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Show Cards / Underground Ep. 83: Inception IV Pre-Show
« on: January 17, 2021, 06:50:47 PM »
SCU Ep 83 Inception IV Pre-show Card

This episode of Underground comes to you comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups,at the Golden Ring Casino in Las Vegas, NV on Sunday January 31st, 2021, airing at 3pm EST on Sin City Network and WGN.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves.) Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account. Segment deadline is the same as the SCW promo deadline on Friday, January, 29th, 2021.


SCU vs GRIME Champion Bragging Rights
SCU Pride Tag Team Champions Mrs. Right and Mickey Carroll and Combat Champion Merlot Ayano VS Hardcore Tag Team Champions Jack Jeckel, and Helena Jeckel and Unsencored TV Champion Cyan

A great match opener as SCU and GRIME give the fans a match up that is different, yet interesting. Six champions, three from each brand will work together to score a victory for their respected brand. The Jeckels will use the free bird as Jack is back home in Transylvania. Expect to see great match ups in this one giving the fans a great match to watch to begin tonight’s show.


GRIME Rules - Future Star of the Year 2020 Award Plaque
Andrey Azarov vs Skag

Two very promising stars on the GRIME roster, one winning the title of Future Star of the Year 2020 in Andrey Azarov. But the votes were fairly close for Skag as well. After Skag won the briefcase, giving him a chance at the GRIME World Nightmare Championship, he certainly proved his case as to why he should hold the Future Star title that he's challenging for. But Andrey is a dark horse. With few solo bookings since his unmasking last February, his skills have not completely been seen. Which former friend will take the honors?


Match Stip TBD
Masked Member Rainbow vs Esther

It's no secret that these two hate each other. We've seen some brutal attacks over the last few months. When forced to team together last night with the stipulation that this match would not take place if they put their hands on one another, they barely kept that from happening. A few "accidents" came out of it, and a near brawl after they won their match thanks to the help of Ruby. Somehow, they managed to get here, and now they are rewarded with the match of GM Gianni Di Luca's choosing… which he is keeping close to his vest until the night of the show.


No Disqualification Match
Angel Kash and Valentina vs Stacy Ruin and Melissa Ruin

The Ruin Sisters land out a challenge, after Angel Kash spent 20 minutes laughing at the idea that a RUIN can beat her and Valentina, the two ladies signed the contract to make this match happen. Will Angel prove to be correct or will the Ruin sisters get one up on Angel and Valentina.


Steel Cage Match
Team Canada vs The Good Shepherds

It’s always fun seeing Team Canada vs The Good Shepherds. This time we have a new match up for Stewart Mason and Earl Lockyer as they will take on Andrew Borg and Tim Staggs. A Steel Cage to keep everyone else out and to add to the match since it is Inception. SCU wants to give the fans something unexpected to enjoy. A Steel Cage between these four is just that.


Pre-Show Main Event - Uncensored TV Championship
? vs Cordelia Clark

Cordelia knows that she will get the honor to main event the pre-show, a night in which TV titles are never defended. Who will she fight? She wont find out the start of the show.

Inception IV Main Card


Interbrand Tag Team Match
Angel Of Filth and Helena Jeckel vs Team U.G.G.O.

Helena Jeckel does double duty as she returns to the ring for her second match of the night. Helena and Angel of Filth got called out by Halo and Kelli. GRIME doesn't take kindly to being called out. Kelli and Halo had a lot to say before last week's show went off the air. Now Filth and Helena look to beat them down for their troubles. Or try, as remember, this will be Helena’s second match, except for Kelli and Halo to use that to their advantage.


Underground Championship
Dahlia Rotten vs Alexis Staggs

Dahlia gets her rematch. She had a great title reign that ended without her getting the pinfall. Alexis, the new champion won the match fair and square but would love to be able to pin Dahlia to show her title reign isn’t one that will be tainted. Dahlia now looks forward to starting a second reign. Like Alexis Staggs, a one one one is how she wants the match to happen.


GRIME Rules Match - Nightmare Championship
Veronica Taylor vs Omasa Tazu

Veronica, the one that was pinned by Alexis to be the Underground Champion, finds herself fighting someone from GRIME Wrestling for the first time ever. Veronica is all about being the champion but Veronica has her eyes on the Underground title. Before she can focus on Alexis or Dahlia, she needs to focus on Omasa Tazu. Omasa has shown no mercy since joining GRIME Wrestling. Veronica may or may not want to be the GRIME Nightmare Champion but she will want to focus on her opponent because Omasa doesn’t plan on taking it easy on her.


All or Nothing Match - Nightmare Championship
Hitamashii Vs Max Burke

Hitamashii and Max Burke will meet once again. This time it’s all or nothing, Hitamashii has to beat Max Burke for the Nightmare title or Hitamashii will no longer be able to compete for the title in the future. Since winning the championship, Max Burke has been on a roll, including every time he’s faced Hitamashii. Hitamashii will need to go all out as Max Burke looks at this as just another Sunday by this point.


Last Man Standing Match - Title vs Title Match Part Two
Eyesnsane vs Father Gerald Shepherd

A draw at Night Of Champions, SCU GM Lexa had no choice but to rebook this match. Gerald is not all too pleased to be in another Last Man Standing but has no choice but to prepare as Eyesnsane and Gerald took each other to the limit and doesn’t want to go through that again. Eyesnsane on the other hand, well he had more fun that night then any other night in a few years. Going the limit doesn't happen often. Eyesnsane will take that with him to workout a better plan this time around. Expect Gerald to do the same. Given what took place two weeks ago. This one is too hard to call on who has the advantage.

Show Cards / Underground Ep. 82: All Business (Card)
« on: January 12, 2021, 05:20:31 PM »

SCU Presents… Underground Ep. 82: All Business

This episode of Underground comes to you comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups,at the Golden Ring Casino… AND the Saxon Hotel, both in Las Vegas, NV on Saturday January 16th, 2021, airing at 11:59pm PST on Sin City Network and WGN.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves.) Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account. Segment deadline is the same as the SCW promo deadline on Friday, January, 8th, 2021.

Following Night of Champions last week, inspired by the tactical cash in of the briefcase by one Alexus Staggs, the General Managers of both SCU and GRIME, Lexa Pellegrini and Gianni Di Luca, have decided to give their top titles the same opportunity. WGN Head of Standards and Practices, Tad Ezra, has come to an agreement going forward that the show following Night of Champions will be a night to crown new briefcase holders.

The catch? All contracts must be cashed in by the next Night of Champions. So tonight, four briefcase matches will be held. But, who wants to see four Ladder Matches? How about one Ladder Match, a Battle Royal, a Cold Blood Match, and a Saxon Skirmish Match? What are the last two? Ask Gianni, because we have no idea!

Expect announcements regarding contenders and matches for Inception IV, and so much more.

Saxon Skirmish Match
Briefcase Match
Queen of Apathy vs Masked Member Orchid  vs Masked Member Celeste vs Masked Member Jade vs Masked Member Cadet Blue vs Ruby

Battle Royal
Briefcase Match
Cordelia Clark vs Ariana Angelos vs Valentina vs Melissa Ruin vs Angel Kash vs Halo Annis

Ladder Match
Briefcase Match
Helluva Bottom Carter vs Jamie Staggs vs Stewart Mason vs Andrew Borg vs Kaos vs Alex Rush vs Coby Quik vs Holly Wood

Cold Blood Elimination Match
Briefcase Match
Javier Gonzalez vs Skag vs Cyan vs Andrey Azarov vs Rory vs Jerry Cann

Results / SCU Underground Ep 81 (Results)
« on: January 10, 2021, 08:16:51 PM »
SCU/GRIME Presents... Underground Ep. 81: Night of Champions

We go to a section set up outside of the Mandalay Bay, with a few chairs, and a few people standing together, wearing masks.  There is a small pulpit set up in the corner with white curtains hanging up behind it.  Standing at the edge of the pulpit is Virginia Mae Putnam on one side.  On the other, Mother Mavis is standing with a microphone in her hand.  She has a sweet, yet very vacant smile on her face as she looks at the crowd gathering.

Mavis:  Thank you all for showing up tonight. I know we are under extreme circumstances, as we have been for about a year now. It means so much that you were able to come, and that SCU has allowed for our spiritual family from Tulsa to stay at the Saxon Hotel. If only we could be inside of the building, but we must do all that we can to stomp out the devil’s plague!

Crowd:  Amen!

Virginia:  Preach, Mother Mavis!  Tell ‘em a little truth!

Mavis looks to Ginny with approval.  She turns back to the crowd and moves to the center of the stage.

Mavis:  Tonight is a very special night for The Church of the Good Shepherds.  Our patriarch will bring our levels of world recognition to all new heights! Our message will reach so many new ears, and all of the doubters will have no room left for doubt that God is good. No. God is great! As it is not a woman’s place to introduce such greatness, please allow me to welcome to this stage… Andrew Borg!

A makeshift sound system outside plays Andrew Borg’s music as he jogs out from behind the curtain set up.  He jogs back and forth, handing out a couple copies of his book Yes You Can! to church members.  They appreciate it greatly as they hold them up and scream.  He points to another in the corner and winks before running up to the podium.  He takes the microphone and lets the crowd settle some before speaking.

Andrew:  Thank you, thank you!  It’s great to see you all here tonight.  I hope that once this sermon is over, you will gather back at the chapel for refreshments, and to watch Father Gerald beat the ever loving crap out of that cheater, Eyesnsane.

The crowd inside boos, but the crowd outside explodes.

Andrew:  Yes he can!  But more importantly, yes he WILL! God gives him the knowledge to get past all obstacles. He gives him the strength to make his dreams a reality.  He gives him the intuition to become the SCU Combat Champion.  Tonight!  God gives us all the tools we need to get what we want out of life, and that will be irrefutable tonight!  So without further delay, please welcome to the stage… Father Gerald Shepherd!!!


Upon the introduction, Gerald comes out from behind the curtains.  He jogs up the side of the pulpit/stage, waving to the crowd.  His SCU Underground Championship is proudly displayed around his waist, underneath his opened suit jacket.  He gives a nod to Andrew Borg, and then he takes the microphone from him.  He sets down The Good Book on the podium.

Gerald:  How y’all doing tonight?  I bid you a warm welcome to the City of Sin, where we have so much work to do.  Good works, of course. And as many of you know, Brother David has opened up a Las Vegas chapter of the church, and it is my pleasure to say that he is doing a bang up job. Least he can still find a way to make his papa proud, right?

The crowd claps, and Gerald winks at the camera and nods.  We can see off in the corner, Brother David is standing by, fresh off his defeat by former SCW World Heavyweight Champion Jack Washington. He looks none too pleased, but it’s hard to tell what is bothering him more. Gerald looks back to the rest of the crowd.

Gerald:  As a focus on tonight, let me skip the macho man rhetoric. Let me not plump up my ego, because that’s for the punks of Over the Edge to do, and I’m sure we will see plenty of it before I meet up with Eyesnsane tonight. It don’t take a divine miracle to see that coming from a mile away.

Gerald pauses once more for an ovation, mixed with boos for the mentioning of Eyesnsane and OTE, but almost drowned out by the cheers from the inside crowd at the same mentioning.

Gerald:  You reap what you sow, and tonight, the arrogance of Eyesnsane will come to an halt.  His claims that his title is better than mine when it only sees defense once every two months will sound even sillier when the SCU Underground Champion takes his Combat Championship off of him.  And even sillier when I cast it to the side as if my name were Javier Gonzalez. Then, all will be put in their place, and…

Eyesnsane: Well, now that the crowd is warmed up…

Is heard through the speakers just before Over The Edge steps out from behind the curtain.  Eyesnsane out slightly in front shirtless and holding a microphone with the SCU Combat title around his waist and black pants and shoes.  The members of Over The Edge all line up side by side on the stage.

Eyesnsane: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, binaries and non binaries. Jack Daniel’s drinkers and people who just don’t know any better.  Welcome to Night of Champions, starring Over The Edge and an assortment of SCU members and a group of folks with a mask fetish.

Tonight you all are in for a treat.  You will get to see our very own Michi take on Merlot as she becomes the new Combat champion in a Lei Tai match!

Pop from the crowd inside, booing from those outside…

Eyesnsane: Also, you all will get to see the first ballot hall of fame inductee known as Mickey, team up with the strongest woman in all of SCU, Mrs. Right!  As they become the NEW… Pride Tag Team champions, when they defeat Alex and Ariana.

Pop from the crowd….

Eyesnsane: But wait, there’s more.  There will be a last man standing match, between that guy over there holding the SCU Underground title and me.  The SCU Combat champion.

Pop from the crowd inside, and boos from the crowd outside…

Eyesnsane: Now, if I can be serious for a minute.

Eyesnsane looks into the nearest camera and winks.

Eyesnsane: First and foremost I have the utmost respect for the soon to be mine, SCU Underground title.  What I have maintained is that I am better than Gerald in every way.  I’m a better champion, I’m a better fighter and from what the ladies in the back say, I’m a better man.  After tonight, when I beat you like you stole something for the world to see and win that title it will finally get the recognition it deserves.

Eyesnsane puts the microphone in front of Dax for a moment…

Dax: Burn!

Eyesnsane: Second, I get in that ring and I fight about it.  Everybody with two eyes sees the Combat champions put ourselves through the kind of fights most people like you don’t have the stomach for.  Last man standing and you are out here with a book.  Let me show you something…

Eyesnsane hands the microphone to Dax, then reaches behind his back.  He then pulls out his nung chucks and proceeds to put on a lightening fast display with the weapons, finishing with a pose having the nung chuck stop under his right arm. 

Dax: Second burn.

Gerald simply laughs. He turns his attention from Eyesnsane, but to his gathered crowd outside of the building. He gestures toward Eyesnsane, but does not look at him.

Gerald:  Unprofessional as always, this one. What SOME people don’t seem to understand is that being a champion is much more than being a hot head with a black belt.  It’s about more than winning matches, though that certainly comes with the territory as I will prove later tonight.

Gerald still refuses to acknowledge Over the Edge at all, even though Mavis, Virginia, and Andrew are all ready for a fight to break out any minute.

Gerald:  Being a champion is about carrying yourself with decorum. Defending your brand against the heathens, jezebels, and abominations that threaten your brand. It is about standing up for a purpose, and not some underdog quest for glory.  You don’t seek glory.  You come into it, just as I, your Saved City Underground Champion…

Gerald gives a singular nod to David in the crowd, easing his irritation some, before looking back to the crowd.

Gerald:  This is a prime example of why I will walk out tonight as a dual champion, because of anyone on the roster, let alone the man I face tonight for the SCU Combat Championship, I deserve it most.

Dax:  Tell ‘em, daddy!

The inside crowd laughs, but the crowd outside is appalled by this.  Eyesnsane laughs as Dax seems to be cheering on Gerald in a way that is more mocking than supportive.

Gerald:  My point is that it doesn’t matter what a bunch of ragtag misfits dream of when they go to sleep.  What does matter is the hard work, faith, and discipline The Good Shepherds put out to obtain the greatness others are simply jealous of.

Eyesnsane is about to speak when Gerald stares him directly in the eyes.

Gerald:  That’s it, that’s all…

And with that, Gerald picks up the Good Book and waves to the crowd before him. They cheer him on, while those inside boo.  Gerald exits to through the curtains, giving not a single glance to Eyesnsane as he passes him. The rest of the Good Shepherds follow after, making sure Over the Edge doesn’t try anything funny.

Somewhere in the bowels of the Mandalay Bay Events Center, the camera finds the Jeckels.

Raisa: Monsitmals, you have become quite the nuisance to us, but you also have something we desire. First though let me explain to you how Jack, Jake, and Helena deal with a nuisance. Well it isn’t pretty, it is violent very violent. Jack and Jake are done with this dance, tonight they rid GRIME and SCU of your nuisance.

Jake: Samuel, Raab, the time has come to deal with you permanently, they have given us the instruction and tools for your destruction, tonight you will meet your final end at our hands.

Jack: It is written so it shall be done.

Helena: Tazu, you have made the grave error of going against our leader Miss Filth, for that I must follow her instructions to hurt you, hurt you badly. Tazu, my title is your motivation, but it is also mine Tazu. We will encounter each other later, and I will carry out Miss Filth’s instructions, you will learn to never disobey our leader.

Helena rocks back and forth

Helena: Tazu, tonight you die.

The scene cuts backstage to SCU Underground TV Champion Cordelia Clark as she leans against the wall with the championship over her shoulder. She still seems a little bit annoyed by recent events, but the way everything unfolded is certainly giving her more to think about. She’s not in the same snarky mood that she usually is, as she’s about to express when she gives her thoughts.

Cordelia: In no way am I surprised by the fact that I defended my championship again. I wanted to make that clear right out of the gate. If it were up to me, it would’ve just ended there, but it didn’t. GRIME doesn’t know how to lose, do they? Am I surprised? Of course not. I don’t give any bit of a crap about the GRIME/SCU never ending conflict but one thing that I know about GRIME is that they’re incredibly underhanded and will do whatever it takes to prove their superiority over SCU no matter what. I don’t know why in the world they decided to come after ME though… have I not made it clear on more than one occasion that I didn’t care about this conflict? Have I not made it clear enough that I’m not part of this conflict? Maybe I did… but I don’t think they gave a damn about that. They’re just mad because I happened to prove my superiority at the expense of one of their own. That’s really all it is and I’m not going to apologize for that. I was merely doing what I had to do. But see… that wasn’t the only surprising part about those events…

Cordelia takes a pause and remembers the moment where the SCU contingent came out and cleared the ring. She looks a bit conflicted when she thinks about this development, more than one would think, but this isn’t throwing off her composure as she addresses that.

Cordelia: Those miscreants and those second rate, middle class morons from SCU came out and helped me. I’m not sure how I feel about that. On one hand? ANNOYING! On the other? It’s not the worst thing in the world considering I would’ve been in really bad shape otherwise. But still… let me reiterate… AGAIN.

I am NOT part of this conflict! I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s all that nonsense was. I didn’t ask for the calvary to come out and save me. Sure, they were doing the right thing in the big picture for themselves and that’s all fine and good and everything, but leave me out of it! Seriously! I’ll take on all comers: SCU or GRIME, and I made that as clear as day when I retained against one of their people and I’ll further emphasize the point when I retain tonight against “Masked Member Jade”, whoever she is. To me, whether you’re in SCU or whether you’re GRIME, you’re a target to me. Period! I don’t care about your affiliation! I don’t care about your little conflict. I’ll deal with GRIME if I have to… but I want to make it clear that when I deal with GRIME and any of the nonsense that they throw at me… I am doing it for ME and for ME ALONE! I’m not doing this for SCU! I’m doing it for ME! I HOPE you people get that. I HOPE you don’t need me to put it on a chalkboard and draw pictures for you people to get it.

If this match with “Jade” ends up being a fair fight with none of that interference nonsense, then I know for sure that I’m going to outwrestle her in every way and retain my title. I may be in only my second year in the business, but that doesn’t make me stupid. I know most likely, because of GRIME’s nonsense, it won’t be. But one thing’s for sure and that’s the fact that no matter how badly GRIME wants it and no matter how much BS they pull to try to take this from me, they won’t. You get ANY of their members one on one and they’re exposed! I’ll prove exactly what I mean when I retain this title again against “Jade”.

Cordelia gives off her signature, conceited scoff as she departs from the scene making it clear that the events of her previous match aren’t affecting her very much… if at all.

Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Falls Count Anywhere
The Jeckels Vs Monsitmals(c)

Liam:  The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere match for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!!! First! Coming to the ring from Transylvania, Romania,they are... The Jeckels!!!

Smoke and fire cover the stage Raisa emerges from the flames and smokes followed the Jeckels, she leads them to the ring, they walk slowly, Helena slides under the ropes, Jake steps through the ropes and sits in the corner, Jack leans through the ropes, placing his hands on Jack's shoulders, Helena sits by the ropes and rocks back and forth.

Liam:  Aaaaand their opponents, they are from right here in Las Vegas.  They are your Hardcore Tag Team Champions, Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab… The Monstimals!!!

“Monster and Animal I Have Become” (mash up) by Skillet and Three Days Grace play over the sound system as Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab come through the curtain with Henry Losak behind them as they walk side by side together to the ring, ignoring the fans as they step over the top rope together while Henry goes through the middle rope. Raab and Samuel do a holdup in the ring with the fans booing on them as Henry steps out of the ring with Raab and Samuel stand in the ring waiting for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding! 

Ada: Jake and Jack get a head start as they run right at the champions. Raab and Sam turn around, Raab gets Clotheslined over the top ropes by Jake as Sam blocks Jack’s Clothesline. Sam pushes Jack away, Jake kicks Sam in the ribs. Sam turns to focus on Jake but gets Speared to the mat by Jack!

Rob: Jake and Jack start to kick Sam while he is down. Raab gets to his feet and grabs Jake's leg. Raab drags him under the ropes to the outside. Raab sends Jake to the barricade. Jack slides out the ring and grabs Raab from behind. Raab hits Jack with a back elbow.

Ada: Jack lets go, Raab turns around as Jake gets to his feet and grabs him from behind. Jack hits Raab with a hard chop to the chest! Sam rolls out the ring to the outside and hits a headbutt to the back of Jack's head.

Rob: Raab jumps backwards forcing Jake to hit the barricade again. Jake lets go of Raab, Jack goes to grab Sam but eats a Big Boot from Raab. Jack goes down as Sam grabs Jake and gets him up for a Chokeslam…

Ada: Jake kicks Sam in the gut to counter. Sam lets go of Jake but Jake eats a leaping Clothesline as he and Lord Raab go flying over the barricade onto the 2nd row! The fans move out the way as Jake and Lord Raab roll around trying to get the advantage on the other…

Rob: Jack and Sam tie up at ringside. Sam overpowers Jack as she pushes Jack away almost causing him to hit the ring post. Sam runs over... Jack moves out the way causing Sam to run into the ring post... But Sam gets his hands up to prevent getting hurt. Jack nails Sam in the side with a dropkick causing Sam to hit the ring post anyway!

Ada: Raab and Jake are back on their feet, Jake goes to the barricade and jumps over to head towards Father Jack. Sam shakes it off and looks to lock up with Jack. Jake comes in and lands a body blow to the ribs of Sam forcing him to let go of Jack. Jake grabs on to Sam, he and Jack get Sam off his feet and drop him with a double team Suplex!

Rob: Raab jumps over the barricade and grabs Jake from behind for an Inverted DDT but Jack saves Jake as Jack nails Raab with a hard chop to the chest followed by an uppercut to the jaw!

Ada: Sam gets to his feet. Jack tries to grab him but Sam grabs him first and sends him towards the rampway. Sam follows, Jack turns around to get tackled by Sam on the rampway.

Rob: Jake runs over to help Jack, Lord Raab grabs a chair and folds it up as he now heads towards the rampway. Jake pulls Sam off of Jack, Sam gets to his feet and tries to Clothesline Jake. Jake ducks underneath it, Raab runs up with the chair. Jack and Jake run up the rampway to get away as Raab gives chase.

Ada: They get to the top of the rampway. Lord Raab swings the chair and misses. Jack grabs Raab as does Jake... They go to lift him for a Suplex but Sam grabs Raab's legs and pushes them back to the floor.

Rob: Sam grabs Jake as Jack kicks Raab in the gut then drops him with a DDT to the chair! Sam throws Jake off the rampway falling 5 feet to the floor!

Ada: Wait, Helena comes out from behind the curtain with a cameraman following her. Helena starts yelling at Sam... Sam grabs her throat and lift her up for a Chokeslam... Wait Sam turns around... Don't do that, Not that!

Rob: Sam choke slams Helena to the floor, she hits the hard floor 5 feet down! Jack goes after Sam but Raab grabs his foot... Sam gets nailed in the head with the camera from Jack! He’s hijacked the camera!

Ada: Jack throws the camera at Sam. Sam catches it and gets nailed with a superkick by Jack. Sam falls off the rampway and hits the floor 5 feet down!

Rob: Lord Raab gets to his feet and goes after Jack. Jack jumps up and extends his feet to hit Lord Raab with a jumping front kick.  He picks Raab up and sets him up for No Laughing Matter (Tombstone Piledriver) over the chair!  He hooks the leg!!!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners and NEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Jake and Jack… The Jeckels!!!

The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as Jack stands tall, looking out across all of the carnage.  He takes the tag belts from Jade Pham and puts them over his shoulders.  He then goes to check on Helena and Jake, though Jake broke Helena’s fall mostly.  They help Jake up, and Jack hands him the belt. They make their way to the back.

Mrs. Right is seated in a black folding chair, curling weights and looking at her tablet on a nearby table, as Mickey walks into the room.

Mrs Right:  Hey Mickey…

Mickey: Oi, alright?

Mrs Right:  I’ve been following all this stuff with the government.  It’s just crazy to me.  I mean you would expect to see something like that in some other country.  I mean how lucky was it that it was just rioters and not like real organized terrorists.  All those politicians from the vice president on down were barely protected.

Mickey:  Being a new US citizen, I gotta say, that shite was scary to watch. I’m used to seeing the royal guards keep that stuff outta parliament. To see the MAGA’s storm the capitol building was blarmy and it’s good to see those muppets getting charged.  But it makes ya see some parallels between ‘em and what we’re going through with GRIME. All we can do is brace ourselves, love.

Mrs Right:  One thing is for sure, just like the country moving forward we have one hell of a challenge ahead of us.  Alex and Ariana will not just lay down for us.  But I can promise you I am more than ready for the challenge and to become the new Pride tag team champions.  We’ve put in the work and the dedication that it takes to get here and beyond.  This is going to be a big night for Over the Edge, I can feel it, there’s just that vibe.

Mickey:  Sure it’s not the ratatouille from Ariana that you was so nice as to take a bite?

Mrs. Right chuckles and looks over to the trashcan near the door.

Mrs Right:   Between you and me, I spit it out after she left. She should stick to wrestling.

Mickey:  Must say, after we take those titles from ‘er an me ole London Bruv Alex, she might wanna take time to go to culinary school.  But, I do agree. There’s this feeling in the air tonight that just says “It’s all going next level.”  And I simply can’t ignore that. It’s like an electrical storm, buzzing around Night of Champions, and we got the chance to prove that we’re the best.

Mrs Right:  We say we are the best all the time, but tonight and against these two.  We are going to prove it.  We are more than they can handle.  It’s a new year and time for some new champions in Over the Edge.  I want my first SCU title, for you, Over the Edge, and all of our fans who believe in us.  I know we got this, I just know it.

Mickey nods.

Mickey:  Couldn’t agree more.  I’ve ‘ad more time ‘ere to earn me a belt than you ‘ave.  But it remains the same.  I ‘aven’t.  Back in Honor, you and me was champions more often than not. Hardcore Tag Champs, with different partners.  Tonight, we get to prove that we’re championship caliber still.  And, that we can wrestle when there’s rules in place.  Chin up, so far up, yer lookin’ at the stars as if it was a mirror.  We got this.

Mrs. Right nods her head, and Mickey gives her a pat on the back.  Determination is written on his face, and hers, as the camera goes elsewhere.

A video plays…

The scene opens and we see Masked GRIME Member Jade wearing green and black form fitting camouflage and black boots.

Jade: Night of Champions.  As most of you know, I will be taking on Cordelia Clark the TV champion.  Some may say she is a good champion, some not so good.  The fact of the matter is this, I am going to win.  I’m not just going to win, I’m going to win big, ok.  She knows it, SCU knows it, GRIME and all of you know it.  There’s only one way I don’t win this match and that’s if SCU finds a way to rig this fight.

Now I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen.  I’m just telling all of you now, I am the world class talent that GRIME hand picked to deliver titles to them.  I was chosen by them to lead and I have out fought other talented and not so talented people to get to this point.  Do you know what?  I made it here to this point, to this title match, because I am the best of the best.  Now I can tell you this is going to be the best TV championship match any of you have seen all year.  History will be made when I win right here tonight in front of the entire world.  2021 is going to be a big year for GRIME and I will lead us into this new era as the new TV champion.  GRIME is going to win so much and so often, you all are going to get tired of seeing us win.  I would wish Cordelia luck, because she would certainly need it but even with luck that will not help her and there's no way she can beat me without help.  So after I win we will all be able to celebrate me bringing the title home to GRIME.

Fades to black…..

TV Championship
Masked Member Jade Vs Cordelia Clark(c)

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Uncensored Television Championship!!! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, representing the masked members of GRIME, she is… Jade!!!

“American Landfill” by 3TEETH plays over the speakers as masked member Jade comes from behind the curtain.  She seems to liven up as she comes down the rampway.  She climbs onto the apron and steps inside of the ring, pumping up to get ready for the match to start.

The radio version of "Sucker" by Charli XCX hits the PA system and Cordelia Clark steps through the curtains, instantly drawing some boos from the crowd.

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, from Princeton, NJ standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 125lb, she is your Uncensored Television Champion… Cordelia Clllllllllllark!!!

She starts to walk down the ramp, obviously confident in her self-proclaimed, prodigious abilities. She has a smirk on her face as she gets to the ring, obviously enjoying whatever reaction she's getting from the fans. When she enters the ring, she finally acknowledges the "haters" with a 'hush' signal, which only serves to incite them to boo her louder. Cordelia has a laugh to herself at this, as she starts to focus on her match and the song fades.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Cordelia and masked member Jade keep a bit of a distance as they size one another up.  They move around, not taking their eyes off of one another.  Masked member Jade makes the first attempt at a strike as she grabs onto Cordelia.

Chad:  She must underestimate Clark’s strength based on her size.  She tries to power struggle with Cordelia, but masked member Jade finds herself slipping back a few paces.

Gena:  Cordelia lifts masked member Jade up, but masked member Jade grounds her weight and uses her own strength to come back to the mat.

Chad:  Masked member Jade tries to reverse the Vertical Suplex, but Cordelia plays the same game and grounds her weight.  Cordelia then jabs masked member Jade in the stomach and then brings her up into a Vertical Suplex, but then drops her into a Powerbomb!

Gena:  The ring shakes off of that one.  Cordelia gathers masked member Jade’s legs and holds on for a pin attempt!


Chad:  Masked member Jade rolls back, and as Cordelia gets up to her feet, masked member Jade Spears her back to the ground.  She hits several punches on Cordelia until Cordelia locks on a Body Scissors.

Gena:  Cordelia rolls masked member Jade over onto her back and begins throwing jabs for good measure.  She squeezes her legs together as Jade reaches over to the ropes, finally catching hold of them.

Chad:  Cordelia lets go and takes a few steps back to size her up.  Jade pulls herself up to her feet and nods her head as she tries to shake it all off.

Gena:  Perhaps a bit of mutual respect between the two Bombshells.  Masked member Jade raises a hand up to Cordelia, looking for a Test of Strength!

Chad:  Cordelia smiles and nods her head as she takes the hand.  They lock their other hands and the battle kicks off!

Gena:  Upper body strength is much more evenly matched between these two.  Cordelia gets a couple inches, but Masked member Jade pushes right back.

Chad:  But Cordelia holds it off as much as she can before losing a couple of inches!  She grunts as she powers back, getting Masked member Jade back more than a foot!

Gena:  Masked member Jade roars and then pushes back, getting Cordelia backward even more.  Cordelia breathes as much as she can before a sigh of exasperation comes out.

Chad:  She then goes into full force and pushes back to a vertical base!  She even gets masked member Jade back almost perpendicular to the mat!  She roars out as she gets Jade down all the way to the mat!



Gena:  I’m with the fans!  That was amazing, and a bit unexpected.  Masked member Jade is the first to her feet, and she kicks Cordelia in the side of the head before picking her up into a Small Package Piledriver.

Chad:  Masked member Jade feels that shaky feeling after the Test of Strength as she picks Cordelia up and tosses her on her shoulders.  Is it time to put the champ away? I hope not.

Gena:  It is!  Masked member Jade steps up onto the first turnbuckle.  And then the second!  She looks around at the audience who begin booing her!  She looks out into the audience.

Chad:  But Cordelia kicks her legs and gets free.  She pulls masked member Jade off with a High Angle Suplex!  She catches her breath as she watches Jade intensely.

Gena:  Masked member Jade stirs as she blinks, looking up at the lights.  She then gets to her stomach and pushes herself up.  Slowly, she gets to her feet, and she turns around and… Heartbreaker (A spinning double knee right into the chest)!!!  She drops down on top of the champ!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner and STILL Uncensored Television Champion… Cordelia Clark!!!

Cordelia picks up her belt and doesn’t give GRIME the satisfaction of celebrating.  She steps out of the ring and onto the outside mat.  As she walks toward the rampway, Valentina jumps over the barricade and blindsides Cordelia. Angel Kash comes rushing down the ramp and she gets a good cheap shot in and her and Valentina laugh as they back up the ramp.  Angel goes to pick up the title, but Cordelia pops her in the face, just hard enough for her to stumble into Val, who holds her back and the two walk up the rampway.  Cordelia gets up and straightens herself out.  She picks the belt up, and she charges at Angel directly, just as security interjects.  All three ladies try swinging at their target(s), and they break it apart, separating them.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Krystal Wolfe looking at her phone, she seems to be listening to music and shakes her head as she watches the music video.

Krystal: Damn it Jon Schaffer, Iced Earth’s produced some great music over the years and you go and fuck things up by participating in that attempted coup?!

Krystal sighs to herself before Ariana walks up to her.

Ariana: Hey Krystal.

Krystal: Hey Ari, ready for your title defence?

Ariana: Ready as I’ll ever be, you ready for the Roulette Title Shot Match tomorrow night on Climax Control?

Krystal: You know it!

HBCarter: At least SOMEONE’S getting title opportunities around here!

The camera pans over to show Ari’s bestie and fellow Go Gym Graduate HB Carter approaching the two women with a frown on his face.

Ariana: Err, Carter, I’m defending my tag titles with Alex tonight, you should know that by now.

Krystal: And my match is a Number One Contender’s Match for a shot at Inception V, even if I win tomorrow night, I still have to make it to Inception V.

Carter sighs in resignation.

HBCarter: You’re both right but they can’t keep me away from the TV Title forever! Besides, if I keep dwelling on this, I’ll be in a sour mood all week, not exactly ideal for our next Dungeons and Dragons session.

Carter adds before pausing.

HBCarter: That’s happening Wednesday, right?

Krystal: Far as I know, yeah, Makayla’s already confirmed that she’s off shifts that day but I’m still waiting on word from Osbourne and Aron, should know more by Climax Control.

HBCarter: Good to know.

Ariana: Great, I’ve been practicing my rap all week!

Krystal: Great! ………. wait, what?!

Ariana: MC Meri will be in da house!

Krystal and Carter stare at Ari with bewildered looks on their faces before shaking their heads.

Krystal: Good luck in your title defence.

HBCarter: Ditto.

Ariana: Fa’ Shizzle!

Krystal and Carter walk off as the scene fades.

Pride Tag Team Championship
Mrs. Right and Mickey Carroll Vs Alex Rush and Ariana Aneglos(c)

The opening of "Amazing Grace" by Dropkick Murphys plays as Mickey pushes through the curtains. He pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and drops it on the ground, quickly putting it out as he marches back and forth across the stage. He looks from side to side, nodding his head at the cheers before pointing out into the audience, starting an powerful "Oi! Oi! Oi!" chant that really gets the crowd pumped.

Darlyn: Coming to the ring, from London, England, standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 190lb, he is "Sin City's Resident Shithead"... Mickey Carrrrrrrrrrrrolllllllllllll!!!   And his partner, she stands at 5’9” and weighing in at 155lb, she is… Mrs Right!!!

The lights get lowered and there seems to be a purple hue as the music plays.  After a few moments Mrs. Wright comes out from backstage stopping for a moment waving to the left and to the right. Then she slowly walks to the ring and then up the steel steps.  After she enters the ring, Mickey dashes straight down the ramp where he leaps up and onto the ring apron. He paces back and forth, stomping along to the beat of the music before climbing inside. He looks up at the ceiling and then signals the trinity, kissing his fingers and then pointing up.  Mrs Right walks to the center of the ring and turns, taking a moment to pause as she faces each side of the ring.  Before cutting a stare at the ring announcer as she walks to a corner.  And backs herself in while waiting for the action to start.

Darlyn:  Aaaaaaaaand their opponents, the Pride Tag Team Champions!!!

The intro to “Fortune Favours the Bold” hits the speakers and once the vocals hit Ariana comes out to a modest reception, the young wrestler claps hand with the fans at ringside as she makes her way down to the ring.

Darlyn: Introducing, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos!

Ariana rolls into the ring and poses for the crowd before waiting for the match to start.

Gold stars start to flash around the stage entrance as the arena lights start to drop out and a voice is heard saying "Do you wanna get rocked?" The name Alex Rush appears on the screen and the fans instantly burst in to cheers as Def Leppards "Let's Get Rocked" blasts through the speakers.

Liam: From Westminister, London, England, weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, he is Alex Rush!

Smoke appears at the top of the ramp as a spotlight hits the entrance way to see the back of a long haired man with one hand in the air holding up the devil horns sign. He turns around to more cheers as the spotlight shines on the face of Alex Rush! A line of security is seen either side of him as the lights brighten to show fans "held back" by security at the top of the ramp. Alex is wearing black leather pants with a red stripe down either side, a white shirt with the devil horns hand sign on in a faded gray colour. Around his wrist, a multi coloured scarf is tied. He looks to the held back fans and wave a hand at them in a presidential fashion before making his way down to the ringside area. Alex steps up the steps and through the middle and top rope and in to the center of the ring, his arms in the air with the devil horns sign as gold sparks fall from the roof. Alex reaches down, removing his shirt and throws it to the crowd as he waits for the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Results / SCU Underground Ep 80 (Results)
« on: December 31, 2020, 02:05:33 AM »
SCU Ep 80 Dec. 26th 2020

Sin City Underground Ep 80. 2020 Award show comes to you live from Paris, France, in the estates of Delia Darling.
Live from Paris, France, Delia Darling will host the 2020 SCU Award show from her home. All superstars have been sent home. Just two matches booked for tonight's card. Also for tonight’s line up, we’ll relive some of the best action of 2020, from matches to backstage brawls and everything in between. Tonights is a night to relax, enjoy a little live homestyle matches and the best of SCU and GRIME of 2020.

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Liam: Lllllllllllladies and gentlemen! The following contest is scheduled for one fall and has been deemed a 3 on 2 Handicap Match for the vacant SCU Double Down Championship!

The GRIME members approach the center as well and the referee raises his arm to call for the bell… But The Monstimals rush the ring. They grab David and Mavis! Sam wraps a hand around David’s throat as Raab lifts Mavis up into the Backstabber. They connect as Gerald turns around and gets booted in the gut. He is lifted up into a Double Chokeslam position! Security rushes down and slides inside of the ring to pull The Monstimals to the ropes, but they fight back. The referee is ready to throw the match out, but Gerald holds his hand up and begins shouting.

“No! NO!!!”

Gerald is wary on his feet as he stands up. He wobbles on his feet as he drags David up. He and David help Mavis up to her feet, and when all three members agree to do the match, Javi and Filth laugh. They clap their hands together as the referee rings the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Javi shoves Gerald right into Mother Mavis, who is choking Filth out. Filth stomps angrily as Mavis falls down, and she shouts at Javi.

Filth: Why the FUCK did you stop her? I was getting my rocks off, man!

Gena: Why am I not surprised that she’s one of those? Filth moves over to the ropes and climbs the corner turnbuckles. She sizes up Father Gerald before leaping off and hitting the Defibrillator (Coup De Gras)! She goes for the cover!


Chad: Mavis drags Filth off by the leg as Filth puts her hand over her mouth, kicking. Mavis lifts Filth up and she points to the security who has lost control of The Monstimals for a split second on the ramp!


Chad: The referee decides to start doing their job by threatening disqualification if Filth does this one more time. Filth argues as Javi leans down to pick Gerald up, but Virginia Mae Putnam comes from the crowd with The Good Book in her hands!

Gena: She goes to swing it at Javi, but he picks Gerald up just in time to use him as a shield, and Ginny hits Father Gerald right in the face! Javi immediately flips Gerald over and goes for the cover as Filth stomps on Mavis!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Here are your winners and NEW SCU Double Down Champions…

Javi rolls outside of the ring and rips the microphone from Liam’s hand. The crowd boos as Javi slides back inside of the ring. He and Filth dispose of The Good Shepherds under the bottom ropes. Javi and Filth join in the center of the ring.

Javier: Odelay!!! Javier Gonzalez walked into Night of Champions as a champion… and he’s about to walk out of Night of Champions as a champion, vatoooooooooos. Whatcha!

Filth glares at Javi for a second and then she takes the microphone from his hand. She looks down at the Double Down Championship in her hand, and then she snorts and spits a heinous loogie on it, causing the fans to boo even louder, and they begin to throw trash at them, which only makes Filth feel exhilarated.

Filth: This is not about Javier Gonzalez. This is not about Angel of Filth. This is not even about the SCU Double Down Championships. Because tonight, G.R.I.M.E. is walking away with two title belts. Since Donna decided to screw over Hitamashii tonight, we’re going to screw over all of SCU.

The crowd looks around, confused by what Filth means, but this doesn’t stop them from throwing things at her and booing her.

Filth: Keep it coming, filthies. Momma loves rolling around in her treasures. As far as the titles go? The former SCU Double Down Championships? They don’t belong to SCU any longer. They are our titles. G.R.I.M.E. titles. As a matter of fact, in mere moments, we will be signing new contracts in the back. G.R.I.M.E. will not be part of SCU from this point on, because SCU is nothing but a goddamn disappointment. A failure that we want no part of. From this moment, G.R.I.M.E. is their own entity and company, sent to destroy this abortion of a dream had by one great man, ruined by Donna Beauchamp and Tad Ezra. And what better way to celebrate this disenfranchising than by dubbing these titles as ours and ours alone?

Javi leans in and looks out into the crowd as he scoots his foot around, much like a dog itching for a belly rub. Filth bites onto his ear and he howls into the microphone before speaking.

Javier: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Mama! G.R.I.M.E. is above it all, mang. G.R.I.M.E. is worthy of their own WORLD titles. G.R.I.M.E. is your worst fucking nightmare, pendejos. So from now on, these belts ain’t tag titles. They are individual titles. So from now on, you gonna address us as Mami and Papi, your G.R.I.M.E. World Nightmare Champions!!!


Javier: Like we give a FUCK what y’all got to say! I have spoken.

Filth: So let it be heard, you lovely, smelly pieces of shit! Now, show your World Nightmare Champions some goddamn respect!

“Killpop” plays over the speakers as Javi and Filth move their way along the ropes to exit by the ramp. Ginny tends to the Shepherds, shouting out flagrantly at G.R.I.M.E. as they exit the ringside area, bypassing the tail end of security keeping The Monstimals at bay.

We open up inside of the extravagant home of one Delia Darling.  To her right is a fireplace, warm with the glow of the flame from the yule log.  To her left is a tastefully decorated tree with hints of red and green to accent the silver tips of the tree itself.  She has a glass of what appears to be eggnog in her hand as she looks to the camera.

Darling:  Hello, and welcome to z’e last Underground of z’e year, Episode 80. I am vous host for z’e event, Delia Darling, as if you didn’t know… Now, allow me to take vous down Memory Lane to z’e first show of 2020, Night of Champions.  Z’e night when z’e GRIME invasion became, like, real.  As a former roster member of GRIME, z’is speaks to moi.

