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Topics - Surf Boys

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Character Building Roleplays / Christmas: Surf Boy Style
« on: December 22, 2011, 05:02:12 PM »
 "Jungle bells, Batman smells..."

The recognizable tones of Narly, one half of The Surf Boys, is heard singing. Inside the Surf Shack we go to see Narly halfway up a ladder, putting up Christmas decorations. Radical pushes the door open.

Radical: Dude!

Narly: Dude! Erm, What?

Radical: Batman don't smell

Narly: Ya ah!

Radical: Nu uh!

Narly: Dude, he wears like this big rubber suit and runs around and jumps and stuff, dude's pits gotta be just wrong!

Radical: No way! You know that dude has some serious casholas! He can buy so much stuff to stop him smelling.

Narly: But the dude goes down in sewers and stuff.

Radical: But he has smelly stuff.

Narly: But dude, when does he have to time to put that smelly stuff on?

Radical: Wow, that's deep!

Narly bops his head as he jumps down from the ladder.

Narly: Sha it is brah!

Radical stops and stratches his head.

Radical: Wait a minute, those ninja turtle dudes live in a sewer, does that mean they smell too?

Narly: Sha! Dude, they like live with a rat and I've never met a good smelling rat. Don't get me started on the grossness of taking pizza in to the sewers!

Radical: Wow! Mind blown, double deep.

Narly bops his head again and smiles.

Narly: Just totally. Now where's the tree?

Radical: Erm, like outside, I need help getting it through the door, those things are heavy.

Narly nods and the pair of them step out of the door. Seconds later the duo are seen forcing a palm tree thrrough the door. Narly at the front squeezes himself through the door, followed by the some of the branches.

Narly: Push!

Radical: Dude, I am not having a baby out here, I'm trying to get the tree through the door.

Radical pushes the tree, sending Narly spinning across the room and over a hammock, crashing down on the other side.

Narly: Ouch, total fail.

Radical pushes the tree across the floor and looks at Narly on the floor.

Radical: Dude, this is no time to be taking a nap!

Narly: Uh uh, Narly sleepy

Radical lifts the tree up and leans it against the wall, as Narly gets to his feet.

Narly: We need snow brah!

Radical: It's not snowing out there though.

Narly rubs his head and smiles.

Narly: I got an idea!

Narly grabs a bucket and runs outside the shack. Radical looks at the tree and grins at it.

Radical: I'm gonna remember this tree, as the tree I fell out of 3 times.

Narly charges back in the door, holding a bucket of sand and poors it around the bottom of the tree. Radical nods in approval.

Radical: Much more festive.

Narly and Radical attempt to high five, but miss completely.

Narly: You got everything set for the feast on Christmas?

Radical nods proudly and leads Narly to a barbeque cooker. He lifts up a box, resting it on top of the cooker and opens it.

Radical: Burgers dude, lots and lots of burgers!

Narly: Radical!

Radical: Yes dude?

Narly: No, I meant... oh, I forgot. Refreshments?

Radical kicks open a cooler, showing many bottles of beer.

Radical: Check.

Radical puts the box of burgers down on the floor.

Narly: Only one more thing that could make this more perfect for Christmas.

Radical: The Swedish volleyball team coach breaking down right outside, with nowhere to go, but here, where they trip and fall in a pool of oil, and get all greasy like?

Both men tilt their head, lost in thought, but quickly snap out of it.

Narly: No, but that would be pretty sweet.

Narly turns around and picks up a rolled up poster, and presses it against the wall. Both Narly and Radical step back and look at it with admiring glances. The camera spins around to show Misty dressed in a Miss Santa suit. Narly and Radical bop their heads smiling.

Radical: Milfalicious! Totally rawks! She nearly signed my ass once.

Narly: Yeah she did!

Radical: Merry Christmas SCW!

Scene fades out

Climax Control Archives / Animal jokes and ramblings
« on: November 24, 2011, 10:19:43 AM »
 The scene starts outside a a two toned green and white Volkswagen camper van, the camera turns around to see The Surf Boys, Narly and Radical walking towards it, both men carrying Surf Boards and wearing wet suits. Radical shakes his head, sending water flying everywhere.

