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Climax Control Archives / The Doctor Is In…
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:00:06 AM »
Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 09/15/2013

Place: Tortola   Venue: Cane Garden Bay

Match: Mixed Tag Team Matchup

Opponent: With Goth vs Roxi Johnson and Simon Jones  

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On Climax Control two weeks ago, The Fallen's own Vampyric Angel, Gothika put on a clinic when she went up against the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion and self proclaimed superhero, Roxi Johnson.  She straight up put a hurting on this chick for real!!   This week, she's been given another chance to take on the Bombshell Champion, but this time in a Mixed Tag Team Matchup.  And her partner will be none other than the SCW's Heavyweight Champion himself, Goth!  Whoa…  Coink-i-dinkle or what??!!  These two will go up against the team of the Bombshell Champion, and the number one contender for the SCW's Heavyweight Championship, Simon Jones.  An interesting match up to say the least.  Will the team with the name that screams alliteration be able to take on one of the most prominent figures in the SCW…  And Roxi Johnson and be able to walk away with another victory under their belts?… Or will it be proven that what happened with Gothika against Roxi Johnson just a few short weeks ago was a fluke as others claim it to believe?…  In the end… only what happens on Climax Control will be the deciding factor… Let's see what unfolds shall we...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's most enigmatic and dominant tag teams…  Not just Bombshell tag teams, but tag teams in general, The Fallen.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: September 10, 2013…  11:30 AM…  Just after Summer XXXTreme...

Place:  On the Open Seas…  Aboard the Royal Monarch Cruise liner…  In The Kitchen…  In the walk-in meat locker...

The Superstars and Bombshells of the Sin City Wrestling have been working hard on this tour.  But as hard as it's been, it's been very rewarding and beneficial.  It's been an impromptu vacation for those who didn't have to compete, but still had to travel with the others.  For others, it's been a way to reach out to the fans of other countries…  Learn more about the various cultures… grab ahold to some great souvenirs, and lots of wicked cool gifts to send to friends and family members, as well as to keep for themselves.  And for others still, it's been a way for them to catch on some awesome rays of sunshine, or catch a few waves on their surf boards.

But for a few Bombshells and Superstars, it's about more than just traveling, and gifts, and getting a tan and spending time on a surfboard.  For a few of these wrestlers, their lives are changing… moment to moment throughout this tour…  they are not the same as they were the moment before…  They are evolving… molting… reshaping themselves into something new… something more… something different…

For one Bombshell in particular, this statement could not be more true.  Because as the days progress, she's becoming something she never thought she'd ever become…  And she's starting to realize just how much she's coming to like what it is she's becoming…  A monster…  

The freezer is one of those huge industrial sized ones… It looks big enough to hold enough meat to last the entire ship at least a month without having to stop for supplies.  But today, a portion of it has been emptied in a big circle to make room for what's about to happen today.  forming the circle are huge slabs of frozen meat of all various types… There are sides of beef, full pigs, even full lambs… All skinned and prepared, and missing their heads and vital organs…  It's a scene of carnage straight out of a butcher's paradise.  Against the walls behind the slabs of meat are metal shelves filled with various frozen cuts of meat as well.  This was the meat locker… dedicated to nothing more than the food that most men and a lot of women tend to want more than anything else these days… meat, meat and more meat.  

Against the far wall, in front of a large group of shelves which contain only huge rolls of paper, twine, and plastic sits a huge butcher block table.  It's been bolted down to the floor of course to make sure that no matter how hard the boat swayed, that table would not move.  And to make sure that none of the expensive meats inadvertently spill over onto the floor of the freezer, it's got a high lip on either side made of stainless steel.  This lip also acts as a blood barrier…  The table is slanted slightly to one side, which allows for the blood to pool all to one corner, and out a small plastic tube that gets attached to the corner, and down to a bucket, which right now, is about half full.  There's a large rack hanging from the high ceiling, looking like a chandelier out of your worst nightmare due to the bright lights strung around the inside of the rack to light what happens down on the table.  A magnetic strip circles the rack, and attached to it are various implements of butchery… Some of which look more like medieval torture devices rather than something used to carve out a ribeye, or get that perfect filet of salmon that most drool over when they sit down for dinner.

It was in front of this large table that looks like an altar to some blood god that they had decided to have this little… impromptu meeting.  They were already set up… a circle of chairs set about ten feet away from the butcher block table.  So close that you can still smell the scent of the last offering made up to the gods of the buffet tables.  The scent of beef blood is still so strong, that the man pulls out a spray can of air freshener and is about to spray it in the air when the butcher, who is bringing in a set of fresh cuts grabs his hand and roars at him.

"HEY MAN!!!  You can't do that!!  This ain't some office you can just do what you want in!!  This is all of the food we have to prepare!  Do you really want to contaminate what you're going to be eating with this poison?  Spray this in here, and you're ruining almost a half million dollars worth of meat!  Do YOU have enough to pay for that?"

The man huffs arrogantly and lifts his chin and looks at the butcher with a raises eyebrow and pulls his arm away from the man roughly.

"For your information, I do make enough to be able to deal with ruining a half million dollars of anything that I want!!  I don't care if I do ruin all of this…  filth!  This place stinks!"

The butcher gets up in the man's face and frowns deeply.

"You'll care when you can't get your filet mignon tonight!  Where do you think it comes from?  You think the beef fairies just come down and magically put it on the grill for you to eat?  No!!  It starts right here, in this very room!  And it's SUPPOSED to stink!!  It's a fuckin' meat locker you asshole!!"

The butcher grabs at the can of air freshener, which the other man tries to keep from him.  When the butcher grabs his arm again, the man gets huffy again.

"Do you have any idea who I am?"

The butcher rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"No I don't man, and now ask me if I give a flying fuck.  You could be the President of the fuckin' United States!  It would not matter two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail!  I'd tell Barrack Obama the same damned thing!!  You don't spray chemicals around open food like that!!"

The butcher finally grabs the can of air freshener from the other man and pushes him back down into the chair where he'd been siting, and the man looks up shocked and indignant.

"HOW DARE YOU!!  I am Dr. Vingian!!  I could have you fired!!…  Arrested!!…"

The butcher puts the bottle of air freshener in his pocket and starts laying out the fresh cuts of meat out on the table and rolls his eyes as he does.

"Hey, like I said… I don't give a fuck about who you are…  You don't mess with the food I work with!"

The doctor looks around and shakes his head slowly.

"I don't see any food!  All I see are carcasses!!"

The butcher chuckles and nods slowly.  He pulls out a pair of gloves and a big cleaver.

"Exactly!  These carcasses are what eventually become your hamburgers, and your steaks, and your pork chops, and your legs of lamb…  This is what it all looks like before the chefs get their hands on it.  It all just starts out as meat!"

He brings the cleaver down sharply with a loud thud, making it stand up straight in a large side of beef he's got laid on the table.  Just as the cleaver falls, a familiar face is dragged into the room, kicking and struggling by three huge men dressed as orderlies.  It's Argento.  He's wrapped up tightly in a straight jacket, and is struggling against his bindings and cussing up a storm.

"This is not right!!  I have freakin' rights here!!  I'm going to call a lawyer on you all!!  This shit is wrong on so many fuckin' levels!!  Why can't you all just leave me the fuck alone?!!  Let go of me!!!"

The doctor picks up a notepad and straightens his tie as he watches Argento get manhandled into the chair and is finally just left there.  Argento takes a deep breath for a moment, then jumps up and headbutts one of the men in the gut, sending him flying into a nearby side of meat and knocking him out.  As he does, the butcher yells.

"Hey!!  Quit your playin' around my meat!!  I've gotta cut that for dinner tomorrow!!"

Argento looks around and is about to head through an opening between a whole pig and what looks like a half of a goat, when he's grabbed on either side by the other two orderlies and is manhandled back to his seat where he keeps struggling.  The doctor scribbles a few things in his notepad, then sighs heavily, seemingly bored with the entire exchange and he speaks loudly to Argento.

"Mr. Argento… Michael… I must tell you that If you keep these antics, I'll have to restrain you in the same manner in which we had to restrain your… um… let's just call her your lady friend."

The doctor points over Argento's shoulder, and we can see a large handcart being wheeled into the room, backwards.  As the cart is turned around, we see that Gothika has been bound in a straight jacket, which has been attached to the hand cart, holding her in place.  A leather and metal mask has been placed on her face, making her essentially look like Hannibal Lecter…  only much better looking, especially due to the tight leather pants that encase her lower body.  Her hair has been pulled back in a high ponytail, and it's hanging down around her shoulders in long waves.  But it's her eyes that are the most dramatic in this getup.  They're almost glowing a bright blue, ringed in blood red fire as she glares at the doctor who is sitting in front of her.   A low growl rumbles up her throat as she looks over and sees Argento is bound in a straight jacket as well. She slowly turns her eyes back to the doctor who's got his head down and is scribbling in his notebook quickly.  Agento takes one look at Gothika and tries to launch himself at the doctor, but the orderlies grab him and slam him back down into the chair roughly.  Argento looks up at the too orderlies and chuckles softly to himself and shakes his head.

"Be happy that I'm in this straight jacket…  or I'd have ripped your heads from your shoulders."

The doctor's eyebrows go up and he looks up at Argento with a curious look on his face.

"Threats of bodily violence…  how interesting…  I'm starting to get a real insight into you as a person Michael…"

Gothika laughs evilly, throwing her head back.  The mask she's wearing distorts the sound of her voice a bit, making it sound more… gravelly.  The doctor turns his head towards Gothika and takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"You know Michael, your… friend here is a most curious specimen if I've ever seen one.  A truly delusional case here…  She actually believes that she's a vampire.  Oh, it's not just some fantasy she's wrapped around herself… She actually believes she's a vampire to the point that she's caused physical manifestations of her delusion within her physiology."

Gothika laughs again and looks right at the doctor with an evil smile.

"The lambs are screaming again Clarise.  Do you hear them?"

The doctor stands and walks over to Argento and pats his shoulder gently.

"You my dear boy… You've been drawn into her delusion…  I've seen the scars on your throat…  You've actually allowed this woman to bite you… repeatedly…  how many times, I'm not sure so far… but you've actually allowed her to drink your blood.  And that's why we're here.  I want to know why."

Argento chuckles and shakes his head.

"I do it because I love her you whack job.  And I really don't need to be here!  I'm quite sane!!  It's YOU and your psycho-analytical cohorts who are too blinded to see the truth when it's staring you right in the face!"

The doctor reaches up and takes off his glasses, then reaches in his coat pocket and pulls out a handkerchief and starts to clean his glasses slowly as he starts to pace back and forth in front of the couple.

"You call me delusional and blind, but it's you who's allowing someone to literally use you for a walking thermos.  And for what?  For love?  Love is just a chemical reaction of the body, used to intensify emotions.  And you believe that gives what you and she do some kind of merit?  If you keep saying things like that boy, I'll come to think you're as delusional as your friend here."

Gothika growls again and the doctor turns his attention to her.

"Do you know why I've had you brought here my dear Gothika?"

Gothika smirks behind the mask and lifts an eyebrow.

"Because you secretly want to donate to my cause?  You want me to eat your liver with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti…  Or maybe you want to be the nice Chianti…  I'd put you as a what…  nineteen-sixty seven…"

She inhales deeply and exhales slowly.

"Mmmm, from the scent of you…  your sweat is high even though you're locked in a meat locker…  You're nervous… Your adrenaline is running high… I'd say simply from your scent you're an A negative…  am I right?"

The doctor looks up at her shocked and his chin is on the ground.

"How… how did you know?"

Gothika throws her head back and chuckles.

"Because I'm a vampire, Doctor…  I can scent my prey for a few hundred yards… And right now, you smell like prey.  I haven't had that scent hit me so strongly in a couple of weeks now… Not since I was last in the ring with Roxi Johnson.  Mmmm… now that is one truly sweet treat there… I'm anxious to get in the ring with her at Climax Control again in a few days so I can sink my fangs into her again and take another taste before I drive my fist into her face and send her down to the mat hard."

The doctor swallows audibly and shakes his head before he comes over to stand in front of her, looking up into her eyes.

"You just did that to frighten me…  There's no way you could have known my blood type by my scent…"

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head slowly.  

"Ok doctor… keep believing that if it helps you sleep at night.  Oh, which reminds me…  What's your room number Doctor?"

The doctor opens his mouth to speak, then closes it quickly and frowns, looking up at Gothika curiously.

"And just why is it that you want to know my room number?"

Gothika grins, and even through the metal slits of the mask she's wearing, you can see that her fangs have elongated.

"Mmmm, because I want to show you exactly what I am.  Since you don't believe your eyes, your ears, your instincts… Not even the warnings of your predecessors…  You know you're the fourth doctor that Argento and I have had since this whole…  psychiatrist debacle has begun."

The doctor taps her arm with his ink pen gently and smirks confidently.

"Au contraire my friend…  I actually paid very close attention to the tapes that I got of your previous sessions with my predecessors.  Which is why I have you and your friend here bound in the manner that you are."

Gothika growls and snaps her teeth at the doctor so loudly that he jumps back and squeals a bit.  She chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"No my dear doctor… You did not pay very close attention to your predecessors.  What did your predecessors say about me?"

The doctor flips through his notepad to some previous notes and starts to read from them.

"Well, it reads that you're not a fake.  It reads that you are indeed a vampire.  They tried every test that why could on you, physical tests, blood tests, Rorshach tests… They even ran IQ tests which you tested off the charts on…  All of the tests they ran…  I have folders and folders full of tests...  and all of the tests came back inconclusive…  And each of the past doctors you have attacked and bitten… Which is why you're in a straight jacket and a mask, and Mr. Argento is bound in a straight jacket so he cannot release you and let you attack me too."

Gothika throws her head back and laughs evilly and lifts an eyebrow as she looks at the doctor.

"And do you think that restraints will keep you safe?  Do you truly believe that doctor?  Do you think that anything truly could stop me from getting my hands on you if I truly wanted to?"

The doctor opens his mouth to speak and closes it as he starts to think for a moment, then opens them to speak again.

"I think that they will keep me relatively safe.  And if not, there are the orderlies to protect me."

Gothika growls softly and lets the low rumble morph into a chuckle.

"Oh doctor… Doctor, doctor, doctor… It is not ME who is deluded… it's you!  It's you and every other Bombshell and Superstar out there that has ever underestimated me and my abilities…  Take my future opponent this week… Roxi Johnson… she thinks of herself as a superhero who has super powers… She runs around in a costume and talks to imaginary friends that she says are superheros too… but only she can see and hear them.  And yet, I'm the one who's in a straight jacket because I've accepted the monster that is within me… The monster that I've become.  Roxi fears me… she fears what I am capable of… and truth be told, so am I.  I'll be honest of it…  What I am capable of doing scares me shitless sometimes.  Because the sheer depths of depravity to which I have the ability to go to is bottomless.  I am perfectly ready, willing and able… AND capable enough to put my opponents through such levels of agony that it would send most running to the hills…  Why do you think that my friend, Raynin and I were Tag Team Champions for so long?  Most of the Bombshells are literally afraid to step into the ring against us… and for very good reason.  We don't care if we put our opponents into the hospital… We don't care if we wind up in the hospital right along side of them… As long as we get the win.  We don't care if there is so much blood in the ring, that it looks like the canvas is red instead of white.  We've run the gambit of matches…  all kinds of matches…  And win, lose, or draw…  We still came out as victors because of what we did in that ring.  We stepped up.  We always step up and we give it our all in each and every match that we have."

The doctor looks up at Gothika and his eyes catch hers and he gasps as he sees the color of them changing and moving like molten fire.  She smirks as she keeps looking down at him.

"And this week, I feel that I'm luckier than most… Lucky because I get to team with the SCW Heavyweight Champion.  Lucky because even though my tag team partner is my best friend and knows me almost as well as any person who is not me can know me, if I have to team with anyone, I feel that I deserve for it to be the Heavyweight Champion.  Besides which.. I've seen him in the ring… He's as hellbent on carnage and destruction of an opponent as I am.  I have no worries about being Dominant in the ring if I'm in a Mixed Tag Team match if he's my partner.”

As Gothika is talking, she's wiggling her shoulder's and we hear a loud pop, which knocks the doctor out of his reverie for a moment.  She clears his throat and shakes his head slowly as he flips through his notes again.

"So you feel that your enjoyment of hurting people is a good thing?"

Gothika smirks and chuckles which causes the doctor to look up at her again.  The shot zooms in on her eyes slowly as she talks.

"Oh yes… yes I do doctor.  You see, I'm a wrestler… Being good at hurting people is what I do.  And I've become very… very good at hurting people.  If anything, Simon Jones should be thanking his lucky stars that it's not an Intergender match.  Because as much competition as I have with the bombshells, I do miss taking on the males.  You see, the one thing that has stopped me from wanting to take out Mr. Jones and a few of the other males in this company is the fact that the Powers that Be feel that men and women shouldn't fight each other.  It's got to do with the whole… woman beating thing.  But I've always viewed it as if a woman feels she's good enough to step up into the men's division..  Good enough, strong enough, capable enough… she shouldn't be viewed as a woman at that point, but instead as a competitor.  And I am a competitor.  I am my opponent's worst nightmare all wrapped up in a pretty package that smells damned good when I step into the ring.  And I can go toe to toe with any man that gets in my way… So if Simon thinks that he'll be safe from my wrath if he just hangs back, and keep tagging in Roxi…  he'll find out what it means to tangle with a vampire soon enough.  Besides… I've been curious to see what he taste like…"

We hear another pop and the sound of buckles coming undone, then dropping to the floor.   The shot pulls out and we see that Gothika has escaped her bonds and is approaching the doctor quickly.  The Orderlies try to stop her, but a couple of well placed side kicks drop them like hot rocks.  The doctor scrambles backward, shrieking in fear and sounding like a scared rat.  Gothika chuckles and whispers in his ear.

"The lambs are screaming again Clarise… And I enjoy that sound…"

The shot zooms in on her open mouth as her fangs sink into his flesh and the sight of red spelling down his neck fills the screen along with the sounds of his scrams of terror as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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*****  Word Count, 4231  *****

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Climax Control Archives / the demon emerges
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:00:03 AM »
 Climax Control, 9/8/13

Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 09/08/2013

Place: St. Thomas   Venue: Morningstar Beach


Opponent: With Gothika and Raynin in her corner vs The Queen of the Damned, Misty With Odette Ryder in her corner  

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The Powers that Be in the Sin City Wrestling have finally taken heed to the words of the Angels of the Fallen.  Though not in the way that they'd been expecting.  They've decided to pit the Rebellious Angel, Raynin in one on one action against Misty…  To prove…  what exactly… that what Darknyss, Raynin and Gothika have been saying is true?  To give Misty the wake up call to the fact that like it or not, the only way she can get a win against the Angels is to steal one with the help of others?  Maybe because they think that Misty will put Raynin in her place…  Maybe they think that Raynin doesn't have what it takes to do what she's done in the past and take it to the self proclaimed Queen of the Damned in true Angellic fashion, and systematically take her apart, bit by bit, piece by piece?  Well, whatever the Management were thinking, they've done the one thing that Raynin's been hoping would happen… given her another chance to get her hands on Misty.  Now the question that remains is… will Misty be woman enough to keep her cronies out of the match, or will things be a repeat of just about every match between one of the Fallen and the woman who helped take their titles from them?  Let's see what unfolds… As the Wrestling World Turns...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********

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Time:  September 2, 2013, 7:30 PM...  

Place:  Detroit, Michigan…   Location:  Downtown Detroit…  Hart Plaza…  


The day had been warm bright.  The sun had risen bright and beamed down on the city to turn up the thermostat…  but the heat here was nothing in comparison to how it is back in Las Vegas.  Where the heat in Vegas is thick and oppressive, here in Detroit, it's like a warm pair of fluffy pajamas in comparison to being under a pile of thick down comforters.  It was like the difference between a nice warm bath and the heat of a steaming hot tub boiling away at full heat.  Yeah… with a temperature difference of about thirty degrees… you can really feel the difference between the summers of the two cities.

Darknyss had decided that since she'd missed most of the holidays at home with her family, that they would go home for a visit.  Right after Gothika had finished her match, Darknyss had a helicopter waiting for them.  They had piled into the chopper and took a short flight to the waiting airport where there was a private jet waiting for them.  They didn't even get to take a shower or anything.  

The travel had taken all of the evening.  The trio had slept during the flight, so when they finally got to Detroit, they were only slightly spent, which was a good thing for Darknyss as her mother had invited the entire family and most of her friends.  The girls basically had about an hour after they'd stepped into the Darkk family home to change into shorts and t-shirts before her mom had hustled them out into one of Darknyss's trucks and off to Palmer Park for a party.  Mrs. Darkk had even hired a DJ out for the day, and the sounds of the party music had filled the neighborhood.  Everyone made use of the pool for the last day before it shut down for the winter schedule, and they'd stayed out there well into the night.  It was awesome for everyone…  Everyone except for one person.

Raynin had felt like a bit of an outsider.  These were Darknyss and Gothika's friends…  It was Darknyss's loved ones…  It was like she was the third wheel in the group.  Out of everyone there, the only people she really knew were Darknyss, Gothika, Michelle Andretti and their friend, Diamond.   She walked around and smiled and nodded, listening as everyone they chatted about situations only they knew… talked about people that she knew nothing about…  told jokes that she didn't get, and all she could do was just grin and bear it, feeling like an idiot in this crowd of strangers.  She'd tried her best to enjoy herself, but after her third drink, she was just irritated with the whole thing, and had just wandered the park until she'd found a spot in the woods that she could seclude herself.   It was this wooden fort made to look like it was an actual tree, though you could tell it was carved out of two by four planks and put together.  It had a strange smell…  a vague scent of earth mixed with wood and pee that tends to permeate places where lots of little kids always congregate and made you wonder if it was safe to sit down and you had to keep checking the ground to make sure that the last Little Johnny who happened to sit there didn't leave a little something extra behind.  She'd climbed to the top of the fort and perched herself there, sipping her drink and looking out into the darkness of the wooded area, listening to the sounds of the trees, with the music still echoing on the wind.  She'd gone deep enough into the woods that the trees had minimized the sound down to a low din, and she could almost ignore it.

She'd just sat there, sipping her drink, and enjoying her time alone in the dark until she heard her friends calling out to her in the distance.


"Do you think she went to the hidey hole?"

"It's possible…  Let's go check there…"

She heard the sounds of her friend's footsteps traveling down the trail towards where she was sitting, but she didn't move.  She didn't want to move… she couldn't move.  She was just sitting there, staring at a single leaf…  Entranced by it's intricacies…  the soft changing of the colors even though summer had technically not ended… the sight of the veins running along it's delicate flesh… the small marks left by a caterpillar's nibbling along one edge…  Everything that made that leaf unique was etched into the flesh of it…  And yet, in the grand scheme of the entire tree, it melded and blended into the shape of the whole…  That's how she felt at that moment…  Like she was almost invisible in the grand scheme of things.

Her friends broke through the coverage of trees at the entrance to the trail and stood there, looking up at her.  Darknyss sighed and threw her hands up in exasperation.

"THERE YOU ARE!!  We've been looking all over for you… screaming your name to the high heavens…  It's not safe out here by yourself!"

She didn't move her eyes from that spot.  It was like the leaf had expanded to fill her entire consciousness for that single moment in time.  She lived, and died a million lifetimes in the space it took for her to finally come out of the apparent trance she was in.  She lifted her drink to her lips and drained it dry and sighed heavily, speaking to her friends without even taking her eyes from that single leaf.

"What, do you think I can't take care of myself?  You forget, I'm trained in all types of combat.  I'm pretty sure that if a couple of junkies tried to jump me, I'd come out of that confrontation without a scratch."

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter what you're trained in…  No one walks around Palmer Park Woods without at least telling someone where they're going…   That's just common safety training.   Besides…  It's not just the junkies you have to worry about in these woods.  There's supposed to be ghosts in here too."

Raynin slowly lowers her eyes down to her friends and lifts an eyebrow at them.

"With what I have inside of me, do you really think that a little thing like a ghost would frighten me?  Hell, that would be a welcome change of pace.  But don't get your panties in a bunch.   I've been sitting here for a while after doing a little exploring, and the most dangerous things I've experienced in this park so far is the overwhelming smell of urine that seems to cover everything in this park.   Does it always smell like that?"

Darknyss sighs heavily and nods.

"Unfortunately, it does…  What can I say?…  There are a lot of disgusting people out there who think it's funny to pee on park equipment.  Look, everyone's just about done packing up.  It's time to head back to the house.  And tomorrow, we have a training session with Sensei Moseley.  He may have retired, but he said he wants to see what you've got.  And I have to admit… he sounded pretty eager to get his hands on you Raynin…  And truth be told, I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing."

Raynin leapt down from the top of the fort, , landing in a crouch and striaghtns slowly, sighing heavily as she brushed dust off of her butt and the backs of her legs.  She rolled her shoulders and leaned her neck from side to side, enjoying the sounds of hearing her spine crackling like rice krispies.

"You know me… I welcome any challenge, even if it's just training.  Who knows, it might actually be fun…."

The next day, she'd ended up regretting the words she'd said about training with Sensei Mosley being fun.  She'd spent from seven in the morning until almost five o'clock this afternoon out on the old Michigan State Fair grounds, inside of a maze of mirrors, being attacked by random opponents coming out of no where, all while she had the words of Sensei Mosley being pumped through a hidden PA system, accompanied by the strains of some piece by Mozart.  The music was distracting enough, but it was not knowing what was real and what wasn't that was truly making things hard for her.  Because when she would look in the mirrors, she wouldn't just see her opponents… she would also see the thing inside of her, staring out at her in her own reflection.  She'd turn left, and see a man coming right at her, but end up getting hit on the right.  It was totally disorienting.  After one extremely hard hit to the back of the neck that drove her to her knees, she struggled to get up and put her hand on the mirror to steady herself, and was shocked as the fingers of her reflection curved out of the glass to wrap around her own and grab a hold to her hand.  She looked up in shock to see her doppelgänger smiling down at her with an evil smile on her face.  The Other Raynin's red snake like eyes are glinting in the low light of the maze of mirrors, and being reflected everywhere she looked when she tried to turn away from the face.   And she hears the hideous sibilant voice as the Other starts to sing to her...

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

She shakes her head and puts her one free hand to her ears to try and stop the sound and yells.

"No no no no no!!  Not now!!  Not during all of this!!  This couldn't have happened at a worse time!!"

She watched as the Other Raynin leaned down and put her face up against the inside of the mirror, right near Raynin's own.  The other started to push her face into the mirror, and the glass seemed to turn into taffy and stretch outward towards Raynin…  slowly… almost as if she were  pushing against a large piece of rubber, stretched on a frame.  It almost looks as if the mirror is giving birth to her double and the mirror is the placenta wall that the Other Raynin is trying to break through.  All the while, her hand is trapped there against the mirror, in the grip of her double.

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

"Stop it!!  Stop it right now!!  I've got way too much riding on this up coming match, and I can't have you playing mind games with me right now!!

The Other Raynin finally breaks through the mirror and steps through it to stand there beside her.  The other slowly crouches down beside her and grabs a hold to her chin and squeezes it a bit roughly.  She growls before she speaks, her words practically dripping with venom.

"Don't you think I know what isssss riding on thissssss matchup?!!!  You versusssss Missssssssty… The woman who took our shiny away….  The woman who ssssssstole that which wassssss ours by right, by trail and contessssst… that which we worked ssssssssso hard to gain…  Do you truly think I don't undersssssssstand the gravity of what thissss match meanssssss?!!!"

Raynin turns her head away from The Other but the Other turns her face back so that she can look her in the eyes.  Raynin growls and barks a reply back at her doppelgänger.

"Then if you know how important this match is, why are you bothering me right now?  Right in the middle of training, when things are so very crucial?  When I'm working with a man I don't know, but who taught Gothika and Darknyss, and most of all, is close friends, and fellow training buddy mi Abuello!  DO YOU TRULY THINK THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL OF THIS?!!

The other hisses as she yells back just as vehemently, her red eyes flashing with a blood in a glass lit from behind with a bonfire.


Raynin tries to move her mouth to speak again, but she can't.  It's like her vocal cords stopped working.  She reached up with her free hand and grabbed at her throat, her eyes frantic as she looked around in shock.  She finally looked up at the Other and realized what had happened.  The Other Raynin had taken control and she knew she was in for a fight just as big as the one she was going to be facing at Climax Control.  The Other smiled wickedly down at her and a hissing chuckle rumbled from her throat.

"I sssssseee you're finally grassssssping the sssssseverity of the sssssssituation in which you find yourssssssself my dear.  You ssssssssseem to forget that you sssssssssstruck a deal with me.  You told me that if I gave you my power…  If I worked with you insssstead of trying to take you over, that you'd be able to hold onto the shiny.  That you'd keep me in the sssssssssstatussssss to which I'd grown accusssssstomed…  To be loved and adored by the millionssssssss and millionssssss of fansssssss as the besssssssst of the bessssst…  And yet, here we ssssssstand….  sssssssstripped of that which we'd worked sssssssso hard to gain…  And yet you're just accepting that defeat!  You're sssssssitting back and training inssssssstead of going up to that bitch and ripping her throat out like a good little monssssssster and taking back the title which belonged and should sssssstill belong to usssssssssss!!!  What isssssssss wrong with you??!!!"

The Other stands there, looking at Raynin as if she's waiting for a reply and Raynin just sits there, glaring at her angrily.  When Raynin doesn't say anything for a bit, the Other gets pissed and grabs her shoulder and shakes her roughly.

"Ansssswer me!!!  What issssssss wrong with you??!!  Are you mute or ssssssssssomething?!!"

Raynin lifts an eyebrow and sighs exasperatedly at the Other, then gestures to her throat, and the Other chuckles and shakes her head.

"Oh… Yeah, that'ssssss right…"

The Other wipes a hand over her brow, and Raynin starts to cough, and realizes that she can speak.

"If you remember… during the match, you were no where to be seen.  You'd decided to go AFK so to speak.  Besides which, there wasn't really very much we could do about keeping a title when the referee was in our opponent's back pocket.  Flagrant cheating…  I mean just all out cheating, right in the referee's face, and he did nothing to call the match in our favor.  But if you sit back and think about things… you'll realize that Darknyss has something bigger and better for us in the works.  She's trying to get a new shiny around our waists…  We've taken the first step with Gothika beating the Bombshell Champion….  And now it's my turn.  I just have to prove myself against Misty…  Which I know that I can do…  And I'm on the way to getting my hands on the Roulette Championship!  Which I'm sure you would enjoy holding even more than just the Tag Team Championships, because we would hold it by ourselves!  Not with Gothika!"

The Other cocks her head to the side and looks at Raynin, the wheels in her head obviously turning.

"The thing of it isssssss….  I'd grown rather… attached to that Tag Team Championship.   It had become mine…  And to have it ripped from my grassssssp….  Without being given a chance to put in my own abilitiesssssss to it'sssss defensssssse….  That is a problem.  You know that I could have helped you to keep that title… And yet, when the time came, you kept me back from putting in any effort in the match.    You could have usssssed my sssskills…  Esssssspecially when I can do thingsssss that you can't.  Thingsssss like thissssss…."

At that moment, one of the opponents that Sensei Mosley had hidden in the maze of mirrors suddenly came rushing up behind Raynin.  The Other Raynin took control of her body and made her roll backwards into a handstand and  perform a perfect capoeira handstand whirlwind kick, sending the man flying back down the hallway from whence he came before making her sink back down to her knees.  Raynin hadn't even seen the man coming behind her, but the Other had known it was there.  She looked around confused and realized that with that motion, the Other was no longer standing beside her, but was in her head and able to take control whenever she wished.  She heard that sibilant laughter once more ringing out in her head, and the hissing voice whispers in her ear.

"That'sssss right Raynin… No matter where you go… no matter what you do… I'll be watching you.  I'll be waiting for the moment for me to ssssssstrike.  I will have my time to put little Misssss  Misssssssty in her place.  There will be no sssssssstopping me thissss time.   Like it or not, at Climax Control… it will be me facing off againsssssst Misssssty…. not you.  Ssssssso just ssssssuck it up and deal."

And with that, things had gone quiet in her head.  After all of the craziness and the whirlwind of the past few weeks, all she wanted right now was just a little bit of quiet…  Something to calm the insanity of her life and bring a bit of sanity back into it…  All she wanted was something even slightly resembling a bit of normalcy within her crazy, mixed up world…   IF that was even possible for  someone possessed with the demonspawn child of an insane witch.

So now here she was, down along the waterfront of the Detroit River.   She was at Hart Plaza in the middle of the week.  The sun was just starting to go down and the sky was starting to go from the bright blue of the daylight to the orangey pink color of sunset that we all know and love.   Raynin was sitting on a rock, overlooking the river and was writing in a notebook as she tried to keep her thoughts to herself.

So, it's soon going to be time for me to step into the ring against one of my most dangerous of opponents.  Dangerous, not because of her skills, but because her lack of respect for anyone and everyone.  Dangerous because when it all is said and done…  through hook and crook, she's had my number.  But I know in my heart of hearts, that at Climax Control, that will change.  Regardless of what she throws at me, I will be the one to come out of that match victorious…  Because I have a demon in me… pulling my strings… working me like a puppet… tugging me left and right, and unbeknownst to Misty, she’s ticked this demon off much more than she has me.  

I don’t know what will happen at Climax Control to tell the truth.  I don’t’ know if I’ll be able to keep the demon at bay… Or if the Other will come out and turn the ring into a place of carnage and destruction.  All I know is… at the end of Climax Control… God willing… I will emerge the victor without the help of that evil which dwells inside of me.  

I pray for the souls of all of you sinners… Especially you Misty….  I pray that I will be who you face…. Because if you face the Other…  Just think on this…. If she frightens everyone…  Even ME…  How can you hope to stand against her?"

As she sits and looks out over the water, she starts to feel a bit of solace, and she closes her eyes to the soft wind that blows out over the river.  But deep in the back of her mind, she can hear the song repeating over and over in her head… All be it softly for now…  But who knows how loud it will ring out once Climax Control starts...

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

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Time:  September 4, 2013, 11:30 PM...  

Place:  Detroit, Michigan…  The Darkk Family Home…  


The night was heavy and oppressive.  The heat had gotten trapped underneath a thick overcasting of grey rainclouds, as a storm threatened the entire day.  The smell of ozone was so prominent, people were walking around with umbrellas, just knowing that at any moment the heavens would open and a flood of thick droplets would start to pour down upon their heads…  But the downpour that was promised by the black clouds that completely blotted out the sun all day, and now the moon never broke free of it's lofty prison.  The air was still prickly with the humid heat, and made you feel like if you stepped outside, you stepped into a wet blanket that just wrapped around you and held onto you tightly.

Earlier, It was so hot and sticky, and gloomy outside that day, that the day of fun that everyone had considered having was postponed.  Darknyss, Raynin and Gothika were going to take the whole family out to the park to enjoy a day with a to celebrate the holiday they hand't gotten to celebrate due to having to travel.  Gothika had even invited her mother to join them.  Since it was so cloudy, Darknyss's mom had decided that the impromptu family reunion just take place there in the backyard.  Darknyss's nieces and nephews didn't mind the change in venue because either way you sliced it, they were going to be getting the day off from school, and had spent the entire morning and afternoon frolicking in the pool while Darknyss and her father took turns playing with them while watching over the the grill.  Everyone kept one eye and one ear on the sky… listening for any thunder, and looking for the first droplets to spill out of the clouds overhead, but they never did.  Every now and then, a peal of thunder would rumble out in the distance, but that was all.  The rain threatened…  but never delivered.  All day it was like that.  It didn't stop the fun though.

Gothika was in the living room with Raynin and Argento as she played scary face with the younger kids which was a big hit with everyone but the littlest one.  Darknyss's niece, Latrice and Doug's youngest was the one that shocked them all.  Little Claudia, only two years old didn't like the scary face that Gothika made at her.  When Gothika bared her fangs at her and hissed, Little Claudia shocked everyone.  She howled and balled her little fist up and punched Gothika in the face hard enough to actually bring tears to the Vampyric Angel's eyes.  She looked up at Latrice in shock who chuckled and shook her head, taking a sip of kook-aid.

"OH MY GOD!!  TRICIE!!  What are you FEEDING these kids!!  She hits almost as hard as you do!!"

Little Claudia wasn't crying, but was sitting there beside Gothika, fist still balled up and preparing to strike again.  Latrice leaned over and stroked Claudia's hair and spoke softly to her to try and calm her down before she looked up at Gothika, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey… I warned you about frightening my kids.  You have to remember exactly whose kids they are.  Have you seen little DJ these days?  He's not so little anymore.  He's only ten years old, and he's already six feet tall.  And Dee Dee, his twin sister is right up there with him.  Hell, all of my kids make me feel short.  Those two are already almost a foot taller than me…  Do you have any idea how hard it is to try to discipline kids when you have to point up to them to get their attention?"

Gothika chuckles and hands Little Claudia a sucker to try to make up for frightening her.  The little girl looks from the sucker, back to Gothika warily, but finally the lure of candy was greater than her fear of Gothika.  She snatched the candy, looking back and forth from the candy, then up at Gothika who this time makes a funny face instead of a scary one, and Little Claudia giggles.  Gothika leaned over and kissed the top of her head, and the little girl climbed into her lap, curling up in her arms to suck on the sucker noisily.  Every now and then, she'd pop the candy from her mouth and wave her sticky hands at her mother.

