Author Topic: DEVONA/J2H v DAWN WARREN/CALVIN HARRIS - 2023 BFTP FINALS  (Read 4207 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: April 24, 2023, 02:13:42 PM »
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Calvin Harris

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× Making You Famous ×
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2023, 11:05:49 PM »

[ OOC: The best of luck everyone! This thing was an honor to be a part of! Google Docs has this bad boy at 4,930 words! ]

With a little bit of a gap before Into The Void, Calvin along with Guy were on their way back to the states. In that moment there was a little bit of turbulence in the air that happened to stir Calvin awake. He was slowly opening his eyes as he could hear a female voice.

FLIGHT ATTENDANT:  Mr. Hawkes, our pilot has informed us. We’re about thirty minutes from landing. Is there anything else I could get you?

Calvin’s eyes had finally fluttered open as he was able to get his bearings about him. At the same time, he could hear Guy speaking back to the attendant.

GUY: Another banana milk on the rocks, hold the rocks!

The woman nodded and made a quick exit. Guy settled back in his seat, a smile spread across his painted lips. Not realizing at all that Calvin happened to be side-eying him. All of the sudden Calvin nudged him. Causing Guy to stir in surprise.

GUY: Huzzah! About time you woke up, sleepy head.

CALVIN HARRIS: What the hell was that?

GUY: What was what?

CALVIN HARRIS: Don’t play stupid with me.

GUY: Mama always said stupid is as stupid does.

Calvin just found himself glaring at him a little more. In that very second the flight attendant had returned with a glass of yellow milk. Handing it over to Guy, but before she could go away. Calvin was quick to gain her attention.

CALVIN HARRIS: Excuse me miss.

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Yes sir, how can I help you?

CALVIN HARRIS: I couldn’t help but over here what you called him. Who do you think this man is?

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Oh sir. Are you not aware? This is wrestling sensation James Huntington-Hawkes the Third.

CALVIN HARRIS: Are you fu---

GUY: We’re good here ma’am! You’re dismissed!

She had quite a smile on her face and started to walk away from them. Guy waited until she was out of the view before turning to him.

GUY: Dude, are you trying to ruin this?!

CALVIN HARRIS: Are you trying to get us thrown in jail again?! I should have known better. I should have known the moment you told me you booked us a private flight home that it was too good to be true.

GUY: Okay, okay. Maybe, I didn’t book it. Not on my dime or anything BUT it’s still been a private flight home. Private jet. Hella service. It’s been a better flight than you and I have ever been on. It all worked out my amigo!

CALVIN HARRIS: Until, he figures out his private jet was jacked and he sues the both of us. You’ve done a lot of stupid stuff in the short amount of time I’ve known you, but this has got to be the stupidest thing so far. Jesus Christ.

For a brief second, he rubbed his hands over his face. It was pretty clear that he was annoyed. Yet at the same exact time. There wasn’t too much that he could really do about it. They had already boarded the flight and were almost already home.

GUY: My friend, you have got to stop worrying so much.

CALVIN HARRIS: I wouldn’t have to worry, if you’d stop doing dumb shit.

GUY: Again, don’t see it as dumb. It all worked out, but look at it like this. You got something to hold over that douchey dude now. You get to brag about jacking his plane. Comedy my friend. Learn to laugh!

CALVIN HARRIS: One, I didn’t jack anything. That was all you. You put me in this horrible situation. Secondly, you really think that shit matters? Cracking a joke about taking his airplane? That is going to have no value at all. All he’s going to do is go after us financially. And lastly, I just don’t find this to be a laughing matter. This just made things much worse than they needed to be.

GUY: And this is why you’re a grumpy old fart.

Calvin just glared over in the direction of Guy for a brief second. At this point he shouldn’t have been surprised by anything he did or said. It was something every single week.

GUY: No time to be sweating any of this! I told you, I’d get you to the finals. You’re there. And now you’re going to win the whole thing. It’s easy cash munnies!

CALVIN HARRIS: I highly doubt that I would consider it easy money. And it is something to be sweating. If anything this is the match I need to sweat the most. Nevermind the fact that it has that future SCW Heavyweight Championship shot hanging in the balance. This is the single most important match I’ve had since coming back to wrestling. It may even be the single most important match I've ever had in Sin City Wrestling as a whole.

GUY: Ew! You really think that dude is that special? Brother looks like he belongs in a nineties boy band. Not an ounce of muscle on him. Got them limp noodle arms boyyy.

CALVIN HARRIS: And this is why, you’re not in the match. J2H would wipe the floor with you.

GUY: Debatable.

CALVIN HARRIS: Not even close to being debatable, but the point is Guy. I’m more than aware of what I am dealing with here. The moment I arrive in London and step into the ring with him. It’s going to get out of hand real quick. Only one team can win this thing, so it’s going to be guaranteed a fight. But for me, it’s much more than winning the tournament. It’s much more than winning a title shot. It’s all about proving that I belong in the ring with someone like him.

Guy found himself just rolling his eyes a little bit. He didn’t find the real “appeal” to everything involving J2H, but then again it wasn’t for him to find the appeal in. He brought that glass of milk to his lips and took a sip from it. Calvin on the other hand settled himself back in his seat. His mindset was very apparent going forward. That match was going to put him through the ringer, but it was something he was more than prepared for.

Ever since landing back in the states. Calvin had found himself back to “life” as it was. Being a husband, being a father, and even being a trainer. It was easy to get wrapped up in life and forget about certain things. Truth be told up until class had wrapped up tonight. He had forgotten about the match that was set to take place at Into The Void. Course, when the thought did creep into the mind. He took it upon himself to stay late just for his own training.He was hitting the ropes back and forth, as hard and as fast as he could.

Doing everything he could to “blow” himself up at that point. After all he was convinced that this was going to be quite the stamina battle amongst himself and J2H when they locked up with each other. Being similar in size and all. He hit the ropes on the right size once more and when he came back. He found himself diving over the top rope for a plancha. Spinning himself into a corkscrew and landing flat on the crash pad outside of the ring. He pushed himself up and as he was doing so. He heard the sound of clapping. Calvin turned himself around and in doing so it was like he was seeing a ghost.

Walking towards him was a man that he hadn’t seen in the better part of six years. It was none other than his father. Much older looking now than the last time he had seen him. There was an almost instant glare that formed in Calvin’s eyes. His father finally approached him.

LUCAS HARRIS: Looking good my boy. Looking real good.

He had quite the proud looking smile on his face. Calvin’s expression hadn’t changed though. It might have been six years since their last conversation, but there was thirty four years of bad blood and animosity Calvin held towards him.

CALVIN HARRIS: What do you want, Lucas?

LUCAS HARRIS: Lucas? Still can’t even call me dad after all this time?

CALVIN HARRIS: Again, what do you want? And how the hell did you find me?

LUCAS HARRIS: I stopped by the house first. Alessandra told me where I could find you.

CALVIN HARRIS: ... I thought I made it clear six years ago. You weren’t wanted at my house. You weren’t allowed to speak to my wife or my children.

His eyes narrowed just a little more. Not too pleased with the information he was given.

CALVIN HARRIS: Come to think about it. I don’t even care to know what you want. You’re not welcome here either. So go ahead. Get in your car and disappear.

LUCAS HARRIS: I will never understand your animosity towards me. I did the best I could with you.

CALVIN HARRIS: Oh yeah, doing the best you could is letting my brother and I fend for ourselves when you met a new woman on the road every week since the time I was sixteen.

He rolled his eyes just a little bit at the situation.

CALVIN HARRIS: I guess I should be thankful though right? At least you waited until I was sixteen to start abandoning me. Unlike that egg-donor of mine that abandoned me the day I was born. Someone should really buy you a father of the year award or something.

Dripping in sarcasm a little bit. He wasn’t pleased, those issues were very much deeply rooted between the two of them. Something he didn’t seem set on letting go anytime soon.

LUCAS HARRIS: Your mother... that’s the entire reason I’m here. Otherwise, I’d be letting you live your life. But I figured it would be best to come from me than from anyone else. Or finding it out on the internet for that matter.

CALVIN HARRIS: I don’t go looking up the name Tina Gordon-Harris. Haven’t done that since I was about nineteen years, old man. So, really whatever it is that's out there or may get back to me. Has no meaning to me. I don’t care about that woman. Just like she doesn’t care about me.

LUCAS HARRIS: Calvin, she passed away last night.

Those words made the entire room that they stood in go completely silent. You could have heard a pin drop. Calvin just looked at his father. Puzzling look on his face. Seemingly struggling with the information that he was given.


LUCAS HARRIS: It’s been close to almost ten years since I’ve had a conversation with her, and even longer since I last saw her. It’s no secret she struggled with alcohol abuse. From the information I was given. She fell off the wagon again. This time it was just too much. I’m sorry...

CALVIN HARRIS: Just stop right there. I don’t know what the hell you coming all this way here to tell me that was going to accomplish.

LUCAS HARRIS: I felt like you needed to know.

CALVIN HARRIS: And I felt like I needed a functioning pair of parents for most of my life until I finally gave up on that. Now that she's gone, I’m supposed to feel some type of way?

LUCAS HARRIS: I get that this is a lot to take in. I know that deep down you always craved her love and her attention. Everyone grieves differently, kid. This is going to be heard for you, I get it but people make mistakes. No one is perfect. You gotta find a way to forgive her.

CALVIN HARRIS: ... I have to find a way to forgive her? No, I don’t have to do a goddamn thing. Just like she didn’t do a goddamn thing for me for thirty four years!

The information he was given. It was hard to process. It was tugging away at his heart strings. It made him feel emotional, but he couldn’t let that be shown. Too much pride and too much anger in him to let that be the case.

CALVIN HARRIS: You delivered your message... Now go. Just fucking go!

He pointed towards the exit of the building. His father went to say something, but it was clear this wasn’t the time or even the place. Lucas put his head down and slowly turned around. Heading for the door he had come in only moments before. By that time Calvin had turned around. He slammed his hands down on the ring apron. He was furious. He was upset. He was heart broken. So many emotions running through him at once. And not a way to process them.

He didn’t know what to do, what to say, or how to go forward. He was someone that spent his entire life having no relationship with his mother. And now there would never be one. Life was short. Much shorter than people ever imagined. There was no fixing the issue now. Finding himself kneeling down and placing his head down on the ring apron. He felt the first single tear drop drip down his cheek. Life going forward would be the same, but yet be so different.

The Blast From The Past Tournament Finals Have Arrived!

Calvin was looking right at the cameras with a small smirk on his lips. Just those few words coming out of him told a story that he was quite excited.

That being said, I’m more than aware that people never envisioned Dawn Warren and Myself to be the ones that are in the finals. I’d think it’s safe to say that a good majority would have believed that J2H and Devona were making it this far. I’d even say a good majority of them are betting on those two to win the whole thing, but no one expected Dawn and I to be the ones that they were facing. No one expected Dawn and I to even make it out of the first round. To be fair, I can’t say I blame people for having that kind of mindset. Because when this entire thing started, I didn’t believe that the two of us would be making it out of round one.

A brief pause overcame the man they called the “Highlight of the Night”. For it seemed that he was speaking from a real place at that moment.

I’ve never said this outloud and I damn sure didn’t say it to Dawn, but when I found out who I was paired with. I didn’t think I had a good partner. Hell, I didn’t even think that I had a solid partner at that. I looked at this pairing with Dawn as an extremely bad luck of the draw. I didn’t think she was up to par on what I needed as a partner. I also looked at some of the females in this tournament and all around there is some really stiff competition. I didn’t think that if it came down to it, when the ball was in her hands with the game on the line.  She’d be able to make that three pointer and bring it home. But that’s what I get for having that kind of mindset.

I should have never thought that way, because Dawn... while a little weird at times in my opinion. She’s been a hell of a tag team partner. She’s shown up every single time we’ve had a match and has given it everything she got. As a matter of fact, if it wasn’t her at Climax Control two weeks ago. We wouldn’t even be in the finals right now. She took a beating from Bobbi, but never backed down. Never stayed down. Got right back up and took the fight to her. First opening she created for herself. She took advantage of it. Only for it to work out in our favor and land us in this very sought out after spot. My apologies for ever doubting you from the start, Dawn.

One would have to question whether or not admitting to something like that. At least some publicly was going to end up being a problem for the team or not come Into the Void. After all, to have your partner admit that he didn’t see much value in you from the start was kind of a lot to take in, but the one thing people could say about it was at least he told the truth.

Now for anyone that may have been listening a couple weeks back. Heading into the match with Bobbi and Jack. I stated that in my opinion. Jack and Bobbi were the second toughest team in the tournament. The first being J2H and Devona. As it turns out, I was right. Not that, I’m surprised. As much as I might’ve had an ego once before. As much as people still might not like me or still might not trust me. As much as people might be looking forward to my downfall. The one thing I am not is a fool and I’ve never let myself be blinded by foolishness. From the gate, I knew what I was dealing with when it came to Devona and J2H.

Devona being a former Bombshell Internet Champion, but just that. She has without a doubt been one of the best women’s wrestlers that have existed on the Sin City Wrestling roster. That’s a woman that you can put in the ring with anyone. At any given time. In any situation and stipulation. And you know she’s going to show up. You know she’s going to show out. You know she’s going to do everything she can to burn the house down, with her opponent inside it. She’s one tough talented chick. If I was a female, I’d truly be afraid to get in the ring with her. For the simple fact of what she can do inside those ropes. So, I really hope that Dawn is doing her research. Because she’s in for a fight. Then there’s the ever so confident and arrogant J2H.

Despite how I described him, there’s no doubt that he has earned the right to be that way. The man has held the SCW Internet Championship. He’s held the SCW Roulette Championship... along with three other men at the same time. Some weird times back in two thousand and fourteen. Shocking to me. You even held the Tag Team Championship. Can’t even wrap my mind around how that would work. You’re also a two time SCW Heavyweight Champion. Not to mention, you had by far the single most impressive rookie year in the entirety of Sin City Wrestling. There’s not a single person that will ever come close to what you did in one year. And then on top of all of that, because yes there’s more when it comes to you. You remained unbeaten for quite some time.

Anyone that knew J2H and his history amongst SCW. Knew that he was a well accomplished man. Pretty much had done everything there was to do inside of that company. All of which Calvin seemed to have acknowledged for better or for worse.

Nevermind the fact you were Wrestler and Man of the year, back to back two years in a row. Simply put, J2H. You just might be the single greatest thing to ever step foot into Sin City Wrestling. But with that being said. I didn’t just say all of that to make it sound like I’m drooling all over your junk or that I’m some type of simp. I ain’t that guy, fam. But the point of it is. I want you to understand. I’m more than aware of what I’m dealing with. I’m more than aware of who is going to be standing across from the ring with me. More than aware of what I am going to have to go through. If I want my hand raised in victory and to have a future shot at the SCW Heavyweight Championship. It’s going to be the single greatest task I’ve ever been faced with in all my time wrestling. I just hope for your sake that you did your research and understand just what it is you’re dealing with.

Briefly, the cameras caught that stern look in Calvin’s eye.

I know that the cool, calm, and collected thing for J2H to do is to say everyone else sucks. He’s the greatest. You know generic bad guy tactic, number one. I know the ego driven J2H thing to do is to point out how easy it is for you to defeat me, considering you’ve just ran through everyone else in the tournament. Compare me to all the others that have been before you up until me. You know, generic bad guy tactic number two. And then of course there’s generic bad guy tactic number three when you do everything you can in an attempt to quote unquote bury me. Point out all my flaws. Talk poorly about me. Top to bottom that J2H promo through and through. I expect nothing less, but because I expect nothing less. I already know how this is going to go. I already know the worst thing you can say about me.

The worst thing you can say is that once upon a time I was a piece of shit. That had an ego and that when I didn’t get my way. When I didn’t get what I wanted. When I didn’t become the single most important thing in the world. I’d pack my bags up and I’d go home. Better find a new insult though J2H. Been hearing that since I walked back through those doors. Ain’t had any impression on me yet. And as far as comparing me to everyone else you’ve faced so far. That’s also not going to do you any favors. First and foremost, how could you even begin to compare me to Kain? I did more in my short amount of time here on and off over the years. Then he did with his entire career here. Comparing me to Oliver Zhan is kind of just a joke in itself. I am sure that Oliver is going to grow into his shoes. I’m sure dude is going to make a splash around here sooner than later...

But right now I’m miles ahead of him. Then the last person you faced to make it to the finals. Mr. Ken Davison, I personally haven’t had the pleasure to get in the ring with him. Even though that’s the case. It’s hard to deny talent. Man has made this business his entire being and has lasted quite some time. Being compared to someone like that is a good thing, but of course the only reason you’re going to compare the two of us is because it’s someone that you beat and that’s all you see me as. Someone, you’re going to beat and do so with ease. All of that tying back into the whole you’re god and everyone else sucks compared to you. Now, I know that losing isn’t something that happens often and I know what I’m going to say will without a doubt fall upon deaf ears. However, facts are still facts. Sooner rather than later J2H, you’re going to find someone that your whole shtick doesn’t work on.

Holding his finger up into the air. He gave it a simple wag in a ‘no’ manner. Kind of to back up his words and serve as a warning of sorts. Not that Calvin had expected J2H to take what he was saying seriously. Not by any means. It wasn’t who he was.

That somebody's me as far as I’m concerned. I’m not impressed by it and I’m not going to allow it to get to me. I’m much smarter than all of that. Just like I’m about to be the someone that exposes you in a light that most people haven’t ever had the balls to expose you in. You see, everyone always buys into the aura that is J2H. Therefore none of them really speak from the heart. Some of them are almost afraid to speak up at all, but that isn’t the case with me. I once referred to myself as the Martyr of Professional Wrestling. I was constantly targeted for my beliefs and views. Plenty of people tried to off me, but they could never get it done. So therefore I have no problem speaking from the heart and telling you all about yourself.

As he stood there, the cameras got a little closer on the man’s face. It was clear that things were about to be kicked up a notch in a verbal sense.

While you may be one of the best between the ropes. How come no one has ever pointed out the obvious? How come no one has pointed out that most of the time when you were set to defend a championship? There was a sudden issue. You had to vacate the title or it was pulled off you. How come you yourself have never been a contestant figurative amongst SCW? At least not after your rookie year. You find yourself in a compelling situation and you barely get by. I mean by the skin of your teeth and then you go disappearing for months and months at a time. And has anyone found it strange that the last few times you’ve decided to grace us with your presence, the last few times you’ve poked your head around SCW. It’s only been against less than subpar talent? Almost every single one of them was against someone that you were guaranteed to beat.

This entire Blast From The Past tournament has been the most competition you’ve had in at least two years, J2H. And based off everything I’ve seen so far, I’m surprised you even decided to become involved in such a thing. I’m going to call it the way I see it. Not sugar coating it or pulling punches. The vibe I get out of you brother is simply this. If it’s a situation where your back is against the wall. You want to run away. If it’s a situation where your skill and your talent is going to be tested. You want nothing to do with it and are quick to try to find a way out. Every single time it isn’t a situation where J2H looks like the golden child and a guaranteed victory. He doesn’t want to meet the challenge head on. No other way to put it if you ask me buddy. At the end of the day, you’re nothing more than a giant pussy with an ego that needs to be stomped out.

Those were without a doubt some pretty big words coming out of him. Further painting the picture of how he was going to go at things when the two of them finally met in the ring. If anything this was just a way to further get the crowd excited for the meeting.

I know that I’m subjecting myself to pissing you off and getting under your skin. But, if I were to be honest with you, J2H. That’s what I want. I want to get under your skin so much that you show up in London pissed off and ready to go. I want that first year version of you. I want the version of you that actually got respected at once. I want the version of you that didn’t cut corners and run from a fight. Because at least then, I know it’s going to be a match worth a damn. And if I end up losing, it’s because I got the best out of you. In fact that’s the only way I can actually see myself losing. This version of who you are now. Doesn’t stand a chance against me. You show up at Into The Void the way you are right now. I promise you, kid. I’m going to chew you up and spit you out in front of a sold out arena without feeling a single bit of remorse!

