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Climax Control Archives / Who Are You? {Raynin RP 1}
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:15:52 PM »
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A new face is about to step on the scene of the Sin City Wrestling Federation.  A true Bombshell is about to be dropped in that division with the appearance of Raynin.  For her debut match, She gets to team up with Rebecca Blade and Fantasia as she takes on Kitty, Allison Summers, and Misty.  Raynin is ready to make an impact, but the question is, what kind of impact will she make in the six Bombshell Tag Team match?  Will Raynin make the impression that she's hoping, and watch her star rise?  Or will she crash and burn?  Let's find out...




Time:  October 12, 2011, 7:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Raynin's Apartment... 




Definition of TRUST

1a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something 
 b : one in which confidence is placed

2a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope 
 b : reliance on future payment for property (as merchandise) delivered : credit <bought furniture on trust>

3a : a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another 
 b : a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement; especially : one that reduces or threatens to reduce competition

4archaic : trustworthiness

5a (1) : a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship 
    (2) : something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another b : responsible charge or office c : care, custody <the child committed to her trust>


Everything is darkness, deep and velvety, swirling around, wrapping everything in nothing but blackness.  Nothing can be seen, but you can just feel a presence out there.  A soft feminine voice whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And an answer is heard...

"I'm nobody  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

The voice is one that's full of emotion.  It continues to speak on, almost like in a voiceover monologue.

{  'I'm nobody...  I'm no one...  Just another face in the crowd out there in the sea of faces.  For years, that had to be my mantra.  Aunt Angel wouldn't have it any other way.  It had to be that way.  I had to be... forgettable.  I had to be unnoticeable.  I had to be... ordinary.' }

The soft feminine voice again whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And an answer is heard...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

The darkness lightens a bit, and it's like we're in a fog filled, darkened space.  You want to turn around and look everywhere and see everything, but the darkness can't be pierced.  You feel like you're all alone, but for that presence that's prickling up your spine.  The monologue continues, echoing with a soft voice.

{  'Growing up with a black ops agent, you tend to pick up little things...  You have to, or you die.  Being nobody, being no one, being a ghost, being a shadow becomes your shield, it becomes your kevlar vest that helps you to survive.  And I had to learn quickly what it took to survive.'  }

The soft feminine voice again whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And an answer is heard...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

The darkness slowly starts to lift and it's like someone is waking from sleep and blinks at the world.  The scene switches and we see a beautiful young woman laying on her side, wrapped up in her blankets, hugging a pillow.  Her long dark hair is spilling over the edge of the pillow that she's resting her hair on and she's blinking slowly at the morning sun.  She takes a deep breath and looks at the mirror that's on the wall across from her bed.  She hears the voice whispering in her head again.

"Who are you?"

She whispers back to the voice in her head.

"I'm Raynin."

She sits up slowly and stretches and runs her fingers through her hair as she yawns.  As she moves, you see that she's in a studio style loft apartment.  At first glimpse, it looks almost abandoned with very little furniture, and no decorations on the various walls... All except for one which almost looks like a shrine.  She pulls the covers from her body, revealing a pair of blue plaid flannel pants and a white ribbed tank top and stretches. She yawns again and leans over, stretching to her toes, and her voice continues to speak like a voiceover.  

{  'When I was younger, I never thought that my life would end up like it did.  I mean, when I was seven, I wanted to be a dentist.  Who'd have thought that my life would have ended so much off track...  Instead of sticking my hands in people's mouths to fill their cavities, I've been knocking their teeth out in the back streets of Chinatown, or running from the police in the back allies of Tibet.  And now...  Now, I'm about to finally step into the footsteps of mi abuelo...  Ahh, my grandfather...  What an awesome man he's always been.  Man, I haven't seen him in too long...  I wonder what he will think when he finally sees me step into the squared circle...'  }

She scratches her stomach as she climbs out of bed and walks over to her dresser drawers, pulling out some clothes, humming to herself, then heads into the bathroom.  The door shuts, and you hear the shower start to run.  Then it's like a fast forward was done and she's stepping back out of the bathroom fully clothed.  She's wearing a pair of black lycra biking shorts and a black sports camisole tank top.  The outfit hugs her curves like a second skin, showing off every muscle in her body as she moves.  She walks over to her closet and opens the door, pulling out a pair of gym shoes and sitting back down on the bed, she starts to put on her socks and shoes as the voiceover continues to play out.