"Momma!!!  Yook!!  Ucker!!  I dodda ucker momma!!!"

Latrice nods and grins at her daughter, holding her hands up and away from the sticky child who's attempting to grab a hold to her mother and cling to her like velcro.

"Yes Dia baby… you got yourself a sucker.  Is it good?"

The little girl nods enthusiastically and grins from ear to ear and tries to speak around the sucker.

"Mmm hmm…  Ish nummies!!"

Latrice reaches into a diaper bag and hands Gothika a pack of wet wipes with a chuckle.

"See, you messed up giving her something she can make a mess with… You're on cleanup duty Gothika.  Oh, and a word of advice…. she always likes to stick suckers…"

Gothika suddenly yelps as Little Claudia has put the sucker in her hair, and has reached up with hands slick with sticky candy and  is now trying to free the candy… by ripping it from Gothika's hair, along with as much hair as can be stuck to the sucker.  Latrice sighs heavily and shakes her head.

"As I was saying… Little Claudia likes to stick suckers in people's hair.  Ooohh, she's got you good… Come on… let's get you to the bathroom so we can get you and this little terror unstuck…"

As this whole interaction is going on, Raynin has come into the room, walking slowly.  She is agitated, and her eye is twitching.  She's mumbling softly to herself, and is chewing on a lock of her hair.  She suddenly walks over to Gothika, grabs her hair in one hand and the end of the sucker in the other and yanks it free, taking a good bit of hair with it, making Gothika yelp in pain.


Latrice suddenly claps a hand over Gothika's mouth and covers the words that are still coming out of her mouth.


Latrice looks around the room and grins sheepishly and shrugs.

"Claudia has gotten into the habit of repeating the 'S.W.E.A.R' words that she hears people say.  So can you please keep it PG?  I know that hurt a lot, but… think about the little ones…"

Gothika growls softly from behind Latrice's hand and nods slowly.  When Latrice moves her hand, Gothika takes a deep breath and turns back to Raynin looking quite upset.  

"What the…  Fudge Raynin?!  Do you have any idea how much that…  flippin' hurt?"

Little Claudia grins and laughs and claps her sticky hands and points at Gothika.

"Flippin'!!!  Flippin' Momma!!  Flippin'!!"

Latrice nods and smiles at her still candy-covered daughter.

"Yes Dia baby…  Flippin'.  Very good."

Gothika lifts an eyebrow and looks from the baby up to Latrice and chuckles.

"Da….  um, I mean…  Dang Latrice… I see what you mean…"

Little Claudia suddenly starts to clap and chant extremely loudly in rhythm.


Raynin suddenly starts to scream and speak in a guttural language that no one understand while rocking back and forth where she's standing.

"Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!"

The baby stops screaming and frowns, looking at Raynin.  Raynin looks back, her eyes suddenly looking snake like and hisses at the baby who suddenly screams and breaks out in wails of fright, tears streaming down her face.  Raynin starts rocking back and forth even more forcefully and screams right with the baby, bringing a fist up to her head and starting to bash herself in the temple.  Her rocking becomes more and more forceful and suddenly she rocks her upper body backward while not moving her lower body, and her body seems to form a right angle.  She stands there, frozen like a statue, her mouth still gaped open and screaming.  Darknyss comes rushing into the room with her mother to see what's going on.

"What the frack is going on in…"

She stops when she sees Raynin standing there, looking like an upside down letter L, her mouth hanging open as she screamed while looking at nothing.  She quickly turns her head to look at Darknyss, screams louder, then starts to repeat the words she'd said earlier, over and over again, almost as if she's chanting them.

"Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!  Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!  Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!  Gggersvursl druselsst plesviles  dlssoyglingo daovyslvy wuplevyels!!"

Darknyss looks at Diamond who is just as shaken up as everyone else.  Diamond is just staring at Raynin in shock, a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as saucers.  Darknyss shakes Diamond's shoulder to try and pull her out of the shocked state she's in.

"Emme!!  Emme!!  Please tell me you know what the heck is going on with her right now!!  Do you know what she's saying?"

Diamond shakes her head and swallows audibly.

"No… I have… absolutely no idea what in the world is going on right now."

Raynin suddenly starts to speak, and it's like two mouths are speaking the words… One in another foreign language and one in english.

"Benden önce durmak herkese vay haline! Senin lanet yaklaşımların saat olarak korku içinde titremeye!  Zaman bizim büyüklüğü bizi soymak için aranan olanlar üzerinde dövme için intikam için geldi. Bizim intikam hızlı ve saygı bizi soymak anlamına olanların hak olan adalet titiz olacak. Biz yargıç, jüri ve cellat olarak ... Ve cümle şiddetlidir ... VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE!
 { Woe to all who stand before me!  Tremble in fear as the hour of your damnation approaches!  The time has come for vengeance to be wrought on those who sought to rob us of our greatness.   Our revenge will be swift and exacting of the justice that is deserving of those who mean to rob us of our respect.  We are judge, jury and executioner...  And our sentence is severe...  VENGEANCE!!  VENGEANCE!!  VENGEANCE!!  

Raynin's body continues to contort itself, her hands turning into claws, and her upper body turning until she's almost facing the floor.  Suddenly she screams again, this time her face contorted in fear.


Suddenly she collapses onto the floor, her body starting to relax as she's finally fainted.  Darknyss rushes over to Raynin's side and starts tapping her cheeks to try and rouse her.

"Raynin!  Raynin, what happened?!!  Are you ok?  Tricie, get the kids out of here!!"

Latrice looks around, confused as Little Claudia continues to scream.  Darknyss looks up at her sister and shouts at her.

"Latrice!!  LATRICE!!  GO NOW!!  GET THE KIDS OUT OF THIS ROOM!!  Mom, go and get me a glass of water!  Hurry please!!"

As the others clear out of the room, Darknyss leans over and whispers in Raynin's ear.

"Now listen up you… whatever you are… Demon spawn, hellhound, hell, I don't give a damn if you're Lucifer himself.  If you try that bullshit again in front of my family, I will personally find a way to rip you out of Raynin's body and shove you face first up the rear end of a bull and plug it up so you have no way out!!  You get me?!  You just traumatized my nieces and nephews!  And I for one am not a very forgiving kind of person!  You dig??!!"

Diamond has overheard what was said and she leans over and puts a hand on Darknyss's shoulder, frowning slightly.

"Wait a minute… was that…?"

Raynin's face turns towards Darknyss and the snake like red eyes are still there, but her face is smiling with evil pleasure.  

"Hey there Darkky.  Aww…  What?  No hugsssssss and kissssssssssssses?  No chocolatesssssssss or tea and crumpetsssssssss for little old me?"[/b]

Darknyss sits back as Raynin's body unfolds itself from it's strange contortions, then settles into a crablike squat, looking at her friend.  Darknyss growls and reaches out a hand toward Raynin's throat, then stops short, her hand literally trembling in anger and a desire to complete the movement and throttle her friend'


Diamond frowns and leans forward and whispers a word of power, causing her eyes to flare up an eerie bright green as she works a magical sight to see what Darknyss is talking about and she pulls back quickly in shock.

"Dear Mary, Mother of God in Heaven!!  What?!!…  What are you?!!"

The Other grins and pops up to a standing position before Diamond who jumps back herself.  The Other Raynin bows courteously and grins.

"Ahh, where are my mannersssss….  I'm Raynin… It'ssssss a pleasssssssure to finally meet you Diamond.  Esssssspecially sssssssince the lassssssst time we almossssst met…"

The Other Raynin suddenly pops up and grabs Diamond by the throat, trying to squeeze the life out of her.

"Oooh yeah….  That'sssss right… You tried to kill me!!"

Diamond grabs a hold of Raynin's wrist, gasping for breath, but remaining calm.  Her eyes flare a brighter green as a sickly looking green flame flares on her hands, and Raynin yelps, jumping back as if burned.  Diamond's eyes keep their eerie green color and she clears her throat for a moment.

"Yes… Yes that was me… And you never really did tell me your real name demon.  But I'm sure I'll learn it eventually.  And when I do, I will cast you out of my friend, and she will finally be rid of you."

The Other Raynin throws her head back and laughs, shaking her head.

"Aahh, no no no… it'sssssssss not going to be assess easssssy as you think now.  You sssssseeeee…  Our fair Raynin has made a deal with me…  One which will keep me very well entrenched within thisssssss  mosssssst beautiful of bodiessssss….  And which your friendsssssss will want to have happen… Asssssss it will aid them in gaining control of that which they sssssseek to grab a hold to…  The SsssssCW Bombshell and Roulet Championshipsssss as well assess the Tag Team Championshipssssss."

Diamond is about to move towards Raynin, but Darknyss grabs her shoulder and shakes her head slowly.  The Other Raynin smirks evilly and throws her head back and chuckles.

"Oh yesssssss ….  Thisssssss is going to be ssssssssooooo much fun….  Watching firsssst  Misssssssty… and then the two of you ssssssquirm."

The Other Raynin throws her head back and laughs.  She starts to walk towards the stairs to go up to the bedrooms.  And as the scene fades out, she starts to sing the eerie song that she tortures Raynin with.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

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Time:  September 4, 2013, 11:30 PM...  

Place:  Detroit, Michigan…  The Darkk Family Home…  In the the Guest Bedroom...


The night was heavy and oppressive.  The heat had gotten trapped underneath a thick overcasting of grey rainclouds, as a storm threatened the entire day.  The smell of ozone was so prominent, people were walking around with umbrellas, just knowing that at any moment the heavens would open and a flood of thick droplets would start to pour down upon their heads…  But the downpour that was promised by the black clouds that completely blotted out the sun all day, and now the moon never broke free of it's lofty prison.  The air was still prickly with the humid heat, and made you feel like if you stepped outside, you stepped into a wet blanket that just wrapped around you and held onto you tightly.  The thunder pealed in the not so far off distance, and lightning flashed across the sky, lighting the scene with an eeriness that was so dense you could almost touch it.   Just when you thought things were going to be ok, the lightning lit the sky like an industrial strength flash bulb, thunder boomed right over head, and the heavens finally loosed it's quarry, and the rain began to pour down in buckets…  frigid for that time of the year, and cold enough to sting the flesh as it struck.

A loan figure approached the walk of the Darkk family homestead.  Draped in a black trench coat with the collar pulled up and a hat pulled down to obscure the face, the figure carried a satchel and an umbrella which did nothing to stop the rain which was pelting down in huge droplets.  The figure however paid no heed to the onslaught of nature's tears, and just plodded on straight to the front porch of the home.  The figure stepped quietly up the steps and under the eaves of the porch and out of the rain, then lifted a hand to ring the doorbell, but before the button could be pressed, the door opened with a soft creek.  Standing just inside of the door is Darknyss's mother.  She looks distraught… Extremely worried and agitated.  She takes a deep breath and nods slowly, stepping back and gesturing for the figure to come in.

"Good… you made it.  I was worried you didn't get my message."

The figure lowers the umbrella and closes it, then steps into the foyer,  setting the umbrella beside the door, then lifts a hand to the hat and removes it slowly to reveal an older man with intensely silver eyes and hair that's damp around the edges from the rain.  He removes his coat slowly and reveals a black suit with an all white collar, denoting him as a man of the cloth.  Darknyss's mother takes his hat and coat and hangs it on the nearby coat rack and nods towards the door to the living room.  He follows her at a slow pace, taking note of everything in his surroundings.

In the living room, Darknyss and Gothika are sitting with their friend, Diamond talking quietly amongst themselves.  As they hear the footsteps coming in from the hallway, they all stop talking and look up expectantly at the newcomer with Darknyss's mother.  Mrs. Darkk nods around the room and makes introductions.

"Girls, this is Father Corrin…  the priest that I told you about.  Father Corrin, this is my daughter, Zatanya, and her friends, Damia and Morganna."

Darknyss stands slowly from the couch and extends her hand to the priest, shaking his hand and nodding in acknowledgement.

"Father Corrin… It's a pleasure.  I'm sorry to say it, but my mother still can't help but call us by our real names.  We're all wrestlers, and as you can tell from the cameras, this is being recorded for our weekly shows… Please… if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you address us by our wrestling names…  I'm Darknyss… And this is Gothika and Diamond."

Father Corrin nods around the room and smiles slightly.

"The pleasure is all mine.  I have to admit, I'm a bit of a fan.  Most of the priests from my old seminary are…  You're The Fallen from Sin City Wrestling if I'm not mistaken."

Gothika smirks and nods slowly.

"Guilty as charged Father Corrin.  And Diamond is a free agent… at least for now.  She's go her eye on somewhere to dip her toes in though.  So you can expect to see more of her pretty soon."

Father Corrin turns his attention to Diamond who keeps looking upwards and mumbling something under her breath.

"Ah yes…  You're another member of the Fallen…  or an ex member if memory serves…  You teamed with Darknyss and another one of your friends in another company…

Diamond nods and smiles softly, looking distracted.

"That's right Father.  I'm one of the Originals…  From back when were were Heaven Sent…  We became the Fallen not much longer after Gothika joined us.  It seemed to fit what were were standing for at the time, and it's been who we are for years now."

The priest looks almost like a kid in a candy store, looking from one to another of the girls.

"I'm actually pretty excited right now…     In fact we have a priest who knows your friend, Raynin's Grandfather…"

Just then, you can hear soft singing coming down the stairs.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

Everyone stops and turns to look at the doorway and freezes as they see Raynin standing there in a pair of flannel pajamas, her eyes turned back in her head so far, all you can see is the pure whites of them.  She stops where she's standing and the song keeps being hissed out through clenched lips.

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….

Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...

Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

She slowly turns her head to look at the group of people who are sitting in the room.  Her face is slack, and all the while she never stops singing the song.  She starts to speak, and when she does, it's like there are two records playing at once… Raynin speaking, and the song being sung.

"Darknyss…  Did you call the priest?  Was it you?  I don't' think she likes that the priest is here.  I don't' know what she will do with a priest here.  {  'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?…  Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….  Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…  }"

Raynin turns to the priest and swallows thickly, shaking her head slowly, her eyes still turned up to show only the whites of her eyes.

"I know why you're here, but there's nothing that you can do right now.  It's best that you leave before she does something drastic.  I can control it for now, but…  If she gets angry… I don't know what will happen.  Please… Please just leave it be. {  Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…  Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find…  Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly…  Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!  }"

The dual voices suddenly stops and a sibilant laugh rumbles through Raynin's voice box sounding like the hissing of a snake if it could laugh.  When she speaks, you know it’s the Other speaking, and not Raynin.

”Who called you Priest?  Was it Darknyss?  Was it Gothika?  Or was it the meddling witch, Diamond?!"

Darknyss’s mother stands up and frowns at Raynin.

“I did you…. you horrid creature you!!  You frightened my grandchildren!!  And I won’t stand for anyone… ANYONE hurting my family!!  And Raynin is now a part of this family, so you just get out of her right now!!"

The Other laughs without Raynin moving an inch.

”So… You think that a priest can save this poor miserable creature’s soul?  You think that a priest can stop me from decimating that wretched woman Misty once we step into the ring at Climax Control?  Think again!!  I have control now!!  She’s given herself over to me willingly in exchange for power and prestige!  A deal has been struck!!  And you know that once the die is cast, only the Almighty himself can pry me loose from this child’s flesh!!"

Raynin finally moves, her head turning at a sickening angle to look at the priest who is standing almost completely behind her.  It almost looks as if her head turned around completely to the back and the eyes which showed only the whites now showed the reptilian like red slitted irises.  She laughs again and starts to walk backwards towards the priest who starts to back away from her slowly.

”You priest… I know you…  Your name is written in the annals of hell…  You once tried to defeat one of my brethren…  You succeeded in sending him back to hell, but he taunts you still…  and you think that you can defeat me?  You think that you can stop me from completing my side of my bargain with Raynin?  Think again!!  At Climax Control… Misty will stand toe to toe against not just any other foe, but a foe imbued with the forces, skills and knowledge of the supernatural!!  Hell shall be unleashed against Misty, and she will not stand against it!!"

With that last statement, it’s like the strings of a puppet are cut and Raynin sinks to the floor unconscious as the scene fades out

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 8347  ***

Climax Control Archives / A New Point of Focus...
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:59:16 PM »
 Climax Control, 8/01/13

Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 09/1/2013

Place: Aruba   Venue: Hadicurari Beach

Match: Non-Title Bombshell Match

Opponent: vs Roxi Johnson  

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Summer XXXTreme was a DISASTER for the Angels of the Fallen!!  They were robbed of their titles by the negligence of the referee, Drew Patton!  Could it be that before the match, Drew was 'coerced' by the Queen of the Damned?  It certainly seemed the case, as he allowed flagrant cheating to go on, right under his nose.  But it's of no importance to the Angels of the Fallen… As they are not ones to harp on the misconduct of others… They've decided it's time to set their sights on bigger and better fish…  They've proven the point of the disgraceful goings on within the management of the company… And have come to a few decisions…  What have they decided?  Only time will reveal the thoughts floating around in the minds of the Angels of the Fallen…  But if I know these women as well as I think I do… They're certainly not pretty…  And Lord help those that might stand in their way…  As the Caribbean tour gets underway, what will unfold for the Angels of the Fallen and the rest of the Sin City Wrestling?  Let's find out...


Time: August 22, 2013…  11:30 PM…  

Place:  Aruba… Location:  Unkonwn...

The moon was still rising in the night sky, but it was hanging a bright yellowish orange in the sky.  You could hear the sounds of the people enjoying the summer nights in this tourist's trap of a location, the music is echoing through the  night almost like the beat of a heart.  The air is crisp with a cool wind, but the heat surrounding the city was still impressive.  She'd decided to wear just a simple black stretch skirt, and a pair of black sandals, and a sarong style black halter top that hung open at the waist to show a stretch of taut and well muscled tummy.

She's walking down the streets towards the strip of night clubs.  It's still kind of early, but she knows that there are people heading to the clubs, that would be easy pickings.  She'd already drawn all that she could from the group that she'd brought on the ship with her, and let's face it… she was just hungry.   Plain and simple… just hungry.

She had warned Argento that this would happen.  She'd told him that as her ferocity in the ring increased, so would her hunger.  She'd brought along forty five voluntary donors, and in the course of only a couple of weeks, they were already showing the signs of wear and tear that would come with constant feedings.  She sighs as she starts to speak to the camera that is constantly following her.

"Roxi Johnson…  The self proclaimed superhero…  She goes out to help the weak and helpless…  defend those who need defending, and stands for truth, justice, and cookies…  What a noble sacrifice she is making…  Little does she know that in the end, she’s stepping against not a supervillian, but a monster, who’s hellbent on making her into her next meal.  That’s right…  Roxi…  I’ve set my sights on turning you into lunch…  And taking the necessary step towards taking that Bombshell Championship from  your twitching, mask clad fingers.  Superhero?  You’re no superhero…  All you are is the next stepping stone in my path towards greatness.  And once I’ve stepped over you, and finally gotten my hands on the Bombshell Championship…  I can finally take my revenge on those that have caused me no small amount of heartache.  You’re a means to an end…  And it will be ME who ends your time as champion."  

“I’ve been working so hard to keep myself in check… Just to stop myself from enjoying the carnage that I cause in the ring… but simply put, I can’t…  The monster in me has taken hold completely.  The doctors that Mark Ward was convinced to send me to with Argento… They’re fools.  They think I’m crazy. ..  They think I’m deranged, and that I am a psychopath because when I look at all of their ink blots, and they talk to me about what I want and what is going on, all I can tell them about is the red stuff.  All I see is blood, and gore and all of the things that they think I shouldn’t see.  My mind is consumed with the red… and the one bright spot that keeps me sane was my Tag Team Title I shared with my friend, and Argento.  Now… since all I have is Argento… the red is taking over me…  It’s calling me back into the blackness that consumed me…  The hunger is taking over, and I don’t want to stop it from doing so…  Don’t you see Roxi…  You’re food for the beast…  You’re the next sacrificial lamb to be put in my path to try to placate my hunger, and until I have gold around my waist… nothing… NOTHING will be able to do that.  So… just know… what happens on Climax Control is just the appetizer.   When I finally get my shot at becoming the next Bombshell Champion… that will be the main course.  And I will luxuriate in the exquisite flavor of your fear, and drink your essence with wild abandon.  Prepare yourself Roxi.  You will FEED MY NEED!!”
She looks around as she hears a sound, then slips off into a nearby doorway and stands there.  A group of young guys obviously out on their way to party come laughing and joking around the corner.  A tall, muscular guy with long curly hair from out of the group notices her and stops as she smiles demurely.  He slips away from his group of friends who don’t even notice he’s gone and walks towards her.  She takes his hand and leads him into the darkened doorway….

And a bloodcurdling shrieks of fear and pain erupt from the darkened hallway.  The guy comes halfway out of the doorway, his shirt torn, chest bared and red covering him to the waist, but is stopped by the iron grip of hands on his arms.  He reaches out to grab the door jamb, struggling to pull himself away from the iron grip, the look of immense fear in his eyes as he’s slowly being pulled back into the darkness.  He’s shrieking over and over again...


He’s suddenly yanked back into the darkness, his nails leaving claw marks in the wood of the doorjamb.  His cries are suddenly silenced, and all you can hear is a soft sucking and moans of intense pleasure as the shot pulls into the streak of red left on the floor heading into the doorway.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 5972

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Climax Control Archives / All about the red… part 2
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:59:42 PM »
 Things had gotten bad for her… very bad…  Even as she tried to stop herself from dipping into the depths of the darkness within her, she simply couldn't stop the hunger from taking over.  IT was a primal force within her, and biological in nature… even if it was fueled by intense feelings and emotions.

Gothika was standing in the shower, her form clouded from the shoulders down by the thick fog that formed on the glass of the shower wall.  But there was enough light coming from within the shower to display her silhouette against the glass.  She leaned her head back and sighed heavily as she let the spray spill over her hair and down her body slowly.  Her curvaceous form looked sensual as she moved in the hot droplets falling on her form.  She tried so hard to stop herself.   Her mind knew she didn't want to do what she's been doing, but she simply can't stop herself sometimes.  Just like now… try as she might to forget what happened, she still thought about it.  She thought about the satisfaction and the intense pleasure she got when she did what she did.  She leaned her head forward and wrapped her arms around her chest as if she were cold, standing there under the spray of water so hot it's turning her flesh bright red.  She simply could not forget how good it felt to do what she did.  Try as she might, she simply could not stop her mind from going back to what happened a few weeks ago when she faced the self proclaimed ‘Queen of the Damned’, Misty.  She kept replaying that night over and over again in her mind…

{  She could remember the feeling that was running through her body during that match.  She’d spent her days with Argento, and her nights on the phone talking to him.  She’d not bothered to feed.  She’d not felt the need.  But that night… in the ring with Misty, something changed.  She’d felt something he hadn’t felt in months now.  That deep, burning, intense ache in her belly started to build from the moment the bell rang.   And once Misty had first pinned her, she could feel it mounting something fierce inside of her.

She remembered it so vividly… the colors flashing past her minds eye…  The lights above her as Misty tried to hold her down… The goose bumps that flooded her arms as she kicked out of the pin attempt, and the feeling of the adrenaline coursing through her veins as Misty put her in a modified Boston Crab.  Everyone thought that she'd cried out in pain, but it was frustration as her she realized that she'd put herself into a position that she didn't know if she could control.  Not what you're thinking… not the match…  She was flexible enough that most of her ex-boyfriends thought she was a gymnast, or a contortionist, so Misty's little modified Boston Crab did nothing more than just piss her off.  But the fact that as soon as the match started, and her own blood started flowing, she started to feel what she'd thought she'd had under control.  And now that she was in this exhilarating situation, it flared like a nuclear flash deep within her… The hunger… the blood lust… that desire to rip through flesh and get to the sweet stuff within….  That was what she was starting to get worried about.

She'd grabbed onto the ropes in hopes that she could get a moment to breathe and recuperate before she did something she didn't know if she could return from.  But Misty thought it was a moment of weakness and turned to yell at Drew, giving Gothika just enough time to regain her composure.  She still remembers the moment when things changed in her head.  She'd heard Misty's yell, and the crowd's reaction...

Misty: "Don’t make me bitch slap you the way Jasmine did!!!"
Crowd:  "*POP*"

The audience had started cheering Misty, and Gothika popped up to her feet and caught Misty sleeping with a Russian Leg Sweep, before climbing onto her chest and starting to throw fists.  It was then, as Misty threw her arms up to protect her face, and Gothika smelled it…  That smell that she'd been hoping she wouldn't smell during this match because she knew it would mean her control would be gone.  That smell signaled the activation of the hypothalamus…  the fight or flight gland…  the gland that let her know fear was at work on Misty's brain.  It's an interesting smell that's a mix of glucose, adrenaline, norepinephrine,  adrenocorticotropic hormone,  and corticotropin-releasing factor to mix with the sweat coming from the skin to become this heady mixture.  The scent to Gothika was like that of a plate of the best fried chicken, or a well cooked steak with garlic herbed potatoes to most other people…  She felt her saliva build up in her mouth and growled softly to herself as with one of the strikes she landed on Misty, she wiped a thin line of drool from her mouth.  She watched Misty's pupils dilate, and felt her muscles tense beneath each blow she struck.  In seconds, she saw the goosebumps that were prickling Misty's flesh, and heard her heartbeat start to pick up the pace above the norm for a match, and it was simply too much for her to take.  She was just so dag blasted hungry!!  With a howl brought on from her having to keep herself in check for so long, she'd latched herself onto Misty's neck, sinking her fangs into her flesh, and with the first splash of the sweet essence to fill her mouth, she knew she would be lost to it.  Her eyesight had become tinged with the red of the life force flooding her senses and it was all she could do to keep herself from ripping Misty's throat out.  As if from down a long tune, she heard the reaction of the crowd as they clamored for more… their emotions pushing her to suck harder and pull more on the sweet red coming from Misty's veins.

Simone:  OH! The Vampyric Angel, Gothika is really showing her nature now, and Misty is screaming out in pain!
Adams:  Drew almost doesn’t want to pull her off of Misty after the stunt our “Queen” just pulled on him, but I don’t think Mark and Christian need that kind of a law suit against them.

Deep within that tunnel, she'd heard Drew counting, but just didn't care.  She'd felt him trying to pull her off of Misty, and even though they thought it was their actions that got her off, it wasn't.  She'd been praying to herself that she could stop.

'Dear Lord in Heaven, I don't know if I can stop myself!!  Please… I need to get control!!  I need to stop this!!  If I don't… I don't know what I might end up doing!!  Come on Gothika…  Get control!!'

She finally found the strength to let go and watched Misty scurry over to the corner of the ring.  But watching Misty cower in the ring, looking more and more like prey just lit the fire in her belly.  She knew she needed more.  That's when she spotted the red head on the mat apron.  Ruby had started arguing with Drew and she'd been drawn to her like a moth to a flame.  She didn't even remember what the argument was about.  All she can remember was sitting there, screaming back at the heated disciple of the woman she'd just bit, and felt the hunger build and build until all she saw was red.  She'd felt herself duck a wildly thrown punch, then grab onto Ruby's neck and again she felt the piercing of soft flesh by her fangs, and the sweet splashing of the red stuff into her mouth.  She'd heard Drew yelling at her to stop, almost as loud as she'd been screaming at herself.  She finally pulls her mouth from Ruby's throat and hissed at Drew.  She knew her face was a mask of blood and gore, but deep down in the core of her, she didn't really care.  She could hear Ruby screaming and fighting against her grip, and she didn't care.  All she wanted was another taste of the red. What got her attention though was when Ruby managed to slip out of her grip and slide down to the arena floor.  Only half of her brain heard the commentators comments.

Adams:  Maybe Ruby has learned her lesson about getting involved in matches, do ya think?
Simone:  It is very doubtful, Jason. But maybe she learned a lesson about stepping up to Gothika…

She didn't care about the fact that the match was still going on.  She'd thrown her head back and licked her lips, savoring the sweet taste of the red still left there.  She wanted to rub her hands in it… smear it across her face, then roll around on the floor in a sated blissful state, but to do that, she had to get more.  Her hunger was becoming insistent, and it was clouding her mind.  She heard Darknyss shouting at her to get her mind back into the match, but what everyone didn't realize was the look of concern on her face wasn't for the match, but for the other people in and around the ring.  Darknyss had seen her like this before.  Darknyss had noticed the red ring starting to form around the outside of Gothika's already bright blue irises.  The difference is striking if you have the chance pay attention to it.  Darknyss had witnessed before the carnage that Gothika could affect on an unsuspecting group of people when the bloodlust hit full force.  She knew that once Gothika's eyes started to burn bright red, almost as if her eyes were lit by an inner flame, that there was no bringing her back from the edge.  She knew that Gothika was so totally distracted by the taste in her mouth, that there would be no controlling the situation unless it ended quickly, and she could get her friend out somewhere that she could truly feed.

The rest of the match was practically a blur to her.  Misty thought that she was fighting to win the match, but in truth, Gothika was fighting for a chance to get her fangs on MIsty's throat again.  It wasn't until Misty started to choke Gothika out that she actually was able to come to herself.  She knew that if she let this draw out any further, that she would do something that in the end, she'd do something that she simply wouldn't be able to come back from.  And so, she did the one thing that she could do.  She played possum, and when Gothika locked on The Queen's Punishment, she tapped out.  She didn't have a desire to be in that match anymore, and she knew that if she didn't give up now…  Who knows what she might have done.  She watched Misty prance her way up the ramp, and coiled herself up in the ring like a snake getting ready to strike.  Her mind was telling her one thing, but the hunger… It was pushing for more.  Her mind was screaming…


But her hunger was screaming something completely different…


She felt her friends come into the ring, and it was all she could do to stop herself from latching onto one of them like a lamprey on a stray piece of flesh.  She was wound so tightly that after she bailed out of the ring, and a stagehand tried to slip past her to get to the commentator's table, she literally growled and snapped at him.  She would have grabbed him if her friends hadn't each grabbed an arm and forcibly drug her from the ringside.  She snarled and snapped at them and anyone else who got within spitting distance like a rabid dog, drooling at the mouth.  Pussy Willow had sidled up to try and get a last minute interview, but as soon as Gothika turned those red ringed eyes to her, she shrieked and ran the other way as fast as she could on her clear hooker heels.  

Upon getting back to the dressing room, She took one look at Argento, and it was all she could do not to pounce him like a cat on a mouse.  Raynin yelled out at him.

"When did she last feed Man?!!!"

Argento shrugged and shook his head.

"She said she didn't want to feed from me.  She said she wanted us to work out our relationship status before she started to feed from me again…  It's been at least a month since the last time I actually saw her feed.  Why?"

Gothika turned to Darknyss and almost keened in hunger.  Her eyes were reaching that state of almost no return and she barely had any sanity left.  She let out a pained whisper.

"Help me!!  I'm so hungry!!!"

She broke loose from her friend's grip and launched herself at Argento, fingers hooked like claws, her fangs fully extended…  pink saliva dripping from them, looking like a beast from out of a horror movie….  And she catches her reflection in a mirror behind Argento.  He's so shocked by what he's seeing, he is just standing there, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.  She lets out a pained moan and suddenly balls herself up, crouching down on the balls of her feet.  Raynin and Darknyss move to touch her and make sure she's ok, when Gothika suddenly bursts from between them, and out the door at a full run.  They all try to give chase, but she is suddenly out the door of the arena and out on the streets of Las Vegas.  

Her friends didn't know what had happened after that… She'd spent the rest of the night out at a feeding ground, gorging herself over and over again, until after she'd gone through seven willing donors, leaving them barely able to stand, she was finally sated.  She'd wanted to go back to find her friends, and Argento and apologize, but she simply couldn't.  She couldn't look them in the eye.  Now here it was, three weeks later, and she's still haunted by what she'd done.  She was still haunted… not because she was afraid she would do it again… but by the knowledge that because of the hunger within her, she WOULD do it again.  There was no stopping it… and she'd been trying like hell to get her mind accustomed to that fact.  But she simply couldn't look at her friends and have them seeing her as a monster.  

She turned off the water and wraps a towel around her body before she walks out to the locker room and sees her friends sitting there smiling at her.  Darknyss holds out a thermos to her with a chuckle.

"Sorry D.  I know we can't seem to stop ourselves from saying what comes to our minds sometimes.  Peace offering?"

Gothika walks over and takes the thermos from her hand and nods.  She hears her phone chime with a text message and slides open the phone.  She sees a text message from Argento.

“I accept you for who and what you are…  All of you… Fangs and all.  I don’t care if you see yourself as a monster because I don’t.  Go out there, and do what you do best. I will be here when you’re ready to talk.  M…”

She locks the phone back up and sets it back in the locker and lifts the thermos to her lips, taking a deep long swallow.  As she does, a drip of red slides down the corner of her li ps.  She growls softly at the taste, then lets her tongue slip out to grab it quickly.  She looks from one of her friends to the other and smiles wickedly, her fangs covered in the red stuff.  

“I think it’s time for us to truly embrace our inner monsters ladies.  Let’s go show Laura Jackson and Joanne Canelli what it means to face the beast within.  They will Feed My Need, and I will revel in it!!”

Gothika turns up the thermos and drains it, then hisses at the cameraman who turns and runs out of the dressing room as quickly as he can…  

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Monsters Unleashed
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:56:26 PM »
 Event: Sunday Night Climax Control's Sunday Night Seduction     DATE: Sunday, 07/28/2013

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Club Rain


Opponent: With Gothika vs Laura Jackson and Joanne "The Jersey Devil Diva" Canelli  

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The intelligent Erik Staggs has once again come up with a brilliant plan of having an all ladies night show.  Sunday Night Seduction.  A night to showcase the female talent of the Sin City Wrestling.  And what a way to do so, with the Bombshells representing themselves in degrading matches such as bra and panties matches, mud wrestling matches, pudding matches, and other things of that ilk.  But the Angels of the Fallen are ready, willing, and more than able to handle anything that is put in their path…  IF they can keep their eyes on the prize… their coveted Bombshell Tag Team Championships.  With her defeat at the hands of Misty, The Vampyric Angel's mind is on things other than the upcoming match.  Revenge against her opponent of a few weeks ago is prime on her list, but above and beyond all of that is the intense emergence of a hunger for something other than a title.  Will Gothika allow her lust for the Red Stuff overtake her senses and cause her the match?  Or will she be able to overcome her more base nature to come out of a groundbreaking night for the Sin City Wrestling with her partner as still Champions?  Let's find out…


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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: July 23, 2013...  6:30 PM…  

Place:  Las vegas, Nevada… On Raynin's training floor...

The summer was gertting hotter in the asphalt jungle.  The City of Sin was in full swing.  casinos were full of people just ready and waiting to bet it all against the house, win, lose or draw.  And the Angels of the Fallen are no different form those poor lost souls putting their faith in Lady Luck, and the skills that they know they've acquired over the years as they prepare themselves for Erik Staggs' newest creation, Sunday Night Seduction.  Gothika has not been able to keep her mind on what was most important at that point in time because too many things kept running through her mind.  Even right at this moment, she was running over various moments over the past few weeks like this one that took place earlier in the week...

Raynin had been griping and complaining the entire week since they'd returned from their couple of weeks out on an autographing tour.  As soon as she'd heard about what was in store, she'd lit into Darknyss with a vengeance as they walked in the door to Darknyss and Gothika's apartment.

"I can't believe it Lady!!  First, we end up in that complete waste of our time in Team Erik, and NOW, we're stuck possibly being stripped to our bras and panties, or being covered in mud, or pudding, or God forbid, GRAVY from a stupid Gravy Boat Match…  When if we'd simply gone with Team SCW like I'd thought in the first place, it could have been ME having my shot at either the Roulette Championship or the Bombshell Championship once again, so I could be not just a Triple Crown Champion, but a Double Champion!!  GAH!!  I'm so pissed off right now, I could spit!!!"

Darknyss had kept her cool though and just shrugged.

"I know you're pissed, but look at it this way…  wouldn't you feel better having earned your spot through your skills than having it handed to you on a silver platter, just cause you kissed Mark and Christian's ass to get it?  I mean come on!!  There were some bonuses to being on Team Erik."

Raynin dropped her bags next to the couch and flopped on the couch and sighs heavily, crossing her arms and looking like she's pouting.

"Name one Lady… name just one and I just might start to feel better about being put in these stupid ass matches.  What the high holy hells does females rolling around in whipped cream and pudding have to do with wrestling?"

Darknyss shrugs and sighs heavily.

"I never understood it myself.  But I learned to put up with it.  It gets us fans, and butts in the seats and keeps us paid.  And  you asked for a bonus to being with Team Erik?  I say for starters…  the fact that the General Manager of Sunday Night Seduction is a fellow Angel."

Raynin nods and shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that part.  But you gotta give me something more than just that."

Darknyss sets her bags in front of her bedroom door, then comes back to sit in her recliner, pulling a hair clip out of her hair and shaking it out in loosely tousled waves and sighs.

"I also think that the turmoil caused by this whole split put us into a very lucrative position to hold onto these titles as long as we have. We are well on our way to having the longest title run in the company!  NOT just with a the Bombshell Tag Team Titles, but EVER of ANY title!!  If we hold onto it for just a few more months…  We can do this!!  Right Gothika?"

