Author Topic: Mercedes Vargas  (Read 116689 times)

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Mercedes Vargas
« on: July 30, 2021, 02:35:39 AM »

Handlers Name:
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Years Active:


You will be booked at least 2-3 times a month. In order for this to happen, you will be booked in singles as well as tag team matches. Since tag team matches take place in an intergender division, please let Tad Ezra know if you wish to only wrestle your gender. We will still book you in tag team matches under Mixed tag team rules but keep in mind, tag team titles will be intergender so if you wish not to wrestle the opposite gender, you limit yourself to only singles gold when you do get a title shot. ***Be sure to fill out a Tag Team application***


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons. Check Taken Pic Bases List): Jacqueline Bracamontes
Wrestlers Twitter: MercyMercyV
Real Name: Mercedes Alicia Vargas Castaños de Ortega
Wrestlers Name: Mercedes Vargas
"The Argentine Assassin"
"Mercy V"
"The Black Rose Mamba/La Rosa Negra Mamba"
"The Black Rose Bombshell/La Rosa Negra Bombón"
"Latina Heat"
"Spanish Fly"
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 125lb
Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Strengths: Mercedes compliments a well-rounded technical background with a pretty lucha-libre style and often lethal stiff kicks, but she can adapt to whoever she is placed with in the ring, and isn't afraid to mix it up in a brawl if the situation calls for it. She feels that she's too good of a wrestler to resort to cheating. On occasion, she breaks into accented, finger-waving Spanglish to annoy the crowd or her opponent as an asset of her passionate, opinionated personality, especially when it comes to trash-talking which she finds herself surprisingly good at.
Weaknesses: Mercedes looks to prove her worth as an in-ring competitor, and isn't shy on letting the entire world know about it. Basically, she's full of herself. At least that's how everyone else sees her. Somewhat hovering between confident and cocky, those who come across her usually end up asking themselves, 'Who the hell does she think she is?' Also, Mercedes can't seem to forget a grudge and goes as far as relaying the history on what led to the event in question. In the ring, she normally goes for the intimidation game and loves to taunt her opponents to no end when she has the upper hand, but if challenged, can become sadistic with a mean streak that can carry over into dangerous extremes.
Gimmick If Any:
Alignment: Heel


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List): “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” by U2
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):

Suddenly, the arena lights turn off and the crowd is hyped up for what was in store. As the opening of "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" by U2 blares across the PA system, the mood of the crowd changes instantly and the arena is under the subtle glowing of the lights. As the lyrics finally kick in, a figure emerges; the highlight of their attire is being under the illusion. Mercedes Vargas stops short of the entrance ramp, hands on waist, and overlooking the crowd.

Justin Decent: Making her way to the ring (or depending on where Mercedes is when the ring announcer begins the introduction, Coming down the aisle, About to enter the ring, or Currently in the ring), from Buenos Aires, Argentina, weighing in at 125 pounds, MERCEEEEEDEEEES VAAAARGAAAAS!

Cheers, boos and catcalls soon greet her. Oblivious and yet satisfied with their reaction for several seconds, she flips her long hair, then makes her way to the ring. As she goes up the steps and walks to the end of the ring apron, she climbs to the turnbuckle, then turns her head back as the camera shows her determined expression-perhaps a message that her opponent will be in for a tough fight. Mercedes vaults into the ring and walks over to the opposite corner where she relaxes along the corner ropes while waiting for her opponent(s) to arrive.

The lights in the arena drop down as a pink glow takes over the stage. The fans look on in wonderment. "Amazing" by Hi Fashion hits over the PA system as the lights begin to flash like cameras from all over the arena. The fans give a loud ovation of booing as the camera pans in. As the lyrics finally kick in, a figure emerges; the highlight of their attire is being under the illusion. Mercedes Vargas stops short of the entrance ramp, hands on waist, and overlooking the crowd.

Justin Decent: Making her way to the ring (or depending on where Mercedes is when the ring announcer begins the introduction, Coming down the aisle, About to enter the ring, or Currently in the ring), representing The Mean Girls and accompanied by (name of Mean Girl with Mercedes) from Buenos Aires, Argentina, weighing 125 pounds, MERCEEEEEDEEEES VAAAARGAAAAS!

NOTE: If entering after her opponent(s), Mercedes simply looks down at her opponent(s) with disdain from the turnbuckle before looking out towards the crowd.


(if Mercedes being announced holds a championship title (in this case SCW's World Bombshell/Bombshell Roulette/Bombshell Internet or World Bombshell/Mixed Tag Team Championship), the ring announcer will state which title it is at the point in the introduction, She is the current, reigning and defending Sin City Wrestling _____ Champion/one-half of the Sin City Wrestling World Bombshell/Mixed Tag Team Champions)

Suddenly, the arena lights turn off and the crowd is hyped up for what was in store. As the opening of "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" by U2 blares across the PA system, the mood of the crowd changes instantly and the arena is under the subtle glowing of the lights. As the lyrics finally kick in, a figure emerges; the highlight of their attire is being under the illusion. Mercedes Vargas, as per usual, stops short of the entrance ramp, hands on hips, and overlooking the crowd. The bell sounds and the camera pans around the arena once more and then cuts to the ring announcer as he lifts his microphone for the pre-match introductions.

Mercedes goes up the steps and walks along the ring apron as she straddles the top rope, facing the crowd as she unbuckles her title from around her waist and raises it in the air while talking trash. She walks the rest of the apron and climbs to the turnbuckle, then turns her head back at the camera as she flips her hair, though the determined expression on her face remains- perhaps a message that her opponent will be in for a tough fight.