Narly: Dude, you know who you remind me of when you shake your head like that?

Radical: No dude, who?

Narly: Scooby Doo when he totally forgets how to stop and falls in water.

Radical bops his head and smiles

Radical: Sha! That dog totally rawks! Solving crimes and saying yoiks!

Narly runs his hands down the side of the van.

Narly: I can't believe that boss dude lied to us bro, telling me my baby here was gonna get towed last week.

Radical: I can't believe Misty's hands was that close to my ass, how awesome would that have been if the milfaclicious dudette with the very nice cans woulda like slipped on a banana peel or something and totally got a hand full of buttage?

Narly: That woulda been pretty sweet dude, but that pen coulda ended up anywhere.

Radical's face crunches up

Radical: That thing coulda done some serious hole damage bro, so not cool, but duuuuuude so close to a total ass in hand situation. Think we can get her back on there next week?

Narly: After seeing the buttage dude, I don't think she's gonna come near us, like ever again.

Radical: Ah man!

Radical pouts at the thought.

Narly: We should so get Kittie though, I wouldn't mind seeing her up close. What she lacks in upper mountians, she makes up for it total fiestiness.

Radical looks at Narly, scratching his head.

Radical: Do you have a thing for a little bit of kittie?

Narly: Dude, every man likes some kittie from time to time.

Radical shakes his head

Radical: No way man, that Christian Underwood dude likes different animals

Narly: What animals man?

Radical: I think he likes chickens cause he was talking about playing with some co...

Narly: I think I get it.

Radical: High five for a wiener joke?

Narly: Sha!

Narly attempts to high five Radical but misses and hit Radical in the head.

Narly: Sorry dude, gotta learn to aim better.

Radical: That's what Christian Underwood said too when talking about chickens.

Narly: DUDE! That's sick!

Radical: But still high fiveable for making a completely inappropriate sex joke!

Narly tries to high five Radical again, but misses and hits the side of the van.

Radical: Wait, did you just say "Completely innappropriate"?

Narly: I think so dude.

Radical: Bro, those are the longest two words you've ever put next to each other in a sentance!

Narly's mouth opens wide

Narly: You just said them too, so it's the same for you!

Radical opens his mouth wide

Radical: No.... way!

Narly: Way!

The duo jump up and down, waving their arms in the air and smiling at their little victory before stopping and looking at each other.

Narly: Anyway dude, we so need to focus on our opponents

Radical: What opponents?

Narly: For like Climax Control

Radical: Hehehe you said Climax.

Narly: Sha! But we gotta focus

Radical: Why?

Narly: Cause we're facing Blade Alexander.

Radical looks very surprised

Narly: What's wrong bro of bros?

Radical: Blade Alexander? Ain't that the dude in that movie who is half vampire that hunts vampires?

Narly: OH MY GOD! I think you're so right!

Radical: I'm not a vampire so he won't hunt me, but just in case, because he is half vampire, we so need garlic.

Narly nods seriously

Narly: We're also fighting Casey Williams

Radical: Is he the big dude?

Narly: Sha!

Radical bursts out laughing

Narly: Did you sit on a feather?

Radical: No dude! He just reminds me of Shrek!

Narly bursts out laughing this time.

Radical: I love that big giant ogre!

Narly stops laughing and looks at Radical

Radical: Dude, we need to go find him a donkey as a present!

Narly: Yeah we do!

The two nod and smile as the screen fades out

Climax Control Archives / TAXI!
« on: October 12, 2011, 11:48:38 AM »
 Inside a wooden looking hut, the camera focuses on a surf board, with a huge shark bite taken out of it. The camera spins around to see a man laying in a hammock inside the wooden hut. Another man bursts through the door of the hut.

Narly: Radical DUDE! Wake up!

Narly charges to where Radical is laying but trips over his own feet and falls over the hammock and over Radical, landing on the floor.

Narly: I'm ok! No damage.

Narly jumps to his his feet and shakes Radical, forcing him off the hammock and to the floor!

Radical: Dude! I was totally dreaming then!

