Author Topic: “New Year, New Angel Part VI: Spoiling The Occasion!”  (Read 4192 times)

Offline Ariana Angelos

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“New Year, New Angel Part VI: Spoiling The Occasion!”
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:04:04 PM »
(Miles and Carter were used with their handler’s permission)

Ariana won the Triple Threat Match against Georgie and Seleana though it was under unusual circumstances as Georgie was arrested for Assault and Battery in the middle of her entrance leaving Seleana and Ariana to duke it out, only for Georgie to return at the end of the match, knock Seleana out, get hit with the Meat Your Maker by Ariana, pinned and then arrested again! Whilst the legal status/whether Georgie was still employed by SCW was up in the air one thing wasn’t: that match had afforded Ariana a shot at the World Bombshell Championship! Her first since Violent Conduct and her first championship opportunity on Climax Control! But there was a catch.

Julianna was no longer the World Bombshell Champion as she had lost the title in the main event of Blaze of Glory to Ariana’s old enemy Kayla Richards! Kayla and Ariana have been at each other’s throats since they signed with SCW in 2022 and it was easier to list the times they hadn’t faced each other than it was to list the times that they had, worse yet, at least for Ariana? She has never been able to beat Kayla no matter how many times she’s tried! But will this match be the one to end that losing streak? Will Ariana become a Triple Crown Winner and end Kayla’s reign before it even started?

Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 21st of April 2024, 15:00pm

If there’s one thing I can say about the ending to the Triple Threat Match against Seleana and Georgie? It definitely happened.

I was getting warmed up for the match with the police approached Mark and Christian looking for Georgie and well, I didn’t even know what was happening at first, I saw the officers approaching Georgie on the ramp but didn’t pay it much mind until she was actually arrested! As for the match itself? I had it well in hand, Seleana’s never been able to get the better of me in singles or Triple Threat Matches and even if Georgie didn’t rush back down I would’ve had the win.

Only real difference is who I pinned and what happened to them after the match really.

Still, getting two wins in a row is a great feeling after the rough start my year had but the next cycle is going to be a big one no matter what, not only is it SCW’s first International Tour of the year but it’s also when this year’s Blast from the Past Tournament is taking part, I’m not competing this year because I kept putting off signing up until it was too late but the tournament is always a blast to see regardless.

Sure, my bookings will probably dry up over the course of the cycle because they need room for the tournament matches but I’ll take what I can get.

”England, France, Turkey and the US, give Mark and Christian credit, the locations aren’t as random this time around.” I commented to Francisco as I continued to pack away my things for the upcoming tour and he nodded in agreement. ”Seriously, I think that second to last stop on the tour was the most attention that small Scottish town’s ever gotten outside of its immediate area!”

”I can’t confirm that for sure but it wouldn’t surprise me.” Francisco responded with a shrug and I grinned before going over the list in my head. ”Toiletrees, bath stuff, clothes, wrestling gear, I think you’ve covered most of it Ari.”

”Maybe but it’s still good to double check this stuff.” I responded before most of our pets joined us, Echo, Oreo, and Zeus all came right up to me and I stroked the three dogs once they were within reach while Athena perched herself on the bed, content to watch me as she purred. ”Julianna’s still down to pet sit for us when we’re on the tour, right?”

”Yeah, and we have a backup pet sitter in case anything happens to her.” Francisco nodded in response to my question before I heard my phone go off, it was on the bed next to Athena and I reached up and grabbed it whilst the cat watched on. ”Have they announced the new card already? I was expecting it to be at least a three hour wait.”

”Yeah they have, guess the bosses felt that they couldn’t sit on the first card of the cycle for much longer.” I responded with a shrug before sitting down next to the bad with my legs crossed as I got ready to read it. ”Caleb’s return match is opening the show, he’s got Bill again, the other Blast from the Past Matches………” I trailed of when I saw the Main Event. ”Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!”

”What’s wrong?” Francisco asked when he saw the frustrated look on my face and I glanced up at him. ”Because based on the look on your face? It’s not happy news.”

”It’s more of a good news bad news situation really, good news is I’m fighting for a title in the first Main Event of the Cycle, apparently because of my weird ass win in the Triple Threat.” I explained as I read through the match description, ”Bad news is, it’s for the title Kayla literally just won!”

”The World Bombshell Title?” Francisco asked and I nodded to confirm his question. ”But you’ve never beaten Kayla, singles, tag team or otherwise.”

”Yeah, literally the only match where I faced Kayla and wasn’t pinned by her was when she and Melissa faced me for the Bombshell Internet Title at last year’s Blaze of Glory, the show that ended Kayla’s second reign, among other things.” I commented as I shook my head and Francisco nodded as he got the idea. ”And if we want to get into matches where pins weren’t applicable? I wasn’t even eliminated by Kayla in the first Internet Title Battle Royal I took part in, that was Tempest!”

”Yeah, you don’t exactly have the best record against Kayla to say the least, but who knows? Maybe the third time will be the charm?” Francisco offered and I frowned, still not sure of what to think of this. ”Besides Ari, your Go Gym Training will have prepared you for title matches like this!”