Darknyss looks for her friend, and notices that Gothika is curled up in her recliner like a cat, just chewing her lip, only half way listening and frowns at her friend.

"Hey…  Gothika…  Earth to Gothika…  Are you in there?"

She'd turned to her friends, blinking slowly and shook herself out of her reverie, but replies rather blandly.

"Huh?  Yeah…  we can do anything we put our minds too."

She turns back to thinking to herself, and Raynin stands up and sighs heavily stretching.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone's home right now in Gothika's mind…  She's probably still thinking about what had happened with Misty and…"

Darknyss shushed her and shook her head, but she knew that Raynin was right.  Gothika was thinking about what had happened to Misty, and the images that ran through her brain were not about to stop just then….

Now, the three of them were in the training facility that Raynin had put together and were trying to get not just their bodies but their minds in focus for a match against a pair that they've faced before in the past, in many different combinations…  One of the ex-Tattooed Goddesses, Laura Jackson, and the self proclaimed 'Jersey Devil Diva', Joanne Cannelli.  Darknyss is slowly walking around, tossing a medicine ball up into the air and catching it then dropping down with it in a squat before standing slowly and repeating the process, speaking words of encouragement as Raynin and Gothika were on the floor of the large space, drenched in sweat as they'd been training almost the entire day.  They each had one hand behind their back, and were doing single hand fingertip pushups.  The muscles in their arms were trembling with the effort.  Gothika was literally gnawing on her bottom lip as she kept moving herself up and down slowly, trying not to think about the vein she could see in stark detail on her friend's neck, pumping that thick, hot, irony, coppery flavored sweet stuff through her body.  She closes her eyes and breathes deeply with each movement, and tries to concentrate on Darknyss's  words as she walked around them, tossing up the medicine ball and catching it.

"My dear friends…  I know that this point in time, your minds are thinking about the future.  You're thinking about just what your upcoming match might be like when you finally step into the ring at Sunday Night Seduction.  You Raynin… You have yet to experience one of these most…  well, I truly don't have words to describe what these kinds of matches are like except for, to participate in one is like no other experience."

Raynin rolls her eyes and growls softly as she keeps moving slowly up and down.

"Oh I can think of a few choice words of my experiences in these matches…   Embarrassing…  pointless…  Demeaning…  degrading… useless… used only to give the males in the company a chance to look at our naked flesh…  Oh I think that about covers it…"

Darknyss clucks her tongue at Gothika and shakes her head slowly.

"Hey, it's no more or less than the bikini contests we have been in.  Except we don't dance in these, we wrestle."

Raynin growls right along with Gothika.

"How does anyone expect us to be able to do anything in evening gowns, stockings, and high heels!!  One of MY moves would be so dangerous in a pair of heels!  I could puncture a lung!  I could put someone's eyes out!!  Let alone the fact that I could break my ankle!!  Hooker heels were not made for the wrestling ring!!"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

"That's why you take them off before you wrestle."  

Raynin nods slowly and shrugs, then goes back to her pushups.  She chuckles softly to herself as she keeps moving slowly.

"I just can't believe that we have to face Laura Jackson and Joanne Canelli again.  But then, what do you expect.  We've scared off so many of the tag teams in our division, that they literally have to force people to face us.  Though I have to admit, Joanne is putting on a pretty good face about it all.  I can't believe she's actually saying she's trying to take me out because I'm ex-military…  Hell, if she hates the government and the military so much, why doesn't she try to do what I did for so many years  and go out in the sand of….  Wherever it was I was at, and get shot at.  You know, I'm proud of the fact that I put my life on the line for my country.  It was what I was trained for for so many years.  And let's face it, I was very damned good at what I did.  Hooo-Raahh!!"

Gothika doesn't say anything, just keeps on doing her training silently.  She's barely spoken a few words all day, just letting her friends dominate the conversation.  Raynin continues her tirade, shaking her head slowly.

"I fought for her to be protected here… safe in her little castle on the hill, and she has the nerve and audacity to say that she doesn't like me because I worked for the government?  I swear, I'm gonna pop her one in the jaw just for that lame ass comment there.  And after I'm done, I'll show her Raynin's Way… and maybe she won't look down on those of us in the military anymore.  You know, I've had kids… men… women… entire school buses of people come up to me and thank me for my service.  And this chick actually wants to try to take my title because I fought for the Good Old U. S. Of A!  What the fuck is her problem??!!  I go out there, and I bust my ass every day… even now, so I can do tomorrow what other people are unwilling and unable to do today!  I have taken bullets…  gotten stabbed…  sliced… blown up… garroted… almost hanged by my neck… hell, I've even had someone come at me with a grapefruit spoon!  A FLIPPIN' GRAPEFRUIT SPOON!!  DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT HURTS TO HAVE A CHUNK OF YOUR FLESH GOUGED OUT WITH A FLIPPIN' GRAPEFRUIT SPOON?!  All of this so she could play at being some mob boss!!  And do I get a thank you?  Hell, even a HINT of respect?  NO!!  But that's alright…  I'll do to little miss Mafia Princess what I've done to so many people in…  wherever I was…  I'll teach her respect at the sole of my boot as I stomp her into a bloody pulp!!  I'll earn her respect by driving my fist through her teeth!!  And once we send her and her new little friend, Laura on a trip with a One Way Ticket to Painville…  Then… maybe then she'll change her tune about those of us who have served."

Raynin takes her free hand from behind her back and brings it to her forehead in a perfect salute, holding it through four slow pushups before she puts her hand back behind her back.   She doesn't miss a beat though.  She keeps on talking.

"And let's not get started on Laura Jackson… Her mind is so blown right now, she can barely keep it together to say two coherent sentences.  I mean, come on… the whole 'I'm giving it all up for charity' bit is so overrated!!  It's a ploy to make people think that she's actually doing something worth while, and seem like such a good girl, when the truth of it all is that she's just as scared of facing us as everyone else in the locker room is.  If she think she's going to get her mitts on my title… my baby… my… wait… I forgot… how do you say 'reason for being' in french again Gothika?"

Gothika quirks an eyebrow and sighs softly.

"Raison d'être."

Raynin pulls her hand from behind her back again and snaps her fingers.

"That's it… the raisin thing… what she just said.  Anyways… if she thinks she's going to take the titles away from us, even after she's tried time and time again over the past few months of us being Bombshell Tag Team Champions… well she's got another think coming!!"

Raynin and Gothika finally switch arms, and Darknyss starts to go the opposite way around them.  Raynin looks up and shakes her head again.

"I still can't believe that those two think you're not a vampire.  I mean… come on…  how many people do you have to attack and bite on the neck for them to believe it?  But I'm sure that once you give them both a little bit of fang action, that will change their tune."

Gothika is biting her lip so much now, trying not to say anything about the way that the comments are running that a small droplet of blood drips from her lip to land in the puddle of sweat below her.  She quickly licks her lips to stop the bleeding and Raynin doesn't notice a thing.  She just keeps on talking.

"I swear, it'll feel really good to have these titles wrapped around our waist once more after we take out these two clowns.  See, they can't have their little entourages at their beck and call to try to keep them safe.  Joanne is hiring outside muscle… but we have our own muscle right here with us!  I mean, who better to watch your back then the First Lady of the Darkk?!!  You know I want to thank you… both of you for being patient with me, and working with me and giving me the opportunities that you have.  Look at us!!  We've literally become the most Dominant Female force in this company!!  And I have to admit, having Michelle with us has been awesome."

Darknyss nods slowly as she looks up to catch the medicine ball as it comes back down.

"Yeah, and that's just the beginning…  I've got a few things in the works for the ACW as well…  I think it's time to have The Fallen branch out into other brands…  I know Morganna is dying for a chance to get in the ring again.  And she's looking at a couple of friends to come in with her.  And I think having our fingers in another set of pies would make things that much more beneficial for us as a group."

Raynin nods and sighs a bit, putting her other hand down, and lowering herself into a plank position on her elbows to rest her arms for a moment and looks up at her friend.

"I just wish that we didn't have to take part in this lame ass matches!!  I mean, I'll do them, but… we're worth so much more than this!!"

Darknyss catches the medicine ball and motions for Raynin to flip over and she starts doing crunches, catching the medicine ball as she comes up, going down almost to the ground, then tossing back the ball after she comes back up to her knees.  Darknyss shakes her head a bit and shrugs.

"I know you are disgusted by these matches Raynin.  But do not think that for a moment, I enjoy seeing you forced into any position.  Now you know I of all people understand how you feel, having been in your position many times before, but I want you to think about this...  We have been put into the position of putting up with these demeaning, degrading, and dehumanizing matches for the pleasures of the men of this company.  But remember, there is a purpose.  To gain power.   The power has always laid with men in this company, as with many other companies, and as such we have no say in the matter…  for now...  But it is essential to remember that power is not theirs by birth.  The nature of power is that it belongs to no one, not until it is taken…  Until it is seized...  Seized through sex, money...  Or violence.  Men may have always held the power.  But power is a fickle Mistress.  And here in the SCW, the winds of change are nearly upon us.  The female wrestlers have been looked down upon as mere eye candy.  While we do have our own division, and we normally don't get put into this position, we are still truly looked upon as arm candy by the men of this company.  Tits and ass to be ogled, used, abused, and seen as less than what we are, which is to say, true athletes, with true skills.  But it's time for we Bombshells to become that which they term us to be and blow this company up!!  We will seize the power of this company… The Angels of the Fallen will take control!  NOT by sex like so many of the other females in this company have done in the past… NOT by money…  What we want can't be bought with any currency other than hard work, skills, and that the ever popular good hard right hook!  We will seize the power of this company in the way which we are so very damned well good at doing!!  We will seize it through violence!!!  VIOLENCE!!  I just love how that word rolls off of my tongue…  We will prove to these lesser Bombshells that unless they are willing to do as we do, and put everything they are, everything they have, everything they love, everything they desire on the line, they will not be able to stand against us!!  I mean, look at what Misty had to give up just to be able to gain a win over Gothika…  She certainly had to give not just a pint of her own blood, but a pint of her cohorts too!!..."

Gothika rolls her neck slowly and looks up at her friend, a visage of almost anguish on her face and Darknyss catches the medicine ball and stops moving as she bites her bottom lip gently.

"Oh fuck… D… I'm…  I'm sorry hon.  You know sometimes I have foot in mouth disease…"

Gothika doesn't speak, she just slowly lowers herself down to her knees, and starts trying to slow her breathing, wiping her forehead off with the back of her hand before she raises to her feet and walks off away from her friends.  She disappears into the distance into the locker room, and even as the door closes on her friends, they can hear her fists banging into the metal of the doors over and over again, and the howl of anguish as it ripples out into the room…


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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / A Late Night Rendevous
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:59:26 PM »
Event: CLIMAX CONTROL     DATE: Sunday, 06/02/2013

Place: Hayward, California   Venue: Pioneer Gymnasium


Opponent: vs Jessie Salco  

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So what do you know….  Still Champions….  Even after a brutal match in a steel cage teamed with two people that they don't exactly see eye to eye with, and against four people who were out for their blood, the trio of Angels managed to continue to soar high and retain their Bombshell Tag Team Championships!   In the process, they helped Necra Octavian Kain win the Bombshell Roulette Championship.  Meh… Turnabout is fair play, so you have to give something to get something.    Even after having to step in the ring against the mystery opponents two weeks ago, Rocky Mountains and Pussy Willow…  They came out on top!  They have put their stamp on it that nothing will be handed to anyone anymore… They will fight for everything they have, and come out swinging every time, no matter what!  But now, one the Angels of the Fallen have a new opponent to face.  Luckily, it's a singles match only and not for their Championships.   The Rebellious One, Raynin has to square off against Jesie Salco.  But her mindset isn't quite right at this moment.  As 'Quote, Unquote', old demons resurface to once again haunt the newest member of the group, how will that affect the outcome of her matches?  Will she be able to step into the ring and still put on an amazing show with military like precision?  Or will her cadence be altered and cause the former soldier to go A.W.O.L. in the ring?  Will the new developments in the bounties placed on the heads of all of the members of Team Erik come into factor here during this match up?  So many unanswered questions floating around…  Let's see what happens....


Raynin shakes her head and reaches up and hits the button for her floor before she leans against the wall of the elevator and starts to whistle along with the song in her head.

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>  …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Schooling the Help… (Gothika RP)
« on: May 17, 2013, 11:49:55 PM »
 Event: CLIMAX CONTROL      DATE: Sunday, 05/19/2013

Place: San Francisco, California   Venue: War Memorial Gymnasium


Opponent:  With Raynin,  vs Mystrey Opponents  

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So what do you know….  Still Champions….  Even after a brutal match in a steel cage teamed with two people that they don't exactly see eye to eye with, and against four people who were out for their blood, the trio of Angels managed to continue to soar high and retain their Bombshell Tag Team Championships!   In the process, they helped Necra Octavian Kain win the Bombshell Roulette Championship.  Meh… Turnabout is fair play, so you have to give something to get something.  But now, the Angels of the Fallen have a new opponent to face for their Championships.   Only they don't have the foggiest idea just who it might be.   Mystery oponents…  The only mystery will be how badly The Angels of the Fallen will try to punish these Mystery Opponents…  But in the interim, what new events will unfold for the Rebellious Angel, the Vampyric Angel, and the Angel of the Darkk?  Let's find out…

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 …  SAPPHIC IDIOT?!!  WHAT??!! ...  
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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: May 13, 2013...  12:30 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada… Sin City Wrestling Headquarters...

It was just after lunch, and the halls of the Sin City Wrestling Headquarters building was filled with the sounds of empty wrappers being balled up, empty paper bags sailing through the air as people tried to make baskets with the trashcans, and empty or half empty carryout containers being closed up to head either for the trash or the refrigerator for the next day.  You could hear the random burp accompanied by a sip through a straw, or even a contented sigh of a full belly flitting down the hallways from behind closed doors.  Not everyone got to take their lunch at that time though, and she was one of those who was the exception.

Her bleached blonde hair hung around her shoulders in a messy curly style, and her blue contacts would randomly cause her to scratch her eyes, as she tried to arch her back and push out the assets that God and Doctor Trivillian gave her…  One for free, and one for about twenty thousand dollars that she's still paying off. She was sitting at the desk outside of Mr. Ward's office, chewing and popping her gum, nail file in hand as she tried to straighten up the absolutely sloppy job that the stupid girl at the nail shop did with her hands.  Even though, to any one else, her nails looked immaculate, for her, she could feel the stray lump of imperfection along the edge of her solar nails, and that simply would not do.  Her badge shows the name, 'Kendra', and she actually did the duck face for her picture.  She just new she could have modeled if it hadn't been for that one pimple she'd gotten when she was taking her head shots when she was younger.  She sat there with her headset on her ear, filing away at her nails, basically ignoring the ringing phone until she felt that they'd waited long enough to truly warrant talking to her, then she would answer, gracing that person with the sound of her voice.  She thought she sounded like a songbird…  But to everyone else, she sounded like Tweetie Bird with Fran Dresher's nasally gravelly tone.  She rolled her eyes as she answered the phone.

"Mark Ward's office, please hold…"

She didn't even put the person on hold, just hung up the phone as she frowned.

"Don't they know that I'm busy?!!  GAH!!  Why won't this phone stop ringing??!!"

Her own cell phone rings, and she doesn't hesitate to answer it, frowning as she keeps filing her nails.

"Hey girl!…  Working like a slave here at this stupid place.  I swear…  I'm doing so much, I should frankly run this place in a week…  I know I'm just a temp for now, but this guy is sure to hire me…  Yeah, some old wrestling guy…  I don't' know…  He's kinda cute for an old guy, but let's face it…  He's no Ace Baldwin…  Yeah, he does work here.  Why the hell do you think I took this job?  To actually impress someone?!  Hell no!  I wanted the chance to meet one of those fine ass wrestlers and snag myself a baby daddy so I don't have to do this bull shit anymore."

The phone rings again, and she rolls her eyes and sighs heavily.

"Like oh my GOD!! This phone just won't stop ringing!!  Hang on Trisha, I have to get this..."

She puts her phone to her chest, then presses the button for the office phone and clears her throat.

"Mark Ward's office, please hold…  I don't care if you've been holding for an hour.  He's busy on the other line right now…  I don't know exactly what he's doing… He's doing…  wrestling work stuff…  A message?…"

She sighs annoyed and rolls her eyes.

"Sure, I can take a message…  Yes I've got a pen and a piece of paper…"

She rustles some papers around like she's about to write something down, then picks up her nail file again.

"Ok, go ahead…  uh huh…  uh uh….  Previously booked…  sold out… yeah, I'm getting all of this…  Is that it?…  Ok, I'll get him the message.  Thank you."

She rolls her eyes and slams the phone back down on the cradle, picking her cell phone back up and putting it to her ear making a disgusted sound.

"GAH!!  I swear!!  Some people just don't understand how hard it is to do this job."

Just then, a shadow falls over her and she sighs exasperatedly again.  She doesn't even look up from her nails as she speaks sarcastically, waving the nail file around.

"Mr. Ward is in a meeting right now and doesn't wish to be disturbed.  There's a notepad right there that you can write down a note and I'll make sure he gets it.  Thanks."

The shadow doesn't move and she rolls her eyes again before she turns towards the person standing in front of her.

"Look, did you not just hear what I said??!!"

She suddenly stops and slowly lets her eyes travel up the form of the person standing before her.  She takes in the leather pants and corset with the leather trench coat over it and finally stops at the cold ice blue eyes glaring down at her.  She rolls her eyes again and clucks her tongue.

"Listen, you can sit there and glare at me all you want.  It still won't change the fact that Mr. Ward doesn't want to be disturbed."

Gothika leans forward, bringing her fists down knuckles first on the hard wood desk so hard that it rattles everything and shifts it a few inches before it settles.  She frowns down at the oblivious young woman before she breathes deeply and lets it out slowly.

"You know…  At first I thought that Mark just might have been dodging my calls… But when I called to confirm our one o'clock meeting today and got hung up on, let's just say that it lit a bit of a fire under me to try and come early.  I was about to rip Mark a new ass hole for treating me that way… But now I see… it wasn't Mark…  It was you…"

She reaches down and flicks the girl's ID with her fingertip and chuckles slowly.  The girl frowns and covers her ID with her hand.


Gothika smirks evilly.

"Kendra…  cute…  So it was you who thought that I didn't need to speak to Mark."

The girl slams the nail file down on the table and starts to stand slowly.

"Look…  you two bit weirdo with the fetish for black leather…  I already told you that Mr. Ward isn't taking any visitors because he's busy in a meeting.  So why would I let you talk on the phone to him?  You don't even have a lick of fashion sense!!"

Gothika stands up slowly and crosses her arms over her chest and lifts an eyebrow, looking down at the girl.

"First off…  I'm not weird.  I'm unique.  It's not my fault that you can't see it.   You simply lack the intellect and mental capacity to understand my genius and individuality.  Let alone my keen fashion sense which is inspired by those of my kind."

The girl smirks and leans back with a chuckle.

"Yeah, and just what is your kind per se?  Those allergic to color?  Or, let me guess… you're one of those angsty goth and vampire kids."

Gothika throws her head back and laughs heavily.

"Yeah… something like that.  Now, be a good girl and announce me."

The girl chuckles and picks up her nail file and sits back down, filing her nails and picking up her phone, she starts to dial a phone number, ignoring Gothika.  A low growl starts to rumble in the throat of the vampyric woman, and her frown deepens until she leans over and pulls the nail file from the young girl's hand and tosses it across the room.  Kendra gets upset and jumps back up.

"HEY!!  How dare you do that?!!"

Gothika brings her fist down on the desk again and roars back.

"HOW DARE I?!!  HOW DARE YOU??!!  Do you have ANY IDEA who I am?"

Kendra goes and picks up her nail file and walks back over to the desk, slamming it back down on the desktop.

"If you don't leave, you'll be the person that I call security on!  Now just leave!!"

Gothika chuckles again and leans her head from side to side, cracking her neck slowly.

"Now see… Kendra… I simply can't do that."

Gothika leans over and taps on the compute screen, showing the time.

"You see…  I can't go away, because Mark ASKED ME TO BE HERE AT ONE YOU SAPPHIC IDIOT!!"

Kendra frowns and leans forward, getting closer to Gothika's face.

"What did you just call me?"

Gothika smirks and leans closer, her eyes flashing a brighter blue.

"Shall I spell it out for you?  Oh… wait… that's right… you can't spell those big thirty-two dollar words.  I need to bring it down to your level…."

Gothika leans back and starts making hand signs to go along with what she's saying.

"Mark want me here…  We talk about wrestling show you stupid twit!"

Kendra rolls her eyes again and sits down and  picks up her cell phone and starts to text someone, and Gothika has had it.  She reaches down and plucks the phone form the young woman's hands and Kendra reacts like a bullet out of a gun.


Gothika smirks and lifts her arm completely into the air, dangling it in front of the much shorter girl's face but at a height she can't reach.

"Not until you announce me."

Kendra tries to walk around the desk and jump for the phone, but she can't jump too high because of the heels she's wearing.  

"Gimme that back!!"

Gothika keeps dangling the phone and starts to walk towards Mark's door, but Kendra suddenly lashes out and steps on her foot with her heels.

"I said, gimme my phone you bitch!!"

With that, Gothika's smile spreads slowly across her face like the smile of a demon.  She growls and holds the phone out to Kendra.  But when Kendra reaches for the phone, Gothika hauls back and launches it against the wall so hard, that it literally shatters like it had a small explosive inside of it.  Kendra screams at Gothika, making an ugly, angry face.


Kendra suddenly slaps Gothika across the face, and stands there looking smug, as if she's just done something.  Gothika is barely phased by the hit and doesn't even flinch.  She just smiles down at the smaller woman with a look that finally causes Kendra to tremble in fear and back up towards Mark's door slowly holding her hands out…


Mark has been wondering why he hadn't been getting any calls this morning, and is about to reach for the phone, when suddenly, a pair of bodies come crashing through into his office.  Gothika has speared the small secretary right throughout he hard wood of the door.  Mark jumps up and roars.


Gothika looks down at the small woman who is obviously unconscious and chuckles softly.

"I think I broke her.  But she should have taken my calls and let me in for my appointment."

She turns her angry eyes to Mark and frowns.

"Now… tell me why I've been fined twenty-five thousand dollars for something that Argento did?"

Mark frowns and sighs, lifting up his phone and is about to dial a number, then drops the receiver back down on the cradle.

"I was about to call my secretary to get a paramedic out here…  but she's the one who needs the paramedic.  SHIT!  I can never remember how to dial out…"

Gothika nods slowly.

"Ohh… yeah… I think you have to dial a nine, then a one, then the area code…"

Mark picks up the phone and tries it, then nods slowly as the call connects.

"Yeah… that was it… thanks…  Anyway…  I'm fining you for what Argento did because you were the one who caused it."

Gothika shakes her head slowly.

"How could I have caused that??!!  I wasn't even there!!  Darknyss, Raynin and I came for that LumberJill match, and left right after!  We spent the night out on some rooftop training!  Training for this crazy ass mystery opponent match we has tossed in our lap!"

Mark frowns and shakes his head slowly.

"How do you train on a rooftop for a mystery opponent match?"

Gothika shrugs and sighs heavily.

"You know how Darknyss has her strange trainings… Well, she had a bunch of guys dress in super villain costumes with masks and we had like this big brawl for all on the roof.  She even had a ring set up there for us to really work with.  It was actually kind of fun…  Until it started to rain.  That high up, the rain falls a lot harder than when you're further down."

Mark scratches his head and shrugs.

"Whatever works for you… But I still just don't get why you didn't take our offer and come to Team SCW."

Gothika points to Mark and shakes her head slowly.

"You really don't know?  After all that we went through to bring you some of the most amazing talent in the Bombshell Division…  Put our bodies through some of the most epic matches…  Raynin is still recuperating from some of the scars she got last year, and she's now got new ones from that cage match we were in…  And yet, it took us this long to even truly get a real shot at these titles!!  And I KNOW that if you had your way… we wouldn't have them now!!  Raynin still hasn't gotten her rematch for the Bombshell Title…  When will that happen?  I'm guessing when pigs fly if you had your way.   And why?  Because we don't think the same way as you… Because we  don't see eye to eye with you.  Because we think for our own, and because we don't worship at the Hot Stuff Altar, and never will…  That's why.  Maybe when you truly learn to appreciate the true talent you have standing right in front of you… maybe then we'll come to the Team SCW side.  But I won't be holding my breath for that to happen.  Until then… Just know… Raynin and I plan on holding onto these titles for a good long time.  And we plan on making the rest of your little Bombshell Tag Teams suffer for what you have put us through Mark.  So when they ask, 'Why am I in so much pain?!!  Why would they do this to us?!', you can raise your hand and take the blame.  Because we know that the only way we will be able to keep our hands on these titles is not just to pin our competition, but to completely decimate them.  We have to grind them into the dust from which they tried to crawl from, under our boot heels.  Which, I have to admit, I'm enjoying doing.  So I say, bring it on…  It could be anyone…  Any mystery opponent you want…  Hell, it could be you and Christian… if you could ever find him…  Truthfully, I don't care.  We will beat down any and all competition to keep these titles.  Though… on second thought…  The thought of you in a skirt is just…  just way too many shades of wrong…  Though I bet Christian would look interesting in a pink tutu and tights."

Mark shudders at the thought and points towards the door.

"You've made your point…  But you're still responsible for Argento's little tirade.  He's flipping out cause he wants you to take him… whatever that means…   And Lili thinks you've bitten him and drank his blood!"

Goithika lifts an eyebrow and smirks.

"I did."

Mark grimaces and shakes his head.

"Just…  Just gross!!  Look…  Whatever little kinky games you and he decide to do, you have to keep it out of SCW business!!  And if he disrupts business and it's because of you, then you will both be fined!!  That's final!!  Now get out of here, and go send in your payment!!"

Gothika frowns and is about to speak, but at that moment, the paramedics come bustling through the door to check on the downed Kendra.  Gothika nods slowly and backs towards the door.

"This isn't over Ward.  Not by a long shot…  Oh, and the next time your secretaries decide to hang up on me, and not let me come for a meeting YOU PERSONALLY schedule… it'll cost you more than just a door and a temp."

With that, Gothika spins on her heel and walks out the door...

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / Dinner Theater ( Raynin RP 2)
« on: April 26, 2013, 11:58:51 PM »
 Event: Hostile Takeover..   Sunday 04-28-2013

Venue: Ginásio Nilson Nelson ...   Brasilia, Brazil

Opponent: with Gothika, Misty, and Necra Octavian Kain vs Odette ryder, Roxi Johnson, Vixen, and Faith

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The Sin City Wrestling Pay Per View Hostile Takeover is fast approaching, and the wrestling world is bubbling with excitement over what is going to end up being one of the most earth shattering battles to date!  The Bombshell Mega Match is sure to be filled with carnage!  Bodies will be broken… Blood will certainly be spilled…  Courage and skills will be put to the test.  Will Team Erik be able to overcome the odds, and come out with gold around their waists?  The Angels of the Fallen certainly hope so as their Bombshell Tag Team Titles are on the line along with Misty's Bombshell Championship.  As the clock continues to march forward towards an epic conclusion, we're all on the edges of our seats!! Let's find out what destiny has in store for our amazing Bombshells...

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 …  WHAT'S FOR DINNER?! ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********>[/color]


Time:  April 15, 2013...  10:30 PM

Place:  Brasilia, Brazil… In the Brasilia International Airport…  Inside of the customs department...

After such a long ride on an airplane, all anyone wants to do is head to somewhere that they can stretch out, have a decent meal, and then pass out for a nice long amount of sleep, wrapped in a comfy blanket.  They just want to be able to have a lovely dream and get a bit of their strength back.  The Angels of the Fallen however, just weren't that lucky.

Raynin was standing in the customs department with Gothika and Darknyss as six customs officers picked over their belongings.  While she knew it was their job, she simply didn't like people pawing over her things.  And she especially didn't appreciate strange men fondling her underwear and holding it up to discuss like it were some strange and new discovery.  She leaned over and snatched a thong from one of the officer's hands after he made motions towards sniffing them and frowned.

"Hey!!  That's enough!!  I truly don't think that you sniffing my panties is a part of a customs inspection!!  Why were we detained in the first place?"

Behind her, a voice calls out a reply.

"Because, we had a tip that you and your friends were smuggling certain items into our country.  And we don't take kindly to smugglers."

She turns around to see a man who is obviously a supervisor step into view from behind a nearby door.  He walks over and slips an ink pen into her bag, hooking a bra on the end and lifting it into the air to look at it with an upturned eyebrow.

"With you being from the United States, I'm sure you can appreciate our being as thorough as possible."

Darknyss looks up at that statement with a pissed off look.   She growls at the man as she speaks.

"Smuggling?   Do we look like smugglers to you?"

The supervisor shrugs and clasps his hands behind his back.

"Last week, I had a nine year old boy come in with a pound of heroine wrapped in condoms shoved in his rectum.  Smugglers don't have a specific look.  However, if I get a tip that you are smuggling, then you will be checked and searched."

Gothika lifts an eyebrow and looks the supervisor up and down slowly.

"And just who supplied you with this tip?  I would like to thank them for such a gracious welcome to your country."

The supervisor smirks and shakes his head slowly.

"It was an anonymous tip.  No names were given, or asked for."

Raynin rolls her eyes and sighs exasperatedly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah...  Anonymous....  Right.  Can we just hurry this along?  I've been on a plane for almost thirteen hours and the past thing I was expecting to do was stand around while a bunch of perverts play with my underwear!!  I'm exhausted!!!"

Just then, one of the officers gasps and holds up his hand to get his attention, speaking Portugeuse.

"Capitão! Capitão! Vinde e vedê! Vinde e vede!"  ("Captain!!  Captain!!  Come and see!!  Come and see!!")

The supervisor walks over to the man who was searching Raynin's carry on, and gasps as he reaches into the bag.

"And what do we have here?"

Raynin smirks and leans over the table.

"Well, if it's my vibrator, yes they do come in that size and color.  And don't feel intimidated by it.  Very few can match what Bob can do."

The man lifts his eyebrow, looking at her curiously.


She nods and leans back, still smirking.

"Yeah...  Bob...  B-O-B...  Battery Operated Boyfriend.  Comes through every time.  Quite literally actually.  And this one is solar powered."

Darknyss leans over, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"They come solar powered now?!"

Raynin chuckles and nods.

"Hell yeah they do.  Technology is always progressing you know."

The supervisor clears his throat.

"Technology may be progressing, but it still has nothing on me."

Raynin lifts her eyebrows and chuckles, and he clears his throat again.

"As I was about to say before we were... Distracted...  This is quite an interesting find here..."

With that, he pulls out Raynin's Bombshell Tag Team Championship belt and holds it up high.

"And why was this not declared?"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"Because, when we were invited to your country to do a show, we didn't think we'd have to declare our titles as a National Treasure?  Come on...  Seriously?  It even has my name on the nameplate."

The super is of lifts his eyebrow again in curiosity.

"You?!!  A Champion?  Champion of what?  Styling your hair?  Getting your fingernails painted?"

Raynin holds her stomach and starts to guffaw laugh sarcastically, then holds up her hands to reveal unpainted fingernails.  She leans over the table and points to the faceplate of the belt.

"Oh yeah, I jus tlove getting my nails doen all o the time.  No you dolt...  Of wrestling.  Didn't you read what you're holding?"

He looks at her incredulously and starts to chuckle.

"You?!!  A Luuchadora?  Impossible!!  You are no luchadora...  You're just some... kid!!"

She smirks and reaches over to tap the face plate on the title belt gently.

"Thanks for the complimen, but you're not the only one who has underestimated my friends and I.  There are many who want to get theier hands on these titles.  but what they don't realize is... to get these titles, they have to go through me, and her."

She points at Gothika who smiles wickedly and wiggles her fingers in a hello then blows a kiss to the supervisor.  The supervisor is about to speak when one of the oficers checking Gothika's bags opens her carryon and looks inside.  He gasps and takes a step back from teh bag, putting his hands over his mouth*

"Mãe de Deus! Isto diz Gothika! Eles são os Anjos!"  ("Mother of God!! This says Gothika!  They are the Angels!!")

the supervisor frowm sand looks down at the face plate on the title finally and reads Ra ynin's name printed on the nameplate.

He who can destroy a thing can control a thing.

"! Impossível Não há nenhuma maneira isso é certo... Você não pode ser ... Não pode ser The Fallen. Você não precisa nem olhar como eles!!  Impossível!"  ("Impossible!!  There's no way this is right!!  You can't be...  You can't be The Fallen.  You don't even look like them!  Impossible!!")

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head.

"Of course we don't travel in our clothes we wear in the ring, so we aren't going to look one hundered percent like ourselves.  This is us in our outside clothes.  As much as I enjoy wearing a leather corset, there's no way on god's green Earth I'd ever wear it for twelve hours, crushed into a plane like a bunch of sardines.  I don't like them that much."

Raynin looks at Gothika witha curious look in her eye.

"You understood what he was saying?"

Gothika smirks and winks at her friend.

"Of course I did.  I had to take Portuguese in college casue I already spoke French and Spanish, and I really didn't want to learn German."

Darknyss brings her fingers to her lips and whistles shrilly, waving her hands.

"Well someone fill me in on what the hell is going on!  I only speak two languages right now, English and Bad English."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"He said he didn't believe we were who we said we were because we didn't look like how we look when we're in the ring."

Darknyss gapes at the supervisor and chuckles.  

"ReallY? Really?  do you wear your best when you're best when you're  flying somewhere on a plane?  Get for real!1  These girls have worked their asses of to get tehir hands on these titles, and we were   invited...  INVITED here to perform for the people here in your country.  And since we've landed, we've been treated like pariahs!  Raynin and Gothika have one of the most intense matches they will have ever been in happening in a few days, and all they've wanted was to get here, rest up, train and prepare for the rigors of a match that they have the very titles you two are holding on the line. Do you have any idea how much even a few hours spent in this farce of a search can impact their performance?!!  Do you??!!"

The supervisor turns bright red and brings his fists down on the table sharply.

"Do you have any idea how much even the smallest bit of contraband in our country affects our people?  I get it...  This was some kind of a prank that's been pulled on me and my men, but you should be able to appreciate the need for verification."

Darknyss closes her mouth and thinks for a minute, then sighs heavily.

"I do understand the need for verification. But you should also understand our need for expedience.  We're all exhausted, and have been at this for almost five hours more than we should have been. You've checked us out, checked out our things… Hell, the only thing you haven't done is strip searched us.  Can we please leave now?"

The supervisor walks over to Raynin and hands her the Bombshell Tag Team Title belt and nods slowly.  Raynin smiles tiredly and accepts the title belt.

"Obrigado. Muito obrigado.  Thank you so very much."

The supervisor doesn't let go fully of the belt.  He holds onto the end of it and stops her from turning away.

"I will let you go on one condition…"

Raynin looks up at the man with a curious look.

"What's the condition?"

The supervisor smirks and lets go of the title belt.

"Kick Vixen's bunda for me.  That's her ass if you're wondering Miss Darkk.  I think she's a…  a…  uma prostituta garimpo.  What you would call a gold digging hoe I believe.  She keeps jumping from partner to partner, just doing whatever she can to try and get the titles from you.  All she wants is the title and doesn't care who she uses or hurts along the way to get it."

Gothika chuckles and nods slowly.

"See, I told you that everyone else knew what she was doing.  It wasn't just us.  We've got more people backing us than you thought Raynin."

Raynin grins and nods slowly, the supervisor holds out his hand.

"So we have a deal?"

Raynin takes his hand and shakes it firmly.

"Oh, that's a deal I'm more than happy to take.  Poor little Roxi Johnson won't know what hit her.  In the end, she and Vixen will be left in the center of the ring, wondering where everyone else is while we're outside of the ring, being handed our Bombshell Championship Titles back.  I think this is gonna be fun."

The camera zooms in on the clasped hands of Raynin and the supervisor as the scene fades out.

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Time:  April 20, 2013…  11:30 PM

Place:   Brasilia, Brazil…  Club Sanguíneo

The place was thick with bodies all crushed on the dance floor of the place, grinding and banging their heads to the sounds of the music as it pumped through the PA system.  The smell of incense, sweat, perfume, cologne, and promised sex filled the air, along with the heady scent of something a little more… dark hidden just underneath the incense that filled the large room.

When the four of them walked into the room, it was line a sharp intake of breath took place, and most of the eyes in the room turned to the door.  The Angels of the Fallen stood there, looking around the room.  Darknyss, Raynin and Gothika seem to fit in, but Michelle looks like she's out of place.  Darknyss is in a royal purple corset and shiny black leather pants with black pumps.  Raynin is wearing a black leather halter top and black stretch jeans with a black lace collar around her throat, and platformed boots.  Gothika is wearing her trademark black rubber corset and patent leather pants, and lug bottomed boots, but her arms and chest are bare.  Michelle is wearing a punk school girl outfit, a blue plaid halter top vest and matching short skirt with a pair of saddle shoe high heels with a teddy bear backpack, and her hair in pigtails.  They all take a deep breath almost as one  and Darknyss said what was really on their mind.

"Wow… who knew that even down here, they know about She Wants Revenge."

Gothika shakes her head and chuckles.

"She Wants Revenge crosses borders and barriers my dear."

Michelle looks down at what she's wearing and frowns a bit.

