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Climax Control Archives / Insanity ro
« on: June 02, 2012, 12:01:14 AM »
Event: Climax Control...   Sunday 06/03/2012

Venue: Aquarius Casino & Resort... Laughlin, Nevada



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The Rebellious One just can't seem to get cut a break!!  What with the nightmares, and the emotional trauma that she's been going through, Raynin hasn't been able to get a win since losing her Bombshell Championship.  Now, she's going to have to step into the ring with the husband of one of her former nemesis and tag with Jamie Staggs in a Mixed Tag Team match up against Weapon X and Viper, the Harkore Warriors.  How will The Former Bombshell Champion fare when she has to team with a man she has never stepped into a ring with, against the seasoned veterans?  Will she be able to keep her sanity together lon enough to finally get a win in her victory column again?  Let's see what the future holds...

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 …  SHE IS COMING! ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********



Time:  Monday, May 28, 2012...  1:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…  In Darknyss and Gothika's apartment...



After everything she'd been through... The sleepless nights, the nightmares, the the constant upheavel that her life had been going through, it was no wonder that she wasn't able to get things done in the ring.  She'd finally broken down and contacted her Abuelo and Abuela and invited them up to the states to celebrate Memorial Day with her and her friends.

Gothika and Darknyss were kind enough to allow them all to stay over that weekend as they were planning a big trip to a private park with a wave pool to have some fun in the sun, barbecue, eat and enjoy themselves.  Her Abuela was happy at the sight of Darknyss's huge kitchen with the latest and greatest of appliances and cookware, and she'd sent them all to the store with a huge shopping list and promptly kicked Darknyss out of the kitchen for the duration of their stay.  Darknyss wasn't complaining though, as she'd enjoyed the older woman's cooking as much as Raynin did.  But her Abuela was nice, and promised that Darknyss could cook for the outing too, and they'd spent the entire day Sunday, before they had to go into the arena comparing cooking tips and tricks, swapping recipes and preparing the sides and getting the meats in marinades.  To be honest, she couldn't wait to see how her Abuela would be able to put a good Mexican twist to Darknyss's Grandmother's recipe for Down Home Southern Smothered porkchops, baked macaroni and cheese and collard greens, but she know her Abuela would find a way to do it.

Raynin, El Jefe and Gothika knew better than to step foot into the kitchen while the two cooks were hard at work.  Her Abuela and Darknyss both had promptly whacked El Jefe's hand with wooden spoons when he'd slipped into the kitchen for a snack and tried to sneak a chicken wing from the platter that was fresh out of the grease and sitting on the counter while their backs were to him.  Raynin had warned him though... But of course with the smells coming from the kitchen, he couldn't help himself.  They didn't even turn from the stove when the strikes came... it was more of a lean and thwack, and he was jumping around, waving his hand in the air yelling, 'AAAIIIIIIIIYYYYEEEEEE!!!' in just two seconds flat.  It was like they saw him with eyes in the backs of their heads.  They'd then just pointed at the door and he hung his head, turned around and headed back to the front room to watch movies with Raynin and Gothika.

The familiar sounds of her Abuela in the kitchen and the easygoing chatter between El Jefe and Gothika had lulled her into a sense of familiarity.  One of belonging that she hadn't felt in a long time, and contentment had settled into her like a pair of well worn jeans settle onto your hips.  It just fit in all the right places.  She'd chattered along with the rest of them and even smiled quite a bit that night as they'd seated themselves around the dining room table to have dinner.  She listened to her El Jefe rave about the skills of her Abuela and Darknyss in the kitchen as they had black beans and rice with chorizo and slices of banana to go with chicken fried steak with garlic mashed potatoes and a thick meaty gravy.  And of course there was the staple fruit punch kool-aid that Gothika and Darknyss both drank religiously but always called just 'red'.  Though there was a glass decanter in the fridge that was filled with thick red stuff that had Gothika's name on it and a sign that read, 'Do Not Touch!!' that just had Raynin curious to no end.  She was determined to figure out what it was.  Some part of her just had to know, and wouldn't rest until she found out.

After their return from the latest taping of Climax Control, everyone was a little bit on edge.  They were all dressed casually...  Raynin in a pair of low rise cut off light blue jean shorts and the newest Fallen crop top which has a the team name in silver lettering across the chest with a golden broken halo hanging off of the capital F, and a pair of black Nikes with some white ankle socks.  Her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail and is braided, hanging down over her left shoulder.  Darknyss is wearing a pair of dark blue capris and a white wife beater tank top with a pair of white and blue reeboks, her hair pulled up in a silver clip with hanging tendrils framing her face, while Gothika has on a pair of black low rise jeans and a black corset style dress tank top, with silver ribbons crisscrossing the back.  Her hair is frenchbraided delicately ending in an elaborate clip at the back of her head and the ends are hanging loosely upon her shoulders.  El Jefe is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a dark blue silk button down shirt with a light blue tiger on the back and a black wife beater, with his long hair hanging around his shoulders loosely, while his wife is wearing a yellow and white polkadotted sun dress circa the nineteen fifties.  

They all were a bit distressed over the announcement that had been made about Raynin's future opponents, and had sat down in the living room to discuss the upcoming match Raynin had with Jamie Staggs against the Harkore Warriors while her Abuela went into the kitchen to whip up a late night snack of sweet and sticky sopapillas and large glasses of milk.  Darknyss leaned back in her large armchair an curled up with her plate and glass on the end table beside her and munched slowly on a chip, sucking the gooey and delectible honey from her fingers slowly.

"Alright, I'm just gonna jump right into the subject that's on everyone's mind and is haning out there like the big pink elephant in the middle of the room.  I've got things on my mind and I'm gonna say them out loud.  I don't like this matchup they've got you in one bit.  I think this is a setup.  Mark knows that I'm working on you case fo your rematch which he hasn't granted you yet, and he's trying to soften you up by distracting you with the tag team titles and putting other people in your path.  I think Mark wants you hurt, on the shelf, or just plain out of the way so that every true opponent who Misty should be fearing is taken out of competition for the Bombshell title.  And I dont want you to get put on the shelf.  I say that you should just go out there and do your best but not get hurt in the process.  Don't do your daredevil shit.  Go out there and do some good mat wrestling, but don't get cocky or do anything crazy!"

El Jefe takes a large swallow of his milk and sighs heavily, picking up a napkin to wipe the milk from his moustache slowly.

"I agree with you on certain points Lady, but if you know Mi Rayniña, she's not about to just lay down and take a fall.  She's a fighter.  She's a flyer.  Asking her not to go out there and try to wow the crowd is like asking her not to breathe.  Plain and simple.  People always underestimate her abilities...  She even underestimates herelf which is probably why she's been doing so badly since losing her title.  But if she just slows down and takes a breath, I'm sure she'll get back on the right track."

Gothika chimed in with her own two cents at that moment, holding up a hand and shaking her head slowly.

"Whoa El Jefe...  We never said we didn't have confidence in Raynin's abilities... It's just... Think about it.  Jamie Staggs is someone that she's never stepped into the ring eithe with nor against.  Coupled with the fact that his wife absolutely hates her guts and will want to pull some 'Candyman' like action and rip her from gut to gullet like a fish!  Kittie may be sitting at home right now, sharpening her knife or meat hook, or even worse, a grapefruit spoon just so that she'll have the right tool to try and take Raynin out when the moment arises.  Kittie hasn't forgiven Raynin for taking the Bombshell title from her.  Lady's right, this is a set up plain and simple for Raynin to get hurt and take her out of the title hunt for sure."

Raynin frowns and leans forward, tapping Gothika on the knee gently.

"Wait... did you just say a grapefruit spoon?"

Gothika nods and shrugs.

"Yeah, I did.  What about it?"

Raynin rubs her forehead with her fingertips and chuckles.

"Um, just wondering... why a grapefruit spoon?"

Gothika shrugs again and lifts her eyebrows slowly.

"Well, cause it will take longer to gut you and will hurt more.  Duh...  I thought you knew."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head as she leans back and continues to listen to the debate that's running back and forth between everyone seated as her Abuela brings out the last plate of sopapillas and sets it in front of Raynin and kisses the top of her head gently before she gives her own opinion on the situation.

"You are all sitting here givng you own opinions of what the reasons are for this matchup being made, but you've not stopped to ask the right questions.  The first of which should be, 'how does Raynin feel about this match?' and the second and most important is, 'Do you even give Jamie a chance to be trusted or do you just advise Raynin to make sure to stay tagged into the match as much as possible?'  Those are the questiosn you should be asking."  

Everyone just goes silent and turn to look at the older woman who is standing behind Raynin with her hands on her shoulders, smiling down at the younger woman with pride.

"I know mi abuellita, and she is so much like you in the ring El Jefe, sometimes it's frightening.  I see so much in her... So much potential... so much passion... So much anger over how she's been treated recently, and so much determination that she seems to be ablaze with it at times.  She wants to redeem herself for her losses.  She's hurting about all fo the losing she's done, and she's itching for the chance to get a win.  She wants to make you all and herself proud and do a good job.  She wants to prove that you all were warranted to put your faith in her and back her as the one to be champion.  And to do so, she knows she's going to have to step up her game.  Isn't that right mi abuellita?"

Raynin nods slowly and sets her plate and glass down on the coffee table before she leans back against the back of the couch.

"You've got it Abuela.  And truth be told, I don't know why I've been slippin' so badly.  I don't plan on stepping into the ring and getting my ass beat.  But I tell you there is something going on here, and I want it to stop.  I am the one who should rightfully be Bombshell Champion.  Misty knows it, Vixen knows it, Mark Ward knows it... hell, even Weapon X and Viper know it.  I go out there and I try to give it two hundred and ten percent whenever I step into the ring... but lately, I'm lucky if I can give it seventy five.  That's no excuse... I know... But I want to apologize to you Darknyss and Gothika for letting the team down so badly during our match in the tournament.  I could have done better.  I know I CAN do better.  And I WILL do better.  and I'm going to start by goung out there next week on Climax Control and showing the Harkore Warriors why the Angels of the Fallen are a force to be reckoned with.  We're not one trick ponies... We're not easy pickings to be plucked off one by one and cast aside.  We're not second rate, second class, or second best!  No way, no how!  We're God's Wrath, sent down to earth... We fell from heaven to unleash hell, and by GOD I don't care who I'm teamed with, I'm going to go  out there and fight like a ravenous beast from the bowels of the pit sent to feast on their souls!!"

She balls up her fist and punches the palm of her other hand with a sharp slapping sound.  The look on her face is a mixture of determination, confusion, and a little bit of worry.  She shakes her head slowly and sighs heavily as she holds her balled up fists tightly against her thighs.

"How do I feel about this match up?  I feel... confused to tell the truth.  This match is just something i wouldn't have expected.  I mean... why team me with some total weirdo who's got a nutcase who can't stand me for a partner?  Is this a test of my ability to be flexible?  I mean, as a champion, I need to be able to work with just about anybody... not just you two Gothika and Darknyss.  I know that as much as I love you both as friends, and I appreciate everything that you've done for me these past few months... maybe I have become too reliant on having you in my corner.  As partners and stablemates, you guys are aces.  You both have succeded on your own.  You're multiple champions in your own right, no matter what happens here in the SCW.  But me... I'm still proving myself to everyone...  including myself.  I'm still seen as the upstart rookie who snatched a victory from the jaws of defeat.  Everyone views me as the weakest link... as the one to target to take out and make suffer because they all feel tha my win was a fluke.  And look at me!  I lose my title, and instead of holding my head high and working my way back to the top like I should have been doing, I've been wallowing around in my own funk.  well, this funk stops here and now."

She takes a deep breath and opens her hands, looking down at her palms at the small beads of blood that have appeared there from how tightly she'd been squeezing her hands closed.  She picks up a napkin and tears it in half, then balls the two pieces up in her hands to stop the small bubbles from getting any bigger.  She swallows slowly and looks up from her hands and around at her friends and family.

"As far as trusting Jamie Staggs...  When we're in the ring, I'll trust him.  I'll have to.  I'll have to trust that he'll have my back and make the tags when I need them, just as he'll have to trust ME to have his back.  But then, I'm an honorable fighter.  when I step into the ring, it's not about ego, or glory or fame or fortune...  It's not about becoming Champion either.   Each match is about the match itself, not what's at stake.  It's about going out there and putting on an amazing show for the people out there in the seats and watching on tv as well as for myself.  Truth be told, I'd forgotten about why I started wrestling, but I think I'm back in the right mindset now."

As she's talking, in the back of her mind, she hears that strange song being whistled softly. It slowly gets louder and louder until she gets to the point wher she's talking about her mindset.

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Raynin has to stop what she's saying and put her fingertips to her temples and rub them slowly as she tries to concentrate and block out the whistling.  It's then that she hears that voice so similar to her own, but with a snakelike hissing sibilance to it.  The whistling stops as it speaks, but then continues as soon as it's finished speaking.

'You've got it all wrong Raynin!  It's not about the fans at all!'

She blinks rapidly and clears her throat, picking up her milk and taking a sip before she continues speaking.

"You're right El Jefe.  I am a fighter.  In the training I went throuh as a Marine, we believed in never giving up and never surrendering.  We don't quit.  We can't quit.  We are trained in the knowledge that we are genetically dispositions not to quit.  That word is stripped from our vocabulary when describing ourselves.  So I don't care how low I get, I can't let anything stop me from putting up one hell of a fight!  Weapon X and Viper have to think up on that.  I've faced men twice my size, three times my weight, with guns, knives, machetes, spears, axes, heavy rocks... hell, I have even been attacked with a severed leg before.  I've got scars decorating my body to prove that I'm no joke.  Weapon X says that I need to fear Viper because she's got more muscle weight on me...  a whole fifteen pounds of muscle weight.  But muscle weight doesn't equal strength.  It doesn't equal endurance.  It doesn't equal skill.  She's experienced... I'll give her that.  She's faced alot of people in the past.  Men, women... I think even a couple that would be listed in the 'other' catagory.  And while I may have only been in the SCW for less than a year, I've experienced more in my lifetime than she has in the ring."

The voice whispers in her ear again.

'That's right...  Tap into the dark side.  Use the dark side of the force Luke!!  I am your father!!!'

She shakes her head as she tries to block out the voice in her head and reaches up to wipe a bead of sweat from her forehead.

"And while they are working towards what I think is a good cause, the ability for the females to face the men if they have the abilities and skills to do so... there are a few things they're forgetting..."

Darknyss nods slowly as she munches on more of her sopapillas and sucks the honey from her fingers.

"Yeah...  I think it would be fun to stretch our wings outside of the Bombshell Division in the SCW.  But I think we should take obstacles as they present themselves.  We've got alot of really good competition here in the Bombshell division as it is.  But if we could say, stretch out to the Roulette division... that would be cool too.  Then you each could have some singles division gold around your waist.  But you're right.  The Harkore Warriors have underestimated us."

Raynin nods slowly and cracks a wicked smile.

"They have assumed that we are good girls.  They think that because we are honorable ane decent folks that we won't come out swinging hard and fast.  well, Weapon X and Viper are in for an extreme wake up call.  Because we're not nice.  We're not good.  We simply are.  We have no qualms about going out into the ring and kicking the shit out of someone to prove our point.  And I plan on stomping a mud hole into viper once that bell rings.  I have the fire burning inside of me that i had when I was going after the Bombshell Championship.  And that means that I'm goign to be coming hard after each and every person who steps in my way.  It's all about the victory my friends.  It's all about the victory."

After she'd said that, the group had settled into a different converstaion, but in the back of her mind, she still heard that strange song continuing to be whistled.  She heard the voice whispering to her softly over and over again..

'You belong to me now... There is no escaping the darkness inside of you...'


Late that evening... After everyone had calmed down and gotten ready for bed, Raynin curled up in the second spare room that Darknyss used for an office.  She pulled out the sleeper sofa and had curled up under the comforter and tried to get some rest.  She'd finally been able to sleep, but the nightmare that had plagued her came upon her as soon as she'd closed her eyes.  The blood, the spiders, the maggots, the putrified flesh... all if it was right there behind her eyes.  She saw the doppelgänger holding her down and trying to pry her jaw open.  She could hear the sound of her jaw breking as it ripped her mouth open and forced it's way inside of her.  she could feel the cold sliminess as it slid down he throat like an ichor covered snake sliding it's way across her skin and into her mough. She could taste the vileness and the bile rose in her throat.  Her eyes immediately snapped open, and it was only the feel of her late night snack coming back up that had frozen the frantic scream from coming flying from her mouth as she ran to the bathroom and vomited as quietly as she could.  

When her stomach was finally empty, she flushed the toilet and collapsed against the wall of the bathroom, breathing heavily with her arm draped across the bowl of the porcelain god she had just made an offering to.  As she rested there, she heard that whistling song starting to reverbrate in her mind again.  She stuck her fingers in her ear and shook her head slowly, trying to block it out.

"NO!  No no no no!  You're not real!!  I don't hear you!!"

She then heard what sounded like a telephone ringing.  She looked around confused, as she knew everyone in the apartment only had cellphones.  She stood up and slowly walked out of the bathroom, looking around for the sound of the ringing telephone.  It leads her to the kitchen where sitting in the center of the counter is one of those old school rotary telephones.  She lifts the handle and brings the receiver to her ear...

"Um... Hello?"

That all too familiar voice starts to speak to her again...

'The viper!  She is coming!!'

She screams into the receiver...

"I don't care!! Let her come!!  And I'll just do what they teach you to do to every snake!!  Take her fucking head off and the body will die, so I'll knock it of with aclothesline from hell!!"

Just then, the lights click on and Raynin spins around quickly, holding the receiver to her ear still as she hears the voice say...

'The viper!  She is coming!!  And she will vipe your vindows vith vindex!!'

Raynin gasps as she sees Gothika standing in the doorway, looking at her strangely.

"Um, if you want to talk to bananas... next time just let us know..."

Raynin looks at her hand and sees that she's not holdin a phone but a banana to her ear and she drop it quickly as the scene fades out...

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Climax Control Archives / Hunger and Madness
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:00:07 AM »

Event: Climax Control...   Sunday 05/20/2012

Venue: John Ascuaga's Nugget Casino Resort... Sparks, Nevada


Opponent: with Gothika, vs CARLY ATHENS AND ODETTE RYDER

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The Rebellious One has been on almost a wild streak since losing her title belt to Misty at the Pay Per View.  During her tag team match against the Freakettes Felony and Rock Rose, Raynin attacked Rock Rose with a chair in what appeared to be an attempt to save her friend from a horrible chokeslam.  But she still didn’t seem to be quite right after doing that as she continually beat the larger woman  across the back with the chair, even after the bell was called.  What’s gotten into the former Bombshell Champion?  Or to put it in a more correct way…  What has been reveaked from the depths of the former Champion’s psyche?  How will things play out when Raynin along with her former Fallen Angel, Gothika have to face Carly Athens and Odetter Ryder in a first round match for the newly announced Bombshell Tag Team Championships Tournament?  Will she be able to keep things together long enough to make it through to round two and beyond?   Will Raynin be able to get gold around her waist once more with the help of her friend and tag team partner?  Let’s see what unfolds, shall we...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********



Time:  May 14, 2012...  11:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…  In Raynin’s Apartment



Every time she closed her eyes, she could see them there… Laughing… taunting…  torturing… slicing… cutting… digging into her very soul with their nails hooked like claws and their eyes… their eyes seemed to burn into her.  Their voices cackling all through the days and into the nights…  Sometimes they sung to her songs of death and decay, pain and blood… in a word, there was nothing good, only evil…  simply evil.  Ever since that night she had that dream on the plane on their way back to the States from London… She kept seeing them.  She kept hearing them.  They invaded every waking moment, and plagued her slumbering moments as well.  She’d had no rest since then… no respite from the onslaught and it was grating at her every nerve.  She’d eat, but food was tasteless or they sent visions to torture her so she’d lose her appetite…  Maggots in cheese burgers, bloody fingers in macaroni and cheese… even a toe or two in a bowl of beef stew…  She’d lost about ten pounds since the dreams started, and there were dark circles around her eyes, and her already defined muscles looked even more so as her body fat percentage continually dropped because the only time she could block out the voices was when she would train… so she trained just about every minute she could until she’d drop shaking in exhaustion to the floor and curl up into a ball on the floor, her fingers in her ears, and weeping as she tried to keep them out. She'd gone from having about four of her ab muscles showing clearly to deep definition in her abs, making them look like a washboard, and giving her waistline a more deely defined curve.  She'd look at herself in the mirror each morning and turn to the side, holding her shirt up to show off her profile and sigh slightly.

"Sometimes I thank GOD that I was blessed with some tits and ass from somewhere in my ancestry because at this rate, if it weren't for them, I'd almost look like one of the kids from the save the children commercials.  I'm damned near wasting away here.  I've gotta do something and soon.”

Every time she would do this however, she would stop and run her hands along her stomach as she thinks back to what happened during that chaotic trip back from London… When she’d awoken from a dream about Momma Lovelle and the Tattooed man to find that the cuts she’d received in the dream had actually became real.  She still remembered the frantic clambering by the flight attendants when she’d asked for a first aid kit and gone into the bathroom to clean herself up.  She’d had to lie and say that she’d done it before she came on the plane.  It was easier to explain than, ‘oh… some wicked witch of the west put a curse on me and made these cuts just magically appear on my skin.  Got a band-aid?’ …  Yeah… that didn’t sound too weird or insane now did it.

Every day now, it had been happening over and over again.  The dreams…  the nightmares…  the voices… the visions…  Today had been no different.  She'd taken a sleeping pill the previous night, but she was sure that she hadn't been blessed with a dreamless sleep as she'd woken up screaming and drenched in sweat, and her body ached as if she'd been in the fight of her life.  She'd gotten up and tried taking a long hot shower, but about half way through washing her hair, she'd looked up to an image of the water coming from the spout turning into a huge spray of blood and soaking her. She'd screamed until she'd gone hoarse and crouched down into a corner of the shower, her arms around her knees, hugging them as close to her as possible and trembling like a leaf.  She couldn't figure out why things such as that had affected her in the manner that they had.  She was no stranger to death.  In her time during the war, she'd witnessed death and blood countless times, spilled by her own hands even, and had been able to deal with it withouta problem.  She could slit a man's throat, plucking the life from his body as easy as plucking a rose from a bush.  She'd been caught by arterial spray, fresh from the tap so to speak and barely blinked at it.  But something about this was different.

She'd known that sleep depravation and starvation had a hand in it all, but without knowing what to do about it all was dragging her down in a downward spiral.  She'd finally had enough and had called in her friends who were on the way.  Right now, she was dressed in a pair of dark blue yoga pants that she'd rolled down to her hips and a black and blue sports halter.  Her hair was pulled back in a french braid going down her back and she had a dark blue bandana wrapped over her hair.  She was barefoot and her toenails as wel as her fingernails were done in a white tipped french manicure.  She'd said to herself, 'if I'm gonna go crazy, at least I can look good doing it' as she was sitting in the chair at the nailshop, watching the woman doing her toes suddenly turn into a zombie.  It was the hardest thing to do not to jump up and run out screaming as the vision of the zombie nail tech suddenly eating her from the toes up played out in her mind, and she'd actually flenched as she heard the sound of her bones crunching under the zombified teeth as she'd watched her own toes being ripped from her foot.  But what ended the vision was the sound of the tech's voice as she'd asked what color she'd wanted for her polish.  That's when things clicked for her.  The visions couldn't exist if they clashed too far from reality, so because the zombie had a mouthful of toe, it couldn't be speaking.  Hence why she'd invited her friends over for a conversation.

She'd been working out hard by herself, trying to work past the visions that were continuing to haunt her.  She'd worked on the heavy bag until the bag suddenly turned into the tortured, beaten, and bloodied body of her Abuelo.  Every time she'd punched, she would hear a rib breaking and his screams of agony.  But the worst of it were the screams from him of 'why Rayniña?!  Why are you doing this to me?! It hurts!  It hurts!  ¡Ah Dios mio!  ¡Ayúdeme!  ¡Por favor! Help me!  Please help me!'  She'd known that her Grandfather would never beg, no matter what was happening to him.  In her head she'd known that, but it didn't matter to her heart.  It had finally driven her to tears and she'd wrapped her arms around the heavybag, laying her forehead against what appeared to be her Grandfather's chest and sobbed.

"¡Perdóneme por favor Abuelo!  Please forgive me!"

She'd walked away from the heavy bag and moved on to the speed bag she'd had up in the corner, until it had turned into the sobbing form of her Grandmother's severed head.  She'd finally closed her eyes and stopped, easing her breathing to slow her hear and that's when she'd heard it...  The soft whistling of a song she knew but couldn't place.  She'd looked around the room, turning in  slow circle, looking for the person the whistling could have been coming from, even though she knew she was completely alone in the apartment.  She walked around slowly, listening for where the song could have been emmanating from, but couldn't find a source.  The song just continued over and over again... .

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She thought maybe it was coming from outside, so she chose to ignore it and continued on with trying to block out the images and sounds by training.  She'd pulled out her jumprope and started to do her speed jumping, her feet and the rope starting to move almost like a blur as she changed from double foot hopping, to almost running in place with the rope.  She switched up the movements, trying not to let her body get used to one single motion, jumping on one foot, switching to the other foot, crossing her arms, even crouching as she came down with both feet and jumping up like an explosive squat, or doing high jumps, bring her feet up almost to her butt as she spun the rope as fast as she could, trying to get it to revolve four to five times before her feet touched the ground.  Everything was fine until the whistling started to get louder.  The spike in volume had become disconcerting.  She’d lost her concentration, and brought the rope stingingly down against her left leg.  The feel of it is almost like being caught with a bullwhip, and a large welt instantly came up against her skin on the front of her calf.  She winced and sucked a breath through her teeth as she started to hop around on the other foot and wiggled her left leg to try to stop the stinging.  That’s when she heard the voice…

“Awww, poor little baby… That didn’t even hurt and you’re acting like you’ve been shot!  You’re such a little pansy assed bitch!”

She froze and dropped into a defensive crouch and started to spin around, looking for where the voice had come from.   She crab walked to a nearby cabinet and pulled out her service pistol, clicking off the safety as she palmed the butt in one hand and straight armed her grip in the other and called out...

“Whoever’s out there… I’m armed, and I’m a deadly weapon.  Show yourself!”

The laughter that rippled out at that statement just dripped with venom and sarcasm.

“Oh really?  A deadly weapon?  You’re about as deadly as a cotton ball being thrown at a nerf football!”

Her vision suddenly starts to blur.  She looks around for the location of the voice and frowns as she shakes her head, trying to clear her sight and to hear.  She calls out again…

“I’m serious!  I’ve got a gun and I’m trained very well in how to use it!  Show yourself!”

Just then her vision blurs again and an image of herself, dressed exactly as she is now steps into view and crosses her arms over her chest.   She gasps as this doppelgänger walks right up to her and smirks.

“What are you gonna do now?  Put a bullet in your own head?  Not likely…”

The doppelgänger sticks her tongue out to glide it along her lips and it sounds like the hiss of a snake as Raynin can clearly see the tongue is forked.  She gasps and points the gun straight up, slipping the safety back into place as she up towards the cabinets.

“What in the hell??!!  What are you?”

The doppelgänger chuckles and she closes her eyes, shaking her head.  When the eyes open again, they’re completely black… like the pupils of the eye had expanded to encompass the irises of the eye… totally black... everything.  The doppelgänger steps closer and reaches out, sliding a fingertip along Raynin’s chest slowly over her heart and Raynin can almost hear the sound of her flesh sizzling under the touch.  The smell of burning flesh reaches her nostrils and she whimpers in fear which just causes the doppelgänger to throw her head back and laugh.

“Aww, I scared the little sissy.  You look like you’re about to piss your pants!  Come on!  You’re supposed to be some big and bad assed luchador!!  You’re supposed to be Champion material, but you can’t even handle a little something like me…  What am I gonna do with you.”

The doppelgänger starts to pace back and forth in front of her slowly, looking her up and down before she finally stops right in front of Raynin and claps her hands together, chuckling excitedly.

“I know… I’m gonna stay right where I am.  I’m going to take you over slowly.  And with my help, you’ll become a champion once again… Starting with the Bombshell Tag Team Championships, and culminating with the regaining the Bombshell Championship that you let slip through your pathetic little fingers.”

Raynin shakes her head and cringes away from the fingertips of the doppelgänger that are reaching towards her arm.

“I don’t need your help!  I don’t want your help!!  I didn’t need you to get the Bombshell Championship in the first place, and I don’t need it now!  Just leave me alone!!”

The doppelgänger suddenly puts a hand on Raynin’s chest and shoves her so hard against the cabinets that the back of her head hits the glass of the window they were sitting under and the glass splinters in a huge spiderweb crack from the impact.  The world starts to spin slowly and the doppelgänger straightens her up and strokes her shoulder gently.

“Who do you think gave you that extra little edge you needed to get the Bombshell Championship in the first place?  Don’t you know who I am?  I am you!!  I’m the darkest part of you!  I’m the ruthless, in-compassionate, indiscriminate violence that lurks within you!  I am that which pushed you to excel in combat!  I am that which helped you make it through in Afghanistan… Iraq…  Iran…  Turkey… Germany… Egypt… All of those missions… All of those dead, dismembered, broken, gutted, filleted, flayed, electrocuted, blown up victims you have… they’re all because of me and your Tia Angela…  And it’s about time that I started to collect on the dividends of you becoming Champion!  I want those titles, and I’m going to use you to get them!!”

The doppelgänger wraps her arms around Raynin and she starts to struggle and scream.

“Stop it!!  Let me go!!  I’m gonna do this on my own!!”

The doppelgänger’s body seems to start to melt and turn into a sort of slime and the last thing that turns is her head as it hangs there almost suspended in the air on this tower of slime that’s trying to envelop Raynin’s body.

“Hush now!  Don’t fight it!  Or it will just hurt more…”

Raynin can’t move at all, caught in this tower of slime and she starts to scream as the doppelgänger starts to laugh wickedly… the laughter turning into a weird liquid like sound as the her head finally turns into slime too.  The slime suddenly shoots upwards and goes into Raynin’s nose and her scream cuts off into a choking gurgle as this strange substance fills her nostrils and throat.  When the last of the slime has gone up inside of her nose, Raynin simply collapses on the ground and lays there, not moving…


The sound of a key turning in the lock of the door  brings your attention back to the door as the locks are turned one after another down the door.  The door swings open and Darknyss walks in with Gothika and Diamond, chatting concernedly to each other.  Darknyss pushes the door closed and starts to re-lock the locks as she sighs heavily.

“I swear, she said she was gonna be here.  I don’t know why she didn’t answer the door or the phone.  It’s a good thing I’ve got a spare key…”

Diamond is pulling off her jacked and suddenly stops dead in her tracks and spins around slowly.  She frowns and motions with her hand for Darknyss and Gothika to be quiet.

“Hush up!  Something’s wrong… I can feel it.”

The trio slowly start to walk into the apartment looking around and Diamond calls out for her friend.

“Raynin!  Raynin, it’s us!  We’re here!!”

Gothika finds her first and calls for the others.

“Over here!!”

The trio of friends run over to where Raynin is curled up in a corner, her back to her friends, banging her head slowly against the wall repeating the same line of words over and over again...

“What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!”

They can see the blood smears on the wall from her head being driven into the wall so many times.  Diamond puts a hand between Raynin's head and the wall and still she continues to bang her head against it, repeating the words…

“What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!”

Diamond pulls Raynin away from the wall and lets her head fall back and gasps at the sight of her face.  Raynin’s forehead has been split open and the blood has poured out of the cut to cover the left side of her face, and her eyes are completely black, just like the eyes of the doppelgänger had been.  She’s still repeating the same words over and over again...

“What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!  What’s inside me?!!...”

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Time:  May 14, 2011...  11:30 PM

Place:  Somewhere in Las Vegas...  Specific Location... Unknown...



She was walking around the streets of Las Vegas, trying to clear he head during one of the few times that the rain had finally eased up and allowed her some time outside.  It was late and there was a slight chill in the air that everyone was hoping would lessen soon and let the heat come back to warm them all.  She'd grabbed her black hoodie and had it zipped up to just below her halter top, the hood pulled up over her head and had her hands tucked into the pockets of the jacket as she walked.  She'd somehow made it down towards a more populated area where a strip of smaller, little known casinos stood, their lights blinking, and inviting as if calling to the few people who are still on the streets on a monday night to come in a dspend a little of their hard earned cash in an effort to make more.  Through the glass of the main doors, you can see one armed bandit jockeys sitting at the slot machines, looking almost like tranced drones as they fed the machines and pulled on the handles trying to win a little bit more than what they came in with, knowing that in the end, they'd be lucky just to break even.

She'd been walking for miles, not even realizing it.  The cameraman who had been following her around the city had given up walking and had called on a friend who had a scooter and he'd rigged a mount on the handle bars so he could keep up with her as she'd gone so far.  A few diligent SCW fans had seen her and recognized her and had approached her for an autograph, and she'd been all smiles and about the job as she'd signed them, even though her mind and body were in turmoil.  As soon as they'd walked away, her smile disappeared, and she pulled her hood up further to try and shroud herself and almost hide from the ouside world as she sunk deeper into her thoughts.  She talks to herself as she moves along the city streets.

"Sometimes I just can't believe that I'm in the position that I'm in.  I've been working my ass off to get where I was, and to have it all ripped away from me just as I was at the top of my game... and all because of our boss's obsession with making me lose... It's about getting to be more than I can bear.  Maybe the voice in my head is right.  Maybe it's time for a little anarchy to be let loose in the Sin city Wrestling."

She shakes her head and pulls the hood that's been slowly slipping back into place around her face.  She sighs heavily as she moves away from the few crowds of people who are out on the streets, wanting some solitude.

"Some people say I just had an off night... Some people say that I've got conspiracy theories in my head.  Some people are starting to think that I've gone plum loco...  Hell, I'm starting to think the last one myself.  But regardless of what anyone thinks...  My skills are what matters.  My skills in the ring are still on top of their game or Misty wouldn't have needed to submit to dirty tactics to defeat me."

She hangs a left at an intersection and the cameraman is hard pressed to keep up with her as he pulls up onto the sidewalk and she slows down her speed to allow him to catch up. She lets him get right beside her before she starts to talk again.

"People wonder why I attacked Rock Rose with a chair instead of letting my friend take the chokeslam.  Thing of it is, I knew that Gothika could have gotten out of that move easily.  It's a move that we trained with Darknyss to counter so many times... but something in me just couldn't take it anymore... the mediocrity of it all...  I needed the intensity!  I needed the excitement... I simply wanted to hear the sound of steel meeting flesh!!  I needed to hear that loud smack that reverbrates through the arena after I've swung the chair and it hits a body... Mmmm, I need that feeling so badly!!"

She chuckles and pulls out her iPhone and starts to flick through some pieces of footage that she'd had Darknyss send to her as she walks down the streets.

"Even worse... people are acting like I'm a nobody already and it has barely even been a month... Don't they know that I'm the former Bombshell Champion?!  And if it hadn't been for the referee's poor judgement call, I'd still be Bombshell Champion?  I'm not a nobody or an unknown as my opponents seem to think that I am.  All of these rookies who have their head's shoved up their asses and aren't taking the time to truly look at the competition that they're coming up against...  They're in for one rude awakening... Just like Rock Rose is still nursing her sore back from the chairshots I gave her, I'm going to send a clear message to these upstarts.  I don't care who you THINK you are... when you feel froggish step up against the Fallen, you get sent straight to hell!"

She comes to a bit of footage of Odette Ryder and Carley Athens on their dirt bikes comes playing on her phone.  She chuckles and shakes her head slowly as she smirks evilly.

"There's a certain skill set that comes with riding dirtbikes.  I know that to be true.  In the line of work I was in, it was good to be cross trained so to speak.  And these girls have a certain... knack on a track, but in the ring... That's a different matter all together.  Riding dirtbikes is one thing, but stepping up against the Fallen is on a whole other playing field.  Why?  Because you're not dealing with a rough terrain, or having a machine with enough horsepower and torque to send a person flying under you.  You're facing something much more dangerous. When you step into the ring with one of the Fallen, You're facing a person who is hell bent on one thing and one thing only...  And that is to make you suffer.  We're not here to sell posters... We're not here to flash T and A... We're not here to be tomboys, or girly girls, or girly bois, or boyish girls, or whatever in the hell way you want to put it...  We're here to wrestle, and we're here to be the best damned wrestlers out there!  Not the best FEMALE wrestlers, or the best, BOMBSHELLS... the best WRESTLERS!  And do you know what that means for you newbies?  We're here to do whatever it takes... WHAT EVER IT TAKES to defeat you."

She flicks her finger on the phone and swipes to footage taken of Odette Ryder's last match against Finesse Levon and she shakes her head slowly and sighs.

"I'm not saying that you don't have skills...  Well, I have yet to truly find anything out about this Carly girl, but Odette, you have something there...  But what you truly lack is the knowledge of what you're stepping into the ring against.Gothika is not just my tag team partner.  She's held more Championships than you can dream of ever holding.  Multiple time AWO Champion...  AWO Champion... not just against women, but all superstars, multiple time AWO tag team Champion, multiple time AWO Diva's champion, multiple time EWE Women's Champion, multiple time EWE tag team champion, multiple time EWE Heavyweight champion, multiple time ECFW Diva's champion, multiple time ECFW tag team champion... and the list goes on from here.  She's got a room... A ROOM in the dojo where she trained back in Detroit FILLED with cases... CASES of Championship belts... and she's already called home to have a new case put in place for these Bombshell tag team titles.  THAT is true ambition and determination in the making!!  That is hard work and desire culminating and amalgamating into the being of one truly bad ass individual, and pouring out in a display inside of the ring!  Not only that, she's not even human!!  She's got fangs, and drinks blood, and has a desire to spill every one of her opponents when she steps into the ring!  So I hope you and your friend Carly there have alot of bandaids on hand... cause she's been so hungry lately... So very very hungry... And me... I'm not just the former Bombshell champion.  I'm a woman possessed at this point with the desire for retribution!  I'm a woman obsessed with getting back my Bombshell championship, and the one thing that's standing in my way come Sunday is going to be you and your tag team partner!  And if that means that I have to steam roll over you to get another victory in my win column so I can get my hands on that lying, theiving, low down dirty snake, Misty, then just consider yourself gum on the pavement about to be stepped on... LITERALLY!  Because once you experience Raynin's Way... you'll know EXACTLY what that feels like!”

She chuckles and she shakes her head, sighing softly.

"But then, something tells me that you’ll come to experience that feeling quite a bit now that you’re here in the Bombshell Division.  You see… You’ve just had the unlucky bid to be the gold fish that got put in the great white shark tank.  Or maybe to put it better, you’re the little white rabbits who got put out while a pack of hungry wolves are out on the prowl.  And I’m one of the Alpha bitches who’s here to eat you alive!!  And my tag team partner… hell, she’ll do it just on general purpose.  But don’t worry… The Fallen will welcome you to the Bombshell Division in the proper manner… with a boot to the head.”

She holds out her arms and starts to walk away from the camera man. She turns around and salutes the camera as she calls out back to the camera…

“Welcome to the party girls!! the fun is just beginning!"

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

 …  END OF FEED  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

Event: Climax Control...   Sunday 05/20/2012

Venue: John Ascuaga's Nugget Casino Resort... Sparks, Nevada


Opponent:  With Raynin, vs CARLY ATHENS AND ODETTE RYDER

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The Vampyric Angel won her match at London Brawling, taking down two of the up and coming female wrestlers with relative ease.  But when she had to face a formidable pair in the Freakettes in a tag team match with her fellow Fallen Angel, things didn’t turn out quite as well. Now, she has to team with her friend and protege, the former Bombshell Champion, Raynin to face a new formidible pair in Odette Ryder and Carly Athens.  The bubbly airhead, Felony Fontana, and the self proclaimed daredevel, Odette Ryder think that they've brought something new and fresh to the table, but will it be just another day at the office for Gothika and Raynin?  Will the pair be able to freak out the Freakettes?  Or will the freaks fly and clip the Angels wings?  Let's see what things shall become...

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 ...  AT YOUR OWN RISK ...  

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Time:. May 16, 2012...  10:30 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... Gothika and Darknyss's apartment...



The days had finally begun to warm as the rain stopped, and the humidity took the temperature to it's usual heights, but with a balminess and stickiness that's normally reserved only for rain forests and most of the state of Florida.  And as hot and humid as the days are, the nights are just as bad.  Everyone has gone from walking around with jackets and coats to being as naked as morally possible in the heat, and the Angels of the Fallen were no different.

She'd just finished training with her friend about an hour earlier at the gym of the apartment complex because it was closer than getting down to the Gold's gym, and she wasn't in the mood for signing autographs tonight.  Also it was just too hot and she just didn’t want to spend a moment in a truck that had been baking in the afternoon sun all day.  She knew that with what she was wearing, as soon as she sat down in the driver’s seat, she’d start to cook like a piece of fish in a hot pan.  So instead, they’d packed their bags, jogged around the building to the work out room and hopped on the treadmills and elliptical trainers for a couple of hours before hitting the free weights and ending with a bit of yoga stretching, and then a dip in the pool to cool off.  All in all, it was a decent work out that lasted for about five hours total.    After getting back to the apartment, they’d taken showers and she’d been so ravenous.  They’d gotten into the work out and had lost all track of time and it wasn’t until she’d hopped out of the shower that she’d noticed the time.  All she wanted was a nice, quiet meal with her friends and time to think.  She was standing in the kitchen of the apartment she shared with her friend, protege, and stablemate, Gothika, at the island that stands in the center of the room.  She was obviously distracted, and her mind wasn’t quite on the vegetables she was chopping for the salad she was going to be sharing with the other stablemate, Raynin who was now in her room, using the shower and changing for dinner.  Even so, the large chef’s knife she was using seemed to glide through the veggies with a mind all of it’s own.  She’d spent some time in culinary arts training in an effort to please her mother who wanted to get her away from the then male dominated sport of wrestling in high school and college, and she’d actually gotten her certificate, so when it came to cooking, she’d get gold stars… Maybe not Mischelin stars, but really high marks for taste and originality.

She’d been thinking about what she was seeing develop in the two women she’d chosen to manage in the Sin City Wrestling.   She’d had her own bouts with the darker side of wrestling… And by dark, I meant things you’d never think to have seen in a company of this side…  It’s a lot easier to pull pranks and play mind games when you have a production crew who is gleeful about helping you throw someone’s mind into a tail spin, and the financial backing of the company’s owner in your back pocket.  Here in the Sin City Wrestling, you wouldn’t see things like what she’d been able to do to people in the Alliance Wrestling Order.  Though there were times she wondered just how Misty would fare having to watch as someone she cared about was tied and dangled over a volcano while she was forced to watch, then be handed the burning rope so she can try to pull them to safety.  She wondered just how Misty would scream as she watched the rope break and that as person she loves tumbled down into the depths of the volcano, what would go through her mind…  And then to be tossed in herself…  What would flicker through her mind as she watched that flickering orange come closer and closer and closer… as she felt the heat…  And even more… what would Misty think once she found out that the volcano was actually a fake filled with Orange Jell-o, and that the heat was coming from heaters that were set up to blow smoke and steam from the inside…  These are things that she thought about sometimes as she saw what was building inside of them all.

She was chuckling to herself as she pictured Misty’s face after Raynin pushed her over the side of a Jell-o filled volcano, and it was at that moment… as she was chopping a carrot, that Gothika popped her head around the corner and said her name…


And in that moment of being startled, the knife mistook her finger for  carrot and slipped into the side like a hot knife through butter.  She caught herself before she sent the knife too deep, but she cut deep enough for the blood to start to flow pretty easily.  She gasps and swears.

“Ahh fuck me!!  That knife is sharp!!”

She hadn’t even felt the knife at first.  The blade had bitten into her skin so simply and easily that it was almost painless until after the knife was removed and the blood started to flow.  She started looking around for her towel so she could staunch the blood flow, but she’d forgotten that she’d knocked it to the ground and she swore again as she held her finger up and tried to pinch off the flow with her other hand while she went for some paper towel and the first aid kit.  It was then that she heard the low growl and she turned slowly towards her friend.  She gasps at the look in her friend’s eyes and starts to back away slowly until she’s in the corner of the cabinets and can’t back up any further.

“Gothika?  Are you alright?”

The look in Gothika’s eyes is one of pure hunger and desire for the red stuff.  She licks her lips slowly  and walks towards the island and her hand moves like a snake striking to wipe her fingers through the thick red droplets that had fallen onto the cutting board and the counter top.  She held her hand up, the red starting to run down her fingers slowly and she growls softly again, her eyes having changed pretty quickly from their normal soft brown to the pale ice blue and her fangs descending quickly as she inhales the scent of the red on her fingers.  She shakes her head slowly as she exhales with a sound of ecstasy.

“Of course I’m alright Lady… I’m just… so so hungry…”

She brings her fingers to her mouth and her tongue snakes out slowly and slides along the red stuff, a soft moan rumbling from deep in her throat as she tastes the life essence of her friend.  She closes her eyes and trembles as she slides her fingers into her mouth to completely suck the red from her fingers.  She licks a stray droplet from the corner of her lips and stands there with her eyes closed for a moment before opening them slowly and looking at her friend.

“Mmmmm… Lady…  You taste good…   Very sweet…  but you need to add  a fish oil tablet to you diet.  Your iron is low.”

She walks to the sink and pulls off some paper towel and walks over to her friend, holding it out to her while Darknyss just stands there, almost cowering from her friend.  Gothika chuckles and wiggles the paper towel in Darknyss’s face.

“Hello… Earth to Lady…  Come on… Take the paper towel so I can go and get the first aid kit…."

Darknyss still doesn’t move, but instead frowns.

“Um… you do know that you just tasted my blood.”

Gothika nods slowly and lifts an eyebrow at her friend.

“Yes I do… and?”

Darknyss looks from the paper towel to her friend’s eyes which are still that pale blue color.

“You’ve never done that before… EVER! “

Gothika takes a deep breath and sighs, letting her hand drop for a bit before she walks over and places the paper towel over her friend’s cut.  But she doesn’t miss the obvious flinch of Darknyss as she approaches her and she drops her eyes and sighs heavily.

“I’m sorry Lady!  I told you… I’m hungry.  We’ve worked out really hard trying to get ready for this Bombshell Tag Team Title match, and it’s taking a toll on my resources.  We really want this.  I really want this… I want to be able to get gold around my waist, and I didn’t think that I was gonna be able to do that until Raynin lost the Bombshell title… But this offers us an opportunity for us BOTH to have gold!  And I am itching for the chance to have that title wrapped around my waist!  We’re gonna do it!  I can feel it!  I can taste it just like I tasted your blood!  I can smell it just as easily as I can smell your fear and tension right now.  This is something that’s I’ve wanted since I’ve stepped into the ring!  This is what I have been hoping and waiting for!  And there’s no way in HELL I’m gonna let a couple of little youngin’s come in and steal my thunder!"

She inhales slowly and Darknyss can’t help but wrap the paper towel around her finger quickly to try and staunch the blood flow as soon as possible.  Gothika turns around and reaches under the kitchen sink and pulls out a small medicine kit and places it on the counter.  She chuckles and starts to pull out bandages and anti-biotic cream, then she stops and cocks her head to the side.

“You know, I can take care of that for you really easily… If you let me lick your hand clean, it’ll stop the blood flow, and I can use some of that special salve I got from Diamond to heal it up in two shakes.  I swear… it won’t even leave a scar…  It’s the same stuff we used on Raynin’s head the other night.  It’s a part of my feeding kit...”

Darknyss shakes her head quickly.

“No… it’s alright.  I can do it myself.”

Gothika frowns and holds  her hands in the air and backs away from the first aid kit slowly.

“Okay… I understand.  You’re still not one hundred percent cool with me drinking live red… But come on… you know the edge it gives me in the ring compared to the cold stuff.”

Darknyss starts to clean her wound with alcohol and peroxide, holding her hand over the sink and pouring the liquids down her finger over the cut, wincing slightly at the sting.  She shakes her head and sighs softly.

“No, that’s not it.  I could care less if you drink live… Hell, I could care less if you bled the whole Bombshell division dry.  I say go for it!  It might just be the kick in the pants that this bunch of rag tag barbie dolls needs to start to excite people again.  I just don’t like the thought of you drinking live from me or Raynin.”

Darknyss stops pouring the peroxide on her hand and turns to the counter and picks up the bandages and starts to dab at the cut slowly and sighs heavily.

“You know I’ve seen the changes in you two.  It’s just like when you went wild back in the day… Back when we could be ourselves and truly cut loose in the ring and not be stifled by having do deal with all of these same old same old matches.  You know…  just once, I’d love to see a tag team title match defended in something like a tornado tables, ladders, and chairs match, or hell, a triple cage match for that matter!  Barbwire and bombshells!!  What a match that would be!  The ring ropes wrapped in barbed wires, and barbed wire wrapped gloves and bats on poles for use as weapons…  do you have any idea how fun that would be?”

Gothika nods slowly as she breathes deeply and gets her fangs to retract, even though her eyes won’t turn back to their original brown.

“Yeah, I remember those days.  The glory days of our youths.  But you gotta remember, we’re not as young as we used to be.  Hell, we’ve just gotten better.  More refined, more settled in our desires to beat the high holy hell out of our opponents.  And you’re not even in the ring anymore…  I bet if it had been you and I in the ring instead of me and Raynin, Rock Rose would have thought twice about trying that choke slam shit.  You could have powered her down in a second.”

Darknyss raises an eyebrow at her friend and takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

“What I don’t get is why you didn’t do it yourself.  You’re stronger than I am, and yet you have been holding back these last few matches.   Even when you got a win at the pay per view, you still held back, and you know you can’t be doing that… not during this tag team tournament.  Not if you want to come out the winner you don’t.”

Gothika walks over to the stove and pulls out the grill pan from the rack overhead and sets it on the stove top with a slow, careful movement.  She then walks to the spice rack on the counter and pulls out an array of herbs and spices and goes back to the counter where there are four large ribeye steaks resting under some aluminum foil and starts to dust the spices onto the meat.  She shrugs slowly and looks over her shoulder and watches Darknyss watching her as she spreads anti-bacterial cream on her finger.

“I can’t help it Lady.  I feel myself slipping again.  The whole time Rock Rose had me in the air, all I could think about was wrapping myself around her arm, hitting the crook of her elbow so it folded, and latching onto her neck and taking a drink.  I’m so hungry these days!  It’s like every time I step into the ring, I can hear my opponents hearts beating faster.  I can smell the adrenaline and the fear and the anticipation on them like a stench and it pushes me into this almost… FEEDING FRENZY!!!  And it takes almost everything I have to stop myself from beating them senseless and pouncing on them like some kind of…”

She bites her lip and Darknyss wraps a couple of bright neon blue band-aids around her finger and lifts her eyebrow at her friend.

