Author Topic: JUSTIN SMITH v ENTITY - HARDCORE RULES  (Read 2808 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: April 01, 2024, 10:50:11 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline "Scumbag" Kevin Carter

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« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2024, 10:26:18 PM »

Date: OCTOBER 17TH, 2013 || Camera: OFF

In forty eight hours the world as he knew it had changed.

He went from being one of the top stars of Sin City Wrestling. Went from having a high profile match. To lose said match and the championship. Only to find out. . .

That the two men that ran the company decided not to resign him. Made the decision to let his contract expire next month. No real talk about it.

It was just over. One of the biggest struggles of his life. It had him in a trance. Sitting there in the living room of his Los Angeles home.

He sat there in his recliner. Looking off into the distance. Inside his head. Still thinking about what had happened and what this meant for the future.

It was not a good thing for his mental health by any means. All of the sudden his daughter who had been off playing with her half brother came running up to him.


He didn’t even hear her. Still very much in that trance.

“Hey Dad!”

She patted his leg gently. The six year old just starved for attention. That’s when her four year old half brother ran up beside her. Slapping the thigh with his sister shouting.

“Dad! Dad! Dad!”

Play with us please?!”

The slaps on his thighs got even harder. That’s when he came back to reality. Instantly raising to his feet and shouting at the both of them.

“Will you two stop it?!”

Both children had never experienced their father raise their voice at them. He may have used a stern tone when saying no when they were babies.

Nothing like this. Both of them backed up. His son instantly had tears in his eyes. His daughter looked like she was in a state of shock.

“I just need five minutes.
Five minutes to my fucking self!”

His voice was still very loud. About that time the mother of his son and his live-in girlfriend came storming into the room.

It took her one look around the room to realize he was out of line. She quickly approached the children and whispered to them.

By that point he had put his hands on his head. Pacing around the room back and forth. Very much like an unstable person.

By this time both children had begun to leave the room. Slowly as they were still very confused. When he turned around he was met with an angry expression from the woman.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!
Those are babies!
You don’t yell at them like that!”

“They wouldn’t stop.
They just wouldn’t.
I need a break!”

“Considering they’re six and four.
I didn’t think I’d have to say this.
But welcome to parenthood!”

The glare she gave him was something for the ages.

“I get that things are rough right now.
I understand that you’re trying to figure things out.
Find out what the back up plan is going to be,
Where you go next in your career.

How to provide for us as a family.
It’s stressful as can be.
But I will not allow that to ever happen again.
Do I make myself clear?”

“Don’t come at me with some kind of ultimatum!”

“Excuse me?!”

“I didn’t stutter.
You heard exactly what I said.”

“Oh you’re feeling real froggy all of the sudden huh?”

Both of them were glaring at each other. A very heated moment amongst the couple. That’s when he took his hands off his head.

He was standing his ground right where he stood. Like there was something to prove.

“You don’t know half of the stress.
You have no true idea of what I’m dealing with.
What’s going through my head. Or anything like that.”

“Alright now listen--”

“I’m the provider. I put food on the table.
I bring the money into this house.
And now look at me!
Look what they reduced me to!”

His rage was starting to consume him. It was coming out more and more with each word spoken. She was taken back herself. Looking at him with wide eyes.

“For the last nine months.
I brought eyes to the product.
My name sold tickets.
I’m the reason asses were in seats.
I elevated that company!
And this is how they repay me?!”

The pacing had started again. He was going back and forth. Trying to make sense of everything in his head. This is what he had been trying to do.

For the last two days and couldn’t do it. It simply just didn’t make sense. It didn’t register to him. She finally found herself stepping up. Trying to say something for comfort.

“Baby. . .
It’s rough right now. It’s confusing.
But it isn’t the end of the world.
You’re still in your prime.
Any wrestling company would be lucky to have you.”

“It isn’t about that.
This is about what they’ve done to me.
They used me. They used my talent.
They used my influence.
They used me to grow and get better.
Then pitched me in the trash. How dare they?!”

“I don’t think---”

“Just shut up!”

Again that rage consumed him. Forcing him to snap on her in a way he wouldn’t have normally. She took a step back and just eyeballed him.

He looked back at her seemingly having no remorse for the way he acted. Instead he shook his head and began to storm past her.

Heading right for the front door. His hand hit the door knob and began to twist it. Only for him to stop when he heard her speak up.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?!”