”Yeah, that’s what I said last year when I was confirmed as the challenger for Roxi’s defence at Into the Void and Courtney’s defence at Violent Conduct but you don’t see “2x World Bombshell Champion” on my record, do you?!” I asked with frustration clear in my voice before I let out a heavy sigh. ”I should be a lot more excited for a title match, especially for the top title in the division, but I’m just sick of facing Kayla in some capacity! Surely there’s another Wolfslair member they can throw me against instead?”

”Or at the very least, someone fresher than you, we both know Richards vs. Callaway would be a hard hitting match for instance.” Francisco nodded in response to my statement and I had to agree with that idea. ”If nothing else? Use the flight to England as a way to mull it over, Kayla or not, it’s still a huge opportunity, especially if you end her reign before it can get started.”

”Not arguing with that.” I responded before we got back to packing.

The Disaster Diaries, god knows how many feet in the air, on a airplane
Monday the 22nd of April 2024, 08:00am

(on camera, start vlog)

As I started filming her vlog from within the airplane cabin I had a lot on my mind to say the least.

”Not exactly the most ideal place for me to film my first Vlog since Blaze of Glory, but I figured it was best to get my thoughts on this Main Event against Kayla out of the way! Because clearly the bosses haven’t booked me against her enough!” I commented as I shook myhead, staring into the laptop’s webcam as it rested on the small table in front of me. ”I don’t even have this thing connected to the internet because, well, I’m in the middle of a transatlantic flight to England, meaning I won’t be able to upload this thing until I’m checked into my hotel room in Hastings, but I’m working around that because I have so many things about Ariana Angelos vs. Kayla Richards part one million to say that I don’t even know where to start!

Oh wait, I do know, because it starts with one simple question! How many times are me and Kayla going to get booked against each other before either of us leave the company?!”


”Hell, I’m pretty sure Kayla herself is sick of facing me if her tweet after her first defence was announced was any indication!” I added as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”Off course, this match isn’t any regular match, rather it’s Kayla’s first defence since she took the World Bombshell Championship from Julianna at Blaze of Glory! That off course means the pressure’s on Kayla to show that she can defend the title she’s just won, we’re both former champions in other divisions, or in Kayla’s case one half of the current Mixed Tag Team Champions, AKA the other title I failed to take from her grasp recently! If it feels like I’m not my usual fiery self during this promo? Blame my surroundings, I don’t want to wake up the other passengers, much less my lovely husband Francisco, and get a noise complaint before I even touch down but know this Kayla.

If I can spoil your little “Ms. Two Belts” party by taking the top prize in the division from you? I will without a second thought!”

*end vlog*

Local Café, Hastings, England
Wednesday the 24th of April 2024, 12:00pm

Nothing like catching a bit of lunch with two of the men in your life, right?

But as I am set to challenge for the World Bombshell Championship on British soil for the second time in my career (and I’m half expecting the same thing to happen the next time SCW has a show un England) I needed a chance to relax and clear my head before I headed into the title match with Kayla.

And who better to clear my head with than my bestie and his fiancé?

”Thanks again for meeting up with me.” I thanked Miles and Carter as we sat down at the table in the café. ”I can’t believe they are booking me into a match with Kayla again, it feels like forever since I actually faced someone new.”

“Err, Ari? Your last Climax Control match was with Ericka, that was someone new.” Miles reminded me and I signed. “And that was on the last show before Blaze of Glory.”

”Okay but what about consistently? Before that we had the Mixed Tag Team Title Match Carter, and I had the Blood Bath Brawl, and that Mixed Tag Team Match with Ben and Sam and then my last Internet Title match!” I let out a deep breath as I leaned back in my chair, a waitress came over to take our orders and we just ordered some drinks, we had eaten breakfast at the hotel and we weren’t feeling quite hungry enough for lunch yet. ”Hell, if they had to book me in a title match, why not the Internet Title? Tempest was meant to be my second challenger before Courtney tried to break my hand and they never even entertained the idea of booking a return match.”

”And it’s not like they haven’t booked Go Gym vs. Go Gym matches before.” Carter nodded in agreement as he leaned forward. ”But it’s still a World Bombshell Title Match, that should excite someone who got screwed out of a title match twice.” Carter pointed out and I just shook my head.

”If literally anyone else had dethroned Julianna then yeah, my excitement would be there, but I’m frankly sick of constantly wrestling Kayla!” I grunted in frustration as I leaned back. ”First time was cool because we were both relatively new to the promotion, second time we didn’t even interact in the Internet Title Battle Royal, third time made sense because I had just been injected into the Internet Title Scene after my Roulette Reign ended, and that’s the last I’ll speak on that considering everything that went on during that reign.”

“Yeah, that was definitely a time we’d rather forget for all the good it did to your career.” Miles nodded in agreement and Carter quickly agreed. “But I get the picture, you’ve faced Kayla so much that you’re getting sick of it, but what now?”

