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Messages - Amelia Emery

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Climax Control Archives / Rise
« on: February 12, 2021, 09:24:07 PM »


”When the fire’s at my feet again,
And the vultures start circlin’
And whisperin’
You’re out of time, but still I rise.”

Chapter One
Getting Bak On

(The scene opens where we see Amelia Emery in a wrestling ring with her brother, Lukas Emery, as Amelia is running the ropes back and forth. She’s sweating as she bounces off the ropes, going to the other side of the ring, bouncing off those ropes, and doing it again.)

Lukas Emery: Tired yet?

Amelia Emery: No…

Lukas Emery: Good, almost there. A few more times.

Amelia Emery: Okay…

(Amelia goes off the ropes a few more times.)

Lukas Emery: Okay, stop.

(Amelia stops, panting.)

Lukas Emery: Give me five back bumps.

Amelia Emery: What?

Lukas Emery: Five back bumps. Go.

Amelia Emery: Why?

Lukas Emery: You asked me to help you get back into ring shape, don’t sass back.

Amelia Emery: Fine…

(Amelia drops to the mat on her back, before getting back up and doing it again, four more times. After the last, she gets up and looks at her brother.)

Lukas Emery: Good to see you still have good form.

Amelia Emery: Mind telling me the purpose of all this?

Lukas Emery: You wanted to get back into ring shape. It’s been a while since you’ve taken any bumps. I needed to make sure you still could handle hitting the ropes and taking bumps. It’s not ballet out there, you have to make sure you can still take a hit and keep going.

Amelia Emery: Okay, I guess.

Lukas Emery: Do you know who you’re facing in your first match yet?

Amelia Emery: Yeah I do…

Lukas to elaborate?

Amelia Emery: It’s Alice Knight.

Lukas Emery: Oh really? That’s good. It’ll be nice to have your first match against a friendly face. Someone you’ve worked with before.

Amelia Emery: Maybe…

Lukas Emery: What is it?

Amelia Emery: Well, I haven’t really talked to her since everything happened. I mean I’m sure she’s still the sweetheart she always has been, but I just haven’t talked to her in so long.

Lukas Emery: I mean, it could be least you’re not facing some crazy guy.

Amelia Emery: I won’t be facing men there. They don’t do that, unless it’s a special occasion. They have a mixed tag team division, but that’s about as far as it goes.

Lukas Emery: Oh, okay. Well that’s good. Who knows, maybe you and Slappy can team up again.

Amelia Emery: I’d LOVE that, but they’re just starting this big mixed tag tournament, and he’s got a partner in it.

Lukas Emery: He DID seem to welcome you back into the Gummy Bear Mafia with open arms on Twitter…

Amelia Emery: Well yeah, that’s because he’s the biggest sweethear there is. I’m so looking forward to seeing him again.

Lukas Emery: From the little I looked at the roster, I think there’s a few people you know there.

Amelia Emery: Yeah, I saw some familiar names when perusing the site. Andrea Hernandez, Candy, Bella Madison…

Lukas Emery: Oh, how are things there?

Amelia Emery: I...don’t know. I haven’t said a word to any of them really since all that went down with Trina. I know Slappy is welcoming me back, but I just have a feeling it might be different with the rest of them.

Lukas Emery: Only one way to find out.

Amelia Emery: I know...just not sure I’m ready for that. I think I just wanna fly low under the radar and keep my nose clean for a while before getting caught up in any kind of drama. I’m just glad Trina is on board with me doing this. She’s been supportive of everything. Sucks she can’t be here for this. Would be nice to get some grappling going.

Lukas Emery: We’ll get there. This is only your first session. Gotta walk before you can run.

Amelia Emery: You act like I’ve never been in a ring before…

Lukas Emery: It HAS been a long time since you have.

Amelia Emery: Still...I’m a former’s not something you just forget how to do.

Lukas Emery: Maybe not, but your body sometimes forgets the pain. I still remember the daily calls I was getting when you first went through training.

Amelia Emery: That’s because I wasn’t used to it then.

Lukas Emery: We’ll see how you feel tomorrow after all this.

Amelia Emery: So, I was looking at Alice’s page on the site, trying to study up on what to expect from her move-wise in our match.

Lukas Emery: Smart move, find anything?