"Are you sure this is ok for this type of place?  I think I look soooo Hellas out of place right about now."

Gothika looks her up and down and shrugs.

"I don't know… I think you look awesome as usual Chelly.  Now, do all of you have the armbands I gave you?"

Michelle, Raynin and Darknyss each lift their left arms to show these armbands with strange symbols written on them.

"Yeah, but why do we need them and you don't?"

Gothika looks around the room and smiles softly.

"Because… they're VIP armbands…  They signify you as like my plus one...  And I was invited and am on the list, so I get full access."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow and looks at Gothika warily.  Gothika lifts a hand and smooths a stray strand of hair back into place.  

"I promise…  You'll all be fine.  Look, we came here to let loose a bit after the last few days of agony that Darknyss has put us through with training…  Well, everyone but you Michelle who sat around and sipped iced tea while she tortured us."

Michelle pouts and holds up her hands.

"But if I'd did what you guys were doing, I'd have broken a nail!!  I still can't believe she had you in cages with ten men… Though one of those guys was Hellas smexay…  Well, at least he was until you raked his face against the chain link Raynin.  I was thinking of getting his number once you guys were let out of the cage!"

Raynin chuckles and rolls her neck a bit.

"Well, he wouldn't have gotten his face raked against the chain link if he hadn't have been trying to rip my head off.  Besides, you better believe that when we get into the ring with Vixen, Roxi, Odette and Faith, we're not gonna be as lucky as we were in the ring against the guys.  At least they knew it was just for practice.  These chicks have their sights set on what we have.  Personally, I could give a rats ass about what anyone thinks of me.  But there's no way in hell I'm about to stand back and listen to some of what these females have been saying about us.  They think we're weak.  They think we're a bunch of one hit wonders.  Hell, Roxi Johnson still doesn't understand why we are even Tag Team Champions.  But after this match, they will understand.  We're holding these titles because we deserve them.  We fought for them.  And we are that damned good."

Gothika nods slowly and shrugs.

"But you have to remember… When we come into these matches, we don't come into them like we're the Champions.  We approach each match like we're gunning for the titles.  It's as if our opponents are the Champions and we're the number one contenders.  We don't let ourselves become complacent.  We stay on top of our game and we fight like our very lives depend on it.  That's one reason why we're so dangerous.  Champion or not, step into the ring against us and it's your body that you put on the line.  It's more than just a matter of pride with us.  We do what we must because… well, we must do it."

Gothika takes her friends' hands and pulls them into the room and push them onto the dance floor.

"Go on… have some fun.  I'll be out there in a sec.  I need a drink."

As the others go onto the dance floor and begin to move, Raynin stops and has a seat at a table near the dance floor and pulls out her phone.  She taps on an app and a button cam on Gothika's corset goes on.  She knows she shouldn't be spying on her friend, but she's been worried about her.  She gasps as she sees what is happening on the screen.  Gothika has walked into a room in the back where there are an array of half naked people, all laying on various couches and chairs, and covered with bite marks.  She can't see Gothika's face, but she watches her arm lift and point to a handsome man who's sprawled on a divan with only one bite mark on his neck.  She hears a voice speak.

"Uma excelente escolha. Esta é Davide. Ele é um dos meus favoritos pessoais. Ele tem um tipo de sangue muito raro eu acho que você vai encontrar deliciosos."  ("An excellent choice.  This is Davide.  He's one of my personal favorites.  He's got a very rare blood type I think you will find delicious.")

The young man stands and walks over to Gothika and all you can see is his chest as he walks up to her.  But you can hear his groan and see his body shake, then the slow spill of red going down to cover the button cam.  Raynin gasps and shakes her head and can't help but keep watching as the young man is suddenly pushed from Gothika's grip and she spins to see Argento standing in front of her.

"Argento??!!  What are you doing here??!!"

He looks around confused.

"Gothika…  I followed you here.  I missed you and wanted to spend some time with… what is going on here?"

Gothika wipes the red from her body and she throws her arms up in the air.

"What do you think is going on here?  I'm so fucking hungry!!!  I hadn't fed in weeks!!  And with this big match coming up, I had to eat someone!!"

Then she suddenly gasps.

"Oh no…  it's not safe here for you!!  You have to leave!!  Now!!"

A voice behind her speaks again.

"Não. Ele veio aqui de sua livre e espontânea vontade, então ele é um jogo livre. Ele é uma boneca de sangue livre. Nós o trouxemos para você, porque ele pediu para você pelo nome, mas se você não reclamar, ele é perdido, e vai se juntar aos outros. "  ( "No.  He came here of his own free will, so he is free game.  He is a free blood doll.  We brought him to you because he asked for you by name, but if you do not claim him, he is forfeit, and will join the others.")

Argento is suddenly grabbed by two large men and he struggles against them, but stops dead as soon as he sees their fangs.

"Eu estou esperando que você não reclamá-lo ... ele parece delicioso."  ("I'm hoping you don't claim him... he looks delicious.")

Argento stops dead in his tracks and looks to Gothika with a pleading look.

"Well, I've been asking you to take me for a long time now… I guess it's up to you.  Either you take me, or my life is forfeit.  Which will you choose?"

Gothika's voice trembles in desperation.

"Argento… you don't know what you're asking me to do."

Argento nods slowly.

"Of course I do.  Now come and do it."

The two men drop Argento's arms, and he walks towards Gothika, wrapping his arms around her.  We suddenly hear him moan and a soft sucking, as red again covers the button cam and the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / Bye Bye Baby (Gothika Rp 1)
« on: April 21, 2013, 12:00:07 AM »

Event: Hostile Takeover..   Sunday 04-28-2013

Venue: Ginásio Nilson Nelson ...   Brasilia, Brazil


Opponent:  With Raynin,  Misty, and Necra Octavian Kain vs Odette ryder, Roxi Johnson, Vixen, and Faith

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The Angels of the Fallen have managed to successfully defend their Bombshell TagTeam Championships against a couple of formidable foes.  But now, there's a new element to the defense of their titles at the Hostile Takeover Pay Per View…  Because it's not just their championships they have to fight for.  In a Bombshell Mega Match, Raynin and Gothika will take part in a Tornado Tag Steel Cage Match.  They have to team with Raynin's old arch nemesis, and current Bombshell Champion, Misty, and part of the Goddesses of Light, Necra Octavian Kain against another thorn in Raynin and Gothika's side, Odette, who will be teaming with Vixen, Roxi Johnson, and the Bombshell Roulette. Champ, and the person who attacked Raynin at Climax Control, Faith.  Will the Angels be able to trust these two other women to be able to keep a hold to their titles?  Or will Angel's Championship wings be clipped?  Let's see what unfolds as the Wrestling world Turns....

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Time: April 15, 2013…  6:23 AM...

Place:  Buenos Aires, Argentina…  Ministro Pistarini International Airport...

It was early in the morning.  So early in fact that the sun hadn't even risen over the horizon just yet.  It was that point just before dawn when the sky is still that gorgeous purple color you can't find anywhere else but at this point in time, but the stars are beginning to disappear from that deep dark velvet sky as it begins to lighten with the day.  The smells of the city just starting to stir has filled the air as people are starting their breakfasts, and coffee is being brewed, and tea kettles are whistling for that first brew to be poured.  But not everyone was so lucky as to have the privilege to be able to only just now stir from their slumber.

The Angels of the Fallen were lounging around the airport, after having gone through security to begin the next leg of the South America tour, and not every one of them was bright eyed and bushy tailed.  They'd all had to endure the early morning rush to make sure they hadn't left anything in their hotel rooms, then get their luggage down to the rental cars and get all checked out before they headed out to drop them off at the airport.  Their day had started at around three in the morning and it had exhausted everyone.  In fact, Gothika was stretched out across a line of chairs with her head on her carryon, her eyes closed in slumber as her friends sat around her, doing their own thing.  She'd decided to dress down for this flight because she didn't feel like dealing with having to strip off all of her leather when she went through the security check like she'd had to the last time.  She almost looked normal in her black stretch denim jeans, black wife beater tank top, and a pair of black flip flops on her feet.  Her toes were painted blood red and twinkled softy in the light as she lay there, her arms crossed over her chest.  To some, she might have looked dead, but the occasional rise and fall of her chest coupled with the movement of her eyes behind her eyelids gave it away that she was one of the living.

She was deep in a dream state, and the way that her eyes were moving you could tell that the dream wasn't a very pretty one.  The shot pulls in close, zooming in on Gothika's eyes moving rapidly beneath her eyelids as the scene ripples in…

{ Then ripples out as the shot pulls back to show Gothika's eyes open.  We know we're inside of her dream because her clothing has changed to her normal black leather pants with a black lace corset over a black silk button down shirt and a pair of black high heeled dress boots.  She actually looks more elegant than lethal right now, with her hair pulled up in a delicate french twist with small tendrils of curls hanging haphazardly to frame her face.  By the distraught look on her face, you can tell she's not liking where her mind has taken her this time.

We're in a large, cavernous dark, dungeon like room.  There's very little light coming from anywhere, except for sparsely spaced bare bulbs.  The sound of dripping water fills the air, echoing off the far walls every now and then, accompanied only by the sound of an exhaust fan that is circulating the air, as there are no windows that can be seen.

'Why do I keep coming back here?  Why do I have to keep remembering what happened?  I wanted so badly to forget and not let these memories haunt me…  And yet… I just can't get rid of them!!'

She takes a deep breath and we hear a moaning sound behind her.  The moaning turns into a soft sobbing, and she closes her eyes slowly, biting her lower lip.

'I don't want to remember…  Please…  Why is this haunting me now?!'

Despite her pleas, she can't help herself.  She turns to see a cage behind her.  On the hard concrete floor, a sobbing form lies… naked… bruised… bloodied… still bleeding from various wounds that are healing but slowly as she looks on.  She walks over and places a hand on the door of the cage and lowers herself down to look at the broken form in front of her.

'I don't want to remember what happened during that time with Bruno…  The pain… the suffering…  the agony… the anguish…  But no matter what I do, I just can't seem to get past it.  He'd kidnapped me… used me…  raped me, both mentally and physically…  experimented on me, even knowing I was pregnant with another man's child…  And it feels like every night I keep reliving that experience.  Over and over again… It just won't go away.'

She hears movement, and the form inside of the cage lifts it's head, looking around in fear.  It's Gothika in her much younger state.  She starts to scoot herself along the concrete floor against the far end of the cage and curls up into herself as if she's trying to make herself as small as possible, her eyes wide with the fear, shame, and anger that roils within her.  She knows he's going to come in and take her again… take her to that room with the table, and the instruments of pain that he uses on her time and time again. She hears his chuckle and he steps out of the darkness right next to where she is so quickly and presses his face against the bars of the cage.


She shrieks and tries to scramble away from him and he throws his head back, laughing evilly.

"Oh, my poor Damia…  You look absolutely dreadful.  And it's only been a few days.  I haven't even begun the fun parts yet.  This is just the beginning stages.  I'm enjoying myself with what I was denied so many years ago…"

He walks around the cage slowly until he comes to the door.  He presses a series of numbers into the keypad and the door's locking mechanism clicks open and she screams, scrambling back towards the far side of the cage.  He opens the door slowly and slips inside of the cage, licking his lips slowly.  He walks over to her and grabs a handful of her hair, yanking her to her feet.  She shrieks and trembles in his tight grip, shaking her head slowly from side to side.

"Please… Please Bruno… Don't do this.  Please just let me go!"

He puts his face about an inch away from hers and inhales deeply, growling softly as he does.

"Mmmmmm… Damia, you smell so good right now.  Your fear has filled you and I can literally taste it in the air surrounding you.  And I still don't understand why you fear this so badly."

She slides her hands to cover her stomach and slowly lowers her eyes down to her stomach which still hasn't started to show.  He throws his head back and laughs again.

"So, you're still hanging onto that bullshit story about being pregnant?"

She lifts her chin slightly and glares at him.

"It's not a story!  I found out the day you kidnapped me you filthy piece of crap!!"

He growls and shakes her roughly, making her bite her tongue and then laughs again.

"There!! That's the fight and spirit that I had been trying to break you of for so long!!  I'm glad to see that I haven't broken you of it… at least not yet anyway."

She curls her top lip into a snarl.

"Fuck you Bruno!!"

He suddenly hisses sharply at her, baring his fangs and she cringes a bit and he laughs at her flash of fear.

"You already have Damia… Or do you need another reminder of my sexual prowess?"

She smirks and chuckles.

"So you call tying me down to a cold metal exam table and raping me sexual prowess?  I call it the lowest of the low… Can't get it unless the other person is helpless.  I had a better time putting in a tampon and got more penetration from it than what you did."

Bruno smirks wickedly and grabs the back of her hair, pulling it back sharply, making her grunt, but she doesn't make any other sound, just glares at him angrily.

"Well, don't worry… I have other things that I can penetrate you with…"

He starts to laugh and his fangs slowly start to extend.  She starts to struggle, but he's got her caught tightly in an iron grip.  He suddenly strikes like a snake, his fangs sinking roughly into her skin, making her scream at the invasion.  She tries to beat him off of her, but it's been days since she'd eaten anything, and with the torture over the past few days, she can do nothing but go limp in his arms and sink into oblivion…  

'After that day, he didn't rape me again, but he became brutally sadistic with his experimentation.  He injected me with whatever it was he had concocted  Afterwards, things progressed pretty quickly, and he wanted to see how I'd react to certain things.  Apparently, it's not normally an overnight change from human to vampire, but my change took place in a matter of hours.  And he became… quite creative in creating my own little version of hell on earth.'

The scene comes back to light in flashes, showing glimpses of what she went through.  There's one point she's been tied down to the table and long needles like acupuncture needles or senbon are being jabbed into her body over and over again until she looks like a giant bloody pin cushion.  In another flash, Bruno is pouring burning hot oil over certain spots of her body over and over again, leaving horrible burns on her skin.  In another flash, he uses a scalpel to flay the flesh from her arms and legs.  But it didn't take long after the change took place in Gothika's body for her to begin to show.  And with Bruno keeping her naked, there was no way of hiding it.  Two weeks into her confinement, there was no way to deny that she was obviously pregnant, as one day, she went from a slight bump to looking like she was about six months pregnant overnight.  She'd had horrible cramping that night, but had been tortured so badly after being basically roasted over hot coals for an hour, put in a deep freezer to hang by her wrists for four hours, then having blood forced down her throat, she could have slept through a hurricane.  And when she woke to find the large swelling of her stomach, all she could do was cry and rub her belly gently.  

"Don't worry baby…  I won't let him hurt you…  We're getting out of here as soon as we can…"

She puts her hands on her stomach and sees movement as a little foot kicks and she starts to cry harder.  And at that moment, she knows he's been watching her and looks up quickly to find him standing in the darkness.

"So…  You were telling the truth after all…  This adds a whole new dimension to my research…  And you can dream all you want, you're not going anywhere Damia.  You're my creature now."

He opens the cage door and starts to enter, and Gothika suddenly shrieks and launches herself at him, punching and kicking like a mad woman, but he just grabs her and throws her hard into the bars of the cage, making her head hit the metal with a loud thunk.  It rings her bells, and Bruno grabs her by the hair and drags her to the exam room.  As he does, she struggles the whole way.  She grabs his hand and uses it for leverage and gets up a bit onto her feet, then pulls him down to the ground in a judo flip, and climbs on top of him and starts to pummel him.  Even though she's not eaten a proper meal in the past two weeks, she's gotten markedly stronger, and he has a time, tussling with her.  However, he finally gets her in a headlock and drags her bodily over to the table and injects her with a sedative.  Not enough to knock her out, but just enough to take the fight out of her.  He locks her down on the table, this time using metal restraints and chains instead of leather straps.  She blinks slowly as she still tries to fight, and tears slip from her eyes.

"Puh…  Puh…  Please… my…  my baby… Don't hurt my baby…"

Bruno leans over and whispers in her ear.

"I am going to dissect your child Damia.  This baby apparently went from two and a half months development to six, maybe even seven months development in about two weeks.  And I simply must find out what it is that we have created here."

For the first time since she'd been injected, Gothika's eyes changed to a bright almost flaming blood red and she throws her head back and howls in anger, and her teeth suddenly elongate, ripping through her gums in a wash of blood and saliva to become fangs, and with a sudden strike, she sinks them into Bruno's neck.  As her fangs rip into his body, he howls in anger and pain, trying to pull her off of him, but he knows that with where she's caught him, if he pulled wrong, she'd rip his throat out.  Instead, she lets the taste of his blood slip into her, and she starts to drink greedily.  After a few minutes, her eyes start to close, and she sinks back against the table, looking like she's drunk.  He leans over her, holding a hand to his neck as it closes visibly.

"Your first taste of vampire blood… I guess I should have warned you that it's not like drinking a human's blood.  To protect the species, it works almost like taking a sleeping pill.  Couple that with what I gave you already, and this should make things go a little easier for me."

He pulls back from her and picks up a scalpel, turning it over in his hand slowly.  Her eyes roll around in their sockets slowly.

"Buh… Bastard…"

He slides the scalpel along her skin, and a thin line of red shows, but it doesn't go any further than that thin line of red.  He frowns and tries to cut her again, but the scalpel won't go any further than a few centimeters into her skin.  He howls and throws the scalpel across the room, and she chuckles up at him in her almost drunken haze.

"Good baby…"

Bruno leans forward and growls in her face.

"If I can't have it now, that's ok.  Because I'm sure it will be ready to pop in less than a week, and I'll dissect it after it's born… as you sit and watch."

Oblivion takes her over again and in the dark, flashes of more torture shows, coupled with moments of Gothika rubbing her ever swelling middle.

'He was right…  Five days later, my water broke, and I gave birth…  But it wasn't what either of us thought it would be...'

Gothika is strapped to a birthing table, covered in a sheet with a hole over her stomach.  She's screaming her head off as her belly convulses with movement.


Bruno watches as what looks like a paw presses against the underside of Gothika's belly and slides along the inside of her skin.  She shrieks as it does and he just smiles evilly, then picks up a scalpel and starts to slice along her stretched skin.  This time, it parts like paper, but he doesn't have to cut a second time, as a tiny clawed hand shreds the inside of her stomach.  She shrieks again as she looks down at what she's giving birth to.   Or to put it better, at what is climbing it's way out of her.  It's covered in reptilian skin and fur, with fangs like a snake, and it's markings on it's fur resembling a tiger.  It even had a wolf tail that was swishing back and forth as it pulled itself from her stomach with a plaintive wail.  As it hit the air, it started to grow as it laid on her chest.  Bruno reached out and picked it up, putting it in a small cage nearby after cutting the cord.  She laid there in shock at what just happened.

“My baby!!  You made it into a monster!!!”

She suddenly started to shriek again as she looked down and saw another small hand reaching out of the hole in her abdomen.  This one was formed perfectly.  She reached down and it grabbed hold of her finger tightly as it started to climb out of her.  A little girl with a head full of curly hair comes out, with a wail.  But when she opens her mouth to scream, Gothika sees the tiny fangs on the roof of her mouth.  As she’s holding the screaming child on her chest, it too, just like the other starts to grow.  Within a few minutes, she’s the size of a two year old.  Gothika starts to cry because she knows what’s going on.

“No no no!!  Please… not you too!!”

Bruno turns from the cage to see the toddler turn into a five year old girl in the span of a few minutes.  He rushes and grabs an empty syringe to draw some of her blood as the aging process continues right there in Gothika’s arms.  The little girl looks up and blinks at Gothika and smiles.


Gothika nods slowly and strokes the hair that has grown down the little girl’s back.

“Yes…  I’m your momma!”

The little girl blinks and makes a face of pain as her body shifts again to the age of about ten in a matter of moments.

“Momma…  What’s my name?”

Gothika watches as her child continues to age as she holds her.  She leans over and kisses the now fifteen year old on her forehead gently, then pulls back as she’s staring into the eyes of a twenty year old.

“Hope.  You’re Hope Lauren Baxter.”

The little girl looks over at the cage with the other baby in it, then back to Gothika.

“And my brother?”

Gothika looks over at the cage and sees that even though the baby looks monstrous, it has her eyes.  She blinks and whispers.

“He’s Gregory."

The aging progresses more rapidly now, and Gothika gasps as she’s looking into the eyes of a fifty year old woman in a blink.  Her daughter smiles up at her and lifts a hand that is starting to wrinkle up to wipe her tears away.

“I’m Hope momma.  I’m Hope, he’s Gregory…  Please don’t cry momma…  You will see us again.”

The now eighty year old woman closes her eyes and whispers to her mother.

“Thank you for my name Momma.  I love you Momma…  We both do…”

With those last words, she closes her eyes, and her body withers on her mother’s chest and turns to dust.  She looks at the cage with her other child and sees that the reptilian/furred child had also grown exponentially and died.  Gothika throws her head back and wails.  

As the wailing fills her mind, she suddenly starts awake and lifts a hand to her face, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“I will never forget…”

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Supercard Archives / Whispers In the Wind.. ( Raynin RP 1 )
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:58:38 PM »
 Hostile Takeover RP

Event: Hostile Takeover..   Sunday 04-28-2013

Venue: Ginásio Nilson Nelson ...   Brasilia, Brazil

Opponent: with Gothika, Misty, and Necra Octavian Kain vs Odette ryder, Roxi Johnson, Vixen, and Faith

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After a successful title defense on Climax Control, and the drama of the attack on one half of the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Tag Team Champions, The Angels of the Fallen have finally chosen a side in this whole sordid mess of a power struggle.  In the tug of war between Team Erik and Team SCW, the Fallen announced on the last Climax Control that they have sided with the Underdogs, and joined Team Erik in their rebellion against the corporate machine which Christian Underwood and Mark Ward have built.   Which prompted the announcement of a Mega Match with all of the Bombshell Titles on the line.  Now, Gothika and Raynin must find the strength and resolve to stand with two women that they haven't quite seen eye to eye with, in order to keep the tag Team titles firmly around their waists.  Will the four women be able to work as a cohesive group and be able to keep the gold right where it belongs?  Or will the bad blood between Raynin and Misty be the deciding factor which ends the reign of the Fallen as the Bombshell tag Team Champions?  Let's see what unfolds...

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 …  HAND OF FATE?! ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

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Time:  April 15, 2013...  10:30 AM

Place:  In the air between...  Buenos Aires and Brazil...  Winging towards the Pay Per View...

The morning sun was burning bright in an ocean of blue.  The sky was so bright, it almost looked like liquid hanging over the orb of the earth.  The few clouds dotting the sky resembled the crests  of waves out on the open sea as they flowed and changed with the winds.

Once again, they were in the almost tomb like cabin of an airplane as it flew towards their destination, and the site of the Hostile Takeover Pay Per View, and in her gut, she knew that this show would change the face of the Sin City Wrestling forever.

She looked over her shoulder to where her friends and partners, Gothika and Darknyss were sitting across the aisle.  In front of them, kneeling in her chair as she chatted with them was the other...  The outsider who has come into their little bubble of happiness and brought chaos...  Though she truly couldn't say that was what happened, but it's how she felt for some crazy reason.   Deep down she knew the truth, but there was a part of her which just felt that none of the drama that's been filing their lives these past few weeks... the attacks almost every week...  the distance she's been feeling from her friends lately...  None of it would have started if she hadn't come back into her friend's lives.  Yeah... it's all her fault.. Michelle Andretti...  She just knew it was all her fault...

And yet, she knew that was crazy talk.  Michelle had nothing to do with what had happened, except being thrust into the madness along with the rest of them.  She shook her head as she looked at her friends who were talking about the upcoming show.   Michelle put her chin on the back of the seat and smiles hugely.

"I still can't believe we've finally been able to hook up again!!   You have no idea how happy I am that you guys chose Team Erik."

Gothika stretches her arms over her head and yawns.

"Yeah, well we almost went the other way.  You better thank Faith for that attack on Raynin. That's what clenched the deal."

Michelle shakes her head and makes a face.

"Now you know that's not about to happen.  The only thing I'll do is tell her what the hand said to the face...  SLAP!   But I have to ask you guys something.  I know all of the drama that went on between Raynin and Misty.  Do you think that you guys will be able to work with her without any problems arising?"

Darknyss shrugs and shakes her head slwoly.

"Knowing Misty and what she's done in the past, I think that she'll work just fine with Gothika and Raynin because of what's on the line.  That girl wants nothing more than to keep the Bombshell title firmly around her waist, and she will make a deal with the devil to keep it.  So am I worried about her trying to sabotage Raynin annd Gothika to make a point?  No, I'm not.  Because she knows that if Raynin and Gothika fail, then she loses everything she's worked so hard to get back into her grip."

Gothika runs her fingers through her hair and takes a deep reath.

"Yeah, she knows that there's too much at stake right now.  I think that the one wild card is going to be Necra.  I'm wondering if she has enough of a drive to truly take it to Faith and get her hands on teh Roulette Championship.  But after we are all outside of the ring, celerating having the gold wrapped around our waists, she better be gracious and tell us thank you.  Cause without us... well... I think you know where I'm going with this."

In her mind, Raynin hears a voice that's all too familiar.  The sibilant hissing voice of the demon which rests inside of her… That secondary entity which wants to come out in the worst way.

{  'It's all her fault you know.  Now you have to depend on two people you can't really count on.  Necra..  Necra is jealous that she couldn't beat you and Gothika to take the Bombshell Tag Team Titles and you know it.  And then there's Misty…  She's always hated you because she knew that deep down you were better than her.  You were one of the best Bombshell Champions in this company, and now, she's got you where she wants you… Depending on her to make sure you keep what you have now.  }

Raynin shakes her head and puts a hand to her forehead, and starts banging it against the heel of her palm.

"Shut up you!!  Shut up, shut up, shut up!!  Don't you think I know that?  And to top it off, we have to face Odette and Vixen!!  These are two chicks who have their heads so far up their own asses that when they fart, they can taste what they had for dinner the night before!  They have egos so large and inflated, they really don't need airplanes to fly where they have to go, they just need to jump and they can float like hot air balloons to the next show.  But I don't' think it's Michelle's fault!  She wasn't even around when I had my issues with Odette and Vixen!"

The voice chuckles again and keeps whispering.

{  'But she's stealing Gothika from you, and you know it!  Eventually, The Fallen will be less one Rebellious one…  It will be Michelle and Gothika teaming together, and you'll be left by the way side.  You know that's what is going to end up happening.  Don't deny it!'  }

She shakes her head and Darknyss looks over at her concerned.  She leans over and whispers to Raynin.

"Hey… You alright?"

Raynin nods and shakes her head again.

"Yeah, just this recycled air is giving me a headache.  I think I'm gonna get a tylenol from the flight attendant."

She reaches up and puts on the bell for the flight attendant to come over and leans her head back as she hears the voice whispering in her ear again.

{  'Oh, I'm more than just a headache… I'm the truth within…  I'm what you fear releasing because you know that you can't handle it.  }

She chuckles and shakes her head again.

"The truth?  You're not the truth… You're the lie inside… waiting to cause chaos, disorder and destruction!  When in truth, I can unleash quite a bit of that all on my own thank you very much.  The truth of the matter is, I am actually quite interested in this upcoming match.  I can enjoy myself, when our opponents don't understand what they're stepping into.  They're not getting that they're going to be locked in a cage with me and Gothika…  They think that it's going to be about wrestling, but it won't be.  This match will be about decimating our opponents so that we can all walk out as the winners.  This is a match where the very structure surround us will be able to be used for a weapon…  And I for one am not in the best of moods after that senseless attack by Faith.  These females are deluded, thinking that we Angels of the Fallen joined Team Erik to rebel against Chris and Mark…  But that's not what it's about."

The voice in her head giggles and asks with a curious voice.

{  'Then what was it about?  For the others, it was about family… getting Michelle back in their fold, but why did you go along with them?  You don't really know Michelle from Adam's cat?  And be honest with yourself about this…  Why DID you join Team Erik?'  }

She takes a deep breath and balls up her fists, squeezing them tightly as she rubs them against her eyes.

"Because!!  Because what Erik said was true!!  I never truly had my rematch to get my title back!!  Not one on one!  And it was MARK who lead the attack to get the title off of me in the first place! After I gave my blood, sweat and tears to get the Bombshell title in the first place!!  I towed the line like a good little girl….  I was all a go, but because I refused to kiss his ass and lick his boots, I was cast aside!!  I was treated like trash!!  AND I AM FAR FROM TRASH!!”

The man sitting in front of her turns and looks at her over his shoulder for a moment, before going back to reading a book and Raynin shakes her head as the voice whispers to her again.

{  ‘Oh but you are trash.  You’re just a nameless nobody whose fate it is to lose it all when you’ve just gotten to the top.'  }

She growls and closes her fists even tighter in her lap, droplets of blood starting to form around her nails.

“Fate?!  You think THAT is my fate?!  We have no fate except for what we make!!  And I for one plan on making my fate out to be something GLORIOUS along with my friends!  We can and will will go over whomever we have to, to make that happen!!  The hand of fate will be in our favor!  That I can promise you!!  And if anyone tries to change our fate, then FUCK FATE!!!"

She suddenly drives her fist into the back of the seat in front of her and the man in front of her jumps up out of his seat and starts to yell at her.

"Hey!!   What the hell do you think you're doing?!  Have you lost your ever loving mind?"

Raynin cocks her head to the side and looks up at the man with a curious look on her face, then she smiles.

"Yeah… Yeah I have lost my mind, and I don't want to find it.  Would you like to find out how far gone I am Mister?  I can show you…"

She lifts her hand slowly and opens her fist, showing the nail marks that are running blood down her palm slowly to drip onto her pants.  He pulls back shocked as she slowly runs her tongue up the drips going down her arm and swallows audibly.  She then giggles like a school girl and pushes herself out of her seat quickly.

"Would you like a bit more of a demonstration Sir?

The man shakes his head and she points to his seat.

"Then sit down, shut the fuck up, and don't talk to me again!"

The man slowly turns around and sinks into his seat as Darknyss stands up and puts a hand on Raynin's shoulder.

"Hey… Chill girl!  It's alright…  I know these tours take a lot out of us all… but you don't have to take it out on other people… At least not these people… Keep it for the ring."

Michelle walks over and takes Raynin's arm and pulls her to the other side of the plane where there's an empty seat beside her.

"I think that guy was just being a jerk…  If you have a headache, then you definitely have to punch something… And he better just be happy it wasn't him!"

Michelle sticks her tongue out at the man.

"You big mean ass wipe!!"

Raynin turns to look at Michelle and smiles a bit.

"Thanks for sticking up for me…  You didn't have to do that…"

Michelle shrugs and sits beside Raynin.

"Yeah… I did… I mean, you're one of the Fallen… You're family.  It doesn't matter if you've been an Angel for a week, or ten years…  Family is Family.  Besides… you're HELLAS COOL girl!"

She reaches in her bag and pulls out a bottle of tylenol and hands it to Raynin.

"And I hate flights too.  That flight attendant is back in the back and I don't think she'll be here anytime soon."

Raynin takes the bottle and smiles and gives Michelle a fist bump.

"Thanks… you're HELLAS COOL too."

Raynin settles in with her friends and turns to Michelle.

"So, when we finally land and get all settled in, are you gonna do a training session with us?"

Michelle looks from Raynin to Darknyss who is nodding encouraging and throws her head back laughing.

"Oh HELLAS NO!!  I know that Darknyss has taken over for Sensei Mosley, and that is a scary thing!  I sat through one half of a training session with that man, and he was a true SADIST about training!!  And Darknyss is even worse!!"

Darknyss chuckles and Gothika nods slowly.

"You have no idea Michelle…  One of Darknyss's training sessions puts Sensei Mosley to shame!"

Darknyss pats herself on the shoulder and winks.

"Yeah, but you guys don't complain when it helps you win your matches."

Raynin nods slowly and shrugs.

"Yeah, that's true.  So what diabolical concoction have you come up with for us this time?"

Darknyss winks and shrugs.

"I'm not tellin'…  You just have to wait and see."

Gothika sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Oh great…  Something tells me that we're gonna be wishing we were already in the cage match just cause it would mean that the training was over."

They all laugh and Raynin takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

"Yeah…  But you have to admit… she helped us get these titles around our waists…  And I know she's gonna help us keep them right where they belong…  In the hands of the Fallen!"

Michelle puts her hand out and nods.

"Hellas yeah!!  Angels Rule!!"

Darknyss puts her hand on Michelle's with a grin.

"Angels Rule!!"

Gothika nods and puts her hand on top of the pile.

"Angels rule."

Raynin puts her hand on top of the pile and smiles.

"You got that right… Angels Rule!  And at Hostile Takeover… We will prove it one more time."

The camera zooms in on their conjoined hands, then pulls back and out the window, showing the plane zooming off towards it's destination as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Climax Control Archives / Gothika's rp...
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:00:39 AM »
 {OOC Note...}

This is the second rp.  The Gothika RP that was cut in half while I was posting it the first time due to issues with the boards.  I've got clearance from staff to post it.  Sorry about all of this guys.  I hate it when technology goes wrong. >.<  Anyways, enjoy!!

{End OOC Note}

Event: CLIMAX CONTROL     DATE: Sunday, 04/07/2013

Venue: Santiago, Chile,  Movistar Arena


Opponent:  With Raynin,  vs VIXEN and JESSIE SALCO  

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They have done it!!  Raynin and Gothika are the Sin City Wrestling's new Bombshell Tag Team Champions!!!  Yes, The Fallen defeated The Tattooed Goddesses so badly that they decided solo careers were more beneficial to their health.  But a new tag team has stepped up to try and test the mettle of the brand new Champions.  Now that they've won the titles, will The Fallen be able to successfully defend their titles against the team of the new NWA Cruiserseight Champion, Vixen and Jessie Salco?  Or will things not go quite as planned for these women who have worked so hard to pull off what some viewed as the biggest upset victory to hit the SCW mat in a long time?  Let's see what things shall become...

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 ...  ALL OF THIS PAST ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: April 2, 2013...  8:30 PM...

Place:  Somewhere over Mexico...  In the sky...

The day was just starting to come to a close as the plane carrying Raynin, Darknyss, and Gothika winged it's way through the sky. The sun was slowly passing below the horizon of clouds, looking like a molten piece of candy being cautiously dipped in mounds of soft, white, whipped cream or merengue.  As the plane flies over the clouds, Gothika is sitting in her seat beside her friends who have the seats across the aisle from her.  She looks over at Darknyss and Raynin who have already fallen alseep from their crazy mad dash through the airport, and the drama around obtaining their tickets.  She's at least happy that the seat beside her is empty because right now, she's extremely hungry and doesn't know how close proximity to another person would affect her at that point in time.  She had just devoured a huge ham sandwich she'd had in her carry on and to stop herself from killing off the funions, she was leaning back in her seat, with her ipod on her ears, and trying to drown out the sounds of the passengers surrounding her.  

She finally is able to get herself settled, when behind her, there is a loud thump, and she feels something bang into the back of her seat.  She sits up and looks around slowly, wondering what the bump was, when the bump happens again.  She turns around in her chair and looks over the back of it to see a seven year old boy, sitting by himself and kicking the back of her chair as hard as he can. He sees he's disturbed her and grins wickedly and kicks it again, then calls out to his mom who's sitting two aisles behind him.

"Mom!!  Mom, some weird lady is looking at me!!"

His mother has her nose buried in a romance novel and waves him off without even looking at him.

"That's nice Jimmy dear.  Keep doing what you're doing and leave Mommy alone.  She's reading."

The kid grins wickedly again and kicks the back of Gothika's seat again.  She lifts her eyebrow at him.

"Don't kick my seat."

The kid keeps staring her in the eye and kicks her seat again.  She rolls her eyes and frowns at him.

"Look, kid... I said don't kick my seat."

He laughs at her and pulls his leg back and she points at him with a finger.

"Look kid... Jimmy... I said stop kicking my seat."

The little boy furrows his eyebrows at her and gives her the finger.

"Make me you weirdo!"

He kicks the back of her seat so hard, it actually moves the seat forward and it hits Gothika in the chin.  The kid laughs and points at Gothika, but his laughter slowly stops and he gasps as he looks up into her eyes.  They've changed from her normal brown to that eery ice blue.  His jaw drops as he looks up at her.  She hisses and lets her fangs drop to their full extension and he shrieks and cowers in his seat.

"You shouldn't be kicking people's seats Little Jimmy.  You never know who is sitting in that seat.  Now, sit there like a good boy and don't kick my seat again, or I will make you disappear.  Do you understand?"

Gothika hisses at him again, and the little boy shrieks and jumps in his seat but doesn't move.  Gothika turns back around and puts her headphones back in her ear and settles into her seat and thinks back to the whirlwind of the past few weeks.  She and her friends had been preparing themselves for their upcoming match, and as they were winging off to their inevitible clash with Vixen and Jessie Salco, she couldn't help but think back...

{ Most people when they want to train will go to a gym.   Half of the time it's because they want to use the steam room or sauna afterward, or go swimming in the pool and lounge around and socialize.   Some like to go to show off what they can do to the masses that will inevitably start to watch the spectacle of people lifting weights.  They need that validation that they're doing something special, or to show off their cute new workout outfits.  But not these three ladies.