NOTE: If entering after her opponent(s), Mercedes simply looks down at her opponent(s) before looking out towards the crowd and again raises her title with both hands above her head.


Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-High Flyer

Body scissors to a seated opponent, sometimes while applying a dragon sleeper or full nelson hold or rolled over into a double leg nelson/Gedo Clutch or rolling pin.
Catapult backbreaker
Corner foot choke, taking advantage of the five-count and counting along with the referee in Spanish before being admonished by the referee, releasing the hold and telling the ref, I have until five!' ala Daniel Bryan
Discus clothesline
Front-flip facebuster/somersault cutter to a kneeling opponent
Hair-pull curb stomp
Hair-pull mat slam, sometimes using a rope-aided variation as a counter to an opponent
Hair-pull over-the-shoulder snapmare, sometimes followed by a:
- Rolling necksnap
- Running knee smash
- Baseball slide
- Running low-angle dropkick or big boot to an opponent's face
-Buzzsaw kick, or
- Used as a transition to a submission hold, usually a grounded sleeper, body scissors, or the Red Peril
Hurricanrana sometimes to an oncoming opponent, or a diving hurricanrana, sometimes from the second rope or off of the ring apron
Multiple DDT variations
- Float-over
- Float-over wheelbarrow - innovated
- Handspring Tornado
- Tilt-a-whirl
- Tornado, sometimes while springboarding, and sometimes using a tilt-a-whirl inverted variation while charging at or to an oncoming opponent
♦ Multiple pinning variations
- Back bridge, sometimes preceded by a double leg takedown
- Back slide, sometimes while bridging and occasionally preceded by a sitdown hangman's neckbreaker
- Bridging Floatover
- Crucifix
- Gannosuke Clutch
- Jackknife
- La Magistral
- Manami Roll
- Oklahoma Roll
- Schoolgirl pin
- Small Package
- Victory roll, sometimes used as a wheelbarrow variation, or as a wheelbarrow bodyscissors counter
♦ Multiple stomps while circling a fallen opponent
♦ Plancha/Slingshot crossbody, sometimes to an opponent outside the ring
♦ Short-arm knife-edge chops (anywhere from 2 to 5) and finished with a short-arm clothesline
♦ Spinning roundhouse kick, sometimes to the side of a seated, kneeling, rising or bent over opponent's head. Occasionally will use a reverse heel kick to the back of the head)
♦ Slingshot or springboard leg drop, sometimes to an opponent draped over the second rope, or from the top rope
♦ Somersault arm drag
♦ Suicide dive or a Tope con Hilo/Giro to an opponent standing outside the ring
♦ Various evasion techniques
- Bridging/Matrix evasion
- Leapfrog
- Pendulum kick from out of the corner, or as a counter to an oncoming opponent
- Split

- Dusting her hands and feet from all the grime that brushes off her opponent, usually during or after a match ala Michelle McCool, Victoria/Tara
- Offering up a headshake or wagging her index finger in a show of disapproval

Signature Moves
2 to Tango/Tango for Two (Arm wrench followed by a hook kick to the face of an opponent)

Be Still My Heart (Savate/Superkick. Can be used as an alternate finisher)

♦ Divine Mercy (Muta lock/Inverted STF, sometimes rolling onto her stomach while maintaining the hold. A slight variation exists in which, after locking her opponent's legs, she bridges back to reach under both of her opponent's arms to lock her hands around the opponent's head, as in an full nelson submission hold. Used often as a last resort or in high profile matches)
Double Jeopardy (Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker with AUTHORITY (See: Alicia Fox) to an oncoming opponent followed into either a falling neckbreaker or snap inverted DDT)
Red Peril (Lotus lock, sometimes preceded by a full nelson bomb or rolled over into a double leg nelson/Gedo Clutch pin. Often used to wear opponents down rather than to actually decide a match)
Pre-emptive Strike (Knife-edge chop to an opponent cornered in the turnbuckle, usually performed after shushing the audience so to hear the  impact and sometimes followed by Machine Gun chops to the opponent's chest and face)

Finishing Move
♦ Black Rose Overdrive (Inverted Death Valley Driver/Burning Hammer, usually to opponents that are similar in size or smaller)

Mercy Shot (Gory bomb or Gory neckbreaker, normally preceded by a kick to the midsection of an opponent
Cortina Roja | Red Curtain (STO backbreaker followed into a reverse STO, snapmare driver, full nelson facebuster, or forward Russian legsweep. Usually performed after ducking a punch or a clothesline and is often used to finish off lesser opoonents)

Peligro rojo 2 | Red Peril 2 (Stryker Lock/Trailer Hitch/Reverse figure four leglock, sometimes preceded by a dragon screw leg whip or drop toe hold)

RPM (Multiple revolution tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown (sometimes set up after performing a handspring or while springboarding) transitioned into a wheelbarrow bulldog, facebuster, sitout rear mat slam, or followed by the Cortina Roja)


Weapon Of Choice:
Match Of Choice:

Superstar Bio:
Born in the heart of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mercedes never saw herself as a wrestler during her childhood, making light of the profession and even using the "wrestler" term whenever someone asked her what she wanted to do with her life. She had a good childhood, having grown up in a loving home, though there were times when things got a little heated between her and her older brother, Jorge, born two years before her. Still, Estelle and Fernanado, high school sweethearts who married at 19, usually kept a firm grip on their household.