The smirk on his face said it all. It really said that Calvin believed everything that he was saying. Whether or not that came off as egotistical. It was for others to decide, in the end that wasn’t something that he was concerned about.

Devona and J2H. Get ready for the ride. Because, I’m really about to make your asses famous and make sure that at Into The Void. You’re introduced to what being the Highlight of the Night is all about.

As it turned out those would be his final words for the time being. There was no denying that the stage had been set. He was going up against the single greatest superstar that SCW has ever produced. It was their first time meeting each other and he wanted it to be known. He wasn’t afraid and he wasn’t going to back down. All of this was all going to go down in a history making match and history making moment that was the Blast From The Past tournament finals.

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« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2023, 07:39:54 PM »
It had been another hard earned victory for the unlikely team of J2H and Devona, one they were pushed to their limits to earn over a former World Champion and a woman who should have been up the top years ago. Three down and one to go, but there was no time for J2H to celebrate, nor did he want to celebrate as he walked through the curtain and in to the backstage area, quickly followed by Devona, her light up the room smile all over her face.

Devona: Hey! Wait up partner!

J2H ignored her as he made his way through people backstage but Devona continues to hound him, moving a half a step faster then him and standing in front of him, her arms stretched out in front of her.

J2H: What do you want?

His tone was cold, but it had come to be expected from him.

Devona: Where's the fire?

He wasn't impressed with the whole cliche line and rolled his eyes accordingly as he looked at the slightly shorter Devona.

J2H: It's inside of me, it's inside of me to get the fuck out of this stupid country. My obligation to be in that stupid forest ended when the match ended. I've been away from home for too long and with that little bit of time off, I'm saying screw the shower, I'm picking up my bags, hell, I might not even get changed and I'm going the fuck home.

Devona: Well that's just gonna be unpleasant for the pilot, but there is no flights out of here to fancy land.

A smirk crossed J2H's face as he put his hand on Devona's shoulder.

J2H: This is the difference between us, you think in the box, and I don't, do you know why?

Devona shrugged her shoulders at J2H.

Devona: Enlighten me.

J2H: Because I have a shit ton of money and when you have a shit ton of money, you can do whatever the hell you want. I have a private jet waiting for me and that means I get to get out of this shit hole of a country when I want and yeah, I'm gonna do that right now.

He pointed to the exit and walked past Devona, not giving her a chance to reply directly to him, but she couldn't stop herself from muttering something to herself.

Devona: He's a pain in the ass! I don't know how his wife puts up with him.

J2H was out of ear shot and in to his dressing room, picking up his bag and was out of the arena before anyone knew it.

12 hours later, he had finally got away from the wrestling world and made it home...


He stood outside his Beverly Hills mansion, tired from the last few weeks of hard work, tired from the constant travel to places off the beaten path. He was as tired as he was happy to be home. He dropped his bag outside the front door, waiting for just a second to look around the land that he had strangely missed for the last few weeks while he was touring.

Eventually, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, breathing in the familiar smell of his own home. The house sounded empty, which might not have been a great surprise to him, as he never told anyone he was coming home, that he just wanted to surprise his family, but his curiosity made him bring his bag through the door and leave it in the hallway before exploring the house to see if anyone was around.

Moving in to the living room, he heard a sound outside the house, in to the back garden and pool area. He moved towards the door leading to the outside, just peering his head around the corner. His smile told the story as he watched his wife Melody, and son James Jr splashing around in the pool. He stood just staring at a sight he had missed for so long, but it didn't take too long for him to be noticed.


Melody spun around in surprise as JJ pulled himself out of the pool, running towards his father and jumping at him. Usually J2H would not have been happy being soaked but he was more then happy to be home and see his family.

Melody: James!

She too found her way out of the pool and moving towards her husband, a little more weary of putting her arms around him, but he nodded towards her opened his left arm, giving her a chance to pull herself close.

Melody: I didn't know you was coming home, I thought you would be gone until after the tournament finished.

He shook his head at her slowly while smiling.

J2H: You have gotta be kidding... Not working next weekend, no need for me to be running off to London so soon.

Melody: But you love London.

It's true, for some reason, J2H did like London more then most places, he and Melody had often travelled to London for a city break. He had a thing for it's history, and culture, even though he thought the food was swill.

J2H: I'd rather spend a week at home, then go to London next week. In fact, I think you should come with me, come and see some old faces, take the little guy backstage.

He looked down at James Jr, the boy just hugging his fathers leg. J2H reached down and lifted him up, looking at him.

J2H: What do you say? Wanna go to England next week?

JJ: And watch Into The Void?

J2H: Of course.

The boys face lit up with excitement as he squeezed his father hard. J2H slowly lowered him to the ground, watching him jump around with joy.

Melody: Why don't you go get dried off and dressed so we can go do something with Daddy?

Her hand ruffled James Jr's hair as he nodded his head and ran towards the sun beds covered in towels. J2H looked around at the pool before keeping a watchful eye on his son as Melody wrapped her arms around him.

J2H: It's so good to be back home.

Melody: It's so good to have you back home. We've missed you here.

He squeezed her just a little tighter but the two were quickly interrupted by James Jr approaching.

JJ: Daddy, where's Devona?

J2H dropped to a knee to be at eye level with his son.

J2H: I don't know, she could be anywhere in the world.

JJ: But Daddy, she's your tag team partner and I've never met her and I want to meet her so bad.

J2H looked his son in the eye and he knew he couldn't resist giving him what he wanted, but the thought of more time around wrestlers was not what he wanted.

J2H: You can meet her in London when we go there. Go get dressed and we'll go out somewhere.

He could feel the disappointment from his son, but he did as he was told. Melody smiled at her husband.

Melody: You're gonna call her, aren't you?

J2H: Yeah...

It might have taken him hours to get through to Devona but this is where you switch to watch her stuff and see what went down on said phone call...


So you've seen Devona's work I hope, if not, you might need to for this to make sense...

So Devona had finally been released by James Jr, allowing her to freely wander around the house with Melody and even getting to see a little of Beverly Hills, allowing J2H to have a little father son time. It was one of the things he had missed the most when it came to being away. He could do it when James Jr was younger and SCW was more local, he could often be home before the little man could wake up but the bouncing around the world was something he hated to do. There was another side to J2H that was rarely seen on camera, the family guy, where he was just a husband and father.

He would love that time, and got used to it when he was away from the ring. He didn't have to work, but did enough to keep himself busy, but his family always came first to him, no matter what. Being away from them made it hurt for him, but the moments that followed meant the world to him.

He sat in what he called the media room of his home with his son, his hand wrapped around a Playstation 5 controller with his son on his lap, his son with his hands on his fathers as they played a game on a giant screen in front of them.

J2H: What do you think? Do we go in like a ninja or do we run in screaming and shoot everything that moves?

He looked down at his son on his lap, who looked back up to return his gaze.

JJ: Ninja!

Just the tone of a simple word made J2H smile as he nodded at his son, looking up at the screen.

J2H: Ok, but we gotta be very, very quiet. Like the man who hunts Bugs Bunny.

A chuckle came from his sons lips as he looks up towards his father.

JJ: The bunny always wins Daddy.

J2H: That's because Elmer wasn't quiet enough, if he was, then he would have caught that bunny and... Erm, had him as a pet.

He didn't want to tell him what Elmer was much more likely to do given the chance to poor Bugs so he simply made it more PG.

JJ: Let's be a ninja!

The two looked up at the screen in front of them and with JJ's hands on J2H's hand, the two control the character on their screen around any character looking to stop them. They both smile as they get to where they wanna go on the screen and James Jr throws his hands in the air in victory.

JJ: We did it!

Just hearing those words made J2H's almost icy heart melt as he looked down at his son with more pride then many have.

J2H: We did! We were like ninja's, no one saw us coming, no one knew we were there and you know why? Cause we're unstoppable!

JJ: Unstoppable!

J2H looked at the time on his expensive watch sitting on his left wrist and looked back at his son, who had turned around in his lap to get a better view of his father.

J2H: It's getting a bit late now little man, time to get you to bed. You know what that means? One day closer to London and getting to see all your wrestler friends.

JJ: But I'm not tired.

As soon as he protested, a big yawn came from the boy, loud for such a small child. J2H looked down at him with a single raised eyebrow.

J2H: Now that yawn says something very differently. In fact that yawn tells me it's time to brush your teeth and go to bed so you can wake up and run around like crazy again tomorrow.

JJ: It didn't tell you that.

J2H stood up and lifted James Jr with him, the child instantly wrapped his arms around his fathers neck and let out another yawn, almost down J2H's ear. As J2H turned towards the door, he noticed someone standing looking at him.

J2H: How long have you been standing there Devona?

Devona stepped forward, the light covering her to be seen more clearer in the room.

Devona: Long enough to see you guys become ninja's.

J2H looked at Devona, his face scrunched together as his eyes looked at her face.

J2H: What's with the look on your face?

Devona had been watching them for a while, unable to say a words, her eyes watching a father son bonding moment.

Devona: It's just strange to see you like that. It's almost like you're a completely different person. At work, you're a bit of a D word, in public, you're the same, but seeing you like that, it's a different side to you that I didn't expect.

For some reason, a smirk crossed over his face as he looked at Devona.

J2H: Is it really that hard to believe that I wasn't nice to my very own family?

Devona: Well, yes, because you're not nice to anyone.

J2H: If I wasn't nice to them, they wouldn't be my family for too long, would they? Here's the thing, I know who I am when it comes to getting in the ring, I know who I am when I'm out in public, it's the side of me that hates people, that hates humanity and all the stuff that comes along with it. The worlds biggest problem is humanity. Face it, we're all a little messed up in the head, that's my feelings every time I leave this house because its about being realistic, but inside these many walls, it's not anyone outside them, it's about the people inside them.

Devona just stood and listened, slightly taken back by the more human side of J2H.

J2H: I could lock those doors and never step out in to the world again and I'll be happy. During lock down, I was happy because the world was going to hell, but I wasn't in it. I have everything here, seriously everything, outdoor pool, indoor pool, games rooms, this room, I even have a room set up like an old time bar and a cinema room, I have a freaking bowling alley. I get to deal with the people I want to deal with inside here, so yeah, I'm not gonna be a D word in here, because people are not D's in here.

Devona stood open mouthed at him, surprised by the way he was speaking. Even his tone seemed different.

Devona: I don't know what to say, it's like you're human after all.

J2H: Yeah, just don't tell anybody that.

JJ: Daddy.

James Jr's tired eyes looked up at his father, looking like he had just woke up.

JJ: Can Devona stay with us until we go to London?

With puppy dog tired eyes, I think you know how this story ends, but J2H avoids the question for the moment.

J2H: Let's get you to bed and I'll talk to Devona.

A smile made it to James Jr's face as he buried his head in to J2H's chest.

J2H: I gotta...

Devona: Sure.

Devona stepped out of the way, allowing J2H to pass and get his tired son to bed. As for if he agreed to let Devona stay, I'm pretty sure you can work that one out on your own.


Night had fallen and James Jr was tucked away soundly in bed, Melody was moving through the house, and who knows, maybe Devona was somewhere in shock at the size of her bedroom, it was the perfect time to talk about Into The Void. J2H sat on one of the balconies over looking the back yard, a camera set up by himself. He took a deep breath before turning his head towards it.

J2H: I said I was going to come back and win this whole thing, to prove to the world that I am still the most special talent SCW has ever had. I told everyone I was going to win and here we are, one win away from to proving to you all that I never lost it. I'm one win away from greatness, trust me, it's going to happen. I got the backing of the world and you might think that would create a whole lot of pressure on me, but I didn't travel around the shit parts of this planet, just to come this far and lose to a guy who is constantly upstaged by a guy who looks like a fucking muppet!

He shook his head in slight disbelief.

J2H: I know I should talk about that idiot Dawn Warren, but fucking hell, the woman doesn't need to be insulted, she was already cursed in life being a fucking Warren! She must have murdered millions in a past life to come back as a Warren for punishment. You don't make it easier for yourself do you Dawn, because you have the stupidest fucking nickname the wrestling world has ever heard! Pink Puppy, fucking stupid. Puppy's can be put to sleep Dawn and that is gonna happen at Into The Void.

He knew his focus had to be on Calvin Harris, Dawn Warren was just an after thought to him.

J2H: It's funny how alike Calvin and I used to be before he let some clown fuck steal the spotlight from him. I remember the Calvin Harris of old, he was a lot like me, he had the arrogance because he knew he could back it up. He had the don't give a damn attitude that made him hated, he even had the do anything possible to win and to hell with the consequences. It was a lot like me, but something happened Calvin, something changed with you to the point you've gone soft. Something inside that head of yours just stopped working, you became weak because of it.

He smirked as he looked away from the camera slightly.

J2H: We never crossed paths and I would like to think if we did back in the day, that it would have been a hell of an explosion, a match that would have people talking about it for years, to have everyone who rates matches, give it five stars, but that was the old you Calvin, that was the you that had instant respect on his name. This you, well, it's a joke, and not a very funny one, this you isn't even close to who you once were. You're a shell of the man who only had to be on screen for two minutes to piss the world off. You're now dropped down to comic relief with a guy who is spoken about more then you are. People don't watch your shit for you, they watch your shit for that weirdo clown who hangs around you, nothing more.

His eyes turned back towards the camera.

J2H: You know it's true.

A confident look passed over his face.

J2H: Clown man is the only reason people watch your shit when you're meant to be the star attraction, you're meant to have the eyes of the world on you when realistically, you're playing second string to a guy who offers nothing to the world. Does that make you a worthy Blast From The Past winner? No, it makes you look like you're nothing at all, it makes you look cheap, it makes you look corny. Let's be real, when it comes down to it, there's only one person in the match that looks like a Blast From The Past winner, there's only one person in this match worthy of winning Blast From The Past and that person, you're all looking at right now.

He pointed to himself.

J2H: This was never about you Calvin, this tournament was never about you or anyone else in it, it was all about me, from day one. It was always about the rise back to the top for me to give this company some credibility again, to give it something it's missed for a long time, a champion who can carry the company on it's back and take it to new heights because this place is piss poor. Lots of champions and only a couple of them show up to try and lift their divisions, it's lazy, it's poor and I'm the man to change that. I'm the man to show them what putting in the effort can get them, and it starts by winning Blast From The Past, and going on to win the SCW World Heavyweight championship. I'm a lead by example kind of guy when I got a belt around my waist and I will be getting that belt around me again by going through you.

He quickly pointed down the camera.

J2H: This is the final, the biggest challenge, the end boss and I am more then aware what lies ahead for me, I'm more then ready for everything you have to throw at me, I'm more then ready for whatever you got because I know I'm not going down on this one. I didn't drag myself away from my family, I didn't drag myself around the world, wrestling in leisure centres and piss poor locations just to come this far and lose. This is not how my story ends Calvin, this is the new chapter in my career, this is where I remind the world again that I am head and shoulders above everyone in this company. This isn't even bragging, this is straight up fact, this is straight up me telling you the truth on how things really are here. I could sit at home for ten years, come back and still be the best fucking wrestler in the world. I don't give a shit what people think about me, but even my doubters know I'm the best there is and that they're lucky be alive when I am.

The arrogant tone from his voice filled the air.

J2H: And you'll be glad to know you're about to get a master class once again, you're about to get shown what real wrestling is, what a real wrestler is. Fuck everything else on the show, no one wants to see the random thrown together shit, no one even wants to see the two top titles defended, they all just wanna see me and what I'm gonna do, they all just wanna see just how good I am. It's a fucking treat for London because I put asses on seats, I sell out buildings and I am gonna give the fans their money's worth and then some because I'm not coming to play, fuck that, I'm coming to win, I'm coming to kick the shit out of you Calvin and send a message to Michael Harris that if he is still champion the day after Into The Void, then his time is done, his time is over.

He felt confident in those words.

J2H: You're a stepping stone to a much bigger thing for me, that's it. Like everyone else who has come before me in this tournament, like Kain, like Oliver Zahn, like Godly Ken Davison, you're gonna fall the exact same way that they did, you're gonna fall just as hard as they did. There's no prize for second place here, it is all or nothing and I'm leaving with all and you're leaving England with absolutely nothing. Sure, you can say you got to a final, that you gave it your best go but your best is not good enough, it will never be good enough, you will not be good enough because the truth is, you're not on my level, you're never gonna be on my level. You're always be in the shadow of that clown, and both of you will always been in my shadow. The old Calvin Harris might have stood a chance against me, but this Calvin Harris, man it's gonna be the easiest match I've had in a long time.

He looks deep in to the camera.

J2H: You might have dragged that flea bitten Warren woman through this tournament but your luck runs out here, your barrel is dry, you have run out of steam. You can't keep dragging her to victory, and now you won't.

He slowly shook his head.

J2H: This is my time to win and you have nothing in that arsenal of yours to stop that. Hell, I think deep down, you already know Devona is twice the wrestler your partner is, and you know I'm four times the wrestler that you are. It's obvious to everyone else in the wrestling world, it should be very, very obvious to you too, so here's what I'm gonna tell ya to do. Enjoy every damn second of it, enjoy every single moment you're in the ring with me, enjoy the experience cause at the end of the night, it will be very, very sour for you. There's only gonna be one Calvin and it ain't you man, it will never be you. As soon as my name went down to sign up, there was only ever gonna be one winner and it was only going to be me. Everyone knew it, so enjoy the fact you get to share a ring with me, enjoy the fact that you can bask in my spotlight for the first time ever, enjoy the occasion, but I am not leaving there without having my hand raised and looking down on you with you wondering what day it is.

He smirks down the camera.

J2H: It's just the way it is, you can't chance it, it's just destiny and I will make sure that comes true. All the moving around, all the time bored out of my skull sitting in a hotel room trying to avoid each and every person in the company, avoiding the fans, slowly driving myself crazy because I had no family with me and you know as well as I do, I don't have any friends in the company, all of that, all of that sacrifice, all of that pain not living the life I wanted, being dragged from heaven in Barbados, to hell in Scotland, to purgatory in Romania, all of that shit will be worth it when I pin you Calvin. All the flights, shit food, shittier people, opponents that wouldn't be worth my time, all of that will be worth it when they announce my name as winner of Blast From The Past. The hell I've put my body through on this tour when I could have been right here not watching SCW, you guessed it, absolutely worth it when I write my name in the history of this place once more.

He took a deep breath.

J2H: I'm determined not to lose Calvin to make this all worth it and I will be doing what the old Calvin Harris would have done and I am pulling out all the stops to win. There is no other way, there's nothing off limit for me. I will be doing it all and I will be the guy with his hand raised at the end of the night... That's real talk bitch!

He smirked at the camera once more before reaching over and switching it off, the scene fading to black.

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Jet City South?!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2023, 08:15:49 PM »
April 24th, 2023
San Diego, California
Jet City South

Life felt good for the Pink Puppy. She really felt as if she was on top of the world. Dawn had shocked the world when she managed to pin Bobbie Dahl in Romania. The young wrestler could have made her way over to England but she decided to head back to the United States. She wanted to visit her former or in her eyes her sister in-law Kate Steele. Now felt like the perfect time and she wanted to make the most of her time. Up until now Dawn had only been surrounded by the Wild Cat and Rose Wrestling Academies but being with Kate meant that she could branch out and do something different. Dawn really hadn’t been at Jet City South so this was all new to her. The blonde had been invited to this gym to training with Kate but Warren couldn’t help but get excited over being at a new place. She stood in the bathroom and was taking selfies of herself. She pulls down her yoga pants to take a picture of her well-toned abs.


