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Messages - Sam Marlowe

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« on: May 25, 2018, 11:49:26 PM »
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Sam Marlowe’s house.

There is the sound of a rustling in the bushes outside of a rather regular house.  A familiar blonde is standing at the front door yelling at the figure fighting its way through the bushes.  “You have to see if she is there!” exclaims the voice of Pussy Willow who has come off the steps to join the camera man who seems to be stalking towards a window.  Pussy stops him and motions for him to come back.  “She told me I would have her for the day and today I haven’t anything else to interrupt us so we are going to be spending the day with Sam Marlowe and I am going to do this documentary style.  Come on back and let’s get this started…”

The cameraman looks at Pussy and with a shrug, pulls himself out of the bushes with a few muffled curses and ows as he fights past the rosebushes under the window.  Scraped and poked, he mutters more words under his breath as he walks to the car and reaches into the backseat for a camera and microphone set up.  Turning back to the interviewer, he watches as she pounds on the door then turns back to the cameraman with a wink as he starts to film.  Slamming her fist against the door again, Pussy tries to get someone to answer the door before smacking her hand against her head.  “I almost forgot…I know where the spare key is…”

Inside the house, the banging of the fist of Pussy Willow on the door wakes a familiar redhead in a bedroom near the front of the house.  Rising up slowly from under a blanket, her red curls covering her face, Sam sleepily looks around the room wondering where the sound could have come from.  Hearing nothing else, she collapses back into the pillow with a grumbled sigh as she curls her arms around it to snuggle back into sleep.  A second pounding opens the eyes of Sam who moans as she slides her legs out of the bed to have them meet the floor slowly.  A third banging has Sam wide awake and reaching for something that is resting against the headboard.  

“Who could it be this early in the morning?” wonders Sam as she shoulders what looks like a silver aluminum baseball bat as she moves towards the door of her room.  Advancing towards the stairs, she hears someone rattling the door then a key scrape into the lock of the door.  Quickening her steps, Sam makes it almost to the door with the baseball bat raised to slam into the head or body of the person trying to get into the house as the large wooden door swings inward to reveal Pussy Willow.

“AGGGHHHHH!!!” screams Pussy as she sees the bat coming towards her with bad intentions.  Sam is able to at the last minute manages to pull it up so that it does not connect with her friend.  

“Hellfire Pussy, what are you tryin’ to do?” demands Sam as she lets the bat end slam against the foyer floor as Pussy brings one hand to her head and the other to her chest to make sure both were still safe.   Sam backs away and motions the cameraman inside as Pussy puts her hand on Sam’s shoulder.

“Last week Sammi, you told me that I would have a full day with you, you know a day in the life so to speak and I thought that today would be a great day to do it.  So here I am!” enthuses Pussy as she lets her hand move up Sam’s shoulder to pull her into a half hug before adding, “Surprised?”

“You could say that,” answers Sam as the cameraman films her.  Pushing her sleep tossed hair out of her face, Sam offers her friend a smile and then turns from under her arm and heads towards the kitchen before turning and beckoning to Pussy and the cameraman.  “Y’all want some coffee while I go upstairs and get decent?” Sam offers as they pad through the dining room to the kitchen.  

“That would be awesome Sam,” replies Pussy with a smile.  “Seriously though, you know that this week you have a heck of a match and well, I thought that we could film you preparing for your match against Brittany, you know documentary style and all that.  I could be the next big documentary maker.  So I figure we get ready, head to the gym then…”

“Ugghhh that isn’t how it is going to be Pussy, I got class this am.  But you are welcome to come with me to that and then sure, we can go and work out for the match.  I figured that I might need to bring in the big guns for this match and so I got a call into someone that is going to help me,” offers Sam as she opens up a cupboard and pulls down a couple of coffee mugs then fills them from the carafe of coffee.  Sliding one towards the cameraman, she places Pussy’s down in front of her.  “Sugar or cream?” she asks.

“Both thanks,” answers the camera man who generously scoops a couple of spoonful of sugar and a splash of cream into his coffee and then takes a sip only to sigh with pleasure.  Pussy reaches for the cream and slowly dribbles a small stream into the black coffee then half a teaspoon of sugar follows it.

“Ok Pussy, I am all for doing this.  So give me a few minutes to get ready and I am all yours for the day.  But you have to promise me something,” says Sam as she raises the cup of coffee to her lips.

Pussy tilts her head slightly as she lets a curious look come to her eyes.  “Promise you what?” inquire Pussy.

“You have to promise me that you are going to keep it quiet in class today and no snide remarks,” asks Sam with one eyebrow raised.  “You have to look like you are a student that is auditing the class and this professor is really a stickler you know,” adds Sam as she turns slightly and catches a look at the time.  “Jeez, I have to get upstairs and get ready.  Be right back.”

Sam darts towards the doorway and heads towards the stairs as Pussy takes a cautious sip of the hot liquid and the cameraman manages to catch a shot of the Wonder Woman bootie shorts before they disappear around the stairwell.  

Ten minutes later, Sam makes it back into the kitchen, her red hair damp and hanging in long wet tendrils over a Sam tee in ice blue.  Dressed for comfort, Sam has a pair of ripped denims and a pair of black leather boots on as she tosses a bag on the floor of the kitchen by the door.  The thud of the books gets the attention of Pussy and the Cameraman who turn to see Sam rush towards the cupboard once more only to pull down a tall travel mug and prepare herself a large coffee for the road.  Making her way to the doorway and pulling up the bag, she turns to the pair.  “Y’all coming or not?” she asks softly with a teasing smile as she points towards the front door.  “Oh and I’ll drive.”

“SHOTGUN!” exclaims Pussy which only brings a cringe to the cameraman.

The trio make their way towards the garage where Sam opens the doors of a beat-up Chevy and motions for the cameraman to get in the back.  Pussy urges him to hurry as she slides into the front seat on the passenger side.  Once the cameraman is settled, Sam pushes the seat back and then slides into the driver’s seat and starts the car.  Sliding it into reverse, she backs out of the garage and heads to the end of her driveway stopping only long enough to wave to her neighbor then drive away towards the University campus.

Pussy slides a look at Sam who is driving.  The cameraman is filming from the backseat, his camera focused on the rear-view mirror which frames the eyes of Sam as she watches the traffic in front of her.  A slight cough from Pussy gets Sam’s attention for a moment.

“Sammi, we need to ask the tough questions and while I have you here captive, it is as good a time as any for me to begin this documentary.  So here we go…counting down…three…two…” Pussy’s voice fades as she shows one finger then motions to begin.

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Pussy Willow:  Hello, I am Pussy Williow and welcome to a day in the life of my friend, Bombshell Roulette champion Samantha Marlowe.  Sam, at Sin City’s first supercard back from our little holiday, you are preparing to face the winner of a fatal fourway, Brittany Williams in a match for your title.  Are you feeling any nerves for this match?

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam begins to chuckle softly as she lightly taps her fingers against the steering wheel of the car before sparing a glance at the cameraman and then softly answers.


Sam Marlowe:  Nerves…you could say that Pussy.  I mean every match I slide between the ropes for, I’ll be honest, I do get a little nervous because I know when I step in the ring, the people across from me want nothing more than to make a name for themselves by beating a champion and I know it just takes a one two three to end my title reign but then I think about it and I realize that all there is to these nerves is excitement of the match and the adrenaline beginning to pump through my system.


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam smiles for the camera as she slows on the approach to a redlight.  Once stopped, she spares a look at Pussy.


Sam Marlowe:  And once that starts, there isn’t anything that I would not do to retain my title as everyone has seen.  And I know that I have lost titles before and I am okay with that but using that as an excuse to underestimate me, just means that you don’t really know me and what I am capable of.  


Pussy Willow: Well we have heard from Brittany Williams saying that you are a has been, that you have gotten worse since winning the title and that it is a good thing that she is going to be taking your title at Into the Void.  Do you agree with her assessment?

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam pulls back into the rush of traffic while she answers, her attention on the road while the camera takes in the look of concentration that comes over her face as she speaks.  


Sam Marlowe:  You know Pussy, I am getting tired of people talkin’ like they are all that and a bag of chips.  And I happened to catch a whiff of the manure that Brittany has been spreading in hopes of breakin’ me before our match and really…that is all she is…talk.  I mean come on, anyone can do what she does and I will admit that she does have a lot to say.  And she was impressive in the fatal fourway but she kind of left me feeling flat.  She seems to be a one note bombshell with delusions of grandeur.  I mean how old is she…twelve…thirteen?


Pussy Willow:  I believe she is seventeen Sam.

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam scoffs and shakes her head.  


Sam Marlowe:  Seventeen?  With that mouth on her I am surprised no one has smacked the rudeness and disrespect out of her.  Hellfire, if I had tried to talk like her, my Moms would have whupped that out of me right quick.  But that is me and really I can’t think of why she is the way she is.  What kind of person treats people the way she does and then expects them to respect her.  I mean I am twenty four and a half and I don’t expect that I am old enough to be someone you show respect to because of my age.  But I have dang sure proven myself enough to earn respect in this company.  I have earned every shot I have had, I have worked my way up and down the ranks in this company.  I have taken everything that Christian Underwood has put me through and I have done everything to prove that wrestlin’ is something I love and will fight tooth and nail to keep wrestlin’.  I even beat my sister to keep my career going but she wouldn’t understand that.  She is a spoiled brat that has had everything handed to her and hasn’t had to work for anything in this life I bet.  Well to win my title, she is going to have to earn it.  And if I think that she hasn’t done enough to earn it, I am going to be walking out the champion once more.    


Pussy Willow:  So you are saying that you are going to be beating respect into her?  If she hears you say that, can you imagine what she might reply to that?

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam smirks and then taking her right hand from the steering wheel she begins to twist a curl around her finger and begins to speak like a spoiled teenager.  


Sam Marlowe:  Oh let me just tell you how she is going to respond Pussy.  The first thing she is going to say is that she deserves the title because she is Crystal Hilton’s daughter and then she is going to point out how she beat her mother and if she could beat her mother down like that, what she is going to do to me is going to be that much worse.  Then she is going to claim that I am nothing because what I do every week for the fans and I should be looking out for myself.   Okay, so I happen to be someone that takes the fans to heart…Heart, something that Brittany Williams doesn’t seem to have.  I mean really all she is, all she ever will be is someone that no one cares about.  Matter of fact, just the way she is acting, all she is going to be is a flash in the pan that won’t be around long enough to really do what is necessary to earn the fans respect.  


Pussy Willow: I have read her blog and from the way she talks about you, she thinks you have lost it.  She seems to think that you let yourself go from where you were even just a year ago.  She talks about how you werer the face of the bombshell division and now you  are nothing but a…

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Pussy stops suddenly and pulls out a small Ipad Mini and brings up the blog of one Brittany Williams.  


Sam Marlowe:  Pussy I don’t need to read that to know


Pussy Willow:  No Sam, you need to hear what she thinks of you.  She calls you a scrub.  Going from the very best to the worse.  Being the person that was at the top of the world going to school full time, wrestling full time and now you are nothing.  She says…

<FONT COLOR=WHITE>With a snort of annoyance, Sam holds up a hand and shakes her head.  


Sam Marlowe:  Enough Pussy, I could care less what Brittany is saying about me because I ain’t one that will listen to the naysayers because I know me!  She knows only what she wants to know.  I don’t live my life in front of the cameras so how can she sit there and judge me without knowing me.   I still wrestle full time, I still put in the time in the gym and I am still a full time student…case in point, we are on our way to my class right now.  But who cares about what she thinks?  Who is she to talk?  She is a seventeen year old who thinks that everything revolves around her.  


Pussy Willow:  she said you were a victim when your grandfather pass…

Sam Marlowe: My grandfather has nothing to do about wrestling but if she wants to go there…My grandfather passed and rather than being with my family, I was at Climax Control wrestling the night of his celebration of life.  So before she can talk, she needs to understand what I have gone through.  Hellfire she reminds me so much of Cyn that right now I have a very bad taste in my mouth when it comes to talking about her because trust me, all her trash talk is having the wrong affect that she must be wanting.  Trying to pigeonhole me so I doubt myself.  I am done being the victim everyone plays me up to be.  Just because I am who I am doesn’t mean I can’t fight my hardest to keep the title and in reality, when push comes to shove, my wrestling career and the title I hold right now mean more to me and the fans that she could ever dream of.    


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>The camera is taking in every emotion that is crossing Sam’s face as Pussy’s mouth hangs slack for the moment as Sam finally lets a half smile cross her face.    


Sam Marlowe:  Look at what you did Pussy, you lit a fire that is going to burn at Into the Void.  And if it burns Brittany Williams then all I am going to be able to do is say that she brought it on herself.  And if that means that she thinks that she is going to be walking out of the ring with my title well, she is going to have to be able to walk first.


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>With that, Sam turns into a parking lot with a University of Nevada sign on it.  Pulling into an empty spot near the building, Sam turns off the ignition and then turns to the cameraman and Pussy and offers them a smile.  


Sam Marlowe:  So ready for Shakespeare?


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam leaves the car and pushes the button to open the front seat so the cameraman can exit the car.  Not waiting for Pussy or the cameraman after the door closes, she raises her key fob and presses a button to lock the car and walks the pair towards the building.  


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Two hours later, Sam leads Pussy and the cameraman back to the car and opens the doors.  This time, Pussy slides in the backseat as the cameraman is in the front, this time the camera focused on the profile of Sam who turns on the ignition and then offers a smile to Pussy.  

“You ready for some training?  I called and she is expecting us,” offers Sam as Pussy’s eyes widen slightly and an excited squeak escapes her.

“You don’t mean who I think you mean do you?” demands Pussy excitedly.

“Yep, the very one,” answers Sam with a wink.  “But don’t say anything, it is a surprise.”

Pussy leans back and crosses her heart then zips her lips as Sam pulls out of the parking spot and heads toward the exit of the parking lot.  

After a half hour, the sounds of people can be heard behind a door that Sam pushes again with her hip.  Inside, music can be heard playing as well as the squeals of children.  Sam smiles as she moves forward into the room leaving Pussy and the cameraman near the entrance to take in the atmosphere of the building.  The cameraman turns to Pussy and whispers ‘where are we?’

“You are in the Staggs Dungeon and that right there,” says Pussy as she points to a woman embracing Sam Marlowe, “is none other than Hall of Famer, the legendary Vixen Staggs.”

The camera takes in Vixen greeting Sam with a strong hug before stepping back slightly.

“Long time no see Sam,” offers Vixen in her slightly accented voice (You can take the girl out of Canada but she is still going to speak with that slight French accent).  “I heard that SCW closed but you won the Bombshell Roulette title before it closed.  And now it is back?”

Sam nods as she shifts the bag over her shoulder that she had walked into the dungeon with.  “Yep, SCW is back and very first supercard is Into the Void.  And very first supercard back I am defending my title against someone that seems to think that I have lost it since I am only a roulette champion and not the Bombshell champion.  And I figured that since I had ‘lost’ it, you might help me find it again,” giggles Sam.

Vixen nods slowly as Pussy and the camera man move closer to the pair.  “Hi Pussy,” says Vixen which brings a smile to the lips of Pussy who gushes at the hall of famer.  “Voyons, let’s see what you have ‘lost’” says Vixen as she guides the trio towards the back of the room where the change rooms are.  Motioning for Sam to change, Vixen turns to go to the ring on the opposite side of the room when she is stopped by Pussy.

“Vixen, I have to ask.  How have you been and what have you been up to since we last saw you?” demands Pussy, the intrepid interviewer in her wanting to get the scoop.

“I’ve been here working with some of the students and taking care of Bijou and Kit.  And every so often helping Sam to train,” says Vixen.

Pussy nods and then moves close to talk conspiratorily with Vixen.  “Did you hear about Sam’s opponent at the supercard?  Brittany Williams is Crystal Hilton’s daughter and she has already been talking trash about how Sam doesn’t have it anymore and that she is going to walk all over Sam.  I don’t want Sam to know but I am not too sure that Brittany is a little bit more right than wrong.”

Vixen shakes her head.  “What are you basing this on?  Sam has more to give SCW and the fans and I know that at the supercard, I am going to be seeing Sam prove to Brittany that she still has what it takes because I know Sam and you should be warning Brittany…I am the one that trained Sam so she should be worried.”

Before Pussy can ask anything else, Sam walks up to Vixen in an old pair of tights and a tee tied in a knot at the small of her back.  “I’m ready Vix, but you don’t look ready.  Did you want me to wait or something?” asks Sam as she gives Vixen a concerned look.

“Not today Sam, today I have a young woman that has come to me to train and I was going to ask you to help me,” replies Vixen.  “She’s rough around the edges but she is young and between you and me, she needs to have some of the attitude worked out of her.”

Sam turns to see a young woman leaning against the ropes, a sneer on her lips as Vixen raises an eyebrow.  Sam nods slowly and move towards the ring.  Vixen follows at a slower pace as the young woman backs away to let Sam in the ring.

“I want you to help Sam prepare for her match coming up.  I promise she will take it easy on you,” dictates Vixen which causes the young woman to sneer more and mock Sam.  

“She doesn’t look like she is going to be any challenge Ms Staggs but hey, won’t take me long to prove it to you,” boasts the young girl before the smirk is wiped from her face by Sam who levels the girl with a drop kick.  

Vixen’s smile widens.  “Looks like you still got it Sam, now let’s see what else you got.”

The girl gets to her feet, the back of her hand held against her lips.  She pulls it away to see if there is blood then glares at Sam before charging towards her.  The pair lock up in the middle of the ring as Vixen watches calling out to either woman as the two trade move for move in the ring until the girl manages to swing a roundhouse that clips Sam’s chin sending her staggering.  The girl smirks and raises her hands in victory.

“Sam…” begins Vixen as she sees Sam straighten and turn towards the girl, her eyes burning with bad intent.  Reaching her hand out, Sam spins the girl into ropes and catching her with a lou thesz press.  Getting to her feet, Sam backs away as the girl rolls out of the ring and stands in front of Vixen who shakes her head then motions for the girl to head to change.  

In the ring, Sam is breathing heavy as she watches the girl walk away mumbling.  Vixen gets into the ring and moves in front of Sam.  Snapping her fingers slightly, Vixen catches Sam’s attention and sighs.  “I saw that Sam, I thought we worked that out of you.”

Sam’s eyes widen in surprise as she realizes what Vixen had just said.  “Don’t tell me that it happened again.  I am so sorry…” says Sam as her head hangs down slightly.   “I just saw red and I..”

Flustered, Sam moves to the ropes and hangs her arms over them to lay her head against her forearms.

“I know Sam,” murmurs Vix as she puts a hand on the back of Sam and pats it slowly.  “But you need to keep control in that ring so you can keep focused on the task at hand and don’t let emotion take over,” she adds as she nods towards the heavy bag.  “Work it out on that, it doesn’t need to pay medical bills.”

Sam looks to where Vixen is pointing and laughs at the heavy bag with an image on it.  With a nod, Sam drops and rolls out of the ring and moves to the bag beginning to dodge and weave while throwing punches at it.

“Don’t worry Pussy, we will have her ready for Into the Void,” says Vixen as she notices the surprised look on Pussy’s face.  Pussy can only nod, not having seen this side of her friend before.  The camera stops filming as Vixen ushers the cameraman and Pussy towards the office to give Sam some privacy to calm herself.

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<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam sits across from Pussy and the cameraman, her normal smiling face different for some reason.  Before Pussy can begin, Sam holds up her hand and shakes her head.  The cameraman continues to film as Sam speaks.  


Sam Marlowe:  Here I am and soon I will be in the ring at Into the Void facing Brittany Williams for my title.  The wheel is going to spin and there will be a match stipulation that both of us will have to prepare for on the fly.  But prepared or not, we are facing each other in the ring and the Bombshell Roulette title will be on the line.  Now I am sure you have probably thought that you have it in the bag because I am not the wrestler I have been in the past, I am no longer the threat that I used to be.  Maybe I am not the wrestler I used to be…Maybe I have evolved somewhat.  But regardless of what you think I want you to know exactly who you are facing in that ring on Sunday.


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam pauses for a second to collect her thoughts.  


Sam Marlowe:   When I first began wrestling, I was young and naïve and looking to make a name for myself.  I fought for the fans, I fought to get out of the shadow of my sister and I had wins and losses and I was working my way towards the Roulette title content to work my way towards earning titles, not demanding them and not feeling entitled to be given them.  And do you know what happened to that dream Brittany?  Let me tell you…the undefeated Mikah chose me to face her whether from thinking that I was an easy mark or that I was deserving of the shot.  Whatever it was, I rose to the challenge and I beat Mikah ending her nine month title reign.  In my rookie year no less.  Then I lost the title to Mercedes Vargas and did I cry about it?  No, I invoked my rematch clause and I won it back only to lose it to your mother.  And do you know, I wasn’t given a rematch for that title so I don’t know if I could have won that title.  


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam shrugs slightly with a murmur of sadness.  


Sam Marlowe:  Then I swore up and down I would earn my way back to the title but I hit a slump which had Christian Underwood force me to work the concession stands and do all the grunt work for the company.  But I love wrestling so much, I did what I had to and I was given another chance to wrestle in last years Blast from the Past.  I made it all the way to the finals and I worked my rear off to fight for the titles again but this time I focused on the Roulette title and do you know why?  Because it was a challenge to me, a different match every time I stepped in the ring to defend the title.  And at Summer XXXTreme in a triple threat I managed to win the Bombshell Roulette title and I held it until Cadence Carter managed to beat me for it.  But the very next time I faced Cadence for the title I took it back and have been Roulette champion since.


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam reaches down to pull the belt onto her lap with a smile and a caress of the gold with her name on it.  


Sam Marlowe:  I want to also point something out to Brittany Williams.  I want to point out that when I won the belt, someone ended up having their career ended.  It was something I didn’t want to do but sadly it happened and I want to warn you that these can really difficult matches and people do get hurt.  And before the match, I want to tell you that I AM defending my title in a match that could have career ending consequences.  And if that happens, It will tear me up inside that I ended your career before it even started but you knew the risks when you got the shot and trust me, you will stand the risk of having to hang it up before you can even vote.


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>Sam brushes her fingers through her curls and pushes them behind her, her eyes bright in the light of the spotlight on her from the camera.  She drapes the belt over her shoulder to offer the camera a smile.  


Sam Marlowe:  I will give credit where credit is due and Brittany, you deserve all sorts of props for beating three others to face me and I have to say you have shown some real confidence but now the supercard is coming soon and very soon you are going to step into the ring with the current Bombshell Roulette champion and you are going to be so confident and cocky about how you are so young and so good and so able to take my title.  And maybe you might stand a snowball’s chance but when it comes to defending this title and being the for the fans, there isn’t anything I won’t do to defend my championship and if that means beating respect into you, that is just what I am going to have to do.  So at the supercard Brittany, good luck.  Good luck at trying to take what is mine because the only way you are going to do that is by leaving me unable to stand in the middle of the ring.  To win this you are going to have to keep me from getting back up.  And at Into the Void, keeping me down is going to be impossible.   Again Brittany, good luck, you girl are going to need it.


<FONT COLOR=WHITE>With that, Sam stands up and before Pussy can say anything, she leaves the room with the belt over her shoulder, the last thing seen is the flash of red curls being tossed by the champion as she leaves.  


« on: May 19, 2018, 11:45:34 PM »
 Backstage at the Henderson Pavilion
After Climax Control:  Sunday May 13

The sounds of Climax Control have fades and now all that can be heard backstage is the sound of boxes being filled with equipment and the joking tones of the roadies as they pack up after another successful show.  The soft swish of a broom cleaning up the catering area is a slight static sound against the soft clicks of boot heels on the concrete.  As the sound gets closer, the roadies’ chatter fades as smiles break over faces as a familiar person appears and calls out to them.

“Y’all don’t mind if I borrow the Roulette wheel, do you boys?” questions a soft southern voice with just the slightest lilt in it.  Sam Marlowe offers the roadies her own smile as she reaches the wheel.  She is dressed for comfort, her jeans hugging every curve, the soft Sam Marlowe named tee (available at SCW Shop, go look, I will wait.  *Whistles softly* Welcome back.) emphasizing her toned body and the black cowboy boots finish off the look.  Sam raises one eyebrow as she waits for a response.

“Yeah I guess we can let ya borrow it but you gotta bring it back before we pack up,” offers one roadie.  “I ain’t leaving it here and if you don’t let us put it on the truck, you are going to be answering to the bosses.”  

“Tell you what, why don’t you guys take a break and I will do what I need to do then you can come back and do what you need to,” offers Sam as she moves towards the roulette wheel and lifts her hand to run it along the edge.

The suggestion of a break runs through the crew who nod and jostle one another.  The first roadie gives Sam a thumb up.  “You won’t tell on us will ya?”

“Who me?” demands Sam, a shocked look on her face.  “You guys’ secrets are safe with me.  Now skedaddle so I can get this done and head back to the hotel before it is too late.”

The crew moves off towards catering as Sam once more caresses the wheel then moves to a nearby equipment box and pulls out a camera which she positions to take in the wheel.  Pressing record, she is covering the lens but pulls away to look down into the camera and begin to speak as she moves to stand right beside the wheel and then gently tugs at the side to spin it slightly.

“Congratulations Brittany, you won a very hard-fought battle to win the number one contendership to the Bombshell Roulette title scheduled for Into the Void.  And like I said, congratulations on that.  I mean think about it really.  You beat three other women to face me in the ring at the supercard and while any other person would be tearing you down right about now, here I am putting you right where you need to be,” says Sam as the wheel clicks softly to a stop on a match type.

Sam spares only the minimum glance at the match before setting the wheel to spinning again, the clicking a counterpoint to her soft drawl.

“Brittany, I hope you realize that tonight you faced your opponents in a match that is a novelty for you.  I mean, except for tonight, how many times have you been in a roulette match?  How many times have you had do prepare to come out and see your fate decided by a wheel just like this one?” demands Sam with a look of curiousity.  “This match tonight was your introduction to the Roulette concept of the title match.  I mean okay, you pulled a match that for all intents and purposes could have gone any which way because that is the whole concept behind the Roulette title.  Fate decides the match.”

Sam watches as once more the wheel slows and stops on a match time, this one indicated with a flame and the word inferno being spelled into the center.  “You were pretty lucky not to have this one Brittany, an inferno match can be downright dangerous,” adds Sam before reaching up once more and spinning the wheel again to add counterpoint to her speech.

“Speaking of dangerous, I can’t help but wonder if you think that you are all that dangerous because you have done what you did to your mother or because you are a third-generation wrestler that thinks you deserve all this because you are Crystal Hilton’s daughter and you want to tear everything away from her for some mommy issues that you have yet to resolve.  Well all I can say to that is don’t think you will be able to use me to prove to your mother and the world that you are what you think you are and that darlin’ is dangerous.”

Once again the wheel stops, this time a very divalike match in pudding appearing as the stipulation that makes Sam giggle, her hand reaching for the wheel while the other covers her smirk.  Once she gains control of her laughter, she addresses the camera.

I really don’t think that I want to have to deal with that kind of match for my title.  I am not saying that I can’t do it but still…whatever will I wear?  What goes with PUDDING for sobbing out loud?” asks Sam before dissolving into giggles once more.  Finally stifling the laughter, she begins to speak again.  

“Now gettin’ back to family as I was speaking of, you want to tear down your Mom for whatever reason and I get that, I really do.  But fighting family just puts one into a position where it is more about the family and less about the title and the match.  See, I have had the same type of person in my life.  But it wasn’t my mother,” begins Sam as she leans against the wheel, appearing lost in thought.  “I didn’t have to deal with a child wanting to destroy everything I had.  No, my cross to bear was my sister and I carried that cross for the longest time until when push came to shove, I threw off that cross and I got my life back together and I went on to win the Bombshell Roulette title at the last supercard.”  

Sighing, Sam once more straightens and once more spins the wheel.  She doesn’t wait for it to stop on its own, she puts a hand up and stops it herself.