Graduating from high school and then obtaining her college degree in Communications from a university in Mexico, Vargas gave wrestling a second thought and moved to the United States when she was 21 (the legal age of majority in Argentina at the time), applying to a wrestling school in the Chicago area. She knew little English until she moved to the U.S.

After fifteen months of training, she toured the independent circuit, while taking the occasional singing or model engagement to help support and pay for travel. It wasn't long before she impressed talent scouts with her natural wrestling ability. Vargas would spend two years on the independent circuit before she sent in her video and tapes to the all-female promotion Divas Unleashed, which eventually led to her being signed.

Making her debut in January 2009, she was victorious in a singles match against another newcomer, though it was a hard-fought victory. She won her first and only singles title in Divas Unleashed at the Divacide pay-per-view in October winning the Rockford State Championship, holding the title for nearly a year, and with her reign also the third-longest in the title's history .She would remain with DU until its closure in late 2011 as new ownership was not found as was planned by January 2012.

Despite this setback, this was just the beginning of what would become a promising career as she has achieved several accolades and championships throughout her career, including being a three-time World Champion, a one-time Television Champion, a one-time International Champion, and a six-time Tag Team Champion, including holding four titles (three tag team championships and a singles championship) in three different promotions and carrying them for 11 months, a rare feat by today's standards. In addition to being ranked among the top ten of the best female singles wrestlers in the world. As with such, Vargas has also engaged in feuds with other top tier talent in various companies. Now among the most elite wrestlers the world has ever known, the Argentine faces new opportunities and challenges in Sin City Wrestling. What trail will she leave as the newest member of the Bombshell roster? Only time will tell.

Past Accomplishments:
• In SCW

Sin City Wrestling (SCW) Bombshell Roulette Championship (4 times)
[Record-tying four time and peviously singles longest-reigning champion (175 days, 3rd reign); 11th champion to hold title (overall 12th, 14th, and 19th champion in history); fourth woman in history to hold a singles title multiple times; most consecutive/successful defenses (5; surpassed by Sam Marlowe, 6); third champion and fifth overall bombshell singles champion to surpass 100 days during a single reign; third champion in history to carry a title reign from one calendar year into the next ; 3rd singles longest reigning champion (175 days; previously held singles reign record for 17 months; 2nd SCW champion, 2nd fastest Bombshell singles champion (previously held record for 11 months), 4th fastest all-time combined champion male or female and 2nd fastest all-time singles champion male or female to surpass 200 days during a combined reign (259 days; previously held record for 11 months); first champion to hold title for more than 4 months; second-longest combined champion (259 days; previously held record for three years); second-longest combined Bombshell singles champion (259 days; previously held record for 8 months); second-longest Bombshell singles champion (175 days; previously held record for 8 months); second-longest combined singles champion in history male or female (259 days; previously held record for 6 months); second all-time longest overall combined champion in history male or female (259 days); most combined singles/championship defenses of any kind (7; previously held record for 6 months, surpassed by Samantha Marlowe, 13); all-time longest singles champion in history (175 days; previously held record for 6 months)]

Sin City Wrestling (SCW) World Bombshell Tag Team Championship – with Traci Patterson [2 times] and Delia Darling
[12th champions to hold title (overall 12th, 14th, and 21st champion in history); first-ever two-time tag team champions - with Traci Patterson; fourth Bombshell to become a three-time tag team champion individually]

Sin City Wrestling (SCW) Bombshell Internet Championship
[(6th champion to hold the title (overall 8th champion in history)]

Sin City Wrestling (SCW) World Bombshell Championship (2 times)
[16th and 22nd champion to hold the title (overall 22nd and 30th champion in history; 8th two-time champion in history)]

Sin City Wrestling (SCW) World Mixed Tag Team Championship – with Kain
[2nd-ever tag team champions in history; first-ever two-time champions in history]


Former records

3rd Longest Bombshell Roulette Championship reign: 175 days (3rd reign ((surpassed by Kate Steele, 182 days and Samantha Marlowe, 231 days; Held record for longest singles reign for 17 months from end of reign until broken on August 8, 2016 by Steele)

(minimum 100 days)
Sam Marlowe: 231 days (3rd reign)
Kate Steele: 182 days
MERCEDES VARGAS: 175 days (3rd reign)
Melanie Gabrielle: 133 days
(T3) Samantha Marlowe 133 days (2nd reign)
Necra Octavian Kane: 112 days (1st reign)
(T4) Samantha Marlowe: 112 days (1st reign)
(T4) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)

(Tied for 7th) Longest Bombshell singles championship reign: 175 days - with Delia Darling (World Bombshell Championship) (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 8 months from end of reign until broken on November 16, 2015; Kate Steele took over second place on August 9 with a 182-day Bombshell Roulette Championship reign)

(minium 100 days)
Alicia Lukas: 280 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
Mikah: 266 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Sam Marlowe: 231 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
Crystal Millar: 217 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Mikah: 210 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
Kate Steele: 182 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 175 days Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
(T7) Delia Darling: 175 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Mikah: 168 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Gothika: 147 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Melanie Gabrielle: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T12) Sam Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 2nd reign)
(T12) Sam Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4th reign)
Melody Grace: 126 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Necra Octavian Kane: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
( T15) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T15) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 1st reign)
(T15) Sam Marlowe: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T15) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)

(Tied for 7th, 8th overall) Longest Bombshell singles championship reign of any kind: 175 days - with Delia Darling (World Bombshell Championship) (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 8 months from end of reign until broken on November 16, 2015; Kate Steele took over second place on August 9 with a 182-day Bombshell Roulette Championship reign)