Dawn continues to speak out loud to herself as she throws up the deuces before forming a duck face and taking another picture. It isn’t long before the door the women’s bathroom opens up and we are able to see Diamond Steele standing there with a disappointed look on her face. Diamond walks over to Dawn as she takes a long deep breath and crosses her arms.

“What do you think you are doing, I didn’t invite you here to so you could take duck face pictures of yourself…”

Dawn is taken back as she looks back at Kate.

“Katey-Kins I can explain… I just got excited because I am in Jet City South and…”

Diamond grabs Dawn by the arm as she yanks her out of bathroom.

“Bollocks… I really don’t care about the excuse. I didn’t invite you here to pose in front of a mirror. I brought you here because you have a huge match ahead of you. You are in the finals of the Blast from the Past tournament and I want to make sure that you win. It would be a shame if you came all this far and couldn’t capitalize by coming out with a win…”

Dawn nods her head as she is lead out of the bathroom and is brought to the general training area. Warren looks up at Kate as she bounces around excited.

“…Fine… Way to be a PARTY POOPER!!!!”

Diamond however just watches her younger sister stretching out as the smile escapes her face.

“Look I know you want to have your fun but you need to understand the spot that you are in right now. Getting to the finals is definitely an amazing accomplishment. Not a lot of people make it this far in the business but long behold here you are a few matches into your career and everything you could ever want is within striking distance. All you need to do is win and it is all yours for the taking. If your team somehow gets passed J2H and Devona you will have lined up a World Bombshell Match in your future. That has always been the end goal and I know you can get there. You just need to push through…”

Kate looks around at the school as she smirks some more.

“That’s the real reason why I wanted to bring you to Jet City South today. I know you could have flown over to London but it would be better if you just waited and heard me out. I love you Dawn… I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I love how Seleana has been training you. You have made some serious strides in the ring and I have to give her a lot of credit. The reality however is as good as Seleana is and trust me i have a lot of love for her considering she is the Juliet’s Godmother. The reality is she isn’t at a good enough place to give you the extra push you need to motivate you to win the finals…

That might be hard for her considering she constantly has to hear comments that she is just Crystal’s trophy wife and has been in a consistent slump for some time now. You need a change of scenery and I think Jet City South has just the person you need to help you win the finale…You know this school does know some stuff about winning the tournament…”

Dawn can’t help but get overly excited as she jumps up and down.

“OMG OMG OMG… Is this when you are going to tell me how you made it to the finals?! That was so awesome how you made it to the finals and you were the Internet Champion! Better yet since you mentioned Jet City South are you about to INTRODUCE ME TO MIKAH because if that is the case I am going to scream and start having a FAN GIRL MOMENT!!!!!!!!!”

Kate however shakes her head as she giggles in return.

“No… I mean that does sound like a great idea but I was thinking of something else. This is JET CITY we are talking about. You know this school has much more to offer than just set!”

Dawn’s eyes light up as she backs away with a wide grin on her lips.


Kate quickly throws her arms up as she giggles.

“You know it would be cool to introduce you to Courtney but I doubt it’s a good idea if I just introduce her to her opponent’s wife’s protégé. That would seem weird and Courtney isn’t really the nicest of people when she is focused on things. Right now she is about ready to tear Crystal’s head off so I rather not get her involved with you. Courtney just came back to wrestling and I want to see her fully focused to the task at hand. So consider her out of the picture for now…”

Dawn rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms as she taps her feet.

“Wait a minute you told me I would have some Jet City South help when it came to overcoming this tournament. If it’s not Mikah or Courtney what exactly did you have in mind?!”

Kate chuckles as she looks deeply into Dawn’s eyes.

“…Well… You might not get a Courtney Pierce but you will still be getting a Pierce none the less. Let me introduce you to a former Blast from the Past winner. She won it in 2021 she is my baby cousin who is more like my sister it’s time to meet Ruby Steele-Pierce!”

With that an aqua haired woman could be seen skipping over to where Kate and Dawn are. Ruby stops in front of Dawn and the two just lock eyes with one another. It’s as if the two of them were looking into a mirror and they see a reflection of themselves glancing back at one another. Neither girl is ready to talk first as Dawn is the first to speak.


Ruby nods her head as she smirks nodding her head looking right back at Dawn.

“I know what you really want to say is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!! Yes!!! It’s Outrageous!!!! My hair might be awesome but I am a huge fan of the THINK PINK campaign. You have been amazing since you got involved into wrestling. You really have a great chance at winning this tournament. You just need to make sure you stay focused and stuff. If you do that I know you can win…”

Kate smirks as she looks at Dawn before she looks over at Ruby.

“This is why I wanted you two to meet one another. When I look at the both of you, I see great chemistry between the two of you. The resemblance is definitely there and you are each fighting for something special. Dawn whatever it is that motivates you, you just need to channel it and make the very most of the opportunity.”

Ruby hugs Dawn as she wraps her around her body.

“I agree totes with what Kate just said. I didn’t realize we were similar until we just greeted one another. I know it must be surreal to be in this moment but you have to put all of that aside. You can’t act all excited and just be a fan girl because the truth is the job isn’t done yet. You still have something left to do. Until you manage to accomplish that you need to realize that you still have to fight…”

Ruby keeps looking at Dawn as she keeps sharing her heart.

“I get it… Being in this moment is amazing. It’s hard not to get completely lost in the sauce. You need to focus and try to channel why you are even in this moment to begin with. What is your motivation that brought you here in the first place?!”

Dawn just takes everything in that Ruby is saying to her. She hated to admit it but the reality is that her and Ruby were more than she could realize. She ponders over the question before she replies back.

“I am here because I want to prove that I am not a mistake. My father Markus Reeves was busy going around the world and just impregnating a bunch of women. I doubt he even knows who I am. I entered that invitational match back in January to show the world that I could wrestle. I kept channeling that fire and tore through the competition. There’s a reason why I wasn’t defeated it’s because I have much to prove. My family is not a failure! The Warren name is special and I won’t let anybody disrespect it!”

Ruby crosses her arms before she crosses her arms.

“That sounds good but you need more than that. I noticed our journey in SCW happen to be very similar. When I started in SCW I went undefeated. I got a huge break out win over Krystal Wolfe. I won match after match and jumped right into the Blast from the Past. I shocked the world when I got a pin fall victory over Roxi Johnson in that tournament. I had a chip on my shoulder. One of the reasons is because I vowed to be better than Courtney Pierce. She was my biggest rival at this school. I wanted to win in spite of her. Little did I know that we were pushing one another and a year later she would become my wife…

Aside from that fact I had vowed to seek redemption for Kate not winning in the finals of her tournament the year before. I also vowed on everything to make sure that I got past Myra Rivers because all she did was talk down my cousin, and Kate never beat her. I was in a very unlikely situation as me and Mark Cross had to face Mac Bane and Myra. Despite how much the odds were stacked against us we managed to win and we shocked the entire world…”

Ruby nods her head.

“Life was good… I got what I wanted… I was untouchable I had beaten nearly everybody. I was the proud protégé of Mikah and wasn’t afraid to tell anybody. The only problem was when it came to actually facing Amber Ryan I wasn’t ready for that. I built my entire career off of not being Kate and trying to prove something that I had forgot what it meant to be Ruby and I got exposed. I was in over my head… Not only that but a Super Card later Alicia Lukas took out my Courtney and I tried to defend her honour at a Super Card and she put me through a glass table… That was the last I was ever heard from in SCW and all of the relevance I had built up had gone away…”

Ruby looks at Dawn.

“I see you Dawn… You definitely have talent. You beat Luna, you just shocked the world by beating Krystal Wolfe and you even beat Bobbie Dahl. That is all impressive but what are you going to do that’s different. You just can’t keep fighting on your brother’s behalf or to avenge Kate… This is time for you to stand up and fight for what you believe in. Do you know what you are fighting for?! When you can figure that out I have no doubt in my mind that you can win this tournament… More important than that you will have what you need to not only get past this match but to win the Title as well… Just keep pushing…”

Dawn takes all of this in. The girl who was normally over the top with her smiles and her over excitement had formed a serious expression on her face. She looks deeply into Ruby’s eyes as she nods her head at her.

“Thank you… To be honest I think I needed to listen to those words because I never really thought about those questions before. I thought things were going well for me but I guess I do have to think beyond the realm of just my brother and defending Seleana… You have left me with a question Ruby and I am going to do everything in my power to figure it out…”

Dawn takes a long deep breath as she speaks slowly.

“What am I fighting for?!”

Dawn just backs away as she spots the various training equipment in the gym before she begins to turn her attention to everything that is around her.

“I don’t know right now but rest assured I am going to do everything in my power to find out… I promise you that much… If you would excuse me I have some training to do…”

With that Dawn’s attitude completely switches as she focuses to the task at hand. She goes to work out as we leave on this image.

What am I fighting for?!

After a visit to Jet City South and having a chat with one of their students who had one time won this entire Blast from the Past tournament I have come to the realization that maybe I have been going about being in this tournament in the wrong way. I will be the first to admit that I my entire motivation for being where I am right now is because I wanted to bring honor to the Warren name. There is just part of me who just feels that my brother hasn’t really amounted to much in this company. I know it might sound silly because he is just one championship away from becoming a Grand Slam Champion.

It is absurd to think that way because I know he has excelled in every possible way but no matter how much he might put in to all of this he will only be looked upon as being the man who peed on himself. That will be the only thing that he will be remembered by or the fact that he was a cross-dresser or did things for the sake of being an entertainer. That sounds good but what about the actual wrestling and all of the hard work he put in to get to where he is?!

It really pisses me off that he can’t get any respect but as I sit here and think about that I come to the realization that everything he been through was never really my journey. That was HIS journey, HIS fight, and HIS story to tell. If I were to embrace his turmoil it might push me onward for a bit but as I look at where I am in the tourney I don’t want to get fizzled out after winning and having to fight a champion who will expose me for not fighting on my behalf. I need to figure out what I am about.

It took a while to figure out but after sitting on the question for a week it has finally DAWN on me, and yes the pun is intended. The reason why I fight, the reason why I am in this tournament is to showcase one simple fact and reality. I want to prove that I am the best in the ring. I want to show the entire world that my future is bright and nobody will be able to ever to tell me that I can’t do something.

Since I was born life was hard for me. It wasn’t easy going through the foster care system. I had my brother watching out for me but when I grew up and had to go to school I did everything I possibly could with excellence. Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude in college for Undergrad and Graduate degrees, in other words anything and everything I put my mind too I made sure that I was the best. So if I can conquer academics why should wrestling be any different?!

The truth is it’s not… I may have had the birth right and the blood of Markus Reeves flowing through my veins mixed in with being a Warren and associated with the Steele and Hilton family through marriage and enrollment as a student. Make no mistake about it though I am not defined by the company that I keep but by my own actions and it will be by my very own hand that I will carve out my destiny of being on top.

In London I know the entire world will be watching, and as we conclude this mystery tour of pondering over the tale of Jack the Ripper or maybe people might be questioning the mystery of my infatuation of Scrappy Doo or the whatever mischief that the gang of Mystery Incorporated will get into pondering what villain is hiding under the mask. The real mystery that ANYBODY, and EVERYBODY should be paying attention too is how exactly did Dawn Warren make it this far and how did she come across with getting a win on such a huge stage.

If you don’t realize it by now what I am confidently am saying is that Calvin Harris and I are going to go out to that ring and we are going to win. It’s a simple as that. On paper I know there are people that don’t think we have a chance to win. After all we are the real Wild Card in this entire tournament and we are up against the almighty J2H and Devona… We are up against what looks like to be a super team and they aren’t made to be broken at least not by the likes of a rookie bombshell and Calvin Harris who hasn’t been around in ages.

Look what you need to understand as a girl who grew up in Long Island, New York I know that under dogs have a chance to win. I know this is going to kill my brother to hear this analogy but look at the 2008 Giants they were a wild card team and they found a way to slay the big bad Patriots. They even ran it back a few years later as a division winner who managed to defeat the same team that was undefeated. Upsets exist and they are very much real.

I feel like I am at the very top of my career and I am only a few months into getting things rolling. I have that New York attitude in me and I promise victory. You can call me Mark Messier like I just got traded from Edmonton and I am guaranteeing to bring the Stanley Cup to the Garden or better yet call me Broadway Joe and I am guaranteeing to bring a championship to the JETS.

No matter how you put it the fact is I am fighting to be the best and I am guaranteeing that I am going to do exactly what I say what I am going to do because I want it that much. Why should anybody be afraid of J2H?! Yeah he might not even be who I am fighting and I know he is Calvin’s problem but let’s just call a spade a spade.

He beats my brother and wins the Internet Championship from him and immediately just disrespects the title by HANDING it off to Caleb Storms. On top of that he is just a man who thinks he can waltz in and immediately think the company is supposed to revolve around him. I don’t give a damn what he did for the company in the past. The only thing that anybody cares about is what are you doing today, and it will be a tragedy if he does win this tournament.

Just like Mikah he may not even cash in on his title opportunity. It just may be something for novelty and he will just walk away thinking he is too good for the belt or it isn’t worth his time. That would be a huge slap in the face of all of the active people on the roster who fought hard to get this far. It would also devalue this tournament and it would make James look out to be a piece of crap.

He might have a vendetta against my brother and honestly whatever issues you have are between you two but there’s a big difference between being in the ring with my brother and of course fighting me. The main difference being that I am ready to fight. I am ready to SHOW UP and I am not going to run from anybody now or ever. Calvin will handle you but I might just slap the hell out of James for the sake of doing so, and no worries I will have the fine money ready to be paid. James just constantly walks away because if he was fully active on a consistent basis he would get exposed by Jack Washington, Michael Harris, and a lot of the other superstars who fight every day. There is no time for part timers…

Now that I got James out of the way let me talk about the woman that I will actually be in the ring with. Devona and I are on a collision course with one another. To be honest I like Devona a lot. She is a good wrestler and seems to have a really great heart. It’s truly great to see her at it again and she is pushing herself to try to win this tournament.

It’s a good thing to do and I know she is super excited to be where she is right now. Here is my problem with all of this though. Haven’t we seen this song and dance before?! After all the last time that we managed to really see her was when she was in the finals of the Blast of the Past and her team had made it to the finals and lost to the team of Brittany Williams and Kale Smith. You lost to two rookie wrestlers basically and you had Alex Jones as a partner as the time.

J2H may have had this amazing career but I actually trust Alex Jones because he was super active and had accomplished a lot in every company he ever wrestled at. He always put his best effort and you couldn’t win with him. You think being with J2H is going to make things any better?! However you can’t rely on J2H to win this for you. You are going to have to pull your weight and are you really confident that you are going to do that?!

I mean are you even going to stay past this tournament or is this a one and done type of thing?! I heard you talking to Courtney Pierce that maybe the next time you two fought it would hopefully be for a title down the road so that has to mean that you are here for the long haul right?!

Whatever… That’s your business… Here is my biggest issue with you though Devona and I honestly had to go back and watch all of the tapes to make sure I heard things right. You basically put down my brother and said he didn’t have a chance to win that Blast from the Past because he was rookie and NOT to bring up Fenris because he was a rookie when he won but had some MMA years training in him… You called him Mister Kate Steele and mocked him which is fine…

But you just end up looking stupid when you get to the finals of that same year; you lose to two rookies and one of them being Brittany Williams. That was your last ever match and you just lose to her talking her down that her father was nobody special and that Brittany wasn’t really ready but long behold you got beat. So doesn’t that make you look stupid?!

Devona I am going to be honest… I love to fan girl and be a super fan over everybody that competes in the ring but after that tournament you just disappeared, but it should have been expected. You had SOOOOO much potential. You had all of the potential in the world!

You were being looked upon as being a huge threat in this match. In 2017 at Violent Conduct you beat Mikah for the Internet Championship. Beating Mikah in itself is a hard feat and it’s not one to be taken lightly. You managed to do it and even retained your championship against her in the return match. I had much respect for what you put into the business.

However you want to know where things went sour?! It’s the fact that you very passionate in telling the world that you would not be a paper champion. You wouldn’t let your fans down, you wouldn’t hurt them with doing the walk of shame. Yet you beat Mikah and you lose to some random chick from the Fallen named Diamond?!


You might have had a few defenses but your reign with the title only lasted from one Super Card to the next… You lost to somebody you had no business losing too and instead of rising back up and vowing to fight harder and rise back up.

You left frustrated, and your biggest reasoning for being all hurt is because you felt and these are your thoughts not mine, but you told the world that you didn’t like the fact that your opponent cut a long boring promo on you…


That’s why you left?! You can talk about the tag division disappearing and not being with Beauty and Beast, and all of this other nonsense but the reality is you elft because somebody that is irrelevant to this company took your joy away and you could deal with that.

That really sounds like it is one huge joke to me but it made me realize that you have some serious maturing to do. There are people such as my brother who is expressing on Twitter over and over again that they want to be here full time. Not really caring about what happened in the past but trying to build something but you left because you left because of a promo?!

Devona… You need to grow because maybe this business isn’t for you. If you get sentimental that easily what are you going to do when somebody really gets under your skin?! That’s just food for thought…

Anyway I am ready to win this tournament. I am ready to push towards a World Bombshell Championship match. It’s all or nothing and I will make the most of this moment. Watch out world it’s time to THINK PINK… I am Dawn Warren and it’s time to unleash Puppy Power…

Best of luck Devona, you honestly are going to need it because I am not resting until I get through you to win this tournament…

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« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2023, 08:23:48 PM »

London, England

It was raining – in London. Go figure, right?

During their stay in the Romanian forest of Hoia, the weather had been, in the words of many Superstars and Bombshells - abysmal. Not to Devona though. While she had a love for bright sunshine and clear, blue skies, the fact that the majority of the SCW’s stay in Romania had been coupled with an overcast sky and perpetual rain only seemed to heighten the experience of being in a haunted forest. The weather had (typically) cleared up following Climax Control, but now that SCW had arrived here – in London, Devona felt as though she would have been somehow disappointed were it not raining to some degree. London was known for its rainfall, having anywhere between eleven to fifteen rainy days PER MONTH. Devona didn’t mind so much. She felt pretty certain that there was little chance that the rain would stretch out over the entire two weeks that SCW would be staying in London for their Into the Void XII festivities, right?

Devona sat comfortably in the Boeing 737-8200 as the jet had landed at Heathrow Airport in London. Her thoughts strayed from watching the descent and landing on the runway, to wondering how much extra care the pilot must be working under to deal with the landing in such circumstances. Devona had thought the weather could have certainly been worse. Rather than a heavy rainfall it could have been a literal storm and that would have been uncomfortable/distressing to experience at 42,000 feet. Not to mention were they to descend through stormy clouds amidst thunder and lightning. So she would take the small blessings where she might. The flight had been smooth, and not too long at just over three hours between Romania and London. She had certainly been on longer.

As her jet had pulled up to the ‘jet bridge’ which led to her gate, she felt the vibration of her phone go off – again. She had been experiencing that for the last two hours of this flight, the calls growing non-stop and seemingly more insistent. While in the air, she had checked to see who was calling, figuring it to be her Grandmother or perhaps one of her boys but she didn’t recognize the number. According to her missed calls, the same number had been calling practically since take-off and did not seem to be slowing down. Were she not on the flight, it would have been a small matter to answer and find out who was trying to get in touch.

Finally, she would have her chance but as the jet had slowed to a full stop and the gateway secured, the usual post-flight ‘chaos’ of everyone on board suddenly on their feet and grabbing at their luggage. Devona was a patient woman and she waited until the majority of the passengers had already retrieved their belongings and exited before she went about doing the same. Unlike others, she had a single carry-on, the majority of her luggage waiting within baggage claim. Taking a moment’s pause to thank the crew for everything, she walked into the airport, silently pleased to be returning to England. And no sooner did she step off of the plane and make her way inside of the airport itself at the gate, than a handful of fans who had apparently been scoping out the traveling accommodations of their favorites lie in wait. And while Devona put on her best and brightest smile, remaining polite with those that supported her, a small part of her was disturbed when fans would seemingly stalk their favorites, invading their privacy for the sake of a photo op or an autograph. Before, during or after the shows itself, she would make all the time in the world for the fans, young and old. But there were just some times when it was downright inappropriate for the fans to approach, at least in her opinion. While with family, when out to eat or, as in this case, at the airport. Wrestlers traveled – a lot. And for fans to go to such extremes as to wait for you at the airport or your hotel (!!!), was just downright obsessive and rude. How some even found out where they were staying boggled the mind!