“Like a monster was what you were gonna say, wasn’t it Gothika?”

Gothika nods slowly and swallows audibly.

“I have had to stop myself so many times… I’ve given in over and over again, but this time… I’ve tried to be good.  I swear, but the cold stuff, it just tastes so… so dead.  So devoid of that special flavor.  Even when I heat it in the microwave, it still just doesn’t taste the same.  The spark is gone!”

Darknyss nods slowly and shrugs her shoulders and cocks her head to the side.

“Then don’t hold back anymore.”

Gothika lifts her eyebrows as she looks at her friend in shock.

“Wait… What are you saying Lady?”

Darknyss reaches into a drawer on the island and pulls out a pair of rubber gloves and slips them over her hands, snapping them into place as she smiles wickedly at her friend.

“I’m saying…  You holding back is not doing anything for your winning of the matches.  Do what you have to do.   Be as ruthless and as cut throat as you need to be in the ring and trust me to stop you from going too far.  That’s what I’m there for as your manager.  I mean think about it… Odette Ryder and Carly Athens are alot like you and Raynin in many ways.  You’re all ambitious, high energy, skilled…  And of course, you and Raynin have alot of things that they don’t.  Experience mostly… You both know each other a lot better than they do.  You have worked together for a while now and you work together very well.  Your skills compliment each others where Odette and Carly may end up trippin’ over each other’s feet.  They’re both highly competitive, and will be vying with each other for the win.  I can already tell that one.  But… and this is a really big but...  The one MOST IMPORTANT thing that your opponents at the up coming Climax Control this Sunday don’t have is ME in their corner.”

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head.

“Hell, they should be happy that you’re only outside of the ring and not inside of it.  Have you seen how little those two girls are?  We tower over them both!  Plus we outweigh them by a clear fifty pounds, and you know all of it is sheer muscle.”

Gothika lifts her arm and flexes it and the lean cords of her  bicep pop up into view.  Darknyss chuckles and flexes her much larger arm beside hers and Gothika can’t help but laugh.  While she’s laughing, Gothika’s eyes change back to their normal brown color and Darknyss settles down as the worry and tension flow out from her.   Gothika slaps the countertop and smiles.

“So, what do you want to me to help you with so we can get this dinner going.  I told you I was hungry!!”

Darknyss points to the steaks as she picks up the knife again.

“Well, put those on the grill and get them burning.  You know how we do it… Mine on first for medium well, Raynin’s on 2 minutes later for medium rare, and yours 2 minutes later for still mooing.  They all flip at the same time, and you take them off in reverse order at the same time limits.  I’ll finish up this salad and the potatoes are already in the oven.”

Gothika chuckles as she starts putting the meat on the grill.

“Get along little doggie!!!  Mooo!!  Moo!!!”

The friends start to laugh just as Raynin comes shuffling into the room.  She stops in the door and yawns a bit.

“What did I miss?”

Gothika and Darknyss look at one another and start to laugh harder as Darknyss reaches into the refrigerator and tosses Raynin a protein shake.  She points at her with the tip of the knife and makes a serious face.

“You drink all of that!  We have only 2 days to get you back up to fighting weight.  No arguments.”

Raynin cracks the top on the can and sighs, then snaps to attention and salutes her.  

“Yes Sir Ma’am Sir. “

Raynin starts to drink the shake with one hand, picks up the empty plates with the other and turns around and walks back out to the dining room to set the table.  Darknyss looks from her to Gothika and sighs softly.

“I don’t know… maybe she can hold it together long enough for you two to advance through the tournament.  Let’s see what happens.”

The pair go back to finishing dinner as the scene fades.

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Climax Control Archives / the descent
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:01:13 AM »
 Event: Climax Control...   Sunday 05/06/2012

Venue: Moana Stadium... Reno, Nevada

Match: Bombshell Tag Team Match

Opponent: VS THE FREAKETTES, Rock Rose and Felony Fontana  

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After losing her title due to the interference of the SCW's Owner, Mark Ward and the underhanded tactics of Misty, the mental state of the Rebellious One is suffering a devastating blow.  Will she be able to keep it together as she teams with her partner, Gothika to take on a new tag team to the Sin City Wrestling's ranks in the Freakettes? Or will the loss of her Bombshell Championship be too much for Raynin to Bear?  Let's see what unfolds shall we...

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Time:  May 1, 2012, 1:30 PM...  

Place:  In the sky...  Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean...



The sky is aboil with the anguish of the world it seems.  Dark clouds hang over the seas and the deserts as the tears of Angels fall down to blanket the earth.  In the deep deserts of Nevada, a single old indian woman sits in front of a fire that's being protected by a kind of lean to tent.  She's not worried about heat or warmth... that's not why the fire is there.  She can feel the turmoil in the energies surround her, yet doesn't know where it's coming from.  

As she sits, her eyes closed as she chants in the language of her ancestors, she hears the warning rattle of a snake a few feet away who has been spooked by the rain falling on it's head.  she sits still as a statue, the only movement tat of her lips as she doesn't stop her chanting.  The snake inches forward, wary, keeping it's body coiled as if ready to strike at any moment.  The old woman doesn't stop her chanting.  The snake uncoils it's body and moves within a foot of the old woman, and just as it's about to move past her, her hand moves quick as lightning and grabs it behind it's head, lifting it high.  The snake's rattle moves threateningly as it attempts to wriggle free, but she grabs its body with her free hand, taking complete control of it.

Her words don't stop flowing from her as she moves quickly.  She puts it's fangs to a jar that's been stretched with the bladder of a cow... an ancient recepticle for collecing venom, and milks it dry of it's deadly poison.  She then picks up a knife and holds the body over a large bowl.  As lightning rips through the sky, making the darkened sky bright like the flash of a camera, she sends the knife slicing through the air and through the neck of the snake like a hot knife through butter.

The body of the snake drops into the bowl, wriggling as it's life blood pumps from it's neck like water from a geyser.  The moving of the body sends the red fluid all over the bowl, and the old woman nods slowly.  She places the bowl over the fire and starts to rock back and forward in time to her chanting.  She opens a pouch and pulls out some herbs, throwing them into the bowl, then opens a bottle of some liquid and pours it into the bowl.  The red in the bowl turns black as her chanting increases in volume and intensity.  She opens the jar of the venom and pours some over the mixture, then opens a final jar and pours a powder into her hand and throws it into the fire, letting some fall into the bowl.  She picks up an eagle feather and waves it around the fire, closes her eyes as her chanting hits a fever pitch, then drops it.  It floats on the wind down into the bowl in the flames, and as soon as it touches the liquid, lightning crashes overhead and everything suddenly ignites in a bright green flame, and the old woman's eyes snap opento reveal nothing but white.  Her body freezes, as if galvanized by the lightning strike, her hands held out to the fire.  She starts to speak, her voice sounding like a mixture of many different voices.

"The darkness is approaching!  It is growing, and multiplying, gathering strength in the depths that are hiding it.  What was keeping it at bay has been stolen, and what is building will be unlike anything ever experienced!  The battle is approaching!  The light verses the darkness...  The collision wil be... EXPLOSIVE!!!!"

A humongous crash of lightning suddenly crashes, lighting the desert like a bomb has just explodedThe old woman falls backward, her arms spread wide as the camera starts to spiral upwards.  The lightning continues to flash as the scene suddenly changes...

As the lightning flashes over the desert, it simultaneously flashes in the clouds over the Atlantic ocean.  The clouds in which fly the airplane holding the former Bombshell Champion, and the rest of her friends and partenrs fo the Fallen.  After her loss, she didn't sleep a moment.  She was too upset, and only just has been able to let herself rest.  She'd been asleep for only about a half hour, and her mind still can't deal with what has happened.  

In her sleep, she reaches down to her waist, stroking it as if she's looking for the Bombshell title that's been taken from her.  She's clearly agitated, and shakes her head as she sleeps, moaning and clawing at the air as if she's trying to hold onto something or stop something from happen.  Darknyss is sitting beside her and she sighs heavily as she reache sover and pulls the blanket up over her thrashing friend.  She knows exactly what Raynin is feeling and is hoping that she is helping her deal with what is clearly separation anxiety.

She's been trying to keep her mind off of what happened and think about the future, and her upcoming tag team match against the Freakettes, but it keeps going back to how Misty has stolen her title from her.  She'd done alright for a while, enjoying a nice lunch with her partners where they discussed their upcoming match.  That scene flashes through her mind as she sleeps...

She had been moping around the hotel room, not wanting to do anything.  She wouldn't watch television, she wouldn't eat, she didn't sleep, she didn't even change out of the clothes she had come from the arena in.  She just sat there in a chair in the dark with the blinds and curtains closed, just staring off into nothingness.  When Darknyss and Gothika walked into the room and turned on the light, she didn't even move.  She just sat there, barely appearing to breathe.  They took one look at her and both shook their heads slowly.  Darknyss put a hand on her shoulder, and takes a deep breath.

"Come on girl... Now is NOT the time for you to mope."

Raynin shrugs Darknyss's hand from her shoulder and sits back in the chair.

"This is so the time for me to mope.  But I'm not moping... I'm thinking about things."

Gothika pulls up another chair and sits beside her.  She takes her friend's hand in hers, sighing heavily.

"Listen... we both know that feeling...  When you work, and fight, and scrap, and finally get that title around your waist only to have it ripped away in a single moment...  Both of us have had that happen.  It sucks bigtime!  But the mark of a true Champion isn't just how you act while you are holding the title.  You know that.  If you're the true champion, then you'll carry yourself accordingly even as you claw your way back up to that top spot.  You may be the former Bombshell Champion now... but that's just for now.  You're the future Bombshell Champion!  You have a rematch clause!  Use it!!   Take back what's yours!!  But for now, you have to let this go and focus on the Freakettes!  You're my partner and I need you!!"

Raynin turns her head slowly to look at her friend.  She pulls her hand from Gothika's sharply as a frown spreads across her face.

"You think I don't know that we have to work together to beat those two?  You think my head is not in the game, don't you?  ADMIT IT!!  You think that I'm gonna do like so many others in the past and flip out about losing my title... WELL YOU'RE DAMNED RIGHT I AM!!"

She walks over to her bag and pulls out her macbook pro and starts to pull up footage of the arena before the match started.  She stops at a couple of posters that were hung up on the wall that show Misty with the Bombshell Championship.  She points to the footage and turns to her friends.

"There!  You see?  That right there!!  Those were put out the night of the Pay Per View!  People have been tweeting about this ever since I lost the match!!"

Darknyss frowns and shakes her head.

"What are you talking about?"

Raynin pulls up her twitter account and starts to read some of the comments that were left on her account.

'I find it mighty funny that the Mark Ward versus Kain match just happened to interfere with your match Raynin.  If it had been anyone else's match that had gotten interrupted, they would have counted it as a disqualification and the Champion would keep their title or restarted the match, but you lost your title!  That's so not right!'

'Misty's a cheater!  She used a chair and a trashcan!  And she talked so bad about how Kittie took her title away, yet she used the same dirty tactics!'

'Raynin should still be Champion!  There was just too much controversy surrounding that match!  The judgement should be overturned and Raynin should have her title returned to her.'

Raynin shakes her head and starts scrolling down the page.

"And those are just a few of the hundereds... THOUSANDS of posts that were put up only over the past day!  And they're RIGHT!!  Don't you find it just a little funny that out of all of the matches that took place that night, only my match got interrupted?"

Darknyss slowly and frowns.  Raynin drums her fingers agitatedly on the table.

"And that's not all... Mark had a hand in Kittie beating me during our one on one championship match..  He interfered in my number one contender's matches...  it's like he's got a vindetta against me!!"

Darknyss takes a deep breath and sighs heavily.

"It might not be just you."

Raynin looks up at her friend, frowning slightly.

"What do you mean not just me?"

Darknyss sinks into a chair beside her and sighs heavily.

"Well, I think he still blames me for breaking Matt's heart years ago... Plus my voicing my displeasure about females facing the men.  Mark's is one of the only companies I've ever been in where I haven't been able to go after the Heavyweight Title.  It's possible he may still have some... issues with my speaking out so adamantly about wanting a chance to go after that title."

Raynin frowns and shakes her head slowly.

"So he's taking his anger out on me?  Is that what you think?"

Darknyss shrugs but Raynin shakes her head slowly.

"No... cause this has been going on since before you showed up.  This is a conspiracy, plain and simple."

Gothika has taken the computer from Raynin and is reading through more of the comments.  She puts the macbook back on the table and sighs heavily.

"Regardless of if this is a conspiracy or not, we have to focus on this match against the freakettes.  They're like you and your sister used to be Darknyss.  That one chick, Rock Rose reminds me so much of you Lady, it's not even funny!  She's one big girl.  She even makes you look a little small.  You can tell she's got power, but the question is, does she have any speed.  She may end up being a lumbering giant where you were gracefully powerful Lady."

Raynin shakes her head and leans back in her chair.

"You know what they say... The bigger they are, the harder they fall.  Besides...  if she's anything like Darknyss, then we have more of an advantage than they would think.  We've got experience taking down big heavy hitters.  Besides... you're no slouch yourself Gothika.  You've got the power and the speed we need to go up against any kind of hulking brute they throw our way.  Not only that, we've got a secret weapon they hadn't even realized we  have."

Darknyss lifts her eyebrow and looks at her friend.

"Oh? And what secret weapon is that?"

Raynin smirks and taps her temple.

"We've got one pissed off mother of an ex champion who's hell bent on going through anyone and everyone she has to to get back what's been taken from her.  Mark Ward thinks that by making me fight right after having such a devastating blow dropped on me that he is gonna stop me... derail me from exposing the truth... put a damper on my train of thought and side track me away from what is so self evident... But the fact of the matter is this...  He knows I should still be Champion.  Vixen knows I should still be Champion.   The world knows I should still be Champion.  And so does Misty.  She knows she can't beat me without a distraction, outside help, help from a friend, a weapon...  She knows that in her heart, he didn't beat me.  She may have won the match, but she didn't beat me.  She knows who the true champion is, and it's certainly not her.  And I'm gonna prove it."

Gothika leans over and whispers to Darknyss.

"I think she's going through some serious title withdrawls."

Darknyss shrugs.

"Well, what do you expect?  It was her first title.  You remember how you were when you lost your first title."

Raynin brings her hand down on the table with a loud bang.

"Stop all of this whispering!!  I am sitting right here and I can hear you!!"

Gothika looks from Raynin to Darknyss and lifts her eybrows high.

"So...  You think you can use this anger about your being screwed out of your title to your advantage in the rest of your matches?  How are you gonna do that?"

Raynin cocks her head to the side and smirks.

"Because... everyone of my opponents will have Misty's face.  Every where I look I will see her.  Everyone I talk to I hear her voice.  Hell, I look in the mirror and I see her standing behind me, taunting me...  And it takes everything in my power not to just flip out and put my fist through the mirror.  Right now, my loathing of Misty is becoming a driving force...  And I want to beat her face in.  I want to lock her in a choke hold and watch her turn all manner of shades of blue until I force her to return my title.  And if I picture my opponents as Misty... well...  You know the old saying... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...  In this case, it's SCW hath no fury like a champion who's been screwed!!"
Raynin's eyes seem to almost glow with the intensity of her fury.

"Rock Rose and Felony have no idea of who they're stepping into the ring against!  What I was in the past... what I've done in the past... that was nothing... NOTHING compared to what they will step into the ring against!!  I will introduce them to the Sin City Wrestling the hard way!  And that's RAYNIN'S WAY!!  And once the dust settles, and it's all said and done... all they will be seeing is the lights as they lay sprawled on their backs and get pinned for the one, the two, and the three!!"

Darknyss looks over at Gothika and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"Ooohh... kay...  and they say that I tend to lose it sometimes... Look, you haven't eaten all day, let's go and get some lunch before we have to come back and finish packing for the trip home..."

After that, they'd had lunch and tried to take her mind off of things, but they'd only pushed it to the back of her mind.  Now, the memory of the loss has invaded her dreams, and she keeps rolling it around in her head, over and over again...  With every strike and blow she throws and receives, it's as if she's reliving it... feeling it fresh and new...

Vixen’s eyes widen as she looks up to the entryway to see “Hot Stuff” Mark Ward thrown through the curtains. Kain follows up with a broomstick. He goes to smack HS with it, but HS rolls out of the way, and gets him with a drop toe hold, smashing his face against the grated ramps surface. Kain rears back with an elbow that knocks HS back a bit. It gives him the opening to get up and swing his broomstick backward to crack HS on the shoulder. He goes for another but HS ducks it and dashes down toward the ring. Their referee follows them down as the other referee shouts at them to stay out of the ring. HS shouts that it’s his damn ring, and he climbs onto the apron. As he does, Kain yanks him down by the back of the pants, and goes to nail him with a punch. HS spits in his face and nails him with a headbutt. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a fire extinguisher and blasts Kain with it.

Simone: I don’t believe it… This has got to be a first for us. Two matches going on at the same time, this is pure insanity!

Inside of the ring, Raynin is not about to let their match become upstaged as she knocks Vixen into the corner. She assaults her opponent with vicious knee after knee. She then sets her opponent up on the top rope and then she dashes back a few steps. She cartwheels forward and wraps her legs around Vixens neck, taking her down with a sort of modified Hurricanrana of her own. As soon as she lands, Misty leaps up onto the same turnbuckle, and comes crashing down on both women with a corkscrew moonsault. As she lands she rolls off.

Adams: I don’t know which match to call, because both are high intensity. I think my head hurts.

Simone: That is what you get for thinking I guess…

Back outside of the ring, Kain smashes HS’s head into the ring steps repeatedly. HS stops the last of the series, and then he chops Kain’s chest. He then goes to slam Kain’s head into the ring post, but Kain reverses it by planting his feet against the post, and then he flings HS into the post. As he comes down, Kain drops down for the pin. The referee counts.



HS kicks out. Kain shoves the referee and then he picks up the set of ring steps and he goes to slam them onto HS. HS rolls out of the way and leans against the barricade. Kain goes to assault him with the steps, but HS ducks out of the way again. He gets up to his feet and then he dashes away from Kain. Kain gives chase as they circle around the ring. Kain brings the steps with him, but as they round the corner, HS connects with a Red Hot into the ring steps! The fans give a mixed reaction, but it is deafening. HS drops down for the pin, but it is quickly interrupted as, inside the ring, Misty pulls down the ropes to cause Raynin to stumble down on top of the men! HS shouts at Vixen who rolls off, and he goes back for the pin.


Again, it is interrupted as Misty vaults over the ropes, missing her target of Vixen. HS smacks his head in complete frustration as he rolls out of the way. Vixen leaps up onto the barricade and runs across it, dashing on top of Misty as the two roll around in a downright dirty catfight. Raynin steps outside of the ring, and their referee looks completely confused. HS rolls Kain inside of the ring, and he tosses the ring steps inside as well. He looks under the ring and tosses in a chair, a trashcan with a tied up bag of trash inside, and then he slides a cylinder block inside of the ring. He slides in under the bottom ropes and then he goes to work stomping on Kain. He picks up the chair and swings it down, barely missing Kain as he gets out of the way. HS goes to hit him once more, but Kain rolls over and onto his feet. The fans boo loudly as Kain hits a superkick to the chair, connecting with HS’s face.

Outside of the ring, Raynin and Vixen go back and forth with Misty in between them. When one connect with a hard punch, Misty rebounds to the other one. As they assault her, she quickly ducks down and they both connect with punches to each other. Misty picks Vixen up and drops her face first onto the apron. She then slides her inside of the ring. As the chair drops, Misty unfolds it as the referee tries to pull it out of her hands. Misty shoves him away and then Misty leaps up onto it, taking down the rising Vixen with a roll up pin. Just as Kain drops down for a pin on HS.





In an almost simultaneous manner, Raynin comes vaulting into the ring, landing across Vixen and Misty to break up the pin. As she rolls off, she knocks into HS and Kain, breaking up their pin as well! The Bombshell referee shouts to the other referee that this match will be thrown out if they don’t leave. The fans all boo loudly as this is heard. HS rolls out of the ring at this, and Kain gives chase to him. HS jumps the barricade and heads into the crowd as Kain comes after him quickly. Their referee follows as the Bombshell referee tries to clear the ring of the debris. Raynin falls down for a pin on Vixen, stopping him short. Misty sees the opportunity and tosses the trashcan into the corner.



Misty yanks Raynin off and then goes to fling her into the trashcan, putting all of her weight into it. As Raynin bounces off, rebounding from the blow, Misty flips forward, and wraps her leg around Raynin’s neck, taking her down with a Headscissors that sends her to the outside. Misty looks down at Vixen and a smile crosses her face. As Vixen stirs on the ground, Misty ascends the top rope. As Vixen gets to her feet, the fans boo as Misty leaps off, nailing the Dream Crusher much to the dismay of the audience. She quickly falls down and gets the cover.




Suddenly, the scene changes...  It replays once again as it has been doing since she closed her eyes, but instead of it being Mark ward and Kain, their faces are replaced by that of the tattooed man.  Instead of Vixen and Misty's faces, it's that of Mama Lovelle.  She hears that maniacal laughter ringing out in her mind over and over again... the cackling that haunted her dreams for so long... it's come back.  She trembles in her sleep and moans as instead of Misty pinning Vixen, the two Momma Lovelle's grab her arms and hold her down as the tattooed man leaps over the top rope to stand over her, holding out a long machete.  She screams in her dream, but it comes out as just a moan from her physical body.  She hears that voice again, speaking to her in spanish and english at the same time...

{ Por mucho que todo lo que quieras ... la lucha más dura de su ... correr tan rápido como sea posible, todavía, no importa. Te dije que no había escape mi niña.  Try as much as you like... struggle your hardest...  run as fast as you can, it still won't matter.  I told you there was no escaping me little girl. }

She shakes her head, looking around in fear and disbelief.  She suddenly makes a defiant face, lifting her chin.

"You're nothing!!  You're just my over active imagination coupled with my being upset about losing my title playing tricks with my tired brain!  That's all!  Diamond, Darknyss, Gothika and I did the spell, and we beat you at your game!"

The old woman chuckles and digs her nails into Raynin's upper arms, making her grimace in pain, but Raynin refuses to scream.

{ ¿Crees que me derrotó con ese hechizo poco con esa perra de una bruja? Usted hizo exactamente lo que yo quería que hicieras niña.  You think that you beat me with that little spell with that bitch of a witch?  You did exactly what I wanted you to do little one. }

Raynin shakes her head and struggles against the pair of old women holding her down, but they've got her in grips like a vice.  She kicks her legs, trying to get some kind of leverage to mount a fight, but it's as if all of her strength is being sapped from her.  The old woman with Misty's body leans over and puts her face right over Raynin's smirking evilly.  Raynin suddenly whips her head forward trying to headbutt the old woman, but it's as if she connected with metal.  She falls back, seeing stars, but hen she starts to chuckle.

"You can't have what you want old woman!  I took it inside of me!  I accepted whatever it was that you wanted to take from me!  So you can't get to it!!  It's a part of me now!!"

The old woman starts to cackle again, whipping her hair out of her face before she leans back down close to Raynin's face.

{ Oh, lo llevó dentro de sí mismo! ¡Oh! ¿Qué voy a hacer ahora? ¡Qué idiota eres! ¿Cómo sabes que no es exactamente lo que quería hacer?  Oh, you took it inside of yourself!!  Oh my!  What am I to do now?  What an idiot you are!  How do you know that isn't exactly what I wanted you to do? }

Raynin looks around nervously, shaking her head.

"I haven't seen you or your little butt munchin' weirdo over there for months now!!  Why did you all of a sudden decide to pop up?"

The old woman throws her head back and laughs evilly.

{ Debido a que permite la oscuridad para tomar una bodega de usted una vez más. Se había escondido durante un tiempo, pero está de vuelta y más fuerte que nunca. ¿Y por qué iba yo a querer tirar de ti cuando me lo puede cuidar y hacerla más fuerte dentro de ti ... a continuación, sólo que se haga cargo.  Because you allowed the darkness to take a hold of you once more.  You'd hidden it for a while, but it's back and stronger than ever.  And why would I want to pull it out of you when i can nurture it and make it stronger inside of you... then just take you over. }

The tattooed man brings down the machete towards her stomach and Raynin tries to suck it in as much as she can to try and keep it away from her.  He places the edge of the blade against her skin and starts making minute little swipes of it as she screams and screams and screams...


Raynin suddenly sits up with a shriek.  Darknyss leans over and Raynin shakes her head slowly before she curls back up in teh chair.  She puts her hand to herstomach and feels the marks from the blade against her flsh and she shudders.

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Supercard Archives / Monsters Unleashed...
« on: April 27, 2012, 11:59:56 PM »

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Event: London Brawling...  Sunday April 29th, 2012

Venue: Royal Albert Hall... in London, England

Match: Bombshell Championship Triple Threat

Opponent:  Vs Misty Vs Vixen  

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As the time approaches for the London Brawling Pay Per View, everyone's attention is set for the title defenses.  People want to know will Raynin be a one hit wonder like Misty was?  Or will she be able to do what only Kittie has been able to do so far and successfully defend her Bombshell Championship?  Is her mind clear and focused on the future?  Or is her attention divided as some think?  We certainly will find out... As the Wrestling World Turns...

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 ...  WHATCHA WAITIN' FOR?! ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

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Time:  April 25, 2012, 3:30 PM...  

Place:  London, England...  The Tower of London...



The rain has decended once again on London Town, but that doesn't stop people from doing the tourist thing.  Instead of goign on walking tours outside, they've turned their tourism fancies inward, and take in the historic sites while they can.  The Angels of the Fallen are getting a chance to do a bit of site seeing of their own, as they decide to take a trip to see Big Ben and the Tower of London.  They've joined a tour group, and are happy for once that they can just be another trio of tourists as they've donned their glasses and big hats to try and go unnoticed... even though it's not quite working out as they'd expected.

The trio finally get the chance to come inside as the group stops to remove their coats and drop off their umbrellas so as not o track any of the water through the historical monument, and Raynin sighs as she pulls off her black trench coat.  Her black stretch hip hugger jeans jeans and knee high leather boots are complimented by the newest Fallen crop tee that sports the words, 'kicked out of heaven' across the chest, and on the back, a pair of white skeletal angel wings on the black fabric and the words, 'to unleash hell'.  Her black backpack rests on her right shoulder as she waits for the tour to start.  As soon as she turns around, a japanese couple come up to her and point from the camera to her, then to themselves, grinning and nodding and bowing.


Raynin looks confused at the couple, then turns to look at Darknyss.

"What the hell??!!  I can't just get one day without having to sign an autograph now?"

Darknyss chuckles as she hangs up her umbrella and slips her sunglasses in her coat pocket.  Her light blue hip hugger jeans and purple crop top show off her curves as she shakes out her hair and pulls it up in a scrunchie to keep the wet ends off of her neck.

"Well what do you expect?  You're the Bombshell Champion silly!  Of course you're gonna be recognized whether you carry your title belt around with you or not.  I'm surprised you don't have that thing around your waist right now."

Raynin chuckles and pulls her back pack off of her right shoulder and unzips it, showing the title belt resting inside.  She grins and shrugs.

"Hey... I may not be as obsessed with the title as Kittie was... but it's still really special to me.  I won't go anywhere without it."

The couple sees the title and starts to bounce around like a couple of anime characters, chattering away.  The woman puts her hands together and starts to bow at her, her eyes shining at the sight of the belt.

"Title please?  Yes?  Title?"

She starts making motions at Raynin's waist, and Raynin nods and sighs, pulling out he title and puts it around her waist before she puts her backpack on her shoulder again.

"Anything for the fans..."

The couple takes turns taking pictures with Raynin, and even Darknyss and Gothika get in on a few of the pictures as they wait for the stragglers of the tour group to finally catch up.  As the group starts to file in, more and more people catch a glimps of the Angels of the Fallen, and what started out as a leisurely tour of the Tower of London becomes an impromptu autograph signing, interview, and photo op as everyone including the tour guide wants to ask questions about them instead of the Tower.  Questions start flying and Raynin brings her fingers to her lips and whistles loudly.

"OK!!  ALRIGHT!!  I GET IT!!  You're all curious, but I can't hear you all, so we're gonna do this like it's a press conference!  Everyone with questions, raise your hands, and we'll point to you and you can ask.  Got it?"

As soon as he says that, just about everyone's hand shoots up to the sky.  She chuckles and shakes her head and looks to the tour guide.

"About how long do we have before we have to start the tour?  If we don't put in a time limit, this could take all night."

The tour guide looks at her watch and shrugs.

"I'd say about a quarter of an hour or so."

Raynin nods and turns back to the group.

"Ok... so, fifteen to twenty minutes... I'd say... about six questions should do it.  If they're quick answers, then I may allow a few more.  So... make them good, as each person only gets one question.  Let's start with you...  Lady in the front in the yellow shirt.  Give your name and your Question."

A young brunette with glasses puts her hand down and giggles.

"Me name is Mary Anne, and I was wonderin'...  How are ya' likin' bein' a champion?"

Raynin nods slowly and smiles.

"Well Mary Anne, I have to admit, it's alot more work than I thought it would be.  You see, being the Bombshell Champion isn't just all fun and games as most think.  As Bombshell Champion, you literally carry the division on your shoulders.  You're like the leader.  You're the one that everyone aspires to be like, as well as their primary target.  Putting this Championship belt around your waist is like painting a big old bullseye right smack dab between you tits and waving a big flag around and yelling, 'hey everybody!! come and get me!!'  And you better believe that they will be gunning for you.  You don't get any rest, or peace as Champion because you always have to worry about who you will have to face next.  Because it's not just the number one contender you have to worry about.  That
spot can change hands in a new York minute!  You have to always be on your guard.  You have to stay on your toes, and switch things up constantly.  You have to be flexible because you could go from facing a three hundred pound behemoth, to a buck and a quarter mighty mite who thinks she's a superhero that can lift a car, to a psych ward escapee who thinks that your face would make a nice carpacio that would pair well with fava beans and a nice ciante...  You never know who you might end up facing.  You can't be lax in your training, your skills, or your duties as chapmion because all it takes is one slip...  one misstep... one mistake... you miss one teenie, tiny iota of something and that's all she wrote... one misplaced foot and it's all taken away.  But then, I've got an insight that most of these others haven't had the pleasure of having.  I never had any glorified ideals of what being a Champion was gonna be like, unlike my opponent for London Brawling, Vixen does.  My eyes weren't full of bright lights and stars.  I didn't walk into this situation thinking that it was the end all and be all of my career.  Thanks to Mi Abuelo, I was aware of all that would come with being a champion from watching him for years when he was champion in Oaxaca for so many years.  I never had any feelings of it being owed to me like my other opponent, Misty does.  You see, I didn't come into this company feeling anythign was owed to me.  I never wanted the Championship just handed to me.  I knew I'd have to work for it.  I knew I'd have to scrape and scrap and bite and claw and kick and pull myself up from the bottom to get where I'm at now.  And I knew that once I made it to the top, I'd have to work that much arder just to stay up there.  I knew that it would be a never ending battle, not just with other people but with myself to get this title around my waist and to keep it there. So when it finally happened, what I felt was surprise... glee... pride in myself, and how hard I worked to get this title...  Relief that I'd not let the chance that was presented to me slip through my fingers again...  So, to answer your question... hell, I'm LOVIN' being the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion!"

The hands go flying into the air again, and Raynin points to the back of the crowd.

"Alright... you... the guy in the blue hoodie.  Shoot."

The man lowers his hoodie and grins as his round cheeks blush bright red.

"Hi... I'm Tom.  And I wanted to say, I think you're gorgeous."

Raynin grins and blushes back.

"Why thank you Tom.  Did you have a question for me?"

He nods and clears his throat.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure it's somethin' everyone is wonderin' about... But... Why did you attack Misty, Kittie, and Brooklyn Carter at Blaze of Glory after winnin' the title?"

Raynin nods slowly and takes a deep breath before she answers, her face taking on a serious look.

"To put it quite frankly Tom, because it was necessary."

The crowd starts to whisper and look from one to another and Tom raises his hand again.

"But, why did ya think it was necessary?"

Raynin pulls out a tube of lipgloss from her pocket and pulls the top off and starts to slide it along her lips slowly as she sighs heavily.  She lowers her eyes as she recaps the gloss and slips it back into her pocket, her hair hanging down into her face, and when she raises them, the look in her eyes is one of fierce intensity, glaring at them all from behind her hair.  

"Because it was.  The Bombshell division had sunken into a fit of mediocrity.  Yes, we had some of the most amazing matches... we did things that no other female wrestlers would DARE to do...  But then it became stagnant!  The extreme was gone!  I mean, look at what we've been reduced to!!  We went from amazing things such as graveyard matches, and christmas bulb matches to simple tagteam matches, and mixed tag matches...  WHAT HAPPENED TO THE EXTREME!!  I'll tell you what happened...  The others lost their nerve is what!!"

Raynin takes off her title belt and holds it up, stroking the face of the title gently with her fingertips.

"I earned this championship match with my blood, my sweat and my tears quite literally.  The ring mat back in Las Vegas has had more of my blood spilled upon it than any other of these females in this division.  And why?  Because I knew what it meant to be innovative.  Mi Abuelo raised me not to fear physical pain.  The body will heal in time, but the emotional and spiritual scarring of being just another face in the crowd was killing me slowly.  when I first came to this company, there was the promise of matches that would put other companies to shame...  Any kind of match, I didn't care... I'd do it.  But we've been reduced to normalcy!  And why? Because Misty couldn't take it!  Because Kittie feared getting hurt!  Because they knew that I couldn't have cared WHAT they did to my body... I wouldn't stop until I had this title around my waist!!  And since then... the normalcy has continued.  I wanted to bring back the extreme!  I wanted to wake these chicks up and bring this division back the intensity!  I wanted to open their eyes to what they had become, and what they were doing to the Bombshell Division and the Championship title!!"

She chuckles and inhales deeply, closing her eyes for a moment and smirks wickedly.

"And as you can tell... I've done what I set out to do.  I've snapped Misty out of her haze of complacency and put that hunger back in her belly that she'd been missing out on.  I've woken her up from her nightmare of normalcy and plain jane-ness that she'd gotten herself into with Spike.  And yes... again my own blood was spilled in the process... but look at me... I'm still pretty.  I've attracted the attention of the infamous Electra Blaze...  I've even gotten Vixen to want to step up her game and try to take me on for the title... But let's face it... when it all comes down to it, neither of them truly have a chance against me."

She cocks her head to the side and looks out at the crowd.

"Alright... show of hands all of you who believe that Misty's going to be able to pull some kind of miracle out of her ass and take this title from me."

A few people raise their hand, and Raynin nods slowly.

"Alright... But answer me this... Do you think that because you're a Misty fan, or because she's flipped her wig, and is attacking random people?"

The people who raised their hands look around at one another and shrug.  Raynin starts to pace back and forth slowly.

"See, that's the biggest differene between Misty and myself.  When I was the number one contender, and I was the underdog, going up againt her and Kittie I didn't attack them before our matches.  I never saw a need to.  Do you know why?  It was because I sat back and I saw how there was always some kind of excuse as to why they would lose because of the attack.  They complained about not being one hundred percent... or the sneak attack was done to throw me of of my game...  all just bullshit... smoke and mirrors.  My attack was done after I beat them at their own game!  And why?  Because I wanted to prove to them, that no matter WHAT they threw at me, I'd still be able to get the job done!  I attack with purpose!!  Not for revenge, not for an ulterior motive of bettering my position... not for shits and giggles... well... maybe a little bit for shits and giggles, but that's beside the point.  I don't want an unfair advantage over my opponents.  I don't NEED an unfair advantage over my opponents.  I can do it all by myself!"

She holds her championship title high and brandishes it to the crowd.

"I did this!!  ME!!  I didn't have help from my friends to win like Misty did when she had Kittie stop me at High Stakes.  I didn't have to steal the championship belt and hold it hostage, and then attack anyone and almost end their career like Kittie did.  I did it with my own two hands!  I did it even though so many nay sayers were saying that I couldn't.  I did it even though the odds were against me, and things looked bleak.  I became the Bombshell Champion!"

She lowers the title belt back down and slings it over her shoulder, stroking the face of it gently.

"I've had my face cut with glass, I've been flung into a grave, I've had my head smashed into a tombstone, I've been dropkicked into a car, I've put my body on the line over and over and over again... And yet... I'm still here.  I overcame all of that adversity and I'm standing at the mountain top with no one else but GOD above me!!...  And do you really think that I'm going to let some upstart and a has-been take that from me?"

She shakes her head slowly.

"Now, Vixen... She's opened her own can of worms...  I understand that imitation is one of the greatest forms of flattery... but she stole from The Fallen... and that doesn't come without it's own pitfalls.  There's one thing to imitate, but plagerism is a crime, and I'm about to appoint myself judge, jury, and executioner."

Raynin takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

"Vixen, Vixen, Vixen.  I get it.  You were once a big fish in a little pond, and now you want to test the waters of this ocean called the Sin City Wrestling.  I was once like you.  I had dreams... I had aspirations... I still have them.  But the problem is... now that you're in the ocean, you're still just a guppie swimming with a bunch of seasoned sharks!  And thanks to Misty chummin' the waters, I've got the scent of blood, and you're about to find out what it truly means to be in the middle of a feeding frenzy!"

Raynin's face takes on a mask of fury as she continues to rant, the crowd watching transfixed by the look on her face.

"I've sat back and listened to Vixen running her mouth for weeks now... thinking she's better than me because she got a win by disqualification in a tag team match...  I swear... she's about to get one hell of a wakeup call.  You see, I haven't even begun to bring out the big guns against her.  But this won't be a tag team match... And it's not about disqualifications... no no no...  This is going to be me, decending down from heaven to unleash hell all over her ass in a rain of fire and brimstone unlike any she'd ever believe possible!  She's going to get a taste of what it truly means to step up to a pissed off Angel!  Upsetting me doesn't cause me to lose my focus.  All it does is just make me want to amp it up a little bit higher.  All it does is make me want to inflict that much more damage and that much more pain before I drop the hammer on her head and leave her laying in the dust, squirming and begging for me to stop."

Raynin smirks evilly and nods slowly.

"But for you Vixen... the only way for you to experience even the tiniest hint of mercy from me once that bell rings is if you either lay down and let me pin you, or if you just tap.  Or if you just leave the ring and go back into the back and cower in the locker room.  Because as long as you stand in that ring, and present yourself as a target for my wrath, then you will experience it in abundance."

Raynin looks out at the crowd and then at her friends who are standing on either side of her.

"Misty and Vixen think that because I care about my friend Gothika and how she'll fare in her match against Krystal Diamond and Veronica Taylor that my priorities are split.  They think that I'm preoccupied, and that they are gonna be able to use that as a way to get to me.  But let's face facts here...  When it comes time for me to step into the ring, and that bell sounds, I'm all business.  My focus is in the moment.  My mind is set on one thing, and one thing only, and that is retaining this championship and keeping it around my waist, right where it belongs.  Just as I know Gothika is all business.  You see, I've learned something that you never will Misty...  True friendship is never a hinderance.  True friends will stand by you.  They'll have your back, and will always have your best interest at heart.  So yes, I can worry about Gothika and her match, just as I know she's worried about me and my match.  But don't you EVER thinks that for a MINUTE, my eyes are off of the prize.  I'm Champion right now because I never stopped striving to be the best.  And after London Brawling  I will STILL be Champion because I WILL NEVER stop striving to be the best."

She takes a deep breath and crosses her arms over her chest.

"There is always another bar for me to set for myself.  Being Bombshell Champion was just the first of many plateaus on the ladder of success.  This was just the first mountain I've decided to climb.  There's always another mountain in my future.  and the next step for me, is keeping this title.  Because this business is continually changing.  It's like surfing in the ocean... you come to the crest of a wave and go over it, only to see another wave coming at you.  I know that the waves won't stop coming.  There will always be another challenger for my title.  There will always be another person to overcome.  There will not be an end until I finally decide to stop, or someone gets lucky enough to take me down.  But even if that happens... in the unlikelihood of it happening, then who ever it is that does knock me off of this mountaintop better watch out because I'll be gunning for them like a shot from an AK-47!  And I won't stop gunning for them until I'm back on top once again!"

Raynin chuckles and pats the title gently on her shoulder looking down at it.

"Let's face it!  Everyone thought I was hungry for this title while I was trying to win it... but they have no idea what hungry truly means!  Now that I am Champion, I want to keep this title around my waist so badly that words can't express what I feel.  I want to hold onto it so tightly that sometimes I see myself holding this title in the mirror and my knuckles are white from the grip I have on it.  Am I obsessed like Kittie?  No... I'm not obsessed with being Champion.  I'm CONSUMED by being champion!  It is all that I have wanted and more, and the thought of being without my title...  haveing it ripped from me by some undeserving, unappreciative, obnoxious, arrogant, or no account hack makes me want to scream!!"

She runs a hand though her hair and starts to pace again slowly.

"This title is MINE!!  I'm like a wild animal about this title!!  A hungry lioness will defend their kill with teeth and claws and will kill another animal tha tries to take it from them before they're done with it!  I've marked this Championship as my property!  It's my territory!  And I will fight, tooth and nail to ensure that it remains Mine!!"

She takes a deep breath, and the tour guide looks at her watch and signals that it's time for the tour to start.  Raynin looks around at her friends and nods slowly before she addresses the crowd.

"I hope that you all get the chance to watch London Brawling.  Because the Age of Angels has descended upon the Sin City Wrestling.  And after I beat Misty and Vixen to retain my Championship, things will never... EVER be the same."

The trio crowd all start to cheer before they move on to start their tour.

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Time:  April 27, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  London, England.... Raynin's hotel room...



She's sitting in front of the television, eating breakfast as she watches the tape of what happened at Climax Control a few weeks ago.  She sighs as she watches how they'd been delivered a loss, not at the hands of their opponents, but by Misty and Electra Blaze.  She spoons another bite of raisin and cinnamon oatmeal into her mouth and rewinds it, playing it back once more...

Cookie slides in and pulls Gothika off just in the nick of time. She kicks her in the stomach and drops her down with the SexXx Factor! She immediately goes back to her corner as Raynin reluctantly returns to hers. Raynin shouts at the referee to be fair in his judgment calls, before looking down to Darknyss for advice. With Gothika and Vixen both down on the mat, the audience and their partners begin to rally support for them. Both women slowly stir on the mat. Just then, the lights go out and the audience begins whispering in bewilderment. As they come back on, a brunette woman stands at the head of the ring, waving to the match participants, shouting at them.

Simone: What the hell is she… Wait, is that former GXW Women’s Champion, Electra Blaze? What is she doing out… What?

Adams: Is that Misty crawling from under the ring? What is SHE doing out here? We are being graced by the NWA Cruiserweight Champion here, but what does she have planned here?

Darknyss and Brandi both seem a bit shocked as Misty grabs the Bombshell Championship. Electra Blaze slides into the ring. The referee tries to stop her from going any further when Misty slides into the ring from behind. Gothika is the first up and she spots Misty immediately. She goes to confront Misty who sports both championships on her shoulder The referee turns around to see her just as she turns around and nails Vixen with the Bombshell Championship. The referee calls for the bell.

Justin Decent: Your winners via disqualification… COOKIE S’MORES AND VIXEN!!!

Adams: I should be saying how I don’t believe what just happened, but what I want to know… Is Misty the third Bombshell competing for Raynin’s championship at London Brawling?

Simone: It’s hard to say, but she certainly has made her presence known by attacking Vixen while simultaneously costing The Fallen the match up.

Misty holds the Bombshell Championship in the air, carefully watching her back as Electra comes over to her. They hoist their arms up in the air to present the Bombshell Championship before dropping it to the ground. Raynin gets in the ring to chase them down before they quickly exit the ring. Misty snarls at her as they work their way up the ramp as “What You Want” by Evanescence plays.

She pauses the playback and sits back as she chews on her oatmeal slowly, smirking at the television set.

"That was the moment right there... That was the one thing that sealed your fate.  That was what put you on the road that will ultimately end with your having to face not just me as champion, but me as a pissed off champion Misty.  You wanted to stir up the hornet's nest by showing me that you could deal a blow to my ego by having me lose via disqualification.  Well bravo.  But if you'd wanted a shot at my title... I'd told you before... all you'd had to do was ask for it."

She takes another spoonful of her breakfast and sets the empty bowl on the table beside her elbow.  She takes a deep breath and temples her fingers as she looks intently at the screen.

"the fact of the matter is Misty... I wanted to face you.  One on one... face to face.. mano y mano.  I wouldn't have let my friends interfere.  but you had to go bringing Electra blaze into the picture.  Well fine... You wanted it to be this way... you got your wish. London Brawl will be a Brawl and then some.  I hope you're bringing your A game... cuase you'll be getting mine in abundance."

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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>Event: London Brawling...  Sunday April 29th, 2012

Venue: Royal Albert Hall... in London, England

Match: Bombshell Triple Threat  

Opponent:  Vs Krystal Diamond Vs Veronica Taylor

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Two triple threat matches are what the fates have in store for the Angels of the Fallen.  As her partner, Raynin stands poised to defend her Bombshell Championship at London Brawling, so too does The Vampyric Angel have a battle ready and waiting for her.  Gothika must defend the honor of the Fallen in a match against a pair of Bombshells who want to use her as a springboard for their own careers... Krystal Diamond and Veronica Taylor.  But with the thirst taking over her more and more frequently, will she be able to keep the beast inside of her at bay long enough to pick up the win?  Or will the blood flow once she steps into the ring?  What will the outcome be?  Let's find out...

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 ...  AT YOUR OWN RISK ...  

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Time:  April 24, 2012...  11:30 AM...

Place:  London, England...  Location: The Boar's Head Bed and Breakfast...



There's been a bit of a respite from the requisite rain that normally fills the air in springtime.  The sun is streaming into the courtyard of the old estate that has been converted to this quaint little place for honeymooners, and those just looking to escape while still in the city.  The peonies and lupines are just spreading their petals to try and catch what sun they can before the clouds decide to close over the warm rays once more.  

She stirs as she feels the heat from the rays on her skin and it wakes her as she flinches from the sudden warmth.  She pulls the covers up over her in a protective motion, then sighs as she uncovers her face to look around.

She catches a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror on the low dresser across from the bed and she frowns at the sight of the red stuff that circles her mouth.  She starts trying to scrub it from around her mouth with the back of her hand, but stops once she notices that it's there as well and just gives up.  She shrugs and shakes her head as if trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind.

"What in the world am I doing here?  I should be at the hotel with the others..."

She slides her hands down her arms, and stops as she suddenly realizes that she's less than dressed under the covers.  She lifts the covers and gasps, her eyes going wide.

"Where are my clothes?  Oh my GOD!!  Did somebody slip me a mickey?"

She suddenly realizes that she's not alone in the bed as she sees the large lump under the covers beside her in the mirror.  She turns towards it and pokes it with a finger.

"Hey... who ever you are, it's time to get up.  It's morning time... I think..."

The lump doesn't move and she slides her hand under the covers, moving as if to move the covers back, but she gasp as she pulls her hand back quickly, seeing it covered in the red stuff.  She looks around nervously, but gulps slowly as she looks at her hand, coated in it.  She shakes her head slowly as she takes a deep breath.

"I can't still be hungry...  I always just take a drink... I don't gorge!  Everyone walks away none the wiser...  I'm in control... it doesn't control me..."

She slowly brings her fingers to her lips and licks them slowly, closing her eyes and moaning softly as the thick, salt taste slides over her tongue and down her throat.  She starts to lick faster, her tongue not wasting a drop as she growls hungrily, feeling her fangs extending as she does so.  She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror and suddenly stops herself.  She shakes her head and smacks her forehead with her clean hand.

"What am I doing?  This isn't cool!  I'm waking up in some strange bed with someone laying in a pool of red beside me, and I stop for a quick snack?  Get it together girl!!"

She takes a deep breath and pokes the lump beside her again, frowning slightly as her pokes go unanswered.

"Hey!  Everybody ok under there?  Everybody alive and kickin'?  Just want to make sure...  Just a nod or a whimper will do..."

The lump doesn't do anythign but lay there, and she sighs heavily.

"Oh man!!  What did I do??!!  I promised, no bodies!!  This is gonna be bad if I... If I...  Oh MAN!!"

She shakes her head and hits herself in the temple with her fist a few times before she takes a deep breath and tries to clam herself down.

"Ok... I can handle this... I can deal... maybe nobody's dead...  maybe this is mine...  maybe this is all just a misunderstanding and we can all just walk out of here none the wiser.  Hell, i don't even know who it is under there!!  Maybe they were already dead, and I just happened by the door and couldn't help myself and popped in for a snack... yeah... that's it... I'm sure of it...  I simply couldn't...  I wouldn't... I can't have..."

She looks once more at the lump under the covers beside her and takes a deep breath as she reaches out to touch it.  She pulls back the covers and sees a young man laying beside her, head on the pillows... neck and chest drenched in the red.  His medium length, light browh hair hair is seeming to caress his cheek as he lays there, not moving.  She winces at the sight of his cute face and swears softly to herself.

"Shit!  What did I do?"

She reaches out a trembling hand towards his neck, as if willing a flutter to appear before she can touch his neck.  She holds her breath as her hand comes closer and closer.  Just as she's about to touch him, he sneezes, and she shrieks, jumping from the bed, pulling the covers with her, as she moves.  His eyes fly open as he hears her shrieking, and he screams in harmony, pulling the sheets over himself as he jumps up to stand on the other side of the bed.  Their shrieks fill the air, and bring the maid running to the door.  She knocks quickly and opens the door with her room key.

"Is there an emergency?  I heard screaming and..."

She takes one look at he pair of them, screaming, standing there, drenched in red as if a bucket of paint had been thrown over them, and at the red covered bed and promptly faints.  This causes the young man to start shrieking even louder, his light grey eyes, looking around confused.  He suddenly pulls the sheets up over his head as if he were trying to become invisible.  This causes her to stop shrieking, and chuckles as he stands there, trembling under the sheets.  Her chuckles become full blown laughter as she watches him.  She slowly lowers herself down to the bed and sits, holding the covers over her as she starts to look around for her clothing.  Upon hearing her laughter, the young man slowly stops shrieking.  He slowly lowers the sheets from off of his head and peeks out at her curious as to why she was laughing.

"I don't see what's so funny.  You didn't just wake up in a bed covered in blood."

She lowers the covers a bit and shows the red on her cleavage and lifts an eyebrow at him.  He looks chagrined and lowers the sheets a bit lower.

"Oh, right...  Alright then...  you didn't wake to some blood drenched bird shrieking bloody murder over you now did you?"

