets them a new coffee. Then she sits down at the table and looks at her love again.

"And to show you that I don't underestimate any of my opponents, I suggest that we two go to the gym now and train for our matches. I think we both could need some training in the ring and a good working out."

A smile comes into Laura's face and she takes Amanda's hand.

"That's a good idea. I never thought that this would come from you. Hehe, especially not after you're so lazy normally."

They both giggle and then they stand up. Amanda packs their stuff into a bag and in the meantime Laura gets the car. Then they drive off to the gym. Half an hour later they arrive there and get dressed. Like usually Amanda wants to start with a match right away, but Laura stops her. She winks at her love.

"Don't be so impatient, I think at first we should make a little workout with some cardio and then we start the match."

Amanda isn't that happy to hear that, but as usually Laura is right and so she nods. They go to the treadmill and start with some light training, followed by some weight lifting. Amanda isn't the strongest person and so she's out of breath pretty fast. But Amanda knows that she need this kind of training too and so she doesn't give it up, but after one hour she really has enough. She's completely sweaty and breathes heavily.

"Ok, now it's enough. At the show we don't have to do weightlifting, we get paid for fighting, so lets do this."

She giggles a bit and now the two women go over to the ring. They climb insides and lock up in the middle of the ring. Before Laura can do anything Amanda attacks her with some hard kicks to the head and drives her back. Next comes some of her luchadore and highflying moves and at the beginning of the match Amanda is really dominating. But the cardio and the weight lifting had worn her out and so she becomes slower so that Laura can counter her moves. Now Laura attacks with really hard boxing punches and some power moves and so Amanda is on the receiving end of the beating up. A few minutes later Amanda is all beaten up and lays there almost knocked out as Laura goes for the cover. But li,e usually it's not so easy to pin Amanda and so she plays possum and roles Laura up. Then she quickly makes the three count and laughs out.

"You were good, but not good enough for me. Haha, but for Odette it should be enough."

Laura frowns and looks at Amanda, but then she winks at her.

"Well, maybe it wasn't good enough for your sneaky pin, but to be honest, if you don't do something for your stamina then Amy and Ambrosia won't have too much work with you. Haha, then they only have to wait till you suffocate after your first moves. Haha."

Amanda punches Laura playfully on her arm and then they both start to laugh.

"Ok, ok, it's enough. I know that I'm a bit too weak, but I still believe that I can take them out before I break down. Hehe, you will see, I'll be the winner."

then she smiles at Laura and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

"But it's not only me who wins. You will win your match too and then we will have a huge victory party. Hehe, it'll be so much fun and we will dance on the graves over our defeated opponents."

Normally Laura doesn't like it when Amanda says such things, but this time she has to laugh too. Then they kiss again and slowly they exit the ring and go to the shower room. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4586

Climax Control Archives / Fucking up a Ragdoll
« on: May 20, 2013, 11:02:46 AM »

Fucking up a Ragdoll

It's the first day when school starts after the summer holidays and it's a nice and warm day in LA. The first class has just finished and the kids and teens are having there first break. Most of them hang around on the school yard and spend their time with talking or eating something. Then the revving of a Harley can be heard and everybody looks up. The kids in this class are between 14 and 15 years old and so they aren't allowed to drive and so it's not too usual that someone comes to school with a bike. Now they are all so curious who this is. They have heard that there should come a new girl today and that this girl might be a bit strange, but she has skipped the first class and so they think that now somebody brings his daughter to school with a bike. The revving becomes louder and now a Harley stops at the parking lot and everybody looks who it is. As they see that there sits a petite dark haired girl on that bike everybody's jaw drops down.
Now the girl shuts off her bike and fumbles into her pocket to get a cigarette. She lights it and slowly climbs down from her bike and the kids are watching her. She's really a bit strange and so everybody is curious about what will happen now. This girl is really tiny and petite, barely five feet tall and weighs maybe 100 lbs, but something in her appearance lets her look a bit dangerous and aggressive. She wears a tattered and dirty jeans, some heavy black biker boots and a black leather motorcycle jacket. Her long black hair hangs down in her face and as she walks into the direction of the other kids she wipes it out of her face so that her face becomes visible.
Now everybody can see that she's a real beauty. She looks like many of these Latin girls who live in LA, but she's extremely pretty and even though she's really young she already looks sexy like hell and all the boys are looking at her, but she ignores everybody. She passes a group of boys and girls, but she ignores them completely, even after some of them tried to talk to her. Now she goes over to a bench, throws her bag on the bench and puts off her leather jacket. Most of the kids are a bit shocked as they see her arms. Even though she's still so young she already fas a few tattoos on her hands and arms and that's really not usual for a girl of her age.
Some of the other kids stare at her, but she still ignores everybody and then the break is over and the kids go back to their classes. Amanda follows them and as she enters the class room she takes a seat in the last row. Then the teacher comes and introduces her to the class, but she doesn't react and also doesn't answer any question. Also during the class she doesn't react or shows any emotions ad the teacher tries to motivate her to speak, but she doesn't. Eventually school is over and Amanda grabs her bag, leaves the building and drives away, leaving everyone back wondering what's wrong with her.

The next weeks are almost the same. Sometimes she comes to school, sometimes she doesn't and always it seems that she isn't interested in anything. But something is different. There's a group of boys who terrorizes the others and it seems that the boss of them is interested in Amanda. He looks at her pretty ass and her long legs and from time to time he tries to talk to her, but Amanda only looks at him with a cold glare and ignores him completely. Slowly this guy gets annoyed cause he isn't used to get ignored, but there's nothing he can do.
But Amanda also prefers it to stay away from the other kids and so she's mostly alone, but it doesn't seem to bother her. After a few weeks nothing has changed, she's still alone most of the time and the others got used to it, even though nobody really likes this strange girl. But then something changes. The guy who was interested in her began to bug another girl, but this girl also doesn't want anything from home, bit he doesn't care. Now the two were standing in the school yard and arguing and a huge group of kids are watching them. The girl becomes louder and yells at him to leave her alone and the. She turns around and wants to walk away, but he holds her back by grabbing her arm and pulling her back. She screams out and the. He tries to kiss her, but she turns her head to the side so that it doesn't work.
None of the kids did anything or tried to help this girl. They are all only watching this drama and the same does Amanda. But then she steps forward and drops her bad. The guy is still busy with trying to kiss the girl and so he doesn't see that Amanda stands directly behind him. She taps him on the shoulder and as he turns around she looks at him with a cold glare.

"Better leave her alone ..."

The guy looks at her and doesn't know what to think about the whole situation. He's much bigger and stronger than Amanda and so he really is puzzled that Amanda has the guts to go against him. He looks down at her and laughs out in a dirty way.

"And if I don't ....whatcha wanna do then lil girl? Wanna beat me up?"

With one hand he still holds the other girl by her arm and he looks at Amanda in a challenging way. He's pretty sure that Amanda won't attack him and that she prolly will run away now, but this doesn't happen. Without a warning she kicks him between the legs and as he screams out and bends forward she kicks him hard against the side of the head and knocks him out.
Everybody is shocked and looks at the scene, but nobody has the guts to come closer. Now Amanda looks down at the gut and shrugs, then she turns to that girl and winks at her. The girl wants to thank her, but Amanda already turned away. She lights a cigarette and goes to her Harley. She starts it and drives off.

The next day Amanda comes to school again and everybody looks at her. The other kids already avoided her, but after this attack everybody tries to stay away from her, even the guy whom she has beaten down. Only the girl whom she saved tries to talk to her, Knut Amanda doesn't seem to be very interested and prefers it to stay alone and so that girl gives it up too to get in contact to her.
The next days are almost the same and most of the kids get used to Amanda, but the guy whom she has beaten down and his friend don't like her and they are out for revenge, but they don't know exactly what to do. Amanda seems to be really aggressive and during the last weeks she got involved in a few fights. She has won a few and also lost some, but even if she lost, she has been really brutal and mean during her fights and she could only be stopped when she got knocked out completely. So it was really pretty dangerous to provoke her or to get in trouble with her and during the next weeks it even becomes worse. Amanda didn't avoid any fight and she was involved I trouble pretty often. She had some brawls with the friends of this guy, but also with other teens at the school and it didn't take very long and almost everybody couldn't stand her. She was sassy, aggressive and completely out of control and now she was the one who was terrorizing the others. Nothing and nobody could stop her and they all were happy when school was over and she was driving back home. The bratty little girl really has become to the horror of the school and almost everybody was afraid of her. Guys, girls, nobody was safe from her and it seemed that Amanda really enjoyed it to terrorize the others and also to bother the teachers.

The next weeks the situation escalated more and more and nobody knew what to do with Amanda. It took nothing to provoke her and to make her freak out and everybody tried to stay away from her. Her first fight has been because she wanted to help someone, but now it seems that she was looking for trouble and that she enjoys it to get into a fight without any reason.
One day, during the lunch break, Amanda was standing on the school yard, with a coke in one hand and a cigarette in her other hand and it seems that she was in a pretty bad mood again. The girl whom she had saved a few weeks ago had a new boyfriend now and the two were passing Amanda, holding hands, and it seems that they were really happy and in love. Just as they pass Amanda, she spits out and sneers.

"Stupid slut ..."

They both stop and look at Amanda. The girl wants to go away, but her boyfriend stays and glares at Amanda. He doesn't want trouble, but he also doesn't want that his girlfriend gets insulted by this rocker chick. He still hopes that Amanda didn't mean them, but he knows that this isn't the case.

"What did you say? Could you please repeat this?"

Amanda looks at him and without any emotions she repeats what she has said. The guy still doesn't want trouble, but he also doesn't want to let Amanda get away without an apology and so he begins to argue with her.

What's wrong with you? We haven't done anything to you, so you have no reason to insult us. I think it's really time for an apology."

But Amanda only laughs in a cold and dirty way. She drags at her cigarette and blows the smoke directly into the face of this guy.

"You want me to apologize? Well, try to make me ....Haha, but I doubt that you'll have success you fucking coward."

Thats really too much and now this guy has a problem. He doesn't want to look like a coward in front of his girlfriend, but he's a nice guy and also doesn't want to get in a fight with a smaller girl. So he really doesn't know what to do. He would prefer it to leave, but he still stands there and logs at Amanda while his girlfriend tries to pull him away and make him leave.
But the, without a warning, Amanda attacks with one of her kicks, but that guy is really fast and he blocks Amanda's kick. He steps back and looks at her, trying again to avoid a fight.

"Hey, that's not necessary, I don't wanna beat you up. So lets try to stay calm and act like civilized people. There's no need for a fight."

But it doesn't help and it's to late for talking. Amanda is pretty pissed that her first attack was no success. She isn't used to such situations and she's to proud to give up or even to apologize. She she attacks again, but the guy blocks her attacks. This goes on for a while and large group of kids watch the brawl. They all know Amanda and how good she is in fighting, and now after she has no success with beating this guy, they laugh a bit and that makes Amanda more and more furious. Really brutally she attacks, but she still has no success. And then she freaks out completely. She tries a hard kick to the head of this guy and he ducks away and then she reaches quickly into her pocket and a clicking sound can be heard. Full of horror the kids see that she has a switchblade in her hand. Now she attacks with her knife, but the guy moves back and she only slashes the sleeve of his shirt and doesn't injure him, but everybody is in shock now. This guy is really a nice person, and till now he hasn't hit Amanda, but this here is too much and he slaps her into the face so that she stumbles back, but that doesn't stop her from attacking again. She tries to stab him again, but now he grabs her wrist and twists her arm so that she screams out. He twists it so hard till she drops the knife and then he kicks the knife away and pushes Amanda away so that she falls. But it doesn't help much and after a few seconds Amanda is back on her feet and attacks again.  It's not possible to stop her and then she jumps at him, but he grabs her by her sides and throws her down to the ground. This time Amanda doesn't try to come up again. Instead she kicks him really hard against his leg with her heavy biker boots and he moans out. He knows that it's not over and so he moves forward a d pins her down.

"Damn, it's enough now. Give it up."

But Amanda doesn't give up. She struggles, scratches him and tries to hit him again and eventually she manages it to struggle free. She jumps up and kicks him against the chest so that he stumbles backwards. Then she jumps at him and they both fall and she lands on top of him. She tries to hit him into the face and he blocks her punches. He still doesn't want to hurt her, but he has to find a way to get rid of her. So he grabs her by her side and wants to push her off again, but as his fingers dig into her sides Amanda shrieks out. She still tries to punch him, but now she grabs his wrists and tries to get his hands away from her sides, but she can't.
Well, that was an unusual reaction, and he realized that his grip seems to tickle her. Maybe this is his chance to get rid of her and so he squeezes her sides again and she shrieks again. He manages it to turn around and so he sits on top of her, pinning her down. Noe he grins at her.

"Seems that I just found you weakness. So better give up and apologize. Then I let you go and nobody gets harmed."

But Amanda doesn't even think of giving up. Instead she spits him into the face and tries to scratch his eyes with her nails. But he grabs her wrists and holds them down with one hand and with the other hand he squeezes her sides again so that she has to giggle.

"Give it up now."

Amanda can't do much and he really found her weakness, but she still isn't willing to give up. He sits on top of her and pins her down, but her legs are still free and so she struggles and kicks her knees into his back. The situation is funny, but it also becomes annoying for him. He tickles her sides and she giggles and laughs, but she also tries to throw him off and her kicks begin to hurt. The other kids are cheering at him now and encourage him to break her, but he only wants to end this stupid fight. His girlfriend watches the scene too and thinks about a way to end this. At first she also doesn't know what to do, but then she tries to grab Amanda's legs so that she can't kick anymore, but Amanda kicks her hard against the side and so she screams out. But then she manages it to grab one of her ankles and then the other one and pins down her legs. Her side hurts from Amanda's hard kick and now she's really mad at Amanda. With a quick movement she pulls off Amanda's heavy boots for the case that Amanda gets free and kicks again. Now the guy turns his head and looks at his girlfriend. He winks.

"Good idea, get her feet. Maybe this makes her give up."

Now the situation really becomes funny. The girl tickles Amanda's feet and the tough and brutal little girl laughs hysterically. Nobody has though that this could be a way to stop her, but it seems that it works, even though Amanda still tries to fight back.

"Fuck. No ...lemme go, or I'm gonna kill ya ..."

She still struggles like mad, but the guy holds down her arms and his girlfriend sits on her legs. She tickles her again and then a mean smile comes into her face. With a quick movement she pulls off Amanda's socks, exposing some really cute small feet. The girl runs her nails over the bottoms of Amanda's feet and the tattooed little girl laughs hysterically. But it even comes worse. She curls and wiggles her cute little toes, but the girl manages it to run her fingers under and in between them and now Amanda really goes ballistic. She laughs hysterically and now she even begs for mercy.

"Please, I give up, I apologize, I'm sorry ....but no more ..."

Now the two stop to tickle her, but they still hold her down. They know how mean and sneaky she is and so they don't trust her. They look at each other and don't know what to do, but then another kid talks to them.

"Don't let her get away so easily. She has terrorized us for such a long time and so I think she deserves a little punishment."

Everybody laughs and now the others come closer too. They hesitate a moment, but then they join the fun and help the guy and his girlfriend to tickle the hell out of Amanda. Amanda screams, laughs and giggles and there's nothing she can do against it. They all want their revenge and she looks so cute when she laughs so that nobody is willing to stop it. Eventually, half an hour later, the lunch break is over and the kids have to go back to their classes. So they let Amanda go and leave. Amanda is still completely exhausted and out of breath and it takes a while till she recovers. Her face is red, her hair is a mess and she feels so damn humiliated. Then she grabs her boots, puts them on again and runs to her Harley. She starts it and drives away, back home.

The next week Amanda doesn't come to school again. She feels so humiliated and really doesn't want to see anybody there again, but then she comes back. She doesn't know why, but she does and so the next Monday her Harley stands at the parking lot of the school again and she enters the building. Like usually she is too late as she enters her class, but she doesn't care much. She feels a bit insecure and doesn't look at anybody, but like usually most of the kids ignore her. Only the girl who helped to overpower her gives her a smile and Amanda is really puzzled.
She had thought that everybody would laugh at her, but this wasn't the case. Most people didn't care about what she did and some were even nice to her. Also the girl who helped to overpower her was friendly and slowly Amanda got used to it and began to relax. After a few days she even talked to her and Amanda and Sally almost had a friendly chat. They talked about the usual teeny stuff and for the first time Amanda felt like a normal kid at school.

"We really had a bad start, but now I'm happy that we two got the chance to talk a bit. In some way it's cool."

Ananda smiles a bit as she hears this and nods. Even though she acts so tough, she still is a bit shy and not used to it that people are nice to her.

"Well, that's true. But maybe it wasn't such a bad start. Ok, you got me really good and I thought that I had to die, but in some way it was fun too. It was exhausting, but also relaxing and it made me feel free and alive."

She laughs a bit nervously, not sure what Sally would think about this confession. She was a bit scared that Sally could laugh at her, but that didn't happen. Instead Sally gives her a hug and smiles at her.

"So you liked it to submit? Well, that happens. I think everybody likes it to let off go from time to time, especially after playing the strong one for such a long time."

They both laugh a bit and jeep talking for a pretty long time. Then Amanda drives back home. During the next weeks Amanda begins to change a bit. She still is sassy and still loves it to brawl, but not without a reason and not so brutally anymore. Slowly she begins to talk also to the others and the other students begin to get used to her. And after a while she even begins to find a few friends. She still is sassy and loves it to provoke the others, but it's not as bad anymore as at the beginning and if it becomes too much the others team up on her and tickle the hell out of her till she is nice and normal again. So everything is fine and it seems that Amanda sometimes provokes this to happen, but that's ok for everybody.
The rest of the school year is pretty quit and Amanda almost acts like a normal teenager. It seems that now everything becomes good, but after the next spring break she doesn't come back to school and none of her friends has ever seen her again.

13 years later Amanda still lives in this old trailer home in LA where she already lived as a kid. She has enough money to rent or buy a new home, but in some way she likes this old trailer and it's her home where she feels safe and comfortable.
Now she sits in front of her trailer, with a beer in her hand and has a smile in her face as she thinks back of her youth. It has never been easy for her, but all in all she had enjoyed her time as a teen, at least till the day where she went to jail. But all in all she never had felt so free and independent again. The world has been open to her and she had had so many dreams and goals. Sadly none of these dreams became reality, but that's another story and she wipes these thoughts away.
She takes a big sip of her beer and now her thoughts go back to the latest events of her career. She has been in this damn tag match, team SCW against team Erik, but her main goal has been to beat up Odette. But the things didn't go the way she wanted them to go and she lost that match. She still doesn't know whether this has been her own fault or the fault of her partners, but it doesn't matter anymore. A loss is a loss and it always hurts. At least the sensitive Amanda is hurt and frustrated.