The silence between them took place once again. He faced the door that was only half way open. Not bothering to look back at her when he did respond.

“To fix this.
One way or the other!”

Finishing pulling the door open. He stepped through the threshold and slammed the door shut behind him. Ending their conversation for now.

As he began to walk off the front porch and down the sidewalk which led him down the driveway to the open gate. Finding himself forced to think about it again.

Becoming obsessed with the same thoughts that hadn’t left him for the past two days. He said he was setting out to fix it.

But truth be told deep down. This was unfixable.

Camera: ON

The sad sounds of an organ being played was heard the moment the shot opened up. The room was revealed to be a bit dark. Hardly any light shining through the windows.

In fact the only real light was just above what appeared to be a little stage. To which when the shot focused on the stage area. The setting stood out.

There was an all white podium with a microphone attached to it. All types of flowers were around the podium and to the stage for design.

However despite that set up. It wasn’t the primary focus. Instead the primary focus was the back of someone who happened to be facing a casket.

Their hands were gripping the sides of it. Somewhat with force as the white in their knuckles could be seen. Whomever that person was kept peering into the casket.

Before the camera could get too close and get a clear shot. This very loud and booming voice could be heard. It was all too familiar.


That one word escaped their lips. As they suddenly turned themselves around to reveal who they were. None other than the one they called The Entity.

That masked figure had those soulless eyes narrowed on the cameras. Taking a few steps forward and forcing them to take a step backwards.

All while Entity proceeded to approach the podium.

“It is meant to be a celebration of life.
Friends and family.
Your respected peers. Co workers, ex lovers.
So on and so forth. They all come together.
In order to celebrate your life.
Pay their respects and say goodbye for the final time.

But what about those that aren’t loved?
What about those that aren’t respected?
What if someone that passes on doesn’t have any loved ones?
That person doesn’t get a celebration of life.
They just get shoved into a wooden box.
Then buried six feet under to never be thought of again.”

That glare consumed their expression a little more. Their voice made them just sound as if they were the most vile and hatred person walking.

“That is a sad thought to process.
But for me? I think there are people that deserve to go out like that.
I truly believe there are people out there that should not be celebrated.
When their time comes, they just deserve to be stuffed in that box.
Like trash and forgotten about within the next day.
And it just so happens. . .
Justin Smith, you are one of those people.”

The Entity made sure to look right at the camera lens. Almost in a way to make sure he gained the attention of that man he was referring to.

“I can’t imagine. . .
That anyone would miss you if you dropped dead this moment.
All those around you would go on with their lives as intended.
Rightfully so.
It isn’t like you are a productive member of society.
Much like you are not a productive member of Sin City Wrestling.

You are just another body.
You are just another pile of flesh.
Someone for people to farm wins off of.
Someone to just be a punching bag to the roster.
And on top of all of that being laced in facts.
You know it is such and you’re okay with it.”

That tone of his sounded so bitter and so offended.

“You are okay with being mediocre.
You’re fine with laying on your back for people.
That pay me, pin mentality makes me fucking sick.
And for no other reason than you are someone this company values.
They let me go for people like you.
They told me I wasn’t worth a new contract.

For people like you.
They said I just didn’t fit their image for the company going forward.
But they signed people like you.
They went out of their way to get rid of my legacy.
For people like you.”

Entity’s eyes seemed to be glowing with rage. Each word that came out of his mouth painted an image for how he perceived things to be.

That image didn’t make the owners look good. That image did make the company look good. It didn’t even make Justin look good.

But then again this was the Entity’s own interpretation of it all. His brain was wired differently. Is it something people would take seriously? Likely not.

“The sickening part is. . .
I have had to sit back and watch this happen.
Over and over and over again.
For the last eleven years.
All for people like you, Justin.
Now clearly Sin City Wrestling.

To be more exact Mark and Christian.
They’re not ever going to admit any wrong doing to this.
They’re never going to admit to their hand in this.
But you, Justin. You could have done the right thing.
You could have never accepted a contract.
You could have walked away.

You could have disappeared into the darkness. . .
Never to be heard from again.
You could have taken a stand for people like me.
When you know deep down you don’t deserve to be here.
But you didn’t. You accepted things.
You enjoy your free ride.”

The masked figure themselves shaking their head.