A gym isn't needed for the Angels of the Fallen.  Darknyss has taken the advice of her Sensei when training with Raynin and Gothika.  Sensei Mosley always used to tell her, "Use what you have around you, because you never know what situation you may find yourself in."  And when he would train Darknyss and Gothika, he never would use conventional methods.  One day, they could be baking in the heat of a desert, chained to cactuses to work on their upper body strength, the next day they're in a blizzard being  chased by wolves to up their stamina and endurance, and the next they could be scaling the side of a building...  well because he'd always had dreams of being Spider-Man as a kid really, but you get the idea.

The Angels of the Fallen were in luck though.  Because Raynin owned her entire building, she'd been slowly converting one of the other floors into a work out area for the trio, and she had to admit to herself…   Her little slice of work out heaven was a place that El Jefe would be proud of her setting up.  While she'd been away, the last of the deliveries she'd been waiting for had finally come in, and she'd called in a few favors from some of her old military buddies to help get everything organized just right in exchange for some time using the equipment.  She'd bought elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, treadmills, and two whole racks of free weights ranging from one pound to one hundred and twenty five pounds, so she'd have doubles of every type of weight they would need, so no waiting for one or the other to finish a set…  Just pick up and keep on going.  She'd also purchased various styles of weight machine, and three curling benches.  She'd decked the place out to look almost like a full gym.  She had set up a large locker room and shower area on the first floor, even having separate sides for men and women because most of her squad was male. She was even pricing what it would cost to set up a jacuzzi and steam room for after work out relaxation.  Raynin would have to keep the wet area strictly for the three of them, cause she knew if she let her buddies from her old squad know she had a sauna or jacuzzi, they'd have it dripping with skanks, skeezers, and hoes in no time, and that was something she just didn't want to have happen in her place.  But the piece de resistance was the regulation sized four sided ring that sat beside the six sided ring that was set up at the far side of the space, taking up almost a full third of the entire floor.  This was so when she or the others needed to bone up on their basics, or work on a new move or three or five, they could.  They had gotten a few shows off to celebrate their victory at the pay per view, and to do the appearances that had been booked locally for them to show off the titles, but instead of partying it up, she'd decided to get things ready here so they could prepare for what she knew was the inevitable next opponent.  She wanted everything to be just perfect, and today was the day she'd revealed what she'd done to her friends.

She'd called them last night and told them to be ready by eight-thirty that morning and had actually been early when she'd gone to pick up Gothika and Darknyss.  Gothika just knew she had something weird going on and just sat back to enjoy the whole scene as she'd watched her tag team partner get all giddy as she stood in the doorway of their apartment.  Raynin took a deep breath, looking like an expectant mother trying to tell her husband that she was pregnant.  She was sweating and her heart was pounding.

"Ok guys, I told you that I had something to show you, but before I do, I have to know… have you both eaten yet today?"

Darknyss yawns and shakes her head slowly as she brings a cup of coffee to her lips.

"No, I was just about to make something…  Maybe some pancakes or an omelet, or… Oooohhh.. Maybe I should make my awesome french toast!!  It even gets old sourpuss here excited."

Gothika turns around and makes a face at Darknyss, sticking out her tongue.


Darknyss winks at her friend and grins.

"Guilty as charged and you know it.   So, what do you say?  You want to have breakfast with us?  Or do you want to go out for breakfast instead?  Do we have time for breakfast?"

Raynin shakes her head and grins hugely.

"No…  I'd rather we not have a heavy breakfast… In fact, let me make you both a breakfast smoothie and I'll tell you what I planned for this morning."

Raynin walks in, taking off her leather jacket and lays it across the back of one of the easy chairs in the living room as they all move into kitchen.  She walks over to the sink and starts to wash her hands, and takes a deep breath while she did so.

"So… you know how I'm always complaining about going to the gym because I hate being watched while I work out.  I'm sorry, but at El Jefe's gym, the workout was a personal thing.  Yes, you occasionally had spectators, but never like what we've been seeing lately.  It's like since we returned, we don't have a moment to ourselves."

As she's talking, Darknyss pulls out the blender and sets a bowl with an assortment of different fruits and a knife on the island countertop which Raynin sets to picking through. She pulls out two bananas and a large honey crisp apple which she stops and looks at in shock.

"Holy shit Lady!! This is almost as big as a grapefruit!  Where did you get this from?"

Darknyss sips her coffee again and plucks a grape from the bowl and pops it in her mouth.

"We get all of our fruit from a little farmer's market on Truman.  You should really start shopping there.  Great quality."

Raynin nods and starts to slice the apple and banana in chunks and puts them in the blender, then gets the peanut butter and puts four huge globs in with the fruit. She pulls out some chocolate protein powder, scooping some in the blender along with some espresso coffee powder and some supplement powder, then adds honey, ice, and milk before she puts the lid on and starts up the blender. She starts talking again, but the blender is so loud, her friends can't hear her.  After she turns off the blender, Gothika lifts an eyebrow at her friend.

"You know we couldn't understand a damned word you said."

Raynin reaches in the cabinet and pulls out three thermos bottles and starts pouring the smoothies in the bottles as she takes a deep breath.

"I said I have a surprise for you both. You know how I have like all of that space in my building that I've been trying to get you two to move into."

Gothika nods and takes a sip of the smoothie.

"Yeah, cause Little Miss Snooty Pants doesn't like the industrial look... Hey!! This is really good!! It tastes like a Reese's Peanut Butter cup with a kick!"

Raynin shrugs and grins.

"During one of my missions, I was undercover as a barista. This was a play off of one of my signature drinks.  Anyways, I decided since I couldn't get you guys for tenants, I could use the space for something else.  And I just finished.  So throw on some workout clothes cause we have to train right after I show you the place."

Gothika groans and shakes her head.

"Don't remind her!!  She's had me doing yoga to get more flexible cause she says I am getting stiff!  I swear, if she makes me do one more downward facing dog, I'm gonna bark in her face!!"

Raynin couldn't help but to laugh.   She took a sip of the smoothie and licked the creamy line from her upper lip slowly, the  shrugs and sighs softly.

"Meh, I think it needs more peanut butter myself.  But I didn't want to over peanut you guys.  Oh, and bring a change of nicer in ring clothes.  I got an e-mail that we have another autograph session at the near y Toys-R-Us for some reason."

Darknyss gets excited and almost spills her smoothie down her chest.

"Oohh!!  Oohh!!  That must mean that our action figures finally came in!!  I got a message that they were being announced this week sometime. I have to get just the right outfit!!"

Raynin looks at her friend shocked.

"Action figure??!!  I'm going to have my own action figure??!!"

Darknyss nods and holds up her hand as she finishes downing her smoothie, gulping it like it was a glass of water.  Gothika looks at her in shock.

"I still can't figure out how she does that without getting the brain freeze from hell!!"

Darknyss grins and licks her lips, rinsing out her bottle and putting it in the dishwasher.

"Practice my dear friend.  Simply practice.  And yes, I got us a deal with Bandai.  It's not just an action figure...  It's a wrestling Barbie almost.  We're the first to get the offer."

Raynin shakes her head slowly.

"After all of that time we spent trying not to be Barbie dolls, you go and make us into real Barbie dolls?"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"It's not like you think.  I promise you'll like what they did.  It's more like the old school She-Ra dolls.  You even have your eye patch as an accessory."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow and shakes her head slowly.

"Alright…  I'm trusting you.  Now hurry up you two and let's get going!!"

Darknyss salutes Raynin and winks.

"Sir!  Yes Sir!!"

Raynin salutes Darknyss back using just her middle finger and chuckles.Darknyss and Gothika both head off to their rooms to change and pack their clothing…


A few of the guys from her old squad were already there, and the clank of the metal weights rang with a soft echo through the building as the trio of women walked in from the elevator.  Gothika and Darknyss whistle appreciatively as they look around.  Darknyss nods slowly as she walks to the ring.

"Nice... Very very nice...  So why don't we get in here and get ourselves ready for this title defense we've got at Climax Control?"

Raynin hops up into the ring and holds the ropes for her partner.

"That's exactly why I had this place set up.  This way, when we're home, we don't have to go searching for a place.  And I have something I want to show you."

As Darknyss and Gothika climb into the ring and lean against the ropes, Raynin gets into the dead center of the ring and suddenly does a flip, bringing her foot down in a strong guillotine kick.  The move happens so quickly and sudden, that Gothika holds up her hand and shakes her head slowly.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa...  What the fuck?!! Do that again... I think I missed it..."

Raynin chuckles and flips again, dropping her leg in the guillotine kick and Darknyss nods slowly and claps appreciatively.

"Wow...  You're really taking this Champion thing seriously."

Raynin chuckles and holds her arms out.

"Of course I am taking this seriously!  Just like I know that you and Gothika are...  We've only had these titles for a few weeks now, and there's no way in HELL I want to lose them!  I've put in too much time and effort into getting my hands on these and I will do whatever it takes... whatever it TAKES to keep them."

Gothika walks over to her partner and puts her hand on her shoulder.

"I know what you mean.  I've wanted these titles for so long, the thought of losing them suddenly just makes my stomach drop.  And just like you... I will not let them go easily."

Darknkyss takes a deep breath and smiles.

"So what do you call that little move of yours?"

Raynin chuckles and grins wide.

"I call it 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot'... AKA, What the fuck!  Haha!!  And I have an upgraded version called  'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, 2.0'.  Check it out..."

Raynin runs towards the turnbuckle and actually runs up them to the top rope where she flips backward in a back twist and brings her foot down in the guillotine kick.  Darknyss whistles and grimaces.

"Whoooo... Flashy... Effective...  And expertly executed!  I like it!  Have you been working on this on your own?"

Raynin nods and walks back over to her partners.

"Yeah, El Jefe suggested it while we were gone and got me started with working out the details of it, but I didn't want to show it to you until I'd perfected it.  And now is the perfect time to bring out a new weapon in our arsenal!"

Gothika nods and takes a deep breath, then looks at Darknyss with a smirk.

"Don't think I'm gonna magically pull a new trick out of my ass too or something.  You're just gonna have to deal with me doing what I do best... which is beating the crap out of our opponents until they are begging for mercy."

Darknyss throws her head back and laughs.

"Don't worry... I know what you're capable of.  Now let's get down to this.  I want you two to be in peak performing condition by the time I'm done."

They get down to the business of training... }

And the sound of an incoming e-mail disturbs her from her slumber.  Gothika stretches in her seat, raising her arms over her head as she presses the buttons on her ipod touch, and sees an e-mail from a familiar name... Erik Staggs.  She sits up a bit and opens it with a slight frown and starts to read it.

Hello Gothika,

I know that I've approached most of theothers in person, but as you and your partners were not available the past few weeks, I thought this would be the better option.  I have a proposal of sorts I want to discuss with you and your friends, but I'd like to speak with you alone first to gague how the others will react to what I'm offering.  Meet me on Thursday...  Eleven AM in the bar of your hotel.  Reply back with where you're staying and we can have lunch.  NO expectations.  It' s just simply to talk.


She looked at the e-mail a few times before she takes a deep breath and looks at her friends.  She starts to chew on her bottom lip as she thinks about what the e-mail says.  She then starts to type out a reply on the ipod as the scene fades out.

Time: April 3, 2013...  8:30 AM

Place:  Santiago, Chile... Inside Gothika's Hotel Room...

The room is silent and deep in darkness as the blinds and the blackout curtains have been pulled to keep out the light.  Suddenly, the sounds of LMFAO's Party Rock starts to play as Gothika's phone starts to ring.  A hand snakes out from under the covers and she groans tiredly as she and her friends had spent the previous day, training and her body was still a bit sore from the long flight the day before that.  She pulls the covers down from over her head and brings the phone to her ear without blinking an eye.

"This better be good.  Do you have any idea what time it is?"

At first she hears silence, then there's the tentative sound of a man's voice.

"Um... uh... I think it is."

The voice sounds slightly familiar and with her sleep addled mind, she doesn't immediately hang up the phone.

"It is what?"

The voice replies.

"It is important.  Oh, and it's just after eight thirty in the morning."

She pulls her phone back from her ear and looks at the time with a frown.

"SHIT!!  And you called me at this time of day?!!"

The voice  stammers nervously at first, then just starts talking in a rush.

"Um... uh... yeah.  I just... I couldn't help myself.  You weren't at the past two shows, and I started to worry, so I bribed one of the staff for your number and I just had to call you... Please don't be mad..."

She opens one eye and blinks slowly in the low light that's making it's way around the curtains.

"Wait... Wait... bribed a staff member?  WHAT?!!  Who is this?"

The voice suddenly stops it's vocal diarrhea and she can hear him taking a deep breath before he speaks.

"It's Argento.  Please don't hang up!!  I just... I just had to talk to you."

She sighs and growls low in her throat.

"Ok, so you've talked.  Now I'm going back to bed.  I have to be up in an hour for a meeting.  Good bye"

Argento gasps and calls out to her.

"WAIT!  Don't hang up!  Not yet!!  I have to ask you something!"

She sighs softly stops herself from simply pushing the end call button.

"Ok... what is it?"

She hears him breathing excitedly.

"I know you are in Santiago for this show because you have a match, but...  Can... Can.. um..."

She growls softly, rolling her eyes.

"Spit it out already!!"

He stammers out again.

"Can I... um, can I see you while we're here?  You know, before the show?"

She grumbles and sighs softly.

"If I say yes, will you let me finally go back to sleep?"

She could practically see his excitement through the phone.

"Yes!  Please say yes...  We can go for dinner...  Or lunch... Or hell, just sit and talk over a coffee..."

She growls again.

"STOP TALKING!!  And yes..."

Argento gasps.

"Did you just say yes?"

She takes a deep breath and rubs her forehead gently.

"Yes... I said yes... now get the hell off of my phone and let me go to sleep or when I see you, I'll punch you dead in the chest."

Argento whoops excitedly and you can hear him clapping happily in the background.

"YES!!  Ok... How about tomorrow night and three...  coffee."

Gothika yawns and pulls the covers back up over her head and you can hear a muffled reply.

"Yes, now I'm going back to bed.  Good bye."

A lone hand snakes out from beneath the covers again and places the phone back on the end table as the scene fades.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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 Event: CLIMAX CONTROL     DATE: Sunday, 04/07/2013

Venue: Santiago, Chile,  Movistar Arena


Opponent: with Gothika, vs VIXEN and JESSIE SALCO  

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The Blaze Of Glory Pay Per View was a night of revelations, shocks, spills, chills, and what some will say are miracles, and others destiny coming to fruition.  One thing that happened that fateful night was the Angels of the Fallen finally claimed the coveted Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Tag Team Championship Titles!  After being given time to enjoy themselves as the Champions, Raynin and Gothika now have to face the tag team of the former Bombshell Champion, now NWA Cruiserweight Champion, Vixen and Jessie Salco.  Will the title reign of the Angels of the Fallen continue to soar on the wings of victory?  Or will they plummet to the earth in the agony filled arms of defeat?...


They have done it!!  Raynin and Gothika are the Sin City Wrestling's new Bombshell Tag Team Champions!!!  Yes, The Fallen defeated The Tattooed Goddesses so badly that they decided solo careers were more beneficial to their health.  But a new tag team has stepped up to try and test the mettle of the brand new Champions.  Now that they've won the titles, will The Fallen be able to successfully defend their titles against the team of the new NWA Cruiserseight Champion, Vixen and Jessie Salco?  Or will things not go quite as planned for these women who have worked so hard to pull off what some viewed as the biggest upset victory to hit the SCW mat in a long time?  Let's see what things shall become...

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 ...  ALL OF THIS PAST ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: April 2, 2013...  8:30 PM...

Place:  Somewhere over Mexico...  In the sky...

The day was just starting to come to a close as the plane carrying Raynin, Darknyss, and Gothika winged it's way through the sky. The sun was slowly passing below the horizon of clouds, looking like a molten piece of candy being cautiously dipped in mounds of soft, white, whipped cream or merengue.  As the plane flies over the clouds, Gothika is sitting in her seat beside her friends who have the seats across the aisle from her.  She looks over at Darknyss and Raynin who have already fallen alseep from their crazy mad dash through the airport, and the drama around obtaining their tickets.  She's at least happy that the seat beside her is empty because right now, she's extremely hungry and doesn't know how close proximity to another person would affect her at that point in time.  She had just devoured a huge ham sandwich she'd had in her carry on and to stop herself from killing off the funions, she was leaning back in her seat, with her ipod on her ears, and trying to drown out the sounds of the passengers surrounding her.  

She finally is able to get herself settled, when behind her, there is a loud thump, and she feels something bang into the back of her seat.  She sits up and looks around slowly, wondering what the bump was, when the bump happens again.  She turns around in her chair and looks over the back of it to see a seven year old boy, sitting by himself and kicking the back of her chair as hard as he can. He sees he's disturbed her and grins wickedly and kicks it again, then calls out to his mom who's sitting two aisles behind him.

"Mom!!  Mom, some weird lady is looking at me!!"

His mother has her nose buried in a romance novel and waves him off without even looking at him.

"That's nice Jimmy dear.  Keep doing what you're doing and leave Mommy alone.  She's reading."

The kid grins wickedly again and kicks the back of Gothika's seat again.  She lifts her eyebrow at him.

"Don't kick my seat."

The kid keeps staring her in the eye and kicks her seat again.  She rolls her eyes and frowns at him.

"Look, kid... I said don't kick my seat."

He laughs at her and pulls his leg back and she points at him with a finger.

"Look kid... Jimmy... I said stop kicking my seat."

The little boy furrows his eyebrows at her and gives her the finger.

"Make me you weirdo!"

He kicks the back of her seat so hard, it actually moves the seat forward and it hits Gothika in the chin.  The kid laughs and points at Gothika, but his laughter slowly stops and he gasps as he looks up into her eyes.  They've changed from her normal brown to that eery ice blue.  His jaw drops as he looks up at her.  She hisses and lets her fangs drop to their full extension and he shrieks and cowers in his seat.

"You shouldn't be kicking people's seats Little Jimmy.  You never know who is sitting in that seat.  Now, sit there like a good boy and don't kick my seat again, or I will make you disappear.  Do you understand?"

Gothika hisses at him again, and the little boy shrieks and jumps in his seat but doesn't move.  Gothika turns back around and puts her headphones back in her ear and settles into her seat and thinks back to the whirlwind of the past few weeks.  She and her friends had been preparing themselves for their upcoming match, and as they were winging off to their inevitible clash with Vixen and Jessie Salco, she couldn't help but think back...

{ Most people when they want to train will go to a gym.   Half of the time it's because they want to use the steam room or sauna afterward, or go swimming in the pool and lounge around and socialize.   Some like to go to show off what they can do to the masses that will inevitably start to watch the spectacle of people lifting weights.  They need that validation that they're doing something special, or to show off their cute new workout outfits.  But not these three ladies.

A gym isn't needed for the Angels of the Fallen.  Darknyss has taken the advice of her Sensei when training with Raynin and Gothika.  Sensei Mosley always used to tell her, "Use what you have around you, because you never know what situation you may find yourself in."  And when he would train Darknyss and Gothika, he never would use conventional methods.  One day, they could be baking in the heat of a desert, chained to cactuses to work on their upper body strength, the next day they're in a blizzard being  chased by wolves to up their stamina and endurance, and the next they could be scaling the side of a building...  well because he'd always had dreams of being Spider-Man as a kid really, but you get the idea.

The Angels of the Fallen were in luck though.  Because Raynin owned her entire building, she'd been slowly converting one of the other floors into a work out area for the trio, and she had to admit to herself…   Her little slice of work out heaven was a place that El Jefe would be proud of her setting up.  While she'd been away, the last of the deliveries she'd been waiting for had finally come in, and she'd called in a few favors from some of her old military buddies to help get everything organized just right in exchange for some time using the equipment.  She'd bought elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, treadmills, and two whole racks of free weights ranging from one pound to one hundred and twenty five pounds, so she'd have doubles of every type of weight they would need, so no waiting for one or the other to finish a set…  Just pick up and keep on going.  She'd also purchased various styles of weight machine, and three curling benches.  She'd decked the place out to look almost like a full gym.  She had set up a large locker room and shower area on the first floor, even having separate sides for men and women because most of her squad was male. She was even pricing what it would cost to set up a jacuzzi and steam room for after work out relaxation.  Raynin would have to keep the wet area strictly for the three of them, cause she knew if she let her buddies from her old squad know she had a sauna or jacuzzi, they'd have it dripping with skanks, skeezers, and hoes in no time, and that was something she just didn't want to have happen in her place.  But the piece de resistance was the regulation sized four sided ring that sat beside the six sided ring that was set up at the far side of the space, taking up almost a full third of the entire floor.  This was so when she or the others needed to bone up on their basics, or work on a new move or three or five, they could.  They had gotten a few shows off to celebrate their victory at the pay per view, and to do the appearances that had been booked locally for them to show off the titles, but instead of partying it up, she'd decided to get things ready here so they could prepare for what she knew was the inevitable next opponent.  She wanted everything to be just perfect, and today was the day she'd revealed what she'd done to her friends.

She'd called them last night and told them to be ready by eight-thirty that morning and had actually been early when she'd gone to pick up Gothika and Darknyss.  Gothika just knew she had something weird going on and just sat back to enjoy the whole scene as she'd watched her tag team partner get all giddy as she stood in the doorway of their apartment.  Raynin took a deep breath, looking like an expectant mother trying to tell her husband that she was pregnant.  She was sweating and her heart was pounding.

"Ok guys, I told you that I had something to show you, but before I do, I have to know… have you both eaten yet today?"

Darknyss yawns and shakes her head slowly as she brings a cup of coffee to her lips.

"No, I was just about to make something…  Maybe some pancakes or an omelet, or… Oooohhh.. Maybe I should make my awesome french toast!!  It even gets old sourpuss here excited."

Gothika turns around and makes a face at Darknyss, sticking out her tongue.


Darknyss winks at her friend and grins.

"Guilty as charged and you know it.   So, what do you say?  You want to have breakfast with us?  Or do you want to go out for breakfast instead?  Do we have time for breakfast?"

Raynin shakes her head and grins hugely.

"No…  I'd rather we not have a heavy breakfast… In fact, let me make you both a breakfast smoothie and I'll tell you what I planned for this morning."

Raynin walks in, taking off her leather jacket and lays it across the back of one of the easy chairs in the living room as they all move into kitchen.  She walks over to the sink and starts to wash her hands, and takes a deep breath while she did so.

"So… you know how I'm always complaining about going to the gym because I hate being watched while I work out.  I'm sorry, but at El Jefe's gym, the workout was a personal thing.  Yes, you occasionally had spectators, but never like what we've been seeing lately.  It's like since we returned, we don't have a moment to ourselves."

As she's talking, Darknyss pulls out the blender and sets a bowl with an assortment of different fruits and a knife on the island countertop which Raynin sets to picking through. She pulls out two bananas and a large honey crisp apple which she stops and looks at in shock.

"Holy shit Lady!! This is almost as big as a grapefruit!  Where did you get this from?"

Darknyss sips her coffee again and plucks a grape from the bowl and pops it in her mouth.

"We get all of our fruit from a little farmer's market on Truman.  You should really start shopping there.  Great quality."

Raynin nods and starts to slice the apple and banana in chunks and puts them in the blender, then gets the peanut butter and puts four huge globs in with the fruit. She pulls out some chocolate protein powder, scooping some in the blender along with some espresso coffee powder and some supplement powder, then adds honey, ice, and milk before she puts the lid on and starts up the blender. She starts talking again, but the blender is so loud, her friends can't hear her.  After she turns off the blender, Gothika lifts an eyebrow at her friend.

"You know we couldn't understand a damned word you said."

Raynin reaches in the cabinet and pulls out three thermos bottles and starts pouring the smoothies in the bottles as she takes a deep breath.

"I said I have a surprise for you both. You know how I have like all of that space in my building that I've been trying to get you two to move into."

Gothika nods and takes a sip of the smoothie.

"Yeah, cause Little Miss Snooty Pants doesn't like the industrial look... Hey!! This is really good!! It tastes like a Reese's Peanut Butter cup with a kick!"

Raynin shrugs and grins.

"During one of my missions, I was undercover as a barista. This was a play off of one of my signature drinks.  Anyways, I decided since I couldn't get you guys for tenants, I could use the space for something else.  And I just finished.  So throw on some workout clothes cause we have to train right after I show you the place."

Gothika groans and shakes her head.

"Don't remind her!!  She's had me doing yoga to get more flexible cause she says I am getting stiff!  I swear, if she makes me do one more downward facing dog, I'm gonna bark in her face!!"

Raynin couldn't help but to laugh.   She took a sip of the smoothie and licked the creamy line from her upper lip slowly, the  shrugs and sighs softly.

"Meh, I think it needs more peanut butter myself.  But I didn't want to over peanut you guys.  Oh, and bring a change of nicer in ring clothes.  I got an e-mail that we have another autograph session at the near y Toys-R-Us for some reason."

Darknyss gets excited and almost spills her smoothie down her chest.

"Oohh!!  Oohh!!  That must mean that our action figures finally came in!!  I got a message that they were being announced this week sometime. I have to get just the right outfit!!"

Raynin looks at her friend shocked.

"Action figure??!!  I'm going to have my own action figure??!!"

Darknyss nods and holds up her hand as she finishes downing her smoothie, gulping it like it was a glass of water.  Gothika looks at her in shock.

"I still can't figure out how she does that without getting the brain freeze from hell!!"

Darknyss grins and licks her lips, rinsing out her bottle and putting it in the dishwasher.

"Practice my dear friend.  Simply practice.  And yes, I got us a deal with Bandai.  It's not just an action figure...  It's a wrestling Barbie almost.  We're the first to get the offer."

Raynin shakes her head slowly.

"After all of that time we spent trying not to be Barbie dolls, you go and make us into real Barbie dolls?"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

"It's not like you think.  I promise you'll like what they did.  It's more like the old school She-Ra dolls.  You even have your eye patch as an accessory."

Raynin lifts her eyebrow and shakes her head slowly.

"Alright…  I'm trusting you.  Now hurry up you two and let's get going!!"

Darknyss salutes Raynin and winks.

"Sir!  Yes Sir!!"

Raynin salutes Darknyss back using just her middle finger and chuckles.Darknyss and Gothika both head off to their rooms to change and pack their clothing…


A few of the guys from her old squad were already there, and the clank of the metal weights rang with a soft echo through the building as the trio of women walked in from the elevator.  Gothika and Darknyss whistle appreciatively as they look around.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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 Event: Blaze of Glory 2...    Sunday 03/03/2013

Venue:  Gold Coast Casino...  Las Vegas, Nevada  



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Blaze of Glory II is almost upon us.  Excitement is building in not just the impending audience, but in the wrestlers that will be performing as well.  So many titles will be on the line, including the Bombshell Tag Team Championships.  It'll be a Triple Threat Tag Team Match in which the Angels of the Fallen will be competing against the teams of the soon to be former champions, The Tattooed Goddesses, Amanda Cortez and Laura Jackson, and the team of Necra Octavian Kain and Amy Marshall.  The trio at Angels are preparing for the night they've been waiting for since before they left the Sin City Wrestling.  Will they be able to overcome the issues plaguing their own personal lives to come together and grab a hold to the titles?  Let’s see what unfolds, shall we...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following scenes contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


Time: February 25, 2013...  11:30 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada…  Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School...   Inside Room 108, Mrs. Peterson's Third Grade Classroom...

It was raining this early spring day in Las Vegas.  Something which happens so rarely in the desert, but when it does, it's always a heavy fall.  And today was no different.   The sky was dark and heavy with the thick clouds blocking the sun.  The lightning flashed and the thunder crashed loudly as the city was drenched with the waters from heaven.  And with it being still an early spring day, those waters were cold, even for it being in Las Vegas.

It was just after recess, and the kids were all excited.  They'd just spent the last hour running around the gym, having been kept inside from all of rain.   But their teacher had told them that there was going to be a special guest who was going to come in and speak to them.  No one could sit still and concentrate while Mrs. Peterson read the English lesson.  She'd finally had enough of the whispering in the back of the room and knew if she didn't do something soon, things would erupt into chaos of class clowns and spitballs being thrown, and notes being passed.  It was just her luck as she cut her eyes at little Tommy Jenkins who was just about to pass a note to Isaac Thompson that a knock came to the door.  Excited chatter rippled through the room and she clapped her book shut with a loud slap of pages to bring the room back to attention.  She stood slowly as everyone went silent in anticipation.  She looked at the window in the door, and nodded to the face of one of the hallway monitors who stood, grinning from ear to ear just outside the door and motioned him in.  He burst through the door and started speaking loudly and excitedly.

"Mrs. Peterson!!  Mrs. Peterson!!"

She held a hand up to her lips and silenced him with an upraising of her eyebrow.

"Jonathan Tyler...  You do not raise your voice in that manner in my classroom, do you understand?"

The hallway monitor gulps heavily and nods quickly, then points behind him at the empty doorway.

"Ye... yes... Yes Mrs. Peterson... It's just... Do you know who's here?!!  I can't believe it!!  And I got to escort them to your classroom!!"

He starts grinning even harder and it looks as if his cheeks might burst from excitement.  All of the kids jump to their feet, seeing how excited he is, and Mrs. Peterson claps her hands sharply, cutting her look across the entire room.


When she speaks, it's not loud, but it's so commanding, everyone stops dead in their tracks.  It's Christopher Donovan, the class upstart who speaks out.  She knew it would be him.  it's always him who defies her the most and ends up with detentioin.  

"But Mrs. Peterson... We've been waiting all day!!  We just want to know who's here that's got Jonathan all excited!!"

She crosses her arms under her chest and pulls her shoulders back, looking down over the rims of her glasses at the little boy who is defiantly looking back at her.

"This is my classroom Christopher.  And I will have order!!  If you all don't go back to your seats, then NONE of you will know who's waiting outside!  I will tell them to go and see another classroom intead!"

All of the kids look at Christopher and start to yell at him to shut up and sit down as they all rush back to their seats, and fold their hands on their desks like good little boys and girls should, looking at her expectantly.  Christopher still stands there in the middle of the aisle, looking up at her in defiance.  She unfolds her arms and starts to walk to the door, then stops and turns back to him.

"Or maybe I should just send YOU out the coatroom door Christopher as our guests come in, and only YOU will miss outon this visit...  Along with another session in detention..."

Christopher crosses his arms and stomps his foot.

"That's not FAIR Mrs. Peterson!!"

She shrugs her shoulders and turns back towards the door.

"And neither is having you disrupt my classes every day.  You have three seconds to sit or I'll have Jonathan escort you to the coat room door, then off ot Principal Mason's office while I bring in our guests for the other children.  1..."

Christopher frowns and stomps his foot at her.

"That's just MEAN Mrs. Peterson!!"

She takes a deep breath and rolls her eyues slowly.


All of Christopher's friends start to yell at him to just sit down and shut up, but he stomps his foot again.  She turns towards the door and places her hand on the doornob.


Christopher holds his hands up and waves them frantically.

"No!!  Wait!!  Alright!! Alright!!  I'm sitting down!!"

The little boy starts to grumble to himself and flops himself down into his desk, leaning back and crossing his arms. The teacher takes a deep breath, then smiles.

"Well then boys and girls.  I knew how excited some of you are about this whole wrestling thing that is going on this weekend, so I gave a call to the local offices of the...  Wait... Let me make sure I have this right."

The hall monitor pipes in quickly.

"It's the Sin City Wrestling, Ma'am."

Upon hearing those words, the students get excited and start squealing and chattering away.  You hear random bits of their conversations which stand out.

"Oh my God!! What if they got that hottie, Matthew Kennedy to come!!  I would just like DIE!!!"

"I hope it's Despayre and Gabriel!!  Then, may e we can see some magic!!"

"And Angel too!!  He's just the cutest little bear!!"

"Our luck, it'll ONLY be Angel..."

"If I really wanted to see some old  guy holding a teddy bear, I'd just go and look at Justin's big brother Riley.  He has a whole DOLL collection!  He calls them 'action figures' though.  And he  actually PLAYS with them too!!"

"I'm hoping it's Fantasia, cause i want to see if she really does have those really big..."

Mrs. Peterson claps her hands loudly and repeatedly.

"Boys and girls... settle down... SETTLE DOWN!!"

Everyone gets quiet and turns back to the front of the class and Mrs. Peterson straightens her shirt and clears her throat.

"Well, I can see that we have alot of fans of this wrestling company in here, so I think I did the right thing with this little idea of mine.  So, without further ado..."

She walks to the door and opens it.

"Won't you please come in."

In walks the Angels of the Fallen.  The kids erupt into a barrage of questions coupled with cheers and a few boos.  Raynin and Gothika are dressed in their in ring attire...  Gothika is in the patent leather pants and shirt with a rubber corset and knee high leather boots with buckles going down the sides.  She's wearing her black leather trench coat over her outfit.  Raynin is in her black stretch hip huggers tucked into black combat boots with a bullet belt around her hips, and a black halter top with rhinestones around the cups of the bra style top.  Darknyss is dressed in a cream suit with balck pinstripes, looking very professional.  They're each carrying a duffle bag on their shoulders as they wave to the kids.  A ilttle girl screams excitedly and jumps out of her seat and runs up to Raynin, throwing her arms around her leg and hugging her.

"OH MY GOD!!  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!   Raynin, you made me want  to be a wrestler when I grow up!!"

Mrs. Peterson gets a stern look that is hiding an amused twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh, so these three are the reasons why you started hitting the boys with laundry lines and falling on them while they were trying to do situps in gym class.  Hmm Carolanne?"

The little girl  looks up at her teacher and rolls her eyes and clucks her tongue.

"That's a clothesline Mrs. Peterson.  And I wasn't just falling on people... I was doing a standing elbow drop.."

Raynin squats down in front of the little girl and smiles.

"I started my wrestling training with Mi Abuelo, El Jefe when i was your age.  But you have to remember... what we do is very dangerous.  So you should never wrestlie out of a controlled and supervised setting.  Which means, no more elbow drops on people...  unless they really deserve it Carolanne."

The girl makes a face and stomps her foot.

"But Christopher really deserved it!  He kept pulling my hair!"

The little boy who was rude to the teacher yelled out to the front of the class.

"That's cause you're just a whiny little girl!!  Even when you were hitting me, you were bawling your eyes out!"

Raynin shakes her head slowly and puts a hand to the little girl's shoulder.

"I know that what we do looks cool and is alot of fun to do, but you have to be careful.  The last thing I'd want is for a pretty little girl like you to get hurt casue she's trying to do something that I did on tv.  So will you promise me?  No more clotheslines and elbow drops until you're doing training for the big time?"

Carolanne sighs and nods.

"Ok... I promise... IF.."

Raynin raises her eyebrows high and looks at the girl curiously.

"If what Carolanne?"

The little girl smiles and holds up a finger at Raynin.

"If you promise to do a Raynin's Way to Amanda Cortez.  I can't STAND her!!"

Raynin throws her head bakc and laughs and nods quickly.

"Ok... I promise I'll try... I can't say a 100% yes, cause I dont' know what will happen in a match."

The little girl holds up her hand with her pink out.

"Pinky swear?"

Raynin wraps her finger around the little girl's finger and grins.

"Pinky swear.  Now, why don't you be an official member of The Fallen and help us out by passing out these for us..."

Raynin unzips her duffle bag and pulls out a bright pink t-shirt that read's 'The Hard Way is Easier than Raynin's Way' over a pair of angel's wings.  She lays the shirt on the table and on the back writes Carolanne's name on it and signs it.  She then hands it to the little girl who looks like she's just been given the Holy Grail.  She pulls the shirt on over the shirt she's already wearing and then runs to show it off ot her friends, before coming back to start handing out the shirts to the kids going down the line.  She reaches in the bag and is about to hand one to Christopher, but he grabs her wrist and throws her hand away.

"I don't want no crappy Fallen t-shirt!  They aren't worth crap!!"

Mrs. Peterson claps her hands and is about to say something to the little boy, but Gothika raises her hand and shakes her head slowly.

"Please Mrs. Peterson... I have a way with kids."

She walks to the little boy and crosses her arms under her chest as she looks down at the little boy.

"And what makes you say we're not worth crap young man?"

He stands up then climbs onto the seat of his desk so he comes up to Gothika's shoulder and crosses his own arms over his chest as he looks up at her.

"I say you're not worth crap cause you're a bunch of lying, scardy cat, no good skanks!!  You ran away from the SCW when things got too rough for you, and you are tryign to hide that fact behind this supernatural bull!!"

Gothika growls low in her throat and leans over so she's eye to eye with the little boy, who is not backing down an inch.

"And how do you know it's bull?"

The little boy lifts a hand and pushes Gothika's shoulder as he speaks.

"Because, there's no such thing as vampires!  Now get out of my face you ugly bitch!!"

Mrs. Peterson and the rest of the class gasps and Gothika smirks as she looks him up and down.

"Oohh, big littleman... hiding behind his naughty words to cover up the fact that he's scared shitless.  I can smell the fear on you little boy.  Besides, I can hear your knees knocking."

The little boy puts both hands on her shoulders and tries to push her away as he yells.


Mrs. Peterson claps her hand ssharply.

"That's it!!  Swear jar Christopher!!  Right now!!"

The little boy grumbles agitatedly and climbs down from off of the desk, walking up to the front of the room and pulling out a dollar, he drops it into a large jar that's about half filled with coins and a few stray bills.  Gothika walks up the other aisle to stand back at the front of the class with the rest of her team mates.  As she gets to the front of the class, Christopher is just turning around to go back to his desk and she stops him with a shake of her head.