“What I am trying to get at Brittany is that this here wheel doesn’t play favorites.  This is fate and luck in their purest and simplest forms.  And I don’t pretend that I know just what fate I have when it comes to Roulette title matches but I think the odds are in my favor since I have been in quite a few Roulette title matches and I know what to expect and that is any and everything you might try to dish up to help you win the Bombshell Roulette title and I have to say sorry now missy but there ain’t anything that will separate me from that title at Into the Void.”

Sam can hear the stomping feet of the roadies as they return to continue the packing of the equipment for shipment back to SCW.  Sam moves away from the wheel and moves to where the camera is and picks it up to direct it directly at her face which has lost all sign of jocularity.  The greenish grey eyes of Sam stare into the camera as she speaks once more.

“Brittany Williams or Hilton or whoever you are in that ring at the supercard, I have only one piece of advice for you and this is from the Bombshell Roulette champion.  Prepare for anything and don’t think that you will have a pushover for an opponent.  This is my match to win…whatever match that wheel…” Sam moves slightly to show the wheel in the frame. “Decides to put us in.  You might like to think that you got what it takes and that you are going to put me in my place and take my title.  You might think that it doesn’t matter whata kind of match we will be in either.  Well I have this to offer…I am the Bombshell Roulette champion and I ain’t going to let no upstart little ‘I’m the best’ would be champion get the best of me, you can count on that!”

“Hey Sam, you done with the wheel?  Boss says we gotta get packed up like yesterday,” asks the roadie.  Sam takes a moment to let a smile cross her face before she turns and nods.  

“Yeah, but take real good care of the wheel, I am going to need it at Into the Void.  That there is going to decide just how I am going to be beating Miss Brittany Williams at the supercard,” replies Sam as she begins to walk off.  Turning after a few strides, Sam stops and points the camera at the wheel as the roadies spin it.

“Take a look Brittany, in a little under two weeks, that is what is going to decide your fate in the ring with me,” Sam can be heard to say from behind the camera.  “I wonder just how it is that I am going to beat you come Into the Void.”

With that, the image in the camera goes to black as heels can be heard on concrete once more.

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Living Room, Sam Marlowe’s house
Skype call:  1:30 pm Wednesday May 16

The shrill sound of a call being announced on Skype breaks through the soft sounds of Riverdale on Netflix as Sam is resting on a living room couch surrounded by books and other school paraphernalia as she watches the image on the screen.  In another corner of the screen, a professor can be seen writing something on a board.  Sam looks over at the open laptop on her coffee table then reaches across to click on accept.  Suddenly the image of the patriarch of the Marlowe family appears on the screen.

“Hey Daddy,” says Sam as she hastily picks up the remote and silences the two screens.  Looking down at her father, she smiles as she can see the view from his office window indicating that he was at work.  “So what do I owe the honor?”

Philip Marlowe coughs slightly as he tries to find a polite way to start the conversation.  “Well princess I was calling to see why you weren’t here in Houston to celebrate Mother’s Day with your Mama.  Cyn was here with that husband of hers…speaking of, I thought he was dating you Sweet Pea,” says Philip softly.

Sam taps at her nose as she wrinkles it at the mention of Cyn and Monte.  “You got it in one Daddy,” she replies sheepishly.  “I really don’t think that I can be around those two right now.  I mean it was Cyn that almost lost me my career and Monte was helping her and helping himself to her if I’m honest.  Besides Daddy, I had to be at the show that night.  But I did call and wish Moms a happy Mother’s day and I hope she got my gift and all.”

“She sure did Sammi.  I also wanted to call you and tell you that your grandfather’s will was read the other day and well, he wants you to have something,” offers Sam’s father as he brings a hand up to run it through his greying red hair.  “He wanted you to have…”

Suddenly a second window opens with a message from Cyn Marlowe which read, “How dare you get the company that Grandpapa bought.  I was supposed to be CEO and he gave it to you lock stock and barrels…lots of barrels.”

Sam’s face gets a look of surprise then annoyance as she reads the diatribe from Cyn.  Shaking her head, she mutters something under her breath before her attention is taken by her father once more.  “Everything all right princess, you look a little vexed,” says Philip as he leans forward.

“Sorry Daddy,” Sam replies as she closes the window to Cyn’s conversation.  “Cyn just messaged me ranting about the company that Grandpa gave me.  Grandpa didn’t give me a company so I don’t know what she is on about.”

Philip nods slowly.  “That’s why I am calling Sammi.  Your grandad did leave you a small company and Cyn is jealous because all she got was money and some of your grandma’s jewelry,” he says with a bit of a grimace.  “Your grandfather had just bought a small company out of the blue mumbling something about giving you something for you and your friends to play with.”

Sam’s eyebrows knit together as she tried to comprehend what her father was saying.  “A company for me and my friends to play with?  Daddy, that is the strangest thing you could say to me.  I don’t think that Grandpa would do something like that.  What kind of company did he buy?”

Sam’s father leans over to read something to the side of the screen and then looks at Sam.  “Says here that it is a small brewing company that was going under.  He said that Cyn was a champagne darlin’ but you were the down to earth beer drinker that he knew would appreciate this place.  I will be faxing the information to you soon but I think you need to come back home and take a look at it.  I promise I will keep Cynthia out of your way.”

Sam can’t believe her ears.  “Grandpa bought me a brewing company?  What the bubble?”

“I couldn’t believe it either Princess but you know your grandfather, he was just that eccentric enough to buy you that so you don’t go out spending all sorts of money on those “pub” thingies I keep seeing you and your friends having,” says Philip.

“DADDY!  You follow me on twitter?” asks Sam in surprise.

“Of course I do Sammi, sometimes it is the only way I have to see you lately.”

Sam has the grace to hang her head in shame.  “I’m sorry Daddy, but with Cyn still living there I think it would be better if you come out to Vegas and visit me.  I got a lot of room and you are always welcome.  But you are right, I should come out and see the brewery.  Why don’t I come after Into the Void.  This week coming I have a bunch of exams for my classes and training for the supercard and after it, I am free and clear to come to Houston.”

“I am going to hold you to that Princess.  But I have to go now because I have a meeting so I will see you in Vegas at Into the Void.  So save a room for me,” says her father before he reaches for the screen.  “Love you Sammi!”

“Love you too Daddy,” replies Sam as the window shuts and the conversation ends.  Taking only a moment to smile, she reaches once more for the remote and presses play once more.  The scene fades out on her picking up a book with her eyes intently on the screen where Bughead (Riverdale shipping Betty and Jughead…happy sigh) can be seen kissing.

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An exercise room at University of Nevada.
Friday May 18

BREAKING NEWS – There is an active shooter situation in a school in a suburb of Houston Texas.  Death count is at ten with ten others injured.  We go next to …

Sam Marlowe’s attention is on the television that is hanging on a small shelf at the gym where she was slowly running on the treadmill there.  With her eyes glued to the screen, she stumbles before steadying herself and steps off the machine.  

“My god, that is horrible!” exclaims one gym patron as she points to the television.  Other voices join in as Sam rushes towards the television to better to hear what was being said.  Hearing the name of the high school, Sam’s face goes white.  

Grabbing the towel that she had draped over the machine, she heads towards the change rooms.  Once inside, she pulls out her cell and dials a number.  Pacing slowly she stops as the phone is picked up at the other end.

“Bobbi, what school is your little brother at?” demands Sam in a worried voice.  “I heard about the school shooting in Houston and my first thought was about you and your brother.”

A quiet panicked voice is heard over the speaker as Sam’s friend Roberta replies.  “He’s safe Sammi but he’s all jacked up with worry about his friends.  If you ask me something should be done about this!”

Sam’s shoulder drop in relief before she nods at the anger in her friend’s voice.  “I am glad he is safe.  Hang on for a second…” Sam looks at the number of an incoming call and puts her friend on hold to answer the second call.

“Sam, it’s Pussy, I wanted to talk to you about an interview about the upcoming supercard and wanted to see if you could do it today,” asks the SCW Interviewer.  

“Yeah Pussy, I have a few things I want to say and it would be great to talk to you.  Give me an hour and I am all yours.”

“Okay I will text you where to come to meet me.  Talk to you soon,” says Pussy who hangs up quickly.  Sam presses the button to return to Roberta.   “Bobbi, I have to go, got an interview to do but keep me in the loop with what is going on at home okay?”

“Sure Sam, good interview and we can talk later,” answers Bobbi as she hangs up the phone.

An hour later, Sam is changed and dressed rather plainly.  With her hair pulled up in a high ponytail, she has a look of concern on her face as she appears to be reading her cell phone.  Pussy Willow stands and waves at Sam to get her attention.  “Hey Sam!  Over here!”

Sam looks up at her friend and offers a half smile as she moves through the crowd and then slides into the booth at the restaurant.  Pussy hands her a menu before scrambling through her purse for her mini camera and sets it on the table.  A waitress comes over and takes both women’s orders as she pours out a glass of water for each.  

As the waitress leaves, Pussy picks up the camera and begins to film Sam who holds up her hand in front of the lens.  “Look I know you want to get an interview in and trust me I am sure that I need to talk about my match but can we do the whole camera thing next week.  Right now I want to talk about something else if you don’t mind?”

“But Sammi, next week is going to be crazy for me.  Tell you what, you talk then we get the interview.  But let me film it ok?” asks Pussy.

“Actually, you are right.  What I have to say is something that I need to you get and pass on for me,” answers Sam, a soft half smile crossing her face.  “Let’s get this going.”

Pussy pulls the camera back up once more and focuses it on Sam who leans forward, her arms crossed on the table in front of her.  “I want to send a message to the kids at Sante Fe High and the people in Houston.  Houston is my hometown and I had friends that attended that high school and who have family there.  I want to let you know that my heart and thoughts are on Houston.  It wasn’t that long ago that Houston was the site of a natural disaster and now they are the victims of a horrific school shooting.  So I have a message and that is #Houstonstrong and know there are people in this world who bring evil into the world but there are so many more that are standing behind you in Santa Fe high school and Houston.”

Pussy lowers the camera slightly to give Sam a sympathetic look before bringing the camera up once more.  “Now that you have that message sent, don’t you think that maybe you might want to send a message to Brittany Williams?”

Sam lifts her finger to wag it at Pussy.  “Okay okay, I will talk about my match if it will make you happy.”

“Okay Sammi, answer me this then,” Pussy begins, “We all saw what Brittany did to her mother or Christina Rose at Climax Control and believe me she is as vicious as they come.  So are you ready for what might happen in the ring at Into the Void?”

“If you think that I haven’t been preparing for this match Pussy, then you don’t know me very well.  I have been quiet and I have been getting ready for the fight of my life.  I saw what Brittany did to Crystal Hilton…and it is Crystal Hilton…which only brings me to question one thing and that is why in the bubble does Brittany think she needs to do what she does.  Acting the big bad is only going to get her one thing and that is the beating of her life.  I have realized something Pussy.  I realize that I hate hypocrisy and that is all I am seeing from Brittany.”

Pussy gives Sam a look of surprise to hear such comments.  “What are you saying Sam?  You think that Brittany Williams is being a hypocrite?”

“You bet your life I am Pussy.  I mean great for her winning the opportunity at my title but in reality, she thinks she is so much more than the bombshell Roulette title.  And I bet you that if she doesn’t beat me she is going to claim that she should be in the Bombshell title match because she was able to beat her mother,” says Sam with a vengeance, her hands clasping into fists on the table.

Pussy thinks about it and then asks another question.  “So what have you got planned for Brittany in that ring?  And don’t hold back.”

Sam thinks for a moment as she sips at her water.  Setting it down right in front of her, she keeps her hands wrapped around it as she thinks of what she wants to say.  Pussy uses the close up on her as Sam begins to speak.

“I am not your mother Brittany but there is something completely different between her and I and that is I am mentally prepared to do whatever is decided in that spin of the wheel.  And regardless of what the match stipulation is, I am going to be putting one hundred and ten percent into this title defense and I promise that I will not be leaving empty handed when all is said and done.  I am going to defend the Bombshell Roulette title as if it was the most coveted title in Sin City Wrestling because believe it or not, for me, it is the most coveted title.  And there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to retain at Into the Void.  So Brittany, prepare for a fight because I am going to be bringing it to you.”

Pussy is about to say something else when the waitress returns and sets down a burger in front of Sam and a salad before Pussy.  As she does, Sam gives her friend a sad smile.  “Let’s eat Pussy, I have a plane to catch in a bit, I am going down to Houston for a quick trip to offer my support to the kids of Santa Fe High School and see if there is anything I can do for them.”

Pussy nods and puts the camera down.  “All right Sam, will do.  But you owe me big time.”

Sam laughs and nods.  “You got it.  Next week, pick a day and we will spend it together and you can have your exclusive.”

“DEAL!” agrees Pussy.

The pair laugh as they begin to eat.  The scene fades on the two talking about the shooting and how the gun control discussion will be brought up again and another round of lobbying will be happening with this school shooting.

NOTE:  My heart goes out to the friends and families of the victims of the Santa Fe High School shooting and my thoughts and prayers are for all those affected by this horrible event.

Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe...Changed Woman?
« on: May 04, 2018, 11:44:41 PM »
 Edge night club, Sparks Nevada
After Climax Control

Outside of the venue where Climax Control had just happened, Pussy Willow walks along the pavement towards the parking lot where a crowd of people can be seen, some wearing #BenDeservesbetter tees and other in various bombshell and superstar tees.  In the center of the group, a familiar redhead is smiling as she signs each item that is thrust in front of her.  Pussy moves closer, fighting the tide of humanity to approach Sam Marlowe who is dressed in comfortable jeans, boots and a light hoodie over a tight white and silver tee.

The Bombshell Roulette champion catches Pussy’s approach and turns towards her friend as more people crowd closer.  Still signing she calls out to her friend.  “Hey Pussy, I’ll be right there so wait for me please.  Hey guys,” she says to the fans surrounding her, “I really gotta go but I’ll see you next time.”

A low roar of disappointment can be heard as Sam moves out of the crowd.  Stopping in front of Pussy, she holds up a finger and then turns to the fans and offers them a smile and a salute which leads to a cheer that washes over her while she turns and putting an arm over the shoulder of Pussy, she leads her towards the venue again then the pair disappear around the corner.  Pussy looks at her friend and raises a manicured eyebrow as a corner of her mouth quirks in a slight sneer as the pair reaches a beat up green chevy.

“Ok Samantha Marlowe, you need to explain yourself to me and right now,” says Pussy with a serious look on her face which has Sam giggling as she leans against the fender of the car after tossing her belt into the driver’s seat.  

“Whatever could you be talking about?” asks Sam as she fights to put a serious look on her face.  Pussy doesn’t appreciate the teasing tone and crosses her arms over her chest and glares at Sam who holds up her hands in a surrendering pose.  “Oh you probably want to know why I did what I did tonight…well, reason that I decided that I am done with the backstage drama and really, the only reason that I am still wrestling is that I love the fans and how they support me and without them, I really would have hung them up.”

“Are you saying you are only back for the fans?” demands Pussy as she joins Sam leaning against the car.  “I would have thought that your friends backstage would be a contributing factor to coming back.  Are you saying that wasn’t a factor?  What about your friendship with Ben Jordan or Jamie Dean?”

Sam’s head hangs slightly before she lifts it and turns to look over the now empty parking lot.  “I would be lying that they weren’t a factor but I can’t handle the drama of what Ben is going through because that is just too much for me at this time in my life.  And so, rather than play up to the drama, I am watching it unfold from where all my fans are seeing it.  And that means that I don’t have any distractions anymore.”

“Speaking of drama, did you see what Jessie Salco said about Ben tonight?  I am surprised that she was able to get away with what she said, weren’t you?” asks Pussy with a sly sidelook at Sam who lets a dark look pass over her face as her arms come up and cross over her chest.  

“Y’all know that I know Ben can defend himself so I ain’t worried but I do have to say she was pretty darn lucky I decided to sit with the fans and not be backstage or there would be some furniture movin’ up in that place like my Daddy says,” responds Sam before she turns to rest against the fender with one hip.  “So, Jessie thinks she is the big bad does she?  With an attitude like that, the fans turn on you in an instant.  Which is probably for the best in her opinion.  But I ain’t Jessie nor do I think I want to be Jessie so let’s just stop talking about her and move on huh?”

Trying to change the subject, Sam stands and dusts off the rear of her jeans as she moves to the door of the car and gives Pussy a smile and silent request for her to move.  Pussy slowly pushes off the car and nods slowly.  “Okay Sam but let me tell you, you are going to owe me big time for making me come out into the crowd to do that interview earlier.”

“You got it Pussy, from now on, I won’t make you come to me for an interview, I’ll come to you…” offers Sam as she yanks at the door handle and pulls open the door before picking up her belt and laying it in in the passenger’s seat.  Sliding inside, she arches in the driver’s seat only long enough to pull a set of keys out of her jeans pocket.  Slipping the car’s key into the ignition, she twists it slightly before pressing the power window and opening it.  

Pussy stands back and Sam pulls the door closed only to have Pussy lean in the window and begin to speak again.  “You better believe it Sammi.  Besides, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come see me midweek once the card for next week is announced and if you are on it, you can give me the four one one.”

Sam nods as she revs the engine once.  Pussy pulls back only to have Sam lean an arm on the window.  “You need a ride Pussy?  I am headed back to Vegas for my class tomorrow and then I am going to be grabbing about eighteen hours of sleep.  So I’ll say g’night now and talk to you Wednesday.”

Shaking her head, Pussy lets Sam know she doesn’t need the ride as the redhead nods and puts the car into drive.  Pulling out of the parking lot, the lights of Sam’s Chevy disappear around a corner leaving Pussy to walk to her own vehicle and climb inside.  Pussy leaves the parking lot herself as the scene fades out.

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University of Nevada, classroom
Later in the week

A lone figure is framed by the light of windows that do nothing to filter the brightness of the sun.  Backlit, Sam Marlowe has one denim clad leg over the chair of the desk in front of her and lounges in the seat right by the windows.  On her lap is her Ipad, soft music emitting from the speaker resting on the desk as she hums along to Carrie Underwood’s Champion.  A thoughtful look passes over Sam’s face as she drops all pretense of studying and then straightens before slipping the Ipad on its side and pushes the soft red curls that are brushing her cheeks behind her ear.  Leaving the song playing, she presses record on the Ipad and begins to speak.

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I guess I can talk about what is going to be happening this coming Sunday at Climax Control in Reno.  I got the card and I saw that this week I am facing someone that I have faced and beat time and again and I am sure that she is going to be bringing the hellfire and fury after what happened last week in Sparks.

Sam gives the camera a quick look before she tilts her head back and closes her eyes.

Don’t get me wrong, she had every right to say what she did after all we do have the Constitution and the right to Freedom of speech. But where Jessie was wrong was trying to say that she deserved better than anyone in the company.  What exactly does she deserve one has to ask because she has asked for shot after shot and what has that earned her?  Well, it has earned her a couple of things if I am honest.

The eyes of Sam open and she turns to the camera once more with a bit of a sad smile.

If you ask me she has earned the following…  

Sam holds up her hand as her head tilts towards the fingers as she pulls in her pinkie.

One…she has earned a reputation for tenacity.  I mean how many people have done what she has, constantly saying that she has to be given title shot after title shot?  Other than Crystal Hilton but that is a different story.  I mean come on Jessie, even I have to admit you have worn out your welcome with that broken record.  And sadly, the bosses have given you the ability to demand shot after shot.  I have to applaud you Jessie, you have made a career of crying for a title shot when we all have seen what you do with it.  And that is lose.  How many times have you demanded you get the title shot and how many of those resulted in a win.  Bravo on the tenacity but maybe what you need to do it give it up.

Sam looks disappointed as she pulls down a second finger.

Secondly, she has made herself a contender for the grandslam.  You have to applaud her for that and I do, I think you have done what you have set out to do and with only the Bombshell championship escaping your grasp, I am sure that someday soon, you will see your name up there in the lights of the grandslam too.  But to do that, you need to win the Bombshell championship…something I have to say I have done…within my rookie year…by beating Mikah to break her streak.  So I guess that means that I have done a little better than you when it comes to that title huh?  But like I said, I am sure that one day you will be able to win it Jessie.  And guess what, when I lost that title did I whine and cry for a rematch?  Nah, I did what I had to do, earn my way back.  And I am sure that when I have proven myself once more, I will get the shot at the Bombshell title that I am owed.

Sam once more offers a sad smile at the camera.  As she does, another finger drops.

Now for number three, she came this close to a title shot against me for my Bombshell Roulette title and then she went and stepped all over Ben’s hashtag campaign and went all alt-right on Parand Ara.  So Mr. Underwood and Mr. Ward took away her title shot making her match against me a non title bout.  That isn’t what I was looking for after all, I did make that open challenge and I did say that anyone who wanted the shot could get the shot as far as I am concerned.  So Jessie, you may think that you are being punished by the bosses and maybe they are but this week on Climax Control, when you step in the ring with me, you are going to receive what amounts to a title shot because that is how I am treating all my matches now…as title shots.    

Sam starts to get serious as she pulls herself up, sets her hands on the desk and steeples her fingers to lay them gently against her lips as she pauses before continuing.

I am not the same Sam anymore Jessie.  I ain’t going to sit here and offer sunshine and rainbows, hellfire, I ain’t even going to dignify you with applause and a sweet ‘good luck’ before our match.  See, I’m all about doing what is right and doing anything the fans can get behind.  I ain’t coming from the back and I ain’t about causing the same drama as all the other bombshells in this company.  I’m straight as an arrow and am coming straight at you with a fight you aren’t going to be able to take.  If you think that you are going to earn your umpteenth shot by beating me, y’all got another thing coming.  

Sam looks to the side as if a sound has distracted her for only a moment.  She watches the door expecting someone to walk in but it is only the sound of footsteps that approach then disappear again.

This week on Climax Control, you have to face a woman that has beaten so many of the bombshells backstage and believe it or not, have beaten you how many times now…three…four?  I think sadly I have lost count.  I mean I could go and remind myself but that is the past and I live in the here and now which means Sunday night in Reno I am going to add to that number and will once more consign you to my past.  Although I am sure that somehow, some way you will turn that loss y’all are going to suffer into another title shot demand.    

Tell you what Jessie, as much as you seem to think that your destiny is to grandslam, there are dreams and then there are pipedreams.  I have achieved my dream of wrestling in Sin City Wrestling.  I have achieved the dream of winning a title in SCW a couple of times now.  And I am a firm believer in dreams which is what is making me sad about Sunday night.  

Sam pauses and takes a bracing breath before addressing the camera once more.  

Sunday night at Climax Control I am going to have to do something that I don’t really want to but I can’t not do it.  At Climax Control, I am going to have to kill your dream Jessie.  I am going to have to beat you once more and once more I am going to knock you down and pin you to the mat for the three.  No ifs, ands or buts.  So when you are looking up at the ringlights I want you to remember there was three reasons for your loss.  

You can’t expect me to let the fans down, now can you?  I am the Bombshell Roulette champion and NO ONE is ever going to be allowed to forget that.  

And if I am honest, a small part of me is going to take the opportunity to educate you why the hashtag BenDeservesBetter is a movement that didn’t deserve to have you trash it.  Ben is a friend and you don’t use my friends as stepping stones on your quest to make you significant.  

Sam smiles which doesn’t reach her eyes.  

Jessie, you are the one that started this and trust me when I say that Sunday, I am going to end it and your dream of using me as a stepping stone as well will be shattered.  So, bring your A B and C games, you are going to need them all to even think of stepping in the ring with me.  Like my Daddy says, there ain’t anyone like a Marlowe when it comes to gettin’ the job done.    

Sam reaches for the Ipad and pulls it closer then speaks ever so softly but with an intensity not seen before from the redhead.

This is where I wish you luck Jessie Salco, y’all are goin’ to need it Sunday.  

Sam presses stop on the Ipad as the door to the room is slammed open and a bunch of students walk in.  Sam quickly uploads the video then closes the Ipad as she is surrounded by students preparing for the class.  Tucking the Ipad in her bag, Sam pulls out her book of sonnets, tucking her curls behind her ear but letting the hair on the other side of her head hide her from the others, thoughts of the coming Climax Control still showing on her face.

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Climax Control Archives / It got away from excuses
« on: April 20, 2018, 11:58:08 PM »
 It got away from me…

Have you ever had one of those weeks?  You know the ones.  The weeks when nothing seems to go right and everything has it out for you because of timing and things beyond your control.

This isn’t going to be a rant nor will it be apology, it is just a statement of a fact and with that, let me tell you a little bit about my week this week and why I am in the place I am right now.

Sam Marlowe’s voice filled the room that was seeming to be empty but as she leans back, her cell phone camera captures the bare stone walls of a building that resembles any other workplace, a sea of cubicles stretching as far as the eye can see. In the distance, the Marlowe name can be seen in a rather direct and straightforward font.  

Leaning back into the frame, Sam Marlowe’s face looks ravaged as she wipes at the corner of one eye, red from crying as she sighs and addresses the camera.   She is dressed in black, her normal carefree curls pulled back into a chignon at the base of her neck and her make up is subdued.  She once more addresses the camera.

This week has been the week from hell and here I stand at my Daddy’s company wondering where it went wrong.  See I am a shareholder in the Marlowe company and actually it was Daddy who gave me the editing job here.  Well this week, something happened which made me look at my priorities and where I need to put my head in the game.  

Daddy’s daddy, my grandfather passed and now I am more than ever looking at what could very well be an end to my dream of getting my masters and starting to run this company on a more full time basis.  Which then brings me to Sin City Wrestling.

So before I go much further, even though I said it wasn’t going to be an apology, I have to offer Caleb my sincerest apologies because I haven’t been able to do anything when it comes to wrestling.  As a matter of fact, I have been here in Houston and dealing with the funeral and family and SCW has had to take a backseat to that.  Which I guess is going to mean that I am letting people down, especially my partner and that is driving me crazy because everyone that knows me knows that I absolutely detest letting people down.  And as much as I wish I could do more, it just got away from me.

The ill look that passes over Sam’s face attests to the physical affect it has on her.  

I have to say as well, as much as I love my family, I also love my SCW family and after this week I am going to be getting focused once more.  But this week and all that has gone on, I am pretty sure that my head and my heart aren’t into this round of the Blast for the Past tournament and I will be looking to get back into fighting form.  

So where does that leave me now…well for the next few days I am going to try my best to get ready to go out there and try to kick butt like I normally do.  However, no excuses…If it happens that I lose the match for our team, I apologise to Caleb.  I was the weak link and I take one hundred percent of the blame.  And Fenris and Courtney, I hope to give you the match you deserve…

A voice can be heard to call Sam’s name as a familiar redhead moves into the view of the camera and Sam turns to see her older sister looking for her.  Ducking down to hide in a cubicle, Sam looks in the camera and mouths the words “I’m sorry” before sneaking away as the camera goes to black.  

Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe...The return of a champion
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:54:52 PM »
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The soft drumming of rubber against the wood of a desk beats in time with a very soft feminine sounding hum of a rather out of date Disney lovesong. The only other sounds in the room are the soft snuffle of a small ball of fur resting on the lap of the young woman and the barely audible sound of each page as it is turned.  While she rests her head on her hand, the soft red curls of Sam Marlowe move against her cheek as she mouths the words of the sonnet in front of her.  

Dressed for comfort, Sam appears very student like and not the Bombshell Roulette champion she is.  The last few weeks of sitting at home and returning to her studies has caused a lack of care on how she looks.  Her hair is piled on the top of her head with tendrils falling along her cheek and around her ears.  A pair of reading glasses slides perilously close to the tip of her nose which prompts her to drop the pencil in her left hand and push them up her nose just as the sound of the SCW Climax Control theme blares into the semi silence causing a yip from Askem in Sam’s lap.  The phone dances slightly across the desk as Sam fights to catch the hyper fox from falling and grabbing the telephone at the same time.