But still, they were there for her and Devona took a few extra moments to indulge them, save for the one man who had a literal armload of merchandise he wanted her to sign. Gabriel had warned her from the start on fans such as this, the majority of the goods (if not all), finding its way onto EBay to make a fast and easy buck. The man was more than a little disgruntled when Devona told him that she could/would only sign a couple of things as she had to get to her luggage and catch a cab to the hotel. AS she hurried away to get to the baggage claim, she overheard him grumbling to his friends and was quite surprised he didn’t follow her – and wouldn’t have been surprised were he to end up in her hotel lobby to resume his pitch!

But as she stepped off of the escalator and weaved her way through the hundreds of travelers going to and fro, she felt her phone vibrate again, bringing her back to her senses and remembering she had intended to find out who had been calling her – or attempting to. She moved over to a corner by the Royal Air carousel, taking a seat. She fished her phone from her jeans pocket and proceeded to answer…


The voice on the other end of the call practically barked, “It’s about damn time you answered!”

Devona quickly pulled the phone from her ear by instinct, rather than have her eardrums battered. She frowned, leaning back in and covering her other ear with the palm of her hand to drown out the surrounding noise, “Excuse me? Who is this?”

“Oh you have to be shitting me!” The voice on the other end responded, bringing about a familiarity to her senses. “It hasn’t been that god damn long and you don’t recognize my voice!?”

Ah, there it was! Like nails to a chalkboard, she remembered. “James?” She asked to be certain. Her 2023 tag team partner, J2H.

“Cookie for you!” J2H said from his end of the call. “Why didn’t you pick up before!?”

“Oh maybe because I was on a flight?” She replied, her brow arched but the logic was lost to one who was all too used to getting his own way. J2H simply responded, “So?”

“So you can’t answer a call or use your phone like that on a flight!” Devona tried to reason with the hard headed young man, but she could FEEL J2H roll his eyes all the way from – wherever he was. He said, “Maybe YOU can’t. You should get yourself a private jet like I have.”

“Oh gee!” Her voice was filled with sarcasm. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

J2H said, “We can discuss your lack of planning ahead some other time. Where are you?”

“In London, where do you think I am?” Devona then paused, asking the obvious. “How did you even get my number?”

“I'm J2H!” The star replied. “I can do anything. And don't roll your eyes at me!”

Devona frowned, stopping from doing just that. She looked into the phone and then asked, “Where are you?”

“Beverly Hills.” J2H answered as if it were the most perfectly logical thing to have flown from Romania back to Beverly Hills, a city in the Los Angeles County of California, knowing he’d just have to fly to London. J2H continued, “Where any civilized person would be. Now I need you to get back on a flight and get your ass here!” He said it as if he expected her to simply carry out his wishes just because he said so.

“Beg pardon?” Devona shook her head, unsure whether or not she had heard him correctly.

“You heard me!” J2H replied. “I have a private jet reserved, ready to bring you…”

Devona interrupted him, “James! I just landed in London! What in hell makes you think I’m going to get back on another flight and travel another twelve hours!? Why do you even want me to…”

But this time it was J2H who interrupted her - far more acceptable in his kind, as he hotly said, “I don’t! … My son does.”

“Your son…” Devona knew in passing that J2H and Melody had a son together but having been away from the sport, she knew little about the boy other than the fact he was a massive wrestling fan.

“Loves wrestlers – ANY wrestlers!” J2H stressed. “And he was more than a little disappointed that I came home for a break and didn’t bring you with me!”

Devona closed her eyes, knowing J2H had hit her right in her weak spot. Not just a fan, but a child. And knowing how manipulative James could be – he mostly likely knew it as well. She drew in a deep breath and asked, “And how exactly am I meant to get back to London? I’m not like you; I’m not made of money.”

“You’ll be flying back when I do, on my jet.” J2H answered. “Consider it repayment for my being your tag team partner!”

Devona reared her head back, staring at the phone in her hand. She quickly retorted, “What are you going on about!? You didn’t have any choice in who…”

“The jet leaves in an hour!” J2H interrupted. “Be on it!” And before she had the option of shooting back a reply, the call ceased from his end. Devona stared again at the phone and the audacity of J2H ordering her around like that! Who the hell did he think he was!?

She shook her head, determined not to do as he asked when the answer to her own question struck her. Who did he think he was? A father, that’s who.

“Damn it…” She mumbled as she stood up and went to retrieve her luggage. She had a flight to catch – again!

“Wow! Deja vu, huh? It’s funny how sometimes the things that you really never piece together are the ones that hit you right between the eyes. Here I am, alongside J2H, in the 2023 Blast From the Past Championship round - in London, England - at Into the Void XII. Now the moment I knew that I’d be traveling to London for this epic event, I thought back to the last time that I was in London, the only other time I was in this lovely country, and that’s when I had my dawning moment of realization. It was 2019. The event was London Brawling II - and the match? The Blast From the Past Finals, with the wonderful Alex Jones as my partner. Now… unfortunately, the match did not go the way that we would have preferred. We lost to Kale Smith and Brittany Williams, and that was the last time I set foot inside of the ring until I met Jessie Salco at Blaze of Glory XI.”

“Now! I don’t mind admitting just how disappointed I was when Alex and I lost. We were both denied the guaranteed World title shots promised to the winners, but I think what stung even worse was the fact that the winners - Kale and Brittany, totally wasted theirs. Of course, the fault can’t lie entirely with them. They were up against a couple of incredible champions! Austin James Mercer and Alicia Lukas, and if Kale and Brittany are out there watching, sorry guys. But Wolfslair took you both to school. I mean, it was two matches with two veteran stars as champions, facing two inexperienced rookies by comparison. And to put it like my partner J2H might? The both of you got spanked.”

“But that was four years ago. My, how times have changed! Oh we still have a couple of insane veteran World Champions this time around in that dirtbag Michael Harris and the Hall of Famer Roxi Johnson – but that’s also not taking into account we could very well see new champions at the end of the night in London! Miles? Ariana? Rooting for you! But – should the titles not change hands, and Michael and Roxi retain, that would only benefit J2H and myself because it would give us a chance to repeat history in a sense - and correct it. It would give us the chance to step up to two great World Champions and walk out with the gold that J2H wants to hold again, and the title that every little girl entering this sport dreams about! Myself included. But in order to do that, we have one more step to climb. One more obstacle to overcome; that being Calvin Harris and Dawn Warren in the Finals.”

“J2H and Calvin? That match up is certainly going to prove interesting because J2H and Calvin have more in common than one might expect. Or rather, they did before Calvin had a change of heart so-to-speak. The last time Calvin was a force to be reckoned with in SCW? He was something of… oh what’s the word I’m looking for? A toe rag! Sorry Calvin, but you've grown as an honest man and honestly? The term couldn’t be more accurate. You might even say that way back when, you and your uncle were like two rotten peas in a pod. I can only imagine the chaos the two of you would have caused had you both been here at the same time, but lucky for us, it was just you. And you caused enough chaos for the both of you. To your credit, however, like J2H, you too were a two-time World Heavyweight Champion. However… your second reign would never have happened had James not vacated the World Championship and you won the title in a Battle Royal. Now some might say that even had j2H kept the title and defended it, you might have captured it from him for your second reign anyway. Might have. We’re none of us prophets so we’ll have no way of ever really knowing. I’m just speaking from actual past experience. At the time, the World title scene was your Achilles heel, almost as much as Dmitri was. But that was a time when you had an entirely different attitude and a fairly nasty disposition to match.”

“Look at you now. Pleasant company. Respectful. And unless I’m mistaken, the one chance you were given to turn your back on everyone and ally with Uncle Michael? You turned him down flat and preferred to remain on everyone else’s good side. And chere, it paid off for you! Look at how well you’ve done for yourself since your return. You have held your head up high, win or lose, and gotten yourself this far. But… the problem is that this time you’re not up against Tommy Crimson or Dmitri. You’ll be facing the best of the best - J2H. Hall of Famer. Longest reigning World Champion in HISTORY! And, as much as it pains me to admit, a young man whose confidence carries him over to success like no other. When he wants to win, he wins. When there’s a championship lined up, he has this way of mowing over whoever is standing in his way to get that gold back around his waist! I mean, look what happened when Teddy Warren goaded him out of retirement almost three years ago. Teddy said ‘bye-bye’ to the Internet title and J2H was a champion again! That’s his reputation! That is his legacy, and that is what you’re going to have to find a way to contend with. And honey, I wish you luck because nobody has found a way to truly overcome the legacy of that tag team partner of mine!”

“But for me, I find myself in a bit of an interesting situation. While this is a tag team match, and J2H has to handle Calvin in the ring, I have a pretty impressive young woman by the name of Dawn Warren opposite the ring with me, and honey, once again - Deja vu. It’s a small world out there, especially where professional wrestling is concerned! You remember what I was just saying about J2H’s past with Teddy Warren and how Teddy was silly enough to coax J2H back inside of the ring and the cost was his Internet Championship? Well Ms. Dawn is just so happens to be the sister of Teddy, so maybe we have a little past history bubbling up to the surface here? Maybe Dawn sees this match as a means to an end, a way to get a little payback for her brother by hopefully winning this match and costing J2H not only the 2023 Championship, but also a possible third run as World Champion? Maybe Teddy sees it the same way and is hoping to use his sister to rub a possible loss in J2H’s face. Well, whether that’s the case here or not, allow me to present to you the hurdle that’s going to end that thought process before it has a chance to get started.”

“Hi! I’m the hurdle! I think the mistake so many people made where Dawn was concerned was thinking she was some wet-behind-the-ears rookie, just because she slipped into SCW quickly and quietly, making little noise save for racking up one IMPRESSIVE win-loss record! Unlucky for them, but lucky for me because I did my homework. I know the chick has been competing since 2014 which would have been exactly one year longer than myself, had I not taken my extended leave from the sport. So this lady is no rookie. I’d consider her a full-blown veteran of this business, and it’s no small wonder why she’s made such an impact since her start. She’s beaten women like Krystal Wolfe, Seleana Zdunich and Luna Vanity, all women who have held SCW gold at one time or another. She’s even held her own in this year’s tournament and is as much a reason for her team getting to the finals as Calvin is. Now some might say her being able to pin Bobbie last time around was just dumb luck because of Bobbie’s accident, but you take the openings God hands to us inside of the ring and you USE THEM! Dawn saw such an opening, and she got her team to London. That’s the young woman I get to go up against. A proven commodity to this sport. A future champion in her own right. Just – not this time around. Not yet, Dawn. And if you’ll indulge me, let me explain why just between us, girl to girl.”

“You are as impressive as hell, Dawn. There’s no denying what you’re capable of, and anyone who says otherwise is, quite frankly, a liar or a blind fool. Some who are your size at just over five feet might have thought they were too small to make it in the business and called it quits from the very start. Not you. If anything, you took your size **air quotes** disadvantage and turned it completely against your opponents, not yourself. You’ve turned that aerial arsenal of yours into an art form. I should know. I went through the same thing when I started because I am not that much bigger than you are. I had some critics tell me that I was too small to be a success in this business and my biggest claim to fame is the fact I beat MIkah herself for the Internet Championship! Now we all know Mikah said she wanted to lose and she wants the world to believe I didn’t really beat her but… that ranks right up there with a teenage boy doing something accidentally dumb to impress a girl and then telling her he meant to do that. My point is, I did not let those critics deter me from doing what I wanted, what I dreamed of. I wanted to be a wrestler, I wanted to honor some of the women who came before me, and I’d like to think I did well for myself.”

“Why then did I leave the business just over five years ago and end all of my hopes and dreams? Let’s just say personal reasons that are best left unsaid. But much like J2H is using this tournament to again rise to the top, I am using it to prove something to myself, and to everyone else out there. That I have what it takes! That whether I left in `17 or not, what could have been - will be! The only thing I have to do to accomplish this is get. Past. You! And respect aside, I have all the motivation to do just that Dawn. I have the perfect mindset to be the first one to pin your shoulders to the  mat. And that factor goes by the name of J2H. My partner. Since this whole event started, he’s treated me like his little sidekick, not his partner. He’s told me more than once to stand back and just enjoy the ride while he gets us to the 2023 Championship, ignoring the fact that I was the one who got us to the Semi-Finals when I got the win over Ariana Angelos. He's told Mikah, told the world, that he would be the reason why we were going to win. Therein lies your downfall, Dawn. There is the exact reason why I am going to be not only the first to beat you inside of the ring, but also the reason why James and myself walk out of London as the 2023 Blast From the Past Champions and having title shots in our pockets!”

“I will not give him the satisfaction of not getting the win for us!”

Beverly Hills, California

“Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore!”

That was the cliche but startlingly accurate reaction for Devona as she had exited the limo that J2H had sent for her at the LAX Airport. It might seem somewhat of an extravagant gesture on the part of J2H, considering the outlook he’s taken toward his partner thus far, but this did not have anything to do with him or her; it was all about his and Melody’s son; JJ. It was well known by enough stars backstage that the little boy of this power couple was a HUGE wrestling fan, and he loved every wrestler that happened across his path - be they heel or face, Bombshell or Superstar. And when JJ expressed disappointment that his dad did not bring Devona to Beverly Hills with him, it was a small matter to correct that on the part of the father. Dismissive as J2H was to the world around him, he was the exact opposite where his immediate family was concerned. Not only did he have Devona flown to California in a private jet, but a stretch limo met her at the airport to deliver her here where she stands in open awe at the home of one of the most powerful couples in the business.

Finally Devona picked up her bag to approach the double doors that were twice her own height when they swung open seemingly of its own accord, giving her pause. But the answer came easily enough as there stood a bald, behemoth of a man dressed in a smart suit that had to be specially tailored for a man his size. And unlike the stoic demeanor of the typical Hollywood butler, this man had steel in his eyes but a kindness in his soul. A trait Devona recognized as easily as the man for his own sake…

“Simpson!” Her smile was infectious as J2H’s (in)famous butler/bodyguard stood in the open frame of the door, giving her a polite nod.

“It is nice to be remembered.” He said and stepped back against the door, bidding her a welcome entry into the home that by professional he was responsible for. Devona started to pick up her bag, saying “How could I forget James’s ‘other’ better half?” But before she could grasp the bag, Simpson stepped up from the door and took it into his own hand, saying, “Allow me.”

“You don’t have to do that Simpson.” Devona tried to assure the big man but due to duty and his own nature, Simpson wouldn’t hear of it.

“Nonsense.” He stated. “If you’re going to be staying here as a guest until you and Master James fly back to England, it’s my job to ensure you’re as comfortable as I am able.”

“Well then you have nothing to worry about.” Devona stated simply as she stepped past the big man and into the foyer of the mansion. “Because I’m… not…” But whatever else she was about to say in protest was drowned out by the very sight before her.

As old school and retro as the mansion was on the outside, it was the exact opposite on the inside. Everything everywhere as far as Devona could see was a sleek and modern look. The entirety of the interior had a marble feel to it, a black and white theme to make it appear more smooth and elegant. It was professionally designed to attract the eye which should come as no surprise, considering this was the home of J2H. if there was anything the man loved, it was drawing attention to his wealth and sense of style.

SImpson himself was bemused at Devona’s reaction to the interior of the mansion, having come to expect it from anyone new that was lucky enough to set foot within the walls of the estate. He was about to escort her further inside when they both heard the squeal of the lady of the house…

“Devona!” Melody came running across the threshold, throwing her arms around Devona’s neck in a reunion of the two GO Gym graduates. The time period between Melody’s own graduation from the Gym and the beginning of Devona’s was not that far apart. The two knew one another well enough and the Gym had a way of bringing forth bonds between those that attended as teacher and student alike. Devona picked Melody up in her arms and swung her around briefly before setting her back down on her feet. Melody gushing the entire time, “Oh it’s so great to see you!”

“It is, isn’t it?” Devona joked, causing Melody to laugh, “You’ve been hanging around my husband too much!”

“Speaking of which…” Devona said as J2H made his entrance from the parlor. “Where’s the man of the house?”

“I’m standing right here!” J2H said in his snarkiest tone of voice, arms spread wide in case she couldn’t see him. “What are you, blind?”

Devona turned her head and gave him her best smile, replying, “Actually I was referring to your son. You know, the little gentleman I’m here to meet?”

J2H sneered, but he knew in good humor (for him at least) he couldn’t respond as he might want to. She was here as an invited guest and it was to meet his and Melody's son, James Junior. In fact… - excuse me. We’ll have to finish that thought later.

“Oh WOW!” The young voice turned their attention away from one another and instead to the arched door frame that led to the annals of the mansion’s further interior. There stood a small boy, only a few years of age - not even five if Devona were to guess? She really should have asked J2H earlier but the moment had passed as the ‘man of honor’ ran right up to Devona with eyes as wide as his smile was bright!

“You’re Devona!” JJ exclaimed with the delight only a child fan of the sport could truly muster, and that which a parent could appreciate. Melody was silently wishing she had her camera (of course) and even J2H himself had a smirk of a father's pride on his own face. The proud parents watched as Devona lowered herself to one knee so she could meet the boy on more even terms.

“Yes I am!” She said, giving him a little poke in the shoulder with her extended finger, eliciting a giggle from the boy. “And you must be JJ!” JJ smiled and nodded eagerly, allowing Devona the chance to add, “I hear you’re a wrestling fan?”

Again, James Junior nodded with childlike enthusiasm, prompting Devona to hold her arms out, “Can I have a hug?” And being asked for such by a wrestler was all the invite the child needed as he threw his arms around her neck, and Devona scooped the boy up in a big embrace. She cast a glance toward the parents and Melody was near tears as was her nature, and J2H simply watched - avoiding showing any emotion should he be able to help it.

Devona then looked to JJ and smiled, “You’re a pretty handsome guy, you know that?”

“Yes.” Was the boy’s reply, prompting a round of laughter from Devona and Melody. Devona looked at J2H and she quipped, “He really is your son!” Receiving a smirk from the man himself, and a cocky shrug of the shoulders.

“Laissez les bon temps rouler.”</color>

Offline Calvin Harris

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« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2023, 03:44:40 AM »

[ OOC: Here’s rp #2! Once again, best of luck everyone. Word count: 4,895 on Google Docs ]

If you had to ask Calvin if he remembered a single moment from the day. He couldn’t do it. It had been a blur. He got himself up. He got himself dressed. He had dropped his children off with a family-friend. He and Alessandra met up with some of his friends. All of them attended the funeral of his mother in support of him. Yet none of it was something that would stick out in his memory. With his hand within his wife's, the two of them were walking away from the grave sight. Calvin was making a bee line for their car. Seemingly like he couldn’t wait to get out of there. Alessandra squeezed his hand a little tighter.


Her words made him stop in his tracks. Calvin turned his head back around to face her for a brief second.

CALVIN HARRIS: Why wouldn’t I be?

ALESSANDRA REYNOLDS-HARRIS: I’m just making sure is all, Calvin. We came from some complicated backgrounds with our families. My mother hasn’t been alive in quite some time. It’s... a weird thing to process when you really understand they’re gone.

CALVIN HARRIS: It isn’t like she’s been around my entire life, babe. Her being dead and buried. Forever not being around doesn’t change anything.


Before she could even finish her statement. She found herself being rudely interrupted by his small group of friends. Daniel Richards, Gabriel Michaels, and Tyson Tru. Daniel pulled out a flask from his suit jacket and held it up in the air.