"Damn, so you got another win. It seems that you really bring me bad luck. And I thought that I had a good start in this match and that you'll get the beating up you deserve, but then everything went wrong again. And this only because of my stupid partners."

Amanda really isn't happy. The thing with Odette has started as a normal rivalry as they were both going for the title, but now it has developed into a real hatred. Amanda always has been a very emotional girl, and still is, and so she takes her losses against Odette personal and it begins to frustrate her. She really needs a win against her to build up her self confidence again.

"Odette, you and your fucking boyfriend really go on my nerves. I know that I can defeat you and you know this too. I think in a different kind of match the result would have been different and I would have left the ring as the winner. But thanks to my stupid partners you had luck again. Fuck, I really hate such tag matches."

She takes another sip of her beer and growls. After her day dream she has been in such a good mood, but now this good mood is gone again.

"But if you think that I'm done with you, then you're wrong. Our little war has just begun. You know that I always get what I want and this time it's to get you in a singles match. Then we will know whom of us is the better wrestler, even though I already know that I'm the better one. In our last match you already received a pretty bad bearing up, but that's nothing compared to what awaits you when we meet the next time. I don't wanna repeat this all the time, but I'll end your career and nothing can stop me from doing this. Haha, and the next time you'll be alone, without the help of your fucking boyfriend Gabriel, so there won't be anybody who saves you."

Amanda sneers in a pretty mean way. Then she stands up to get a new beer, but she's interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She fumbles into her pocket and pulls it out.

"Hello, Amanda speaking ..."

Besides wrestling Amanda has a few more jobs. She works as an actress and model too and from time to time she performs at renfair festivals, where she mostly plays a thief or a witch to scare the kids. Now one of the guys who organizes such festivals calls her and asks her whether she has time the next weekend.

"So you want me as a thief there, pick pocketing the tourists? Well, that sounds fun. I think I could do that."

They keep talking a bit and he explains her the program. Amanda loves such festivals and so she likes the idea of performing there. Pretty fast her good mood comes back and she has forgotten her trouble with Odette. She has always lived medieval stuff and the role as a thief or rogue is perfect for the tough little girl, even though she always gets caught at the end, but that's no problem for her. After talking a bit longer she laughs put.

"Haha, so it's the usual stuff. In the morning I steal from the tourists and then I get caught and punished? Haha, so again a long afternoon and evening in a pillory or the stocks. Damn, I'm doomed, but I think that sounds fun and when the people wanna see this then they'll get it."

They talk a bit longer and it's a really nice and friendly chat. Amanda knows this guy for years and they are kind of friends now and he had made so many events where Amanda has performed.

"Yeah, I think it'll be fun, especially as you're quite popular after your movie and after all your success at SCW. By the way, cute and pretty as you are you're really the perfect little thief. And who doesn't wanna see such a cute toughie in the pillory? The people will be more than happy, especially as it's like a fairy tail, the good guys win and the bad ones get punished and this in a way without getting hurt. Haha."

Amanda has to laugh too, especially as she knows these shows. She is really sneaky, fast and very good in pick pocketing and so it'll be pretty easy for her to steal from the tourists. It reminds her a bit to her youth where she earned money with stealing, with the only difference that the money is given back to the tourists. But it's so much fun and so she enjoys the show. Later she will get caught by the soldiers and they put her into the stocks where she has to sit the rest of the day while the crowd can laugh at her, tickle her and make it uncomfortable for her. But showing a medieval punishment belongs to the show and so it's ok for Amanda who likes it to play the victim.

"Yeah, the same like usually. I end up getting tickled almost to death and the people have their fun to see me suffer. Haha pour lil feet."

She laughs again and shivers lightly by the thought of her punishment. Then they keep talking a bit longer and then Amanda hangs up her phone. Now she goes to the trailer, but her phone rings again and she roles her eyes while she answers it. This time the call comes from SCW and they tell her who her next opponent will be.

"What? ...Ok, then it's Becky Jones. ...yeah, I don't give a fuck who'll be my next opponent. I'll juz beat her up like all these other stupid bimbos."

Now the dark haired girl enters her trailer and opens the fridge to get a new beer. She opens it and takes a big sip while she shuts off her cell phone. For one day Amanda has enough of these news. Then she sits down on her couch and thinks about her upcoming match. She knows that Becky has won against a Laura, but that doesn't impress her. In her eyes this has only been luck.

"Well Becky, now you might think that this will be your chance to get to the top of this company and to get a title match one day, but there I'll have to disappoint you. You won't get a title match and getting gold will only be a shattered dream for you. All you will be is another victim for me and nothing more."

Amanda is a bit lost in thoughts and her aggressions slowly come back. She still is mad that she's banned from title matches, but what makes her even more mad is that Becky has won against her love Laura.

"Ok, in some way you managed it to take the win against my love Laura and I still can't say how this could happen, but I can tell you that you won't have such luck again when you face me. Like all these other desperate chicks you'll end as a sore loser lying in your back and getting pinned. But that's not all, this time it's not only team Eric versus team SCW, this time it's personal. You had the guts to hurt and humiliate the only person in world I care about, Laura Jackson, and for this sin I'm gonna make ya pay. Or did you really think that I would let you get away with this? Damn, not even you can be that stupid."

Amanda laughs in a dirty way and takes another sip of her beer. Now her good mood is gone completely and she's aggressive like usually the last days before her matches.

"Bu the way, what kinda fucking stupid nickname is Ragdoll? But I must say that it fits to you, cuz in our match you will look like a Ragdoll and ill wipe the floor with you. You really can't believe that you'll have a flu of a chance against me, the former champion. May they bann me from title matches or do whatever they want, but they still all know that I'm the most dangerous female wrestler in this company and I think you should know that too. But even if you don't know it, when I'm finished with you you'll know. Haha, even if it's a pretty hard way to learn your lesson. But li,e usually I'll give you the chance to get away in one piece. Just come to the ring, go down on your knees and kiss my toes, maybe then I'll be so kind and show some mercy on you. Haha, but only maybe ..."

Amanda laughs again and reaches out to her phone again. With one hand she switches it on and it seems that she wants to call someone, but she hesitates for a moment.

"You know what they say about me? Haha, they say that I'm a psycho and that I'm weird and sick and in some way I must admit that they're right. I am a psych and il show what a psycho will do in the ring if you really have the guts to fight me. So be warned, this won't be easy and prolly this match will be harder than you imagine. Damn, prolly your also one of these stupid bimbos who thinks that I'm only a tiny girl who loves it to be submissive and who enjoys it to get tied up and tickled out of her mind. Well, in some way this is even right, and I love such stuff, but that doesn't mean that I can't be dangerous. When I wanna have fun then I'm the sub, but insides the ring I act like a professional dominatrix and there I love it to inflict pain and to see others suffer. Haha, so IOU can imagine that I rally look forward to get my hands on you. I wanna see you in pain and I wanna see you beg for mercy and exactly this will happen when we two meet at the next show.
Ok. But now enough of this threatening. It's true that I wanna see you cry, but what's even more important for me is that the people see that I should be the one with gold around my waist. So I hope that these fucking bosses will undo their ban on me and that my next match will be for a title again. But anyway, whatever they decide now, you'll be my stepstone back to the top of this company. Yeah, just another win in my long career and not my last one."

Amanda pauses for a moment and smiles by the thought of getting gold again. That would be so awesome and it would make this cocky little diva so damn proud.

"Yeah, it would be cool, but before I'll realize this dream there's still something more to do and that's to fuck up this damn slut Odette too. So look at this match Odette. And look carefully, cut what will happen to our lil fucking Ragdoll will happen to you too. Haha, none of you fucking bitches will be able to stop me or even to defeat me, the Goddess of War, Amanda Cortez."

She laughs again in a mean way. Then she takes her cell phone and dials Laura's number. After a small chat she asks her to come over and spend a nice day at the gym to get ready for her next match. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6072

Climax Control Archives / Destroying Team SCW
« on: May 06, 2013, 07:19:58 AM »

Destroying Team SCW

It's a stormy night and a battlefield is shown. Everywhere are corpses, blood and the screaming of the dying soldiers can be heard. The smell of blood and death is in the air and there aren't many people alive anymore. The vultures and Harpies are already there, looking for some food and all in all it's disgusting and cruel.
Then a warrior woman is shown, still with a sword in each hand and bleeding from several minor wounds. For a moment it seems that she's going to attack the group that surrounds her, but then it becomes visible that they are all pointing with their weapons at her and that there's nothing much she can do than to surrender and give up. Amanda has always been cruel and brutal, but she never has been a coward, so giving up isn't so easy for her and for a moment her muscles twitch and it seems that she will attack even though this will be her end. But her end it is anyway.
There are only two things she can do and this is to attack and die with her swords in her hands or to get captured and this will be even worse, especially after all the crimes she has done in the past and after all these innocent people who had to die because of her lust for power. Thousands of good soldiers and civilians are dead and all this because she didn't want to realize that her war is lost and that she would never get the power to rule this country.
Now she still stands there, motionless and thinking about a way to get away here, but there is no way to escape. It's over and nothing will change this. And it all began so good. She really doesn't know anymore why everything went wrong.

Years ago she lived in this country as a thieve and one day she was caught, but they didn't throw her in jail. Instead she became the chance to join the army and to do something for her country for the next ten years and that's what she did. At first she thought that it was an easy way to get away without getting punished for her crimes, but really soon she should learn that she really liked her new life and so she became a really good soldier. After a few years she even came to the bodyguards of the king and a bit later she was their commander and became even one of his counselors.
So her life became really good and she was a notable person with lots of power and money, but after a while this wasn't good enough for her anymore. As a child she already knew that she had skills in witchcraft and now she began to train these skills and she became pretty powerful. She began to manipulate the people around her and also the king and at the beginning everything went good, but she still wanted more. She didn't only want to be a counselor, she wanted all the power for herself, so she began to hire an army with the plan of a rebellion and this was the beginning of her end. As her army was strong enough she tried a putsch, but it didn't work and so a civilian war began. For the next years she was in war with the king and his soldiers and even though she was really powerful she ne'er managed it to take the final war. But then she got her chance.
The daughter of the king should marry and on her way to her marriage Amanda and her soldiers robbed the caravan and kidnapped her. The princess was brought to Amanda's caste where she was lead prison and Amanda tried to blackmail the king and force him to give up, but this plan didn't work. Instead of giving up the king and his soldiers attacked Amanda's camp and now this was the final battle where Amanda's army got destroyed completely. Almost all of her soldiers were dead and she was about to get arrested, but she still had one advantage, she still had the princess as her hostage and two of her best man were guarding her, so she still had a chance to get away here alive.

So there was really no reason for her to kill herself and so she looks at her enemies and with a sigh she drops her two swords and raises her arms. Two soldiers grab her by her arms, twist them behind her back and tie her wrists and then they lead her away to their camp. A doctor looks for her wounds and then the army of the king is on it's way back to his castle. After a few days they arrive there and nothing much had happened. Amanda was treated good and then she came into jail. There she only could wait and hope that she will find a way to get free again, so that she could bring her evil plans to an end, but everything should come different.
The next morning they brought her to the king and he asked her where his daughter is, but Amanda only shrugged and laughed into his face.

"Do you really think that I'm so stupid to tell you? If you don't let me and my men go then you'll never see her again."

That wasn't the answer the king wanted to hear. He was a nice and honest man, but he loved his daughter and he was willing to do everything to get his daughter back. He glares at her and now his facial expression becomes cold.

"Now listen to me witch. This is your last chance to survive this here. You tell me where my daughter is and I promise you a fair trial. You will pay for your sins and you will go to jail, but you will survive, but if not ....Well, we have ways to make you talk. I don't like such things, but I will do it and then you can see yourself already as dead and it will be a really painful death."

Amanda thinks for a moment and calculates her chances. Probably they will try to torture her, but with a spell she should be able to block the pain and maybe even find a way to get away. She really doesn't want to end in jail and so she makes a last attempt.

"No way I'm gonna tell you where she is. If you want to see her again then we do it my way. You let me go and you give me enough gold for the rest of my life and then I might tell you where she is. But I won't do it before me and my men are far away and safe."

Now the king really becomes angry. He gave her a last chance and this stupid witch is still so stubborn and doesn't realize that it's over. He swallows hard and glares at her full of hate.

"Damn, how can you be so stupid. It's over and you lost. Now give me my daughter back or you will wish that you will never have lived."

But Amanda only shakes her head and laughs at him.

"You won't make me talk and you can also try to torture me, but against my witchcraft you can't do anything. You won't be able to harm me.

Now he gives his men a sign and they bring Amanda down to the torture chamber. At first she still was confident, but as she sees the rack, the stocks, the nippers and basins with glowing coals she becomes a bit scared. They strip her off her clothes and she tries it with a spell, hoping that this will work, but she isn't so sure anymore.
Now they tie her hands behind her back and force her to sit down on a bench. Then her ankles get secured in the stocks and she's pretty helpless, but she still hopes that her spell will work and that she won't get harmed or injured. Then they cover the bottoms of her feet with salt and and at first she is a bit puzzled, but as they bring in two goats she knows what will happen. The goats begin to lock the salt from her feet and immediately she starts to laugh. Full of panic she realizes that her spell didn't work, but now it's too late. They told her that they will kill her and so she only has the chance not to say anything if she wants to stay alive. Maybe they give up, but first she will have to survive this torture. It tickles her like hell and Amanda almost goes insane, but she is tough and so she doesn't confess anything. Eventually the goats are finished and for a moment Amanda thinks that it's over, but it isn't. Instead they rub new salt on her feet and the torture begins again. After hours she is almost unconscious, but she still didn't confess and so they stop it for a moment. They ask her again whether she will confess, but she shakes her head violently.

"I won't say anything. First you let me go and then I'll show you the way to her dungeon."

The king has watches the interrogation and shakes his head.

"I think you aren't in the position to demand anything. But I'm not cruel. You tell me where my daughter is and then you'll get a fast death by the sword. Otherwise it will be a really slow and painful death."

Amanda still breathes heavily, but slowly she recovers. She is a tough young woman and she isn't easy to break. She still hopes that she will survive all this. But then he gives his men a sign and they untie her feet and force her to stand up. They tie her ankles again and now the attach a rope that is hanging down from a hook in the ceiling to her hands that she still bound behind her back. Then they begin to pull her up slowly so that her arms are stretched upwards behind her back. It hurts in her shoulders and Amanda tries to avoid the pain by standing tiptoed, but after a few minutes she is hanging and now it really hurts bad. But she's a strong girl and so her shoulders don't get dislocated, but it hurts like hell and she moans in pain. They ask her again whether she wants to confess, but she shakes her head.
Then they take a whip and begin to whip her until she is a bloody mess. Amanda screams and cries, but she still doesn't confess, even though she slowly becomes weaker and her shoulders are near to get dislocated. She tires not to move too much, but she can't and as she struggles again a cracking sound can be heard and her shoulders get dislocated. Her high pitched screams can be heard, but as they ask her again she still isn't willing to confess. So they pull her up a bit higher and she still screams in pain, but it comes even worse for her. One of her torturers lights a torch and grabs her by her bound ankles. Then he holds the torch under her bare feet and Amanda's screams become even louder. She almost goes insane, but then she faints. But it's only a short rest and they pour cold water over her head and so she wakes up again. Her shoulders hurt like hell and the pain in her burnt feet is even worse and now they ask her again where the princess is and this time she confesses.

"Please ...mercy, I give up ...I tell you everything, but no torture anymore."

Still hanging there she tells them everything they want to know. Then they cut the ropes and she falls down to the ground. Now one of the soldiers sets her arms again and then they pull her up, but she can't stand on her burnt feet and sinks down on her knees again. Still sobbing she looks at the king.

"I have warned you that you will die in a really slow and painful way, so I sentence you to death. As soon as we find my daughter you will get burnt alive. And now bring her back into her cell."

The guards grab her and drag her to her cell where she has to wait till she gets executed. Now she lays there, unable to move and wines in pain. How the hell could all this happen and why didn't her spell work? She doesn't know an answer, and it also doesn't matter anymore. She had hoped to get away, but it didn't work and now she is broken and she doesn't care anymore. If only the pain in her damaged shoulders and her burnt feet will go away. It takes a wile, but eventually she falls asleep.
In the meantime the groups of the king are on their way to rescue his daughter and after they found her they come back to the castle. The guards come to Amanda's cell and pick her up again and bring her to the market place where already is a stake. They tie her to the pole and now she stands there and waits to get executed by getting burnt alive. She still is weak, but she is so full of hate and glares at her tormentors.

"You son of a bitch. You can destroy my body and you can kill me, but at the end I will win. I curse you, your family and your kingdom and one day I'll come back and get my revenge. None of you will become happy again. Your daughter will die and you won't get any more children, the fields in your country will wither and the farmers will starve to death and at the end you will die all alone with nobody at your side and everybody will hate you. Go to Hell you damn bastard. Haha ...but I'll come back and haunt you till the end of days."

They light the fire and soon the heat is unbearable, but Amanda manages it to cast a last spell and this time it works. Her body sinks down and as she is dying she opens a last time her eyes. A storm comes over the land and it begins to thunder and flashes go down to the ground. With her last strength she looks up to the sky and sees a huge creature with wings above her. The demon lands right besides her in the fire and takes her in her arms. All the people who were watching her execution are standing there, unable to move a d almost insane because of their fear. The demon picks up Amanda's destroyed dead body like a lover and then he flies away with her.

After a while the people have forgotten Amanda and all the horror, but everything she said as she was dying should become reality. The Black Death came over the land and the fields really withered. After the second year of this plague the princess died as she became her first child and the child died too. The people didn't had enough to eat anymore and the king was all alone.
The people tried their best to survive, but it was really hard for them and then there was another threatening. The other kingdoms got destroyed by a huge army of demon warriors, leaded by a tattooed Goddess of Death with raven hair. Rumors were heard that this cruel demon goddess killed everybody who came into her way and that nobody who had seen her survived it. And now this demon with her army stands right at the frontiers of the kingdom, ready to destroy the country and the people who have killed her years ago.

"Cut, great ...Thats it, you were awesome."

The producer of that horror movie jumps up and claps his hand. With a satisfied smile in his face he looks at Amanda who is still dressed in her outfit as the demon goddess. Amanda laughs too and puts her huge sword to the side as she sits down on a chair. With a smile in her face she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

"Thank you. And I must say that it was really fun to make this movie, even though I must admit that it has been really hard work."