(minimum 100 days)
Alicia Lukas: 280 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
Mikah: 266 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Team Hero: 231 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T3) Sam Marlowe: 231 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
Crystal Millar: 217 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Mikah: 210 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
(T5) London Underground: 210 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Kate Steele: 182 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 175 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
(T7) Delia Darling: 175 days (World Bombshell Championship)
(T7) Team Eggplant (Lachlan Kane/Sierra Williams): 175 days (World Mixed Tag Team Championship)
The Fallen: 168 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, 1st reign)
(T8) The Angel Clan (Melanie Gabrielle and Uriella Abaddon): 168 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T8) Mikah: 168 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Gothika: 147 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Melanie Gabrielle: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T11) Sam Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 2nd reign)
(T11) Sam Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4th reign)
Melody Grace: 126 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T13) Members of the Elders (Song and Alana Allure): 119 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Necra Octavian Kane: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T14) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T14) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 1st reign)
(T14) The Mean Girls (Veronica Taylor and Amanda Cortez): 112 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T14) Sam Marlowe: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T14) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)

(Tied for 10th) Longest SCW singles championship reign: 175 days (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 8 months from end of reign until broken on November 16, 2015)

(minimum 100 days)
J2H: 399 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 1st reign)
Alicia Lukas: 280 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
Mikah: 266 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Fenris: 245 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
Sam Marlowe: 231 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
Crystal Millar: 217 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Mikah: 210 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
Despayre: 196 days (Internet Championship)
Kate Steele: 182 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 175 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
(T10) Delia Darling: 175 days (World Bombshell Championship)
(T10) Kristopher Ryans: 175 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
Spike Staggs: 168 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
(T11) Mikah: 168 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T11) Kristopher Ryans: 168 days (Roulette Championship)
Nick Jones - 154 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 1st reign)
(T12) Equinox - 154 days (Roulette Championship)
(T12) Goth - 154 days (Roulette Championship)
Gabriel: 147 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)
(T13) Gothika - 147 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Melanie Gabrielle: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T15) Samantha Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4th reign)
Melody Grace: 126 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Necra Octavian Kane: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Drake Green: 112 days: World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)
(T18) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Calvin Harris: 112 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)
(T18) Sam Marlowe: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Ben Jordan: 112 days (Roulette Championship)
Simon Jones: 105 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)

(Tied for 10th, 14th overall) Longest SCW singles championship reign of any kind (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 8 months from end of reign until broken on November 16, 2015)

J2H: 399 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 1st reign)
Alicia Lukas: 280 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
Mikah: 266 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Fenris: 245 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
Sinful Obsession: 231 days (World Tag Team Championship)
(T5) Bosom Buddies: 231 days (World Tag Team Championship)
(T5) Team Hero: 231 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T5) Sam Marlowe: 231 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
Crystal Millar: 217 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
Mikah: 210 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2nd reign)
(T7) London Underground: 210 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Despayre: 196 days (Internet Championship)
(T8) Team BJ: 196 days (World Tag Team Championship, 2nd reign)
Kate Steele: 182 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 175 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
(T10) Delia Darling: 175 days (World Bombshell Championship)
(T10) Kristopher Ryans: 175 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
(T10) Team Eggplant: 175 days (World Mixed Tag Team Championship)
Spike Staggs: 168 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
(T11) The Fallen: 168 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T11) The Angel Clan (Melanie Gabrielle and Uriella Abaddon): 168 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T11) Mikah: 168 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T11) Kristopher Ryans: 168 days (Roulette Championship)
(T11) London Underground: 168 days (World Tag Team Championship)
Nick Jones: 154 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 1st reign)
(T12) Equinox: 154 days (Roulette Championship)
(T12) Goth: 154 days (Roulette Championship)
Gabriel: 147 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)
(T13) Gothika: 147 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Melanie Gabrielle: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T15) Sam Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 2nd reign)
(T15) Sam Marlowe: 133 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4th reign)
Melody Grace: 126 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T17) Members of the Elders (Song and Alana Allure): 119 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T17) Jet City (Kris and Jason Halc): 119 days (World Tag Team Championship)
(T17) London Underground (Daniel J Morgan, Osbourne, Charlotte Elliot, Mackenzie Page): 119 days (World Mixed Tsg Team Championship
Necra Octavian Kane: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Drake Green: 112 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)
(T18) Young Money (J2H/Gianni Di Luca): 112 days (World Tag Team Championship)
(T18) Roxi Johnson: 112 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) The Mean Girls (Veronica Taylor/Amanda Cortez: 112 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T18) Team BJ: 112 days (World Tag Team Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Calvin Harris: 112 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)
(T18) Sam Marlowe: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T18) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T18) Ben Jordan: 112 days (Roulette Championship)
Simon Jones: 105 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd reign)

(3rd) Longest combined Bombshell singles championship reign: 259 days (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 11 months from end of reign until broken on February 8, 2016)

(minimum 100 days)
Sam Marlowe: 609 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
Mikah: 574 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 301 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
(T3) Alicia Lukas: 301 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)
Crystal Millar: 287 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
Misty: 224 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
Necra Octavian Kane: 203 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3 reigns)
Roxi Johnson: 140 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 2 reigns)
(T7) Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Jessie Salco: 119 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3 reigns)
(T8) Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)

(3rd) Longest combined Bombshell singles championship reign of any kind: 259 days (surpassed by The Fallen, 287 days; Held record for 6 months from end of reign until broken on September 21, 2015; Mikah took over second place on December 7)