“Hello there,” answers the redhead after pressing the button to open the call.  She listens intently to the voice on the other end.  “It is?  Wow!”  Listening again, she nods and speaks softly in a pause, “Can you hang on for a moment…”.  Sam picks the yipping Askem up and reaching down, she sets him on the floor and straightens once more to continue the conversation, this time pressing the speaker button allowing the sound of an English accent to fill the room.

“I have to tell you Sam, I had to contact you since you are holding the Bombshell Roulette championship and part of me is doing this because Christian Underwood has this jones about keeping you down for some reason,” offers the now recognizable Mark Ward with a chuckle.  “So Sam, tell me that you are going to give a thought to a return.”

Sam bites her lip as she lets her eyes drop to the book open on the table.  “Well,” she mutters as she offers a lopsided grin to the screen.  “I am still working towards my schooling however,” she continues before looking up to see the Bombshell Roulette title belt resting on a shelf on display.  The belt itself brightens Sam’s smile.  “I can’t not comeback and defend the title that you gave me the opportunity to win.”

Mark gives her a serious look as he draws a knuckle across his chin as he listens to Sam who turns her eyes towards the phone.  “I can understand that and if school is what you want…”  Mark’s voice trails off slightly as he offers a side eye at the camera of his videolink.  

“Oh no Mr. Ward, I definitely think that I got the fire still,” says Sam as she leans closer to the camera.  “I mean, I fought like heck to keep wrestling and I won’t let you or Mr. Underwood down.  You can be guaranteed that Sam Marlowe will definitely be back in the only wrestling company that gave me my career to begin with.  So…when do you need me back?  I mean I am going to have to get back in the ring and work off the rust but with the motivation I have,” offers Sam with a bright smile before continuing, “I’ll be back with bells on!”

“One would hope you would be wearing more than bells,” teases Mark Ward with a wink.  Sam can’t help but blush a bright red at his comment.  “I will be faxing the papers over today.  By the way, the return will start with the Blast for the Past tournament.  We will be making the draws very soon.  Speaking of draws, will you be entering this tournament?  You made it all the way to the finals last year and I am sure that this year you will have that little tug to see your name in the finals again and get that title shot you so deserve.”

Once more Sam bites at her bottom lip as her eyes lose focus slightly as memories of last year’s tournament goes through her mind.  A soft cough from the screen brings her attention back to Mark Ward who has a curious look on his face as he waits for Sam’s response which is not long in coming.

“Of course, I want to be in the tournament sir,” vows Sam.  “Win or lose, I think I got what it takes to go all the way.”

“That is what I like to hear young lady,” offers Mark.  “We will be announcing when the draw will be had but I think you need to know that we will have our SCW Twitter guy live tweeting the draw so watch for the Twitter announcement.”

“Will do Mr. Ward,” says Sam as she reaches for the phone only to be stopped by Mark holding up a hand.

“Welcome back to Sin City Wrestling Sam,” he says before bringing his hand up and disconnecting the call.

“Thanks,” says Sam in disbelief as she ends the call on her end.  Getting to her feet, she moves toward the shelf holding the Bombshell Roulette title.  Reaching up, she slowly pulls it down, the belt unravelling in front of her as she looks at it and then flips it gently onto her shoulder.  One hand moves to caress it in place as she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror.  

“Once more onto the breach…” Sam quotes.

Turning full on to gaze at her reflection, a bright smile begins to cross Sam’s face as the other hand moves to embrace the belt.  With one last look in the mirror, she pulls the belt off her shoulder and gently brings in both ends of the belt and clutches at the faceplate as she thinks about the return.  Her eyes light up as she looks up again before posing with the belt held high in the mirror as if winning it once more.  Wrapped in the memory, she is brought out of it by the yip of Askem at her ankle.  Looking down she nods and reaches for the small fox and pulls him up to snuggle against her chest, his paw resting on the belt.

“I am back and there will be no stopping me this time!” she vows as Askem punctuates the comment with a yip which produces a giggle from Sam as she moves out of the room while muttering to Askem who seems to yip in reply.  

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“You will never guess what my friend Ben did…”
Sam Marlowe can be seen walking along the path that surrounds the home in Maine that Ben Jordan has just bought.  She appears to be taking in the orchard by the home imagining just what it might look like covered in blossoms or in the fall with ripe fruit…whatever fruit trees they were.  She sighs and slides her hands into the pockets of the University of Nevada hoodie she had worn for the trip out to this house.

“Hey Ginge,” can be heard but it doesn’t penetrate the concentration that Sam has.  “Ginge…” Ben repeats as he sets a hand down on the shoulder of the redhead making her jump and turn on Ben with a glare.

“Don’t you know you aren’t supposed to sneak up on people like that Prat!  Y’all nearly scared me to death,” she growls.  

Holding up hands in a mocking surrender, Ben can’t help but laugh at the reaction of Sam which only serves to break the frown and makes Sam shake her head with a laugh.  Turning back to the fruit trees, she takes the scenery in as Ben moves beside her.

“So, how do you like the orchid?” he asks.

“Orchid…what orchid?” asks Sam in wonder.  “Have you taken too many shots to the head?  There is no orchid here.”

Ben’s eyebrows come together as he looks over the trees and then down at Sam.  “Ok Stevie Wonder, you can’t tell me you don’t see it.”

Sam reaches up to run a hand through her hair, brushing it over her shoulder as she tries to figure out what it is that her friend is talking about.  It’s Ben’s turn to grumble as he takes in the trees and moves to point them out to Sam.

“That orchid Ginge…what orchid did you think I was talking about?” he demands as realization passes over Sam’s face and a bright smile covers the giggle that is fighting to get out.  “Oi, now what are you on about with that smile?”

Sam is nearly doubling up with laughter and is unable to speak clearly as she flings her hand up to point at the trees.  “Are you saying…THAT is the orchid?” she asks between gulps of air.  Ben nods and crosses his arms over his chest as Sam lays a hand on one arm.  “Ben darlin’ that ain’t no orchid.”  

“If you are so smart assed…what is it then?” he returns with a raised eyebrow.

“If I had to guess, I would say it is an apple orchard,” replies Sam.  “An orchid is a flower…those are trees.  So it is an orchard, not orchid.”

“You say potato, I say vodka,” grumbles Ben good naturedly.  Putting a friendly arm over the shoulder of Sam, he turns her towards the house.  “So, I hear that you are making a comeback to SCW Ms Bombshell Roulette champion.”

Sam nods with her hands in her pockets once more.  “Yeah, got the call from Mark Ward but I am not sure that Christian Underwood will be happy with me coming back.  But I can’t help wanting to come back after all, I fought so hard to keep my career in the company after what Monte and Cyn put me through,” offers Sam with a slight shrug.

“The dragon aint coming back with ya is she?” asks Ben with a shocked look of fear before he strikes a superman pose and which once more sets Sam off into giggles.  “WHAT!?!”

“You ain’t gonna believe this but last I heard the drag…I mean Cyn up and eloped,” offers Sam only to be interrupted by Ben who holds up a hand.

“You are telling me that dragon lady found someone to put up with her?” ask the Cockney in disbelief.  “Who had the deathwish?”

“Believe it or not, Daddy said it was Monte,” mutters Sam which has Ben leaning in close.

“Can ya say that again Sam?  I can’t believe my ears.  I thought I heard you say it was Monte,” responds Ben with a laugh.  “You must be barmy yeah?”  

Sam sighs before shaking her head in the negative.  “I wish I was but nah, the pair are as thick as thieves now and Moms is totally loving them.  There go the holidays I guess.”  

“interesting turn of events if you ask me,” offers Ben.  “Just means you can come and celebrate with Nan and me.”

“I’d love that Ben, she’s a darlin’,” replies the redhead as she moves towards the house where the car is in the drive.  “But right now, it is too early in the year for those thoughts.  Only thinking about the SCW return and the fact that I need to get back into shape.  And for that, I gotta head back to Vegas asap.  There is a certain fox I need to talk to.  So, think we are ready to head back to civilization?”

“Let’s find Jamie in this place and we can go.  Although I am sure he is already trying to match the carpets with the drapes or some such nonsense,” jokes Ben as he and Sam move to enter the house calling Jamie’s name.

Days later, Sam wanders into the Staggs Dungeon where she spies a young girl resting in a wheelchair near the ring as she talks to a familiar person perched on the ring apron.  Neither have seen the redhead in quite a while but a low whistle escapes the woman on the ring apron and a smile crosses her face.

“Well look what the wind blew in,” offers Vixen Staggs as she lightly leaps down off the ring apron as Eden spins the wheelchair around with a giggle as she responds with “Don’t you mean look what the cat dragged in? Mommie Vixen?”

“Sweetie, that’s a record by the band Poison ma cherie,” answers Vixen who is wearing her regular gear of tights and a Spike tee tied off around her midriff.  

Sam looks around at the gym and only sees youngsters training and none of the other Staggs anywhere.  “Hey Vix, came back to get some training in seeing as I am making a return to the ring.”

Vixen gives Sam a disbelieving look.  “You signed with what company?” she asks.  “I thought that with SCW closing you were going to be going back to school and finishing up with your masters.”

Sam ducks her head and runs a hand through her hair to pull it back into a high ponytail.  “I’m coming back to SCW,” she mumbles around the hair tie as she pulls her hair back then taking the tie, secures it in one long curl.

“Hahahaha…look at you being funny Sam,” says Vixen as she shares a look with Eden.  “Sin City Wrestling closed its doors after Full Circle.”

“Actually Mommie Vixen,” Eden says as she rolls closer.  “SCW is reopening…I heard it from O’Malley who also is wrestling there.  He said it was opening with the Blast from the Past tournament.  Hey Sam, did you sign up for the tournament?”

The young girls enthusiasm gives Sam a chance to offer a wide grin as Vixen just looks at her and shakes her head.  “So you are back in SCW?  Do you think that is a good idea?  After all, last we saw, Christian Underwood, Cyn and Monte were out to take your career away.”

Sam has the grace to blush and nod.  “But I saved my career by beating Cyn and at Full Circle I won back the Bombshell Roulette championship.  Mark Ward called me up and he said he wanted to bring me back to defend the title and be part of SCW and you know how I love me a challenge like the Blast from the Past.”

All right Sam, if you say so.  Which means that I guess you are here for a couple of beatings or so to get ready.  Allons-y!” exclaims Vixen as she points to the ring.  Sam knows the drill and heads towards the ring and rolls inside as Vixen moves towards it and Eden rolls to the timekeeper table.  

Setting her Ipad down, Eden rings the bell as Vixen has rolled into the ring and gets to her feet.  The two bombshells begin to circle in the ring as Eden reaches for the Ipad and begins to record the session.  

After a half an hour, Sam holds up a hand as she doubles over breathing heavily.  “How in the hellfire have you been beating me so much…Ain’t you retired Vix?” demands Sam as she drops to the canvas and rolls out of the ring.  Moving towards a rather battered cooler, she opens it and pulls out a water and holds it up in offer for Vixen who nods yes and moves to lean against the ropes.

“Just because I am not in the ring every week doesn’t mean you lose your skills.  I still get in the ring and spar and I am still teaching the youngsters that come here looking for training,” begins Vixen as she reaches between the ropes for the bottle of water that Sam is holding out.  “Besides, I have to keep in shape to chase after the twins.”

Sam looks around.  “Speaking of which, where are those little darlin’s?”

Vixen laughs.  “Darling little devils you mean?  They are with their father at their swimming lessons.  And Eden is here to help me with some files we need to put together aren’t we petite?”

Eden nods before a beep sounds on the Ipad in her lap.  Looking down, she can see that there is a twitter post from SCW.  She picks up the Ipad waving for Sam and Vixen to join her.  “They are announcing the teams for Blast from the Past.  Who do you want to team with Sam?”

“If I had to choose I would probably say Ben given that he is one of my best friends but anyone in the tournament would make a great partner,” offers Sam diplomatically as the first team is announced and her name isn’t mentioned.  

Suddenly another ding sounds as the second team is revealed.  Sam’s eyes widen when she hears that she is partnered with Caleb Storms.  Vixen can see the look in Sam’s eyes and pats her on the back.  “Hey, anyone in the tournament will be a great partner, right?” offers Vixen

“That’s right…” replies Sam as she and Eden and Vixen continue to watch the draws.  After all sixteen teams have been revealed, Sam straightens and offers Vixen a look.  “Shall we dance once more?” sjhe teases which only brings a laugh to Vixen as Sam rolls in the ring.

“Only if you think you can handle it,” jokes Vixen as she climbs into the ring to face Sam before locking up with her as the bell is rung by Eden.

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Sitting on the trunk of her beat up green Chevy, Sam has the winds sending tendrils of red curls framing her face.  Dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a halter under a light varsity jacket, Sam is relaxing against the windshield and looking up at the stars in the sky in the middle of nowhere where the lights of the city couldn’t hide the twinkling stars.  Watching the night sky and a streak of light that races across the heavens, Sam begins to speak as if she is talking to herself but there is a camera mounted to the side where a small red light is flashing…

“Who would have thought it.  Sin City Wrestling making a return after Full Circle.  And not just a return, a return with a Blast…a Blast from the Past.  How ironic to think that the one place that everyone thought was done, rises like a phoenix from the ashes and starts things off with the most iconic tournament to ever grace a wrestling federation. “

Sam turns to look at the camera and offers it a smile and motions like she is about to reveal many secrets.

“When I got that call from Mark Ward about making a return to SCW, I will admit, I seriously thought that I wouldn’t be coming back.  See I started back at school with all intents of making a go of it now that SCW was closed but then my phone rang, Mark Ward was telling me that SCW was back and do you know how long it took me to think about what I wanted to do?  Let me tell you that was the longest two minutes of my life if I am honest.  See soon as he told me that SCW was back, all it took was the idea of getting back in that ring and giving it my all once more.  After that thought, nothing was going to come between me and what I consider my destiny and that is SCW.”

“Don’t get me wrong, there is some heck of a bunch of bombshells in the company that everyone would give their left…arm to face in the company and the majority are in the Blast from the Past including yours truly, the Bombshell Roulette champion.”

Sam smiles as if she can hear the comments of the fans of SCW at the moment.  

“I can hear what you are thinking.  You think ‘why are ya coming back Sam?’  What do you have to prove?  Let me tell you what I have to prove.”

Sam rises up slowly to turn to face the camera, her hand brushing into her hair as she leans against the windshield, her varsity jacket open slightly to reveal her shirt.

“I am coming back to prove once and for all I have what it takes to get back to the top of the bombshells.  Right now I have the Bombshell Roulette title and a tag partner for this Blast from the Past tournament and the desire to win it all.  Last year I made it all the way to the finals in the BFTP and I came real close to tasting the win and getting my shot at the Bombshell title which I have held before and will hold again.  But I missed it by that much…”

Sam holds her index finger an inch away from her thumb and offers a smile at the camera.

“Now most of you people out there had your fingers crossed that a Ben and Sam team up was in the cards and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for that too but this year I am teaming up with Caleb Storms and from what I hear, he is a heckuva competitor.  So Caleb, nice ta meet ya and good luck to us in the tournament.  But as much as I want to talk to you about my partner, I am afraid that I have to talk about something that is about to get real.”

Sam looks into the distance again mesmerized by a shooting star before she speaks once more.

“So new start and new opponent.  But this is an opponent that everyone seems to make out to be the big bad.  Raynin of the Fallen is one helluva wrestler.  I have seen what she is capable of and I have a healthy dose of respect for her.  But that begs the question, does she have the same for me?”

“Y’all see, I am the current Bombshell Roulette champion and as such, I am prepared for anything that could happen in the ring, outside of the ring…in the back or if need be, anywhere in that arena or out that I need to defend myself or this title.”

Sam holds up the Bombshell Roulette title with what looks like a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.  

“Raynin, you don’t know me very well but if you ask anyone you would know that I don’t know some things when it comes to wrestling.  Things like I don’t know when to quit, I legit don’t know when to stop and I especially don’t know what my limits are.  You see you may think that I am a nothing in that ring, or worse, that I am your next victim.  Maybe I am but question is do you think I am?  Because I have to tell you Raynin, just when you think you have made me your victim is when you will take the biggest fall…see what I did there?”

Sam can’t help but chuckle as she once more looks into the camera lens.

“Never say die, I used to think that described my philosophy in the ring and you know what Raynin, that is the best advice I could give myself.  And it works actually.  I mean I get into that ring and I literally will give my life for the fans.  I will bleed when I need to and I will overcome any obstacle put in front of me.”

“I guess at Climax Control number two hundred and one, that obstacle is you Raynin.  My next question has to be, do I go over you in this tournament or through you?  Given the fact that this is a mixed match tag team and I am teamed up with Caleb Storms and we are facing you and Nick Steen, a rookie who seems to be real enthusiastic to be in the ring, I think this is going to come down to you and me.  And when it does, I have to tell you Raynin, I got mad respect for you and what you can do.  But I have even madder respect for me and my skills.”

Sam adjusts her relaxed pose once more and lays the belt over her hip.  

“I want to tell you something Raynin.  Between you and me, I’m a fan of yours.  I know I talk a great game and all but a little part of me in that ring will be fangirling it up and believe you me, I will enjoy it for sure so thank you for giving me a fight to remember on the return of SCW.  But the rest of me, the ninety nine percent of Sam Marlowe that is going to beat the holy Hannah out of you on Climax Control, she’s more than a fan, she is an equal.  So bring what you got Raynin, bring your Nick Steen and I will bring Caleb Storms.  You bring your little entourage that you can’t seem to live without and I will bring the fans…you know, the ones that drive me to win in the ring with their cheers…you bring your Fallen attitude and I will bring the fire and fury of one Samantha Marlowe, Bombshell Roulette champion and may the best woman win Sunday.”

With that, Sam slides down the trunk of the car as her feet hit the desert sand.  Walking to the camera, she leans down and offers it a kiss before pressing the button to stop the recording.  Packing up the camera, Sam tosses the bag into the backseat of the Chevy before sliding inside and starting the engine.  

The last thing seen is Sam reaching for the radio as Champion by Carrie Underwood begins to blare into the night as the red taillights fade off into the distance.

« on: January 12, 2018, 11:49:54 PM »
 After Climax Control 200 : Sam’s house in Vegas

A rather bleary-eyed Sam Marlowe walks along the hallway towards her kitchen.  Dressed in a pair of worn plaid flannel yoga pants and a tee-shirt that barely skims along the waistband of the pants, the effects of the mist from her partner from the night before rings her eyes with a redness that has her blinking in the light of the hall.  Before she gets to the kitchen, a soft chime from the front door sounds which stops Sam in her path and has her sigh and turn to open the door with a smile as she begins to speak.

“If you call me Stevie Wonder one more time Ben I am going to…” she begins before noticing that it isn’t her Cockney friend.  

Standing on her front porch is Monte Christopher looking worse for wear and her sister who has her eyes covered in mirrored shades.  The pair move to step into the house but Sam closes the door slightly and leans against it.

“Whatever could you two want?” demands Sam as she rests her head against the door preventing the pair from coming inside.  Cyn crosses her arms over her chest as Monte shoots Sam a look then shares a glance at Cyn.  He turns back to Sam, a grin splitting his face as he turns on the charm.

“You don’t need to ask that Sweetness,” he states with a wink.  â€œYou should have known that once that sham of a match happened we would go right back to where we were and start planning for the future.”

Sam chuckles as her eyes roll slightly.  â€œYou figured that I wanted to have a future with the pair of you?” replies a skeptical Sam who slowly shakes her head in the negative.  â€œAfter last night if I don’t ever see you in my life again I wouldn’t complain.”  As she says this she begins to close the door but Monte puts his hand against it and holds the door open as Cyn moves closer.

“Really Sammi, how can you say that when you know that we only wanted what was best for you.  And if you ask me, leaving that company and marrying this man right here would be the best.  Hell if I wasn’t already sure that he wanted you, I would snap him up in a moment,” states Cyn as she offers Sam a smile and a wink for Monte who nods as he puts a hand over his heart and gives Sam a puppy dog look.  

“Forgive me,” begins Sam as she straightens up slightly and pulls away from Monte to glare at her sister.  â€œI couldn’t give a dang if you two went and did whatever.  I am through with the pair of you. I mean really?  For the past couple of months, you have done nothing but make my life miserable.  Do you realize that because of you and your mouth Cyn, I have had to deal with someone that I respect thinking that I don’t respect them.  And you Monte, you don’t own me, I am not going to be the missus that you want.  We aren’t even engaged…”

“But I asked you and I offered you that ring..” begins Monte but Sam holds up a hand stopping him from talking.  

Sam sighs and frowns.  â€œI said no then Monte and I meant it.  And the past few weeks, just made my mind up more.  But Cyn is right about one thing.  She would probably snap you up now that I am not interested in you.  She always seems to want what I have and to be honest, I am kind of surprised that she hasn’t had you yet in some way or…”

Monte turns away from Sam guiltily that slows her speech as the truth dawns on her.  Cyn looks guilty as well but her guilt is covered by the cocky smile she has on her lips.  Sparing a glance for the two of them, Sam just scoffs in disgust and without another word she steps back into the house and shuts the door, leaning back on it as outside of it, Monte turns to Cyn with a questioning look.

“You told me she would be over it,” Monte says as he storms angrily back and forth on the porch as Cyn slaps her hand on the door.  â€œSammi,” she calls only to hear a muffled sound from inside.

“Go away Cyn and take Monte with you!” says Sam as she leans her head back against the wood of the door.  â€œI have to leave myself in a bit because I have somewhere I have to be…”

Not waiting for the pair to answer her, Sam pushes away from the door and heads towards the back of the house ignoring the banging on the door by Monte or Cyn’s strident voice calling her name.  The door of the house next door opens and the lady of the house comes out and yells across to the pair for them to leave or she would be calling the authorities.  With that threat, Cyn Marlowe and Monte Christopher move down the drive and both get into a rental car and pulls away.  

The older lady moves down her drive as she watches the car pull away.  Once it turns the corner, she moves to the door of Sam’s house and rings the bell.  Moments later, Sam whips the door open to see the neighbor who gives Sam a sympathetic look.  Sam smiles slightly and moves back to invite the neighbor into the house and the door shuts on the pair.

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The soft glow of firelight bathes Sam Marlowe in a fiery golden glow as she stares into the fireplace in front of her.  Wrapped in a rather large shawl like blanket, she brings a cup to her lips and sips at the warm liquid that fogs up the pair of glasses she has on the tip of her nose.  Setting the cup to the side, she once more cuddles up on the couch and reaches to the table where a small screen can be seen lighting up as her fingers brush across it.  Pulling it towards her, she presses the home button and then watches the log in screen opens.  Quickly her fingers move over the keyboard on the screen as the characters of her password flash into small dots.  Once all are entered, icons fill the screen.

Pressing one, she opens a camera window that takes in the view of the room from her place.  One finger touch and the view switches to take in her face, framed by soft curls that float down from a rather messy topknot that has every appearance of falling at any moment.  Taking a long breath, she presses the record button before beginning to speak.  

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Here I am somewhere off the grid because I needed to get my head back into the game after the rather interesting few weeks I have had in Sin City Wrestling.  Especially given that I have a match at the very last supercard for the Bombshell Roulette title.  Hmmm the very last supercard in SCW…I really never thought I would be saying something like that especially after the fight I had to go through to be at that actual show.  

Sam pauses to reflect on that statement before she continues to speak.

I had to deal with two people that wanted to make me give up something I am passionate about.  And they came that close to succeeding but I managed to keep my career and I beat the two of them.  I had to pin my own sister to keep wrestling but when push came to shove, I did it and believe it or not, it felt good.   Hellfire, my life of living in Cyn Marlowe’s shadow was totally destroyed that night.  I spent all of my life as a second thought to my sister and now I was finally able to exorcise that demon at the last Climax Control.

Of course I wasn’t able to do that with the help of Anthrax who seemed to have developed some kind of obsession of me.  I couldn’t say I was flattered but he did help me realize that I shouldn’t have let Monte control my life like he did.   So the crazy clown did save me in a way but he took it a little far.  I mean I ain’t that afraid of clowns but he did scare me a little.  But I don’t think I could have let him beat up someone that really wasn’t able to defend himself and all that got me was a misting to the face and a save from my friend Ben who then challenged Anthrax for Full Circle.  Now I am grateful that Ben saved me, I am but now I am worried that in defending me he is gonna get hurt.  And I have yet to be able to reach him…

Sam pulls up a cell phone that she opens to reveal a number of calls to Ben’s number.  

If you are seeing this, call me back Ben, you got me worried.  

Putting the phone down once more, Sam again addresses the camera on the screen.

I guess I do have to offer someone an apology right now before I go any further considering what has been happening since I lost the Bombshell Roulette title.  So Cadence if you are listening, I want you to know that I am sorry.  You will probably scoff and say something to the effect that I was just using my sister as my mouthpiece and you coulnd’t be farther from the truth.  But you don’t know me that well so instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt you thought I would be like any other bombshell and just sneak around and talk behind your back.  And because you don’t know me, you have no clue about what I am like.   If you knew me you would know that I have no chance whatsoever putting words in Cyn’s mouth.  So whatever Cyn said to you, I am sorry you have thin enough skin to let it get to you without coming to me and dealing with things woman to woman.  Because if you had asked, I would have told you exactly what I thought of you winning the title.  I know I congratulated you for it and had nothing but respect for you accomplishing the win.  I was content to let you bask in the spotlight before I would ask for my rematch.  But make no mistake, when I was ready to ask for it, I would come right in front of you to get my rematch.  I am not the kind of person that decides to let others do my talking for me.  

Sam chuckles as she reaches for the cup and sips at it again, once more fogging up the glasses that she reaches for with her other hand and drags from the tip of her nose.  Closing the legs of the glasses, she uses them to point at the camera.

So here we go Cadence, this is me point blank telling you that I am coming for my rematch for the Bombshell Roulette title.  See I don’t need to hide behind anyone because I am telling you straight that I want that title shot and when the ink was dried on the contract, I felt something was missing and I have realized what it is.  It’s the respect that competitors have for one another.  I mean seriously I respect your skills because you are pretty new to this and you managed to win a title in your rookie year here in SCW.  And trust me I know how something like that feels because I did the same thing in my rookie year when I challenged for the Bombshell title and won it from Mikah.  But the difference between you and me is that I still have respect for the person that I won the title from.  Just like when I won the Bombshell Roulette title at Summer XXXTreme and injured someone to do it.  I was sick to my stomach that I ended someone’s career but I couldn’t let that get inside my head especially when I had to defend that title in matches that could end careers.  But that is something that I had to do and I got good at it.  I could adapt to any match and each one would bring out the best of me.  Heck, you saw what I was capable of when I defended the title against you the first time.

Sam’s face gets a bit serious as she pauses in remembrance.

Then of course, after that loss, you still had respect because you knew that I earned it.  But then you came back, earned yourself another shot and you won.  And as much as you say you don’t believe it, I was glad about it.  And for a couple of reasons if you must know.  It freed me up to maybe make a run at another title that I still had a rematch contract for.  Or maybe I could have worked towards the Bombshell Internet title and earning my shot at that one.  But then my sister began her little campaign and dug at your ego.  And you let her.    

If you knew anything about my sister Cyn, you would know that no one is able to put words in her mouth.  Anything she says is all her and she really got to you from what I have seen.  Which then raises the question, if she was able to get to you that easily, what would you have done if I had actually done what she said I did?  Seems to me that with her suggesting what she did and you getting all defensive about it, makes one wonder how confident you were about winning if it was that easy to get under your skin?  I mean did it cause you to question just how good you were?  Or question if she was right about me letting you win.  Is that what has made you think of me as a bad person?  Is there anything that I have done to show you that I didn’t respect you?  You can’t say there is and that is what gets to you isn’t it.  You have to use ad hominin attacks to make yourself feel better about the fact that you aren’t certain that you did win it on your own or not.  Let me put your mind to rest, you won the title all on your own, with your own skills and talent.  Does that make you feel better?  

Sam gives the screen a look that seems to ask if Cadence could accept that she was wrong about her.