One of the guys brings her a coffee while she gets rid of her armor and while she kicks off her heavy boots. Then she takes a sip of her coffee and talks a bit more to the producer who is really happy that they could finish this movie. After Amanda's big win at the last PPV she so really pretty famous and so this movie should sell really good and so everybody is in a damn good mood.

"I really think that this will be a great success. Everybody knows you and so it will bring a lot of money. After your big win at the PPV you are really famous and everybody knows what a great fighter you are. Haha, especially your last opponent Jessie. So you were really the best choice as the demon Goddess."

Amanda smiles in a nice and friendly way as she hears this. It's good to hear that the people love it to see her, even if it's only as an actress in a B Movie.

"Thank you again. Oh, and have you seen my last match at the PPV? I didn't know that you're interested in wrestling."

He smiles at her and takes a sip of his drink too.

"Yes, I am. I watch your matches for years now and I also have seen some of your fetish movies. I wanted to work with you for years and as I got the idea for this move you have been my first choice for the role as the demon Goddess. A d now after your impressive win last week was the best chance to make this movie. It will be a really big success. But lets come back to your last match. It was really awesome to see you win this match after your feud with Jessie went on for such a long time. I really had hoped that you will win and you didn't disappoint me."

Amanda smiles again and now she even blushes a bit. She is pretty tough and used to have success, but deep insides she is a bit shy and so she doesn't exactly know what to say after all these compliments. But talking about wrestling is easy for her and so she can answer.

"Well, I really tried it hard not to disappoint my fans. You're right, this feud a
With Jessie went on for a really long time and there were times where I wasn't so sure whether I will win it. In all our backstage brawls she had the upper hand and in my first match against her I could only win with cheating. That was really frustrating. But then I managed it to cost her the title and I think that really pissed her off, so I was really a bit worried. I mean the will of getting her revenge gave her some extra power and so I was a bit worried that she could win it. Oh, and it wouldn't have been good for my career if I would have lost against her. But anyway, now everything is ok."

That's true. And it has been a very impressive fight."

Amanda even blushes more and drags at her cigarette, pretty nervous now.

"Yeah, I really tried my best. Since I'm at SCW I won many of my matches with cheating and such crap, so it was really time to make a good win, so that everybody sees that I'm a really good fighter. Ok, I know that he fans don't really love me, but at least I had to do something to entertain them in the best way I can and I think that using all of my luchadore moves will be a good way to show them what I can do in the ring. I've trained them for years now and I think it really has been the time to show them in the ring.

The producer nods as he hears what she has to say. He has been honest and he really is a big fan of Amanda and so it makes him happy to tell her this. But he's also curious what she has planed for her future now.

"Yeah, it has been really impressive. But now you could tell me what you have planed for the future. I mean besides making another movie with me."

They both laugh a bit. Making another movie is really a temptingly thought.

"We'll, I'm not so sure at the moment. I think I'll just have to wait how the things will develop. As you know, I have some little problems at SCW. I had had some drug problems, ok, no bigger problems, but they caught me smoking a joint."

She laughs a bit and shakes her head. The whole thing really had been so damn stupid.

"and then they banned me from all title matches. So there was nothing I could do besides joining team Erik and hoping that then everything will become better for me. And exactly this happened, I got a few good matches and it doesn't look too bad for me, but now I have another little problem. At the PPV all titles were won by the divas of team Erik and now I can't go for any title without facing one of my team mates and that's a thing I really don't want. But maybe I have another idea."

The producer looks at her, pretty curious now. He really wants to know what she has planed, especially if it makes her even more famous. So the next movie will maybe even a bigger success that this one.

"I might be out of the title run, but not out of the main event scene. At the moment I can't get a title, but I can still show that I'm one of the most dangerous wrestlers in this company and the best way to show this is by destroying their best wrestlers. Ok, Misty and the Fallen are in my team, so I won't go against them, but there's still two people lest, Vixen and Odette. I've faced them both and I lost against both of them, against Vixen I even lost my title. So it's time for a lil revenge. And for my career this will be awesome. I can show that I can defeat whomever they throw into my way and for team Erik it'll be great too, cuz I destroy their most dangerous enemies. Haha my future doesn't look too bad and I can't even wait to see whom I'll face next."

After finishing her movie Amanda already has been in a really good mood, but now it even becomes better and she laughs in a cheery way. Even though she is still dressed like the demon goddess she looks so cute and friendly now. And then her cell phone rings. She smiles at the producer and answers it.

"Hello, Amanda speaking ...."

For a moment she is quiet and has a smile in her face, but then it vanishes and she becomes really honest.

"What did you say? I face Odette and Sinful Obsession and I have Kevin Carter and Ace Baldwin in my team? ....Great."

It's pretty clear that she isn't too happy to face Odette again and having the current NWA tag champions in her opponents team isn't much better. She growls a bit and clenches her fists while her producer looks at her, a bit worried too. He doesn't know these teams, but he's pretty sure Amanda will tell him and this she does.

"Well, it's not that I don't think that we can't take the win, but it will be pretty hard. I don't know much about these two guys from Sinful Obsession, but they hold the tag titles in NWA and so they can't be so bad. And Odette is pure horror. I faced her before and she wiped the floor with me. But on the other hand I have Kevin in my team and he's some kinda champion at the moment. I think he is the heavyweight champion. And together with Ace he has been tag champion before, so our team is pretty strong too and this match is supposed to be interesting and hard."

The producer listens to her and he becomes even more curious. It's really interesting what his new movie starlet does in her other job.

"Well and how does that work? I think they don't do gender mixed matches at SCW."

Amanda smiles at him and before she begins to explain the rules she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

"It's only kinda gender mixed. I mean the guys will face eachother and the girls too. So when one of the guy starts and tags in his female partner, then the other team has to make a tag too. So I don't have to worry about getting beaten up by a guy who's twice my size. Haha, that would really make no sense and I think I would be knocked out within seconds. I'll only have to worry about this slut Odette, but that's bad enough. Damn, maybe it would even be better to face a guy."

The producer looks at Amanda and raises an eyebrow. It seems that he understood what she has explained him, but he still doesn't know what problem Amanda has with Odette.

"Ok, I got it, but now you might explain me what's your problem with Odette. I know that she's pretty good, but you are good too, so your chances shouldn't be too bad."

As she hears the name Odette again Amanda growls and roles her eyes. It seems that she really hates this lady and she doesn't even try to hide it.

"It's just that I hate this stupid bitch. I don't know why, but I can't stand her and even thinking of her makes me feel sick. Damn, I wish that she would have stayed in Australia from where she comes and gets fucked by one of those huge kangaroos. Haha ..."

She laugh in a dirty way and the producer has to laugh too.

But now honestly, she's a pain in the ass. I've faced her twice and the last time it happened I really received a fucking bad beating up. That match really was no fun. But that's not all, I also hate her arrogant behavior and I hate her boyfriend, I think it's Gabriel at the moment, but I'm not so sure. But whoever it is, her friends are disgusting and they all belong to this fucking team SCW. I think that's reason enough to hate them all. And then there's something more. Remember what happened a few weeks ago as the feud between team SCW and team Eric was becoming really dirty. There we attacked Odette outsides the ring and we got her pretty bad. Haha, this bitch was screaming and wining as we have beaten her up, but I think now she's out for some revenge and that couldn't be so nice for me. It's not that I'm really scared, but I know what she can do in the ring. I really don't like to say it, but I must admit that she's fucking good and I'm pretty sure that she will find a way to get this revenge. Fuck and I hate it to be at the receiving end of a beating up, it sucks completely."

Amanda sighs and it seems that she really is a bit frustrated, but the producer puts his hand on her arm and smiles at her.

"Hey, hey, don't worry. Nobody can harm my demon goddess and you'll come back and destroy all your opponents."

A small smile comes int Amanda's face. It feels good to have people around who believe in her and who want to see her win.

"It's nice that you say this. And you're right, nothing and nobody can destroy or stop the demon goddess. It will be hard, but I'll find a way to kick her ass in a way it never happened before. She might have won our last match, but this time I'm gonna destroy her. When I'm finished with her they can send her corpse back to Australia in a body bag. Yeah, this will be another great win for team Eric. Yeah, this time it won't be enough to just take a win. I'll have to show all these stupid people at SCW that I can defeat everybody and that none of these jerks has a chance against me. I should still be the champion and if they wouldn't have banned me from title matches then I already would have gold around my waist. Damn, that's really not fair and now they gimme this bitch as an opponent to punish and humiliate me even more, but that doesn't work. It needs more to stop me than this fucking Australian bitch. I'm the real champion, whether they wanna see it or not and I can beat every wrestler in this company."

After all this trash talking Amanda feels more confident again. Slowly it becomes time to go and she stands up. She hugs the producer and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"I hope to see you again for the second part of this movie. And good luck in your next match."

As Amanda leaves the film studio she pulls out her phone and dials a number. After talking for a while she waits a bit on a bench and then a SUV appears. Amanda stands up and climbs into the car and then she gives Amy Marshall a hug before they drive off.

"It's nice that you came to pick me up. I know that we don't know each other very good, but we are both in team Erik and I have to team up with your guy this week, so I think it was time that we two meet too."

Amanda has a friendly smile in her face and Amy nods too.

"That's true. We only were in opposite teams as I teamed up with Necra, but now we are on the same side."

Amanda nods again and now she suggests that the two divas could have a drink somewhere before Amanda has to go home and Amy agrees. Amanda shows her the way and they keep driving.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm really happy how everything develops. I'm not the most social person in this company, but I think having a few friends would be awesome."

Amy nods again while she waits for a traffic light to become green again.

"Yeah, I think that's true. And I'm happy that Kevin has you in his team. You're one of the few divas here who has a chance to beat up Odette."

Thats exactly what the cocky Amanda loves to her and she smiles happily. It really feels damn good and she's happy that this meeting with Amy is so nice.

"Thank you. It's so nice that you see it this way and I promise that I won't disappoint you or Kevin. I'm really happy and proud to be with the champion in one team and I'll show that I'm worth to be in his team. I think you're right and we should have good chances to win this match and to show that nobody can stop team Erik. At the PPV we already showed it as all divas titles were taken by team Erik and this week we will show it again when we destroy and humiliate the wrestlers of team SCW. It'll be an awesome match. Yes."

They both laugh a bit and continue their friendly chat till they arrive at a bar. Amy parks the car and then they enter the bar and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5653

Supercard Archives / No Win for Jessie
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:41:53 AM »

No Win for Jessie

A few hours before the PPV starts and before Amanda has her match against Jessie she site in her locker room and relaxes a bit. She already wears her ring gear, but she still sits on her couch and it seems that she's really relaxed and that she takes it easy. It doesn't look like she will have a hard match soon. Instead as being nervous or warming up her muscles she only sits there and paints her toe nails. Then she lights a cigarette.


Just as she is finished a knocking at the door can be heard and a camera team enters. Like usually Amanda is happy that she gets on TV and that she can talk and so she smiles at them as they enter her room.

Ok guys, what can I do for you?

The cameraman positions his camera and the interviewer takes a seat, while Amanda gets ready for her interview. She really looks hot and sexy, but a last look into the mirror is necessary. After she has seen that everything is ok with her outfit she relaxes again and smiles at the camera team.

Well, that's pretty easy. I think you have a really important match tonight after your feud with Jessie goes for such a long time and so I wanted to know how you feel about it.

Amanda thinks for a moment and smiles into the camera, then she shrugs. It seems that she sees it really exact and that having a match doesn't worry her in any way. She has always been pretty cool and it's not easy to scare her off and she loves it to show how cool she is.

Well, how should I feel? It's just a normal day. You're right and this feud goes for a pretty long time now, but that only means that it has slowly come to an end. I'm a bit fed up of Jessie and her crap and slowly it's time to stop her.

Now the interviewer interrupts her and looks a bit puzzled because Amanda has been the one who started this war. It will really become interesting what Amanda has to say to this.

You're talking of stopping it? That's funny after you have been the one who started it.

Amanda laughs, but then she nods. He is right, but she sees it still a bit different. She has started this trouble, but for her it has been a one time action and such an attack is no reason for a longer feud or war.

That's true, I started it, but I thought it would be a one time thing. I admit that I've been the one who attacked Jessie first. I needed some publicity and I thought it would be a cool thing so that the people look at me, but I never thought that this girl would react so extreme. It's not that she only wanted her revenge, in some way I have the feeling that she's almost haunting me and this slowly goes on my nerves. I think there was really no reason for a war that lasts for months now.

With a smirk in his face the interviewer nods while he looks at Amanda's hot and sexy body. It really seems that he likes what he sees and he's not the only one. The fans don't like her, but they love it to see this sexy fiery girl in the ring and her fetish videos also sell very good.

Yeah, haunting you is the right word, it's almost like a witch hunt. By the way, you're a hot and cute victim.

Amanda looks a bit puzzled, but then she starts to giggle in a really cute girlish way. She's amused by his comment and by the way he changed the subject and she also knows how cute she looks when she laughs or giggles and that the people like to see her like this.

Oh, I know what you mean. You're talking about all these lil videos where I play the victim and where I get interrogated and tortured.  So do you like them?

Now the interviewer blushes and it takes a bit before he continues. It's pretty clear that he has seen a few of her kinky videos and that he liked them and now he's a bit ashamed to show that he likes such stuff.

Mmh ...yes. In some way I like them and you look really cute and sexy when you laugh and giggle. And you have very pretty little feet.

Amanda has a friendly smile in her face as she hears this. She's always happy when she sees that the people like her stuff. As he mentioned her feet she wiggles her cute little toes in a temptingly way and giggles a bit. She has always had extremely pretty little feet and she always loved it to show them. But for now she doesn't want to talk about her fetishes, she tries to bring back the focus of this interview to wrestling.

Thank you. And I like it too to play the victim, but not in the ring and not in one of these wrestling shows. There I prefer it to be the dominant and tough biker chick. I think this role fits to me too.

The interviewer nods in agreement, even though he's a bit disappointed that Amanda doesn't want to talk more about her kinky stuff and sex life. But he must admit that she looks really tough and cool with her spiked wristbands, that leather outfit she sometimes wears and when she comes to the ring on her Harley.

That's true. This role fits really good to you, especially when you come down to the ring with your Harley. That's so damn cool. But I think even though Jessie always tries it again, you're the one who has the upper hand in this feud.

That's exactly what the petite and cocky Amanda wanted to hear and she smiles again. She plays the tough badass chick, who doesn't care about anything, but she still likes it when people talk positive about her.

Yeah, prolly yes. Jessie tries it again and again and I must admit that she isn't too bad. She even has cost me a win and she has confused me pretty much when she came down to the ring during my matches, but I think it has only been once that she really had success. The other times I still won my matches.

Yes, that's true. You didn't seem to be too bothered by her actions. And the last time she even helped you to win.

Now Amanda really has to laugh. The thought of Jessie's last actions really is too funny and Amanda still can't believe that she had had such a luck. Without Jessie's interference she really would have lost her last match. She leans back on her couch and puts her legs on the coffee table, ankles crossed and wiggling her cute feet a bit.

Haha, yes. That shows us how stupid she is. She doesn't even manage it to make me lose and she has to push down my foot from the ropes when the referee watches it, that's really too stupid. Especially as she wouldn't have had to do anything. In my match against Roxie it didn't look too good for me and I think without this interference Roxie would have won this match. Ok, not during this submission move, but I was already weakened and my arm has hurt like hell. So the next of her moves would have been a success and I would have had to submit. Haha, but anyway, I think now ill have to thank Jessie. Hehe, you did a really good job, you stupid bitch.

Amanda still giggles and the interviewer looks at her long and pretty legs, a bit longer than it really would be necessary. Amanda notices it and smiles at him in a temptingly way.

It really seems that you like what you see.

He blushes and nods again. Amanda's legs are really so beautiful and she has such a wonderful silky and soft skin, so that most people would love to touch her and the interviewer is no exception.

Damn, yes, I do. But we can talk about this later. So let's come back to your little war with Jessie. I think you got her pretty good as you faced her in the ring and also when you appeared during her matches.

Amanda smirks. And it's true, she had had a bit more success with interfering during Jessie's matches, even though she got beaten up a few times, but that doesn't count for Amanda and she almost has forgotten it.

Exactly. Ok, she has beaten me up a few times, but in the end I've cost her a few matches and because of me she has lost her title. So I think I've been a bit more effective with my actions. Haha, I think now she's really pissed.

They both have to laugh. The fans don't like Amanda very much, but it's really fun to interview her and her trash talking can be really so entertaining.

Yeah, I bet so. And she's even more pissed because she thinks that you can only win with cheating.

As she hears this Amanda sneers. It's true that she cheats a lot, but she knows that she can also win without doing it and she knows how deadly and dangerous she can be in the ring.

I'm not surprised that she says this. Look, she has lost against me and she would never admit that I'm the better wrestler and that she has no chance against me.

But you did cheat.

Amanda shrugs and it's clear that she doesn't give a shit about the way she wins. A win is a win and that's all that counts for her.

That's true, I did. But I can win against her whenever and wherever I want. That's really no bi deal for me. The cheating I only did because I'm a lazy person and so it has been easier for me to take the win. Oh, and tell me who doesn't cheat. I think most people do so.

Probably yes. And I think you are right and you can win against her whenever you want. But if this is the case, then do you have any idea why she wants you in a match where everybody is banned from ring sides?

Now it takes a while before Amanda answers. She likes matches with special stipulations, but a match where everybody is banned from ring sides is crap in her eyes. So e interference from others is always fun, especially when it helps her to take the win.

I don't know. It is the same as with her interference the last time, she only helps me. And it shows how stupid she is. Prolly she wants to avoid that I get some help and so she requested such a match. But that's completely stupid, cuz she doesn't get help too. Ok, the next point is that she wants to prove that she can win against me, but that's crap too. She will never take the win against me.

Amanda laughs in a dirty way, but then she becomes honest again. She shakes her head in disbelief. She really can't understand how anybody, especially Jessie, could request such a match.

The poor girl really has no brain. She could have had it so easy. Look, I'm in team Eric and the bosses really don't like me. They've even banned me from title matches. And I heard that she Jessie talked to the boss and there she got asked whether she wanted another stipulation for our match. If she would have been smart, then she would have requested a submission match, then she would have had the win.
Look at me, I'm pretty small and not that strong, so in such a match my chances wouldn't have been that good, but she had had her chance and she forfeit it. Haha, so no win for Jessie tonight.

Again Amanda giggles and the interviewer has to smile too. Amanda's good mood is really infecting and it's fun to see this little spitfire.

True, true. But you already mentioned it, you are banned from title matches, so what else are your plans for the future?

Amanda thinks for a moment before she continues. This is really a bigger problem and hard to describe, because she has no clue what the future will bring her at SCW.