DANIEL RICHARDS: Ding dong the bitch is dead. Time to celebrate right?

He was quick to unscrew the cap to the flask. Of course Alessandra was glaring daggers into him. Calvin couldn’t do much but shake his head. It wasn’t like he should have expected any less. Meanwhile the other two just looked embarrassed to be standing there after that. Daniel was quick to take a sip before extending it in Calvin’s direction. Starting to realize the looks he was getting.

DANIEL RICHARDS: Is it something you said?

TYSON TRU: C’mon dude, the man’s mother died. First thing you say to him after he puts her in the ground is that? That’s low for even you.

GABRIEL MICHAELS: And I told you to keep that shit back in the car.

DANIEL RICHARDS: Get off my dick. Everyone is acting like he gave a fuck about the cunt. We grew up with this man. She was never around. Who the fuck cares that she’s dead?


She shouted pretty loudly. Of course all it got out of the man she shouted at was him rolling his eyes. Before he took another sip from the flask. Calvin looked at the group surrounding him. Almost like he was annoyed.

CALVIN HARRIS: I told everyone I was fine. You guys didn’t need to show up.

TYSON TRU: Well, I was going to be here regardless.

CALVIN HARRIS: Yeah, and you should be with my sister. She at least had a relationship with the woman. But you other two, I said you weren’t needed here. I’m fine. This isn’t that big of a deal to me.

GABRIEL MICHAELS: We’re friends, man. We’re going to support you regardless. And I know that you feel a certain way right now. But this is some heavy shit bro. It’s alright to let it out. It’s alright to have some type of emotion.

CALVIN HARRIS: Was it with everyone thinking I’m a little bitch or something?

ALESSANDRA REYNOLDS-HARRIS: Calvin! No one is even saying that. We’re all just trying...

CALVIN HARRIS: Trying to make it sound like I don’t know how to handle myself or that I’m suppressing something deep down. That’s not the case. It’s never going to be the case. God did what he needed to do with her life. This is what she had coming to her. And really, this is the last thing I needed to deal with. I’ve got far more important things to deal with.

DANIEL RICHARDS: Like what? Lose that pay per view match you got coming up. Which by the way. Thanks for inviting Gabe and I to come along, you prick.

CALVIN HARRIS: So, the two of you can abandon me the first time shit doesn’t go right. You know like you did last time and not speak to me for the last five years. Go fuck yourself, Daniel!

TYSON TRU: Alright guys. Let’s chill out before shit gets out of hand. This isn’t the time or the place for this.

He was quick to step between the two. Not wanting tensions to get out of hand too quickly. Daniel was a hot head. Calvin could be when pushed. The last thing needed was a knock down drag out fight in the middle of a cemetery.

ALESSANDRA REYNOLDS-HARRIS: Listen, like I was saying. We’re just trying to make sure you’re going to be alright. That’s all babe. I swear.

CALVIN HARRIS: And like I’ve been saying. I’m fine. I don’t care that she’s gone. The only thing I care about at this moment is getting out of here. I’ve got a tournament to win next week and a future World Championship shot with my name on it. That’s where my focus is!

Deep down, this was far more than he could mentally or emotionally handle. Yet at the same time it just wasn’t who he is to show any kind of emotion. In fact he couldn’t wrap his mind around why he should. It isn’t like his mother had been anything special. She was the worst kind of mother to ever exist. Calvin just turned and started to walk away from the group. Alessandra quickly hustled behind him. Daniel, Tyson, and Gabriel just left standing together. Gabe glaring at the man to his left.

GABRIEL MICHAELS: You know you’re a real piece of shit sometimes right?

DANIEL RICHARDS: Oh shut up you samoan bitch. Fuck him and fuck his mother. Fuck his match in London too. Hope he falls flat on his face without us.

GABRIEL MICHAELS: That’s our brother. I would never wish that upon him, but you know all you did was make this worse.

TYSON TRU: If anything. I feel bad for his future opponent. Nothing hurts more than getting punched in the face by someone full of raw emotion.

Daniel was already taking another drink from the flask in his hand. The three of them watched as Calvin along with his wife had begun to pull away from the cemetery. Emotion was in fact what the Highlight of the Night would be running high on when he arrived in London. That may just end up being the worst thing for him or the worst thing for team J2H and Devona.

That’s real talk bitch.

Those words happen to be blaring from the speakers of Calvin’s phone. He was sitting there on the jet that was taking him overseas to London. He had just finished watching the promo that J2H had cut just to help build this huge match that was set to take place on Sunday. He clicked the side of his phone as he placed it down on the little table in front of him.

CALVIN HARRIS: That man is about as predictable as it gets.

Speaking out loud to himself. It just so happened at that very moment GUY was walking down the aisle of the jet with a glass in his hand.

GUY: You know what isn’t predictable? Mixing banana milk with a little bit of rum. Makes it taste like a liquid laffy taffy.

He found himself taking another sip of the glass. Calvin just twisted his face to look up at him, not looking even the slightest bit impressed.

CALVIN HARRIS: Yeah, I’m never drinking anything you ever suggest.

GUY: I am attending for my bartenders license as soon as we get back to the states. It is fire and will sure bring The Guy lots of munnies! Speaking of munnies, I got another merch idea...

CALVIN HARRIS: ... No, just the answer is not a thousand times over. Last thing we need is more merch, and really... I’m not focused on any of that. My focus is on this match. Only this match. And after the shit I just heard from J2H. I’ve really got to come prepared.

GUY: Oh, you actually watched that whole thing?

CALVIN HARRIS: Yeah, kind of part of the job. Doing the research and being aware of what I’m up against. You mean to tell me when you did wrestle? You weren’t doing that?

GUY: Nahhhh. Well... only if it was boring. I tried to watch that for you, but... I found it very boring. Quite the snoozefest. Man’s got the persona of a fake plant from Walmart.

CALVIN HARRIS: How does that even make sense? Plants of any kind don’t talk.

GUY: And neither should he.

CALVIN HARRIS: ... I really don’t know why I even bother with you sometimes.

For a brief moment, Calvin just rubbed his fingertips against his temple. Dealing with Guy on a week to week basis was quite the headache. No one was ever going to understand that. In fact, he didn’t even wish that on anyone to understand it. It was far too much.

GUY: That spooky girl with the weird eyes. She had more charisma than Ken the Plastic Male Barbie. Little more respectful too.

CALVIN HARRIS: Respect doesn’t matter Guy. At least not when you’re dealing with J2H. That man respects no one but himself and his own ego. He made that clear a long time ago, and made it even more clear with the shit he had to say about me.

GUY: Awe. How adorable. You got a crush. Should I tell Alessandra?

CALVIN HARRIS: Excuse the fuck outta me?!

GUY: You got a crush on the Ken doll!

CALVIN HARRIS: You’re about to have that paint knocked off your face!

There was a pretty intense moment between the two. Calvin glaring at his... well, not sure if one would call it a friend but at the least an acquaintance. Guy seemingly unbothered while he took another sip from his drink.

GUY: Huzzah! I’m just saying, you are acting like the nerdy high school girl with the crush on the big bad bully highschool quarterback. Very, not Another Teen Movie vibes.

CALVIN HARRIS: Okay, let’s get a couple things right. One, I’ve got no crush on anyone. Two, I’m the furthest thing from a nerdy high school girl. And third, you realize that movie is one giant parody right?

GUY: Uh, that movie is based on a true story. How dare you!

The sheer shock on Guy’s face was quite exaggerated.

GUY: If there’s no crush, then why are you worried about what he said about you? Why are you worried about how he feels about you? Why does any of it matter? Huzzah! Make it make sense!

At first response Calvin wanted to scream that it didn’t matter, but he had stopped himself. Actually taking what was being said to him into context. It did matter. Because if it didn’t matter. He would have never wasted the time listening to the promo. He wouldn’t have felt slighted at the things said about him. If it didn’t matter, then he wouldn’t have paid attention to anything involving J2H.

GUY: Tic tok. Tic tok.

CALVIN HARRIS: ... I wish, I had an answer. I don’t know why it matters.

GUY: Ha, so crush after all.

CALVIN HARRIS: Definitely not!

Again, he just glared at Guy for his comment. Trying to collect his thoughts.

CALVIN HARRIS: I guess it matters because ... of how things were when I was here last time. I was compared to him a lot. A lot of people said we carried ourselves the same way. A lot of people said we handled business the same way. A lot of people said we were almost... similar in every way.

GUY: Twinsies?!

CALVIN HARRIS: ... I don’t want to be twins with someone that unattractive. But nevertheless, despite the similarities that I never wanted. The one thing that stuck out to me in all of that was back then. I was told time and time again. I was lucky to be SCW Heavyweight Champion. I was told, if it wasn’t for him vacating it. I’d never reached that pinnacle, because even though they were similar. No one thought I was better than him. And he pretty much confirmed that. After all these years. It’s a tough pill to swallow, and I didn’t realize it until now.

There was a slight shrug of his shoulders. It was taking a lot for Calvin to admit that. Even though he was admitting it to someone else. At the same time he was admitting it to himself.

GUY: What did the Baboon from Lion King say?

CALVIN HARRIS: Now goddammit. The one thing you’re not going to do is disrespect the great Rafiki. You better put some respect on his name!

GUY: Calm down Rafiki simp. Didn’t know it was that serious. Point is, he told Simba when he wacked him with that stick. It didn’t matter why he did it. It was in the past. All that stuff is in the past. None of it matters. No matter what he said or anyone else said. This is the now. This is the present. This is what matters. So don’t focus on the past, focus on the present, and the future. Show Douche McDoucherson. He’s wrong.

Calvin sat there just looking at him. What Guy was saying made sense. Don’t know how it made sense coming from someone like him, but it made sense.

CALVIN HARRIS: Some days, you’re dumber that a box of rocks and I feel like I’m losing IQ talking to you. Then other days you say some of the smartest things known to man.

GUY: Call me the Modern Day Elon Musk!

CALVIN HARRIS: ... What does that, you know what. Nevermind. You’re right. The past is the past.It’s about time J2H learned that. Can’t rely on past accomplishments and accolades forever. And you damn sure can’t rely on an old opinion of someone. A harsh reality check is waiting for him at Into The Void.

With a slight nod of his head. Calvin further made himself comfortable in the seat he was sitting in. Kicking his feet up a little bit and deciding to enjoy the last little bit of the flight over. Things were about to get real interesting as soon as he landed in London.

As each day started to wind down. All of London, England were finding themselves becoming more and more excited. Rightfully so with Into The Void so close to happening. It’s the only thing that people in the city were talking about. Even if they weren’t pro wrestling fans. It was that big of a deal. All eyes were on the company and rightfully so. The show would more than likely put on some history making matches. Something that will be talked about for years to come.

That being said the scenery found itself opening up with Calvin Harris, alongside Guy. The two of them standing directly in front of The Shard. One of the biggest Skyscrapers in all of London. Wasting little to no time at all. Calvin began to speak knowing the cameras were on him and this was his time to shine. Well at least in this type of setting anyhow.

CALVIN HARRIS: Well here we are. Just a few short days away from Into The Void. More importantly just a few short days away from the biggest match since coming back to SCW and to wrestling as a whole. It’s going to be quite the match, but that being said. Over the course of the last couple of days. I’ve gotten the chance to sit down and catch up on some things that have been said about me heading into this contest.

He found himself rubbing his hands together briefly. Almost like a genius with some masterplan set to be unleashed. Now while he may not have been a genius, he certainly did have a plan. A plan that was going to quite possibly get under the skin of both people he’d be sharing the ring with very soon.

CALVIN HARRIS: In fact these things that are being said about me are things that I’ve kind of seen coming all along. Got my man Guy here to try and keep me in line with this little rap sheet.

GUY: Yo-yo! Check it, yo dawg.

CALVIN HARRIS: ... Stop while you’re ahead.

GUY: Lighten up!

The bright smirk spread across the dark painted lips of Guy. There was never a dull moment with him around, but right now may not have been the time for the “fun” aspect of things.

CALVIN HARRIS: Guy, you got the list there. So let’s make sure we hit these points real quick. J2H made sure to brag about himself right? Talked all about himself, how great he was, and all the things he’s achieved in his short time here. Am I right?

GUY: According to my handy-dandy notebook. That would be correct. Honestly after listening to him talk about himself. I bet he wishes he was a dog, so he could lick his own balls.

CALVIN HARRIS: Anything to get yourself off these days eh?

There was a small little shrug of his shoulders at that moment.

CALVIN HARRIS: I can’t say that I’m surprised though James. I gave you all the credit in the world. I hyped you up. I said I respected everything you’ve done, even though there was a lot of controversy surrounding it. Not once did I ever try to sell you short. I knew what I was up against, but man you couldn’t resist putting yourself over. Which brings me to the next point. Guy, confirm for me. He did his best to bury me right? Brought up how I’m a changed man. Brought up how I’m not who I used to be. Took every cheap pot shot he could about my time here before. And refused to acknowledge what I can do in that ring now.

GUY: Yep, pretty much hit the nail on the head chief. Although, I do have to point out, he called me a clown. Said I was the only reason people paid attention to you, and you’ve resorted to being a comedy act. I’d just like to point out, I don’t wear a red nose! Nothing clown about me!

CALVIN HARRIS: You’re a little unique my friend. I can’t blame a bleach blonde like James to fully understand. All that hair dye has proven to ruin brain cells over time.

For a brief second there was a coy little grin on his face at that moment. Very clear, that he was having a little bit of fun.

CALVIN HARRIS: James, man. You really are making yourself seem like a far more predictable human being than you should be. I saw that shit coming a mile away as well. Mostly, because I know you can’t string together any real thoughts that aren’t the same already rehashed lines you’ve spit about someone else before. Just subbing my name in for them, but hey. Whatever floats your boat. You are correct though, I am not the same person I once was. Not even close. If I was the same person I once was. You wouldn’t have even made it to this match. I’d fucked you up a long time ago!

His eyes were narrowed on the cameras for a brief second.

CALVIN HARRIS: But, if that’s what you want James. If you want the old me for one night. I’m sure I can dig down deep and find him. Of course, if I do that. Not so sure how SCW will feel about it. Because they’re going to be losing one of their biggest stars permanently. Cause, I’ll drop you on your neck and leave you paralyzed. If you ask me brother, you really don’t want that. You shouldn’t anyway. You should be happy, I’m just a “comedy act” as you put it. I just see it as myself being someone having a good time and enjoying wrestling once again. But of course what do I know right? It’s the big bad J2H’s world and we’re all just living in it.

The man known as the Highlight of the Night rolled his eyes a little bit. Doing the ‘spooky fingers’ as a way to further taunt the man he’d be sharing the ring with in about forty eight hours,

GUY: Oh, we didn’t even cover how much he claims he’s sacrificing or the fact he said that no one believes in you. Something about how when he put his name to the tournament everyone knew he was winning. Kind of heard to pay attention to anything he says. He looks like a muskrat in the face. Rather distracting.

CALVIN HARRIS: That’s rough. Can’t imagine trying to talk about yourself in a way like everyone in the world wants you or wants to be here. All while you’re out here looking like Master Splinter from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... I know, I know. Outdated reference, but brother. All that money you claim you got. You figured you’d get some plastic surgery done.

GUY: Shiiiiiit son, he just fried your ass!


Finding himself face palming over the brief comment from Guy.

CALVIN HARRIS: You really think you’re the only one that has sacrificed something James? I mean no disrespect to your family. But you’re not the only one to have to leave them behind. You’re not the only one that has left their young child at home. You’re not the only one that has had to leave their significant other behind to make a living. You’re not the only one that's making risks every time you step into the ring. My first round in this company. I was a, newly wed. My wife was four months pregnant at the time.

You didn’t see me throwing that out there every week. About how much I was sacrificing. For two reasons: The first being no one would really give a shit. And the second reason was because that was a choice I was making. I was no different than anyone else making the sacrifices that needed to be made. So, if you think that makes you special. If you think that gives you some type of edge or advantage. Hate to break it to you, brother but you got another thing coming.

Those words coming out of his mouth. May have made him sound more like a “dick” than usual. But then again in a roundabout way, wasn’t that what J2H was asking for?

CALVIN HARRIS: And you’re right about the situation where no one is really believing in me. I don’t think I’ve heard one whisper from the locker room that they thought Dawn and I could beat the two of you. Not a single whisper that they thought I could hold my own in the ring with you. As much as I’ve shown a new leaf. I don’t even think Ward or Underwood would think I could stand a chance. And even with the fans supporting me this far. Not a whole lot of them are saying I’m going to clutch this for my team. So what you said is true, James. And you say it like it’s meant to bother me. Like it’s meant to make me upset, throw a fit, and cry about it.

Which maybe that’s what you want, because old me would have done that. Old me would have thrown a fit like a two year old, but not me now. Nah, first and foremost people are allowed to have their opinions. But more importantly than that. How can I expect to have their support when at first I didn’t even believe in this team? I didn’t believe we’d make it this far. So it makes sense no one else would buy into it. However, I believe in this team now. I believe in myself and when I believe in myself. When I believe I got what it takes. When I believe in something I want. I’m a very-very hard man to stop James. That spells nothing but bad news for you.

By that time the cameras had already zoomed in on just him.

CALVIN HARRIS: Like I said before James. I know what I’m dealing with when it comes to you. I know all the accomplishments. All the accolades. I know everything you’ve done in this company, but I also am aware of every corner you’ve cut. Every underhanded tactic you’ve ever taken. I’m more than aware of how you conduct yourself. So, not only am I dealing with someone that’s real good between those ropes, but I’m also dealing with someone that’ll cheat just to have what he wants. Pretty much putting my back against the wall. But that’s how the business goes sometimes. I’m welcoming it. I’m welcoming everything you bring, just like I’m welcoming that doubt you’ve already displayed for me. Because that’s going to make this whole thing that much better in the end.

His lips curling into a slight smirk. That idea of him believing in himself was really coming out of him. A slight side of his “ego” showing. Something that hasn’t been shown since his comeback, but maybe just maybe this is what was needed to go the distance.

CALVIN HARRIS: I have to admit that I feel just a little sorry for Devona though. She’s had to put up with your ass for the last several weeks. Out here discrediting even her at times. Not giving her the spotlight she properly deserved. And now this is going to end for her the way it ended for her back in two thousand nineteen. She’s just going to be the runner up, but it isn’t anything against her. It’s my mission now James. It’s my mission to make you understand that you really shouldn’t have crossed that line with me. This could have just been a contest where two men and two women fought it out to see who was better, but you wanted to cross the line.

Now, I’m going to take personal pride in being the reason you don’t have this win. I’m going to take personal pride in seeing to it that you aren’t the eleventh winner of the Blast from the Past tournament. I’m going to take personal joy in seeing to it that you don’t ever see a shot at the Heavyweight Championship anytime soon. Which to be honest as much as my uncle is the worst piece of shit roaming earth. I can promise you, kid. You’re not ready for that man. You’re not ready for all that smoke. That man would chew you up and spit you out without a single fuck to give. But you’re never even going to get that far. More than anything though James. With all of this.

I’m going to take personal pride and joy in knowing that once I expose you. Once I show the world that the great J2H can be beaten. Once I show all of SCW that you’ve just been a myth that’s been busted. That, you’re going to take your very-very tiny balls. Tuck them deep inside your anus and go running away. Go right back into this “retirement” but the only difference is. Sin City Wrestling will never see you again. Because you’re going to be far too embarrassed to ever show your face around here again. Knowing you lost to “not so old” Calvin Harris. So, I suggest for the first time in your life. Once you step into the ring ropes. Soak that crowd in. Soak in your career. Cause it’s coming to a screeching halt.

Now whether or not that was set to be true. That remained to be seen, but he was clearly under the impression. He had the ability to make it happen. Keeping that intense stare with the cameras, he spoke his final words.