Delia sips on her eggnog and then sets it down on the end table next to her.

Darling:  What we just saw was z’e match z’at changed everys’ing. Z’e Good Shepherds tries so hard to save SCU, and z’e get much respect from me for z’at.  But, Javier Gonzalez and Angel of Fil’s were able to win z’e once Double Down Tag Team Championships, and z’e turned z’em into z’e GRIME World Nightmare Championships, respectively. Bo’s titles have gone on to epic heights s’rough z’e unmasking of legends, but not before being held by an SCW legend and fellow Hall of Famer, such as Lord Raab. Let’s take a look at some of his moments, shall we?

My Bloody Valentine - Feb 16th, 2020

Chad:  Raab sees Blue nearing the top with no time, so he walks over to the cage door and kicks it open with all of his might.  He climbs out as Blue reaches the top of the cage and rolls over.

Gena:  Raab approaches the opening and begins climbing out.  He and Blue are neck and neck!  Raab steps down just as Blue drops to save the match!  Who got it?!


Liam:  Your winner and new World Nightmare Champion… … … LORD RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB!!!


Blue walks over to Lord Raab and smashes him over the back of the head with a trash can lid.  Raab turns around and clocks him with the World Nightmare Championship.  “Monster” plays over the speakers as Raab holds the belt up high in the air.  He looks back at the destruction inside of the ring as he walks away.

Underground Ep 53, Mar 13th, 2020

Liam:  Raab grabs onto Hitamashii’s leg and drags him to another cage wall.  He picks up Hitamashii’s other leg and then looks around.  He leans back and catapults Hitamashii into the cage wall again.  The referee checks on Hitamashii.

Raisa:  He’s clearly out, but there’s no medical stoppage in GRIME Wrestling.  The ref asks Raab to make the cover or escape the ring, but Raab shakes his head.

Liam:  He grabs Hitamashii’s throat and then nails a Chokeslam.  He walks around the ring as the referee continues to plead with him.  He picks Hitamashii up and throws him into the ropes.

Raisa:  A buzz sends him forward and Raab sets Hitamashii up for the Killerbuster (Double Arm Brainbuster) and nails it!  He gets the pin!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner and STILL GRIME World Nightmare Champion… Lord Raab!!!

Raab wastes no time in taking his belt.  He walks over toward the cage door and looks over to Yellow who refuses to shut off the power.  “Monster” plays over the speakers, but Raab still hasn’t exited the ring and his frustration grows.  He gives the door a few hard kicks until it flies open and pops Yellow with the door, causing him to finally shut it off.  Raab and Yellow share a stare before Raab climbs over the barricade and back into the crowd.  Yellow slides inside of the ring to check on Hitamashii, eventually dragging him out of the ring and trying to help Hitamashii find his footing and balance.

Blaze of Glory VIII - Apr 12th, 2020

Erik: Tommy Knocks isn't going to be happy about this one. He has a hard on for Lord Raab, and rightfully so. Unlike other members of GRIME who are masked, nobody knows who the hell Abaddon really is.

Liam: True enough. Raab knows things are getting hairy for him and he climbs under the ring. As Abaddon goes for the apron, he finds himself sprayed in the face with a fire extinguisher. He drops it as the smoke clears.

Erik: He grips onto Abaddon's neck and nails him with a Chokeslam! Wait, no! Abaddon cracks his elbow against the side of Lord Raab's head. He throws the dumpster lid open and lifts Raab up inside!

Liam: A new champion! Abaddon just needs to set the dumpster on fire! He picks up a box of matches and lights them up, just for Raab to fire the extinguisher one more time! But where'd he get that one from?

Erik: I don't know, but he just thwarted Abaddon right there. He grips onto Abaddon's throat and drags him inside of the dumpster. Raab crawls out and as Abaddon tries to follow him, something... someone... drags him back inside!

Liam: Raab throws gasoline across Abaddon's body and slams the dumpster lid over his head. He then dumps the container over the dumpster lid and secures the lock. He flicks a lighter as we hear more than one person struggling inside of the dumpster!

Erik: Lord Raab is just toying with us now as he holds the lighter up high. He drops the lighter onto the dumpster, setting it ablaze just as the lid cracks and Abaddon pushes his way through... But it's too late and the referee has called for the bell!


Liam: Here is your winner and STILL GRIME World Nightmare Champion... Lord Raab!

The dumpster is on fire as Abaddon rolls out through the broken top. "Monster" by Skillet plays over the speakers. Abaddon falls to the ground and rolls around as ring technicians spray him down with fire extinguishers. However, the camera looks over to see Samuel McPherson rise out from the hole in the top of the dumpster. He, too, is sprayed down as the crowd gives a mixed reaction, but an intense one. Raab helps Sam out of the dumpster before the referee hands him his World Nightmare Championship belt. He puts it over his shoulder and walks out like what just happened was no big deal. He holds onto the broken piece of his mask as he walks up the ramp.

Underground Ep 60 - May 20th, 2020

Liam:  Rory was fairing okay against Raab for a moment, but Abaddon returned to the ring to help keep Raab down.  Both men stomped him into oblivion, and even tried to dogpile pin Raab. But it just wasn’t good enough to keep the Monster down.

Erik:  Our GRIME World Nightmare Champion showed why he’s been so dominant since taking the strap off of Javier Gonzalez. He kicked out of every attempt, and with two referees, that was no easy feat.

Liam:  All angles covered, scrutinizing every detail.  Raab was finally able to nail a throat thrust to Abaddon.  Rory tried showing off in a ridiculous display from the top rope, but Raab caught him by the throat and threw him to the outside.

Erik:  Abaddon clobbered Raab, but it was just a little too late as the damage to Rory was done. The ring was used as a weapon multiple times as Raab removed one of the pads, and repeatedly smashed Abaddon into it head first.

Liam:  Abaddon wasn’t the only one who took some wild blows.  He shoved broken glass into the pads of one corner, and he sent Raab into it, and cut open Raab’s lips, and even his eye.

Erik:  Medical confirmed that it was just the eyelids of Raab.  And Raab turned it around of Abaddon and punished him with his own creation by Powerbombing him into the corner.

Liam:  The match could have gone on forever, but Rory got up on the outside, trying to wipe the blood out of his eyes.  He tries to find his way back to the ring, but he finds a rising Samuel McPherson instead.  The Animal Kill was delivered, and that was lights out for Rory and Abaddon.

Into the Void IX - Jun 7th, 2020

Liam: The following contest is a Weapons Steel Cage Match, where the objective is to pin, submit, or knockout your opponent inside of the ring, and it is for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship!!!


Liam: Sam charges at Rory, taking him down to the mat. He picks the chair up and uses it to choke Rory out. Rory struggles to get out from under it.

Erik: Meanwhile, Abaddon lifts Raab up and puts on the Revelations (Von Erich Claw)! Rory's struggling goes down slowly as his eyes bulge out. He's not giving up just yet.

Liam: Raab tries to get out of the hold as well, and the referees tend to each pair to see who will tap first! They watch intensely as Raab tries to grab for leverage on the cage.

Erik: He seems to be fading too. Abaddon applies more pressure, and Raab silently begins tapping, but so does Rory! What's going on here?


Liam: Your NEW GRIME World Nightmare Champion... Samuel McPherson.... AND Abaddon!!!

Crowd: *MEGA POP!*

Darling:  We all know how z’at night ended. A New GRIME World Nightmare Champion. But, not before Abaddon unmasked.  Now, his unmasking was quite different from z’e rest of z’e GRIME unmaskings. Some were by accident.  Some were by choice. Os’ers were to add an exclamation point to z’eir title reigns.  But, Abaddon’s was long overdue, and not as “bright’ as z’e rest of z’e masked GRIME members. Let us take a moment to see some of z’e most shocking unmaskings in GRIME, shall we?

Raisa: The four men unmask… It’s Mason Fox! Jason Fox! Jamie Staggs! And Dorian B!!! Sea Green, and Blue go after the Fox Brothers, Jaime and Dorian B!

Liam: Purple grabs Light Blue and nails them in the head with the Kendo stick. Purple grabs Light Blue and drops them with a DDT on to a steel pipe and goes for the cover!


Raisa: That was GRIMEY and I love it.

Purple gets off of Light Blue and slides out the ring swing a bat around hitting the Fox Brothers. Grey and Silver come about and get to their feet. A five on four kicks out at ringside. GRIME uses the extra man to their advantage.

Light Blue finally sits up. Light Blue sees what's going on and grabs a bat from the ring then slides outside the ring. Light Blue starts swinging the bat like crazy dropping all four SCU stars. The GRIME wrestlers get in the ring.

Sea Green, Grey, and Light Blue stand in the middle of the ring as the crowd chants to unmask. Raisa gets up from the commentary table.

Raisa: Stop! You three lost the match but I speak on behalf of GRIME that tonight’s unmasking should not be of you three….

Crowd: Jeckel Family!!! Clap! Clap! Clap clap clap! Jeckel Family!!! Clap! Clap! Clap clap clap! Jeckel Family!!! Clap! Clap! Clap clap clap! Jeckel Family!!! Clap! Clap! Clap clap clap!

Raisa: It is now time for the hometown crowd to get what they have been wanting.

Crowd: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Blue and Silver unmask to a huge pop as they see it’s hometown wrestlers former NAW stars Jack Jeckel and Jake Jeckel. Purple unmasked and fixes her hair to reveal it’s in fact Helena Jeckel.

Crowd: Jeckel Family!!! Clap! Clap! Clap clap clap! Jeckel Family!!! Clap! Clap! Clap clap clap!

Raisa: We’re the Jeckel Family, and we are GRIME Wrestling!


The show goes off the air with the crowd chanting for GRIME Wrestling

Liam:  And then…

Liam is cut off by “American Landfill” by 3TEETH plays over the speakers.  Jacob Johnson, Eric Weaver, and masked member Yellow climb over the barricade as Pakistan Green comes down the entryway.  They all enter the ring at the same time and step toward SCU’s team, being broken up by the referees.  Once things settle down, Liam takes the center of the ring.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaand their opponents, Eric Weaver, Jacob Johnson, and representing the masked members of GRIME, Pakistan Green, and…

Yellow walks over to Liam and holds up a hand.  He looks out around the audience and nods his head as his hand reaches up for the mask.  The crowd cheers, surprisingly, and Yellow slowly undoes his mask and brings it down to his side, giving Liam a nod as the crowd gives a quick pop, fading into a mixed reaction.

Liam:  And Skag!!!

Skag takes a bow, bringing about more boos, living up to the GRIME standard.  Alex Rush moves over with Carter, Kaos, and Mickey, and they go on the attack as Alex spins around and kicks Pakistan Green in the groin!

Yellow: Hallo, damen und herren, the bride and groom would like to thank you all for joining us here today. It is indeed a special day. Esther and Red's special day.

Yellow points to Esther and Red respectively. He then looks back out to the audience.

Yellow: We gather today in front of a bunch of assholes who mean nothing to us, but there's not any other options, because you wanted to show off for various reasons. Vanity and legitimacy. Attention and video proof. For whatever your reasons, here we are. And thanks to I am able to perform this ceremony. It is mein honor to have paid twelve US dollars for a certificate.

Esther: I just want to fuck you every day for the rest of our lives. I love you. I need you. And if you ever leave me, I will kill myself. Do you hear me? Hm? Oh, and I don't mean just the razor blade to the femoral artery in the bathtub kind, but the zip tie around the handle of a chainsaw type. Do you understand me?! Huh?!

Red nods his head and then holds his hands up in the air in surrender. Esther punches him in the arm and then slaps him across the face as she finishes her statement. He grabs onto her arms and holds her still as he shouts at her in Russian.

Yellow: That was very... Fledermaus verdammt verrückt as we say back in ze Deutschland. It pulls at the heartstrings. Thank you for that, Sister Esther Shepherd. Ahhh... Red?

Red: My dearest Esther. At first, I thought to myself, "Why the hell are we letting this bible thumping, self-righteous, idiotic, fake blonde suka into GRIME? I mean, are we just fucking with her? Are we just trying to make her father go crazy?" But we were not fucking with you at all, moya zayka. Angel of Filth realized that the risk was worth the reward. And when I impressed you with my manhood, I realized I could do this for a while. Two years minimum until green card is issued, no? It's not a prison sentence. Railroad spiking a pastor's daughter and letting him know about it while watching him go sumasshedshaya bita isa benefit that I can live with. Plus you're kind of hot and breast implants are in my budget. I love banging you, and I love letting your father know I'm banging you. It is one reason I provide the gift I am providing you.

Red: Your father was invited to give you away on several occasions. He says no each time. Red does not like this word, no. Here he is, vozlyublennaya. Willing or not, here he is…

Esther can't hold back the tears any longer. She wails dramatically as she jumps into Red's arms, trying to lift his mask just enough to shove her tongue in his mouth. However, Yellow pulls her back.

Yellow: Hab etwas würde, kind. Have some dignity. Wait until you are officially married, damn. So, some things about marriage is a forever bond, it is sacred, and a bunch of secular bullenscheiße. Repeat after me, Esther. I, Esther Shepherd…

Esther repeats the marriage vows as Yellow says them. He then turns to Red and has him do the same process. Their rings are officially on, and Red turns to Esther, leaning over her as she stares longingly up into his eyes.

Yellow: Then it is with the power vested in me, by the state of Florida, that I now pronounce you... Mr. and Mrs... Red? Or…

Red shrugs his shoulders. The mask comes off to reveal...

Chad: That's former PBC boxer, Andrey Azarov! What is he...? He's been with GRIME all this time?

Gena: I don't know who the hell that is, but the crowd is gasping, shouting, cheering, booing, throwing things, cheering... I've never seen a more loud yet mixed reaction in my year plus career!

Andrey sneers as he looks into the audience. He spits down at the ground and raises his fists. He walks back and forth a few times, getting the crowd to go louder and louder before Esther jumps into his arms.

Yellow: I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Azarov! You may now kiss the bride!

Esther kneels down and shouts at her father. She leans over him as Andrey kisses her deeply. The crowd is disgusted by this display as they continue on, and the camera cuts elsewhere.


The Purge sirens start to go off as Mask member Ruby comes out. Ruby runs down as Filth now gets on the apron. Filth gets in before Masked Ruby as she slides in the ring.

Liam: Now lets see Eyesnsane talk this big game with a GRIME member showing up for the fight!

Gena: It’s every wrestler for themselves. I don’t expect GRIME to play nice to each other.

Eyesnsane: Look what we have here. So Filth, you waited for my girl to come out.

Filth tilts her head as she stares at Eyesnsane.

Eyesnsane: Look at her. It's no way you can hide who that is. 2018 Honor Wrestling Future Star award winner Mrs Right. No way you can hide behind a mask girl. I didn’t want to say anything before but now that you're in front of me, I have no choice but to ask you one question.

Masked Ruby removes her mask to show it is indeed Mrs Right. The crowd pops for Mrs Right.

<img src=\'\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' />

Filth yells loud enough for the microphone to pick up what she says.

Filth: What question do you have to ask? It better be a good one.

Eyesnsane: You know OTE is your home Mrs Right. What you doing with GRIME?

Mrs Right: This…

Gena: Mrs Right turns and grabs Angel of Filth by her throat and lifts her up in and chokeslam. Mrs Right slams Filth on her back but keeps her hand around her throat as she deadlifts Filth from the mat, back to the air for a second chokeslam!!!

Liam: Here is your winner and NEW GRIME World Nightmare Champion…

Before Liam can finish, Crimson slides out of the ring and pulls the microphone away from Liam, shaking her head.

Crimson: No! This has to be done right.

Turning to slide back into the ring, Crimson shakes her head as she stares around the ring. She looks at Liam and motions him to come into the ring.

Crimson: We have to give the right name to the new GRIME Nightmare champion. A champion is not a color...there has always been a name associated with titles and this title...MY TITLE will have MY NAME on it…

Crimson holds up her title belt on her shoulder as her other hand reaches up for the mask that is covering her face. Leaning forward and teasingly slow, she pulls off the mask before flipping her head back to reveal Vixen Staggs, her lips rimmed with the remnants of the poisoned mist making the smile she has on her face that more dangerous.

Vixen: Now Liam, you can announce the NEW GRIME World Nightmare champion.

Vixen slams the microphone into the chest of Liam who brings it to his lips as she makes her way to where Filth can be seen kicking and screaming at her. Vixen holds up the title in front of Filth's face then backing away slowly, she makes her way to a corner and climbs the turnbuckle to display the belt as The Jokes on you by Charlotte Lawrence begins to play.

Liam: Here is your winner and NEW GRIME World Nightmare Champion...VIXEN STAGGS!

”This is not a test. This is your WGN broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Purge sanctioned by the G.R.I.M.E. Wrestling. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. SCU officials and medical team have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all attacks, will be allowed until the end of Sin City Underground programming. Emergency medical services will be unavailable until the Purge concludes. Blessed by our new WGN Head of Standards and Practices for Underground.  SCU, a federation reborn. May God be with you all.”

Fuschia whips Debbi around, but Debbi punches her in the face and then rips her mask clean off of her!  We rest our eyes upon the face of… “Queen of Apathy”!  The crowd goes nuts in astonishment.  She just stares forward, and when everyone stops to look at her with the same astonishment, she just shrugs her shoulders.

Apathy:  Meh…

She rests back against the door as the banging continues.  Angel of Filth walks up behind Debbi and yanks her head back by her hair.

Filth:  The last person that ripped a mask off got their arm broken.  Clearly that message was not received.  Let’s break her fucking neck.  Let’s break her fucking career!

Ruby picks up Stacy as “Celeste” and “Orchid” grab Debbi by the arms.  They fling the sisters into one another, head first.  But they repeatedly bounce their heads off of one another.  Debbi goes down, but Stacy tries to fight back.  She grabs onto “Orchid’s” mask and pulls it down just enough for only her to get a look.  She is stunned once more as she puts her mask back on and then she lifts Stacy up, with Ruby’s help, and they do a Double Powerbomb into the soda machine.  They then deposit her onto the concrete as “Celeste” knocks an equipment box over on top of Stacy’s arm, causing her to let out a blood curdling scream.

They turn back to Debbi, Vixen and Filth slam her head first into the soda machine.  They then lift her up and hit a Double Powerbomb of their own, right into the machine.  They pull back and do it again, and again, until the plexiglass breaks.  They then deposit her right next to her screaming sister.  Ruby and “Orchid” work together to dump the machine over on top of Debbi.

Black, Jade, Cerulean Blue, and Helena lift the machine up just enough to cause an impact as the machine falls down on top of Debbi once more.  Vixen and Sister Esther both jump on top of the machine, jumping up and down with all of their weight as the sirens blare once more.

”This concludes your weekly Purge.  Emergency and medical services are back online.  We thank you for your participation.  Blessed by our new WGN Head of Quality Management.  SCU, a federation reborn. May God be with you all.”

Apathy:  Is she dead?  Asking for a friend because I obviously don’t care.

The group laughs as they quickly move away from the scene of utter devastation and destruction, leaving the medical team to rush in to check on a screaming, crying Stacy Ruin, and attempting to remove the soda machine from off of Debbi.

Chad:  Wow… just wow… That was the most disgusting thing I think I’ve seen from GRIME so far. And that says a lot.

Gena:  You can hear the distinct silence that’s fallen over the crowd as they are in just as much disbelief as we are.  We are sending our thoughts to the Ruin Sisters and their family.  Hopefully things aren’t as bad as they look.

The cage is lifted, and the crowd is on their feet for this news. Sam and Abaddon don't look very pleased as they come face to face. Sam takes the belt from the referees. But Abaddon yanks it away from Sam. Sam yanks it back and shoves Abaddon back. Abaddon looks at Sam through the mask and he takes one step forward. He holds his hand out for a microphone. Once he is handed one, he raises it to his mouth.

Abaddon: This will be settled tonight. There is no question about that, because I refuse to leave the ring without a definitive winner. If I haven't inflicted too much pain upon you, what say you we go again? Winner takes all?

Before Sam can say anything, Abaddon reaches up to his busted mask. He removes one half of it, and the other falls off with it to reveal...


Erik: Ha! I didn't even know that! This man just put a target on the middle of his fucking forehead just by unmasking! Hahahaaaaa!

Sam nods his head, happy to go along with it. He waves the cage back down, and it settles into place. Both men get ready as the referees call for the bell again!

Darling: So, so, epic.  So punk rock. So… GRIME… But, z’is is not all about GRIME Wrestling.  Sin City Underground has had z’eir fair share of Story of the Year candidates.  2020 looked to be yet anos’er year for Nobility, who ruled 2019.  But z’ey did not last, and went up in flames like a dumpster fire. Let’s take a look back to z’e start of z’e end at Night of Champions, 2020…

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First... From Bronx, NY, she is “The Classy One”... Toriellllllllllllle Jaaaaaaaacksoooooooooooon!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  The referee tries to wrestle it away from Angel, but Kash is not giving in.  She continues to argue with the referee, buying Melissa time to send Torielle into the ring steps.

Gena:  As the referee turns around to look, Kash literally grabs his face to turn him back to her and continues arguing.

Angel:  Do you know who I am?  I’m Angel Freaking Kash!

Chad:  No sooner than she shouts this, Chanelle Martinez comes flying down the ramp and slides inside of the ring.  She spins Angel around and nails her with a hard slap that puts Kash spinning in a 180 and falling to her knees!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  As a result of a disqualification… Here is your winner… Angel Kash!!!

Chanelle waits for Angel to get back to her feet, and she waits for Kash to charge at her before hitting a Rear View.  She then sends Angel into the corner, looking for the Ridin’ Yo Face (Bronco Buster)!  But Melissa pulls Angel out of the ring and shouts at Chanelle, pointing at her.  Chanelle flips her hair and then shrugs as the crowd cheers her on.  Torielle climbs inside of the ring and walks up to Chanelle, looking surprised.  Chanelle turns her back to Torielle and continues to wave Kash and Ruin to the back.

Chanelle:  Bye Felicia.  Get gone dot com, bitches…

Torielle tries to get Chanelle’s attention, but Chanelle won’t give it to her.  She leaves the ring as soon as Kash and Melissa are behind the curtains.  Torielle tries to follow behind her, but Chanelle just will not listen to anything she’s got to say.  They too disappear behind the curtains.

Holly:  I don’t mean to photobomb this interview, but as your reigning TV Champion, I feel like I need to take a moment to speak on a cause that is very near and dear to my heart.

Torielle looks almost confused, and almost offended.  Holly turns to her and gives her a reassuring look.

Holly:  I am an ass woman.  I love ass. I think about ass all day, and all night. Ass makes the world go round.  But I am not about to sit here and preach about all ass.  Because I love me some Azz.  But an Azz is only and Azz, when it’s mixed with some Class.  And how boring is Class, when it ain’t behind a great Azz?

Torielle and Holly share a hug, that almost seems to perplex Dev.  However, it seems to have been some kind of secret communication, because Chanelle approaches the shot.  She looks at both ladies with an intense look in her eye.  She swaggers over to Torielle, giving Holly the sign to leave.  When Holly does, Chanelle surprises Torielle with a hug that gets the crowd going even louder!

Chanelle:  C’mon girl.  Azz needs Class right about now.  Let’s go on out there and do the damn thing.

Torielle:  Trust!

After releasing the hug, Chanelle and Torielle walk toward the curtains.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Torielle howls in delight as Chanelle belittles Melissa.  However, Angel comes up behind and brings Torielle back with a devastating Kash Flow (Codebreaker)!  She then rolls Torielle out of the ring.

Chad:  She pulls Chanelle up by the back of the head and whips her by her hair into the ropes!  As Chanelle comes off, Angel lifts her up for a Back Body Drop!  But Chanelle lands on her feet.  She turns around and wraps her arms around Angel for Azz Backwards (Bridging Belly-To-Back Suplex)!!! She goes for the cover!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner… Chanelle Martinez!!!

Torielle comes slowly gets off of the mat to hear “Bubble Butt” playing over the speakers.  It seems to give her a bit of energy as she pulls herself inside of the ring.  She stands up and then holds Chanelle’s hand up victoriously.

Chad: Angel grabs Torielle by the back of the head and drags her over to the drive thru window. She throws Torielle through and then hands a check to the driver!

Angel: GO! GO! Drive! Drive!

Darlyn: Here are your winners... Angel Kash and Melissa Ruin... Nobility!!!

SCU Tron turns on, the fans watching turn to see what’s going on. A view into a private home. An empty couch in a huge living room. After a few seconds we see Stacy Ruin take a seat, her arm in a cast being held up by a sling.

Stacy: I told SCU that I would give an update on my injury. I suffered a broken wrist, my index and middle fingers went out of the socket and bruised a few muscles.

Doctors said that I will be out of action for the rest of this year and part of 2021. After that, with luck, I should be okay…

Stacy takes a few moments as the look on her face goes from hopeful to sad, she looks away from the camera for a moment to gather herself.

Stacy: As for Debbi, she had to have three surgeries to correct for her neck and spinal cord. She had all the surgeries needed to fix her injuries… it could be a few months but she’ll be able to walk again…

Stacy turns away from the camera, she takes a deep breath as she tries to keep it together.

Stacy: With the Ruin Twins out of action, I feel that it’s only best I address it now…

The Ruin Twins are no more. My recovery will be a lucky one… Debbi was not so lucky…

Stacy lets out a few tears.

Stacy: As of today… Debbi Ruin is officially retired from wrestling and any other sport.

Stacy gets up and walks away refusing to address the situation any further at this time…

The SCU Tron turns off, the camera’s zoom out to a stunned crowd of coworkers across all brands.

The SCU Tron turns back on to see Melissa Ruin in the back shocked and heartbroken. In a rare twist, she is seen being consoled by her opponents tonight, Merlot Ayano and Halo Annis.

Merlot Ayano: Tonight we fight, we still give it all. But Merlot not happy about what happened to Debbi Ruin.

Melissa: Really opened my eyes on what's really important. I try not to be a bitch, I really do.

Halo: Live and let learn. You know tonight your gonna have to bring it and like Merlot said, we’re going all in on your asses.

The camera zooms out to see Angel Kash walk in the room.

Angel: What is this? Why are you hanging out with these nobodies? We have a match to prepare for. I need to make sure I win this match so lets go.

Melissa gets up and heads towards Angel.

Halo: Hold up? Melissa, you really gonna let her talk to you that way?

Before Melissa can say anything Merlot adds in.

Merlot Ayano: Melissa not just say her eyes open to what is important?

Halo: No shit, we all just heard the news of Debbi Ruin and Angel walks in here like that didn’t just happen.

Angel: That’s not Nobility’s issue, Debbi is a nice person but the worse Ruin out of the three. I worked hard on Melissa to be the better of the three but hanging out with the likes of you two is a reminder that I still have a lot of work to do.

Halo: Wow.

Merlot Ayano: How Melissa not punching Angel in face right now?

Melissa: Angels right, we have a match to get ready for and like you both said. I have to bring it because you two will.

Angel and Melissa walk away as Angel tells Melissa

Angel: You were actually talking to them? What’s gotten into you Melissa?

Halo: I never hated Melissa or liked her, she was whatever, but now, I may be feeling sorry for her, she’s with the wrong crowd. Bless her heart.

Merlot Ayano: She adult, she makes choice…

A loud bang is heard from down the hall.

Angel: You heard that?

Merlot Ayano: Yes!

Halo and Merlot to check it out, they can tell it’s a brawl of some sort as they hear more banging sounds and yells. The two turn the corner to see GRIME wrestlers brawling with Kelli Torres, Le Coven, Dahlia Rotten. 

Grime are holding trays as shields as the SCU stars swing chairs, kendo sticks and a bat by Dahlia.

Halo: YO!!!!

They stop to look at Halo them back at each other.

Dahlia drops the bat and walks up to Jade, Cadet Blue, Carluen Blue, Queen of Apathy as the other mask wrestlers stand behind them.

Dahlia: Attack me! Try attacking me like you did to Debbi Ruin, I dare you!

Halo looks at Merlot…

Halo: For the cause?

Chad: Melissa fights to get in a better position to reverse the hold, but Kelli is flowing with her quite well at the moment.

Gena: Fantastic reversal by Ruin! She front rolled into her Ruins Lock! Melissa is going to tear the tendons in the ankle if Torres stays in this for too much longer.

Chad: Kelli is kicking the grip of Ruin with everything she’s got, but the challenger is not letting this moment slip away like the Misty O’Malley Battle Royal! Ruin was fingertips away from taking the next step in the evolution of the Ruin Sisters in professional wrestling.

Gena: And that’s it! Ruin cranked on that ankle one more time, and Kelli has no choice but to relinquish her title tonight here at the Saxon!

Darlyn: Here is your winner... annnnnnnd NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW Sin City Underground Television Champion... Melissa Ruin!

Melissa Ruin snatches the championship away from the referee and clutches it tight against her. She slowly raises as she stands over Kelli Torres still clutching her ankle, and being attended by the Underground ringside physician. The new champion crouches down and shoves her newly acquired title in the face of Torres. Ruin gives her a wave as Kelli is slid out under the bottom rope.

It's that time again, folks! End of the year means that we will be presenting the Year End Awards at Night of Champions on January 2nd, 2021, live from the Saxon Hotel!  All ballots are due to the Underground account, or DM @GianniDGRIME_GM on Twitter no later than 11:59pm EST on Saturday December 26th, 2020 to count. But, we promise that there will be no voter suppression this time. All are welcomed, and encouraged to vote.

Stable of the Year:
SCU: Team Canada, The Good Shepherds, Over the Edge

Tag Team of the Year:
SCU: The Three Way, Team GO, Kawaii Dragons/Alex Rush and Rhino, Ruin Sisters (Debbi and Stacy), The Good Shepherds, Kelli and Halo (Team U.G.G.O.)
GRIME: The Monstimals, The Jeckels, Javier Gonzalez and Angel of Filth, Dying Breed

Breakout Star of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
M: Father Gerald Shepherd, Mark Cross, Mz Holly Wood, Andrew Borg
F: Ariana Angelos, Melissa Ruin, Cordelia Clark
M: Abaddon/Max Burke, Hitamashii, Andrey Azarov,
F: Helena Jeckel, Angel of Filth, Esther Azarov

Future Star of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
M: Helluva Bottom Carter, Alex Rush, Coby Quik, Kaos, Andrew Borg
F: Melissa Ruin, Michelle “Michi” DeJesus, Mrs. Right, Stacy Ruin, Mother Mavis Shepherd
M: Andrew Garcia, Ivan Darrell, Skag, Andrey Azarov, Samuel McPherson
F: Esther Azarov, Omasa Tazu, Masked member Jade, Ruby, Masked member Rainbow

Interbrand Match of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
*Men’s Clash of Champions Battle Royal - Hardcore Tag Team Champion Alex Rush Vs SCU TV Champion Shooter Reed Vs SCW Mixed Tag Team Champion Alex Jones Vs SCU Pride Tag Team Champion Helluva Bottom Carter Vs SCW Roulette Champion Kedron Williams Vs SCW Internet Champion Austin James Mercer Vs SCU Combat Champion Stewart Mason Vs GRIME Nightmare Champion Max Burke Vs SCU Underground Champion O’Malley Vs SCW World Heavyweight Champion Ben Jordan
; Underground Ep. 62: No Girls Allowed June 14th, 2020
*Merlot Ayano Vs Masked member Cerulean Blue - If Omasa wins, GRIME can compete in the Mayhem Survival Match at Supernova 3; Underground Ep. 65 July 5th, 2020
*The Good Shepherds Vs MASKED MEMBERS OF GRIME - Hardcore Tag Team Championships; My Bloody Valentine Pre Show February 16th, 2020
*SCU/GRIME Fatal 5-Way SCU Underground Championship
Valentina Vs Alexis Staggs Vs Helena Jeckel Vs Cadet Blue Vs Celeste North (c); Into the Void IX Pre-Show June 7th, 2020
*Transylvania Playhouse Match - Jack, Jack, and Helena Jeckel Vs Tatsu Ikeda, Winter Elemental, and Alex Rush; Underground Ep 64 June 28th, 2020
*SCW World Heavyweight Championship Vs SCU Underground Championship - Ben Jordan Vs Mark “The Dragon” Cross (With O’Malley cashing in after Ben Jordan wins to gain the SCU Underground Championship); Into The Void IX June 7th, 2020

Manager of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
SCU: Sarah Lane, Darcy Donohue, Real Killas, Gail Weston
GRIME: Raisa, Henry Lozak, Casey Williams

WTF/Holy Shit Moment of the Year:
*Angel of Filth and Javier Gonzalez win the Double Down Tag Team Championships and bring them to GRIME, then turning them into the GRIME World Nightmare Championships
*Vixen unmasks
*Max Burke unmasks
*Melissa Ruin and Angel Kash win a Street Fight against Azz n’ Class by sending them out a Starbucks drive thru window
*Masked member Ruby unmasks to reveal she is Mrs. Right, and then switches to SCU's side
*The first purge

Story of the Year:
*Azz n’ Class reunite
*Melissa Ruin turns on Angel Kash
*Changing GMs like underwear
*Esther Shepherd leaves the Good Shepherds and marries masked member Red, who turns out to be former PCB Heavyweight Champion, Andrey Azarov
*Omasa Tazu wins the rights for GRIME to compete in the Mayhem Survival Match by defeating Merlot Ayano (with the help of Veronica Taylor)

Most Loved of the Year:
M: Stewart Mason, Coby Quik, Helluva Bottom Carter, Alex Rush, Fox Brothers
F: Kelli Torres, Halo Annis, Merlot Ayano, Dahlia Rotten, Jenifer LaCroix, Celeste North, Alexis Staggs
Male and female elected by GRIME will be presented at the show, chosen by the members of GRIME themselves. No write in's accepted.

Devil’s Advocate of the Year:
M: Tim Staggs, John Martinez-Blade
F: Kawaii Dragons, Melissa Ruin

Most Hated of the Year:
M: Father Gerald Shepherd, O’Malley, Andrew Borg, Brother David Shepherd, theFAME
F: Angel Kash, Veronica Taylor, Cordelia Clark, Melissa Ruin
M: Javier Gonzalez, Max Burke, The Monstimals, Hitamashii, The Jeckels
F: Vixen Staggs, Helena Jeckel, Angel of Filth, Esther Azarov,

Match of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
*Two out of three falls match, SCU TV Championship - Dahlia Rotten Vs Merlot Ayano (c); Underground Ep 45: Night of Champions January 1st, 2020
*Clash of the Mean Girls Fatal Four Way - Delia Darling Vs Celeste North Vs Mercedes Vargas Vs Veronica Taylor (c); Underground Ep 45: Night of Champions January 1st 2020
* SCU TV Championship Ladder Match - Andrew Borg vs John Blade vs Shooter vs Nagisa Yagata vs Grimaldi vs Mz Holly Wood (c); Underground Ep. 54 March 29th, 2020
*Hardcore Tag Team Championships - Parking Lot Brawl - Alex Rush and Lucha Rhino Vs The Good Shepherds (Father Gerald and Brother David Shepherd)
* Underground Championship - Dahlia Rotten vs Celeste North (c); Supernova 3 August 1st, 2020
*Combat Championship vs SCU Contract - Last Man Standing - Shooter Reed vs Stewart Mason(c); Supernova 3 August 1st, 2020
*SCU Television Championship -First Blood Match - Melissa Ruin Vs Angel Kash(c); Summer XXXTreme August 8th, 2020
*SCU Combat Championship - Boxing Match - Eyesnsane Vs Stewart Mason(c); Violent Conduct VI September 27th, 2020
*GRIME World Nightmare Championship - Steel Cage Match - Orange vs Crimson vs Green Vs Angel of Filth (c); My Bloody Valentine February 16th, 2020
* Fans Bring Weapons Match - Losing Team Must Unmask - Sea Green, Grey and Light Blue vs Purple, Blue and Silver; Underground Ep 53 March 12th, 2020
*GRIME Nightmare Championship - Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match - Grime Masked Black (Ruby) Vs Vixen Staggs (c); Underground Ep. 57 April 25th, 2020
*GRIME Hell in a Cell (Broken glass & thumbtacks cover ground and mat) - Rory Rockefeller and Abaddon vs Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab; Underground Ep. 60 May 20th, 2020
*GRIME World Nightmare Championship -  - Hitamashii Vs Max Burke(c); Violent Conduct VI September 27th, 2020
*Hardcore Tag Team Championship - Graveyard Match - Jake and Jack Jeckel vs Royal Purple and Jim the Clown; Underground Ep. 75 October 25th, 2020
*GRIME World Nightmare Championship - Crucifix Match - Sister Esther Azarov Vs Vixen Staggs(c); Into the Void IX June 7th, 2020

Wrestler of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
M: Stewart Mason, Eyesnsane, Mark Cross, Father Gerald Shepherd, Helluva Bottom Carter
F: Celeste North, Dahlia Rotten, Halo Annis, Merlot Ayano, Kelli Torres
M: Max Burke, Lord Raab, Javier Gonzalez, Samuel McPherson, Hitamashii
F: Helena Jeckel, Vixen, Angel of Filth, Omasa Tazu, Esther Azarov

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep 79 (CARD + Year End Awards Ballot)
« on: December 15, 2020, 05:25:15 PM »
SCU Ep 79
Dec 19

Sin City Underground Ep 79 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at Staggs Dungeon in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Saturday, December 19th, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety Bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves. Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account. Segment deadline is the same as the SCW promo deadline on Friday, December 18th, 2020.


GRIME Rules Tornado Tag Team Match
Jeckels Vs Saddie Brown and Sea Green

Saddie Brown, Sea Green, Pakistan Green and Cyan let GRIME now that they plan on doing things their way. To send those four a message, Angel of Filth has sent Jack and Jake to set them straight!


GRIME Rules Tag Team Match
Max Burke and Ruby Vs Andrey and Esther Azarov

Battle of the GRIME power couples… kind of. Max Burke came within an inch of losing his GRIME World Nightmare Championship last week to Javier Gonzalez, but fortunately for him, his manager came to his aid.  However, Casey is being barred from ringside this week, as Max teams up with his “special lady friend”, Ruby.  The two look to take down the married couple of Andrey and Esther Azarov. But with Rainbow lurking, Casey being banned from ringside isn’t as promising as it sounds.


Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Rooftop Match

Dying Breed Vs The Monstimals

This match will take place on the roof of the Staggs Dungen. For the safety of all involved, safety air bag landing pads will surround the two story building. The way to win is by one pinfall, or one submission, or both opponents being thrown over the roof.


Uncensored TV Championship
SCU Rules (standard match)
Veronica Taylor vs Cordelia Clark

This might be GRIME Wrestling but WGN set the rules for the TV titles. Since Cordelia Clark is the champion then the match must be under SCU rules regardless if GRIME has invaded the company at full capacity. Veronica, a GRIME favorite won’t need to worry about any attacks during this Purge. Gianni has told GRIME they are not to touch Cordelia Clark leading up to the match. Gianni doesn't want to hear any excuses from anyone.

Vs Vs] Vs

Uncensored TV Championship
Ladder Match
Skag vs Jacob Johnson vs Gold Vs Cyan

Cyan was part of a planed attack on Gold allowing him to take his TV title shot. Not only did he steal the match but he became the champion. Gold now gets his chance for payback and to become the TV Champion. But this time, he now gets that chance while also facing Skag and Jacob Johnson. The odds are stacked against Gold, or Cyan, or for SKag and Jacob for that matter. One has to figure out how to destroy the other three to climb the ladder, anything less just won’t do.

Vs Vs Vs
Vs Vs

GRIME Nightmare Contendership Match
Gauntlet Match.
Angel Of Filth vs Omasa Tazu vs Indigo vs GRIME Masked Celeste vs Kittie vs Light Blue

Joining Rob and Ada calling the play by play will be non other then GRIME Nightmare Champion Helena Jeckel. This match was supposed to take place last week, but GRIME broke the ring during the start of the purge.

It's that time again, folks! End of the year means that we will be presenting the Year End Awards at Night of Champions on January 2nd, 2021, live from the Saxon Hotel!  All ballots are due to the Underground account, or DM @GianniDGRIME_GM on Twitter no later than 11:59pm EST on Saturday December 26th, 2020 to count. But, we promise that there will be no voter suppression this time. All are welcomed, and encouraged to vote.

Stable of the Year:
SCU: Team Canada, The Good Shepherds, Over the Edge

Tag Team of the Year:
SCU: The Three Way, Team GO, Kawaii Dragons/Alex Rush and Rhino, Ruin Sisters (Debbi and Stacy), The Good Shepherds, Kelli and Halo (Team U.G.G.O.)
GRIME: The Monstimals, The Jeckels, Javier Gonzalez and Angel of Filth, Dying Breed

Breakout Star of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
M: Father Gerald Shepherd, Mark Cross, Mz Holly Wood, Andrew Borg
F: Ariana Angelos, Melissa Ruin, Cordelia Clark
M: Abaddon/Max Burke, Hitamashii, Andrey Azarov,
F: Helena Jeckel, Angel of Filth, Esther Azarov

Future Star of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
M: Helluva Bottom Carter, Alex Rush, Coby Quik, Kaos, Andrew Borg
F: Melissa Ruin, Michelle “Michi” DeJesus, Mrs. Right, Stacy Ruin, Mother Mavis Shepherd
M: Andrew Garcia, Ivan Darrell, Skag, Andrey Azarov, Samuel McPherson
F: Esther Azarov, Omasa Tazu, Masked member Jade, Ruby, Masked member Rainbow

Interbrand Match of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
*Men’s Clash of Champions Battle Royal - Hardcore Tag Team Champion Alex Rush Vs SCU TV Champion Shooter Reed Vs SCW Mixed Tag Team Champion Alex Jones Vs SCU Pride Tag Team Champion Helluva Bottom Carter Vs SCW Roulette Champion Kedron Williams Vs SCW Internet Champion Austin James Mercer Vs SCU Combat Champion Stewart Mason Vs GRIME Nightmare Champion Max Burke Vs SCU Underground Champion O’Malley Vs SCW World Heavyweight Champion Ben Jordan
; Underground Ep. 62: No Girls Allowed June 14th, 2020
*Merlot Ayano Vs Masked member Cerulean Blue - If Omasa wins, GRIME can compete in the Mayhem Survival Match at Supernova 3; Underground Ep. 65 July 5th, 2020
*The Good Shepherds Vs MASKED MEMBERS OF GRIME - Hardcore Tag Team Championships; My Bloody Valentine Pre Show February 16th, 2020
*SCU/GRIME Fatal 5-Way SCU Underground Championship
Valentina Vs Alexis Staggs Vs Helena Jeckel Vs Cadet Blue Vs Celeste North (c); Into the Void IX Pre-Show June 7th, 2020
*Transylvania Playhouse Match - Jack, Jack, and Helena Jeckel Vs Tatsu Ikeda, Winter Elemental, and Alex Rush; Underground Ep 64 June 28th, 2020
*SCW World Heavyweight Championship Vs SCU Underground Championship - Ben Jordan Vs Mark “The Dragon” Cross (With O’Malley cashing in after Ben Jordan wins to gain the SCU Underground Championship); Into The Void IX June 7th, 2020

Manager of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
SCU: Sarah Lane, Darcy Donohue, Real Killas, Gail Weston
GRIME: Raisa, Henry Lozak, Casey Williams

WTF/Holy Shit Moment of the Year:
*Angel of Filth and Javier Gonzalez win the Double Down Tag Team Championships and bring them to GRIME, then turning them into the GRIME World Nightmare Championships
*Vixen unmasks
*Max Burke unmasks
*Melissa Ruin and Angel Kash win a Street Fight against Azz n’ Class by sending them out a Starbucks drive thru window
*Masked member Ruby unmasks to reveal she is Mrs. Right, and then switches to SCU's side
*The first purge

Story of the Year:
*Azz n’ Class reunite
*Melissa Ruin turns on Angel Kash
*Changing GMs like underwear
*Esther Shepherd leaves the Good Shepherds and marries masked member Red, who turns out to be former PCB Heavyweight Champion, Andrey Azarov
*Omasa Tazu wins the rights for GRIME to compete in the Mayhem Survival Match by defeating Merlot Ayano (with the help of Veronica Taylor)

Most Loved of the Year:
M: Stewart Mason, Coby Quik, Helluva Bottom Carter, Alex Rush, Fox Brothers
F: Kelli Torres, Halo Annis, Merlot Ayano, Dahlia Rotten, Jenifer LaCroix, Celeste North, Alexis Staggs
Male and female elected by GRIME will be presented at the show, chosen by the members of GRIME themselves. No write in's accepted.