(minimum 100 days)
Sam Marlowe: 609 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
Mikah: 574 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 301 days (4 reigns)
(T3) Alicia Lukas: 301 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)
The Fallen: 287 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, 3 reigns)
(T4) Crystal Millar: 287 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
Team Hero: 231 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Misty: 224 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
London Underground: 210 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Team Eggplant (Lachlan Kane/Sierra Williams): 175 days (World Mixed Tag Team Championship)
The Angel Clan (Lucy Seraphina/Uriella Abaddon): 168 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Roxi Johnson: 140 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 2 reigns)
(T10) Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Jessie Salco: 119 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3 reigns)
(T11) Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T11) Members of the Elders (Song and Alana Allure): 119 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T11) The Mean Girls (Veronica Taylor/Amanda Cortez): 112 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
Sam Marlowe: 105 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)

(Tied for 5th overall) Longest SCW combined singles championship reign (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 11 months from end of reign until broken on February 8, 2016; Mikah took over 2nd place on December 2).

(minimum 100 days)
Sam Marlowe: 609 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
Mikah: 574 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
J2H: 469 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
Despayre: 308 (Internet Championship, 2 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 301+ days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
(T5) Alicia Lukas: 301 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)
Crystal Millar: 287 days (World Bombshell
Championship, 3 reigns)
(T7) Kristopher Ryans: 259 days (Roulette Championship, 2 reigns)
Fenris: 245 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
Nick Jones: 231 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
Misty: 224 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
(T10) Drake Green: 224 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 4 reigns)
Gabriel: 189 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
James Tuscini: 182 days (Roulette Championship, 2 reigns)
Kristopher Ryans: 175 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
(T13) Team Eggplant (Lachlan Kane/Sierra Williams): (World Mixed Tag Team Championship)
Simon Jones: 161 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
Calvin Harris: 147 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
J2H: 140 days (Roulette Championship, 2 reigns)
(T16) Roxi Johnson: 140 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 2 reigns)
(T16) Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Jessie Salco: Bombshell Roulette Championship: 119 days, 3 reigns)
(T17) Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T17) Jet City (Kris and Jason Halc): 119 (World Tag Team Championship)
Young Money (J2H/Gianni Di Luca): 112 (World Tag Team Championship)
(T18) Sean Jackson: 112 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
(T18) The Mean Girls (Veronica Taylor/Amanda Cortez): 112 (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T18) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
Sam Marlowe: 105 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)

(Tied for 6th, 8th overall) Longest Combined SCW singles championship reign of any kind: 259 days (surpassed by Mikah, 266 days; Held record for 11  months from end of reign until broken on February 8, 2016)

(minimum 100 days)
Sam Marlowe: 609 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
Mikah: 574 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
J2H: 469 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
Despayre: 308 days (Internet Championship, 2 reigns)
(T4) Team BJ: 308 days (World Tag Team Championship, 2 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 301+ days (3 reigns)
(T5) Alicia Lukas: 301 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)
The Fallen: 287 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, 3 reigns)
(T6) Crystal Millar: 287 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
Kristopher Ryans: 259 days (Roulette Championship, 2 reigns)
Sinful Obsession: 231 days (World Tag Team Championship)
(T7) Team Hero: 231 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T7) Nick Jones: 231 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
Misty: 224 days (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
(T8) Drake Green: 224 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 4 reigns)
Goth: 217 days (Roulette Championship, 3 reigns)
London Underground: 210 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Necra Octavian Kane: 203 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3 reigns)
Gabriel: 189 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
James Tuscini: 182 days (Roulette Championship, 2 reigns)
Kristopher Ryans: 175 days (World Heavyweight Championship)
(T13) Team Eggplant (Lachlan Kane/Sierra Williams): 175 days (World Mixed Tag Team Championship)
The Angel Clan (Lucy Seraphina/Uriella Abaddon): 168 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T14) London Underground: 168 days (World Tag Team Championship)
Simon Jones: 161 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
Calvin Harris: 147 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
J2H: 140 days (Roulette Championship, 2 reigns)
(T17) Roxi Johnson: 140 days (Bombshell Internet Championship, 2 reigns)
(T17) Dani Weston: 140 days (World Bombshell Championship)
Jessie Salco: Bombshell Roulette Championship: 119 days, 3 reigns)
(T19) Alexis Edwards: 119 days (Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T19) Members of the Elders (Song/Alana Allure): 119 days (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T19) Jet City (Kris and Jason Halc): 119 (World Tag Team Championship)
Young Money (J2H/Gianni Di Luca): 112 (World Tag Team Championship)
(T20) The Mean Girls (Veronica Taylor/Amanda Cortez): 112 days
(T20) Sean Jackson: 112 days (World Heavyweight Championship, 2 reigns)
(T20) Evie Baang: 112 days (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
Sam Marlowe: 105 days (World Bombshell Championship, 2 reigns)

(3rd) Fastest Bombshell singles champion to have a 200-day combined reign: 452 days/14 months, 26 days (surpassed by Mikah: 201 days/6 months, 18 days; Held record for 11 months from January 8 to December 11, 2015; Crystal Millar took over 2nd place on January 6, 2017)

(5th) Fastest Bombshell to have a 200-day combined reign of any kind: 452 days/14 months, 26 days (surpassed by Mikah: 201 days/6 months, 18 days; Held record for 11 months from January 8 to December 11, 2015 (Mikah's record is held jointly by Roxi Johnson, Keira Fisher and Crystal Millar)