“Because of that. . .
You’ve made my decision very easy for me.
All while at the same time Sin City Wrestling signed your death certificate.
With making this a hardcore match between us.
They really didn’t think this through.

And you’ve got no idea what’s waiting for you.
You might think you have a clue. You might think you got me figured out.
Truth is you don’t. No one does.
So with that said everything that’s about to happen.
It’ll be such an adrenaline rush for me.”

For the first time since being seen. Entity’s facial features had changed. That almost pure evil like grin spread across their lips. It spelled nothing but bad news.

“You see under these rules.
I can get away with everything I want to do.
And trust me there’s a lot I want to do.
To teach you a valuable lesson.
Every weapon I get my hands on.

Every time I bash it against your skull.
It’ll be justified.
If I choose to wrap a chair around your throat.
And then slam a baseball bat against it.
It’ll be justified.

If I take a blade to your forehead and slit it open.
It’ll be justified.
If I do to you what I did to J2H.
Put you through a flaming table.
It’ll be justified.

All the pain. All the suffering. All the bloodshed.
It’ll be warranted. You have earned this beating, Justin.
Sure, I’m not a fool. I have seen that deranged look in your eye before.
You thrive in environments like this.
I know for a fact that you’ll fight back.

You’ll fight back with everything you have.
You’ll show off that tough guy image you’ve got.
The one that Mark, Christian, and SCW are so in love with.
Ultimately in the end. It’ll mean nothing.
And you'll be no match for me.”

The demonic-like chuckle that fell from the Entity’s lips. That drove the point home. They believed everything they were saying right now.

That might make them the most dangerous person to ever exist within Sin City Wrestling. The cameras found themselves starting to zoom in for the first time.

“If I’m being honest though Justin. . .
A beating isn’t enough. Bloodshred isn’t enough.
Pain and suffering isn’t enough.
Doing whatever I want to you.
In a stipulation that allows it.
That’s not enough.

It won’t be enough until you don’t exist anymore.
Only when your heart stops pumping.
When that last breath escapes your pathetic lips.
The moment your blood runs cold.
And your soul leaves your body.
That’s when true satisfaction will set in for me.”

Just like that, the arrogance of the Entity displayed. It was flipped off and the pure evil was back. With the glove covered hand.

Entity motioned for the cameras to follow them. As they proceeded to walk away from the podium. Taking a step or two back over to that casket.

“Most people when they pass on.
Someone has something nice to say to them.
Always something in regards to may they rest in peace.
You’ve got no one to say anything nice for you.
No one to leave you with peaceful parting words.

I’m the best thing you got as far as eulogy goes.
And I sure as hell don’t want you to rest in peace.
I hope your soul is tortured in the afterlife.
I pray that your soul is forever burning in eternal damnation.
And I’d get pleasure out of knowing you rot in hell.”

Once the Entity had gotten close to the casket. They stopped for a brief second. Leaning in to make sure their deranged-creepy looking expression consumed the camera.

“Welcome to the end, Justin.”

All of the sudden Entity grabbed the back of the camera man’s head and forced the cameras to peer into the casket. Lying there was a very life-like looking wax figure.

A wax figure of none other than Justin Smith. Entity pushed down harder in order to force the cameras to get an even closer view of that disturbing image.

Moments later the shot found itself fading out.

Offline JustinSmith

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« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2024, 01:38:38 PM »
 The scene opens up with Justin Smith taking a walk in Flagstaff Arizona.  He stops to talk about being in the match against The Entity at Blaze of Glory XII.

Justin-I enjoy kicking people’s ass, and even tho I haven’t been winning matches in SCW, I give my all and leave it all in the ring.  The fact that I am in a match with The Entity at Blaze of Glory XII.  I know I have an interesting match this week to say the least as it is a hardcore match.

Justin laughs before calling his trainer in Casey Williams about Justin’s upcoming match.

Justin-Hey Casey, do you have a few minutes so I can train with you before my match next on Sunday against The Entity in a hardcore match?

Casey-Well, of course you can. I know how much I love hardcore matches. I will show you the ropes my friend. I’ll get a hold of Hitamashii, Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell to have a proper session.

Justin-Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can finish the conversation as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to lunch, but turns to the camera to address his opponent, The Entity.