{  'But then, I can honestly say, had it not been for my grandparents, I wouldn't be here in the first place.  Mis abuelos...  After everything went down, they took me in.  I guess you could say, they helped make me into the woman I've become.  Especially mi abuelo.  You see, he was a famous luchador down in Mexico.  Straight out of Oaxaca, he became one of the most famous masked wrestlers back in the day...'  }

She ties up her shoes and stands, walking over to the wall where her dresser is resting.  Over her dresser are a series of pictures.  One is of herself as a little girl with her hair in pigtails, wearing a little blue flowered dress and ruffled socks.  She's standing in front of her mother, who looks very much like her as an adult, wearing a yellow and white polka dot sundress, and her father, who's wearing his uniform.  She kisses her fingers and reaches out to lay her fingertips on the faces of her parents before she moves onto another photo...  In this photo, she's a little older, and is standing with a large man in a blue, black and silver luchador mask.  He's standing beside a smaller woman  who you can tell is Raynin's grandmother as she looks exactly like her mother, only older.  Raynin lays kisses on the picture of her grandparents, then reaches up to the frame just above this picture.  In the frame, the mask that her grandfather used to wear is behind the glass and she stroke her finger along the outline of it slowly.

{  'Mi abuelo...  He was always so big and strong, and even when he was older, everyone looked up to him.  He was always a star in my eyes.  After his back was injured and his doctors wouldn't let him wrestle anymore, he opened his gym.  That's where I learned to live the life of a luchadora...  At first he didn't want to teach me, but when Aunt Angel showed up... He changed his mind...'  }

She starts to think back to the past, and the world gets hazy as a flashback starts to ensue...

She remembers the day her Aunt Angel came down to Oaxaca, Mexico.  She was living with her grandparents in their apartment over the gym.  It was late autumn and still warm.  It was three months after the death of her parents, and Raynin still hadn't really come to terms with how everything had happened.  She was ten years old and her eleventh birthday was in a few weeks, though she didn't really feel like celebrating.  She was sitting on the balcony in a swing beside her grandmother, helping her to pick greens for their dinner, when she heard her grandfather's voice booming out below them.  

"So, you finally decided to show up Angela...  Why now?  Has it been handled?"

She crept over to the railing and squatted down, poking her head between the columns so she could look down at the street below.  She saw a woman who looked like her father standing in front of her grandfather, and they were talking heatedly.  The traffic had chosen that moment to pick up and she couldn't really hear what was being said.  When it died back down, she heard her grandfather speaking again.

"You might as well come up and see her for yourself.  It seems she's just as curious about you as you are about her."

He points up to where she's peeking over the edge of the balcony, and she sees the surprised look on her Aunt's face.  She expects for her Aunt to be upset, but instead, she smirks proudly and heads into the facility with her grandfather.  The scene fastforwards to dinner, and Raynin's helping her grandmother place the table as her Aunt sits there, watching her closely.  Her grandfather is sipping iced tea at the table and he sighs heavily.

"So Angela, why did you come now, if things haven't been settled?"

Her Aunt looks between Raynin and her grandfather slowly and takes a deep breath, folding her hands and leaning forward, placing her elbows on the table.

"Well, I wanted to get a little glimpse of her potential.  I told my superiors of the situation, and they want to give me an opportunity that is very rarely offered.  They want me to train her...  It's an experiment.  They want to see if a child is groomed early enough, whether they can succeed at what I do.  I told them I had to settle things first, but once I'm done with this... assignment, I'll be placed on base and we will begin training.  For now, I want you to teach her what you know.  Lucha libre has alot of very useful grappling techniques which will help her to excel in what I have to teach her once she's in my hands.  Teach her everything you know Jefe.  I want her to be the best student you've ever had.  Because when I get my hands on her...  She will work harder than she's ever known."

Her grandfather nods slowly and sips his tea again, sighing heavily after he puts his glass down on the table.  He points his finger at her Aunt and shakes his head slowly.

"We still don't know if she's even up for this Angela.  We don't know if she can deal with what happened...  What if..."