She holds up a hand and shrugs.

"Touche.  You just frightened me is all.  You didn't seem to be breathing."

He makes a face and slowly lowers himself down to the bed.

"Oh... Right...  I do breathe kind of shallowly when I sleep.  Doctors say it's got something to do with my nasal passages."

She smiles as she finds her shoes and her pants.  She keeps searching until she finds her shirt and her bra and he turns to look at him.

"Do you remember anything about last night?  I mean... did we..."

He shakes his head slowly.

"No, we didn't... I'd have remembered that...  Besides, apparently a part of me is wishing that we had... and if we had, then it wouldn't be so...  attentive right now."

She chuckles as she finds her bra and lowers herself down onto the bed and frowns slightly.

"So then... what happened?"

He shakes his head slowly and sighs.

"I don't think you'd believe me if I told you...  I was attacked by... well... by vampires last night."

She lifts her eyebrows and looks at him curiously.

"Really?  Then how did we..."

He takes a deep breath and looks around the room slowly.

"Well, I was at a club, hittin' on this bird and she'd said she'd wanted to well... you know... so I followed her out the club.  You were there too, and I don't know if you sensed something, or if something was just off, but when we left, you did too.  As me and the girl were headed for the parking lot, she suddenly grabbed me and drug me down this alley where these two other blokes were waiting for us.  They jumped me, and bit me!  I was bleeding so bad...  And you were suddenly just there!!  One of the blokes scuffled with you and knocked you into a wall pretty hard, but the noise brought other people, and they ran off.  You grabbed me and threw me in a car and just pulled off with me.  You found this place, and got us a room and you brought me in here, and you used something to fix my wounds.  Look... you can barely see a scar."

She takes a deep breath and sighs relievedly.

"Oh good... So I didn't... well... what I mean to say is... I'm glad that you're alright."

She picks up her clothes and smiles as he keeps looking at his arms and chest.

"I just wish I knew how you fixed me up without a scar."

She chuckles and winks at him.

"Trade secret.  Look, I'm gonna hop in the shower.  Don't go anywhere.  You will need to rest.  I won't be long, I promise."

She disappears into the bathroom and the sound of a shower fills the air...


She's just gotten out of the shower and is nice and squeaky clean.  She's wrapped in a towel, and her skin is slightly pink from the heat of the water on her skin.  She's standing in the mirror of the bathroom, looking at the fogged glass, sighing softly.  She reaches out and writes a word on the glass.  It reads, battle.  She wipes the fog off of the mirror, revealing her face.  

"So many people think that I'm just an enforcer for the Bombshell Champion.  They believe that without her, I'm nothing. I'm just a shadow... I'm just a directed weapon and an extension of Raynin. Well, they have one thing right.  I am a weapon.  But I'm a weapon with my own agenda."

She takes a deep breath and smirks slightly.

"You see... what every other bombshell in this company strives for, I've already accomplished.  For over a decade, I've been dessimating men and women alike in wrestling federations around the world.  Everything that these females are scrapping and fighting for... I've already won numerous times over and then some.  I'm a multiple world champion... not just a Diva's Chapion, or Women's Champion... oh, I've won those as well... but I'm a multiple World Champion.  So when you step to me, that's something you better think about."

She picks up her panties from the pile of clothes she's got laying on the counter and starts to slowly slide them up her body, keeping things hidden under her towel so nothing but alot of thigh is shown.  

"Krystal Diamond...  Just breaking out in the world of wrestling... wanting to cut your teeth on a new place...  Well, once the bell sounds, and we step into the ring with one another, I will introduce you to something I'm sure you will never forget... My foot!  And veronica Taylor...  You've seen alot of the lights on the ceiling, I'll give you that.  You're about to see quite a bit more of them.  But in the end, what more can you expect?  You're about to step into the ring with someone who enjoys inflicting pain upon her opponents.  My moves are designed to make you want to just lay there and pray that I ignore you until I'm ready to pin you.  I'm six feet of wrecking machine, and damned proud of it.  I won't just beat you, I will break you!  I want for you to remember the beating that I give you and let it wash over you every time you step into the ring.  I want for my face to be what you see whenever the bell sounds and for the thought of facing me again to make you jump and shriek in fear at the sound of a bell ringing."

She reaches out and picks up her bra and slips it up her arms and underneath the towel, settling it into place before she fastens it behind her and drops the towel, finally showing her skin.  For the first time since she's been on air in the SCW, we get to see the voluptuous body that the Vampyric Angel keeps covered in PVC, leather, and rubber.  The curves of her hips with the pale skin of her six pack abs make you wonder why she doesn't show more of it.  She puts her hands on the counter and leans in towards the mirror as her eyes slowly turn to that eerie ice blue color.

"Once London Brawling comes, and the match begins, you both will realize that you've been forced into a match against a monster that's caught your scent and is on the hunt for you.  And yes... Oh yes...  there will be blood!!"

She starts to laugh evilly as the room suddenly starts to fog up again, making her disappear in a cloud of mist as the laughter is all that can be heard.


She's in the rental car once more and is headed back towards the hotel.  She'd gotten rid of the bloody sheets while the young man was in the shower and took care of the maid with a bit of the magic dust she'd gotten from Diamond.  She sure could appreciate the fact that her friend was good with making people forget things.  Without that dust, it would make feeding so much harder for her to do.  She'd dosed the guy as well after he'd gotten out of the shower and left him in bed to sleep it off.  She'd ordered room service... Lots of meat to build up the body after the blood loss.  

She was happy that she'd not lost control, but was concerned about the fact that other vampires were making things harder for her to feed.  But now that she'd made herself known, and had even confronted others and stopped their feeding...  What would this mean for her and her career?  She bit her bottom lip as she shifted the car into another gear and sped off towards the hotel, deep in thought...

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / Sasshay, Shontay!
« on: April 22, 2012, 12:01:34 AM »

Event: London Brawling...  Sunday April 29th, 2012

Venue: Royal Albert Hall... in London, England

Match: Bombshell Championship Triple Threat

Opponent:  Vs Misty Vs Vixen  

Match: Bombshell Triple Threat  

Opponent:  Vs Krystal Diamond Vs Veronica Taylor [/b][/i]

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After the interference by Misty in her matches over the past few weeks, the Rebellious Champion has been put in a triple threat match at the London Brawling Pay Per view.  She as to defend her title against Misty and Vixen as they come for her Bombshell Championship.  And you can believe that they're gonna be coming and coming hard for it.  Will Raynin be able to prevail against the odds as Electra Blaze makes her presence felt? Or will she lose the one thing she's worked so hard to gain?... Gothika has to step up against Veronica Taylor and Krystal Diamond in a triple threat match as well.  With the drama unfolding with Electra Blaze and Vixen stop her from gettting a win?  Let's find out what the future holds...


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Time:  April 19, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Paris, France...  Specific Location... Unknown...



The feeling in the air is electric as the the fabric flies.  It's a flurry of sequins, chiffon, lace, taffeta, pvc, leather, rubber, silk, and satin as things are prepared for one of the biggest nights in Paris... this year at least.  It's the debut of one of the newest designers to step on the scene, Trent Bruchette.  His spring line is ready to go months ahead of schedule, and he simply couldn't wait any longer to show off his stuff.

After meeting with Diamond and The Fallen, he was inspired, and spent days creating a whole new aspect to fashion, centered around the four women, and announced a fashoin extravaganza that is supposed to take place later this evening.  The last minute preparations and fittings are going on and Trent is running around like a chicken with his head cut off, trying to make sure everything is perfect.  He's running on coffee, red bull, and powerbars right now, and his hair is standing on end as he's pinning up one of his final dresses on Diamond as Gothika, Raynin, and Darknyss sit exhausted, watching him work.  Diamond has her arms out and is trying her hardest not to move as Trent puts the last pin in the hem of the ice blue satin gown that's covered in rhinestones and sequins.  The almost mermaid like look seems painted onto Diamond's curves, the bodice glittering agianst the swell of her decolletage, and the plunging back being held together with strings of rhinestones.  She takes a deep breath and bites her bottom lip as she tries to look over her shoulder at Trent only to have him reach up and swat her butt, making her yelp.

"Don't move!! This is a very tricky part!"

She pouts anf tries her best not to wiggle.

"But I can't help it!!  I've been standing like this for the past twenty minutes and I have to pee!!"

Darknyss picks up a grape off of a plate on the coffee table and munches it slowly and chuckles.

"You always ahve to pee when something important is going on girl.  You should have come up with some designer diapers for her Trent.  I'm sure it would make the fitting go alot easier."

Everyone chuckles and Diamond sticks her tongue out at her friend.  Trent suddenly sits back adn sighs and nods slowly.

"Alright...  that should do it.  Here, let me get you out of this, and I can finish the rest on the dummy."

he stands and starts to unzip the dress and Gothika chuckles.

"I thought that was what you were doing already?  Finishing it up on the dummy that is."

Diamond is finally freed of the dress and stands there in her light blue bustier, lace garter belt, stockings, and matching panties and a pair of four inch pumps on the pedastal Trent uses for fittings.  He holds a hand up and helps her step down and she walks over to Gothika and flicks her ear.

"Don't be mean.  It's not my fault you're pissy about losing your match against Cookie S'mores and Vixen.  I wasn't the one who interfered.  It was Misty and Electra Blaze who stuck their nose in your business.  You should be directing your ire against them."

Diamond walks off towards the bathroom as Gothika sits there fuming.  She calls after her friend.

"Oh trust me... I am definitely directing it towards them.  I just wished I'd get a chance to get my hands on them like Raynin has."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"I always get to have all of the fun.  I just don't get what Misty's problem is.  She lost to me fair and square.  I didn't do like Kitty did and attack her before the match.  I went into the match at Blaze of Glory, and I won.  Plain and simple.  Not only that, I even told her that I'd give her a title shot."

Darknyss picks up a piece of cheese and nibbles it, looking at it contemplatively.

"I think the attack afterwards kinda pissed her off though."

Raynin shakes her head and shrugs.

"So?  What's a little magic dust to the eyes?  She should have been thanking us!  Not attacking us!  We went after Brooklyn and Kitty more than her!  Besides, that dust is what helped wake her up from her doldrum, ho-hum, pitiful excuse of a life she was living!!  She should be getting down on her feet and THANKING ME for snapping her back to her senses!  But no... she wants to be a little whiny baby about it and go around attacking people for no good reason.  But that's alright.  Payback is a real bitch!... And so am I."

Darknyss chuckles and raises her eyebrow as she looks at Raynin.

"Did you just call yourself a bitch?"

Raynin nods slowly, grinning proudly.

"Damn right I did.  And why not?  Every other one of the chicks in this company do.  they toss that word around about me like it's some kind of an insult, but in truth, it's not.  Not to me anyways.  You know, I was watchin' RuPaul's Drag Race, and one of the queens on there said it right.  A word is just a word.  The connotations behind the word are what make it either a compliment or an insult.  For me, the word 'bitch' stands for 'Babe In Total Control Here' and 'Beautiful, Inspiring, True Champion Hottie'... THAT is what that word means, so hell yeah!  I'm totally owning it!  And everytime one of those ignorant skanks call me that name, I'm gonna thank them for calling me a bitch."

Darknyss nods and smirks holding out her fist for a fist pound from Raynin.

"Good for you.  All I know is, every time one of these idiots calls me a bitch, it just makes me want to rip their throats out.  I mean, can you believe Vixen?  She's been parading around, using our finisher name as her own!  I mean, come on!!"

Gothika's eyes are burning with anger as she sits in a leather arm chair, her nails hooked like claws and gouging out long rips in the leather of the chair.

"How DARE she!  Every time I hear her talking about doing a 'Fall From Grace', it makes my insides cringe!  I called my move the Fall From Grace for YEARS!!  A Decade even!!  We switched the name of the move to our team move because it just fit better... but it's a registered trademark of The Fallen!  And to hear her claiming that it's her move...  it makes my blood boil!!"

Darknyss nods slowly and shakes her head.

"Some people just have no creativity.  They feel that imitation is a form of flattery, but I mean come on... to just rip us off like that...  That's just low."

Raynin chuckles as Diamond comes strutting back out from the bathroom and sits on the couch beside her, picking up a bottle of water and sipping it slowly.

"And what about this so called 'Krystal Diamond' chick?"

Diamond does a spit take, spraying some of the crackers with the water she was drinking.  Darknyss makes a face and chuckles.

"Glad I wasn't thinking of eating any of those."

Diamond puts a hand on Raynin's shoulder and frowns.

"Wait a minute... Ther's a chick out there wrestling with my name?"

Raynin shrugs and takes a deep breath.

"Technically, its' not as her name is 'KRYSTAL Diamond', but she goes around asking to be called Miss Diamond... so yeah."

Diamond jumps up and shakes her head as she starts to pace slowly.

"I shoud sue that bitch for plagerism!!  I am the one and only Diamond!!"

Gothika nods, removing her nails from the leather of the armchair and leaning forward.

"Don't worry Emme.  We know who the true Diamond is...  This other female is nothing but a rhinestone.  She's just a hater who has no idea of the mess she's just been tossed into.  Once London Brawling gets here, there will be brawling for real... and it will be me dishing out some pain to Krystal and Veronica Taylor."

Raynin sighs and shakes her head.

"Is she really back?"

Darknyss rolls her eyes and sighs heavily.

"Unfortunately, she never really left.  Veronica Taylor is always going to be a thorn in our sides, as long as she's in the Bombshell Division of the Sin City Wrestling.  She will continue to give female wrestlers a bad name."

Gothika growls softly and Raynin chuckles.

"As well as deplete the ozone layer with the sheer amount of hairspray and bronzer she uses.  Can you believe it? She's like one of the guys from the Jersey Shore!  But I bet this will stick in her craw more than anything else... Trent wanting US to do the fashion show and not her."

Trent walks over and picks up a piece of melon from the fruit tray smiling at the group of women.

"But of COURSE I want you gals for my show!  This line isn't for the quote, unquote supermodel group.  I don't want some uber skinny, anorexic or bulemic, toothpick wearing my designs.  My mom was a big girl, and I never choose any of those skinny bitches for anything I do.  This is a line for the unique people to enjoy!  This is for the normal and the not quite so normal!  It's got everything!!  Ranging from the gothic to the glamorous to the athletic to the fetishists!  It's as diverse as you four are!"

He stands and picks up another piece of melon and sighs heavily.

"Besides... If you girls stomp those bitches in the ring the way you stomp the runway, there's no way in HELL that they'll be able to beat you."

He pops the piece of melon in his mouth and chuckles, as he chews slowly and brushes his hands off in the air before he claps his hands loudly.

"Now... let's get this show on the road.  We're almost done.  And when we're done, we're going to make the world FABULOUS!!"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head as she claps her hands just like Trent.

"And after we make the world FABULOUS, it's off to London to make the world just a little more violent!"

A flurry of female bodies suddenly come running into the room as the rest of the models come in to complete their fittings before the show later in the evening.


The music is bumpin', and the lights are jumpin' as the time for the fashion show has come.  Everyone is anxiously awaiting the first model to step out on the stage.  But things don't happen as expected.

The lights start to strobe as Gothika decends from the ceiling, dropping down like a bird of prey swooping out of the sky, her train billowing out around her to land center stage in a slight crouch.  She stands to reveal her black patent leather pants, with a rubber corset decorated with celtic symbols, and a black patent leather train attached to it.  She's got matching gauntlets on her forearms, that go about half way up her arms, and armbands around her biceps.  Her hair is pulled back in an intricate bun with pincurls in varying sizes decorating the sides.  She smiles wickedly, then hisses, baring her fangs as the crowd goes wild.  She walks the runway, swirling the train around as she moves.

As Gothika goes back towards the backstage area, Darknyss steps out wearing her own leather outfit.  It's black leather pants with diamond patches cut out going down the thighs, exposing glimpses of her flesh.  Her tip is more like an array of leather straps in a diamond formation to match the pattern goign down her thighs, that are attached to a leather demi bra.  Rhinestones decorate the edges of the diamond patterns, and the swells of her breasts are barely contained by the leather.  As she moves, all of her is accentuated by leather.  Her black leather boots have a rhinestoned studded four inch heel, and make her already long legs look even longer. Her hair has been pulled back in a tight bonytail, and been braided so it looks like a whip as she moves.  As she travels the runway, every straight male eye in the room is fastened on her movements.  She winks and blows a kiss to the crowd before she goes back to the backstage area.

As Darknyss goes back, Raynin steps out onstage.  Her tight, straight legged, black satin jeans has a rose vine wrapped around a chinese style dragon design embroidered down her thigh and her silver and black pumps makes look pop.  The satin sleeveless hoodie his unzipped almost to her belly button, and exposes just enough flesh to make the impression that's wanted.  On the back of the hoodie is a dragon, just like what's going down her thigh.  Around her neck is a silver choker with a silver chain hanging down from it between her breasts with a large rhinestone heart pendant dangling from the end of it.  Her long hair is in loose waves that makes her look smoulder.  Around her waist, the Bombhell Championship rests as the ultimate accessory.  She removes the title and holds it aloft as everyone claps and the room buzzes.

As Raynin goes back towards the backstage, Diamond steps onstage wearing the gown that Trent had been working on earlier.  The mermaid style satin dress has been completed with rhinestons and sequins, the bodice decorated with a large heart shaped brooch at the center of the cleavage.  Her hair has been piled up on head in a french twist with rhinestones and pins going down the swirl.  Her outfit truly matches her name as she glistens in the light.

The rest of the models do their walks, but none get as much of attention as the Angels of the Fallen.  After their runway walks, everyone's still wearing their outfits for the after party that's being held in the same room so that the guests can see the clothes up close.  As they're mingling, Raynin steps away as the cameraman gets her attention. She smirks as she walks off a bit to get some privacy.  She turns and sits on a stool at the bar as she sips on a glass of mimosa.

"So... Misty and Vixen are the topic of choice this week as I get ready to face them in a triple threat match for my Bombshell Championship. Hmmm...  And I'm sure everyone's wondering how I feel about facing them."

She takes a sip of her drink and chuckles, smirking.

"Well, the truth of the matter is this... It doesn't matter who I face.  They're going to be the ones who worry.  And why?  Because... I'm not just a Champion.  I'm a Marine.  And that's something that no one who ever faces me will ever forget.  Oh, don't let the cute clothes fool you.  In the end, I'm one of the most frightening things an opponent could ever face.  And why? Because Marines don't quit.  They don't give up.  They don't say quit.  They don't stop going until their bodies give out completely.  I am what they always wish that they could be.  I'm a machine in the ring, and they simply wish that they could be as clear of mind about what they want as I am."

She chuckles and tosses her hair as she takes a deep breath, letting it go slowly.

"You see, Misty and Vixen both think that they deserve to be Champion.  But I've never thought that.  I've never EXPECTED to be Champion.  That's the biggest difference between me and them.  I don't feel like it's something that should be handed to me.  I EARNED this Championship title!  I fought for it!  I scraped for it!  I bled for it!  and I will continue to do so!  And why? Because I know that no matter what, a Champion is only as good as their next win.  I'm not content just being Champion.  I'm only going to Be content by STAYING Champion."

She takes another sip of her drink and sets the glass aside.

"The Gods of the Ancient Aztecs, my ancestors, told them to build their homes... their empires where they found an eagle perched atop of a cactus.  An eagle clutching a serpent in it's claw.  I found that I AM that eagle.  I found my cactus in the Bombshell Division.  And I found the serpent that I've clutched in my claw.  That serpent is the arrogance and underhanded tactics that have taken place in this division with the previous Champions.  And I am building my empire... building my era along with my friends and team mates!  Vixen thinks that she has what it takes to be a Champion, but she doesn't have the heart to take this title from me!  Misty proved that she doesn't have teh soul that's needed to truly be a good Champion.  People asked why my friends and i attacked Misty and Kittie and Brooklyn Carter.  It was to wake them up.  It was to shake up this company and open people's eyes to the corruption, and darkness in the hearts of these so called champions.  It was to spark new life and bring people away from the dolldrum that was the bombshel division.  I wanted this Bombshell Division to be the best it could be.  And i have to admit, since I've held this title, nothing has quite been the same.  And as i continue to hold onto this Championship, things will just keep getting better and better and better."

She smiles and pats the title that's still sitting around her waist.

"Do your worst Misty and Vixen... it still won't be enough for you to come out on top.  I am, and will remain the bombshell Champion."

Someone calls Raynin's name and she nods towards the camera before walking of as the scene fades.

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Time:  April 21, 2012...  11:30 PM...

Place:  London, England...  Luther's Pub...



She's had so much on her mind lately, there was little time for her to do anything

but train and think as she prepared for the upcoming match.  Her mind was in turmoil

as she kept turning over and over the thought of someone trying to take everything

that she'd worked so hard for... what she'd fought for, what she'd slaved for and use

it for their own personal gain.  Her friends had been trying to be helpful, but in

the end, her rage had been encompassing and cloying.  She simply couldn't take it

anymore and had needed some time just to herself.

She'd left them in the hotel they'd decided to stay in while in London, and decideded

to step out for a drink.  Let's face it... Her friends were fine with her everyday

food and drink, but when it came to the red stuff, they just didn't know how to take

it.  They knew she did it... They knew she needed it.  But they still didn't like

watching her do it.  So she'd wait until she was alone, or would go out for a bite so

to speak...  Much like now.

She'd waited so long before doing it.  Regular food could sustain her for a while, as

long as she made sure to have something meaty and rare with every meal.  But it just

wasn't the same.  Going too long without it left her feeling drained... almost

lifeless...  Listless and withotu a desire to do anything except find a drop of the

red.  But she knew that with what was going to happen at the Pay Per View, she'd need

every drop of strength she could muster.  So she couldn't dally... she had to go

after what she could tonight.

As she stood in the pub, she looked around, waiting for jus the right one.  

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Time:  April 21, 2012...  11:30 PM...

Place:  London, England...  Luther's Pub...



She's had so much on her mind lately, there was little time for her to do anything but train and think as she prepared for the upcoming match.  Her mind was in turmoil as she kept turning over and over the thought of someone trying to take everything that she'd worked so hard for... what she'd fought for, what she'd slaved for and use it for their own personal gain.  Her friends had been trying to be helpful, but in the end, her rage had been encompassing and cloying.  She simply couldn't take it anymore and had needed some time just to herself.

She'd left them in the hotel they'd decided to stay in while in London, and decideded to step out for a drink.  Let's face it... Her friends were fine with her everyday food and drink, but when it came to the red stuff, they just didn't know how to take it.  They knew she did it... They knew she needed it.  But they still didn't like watching her do it.  So she'd wait until she was alone, or would go out for a bite so to speak...  Much like now.

She'd waited so long before doing it.  Regular food could sustain her for a while, as long as she made sure to have something meaty and rare with every meal.  But it just wasn't the same.  Going too long without it left her feeling drained... almost lifeless...  Listless and withotu a desire to do anything except find a drop of the red.  But she knew that with what was going to happen at the Pay Per View, she'd need every drop of strength she could muster.  So she couldn't dally... she had to go after what she could tonight.

As she stood in the pub, she looked around, waiting for just the right one.  the cameraman is hounding her for some attention, and she finally just sighs and shakes her head.

"I've always said that i was a woman of few words.  So, Veronica Taylor and Krystal Diamond... they've not really said very much, but I'll summarize everything in one single line.  In the end... There will be blood.  Now, I think I've foudn my dinner.  Excuse me."

She has spotted a young man who is walking off towards the bathroom and she follows him, pushing him through a side door and into the alley.  As the door swings closed, shrieks of fear and pain are heard rippling off through the night.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Issues at Customs
« on: April 07, 2012, 12:07:00 AM »
Event: Climax Control...  April 8, 2012

Venue: Stade Pierre de Coubertin...  Paris, France


Opponent:  (vs) VIXEN and COOKIE S'MORES  

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The days are finally getting warmer and longer, and things are beating up in the world of professional wrestling.  The Superstars and Bombshells of the Sin City Wrestling have been invited to put on an event overseas, in none other than the city of love, gay Paris!!!  The Angels of the Fallen are up for tag team action against the woman that Raynin had pinned until Misty decided to interrupt the match, and a woman that Raynin was able to defeat in the past.  Will the pair of Vixen and Cookie S'mores be the dynamic duo and able to overcome the Angelic Ones?  Or will the Fallen be able to do what they've set out to do and dominate the competition and send the pair ona hellish ride they won't soon forget?  Let's find out...

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 ...  STOMP THE YARD ...  

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Definitions of ”SEXY"


1. Sexually attractive or exciting.

2. Sexually aroused.

3. sexually suggestive or stimulating.

4. Arousing or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest.

5. Highly appealing or interesting and attractive.

6. provoking or intended to provoke sexual interest.

7. feeling sexual interest or aroused.



Time:  April 2, 2012, 7:30 PM...  

Place:  Paris, France...  On the runway of the airport...



It's early in the morning as the trio's plane lands in the Charles De Gaulle International Airport.  They were accompanied by their friend and Darknyss's former tag team partner, Diamond.  The private jet they'd come in taxied on the runway, trundling along slowly as Raynin looks out the window curiously.

"I have to admit, this was a much better flight to Paris then my last one.  Last time it was just a layover on a military flight.  I so wanted to be able to walk around the city and see the sights like the Eiffel Tower, but officially I was never here."

Diamond chuckles and shakes her hea slowly.

"Let me guess...  It was one of those times that you can't tell us about or you'll have to kill us kind of situations, right? Oh MAN!!  You have one crazy past girl.  But then, I think we all do.  The one with the least amount of craziness outside of the wrestling world is Darknyss, and she went through so much drama, she could write a book!!"

Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"So I grew up in a basically well adjusted family home.  So what?!  Doesn't mean a damned thing.  I'm still right here and just as nutty as the res of you nutballs with cheese."

The others laugh along with Darknyss and Raynin can't help but join in.  She sobers quickly though and turns back to Diamond.

"So, I still can't believe you got us this private jet!!!  It's not yours, so how did you get your hands on it?"

Darknyss chuckles and reaches out to tap Raynin on the shoulder.

"How do you think she got it?  She pulled a 'Thriller' on the guy that owns it."

Raynin frowns and looks between her friend's faces.

"A 'Thriller'?  What in the hell is a 'Thriller'?  I swear, sometimes you guys leave menso confused."

The others all laugh and Diamond shrugs her shoulders.

"Don't feel bad.  They confuse the heck outta me sometimes too.  A 'Thriller' is what they call it when I put a zombie spell on somebody.  And for you information my so called friends...  I didn't have to zombie-fy anyone to get us this jet.  I was coming to Paris for a meeting with a designer who wants a big wrestling name to model for his fall line, and when he offered his jet, I simply asked if I could bring you all along.  Now, it will cost you a day to come and model with me, but who wouldn't want to be a supermodel for a day?!!  And IF he should ask you to do the line with me, then you can thank me later by showering me with thank you's and compliments."

Darknyss smiles and nods as the plane finally taxis to a stop.

"Fair enough.  Though something tells me that your designer isn't ready for a supermodel of my obvious stature."

She grins and flexes her muscles and winks as the flight attendants flip on the sign stating it was safe to unbuckle their safety belts.  The friends stand and start pulling out their carry-ons, still chatting away.  Raynin puts a hand on Diamond's shoulder to get he attention.

"Speaking of the big magical elephant in the middle of the plane that no one is wanting to mention right now...  I thought that little magic trick you had Gothika throw in Misty's face was supposed to do something more to her than just give her the desire to stick her nose in our affairs."

Diamond shrugs her shoulders and pulls down her last carry-on.

"I don't know what happened.  Those kinds of spells are tricky to control as they're more open ended."

Raynin lifts an eyebrow as everyone starts to disembark from the plane. She keeps in step with Diamond as they head for the terminal and the customs area.

"What does that mean, open ended?"

Diamond takes a deep breath and lets it out loudly.

"It means that the person crafting the spell doesn't set a clear end.  The person the spell is worked on ends up causing the final outcome of the spell.  It's not like a spell to cause warts, which has the final outcome clearly stated, which is the warts.  That spell was supposed to pull out all of her hidden shit to light.  And from the huge crater she lef of her fiancée's heart during her wedding, something tells me she's got ALOT of skeletons biding in her closet she's been afraid to let anyone know about.  We didn't know she had that much rage and deceit inside of her.  Hell, she's as bad as that Kittie chick."

The four friends enter into the building and make their way towards customs.  As Raynin steps up to the counter and pulls out her passport, she suddenly gets a tingling feeling running down the back of her neck.  She stands up quickly and looks around, frowning.  She looks over at Gothika who has already removed her customary black leather trench coat and placed it on the conveyor belt to go through the x-ray machine.  When the custom's agent motions for her to remove her corset as well, she frowns and suddenly a string of absolutely fluent french comes flying out of her mouth.  Raynin's jaw drops and Darknyss just chuckles and shrugs.  Raynin's so engrossed in what's happening with Gothika that she doesn't realize that the custom's agent is trying to get her attention until he snaps his fingers in her face.  Her reaction is one of complete instinct, and as soon as she realizes something is in her face, she's grabbed the guy's finger and has twisted him around in a thumb lock and he's shrieking at the top of his lungs.

"Aaahh!!  Mon Dieu!!  Oh merde! Aide! Elle a mon doigt! My finger!!  Laissez-moi aller!  Let me go!!  S'il vous plaît laissez-le aller!  Please!!  Please please let it go!!"

Other security agents come flying over and Raynin quickly lets the man go, holding her hands up, looking innocent.

"Wait!  Wait, wait, wait!! I didn't mean it!!  I did it on instinct!!  He put his hand in my face!!  He should know better than to put his hand in the face of a wrestler!!"

Upon hearing this, the agent opens Raynin's carry-on back and sees the SCW Bombshell champion siting on top of a chane of clothing and looks up suddenly and looks from the passport and back up to Raynin with a look of shock.

"Aahh!!  Zut Alors!!  C'est elle!  I mean... Je veux dire, vous êtes son!  You're her!!  I mean... Vous êtes...  You are Raynin! Et c'est Gothika ... elle est Darknyss ...  You are Zee Fallen!!  Aahh!!  I am a, how do you call it... I am a fan!  I already 'ave my teeket for zee show!"

Raynin looks around and chuckles as the customs agent reverently pulls out the title belt, holding it as if it were a delicate and fragile Faberge egg.  He holds it up and starts to stroke it slowly.

"AAhh!!  Je m'appel Anton...  My name is Anton.  I 'ave dreamed of one day 'aving zee pleasure of meeting a wrestling champion!"

Raynin nods slowly and walks over to the man, taking the title from him and placing it back in her bag.

"Well, thank you.  I'm always happy to meet a fellow fan of wrestling.  I'm just the last person who was lucky enough to have the chance to have a title shot and win it.  Well, since you know who we are, do you think you can talk to your friend over there who is harassing Gothika so we can get through customs without being stripped searched?"

She looks over at Gothika who is glaring at the customs agent that has made her remove her corset and her patent leather top and she's left standing there in her black lace bustier and patent leather pants as he waves a wand around her body and it goes off.  From the look in the man's eyes, you can tell that he's probably just making the beeping noises himself.  She chuckles as a string of curses in french come running off of Gothika's tongue like she was born in France heself.  Anton waves his hands in the air and nods quickly.

"Mais bien sûr!!  Bien sûr!  Un moment s'il vous plaît ..."

He turns around and whistles through his fingers to the agent that is harassing Gothika.

"Haa! Louis! Laissez-la tranquille et la laisser passer! Elle est avec la compagnie de catch!  She eess one of zee wrestlers!!!  Leave her alone!!"

The agent looks from Anton and back to Gothika and his jaw drops as Gothika suddenly hisses and her fangs spring from no where.  He jumps back and starts apologizing quickly and handing Gothika her clothing.  Anton just squeals like a little girl and starts bouncing from foot to foot with excitement!!"

"Aahh! C'est magnifique!  Do you think that you all could say, do a... how do you say... a spot?  Right now and talk about your upcoming match against Cookie S'mores and Vixen?"

Raynin nods slowly and shrugs.

"I think that we could do a little somethin' somethin'."

Diamond collects the trio's things and the three Angels of the Fallen come together and stand one beside the other.  Raynin steps up first and looks around at the people who have gathered around the customs area to listen.

"You know, it's so great to see that there are at least  few people out there who have taste.  they want to hear what the Angels of the Fallen have to say.  they haven't been caught up by the flashy clothes, and the displayed tits and ass of the competition... They haven't been waylaid by the throwing of candy wrappers and munching of pie...  They're honed in on the plain and simple fact of good wrestling."

Gothika steps forward and she finally speaks for us all to hear.

"I've always been a woman of few words.  I have always let my actions do the speaking for me.  Some people see me as just backup.  But they seem to have forgotten the fact that I in my own riht am a fighter.  I'm what they all aspire to be.  Everything that they are hoping to accomplish in the Sin City Wrestling, I have done time and time again in other companies.  Cookie thinks she intimidates because of he size... i intimidate because of my skill.  Vixen thinks that because she's fought a few battles tha she can overcome and win a war...  Well she's got another think coming.  Step up to the Fallen and you will get smacked down straight into the bowels of hell."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"Wow... how am I to compete with a statement such as that one?  Look... I'm the Champion because I've got the chops to be the champ.  I don't back down from a battle.  And even when you knock me down, I keep on coming.  I don't stop.  I won't stop. I can't stop. It's not in my nature to stop.  I'm like the energizer freakin' bunny in the ring.  I don't understand the meaning of the word quit.  and every match I have is a challenge.  It's like i'm always on the hunt for this title, even when I have it around my waist.  So Vixen, Cookie...  I know you may think, 'oh, this is just another tag team match, they're gonna be slack and lacksidaisical about it, but that's where you're wrong.  there IS not down time or me where wrestling is concerned.  So expect a fight when we step into the ring.  It will be business as usual, which will mean jus like before, I'll hit you and you'll be laid out.  PERIOD!"

Diamond looks at he watch and signals to the trio that it's time to leave as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Enter Ragnarok!
« on: March 24, 2012, 12:00:34 AM »
 The scene comes in during a webcast of the newest up and coming online show, put on by the Angels of the Fallen called Ragnarok.  It's a show where the viewers get a rare sneak peek into the thoughts of the Fallen on the Superstars and Bombshells of the Sin city Wrestling with no interviewers, no microphones all up in their faces... they just get to sit back, and discuss what they think about the events that took place in recent episodes.

Tonight, they're all sitting on the red and black leather couches, wearing various dresses adorned with black angel wings and are chatting with one another, sipping coffee.  Gothika puts down her drink and takes a deep breath.

"So...  Tonight's topic... Intergender tag team matches... yes or now."

Darknyss shakes her head and shrugs.

"I just don't get what all of the fuss is about.  Men on women violence?  PLEASE!!  It's not violence.  It's not spousal abuse.  It's a sport!  I've been wrestling against the men in just about every company I've been in and let's face it... I've DOMINATED the competition!  So have you Gothika."

Raynin chuckles and lifts a finger.

"However... according to the little skank patrol, Veronica and Angelica... You're a crossdressing, steroid chomping whore, and Gothika's a pale skinned zombie bitch."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"Gothika's a vampire... not a zombie.  And let's face it... I know I'm not the typical cut of a female... but that's by choice as well as birth.  Sure i could have starved myself to look like one of those supermodels... but I personally enjoy being different.  I didn't want to be a cookie cutter slut who only knows how to spread my legs to get ahead in the game.  I wanted to get ahead by using my wits, and my skills.  And that's what I did.  Which is what YOU'RE doing to Raynin."

Raynin smiles and nods slowly.

"Yeah, part of me wants to take it to some of these guys we have in our superstar division.  I look at what they do in the ring and I think... i can do it so much better than they can.  Hell, I had to do it better than the guys just to make it through my Marine training.  do you think they went easy on us just because we were female? Hell no!  We got it ten times worse because, as they put it, we were trying to 'G.I. Jane it' or stepping on the territory that only men should tread.  Every day was a regular pissing contest.  So when I hear Kain spewing that bullcrap about staying the hell out of his way...  It just makes me wish I could step to Nick Jones even more!!"  

Darknyss sighs and stretches for a bit.

"we'll talk more about that later.  Right now, we need to update everyone on what they've missed out on last Climax control. So, here's the clip that was cut from Climax Control that you all were dying to see.  Enjoy."


The following scene took place last week before the airing of Sin City Wrestling's Weekly show, Climax Control.  It was not aired due to strong language and time constraints.  It contains some violence.  Parental Discretion is advised…

The scene comes back in at ringside as the show continues.  

Simone: What an amazing show it's been so far.  We've seen alot of people get lucky tonight.
Adams:Well, Yesterday WAS St. Patrick's Day.  Maybe the luck of the Irish has rubbed off on us all.
Simone:Who knows... Right about now I think anything's possible.

Suddenly, the lights go out, and a bass line starts to thump over the PA and we hear the opening guitar riffs of Dethklok's 'Black Fire Upon Us.  On the titantron the image of three flaming balls of light streak through an image of the night sky as the music continues.  The strains of the music plays over the PA as on the titantron, the three flaming balls rocket towards an image of the earth and the camera angle switches so it looks like they're coming straight towards the screen.  They strike the same spot with a bright flash and three shadowy figures step out of the brightness.  

Adams: And it seems that our luck just turned on us with the appearance of these three women.
Simone: You can say that again.
Adams: And it seems that our luck just turned on us with the appearance of these three women.

Tonight We Ride On Clouds Of Fire
We're Damned By Gods Our DETHS Conspired
We Fear No Mortals In These Worlds
The Gift We Give You Is Your Soul

Fly With Us Tonight
Fly With Us Tonight

The lights start to strobe to the beat of the music and we see the angels of The Fallen standing on stage looking confident. Gothika, Darknyss and Raynin stand on stage and raise their fists in the air looking around confidently before the lights come up completely. They go from one side of the stage to the other, talking junk to the crowd and throwing their fists in the air.  Raynin is brandishing the Bombshell title, smirking proudly as she holds the title high.

Simone: These women wanted to prove that they're a force to be reckoned with, but so far, they just appear to be a bunch of bullies.
Adams: Why do you say bullies?  They're not doing anything that other people haven't done in the past.
Simone: How can you say that?  With the unwarranted attack on Brooklyn Carter, I'd say they're just bullies!

The Sky
Will Break
Black Fire
Will Wake

Fly On Through The Night
We Built An Allience
Our Numbers Are Strong

We Gather
But We Don't Prey To Gods
What Fools What Lunitics
They Must Think Of Us

Gothika, Raynin and Darknyss come back to the center of the stage and pose once more before they start to walk down the ramp to the ring.

Adams: You can call them what you like, but they are impressive.  Especially Raynin.  Even though she's yet to show her stuff with that Bombshell Championship.
Simone:  Who would have thought that she'd end up like this?
Adams: End up as Bombshell Champion?
Simone: No, end up being so low down as to attack a defenseless opponent.

But Now We Must Fly
Beasts In The Night
Tragic In The Sky
Battlefield In Sight

Storm Gathers Strong
Cold Blackend Flame
Tell Us Our Future
Stories Of The Slain

Darknyss stops at the center of the ramp as Raynin and Gothika each walk around opposite sides of the ring. Gothika slides under the bottom rope as Darknyss climbs up onto the edge of the apron and steps through the second rope and Raynin climbs the far stairs and grabs the top rope and flips over the rope.

Simone: I hope they have something to say in defense of their heinous attack.
Adams: We still don't even know if it was them!
Simone: Brooklyn's own manager said it was.
Adams: That's just hearsay though.  Not proof.

Dangerous Creatures
Those That Oppose Us
Raped All Their Power
Bartered With Warlocks
Cheated The Demons
For Ancient Spells
The Blackened Fire
Waits To Consume Us

Raynin and Gothika each climb a corner throwing their fists in the air and pumping them to the beat of the music as Darknyss stands in the center of the ring, pointing at them and talking junk to the crowd, nodding. Raynin holds up the Bombshell title, shining it up and pointing at it, still talking junk before she  and Gothika jump down and switch corners, trying to hype up the crowd before they jump down and stand beside Darknyss, waiting for the crowd to calm down.  Darknyss brings the mic to her lips.

"You know, there's been so much talk about what happened to Brooklyn Carter back in the back, and that we're such horrible people because we attacked her and all of this bull crap that it's just about made me sick!  I mean, all I've heard is 'wah, wah, wah, you hurt her!', 'cry, cry, cry, you guys are so mean!', 'blah, blah, blah, how could you guys do it?', and for what?  For Brooklyn Carter?  Come on!!  It's not like anyone important was hurt!!"

The crowd boos and Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"Now, that's the kind of reaction I'd expect if it were someone who truly mattered had gotten hurt… Like Raynin, or Gothika, or myself… Hell, even if Misty or Kittie had gotten hurt, I'd expect for folks to truly care… But Brooklyn?  Geeze Louise!!  Get real people!!"

Simone: They're not really making their case to this crowd.  They're just digging their hole deeper.

Raynin takes the mic from her friend as the crowd continues to boo.

"And what's even worse, is for Christian Underwood to penalize us, change our match, and ban me from ringside!!  Why should MY fans be robbed of the chance to see their new Bombshell Champion in action, or even out at ringside because some little nobody can't keep herself out of the hospital?  I mean, why do we have to suffer for Brooklyn getting hurt?"

Adams: Wow… These ladies are ice cold about this happening.

Raynin smirks to the camera.

"Now… if we'd actually had anything at ALL with Brooklyn getting hurt, that'd be something else… But we didn't even lay A FINGER on the girl!!  I mean, we didn't even get to the arena until like right before our match, so how were we supposed to have attacked poor… helpless… defenseless little Brooklyn when we weren't even in the building yet?!!  I don't know… maybe we did it psychically!"  

Belinda Simone chuckles in her headset.

Simone: Psycho, maybe… But definitely not psychic…

Raynin holds up her finger and nods slowly.

"That's it!!Maybe Gothika, Darknyss and I used the power of our minds to sneak past her big and bad protector, London, beat down the little pot head, and ran back outside, off to our hidden respective rides, and moseyed our way back into the building, carrying our bags to be caught up with by Christian Underwood…  I mean, didn't he see we hadn't even barely got settled in by the time he came charging around to look for us?  Madre de Dios!!  I swear!!"

Raynin shrugs her shoulders

Adams: You see!  you see! I told you they didn't have anything to do with it!  It was a setup!

We suddenly hear a resounding slap over the microphone and everyone turns to see Jason Adams holding the back of his head and looking at Belinda Simone.

Adams: What the hell was THAT for??!!
Simone: Because you won't shut the hell up about this thing!  You're Just about to get to get on my last nerve!!  You're sucking up to these three females like they planted the World Tree or something!  I swear!  Your nose is so brown, I'm thinking about calling you Count Chocula from now on!
Adams: What?  So I can't recognize the greatness of the Bombshell Champion?
Simone: There's a limit to how much can be tolerated here.

Raynin frowns and gestures to the cameraman to turn the attention back to her.

"Hey!  Keep the camera where it belongs!  I'm what's important right now, not the idiocy that goes on at the commentator's table!"

The crowd gives a mixed reaction of boos and hisses as Raynin slips the Championship belt onto her shoulder, pulling a small cloth out of her pocket and shining her title.

"Now… Onto more interesting comments…  I'm off for the night, but I just couldn't resist coming out here to watch the festivities.  You see, with each and every week that I'm Bombshell Champion, the rest of the bombshells just make me look better and better.  Why?  Because unlike the other putas in this company, I'm out here as a fighting Bombshell Champion.  I'm not trying to do like Kittie did and just say how much better than everyone else I am… I plan on PROVING it!!  I'm planning on being the longest reigning SCW Bombshell Champion.  Kittie's all hung up on being first at something… But I'm hung up on being THE BEST at what I'm doing!  And anyone who steps in my way… be they Brooklyn, Kittie, Misty, Or Veronica Taylor will be steamrolled over!"

She throws her head back and laughs as the crowd as Belinda Simone chimes in at commentary.

Simone:  She certainly is confident ins't she?
Adams: Can you blame her?  I mean, she's overcome every obstacle that's been put in front of her to get her hands on that title.  She's got the skills to do exactly what she says she's going to do!
Simone:  Question is… 'will she do it, or will she choke?'

Raynin looks around at her friends, then pats Gothika on the shoulder.

"Hey… Gothika… How do YOU think Misty's doing?  You know, she's supposed to be getting married tonight… Do you think she's having butterflies or something?”

Gothika grins wickedly and shrugs.

"I dont' know... we will just have to see.  I know everyone's been curious as to just what it was that I threw in her face at the Pay Per View... well, I'll tell you what it was.  As you know... our friend, Diamond is a vooDoo Priestess.  And she mixed up a little concoction just for me.  That magic dust was a part of a spell.  A spell that pulls the truth out of people. It makes them act the way that hey truly are.  and judging by how she cheated to get a win over me... I don't think she's feeling very much like she used to.  but then... We certainly will see how things come out in the end.  enjoy the twist Misty."

With that, the trio of women drop their mics and exit the ring.

Climax Control Archives / Enter the Angels
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:12:25 PM »
 Event: Climax Control...  March 11, 2012

Venue: Knights of Columbus Hall in Covina, Californa



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 ...  THE LADY'S A VAMP! ...  

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Time:  March 5, 2012...  1:30 AM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  St. John's Catholic Chuch...



The rain is falling heavily as it sometimes does in the desert.  This is the kind of rainstorm that brings a flash flood rolling through the lowlands.  This is the kind of storm that sends the normal people running for the cover of shelter.  It's late... the wee hours of the morning when the younger crowd is just starting to pick up the pace on the dancefloor, and the older crowd is snuggling in under the covers, and flipping their pillows over to the cool side.  Any sane person wouldn't be out in the torrential monster of a storm...  But then, who said sanity had anything to do with things...

High above the few folks who have braved the tears of God we normally call the rain, she sits in wait... enjoying the feel of the cool water falling on her skin.  She's looking down on the people hiding under their umbrellas, raincoats and ponchos.  While they find nature to be an annoyance, she's embracing it as nature embraces everything.

She's standing in the crouching of the church's belfry.  She's wearing her black patent leather pants and shirt with a rubber corset around her waist and chest.  A black leather trench coat is draped over her shoulders, giving her at least a little bit of protection from the elements.  She's unphased as the pigeons that have been randomly flapping their wings behind her to try and free their feathers of the water that's reached them in their roosts.  She's oblivious to them as she allows the rain to fall on her bare head, drenching her hair as she takes a deep breath before she speaks.

"It's been a long time since I've spoken freely in front of a camera.  I have to admit... being the masked woman for so long, I'd almost forgotten what my own voice sounded like.  And while it was necessary for me to assess the situation in the Sin City Wrestling... that mask chaffed something fierce.  I swear, every time I took it of, I was afraid I'd have broken out in a rash or something."

She reaches up and runs two fingers along her cheek, appearing to try and wipe away some of the rain, but with as hard as it's falling, there's nothing that she could do to remove that much water.  She looks at the raindrops on her fingertips and smiles softly as the drops roll down and fall only to be replaced by other droplets.

"It was necessary for me to be the Mystery woman to differentiate myself from the rest of the herd so to speak...  So I didn't come to blend in with the masses like most of these... females tend to do when they come into a company.  I needed to make an impression... and from the reaction Raynin, Darknyss and I got from Misty and Brooklyn, I'm thinking we did just that.  It felt so damned good to finaly step back in th ring and feel someone go down under my onslaught."

She balls her hand into a fist and turns it around so she's looking at her knuckles.  She smirks and nods slowly.

"Yes... It feels good to be back at what I do very well.  And the biggest question on everyone's mind is... why the attack on Kitty, Brooklyn, and Misty?  What did they do that was so all fired wrong to warrant that kind of a beatdown?  Well, the list of wrongdoings are many, but I think I'll only list the most obvious of offenses.  I think I'll give the five worst."

She holds up her hand, showing her splayed to the camera.

"First... Is the complete lack of respect for wrestling as a whole that some of these women have... They see it for the glory, the fame, the money... That's the only reason why they come.  They want to try to prove a point... they want to show how big girls are better, or skinny girls are better, or how good they look, or how good they are in bed...  NONE OF THAT SHIT MATTERS!!  What matters is what happens in the ring!!  YES!  We're all beautiful women in our own way!  YES!!  We all have a right to be here, whether we're big girls, or skinny girls, or in between girls... we're all out there to put on a show!  BUT... and this is a really big but... The biggest question is do we all DESERVE to be out there... and so far...  very few have proved that they do."

She balls her fist back up, holding it out so that the rain can fall upon her knuckles.

"For years, I have fought for the rights of women in wrestling...  Multiple titles... Multiple companies... and not just against other women...  Three time AWO World Heavyweight Champion... two time ECW World Champion... two time ECFW Intercontinental Champion...  Just to name a few...  And do you know what brought me here?  It was the knowledge that the women here were FIGHTERS!!  And when I get here, what do I see?  A contest to see just who's the bigger slut, Angelica or Fantasia...  A supermodel?  Really?!!  Really?!!  At least Cookie is woman enough to be proud of herself because she has skills in the ring...  It's bad enough that I have to deal with these kinds of females in a company that prides itself for fighting women, but where's the fighters?  It's like a hairpulling session out there in the matches that don't include certain people!  What about the wrestling??!!  And I thought that was bad enough, but then we come to Brooklyn..."

She holds up her open hand again and folds down her thumb.

"Brooklyn brings me to my second point...  The lack of respect in themselves...  Here we have a woman who openly does drugs... and yet she expects to be able to succeed in a wrestling match...  You can't win a match if you can't see your opponent, or you're so stoned you have to run back to attack the refreshment table because you have the munchies!  Look at me!!  I'm damn near six feet tall!!  I tower over you like a six year old kid standing beside their sixteen year old big sister!  And if you THINK you have what it takes to stand against my friends and I... you better think again.  And then there's Misty..."

She folds down her pinky and takes a deep breath.

"Misty brings Me to my third point.  Lack of respect for their opponents...  All I've heard from Brookly and Misty is bitch this, bitch that... Don't you have another word to use?  I mean, come on!!  Not to mention the whining, and the bitching, and the complaining because the only win she's been able to get lately was over a newbie during her debut match!  And yet, Misty believes she did no wrong.  So you trusted the wrong person... SO WHAT!!  You get over it!!  You get you revenge on that person, then you move on!  Your problem is... you haven't been able to GET that revenge!!  Not because of anyone else, but because YOU COULDN'T GET THE JOB DONE!  Just like at the pay per view... Raynin won because you couldn't get the job done!  She was able to though... She was able to get in at just the right time and get a win over you, Kitty, and Brooklyn.  Just like we will BOTH get the job done at Climax Control!  But that brings me to my fourth point..."

Gothika folds down a her ring finger, holding up two fingers as she stands and starts to pace back and forth along the thin concrete railing that surounds the belfry.