CALVIN HARRIS: The great Kobe Bryant once said in the NBA playoffs. There was nothing to be happy about winning a game. Because the job wasn’t finished, but at Into The Void. It will be finished. Now that’s ... real talk, bitch!

As soon as those words came out of his mouth. Calvin palmed the lens of the camera making it go black. He had put it out into the universe, the way he had perceived things. The way he saw things going down. The way he believed he would become the Blast from the Past tournament winner. Of course, just because someone believed in one thing doesn’t mean that it made it true. Into The Void would be the only way to find out how it would go, but no matter what. Dawn Warren & Calvin Harris versus J2H and Devona was going to be the most talked about match of the weekend.

Offline J2H

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« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2023, 09:34:41 AM »
It had been almost a week since Devona came to Beverly Hills to spend time with her tag team partner and his family, at his son's request but it was time to go back out on the road again. J2H had told Devona he was going to make sure she got back to London with him and he was a man of his word as Sunday morning, the group consisting of J2H, Devona, his wife Melody and his son James Jr were on a flight to London.

James Jr sat in his mothers arms on the private plane with just those four on, outside flight crew as the plane soared through the air towards London, England. J2H sat on a row of seats on his own, his feet across the row and earphones on his head. Devona sat in a row in front, but she looked through the gap in between seats to look at J2H.

Devona: Hey!

J2H ignored her, the music playing through his ears causing him to not see Devona's call, but Devona waved at him.

Devona: HEY!

At the moment she waved her hand, the young man let out an almighty yawn, causing his eyes to close and miss her hand being waved in his direction.

Devona: Darn it!

She reached her arm through the seat and tapped J2H on the brim of his baseball cap, causing him to slowly look up.

J2H: Hey!

His word was short and breathy as he looked at her through narrow eyes, but pulled the over the top red headphones off his ears.

Devona: That's what I've been saying for a few minutes.

J2H: Good! Good for you! Now what do you want?

Sarcasm dripped from his tone as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow, hoping she'd get to the point as quickly as possible.

Devona: I just wanted to thank you for this past week, I know you didn't have to invite me out to Beverly Hills, or even get me a plane to come out, or let me stay at your house, but for whatever reason, you did and I appreciate it.

J2H: Oh, I had my reasons for doing it. You don't see it yet, but I had my reasons.

His answer was filled with an I know something you don't know sort of tone, which took Devona by surprise as she looked between the seats.

Devona: What's that supposed to mean?

She was genuinely curious and her tone matched that curiosity as she looked at him.

J2H: My son might have suggested the idea, but I'm J2H, I saw an opportunity and I took it, it's what I do.

Devona: Do you come with a translator? Because I have no clue what you're talking about at all.

This just caused J2H to smirk at her.

J2H: I'll tell ya later, because I'm tired, and I'm gonna sleep, plus I know this is gonna weigh on your mind a lot just thinking about it all and that makes me really happy.

He pulled his headphones back on over his ears and smiled at Devona before closing his eyes. Eventually, the whole plane was asleep as it made good time towards England. Hours passed before J2H was woken, he felt something smack him across the head.

I guess you'd have to watch Devona's promo to find out what that was all about...

The rest of the flight went smoothly and the group landed safely in London City Airport. Getting off the plane on the smaller airfield, Devona looked slightly confused.

Devona: This doesn't look like Gatwick or Heathrow.

There was an air of surprise in her voice as she looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, looking towards the water filled dock next to the runway.

J2H: Well done genius, it's because we're not at Gatwick or Heathrow. People are idiots, just because they have London in the title, doesn't mean they're in London, they're outside London, well this is London. The rest of those people fly in to the bigger places without knowing they're hours outside London, they fly in because that's where the airlines go, then sit in a car for two hours to get to the city. Where we are right now, we're fifteen minutes from the hotel, and that is about fifteen minutes or so from the arena we're in on Sunday. Every other person on that card are not as smart as I am. They deal with people waiting at the airport trying to get autographs, we come through a place that is used pretty much for business people who don't give a damn about a couple of wrestlers.

Devona rolled her eyes at J2H as he tapped the side of his head and the group of four moved towards security. It wasn't too long before they were outside the airport and heading towards a limo waiting for them. Fifteen minutes later, the group were outside the Hilton Hotel in South Quay on the Isle of Dogs. The car pulled to a halt and the driver quickly moved from the drivers seat to the door to open it. Melody was the first to exit, followed by James Jr and Devona. J2H stepped out last, looking at the confused look on Devona's face.

Devona: I don't think this is where the SCW crew are staying.

J2H nodded in agreement at Devona.

J2H: Well aren't you smart? Of course this is not where the SCW crew are staying, that's the whole point of it. They're miles out because Christian probably got a cheaper deal, but we're close to the arena, at a much better hotel.

Devona: I can't afford this.

J2H: It's already done.

As the driver takes the bags out of the back of the limo, Melody nodded to J2H and pointed at the doors, not wanting to break up their conversation. He knew that meant she and young James were about to go inside the hotel to check everyone in while J2H waited for the bags to be unloaded.

Devona: I don't know what to say.

J2H: You know I said I let you be at my house for a reason?

Devona: Yes.

J2H: Well this is also done for a reason, the private jet, the hotel, all done for a very specific reason leading up to this final.

Devona: Which is?

J2H: I wanted to show you what it's like to live as a champion, to live as a winner, sure you've won a title but you can't call yourself a champion. You lost the Internet belt and decided that giving Whiskers their shots, or giving Rover his kidney pills was a better option then fighting back and getting that title back. You didn't have the killer instinct.

Devona: Gee, thanks. That was a long time ago.

Devona sighed as she looked away from J2H.

J2H: I'm showing you the champions lifestyle. Everything I have shown you over the last week has been to show you how to be a champion and don't give me bullshit about not being a champion, because we all know it was everyone's intention that signed up for Blast From The Past to become a champion. It's a means to an end for everyone in this whole thing, and the end is to become a world champion. You didn't come back to see if you still had it, you came back because like most people, it's at least in the back of their mind to become a world champion. Some people come and do it cause they're lazy and just want a quick way to the top, but this is what you need to aim for to get that killer instinct.

Devona looked back at J2H, picking her words wisely as she exhaled.

Devona: You have always had this life, you were born in to money.

J2H: Yeah, and even if I wasn't, I've made so much out of wrestling and what it's brought me, even if I didn't have that start, I could still live the life I had now. When I became a world champion, the offers were rolling in, I was getting offered a hundred grand for two hours signing photos for nerds in comic book stores for two hours. I could do that shit for ten hours a day and make half a mil because of that. I could still walk around wearing this hundred grand watch.

J2H pointed to the very expensive watch on his wrist.

Devona: That thing cost six figures?

He nodded proudly at her.

J2H: When I left SCW, I got offered two mil for a two week tour with just four shows on it. This is a champions life. This is what you can have if you just find that killer instinct, don't play nice, don't be respectful, don't sit there and think you owe anyone anything.

Devona: I...

He put up a hand to stop her from talking.

J2H: Small mind mentality will get you nowhere. You could be living my life, well, close to my life, living it up in a big house, making serious money, without getting flea bites and dog drool all over you.

Devona: I'm happy doing what I'm doing.

Devona was justified in her words, but it didn't stop J2H from his hard sell approach.

J2H: You're happy with that when you could have so much more, you could have the world. I checked out your history, don't you think you could do better for your family and friends? I'm sure your grandmother hasn't always wanted to live in a tiny little place, you could have the money to change that. You could have the money to get your idiot friend a full time carer just to stop him walking in to traffic because he can see his face in a window across the street. You could even buy that monster guy clothes that actually fit instead of being two sizes too small. Being a champion is life changing, not only for the champion, but for the people around them.

He knew exactly what he was doing, he knew he was trying to fire Devona up to give her an extra edge in the match on Sunday.

J2H: A lot of people go on and win the World championship after Blast From The Past and it's time for something fresh up there. Amber, Roxi, Masque, giant yawns, trying to get them to show up when they wasn't wrestling was a miracle. This is why no one has interest in that division anymore but you could be the one to change that and get people to take notice again. You could be the one to do that. The whole Amber and Masque drama confused the fuck out of me and I'm on the inside, imagine what it would have done to the average fan, and Roxi, well, Roxi is just the same old Roxi she's been since day one, she needed a super villain turn years ago. People need someone new to look at.

Devona raised an eyebrow at J2H as she rubbed her chin.

Devona: Since when do you care about the fans?

J2H: Oh, I don't give a shit about them, but they pay to keep the company going. I could walk away from wrestling and be offered seven figures elsewhere within three days, but they pay to keep things going and this is your chance to get something back from it all, get over the heartbreak of the Internet title all those years ago and make some serious money that would put you in a place where if you decide sticking fingers up cat's asses is your future, as creepy as it sounds, you can do that for fun and never have to worry again. I'm not sure why anyone would do that anyway, but wouldn't it be nice to live a life without worrying about if you can make rent?

Devona sighed, maybe some of his words hitting home.

Devona: And it starts on Sunday?

A smile crossed J2H's face as he looked at Devona. He knew he was getting through to her.

J2H: Yeah, once you win that, the momentum is on your side. I can see Roxi winning on Sunday so you going up against Roxi, a woman who has not really done much lately regardless of being a so called champion, the momentum is on your side. Once I win on Sunday....

Devona: We....

He waved his hand at Devona.

J2H: Pft! Whatever. You will have the spring in your step you need to seriously push on. I mean do you really want a fucking losing with a nickname like The Pink Puppy to have that chance? It's an embarrassing thought! You'd never live that down! They might as well fold the company if she ever won the World championship, she belongs in a mental hospital, heavily sedated to save the world from her fucking crackpot ways. I think she's a reason that SCW need stricter drug testing policies.

Devona tilted her head to the right, possibly agreeing with the assessment J2H has made.

J2H: This could be the life you have, this could be how you live from now forward because winning that Blast From The Past, being on the right path to being the face of the company, not just a division, the whole company, being the person responsible from putting asses on seats, this is the life you can have. Fuck up in the Blast From The Past and this is the life you'll never have. You need that winning mentality. If you don't want the best places to live, the best places to see, stay in the best hotels, drinking the best champagne, then you're simply fucking your body up for no reason at all. Winning on Sunday makes everything worth it. If you don't wanna make a better life for yourself, why waste your time and energy?

Devona seemed to be lost in thought as she looked at the hotel in all it's luxury, the wheels in her mind turning over.

J2H: Melody should have checked in by now, I'll get someone to get the bags and bring them in. Why don't you go step in to the life that you could have if you give it more then anything you ever have in the past on Sunday.

Devona still seemed lost in thought as she made her way to the door and in to the lobby. Slowly a smile crept over J2H's face, almost grinch like in it's speed and wideness as he watched Devona enter the lobby.

J2H: Now if that doesn't fire her up, nothing fucking will. You still got it James, you can still wrap people around your little finger for your own gain if you want to. I don't care who you are or what you say, how you act, money is the greatest motivator in the fucking world and everyone knows it. My job here is done.

And with that, J2H looked around for someone to take in the bags as the scene fades to black.


London was a beautiful city at night, bragging a skyline that could be matched by very few cities around the world. It shone through the darkness with it's big, iconic buildings and landmarks along the River Thames, from the Tower of London, to Tower Bridge, even down the river towards Westminister and iconic buildings there. J2H himself was standing in a London iconic landmark himself at this point as the dark night covered London, he was at the top of the London Eye, what can only be described as a giant Ferris wheel with pods. He looked over the city with a smile on his face.

J2H: What a buzz, what a view, what an iconic weekend to be in London of all places. I don't know if this was clever planning from the big wigs in the office, poor planning from the same people, or if it was just dumb luck but this weekend is huge for London, it's huge for England. This weekend is the Coronation of a brand new monarch here in the UK, on Saturday, King Charles III will be officially crowned king of UK. That means shit to me, but I've been in London all week and I know what it means to all these people in England, well most of them, so London is gonna be partying all weekend for the King, but here's the thing, Charlie boy isn't the only one getting crowned as a king this weekend, cause there's a guy you're looking at right now, he's gonna be crowned as a king himself. Sunday, I give England a reason to continue to party in to their given Monday off, because I'm gonna be crowned a king, I'm gonna be crowned Blast From The Past Winner.

He smirked as he looked over London.

J2H: I've been called a prince before, I've been called a king because people know brilliance when they see it and I am all that. It's more then I can say about my opponents on Sunday. I mean I don't really give a shit about what they said about me this week, but I did watch what they had to say last week about me and Dawn Warren, you just constantly prove that you need serious mental health help because you're not all there in the head.

J2H pointed to his head.

J2H: You were either born stupid, or worked really fucking hard to become stupid, and if the latter is the case then well done, you've actually got that far. I do find it a fucking miracle though that you can function as a normal person every day. The way you fucking speak, The Surf Boys should sue you for stealing their style and those two idiots were as thick as donkey shit.

He rolled his eyes.

J2H: You had a nice little visit to Jet South? How wonderful for you, how inspiring for you that would have been, but yeah, wasn't Courtney Pierce and Oliver Zahn linked to them? Didn't I beat both of them? Yeah, fucking smart going to the home of losers to get inspired. No one needed you to talk on about your brother, the guy who pisses his pants when I'm around, the guy who went through a cross dressing stage and wishes people could forget about it. People cared about him as much as they care about your bullshit little sob story about how hard it was growing up. Save that shitty little sob story for American Idol, it might work on there, but it won't here. No one gives a fuck if your an underdog cause let me tell you this, not every underdog wins, not every one of them gets their moment in the sun, not every one of them gets to have that moment.

He held a finger up.

J2H: I was gonna leave it there for you, but you did bring up the fact I beat your brother and gave the Internet belt to Caleb Storms, do you know why? Cause I wanted to give that belt to the worst wrestler on the roster, sadly, your brother was the worst wrestler on the roster and I didn't feel like giving it back to him, so Caleb Storms was a close second. It's just a shame your brother isn't actually on the roster, or I might have won the world title and gave it to him as the worst on the roster. There you go Dawn, you can now brag about the fact you're the woman in this tournament I've spoken the most about, that will be your biggest achievement in SCW ever.

He smirked.

J2H: Don't feel worried Calvin, I haven't used up all my shit talking about her. Rumor has it this week through the grapevine that I might have lit a fire under your ass. Well, fantastic, but I admit, I ain't watched any of your shit from this week, for all I know, you and your clown friend might have run off and joined the circus, but there's a lot of your words still ringing in my ear from last week.

He pointed to his ears.

J2H: You made a good point or two Calvin, no one expected you and Dawn to get this far but should I take my hat off to you? I don't think I will. You are right that everyone expected me here, of course they fucking did, I'm J2H, everyone expected me here the second my name was confirmed for it, they knew I could drag shit like Bea Barnhart to the finals if I had to. Of course everyone expected me to be here Calvin and I get this weird, respectful tone coming from you when you spoke about me. I really hope that's fucking changed this week cause that's not the you I want. I do appreciate the respect you put on my name, because I earned it by taking on everyone, by beating everyone to get that respect, because I never had it when I first became SCW World champion, I had to scratch and claw my way up to the top to get that respect. Let me tell you a true story Calvin about respect.

He paused for a second.

J2H: When I first won the SCW World Heavyweight championship, I wasn't expected to win, I'd never really been in the main event that much, I was that solid mid card guy that everyone pissed on, everyone looked down on. I was the guy everyone wanted to make fun off, I was the guy everyone came to and asked to do comedy shit where I looked like a complete idiot. I spent my time in more trash cans then anything else, and then I got that opportunity to be in a gauntlet match for the World Championship. I watched the smug little faces of everyone who didn't even see me as a threat Calvin. I went out there with a plan, and it worked out perfectly and I walked backstage a champion and the first thing I saw was two people who considered themselves top guys complaining to Christian Underwood about the result. I saw two grown ass men having a bitch fit because I was the champion and they were not and I remember looking at Mark Ward and just saying that I didn't want this belt. I told a few people that I didn't want it and word got around to the point that even people who hadn't won in months was lighting up my DM's talking about an angle we could do where they won the belt, people who couldn't lace my boots then, let alone now. At that point Calvin, I knew no one respected me and I had to fight every fucking day of my life to get that and go on to be the greatest champion there has ever been.

He paused to reflect for just a second.

J2H: Why did I tell you that very true story? Because that story is what I think about before I walk through that curtain every single time. Every single time I walk through there, I'm looking for success to get the respect I deserve. This Blast From The Past is the same thing for me Calvin, even though there is more respect on my name then the whole SCW roster together, I walk through there and zero respect and the way to get it back is to beat you. The way to earn it is to beat you. I'm not walking out of London with no respect, because I really am the greatest to ever step in that ring Calvin, and this has been the one thing I haven't added to my past accolades, this is the one thing I haven't got. I have all the replica belts sitting at home that I have won, I have all the awards SCW can give me, sitting at home, but that Blast From The Past win, it's the last part of my collection. It's driving me Calvin, it's driving me to get that last little trinket, it's driving me on and after Sunday, when we meet again and I have no doubt we will meet again after this, and you sit there and you list every thing I've done, you list every award I've won, you can also add Blast From The Past winner to that list too.

He stopped as he looked out over London before turning to the camera.

J2H: It's great that you've watched me enough to predict what I was going to say about people I've defeated in this tournament before, it's great that you seem to have done your homework on me, but that means you know exactly what I can do in that ring. I'm glad you're not buying in to the aura of things, because people that do come at me with fear, they come at me knowing their race has already been run, they're not a challenge to me at all. I'm happy you're beyond that because you just might be a challenge, you just might be someone on a higher level, but your fact checking could use a little work there.

J2H tilted his head.

J2H: I vacated one title in my whole career and it was nothing to do with defending it. I got roped in to a match with a bitch who just happened to be Internet champion. I do this thing, I build shit for a year usually, High Stakes was my show and the shit head brother of your partner challenged me a year before the match and then in true Teddy Warren I'm a bitch fashion did nothing for a year. When the match rolled around, he was a champ, of course I won and I gave that belt away, I didn't want the stench of a loser around me, so I gave it away. I had no intentions on sticking around, I had nothing to prove to no one at the time, absolutely nothing to prove, I was one that could do everything at a young age and get out. I'm twenty nine Calvin and I've done more here then anyone else has. I was born in to money to I never needed to be someone like you Calvin, I never needed to be the person who wrestled till I died or couldn't walk again. I can answer the whole sub par talent thing, because I can make any average Joe look fucking fantastic, but the question you really need to be asking yourself is why do SCW keep bringing me back and paying me a shit load of money, when they have people like you on the roster?

A smirk crossed his face.

J2H: If you think I come back for the easy shit and run from the hard shit, why would I put myself in this position where I could have been teamed with a loser and taken on one of the bigger names right away? Also, if I come back for matches I can just breeze through, what does that say about you?

Another smirk crossed J2H's face.

J2H: I'm not coming in angry, I'm not coming in pissed off, I'm coming in to win Calvin, I'm coming in to show you why I am J2H and you're a dude with a clown friend. Sunday will see London's second Coronation, because SCW doesn't just revolve around J2H, the fucking world revolves around J2H. Two kings get crowned this weekend, and one of them will be King James, the better King James. Sorry Calvin, you're not gonna stop me and that is real talk bitch!

And with that, the camera fades.

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« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2023, 11:04:29 PM »

London, England
When? Your guess is as good as mine.

London has long been seen as one of the premier cultural capitals of the world, ranking up there alongside tourist top destinations such as Paris, Tokyo and Rome, among others. And why not? Look at some of our more beloved actors of stage and screen; names such as Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart..  Dame Edna ..? And with such historical landmarks as Westminster Abbey and the British Museum, well over eighteen million people visit this city PER YEAR.