Her Aunt holds up a hand and shakes her head slowly, then looks over at Raynin with a serious expression on her face.

"Why don't we just ask her Jefe.  What do you say niña?  If you had the chance to train so you could see if you could save even one other little girl from going through what you've been through, would you take the chance?"

She looks up at her Aunt with eyes too old to be those of an eleven year old girl and she shrugs slowly.

"You knew the answer to that even before you asked it Tia Angela.  I don't want ANYONE to have to feel what I've felt these past few months.  What do I have to do?"

Her Aunt wipes her eyes as she leans over and kisses her niece's cheeks, taking her shoulders in her hands and shaking her lightly.

"All you have to do is survive.  Don't give up, don't quit.  Don't let it eat you up inside.  Nothing can touch you if you don't let yourself stop.  You'll soar higher than the highest eagle."

Raynin watches as her Aunt wipes the few tears from her cheeks and her face suddenly becomes an unreadable mask.  Her Aunt Angela looks at her grandfather and nods slowly.

"It will be handled Jefe.  I promise you...  It will be handled with extreme predjudice."

Her grandfather nods slowly, and she looks from her aunt to her grandfather and back again, confused.  Her Aunt strokes her hair and hugs her close as the scene fades back out to the present.

Raynin stands there stroking the pictures one at a time as she remembers everything that took place with crystal clarity, almost as if she were reliving each moment.  She sighs heavily as she comes to a picture of her and her aunt standing in front of a school.  Raynin's dressed in a navy blue graduate's cap and gown and her Aunt is in her dress uniform, the white of it pristine as she stands beside her niece.  They're saluting one another and you can see the barely contained pride in Raynin's face as she looks at her Aunt.  She shakes her head slowly as she pulls herself out of the reverie that keeps threatening to drag her back into the past.

{  'After that night, I was worked harder than I ever thought was possible.  I had my normal chores, but on top of it, I went through a training unlike any other.  My grandfather was an extremely strict task master, pushing my body to the limits for hours on end.  He'd promised my Aunt that I'd be ready, and he made damn sure when she walked back in the door two years later, my body was a well muscled, lithe and limber, oiled machine.  I swear, I had no idea why he would even let me do half of the things that I did...  But then, I was in Aunt Angela's hands... and my real training began.'  }

She walks out of the bedroom and off towards the kitchen where she opens the door of the refrigerator.  She pulls out a banana and a bottle of water and shuts the door as she moves towards the open space which is left after her very minimal furniture.  She places the water bottle and the banana on the coffee table and starts to roll her joints one at a time, limbering up.  As she's moving, she keeps hearing that soft voice whispering to her.

"Who are you?"

And the answer keeps reverberating through her mind...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

She shakes her head, trying to remove the voices from her head.  She pulls out a scrunchie and pulls her hair back into a tight ponytail as she starts to lunge from side to side, continuing the stretches.  She comes back up to a standing position with her feet together, then bends slowly at the waist, breathing deeply as she holds the stretch.  She then places her hands down on the floor and pushes herself up into a deftly executed handstand, holding it before slowly lowering her chest down towards the floor on her hands till her upright body is propped on her elbows and fingertips in a strange position.  She is keeping her breathing slow and steady as she pushes herself back up to the full handstand position.  She spreads her legs wide in an inverted chinese split, then drops her hips slowly towards the ground in a controlled curl, holding her legs up off of the ground as she's still on her hands in a spread eagle without one ounce of tremble in her arms.  She continues to move from pose to pose, stretching her body nimbly as she moves from her hands to her feet and back to her hands, until she finishes with a forward handspring.

{  'Tia Angel...   She made mi Abuelo look like a pussycat in comparison.  He broke down my body to build it up, and she broke down my body to build the steel in my spine.  I swear...  The only people I've been truly able to trust are all on my wall in my pictures.  I haven't been able to trust anyone else... not really.  No friends...  No companions...  I mean, I've had boyfriends and all, but I've still kept them at arms length.  Just can't let anyone close, because everyone that does get close...'  }

She doesn't finish the line of thinking as she starts to do acrobatic moves, flipping her body and contorting it in so many different angles, she looks like some kind of bird flying through the air.  She stops the flipping, and a slight sheen of sweat has broken out on her forehead from the exertion, but her breathing is still controlled and even.  As she's moving, that soft voice echoes through her mind again.