"My fourth point is...  blaming others for your inability to win.  Now with how you lost the Bombshell Championship in the first place... that was something that I could say you could blame on kitty...  She did stick it to you good.  She stabbed you in the back... then she kicked you in the back... then she punched you in the back and did lots of other horrible things to you neck and back so you were too injured to truly put up a constructive fight to defend your title... but that was in the past.  What's your excuse gonna be this time Misty?  As you said in your promos before your match, you were well rested, and completely prepared for anything that could be thrown at you, so what's it gonna be this time?  Oh, let me guess... It was Kitty's fault that you lost... Or it was Brooklyn's fault... you slipped on a banana peel and couldn't break up the pin in time... Or there was sweat in your eye and you were blinded, so you couldn't see...  Face it chick... you were just outmatched, and outwitted.  It was a time for you to step up to the plate and take back that which you valued most, and you missed the bar by about that much."

Gothika holds he fingers together and peers between the small space that's between her fingers.

"Oh so close... and yet oh so far.  Or, maybe she's gonna say that Darknyss and I had a hand in her loss, but we weren't even out at ringside.  Raynin wanted to do this all on her own... win, lose, or draw.  She stood on her own two feet and got that title on her own.  Yes we attacked you, but that was after the match was over.  Not like how you originally won your title, with you and Kitty working together to take Raynin out of the picture because you knew she would be your biggest competition...  And how you and Kitty teamed up on Raynin AGAIN so that Kitty could get the number one contendership because you thought she would have your back and give you an easy win over her and INSTEAD... she turned on you and stole your title away! How lame is THAT for you to trust someone so untrustworthy... she'd been fooling you for years apparently.  Unlike Raynin who would have given you a fair fight.  She, just like myself, doesn't have to resort to trying to end your career before a match in order to win it... We'll just beat the fuck out of you and take the win the old fashioned way.  And I can't wait to hear what Brooklyn is gonna say about her loss.  I bet she's gonna go back to the 'bitch this' and 'bitch that' and 'bitch please' and 'bitch betta recognize'..."

She holds up her finger and starts rolling her neck, her lips pursed and she clucks her tongue.

"Uh huh... ya hurd me?  WHATEVER!!!  You tried to be sneaky and underhanded and ended up getting your teeth handed back to you in the process.  And that brings me to the final point..."

She folds down her middle finger and holds up her single finger to the camera.

"The biggest, most important point as to why we attacked every other one of Raynin's opponents in that match... The lack of respect for friendship!!  All of this backstabbing, and turning on one another...  OH MY GOD!!  Is that truly what you all think of friendship and respect?  Misty used Kitty to win the Championship, then Kitty used her Misty and tries to end her career to take the Championship, and Brooklyn just uses Kitty to get herself stuck in the four corner's match to try and get her hands on the title... I swear!!"

She throws her hands up in the air and then puts her fists on her hips as she looks down once again at the people milling on the street.

"It's the complete lack of respect in general that caused Darknyss, Raynin an I to react in the manner we did.  We couldn't take seeing the Bombshell Divsion being drowned in all of the dissent and idiocy...  and while the matches have been amazing for some of you out there...  the Bombshell Division was going to hell in a handbasket and quickly.  So we just decided to speed up the process."

She grins wickedly, her fangs finally being bared to the camera as her eyes catch a sight that makes her growl softly.  She sees a handsome young blonde man coming out of a nearby club with a group of his friends.  She continues to speak as she continues to watch his movements along the street, sinking slowly into a crouch again as she does.

"We decided that it was time for a bit of Hell to be unleashed on Earth.  It was time for the chaos to be unbound and let loose in the Sin City Wrestling, and each of you had a hand in it's creation!  You've awoken the demons inside of each of us, and you all will suffer the consequences. One by one, you will all be sacrificed!  And after you've been been dropped into the depths of the abyss, you will wish you hadn't ever... EVER stepped into the ring with one of The Fallen!"

She throws her head back and laughs evilly, until the laughter suddenly just stops and he stares right at the camera as her eyes change slowly from dark brown to an eerie ice blue.   She looks back down at the stret as her eyes catch the fact that the man she's been watching has broken away from his group of friends and walks towards a side street near the church. She licks her lips slowly.

"Misty... Brooklyn... Blaze of Glory was the beginning of the Angellic Era... and Climax Control will be the beginning of the end for you both.  We can't wait to see you both in the ring... We have such sights to show you."

She suddenly leaps out into the air, arms spread wide as she flips her body over and drops straight down to the concrete below, bending slightly at the knees to take the shock, popping her body straight back up to walk off along the street.  She winds her way through the few groups of people until she's right behind the man.  She's so close, he could reach out and tap him on the shoulder.  The camera shot moves to in front of him as she reaches in his pocket for his keys, humming softly.  He steps into the street in front of an alleyway and takes two steps before stopping and looking over his shoulder behind him to see an empty street.  He looks around for a moment, then turns back to see Gothika suddenly standing in front of him.  He jumps and screams a bit shocked.

"SHIT!!  You scared me!!"

She doesn't move or say anything.  She just stands there, looking at him with those piercing blue eyes.  He starts to take a step back when she suddenly smiles evilly, baring her fangs.  His eyes go wide as he finaly takes a step back.


She hisses and leaps onto him, her black leather trench coat flying out behind her and blocking the camera as all we hear are the mans screams echoing in the night.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / Going for Broke
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:59:33 PM »
Event: Blaze of Glory Pay Per View...  

Sunday, February, 26 2012

Venue: Palms Casino and Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada


Opponent: vs Brooklyn Carter vs Misty vs Kittie

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She's been beaten in the past, but still managed to rise the ranks of the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Division.  I guess those in charge just liked what they saw in her.  Now, she's ready to take that final step out onto the plateau at the top of the mountain and gain the crown of being the best.  Raynin's got her eye on the prize, and isn't about to let anyone or anything stop her from getting her hands on the Bombshell Title.  Not Kittie... not Misty... not Brooklyn Carter.  As the time approaches for the Blaze of Glory Pay Per View, the Rebellious One is preparing herself for action.  Will she experience the meteoric rise that has been foretold for her?  Or will she simply fizzle out before she begins?  Let's find out...

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 ...  GOING FOR BROKE ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

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Definitions of "EFFORT"

1. conscious exertion of power or hard work.

2. a serious attempt.

3. to try.

something produced by exertion or trying .

5. effective force as distinguished from the possible resistance called into action by such a force.

6. the total work done to achieve a particular end.

7. An exertion of strength or power, whether physical or mental, in performing an act or aiming at an object.

8. more or less strenuous endeavor.

9. struggle directed to the accomplishment of an object.

10. A force acting on a body in the direction of its motion.

11. energy needed to do something.

12. activities towards aim,

13. something produced/created,

14. attempt to score goal,

15. the amount of exertion expended for a specified purpose.

16. exertion of physical or mental power.




Time:  February 12, 2012, 11:30 PM...  During Climax Control...

Place:  Carson High Scool... Carson City, Nevada...




_______  PARENTAL ADVISORY WARNING!!!  _______

The following is a clip that was not shown on the previous episode of the Sin City Wrestling's weekly show, Climax Control.  It was edited due to time contraints.  It may contain some strong language and violent content.  Parental discretion is advised.


Rocky Mountains is walking through the hallways backstage, headed for the refreshments table when she sees Raynin, Darknyss, and the Mystery Woman coming in the opposite direction.  She holds her hands out and waves them, trying to stop them for a chat.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!  Raynin!!  This is perfect!!  I haven't gotten the chance to interview you in like... forever!!  And I've NEVER had the chance to speak with your two friends!  So, let's chit chat a bit."

Raynin tries to push past her, but Rocky Mountains is persistant, dancing around to stay in front of the trio of women.

"Come on!  You're the only one of the Bombshells who tries not to be interviewed!  What, are you trying to dodge the hard questions or something?"

Raynin rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Number one, I'm busy... WE'RE busy...  We have an appointment to speak with someone, and if I stand here chitchatting with you, we'll be late.  Number two, I don't like to be interrogated.  It brings back... difficult memories.  And number three... You're just a little too chummy with folks when you interview them.  It always makes me feel like I've just been molested or something.  Now if you don't mind, we've got somewhere to be."

Rocky Mountains dances back in front of Raynin with a hurt look on her face and crosses her arms in front of her ampl boosom.

"Well I never!!  You know, you're required by contract to do these interviews, so you may as well just do them."

Raynin rolls her eyes again and gives a frustrated sigh, running her hand over her hair slowly.  She looks at Darknyss who gives a shrug and a smirk.

"You know, it's easier to just say...  knock her ass out than it is to speak to her."

Darknyss slowly balls her fist and pulls her arm back like she's going to throw a punch and Rocky squeaks like a little mouse and throws her hands up to cover her face.

"Not the face!!  Not the face!!"

Raynin puts a hand on Darknyss's fist and shakes her head slowly.

"No... Then we'll get hit with fines and stuff...  And we'll probably have to sit through a Hot Stuff special lecture."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"No we wouldn't...  I know how to handle Mark Ward...  We may have to pay the fines, but I can get us out of the lecture.  But if you want to talk, then go ahead."

Raynin turns to Rocky and nods slowly.

"Ok... we'll do the interview, but on my terms.  Meet us in fifteen...  In the science lab."

Rocky nods and steps out of the way to allow the trio of women past.  AS they're going past, the Mystery woman pulls her hand up like she's going to punch Rocky anyways, and she squeaks again, putting her hands up.  The mystery woman throws her head back and laughs, the sound coming from behind the mask is husky and sultry.  She winks at Rocky before turning and walking away from her.


Fifteen minutes later, Rocky is walking through the halls of Carson City High School once more.  She comes to the science lab door and knocks before opening it a crack and peeks in.

"Hello!!  Raynin?!!  Are you in here?"

She sees Raynin behind the teacher's lab counter with Darknyss and the Mystery Woman sitting on stools on the other side of the desk.  Raynin's got some things on the counter in front of her...  A beaker, some different powders, a bunsen burner, a pipette, and various liquids in unmarked test tubes.  She motions towards another stool and nods slowly.

"Come on in Rocky.  You wanted to chat, so let's chat."

Rocky sits slowly on the stool and tries to cross her legs, but can't due to it's height, so she just leans forward, putting her elbows on the counter, looking like a bored kid in class.  She motions the camera men closer so they can hear them better.

"So... let's start with the easy questions.  How do you feel about your upcoming four corners match between you, Misty, Kittie, and Brooklyn Carter for the Bombshell Championship?"

Raynin shrugs and puts her hands on the counter.

"How do I feel about my match?  I feel that it's going to be explosive, but I'm confident in the fact that I will finally be walking away with the title."

Raynin slips on a pair of protective glasses and passes others out to everyone else.  Rocky cocks her head to the side.

"How so?  Why do you feel so confident?"

Raynin picks up the beaker which has some distilled water in it, sets it on the bunsen burner, and nods towards the ingredients on the table.

"Let me use this demonstration to explain... say this beaker here, represents the four corner's match.  And here we have three basically interesting components.  Let's start with the first one...  Brooklyn Carter...  Bland... boring...  Really only there for rounding out the recipe.  May have some skills, may have some rudimentary talent, but still needs to be honed and sharpened to truly make a dent in the Bombshell division. She made it this far through outside interference, and probably a little bit of kissing up to the boss.  She gets a lucky win in a tag team match up over me and she thinks she's the shit.  Says I'm not memorable...  But she was burping my boot leather for days after our match...  I'll make this matchup one she won't soon forget!"

She dumps one of the powders into the beaker, and the water gets a cloudy, milky white color to it.  She sighs heavily.

"I will admit this though... the kid's got some potential...  I she can get over her own stink enough to truly make a dent in this business.  She's just so damned arrogant... I bet that she'll trip over her own shoe lace and try to blame it on someone pushing her, even when no one's around.  Soon she'll realize though that you're only as good as what you actually do.  Someone can get a lucky win due to their opponent's mistake, or some random bead being left in the center of the ring from a previous match causing their opponent to slip and rolling their ankle, or anything.  Sure winning is important, but so is going out there and giving your all to put on the best possible show!  Do I want to win this match?  HELL YES!!  But I'm not gonna do it in some half assed way!  And what Brooklyn Carter brings to the table is half-assed-ness!!  She's too doped up on weed, too drunk, too... fucked up to truly put out something worth while!  And when she steps into the ring come Blaze of Glory, she will be taken to SCHOOL on what it truly takes to be at the head of the class in the Bombshell Division!  And me taking the title will the prod she needs to truly put her ass in gear and start to truly work at being the best in this company!"

She gestures towards the second powder sitting in front of her and takes a deep breath.

"And the next ingredient to this match is Misty.  Bold, brazen, full of fizz and pop, but still just a little bit short of what it takes to truly make things explosive.  I'll admit, she's good.  She's really good.  But she holds her own self back, even in matches.  She's so worried about what other people think of her that she's allowed their judgement of her to cloud her own judgement of herself.  She's upset that I haven't spoken very much about her...  But truth be told, I can beat Misty easily if I want.  I KNOW that I can beat Misty, but she doesn't truly know if she can beat anyone else.  Not deep down in her heart where it counts.  She's damaged, and doesn't want to admit it to herself, or to everyone else.  And I'm not just talking about physically.  She's hurt by what Kittie did to her, as well as what she did to herself.  But she, much like Brooklyn Carter wants to blame others for her own insecurities and lack of performance.  She says that her losing the title was Kittie's fault for injuring her... which in some ways is true, but had she truly been on top of her game, she wouldn't have been injured in the first place.  She blames me for taking her rematch spot away, but again, had she stepped her game back up, she would have had that rematch spot a long time ago.  I don't blame my mistakes on other people.  Yes, I was distracted during my matches which allowed Kittie to get the upper hand... but it was MY MISTAKE!!  I should have kept my eye on the ball instead of letting other people get into my head!!  I should have not allowed Kittie even ONE LITTLE OPENING!!  And yet, I did.  But the reason why I'm still in the running for this title is because even if I DID give that one little opening, I went out there and gave, and gave, and gave until it HURT!!  Injured or not, I still went out there and I put on truly awesome shows!!  Win, or lose, I never stopped...  I pushed through it!  And whether it ended with ME on top, or my shoulders on the mat, the people in the seats were thrilled, chilled, and electrified by what I did out there in the ring!!  I KNOW what you can do Misty!!  I've seen it!!  I've seen the fire of greatness in you... but lately... there isn't even a spark!  But I will say this... maybe me becoming the Bombshell Champion will be just the spark you need to come back the fire that should be burning deep inside of you Misty...  But we shall see if that's the case."

She takes a deep breath as she dumps the powder into the beaker, and the cloudiness starts to bubble and fizz.  She then gestures towards the third powder and smirks.

"And then we come to the next ingredient in this Bombshell Championship Title match up... Kittie.  Bright... colorful... has alot of power and kick... it's a little bit nutty... Hell, let's face it, she's alot nutty.  She's nuttier than a can of mixed nuts.  One step from padded walls and eating pudding with your toes cause you have the pretty white jacket that buckles in the back.  She's got skills... She's got the motivation... She's got the drive to be the best... But it's her arrogance that kills it.  She's got this huge chip on her shoulder that keeps her from truly being amazing as a Champion.  Right now, she may hold the title, but she doesn't give it the respect that it deserves.  She covets the title...  but the title isn't something that should be covetted.  She didn't earn the title, she stole it!  She stole it because in her mind, it's something that should be possessed at all costs... even if it meant huritng someone who cared about her.  Even if it meant doing something so low and under handed in order to gain the upperhand.  That's not how a champion acts.  That's not how a Champion leads a company...  That's not how you treat those who care for you.  Kittie belives that she's got my number because of what's happened in the past... but the past is the past.  I'm looking towards the future!  And I AM the future!  I'm the future Bombshell Champion!  ME!!  And when I finally get my hands on the title, you can be assured that I will bring it back to the glory that it deserves."

She dumps the third powder into the mixture and it turns a bright blue color and continues to fizz.  Raynin then picks up one of the testubes with a clear liquid in it and smiles.

"And then you have the final ingredient into this match up... myself.  Underestimated...  Percieved to others as not a threat...  Viewed as inert.  But this...  Me... I'm the catalyst.  I'm the spark of life.  I'm the raison d'etre for most of these chicks!  Why?  Because I bring out the best inside of them!  I make them want to give it that little bit extra!  I push them like no one else has pushed them in the past!!  I'm the one who knows the truth of what's inside of each and every one of them!!  I'm the mirror that they never have the heart to look into!  I see inside of their hearts and I lay it all out there for them to see!!  I am the person they want to beat because they know that when I go out there, I push myself to levels that they only DREAM of reaching!!  And I just keep getting better!!  I don't stop training, I don't stop working hard for what I want.  I don't get complacent, and just accept that I've reached a level that I'm happy with.  NO!!  I just keep on going!!  I KNOW that there's no such thing as good enough with my skills!!  I know that I can keep honing them and taking things to another level!!  THAT is the crucial point that these other women seem to keep forgetting...  THERE'S ALWAYS ANOTHER LEVEL!!  There's always something new to discover about yourself and your abilities, and there's always new heights to push yourself to and attain.  I don't let myself get sedimentary.  There are new moves, new abilities, new counters to work on...  New strength levels to gain...  But Kittie... Misty...  they both think that they've reached the pinnacle of their abilities...  Brooklyn Carter has only been here what, about a  month?  And she thinks she's the best she can be...  Well I don't think that I'm the best that I can be.  I know that I can always do more and be more.  Like I KNOW that I can and WILL BE the Bombshell Champion!  Just like I KNOW I will make this Bombshell Four Corner's match... EXPLOSIVE!!"

She uses tweezers to dump the contents of the test tube into the beaker on the bunsen burner and steps back as the concoction turns a blood red and starts to bubble violently, then the red liquid comes shooting out of the beaker into the air and dissolves into a thick red vaporous cloud that blankets the entire counter.  Rocky waves her hand in the air, trying to clear out the cloud and sniffs, then she grins.

"Mmmm...  smells like cherries..."

Raynin leans forward, her face slowly appearing through the smoke.  She grabs Rocky's collar and pulls her up onto the counter with a squeak.

"Do you have any idea how much I want this?   Do you have any idea how hard I work, and I push myself, and I scrape and scrap and pray for this title?"

Rocky looks at her frightened and shakes her head.

"No, I don't."

Raynin strokes Rocky's cheek gently, leaning her head from side to side as if trying to look at her from many different angles.  She then smiles wickedly.

"I want this more than you want to get your hands on the packages of every man in this company.  I want this title more than Kittie wants to hold it.  I want this title more than Misty, more than Brooklyn...  I want this title more than Cookie S'Mores wants a dozen krispy kreme donuts!  I want it so badly, that I can taste it!!  And this time, I'm gonna get it!!"

She pushes Rocky back off of the countertop and Rocky falls down back onto the stool, scrambling to stay on it.  Raynin pulls off her safety glasses and slowly walks around the countertop.  Rocky starts to scramble backward off of the stool, but she ends up falling against Darknyss who grabs her by her shoulders and holds her tightly.  Raynin grabs Rocky's chin as Rocky squeaks, looking up at Raynin in fear.  Raynin licks her lips slowly before Rocky pulls her chin from Raynin's fingers roughly.  Raynin chuckles softly to herself.

"But do you know what?  I'm gonna tell you the difference between these other chicks and myself."

Rocky struggles against Darknyss's girp but can't get away.  She whispers to Raynin.

"What is it?"

Raynin starts to stroke Rocky's hair gently, smoothing it back into place.

"They have alot of things in common with me.  They're beautiful.  They're athletic.  They're skilled.  They're talented...  But they still don't have the abilities to overcome stepping into the ring with me.  They all might be as strong as I am.  They might all be as fast as I am.  They might all be as skilled as I am.  But are any of them even ONE TENTH as pissed off as I am right now?  NO!  And I've heard you too!!  You're not any different than the rest of them!!  You all have run your mouths, being so damned disrespectful...  So for now, you're Misty, Kittie, and Brooklyn all rolled into one!!  You're just here to try and keep me down.  You want me to feel bad about myself when I have nothing but good going on for me.  I know what you all are thinking... Thinking that you're all better than me... thinking that you DESERVE to be Bombshell Champion while I don't...  when I have just as much right as the rest of you to that title!  The only difference between each of you and myself is...  I'm not so arrogant, so stuck up, and so idiotic to think that I deserve anything other than just what I have gotten... A chance.  Just a chance to prove that my being here wasn't a fluke, and it wasn't a misplaced opportunity that I didn't earn.  I EARNED my place in this four corner's match!  I earned it by going out there, no matter the match, no matter the stipulations, and putting my heart and soul into every moment that I'm in the ring!  Sure, in the beginning, I did it to make a name for myself.  I want what every other one of you wants, which is it hear my name chanted by each and every person in the crowd!  Whether it's because they're rooting for me, or because they're boo-ing me, I didn't care!  I still don't care!  But what I DO care about is leaving each and every one of the people in the seats BREATHLESS because of what I've done in the ring!  THAT is why I EARNED this chance!  It's the only thing I deserve... Just the chance.  The outcome is for ME to claim for myself!"

She steps back from Rocky and Darknyss shoves Rocky away from her as she and the Mystery Woman move to stand behind Raynin.  Raynin nods slowly and motions around her waist with her hands.

"And you better believe that I'm claimin' that title.  You're looking at the next Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Champion!  And at Blaze of Glory...  My rising star is gonna burn brighter and hotter than ever before.  You better get used to callin' me champ...  cause once I get my hands on that title... I plan on keeping it for a long... long time.  Thanks for the chat Rocky... It's been real..."

Raynin picks up a test tube from off of the countertop and throws it on the ground.  A cloud of bright red smoke suddenly fills the area and covers the trio of women as they all start to laugh wickedly.  The laughter continues as the smoke clears and the trio have disappeared, leaving Rocky standing there in the science room by herself.

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Definitions of îPERSEVERANCE"

1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

2. continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.  




Time:  February 13, 2012, 12:30 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Gold's Gym...



The gym is packed today because of the zumba classes that are taking place all day today.  Folks are milling around the water fountain, people watching as they wipe themselves off with their towels and chatting with one another.  The sound of the weights clinking together adds to the sounds of the people talking.  Suddenly, a feminine and sultry voice echos out over the din of the crowded room with an inspirational quote about perseverance...

"On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow." Friedrich Nietzsche

Everyone looks around for the person who's speaking so loudly.  The voice resounds over the sound of the chatting crowd once more.  The people on the treadmill slows down their pace to look around curiously, and people who are lifting, sets their weights back up on the racks as they hear the voice speaking...

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting." Napoleon Hill

All eyes turn towards the benchpress bar where Raynin is slowly pushing the bar up and letting it come down smoothly as the Mystery woman spots her and Darknyss slowly walks around her with a book in  hand, reading the inspirational quotes as she sips water from a water bottle.

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance." H. Jackson Brown

Raynin's light blue sports camisole is drenched with sweat as she rhythmically pushes the bar up and lowers it back down, keeping her eyes on her hands as the Mystery woman spots her.  Raynin growls with effort as she pushes her body to exhaustion as Darknyss keeps reading off the inspirational quotes.  She sits up as Darknyss walks around her again, a new quote rolling from her lips almost as if she's a Reverend giving a sermon to his congregation.

"Persevearance... Perseverance is a day-by-day decision not to give up....  human beings throughout time have persevered.  Weíre just the most recent ones to face these challenges, and we too can persevere.... "  Margaret J. Wheatley

Darknyss stops and stands in front of Raynin, picking up a bottle of water and handing it to Raynin who gulps at it thirstly, gasping after the exertion she's put her body through.

"What does perseverance mean to you Raynin?"

Raynin takes a few more gulps of water and picks up her towel, wiping her sweat drenched brow.

"It means to keep going, even when you feel like you can't keep going.  It means to push yourself, even when you have

"Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little." Plutarch

Raynin stands and turns around, putting her fists on the benchpress seat and starts to do pushups as Darknyss keeps reading the quotes.

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." Walter Elliott

"This is it!  It's almost time!  It's almost time for me to step out there and finally have my chance in the bright starshine of victory!  I can't wait until I get the chance to hold that title high and hear my name being announced as the winner!"

She keeps moving as the quotes continue, and she growls at the exertion that she's putting her body through.

"Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; While others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than ever before." Herodotus

"This is MY MOMENT!! DO YOU HEAR ME??!  MINE!!  Do you understand?! It's MY time to shine!!  This is the chance for me to grab a hold to what I've been itching for!  This is MY CHANCE to grab a hold to that brass ring that has just eluded my fingertips for so long!  No more 'almost did it there'...  No more, 'better luck next time hon'...  This is it!! This the shot that will finally pay off for me!  Don't you see?  And nothing wll stop me from becoming the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion!  Because I can't stop...  I WON'T stop!!  I will keep fighting... keep clawing... keep pressing forward until I've got that title in my hands!  And there will be no one... NO ONE will will stand against me and stop me!  If they take out my hands then I'll use my elbows.  If they disable my arms, then I'll use my feet!  If I can't use my feet then I'll use my head.  If I can't move, then I'll stare then down.  If I'm blinded then I'll shout them down!!  But there will be nothing... NOTHING that they will do to stop me!!  I will keep coming and coming and coming until I finally get what I want, and what I want is that Bombshell Title!!"

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, 'press on' has solved, and always will solve, the problems of the human race." Calvin Coolidge

She pushes herself up to her feet in a fluid motion and turns herself back around and lays back under the benchpress bar.

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." Conrad Hilton

"Blaze of Glory will show the world what perseverance can do for someone.  Because I didn't say quit.  I didn't stop.  I kept going until I had what I wanted in my hands.  And I'm the newest champion."

She lays back and goes back to pressing up the benchpress bar as the quotes continue on.

"If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence. Determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying. "Here comes number seventy-one!" Richard M. Devos

"The miracle, or the power, that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the promptings of a brave, determined spirit." Mark Twain

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." John Quincy Adams

"Fight one more round. When your arms are so tired that you can hardly lift your hands to come on guard, fight one more round. When your nose is bleeding and your eyes are black and you are so tired that you wish your opponent would crack you one on the jaw and put you to sleep, fight one more round ? remembering that the man who always fights one more round is never whipped." James Corbett

"A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties; he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres, and infallibly prevails at last." Lord Chesterfield

"Perseverance is the most overrated of traits, if it is unaccompanied by talent; beating your head against a wall is more likely to produce a concussion in the head than a hole in the wall."  Sydney J. Harris

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog." General Dwight Eisenhower

"We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. . . . " Winston Churchill

"Before success comes in any man's life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do." Napoleon Hill

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Definitions of îDESTINY"

1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined.

2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control.

3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events.

4. something to which a person or thing is destined.

5. one's lot in life.




Time: February 18, 2012... 9:30 PM

Place: Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada... Specific Location... Unknown...


The Dodge Challenger came pulling around the corner, the custom silver paint job with the silver flecks sparkling under the lights of the strip as it pulls up in front of the Wynn Casino.  The engine roars as the driver guns the gas a few times before the valet steps up and opens the door.  He looks down and nods appreciatively at the sight of the driver.  She steps out of the car, and it's almost like slow motion.  He looks at her long legs as they glisten under the lights, the dusting of body glitter accentuating the muscles in her calves and thighs as the swirling skirt of the short black dress barely comes down to cover her goodies.  The blunging neckline of the halter neck is held together with strings of rhinestones, and the low back shows off enough flesh for a few of her battle scars to be glimpsed through the mass of dark waves that are hanging down her back… but they only heighten the experience of looking at all of her.  The black strappy sandals with the four inch silver stiletto heel puts her just over six feet, and the extra height makes everyone's eyes train on her.  She holds out the keys to the car to the valet who is still looking her up and down, biting his bottom lip and she raises an eyebrow at him.

"Um… are you through, or do you want me to spin around and give a twirl and shake for your amusement?"

The valet looks up at her and he grins expectantly, reaching out to take the keys.

"I know you said that sarcastically, but a twirl would be good."

She throws her head back an laughs as she reaches in her clutch purse to pull out her lipstick and gloss and leans over to apply one last dab to her lips in the driver's side mirror as the valet takes a few steps to his right so he can get a better view of her rear view.  She sees him looking and she slips the lipstick and gloss back in her purse and snaps it closed loudly and clears her throat as she stands up.

"Ahem… excuse me… But if you're through checking out my ass, I have to let you know… if you aren't careful with this car, I'll pop you like a pimple and smear you on the sidewalk just for good measure."

She balls up her fist slowly and her knuckles pop as she does so.  The valet swallows heavily, having never seen someone so beautiful, yet so obviously deadly this close up before, and stammers out a reply.

"Um… Yes… yes Ma'am!  Not a scratch on it!  I'll even have it detailed while you're inside Ma'am!!"

She nods approvingly and lifts an eyebrow at him.

"Very good.  Do a good job, and I'll give you a tip when I come back."

She turns on her toe, the back of her skirt flipping just high enough to tease at the possibility of a glimpse of more flesh and walks towards the entrance to the casino.  As she enters, she stops at the information desk and hands the man behind the desk a card.  He looks it over and hands her what looks like a key card as he stands up quickly.

"Oohh!  Miss Raynin!!  They've been expecting you!  Stop by the cage at the far side of the game floor, and someone will be waiting to take you up."

She smiles and nods slowly.

"Thank you."

She turns again and makes her way through the crowd towards the cage.  As she does, she sighs softly to herself as she looks over the crush of humanity displayed before her.

"Everyone wants to try to overcome the odds in this town… Whey want to beat the spread… come out on top…  Everyone wants to be a winner.  Everyone wants to beat the house.  But sometimes, it's more than just beating the house that matters."

She stops short as a waitress carrying a large platter of drinks swoops by her on the way to the craps table.  She looks over and sees as a man places a huge bet and blows on the dice.  As he brings the dice to his lips, it's like everything slows down.  No one else notices the switch but her.  It's part of what she was trained to do for combat… to notice the little things.  She sees the man slip his tongue into his fist and switch out a dice for one she's sure is loaded before he rubs the dice in his hands before he tosses them.  As he tosses, things go back to normal speed.  And of course the man wins.  He changes his bet immediately before he goes to roll the dice again, and she could tell when he switched the dice back to the original dice and pretends to be interested as he rolls three times before he tosses snake eyes.

"And yet, everyone wants to stack the deck in their favor.  They just don't realize that no matter how much you stack the deck, destiny always has a way of stepping in and making things right."

As she slows down to see what happens next, she sees the pit boss come over and tap the man on the shoulder.  Apparently, his switch was noticed by more than just her, and she can't help but chuckle as the man is escorted to security.  She shakes her head as she continues walking through the crowd.

"That's the thing that people don't understand about me.  They think that it's just my desire to be Bombshell Champion that's driving me… But it's DESTINY that keeps  me coming back!  I'm MEANT to be the next Bombshell Champion!  If I wasn't, then why would the Powers That Be keep putting me out there?  Why would they keep giving me chances?  Because I earn them! That's why!!  Sure, I haven't been able to step out above Kittie just yet… but it's not fate that's intervening…  It's other people!"

She slips a hand up to her hair and tucks a stray strand back behind her ear as she goes past the slot machines.

"But this time… it's time for me to declaw the little pussy… cat.  Because this time, which each and every time I've stepped up against her, I've gotten a little bit closer… I've gotten just that much better.  My coming out with a win over her has gone from being a clear cut victory to just coming out by the skin of her teeth…  I'm learning, I'm progressing, I'm growing… I'm becoming more than what I was yesterday, unlike our so called Champion who is stagnating and putrefying in her own stink!  She's got her head so far up her own ass that she thinks her shit smells like roses… But like Andre 3000 said in that song… 'Lean a little closer and learn that roses really smell like boo boo'.  She's become like one of these mindless drone here who are feeding the slots… She's just doing the same thing over and over again.  That's not the kind of Champion that the SCW deserves to be holding that title.  The Kittie's going to find that she's climbed too far out on the limb, and I'm the one who's going to be there, holding the tree trimmer to cut the branch she's standing on."

She heads past some Caribbean Stud tables and a man stops her as she's walking.

"Whoa whoa whoa pretty lady!!  I gotta say, I like the way you strut!  Mmmm, MMMMM!!  Damn girl… your ass if FINE!!"

She smiles sweetly and crosses her ankles and starts to twirl her hair, grinning hugely, and says sarcastically...

"Awww, you really think so?"

The guy reaches out and slides his hand down her arm before he takes her hand and tries to bring it to his lips.

"Girl you look so good, I wanna throw you on a plate of greens and sop you up wit a biscuit."

He grins hugely, flashing his gold tooth before he tries to kiss her hand, but she pulls her hand back quickly and makes a disgusted face.

"Look dude… I know you're probably three drinks past wasted, so I'll be really blunt to you about this.  Get out of my way.  Don't touch me, don't talk to me, just… just get out of my face right now."

She tries to step around him, but he slides over into her path and holds his hands up.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!  So what, you think yo ass is too high and sa-didy to lower yourself to my level?  You think you're just too fine and too good to talk to the likes of me?"

She looks him up and down and steps up right into his face.

"I don't think I'm too good to talk to you… I know I am.  Your game is tired, your lines are weak, you smell like you took a bath in ripple and rolled around in a bag of weed.  You probably have as many braincells as a single celled amoeba, and to be quite frank, in order to lower myself to your level… I'd probably have to take myself down to one of my future opponents, Brooklyn Carter.  But you can be for damned sure that THAT will never happen.  EVER!"

She steps around the guy and he tries to grab her hand as she gets past him.

"Hey girl!  You can't talk to me like that!!"

With catlike reflexes, she's flipped his grip on her arm and has him in an arm bar.  She sweeps his leg and he goes down face first to the ground where he doesn't move.  Security sees the commotion and comes over too little too late and she puts her hands up in the air, showing off the keycard in her hand.

"Hey, he was trying to grab me.  I was just defending myself."

The security guards pick the man up off of the floor and drag him off as one of their lieutenants comes over to Raynin, extending his hand out to her.

"Hello Miss Raynin.  Security cameras caught everything.  Don't worry, we'll take care of this guy.  I've got a couple of men who can follow you to protect you if you'd like."

She chuckles and shakes her head slowly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"If you were watching, then you can see that I can protect myself.  I'm just going to the cage and they can direct me to the private game floor."

The lieutenant nods slowly and reaches in his pocket and pulls out his card, handing it to her.

"Well, my name is Jordan, and please, don't hesitate to contact me if you need assistance tonight...  Or, any other night."

He winks at her and she sighs, rolling her eyes and smirks at him.

"Alright, I just might do that."

She takes the card and slips it in her purse, snapping it shut wtih a quick click. She then starts to stroll towards the cage again.

"Everything in the world of wrestling is a gamble.  We put our lives, our bodies, our futures on the line every time we step into the ring.  We strive to make each and every thing that we do as amazing as possible when we step through those ropes.  But then there are those of us who try and go the extra mile.  We push ourselves to those points that most people only dream of being able to obtain.  And we become what most will never have the possibility of even fathoming of becoming.  We become Champions."

She hands the woman in the cage the key card and she nods slowly, swiping it through the computer system before handing it back to Raynin.

"Here you are Miss... Take the VIP Elevator to the second gaming floor.  This keycard will give you access to the private floors.  They'll be waiting for you in the private room."

Raynin thanks the woman and turns on her heel, walking towards the elevators.

"In a few days, I will have another chance at gaining something that I've been working for, fighting for, giving my blood, sweat, and tears for...  At Blaze of Glory, I will be facing Misty, Kittie, and Brooklyn for the Bombshell Championship.  And do you know what?  I'm excited.  My body is tingling at the thought of what will happen once we all step into the ring.  My adrenaline is pumping, and it's not even time yet!  Do you know, when I step into the ring, it's like time slows down, and all that matters is that moment in time when we first lock up.  But this time, it's going to be three times as intense because there are four of us in this matchup."

She gets to the elevator and inserts her keycard into the slot next to the door.  When the door opens and she steps into the car, the doors close on their own and the car seems to almost rocket upward, it's moving so fast.  She holds her hand out a bit to steady herself as she feels the elevator going past many floors at high speed, then slow down and come to a stop.  She puts a hand on her tummy and swallows heavily before she steps out into the game floor.  She slowly walks to the far side of the room and inserts her keycard into a slot next to the door.  As she opens the door and steps inside, she hears a voice speak.

"Welcome Miss Raynin.  Please, put on the gear to your right."

She turns to the right and puts on a set of head gear and some gloves.  As she pulls down her goggles, she's suddenly transported into a virtual reality and the voice speaks again.

"Welcome to our VIP game room.  Tonight's game is Resident Evil.  It's kill or be killed.  We're scoring by time through the levels and kills.  Good luck, and have fun."

Raynin smirks as she's suddenly turned into Alice from Resident Evil.  She reaches to her hip and pulls out a pistol.

"Just like these zombies, I've got each and every one of my opponents in my sights, and I'm prepared to pull the trigger.  Blaze of Glory will be like Thunderdome.  Four women enter... One woman leaves... And I will be that woman.  Prepare yourselves ladies.  The time has come for Raynin to take the reins."

She turns quickly as a zombie comes up behind her and puts a bullet right between it's eyes as the scene fades out.

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Definitions of îINEVITABLE"

1. unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped.

2. certain.

3. necessary.

4. sure to occur, happen, or come.

5. unalterable.

6. Impossible to avoid or prevent.

7. Invariably occurring or appearing.

8. predictable.




Time: February 22, 2012, 11:40 PM...
Place: Las Vegas, Nevada... St. Thomas's Memorial Cemetary.



It's almost midnight when the silver challenger comes pulling up to the stone wall which surrounds the cemetary.  The driver does a u-turn and parks across the street from it, under a streetlight, turning off it's headlights.  She sits there, just waiting before she finally shuts down the engine and steps out of the car, picking up a small duffle bag from the passenger side seat.

She's dressed all in black.  Her skin tight black leather pants and lug bottom boots seem to meld together.  She picks up her black leather bomber jacket and zips it over her black tank top before pulling her long hair back into a pony tail, tying it up with a scrunchie.  She takes a deep breath as she shuts the door of the challenger and leans back against the car door for a moment before looking at her watch.  She then nods  and straightens her jacket.

Raynin looks from left to right and takes a deep breath before she strolls across the quiet street and tosses her bag up and over the top of the wall and scales it quickly  She tosses one leg over the top of the wall, and drops over the other side, taking a moment to look around.  She pulls out her cellphone and starts to look around for her duffle bag.  She finds it after a few moments of searching and slips her phone back into her pocket before she unzips her bag and reaches in to grab her flashlight.  She stands and reaches back in her bag and pulls out a map of the cemetary.  She looks from the map to her surroundings, shining the flashlight around before she starts to walk through the headstones towards the mausoleums in the distance...


At first she's afraid that she's gotten lost, but that's when she sees the lightening of the surrounding darkness, and hears the voices.  She continues towards the voices, and stops as she looks around at a small clearing, in which a square of mausoleums encircle a small courtyard.  She slips through one of the walkways between the mausoleums, and sees that there is a large brazier that's been set up and lit.  The fire in the brazier is burning a bright orange, and she takes a deep breath before she steps further into the light.  In the center of the courtyard, a deep trench has been dug into the earth, surrounding what looks like a stone table.  She looks around and frowns before she finally sees where the voices are coming from.

Standing in front of the stone table are Darknyss, the Mystery Woman, and their friend, Diamond.  They're all dressed in black, and they all turn around to look at her, seemingly at the same time.  The hair on the back of Raynin's neck stands on end at the collective energies that are crackling through the air.  She swallows almost audibly and starts to step forward as Diamond steps forward, extending her and out to Raynin.

"Good...  you made it on time.  If you had been even a minute late, we would have needed to postpone this thing for another month.  The timing is perfect for this.  Did you bring everything that I'd asked you to bring?"

Raynin nods and frowns a bit.

"Why is the timing perfect?  I was gonna do this last week, but just decided to wait..."

Diamond grins and nods slowly.

"Because something told you that it just wasn't time yet, am I right?"

Raynin nods slowly and smirks.

"Yeah... you're right.  It just felt... off."

Diamond pats Raynin on the shoulder and smiles proudly.

"Very good... not alot of people would know that this kind of thing is best done on a night like this. Everyone thinks that the full moon is always the best time for certain things, but something like this... the new moon is always the best.  It allows for a vortex to be formed to keep the powers that are surrounding you from trying to stop what we're going to do."

Raynin pulls off the dufflebag and hands it to Diamond who takes it, then grabs her hand and pulls her towards the stone table.  Diamond sets the dufflebag on the stone table then starts to pull out the implements in Raynin's bag.  She pulls out an athame with an extened raven's claw handle, the tail feather from a raven, a glass jar, a small chunk of stone quartz, a jar containing some black fluid, and another jar containing some black powder, and a piece of paper with an incantation written on it.  She nods slowly over each item and takes a deep breath.  She checks her watch and smiles to Raynin.

"Very good... You've got everything we need.  Now... this is your show.  We're only here for moral support.  You want this, you have to do it."

She holds out a bottle of jack daniels, a container of salt, and a box of matches to Raynin, and nods towards the circular trench that has been dug around the stone table.

"Here you go.  You set the circle."

Raynin nods slowly and walks to the edge of the circle, opens the bottle of jack daniels, and starts to pour the alcohol into the small trench, walking around the circle and mumbling softly to herself.  Once she's made it around the circle, she then follows the same path, dropping the salt in a perfect circle just inside the trench that was dug.  She then steps back and lights a match, taking a deep breath.  She looks back over her shoulder at Darknyss, Diamond and the Mystery woman who all nod slowly at her.  She drops the match into the trench filled with alcohol, and the flame encircles them all slowly.

"By earth, air, fire and water, we consecrate this circle."

she walks over to the stone table and picks up a small stone bowl that Diamond has provided her.  She dumps the black liquid into the bowl, followed by the power.  She starts to chant the incantation that's on the paper as Diamond watches her.

"Asuislte fovelaenta coulrenad bresnsia.  Lareanspas quienante playansante hreantal.  geladnat viarland zezusanantla!"

She picks up the athame and lifts it to the sky.

"With my blood, I invoke thee.  With these words, I invoke thee... protect me from those who wish to do me harm!  Keep me safe from those who wish to use me for their own evil purposes.  Remove this tie that they have on my soul!  Make me my own person once more!!  By Cracatos and Plasteos... I beg of thee!!"

She slides the athame along her palm and winces as it bites into her flesh.  She holds her palm out over the bowl and lets her blood flow into the bowl as she speaks more of the incantation on the paper.

"Bradiosios Vlanabadan Arisonostros JULIAONOS!!!"

She lights another match on a candle and drops it into the bowl, and the contents of the bowl flare up with a flash.  She then picks up the raven's feather and waves the smoke towards her face, breathing deeply.  She straightens up and when her eyes open, they've gone stark white as if her irises have disappeared.  She dips the feather into the bowl and lifts it to her forehead, painting a strange symbol right in the center.  Once the symbol is completed, a huge gust of wind comes from out of nowhere and puts out every ounce of fire in the brazier and the circle.  Raynin seems to be holding her breath through the wind, but then she blinks her eyes again, and they've gone back to normal.  She lifts her hand that she'd cut open and slides her hand down the now whole flesh of her palm, looking for the mark and finding it without a blemish.  She looks over at Diamond and lifts her eyebrows quizically.

"Did I do it right?

Diamond nods and lifts Raynin's hand up, stroking the center of her palm and showing it to be whole.

"Oh yeah... you did it right.  And such power!!  Girl...  Whatever they say is in you...  Everyone should be afraid."

looks down at her hand again as the scene fades out.

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... END OF FEED  ...
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Supercard Archives / Another New Nightmare...
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:57:23 PM »
Event: Blaze of Glory Pay Per View...  

Sunday, February, 26 2012

Venue: Palms Casino and Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada


Opponent: vs Brooklyn Carter vs Misty vs Kittie

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After being defeated twice at the hands of the Bombshell Champion, Kittie, Raynin thought that her chances at the title would be lost.  But she still managed to impress the Powers That Be.  She's been given a second chance at the Pay Per view for the Bombshell Championship title, in a Four Corners Match against Brooklyn Carter, the Former Champion, Misty, and the current Champion, Kittie.  And the fires that are burning in her heart for the victory are BLAZING!!  But with everything that's happened due to Mama Lovelle, will Raynin be able to come out of the match in a 'Blaze of Glory'?  Or will her chances go 'up in smoke'?  Let's find out...

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 ...  ONE MORE SHOT ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

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Definitions of îNIGHTMARE"

1. A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress.

2. An event or experience that is intensely distressing.

3. A demon or spirit once thought to plague sleeping people.

4. a terrifying or deeply distressing dream

5.  an event or condition resembling a terrifying dream

6. a thing that is feared

7. an evil spirit supposed to harass or suffocate sleeping people

8.  phantasmagoria.

9. something (as an experience, situation, or object) having the monstrous character of a nightmare or producing a feeling of anxiety or terror

10. a female demon that afflicts sleeping people




Time:  February 9, 2012, 2:30 AM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Raynin's Apartment...



The night had been...  well, to put it quite frankly, it was disappointing.  She'd let that bitch of a so called champion push her buttons, and get the best of her yet again.  And quite frankly, she was getting tired of it.  Some are putting it down to just being green...  At least that's what Darknyss is saying.  Some are putting it down to the schedule just taking it's toll...  She'd been through some pretty intense matches over the past few months, and didn't come out of them without some new scars, bumps, and bruises...  That there are others out there who have had it just as rough.  Some are putting it down to Kittie just having her number...  HA!!  That was a laugh!!  If they only knew the truth of it...  The deep, dark, twisted and evil truth of what was going on...   Some would wonder how it is that she's even coping, and still putting some show stopping action out in the ring.  Some would wonder why she hadn't ended up in a padded cell with a pretty white jacket that buckled in the back, and eating chocolate pudding with her toes.  Some would wonder how she could get even one minute of sleep...  And truth be told, she hadn't gotten very much.

Her eyes were bloodshot and had huge bags under them from the lack of sleep.  But then, how could she be expected to sleep when she just kept seeing their faces... Hearing their voices whispering in her head every time she closed her eyes...  And she could feel the pull that they have over her...  tugging her in a direction she really didn't know if she'd be able to turn away from...  She was being hunted by a bruja... The priestess of a clan of Santeria worshipers...  One who wanted to use her to wreak any manner of unspeakable evil upon the world.  And she could feel what this woman planted, or drew out of her dancing just behind her eyes. It would peek it's head out every now and then... sometimes at the worst of times...  Just like during the Bombshell Championship match...  Instead of coming out the victor, at the worst time of them all of her hard work was put to shame because of the one lapse in control...  That one spark of what was inside of her takes over, and she literally wakes up to herself being pinned... Much like at Climax Control two weeks earlier.

She'd been doing well... thought she'd had everything under control... and that was when she saw them...  Just standing there in the crowd... The old woman and the tattooed man...  They were laughing and pointing at her...  She could hear their cackling in her head and it distracted her just enough for Kittie to slip in and take her down.  As Kittie was holding her down, she heard the old's woman speak in her head, her voice sounding like gravel to her mind's ears...

'Ya te dije niÒa ... Hasta yo tengo lo mÌo, usted no tendr· un momento de descanso! Usted nunca conocer· la paz! Estamos en todas partes! Veo a todos! Lo sÈ todo! No se nos puede escapar!...  I told you little girl...  Until I have what is mine, you will not have a moment's rest!  You will never know peace!  We are everywhere!  I see all!  I know all!!  You cannot escape us!'

And as the referee counted the one, the two, and the three on her, she knew... if she was ever going to get the win against Kittie, she would have to stop letting them distract her.  She knew that if Kittie could find an opening, she'd use every trick, both clean and dirty that she could to come out with her hands still on that title...  So would Misty.  So she had to stop thinking about things in the normal manner.  She had to come out of this next match at Blaze of Glory as the winner.  There was no other option for her.  She'd been up for the past few nights... ever since she'd had the nightmare... The one that had given her the insight that she'd needed to possibly ending at least the mental interference that Momma Lovelle had been inflicting upon her.  And she'd contacted her Abuela to verify that what she'd found out was real and if it would work.  Abuela was frightened of the possibilities, but she knew other choice... So here she was sitting at her kitchen table with an array of various ominous looking implements, wondering and hoping that this was the right thing to do.

She'd gone to see a friend of Darknyss after the first nightmare...  Someone that Darknyss had said was versed in alot of... alternative religions.  And upon seeing this woman's eyes, she knew that she'd stepped into a world that had come from her deepest nightmares.  She'd extended her hand and felt the power within this woman prickle up her arm and she'd gasped as the woman introduced herself.  And the face that framed those amazing eyes was as breathtaking as the aura that surrounded her.

"Hey.  I'm Morganna.  But everyone calls me Diamond.  It's nice to meet you Raynin."

She was speechless, just staring in her eyes as they dark brown depths crackled with what looked like green lightning.  She almost robotically lowered her hand after shaking the beauty's hand back.  Her grip was firm, but it was the power that emanated from her that made her almost gasp from the initial contact.  Darknyss chuckled as she saw her protege's face after first meeting her long time friend.

"Dang Emme!!  I told you not to zombiefy her until AFTER she won the Title at the Pay Per View."

Hearing the word 'zombiefy' snapped her out of her reverie and she looked around confused.

"Wait… Zombiefy??!!  What the what??!!"

Diamond and Darknyss chuckle and Diamond pats her on the shoulder, guiding her into the hotel room where she was staying.  The place was opulent to say the least… palatial would be a better description.  Diamond had gotten the penthouse suite at the Bellagio, and she'd whistled as she spun around slowly.

"Wow…  How can you afford this place?  What do you do?  Are you still wrestling?"

Diamond looks at Darknyss and chuckles shaking her head.

"Of course I still wrestle… But I didn't spend a cent on this place.  I'm sure you remember what I am and what I can do…  Didn't Darknyss tell you?"

She shrugs shrugs and shakes her head.  Diamond throws her head back and laughs again.

"Well then honey… I think it's time you get a lesson in the supernatural.  I am Diamond… the VooDoo Queen.  I have studied so many different forms of magic that I've surpassed everyone I've ever met in the True Arts."

She snaps her fingers and nods slowly.

"Oh yeah… now I remember…  You have that crystal dust that…"

Diamond picks up a glass jar that's full of dust that looks like it was crushed diamonds and shakes it.

"I have the crystal dust that lets me take control of people's minds.  It's been outlawed in eight different wrestling federations from it's sheer power.  Of course, it's still being perfected…  It only works on certain minds…  Other people, they have violent reactions, such as hives, or seizures… and others, it just gets in their eyes and they can't see…  But if it works as expected, you become my willing slave… or a zombie as Darknyss so elegantly puts it.  Now…  Come and sit.  Tell me about what's going on."