So now Cadence, my apology is over and I have some straight facts for you.  I am coming for my rematch for the Bombshell Roulette title and sadly that means I have to face you in the middle of the ring where you seem to think that I am not going to have enough respect for your skills and that you are going to have to beat that respect into me.  Hellfire, I have heard you ranting enough at Climax Control about it.  So here is what I have to say to that…Bring whatever you think you can to this match at Full Circle because that is what I am going to do.  And I am coming with a burning desire to leave the last ever show of my Sin City Wrestling career with the Bombshell Roulette title.  But see, I know I am coming for a fight because you have told me time and again that you lost respect for me and that you will beat me for this title and walk out the champ.  I can’t let you do that Cadence.  

My competitive streak is a mile wide and my desire to be the best is burning very hot.  So if you think that you saw everything I could bring to the ring, just you wait til Full Circle when I bring that much more to the ring and a knock down drag out fight for the belt.  I am looking forward to any stipulation of that fickle roulette wheel of fate that will dictate just how that title will be won.  I am ready for anything so guess that means I am ready for you.  

You know what Cadence, it is going to be a new year very soon and that means New Years Resolutions and I want to share mine with you.  I am resolved Cadence that at Full Circle, I am going to walk out of that six-sided ring after having my hand raised in victory and the belt handed to me.   So, if that peeves you off, I am sooo sorry but I am not going to tell you anything but the straight truth.  Good luck because Cadence, you are definitely going to need it.

Sam grins at the screen which she presses the button on to end the recording.  Sighing, her face falls somewhat as she puts the screen to the side and once more picks up the now cooled drink and begins to sip it again as her gaze moves to the fireplace once more.

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Sam buckles in to her seat in the plane that is slowly filling up.  Hoping to discourage any talk, she closes her eyes and leans her head back with a pair of earphones to block out the noise of the plane.  As the plane begins to taxi towards the runway, a yawn escapes the redhead and her breath becomes shallow as she actually does fall asleep…

Sam opens her eyes to find herself being pulled to her feet by a pair of hands that are gentle but insistent.  She looks into the stern gaze of a rather angered Monte Christopher who yanks her up and turns her towards a doorway where Cyn Marlowe can be seen.  Looking around, Sam finds herself in an apartment building being demolished with piles of rubble surrounding her.  She is moved towards the other redhead who is rubbing her hands together.  

“Finally I can finish you off and leave you in the rubble of this building,” taunts Cyn as she motions for Monte to bring Sam with him as the pair move to the elevator that looks none to safe.  Opening the doors, Cyn let’s Monte climb inside with Sam and joins them for the short ride upward.  Cyn spares only the barest glances for her sister but she begins to talk once more.  â€œYou know, you really shouldn’t even be allowed to think that you are anything more than the victim I have made you today and most of your life.  I know you think you have been able to save yourself or get saved by that Cockney idiot but trust me, it is all nothing but a dream that I am about to destroy.  You would have been better to accept my offer and join Monte here rather than push my buttons.”

The sinister tone of Cyn’s voice speaks of the ill intentions she seems to be showing towards Sam as the elevator door opens on the rooftop floor.  Monte chuckles evilly as he pushes Sam towards the rooftop door that Cyn has pushed open to the sky.  Sam manages to escape from Monte’s grip and backs closer and closer to the edge...her red curls whipping in the high winds as Cyn and Monte approach, evil grins on their faces.

“How can you do this?  I mean you...” she says as she points at Monte.  â€œYou told me you loved me and would support me and you,” Sam adds as her finger turns towards a now seductively laughing Cyn as she puts a hand on the shoulder of Monte.  â€œYou are my sister for sobbing out loud.  And after all the stuff you said about Cadence and her thinking that it was me that made you say them and all that...”

Sam's lifts her arms in surrender only to have her wrist grabbed and she is pulled onto the ledge where a smiling Anthrax is looking at her and then towards the pair that lured her to the edge of the building.

Anthrax growls towards the pair who stand watching the clown.  â€œI told you that she was my girl!”

Sam struggles against the hold of the clown which draws his attention to her.  Leaning closer, his smile changes to an evil grimace.

“I said you were MY GIRL!” he reiterates in a measured menacing way.

“Noooo...I can't be your girl,” pleads Sam.  â€œI was your partner and then when I stopped you, you sprayed me with your mist.  Let me go and find someone else to obsess about...”

Anthrax thinks for a moment before pulling Sam into his arms and dances her along the edge before holding her away from him into the air.

Laughingly Anthrax answers her.  â€œIf you won't be my girl...then you will be no one's girl,” he says as he pulls his hands away from her upper arms which sends her windmilling to try and catch her balance but with a screech of fear she falls backwards into the empty air and begins to plummet towards the ground.  Sam’s eyes slam shut as the thought of the impact with the ground fueling her screams of terror.


Suddenly an impact against a rather solid form cuts off Sam mid scream and has her eyes flying open in surprise to find a Superman holding her that looks very familiar.

“Is that you Ben?” she asks in disbelief.

“I don’t know who this Ben fella is but you better hold on miss, wouldn’t want to drop you,” says the hero.  Sam looks over her shoulder to see the ground still quite far below her making her react by flinging her arms around the neck of ‘SuperBen’ who offers her a smile as he begins a descent towards the ground at a slow rate which is sped up by Anthrax leaping on the back of SuperBen who releases his hold on Sam sending her screaming downward again as she watches as Ben and Anthrax battle back and forth in the air...

The plane landing brings Sam screaming awake which has the flight staff rushing towards her.  Passengers look over their seats as Sam brushes her hand through her hair as she slumps into her seat with an explosion of breath escaping her as she rushes to let the staff know she is fine.  Ducking down once more, she tries to disappear as the rest of the passengers prepare for the layover.

“I am so letting this get to me too much,” she mutters to herself as she once more puts the headphones over her ears, this time pulling a magazine from the back of the seat in front of her and opens it to cover her embarrassment.

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Sam Marlowe can be seen, a pair of blue jeans molding to her legs as her hands are stuffed into the pockets of a varsity letterman jacket from the University of Nevada.  She can be seen standing facing a cameraman and is speaking quietly but with a half smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.  

Cadence I am taking this opportunity to tell you that no matter what you may think, I am coming for a match that will see the two of us fighting for the Bombshell Roulette title.  Now I have been watching Twitter and I can’t believe how delusional you have become about what my sister said that got under your skin.  And like I keep saying that is her, not me but you can’t believe that can you.  Well fine, don’t believe it.  

Now I have seen your comments and you what…I really don’t appreciate the names you call me and the attitude you take with me.  Calling me a cowardly C word because you have doubts about me saying something through my sister that maybe struck a little close to home for you.  Ok, I can give you the benefit of the doubt that you are only using those words to make yourself feel better about having to face me for the title at Full Circle.    

But what you don’t realize is that using that kind of language and conjecture about me is a self defeating thing.  Oh wait, I’m letting my Masters educated language describe my emotions going into this match…let me put it in terms that you will be better able to understand Cadence.  

Sam looks intently into the camera lens.

At Full Circle this Sunday I am coming to give you an holy heck of a beating to prove once and for all that I am not my sister with innuendo and taunts.  See I am the one that comes directly at you to kick your ass.  So when you look across the ring on Sunday, that redhead standing there is going to be the one that is going to drive you right into the canvas and take what you think that you will retain.  And when all is said and done, that respect you were demanding, I will have earned and when I hold that title up and Justin Decent calls out my name as the NEW Bombshell Roulette CHAMPION, there is going to be two things that you can do…nothing and like it.  

The time is running out for talk, the time for action is coming up soon and my actions will be speaking loud and clear in the ring.  So good luck Cadence Carter, you are going to need it.  

With that Sam Marlowe moves away from the camera’s view and begins to walk towards a building that is revealed to be the Gold Coast Casino before the image fades to another that has a message for Cadence Carter.

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Climax Control Archives / Talk it out, Taunt a rival and thinking ahead
« on: December 08, 2017, 11:59:51 PM »
 Sam Marlowe can be seen standing in the middle of a ring, a far away look in her eyes as she stretches out in preparation for a sparring match with her friend and trainer Vixen Staggs who is dressed in a pair of tights and a light tee that is knotted in the small of her back.  Sam is dressed in a comfortable pair of hotpants and halter with her monogram gracing a small heart over her chest.  Vixen moves closer, throwing a punch that she pulls at the last minute forcing Sam’s attention to the here and now.  

“Holy Hannah Vix,” mutters Sam as she pulls herself together and backs away.  â€œWhat was that?”

Vixen shakes her head and moves once more towards Sam who sees her coming and gets into a ready stance.  Vixen surprises her by holding up her hands and motioning Sam closer.

“How many times have I told you Sam that you need to focus.  Nobody is going to let you get away with the daydreaming you are doing in this ring, least of all me,” growls Vixen in a teasing voice that is tinged with steel.  â€œDo you think that Cadence Carter isn’t going to gunning for you after what your sister said about her?”

“Oh you heard about that did you?” says Sam sheepishly as her shoulders slump and she moves to the corner of the ring and leans into the corner dejectedly.  â€œWhat Cyn is saying is wrong and now she ain’t letting me speak my own mind even in interviews.   I mean I lost that match fair and square but to hear Cyn tell it...Heck I don’t blame Cadence at all about what she has been saying back.    I mean yeah, that match was the second one we had and she did take me to my limit.  And she did win the title.  I even congratulated her about it.  I figured that maybe she might have wanted to enjoy the title a little you know.  I knew I hated having challengers after me right away.  She deserved at least a couple of weeks to wear that title.”

Vixen is listening as she reaches for the gloves she has on her hands.  Pulling at the tips of the fingers she pulls off one then the other as she leans on the ropes beside Sam but not looking at her.  â€œIs that really what you think Sam?  It’s just you and me here you know, you don’t have to keep that nice girl thing going on,” teases Vixen with a smile as she nudges at the shoulder of Sam.  â€œI get that you respected the girl but Sam, letting Cyn step up like that…”

“I know Vixen, trust me I know.  But she is so…forceful,” admits Sam.  â€œAnd doesn’t help that she has Monte helping her.  What am I going to do Vixen?”

“Well…” offers Vixen as she straightens up.  â€œFirst you are going to go into this tag match facing Cadence Carter and kick that bombshell’s ass all over the ring.  Then you are going to go onto the match facing your sister and kick her keister as well and then you are going to get both of those women off your mind…unless of course you want to challenge for the Roulette title again…”

Sam and Vixen both share a laugh at that.  Sam wipes at her teary eye and then offers Vixen a sigh.  â€œThank Vix, you always seem to make me feel a bit better.  And you are right, I have to go into this match and focus on Cadence.”

“Why do I hear a but in that comment?” asks Vixen with narrowed eyes.  

“I guess it is from the fact it is a mixed tag match and have you seen my partner?” replies Sam with a worried look.  â€œDon’t get me wrong…he will probably be a great partner.  I mean he protected me from Monte after all…”  Sam begins to wring her hands as she contemplates Anthrax, her partner for the match.  â€œI just wish…”

Vixen nods slowly.  â€œYou just wish you knew if you can trust him or if he will go psycho and you will be in just as much danger as the others are, right?”

Sam looks sideways at Vixen.  â€œIt’s that obvious?” she demands with a laugh?

“Nah, not at all,” teases Vixen as she motions towards the ring.  â€œWhy don’t we take your mind off your problems and work on getting us both ready for Climax Control two hundred?”

The two women move into the middle of the ring and Vixen dons her gloves as Sam begins to lightly bounce from foot to foot.  The two lock up in a collar and elbow tie up with Sam tossing Vixen over her hip and to the canvas as the two begin to use catch as catch can moves in their sparring as we fade out on the pair.

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“Daddy always said you can’t fix stupid.”

The soft melodious drawl of an upperclass Houstonian accent fills the slightly darkened room where the soft light outlines a shadowy figure, an abundance of red curls the only distinguishing mark taken in by the camera.  A hand slowly brings a drink to the lips of what can only be described as a woman with her back to the voyeur that is the camera lens.

“Y’all know that there are all kinds of bombshells in Sin City Wrestling.  You have the veterans that know when running their mouths, they have to be able to back it up.  Then there are the rookies who think that they are ten feet tall and bullshit proof,” drawls the voice once more, a slight tinge of disgust beginning to color the words of the woman.  â€œThen there are those ‘ladies’ that think that a title belt makes them untouchable and damn well cocky.  Those are the ladies that need to be taken down a peg or two.”

The soft whine of metal against metal is heard as the seat that the woman is sitting on begins to move, turning the woman’s face more into the shadows but allowing a slight glint of diamonds and gold to reflect the small bit of light into the lens like a flash of insight that the voice is trying to provide.  The whine stops as the voice softly continues.

“I have seen that there is a bombshell roulette champion that is getting all uppity about how she thinks she knows what is what in this world.  A little blonde thinks she knows it all when it comes to being a champion.  But like my Daddy always said…and say it with me…y’all can’t fix stupid.”

Suddenly the flare of a lamp to the left of the figure blinds the lens for only a moment before Cyn Marlowe leans forward into the circle of light, her eyes glittering with malice as she smiles and steeples her fingers together to address the camera.

“I am here to talk to Cadence Carter,” begins Cyn before giving the camera a look of concern.  â€œSee, y’all seem to think that I am my sister’s puppet and let me tell you something.  I ain’t no one puppet but you Cadence, you are predictable.  Just like my sister, easily led and generally stupid.  I got you playing to my game, not yours and not Sammi’s.  My sister was content to let you enjoy that title.  Hell, she was glad you won it.  She respected the hell out of you for winning it.  But let me share a secret with you Cadence…”

Cyn leans forward conspiratorially and smiles as she takes quick glances to the right and left as if sharing some state secret that could have far reaching consequences.  She curls her finger inviting the camera closer.  

“Secret is Cadence, I don’t care if you have the title or not.  I don’t care if Sammi asks for the rematch or not…the only thing I care about is pushing buttons and making my presence felt in SCW and causing as much problems as I can.  And believe you me, it seems that I have been pushing buttons,” taunts Cyn.  â€œMainly yours as a matter of fact.”

Cyn’s laughter is soft and seductive as she leans back in the chair and reaches for the glass that she brings into the light and sips from with a soft hum of pleasure.  The amber liquid sloshes ever so slightly against her lips before it is pulled away causing Cyn to draw her tongue ever so slowly against those lips before she speaks.  

“I do have to tell you I watched in sheer delight as you ranted and raved like a little bitch about how Sammi disrespected you and you were going to beat her like a redheaded stepchild…well not exactly in those words but hey, I wasn’t memorizing your words,” says Cyn with glee.  â€œDo you realize that you are helping me get to my sister?  Do you realize that if you do what I pushed y’all to do, she will be one step closer to losing her career?  And I only had to taunt you.”

Cyn gets a reflective look on her face as if contemplating something vexing.  

“I do however take offence to the fact that you seem to think it is Sammi running my mouth.  Darlin’ Sammi is such a goodie goodie, she wouldn’t be able to drive you as crazy as I did all by my little lonesome,” states Cyn as once more she sips at the glass of liquor.  â€œNo, you see, Sammi is all about the respect.  So much so that I am sure that she is going to somehow do a promo this week about how she is looking forward to facing you and that maybe she should think of challenging you for her rematch.  After all, she is entitled to one.  But my baby sister is the kind of person that just can’t stand up for herself. ”

Another malicious grin crosses Cyn’s face.

“But me on the other hand, I am quite willing and able to come down to your level Caddie…I can call you Caddie can’t I?  I mean I would think you would appreciate the contempt I have for you considering that you got all hopped up about my words.  But where you went wrong is directing them at my sister.  But bravo, from what I hear, you got her attention,” taunts Cyn.  â€œCome to think of it, you got everyone’s attention with all the big talk y’all been doin’.  Which brings me to my next question…is there some kind of sexual tension you are feelin’ about my sister?  You seem to have a very unhealthy obsession with her, don’t you think?  Does that mean her circus freak of a partner should be jealous?”

A grunt of contempt can be heard from behind the camera which only makes Cyn smile more.  She slowly shakes her head negatively as a hand reaches up to brush a stray curl from the cheek of the redhead.  

“Caddie, I really think y’all need to consider just who you are letting yourself get all worked up about.  I mean Sammi is a former two time Bombshell champion and a Roulette champion after all.  And when it comes to clutch matches, she tends to have a horseshoe up her ass,” Cyn comments with a wave of her hand.  â€œLet’s just say that I am hoping you beat the holy hell out of Sammi on Climax Control.  Slap the taste out of her mouth like you are suggesting but don’t go taking her lightly.  Because if you do, she will step right up and kick the holy hell outta you and smile while doin’ it.”

Cyn pulls the glass closer and lifting it to her lips, drains the remaining liquid before setting the glass down with a sharp click.

“Just remember one thing Caddie.  Y’all talk about makin’ my sister your bitch,” begins Cyn as she leans forward once more.  â€œConsider this, I already made you my bitch and all it took was a few teasin’ words on my part.  Shame there ain’t anything you can do about it…oh wait there is.  Y’all can live with it and like it.”

With that, Cyn leans back once more, her body moving the chair to bring her left hand in contact with the lamp which sends the room plunging into shadow once more which is filled with another slow seductive laugh that fades into the black.

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Sitting in a lecture hall, Sam Marlowe is alone for the most part.  The bright fluorescence of the lighting shines on the young woman as she positions a camera on the desk in front of her and leans back to talk.  

“I thought that I would sit here and talk about what is going on in my life and discuss just what is driving me crazy about Sin City wrestling right about now.  Question is where do I start?” Sam offers as she brushes a hand through her hair.

“I guess the first thing is the fact that Monte and Cyn have decided they know what is best for me and have decided they are going to do my talking,” says Sam as she sighs.  â€œWell, I can’t believe they would think that I need them to do something like that but maybe what I need to do is stand up for myself a little more.  Of course, Cyn tends to let anything I say go in one ear and right out of her head.  And Monte, well, he’s a typical fifties man out of his time.  Saying I need protectin’ when I have been in fights and matches that he wouldn’t even stand a chance in…been in those fights and matches and won.  But he just wants to protect me or so he says.  I think it is more a matter of wanting to control me.”

Sam’s eyes narrow a little as she tilts her head ever so slightly.  

“Then you have Anthrax,” she muses softly.  â€œAnother man that seems to think that I need protectin’ from everyone including Monte.  And heck, I can admit it, I am a bit nervous to think that he…Anthrax that is…has my best interests in mind when he does the things he does.  Don’t get me wrong,” begins Sam, speaking not only to the camera but to herself.  â€œI am pretty sure that I need to watch out for his obsessin’ on me.  But he is my partner which means that I am not going to let him down and I ain’t about to cost him this match.”

Reaching out to the camera, Sam moves it ever so slightly and crosses her legs.

“Then there is the fact that the official announcement came down and Sin City Wrestling is going to be closing its doors in less than a month.  Can I just say it now, hearing that announcement near done broke my heart.  I love SCW and I don’t want it to close.  I guess what I am saying is that I am going to keep giving my heart and soul to SCW until the ringlights are turned off for one final time.”

Sam wipes at a tear that formed at the corner of her eye before speaking one more time.

“And finally this week teaming with Anthrax against Caleb Storms and Cadence Carter,” says Sam with a smile slowly moving over her face.  â€œI will be letting Anthrax deal with Caleb Storms but I am the one that will be stepping up against Cadence and I will be the one letting her know that I ain’t gonna go quietly into that good night on Sunday.  Heck no.  I am going to go screaming and hollerin’ and fightin’ my way into a victory and if I have to take her down to do it, then that is exactly what I am going to do.”

Sam looks intently into the camera for one final statement.

“I hear she has no more respect for me because she thinks I have no respect for her.  Well, I did have respect for her, I do have respect for her and will always respect her abilities.  But respect isn’t fear and on Sunday, Cadence is going to learn to respect me once more because on Sunday I am coming to Climax Control with one thing on my mind and that is beating that respect into her.  So Cadence, be prepared for the fight of your life because that is what I am going to be bringing in that ring, you can guarantee that!”

Before she can speak again, a bell sounds and a group of students walk into the lecture hall which forces Sam to press stop on the camera and put it away before it is noticed by the others.  A friend calls out to her as she stuffs the camera into her purse and moves towards the girl who had waved.

Supercard Archives / Samantha Marlowe Vs Cadence Carter
« on: October 21, 2017, 11:55:03 PM »
 Just after Climax Control went off the air, a very familiar redhead can be seen walking along the street, a hoodie pulled up around her red curls with only a few tendrils blowing in the soft wind and tangling with the white cords of earbuds that are tucked into her ears.  Burying her hands into the pockets over her midsection, her lips moving to lip sync the song she is listening to as she walks along.  Trying to be unnoticed, she can’t help but draw glances as she moves along the street in the Sydney downtown as she moves towards the public transit stop where she stops and looks at the times of the arrival for any vehicles.  

Suddenly, Sam Marlowe turns to look around her, her hands moving to the cords of the earbuds.  Her nose crinkles as she looks over the small groups of people moving along the street as if looking for someone following her.  Shaking her head, she gives a half smile as the bus approaches.  Putting the earbud from her left ear back, she widens her smile and then slides a bill into the payment slot of the bus and moves along the aisle to sit down at the window half way down the bus and puts the other earbud in.

The whoosh of the door is blocked as Sam slides down slightly.  The bag she had on her shoulder is pulled to her lap and she slides it open slightly to pull out a small book and sets it on the seat before once more tightening the drawstring and setting it on the floor at her feet.  Picking up the book, she opens it and begins to read, losing herself in the play.    She can’t see the group of young men who are motioning and talking about her.  One pulls away from the group and moves to Sam to tap her lightly on the shoulder.

“G’day,” says the man with a smirk at his friends which fades slightly as Sam seems to ignore him.  He reaches out again and taps her harder on the shoulder and offers her another smile as this time she looks up and with a nod and smile acknowledges the tap before turning back to her book.

Looking at his friends, the guy can’t believe he had been dismissed so easily.  â€œHey Sheila,” he says as he gets her attention once more.  Sam looks up and this time she reaches up and pulls the earbuds with one hand and offers the young man a smile as she leans the book against the University of Nevada logo on her chest.

“Hey there, can I help you?” asks Sam in a friendly voice as she smiles.

“Ya can,” offers the young man with a wink to his friends which has Sam checking behind her.  â€œMe mates and I were talking and I said that you was Sam Marlowe from that wrestling company that was here in Sydney.  But my mate there says it ain’t you.  Could you please tell him that you are who you are?” asks the youth.

Sam turns back to the group who are jostling each other and chuckling.  Sam calls out to the group.  â€œY’all’s buddy here is right, it’s me,” offers Sam.  â€œI hope that there was no money on this.”

“Nah,” replies one of the others before his friend once more gets Sam’s attention.  â€œI was wondering Sam…I can call you Sam can’t I?  I was wondering if I might get a picture with you.”

Sam looks around at the few people on the bus and then with a shrug nods slowly.  â€œSure,” she says as she slowly stands, her foot catching the bag and making it jingle.  The sound is soft but still the youth hears it and reaches down to pick up the bag and holds it, shaking it slightly to hear the clink once more.  â€œIs that the title belt in the bag?”

Sam reaches out for the bag which is held just out of reach by the redhead.  His buddies move closer as Sam nervously looks at the group before reaching again for the bag.  â€œNah, no title, just some of my lipglosses clinking against a mirror,” lies Sam as she finally is able to clutch part of the bag and tug at it.  

“I don’t think so,” offers the guy holding the bag as he yanks it and Sam closer.  â€œI think it’s the belt and would really like to see it.”  

Sam looks around and does some quick thinking.  She smiles and yanks the bag back towards her, and after a short tug of war later has the bag clutched to her chest with the hand holding the book in a protective embrace of the bag.  The guys continue to crowd around her as she tries to get herself some breathing room.  â€œListen, why don’t we get that picture as my stop is coming up,” she lies.  The guys good naturedly jostle her and then three of them surround her to get in the picture.  Sam smiles as another of the group takes the picture.  

“Thanks Sam,” says the first guy as Sam backs away from them towards the front of the bus.  The guys wave her off as the first one calls out to the redhead once more.  â€œYou need someone to walk you home?”

Sam shakes her head negatively as she moves towards the front of the bus and then raises her hand to wave.  â€œY’all are sweet to offer but I can see my place from the road.  Have a great night,” she says before exiting the bus that pulls away slowly only to stop as Sam begins to speed up in her walk toward her apartment building.

Once at her apartment, Sam let herself inside and then leans against the door as she shoots home the lock.  Pushing away from the door, she moves further into the room and lays the bag and book down on the table before heading into the kitchen where she pulls open the fridge and grabs a beer and then opens it before moving into the living room.

Sitting down, Sam takes a long drink of the beer as she reaches for the remote and switches on the television to reveal a sports report.  Leaning back and leaving the television flickering but quiet as she once more reaches for the bag and her book.  As her hand lands on the bag, it begins to vibrate as the sound of her phone begins to be heard.  Pulling it out, she presses the button and smiles as the image of Monte Christopher appears on the screen.

“Hey darlin’,” says Sam with a smile as she settles back to speak to him.

“Hi Sweetness,” he replies with his own smile.  â€œI saw that you got yourself a helluva match at that supercard you got coming up in a couple of weeks.  And I wanted to talk to you about that,” says Monte.

Sam nods slowly as she looks over to the television before reaches to turn it off.  â€œYou wanted to talk to me about High Stakes?  What about?”

Monte takes a deep breath and then begins.  â€œI am getting worried about you.  Since you won that title you got, you have been in matches that could injure you and Sweetness, I don’t want to see you injured.”  Monte offers Sam a concerned look.  â€œWhy don’t you just go back to wrestling in regular matches or better yet, give it up and marry me like I asked you to.”

Sam tries unsuccessfully to hide her surprise at his comment.  â€œYou want me to give up the belt and wrestling?  Monte…I don’t think that I want to do something like that.  I am loving my job here at SinCity Wrestling.  And I have been really successful since I won the Roulette title.”

“You might be successful Sammi but those matches that are on that wheel are dangerous and I saw the match that you had at Violent Conduct and I thought for a moment there that you weren’t gonna make it through the match without hurting yourself…” begins Monte only to have Sam interrupt him.

“Monte,” says Sam.  â€œI know that those matches can be dangerous and I know that there is the possibility that I can get hurt but Monte, darlin’ I am good at reacting to the matches and I am good at doing what I do.  And if I have to fight tooth and nail to win, then that is what I will do.”

Monte’s eyes narrow slightly with makes Sam wince.  â€œSweetness, that match against that Cadence Carter last time was more than a win that was you totally becoming someone else.  You were willing to do something that I have never suspected you to do.  You were willing to end a career to win the match.”  Sam looks thoughtful as she once more winces.

“Monte…I would never…” begins Sam only to have Monte stops her.

“Sammi, you injured someone when you won the title.  And the last time you wrestled for the title at a supercard, you were going to break someone’s leg.  That isn’t my Sweetness…I want you to think about that,” insists Monte.  â€œActually I want you to think that maybe you need to walk away while you can still walk.”

Sam gives Monte a surprised look.  â€œMonte!  How can you ask me that?”

“I ask it because I love you and want to keep you safe,” answers Monte.  And if it means you need to walk away, that will be the choice I would ask you to make.”  In the background of the call, a ringing phone can be heard which draws Monte’s attention away from Sam.  Reaching for it, he looks at the number then back at Sam.  â€œI have to take this Sam but we will talk later.”

Sam nods and lamely says goodbye as Monte’s hand comes into view to press disconnect.  Sam thumbs the phone off and tosses it to the other side of the sofa in frustration before pulling her knees up to her chest and lays her forehead against them as a low whimper escapes her.

<img src=>

A bed can be seen, a redhead reclining on it in a white button down and little else as Sam Marlowe looks towards a camera on a laptop and begins to speak into the microphone.  