(Tied for the 8th) Longest Bombshells unpinned/unsubmitted streak: 301 days/9 months, 28 days from 6/2/13 to 3/30/14 (surpassed by Delia Darling, 378 days) Held record for 8 months, 21 days from end of her streak on March 30, 2014 until broken on December 22, 2014

minimum 100 days
Paige Mackenzie: 455 days (first career pinfall loss in tag match)
Charlotte Elliot: 308 days (first career pinfall loss in tag match)
Cat Riley: 259 days (singles pinfall loss)
Mikah - 427 days (singles pinfall loss)
Uriella Abaddon - 385 days (while intact, streak ended after leaving company)
Delia Darling -  378 days (first career and singles pinfall loss)
Lucy Seraphina - 322 days (first career pinfall loss in tag match)
MERCEDES VARGAS - 301 days (first career pinfall loss in tag match)
(T8) Natalie McKinney - 301 days (while intact, streak ended after leaving company)
(T8) Evie Baang - 301 days (while intact, steak ended after leaving company)
Mikah - 252 days (singles submission oss)
Samantha Marlowe - 245 days (singles pinfall loss)
Samantha Marlowe - 231 days (singles pinfall loss)
Natalie McKinney - 203 days (singles submission loss)
Uriella Abaddon - 189 days (first career pinfall loss in tag match)
Mikah - 189 days (singles pinfall loss)
Melody Grace - 182 days (singles pinfall loss)
Devona - 168 days (first career and singles pinfall loss)
Samantha Marlowe - 133 days (singles pinfall loss)
Melody Grace - 105 days (while intact, streak ended after leaving company)

*Delia Darling surpassed Mercedes Vargas 301-day unpinned streak on December 22, 2014. She suffered her first career and singles pinfall loss after 378 days on March 8, 2015
*Lucy Seraphina surpassed Mercedes Vargas 301-day unpinned streak on March 21, 2016.
She suffered her first pinfall loss in SCW after 322 days, setting the new record
*Uriella Abaddon suffered her career pinfall loss in SCW after 189 days. She would eventually surpass Lucy Seraphina to set the new record. She eventually left the company, ending her unpinned singles streak at 385 days

(Tied for 2nd, 3rd overall) Most Bombshell consecutive/successful singles title defenses: 5 (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign; tied with Samantha Marlowe) (surpassed by Mikah, 6 (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign; Held record for 11 months from January 11, 2015 until broken on December 13, 2015)

(Minimum 3 defenses)
MIKAH: 6 defenses (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T1) Crystal Millar: 6 defenses (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T1) Samantha Marlowe: 6 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 5 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 3rd reign)
(T2) Samantha Marlowe: 5 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
Kate Steele: 4 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T3) Mikah: 4 defenses (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Roxi Johnson: 3 defenses (World Bombshell Championship, 1st reign)
(T4) Necra Octavian Kane: 3 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 1st reign)
(T4) Keira Fisher: 3 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T4) Melanie Gabrielle: 3 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T4) Alexis Edwards: 3 defenses (Bombshell Internet Championship)

Bombshells Division
- (3rd) Most Bombshell combined consecutive/successful title defenses of any kind: 9, 4 Bombshell Roulette Championship reigns (1 defense each in first two reigns; 5 during third reign, 2 during 4th reign) (record held since January 11, 2015 after surpassing The Fallen's record of 6 (3 World Bombshell Tag Team Championship reigns; 5 defenses in 1st reign, 2 defenses in third reign); record shared jointly with The Fallen (tying the record on September 15, 2015 in second defense of third World Bombshell Tag Team Championship reign; record surpassed by Sam Marlowe on February 17, 2019) (surpassed by Sam Marlowe on 5 May 2019)

(Minimum 3 defenses)
Samantha Marlowe: 13 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
MIKAH: 11 defenses (World Bombshell Championship, 3 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 9 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship, 4 reigns)
(T2) The Fallen: 7 defenses (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, 3 reigns)
Team Hero: 4 defenses (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T3) Kate Steele: 4 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T3) Mikah: 4 defenses (Bombshell Internet Championship)
Necra Octavian Kane: 3 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T4) Keira Fisher: 3 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T4) Melanie Gabrielle: 3 defenses (Bombshell Roulette Championship)

- (2nd) Longest combined reign: 259 days (Broke previous record of 203 (Necra Octavian Kane, 3 reigns) on January 12, 2015; held record for three years until broken on November 26, 2018 by Sam Marlowe)

(Minimum 100 days)
Samantha Marlowe: 609 days (3 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 301 days (4 reigns)
Necra Octavian Kane: 203 days (3 reigns)
Kate Steele: 182 days
Melanie Gabrielle: 133 days
Jessie Salco: 119 days (3 reigns)

- Longest Bombshells singles unpinned/unsubmitted streak: 434 days/14 months, 8 days from 6/2/13 - 8/10/14 (record held since August 10, 2014)