Darknyss walks towards the kitchenette and grabs some sodas and fruit as Diamond takes her hand and leads her to a couch with a low coffee table in front of it.  On the table rests a quartz crystal on a silver chain, a pack of black cards with a dragon on the back, a silver cup, and a small dagger.  She eyes the dagger warily and takes a deep breath before she recounts the story of what happened in the desert.  After she completed her story, Diamond takes a deep breath and sighs softly.

"I've heard of Momma Lovelle…  She's a very dark, very powerful Santeras, or priestess as you put it… They call her Momma because she's so old, she's seen as the mother of that clan.  No one even remembers her true age anymore.  If you've got her after you, then you've got something very important that she wants."

She sighs and shakes her head as she leans back into the couch and runs a hand over her hair.

“Tell me about it.  So far, she’s been playing these mindgames, but it’s cost me the Bombshell title, as well as made me lose against that travesty of a Champion in a tag team match.  And to make matters worse, her tag team partner was… well, lame is an understatement.  I've got this match at the pay per view against Kittie, Misty, and Brooklyn, and the only reason why Brooklyn is even in this match is because… well… I have no idea why.  In this match up, she's nothing but filler.  She's like the ensign on an away mission in Star Trek… you know, the one that always gets vaporized, or flushed out of an airlock, or frozen and broken into a million pieces.  To tell the truth, all she is in this match is eye candy.  She underestimates everyone, and that will be her downfall.  And if I have the chance, I will personally introduce her to the top of the food chain in the Bombshell Division by snapping her neck and tossing her out of the ring."

As she's talking, she's balled up her hands into fists so tightly, that her short nails have pierced the skin of her palms, and blood is dripping down onto her pants.  Diamond is looking her up and down slowly and holds up her hand.

"Whoa!  Talk about an energy spike!  Zatanya… who is this girl?"

Diamond picks up Raynin's hand and slowly pries it open and puts some napkins in her palm to stop the bleeding.  Darknyss sits on the arm of the couch and sighs heavily.

"Well, her Grandmother was once the protege of Momma Lovelle if the story is right."

Diamond whistles softly and stands and goes into the bedroom, and comes back with a first aid kit.  She starts to clean up Raynin's wounds and looks up at her friend.

"This girl has something inside of her that's itching to come out.  And it is powerful as hell.  Whether it's good or bad remains to be seen… but I know if Momma Lovelle got her hands on it, it would be disastrous.  I can feel it.  We can't let that happen.  Tell me something girl… How do you feel when this… stuff happens to you?"

Raynin shrugs and shakes her head.

"I don't know… Strong, confused… out of control sometimes…  It almost feels like it's not me when it happens.  It's been happening since I was a little girl.  My Momma said it was just my bad side trying to come out, but… maybe it was something more.  I just don't know.  I do remember this one time… when I was a kid, I had a nightmare that came true.  My Momma got hurt…  It scared the shit outta me."

She sits there and watches as Diamond continues patching up her hands as she recounts the story...

{  She thinks back to the time when things were so much simpler.  She was seven years old again.  The world still spun on it's axis at the proper tilt, up was still up, and her family was still whole. She didn't have to see the pain of loss in her Grandparents' eyes, and she wouldn't catch her Abuelo sitting in the dark, crying as he held one of her Mother's old dolls. She's back at the time when she still had her innocence, and everything was still right in her world...  A time she sometimes misses bitterly...

They were curled up on the couch, watching a movie... The three of them... Her and her parents, snuggled under an afghan that her mother had crocheted when they'd gotten the new couch. The movie is almost over.  Which one, she doesn't know, but it's something to do with puppets, and she's barely paying it any attention as it drones on in the background. She's getting sleepy, and she rubs her eyes, yawning as she squirms happily, nestled in the warmth of her parent's embrace.

The movie comes to the credits, and her parents lean over and kiss the top of her head one at a time as she yawns again.  She shoves a couple of the last salty, buttery kernels of popcorn in her mouth as her father turns off the television and smiles down at her.

"Alright little Missy...  It's bedtime for you."

She yawns again and rubs her eyes as she pouts.

"Awww!!  But I'm not sleepy!!"

Her parents laugh, and her father raises an eyebrow as he looks down at her.

"Oh really?  Say that again without yawning, and we'll consider giving you an extra half hour.."

She scrunches her nose up as she tries to concentrate, and speaks slowly.

"But...  I'm...  Not... Sleepy... Ye...  Ye.."

She let's out a huge yawn and pouts.


Her parents both start to chuckle, and she crosses her arms petulantly and pouts.

"No fair!!  That was rigged!!"

Her father ruffles her hair and she swats at his hands, still pouting as he chuckles.

"Well, you're the one with a spelling test in Mrs. Noble's class first thin in the morning. And if you don't get hour rest, you won't do well."

She slouches further down in the couch, pouting more.

"Aww man!!!  That's no fair!!  Jenny Thompson's mom lets her stay up!!"

Her father shrugs and taps her nose with his fingertip.

"And what are Jenny Thompson's grades like?  She's at the bottom of your class while you're first.  Now, what do we always say about school?"

She sighs and rolls her eyes, then they all say together...

"El Jefe don't want no dummies, so we study hard and study often."

Her father chuckles and grins as she rolls her eyes again and he starts to tickle her. She tries hard not to laugh, holding her breath till she turns bright red, but finally succumbs to the tickling and dissolves into giggles as she squirms in her father's arms.

"That's right.  But I'll tell you what...  IF...  If you change into your nightclothes and brush your teeth, I might just be able to convince your Momma to tell you a bed time story."

She perks up at the prospect of a story, and she sits up quickly, throwing her arms around her mother's waist.

"Please Momma?!!  I promise, I'll brush my teeth and everything!!"

Her mother chuckles and strokes her hair gently.

"Ok Angelita.  You go and change and get into bed while Papa and I get the kitchen cleaned, and I'll come and tell you a story."

She jumps up and bounces around happily and suddenly full of energy.

"Yay!!!  Story!!  Story!!  Story!!"

She takes off in a dead run up the stairs, and the scene suddenly changes to her standing in the bathroom mirror with her hair in pigtails, and wearing a white sleeveless nightgown with crocheted eyelets around the neck and arms, brushing her teeth vigorously, humming a song to herself.  Her mother comes up the stairs and steps up behind her, playing with the ends of her pigtails grinning.

"Eres tan bella mi Angelita.  You are so beautiful.  So, are those teeth clean?  You know how we like those pearly whites."

She spits and rinses, then leans her head back, showing her mother her teeth which are missing a couple in the front and her mother beams back at her.

"Good… So, which story do you want tonight?"

She runs into her bedroom, giggling and bouncing the whole way towards her bed, chanting over and over again…

"La bruja!!  La bruja!!"

Her mother waves her hands as she pulls over a chair and sits beside her bed.

"Ok, ok… but which La bruja story?"

She puts a finger to her chin thinking, then nods slowly.

"La bruja y la niña valiente."

Her mother nods slowly.

"Very good… and what does that mean?"

She punches her pillow a few times as she settles back under the covers and her mother leans forward to straighten the covers.

"The witch and the brave little girl."

Her mother nods and grins.

"That's right.  So, here we go…  Once upon a time, there was this beautiful little girl who lived in the forest in a cozy little house with a barn and a few cows and chickens with her mother and her father.  That little girl was named ******."

She perks at hearing the little girl's name.

"That's my name too!!"

Her mother grins reaches out to stroke her cheek.

"That's right.  It's your name too.  So, their family was a happy one there in the forest.  Her father was a woodsman, and ******* and her mother would tend their little garden, and keep the cows and chickens well fed so there was milk and eggs all of the time.  There were occasional trips into town for a few other things, but most of what they needed, her parents would send ******* out into the forest to collect.  Berries and nuts, apples and peaches, and some of the most delicious wild strawberries which were the little girl's favorite treats."

She giggles and yawns.

"Mine too!!"

Her mother chuckles and tugs on one of her pigtails.

"That's right… yours too.  One day, her father decided to go with ******* on a berry picking trip into the forest.  He carried his axe with him so he could get some firewood.  They normally would always keep the house within sight so they could always find their way home, but this day, it suddenly got cold, and a thick fog rolled into the forest, and they were soon lost in the woods.  Now, most little girls would be frightened, but not ******* because she was a brave little girl.  She told her father that they should carry on the way that they were going as they should come to a fork in the road soon.  And sure enough they did, but the sign that normally pointed the way back home was gone."

She pulls the covers up to her chin as a flash of lightning suddenly signals a swiftly incoming rain storm with a peal of thunder a few seconds later.

"What happened to the sign Momma?"

"The sign had been cut down.  But ******* wasn't afraid.  She told her father that they just had to choose one way or the other.  One way would dead end at an abandoned house, near which is a patch of some of the most delicious strawberries she'd ever found and the other would go around to the lake and circle back to their own house.  And if they got to the abandoned house, they could pick the strawberries, then just backtrack to the fork in the road and take the other path. Her father hadn't been this way through the forest, so he told her to choose.  So she put her hand over her eyes, and spinned around in a circle with her finger pointing out, and said, 'whichever one I point to is the way we go.' And that's just what they did.  They took the left hand fork and started walking.  And after a few minutes, the fog lifted to show not an abandoned house, but one that's been lit up with a roaring fire.  ******* ran immediately to the strawberry patch that was near the house and started to pick the large sweet fruit.  Her father followed close behind her, but as soon as he stepped in the strawberry patch, vines sprang up from the ground and wrapped themselves around his hands and feet, binding him fast and tightly!"

At just that moment, the lightning flashed and thunder crashed again. She gasped and pulled the covers up over her head.  She'd always hated thunder storms, but for the story, she would brave the scary sounds and flashing lightning. Her mother smiled at her and pulled covers down and tickled her chin.


She shrieks and puts a hand over her heart as she stares up at he mother, then she giggles nervously as her mother tickles her nose with the end of her pigtail and giggles teasingly.

"Hahaha!!  Is it too scary for mi Angelita valiante?"

She shakes her head and settles back down, but kept the covers tight up under her chin.  Her mother pulls down one of her favorite dolls and sits back down in the chair and straightens the dolls clothes.

"Do you want me to continue niña?"

She nods vigorously.

"Si pro favor!  I'm not scared!  I'm brave!  Just like *******."

Her mother nods and places the doll on the bed beside her arm and she snags it and pulls it under the covers.

"Alright then…  So where were we… That's right… the vines had wrapped themselves tightly around her father's body and was pulling him down to the ground.  The vines made a strange trilling sound as they shook while wrapping themselves around her father, and ******* was so frightened, all she could do was stand there for a moment.  Just then, La Bruja steps out on the porch of the old house and cackles triumphantly.  'I knew it wouldn't be long before my sweet treats caught someone!  Now… I'll just come and see what I've caught for dinner!'  Her father whispered at her for her to leave, but ******* wouldn't leave her father's side.  She tried to pry the vines loose, but every time she would go to touch them, they would try to snag her too.  So, do you know what she did?"

She shakes her head and sinks deeper under the covers as another flash of lightning is followed by more thunder.  She whimpers softly, but her mother pretends not to notice.

"******* saw that La Bruja couldn't see very well.  She had these huge thick glasses on her eyes, and even with them, she still squinted.  So ******* did something very brave, and very clever.  She ran around a nearby tree and gathered lots of fallen leaves and piled them up near her father.  She waited for the old witch to come closer and picked up a thin stick.  She held the stick near the vines and they wrapped themselves around the stick.  She placed the stick over her father's arm as the witch reached down to touch him, and La Bruja shrieked in anger.  'Why this one is nothing but skin and bones!!  Not even worth the trouble it took to lay my trap!!'  La Bruja stood up and snapped her fingers, and turned to walk back towards the door and the vines moved, dragging her father towards a small door on the side of the house.  That's when ******* saw her father's axe laying near where he'd fallen.  She grabbed the axe and drug it along after her father.  It was so heavy, she could barely lift it.  But as the door opened, she lifted the axe and brought it down on the vines which screamed like wild animals.  Black ichor dripped from the severed vines as they flopped around on the ground…"

She frowns and scratches her head, looking confused.

"What's ick… ick…"

Her mother chuckles and shakes her head.

"Just call it plant blood.  Anyway… Black… plant blood dripped from the severed vines as they flapped around on the ground.  She was able to chop the vines so that they wouldn't continue to drag her father towards the open door, but they were still wrapped around him tightly.  She saw La Bruja coming towards the door, shrieking at the top of her lungs at hearing the screaming of her vines.  She screamed, 'Bandidos! Ladrones! Deja la cena solo! ¡Aléjate! ¡Aléjate!'  Which meant, 'Bandits!!  Robbers!! Leave my dinner alone!!  Get away!!  Get away!!'  And do you know what ******* did then?"

She shook her head and pulled the covers out from over her head.  Her mother grins and reached out and tickled her side to reassure her.

"Well, that brave and clever little ******* held her foot out, just as La Bruja came out the door.  And BAM!!  La Bruja tripped over her foot and fell to the ground, striking her head on a rock, knocking her out cold.  ******* then grabbed La Bruja and pulled her towards the vines which wrapped themselves around their Mistress and drug her under the ground slowly.  She woke up just as her shoulders were going under the earth and screamed!!  'Ayúdame! Ayúdame!  Help me!  Help me!'  But the vines took her under the earth anyway.  Once she was gone, the strange fog that had blanketed the forest had disappeared along with the fines, and the house was again abandoned.  So do you know what ******* did?"

She shook her head again and sat up as her mother leaned forward to whisper the last of the story.

"Well, that valiante ******* went back to the nearby tree and picked up her basket of strawberries and her father's basket, and they filled them almost to overflowing.  Her father went inside of the house and found a bag of gold coins that La Bruja had been hoarding from the people she'd eaten in the past.  And he took ******* to the nearby town and bought her a new doll for being so brave.  And they lived happily ever after."

She grinned hugely and clapped for the story as her mother pulled the covers up to her chest and tucked her and her dolly in for the night.  Her mother stroked her hair gently as she kissed her forehead.

"And now it's time for our prayers.  Fold your hands, and let's say them together."

She puts her hands together and closes her eyes as she and her mother say together...

"Ahora me acuesto a dormir,
Le pido al Señor que guarde mi alma.
Si muero antes de despertar,
Le pido al Señor que tome mi alma.
Ángeles Este y el Ángeles Oeste,
Norte y el Sur, por favor haga todo lo posible.
Mantenga a salvo, mientras que su búsqueda de sueños,
Cuida de ella mientras ella descansa.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord God my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord God my soul to take.
Angels East and Angels West,
North and South, please do your best.
Keep her safe while her dreams quest,
Watch over her while she rests.

Her mother reaches over and turns out the light and whispers.

"Buenas noches. Good night Angelita.  Sweet dreams."

That was the last she remembered until she heard her mother screaming.  She woke to find herself standing over her mother who was backing away from her, looking at her in horror as she held her hand and arm to her chest which was drenched in blood.  She looked at her hands which were hooked like claws, and her mother's blood stained her fingernails.  She tasted blood on her lips and knew that she'd also bitten her, but she didn't remember why.  She remembered looking into the mirror over her dresser and seeing her face with the bloody trails dripping from her lips and behind her, in the window, the face of a tattooed man who was laughing and she screamed at the top of her lungs as her father runs into the bedroom to see what was happening…  }

And she comes back to Diamond's apartment after she finished telling the tale.

"And that was just one of the incidents where I've forgotten what I'd done, but had hurt someone.  I don't know, it's like something just takes over my body or it works on instinct."

Diamond nods slowly and picks up the crystal by the chain, and slowly circles it around her head and down around her shoulders.  She sighs and puts the crystal down and pickup the deck of cards.

"Shuffle these, and flip over the top card.  I want to see what you come up with."

Raynin shuffles the cards and goes to flip over the first card and that's when she realizes it's a tarot deck. She drops the cards and shakes her head slowly.

"No, I don't want to do this.  I don't want to know what it says…"

The entire deck had fallen to the ground, and out of them all, only the top card flipped over.  It was the death card… but it fell cross ways over the deck.  Diamond reached down and picked it up and cocks her head to the side.

"You may not want to know, but I think the universe is trying to tell you something."

She places the card back on the deck and the trio had changed the subject.  Diamond had given her a ritual to perform, and told her to do it soon, but she'd procrastinated, afraid of what the outcome might be.

Now she had one more chance to prove that she belonged at the top of the pack.  She had another chance to prove she was top dog and gain what she'd been working so hard to get her hands on.  She'd steeled her will and knew that no matter what Kittie and Misty might throw at her, she'd have to do whatever it took to come out on top.  She knew Kittie would underestimate her, and be shocked just like she had been in the past by what she would throw at her.  She knew Misty would be a challenge because she had such a huge chip on her shoulder.  But she also knew that Kittie and Misty were so pissed at each other, that if she could just stay under their radar, she could take down the weakest link in the equation, being Brooklyn Carter.  There was absolutely no reason for that girl to be in a match against the three biggest and brightest stars in the SCW.  She was so completely out of their league, that she looked like a star struck teenaged actor that had been thrust out on a Broadway stage and she'd forgotten her lines.  But Raynin knew that she could do what it took to come out on top and hold that title high over her head as the champion.

She knew that the chip on Kittie's shoulder was one that she could knock off right along with her head.  She knew that all she had to do was push the right buttons, and that title would end up being seated around her waist.  She had the skill, she had the opportunity… All she needed to do was capitalize on it.   Misty was distracted by her entire life outside of the ring.  She was having issues with Spike, the New Extremes were… well, they were just really not going anywhere…  Individually they may be exciting, but together… they were just… non-cohesive is the best way to put it, and Misty was losing her shit slowly but surely.  it was so evident… As long as she could keep her mind on track, and not let anything deter her from her goal, Raynin knew this was her chance to grab hold of the gold and not let it go.

She places everything in a box and tucks it away as she knew that now wasn't the time to do this.  Something just felt off… Something felt not right… She knew she needed to talk to Diamond a bit more before she performed this ritual.  Everything had to be perfect.  She couldn't take the risk of something going wrong and messing up her chances…

She goes into the bedroom and stands with her back to her mirror for a moment, then bends over to slide the box under the bed.  As she's bent over, in the mirror Momma Lovelle and the Tattooed man stand, laughing and pointing at her.  When she straightens up, she looks over her shoulder at the mirror and they are gone.  She shakes her head and turns off the light and climbs into bed.  She sighs and says the prayer she used to say with her mother.

"Ahora me acuesto a dormir,
Le pido al Señor que guarde mi alma.
Si muero antes de despertar,
Le pido al Señor que tome mi alma.
Ángeles Este y el Ángeles Oeste,
Norte y el Sur, por favor haga todo lo posible.
Mantenga a salvo, mientras que su búsqueda de sueños,
Cuida de ella mientras ella descansa.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord God my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord God my soul to take.
Angels East and Angels West,
North and South, please do your best.
Keep her safe while her dreams quest,
Watch over her while she rests.

She turns off the light and settles down to sleep.  As she does, lightning flashes outside of her window and a polaroid picture drifts down from the roof of the building.  It's a picture of Raynin's bedroom, with her bending over her bed.  And behind her, in the mirror are Momma Lovelle and the Tattooed man...

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_______ >>>>> ******* <<<<< _______
... END OF FEED  ...
_______ >>>>> ******* <<<<< _______

Climax Control Archives / Prepariing for Battle in more ways than one...
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:57:10 PM »
Event: Climax Control...  1-15-12

Venue: Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada

Match: Bombshell Championship Match!  Match type: Standard Single's Match

Opponent: Kittie

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She's fought and scratched and clawed and scraped and heaved and pulled herself up through the rankings and finally... After two long, hard months, she's done it!!  The Rebellious One climbed the mountain that is Cookie S'mores and has finally been given her chance at the Bombshell Title against the woman who stopped her at just about every turn in the past, Kittie.  Will Raynin be able to get past all of the weirdness in the desert as she travelled to visit her family for the holiday and keep her mind straight enough to make it through one of her toughest battles to date?  Or will Kittie bury her and leave her to be dumped with the rest of the litter?  Let's find out...

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 ...  MORE THAN BEFORE ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______ 

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Definitions of ”CHAMPION"


1. a person who has defeated all opponents in a competition or series of competitions, so as to hold first place:  

2. anything that takes first place in competition:  

3. an animal that has won a certain number of points in officially recognized shows: 

4. a person who fights for or defends any person or cause: 

5. a fighter or warrior.

6. to act as champion of; defend; support:

7. Obsolete . to defy.

8. a militant advocate or defender <a champion of civil rights>

9. one that does battle for another's rights or honor

10. a winner of first prize or first place in competition; also : one who shows marked superiority  



Time:  January 9, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific Location... Unknown...



The cold from the night before has finally burned off of the city, and the air of the desert is starting to get warm finally.  It's just early enough for there to be a bit of the bite in the air, but late enough that you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.  She's standing in the deep of the desert, looking out over the dunes of the sand.  She's dressed in a pair of black stretch pants, a white crop top, and black nike high tops.  Her hair is pulled back in a tight braid, and the tail of it is hanging down her back.  In one hand, she's got a bottle of water, and in the other, she's got a GPS tracker.  She's been out here enough times to know that you don't do this without keeping the ride in sight, a GPS and a tracking beacon in the car so you can find your way back, or have an alarm that you can activate to try and find your way back to the car by hearing it sound.  Most would think she was nuts for doing what she's doing...  others would think she was innovative.  She just knew she had to do what she had to do to get ready for one of the biggest moments in her career...  Facing Kittie for the Bombshell Championship.

She'd heard it all before...  her Grandfather wanted her to stay in Oaxaca and compete there under a mask.  She'd already bested everyone she thought would be competition in training, and outside of training in Dark matches before shows...  She didn't want to stay where she knew she'd be a big fish in a little pond.  She wanted to go where the action was, and she damn sure found it.  Here in the SCW, she was an above average fish in a rather large ocean.  The quality of the competition is astounding.  But she knew if she kept being diligent, kept her faith, and kept on the path, she'd end up right where she was right now... At the top of the mountain, and ready to knock the current queen down to the depths below where she belonged.  As she's walking through the desert towards the appointed location with her GPS in her hand, she looks back over her shoulder at the car to make sure she'd kept it close enough that it could be seen.  She's thinking to herself as she slowly walks towards the location that's marked on the GPS.

{  Kittie thinks that because she continued to have her friends backing her that she actually accomplished something...  But the truth of the matter is that she used her friends to get her hands on the Championship.  She manipulated Misty and her trust and betrayed the one friend she had in the company...  What kind of Champion is that?  One that would result to dirty tricks and underhanded dealings to get a title... even stealing the Championship and injuring her opponent so that she can make sure that she's got an advantage...   That's not a true Champion...  That's not one who deserves to be a Champion...  That's just someone who knows how to work the system... someone who is willing to do anything and everything to gain something material...  Someone who needs to be cut down and tossed aside like she would do to those who she'd given her word to... Someone whose reign needs to be cut short as quickly and expediently as possible...  Someone like Kittie.

A true Champion is one who can hold their head high with respect because they earned their way up to the top, not because they injured their best friend, stabbed them in the back, gave them a concussion and ran off with a Championship that didn't belong to them because their own deluded brain couldn't tell the difference between reality and fiction.  But soon... very soon a real big reality check will be handed the way of the quote, unquote 'Champion' as she stands face to face with someone who doesn't back down one inch.  Cause I'm not afraid of her.  She may be crazy... But I'm something she never truly can be... and that is a TRUE Champion!!  I am a born and BRED Champion!!  Being a Champion is in my BLOOD!!  It's what I'm MEANT TO DO!!  And unlike Misty... I'm not hurt...  I'm not suffering from a concussion.  I just came out of a match against a chick who towered over me and outweighed me and I still took her to the brink of destruction, and dropped her over the edge as I pinned her for the one, the two, and the three!  And I KNOW that's something that she's truly not ready to stand against... someone who's not afraid of her and who's just as skilled, if not more.  I know that when she looks into my eyes, my determination will filter through whatever levels of insanity which have been wrapped around her brain and it will shake her to her core.  Me being Champion isn't something that I deserve...  It's something that I'm going to EARN!  And I will hold that title the way it should be held... with dignity and respect!!  }

The alarm starts to go off on the GPS as she's deep in thought.  She'd found the right spot, and she looks around to see if she can still see the car in the distance.  She sees the wink of the light reflecting off of the windshield, and she sighs softly as she turns around and looks to see a wrestling ring set up in the middle of the desert.  She looks around slowly, frowning as she tries to find out what's going on.  Just then, she sees a cloud of dust picking up in the distance.  The cloud is coming closer and closer, and she hears music thumping away in the distance.  She finally sees that it's the black SUV that belongs to Darknyss.  She takes a deep breath and shakes her head, chuckling as she watches the SUV come barreling towards her, full speed, then whip around the ring, and circle it, coming to a stop between her and her car.  She chuckles softly to herself as she watches Darknyss and the mystery woman bouncing their heads to the beat of the music in the front seats of the truck.  Darknyss turns off the car and the pair of women hop out of the truck and walk over towards her.  She holds out her hand and Darknyss grabs it and pulls her into a hug, grinning from ear to ear.

"Alright!!  you made it!!  I almost didn't think you'd want to come!!"

Raynin looks aorund and lifts an eyebrow, smirking.

"Thing is, I almost didn't.  What in the world are we doing out here anyway?"

Darknyss shrugs and grins wickedly.

"We're gonna train is what we're doing out here.  My Sensei has always been a firm believer in if you're gonna train, you have to use some type of extreme element to make things exciting, and to up the ante a little bit to make it truly effective.  I mean,  you can do the normal stuff, but if you add a little something extra, it makes you work that much more difficult.  Think of it.. Just how different is it really to spar inside of an air conditioned gym compared to being outside in the desert sun, having it beat down on you , heating you up... the heat exhaustion alone that you'd have to push yourself through will kick your stamina up a serious notch.  But then, there's one more extreme ingredient that you have to look forward to, and that's going to be your opponents."

Raynin smirks confidently and chuckles.

"So, who did you get crazy enough to do this, huh?  Who's the unlucky folks that get to step into the ring against me to get me ready for this sunday?"

Darknyss looks around her and rubs her chin, then grins and winks at her.

"Us.  Two on one handicapped match sparring until you can't take it anymore."

Raynin's eyebrows kick up to the sky and her jaw drops in shock.

"Are you serious?  Wait a minute!!  You have got to be joking!!  You mean that I get to stand in the ring and spar with the two of you?  On a day like this?"

Darknyss nods slowly and she starts to roll her neck and her wrists.

"That's right.  I figured, why go easy on you.  Kittie's sure not about to.  She's gonna push you to a level that you you have yet to fathom and you know that.  She's one crazy chick, and she wants to keep that title in a really bad way, so you have to want it that much more, and you have to not hold back for anything.  So, that means you have to not care about what happens to your body.  That means that you have to not care what happens to your hair.  That means that you have to not try to just pin her, but beat the living daylights out of her because if she can get a shoulder up, or find a way out, she will do anything and everything she can to try to beat you and stop you from getting the win."

Raynin gets a serious look on her face and nods slowly.

"I know that.  If I didn't, I'd just have to ask Misty how her neck is doing to figure that out."

Darknyss pats her on the shoulder and winks at her.

"Don't look so worried.  You've got one secret weapon that she doesn't have."

Raynin looks up at Darknyss and lifts an eyebrow again.

"Oh yeah?  And just what would that be?"

Darknyss grins wickedly.

"Now YOU are the one with friends in your corner, and she's got no one.  But unlike her, we have faith in your abilities.  We know you don't need any outside help to win."

Raynin looks at the mystery woman who is just standing there, her crazy blue eyes shimmering in the desert sunlight as she nods slowly.  Raynin can't help but grin.

"Yeah, that's right.  I've got friends.  And it's about time to rain some pain on this crazy bitch and put her back in the straight jacket where she deserves to be!  Let's do this!!"

Raynin claps her hands together and the trio of friends jump into the ring and start to spar as the heat of the desert shimmers off the sand and the scene fades.

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Time:  January 10, 2012, 2:30 AM...  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Inside of Raynin's Apartment...  Raynin's Bedroom...



The night was uncommonly cold for that time of the year.  Yes, it's the winter time, but even here in the desert, the winter evenings don't usually get this cold.  Not only was it cold, but it was humid...  humid enough to cause one of those freak storms to build over the city that generally will happen during the winter.  The darkness was filled with electricity as lightning flashed and thunder crashed through out the city, waiting for the storm front to finally break and for the thick, dark storm clouds hanging over the city, swollen with rain to let loose the moisture that the thirsty desert craves.  

The lightning flashes again, illuminating the darkness inside of her bedroom, and letting you see her form sleeping fitfully under the covers.  As the thunder crashes and booms, she thrashes in her sleep and flips over, her eyes moving quickly underneath her eyelids.  She moans in her sleep and her body twitches repeatedly as she starts to mumble in her sleep.  It's unintelligible at first, but as she thrashes more, the noises become more and more understandable.

"Mmmm.... Nnnuuhhh...  mmmmmm... ooolllee  woman...  Nnnnn... Mmmmm...  eyes...  evil...  Evil!!..  EVIL!!!"

In her mind, she keeps seeing that face... the skin weathered and creased like old leather, the eyes dark and cold as the blackest of nights, and deep as the depths of the darkest of pits.  She keeps hearing that laughter that's haunted her since Christmas Eve, rolling through her mind, through her dreams.  Flashes of scenes that would send a chill down the spine of the most courageous of men flash across her mind's eye...  scenes that seem straight out of the craziest of horror movies...  blood and gore, blades and steel, and fire... always there's fire and she shivers in her sleep, mumbling still to herself. 

"Mmmm... Uuummm...  Mamma Lovelle...  uunnnhhh... Santaria...  mmm... dark...  uunnnhh... noooo....  nooo...  NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

She screams like a person who is being haunted by the most frightening of demons and sits bolt upright in her bed, swinging her fists and kicking her feet like she's fighting off the Devil himself.  Her hair has come loose slightly from it's braid, and as she flails, her hair flies around until she finally comes back to her senses and she sits there, holding her fists out in the air, breathing heavily.  Her entire body's drenched in a cold sweat and she's still shivering as she sits there with her hands held straight out in fists as she gulps in air like she's coming up from swimming in the depths of the ocean.  She slowly unballs her fists and wipes and hand across her forehead as her eyes adjust to the darkness in the room and she recognizes it as her own bedroom.  She sighs heavily and shakes her head slowly, reaching over to turn on a light before she stands slowly, mumbling to herself.

"Man... I don't know how I expect to be able to get anywhere in a Championship match if I can't get some kind of rest.  I keep having these dreams...  I keep seeing... Her!  And those eyes man... those eyes!!... Freaky and creepy doesn't even come close to it."

She pulls the covers off from her legs and shrieks and tosses the covers aside as for a moment she sees her legs covered in snakes, bugs, and spiders and she freezes to keep herself from kicking.  The momentary flash disappears and she reaches down to feel the sweat drenched sheets where she'd been laying, throwing the covers around to make sure nothing had crawled underneath them as she pulls her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees and laying her forehead on legs, breathes softly, clenching her eyes shut against the visions.

"Come on girl!! Get a grip!!  They're just playin' fucking mind games to try and freak you out so you will give in to what they want!!  You know better than this!!  Abuela told you how to protect yourself against this so let's just get up, and do what we need to do!!"

She hugs her knees close to her chest for a moment, and peeks over the edge of the bed like a little kid looking for the boogie man before she swings her legs over the edge and stands slowly.  She rubs her shoulders and neck gently, as she walks quickly to the kitchen.  As she walks, the scene seems to fade out into a flashback to what happened on Christmas Eve...

{  She remembers as the black SUV pulls up outside of facility and Raynin's Grandparents are standing outside of the building, waiting for her. As soon as she pulls up, Raynin jumps out of the truck and flies into her grandfather's arms, weeping. He holds her close and frowns.

"Rayniña... What's...   chica?"

She looks up in her Grandfather's eyes and whispers...

"Santaria... Mama Lovelle... In the desert..."

Her Grandmother wraps her up in her arms and pulls her towards the gym, rubbing her shoulder gently as she leans in close and speaks to her softly.

"That Mama Lovelle...  She's just no good I tell you!  No good!!  But I don't know why she would come after you...  You don't have anything that she could possibly want."

Raynin looks at her Grandmother, her eyes wide and shining with barely contained tears.

"She said I have a darkness inside of me Abuela.  I don't know what she's talking about!  I'm not a bad person!  I don't want to have anything to do with that stuff!  And the things I've been seeing the past few days!...  It's horrible Abuela!  Just Horrible!!"

Her Grandmother takes her face in her hands and pulls her down and kisses her forehead gently.

"Hush now niña.  Listen to your Abuela!  I will have you do some things to protect yourself.  Now... Tell me what you've been seeing."

Raynin's Grandmother pulls her towards the couch and makes her sit while she walks to a cupboard and pulls out a bottle of tequila and pours a double shot and hands it to her granddaughter.  Raynin downs the double shot like it was water and holds out the glass for a second round.  Her Grandmother lifts her eyebrow at her granddaughter, then pours a second dose.

"You drink like your Grandfather.  Now... talk to me."

Her Grandmother nods slowly and looks up as Raynin's everyone comes in from pulling the luggage from the truck.  Raynin's Grandfather sets down her bags, and sinks into a nearby easy chair.  Raynin sips the second drink and sighs heavily as she goes into her tale.

"Well, we were driving here, they were asleep because they drove most of the way here, so they didn't see what happened.  I was behind the wheel, and we were suddenly surrounded just outside of Puebla by this group of bikers.  It was crazy!!  Their bikes were covered with... with bones and feathers, and carcasses of animals...  And this... guy who was covered in tattoos came riding  up to the window, motioning for me to roll it down... So of COURSE I locked the doors!!  Then... she... she was just there!  Standing in the middle of the road and beckoning to me with a finger!  And I could hear her voice in my head!  I mean, she was talking in both English and Spanish in my head and she said I was gonna come to her so she could claim the darkness inside of me, and the guy was standing outside of the window grinning this toothless grin and laughing so I just hit the gas!  I mean, I plowed straight towards her!!  And she didn't move!  Not one inch!  She just stood there laughing in my head!!  And just as I was about to plow her over, they all just disappeared!!  I was freaked the fuck out!!"

Her Grandmother reaches out and swats her mouth with her hand, making her jump and shriek like she's just had someone jump out to scare her.  Raynin puts a hand to her mouth once she realizes it's hurting, and frowns slightly.  She looks up at her Grandmother who is frowning down at her.

"I don't care how upset you are, you will not use profanity around me chica!"

Raynin hangs her head a bit and takes a deep breath.

"Perdóneme Abuela...  Please forgive me.  I'm just so upset, and it just comes out sometimes."

Her Grandmother reaches out and strokes her shoulder and sighs softly.

"I know you're upset chica, but if you can't keep your cool and remember your manners when you're upset, then you won't be strong enough to handle what might be coming your way.  Finish telling me what happened."

Raynin finishes her drink and takes a deep breath before she continues her story.

"Well, we took rooms in the motel just outside of Puebla because I was way to shaken to finish driving, and they were totally spent.  And I kept seeing their faces!!  Everywhere I went, I saw their faces!!  That old woman, and the toothless man!  And I was seeing stuff...  Weird stuff!...  Crazy stuff!!  Stuff like people being murdered, and having their hearts cut out while they're still beating, and their tongues literally ripped from their mouths with pliers, and having their limbs cut off with a machete...  People being scalped...  I could barely even breathe cause it was freakin' me out so bad!!"

Her Grandmother stands and walks to the kitchen and comes back with a glass bowl and an egg.  She picks up a lit candle from off of the mantle and brings it over to where Raynin is sitting, setting everything down on the coffee table.  She takes a deep breath and smiles softly up at her granddaughter.  She holds the egg over the lit candle for a few moments, then she pushes Raynin down so that she's laying on the couch, and starts to wave the egg in slow circles around Raynin's body, starting at her head and slowly working her way down the body.  As she's moving the egg, she speaks softly.

"I don't know how you will take this, but... I used to be into Santaria myself."

Raynin bounces upright, staring at her Grandmother in shock.

"YOU WHAT??!!"

Her Grandmother puts her hand on Raynin's forehead and pushes her back down on the couch and continues moving the egg in slow circles down her body.  She won't look her Granddaughter in the eye though as she speaks.

"I was young, I was stupid...  And I was in love.  It was before I met El Jefe.  His name was Paco.  He was strong willed and cocky and covered in tattoos.  I can still remember going with him to get the crucifix tattooed on his chest.  And all of that hair...  It wasn't until after I had been dating him for a month that he told me that he was into Santaria, and he took me to see Mama Lovelle.  She took me under her wing, wanting me to become the new Sanatriana...  Priestess if you will.  Paco couldn't have been happier that he would end up being the one to bring in the newest And yes, I always had a thing for the bad boys, so it wasn't just you and your mother who had it bad.  I think it's hereditary."

Raynin frowns as she looks at her Grandmother.

"Crucifix tattoo...  Wait a minute!!  The toothless guy!!  You?!!  Abuela... you really did so much better with Abuelo."

Her Grandfather chuckles and leans forward in his chair a bit.

"Your damned right she did.  That cabrón...  He's nothing but a big concha!  A pussy!!  He's going after you just to get at me for having the cajones to step to your Abuela right and sweep her off her feet!"

Her Grandmother chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"I don't know Jefe...  It wasn't just Paco who came after her though. If Mama Lovelle has taken an interest in her, then there has to be something we're not seeing."

Her Grandmother takes the egg all the way down to her feet, then picks up the glass bowl and sets it on Raynin's stomach and cracks the egg into the bowl.  Everyone gasps as the egg instead of being the normal eggs and whites look like gore in a shell.  It all just looks like blood.  Her Grandmother hisses and crosses herself repeatedly before picking up the bowl and setting it aside, and pulls out a rosary and starts repeatedly saying the Lord's Prayer over Raynin as she swings the rosary in slow circles down her body again.

"Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea su nombre. Tu kindom venir, hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día, perdona nuestras ofensas como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. Y no nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino y el poder y la gloria por los siglos de los siglos, amén.  Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be they name.  Thy kindom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory forever and ever, Amen."

She lifts Raynin's shirt, exposing her belly and places the cold metal of the rosary across her flesh.  Raynin immediately yelps and jumps to her feet, knocking the rosary off of her and down to the ground.  

"AAHH SHEEEE- uuhhh... OOOT Abuela!  That hurt!!  Did you have that thing over the candle flame or something?"

Raynin's Grandmother frowns and lifts her shirt to expose the flesh of Raynin's stomach just above her belly button reddened with the mark of a cross.  Raynin looks down at the mark in shock.

"What the flip??!!"

Raynin's Grandmother gasps.  As she takes a sharp intake of breath, the mark suddenly goes away.  Raynin reaches down, feeling her stomach and looks concerned at her Grandmother.

"Abuela... I'm scared!  What is going on?"

Raynin's Grandmother sighs softly and pushes her back onto the couch.  She goes and gets another egg and another glass bowl and passes the egg over the candle a few times before she starts to slowly circle it over Raynin's body.

"She's made some sort of connection with you.  I can't tell what it is, but it's not good.  She's trying to draw something out of you.  Whatever it is, you must NOT let her have it!  Everything in my being is screaming for you to keep it inside.  Once I'm done with this, I will anoint the house so she can't get in."

Raynin bolts up again looking around confused.

"What do you mean so she can't get in?"

Raynin's Grandmother puts a hand on her forehead and pushes her back to lay down on the couch once more and continues passing the egg in circles down her body.

"I mean mentally... You know El Jefe keeps this place locked down tighter than a fortress.  There's no way she could get in for real.  Now just sit back and let me finish what I'm doing."

Her Grandmother gets down to her feet and places the glass bowl on Raynin's stomach.  She closes her eyes and whispers a small prayer.

"Santa María, Madre de Dios, por favor, deje este trabajo ...  Holy Mary, Mother of God, please let this work...  In your son's name I beg you!  Please help me save my Granddaughter!"

She cracks the egg this time, and it looks like a normal egg and she sighs.  She sits back on her heels and crosses herself over and over again.

"Madre de Dios, gracias! Gracias por lo mucho!  Oh thank you!!  Thank you so very much!!"

She helps Raynin sit up and she gathers up the things she's used and walks into the kitchen, and we hear things being moved around and water running.  Raynin's Grandfather looks over at her and shakes his head slowly.

"What a time for this to be happening, eh Rayniña?  Just when you're on the brink of becoming number one contender... this happens.  You have to keep your focus!  Don't let this... this demencia... this insanity stop you from achieving your goal!  I want to see gold around your waist and soon!!"

Raynin nods slowly and runs her fingers along her ears, tucking some loose strands of hair behind them as she nods.

"Si Abuelo... I won't lose my focus.  My number one priority is getting the Bombshell Championship in my hands.  I won't let anyone or anything stop me!"

Her Grandmother comes back into the room carrying a small packet that's wrapped up in brown paper and tied in string.  She places it in Raynin's lap and hands her a piece of paper.

"Here's what you need, and here's the instructions.  If you feel anything coming for you, or you start to see things, or dream things you know you shouldn't, you open this and do what I've written down to the letter."

Raynin looks down at the paper and frowns slightly, nodding slowly.

"Si Abuela."

Her Grandmother takes her cheeks in her hands and lifts her face up to look her in the eyes.

"I mean it chica!!  Esto es muy importante!!  This is very, VERY important that you do this to the letter!!  If not... the consequences... You don't even want to think about the consequences!!"

Raynin takes her Grandmother's hand in hers and pats it gently.

"Prometo Abuela... I promise... I'll do it....  I'll do it.... I'll do it..." }

The scene fades back to the present with the sound of Raynin saying those words over and over again.  And when the scene comes back, Raynin is standing in the kitchen with a glass of water, whispering over and over to herself.  

"I'll do it... I'll do it... I'll do it..."

She takes a deep breath and opens the packet that her Grandmother had made for her and reads the instructions, sighing softly to herself as she nods slowly.

"I promised, so I have to do it..."

She pulls out a glass jar from the packet and fills it with a mixture of water and vodka and dumps a packet of herbs from her Grandmother's package into the jar.  she then pulls an egg out of the fridge and slips it gently into the jar and seals it half way.  She walks back into the bedroom and slowly lowers herself to her knees and is whispering a prayer to herself as she leans over to look under the bed, and she jumps and shrieks as she sees the face of the toothless man, screaming at her, his tattooed hands reaching for her.  She almost spills the jar in her hands, but she manages not to spill a drop as she closes her eyes and keeps praying to herself.  She pulls out a small silver crucifix from between her breasts and drops it in the jar and slides it underneath the now vacant space beneath her bed.  She almost runs back to the kitchen, trembling as she pours another packet of herbs in the glass of water and lights a candle.  She passes the glass around the candle a few times, and she makes a face as it turns from a greyish clear color to a color that looks like mud in the manner of three seconds.  She grimaces as she smells it, but she whispers softly to herself.

"Please God!  Let this work!!  I have to be able to sleep!!"

She pinches her nose and drinks the whole glass down, the mess making a horrid sound going down, and she almost gags as she gets about half way through, but she does it.  As she's drinking, she can almost hear the voice of Mama Lovelle screaming at her not to do it, and the voice starts to fade further and further in the distance.  Once she's done, she wipes her mouth and shakes her head as she goes back to read the instructions.  She makes a face and reads the instructions and her eyes go wide as she reads the last line...

"Después de beber, correr hacia el baño, ya que todos debemos llegar...  After drinking, run for the bathroom because it all must come up?  Wait a minute... What do you mean..."

She makes a face as her stomach makes a sound almost like a man screaming and she runs for the bathroom where she barely makes it to the toilet, and what comes out and fills the toilet almost to the brink can't be shown on public television.  Afterward, we see Raynin wiping the few stray black marks from her face and she looks down at the toilet that is still coated with an oily black film, even after having been flushed a few times.  She holds her stomach and shakes her head slowly.

"After all of this, going up against Kittie will be a piece of cake."

She spits one last time into the toilet and flushes as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / In the desert...
« on: January 07, 2012, 12:00:13 AM »

Event: Climax Control...  1-8-12

Venue: Aztec Aquaplex in San Diego, California

Match: Standard Single's Match

Opponent: Cookie S'Mores

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Christmas time is here!!  And The Rebellions One has allowed her new friend and Mentor, Darknyss to take her home for the holidays.  Raynin is excited about being able to see her family.  She's still recuperating from an amazing match against Minerva Soto, and she knows that a little bit of her Abuela's home cooking should be just what the doctor ordered to make her feel better.  Will she be healed enough to not let her previous injuries affect her chances when she goes up against the Sin City Wrestling's newest Bombshell, Cookie S'mores?  Will Raynin's be well done enough to come out with a victory.  Or will Cookie S'mores eat up the competition and leave nothing but crumbs?  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”OVERCOME"


1. to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer;defeat: to overcome the enemy.

2. to prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc.);surmount: to overcome one's weaknesses.

3. to overpower or overwhelm in body or mind, as does liquor,a drug, exertion, or emotion:

4. Archaic . to overspread or overrun.

5. To defeat another in competition or conflict

6. conquer

7. To prevail over

8.To Surmount opposition

9. To be victorious

10 To overpower, as with emotion, and affect deeply



Time:  December 23, 2011...  11:30 PM

Place:  En Route to Oaxaca, Mexico...



The road is dark once more, and this stretch of road is dark.  There's no street lights, no nothing... Only the asphalt stretching along in front of them with the open desert on either side, wrapped in darkness.  If anything were to happen, no one would know that anything had happened for days, if not years.  And the road just keeps stretching on and on into the night.  Playing softly in the background are spanish holiday songs.

Darknyss is in the passenger's side of the SUV, curled up, resting after having driven most of the way on their route.  She's got her black suede jacket with the sheepskin lining wraped around her body, facing her.  She mumbles a bit to herself as she sleeps.  She adjusts herself a bit and sighs softly as she pulls the jacket up closer around her shoulders.  In the back seat, the mystery woman is curled up, a black mask wrapped around her face, and the motorcycle helmet resting in her lap.  Her black leather trench coat is draped over her lower body and she's got her cheek resting in her hand as she dozes.  

Behind the wheel, Raynin is driving, keeping her eyes on the road as she deftly moves the truck over the road.  She's humming softly to the songs that are playing, and sings softly to herself as she wipes her eyes before she reaches down and picks up a can of pepsi and finishes it.  She shakes her head slowly and sniffles, rubbing her nose a bit before she yawns, stretching first one arm over her head, then the other as she keeps her free hand on the wheel.  She looks over at Darknyss who is resting beside her, then into the mirror at the woman sitting behind her and sighs softly.

"It's been so very long since I've allowed myself to trust anyone...  To let myself open up and accept anyone into my life, even just as a friend.  It's so difficult for me to trust because everyone I trust leaves me in the end.  Either they leave me because they get another job somewhere, or their family has to leave, or...  Or..."

She flashes back to the picture of herself with Jason and Justin, and she shakes her head, trying to stop herself from picturing the last time she saw them, placed in their coffins before their burial.  She sighs softly again.

"I just haven't been able to make myself take a chance.  I've kept myself closed off... distant...  I've stopped myself from opening up because I just couldn't risk it.  I couldn't let anyoen else get hurt due to getting close to me.  But these women..."

She looks at the two women again and she shakes her head slowly.

"They're so strong... They've always got each other's backs...  They're not family by blood, but they're family in relationship...  They're like sisters.  I've heard their back stories...  I've been fans of these two women for years now.  And for them to want to mentor me...  I mean... wow...  It's been like a dream come true!!"

She smiles slightly and turns back to keep her eyes on the road.

"Hell, just having the chance to step through those curtains and walk down the ramp and climb into the Sin City Wrestling's ring has me like floating no cloud nine every night!  Sometimes I pinch myself just to make sure that it's really true.  But then, with every match getting more and more intense, extreme and bloody, I think I can tell that it's really real and that it's really happening.  Hell, these stitches DEFINITELY prove to me that it's real.  But these matches I've been in...  The experiences I've had, the experiences I WILL have...  At one point in time, it was all just dreams for me.  And for them to have come to be in the way that they have... words simply can't describe it.  And for me to be so close to having another dream of mine come true...  To have the chance to get my hands on the Bombshell Championship coming closer and closer...  I swear, every time I step into the ring now, I feel like I'm flying."

She reaches behind the passenger seat and grabs another pepsi and pops the top on it, taking a sip.  She placs the can in one of the cup holders and starts to tap her fingers on the steering wheel as she keeps her eyes on the road.

"No matter how many times I step into the ring, it's like the first time I stepped on stage.  I feel the adrenaline go pumping through my veins, and it's like my blood is on fire!  I can feel the heartbeats of each and every one of the people in the crowd, and it makes mine race right along with theirs.  And while most of us that actually get to experience this feeling say something similar, it's different for me.  When I'm not in the ring, it's like I'm just going through the motions.  When I'm not standing face to face against an opponent, it's like I'm only half of a person.  But once I'm standing in the ring, it's like I'm completed.  It's like those missing pieces of myself are found, and I'm put back together again."

She rolls her neck around and sighs softly as she looks around at the non-existent scenery.  She yawns again and rubs her eyes with one hand, sniffling a bit.

"Cookie S'mores says that she feels like the wrestling industry is full of barbie wannabes.  That if you don't fit in that mold, that you're cast aside to be banished into the wasteland of forgetfulness.  And to tell the truth, she's right.  Though, it would help if she actually remembered the names of the people she's talking about...  The chick's name was Mickey James hon... not Mickie Jones.  But that's besides the point.  Folks in the main stream of the industry for a long time have frowned upon those who didn't fit in that one little mold.  But I've always looked up to those who just didn't fit in that teeny, tiny little mold.  Girls like Big Bad Momma from GLOW, and Big Fiji....  Both of which sported weights of over three hundred pounds, and both of whom had multiple championship reigns.  I looked up to Miss Jacqueline who was one of the first women ever to hold a man's title after she defeated a guy to hold Smokey Mountain Wrestling's Cruiserweight Championship, when she was wrestling under the name of Miss Texas.  I looked up to women like Delta Lotta Pain from POWW who didn't want to conform, and instead of bouncing around the ring in stretch pants and tank tops, proudly wore a jump suit, and sported a so called portly body of one hundred and sixty-five pounds of muscle."

She looks over at Darknyss and nods toward her with her chin.

"And then of course there's these two women in this truck right beside me.  Darknyss has been breaking barriers for years now, standing at six feet two inches, and weighing between two hundred and twenty five and two hundred and forty five pounds, depending on how much she's decided to lift at any one point in time.  And the beauty sitting behind me has been dominating the wrestling scene for just as long.  These two have been running roughshod over men and women alike for close to a decade.  They've been whoopin' ass and takin' names for so long, and doing everything that you've been dreaming of doing and then some.  And just knowing that they want to take me along for the ride that they call their lives... and teach me what they know...  and help me to achieve my dreams."