"Oh, by the way…  We don't lie.  That's not something we do.  We have no reason to."

She smiles at him, and her fangs start to elongate as her eyes turn that blazing ice blue color.  He gasps and starts to back away from her as she throws her head back and laughs.

"Who's the bitch now little man?"

Mrs. Peterson claps her hands again sharply and Gothika turns around to look at her with an upraised eyebrow.

"Yes Mrs. Peterson?"

The teacher points to the jar with pursed lips.

"The swear jar isn't just for the students.  It's fifty cents per swear word.  This jar is going towards a class trip at the end of the semester… Sometimes I think the kids are swearing these days just to get it more full so they an have extra snacks on the trip."

Gothika reaches into an inner pocket and pulls out her wallet.  She pulls out a fifty and lifts her eyebrow as she looks over her shoulder and shrugs, slipping it into the jar.

"Don't worry about the change… with this kid, I'm sure I'll probably end up needing to put more in the jar."

Darknyss shakes her head and chuckles.

"I don't know… I think you scared him pretty good.  I think it will be a while before he picks with Carolanne."

Gothika reaches in her coat pocket again and pulls out a small bound book and hands it to Raynin who clears her throat to speak.

"Alright, so we have a special treat for you.  The three of us got our heads together and wrote a little something about our up coming match…  We thought it would be cute to do it in story form… you know… like T'was the night before christmas…  And I'm gonna read it for you."

She sits on the edge of Mrs. Peterson's desk and opens the book as she starts to read.

"Twas the night of Blaze of Glory and all through the SCW,
Everyone was is in a tizzy, preparing for their match in the Pay Per View.

The Champions were shining all their gold up with care,
In hopes that after their matches they still be there.

The superstars were flexing oiled muscles which gleam
as bombshells stood in front of mirrors to preen.

When out in the arena, there arose such a clatter
everyone ran to see just what was the matter.

It was time for the Bombshell Tag Team Championship don't you see,
The Tattooed Goddesses knew they'd lose to the Fallen Angels, three.

They'd talked so much smack, they'd started such a fuss,
They'd spewed foul language, they'd sworn and cussed.

Even Necra Octavian Kain and Amy Marshall were guilty
Of acting very catty and spewing language that was filthy.

But they knew in the end, all they were doing was blustering.
Cause deep in the pit of their stomach butterflies were fluttering.

They knew in the end, the three that they would face
Would whoop their behinds all over the place.

And in the end of it all, when the smoke was all cleared,
It would be the Fallen who'd be victorious as the crowd clapped and cheered.

As the pyrotechnics exploded and the curtain slowly parted
Out stepped the Fallen to get the party started.

As the trio walked down the ramp to claim the Bombshell Tag Team Championships
Darknyss called for a microphone and brought it to her lips.

'Now Necra, Now Amy, Now Amanda and Laura,
You all ran you mouths, but we've got something for ya'.

From the top of the turnbuckle, From Grace you can expect to fall,
Now crash on down, crash on down, crash on down all!!'

As the match goes on, the and the bodies are flying,
The Fallen only laugh as their opponents feel like dying.

After a Broken Halo sends their opponents into the ground,
the pair of Angels send the others off, HellBound.

As they float into the cover, you can hear the referee
Counting off the one, the two and the three.

And as the Fallen stand with their hands raised high,
All falls into place just as it's been prophesied.

The Tattooed Goddesses, Amy Marshall and the Goddess of Death all wondered how,
As the Fallen are proclaimed, SCW's Bombshell Tag Team Champions now."

Raynin closes her book and the kids all start to cheer.  Even Christopher claps at the end of the story.  Mrs. Peterson is about to speak, when Darknyss reaches once more in her duffle bag and pulls out a large envelope.

"Oh, and just so you all can see whether or not that little story we came up with comes true, I've gotten the entire class floor seats to the show.  There are four passes for each of you to bring your parents and siblings.  And if you need more, we've reserved a whole section just for you guys.  Just make sure to show your school ID when you show up with your class number on it."

The kids start to cheer again and Gothika can't help but smirk as she notices that Christopher now has on a Fallen T-shirt and is showing it off to his friends who have a different color.

"So Christopher… Still think Amanda Cortez is better than the Fallen?"

He shrugs and smirks.

"She's just hotter than you guys.  But I think I just might cheer for you now."

Gothika winks and nods slowly.

"I thought so.  So… let's all go down to the gym, and we will put on an exhibition match just for you guys."

The class cheers again and everyone jumps up to stand in line behind Gothika and Raynin and starts to file out of the room as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / A Glimpse of the Past.. ( Gothika RP 1)
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:46:44 PM »
 Event: Blaze of Glory 2...    Sunday 03/03/2013

Venue: Gold Coast Casino...  Las Vegas, Nevada



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If there's one thing the Angels of the Fallen know how to do, it's making an entrance.  And these Bombshells didn't just open the door, the blew it off the flippin' HINGES!!  Raynin and Gothika gave Tiami Tyler and the Ragdoll, Becky Jones a true D-Town style stomp, by way of Las Vegas!  They also impressed the higher ups so much that they've been tapped to step into the spotlight once more.  The Fallen have been added to the Tag Team Bombshell Championship match to face off against the team of Amy Marshall and Necra Octavian Kane, and The Tattooed Goddesses, Laura Jackson and Amanda Cortez!  Just where are these girls' minds at right now?  They were extremely brutal in their return match.  Will that same brutality be in attendance when they stand against the three self proclaimed Goddesses of the ring?  Will the former SCW Bombshell Champion, Raynin be able to claim gold once more?  Will Gothika be able to finally claim one of the prestigious titles she has yet to claim in this company as she had in numerous companies before?  Will Justin Decent ever learn that just because you have skin, it shouldn't always be shown?  Let's see what things shall become...


The sanctuary itself is quite large, needing to house the few thousand students that attend the school, and along the side aisles, there are various alcoves that hold a statue of the Virgin Mary, private prayer benches sitting in front of stands of candles, and six confessionals, which the priests trade off on manning in rotating shifts. It was quite ingenious how they set things up. If you entered the confessional and the priest wasn't there, you rang a small doorbell, and a light goes off over the confessional that you're in, and the priest would be there in about a minute.  Today, it was Father Gregory who was manning the confessionals.  His greying hair is impeccably coiffed as he moves along the side aisle of the sanctuary, speaking to each of the parishioners He'd just come from the bathroom and adjusted his robes when he heard the bell.  He walks towards the confessional and flips a switch on the inside of his side of the confessional after he's closed the door to turn off the light over the box.  He then slides open the window of the confessional and speaks slowly.

"Have you come to give confession my child?"

A familiar feminine voice can be heard through the decorative grate, but you can't quite place who it is.  The voice sounds young, like that of a teenaged girl.

"I have Father.  And I've been such a bad bad girl."

He looks at the grate and sees the form of a girl dressed in an extremely short plaid skirt, and a short sleeved white shirt that's been unbuttoned to the point that the matching plaid tie rests hanging between the swells of her cleavage.  She's wearing a pair of knee high socks and black patent leather mary janes, but the face has been obscured by the grate.  All you can see is the dark wavy hair has been pulled back in a pair of pigtails to rest against her shoulders.  She crosses her legs, and he watches that one movement intently as it causes her skirt to rise and he trembles visibly.

"Then by all means…  Bare your skin… I… I mean your sins to me child."

She giggles with a high pitched bubbly sound that makes certain parts of her jiggle suggestively.

"Ok Father… Bless me Father… for I have sinned… and I will sin again very soon."

He slips his hands inside of his robes and settles himself back against the wall of the confessional as he keeps looking at her movements through the grating.

"Oh?  Tell me what you've done child.  You can get no absolution without confession."

She takes a deep breath which causes her cleavage to swell more and he bites his lip as he stifles a moan with a finger to his lips.

"It's been two weeks since my last confession, and I was so very naughty Father.  I gave into my desires, even though I knew I shouldn't have.  I just couldn't help myself.  I saw him on the street and I didn't even know his name.  I just grabbed him and pulled him into a dark alleyway."

He straightens up a bit and frowns slightly as he looks at this girl's body.

"Oh?  And what did you do when you had him in the alleyway my child?"

She giggles a bit and leans closer to the grate.

"I pushed him against the wall and I started to suck…  I sucked and sucked until he was almost drained…  But I didn't take it all.  I sucked and sucked until I had sated my hunger…  Then I left him where he was.  I never did find out his name or anything."

Father Gregory rolls his neck slowly as he continues to sit there and takes a deep breath.

"Well, are you truly sorry for what you did?"

She sighs and slumps back in the chair and shakes her head.

"No, not really Father… he just tasted so good…  and I needed it because I was just so… hungry for it, you know?  I mean, I'm sorry that I didn't at least get his name and I just left him there like that…  But I always make them think about how much they enjoyed it when I'm done."

Father Gregory takes a deep breath and sighs heavily.

"Well, confession doesn't work unless you're repentant about what you've done."

She suddenly gets quiet.

"Do you repent about the naughty things you've done Father?"

He laughs softly and shakes his head.

"I'm not the one here for confession you are."

She sighs again and sits up straighter.

"I guess you're right Father.  Then I guess I should continue on with my confession, because I've done more than just that.  I jumped these girls Father.  I literally pounced them.  In front of a huge crowd!!  I threw myself at them, and I was all over them.  My body crashing into theirs, and all I could think about was thrusting my fist into them over and over again…  pounding them into submission…  and the taste of their essence on my tongue… It was all I could do to stop myself from gorging myself on their sweet tastes."

He gasps and breaks out into a bit of a sweat.  He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the back of his neck and mops at his brow at the intensity of the story.

"And did you actually do it?"

She turns her obscured face to him with a curious note in her voice.

"Did I what Father?"

He takes a deep breath and swallows heavily.

"Did you gorge yourself on their essence?"

She chuckles and shakes her head, waving a hand at him.

"Oh… oh no Father… I didn't.  I restrained myself then.  But I know I won't be able to in a few weeks."

He leans closer to the grating and watches as she slides her hand up along her pale thigh slowly.

"And why won't you be able to restrain yourself in a few weeks child?"

She breathes deeply and lets it out in a soft sigh.

"Because… I'll have the chance to pounce those two girls once again, along with two more girls.  And I'll be able to do to them for real, all of the things I've been thinking of doing to them in my head… And I'll have my friend with me to help me do it.   And at that time, I WILL gorge myself on them.  I will feed my need until I am truly sated.  I will feast on their emotions of fear and pain as I leave them limp and lifeless where they fall."

He gasps and looks at her as she's dug her nails into the pale skin of her thighs and left long red welts where her nails raked against her flesh.

"What do you mean limp and lifeless?"

She giggles again, a high pitched bubbly laugh.

"Well, they'll be so totally drained they won't be able to move Father.  Would you want to move if I drained you of every drop you could give?"

He chuckles and shakes his head slowly.

"No, I don't think I would."

She leans closer to the grating and whispers softly.

"I bet when you're in there with cute little girls like me, you probably whack yourself off a bit don't you."

He tugs at the collar of his robe and clears his throat.

"That is a totally inappropriate question to ask my child…."

She giggles again and her voice gets all conspiratorial.

"It might be inappropriate, but I'm sure it's true.  Come on Father… you said it… confession is good for the soul.  I bet you are sitting there right now, trying desperately not to touch yourself while you look at my body."

She turns herself so her chest is pressed against the grating, and he goes quiet.  She whispers again very softly.

"Admit it Father…  Admit it…"

Everything goes quiet for a minute, then there's the soft, almost muffled sound of a zipper being slowly pulled down.  Her giggle suddenly turns into an evil chuckle.

"Admit it Father…  You don't just touch yourself at the little girls that come into this confessional… You touch yourself for the boys too… And the grown women who come and confess their sex lives."

He gasps suddenly and struggles to pull his zipper back up.

"I don't have to tell you anything.  I admit nothing!  Get out of my confessional!"

She chuckles again and runs her fingers against the grate.

"You don't have to admit anything to me…  The thing you forget is… God sees all!!"

He keeps struggling with his zipper, trying to get it zipped up and his robe closed, but he can't.  The girly voice is replaced with the familiar voice of a woman.

"He knows what you've been doing in these confessionals Father!!  He knows what you have been doing in the rectory with the altar boys before and after service!  He knows EVERYTHING!!!  AND YOU CANNOT ESCAPE HIM OR HIS WRATH!!"

The priest keeps fumbling with his zipper and he finally just tries to get to the latch of the confessional door, but it will not open.

"Leave me alone!!  Please!!!"

He continues trying to get his zipper up as he fumbles with the confessional latch again.

"Isn't that what young Anthony and Thomas asked you to do when you were doing the naughty things to them in the rectory?  They just wanted to be left alone so that they could do their jobs as altar boys and serve God in the right way, but you simply couldn't leave them alone!  Well, I've been sent to be their Avenging Angel!  God knows everything that you've done, besmirching His name in your lustful acts!  And you will pay!!!  just as Necra, Amy, Amanda and Laura will pay!!  They shall end up being only meat for the beast, just as you shall be…  YOU SHALL PAY!!!"

Just then, his zipper goes up with a loud but meaty ZZIIIIPPPP sound… and the priest lets out a loud shriek of pain as he realizes that when he zipped up, he hadn't stowed himself away first.  He falls against the door and begins rolling around in agony as parishioners come to see what has happened.  The other confessional door opens, and out steps Gothika, dressed in her normal black patent leather shirt and pants with a black rubber corset and knee high leather platformed boots.  She looks down at the priest who has other parishioners kneeling all around him and blows him a fanged bunny eared kiss kiss and winks at him before she turns around and walks to the front doors and opens them to the sounds of the wailing priest.  As she descends the stairs, two young boys of about eleven, standing beside their parents look up at her with a look of urgency.  She stops and puts a hand on each of their shoulders and nods slowly to their parents.

"It's done.  Your boys are safe now.  I didn't even have to really lift a finger."

One of the boy's mothers breaks out in tears and hugs her husband and he looks up at her with tears in his eyes too.

"Thank you!  Thank you so much."

She reaches in her pocket and pulls out two sets of tickets to the Blaze of Glory 2 Pay per view and hands them to the parents.

"It was my pleasure.  Scum like him deserves what he got.  Now, you have to live and move on.  Find the joy in your lives.  And you can start by rooting me and my partner on in our Championship match.  These are really good seats.  I think you'll enjoy the show… almost as much as the show you missed in there."

Just then, an ambulance pulls up to the curb, and the small group is jostled by the crowd that's building up around the front door.  The parents turn to thank Gothika once again, but she's disappeared into the crowd...

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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OOC NOTE: Word count  8,515

Supercard Archives / A Glimpse of The Past… (Raynin RP1)
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:37:31 PM »
 Event: Blaze of Glory 2...    Sunday 03/03/2013

Venue:  Gold Coast Casino...  Las Vegas, Nevada  



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Only their second match back, and they're already going after the gold!!  After more than six months away from the ring, the Angels of the Fallen have plummeted back into the folds of the Bombshell Division of the Sin City Wrestling with a swan dive right into the deep end of it all.  The question on everyone's mind is will they swim to the surface and break on through to the top of the Bombshell Division?  Or will they drop to the bottom like a sailor with an albatross tied around his neck?  Sink or swim?  I guess we'll find out soon enough as the trio of Angels tackle their second challenge since stepping back in the ring in the Tag Team Division.  Gothika and Raynin squared off against Tiami Tyler and Becky 'Ragdoll' Jones for their return match, and skyrocketed themselves right into the Bombshell Tag Team Title's match.  Now they have to stand against the two teams they used to quote/unquote, 're-introduced' themselves to the company.  It's going to be the Fallen against the team of Amy Marshall and Necra Octavian Kane, against the Tattooed Goddesses, Amanda Cortez, and Laura Jackson.  These two teams have rather large chips on their shoulders...  But the Angels of the Fallen are out to dish some carnage.  Will they trip and fall along the wayside?  Or will they be Bound for Glory?!  Let’s see what unfolds, shall we...


The strains of 'Tristania' by Nightwish starts to play, coupled with various pictures of angels, snippets of action shots of The Fallen, and the words fate, destiny, inescapable, then truth flash interspersed between the pictures and snippets.  The caption of ENTER RAGNAROK  finally displays on the screen and fades out to show the Angels of the Fallen sitting on a talk show like stage.  

Darknyss is dressed in a fitted dark blue pinstriped business suit with a pair of black pumps.  She's not wearing a shirt, and the swells of her breasts are accented by a diamond necktie shaped necklace which dangles to hang just right in her cleavage.  Her hair is pulled back in an upsweep with a few stray tendrils falling around her face.  She looks all business right now.  Raynin is dressed in a pair of dark blue stretch jeans with rhinestone accents in a large flower going down her left leg, with a matching jacket and a lavender camisole.  Her matching lavender and white Nikes, with her hair hanging down in loose waves just gives her a look of fun and excitement.  Gothiks is dressed all in black leather.  Her pale skin stands out in stark comparison against the black matte leather bustier she's wearing with the shiny black patent leather pants and the matte leather over the knee platform boots with the lug bottomed heel.  Her hair is in it's ever present tousled waves and hang around her face.  The camera shot cuts to Darknyss who smiles a big saccharin like grin.

"Hello my faithful internet fans, and welcome to the return episode of Enter Ragnarok, presented to you by The Angels of the Fallen.  It's been months since we've been able to put on another webisode, and we've missed bringing you the latest in the SCW Entertainment world.  Tonight, we're going to discuss a few things… Most importantly of which, our opponents for Blaze of Glory two…  Amy Marshall and Necra Octavian Kain, and the Tattooed Goddesses, Laura Jackson and Amanda Cortez.  And… we've got a special treat for you… our opponents will be our special guests for the evening!  Isn't that nice?!!"

Raynin and Gothika look at each other and frown, then Raynin leans over and taps Darknyss on the shoulder.

"Um… Lady…  Are you sure this will be such a good idea?  I mean… let's face it… these two teams are pretty damned mad at us for basically stomping' a mud hole in their asses, and embarrassing the shit out of them… And while it was a lot of fun for us… I don't think they liked it very much."

Darknyss shrugs her shoulders and keeps that saccharin smile plastered to her lips.

"Truth be told, I could give less than a fuck about if they liked what we did to them or not… The fans LOVED it!!  And that's what matters.  I mean, you didn't hear US complaining like Amanda did about the attack perpetrated on us.  Hell, she could give less than two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail about the fans.  And yet, she's Champion?  I swear, if you two don't beat the living crap out of them and get your hands on that gold so that truly deserving athletes have the Bombshell Tag Team Titles wrapped around their waists, I'm gonna train you until you puke so you CAN get those titles!!"

As she's speaking, her saccharin smile starts to crack a bit, and a frown decorates Darknyss's face as she points a finger at Raynin and Gothika.  Raynin blanches a bit, leaning back from the threatening finger that is coming close to actually poking her, and Gothika throws her head back and laughs wickedly.

"Like you don't already train us until we puke… Dish your worst out at us Lady… we can take it!"

Raynin looks at Darknyss's finger and then back at Raynin a bit worriedly.

"I don't' know…  She looks kinda agitated tonight.  And... I just don't know where that finger's been…  and if she pokes me with it… she may cave my chest in or put a hole in my flippin' bicep."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head, reapplying her saccharin smile.  

"Of course I wouldn't injure you… But I will make you wish you were never born if you don't stop interrupting me."

Raynin holds her hands up and shakes her head.

"Wow… I see someone is truly excited about the shot we have for these titles.  But I do agree with you on that whole thing that Amanda said about the fans and the attacks.  I mean, if you don't want to be attacked, regardless of it's behind your back, or in front of your back like we did, then you truly need to be in another business.  Shit happens.  And when the attacks happen on US, we don't bitch, we don't complain because we know that they're happening because the people doing it are hoping they can stop us from doing what we need to do in the ring.  We actually take them as a compliment, that they're so afraid of our skills, that they want to lessen our capabilities when they actually have to step into the ring and face us.  Unfortunately, the little scuffle that took place after our match wasn't even close to enough to lessen our skills."

Gothika nods slowly and cracks her knuckles.

"Beat us… kick us, hit us with chairs… we'll just keep on coming and ask for more.  We're like the energizer freakin' bunny in the ring.  We don't have the word quit in us.  We will wear you down until we get what we want."

Darknyss chuckles and a true smile decorates her face for a moment.

"It's like what Sensei Mosley used to say…  'Girls, there's some people who deserve a whole lotta leave alone.  And if you want to get ahead in your wrestling career, you need to be one of them.'  And that's what he instilled in us.  We have to be so damned good in the ring, that when people step up against us, their knees knock in fear.  Bruce Lee was only five foot seven inches tall, but when he walked into the room, he carried so much intimidation, it was almost tangible.  And when we step into the ring, we give off the same vibe.  I know that Tiami Tyler and the Ragdoll felt it.  Though I'll give them props for putting up even a modicum of a fight against you two in the ring.  But when was all said and done, it was the Fallen who had their hands raised in victory… just like it will happen at Blaze of Glory 2 and you will walk out of the Pay Per View with those titles strapped around your waists."

Darknyss takes a deep breath and sits back in her chair.

"So… without further ado… why don't we bring out our guests for tonight.  That's right… it's the team of Necra Octavian Kain and the Punk Princess, Amy Marshall… AND… the current, and soon to be former Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Tag Team Champions, The Tattooed Goddesses, Amanda Cortez and Laura Jackson!"

At that moment, two sets of cardboard cut outs depicting the two teams are lowered from the ceiling to stand beside the seats that the Fallen are sitting in.  Raynin can't help but chuckle as she sees that there are mustaches and beards that have been drawn on the cut outs as well as devil horns, and some have their front teeth blacked out.  Darknyss picks up a set of index cards and starts to read questions off of them, directed towards the cardboard cut outs.

"So… let's start with you…  Necra Octavian Kain, and the Tattooed Goddesses… You all claim to be… well Goddesses among men…  What makes you all seem so sure that's what you are and not just some quacks with delusions of grandeur?"

The shot switches to the cut outs.


The shot cuts back to Darknyss.  

"And somehow I knew that's what you would say."

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head.

"You see, we don't make claims to be anything we're not.  Raynin IS ex-military.  I AM… well, I still don't know what the hell I am… a genetic experiment gone wrong… truly cursed…  All I know is I suck people's blood to survive, and vampire is the closest I can come up with to describe what I am.  I don't flipping True Twi-hard, New Eclipse, Interview with a Brooklyn-ite Blood…  I don't sparkle in the sun light…  All I know is, I'm damned good at what I do.  I don't claim to be some make believe Goddess who can kill someone with a touch…  But what I will say is this… Those who proclaim to be Gods and Goddesses have all fallen in the past.  Zeus… Aphrodite…  Diana… Apollo…  They are all no more.  And just like those false Gods and Goddesses of the past, you too will all fall.  You will Fall from Grace and be taken to the depths of hell, wrapped in the essence of Sweet Surrender.  And when the smoke clears, I shall feast on your fear and disappointment.  And it will taste so…  mmmmm… delectable."

Gothika inhales deeply, closing her eyes and trembling in excitement.

"In the end… you will all… Feed My Need!!"

Darknyss flips to a new index card and clears her throat.

"Now… Amanda…  What exactly IS your beef with the fans of the SCW?  You claim that they disgust you, and yet you keep coming out week after week and play up to the crowd like you want their attention.  So… which is it?  Do you like the fans, or do you hate them like you claim?"

The shot switches to the cut out of Amanda Cortez.


The shot returns to Darknyss and she smiles.

"Again… just what I knew you would say."

Raynin is giggling now and she shakes her head.

"Listen…  Right now, it doesn't matter WHAT these bitches say.  In the end, they're going to be on their backs, looking up at the pretty lights while the referee counts the one, the two, and the three after Gothika and I have wiped the mat with them.  Plain and simple.  Amanda can like the fans, hate the fans… it won't matter.  I will show her Raynin's Way, and she will know then why she just didn't have what it takes to cut it as Champion now that we're back in the SCW.  Plain and simple.  Besides… Amanda has run her mouth enough that I for one am going to enjoy shutting her up with my size ten boot down her throat."

Darknyss flips to another index card and lifts a finger.

"One more question…  This time for both teams…  Do any of you truly believe you have what it takes to step into the ring against my girls and walk away the actual Tag Team Champions?  Or are you just blowing smoke up everyone's asses again?"

The shot switches to both sets of cut outs again.


The shot returns to Darknyss and she smiles again.

"Again… just what I thought you would say… just like what you've saying this entire week… Absolutely nothing!  Your words, your taunts, your accusations count for squat in the big picture.  And in the end… you all will fall… and The Fallen will rise as the New Bombshell Tag Team Champions."

Darknyss turns back to the camera and she takes a deep breath.

"Well… that's all the time we have for today… Tune in to us again.  Who knows who will show up on our next panel.  There's even talk of having Justin Decent… IF we can get him in some clothes.  There are some things that simply shouldn't be seen… not even on the internet."

The camera pulls back and Raynin and Gothika pull out markers and start drawing more stuff on the cut outs as the closing credits come up and scroll across the screen...

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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OOC NOTE:  Word count, 16,989

Climax Control Archives / A Late Night Snack....
« on: February 15, 2013, 11:59:57 PM »
 Event: Climax Control...   Sunday 02/17/2013

Venue: Boys and Girls Club...  Carson City, Nevada


Opponent:  With Raynin,  vs TIAMI TYLER and BECKY "RAGDOLL" JONES

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The Angels have returned to the Sin City Wrestling Federation, and did so with a thunderous impact.  Well, at least for the Bombshell Tag Team Champions.  Raynin and Gothika sent them a hello they won't soon forget.  Now, it's time for their return match, and the Angels stand ready to soar against the team of Tiami Tyler and Becky "Ragdoll" Jones.  Will the team be able to continue to electrify the Bombshell Division and rocket to the top?  Let's see what things shall become...

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 ...  A BIT OF THE RED ...  

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Time:. February 13, 2012...  9:45 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... On the street...  Near the strip...


It's a chilly night this St. Valentine's Eve.  The shops were bustling with folks all vying for those last minute expressions of that most heartfelt of emotions. The candy a greeting card aisles at the drug stores had been picked over until they were nothing but bare bones... the skeletal remains of a lone crush card all that remained of locations stuffed to maximum capacity with furry, fluffy teddy bears sporting red and pink hues and dressed like cupids, next to toy trains stuffed with candy hearts, and sporting signs that read 'I choo choo choose you!' and loads of foil wrapped heart shapped boxes all stuffed with the sugary confections... It was enough to make your teeth ache with the saccharine sweetness of it all.  And amidst all of the mad dashing to find that perfect gift to express how these folks felt about one another...  She came strolling on by.

She felt mighty good right about now...  and the aura of confidence that permeated every ounce of her at that moment literally dripped off of her like honey off of a honeycomb.  She was on a high unlike anything else... save one thing.  And part of that was due to the fact that she planned to indulge herself in that ultimate high later that night...  

She'd dressed herself in what she considered proper attire for a hunt...  The super tight, black leather, low rise jeans she wore clung to her hips like a second skin, and accentuated the movement of her hips as she strolled down the street.  The light caresses the curves of her butt as she moves, having been given that extra little lift that only a good pair of five inch tall, high heeled, platformed black leather, knee highed boots can can give, attracting the eye of almost everyone as she moves at a measured pace.  The extra inches putting her normal five foot eleven inch frame at almost six foot five inches of towering beauty, which makes her even more formiddable to watch.  But I think it was the see through black shirt that was being held together by only two buttons over a black peek-a-boo lace bustier that what made the outfit a killer attraction.  The muscles of her stomach show starkly against the black of her clothing, and move seductively as she walks on.  Her black leather jacket she had slung over one shoulder as she strolled down the streets, her shoulder length hair blowing slightly in the wind.  And if that didn't catch your eye... the sultry look on her face, coupled wiht the dark rose hued lipstick she was wearing just made the look that much more inviting.  She caught every man's eye that was out and about... and most of the females' too.  Not because she looked like a hooker, or anything, but simply because her look demanded and commanded your eye.  Something about her just made you have to look and follow her every move.

And what had her in such good spirits today?  It was because she'd finally returned to the place where she felt she belonged.  The place where she knew she could finally indulge herself in that which she loved once more...  She'd returned to the world of Professional wrestling.

The moment she'd stepped back on stage had been magical for her.  The intensity of the crowd had just pushed her hunger to a new level, and the attack on the Bombshell Tag Team Champions had almost thrown her into a feedinig frenzy.  It had literally left her breathless in the intensity of the feeling.  She hadn't felt that way in so long... not since the last time she'd stepped into the ring, and won a title... something she's still yet to do in the SCW.  But she was confident that THAT would be somethign that would change soon.

As she moved through the still crowded streets of people leaving the casinos after blowing their wad on one more roll of the dice, or gorging themselves in the decadently stocked buffets, or doing naughty things in the hotel rooms, all she could think about was sating that desire that was burning in her gut...  And no, it's not the one you're thinking...  She had a hunger that was bubbling through her for action.  And since she would have to wait until Sunday at Climax Control to get the in-ring action she craved, she figured a littlet hunt and sating of another hunger was in order.

Had the hapless people surrounding her not been so intently focused on her tits and ass, they might have noticed that her hunger was so intense that her fangs literally couldn't stay behind her lips.  But then, this is Vegas baby... and the unusual and strange is sometimes commonplace, and people tend to keep that, 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' mentality and not pay attention to anything but their own needs, wants and desires.  Hell, she could probably be naked, on fire, dancing the cha cha on top of a whale wearing a tutu right now, and they probably woudn't give two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail about it.  But that actually worked out perfectly for her as it meant she could hunt and feed in peace.

She looks over her shoulder and she sees her shadow, trailing her at a respectable thirty feet of distance.  The SCW cameraman that they assigned ot her this time is new, but he was very good at his job.  The microphone he'd slipped on her so he could pick up each and every word she spoke was so small, she couldn't even see it down the shadows of her cleavage, and it pickedu perfect sound.  She knew Mark Ward was paying out the nose to make sure that she and her friends had their airtime properly taken care of.  I mean, why wouldn't he?  She, Darknyss, and their friends had been bringing this guy beaucoup bucks hand over fist for years now.  And she wasn't about to stop just yet.  In fact, she was going to make this new guy earn his pay.  She wondered if he would keep the camera rolling, or if he'd lose his lunch at the first sight of what she was about to do tonight.  She smirked as she kept walking and smiled to herself as she starts to speak.

"You know... people always want to know why I do some of the things that I do.  Is it because I'm a little bit crazy or deranged?  Is it because I like to think outside of the box, and think being in the box is too plain?  Is it because I like a little chocolate in my peanut butter?  Hell yeah it is.  But then, it's the people who say that they're not crazy that are the ones who are truly crazy.  I've accepted all of my little idiosyncricies and I've actually come to enjoy them."

A guy in an old beat up oldsmobile rolls by her and leans out the window and whistles at her as she's walking.  She blows a kiss to him as he waves, then slips her hand in her front pocket as she keeps walking, then shrugs a bit.

"I mean, after the hell I've been through... I think a little bit of insanity is the least of my worries."

She slides a hand through her hair and tosses a few stray strands that had slipped into her face back as she keeps walking, seemingly headed to somewhere and nowhere at the same time.

"So many people want to know where I've been...  Well, I've been looking into exactly what I am.  Am I a vampyre?  Am I human?  Am I a hybrid?  Maybe even a dhamphir...  no one can say for sure.  I am vampyric, that's for sure.  My hunger for blood and intense emotions, coupled with the quite obvious fangs, and the weird eye color changing thing notes me as one... But even the youngest of vampires say I don't quite smell right.  The heat and the cold don't bother me...  I have their strength... well some of it actually.  I can't like pick up a car with one hand, or bench press an elephant...  And I can't fly... which I have to admit, the first time I saw Tomas take off like a bullet, I was awestruck.  I was like one of our fans when they first meet us.  I just stood there with my jaw dropped to the ground and was like, 'wow!!  cool!!'...  It was so totally embarassing.  So... where was I...  Let's see...  I heal like a vampire... But that's about where things go weird.  I can live in the sun and it doesn't affect me in the slightest.  I'm still as strong... I don't burst into flames, or age rapidly... I don't turn to a puddle of goo... and I for damned sure don't sparkle.  Trust me... there are no sparkly vampires...  I don't care WHAT all of the Edward lovers say... VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE!!"

She chuckles and shakes her head, then sighs heavily as she keeps walking, completely obilivious to the chill in the air.

"I age like a human though.  I swear, when Calis, the head of one of the covens of Arizona saw the laugh lines by the corners of my mouth, she practically shrieked in fear.  But then, she was turned when she was only fifteen years old, and hasn't seen a wrinkle on her skin ever.  But that's something I'm glad I DON'T have to deal with...  Imagine being stuck in that bubbly, highschool age for the rest of your life... the hormones alone would drive be batty!!"

She slips her hand from her pocket and slides it along the flesh of her stomach gently, feeling it rumble as the arc of hunger fills her.  She pats it gently and smiles as she continues to look around at the people milling around on the streets.

"I personally love garlic... Silver looks quite smashing on me...  And I'm still a good little catholic school girl who says her hail mary's and our father's and goes to confession twice a week.  I don't have all of the abilities of the old ones...  But I don't have their weaknesses either.  But unlike most of the humans of this world who look at me like I'm a freak, they accept me as one of them.  It's almost like being with my friends... Most of the time."

She slips her jacket on her arms as she keeps walking, and flips her hair out of her collar, her pace picking up slightly.

"So... for those of you who are new on the SCW scene... that's the long and short of me.  I'm just one bad ass bitch with a penchant for nibbling a little bit too hard on people's neck and drinking the sweet essence that flows through their veins.  And the interesting part of it all, is the way I use my strengths in the ring.  Tiami Tyler and the Rag Doll...  That is one name I just can't wrap my mind around... the Ragdoll...  Why would you want to call yourself a ragdoll?  They're floppy...  they're decorated all weird with huge red circles for blush on their cheeks, and they have the craziest hair...  Do you call yourself the Ragdoll because you don't know how to do your makeup?  Or do you perpetually look like you stuck your finger in a light socket and are having a bad hair day?  Hmmm...  See, my name it has meaning... The Vampyric Angel...  It used to be the Punk Angel before... well... I think you can guess..."  

She does a fanged bunny ear motion with her fingers and chuckles, then she sighs and shakes her head.

"So many try to imitate... but never can duplicate.  My sister and I were the original Punk Princesses...  Ten years of going out there and whooping ass and taking names...  proving you didn't have to fit in the little barbie doll molds to be on top...  And now look at what we have...  A flippin' RAGDOLL?!!  I MEAN COME ON!!"

Her eyes flare with an evil inner light and she throws her head back and laughs.

"I will turn you from a ragdoll into a blood doll.  First, I'll throw you around the ring like the ragdoll you claim to be, and then, I will sink my fangs into your throat and feast on your fear and pain, and I will drop you like a left over piece of trash to the mat and pin you for the one, the two and the three.  Why? Simply because I can, and I want to.  I'm hungry... I'm hungry for a win... I'm hungry to sink you and each and every other bombshell in this division into a pit of despair and self loathing because when you look on me you see nothing but vampyric awesomeness and you know you simply can't measure up!  And when I'm done with you, and you're left on the mat, broken and bleeding, you will understand exactly what I meant when I said I will FEED MY NEED!!"

She sees an attractive young man in his mid twenties come around the corner and smile at the sight of her.  He steps up to her and slips an arm around her waist and leans in whispering something in her ear.  She throws her head back and starts to laugh as her fangs flash in the light of the nearby store and she strikes, her fangs slipping into his flesh as she pulls him into the darkness of an alley, his screams filling the night to end in a low gurgling whine as the scene fades out.


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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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Supercard Archives / The hunt is on...
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:59:42 PM »
 Event: SUMMER XXXTREME!...  Sunday, August 12, 2012...

Venue: The Royal Monarch Cruiseline... The Open Sea


Opponent: WITH Gothika Vs THE LOGAN BOYS, Lash and Jace

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Christian Underwood has put his faith into the abilities of The Fallen.  He's secured a Shot at gold for the stable of young Angels.  And while it's not Sin City Wrestling championship gold, it is gold none the less.  The Vampyric One and the Rebellious One will go toe to toe against The Logan Boys, Jace and Lash for the NWA World Tag Team Championships.  Will they be able to do what others have attempted to do in the past and failed to do and bring the NWA Tag Team Titles to the SCW?  Or will they crumble in the face of adversity?  Let's find out shall we...

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 ...  YOU BETTA' WORK!! ...  

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Time:  August 3, 2012, 10:30 AM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... On the Highway...



The time air in Vegas has gotten hotter and hotter.  It's almost like it knows what's coming.  Like it can feel what's building and growing, just out on the horizon.  The shimmers of heat rose of of the highway as the sun started to rise higher towards it's zenith.  People believed that the nights here got a little colder, and the mornings weren't so bad, but in truth, as soon as the dawn started to rise over the edge of the world, the city started to feel the burn.