“Y’all know that coming up soon is a match that for all intents and purposes is going to light up High Stakes.  Y’all know that night I am in a fight for this title…”  Sam pulls up the belt that had been lying flat on the bed in front of her.  Laying it out once more, she reclines further and puts a hand under her cheek.  â€œI have to say that this match is going to make history.”

Sam smiles as she looks into the camera and runs her free hand through her curls as she looks upwards as if in thought before looking out the side of her eye towards the camera.  â€œI am sure you have heard Mercedes Vargas talk about how this title defense at High Stakes could see me beating her record and if I am honest, part of me really wants to do that.  See, I have been making history ever since I joined SCW and I can’t help but want to keep doing that.  And when I step into the ring at High Stakes, I am sure that I am not going to want to let this opportunity get away from me.  So, I am ready for making history and beating Mercedes’ two-year-old record.”   Sam stops for a second and thinks about that as the smile brightens up her face before she begins to once more speak.  

“Sad part about me making history is having to do it by beating Cadence Carter in a rematch from Violent Conduct.  Thinking back, that night she was one heck of an opponent and believe you me, I was surprised that I managed to win that night.  And I am sure that is something that Cadence will be bringing up if she does talk about this match.  And I would agree with her one hundred percent,” offers Sam before chuckling.  â€œThat’s right, I agreed with the woman that will be trying to take my title at High Stakes and the sky hasn’t opened up and struck me down with lightning.”

“You see Cadence, I can say that because I recognize how dangerous you can be because I have seen it before.  And you may ask where I saw it and I will tell you point blank that you are a lot like me when I started wrestling.  But just because you have the drive and ability I am going to give you a free pass.  You remind me a lot of me a year ago.  I was fresh faced and new and I was so eager to prove myself and prove myself I did.  I got noticed and then I began my climb up the ladder and managed to win my first title against the one person that no one ever thought would be beaten.  And here I am now the Roulette champion and I am in the fight of my life at the supercard against you.”

Sam adjusts herself to be leaning on one elbow and sighs.  â€œCadence I am ready to admit that maybe just maybe you might beat me but for this match you have to realize I don’t have to pin you or submit you.  I am the champion and the match is mine to lose.  And I ain’t fixin’ to lose this match.  There is too much ridin on this match and when push comes to shove, this is a match that I am not going to lose because this title means so much to me.  So if you want to win it,” Sam offers to the camera, “you are going to have to beat me down enough to pry it away from me.”

“There is no quit in me and you are going to realize that at High Stakes,” vows Sam.  â€œThis title is staying with me regardless of what you do to try and win it.  Mad props to you for your determination and all the respect in the world for your abilities.  So I am just going to put it this way…”

Sam stops talking and collects her thoughts.  

“Good luck Cadence,” says Sam with a serious look on her face that breaks into a smile.  â€œthe title will be going nowhere but I am looking forward to the challenge that you will be giving me.  And trust me, I know right now that you ain’t gonna make it easy.  Which is just how I like it…makes it worth so much to me to know that I faced a strong challenge and was able to get past it.  And in my opinion that challenge is you.  I’ll see you at High Stakes and may the best woman win.”

Sam holds out her hand for a handshake before the camera stops recording and the video goes to black.

Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe versus Melanie Gabrielle
« on: October 06, 2017, 11:49:14 PM »
 A redhead can be seen standing at the boarding gate on the Monday after Climax Control, a small crowd of people around her but the redhead isn’t paying any attention to anything but her fans who are asking for her signature on tees and hats and other SCW merchandise.  The soft scent of an open sharpie filters upwards making Sam lightheaded as she signs all the fans items then with a smile and an apologetic smile, she backs away capping it and shouldering a rather battered carryon bag and grabbing a small briefcase as over her head, a soft metallic voice calls her flight number.

“Thanks everyone, I had a great time here and can’t wait to be back,” she calls out to the fans as she backs along the skywalk towards the plane before turning and stepping aboard the plane.  Moving towards the rear of the plane, she ducks her head and hides her face as she reaches the end of the plane and tosses her bag into the overhead compartment then slouches into the seat.  Pulling the briefcase onto her lap, she opens it to reveal a small computer that she pulls out and opens it on the tray table.

“Excuse me miss, you can’t turn that on yet,” says the stewardess as Sam reaches for the power button.  â€œWe will be taking off in a few minutes and once the captain turns off the seatbelt sign, you will be able to access the internet.”

Sam nods and then closes the laptop and pulls it towards her to hold while she returns the tray to its upright position.  Inside the briefcase that she has sitting beside her, one corner of the Roulette title can be seen.  Looking down at it, Sam smiles as she lets her hand fall into the case to caress it.  Suddenly the hollow sound of the safety demonstration catches Sam’s attention and she leans back in the seat, the frequent traveler in her having heard this all before.  

Once the plane levels off and the fasten seatbelts signs are off, Sam opens the laptop on the tray once more but presses the power button.  A screen saver of her latest photoshoot appears on the screen as the small hourglass turns over and over before the log in appears.  Putting in her pin, Sam sees the desktop appear followed by the icons of the different apps that she has playing as well as some news feed widgets opening as well.  A flash of a banner reading breaking news Vegas catches her eye and she quickly clicks on it to hear the reporter talking about a shooting in Vegas.  

Sam begins to absorb the details of the event that became the scene of a mass shooting.  She looks closer and realizes it is the festival her friend had been talking to her about…


“That’s right Sammi, hubby is taking me to see the music festival on the strip.  Too bad you are going to be out of the country,” says Roberta, Sam’s friend.  â€œYou and I would have been totally able to drool over Jason Aldean…”

Sam could only chuckle as her friend wiped at her lips in a teasing way which just makes Sam shake her head and laugh harder.

“Oh my god,” murmurs Sam as she realizes that the shooting took place when her friend was going to be at the festival.  Digging quickly into her bag, she pulls out a phone and begins to dial it.  Suddenly a hand reaches down and presses the off button.  â€œHey!” exclaims Sam as she looks up into the face of the stewardess who shakes her head negatively.  

“I’m sorry miss but you can’t use the cell phone on the plane, it interferes with our equipment,” offers the stewardess.  â€œWe will be landing in a couple of hours and surely the call can wait.”

Sam looks up worriedly but finds it hard to argue with the set look on the stewardess’ face.  Defeated, she looks down and nods.  The stewardess smiles in a condescending manner and then moves further down the row of seats.  Sam watches her go then gets to her feet to slide the cell phone into her pocket and move towards the bathroom on the plane.

Once inside, she locks herself in and fights to pull her cell out of her pocket.  Leaning up against the door, Sam begins to dial and then puts the phone to her ear.  Muttering she listens as the call goes to voicemail.  Hanging up angrily, she hits redial on the phone.  Minutes pass and still no answer which makes Sam sigh and speak out to the voicemail box.

“Roberta, you had better pick up your dang phone right now,” says a worried Sam who waits and leaves dead air on the voicemail before hanging up in frustration as a soft pounding can be heard on the door.  

“Are you all right miss?  You have been in there a rather long time,” says the voice from outside of the door.  

Guiltily, Sam flushes the empty toilet and then runs the water to cover her putting her phone away.  Then pasting a bit of a smile on her face, Sam opens the door and rolls her eyes.  â€œYou may want to wait a few minutes…” she says as she lets her voice fade on the walk back to her seat.  

Sliding into the chair, she slips on her seatbelt and once more focuses on the news that is describing a night of horror for the festival goers.  â€œOh Bobbi, I hope you are okay…” she mumbles just as a window opens on her desktop and her friend Bobbi appears.  â€œBOBBI,” exclaims Sam as she begins to furiously type as she slips her earbuds in and opens the Skype window.  â€œGirl you had me worried as hell soon as I got on this computer.  How are you and what the hell is happening…”

Bobbi begins to speak, her voice sounding only in Sam’s ears as the plane flies along.  Relief can be seen crossing Sam’s face as Bobbi tells her about what had been happening and how the crowds were and how scared she was and how happy she was that Sam herself hadn’t been anywhere next or near the festival.  

“Stay safe Bobbi, I am coming home to Vegas,” says Sam as she begins to type in another window only to stop when a faint mumbling can be heard over her headset.  â€œDon’t be recockulous Bobbi, of course I am coming back there…if only to check and make sure that you are ok.”  Sam again begins to tap on the keys only to stop once more.  â€œAre you sure Bobbi?  I won’t have a problem with it.”  Sam stops talking to listen and watch as both a verbal message and written one can be heard and seen.  â€œOkay Bobbi but you call me if you need anything ok?”

Bobbi can be seen on the screen holding a thumbs up before typing bye and closing the window.  Sam leans back in the seat and pulls out her cell phone and opens twitter to send a message to the people of Vegas before closing the laptop and repacking it back into her case.

She leans back as she lays her cell phone on the tray table showing her tweet…
1.   Sammi Marlowe‏ @sammi_which Oct 2
Thoughts and prayers for the people of Vegas. #thinkingofVegas #vegasstrong


Climax Control Archives / Quick facetime with Pussy
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:00:17 AM »
 The sound of a set of keys can be heard to rattle before a door opens into a dark room.  A hand reaches out and flicks the switch which illuminates Sam Marlowe in a pair of jeans and a worn bomber jacket over a black tee.

“Honey I’m home…oh wait,” Sam says to the empty room.  â€œI forgot, I live alone.”

Sam lets a half smile cross her face as she pulls the carryall that she had hanging off her shoulder and drops it lightly on the floor beside the closet and shrugs out of the bomber jacket.  Opening the sliding door of the closet she pulls out a hanger and slides it into the arms of the jacket before putting it inside and then shutting the door.  

Reaching once more for the bag on the floor, she picks it up and moves towards the bedroom.  Inside on a dressing table rests an open laptop with a blank screen.  Sam pauses only long enough to press the power button before she moves further into the bedroom and sets the suitcase on the bed, opening it and pulling out her dirty laundry.  The whir of the hard drive spinning up proceeds the soft chimes of the laptop powering up.  

Sam turns and softly pads towards the computer and logs in then moves towards the closet, her hands reaching for the hem of the shirt and pulling it over her head as she walks towards the bed once more.  Soft pings can be heard on the laptop as her messengers open.  Message after message can be seen loading up as Sam opens her jeans and begins to work them off her hips before stumbling and sitting hard on the bed.

“Dang it,” she mutters as she fights to pull off the worn cowboy boots she had on.  Finally they were gone ad Sam stood once more, stretching out her muscles before advancing to the dresser in only her bra and panties.  Pulling a pair of fluffy pajamas out of the top drawer, she tucks the top between her arm and her body as she pulls the shorts on then thrusts her hands into the sleeves of the top.  

The ringing of a phone can be heard which has Sam fighting to pull the shirt down over her head.  The window on the laptop opens to reveal Pussy Willow who can be seen to be clicking her fingernails along the desk in front of her.  Sam smiles and then reaches for the answer and calls out to her friend.

“Hey Pussy, how you doing?” she begins with a teasing tone before continuing, “Long time no talk.”

“Funny Sammi, very funny but this is official business,” says Pussy with a no nonsense look that she can’t keep up the pretense of.  â€œI am calling to talk to you about your match for next week.  I want to know if you are ready to defend your title in a match against Trinity Jones?”

Sam looks surprised at the screen before her eyebrows draw together as if trying to remember who that is.  When she can’t place her, she shrugs and offers Pussy an apologetic smile.  â€œI am sorry Pussy but right now I am really rather tired from my flight in and I can’t really place her.  But I am sure that she is really focusing on the fact that she is getting this shot because that is what I would do.”

Pussy nods in understanding before speaking again.  â€œShe’s the one that is new and really has only a couple of matches under her belt and now that Melanie Gabrielle is recovering from her tag match, Christian put you against Trinity Jones.  Is it punishment for you being so dominant lately as the Roulette champion or wanting to promote new bombshells, I haven’t figured it out but I thought I would facetime you and get the whole story out there since she is your opponent and well, you won’t be in New Zealand early enough to get some interview time.  So do you think that we can ask you to talk about your match Sam?” asks Pussy.

Sam looks from the laptop to the bed then back again.  She nods slowly before leaning towards the computer and smilingly begins to speak.

“Trinity Jones is getting a once in a lifetime chance at the next Climax Control when she gets her first shot at gold here in SCW.  The sad part about it is that she is facing me, the Bombshell Roulette title holder who is on sort of a winning streak if you listen to Mercedes Vargas.  But I want Trinity to know that well, I’m the kind of competitor that will go above and beyond to give the fans what they want and judging from the cheers and shout outs that I receive, they like the fact that I am doing what I do in the ring for them and giving one hundred and twenty percent each and every week,” Sam says.

“But Sam, there is always the chance she might beat you,” adds Pussy.

“Y’all are right Pussy, there is that chance but like my Daddy says, even a snowball has a slim chance in hell.  But I have to admit that there is a chance that if I take her lightly she will beat me and beat me handily so I want to pass on a message,” states Sam before looking right into the camera.

“Trinity, I want to apologize now, I can’t let you beat me this week for my title.  Not because I don’t think you can’t, it is because I want it more than anything and when I am in that mindset, no one can beat me!”

Sam stops to yawn slightly then offers Pussy a sad look.  â€œI would love to continue talking about this but I am beat to my socks and need sleep.  Will talk to you at CC ok Pussy?”

With a nod at her friend, Sam disconnects the call and then moves to the bed to flop onto it, cuddling her pillow and hitting the light switch by the bed to plunge the room into darkness.

Supercard Archives / SAM MARLOW (c) v CADENCE CARTER
« on: September 01, 2017, 11:47:23 PM »
 The soft beep of a machine lulls the redhead sitting by the window slightly as she watches the small boy in the bed breathing shallowly.  Sam pulls one leg up and curls her arms around her knee as she silently mutters a soft prayer to the sky out the window.

“Please help him,” she mouths as Keith opens his eyes and calls out to Sam in a raspy breathy voice that sounds like a whisper.  Sam turns and a smile crosses her face as she lowers her leg and then stands to walk towards the bed.  

Getting to the side of Keith, she reaches down to put his hand in hers. “Hey champ, how you doin’?” she asks the young man who fights to pull himself up but falls back with the effort of barely moving.

“Sam,” begins the little boy.  â€œI’m scared that you was not going to be able to stay here with me.”  His head rolls to one side on the pillow as he sighs.

Sam shakes her head from side to side.  â€œThere weren’t anything that would prevent me from being here Keithie.  When I make a promise, I keep it.  Just like when you promise to cheer for me, you give me inspiration to keep fighting.”

Keith smiles at that and giggles which fades into a hacking cough as he tries to draw air into his lungs.  Sam immediately clutches at his hand as she reaches up and pulls the cord to summon a nurse to check on Keith who is pale blue with his effort to breathe.  

The door opens to reveal the nurse who rushes towards the bed pushing Sam out of the way making her stumble back slightly against the wall as they work on Keith.  His nurse motions for Sam to leave. Walking out into the hallway, Sam moves down the hall and into a common room where a television is playing showing Houston reeling from the effects of Harvey.  

Slumping into a chair, Sam runs her fingertips across the bridge of her nose before letting her head rest against her hand.  Suddenly a hand moves to rest on the shoulder of Sam making her look up into the face of Keith’s mother.  â€œHey Sam, Keith’s having a real bad time of it for now, but he wants you to know that he is still your besterest fan.”

Sam’s solemn face brightens a little at the shared joke.  Getting to her feet, she hugs Keith’s mother and then pulling away only slightly, she smiles.  â€œI’m going to have to get back to Vegas and check on my family in Houston.  Tell Keithie I will be calling him before my match at Violent Conduct four.”

Keith’s mom nods with a half-hearted smile.  â€œHe’ll be watching for sure.  He won’t let us forget.  And Sam, good luck and stay safe.  We all don’t want to see you get hurt or lose the title,” says Keith’s mom.  She holds out her hand and in it is a small picture that has a redheaded stick figure holding up what looks like a belt.  â€œHe drew this for you for luck.”

Sam takes the picture and looking down at it, chuckles at the image.  â€œTell Keith that I will treasure this and with a good luck charm like this, I am sure to win my match at the supercard,” vows Sam.  â€œTell Keith to stay strong.  I’ll be back soon to see him.”

Sam takes only a moment to give Keith’s mother another hug then heads out of the common room and down the hall towards the exit.  Watching as she goes, Keith’s mother is joined by the nurse who whispers something in her ear then motions towards the room as the two women moves back towards the doorway.

<img src=>

A redhead can be seen walking along the strip in Vegas, her thoughts preoccupied as she paces along the famous street.  Getting to the Gold Coast Casino, Sam Marlowe pushes open the door and heads inside.  Moving towards a ring that is set up for the supercard that was fast approaching, Sam drops the large bag on the floor at ringside and then climbs into the ring after pulling a small camera out of her bag.  

Looking around, she takes in the empty room and looks like she is listening to something that only she can hear.  Suddenly, she brings up the camera and points it to the empty seats of the room and slowly spins inside of the six sided ring before turning the camera to face her and begins to speak into the lens.

“Here I am in the ring where this weekend I am going to be putting my title on the line against Cadence Carter.  Now she is someone that I haven’t really faced but just for the fact that she is in the match means that she is definitely going to be a challenge.  Heck, she might even be able to take the belt from me,” muses Sam as she gets an intent look on her face. “Now I don’t say that lightly but given what is going on in my hometown of Houston and the fact that my best fan is fighting so hard, sometimes I wonder where my head is and is it really on this match?”

Sam moves to the turnbuckle and leans into it still recording.  She sighs and then sucks in a long slow breath that she holds as she debates what to say next.

I know that being the Roulette champion of the Bombshells is something that I take so seriously but life around me has put things into perspective for me.  Take Keith for example,” begins Sam.  â€œHe is so young but he is the biggest fighter I have seen and he inspires me.  He is one of the reasons that I have the drive in that ring to do great things.  I’m doing it for him because I want to prove to him that his faith is justified.”

Sam’s eyes cloud slightly as she half miles into the camera.

“This match this week Cadence is a match that I am looking forward to.  I am anxious to face you because I have seen great things in you in that ring and I think we are going to burn down the casino when we get in this ring.  But I do have to tell you that I am coming with a purpose and that is to keep the title.”

Sam stops for a moment then shaking her head turns and sets the camera on the top turnbuckle then moves out of the ring and to the bag on the floor.  Kneeling beside it, she opens it and pulls out the Roulette title and then rolls back into the ring.  The camera continues to film Sam as she walks towards it and continues to speak.

“Cadence, I want to wish you luck at Violent Conduct.  After all you have earned the shot and I am going to give you more than you can handle when we get between these ropes.  And I want you to know that despite what you may have heard about me, I definitely want to let you know that you have my respect in that ring.  If I didn’t respect you I wouldn’t be as frightened of losing my title in this match,” offers Sam.  â€œThat’s right Cadence, I am scared of losing my title to you.  I normally wouldn’t say something like that…you know how we have to show confidence like there is no tomorrow.  But I want to be honest with you and honestly, I don’t know what is going to happen on Sunday.”

Sam takes a hard deep breath.  The look of doubt is replaced by one of resolve as Sam shoulders the belt and looks into the camera view once more.

And continuing on the honesty Cadence, I am going to tell you that I’m coming for the win.  No disrespect to you but this is something that is not going to leave this shoulder if I can help it,” vows Sam.  â€œI made a promise to a sick little boy that I am going to keep winning as long as he keeps cheering me on.  So Cadence, this match means more to me than even you know and I am afraid that means that regardless of how confident you are, I am that much more determined to keep the title.”

Sam’s smile widens slightly as she ducks her head for a second, her hand caressing the belt on her shoulder.

“Let me tell you that I am ready for what the wheel decides for this match.  I have been in this roulette division for a little while now and I am always prepared for whatever will come.  So when that wheel is spun and the match stipulation is revealed, just know that no matter what it is, I am going to fight to keep this title and if that means I have to bring your dreams tumbling to the mat to do it…”

At this point Sam stops and looks almost guilty before continuing to speak.

“Cadence, all I can say is that at Violent Conduct when we step in the ring, I am not going to take you lightly.  But when it is all over, when the bell is rung and the fans are on their feet, the only sound I am going to hear is Justin Decent calling out in the casino…the winner and STILL Roulette Champion…SAM MAR…”

The sound of a cell phone ringing catches Sam’s attention.  Looking towards the camera, she holds up a finger as she fishes the phone out of her back pocket and thumbs it to answer.

“Hey there, I was just cutting a promo for my…what’s wrong?” asks Sam as she listens to the person on the other end of the phone.  The camera watches as Sam moves away and leans against the ropes, one hand holding the phone to her ear as she lays the other on the ropes and lays her head against it.  Her hand can be seen to pull the phone away from her ear and she thumbs it off before tossing it to the side.  Turning now to face the camera, Sam’s eyes are glassy as she shakes her head and slams her hands on the top rope in frustration as she screams.  The unexpected movement on the top rope sends the recording camera to the mat and the impact of it sends the image to snow with the last sound heard a sob of heartbreak.

Supercard Archives / SAM MARLOW (c) v CADENCE CARTER
« on: August 26, 2017, 11:58:07 PM »
 After teasingly pinching Ben Jordan’s cheek, Sam Marlowe rushed through her post match clean up then rushed out of the venue and headed towards her car.  Tossing her bag in the back of the beat up camaro, she slides behind the wheel and guns the engine to head out into the night for the drive to Reno.  

Looking into the darkness of the night, she slows and gets off the road.  Pulling her bag into her lap, she digs around and pulls out her phone and then slaps it into the holder that is stuck to the windshield and focuses it on her in the driver’s seat.  After pressing the record button she once more pulls out onto the highway and begins to speak.

“You know what, tonight was a pretty good night for yours truly,” she begins as she peers into the dark.  â€œI was able to beat back a challenge from Mercedes and kept my belt but you have to realize that in two weeks I will be defending this title against Cadence Carter and everyone has already said that this is going to be a defense like no other.”

Sam takes a swipe at her nose and eyes before reaching down and pulling a cup of some kind of liquid up to her lips.  Sipping at the drink, she sets it down again before once more addressing the camera.

“I could sit here and toot my own horn,” she begins while a smile breaks over her face and she slightly depresses the horn of the car to emit a short honk.  â€œbut that wouldn’t’ be me because I am the nicest person on the roster here in SCW.  So let me just set the stage for this match at Violent Conduct.  I am defending the Bombshell Roulette title again Cadence like I said and from what I have seen of her, she is a pretty good wrestler.  Well of course she is, SCW doesn’t hire people that can’t perform.”  Sam gives the camera a side eyed look as if breaking the fourth wall before once more paying attention to the highway.

“And believe me I have watched Cadence lately only to see her win her matches when push comes to shove or lose by the slightest of margins.  Now my Daddy says that every dog will have its day and every one of them will have the sun shine on their rear ends at least once but Violent Conduct ain’t gonna be the night that Cadence Carter will be able to shine brighter than me,” Sam offers to the camera.  â€œI kinda like the streak I am on right now, it is giving me back all the confidence that I had lost with my losing streak a while back.  Only now that I am holding the Bombshell Roulette title, there is a little bit more giddyup and go when it comes to Sam Marlowe and defending her title.”

Reaching down again, the redhead pulls her cup up to drink from it only to have the last dregs of the drink dribble into her mouth.  Pulling the cup away with a sigh of disappointment, she stuffs the cup into the cup holder with a couple of muttered words that aren’t caught by the microphone of her phone.  Looking up at the device, she can’t help but chuckle to herself, laughter tinging the comments.  

“I really have to say that tonight was something that I needed for my confidence walking into the supercard.  A win, a successful title defense to walk into Violent Conduct just made me that much more confident for when I face Cadence.  Because she is stepping into the ring with one hell of a shot at a title that is very much a surprise with each spin of the wheel.  Which then begs the question, does she have what it takes to adapt to the unpredictable nature of the Roulette title,” ponders Sam.  â€œDoes she have it in her to be prepared for whatever match that wheel decides for us.  Will she be able to step in the ring and face me in a TLC match like I had tonight?  Is she willing to get naked if that wheel lands on a bra and pantie match?  See that is the nature of the wheel…it is totally random and you have to be prepared for any little thing.”

With that comment, she looks up to see the flashing light blinking indicating a low battery.  Growling slightly, she reaches up to the phone about to press stop when she directs one last comment towards the camera.

“Y’all want to know what I think about the upcoming supercard and the Bombshell Roulette title match?” asks Sam with a smile.  â€œI think that it is going to set the bar for the rest of the title matches that night and between Cadence and I, the two of us are going to blow the roof off the place.  And Cadence, right now I want to wish you luck because believe you me, the mood I am in right now, you are gonna need it.”

Sam then pushes the button on the phone to stop the recording.  Looking out into the night, she spies the highway sign directing her towards Reno as she takes the off ramp and disappears from sight.

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Hours later, the battered green chevy is resting in the parking lot of the hospital in Reno with a redhead leaned against the window fast asleep.  Not even the noises of the construction crew nearby are waking her.  Suddenly a person approaches the car and taps on the window which makes Sam Marlowe jump and then bring her right hand up to rub the sleep from her eyes.

“Y’all shouldn’t do that to a person,” mutters the redhead in a sleepy southern accent that sounds like soft velvet.  The person outside of the car knocks again and Sam looks up into the face of Keith’s mother who offers Sam a small smile.

“You here to see Keithie?” she asks.

“Of course, I promised him that I would visit after last night and show him that I am still the champ,” replies Sam as she scrambles to find her bag and pull it close.  Struggling to open it as she yawns once, she reaches inside to pull the strap out to display the title.  

“Keith is going to be so happy that you kept the belt,” offers the mother as she waits while Sam opens the door and slides out with the belt and her keys.  Slamming the car door shut, she moves towards Keith’s mother while pointing over her shoulder with the keys to hit the lock button a soft chime indictates that the car is locked.  Sam and Keith’s mother head towards the hospital and inside.  

Coming out of the elevator, Sam spies Keith in a wheelchair watching for something or rather someone to appear off the elevator.  Seeing Sam, he crows with delight as he fights to reach the wheel of the chair to bring him towards his favorite wrestler.  Sam rushes towards him to prevent him wasting any energy.

“Hey Keithie, kept my promise and the title,” Sam offers as she drapes the belt over his lap.  Letting go of the wheel, Keith puts both hands on the belt and half hugs it into his midsection.  

“I knew you would Sam,” says Keith with all the conviction of a boy who knows the truth.  â€œI betted Daddy that you would and I won a piece of cake for it.  But there were a couple of times I thought you might…” Keith stops for a moment, looking around as if the confession he was about to make would be overheard by everyone.  â€œI mean I thought that Mercedes was going to make you hurt and lose.”

Sam shrugs a bit before smiling at her young fan.  â€œHow could I let her win when I promised you that I would be bringing the title back to Reno to prove that when I say that I am going to win the title for you, I WIN it.  With you in my corner buddy, there ain’t any title I can’t defend.  So now you gotta be ready to cheer me on at the supercard.  Big title defense there and I am going to need all the good thoughts you can send me.”

“Yeah, gonna cheer for you as loud as I can!” vows the little boy still clutching the belt as Sam stands and moves behind the wheelchair and begins to push him down the hall.  â€œOf course though, the nurses telled me that I yelled too loud last night so they might make me yell not so loud when you wrestle again.”  These final words come out a bit breathlessly as Keith slumps somewhat in the chair as the pair of them walk down the hall towards Keith’s room, disappearing around the corner still talking softly.  

Climax Control Archives / Final countdown...
« on: August 18, 2017, 11:58:14 PM »
 The past few weeks had been hard for Sam Marlowe.  Oh she was a champion in Sin City Wrestling and on a bit of a winning streak as the Roulette champion of the Bombshells.  But recent events have colored her thoughts and luckily she hasn’t been in the ring to defend the title but this week, she was to face Mercedes Vargas in a title defense on Climax Control that could see Mercedes make history.