She takes another sip of her soda and yawns again as she keeps driving.

"You know, instead of looking at all of the negativity out there, why don't you focus on the positive.  Yeah, I'm over one hundred and thirty pounds.  But then, I've got more muscle than my svelte looking body lets you believe.  I'm one hundred and forty five pounds of wild latin fury.  Yeah, you've got me by a few inches of height, and about ninety five pounds...  And yes, I'm sure you've probably watched some of the matches that I've had over the past couple of months.  But even what I've done over the past few weeks is just scratching the surface.  I've got skills which have yet been untapped."

She takes another sip of her drink and smirks as she keeps driving.

"I have to admit, I'm actually kind of excited about Christmas time this year.  Normally, I'm knee deep in depression by this time of the year.  But these two have given me something to look forward to.  I'm headed back home to Oaxaca and mi Abuelo and Abuela.  Who knows... I may just end up getting down right festive."

As she's driving, a light appears in the distance.  The light becomes two lights, then four, then more and they're coming towards them over a rise in the road.  She keeps driving, and she sees that the lights are coming from a pack of motorcycles that are approaching from the distance.  The lights spread across the highway and she notices that there's no way for her to get around them.  She slows down as the motorcycles approach, and comes to a stop as they start to form a circle around the SUV.  Their motorcycles are decorated with bones and feathers and crucifixes.  She looks around at the people who are surrounding her and she frowns as one of the bikes pulls up next to her car door.  The man on the bike is covered in tattoos, and he has a huge crucifix tattooed in the center of his chest, and he has earrings covered in feathers and what looks like chicken bones dangling from his ears.  She knows what kind of people these folks are and she is literally trembling.  She lets a single word whisper from her lips...


He knocks on the window and motions for her to roll down the window.  She shakes her head slowly and locks the door.  The man on the bike throws his head back and starts to laugh.  He points towards where the road continues on, and there standing on the rise is an old woman.  She's almost fifty yards from where Raynin is sitting in the truck, but it's like she can hear the voice of the old woman in her head.

{  No se niña asustada. No estamos aquí para hacerte daño, pero que le ayude. Sabemos lo que has pasado. Sabemos lo que ha estado escondido dentro de tu alma. Es una oscuridad muy fuerte dentro de ti. Ha llegado el momento para que usted disfrute de todo lo que usted debe chica. Tiene que dejarlo ir para que usted pueda obtener lo que desea, y podemos ganar lo que se libera. Es como el pan y la mantequilla chica. Ahora ... Ven a mamá Lovelle para que puedan conocer la paz.  (Don't be afraid girl.  We're not here to hurt you, but to help you.  We know what you've been through.  We know what you've been hiding inside of your soul.  It's some very powerful darkness within you.  It's time for you to experience everything that you must chica.  You must let it go so that you may gain what you want, and we may gain what you release.  It's like our bread and butter chica.  Now... Come to Momma Lovelle so that you may know peace.)  }

Raynin shakes her head and she starts to rev the engine of the SUV.

"No thank you lady!  Mi Abuela didn't raise me to be a fool!!"

She guns the engine and starts to drive through the ring of motorcycles, straight towards the old woman.  When she gets to about ten feet from the old woman, she hears her voice laughing in her head again.

{  Es posible que no me cree, pero pronto, que será visitado por tres espíritus. Y lo que está dentro de ustedes será mío! Hahahahaha!  (You may not believe me now, but soon, you will be visited by three spirits.  And that which is within you shall be mine!!  Hahahahaha!!)

The old woman suddenly disappears, along with the rest of the motorcycles that are on the road suddenly vanish in a bright white flash of light and Raynin is again alone on the highway.  She pulls over to the side of the road and sits there, trembling for a bit.  Darknyss suddenly sits up with a gasp, and Raynin shrieks in fear, looking at her in shock.  Darknyss rubs her eyes and stretches, then points off inot the distance.

"Hey, that looks like a motel up ahead.  Maybe we should stop for the night.  I think we're all beat."

Raynin is still trembling as she nods slowly.

"Yeah... Yeah, maybe you're right.  A good night's sleep should do us all some good.  We can get to my Grandparent's house in the afternoon."

Raynin's still trembling as she drives off towards the motel in the distance.

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Time:  December 24, 2011, 12:30 PM...  

Place:  Oaxaca, Mexico...  Outside of El Jefe's Gym...



The black SUV pulls up outside of facility and Raynin's Grandparents are standing outside of the building, waiting for her.  As soon as she pulls up, Raynin jumps out of the truck and flies into her grandfather's arms, weeping.  He holds her close and frowns.

"Rayniña...  What's chica?"

She looks up in her Grandfather's eyes and whispers...

"Santaria...  Mama Lovelle...  In the desert..."

Her Grandmother wraps her up in her arms and pulls her towards the gym as the scene fades.

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Time:  November 7, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific Location... Unknown...



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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Run for the border..
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:59:38 PM »
Event: Climax Control...  1-8-12

Venue: Aztec Aquaplex in San Diego, California

Match: Standard Single's Match

Opponent: Cookie S'Mores

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December 2 Dismember was an epic and bloody battle between Minerva Soto and the Rebel with a Cause, Raynin!  The two women will be picking glass out of their special places for quite  a long time after that match.  But Raynin was able to come out of it the victor.  Now that she's been sewn up, bandaged up, and is on the mend, she's ready to prepare mentally and physically to step into the ring against the one of the new editions to the Bombshell Roster, Cookie S'mores.  And while it's listed as a Standard matchup, it's going to be truly HardCore for Raynin as she faces the mountain that is Cookie. To begin with, Raynin is going home to Oaxaca, Mexico to visit her family for the Holidays.  Will Santa see what a very good girl she's been this  year and hand Raynin the win in her match up at Climax Control?  Will she be able to show her opponent how the cookie truly crumbles, or will Raynin end up getting dunked?  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”HOME"


1 a : one's place of residence
   b: domicile
   c : house

2 : the social unit formed by a family living together

3 a : a familiar or usual setting
   b : congenial environment;
    c : the focus of one's domestic attention
   d : habitat

4 a : a place of origin
   b : one's own country
   c : headquarters

5: an establishment providing residence and care for people with special needs

6: the objective in various games; especially : home plate
    — at home
     c: relaxed and comfortable : at ease

    b: in harmony with the surroundings

    a: on familiar ground : knowledgeable

7: a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.

8: the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.

9: an institution for the homeless, sick, etc.

10: the dwelling place or retreat of an animal.

11: the place or region where something is native or most common.



Time:  Decmber 23, 2011, 12:30 PM...  

Place:  Laredo, Texas...  On the I-35 South Highway...  Just before the Mexico Border...



She was drifting off in space, the warm arms of sleep holding her tightly as she lay there breathing softly.  The dream was wrapped around her like a familiar blanket.  She's a kid again, around seven years old, pigtails with ribbons in her hair, dressed in her footed pajamas decorated with winnie the pooh, curled up on the couch, with her mother on one side of her, and her father on the other.  Though in this dream, instead of seeing herself as a kid, it's herself as she is today.  Everything seems giant to her because she was so small when she was seven.  Her feet are dangling off the edge of the couch as she leans back against her father's chest and she starts to swing her feet happily as she holds the humongous bowl of popcorn in her arms.  Her mother's arm is behind her back and her mother's hand is resting on her father's thigh as he slides his arm around her mother's shoulders to hold his two girls close. Her feet stop swinging and she sighs softly as her mother lays her head on the top of her head and kisses it gently.  She's surrounded in the glow of their love and protection, and she's happy as they watch some movie that she can't even remember.  All that matters to her is the feeling of being wrapped in their arms and being content.  Behind them, a Christmas tree twinkles in the window, lightening the dark of the night outside.

They see her as the little girl she once was... young and innocent... before the hardships of the adult world can change her into the woman she's become.  But because she's really an adult, she can't remain in this idyllic world.  She looks up at the faces of her parents, her eyes looking old and strange with her face framed by her pigtails.  She pulls her feet up under herself and sits cross legged, resting the bowl of popcorn in her lap as she watches her mother and father, smiling down at her, then looking up at each other and kissing.  She takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Mom... Dad... I miss you both so much."

Her parents don't seem to hear her, and start to laugh and point at the television as they take turns reaching into the bowl for kernels of popcorn.  She slips her fingers into the bowl and starts to toy with a few of the warm, buttery kernels.  She looks back up at her parents again and bites her bottom lip before she speaks.

"I think you'd be proud of me.  I'm one of the top contenders in the Sin City Wrestling.  Abuelo and Tia Angel trained me well.  I'm told I'm like a hellcat in the ring.  I've bested women who think that theyr'e just the best that the world has to offer.  They think they're God's gift to wrestling, and I showed them that they needed to be in the return's bins.  I made them feel like that ugly sweater that just keeps turning up around Christmas time that Aunt Felicia gave Daddy, and he wears when his family comes to visit for the holidays.  I'm putting them back on the shelf by the time I'm done with them. Angelica hasn't been seen since our match.  I guess she needed time to recuperate.  And soon, very soon, I will get the chance to go up against the Bombshell Champion herself.  I'm gonna show kitty that all she is really is a pussy that needs some valium and a straight jacket.  I don't care how crazy she thinks she is...  I'll show her what it means to be crazy like a fox.  Hell, I've dealt with crazy before.  It's all just another state of being.  Besides, I don't think she's really crazy... Maybe just a little blessed and touched in the head, but not crazy.  She wasn't so crazy as to give up that Bombshell Championship without a fight.  And it worked to her advantage too.  That's not being crazy...  I think what she did was smart as hell.  But then, maybe not as smart she thought, because now she has to face me instead of Misty.  Misty should be thankful that Kittie beat her.  Because if I'd have had to face her instead, I'd have to apologize to her little girl for what I'd done to her mother.  Now I'll just have to apologize for what I'm going to do to her Aunt.  And trust me, with all of the bullshit she's been saying about me lately, I'm going to enjoy taking that title belt from Kittie.  But then, I did warn the both of them.  They thought that their friendship was gonna stand the test of time, but in the end, their greed for the Bombshell Championship got the best of them.  And this happy little happenstance has left them wide open for me to come in an take what is most coveted by every Bombshell in this company.  That Bombshell title will soon be mine."

Her mother picks up a handful of popcorn and throws it over her head at her father.  She reaches up and picks stray kernels of popcorn from her hair.  She slips the few little kernels in her mouth and chews carefully as turns her attention back to the television screen.  It's all a blur really.  All you can make out is that it's a cartoon.  She feels her her mother's hands smoothing her hair as she snuggles closer against her and her father's sides.

"Before I get my shot at Kitty and the Bombshell title though, I've got another match at Climax Control.  The way I impressed the bosses...  They just want me to keep giving them amazing matches.  So they've pitted me in another match.  Can you believe it?  It's against some new girl named Cookie S'mores.  Though, calling her a girl isn't really an accurate description.  She's more of an... over-abundance of flesh in a dress.  She's a bear of a woman... and not in a good way.  She's going to be a big mountain I'll have to get over, but you know me...  I don't back down from a challenge.  I don't care what I have to do to get a win over her.  I've taken all of the losses that I'm going to.  So what she's two hundred and forty five pounds.  I don't care.  I've faced bigger and badder folks than her in Baghdad.  Hell, she may have me by a few inches, but at least she's not come crazed insurgent weilding a pipe or an AK-47.  So what she's got me by about a hundred pounds.  That doesn't mean she's flippin' invincible.  She's a human, just like me, and that mean she's got a weakness.  I'll just have to find out what that is.  And I'll find it.  You better believe I will."

Her father leans over and kisses her forehead, and she closes her eyes as a tear slips down her cheek.  She grabs hold to his large hand and pulls his arm around her waist and as she sinks back into his arms, wiggling to try and get closer to them both.  She looks up again and her father is using his other arm to sweep her mother's hair from her cheek.  She hears them talking, but with it being a memory, it seems like it's a whisper, or like the adults from the Snoopy Cartoons when they go, 'wha wah wha wah wah, wha wah wah...' and only a few lines can be heard clearly, but soft.

"Te amo mi belinda niña.  I love you my beautiful baby girl."

She curls up in the arms of her parents and lets the tears spill down her cheeks as she lets the movie watch her instead of her watching it.  Her parents will randomly laugh and feed her salty, buttery kernels of popcorn and she doesn't want this memory to end.  But all too soon, she can feel herself slipping away from that moment.  She clutches to her parent's arms, not wanting them to go.  The tears are flowing freely now, and her cheeks are drenched.

"No!!  Momma!!  Papa!  Don't leave me!!  NO!!!  Not again!  Please, don't go!!"

But the moment is fading, and her parents are going right along with the memory.  The sight of them starts to go fuzzy and faded, and she's left sitting on an empty couch wearing her winnie the pooh footed pajamas, her hair in pigtails hanging around her face.  She wipes her eyes and whimpers as the memory floods her with emotion, her bottom lip trembling.  She calls out into the emptiness.

"Momma!!  Papa!!  Come back!!  I don't want to be alone anymore!!  Come back!!   Please, come back!!"

The couch disappears, and she's left standing there in a fog of her memory.  She drops down to the ground, wiping her eyes and wrapping her arms around herself as she starts to sob.

"I don't want to be alone!  Don't leave me!!"

She's suddenly jarred out of the memory with the words on her lips as she shouts.


She suddenly bolts upright, and her chest hits the seatbelt with a hard jerk.  She hits it so hard, she gasps and puts a hand to her chest.  She then looks down at herself, and looks around at her surroundings, looking confused until she realizes she's in the front seat of an SUV.  Her eyes catch the sight of her face and she grimaces.  She's got  a large bandage on her forehead, and one going down her cheek from having it raked against broken glass.  She knew that beneath the bandages, stitches decorate her flesh.  She was just happy that the doctor Darknyss had referred her too was also a plastic surgeon, and he assured her that the stitches would come out without leaving even the slightest of scars.  The bandages on her back, sides, legs, and behind covered even more stitches, and she didn't care if they scarred there.... She wore scars on her body proudly as a warrior...  But her face... Her face was the last bastion of a legacy from her mother.  Her face was the one thing she could look at and remember every aspect of her mother as she looked almost exactly like her.  She can handle a scar anyplace else but there.  She's actually curled up on the front seat of the car, looking almost small and childlike as she's wrapped up in her clothing.  She stretches again and winces as one of her stitches pulls slightly on her back.  She falls back against the seat of the truck, and puts a hand over her eyes, shielding it from the light streaming through the windows.  She's got a warm, sheepskin lined, red and black flannel jacket on with a matching pair of earmuffs sitting in her lap.  Her dark blue jeans look well worn, and the soft suede leather mid-calf boots have a cuff and silver and jade accents going down the sides look warm as well as comfortable.  She wipes the side of her cheek, feeling the pattern from her jacket imprinted in her flesh.  She looks around, trying to shake the cobwebs out of her mind, and yawns, still squinting through one eye as she looks over at the person behind the wheel and sees Darknyss staring back at her out the corner of her eye as she tries to keep an eye on the road.  Darknyss smiles at her slightly and nods slowly at her.

"Good afternoon sleepy head."

Raynin sits up more slowly and stretches, listening to the sound of her joints creaking and cracking as they readjust themselves with the effort.  She looks out the window and frowns at the sight of nothing but sand going past the car as they roll along.  She looks back at Darknyss and looks into the back of the truck, seeing nothing and her frown deepens.

"Where are we? What time is it?"

Darknyss taps the GPS and squints slightly against the light as she tries to see the screen.

"It's about twelve forty-five in the afternoon.  It's December the twenty-third. We're about twenty miles outside of Laredo, Texas  We should hit it in about an hour if this traffic holds."

Raynin sits up quickly again, hitting the seatbelt like a bullet, her eyebrows so high, it looks like they're reaching for the heavens, and her jaw is dropped and dragging on the ground.

"What the hell?"

Darknyss reaches down on the floor behind Raynin's seat and pulls out a lunchbag, placing it on Raynin's lap.  Raynin starts to open the bag, digging into it and pulling out chips and a sandwich and a banana while she's looking at Darknyss.

"Laredo, Texas??!!  What the hell are we doing in fuckin' Laredo, Texas?  We were supposed to be heading back to Vegas, not flippin' Laredo!!  And what do you mean it's the twenty-third?  When we left California, it was the twenty-first!"

Raynin starts to peel the banana and opens her mouth wide to take a bite, but stops as it starts to tug on her stitches.  She winces and instead starts to nibble on it, chewing slowly and gently so she doesn't cause more damage to the scars on her face.  Darknyss reaches up with a hand and sweeps a few stray strands of her hair back behind her ears as she bobs her head slowly to the music.  She smiles over at Raynin, and shrugs curiously.

"You should try the sandwich.  It's honey and brown sugar glazed ham with swiss.  Home made ham at that... none of that processed bullshit.  Nice and thick cut with a crunchy crust.  The bread is home made honey wheat too, and it's fresh made today.  You'll love it."

Raynin shrugs and nods slowly, setting aside the banana to unwrap the sandwich slowly.  She sniffs it and her mouth actually starts to water at the smell of the sweet and salty meat.  the sandwich is massive, and she actually moans at the taste of it as she picks off a piece of the meat and nibbles at it.  It's covered in lettuce and thick slices of tomato, the bread a soft honey wheat and covered in mayo with thick slices of swiss cheese.  As she's checking out what's on the sandwich, Darknyss keeps her eyes on the road, and keeps glancing over at her every now and then.

"I'm just wondering what happened is all.  I've basically lost a day and a half, and I don't know how in the hell I ended up here.  And I'm starvin' like marvin!  And I'm thirsty as hell!  Didn't you wake me up to eat or drink anything at least?"

Darknyss reaches back behind Raynin's seat an pulls out a bottle of apple juice and sets it in her friend's lap.  Raynin sets the sandwich down and opens the juice, taking a big swig of it.  Darknyss nods and turns her attention back to the trafic.

"Yeah we did.  You just don't remember it.  You see, you were still healing when we left, and hurting pretty bad.  The doc gave you something for the pain before we left LA, and you've been asleep in the car just about this entire time, except for when we made our pitstops.  It was funny as hell when you kicked this guy's ass in a Texaco Gas station cause he grabbed your ass.  It was frickin' priceless!!  You kicked him straight in the teeth, then you picked up a bottle of avian, yawned, and walked back to the truck.  I don't think he's ever had something like that happen before.  But actually drove to Austin first to meet up with some friends before our trip.  That's where I got the sandwiches.  There's another in the cooler, along with a couple of corned beef and swiss on onion rolls.  Man, my friend Morganna certainly knows how to cook.  Anyways... I needed her to get me my passport so we could get to where we're going.  We're headed to Oaxaca."

She stops with a half of a ham sandwich about an inch from her mouth, just as she's about to take a huge bite, and she slowly turns her head, looking at Darknyss in shock.

"Whatchoo talkin' about Zatanya?"

Darknyss laughs out loud and bangs on the steering wheel and shakes her head as she tries to keep an eye on the street.

"You sounded like Arnold from Different Strokes.  Your Grandmother called while you were recovering from getting treated.  we chatted for a bit, and she invited the three of us down for the holiday.  And you know I can never say no to a family get together."

Raynin's eyebrows shoot up and she sets the sandwich down and looks around slowly.

"Abuela called?  And what do you mean us?  I don't see her around here..."

Darknyss points up ahead to what looks like a dark figure riding a motorcycle a few yards in the distance.

"She couldn't take being cooped up in a car for this long.  She picked up our friend's bike and is riding along with us.  We've got the hitch for it attached in the back, so when she needs to ride in the truck with us, she can.  Anyways, I thougth it would do you some good to see your family before the match against Cookie.  I'm gonna help train you perfectly so you can... keep things in perspective."

Raynin looks over at Darknyss and nods slowly.

"You're actually bigger than her you know."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"No, that's not what I mean.  I mean take in perspective how it feels to face someone so much bigger than you.  Not just in size, but in weight.  I'm gonna put on one of those sumo wrestling suits so you can REALLY see what it feels like to face her."

Raynin shakes her head and chuckles.

"I think I could beat her if I just toss some twinkies out about the ring first.  That should distract her enough to get her to take her eyes off the prize.  Besides, if she pounces the twinkie, then I can just flip her over and pin her as she's scarfing."

Darknyss chuckles and nods her hea dslowly.

"That's one way to think about things.  But I want you to take her out with your skills, not dirty tricks.  I want you in the mindset of 'Size doesn't matter', because it doesn't.  My sister is only five foot five, one hunred and twenty five pounds, rippign wet, and she's even able to take ME out when she needs to.  So just keep your eye on the ball, and put your all into it, and you'll come out of Climax Control with another win to get you reay for facing Kittie adn taking that Bombshell Championship.  Now, eat your food.  You'll need your strength for what your Grandfather and I have planned for you when we get to Oaxaca."

Raynin frowns slightly.

"Uh oh... I don't think I like the sound of that..."

Raynin frowns and takes a bite of her sandwich as the pair continue their drive for the border as the scene fades out.

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Supercard Archives / Christmas Blues
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:59:39 PM »
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Event: December 2 Dismember...  12-16-11

Venue: Eagle's Nest Arena in Los Angeles, California

Match: Glass Christmas Ball Match

Opponent: Minerva Soto

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As the holidays approach, and the December 2 Dismember Supercard looms over everyone's heads, the Rebellious One is in a kind of low mood.  She's got the Holiday blues, which happens every year around this time?  What causes these moods?  Will she be able to raise herself out of this blue funk before the Pay Per View and give Minerva Soto, 'The Gift That Keeps On Giving', also known as a boot to the head?  Or will the Holidays be a Debbie Downer and cost Raynin the victory?...  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”Memory"


1. the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.

2. this faculty as possessed by a particular individual:

3. the act or fact of retaining and recalling impressions, facts, etc.; remembrance; recollection:

4. the length of time over which recollection extends:

5. a mental impression retained; a recollection:



Time:  December 12, 2011, 3:30 PM...  

Place:  Los Angeles, California...  Hyatt Regency Hotel...  Inside the lobby...



The room was decorated for the holidays, and all of the people working for the hotel were filled with Christmas Cheer.  Tinsel and lights decorated the doorways, wreaths and holly were hung everywhere, and a huge tree filled one corner of the lobby, shining like a beacon to all of those with even an inkling of the holiday spirit.  The holiday train that circled around and through large and small fake gifts delighted even the biggest of children to no end.  The employees were just filled to the brim with the stuff that made Santa's reindeer fly.  They were wearing their holiday ties, Santa hats, Elf ears, donned those ugly gaudily decorated Christmas sweaters and they were always humming the Christmas songs that were playing over the PA all day.  In the break room for the employees had gallons of egg nog chilling in the fridge, and everyone was talking about what they were going to be having for Christmas Dinner, or what they were getting from Santa that year.  Everyone wanted to be known as 'nice' and not 'naughty' so they could get everything they wanted from the big man in the red suit.

It was chilly outside that day, as the temperature had actually dropped below the sixties, and she was wrapped up in a warm, black leather bomber jacket.  She'd just stepped off of the shuttle from the Airport, and she'd not had the best of flights and was irritable, even though she didn't look it.  Her long hair was laying around her face and shoulders in soft waves, and her dark blue straight legged jeans hugged her curves just right.  The knee high black moccasin style boots with silver and jade accents made her long legs look inviting as she stood and stretched, trying to work the kinks out of her back and shoulders and hips.  She hears each joint crack and pop and moans at the luxurious feeling of each vertebrae slipping back into place.  Her slightly glossed cherry colored lips look inviting as the moans make the guy driving the van turn around and look her over appreciatively.  She reached back inside and grabbed her bags, letting the wheels on the big one fall to the ground with a practiced flip, and setting her carryon on top before she walked towards the door...

And into her own candy cane nightmare.  The smell of peppermint, egg nog, and christmas cookies assaulted her senses and she was blinded by the lights of the christmas tree.  She gasps and shakes her head slowly as she tries to adjust to the intensity of what's surrounding her.  She tries hard not to plug her ears at the strains of 'Jingle Bell Rock' being played repeatedly over the PA.  She grimaces as she sees the sweaters and looks on almost frightened at what she's seeing.  She wades through all of the Christmas clutter and makes it to the front desk only to have her senses assaulted once again by a host and hostess in their twenties dressed like Mr. and Mrs. Claus back in the day.  The hostess is wearing a skirt so short that it would make Mrs. Claus blush twenty different shades of red, and make Santa say 'ho ho ho' and mean it.  The host is dressed in what could only be called 'the Armani version' of a Santa Suit, and has his Santa hat cocked to the side on his head.  She can't help it anymore and bursts out laughing, laying her forehead down on her arm on the counter, and banging it with her fist lightly.

"Oh my GOD!!  And here, I thought I'd seen it all..."

The host and hostess look at one another and then back at the beautiful young lady standing before them, trying to hold back her laughter and failing miserably.  The hostess straightens her extremely short skirt and cocks her head to the side slightly.

"Welcome to the Hyatt Regency Hotel.  Ho, ho, how can I help you?"

She can't help it but bursts out laughing again, holding her stomach as she tries to catch her breath.  When she can finally breathe once more, she sighs heavily.

"Oh wow... That was priceless...  I've got a reservation.  It should be under Raynin."

She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a small blue bandana and wipes her eyes as the host looks on at her, frowning slightly.

"So, what's wrong with you?  You act like you've never seen anyone enjoying the holiday spirit before."

Raynin puts her hand on her chest as she tries to catch her breath.

"Well, I've seen people having fun at Christmas before, but never anyone so... festive as you two."

The hostess blushes and grins hugely at her, taking the obvious dig as a compliment.

"Why thank you!!  I think we've got festive down pact.  Care for a gingerbread man?"

She gestures to the plate that's sitting on the counter of cookies shaped like men and women, but they're more anatomically correct than the normal gingerbread men.  Raynin gasps and shakes her head as she tries not to break out in laughter again.

"Um, no... I think I'm ok."

The hostess frowns for a moment, but then the grin gets pasted back on her face almost instantaneously.

"Well ok then.... so now... let's see... Raynin... Raynin... Raynin... Is that first or last name?"

She rolls her eyes slowly and takes a deep breath.

"That would be first name... it's the only name."

The hostess nods slowly again.

"Ok... let me check some more... I've got a Raymond...  A Raymone...  A Raymona....  A Raynoldo... but no Raynin.  Are you sure you made a reservation?"

She takes a deep breath and reaches in her pocket and pulls out a print out of her reservation confirmation.

"Of course I made a reservation.  Here's the confirmation number.  I booked a suite.  I'm expecting company."

The hostess goes back to typing away on the computer, and she bites her bottom lip gently.

"I don't seem to have this confirmation number in our system.  Are you sure it's for tonight?"

Raynin leans forward and bangs her fist on the countertop, making the host and hostess jump backward, each putting a hand to their chests at the shock.

"Look here Mrs. Claus wanna be...  I'm here for an event that's taking place in four days.  Sin City Wrestling's December 2 Dismember is the name of the event.  It's a big Pay Per View!  My second ever, and I've got one hell of a match on December sixteenth!  I've got to step into the ring and face Minerva Soto!  I've got only four days to wrap my head around just what it means to be put through a Glass Christmas Ball match up and survive it with my body, my mind, my flesh, hell, maybe even MY FACE in tact, and the LAST THING I NEED right now, is this kind of crap!  I prepaid for this reservation!  You can see RIGHT HERE the EXACT room I wanted, and the dates I reserved for!  Now find my freakin' reservation before I re-enact the song 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer' with you as the Grandma and me as Rudolph!"

The hostess puts her hands to her face and backs away slowly, but the host turns bright red with anger and steps forward.  He starts to shake his finger in her face.

"What's your problem!  How dare you act this way towards her!!  You ma'am, have no Christmas spirit!  Why, I've got half a mind to..."

She steps right up to the counter and grabs his finger, yanking him towards her by it.  He yelps like a woman, the sound so high pitched and loud, everyone hears it over the blaring Christmas music and turns around to see what's going on.  Raynin cocks her head to the side and looks the host right in the eyes.

"You've got half a mind to do what?  Scream like a little bitch and run away with your tail tucked between your legs?  Piss your pants at the thought of getting your ass kicked by a girl?  Ruin that oh so glamourous suit at the thought of just what I can do to you?  If you weren't thinking about that before, I'm damned well sure you're thinking it now.  And if you're not, then maybe you better start thinking about it.  You see, I'm not in the Christmas Spirit.  I'm in the 'jack mother fuckers up' kind of Spirit.  I've got a list, and I'm checkin' it twice, and everyone on that list will know that I'm naughty and not nice...   And if you two can't find my reservation, I'm considering starting with Mr. and Mrs. Claus.  I'm worse than the Grinch in Whooville, cause I'll make sure you never get a slice of Roast Beast!"

She lets the host's finger go and steps back, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck and shoulders like she's about to snap.  The hostess runs forward and starts to type quickly on the keyboard.  Raynin starts to step forward and the hostess looks up with a forced smile, the fear evident in her eyes.

"Oh look!!  I found your reservation!!  It was just upgraded to a bigger suite at no charge which was why I couldn't find it!"

The host looks at the hostess and pulls her aside and starts to whisper loudly at her.

"Amber!  That is the Presidential Suite!!  It's been booked for a month and a half for that big convention we have coming next week!!  You know we always keep it open the week before just in case!"

The hostess looks nervously between the host and Raynin who is rolling her wrists around slowly.  She bites her lips and shakes her head.

"I'm thinking about preserving my life here Jeff!!  I'm not about to risk making her mad by not having her reservation!  Don't you know who that is?  I thought I recognized that name!!  She's one of those wrestling chicks from Vegas!!  You know, the ones Sam is always talking about going to see?  He made me watch one of her matches!!  She could break my neck in a heartbeat without blinking!"

Raynin nods and shrugs and calls out to the pair.

"Probably quicker, and I wouldn't think twice about it."

The hostess gasps and puts a hand to her throat and turns back to the host.

"I don't care what you say Jeff!  I'm giving her the suite with all of the amenities!"

He shakes his head quickly.

"That room is five hundred dollars more a night than what she paid!!  We can't just give it to her!!"

Raynin lifts her leg and places her moccasin booted foot on the counter and starts to stretch her legs slowly, then does a couple of test kicks by tossing up one of the gingerbread men and kicking it against the wall where it shatters into pieces with a loud thud.  The hostess pushes the host away and comes back and taps a few keys on the keyboard and picks up a couple of card keys and swipes them across the card reader.

"Here you are Miss...  Here's your keys, and we apologize for the mix up.  You have all of the amenities including free access to the spa complete with swedish massage, the steam rooms, the saunas, and your suite has a hot tub and a private pool, and free roomservice.  It's the twelfth floor, room twelve-one-oh-four.  No one else is on that floor.  I hope you enjoy your stay here at the Hyatt."

Raynin puts on a saccharine sweet smile and cocks her head to the side.

"Why thank you Amber.  I think I will now.  And happy Holidays to you!!"

Raynin picks up her bags and motions to a bellhop who takes them from her.  She starts to walk away, but then turns around and grabs one of the gingerbread men and holds it up to the host, then quickly and savagely bites off the head and chews it slowly while looking him right in the eye.  He gasps and puts a hand over his chest.

"My word!!"

She throws her head back and laughs wickedly, then slaps the headless cookie on his chest.

"Merry Christmas."

She turns around and follows the bellhop off towards the elevators, singing 'Winter Wonderland' loudly as the scene fades out.

"What a beautiful sight... we're happy tonight... Walking in a winter wonderland..."

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Time:  December 12, 2011...  10:50 PM

Place:  Los Angeles, California...  Hyatt Regency Hotel... Inside of Raynin's Suite...



She was sitting on the bed as she looked out over the lights of the city.  She was dressed in nothing more than a pair of light blue, high cut cotton panties and a white wife beater tank top.  The music is playing softly in the background and she's looking down at a book of pictures sighing softly and sniffing away tears.

"I hate Christmas time.  While everyone else is talking about going to visit family and planning trips, and talking about how wonderful it is at this time of year, all it does is remind me of what I lost."

She runs her fingers over the pictures of her with her parents at Christmas time.  She sees a picture of herself at about age four grinning up at the camera with only a few teeth in the front with wrapping paper and ribbon around her and hugging a box with a doll in it that's almost as big as she is and she chuckles.  She wipes her nose and flops down on her stomach and sighs heavily.

"I used to love Christmas.  It was my favorite time of year.  I used to believe in Santa and the tooth fairy and the easter bunny just like every other little kid...  But I was forced to grow up too early.  I had so many things taken from me...  I've lost so much family...   So many that I cared about..."

She flips to another photo of herself as a teenager, standing between a pair of handsome twin boys with braces and she smirks slightly to herself.

"Jason and Justin...  My two best friends in highschool...  I even lost the two of you."

She flips to a picture of the three of them together at a Christmas Party in their senior year of highschool.  They're each holding a present out to one another, and the photo under it shows them each holding up the gifts they'd gotten.  Justin had given her a locket with three hearts, and the pictures inside was of each of them, with her in the middle.  Jason had given her a charm bracelet, and she'd given them each matching watches in different colors.  When she flips the page, she sees the three of them heading off to prom.  Jason had asked her first, and Justin had taken another girl from school named Tammy who he'd ditched as soon as they'd finished taking pictures and stayed stuck by her and his brother for the rest of the night.  They'd been inseparable until that fateful night after the following Thanksgiving, just before Christmas when a drunk driver took Jason from them both and put Justin in a wheelchair.  Justin couldn't handle life without his brother, and instead of getting better, he'd just wasted away.  She'd been away at school when it happened, and remembered standing stoically as she paid homage to them both, only letting the tears slip while no one was looking to bless their grave sites.  She wipes her eyes again and sighs heavily as she looks down on their obituaries.

"So much loss... So much wasted potential... So much that's been taken fro me...  But this time I get to take back.  Christmas has always been such a bitch to me.  But this Christmas, I get to be a bitch to someone else.  This Christmas, I get to take one more step towards my goal of becoming Bombshell Champion as I lay waste to Minerva Soto.  Maybe... after I'm done with her... Christmas just may not look quite so bad anymore... But that remains to be seen..."

She lays her head down on the pillow and kisses her fingertips and places them on the faces of her friends and family she'd lost.

"Feliz Navidad..."

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / Enduring the Pain...
« on: December 10, 2011, 11:59:29 PM »
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Event: December 2 Dismember...  Sunday December 18 2011

Venue: Eagle's Nest Arena in Los Angeles, California

Match: Glass Christmas Ball Match

Opponent: Minerva Soto

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She did it!!  Raynin put the boots to that loud mouthed wench, Angelica and shut her up good...  well, at least for as long as Angelica will keep her mouth closed.  She proved herself as more than just a Bombshell, but a force to be reckoned with.  Now, the management has seen fit to pit her skills against Minerva Soto at December 2o Dismember in a Glass Christmas Ball Match!  Picture it...  All of those angles of the Rebel with a Cause reflecting off of the glass balls decorating the ring...  And the potential for carnage!!...  I swear, I almost can't wait!  Can you?  AS the world prepares for the Holiday Season, Raynin prepares herself for the potential of rending flesh from bone.  You can feel it's going to be one exciting matchup...  Will Raynin be able to come out the victor?  What role will Darknyss play in the upcoming match?  Let's find out...

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 ...  NO PAIN, NO GAIN ...  

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Definitions of ”   MENTOR"


1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.

2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
3. something that motivates;  inducement; incentive:



Time:  December 3, 2011, 4:30 PM...  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Inside of Master Kim's Dojo...  Inside the back room...



It's a small place, just off of one of the main drags through the city.  It doesn't appear to take up very much space, stuck between a florist that sells bonsai trees and a petshop where you can actually buy koi.  The window seems to fly past very quickly as you walk down the street, and if you're not looking for it, the plain sign over the door doesn't quite grab your eye.  It's  a place that on the outside seems very unnoticable.  As you enter the place,  you see all of the faces of the kids that are spread out across the mat in their crisp white gi's, their many different colored belts cinched tightly around their waists.  Their faces are all business and seriousness as they follow the instructions of the older kids wearing blackbelts with white stripes around the end of the belts that are leading the classes.  Their yells of 'kee-yah' are as sharp as the creases in their uniform pants, and their punches and kicks show that alot of practice has gone on.  Even down to the younger kids of around five who are spread out front, looking adorable and fierce all at the same time as they punch and kick just as efficiently and effectively as the larger children and teenagers spread out behind them.

Behind the student teachers and in front of the mass of students, there's a long glass wall that appears to be the end of the building, until you notice that someone seems to suddenly appear from out of the glass wall.  Another of the blackbelted students comes striding out from seemingly no where to slap her hands.  Everyone does their last movement and stands with their fists at waist level, palms down, and their feet at shoulder width, waiting for instructions.  As you walk past the students who are preparing for the next part of their lesson,  you finally get to see how the trick with the mirrors is accomplished...  The mirrors aren't a solid wall.  There are 2 walls about seven feet long that stand about three feet out from the wall, giving the illusion of a solid wall when approached from the front.  Behind the two walls, there are doorways... One is marked with a 'lockerrooms' sign, and the other, which is the one the student came from is unmarked.  

As you enter the doorway, you step into a short hallway with 2 doors, one marked office and the other marked private.  The second door will not open until the first is closed.  Stepping through the second doorway is like stepping through a portal into another dimension just about.  The room seems to sprawl for the entire block.  You can tell that the smallness of the Dojo from the outside is again just another illusion as you look around at what almost appears to be an oasis with a large rock sparring ring to one side, a zen garden with ponds, small rivers, and a ten foot, gently falling water fall, and a small altar with a bronze buddha statue on it to the other.  In the center, there is a space for training.  The concrete floor is immaculate.  Not even a speck of dust as you might have imagined there would be for this kind of floor, and you can walk silently upon it.  The sound of soft music fills the air to harmonize with the sound of the softly rushing and falling water.

In the center of the training space, a low table is laid out, covered with a starched white linen cloth.  On that table lays Raynin.  She's wearing a pair of black gi pants and a black wife beater tank top.  Around her waist is a black belt with white stripes on either end in a 'v' pattern.  Her hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, and the end of it's resting on her shouler.  Her feet are bare, and her toes are painted in a soft coral pink.  She's got her arms out to her sides, her feet close together, and she almos t looks asleep.  She's breathign slowly, and her eyes are closed.  Darknyss is slowly walking around her, looking down upon her form as she lays there.  She's dressed in a matching outfit of black gi pants and a black wife beater tank top, but the ends of her belt are decorated with a white dragon pattern embroidered on it.  Her hair is pulled back in a french braid, and the ends of the ponytail are loose and hang around her shoulders in soft waves.  She smiles down at her mentee who is laying before her.

"I'm very proud of you Raynin.  You took the first step towards your goal of gaining the Bombshell Championship, which was signing with me, taking me as a Mentor, and allowing me to manage you.  You took the second step by letting go and enjoying yourself during your match against Angelica.  You stopped worrying and living in your head and started to live in the moment... You let your wings spread like an angel and you soared and you came out a victor.  And now the real work begins...  NOW you must train your body in ways that you never have before."

Raynin opens an eye and winces, but sighs.

"You know that I train and I train hard.  Hell, I'm always training.  What makes you say that I need more training?"

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin on the forehead with her fingertip.

"As my Sensei used to say, 'A body becomes used to a regular routine, and stops gaining the benefits of such endeavors.  A body must be pushed past it's limits to be stretched, and molded into something more than it was before.'  That means, normal work out regimines can only take you so far.  You must strive to be better... different... more than what you were before, and as such, you must put your body through various stresses before it can become what you want it to be."

Raynin snorts and winces again.

"I've already been trained to be a walking weapon.  My Tia Angel saw to that."

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin's forehead with her fingertip as Raynin winces again.

"A living weapon your body might be, but it's a vulnerable vessel, which your wincing proves.  We must make your body as strong as your will so it can withstand the match which you're about to be put in."

Raynin winces again and frowns up at her Mentor.

"I can't help but wince!!  This hurts!!"

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin on the forehead again, making her jump and wince and yelp before she settles own.

"It's supposed to hurt.  Do you think that being in a Glass Christmas Ball match won't hurt?  What will you do, the first time you fall on one of those things, it shatters, and glass is ground into yoru flesh?   Are you gonna give in?  Are you gonna quit?  Are gonna throw in the towel?  Or will you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and say, 'Please sir, may I have another sir?' and keep on with the match?"

Raynin growls softly and frowns, trying her hardest not to move on the table.

"You know exactly what I'd do... If I'm cut open and hurt, I'll keep going.  If I've got glass shards in my ass, I will pick them out once I've pinned Minerva.  I've got too much at stake right now... This is my chance to prove myself to Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, that bringing me into this company was a good thing, and that I'm going to never stop trying to put on the best show possible!  I want to have the fans screaming my name!  And I want to get my hands on that Championship belt!!  I don't care if I have to throw myself head first into a huge pile of Christmas balls, or douse myself in hot chocolate...  I'm not about to stop until I've put each and every one of the other Bombshells on my victory column, complete with gold stars and glitter for an excellent match put on, and I get my shot at that title again!  So a little glass in my ass is not about to stop me.  And neither will this."

Darknyss nods slowly and leans over Raynin, putting her hands on her shoulders and leaning her weight on the smaller girl's upper body.  Raynin winces as Darknyss chuckles softly.

"Well, if you can endure this, then falling on a pile of shards of broken glass will be a walk in the park."

Darknyss pushes herself up off of hte smaller woman's shoulders and Raynin settles back down, laying there.  Slowly, the white of the linen cloth starts to change color as a blood red stain starts to form and spread around Raynin's shoulders and upper back.  She still lays there, not moving.  She breathes deeply as the stain starts to spread larger and larger.

"Pain is an illusion.  Pain stems from fear.  Fear is the mind killer.  Fear is the little death which your heart experiences when it loses control.  If you control the fear, you can control the pain.  If you can control the pain, you can control your body through just about any situation..."

Darknyss reaches down and taps Raynin on the shoulder.

"It's time..."

Raynin takes a deep breath and sighs softly to herself.  She sits up slowly, wincing as she does.  When she sits up, you can see what looks like a series of holds decorating her shoulders, oozing large beads of blood.  On the white cloth that was beneath her, a large red stain fof her lifeblood decorates the white background.  She stands gingerly and turns herself around, looking down at the low table.

"If you can control your fear and your pain through any situation, then you you can withstand just about anything..."

She then takes a hold of the edge of the white sheet and rips it off of the low table, and it makes a strange, almost ringing sound as she takes a deep breath....

"And if you can withstand laying on a bed of nails for a few hours, then you can make it through damn near anything... including a while in the ring in a Glass Christmasball match."

She and Darknyss stand there, looking down at the bed of nails which Raynin had been laying on.  A large bead of blood remains on the end of one of the nails for a moment before it folls down the side of it to plop on the table beneath it.  Darknyss nods slowly at her and smirks wickedly.

"Now you're seeing the method to the madness...  Or is it the madness to the method... Sometimes I can't remember which one it is.  Anyways... I think you're just about ready."

Darknyss reaches up and slas Raynin hard on the shoulder, making her cry out and wince.  Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.  

"Aahh, suck it up...  The match at the Pay per view won't exactly be a picnic in the park.  But I think you'll do just fne... Just fine indeed."

Raynin smirks and sighs deeply.

"I hope so.  I'm gonna give Minerva Soto a Christmas Present she will never forget...  And that's a humiliating defeat at my hands."

Darknyss nods slowly adn Raynin turns her head to look at her new found friend and mentor.

"Now, do you mind getting me some anti-biotic cream for my back?  Don't want it to get infected you know..."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"Come on you lightweight.  Let's go get you patched up."

Raynin nods slowly and starts to walk gingerly off towards the doorway with Darknyss leading the way as the scene fades out.

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Climax Control Archives / Blowin' off steam
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:59:32 PM »
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Event: Climax Control...  11-20-11

Venue: Centennial Hills Community Center, Las Vegas, NV

Match: Parking Lot Brawl

Opponent: Angelica

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Come One, Come All!!  Hurry!  Hurry!!  Step right up and see the bout the world is anticipating the most!!  It's sure to be a battle of Epic proportions!! Raynin Versus Angelica...  Parking Lot Brawl!!  You can see it one place and one place only... Sin City Wrestling!!  At the Centennial Hills Community Center in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada!!...  But before then, Raynin is preparing herself in what most might consider a very unusual way.  When most might be out training with their trainers and goign to the gym, Raynin is off doing... other things.  What's she doing?...  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”   MOTIVATION"


1. the act or an instance of motivating,  or providing with a reason to act in a certain way:  Synonyms: motive, inspiration, inducement, cause, impetus.
2. the state or condition of being motivated:
3. something that motivates;  inducement; incentive:



Time:  November 7, 2011, 10:30 PM...  

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Just off the Strip...  Outside of Club Gazzmic...



The spot is jumpin'!  Everyone's all ready cause it's Mojito Monday and those drinks are two bucks a pop, and ladies drink half off until one in the morning!  The line's already curved back down the block!  They've been nice and put up speakers outside of the building so even if you're outside in line, you can still enjoy yourself.  The ladies are dressed to impress and they know it...  The guys are in their best and they're showin' it...  There's bling everywhere the eye can see, and even outside, people can't help but move their bodies to the beat of the music that's playing.  

She's standing about half way through the line and is looking a bit bored.  It's been a while since she'd been to a club because she hadn't had anyone that she really wanted to go dancing with.  She's leaning against the wall and is playing a fighting game on her iPhone.  It looks a little like SoulBlade, but from the distance, you can't be sure.  As you take in the sight of her standing there, you can't help but be impressed.  She's looking so good, it's one of those moments where you have to start at the bottom and work your way up to the top... slowly.  

She's wearing black strappy sandals, and her toes are painted a deep red color.  Her legs are tanned to the color of molten hot butterscotch, and look so inviting that  you just want to reach out and touch them.  Around her ankle, she's got a diamond tennis anklet that catches the light as she leans against the wall, shaking her ankle slowly to the beat of the music.  Above the anklet, there's nothing but smooth skin until you come to just a few inches below her behind where the hem of her dress begins.  The skin tight black fabric of the dress shows off the swells of her butt and her hips as she reaches down with a hand really quickly and gives the hem a little tug down as a breeze touches somewhere she normally wouldn't expect to feel anything.  The dress is short enough that you can't help to try and check to see if you can see a hint of panty, but the aura emanating from her body lets you know that if you try, you'll probably be picking up more than just your teeth up from off of the sidewalk.  The sides of the dress between the hips to just below the swells of the bodice, the dress is just thin straps that cling to her waist and show way more skin than it covers.  There's a single strap of fabric that goes down the front and back of the dress connecting the bodice to the skirt.  She wiggles her hips a bit as a song she likes plays over the speakers and it's like your eyes are glued to her moving body.  She spins a bit and crosses her legs again and you can see the front of the dress comes together and is gathered bandeau style at the center of the bodice, making her cleavage very prominent.  There's a rhinestone band at the center, and the black straps going up her shoulders are studded with rhinestones as well.  Dangling between her breasts from a single silver chain is a black crystal heart surrounded by diamonds, and the matching bracelet and earrings in her ears are catching the light like crazy.  Her hair is curled and sways in the light breeze gently and looks so touchable and soft that you just want to run your fingers through it.  Her lips have a soft dark rose hint of color with gloss that makes them look like they've just been kissed and kissed hard.  Every inch of her upper body that can be seen has been dusted with very fine gold body glitter, making her skin seem to glisten and catch the light...  All in all, the look is breathtaking and heart-stopping, even as she leans against the wall looking bored.

She stands up and looks further up the line at the front door and sighs as she pauses her game and goes to the messages app.  She types out a quick message.

'Hey, it's Raynin. Am outside. Can't get in, line's 2 long.'

She goes back to playing her game as she waits for a reply and when it comes, sighs softly.

'HAHA!! How long U been waitin'? U don't wait, go 2 the front. Sending somebody 2 get U'

She rolls her eyes and straightens her dress, then starts to walk up to the front of the line.  As she's walking, she's getting catcalls and whistles from guys who are in the line and she ignores them, until one guy gets adventurous and reaches out and grabs her behind.

"Oh yeah...  That's ass is TIGHT!!!  Come on and stand with me baby and I'll... UUURRRRKKKK!!!"

He doesn't get to finish his statement because Raynin has grabbed his hand and twisted it backward, reaching out with her other hand and chopping him in the throat in a move so quick, all you see is her pulling back to continue walking on.  She puts a finger on his forehead and pushes him backward, making him stagger.

"YOU don't get to TOUCH ME you worthless piece of FILTH!!!"

The guy looks shocked as he gasps for breath.  He stands there, his hands to his throat, floundering as he coughs and leans over trying to catch his breath.  The women around him start to clap and cheer for Raynin, yelling their thanks as he's apparently been harassing anything in a skirt.  She holds up two fingers and nods before she continues walking towards the front of the line and sighs, shaking her head as she flips her hair back over her shoulder.

"Man, I tell ya'...  Some guys always think that just cause a chick is in a short skirt, or cleans up well that she's a ho or somethin'.  My Daddy always used to say, 'don't make assumptions...  because you end up making an ass out of you... and umption.'  Sage wisdom to live by these days.  And wisdom that certain folks need to take to heart in Sin City Wrestling."

She stops and leans forward at the waist, adjusting the ankle bracelet and the strap on one of her shoes.  As she does, behind her she hears a guy scream out...


She turns to look behind her and a buy is standing there, looking her up and down like she's a piece of meat and she shakes her head slowly before she stands, tossing her hair back into place and continuing her stroll back towards the head of the line.

"I'm surprised about one thing really...  My opponent for Climax Control... She claims to not be underestimating me, but that's exactly what she's done.  She's more hung up on what Darknyss had to say to me than... well... ME!"

Raynin laughs and shakes her head slowly.

"But then, I rather enjoy it when I'm underestimated.  She can look at me and think that I'm a pushover because I came right into a match and quote, unquote, sneak attacked her...  But at Climax Control, there will be no such things as sneak attacks.  It will be she and I... face to face, one on one, not in a squared circle where all she has to worry about is being tossed over the top rope or maybe being hit with a really hard clothesline, but instead in a Parking Lot Brawl where there's nothing to pad your impact on the cold, hard concrete.  This is the kind of match where the Women are filtered out from the little girls... where Bombshells are distinguished from duds...  Where Raynin steps up and shows that she's one of the top females in this company, and takes her place among the Bombshell Elites, and Angelica is forced to run back to her little boyfriend and try to bat her eyelashes to get another shot by spreading her legs again."

She checks her nails and frowns as she realizes the one thing she didn't do was go and get a manicure, then shrugs as she keeps walking, her hips swaying slowly.