(Minimum 100 days)
MERCEDES VARGAS - 434 days (June 2, 2013 debut - August 10, 2014)
Mikah - 427 days (November 23, 2014 debut - January 24, 2016)
Lucy Seraphina - 399 days (May 24, 2015 debut - June 26, 2015)
Uriella Abaddon - 385 days (May 15, 2016 debut - June 4, 2017; while intact, streak ended after leaving company)
Delia Darling -  378 days (February 23, 2014 debut - March 8, 2015)
(T6) Natalie McKinney - 301 days (August 3, 2015 debut - May 31, 2015; while intact, streak ended after leaving company)
(T6) Evie Baang - 301 days (December 11, 2016 - October 8, 2017; while intact, steak ended after leaving company)
Mikah - 259 days (December 18, 2016 - September 3, 2017)
Mikah - 252 days (September 17, 2017 - May 27, 2018)
Samantha Marlowe - 245 days (September 13, 2015 - May 15, 2016)
Samantha Marlowe - 231 days (October 16, 2016 - June 4, 2017)
Natalie McKinney - 203 days (10 January -
31July 2016; submission singles loss)
Melody Grace - 182 days (March 13 - September 11, 2016)
Devona - 168 days (May 14 - September 3, 2017; first career and singles pinfall loss)
Samantha Marlowe - 133 days (June 18 - October 29, 2017)
Melody Grace - 105 days (October 26, 2014 debut - February 5, 2015; while intact, streak ended after leaving company)

Bombshell Roulette Championship, individual
- (2nd) Most consecutive/successful singles title defenses: 5 (Broke previous record of four on November 30, 2014; Bombshell record held since January 11, 2015; surpassed by Samantha Marlowe during third reign)

(Minimum 2 defenses)
SAMANTHA MARLOWE: 6 defenses (3rd reign)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 5 defenses (3rd reign)
Kate Steele: 4 defenses
Necra Octavian Kane: 3 defenses
(T3) Keira Fisher: 3 defenses
(T3) Melanie Gabrielle: 3 defenses
(T3) Evie Baang: 3 defenses
Kittie: 2 defenses
(T4) Emma Rose: 2 defenses
(T4) Crystal Hilton: 2 defenses
(T4) Jessie Salco: 2 defenses

( 2nd) most combined consecutive/successful title defenses: 7 (Bombshell Roulette Championship: 1 defense each in first two reigns, 5 defenses in third reign; 2 during 4th reign; tied with The Fallen, World Bombshell Tag Team Championship: 5 defenses in first, 1 each in 2nd and 3rd reigns) and Sam Marlowe (5 defenses in 1st, two in third) who tied record on January 27, 2019  (surpassed by Mikah, 8 (World Bombshell Championship: 6 defenses in 1st reign, 2 defenses in 2nd reign; Held record for 11 months from January 11, 2015 until broken on January 14, 2018)

- (2nd) Most combined consecutive/successful title defenses: 9 (Broke previous record of four on November 30, 2014; record held since January 11, 2015; surpassed by Sam Marlowe on January 27, 2019)

(Minimum 2 defenses)
Samantha Marlowe: 13 defenses (4 reigns)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 9 defenses (4 reigns)
Kate Steele: 4 defenses
Necra Octavian Kane: 3 defenses
(T4) Keira Fisher: 3 defenses
(T4) Melanie Gabrielle: 3 defenses
(T4) Evie Baang: 3 defenses
Kittie: 2 defenses
(T5) Emma Rose: 2 defenses
(T5) Crystal Hilton: 2 defenses
(T5) Jessie Salco: 2 defenses

Current Records

- Most championships won: 12 (record held since February 14, 2016 after surpassing Amy Marshall's record of 8 set on June 28, 2015; extended record to 12 on June 30, 2019

MERCEDES VARGAS: 12 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x4; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x3; World Bombshell Championship, x2; Bombshell Internet Championship, World Mixed Tag Team Championship, x2)
Amy Marshall: 8 titles: (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x3; Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2; Bombshell Internet Championship, x2; Bombshell Internet Championship)
Jessie Salco: 7 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x3, Bombshell Roulette Championship, x3; Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T3) Sam Marlowe: 7 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x2; Bombshell Roulette Championship, x4, World Mixed Tag Team Championship)
(T3) Roxi Johnson: 7 titles: World Bombshell Championship, x3; Bombshell Internet Championship, x2; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship; Bombshell Roulette Championship
Vixen: 6 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3; Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
Misty: 5 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x2)
(T5) Raynin: 5 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x2; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x3)
(T5) Veronica Taylor: 5 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x3; Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2)
(T5) Odette Stevens (nee Ryder): 5 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x4; World Bombshell Championship)
(T5) Christina Rose: 5 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3, Bombshell Roulette Championship, Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T5) Mikah: 5 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3; Bombshell Roulette Championship, Bombshell Internet Championship)
Necra Octavian Kane: 4 titles: (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x3; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T6) Joanne Canelli: 4 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x2; Bombshell Roulette Championship, Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T6) Gothika: 4 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x3; World Bombshell Championship)
Amanda Cortez: 3 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x2; World Bombshell Championship)
(T7) Melody Grace: 3 titles (Bombshell Internet Championship, World Bombshell Championship, World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)
(T7) Polly Playtime: 3 titles (Bombshell Internet Championship, World Bombshell Championship, x2)
(T7) Evie Baang: 3 titles (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, World Bombshell Championship, Bombshell Roulette Championship)
Kitty: 2 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship, World Bombshell Championship)
(T8) Alexis Morrison: 2 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2)
(T8) Delia Darling: 2 titles (World Bombshell Championship, World Bombshell Tag Team Championship)

- Most singles championships won: 7 (record held since September 24, 2017 after breaking tie with Amy Marshall and Roxi Johnson; Marshall's fifth win was on January 22, 2017; record extended to 7 on June 30, 2019)