Sam couldn’t let that happen…

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The slamming of a door against a wall announced the arrival of an older lady who stops in the doorway then moves towards a lectern at the front of the class room full of college students and a very familiar redhead who isn’t really paying attention to the chaos around her as her focus is on the small IPad mini in her hands.  The screen has writing across it that Sam is intent on as the elderly professor coughs to get the class to quiet down.

“Good morning,” she says in a soft british accent with an accompanying smile.  â€œToday we are to read the poems that you were tasked to write from last week.  Now who should be ask to start us off?”

Sam wasn’t watching as the professor was moving along the students.  Sam’s attention was focused on the email that she had open on her tablet.  In it, she was reading about a relapse that her small ill fan had taken.  She didn’t know that the professor had stopped behind her and was leaning over her shoulder.

“Why don’t we start with our somewhat famous student, Samantha Marlowe,” commented the professor with a smirk that indicates her contempt for the young wrestler.

“Huh?” replies Sam as her attention is caught with the snickering and laughing of her classmates as the professor taps her knuckles on the desk in front of Sam.  

“We felt that you being famous would be an advantage to stepping up to the front of the class and giving us the benefit of your ability,” adds the professor with a lilt in her voice.

Sam looks down at the email she had been reading then up at her professor before she slides out of the desk and moves to the lectern and puts the IPad on the stand and then looks up at her fellow classmates before she begins to speak.

“I wrote this about my friend Keith who is very sick and doesn’t have long left, and I titled it Tears,” says Sam as she coughs and begins to read off the IPad.

Each tear I cry gives number
To every heartache I have inside
It is the physical evidence
I try so hard to hide
I cannot let you see it
Or even know it's there
For you will find it weakness
Because it shows how much I care
Dry eyed I must be
And strong so you don't know
The hurt I feel, deep inside
I pray it doesn't show.
So I will cry tomorrow
After you have gone away
For I don't want these tears of mine
To make you feel you must stay.

The class was quiet as Sam looks up, her eyes glittering slightly at the emotions she had put into the poem.  Suddenly a slow clap begins from the professor who speaks up.  â€œThat was beautiful.  Good job,” says the professor as she motions for the next person to move to the lectern.  

Sam grabs her IPad and once more slides into her seat and then slumps into it.  A soft ping gets Sam’s attention as an email arrives.  Reading the email, the glitter in her eyes spills over as a trail of tears slides down her face.  With a soft sigh, she reaches for the IPad and them getting to her feet, she moves towards the door only to be stopped by the clipped accent of the professor.

“Where are you going miss?” demands the professor.

“I have to go and see someone who is asking for me,” replies Sam without stopping.  She slams out of the room and heads down the hallway, blurry vision from the tears falling from her eyes that she doesn’t see the person she slams into.   Mumbling an apology.

Sam Marlowe stands in the hospital hallway as she waits outside of a room with a bear in her hand and a grim look on her face.  She is wringing her hands as she looks through the glass at the small boy who is laying in the bed connected with wires and tubes and surrounded by staff and family.  The boy turns his head and he spies Sam who smiles and waves to Keith as he motions her inside the room.

Moving into the room, Sam fights a smile onto her face as she gets closer.  â€œHey Keithie, how you doing buddy?” she asks the small boy.

“I sick,” he replies softly as he motions at the beeping machine nearby.  â€œThey say that I gotta keep the machine beeping.”  

Sam sits on the side of the bed and hands him the bear for him to cuddle with.  

“Daddy says you have the title and you are fighting for it at the next show,” he says.

“Yeah, facing Mercedes for the belt and I can’t wait to face her,” admits Sam as she nods.  â€œShe’s looking to beat me and I am looking to keep my title.  So are you going to be watching?”

Keith nods with a big smile.  The scene fades out on the pair talking quietly.

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Sam Marlowe is standing in the interview area in front of the CC logo dressed in street clothes with her belt on her shoulder and her red curls framing it.  Smiling for the camera, Sam begins to speak.

“Mercedes we have our match coming up and it is your chance to make history in Sin City Wrestling if you win this match against me.  But I have to remind you about something,” says Sam and looks at the lens.  â€œI have been lately been the spoiler here in SCW.”

Sam smiles as she shoulders the belt better and begins to speak once more.

“I bet you are wondering what I am talking about when I say spoiler.  Take for instance my non title match against Polly Playtime.  Now she got it into her head that she was going to earn her way to the title by facing five bombshells that when she beat them, it would prove that she was worthy to challenge for the Bombshell title and when she stepped up to me in my element, she didn’t do so well.  Because I was a spoiler for that night.  I spoiled it for her because she wouldn’t be able to say that she was good enough to beat me and ergo, she shouldn’t even be challenging for the title…which by the way I heard she is but that is another story,” offers Sam.  

“Then of course we have our little rivalry between us and yes you beat me and I have beaten you so both of us know that we do have each other’s numbers when it counts and believe you me, when this match happens for the Bombshell roulette title, I am going to be doin’ my dangedest to keep this title on my shoulder,” offers Sam, “and that means that I am going to have to take the fight to you and hope like hell that the wheel is feelin’ pretty good for me.  See for the last little while, I have been on this streak of wins that have been giving me my confidence back and well, not to be cocky or anything, I kinda like hearing my name at the end of the match as my music plays and I hear Justin saying ‘Winner of the match…SAM Marlowe!’ and climbing those turnbuckles and revelling in the waves of fan appreciation.”

Sam pauses for a moment as she takes a deep breath and let’s her hand caress the belt, a quick flash of sadness crossing her face.  â€œYou know that this week as well has been rather hard because my buddy Keith is really sick and when we were talking at the hospital, he gave me some really good words of advice.  He told me that he has to keep the machine beeping.  You know what Mercedes, I realized that is what I have to do for my fans like Keithie.  I have to keep the machine beeping here in SCW.  I have to keep coming to the ring and giving it my all for the fans and in return they give me something that you won’t be able to overcome…”

Sam’s hand continues to caress the belt as the sadness is slowly replaced by a look of confidence.

“Those fans give me the will to keep fighting and to keep winning over bombshells in the company who write me off like I am nothing.  After Climax Control and our title match, you won’t be able to write me off you know.  Because you see, this title I hold…” says Sam as she pulls the belt off her shoulder.  â€œThis isn’t just my title, this isn’t just a belt that looks pretty around a bombshell’s waist or on her shoulder.  You see, this belt is a symbol for the fans.  This is for them to know that the bombshell holding it came out and gave it her all for them.  And I don’t know if you have noticed Mercedes but that symbol describes me to a tee!  So come Sunday when we step in the ring, one bombshell is going to walk out with this title and I apologize now Mercedes but that bombshell is going to be me.”

With that vow, Sam once more shoulders the belt and moves out of camera view before the mage turns to static.

 After Climax Control 186…

Sam Marlowe watches as Keith and his family walks out of the backstage area, her eyes shiny with unshed tears as she holds her cell phone, the image on the screen a selfie with the young boy and her holding her bombshell roulette title before it flips to black.  Turning around, she slowly begins to walk towards the locker room. She sets down her phone and begins to toss items into her bag and then stops as her sight is taken by the tears as she cries silently at the injustice of her small fan being ill.  

It was only last year when she had first met Keith and now here he was, a Make a Wish kid who used his wish to spend time with her.  Sam reaches up and wipes at the wetness on her cheek as she swallows and takes a breath that comes out as a soft sob.  Getting to her feet, she zips up the battered bag and then throws it over her shoulder as she turns and prepares to leave the room.  Stopping, she shakily chuckles as she moves back and picks up the phone.  Walking back to the door, she pulls it open and exits only to run into Pussy who is heading down the hall.

“So Sammi, where are we meeting for drinks?  Ben said that the first ones are on you,” says the interviewer before noticing the puffiness of Sam’s eyes which makes her smile fade as she puts a hand on the shoulder of Sam.  â€œYou ok?” she adds, concern replacing the joking voice of Pussy.

“Yeah I’ll be fine,” replies Sam with a sigh.  â€œJust had a really bad night tonight you know.  I was told that I am facing Polly Playtime under roulette rules but lucky for me Christian took pity on me and made it non-title.  Then I had a Make a Wish thing and it turned out that it was a young man who I met at a mall last year who said he was my best fan and tonight he was the Make a Wish kid…”

Sam’s voice breaks as emotions hit her once more.  Pussy is quick to hug the redhead who sobs softly.  Patting her back, Pussy makes soft shushing noises as Sam fights to regain her composure.  â€œListen Sam,” begins Pussy, “why don’t you forget tonight and head back to Vegas?  We can party another night.”

“But I promised Ben that…” begins Sam only to have Pussy hold up a hand.  

“He’d understand.  Why don’t you send him a text saying something’s come up and you’d like to offer him a raincheck?” offers Pussy with a half-smile.  â€œI am sure there has to be a flight out sooner than later.”

Sam nods as she looks down at her phone while letting her thumb brush over the screen.  It lights up to reveal the selfie once more which pulls a soft smile from Sam before she opens the messenger on her phone and scrolls through her contacts.  Hitting Ben’s, she begins to tap on the screen and sends him a message about how she needed to go back to Vegas but next time the pair were at a pub, she would buy the two drinks she owed him.  Hitting send, she waited for the confirmation that the message had been sent before thumbing the phone off and stuffing it into the front pocket of the jeans she was wearing before hugging Pussy then backing away from her slowly.  

“I’ll talk to you next week some time,” Sam says as she turns and moves towards the garage where her rental car was leaving Pussy to watch her leave.  Pressing the key fob, she opens the door and then slides behind the wheel and slides the key into the ignition.  Reaching to turn the fob, she stops and looks up to see a small boy standing there in front of her holding his hands open in a hug toward Sam.

“Keithie?” whispers Sam before the small boy disappears down the garage at a call that Sam barely can hear.  She waves at the retreating figure and with a shake of her head turns on the ignition and the engine purrs to life.  Only moments later, the car pulls out of the garage and drives off into the night.  

An hour later, she is sitting in the airport after dropping the keys off at the Enterprise car rental.  With her bag resting at her feet, she leans back with her head resting on the back of the hard plastic seat allowing her to look up at the roof of Reno International Airport.  Suddenly she hears her flight called over the speakers in a crackly soft voice.  Getting to her feet, she makes her way to the desk and then hands the ticket to the attendant then moves down the skyway to the plane.  

Stepping inside, she is met by a flight attendant who smiles at her and motions towards the first class seats with a jaunty “Welcome to my plane.”  Sam nods in response but doesn’t say anything as she passes the doorway and finds her seat.  Sliding her bag into the overhead compartment, she slumps in her seat and pulls out a pair of earbuds and her phone.  Pushing the connector into the bottom of the IPhone and setting it on her lap, she leans back and slides the earbuds into her ears.  Picking up the phone once more, she checks first for a response from Ben then thumbs her music icon to bring up her playlists.  Clicking on one, music floods her ears as her eyes close to discourage anyone trying to talk to her.  

Suddenly over her shoulder, a flight attendant reaches down and waves his hand in front of Sam’s face.  The slight breeze makes her eyes open while she looks upward as the attendant smiles down at her.  â€œWe are about to get underway and we would like to ask you to please pay attention to the safety talk and keep your electronics off while we take off please,” he asks with a bit of a singsong voice.

Nodding in response once more, not bothering to talk, Sam pulls the earbuds from her ears and the faint beat of a song can be heard before Sam turns off the music.   Straightening in her seat, she reaches down for the seatbelt and buckles it over her hips then once more slumps down as a voice is heard to start giving the safety speech.   Half listening, Sam turns to the window and looks out on the tarmac where lights are defining the runways.  The plane starts to taxi towards the row of lights as the final instructions are given.  Finally the voice over the intercom says, “Sit back and enjoy the flight to Vegas.”

Moments later as the plane taxies along the runway with the thrum of the engines rising as the plane angles upwards Sam is pushed back into the plush seat.  Five minutes later, the fasten seatbelt sign blinks off and the plane levels off.  Sam sits up and looks over the plane to find that she is the only person on her side of the plane.  Motioning to the attendant who is moving along the aisle, Sam softly asks if she could start using her electronics one more.  The attendant whispers yes then asks if he can bring her anything.  Looking around, Sam nods and requests a drink which sends the attendant towards the galley as Sam pulls out her phone to once more listen to music.  Putting the earbuds in her ears, she stops for a second then instead of opening the music app, she opens the camera and begins to record herself, the light of the screen her only illumination.

“Hey, SCW fans, it is the SCW Bombshell Roulette champion, Sam Marlowe here and I got some things that I wanted to talk about and figured that the flight to Vegas from Reno would be the best time to talk about it.  So buckle up, it is going to be an interesting flight,” says Sam.  â€œNow first I want to say something to a very special friend that I saw tonight.  Keithie, you say you are my biggest bestest fan and I want you to know that I am your biggest and bestest fan.  So with that I want you to know I am always gonna be there for you just like I know you will be there for me.”

Sam pauses as she is handed a glass with a gold liquid that sloshes along the side with the ice cubes.  Taking a small sip, she sets it to the side on the tray table then once more pulls up the camera to continue recording.

“Now let me address what happened tonight when Christian Underwood came to me and told me that I would be facing Polly Playtime at the next show.  I had heard about her ‘list’ that she is talking about.  You know the one…her five fave opponents or some such thing.  And believe it or not, one of those names was mine.  Now I don’t know if she is doing it because she thinks that if she faces this list she is going to somehow be in line for a shot at some title or one of the bombshells she needs to face to justify that she is still a threat.  Great, so she wants to make her name by stepping on all of these people she listed.  And I can’t say that I disagree with her methods but what I do disagree with is that she thinks that she is all that for doing this.  I mean I applaud her sense of wanting to work for the title but there is something there that really bothers me as well,”  offers Sam as she taps her nose with one finger as if trying to figure out what was motivating Polly.

“But I am the one that she will be facing this next Climax Control.  But the thing is that Christian said the match will be under roulette rules.  I don’t know if Polly has ever had a chance to actually be in a match that no one knows what kind of match it will be until only a few moments before the match itself.  Now I am rather new to the Roulette title and the match stipulations but when it comes down to it, I have a bit more experience at Roulette matches.  But will that mean that Polly will be at a disadvantage?  Probably not,” Sam speculates as she reaches for the drink and brings it to her lips once more to sip at.

“Excuse me miss,” says the flight attendant, “but I was wondering if there was anything else you needed before we landed in Vegas.”

Sam smiles for the attendant and thanks her as she walks away before looking back at her phone.  The red button is still flashing as it records Sam.  Bringing up the phone, Sam smiles into it and continues to speak.

“Where was I? Oh yeah, wondering if Polly would be at a disadvantage in a roulette rules match.  I bet you are thinking ‘Sam, Polly is never at a disadvantage in that ring because she has beaten some of the best people in the company.  And I know I am in for a hell of a match so I really have to make sure that this week I prepare for facing someone that could come out of the corner and kick my ass from ringpost to turnbuckle.  But I hope she realizes that if she is going to try that, she has to know that I am someone that has a do or die attitude and when it comes to providing the fans with someone that they can get behind, I am the one bombshell that will do whatever the fans want or need.  Everyone calls me the sweetheart of SCW and I will admit that yeah, I can be a sweetheart.  But don’t mistake sweetness for weakness,” says Sam.  â€œI mean yeah, I have helluva lotta respect for everyone in the company but when it comes down to it, I still have that streak of competitiveness that drives me to push myself for the win.  And believe that at Climax Control, that drive will be front and center in our match.”

Before Sam can say anything else, the soft chime of the fasten seatbelts sign is heard as the small screen lights up.  With that, Sam turns to the camera and quickly smiles an apology to the screen.  â€œWe are coming into Vegas and I wish I had more time to talk about next week but they are looking at me to turn off my phone and get ready to land.  But there is still time to say this one thing…” says Sam before her smile brightens.  â€œGood luck Polly, something tells me we are both going to need it.”

Saying that, Sam thumbs the stop button on the camera then shuts it down and lets it fall into her lap as she reaches for the earbuds and pulls them from her ears.  The plane begins to lower as Sam rolls the earbud cord around her phone and then shove it into her pocket as the lights in the cabin go dark as the plane can be heard to bounce off the tarmac and a screeching of brakes is heard faintly.

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The sounds of fingers caressing and tapping on the keys of a keyboard can be heard, a counterpoint to the playlist that is running on a window of the open laptop.  A soft voice sings along with the song that is currently playing while the typing slows then stops.

“I don’t know what more I can say about this,” mutters a voice.  â€œYou can only say so much about Henry five before you start repeating yourself.”  The sound of a book being slammed on the table beside the computer is barely heard over the song ending but the angry flutter of pages being turned is loud in the silence between songs.  

Sam Marlowe looks down at the book then at the screen, her nose crinkling in frustration as she pulls the book closer to read the passage on the open page.  Grumbling at the laptop, she sees a window for twitter pop up.  Suddenly an idea forms in her mind as she opens her twitter and then sends a message to Ben Jordan to finish off this reading for her class.  Once it is sent, she pushes away from the table and then moves towards the doorway.  

“The heck with this, I am giving myself a break.  All work and no relax makes Sammi a really dull girl,” Sam says to herself before heading towards the stairs and her room.  Moving inside, she walks towards her closet and steps inside where she moves to a built in dresser and opens a drawer.  Pulling out a two piece swimsuit and heading towards the bathroom, she catches a look at herself in the mirror.  With her hair pulled up in a rather messy ponytail high on her head, a pair of fades denim shorts and a white unicorn halftee, Sam looks relaxed but her frustration can still be seen in the way she is standing and the half grimace on her face.  Stopping short, she moves closer to the mirror and then leans in to joke towards her reflection.  

“Are you lookingth at me?” she taunts mixing genres with Shakepeare and Scorsese.  This brings a giggle to her lips as she moves towards the bathroom once more.  Taking a few minutes in the bathroom, she exits dressed in the swimsuit with her hair still pulled in a high cascade of curls.  In one hand is a towel as she exits her room and heads down the stairs.  

Stopping to reply to Ben on Twitter, she picks up her phone and laptop and moves towards the patio door leading to her backyard.  Reaching towards the hot tub, she sets it to bubbling before moving towards a table that is nearby and setting up the computer on it.  Turning away from it, she moves back to the hottub and steps up on the small deck around the top of it and then down the stairs into the warm water.

Leaning back, she lets her eyes close as she relaxes.  Suddenly from the side, the hum of her phone is heard as a call comes in.  Leaning over, she spies who it is and pushes a button before beginning to speak.

“Hi Rocky Mountains, how are you?” says Sam.

“I am good Sam, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the match coming up on Sunday.  When I didn’t see you after I had talked to Ben, I thought I would get in touch with you later in the week to do an official interview.  So can you come into the office?” asks Rocky, her voice professional.

Sam shakes her head as if Rocky could see her before speaking out.  â€œSorry Rocky, I am really busy this week before I get to leave on Saturday to make it to Stateline for Climax Control.  If you could do this over the phone I could answer your questions now.”

Over the speaker, Sam can hear Rocky muttering but can’t make out exactly what she is saying.  Finally Rocky speaks up as Sam sits up to pay more attention to the call.  â€œOkay Sam, I suppose that I can ask you over this call.  First I want to know how you are feeling about the fact that you are the Bombshell Roulette champion yet everyone sees you as an easy mark,” asks Rocky which causes Sam to chuckle which turns into a cough to try and hide the laugh.

“Well I guess you could say Rocky that I am enjoying it,” begins Sam who pushes a stray curl behind an ear.  â€œI mean everyone still talks about how I was Christian’s whipping person for the longest time and probably still am.  But I have to say that it definitely built my character for sure.  I mean how many people can be professional enough to do what I did?”

“What did you do Sam?” asks Rocky, her voice raised in speculation.  

“Well I did what I was told but no matter how menial, I was still there and still a big part of the show.  And when I was given opportunity, I took it and ran with it and once more I am in competition.  And when the opportunity came to win the Roulette title, I took that as well and look at me now,” offers Sam.

“Speaking of the Roulette title match, have you talked to Chelsea Payne and apologized for injuring her…maybe permanently?” demands Rocky.

“Have you been talking to Kris?” asks Sam in disbelief.  â€œHe’s the only one that seems to want to start something from that and now you are asking.  Well let me set the record straight.  I haven’t had the chance to talk one on one with Chelsea but I will go on the record now and say that I am sorry that she got injured but I also know that if it had been reversed, no one would be demanding of Chelsea if she had said sorry to me.  When we signed the contract for that match, we all knew what we were signing up for,” says Sam with a hint of regret in her voice.  â€œI am completely sorry for Chelsea getting hurt and if there were any way I could make up for it I would but right now I can’t focus on the past.  I have to move on and focus on the future and that future right now is Polly Playtime and the fact that Christian Underwood put us in a match on Climax Control.”

Rocky can be heard to be typing something in the silence that is then broken as she speaks up.  â€œSpeaking of that match, how are you feeling about the fact that Christian is protecting your title by making it a nontitle match?”

“If you are wondering Rocky if I was worried that if it was for the title, I have to tell you that I am always prepared to treat each and every match as a title defense.  Luckily it is nontitle but it is still going to be contested under Roulette Rules so if that puts it in my favor, then so be it.  I know that Polly will probably say that no matter what, she will win and good for her.  Confidence is a great thing to have when it comes to matches and she has every reason to be confident but then again, so do I,” says Sam as she lets her hands trail along the bubbly water, one hand curling into a fist trying to catch the liquid that slips through her hand.  â€œI know that since coming back from the losing streak I was on, I have nowhere to go but upwards.  And I have been training and I am only getting better with each and every match.  And with it being under Roulette rules, it means that I will get even better as Roulette champion because it means I can adapt to any match that the wheel decides.  Do you know how many people can adapt that quickly…not many.”

Rocky can be heard typing again before speaking.  â€œAnd I have to ask you Sam, you have signed Ben Jordan to be your manager in the company.  Why?”

“You want to know why I signed with Ben?” repeats Sam, laughter bubbling up in her voice.  â€œI signed with Ben for three very good reasons.”

“And they are?” demands Rocky over the phone.

Sam pulls her hands out of the water and then holds up three fingers as she speaks, lowering one finger as she begins.  â€œFirstly, Ben is someone I trust who has done well in ACW and SCW.   He has held championships and has been someone that helped me the most in SCW with my confidence.  Secondly, my crazy sister took it into her head that I needed a manager and was trying to get me to sign a contract with her and well…I know that wouldn’t have been good and once again, Ben saved me from the dragon that is my sister.”

Sam stops as Rocky’s typing also stops.  There is a pause that neither women break for the moment before Rocky speaks up.  â€œAnd number three?”

Sam chuckles as she looks down at her index finger and slowly lowers it.  â€œThirdly, when Ben lost the tag titles, he was going to manage and well between you and me, I figured that if I had him as my manager, I would be able to work on him subliminally to return to the ring for a proper singles run because I think he would be an awesome champion in SCW.”

“You get no argument from me on that score,” offers Rocky.  â€œWell I think that is everything I need Sam but do you want to take this opportunity to say anything to your opponent this week?”

“Yeah, I have something I want to say to Polly,” says Sam as she leans her arms on the edge of the hottub by her phone.  â€œPolly Playtime, you are a former internet and bombshell champion and you have beaten some of the greatest people in this company and I am sure that you are looking at this week’s match and thinking that you have nothing to worry about but I hate to be the bearer of bad news.  As much as you are probably thinking that I am no challenge to you because you are so dang good, well then you need to realize I have decided that I ain’t going to back down from a fight and I am not going to allow anyone to think that because of my record I am an easy mark in the ring.  Yeah, you have won the Bombshell championship and the Internet championship.  But there is one thing that you have to realize as well.  I have held the Bombshell championship twice as well as the Roulette title.  So in terms of being champions, both of us are able to say we have been there and done that.”

Sam lets her head fall for a moment as she chuckles to herself.  â€œThis week isn’t a championship match but I am going to treat it as one so I am going to be pushing my limits to the extreme and if that means I have to take it out on you and go for the win, that is something I am going to do.  But I do have one promise…win or lose I am leaving it all in the ring and once this match is over, I won’t think about it every again except to learn from it.  So thank you in advance.”

“You are thanking her?” demands Rocky in disbelief.  â€œThis is a woman that will probably put you down as much as she can.”

Sam takes a slow breath and exhales it before speaking.  â€œRocky, win or lose this is going to be a learning opportunity.  And I am going to have to say thank you because she considers me a challenge.  You see, she had that list of people she wanted to face and well I am on it.  And considering that I am like number four out of five, that must mean she thinks that I am a real challenge so I can’t help but thank her and Christian for this.  Besides, that is just the type of Bombshell I am,” jokes Sam.

“I guess you are,” agrees Rocky before adding, “well I have enough here thank you Sam for answering my questions.”

“Any time Rocky, it is always a pleasure talking to you,” replies Sam.  

The sound of a click then dial tone can be heard on Sam’s phone.  Reaching one damp hand towards the towel, Sam dries it and then presses the disconnect button before laying back and closing her eyes as the hottub continues to bubble, the soft sound of it lulling Sam into a relaxed state.

 It has been two weeks and if not for the physical evidence, I don’t think I would believe I am not dreaming.  But seeing that belt resting around the waist of my full size teddy bear makes me smile every time I walk into my room and see her sitting on the bed dressed in a light purple velvet dress and roulette title.

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Sam Marlowe moved into the room where a wide open space is surrounded by weight machines and barbells and weights and an obstacle course seems to be set up with boxes and bars in the middle of it.  The dust motes dancing in the air tickle at her nose as she stops dead center of the room and lets the bag that had been resting on her shoulder fall to the floor.  To one side, the reflection of the redhead reveals her with her hair in a rather messy bun and a pair of old black and red tights and halter covered with a rather worn and half open red hoodie with a small embroidered Boo Boo Bear on its left side.  On her feet can be found a pair of red converse shoes and slouch socks.

Leaving the bag on the floor, Sam reaches up and pulls the earbuds out of her ears and calls out in the quiet.  Her hello echoes in the empty room.  â€œI guess I am early,” she says to no one in particular before pulling the ear buds from the mp3 player she pulls from her pocket.  Moving closer to a weight machine, she sets the player on it and then pushes the button to fill the room with sound.  Moving back to the bag, she leans over to pull it up then carries it to the machine with the music player.   Swaying to the music, Sam pulls on the zipper and undoes the hoodie to slowly pull it off her arms and leaves it in a puddle on the bag.

Moving back into the center of the room, Sam continues to move to the music, stretching out her arms and pulling them across her body as she warms up.  Finally prepared, Sam looks at herself in the mirror and again begins to sway with the music.  She starts to hit poses that would make most people laugh but Sam was taking each seriously as she slowly kept moving.  The song plays as each pose matches the tempo.  The final few notes can be heard before silence makes Sam stop.

“Ok, let’s do this,” she says to herself as the tempo of the song changes and Matchbox Twenty’s She’s so Mean begins to play.  Sam’s lips curl into a smile as she begins to swing along the bars, flipping around the steel posts and begins to move faster.  Climbing the poles, she stretches out and dances to the tempo of the beat.  Getting into the music and dance, she doesn’t hear the door open to reveal a woman standing in the doorway.

In the doorway, Vixen Staggs can be seen watching the redhead as she dances to the music.  Leaning against the door jam, she says nothing as she pulls out her phone and begins to record Sam’s dance.  As the music dies and Sam does a few final spins and then slides down the pole to lay herself out against the pole, Vixen whistles to catch the attention of Sam who looks up in surprise to find the Hall of Famer recording her.  Pulling herself up, Sam moves towards the weight machine where her bag is resting and then pulls out a towel to wipe her chest down as she ducks her head hoping that she isn’t blushing too much.

“Where did you learn how to do that?” demands Vixen as she stops recording and moves towards the redhead.  â€œLooks like it will help make you limber in the ring or makes it so you have a career choice if this wrestling gig doesn’t work out.”