Today was no different as the trio of Angel beauties climbed came down from Raynin's apartment with their bags in tow.  They'd decided to stay at her place because it was an easier commute to the airport from her place than from Darknyss and Gothika's apartment, and they'd used their time wisely.  Darknyss had joined the other Angels in their twice daily runs, and the camraderie between them had grown even more.  The tag team moves were getting to be second nature for the two, and Darknyss was encouraging them to keep up their good work and training, maing them want to work just that much harder.  Raynin and Gothika had spent the past three days working on their tag team combinations at the nearby Paulie's Gym during the day, and in the evenings, they did complimentary kata to try to make their movements as fluid as possible...  The only thing that compares to what they were doing is a capoeira sparring session... The movements almost looked as if they were tryign to hit one another, but the movements actually accented, complimented, and augmented each other.  When Gothika pushed, Raynin pulled.  When Raynin thrust outward, Gothika propelled her along in her motions, making them more defined and definitely stronger.  

They were dressed in complimentary outfits as well.  They wore augmentations of shinobi shozoku...  the oufits worn by ninja of the past.   It was too hot for the traditional katabira, or armored jacket, so they wore the pants and tabi shoes with their jackets tied around their waists and just their sports bras on their chests.  Raynin dressed in black ninja pants with a red sash tied around her waist and a red sports bra and her hair pulled back in that tight braided bun on the back of her neck, while Gothika wore red ninja pants with a black sash and a black sports bra, her hair gelled back smooth against her head and held in place with an intricately twisted celtic knot barrette.  Darknyss's outfit was all white, her hair pulled up in a tight bun held with silver shopsticks and she had stood by with a large carved wooden cane, banging out a rhythm for them to move through the motions with, occasionally waving it over them to try to make sure they got low enough when they were in their stances, and making minute adjustments with a guiding tap of the end of the cane against their heels or their arms.  Their calls of 'OOTZZ!  KEEYAH!!!  OOTZZ!  KEEYAH!!!  OOTZZ!  KEEYAH!!!' as they move throuh the different forms resounded out into the air, even through the closed windows of the large building.  People walking past on the street would randomly look up at the building confused for a bit before they walked on.  Once Darknyss was satisfied with the movements, that they were being done to her satisfaction, she would then start her own kata using the cane as if it were a sword, or a boa and every move she made ended up with the end of the cane being banged on the floor.  How she managed it still mistified her friends, but by the end of each night, the trio was glistening with sweat and effort.

They'd worked themselves so hard that the night before they were supposed to leave for the airport to get to the cruiseship, Raynin was literally sore in places she didn't know could hurt that way.  She was glad for the additional training.  Her muscles had gained the extra definition she'd been hoping for and when she was sweaty she could see every line along her flesh.  She'd spent a long time in the shower just trying to get that soreness out of her muscles.  When she'd finally come out of the bathroom, Darknyss and Gothika had already made dinner and were sitting at the table waiting for her.  The large salads were full of cucumbers and avocado and grape tomatoes, spinach and lettuce and different shades of bell peppers, and Raynin was practically drooling as she'd sprinkled on some salt and pepper and topped it with ranch dressing before diggig in.  She'd looked between her two friends and just smiled.

"I think we're ready for this.  I think that we're ready to go onto that cruise ship and bring home that gold.  Finally... We will have accomplished this as a team.  Having the singles titles would be wonderful too... but this...  This isn't something against the other Bombshells... This is stepping up agianst other superstars and showing that we are the best tag team out there.  Not just the best Bombshell tag team, but the best TAG TEAM!!  I'm so excited I could spit!!"

Gothika grins and nods slowly as she chews.

"Yeah, my blood is pumpin' too.  I have to admit, I feel like I did when I had my first title match.  And I know we will have time before the match to just kick back and relax and get our minds together for the match.  We can't get too comfortable though. I for one want to put the new skills we've worked on to good use."

Darknyss grins and nods slowly.

"And you will.  I can't wait to finally put the NWA World Tag Team Titles in the cases we have set up in the other room."

Now they were on their way to the cruise ship so that they could do what they'd been working so hard to do.  But in the back of her mind, all she can think about is the thing that is growing in strength inside of her.  She keeps hearing that hissing sibilant voice ringing out in her head every time she steps into the ring.  And how badly she wants to give in to it's whispering in her ear.  

"Ssssset me free...  Ssssset me free..."

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Time:  August 6, 2011, 12:30 PM...  

Place:  Aboard the Royal Monarch Cruiseliner...  On the open sea...




The following are scenes from 'Enter Ragnarok', the monthly Internet show, presented by Sin City Wrestling's The Fallen.  They may contain strong language and violence.  If you're a punk, sissy, wuss, you should definitely run screaming for your mommy.  Parental discretion is advised!!


The scene comes in on the lido deck of the cruise ship.  People are lounging around the pool and hot tub in all kinds of swimwear, shorts, and tropical outfits.  People are playing shuffle board or are sitting around tables and playing board games.  Everyone is enjoying the summer sun.  The cameraman pans around to see the entire vacationing crowd, then stops on a familiar trio.

The Angels of the Fallen are sitting around a table with three men, playing dominos.  Darknyss is holding a single domino in her hand and is spinning it slowly.   She's got her sunglasses down on the end of her nose and is looking over the top of them at the guy seated across from her, looking like the cat who ate the canary.   On a chair to her right is a huge pile of men's clothing.  Darknyss chuckles and slams the lone domino down onto the table making a sound like a gunshot and shouts...


The guy she's playing leans forward looking at the board as if two plus two equaled elephant, his jaw dropped in shock.

"How in the hell??!!  You had to have cheated!!  You couldn't have beat me like that!!"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head, reaching out to flip the dominos face down.

"That's not cheatin' sweetheart... That's just skill... plain and simple.  I'm from Detroit, and I grew up with a domino practically attached to my hand.  Now... pay up little man."

The guy she's playing against groans and stands and peels off his shirt leaving just a pair of speedos that leave nothing to the imagination and drops it on the table as Darknyss leans back and fist bumps Raynin and Gothika.  The guy throws his hands up as he sits back down.

"Look, I know I said it would be more but... but... there are kids around man!!  You can't make me give it all to ya'!"

Raynin leans forward and pats the guy on the back shaking her head slowly.

"If you aren't willing or able to pay up then you shouldn't make the bet.  You know the old saying... You gotta put up or shut up."

The guys suddenly jump up and push back from the table.

"I say we ain't gotta do nothin'!  And you can't make us do it!"

Gothika jumps to he feet and hisses at the guys sitting across from them, fangs bared, hands balled in threatening fists and her eyes blazing a bright red.  They jump back a bit at the sight of her in this manner.  She brings her fist down on the table with a sharp bang.

"I swear... you men are all the same... you all talk a good game.. you say one thing and do another!  You say, 'oh yeah... we're honorable.. you can trust us... we respect you'...  And then you simply try to say, 'oh, we changed our minds...  We're just gonna back out and leave you in the lurch'...  Well it's not gonna happen.  You either cover your bets or you will be thoroughly sorry."

Raynin and Gothika slowly start to crack their knuckles and the guys hold their hands up in surrender.

"Alright, alright... We'll do it...  But I swear.. You three cheated somehow.  I can feel it..."

Darknyss holds her hand out and nods slowly to the three young men who are all in nothing more than their swimsuits.  They stand and Darknyss reaches under the table, pulling out some coconut bras and grass skirts and hands them to the guys who put them on and starts to dance around the deck, singing.

'We are going to the hookielau... the hookie hooke hookie hookie hoookielau...'

Darknyss, Raynin and Gothika starts to laugh as they watch the three men do their song and dance.  Darknyss turns to the camera and takes a deep breath wiping her eyes.

"Welcome to another episode of Enter Ragnarok.  we've been working hard trying to put togethr something special for the fans out there.  Our own reality tv show.  I think you all will like what we've come up with.  So kick back, and I hope you all enjoy the show."


The scene dissolves out and comes back in with what appears to be a title sequence for a reality show, with cheesy theme music like it's from a nineteen eighties sit com and shows clips of the Angels of the Fallen in various places wearing pith helmets and the khaki safari jackets, carrying binoculars.   In one clip, Raynin and Darknyss are peering around through the binoculars from behind two potted plants.  They look away from each other and Gothika slowly rises between them.  Darknyss and Raynin slowly spin towards each other and Gothika makes a face like she's growling and her friends run off as if they're frightened as she points and laughs.  Gothika's voice rings out over the video in a voice over track.

"I'm Gothika, she's Darknyss, and this is Raynin, and we're a part of the wonderful world of wrestling.  We are with Sin city Wrestling, and we travel around the world now, facing opponents, and giving our all in the ring.  But when we're not in the ring, we hear an awful lot of bullshit.  We've made it our mission to hunt down the bullshitters and call them out for the b.s.'ers that they truly are.  We are... THE BULLSHIT HUNTERS!!"

The scene splashes with the name of the show, 'The Bullshit Hunters' in bright red and gold letters across the screen.  When it comes back, Raynin, Darknyss and Gothika are standing around on the deck of the cruise ship wearing pith helmets and the khaki jackets with binoculars hanging around their necks.  Darknyss starts to speak with an Austrailian accent.

"Welcome to the premier episode of Bullshit Hunters.  We've been hearing alot of BS out there, and it's been coming from a bunch of righteous specimens, but I think we've been able to track down a couple of beauties."

Raynin nods and brings her binoculars to her eyes as she looks around.

"That's right... we're hot on the trail of a pair of BS'ers from the same brood.  They're called Boyus  Or something like that...  But we've been tracking this pair down for the past two weeks."

Gothika looks around and shakes her head slowly.

"You guys are idiots, you know that."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.  

"Come on Gothika!  Get into it!  Thsi is fun and you know it!!"

Gothika brings her fingertips to her nose and pinches the bridge of it slowly.

"Fun is as fun does.  but we need to be concentrating on taking out the Logan Boys.  I really want these titles and this is the shot of a lifetime.  you know that.  you both know that.  So stop acting like a couple of idiots and let's..."

Raynin gasps and holds out her hand.

"Krikey!!!  I've spotted them!! They're right over there!!"

Raynin points and across the deck there's a couple of cutouts of the Logan boys.  She and Darknyss start to creep over to the cutouts, hiding behind tables and other people.

"Be careful... these silver tongued devils know how to spit their BS really really far."

Gothika rolls her eyes and sighs heavily as she simply walks over behind them.

"Why did I let them talk me into this."

Darknyss and Raynin hide behind a potted plant that's right behind the cut outs of the Logan Boys and peek through the leaves.  Raynin pulls her binoculars down and puts a finger to her lips.

"Shhhh... Be vewy vewy quwiet..."

Darknyss slaps her bicep and Raynin chuckles.

"I've always wanted to say that.  But look Lady... there they are... two perfect specimens of bullshiters... Boyus  They're thick headed, bone headed, and one of the banes of my existence.  I wonder what kind of BS they're gonna spray this time..."

Raynin holds out a microphone to the cut outs and the camera shot cuts to the cut outs for a few moments before coming back to the Angels.

"After everything they've said so far, going from saying they respect us to calling us a couple of Elvira wannabes...  flip flopping on saying they're respectful to spewing bullshit at us...  now they want to be silent."

Gothiika sighs heavily.

"Well fo course they're silent and thickheaded... they're cardboard cutouts!!"

Darknyss shrugs and grins.

"And even as cardboard cutouts theyr'e still just as eloquent as they were before."

Gothika runs her fingers through her hair and shakes her head.

"I swear, you two are just plain silly sometimes."

Darknyss pouts a bit and crosses her arms across her chest.

"You're alright with being called a vampyric chick because you are one!  I however am not a vampyre.  I've got multiple perosnality syndrome and one of my personalities may be a sociopath."

Raynin nods quickly.

"Yeah!  Yeah!!  And I'm not a vampyre either.  I just might be possessed with the demon spawn of the leader of an evil witches coven.  Plus, the fans think I might be a Satan worshiper.  Hail Satan!"

Raynin raises her hand and Gothika starts to raise her hand too.

"Hail Sata... Wait... WHAT??!!"

Raynin shrugs and toys with her binoculars.

"You heard me.  I was checking my Twitter account and there was like this poll thingie about what was going on with me and seventy-five percent of the people polled thought I was a Satan Worshiper who had gotten hit in the head and forgot or something.  So, I'm just givin' the fans what they want.  Hail Satan!!"

Raynin raises her hand again and Gothika starts to raise her hand again.

"Hail Sata... Wait... wait wait wait WAIT!!  Raynin, you may be possessed by some hellspawn, but you're no devil worshiper.  You need to stop saying that!!"

Darknyss sighs and shakes her head.

"Look, we can argue about what's going on with Raynin later.  For now, we need to get our mind back on the Logan Boys before they get away!!"

Darknyss points back to where the cardboard cut outs are supposed to be but they've disappeared.  Darknyss snaps her fingers and puts her hand on her helmet.

"Dag nabbit!!  They got away!!  But they won't get away from us come Sunday.  Come Summer Exxxtreme we will definitely be taking things to the Exxxtreme!!  And the Fallen will be crowned the new NWA Tag Team Champions."

Gothika shakes her head again and throws her hands up in the air.

"And that's all for this episode of Bullshit Hunters.  See you next time."


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Supercard Archives / Hit the Showers...
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:59:56 PM »
Event: SUMMER XXXTREME!...  Sunday, August 12, 2012...

Venue: The Royal Monarch Cruiseline... The Open Sea


Opponent: Raynin and Gothika Vs THE LOGAN BOYS, Lash and Jace

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The Fallen have finally gotten a chance at the NWA World Tag Team Championship!!  Some way, some how, Christian Underwood finally talked the higher ups in the NWA into having The Logan Boys, Jace and Lash face the Rebellious One and the Vampyric One with the titles on the line!  Can you believe it?  The Angels of the Fallen certainly can't.  They're brimming with excitement and anticipation!  Will the Angellic Ones be able to knock this one out of the park?  Or will The Logan Boys be able to retain?  Let's find out shall we...

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Time:  August 1, 2012, 10:30 AM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... Darknyss and Gothika's apartment...



The air in Vegas has gotten hotter and hotter.  It's almost like it knows what's coming.  Like it can feel what's building and growing, just out on the horizon.  The  Days are hot and the nights are steamy.  But inside of the apartment, it's nice and cool.  The lights are dimmed, and only the sun is streaming through the curtains to light the inside of the almost cheery looking living room.  It simply doesn't look like the place that a vampyre and a self proclaimed mentally unstable person would live.  And yet, it's the apartment of Gothika and Darknyss.  On the end table beside the couch sits a picture of The Darkk Family, and smack dab in the middle of all of the kids is a much younger Darknyss, grinning like a mad woman.  On the other end table is a picture of Gothika and her younger sister.  They both are smiling, but it's a more somber smile than that of Darknyss.

The sound of running feet comes stampeding down the hallway outside of the apartment.  The door to the apartment opens quickly and Gothika comes running into the apartment and stands in the living room, running in place with a water bottle in hand as she waits for the others to come in.  She pulls off her black sunglasses and sets them on the counter.  Her black and silver lycra pants and matching sports bra are drenched in swear.  Her black K-swiss shoes look to have been very well broken in, but still look almost new.  Her hair has been pulled back from her face in a tight ponytail and it bounces against her shoulders as she runs in place, a few strands that have come loose plastered against her skin as she breathes a little heavily for a bit before she stops and bends forward at the waist, bringing her head to her knees as she stretches out her legs.  

Raynin comes through the door next, wearing a pair of black and grey urban camoflauge pants and a black sports bra.  Unlike her friend, she's wearing a pair of black combat boots.  Her long hair is french braided, and the tail is pulled up in a complicated knot at the back of her head.  She pushes her sunglasses up onto the top of her head before she simply drops to the ground on the other side of the room from her friend and lays there, breathing heavily.  Gothika chuckles at her friend and tag team partner as she changes her position to keep stretching out her legs.

Gothika looks up as Darknyss comes running into the apartment wearing a pair of black and lilac running shorts, and a matching sports camisole.  She stops right in front of Gothika, frowning and pointing at her as she gasps for breath.  She holds up her water bottle and frowns as she shakes it and finds it empty.  Gothika lifts up her water bottle, offering it to her friend and she takes a long drink.  Darknyss finally takes a huge breath and points at Gothika again.


Raynin sits up with a groan and cocks her head to the side as she looks at her friend.

"Say what??!!"

Darknyss points at Raynin too and frowns again.

"You cheated too!!"

Gothika stands up and takes the bottle back from her friend, lifting a single eyebrow at Darknyss.

"I don't know what you're talking about Lady.  I did not cheat."

She chuckles as she walks to the apartment door and shuts it, thumbing the lock closed before she turns and heads to the kitchen, pulling out the water pitcher from the fridge and bringing it out as Darknyss opens her water bottle.  Darknyss holds out the bottle and pouts as the container is filled.

"Don't play dumb with me little missy!!  I know you cheated!!  You promised no weird vampyre tricks or anything like that!  But you beat me back to the apartment!!"

Gothika walks over to Raynin who is still laying stretched out on the wooden floor.  Gothika kicks her foot gently and Raynin lifts her arm straight up in the air and nothing else, holding her water bottle high.  Gothika takes it and fills it before she puts it back in Raynin's hand.  Raynin doesn't even sit up to drink, only lowers her hand back down to the ground.  Gothika shakes her head and chuckles before she turns back to Darknyss.

"I did not cheat Lady.  Besides... Raynin beat you back here too.  Are you gonna say she cheated too?"

Darknyss looks down at the younger girl who still hasn't moved from where she's laying except to screw on the cap to the bottle and throw one arm over her face.  Darknyss shrugs and makes a face at her friend.

"I don't know... she might have too.  I don't know what kinds of weird marine tricks she has up her sleeve, but I know you cheated... you're not even tired right now!!"

Gothika throws her head back and laughs as she refills her own water bottle and takes a deep pull on the ice cold water, sighing heavily as she licks the thin water moustache that formed on her upper lip.  She wipes her nose with the back of her hand before she tops off her water once more and places the pitcher on the counter.

"I did not cheat Lady.  Neither did Raynin.  We did the same ten miles as you did.  But, you have to remember, you've got alot more muscle weight on you than Raynin and I, so we simply move quicker than you.  Besides which, Raynin and I both run together every day.  We've started doing all of our training together to try and get ourselves better into sync.  And you're usually off handling the business side of things these days instead of running with us.  I mean, you still do the strength training and the stretching...  But we've started running twice a day.  We call it our bonding time."

Darknyss frowns and looks from Raynin to Gothika and lifts her water bottle to point it at Gothika.

"Wait a minute... you both did ten miles?"

Gothika sighs and puts her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, we did ten miles!!"

Darknyss looks at Raynin who simply nods, her arm still over her face.

"Well then, maybe you didn't cheat, cause I only did seven miles."

Gothika squirts some water at Darknyss who squeals, giggling as the cold water hits her skin.

"HEY!!!  I got stopped by a group of fans who wanted me to get your autographs!!  By the way, I've got names and addresses for twenty-five people who want autographed pictures.  I think we should throw in a couple of t-shirts for some of th ekids too."

Gothika nods as she puts a heel up on one of the barstools by the counter and starts to stretch out her legs again.

"Yeah, I think that the fans would enjoy getting something from before we were NWA World Tag Team Champions.  So they can brag and say they got some 'pre-gold memorabilia' that no one else has."

Darknyss takes another drink and refills her water bottle before she looks from Gothika to Raynin.

"So back to this running twice a day thing... that's where you two have been sneaking of to most nights?"

Gothika nods and points at Raynin who has one hand up with a thumb sticking straight up as she keeps breathing heavily.  Gothika chuckles as she walks over and takes Raynin's hand and pulls her up to a sitting position so she can take a drink of her water.

"Yeah, we've gotten much closer over the past few weeks when we go off running.  I guess you could say we've let the pain of training work towards solidifying our bond as tag team partners.  I mean, we may not be as close as me and my sister, or you and your sister... but we're definitely much closer now.  And you'll see that closeness translate into pure magic in the ring.  Just you wait.  Even in sparring, we've started to work much more cleanly as a team now."

Raynin gulps down her water and finally speaks.

"Yeah, we wanted to invite you along Lady, but you've just been so busy working.  We didn't want to interrupt you."

Darknyss nods slowly and shrugs.

"Yeah, getting that deal for the NWA World Tag Team Title shot took alot of brokering.  Least of all was working out the details for the contracts around that title shot.  But I knew that you two had earned a chance at gold.  I mean look at you two.  Raynin, you're a former Bombshell Champion...  Gothika, you took it to the guys in the BACW and put them on notice as a dominant force...  You both deserved this shot!"

Raynin smirks and shrugs.  

"I think it'll be interesting to see what will happen when we step into the ring against the Logan Boys.  I mean, they were pretty nice at Climax Control... saying they respect us and all..."

Gothika does a spit take on her water and chokes a bit as she laughs.

"That whole respect thing was all a joke!  That was their way of taking a dig at us, talking about a woman needs to be put in their place... It wasn't some fan that told them that... It's what they personally feel and you know it!"

Raynin cocks her head to the side and frowns slightly.

"You think so?"

Gothika nods and rolls her eyes.

"Chhh-yeah!!  I mean come on!!  I can smell bullshit a mile away, and it's dripping all over them like the scent of cornchips and old cheese off of my grandmother's feet!!  They just wanted to psyche us out and put us off of our game!!"

Darknyss frowns slightly and holds up a finger.

"Wait... cornchips and old cheese??!!  Really??!!  Really??!!"

Gothika shakes her head and sighs heavily.

"Really!  They apparently have been studying us and know how sympathetic we cna be to those who treat us respectfully... But I don't trust these two red headed clowns as far as I can throw a Buick Le Sabre.  And I haven't been car tipping in a long time."

Darknyss shakes her head and holds up her hand.

"Wait... wait wait wait... hold up a minute..."

Gothika and Raynin both look at Darknyss who closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose for a minute before she sighs deeply.

"Cornchips and old cheese?!!  What kind of old cheese are we talking about here?"

Gothika shrugs and shakes her head.

"I don't know!  Limburger or a good stilton.  Does it really matter?"

Darknyss shrugs and nods.

"Well, maybe a little... I mean a good cheddar smells good when it's aged a bit... and mozzerella can smell a little off but taste really good after age... But then..."

Raynin holds her hand up and looks from Darknyss to Gothika.

"Um... Hold up there a second... I think we've gotten a little off topic...  We were supposed to be discussing Jace and Lash."

Darknyss opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again.

"Oh... yeah... right...  Back to the Logan Boys...   You two have been kind of hit and miss lately, and I know it's cause you both have some issues happening in your personal lives... But this is big.  This is what we've all been working so hard at.  The chance to really make names for ourselves... not just as individuals... but to prove that we as a group are a force to be reckoned with!!"

Gothika nods as she takes another drink of her water.

"But there's one more piece of the equation that may make a big difference in how things will go... We have to wrestle on a cruise liner!!  How awesome will that be?!!  Do you think that the motion of the ocean will affect us in the ring?"

Darknyss shrugs and reaches up with her water bottle, tapping the tip of it against her chin.

"Well I don't know... a ship that big, most don't feel any difference from being on land...  unless you get motion sickness.  And that's the last thing you want to have during a match... I think it would be totally awful if you hurled on your opponent as a finishing move."

Raynin makes a face and shakes her head.

"Ok...  can we please stop talking about vomit before I let loose of my breakfast all over the floor?"

Darknyss shrugs and chuckles.

"Well, you have to admit... that would be something pretty funny.

Raynin frowns heavily.

"No it wouldn't!! That would be simply disgusting!!  Besides... I wan to be remembered as the tag team who beat the Logan Boys and took the title from them on their own merits... not because Jace and Lash were so shocked by being covered in vomit to fight back."

Darknyss looks from friend to friend and nods slowly.

"And that's exactly what you will be remembered for.  Because I know that you two have the skill, the know how, the heart, and the will to beat these two guys.  Then it will be Jace and Lash who will be put in their place.  You two didn't do like half of those females out there and sleep your way to the top.  You two didn't do like Misty and Kitty and cheat, or stab people in the back to get to this point.  You made it to the top by your own merits!  You fought, clawed, kicked, screamed, sweated, bled and struggled your way to this point!  And I know that this will be your time to prove yourselves to be the true tag team Champions that I know sit inside of you waiting to come out!"

Gothika holds her fist out to Raynin who gives her a fist bump with a grin.

"And you know it!!"

Darknyss grins and puts her hands on each of their shoulders and pushes them out of the way.

"Now... I'm off to shower.  I feel sticky... you two keep bonding and stretch yourselves out before you get stiff."

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Supercard Archives / It's all about the blood
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:01:05 AM »

Event: Into The Void, Pay Per View...  Sunday June 17, 2012...

Venue: Earl Wilson Stadium ... Las Vegas, Nevada...

Match: SCW Bombshell Free For All...

Opponent:  Vs Veronica Taylor Vs Brooklyn Carter Vs Angelica Vs Kittie Vs Trish Newborn Vs Bianca Solderini Vs Rock Rose Vs Felony Fontana Vs Karina Koji

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The Vampyric Angel certainly made an impact at Climax Control when she connected to a knee to the lower extremities of Weapon X after he executed an unwarranted attack on her partner Raynin in their Mixed Tag Team match.  Now the Angel of Blood has a chance to win whatever is inside of this briefcase as she takes place in the Bomshell Free For All.  She's been jumping through the management's hoops since she stepped foot in the company, and now she's got the feeling that this is another hoop for the Bombshells to jump through.  But it is a chance for her to flex her muscles before she moves onto the King of the Death Match pay per view for the BACW to try to get the shot at the NWA World Hardcore Champion and bring the title to the Sin City Wrestling.  What kind of carnage will she bring to the females of the SCW during this matchup?  Let's find out...

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 ...  Twi-True UnderBloodWorld!!  FTW?!!  ...  

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Time:  June 7, 2012…  2:30 AM

Place:  Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific Location... Unknown...



The moon has been shrouded in clouds for most of the night, keeping her light for herself  But the night wind has been warm and very persistent.  It’s finally blown the clouds from the the face of the glowing orb and her cool light is bathing the scene, casting shadows where she may.  The angle of the light makes those shadows long and ominous, so what would be the shadow of a tree in daylight looks like the outstretched hand of some strange and foreboding giant, the shadow of a lamp post looks like the claws of a monstrous beast, and the shadow of some drunken pedestrian stumbling down the street looks like the shadow of Jack the Ripper, heading out to carry out some nefarious and fiendish plot.  She’s found herself in a deserted playground.  She’s still not one hundred percent how she ended up here.  All she remembers is the hissing, the clawing, the feel of the red as it first bursts into her mouth and the sweet ecstasy that comes with it, followed by the frantic scampering and fleeing as she tries to get away unnoticed.

Something brought her to this park.  She's sitting on the swings, slowly rocking back and forth as the chain squeaks at her movements.  Her face is a partial mask of gore and blood.  She has streaks going up one side of her face, and it covers the lower half of her face from nose down her throat.  In her hands, she's holding a locket with the pictures of two little girls in it.  She's softly singing a song that's whispering on the warm wind of the night.

'Two little princesses dancing in a row
Spinning faster and faster on their little toes.
where will they float to, nobody knows.

Two little princesses dancing in a row
Spinning faster and faster on their little toes.
where will they float to, nobody knows.'

She keeps repeating the song over and over again as she keeps rocking back and forth in the swing.  She slides her finger over the locket as she looks down at it with a far off, distant look in her eyes.

"Elizah... My little sister.  My little spitfire.  How did we end up in such totally different places?  I never meant for us to be pulled apart like this.  We were thick as theives.  I promised you I wouldn't let the old man come between us..."

She thinks back to the day her father kicked her out of the house in Quebec.  Elizah's mother had her around the waist while their father had Gothika around the waist, and they were pulling the girls apart as they kicked and screamed, holding onto each other's forearms.  But there was nothing she could do.  Her grip on Elizah was slipping... her hands slid down to her wrists... then to her fingertips.  She rememered looking in Elizah's eyes and promising her she'd never let her go and then suddenly, she was being carried out of the house by her father and was dumped in the street.  Her father ran back to the house and slammed the door before she could follow and left her there, banging on the door trying to get let back in.

The image left her like a flash and she is suddenly looking around in shock at her surroundings.

"Damn it!  I did it again!  It was that spell!  After I was turned, Morganna did a spell to take away my memories of what happened.  But this spell that had me accept everything... I bet that broke through the memory barrier.  Shit!  No wonder I've been so hungry for the red.  What else is it going to make me do?  How will I react during my matches?  Well, no matter what, I will gain control.  I must.  Or else someone else will end up being bitten, and I will drain them.  Maybe it'll be one of my opponents during the Free for all... maybe during the tournament.  Who knows..."

Just then, she sees the lights of a security car pulling up to the park where she's sitting.  She swears lightly under her breath and runs off as the sounds of the song she's singing ring out into the night.

'Two little princesses dancing in a row
Spinning faster and faster on their little toes.
where will they float to, nobody knows.

Two little princesses dancing in a row
Spinning faster and faster on their little toes.
where will they float to, nobody knows.'


Time:  June 13, 2011...  7:15 AM

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada...  Inside Club Rush... At the Bar...



She sat there at the bar in the center of the club, surrounded by the press of flesh.  She looked down at the note in her hand and re-read the few lines written in unrecognized handwriting over and over again, just trying to process what she was seeing. Just five lines scrawled on a slip of paper and tucked in an envelope and stuck in her mailbox...  It reads, 'I know who you are. I know what you are, or what you THINK you are.  Meet me at Club Rush. Tonight, Eleven thirty, VIP room.  Ask for Devina at the bar, come alone.' That was all it took to send her into a panic as soon as she'd gotten this note.

She's holding the straw for her drink in her hand, and is stirring the club soda with grenadine slowly.  She looks at the note again and chews on her lip gently before she folds the note back up and slips it into her pocket.  She takes a sip before she mutters under her breath.

"Talk about sounding ominous.  I wonder who this Devina person might be. Gianni DiLuca is a party type, and with this being a club, it could be some kind of a setup.  He could have hired someone to try and take me out before our match.  Maybe he thinks that I should be an easy match for him, and wants to make that happen.  Regardless of what happens tonight, there's no way in HELL I'm gonna let this be some coast match.  I got into this tournament because I was promised there
would be blood.  So just get your band-aids and bandages ready Gianni because you better believe you won't be coming out of this match unschathed.  I got into this tournament because I was promised the difficulty level would be high on the scale...   I was told it would be like an ultimate challenge...  And like my friends and I have said before... We thrive on challenges.  I thirve on challenges.  The more difficult the match, the more explosive we become.  So something like this is right up my alley.  I was told that tournament was going to be electrifying.  Like a strike of lightning hitting a transformer on one of the large high tension wire towers.  Like a ten on the richter scale, I was promised this would be an earth shattering, ground breaking, amazing spectacle...  A treat for all ages.  With me
being the only female in this sausage fest of a tournament, you better believe I'll be put to the test.  But I've always done well with tests.  Especially in situations like these.  I've always succeeded and overachieved, and I don't plan on disappointing.  So if that is some skank bimbo Gianni has set up to try to be my downfall, she's in for a very rude awakening, just like Gianni will have at the pay per view."

She thinks back to that morning, and her reactions to receiving the note.

The trio of the Angels had been sitting around the table that morning, eating breakfast and discussing what training they were going to do for their upcoming matches.  Her King of the Death Match Tournament matches in particular were a big topic for discussion.  They'd been eating their respective breakfasts, still sitting in their pajamas.  Darknyss is in a blue and cream striped satin button-down sleepshirt that hangs to her knees.  She's wearing a pair of cream colored satin mules as she shuffles around the kitchen, preparing a pot of coffee before she sits down at the table.  Her hair is hanging down around her shoulders looking tousseled and she's repeatedly yawning and rubbing her eyes as she munches on a bowl of diced melon and sips on a home made pineapple and mango protein smoothie.  She lifts her eyebrow as she looks around the table at her friends and picks up a spoon and hands it to Raynin.

Raynin is wearing a black canvas camisole with a pair of dark blue basketball shorts.  Her feet are covered in a pair of white mid calf athletic socks, and she's got her hair pulled back in a loose braid.  She's got a bowl of honey nut cheerios, a half of a grapefruit, and a plate with two of her grandmother's breakfast tacos in front of her.  She's sipping a glass of apple juice as she looks around sleepily.  She takes the spoon from Darknyss and thanks her sleepily as she puts the spoon in her bowl of cereal and munches a bite before she picks up a napkin and hands it to Gothika.

Of the three of them, the only one who seemed to be truly alert was Gothika.  She's wearing a black ribbed tank top and a pair of black and red plaid boxers.  Her feet are bare, and the blood red polish on her toes winks as it catches the light from the overheads.  Her hair is pulled back in a tight frenchbraid, and her eyes are sparkling brightly as one is still brown, but the other is that eerie light blue color.  Gothika takes the napkin from Raynin's hand and wipes ehr mouth off as she chews slowly.  She looks down at her plate and takes a deep breath as she compares her breaksfast to her friend's breakfasts.  Her plate has a huge sixteen ounce ribeye steak that's so rare, it's still mooing, but with an outside crust that's been seared to perfection.  The... well, let's just call them juices... from the meat are alomst pouring from the slice she's made, almost as if she'd just cut the piece of meat fresh from the cow.  On a plate beside the steak is a plate of scrambled eggs, and a few slices of toast that's still warm from the oven and covered in butter.  She pulls off a piece of the toast and dips it in the thick red juices coming from the steak, letting the bread soak up the juices before she pops it in her mouth, chewing slowly.  She sighs as she picks up her knife and cuts another piece of her steak, popping the still red and dripping meat into her mouth with a chuckle.

"Aahh, the breakfasts of champions.  You guys look wasted.  You look worse than you looked after we had that crazy night in Kalamazoo.  See, this is why I went to sleep instead of staying up to play Halo with you guys and El Jefe.  What time did you actually get to bed last night?"

The coffee pot sounds to let them know that the pot is done and the others groan tiredly.  Gothika gets up and pulls down a bunch of mugs from the cabinet and puts a few on the table and brings over the pot of coffee along with the cream and sugar.  Gothika returns to the cabinets and grabsa goblet and moves to the fridge as Darknyss picks up a mug and the coffee pot and yawns as she pours a cup and slides it to Raynin, then picks up another mug and pours herself some and stirs in some cream and sugar, and takes a sip.

"I think it was about two something.  El Jefe finally got the hang of Halo Three and  just insisted on all of us playing group missions until we paid back every person who popped him off with a headshot.  And he didn't want to stop but I told him we had training this morning."

Raynin puts down her spoon and picks up the coffee, taking a sip of it while it's still hot and sighs softly as she rubs her eyes.

"Now you see why I normally just sit back and let him do what he wants and nap.  If you hadn't let him drag us into the group mission thing, then we'd have been in bed well before midnight."

Gothika comes back from the refridgerator, sipping from her glass and sets a decanter filled with thick red stuff on the table beside her glass.  She licks her lips, then reaches up with her finger to catch a droplet that had escaped the corner and slips it into her mouth.  She picks up her knife and fork and stops as the entire room gets silent.  She looks up at Raynin and Darknyss who are watching her closely.


Darknyss sets her cup down and points at the glass Gothika just set down on the table.

"Do you have to drink that stuff in front of us?"

Gothika looks at her glass and runs her finger along the inside rim of the glass, geting a large droplet of the thick red liquid and slips her finger between her lips and sucks on it gently, pulling it out with a soft slurping sound.

"You know I need it. I don't know why it's such a big problem."

Raynin drops her spoon in her bowl with a loud clatter and pushes back from the table a bit.

"We know you need it, we just don't want to have to watch you drinking it... at the table... while we're eating."

She lifts the glass and takes another sip, licking her lips gently.

"I don't complain about some of the things you guys eat.  I don't say a word when you eat okra Lady, or when you pull out that habanero salsa Raynin.  Besides... those are things you just like.  This is a necessity for me."

She picks up the decanter and pours more of the thick red liquid in the glass and takes a huge gulp, swallowing it slowly.  Darknyss makes a face and looks away before she replies.

"Yeah, but what you're drinking is...  well... it's..."

Gothika shrugs and interrupts her mid sentence.

"If it weirds you out so much, just imagine it's clamato juice.  That's what everyone else did."

Raynin shakes her head and frowns.

"But it's not. And we know it's not.  We know exactly what it is, which is why it freaks us out to have you doing it while we're eating."

Gothika leans forward and starts to cut her meat and picks up a bite on her fork.

"I've gone for so long without taking a drink.  I've held back while your grandparents were here Raynin.  It's gotten to the point where I actually attacked someone and fed live...  Don't you see?  When I don't get a drink, I start to lose control.  This isn't going anywhere!  I am who I am.  I am what I am.  And you have to either bury your head in the sand about it or deal.  I am trying to be discreet about it and only drink when your grandparents are asleep or out of the house, but I'm not going to hold back any longer.  I have a couple of humongous matches in front of me, and I want to win.  Plain and simple, I want to win and will win.  I'll start with the Bombshell Free For All in the SCW, then I'll move onto the king of the Death Match Tournament.  I have a shot at gold if I win the tournament, and I have something special if I win the Bombshell Free For All... or at least, that's what Mark Ward says.  It's something that will propel the winner up the ranks of the SCW!"

She shoves the piece of meat in her mouth and chews slowly.  She sees Raynin and Darknyss staring at her and she shakes her head and starts to cut up all of her meat, then picks up her glass and pours it over her steak.  Darknyss and Raynin both make disgusted faces and groans and push back from the table farther as Gothika stands and picks up the decanter and glass.  

"There... just like ketchup now."