”What now? How about ending that bitch’s reign before it can get started and becoming the latest Bombshell to achieve the Triple Crown?” I responded with a small grin as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”I may be sick of wrestling Kayla but wrestling for the top title in the promotion will never get it old, even if the person holding it is the most toxic person in the division.”

”At least you have your priorities straight Ariana.” Carter nodded in agreement as the waitress brought our drinks over. ”And even if you do lose? You’ll rebuild.”

”Feels like that’s all I’ve been doing since I lost the Internet Title to Courtney in December.” I grunted in response before we started enjoying our drinks.

The Disaster Diaries, Ariana’s hotel room, Hastings, England
Wednesday the 24th of April 2024, 21:00pm

*on camera, start vlog, promo time*

Here we go again.

”There is definitely a joke to be made about the definition of insanity whenever the bosses decide to book me and Kayla in a match together.” I commented bluntly as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Or whenever the likes of Mercedes Vargas finds themselves booked for a title match but I digress! All I did was win one Triple Threat Match against the Golden Briefcase Holder, who, I remind you, was arrested mid entrance, and Seleana Zdunich and suddenly I qualify for Kayla’s first defence? I don’t remember that Triple Threat being advertised as a #1 Contenders Match for the World Bombshell Championship!

Then again, maybe the bosses thought such advertising would be redundant since Georgie was the Golden Briefcase Holder before she was arrested, either way? I’m failing to see the logic here and I’m the challenger in this match!”

Can’t make this up!

”And Kayla? What’s there left for me to say about you that I haven’t said a million times already? I hate you, nothing’s going to change that, it doesn’t matter what continent we fight on, what country we fight in, hell we could be the first wrestlers to wrestle a Zero G Match on the moon and I’d still hate your guts.” I added before quickly shaking my head. ”And I just realized that that match couldn’t possibly work because of the lack of gravity, or the fact that we’d be wrestling in space suits because I doubt either of us would want to die in the vacuum of space! I’m getting off topic here so I’m just going to be blunt here since that’s Kayla’s favourite hobby.

The Bombshell Division would be a lot better off without you in it Kayla!”


”I know I joined a few weeks before Kayla had her second match, but I can’t be the only one remembering the division being a much happier place before this bitch arrived! Oh sure Kayla, you have the respect of Julianna, and here I thought you considered the opinions of former champions to be irrelevant, or is that just me? You know what? It probably is.” I added as ran a hand through my hair. ”Because seriously, the Bombshell Division already had one toxic bitch running rampant when Andrea wrestled here and I’m aware that she’s a much better person now but let’s be honest, this division brings out the worst in its athletes.

Take me for instance, normally I’m a polite, happy smiley young woman, but when I end up across the ring from Kayla she knows how to push all of my fucking buttons!”

Makes sense doesn’t it?

”Maybe that’s why the bosses keep booking this damn match, they want to see less of my happy side and more of angry side! Yet when I let that side take over after Violent Conduct suddenly everyone forgot that I got fucked over by Courtney and her useless wife!” I grunted in frustration as I folded my arms. ”Oh yeah, that’s another thing you just love to bring up whenever we bring up, my record! Because it’s not like I wrestled some of the best wrestlers around and held my own even in defeat or, in the worst case scenarios, got screwed over because managers can do whatever the fuck they want to help their clients win without repercussions! Oh I’m sorry, was I supposed to feel sorry for the woman with the broken arm who cost me the World Bombshell Title?

Cry me a river!”

It’s that simple.

”I swear to god Kayla, if we wrestle again, at any point between now and New Year’s Eve, I am going to scream!” I exclaimed as I shook my head. ”But if there is a silver lining to be found? It’s the fact that winning the title from you means that your little reigns gets snapped out just like that.” I added as I snapped my fingers for emphasis. ”Then who’ll be brought down to nothing hmmm Kayla? You’ve had had every title opportunity practically gift wrapped for you on a silver platter since you signed with SCW two years ago, only title you haven’t won is the Roulette Title, a division you hate despite spending barely a cup of tea in it! It would be a shame if someone knocked you so far down the totem pole that your next appearance on PPV is either defending the Mixed Tag Titles or challenging Bobbie.

Oh, wait, did I say shame? Because I meant to say great thing!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Because frankly Kayla? It’s about damn time that someone knocked you down a peg, and you may laugh at the thought of me being the one to knock you off your high shores but I’ve been underestimated in SCW for most of my career as a Bombshell, it’s time people realized that I graduated from the Go Gym for a damn good reason!” I added as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”An who knows? Maybe you’ll give Finn back problems from having to carry your sullen ass around for the rest of the cycle, you know, like you claimed Carter does when we team together, totally fucking ignorant like you always are! I look forward to making you bask in the Golden Angel’s light on Sunday night as Justin declares “The Greek Goddess” Ariana Angelos the new World Bombshell Champion at “New Year, New Angel Part VI: Spoiling The Occasion!”!”

I turned off the webcam as the scene fades.