No easy question and to be honest, I have no clue. But first, when this here is over, I'll make a lil vacation together with Laura and the we will see what happens. Probably I will try to make a comeback in the title hunt, but first I'll have to prove that I can't only win against girls like Jessie or Roxie. I have to prove that I can also defeat wrestlers like Odette, Misty or the Fallen, but we will see how everything will develop.
I mean if I defeat one of these girls or even all of them, then they must give me a title match and then I'm back as the champion again. Damn yes, that's what I need, or why do you think I joined team Erik or why did I attack Odette last week?

Yeah, that would have been my next question. You and Laura were really viciously as you attacked Odette. Is there a reason for this violence?

Amanda smirks again and everybody can see that she loves such violence, especially when someone else is on the receiving end. Sometimes Amanda can be really sadistic and she then she loves it to see others suffer.

Yes, there is. I hate these bitches who always play the nice girl and I'm still pissed that she won against me in my last match against her. I'm out of the title run for the moment, but I wanted to make sure that she doesn't forget me. Haha, I'm still here and I'm still dangerous. I just wanted to make sure that she knows it and that there's no place where she can hide from me. She might call me a loser and maybe she's right, but I still can hurt and humiliate her and there's no place for her to go without meeting me and without getting a beating up from me until I got the chance for a real revenge in an official match.

She pauses for a moment and the interviewer looks at her pretty long legs and her petite cute feet again. Amanda smiles as she realizes this and she stretches a bit so that he has a better view.

Oh, and to make you happy, I have planed to do some new video clips and I also got an offer for a real movie.

Now the interviewer looks up. This seems to become really interesting and he wonders what kind of movie this might be. Mostly Amanda only worked as a fetish model, but seeing her in a real movie will be really awesome.

Oh, that sounds interesting. Will you tell me which movie it is?

Now Amanda winks at him. She doesn't want to make it to easy for him and so she waits a moment before she answers his question.

Haha, why did I know that this would interest you? But I have to disappoint you, it won't be a porn movie, just a normal one, hehe, at least almost normal.

As she sees his disappointed facial expression she laughs a bit. It's really too funny that most people like it to see her making sexy and kinky stuff.

But don't worry, I'll show enough skin and I'll look pretty sexy most of the time. Haha, at least until the end.

So will you tell us what kinda movie it is?

Amanda smiles again in her tauntingly way. It's really fun to see how curious everybody is.

Sure, I'll do it. It'll be a horror/fantasy flick. And I'll play a mean witch that tries to kill the regent and wants to rule over the world. It'll become pretty brutal, with lots of fighting scenes and at the end I'll get caught and my group gets destroyed. But first i kidnap the daughter of the king and try to blackmail him, but they find me and my hideout. After a huge final fight I'll get defeated and arrested, then they will torture me until I confess everything and until I tell them where the princess is, so that they can free her.
Haha, it will have some really mean torture scenes, where they whip me, cover the bottoms of my feet with salt and let some goats lick it off till I almost laugh myself to death, but all this doesn't make me confess. Then they burn my feet with glowing coals and that makes me break. Then they free the princess and I get burnt alive. Haha, so a happy end.

Amanda laughs a bit. Like in the wrestling shows she loves it to play the mean bitch and she thinks that it fits really good to her and it is exactly what the people want to see.

That sounds really awesome and I'm really looking forward to see this movie. But now let's come back to the PPV for a last time. Are you worried about your match against Jessie?

Amanda shakes her head. She really isn't worried and she is so damn relaxed right now. It doesn't feel li,e the last minutes before an important wrestling match.

Why should I be worried? No, I'm not. I see it pretty relaxed. I've defeated her before and I can do it again, so I'll be the winner tonight and nothing can go wrong. Ok, Jessie isn't too bad, but against me she has no chance. She might have beaten me up a few times as we met backstage or after one of my matches, but that doesn't mean anything cuz I was taken by surprise, but this time I am prepared. So what shall go wrong?
She might try to get an advantage cuz she's a bit stronger than me and she might try to get me into a submission hold, but that won't work. To get me she will first have to get me in a grapple and that won't happen, I'm too fast and too skilled for her. So her chances to take the win tonight are really bad and at the end she will be the loser again. That's for true and nothing can change it. Haha I said it before, no win for Jessie.

Again Amanda laugh in her cheery way and the interviewer smiles too. He stands up and looks at Amanda.

Ok, that has been a great last word to Jessie. So thank you very much for your time and for this interview and we wish you really luck in your match later tonight.

Now the interviewing team packs their stuff and then they leave Amanda's locker room. Amanda still has her vicious smile in her face and it's clearly visible that she is satisfied with the way the interview went. She has said everything she wanted to say and so it's good. Now she lights a new cigarette and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 3572

Supercard Archives / Let's end this fucking War
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:53:49 AM »

Let's end this fucking War

It's a nice warm morning and Amanda wakes up pretty early. The last days she hasn't seen Laura very often, because they have been on different shows and so she's alone again. It's not that she's really sad, but she misses the time with Laura. But anyway, she can't change it and so she tries to spend the time alone in the most pleasurable way. After lighting a cigarette she makes a coffee and sits down at her table in the kitchen.
For today she has something very special in mind. The last weeks since she has some success in wrestling again, also her modeling job goes better and she has had many photo shootings and has earned a lot of money with it. But Amanda doesn't need much money. She lives in her mobile home a d that doesn't cost much and besides of getting a beer or a joint from time to time, she doesn't do much that costs money. So she has a really good idea what to do with all this money.
As a small kid she had lived in a children's home and it has been a nice time till she ran away at the age of fourteen. At least most of the time it has been. Most of the kids and teachers hadn't liked her very much, but there has been one old nanny who really loved Amanda and who has been like a mother to her. As Amanda ran away this nanny really has been sad and tried to get in contact with Amanda but she never found her again and so she died without seeing Amanda again.
Now, 14 years later Amanda got in contact with this children's home again and she also wanted to visit the old nanny, and as she heard that she died Amanda has been really sad and was crying all day and night. She really wished that she wouldn't have run away, but now it was too late and there was no chance to undo it. If she only had called her old nanny, but she didn't and so she felt guilty and bad. To make herself feel a bit better she visited the grave of her nanny and there she made the promise to help all these children in that children's home the best way she can.
After finishing her coffee, she gets dressed and leaves her house. She wears the stuff all her fans know on her, her tight and tattered jeans, a small top and her heavy biker boots. Then she climbs on her Harley and drives off.
Half an hour later she arrives at the children's home and shuts off the Harley. All the children's who have heard the revving of her bike are already outsides and are waiting for her. Most of the fans don't like Amanda, but here it is completely different. All these kids know that she has lived here too and that she has success now and they really love her. They run over to her and talk to her and also want some autographs and Amanda gives then the autographs. She talks to the kids, huddles the small ones and she feels really good doing this.
Then she wants to make a little speech, but she gets interrupted as a truck arrives. The driver climbs out of the truck and after talking a few minutes to Amanda he begins to bring a really huge amount of boxes full with toys to the children's home. Immediately all the kids begin to help and to unpack the stuff a d they are all so happy. Amanda, who watches the whole scene, is choked and has tears in her eyes as she sees all these happy kids. For a wile she isn't able to talk, but then she manages it to speak again.

Ok, I don't know what to say. Damn, I've prepared a lil speech, but now I forgot almost everything. The only thing I still know is that I wanted to say thank you.

She pauses for a moment and wipes away her tears. Some of the kids are listening to her, but most of them are too busy with all the toys. But at least the nannies are listening to her and so she continues. Everybody is choked to see the tough dark haired girl like this.

Ok, prolly most of you don't remember exactly who I am, but maybe the older ones do. I came here as I was four years old and I stayed here till the age of fourteen.
Well, what else shall I say? I know that I've been a brat and that I tried my best to make your life to hell and so I wanna thank you for all the patience and love you have me. Sadly the woman who educated me and who loved me almost as much as an own child isn't here anymore because she died years ago.

The tears are running again and Amanda doesn't try to stop them. She has no problem with showing her feelings. Being tough and strong in the ring and during a match doesn't mean that she can't show her feelings. She has always been very emotional and she never tried to hide it and so this time it isn't different.

And sadly I never got the chance to thank her for all she has done for me. Damn, and all this cuz I've been a stupid brat and I was to scared to show my feelings, but I'm not scared anymore. I know that it's too late, but I hope that she can hear me, wherever she is. I don't believe in god, but if he exists, then she's with him in paradise now. I know that. So again, thank you for everything you've done for me.

Now Amanda really sobs and it takes pretty long till she can continue. The thought back to her old nanny makes her so damn sad and she swallows hard. The tears are still running, but at least she's able to speak again.

But there's something more I wanna say. As I mentioned before, I haven't been a nice teen and after I ran away here I even became a criminal and ended up in jail, but I paid for my sins and now I'm changed. But what I wanna say is that you can change too. I know that all of you miss your families and that you think life is hard and brutal, but even if it really is, you can still do something useful with your life. Just stay away from drugs and go to school.
Haha, I'm the right person to give such an advice, cuz I was a druggie and I skipped classes whenever I could. But that way I know what happens when you do this. You don't make your life easier, so please listen to my advice.
And please be nice to your nannies, so that you won't have to regret something one day. Yeah, that's all I have to say. So lets bring this boring speech to an end and have fun with your toys now.

Now everybody cheers at her and all the nannies and kids hug Amanda. They want to invite her to have a coffee with them, but Amanda can't at the moment. But she promises to come back as soon as possible. Then she leaves the cheeks home.
On her way back home she feels really nice. She's still a bit sad, but she's also glad that she could make all these kids happy and that she could give them some advices.  Ow she's in a really good mood and stops at a coffee shop. She shuts off her Harley and takes a seat at a table outsides. She orders a pie vs of cake and a cup of coffee. Then she lights a cigarette. For a while she's Ryan lost in thoughts, but then she slowly comes back to reality. She doesn't want to think about wrestling, but there's only one week left till the PPV and she knows that she will have to face Jessie. A smile comes into her face and she shakes her head.

Jessie, Jessie, I really don't know anymore how everything began. Damn, our lil war really lasts for such a long time. Haha, in some way I even enjoyed it, but now it's time to bring it to an end.
But before we end it lets come to the day where everything began. I think it has been the day where I attacked you after one of your matches. Well, don't take it personal. I did it because I needed some publicity and I got some. For me the whole thing has been over, but you couldn't stop it. You've been so stupid to try to get your revenge on me. Well, I thi no that has been a pretty big mistake. Ok, you e cost me a few wins and you e beaten me up a few times, but so did I. And I think what I did was even worse. Because of me you lost your title and because of me you couldn't win the tag titles too. And you  have lost agai at me in at least two matches. Haha. Now you might say it has been because of some cheating, but who cares? A win is a win. So you must admit that you're the loser and not me.
So I really don't understand why you challenged me to a singles match at the PPV. You already k ow how it'll end, with you on your back again. But this time it'll be a bit different to ourself match, this time who won't have a partner at your side. So you'll be completely alone and you can't blame anybody for your loss. It'll all be your own fault.
But who cares? As I said before, a win is a win and a loss is a loss.

Ananda drags at her cigarette and takes a sip of her coffee. Some people look at the strange dark haired girl who talks to herself, but Amanda looks pretty aggressive and so they better leave her alone and try to look in another direction. But Amanda looks really hot and sexy and so some of the others stare at her again.

But as we talk about losses. What have you done the last months since we have our lil war? I think besides this one match where you won this title you haven't do be anything but losing. Well, that shouldn't be my problem, but I think it's a bit weak and it's not really enough for winning against me. So you can already imagine what will happen to you, you will get your ass kicked, but prolly you're already used to it and prolly you even enjoy it. Otherwise I can't explain or understand why you try it again and again.
Yeah, there are only two possibilities, no.1 is that you're stupid and no.2 is that you're masochistic. Haha, and I always thought that I'm the only masochistic girl here in this company.

She giggles a bit and then she starts to eat her cake. Her mood is still good and even though she really doesn't like Jessie, she isn't willing to let her aggressions win again. Since she was a kid she had had problems to control her aggressions and mostly she had lost these attempts and she has gotten in trouble so often because of this. But Tis time she wins her little fight and she smiles again.

But as we talk about being masochistic, I really have better things to do than to train for this ducking crappy match against you. Some fun with Laura or another photo shooting would be so much more enjoyable than touching such an ugly slut in the ring like you. But at least it won't be so hard for me to take another win and a win at a PPV is even better than a normal one. Haha, shall the people hate me when I destroy their hero, but I don't care, I'll have my fun and the location of the PPV is awesome too. I love brazil. The country is awesome and the people are so fucking cool.

Now she pays her bill and drives back home. There she thinks about what to do. She could do some training, but she's pretty confident to take the win against Jessie and so it will be more found to spend the week in Brazil, especially in Rio. So she takes her phone and books a flight.
Now she thinks about what to take with her. Amanda doesn't need much, just some shirts and shorts, her flip flops and her surf equipment. After about one hour everything is packed and she tries to put everything in her small jeep. After some problems at the beginning she eventually has success and so she drives to the airport. There she unpacks her car and stops a gut to help her carry her stuff to the checkin. Her bag is really small, but the boardbag is huge and really heavy. The guy isn't so happy to carry all that stuff, but after Amanda smiles at him with her cute smoke he can't resist and helps her out.
The check in is pretty easy and one hour later Amanda sits in the plane. She takes out her cell phone and sends Laura a message to book a flight too. She still has no hotel, but she will text her again as soon as she has one. Then the stewardess tells her to shut off her phone and they take off.
After the landing Amanda gets all her luck age and then she thinks about where to go. She should try to find a hotel, but first she needs a car and so she rents an old truck. The people in Brazil are really friendly and help her to bring her stuff to the truck, then she drives off. But before she finds a hotel she makes a stop at the beach and gets out of her car. It's a hot and sunny day and it's also a bit windy, so she decides to spend this nice day at the beach. The hotel has to wait till later.
She throws her flip flops into her car and steps barefoot into the sand. She shrieks and jumps, cuz the sand is really hot, but after a while she gets used to it. Now she pulls her surfboard and a sail out of her bag and brings everything down to the beach. For a moment she thinks about putting on a wetsuit, but it's too warm. A shorts and a Lycra shirt should be enough and so she puts it on. Then she's ready and the fun can begin.
After talking to some locals she grabs her board and runs into the water. The rest of the day she spends with windsurfing and as she's finished she's really tired and worn out.
With some help of the locals she brings her surf stuff back to her truck and then she puts on some dry clothes. Then she wants to look for a hotel. But just as she's about to leave one of the locals invites her to go to a beach party. He tells her that they have there good music, alcohol, a barbecue and also some weed, so Amanda has no choice and agrees to come with them. Her new friends are pretty happy to have such a cool girl with them and so they walk over to a small beach bar where the party should start.
It's still a bit too early, but there are already some people there and so they all have a nice chat. They ask Amanda what she normally does and as they here that she's here for a wrestling match they are all curious to hear more.
Sadly they all don't have much money and so they won't have the chance to watch the show life, but there Amanda can help out. She invites them all and pays them the trip to Brasilia. This way she has some fans with her and this night she will get all drinks for free. So it's a good deal for Amanda and she's happy.
Now some more people arrive and the atmosphere is really cool. They are drinking and dancing and Amanda has her fun. Everybody is so nice and relaxed they it's really a joy to be here. She even thinks of staying here instead of going back to the USA, but she would miss Laura too much. So after her match she will go back home again, but she will visit her new friends as soon as possible.
But now it's not the time for going back home, now it's time for making party. It doesn't take very long and Amanda is drunk and stoned, but she's in a really good mood. She should be a bit tired, but she doesn't want to sleep now and after she told the others that she has done fetish movies and also worked in a strip club, they all wanna see her strip. Amanda loves it to show what she has and so she hops on a table and strips for them. Everybody cheers at the hot beauty and as she's finished they give her her clothes back and get her a new drink.
Everybody is drunk now, but they also make a little capoeira contest and they invite Amanda to take part too. Amanda is more into wrestling and kickboxing, but she knows some capoeira moves too, so why not give it a try? She knows that she has no chance to win, but that's no problem for her. Before it starts one of her new friends practices some moves with her and even though Amanda is drunk she learns pretty fast. She's not perfect, but also not too bad and so the tournament can begin.
But even though she has practiced a bit she has no chance and she loses her fights. So for the rest of the tournament she can only watch the others, but that's no problem for her. It has made fun and she's willing to learn this new fighting style too. Maybe she can use it in one of her matches one day.
But in the meantime it's really late and Amanda is too drunk for looking for a hotel. So one of her friends invites her to stay with him and his girlfriend and Amanda accepts this offer. They all take Amanda's truck and drive to his small house. It's not very big, but they find a place for Mandy to sleep.
The next morning Amanda awakes with a huge hangover, but after a breakfast with lots of coffee she begins to feel better and pretty soon she feels able to call Laura and tell her where she is. At first Laura hasn't been very happy that Amanda disappeared without leaving a message where she stays, but now she's eased and it's ok for her. She thinks about picking Amanda up, but after a small chat they decide to meet at the arena, a few hours before the show starts. So Amanda still has some time to relax and to get ready for her match against Jessie.
But she still has time and there's no needa hurry and no bigger reason to think about her tactics. She still chats with her new friends, but slowly her thoughts drift away to her next show. It's not that Amanda is nervous or scared after all these years being in this business, but the last day before a match she always is really focused on her fight and this time it isn't different. Then her thoughts go back to her last match and all the things that happened at the last show.

Well, I don't know whether you all have seen the last show, but if you have, then you already know that this PPV will be more than awesome.

Amanda smiles at her friends, but she talks more to herself than to them. It's always the same with her. She loves it to talk, especially when it's trash talk, and then she forgets everything around her. She's completely lost in thoughts and all she can think about is her opponent and her upcoming match.

And especially this lil thing with Odette has been awesome. This bitch may have defeated me in our match, but I showed her that nobody treats me like this. Now she knows with whom she has messed and I hope that this lil action will leave some nice scars on her back. Haha.

The dark haired girl laughs a bit and her friends laugh too. They have seen the show on TV and so they know what has happened and what Amanda can do in the ring. Amanda may have lost a few matches, but she's a tough and strong fighter and everybody knows that she never holds back in a fight or gives up. She fights as long as she can stand, but what's even more dangerous is the fact that she absolutely has no remorse to injure and hurt her opponents. Sometimes it even seems that she enjoys such creepy stuff and all this violence.