Justin-The Entity, I look forward to doing battle with you.  I am going to enjoy inflicting pain on you, and using as many weapons as possible.  Expect me to give my all and I will not go down without a fight.  Know this, I am coming for you and am looking to making sure you go home broken, beaten and scarred as it will be your worst day ever. I will be your downfall and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me.  You may think of me as trash, but I will show you what this piece of trash is capable of, and when I am done with you, you will have a very different opinion of me!

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.

Title reigns

Offline "Scumbag" Kevin Carter

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« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2024, 08:13:50 PM »

Camera: ON

The shot found itself opening up into a dimly lit room. From the small little bit the cameras were showing things of notice laid around.

Barb Wire chairs and baseball bats stacked against a wall. Lots and lots of glass. Some of it shattered into pieces. Others just stacked on top of each other.

Even a trashcan full of weapons from hockey sticks, to kendo sticks, and various other objects were seen.
Then that booming, loud, and evil-like voice was heard.

The shot instantly cut to the direction of where it was heard. Sitting there on the floor of this room. Slouched in the corner was The Entity.


Those narrow soulless eyes locked ahead. Like they had been in the past.

“This entire roster is filled with it.
But it starts at the top.
Mark and Christian are a disappointment.
The way they handle business is a disappointment.
How they handle contracts is a disappointment.

How they go about bringing in talent is a disappointment.
How they handle talent when they have them is a disappointment.
Most of their booking decisions are a disappointment.
The list goes on and on.
It’s pathetic.”

The masked figure found themselves shaking their head from side to side. In a very disappointed manner to go along with the theme they were painting.

“With it starting at the top.
There’s no real surprise that disappointment. . .
Trickles on down into the locker room full of talent.
You can’t hold people accountable. To be better.
To be useful. To take things to a new level.
I learned this back in two thousand and thirteen.
Nothing has changed in that time.
And if it hasn’t changed in eleven years.
It’s never going to change.”

Entity’s voice sounded more and more disgruntled with every word spoken.

“Because nothing has changed. . .
That is why people like Justin Smith exist.
And I know it’s something I already said.
But I’ll keep saying it until it’s understood.
People like Justin are why this company continues to fail.

Outsiders see people like Justin on the roster. . .
And they laugh. They laugh hysterically.
They don’t view this company as a threat.
A vital company to work for.
A company that’s going to be able to provide for them.

All because of people like Justin existing.
And all because of the decisions those two clowns make.
But that’s why I exist now. To tear this place down from the inside out.
To make sure Sin City Wrestling ceases to exist.
To be the hand that leads to its demise.”

From that slouched posture found itself changing. Due to the Entity forcing themselves to stand up.  A slow and steady step towards the camera. Keeping the shot on them.

“Words like this should anger you. . .
It should get under your skin.
My words should offend you and they should make you
Want to defend this company’s honor.
The same company that gave your mediocre ass a job.
But it won’t do any of those things.

There will be no effect on you at all.
You’ll not even acknowledge what has been said.
Instead you’ll do what you’ve done since you arrived.
Have little to nothing to say. . .
At least of any kind of relevance.”

Each word spoken in this moment about the man they would face. There was no highlight. There was no positives. The Entity truly didn’t view this as a threat.

“Then you’ll show up for a match.
You’ll show up, which is more than some can say.
But it’ll be like you shouldn’t have shown up.
You’ll flop around the ring. You’ll show no real talent.
May get lucky here and there. With small bursts of offense.

Get the golf clap from the fans. Based on effort.
Nothing else other than effort.
But then in the end. It’ll mean nothing.
Because you’ll lose. Just like every other match you’ve had.
You won’t come out the victor.

Everything about you is ever so formulaic.
It’s all so predictable. We’ve seen it a hundred times out of you, Justin.
Therefore I’ve got no reason to be concerned.
Normally, I don’t fear any mortals.
But certainly not you.

But the thing is. . .
You’re just like J2H.
You’re just like that thing I faced a few weeks back.
You’ll like them in the sense.
You think this is about wrestling to me.”

Logically, the Entity and Justin worked for a wrestling company. That should be the focus. The thought process behind it all. As people were learning though the masked figure was different. . .

“I was a top notch wrestler.
I was all about the five star matches.
I wanted to have the best match of the night.
And I wanted to give the fans something to look forward to.
But SCW ruined that for me eleven years ago.

