Author Topic: The Night Is Young  (Read 1395 times)

Offline Giani Di Luca

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The Night Is Young
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:33:49 PM »
 {Everyday I’m shufflin’}

{Cut Scene}

Giani is seen sitting against a green screen.  On the screen is an image of SCW’s logo as well as a couple different views of the Vegas skyline.  Giani is dressed in a white suit with a red shirt and a matching satin red tie.  He is wearing a bandage over his right eye and a kind of goofy smile on his face.

Giani:  So I been appearin’ on Sin City Wrestling shows backstage off an’ on for the last couple of months.  Mostly playin’ around and hazing Jamie Staggs.  I need to thank the little shit cause I met this lovely lady, Bianca Solderini.  It wouldn’ta happened without him, so thank you Jamie.  So, I been talkin’ and talkin’ about goin’ back to Vegas to chat up this little shorty and things kept comin’ up and comin’ up.  F*ck that, dawg!  It’s happening right here and right now.  I’m ready, I’m lookin’ mint, so there’s no way she can say no.

Giani pauses for a minute looking on with a gleam in his eye.  He blushes a little bit but he does his best to hide it with a nervous laugh.

{End Cut Scene}

Giani is seen walking through the airport terminal, dropping his bags off as “Sexy And I Know It” by LMFAO begins playing from his pocket.  He reaches into the suit jacket and pulls out his phone as the song gets louder.  He fumbles around with it for a second before answering the call.

Giani:  Yo it’s Giani here.

Tommy:  How ya doin’ kid?  I just wanted to call and congratulate ya on impressing Batee enough to get this match at Lord of the Rings.

Giani:  Match?  Ain’t that bein’ hosted by Puerto Rico Association?  Why would I be booked, for the TV title or somethin’?

Giani stops for a moment as he looks around for a seat.  He spots one off in the distance and he begins walking toward it.  He weaves through the crowded airport terminal toward the nearby bar that’s been screaming his name for the entire half hour he has been at the airport.

Tommy:  No… bro, did you not get my voicemail yesterday?  This match is f*ckin’ huge!

Giani:  I’m facin’ Jack Kraven?  Ha ha, you’re so funny dawg.

Giani rolls his eyes at the thought and then he rolls up to the bar.  He takes a seat as the bartender slides up to him.  He mouths “Jack and Coke” as he spins around in the chair slowly out of boredom.

Tommy:  No, but it’s the next best thing you could possibly imagine.  You’re facing Chris Ross for the BACW Heavyweight Championship.

There is a pause as Giani’s eyes light up.  He quickly scrunches them back together as he makes a “jerking off” motion with his free hand before he takes a sip from his drink.  He shakes his head at the cruelty of his agent.

Giani:  You’re so not funny, bro.  Seriously!  Just tell me what the match is already, cause I’m tired of waiting.  Do I get to kick Magnum Randell’s ass again?  Whooping up on someone in The Dynasty?  C’mon!

Tommy:  No, I am being serious, G.  You got a Heavyweight Championship match against Ross on August 2nd.  I ain’t foolin’ ya or nothing.  I swear on my entire family.

Giani:  That’s a lotta Italians, bro.  You ain’t kidding me for real?

Tommy:  Serious as a heart attack brought on by ya mom’s spaghetti carbonara.  So good ya gotta go into cardiac arrest before you put the damned fork down.

Tommy lets out a little laugh over the phone, as does Giani.  However, he is still in shock after hearing the news about his big match.  He takes a big gulp from his glass, downing nearly half of it before he jumps up from his stool and shouts an excited “WOOOOOOOOOOO!”  He dances around a bit, drawing much suspicion and dirty glares from the classy businessmen.  He doesn’t care as he thrusts his fist into the air, fist pumping. Laughter is heard on the other end as Giani settles down.  He takes his seat at the bar once more, trying his best to contain his excitement.

{Cut Scene}

Giani:  This day couldn’t get any better.  I get a shot at takin’ a fine lady out on the town to show that a Jersey boy can be a romantic.  This night is gonna be EPIC, bro.  Freakin’ epic!  Then I find out from my boy, Tommy, that I get a shot at the top prize in BACW.  I could be a double champion, dawg.  When I beat Barnes, he was a double champion, and he was the top dawg around this joint for the longest.  I… I don’t even know what to think right now.  All I know is that people upstairs got some faith in me, and I wanna show them that I’m improvin’ enough to represent them to the fullest.  I swear, I could kiss Batee right about now…

Giani stares at the screen for a minute, the twinkle is still in his eye until he realizes exactly what he just said.  He lets out his signature laugh and then cuts it short.