"The one thing I don't get is how she can come out and say with a straight face that she's not a whore...  Angelica flat out STATED that the way she got into the Bombshell Gauntlet match was by sleeping her way to get there...  What does that make you?  A dag blasted SAINT??!!  I don't think so...  A whore is a whore...  you sleep with men for money or possible financial gain... you're a whore.  You can call it whatever you want...  Girlfriend for hire...  Sexual consultant...  Escort with benefits...  A ho is a ho is a ho!  I could SEE if you were going around like a virgin in fear of your virtue wearing a chastity belt and trying to wrestle with your knees chained together cause you wanted to make sure no one could even pretend to think that you were anything else... But when you ADMIT that you did whorish things... BRAG about it... FLAUNT IT ABOUT...  Well then girl... that makes you a whore.  You can't say you're a whore one minute, then turn around and claim that you're not the next...  What do that call that in political terms again...  oh yeah...  A Bill Clinton statement...  you know, and his whole, 'I did not inhale' and 'I did not sleep with that women even though she may have sucked my cock a little bit...' kind of statement.  You can't flip flop on this... Either you did it and you're  a ho, or you didn't and you're a liar.  Either way, I've got about as much respect for you out of the ring as I do the gum on my shoe."

She lifts her arms over her shoulders and stretches with a yawn.

"In the ring... Well,  you did hold your own against a couple of those chick, but I can't say I respect you in the ring yet, cause you still haven't proven yourself to ME personally!  But we shall see how long you last when we're in the middle of that parking lot.  But the thing you have to realize is... this is what I've spent years training for.  This is what I made my living doing.  And it's not just in the middle of a parking lot with a referee waiting to count you out.  You may have had training in a gym, sparring with some blonde chick name Tammy, or Ashley...  But I did my training in the most intense of ways.  The back alleys of Afghanistan... buildings in ruin from bomb blasts... having to watch where you step and fall for fear of activating a stray landmine...  Mumbai, where if you lose the person may just cut your head off and wear your teeth as a trophy...  The jungles of Brazil where if the guerrilla fighters don't kill you, the wildlife just might...  THAT'S where I did MY training for this kind of match!!  It wasn't for glory, it wasn't for fun, it wasn't to win a belt... It was to save lives and hell, just to fuckin' SURVIVE that I fought.  You think you're so bad...  Hell, I'm worse than a fuckin' DEMON in these kinds of matches, because I don't fight just to win.  I fight to SURVIVE!  I fight as if if you DON'T win, your life is in danger, and losing equals DEATH!!!  You have NO IDEA what kind of a fight that can be!!  But soon... very soon you will.  And once your eyes have finally been opened to that kind of a fight...  Hell, if you make it through even five MINUTES of that kind of a fight... maybe... just maybe I'll begin to respect your abilities.  But until then... you're just another deluded little girl."

She finally makes it to the head of the line and steps up to the bouncer who has his back turned and is talking to someone inside of the door.  She reaches out and taps the bouncer on the shoulder who turns around and looks her up and down and laughs.

"Sheeit, ain'tchoo cold, gurl?"

Raynin smiles sweetly and cocks her head to the side.

"Actually, now that I'm outta line, I'm freezin' my tits off.  Look, my friends are already inside.  They told me that my name should be on the list."

The bouncer crosses his arms and looks her up and down and chuckles.

"Yeah, that's what they all say.  That cat about for heads back keeps sayin' he's the Prince of Persia.  There's a blonde chick who kept sayin' she was Paris Hilton, sayin' everything was hot, but you could tell she was no Paris Hilton.  And then, there's this weird old guy who kept hittin' on the girls in line and struttin' back and forth like a peacock and sayin' he was gonna buy this club if I didn't let him in and have me fired..."

From the further back in the line you hear a deep male voice which kinda sounds familiar yell out...


Raynin looks around confused and frowns as the bouncer shakes his head and chuckles.

"Look gurlie... I hate to say it cause you are lookin' kinda fine right about now but... There ain't no list, and there ain't no gettin' in unless you make it through the line."

Just then, a familiar feminine voice calls out from the shadows of the doorway to the club.

"Don't worry Clarence.  She's with me."

Raynin looks up and sees Darknyss come stepping out of the club.  She's wearing a black lace dress that's damned near see through.  Beneath which she's got a strapless bra.  The skirt is a little less opaque, but you can see the outline of a thong and the flash of her skin underneath.  The arms are full and flair out from elbow to wrist, and her arms are decked out with silver bangles. She's wearing black thigh high leather boots and there's a black leather choker decked out with rhinestones around her throat.  Her hair is hanging down her back in loose waves and there's purple streaks in the front of it's curls.  She smiles as the bouncer takes her hand and kisses the back of it gently.

"Had I known she was here with you, I'd have let her in with no questions Lady."

Raynin looks from the bouncer to Darknyss, then back to the bouncer and back to Darknyss again, holding up a finger looking confused.

"Wait a minute!!  How did you??..."

Darknyss shrugs and winks.

"Ancient Chinese Secret.  I'll tell you about it later.  Come on, the spot is on fire tonight!!  Let's go dance!!"

Darknyss grabs Raynin's hand and pulls her into the club giggling as the scene fades out.

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Time:  November 8, 2011...  1:50 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Just off the Strip...  Inside of Club Gazzmic...



The party is still going strong, even though it's almost 2 in the morning.  The DJ's been spinnin' the hot tracks that keeps the bodies in motion.  The dance floor has been packed from opening with folks from the moment the doors opened, and the intensity isn't letting up.  The lights are bouncing everywhere, and people are doing the same, all having an awesome time.  Smack dab in the center of the crush of bodies are the group from Sin City Wrestling.  Darknyss an Raynin are moving to the music, looking like they get paid to dance.  

Raynin motions that she wants to get a drink, and she and Darknyss head off the dancefloor towards the VIP room in the back.  They grab a couple of bottles of water and sit down on a couch, breathing heavily.  Raynin is grinning from ear to ear.

"MAN!!  I haven't done something like this in so long!!"

Darknyss chuckles and takes a sip of her water.

"I try to do it at least once a week.  Helps keep my cardio up and it's fun to do."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head, sighing heavily.

"So, how did you end up here tonight?"

Darknyss grins and shrugs.

"Claire and I go way back.  She did my make up when I was in GXW.  She saw me and told me about tonight and asked where we should go, and I mentioned this place.  A friend of mine owns it."

Raynin nods slowly and leans forward a bit.

"Did you also come so you could talk to me cause I didn't call you back?"

Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"Ok, you got me.  Guilty.  I just thought it would make you feel less intimidated if you saw me like this, and not as like I'm the Great and powerful Oz kind of situation.  Look, I'm here to make you an offer.  Let me take you under my wing.  Show you some things...  You're awesome in the ring, but you're too controlled... You need to let loose... let your hair down... Mix things up a bit.  And I can show you how to do just that."

Raynin cocks her head to the side and chuckles.

"Does this have anything to do with Angelica being my opponent at Climax Control?"

Darknyss chuckles and nods slowly.

"Ok, that too.  I just can't stand the copycattin' little ho.  Look, the offer's on the table.  You just let me know."

Darknyss jumps back up as the music changes and dances her way back off to the dancefloor, leaving Raynin to sit and think about things as the scene fades out.

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Climax Control Archives / An Invitation to Party...
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:00:10 PM »
 Event: Climax Control...  11-20-11

Venue: Centennial Hills Community Center, Las Vegas, NV

Match: Parking Lot Brawl

Opponent: Angelica

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She'd tried her hardest, but Raynin was still not able to overcome the friendship bond that has been established by Misty and Kittie to take the Bombshell Championship.  She put up a good fight, and it took the both of them working together to take her down.  Now, she's got to get her mind put back in place to start the up hill battle to the top of the ranks of the Bobmshells so she can gain the coveted title.  She's got her first obstacle in the form of Angelica, and in none other than a Parking Lot Brawl.  Will she be able to put the Gauntlet match behind her and keep her cool during this matchup?  Or will it become what it's being hinted to be...  An all out battle for the ages  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”PREPARATION"


1: the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty

2: a state of being prepared

3: a preparatory act or measure

4: something that is prepared; specifically : a medicinal substance made ready for use

5. a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.

6. any proceeding, experience, or the like considered as a mode of preparing for the future.

7. an act of preparing.

8. something prepared, manufactured, or compounded: a special preparation for sunbathers.



Time:  November 6, 2011, 12:30 AM...  After High Stakes...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Mandalay Bay Events Center...  Backstage...



She's dressed all in leather from head to toe...  The soft kidskin kind of leather that you just want to touch.  The black leather pants look painted on, and her jacket is just as tight, hugging her curves like only leather can.  She's got her jacket halfway unzipped, and underneath, the purple halter top shows off just enough cleavage to be inviting.  The black lug bottomed boots don't make a sound on the ground as she walks, her mind deep in thought.  She's carrying her black helmet with the silver dragon emblazoned around it's edges, dangling it from a few fingertips as she moves with her saddlebag draped over her shoulder. She's walking through the backstage halls of the arena, trying to keep her composure.  She's had one hell of a night and her emotions are running rampant.  Her chest is tight from trying to keep her cool and not letting in to the anger, regret, and disappointment she's feeling within herself.  As she's moving past the make up station that's being broken down, she sees a group of the make up artists standing there talking quietly to themselves.  She lowers her head and tries to move past them as quickly as she can without being noticed, but she's stopped as someone sees her ducking past a spool of wiring and a few stagehands.

"Hey!! Raynin!!  Wait up!!"

She stops and takes a deep breath and turns to see the make up artists coming over towards her.  One in particular is a short, chunky red haired girl named Claire, and she does the makeup for most of the backstage talent.  The shorter woman puts a hand on Raynin's shoulder and rubs it slowly.

"Hey, I just wanted to say that I was watching your match and I thought you did really well."

Raynin nods slowly and sighs softly, shrugging.

"Yeah, I did well, but just not well enough to end up with the title around my waist."

Claire nods pats her shoulder again.

"Well, what do you expect?  Just like in the first match, it was basically a handicapped match for you.  Misty and Kittie are thick as thieves, and will always have each other's back."

Raynin shrugs and sighs again.

"Yeah, but it shouldn't have mattered.  I've fought and bested men in places I think you'd never ever see who were trying to kill me before, and they still didn't fight to take me out as hard as those two did.  But then of course, I wasn't hindered in the things that I could do to beat them like I am in a wrestling match...  You have no idea how much I wanted to just..."

Raynin grimaces and makes the motions with her hands like she's snapping someone's neck, growling as she throws her hands up in the air and then suddenly just kind of sags and sighs heavily.  She looks at Claire and shakes her head.

"I don't know if I'm strong enough to keep things under control."

Claire shrugs and lifts her eyebrow at the taller woman.

"Then don't."

Raynin frowns slightly and looks at the makeup artist who has pulled a makeup brush from somewhere and is toying with the bristles.

"Then don't do what?"

Claire smiles and chuckles softly.

"Don't try to control things.  Let it loose.  Let it all hang out girl!!  You're always so uptight and you walk around here looking so serious...  I know...  Come out with me and the girls tonight and let your hair down...  Get funky fresh and loose..."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow up at the other woman and tries not to smrik.

"Get funky fresh and loose?  Say what?"

Claire throws her head back and laughs.

"You know what I mean... Don't lose your sense of humor girl.  You just need to have some fun.  That's all I'm sayin'...  You need to not worry about things so much and just enjoy yourself.  You started wrestling cause it was fun for you, right?"

Raynin nods and sighs heavily.

"Actually, I started wrestling because my Tia Angel thought it would be the best way to prepare me for what I'd experience in my basic training and afterward.  I've always thought to approach things like a mission...  It's been so long since I've wrestled just to wrestle...  Maybe I have lost the enjoyment of being in the ring."

Claire taps Raynin in the center of her chest with the end of the makeup brush and throws her hands up in the air.

"There you go...  You've lost your motivation.  Once you've found it again, then I'm sure you'll start to turn things around in the ring."

Raynin nods slowly and smirks.

"True... very true.  And I can honestly say I at least accomplished one thing I absolutely wanted to do in that match."

Claire looks at Raynin curiously.

"Oh really?  And what was that?"

Raynin chuckles wickedly.

"I lasted longer in that match than Angelica, and I took her out personally.  I made it my business to make sure that I was the one who took her out.  I didn't' want anyone else to have the satisfaction of that feat.  I swear, I can't stand her big mouth."

Claire shrugs and turns back to the makeup table and continues to pack her things up.

"She's rubbed alot of people the wrong way.  And I'm certain alot of the other females will thank you for taking her out.  But now, you need to think about what you're gonna wear when you go out with us tomorrow night."

Raynin smiles sheepishly and nods.

"Alright... I'll go."

Claire claps her hands and giggles like a school girl.

"PERFECT!!  So, this is where we're going tomorrow night...  Here's my number, you go grab something to put on and I'll meet you there at ten o'clock.  We're gonna party like it's nineteen ninety nine!!  Or... maybe two thousand and nine...  who cares!  It'll be a blast!!"

Claire pulls out a pen and a notepad and writes out some things, then pulls of the sheet and hands it to Raynin.  She reads it and frowns slightly.

"So, who all is going"

Claire goes back to packing up the last of her things.

"Oh, a few people... Shelly, Trina, Claudia... A couple of the other stage hands... It'll be fun."

Raynin nods and shrugs. 

"Cool, cool.  This could be fun."

Claire sidles up beside Raynin and bumps her hip with her own and chuckles.

"You bet it'll be fun!  It'll be just what you need to take your mind off of things... Re-center yourself and shake it like you're gonna break it!"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"Yeah, just be careful you don't shake it cause you DID break it.  I'll see you tomorrow night then."

Raynin waves to the rest of the group and heads out of the arena towards the parking lot.  She looks around at the parking lot and sighs, smiling grimly as she walks towards a black Ducati motorcycle with chrome trim.  She pulls a pair of black leather riding gloves from her pocket as he moves.

"Next show will be coming soon...  Another Climax Control, and this time, it'll be so sweet for me.  This place... this is going to be the scene for the demise of Angelica.  It's not going to be about wrestling... it's not going to be about impressing anyone... it's going to be about a beat down, plain and simple.  She claims to be heaven sent and hell bent, but what she truly is going to be is hell bound.  Because I'm going to take her through hell and back just to send her down there again.  I'll be her own personal grim reaper.  I'm so sick and tired of hearing her mouth...  every day it's 'blah blah blah, I'm pretty, blah blah blah, I'm better than this person, blah blah blah, I'm better than that person'... I'm gonna shut her mouth for her.  So she's cute... so what!  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and inside, she's about as ugly as a horse's ass while it's droppin' a deuce.  Looks fade, beauty tarnishes, but what you do and say leaves an impression that can last a lifetime, and right about now, the only impression she's leaving is one that makes people want to kick her teeth in.  Angelica...  Boy, was that a misnomer or what?  And for those of you who aren't used to those thirty-two dollar words, that means someone whose name doesn't fit their face or personality, or calling something a name that doesn't describe it properly. She pulled the wool over her parents eyes something fierce to end up with that name cause she's about as angelic as a demon dancing in the pit, roasting an person on a spit over some flames.  She's about to get a serious wake up call.  Cause being pretty doesn't mean shit when it comes to this business we're in.  It's about heart... and she's heartless... It's about determination... and the only determination she's got is to chase the boss's dick.  It's about honor, and she has none...  She's about as honorable as a crack head fiending for a rock that steals his mom's clock radio to give to his dealer.  It's about skill, which is something she's seriously lacking...  But then, this Parking Lot Brawl is not going to be about any of those.  No rules... no disqualifications... no ring...  no ropes...  Just me and her in a circle of vehicles, each of which can be used as a weapon.  It's not gonna be about hurricanranas, or elbow drops, or hell, even clotheslines.  It's gonna be about breaking your opponent's spirit and laying them the fuck out."

She leans over as she reaches the motorcycle and slips the saddle bag over the back end of the bike securing it, then leans over and raps her knuckles on the ground and whistles and winces slightly as she stands slowly.

"There won't be any padding out here to try and ease the shock of falling on this stuff.  The cold, hard concrete is unforgiving.  It does brutal stuff to bodies...  It draws blood, it breaks bones...  It disfigures pretty faces and turns them into so much ground meat and blood and gore.  Have you ever seen a person's face get scraped across concrete Angelica?  The meat just peels back from the flesh like you're peeling an orange.  You get to see exposed bone, and the blood!!... Oh ho ho...  the blood is so intense...  this is what kinds of harm you're going to have to look forward to.  And I'm not even going to start on the possibilities presented by things such as a backdrop onto a car hood, or maybe a powerbomb through a windshield...  I think I'll let you experience that first hand and tell me what you think of that.  Me... I'm used to it.  Growing up in Oaxaca was no picnic or a walk in the park.  Let alone the things I've seen oversees...  Trust me, I wear my clothes strategically to hide the scars of what I've been through.  For me, a Parking Lot Brawl is just another day at the office.  You pick up your teeth when you're done, wipe the blood from your eyes and limp on off to the next battle.  I've survived, and I came out better for it.  But for someone like you...  You'll probably be too busy trying to protect your precious face to worry about the axe kick coming to the back of your head to knock you out."

Raynin throws her leg over the bike, chuckles and looks down at her helmet as she starts pulling the straps out so she can put it on.  She lifts her eyebrow as she smirks evilly.

"You know... It's been a long time since I just let loose on someone.  Just said, 'fuck it, I'm gonna enjoy just beating the shit out of this person', but something inside of me is really happy that the brass thought to line this match up.  You know... here's something to wonder about Little Miss Pretty Pants...  If Mark Ward really cares that much about you... why would he put you in a match like this one against someone who you've pissed the fuck off?  This... This is my playground!  I grew up in the streets.  I fought for every ounce of respect I earned...  I gained it with blood, sweat, tears, broken bones, and missing teeth.  You're just too used to having things handed to you. But come Climax Control, all you'll be handed is a knuckle sandwich, and a nice big glass of whoop ass served ice cold."

She slips her helmet over her head with the visor up and buckles up the strap under her chin, then starts the bike, revving the engine.  She turns back to the camera and smirks again.  She brings her fist sharply into her hand and chuckles, shaking her head slowly.

"Heaven sent...  HA!!  After I'm through with you Angelica... You'll be praying for hell to grant you relief from what you'll experience.  Adios!"

She puts up two fingers in and flips down her visor, then guns the bike.  Smoke billows up around the back wheel as she sits there for a bit, then the bike shoots off like a rocket, disappearing in the night as the scene fades out.

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Time:  November 7, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific Location... Unknown...



She had to get out of the confines of the city today.  The concrete jungle was closing down upon her, and she couldn't think, so she drove out into the desert and decided to go for a little bit of a hike.  She's dressed casually in a pair of skin tight black jeans and hiking boots with a black and grey flannel hoodie on over a t-shirt.  Her hair is in a pair of pigtails, dangling down on either side of her face as she moves.  All she needed was a feather on the end of one of them, and she'd almost look Native American with her coloring and the hair.  Her dark sunglasses are protecting her eyes from the sun and she's got a bandana stuck in her back pocket.  She's got a small backpack on her back and it bounces slightly as she walks.  She's moving along a trail until she comes to a tall outcropping of rock.  In the distance, you can hear an echo of rocks falling from a high distance, and she can't help but smile as she starts to climb the outcropping and stands looking out over the vast desert surrounding her.

"Sometimes I wonder just what it would be like to truly stand at the top of the mountain.  To be the one that everyone has to look up to because you're the best of the best.  You have that one thing that proves that you're the best... The Championship title... to feel it's weight against my hips as I step out on stage...  That's my one goal in this company."

She slides her hands along her waist, imagining the feel of the Championship title resting there and sighs as she leans her head back, letting the sun beat down onto her face.

"I gave up my name...  I gave up my career...  I gave up my world...  I gave up EVERYTHING for this opportunity...  For this chance to stand in the ring with the best this company has to offer and defeat them!  And while I have yet to get a win, it's not because of my lack of skill... oh no... I've got skill coming out of my ears... What I keep hearing is, it's because it just wasn't my time yet.  I wasn't hungry enough.  I hadn't paid my dues enough.  I haven't given up enough...  BULL SHIT!!!  It's because I haven't found a way to divide and conquer the Misty and Kittie regime yet...  But Regimes fall... Friendships falter...  People backstab other people all in the name of power and glory and I know that one day... ONE DAY my time will come!!  And I will stand atop the all mighty Bombshell Division mountain!!  And I WILL hold that Championship title HIGH and be declared THE NEW Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion!!  And that moment...  That moment will be GLORIOUS!!!"

She takes a deep breath and puts her hands on her hips as she squints, putting her hand over her eyes as she looks down at the rocks she used to climb up and notices that in one of the holes, a rattle snake has stuck his head out and is testing the air.  A large black scorpion comes out from a hole right above the snake and leaps onto the back of its head.  The snake and the scorpion start to tussle, the snake spinning as it tries to snap at the scorpion, and the scorpion trying to hold on and sting the snake.  She sighs slowly and shakes her head.

"Isn't that just symbolic of what it means to climb to the top of the Bombshell Division mountain in Sin City Wrestling.  You gotta climb over all of the snakes, riff raff and low lives stepping on their heads to make it in this company.  And you have to do it carefully so you don't end up getting bit in the end and losing all of the ground you worked so hard to cover.  But no matter what... You've just gotta crush 'em."

She picks up a large rock, aims, and then drops it over the edge of the outcropping.  Just as the snake sinks it's fangs into the scorpion, the scorpion stings the snake in  the top of the head, only to have the large rock come down with a squishing sound to crush them both.  Raynin leans over and looks at the ruined mess of what's beneath her and chuckles.

"Sometimes you can let the low lives take each other out... But sometimes... you just have to do a little wetwork and do it yourself.  At Climax Control...  I get to do a little wetwork.  I wonder if Mr. Ward's gonna do this old school, with everyone out there watching to ensure that Angelica can't slip through the ring of cars and run away, or if we end up having the entire parking lot as our playground.  There's on preparing for something like what's going to happen when that match starts little girl.  All you can do is say your prayers, cross your fingers, eyes, and toes and hope and pray like a MOTHER FUCKER that you come out of that with all of your appendages still attached, your scalp still safe on your head, and your face still in one piece.  And as you can see by my glowing smile, my flawless skin that I generally come out of situations like this no worse for wear.   But I'll do you a favor chica.  I'll buy you a nice stash of concealer to hide the marks once I'm done with you.  Who knows... maybe after I'm done, Mark will toss you out like the piece of trash you know deep down you really are."

Raynin crosses her arms over her chest and takes a deep breath.

"For me, Angelica, you'll be nothing more than a stepping stone.  I may have stumbled and fallen in the beginning, but if there's one thing I never am, it's a quitter.  I won't stop until I get what I want.  I'm worse than the energizer fuckin' bunny!  I will just keep going and going and going until finally I have achieved my task and I can stand there and dance on your fucking head in the process!!  But actually... I'll get to do just that at Climax Control once I lay you out and leave you battered, broken, and bruised in the middle of the Parking Lot."

Raynin reaches in her back pack and pulls out rope, a harness and a carabiner, which she slips up onto her body over her jeans.  She hums softly to her self as she leans over and hammers an o-ring into the top of the outcropping of rock and threads a line to it, attaching it to her harness.  She leans over the edge of the rocks and tosses the end of the line down.  She looks up and grins confidently.

"You see, one of the biggest things that separate the women from the little girls like you is... I'm not afraid to take chances.  I'm not afraid to go out there and put it all on the line.  People ask me why I do the things I do... why I gave everything up without knowing what the outcome will be, and I say this... 'Why fear the unknown?  All you have to do is step out, and everything unknown comes to light.  Things are only unknown until you know them.'  Think about that..."

She suddenly leaps high into the air and goes flying off of the side of the out cropping, shrieking into the wind as she hurtles downward in a slow arc.  She twists her body in the air and pulls her feet up and catches herself about halfway down the outcropping with her boots against the stone.  She uses this hopping style motion to lower herself down to ground level, then pulls the rope loose and packs it back in the back pack.  She slips it back on her back and smiles as she looks into the camera.

"Here's another little tidbit for thought Angelica?  How do you stop a speeding locomotive with your barehands?  The answer to that is... you don't.  You either get out of the way or you get steamrolled.  And come Climax Control, you can just call me the little engine that could.  Chugga-Chugga, Chugga-Chugga... toot toot!!"

Raynin kicks the rock that she tossed over the side of the outcropping out of the way reaches into the bloody mess and pulls out the carcass of the rattle snake, nodding slowly.

"Not bad... this'll make an awesome belt."

She stands and turns walking back down the path she came down, swinging the rattle snake's ruined body as she goes, whistling all the way as the scene fades.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / Find out what it means to me...
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:59:22 PM »
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An Over The Top Rope Elimination Gauntlet match is the next task in store for Raynin.  Will she prove that she's got what it takes to truly be the Best Bombshell in the Sin City Wrestling and be the first to claim the truly coveted Bombshell Championship Title?  Will the proposed team up between Fantasia and Raynin pay off during the match to bring her dreams of becoming Champion to fruition?  She's got alot on her mind as she prepares herself for some stiff competition as she has to take out Angelica, Allison Summers, Rebecca Blades, Kittie, Misty, and Fantasia.  Let's find out...

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 ...  YOU WILL LEARN ...  

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Definitions of "RESPECT"

1. a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in): to differ in some respect.

2. relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.

3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.

4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.

5. the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.

6. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.

7. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.

8. To relate or refer to; concern.

9. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See Synonyms at regard.

10. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.

11. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.

12. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects.

13. A particular aspect, feature, or detail: In many respects this is an important decision.

14. an attitude of deference, admiration, or esteem; regard

15. the state of being honoured or esteemed

16. a detail, point, or characteristic; particular he differs in some respects from his son

17. reference or relation (esp in the phrases in respect of, with respect to)

18. polite or kind regard; consideration respect for people's feelings

19. (often plural) an expression of esteem or regard (esp in the phrase pay one's respects)

20. to have an attitude of esteem towards; show or have respect for to respect one's elders

21. to pay proper attention to; not violate to respect Swiss neutrality

22. to show consideration for; treat courteously or kindly

23. Archaic to concern or refer to



Time:  October 25, 2011, 9:30 PM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Raynin's Apartment...



It was another night for her, like so many others she's lived through in her life.  Most nights, she's curled up in an easy chair, wrapped up in a crocheted blanket.  She's got a bowl of ramen noodles in her lap which she's put some vegetables in and she's munching on them slowly, using some chopsticks.  Not the most glamorous fare that you'd expect for a Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell to be eating, but she was always one for the simpler things in life.  

If you looked around her apartment, you would see that it wasn't anything special.  It's an industrial loft, with minimal furniture, a couch, an easy chair, and a bed in one side of the room with a dresser a tv and a mirror.  She's also got a small table with two chairs in the kitchen area, with the majority of the rest of the space having been set up to be her own private training ground. 

Tonight, she's got alot on her mind, so she's decided she needed a bit of meditation to clear her mind.   In one corner of her training ground, she's set up a kind of shrine.  On one wall of the north east corner of her apartment, she shows her religious side.  Everything is surrounded by rows upon rows of candles.  Being the devout Catholic that she is, she's got a trio of statues set up, one in the center of Jesus Christ, with one to the right of the Virgin Mary, and one to the left of Saint Mary of Magdalene.  The statues are set up in front of a crucifix which is attached to the wall hanging above everything.  She's even got a small dish of holy water which she gets blessed by a local priest every week.  

To contrast the Christianity of it all, on the other wall of the north east corner of her apartment, she's set up a small buddhist shrine.  She's got small rock waterfalls set up on either side of a larger statue of buddha and they're bubbling quietly.  She's got incense set up to burn when she needs, and a serenity gong as well.  This one corner she keeps sectioned off with a paper privacy screen, so she can have one tranquil spot in her own space.

She's dressed in a pair of grey yoga pants and a dark blue sports camisole.  Her long hair is pulled back in a tight frenchbraid, and the tail of it is wrapped up in a low bun at the base of her skull.  She's barefoot, her toes painted in a soft pink color from her recent pedicure.  It's one of the few things she actually indulges in on a weekly basis.  She's kneeling on the floor in front of the two shrines, looking back and forth from one to the other.  She finally decides what she needs to do.  She sighs and pulls out a pair of small candles and lights them on the largest candle surrounding the statues in front of the crucifix and sets them in a pair of candle holders with the others.  She folds her hands in her lap and lowers her head slowly.

"Holy Father, I'm coming to you today for your forgiveness.  It's been a month since my last confession, and I know that you understand why I don't take these sessions to an actual priest.  It's always been... safer for all who are involved to just keep them strictly between us.  Help me to remember the child I was before...  Forgive me for the woman I've been...  and for the woman I must become.  I light this candle to honor her memory.  And I light the second candle to send up my sins and transgressions so that I may be washed clean and be made anew."

She sighs and picks up a rosary from off of the small altar, kisses the crucifix on the end of the chain and starts to run the beads through her fingers slowly.

"I'm coming to ask forgiveness for both what I've done and what I'm about to do.  I am asking forgiveness for what I did during the graveyard match.  I lost my cool and I wanted to seriously hurt Kittie.  She pushed my buttons and took me to that place that causes me to contemplate some serious wetwork.  But in a way, that's a good thing.  It's made me want to win the Bombshell Championship match so much more.  I have to admit...  I'd forgotten just how good it feels to have some competition that's not trying to actually kill me.  Though in Kittie's case, that might actually have been what she was trying to do.  She's nuts!  She's twisted!!  She's... She's amazing!!  And that's exactly what I need to push myself to the next level!  I need someone who is going to not hold back one bit to take things from that normal level of just good to the awesomeness that is bubbling just beneath the surface."

She looks down at the rosary and breathes deeply before she looks back up at the faces of the statues in front of her. 

"It's like a whole new door within me has opened up and I'm becoming something new... someone new... someone different from who I was before.  I know this is true because while I wanted to just let it all go, I didn't.  I kept on my eyepatch.  I don't think any of the others even realized that I still had it on.  I don't even think they noticed really.  I can't believe that I left it on.  Who knows... maybe if I had actually taken it off, I could have won that match."

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head slowly.  She reaches into the front of her top and pulls out her eyepatch, looking down at it as she sighs softly.

"This patch has been with me through thick and thin.  This is how I trained as a kid.  Tia Angel felt that it would help me to with my training.  I wore this patch through my lucha libre training as well as my martial arts training.  I did my first clothesline wearing this thing, as well as received my first set of stitches from a misstep while doing training with my katana against Tia Angel's squadmate, Vlad.  It's how I learned to shoot an arrow from a bow, a bolt from a crossbow, and a bullet from a gun.  It helped me to focus on my target and keep my mind set on the task at hand.  I wore it through every mission I had after making it through basic training...  It's defined my transformation from who I once was to the person I've become..."

As Raynin's talking, different scenes from her past begin to play on the canvas of her mind.  She sees herself as a teenager, doing a martial arts katta with her Aunt wearing the eyepatch.  It fades into a scene of herself sparring with her Aunt, this time with the eyepatch on the other eye.  The scene fades to a scene of Raynin as a child with her Grandfather watching her as she trains with him, wearing the eyepatch as she does rolls and runs the ropes of a wrestling ring.  She doesn't time her turn right and barrels through the ropes, and lands on her back on the outside of the ring, holding her back and wincing.  She gets angry and moves to remove the eyepatch, but a stern look from her Grandfather makes her sigh heavily, then stand slowly and climb back into the ring to go back to running the ropes.  This time she hits the ropes squarely and rebounds, picking up speed as she moves.  The scene fades out to another scene of Raynin as an adult in fatigues.  She's got the eyepatch on, holding a semi-automatic rifle up to her shoulder, and she's shooting at a target in the distance.  She doesn't flinch as she draws a large 'X' from the center of the target out.  Her Aunt walks over to her and pats her on the shoulder and nods.  The scene fades out to Raynin as a teenager again, sparring using swords with an older man with red hair, both in black gi, the swords moving almost impossibly fast as they go back and forth and circle one another.  

The scenes stop playing through her min and she sits there, still looking down at the eyepatch.  She closes her fist around it and chuckles softly to herself.

"I learned to heighten my senses with this eyepatch.  My depth perception became sharper.  My hearing was taken to a different level.  It got so I could smell the sweat and adrenaline on a person's skin so I could almost sense a person coming at me so I could dodge any attack before it came at me...  We used the eyepatch as a way to buil my speed and accuracy.  With this on, I was good... very damned good at what I did.  An when I took it off... I was that much better.  It was like when I take off my eyepatch during a mission, or a sparring match in my training, because of the training for so long wtih it on, it's like a releasing of sealed powers.  And I only took this off if I knew that what I was facing was a challenge that warrants me needing that extra... oomph I guess is the best way to put it.  For when I need that extra bit of get up and go so to speak."

She chuckles to herself again and slips the eyepatch back in her top and goes back to sliing the rosary beads slowly through her fingers.

"It seems I underestimated the level of competition in this company.  I thought that I could take out Allison, Kitty and Misty without the use of my full potential.  Who knows... had I simply taken off my eyepatch at the beginning of the match, things woul have ended very much differently.  But as my Tia Angel always used to say, 'hind sight is always twnety twenty.  We need to have our future sight just as strong.  And that takes planning, strategy, prior knowledge of our objective, and the reduction of luck from our targets.  And for me, that means I'll need to continue my training, study my opponents... learn their moves and work out counters to their moves..."

She sighs heavily and shakes her head slowly.

"This will mean a call to mi Abuello.  If I know him, he's already watched Climax Control and will ahve some suggestions for me.  One of the biggest ones being, 'stop thinking I don't need to use my full potential to come out on top.'  I know for a fact that to win this, I'll need to take off my eyepatch as soon as I step in the ring... and that's just what I'm gonna do.  I'm stepping up for this with both eyes open.  No question about that.  And I'll leave my opponents laying in the ring with both eyes shut."

She dips her fingers in the holy water and crosses herself before bringing the rosary to her lips once more, kissing it gently.

"I pray that you will give me the clarity I need to see things through to completion, and grant me the serenity I need to not lose my head and keep my cool so that I can execute my plan of attack with precision.  In your son's name... Amen."

She stands slowly and places the rosary back on the altar and she seems to have a look of peace on her face.  She almost looks like a different person as she stands there in the light of the candles.  The lines of her face have softened, and she looks like the weight of the world has been lifted from her shoulders.  She sighs softly and nods to herself before she walks around the privacy screen...

And a whole new look descends on her face.  She's got a look of determination and fierceness on her face now.  She walks across the floor and picks up her cellphone, placing it on her speaker dock an dials an international number from memory.  The phone rings over speaker as she moves to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water from inside.  The phone is answered on the third ring and the voice that comforted her as a child answers.

"Hola Rayniña."

She smiles softly at the sound of her Grandmother calling her by an old nickname.  She also hears running water in the background, so she knows that her Grandmother is in the kitchen, more than likely finishing up the dishes from dinner.  She opens her water as she speaks.

"Hola Abuela.  I'm sorry to disturb you so late.  Where's El Jefe?  Is he still downstairs, or has he closed for the night?"

She hears her Grandmother turn off the water before she answers.

"You didn't disturb us Niña.  He worked late with an old friend.  You know how he can be when he's helping someone.  We just finished eating.  We had one of your favorites.  Black beans and rice with bananas."

She chuckles as she hears her Grandfather's deep voice rumble in the background.

"Tell her I watched her on the tv.  She was sloppy!  I have some pointers for her."

She can't help but smile as sips her water and she hears her Grandmother yell back her answer.

"Kaiate!  Hush you!  I'll let you talk to her after I'm through you old goat!  He always interrupts us when I'm trying to talk to you!  He's so bossy sometimes!  I swear, he took the right name when he decided to become 'El Jefe' cause all he does is try and tell everyone what to do.  Now...  Niña...  I watched you on the tv with him.  You know what I'm gonna say...  you're not eating enough.  You're so thin!!  I swear, when you come and visit, I'm going to sit you down and make you eat!" 

She throws her head back and laughs.

"Well Abuela, you always thought I was too skinny.  You said the same thing about my mother.  But I promise you, I'm eating.  It's all of the training that I do.  But you know I will never turn down one of your meals.  And I will be coming to visit soon.  I know he will want to work with me some." 

She hears her Grandmother moving dishes around in the kitchen and finally she hears a chair scrape the floor loudly and her Grandmother sigh heavily as she sits.

"You know you work too much Niña.  But then, I think you get that from your Abuelo.  You and he both just don't know how to sit still long enough to rest.  I remember when I first met him.  He was so handsome in his mask.  But then, you don't have to sit and listen to me reminisce about things like that."

Raynin sighs heavily and sits on the bed, curling her feet up beneath her.  She takes another sip of her water before she speaks.

"I took a trip to the casino before Climax Control.  I won.  I'm sending what I won to you and El Jefe."

Her Grandmother sighs and Raynin knows she's sitting there at the kitchen table, wiping minuscule crumbs from the surface into a napkin.

"You know that you don't need to do that Niña.  The gym is doing well.  We got three new applicants last week."

Raynin shakes her head and falls back on her ppillow.

"And I also know that El Jefe is probably helping them without charging them, just like he did the last four to come out of the facility.  He's too nice sometimes.  I know he wants to keep lucha libre alive and well, but he's letting the wrong kinds of people in and you know it.  Not everyone is meant for the mask.  I know I wasn't.  And it killed him to know that, but I just think I'm too pretty to put my face behind a mask.  Besides... I couldn't wear my eyepatch with a mask on."

She hears her Grandmother make a rude noise and she can't help but grin.

"Personally I can't stand that horrid thing.  Your eyes work perfectly fine.  There's no need for you to wear that thing."

Raynin chuckles as she hears her Grandfather's booming voice start to bellow from the other room and getting closer as he comes into the kitchen.

"Of course she has to wear it.  How else do you expect her to get any better?  And would you please pull out the sopapillas you promised me after I took out the trash?"

Her Grandmother sighs heavily again and you hear her pushing the chair back as she stands.  

"Here's your Grandfather Niña.  Te Amo mi bonita."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"I love you too Abuela"

She hears her Grandfather clearing his throat and saying something softly to her Grandmother, as they pass the phone between one another and a soft kiss being shared between them.  Raynin wonders at how they've still found time in all of their years together to still keep that affection and love between them.  Then she hears her Grandfather's voice speak, and she feels like she's eleven years old all over again.  His tone just commands the utmost respect.

"Rayniña...  You have forgotten your fundamentals."

Raynin stammers and sputters as she treis to deny the accusation.

"El Jefe... I haven't forgotten my fundamentals!!  I... I... I still know how to do a drop toe hold and a clothsline!  Even a suplex!!..  I swear!!  I..."

He interrupts her with a disapproving grunt that stops her mid sentence.  He takes a deep breath and when he speaks his tone sends her back to feeling like the eleven year old girl she was when she started her training with him.

“You have chosen to neglect your fundamentals Niña.  You have chosen to become so wrapped up in the flashy and the devastating moves that you have forgotten what it means to wear your opponent down with your fundamentals.  Admit it to yourself and to me!  If you don’t, then I won’t tell you what you need to know in order to win in this Over the top rope Gauntlet match!  And even worse, you will continue to fail!”

Raynin pouts petulantly for a few minutes, then she sighs and slowly.

“Si Abuelo.  Perdóname por favor.  You are right.  I admit it.”

Her Grandfather grunts again and takes a deep breath before he continues to speak.

“You keep talking about luck.  Luck is an illusion!  Luck is what someone who has lost their focus and caused themselves to fail says about the person who wanted it  just that much more than they did!  You lost at Climax Control not because someone else was lucky, but because you didn’t want it badly enough!  Admit it to yourself!!”

Raynin curls up on the bed hugging her pillow and when she speaks, she sounds like a child who is being chastised.

“Si Abuelo.  Perdóname por favor.  You are right.  I admit it.”

She hears her Grandfather start to munch on the sopapillas her Grandmother have made and her mouth starts to water as she imagines the crunchiness of the chips and the sweet taste of the honey of her favorite dessert.  She puts the pillow over her face and moans softly to herself as she hears her Grandfather sucking the last of the sweetness from his fingers.

“Abuelo!!  That’s so unfair!!  You know how much I love Abuela’s sopapillas!!”

Her Grandfather chuckles softly to himself.

“Consider this your punishment for taking your eye off of the ball.  You underestimated just how good these other chicas actually MIGHT be!  And something tells me that you’re starting to do the same with going into this matchup!  And that’s the last thing you need right at this is to not be focused!  Do you think that I lost focus in the ring?  Do you think I could have become El Jefe if I got too cocky and arrogant and forgot the most important parts of my training?  Of course not!  And neither should you!”

She sighs again and looks almost as if she’s about to cry.

“Si Abuelo.  Perdóname por favor.  You are right.  I admit it.”

Her Grandfather sighs softly and sucks at his fingers a few more times, and she groans at the sound of the sweet treat being enjoyed.  She smacks his lips slowly as he chews.

“I bet you forgot about the all time most important tip one needs when dealing in an over the top rope match.  I think if I remind you of it, that you’ll remember how important it is to not forget your fundamentals in the future.

She sits up and sighs softly.

“Please El Jefe.  I promise you, I won’t forget my fundamentals in the future.  I want to be the first ever Bombshell Champion so badly, I can literally taste it!  If I do win, it will be sweeter than those sopapillas you’re torturing me with, and  you know it!!”

Her Grandfather crunches on more sopapillas and chews slowly before he says three simple words…

"Pelar el gato.”

Raynin frowns for a moment as she tries to remember what fundamental those words are for.

"Pelar el gato?”

She hears her Grandfather take a deep breath and knows he’s nodding slowly.

“Si…  Pelar el gato.”

She furrows her eyebrows as she thinks to herself about those three words…

"Pelar el gato…  Pelar el gato… Pelar el gato… Pelar el gato?…”

Her Grandfather nods again and munches on more sopapillas.

“Si… Pelar el gato.”

Finally, it’s like a lightbulb goes off in her head and she sits up straight, an excited light glinting in her eyes.

"Pelar el gato?!!!”

Her Grandfather munches more and swallows and clears his throat, sounding proud that she’s finally gotten what she’s been trying to get through her thick skull.

“Si… Pelar el gato.”

Raynin jumps up off of the bed and starts to jump around excitedly.

"Pelar el gato!!  How in the world could I have forgotten about that??!!  You’re right! It’s part of my fundamentals!!  I’m so sorry El Jefe!!  I won’t forget them ever again!!  I feel so stupid!!  It was staring me right there in the face!!…  I promise you Abuelo!  I won’t fail you again!!  Pelar el gato!!  It’s so simple!!  I have to go and get started working on those fundamentals!!  Pelar el gato!!  Muchos Gracias El Jefe!! Te Amo!”

She giggles as she hears her Grandfather munching again and tries to mumble his goodbyes around his sopapillas and she hangs up on him.  She then jumps in the air and shrieks as the scene fades out…

"Pelar el gato!!!”

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Time:  October 26, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific location:  Unknown...



"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!"

Those three words are what have her hanging here, dangling above a tank of icy cold water by a wire the same thickness as the ropes of a wrestling ring, her muscles trembling as she pulls her body up over the wire and back again over and over again.  She can feel her body protesting as she’s been doing this over and over again till the point where she wants to almost pass out, but she knows she can’t stop now… not quite yet…

"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

She’d spent the first few hours in the practice ring she had set up with her sparring partner, letting him throw his two hundred and forty-five pound body against hers over and over again as she stood on the ring apron and held onto the ropes, not letting go.  She finally realized that with an over the top rope match, the one primary thing she needed to make sure didn’t happen was that she wasn’t allowed to actually go over the top rope no matter what.  So she’d spent hours on hours working on her hand grip strength, her arm strength, her grip stamina…  She had to make sure that no matter what, if she was ever put into this situation, that she wouldn’t be actually sent to the arena floor...

"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

She’d spent the next few hours letting her sparring partner toss her over the top rope while she grabbed on in any way possible and stopped herself from going over to the arena floor.  She’s pulled herself back over the top rope… Wrapped her body around the ropes and held on for dear life… flipped herself over the top and back into the middle ropes… ducked under the bottom ropes… Anything it took to not go down to the floor.  She let this man brutalize her body in the name of preparation to the point where her body was trembling with exertion and exhausted, just as she knew she would be during the match, and still she didn’t stop.  She wouldn’t stop.  She knew too much was at stake!...

"Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

And so she put her body over the take of ice water to prepare herself for the inevitable… When she would be so tired that nothing she could do could keep her from going over and down to the ground… But she needed to dig deep and make sure that didn’t happen!  She was holding her body in that weird manner, hands in a reverse grip, and she continually pulled her body up over the rope, and held herself there balanced on the brink before she lowered herself back down to be once again in the predicament of dropping, just to force her body back up again.  She didn’t want to fall down into the icy depths below as she’d have to simply pull herself back up and out onto the rope again to continue her challenge she’s set up for herself.  

"Pelar el gato!!  Skin the cat!!  Pelar el gato!!!”

She remembers doing this as a child with her Grandfather as he worked with her on her fundamentals.  She had to skin the cat over and over and over again until she’d literally fallen from the rope and down to the ground, crying from the cramps in her muscles.  Her Grandfather had actually carried her up to the apartment that day and rubbed her arms until the cramps had lessened… but the very next day, they were at it again, pushing her body to the point of pain over and over again until she could finally withstand the training.  And here she was, having to do the same to herself now that she’s a grown woman.  She thinks to herself as she continues to torture her body.

{  The time is fast approaching…  I can’t let myself stop… I can’t give up one inch… I can’t give up one iota of a moment to despair or disparaging remarks…  This is my chance at greatness!  This is my shot!!   This is my time to go the extra distance and finally gain the respect that I have been fighting so hard to gain.  I know the ones I will have to keep my eye out for… Misty…  Misty, you’ve given up so much to get where you are…  But the question is, will you have the ability to give up so much more to be able to attain that prize that’s dangling just in front of you?  You and Kittie both feel you deserve the title.  You both feel that you’ve fought for your dues and earned the title already.  But you’ve both forgotten one simple fact and that’s the fact that the only person who deserves to hold the Bombshell Championship is the one who actually  makes it through the Gauntlet match.  Nothing is ever promised in life.  We can only fight, and scrap, and scrimp and claw, and scratch our way on to gain that which we want.

Kittie, you say that I’m disrespecting you by saying that you got lucky with your win at Climax Control, but you and I both know the truth.  It all came down to who was willing to go that extra mile and who wanted to inflict the most damage.  At that point, it could have gone either way…  You obviously wanted it more than I did.  But at High Stakes…  There will be no question as to who’s the hungriest.  You can try to beat me, you can try to break me, you can try to hold me down, but there will be nothing, and I do mean NOTHING that will stop me from making sure that I’m the one on top getting the one, the two, and the three, and I stand with my hand held high in victory.  NOTHING!!!  You can sit back and say that I disrespected you by calling your win a fluke win…  you can believe that if you want… But respect is something that has to be earned with me…  You fired the first shots with disparaging remarks…  don’t give what you can’t take little girl.  Because it will all come to bite you in the backside in the end.

Allison Summers… You’re doing the right thing by stepping back out of the lime light.  I know you’re going to do your best and go out there and give it the old college try…  But I think we all know that you’ve thrown in the towel.  And that’s alright.  Knowing when you’ve been defeated before hand is a good way for you to stop before you get yourself truly hurt.

Rebecca Blades…  Girl, just give it up.  No one has seen hide nor hair of you.  I know you could be off doing some secret sabbatical style training, but in truth I think we all know that you’re just cowering and hiding your head in the sand because things were harder than you thought they would be.

Fantasia… I’ll say this… I’ll have your back for as long as I can… But when it comes down to it… I want.. no… I NEED to be Bombshell Champion!  It’s a desire that goes deep down into my bones, and is rooted there in the core of my very being!!  And even with the respect that is mutual between us…  That is one thing that will always come first.  My drive to be Champion.

Angelica, Angelica, Angelica…  Our resident whore of Babylon…  The more you run your mouth, the more it makes me want to kick your teeth in.  All I have to say to you is… I know that you protest too much. You have such big words and you’ve yet to back them up.  I’ve stepped out there and Ive given as well as got my licks in.  And all you’ve done is put a big fuckin’ target dead center in your forehead and every one of us are gonna be gunning for you.  You have about an ice cube’s chance in hell of surviving this match.  Don’t plan on having gold around your waist any time soon because it’s going to end up right where it belongs around my waist.  }

Her body has finally taken as much punishment as it can and she lets go of the rope and starts to drop down to the icy water below.

“High Stakes will be the moment for me to shine!!”

As Raynin hits the water, the scene fades out...

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Time:  October 27, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific location:  Unknown...



The previous night had been chilled as the days are beginning to grow shorter, so out here in the desert, you had to be careful.  While it might start out as a hot day, the temperatures can get low enough to frost if there's any bit of humidity in the air.  Last night had been one of those nights, which made the day a bit stickier than usual.  She'd spent the last few days, obsessing over just what went wrong during the match at Climax Control, trying to figure out why things didn't work out the way she'd planned, until early this morning, she just couldn't take it anymore and had that need to move in the great outdoors.  

She'd packed a cooler with lunch and about a dozen water bottles and a backpack with a few essentials, grabbed her camel pack which she'd filled with water and tossed it all in the backseat of her old, 1982 Volkswagon convertible, put the top down, let her hair loose and slipped on a pair of dark sunglasses, then just started driving.  The one strange thing she took with her was this old, tin, G.I. Joe lunchbox which she kept on her lap.  To most it would seem that she was driving aimlessly, but to the rare few who actually knew anything about her, they knew she never did anythign without a purpose.  She knew where she was going, that it would be a quiet place to work out the kinks that were filling her body and that it would be a change of pace after doing all of her training at home.  Having all of her workout gear in her own home saves alot on gym costs, but sometimes she just had that urge to wander, and today was one of those days.

She made a single stop by the Money Box, taking that G.I. Joe lunchbox in with her.  She pushed the sunglasses up onto the top of her head as she leaned over a table next to another patron to fill out one of the slips.  It's some guy in a pair of jeans and a wife beater with an old looking cap on his head to cover his too long hair.  The guy bent over his own slip beside her looked up quickly at her and smiled, showing off his chipped front tooth before doing a doubletake and gasping as he takes a few steps back and points at her.

"Holy SHIT!!  I know you!!  You're that chick from that new wrestling company aintcha?!!"

She looks over at the guy with her eye raised up and smiles softly and shrugs slowly, continuing to fill out her slip.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

The guy brings his hand down on the counter with a slap, then brings his finger back up and keeps pointing at her.