Radical sits on the floor, rubbing his head

Radical: So not cool dude to wake me up.

Narly pulls Radical to his feet.

Narly: But dude, you gotta see this.

Radical looks at Narly with a quizical look on his face.

Radical: What dude of dudes?

Narly: Erm...

Narly starts patting down his own body, looking for something, but looking confused.

Narly: They were here a minute ago.

Narly looks around the floor, seeing some papers, his eyes light up as he scrambles on the floor, picking up the papers.

Narly: It's those contracts from that Christian... erm, Christian...

Radical: Underwood?

Narly looks down at his body.

Narly: Nah dude, it's just the way the wetsuit clings.

Radical bops his head smiling

Radical: Wang joke! Awesome.

The two try to high five but miss each other completely.

Narly: We so need to work on those high fives

Radical: Yeah we do!

The duo attempt to high five again, but Radical misses completely, and face palms Narly's forehead.

Narly: Dude! High fiving my head! Not awesome.

Radical: It's Radical!

Narly looks slightly confused

Narly: No dude, you're radical

Radical bops his head smiling widely

Radical: Yeah I am! I'm totally narly!

Narly looks confused at his tag team partners statement.

Narly: I thought I was Narly?

Radical: Sha! You so are dude!

Narly grins widely at Radical's comment.

Narly: I so am! So anyways, I got the contracts and all the fed info dude. I remember these guys. Hot Stuff Mark Ward and Christian run the place and they got that Jason Adams dude commentating.

Radical's eyes light up

Radical: Jason Adams? That dude was ultra smart!

Narly: Total genius! I like that guy!

Radical: Who else?

Narly: Matt Ward

Radical: I remember that dude, lots of scary muscles!

Narly: Synn

Radical: Just scary!

Narly: Misty

Radical: Haaaaaaaaaaawt!

Narly and Radical tilt their heads, as if to drift off in to a fantasy world. Both let out a simultanous sigh and shake their heads, looking back at each other.

Narly: Yeeeeeeeah!

Radical: So have they said who we're facing? Cause dude, we're in Hawaii, and I wanna know who we're facing in.... ugh... where's the show?

Narly: Vegas baby!

Radical: Awesome.... where?

Narly stares blankly at Radical

Narly: I don't know, we might need a map for this one.

Radical: Who are we facing? I like to know these thing.

Narly: You'll never remember dude, even if we wrote it down and superglued in to your lower twins, you'd never remember.

Radical: So true!

Narly: We're facing some dudes called Team Viagra.

Radical scratches his head as he stares are Narly.

Radical: As in the blue pill?

Narly nods with a grin.

Radical: Dude!

Narly: What?

Radical: GREATEST.... NAME.... EVER!

Narly grins wide

Narly: Yeah it is!!!

Radical and Narly attempt anothe high five but Narly facepalms Radical!

Radical: Ouch!

Narly: Sorry dude.

Radical: It's all good practice for when a fly lands on me and you have to get it.

Narly: Yeah it is!

Radical: So Team Viagra. Dude, it's gonna be so awesome to get in the ring again. It's felt like forever since we got to stand in front of a crowd and did some totally awesome moves.

Narly: Sha! We are gonna dazzle them with our awesomeness and super moves.

Radical: I so feel like Superman

Radical puts his arm out in front of him and balls his fists and puts them on his hips in a superman pose.

Narly: If you're Superman, who am I?

Radical: Ugh... Supergirl?

Narly's face changes to serious

Narly: Not cool dude.

Radical: Don't get your panties in a bunch.

Narly lowers his eyebrows

Narly: Still not cool!

Radical: Sha! It so is!

Narly pouts at Radical.

Narly: Head in the match!

Radical: But dude, I wanna watch Superman!

Narly: Ok, but then we gotta get going to Vegas, and beat Team Viagra

Radical smiles widely

Radical: Awesome! Hey dude

Narly: Yeah dude?

Radical: Think we can get a taxi to Vegas?

Narly rolls his eyes.

Narly: We're in Hawaii bro...

Radical raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer

Narly: We can get anything in Hawaii!

Radical and Narly both smile as the scene fades out

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