"Who are you?"

And the answer dances just behind her lips, begging her to say it... Needing to hear her say it...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

She does everything she can to try to ignore what's so obviously agitating her.  She continues to move though, keeping her mind focused on the object at hand, which is to prime her body for her upcoming match.  She starts to move her body through a complex martial arts katta, slowly moving her hands and feet in punches and kicks and leaping and soaring through the air in backflips and forward rolls in between each different strike.  She poses on one leg, her other leg stretched up almost to her shoulder with only the slightest lean to the side as she stands there, the light sheen of sweat turning into larger beads as she continues to exert herself.

{  'Tia Angel wanted me to be nobody.  A shadow that could become what they needed me to be.  A ghost, moving through the sea of life, so I could be a weapon of unbridled destruction.  But I couldn't take it anymore.  I couldn't take not having an identity...   Not having a name... Just being some nameless small fish in this big pond we call life.  So I walked away from it all...  I couldn't take my old  name as I'd given it up.  That little girl... she's gone.  I took the name that she'd wanted me to have...  I am Raynin...  And I'm being forced to stand in a team with two chicks that I can't trust to truly have my back and stand against three opponents who have already shown that they can wipe the floor with at least one of my supposed teammates.   Psshht!!  That's rich!!'  }

She swings her leg and does a strange looking corkscrew back-layout flip and land agilely on her fingertips and a single foot.  She brings her other foot down slowly in a spread eagle stance and slips one hand behind her back and starts doing single arm pushups on her fingertips.  She keeps moving up and down slowly, her muscles cording in her arms and shoulders, switching between arms as she continues to think to herself.

{  'Why do I have the feelin' that in the end, I'm gonna have to carry this whole team through this entire match.  That's alright though... I'm used to havin' to carry a mission.  Tia Angel trained me very well and I can stand on my own against anybody.  I'm just still in shock about the fact that I'm being stuck in a Tag Team match up so early though.  I haven't even been given a chance to show what I can do by myself yet.  And instead they want me to put the fate of my victory in the hands of others.  They want me to trust these females who have shown that they are severely lacking in the ring.  And here I am, having to prove myself to the entire world that I have the abilities that my entire being screams I have.  Trust is something that's earned... It's not freely given.  And I'm trusting Fantasia and Rebecca Blade to watch my six when Fantasia clearly couldn't watch her own front if she were walking face first into a mirror.  These females have a lot to prove to me if they expect any kind of trust.  Or maybe they're depending on me to be the one to lead them all to victory...  Because regardless of what everyone else thinks, I know I will do whatever it takes to win.  But I mean DAMN!!  We're already at a disadvantage because Misty and Kittie are all buddy buddy and shit...  But that's why in every good strategy, you search for the weakest link and you break it.  And I think I've found the link that needs to be snapped right in two in this little girl-fest...  Allison Summers is ripe for the pickin' and ready to be plucked. '  }

She places both of her hands on floor and pushes her body backward until her legs are in a chinese split and she holds her self up by just her fingertips and her toes on the floor looking like a contortionist.  She slowly starts to lift her lower half up into the air and into an upright chinese split again on her fingertips, and lowers her body over and over again in a handstand pushup on her fingertips.  She brings her feet back down nimbly like a cat and she shakes her head as she walks back towards the dresser and leans on it.  As she's moving, that soft voice echoes through her mind again.

"Who are you?"

She hears the voice whispering in her head over and over again.  She paces back and forth in front of the mirror as she fights to keep control of her overflowing emotions.

"Who are you?"  "Who are you?"  "Who are you?"
"Who are you?"  "Who are you?"  "Who are you?"


She yells back to the voice in her head with so much emotion that you can feel everything in it ripping through your body.

"I'm Raynin!  I'm the Sin City Wrestling's newest Bombshell!  I will be the one person in this company you will never... EVER want to forget!"

She smashes her fist into the mirror and it shatters into slivers and spills out onto the floor.   Raynin stands there looking down at the shattered mirror, her face a mask of cold emotion repeated over and over again in the individual shards.  In one of the larger shards, her reflection turns into herself as a child, and you hear her kid self's voice say...

"I'm nobody.  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 …  END OF SCENE  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______ 

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