Giani:  No homo, Bats.

{End Cut Scene}

Giani cracks his knuckles before reaching over for his glass once again.  He downs it, chewing on some of the ice before he is interrupted by Tommy again.

Tommy:  Hahaha, somebody needs to start reading his bulletins so I don’t gotta hear you scream in excitement about every single match you get booked in.

Giani:  But then I would miss our brotherly chats.  And what’s wrong with gettin’ excited about my matches?

Tommy:  You act like a little girl who scored tickets to Britney Spears or somethin’.  You do everything but squeal, kid.

Giani bellows out with laughter causing a manager type to walk up to him and clear his throat.  Giani covers his mouth as the man walks away.  He lets out a few more chuckles stifled by his hand before taking a deep breath and continuing.

Tommy:  It’s good to know that you’re in touch with ya feminine side, Giani.

Giani:  Yeah, yeah, yeah… At least I don’t live in it like you.

Tommy:  You been in New York too long.  You sound like some douche on the subway.  Anyway, I gotta go.  Hit that gym and get prepared for this match.  The next time we hang, I wanna see you with two pieces of gold.

Giani hangs up the phone and slides it back into his suit jacket. He gets up in a respectable manner and then clears his throat.  He straightens his tie and then smoothes out his suit jacket.  He pulls it inward as he walks toward the door.  He turns around and looks at the crowded bar and he throws his fist into the air.

Giani:  WOOOOOOOOO!  I’m fightin’ Chris Ross for more BACW gold and I’m *beep*in’ excited!  I thought you tight asses should know it.  Good day ladies and gentlemen.

And with that, Giani turns back around and walks out.  Everyone watches him, some giggle while others look annoyed.  The manager walks to the door and looks outside to make sure Giani has left.  He shakes his head and takes a deep breath as the scene fades out.

{Everyday I’m shufflin}

{Cut Scene}

The green screen shows off the same SCW back drop as before, however the seat is empty for a moment.  The silence is soon interrupted as Jamie Staggs and Aleksei Koji comes stumbling onto the scene.  They look around, trying to find the right direction for the camera.  They laugh as Jamie begins air humping at the camera.

Jamie:  Sup scro!  Haha you really decided to come to Las Vegas?

Aleksei:  He has a date with that Bianca girl who is always walking around here looking hot and full of attitude.

Jamie:  Aww shit, I wanted to hit that first.

Aleksei shoves Jamie who shrugs his shoulder and looks right into the camera with a wide smile.  He stares for a minute or so in silence before finally talking again.

Jamie:  You are trying to nail that bird tomorrow.  Tonight, we show you how we party in Vegas…

{End Cut Scene}

We pick up under the stars in the clear Nevada sky.  The large bonfire clues us all into the fact that we are partying with the Party Horde, in case you haven’t noticed the Party Bus camper as well as the mound of empty kegs.  The party music pulses through the hundreds of people in attendance as they dance wildly.  Off to the side, Aleksei and Jamie are chatting with some young ladies while Giani stands off to the side laughing with them.  The two ladies pull Jamie and Aleksei out onto the “dance floor” which is made up of gravel and dust.  Giani follows, but he doesn’t seem to be himself at this time.  He is preoccupied which is evident by his lack of any real dance moves.  (Not even a fist pump!)  He bops his head as his buddies go silent.  The song switches over to “We Found Love” by Rihanna and Giani even stops the bopping.  The girls drape themselves over Jamie and Aleksei, and another comes up and tries to grind on Giani.  He simply backs up before turning to walk away again.  The girl follows, seeming to be highly offended by the rejection as she shoves him.

Girl:  What the hell!  You just embarrassed me in front of everyone out there, you ass.

Giani:  Sorry, I’m just kinda outta it right now.  Not really feelin’ up to dancing with girls tonight.

Girl:  If you didn’t come to party, then why did you come here?

Giani sits down at the edge of the portable entertainment bus, shaking his head at the girl.  She scoffs and then turns to walk away.  As she does, she secretly checks out his head bopping again with a smile. She takes a deep breath and speaks to him once again.