Sam chuckles as she shakes her head at Vixen.  â€œFunny Vix,” answers Sam as she tosses the towel over her shoulder before moving towards Vixen and opens her arms.  Vixen smirks as she feints a punch into the midsection of Sam forcing the redhead to recoil slightly with a laugh.  The pair then hug before Sam tosses an arm over the neck of Vixen and leads her towards her bag.  â€œI’m glad you could come and see me before Climax Control.  I am seriously worried about the match considering what happened on the ship and the fact that I was responsible for what happened to Chelsea and now she might not ever wrestle again…” begins Sam only to have Vixen hold up her hand and interrupt Sam.

“I saw what happened on the ship Sam and I have to tell you that you are putting way too much on your shoulders,” says Vixen in a calm voice.  â€œChelsea knew what she was getting into when she signed up for that match.  And believe me, the Roulette title means extreme,” adds Vixen.  

Sam bites at her lip as she takes in what Vixen is saying.  Nodding at the woman standing across from her, Sam takes a deep breath before agreeing.  â€œOk, so I can give myself the benefit of the doubt for being responsible.  But I also have Jessie invoking her rematch and Christian of course decided that she gets it because I won the title and I think he desperately wants to keep me down and titleless and here I am with HIS Bombshell Roulette title around my waist.  You don’t think that he is going to rig it in Jessie’s favor do you?”

Vixen shakes her head negatively and answers.  â€œChristian Underwood stooping that low…really?  I get that he is feeling like he needs to be the bad bee with the itch but seriously…do you honestly think that he wants to do that to you?”

“Can you prove to me after all I have been through with him that he doesn’t?” replies Sam as she cocks an eyebrow and lets one corner of her lip curl in a half smile.  â€œWell regardless of what he wants, I have to be ready for facing Jessie Salco and be prepared for anything that the wheel could end up on.  And that is something that I don’t really have experience with.  So that is why I asked you here.  Help me prepare for the match and tell me what I am going to need to do to keep my title.”

Vixen is ready to give her protégé a flippant answer when she spies the look of fear and self-doubt in the eyes of Sam.  Moving towards the redhead, Vixen lays her hands on the shoulders of Sam and gives her a hard look.

“You have to be ready to do anything to keep that title.  You have to be prepared to put your body on the line and not worry about the hurt and pain and pressure.  You are going to have to want to give it your all and be prepared to beat your opponent to the point that she can’t come back,” offers Vixen which only makes Sam’s eyes widen in surprise at the serious intent of her mentor.  

“You can’t be serio…” begins Sam only to have Vixen put a finger against her lips to stop her from talking.  

“I can’t be more serious Sam,” replies Vixen, her brows lowering slightly as she focuses on Sam, her eyes darkening to emphasize her words.  â€œLike I have taught you and like Spike keeps saying, you need to get extreme when it comes to the Bombshell Roulette title.  That wheel is a fickle bitch with matches that are designed to test your limits and push the envelope.  So either you embrace the extreme or you just hand over the belt Sunday night at Climax Control.”  Sam’s eyes say it all as she lets them widen.  Vixen gives her a hard look before pulling the finger away and demanding if Sam understands what she is saying.

“I get it Vix…” says Sam as she gulps a hard breath then swallows as her jaw tightens.  â€œAnd I am not giving up the title without a fight and Jessie is not going to know what to do with me,” vows Sam as the two women move back into the middle of the room.  Behind them, the mirror reflects the pair as they face each other.  The music covers what they are saying but by their actions, you can see that Vixen is here to train Sam and the redhead is ready to learn what it is going to take to keep her Roulette title.

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The camera focuses on the SCW Bombshell Roulette title as it rests on something, framed by red curls as the camera pulls out to reveal Sam Marlowe dressed in wrestling gear with the belt resting under her hand on her shoulder.  

“Jessie, congratulations, I am sure that you are excited about challenging me for this,” says Sam as her hand caresses the belt slightly.  â€œNow I could be confident and tell you that there is no way that you will be able to take this belt off me but we both know that you have held this belt three times already.  And you are looking to win it back and in doing so, make history with this belt.  But I have to tell you that there is going to be a little wrinkle in your plan.  See, I am not ready to give this title up so easily.”

Sam looks towards her shoulder, a smile beginning to form on her lips as she once more sets her fingers caressing the faceplate of the belt, her fingers tracing along the name plate where Sam Marlowe is etched.  Turning again to the camera, Sam starts to speak.

“I know that the reason that you have been given your shot is twofold.  One you do have the rematch clause in your contract but I think that the real reason you have been given the shot is the fact that I am on the bad side of Christian and he just can’t stand to see me succeeding the way I am.  And you know what Jessie…I am succeeding.  We saw it on the ship when I won the title.  We will see it in the ring at Climax Control with once more I beat you.”

Sam begins to look confidently into the camera, her smile beginning to widen with each breath she takes and each statement she makes.  Pulling the belt off her shoulder, Sam holds it up with one hand for the camera.  

“Jessie, I have to tell you this now and I hope you don’t take it the wrong way but you have to understand, I have been fighting to prove to Mr. Underwood that the faith that Mark Ward has shown me wasn’t misplaced.  So when that wheel spins and decided what kind of match the two of us are going to be in, I want you to remember that I am about to do something that no one would have expected from Sam Marlowe,” offers Sam as once more she pulls the belt close to her body and she lets her tongue trace along her lips to dampen them slightly before continuing.  

“I am ready to embrace the extreme Jessie.  I have always been a high flyer and risk taker and now I am taking myself to the next level and getting extreme.  I don’t know if you are going to be ready for that but I suggest you get ready because this belt is going nowhere as far as I am concerned.  But I will wish you luck and tell you that I am looking forward to this match.”

With that, Sam turns to walk away but stops and turns back to the camera.  â€œOh and I can’t wait to see just how extreme I am going to be able to get.  After all, this belt forces one to prove they have what it takes to be in matches that push limits.  And for me, after Summer XXXTreme, I have realized that I have no limits.”

Winking at the camera and offering it a slight chuckle, Sam shoulders the belt and walks out of the shot as it fades to black.

Supercard Archives / Jessie Salco Vs Sam Marlowe Vs Chelsea Payne
« on: July 07, 2017, 11:41:13 PM »
 It had been a great week up to the boarding on the Grand Princess Cruise ship.   Sam Marlowe had made it to her cabin on the ship and was preparing to head topside to enjoy a movie on the deck.  Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a bikini bra, she steps out of her room and locks the stateroom door and turns only to pull up short as she is confronted by a familiar redhead in a tailored white dress and pumps who smiles as she pulls the large Jackie Kennedy sunglasses from her eyes.

“Sammiwich, imagine running into you,” says Cyn Marlowe as she takes in the look of Sam with a slight sneer.

“Cyn…what are you doing here?” demands Sam as she tries to move around her sister but is blocked as Cyn moves with her to tuck her hand through her sister’s arm and begins to walk with Sam along the hallway.

“Can’t I be here to support my sister?” answers Cyn as she smiles at a couple coming from the other direction, the husband pointing at Sam and beginning to chatter at his wife.  â€œBesides Sam, with all the changes that I am hearing you are going to need someone to support you in this crazy thing called SCW.  After all, you will be a champion you know.  And I am definitely the person that manages champions.”

Shaking her head, Sam tries to pull away but Cyn has a death lock on her arm and keeps her near her.  â€œCyn, as much as you talk about me being managed by you, it isn’t going to happen.  I thought when Daddy and I told you that you weren’t going to be my manager, you would take the hint,” states Sam as Cyn waves at the couple then ignores them to focus back on her sister.

“Did you say something?” asks Cyn before answering herself.  â€œOf course, you were probably saying that it was a great idea for me to manage you,” adds Cyn but is stopped by Sam who comes to a standstill in the middle of the hall.  Cyn stops and looks around making sure the pair aren’t being watched.  â€œWhat is the matter with you?” demands the redhead, her hands moving to her hips as she glares at Sam who crosses her arms over her chest.

“You aren’t listening to me Cyn, you are NOT my manager and you won’t ever be,” states Sam with her teeth gritted against the screaming tone of voice she wants to use.  Cyn’s eyes widen before narrowing slightly as a sneer begins to cross her lips.  Sam flips her hair back over her shoulder then straightens up.  â€œSee Cyn, I have made it this far in SCW without a manage…”

“Yeah, you have been so great, former Bombshell champion and all that,” interrupts Cyn.  â€œSpare me the oh I am so good speech Sammi, we both know that you dropped the title like it was hot and have been lukewarm ever since.  If that isn’t a cry for my help, I don’t know what is!”

A growl erupts from Sam who throws her hands up in the air and begins to stalk off.  Cyn follows behind as she lets the sneer change into a smirk.  The pair move to the lift where Sam taps quickly at the button to call the elevator in a vain hope that it will arrive and she will be able to escape her sister but her luck is not there as Cyn arrives to join Sam in the elevator.

“So,” Cyn says with a deep breath.  â€œHave you done any talking about who you are facing in this match and tell me you aren’t going to choke this title match.”

Sam doesn’t spare a look for her sister as she watches the deck numbers flash by.  â€œNo Cyn, I am not going to choke this time,” mutters Sam before adding, “unless you work on my confidence and cause me to choke.”  The last is said into the side of the elevator where Cyn can’t hear it.    â€œBut I have been preparing to face Jessie and Chelsea so I think that I have everything under control.  So why don’t you just enjoy the cruise and leave me to deal with the match.”

“Sammi, do you think that would be a good idea?  Besides, I told Mother and Daddy that I would be here to protect you on this cruise and I am going to do what I need to make sure that you come out of the match with the win.  Chelsea has beaten you before and Jessie, well, Jessie really hasn’t beaten anyone of importance so you really don’t need to worry about her,” says Cyn as the doors open to reveal the sunlight of the upper decks.  She slides her sunglasses over her eyes and moves to walk with Sam who is working her way along the deck.

“Cyn, that isn’t true, Jessie is the champion,” answers Sam in exasperation.  â€œShe beat Chelsea for the title and oh em gee, she is better than you give her credit for!”  Anger is written all over the body of Sam Marlowe as she puts her hands on her hips and glares at Cyn who reaches a lounge chair and drapes herself across it.  â€œAnd let me tell you something Cyn, as much as you seem to think that you can talk down about all the bombshells in the company, I have to remind you that I am the one that wrestles here, you are only someone that thinks that she is my manager.  And you aren’t.  And if you think that there are people that won’t prevent you from getting involved in my career, you have it all wrong.”

Cyn waves her hand at Sam’s comments as a deck boy arrives and leans towards her with a menu for drinks.  Cyn orders something then turns to look up at her sister.  â€œSuch strong words Sam, makes me almost believe that you have what it takes to win the match on Sunday,” taunts Cyn.  


With only the growl of anger, Sam once more throws up her hands and turns to walk away.  Cyn calls out to her sister who ignores the woman on the lounge chair and heads towards a distant part of the deck leaving Cyn to smirk as her drink is delivered.

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Jessie and Chelsea, my two opponents this week in an Ultimate X match over a pool for the Roulette title.  Everyone is talking about how it is Jessie’s to lose and Chelsea’s to win.  And then here I come, the spoiler…the underdog…the one bombshell I don’t think either of you wanted to see in the match.

See, I have worked my way back into competing in SCW once more.  I had Christian humble me with all the crappiest of tasks but I got past that.  I worked the concessions and I sold tshirts and I did what I needed to so I could get back in the ring.  And yeah I won some and I lost some but truth is, I get into that ring week in and week out and I do what no one else does and that is put my heart and soul into each and every match I wrestle.

Now I am sure that people are asking what it was that got me to the show and in the Roulette title match against Jessie and Chelsea.  Honestly, I have been asking myself the same thing and I have come to a realization.  It is that wheel of fortune that spins that got me back into contention…how apropos don’t you think?  The Wheel of Fortune turns constantly and some days you are on top and other you are on the bottom.  And that is just like the Bombshell roulette title stipulations get chosen from a wheel that is spun for each match.  

On Sunday Jessie, we meet once more in a title match and this time it is for the Roulette title and it is going to be one hell of a match because you are fighting to keep the title and I am fighting to take it from you.  And I won’t make the mistake of resting on past victories when it comes to this match.  You are dangerous and one hell of a champion so I am not going to take you lightly but I am going to bring everything I have to that match and will use that to send you to a watery ending where you will be looking up from the pool to see me hold up the title high.

Then of course, we aren’t the only ones in the match Jessie.  We both have to contend with Chelsea who was the former champion.  Now she has beaten me before and has never let me forget it but this time I have a really good feeling about my chances against her.  I think she has been focused on the wrong things right now and that is the Black Sheep and all the fun and games they are playing.  

Chelsea, this match isn’t a game to me.  Jessie, this isn’t just a comeback match to prove I have earned the shot.  This is my redemption match to prove not only to you and Chelsea but everyone else that I am committed to be the best in SCW.  If that means starting once more with the Roulette title then that belt is going to be mine Sunday.

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Sam is standing in the middle of her stateroom, one hand brushing her hair back as her other hand brings up an earring to clip it in her ear.  She looks into the mirror catching her reflection.  Dressed in a silvery shimmering mini dress, Sam slowly moves her hands down her body and smiles.

Suddenly, a knock sounds at the door which catches Sam’s attention making her turn towards the door.  Rolling her eyes, worried at who it might be, she pauses for a moment to run a finger along her lipline only to have another knock sound which makes Sam’s head droop as she turns to open the door.

“I told you Cyn that I…” begins Sam as she yanks the door open to reveal her friend Ben standing there dressed rather casually.

“Oy Ginge, is that what you are wearing?” Ben asks as he takes in the fancy dress making Sam look down at her dress.

“What’s wrong with what I am wearing?  I thought that tonight I might go to the chocolate and wine pairing,” begins Sam before she stops.  â€œWait a minute…I get the feeling that I am forgetting something.”

Ben gets a hurt look on his face as he playfully pouts and puts a hand over his heart.  â€œI can’t believe you forgot our anniversary Sam,” he states with a soft sigh at Sam’s wrinkled nose and look of confusion.

“Our anniversary…What anniversary?” asks Sam.  

“Our date from last year…the charity auction, you, me Legend?” he replies.  â€œOnly from the looks of it, this year you got the fancy clothes and I get to be casual.  So since it is our anniversary, I made a few plans of me own.  So come on.”

Ben motions towards the lifts while Sam hangs back a bit.  â€œDon’t got all night Ginge,” he adds as he moves into the stateroom and grabs Sam’s small purse and stateroom key.

“Do you think I should change?” wonders Sam out loud as Ben shakes his head.  â€œNah, turnabout is fair play,” teases Ben back as he reaches out and catches Sam’s hand and pulls her out of the door, closing it.  The two moves towards the lift and Ben pushes the button.  The doors of the other elevator swoosh open to reveal Cyn who is shocked as Ben and Sam climb into the first lift and wave while the doors close.

An hour or so later, the pair can be seen sitting at a table in the pub, two beer in front of each.  Sam smiles at Ben as her fingers curl around the glass.  â€œI have to tell you something, I’m glad that you and I are celebrating our date night anniversary and that you saved me from having to deal with Cyn.”

Ben raises his glass with a grin.  â€œThat’s me, Saint Ben…dragonslayer!” he teases which only gets an answering giggle from Sam who takes a drink from the glass and sets it down.  

Looking up at Ben, Sam winks as she begins to speak.  â€œYeah, now if you can only save me from Cyn wanting to be my manager, I would love ya forever,” moans Sam as she rests one elbow on the table and lays her chin on her open hand.  â€œYou won’t believe what she told me earlier in the week.  She is smothering me like a blanket for sobbing out loud.  I’ve been avoiding her like the plague all week because I don’t think I can listen to her anymore.  So I focused on training and doing what I need to for the match,” says Sam as she shoots a look at Ben.  â€œOnly way I can get her out of my career is either stop wrestling or get someone else to be my manager.”

“Why don’t we get through this weekend first then I might just have me own suggestions for slaying the dragon once and for all,” offers Ben as he finishes the beer in his glass and holds it up for a refill before turning back to Sam.  â€œSo you ready?”

“As I will ever be prat,” jokes Sam as she toasts the thought of her match.  â€œCome this time Sunday, I am going to either be wet or the Bombshell Roulette champion.  Cheers!”

The two friends clink glasses as the scene fades out.  

Supercard Archives / Jessie Salco Vs Sam Marlowe Vs Chelsea Payne
« on: July 01, 2017, 11:51:27 PM »
 The classroom setting was quiet for the most part, the only sounds are the slow tick of a rather oldschool clock over the door and the scratchy slide of pencils and pens against paper.  A rather tired looking redhead has one hand under a cheek as she doodles slightly on her paper as she reads over the paper in front of her, her eyes slightly glazed as if not really focusing on her surroundings.  Around her, people are slowly getting to their feet and moving towards the desk at the front of the room then exiting.

A cough from the professor catches her attention as she spares a glance towards the clock then back down to the paper.  A few quick scrawls later, Sam picks up the paper and then grabbing the rather ratty bag at her feet up, she moves towards the professor and hands in the papers.

“Well Ms Marlowe,” intones her professor in a friendly tone.  â€œI hope this wasn’t too difficult for you to be here for.”

Sam offers him a big smile.  â€œIt is never too difficult for writing a test,” she jokes back.  â€œAfter the big win at Climax Control and getting ready for the next show coming up, this was a breeze.”  

The professor nods before sliding the paper onto the stack near where he is seated and then he crosses his arms over his chest as he takes in Sam.  â€œI wanted to ask you Sam, have you talked to Montgomery lately?  I haven’t seen him around campus for the longest time.”

Sam nods her head slowly as she shoulders the bag and sighs.  â€œI guess you hadn’t heard,” she begins.  â€œMonte’s had to go back East to take over for the family business since his father had his heart attack.  So Monte’s gotta pull out of this course.  But I know he misses this,” adds Sam.  

“This or you?” jokes her teacher.  â€œI know that he was so proud of you being his girl and all and bragging on you to anyone that would listen.  I don’t even follow wrestling but I heard about all the matches.  Speaking of…are you still wrestling?  I have seen you in class more often so makes one wonder if you still compete.”

Sam brushes a few strands of hair from her face and nods slowly as the final two students finish up their tests.  â€œYeah, I still wrestle.  And actually that is why I am kinda hanging around.  I need to be gone the next few weeks for my job and I wanted to know if there was anything that I need to do while I am gone.”

“Oh, don’t you wrestle close to Vegas?” asks the professor.

Sam shakes her head in the negative.  â€œSummer XXXTreme is coming up and that is where SCW goes for a wrestle cruise on the Grand Princess ship.  We are gone the whole week and have the supper card on the ship itself.  So I will be cruising next week and won’t have the opportunity to get to class as much as I would want to,” teases Sam as the two students arrive at the desk and hand in their tests then exit.  â€œBut that doesn’t stop me from working between fan signings and all the other stuff planned for the cruise.”

The professor lets a bark of laughter escape him before he pushes up from the desk and catches up the papers to shuffle them into a semblance of order then stuffs them in a battered leather briefcase that he then closes and pulls over his shoulder before once more leaning back against the desk.  

“So Sam, if you are wrestling on this cruise, who are you facing?” he asks, curiosity written on his face.

“I’m facing two people that really think that they have it all and that I am just going to be the third wheel in a match where they are the only ones that matter.  But the surprise is that Jessie Salco and Chelsea Payne weren’t even expecting me to be in the match.  I’m kind of a wildcard.”

“Three women in the ring…at the same time?” asks the professor.  â€œWon’t that be a little uneven for a match?”

Sam shakes her head negatively.  â€œMight make it a bit dicey for a time or two,” she offers with a shrug of her shoulders.  â€œMaybe Jessie and Chelsea can put aside their differences if they think that I am going to be the one that is the threat in the match.   So I have to be prepared is all,” adds Sam.  

“Well then, far be it from me to add a burden to you since you have to face such odds,” says the professor as he once more pushes up from the desk top.  â€œWhy don’t we consider the following…You will be cruising on the ocean towards an interesting destiny of a sort.  Why don’t you write for me a detailed accounting of the week on the cruise and how you did in your match?  Try teaching me about your wrestling,” he states with a smile.  â€œMake me regard it as your world’s stage.”  

With that comment, the professor moves towards the door leaving Sam to watch him in surprise.  One eyebrow slowly rises as she contemplates the professor’s suggestion, a smile creeping over her lips as she moves to follow him out the door.

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Long Beach California…Sam wasn’t expecting to return there so soon after Climax Control.  But here she was, walking along the streets of the city looking downwards at her hand which held a cell phone.  On it, her twitter feed can be seen.  

“Okay prat,” she mutters.  â€œYou have better have answered my message or there will be hell to pay!”

Scrolling along the messages, no Cockney King Ben Jordan replies can be seen.  Sam looks up at the hotel nearby where the superstars and bombshells had stayed for Climax Control.  Before she can enter though, a body can be seen moving towards her with a determined pace.  

“Sam!  Sam Marlowe!  Can I talk to you?” demands a voice that stops Sam in her tracks.  Turning with a smile, she lets her head drop as a fan walks up, a Ben Jordan tee on and a bright shock of orange hair.

“Hey y’all, I’m tryin to find my friend Ben and I really can’t be stopping for long,” she says with an apologetic smile.  â€œCould I offer you an autograph and maybe we could talk later?”

The fan holds up a hand and in it she spies a press card from the local high school paper.  â€œI’m a reporter for my paper and I was wondering if I could get the scoop of the century,” asks the reporter as he pulls a piece of paper and a pen from somewhere that Sam didn’t even want to contemplate.  â€œI want to know about the fact that you are facing Chelsea and Jessie in a triple threat ultimate X match for the Roulette title.”

Sam takes a deep breath, sparing a look towards the hotel before turning back and answering the reporter.  â€œWell, I have faced both women before and trust me when I say both are pretty dang tough in that ring.  Jessie Salco for instance…last time I faced her, I eliminated her in the Chamber of Fate match for the Bombshell title.  Now this time I am facing her as the defending Roulette title holder and I am afraid that once more I am going to have to spoil her night by beating her for the roulette title,” says Sam.  â€œSee, this is my road to redemption and if I sit back and don’t take advantage of it, then why am I even challenging for the title.  I suppose it is because I have taken all the crap that has been happening and each week I am positive and go out and try my dangedest to win and prove that I have what it takes to be in this company.  And since I can’t really challenge for the Bombshell title, maybe I should work my way up the hard way…inch by inch…title by title.  So that means I am going to have to win the bombshell roulette and that is what I am fixin’ to do at Summer XXXTreme.”

The reporter nods sagely as if Sam had just dropped some sermon on him.  â€œGiven that Jessie Salco is the current Roulette champion and she has beaten Chelsea Payne for that title, does that give you pause at all to wonder just how you are going to overcome that?” he asks.

Sam thinks for a moment, her hand brushing along her neck before she speaks.  

“Yeah, I get that it is going to be an uphill battle for sure.  I am also sure that Jessie is probably talking all sorts of tough talk about how she is going to drop me in the pool and retain the title but what she doesn’t realize is that I have never made things easy for her.  Hell, every time we have faced off against one another, I have played the spoiler time in and time out.  And on that ship, this will be no exception to the rule that states that I will put Jessie Salco in the pool if I have to to claim victory and the title.”

“But what about Chelsea Payne, that woman seems to have your number all the times you have faced her.  What will be different if anything this time?” demands the reporter.

Sam’s smile fades slightly before brightening once more as she begins to speak.  â€œChelsea Payne is someone that seems to thrive on treating me like some nobody that she has to wipe her boots on to prove how much of a champion and bombshell threat she is.  Don’t get me wrong, she’s one heck of a bombshell but when push comes to shove this time at Summer XXXTreme, I ain’t going to let past history between us dictate how this match is going to happen.  See, Chelsea is looking at me as just another ‘oh em gee, gotta face that loser Sam Marlowe again before I take back my title’.  I ain’t the one that is going to be the only one she has to worry about.  Jessie is in that match too.  So maybe Jessie and I could work together to end Chelsea before making it a one on one match.”

“You would actually team with someone like that to get rid of Chelsea?” demands the reporter, shocked that good girl Sam was actually suggesting that she would cheat and double team someone.

Seeing where his thoughts are going, Sam holds up her hands and shakes her head.  â€œI wouldn’t ever try to do something underhanded like that,” she offers.  â€œBut this is all for one title and there will be no friends in this match.  What I have to do is put both Jessie and Chelsea in the pool and I am prepared to do that for the Roulette title.  But I really gotta ask are we done here?  I am really worried about my friend and I gotta make sure he is ok.  So if you don’t mind…”

The reporter looks shocked then nods in understanding.  Sam offers him a smile as he moves back and motions her on her way.  Sam moves past him and heads into the hotel.  

Moving to the front desk, she leans forward to speak to the person at the desk.  A few muttered sentences and a couple of keystrokes later, Sam’s smile spreads as she thanks the desk person and moves off.  Taking her phone out, she presses a number then puts the phone to her ear.

“Yeah I found him,” she says into the phone.  â€œWhy don’t you come and help me get him out of here and see what is going on with him.”  Listening for the answer, she moves towards the elevator and presses the button.  The door swooshes open and she steps inside.  â€œI’ll be waiting for you outside the door.”

The elevator closes on Sam Marlowe hanging up the phone and reaching for the floor buttons.

Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe, Roulette rules vs Otaki
« on: June 23, 2017, 11:15:36 PM »
 A microphone is seen standing alone in a room where suddenly the sound of footsteps can be heard.  Stepping into view, Sam Marlowe approaches the microphone and smiles as she curls her fingers around it and pulls it closer.  Letting her eyes shift from right to left, she leans closer and begins to speak.

“I found out about whom I am facing this week and I realized that no one has really done what we should be doing every time a new person enters the company.  And since she is my opponent, let me begin by saying, ‘Welcome to SCW Otaki’ and give her a quick orientation that she really didn’t get in her match against Veronica Taylor,” says Sam.

Taking a moment to let that sink in, Sam slightly tugs at the SCW Bombshell tee she is wearing before once more looking up and speaking.

“See, we have a great bombshell division in Sin City Wrestling and trust me when I say that anyone can totally step into the spotlight and win titles.  Heck, when I won the Bombshell title I was totally surprised with the shot I had been given and well, I took advantage of the title shot and drove myself hard to win.  So if you have the drive to succeed, like I saw that you had when you faced Veronica, y’all are going to fit in quite well with the rest of the bombshells in SCW,” says Sam.  

“I also want to let you know though that as much as we talk a good game and as much as this is about being able to trash talk our opponents, we have to realize that actions speak volumes and in the ring that is where we make our names,” offers Sam as a hand moves to brush her hair out of her face.  â€œAnd believe you me, I am ready to step up to you in that ring and prove that I deserve once more to wrestle for gold in this company.”

Sam looks to the side, a slight fading of her smile belying the confidence she is showing.  Pulling herself together again, she turns once more to address the microphone.

“I don’t know if you know my history here in SCW,” Sam teases with a quick roll of her eyes then speaks once more.  â€œHowever, I started out like any other bombshell at the bottom and then wrestled my way into matches that others never thought I would be able to wrestle in.  Then came what I like to refer as ‘THE SHOT’ and I was to face the Bombshell champion for her title.  Now everyone saw how the champion at the time was the one that decided that I would be the one to have the shot and she probably did it because she didn’t think I could beat her and guess what…”

The eyeroll returns for a sheepish look into the camera as Sam then winks.

“I went on to win that title,” says Sam.  â€œBut eventually champions have to lose and lose I did.  Then I started to go on a losing streak.  It got to be like I couldn’t win a one person race no matter how much heart I showed in the ring.  And that caused me a bit of problems with the owners, well Christian Underwood.  And that got me suspended and…”

Sam pauses for a moment to suck her bottom lip into her teeth as she once more brushes her hand through her hair.

“I hope I am not boring you with all this history stuff but I really think you need to get the full story before you go ahead and think that maybe I am not really a challenge to you because of your win against Veronica.  See, when it comes down to it, I tend to work my way up the ladder and with every slip down a rung or two, I fight my way back to the next rung on the ladder,” offers Sam who tilts her head as if listening for a response before she continues.  â€œThen of course, Mark Ward gave me an opportunity in the Blast for the Past mixed tag team tournament and I made it all the way to the finals where my opponent had to basically push the referee into me to get the opportunity to pin me after faking being hurt.  But that is all well and good, I am glad to know that she needed to resort to that to win.”