Devil’s Advocate of the Year:
M: Tim Staggs, John Martinez-Blade
F: Kawaii Dragons, Melissa Ruin

Most Hated of the Year:
M: Father Gerald Shepherd, O’Malley, Andrew Borg, Brother David Shepherd, theFAME
F: Angel Kash, Veronica Taylor, Cordelia Clark, Melissa Ruin
M: Javier Gonzalez, Max Burke, The Monstimals, Hitamashii, The Jeckels
F: Vixen Staggs, Helena Jeckel, Angel of Filth, Esther Azarov,

Match of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
*Two out of three falls match, SCU TV Championship - Dahlia Rotten Vs Merlot Ayano (c); Underground Ep 45: Night of Champions January 1st, 2020
*Clash of the Mean Girls Fatal Four Way - Delia Darling Vs Celeste North Vs Mercedes Vargas Vs Veronica Taylor (c); Underground Ep 45: Night of Champions January 1st 2020
* SCU TV Championship Ladder Match - Andrew Borg vs John Blade vs Shooter vs Nagisa Yagata vs Grimaldi vs Mz Holly Wood (c); Underground Ep. 54 March 29th, 2020
*Hardcore Tag Team Championships - Parking Lot Brawl - Alex Rush and Lucha Rhino Vs The Good Shepherds (Father Gerald and Brother David Shepherd)
* Underground Championship - Dahlia Rotten vs Celeste North (c); Supernova 3 August 1st, 2020
*Combat Championship vs SCU Contract - Last Man Standing - Shooter Reed vs Stewart Mason(c); Supernova 3 August 1st, 2020
*SCU Television Championship -First Blood Match - Melissa Ruin Vs Angel Kash(c); Summer XXXTreme August 8th, 2020
*SCU Combat Championship - Boxing Match - Eyesnsane Vs Stewart Mason(c); Violent Conduct VI September 27th, 2020
*GRIME World Nightmare Championship - Steel Cage Match - Orange vs Crimson vs Green Vs Angel of Filth (c); My Bloody Valentine February 16th, 2020
* Fans Bring Weapons Match - Losing Team Must Unmask - Sea Green, Grey and Light Blue vs Purple, Blue and Silver; Underground Ep 53 March 12th, 2020
*GRIME Nightmare Championship - Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match - Grime Masked Black (Ruby) Vs Vixen Staggs (c); Underground Ep. 57 April 25th, 2020
*GRIME Hell in a Cell (Broken glass & thumbtacks cover ground and mat) - Rory Rockefeller and Abaddon vs Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab; Underground Ep. 60 May 20th, 2020
*GRIME World Nightmare Championship -  - Hitamashii Vs Max Burke(c); Violent Conduct VI September 27th, 2020
*Hardcore Tag Team Championship - Graveyard Match - Jake and Jack Jeckel vs Royal Purple and Jim the Clown; Underground Ep. 75 October 25th, 2020
*GRIME World Nightmare Championship - Crucifix Match - Sister Esther Azarov Vs Vixen Staggs(c); Into the Void IX June 7th, 2020

Wrestler of the Year: (write in's not accepted)
M: Stewart Mason, Eyesnsane, Mark Cross, Father Gerald Shepherd, Helluva Bottom Carter
F: Celeste North, Dahlia Rotten, Halo Annis, Merlot Ayano, Kelli Torres
M: Max Burke, Lord Raab, Javier Gonzalez, Samuel McPherson, Hitamashii
F: Helena Jeckel, Vixen, Angel of Filth, Omasa Tazu, Esther Azarov

Results / SCU Underground Ep 78 (Results)
« on: December 15, 2020, 03:51:17 AM »
SCU Ep 78, Saturday, December 12th, 2020
Golden Ring Casino

Sin City Underground Ep 78 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at London Underground’s Golden Ring Casino in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and

The feed for Underground immediately opens up backstage to the current, reigning and defending GRIME World Nightmare Champion Max Burke and his associate Sin City Wrestling Hall Of Famer Casey Williams moments before the Main Event is set to begin. Max straps on his championship securely around his waist.

Max: Tonight, your longest reigning and greatest World Nightmare Champion is back in the main event of the evening as he so rightfully deserves. Javi... tonight you and I close the show the way only GRIME can. Tonight, you get your opportunity at my championship. This is your golden opportunity Javi. Are you the one? Are you the one to finally take this from me? Every man that has stepped up has fallen just like the previous. Nobody has been able to get the job done.

Casey assists Max with his ring jacket.

Max: No matter how much they stack the deck against your champ, I’ve always stood tall at the end of the evening since Into The Void X! The Sin City Wrestling Hall Of Famer, The Freight Train Of Pain, and my big buddy Casey Williams has had my back through all of it. We’ve been outnumbered night after night, but you’ve made sure that it’s a fair fight at the end of the night. Thank you for that my friend. Fighting against the odds, I have been your champion to lead you through this pandemic. I have been your hope. I have been your light in these dark times. For these past six months I have brought respect to this championship, to the GRIME brand, and to my fuckin’ name. No denying that Casey is a key point in that. I’ve actually got a little surprise for the big man here tonight.

Max reaches into his jacket and pulls out a cherrywood box. He hands it over to Casey who cracks it open to reveal a watch.

Max: That my friend is an exquisite Canadian timepiece to celebrate your induction this year. That is Novo Watches The Suffield - FV432 1968 LE Edition. When I say limited edition I mean limited. One of fifteen. And every purchase gets a donation to Wounded Warriors so I thought you’d appreciate that.

Casey just simply nods, and gives Max a pat on the shoulder. He doesn’t need to say anything.

Max: Back to tonight. Tonight... nothing changes. Word of warning. I know you’re watching H. I know you’re coming. I know this little thing we have going here is far from finished. If you are thinking of sticking your nose in my business yet again tonight. Think for a second. Do you really want to piss off Javi and his crew too? I’m guessing he won't be pleased if you decide to do something stupid tonight. BUT... if you want to join the party tonight... it’s your funeral...

However, the screen changes over to the ringside area.  “Way Down We Go” by KALEO is playing over the speakers as Javier Gonzalez comes out onto the stage in his wrestling gear.  He looks none too happy. He walks down the rampway, wasting no time, showing off a gas can in his hands.  He sets it down at ringside and then rolls inside of the ring.  He demands a microphone from the timekeepers table, and he gets what he asked for. He steps to the center of the ring as we see Max Burke watching from backstage, muttering to Casey as the two chuckle.  When we come back to ringside, Javi is staring at Max and Casey on the Sin City Tron.  He watches them for a moment before he raises the microphone up to his lips.

Javier:  Odelay homes, do I look like a joke to you?

Javi waits as Max and Casey both nod their heads.  This makes Javi begin to pace, anger in each of his steps.

Javier:  I thought so.  Because you sit back there talking like you’re invincible, mang.  You talk like you couldn’t lose that strap if you threw it out the car window.  You talk like a cocky pendejo, cabron.  Que te la pique un pollo (I hope a chicken pecks at your dick.)

Javi stops and points at the screen, looking quite serious.  Max chuckles as Casey looks a bit confused.

Javier:  But, Max, because you’re the only one worth talking to right now on the screen, so I’m going to say this in a way that you can understand.  You are the champion, because I let you be the champion.

Javi begins pacing again.

Javier:  You seem to forget your history, or you just don’t care to learn it.  Either way, you are going to be reminded.  I am the original GRIME World Nightmare Champion.  Me and Filth gave you chingados something to fight for!  Without me, you would never been the champion, and all I ask for is a little fucking respect, homes!  Put a little respect on my name when you speak it!

Javi stops and points at the screen once more.  His eyes are practically on fire.

Javier:  If you got the cajones, gringo, why wait for the Main Event?  Why not do this now, perra?

Javi emphasizes the word “cajones” by grabbing his crotch and throttling it until Max and Casey walk out of the shot and to the curtains.

Jared James Nichols opening vocals on "Nails In The Coffin"  cuts through the silence, as a fog fills the SCU entrance. A light from below reveals the current G.R.I.M.E World Nightmare Champion, Max Burke and his associate "The Freight Train Of Pain" Casey Williams.

Liam:  On his way to the ring, from Dorchester, New Brunswick Canada, standing at 6' and weighing in at 220lb, current G.R.I.M.E World Nightmare Champion, Max Burke!!!

As the music intensifies, “The Destroyer” reaches the edge of the squared circle. He turns on his heel, and makes his way to the ring steps. Once on the ringside apron, Burke glides his finger over the top rope as he walks to the center. He turns, his head bowed. Spotlights hit him from all directions as his music reaches a crescendo. Max swiftly removes his Max mask and cackles into the camera, lifting his championship above his head. He hands off his title to Casey as he waits for the match to begin.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ada:  The tables are set up all around the ring, thanks to Javi.  He stands around the outside of the ring, making sure there are plenty of gas cans and matches before he slides back inside of the ring.

Rob:   Javi storms over at Max, looking for a Spear and he gets it!  Javi watches as Max crumbles to the ground.  Javi stomps away at Max.

Ada:  Max grabs onto Javi’s foot and then stands up.  He shoves an elbow into Javi’s knee cap and then Clotheslines him to the mat.

Rob:   Max goes to the outside of the ring and picks up a table.  He slides it inside of the ring.  He grabs a gas can and turns around just as Javi dives through the ropes with a Suicide Dive!

Crowd:  YEAH!!!

Ada:  Gas goes all over the place as the audience moves to try to avoid getting hit by it.  Javi shakes it off like a dog before putting the boot to Max again.

Rob:   Max rolls out of the way and crawls toward the ring apron.  He lifts it up, but Javi grabs onto his ankle.  As Javi pulls Max away…


Ada:  Max sprays Javi with a fire extinguisher.  Javi stumbles back as the powder expands and clings to the tables on this side of the ring.  He then swings the extinguisher at Javi’s head.


Rob:   Javi stumbles back against the barricade.  He slaps against a table to push himself up.  He grabs onto Max’s head and flings him right into the table, cracking it in half!

Ada:  That doesn’t count because it wasn’t on fire.  Javi looks around at the fire suppressant and shakes his head.  He picks Max up and goes to drag him around the ring.

Rob:   As they round the second corner, Max plants his feet on the ring steps and pushes back, taking Javi down with a sort of modified Russian Legsweep.

Ada:  Max pulls himself over toward the table nearby and he slowly sets it up.  Javi slips on the fire suppressant when getting up the first few times.

Rob:   He makes it over to Max and clubs him across the back.  He then whips him back and bangs the back of his head on the barricade.

Ada:  Max is out cold now!  Javi picks up a nearby can of gas and brings it over to the table.  He picks Max up and puts him on the table and pours gas all over Max and the table.

Rob:   He strikes a match on his boot and holds it up as the fans begin shouting loudly for the idea of it all going up in flames.  He drops the match and Max quickly catches fire!

Ada:  This wakes Max up, and he rolls off the table.  The table falls over and into the corner.  Javi turns around as Max comes at him.  He tries to duck, but Casey grabs his ankle!

Rob:   Max comes at him like a freight train, and crashes right into Javi, putting him through the table!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner and STILL GRIME World Nightmare Champion… Max Burke!!!

Casey fires the extinguisher at Max, putting out the flames, and in the process, putting Javi out at the same time.  Casey pulls Max out of the ring and helps him to his feet.  Covered in flame retardant, Max hoists up his GRIME World Nightmare Championship as he goes toward the rampway.  He doesn’t see Hitamashii come up behind Casey with a lock and chain, knocking Casey down and out!  The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as Hitamashii spins Max around.  However, he only cackles in Max’s face as Omasa, Andrew, and Ivan come out to back Hitamashii up.  Max takes a few steps back, glaring at Hitamashii once more.  He then steps backward through the curtains, but not without holding the belt up to taunt Hitamashii.

Back in the GM office, we see Gianni with his feet kicked up on his desk.  Veronica is sitting nearby, typing on her phone as she talks.

Veronica:  And I think the whale needs to watch her back, because the First Class Mean Girl is going to steal that title away, and nobody is going to stop me.

Gianni nods his head, and he’s about to say something when WGN Standards and Practices Manager, Tad Ezra, comes walking through the door with a big smile on his face.  Veronica rolls her eyes and pulls out a wedding planning magazine, pouting in her seat.

Gianni:  Eyyyyy!  Tad, my main man!

Tad:  Gianni, your future wife is sitting right there…

Tad blushes, and then winks as Gianni rolls his eyes.  Veronica scoffs at Tad.

Veronica:  As if, masic…

Tad:  Honey, you wouldn’t know real style if Delia Darling slapped you right across the face, which she should after what you did at High Stakes X…

Veronica is going to say something when Gianni stands up from the desk.  He casually gets between them, but it’s much more urgent than he leads on.

Gianni:  So, uhhh… what brings ya in here?  I hope shit ain’t get too far with Javi and Max.  I gave Javi the go ahead.

Tad:  No, it’s perfect.  Last week’s ratings were a little… meh.  Saturday is a hard sell, but we didn’t do too bad.  Stunts like that are exactly what we’re going to need going forward.  And, with Lexa taking a vacation day…

Gianni looks confused for a second.

Gianni:  Wait, wait, wait.  You said “Lexa taking a vacation day” like today?

Tad:  Basically.  You run the show tonight.  You get one chance to spike the ratings.  I think you know what you need to do.

Gianni:  Oh yeah. I gotta do what I gotta do to leave a lastin’ impression.  And if ya get that camera outta here, I’ll tell ya what I was gonna do even if Lexa was here.

Tad is intrigued.  He rushes the camera out of the room, and then slams the door in their face.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Krystal Wolfe leaning against the wall playing her Nintendo Switch, a quick glance at the screen reveals that she’s playing a Troll Level on Super Mario Maker 2.

Krystal: Okay, get the fire flower to damage boost through the buzzsaw twice and through the door………what the fuck do you mean “auto level from start”?! I just hit the second check point!

Krystal grumbles under her breath before the Super Mario 64 Slide Theme, known in the troll community as the sign of an Anti-Softlock, plays, she groans before starting over.

Ariana: Krys, there you are!

Krystal looks up and sees Ari running up to her.

Krystal: What’s up? And don’t say the sky, still recovering from the Dad Joke episode of Recipe 4 Disaster.

Ariana: Have you seen Carter?

Krystal blinks before shaking her head.

Krystal: Not since last week’s Underground ep, why?

Ariana: I’ve been trying to find him all day, if you see him let him know that I’m looking for him.

Ari runs off and Krystal shakes her head before returning to the game and doing as the Anti-Softlock instructed.

Krystal: Wait, auto-level from start of Checkpoint Two?! ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?!

Krystal yells out before the scene fades.

Jenifer Lacroix vs Mrs. Right

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

J'ai un grand projet pour l'avenir
Pour lui plaire je vais devenir

Jenny from from the curtain to cheers and whistling from the men in the arena. Jenny waves at the crowd as she gets introduced.  Jenny rocks out on the way to the ring jumping to the beat of the song as the lyrics play.

La Stone Family
I am Marvin Gaye
Donny Hathaway
Oh Yeah , Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah
Je changerais

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, from France, standing at 5’3” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… Jenifer LaCroix!!!

Jenny slides in the ring and continues to jump around to the beat, getting the crowd hyped up for the match.

Tu sais, tu sais, tu sais
Je changerais
Demain ou peut-être jamais

Jenny climbs to the middle turnbuckle as the music fades out raising her hand in the air getting a last minute pop from the crowd.

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, representing Over the Edge, from Killeen, TX standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 155lb, she is… Mrs. Right!!!

The lights get lowered and there seems to be a purple hue as the music plays.  After a few moments Mrs. Wright comes out from backstage stopping for a moment waving to the left and to the right. Then she slowly walks to the ring and then up the steel steps.  After she enters the ring, the walks to the center of the ring and turns, taking a moment to pause as she faces each side of the ring.  Before cutting a stare at the ring announcer as she walks to a corner.  And backs herself in while waiting for the action to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Both ladies walk to the middle of the ring, Mrs. Right goes to tie up but Jenifer comes in with a quick punch left and right punch combo. Mr. Right takes a step back, Jenifer goes for a third punch but gets knocked down by Mrs. Right’s big boot!

Gena: Jenifer does a kip-up to get to her feet. Mrs. Right goes to grab her but Jenifer again nails a left then a right to Mrs. Right’s chest. Mrs. Right goes for a left hook, Jenifer ducks and grabs Mrs. Right’s waist as she tries to lift her but Mrs. Right counters with a hard headbutt!

Chad: Mrs. Right grabs Jenifer and lifts her in the air but gets a quick kick in the jar for her troubles! Mrs. Right lets go of Jenifer, Jenifer lands on her feet and jumps up for a spin kick but Mrs. Right counters as she nails Jenifer in the side of the head before she can get her leg around with a hard left hook! Jenifer hits the mat hard!

Gena: Mrs. Right grabs Jenifer’s arm and jerks her up to her feet with ease. Mrs. Right ties up and lifts Jenifer up into the air. Jenifer starts to swing her feet to get Mrs. Right to lose her balance from her Stalling Suplex. Mrs. Right just drops right down and drops Jenifer on her head with a brainbuster pin combo!!!


Chad: Jenifer gets her shoulder off the mat to stop the count. Mrs. Right gets off of her and gets to her feet. Mrs. Right grabs Jenifer’s throat and dead weights her up in the air for a chokeslam…

Gena: Jenifer gets her right foot around Mrs. Right’s arm Jenifer swings her left foot to kick Mrs. Right in the jaw! Mrs. Right lowers her arm causing Jenifer’s back hits the mat. Still holding Mrs. Right’s arm she goes down as well.

Chad: Mrs. Right swings her free arm to punch Jenifer but she counters with a kick to Mrs. Right’s fist. Mrs. Right goes for another punch but Jenifer again kicks her fist. Mrs. Right may end up with broken knuckles if she keeps that up…

Gena: Jenifer kicks Mrs. Right in the face then untangles herself from Mrs. Right’s arm. Both ladies get to their feet. Mrs. Right steps forward as Jenifer leaps in and nails a weak quick punch to the face.

Chad: Mrs. Right grabs Jenifer and lifts her over her head, Mrs. Right takes a step forward and throws her to the mat. Jenifer lands flat on the mat hard, She rolls to the corner to get to her feet as Mrs. Right smirks at her…

The lights in the arena go out…

Gena: What just happened?

Chad: I can still hear you in my headphones so we have power, just the lights went out…

The lights turn back on, we see GRIME Masked wrestler Jade swinging a chain with a padlock at the end a foot away from Mrs. Right, keeping her in the corner. Masked wrestlers Orchid and Celeste double team Jenifer Lacroix.

Gena: What the hell is this?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Dylan calls for the bell as a DQ win for Jenifer will be rewarded. Dylan yells at Masked Celeste and Orchid. Jade turns to look at Dylan, Mrs. Right side steps away and kicks Jade on the side. Jenifer balls up on the mat to cover up as Celeste and Orchid kick away at her.

Mrs. Right kicks Jade again, Jade drops the chain. Orchid and Celeste get Jenifer to her feet and lean her on the turnbuckle. Mrs. Right runs towards them swinging the chain. Celeste pouches Orchid out the way at the last second. Mrs. Right can’t stop in time and nails the padlock part of the chain to the top of Jenifer’s head. Orchid and Celeste run over and jade and get her out of the ring.

Mrs. Right turns around to attack GRIME but Celeste and Orchid slide out of the ring and jump the barricade with Jade to leave the area.

Referee Dylan and Mrs. Right check on Jenifer who is knocked out by the blow.

Darlyn: Your winner of this match by DQ… Jenifer Lacroix!!!

Mrs. Right slides out of the ring and pulls Jenifer out, she places Jenifer over her left shoulder to carry her out up the rampway. The crowd cheers for Mrs. Right, cameras follow them as she carries Jenifer to the back. They can hear loud banging coming from the hallway up ahead.

Mrs. Right still carrying Jenifer sees a forklift blocking a door. Mrs. Right puts Jenifer down on the floor and squats as she grabs on to the forklift… The crowd can be heard cheering Mrs. Right on as she slowly lifts the forklift on two wheels to drop it on its side.

The door opens up to see Celeste North charging out and checking on Jenifer Lacroix.

Mrs Right: Damn GRIME ruined a great match between us.

Celeste: Don’t you worry Mrs. Right, you two will have another match soon enough. As for GRIME, paybacks a bitch.

Mrs Right: Jade wants a fight, I’ll take care of her one on one. YOu and Jenifer can take out Celeste and Orchid.

Celeste: I saw what happened, I was attacked by JAde and ended up trapped in the closet. She put the attack together. She’s mine, Jenifer can take on Orchid and Celeste on her own in the ring.

Mrs Right: Fair enough, but I still want a piece of Jade but for now, I’m happy to team with Jenifer to take on Celeste and Orchid.

Celeste: Just do me a favor.

Mrs Right: What’s that?

Celeste: Leave me a piece of them as I’ll make sure to leave you a piece of Jade.

Mrs Right: You got a deal.

The picture comes to life as a highlight video takes over the screen. Various angles and shots of Merlot Ayano are shown as she makes her way down the entrance ramp. The seasoned wrestlers flashes a sly smirk. From there, the camera cuts to Merlot doing work inside of the ring. The first scene depicts Merlot blasting an opponent with chop after chop until she is able to floor them with a rolling chop. The subsequent clip shows her connecting with a German suplex. Merlot then rolled through after the contact and snaps on a Lebell lock. The next clip shows Merlot yoking up a much larger woman. Merlot hoists the woman up and stalls for a moment before she drops that woman on her head with a Saito suplex. The scene shifts one last time. A moderately lengthy montage of Merlot kicking the shit out of people begins to play. The video starts to fade to black after Merlot connects with a high roundhouse.

The screen remains black for a few moments until the following phrase breaks through:

Merlot Ayano - SCU Combat Champion - Returning Soon!

The scene opens backstage, where we see Rainbow already in ring gear warming up as she prepares to face off against Piper Beckett. Adjusting her mask, she sits down and begins to lace up her boots.  She looks up to see Marissa Henry approaching with a microphone in her hand and a camera man in tow.

Marissa: Rainbow is it?

Rainbow: はい (Yes)

Marissa: Great. I have been tasked so get a few words from you regarding your debut and this match tonight against Piper Beckett.

Rainbow: Who sent you?

Marissa: Mr Di Luca.

She says with confidence.

Rainbow: 数字 (Figures).

Marissa: Is it ok to speak to you?

Rainbow: Sure. Be quick about it.

Marissa: Thanks.

Marissa urges her camera man to come closer before continuing.

Marissa: Well firstly... you had a successful debut at the High Stakes kick off show. What are your thoughts on this?

Rainbow thinks for a moment, taking in the question.

Rainbow: 成功 (Successful). Fun. Painful. A great start to my life in GRIME... My debut went as expected. I picked the fight that I wanted, and I came out on top. Yes I could have easily opted for a singles match but why not have a triple threat instead and beat two people instead of one. While Ruby wasn’t my first choice Esther was, however, I still want her one one one to make sure that I defeated my original target.

She says starting off with single words before going into further detail.

Marissa: So how did you feel about being left out of the TV championship contendership match on Episode 77 that included your defeated opponents Esther and Ruby?

Rainbow: I was happy for them because without me they wouldn’t be in that match. I made them 関連 (relevant) again. They unfortunately blew the opportunity and lost but that is down to them not me. I didn’t get a thank you either from either of them. しかし、それはそれです。 (But it is what it is.) It’s their careers and can do what the 性交 (fuck) they like.

Marissa: Ok... so moving on. Tonight, in your second match for GRIME, you are facing off against Piper Beckett. What are your thoughts about this match and her...?

Marissa leaves the question open... and Rainbow thinks for a moment before adjusting her mask again.

Rainbow:  Going back to what I said earlier and when I came to GRIME, I had the choice to face anyone I wanted. I could have chosen Vixen who was at the time the world champion but I decided on starting at the bottom and work my way up. There were a few options to choose from and aside from Esther...

my other option was ... Piper Beckett.

At first I couldn’t decide, so I picked up a 1¥ coin and それを反転 (flipped it). Heads Esther. Tails Piper and well Esther won, and she was my first victim in climbing the ladder to success... Piper in my eyes is just another rung on the ladder. Frankly I don’t know much about her... I’ve heard of her brother Dax and his exploits but Piper... she is just living in his shadow.

Like Esther, she has done nothing in GRIME. Just 失敗 (bumbling) along accepting any matches that come along. It’s sad that girls like her and Esther and just take up spaces on the roster. Such a waste... there isn’t a single bit of talent in her.

Rainbow turns her attention away from Marissa to the camera and looks straight down the lens.

Rainbow: Having no talent is fine for me when we step into the ring and we face off, because I will once again show why i am the future dominant force in this company. I am going to teach you a lesson of why you shouldn’t sit back and watch the world fly by.

I am going to beat and punch you into 提出 (submission), I am going to make you 再評価 (re-evaluate) your choice on why you became a wrestler.

I am going to win this match and I am going to show why i will become top dog. Piper I hope you are ready, but you are going to need more than luck.

See you out there.

Rainbow stands to her feet and turns her back on the camera and Marissa and goes back to warming up and stretching.

Marissa: Thank you Rainbow.

The camera fades out as Rainbow continues to stretch and get ready.

Tim Staggs vs Andrew Borg

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 195lb, he is... "The Nobody" Tim Staaaaaaaaaaggs!!!

The lights in the arena go out as the beat to "The Nobodies" by Marilyn Manson plays over the speakers. As the electric organ picks up, a red light flashes across the screen as random faces begin to show on the screen. Then, a man in a white Bad Boys hooded jacket, and a black mask, steps out onto the stage, pausing as he looks down at the ground. As the music picks up, the figure pulls his hood back, yanking his mask off to reveal Tim Staggs. He jumps onto the ring apron, focused as he steps through the ropes. He paces back and forth, and the lights turn up some as he looks up. He then removes his jacket and tears away his black pants to reveal his wrestling outfit. He jogs backward and rests in one of the far corners, sinking down to a seated position as he contemplates.

Darlyn:  Aaaaand his opponent, coming to the ring from Tulsa, OK, he is… Andrew Borg!!!

Andrew’s music plays and he rushes down to the ring, he asks for the microphone. Andrew gets the microphone from Darlyn.

Andrew: Now Timmy boy, welcome back to SCU. The fans missed you, everyone in the back missed you. Some thought you would never come back. Not I, or any of the Good Shepherds, however. You see Father Gerald told us so, the day after Erik Staggs allowed Henry to let his monsters loose on you, Gerald prayed for you to recover and return back to the ring soon. We all prayed with him. You see Tim unless the “Bad Boys” or those with the Staggs name. The Good Shepherds are a family, we don’t just take care of each other, we care for one and another. 

Andrew walks up close to Tim as they meet in the middle of the ring.

Andrew: It’s clear you have no family. Come home where you belong. YES, YOU CAN! The Good Shepherds are waiting to welcome you to the family. No Stagg looks at you like family. Erik, Jaime, hell even Vixen or Spike. Even your own “wife” nowhere to be found. We all know why she’s out with her new man. Your replacement as DJ’s Father…

Chad: Tim has heard enough as lefts, rights, jabs, start flying. The ref calls for the bell to start the match.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Tim showing Andrew that he’s in no mood for his shit. Tim uses his core strength advantage to back Borg up into a corner. Andrew side steps to back away as he places the microphone close to his lips.

Andrew: I don’t understand, I offer you a family. Why are you acting this way? The Good Shepherds will be there for you. Unlike all the other Staggs…

Chad: Tim kicks Andrew in the gut. Andrew drops the microphone. Time kicks him again then grabs Andrew to drop him with Untitled No. 2 (Stunner)!  Tim rolls over on top of Borg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Here is your winner via pinfall… Tim Staaaaaaaaaaaaaggsssss!!!

Gena: Not much of a match.

Chad: Andrew trying to recruit Tim Staggs into the Good Shepherds lasted longer than the match itself.

Gena: He should have focused on the match not running his mouth.

The scene cuts in on the new SCU Uncensored Television Champion Cordelia Clark who is recording this from home at this time considering her unbooked status for this coming show. She watches her victory over Angel Kash and Queen of Apathy and it definitely brings a smile on her face, indicating that she may just as well be over some anger from before. Still, she’s quick to turn off the television and focus on the cameras in front of her as she begins to express her thoughts for tonight.

Cordelia: I can never get tired of watching that again and again, even if I did have to jump through some annoying legal hoops for a brief moment just to get to that point. See, as the SCU Uncensored Television Champion, you have my vow that I am going to represent this championship with grace and dignity. You’re not going to have someone like Angel Kash who was only ever using this championship as an accessory to begin with. You’re not going to have someone like her who all she cares about is her plastic, disgusting looks and her even more disgusting excuse of a brain. No, you’re going to have a champion that is going to be all about bringing class and dignity back to this championship! It’s a shame! Last week proved how little of either SCU actually has and the reason why I say that? I mean… come on… did you see that fiasco in the office prior to me winning this championship in the triple threat? That should show you something! And let’s be honest here… as I mentioned before? I really don’t give a crap about this never ending SCU versus GRIME nonsense because the only person Cordelia cares about is Cordelia… DUH… but for all of the “GRIME” problem, I have to be really blunt about this… the higher ups in this company ENABLE IT…

Cordelia takes a pause, smirking without remorse. She knows that this is going to draw some heat from some people in the SCU locker room, but she doesn’t look like someone that is worrying about it whatsoever.

Cordelia: You’re all going to think that’s blasphemous, but if you really think about it, it’s true! Why did my match HAVE to be contested under “GRIME RULES”? If we hate “GRIME” so much, why are we using THEIR rules to decide an SCU championship? If we hate “GRIME” so much, how come there isn’t an active movement to get rid of it? If we hate “GRIME” so much, then why in the world are we having “GRIME” wrestlers in contender’s matches for SCU championships? Maybe I’m being a little too analytical, I will be first to admit that but I’m noticing this pattern and it just seems suspicious to me. Seriously. Last week, there was a contender’s match to determine the next challenger to this title and “GRIME member Jade” won it. So… my first defense in all likelihood is going to be a GRIME wrestler. Does any of this make ANY sense to you people? For once, I wouldn’t blame you if it didn’t because SERIOUSLY!

Don’t get me wrong!

I WILL be defending this championship against “Jade”. I’m going to go out there when the time is right and retain this championship. But I want you all to know this: this isn’t about ‘brand supremacy’ because I really REALLY don’t give a flying crap about any of that. I want you to know that when I retain this championship, this isn’t going to be for SCU. I’m not into that hype about SCU VERSUS GRIME because that gets enough airtime as it is. I’m not going to retain this title to keep it out of GRIME hands. I could care less. Every opponent regardless of who they stand with is the same to me. No, I’m only going to retain his championship for ME and ME ALONE!

Aside from signing me, what’s this company REALLY done for me anyway? Since I’ve been here, I’ve seen so much incompetence from the people in charge it’s unreal. Remember when I faced that Lynx girl twice and when I had a match postponed because of WGN? Yeah… I don’t forget that.

Considering this company just put me through a whole lot of crap to even have this title last week, I see no motivation or reason to ‘represent SCU’ in this. And if that bothers you people… look in the mirror… because that’s your own doing… not mine!

Cordelia lets out a scoff as she stands up from her couch and walks out of the scene making it quite clear that she’s far more about herself then she could ever be about SCU as the scene fades out.

Rainbow vs Piper Beckett

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a …

“American Landfill” by 3TEETH begins to play over the sounds system, the lights begin to strobe through the venue as Rainbow appears through the curtain dancing before stopping half way and pushes her hair back to reveal the Rainbow mask.. Rainbow surveys the crowd for a moment.

Liam: Making her way to the ring, representing the masked members of GRIME, she is… Rainbow!!!

She then continues down the ramp, as slaps the hands of the awaiting fans, she then climbs into the ring, where she then climbs the turnbuckles and surveys the crowd before climbing back down and heads to the corner, where she waits for the match to start.

“I’m gonna show you…” can be heard playing out as lights flash and a female silhouette can be seen backlit at the entrance way.

Liam: From Anaheim, CA standing at five nine and weighing in at one hundred thirty three pounds, Piper Beckett!!!

Stepping into the light, Piper Beckett smirks at the fans around the ringside area as she moves down to the ring.  She poses just out of reach of the fans and snaps a selfie or two of the fans reach out towards her.  Blowing a cocky kiss to the fans over her shoulder, she climbs the ringsteps and then slides between the ropes.  Setting her phone down on the canvas at ringside, she slowly peels off a satin jacket to reveal her wrestling gear.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ada:  Rainbow dashes across the ring and tackles Piper to the ground, throwing punch after punch.  Piper grabs onto the ropes and pulls herself onto the apron.

Rob:   Rainbow stands up and leans through the ropes, stomping away at Piper.  Piper is finally able to grab onto Rainbow’s leg and trips her up.  She drops a knee to the back of Rainbow’s head.

Ada:  She pulls Rainbow out onto the apron and she rushes her toward the ringpost.  As she gets close, Rainbow uses the momentum to slam her into it, avoiding it herself.

Rob:   She then tosses Piper to the outside of the ring.  She steps down and pulls out a bag.  She fumbles through the bag and pulls out a long taser.  She electrifies it and it pops a few times.

Ada:  As Piper gets up, she rushes at Piper and shocks her with the taser.  As Piper falls to the ground, convulsing, Rainbow gives her another shock. The referee comes outside and warns Rainbow that it’s not a legal weapon.

Rob:   Rainbow shrugs and drops it to the ground.  She kicks Piper’s head once and then lifts her up.  She sends her into the barricade and then dusts her hands off.  She steps up onto the apron and leaps off with a Moonsault, crashing through the barricade.

Ada:  Both ladies are feeling that one.  Piper pulls herself toward the nearest chair and pulls herself up partially.  She breathes heavily until Rainbow stands up and drops an elbow to the back of her head.

Rob:   Rainbow grabs onto Piper’s head and goes to smash her face into the chair, but Piper uses her foot to stop it.  She drops Rainbow down chin first onto the back of the chair.

Ada:  Piper picks up a fallen chair and she smacks it over the back of Rainbow’s head.  She goes for another, but Rainbow slowly rolls off, just in the nick of time.  Piper pulls her to her feet and then whips her into a row of chairs, and she trips over them.

Rob:   She stomps on Rainbow and screams out as she picks up the speed, stomping her wildly.  She then turns Rainbow over onto her back.  Rainbow nails a surprise Monkey Flip to Piper, right on top of the chairs.

Ada:  As the chairs crumble, Rainbow gets back to her feet.  She drags Piper by her long reddish hair toward the entryway.  This match isn’t Falls Count Anywhere!

Rob:   Rainbow drags her out into the hallway and whips her right into the wall.  She charges and hits a High Knee to the head, smashing it into the wall!

Ada:  Rainbow then drags her by the feet toward the men’s room.  Male fans shout at them as they enter.

Man 1:  What the hell are you doing in the men’s room?!

Man 2:  If you don’t got a dick, piss with the chicks!

Rob:   Rainbow nearly misses the second man as she whips Piper into the urinal.  He bumps into the first man, and a little stray hits Piper, who screams.

Ada:  Rainbow gets shoved right through a stall door, on top of a man who is sitting down with a Valentina sock, blushing.  He begins pulling his pants up in a hurry as Piper brushes past him and goes for Rainbow.

Rob:   Rainbow moves out of the way, and she trips Piper up over the toilet.  She shoves Piper’s face down into the toilet, giving her a swirly like a geek in high school!

Ada:  Piper is able to get free, but Rainbow begins bashing her over the head with a toilet seat!  As Piper starts to crawl away, Rainbow grabs onto her foot and puts it between the seat and the toilet.

Rob:   She perches herself up on top of the toilet paper dispenser.  It cracks when she leaps off and stomps right on top of the seat, and Piper screams as we hear a snap!

Ada:  The referee makes it into the ring as Piper screams in agony.  She holds onto her leg as Rainbow just stares down at her.  As the ref asks if she can continue, Piper quickly shakes her head “no”. And the medics come to check on her.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Piper Beckett is unable to continue the match.  Therefore, your winner is… Masked member Rainbow!!!

Rainbow steps back slowly, admiring her handiwork.

Medic 1:  Her ankle is broken completely! I need backup!

Rainbow turns and leaves the bathroom, and you can hear her laughing as she turns the corner and the scene fades elsewhere.

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep 78 (CARD)
« on: December 06, 2020, 04:54:51 PM »
SCU Ep 78, Saturday, December 12th, 2020
Golden Ring Casino

Sin City Underground Ep 78 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at London Underground’s Golden Ring Casino in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Saturday, December 12th, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety Bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves. Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account. Segment deadline is the same as the SCW promo deadline on Friday, December 11th, 2020.

Last week, Team Canada and The Jeckels faced off. No winner was announced as Darlyn and Liam were not sure what Dylan’s final call was. Once the show went off the air, it was called a DQ, the winners of the match, The Jeckels. GRIME will now main event Night of Champions on January 2nd 2021.

Tim Staggs, Mason Fox, and Stacy Ruin returned after their respective injuries. Tim and Stacy return tonight in singles matches as they make up this eight match card. Two centdership matches. Rainbow and Jenifer also in singles matches. Alex Rush, Ariana Angelos put the Pride Tag Team titles on the line against former TV Champion Mz Holly Wood and Multi champion Kelli Torres! Plus a main event that all the GRIME fans have been waiting for. Max Burke puts the GRIME Nightmare title on the line against Javi!

Jenifer Lacroix vs Mrs. Right

Tim Staggs and Andrew Borg

Rainbow vs Piper Beckett

Pride Tag Team Championship Match
Alex Rush and Ariana Angelos vs Mz Holly Wood and Kelli Torres

GRIME Nightmare Contendership Match
Fatal Fourway
Samuel McPherson vs Jerry Cann vs Eric Weaver vs Andrew Garcia

Halo Annis vs Stacy Ruin

GRIME Nightmare Contendership Match
Gauntlet Match.
Angel Of Filth vs Omasa Tazu vs Indigo vs GRIME Masked Celeste vs Kittie vs GRIME Masked Light Blue

GRIME Nightmare Championship Match
Max Burke vs Javier Gonzalez

All of this, and oh so much more as SCU and GRIME present: Underground Ep 78!

Climax Control Archives / Revelations (Pt 2)
« on: December 03, 2020, 04:31:52 PM »

The Origin Story (Pt 2)
Tulsa, OK; November 1st, 2015

The pain radiates across my back as I kneel before the cross.  Some might call it archaic, but lets be honest, the world has gone to heck in a handbasket since “archaic” stopped being the way that we handled things.  The pain leaves my body through the silent tears that exit my eyes.  Aside from those very tears, there is no sign of the pain, and that’s the way it should be.  Another sting goes across my back, and my body winces as a sign of weakness, and the shame fills me more than I already am filled.

Behind me, sitting in the front row pews of the newly renovated Church of the Good Shepherds, would be my mother, stone faced as always, Ginny Mae, biting at her lip, but a whimsical look in her eyes, Andrew Borg, my silent cheerleader in making it through this session, as he jostles with each lashing I’m taking, and on the end is Esther, who has more tears in her eyes than I do.  Andrew reaches over to take her hand in comfort, but it doesn’t seem to do anything for her in that regard.  And behind me, with a good old fashioned bullwhip, would be… you guessed it, my father, Father Gerald.  He is the one dishing out the punishment on me today.  He goes to raise the whip once more, and I brace myself for another lashing when he stops and sets it down on the altar.

Gerald:  I’m afraid I been going about this the wrong way, son.  You ain’t gonna learn no lessons from getting lashed with some bullwhip like an animal.

My body eases up some.  There is a sigh of relief that escapes my lungs.  I shouldn’t want the break, but my body simply doesn’t feel like it can take any more punishment.  I start to get up, but my father puts his boot against the back of my head and kicks me back down on the ground.  I push myself up again, and kneel on the ground, waiting for what I must next do.  I don’t have to wait long as Father Gerald steps in front of me, reaching under the altar, and pulls out another whip of sorts.  This one shines in its glory, but just at the tips of the various tassels.

Gerald:  I like to think of you as my own apostle, Brother David.  You are the one to carry on the Holy Word of The Good Book once I’m called up to the Heavenly Kingdom. I do hope that you know that. God has so many great things lined up for you, if you just show your devotion to Him. But the parallels are just too uncanny.  For my only begotten son kneels down before me, and I must watch his body suffer so that his eternal soul may be saved.

He makes me look up into his eyes.  Crazy as ever.  His words betray the look of pure pleasure in his eyes.  He then slaps me hard across the face.  Esther screams out, and mother reaches over to pat her on the knee, and she shouts out “NO!” and runs out of the building.  Andrew follows after her, leaving mother, father, and Ginny to bare witness.

Gerald:  JJesus knelt before God, Pontius Pilate, and all who wished Jesus to be put to death… You kneel before your father, the governor of your soul, and the crowd who want nothing more than to see your soul saved.  Your sins are not only grotesque, but suitable for eternal damnation.  You must repent, and a simple bullwhip ain’t gonna cut it.  So I’ve put together a replica of the flog used on Jesus Christ himself, to purify his soul through pain.

Before I can say a single word, my father is behind me, and he whips me hard across the back, tearing into my flesh.  I scream out in agony, unable to hold in my cries this time.  I fall forward, and Ginny is called to grab onto my hair and hold me up straight until my mother can tie me to a banister meant to represent the Christ at the Column.  Once my hands are secured, I feel one more lashing go across my back, and my skin tears as I let out a guttural scream.

Each scream only earns me more of a whipping, so instead of focusing on the pain, I choose to focus on the sin itself, so that I may be absolved and averted by it in the future.  Each inch of torn skin across my back makes me think of the night before, Halloween.

I looked around the room, because I wanted to take in everyone’s faces as I stood there in my suit and dress shirt, and The Good Book tucked firmly underneath my arms.  There was a cup of water next to me, and by now, the ice cubes had begun to melt.  Doctors, firefighters, cats, rabbits, vampires, zombies, all dressed in next to nothing besides their body paint.  They sweat on each other, grinding to the latest Lady Gaga song while rainbow colored lights flash around.  Heathens.  Sickening, unrepentant heathens.

Yet, just like Jesus Christ, I refused to give up on them all.  I stood there, ready to reveal The Truth to them, in hopes that maybe just one person will listen and see the light.  I looked out amongst the crowd once more as a red man with horns on his head, and a tail hanging from the back of his tight shorts walked up to me.  He settled down on the tablenext to me and rested his elbows there.