Amelia Emery: Just the typical brawler/technical/high flyer stuff. Watch out for ddt’s, dropkicks, stuff like that. She’s using a ddt type finisher these days.

Lukas Emery: If you could manage to get out of that, could bring her down into the Cheshire’re still planning on using that, right?

Amelia Emery: Yeah...also am planning on using another one of your moves.

Lukas Emery: Oh?

Amelia Emery: Yeah, was thinking of using the Light of Emery.

Lukas Emery: Nice.

Amelia Emery: You’re okay with me using it?

Lukas Emery: Of course. You’re my sister, plus I helped train you. It only makes sense.

Amelia Emery: Well, I thought it would be a nice way to kinda pay tribute to ya, and maybe one day we could do it together if you ever decided to get back in the ring.

Lukas Emery: Not likely.

Amelia Emey: Yeah, you’ve said that before…

Lukas Emery: This time I’m pretty sure I mean it.

Amelia Emery: Uh huh...pretty sure…

Lukas Emery: They do say never say never. But as of now, I don’t have any desire to step back in the ring.

Amelia Emery: Minus helping me train, right?

Lukas Emery: Exactly.

Amelia Emery: So, what now?

Lukas Emery: Well, you talked about adding that double foot stomp to your arsenal. How about we get one of the mats in here and you practice coming off the top turnbuckle with it?

Amelia Emery: Sounds good to me.

(They roll out of the ring and get one of the mats to slide into the ring, as the scene fades.)

Chapter Two
A Familiar Face

(The scene opens inside the Saxon hotel, in the conference center area. Amelia is looking around, as she’s walking down the hall. Suddenly, a little white Pomeranian runs up to her, barking happily and wiggling its butt as it jumps on her leg. Amelia kneels down to pet the dog.)

Amelia Emery: Fluffy? Gosh, I can’t believe you remembered me.

(Just then, a tiny grey and white pomsky comes running up to the two. Jumping up on Amelia’s leg as well.)

Amelia Emery: And who’s this little one?

(Just then, the voice of Candy can be heard, as she’s seen running after the two dogs.)

Candy: Fluffy! Hero! You can’t just run up to stran-wait, Amelia? Ohmygosh what are you doing here!?

(Amelia laughs as she looks up at Candy.)

Amelia Emery: I work here now.

Candy: Really!?

Amelia Emery: Haha, yeah. Signed my contract the other day.

Candy: Oh my gosh we can be besties!

Amelia Emery: Haha, yeah. Glad you’re excited to see me.

Candy: Of course! OH! Do you have your ring gear picked out yet?

Amelia Emery: Yeah, I think so.

Candy: Oh, cause I was thinking you could do something with glitter...oooo or maybe have glitter shoot out when you come out!

Amelia Emery: Uh...that sounds kinda messy.

Candy: It’s glitter! It’d be fantastic!

Amelia Emery: I think I'll leave the glitter to you, girl.

Candy: I love glitter!

Amelia Emery: I see, is that your new obsession?

Candy: Maybe...oh, and this little guy right here!

(She picks up the pmsky.)

Candy: Little Hero. Isn’t he the cutest?

Amelia Emery: He is adorable.

Fluffy: Bark!

Amelia Emery: Oh, Fluffy, you’re so cute too.

Candy: So, do you have your first match this week?

Amelia Emery: Yeah, I’m facing Alice Knight.

Candy: Oh! She’s lovely! I always wanted to go to Wonderland!

Amelia Emery: Uh...what?

Candy: That’s where she’s from, isn’t it? Wonderland?

Amelia Emery: Pretty sure she’s from somewhere in New York…

Candy: But...Alice in Wonderland…

Amelia Emery: Wrong Alice, girl. I’m facing Alice Knight...

Candy: OH! Aww, she’s a sweetheart!

Amelia Emery: Yeah, I’ve been in a fed with her before. Partially looking forward to the match, partially really nervous.

Candy: I’m sure you’ll do great!

Amelia Emery: I hope so.

Candy: If you come in like you did to PWS, you’ll do just fine.

Amelia Emery: Yeah, that was some time ago, though. Things are different here.

Candy: How so?

Amelia Emery: It’s just a different place, full of new people that I don’t know.

Candy: But there’s people you do know here! There’s me, and Fluffy, and Slappy, and Bella!