Sam’s confidence restored, she begins to move the microphone with her as she begins to pace.  â€œThen of course, we have last week.  Facing off against Crystal Millar and beating the current Bombshell champion gave me momentum and a confidence boost that I needed.  And you would think that beating her would put me back up in the rarified air of the Bombshell championship but you see, I still haven’t proven to Christian that I deserve that and so he put me on track for the Roulette title.  But you know what…maybe that is what I need right now.  The ability to test my limits…”

“I don’t know if you really understand what it means to challenge in a match with Roulette rules.  Let me lay it out for you.  In Sin City Wrestling there is the roulette rules wheel where match types are listed on the wheel.  Rocky Mountains spins the wheel and the match that it lands on will be the way the match is contested.   I haven’t really had much experience much in Roulette matches but that doesn’t mean I ain’t game to excel in a Roulette match.  And if I win this one against you Otaki, that will mean that I am probably going to be able to at least be considered for the Bombshell roulette title,” offers Sam.  â€œAnd as much as most people have said that I don’t deserve the shot, I am content in knowing that this week I face you and if I can beat you, I’m in line for once more challenging for gold.”

Letting go of the microphone, Sam straightens and puts her hands behind her back as she addresses the microphone once more.

“I have to admit, between you and me, I don’t really care if I am wrestling for a title or not but there is something about getting in that ring and testing myself against people that just makes me excited about wrestling on Climax Control.  And if that means that I am going to get a chance to wrestle for gold because I am going to beat you this week on Climax Control,” says Sam before she lets her grin widen.  â€œYou better believe that I am out to pin you to the mat for the one two three.  So Otaki, welcome to Sin City Wrestling…I am your welcome wagon presenter and the woman that is going to hand you your first loss in SCW.”

Sam pulls away from the microphone and then walks out of the room leaving the view of the solitary microphone as the only thing seen.

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Music can be heard in the small theater on a rather warm day.  Dressed in a pair of cutoff overalls and a soft lavender half tee, a redhead can be seen pouring a stream of goldish colored liquid into a small bucket.  Looking up, Sam Marlowe takes in the trim she is preparing to paint with the gold.  Nearby, a woman in blue jean shorts and a tied off Sam tee can be seen rolling on a coat of light eggshell paint on a wall nearby.  

As Sam prepares to walk by, she smiles and nods at her friend who stops for a moment to look at the redhead.  â€œLooking good Bobbi, although your husband’s getting ahead of you,” teases Sam while pointing to Bobbi’s hubby who has finished his wall and is working his way towards Bobbi with his roller.  

“Yeah yeah,” Bobbi retorts before she is met by her husband who stops only long enough to offer her a peck on the cheek before smacking her ass and mumbling something about going to help Sam and let the big boys do the hard work.  Rolling her eyes, Bobbi puts her roller down and joins Sam who has made her way to the balcony and the scroll work she wants to paint.  Picking up a second brush, Bobbi dips it into the paint and begins to swish it across the wood.

“So Sam, you ready for this weekend?  Hubby there has been talking about nothing but the fact that they got you in a match that has roulette rules.  And from the way he is talking, he’s got his heart set on a bikini pillowfight for some reason,” says Bobbi, her voice lowering with the last of her comment like it is some secret she is sharing that she shouldn’t be.

Sam laughs at the comment and then nods her head as she begins to slather paint on the scrollwork.  â€œYeah I am as ready as I will ever be when it comes to that match on Climax Control.  I mean I saw how Otaki was able to beat Veronica and well, my dubya’s seem to be coming few and far between,” answers Sam.  â€œDon’t get me wrong, I put heart and soul into it and I just tend to come up that short…”

Bobbi scoffs which only gets Sam’s attention.  â€œReally Sammi, you know why you have been doing as bad as you have been.  You ain’t focused on the prize.  Now that you are on break from school and Monte ain’t around, maybe what you need to do is get back to the Sam that first started in the company.  No nonsense and full focus on the match,” taunts Bobbi as she paints another scroll with the gold paint.

“It isn’t as easy as that Bobbi,” replies Sam.  â€œI mean like sure, I was splitting my focus but you have to admit some of the people I have been facing have been really tough opponents.”

“They are only tough because you let them be.  Now you have a chance to get into the groove and Matt said that you could be champion just like that.  He is telling me that if you get through this week against that Otaka person, you might just get a title shot at Jessie Salco’s Roulette title.  And if that is the case, this roulette rules match will get you tuned up for sure,” offers Bobbi.

“Her name is Otaki and I am sure that she is not going to make it easy for me,” says Sam as she gets a thoughtful look on her face.  â€œBut you are right that if I make it through this challenge and beat her, I stand a really good chance at getting that shot.  So what I need to do is be the better person on Sunday in Long Beach.”  

“Then when you win on Sunday, you can look forward to a title shot on that cruise of yours,” adds Bobbi as she finishes up a scrollwork shield with the gold paint then turns to Sam and lightly taps the paintbrush on the end of Sam’s nose.  â€œLook, you can definitely say you look good in gold now!”

Sam’s eyes cross as she takes in the swath of gold across.  Bobbi can’t help but laugh at the comical look on Sam’s face.  Uncrossing her eyes, Sam leans forward and threatens Bobbi with her brush full of gold paint.  The friends begin a paint fight, tagging each other with splotches of gold paint.  Matt comes into the room and spies the two giggling friends and just shakes his head which causes the pair to stop for a moment before once more guiltily giggling as Bobbi’s husband leaves the pair of them to calm down.

Once the giggling is over, Bobbi turns to Sam and tilts her head questioningly.  â€œSoooo…you ready for the weekend and winning your way into the Roulette title??”

“Dang straight I am!” replies Sam as she moves to drape her arm over Bobbi’s shoulder.  The pair walk out of the room because you know…watching paint dry is rather boring…

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The sound of click click click breaks through the sounds of technicians setting up the ring and the sound cables for the show in Long Beach.  Standing in front of the SCW Roulette wheel is Sam Marlowe, her hand slowly clicking the wheel back and forth as she reads the match types listed on it.  From the side, she notices a cameraman checking his equipment by filming her standing there.  She turns more fully to the cameraman and motions him over.

“Listen, if you want to film something for me, I would really appreciate it.  I think I better talk about my match this week and well, being here in front of this wheel has given me a couple of ideas,” says Sam with a half-smile as the cameraman looks back at the equipment then Sam with a nod and moves back to pick up his camera and turns it towards Sam who has given the wheel a slight spin before beginning to speak.

“This week, in the six sided SCW ring, I have a chance to have this wheel spin and choose a match stipulation for when I face Otaki and I have been here and watching this wheel as it spins and realizing that there is no real way to prepare for a match that you don’t know you are wrestling in,” says Sam as she watches the spinning wheel slow down and land on a match stipulation that she reads outloud.  â€œTake for instance this stipulation…kendo on a pole match.  How can you prepare for trying to be the first one to take down that weapon and use it?  How can you prepare for it knowing that you will be feeling the pain it could cause because your opponent got to the kendo stick first.”

Sam reaches for the wheel again and spins it softly so only a few clicks are heard before it stops on another match type.  â€œPreparing for a roulette rules match is like trying to catch the wind…it isn’t possible.  Sure, some people might say that they are ready but who truly is ready for matches like this?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Sam traces a finger along the edge of the wheel, about to spin again but holds on not moving it as she faces the camera.

“Noone is ever ready for matches like this but this week I am prepared to step into that ring out there,” says Sam as she points in the direction of the ring while she speaks.  â€œAnd I am prepared to do what it takes to get the win in whatever match is chosen by this here wheel.  Granted there might be some hellacious matches on here but as a SCW bombshell, that is what you need to be ready for.  We ain’t just fluff in that ring.  We are just as capable and just as dangerous in the hardcore matches as we are in the ‘girly’ matches most men would like to see us in.”

A confident and determined look crosses the face of Sam as she leans into the cameraman to emphasize her next comment.  â€œI want to warn you Otaki, Sunday night isn’t going to be all nice girl Sam Marlowe as much as some people think.  See, I have the chance to finally get what I have wanted for the longest time and that is the chance to prove to Christian Underwood and Mark Ward that I belong in the title picture.  And if I have to beat you to do it, so be it.”

Sam stops, the determined look slowly being replaced with a smile and a friendly look from the redhead who begins to speak once more.

“Now that I got that off my chest, Otaki, I want to say good luck to you.  This wheel is going to be deciding how we will be fighting this match but there is one thing that the wheel isn’t going to be able to do and that is give you the win, not with how much I want to have my hand raised at the end of the match and Justin Decent say ‘the winner of the match…SAM Marlowe!’ and to hear my music blare out over the arena,” says Sam.  â€œSee ya Sunday!”

With the cheery farewell, Sam motions for the cameraman to stop filming.  Moving beside him, she smiles as she puts her elbow on his shoulder.  â€œThink we could check out the playback on that?  Make sure I haven’t darkened my good girl image or anything like that?” teases Sam as the cameraman pulls the camera away and begins to fiddle with the buttons with the scene fading out on him and Sam watching the playback.

Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe...randomized
« on: June 16, 2017, 11:57:44 PM »
 Early morning after Climax Control, a motel door opens to reveal a sleepy Sam Marlowe rubbing her eyes in the faint sunlight. Tucking a rather large carryon bag into the backseat of the green Chevy parked in front of the door, Sam then slides behind the wheel and starts up the car. Driving up to the door of the motel office, she leaves the car running and heads inside the office. Moments later, she reappears once more, and with a paper cup of coffee in one hand climbs back into the car and pulls away.

Once on the highway, Sam reaches across to the car and into a small pocket of her purse resting on the passenger’s seat and pulling out her cell phone. A small sticklike man stood on the dashboard and Sam pushed her phone into it. Her hand falls downward to the radio knobs and sets a low throbbing hum racing through the speakers of the car. Driving on, Sam can’t help but yawn slightly as she rolls her neck and brings the coffee cup to her lips.

A sudden beep from the phone causes Sam to jostle the coffee sending a hot splash against her chest which causes the redhead to curse softly and put the cup down. Leaning forward slightly, she squints to read the notification that had popped up on the screen. The message was from a smark’s site talking about SCW and the wrestlers. Reading it, Sam could see that the newest card for Climax Control had been posted. Pressing her finger against the home button of the phone, she unlocks it and starts to speak.

“Siri, show me Sin City Wrestling website,” calls Sam as she continues to watch the road.

“Sin City Wrestling coming up,” answers the phone before the website is revealed.

“I wonder who I am facing this week,” Sam wonders out loud as she looks around and then pulls the phone from the stickman and thumbs her way to the card. Once she has the card on the screen, she again holsters the phone in the stickman’s hands and leans closer to read.   “Oh my holy hell, Crystal Millar?”

Flopping back into the seat, Sam swerves slightly before correcting her course and mumbling somewhat happily to herself. “I get to face Crystal Millar, facing the champion of the Bombshells. Sadly I didn’t win the Blast from the Past but to still be considered in that rank of bombshell is pretty good feeling,” Sam admits to the empty roadway, a smile breaking over her lips as she sees the sign indicating that Flagstaff is coming up.  

Another beep from her phone catches her attention, this time an image of Ben Jordan can be seen with a twitter response.  Sam quickly reads it and smiles.  â€œCookies huh…cookies I can do,” she says as her foot slides down on the accelerator and the engine surges slightly.  â€œBut still I have a couple of hours drive yet…You know what I should do…practice my promo skills since Crystal can talk a good game.”

Alone behind the wheel, Sam takes a moment and pulls one hand off the wheel to fluff her hair slightly then reaches to push the button for her camera on the phone then presses video and begins to record.

This week’s Climax Control and yours truly faces Crystal Millar in the middle of the six sided ring.  Can’t you just picture it…Sam Marlowe facing off against the woman that ended her Bombshell championship reign and did exactly what since then?  Lost the title…won the title back and when she did, she disappeared.  She did the one thing that a champion shouldn’t do.  She pads her title reign with non-title matches or doesn’t even show up at the shows.  

Crystal, I got to admit that yeah, you are a great wrestler but when it comes to title reigns, you are nothing but a paper champion that is soaking in crocodile tears that leaves your bombshell championship history a spitball on the record books.  Whatever have you done to deserve holding that title is being erased by you tarnishing the title by not defending it.  

Sam pauses for a moment, her bottom lip sucked into her teeth as she thinks about what she had said.  With the camera still filming her, she coughs and begins again.  

Crystal, once more it is you and me one on one.  How long has it been hmmm?  I know you are probably thinking that you have this match all sown up and wrapped it in a pretty little bow but I want you to know something.  I am someone that learns from every match that I have been in and trust me when I tell you that this week on Climax Control I am not going to have any trouble showing you just why it is that I have the drive to win.  I have the desire to prove that you aren’t the only one that can be worthy of that belt you so…so…

“Dang it, I haven’t even gotten into the ring with her and already she is getting to me,” mutters Sam as she sees the turn off for Flagstaff.  Looking at the clock then the phone that is still recording her, Sam slams a hand against the wheel then merges into the fast lane and speeds off still talking to herself.  

Hours later, a now frazzled and flour covered Sam Marlowe can be seen setting a tray of cookies on a cooling rack set on her counter.  With a brief sigh, she swipes her arm over her forehead leaving a swath of flour and chocolate.  Looking around her she nods with a smile.  â€œNow that I got this finished I can pack up these for Ben’s Nan then I can start getting ready for the match this week,” says Sam as she moves towards the counter where a small box can be seen, a pile of filler paper can be seen erupting from the top of the box.  Sam begins to pack in cooled chocolate chip cookies.  Suddenly she stops and puts her hands on either side of the box on the counter.  

“I have six days to get ready for facing Crystal and I don’t want to get into my head about this match,” says Sam.  â€œI need something to get my mind off it…Wonder if taking these to the post office will…oooo wait.”

Looking at the box of cookies, Sam’s eyes light up slightly and a half grin curls up her lips.  Bringing up a few more cookies, she slides them into the box then reaches for the lid.  Putting it on, she brings up the ribbon and ties it up making it a present.  Once that is done, she brings it towards the camera filling the view…

The camera view is restored as it pulls back from the dark to reveal a door with a hand reaching for it.  The fingers curl into a fist and rap against the door.  Pulling back even farther reveals Sam Marlowe wearing a soft linen dress in a rather soft shade of violet with her hair pulled back from her face by a silky scarf that hangs over her shoulder.

Turning away from the door, she checks on the box in her hands.  Behind her she can hear the doorknob being turned so quickly turns back and plasters a smile on her face.

“Happy birthday belatedly,” she says with a smile only to have it fade slightly when she sees who has opened the door.  â€œOh…”

Ben Jordan smirks at Sam.  â€œWho’d you expect it to be Ginge?” he wonders.  

“Well I was hoping it was your Nan…since it was her birthday and I brought her some of my Grammy’s homemade chocolate chip cookies as a gift,” offers Sam.  

From in the house, a voice can be heard to call out.  â€œWho is it Ben,” calls Ben’s Nan as she moves to appear in the hallway.  

“It’s Ginge from America Nan,” Ben says as he moves out of the way and Sam moves slightly to hold up the box with its pretty wrap.  â€œShe comes bearing gifts.”

“Be nice Ben,” says his Nan as Sam offers a small smirk to the Cockney King.  â€œCome in love,” calls out Nan with a wave.  Ben moves out of the way as Sam steps inside and moves towards the elder lady and offers up the box of cookies.  

“I remember that you liked my cookies so I brought you some for your birthday.  I hope you had a good one,” says Sam as she hands over the box.  Nan opens the box and then motions for Ben to come and take them.  â€œThank you Sam for the cookies.  You must give me the recipe,” replies Nan.

Sam shakes her head slowly with an apologetic smile.  â€œI’m sorry ma’am, that is a family secret but I will keep you supplied with them anytime you want,” offers Sam.  

Nan nods slowly.  â€œSo love, how long are you in London for?” she asks.  

“I’m here for only a day or two,” answers Sam.  â€œI have to get back Stateside because I have a match this week.  But I wanted to take time for me before I had to be getting ready for the match and I wanted to get away from the whole mess at home and figured that I would be better off somewhere no one would expect me to be.  So London it was.  But my flight is tomorrow night so I think that I am going to have to figure out something to do til then,” says Sam.  

“Who are you facing Ginge?” asks Ben as he returns from the kitchen with tea and some of the cookies Sam had brought.

Sam turns with a smile.  â€œNontitle match against Crystal Millar,” she replies.  â€œChristian is making sure that I don’t get next or near a title shot.”

“That isn’t right Sam,” offer Nan after taking a bite of a cookie then washing it down with a sip from her tea cup.

“It’s okay, I never expected to be facing the bombshell champion but here it is and well, it is going to be interesting.  But I am not here to talk about my match, I am here to talk to you.  Ben here was telling me that you knew something about the Kray brothers back in the sixties when he and I watched Legend on the ship last year.  I would love to hear about that if you don’t mind…” pleads Sam as she moves to lean towards Ben’s Nan.  The scene fades on Nan beginning to speak of East End London in the sixties with Sam listening intently.


Sam Marlowe is seen standing in the backstage area where workers can be seen setting up for the upcoming Climax Control.  Sam is dressed in a pair of dark capris with a white tee that is splashed with a tiedyed pattern around the midsection.  She begins to walk along the hall and talks to a cameraman who is filming the redhead as he backs away from her.

“Crystal Millar, I want to talk to the Bombshell champion and my opponent this week on Climax Control.  I would be crazy to admit that I am going to be a bit starstruck because it has been a while and you have been rather distance like some kind of star that only decides to grace us small people every so often.  But I want you to know that regardless of how much you think you have everything under control this week, you really don’t,” offers Sam.

She brushes back a pair of curls that have teased themselves over her forehead.  â€œI want you to know Crystal that as much as I have been on the bottom and how much I have lost in the recent past, I am giving myself the opportunity to step up and once more put myself in the spotlight.  You would probably say that I don’t deserve it but that is where you would be wrong Crystal.  I more than deserve the spotlight.  I have fought my way through this company and I have made history doing it.  And now I am this close to being able to challenge the top talent in this company.  But according to Christian that isn’t now.  But don’t you think that if I step up and beat you this week, maybe just maybe he is going to have to reconsider just how much he wants to hold me back for your sake.”

“I only need three seconds to pin your shoulders to the mat and this week, I am highly motivated to take those three seconds and prove that I am someone that everyone in the bombshell division needs to be taking seriously.  But I will give you a typical Sam comment before I go,” teases Sam.

“Good luck Crystal, you are going to need it.”

With that, Sam stops then with a smile, turns and walks away leaving the cameraman to film her disappearing.

Climax Control Archives / From the heart...straight talking
« on: June 02, 2017, 11:57:59 PM »
 A bare room can be seen with nothing but a small bar stool and an old fashioned microphone stand.  The walls of the room look barren with the outlines of past picture frames making bright contrast to the faded wall paper.  High dirty windows allow bits of sunlight into the room where dust motes can be seen sparkling on the beams of light.

Into the bare room, the click of a pair of high heels can be heard to echo hollowly of those same walls.  The cadence of the footsteps sounds unsure as if the owner is unsure of whether or not they are in the right place.  Coming further into the room, SCW Interviewer Pussy Willow can be seen taking in the décor, a look of confusion and uncertainty on her face.  She turns to the man behind her who is holding a camera and sharing her same look of uncertainty.  

“Are you sure we are in the right place?” wonders Pussy as she takes in the room once more then reaches into the handbag over her left wrist and pulls out a cell phone.  She thumbs the screen and begins to tap on it as the cameraman shoulders the camera and begins to film the room.  He slowly pans around it while Pussy can be heard to type into the phone.  She looks up finally with a smile of triumph as she moves towards the cameraman and waggles the smartphone in the lens of the camera.  The cameraman is forced a few steps backwards to bring the phone back into focus before it moves to Pussy’s face.

“We are in the right place,” she crows before scanning a look around the room.  â€œBut where is…”

The sound of boot heels are heard from behind Pussy as the camera moves to film over her shoulder.  Walking into view, Sam Marlowe has a smile on her face as she moves towards the pair.  Sam is dressed casually in a pair of dark denim with a black and white shirt that has a sequined butterfly on it that winks into the camera’s lens with each movement of the redhead.  Her normally naturally wavy hair hangs in a shimmery ruby curtain that is held back with a wide white band.

“I am so glad you made it Pussy, I figured you might not find the place too easily,” offers Sam as she lowers the bag she had carried in to the floor and straightens to give the cameraman a smile and a wave.

“Wild horses wouldn’t keep me away when I heard you wanted to talk,” answers Pussy with a smirk.  â€œGiven the fact that you have a big return match to Climax Control against the new Roulette champion Chelsea Payne I knew you had something to say.  So, if we are doing this interview, where am I supposed to sit?”

Sam shakes her head slowly as she motions towards the stool.  â€œY’all can sit right down there Pussy but this ain’t an interview.  I am planning to talk but I needed someone here for moral support and right now, the only thing I need you to do is nod and smile,” says Sam, her nose crinkling slightly with guilt at tricking her friend to this place.  

Pussy looks at the cameraman then back to her redheaded friend, her brows pulling together in surprise at what Sam just said.  â€œYou want me here for moral support?  You don’t want to do an interview?” questions Pussy.  â€œI mean all right but before we do whatever…” she waves her fingers around the bare room as she speaks.  â€œWhat is this place?  You got me all curious.”

Sam looks around the bare room and then back at her friend.  â€œIt’s going to be an investment.  Daddy says that you need to work at something and this is going to be my investment.  Jamie has his Oasis…this is going to be my Escape.”

The cameraman continues to film the pair as they talk.  Pussy crosses her arms over her chest as she regards Sam who has surprised her once again.  â€œEscape?” echos Pussy.  â€œWhat do you mean Escape?”

Sam moves closer to Pussy and puts a friendly arm over the shoulders of Pussy as she begins to guide her towards the stool and then picks it up to lead her towards one of the walls.  â€œThis is going to be a place for people to come and escape for a while.  I have it all planned to open this great dramatic arts studio for everyone.  This room is going to be my recording studio, radio room.  I want people to have a place where they can go to get away from all the bad out there.  Not just kids but parents, seniors…anyone that needs to get away,” says Sam as she sets down the stool and motions Pussy to sit.

As Sam walks back towards the microphone stand, she turns to spy Pussy gazing at her, one finger resting against her lips as she considers the redhead.  â€œI knew you were a goodie two shoes but doesn’t this go above and beyond?  Next people will be saying that you are trying for sainthood or something.  Is this your friend Ben rubbing off on you?”

Sam’s head drops onto her chest as she chuckles slightly.  â€œJust because I want to help the community doesn’t mean that sainthood can’t happen,” jokes Sam as she shakes her head.  â€œReally though, I love helping people and this is an investment for me in a possible future.  I have always been into Shakespeare and acting and drama so when I saw this building, I knew that I had the nudge I needed to branch out.  So I talked to Daddy and we made a bid on this place and I got it.  Now I just have to work at getting it ready.”

Pussy looks around the room as Sam positions herself behind the microphone and the cameraman continues to film Marlowe.  â€œSo then why am I here?  You really don’t need moral support, if you had wanted the cameraman, I would have gladly sent him on his way here and I would be relaxing right now,” comments Pussy.  

Sam flushes guiltily as she puts one hand on the microphone resting in the stand.  â€œActually Pussy, I do need you for moral support because I am about to do something that I haven’t really done before,” says Sam as her fingers curl more around the microphone.  â€œToday isn’t going to be all about sunshine and golly gee, good luck promotion of my match,” adds Sam as she swallows and takes a deep breath.  â€œI am going unplugged and I need someone to be there if I go off the rails.”

Pussy can see how nervous Sam is as the redheads fingers lightly claw at the microphone then release it before curling around it again.  â€œAre you going to be all right Sam?  You know you could stick with what you know and keep it light like you always do,” offers Pussy only to watch as Sam shakes her head.

“I wish I could Pussy, really I do but I have things that need to be said and it is better I do it this way,” begins Sam as she looks to the cameraman who gives her a thumbs up as he continues to film her.  Sam offers her friend one final smile before taking a slow breath and beginning to speak…

  ~Sam Marlowe…Unplugged ~

Hey y’all, it is me, SCW bombshell, Samantha Marlowe and I decided that I wanted to talk straight to the folks in SCW and all our fans.  This might not be my usual “promo” but I can’t help it.  I am getting to the point where usual ain’t so usual after all.

Now firstly I want to say that I love SCW.  I love it like I love my grandma’s homemade cookies.  And there isn’t anything I won’t do for this company.  Heck I even proved it when Christian Underwood basically made me a jill of all trades.  And I will always give my all for Sin City Wrestling.  

But lately, there has been some rather, how shall we put it…troubling things that have been happening in SCW and I don’t think I can stay silent any longer and I really need to get this off my chest.  Mainly it concerns the fact that wrestlers and bombshells need to moan and whine on social media about wanting this and wanting that, basically trying to get themselves into title pictures.  Now if you ask me I would say that maybe what they should be doing is proving they deserve it rather than demanding shots.  Guess that will be making me look like a fool because I ain’t going to do that.  I don’t have the time nor the inclination to even lower myself to something like that.  

Oh and don’t get me started on the bragging and hypocrisy that is also on social media.  I am about this close to shutting down my twitter because my phone keeps exploding with the nonsense that is happening day in day out.  Hell, if I wanted to live my life as a soap opera I couldn’t have done it better.  
Speaking of living a soap opera, don’t get me started on the romance and other BS happening either.  

But that isn’t what I am here to talk about right now, no, I am here to discuss my match.  Facing Chelsea Payne and having to deal with the put downs that I am sure she has been making when it comes to facing me and having to deal with a ‘loser’.  I get it Chelsea, put me in my place like everyone else does.  That isn’t original at all.  Hell, I could be a crowd of one and still be invisible to people which is basically how I have flown under the radar of everyone’s contempt for me as a competitor which suits me fine because all that it does is show me where I stand with people and how much I am worth to those people who can’t be bothered.

With that statement, you can better believe that there are people saying that if that is the case, why don’t you just leave, quit or disappear and trust me, I have heard it all but I will tell you why I don’t.  It is for the fans that I go to the ring and step inside the six sided ring and wrestle to the best of my ability.  Do I care if I win or lose?  Sure, winning is nice and all but I would rather wrestle a match that I can be proud of for those fans than only put out the effort because I had to when all I would rather be doing is being the center of attention for all the wrong reasons.  

So this week Chelsea when you come to the ring, I want you to remember one thing.  I am not there to win or lose this week on Climax Control. I am there to give my all for the fans.  And if that means that I have to beat your rear all over the venue in West Wendover then that is precisely what I am going to do.  You might be the Bombshell Roulette champion and you might think highly of yourself and how much you are going to beat me but Chelsea…

There is nothing you are going to be able to do when facing me in that ring because I am that competitor that people don’t want to face.  I am that competitor that has nothing to lose.  How are you going to counter that hmm?  As much as you put me down, it will be like water off a duck’s back because I don’t care what you say or do, I am all fired up and looking for a fight.

Pussy begins to applaud as Sam’s eyes regain their focus on the pair of people in the room with her.  A smile begins to break over Sam’s face as Pussy rushes over and claps her on the shoulder.

“You laid it all on the line girl, you sure you want people to see that?” demands Pussy in a no nonsense voice.  â€œYou let a lot out in your comments.”

Sam looks rueful as she runs a hand through her hair.  â€œSometimes I think I haven’t said enough at times.  But maybe that is going to change,” replies Sam as she shrugs.  â€œWhatever happens, I ain’t going to care anymore.  I am wrestling for the fans and that is it.  If that means I have to be invisible so be it.”

With that said, Sam turns and heads out of the room leaving Pussy and the cameraman to watch her leave.

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