"No no no!!  I know it's you!!  I was sittin' right down front at the last show and I got to watch it all up on the big screen!!  You're one of those Blondeshells aintcha??!!  Yeah, you are!!  I know you are!!!  Admit it!!  Admit it!!"

Raynin finishes filling out her slip and stands up straight, picking up her lunchbox and shaking her head slowly, shrugs again.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sir, now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to..."

She moves to walk away but the guy jumps in front of her, holding up his hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa there little missie...  No need to get all dismissive with me!!  I just wanted to know if you were one of those pretty ladies that gave such an awesome main event last week is all!  Cause if you are...  I'd like to show you a few moves of my own!!"

The guy takes a step closer to her and she sighs exasperatedly and steps back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"If I just say I am, will that make you leave me alone so I can continue on with my business?"

The looks her up and down lewdly rubbing his stomach and he shrugs.

"I don't know... Depends on what else you can do for me..."

She rolls her eyes and moves to step around the man, but he reaches out quickly and grabs her arm pulling her to him roughly.

"Where you think you goin' girl??!!"

She doesn't think, just reacts and twirls her arm until she's got a grip on the man's wrist and gives it a quick twist and he's suddenly in an armbar.  The movement is so fast that the guy barely has time to shriek before she's flipped the angle and he's in a hammerlock with her standing behind him.  She growls in his ear menacingly.

"Now listen here you two bit lowlife.  All I wanted to do was just complete my business and go about my day like any other person, but here you are, calling attention to me that I simply didn't want.  Now, I suggest that you move along before I decide to truly get upset and do something like snap your wrist, or maybe break your arm, or smash your face into the wall!"

The man starts to whimper and stammer.

"Wait!!  Wha... wha... wait a minute!!  I was just playin'!!   I swear!!  I just wanted your autograph!!"

Raynin pushes him towards the counter where she'd written out her slip and pushes him against it.  She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small notepad and grabs the inkpen and scrawls her autograph on the paper, ripping it off and slaps it on the man's chest hard.

"There are other ways of getting an autograph besides being an ass you know.  Next time, simply ask for it.  Now...  I'd suggest you walk away quickly before I decide to get the authorities involved."

She pushes him away from the counter and walks around him, then over to the line for the counter.  The guy folds up the autograph and puts it in his pocket as he looks around and leaves the facility.  She runs her hand over her forehead and sighs heavily, shaking her head.  Just then, she hears a feminine voice ahead of her speak to her.

"You were alot nicer about that than I was.  Good for you."

Raynin looks up and sees a tall, shapely, muscular woman standing in front of her, running her hand through her long dark wavy hair.  The woman looks familiar, but she can't seem to place who she is.  Raynin squints her eyes, then her eyes suddenly go wide as she realizes that the person standing in front of her is actually one of her idols...  It's former GXW Diva, AWO Multiple time Champion, Darknyss.  Raynin squeals like a little girl and grabs a hold to her hand, shaking it up and down ecstatically.

"Oh My GOD!!  It's you!!  I mean... You're her!!  I mean.. You're you!  I mean... wait... what am I saying?!!"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes Raynin's hand back, smirking.

"Yes, that's right... it's me.  Raynin isn't it?  Very nice to meet you."

Raynin's eyes go wide as it hits her that her idol knows her name.

"Wait... what?  How do you know who I am?"

Darknyss smirks and shrugs, leaning her head to the side.

"Any great wrestler always keeps an eye out for future opponents and new talent.  You were pretty impressive out there at Climax Control."

Raynin is almost giddy at the thought that Darknyss has kept an eye on her in the SCW and she blushes.

"I just tried to do my best to win is all.  I'm up for the Bombshell Championship at High Stakes, and it's about all I can do not to just run around screaming my head off at how excited I am about it.  Though some of my opponents are acting like I don't get how good they are.  Angelica... She's the one who pushes my buttons the most though...  She slept her way into the Championship match for a debut match.  Can you believe that?  All of the rest of us actually worked at it, and she's just handed a Championship match on a silver platter.  I swear... I can't believe Mark Ward would even touch her though."

Darknyss shrugs and smirks, shaking her head slowly.

"Don't let her get to you.  She's just playing mindgames.  The main thing you have to remember is, no matter how they got into the match, they're just one more obstacle between you and your goal and treat them as such.  Besides... having a Championship match as your debut match isn't that big of a deal.  And for her to say that she's the only person to do something like that is a crock.  I debuted in the AWO in the Diva's Championship match and I won.  Besides... she's trying to hard to be special.  Almost everything about her is something taken from my past.  Heaven Sent was the name of the stable I was in back when I was in GXW...  And you can CERTAINLY tell that she's no angel.  I swear, Mark's taste in pieces of ass he's l has certainly been slipping if that's the best he has "

Raynin chuckles and is basically awestruck at the thought of her idol giving her pointers about her match.  She licks her lips slowly and looks around before she speaks.

"Well, I'll have to take your advice then.  I'm not one to let mindgames get to me anyways.  Like I said before...  The person who becomes the first ever Bombshell Champion is not the one who feels they deserve it, or who sleeps their way into the match, it'll be the one who earns it.  And with our line up, I can tell it will be alot of blood, sweat, and tears shed during this match.  And someone who cares so much about their looks like Angelica might not make it through once the blood starts to flow.  She may just eliminate herself instead of even trying.  But me... I've shown that I don't care about what I have to put my body through.  I won't stop, I won't give up.  I'll just keep going and going until I come out on top.  This time, there won't be any luck on anyone's side when they go up against me.  There will just be me standing with my hand raised in the end with every other one of these chicks standing outside of the ring, glaring up at me enviously as I hold that Championship title in the air in victory."

Darknyss chuckles and nods slowly.

"I think you'll do just fine.  You remind me alot of myself when I first started out.  I think you'll make a great Bombshell Champion."

Raynin blushes again and grins like a kid in a candy store.

"So, what brings you to Vegas?"

Darknyss smiles back as they move up in the line towards the counter.

"Actually, I'm here visiting an old friend.  I was passing through on my way to another venue for the company I'm working for and when I heard he was in the city, I just had to stop for a bit.  And I got a call that my sister got into a car accident and needed some extra cash for a new car because she didn't want to risk letting her husband know she'd crashed her car... again.  Like he would care... He adores that little hellcat.  And I've told her about texting while driving, but she never listens to me."

Raynin sighs and cocks her head to the side.

"Well, I was just thinking about what an awesome team we could make if you had the time to come to the SCW.  You and I as a tag team would be EPIC!!"

Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"You're right though... I think that the two of us could wreak some havoc on the SCW and Matt would be happy to see me again."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow curiously.

"Matt?  As in THE Matt Ward?  As in Mark Ward's..."

Darknyss nods and grins.

"Of course Matt Ward.  And don't even go there between the whole Matt/Mark thing.  I hear it all of the time and I keep telling everybody they're just a couple of men.  I swear, I could beat them both with one hand tied behind my back, and they might just like it."

Raynin chuckles nervously and shakes her head slowly.

"Well, Mark's the boss.  You gotta be at least a little bit in awe of the boss."

Darknyss reaches in her wallet and pulls out a business card, and writes a number on the back and hands it to Raynin.

"No, you don't.  You show the boss respect, not awe.  There's a difference, and I think you know that.  Look, her's my number.  Call me after High Stakes, and we'll talk about maybe some sort of future between you and me."

Raynin takes the card and nods slowly as the pair of women approach the head of the line.  Darknyss waves at the agent behind the counter as her turn comes up.

"Alright, it's my turn.  It's been awesome talking to you Raynin and a pleasure meeting you.  I should be back for the show though.  Don't forget to call me."

Raynin nods, and Darknyss walks up to the counter.  Raynin's called to the window on the other end, and she walks down to the open spot and sets her lunchbox up on the counter.  She opens it and pulls out a huge stack of cash and passes it along with the slip to the agent behind the counter.

"Six Grand.  Same info as last time.  I know you gotta count it."

The agent nods slowly and starts counting the bills as Raynin watches.  She looks up just long enough to wave at Darknyss who's walking out the door.  The scene fades...

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Supercard Archives / Cleaning Up...
« on: October 29, 2011, 11:59:12 PM »
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She made an impact on Climax Control, but no matter what she did, for her, it just didn't seem to be enough.  Raynin impressed the world with her skill and agility, but still ended up coming up with a loss in the impromptu Six Bombshell Tag Team Graveyard match.  But even if in her own mind, she didn't do what she needed to do because she didn't win, she'd definitely made an impression on the Powers That Be, as she's been named made a part of the Over the Top Rope Gauntlet Match to become the first ever, Bombshell Champion!!  She will face every other Bombshell from the Graveyard match, plus one more as it will be Raynin, against Misty, Fantasia, Allison Summers, Kittie, Rebecca Blades and the newest Bombshell that she can already tell will become a thorn in her side, Angelica!  Will Raynin continue to make an impact and be able to make it through this trial by fire and become the first ever Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion?  Let's find out...

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Time:  October 24, 2011...  Late night/Early morning...  After Climax Control...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Inside Raynin's Apartment...  The Cox Pavillion Arena...  Inside The Bombshell's Lockerroom...




Definitions of "GAUNTLET"

1. A protective glove worn with medieval armor.

2. A protective glove with a flared cuff, used in manual labor, in certain sports, and for driving.

3. A challenge: throw down the gauntlet; take up the gauntlet.

4. A dress glove cuffed above the wrist.

5a. A form of punishment or torture in which people armed with sticks or other weapons arrange themselves in two lines facing each other and beat the person forced to run between them.

b. The lines of people so arranged.

6. (Historical Terms) a punishment in which the victim is forced to run between two rows of men who strike at him as he passes: formerly a military punishment
run the gauntlet

a.  (Historical Terms) to suffer this punishment

b.  to endure an onslaught or ordeal, as of criticism

7. An onslaught or attack from all sides: "The hostages . . . ran the gauntlet of insult on their way to the airport" (Harper's).

8. A severe trial; an ordeal.


The room was completely fogged...  Full of steam from the hot water of the shower that's running in the background.  The black and white tile of the bathroom is covered with droplets of condensation as the hot white cloud billows over the top of the shower door.  

The door of the shower is clear enough for you to see the very feminine outline of Raynin as she stands beneath the spray of the shower.  The fog in the room and the condensation on the glass of the door obscures more interesting parts, but you can see every curve of her body through the shower door.  She's got her hands on the wall and is leaning forward, letting the water flow down over her hair and run over her face.  She's breathing heavily from the heat that's surrounding her, but it's helping to ease the soreness in her muscles after everything she'd gone through that day.

As she's standing there, she keeps flashing back to the tag team matchup that had taken place earlier today and everything else that had transpired.  She shakes her head and pounds the side of her fist against the tile as she growls to herself.


She sighs and runs her hands over her hair and leans her face back, letting the hot spray rain down over her.  She shakes her head slowly and turns around, leaning her butt against the cool tile and sighing as she wipes the water from her eyes.  The water beats down on her back and shoulders, the hot water stinging on the bruises and cuts that still decorate her back and arms.  The cut on her cheek has been stitched closed already by her and the thin trickle of blood that was oozing from it earlier had stopped.  She winces a bit as the hot water hits a more sensitive spot and grumbles to herself.

"I can't let this go because I know that had I simply had someone I could truly trust to go out there and give as much as I did, that I could have come out the winner.  The only consolation is, I must have impressed the Powers That Be enough for them to put me in the Championship match.  I've got another chance to show off.  And this time it'll be in a ring, not in some creepy ass cemetary.  This time, I'll just have to survive the gauntlet and come out on top.  And in that sense, I think I've got a bit of an advantage that the others don't have.  Cause in my previous line of work, it was always a type of gauntlet.  You survived, or you died.  There was no, 'oh, you can come back and try again.' and I've got to start thinking of these matches more like my missions used to be.  Not just about showing off anymore...  Strategical strikes...  Take out my opponent as fast as I can because there will be someone else coming within the next few minutes to try to take me out.  Try to keep it as one on one as possible, because let's face it... I know that the only person I have that I can trust out there is myself.  That got proven when Fantasia and Rebecca Blades left me to face off against the Old lady and the Crazy Kitten.  But this time, it's a Gauntlet match...  And over the top rope Gauntlet match!!  I am actually excited about it!  It's giving me goose bumps!"

She shivers under the warm spray and rubs her hands up and down her arms, shuddering at the feel of the goose pimples on her flesh.

"A Gauntlet match... Just think if I'm one of the the first ones in the ring...  I'd have to fight through each and every other female in that ring and take them out one at a time.  Oh, I'm always strategizing...  I didn't make it to squad leader in the first four months of my deployment for nothing.  It would be best to toss the first girl over the top rope as quickly as possible, or, maybe even try and form some kind of alliance with someone so we can work as a team against the others until it's down to just the two of us...   But that's not how it's gonna be.  I know it's not.   Out of them all, who could I trust to have my back the way I would need?  Certainly not any of the others from the tag team match... They proved that to me.  Then it's down to me, myself and I.  I'm just going to have to go out there and do anything and everything I can to not get eliminated.  I have to be slippery as an eel, strong as an ox, quick as a jackrabbit, cunning as a fox and I'm just the person to be all of that and then some.  I have to show each and every one of these females that stepping up to me is like stepping up to a brick wall and banging your head against it... Just plain stupid.  I want to win this...  I need to win this...  I have this deep seated desire to be the best Bombshell in this company, and I will not stop until I've proven that's just what I am!  I can't let it be any other way!  I can't be anything else!!"

She wraps her arms around her body and sighs as she pushes herself off of the tile and squeezes the water out of her hair and turns off the water and grabs her towel, wrapping it around herself before she steps out and grabs a second towel to wrap around her hair.  She stands in front of the mirror and writes the word 'Champion' in the fog and puts her fists on the counter as she looks at that single word.

"I keep hearing everyone say how they deserve to be the Bombshell Champion because they did so well in this company or that company, that they feel it's their right to be Champion because they were so good in the past...  Personally I think that's just utter bullshit.  Nothing should just be handed to you.  If you don't put in the time and the hours and give of yourself as much as you can, then you simply haven't earned it.  I'm not go to sit here and flap my gums saying I deserve to be the Bombshell Champion.  Not because I've spent years in this business, or because my brother has blown up my ego to the point where I feel I'm God's Gift to Women's Wrestling...  No, I think for my debut match I showed that I'm good because of my training.  I've shown I'm good because of my skill.  But I'm not gonna say I flat out DESERVE TO WIN!  Why should I?  In the end, the Bombshell Champion will be the person who goes out there and leaves it all in that ring.  The Bombshell Champion will be the one who either is lucky enough or skilled enough to be able to take everyone else out.  In the end, the person who becomes Bombshell Champion will be the person who wants it that much more than anyone else.  It'll be the Bombshell who is so hungry for that title that she will put her body, her blood, her bones, her everything on the line for the chance to hold that title high...  And right about now, I think I've shown that I am that hungry.  No, I won't say that I deserve to be Bombshell Champion.  But what I will say is this...  I will fight and fight and keep fighting until I can't fight anymore to become the Bombshell Champion."

She writes two names at the top of the glass and looks up at them.  One is Rebecca Blades, the other is Allison Summers.  She pulls out her facial moisturizing cream and starts to rub it on her face, sighing heavily.

"Out of everyone that were in that match, these two disappointed me the most.  Allison Summers... I'd heard she was gonna be one of the biggest names in this company...  She was supposed to be this big, bad ass, and yet... She's not even really trying.  I've seen more from get up and go from little old ladies on scooters than what I've seen from her.  She's so busy worrying about her boyfriend that she can't even see the nose on the end of her face.  Just like Rebecca.  They're both just like... Starstruck by the pieces of manflesh on their arms that they can't keep their minds on anything else.  They don't want this chance... not really.  They just simply want to be the armcandy of their men.  So I know that taking those two out won't be that hard to do."

She writes two more names out on the glass underneath the first two and sighs softly as she looks at the names of Fantasia and Angelica.  She reaches out and gets some of her lotion and starts to rub her hands together and slide it over her shoulders.

"Fantasia is another who's let what's between her legs take control of her body.  She's so hot for Shane that she can't think about anything else.  She can't concentrate on the task at hand... But she's not as bad as the other two.  She just might be someone I can talk to about that alliance...  But I know she'd stab me in the back as soon as my back was turned.  So it's best to just let her implode on her own and just stand on my own two feet.  I don't know... maybe I'm too untrusting...  Maybe I should try to reach out to Fantasia and see what she says.  But then, everyone I've trusted has either died or left me."

She puts a question mark beside Fantasia's name and shakes her head slowly.

"And then there's Angelica.  She's a loud mouth.  She's an ass kisser.  She's an arrogant, stuck up twit who is probably out trying to screw every one in management.  In fact, I wouldn't have put it past her to have done that to get the chance she's getting for her first match.  Oh, I know she's close with the boss from the last company he ran, but I don't care.  Being close to the boss doesn't guarantee you a damned thing.  She's still got to make it past me to even come close to touching that Bombshell Championship, which means her odds of winning just became zero.  In fact, I am gonna enjoy taking her out for running her mouth off against me.  I'm not the one you ever want to have as an enemy.  It's bad enough being an opponent because even if you do get a win over me, you won't truly be able to enjoy it because you'll be too broke down to do so.  And let's just say... Angelica is one of the first who has been put on my shit list...  And I have a feeling it won't be long before others are on that list as well."

She writes two more names on the foggy glass above the word Champion...  One is Misty, and the other is Kittie.  She smirks to herself as she lets her hair down from the towel to hang in wet ringlets down her back and chuckles ruefully to herself.

"Misty and Kittie...  Oh I know these two will be the ones that I will have to overcome more than any of the others...  But let's face it...  This isn't going to be like the tag team match.  No more team work...  No more working together... It's all for yourself, and I have a feeling once Misty and Kittie realize that the only other competition besides me they will really have in this match up will be each other, they will decide that it's better for one to take the other out, and then come and deal with me one on one, because I don't think they'll be able to really face one another and not come out of it without damaging their friendship.   I think Misty and Kittie will be too engrossed in getting the win to be able to work together.  They will see each other as I view everyone else in this company at all times, and that is as opponents.  I really do think that the minute Kittie finally bears her claws against Misty, she will realize truly what a threat that nutcase is."

She writes a single name over the word Champion and smiles softly.  It's her own name.  She reaches up and wipes the other names off of the glass, revealing her face in the glass and leaves her own there and nods slowly.

"This is the future.  This is what is going to happen and how things will be.  How do I know?  Because I can feel it in my gut that I'm going to come out the winner.  Not because I feel it's owed to me, or because I've screwed the boss to get it, but because I know that I've worked hard.  Because I know I'll be putting it all on the line.  Because I know that the others truly won't give as much as I will.  They all have other concerns to think about.  Misty has her daughter.  Kittie has her family.  Rebecca and Allison have their men, and Angelica has her ego.  But me... this is what I have.  A single minded desire to stand at the top of the Bombshell mountain, the bodies of my opponents strewn below me and the Championship in my hands.  This is all I have.  I've given everything else up for this.  And I do mean everything.  I've given up my career, my past, hell, I've given up my name for this.  And there's nothing that anyone can do that will stop me.  Climax Control was a fluke win for Kittie.  High Stakes will be a completely different story..."

She thinks back to what had happened earlier that day...  Recalling the end of the match and how she came to be in the state she's in now.

Raynin stands up and finds Kittie standing just opposite her, her face contorted in anger and fists shaking! She suddenly screams in wild anger at her ally having been eliminated. Kittie jumps onto a headstone and dives over the open grave Misty had fallen into and she crashes into Raynin, bringing both to the ground! The momentum throws both women over and they topple down the hill end over end. They hit the bottom and are both hurt and dazed. They get to their feet and Raynin grabs her by the hand and short-arm clotheslines her down! Raynin looks around for the final open grave and spots it nearby, across the dirt path road.

Raynin turns back around and Kittie throws a handful of dirt in her eyes, blinding her! She grabs two handfuls of Raynin’s hair and knee lifts her in the head once, twice – three times! Raynin goes down on her back, holding her head and wiping furiously at her eyes. Kittie pulls her up harshly and sends her across the path with an awkward Irish whip that causes her opponent to tumble down into the turf.

Simone: I wonder just how forgiving these Bombshells will be with Ward and Underwood for devising this whole debacle!?

Adams: Well considering Underwood is into guys, Hot Stuff will be the only one who has to worry about that.

Simone: I don’t know if that’s the smartest or dumbest thing you’ve said all night.

Adams: Well take your time to figure it out. I’m patient.

Kittie stomps over to her fallen foe and reaches for her but Raynin lunges up and grabs her in a headlock and drags her don into the ground with her! Both women struggle on the ground until they fight their way to their feet with Raynin retaining the headlock. But Kittie then grabs her around the waist and lifts her up, trying for a back suplex, only to have Raynin land on her feet behind her.

Simone: Smooth move there girl!

Raynin lands a punch right to Kittie’s kidneys and the blonde wildcat howls in pain and staggers forward, towards the open grave! Raynin grabs her by the hair and shirt and starts to throw her forward towards the grave but Kittie puts on the breaks and drops to a dead weight so it can’t be done. Raynin growls in frustration as she whips Kittie up by the hair and tucks her head down between her legs. She then wraps her arms around Kittie’s waist…

Adams: is she seriously going to…?

Simone: Oh come on! I know she wants to win but not like this!

Raynin smiles wildly and lifts Kittie up in the air for a powerbomb into the grave but Kittie starts fighting her way out, hammering her in the head! Kittie then falls backwards with her legs scissored around Raynin’s head, and she counters with a hurricanrana, throwing Raynin over into the open grave!

In her mind, she seemed to fall in slow motion into the darkness below, and what took meer moments appeared to take forever to her.  She watched the dirt below coming toward her and she turns her body before she lands so she takes it on her back as carefully as possible, and all she can think of is, 'How in the FUCK is this happening?!!' as she plummets into the grave.  When she lands, all of the wind is knocked out of her and she lays there, her hair covering her face as dirt starts to tumble in from the sides to cover her a bit.

{  The show is over now.  Climax Control this week had been amazing.  The crowd was electrified and amazed by the feats of all of the wrestlers who had put themselves through awesome matches that pleased and teased the crowd.  And yet, for one, the show had been anti-climactic.  Things didn't quite work out for her the way she had planned, so it was more than a bit of a downer for her.  Raynin had put on quite the show, taking control of her team and coming close to the win, but in the end, Kittie had ended up getting the best of her.  She was so upset over the way things ended, that she just didn't want to see anyone.  After the trainer had patched up her cuts and iced her bruises, including one hell of a shiner that she knew would end up turning all manner of colors by the next day, and put a bandage over the cut on her cheek.  When she'd finally had enough of being checked over, she'd pushed the medics out of her way and went off to find somewhere quiet to sit by herself.

She'd decided to climb up into the rafters of the arena so she could make sure she wasn't interrupted.  She ran up the stairs, knowing that with every step the anger that was building inside of her was threatening to bubble over.  She climbs a ladder up into the ceiling, where there's a trapdoor.  She growls and hits the door with her fist and it banged open, hitting the wall as she finally let out the primal scream that had been building inside of her.  She closed her eyes, threw her head back and let out a roar so loud and intense, the cords in her neck bulged out with the force of it.  Her hands were balled in fists and she was holding them so tightly out at her sides that her muscles in her arms actually trembled.  Once she'd run out of breath she finally just sagged and looked down at her feet, her shoulders slump a bit.

"Damn it!!  I can't believe she actually got me!"

She sighs heavily and slips her hands into her pockets, then starts to walk forward and climbs up onto one of the beams.  She gets to the first intersection of beams and slowly lowers herself down onto the beam and sits, dangling her feet over the edge.  She sits there and just watches as the rest of the arena starts to empty.  She looks at her hands and closes and opens them slowly.

"All of my training...  All of my hard work...  I knew it would all be for nothing if the others didn't do their part, and that's just what happened.  It didn't matter how hard I worked if the others didn't have my back.  And just as I knew would happen, I was left holding the bag.  It all turned into a two on one attack, with me the primary targed.  But that's alright...  I might have ended up getting taken out in the end, I still made the impression I wanted...  I let the two ego driven chicks know that I'm no push over.  They expected me to just lay down and take it, but instead, I handed them their asses.  That was a fluke win, and I think deep down they know it.  If Kittie hadn't gotten lucky, I would have dropped her ass into that hole and buried her..."

She balls her hand into a fist and sighs as she turns her hand over and checks the time.  She'd been so deep in thought that she didn't realize that she'd been sitting up in the rafters for almost an hour as the cleanup continued beneath her.  She sighed heavily then, climbs to her feet.

"Alright, I think if I head back down now, I can walk into the lockerroom without blowing a gasket and get my things...  I'll shower when I get home."

As she's dusting herself off, she hears the door bang open and hears feet come running out onto the ledge behind her.

"Just stay right there Miss!!  Everything's gonna be just fine!!  I'm here to help!!  I know things might seem desparate right now, but that's no reason to do anything rash!!"

Raynin frowns and cocks her head to the side as she looks over her shoulder at the commotion behind her.


She sees a pair of police officers standing on the ledge looking up at her.  Both of them look like they've had one jelly donut too many, and are breathing heavily after having climbed all of the stairs and the ladder to get to where the ledge is. She groans softly to herself and lifts an eyebrow as she notices that one has a bullhorn, and he's panting into it, sounding like the world's loudest and worst obscene phone call.  She turns and puts her fists on her hips, cocking one out to the side and shaking her head slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

The officer with the bullhorn goes to try and talk through it but pushes the wrong button and it starts to wail with a loud siren.  He swears as he starts pushing buttons to try and stop the whirring screeching sound, and finally stops it before bringing it back to his lips.

"Everything will be ok ma'am.  Please just stay calm.  I'm Officer Johnson, and this is my partner Manfrini.  We're just here to help.  There's no reason for you to get upset and jumnp."

Raynin shakes her head and chuckles a bit.

"Wait a minute... What??!!  You think I'm up here to jump?!"

The officer holds his hand out and shakes his head slowly.

"No, we don't think you're gonna jump.  In fact, you're not gonna do that.  We're gonna sit down and just chill out, rap a bit...  You know, talk a few things out."

She rolls her eyes and throws her hands up in the air and sighs heavily.

"What in the world made you think that I was jumping?"

Officer Johnson brings it back to his lips and holds his hand out to her again.

"Please ma'am, please just calm down.  No one is saying you're a jumper if you don't like that term, we can come up with a different one.  Can't we Manfrini?"

He slaps slaps the other officer on the shoulder and he shrugs and scratches his head slowly.

"Um, yeah, sure we can Johnson.  Um, what about having a desire to be life challenged?"

Raynin does a facepalm and shakes her head.

"Um, are you two like comic relief or something?  This has got to be a joke.  I'm not jumping."

Officer Johnson holds his hand out again and mistakenly hits the button for the siren again and the bulllhorn wails right in his partner's ear who jumps and makes a strange face.

"Damn it Johnson!!  Watch were you're pointin' that thing!!"

Officer Johnson finally finds the right button and hits it again and turns off the siren.

"Sorry Manfrini..."

His partner shakes his head and rubs his ear.


Officer Johnson turns and shakes his partner's shoulder.

"I said I'm sorry about that Manfrini."

His partner leans in next to Johnson and frowns.


Johnson shakes his head and sighs heavily.

"Forget it Manfrini."

His partner leans in again frowning more.


Johnson brings the bullhorn back to his lips and holds his hand out to Raynin again.

"Listen, you have so much to live for.  So you lost your debut match, so what?  You have so much more to live for..."

Raynin rolls her eyes and nods slowly.

"Damned right I do.  I haven't even begun to fight.  That match may have been a loss, but I put in more of an impression on everyone in that match than you can ever believe.  They now know that I'm not just some pushover!  I'm a threat the likes of which they've never seen before!!  And if... IF I'm chosen to be in that Championship match, I know for a FACT that I'll be coming out of that match as the Sin City Wrestling's first Bombshell Champion!!  And why do you ask?  Because I'm going to fight for it and fight for it like a Tasmanian Devil to get it!"

Manfrini frowns and looks at her and shakes his head slowly.

"What does a Steam shovel have to do with wrestling?"

She shakes her head and sighs.

"Look, I'm coming down and I'm heading home.  You two can just go on about your business.  Just leave me alone."


She heads back over the beams of the rafters slowly until she comes to the ledge and drops back down onto it, pushes past the two cops, then walks over to the door of the stairs.  She opens the door calmly and makes her way back down until she's backstage.  She goes to the Bombshell's lockerroom and doesn't say a word to anyone, even though people are trying to get her attention.  She grabs her bag and shoves her things from her locker into it, stopping only long enough to check the board to see if she was on the SuperCard for the Bombshell Championship match like she was expecting, and nods slowly, smirking to herself when she confirms that she is and walks out the door. }

She comes back to herself and smirks as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"I simply won't let another take that title.  I hope they're ready for what's coming their way.  Because I'm coming and coming hard."

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / First Impressions ( Raynin RP 2 )
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:55:38 PM »
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A new face is about to step on the scene of the Sin City Wrestling Federation.  A true Bombshell is about to be dropped in that division with the appearance of Raynin.  For her debut match, She gets to team up with Rebecca Blade and Fantasia as she takes on Kitty, Allison Summers, and Misty.  Raynin is ready to make an impact, but the question is, what kind of impact will she make in the six Bombshell Tag Team match?  Will Raynin make the impression that she's hoping, and watch her star rise?  Or will she crash and burn?  Let's find out...

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 ...  IMPRESS ME...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______

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Time:  October 15, 2011, 9:30 PM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  The Strip...  Valiant Casino and Hotel... The game floor...




Definitions of "IMPRESS"

1. to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings; influence in opinion:

2. to fix deeply or firmly on the mind or memory, as ideas or facts:

3. to urge, as something to be remembered or done:

4. to press (a thing) into or on something.

5. to impose a particular characteristic or quality upon (something):

6. a : to apply with pressure so as to imprint
  b : to produce (as a mark) by pressure
  c : to mark by or as if by pressure or stamping

7. a : to produce a vivid impression of
  b : to affect especially forcibly or deeply : gain the admiration or interest of


The table was slow, and everyone seated there was flustered.  The dealer was hot.  The players just couldn't seem to catch a break tonight.  Almost every hand was BlackJack or Twenty-One for him, and he was cocky that he was going to pullin a very high count tonight with a low payout, just like the bosses wanted.  The players almost wanted to ask for a new dealer or go to a different table, but this was the only table open with a fifty dollar minimum bet.  Everything else was too cheap, or to expensive to try.  One of the players finally just gave up.

"Screw this...  I've already lost almost six hundred dollars I'd just won at Roullette.  I'm headed to the Poker tables."

The dealer smiles smugly and holds up his hands.

"Are you sure man?  You never know... the next hand might just be your winner."

The player picks up his drink and downs it and shakes his head.

"Nah man...  I know when a table's cursed and it's time to move on...  Later."

As the man turns around, he sees a sight that makes his heart stop for a moment.  He puts his hand to his heart and his jaw hits the ground as this beautiful woman comes strolling slowly over towards the table.  He watches her body move, starting from her feet in the silver and black sandals, toes perfectly manicured, and the silver anklet around her ankle with the small heart dangling from it.  He slowly lifts his eyes higher, drinking in every inch of her long, toned and shapely legs until he comes to the very high swirling hem of her black empire waist dress.  It hangs to barely an inch below the swell of her behind, and accentuates the curve of her hips.  The neckline plunges deeply, and the swells of her cleavage are dusted with a hint of body glitter which trails along her shoulders and down her arms.  As she moves, her hair swishes aside as she stops a waitress and turns around and you can see that the glitter continues down the backs of her shoulders as well, making her seem to glow.  Her almost waist length hair has been curled so it hangs a bit shorter, and the shining curls fan out around her face, looking touchably soft and the player can't help but lift a hand as if he wants to touch it.  He pulls his hand back quickly and looks down at his hand, licking his lips.   He looks again at the cleavage and the large heart shaped pendant dangling on the silver chain just between the swells of her breasts and imagines himself kissing her flesh and he moans audibly as she approaches.  The rhinestone chain that are the straps for the dress just add to the look of the outfit, but it's when he finally comes to her face that he practically loses it.  She's gorgeous...  Her makeup flawless, her shadow smokey and making her dark brown eyes look catlike, her lips painted a soft and glossy rose color and full and begging to be kissed.  In his mind, he sees her walking in slow motion.  He watches as a smile tugs at her lips and twinkles in her eyes and makes her look even more beautiful.  For this one guy, this took a lifetime to happen, but in actuality, it only took less than a minute for her to walk from the other side of the room to the table.  She stops in front of him and smiles, nodding towards the table.  When she speaks, her voice is a beautiful and melodic as he expects it to be.

"How's the dealer tonight?  Is he any good?"

The player can only nod slowly as he tries to find his voice.  She chuckles soflty and the sound tinkles through his ears into his brain, entrancing him even further.

"If he's a good dealer, then why are you leaving?"

He licks his lips and shrugs, then turns back to the place where he was sitting, and she takes the spot right beside him.  The dealer had also been keeping his eyes on the woman as she moved, then takes a deep breath as he stops the game to shuffle the cards.  The waitress comes over with a drink and sets it at the woman's elbow, and she reaches out to hand her a couple of bills, but the player stops her hand before she can move.  

"Please, let me."

She lifts an eyebrow as she looks at the man, and nods slowly, smiling softly.  The player hands the waitress a fifty dollar chip and asks for a drink of his own, then the pair turn back to the table.  He smiles softly at her and holds out his hand.

"I'm Greg."

She smiles back and takes his hand and blushes softly as he lifts her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it softly.

"I'm Raynin.  So, why were you leaving earlier?"

Greg shrugs and shakes his head.

"Because I was losing and losing bad.  The whole table was.  So I thought it was time to try my hand at another game."

Raynin shrugs and taps the table with a fingertip, then lifts an eyebrow slowly, tilting her head to the side.

"You know, all it takes is the introduction of one new element to a table to turn it around.  Who knows... maybe I'll be your lucky charm."

Greg smiles back.

"Well, just meeting you Raynin, has already made my night that much more lucky."

She takes a sip of her drink and licks her lips slowly.

"Then why don't we see if we can get your money back and then some..."

They turn back towards the dealer who still has the smug look on his face as she reaches into her cleavage and pulls out a folded wad of cash and tosses it on the table.

"Fifty and hundred dollar chips please."

The dealer counts the cash and puts the chips in front of her, smiling at her.

"So, you think that you'll do better than the others who've been here all night?"

She smirks and lifts an eyebrow up at him.

"I just might surprise you, along with a few other people."

The dealer chuckles and shakes his head.

"We'll see.  Place your bets."

She nods slowly and places her chips down on the table.

"Yes... you will see."

The dealer starts to deal the cards, and when he comes to Raynin, he deals her a blackjack, and deals himself a bust hand.  He frowns as he starts to pay out to the players who all start to cheer.  Raynin smirks and takes some of the chips off of the bet line as she lifts an eyebrow at the dealer.

"Underestimating me has never been a wise decision for anyone to do."

Raynin takes a sip of her drink and Greg calls the waitress back over to the table.

"I think you were right Raynin... Maybe you are my lucky charm.  I just almost half of my money back in a single hand."

Raynin shrugs and fluffs her hair up a bit.

"Then let's keep playing and see how this night turns out."

The dealer finishes paying out and prepares for the next hand.

"Place your bets..."

Greg turns back to Raynin and puts an elbow on the table.

"So Raynin, what do you do besides being people's good luck charms at blackjack?"

Raynin takes another sip of her drink and starts to toy with the ice using her straw.  She digs out a piece and pops it in her mouth, crunching on it slowly.

"Well, what would you say if I were to tell you I was a professional wrestler?"

Greg chuckles and whistles slowly.

"Well, I'd say that I'd love to see your moves up close and personal sometime."

Raynin's face takes on a darker cast for a moment, then she smiles sweetly and shakes her head slowly.

"You don't want to do that.  You seem like you're a nice guy, I can tell you wouldn't know what to do in the ring with me.  You'd be best served by just taking me as your lucky charm and that's it."

Greg leans over and places his hand on her thigh gently and gives it a pat.

"Maybe I'm not such a nice guy.  Maybe I'm the type of guy who likes to... play a bit rough.  Maybe I'm the type of guy who likes to turn a nice sweet young thing like you and broaden their horizons."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"I'm not as young and sweet as you think.  And believe me, my horizons are quite broad as they are.  Maybe you should take a hint when someone tells you that they're out of your league and accept it.  I'm a risk taker...   I'm the type to jump out of an airplane without a backup chute or go cliff diving when I've been told the water level's low just to see if I can score some cool fish or lobster in the tide pools.  I'm really not the type of girl you'd want to take home to meet mom because I might just grab her by the hair and plant a big wet one on her if I think she's hot enough."

The dealer places a pair of tens in front of her, and she decides to split them while everyone looks at her like she's crazy.  She shrugs at the others around her and smiles sweetly as the dealer comes back around to her, placing her cards out for her.  She smiles sweetly to him as he puts out a nine and and eight.  Raynin stops him with a wave of her hand and puts her elbow on the table and takes a sip of her drink before she grabs Greg's finger in a small nerve pinch and pulls his hand from her leg and places it on the table.

"But Greg... not only am I a risk taker, I'm not the kind of person you want to piss off.  So, why don't you just go on and enjoy getting your money back before you take your night from a nice, amicable one ot one that would end up with you getting your ass kicked by a girl."

Greg looks once more at her eyes and he can see the serious cold look in her eyes behind the sweet smile and he visibly trembles at the weight of her gaze.  He picks up his drink and takes a long deep swallow of it and gasps as it hits his stomach.

"You're right...  I took things a bit too far... I apologize.  I don't know what came over me."

The dealer busts again, and starts paying out to the players as the waitress comes over and takes Raynin's empty glass and gives her another drink.  Raynin thanks her and motions for her to get Greg another drink and hands her a fifty dollar chip.

"Here Greg... This one's on me.  Let's keep playing and take as much of the dealer's chips as we can.  What do you say?  To winning?"

Raynin lifts her glass to her tablemate and he nods slowly and taps his glass with hers.

"To winning.  So, what wrestling company do you work for?"

They both take a sip of their drinks and Raynin sighs softly.

"I've just been signed by Sin City Wrestling.  I am very excited, as this is my first match in... well... years.  I used to wrestle as a kid, and I was very good... very damn good.  I trained with my Grandfather down in Mexico.  They call him 'El Jefe' now.  Ever heard of him?"

Greg chuckles and shakes his head.  

"No, never heard of him.  But then, I can't even remember the names of the wrestlers in the various companies here in the US.  I know there's supposed to be some famous ones who are actors and stuff...  They're just big muscular guys to me.  But the Divas...  mmmmm, I've always liked watching women wrestlers...  The hair flying around, their bodies pressed up against each other..."

Another round is dealt, and half of the players lost, but Raynin and Greg both got blackjacks.  Greg howls happily and pumps his fist in the air and Raynin shakes her head, chuckling softly as the dealer slides her winnings over to her and she takes part of the stack off, leaving the rest for the next bet.  She looks over at Greg with a smirk.

"Why Greg... you're a regular pervert."

He blushes and chuckles, looking her up and down slowly, rubbing his fingers across his lips gently.

"Yeah, I am.  Is it making you interested?"

Raynin throws her head back and shuckles, shaking her head.

"Not in the least.  Especially since you've just reduced a serious sport down to basically tits and ass.  I'm sure if you actually saw how much actually goes into stepping into the ring, you wouldn't think it was just hair flying and female bodies pressed against one another.  And in the company I'm in, we're called Bombshells, not Divas."

She downs her drink and takes a deep breath as she looks over at her tablemate.

"It's alright... There are a lot of people who underestimate me.  They think I'm not impressive enough, or not special enough...  But that's alright.  Because once we stand toe to toe... That's when it matters about being impressive.  People can think what they want of me outside of the ring.  I could give less than a damn about that.  But in the end, they will do what everyone ends up doing, which is respecting me and my abilities.  Do you know that I train at least six hours a day to get my body ready for stepping into the ring for just one night a week... maybe two?  I wake up, and I put myself through weight lifting, stretching, core training, cardiovascular training, and that's just the basics to keep myself up to my own rigorous standards.  Then I go about the rest of my day, run my errands for a few hours before I go to the gym and I spar.  If you could see certain body parts, you'd see that I have bruises in places that you'd say there really shouldn't be because I want to be that damned good.  I've been told that I'm not impressive...  But that's from someone who has never seen what I'm capable of in the ring.  I've been told I'm terrifying because of my intensity level.  But that's from someone who would probably jump at their own shadow.  I've been told I'm a cold fish...  But that's from someone who doesn't know me.  I've been told that I come off as a little bit nuts...  And that's from someone who DOES know me.  But I'll say this... the one thing no one will ever call me is a coward.  I don't back down from a challenge."

The waitress brings another drink and a large glass of water and places it beside Raynin who lifts the water an takes a sip.  She sits back as the dealer sets up another round of cards.  

"That's like my debut match that I have in Sin City Wrestling.  I've been put in this six person tag team match against these three females that I know might have an advangtage because two of these chicks are friends.  They know how to work together.  Plus, one of my tag team mates hs already lost against one of them.  Most anyone who would call themself a sane person would back away and just accept the loss, maybe not even show up, but that would be the way of a coward.  And I'm very much far from a coward.  In fact, I relish the chance to step out against these three other women and put the other two women to shame with my skills.  I want to show that I can outshine anyone and everyone who I step in the ring against and end up with my name in lights as the number one Bombshell of the company!  I want to be the best of the best, and this will be my chance to get myself noticed, by taking out three other women single handedly...  How could I NOT end up being noticed if I did that?!!  I know that I should say something nice about my tag team partners...  But Rebecca Blade has basically been incognito, and Fantasia...  Fantasia's already shown that she doesn't have what it takes.  Out of every one on my team, I'm the only Bombshell who might even slightly have a chance to come out with the win.  Fantasia's got her head all twisted by some guy she's dating, and well, I've already told you that Rebecca Blade hasn't deemed to show us her face yet.  But that's just the beginning.  You see, two of my opponents already understimate me.  They have their heads all blown out of proportion with their own egos and thinking about just how good they are because of what they did in all of their past companies that they look at me as just some new kid on the block.  That's mistake number one.  They think that I'm just some high flying, flashy, mask wearing, glitter covered piece of work, and that all I can do is just bounce around in the ring.  That's mistake number two.  While I have a lucha libre background, and I have high flying moves, that's only a part of it.  I have a basis in mat work.  I have a background also in martial arts.  I was taught by some of the best in the country in ninjitsu, tae kwon do, Aikido, and Isshin-ryu karate.  I trained with the boy's wrestling team in college, which was part of what sparked me to want to come back to wrestling.  Of course I have close combat training because of my previous employment opportunities...  Besides which, I'm bigger and stronger than both of them.  I may look like I'm just another pretty face, but I've got at least three inches in height on all of these girls and I know how to use it.  Look at this..."

Raynin flexes her arm and makes a muscle and completely forgets to take the chips down from the bet line and the dealer deals another hand.  Greg reaches out and puts his hand on her arm and whistles at how hard and cut her muscle is.  When he turns back to the table, he sees that he's been dealt a pair of fives, and Raynin's been dealt a pair of fours.  He looks at her and she lifts her chin at his hand.

"Split the fours.  Trust me.  Take a chance."

He shrugs and nods, and splits his fours as she splits her sixes.  In the end, he ends up with seventeen and eighteen, while she ends up with nineteen and twenty one.  The dealer ends up with sixteen and has to hold there, so they're both winners.  He downs his drink and whoops as he's paid out and pulls his chips back to count them.  He's doubled his money back and is like a kid in a candy store.

"Wow Raynin!!  You really were a good luck charm tonight!!"

Raynin smiles and pats Greg on his back.

"What did I tell you?  It's all about skill, luck, and timing my friend.  Just like a wrestling match.  And in the end, the one who can put those three things together in the best way will come out the winner.  And I've got the first two... luck is on my side, and I've got the skill...  Now, I'll just need the timing.  And having two of my opponents not liking their third partner is definitely a bonus.  Allison Summers is already on Misty and Kittie's hitlist.  Who knows... maybe if I'm lucky, I can find a way to use that to my advantage...  You know the old saying, divide and conquor is always the best strategy when dealing with opponents who aren't the best of friends.  I can find a way to make use that.  Make them see daggers at their back being held by their team mates, so they go after one another.  And once they're fighting... that's when I'll strike."

Greg lifts his eyebrow and looks at Raynin with a surprised look on his face.

"You approach this like a general planning a war.  What were you?  Like an Amazonian warrior in a past life?"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head as she lifts her drink to her lips and takes another sip, sliding her tongue along her lips to not lose a drop.

"Something like that.  All I know is, when I get in the ring, I won't stop until I've proven that I'm the best of the Bombshells.  That way, when I claim a shot at the Bombshell's Championship, there will be no contesting that I am just that damned good.  I will have proven what I can and can't do.  And I will stand at the top.  I'll be the name on everyone's lips."

The dealer busts again, and everyone gets paid once more, and Raynin lifts her arms high in the air and stretches.

"Well, I'm glad I could help you a bit.  Thanks for letting me run my ear off to you tonight."

Raynin slides her chips back and asks for a tray and starts to pile them into the tray as she finishes her drink.  Greg frowns and watches her.

"What?  Are you going now?  We just got started!  We're wining!!  We're on a roll!!"

Raynin shrugs and shakes her head.

"True, but just like in wrestling you have to play it smart.  You have to wait your time and let the perfect opening for you to break loose and shine to come up.  You have to feel the vibes and know when you need to back off... and now is the time to back off."

She nods towards the other side of the table where the dealer sighs and slides the cards off of the deck and starts to shuffle again.  She shakes her head and takes a deep breath.

"I think it's time to move on to another game.  I think now's the time for a little carribean stud, or texas hold 'em.  Let's go and check out the other tables Greg.  I'll let you buy me another drink."

She slides off of the chair and picks up her tray of chips in one hand and her glass of water in the other.  She chuckles as Greg gets his own tray and hurries to pile his own chips into it and down his drink.  He offers her an arm and smiles giddily.

"Well then come on my lucky charm.  Let's go and win some more money.  I swear, I feel like I should be chasing a rainbow and talking about pink hearts, orangs stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, and purple horseshoes with you on my arm."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head, slipping her arm through his as they move off through the tables towards the carribean stud table.

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Time:  October 16, 2011, 7:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  The Strip...  Valiant Casino and Hotel...  Room 1022



She'd decided to treat herself to a night in the hotel because she'd drank so much while she was playing at the tables and didn't want to risk the drive home.  Plus, the guy, Greg had gotten insistent on finding out where she was staying, that she just randomly said that she had a room here in the hotel.  She could smell stalker material from a mile away, and if she had gone home, who knew what may have ended up happening.  She couldn't take the risk of having to call up a cleaner when she was just getting started with this new venture.

She was wrapped up in the comforters and was comfortable for a while, the soft arms of sleep had taken her a few hours ago, and she was sleeping soundly when it started.  Her eyes were rapidly moving behind her eyelids as the nightmare that was really a memory played once again on the moviescreen of her mind.  She murmurs and trembles as she grips the pillow under her head tightly and she's taken into the past once more...

She remembered that it was hot down in Oaxaca that year.  She was on the tail end of the summer, and they'd travelled down to her Abuela's birthday.  They were supposed to be surprising her Grandparents with a birthday cake they'd had picked up and frozen in the cooler in teh back seat to stay fresh during the drive down from Kileen, Texas.  So far it had held up, but they'd needed to stop to pick up the ice cream.  They were just outside of Oaxaca when they'd decided to stop and fill up the tank in the process.  She remembered her father had given her the keys as they'd all piled out of the car and went into the store.

"Here you go **********.  You're a big girl now, so you can hang onto these.  Now, I want you to help your mother go and pick out some really good ice cream, and a couple of cold drinks for us, ok?"

She'd nodded and grabbed her mother's hand and almost pulled her along into the store as her parents chuckled at her enthusiasm.  Her father had paid for the gas and gone back out to pump it, while her mother and she stood at the ice cream freezer, trying to pick out ice cream.  Her mother picked up a container of neopolatin and smiled down at her.

"I think this would be best my niña bonita.  That way, everyone can get the kind that they want."

She'd nodded, then picked up a container of butter pecan too.

"What about this too, Mom?  You know it's my favorite.  And Abuelo likes it too!"

Her mother nodded and leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

"Ok ***********,  we'll get this one too.  Now, we've still got a while to go before we get to your Abuelo's gym.  Why don't you go to the baño and go before we get back on the road?"

She nods and together they head over to the bathroom.  She pushes her mother's hand away from the door handle as she tries to help.

"Mom... I'm a big girl now.  I can go on my own."

Her mother chuckles and shakes her head, then turns around to take the ice cream they'd picked out to the counter to pay for it.  She'd finished going and had washed her hand when she'd heard what she'd thought was a loud fire cracker going off.  She jumped, then started to creep towards the door of the bathroom.  That's when she'd heard the yelling.  She opened the door a crack and peeked her head out and saw her mother and father on their knees in front of the counter with their hands behind their heads.  A couple of people with bandanas over their faces were holding guns to their head and yelling at them.  She doesn't even remember what was said, it was all still a blur.  But she saw her mother and father look straight at her.  Her father was angry and frightened, but not for himself, but for her and her mother.  Her mother was just kneeling there, tears spilling from her eyes and silent as she slowly shook her head while looking right at her.  The people in the bandanas started to yell at her father, telling him to help them get something from behind the counter, but he refused to move.  When he didn't move, one of the people aimed the gun at her mother.  Her father threw his body in front of hers just as the gun went off.  Little did he know, the bullets they were using weren't normal bullets.  The bullet ripped through his back and into his wife's chest as they wrapped their arms around one another.  He died almost instantly, but she was still alive as she laid there, coughing blood.  She looked right at her daughter and mouthed one word slowly.  "LIVE!" Just then, another shot ripped right through her forehead and she fell back unmoving....

And at that moment she woke up.  Always at the same place, she woke up.  She wraps her arms around her knees and starts to rock slowly as the tears she'd been unable to spill back then due to fear and not wanting to be caught spill down her cheeks now.  Once again, that soft feminine voice whispers out into the darkness...

"Who are you?"

And the answer is heard...

"I'm nobody  Who are you?  Are you nobody too?"

She shakes her head slowly and sighs.

"That little girl is no more.  That frightened, helpless girl has grown into me.  No one knows who I am.  So now I can become the person I was always meant to be.  I can become the Bombshell Champion!  I am Raynin!  I am Raynin!!  I am Raynin!!"

She sits there, rocking herself slowly, repeating that same line over and over again as the night bleeds into the day.

"I am Raynin!!  I am Raynin!!  I am Raynin!!

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 …  END OF SCENE  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______ 

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