Devil:  Hey, nice costume.  You’re probably the scariest person here, and I’m the fucking Devil.

He laughed, but I didn’t show any interest in his advances, or his comments.  I turned to him and I opened up the book.  I cleared my throat to speak, and he smiled at me even wider.

Devil:  Oh, so it’s either not a costume, or you’re really getting into the character, cutie.

Me:  A character I am not, for I follow the Lord, spreading his message to the sinners, those poor in faith. And judging by your appearance, I’d say you’re definitely bankrupt in that department.

He chuckled again, but his smile faded a little.  He picked up his drink and took a sip and then set it down next to mine. He put a hand on mine, over The Good Book. I started to pull it away, but I just might have been able to help this one.

Devil:  Judge not lest ye be judged. That’s somewhere in that book, isn’t it?  Along with “Do not point out the speck in your brother’s eye, ignoring the log in your own”? I went to Catholic school growing up.

I snorted in response.

Me:  Well, a lot of good it did you, huh?

He rolled his eyes at me and picked up his drink.  He started to walk away, but then he turned back to look at me.  That goatee looked quite real, and I can’t help but wonder for a second who I am really dealing with.

Devil:  It’s not all fire and brimstone, buddy.  You people always forget the core values of your faith.  Love. Mercy. Kindness. Compassion. Maybe if you lightened up a little, you might be able to smile once in a while.

He turned and walked away.  Something in me drove me to push off of the table and out of my chair.  Before I knew it, my feet were following after him, almost quicker than my own body.  The book was gripped firmly in my grasp.  I brushed past people he had weaved between on his way back to the bar.  I tapped him on the shoulder and he turns around to look at me.

Me:  You have it all wrong.  I’m not some fire and brimstone nut job.  I’m only here because we are at a very crucial time right now, and it’s more important than ever to worry about where your soul is going.

The devil held up his cup and gave it a shake for the bartender, who must have known him by name, as he instantly began preparing a new drink.  He curled his lips into a smile that almost seemed like it was taunting me, or pitying me.

Devil:  Well, thanks for your concern, but I have a pretty good idea where I’m going after I die.

Me:  And dressing the part already to earn brownie points? How ambitious of you.

Devil:  Look, is there some cup I can drop a couple dollars in to help out your cause, and more importantly, to get you off my back?  It’s Halloween, and I’m just trying to let loose a little.  And this...

He gestured to the finest garments in my closet at the time, and even to my face, which I could see in the mirrors behind the bar, was less than inviting.  He took his drink from the bartender and took a sip before finishing his sentence.

Devil:  … this isn’t helping at all.  It’s been a rough week at the office, and I just came here to get over Brendan by dancing with some cute guys.  Excuse me, cute guys who don’t want to save my eternal soul or whatever.

He was taunting me.  Really.  I rolled my eyes and he sucked down his drink faster than I could ever formulate a sound with my lips.  He extended his hand to me, and I just stared at it.

Me:  What is this, the Garden of Gethsemane? Do I look like my name is Judas?

He snickered.

Devil:  No, you look like your name is Bobby, or David or something.

He looked at me and waited for me to give my correct name.  His snicker turned into full on laughter as he grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the dance floor.

Devil:  No shit, Bobby!  Show me those moves.

It couldn’t hurt to try a different approach, right?  Jesus didn’t walk into the gatherings of human scum with a holier than thou attitude.  He went in there, and did as they did, to a point, and he used their logic to get through to them.  I was dancing on a fine line right now, but I was strong enough to get past temptation.  I began to move along to the music, poorly, since I never was a dancer.  I looked more like a drunken frat boy who just learned how to walk two seconds ago.  Devil danced like he was born to do nothing but dance.  And his few off beat moves were endearing, causing me to smile a little.  But then, the music died down and a slow song began to play.  The floor cleared a little, but a few stayed on and gathered with their partners for a slow dance.  He put his hands around my waist, and I was seconds away from pushing him away.  But, I didn’t.

Devil:  You can’t dance for shit, Bobby.

Me:  It’s… never mind.  I don’t do a lot of dancing.  My time is better used elsewhere.  In the church.

He was respectful.  His hands stayed in the appropriately platonic zones and there’s almost a foot of space between us as we slowly turned around in circles.  I practically towered over his 5’9” hairline.  He had to look up, and I down.

Devil:  I’m surprised that your church is okay with you, considering.

Me:  Oh, I’m not… gay.  I like women.

The devil looked down at me and could tell that was not entirely truthful.  He winks and nods his head.  I pretend not to notice what he’s talking about, even as I moved in a little closer, just to keep “that” out of his view.

Me:  I don’t mean to come on so strong. I just… I was in a very dark place before the church.  I guess I just see what all it has done for me, and I can’t help but feel like I owe my entire being to God.  And I can’t see how nobody else would feel the same way, especially those who have so much to be thankful for. I really am just trying to help others… like me… to see that.

Devil:  You do know that conversion therapy is a load of horse shit, right?  It doesn’t work.  It doesn’t change who you really are.  All it does is suppress it. It creates stresses and anxieties in a world where we have far too much of that going on anyway.  It’s literally the worst thing you could do.

I went silent, because there was a logic there that I can’t deny.  I may not think about “it” as much as I used to, but it was still there.

Me:  I’m in a much better place now. I’ve left behind the drinking, the drugs, the risks.  I don’t need a relationship, anyway.  I’ve dedicated myself to Him.

Just then, desire burned through my entire body as I stared into those dark brown eyes.  They were bottomless, cavernous, and so full of mystery.  Their chill went through my body, igniting a heat within me to counteract it, and sweat began to form on my forehead.  I shivered as I found myself drawn into his embrace.

Devil:  It’s 2015.  Devotion is for the frauds still buying into the institution of monogamy meant to keep us from loving one another.  Used to keep us loyal to a magical man in the sky that does not exist.  Not in the context we believe, anyway.  It’s even crazier than conversion therapy.  God doesn’t exist, but we need the idea to hold firm to so that we don’t go around killing and robbing each other.  I’ll give you one thing.  Our moral compass is fucked because we have to rely on “White Jesus” to keep us from doing wrong to one another, and even that is only slightly effective.

With each word that came out of his mouth, there was something in me that just felt magnetized.  First my chest pressed against his, smearing red paint on my black jacket and white shirt.  Then, my head and his came for a collision course.  And no, not a headbutt like I wish I had done in retrospect.  Our lips met.  And for a minute, I felt like I was floating.  Even through the rest of the four minute ballad, my entire body was just in bliss as our hands moved over one another’s bodies.

It didn’t take much longer than that four minute song before we were in the bathroom.  He was sucking on my neck like the morality vampire that he was, and draining me of my will.  Before long, I felt the righteous indignation course through me once more as I shoved him off of me and right into the wall.  My transgressions had taken me this far, and it was several steps beyond.  A lesson learned, and I would report to my father immediately to repent… or, I would pin him against the wall and press my lips against his as he fumbled with my belt.  His bike shorts were lost in the shuffle, and the red paint was more on me than him.  My jacket and shirt were gone now, and he leaned in and bit my chest.

He grabbed onto my hands and pushed me back as he finished getting to where he wanted to be.  I leaned against the stall, cold and disgusting as my eyes closed.  The sensations of my body were building as my thoughts immediately went to seeking forgiveness for what I was doing.  And the weakness of it all was that I couldn’t stop it.  I didn’t want to, even after several minutes when I was pushed onto the toilet seat, and he stood over me, lowering down. I closed my eyes, and the weakness left my body through tears.  I could hear his voice saying the most vile and disgusting things to me as we did the dirty deeds of the sodomites.  And despite those tears, I didn’t let him leave.  I held him close as I sobbed.  He played into it until we had both ended the deed, he before I. Then, in a shuffle, he was gone, and I was left crying in a dirty bathroom stall of a gay club, exposed as the door stayed wide open.  And I just couldn’t move. I was paralyzed by my misdeed, and the fear of what would happen when I gave confession to my father.  To this day, I still think it really was the devil himself.

I find myself leaning against the railing in front of the altar, barely able to hold myself up.  I see the blood staining the white fabric in front of the altar, and I see it spattered on the ground.  I know it’s mine as I see the whip with the broken tassels fly on the ground next to me.  I can’t even cry out, because I know now, more than ever, that what happened last night was a test that I failed, and I will never fail it again. A reminder of why I was so ready to walk away from a lifestyle that did nothing but beat me down far worse than any beating my father, or anybody else, could ever give me in a physical sense.

I’m snapped back to reality as my mother picks pieces of glass out of my back, and Andrew unties me.  He does so cautiously so that I don’t swing on him.  There is not a fear, but more an apprehension, and I give him a nod of reassurance.

Me:  I’m grateful, brother. Thank you.

This eases his worry as he finishes untying me.  I fall down to the ground as my mother can’t help but let out a startled sound.  She begins arguing with my father as her facade breaks, and she begins smacking at his chest, sobbing to obstruct her words from coming out clear.  He grabs onto her wrists and holds her firmly.

Gerald:  I had to!  Do you not see the repairs that I’ve done on our boy’s soul?!  All of that work, ALL OF THAT GOT DAMN WORK WON’T BE FOR NOTHING, MAVIS!!!

He gives her a couple firm shakes to snap her back to reality, and she covers her mouth.  She nods her head as Andrew helps her outside next to my sister, who was spared seeing the worst of it all.  Ginny comes over to me, leaning down next to me.  My father looks around and then swaggers over to me as the doors of the church come to a close.  He picks up a clean cloth from the altar and begins rubbing off the handles of the whips as he whistles a hymn from Psalms.  He practically dances around me.  Once he’s done, he throws the whips down on each side of me as Ginny rubs the sweat from my forehead.  My father then leans down over me and yanks my hair back.

Gerald:  Now I don’t want to see no more of these fuck ups, son, ‘cause you’re really skatin’ on thin ice, and I ain’t gonna have too many more chances I can afford to give ya. The hospital’s only gonna believe someone walked in here and assaulted you as an attack on the church so many times.  If you catch my drift?

He lets go of my hair and I drop back down to the floor.  He pulls my cell phone from my back pocket and slides it within my reach. Ginny then takes a candle holder from the altar and whops me on the head with it, but only for effect, I think.  I don’t go out cold, but I am seeing stars for a minute before I’m able to operate the phone to dial 9-1-1, which is enough time for the rest of the church to disappear from the crime scene.

Revelations (Pt 2)
Undisclosed date, time, and location

Unlike two weeks ago for High Stakes X, I’m standing outside in a deadened forest.  There is a snow effect of ash blowing around in the wind, coming down from the earlier wildfires.  The earth is literally scorched, which is one of the many signs that the end is near.  I walk through the forest, which looks more like a field than anything now.  Charred stumps are the only thing that proves there was once life here.  I look around, and I feel it in my bones.  Joy.

Me: How can someone find joy in such a devastating scene?  Nature’s beauty destroyed by man is but a foreshadow of what is about to happen across the globe.  And I know that my soul is safe.  All sins confessed, and handed over to Him.  I am practically at the gates of his kingdom now as we speak.

I look around, and I see one single shred of life.  A young sapling sprouting up from the ground.

Me; Ah, a determined seed, sown as a sign of regrowth.  The new will inherit the earth, as was promised in the Good Book.  There’s many promises ahead of those who choose to believe.  And SCW has been so kind as to stock it’s first literary masterpiece in the merchandise shop, carrying over the contract from Sin City Underground.  I urge you to buy your copy.  Over one thousand copies have been sold since my official re-debut at High Stakes X, and all proceeds go to help our church flourish, to save more lives. Forget about starving children in Ethiopia.  Don’t pay attention to the sad puppies flaunted in front of you at midnight by the far left.  Never mind the arts, or school sports, or whatever cause comes to mind when thinking of a way to better the world around us.  It all starts here.

I hold the Good Book up for all to see.

Me:  Inside is basically a cheat code on how to get into Heaven.  I’m not going to sit here and tell you that it’s important to read it because I want to make a buck. I want to save all of the starving children. I will not see another puppy go starving or abused or neglected.  Nope!  Not on my fricken watch!  I want kids to paint over macaroni and craft it into necklaces.  I want to see kids hit home runs, score touchdowns, hit that three pointer.  Cancer research, eye, heart, and kidney transplants, stop cyber bullying.  I wanna see all of that continue, except the bullying. But somebody needs to remind O’Malley that SCW has a strict “No bullying” policy, because he didn’t get the memo.

I raise my hand and begin wagging my finger at the camera as if O’Malley were right there to see it.

Me:  But, in order for us to give these charitable causes the right kind of attention, we gotta work on ourselves first.  Instead of waging war on something that don’t concern us, like it were Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Japan, Italy… why don’t we stop the Great Depression waging war on our own insides?  Find that inner peace.  It’s all right here in this book.  Like a road map to salvation.  Like a walk through of the video game that is life.  That one was for you, Krystal Wolfe.

I wink at the camera as I lower the book back to my side.  Somehow, I don’t think that she’s going to be so grateful for the shout out, but what more would you expect from an ungrateful little whore?

Me:  But, enough about this book, on sale for the low, low price of $39.99 by popular demand, available by clicking the shop link on under the “Extras” tab, titled “SCW Shop”.  If it’s not there, I’ll be on the phone with my lawyer quicker than Angel Kash after High Stakes X.  There’s a reason it’s called “The Good Book”, because why complicate a good thing?

I have to hold the book up one more time.  I even make sure to add a mental note to have the editors place an ad for “You Can Do It!” by Andrew Borg that should be flashing across the screen as we…

Also available in the SCW Shop... "You Can Do It! - A Self Help Guide" by Andrew Borg
… speak. Perfect. Now, I lower the book and I walk over to the sapling before me.

Me:  Speaking of charities, I do believe this was the work of the Green Initiative of California and outlying areas.  A Crystalline North foundation. North… North… Why does that sound so familiar? Hmmm…

And just like that, I “trip” and crush the poor sapling, and my heel “accidentally” grinds it into the ground. Once I accidentally know for sure that it has no chance of surviving in this desolate wasteland, I step off of it and cover my face in horror.

Me:  I can’t believe that just happened.  What a stroke of bad luck, if you believe in that sort of thing, like most… WITCHES… do. Like Crystalline and Celeste North do. Like Celeste’s friend Jenifer LaCroix of Le Coven do.  Like my opponent this week, Kedron Williams, does. Though, unlike the seemingly docile hedge witches of Le Coven, Kedron is a special kind of soulless monster.  Purveyor of the serpent.  Follower of the goat.  And if my research is correct, the descendent of Abigail Williams, dating allllllll the way back to the Salem Witch Trials.

I take a seat on the nearby elevated stump and give a “tsk tsk tsk” to show my disapproval. I cross my left leg over my knee and I think long and hard about how to go about this.

Me:  For those who don’t know, Abigail Williams was one of two girls who were about to get the switching of their lives behind the woodshed.  They had been caught with Tituba in the middle of the woods, dancing around the fire, chanting and throwing herbs and talismans into the fire.  Parlor tricks meant to corrupt the minds of the young children.  Instead of accepting their punishment and moving along, as it would’ve been dismissed as childishness, they turned coat on Tituba, and began blaming this on the women of the town. While the Puritans were true visionaries with ideal morals, and a finity for sticking to their religious guns, they lacked some… intelligence. I mean, twelve year old girls sent their town into a tizzy, right?

I laugh at the idea of being outsmarted by a child. It really must be terrible being British, what with the IQ deficit and all.  A toothy grin is offered, but only for a second.

Me:  Your great, great, great granny sure was a headstrong woman, wasn’t she?  It’s usually those types that wind up spitting in the face of God and then crying about it when the devil’s flames are burning their flesh off, little bit by little bit, hey Keddy Bear? The angels sing of the cries like that of swine, and the smell of burnt bacon coming from that special little place in hell. You’ll know all too soon about that, unless you decide to toss that foolishness behind you and give this here book a thorough read.

I want to move on, but of all of my opponents this week, I feel like this is the one who needs my help the most.  I can’t help but coming right back to him.

Me:  Kedron, please do yourself a favor and realize that your ancestors were lunatics who took their afflictions out on God, instead of the one who gave it to them to begin with.  I mean, who in their right mind would follow after the one that the Almighty God cast from his kingdom, to literally the worst place in existence?  Retards? Imbeciles? Idiots? A barmy manky chav slag of a minguh, alright?  That one was for granny. Do you really want to follow in those footsteps?  Right into the fiery pits of hell?  Wait, who am I kidding?  Or course you do.  Well, hey.  While you’re on the path to self destruction, how about you save yourself the trouble of getting stricken down by God’s hand, and just stay out of my way, yeah?  If you thought what Ben Jordan did to you was bad…

I puff my cheeks out, as if my head is about to explode, and then I mimic the sound.  I shake it off quickly before continuing.

Me:  Now that I’ve gotten the big one out of the way, the favorite to win this match, let’s go on to the two with the odds over me. Also, the ones that nobody cares to bet on, so I’m still wondering how my numbers are in the negatives.  Somebody explain betting to me after this airs, please?  Wait, don’t. Donate your money to the church, you abominations!

I shout and point at the camera, forgetting what I was doing, until it comes back to me.

Me:  Stephen Callaway.  Speaking of British trash, no offense.  You already have so much going against you that it’s just not fair to hit the low blows.  I mean, aside from where you’re from, you’ve got your age. I mean, you’re right there with my father, aren’t you?  You’ve been doing this for such a long time, and yet, what do you have to show for it? Hm?

I think about it for a minute.  I get an idea that I’m about to say out loud, until I realize that was Jack Russow.  I snap my fingers, because I’m really trying to make up for that low blow.

Me:  You did almost… but not quite… win the belt we’re fighting for on Sunday. But, you just couldn’t get your hands on it.  Kind of like O’Malley when Kedron took the belt from him, or when I pinned his unrighteous mass to the ground. So close, and yet so far away.  But at least you’ve got your health, right?  I mean, aside from the busted knees, the surgeries, the arthritis, the massive head injuries to make you think that you stand a chance in this match.  I was going to also offer up your education as something you can be proud of, but… you dropped out of college to wrestle and that makes you a double idiot, because you have no degree, and you have no claim to fame in the business that took everything from you.  And some would say that you stand a good chance of winning this match. But do you know who else they said that about recently?

Tick tock. Tick tock. I am giving the moron a minute to try to think about it. But I’m getting impatient, so here goes.

Me:  O’Malley.  The man who deserves to be in this match more than you do. At least he held the title for a minute, even if only for a minute. Even if his reign was cut down short after only being able to score the V over someone like Bill Barnhart.  Ohhhh, just you wait, Billy.  You’re up next.  But for now, I’m giving the spotlight to Stephen, because he’s the one who needs it the most for not having done anything of note in this business according to the dirt sheets. He needs any mention that he can get, because for every second spent talking about him, even by Bill Barnhart himself, Stephen Callaway’s stock rises.  And I’m not about to fight losers when I’m trying to build myself up here and spread the message of justice and mercy from God most high. As a matter of fact, I almost want to offer Stephen a chance to have his eternal soul saved.  To join the church and to preach His holy word, to make up for all of the mistakes of your past.  I’m sure we can look past the retarded version of an Irish accent if the message behind your words is pure.  Unlike Kedron and Bill, it’s not too late for you. Even in your advanced age.  So prove me wrong that you belong in this match over that gross, hairy Irish ape, O’Malley.  Give me the fight of my life, or submit to Him and His Holy Word within the Good Book.

I tap the book, because I’ve reached my limit of promotional time for it.  Even the cameraman gives me a hint to set the book down.  Instead, I clutch it with the implied promise of not talking about it again.  But now we’re on to the fun part.

Me:  And now for a little fun.  And believe it or not, fun does include “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart.  I know, I know, but when you have faith, and live in the light, all truly is possible.  But, let me be clear that this fun with Bill doesn’t mean Bill is going to have fun. That is one of the few things that is truly impossible.  His fun is scoring sheets at baseball games, and documentaries on sloths daily life, and how to ferment cheese in real time. He’s about as exciting as watching grass grow, and not on time elapse, which is even more boring somehow. I mean, this is the type of guy that watches live feeds of elephants sleeping at the zoo. A conversation with this man is far more effective than counting sheep, or melatonin, am I right?

You can’t see it, but for the record, the cameraman nods his head.  And he does it with such vigor and finesse that you know what I’m saying is true, and not just a sad attempt at “The Roast of Bill Barnhart”. Because, honestly, who would tune in to see that?

Me: And his wrestling isn’t any better.  He’s like the poor man’s Mercedes Vargas.  Except Mercedes can trash talk you down to feeling two inches tall, and Bill just makes you want to sleep.  Hearing his name makes me yawn.  So, if that’s what he’s trying to do inside of the ring to win matches, it’s ingenious.  But, clearly, it also doesn’t work because his record is… less than desirable.  At least while I’ve lost four matches here over a year’s time, he’s lost four in a row, and counting.  It’s clear that this Bulldog’s bark is just as soft as his bite.  And while he’s just straight up losing, I’m building myself up, racking up some decent wins in SCU.  But the scouts just had to have me, because I have appeal.  I’ve grown leaps and bounds over the last year, and I owe it all to the Heavenly Father.  And yet, Bill, you’re still feeding off of the bottom.  I didn’t even have to look at your dirt sheet, because I’ve seen you perform for the last two years, and nothing ever changes. I almost wish that O’Malley would replace you, because as I said about Stephen, I don’t want to beat losers. I want to beat winners. I’ll be more than happy to hear people call me a loser until I can beat the winners, but I refuse to let people call me a winner when I’m stuck with the likes of you.

I clench my jaw, because I feel some rather “unholy” words trying to come out of my mouth.  I take a deep breath. Exhale. And we’re back.

Me:  When I win this Roulette Championship, I will go on to face worthy competitors. I will start to rise up the ranks. I will graduate to the Internet Championship, and maybe one day, the World Heavyweight Championship. I’m going to earn my way there, but it’s inevitable. Written in the stars by our Heavenly Father, it is meant to be. But for now, I’ll go through the Bill Barnharts, the Stephen Callaway’s, the Kedron Williams’, the O’Malley’s, the Caleb Storms’, and so on. And I’ll do it with… well, I can’t say “pride” because I won’t tell a lie as a proper Christian man.  Let’s say… dignity.  And on Sunday night, I’ll be doing this for my father, so that he might be proud of me for the first time in a while. Buy The Good Book on! I had to do it one more time, dernit!

I hold up the book, and the camera begins to fade faster than I had wanted it to.  But really, what else is there to say?

Alumni / Andrew Garcia
« on: November 13, 2020, 01:59:13 AM »

Wrestler Information

Name: Andrew Garcia
Real Name: Andrew David Garcia
Nicknames:  The Honorable Warrior, Orange Hulk
Birth Date: 3/12/85
Hometown: Oakland, California

Wrestling and Body Information

Height: 5‘9“
Weight: 245 lbs
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Alignment: heel
Entrance Music: “This Means War!!” by Busta Rhymes and Ozzy Osbourne
Wrestling Style: brawler
Serious Injuries:  gunshot wound to left shoulder, stabbed in right abdomen
Poser: Taz from his ECW days

Clothing Information & Attire

In-Ring: orange singlet, sneakers

Out-of-Ring: tank top, jeans, sneakers

Entrance with no title

The opening rift to Busta Rhyme and Ozzy Osbournes’s "This Means War!!" start to blast through the speakers, as red and yellow lights start to flash, the yellow cutting through the red to create a orange effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.

"Just make sure them, them drums is smackin’
This, means, WAR!!"

Andrew appears at the top of the ramp, with his manager, Casey Williams behind him, the duo looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.

"Take a look inside
You can run and you can hide
If you cross my path
I'll make sure you feel my wrath
Give and you receive
Cherish every breath you breathe
Scriptures on the wall
Those who betray all must fall"

Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused.  The Honorable Warrior starts to walk towards the ring slowly with Casey following in tow, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans as Casey climbs over the top rope. Andrew raises his arms as the fans boo louder.
Entrance with Roulette title

The opening rift to Busta Rhyme and Ozzy Osbournes’s "This Means War!!" start to blast through the speakers, as red and yellow lights start to flash, the yellow cutting through the red to create a orange effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.

"Just make sure them, them drums is smackin’
This, means, WAR!!"

Andrew appears at the top of the ramp with the Roulette Championship on his waist, with his manager, Casey Williams behind him, the duo looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.

"Take a look inside
You can run and you can hide
If you cross my path
I'll make sure you feel my wrath
Give and you receive
Cherish every breath you breathe
Scriptures on the wall
Those who betray all must fall"

Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused.  The Honorable Warrior starts to walk towards the ring slowly with Casey following in tow, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans as Casey climbs over the top rope. Andrew raises his arms as the fans boo louder as he hands the title to Casey.

Basic Moves
*Select AT LEAST ten moves that your character does of a regular basis. Please try to be creative and keep in mind the size and gimmick of your character and also the wrestling style*

1. punches
2. DDT
3. Lou Thesz Press
4. Multiple suplex variations
5. Seated Senton
6. Senton
7. Clothesline
8. Powerbomb
9. Hammerlock
10. Spear

Signature Moves

1. European Uppercut
2. Single Leg Boston Crab
3. Diving Headbutt
4. Pendulum Backbreaker

Finishing Moves

1. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move): Bust a Cap
Description of the Move: Pedigree set up but one knee on back of head to drive head so they land like a reverse curb stomp.

2. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move):  Orange Hulk Smash (Smash for short)
Description of the Move: double knee face buster

3. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move): Trials and Tribulations
Description of the Move: Crossface Chickenwing

4. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move): Klingon Klutch Sleeper
Description of the Move: Dragon Sleeper

Career & Personal History
Andrew grew up in a normal home, and was a big Star Trek fan and idolized the Klingon race and Andrew decided to join a local gang at the age of 15. It was here where he first felt welcome, where he was picked on in school for liking Star Trek, and started to learn how to defend himself.   Mind you, Andrew never gave up his love for Star Trek, but wanted to feel like he belonged, and by the time he turned 22, he decided that it was time to separate himself from the gang, especially after his getting stabbed and shot by a member of his rival gang, who Andrew‘s fellow gang members killed. Andrew did not want to go down the path of his fellow gang members by ending up in jail, and decided to get into wrestling.  Andrew was a fan of wrestling as a kid, and enjoyed watching guys like Chris Benoit, Fit Finlay and William Regal, because they reminded him of the Klingons he liked on Star Trek, being warriors in the ring.  Andrew envisioned himself being a warrior in the ring one day, and joined former SCW Tag Team and Roulette Champion Casey William’s wrestling school as soon as he could and wanted to be the best he could.  It was there that Casey and the other trainers dubbed Andrew “The Honorable Warrior”, based on the way he cut promos, and how much of a tactician he was in the ring.

Championship Highlights
1x SCW Roulette Champion
1x SCW Tag Team Champion (w/Ivan Darrell as Dying Breed)

Show Cards / High Stakes X Pre Show(Card)
« on: November 11, 2020, 03:59:30 AM »

Sin City Underground High Stakes X comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network, November 22nd, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety Bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves. Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account, but no later than 9pm PST on Saturday, November 21st, 2020.

High Stakes X gives us a chance to take it to another level. With both brands sharing 50-50 bookings, both brands have evened out, and GM's Lexa and Gianni have decided to come together to book a few matches for bragging rights. While no title shots are guaranteed, the GM's will be looking to give favorable incentives should their teams win. We also get to see who Father Gerald will be facing later in the night on the main show. Ruby and Esther are in for a fight as they take on, not only each other, but masked member Rainbow, who used her clout to get the match booked. An exhibition match Jenifer LaCroix and Delia Darling will take place, per Father Gerald's request. Gold gets a second shot against Max Burke for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship, and Vixen gets her rematch against Helena Jeckel. Speaking of The Jeckels, they've been at war with The Monstimals, and they are putting the Hardcore Tag Team Championships on the line. And per special request, we get to see Kelli Torres take on Melissa Ruin, and while there's no guarantee, there's rumored to be Combat Championship implications. All of this, and more, on the SCU High Stakes Pre Show.

Hardcore Tag Team Championships
The Monstimals Vs The Jeckels

Elimination Match for Bragging Rights
Halo Annis, Earl Lockyer, Coby Quik, and Alexis Staggs Vs Cadet Blue, Sea Green, Jim the Clown,and Royal Purple

Ruby Vs Esther Azarov Vs Rainbow

Elimination Match for Bragging Rights
H.B. Carter, Alex Rush, Kaos, Mickey Carrol Vs Jerry Cann, Pakistan Green, Eric Weaver and Yellow

Exhibition Match
Jenifer LaCroix Vs Delia Darling

GRIME Championship Match
Gold Vs Max Burke

Elimination Match for Bragging Rights
Andrey, Javi, Jade, Kittie Vs Damian Dark, Mark Cross, Angel Kash, and Valentina

GRIME Championship Match
Vixen Staggs Vs Helena Jeckel

Elimination Match for Bragging Rights
Dying Breed, Hittamshii, and Omasa Tazu Vs theFAME and Good Shepherds.

Elimination Match for Bragging Rights
Celeste North, Krystal Wolfe, Mrs. Right and Holly Wood Vs Queen of Apathy, Angel of Filth, Masked Celeste, and Light Blue

Exhibition Match
SCW Rules (RP required to determine outcome of the match)
Kelli Torres vs Melissa Ruin

Card subject to change

Results / Underground Ep. 76 (Results)
« on: November 09, 2020, 01:17:04 AM »
Sin City Underground Ep 76 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, October 25th, 2020.

*Earlier on SCW Climax Control*

The camera opens up backstage with Pussy Willow smiling into the camera. Standing next to her is former Roulette Champion, O’Malley, and his wife Darcy, as Pussy Willow starts to speak.

Pussy: Good evening SCW Universe. As you can see I am joined by O’Malley, who tonight was supposed to face Kris Ryans, but unfortunately that match had to be cancelled. O’Malley, can you shed any light on that situation and how you are feeling about that?

O’Malley stands there for a moment and just nods as he thinks about the match, and the unfinished business he had planned to finish against Kris Ryans.

O'Malley: Well I’m gonna be honest with ye, Pussy. I’m not one hundred percent sure what happened, but it don’t really matter, does it? I’ll get me hands on Kris Ryans one way or another, but I guess it has to wait.

He shrugs and lets out a sigh.

O'Malley: Not gonna lie. I’m a little disappointed, but shite happens, right? Just gotta take it as it’s tossed at us, I suppose.

“And a harvest of righteousness is grown from the seed of peace planted by peacemakers…”

The camera turns slightly to see Brother David Shepherd standing by with The Good Book opened in his hands.  His eyes slowly rise to lock with O’Malley’s.  David takes a few steps closer.

David:  “As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.” And boy, have you sown trouble, O’Malley.

David looks up from the book again and takes a few more steps closer until he is right on O’Malley.

David:  You sowed seeds with my father, but since he has other obligations, and you decided to run from SCU, I’ve decided to show up and make you pay for your sins, coward.

O’Malley glares at Brother David for a few moments before he cracks a smile and lets out a laugh. Darcy is not at all thrilled with Brother David’s interruption, but O’Malley stands tall, and doesn’t back down from him.

O'Malley: I don’t know much of what ye just spouted off there, fella, but I’m sure whatever it was, yer wrong. I don’t know what yer doin’ here, really, other than maybe tryna show ye got a set of balls bigger than yer father’s, but why don’t ye run back to bein’ the obedient bitch boy to daddy-o?

O’Malley chuckles again.

O'Malley: And fer yer information, I didn’t run away from SCU, kid. I made a sacrifice. Or a mistake because it seems like Daddy Gerald ain’t doin’ much of anythin’ with that title, is he?

David takes his turn chuckling.  He nearly gets chest to chest with O’Malley as he smiles something akin to his mother’s signature sadistic smile.

David:  Oh, he’s done something with it.  He took it from your hands. He’s shown up week in, and week out, to carry the title with pride and dignity.  He’s also avoided making the company look bad on Twitter. But, it makes sense that you wouldn’t know that since you never even paid attention to your own product.

David looks at O’Malley silently for a second, while it feels like an eternity.

David:  He’s the champion that you would never be, all on your quest for redemption with your son, which is years too late, old man. You came here for a low tier title, but you couldn’t carry the weight of it, and lost it to an even bigger heathen than yourself, because you are nothing more than a failure, all around.

David’s smile only gets a bit bigger as he tilts his head to stare at O’Malley. O’Malley’s nostrils flare and his fist clenches at his side. Darcy takes a step back as the tension rises.

O'Malley: Years too late? I beg to differ, fella. Ye see, me son is only five years old. He still has time to forgive and realize that I’ve made mistakes and am makin’ up fer them. But what about ye, fella? Yer pop treats ye like shite and only cares about himself, yet yer standin’ here defendin’ him?

O’Malley scoffs and shakes his head.

O'Malley: Pathetic, really. Maybe yer just jealous that I’m actually fightin’ fer me son, but good ol’ Father Gerald is bein’ a selfish dick and couldn’t give a shite if ye get yer arse kicked all over this building.

O’Malley leans in close, threatening him.

O'Malley: Which yer about seconds away from findin’ out if ye don’t shut the hell up and take that holier than thou bullshite out of here.

David puts his free hand to his chest to indicate that he’s scared and offended.

David:  Well, I mean you are the expert on horrible parenting, so far be it from me to try to defend my father, O’Malley.

David looks at the tension building in O’Malley’s eyes, noticing it boiling over after his last comment.

David:  Lay it on me, heathen…

Without needing the invitation, O’Malley punches David right in the face.  David goes for one of his own, but O’Malley uses the distraction to wraps his hands around David’s throat, pushing him up against the wall.  As David struggles, O’Malley gets in close to say something.

O'Malley: I’m ten times the father yer old man is, because at the end of the day, I’m gonna raise me son to be better than the likes of ye, David. Ye want fight? Ye got one, boy-o. I ain’t afraid of ye or yer religious garbage.

O’Malley keeps a tight grip on David’s throat, prepared to choke the life out of him and David just smiles. David’s lips start to move as he tries to choke out a few words that he eventually croaks out.

David:  You aren’t… fit to… raise a d...og…

David knees O’Malley in the gut to break up the choke.  He clubs O’Malley across the back and spins to throw his head first into the wall.  As O’Malley rises up, David smacks him over the head with The Good Book, which puts O’Malley down as the pages fall apart, cut out around a brick, and the bring falls to the ground.

David:  As I walk through the valley in the shadow of death…

Darcy jumps on David’s back, scratching at clawing at his eyes as he stumbles, trying to pull her off of his back.  This is when SCW security steps in and pulls Darcy off of David, and holds David back from retaliating.  David breathes heavily from behind the security team as he sneers at Darcy.

David:  That’s what we’re all used to.  The jezebel coming to the aid of the beaten down cur… You will get what’s coming to you, too…

David is literally dragged away, kicking to get free as Pussy Willow just stares at the damage done around her.  Darcy drops down to check on O’Malley, who is getting up, holding the lump on his head.

The cameras move backstage as Father Gerald finishes up his sermon in front of his crowd.  He comes through the white curtains, Good Book under his arm until he is stopped by Marissa Henry, who has a microphone in hand.

Marissa:   Father Gerald, I wondered if I might have a moment of your time.

Gerald stops and looks at Marissa, smiling, before he hands the book over to Marissa.

Gerald:  I’m glad you’ve finally seen the light, Ms. Henry.  It’s never too late to seek forgiveness from our Heavenly Father.

Marissa looks as if she wants to correct Gerald, but it just doesn’t seem like the right time.  He is still smiling.

Marissa:   You got me.  But, isn’t this yours? Don’t you need it? I can just get a copy from the merch store.

Gerald:  Nonsense.  It’s my duty to turn sinners into saints, and I always knew you were worthy.  It’s the tough’uns that crack the easiest.

Marissa:   Like Donald Trump?

Gerald holds a hand up for Marssa to stop.

Gerald:  Too soon, Ms. Henry! Too soon…

Marissa nods, but then she decides to get down to the original point.

Marissa:   Say, while I’ve got you here, do you mind if I ask you about earlier tonight?

Gerald thinks about it for a minute, seeming confused.

Gerald:  Why, what ever do you mean?

Marissa:   Climax Control, Brother David showed up to stand up to former Underground Champion, the man you beat for the belt, O’Malley.

Gerald:  Ohhh, that…   It was foolish of David to do. He’s just gonna get embarrassed by O’Malley.  Again.  Just because O’Malley ain’t got the title round his waist anymore, does not mean he’s gonna go down any easier, and David ain’t got the fortitude yet.

Marissa almost can’t believe what she’s hearing.  She shakes her head.

Marissa:   So, you’re defending O’Malley?  The man who insulted you, your son, and your religion?

Gerald:  Now when did those words come outta my mouth?  O’Malley is as vile as they come. He’s the perfect embodiment of why the end is near.  Disease is rampant, the mighty are falling.  All ushered in by people like O’Malley.  Lazy, entitled children masquerading around as men, abandoning their responsibilities… Look, I’ve said this all before, and I ain’t gonna rehash it.

Marissa:   It’s funny you say that, because O’Malley called your parenting into question.

Gerald:  The only thing funny about that is how absurd it is.  Yet, that’s O’Malley.  He likes to pass the buck because he can’t admit to being a screw up.  The truth is that I am the Father Figure of the Year in all three companies in our network.  It ain’t easy, but I’m tasked with the responsibility of saving souls from damnation.  It’s why I’m the SCU Underground Champion, leading by example.  I take my role very seriously, and I will do what it takes to save my son’s soul, especially now that my daughter has committed herself to damnation. Why, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna take it easy on my son.  It’s what a good father would do.  But, that’s something O’Malley knows nothing about, since he abandoned his responsibilities.

Gerald’s voice raises with the seriousness of his words.  However, because Marissa can continue, Gerald cuts her off.

Gerald:  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to…

Gerald walks off, but not without taking his book from Marissa’s hands in the process, as if doing so were a punishment for stirring up the emotions.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Krystal Wolfe getting ready for her match against GRIME’s Masked Indigo, as she finishes lacing up her boots Krystal is approached by Dev.

Dev:  Krys, coming up next you are representing SCU in the fight against GRIME, any thoughts on facing Masked Indigo?

Krystal: They didn’t send me any off the unmasked wrestlers, which tells me that they are worried that I’ll humiliate them.

Krystal responds before standing up straight.

Krystal: But as for Masked Indigo, I’m ready to kick her ass all over the ring! And if any other member of GRIME gets any ideas about interfering, I’ll literally throw Indigo at them.

Dev:  Your going to use Masked Indigo as a weapon?

Krystal: It’ll be a hell of a lot more entertaining than watching her attempt to wrestle! And once I’m done with her, you’d better believe that her mask is coming right off!

Krystal puts on the shit that she wears as part of her entrance before walking off as the scene fades.

Krystal Wolfe vs Masked Indigo

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is an Inter-Brand Match!

The guitar intro to “When Destinies Align” by Lovebites hits the speakers and Krystal makes her way onto the entrance ramp wearing a black t-shirt with the words “Critical Hit” companied with a D20 that has landed on a Natural Twenty over her ring gear.

Darlyn: Introducing first, from Adelaide, Australia, Krystal Wolfe!

Krystal makes her way down the ramp whilst occasionally slapping hands with the fans before she rolls into the ring and poses for the fans, as her music fades she removes her shirt and hands it to a ring attendant as she waits for her opponent.

Darlyn:  Aaaand, representing the masked members of GRIME… Indigo…

“American Landfill” by 3TEETH plays as Indigo rushes down the rampway.  She slides inside of the ring and eyes Krystal from across the ring, before taunting Krystal.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Krystal charges at Indigo, but Indigo steps through the ropes part way, and the referee shouts at Krystal to hold back.

Rob: Krystal turns around and walks away as Indigo gets back in the ring, Krystal turns around to a Thesz Press! Indigo nails multiple mounted punches before the ref steps in and orders her off of Krystal!

Gena: Indigo gets off at Krystal’s expense, taking advantage of having rules… Krystal does a Kip Up, she runs and Spears Indigo to the mat!

Rob: Krystal gets off, Krystal goes to kick Indigo but Indigo trips her up with a Leg Sweep. Krystal drops to one knee though. Indigo tries to kick Krystal in the head but Krystal grabs it and tries to lock in an Ankle Lock…

Gena: Indigo uses her other foot to kick Krystal away. Indigo gets to her feet as does Krystal. Krystal runs at Indigo, Indigo jumps up in the air… Frankensteiner!

Rob: Indigo goes for the cover!


Gena: Krystal kicks out, Indigo gets up helping Krystal up to her feet lifting her by her hair… Krystal nails a European Uppercut.

Rob: Krystal runs and jumps on top of the turnbuckle… Krystal jumps off for a Moonsault but misses as Indigo rolls out to the apron.

Gena: Krystal’s chest hits the mat hard. Indigo stands on the apron, Indigo gets on the turnbuckle and jumps off but lands on her feet as Krystal rolls out the way.

Rob: Krystal gets up back to her feet. Indigo goes to kick Krystal in the gut but Krystal blocks it and holds on to her foot. Indigo bounces on the other foot a few times then nails a Enzuigiri!

Rob: Indigo runs to the turnbuckle…

Gena: Indigo jumps off hitting Krystal with a Frog Splash!!! Indigo goes for the cover!


Rob: Krystal gets her shoulder up to break the count. Indigo gets off of Krystal, Indigo goes to grab Krystal to get her up but Krystal grabs Indigo’s leg and knocks her down.

Gena: Krystal locks in an Ankle Lock as she makes it to her feet. Krystal has it locked in right in the middle of the ring!

Rob: Indigo tries to crawl to the ropes… she gets about a foot away but Krystal drags her back to the middle of the ring. Indigo refuses to tap!

Gena: Krystal drops down wrapping her legs around Indigo keeping her in place.

Rob: Indigo lifts herself up then lowers herself… wait is she doing push up!?

Gena: She pushes off a 3rd time to get her upper body in the air then leans to the right…

Rob: Indigo manages to get close enough to grab the ropes!

Gena: That was pretty clever of the rookie!

Rob: Krystal lets go but the damage was done. Krystal grabs Indigo by the hair and gets her to her feet. Indigo falls back down as she can’t stand on her left foot!

Gena: Krystal picks Indigo back to her feet. Indigo rakes Krystal in the eyes then grabs her for a DDT!

Rob: Indigo limps to the corner and gets on the turnbuckle. Krystal sits up, Indigo jumps off and nails a Diving Knee Drop to both of Krystal’s shoulders!

Gena: Indigo walks to the ropes and shakes off her leg to get more feeling to her ankle. She catches a Dropkick literally right in the face from Krystal!

Rob:  Come on, Indigo!  Get up! Krystal lifts her up and… Down Under Thunderbomb (Running Powerbomb)!  She hooks the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner… Krystal Wolfe!

Krystal slaps the mat and rises up with her arm raised as her music plays.

The show cuts to a classroom setting where the following pre-recorded vignette was filmed. Cordelia Clark is shown sitting on a desk, as usual, not in the greatest mood. She’s keeping her composure in the best way that she possibly can, but it’s as clear as day that there’s something that is really bugging her as she begins to express her thoughts.