When Mark and Christian decided to take everything from me.
That’s when I no longer cared about those things.
I couldn’t care about those things. All I could care about was. . .
Revenge. That’s what I am here for. That’s what motivates me.
And revenge is something I will have.

It just so happens I have to go through people like you.
In order for that to happen.
And like I said a few days ago. It couldn’t be more fitting. . .
The fact our first and likely our last meeting ever
Will be in a hardcore match.”

The silence that overcame Entity in that moment was significant. They found themselves looking around the room. Seeing what they were surrounded by.

Allowing their hand to reach out and brush their fingertips over several of the weapons. Very symbolic for what was around the corner at Blaze of Glory.

“All I have thought of is how demonic I get to be.
How sadistic things are going to become.
All the things I can get away with in the legal sense.
It brings a smile to my very lips.
And that’s the other thing you need to understand. . .

This isn’t going to be your basic hardcore match.
Chairs, they’re fun to use. But won’t have the impact that a barbed wire bat will.
Tables hurt to go through, but you’ll survive that.
Glass? Glass on the other hand. Well that says all it needs to.
Difficult to survive when you’re bleeding from several deep cuts.

All these other weapons. . .
Kendo sticks, ladders, brass knuckles, and so forth.
None of it would have the effect on you.
That fire would. Just imagine the pain J2H felt being put through a flaming table.
I could always one up that. Have something blow up in your face, Justin.”

The close up shot of the smirking lips of Entity was beyond disturbing.

“Point is Justin. . .
This isn’t going to go the way you think it is.
I’m unlike no one you have ever faced before.
The punishment you will endure in that ring.
It’ll be unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

And just so it sinks in.
What I said last time wasn’t said just to seem ‘scary’ to you or anyone else.
I said what I said last time because I truly mean it.
This is the end for you. I will until I watch you turn blue in the face.
Until I watch you take your final breath.

The moment they cart you out of the ring.
Rush you through the curtains and load your lifeless body into an ambulance.
Then and only then will I know it’s a job completed.
After that maybe just maybe. They’ll start to see me as the threat.
That I am and the threat I’ll always be until the endgame.”

Their fingertips took one last drag across the edge of a steel chair in the room. Before the Entity turned their gaze right back to the camera.

“No matter how many of you might think I’m talking in riddles.
No matter how many of you think this is an act.
A show being put on by me just for the sake of appearing ‘scary’ to the average.
To those that think I’m nothing special.
And that think I’m not capable of following through.

Keep thinking that. Keep believing that.
Keep setting yourselves up for failure.
Because in the end, I thrive off of your negative mindsets.
It fuels me to do exactly everything I’ve said I’ll do.
It motivates me to lead you on this journey to SCW’s demise.”

Entity took a couple of steps towards the cameras. Their face goy close and personal with the recording camera.

Those soulless eyes sending chills down the spine of those watching. All while their evil looking grin remained plastered across their lips.

“Soon, you’ll discover. . .
I am your worst nightmare!”

The Entity found themselves walking forward at that moment. Heading out of the frame of the shot. Letting them focus on just the weapons.

That long lasting shot was a lasting image that would leave an impression on those that would watch Blaze of Glory. That’s when the shot faded to black.

Offline JustinSmith

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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2024, 04:06:39 PM »
 The scene opens up with Justin Smith taking a walk to find a good restaurant in Flagstaff Arizona.  He stops to talk about being in the match against The Entity at Blaze of Glory XII.

Justin-I am looking forward to kicking some ass at Blaze of Glory XII, but before then, take in the sights here in Flagstaff.  The Entity has no idea what hell that is coming his way .

Justin laughs before calling his fellow wrestler Ben Jordan about Justin’s upcoming match.

Justin-Hey Ben, do you have a few minutes so I can talk to you before my match next on Sunday against The Entity in a hardcore match?

Ben-Well, of course you can. I know how much you love hardcore matches. I will show you the ropes my friend. I’ll get a hold of some people to have a proper workout session.

Justin-Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can finish the conversation as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to lunch, but turns to the camera to address his opponent, The Entity.

Justin-The Entity, I do not care about what you think about me, but I will make you show me the respect I deserve by the time this match is over.  I don’t care about my win-loss record as much as putting on a show or the fans, as well as inflicting punishment upon my opponents. You will be hurting in places you never thought possible when I get done with you!!!!

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.

Title reigns