And one of the most celebrated social events of THE YEAR was set to take place in a mere matter of days.. The SCW ITV Gala! Wait - you’ve never been? You’ve never heard of this annual event? Well! In just two short days wrestlers from all over the globe - men and women alike - converge onto Central London where a large, six-sided wrestling ring would be erected at the very center, surrounded by hundreds upon thousands of rabid wrestling fans. And spanning from the ring itself would be a runway where those very wrestlers mentioned earlier would be walking, showing off the latest fashion trends from their beloved industry. This, of course, serves as a double vision, as it was also a charity fundraising event where the top fashion houses that serve the athletes would be accepting donations from not just the fans in attendance, but also from a bevy of celebrity attendants - actors, models and musicians, and even politicians were expected to be there - everyone from the recently crowned King William to President Kathy Bates of the United States.

Lost yet? I really can’t say as how I blame you. But when you deal in such a combined industry as not only professional wrestling, but fashion as well, things would slowly become cutthroat and the top two fashion houses would pull out all stops to raise the most funds for their respective charities. That is what brought us here to where we are right now - at the towering skyscraper that served as the HQ of one such fashion house - House DeVil. The building was crafted of black marble and purple-tinted glass, so as not to allow prying eyes from capturing glimpses of the secrets inside.

And parked at the forefront of the building beneath a canopy, surrounded by velvet ropes to allow the looky loos but no touchy, was the black and purple Panther De Ville Saloon, the prize vehicle of none other than Devona DeVil - owner and proprietor. Once one of the wrestling business’s most sought after female stars, now having branched out into an altogether different business where she found even more fabulous wealth and success. But as sleek and stylish as this particular vehicle was, the same could not be said for the brown and rusted Citroen 2CV truck that chugged and choked its way into the vacant parking spot to its left. This vehicle had clearly seen much better days (about fifty odd years ago) as it had a broken fender and headlight as well as a cracked wing mirror on its right hand side. Once the truck came to a stop and the engine turned off, a loud exhaust backfired, belching out a thick, black cloud of smoke, causing everyone nearby to jump almost out of their skin.

The driver’s side door opened and an impossibly large brute of a man with an uncharacteristically kind face stepped out, causing the truck to bounce up a good foot from the ground. How on earth he fit in such a cramped front seat is unexplainable, but considering this tour … well, you get the picture. But the question was compounded considering he was not alone as a much smaller young man accompanied him, handsome in appearance but what could only be best described as a perpetually “duh” expression etched on his face. The larger of the two men shoved a briefcase into the arms of the smaller man and on they marched toward the revolving doors that led into the lobby of House DeVil. The larger man entered fine with no trouble but the smaller man simply walked in a wide circle in the revolving door and ended up right back on the street where he looked thoroughly confused. That was, until the larger man reappeared and grabbed him by the collar and jerked him almost off of his feet to drag along behind him.

The pair made their way easily through security and past every secure checkpoint until they arrived at the very peak of this monolith. They stepped off of the elevator and walked along the hall until they arrived at the doors to the executive suite of House DeVil they walked right in, as family. As brothers. And no sooner did they do so than they were bombarded with questions from the woman herself, owner and proprietor…

Devona DeVil: Did you get it!?

The smaller of the men smiled brightly and held up the briefcase.

Beauty/Horace: We got…

But the larger of the two men pulled the briefcase from his hands and presented it to her, held out like a golden prize for her while the smaller man frowned up at the larger of the pair.

Beast/Jasper: *I* got it, yes.

Devona DeVil: Show me!

The sleek, beauty of a woman hurriedly walked forward, a picture of perfection all unto her own right. Her black and purple hairstyle spiked and wild, wearing an ankle-length black gown and her shoulders draped in a purple fur. Taking a wisp of a puff from the vintage cigarette holder held between her fingers, Devona’s impossibly high heels clattered on the marble tile of her office as she hurried over to see what would be the lead to her prize. She undid the clasps on the briefcase and opened it, removing the folded over papers. She then laid out the paper on her desk and spread it out and all eyes gathered for a look see. She practically gushed like a schoolgirl!

Devona DeVil: The Pink Puppy!

A small snort of merriment was heard and she, and the larger man turned to look at the smaller who was trying to not laugh, his face scrunched up tightly like a high school boy who had just heard a dirty joke.

Beauty/Horace: Pink Puppy… get it? I-EY!

He cried out, having earned a swipe upside the head from the larger man. The smaller frowned, rubbing the back of his head in pained annoyance.

Beast/Jasper: If I might ask mum, why are you after this Pink Puppy so badly?

Devona DeVil: Because it is the prize of Sunday’s show. The star attraction of the auction, and prime material for my latest creation. She’ll make me millions.

Beauty/Horace: So … you’re going to bid on her?

Devona and Beast looked at each other with pained expressions before they both looked toward the dim bulb of a man. Devona sighed but smiled her best, while Beast had no qualms at all in shaking his head with haughty derision, openly showing his annoyance.

Devona DeVil: My dear sweet Beauty… why would I ever risk not winning an auction, or waste the money in winning, when you two can simply acquire the Pink Puppy for me.

She held up her purple gloved hand, one fingertip extended for emphasis.

Devona DeVil: Discreetly, of course.

Beast/Jasper: Of course.

Devona DeVil: The last thing I need is for any bad publicity caused by your actions to ruin what will be the biggest day of my career.

Beast/Jasper: We understand.

Beauty/Horace: Yeah Beast, so don’t blow it! OW!

He rubbed his head, once again glaring at his larger cohort. Beast then turned to Madam DeVil and cleared his throat, somewhat intimidated by this smaller woman at questioning her decisions and the reasoning behind them.

Beast/Jasper: Erm, Madam? If I may?

Devona looked to her man and made a wave of the hand, indicating that he could speak.

Beast/Jasper: The Pink Puppy? Is she not an endangered species?

Devona DeVil: One of a kind, as a matter of fact. There is no other quite like her.

She then looked toward the camera and shook her head.

Devona DeVil: And thank god for small favors.

She then turned back to Beast and took a seat on the edge of her desk.

Devona DeVil: Why do you ask?

Beast/Jasper: Well, it’s just because… if she’s endangered.. One of a kind… somehow it seems just wrong that we… that you…

Devona took another puff from the extended end of the cigarette holder and blew the purple smoke through her pursed lips. She said nothing, she simply looked up at Beast until he started to fidget and then pointed down at Beauty.

Beast/Jasper: He wanted to know!

Beauty/Horace: Hey!

Devona shook her head, eyes closed and pointed toward the door.

Devona DeVil: Just GO! Get that Pink Puppy! Do NOT fail me!

Beast/Jasper: Yes mum!

Both men backed quickly toward the door… Beast backed right through but Beauty hit the door frame with a clatter. He staggered forward and turned around – and ran right into the frame again. The beefy arm of Beast shot through the door, grabbed him again by the collar and YOINK – leaving Madam DeVil in her office, wondering what she ever did to deserve…

The SCW Gala

Thousands lined the main square of central London, as the fashion elite of the wrestling business strutted their stuff, all in the name of charity – snort! Yeah, right! Monsieur Harris of House Harris (duh!) had just completed his elite runway walk, much to the admiration of the press, generating donations in the hundreds of thousands for his chosen cause “No Bible Thumpers Left Behind”. But now it was time for the star of the hour, as House DeVil was set to present!

Devona DeVil herself walked the runway, sporting a fallen angel motif. But after her successful walk, came the more unique stylings of her house for the sport that she had loved as a small girl…

The veteran and Hall of Fame femme fatale Alexandra Calaway walked the runway, in a rainbow sports bra top and thigh-high shorts, with every inch of her exposed flesh covered in rainbow pop rocks and Skittles candy. A very tasty treat of a success!

Then along walked the relatively young newcomer to the business - Ariana Angelos! With her renowned love of cooking as an inspiration, Ariana more so resembled a female version of the Swedish chef from the Muppets fame!

And bringing up the rear - pun intended - was none other than Bobbie Dahl who drew gasps and shocked expressions at her new ring attire, a soft pink lingerie two-piece with blinking heart lights on the breasts and just below the navel. Bobbie reached the end of the runway before she posed, hands on her knees and popping her booty out when sudden screams were heard and the crowd started to scatter!

“Look out!”

“What's happening!?”

“Pink Puppy is out!”

“Okay haven’t we had enough of that joke!?”

Devona was almost thrown back and off of the stage as the crowd surged in every direction, running as the Pink Puppy raced to safety and freedom, weaving through legs of the running crowd! But that one Pink Puppy was not enough to cause such chaos! It was the fact that the dilapidated old truck of beauty and Beast was in hot pursuit, paying little mind to the crowd in its path but hey! It’s an RP dream sequence so nobody is going to get hurt! Devona watched in both shock and horror as the truck barreled past in hot pursuit of her prize catch, but not so much as she was surprised when the gargantuan Beast ran past her, pausing just long enough to catch his breath.

Beast/Jasper: W-w-we ran into a little problem!

Devona DeVil: What happened!? Who is driving your truck!?

Beast/Jasper: Who do you think!?

Beauty aka Horace was behind the wheel, tearing through the streets in hot pursuit of the Pink Puppy. A remarkable feat considering he’d never driven before in his beautiful life!

Devona grabbed Beast by the coat and shook him while screaming bloody murder…


Right away mum !

And he bounded off the stage and into the fleeing crowd! She then turned to spot her own vintage car parked right in the square… What a remarkable coincidence! Devona growled through clenched teeth!

Devona DeVil: If you want something done right…!

The wheels of her black and purple Panther De Ville Saloon spun around, burning smoke and she tore off behind the wheel in mad pursuit! Chasing after both her two bumbling brothers and the Pink Puppy! She could see Beast/Jasper hoofing it on the pavement, his thick, tree-trunk legs pumping like mad as he ran to try and catch up with his brother behind the wheel!

Suddenly a group of nuns crossed the street and Beauty slammed on the brakes! Devona was so distracted that she did not see in time and she rear ended Beauty - pun not intended! Beauty hurriedly pushed open the driver’s door – and Beast ran right into it - tearing it right off! The big man stumbled forward and right into the nuns, sending them flying like bowling pins – with accompanying sound!

Devona simply sat behind the wheel, hands on the steering wheel in a tight-gripped shock, eyes wide as she just watched the Pink Puppy happily trot across their path as beauty turned around with a smile and waved at her, while Beast stood upright, the little birdies circling his head as he proceeded to help the Nuns to their feet…

Officer J2H: Okay lady, you’re coming with me!

The hand swiftly grabbed her by the upper arm, pulling her from the classic car!

Devona DeVil: Unhand me you cretin! Do you know who I am!?

Officer J2H: No! Do you know who I am?

Devona looked up at the officer and her face blanched in shock and confusion as there stood the young officer with a cocky smirk, and his badge read “Officer James2H”....

Officer J2H: You’re under arrest! You have the right to remain silent and considering you only have 5k for this RP, I strongly suggest you use it! You have the right…

Suddenly Devona awoke with a start, on the private jet that her Blast From the Past tag team partner J2H had hired on for the shared travel accommodations of he and his family as well as her own, to get them all the way from Beverly Hills to London for this coming Sunday’s event. While he could have left her to her own devices, the former World Heavyweight Champion had his own reasons for bringing her with him directly - one of which he was taking no chances she’d not arrive in time having to take some last minute flight in … (shudders) coach.

Devona sat upright in the seat she had dozed off in and wiped the sleep from her eyes, wondering privately to herself how far they were from London. The lights in the cabin were dimmed, and she looked out one of the windows to see infinite darkness across the skyline. Her thoughts then drifted back toward the very strange dream she had just had, and how it had ended just before she woke up. She frowned, then looked about the cabin and saw J2H himself fast asleep, laying full back on one of the many lounge sofas on the jet. She gave J2H her best “stink eye” impression and grabbed the nearest pillow, wound up and POW! Right across the head! Her strength was impressive as the blow from the pillow almost - ALMOST -sent J2H toppling off of the sofa and to the cabin floor but even in his sudden surprise, he was alert enough to prevent the fall. His in-ring training she imagined.

He looked around with wide eyes, the shock of being woken up so suddenly evident on his face as he looked up and found her standing over him.

J2H: What the hell… did you just hit me with a pillow!?

Devona: Yes and you deserved it too!

J2H: What the hell did I do!?

A sleepy voice from across the cabin drew their attention from each other and toward a sleepy Melody with an even sleepier JJ in her arms, both having been woken up from the slight commotion.

Melody: What’s going on?

J2H: That’s what I want to know! She hit me with a pillow!

Melody then looked from her husband to Devona in confusion.

Melody: Why did you hit him with a pillow?

Devona: Because he got me arrested and thrown into jail, that’s why!

Devona stormed off to the other side of the cabin, J2H now even more confused than he had been before. But that was nothing compared to when he turned away from the retreating Devona and he did a double take at the sight of Melody shaking her head at him, clucking her tongue.

Melody: James!

JJ: Daddy!

J2H: Are you KIDDING me right now!?....

Inside of the Copperbox Arena, Devona - one of the four remaining wrestlers in the 2023 Blast From the Past Memorial tournament, sat in the upper balcony, far enough away so that she could watch and observe the workers below as they went about their business; putting the finishing touches on the stage, the ring, the lightning and everything in between. All to make ready for Into the Void XII in just two days. Soon enough, the building would be packed with thousands of fans of all ages, while many more, many times over would be watching live from across the globe on the Sin City streaming service. But for now, it was only Devona here in the seats, lost in her own thoughts as she contemplated what was soon to come.

“Lao Tzu was the legendary, ancient Chinese philosopher who first said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Some people have taken this quite literally but to me, it has simply always meant that every goal has a single starting point, and if you want to accomplish your hopes and dreams, then only you can take that first step forward. Only you can start down that path because no one else can do it for you. It’s a philosophical saying that I have taken to heart all of my life, throughout school and in both of my careers. Nobody else was going to be able to make me take that first step forward on the path to be a wrestler and fulfill a dream that I’ve had in my heart ever since I was a little girl. Just the same as working as a vet tech. I’ve always loved animals and have worked with them from high school as a volunteer. And when I was getting dirty and smelly cleaning cages at the Humane Society, all I could think was how I could be doing more to help animals. That’s why I started working in a pet adoption center, finding cats and dogs their furever homes. And then I moved on, and up, and started working as a vet tech so I could help those beloved fur babies get well when they were sick. Neither journey was easy. They both had their hurdles that I had to cross. Challenges to overcome and pains and frustrations that I had to get past and succeed against. But the one thing that both of those paths had in common … was that one step that started it all.”

“The same could be said with where I stand now, ready to enter the ring one more time in the finals of the 2023 Blast From the Past. I hate to admit it, but James was right when he said to me I came into this wanting more than just to prove I could still hang inside of the ring if I wanted to. Every little girl who dreams of entering this sport, also dreams of one day rising to the very top as the World Champion. I mean, if you don’t want to be the best at what you do, then is there really much of a point in doing it? And this one step, the step that James and I are about to take together, brings this little girl just one step closer to achieving that goal and fulfilling a dream. And the journey? I can’t deny that it has been nothing short of one thrill ride after another. My first match back in five years against Jessie Salco was the icing on the cake. It was facing such a great veteran and a reigning champion as we speak that truly made me realize what I wanted from this sport. The tournament has been great and so much fun, but finding myself in the ring alone, testing myself against one of the best that the Bombshell division has to offer – and winning? Jessie was here before I ever even started my training and I can only imagine that she’ll be here long after I’m gone.”

“But when it was time to get down to business, I know I am going to hate myself in the morning for saying this, especially considering how he and I first started things, but James? It really has been my honor to get to team with you. When you agreed to stand in my corner for my match against Jessie at Blaze of Glory XI, I admit it. I was on Cloud 9. Differences aside, you have been one hell of a partner to stand by me. All the jokes that have been made at your expense by the men that you’ve been up against not only your entire career, but since our first match together in Barbados? To hell with them. You have proven yourself time and again, not only to your critics, but to me as well. I’ve watched you since your first time inside of the ring – which was admittedly embarrassing? But you are the picture personified of hard work and determination. You busted your ass to become the young legend that you are, and no amount of wealth can buy that sort of prestige. When we were paired together, I admit a part of me groaned considering how different we are in every aspect of life between us. You've done so much more than just light a fire under me. You might even say that you’ve been something of an inspiration.”

She held up a hand and playfully waved the thought off.

“Just don’t let it get to you. Your head is big enough as it is.”

“Now then… Calvin Harris. Calvin, I think I made it perfectly clear that I am looking forward to seeing you and James lock it up when it’s your turn inside of the ring. While you’ve had your past, and not all of it in a favorable light, you’ve proven yourself to be a success story as a two-time World Champion. Mad respect for that, and I’m not just saying that as lip service for all of those sweet things you said about me last time around. I think the nicest thing I can say to you or about you that does not pertain to your in-ring talent is the simple fact that you are the opposite of your Uncle. While he seems to take a great deal of delight in taking the easy way out and face as few actual challenges as he can, you are at the exact opposite of the same spectrum. You have lost none of the skill that you had when you were standing atop the SCW Mountain on two different occasions, but you now seem to thrive on proving yourself without having to stoop to the same levels your other blood here has stooped to. You don’t need to resort to stealing championships from rightful champions with chloroform or relying on your better half to save your butt when the going gets tough against a legit threat. You face that challenge head on, and you persevere.”

“Now… the not-so-nicest thing I can say about you is the way that you seem to just be glossing over my partner. And you know, that’s not such a bad thing because every other man who has set foot in the ring against us – against him – so far in this tournament has done the exact same thing and in case you haven’t noticed? They’re not in the Finals. We are. You can take J2H lightly and take all the shots at him that you want, but how many men made the exact same mistake, leading him to becoming not only a two-time World Champion, but also one of the most sought after and respected athletes SCW has ever had? J2H is the best, Calvin. And for you to think or say otherwise is going to be the proverbial nail in the coffin, and it is just going to lead us to the win and James into becoming a three-time champion.”

“But, you’re not alone Calvin. Dawn, I can’t speak highly enough for everything that you’ve proven to the world around you since all of this began. But respect aside, I have got to ask … what is it with this whole Pink Puppy thing you have going? Did you ever take the time to consider the adult nature of that ring nickname? Perhaps you haven’t taken that into account when you picked that name for yourself, but then again…”

Devona tilted her head to the side with a knowing look.

“Maybe you did. People make the same mistake with you that they’ve made with me during my life. They look at our stature, our height, take our looks into account or our favorite colors – purple is mine, obviously. Then they think that maybe because we look soft, that we do business the same way. Maybe we’re soft inside of the ring and could be considered *air quotes* ‘easy pickings’ when nothing could be further from the truth. They might take one look at you, with the bright smiles and the elaborate gear that you wear. They may see you all in pink like a walking piece of bubblegum and see you behave in that perky, almost childlike manner in person or on social media and think to themselves…”

She nodded, a smile on her face and tongue in cheek.

“...’Yeahhhh! This is going to be easy! I can’t fail!’ Well…!”

She shrugged.

“Unfortunately Dawn, I’m not one of those poor schmo that would fall for such a trap. One, like I said – I’ve lived through the same misconceptions that you have. And two, unlike so many of the others that you’ve faced, I’ve been paying attention. You are living proof that dynamite comes in the smallest of packages and all the giggles and dancing isn’t going to make me take things any easier with you than any other woman I have to step foot inside of the ring against. You can skip and giggle and fawn over me as a fan… hell! You could surprise us all and fart pink glitter but sweetheart?”

She shook her head with a knowing smile.

“It’s not going to work. Remember the stock I come from. Take a look at who I am teamed with. I have been inside of the ring with some of the very best!”

She counted off of her fingers…

“Mercedes Vargas! Jessie Salco! Amy Santino! If women of their caliber couldn’t get under my skin and walk away the winner, you have a better chance at playing for the WNBA. And believe it or not, I say that with respect. Because your record in this event has earned it from me. But that’s where it ends. Once that bell rings, there is nothing between us. No respect. No friendship. No locker room camaraderie. All respect gets thrown out the door because I have every intention of claiming that World title shot for myself at Summer XXXTreme, and doing my part to make sure my partner gets the same. And I am going to do that by becoming the first woman to beat you in the center of the ring.”

