Author Topic: “Can’t get any worse, right?”  (Read 366 times)

Offline Caleb Storms

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    • Caleb Storms
“Can’t get any worse, right?”
« on: April 19, 2019, 08:06:26 PM »
 Caleb and Roxi were out of the Blast from the Past Tournament with Caleb taking the pin in their tag team match against Alex Jones and Devona and to make matters worse, it seemed that a rematch with Fenris was on the horizon as this week Caleb and Fenris were teaming up to take on Ty West and the current World Heavyweight Champion Austin James Mercer in this week’s Main Event, it’s the Go Home Show before London Brawling II in Manchester and all four men are looking to build up momentum, will Caleb and Fenris win? And will Caleb be murdered by the end of the night?

Rebellion, Manchester, England
Friday the 19th of April 2019, 18:09pm

If you had told me that things would escalate this quickly from one dumb tweet, I would’ve asked Jessie if she was okay with deleting the Twitter account.

I’ve seen it time and time again, person tweets something dumb (and usually racist if we’re being honest here), Internet dogpiles them, they delete their twitter and their career is down the crapper more times than not, when I tweeted “thank god” in reaction to Fenris losing the title to Austin James Mercer at the beginning of the tour it was spur of the moment and I didn’t think things would escalate that quickly, you’d think I’d know better.

Flash forward several weeks and not only am I out of the tournament BUT I’ve got a rematch with Fenris coming up, a Fenris who I’ve pissed off. and will likely kick my head off rather than tag me in to the Main Event of this week’s Climax Control.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that me and Fenris are teaming up against Austin and Ty in this week’s Main Event? I swear, this is the bosses’ revenge for my Roulette Title campaign last summer, I just know it!

I’ll worry about that later, right now me and Katie are getting ready for a night of metal at a local venue called Rebellion where a Death Metal band called Crepitation is playing tonight, never heard of them but we figured it would be a good night out in the city to take my mind off the upcoming Tag Team Match on Sunday, the doors just opened and we’re the latest ones to be let in and Katie’s going in first because she’s got the printed out tickets.

Well, that and ladies first off course.

“Okay guys, you are all set.” The security guard said after scanning both tickets and confirming that they were legit, after a quick pat down we were pointed in the right direction. “Have a good night.”

“You too.” I responded before we made our way through the venue, we had a quick glance at the merch table but found nothing of interest on the table so we instead went to the bar to get drinks (non-alcoholic for me for two reasons: one: I’m driving two: I’ve never conducted a promo drunk and I’m in no hurry to change that) before heading to the stage, one guy among the sound check crew caught my eye and not in a good way. “I swear that guy looks just like Fenris!”

“Who? The guitar tech?” Katie asked once she realized who I was pointing out before she sighed. “Your letting your paranoia get the better off you.”

“Maybe, maybe not.” I responded before the guy spotted me, since he didn’t fly into a rage and start kicking the crap out of me on sight, I’m going to say that it’s safe to assume that he isn’t Fenris and I tried to change the subject. “You know anything about the bands who are playing tonight?”

“About as much as you, it’s a death metal show so it should be brutal.” Katie shrugged her shoulders in response as more metalheads poured into the venue, no one recognized us from SCW but that’s fine by me even if the music being played before the sets leaves something to be desired. “According to the event page, the openers are on at seven o’clock, probably a good idea to get your promo done by then.” Katie added as we made ourselves comfortable towards the back.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea, don’t want to try to conduct a promo with a Death Metal band playing in the background.” I responded with a quick nod as we watched the sound check continue and I got flashbacks to when I was in a band, more specifically to how tedious I found the sound check to be for as essential as it is to make sure a performance goes off without a hitch, and my band was a four piece band, I’d hate to imagine how long the soundcheck for a band like Slipknot goes on for! We continued to drink our drinks as the venue filled up with the die hard fans taking up positions at the front before I checked the time on my watch. “And on that note, I’d better get my promo done.”

“Good idea.” Katie nodded once she checked the time on her phone, I downed the rest of my drink in one gulp and got ready to take the empty glass back to the bar. “I’ll send you a text when the band starts.” Katie added and I nodded before I headed back to the bar because that was probably the best place for it, plus the cameraman could get out easier that way as I got ready to do my promo after I put the empty glass on the bar.

“It all started with one dumb tweet conducted in the heat of the moment whilst my wounds from my first match with Fenris was still fresh in my mind, and now Fenris is out for my blood because of a badly thought out tweet I posted! Can’t get any worse, right? Well, it can! This week, I’m teaming up with Fenris to take on Austin James Mercer and “Pretty” Ty West in a tag team match, and just to make matters worse for me, Fenris will likely kick my head off before he tags me in and I don’t think an apology will cut it at this point!”

Why did I tweet that?! Anyway, first up is the champ!

“Austin, you achieved in one night what most of the roster couldn’t achieve over the past year or so, you dethroned Fenris to win the World Heavyweight Championship and because Fenris forfeited his rematch against you for a rematch against me at a later date, probably at London Brawling II knowing my luck but until then I’m just hoping that Fenris will avenge his loss against you and try not to murder me before the night is over!”

And yes, I know that’s a long shot as I move on Ty.

“Speaking of guys who have had bad luck with titles, Ty, just last month you lost your Roulette Title Match against St. John’s Cross at Blaze of Glory, I should know, I was one of the lumberjacks! And your match at the Supercard is still up in the air, that said a win in this match would be a major career boost for you which is why I have no intention of letting that happen this Sunday at Climax Control, you know, provided Fenris doesn’t murder me!”

This got out of hand quickly.

“All it was, was a dumb tweet made it the heat of the moment but because of my bad decision I have a former World Champion out for my blood, I never thought I’d say this but at the moment I’d take opening this week’s Climax Control over competing in the Main Event but now I’ve practically dug my own grave with one dumb tweet! Now I know how those guys who ruined their lives with one dumb tweet feel, only they aren’t getting their asses kicked consequently!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen in this tag team match on Sunday, either Fenris kicks my head off and leaves me at the mercy of Austin and Ty or we win and then Fenris kicks my head off, either way this match is not going to end well for me but that least I can do is win the match right!? Normally I’d say that Austin and Ty had better brace themselves for the metal storm that’s coming but frankly, I don’t know is “The Metal Storm” Caleb Storms is going to make it out of this team with Fenris alive!”

I went back to the room where the bands where about to play fresh drink in hand as the scene fades.
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