Cordelia: I am just going to outright say it! I am the most underrated wrestler in Sin City Underground! How can I say such a bold thing? Well, let’s look at the facts. I’ve only lost ‘once’, and that was a title match in something that was far out of my element to begin with. I’ve beaten some pretty big deals around here such as Veronica Taylor. I bounced back from that ‘defeat’ to Merlot Ayano at Violent Conduct by getting right back in the win column against Krystal Wolfe. And yet, despite the fact that I have shown that I am one of the top competitors on this brand, I’m being treated like I’m just some new thing on the block. Sure, I’m one of the newest competitors on the roster and I may not have the experience that some of the others do, but still… why am I still wrestling THIS early in the show?

Why am I wasting my time competing against whoever the hell Mrs. Right is?

Who even IS she anyway?

Oh wait… someone that is a former world champion… where now? She’s getting her feet wet in the business again after how long? I barely know anything about this woman. What I do know is that she went to Texas A&M which… well… that makes her at least SLIGHTLY better than most people in my generation because at least there’s a college education to talk about there, but it’s STILL Texas A&M you know. And it IS still Texas, one of the dumbest states in the entire country so how much is that degree worth, Mrs. Right? You certainly haven’t used it all that well considering that you’re here trying to make a living again. What happened? Did your non-wrestling ventures fail you so much that you desperately had to come back to the business to make a living? Is that it?

I would’ve thought that by having a college education, you’d be doing something great for yourself once your wrestling career came to an end. I would’ve thought that even someone from TEXAS would be smart enough. And yet… did you put your degree to good use at all when you left the business a while back? Did you actually embark on a career path for whatever it is that you went to college for? I don’t know what you went to college for… probably something stupid like Sociology because most college athletes like yourself go with the easiest majors in the world just to stay eligible… but whatever it was, you have wasted that major because since you had been out of the business… you spent your spare time being…


Cordelia takes a brief pause, expressing some disgust on her face for Mrs. Right’s other career choice.

Cordelia: That makes you almost as low as the lowest common female denominator in this business.

You know the ones that I am talking about…

The “Veronica Taylors”...

The… and it sickens me to quote my own generation’s stupidity here but… the “Twitter THOTS”....

The ones that are all about showing off instead of being a legitimate professional wrestler and a standard bearer for women.

A fitness model? Seriously? You choose to be just one notch above those women? Well tonight, I’m going to teach you a lesson not just about how to be a real millennial woman but also how to be a women’s wrestler in this business because you don’t check off either box. You want to be a fitness model, thirst trap piece of garbage so there’s no way you’re a real woman and with being a fitness model, I don’t see how you would ever know how to be a real women’s wrestler. Sure, you were a world champion somewhere but… how good was the competition when someone like you was a world champion?

So tell me… why am I wrestling so early on the show tonight against someone like her again when I should be facing tougher competition? Don’t make me write a whole thesis on your incompetence, Sin City Underground. Seriously!

Cordelia quickly leaves the classroom, cuing the pre-recorded vignette to fade to black.

Mrs. Right is squatting what looks like a fair amount of weight as the camera approaches her.  Her hair pulled back into a ponytail and wearing a Over the Edge tshirt and black gym shorts.  She glances toward the camera and sets the weights back on the rack and walks toward the camera.

Mrs Right: I put in the work.  That’s just something you have to do in life if you want to succeed.  If you want to be the best at anything you set out to do.  I want to be one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in SCU.  That’s no secret.  I am surrounded by wrestling greatness.  I train my mind as well as my body and the time has come for me to show how far I’ve come.

She uses her right arm to wipe some sweat from her forehead.

Mrs Right: Cordelia is going to be the next person I face in that ring.  Now I don’t know what her goals are, I don’t know what she is thinking heading into this match.  What I do know is how fast I am.  I know how strong I am.  I know that when you survey the landscape in SCU, I stand out.  I know that when you talk about who has the power game in SCU, mine is a name that comes up in the conversation each and every time.  I know this is a chance for me to show the world that not only am I strong, not only am I a member of Over the Edge. 

This is my chance to show the world that I belong in the conversations for titles here in SCU.  Cordelia, try as you might to beat me.  Think positive, talk yourself into believing you can beat me all you want to.  It’s not going to matter.  I am not going to stop out there.  The fact is you are nothing more than a stalled car on the train tracks, while I’m that train heading straight for you.  The thing is, I’m not pulling the brakes.  Oh, no I am going to hit you with everything I got.  I am going to take this opportunity to climb one step closer to the title shot I deserve, the title shot that I have been striving for.  Dedication, hard work, endurance, these are all just a few of my core tools I have at my disposal.  Get ready to see the greatest display of woman power that this company will ever see. 

She walks back over to the weight rack and gets back into position and resumes lifting her weights as the scene fades to black….

Cordelia Clark vs Mrs. Right

The radio version of "Sucker" by Charli XCX hits the PA system and Cordelia Clark steps through the curtains, instantly drawing some boos from the crowd.

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, from Princeton, NJ standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 125lb, she is… Cordelia Clllllllllllark!!!

She starts to walk down the ramp, obviously confident in her self-proclaimed, prodigious abilities. She has a smirk on her face as she gets to the ring, obviously enjoying whatever reaction she's getting from the fans. When she enters the ring, she finally acknowledges the "haters" with a 'hush' signal, which only serves to incite them to boo her louder. Cordelia has a laugh to herself at this, as she starts to focus on her match and the song fades.

Darlyn:  Aaaaand his partner, representing Over the Edge, from Killeen, TX standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 155lb, she is… Mrs. Right!!!

The lights get lowered and there seems to be a purple hue as the music plays.  After a few moments Mrs. Wright comes out from backstage stopping for a moment waving to the left and to the right. Then she slowly walks to the ring and then up the steel steps.  After she enters the ring, the walks to the center of the ring and turns, taking a moment to pause as she faces each side of the ring.  Before cutting a stare at the ring announcer as she walks to a corner.  And backs herself in while waiting for the action to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Another chapter in the story of speed versus power. Which will prevail?

Chad: Well we are soon to find out as these two ladies have just locked up.

Gena: Mrs. Right with a quick advantage as she is able to lift Cordelia up into the air and hits a Stalling Suplex. Cordelia gets to her knees pretty quickly but Mrs. Right continues to press the attack.

Chad: She’s moving in and helping Cordelia up just to whip her into the ropes and on the rebound catches her lifting Cordelia up on her shoulders and hitting a Samoan Drop.

Gena: High impact moves early. Mrs. Right is trying to make an early impact to say the least. Cordelia rolls toward the ropes but is stopped by Mrs. Right who grabs her and applies a Camel Clutch.

Chad: Mrs. Right really clinches the hold and pulls back hard on the chin while seated on Cordelia. After a few minutes Cordelia manages to get her foot on the bottom rope.

Chad: Oh the referee just saw the foot and is calling for the break. Mrs. Right looks back at Cordelia’s foot with a bit of frustration on her face.

Gena: As the two women get back to their feet, Mrs. Right goes for a standing clothesline but Cordelia ducks under. They turn to face each other again.

Chad: Mrs. Right lands a kick to the midsection and then moves in and hits a Double Arm DDT. With Cordelia down, Mrs. Right moves in quickly and applies a Figure Four Armbar.

Gena: I see it, Mrs. Right is focusing on the arms of Cordelia here. She could be looking for her “The Right Submission” at some point.

Chad: Oh and Cordelia just gets her foot back on the ropes again to break the hold. This time Cordelia has rolled out of the ring and is shaking out her arm.


Chad: Mrs. Right is in pursuit as she rolls out of the ring and the referee begins his count. Cordelia turns to face Mrs. Right and as she closes the distance between the two of them.

Gena: Cordelia goes for a kick, but it's caught by Mrs. Right. As Cordelia hops on one foot for a moment she is able to get her momentum and hits an Enziguri.


Chad: Knocking Mrs. Right down to the floor. Cordelia gets up and rolls back into the ring as the referee continues his count.


Gena: Mrs. Right gets back up and slides into the ring but is met by Cordelia who lands repeated kicks and stomps to the head of Mrs. Right.

Chad: Cordelia runs toward the opposite ropes and rebounds herself as Mrs. Right gets to her feet and as they meet again Cordelia hits a running tornado ddt.

Gena: Cordelia hops over the top rope to the ring apron as Mrs. Right tires to get back to her feet and just as Right gets up and turns around. 

Chad:Cordelia launches herself into the ring hitting a Springboard Arm Drag off of the top rope. Wow! As both women get up, Mrs. Right is off balance as Cordelia comes up behind her and rolls her up…


Chad: Mrs. Right gets to her feet but Cordelia is already up and hits a quick Hurricanrana. Then Cordelia helps Mrs. Right up and whips her into the ropes and Cordelia rebounds herself off of the other side of the ring ropes leading to a big Tilt-A-Whirl DDT!

Gena: The pace is a lot quicker now. As Cordelia hops over the top rope again and launches herself into the air and hits a Springboard Moonsault.

Chad: Big move! Cordelia is getting back out on the ring apron again.

Gena: She’s waiting for Mrs. Right. As Mrs. Right staggers to her feet and is trying to clear the cobwebs from her head and Cordelia seizes her moment and launches into the air once again hitting Heartbreaker (A spinning double knee right into the chest/heart of her opponent.)!!!

Chad: Cordelia makes the cover and hooks the leg….


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Your winner of the match by Pinfall… Cordelia Clark!!!!

Cordelia rolls out of the ring and looks back, nodding her head to admire the work she’s done as she backs up the ramp.

The office of Gianni Di Luca is open as the camera comes inside.  Gianni is ready, with his hands folded together on the desk, and his PPE GRIME mask flickering colors.

Gianni:  There was a miscommunication tonight.  I strive for only the best quality when I do my job, and I gotta admit.  I fawked up a little bit with bookin’ tonight’s show.

Gianni holds his arms out to the side in an almost apologetic sort of way.

Gianni:  I ain’t too proud to admit when I make a mistake.  It’s how I grow as a General Manager, sprung up into management from an active competitor of World Class caliber.  A manager of one of the most successful groups between Sin City Wrestlin’, Honor Wrestlin’, Northern Lights Wrestlin’, and Sin City Underground.  A denied Triple Crown Champion.  Basically, more successful than 99% of any active roster in our network. I grew to be a great wrestler, just like I’m gonna grow to be a great GM.

Gianni brings his hands back together in front of him on the desk.

Gianni:  So, I hope that y’all will forgive me when I say that I happened to book one too many matches for this card.  If I’m gonna hold a fellow Jerseyman to a certain standard, then by God, am I gonna hold myself to the same standard.  Don’t worry, Lexa.  I gotchu.

Gianni gives a stern nod that should show how adamant he is about making this right, but something in his eyes just makes it feel more insincere.

Gianni:  So I gotta come up with a solution to a very tough problem.  Dyin’ Breed versus Eric and Javi… Omasa Tazu versus Kittie… Rory Rockefeller versus Lord Raab… and more.  All GRIME matches set to take place tonight.  Except one of em ain’t gonna take place.


Gianni shrugs his shoulders and can be heard sucking at his teeth from under the mask.

Gianni:  I know, I know… it’s my fuck up.  I take full responsibility for that.  Each and every one of those matches deserves to be on the card tonight.  Every single one of em.  And quite honestly, I don’t think I can choose which ones make it.  But, I was raised a good Roman Catholic boy.  I got faith in the man upstairs.  And hell, I kinda feel like some of The Good Book might be true.  So, I’m gonna turn this one over to God and let him handle it.  Things got a way of workin’ themselves out…

Gianni looks to his side, and we see the freshly defeated Indigo grinding her right fist into her left palm angrily.  After a nod from Gianni, she turns and walks out of the office while Gianni’s infamous laugh echoes down the hallway behind her, almost maniacally.

Eyesnsane walks into the locker room where Michi is seated. The SCU Combat title around his waist, he is wearing a Jack Daniels shirt and blue jeans….

Eyesnsane: Michi, there you are.  Picture this, on one side of the right, you have Over the Edge, the crowd goes wild, ladies are crying, guys are jealous and kids are wanting to be us when they grow up.  Then on the other side you got uh… Bentley and uh, Donovan, you know those guys so well known they call themselves fame.  You know the crowd acknowledges that they are there.  We make sure we are ready, i don’t know we uh rock, paper, scissors to see which of us starts the match, and we’ll say it turns out to be you and Donny.  Oh, wait a sec…..

Eyesnsane takes off the Jack Daniels shirt, revealing a tshirt that reads SCU across the front as Michi begins talking.

Michi:  theFAME you mean? That group of pretty boys.

Eyesnsane: Exactly, so there you are just rag tagging Dixon….

Michi: You mean Donovan.

Eyesnsane: Yeah, Donner, right you know that guy.  You’re hitting him with the woo wop de bam all upside his head.  You’re on fire, you got the crowd screaming your name.  The referee is concerned for homeboy one.  You are out there kicking ass like its the video game and fame is set on easy.

Eyesnsane steps in front of a mirror and looks at himself, then at Michi, and then his reflection again….

Eyesnsane: This ain’t it…..

Eyesnsane lifts up the SCU shirt, revealing an Over the Edge shirt.

Michi:  Are you really this concerned with your shirt instead of making up fantasy moments for this match coming up?

Eyesnsane: Don’t even trip….So then you come over to our corner and you tag me in so that I can get my shots in and really get to working Bobby over.

Michi: You mean Bentley….

Eyesnsane: Whatever, look the fans know we got this.  The company knows we got this, hell even team frames knows we got this.  You kick some ass, I kick some ass, then we kick some ass together.  We land a few well coordinated jokes which really throw them off because, hell we are both funny.  Then wham!  The trap is set and they go down in flames and Over the Edge get closer to tag team glory.

Ok, so I may have just made that sound easy.  Don’t get me wrong I know those guys are going to put up one hell of a fight.  I mean they have a chance, no matter how small it may be to beat Over the Edge.  It’s just not going to happen, they are like the tree fighting the chainsaw.  Will they back down, of course not and as much resistance as they put up, its just a matter of when we cut them down not if.  We are the best team in SCU and the best collection of stars in this company.  SCU can’t stop us, and GRIME can’t stop us.

Eyesnsane and Michi vs theFAME

The lights in the arena go out and Eyesnsane in his wrestling gear steps through the curtain and onto the stage. Michi comes out wearing her OTE warm up robe, MMA shoes, and fighting gloves.

Darlyn:  On their way to the ring, representing Over the Edge… Eyesnsane and Michi!!!

Once he is in place the music starts and at the 15 second mark of the song as the arena hears, “Here I am” a blue spot light shines on Eyesnsane as he looks slowly to the left and then to the right.  Michi bounces to the beat as the song starts to come in. They look to one another before slowly walking down to the ring where Eyesnsane uses the steps to get on the ring apron and then climbs in the ring between the second and top rope. Michi keeps bouncing toward the ring the whole time. Once at ringside she slides in the ring and takes off her robe. She is seen wearing her all black OTE MMA top and shorts. She bounces around as she waits for the match to begin. Eyesnsane walks to the center of the ring and turns and looks throughout the entire arena as the music plays before the lights return to normal.

The lights in the arena dim, as the crowd grows silent with anticipation. Suddenly, the  synth heavy sounds of “Viol” by Gesaffelstein fill the arena, the crowds silence quickly turns into jeers. Suddenly, a single, large spotlight shines onto the entrance way. With the crowd still heavily booing,  “The Stand Out” Donovan Rayne and “The 1NFAMOUS” Bentley Black emerge onto the entrance way.

Darlyn: And their opponents, accompanied to the ring by Delta Rayne, they are… Bentley Black and Donovan Rayne!!!

Both men, dawning matching leather jackets stand with smirks on their faces. With the crowd steadily raining down jeers on the men, they make an about face, turning their backs to the crowd. Then, the third and final member of the FAME, “the Provocateur” Delta Rayne steps out from behind the curtain. Delta, who finds herself standing in between her the two men, places her hands onto her vivacious hips. After a moment, the spotlight fades out to more vibrant strobe lighting. The lighting, reminiscent of what you’d see at a fashion show, begins to fill the arena. Then, as flashbulbs begin to fill the space, Donovan and Bentley both turn back to face the fans. As they both throw their arms into the air, the crowd’s intensity picks up.

After a moment of mouthing insults towards the fans, the men both throw their arms back down. Then, linked arm and arm with Delta, the three members  of the FAME make their way down to the ringside area. Largely ignoring the fans on their way down, the three individuals walk with purpose, not losing focus on the ring. Reaching the ringside area, the three stop walking. Delta then lets go of her brother and best-friend’s arms, as they walk in front of her. The two men then ascend onto the ring apron. Both men face with their backs towards the ring, as Delta approaches the ring apron. Looking up at her two clients, she smiles before backing away slightly. Donovan and Bentley then quickly enter the ring.

Walking over to the stairs, “The Provocateur” walks up them, and quickly walks to the center of the ring apron. Turning her back towards the ring, she places her arms onto the top rope. Placing her foot onto the bottom rope, she pushes backwards, flipping herself over the top rope, landing into the ring.  Facing the hard-camera side of the arena, Donovan and Bentley climb onto the middle turnbuckle on opposite sides of the ring. Standing in the center, Delta points to both of her clients, who then remove their leather jackets and jump down from the turnbuckle after taunting towards the crowd for a moment. As the two men walk towards the center of the ring, they hand their jackets over to Delta. Then, once again turning their backs to the camera, both men pose with their backs towards the camera. Suddenly, the camera does a panning zoom of both mens trunks to read “The Stand Out” and “1NFAMOUS” respectively.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Michi is ready to go, and Donovan Rayne finally accepts that he has no other choice but to start.  He pumps himself up and begins talking trash to Michi, letting Michi charge at him.  Donovan plays mind games by instantly tagging in Bentley.

Crowd:  Booooooooooo!!!

Chad:  Bentley doesn’t seem to mind, even as Michi is still coming at him.  He gets ready for her, but she side steps and tags in Eyesnsane, returning the mind games.

Gena:  Bentley nods his head as he loosens up his shoulders.  Eyesnsane comes toward him and Bentley is ready.  Eyesnsane runs at him, but Bentley ducks and spins Eyesnsane around.  He gets mouthy in Eyesnsane’s face.

Chad:  But Eyesnsane is not backing down, getting mouthy back.  They practically get nose to nose… no wait, they actually are nose to nose right now.  A couple of shoves back and forth between the champ and Bentley.

Gena:  Bentley bucks back with a fucking slap that literally echoes throughout the entire venue!  Eyesnsane is going to feel that one in the morning.  But he bitch slaps Bentley right back with equal, if not greater, force!

Chad:  Oh shit!  Bentley has his back to Eyesnsane, and Eyesnsane gets a Belly-to-Back Suplex on Bentley.  He locks on a pin!


Gena:  Donovan gets inside of the ring and tips the scales a bit with the nudge of his foot.  Eyesnsane lands on his back and Bentley twists on top of Eyesnsane and throws some goddamn hands!

Chad:  Donovan couldn’t be more pleased with himself as he claps with all the enthusiasm of a golf match viewer.  He gets back to the apron as Michi is raring to get inside of the ring.

Gena:  Eyesnsane blocks a punch after a minute and then flips Bentley off and onto his side, wrenching his arm as he looks out into the audience.

Chad:  Bentley reaches out, spinning as much as he can, and he’s right near Donovan.  He waves his hand and Donovan makes the tag!  He climbs inside and stomps on Eyesnsane.

Gena:  Bentley exits the ring, blowing a kiss to Michi.  Michi starts to get inside, as Donovan is stomping on Eyesnsane.  The ref stops Michi in her tracks, allowing Bentley to come back and join Donovan.

Chad:  Michi stops, and the ref turns around, forcing Bentley out of the ring.  Donovan and Bentley argue with the referee until Michi comes in and shoves Bentley out of the ring, and Eyesnsane gets up.

Gena:  Eyesnsane grabs onto Donovan’s waist and pulls him back inside.  He goes for another Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Donovan flips out of it, landing on his feet.  He hits a jumping kick to Eyesnsane, sending him into the corner.

Chad:  Eyesnsane charges at Donovan, sandwiching him into the corner.  He grabs hold of Donovan and tosses him across the ring.

Gena:  Bentley tags himself back into the match.  Donovan rolls to the outside of the ring.  Bentley stands in the center of the ring as the referee begins his count.


Chad:  Bentley tells the referee to hurry it up, waving his hands impatiently as he watches Eyesnsane carefully.


Gena:  Eyesnsane gets up, and Bentley tries for a Baseball Slide, but Eyesnsane steps to the side.  He gets inside and tags Michi into the match!

Chad:  Michi climbs inside of the ring, and Bentley charges at her.  Michi ducks and then turns and jumps on Bentley’s back, applying an inverted Rear Naked Choke!

Gena:  Bentley drops down to one knee, trying to shake Michi off.  Michi won’t go anywhere, though.  She wraps her legs around him tighter, and he goes down to both knees.  He desperately crawls to the ropes and latches on, but Michi won’t let up!


Chad:  Michi refuses to let go when the referee calls for her to.  She keeps it on as long as she can.


Gena:  Michi reluctantly lets go.  Bentley holds onto his throat as he stares over at Michi in amazement.  She shrugs her shoulders and goads him forward.  He goes for an overpowered Clothesline.

Chad:  But Michi ducks it.  She sweeps Bentley off of his feet and then grabs hold of his ankle.  She does a Surfboard Stretch on Bentley, showing amazing strength in the process!

Gena:  Donovan comes in to break it up, and Eyesnsane is quick to send him right back outside!  Michi stands up as Bentley gets to his feet.  She hits him with the Knockout Punch, and then goes for the cover!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here are your winners… Michi and Eyesnsane… Over the Edge!!!

Results / Underground Ep. 75 (Results)
« on: October 28, 2020, 12:36:21 AM »
Sin City Underground presents… Underground Ep. 75

Mandalay Bay Events Center

Sin City Underground Ep 75 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, October 25th, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

The lights in the arena go out as the opening riffs of Going To Hell by The Pretty Recess begin to play throughout the sound system. As the music progresses, strobe lights flash around the building and smoke fills the entrance way. Moments later, Ruby bursts through the curtain, and while she normally does her seductive dancing routine before heading to the ring, this time, she is all business with one hell of an attitude.

She has her whip “Debbi” in her hand, gripping it tight as she storms her way down to the ring on a mission. She slides in under the bottom rope and before she can head over to the opposite side and demand a microphone, one is slid into the ring for her. She reaches down and picks it up, immediately heading to the center of the ring, where she paces back and forth.

Ruby: Cut my music!

The music doesn’t stop right away, further pissing her off.

Ruby: I said cut my damn music!

Her music finally comes to an end and she continues pacing back and forth, her nostrils flaring and her knuckles going white from gripping Debbi so tight.

Ruby: Not that anyone needs reminding, but I am sick to fucking death with the bullshit around here! It’s been over a month since I was last booked in a match, and I’m not going to stand for it any longer! Everyone else can be booked and used around here, but it seems they have a problem with me and it ends...tonight!

She receives vicious boos but she laughs them off and continues circling around the ring, fed up with her lack of matches lately.

Ruby: I’m not leaving this ring until SOMEONE makes this right! And I’m sure that certain someone knows exactly who he is, so the ball is in his court. I know Mr. Di Luca normally accepts any kind of favors he can get in return for whatever a person wants, and normally I would oblige, but not only am I currently spoken for, but I have no desire for that horrible spray tan to rub off on me in any way, so I am definitely not interested.

This gets some laughs, but Ruby is too caught up in the moment to respond to it.

Ruby: I’m not going to stand back and let Gianni’s plastic filled barbie doll slut of a fiancee act like she’s untouchable in this place while I get absolutely NOTHING! I am far more dangerous than Veronica Taylor will EVER be, and if Gianni doesn’t give me what I want...Well, I’ll just have to find that botox bitch of his and give her a little preview of just how bad it can get. And don’t think for a SECOND that I am joking, because I am NOT.

She turns and stares backstage, refusing to leave the ring.

Ruby: I’m not going one more week without a match, Gianni! Do you fucking hear me, you bottom feeding piece of trash?! You don’t own me! You don’t control me! And if you continue to play this little game, you won’t like what happens!

Ruby lowers the microphone for a second and backs up, waiting for someone to come out. Specifically, waiting for Gianni. But she gets nothing. Not even a peep.

Ruby: Hell hath no fury like Ruby scorned, Gianni! You might not believe me, but I am telling you this doesn’t end well for you, or your skank bitch! You’ve got five seconds! One! Two!

She holds up a finger with each second.

Ruby: Three! Four! Five!! I WARNED YOU!

Ruby tosses the microphone and quickly exits the ring. She runs backstage, on the next part of her mission to find Gianni, or even Veronica Taylor.

The screen slowly fades into the Jeckel’s and Raisa, who are what people will believe are prayers, since they are speaking in their native language. They are ironically in a Las Vegas graveyard.

Raisa: Greeting once again, by now the Jeckel’s and myself do not need to introduce ourselves, last week we introduced you all to our level of violence and mayhem, and this week we give you another display of our violence.

Jack: It is quite fitting that our title defense will be contested in a graveyard match, for eight centuries, the enemies of our homeland, have been sent to the grave by our hand.

Jake: Episode 75 of the Scu show everyone will watch the demise of Jim The Clown and Royal Purple happen before them, it is work we cherish, for those who opposes deserve this faith, nothing can be done to stop it, Jim and you royal purple will feel the sensation of the wet ground of the grave, it will be a fitting resting place for you both, Violent means bring violent plans.

Helena: Now that my brothers have spoken, my turn to speak has arisen. Ms. Vixen I have been watching you very carefully, I have studied you, I have learned what I had to defeat you. Your defeat will make them very happy, Ms. Vixen I will exploit the Grime Rules match to my advantage, I will use them to hurt you, to defeat you, you demise is just around corner, your demise is in my hands, i will be as my brothers are a champion on the Underground,  the true example of what a GRIME nightmare really is. We Will Rise.

Jack: As it is written, it shall be done.

Raise waves her hand and the screen goes dark.

Gold is seen in the picture and begins to speak with a voice modulation to hide their true identity.

Gold:  This week on Underground I will face Max Burke for the GRIME Nightmare Championship.  Over the past few months my GRIME brethren have been unmasked and now we have been hearing they want to know who I truly am.  I have given it some thought.  I am not just going to go and rip my mask off just to show you all for nothing.  My mask gives me an advantage.  No one knows who I really am.  I could be J2H coming to show SCU how it is done.  I could be Mark Ward of all anyone knows.  But if I win the Nightmare championship everyone will know who I am.

Gold starts to act like they are going to take off their mask and then stops and wags their finger at the camera.

Gold:  No no not right now.

Gold walks off laughing.


Graveyard Match - Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Royal Purple and Jim the Clown Vs Jake and Jack Jeckel

The wind blows through the trees surrounding the cemetery as we hear the howling off in the distance.  A mist flows over the graves, leading us to the open graves with a whirling motion.  We see bats fly out of the trees as we approach.  We zoom through the graveyard at lightning speed until we reach the gates.  There is a knock off of the Crypt Keeper standing by with a microphone in hand.

Cryptkeeper:  Guys and ghouls… we present to you the horrors provided only as GRIME Wrestling can.  A fight that can only end at the competitor’s graves… The winners will leave this hallowed ground with the Hardcore Tag Team Championships, and the losers will not leave at all… Hahahaha!

His laughter echoes throughout the graveyard, causing a stir of even more bats.  He turns his head to the camera as it focuses on the spider slowly crawling down his face and into his mouth, twisted into a sinister grin.

Cryptkeeper:  Introducing first, representing the masked members of GRIME, she is accompanied by her partner, Jim the Clown… Royal Purple!!!

Royal Purple isn’t seen at first, aside from the royal purple glow of her mask, stitched mouth and x’d eyes.  She steps out from the shadows to join Jim the Clown, who giggles as the red balloons trail behind him.  Royal Purple and Jim the Clown enter the gates, and those very gates slam behind them, and the cryptkeeper chains it shut.

We go to the other side of the cemetery, to find the cryptkeeper already there with a man in a referee’s shirt and a no nonsense look.  The cryptkeeper looks over at him with the same sinister smile.

Referee:  Fuck you lookin’ at?

Cryptkeeper:  I don’t know… it hasn’t been discovered yet!  Hahahahah!

The referee narrows his eyes and snaps the head off the cryptkeeper, but it continues to laugh.  The eyes look to the camera and widen.

Cryptkeeper:  I would say that I’ve lost my head, but that happened back in Salem in 1692!  Now, without further adieu, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce the Hardcore Tag Team Champions, hailing from the home of my good friend, Count Dracula, accompanied by Helena Jeckel and Raisa… Jake and Jack… The Jeckels!!!

Jake and Jack step out from a small, tattered red and white tent, Jack cracking his knuckles as Jake carries a body bag over his shoulders.  He looks from side to side as Helena and Raisa follow out behind them.  Once the referee opens the gate, and Jake and Jack enter, it immediately slams closed, keeping Raisa and Helena outside.  Helena goes to climb the gate, but she gets a nice little shock.  Raisa taps at it, feeling the shock as well and she growls.

Cryptkeeper:  Sorry ladies, but this party is invitation only.  Maybe next year.  Now, would you deplorable wenches mind giving me head?

Raisa and Helena look to one another as the body points down to the fallen head.  They shake their heads and Helena gives it a punt.

Cryptkeeper:  Whooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

The head lands near the center of the graveyard as Jack and Jake run up.  Jim the Clown and Royal Purple reach soon after, and the referee calls for the bell, and is answered by the sounds of an old church bell instead.

Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang!

Rob: That was an interesting segway to a match that promises to be brutal. Electrified gates were a nice touch. But, it kind of enforces the #2Spoopy4U movement.

Ada:  Who gives a fuck? Jim the Clown stuns Jake by smacking him in the face with his red balloons.  He picks Jake up over his shoulders and tries to slam him into one of the open graves.

Rob:  Meanwhile, Jack is the recipient of a shovel to the face from Royal Purple.  He stumbles back, and Royal Purple smacks him again.  He nearly falls into the grave, but he steadies himself.

Ada:  Jake turns the slam into a DDT on top of the nearby coffin.  He starts to roll Jim into the open grave, but Royal Purple, swinging at Jack, misses and hits Jake with it instead.

Rob:  Jake falls backward, but he is able to bridge up so not to fall inside.  He is surprisingly limber, and he rolls over the grave and dives across to tackle Royal Purple to the ground.

Ada:  Royal Purple is being choked by Jake, so she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a bottle of hairspray, spraying Jake in the eyes with it.

Rob:  Jack grabs onto the back of her hood and pulls her up, but she turns around and sprays him in the face, adding a lighter to the equation.  He stumbles back, batting at his face.

Ada:  Jim the Clown hits a Clothesline on Jack and then begins kicking him toward the hole in the ground.  However, Jack grabs onto his ankle and trips him up, causing him to hit his head on the headstone.

Rob:  Jack pushes the headstone over on top of Jim, causing it to crack over him.  Royal Purple is stomping Jake as he tries to hold onto the edge of the grave, stopping him from falling in.

Ada:  Jack takes the shovel from the ground and smacks Royal Purple over the head with it, and she falls right in.  Jake pulls himself out of the grave, and he and Jack begin pulling Jim the Clown to the grave.

Rob:  The stand over the grave and look down at both competitors lying in the grave.  They pick up a handful of dirt and look to one another.

Jack:  From ashes to ashes…

Jack throws the dirt on top of Jim and Royal Purple.

Jake:  From dust, to dust…

He throws his handful of dirt on top of Jim and Royal Purple, and the referee calls for the bell.

Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang!

Referee:  Fuck this corny shit.  I’m gettin’ the hell outta here…

Cryptkeeper:  Still your Hardcore Tag Team Champions… The Jeckels!  Please give Vlad my blessings, would ya?

The camera focuses on the sparking fences as they stop.  The chains are unlocked, and the gates blow open.  The Jeckels look down at their feet, and they see the Hardcore Tag Team Championships sitting there.  They lift them up onto their shoulders and look to one another as they start to head toward Raisa and Helena waiting at the south gate they entered from.

Cryptkeeper:  Not every story has a happy ending.  Don’t believe me?  Just ask Jim the Clown and Royal Purple.  The despicable Jeckels retained their golden reign of terror as Hardcore Tag Team Champions.  But, lest ye not forget that Karma is cruel, and everybody gets what is coming to them… Hmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm…

The gates to the cemetery slam shut, and Helena and Raisa try to jerk them open, but with no luck.  Jack and Jake also try to help get the gates opened, but still no luck.  There is a familiar voice that echoes like a sinister whisper through the air, carried on the wind.

”You didn’t think we would just let everything go, did you?”

Just then, two hands burst through the ground, grabbing onto the ankles of Jack.  Jake looks at this and takes a few steps back as another set of hands bursts through the dirt and grabs onto his ankles too.  They struggle against the grip as they find themselves being dragged into the ground.  Helena and Raisa try more viciously to get the gates opened, as a crypt door opens up and Henry Losak comes walking out of it, smiling even more sinister than the cryptkeeper himself.  He stands and stares at Raisa and Helena, not doing a single thing, but taunting them with his eyes.

Jack and Jake struggle, but the harder they struggle, the faster they disappear down into the dirt.  The ground swallows them up, and then rests still for a moment.  Then, it begins to stir a little as Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab make their way up from it, heavily coated in the dirt, worms dropping from them as they crawl their way out of the holes that fill back up upon their exits.  They then walk up to the gate, and Helena spits at them, while Raisa takes a cautious step backward.  Without saying a single word, Sam and Raab, joined by Henry, slowly but surely run their thumbs across their necks.  Raab grabs onto the gates and pushes his face firmly against them, and Sam reaches through, trying to grab for Helena’s neck.  Helena and Raisa back up until they disappear into the tattered circus tent they came out of, and Henry laughs.

Cryptkeeper:  Eventually, we all reap what we sow.  The Jeckels have found themselves six feet under.  But if there is anything I know about Transylvanians, it is that they don’t stay down for long.  The story ends for tonight, but unrest assured that this is not the end of the story.  For me, it is goodnight, and please, PLEASE, let the bed bugs bite! Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!

Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang! Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang! Dong! Ding! Dang!

The camera goes back to the office of Gianni Di Luca. He is sitting with his soon-to-be wife, Veronica Taylor, who is in her ring gear. She is sitting on the desk while Gianni finishes up a phone call. Before he can hang up, Veronica pulls the phone out of his hand and hangs up for him. She tosses the phone over her shoulder as Gianni raises his eyebrows, going up and down. Veronica sighs instead and then puts a hand under his chin to lean down to kiss him.

Gianni: I'm surprised ya wanna get all wore out before ya match against Timmy's wife.

Veronica lets out a catty cuckle rolling her eyes,as she says.

Veronica: Who Uglexis? You know how much my return match on this show is against her of all people? I mean what a bad wife she is she should be watching over her husband in the hospital instead she is here like? Gross!

Veronica said, rolling her eyes in annoyed motion. Gianni nods his head.

Gianni: Ya gonna make such a great wife. And she is just terrible. But, that's what happens when ya just half a man. Ya get half a wife. Best wishes to little Timmy.

Gianni looks to the camera and laughs. Veronica nods along to Gianni.

Veronica: Duh such a miserable little man you see hes another one who says these mean things about me why? Because I am hotter than any other woman here? Or that I don’t get attacked? Oh boo hoo cry me a river.

Veronica says in a bitchy tone.

Veronica: Tonight I am gonna give that uggo something to really cry about along with all of those disgusting freaks in attendance.

Gianni laughs at the idea of seeing Alexis go down.

Gianni: Maybe ya could do Tim a favor and give Alexis a few tips on how to be a better wife. Ya could even put her in a hospital bed, right next to Tim. Break her face so she's gotta get a new one.

Gianni could go on forever with the insults, but instead, he slides Veronica off of the desk and into his lap. She turns around so her back is against his chest and wraps his arms around herself.

Veronica: Oh, yeah that would be fun it would be a vast improvement on the looks front for her? Like dog faces seem to always be the flavor of the month around here. And its disgusting. But I should charge these basics for tips on being a proper wife Veronica Talyors fabulous wifey tips 101 it’d sell out quickly.

Veronica said with a smirk, keep her future husband's arms around her.

Gianni: Yeah ya would. But unfortunately, ya can't fix ugly so easy. If ya could, I'd say to throw her husband a bone and fix his wife. Age ain't been to kind to Alexis. 20 somethin' with crows feet…

Gianni laughs at this, holding Veronica even tighter.

Veronica: Oh don’t get me started with that their is just so much wrong with just her face to start with. Before we get to her fashion sense like she does she know whats in season? Ugh no she dressed like its 2005 ugh! But that is why I am here so I can teach these basics what to wear well but for them in plus sizes.

Veronica lets out a catty giggle.

Veronica: Can’t fix stupid either which she is she doesn’tknow what shes getting into tonight.

Gianni chuckles with Veronica, but his phone rings from across the office. He stares at it and then leans down to kiss Veronica again before he attempts to get up. She pushes down her weight and gets him more into the kiss. He is able to escape it for a moment to speak

Gianni: I gotta get that. It's the boss…

Veronica sighs and gets one more peck before getting off of Gianni.

Veronica: Ugh gotta get the hand sanitizer ready after all gotta get the basicness of Uglexis off of me after this match.

Gianni: Get it ready, and I'll be there to help ya shower off afterwards…

Gianni goes to get the phone as Veronica begins pulling out gallons of hand sanitizer to carry out with her. Gianni can't help but laugh as he tries to continue his call as we go elsewhere.

Cut to backstage, we come up on the current, reigning and defending G.R.I.M.E. World Nightmare Champion, Max Burke. In the middle of this warm up, Burke is busy prepping for the unknown that is Gold.

Max: Falls Count Anywhere inside Mandalay Bay. No. I’m changing the game, why? Because I can.  Bare Knuckle Parking Lot Brawl is what we’re doing. Don’t like it? Don’t show up, Gold... I have one question for you.

Max rips his tape with his teeth before tossing it back in his bag.

Max: Are you ready this time?

Max smirks, and begins lacing his boots.

Max: You’ve tried before, and failed. Just like everyone else. I have held this championship since Into the Void IX, and NOBODY has been able to rip it from my grasp. Not you. Not Andrey Azarov. Not Raab. Not Hitamashii. Not even SEVEN of you could take this from me. This is MY championship.

Burke looks down at his championship sitting next to him for a moment before continuing on.

Max: Gold, unfortunately for you that doesn’t change tonight. You see, tonight inside of the Mandalay Bay I am going to beat you from pillar to post. Hell, I might even drag your pathetic ass outside of the building and throw you into incoming traffic if I damn well please.

Burke grabs his ring jacket and tosses it over his shoulder.

Max: Tonight, I might even rip that mask off your head, and show your face to everyone watching finally. Don’t you think it’s time to stop hiding behind it? Listen to me Gold. Listen very carefully. Tonight, just like last time is not your night. Tonight, your nightmare continues. Everyone knows. Nothing changes tonight. Fact.

Max picks up his World Nightmare Championship, and leaves his locker room.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see one half of the Pride Tag Team Champs Ariana Angelos warming up ahead of her defence when she is approached by Marissa.

Marissa: Ari, have you seen Carter?

Ariana: No, he didn’t even show up to film Recipe 4 Disaster, I had to get Krystal to film this week’s episodes.

Marissa: Even though he is challenging for the TV Title tonight?

Ariana: The TV Title that he never should’ve lost.

Ari grumbles under her breath before shaking her head.

Ariana: I have heard that he’s in the building, but I haven’t seen him, besides, he may be my bestie, but I have titles to defend.

Marissa: You’re not worried about the Three Way?

Ariana: Not the first three way I’ve been in!

Marissa: Err……...

Ariana: And by that, I mean three way dance, not three way in the bedroom! But seriously, they couldn’t beat me when I was with Carter and they won’t beat me with Rush because fortune favours the bold and they will behold the grace of the Angel’s Descent! And if GRIME do interfere, we have the rhino to back as up.

Ariana says before shaking her head.

Ariana: That was not a sentence I thought I’d say when I signed up for the Go Gym!

Marissa walks off as the scene fades.


Bare Knuckle Parking Lot Brawl - GRIME World Nightmare Championship
Gold vs Max Burke

We find our way to the parking lot where a crowd of masked stars are seen standing in a big circle around a structure thrown together sloppily with tow chains to form an official boundary.  In the center of the circle is Liam Gagnon and a masked referee.  They look to one another as Max Burke and Gold  push themselves through the GRIME crowd to walk toward the circle.

Liam:  The following contest is a Bare Knuckles Parking Lot Brawl!  Iiiiiiiiiintroducing first, he is from Dorchester, New Brunswick Canada, standing at 6’ and weighing in at 220lb, he is… Max Burke!!!

Max steps into the circle and throws his fists up as he gets the masked GRIME members pumped.  He roars as he walks around the circle, nodding his head.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaand his opponent, representing the masked members of GRIME, he is… Gold!!!

Gold steps into the circle and he peels his shirt off, tossing it on top of a hood of the car, inspiring Max to do the same.  Gold stares intensely at Max with rage in his eyes.  He tests the sturdiness of the chains to see that they will hold.  Yellow holds up a trash can lid and pounds it with a bat to start the match.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Rob:  Gold charges at Max, but Max moves out of the way.  Gold grabs onto the chains to stop himself.  Max puts a hand on his shoulder, but Gold throws his elbow back to Max’s face.

Ada:  Gold throws punches at Max’s face as he backs up toward the center of the circle.  Gold follows him, not giving up at all.

Rob:  Gold hits an uppercut that puts Max on his back.  Gold climbs on top and starts throwing punch after punch to Max’s face, busting over his lip.

Ada:  The bloodlust of this crowd is intense and they roar with cheers as Gold pauses for a second.

Rob:  That second is enough for Max to grab the back of Gold’s head and he jolts up into a headbutt that cracks the mask.  Gold holds onto his forehead, finding blood on his hand.

Ada:  It’s Max’s, but it’s enough for Gold to press his forearm across Max’s throat.  Max kicks around as Gold pushes down.

Rob:  Max claws Gold’s eyes through the mask to break up his hold.  He pushes Gold off of him and then scrambles to his feet.

Ada:  Gold goes for a blind swing, but Max ducks it.  He goes for another, and Max grabs his arm.  He throws Gold into a car and then rushes up and cracks an elbow…

Rob:  Right into the passenger’s side window, cracking it, as Gold ducks from the elbow.  He grabs Max’s face and bashes it through the cracked window.

Ada:  This busts Max open even more, putting scratches on his face as well.  He falls prone with his head inside of the car.

Rob:  Gold grabs Max’s arm to pull him up, but Max grabs Gold’s head and smashes it into the back side window multiple times.

Ada:  Max turns Gold around and does a Snapmare to Gold, landing on the concrete.  He locks on a Sleeper Hold, but Gold tries his best to get out of it.

Rob:  Taking a page out of Max’s book, in a last second bit of desperation, Gold pushes into Max’s eye with his thumb.

Ada:  He breaks out of the hold and swings around, punching Max in the side of the head.  Max winds up on his back.

Rob:  As Gold goes to mount him again, Max flips him over onto his back instead.  He grabs Gold and drags him across the asphalt.  Gold holds onto his back.

Ada:  Max lifts Gold up and he jumps up, landing a Tornado DDT to the asphalt, and he quickly rolls over on top of Gold and hooks the leg.


Clank! Clank! Clank!


Liam:  Here is your winner via pinfall… Max Burke!!!