And that lil interference in Laura's match was cool too, but the best thing was that action with Jessie again. Ok, that match didn't look too good for me, but I had my foot on the rope and I also would have won alone, without any help. But anyway, this way it has even been more easy. This hitch has thought that she could get some revenge by costing me the win, but even for this she is too stupid. If she wants to interfere, then she should find a more intelligent way. I really could laugh myself to death. The whole thing has really been too funny and she looked like a complete moron. And what's good too is the fact that she has a new enemy now and this enemy is Roxie. Haha, so I thinks she hasn't made her life more easy. No, she hasn't.

They all laugh as they finish their breakfast. Then Amanda's friend makes a few calls and organizes a bus for them, so that they will have a cool trip to Brasilia. It doesn't take very long and they have packed all their stuff and leave the small house. The bus is already waiting for them and Amanda and her friends enter it. Then they pick up the others and the trip to Brasilia begins. One of her new friends is filming everything and the whole trip is a huge party.

Ok, this lil trip really is too nice to think about such crap as Jessie, but I'll have to face her, so I can't shove this problem to the side. Haha, but pretty soon I can do it.

Amanda sneers as she looks into the camera. In one hand she holds a beer and in her other hand she has a cigarette and it seems that she's completely relaxed. She leans back in her seat and she looks so damn sexy in her tight tattered shorts and her small top. She rests her long legs on one of the other seats and while she continues to speak, the girlfriend of one of her friends gives her a nice foot massage, so that she purrs from time to time.

And now listen to me Jessie. I really don't know what goes on in your ugly lil head, but to be honest, I also don't care much. The only thing I care about is winning this stupid match and bring this war to an end, with me as the winner. And exactly this will happen.
Well, Jessie, you think that I can only win against you when I gat some help from others or when I can cheat, so you requested a match where everybody is banned from ringside. Well, to be honest, I'm a lazy girl and I prefer it to have some help, but I can also defeat you when I'm alone. You will see it.
Damn, I really don't know how you can be so stupid to think that you will have a chance against me. You never managed it to take a win against me and that will also never happen in the near future. Damn, you already lost this war. I have cost you a few wins and because of me you lost your damn title too. Wasn't that enough? For a normal person it would be enough, but slowly I get the feeling that you love it to get humiliated by me. Otherwise all your actions wouldn't make any sense.
Yu might think that I'm a mean bitch, but I'm not. Look, when I beat you up again I will fulfill your greatest wish, getting humiliated by me. Haha ...

They all laugh about Amanda mean comments. While the girl continues to massage her feet Amanda downs her drink and gets a new one. She's so relaxed and purrs and as the girl lightly tickles her, she giggles a bit. Then she continues her little speech.

But that's not all Jessie. I don't know whether you know the reason why I went to jail a few years ago. It wasn't only because of drugs, it also has been because of aggravated assault. In a street fight I injured and crippled one of my opponents. Ok, I'm not very proud of doing this and I regret this action everyday in my life, but it shows you what happens when I get provoked. Then I lose control completely.
Normally this doesn't happen anymore, but your continuous bothering slowly goes on my nerves. You crossed the borderline and now it's too late to turn back. Don't complain that I haven't warned you, because I have, but now I won't hold back any longer. I won't only defeat you, I will destroy you completely. And there you can be sure that it won't be very funny for you.
You may have laughed about me after you have beaten me up backstage or after my match, but now I'll be the one  laughs when I stand above your shattered body and when you beg for mercy. But there won't be any mercy, there will only be pain and violence and this for the rest of your life. I will end your fucking career and I'll send you right to the hospital and I make sure that you will leave it as a cripple.
Ok, that may sound a bit harsh now, but I'm sick of your crap and I'm really not willing to let you ruin my career. I don't wanna look back all the time and wait for a sneaky attack from you, so I will end it in a way I prefer, even if this might be a bit brutal. But you left me no choice. At hostile takeover everything will change, especially your life. Till now you've been a more or less successful wrestler, but then you will only be a desperate cripple. Haha, then all you have is the thoughts back to better times, but then it's too late to change anything. You had your chance to stay away from me, but you forfeit it. Now you have to deal with the consequences, even if it will be a really hard time for you. Normally I would feel bad, but after you went on my nerves for such a long time I don't. No, I even feel good and you will just be another victim on my long list. Sorry that it's such a bad ending for you ...haha, but I love such sad ending, haha, at least as long as I'm not the victim.

Amanda laughs again in a sadistic way, but as the girl continues to massage and tickle her feet it turns into a girlish giggling again. She loves it and it helps her to relax and so within seconds her anger is gone and her good mood is back. The girl runs her fingers lightly over Amanda's soft and sensitive foot bottoms and especially as she runs them under and in between her cute toes the dark haired girl laugh. she struggles a bit, but she loves it so much and so she's really sad as their little trip comes to an end. Then they arrive at the arena of Brasilia and Amanda and her friends enter the arena. After a small discussion with the security staff Amanda knows the way to her locker room and she takes her friends with her. There she also meets Laura and Amanda is happy to have her girlfriend at her side again, even if it's only in the backstage area.
Amanda unpacks her stuff and the Laura helps her to get ready. Amanda doesn't need another training after all these days full of training, but Laura helps her to put on her ring gear and then she gives her a massage to warm up her muscles. Then Amanda does some stretching and then she is ready for her match. She gives Laura a long and passionate kiss and then she leaves her locker room to go to the stage. She cracks her knuckles and spits out.

Fuck, I really would know some more pleasurable things to do than to touch this ugly slut Jessie. But anyway, I can't change it, but I can make it short. I'll make sure that this match is over right after it has started. Haha, these fucking fans might hate me for this, but I don't give a fuck. Jessie, I'm coming and I'm gonna fuck you up now.

She spits out again and then she continues her way to the stage and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5143


Climax Control Archives / An easy Win? Hopefully yes
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:24:14 AM »

It's 4:30 in the morning and the alarm bells can be heard. Within seconds the whole camp is awake and also the 18 years old Amanda tries to get into her orange jumpsuit with the number 13 on her back. She's still so damn tired, but she tries her best to get ready before the yelling of the instructors begins.
For a moment she struggles, but then she hurries up, knowing thAt this here will be her last chance. If she fails or gets kicked out of the group she will has to spend the next seven years in jail. But if she survives this, she will has the chance to get free on probation if none of her former victims has a problem with this decision.
Now the I structures arrive and the yelling begins. Amanda and the other 49 men and women have exactly five minutes for using the bathroom and washing themselves, then the action begins again.
While sitting on the toilet she thinks about how she brought herself into this situation. At the age of 14 she ran away from the children's home where she lived and lived in the streets. After a while she joined a biker gang and from then on she earned her money with stealing, robbing shops and drug dealing. She has been arrested before, but because of her youth they always let her go again, but this time she was old enough. They had caught her with a lot of marihuana and this time she has been sentenced to seven years in jail. But she got a last chance to avoid this. They offered her to take part in a boot camp program and if she is successful there, she will get the chance to get free on probation. But being successful means to stay half a year in this camp without giving up and without getting fired.

That doesn't sound so difficult, but the life in this camp is really hard and even stronger guys than the petite Amanda have given up and preferred to go back to jail, but Amanda is a tough girl and she would prefer it to die than to spend the next seven years in jail. So she's willing to do everything the instructors tell her to do.
The five minutes are over and the yelling begins again. Amanda rushes out of the bathroom and the whole group stands in the room, waiting for their instructions. Like usually the day begins with push ups and sit ups and after 20 minutes the petite girl breaks down. Bit instead of giving her a break she has to walk around the building in a duck gait until she breaks down again. Now she lays on the ground, almost dead and crying and the instructors yell at her again. They give her some water and drag her back to her barrack. There the torture continues. Each member of the group, men and women, gets a backpack that weighs 50 lbs and then a steeplechase begins. For the next two hours the group has to run around and Amanda breaks down two more times, but she doesn't give up, even though the instructors yell at her to give up.
Eventually the stress is over and they all get 5 minutes for breakfast. They aren't allowed to sit down and the yelling continues the whole time. Then they all have to do some really exhausting work till midday. Normally Amanda would have has to carry some wooden planks from one building to the other, but for her break down she receives a special punishment. It's really cold outsides, but she is still allowed to only wear her jumpsuit. Then they take away her shoes and socks and lead her into the middle of the yard. They throw some really sharp small stones and even some thumbtacks on the ground and Amanda has to step insides. As the sharp stones cut into her soft skin she screams out, but she bites her teeth and tries to be strong. Then they give her to weights and she has to stretch out her arms and hold them. In this position she has to stay the next four hours till midday. As expected she isn't able to hold her arms up for such a long time and always when they sink down one of the instructors steps on her feet to increase the pain there. Amanda tries it so hard and she has tears in her eyes and eventually the time is over and she's allowed to get something to eat. She almost can't walk anymore with her sore feet, but she manages it to stumble back to the barracks.
After a short meal the stress begins and till the evening she has to work again. The only breaks she gets is to make some more push ups and sit-ups. Eventually it's evening, the day is over and Amanda climbs into her bed. She's tired as never before and within seconds she falls asleep. The next days are pretty much the same, but that standing in the cold made her sick and she becomes a really bad cold.
Then she is called to the instructors and they tell her that she's fired and that she will go back to jail the next day. Amanda is completely broken and cries and begs them but nothing helps. She's to sick to continue with the program and so she has to go. The last night she lays in her bed and cries till she eventually falls asleep.

Then she wakes up and wants to get ready for leaving the camp. As she looks around something is really strange. She lays in a normal bed, in her normal sleep shirt and she isn't sick anymore. It takes a while till she realizes that all this has only been a bad dream and that she's at home in her mobile home. She breathes heavily and is covered in sweat, but she's so eased that it only has been a dream.
Ok, she has been in jail and also in this boot camp, and there she got sick, but she has been allowed to continue and so she got free on probation and everything became good. After she was free again, she started her modeling job and she also started to wrestle and now, nine years later, she's still in this job.
Slowly she stands up and looks around in her mobile home, to make sure that it really has been a bad dream. But everything is like usually and so she's really eased. She goes to the kitchen and makes herself a coffee, wondering where Laura is. Normally they have breakfast together, but it seems that Laura already went to the gym. So she's alone and has to think about what to do today. Still a bit lazy and tired Amanda goes to the kitchen and makes herself a coffee. Then she sits down and lights a cigarette. Damn, it's really too early for her, especially as she came back from Peru yesterday. This damn long flights really kill her, especially as she hates planes. It's not that she is scared, but she feels uncomfortable in narrow rooms.
After her sixth coffee and her third cigarette she feels a bit better, but she still isn't in the mood to get dressed and so she stays in her sleep shirt. Now her thoughts go back to the last show and a smile comes into her face. Ok, she had had better matches in the past, but it hasn't been such a horrible loss as the match against Odette or Vixen or against the Fallen. It seems that she slowly becomes better again and that makes her become more confident again. But anyway, it's still early and a look out of the window shows her that it's a beautiful day and that she should spend her day with better things than with thinking about her stupid career.
She leaves her mobile home again and looks at the small pen here she has all her guinea pigs. She loves these small animals and now she is so curious whether the two new ones, she brought with her from Peru, are ok. As she enters the pen, all the small animals come over to her and beg for food. She kneels down and plays with them and then she feeds them with hay, carrots and salad. Then she leaves the pen with a broad smile in her face. She's always in such a good mood after she took care for her animals. Then she thinks about joining Laura in the gym, but before she can go there her phone rings and she answers it.
It's one of these fetish film producers and Amanda knows him for a really long time, so that he's almost a friend now. The dark haired beauty has done a video clip for him a few weeks ago and so she's a bit surprised that he already calls her again.

Hey Mandy, I have a slight problem here. Could you come over here today?

Thats no problem for Amanda even though she would have preferred not to work today. But making such video clips is always fun and so she agrees.

Sure, I have time. But why do you ask me? We already did a shooting three weeks ago.

Now he tells her that he wanted to work with another model, but she has a cold and so she has canceled the job. But the camera team is already ordered and the costumes too and so it would be bad and expensive to cancel everything.

So you see, I really lose some money if you don't have time for me. And to make it even more interesting, I give you 500 USD for three hours work. Doesn't that sound good?

Now Amanda really doesn't has to think about it any longer. She always needs money and so it's cool for her.

Wow, that sounds awesome. In about one hour I can be at your house. But I'm not really prepared for anything. Oh, and what kinda clothed do I need?

Normally it takes a while to chose the right clothes and to her a new makeup and her hair done, but the producer comforts her.

Don't worry about it. Just wear you normal stuff. Maybe try to look a bit like a Goth, but that shouldn't be a problem for you. And the clothes really aren't important, mostly nobody will see them. Just take care that your feet look pretty.

Amanda laughs a bit, knowing exactly what will happen at the shooting. But her feet always look cute and pretty and so it will be easy for her.

Ok, then gimme one hour so that I can get a pedicure first. Haha, I could bet that you want me to be extra sensitive and ticklish.

It's really not necessary to get a pedicure first, because Amanda really takes care for her feet, but she wants them to look really pretty.  So she hangs up, gets some clothes out of her trailer and hops into her car. Dressed in a tight jeans, heavy boots, her motorcycle jacket and a spiked collar she looks really hot as she arrives at the beauty shop. She shuts off her car and enters the shop. After chatting with the girls for a while she kicks off her boots and sits down on a chair. Now she gets her pedicure and as she's finished her skin is super soft and sensitive. She has a nice nail polish and it looks sexy and cute. She pays and then she leaves the shop to drive to the photo studio.
As usually she's a bit late as she arrives at the studio. She enters and hugs the owner and then he tells her what she will have to do. She gets a coffee and smokes a cigarette while she listens as her friend explains her everything.

This time it's pretty easy. We don't have a real plot. It's just a pretty long torture scene in the stocks. That's why I told you to take care that your feet look pretty. We have three hours for filming and then I'll take the best scenes. So it'll be pretty easy. And you won't have to say anything. So 500 USD is a good payment.

Knowing that he's right Amanda nods. Then she gets ready. She puts off her boots and socks and then she has to put on a straightjacket. Now she has to sit down in a bench and her feet get locked up in a pair of foot stocks. She feels pretty helpless, but kinky and submissive as she is, she likes it. Now the producer takes a thin piece of rope and ties Amanda's big toes too. Sensitive as she is she already giggles and squirms as they touch her feet.

Hehe, damn. I think that pedicure really has been a mistake. I don't know how to survive the next three hours. Oh god, I'm doomed ...

But Amanda is good sports and winks at the producer. She knows that it will become pretty hard, but she likes it and she likes the challenge. Even though it's really torturous it's still relaxing and getting forced to laugh is really fun. The tough girl loves it to lose control completely.
And then it begins. They shove a ball gag into her mouth and then two guys begin to torture her by tickling her pretty feet. They use their fingers and also some tools like feathers, brushes and even a spiked wheel and they do their best to drive Amanda crazy. And they have success. Within seconds the poor girl is hysterical and laughs herself almost to death. She curls her cute toes and as they run their fingers under and in between them she almost dies, but it's clearly visible that she has her fun too. She screams and laugh behind her gag and the two guys really tickle her almost to death, but they know that she's tough and that she can stand it. And being gagged she can't protest, so she's completely at their mercy, but nobody is willing to show mercy.  Amanda is just so cute and sexy when she laughs and giggles and the skin of her feet is so wonderful soft and sensitive so that it's really a joy to touch her and tickle her.


But eventually the three hours are over and they stop tickling her. They remove the gag, so that she can speak again and while she tries to catch her breath they give her a foot rub, so that she can relax a bit. Then they untie her and bring her a coke to drink.
Amanda sits up and rubs her sore feet. Then she takes a sip of her coke and lights a cigarette. It takes a while till she's able to speak again. The producer gives her her money and sits down too. Normally Amanda would have gone home, but she's still a bit tired and so she stays a bit longer to recover and they all chat a bit.

Damn, this time I really didn't think that I'll survive this ordeal.

They all laugh a bit. Then the camera man stands up and gets some more coke, but this time he also brings a bottle of vodka with him. He gives Amanda a new drink and smirks at her.

Well, sometimes we really thought that you would faint, but you're really a tough little girl.

He winks.

And not only here in this studio. I've seen your last match on TV and I must say that you've been really impressive. You've proved that you aren't no loser. It was fucking mean to ban you from the title matches. If you ask me then you should be the champion and not this stupid bitch Misty.

At home Amanda really hasn't been in the mood to think about wrestling, but now, as their friends mention it, it is ok for her. She still doesn't like this job and she still thinks that she isn't that good anymore, but it feels good to hear that her friends enjoyed it to see her perform in the ring. In some way it makes her proud and she doesn't feel like a loser anymore. She drags at her cigarette and takes a deep sip of her drink. Then she looks at her friends with a broad smile in her face.

Well, it's cool that you see it like that. I wasn't so sure what to think about the whole wrestling stuff and after all this losing I really thought of retiring. It really became frustrating and I didn't like anymore. Ok, the last match has been a bit different, there I didn't look like a moron and that makes me feel a bit better. It has been fun to wipe the floor with Karina and Jessie. These two bitches really deserved what has happened to them. And after they were so confident to take the win it was really fun to see who really dominated in this match, Necra and me. It has been a great win even if it has been with a lot off cheating, but who cares? A win is a win.
But with the title matches I'm not so sure. Ok, it's a bit frustrating to be banned from title matches, but in some way I must say that I'm even a bit eased. Facing Misty really is no fun and I don't like it to get my ass kicked. So this way it's better and it's a great chance for Amy to get the title.

The producer and his camera team start to laugh a bit. It's funny to hear Amanda talk about being dominant after this session right now, but they know that she isn't submissive in the ring and they also know how viciously she can be when it comes to fights.

Its funny to hear you talking about being dominant after all of your fans know you as the cute little submissive girl.

Amanda pouts a bit, but she smiles as she hears this. She knows that he's right and she has no problem with this. She winks at her friends.

But a tough little submissive. Or tell me who else could stand it to get tickled almost to death for such a long time. Haha ..

They all laugh again. It's really so much fun to work with Amanda. She's always good sports and mostly her good mood is infecting, so that everybody loves it to have her around.

That's right, you're really a cute little toughie and it's fun to work with you. I really don't know why the people in your wrestling company don't like you and I was really shocked and sad as I've seen how they have treated you as you tried to make your little speech. That was mean and completely crappy.

Amanda nods and the thought of this still makes her a bit sad, but then she shrugs it off.

That's true. I also don't understand it. I haven't done anything to anybody and they all treat me like shit. That's mean, but anyway, I can't change it and I think I'll have to live with it. But it won't kill me and the last week I could show that I'm still a force, even if I can't go for a title right now. But at least I could kick some asses again and it has been so much fun.
Haha, especially as one of my opponents has been this disgusting Jessie. This girl really goes on my nerves after our feud lasts already for such a long time. I defeated her and she still doesn't see that she has no chance against me. She tries it again and again. Damn, this girl really is so fucking stupid.