(minumum two titles)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 7 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x4; World Bombshell Championship, x2; Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T2) Sam Marlowe: 6 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x2; Bombshell Roulette Championship, x4)
(T2) Roxi Johnson: 6 titles: World Bombshell Championship, x3; Bombshell Internet Championship, x2; Bombshell Roulette Championship
Vixen: 5 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3; Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2)
(T3) Amy Marshall: 5 titles: (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2; Bombshell Internet Championship, x2; Bombshell Internet Championship)
(T3) Mikah: 5 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3; Bombshell Roulette Championship, Bombshell Internet Championship)
Jessie Salco: 4 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x3; Bombshell Internet Championship)
Misty: 3 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x3)
(T5) Necra Octavian Kane: 3 titles: (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x3)
(T5) Kate Steele: 3 titles: (Bombshell Internet Championship, x2; Bombshell Roulette Championship)
Alexis Morrison: 2 titles (Bombshell Roulette Champion, x2)
(T6) Raynin: 2 titles (World Bombshell Championship, x2)
(T6) Joanne Canelli: 2 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship)
(T6) Veronica Taylor: 2 titles (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2)
(T6) Melody Grace: 2 titles (Bombshell Internet Championship, World Bombshell Championship)
(T6) Evie Baang: 2 titles (World Bombshell Championship, Bombshell Roulette Championship)

- Most championships won in a single year: 4 (2014); held record since September 14, 2014, surpassing previous record of three set by Vixen on June 22, 2014.

(minimum two titles)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 4 titles, 2014 (Bombshell Roulette Championship, x2 (January and September; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x2 (March and June)
Vixen: 3 titles, 2014 (World Bombshell Championship, x2 (March and June); Bombshell Roulette Championship (March)
(T2) Raynin: 3 titles, 2015 (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, x2 (January and July); World Bombshell Championship (April)
(T2) Amy Marshall: 3 titles, 2015 (Bombshell Internet Championship, x2 (June and August); World Bombshell Championship (March)
(T2) Roxi Johnson: 3 titles, 2015 (Bombshell Internet Championship (March and July); World Bombshell Tag Team Championship (October)
Vixen: 2 titles, 2013 (World Bombshell Championship, January; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, October)
(T3) Gothika: 2 titles, 2013 (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, March; World Bombshell Championship, October)
(T3) Misty: 2 titles, 2013 (World Bombshell Championship, March; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, October)
(T3) Emma Rose: 2 titles, 2014 (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, February; Bombshell Roulette Championship, April)
(T3) Necra Octavian Kane: 2 titles, 2014 (Bombshell Roulette Championship x2 (February and July)
(T3) Joanne Canelli: 2 titles, 2014 (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship x2 (March and November)
(T3) Amy Marshall: 2 titles, 2014 (World Bombshell Tag Team Championship x2 (July and November)
(T3) Mikah: 2 titles, 2015 (World Bombshell Championship, May; Bombshell Roulette Championship, December)
(T3) Mercedes Vargas: 2 titles, 2016 (Bombshell Internet Championship, February; World Bombshell Championship, May)
(T3) Samantha Marlowe: 2 titles, 2016 (World Bombshell Championship x2 (February and June)
(T3) Kate Steele: 2 titles, 2016 (Bombshell Roulette Championship, February; Bombshell Internet Championship, October)
(T3) Veronica Taylor: 2 titles, 2016 (Bombshell Internet Championship x2 (August and December)
(T3) Melody Grace: 2 titles, 2017 (World Bombshell Championship, January; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, June)
(T3) Jessie Salco: 2 titles, 2017 (Bombshell Roulette Championship x2 (February and June)
(T3) Polly Playtime: 2 titles, 2017 (Bombshell Internet Championship, April; World Bombshell Championship, September)
(T3) Mercedes Vargas: 2 titles, 2018 (World Mixed Tag Team Championship, July, September)
(T3) Sam Marlowe: 2 titles, 2018 (Bombshell Roulette Championship, January, November)

- Only Bombshell to win at least one championship every year since debut for seven years in a row (record held after surpassing and breaking tie of the previous record of four shared by Amy Marshall (2012-2015) and Roxi Johnson (2013-2016) set on June 28, 2015 (Marshall's first Bombshell Internet Championship reign) by winning the Bombshell Internet Championship, February 14, 2016; extended record to seven in a row after most recent title win on June 30, 2019 (4th Bombshell Roulette Championship)

(minimum two consecutive years)
MERCEDES VARGAS: 7 consecutive years, 2013-2019
Bombshell Roulette Championship, October 2013; Bombshell Roulette Championship (2nd), January 2014; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship (3rd), July 2015; Bombshell Internet Championship, February 2016; World Bombshell Championship (2nd), September 2017

Misty: 3 consecutive years: 2011-2013
World Bombshell Championship: 2011-2013

Jessie Salco: 3 consecutive years: 2012-2014
World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, November 2012; Bombshell Roulette Championship, March 2013; World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, July 2014

Amy Marshall: 4 consecutive years: 2012-2015
World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, November 2012; Bombshell Roulette Championship, November 2013; World Bombshell Championship, July 2014; Bombshell Internet Championship, June 2015

Roxi Johnson: 4 consecutive years: 2013-2016
World Bombshell Championship, June 2013
World Bombshell Championship, July 2014,
World Bombshell Tag Team Championship, November 2015; Bombshell Roulette Championship, September 2016

- First-ever two-time World Mixed Tag Team Champions (with Kain)
- First and only five-time tag team champion, male or female, in SCW history

- Most Bombshell title matches: 58+ (held record since May 3, 2015 after surpassing Vixen's record of 24 set on September 14, 2014;