Max holds his bleeding knuckles up in the air as he looks around at the adoration of his people.  He wipes a cocky smirk off of his face and just nods his head as “Nails in the Coffin” plays through the arena speakers. Gold is in pain as he lays on their back.  Max comes over and starts to try to take off Gold’s mask when other masked GRIME members storm the parking lot and gives Gold the chance to get out and to the doors.  Gold is wagging their finger and shaking their head no.

In the office of Gianni Di Luca, we see him having a sit down talk with Erik Staggs when there is a knock at the door.  However, it is more of a banging than a knocking.  As Gianni goes to yell to come in, the door flies open before he can even make a peep.  Esther and Andrey Azarov walk inside of the office, and Andrey picks up an expensive paperweight, turning it as he inspects it carefully.  He places it in his pocket and looks directly at Erik.  Esther blows a large bubble with the gum in her mouth as she walks closer to her bosses.

Esther:  What kind of shit is this?

Gianni:  Pardon the fuck outta me, but you’re the ones bursting into my office, stealing my shhh…

Esther slams her hand on the desktop.  She grabs onto a picture frame and tosses it across the office, causing Gianni and Erik to both stand up, ready to defend.

Esther:  Don’t play fucking stupid with me!  Just a couple of weeks ago, I stood up for you with that demented blonde bimbo, Ruby.  I stood by your side and said I would take her down for you. And then this?

Erik:  It would be helpful if we knew exactly what you were talking about, Mrs. Azarov?

Andrey steps up now and fumbles with the paperweight in his pocket, ready to use it if necessary.

Andrey:  Even idiot can see you are punishing Esther because I beat you in match months ago. That includes you, Mr. Staggs.

Esther tilts her head as if to agree with her husband.  Gianni is about to speak, but Erik shakes his head.

Erik:  Punishing her, how?  What I did was to teach you respect about threatening to leave GRIME for a Combat Championship match.  It was to test your loyalties, and here you are.  Why would I be mad about it?  I’m not some SCU locker room member who gets mad about a loss, because it was one of the biggest wins I’ve ever had by keeping you with us.

Andrey:  Is this why I don’t have bookings for months at time?  Is this why when I do have match booking, it is opening matches, or piss break matches?

Erik is going to speak, but Andrey doesn’t allow him to.

Andrey:  You think Azarov’s are fools, but we have eyes opened and focused on what you are of doing.

Esther:  Yeah!  We know what you’re of doing!  Helena beats Vixen in a non-title match over almost two months ago, and yet the booking states that she got the shot because she beat Vixen.  Guess what I did, just last week?  I beat your lazy fucking family member, whose too busy coasting on her past successes to even open her mouth to say a fucking word!  Just like Helena, only in much more recent history.

Erik:  She beat her first, so she gets her title shot first.

Esther:  Bullshit!  She helped her brothers take down The Monstimals and brought the Hardcore Tag titles back to GRIME, so you’re rewarding her for doing your bidding, and it’s bullshit! You made all kinds of promises to us, but instead of getting what was promised, Andrey gets put on the sidelines, and you put this Rainbow bitch on my case.  I’m done sitting back and taking it, so here’s what’s going to happen, Staggy…

Esther steps on the tips of her toes as she gets as close to being in Erik’s face as possible.  She pokes him in the chest repeatedly as she speaks.

Esther:  You’re going to put me in the Main Event tonight, or I’m going to make sure it doesn’t happen by beating Vixen’s ass… again… and taking out Helena if I fucking have to.  And if you don’t think I’m capable of doing that, I’ve got friends who would be more than happy to help me.

Erik looks back as Esther points to the door.  We see Queen of Apathy, Rory Rockefeller, Indigo, Macaroni and Cheese, Saddie Brown, Yellow, and Pakistan Green waving at Erik.  He rolls his eyes and looks down at Esther.

Erik:  No.  Nobody, and I do mean nobody, will ever bully me into making a decision.  That’s not what GRIME is all about.

Esther goes to speak, but Gianni comes walking around the desk, getting some distance between Esther and Erik, and giving Andrey a look that says “Even with a paperweight, I’ll fuck you up”.

Gianni:  Erik, she ain’t that wrong.  She did earn the chance to fight Vixen for the title, just like Helena did.  Sometimes we don’t see things clearly when we’re booking shows, and we kinda had this planned before she beat Vixen.  I don’t see nothin’ wrong with putin’ her in that match tonight.

Erik:  But she…!

Gianni and Erik almost seem to have a silent conversation, with several quick glances going toward the group standing at the door, along with Andrey and Esther.  Erik sighs and turns away from Esther.

Erik:  My shit list is growing exponentially.  But… I see the error of my ways, and I’m on board with this plan…

Esther’s demeanor changes instantly and she squeals as she jumps up into Andrey’s arms.  They begin kissing, tongue flying everywhere, and the exchange of gum to Andrey’s mouth is the final straw that makes Erik almost wretch as he turns away completely.

Erik:  Now get the fuck out of this office before we change our minds!

Gianni:  I agree.  Y’all nasty, and I’ve sat in the same room with Angel of Filth for twenty minutes once…

Esther and Andrey take their passionate makeout session into the hallway as Erik slams the door shut.  He glares at Gianni, who only grins back.

Gianni:  It don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how that’s gonna solve itself, right?

Erik pinches the bridge of his nose and then the two take their seats again.

Gemma and Gail stand in the ring.

Gemma: Please welcome my stablemates, Earl, Dahlia, and Stewart, Team freaking Canada.

They make their way to the ring and enter.

Stewart: This place is alive tonight.

Gemma: Tonight Stewart, you face another staple of SCU, Mark Cross, talk to em’ about this match.

Stewart: Gemma  babe, tonight all these great fans are going to see one another great match, Mark Cross is a hell of an athlete, we’ve clashed on several occasions, and tonight it's going to be another barn burner, because that’s how good we both are. Mark don’t get me wrong though, I’m here tonight to win and go to High Stakes against Dax.

Gemma: Alright then, now Earl, Dahlia everyone know your history in tag team wrestling, your pioneers of inter gender tag team wrestling, and the most successful, and your names have become synonymous with the Pride tag team titles tonight you to look to add to legacy but hopefully bringing the Pride tag team titles back into the Team Canada fold.

Earl: Yeah, but let me say this Alex and Ariana are good kids and deserve to be tag team champions.

Dahlia: It doesn't mean we’ll be soft on them when the bell rings, it will The Three way coming and Alex and Ariana full force.

Earl: Another title reign will be great and as you said Gemma adds to our legacy as one of the greatest tag teams of this or any generation,but if we don’t, we know the titles are in great hands.

Gemma: I guess that means we’re out.

Results / Underground Ep. 74 (Results)
« on: October 20, 2020, 12:13:46 AM »
Underground Ep. 74

Sin City Underground Ep 74 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, October 18th, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety Bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves. Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account ideally by the SCW segment deadline, but no later than 6pm PST on Sunday, October 18th, 2020.  Late segments will no longer be accepted going forward to ensure results go up in a timely manner.

The camera opens backstage to find Haylie Jo “Halo” Annis standing with a bottle of beer in her hand.

Halo: So, last week me and Kelli proved that we ARE uniquely gifted… and we do get over!

She sets the bottle down and nods forcefully.

Halo: We been bad ass sisters in combat since we got arrested together and last week we showed what happens when everybody gets the hell out of our way and we get to just kick ass together!

Halo extends her arms out so that she is encompassing everything around her.

Halo: And like she said, don’t worry, y’all, we ain’t done neither!

Leaning down, Halo traces a line in front of her.

Halo: Y’all seein us line up against G.R.I.M.E., me, Kelli, Melissa Ruin and even Merlot Ayano, we walk into that shit and go we ain’t goin no further! Y’all wanted a fight and here we fuckin’ are!

Her hands clasp and start rubbing together in anticipation.

Halo: And tonight, I walk into the ring with a woman whose family has lined up in that fight too! G.R.I.M.E. done fucked up when they made this a personal holy war by taking the Good Shepherds’ daughter and showin’ her how to walk the devil’s path!

She nods knowingly, almost smirking as she does so.

Halo: Well, Mother Mavis and me, we ain’t gonna have that problem! We gonna walk to that ring tonight and we gonna fight so that God’s Holy Light shines down on us and illuminates to the world how this shit is supposed to go! I’ve gone drinkin’ with Jesus a time or two. I have walked down that path that leads into the darkness and felt like I was all alone only to wake up somewhere to find I had me a drinkin’ partner the whole damn time and he never abandoned me the way everyone else did!

She pauses to point to herself.

Halo: G.R.I.M.E. thinks they’re the only ones who know what’s like to get down and dirty and wallow with the demons in the sludge but as Veronica Taylor and Angel Kash and their ilk have been only too happy to point out, that just ain’t true because I am the gutter slime that those people cannot stand! I was born into it and raised to think my demons were my friends that I should cling to until I just ain’t got the strength no more and through it all, I knew there would always be someone there…

She leans down to pick up her bottle.

Halo: Now drinkin’ with Jesus has brought me things I could never have dreamed of before. I’ve found a callin’ in wrestling, won me some championships, found me a wife and a family and found me friends to go to war with against those same demons that are still chasing at my heels!  Them hellhounds may still be on my trail, they may even be nippin’ at my heels but I know I ain’t alone in this war and I never will be! So Mama Mavis, let’s walk us down that Holy Trail and shine THE Light for the world to see! And if G.R.I.M.E. decides they don’t wanna let us show what those demons do when hidin’ in the dark….

She nods, motioning at the camera to bring it on.

Halo: Let them come try to stop us! My Halo might be bent, tarnished and possibly even on fire… but they ain’t never takin’ it away from me!    

Her eyes flash as she holds the bottle aloft and then drinks the contents down in one shot.

Halo: Time to shine, y’all!

The scene cuts on Cordelia Clark, who of course, is in a foul mood following the events of Violent Conduct. She’s keeping it simple at this point as she sits in the studio, thinking about the event no matter how much it pisses her off. She is able to maintain this anger as she takes a deep breath and expresses her thoughts.

Cordelia: Violent Conduct was a load of crap! I mean… really. I just wanted to remind every single one of you that I am a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER! I am NOT, in any way, shape or form, a boxer! What is someone like me even doing competing for the SCU Combat Championship to begin with? What were the powers that be thinking? Of course I freaking lost! I was in there doing something for the first time against someone with far more experience than me. How in the hell is that fair? Was this just for the amusement of everyone just so they can see me get knocked out? Is that it? Because regardless of how you want to spin it, the fact of the matter is, I don’t belong in that division and I wouldn’t try to stick me in a division where I’m basically having two hands tied behind my back to begin with. Being in a boxing match with Merlot Ayano is like… well… Michael Jordan playing baseball… and we all know how well THAT worked out for him.

Cordelia pauses, expressing an angry, frustrated sigh. Her frustration is definitely coming through and she can even feel a temptation to punch the camera coming but for the moment, she’s able to hold off.

Cordelia: Oh and by the way… TECHNICALLY… STILL undefeated! Nobody in SCU has beaten me in a WRESTLING match. That boxing crap? That doesn’t count… because that’s NOT a wrestling match! I know that the Combat division is for the Neanderthals that have a thirst for that sort of crap, but I’m not one of them and now that I am done being a complete fish out of water, I can focus on WRESTLING because WRESTLING is what I came here to do! I’m just glad that tonight, things are at least starting to get back in order when I am in a WRESTLING match… thank god… against Krystal Wolfe and you’re darn right I am going to make a statement against that blue haired freak who belongs in the trash with every other social reject subhuman that infests this earth. I mean… have you SEEN her? Is it any wonder that she tried so hard, in vain, to try to find a tag team partner, but couldn’t do so because nobody wanted to team with her? No really… have you SEEN HER? WHY would ANYONE EVER want to team with THAT?

No really Krystal… that was so pathetic of you!

You’re walking around all night last week wanting to make an impact!

But… nobody wanted to team with you! How SAD! Hey, maybe you should put your struggles on your YouTube channel and get everyone to watch it and laugh at you because other than that… there’s no damn way anyone would want to watch that. In all reality? You’re just the blue-haired diet version of Ariana Lynx… remember her? Remember how I beat her twice? Get your head out of fantasy land and live in reality here.

This isn’t your stupid Magic the Gathering game.

This isn’t Dungeons and Dragons!

This is REALITY! And in THIS reality… or ‘canon’ as NERDS like you put it… people like me… self-made success stories with an Ivy League education are WAY MORE SUCCESSFUL than people like YOU who spend all their time, money and effort into stupid video games and nonsense that gives you an escape from realilty because you’re too damn afraid to live in it! People like you have to escape into a fantasy world because in the real world, you’re not good enough! Hey, maybe after I beat you tonight, I can put you on a path to at least having a LIFE! I can hire you as my own shoe shiner… or maid… or… nah… I think I’d ruin my own reputation if someone like me was seen in public with someone like you!

After Violent Conduct, Krystal… I’m in a real foul mood… and I’m not in the mood to tolerate any sort of crap from people like you!

Cordelia glares at the camera some more, letting out a little more anger before the scene fades to black.


Singles Match
Mother Mavis Shepherd Vs Halo Annis

Darlyn: The opening contest is scheduled for one fall!

A white light flashes over the crowd that is almost blinding. It returns to a more tolerable brightness as "Spirit In the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum begins to play through the arena. The crowd boos and gets louder when the announcer speaks up.

Darlyn: On her way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma she is 5'10" and weighed in this morning at 145lb. Representing The Church of The Good Shepherds she is Mother Mavis Shepherd!

And the boos become louder. Mavis walks out onto the stage, folding her hands in front of her, making sure to show off the cross hanging from her neck. She looks around the crowd, her eyes narrow and piercing. She keeps her hands folded as she walks down the aisle. At the end, she walks up to the apron and climbs up onto it. She raises her hands to the air as the white light shines down on her. For a second she smiles and then she lowers her hat to the apron. She steps inside of the ring and walks back and forth while she waits for the match to start.

Darlyn: On her way next, from Hollywood Hills, CA, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 144lb, she is your Underground Champion… Halo Williaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams!!!

Life of Agony’s “Lost At 22” starts up and B-Brat walks out, smirking and twirling what looks like a long necklace as the crowd boos the second generation star. Halo follows behind her looking stoic and simply ready to go seemingly paying the boo birds no attention at all. B-Brat takes her sweet time getting to the ring making sure she milks all the attention she possibly can as she drinks everything in. She makes her way up the steps and slips through the ropes effortlessly, Halo following right behind her. They take the center of the ring and B-Brat walks up to the ropes, flashing hand signals to the crowd as Halo stands behind her, simply raising her right fist to the sky. B-Brat steps back and smacks Halo on the belly, pointing to her as Halo simply stands tall, ready for war.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Mavis and Halo walk to the middle of the ring. Mavis starts yelling and poking Halo in the shoulder as they stand eye to eye in the middle of the ring.

Chad: Mavis winds her hand back and slaps Halo in the face! Halo doesn't seem fazed. Mavis goes for another slap but gets met with a fury of body shots!

Gena: Mavis drops to her knees. Halo kicks Mavis in the chest just once which knocks her on her back. Halo grabs Mavis by the head but Mavis wraps Halo up for a small package!


Chad: Halo powers out! The two get to there feet. Halo goes for a clothesline but Mavis quickly kicks her in the gut. Mavis grabs Halo's head and drops her with a DDT!

Gena: Mavis runs to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle.  Halo gets up to her feet and runs over at Mavis. Mavis jumps down back to the ring, the two tie up in the corner. Mavis gets overpowered as Halo pushes Mavis away causing her to land on her rear!

Chad: Halo gets the Good Shepherd back to her feet. Halo nails a chop to the chest that drops Mavis back on her rear! Halo grabs Mavis to stand her back up. Halo sends Mavis to the ropes, Mavis bounces off and makes her way to Halo who picks her up for a power slam!!!

Gena: Halo goes to the turnbuckle and climbs up, and she jumps off going for Elijah’s Rise!!!  (Corkscrew 450)

Chad: Halo misses as Mavis rolls out of the way on time! Mavis gets up to her feet and charges at Halo, she jumps up in the air and hits a Swanton bomb! Mavis now gets to her feet and gets Halo up to hers. Mavis grabs her and sends her to the ropes. Halo bounces off and jumps up hitting Mavis with the Black 13!!!!!!!  (Claymore Kick)

Gena: Halo goes for the cover!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Your winner of this match via pinfall... Halo Williams!!!!

Halo rolls out of the ring, taking no time to celebrate as she heads toward the back.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Krystal Wolfe walking through the hallways with a purpose ahead of her first match in several weeks against Cordelia Clark when she is stopped by Dev.

Dev: Krystal, you have your first match in several weeks against Cordelia Clark coming up next, what are your thoughts heading into this match?

Krystal: What do you think? I’ve been on every show since my TV Title Match, and I am still after that rematch, but they didn’t book me until tonight! What? Did they suddenly realise: “oh shit, the blue haired chick who was trained by Gabriel and Odette actually wrestles?”, they say no one stepped up to be my partner last week but they never bothered to say how to make that fact known!

Dev: Will you still go after the titles?

Krystal: If and only if Angel Kash beats me fairly when I get my hands on her again but we both know that ain’t happening! She escaped with the TV Title last week, but she won’t escape forever, and I will win that title! Cordelia is just a stepping stone for me and she’s about to suffer her second loss in SCU!

Krystal says before walking off.

Dev: Err, the ring is that way.

Krystal: I know, but I wasn’t going that way, Ari wasn’t kidding about those Duck Fat Cookies and she’s been trying to get people to try them!

Ariana: Krys, there you are!

Krys quickly walks off as Ari steps into view carrying a plate of cookies in her hands, Dev looks at the cookies, shrugs and tries one.

Ariana: Are they good or what?

Dev immediately regrets his decision and runs off.

Ariana: They tasted great to me!

Ari sighs before eating one as the scene fades.


Singles Match
Krystal Wolfe Vs Cordelia Clark

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall…

The guitar intro to “When Destinies Align” by Lovebites hits the speakers and Krystal makes her way onto the entrance ramp wearing a black t-shirt with the words “Critical Hit” companied with a D20 that has landed on a Natural Twenty over her ring gear.

Darlyn: Introducing first, from Adelaide, Australia, Krystal Wolfe!

Krystal makes her way down the ramp whilst occasionally slapping hands with the fans before she rolls into the ring and poses for the fans, as her music fades she removes her shirt and hands it to a ring attendant as she waits for her opponent.

The radio version of "Sucker" by Charli XCX hits the PA system and Cordelia Clark steps through the curtains, instantly drawing some boos from the crowd.

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, from Princeton, NJ standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 125lb, she is… Cordelia Clllllllllllark!!!

She starts to walk down the ramp, obviously confident in her self-proclaimed, prodigious abilities. She has a smirk on her face as she gets to the ring, obviously enjoying whatever reaction she's getting from the fans. When she enters the ring, she finally acknowledges the "haters" with a 'hush' signal, which only serves to incite them to boo her louder. Cordelia has a laugh to herself at this, as she starts to focus on her match and the song fades.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: They approach the ring, but stay back a couple paces and begin to circle each other. Cordelia makes the first move, tying up with Krystal. Cordelia uses her size advantage to back Krystal into the corner. She tries to overpower Krystal.

Gena: Krystal ain’t having none of that. She knees Cordelia in the side, but Cordelia still doesn’t give. She then knees her other side, giving her a bit of space.

Chad: Krystal then holds onto the top ropes and jumps up to kick Cordelia in the chest with both feet, sending her back several paces.

Gena: Krystal comes with a series of kicks, but Cordelia blocks each attempt. With the final high kick, Cordelia grabs Krystal’s leg and sweeps her off of her feet. She drops an elbow and hooks the leg.


Chad: Cordelia mounts Krystal and begins to punch away. Krystal holds her arms up to block, but Cordelia’s speed and force begins to be too much.

Gena: With Cordelia focused on the face, Krystal uses her agility and flexibility to raise her legs under Cordelia’s chest, using everything she’s got to kick Cordelia off of her.

Chad: Krystal gets to her feet and she regroups. Cordelia is breathing heavily as she and Krystal circle each other once again. Cordelia tries for the tie up, but Krystal ducks, catching Cordelia with a hard Back Heel Kick.

Gena: Krystal then connects with a Spinning Back Fist to Cordelia’s chest. Cordelia stumbles back and Krystal hits a Dropkick to Cordelia’s knee, bringing her down to one knee.

Chad: Krystal is on fire right now. Cordelia breathes heavily as Krystal bounces off of the ropes, looking for a Dropkick to the face, but Cordelia spins out of the way!

Gena: Cordelia grabs onto the back of Krystal’s head and drops down into a Reverse Neckbreaker, flipping Krystal over onto her stomach. She grabs on with a One Arm Chickenwing Crossface.

Chad: Krystal doesn’t have anywhere to go now! Cordelia is wrenching the arm, holding it in place over the face as she leans in, trash talking to Krystal.

Gena: Krystal uses her free hand to try to inch her way toward the ropes, little by little. Cordelia does her best to ground her weight, but Krystal’s determination is just a bit stronger.

Chad: She is about to grab onto the ropes when Cordelia wrenches tighter and scoots back a couple of feet! The crowd is electric as Krystal raises her hand to tap!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner via submission… Cordelia Clark!

Cordelia doesn’t let go immediately, but once the referee threatens to reverse the decision, Cordelia lets up.  She steps back and waits for Krystal to get up.  She is ready to attack when Ariana Angelos shows up for damage control.  She and Cordelia keep their eyes locked as Krystal slowly gets up. Ari helps her out of the ring as Cordelia waves them away and celebrates her victory.

Dev is waved into the room by Raisa. Nervously Dev and the camera crew enter.

Dev: Hello please welcome my guests, The Jeckels.

Helena: Thank-you for coming Mr. Dev we get so little company.

Dev: Um, thanks anyway last week Jack and Jake became the new Hardcore tag team champions.

Raisa: You speak correctly Mr.Dev, last week Jack and Jake obtained victory.

Dev: Tonight they defend their title against Javier Gonzalez and Eric Weaver who have had a fair share of success lately, what is your strategy to defeat them?

Jack: Mr. Dev, we know better than to reveal match strategy, but I must inform our G.R.I.M.E and SCU that you are about to be introduced to the reality of real violence, the type of violence only we can bring. Mr. Dev tonight Mr. Javier and Mr. Eric, must and will fall at our feet.

Dev: Do you fear any sort of payback from team uggo and the Monstimals.

Jake: We fear  no such payback Mr. Dev, they are the ones who will learn to fear my brother and I.

Dev: Tonight you face Angel Kash for the Uncensored Television Title, Angel has become very good at saving her title, what are your..

Helena titles her head side to side.

Raisa: We are very aware of Ms. Kash’s tactics, how are tactics against someone with extremely heightened senses, Helena through her years has heightened her senses, she will be quite capable to counter any tactics that Ms. Kash may choose to employ.

Helena: Mr. Dev, all I fear for Ms. Kash is how she will handle the  outcome of her defeat. Mr. Dev they require more gold and I will provide what they require, tonight Mr. Dev, Ms. Kash will be defeated, there is nothing that can be done to change that tonight, for they have written it.

Jack: So it shall be done


Singles Match - Non-Title
Damian Dark Vs Eyesnsane

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, he is… Damian Dark!

The lights go off and you here let me in the devil's here and out comes Damian Dark in a casket wheeled down to the ring with red liquid on top of it. He gets out and gets in the ring.

Darlyn:  On his way to the ring next, from Chicago, IL standing at 6’2” and weighing in at 230lb, he is your SCU Combat Champion… Eyesnsane!!!

Once he is in place the music starts and at the 15 second mark of the song as the arena hears, “Here I am” a blue spot light shines on Eyesnsane as he looks slowly to the left and then to the right before slowly walking down to the ring where he uses the steps to get on the ring apron and then climbs in the ring between the second and top rope. He walks to the center of the ring and turns and looks throughout the entire arena as the music plays before the lights return to normal.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Damian and Eyesnsane meet in the middle of the ring, tied up and pushing against one another.  The larger Damian gains the advantage and sets Eyesnsane up against the ropes.

Gena:  Eyesnsane leans through the ropes and jumps to the outside.  He reaches under the ring and pulls out a trash can and lid.  Damian trash talks him, and he throws the can in the ring. The referee kicks it back outside and admonishes Eyesnsane.

Chad:  Damian picks up the trash can and slides back inside with it, but Eyesnsane gets inside of the ring first.  He kicks the trash can right into Damian’s stomach. The referee knocks it outside and warns Eyes, who holds his hands up innocently.

Gena:  He goes to kick Damian in the head, but he moves and bashes Eyesnsane over the head with a hard fist, trash f.  He then Clotheslines Eyesnsane to the outside.

Chad:  Damian follows outside after him.  He drags Eyesnsane to his feet and then whips him into the ringpost.  However, Eyesnsane jumps up and pushes off of it with his feet.


Gena:  He crashes hard into Damian and they topple backward.  Eyesnsane pull them up, and Damian cracks Eyesnsane in the face.  Eyesnsane cracks him back, and the two slug it out.


Chad:  Eyesnsane backs Damian up against the barricade and Clotheslines him into the front row.  As Eyesnsane turns around to celebrate, Damian spins Eyesnsane around, clawing at his eyes.



Gena:  Eyesnsane is getting the edge in support from the crowd.  Damian drops down and hits a Low Blow on Eyesnsane out of view of the referee, through the bars of the barricade.


Chad:  He knocks the barricade over on top of Eyesnsane and begins stomping wildly on him.  As the referee gets to 9, Damian rolls inside and back out to restart the count.


Gena:  Damian picks Eyesnsane up and tosses him into the apron.  As he comes charging back at Eyesnsane, he moves, and Damian collides with the apron.  Eyesnsane then grabs the back of his head and bashes his face into the apron.


Chad:  Eyesnsane rolls Damian back inside of the ring and goes with him.  He instantly locks on the Snap or Tap (Crippler Crossface)!  Damian tries to fight it, crawling across the ring, but he slows down just short of the ropes and collapses as Eyesnsane locks on tighter!


Gena:  The referee raises the arm up and drops it once… twice… three times!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  As a result of a knock out… your winner is… Eyesnsane!!!

Eyesnsane rolls to the outside to get his SCU Combat Championship.  He celebrates outside with the fans, raising the belt up high in the air, turning for all to see as they cheer him wildly.

Cameras go backstage as Henry Losak stands only with Lord Raab tonight, seeing he's been booked for a match, finally after months of not wrestling inside of the ring, until last week in the tag team tournament. Henry shook his head on the events last week with Staggs family and The Jeckels getting involved in the match. Although that does cause a smile on Henry's face, knowing they've got the future match with The Jeckels, but not the way they wanted it.

Henry Losak: "What a god damn joke this is. How low would The Jeckels go to a point they'll make a deal with Staggs family because they know The Jeckels wouldn't be able to beat Lord Raab and Samuel by themselves to accept hired help to kiss Staggs family's ass. Too bad violence and brutal wrestling were way too much for you pricks. The Hardcore Tag titles belong to GRIME Wrestling in the first place, not that shit show of Underground where their wrestling is for people who are too lazy to showcase how violent they are with their boring down to the middle skills."

There are massive boos from Henry from the damage his team did last week and Lord Raab signals for the slash across his throat with his right arm.

Henry Losak: "Shows how weak The Jeckels really are to get some other help when The Monstimals can do everything by themselves without any help needed from a bunch of cunts. I feel so sorry for Andrew Garcia who has to suffer the rage Lord Raab has for him to beat the holy living shit out of Andrew for something he's not responsible for. Samuel and Raab can wait for the day we'll knock out Staggs family and hopefully, place them in retirement once and for all."

Boos from the crowd as Henry has a smile on his face, being proud of his men for what they did in the matches last week.

Henry Losak: "Fact is The Monstimals would've won if The Jeckels would've waited for the finals to fight us, but knowing if they did, they would've got wrecked badly by The Monstimals and win the hardcore tag titles because we're the best hardcore tag team in the whole of the wrestling world. Nobody can deny that fact, even without the belts. Sorry, Andrew, for you to suffer so much damage you'll have against Raab, but you can blame the Staggs and Jeckel bitches for what they've done to us? Although Max Burke who is a fucking betrayer at his best to stab people in the back as he usually does. It's nothing new coming from him. Lord Raab's more pissed off because he was set up to be taken down and you will be blooded and sent to a hospital on a god damn stretcher. Tonight begins the whole world of hell from Lord Raab of beating every motherfucker he sees. Prepare to be Raabinated by The Masked German Monster."

Lord Raab gets up close and squeezes his hands hard and doing a fake punch to the camera before walking away with Henry as the cameras go back to ringside for the next match to take place on the show.


Barbed Wire Ropes Match - Hardcore Tag Team Championship Match
Javier Gonzalez and Eric Weaver Vs The Jeckels

Liam:  The following contest is an Electrified Steel Cage Match, and is for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!

“Way Down We Go” by KALEO begins playing on the speakers. Camera shifts to the side of the stage to see Javier Gonzalez and Eric Weaver stepping through the curtains. Javi has his arms raised in the air as he walks back and forth across the stage while Eric stares out into the audience.

Liam: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the challengers… Eric Weaver and Javier Gonzalez!!!

Javier charges down the rampway and slides inside of the ring. Eric does the same. They walk to each corner, stepping up to the second rope as he stares across the crowd with no emotion. After completing all six sides, they stop and settle into their corner and wait for the match to start.

Liam:  Coming to the ring from Transylvania, Romania, They are Jack and Jake, The Jeckels!!!

Smoke and fire cover the stage Raisa emerges from the flames and smokes followed the Jeckels, she leads them to the ring, they walk slowly, Helena slides under the ropes, Jake steps through the ropes and sits in the corner, Jack leans through the ropes, placing his hands on Jack's shoulders, Helena sits by the ropes and rocks back and forth

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ada:  The electrified cage surrounds the ring, and both teams circle to avoid touching the cage.  Jake moves forward, but Javi spins, coming face to face with the cage as it whirs in his face.

Rob:  Javi freezes, but Eric pulls him back to reality by spinning him around.  Jack charges at the two, but they side step and Jack goes right for the cage!  But Jack is able to stop just in the nick of time! 

Ada:  Jake grabs Eric and goes to send him right into the cage with a strong Irish Whip.  Eric flips forward, using his boots to push off of the cage, connecting with an elbow to the face of Jake in return!

Rob:  That cage is dangerous, and all four men know that.  Jack grabs Javi by the back of the head and goes to slam him face first into the cage, but Javi pushes off with one boot and then spins into a Bulldog.

Ada:  However, Jack tosses Javi across the ring and he skids, trying to get up to charge at Jack, but Jack picks him up into a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, and then he rolls Javi off and he hooks the leg.


Rob:  Eric hits an Elbow Drop to break up the pin.  However, Jake spins Eric around and grips him around the throat.  He throws Eric toward the cage, but Eric rolls through it and skids until getting a running start toward Jake.

Ada:  Jake goes to grip Eric, but Eric ducks and hits a Roll Up Pin from behind!


Ada:  Jake wasn’t even affected by that one.  He and Eric get back to their feet, but Eric sees Jack coming at him and he trips Jack up face first into the cage!


Crowd:  YEAHHHHH!!!

Rob:  The fans are going crazy as Jack shakes on the mat.  Eric goes to pin, but Jack grabs onto the cage once more, and both men are down on the mat!

Ada:  Jack lets go of the cage as both men jerk on the ground.  Javi sees this and goes to check on Eric, but Jake picks him up into a Scoop Slam, trying to send him into the cage.

Rob:  Javi slides down his back and goes for a Dropkick to the small of Jake’s back.  Jake grips onto the cage, but his gloves act as a barrier.  Javi tries to crash into Jake, but Jake hits an elbow to Javi’s face! 

Ada:  He grabs Javi and flings him right into the cage!  Javi begins shaking violently as Jake lifts him up into the Hokus Pokus (Flowing Snap DDT)!  He hooks the leg!


Rob:  Eric tries to leap to break up the pin, but it’s no use!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners and STILL Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Jack and Jake… The Jeckels!!!

As “Freakshow” plays over the speakers, and the cage walls are d'lectrified, Jack and Jake see Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson walking down the rampway.  Raab and Sam rip the door of the cage open, in pretty record timing.  As they enter, Jack and Jake immediately get into a brawl, slamming each other into the cage walls.  Eric helps Javi out of the ring, and then surprises everyone by flipping the electricity back on, causing all four men to electrocute while security rushes in to handle the situation.  Javi and Eric high five as they get to the back.

Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu is seen in catering with his GRIME friends Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell, as well as managers Johan Svensson and Giovanni Teixeira to discuss Hitamashii’s TV title  match against Helluva Bottom Carter ad Andrew’s match with Lord Raab.

Hitamashii-Carter, I know you’ve been impressive since you debuted, but that undefeated streak will come to a bitter end, and I regain that TV title, then go on to win the GRIME World title and be a duel champion.

Andrew decides to discuss the loss to the Jeckells and his match with Lord Raab as Hitamashii grabs a bottle of water and drinks from it.

Andrew-Ivan and I were screwed out o the tag team titles by Max Burke and Casey Williams, and they will get what they deserve for that travesty when they least expect it.  Meanwhile, I need to focus on Lord Raab, who is mad about how he and Samuel have been treated as a team, and understandably so, as former tag champions in their own right.  I will show Lord Raab that he is nothing but a shell of his former self.

Hitamashii throws away the water bottle and speaks again.

Hitamashii-Tonight, Andrew and I are going to prove that we are a threat and there is nothing nobody can fuck with us and get away with it.

Hitamashii cackles, smiles and he, with his friends in tow, decide to go into the locker room as the scene fades to black.


GRIME Rules Match - Non-Title
Esther Azarov Vs Vixen Staggs

Liam:  The following contest is a GRIME Rules Match, scheduled for one fall!

The crowd is cheering for the upcoming action when “Problem” by Natalia Kills begins to play over the speakers.  Red and white lights flash and alternate across the dim lighted ringside area.  The cheering turns to boos when Sister Ester walks out onto the stage with Red by her side.  She has on a denim jacket over a black bustier and matching bottoms along with black boots and knee pads.  She wraps Red’s arms around her before playing with the long strand of beads around her neck.

Liam:  On her way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is 5’3” and weighed in today at 113lb.  She represents G.R.I.M.E. she is Sister Esther!!!

She grims as she leans up and tilts Red’s mask up just enough to kiss his lips.  She looks devious when she brings his hands down to her thighs.  She then begins laughing and she skips down the ramp while teasing the crowd and sticking her tongue out at them.  She prances to the naughty music until she gets to the steps.  She runs up them as Red climbs to the apron.  He holds them open for her and she enters. She prances around to the beat before coming to a corner to get one last kiss from Red.  She waits for the match to start.

The haunting opening notes of Joke’s on You begin to fill the venue as the lights lower to a crimson light that plays over the ramp where Vixen Staggs can be seen standing at the entrance dressed in dark tights and crimson halter under a studded black leather jacket.  Walking to the beat, her lips smirking slightly as she avoids the reach of the crowd until she reaches ringside.  Stopping at the side of the ring, she reaches up and pulls herself onto the apron and turns to offer a cocky salute to the fans before sliding between the ropes.

Liam:  Introducing from Ottawa Ontario, she is the current World Nightmare Champion Vixen STAGGS!

Vixen climbs the turnbuckle to slowly peel off the leather jacket and hang it from the ringpost.  She turns and relaxes on the top turnbuckle as she waits for the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Rob:  Esther goes right for Vixen with alternating kicks that Vixen blocks.  Esther stops and catches Vixen with a sucker punch that sends spit flying outside of the ring.

Ada:  Esther then backs Vixen into the corner and uses her Combat experience to send Vixen into space.  She is relentless in her attack.

Rob: Atta girl!  Esther then grabs onto Vixen and hits a Snapmare, converting it into a Sleeper Hold.  She wrenches the neck as Vixen puts a foot on the bottom rope.

Ada:  Esther laughs as the referee lets Vixen know there are no rope breaks.  Vixen was really not prepared for this Esther.

Rob:  Never count Esther out.  There’s a reason she was one of the first ladies to join GRIME.  She uses her legs to pull herself to the ropes and she moves outside.

Ada:  But Esther still has the hold locked on.  Vixen uses her powerful legs and drags Esther right to the ringpost,  She grabs onto her and slams her into it to break the hold.

Rob:  Vixen quickly hits a high kick to Esther’s head and the crowd boos as she leans down and catches her breath.  She then slides back inside of the ring and picks Esther up.

Ada:  Esther tries to bat Vixen away, but Vixen picks her up and into a German Suplex.  She latches on for the first pin of the match.


Rob:  Esther plays possum, getting just enough time to recover.  She gets a shoulder up and then she grabs onto Vixen’s arms.  She stands up and goes for a Kudo Driver!

Ada:  Oh, but Vixen locks her legs around Esther’s neck and holds onto her back.  Esther stomps around, trying to find a way out of the hold.

Rob:  She hits a Double Leg Slam to Vixen onto the turnbuckle.  Vixen holds the back of her head as Esther grabs the legs into a kneeling pin combination.


Ada:  Vixen throws her shoulder up.  She’s not going to lose to Esther so easily, even if Esther has gone into overdrive.  Vixen slides out from under Esther, but Esther grabs onto her leg.

Rob:  She pulls Vixen to the center of the ring, but Vixen kicks Esther in the face.  Esther doesn’t let go, so Vixen hits two more solid heels to the face and she drops the leg.

Ada:  Esther holds onto her eye, giving Vixen the opportunity to get to her feet where she hits a Crescent Kick to Esther, dropping her.

Rob:  Esther tries to scurry backward, waving her hand up as Vixen stalks her.  She starts to slide out of the ring, but Vixen grabs her leg and pulls her in.  Esther tries to get up.

Ada:  She is hopping on one foot and she tries to turn around.  Vixen does a Dragon Screw and takes her down.  She is taunting Esther as she backs her into a corner, kicking her as Esther blocks.

Rob:  Esther jams her finger into Vixen’s eye and shouts out, and the crowd joins her.


Rob:  Esther then grabs hold of Vixen and hits the Salvation Slam.  She rolls the World Nightmare Champion onto her back and hooks the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner… Esther Azarov!!!

Esther laughs as she rolls outside of the ring, staring at Vixen as she relishes her victory as she walks backward up the ramp with a bratty bounce in her step.

The intro to “Fortune Favours the Bold” hits the speakers and once the vocals hit Ariana comes out to a modest reception carrying the cookie tray from her brief appearance in Krystal’s seg, she makes her way down to the ring and places the plate on the apron’s edge before rolling into the ring and grabbing the plate in one hand and a mic in the other.

Ariana: Hi guys! So, as anyone who pays attention to YouTube and Twitter will now, my YouTube Channel Recipe 4 Disaster hit one thousand subscribers earlier this week after its appearance on last week’s Underground!

The crowd gives her a respectful pop and Ari sighs.

Ariana: I mean, yeah, I almost burned down the building and yeah, Tad basically threatened to fire me if I ever suggested doing another segment like that BUT I have the next best thing! I made these Duck Fat Cookies for the channel yesterday and they are…………

Ariana says before grinning broadly.

Ariana: #ARecipe4Delight!

The fact that she said the word “hashtag” out loud causes a collective groan from the audience, but Ari doesn’t seem fazed.

Ariana: That just leaves one question, who wants to try one!

Liam immediately bolts from the ring as does the referee for the match following Ari’s seg and they leg it, likewise the wrestlers at ringside immediately back away from the ringside area and Ariana pouts.

Ariana: Anyone?

It’s at this point that Ariana’s bestie and fellow Team Go member HBCarter sprints down to the ring like a man possessed, he enters the ring and takes a mic from a stage hand before said stage hand bolts.

HBCarter: Ari, honey, I told you, those cookies aren’t for everyone!

Ariana: But they are delicious! You tried one yourself!

Carter almost throws up at the memory but manages to regain his composure.

HBCarter: Yes, yes, they are! Look, Alex has said that one of his rhinos wants to try them but will only try them backstage!

Ariana: Really?

HBCarter: Really! And totally not because Tad is threatening to have security drag you out or anything!

Ariana gives her bestie a sceptical look before grinning.

Ariana: Okay!

Ariana leaves the ring with Carter as the scene fades.


GRIME Rules Match
Lord Raab Vs Andrew Garcia

Liam:  The following contest is a GRIME Rules Match scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring first… Lord Raab!!!

Monster by Skillet plays over the sound system as Lord Raab comes out through the curtain wearing his red and black wrestling trousers with his nickname The Masked German Monster on the front of them with Monster Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands and wears a black and red stripy mask and ignores the fans as he goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes and crouches down in the corner moving backwards and forwards, rubbing his hands and moving his neck around while looking at his opponent with anger in his eyes while waiting for the match to start.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaand next, he is… Andrew Garcia!!!

 The opening beat to Sully Erna’s “Your Own Drum" starts to blast through the speakers, as red and gold lights flash across the building, synchronized to the beat of the drums. The fans look confused as the lyrics kick in. Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Orange Hulk starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, his thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up onto the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans as Andrew raises his arms.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Raab challenges Andrew to a Test of Strength, but Andrew shakes his head.  Instead, he takes a few steps back to get some space, and he grabs onto Raab.

Chad:  The element of surprise lets Andrew get a few feet of leeway, pushing Raab back toward the corner.  However, Raab flips Andrew around and into the corner.

Gena:  Fists of fury flying at Andrew as he gets Andrew pinned into the corner.  He then picks Andrew up and sets him on the top rope.  He goes to pick Andrew up, but Andrew knees him in the head.

Chad:  Andrew hits a kick to the side of Raab’s head, causing the monster to go light on his feet.  He turns around, holding onto his head.

Gena:  As he comes back to Andrew, Andrew jumps off of the middle rope and takes Raab down with a Missile Dropkick!

Chad:  Andrew doesn’t stop there.  He climbs up onto the top rope and looks down at Raab.  He jumps off with a Frog Splash, but Raab moves out of the way at the last second!

Gena:  Raab hits a dropping throat punch. He picks Andrew up from the mat and trips him up into the corner.  Andrew falls into the corner, and Raab hits a series of Shoulderbutts.  As Andrew grips the ropes so not to fall, he is able to trip Raab up.

Chad:  Andrew maneuvers Raab into a Tarantula hold on the ropes!  This is legal in GRIME Rules, so the referee can’t force Andrew to break it up!

Gena:  Raab grunt in pain.  His arms reach out to try to pry Andrew’s grip away, but he has no luck at first.  After several tries, he is successful.

Chad:  Raab rolls out of the hold and onto the mat.  Andrew climbs up onto the top ropes, patiently waiting for Raab to get into place.  He rolls outside of the ring and grabs a broomstick.

Chad:  As Raab gets up, Andrew begins beating him with the broom handle.  Raab tries to pull it from Andrew’s hand, but Andrew spins it around and cracks it in half over Raab’s head!

Gena:  Raab is staring up at the lights as Andrew dives on top for the pin.


Chad:  Raab gets a shoulder up!  Andrew almost can’t believe it.  He goes back outside to grab a sheet of glass!  He slides it inside of the ring and sets it up in the corner.

Gena:  He helps Raab up from the mat and he Irish Whip’s Raab into the corner.  But Raab holds onto Andrew’s arm and picks him up into a Powerslam, right through the glass!

Chad: Andrew arches his back in pain as Raab gives him a couple stomps for good measure.  He then picks Andrew up and does a Body Slam onto the broken glass!