Amanda laughs a bit as she begins her trash talking about Jessie and like usually her laughing is infecting again.

That's true, she really didn't look so good in your match and I'm pretty sure that you can defeat her in a singles match too. It will become an interesting fight. Oh, and after this match you must come here again and we make another little film with you. I think there are so many people who like to see such a successful wrestler in distress. It seems that this contrast is interesting for the fans and if you get another big win at the next PPV, then your films will even sell better.

Amanda smiles. She loves the fact that she's so successfully in the fetish industry and it also brings her a lot of money. She gets payed for the photo shooting, but she also gets money for each sold film.

Sure I will come back after my next match. I love to work with you and I'm really happy that my little films sell so good. It makes me proud and it feels good that there are people out there who love me. And the contrast between playing the mean bad girl in the ring and the cute sub when I'm here is really so much fun. Haha

Again she laughs. Then she downs the rest of her drink and looks for her boots and socks. As she sees them she picks them on again and then she stands up. After hugging the Producer and his team she leaves the photo studio and in a really good mood she walks to her car. She climbs into it and starts the engine. On her way back home she stops at a gas station to fill the tank of her car. Still a bit tired she enters the bar there and orders a big coffee and a few muffins. She sits down at a table and begins to eat.
Damn this day really has been fun and she feels so good, even though she still is exhausted and she still feels the tingling in her sore feet. But like usually she is so relaxed and all the stress is gone. So life really couldn't be better. After talking a while to the barkeeper she pays her bill and leaves the bar. Then she drives back home to get some stuff so that she can go to the gym.
She looks a bit around in her lockers and eventually she finds something to wear. The jeans she changes against a small shorts and her boots get changed against some flip flops. Then she puts on a sports bra and a small top. After putting a towel, a bottle of water and some shower gel into her bag she is ready to leave her home again. She throws her bag into her jeep and then she's on her way to the gym, where Laura already waits for her. After a longer training they both drive back home and spend a nice evening together.
The next days they both try to get ready for the next show and so the spend most of their time at the gym with working out and practicing some new wrestling moves. Amanda has heard that she will have to face Roxi Johnson and, cocky as she is, she really isn't worried about it. But she still thinks that being prepared is always good and so she also watches some old wrestling movies with Roxi so that she knows what awaits her in her next match.

Pretty fast the week is over and Amanda and Laura are on their way to the airport to fly to Buenos Aires. At the airport the usual chaos begins as Amanda has to pass the metal detector. With all her piercings this is always a problem, but after she's almost naked they let her pass and the two enter the plane. After some hours flight they land in Buenos Aires and take a taxi to the hotel. Amanda wants to look around in the city, but Laura convinces her that the can also do this the next day and so they spend the evening at the hotel bar. After a few drinks Amanda begins to think about her upcoming match again and so the two discuss their tactics.

Well, I still think that I had some luck as they have me Roxi as my opponent. I think she's not too strong and I should have good chances to take the win.

But that's exactly what Laura doesn't want to hear. She hates Amanda's cocky behavior, and even though she knows that it won't help, she tries to stop her.

Damn, how often do I have to tell you not to underestimate your opponents. If you aren't carefully you will get your ass kicked again.

Amanda pouts a bit as she hears this and glares at her friend. She's really a bit offended, cuz she hates losing and it happened too often the last weeks.

Ok, ok, you're right. Against the Fallen and against Odette I made this mistake and I had to live with the consequences. But the last week u could take the win and now it becomes better again. And that match against Roxi will be my next win. She's really not that strong that I have to worry about her. Ok, she is technically pretty good and her moves can be dangerous, but has she ever been even close to a title? No, she never had one and I think that wont change so fast. She might be not too bad, but against me she doesn't has any chances. I'll wipe her away like this.

Amanda snaps her fingers and laughs out. Then she orders a new drink.

But anyway, I won't underestimate her and I'll be carefully. But now comes something where Roxi should listen carefully, cuz it could be important for her and her career.
Roxi, I don't know whether this match has been your idea and whether you have requested it or if these stupid bosses just threw you into this match, but be warned, it'll be more than you can handle. As long as I'm right, but if not, then please correct me, have you never held a title. And I think over the last months you also haven't been in any title match. Ok, that's nothing to laugh about, but compared to me it's nothing. I have been champion twice and I proved that I can beat every single wrestler here in this company. So do you really think that you'll have a chance against me?
I don't think so. And if you see this different then it's a reason to laugh about you. A rookie like you shouldn't face a former champion like me. You should be a valet or if you like fighting then a living punching ball, but nothing more. And it's a joke to have people like you in one of the main matches of SCW.
But anyway, I won't complain, cuz a win is a win, even if it's a really easy win. And a win against you will be easy.

A vicious smile comes into Amanda's face and this time Laura doesn't stop her.

I really have no clue who's idea this was. Maybe mark wants to punish me by putting me into a rookie match cuz I'm in team Eric, or Eric wants to give me a lil reward by giving me an easy win. But whatever it I'd that lead to this match, for me it'll be easy and full of fun, but for you Roxi, it'll be more than painfully.
I don't wanna threaten you and I also don't wanna discourage you, but you wouldn't be the first wrestler who's career ends after she has faces me, or who ends up on a stretcher after this match is over. So be smart and think about it. Is this moment in the ring, this hope of getting glory more important than your health? I don't think so.
I really don't understand what you wanna prove by coming out to the ring. Do wou feel tough and strong or do you wanna prove something? But whatever it is, don't do it and stay away from me. Go back to your boyfriend, get fucked and get a whole bunch of kids, but don't try it with wrestling. That's nothing for you and I think also these fans don't wanna see you perform in the ring.
Ok, I don't like these stupid fans, but they pay for the shows and so they should get a show. And it should be a good show. So you see it again, there's no room for you at SCW.

Amanda laughs again and downs her drink. Then she orders a new one and downs it too. She has said all the things she wanted to say and so she's in a good mood again. She smiles at Laura and kicks her lips. Then she pays for the drinks and the two leave the bar and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5082

Climax Control Archives / Hopefully a great Comeback
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:40:06 AM »

Hopefully a great Comeback

The last weeks have been pretty stressing for Amanda an also not very successfully. At first she lost her title against Vixen, then her tag titles against the Fallen and also this gender mixed tag match ended with a loss for the tough little bad girl. So her mood really isn't that good and she's pretty frustrated. It's not that she really needs a title for being happy or that this job as a wrestler really means a lot to her, but there's nothing she hates more than losing. At home, when she's together with her love Laura, she's pretty submissive, but in public she's the tough little diva who is used to beat up her opponents in a really vicious way. So this losing streak really goes on her nerves and she desperately thinks about a way to end it, but she has no clue how to manage it. It seems that everything she does goes wrong. Especially this last loss against Odette bothers her. She has trained so hard and she was really good prepared so she thought that she would take the win, but it didn't happen and at the end Odette had wiped the floor with her and, like usually, she looked like a moron and a complete loser again. Maybe, if she wouldn't have been so damn stupid to argue with Jessie, everything would have went different, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut and she got pinned again. It's so damn frustrating and slowly she has enough of all this crap. This constant losing ruins her image as the tough bad girl completely and there's nothing she can do against it. It seems that the other girls are really better in the ring than her and that a main event or even a title match is nothing for her. Probably her time is over and it would be better for her to retire. At least then she wouldn't end up as the laughable moron she is right now. Slowly it becomes so bad that she doesn't even know what to talk about in her promos. Talking about wins and how strong she is is just laughable, because she isn't. She's nothing more than a sore loser and slowly she realizes it and it hurts really bad. At the moment her situation is really bad and if she wouldn't need the money she would already have left this company. Now she thinks for a moment about the whole thing and probably there are better ways to earn money than doing it with wrestling, especially as she really isn't good enough for this company. It makes her sad and she sighs as she wipes a tear out of her face.
But anyway, now she has to find a way to get cheered up again and so she thinks about the different possibilities. She could wait for Laura to come home so that she could have some fun with her, but that would mean that she had to wait a few hours till Laura is finished it's her training. The next possibility would be to call her sister Casey and have a few beer with her, but she had drunk too much the last weeks, so she decides not to call her. So she sits there in her mobile home and her mood even gets worse, but then her phone rings and as she answers it a smile comes into her face.
Besides wrestling Amanda works as a model and because of all her tattoos and her outfit she's mostly booked in some fetish photo shootings. At first she tried it to get some normal shootings too, but there she hasn't been very successful, but as a fetish model she really is. Sometimes she plays the dominatrix, but mostly she is on the receiving end. It seems that there are many people who wants to see this tough girl getting tied up and punished in all ways, especially as she has held many titles in various wrestling companies. So she's really famous and, cocky as she is, she loves all the attention she gets. A few years one of these producers found out that she's really ticklish and made a complete video with her. This video has been a great success in the fetish industry and since then she gets booked for such videos really often. Amanda always has been a bit kinky and she loves such stuff, so it's an easy and fun way for her to earn money and she's always happy when she gets booked.
Now she listens what the producer wants from her and a smile comes into her pretty face. It's some of the usual stuff and so she is pretty sure that she will have her fun and that this would cheer her up a bit. So she gets some really sexy clothes from her locker, leaves a message for Laura to pick her up, for the case that she's too exhausted after her shooting. And then she leaves the house. She hops into her jeep and drives off.
While she drives to the photo studio she thinks about how all this began and it still brings a smile into her face. The whole situation has been so embarrassing, but also fun and so she still has to laugh when she thinks about it.

Damn, I felt so embarrassed, but it has also been so much fun. Hehe, I'm really a freak, but a cute and sexy one.

While waiting for the traffic lights to turn green again she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply. She shakes her head and has a grin in her face.

Years ago after she has spent a few years in jail she has been looking for a new job. Before she went to jail she had earned her money with selling drugs, but now she is on probation and so this isn't possible anymore. The risk of spending the next years in jail is too big and so she must find something legal. Amanda hasn't spent much time in school and fighting is all she has learned and so she has signed into a wrestling company to make it legally. But it has been the beginning of her career and so she hasn't earned much money. But life is expensive and so she had asked in some modeling agencies whether anybody has a job for her. This didn't bring her anything, but then she received a call that there was a photographer who wants to make a bondage video with her. At first she hasn't been really convinced to do such a thing, but then she thought it could be fun to give it a try. Being really nervous she arrived there and then the story began. The photographer told her that she didn't had much to do. She only had to get stripped and then there would be another model who would tie her up and she had to do would be to struggle and squirm and to look sexy. It sounded pretty easy for Amanda and so she agreed to do it. The other girl, a stunning blond, explained her everything and then she began to tie Amanda up in various ways. It didn't take very long and Amanda became more relaxed and at the end she even liked it. Her partner was nice and friendly and the photographer too and so they really had a great time. After about an hour the photo shooting came to an end, but the producer wanted to make a last scene with Amanda in a hogtie and a ball gag in her mouth. In this position she should struggle and squirm a bit and then it would be over and she would get her money. For Amanda it has been ok and so the girl tied Amanda's hands behind her back. Then she took another piece of rope and her knees and ankles got tied too. At the end her ankles got tied to her knees and now she was completely helpless. The photographer filmed everything and was pretty satisfied. Then he mentioned that Amanda had really cute and pretty little feet and he suggested that the girl should tie Amanda's big toes together too and so she took a shoe lace and tried her luck. But,ticklish as Amanda is, the first touch at her feet made her giggle and as the girl moved the shoe lave between her toes to tie them up, Amanda was really laughing and screaming. The producer and the other model looked at each other and they smiled as they got a new idea. They asked Amanda whether she wants to earn some more money and whether she was willing to stay here for another hour and get tickled a bit more.
Ok, it has been a bit torturous, but Amanda always had liked it to get her feet tickled and so she agreed, especially as it will bring her pretty much more money and so the fun began. After a while the other girl was finished with tying up her toes and then she began to rake her sharp nails over the bottoms of Amanda's feet and immediately the tough little girl was laughing. This went on for a pretty long time, but they increased it as the girl began to run her fingers under and in between Amanda's cute toes. Within seconds Amanda was completely hysterical and so the girl continued for several minutes to drive her crazy. Mandy tried to curl her toes, but the girl poured baby oil over her feet so that they became totally slippery and then she continued her torture. After a few minutes she took a hairbrush and began to brush Mandy's poor helpless foot bottoms and now Amanda really freaked out. She laughed herself almost to death and this went on for the rest of the hour until her foot bottoms were all pink and tears were running down her cheeks.
Then the hour was over and they untied her. The other girl hugged her and held her close till Amanda has recovered a bit. She has been completely embarrassed, but what made her really a bit nervous was the fact that she still had enjoyed this ordeal and that she has cum a few times. Now they payed her and made her an offer to do such a shooting again and Amanda agreed. Now she left and her career as a fetish model has began.

Now the traffic lights turn back to green and Amanda continues her drive to her photo shooting. Half an hour later she arrives there and shuts off the engine of her jeep. She gets out of the car and enters the studio. After a small talk to the producer he tells her that he wants to make a small film where she plays the villain who gets arrested and interrogated. Amanda likes the idea, especially as she will play the bad girl and after getting her money it begins. The whole filming goes for more than two hours where Amanda gets tied up in different positions, spanked and tickled till she almost wets herself. But eventually it's over. She's completely worn out and tired, but like usually she had had her fun too. She really loves her work.
Now she says good bye to the producer and the others and leaves the studio. Still a bit tired and with wobbling knees she goes to her car and starts it. But before she drives off she takes her cell phone and gives her younger sister Casey a call. It's not that she's to tired to drive, but even though she's really exhausted, she's so full of energy.

Hey Casey, I hope you have some time. It would be awesome if we could meet for a drink.

They talk for a few moments and then Amanda puts away her cell phone. She starts the engine if her car and drives to a coffee shop that isn't too far away from her home. As she arrives there she sees Casey's bike already standing there and enters the coffee shop. After giving Casey a hug and a kiss she sits down and orders some coffee for them.

So what's up big sis? Any problems in that wrestling company you're in or do you just need someone to cheer you up or to entertain you a bit?

Amanda laughs a bit as she hears Casey's comment. Like usually Casey's good mood is infecting and Amanda smiles at her sister. Then she begins to talk.

Nah, no problems, I'm fine. I just needed someone to talk. Ok, I admit that the last weeks haven't been so good for me, but that doesn't bother me too much. Haha, and today I had a really cool photo shooting.

Already knowing what kind of photo shooting it has been Casey starts to laugh and winks at her sister. She knows her really good and knows how kinky Amanda is, so it must be one of these fetish things.

Haha, I can imagine. Some of this bondage stuff and prolly they tickled you till you almost wet yourself. If it has been this then I bet that you had your fun.

They both laugh and Amanda blushes a bit, but she nods. It's not that she's really ashamed of the things she does, but it makes her feel a bit strange that almost everybody knows it.

And with your losing streak we can do something. You know that I made MMA in the past and that I'm pretty good. So maybe we should train a bit together. I know that you usually take Laura as you partner, and I don't say that this isn't good, but maybe it helps a bit to change the coach for a while. I know some really nasty submission moves and my punches and kicks are pretty hard too, so fighting me might help you.

Amanda thinks about this offer and after taking a sip of her coffee she nods. Casey is the younger one, but she's really muscular and very strong and her fighting skills are really good. She had tried her luck with wrestling too, but she never liked it.for her it has been too boring and so she started to do MMA. There she has been pretty successful, but after an injury at her shoulder she had stopped it and now she works as a bouncer in a local nightclub. Amanda doesn't know what else she does to earn her money and she never asked her. In some way she thinks that it's better if she doesn't know it. But whatever Casey does, Amanda loves her and she is happy that she has her sister.

Well, maybe you're right and I should give it a try. I think right now I'm a bit to tired, but maybe this evening we could meet at the gym.

Casey raises an eyebrow as she hears this. It seems that she doesn't like the thought of meeting at the gym and that she has other ideas. She likes it to fight and also to train for it, but a gym is just too boring, a fight in public, with the risk of getting arrested, is so much more fun.

Why meet at the gym? We could do it as a street fight. That's more fun and with less rules. I think that's exactly what you need. Look, you play the bad girl in your company and so you should act like a mean bitch. So fights without rules are exactly your thing.

Casey is right and Amanda knows this, so there's nothing much to say, but she still doesn't like the idea of facing her sister in a fight without rules. She hesitates for a moment, but then she agrees.

I would agree to what you just suggested, but I don't like the thought of facing you in such a match. I don't want that any of us gets really hurt or injured. You're my sis and I love you. So I would say that we do it this evening at the beach. At least nobody will get smashed at the concrete. And we are alone there, so there's no chance that we get arrested. You know that I really don't need it to end up in jail again.

Even though Casey sees this a bit different she nods and Amanda smiles, happy that this problem is solved now.

And one more thing. I know that you use submission moves. But tickling me into submission isn't allowed. Is that ok?

Casey laughs out, knowing that this will bring her the win, but she nods. Now the two spend the rest of the day with drinking coffee and talking about wrestling and making a party after Amanda's next win.
A few hours later, it becomes already dark, they leave the coffee shop and drive to Amanda's mobile home that is directly at the beach. Amanda switches on the lights of her car, so that they have some light for their fight and then they get ready. They kick off their shoes and lock up. Then Amanda attacks with a few quick jabs, but Casey can block them.bow it's Casey's turn for an attack with a hard kick, but knowing how strong her sister is, Amanda is carefully and sucks away. But she takes her chance and kicks away Casey's legs. Now she attacks with an elbow drop, but that's no major problem for the stronger Casey. She grabs Amanda and has her in a bear hug on the ground, but Amanda manages it to break free by giving Casey a hard headbut. Then she jumps up, but Casey gets up too. Glaring at eachother they both wait who will attack next, and this time it's Casey. She goes directly for Amanda's legs and throws her down. Then she tries to get her in an ankle lock, but Mandy manages it to kick her in the face so that Casey lets her go. Now Amanda is up again and attacks with another kick that is blocked by Casey. The fight goes on for a pretty long time and they're both really exhausted, but the stronger Casey manages it to get Amanda into an arm bar and forcing her down to her knees. But Amanda doesn't give up, she reaches to the ground, gets a hand full of sand and throws it into Casey's eyes. So Casey lets her go and tries to get the sand out of her eyes. In the meantime Amanda is up, grabs Casey and knocks her down with a stunner. Then she goes for the pin and makes the three count. Casey is still a bit dizzy, bit really soon she realizes what has happened and growls.

Damn, it really seems that I underestimated you. You're really good in fighting dirty.

They both laugh and Amanda holds out her hand to help Casey up. Casey takes it, but instead of getting up, she pulls the smaller Amanda down to her. After a short brawl she has Amanda where she wants to have her, in a figure four leg lock.