Devona winked, then picked up a can of beer that she had brought into the building and held it up high.

“And James? One last thing chere. Here’s to us. The 2023 Blast From the Past Champions!”

“Laissez les bon temps rouler.”</color>

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2023, 11:49:47 PM »
April 29th
London, England
Ballie Ballerson

Dawn Warren thought she had learned all she could have from Jet City South however what she didn’t expect is that her former sister in-law Kate Steele along with her cousin Ruby wanted to be the ones to take Dawn to their home country and city in London England. However what Dawn didn’t understand is that it wasn’t just Dawn that they wanted to take out. They asked to for Dawn’s fiancée Melissa Chavez along with her older sister Michelle Chavez (Teddy’s Girlfriend) to make the journey as well. The only details that were left for the trio of women was for them to dress to impress which meant the three women sported some sexy rompers along with heels. Dawn glanced at the GPS in her phone as they arrived at the location that Ruby had told them about. Dawn raises her eyes as she glances over at her fiancée and her sister.

“This is the address that the Steele women have given us… What in the heck is a Ballie Ballerson and what does this place have to do with training?!”

Melissa shrugs her shoulders as a giggle immediately escapes her lips. She smiles as the neon lights on the building were shining brightly.

“I don’t know Dawn but maybe we should go inside. This looks like it can be soooooooooooo much fun. We need fun especially after we had to camp out in scary Romania. Being here is a relief right?!”

Michelle looks at the smile on the two love birds faces. She holds her stomach as she shrugs her shoulders.

“It might be fun why don’t we head inside, besides I need a restroom I don’t really feel well…”

Dawn is befuddled as she looks right into the eyes of Chavy as she seems concerned.

“Are you okay, you haven’t been feeling well for the past few weeks, perhaps we should go back to the hotel so you could take a breather…”

Michelle just forces a smile as she looks back at Dawn.

“There’s no need for that, I am sure I am going to be just fine. Like I said let’s just go inside…”

The three women make their way inside the building and as soon as they went inside they were treated to the loud sounds of RNB music. A hostess walks over to the three women as she offers a warm smile.

“Cheers ladies welcome to the most fun place in all of London Ballie Ballerson. My name is Samantha and how may I help you today?!”

Dawn nodded her head as she looked at the woman.

“Actually you can help us. My name is Dawn Warren, this is my fiancée Melissa and her sister Michelle. We were told to come here by Kate and Prudence Steele. I thought we were going to do some training for some big wrestling match I have coming up but I see I was mistaken…”

The woman opens her eyes up in amazement as soon as she hears Dawn speak. She smiles as she doesn’t waste any time placing a pair of tiaras on top of the heads of Dawn and Melissa. Another woman walks by and places two long ribbons on both women that read Bride to Be. Samantha smirks as she leads all three women to a different part of the building.

“You are our special guests for the night. I know in America you women are accustomed to a bachelorette party but here on this side of the world we love to call it a Hen Do and your Hen Do weekend is going to be a fabulous one! It starts today in Ballie Ballerson! Home of the bottomless brunch, all you can eat pizza, unlimited mimosas and beer. You will get two hours of time in the ball pit, two hours of Karaoke and just a great night. So relax and enjoy yourselves!”

Dawn raises her eyes in return as a smile escapes her lips as she looks back at Melly with a warm grin on her face.



Dawn thinks about it for a few moments as she pout’s a bit.

“HEY!!! I don’t know if the pizza is going to be any good! I am from Long Island! There’s no way pizza is going to be that good in London! That sounds YUCK!!!!”

Melissa giggles as she is immediately handed a mimosa and she doesn’t waste any time guzzling it down. She turns her attention to Michelle.

“Why do New Yorkers always make pizza out to be this big deal… IT’S JUST PIZZA!!!!!”

Dawn places her hands on her hips as she seems disgusted.


The engaged couple just argues with one another as Dawn is handed a mimosa and she doesn’t hesitate to take it down. Michelle laughs as she looks at the both of them.

“Would you two both just settle down a bit, you aren’t supposed to be arguing with each other especially with this being your HEN DO. Just at least act like you love each other and enjoy the weekend…I think that’s what the Steele women wanted you to do. Enjoy this weekend and then use the rest of the week to prepare for J2H and Devona…”

Dawn snaps her fingers as another mimosa is handed to her. She doesn’t hesitate as she guzzles that one down and let’s another grin escape her lips.

“Party pooper! We will enjoy tonight, you don’t have to worry about that… How come I don’t see a drink in your hand CHAVY?! Me and Melly are drinking them like lemonade and you haven’t had any…”

“Yeah sis, only party pooper is you for not having a drink. You need to at least take a shot with us!”

Michelle looks at the two women as she immediately shrugs her shoulders.

“No… I would rather pass besides this is about you two having fun. I have a feeling with us meeting up with Kate and Ruby at least one of us should be sober. I will make sure that I am the responsible one for all five of us…”

Finally after being led to a private room we are able to see Diamond and Ruby Steele, both women are wearing revealing mini-skirts along with thigh high boots. Diamond grins as she looks at Dawn. She has a huge bottle of grey goose in her hand as she giggles.

“Ladies, Dawn this is your HEN DO!!! June 30th is approaching us and on that day your world is going to change. You and Melly will now share a name among becoming one! We need to party and just live in the moment!”

Ruby smiles as she hands something in her hands.


Dawn raises her eyes as she looks back at Ruby.

“Penis straws, that sounds so yucky but I will use one. I will drink from the bottle though!”

She snatches the bottle of Grey Goose from Diamond and places the bottle to her mouth. She begins to chug it down and Melissa smirks in return.


Dawn just takes it all down as Melissa snatches the bottle away from Dawn and begins to do the same. Diamond grins as she looks at her sister in-law as she smiles.

“That a girl! I am happy that you could have so much fun! I know you were probably wondering when we would actually have this big party but why do something in America when I know it’s way better in my beloved England. That’s the entire reason why I wanted you and Ruby to bond in the first place. You need to lighten up. I know wrestling is important to you but we need to celebrate the huge milestone that is about to happen in your private life. This is your future and you need to see that it is very bright. Things are going to be amazing for both you and Melly. So let’s just enjoy the day before you two really have to settle down and would rather do things on your own!”

Dawn is taken back.

“You think we would constantly be doing things by ourselves, which would never happen! I couldn’t just leave my friends. I love all of you way too much to do anything like that. We need to always have this type of fun. It’s totes awesomesauce when we can all bond and just like enjoy each other’s company. I guess that’s why I love wrestling the most! I know the competition is a huge part of it and I definitely love to try to make the Warren name mean a lot but personally it’s all about the friendships that are being established. This is what I love the most, and I am so happy all of you are in my life…”

Melissa smirks as she looks at Dawn before looking at everybody else.

“Yes! Thank you for accepting all of us. This has been one magic ride and I know it’s only going to get so much better from here!”

Ruby smiles as she nods her head as she looks at all of them and it isn’t long before a woman walks into their private room with a tray of shots. Each woman grabs one as Ruby raises it high into the air.

“Of course it’s going to get better and that is why I want to make an announcement. Let’s take a shot to the beauty of these two love birds. They are completely adorable in every single way. So this is to their future, their love, and their happiness…”

Dawn, Melissa, Kate, and Ruby all take a shot and guzzle it down. Meanwhile Michelle just stands at her glass as she immediately shakes her head as she glances at all of the women. Dawn is already a bit tipsy after all of the mimosas, shots, and grey goose that she had been drinking. She turns her attention to Michelle as she gets into her face and snatches the shot away from her. She guzzles that shot down as she seems befuddled.

“Michelle… I don’t understand you! How come you aren’t taking any shots with us?! You have been acting funny ever since we got on the plane and came over here to London!”

Melly looks at her sister as she takes a sip from the bottle of grey goose and shrugs her shoulders.

“If I didn’t know any better I would say that she has something against engagement or that she doesn’t want to celebrate our future marriage. You know sis it isn’t too late to make sure that you aren’t part of the wedding! I can find a new Maid of Honor!!!”

Michelle is quick to shake her head as she blushes a bit and looks at everybody in the room.

“No… It’s not that… I love the fact that you both are adorable lovebirds. I love your entire relationship and wish you the absolute best in your relationship…It’s just that I didn’t expect things to move as fast with Teddy as they are. I love Todd… He means the world to me and…”

Michelle looks over at Kate who looks back at her with a grin on her face. She quickly shakes her head as she replies back to her.

“Look… Whatever you have to say you can just say it. I am not offended by any means. I have since moved on. I am in a happy marriage and Teddy deserves to be happy. We might have a difference of opinion on one another but I will always appreciate the time that he puts into being Juliet’s father. We will always be connected by the little girl that we adopted. He’s a great guy and I would be a fool to tell you elsewise or get upset over how you feel…”

Dawn chimes in as she looks right at Michelle as she reaches for another shot and smirks.

“Yeah… Jerk face is definitely a good guy. I love picking on my brother but he is my role model and if he makes you happy that’s all that matters. You loving him shouldn’t stop from having fun at my HEN DO though. June 30th is going to come really quick so let’s just have the fun we deserve. I can’t wait for us to jump into the ball pit and have a great time!”

Ruby smirks as she yells at the top of her lungs.

“And I can’t wait for us to ride on paddle boats down Regeants Park tomorrow while popping Champagne!!!”

Kate sighs as she looks at her cousin.

“Ruby… That was supposed to be the huge SURPRISE FOR TOMORROW! WAY TO RUIN THE BIG HEN DO SURPRISE!!!!”

Dawn looks back at Michelle as she takes another shot.

“Look Michelle you deserve to be happy… We all deserve to be happy! That still doesn’t explain why you can’t physically drink though. It doesn’t make sense…”

Michelle blushes more as she speaks.

“I feel like I have always prepared for myself for anything. I can treat any animal and it doesn’t matter how ferocious they are but I never imagined that it Teddy Bear would be the one thing that would tame me. I want to take shots but…”

Michelle takes a long deep breath as she glances at all of the women in the room.

“…I am six weeks now…I have been feeling nauseous lately and I got it checked out… That’s when I found out that I am pregnant and I don’t know what to think…”

Dawn and Melly just stare at one another in silence. Kate also takes a moment to process it as Ruby smirks and giggles with the only word that comes to her mind.


Dawn however cracks a wide grin as she looks right into the eyes of Michelle.


Melly looks right at her fiancée and in unison they both scream at the top of their lungs.

“WE ARE GOING TO BE AUNTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Kate crosses her arms.

“Did you tell Teddy yet, because he is going to be happy… That’s all he ever wanted but I never allowed myself to get pregnant because I was too focused on my wrestling career…”

Michelle shakes her head.

“…No… I haven’t yet… I need to figure that out and I have been trying to think of a way to tell him…”

Dawn crosses her arms as she looks right into Michelle’s eyes.

“Wow that means you must have been getting boned by my brother A LOT!!!”

Melly nods her head in return.

“Yeah… Stuffing you like a PIG!!!”

Michelle just rolls her eyes.


Dawn cracks a grin as she looks at her future Sister in Law.

“Look forget worrying about this Hen Do, Bachelorette Party it looks like we have a new mission and we need to help you figure out a way to break the news to your boyfriend… Ladies…”

Dawn grabs the grey goose bottle as she stands in the middle of the room. She uses the bottle as if she was talking into a microphone.

“Your mission whether you all choose to accept is now to engage on a path to help our young heroine Michelle Chavez convey to her boyfriend my loveable jerk face of a big brother that she is pregnant… This is not a mission for the weak… This is officially OPERATION TODD MEANT BUSINESS!!! Who will be joining me?! This is the Lois Lane of professional wrestling signing out!!!”

All of the girls raise their hands as Michelle just smiles in return. Dawn smirks as she snaps fingers and as soon as she does. That is when Kate throws each of the girls a Pink Ladies jacket. Dawn smiles as she looks right into Michelle’s eyes.

“We will figure this out but we won’t make this easy for my brother. After all we all are Pink Ladies… Our code is to always ACT COOL, LOOK COOL, and BE COOL! Til Death DO US PART…”

Dawn raises her hands in the air as each of the girls follows suit.

“THINK PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t worry Chavy… We will figure this out… Operation TODD MEANT BUSINESS STARTS TODAY!!!!!!!!!”

With that Dawn just cracks a wide grin as we fade out on this image.


Here we are and it’s the finals baby… It’s crazy that we are in EUROPE because it’s definitely the FINAL COUNTDOWN!!! Until we get to Sunday and will be walking into what should be an amazing finale for the Blast from the Past. It will be Calvin and I taking on the team of J2H and Devona, and it’s definitely going to be a match that everybody should have their mind on. You want to know why it’s going to be a great match?! It’s simply for the fact that J2H is going to be exposed for the fraud that he is. I know he likes to stand there and run his mouth and build himself up like he is the end all be all.

He will talk that junk, he will run his mouth and when it comes to me the insults are always the same. He expects me to get lost in all of the Sauce because he wants to talk down my brother. I don’t know if this is a way for me to get off of my game or something but genius but last time I checked my name isn’t Todd Warren. I am Dawn Warren and I am the woman who is going to prove that J2H isn’t as good as he thinks he is. I might not be able to put my hands on him but I would have thought he would have at least had different things to say about me.

Yet since the very beginning it’s the same old stuff. OH MY GOSHIE you are a Warren and that’s a horrible name. RAWR!!!! You are Teddy’s little sister so that makes you awful! You having that blood flowing through you make everything a travesty.

It’s always the same shit, and that goes further to the way you made fun of my former sister in-law Kate calling her crazy because you pointed out that Melody Grace isn’t her best friend and all of this stuff. Truth be told James can say whatever he wants but if I was like that of my family I would be running away. I would be bailing out as soon as this match was booked or I would crack under the pressure and not even show up to do a promo.

Long behold here I am and that’s because I am ready to fight to the very end. I refuse to back down and unlike my family I have been building myself to be ready for this moment. It’s crazy coming from a woman who stands at only 5’1 and 103 pounds but size never mattered. It’s not about the size of this little puppy but it’s about the size of the fight in this puppy, and rest assured that I am ready to grow up and devour the competition that is in front of me.

Being in this spot is definitely a dream come true for me. I respect the hell out of Devona and even though I might have been a little harsh in what I had to say about her in my first promo you really want to know why I became so fired up about her leaving after she lost to Diamond?!

It is because I too was in those same shoes. However my path to be in wrestling was different. My journey started with me just watching wrestling as a super fan. I was happy to be fan of this amazing wrestler that competed in SVW and his name was Wendigo. He was like the best ever and he ran a stable called the Dogs of War. He pointed at me and told me that even I could be a wrestler and I didn’t think much of it. I thought it was ridiculous because of my size. I wasn’t the biggest nor the strongest but he believed in me and that’s where I got my initial training.

When I first came into the wrestling industry I was only 16 years of age. I was a little girl who loved her boyfriend dearly and I admired watching my sister in-laws Cindy and Kate go to work in the ring. I was overly excited when I learned a few moves from my hero Wendigo. His stable looked at me like I was one of their own and my love for Scrappy Doo was overly apparent. When I joined into the fray I tried my hardest to be another Roxi Johnson.

I called myself the Green Fox and I was a super hero. I wore my green and yellow outfit and I wrestled to my heart’s content. As much as I put into wrestling I just wasn’t good enough. I was then forced into a Trios partnership with Kate and Cindy as a member of Team Warren, and to be honest our team didn’t really go anywhere. I was a letdown and after losing over and over again I decided to leave.

I know you think that I have been fooling everybody as this almighty pro who has been at it for a long time but it was a simple start of a foolish girl who started something at sixteen and couldn’t deliver. When I left the industry I decided to finish my schooling. That is when I finished high school at the top of my class, and college.

I excelled in the area of journalism and broadcasting, and that is when I morphed from being the next Super Hero to being the next Lois Lane. I was content with watching from aside and being somebody to report on the things I saw.

That sounded good to me but over time I started to get that itch. I started to grow up and the desires of the sixteen year old was now found within the twenty five year old. Watching my big brother and Kate woke something up within me and I wanted more out of my career. That is when I made the decision that I wanted to be right smack dab in the middle of the action, and as a competitor.

I am hungry for this business and I don’t care if I happen to be the smallest girl in the room, I am going to make sure that I go out there and I deliver. I know James wants to mock me for being the Pink Puppy but the reality I wanted to pay homage to the different things to get me to where I am today.

For starters you look at the word pink and I am immediately reminded of the woman that I can’t help but look up to in the form of Kate Steele. My former sister in-law is everything to me. I love her and I cherish her run as a member of the Pink Ladies in LAW. They were a bunch of bad asses who were basically the 5’2 short girl club. Mackenzie Roberts, Skye Sparks who I now know today is my biological sister through our father Markus Reeves, and Kate Steele. They all showed that petite women could kick ass too and that’s why I wear Kate’s old jacket with pride.

It’s more than just history to me, it’s a livelihood and one that is filled with never backing down from a challenge and always going above and beyond to make a difference in the ring. As if that wasn’t enough Pink is also my favorite color so that’s why it’s important to me.

The word Puppy pays homage to the Dogs of War from SVW who helped get me to wear I am today, I never saw myself a full on dog but I was always the runt of the group. Add that in with Scrappy Doo being my favorite cartoon character and even though he was written to add comic relief for Scooby Doo to me it wasn’t about him being funny.

It was more so about him being ready to roll his sleeves up and put his fists together to jump right into the fight. It didn’t matter if he was the smallest person in the wrong he made sure that you knew that he was ready to do battle.

I can sit here and try to justify myself to James for all the stuff he said and try to play off of Devona questioning at how long I have been at this but the reality is none of that even matters. The ONLY thing that matters is what I am doing today and that is the simple fact that I am ready to show up. I am ready to go out to that ring and fight like I never fought before.

It doesn’t matter if I am getting trained by Seleana who just can’t seem to win a match anymore.

It doesn’t matter if I am Teddy’s sister, if I train in this gym, or what’s in a name or anything like that.

What everybody needs to understand is that I am not my BROTHER. I am me and I am ready to give it all to prove that I belong. That is why I really fight. Do you know how it feels to have a father who basically stuck his dick in just about everything to impregnate the entire world?!

Do you know what’s it is like to have your actual mother just throw you into the foster care system, and you bounce around from place to place hoping that a family chooses you so you would have a place to live?!

I have dealt with so much in my lifetime and I have worked hard to better than the rest. It was academics at first but now it’s transitioned to that of the sport of wrestling and it’s for one fact. I want to be the best to simply prove that I belong.

By winning this match I will have done exactly and there won’t be any question on whether Dawn Warren is ready for this opportunity or not. The question will have been answered without a shadow of a doubt.

Devona I know you are back at it and you want this, and I do admire what you have done. I refuse however to lose to a team that decided to enter this tournament just to throw their name into the fray because it’s BFTP season and all of the old names wish to return. Hell I can even say the same thing for my own partner. That’s not my story though…

When I joined the roster at Inception and threw my name into the running for the Roulette Championship it wasn’t for a one and done ordeal. It was for the long haul. I have yet to win any titles yet but the way I see things I am building myself to be the next Sam Marlowe…

I am looking to be that hot shot new girl who comes to the company and instantly shoots up the ladder by shocking the world. For her it was beating Mikah to become World Bombshell Champion, and for me it will be by beating Devona and J2H.

It will be by defying the odds and proving that this is where I belong!

This is my story and chapters of it are still being written. I will have my fairy tale ending. I will win this tournament and I will become a main eventer overnight. Watch out world because Dawn Warren is coming…. IT’S TIME TO THINK PINK!!!

See all of you soon…. BA DA DAH DAH DAHHHHHHHH IT’S TIME TO FEEL PUPPY POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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