Gena:  He is ready to lean down to pin Andrew when Roy the Pizza Boy comes darting into the ring!  He begins clubbing at the back of Raab, with little effect at first.  Raab turns around and punches him right in the face!

Chad:  Roy sends a Headbutt between Raab’s eyes and then pulls out a blow torch from his delivery bag!  He shoots it in Raab’s face!

Gena:  Andrew has time to get back up, but instantly he gets the Nail in the Coffin from Max Burke!!!

Chad:  Max Burke tosses Andrew to the outside of the ring as Roy fires up the blow torch again.  However, Raab grabs him by the throat and Chokeslams him to the mat.  He follows him outside as Omasa, Ivan, and Hitamashii come rushing down!

Gena:  All hell has broken loose as both opponents leave ringside!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  With both competitors leaving ringside, the match has been thrown out!

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep 74 (CARD)
« on: October 14, 2020, 07:40:26 PM »
Underground Ep. 74

Sin City Underground Ep 74 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, October 18th, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety Bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves. Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

All segments due to the Underground account ideally by the SCW segment deadline, but no later than 6pm PST on Sunday, October 18th, 2020.  Late segments will no longer be accepted going forward to ensure results go up in a timely manner.


Singles Match
Mother Mavis Shepherd Vs Halo Annis

We kick the action off tonight with the matriarch of the Church of the Good Shepherds taking on former SCU Underground and Combat Champion, Halo Annis.  Mavis is looking to prove that divine intervention has begun for The Good Shepherds, but Halo just wants a fight after getting screwed out of the Hardcore Tag Team Championships last week, and a chance to become one step closer to being a the first Grand Slam Champion in SCU/NLW history. She’ll likely be looking to collect Mavis’ head on a silver platter like her name was Jezebel.


Singles Match
Krystal Wolfe Vs Cordelia Clark

Speaking of the Hardcore Tag Team Championship tournament last week, Krystal had hoped to find a partner to fight alongside her for a chance to win her first championship in SCU, but unfortunately, no one stepped up.  She gets a chance to take on someone else who recently had their aspirations of becoming an SCU champion put on hold in the form of previously undefeated Cordelia Clark. Both ladies will be looking to prove their worth in this match up… well, Krystal will at least, as Cordelia feels she should run the ladies locker room. Will Krystal put her in check and hand her her second loss, or will Cordelia return to her winning ways?


Singles Match - Non-Title
Damian Dark Vs Eyesnsane

New SCU Combat Champion Eyesnsane needed last week to recover from the brutal match with Stewart Mason, but he is back and ready for action this week as he looks to take on a new opponent in the form of Damian Dark, who has not been seen on SCU television in a while. Damian will look to make a statement at the hands of SCU Combat Champion Eyesnsane to put himself back in contention in SCU.  But Eyesnsane isn’t about to sit back and make it easy for Damian.


Electrified Steel Cage Match - Hardcore Tag Team Championship Match
Javier Gonzalez and Eric Weaver Vs The Jeckels

With the lack of Hardcore Tag Team Championships matches as of late, SCU GM Lexa has decided to push for a defense just one week after the new champions were crowned. GRIME GM Gianni made a case for the successful team of Javier Gonzalez and Eric Weaver to be in contention for the belts, since they were edged out of the tournament.  Lexa agreed, and now we get to see The Jeckels defend their belts this week!  But, given the nature of The Jeckel’s tactics in the tournament, they might want to keep eyes in the backs of their heads for not one, but two teams, in Team UGGO and The Monstimals...


GRIME Rules Match - Non-Title
Esther Azarov Vs Vixen Staggs

Just a few weeks ago, Vixen Staggs lost a non-title match to Helena Jeckel, and many are saying that Helena should have challenged Vixen instead of Kittie.  Vixen is open to any and all challengers, so she has agreed to take on Helena in the coming weeks for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship. But, in the meantime, she will take on an opponent that she’s already beaten, and put on the shelf for over a month, in Esther Azarov, who will likely be looking for revenge, but she’s got her own battle going on with masked member Rainbow, so she will need to keep a lookout for Rainbow.


GRIME Rules Match
Lord Raab Vs Andrew Garcia

Last week, Henry Losak made it clear that he is not happy with the treatment that The Monstimals have been receiving. His Monstimals attacked Roy the Pizza Boy, and destroyed production equipment, and injured Tim Staggs during the tournament match.  Henry expressed that Lord Raab has been getting bored staying cooped up without an outlet for his rage, and he expects to be booked.  Andrew Garcia offered to step up, because he, too, has some rage built up after being screwed in the same tournament by Max Burke.  Both men getting screwed over has not set well with them, and this match promises to be brutal in nature, so you might wanna put the kiddos to bed for this one.


Singles Match - Uncensored Television Championship
Helena Jeckel Vs Angel Kash

Helena Jeckel helped her brothers, Jake and Jack, to win the Hardcore Tag Team Championships, and also to screw The Monstimals out of the tournament at the behest of GRIME Owner, Erik Staggs.  The owner pushed for Helena to receive this weeks opportunity for GRIME to bring the Uncensored Television Championship to GRIME’s side.  As much skill as Helena possesses, and as wily as she can be with finding the very edge of the rules, Angel Kash has written to book on bending the rules, as we saw last week when she defeated Melissa Ruin, who SCU GM Lexa has banned from ringside during this match, along with Angel’s Boss Bitch buddy, Valentina.  Who will outsmart their opponent to walk out as the Uncensored Television Champion?


GRIME Rules Match - Non-Title
Piper Beckett Vs Merlot Ayano

Last week, Omasa Tazu and SCU Combat Champion Merlot Ayano shared words and expressed a round two to their infamous battle.  However, Omasa said “not yet”.  And in doing so, Piper Beckett stepped up and picked a fight with Merlot.  While it was a short brawl, Piper demanded to get a shot at Merlot.  GRIME and SCU GM’s got together and agreed to a GRIME Rules Match, which just might be to Piper’s disadvantage.  Merlot will set out to make an example of Piper to Omasa, while Piper looks to prove her worth to GRIME for better opportunities.  Either way, Omasa will be paying extra special attention to this match.


Singles Match - Uncensored Television Championship
Hitamashii vs “Helluva Bottom” Carter

When it comes to the men of GRIME, Hitamashii is arguably one of the top stars. It seemed like a no-brainer to put him in the second Uncensored TV Championship match of the night.  Having come within a hair of defeating Max Burke for the World Nightmare Championship, it was the natural choice.  But that’s not to say that this match will be a walk in the park, because Helluva Bottom Carter is undefeated in singles action, and is an undefeated Pride Tag Team Champion as well. Some might even say in his short career, he has the edge on Hitamashii with his ring presence, and the fact that this is a standard match rather than a GRIME Rules Match.  Undoubtedly, this match will give the main event for the night a run for it’s money with how edge-of-your-seat this one will be!


Singles Match - SCU Underground Championship
Mickey Carroll Vs Father Gerald Shepherd

And speaking of the main event… WOW!  Father Gerald is anxious to put the Underground Championship on the line to be what he calls “the first fighting champion in a very long time”.  He made his presence felt last week without lifting a finger, to deliver a sermon of epic proportions.  If you’ve fought one Irishman, you’ve fought them all, right?  Wrong!  O’Malley was a double champion for a good bit of time before Gerald dethroned him, but Mickey Carroll is a horse of a different color.  Namely ginger.  But, as a former Honor Champion, Legacy Champion, multi-time Hardcore Tag Team Champion, and SCW/ACW World Tag Team Champion, Mickey has proved just how versatile a competitor he can be.  Gerald will have his work cut out for him, and he better pray for divine intervention during this bout!

All of this, and oh so much more as SCU/GRIME Underground Ep. 74 comes at you, recorded LIVE from the Mandalay Bay Events Center on Sunday, October 18th, 2020 at 11:59pm PST!

Results / Underground Ep. 73 (Results)
« on: October 14, 2020, 05:46:04 PM »

Sin City Underground Ep 73 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 25% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, October 11th,, 2020.

Note: Anyone who does not abide by the rules set in place by SCW GM Brooke Saxon (stated below), will be escorted from the premises and banned from future Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling shows.

1- Each ticket purchased will come with a safety bag. (A safety Bag includes a company logo face Mask, one .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer, and a pair of XL gloves. Masks must be worn in all areas of the building.

2- Tickets to all shows going forward will only be sold at the SCW shop and only available to the local residents in which the show is being held.

3- Tickets will be sold no earlier than 48 hours of the show. (For SCW, look at it as the promo deadline is when tickets go on sale for that show and SCU shows.)

4- Everyone entering the building will get screened to read their temperature.

5- All food sold going forward will be already wrapped. All drinks will now be sold only in cans or bottles. No fountain type drinks.

6- Food can only be consumed in the designated areas in which masks can be taken off temporarily. All merch bought at the event will be done by credit cards, the shops will no longer take cash.

Those in the Hardcore tournament will get PM so that your segment can refelct that. All segments due to the Underground account ideally by the SCW segment deadline, but no later than 6pm PST on Sunday, August 23rd, 2020.  Late segments will no longer be accepted going forward to ensure results go up in a timely manner.

SCU Ep 73 Hardcore Wrestling

In the office of the GM of SCU, Lexa Pellegrini, she is seen sitting down at her desk with papers in front of her, a bit disheveled. As the cameras focus in, she looks up at them.

Lexa: Thank you for joining me tonight. I have been under a lot of pressure lately in regards to the state of the Hardcore Tag Team Championships.  With Alex Rush winning the battle royal to become the other half of the Pride Tag Team Champions with Ariana Angelos, he is no longer able to hold the Hardcore Tag titles. Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda, better known as the Kawaii Dragons…

Crowd:  BITCHES! Murica!

Lexa pauses and looks at the camera for a second.

Lexa: … have not been in contact with me about signing new contracts. In good faith, I wanted to give them a chance to see that Donna is no longer involved with SCU, and that they are welcomed to return.  However, titles that are supposed to be defended weekly, and have not been defended in months… it is time to do something about it.

Lexa fluffs the papers in front of her to better organize them. She then returns her attention to the cameras.

Lexa:  As is advertised, tonight will be a night of Hardcore Wrestling. I’ve devised a tournament to fill the vacant Hardcore Tag Team Championships… tonight.

Crowd:  *POP!*

Lexa:  8 teams will participate in this tournament tonight.  8 teams will put it all on the line for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships in a variety of hardcore themed matches.  8 SCU teams...

Just then, there is the infamous laugh of GRIME GM Gianni Di Luca comes ringing through the office and the camera focuses over on him as he stands in the doorway.

Gianni:  Yo, sorry I’m late, Lex. I gotta admit, I just wanted to see if ya had the chops to come up with a plan and deliver it.  Color me impressed.

Gianni walks into the office and pulls a seat over to sit in so that the camera is focused on both of them.

Lexa: Is it safe to assume you have a point you would like to get to here?

Gianni:  Oh, no… Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I just thought it was funny that ya thought GRIME wasn’t gonna be a part of this tournament with the 50-50 bookings, where GRIME is literally nowhere else on the card, is all. I may not love my entire roster, but I’m gonna fight for them regardless.

Lexa: Like a good GM would do.  But, these titles are SCU titles, and we’re not obligated to include you in anything.

Gianni pulls out his phone and instantly begins playing the sounds of the purge sirens in a mocking tone.

Lexa:  You can try, but you may not like those results. My friends might not take too kindly to your games for a second show in a row.

Gianni is about to speak, but he’s now cut off as well when Tad Ezra, WGN Standards and Practices Liaison enters the office. He waves to both Lexa and Gianni with a smile on his face that seems to be more fake than anything.

Tad:  Gianni, there really is no need to be so rough on Lexa. She’s just trying to protect her brand, and her titles. Because we all know that GRIME takes titles from SCU and disrespect their integrity.

Gianni:  Under ya charge, bro.

Tad:  SCU has never even dignified the Hardcore Tag Team Titles by adding their name to the beginning of the belts. So, they’re not technically SCU titles. They are Honor titles, which GRIME also has a right to compete for. So GRIME will have 4 teams in the tournament tonight.

Gianni: & Lexa:  Wait, what?

Tad: I have the authority to make that call, so don’t even think about trying to overturn that decision…

Gianni laughs and claps his hands together, while Lexa goes to protest. Tad shakes his head and walks off.  Gianni extends his hand to Lexa.

Gianni: Pleasure doin’ business with ya.

Lexa just stares at Gianni’s hand until Gianni removes it and walks off, muttering under his breath.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Australian Bombshell Krystal Wolfe warming up ahead of the tag team title tournament matches that are coming up next.

Krystal: Several straight weeks of not being booked to wrestle, tonight’s my time to shine!

Krystal mutters to herself as she stretches her limbs.

Krystal: I don’t care who I team with because I still have a title reign in my future!

Krystal walks off as the scene fades.

The lights in the arena die down as the opening riffs of Gothic Celtic Music Shadow Wisps starts to play. The lights stay out for several seconds before dark green and white strobe lights start shining all around, and fog fills the entrance and along the ramp. Moments later , O’Malley steps through the curtain wearing a long black leather trench coat, joined by Darcy. He has the SCW Roulette Championship draped over his shoulder. They stand at the entrance for several moments before O’Malley takes the first step on their way to the ring, and Darcy follows closely behind.

Once to the ring, O’Malley holds Darcy’s hand as she walks up the steel steps, before he follows behind her, and holds the ropes open for her. She steps through the ropes and walks to the center of the ring, as O’Malley enters behind her and walks over asking for a microphone. After being handed one, his music dies down, the lights return, and he takes his place beside Darcy. He raises the microphone to speak.

O’Malley: Two weeks ago, Violent Conduct was probably the most exhausting night of me career thus far, and I stand before ye all a very different person than I was. And I ain’t just talkin’ about the fact that I’m now one title lighter thanks to Father Gerald beatin’ me, but I’ll get to the point soon so I don’t hold up too much of the show.

Darcy places her hand on O’Malley’s back, supporting him fully as he takes a brief pause, almost disappointed. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath.

O’Malley: I’m lucky to be standin’ out here with even the Roulette Championship, because if things had gone worse than they did, I’d have had to give this title up and take some time off. But, as it stands, me shoulder is on the mend, and I can still wrestle goin’ forward. Thank feck fer that, cause I dunno what I woulda done had I needed surgery…

He shakes his head and Darcy remains quiet as she watches her husband lovingly.

O’Malley: That bein’ said, I did have to take the last couple o’ weeks to think about things and focus on where I go from here. Do I keep fightin’ and go after Gerald and try and get the Underground Championship back? Or, do I set me sights on somethin’ different around here? I gotta tell ya, it was pretty temptin’ to focus on Gerald and get at him again, but ye see, I just can’t do it. And there ain’t much of anythin’ I can think of to do around here anymore.

The crowd erupts in curious chatter, shocked at where this is ultimately heading.

O’Malley: Now before any rumors get started and people assume things, let me make one thing very very clear. What I’m about to announce, was decided solely from a personal standpoint, and not because I lost. Not because I’m a sore loser. I’ve made a lot of sacrifices in me life while I was wrestlin’ fer both brands, and it’s time I make another one fer me family. Fer me son. That match against Gerald? That was me last match as a contracted wrestler here in SCU. As of this moment, me entire focus will be on SCW and buildin’ me career there, because I can’t dedicate time to both brands, and take care of me personal business. It just isn’t possible.

He pauses again, almost heartbroken at the decision, but Darcy again encourages him with her touch and he looks at her for a brief moment. She nods and he raises the microphone one last time.

O’Malley: Now I know ye all weren’t exactly a fan o’ me as champ around here, but now ye all gotta live with the bible thumpin’ gobshite instead, and I think we can all agree, that’s much worse. As fer me? I’ve said all I need to say. I’ve taken up more time than I needed, and now it’s time to get back home with me gorgeous wife here, and doin’ what needs to be done to get me boy back. This ain’t how or when I wanted to end me time in SCU, but things have changed quickly, and as I said...a sacrifice had to be made. Thanks fer yer time.

O’Malley then places the microphone down on the canvas before helping Darcy out of the ring and the two disappear backstage once again.

Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu is seen with his GRIME friends Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell, as well as managers Johan Svensson and Giovanni Teixeira to discuss Hitamashii’s loss against Max Burke for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship at Violent Conduct.

Hitamashii-Max, you are lucky you escaped Violent Conduct with that championship, but I am issuing you a challenge for another shot for that title, and this time, I set the stipulation.  I won’t tell you what type of match it will be, but believe me, it is gruesome and just my type of match.

Andrew decides to discuss the possibility of being in the tag title hunt as Hitamashii cackles.

Andrew-Ivan and I have been tag team champions before, and now that the tag titles are vacant, we want into the tournament to become tag team champions again.  We will do whatever it takes to get the titles.

Hitamashii stops cacklling and speaks again.

Hitamashii-Max, I told you that nothing will stop me from getting another match against you.  You should be worried about the stipulation that I have in mind for our next match, for I know that I am  who will thrive and showcase just how brutal I can be, and that you, as good as you are, don’t compare to me and my greatness.  Nothing you can say or do will slow me from taking what is mine.

Hitamashii smiles and he, with his friends in tow, decide to go into the locker room as the scene fades to black.

The Good Shepherds (David & Ginny) Vs Dying Breed

Darlyn:  The following contest is a Scaffold Match, and is part of the Hardcore Tag Team Championship Tournament!

A white light flashes over the crowd that is almost blinding. It returns to a more tolerable brightness as "Feel Invincible" by Skillet begins to play through the arena. The crowd boos and gets louder when the announcer speaks up.

Darlyn: On their way to the ring from Tulsa, they are Brother David Shepherd and Virginia Mae Putnam!!!

And the boos become louder. David walks out onto the stage, throwing his hands in the air, looking up. He nods his head and smiles when he goes back and forth across the stage. He holds His Holy Word in his hand as he comes to the center of the stage. He is joined by Ginny, and they step onto th scaffold, ready to start the match.

Darlyn: Aaaaaaaaaaand next, the team of Ivan Darrell and Andrew Garcia… Dying Breed!!!

The opening beat to Sully Erna’s “Your Own Drum" start to blast through the speakers, as red and gold lights flash across the building, synchronized to the beat of the drums. The fans look confused as the lyrics kick in. Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Orange Hulk and Ivan starts to walk towards the scaffold and they get on top of it.  They raise their arms in the air as their music fades out.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Andrew and Ivan talk to one another as they gently walk over to the center. Andrew grabs hold of Ginny and tries to instantly toss her off of the scaffold! They stumble a bit and Ginny goes flying.

Darlyn: Ginny has been eliminated!

Chad: Ivan nods his head at Andrew as he charges forward. Andrew looks down at Ginny with an smug look on his face. He points to the side of his head and shrugs and laughs.

Gena: Ginny yells out in anger as she watches the match. Ivan and David begin trading rocking punches. David stumbles back, and then comes back with a hard Clothesline.

Chad: As Ivan stands up, David hits him with a Bicycle Kick that causes Ivan to fly off of the scaffold!

Darlyn: Ivan Darrell has been eliminated!

Gena: Andrew looks over at David and once again gives a smug look. The two of them stare across the scaffolding at one another. David swings his arms from side to side as the crowd oddly cheers him on.

Chad: They carefully and strategically walk to one another and tie up in the center. They each take their turns trying to move the other into a position to throw them off, but to no avail.

Gena: David boots Andrew in the gut and sends him off of the scaffold, but Andrew holds on. He swings his legs up and hugs onto it. David begins stomping at Andrew’s limbs.

Chad: Andrew climbs over to the chain and pulls himself up. David rushes over but Andrew plants David back on the scaffold with a Spinebuster.

Gena: Andrew tries to pick David up, but David trips him up and he hits his face on the scaffolding, holding onto his ribs in the process. David sits on his back and locks on a Camel Clutch!

Chad: Andrew shouts out in pain as he tries to find his way out of the move. He can’t, and he begins tapping, but submissions don’t count in this match.

Gena: David keeps it locked on for another while longer, and then lets go. He picks Andrew up and knees him in the ribs, causing Andrew to stumble back.

Chad: David goes to Spear him in the ribs, but Andrew ducks out of the way and trips David in the process. David gets up and goes to pick Andrew up.

Gena: Andrew nails him with a Mule Kick that sends David off of the scaffold, landing right next to Ginny as the crowd boos loudly.

Ding Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here are your winners, advancing to the semi-finals… Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell… The Dying Breed!

The scaffolding is slowly lowered as Ivan and Andrew raise their arms up high in victory.

Cameras go backstage with Henry Losak, feeling very angry not for him, but his Monstimals team. Henry shook his head, disgusted at the situation of his team not being selected for the Hardcore tag titles. He begins to speak.

Henry Losak: "Are you kidding me? The Monstimals are the only team in SCU/GRIME Wrestling that has wanted to hold the Hardcore tag titles wrestling for those belts in the tournament? Aren’t the teams and staff scared that The Monstimals would destroy everyone and becoming champions? Too bad they are the best hardcore team in wrestling. None of the other teams that were selected for the tournament stand a chance at winning the Hardcore Tag titles."

Henry shook his head, feeling almost sorry for the other teams, but not really.

Henry Losak: "It's been a month since The Monstimals haven't been booked for a match since Underground seventy-one. A month? Taking the piss. Seriously, this company needs to sort their shit out. Worst of all, they won against Cyan and Yellow in their last match. What is the deal you guys are doing around this fucking place? I tell you something right now; Lord Raab especially is bored as fuck from staying in a hotel and not be able to wrestle. He demands a match against someone on the next show, and he better be booked because if The Monstimals go any longer with not being booked for a wrestling match, then what the fuck is the point of us being here?"

It was clear Henry was really pissed off, more for his boys than for himself.

Henry Losak: "The Monstimals wanted a hardcore tag team match, and they wanted to face The Jeckels. They are the closest team to being a threat to The Monstimals, and Raab and Sam will fucking destroy them. Being in the tournament is a good start, but almost a month without being booked will not stand with me or my boys."

Lord Raab and Samuel went on a vicious attack on the backstage, knocking over equipment and tables.  They get over to the catering table where Roy the Pizza Boy is setting up pizzas on the table. Lord Raab does his finisher, screaming as he pushes Henry out of the way, slicing his hand across his throat as Samuel does the same as well before Henry gets in front of them.

Henry Losak: "It's the management's fault for not placing them in matches for a month. Had they been shown the respect they deserve, none of this would've happened. They are dying to fight, and they want to be placed in matches next week onwards. It's a god damn joke, and we take action to make this fucked up company take notice that The Monstimals deserve to be booked as we have today. Let's go."

Henry, Raab and Samuel walk away with them grunting, and they go somewhere else backstage with the staff helping up Roy the Pizza Boy, and the medical team coming in and checking he was alright. The cameras then go elsewhere backstage.

The Jeckels (Jake and Jack) Vs theFAME - Inferno Match

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: The referee has called for the bell as the fire surrounds the ring. Donovan Rayne and Bentley Black speak to one another as Jake charges across the ring. He takes Donovan down to the mat and begins trying to pull his leg over toward the fire, while Bentley ducks under a Big Boot from Jack Jeckel.

Chad: Bentley catches him with a kick to the back of Jack’s knee, causing him to stumble down to his knee. Bentley flies back with a Super Kick to the back of Jack’s head. Bentley darts across the ring and knocks Jake off of Donovan. Donovan rolls back to his feet as he grabs Jake and hits a Snapmare, holding onto the neck as he wrenches.

Gena: Bentley pulls Jack up to his feet and sends him into the ropes, but the heat from the fire causes him to skid to a stop, holding his arms out against the top rope. He bounces himself back and catches Bentley in the jaw with a backward elbow. Bentley spins around, holding onto his jaw. Jack brings Bentley down with a German Suplex, effectively breaking Donovan’s hold on Jake.

Chad: Donovan holds onto his back as Jake gets up from the mat, holding onto his neck. Donovan gets up to his feet as Jake runs at him with a Spear that nearly breaks Donovan in half!

Gena: Jack drags Black over toward the ropes as he holds onto Black’s leg. Bentley resists as Jack holds his foot over the flame as Bentley shouts out from the heat. Bentley jerks his leg back, but the strength from Jack is hard to overcome.

Chad: Thankfully, Donovan is able to escape Jake long enough to bring him down with a Jumping Backbreaker. Jake comes at Donovan, but Donovan ducks the Clothesline Matrix style, pushing himself back up with his fist and he lunges forward, catching Jake with a Headbutt that causes the fans to boo.

Gena: Bentley gets up to his feet as he nods to Donovan. They bounce off of the opposing ropes, and come back together as they hook arms, dropping down for a Double Elbow Drop to Jack Jeckel. Bentley pulls Jack toward the ropes as the fans are looking forward to the carnage ahead.

Chad: Jack jerks his leg, pulling Bentley in, but Bentley gives him a few good stomps before he drags him closer to the ropes. Donovan also drags Jake toward the ropes. They try to get the crowd behind them as they wave in the support, but it is minimal. Donovan goes to drape Jake’s arm over the flame, but Jake clenches his fist together tightly, avoiding it.

Gena: Jack plants both feet against Bentley’s stomach and pushes him back. He darts over to Donovan and Jake, and he DDT’s Donovan hard to the mat. Donovan holds onto the back of his neck as he rolls over slightly. He feels the flames scorching at his back as he starts to roll out of the way, just as Jack and Jake hit a double Baseball Slide on Donovan, sending him right into the flames! The crowd boos loudly as Donovan’s shirt catches on fire, and the referee calls for the bell!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here are your winners, advancing to the semifinals… Jack and Jake… The Jeckels!!!

“Freak Show” plays as Jack and Jack look down at Donovan, who is being sprayed down with the fire extinguisher.  They sneer as they turn around to celebrate in front of the booing crowd.

We open backstage, where we see various technicians etc... moving around ensuring the show is running smoothly as they occasionally report to a well dressed man. That well dressed man is Gianni Di Luca, who walks through the halls making his presents felt as he directs and orders, however, his focus soon shifts to Esther who stomps up to him with friends in tow. The bruise from the punch from Rainbow still visible but now faded.

Esther: Where is she?

She demands.

Gianni: Where is who?

Gianni asks.

Esther: That Rainbow bitch! Don’t act like you don’t know who I’m looking for!

Esther glares.

Gianni: I don't know where she is and if I did know where she is, I ain’t gonna allow ya to lay a finger on her.

Gianni shrugs.

Esther: Look here you little bitch! I demand a match against her.

Gianni: That’s gonna be totally up to her.

Gianni says as someone comes up to him and he nods and gives the ok befoee that peraon walks off.

Esther: What do you mean up to her?

Esther frowns.

Gianni: Are ya fuckin’ deaf? It’s her choice.

Esther is lost for words as her anger continues to boil and it only gets worse as Rainbow appears next to Gianni.

Rainbow: My choice.

Gianni looks at Rainbow and then back at Esther, as he feels the tension between the two.

Esther: How is it your choice... you’re fucking him aren't you? Nobody gets a choice in their matches, you coward piece of shit!

Rainbows laughs.

Rainbow: My position in this company will soon become clear. For now I don't want to face you until I say so. You will have to wait.

Rainbow crosses her arms as Esther just looks stunned at Rainbow and then Gianni.

Esther: This is bullshit. You are a fucking hypocrite... you don't want to wrestle but happy to fucking attack me?

Esther takes a few steps forward into the face of Rainbow.

Esther: I will stop at nothing to face you and take this mask off. I am not about to lie down and allow you to do this.

Esther steps back before unleash a slap across Rainbow's face. Rainbow steps back holding her face before looking at Esther.

Rainbow: Security!!

Strangley security enter the picture and grab Esther.

Rainbow: Take her away.

Esther:  Why are they listening to you, you fucking bitch? I’m gonna fucking kill you!

They then drag Esther away kicking and screaming, leaving Rainbow and Gianni, which Gianni shakes his head and walks away.

Team Uggo (Kelli Torres & Halo Annis) Vs Kittie & Jim the Clown - Lights Out Match

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Lights Out Match! On their way to the ring…Kelli Torres and Halo Annis… Team UGGO!!!!!!!!!

Life of Agony’s “Lost At 22” starts up to a pop as Halo and Kelli come out the curtain with a burst of excitement. Halo makes her way up the steps and slips through the ropes as Kelli slides under. Halo gets to the middle of the ring smiling as the crowd chants their names loudly.

The opening drum beat of “Lollirot” by Jack Off Jill begins blasting through the speakers as the light flash along with the music.  As the instrumentals pick up, Kittie shoves her way through the curtains.  A spotlight lands on her as she pauses, throwing her head forward, and then back.  She lets her hair fall down over her face, and it slowly falls back as she moves her head slowly from one side to the other.

Liam:  Making her way to the ring from Henderson, NV, standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… Kittie!!!

She throws her hands up in the air and lets out a scream before she starts skipping down the entryway.  She bops her head to the side as she goes.  She stops to stick her tongue out to tease a cheering fan or two, and then she continues skipping until about half way to the ring.  From there she makes a mad dash toward the ring, leaping onto the apron.  She quickly bangs her head as she dances to the nearest turnbuckle.  She climbs it, and pauses there, looking out across the audience through her hair as they cheer her on.  She throws her middle fingers in the air before jumping down into the ring.  She paces back and forth quickly as her music dies down.

Before Darlyn can even begin to announce the next person, the lights turn red. Jim the Clown is seen standing behind Kittie with red balloons in his hand.  He stares across the ring at Halo and giggles.

Liam:  And her partner, already in the ring… Jim the Clown!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Rob: The crowd is alive as Jim the Clown and Halo Annis start things off. They tie up in the middle of the ring, but Halo knows she is at a disadvantage as she slips behind Jim the Clown. She jumps on Jim the Clown’s back.

Ada: She is screaming as she digs her claws into the side of Jim the Clown’s neck! No one ever said Halo doesn’t fight dirty sometimes.

Rob: She tries to bring Jim the Clown down, but Jim the Clown holds his ground. She reaches back and grabs hold of Halo’s hair as he whips her over his shoulder in a Powerslam that rocks the ring.

Ada: The crowd boos loudly for Jim the Clown, while some groan for Halo.

Rob: Jim the Clown slams an elbow across Halo’s chest to add to the pain. He reaches down and yanks Halo up to her feet. He flings Halo into the ropes, looking for a Back Body Drop, but Halo punts his chin!

Ada: The smack of her foot echoes throughout the entire arena!

Rob: Kittie is watching with a smile on her face, while also talking shit to Kelli from across the ring. Halo bounces off of the ropes and hits a Flying Forearm to Jim the Clown’s face. She bounces off of the ropes once more, but Kittie hits a high kick to the back of Halo’s head. As Halo turns around to confront Kittie, Jim the Clown brings Halo over with a German Suplex.

Ada: Jim the Clown is not done yet as he wiggles back up to his feet!  But…


Ada: We can’t see a goddamn thing in here.  All we can hear is scuffling as both Jim the Clown and Halo are still brawling it out.

Rob: The lights come back on! Halo hits an elbow to Jim the Clown’s face and then turns around to hit an Enziguiri to Jim the Clown!

Ada: Jim the Clown falls down to the mat, holding onto her jaw in pain.

Rob: As Kittie steps inside of the ring, the referee tries to restore order. Kelli steps to the outside and Kittie points at her, stepping out as well. Halo jumps up for a Springboard Moonsault, nailing it as she hooks the leg.



Ada: The crowd is riled up with anticipation for what’s going on inside of the ring, and I can’t blame them honestly.  This blackout is taking a little longer, but… And we’re back on! Kittie tags herself in as Jim looks unhappy. The crowd is angry at Kittie’ presence here tonight.

Rob: Kittie steps in and waves Jim the Clown out of the way. Halo runs toward her, but Kittie ducks underneath the Clothesline. She hits a punch to the face of Kelli. She then reaches back and punches Halo. Kelli comes toward her, and Kittie hits a kick to Kelli’s face!

Ada: Kelli and Kittie have beef that goes way back from before she even joined GRIME, and was a member of SCU security. Kittie doesn’t have time to breathe as Halo comes off of the ropes.

Rob: As Halo rebounds, Kittie kicks her in the face as well. Kittie bounces off of the ropes and hits a Double Clothesline to Halo and Kelli, sending them both to the outside of the ring.

Ada: Kittie turns around and raises her arms in the air before lightly kicking the dirt from the bottom of her boots at her opponents. She turns around and tempts Kelli inside, despite not being the legal person.

Rob: Halo slides back inside of the ring and grabs onto Kittie’s hair and yanks her down to the ground. Kelli gets inside and stomps at Kittie, but the referee admonishes her for it. She holds her hand up as she grabs the tag rope. Halo tags Kelli in!

Crowd:  *MEGA POP!*

Ada: Kelli smiles almost as big as Kittie as the two begin circling around the ring, and you can cut the tension with a knife!

Rob: The two tie up in the center of the ring. Kelli backs Kittie up against the ropes and pushes with all of her weight. Kittie tries to struggle out of it, but Kelli is too driven. She continues to push against the ropes, and Kittie reaches up and rakes at Kelli’s eyes.

Kittie:  You wanna break rules, bitch?  I can do it too!

Ada: Kittie hits a knee to Kelli’s gut.  She then follows through with a Bridging Floatover pin!


Rob: Kelli kicks out with force.  Kittie doesn’t play this time, though.  She grabs onto Kelli’s throat and begins choking her relentlessly.  The referee throws up one finger to begin his count!


Ada:  Kittie doesn’t let go.  Kelli, however, has a smile on her face.  As Kittie continues choking her, Halo starts to get inside, but Kelli waves a hand, telling her to stand back.  Kittie shrieks angrily as she continues the choke, only for the referee to call for the bell!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  As a result of a disqualification… Advancing to the semifinals… Halo Annis and Kelli Torres!

Rob:  Bullshit!  A disqualification in a “hardcore” match?

Ada:  Typical SCU cowardice. But… smart at the same time, for Kelli to take advantage of the loose cannon that is Kittie for an easy advancement.

Halo enters the ring and hits the Black 13 on Kittie, effectively getting her off of Kelli.  Jim looks on at this and simply moves along, not feeling concerned by any of it.  Kelli catches her breath and then tosses Kittie to the outside of the ring, dusting her hands off.  She leans over to shout at Kittie.

Kelli:  If you wanna handle this, I’m easy to find. I don’t hide under masks for months.


She waves Kittie off and her and Halo continue to celebrate.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see the title card for Ariana Angelos’ cooking YouTube channel Recipe 4 Disaster before we cut to where a makeshift kitchen has been set up and the two members of Team Go, Ariana Angelos and HBCarter are standing behind the worktop.

Ariana: Welcome to this special SCU Underground edition of Recipe 4 Disaster!

HBCarter: Subtitled: We’re All Gonna Die!

Carter says in his usual cheery tone and Ari gives him a teasing look.

Ariana: Now because my bestie is defending his TV Title tonight, he will not be eating the food I’m cooking.

At this point Carter drops to his knees with his arms spread towards the heavens.

HBCarter: Jesus, Buhda, Zeus, Thor, Odin, Apollo, Aphrodite, I thank you all!

Ariana: You do know what Aphrodite is the goddess off, right?

HBCarter: Not eating your food?

Ari gives her bestie a knowing look and it seems to click in Carter’s head.

HBCarter: Oh right, Anubis!

Ari shakes her head as Carter gets back to his feet.

Ariana: But because I still need someone to eat my Golden Syrup Smarties and Fish Food Meatloaf the staff have kindly volunteered to eat……….

Upon hearing what Ari is cooking the staff suddenly realize that they have better things to do and start to disperse.

Ariana: ………it…………

HBCarter: Sad thing is, that sounded decent until you mentioned fish food and meatloaf.

Ariana: Surely, someone will eat this meatloaf, it’s been in the oven all day!

Carter blinks a couple of times before seeing smoke coming out from the oven.

HBCarter: Err, Ari?

Ariana: Yeah?

HBCarter: What temperature did you leave the oven at?

It seems to click in Ari’s head as she rushes over to the oven to check on the meatloaf, when she opens it it’s opening the door to a hot sauna.

Ariana: Oh gods, it’s on fire, the ashes are on fire!

HBCarter: That shouldn’t be possible.

Ariana: Just get the fire extinguisher before I burn the building down!

Carter runs off as the scene fades.

”It’s a glorious Sunday…”

The cameras focus in on an intimate setting in a luxury box off to the side.  We see Brother David with a cup of ice water in his hand, and Sister Ginny leaning into him with a small bag of popcorn.  They are turned to look at Mother Mavis standing in front of the podium, her radiant, yet somehow chilling, smile ever present.  She taps the microphone, and people begin to turn toward the box.  There is a tightly packed group of people dressed in their Sunday best, carrying signs as they march back and forth in front of the box. Some of the signs read “It is our God given right to congregate!” and “We celebrate the Lord’s day!” Security is in part surrounding them, trying to talk to the leader of the group, who is too busy shouting the contents of their signs at them.

Mavis continues to smile, looking out past this group, and toward the other fans, who are obeying the rules of social distancing.  She gives them a careful glance to make sure their eyes are on them.

Mavis:  Glorious indeed, as we gather under His eye, and obey His command, given to us through the scripture.  While it is not a woman’s place to speak out on religious matters, I have been charged with giving you a small introduction to one of the greatest men to ever step foot in SCU.


Mavis pauses, and stares out at the crowd again.  This time, her smile has faded, and her cheeks redden slightly with anger.  Her words don’t give way to the obvious rage written on her face.

Mavis:  Women’s rights include the right to wait on your husband, hand and foot, for he is the provider.  Do your research.  But, what does one expect in Biden Country?

Mavis snickers, as Ginny boos the aforementioned name, throwing popcorn for dramatic affect.  David’s face is still as stone as he looks down at the ground.

Mavis:  In front of every great woman is a great man.  One who is devout, and who does not cast aside the word of God.  A man who is strong enough to provide for his family.  It was said in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” And no words have ever been more true of my husband, and your Sin City Underground Champion… please everyone give it up for Father Gerald Eugene Shepherd!!!

Maivs steps back and claps as the crowd begins to boo.  “Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum begins playing over the speakers as the door to the VIP box opens.  Gerald comes jogging through the door and up to the podium.  He takes the SCU Underground Championship belt from his shoulders and raises it up for all to see.  This only makes the crowd boo even more.  But, this also makes Gerald’s smile even wider.  He sets the belt down on the podium for all to see as he leans down to adjust the microphone, so that he can stand tall and proud.

Gerald:  I told each and every one of you heathens that I would walk out of Violent Conduct as the Underground Champion.  It was written in the Good Book that the most dedicated and devout get what they deserve.  And by golly, I got what I deserved. And I didn’t expect it to be easy.  And to give the coward, O’Malley, some credit. He really did put up a fight when there was nowhere to go. He surprised me with that shoulder thing.

Gerald shudders, but it seems to be almost forced.  He looks around the audience as he sees them giving O’Maley a bit of an ovation.  He quickly pulls the focus back to himself.

Gerald:  But, fight as he might have, he did not walk out of Violent Conduct with the belt.  As much as we’d like to believe that O’Malley isn’t dodging me, his track record doesn’t speak very kindly in his favor. Whine and dodge.  But, let’s go ahead and restrict that to the “Main show” brand, and keep all of the integrity in the Underground, right? I wish you well, O’Malley.

David:  Bullshit!

Gerald’s smile fades when he looks over to Brother David, who covers his mouth after his sudden outburst.  Gerald’s eyes narrow at his son.  He tries not to take away from his own boasting, but the surprise and anger toward his son is present.

Gerald: What in Heaven's name are you talking about, Brother David?

Gerald gives him a look that says "Don't answer. To be continued." He goes back to the microphone until Brother David stands up from his seat despite Ginny begging him to sit back down.

David: What I'm talking about is everything coming out of your mouth. You aren't happy that O'Malley is moving on to SCW. You don't wish him well. And why should you?

Gerald: Son. The better man won. It's time to let sleeping dogs lie. He's obviously not going to get anywhere in SCW. Why am I going to continue to hold a grudge against the man?

David: Because he's a treacherous heathen who needs to be struck down! He doesn't deserve to get the better exposure. He deserves to face early retirement, and forced further into the arms of his jezebel who keeps him away from his manhood and responsibilities!

Gerald smiles and nods his head. As he's about to speak, David cuts him off.

David: I think you're avoiding him. We do have SCW contracts too, Father. You could easily go on and defeat him for the Roulette title and eradicate him from the roster. One less heathen for us to worry about!

Gerald thinks about it for a second.

Gerald: If I didn't know any better son, I'd think you was trying to insinuate something. Doubting my character.

David: No, it's just that…

Gerald: Why don't you go and try to strike the man down? Why don't you deliver some biblical justice to the heathenous O'Malley? Is it because you've tried and you couldn't? Numerous times? Because you couldn't even knock two GRIME ingrates off a little platform to win back the Hardcore Tag Team Championships? Ginny got blindsided, but you outright lost! So what makes you think you can take on someone like O'Malley when you're almost as insignificant as your damned sister? Useless! Now, fall in line, child!

David looks at Gerald, and everything in him wants to obey. But, instead, David walks out of the VIP box and pushes his way through the doors. Gerald just shakes his head and continues.

Gerald: Obstinate children… much like everyone in attendance tonight. I want… no I demand more respect from you cretins in the future. I am your champion. Finally, a champion you can all be proud of! One who stands for more than just himself! One with a truly divine calling! Think about it. Those with more brain cells than a murdered unborn child will see that I am a man of integrity, who will be here every week to fight the good fight, inside and outside of the ring. Praise Him!

Gerald raises the Underground Championship high in the air toward the sky as he looks up. Mavis and Ginny raise their hands up as well as "Spirit in the Sky" plays over the speakers once more.

The Staggs (Tim & Alexis) vs The Monstimals - Falls Count Anywhere Match

Liam:  The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere Match, and is part of the Hardcore Tag Team Championship tournament!  Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, accompanied to the ring by Henry Lozak, they are Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab… The Monstimals!!!

Monster and Animal I Have Become (mash up) by Skillet and Three Days Grace play over the sound system as Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab come through the curtain with Henry Losak behind them as they walk side by side together to the ring, ignoring the fans as they step over the top rope together while Henry goes through the middle rope. Raab and Samuel do a holdup in the ring with the fans booing on them as Henry steps out of the ring with Raab and Samuel stand in the ring waiting for the match to start.

Liam: Aaaaaaaaaaand their opponents… Representing The Nobodies, they are… Tim and Alexis Staggs!!!

The lights in the arena go out as the beat to "The Nobodies" by Marilyn Manson plays over the speakers. As the electric organ picks up, a red light flashes across the screen as random faces begin to show on the screen. Then, a man in a white Bad Boys hooded jacket, and a black mask, steps out onto the stage, pausing as he looks down at the ground. He is joined by a female in a black hooded jacket and mask. As the music picks up, the figures pull their hoods back, yanking their masks off to reveal Tim and Alexis Staggs. Tim jumps onto the ring apron, focused as he steps through the ropes.  He sits on them, allowing Alexis to step through. He paces back and forth, and the lights turn up some as he looks up. He then removes his jacket and tears away his black pants to reveal his wrestling outfit. Alexis walks around the ring as she gets the crowd excited for the match. Tim jogs backward and rests in one of the far corners, sinking down to a seated position as he contemplates. Alexis walks up behind him and rubs on his shoulders before he rises to his feet to kiss his wife.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ada:  Tim and Alexis rush in to take on an early advantage by knocking Raab down to the ground.  Alexis pulls out a pair of handcuffs and begins punching Raab in the head with them as hard and rapid as she can.