But me too, haha ...

She applies some pressure, but not enough to make Amanda submit. But then she tickles Amanda's foot and within seconds the tiny diva laughs and submits. Then Casey lets her go and they both get up again.

Damn, that was mean and against the rules.

But Casey only shrugs while she lights a cigarette.

It has been a street fight, so there were no rules. But anyway, I think we could need a drink now. I got it really bad with your finisher, so I deserve one.

Amanda winks at her sister and giggles lightly. Then she gets some wood and some gasoline and lights a fire. In the meantime Casey gets them some beer from the house and then they sit down at the campfire. It's still pretty warm and so it's a nice evening. The two sisters spend their time with drinking and talking and they both have their fun. In the meantime it's pretty late in the evening, Casey and Amanda are already a bit drunk, but in a really good mood, and eventually Laura comes home from her working out at the gym. She looks at the mobile home, but there are no lights, but eventually she sees the campfire and now she knows where Amanda is. She walks down to the beach and joins the two at their little party.

Hey guys, everything ok?

She kisses Amanda lovingly on the lips and gives Casey a hug, then she sits down besides them. Amanda hands her a beer and now she wants to know what Amanda has done, cause she didn't come to the gym this day. Amanda looks at her girlfriend and sneers.

What should I have done? I did what every loser does, whining, complaining and thinking about what to do to make it better.

Laura wants to interrupt her and tell her that she is no loser, but Amanda shuts her up by raising her hand.

Don't say anything, I know exactly what I am and your nice words can't change it. I'm not stupid and I have already realized that I can't take a single win in this company. For a long time I didn't wanna see it, but now I do and it seems that the others are really better than me. Shit, I need a new job, that's better for me and my health.

Laura wants to protest, but again Amanda doesn't let her speak.

But don't worry about it. I can deal with it and I can live with it. It hurts a bit, but it's not the end of days. You wanted to know what I did today and I'll tell you. At first I had had some depressions and I needed something to cheer me up. So I went to that photo shooting and it has been so much fun. And not only this, I got so much more money than for getting beaten up in the ring.

She sneers again.

You must know that they don't pay me very good after all these losses, but the producer of these fetish films does. So it's really time to change the job. It brings more money, it makes more fun and it's better for my health than getting beaten up all the time.
But you wanted to know what else I have done. I wanted to join you at the gym, but I met Casey and we did a little hardcore match at the beach. I don't know whether I'll need this training, cuz I really think about retiring from wrestling, but there's one last thing I wanna do before I go.

Again Amanda pauses and this time nobody interrupts her. Both, Casey and Laura, are really curious to her what Amanda has in mind.

And this is to give Jessie the beating up of her life. After all that crap she had said about me and after costing me the win, she really deserves it. I don't wanna say that I would have won against Odette, cuz I have to admit that she's really the better wrestler, but if Jessie wouldn't have distracted me everything might have went a bit different. Instead of yelling at her I would have pinned Oddette and maybe then I wouldn't look like the complete loser. Well, maybe then my career wouldn't end so soon.

Both, Laura and Casey, look at her.

Do you really wanna quit wrestling? Ok, there are better wrestlers in this company, but you aren't too bad. I think giving up isn't a good idea and you'll regret it one day.

But Amanda shakes her head. She knows what she wants and it's pretty clear that she won't change her mind again.

I won't regret it and I will retire really soon, but I'll give it a last chance. I know that this slut Jessie wants me in a match for some reason and she will get her match. There we will see how it ends. If I take the win against her, then I might stay a little bit longer, but if I'll lose again, then I'll retire and it will have been my last match. And don't tell me that I shall think about it, cuz I won't change my mind again.
I don't even wanna do this last match, but in some way I think I have to do it. Jessie ran her mouth about me, she has beaten me up a few times and now she has cost me a win again and for this she will have to pay. At least I'll try to make her pay. And if I don't have success then I really know that I'm to stupid and to weak for doing this job properly and then I'll take the consequences and leave.
By the way, I don't think that anybody will miss me or even be sad.

Amanda sighs and takes a big sip from her beer. Than she lights a cigarette while Casey opens a new beer for her.

Well, and there's another reason why I wanna fuck her up. Everybody knows that I can't beat Odette and that I won't have a chance for getting my revenge. But I know that Jessie is one of Odette's friends and so I'll try it with her. I don't know whether I'll be successfully, but at least I could give it a try and I think against Jessie my chances will be a lil bit better than against her fucking friend. So it's worth to give it a try.
Ok, beating Jessie won't be such a satisfaction as beating Odette, but it'll be better than nothing. At least it'll be a little revenge and I ok now that it'll bother Odette. And the best thing is that she won't have a chance to get me back,cuz I won't face her again. When I lose I gone and when I win, then I won't be so stupid again to step in the same ring again with this bitch. Haha, I might be a loser, but I'm no moron.

But now Laura interrupts her.

But then everybody will think that you're a coward and that you're scared.

Amanda smears again. She knows that Laura is right, but she couldn't care less. She absolutely doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks about her. Especially not now anymore.

You know what? I don't give a fuck. Shall they think what they want, I don't care anymore. Oh, and I think that they already think that I'm a coward, but who cares? Not me. These fucking fans never liked me and I don't like them too and the same counts for the rest of these idiots that are running around in this company. Yes, I condemn them and when you ask me, then I would say that they all shall go to hell. Haha, and the first who go to hell should be these sluts from NXT. God damn, I hate them so fucking much and I really wish that they would just disappear from earth. No that would be too nice for them. I wanna see them suffer like never before in their fucking life.

Amanda growls. Slowly she comes in rage again. She knows that it's so idiotic cuz she will get her ass kicked again, but she can't help it. Like usually all this trash talking makes her so aggressive, but thanks god this will be over soon. As soon as she leaves this company she will be the nice and friendly girl again and hopefully then there will be also some people who like her. At the beginning of her career she really has loved these fights, but now she's tired and it only goes on her nerves. It's no fun anymore, it becomes too much for her and her health isn't as good anymore as it used to be. But what she hates most is having all these useless aggressions and she looks forward to get rid of them.

Ok, I think I got it. I know what you want now. But what do you do if your next match isn't against Jessie? It could also be against someone else. Nobody knows what these stupid bosses have in mind.

Amanda shrugs. It seems that she doesn't care much. She wants Jessie, but knowing that all this will be over soon, she also would face someone else.

Well, then I kick a few more asses before I go.

She still seems to be pretty much in rage, but emotional as she is, her mood changes. She remembers what else happened at the last show and she swallows hard. Her lips tremble and a tear runs down her cheek.

At least I hope that I can kick some asses. At the moment I'm not even sure how I should manage it to go out there. Damn, the last time has been so awfully and these fucking fans have been so mean. All these insults, calling me loser and throwing trash at me. And then all the mean stuff Jessie said about me. It has been so humiliating. I wish I were dead ...

The petite girl covers her eyes with her hands and starts to sob. Now Laura and Casey put their arms around her and hug her, trying to comfort her a bit.

Aww, don't be sad. Just ignore all these morons and show them what you can do in the ring.

But Amanda isn't convinced and still sobs.

But that's the problem, I don't know what I can do in the ring ..besides losing.

Amanda covers her eyes again and her sobbing becomes more again. Her whole body shivers and it takes a while till she is able to speak again. She wipes her tears away and looks at the two people she loves most.

It's not only that I can't take a win, now these motherfuckers have also banned me from all title matches and I don't even know for how long. Shit, they're so fucking square. All this only because of a few joints and a failed drug test. That's so fucking mean and I don't deserve it to be treated like this. Don't they know that they ruin my career?

Its not that Amanda is that good so that she could take part in a title match, but not having the chance to do it really hurts her. She hates such an injustice and it doesn't only make her sad, it also makes her angry.

They treat me like one of these fucking rookies. Ok, I am not the best wrestler in that company and I'm no champion, but I'm no rookie. They have no right too ruin my career in such a crappy way. I'm no 16 years old girl whom they can boss around. I'm a 28 years old woman and I know what I do.

But now Laura interrupts her.

And that's exactly the problem. I always told you to stop that crap with these drugs. It's bad for your health, for everything and now you see what it brings you.

Casey has been quiet for most of the time, but now she stops Laura.

Wait, don't put her down even more. I think all this is already bad enough and we shouldn't blame Amanda. It's not only her fault that nobody in this stupid company likes her. By the way, I think drugs aren't too bad. I also like a lil joint from time to time.

Amanda nods and also Laura does so, even though she doesn't like it. But then Laura checks her nails on her phone and then she turns back to Mandy, a broad s Ike in her face.

Ok, lets forget all this drug stuff. I've just received a mail with the new match card. You will be in team Eric and you and Necra will face Karina and Jessie. I think that this will be a great chance that you're no loser. Against Karina you've won before and so you can do it again and facing Jessie should make you happy after all the trouble you two had in the past.

Amanda is still a bit down, but the thought of such a match makes her feel a bit better again. Now she can even smile again. She lights a cigarette and looks at the two.

Well, that's at least a good news. It's right, Karina I've faced before and it hasn't been that hard to defeat her. I'm pretty sure that I can win against her again and not only this, I'll wipe the floor with her. I've seen all her matches in the last weeks and it hasn't been very impressive, so it doesn't look too good for team SCW. Haha, how could they put such a loser in their team? That's more than stupid.

She drags at her cigarette and inhales deeply. It seems that the old Amanda is back and that she begins to think positive again.

And about facing Jessie I'm really happy. After all what has happened between is, especially the last week, it's really time to get her in a match. Well, I had hoped that it would be for the title, but at least I'll get the chance to prove that I should be the champion.

She smiles in a mean way and it's pretty clear that she likes this thought.

It's now the third time that I have cost her the win and this time she even lost the title because of me. Now some people might say that I'm a bit stupid, cuz it's my fault that she lost her title, but I'm not. Ok, normally it should have been a title match when I face her alone in a singles match, but I'm banned from any title matches anyway and so it doesn't matter.
So I think it's the ultimate humiliation for her. First the loss of the title because of me and then another loss in this tag match. Haha, team SCW will really look bad and Jessie should think about retiring. Slowly she should realize that she doesn't has a chance in this company. I might be a loser or a relic, but she's even worse.
Yay, this will be an awesome match and a great show that I'm still here and that it's still dangerous to face me in the ring. Especially with Necra at my side nothing can go wrong. I've faced her so often and I know exactly how good and strong she is. And now after she became my friend it's so awesome to have her as my partner in this match. In the past she scared me and I have been really worried that she could kick my ass, but now I'm happy to have her in my team. It will be a glorious win for team Eric and nothing and nobody will be able to stop us.

Laura nods as she hears this.

That's the right spirit Mandy. And there's another thing you might like. The show will be in Peru. I thought that's the country from whee guinea pigs come. And I think you love these animals.

Now Amanda jumps up and claps her hands. She really loves these cute little animals and besides her mobile home she has a small cot with a few of them. She has no children and so these little animals are like children for her and she huddles them whenever she has the time for doing this.

Yay, that's really awesome. Lets go there as fast as possible. Maybe I can get a few more.

But then something else comes into her mind and she looks a bit sad.

But I think they eat them there. That's so damn mean to eat such cute animals.

Now it's Casey's turn to look a bit puzzles.

Why does that bother you? Here they eat rabbits and they're cute too.

Amanda growls and playfully punches her sister.

That's completely different, no civilized person eats guinea pigs. They're for getting huddled and loved and not for getting cooked. You're a sadist Casey. But now lets go insides and book a flight. I wanna get there as soon as possible, so I'll have the chance to save as many of these little animals as possible.

She smiles and points at the cot besides her mobile home.

I think here will be enough room for a lot more of them.

They all laugh about the cute Amanda, but it's in a friendly and lovingly way. Then they all stand up and go back to the mobile home to book their flights to Peru, but not before making a stop at the cot with all the guinea pigs. Amanda enters the cot and kneels down and the small animals come over to her so that she can feed and huddle them. Now the dark haired girl has such a happy smile in her face and she feels so wonderful. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6556

Climax Control Archives / Destroying her worst Opponent
« on: March 11, 2013, 04:24:27 AM »

Destroying her worst enemy

The last weeks really could have been better for Amanda. After her short winning streak she lost in that mixed tag match and now she even lost her titles against the Fallen. It's understandable that the proud little diva is more frustrated. She really tried everything, but it seems that everything went wrong and so she left the ring as the desperate loser again.
Ok, normally Amanda can live with a loss, but losing a title always hurts and so she's really sad. She thinks about what to do and about her goals in this company, but at the moment she has no idea what to do. In some way she doubts that she will get a rematch, but even if she gets one, she doesn't want to face the Fallen again. This beating up really has been too frustrating and she doesn't want to get a new one again. So the chance of getting the tag titles again isn't too big.
The next possibility would be to go for the bombshells title again, but even if she would qualify, she still had to face Odette, Vixen or Misty and that's prolly as worse as facing the Fallen.
So it doesn't look really good for her and its pretty hard to decide what to do. Now Amanda sits in her huge mobile home and looks out of the window. From her window she can see the ocean and the high waves, so for a moment she thinks about going surfing to calm down again. But in some way she isn't in the mood for surfing and so she sits down on a bench and growls. It's really boring and she doesn't feel good, so she takes some tobacco and some marihuana and roles a joint. She lights it and inhales deeply, keeping the smoke insides hit lounges as long as possible. It doesn't take long and she gets stoned and this makes her feel a bit better, even though she still is frustrated.

Shit, that whole thing slowly gets on my nerves.

She growls as she drags at her joint again. Then she stands up and steps out of her mobile home. Even though it's already pretty late in the afternoon Amanda still is only dressed in her sleep shirt. As she steps into the hot sand she shrieks and jumps. Then she hurts over to a deck chair, tucks up her legs and rubs her burning feet.

Fuck, why is it so fucking hot?

Trying to avoid to step into the hot sand again, she sits on her deck chair and drags at her joint again. She leans back and relaxes a bit, while she looks at the ocean and watches the waves become higher and higher. Again she thinks about surfing, but that joint had made her pretty tired. So she just sits there and dozes a bit, but in some way it isn't as relaxing as usually. She wishes that Laura would be here to cheer her up, knowing that Laura would know something to do to make her happy, but sadly Laura is at the gym to let off some steam. So Amanda is all alone and has to deal with her problems alone. She drags at her joint again and sighs.

I really don't know what I make wrong here. At first everything looks good and I win these fucking titles, but then I can't defeat them. It happened with this fucking bombshells title and now with the tag titles. In some way it looks like I'm to stupid or not good enough to hold a title for a longer time. Shit, this hurts and I don't wanna be a fucking loser.

Now it drives the tears into her eyes and she sniffles. She really wishes that she wouldn't be alone or that Laura would be here with her. At least then she would have someone to talk. But before her mood gets even worse, she hears the revving of some bikes and curious as she is she looks up. The bikes stop in front of her mobile home and then she sees that it's her sister Casey and some of her friends. They wave at Amanda and then Amanda sees that they brought some beers and other stuff with them. They come over to Amanda and Casey kisses her sister on the cheek. Then she sits down on the bottom end of the deck chair and gives Amanda a beer.
Casey is Amanda's younger sister and she has tried her luck to with wrestling, but she never liked it. She prefers MMA and she is also pretty successful, especially with the mma school she owns. Now she looks at Amanda and she sees immediately that Amanda doesn't feel good. She smiles at her sister.

Hey, don't worry too much. I have seen your match and you haven't been that bad. Everybody loses from time to time, that happens, even though I must admit that it hurts when it's in a title match. But I know you, you'll get a new title soon and everything will be ok again.

Amanda nods, but she still isn't convinced. She takes a big sip from her beer and growls.

Maybe, maybe not. At the moment I'm not so sure. I feel like a complete loser who gets beaten up by everybody and that's no nice feeling.

Casey takes the joint from Amanda and drags at it, then she gives it to one of her friends. Then she downs her beer.

Nah, that's not true. When I remember it right, then you're the one who kicks asses and it's not often that you're on the receiving end. Haha, at least as long as nobody tickles you into submission, but I don't think that this happens too often in the ring.

Amanda laughs a bit because Casey's good mood is really infecting. She looks at her sister and shakes her head.

Thanks god it doesn't happen in the ring.

Casey smirks at her sister. Even though she's two years younger than Amanda she always has been bigger and stronger as her bigger sister and so Mandy mostly lost when the two came in trouble, especially as Casey never had remorse to take advantage from Amanda's weakness. She tickled her older sis till she was a mess and even longer. But now she doesn't has anything mean in mind and only wants to cheer Amanda up.
But Amanda is suspicious, especially as Casey sits at the bottom end of the deck chair. So Amanda tucks up her legs to bring some distance between her feet and her sister.

But lets come back to the reason why we are here. I thought that you need some cheering up and what's better than a good surf?

But Amanda shakes her head. Sometimes she can be really stubborn, so Casey tries something else.

Well, then lets go swimming. You're already half naked, so you can just hop into the water.

But Amanda also doesn't want to swim and slowly Casey becomes a bit impatient. She roles her eyes.

Hey, do you really think we came here all the way and watch you how you complain about everything. Forget this fucking match and let's have some fun. Ok, this is your last chance, I'll give you a nice foot massage and then we go surfing. Deal?

But she doesn't wait for Amanda's answer. Instead she grabs her by her ankles and places her feet into her lap, while her friends get the surf boards and the wet suits. Then she massages Amanda, knowing exactly that this will help her sister to feel better and within a few minutes Amanda smiles again.

Why did I know that this helps?

Amanda has this happy smile in her face and as Casey pours some sun lotion over her feet and continues the massage, Amanda crows and purrs.

It's prolly cuz you're my sister and you know me for such a long time. So you should know what I like. And prolly you're right. Maybe I'm not so bad and it has just been bad luck. But it still goes on my nerves. And it's not only this fucking match that bothers me, there are some more things. First there's this trouble with this slut Jessie. She does her best to bother me and to ruin my matches. And then there's Necra. I did my best to get her with my lil voodoo ceremony, but in some way it backfired. I thought that she would get a crush on Amy, but all what happened was that I got almost seduced by her. At the moment there really does too much wrong. I'll really have to change something.

Casey laughs a bit as she hears this.

She seduced you? You must tell me.

Amanda thinks for a moment and then she continues.

There didn't happen much. I met her before our match and talked to her. It's not that I love her, but I really wanted her as a friend and during our match I had remorse to hurt her. Damn, I didn't even get mad at her as she insulted Laura and this really worries me.

Now Casey giggles.

Aww, Mandy's in live.

Amanda looks at her younger sister and kicks her playfully, but the stronger Casey grabs her by her ankles and traps them between her legs.