Amelia Emery: Noooot so sure Bella will be as happy to see me.

Candy: I’m sure she will be! OH! I have to introduce you to Mal! Oh! And Keira and Roxi! They’re superheroes! They even made me a member of team Hero!

Amelia Emery: That’s awesome! Yeah, isn’t one of them teaming with Slappy in that big tournament?

Candy: Yeah, Keira! Oh, and they’re facing Roxi and her partner on this show.

Amelia Emery: I’m sure that’ll be good. It’ll be good to see Slappy again. I’ve missed the guy. I’ve missed all of you.

Candy: We’ve missed you too! So glad you’re back around!

Amelia Emery: Let’s hope the others feel the same way as you do.

Candy: I’m sure they will.

Amelia Emery: Well, I need to get going. I wanna check out the ring while no one is around so I can get the feel of everything. It was great seeing you again…

(Amelia leans down and pets Fluffy.)

Amelia Emery: You too, Fluffy.

(She looks up at Candy holding Hero.)

Amelia Emery: I look forward to seeing more of this little guy too.

Candy: You will! I think I’m gonna go look for Mal, or maybe figure out something else to do with glitter.

Amelia Emery: You do that. I’ll talk to you later.

Candy: Byyyyeeeeee

(Candy skips off, as Amelia just laughs and shakes her head.)

Amelia Emery: Somethings never change.

(She walks down the hall, heading to where the ring is.)

Chapter Three
The Introduction

(Amelia is in the ring, looking out over everything, as she leans agains the ropes. She spots a camera crew coming in, as she gives them a smile.)

Amelia Emery: Ello! Sorry, if I need to get out of the ring, I can. Was just wanting to get a feel for things before the show.

Cameraman: Oh no, you’re fine. We’re actually here to see if we can get an introductory piece for you for the website. You know, just a little thing for the fans to get to know you.

Amelia Emery: Oh, yeah sure. Sounds good.

Cameraman: Alright, I’ll get set up, and let you know when I’m ready.

Amelia Emery: Sounds good.

(Amelia paces around the ring, running thoughts through her head of what she wants to say, as the cameraman sets up his equipment.)

Cameraman: Alright, whenever you’re ready.

(Amelia takes a deep breath, before turning and smiling at the camera.)

Amelia Emery: Ello there, SCW! My name’s Amelia Emery, and I’m one of the newest bombshells to sign with the company. I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself to you all, ahead of my match against Alice Knight tonigh on Climax Control.

(She starts to pace around the ring as she talks.)

Amelia Emery: I’m really looking forward to the match tonight. Alice and I have been friends for quite some time. I mean, yeah sure we aren’t all that close anymore, and we haven’t really talked in a while...but she’s always been such a sweetheart. I’m sure we’re going to have a great, fun match out here tonight. It’s going to be good to get back into action in the ring. I’ve done this for some time, but had to take a step back and take a break after some personal issues. I honestly thought I might be done, leaving this chapter of my life behind me. Buuuut, here I am again, stepping into a new company, looking to make a name for myself once more.

(She leans against the ropes as she looks at the camera.)

Amelia Emery: I know it’s not going to be an easy road. Nothing in life that’s worth it ever is. But, I feel I’ve been through obstacles and challenges in my life that have helped mold me for a life in this business. I welcome all the bruises, the scratches, the blood, sweat, and tears that comes with it. I’m looking forward to getting in here and showing the SCW roster and fans what I can do. I hope you all enjoy the show tonight, and to Alice. Let’s come out here and give the fans a great show. Looking forward to it, girl. I’ll see you out here.

(She gives a smile to the camera, as the camera cuts.)

Cameraman: Well, that was...something.

Amelia Emery: Not good?

Cameraman: Just didn’t really have a spark or any frustration or anything.

Amelia Emery: I’m sorry. I guess I’m just a bit nervous, and didn’t really wanna say anything bad about Alice. She really is a sweetheart.

Cameraman: Not everyone you face is going to be as nice.

Amelia Emery: Oh, I know. I’m ready for that challenge. Just glad I get to start things off with some friendly competition.

Cameraman: Best of luck to you. I’ll go and get this edited and get it up on the website.

Amelia Emery: Thank you.

(The cameraman leaves, as Amelia stays in the ring, going over her gamelan for the night’s show.)


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