She sets the glass in the sink and walks over to the refridgerator and sets the decanter almost empty in the back of the top shelf.  She comes back and sits and picks up her fork and spears a piece of meat and puts it in her mouth chewing slowly.

"You know... I have supported the both of you through all of your collective bullshit.  I've been the quiet stoic one who has had your backs through everything... EVERYTHING!!  Hell, from what Morganna says, my sudden need and craving for the red stuff happened because of the spell we did to try and help you out Raynin.  The least you guys can do is try to be a little supportive of this.  If a little bit of red can help me go against nine other females, then make it through a tournament with seventeen other males all in one night, then I'm going to do what I have to do!"

The others pick up their plates and bowls and put them in the sink and Gothika sits there, looking at her plate.  She picks up another piece of meat and puts it in her mouth, chewing slowly.  She swallows and lifts her napkin to her lips.

"I'm not saying you have to like go out and hunt with me, or sending you down to the bank to pick me up a couple of bags... I just don't want to to hide who and what I am.  Not around you two.  And especially not here in my own home damn it!"

She brings her fists down on the table loudly and the others jump, surprised at the sound.  Gothika sighs and brings another piece of meat to her mouth and chews slowly.  Darknyss comes back to the table and sits slowly.

"You're right.  We both have no right to judge you or what you have to go through every day.  It's just... well... it's just that you're drinking... well..."

Gothika holds up her hand and nods slowly.

"I know it's intense every time you have to see me drink.  But I have a truly big match in this Free For All.  I have at least three women who are gunning for me in this match, one of whom can't keep it straight just who's in the match casue she's so tweeked out on weed.  I have the mean girls who are gunning for me cause I know they view me as a threat.  I have an insane woman who would love nothing more than to use me as an example for taking you out Raynin, and that's just he beginning of my predicament.  I also have a King of the Death match Tournament to prepare for.  It's all going to be fought in one night.  I'm the only female in this match.  Do you know what that means?  It means that seventeen men are going to be looking for me to fuck up.  It means that I'm the true underdog in both of these matches.  I'm the one who's going to have to have the biggest bite to go with my little bark so to speak.  I know I've competed with most of these women, and against some men in the past, but it's been what...  three years since I've faced a male in a match that wasn't during training.  And we all know that there's a big difference between fighting a man and fighting another woman."

Raynin chuckles and nods.

"Yeah, fighting a guy you have to worry about being felt up half of the time."

Gothika chuckles and shrugs.

"Well, there's that too...  And that just might happen in the Free For All too.  Angelica's in it and from what I've heard, she'll go after just about anything."

Darknyss holds up a finger.

"Oooh, oohh!  And there's no hair flying all over the place."

Gothika chuckles and smirks.

"Well, there is with some of these guys out here.  I swear, they're as bad as some of the chicks we face.  But that's not what I'm talking about.  It's the intensity factor.  Men just expect for us women to not be as intense.  They expect for us not to be as strong or as determined.  So until the first strike is made, and they realize, 'hey, this bitch is here to take me out for real!' they tend to be a little bit more timid about coming at us.  But once the realization sinks in, they feel like they have to go overboard to try and prove that they're the man.  So I have to adjust my fighting style to match.  Some of these guys are huge!  And while I'm stronger than most females, I know that alot of the things I normally do in the ring won't work.  I have to be fluid... like water.  Flexible like a reed, yet strong as an ox all in one package.  I have to be adaptable because each of these men has a different fighting style.  Hell, have of the guys in this match come from the SCW, and they for damned sure aren't about to be too happy when a female takes them out.  I've been watching the other guys from BACW too...  They're all good competitors...  Hell, even Jamie Staggs has been tryin to step up his game for this match.  But in the end, I know I'll be underestimated because I'm from the SCW, then treated like a second class citizen cause I'm a female."

She spears another piece of meat and chews slowly as Raynin top off her coffee and sits at the table beside Darknyss and sips her coffee.

"Then what are you gonna do?"

Gothika spears the last piece of meat and winks at her friend as she pops it in her mouth and chews.  She swallows and picks up her glass and drains it of the last of the red stuff and licks her lips.

"I'm gonna do what I always do.  I'm gona go out there and wow the crowd.  I'm going to whoop ass and take names.  I'm going to rip through this Free for all and this tournament like wild fire, and I'll start the fire by taking out all nine other women at Into the Voide, then continue on my hot streak by taking out Gianni DiLuca.  Gianni views me as just a small bump in the road through the tournament, but I'm not a small bump.  I'm a fucking dead end sign on a brick wall covering his road.  I'm hungry... so very hungry."

She picks up a piece of bread and wipes it though the last few dregs of red stuff on her plate and pops it in her mouth, moaning softly as she closes her eyes to the taste that's flowing into her mouth.

"My hunger goes deeper than that of a need for food.  It goes into a need for inflicting pain.  Gianni DiLuca is too hung up with his own face.  He's afraid of truly getting hurt.  He's afraid of someone taking away from him the one thing that he considers his money maker... his face.  And he has good reason to worry.  Because I was promised that there would be blood in this tournament.  I was promised carnage.  I was promised that this would be a chance to take things to a new level for me and my career.  Do you know that if I win this tournament that I'll have a shot at the NEWA Hardcore Championship Title?  Do you know how amazing that would be?  To have free reign to do whatever I wanted in a match... to not be confined by the rules of a normal match...  to truly be what I was meant to be in the ring...  To be a monster through and through and beat the living day lights out of people...  It would be so glorious.  And it will al begin with the sacrice of Gianni DiLuca."

She stands and puts her plate and glass in the sink and turns on the hot water just as Raynin's Grandparents come walking through the doorway from the spare bedroom.  El Jefe is playing grab ass wtih his wife and she's giggling like a school girl.  Raynin gasps and covers her eyes.

"Abuelo!!  Abuela!!  Have you no shame?"

El Jefe kisses his wife soundly and grins at his granddaughter.

No, absolutely none what so ever.  If you'd seen what we'd done last night, you'd have thought you were watching some kind of porno."

Raynin makes gagging noises and Darknyss gasps audibly.

"Oh my!!  I think I'm gonna be sick!!"

Raynin's Grandmother puts a packet of mail on the table and Gothika reaches out and starts to flip through it.  She comes to an envelope with nothing but her name printed on it.  She frowns as she opens it and reads what's been written there.  She jumps up and frowns as she starts to walk away.  Darknyss follows and puts a hand on Gothika's shoulder, stopping her from continuing out of the door.

"Hey... what's wrong?"

Gothika puts the note behind her back and shakes her head.

"Nothing... nothing's wrong.  Just... planning something for you birthday tomorrow. I need to go on and hop in the shower.  We've got training to do.  I'll see you when I'm done."

She walks towards her bedroom and everyone watches her go, looking on worriedly...

Allof this took place in mere moments.  In just he blink of an eye, she'd remembered everything from this morning, and she was back in the club, being approached by the bartender.  She smiles as she turns towards him.  He smiles brightly at her and leans in to talk to her.

"I've seen you looking out in the crowd.  You look nervous.  Is this your first time here?"

She leans in and smiles sweetly at him.  

"I'm just waiting to see if my friend actually is going to show.  Her name is Devina.  She told me to meet her here.  Do you know her?"

The bartender's eyes go big for a moment, then he drops down a mask of coolness.

"No, I don't know if I've met anyone by that name.  What does she look like?"

She clears her throat and shrugs slowly.

"I dont' know... I met her online.  She said to ask someone at the bar for her.  she said to ask to be sent to VIP."

The bartender reaches under the bar and pulls out a purple armband and slaps it on the counter for her.

"Well, if it's VIP you're looking for, you came to the right person.  And you certainly have the look to deserve it.  Just take this armband to the elevator doors right over there and they'll let you up.  Maybe someone up there will be able to let you know who this... Argentina is."

Gothika takes the armband and slips it on her wrist as she lifts her eyebrow curiously looking at the armband.  The bartender points to the left and she turns and sees the elevator doors.  when she turns back, the bartender has moved on and is helping someone else.  She missed it as he lifted the phone and brought it to her ear and spoke two words... 'she's here' then pulled out a rag and started to wipe down the counter.  She shrugs and strolls over to the elevator doors and lifts her arm, showing the armband to the bouncers standing by the doors.  One of the bouncers pushes the button and the doors slide open.  She steps in the car and watches as the doors slide closed.  

The doors slide open and reveal a small dark room which is surrounded by windows.  She steps up to the glass and looks down at the press of bodies beneath her.  She puts a finger up to the window and suddenly jumps as she sees the face of a young looking blonde girl standing behind her.  The girl couldn't be much more than sixteen years old.  Gothika cocks her head to the side and looks at her confused until the young girl smiles sweetly and reveals a set of fangs that looked like they belonged on a cobra.  Gothika lifts her eyebrows in shock and the young girl giggles.

"I surprised you... how sweet.  Hello Gothika.  I'm Devina.  And we're going to become fast friends.  I can tell."

The girl takes Gothika's hand in hers and pulls her towards the middle of the room which has suddenly just filled with not people, but vampyres of all shapes and sizes.  Gothika's jaw hits the ground as she looks around.

"Aww hell... I'm in the shit now..."

The vampyres crowd around her, all asking questions as the scene fades out.

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Time:. June 14, 2012… 10:30 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... Gothika and Darknyss's apartment...



The room is dark, almost pitch black.  The only light that can be seen is coming from the apartment building across the street, but it’s far enough away, and so much shorter than this building that it does nothing to illuminate the interior of the room.  A scurrying can be heard in the darkness, along with occasional shushing and as well as random giggling.  Footsteps can be heard coming down the hallway towards the door along with the voices of the Angels of the Fallen.  The laughter of Darknyss rings out down the hall as she approaches the door.

"Wow...  I have to admit, this has been one awesome birthday.  Your Grandmother surprised me with that excellent breakfast.  I swear, a breakfast taco bar was quite genius.  And then, we blew off training to go spend the day pampering and shopping… I swear guys… You didn’t have to go through all of this.”

We hear Raynin’s soft chuckle as the footsteps come closer.

“Well, what can we say Lady… You deserve it.  You’ve had our backs through so much lately… Getting us ready for these pay per views, putting up with my insane moments… You deserve what we did and then some.”

We hear the footsteps stop in front of the door and the shuffling of packages as keys jingle as they’re being slid in the door.

“Well, it’s really appreciated guys.  And I didn’t do anything that I know you guys wouldn’t have done for me.  But we do have three really big matches to prepare for.  You especially Gothika.  You’ve got the Bombshell Free For All, followed by the King of the Death Match Tournament…  We really should have spent today training, not doing all of this for my birthday…  Oh crap!!”

You hear the keys slip and hit the ground with a metallic jingle and the shuffling of packages again as the keys are retrieved.  Gothika’s voice rings out through the door.

“Look Lady…  You’re the one who believes in all work and no play.  We all need some down time every now and then…  especially you.  And taking a day after the week of training we’ve done isn’t going to hurt us.  It’s not like we did anything too bad.  We went shopping, went to the spa, had ourselves a mani-pedi and massage treatments, and we all got our hair done.  Nothing wrong with that.  Especially after the ten hours of training we put ourselves through yesterday.  Our bodies needed a rest, and I certainly feel more relaxed and confident about our upcoming matches…  Here… you’re about to drop those keys again… Give me those bags…”

You hear packages shuffling, and the keys finally slip into the lock as Darknyss speaks again with a soft sigh.

“Yeah, you’re right.  I just miss my family right now.  I think it would have been fun to see them for my birthday…”

The door is pushed open and we see the Angels of the Fallen silhouetted in the light from the hallway.   Darknyss frowns and looks around, reaching for the lights.

“Why is it so dark in here?  Did we turn off the lights?  Where are your Grandparents, Raynin?  I hope they’re not in the back room doing anything nasty again… I swear, there’s somethings I just can’t take walking in on again… I scrubbed the kitchen table like fourteen times that day after they…”

She turns on the lights and she looks around confused at the large purple and white banner that’s hanging over the bar that connects the kitchen and the living room that reads, ‘Happy Birthday Darknyss!!’ and the purple, silver, and white balloons and streamers that are hung everywhere.  Suddenly people pop out from everywhere and confetti and glitter are tossed into the air as everyone yells ‘SURPRISE!!!’ and blow party horns.  Darknyss shrieks in surprise, throwing her bags up in the air, and jumps about a foot in the air before she rushes forward and into the arms of the crowd of people standing in the middle of the living room.  She’s surrounded by most of her family.  Her sister Latrice ‘Darkchyld’ DeNucci and her husband Doug are there along with their six year old twins and their two year old daughter.  Her brother Kameron Darkk and his wife Allyson are there with their son and daughter.  Her brother Shane Hunt is there as well as her friends, Lyrique Montgomery and Diamond.  The room has more people in it, but Gothika just slips around the crowd quietly and lets them greet the birthday girl and takes the packages and bags that they’d brought home from the mall except one, and puts them in Darknyss’s room before she slips back out to her own room and shuts the door.  

Her room is decorated in shades of red and black.  The large canopied four poster bed has black and red hangings shrouding it deeply.  The walls are painted a soft grey and the curtains are almost blood red to match the hangings and bedding on the bed.  She’s got a huge armoire in black walnut, and a matching television stand with a thirty two inch flat screen resting behind glass.  There are large prints of dark fairies and angels on the walls around the room, along with a set of medieval looking crucifixes over each window, and one over the bed.   She sets the bag she brought in next to her chair, pulls off her trench coat and lays it over the back of the chair before she takes a seat at her black walnut vanity table and looks at herself in the mirror, breathing deeply as if she’s trying to quiet her thoughts.

“You know… I have worked very hard to keep a tight hold on my thoughts, my emotions and my hungers… But so many people shoved into a single room…  It just makes things that much harder to keep control.  When I’m surrounded by that many people, it’s like a little switch is turned on inside of me that sends me into battle mode, or feeding frenzy mode.”

She picks up the bag and reaches inside and pulls out about ten bags of the red stuff that appears to be from a blood bank.  She sighs softly as she leans over and opens the door on a small refrigerator and sets the them inside, then reaches into the back and pulls out a cut glass decanter that’s filled with the thick red liquid.  Her reflection in the mirror shows that her eyes have changed colors from their normal brown to a bright almost white blue and they’re glittering in the low light of the room.

"I can smell it within everyone lately...  I can literally smell the red stuff beneath thier skin.  I can smell the adrenaline coursing through their system.  I can smell their emotions...  I can smell the excitement, I can smell the fear...  And right about now, I can smell the bullshit that's being spewed by my future opponent, Gianni DiLuca."

She picks up a goblet that matches the decanter and holds it up to the light, letting it shine thorugh the facets of the cut glass.  She takes a deep breath and smirks wickedly.

"Gianni, Gianni, Gianni...  You besmirch my name, you call me a thief, you basically call me worthless...  You talk about me as if I don't matter, and yet I do matter.  You act as if you're better than me, but you're not.  All  you are is an obstacle in my way.  You're an opponent.  You're the first rung on the ladder towards my shot at getting the Hardcore Championship.  You underestimate me Gianni.  And I will enjoy taking you down.  You see, everyone underestimates me.  Especially when I get the chance to face the men.  They see me as a pretty face...  As a body...  as a sexual object, but I'm so much more than just that.  I'm more than just a girl.  I'm more than just a fighter.  I'm more than just a wrestler.  I'm more than just what you think and bleieve I am.  I'm a huntress.  I'm a predator.  I'm the thing that goes bump in the night.  I'm the thing in the dark that you fear that has claws and fangs.  I am no mere slip of a girl... I'm a monster.  Plain and simple.  I'm am monster who has caught your scent.  You see... you and everyone else in this tournament are nothing but my prey.  You're my food.  you're my sustenance.  You're how I make it from day to day.  I don't just feed on the red stuff...  I feed off of your emotions, your energies...  I feed off of your adrenaline and your fear and it pushes me to a higher, more intense level.  You see, the more you fight, the more you struggle to win, the more you do the more I like it.  I like my food squirming.  And I'm going to enjoy having you as my appetizer in this King of the Death match tournament."

She uncorks the decanter and pours the thick liquid in her glass and places the stopper back in the bottle as she lifts the glass and inhales the scent deeply.  Her eyes go completely that ice blue color and she takes a deep gulp, licking her lips slowly.

"and then the rest of the fun begins.  Aleski Koji, Casey Williams, Lucian Frost, Matthew Kennedy...  All of these are names that I know.  I even get the distinct pleasure of torturing someone that Aleski Koji knows before I get a chance to face him.  Poor little Karina...  I will enjoy toying with her during the Bombshel Free For All.  So you'll know exactly what to expect once I get my hands on you Aleski.  Casey...  you have been a thorn in my side for many a month now.  You along with Gianni see me as nothing more than a piece of meat to be dangled in front of the faces of men.  And as for you BACW boys... you may have faced the men in the past and won... but now, it's time for thebombshells to shine"

She hears someoneclaling her name to come back to teh party and the scene quickly fades out.

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Supercard Archives / Day and Night...
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:59:07 PM »
>>>>>  RAYNIN RP  <<<<<

Event: Into The Void, Pay Per View...  Sunday June 17, 2012

Venue: Earl Wilson Stadium ... Las Vegas, Nevada

Match: SCW Bombshell Standard Single's Match

Opponent: Viper

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Things ended rather explosively at Climax Control as Weapon X got the Harkore Warriors disqualified by attacking The Rebellious One.  It's questionable however whether he did it to save his partner or just out of forgetting that it was a Mixed Tag Team match.  Though the Angels got some retribution when Gothika introduced Weapon X's family jewels to her knee.  Viper has requested a match up for Into the Void between herself and Raynin to prove just who the top H.B.I.C. really is, and our resident G.I. Jane gladly accepted.  But will Raynin's mental capacity hold out so she can get a victory?  Or will her darker side take hold of her once again and cause some anarchy?  Let's see what's going on now...


“La víbora… The Viper…  Wow... Sometimes, I just can't help but wonder why some people choose the names that they do.  I don’t know… maybe you thought you sounded all dangerous and stuff cause you were named after a snake or something… But I’ll let you in on a secret.  I did something most people don’t expect of a wrestler.  I researched some things.  Yes I did.  I actually red something.  And here’s what I did.  I did a Wikipedia search on vipers and I came up with some very interesting information…  'During a bite or strike, the mouth can open nearly 180 degrees in angle’…  I wonder… would that mean that you have a big mouth Viper?  Part of me thinks that you do.  You and your big lummox of a partner.  I can’t BELIEVE he had the NERVE to hit me!  HE HIT ME!!  All to save your sorry ass from getting handed to you any worse than it already was!   But at Into the Void, there will be no saving you.   There will be no tag team partner to come in and rescue you from the beating that is coming your way.  I will enjoy taking all of my frustrations out on you Viper!  Every ounce of what has been welling up inside of me for the past month will explode over you in a wash of agony and intensity and it will be… GLORIOUS!!”

“But wait… that’s not all that I found out about the viper.  'A viper has a stocky build with a short tail, and, due to the location of the venom glands, a large triangular-shaped head distinct from the neck’ which personally I find very interesting and telling.  I guess that means that you’ve got a big head Viper.  You’ve let it get filled with your ego and so called ideals that you expect everyone else to think like you and want to be like you.  You’ve filled your head with your own delusions of grandeur and frankly I find it rather sickening at times.  You and your ego driven male counterpart have your heads so far up your own asses that you wouldn’t see the truth if it were staring you in the face… or maybe to term it frankly better… you wouldn’t see the truth if it were a snake and it had bit you.  You want everyone to fit in these little boxes of good or bad… heel or face… that you wouldn’t know what to do or say about someone like me.  I’m not a face honey.  I’m not some good girl, pig tail wearing, school girl outfit sporting, lollipop sucking, bubbly, hyperactive piece of fluff who goes out there simply to entice the men with her goodies and cookies.  Nor am I a heel.  I’m not a rule breakin’, not giving a care, out there just to hurt somebody, nasty attitude waving…  wait… I think I just described Misty right now.  HA!!  Yeah, so I’m not like MIsty.  I’m not an entirely bad person… I believe in justice, right and wrong, I believe in following the rules… well, when those rules themselves aren’t contradictory to what I feel is right and wrong.  I’m not entirely good either though.  I’m not a goodie goodie… I don’t tow the line and follow the rules indiscriminately.  I don’t do the whole 'ostrich with my head in the sand’ routine when it comes to others being treated unfairly though.  I speak my mind, and I could give less than a damn about what others may think about what I say.  I fight for myself, and for those I care about.  I’m no champion of justice like what you and your husband go around spewing that you are… but I am definitely Champion material. I don’t try to force my ideals on others…  So what if I can’t fight the men in this company to try and get my hands on the World Championship.  While I think it would be awesome to get that chance… According to Darknyss, there’s no way in hell that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood are gonna change their minds about that stipulation.  Darknyss could wrestle circles around Nick Jones…  She could whoop Mark’s ass with one hand tied behind her back… I think when she was in GXW she actually DID whoop Mark Ward’s ass with one hand tied behind her back once…  I’d have to pull out the tapes to see if that match was a dark match or not…  Anyways… This is something that’s been in place in every company these men have ran… Do you truly think that just because you protest it that it will make it so?  Hell NO it won’t happen!  You just deal with it!  And you do like the rest of us, and you find your male bashing kicks else where…   But one thing I can tell you is this… After your husband’s little quote, unquote, ‘mishap’ and putting his hands on me… What you HAVE done is put the Fallen on your radar!  You can ask Misty and Kittie about this… When you’re on our list, you have a target the size of the country of Brazil smack dab on your chest,  And we’re like wolves on a bone, hunting you down.  Everything will start at Into the Void… and it won’t end until we’ve made your lives living hells… Or… We decide that you’re alight in our book and you get a pass.  But for now… you’re our prey, and we’ve got your scent."

She chuckles and pulls out her iPhone and starts to scroll through some things she’s got in a note pad.  As she’s looking, the whistling sound starts to get louder and louder and she shakes her head, trying to block out the sound as she starts to talk again.

“Alright… here’s more stuff that I found out…  So, apparently… 'vipers often appear rather sluggish compared to other snakes.’  I hate to say it, compared to me and my friends, you appeared rather sluggish in the ring too Viper.  I don’t know if it was because you had a heavy lunch… Or you weren’t feeling up to par… or you were just feeling lazy that day and expected for Weapon X to do your heavy lifting for you and take out that idiot, Jamie Staggs for you to get the win… Or maybe you just underestimated me.  Maybe you thought that I’d be one of those little cookie cutter Barbie Doll chicks that are gracing the Sin City Wrestling’s Bombshell Division.  I swear… they all look the same, act the same, and are all annoying as hell!  When they talk, all I hear is blah blah blah, sex, blah blah blah, drugs, blah blah blah, alcohol, blah blah blah,  my boyfriend…  wah wah wah… my motorbike…  yackety smackety… you’re ugly… rabble rabble rabble… I’m pretty… whine whine whine… you suck...  I mean come on!!  Use a little bit of creativity here people!!  I’ll give you credit though Viper… you and your husband are truly single minded and focused individuals, but that will end up being your detriment."

As the whistling gets louder, it's coupled with a sibilant hiss and she sticks her fingers in her ears as she continues to speak.

"I also found out that 'The viper snake is very colorful and robust. The viper snake in the rain forest lives in wet places and also in mountains in small caves. Their bright colors in their skin help them survive.  
The viper snake reproduces by the male following the female until the female lets him copulate with her.
'  Does that means that you hide behind your man and your tag team titles.  I wonder if you have the skills necessary to truly step out there when faced one on one... Or will you need Weapon X to save you once more when you see that your abilities just aren't up to par with getting a win.  You hide yourself behind the flash and glitter and glam, but deep down, you're weak, your fearful, and you need to have your man at your side to help you do anything... I can stand on my own two feet.  I can take you down... and I will take you down down down..."

Suddenly she sits forward and yells out...


Everyone in the car jumps and shrieks and Darknyss starts to swerve the truck in a wild serpentine motion as she's been frightened by Raynin's wild outburst.  She turns around in the seat and frowns, looking at Raynin confused.

"What the hell?!!  Have you lost your damned mind girl?!!"

Raynin scratches her head and sighs softly.

"I don't know... I think I may have... but I remembered the song playing in my head..."

She sits back in the seat and starts to whistle along with the song as the sibilant voice laughs evilly in her mind...

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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>>>>>  GOTHIKA RP  <<<<<

Event: Into The Void, Pay Per View...  Sunday June 17, 2012...

Venue: Earl Wilson Stadium ... Las Vegas, Nevada...

Match: SCW Bombshell Free For All...

Opponent:  Vs Veronica Taylor Vs Brooklyn Carter Vs Angelica Vs Kittie Vs Trish Newborn Vs Bianca Solderini Vs Rock Rose Vs Felony Fontana Vs Karina Koji

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The Vampyric Angel certainly made an impact at Climax Control when she connected to a knee to the lower extremities of Weapon X after he executed an unwarranted attack on her partner Raynin in their Mixed Tag Team match.  Now the Angel of Blood has a chance to win whatever is inside of this briefcase as she takes place in the Bomshell Free For All.  She's been jumping through the management's hoops since she stepped foot in the company, and now she's got the feeling that this is another hoop for the Bombshells to jump through.  But it is a chance for her to flex her muscles before she moves onto the King of the Death Match pay per view for the BACW to try to get the shot at the NWA World Hardcore Champion and bring the title to the Sin City Wrestling.  What kind of carnage will she bring to the females of the SCW during this matchup?  Let's find out...

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 ...  Twi-True UnderBloodWorld!!  FTW?!!  ...  

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Time:. June 6, 2012...  10:30 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... Gothika and Darknyss's apartment...



She just couldn't take it any longer... She'd been a good girl, trying not to let on to Raynin's Grandparents about her true nature.  She'd smiled and watched soccer with El Jefe... She'd eaten every plate of sopapillas that was put in front of her by Raynin's Grandmother.  Shed put up with Raynin's crazy antics as she was staying with her and Darknyss while her Grandparents were visiting.  But she'd reached her limit.  She'd gone this whole time without one drop of the red stuff, and it was driving her up the wall.  It had been almost three whole weeks since she'd tasted that small drop that she'd gotten when Darknyss had cut her hand, and all she could think about was getting more... More... MORE!!!...

It completely was invading her senses.  She could smell underneath everyone's skin.  She could hear the thumping of it pumping through their veins.  She could see the veins moving, and track the motion without even a flick of her eyes.  She could taste the adrenaline that was coursing through their veins and she knew that it would only take one tiny nip to send it shooting down her throat .  That slightly metallic taste like pennies being held against her tongue coupled with the rich salty sweetness... For others it would seem like the grossest thing in the world.  But for her... the taste of of the red is an almost orgasmic ecstasy.  It's bittersweet for her though, as she knows others look on her as a freak or a monster.  But when she has her lips wrapped around someone's throat and the red is streaming, thick and live and intensely energized, she doesn't give two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail about what anyone thinks.

Tonight the need, was just too strong...  the desire was just too great for her to withstand.  She just had to find herself just a little bit... just a taste of the red to satisfy the hunger that was building in her belly.  It didn't matter how much regular food she ate, it felt like her gut was always empty.  Even after demolishing what felt like a whole cow's worth of steak, her stomach would rumble and growl as if she'd been starving for a year and a half.  The dark circles were growing around her eyes, and she felt like she simply couldn't retract her fangs.  She'd gotten irritable, snapping at the smallest of slights, and the tiniest of indiscretions.  She'd sat there watching as everyone was sitting around the living room, watching as Raynin tried to teach El Jefe how to play Halo 3 on Darknyss’s X-box, and laughing as he ended up running around in a circle until someone came and just popped him off with a bullet in the back of the head, even while he keeps talking the heaviest of shit like he was a sniper specialist.

"¡Maldita sea!  How do I stop myself from doing this Rayniña?  All I wanna do is find and shoot that pendejo for shooting at me!  I'm comin' for you cabrón!  Don't think I won't find you!!... Well... Eventually..."

Her Grandmother leaned over and smacked him on the butt and pointed at the television.

"You couldn't even run three feet, let alone hit the broad side of a barn in this game!  How in the hell do you expect to do anything but be a good target?"

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head as she’s playing the group mission with him using her lap top.  She whoops happily as she uses her position to take out the player that had shot her Grandfather in the head.

"Don't worry El Jefe... No one escapes my sights.  I got him for ya'."

El Jefe shakes his head and chuckles as they prepare for the next round.

"I know nieta preciosa... But I want to get them for my own.  Venganza es más dulce cuando se repartió por su propia mano.  Vengence is sweetest when dished by your own hand.  You know that."

Raynin nods and sighs soflty.  

"I know Abuelo.  I know."

She finally could take no more of it all and she pops up from the chair where she’s been sitting and growls softly.

“I need some air.  I’m going out.”

Raynin looks over her shoulder at Gothika as she walks to the closet and grabs her black trench coat and her motorcycle helmet and frowns slightly.

“Are you alright?  We can stop playing if it’s bothering you.”

Her Grandfather shakes his head and harrumphs loudly.

“What?  Oh hell no we’re not stopping until I figure out how to run in a straight line!  Gothika will be fine.  She’s a big girl and can take care of herself.”

Raynin looks from her Grandfather to Gothika who sighs heavily as she slips her arms into the leather of the coat.

“Don’t worry about me Raynin.  El Jefe is right.  I’ll be just fine.  I’m just feeling… peckish and need some alone time.

Raynin looks to Darknyss who just shakes her head and lifts a hand to Gothika, tossing her the keys she’d left on the coffee table and waving.

“Don’t stay out too late.  El Jefe and I have worked out some training for your free for all match and it starts bright and early in the morning.”

Gothika nods slowly and opens the door and walks out of the apartment, letting the door close a bit loudly before she locks it and walks towards the elevator slowly as she talks to herself.

“Lady understands what’s going on with me.  We’ve been friends for years now… almost ten to be exact.  She can tell when I’m upset, when something’s bothering me… Or even when I’m just plain hungry.  And now… Right now I’m EXTREMELY hungry!!  Hell, if we were in the free for all right now, I’d probably be sinking my teeth into one of my opponent’s necks right now!”

She looks down at her hands as she strolls towards the elevator and slides to a stop beside it, her black leather trench coat sweeping open a bit to reveal the black leather pants and black lace bustier she’s got on underneath the black button down shirt she’s got open to the last three buttons.  Her black lug bottomed leather boots are tapping slowly in a rather irritated fashion as she waits for the slow elevator.  She sighs heavily and reaches in her pocket, pulling out her leather fingerless gloves and pulling them on slowly.

“So, this match I’ve got is going to be pretty interesting.  I’ve got all different types I’ve got the two stuck up wannabes in the Mean Girls…  Who are truthfully all bark and no bite.  I mean, all they have to say is how ugly the rest of the Bombshells are.  It’s all ‘bitch this, and bitch that’ and truth be told, I can’t wait to stick my foot so far down their throats that they’re belching shoe leather for a week just to shut them up.  It’s gonna be fun tossing them around like a couple of rag dolls during this match.  I’ve got a Darkk Sisters wannabes in Rock Rose and Felony Fontana… And let’s just face it… Those two have nothing on Darknyss and her little sister, DarkChyld.  The only thing Rock Rose has on Darknyss is what, two inches and about forty pounds.  I swear, the only reasons why they got a win over Raynin and myself is because of the interference of the so called Bombshell Champion.  I mean let’s face it…  Being a powerhouse means nothing if you don’t have the speed, skill and control to back it up.  And all Rock Rose is, is just pent up energy in a lumbering shell.  It’s like watching a giant chasing after a bee out there.  She’s only deadly if she can get her hands on you…  But me… I’ve got the power she’s got and then some… and all in a svelte frame with speed to back it up.  I can dance circles around her and still drop  her with a clothesline from hell. Let’s see… who’s next… I’ve got Trish Newborn and Bianca Solderini, who, I hate to say it got the attention of the Angels with words instead of actions.  I hate cookie cutter females, and these two… They’re about as cookie cutter as you can get… well, besides the Mean Girls.  I’ve got a doped up pot head in Brooklyn Carter.  I swear, that woman just knows how to rub me the wrong way.  Always has and always will.  I wonder if she’s still trying to blame us for her long absence.  I hope she at least laid off the smoking while she was off healing or her skills will be just as bad as they were before she got taken out.  Then there’s Karina Koji…  That one is going to be alot of fun.  Because not only will I get the chance to take out Karina, but come June thirtieth, I get my hands on Aleski as well at the King of the Death Match  pay per view.  Let’s just hope she’ll be as much competition as facing her… whatever he is to her.  I must admit… she’s as nutty as a fruit cake… But there’s nothing wrong with that.  We all have a few screws loose sometimes.  And then there’s Kittie… the so called Bad ole puddytat…"

As soon as she says this, the elevator doors open and she steps into them, pushing the button for the garage level.  As the car starts to descend through the floors, Gothika continues talking about her opponents.

“I think the biggest competition that I’m going to have in this match is going to be Kittie.  Basically because she has the most to prove to me.  I know she’s pissed off because of the attack that the Fallen did when Raynin won the Bombshell Championship off of her.  She’s blamed everyone about it but herself.  She wants to say that everyone caused her to lose the match… except for her.  But deep down, she’s afraid.  She’s afraid of just simply not being good enough anymore.  She feels put out about the fact that she’s not getting considered for the Bombshell Championship anymore.  Well honey get used to it.  It’s a fact of life that you have to be in it to win it, and let’s face it… your head hasn’t quite been in the game recently.  What do you think has gotten Raynin knocked down from the top of the mountain?  And not just the conspiracy she thinks is going on in the SCW… It’s cause she’s letting her inner demons get the best of her.  Hell, I personally say, don’t fight those demons… Embrace them.”

She steps off of the elevator and walks out into the attached parking structure, headed off into the darkened areas with a slow confident stride.

“You know, I have to say this and it’s the truth.  One of the reasons why I can be so nonchalant about whether or not I’m chosen to be the head of the Bombshell Division is because truth be told… I’ve been there… I’ve done that… And it’s not my driving force.  Everyone’s so all up in arms about just what might be in the briefcase… They think it’s definitely going to be an e-ticket to the number one contender’s spot for the Bombshell Division… But wouldn’t it be just so fuckin’ funny if it was nothing but a Willy Wonka bar?  Everyone’s clambering all over themselves about wanting to be the Bombshell Champion… Hell, all I want to do is get my hands on some opponents so I can beat the living day lights out of them.  Haven’t you realized that by now?  It’s why I’m so cool and collected.  Kittie, you let your craziness rule you… I simply just enjoy my crazy.”

She takes a deep breath and she stops in front of a large tarp that’s draped over three humps.  She pulls her keys our of her pocket and crouches down and opens a lock on one corner of the tarp, then opens the lock on a large chain.  She flips back the tarp and reveals a row of motorcycles.  The one on the end is a black and silver Kawasaki Katana eleven hundred, ZX.  It’s been shined to perfection and it glitters under the lights in the parking garage.  She smiles softly and reaches out with her gloved hand to stroke the handlebar like the caress of a lover.

“Bonjour mon amour. C'est juste moi. Irons-nous pour un tour? ( Hello my love.  It's just me.  Shall we go for a ride? )”

She slips the chain back underneath the bike and pushes it forward before securing the tarp back in place and slips her helmet onto the handle bar and grins as she swings her leg over the seat of the motorcycle.

“Bet you didn’t know I spoke french huh.  There’s alot you didn’t know about me.  I bet you didn’t know I’m half french Canadian and half black.  I bet you didn’t know that I’m more than just a little bit crazy too.  Only different is, I’ve embraced my crazy.  Bet you didn’t know I have a little sister who reminds me quite a bit of you Kittie.  She’s a littlte spoiled princess too.  The apple of my father’s eye while I was the forgotten half sister whose mother was just a passing flame, even though I’m the oldest.  I was despised and ridiculed by my father… cast aside to be considered number two to my little sister… Who in the end, wound up being number two.  You see… I did to my little sister the exact same thing I did to you at Blaze of Glory, and the exact same thing that I’m going to do to you and all of the other spoiled little princesses in this match…  Every time she felt a little bit froggish… I whooped her ass and knocked her back into her place.  And while back then, I did it and won Championships… In the SCW, I’m doing it just for the hell of it.  If I get a shot at the Bombshell Championship… oh well… bonus.  If not and all I get is a chocolate bar… that’s a score too. I love chocolate.  But either way, it’s just icing on top of the cake.  The true fun for me is just in getting my hands on so many Bombshells at one time and putting the fear of the Angels into them."

She puts her key in the ignition and turns it, gunning the engine as it roars to life.  She picks up her helmet and sits there, holding it for a moment.

“There’s alot about me that most people don’t know… One thing is this… the way I became a vampyre.  Who knows… I might tell the story… It’s one of pain… tragedy… and blood… lots and lots of blood…  I might not.  But this I do know… I’m not some little twilight readin’, true blood watchin’, Edward versus whatever the other guy’s name was kid who’s just out here playin’ at being a monster.  I’m the real fuckin’ deal.  I’m the type who will rip your throat out and fingerpaint with your blood just because I thought it was a pretty color.  In the ring, I’m even worse.  Because it’s not about winning for me.  It’s about inflicting the pain I want to cause upon your body and relishing your screams.  I will become your worst nightmare…  And I will revel in your agony and despair.”

She slips on her helmet and guns the bike again, burning rubber for a moment before taking off into the night as the scene fades out.

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