Rob:  Tim turns around and begins jabbing at Sam with a pair of brass knuckles, but Sam steps to the side with each jab. Sam moves away from Tim just enough and turns toward Alexis.

Ada:  As he moves, Tim follows after.  Tim jumps on Sam’s back, taking him down to the mat with a choke hold.  He punches the side of Sam’s head with the knuckles as Alexis watches her back.

Rob:  As Alexis goes back to punching Raab, he grabs her by the throat and chokes her.  As he stands up, he brings Alexis with him and drops her with a Chokeslam!  He picks up the handcuffs she had, and he slaps one end on the top rope.

Ada:  Alexis is a tough little bitch, as she starts to move, after something that would put most men down.  Raab drags her to the cuffs, though, and puts the other end around her wrist. Tim lets go of the choke hold and charges at Raab.

Rob:  Raab ducks and Tim nearly collides with Alexis.  However, he stops himself.  He digs in his tights for the key, but Sam slams his hand against the ropes, and Tim drops the key to the outside.

Ada:  Like a knight in shining armor, Tim tries to go outside to get the key, but Sam grabs his ankle and pulls him toward the middle of the ring. Raab rolls outside and picks up a steel chair and tosses it inside of the ring. Along with a barbed wire bat… and a… cheese grater?

Rob:  Raab climbs back inside of the ring and picks up the steel chair. Sam continues to punch Tim repeatedly as Tim tries to get up to his feet.  Raab lifts up his chair as Alexis tries to move away.  Raab kicks her in the stomach and goes to swing the chair.

Ada:  But Tim hits a headbutt to Sam, cutting his face on Sam’s mask.  He gets to his feet and jumps up to grab the chair right out of Raab’s hand and smacks Raab with the chair.

Henry: He wants to play the hero?  Show him what happens to heroes in GRIME!

Rob:  Sam picks up the baseball bat and smacks and rakes it across Tim’s back!  Tim yelps out as he goes to one knee.  Raab picks up the steel chair and bashes Tim with it.  Alexis struggles against the cuffs and ropes, but with no luck.

Ada:  Sam hits Tim across the side of the head with the bat, tearing into his scalp and further tearing open the cheek!  Raab throws the chair on the ground. He sets Tim up for the Killerbuster (Double Arm Brainbuster) onto the chair!

Rob:  Raab looks down at Tim, thinking about the pin, but instead, he points to Sam, who begins hammering away with the bat.  He hits repeated shots, and Alexis holds her arm out, screaming.

Alexis:  NOOOO! STOP!!!

Ada:  Raab looks over to her as she spits in his direction.  Sam picks Tim up from the ground and nails the Animal Kills (Vertabreaker)!  He then picks Tim up again, and repeats the move.  Alexis is in the corner, undoing the turnbuckle covering, but Raab picks up the cheese grater!

Rob:  Sam holds Tim up, but the lights are not even on in Tim’s eyes.  His body is limp as Raab takes the cheese grater to Tim’s forehead and viciously begins grating away.  Alexis shouts out again.


Ada:  Alexis tugs, trying to undo the ropes, but she can’t seem to get them.  She begins yanking as the cuffs cut into her wrists.  Sam picks the bat up and continues to shred away at Tim’s back while Raab shreds his face!

Rob:  Alexis shrieks, hiding her face from the horrors in front of her.  Raab puts the cheese grater on top of Tim’s head, and then he picks the chair up, raising it up high in the air.  He crashes down on it!  Alexis screams and then holds her arm out again to yell.

Alexis:  We quit!  WE QUIT!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners, and the last team to advance in the tournament… Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson… The Monstimals!!!

The crowd boos, and boos even louder when Raab continues to beat down with the chair.  Sam continues to beat down with the barbed wire bat. The onslaught continues for a moment until Jamie, Vixen, and Erik Staggs come rushing the ring.  Jamie rips the bat away from Sam, and Vixen struggles to get the chair away from Raab,  Erik has a microphone as he shouts.


Crowd:  YEAH!

Henry climbs inside of the ring with a microphone of his own.  Raab rips the chair back from Vixen completely.  He prepares to hit anyone who comes close, all while Alexis tries to kick at him, still cuffed to the ropes.  Henry steps up close to Erik, laughing.

Henry:  Is this not GRIME Wrestling?  Erik, did you not have your errand boy, Rory, seek out the services of The Monstimals, because of our reputation in bloodbath, rude violence?

Erik:   This is not the time, nor the place, Henry.  I’m telling you to back off. Now…

Henry stares at Erik, his nostrils flaring out as he sniffs.  He looks from side to side as Tim starts to get up.  Raab swings the chair against Tim’s head, knocking him right back down to the mat.  Henry raises his microphone as Jamie whacks Sam with the bat, tearing at the flesh on his arm.  Sam growls out and grabs Jamie’s throat, causing Erik to kick out Sam’s knee to stop it from going further.

Henry:  This!  This is what I am talking about.  The infamous Staggs Family!  Some of the greatest and most noble fighters in Hardcore Wrestling history.  You have spilled enough blood to fill the Nile, collectively. I don’t see what the big fucking deal is, Erik.

Erik gets in Henry’s face, his anger clearly showing now as he barks.

Erik:   I didn’t ask for a redundant history lesson on my family, Henry. I told you to back the fuck off now, or you just might force my hand.

Henry laughs in Erik’s face.

Henry:  Looking around at your hand, I don’t see anything that my Monstimals can’t handle.  But, it would be fun to see, right here, right now.  The Monstimals never back down from a challenge.

Erik looks over to Jamie, and then to Tim, then to Vixen.  The medical team comes down and they help Tim out of the ring.  Vixen tries to help Alexis out of the cuffs, but Alexis rips the key out Vixen’s hand and does it herself, and immediately rolls out of the ring to go with Tim on the stretcher.  Erik scoffs and throws the microphone down on the ground.  He exits the ring and follows with Alexis, as Jamie and Vixen do the same.  Henry raises The Monstimals’ arms in victory as we go elsewhere.

Results / Violent Conduct VI Pre-Show (Results)
« on: September 27, 2020, 05:40:41 PM »
September 27th - Violent Conduct VI Pre-Show

 Las Vegas, Nevada - The Colosseum at Caesars Palace

It's here -- FINALLY! The most XXXTREME event of the year! VIOLENT CONDUCT VI! Fifteen matches sanctioned by SCW, and four by SCU! And several of those matches have special stipulations befitting an event such as this! And as for the Roulette title matches? The wheel has been changed up, just for this event alone! And every stipulation on the wheel goes to the extreme where violence is concerned! Every. Single. One! There is a reason why this event is only held once a year! The Superstars and Bombshells couldn't handle it any more than that!

Segments are due to the Underground account no later than 2pm EST on Sunday, September 27th, 2020. No late segments will be accepted.

The pre-show cuts to the back where the camera catches Dahlia stretching before her match. Dahlia turns into the camera.

Dahlia: Tonight despite once again stuck on the pre show, I step into the ring to defend my SCU underground title. Melissa you’ve been on the rise and it's great to see, and you’ve earned your title match against me tonight, but you have to look at  realize I’m the most dominant woman in both brands and I’d something no one else had done beat Celeste North not once but twice, I know you want my title, people think that’s maybe it’s your time, maybe sometime down the road it will be but your time isn’t now, I’m not ready to give up my title just yet, but i know your will bring everything you have to try, but tonight will not be your night, but i wish you good luck tonight Melissa, see you out there.

Darkness takes over the screen.  We can hear someone moving around in the darkness.  After a few seconds, we hear the sound of a bow against the strings of a violin, so sharp that it sends chills down our spines as we listen.  A spotlight shines on masked member Yellow, leaning back with the violin and bow in his hands.  He slides the bow across the violin to make a sound so beautiful and sad, yet eerily unsettling.  A hooded rat climbs over him and onto his forehead as the man balances himself perfectly.  He opens his mouth and the rat begins to pull out yellow string.  She moves around the man, draping the string around as she goes.

Yellow:  Yes, Hecate, my dear, sweet friend.  She brings about a revelation.  Something that has been long gone, but not forgotten.

The man stops playing for a second, but does not move his body otherwise.  He instead turns slightly to look at the camera.

Yellow:  Hallo und wie gehts.  It is a reminder that your favorite yellow person is still here. Air time is given oh so freely to everyone else.  The spotlight is taken for those not wearing masks. But I tell you, emerging into the light is not the mission of GRIME Wrestling.  Anyone who thinks it is?

Yellow straightens his body and turns to look at the camera again as the rat continues to pull string from the man’s mouth, a seemingly endless supply.

Yellow:  They are fakes.  Frauds.  They are just men and women who did not make the cut for Sin City Underground, an even bigger fraud.  It is up to those such as myself, the masked ones. The Monstimals.  Javier Gonzalez.  To not lose our way.

Yellow takes a few steps closer, and he raises the violin and bow once more, playing as he walks.

Yellow:  The message must remain strong, and we should bring levels of violence, unthinkable to the supposed Undergrounders.  We must remind the rest of GRIME of how it is supposed to be.  It is our duty as the soldiers of the darkest recesses of the mind.  Anyone who disagrees will soon find themselves in the same path of destruction as SCU.

He stops playing and sets the violin against the ground, using it like a cane to stand upon.  He looks into the camera, tilting his head to the side slightly as the last bit of string falls from his mouth.  Hecate continues to crawl all over him, the string almost knitting into itself.

Yellow:  Wir sind in einer Zeit der Abrechnung. Wir müssen wachsam bleiben und uns daran erinnern, was unsere Mission ist. (We are at a time of reckoning.  We must remain vigilant, and remember what our mission is.)  It is important to our cause, meine Freunde.  I pledge allegiance, to GRIME, of the Sin City Network.  And to the values, for which it stands.  One army, under Gianni, indivisible, with chaos, and destruction for all.

Yellow begins to play a violin rendition of “American Landfill”, the official song of GRIME.  He tilts his mask up ever so slightly to see his blue eyes glaring through the mouth slot.  The eyes bore into us as we focus on them before fading out.

Ruby is seen walking backstage with a black garment bag draped over her shoulder. Magenta is following slowly behind her, like an obedient puppy. Ruby eventually stops walking and Magenta isn’t paying attention and she bumps right into Ruby. Ruby’s nostrils flare and she spins around very slowly, glaring at her submissive.

Ruby: I’m giving you a free pass on that one, whore. If I weren’t the one in charge here, I’d make sure you walk in front of me.

Magenta shakes her head quickly, clearly against that thought.

Ruby: Of course not. We both know how much you just love staring at my ass.

Magenta nods and reaches out to Ruby. Ruby smacks her hand away.

Ruby: Don’t test me, whore! not about you. Tonight is my very special evening with Max. You should be back at home, but considering you begged like the bitch you are…

Ruby grins and takes a step towards Magenta.

Ruby: I was all too happy to oblige. Once I find Max, however, you can find a supply closet or somewhere to sit in for the rest of the evening.

Magenta: Please, Mistress…

Magenta’s voice is heard for the very first time, and as soon as she speaks, Ruby snarls. She wraps her hand around Magenta’s throat and then forcefully backs her against the wall. Magenta cries out as her back hits the wall.

Ruby: Excuse me, whore?! You don’t speak unless I tell you to! Do you want people to figure out your identity?!

Magenta shakes her head

Ruby: I didn’t think so. Because you’re embarrassed. You’re disgusted with who you are, as you should be. But don’t worry. After my special night with Max, you’ll get the punishment you are so desperate for.

Magenta: Share?

Ruby puts more pressure on Magenta’s throat, punishment for not only speaking, but suggesting such a thing.

Ruby: Me? Share Max? I do not think so, whore. Max is mine. You are more than welcome to leave here and go find any desperate jack off to satisfy your desires, but Max is off limits. And if you speak again, even you won’t like that punishment. Are we clear?

Magenta nods and then Ruby releases her grip on her. Magenta coughs a little but is otherwise fine as Ruby turns around.

Ruby: Good. Now go find your closet, because I’m going to find Max alone.

Ruby then walks away as Magenta stays behind. She looks around, confused for a moment, before she does as she is told and begins searching for a closet to hide in.

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Alex Rush can be seen strolling in to the Violent Conduct VI pre show. to one side Edwin Robert walks and the other Robert Edwin. Alex has the Pride Tag Team championship over his shoulder. Marissa Henry charges towards him waving her hands.

Marissa: Oh thank God!

Alex: You're not the first Dolly to say that to me, not the first Dolly to say that to me today, maybe the third or forth, summing like that.

Marissa: No, people were getting worried that you wasn't gonna be here tonight.

Alex: Well me and the fellas here thought we'd take in a show. It's been forever since I got to put on the spandex.

Marissa: Erm, you wrestled at Underground 72.

Alex: I did, how'd I get on?

Marissa: You lost to The Good Shepherds.

Alex looks to the left and to the right, shaking his head.

Alex: I don't remember that but I ain't shocked if I'm honest, I mean it's The Good Shepherds after all. They beat everyone, so yeah, if I remembered it, I'm sure I'd be ok with it. Not many people beat those holy sheep peeps. Anyway, me and the lads should probably go take our seats for the show.

Alex attempts to walk past Marissa but she stops him, looking at him confused.

Marissa: Alex, you're wrestling tonight, didn't anyone tell you?

Alex scratches his messy hair.

Alex: No one told me and I checked like the online thingy earlier this week and say buggery bugger all, did someone tell you?

Alex looks at Robert Edwin, but the rhino shakes his head. Alex turns to Edwin Robert.

Alex: How's about you?

Edwin Robert shakes his head and Alex looks back to Marissa.

Alex: If no one told us, does that mean we still gotta do it? I mean I put me spandex in under me leathers, but that's cause I lost me undies again. I dunno where they are, I think South Park was on to something with those Underwear gnomes, they keep sneaking in stealing me pants.

Marissa: Focus Alex.

Alex looks around, looking past Marissa.

Alex: Who's us?

Marissa: I said focus not fu... nevermind. You still have to wrestle, you're in the main event tonight.

Alex: Wait, I'm now facing Alicia Lukas and Evie Jordan? Don't think I fancy that too much, that Evie is a meanie, still ain't got the blue out of my beard.

Marissa: No, the pre show main event. You're facing Kaos and Mrs Right for the Pride Tag Team Championships.

Alex: AHHA! I knew Mrs Right was out there! People been banging on to me for ages about finding Mrs Right! Every lad I know has been oh, Mrs Right is out there for me.

Alex looks at the camera.

Alex: Lads! Lads! I told ya Mrs Right is out there somewhere and now she's gonna be playing in me ring... Erm, that didn't sound right.... In the ring.... Yeah, that's better until after the match, I dunno, she might be a kinky one and do it in the ring, I dunno.

Marissa puts her hand on her forehead, shaking it slowly.

Alex: I better go and find Mariana Grande!

Marissa: Who?

Alex: Me tag team partner in crime of course!

Marissa: You mean Ariana.

Alex: Ariana Grande? I think I've heard that some place before but nah, she's not my tag partner.

Marissa: No, Ariana Angelos.

Alex: She's not a singer too is she? Sweeeeeeeet!

Marissa rolls her eyes and walks off.

Marissa: I give up with this idiot!

Alex waves at Marissa as she walks away.

Alex: Ta-rah for a bit fuzzy lightning bolt! 

The camera fades as Alex shrugs his shoulders and walks away for look for Ariana.

Backstage, we focus on Gianni, who is sitting at his desk, with Veronica looking through wedding magazines, appearing to be quite bored.  He folds his hands together and looks to the camera.

Gianni:  I already told people that I ain’t fuckin’ around as the new GM of GRIME.  But, somebody has decided to start menstruatin’ and getting caught in her feelings about not bein’ booked.

Gianni straightens his posture as Veronica smiles wickedly and listens closely, biting at her lip as her man is about to lay down the law.

Gianni:  I been called a pretty boy, which… it ain’t no lie.  I’m a fine specimen of a man, and there ain’t no denyin’ that. I got called Veronica Taylor’s bitch.  I am her fiancee, if that’s what ya mean.  I am her man.  She’s my woman.  I looked out for her when others wouldn’t. If that makes me her bitch, then so be it.

Gianni shrugs his shoulders.  He lets it hang for a second, letting the anticipation build.

Gianni:  Speaking of bitches… Ruby is gonna be my bitch by the end of this little thing.  She’s gonna learn who the boss is.  I know things have been pretty laxed around here lately, but I’m not gonna be passive like the last GM was.  I’m gonna take action.  I’ve already set up Hitamashii with a tuxedo to take Max Burke’s GRIME World Nightmare Championship away from him.  That’s handled.  Ruby, however, is not.

Gianni looks off camera and Veronica scoffs.  She gets up and sprays the room with her Veronica’s Secret perfume as we see Angel of Filth, Sister Esther, Queen of Apathy, Piper Beckett, Jade, Light Blue, Indigo, Helena Jeckel, Macaroni and Cheese, Royal Purple, Celeste, and Orchid walk into the room.  He winks and watches them all form a line around him.

Gianni:  Kittie and Vixen was busy, so I couldn’t pull them into this.  But I will say that there’s plenty more where that came from.

Gianni gives each one of them a nod of appreciation.  Filth slaps his chest and nods her head as she flicks her blackened tongue at the camera.

Gianni:  Ruby, I’m gonna give ya another chance to apologize to me.  I expect a tweet in fifteen seconds, or a call, or show up at my door, or I’m gonna devote some time to makin’ ya life hell, bitch.

Gianni pulls the sleeve of his suit up and looks at his watch.  He nods his head with each passing second until fifteen seconds is up.  He slides his sleeve back down as the women of GRIME begin cracking their knuckles.

Gianni:  Alright.  Ruby?  Ya wanna throw the term “bitch” around like it’s nothin’?  Here, lemme make this clear for ya.  In a matter of time, ya gonna be my fuckin’ bitch.  How’s that?  Debbi?  Will be mine.  Ya ass?  Will be mine.  Magenta?  Will be mine.  And it all starts tonight.  Cause all these ladies behind me?  They’re gonna beat ya, week in, and week out, until ya get on ya knees and beg for my mercy.  Make it easy on yaself and just do it now, heh?

Gianni cracks his knuckles, and gives Ruby more time to show up.  When she doesn’t, he shakes his head.

Gianni:  Alright.  It’s ya funeral.  I know ya wanted to be booked tonight, at Violent Conduct, and that’s why ya throwin’ ya little bitch fit.  I was so tempted to give in to your fit.  But, what message would that send?  Hm?  That I’m a pushover.  So, that big match announcement I’m makin’ tonight is that there will be no match.  Fuck you, Ruby.  Kiss my ass, cause I don’t bow to no one, especially some washed up Misty wannabe like you.  But, starting next week, ya might wanna find a few more bitches to leash, cause ya gonna need it when I sick these bitches on you. Have a great night, Ruby.

Gianni winks and waves the camera away.


SCU Underground Championship
Dahlia Rotten vs Melissa Ruin

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCU Underground Championship!!!

The SCUTron turns on. We see the Sun devils football field with the drummers of the school's marching band in the middle of the field making the letters ASU for Arizona State University. The drums goes off twice, with a second pause before going off again twice repeating this process 3 times before the other drums come in. This happens twice before the group starts breaking formation.

The bugle team march onto the field as they begin to play…

ASU Marching band plays their version of Public Service Announcement II by Jay Z.

The Drummers move around as they form the letters SCU. The Bugle team marches in place below the letters making 6 rows underneath. The group breaks up and marches around the field for a bit as they start to slowly make out the name Melissa Ruin…

Darlyn:  On the way to the ring she is a two time all American in Lacrosse and Basketball from Arizona State… Melissa Ruin!!!

Menage Et Trois by Paloma Ford starts to play, the crowd showing the arena with cheers as Earl steps on the stage accompanied by Dahlia and Sarah,

Darlyn: She is the SCU Underground Champion... Dahlia Rotten!!!!!!!

They walk to the ring and enter, a spotlight shine on the rings, Dahlia and Sarah wrap their arms around Earl's neck and he give the crowd an arrogant smile

Ding! Ding! DIng!

Gena: Melissa runs at Dahlia and slaps her Belly!?!?!?

Chad: Is Melissa trying to make Dahlia mad on purpose?

Gena: Melissa slaps Dahlia’s belly again then a slap to the face!

Chad: Dahlia grabs Melissa by her hair and tosses her to the mat like a ragdoll!

Gena: Melissa has a deathwish if she thinks she can just slap Dahlia at will!

Chad: Melissa gets up yelling at Dahlia… Melissa slaps Dahlia in the face again… Dahlia counters that with a Headbutt right between Melissa’s eyes!

Gena: That will slow Melissa down. Dahlia grabs Melissa and sends her to the corner. Melissa hits the turnbuckle hard. Dahlia runs at Melissa and nails a Body Avalanche!

Chad: Dahlia grabs Melissa by the head and just tosses her to the mat.

Crowd:  YEAHHHHHH!!!

Gena: Dahlia goes for Earl’s Leg Drop but Melissa rolls out the way. Melissa and Dahlia get to their feet. Dahlia goes to grab Melissa but Melissa ducks and Kicks Dahlia in the knee!

Chad: Dahlia turns around, Melissa hits Dahlia with a Spinning Heel Kick!

Gena: Dahlia takes a step back. Melissa hits a Dropkick causing Dahlia to take another step back!

Chad: Melissa runs in and slaps Dahlia in the face hard. Dahlia holds that spot as Melissa hits an Uppercut on Dahlia, causing her to stumble back a bit!

Gena: Melissa runs in for a Leaping Clothesline but misses as Dahlia counters it with a punch to the face!!!

Chad: Melissa holds her head as she turns her back to Dahlia. Dahlia does a Back Rake to Melissa. Melissa arches her back… Dahlia lifts Melissa up and nails a Sidewalk Slam!

Gena: Dahlia grabs Melissa’s leg and turns Melissa around for her Single Leg Boston Crab!

Chad: The ref looks on but wait… Dahlia now drops her weight on to Melissa!

Gena: Dahlia wraps Melissa’s leg up… Rotten To The Core!!! (Front Facelock STO)

Chad: Melissa starts yelling in pain…

Gena:  Dahlia bares her weight down, and Melissa tries to crawl to the ropes, but she struggles under Dahlia’s weight alone.  She holds out as long as she can, but she taps!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner and STILL SCU Underground Champion… Dahlia Rotten!!!

Dahlia lets up and stands up, raising her arm with the referee’s assistance.  She holds her belt up as “Menage et Trois” plays over the speakers.  She celebrates for a moment before turning and lending a hand to Melissa, pulling her back to her feet.  There’s a handshake before Melissa leaves Dahlia to celebrate her victory.

Alexis Staggs is seen seated backstage. The steel chair is backed against a wall, and she’s leaning back with her arms folded, staring just ahead of her. The camera pans back to see she’s staring at her Underground Championship contract briefcase placed on top of a large utility box. It’s still dented after having been used by GRIME to hit her over the head just a few weeks ago. And while her head had healed, her mood had apparently not.

As she sits there staring at the briefcase, Marissa Henry walks up to her. She’s silent at first, but as she looks back and forth from Alexis to the briefcase, she can’t hide her curiosity.

Marissa: Ok. What exactly are you looking at, Alexis?

Alexis lets out a laugh and looks to Marissa, then back at the dented briefcase.

Alexis: Evidence, Marissa. Evidence.

Marissa raises an eyebrow.

Marissa: Evidence of what exactly? That you still haven’t cashed in on the Underground Champion?

Alexis shrugs, trying to figure out the answer herself.

Alexis: Well, there’s that. But then there’s evidence that even though I have a guaranteed shot at the Underground Championship, that my shot won’t exactly work out in my favor in the same way it did for O’Malley. Even though he did what a coward does.

Marissa: I’m a little confused. You seem a tonight.

Alexis leans forward and then kicks the utility box with such force, it knocks the briefcase over and it crashes to the floor. Marissa jumps back as Alexis leans back again.

Alexis: Off? Yeah I’m fucking off, Marissa. Because here’s the thing, if I decide to do the right thing and cash in on the Underground Champion the right way, in an honest match, those GRIME fuckers are always somewhere around. They’re always going to ruin it, so is it really worth it anymore? Hell, I’m not even booked tonight so why the fuck should I care?

Marissa: So this is because you’re not booked tonight? That’s what I’m getting from it.

Alexis: No, it’s not just because I’m not fucking booked. I honestly don’t give a shit. This is because GRIME is going to fucking screw me out of my Underground Championship match when I finally cash in. So maybe I don’t even fucking want it anymore! I’m not going to waste a fucking opportunity!

Marissa scratches her head as Alexis leans forward, reaches for the briefcase and picks it up. She then launches it forward, sending it crashing against the opposite wall, denting the corner.

Marissa:’re saying you want to give it up, then?

Alexis: I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying, Marissa! Just leave me the fuck alone!

Alexis then stands up from the chair and grabs the briefcase, before storming off down the hall. Marissa Henry stays behind, scratching her head still very confused.

Marissa: This place is so confusing sometimes…

She shakes her head and then walks off in the opposite direction as the scene fades to elsewhere in the building.

Mrs. Right is seated on a weight bench while Kaos is standing nearby….

Mrs Right: This is a big opportunity for us and for Over the Edge.  We can go out there and take the Pride tag team titles.  This is my biggest match to date here in SCU.  It’s our biggest match.  This is what we talk about week in and week out.  Our chance to prove ourselves is here staring us in the face.  That brass ring is right there and we just need to reach out and take it.

She looks up at him from her seated position….

Mrs Right: I want this moment, I want these titles, I want to prove that we are the best in the business today.  No matter what happens I’m going to have your back out there, and Iam not going to quit on you, I’m going to give this fight everything I have got.  I’m not going to let you, the fans, or Over the Edge down.  I know we can do this.

He gives a nod and continues to spot her as she shows off.

The scene opens backstage, where we see Nick Khatri standing by a promotional poster for violent conduct. Beside him stands a masked GRIME member only known as Rainbow as he begins his questioning with the obvious.

Nick: Who are you?

He asks.

Rainbow: おれは... 私はあなたには関係ない (I am... I am it's none of your business).

Nick: Uh what?

He looks to the camera shrugging his shoulders not understanding the Japanese.

Rainbow: None... of.... your... business…

The masked person says slowly to ensure Dec gets it.

Nick: Ok. My apologies. What is your business here?

Rainbow: To win.

Nick: Well duh... but why have you set your sights on Esther?

Rainbow takes a second before speaking again.

Rainbow:  Esther is イージーピッキング (easy pickings). She is nothing. Nobody knows her. Nobody cares about her. Nobody will see me coming.

Nick: But why not attack Vixen as she is the champion?

He questions.

Rainbow: She has had her warning. The 部門 (division) is on notice. I am just picking the weakest off first.

Nick nods.

Nick: Are you hiding from Esther?

Rainbow: 私は隠れていません。(I am not hiding.) I am right here.

Voice: Well well well... look who we have here. Little Miss Rainbow skank.

The camera pans around to see Esther and a few friends with her. Rainbow pulls out the lead pipe from her back pocket as those few friends back away a little with Esther not so intimidated.

Esther: Takes someone with pretty big fuckinb balls to attack someone from behind but what about face to face?

Esther takes a step forward and gets into the face of Rainbow. Rainbow begins to laugh, which Esther is unsure how to proceed until Rainbow begins to walk away.

Esther: Don't you dare walk away.

Esther grabs Rainbows arm but Rainbow spins around and clocks Esther with hard right punch knocking Esther to the ground.

Rainbow: I am your worst 悪夢だ ビッチ!(F*cking nightmare. Bitch).

Rainbow walks away, as Esther's friends move in to check on her. The camera pans back to Rainbow as she disappears from shot.

Alumni / Kittie - GRIME
« on: September 25, 2020, 06:58:18 PM »
<span style=\'font-size:11pt;line-height:100%\'>>[~]-CONTACT INFORMATION-[~]</span>

Handlers Name: Staggs
Any Messengers:
Years Active: 18


You will be booked at least 1-3 times a month. In order for this to happen, you will be booked in singles as well as tag team matches. Since all tag team matches are intergender, please let us know if you wish to only fight your gender, and you will only be booked in matches that are gender specific.***Be sure to fill out a <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>Tag Team application[/url]***

It is also important to note that all G.R.I.M.E. matches are contested under G.R.I.M.E. rules (no disqualifications, no rope breaks, no count outs), or a brutal hardcore match type, so by signing up, you agree to fight in these match types.

Willing to fight anyone


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons. Check <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>Taken Pic Bases List[/url]): P!nk
Wrestlers Twitter: n/a
Wrestlers Name: Kittie
Nickname(s): none
Age: 35
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 120lb
Hometown: Henderson, NV
Personality: Anger issues are the least of your worries. This chick’s psyche is held together with masking tape. You never know what you’re going to get.
Strengths: Driven, skilled, determined
Weaknesses: Envious, getting older, short tempered
Gimmick If Any:  none
Alignment: Neutral, leaning face

<span style=\'font-size:11pt;line-height:100%\'>[~]-ENTRANCE DESCRIPTION-[~]</span>

Entrance Theme Music (Check <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>Taken Theme Song List[/url]): “Lollirot” by Jack off Jill
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):
The opening drum beat of “Lollirot” by Jack Off Jill begins blasting through the speakers as the light flash along with the music.  As the instrumentals pick up, Kittie shoves her way through the curtains.  A spotlight lands on her as she pauses, throwing her head forward, and then back.  She lets her hair fall down over her face, and it slowly falls back as she moves her head slowly from one side to the other.

Liam:  Making her way to the ring from Henderson, NV, standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… Kittie!!! @@

She throws her hands up in the air and lets out a scream before she starts skipping down the entryway.  She bops her head to the side as she goes.  She stops to stick her tongue out to tease a cheering fan or two, and then she continues skipping until about half way to the ring.  From there she makes a mad dash toward the ring, leaping onto the apron.  She quickly bangs her head as she dances to the nearest turnbuckle.  She climbs it, and pauses there, looking out across the audience through her hair as they cheer her on.  She throws her middle fingers in the air before jumping down into the ring.  She paces back and forth quickly as her music dies down.

<span style=\'font-size:11pt;line-height:100%\'>[~]-WRESTLING MOVES-[~]</span>

Everyone gets one finisher, one weapon finisher, and 2 signature moves as well as a move set package. Please pick one package for your wrestler. Any moves you really want your wrestler to have please add it to the the signature moves section.

Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-Brawler (You just want to hurt them, you don't believe in making them tap out as you prefer to knock them out instead)

Signature Moves:
1.) Baseball Slide
2.) Eye of the Kat: Twist of Fate

Weapon Finisher:
1.) Chairmageddon: Death Valley Driver turned into an X-Factor onto a chair

Primary Finisher:
Kat's Cradle: an cradled suplex, occasionally showboating with a pause before landing into a bridge pin

<span style=\'font-size:11pt;line-height:100%\'>[~]-MISC INFORMATION-[~]</span>

Weapon Of Choice: Anything and everything
Match Of Choice: Anything

<span style=\'font-size:11pt;line-height:100%\'>[~]-BIOGRAPHY-[~]</span>
Superstar Bio: Kittie's past is more clear than her present being. Kittie trained with her real life boyfriend, Surge. She joined GCW as strictly a manager, but her skills developed too quickly, as she soon couldn't help but hop into the ring and mix it up with several of GCW's finest women.

Together with Surge, they competed in many intergender tag matches, though they never became too successful as a team. Kittie sort of broke away from Surge, and soon their engagement was broken off. Kittie soon found herself with Surge's brother, Apocalypse. The two benefited from each other's presence on a regular basis, both in the ring and outside of it. Kittie and Apocalypse, AKA Billy Draper, became quite an item for a long time.

Kittie was abducted by Vision Black. Vision Black consisted of the abducted Logan Kaine, Mistress Payne, Kittie, Tommy "The Terror" Edmond, Shaq Daddy, Roxanne, Jamie Staggs, and soon it became apparent that the leaders of Vision Black were Apocalypse and Spike Staggs.

After Vision Black wasn't accepted as a serious stable, the members slowly drifted apart and went their separate ways. Some members simply had gimmick changes, whereas others just flat out left. Kittie was one of those members.

After a brief searching period, Kittie took comfort in GXW. She ran around with boyfriend, Apocalypse and soon got involved in her first feud with Karen Might of The Enforcers, a prominent stable in GXW. Kittie had her face smashed through a make-up mirror after a squabble over it with Karen. This spawned a match, which Kittie lost. She was humiliated, but only further humiliated by the actions of Apoc. He attacked Karen and this caused Kittie to run off from GXW, turning her back on it all together.

While away, Kittie just took her time to catch up with life in general. She took comfort in her time off, but the memories of what transpired in GXW caused her nothing but misery. Constantly, people referred to her as the girl that "got punked" by Karen Might. The happy-go-lucky diva couldn't help but feel miserable about it all. She soon began to plot against any and all of the GXW Divas. She broke things off with Apocalypse, and decided to start anew. This time, she was on a mission. Mission Success.

Kittie returned by attacking the favor to win the Women's Championship at Fists of Rage II in April of 2005. She stalked and threatened everyone, but took actions against Michelle Andretti. The once vivacious diva turned into a complete and utter psycho bitch. She was put in her first return match, teaming with another newcomer, yet a powerful one, named Nyako, who was a member of The Circle. They were victorious, of course. They defeated Erotica and Firefox, GXW's resident Amazon. However, Kittie and Nyako despised each other. It was obvious that they shared admiration, but they refused to admit it. But, Kittie's interaction with Firefox was a little less than admirable. She took out Firefox with one shot to the head with a candy jar.

After little success, and the closing of GXW, Kittie went for a brief stint in 3WL, an all women's organization with a small men's division. While there, she formed an alliance with Misty. Also, she gained a number one contendership to their World Championship. Upon their closing prior to her championship match, Kittie felt cheated once again, fueling the fire within.

When she joined Sin City Wrestling, she was like an entirely new person.  She seemed to play to the tune of the fans, and she took the Bombshell Division by storm.  She was sure to become the first Bombshell Champion.  However, when she was defeated, by her own "best friend" Misty, she went a little bit insane, as if she weren't before.  She turned on Misty, accusing Misty of being the one to turn on her.  She took what was "rightfully" hers when she attacked the Bombshell Champion, Misty, and she kidnapped the belt.  She formed an attachment to it, thinking of it as her own child.  Two months later, Kittie rightfully won the belt, and was the official Bombshell Champion.

She has since joined forces with the Seven Deadly Sins.  Her envy won her the honor of being the first ever Bombshell Roulette Champion. She married fellow 7DS member Rage (Jake Sullivan) and took time off to raise a family.  She returned briefly as his manager.  She then went on to join GRIME Wrestling under the Grey mask for a while until unmasking with fellow former SCW Bombshell, Ruby.  The two unsuccessfully challenged Vixen Staggs for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship.
Past Accomplishments:
*GXW Women’s Champion
*3WL Tag Team Champion
*SEI HellKat Champion (x2)
*SCW Bombshell Champion
*SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion

Alumni / Mrs Right
« on: September 24, 2020, 07:58:57 PM »


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons. Check Taken Pic Bases List):

GracyAnne Barbosa

Wrestlers Name: Mrs. Right
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 155
Hometown: Killeen, Tx.
Personality: Serious
Strengths: Techniqucal and Power
Weaknesses: Ring Rust from time off
Gimmick If Any:
Alignment: Face


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List):

Grace - You Don’t Own Me feat. G-Easy

Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):

Darlyn:  Aaaaand his partner, representing Over the Edge, from Killeen, TX standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 155lb, she is… Mrs. Right!!! @@

The lights get lowered and there seems to be a purple hue as the music plays.  After a few moments Mrs. Wright comes out from backstage stopping for a moment waving to the left and to the right. Then she slowly walks to the ring and then up the steel steps.  After she enters the ring, the walks to the center of the ring and turns, taking a moment to pause as she faces each side of the ring.  Before cutting a stare at the ring announcer as she walks to a corner.  And backs herself in while waiting for the action to start.


-Grappler (Think of those known to grab you and suplex you with ease)

Signature Moves
1.) Bomb and Drop Variations
2.)Suplex Variations
3.)Fisherman Carry Drive (Death Valley Driver) “Just Right”

Finishing Move
1.)”The Right Hold” (Rings of Saturn)


Weapon Of Choice: Steel Chair
Match Of Choice: Submission

Superstar Bio:

Mrs. Wright has competed as a female wrestler for Texas A&M University, College Station, Tx.  She has wrestled in both Honor and LOW and was the LOW World Champion.  She was spotted by a talent scout for Honor Wrestling.  After a meeting with the scout, Mrs. Wright decided to once again embark on a wrestling career that had stopped while she was a fitness model.  She has now made her way to SCU

Past Accomplishments:

LOW World Champion, 2016 Fitness Female Model of the Year

Personal Information:

Here or DM on Twitter
Twitter: @ Skag_Eurotrash

Wrestler's Information:

Eurotrash, Your Mom's Wet Nightmare
Pic Base:
Darby Allin

Hometown: Munich, Germany
Neutral to start

"What the F*ck!" by Lords of Acid
Entrance: The lights go down and slowly fade when "What the F*ck!" by Lords of Acid begins playing on the speakers. After a moment, a black light comes on to reveal the half skull painted face of Skag.  He walks out slowly and pauses on the stage, eyes closed until they open up to look ahead at the ring.  Skag walks halfway down the ramp and stops, looking to either side when his nostrils flare out.  He then jolts and he bangs the side of his head a few times before running down the rest of the way.  He slides in under the bottom rope and then rushes to the furthest corner, running up it as he puts his arms out at his side, staring across the entire audience.  He then flips backward to the mat and lands on his feet.  He settles into the corner and leans down as he watches the stage (or his opponent if entering last).

Aerial and technical

*All basics such as Clothesline, Dropkick, Spear, standard Suplexes that any wrestler would know to do. Will punch from time to time, but brawling is not his go to tactic.
*Running: Hurricanrana, Frankensteiner, most DDT varieties with preference of Tornado DDT, Handspring Elbow
*Kicks: Savate, Pele, Penalty, Super, Enziguiri, Spinning Heel, Mule
*Turnbuckle:  630 Corkscrew, Missile Dropkick, Frog Splash, Diving Headbutt, Elbow Drop
*Standing to downed opponent: Standing Shining Stars Press, Standing Moonsault, Dropping Headbutt, Standing Frog Splash
*Corner: Running Kick, Vaulting Body Avalanche, Mudhole stomp, Monkey Flip, (Bronco Buster and Stinkface are used for embarrassment of opponent if he really does not like them.)

*Eurotrash Dump (Wheelbarrow Bulldog)
*Wet Nightmare (Spits water in eyes, followed by a Kudo Driver)

Background/History: Little is known about Skag, and he likes to keep it that way.  He comes to the US to wrestle, where he has trained in Nevada with a prestigious school, but was born in Munich, Germany.  He looks to establish dominance in the world of wrestling, or to at least find the trashiest wrestlers to try to outdo.  However, he despises pretty people, and will gladly attempt to take them down a notch.

Show Cards / Violent Conduct VI Pre-Show (Card)
« on: September 24, 2020, 05:07:24 PM »
September 27th - Violent Conduct VI Pre-Show

 Las Vegas, Nevada - The Colosseum at Caesars Palace

It's here -- FINALLY! The most XXXTREME event of the year! VIOLENT CONDUCT VI! Fifteen matches sanctioned by SCW, and four by SCU! And several of those matches have special stipulations befitting an event such as this! And as for the Roulette title matches? The wheel has been changed up, just for this event alone! And every stipulation on the wheel goes to the extreme where violence is concerned! Every. Single. One! There is a reason why this event is only held once a year! The Superstars and Bombshells couldn't handle it any more than that!

Segments are due to the Underground account no later than 2pm EST on Sunday, September 27th, 2020. No late segments will be accepted.


SCU Underground Championship
Dahlia Rotten vs Melissa Ruin

Dahlia Rotten surprised the world when she ended Celeste North’s undefeated streak.  But she further surprised the world when she went on to not only defeat Celeste again, but captured her SCU Underground Championship.  She proved to be the most dominant woman in SCU, but in doing so, she placed a huge target on her back.  Melissa Ruin steps up to challenge Dahlia, as the fast rising Melissa looks to shoot all the way to the top.  With her new attitude, and her new influences, she’s a promising Underground Champion.  Is it her time now?


GRIME World Nightmare Championship
Vixen Staggs vs Kittie

It was announced that Kittie would be challenging solo for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship at Violent Conduct. She made it no secret that she plans to take home the title, as she did with the second SCW Bombshell Championship.  However, she’s not facing some slouch.  She is facing the longest reigning GRIME World Nightmare Champion in Vixen Staggs.  A woman who has gone through hell and back with the title.  She will not let go of the belt so easily.  But Kittie has never liked easy/


Pride Tag Team Championships
Alex Rush and Ariana Angelos vs Kaos and Mrs Right

Mrs Right and Kaos represent Over the Edge, one of the most vocal and physical in the war against GRIME.  A stable that represents the fighting spirit of SCU.  They step up to challenge the reigning Pride Tag Team Champions, Alex Rush and Ariana Angelos. Alex Rush won the vacant half of the titles when Helluva Bottom Carter vacated it to become the TV Champion.  He and Ariana will team up for their first proper defense in the main event of the Violent Conduct Pre Show.

Violent Conduct VI Main Show


SCU Combat Championship
Merlot Ayano vs Cordelia Clark

On Underground Ep. 72, Cordelia Clark defeated Virginia Mae Putnam to determine who would go to Violent Conduct to challenge Merlot Ayano for the SCU Combat Championship in a 3 Round, 3 Minute Boxing Match. Merlot has been a dominant Combat Champion since winning the title, and she is ready to continue that streak, but with the possibility of facing an undefeated up and comer Cordelia Clark, will she finally meet her match?


Sin City Brawl - SCU Combat Championship
Stewart Mason vs Eyesnsane

Stewart Mason has defended the SCU Combat Championship with pride. He has taken every challenger to come his way very seriously. He has not underestimated a single competitor, and has prepared for them all. However, will the FoShan trained in-ring assassin, Eyesnsane, be easy to train for? Not at all. Now that his ring rust has been knocked off, Stewart will be in for his toughest challenge yet. And in a Sin City Brawl, where there are no disqualification, no ropes, and no way to win other than knocking your opponent out of the ring, the object is to remain the King of the Hill, or make your opponent tap to win.


Cage Match - SCU Underground Championship
O’Malley vs Father Gerald

Father Gerald has been calling out O'Malley for not being a present champion, being a coward, and a bad dad. Last week, O'Malley accepted the challenge, and the chance to make Gerald eat those words. And what better way to do that than to serve it cold at Violent Conduct. O'Malley and Gerald will be forced to agree on one thing though; the type of match they will be competing in. News came in earlier tonight that they decided to fight in a Cage Match to determine the reigning SCU Underground Champion.


TBD - GRIME World Nightmare Championship
Max Burke vs Hitamashii

On Underground last Sunday, Max Burke demanded that his challenger be named before he would even step foot inside of the ring.  He kept good on his promise until Gianni Di Luca came out to show him the contract… with Hitamashii’s name signed to the papers.  Hitamashii and Max have been having words, and throwing fists, since the show after Supernova 3.  It was a match that was destined to happen.  Max has dominated the opposition, but Hitamashii was the first prospect that GRIME considered for a reason.  This match promises to be one for the books.

All of this and so much more on the Violent Conduct VI Pre-Show!

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