Girl:  You got it for some girl, don’t you?  You got it hard if a love song is playing and you’re not trying to get you *beep* on.  I’ve seen Fuhgeddaboudit enough times to know how you operate.

Giani:  I ain’t on Fuhgeddaboudit anymore.  Unlike them assholes, I grew up a little bit.  I’m maturin’ here, and I’m tryin’ to find that one who could be my old lady. Mi amore…

The girl softens her expression a bit and sits down next to him.  In a friendly gesture, she grips his knee as she looks deep into his dark brown eyes.  She stares for a second and then she leans back to look up at the stars.

Girl:  I think you already found her, sweetheart.  Now all you gotta do is show her that you are her dream guy.  If you say that you are maturing and looking to settle down, then it shouldn’t be that hard to do.  Especially with a rock hard bod like that one you got.  Sexy and you know it.

Giani laughs and then he joins her in watching the stars twinkle in the sky.  For one night, even amidst the largest, never ending party he has ever attended, he has a moment of pure clarity thanks to this girl.  He stares on silently with her.

Giani:  Part of me thinks that I got it for her cause she is the first challenge I ever got with a girl.  Like, she is just a mountain I wanna climb, literally and otherwise ya know?  But if that was it, I wouldn’t feel like a school girl right now.  Would I?  Especially when I got other things comin’ up for me that are huge or my career.  I got a title match that could be the biggest thing I ever done in my already amazing seven month career.

Girl:  That’s right, you get a shot at Chris Ross.  That guy is a real *beep*ing tool.

Giani smiles and nods his head with authority. He turns to look at the girl and he begins making a stroking motion with a closed fist.  The girl laughs and shakes her head before returning her gaze back to the stars.

Giani:  The dude is a total douchebag.  The only reason he’s top dawg in BACW is cause he pinned a coffin.  It was the most disrespectful, disgusting thing I ever saw in my life, even if Kurt Chavez wasn’t inside.  Kid’s got no respect for the champions before him.  He don’t have the heart of a champion and that’s why I gotta end him.

Girl:  You seem pretty confident there.  Do you really think you can beat him?

Giani:  Sure enough. He is just a little punk tryin’ to play hard when he’s not.  What kind of accomplishment is it beating a dead guy?  What has he done besides suck and blow since he won that title?  Nothin’, that’s what.

Giani picks up a nearby bottle of water and he unscrews the sports top and sprays some of the water into his mouth. He swishes it around and then spits it out, setting the bottle back down on the ground beside him.  The girl grabs onto his arm, catching him by surprise as she curls up next to him.

Girl:  He is still the champion.  You said yourself that you gotta respect the champions before you and if you win the title, you gotta have some kind of respect for him.  Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite.

Giani:  You’re right.  Can I make an exception to that rule then?  Because I can try to pretend I respect him, but I really just wanna punch him in his *beep*in’ face.  Like bad!

The two share a laugh as Giani stretches, inconspicuously pulling his arm from the girl, at least he thinks so.  She rolls back over onto her back and returns her gaze to the stars.  Giani acts as if he is yawning and then he lets out a slight chuckle.

Giani:  Somebody needs to shut him up and if the rookie can do it, then he might be so embarrassed that he never shows his face around BACW again.  It would be a nice change cause there’s already too many big egos around there.

Girl:  With your big ass ego, it’s a wonder there is room for a grain of sand in BACW let alone an actual roster.

Giani:  It’s called confidence.  Don’t mix the two up.

Girl:  Tomato/toma(h)to.  It’s the same difference, but I will pretend I buy it if you will just shut up and kiss me…

She rolls over, hovering over Giani.  Their eyes lock and he contemplates one last hooray before trying to settle down.  The idea of changing lingers in the back of his mind as he slowly leans forward toward the girl’s lips.  He gets close enough to feel her pulsating breaths on his lips.  The warmth sends tingles through his entire body. As soon as his lips graze hers, he immediately backs up.  He slides from underneath her with an apologetic stare.  He struggles to say something, but nothing comes to mind.  She glares at him with anger as he holds out his hand as if to say “Wait a minute.”  Instead he shakes his head and turns around, storming off.  But not before her begrudged words reach his ears.

Girl:  Good luck with your date, and good luck with your match.  You are going to need it, rook…

And with that, Giani looks back toward his friends across the “floor”. He makes his way through the increasingly heavy crowd, becoming engulfed in the horde as the scene fades out completely.

{Everyday I’m Shuff-ff-flin’}