You shouldn't have done that especially as you know how it could end.

She continues to massage Amanda, but Casey wouldn't be Casey if she wouldn't have something mean in mind. She really loves her sister, but teasing her is just too much fun and she never can resist.

We came here to have some fun and exactly this we will have now.

Casey winks at her friends who killed the time with drinking beer and smoking weed. Pretty fast two of them grab Amanda by her wrists and hold her down while Casey still has her ankles trapped between her legs. With a wicked smile in her face she begins to run her sharp nails over Amanda's sensitive foot bottoms and Mandy laughs hysterically. She struggles, but her friends hold her down and so she has no chance to get away. Casey really knows her sister and so she begins to run her fingers under and in between Amanda's cute toes. Mandy curls and wiggles them, but it doesn't help and Casey has no intention to stop, even though Amanda already is a sweaty mess.
After a pretty long time Amanda is already almost delirious, but they all have their fun to terrorize the dark haired beauty and also Amanda enjoys herself. But then a car stops in front of the mobile home and Laura climbs out of it. She approaches the group and Casey smiles at her, but she doesn't stop tickling Mandy.

Hey guys, what goes on here?

Amanda sees her love and hopes that she will rescue her.

Hehe, thanks god you're here, they torture me. Please help me or I pee my pants.

Casey ignores Amanda's begging and now she focuses on Amanda's cute toes while she smirks at Laura.

What goes on here? Well we came here for going surfing, but Mandy's in a bad mood and doesn't want. So we try to convince her. And what about you?

Please stop it ...mercy
>The whole situation is really too funny and Laura laughs a bit. She sees that it's pretty torturous for Amanda, but also that Mandy seems to like it. So she doesn't interfere.

I just came out of the gym and wanted to take a nap, but going surfing sounds fun. I'm a little bit tired, but maybe a bit later. I think I'll make a little rest, maybe two hours, and then we all go surfing. This way I can relax and you guys have some more time to convince Mandy to come with us.

Mandy's eyes widen in horror.

Two hours? I'll be dead when you come back. Please ...lemme go

But it's too late and Laura already went back to the mobile home and Casey and her friends have no intention to stop their fun.
Two hours later Amanda is completely wrecked and Laura comes back. She wears already her wet suit and in one hand she has Amanda's.

Ok guys, time to let her go. The waves are waiting.

Casey and her friends let Amanda go and even though the petite diva is really exhausted and her sides hurt from all this laughing, she kicks Casey and jumps up. Then she runs into the direction of the shore. Casey and her friends follow her, but they are to slow and Amanda has already reached the water. She turns around and laughs cheery.

Try to get me if you can you morons, haha

Even though she still wears her sleep shirt, she jumps into the water and starts swimming. Casey and her friends come to the water too. They are still completely clothed, but they don't care and follow Amanda, trying to get her again.
They are all a bit childish and Laura shakes her head while she watches them play around. She shrugs and then she brings the surfboards and wetsuits down to the water. The others are playing around in the water, but as Laura gives them a sign they come back to the beach and get rid of their wet clothes. It doesn't take long and they are all dressed in their wet suits. Everybody grabs a surfboard and now the group spends the rest of the day with riding the waves.
A few hours later they come back to the beach and as they got rid of their wetsuits Amanda lights a campfire while Laura gets them some more beer and now the party begins. Even though Amanda's mobile home isn't far a way, they all sleep at the beach. Everybody is in his sleeping bag and pretty soon it becomes quiet.
The next morning they all have breakfast together and then Casey and the rest of the gang leave. Now only Laura and Mandy are left and the two think about what to do. Laura suggests some training and Amanda prefers doing nothing and so they begin to argue again.

Damn, no training again. We have such a nice weather, so we could really do something else.

She laughs a bit.

And I think I did enough for my stamina yesterday. Haha, my sis tickled me till I was completely out of breath and then this surfing all day. I think that really should be enough for this week. C'mon, lets do something else. And I should repair my bike.

Against this Laura doesn't has to say anything. So she drives to the gym and Amanda goes back to her mobile home. It doesn't take long and she gets dressed in an old and tattered jeans, a small tank top and some flip flops. Then she takes all the stuff she needs for repairing her Harley and leaves the house again. Amanda is pretty good in repairing engines, but this time it seems to be a bit more complicated and she has no much success. She could bring her bike to a garage, but she's to proud to give up.
It's the same as with everything in her life. When she has started something she never gives up until she has success. And this brings her back to her lost match and she growls. She stands up and goes back to her mobile home to get a beer. Then she goes back to her Harley. But before she continues to repair it, she takes a deep sip of her beer. Then she roles a marihuana cigarette and lights it. Laura doesn't like smoking weed, but she's far away at the gym and Amanda can do whatever she wants.

Ok, one title is gone, but that doesn't mean anything. I can try it again or I can go for a new one. That's not the end of days. And to be honest, who needs a title?

Amanda drags at her joint and sneers. She never took all these things here seriously, but she hates it to lose and also to look weak in the ring. Success isn't everything for her, but she loves it to play the bad girl and so being weak or looking like a loser isn't allowed.

At least I don't need one. The only thing that really pisses me off is that they all say that I only got it cuz Laura gave it to me and now I wasn't able to defeat it. That really lets me look like a loser and that's a thing I really don't like. So it seems that I'll have to make a complete new start again, but that's not really new to me and I'm used to it. So we will have to see what comes next. I could try to get the tag titles back, but I could also try my luck with a few singles matches.

Now she sits down besides her bike. She drags at her joint again and with her free hand she rubs her bare toes that slowly became a bit cold. She could have put on some shoes, but she loves it to run around barefoot and to show her pretty feet with the nice tattoo on one of them.

And the best start would be to get that fucking slut Jessie I to a match. Slowly I'm getting sick of getting beaten up by her. Losing a title is crap, but getting beaten up outsides the ring is even worse. And for my taste it happened a bit too often the last weeks. Fuck, I'm the heel here and so I shouldn't be on the receiving end. But anyway, that will change soon. They will all see what happens when we get the power here in this company. Then they'll regret that they pissed me off so much.

She growls a bit, but all in all she isn't too frustrated anymore because of her loss. The thought of her team being the stronger one and of Erik becoming the boss at scw is really temptingly. Still with the joint in her mouth she continues to work on her Harley.

But whatever happens, the next matches will be better. I'll be back and I'll be stronger than ever before. I don't know whether they'll gimme a title match again, but whatever they do, I'll fuck up everybody whom they throw I to my way. I'll show them all that I'm the most dangerous wrestler in this company.

Her work is almost done and the petite girl stands up. She looks at her bike and is really curious whether she had success or not. Then she tries to start the engine and it works. Amanda jumps and crows. After listening to the sound of her bike for a few minutes she shuts it off again and brings all the tools back into the garage. Then she slowly goes back to her trailer home. Her hands and feet are all dirty and she even has oil in her pretty face. As she sees the mess she starts to laugh. Then she enters the small bathroom and fills the tub. She gets rid of her dirty clothes and steps into the hot water. Then she takes some soap and a brush and begins to clean her dirty hands. As she tries to continue with her feet she shrieks. It tickles her and so she gives it up. Now she closes her eyes and dozes a bit, so that she doesn't hear that Laura came back. Laura looks at her girlfriend and shakes her head. She can't believe that Mandy is already high so early in the afternoon.

Are you high again?

Amanda opens her eyes and laughs in a sassy but cute way. She is high and she knows that Laura doesn't like it, but at the moment she doesn't care. She will pay for it later, but right now she only feels good and relaxed.

Yes, a lil bit, but my bike is running again. So we can make a lil trip soon.

Laura doesn't like it to see her love like this, but she must admit that Mandy looks so sexy, all naked in the tub. She smiles and then she takes a washing glove and the shower gel, ready to help Mandy getting clean again..

At least one good thing. So let me help you to get clean.

Carefully she starts to wash Amanda and as she runs her hands over Amanda's slippery and soft skin the dark haired girl starts to moan. Especially as Laura takes care for her breasts and her privates Amanda becomes a bit louder. But Laura still is a bit pissed cuz Amanda took drugs again. It's really time to teach her a lesson.

Ok, and now lets try to get those feet clean too.

Amanda enjoys herself so much so that she doesn't suspect anything. She lifts up her legs so that Laura can take care for them. And now Laura pours some shower gel over her legs and feet and rubs them gently so that Amanda moans again. Especially as she runs her fingers under and in between Amanda's cute toes the dark haired girl really goes wild. She purrs and moans and it really turns her on. Her eyes are closed again and she really loves it, but then Laura gets a wicked smile into her face.

It seems that this here doesn't work properly, but I have another idea, haha ..

She reaches besides her and picks up the brush. She knows exactly how ticklish her love is and that it will almost kill her, but she can't resist. It's just too much Finn to see the cute Amanda laugh and squirm.

Even though I think that it's more than you can stand.

Now she traps Amanda's ankles under one arm like in a headlock while she starts to brush the bottoms of her petite feet. Amanda's skin is so sensitive and after being in the warm water for such a long time it's even worse. The thousands of small bristles run over each spot of her feet simultaneous and it tickles like hell, so that Amanda laughs hysterically. Desperately she taps on the edge of the tub, but Laura isn't willing to let her go. Mandy deserves this little punishment and she looks so cute and sexy. So Laura continues till Mandy's feet are really clean, but even then she doesn't stop it. Amanda's face is red from all that laughing, tears are running down her cheeks and her sides begin to hurt and her poor foot bottoms are pink from the hard brushing. Laura has a sadistic smile in her face and continues to terrorize her poor friend. After more than 30 minutes she eventually shows mercy and lets Amanda's feet go. Still completely out of breath and hysterical Amanda pulls them back and looks at Laura.

So you learned your lesson?

Even though Amanda is completely wrecked, she giggle and winks at Laura. The whole treatment has been really torturous for the petite girl, but like usually it turned her on. Her cute feet are really one of her most erogenous body parts, right after her boobs and her pussy. Her smile becomes lasciviously and she licks her lips, so that her tongue piercing becomes visible.

I think so. But if this is my punishment I'll smoke weed all day, hehe. And you know what happens when you tickle me that brutally?

Laura knows that Amanda is a bit submissive, but this was really meant as punishment, so she's a bit puzzled. Before she can do anything Amanda has grabbed her by her arms and pulls her down into the tub. She kisses Laura and shoves her tongue into her mouth twirling it around. With one hand she holds Laura close while her free hand rips down Laura's clothes. No she runs her fingers over Laura's back, down to her ass and she squeezes it. Her naked bodies rub against each other while they still kiss and they are completely in ecstasy. They explore every spot of their bodies with their fingers, their lips and their tongues and the moaning and screaming becomes louder and louder. It doesn't take very long and they both trash around and the whole bathroom is a mess, but they don't care. They forget everything around them and all that's important is making love.
After it's over they're completely exhausted and put of breath. They dry themselves and then they leave the bathroom.
Half an hour later Laura sits on a deck hair in front of the mobile home, while Amanda lights the barbecue. It's still in the afternoon, but after making love they are both hungry and so Amanda makes them some burgers. In the meantime Laura takes Amanda's iPad and checks her mails. Pretty curious she looks at the one from SCW and then she tells Mandy that she will have to face Odette again. At first Amanda isn't very happy, especially after her first match against Odette has been pretty stressing, but then she shrugs it off.

Well, in some way I knew that this will happen one day. I just hoped that it wouldn't be so early. It's not that I'm not prepared, I'm always prepared, but I still had hoped that I would have some time left before this happens. But anyway, complaining doesn't help me. They made the decision and so I have to live with it. And in some way I'm even happy that it's Odette. Ive faced almost every diva here in this company and only Misty is missing in this list a d I must admit that I would be scared to face Misty. I think she's stronger than me and that it wouldn't have a good ending ....

Laura wants to say something, but Amanda shuts her up by raising her hand. She knows that Laura only wants to help her to think positive, but at the moment she doesn't need it. She's more than confident to take the win in her next match.

You don't have to tell me that I can defeat everybody in this company, cuz I know that it's not true. There are these motherfuckers from the Fallen and there is Misty. But don't worry, it doesn't frustrate me, cuz I don't have to fave them. Misty is in our team, so it's only Odette and Odette I can handle. This fuckin bitch thinks that she's so great, so important, so georgous, but she isn't. I faced her before and I took the win and I can do it again, whenever and wherever I want. This fucking slut can't scare me, I'll wile her away like this ...

Amanda snaps her fingers and laughs out in a dirty way. Then she turns back to the barbecue and brings the burgers to the table. She sits down and they both eat now. Amanda is really relaxed and it seems that noting can worry her. As she has finished her burger she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

Just think of our last match, there Odette really didn't look that great and this time it'll be even worse for her. I really don't know how she can have the guts to try it again against me. Is that courageous or only stupid? If you ask me then I would say it's stupid.
Just think about all the things that happened since we are here at SCW. I've been the women's champion and we've been tag champions and pretty soon I'll have gold again. But what is with Odette? Ok, she had had a few wins here and some of her matches didn't look that great, but die she ever even come near to a title? I think the answer is no. The only chance she had was against me and there she failed. I destroyed her dreams and I will do it again, but this time I won't only destroy her dreams, I will destroy her body, I will end her career.

Amanda laughs again in her sadistic way. It really seems that she enjoys it to have such sadistic and mean thoughts. She looks at her love and winks.

And I have some very special reasons to do this. The first reason is that I really hate this stupid bitch. I hate the way she looks, I hate her behavior and I hate it that the fans love this fucking slut. But that's not all. The other reason is the fact that I offered Eric my help and that we are on his side now and I think Odette is in this fucking team of these fucking good guys. God damn, how much I hate these fucking morons.
I really will give my best to destroy this group of useless morons and Odette will be my first victim. I think this will be a wonderful start of this little war.

Amanda drags at her cigarette again. Slowly she comes in rage. Now she isn't submissive and cute anymore, now she's strong and full of power, just the way the fans see her in the ring..

I don't know why I decided to help Eric, but prolly it's because I don't like all these morons who play the good ones. They always so straight so honorable and so laughable. Haha and it's fun to see how much these fucking fans love them and how disappointed they are when one of their heros receives a beating up. But they slowly should get used to it, cuz I'll take out all these wannabe heroes and Odette will be the first of them who will suffer and who will end up in hospital.

But now Laura interrupts Amanda. She agrees completely with what Amanda has to say, but there's one thing incorrect and Laura hates incorrect things.

Ok, you'll destroy her, but I think with one thing you're wrong. The fans don't love her anymore. I don't know exactly why, but it must have something to do with her behavior and that thing with her lover Gabriel. Or is it her former lover?

Amanda looks a bit puzzled, but then she sneers. She hates all these love stories that are going on at SCW. Romantic stuff never has been her thing and she has no problem with showing what she thinks about such stuff.

Shit, I don't give a fuck whether anybody loves her or not. All I care about is to look for a way to make her suffer. Oh, and one more thing, I don't give a fuck whether she has dumped her lover or not. Damn, who cares about such things? We are in a wrestling company and not in such a soap opera. But sometimes I think that the girls her behave more like these soap starlets. Just look at all these boring love stories, all these wannabe vampires and the rest of this laughable crap. It's stupid and disgusting and one of the most disgusting things was that boring crap between Gabriel and Odette. Haha, it seems that she realized this too, but sadly it's too late for changing anything. Her career will end the same desperate way her fucking relationship did and nothing can prevent this. Shall she dump her lovers or insult her stupid fans. For me it doesn't change anything and in some way for her it didn't change anything too. She tried to show that she's tough and that she can be a bad girl too, it I think she failed completely. She just changed one stupid lover against the next one and I think she will continue to bother us with her boring love stories again. It doesn't make me respect her and it doesn't make me like her. All I can still say about her is that she's a fucking loser and at our match I will show this again. I'll show her what a real bad irk is and what such a bad girl can do in the ring. Haha, this slut is doomed.

Amanda drags at her cigarette again. Then she stands up and walks over to Laura. She smiles at her love and sits down on her lap, putting her hands on Laura's shoulders, looking at her in a really lascivious way. She plays with her tongue piercing again..

You know what? I'm ready for the next round. Hehe, all this talking about violence is such a huge turn on and it makes me so damn horny. Haha ...
Shall they all think that I'm the submissive little girl, but that's a fucking big mistake. I have a sadistic side too and when it comes to fight, then this sadistic side is ruling. Haha, it's to funny that they all realize what I can do in the ring when it's too late.

Amanda winks at Laura and then she continues, coming in a really sadistic mood now.

Well, prolly Odette doesn't underestimate me the same way as all the others do it, but she still thinks that I don't take all this here serious. Prolly she thinks too that I'm more focused on my modeling and my fun with all my friends, but pretty soon she will see that this has been a mistake. Ok, I don't take everything serious, but that doesn't mean that I can't kick asses and her ass will be the next one I kick. It's not that I must have a title to survive and that my career is really important for me, but there's one thing I really hate and this is losing. Yes, I hate it even more that this slut Odette. So this match will be exactly what I want, another win for me and the destroying of the persons I condemn most.
Yes, I hate her, I condemn her and I'll do my best to make her disappear from here. Shall she go to hell.

Amanda bends forward a d their lips meet. The kiss becomes passionately and Amanda presses her petite body against Laura, but then she breaks the kiss again and looks at her love.

But as we talk about hell ....the last time I tried to weaken my opponents with this little voodoo ceremony and sadly it didn't work. I thought about trying it again, but in some way I think it won't be necessary. Against this bitch I can win without the help of the gods. Haha ...

She gets up from Laura's lap and turns around. Now she looks at the barbecue and gives it a really hard kick, so that all the glowing coals are laying on the floor. Amanda stands there and she takes a deep breath. Her eyes are closed and for a moment she doesn't move, but then she opens her eyes again. A smile comes into her face, but it looks like she's in trance. Then she steps forward into the glowing coals. For some reason she doesn't feel any pain and the coals also don't burn her bare feet. She raises her arms and laughs out maniacally.

Yes, I don't need the help of any fucking gods, cuz I AM THE GODDESS and I'll destroy everything that comes into my way and everybody who isn't willing to worship me.

Now Amanda steps out of the glowing coals. Her feet are dirty, but they aren't burnt and nothing is injured. It takes a few seconds and she seems to be normal again. She looks at Laura again and smiles, but this time it's a nice and friendly smile.

You see, there's nothing that can hurt or destroy me. So tell me any reason why I should be worried or scared. I can do whatever I want and whenever I want and I'll have success with it. But anyway, now it's enough with all this crap, I'm a bit tired of talking about losers and I think it's time for having fun again.

The dark haired girl winks at Laura and takes her by her hand. Gently she pulls her up and drags her into the direction of the mobile home, then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6450

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