Author Topic: Still King  (Read 585 times)

Offline SenorVinnie

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    • Senor Vinnie
Still King
« on: July 02, 2021, 07:56:51 PM »
Still King

June 30th 2021,

Vinnie can be seen in his hotel room, wearing his royal robe while his crown is upon a big time pillow on a table near to him. He is pacing around, talking over his phone to someone.

King Vinnie: What do you mean you don’t know any King Vinnie?? I AM King Vinnie!! You are talking to the man that is KING!!!

The person on the other side of the phone gives an answer that causes Vinnie to stop and put on a look of disbelief.

King Vinnie: What do you mean my time as King is over??? I am King for a DAY!

The person on the other end of the phone gives another answer, but Vinnie cuts him off.

King Vinnie: No, you start and listen to me. I am KING VINNIE, I have ordered a royal brooch  that I need to have to replace the old one that is only 2 weeks old to keep my royal robe around my perfectly shaped neck and shoulders.

The person on the phone reacts again, this causes Vinnie to breathe heavily as he is not pleased by the answer.

King Vinnie: What do you mean I need to pay for another brooch?? Don’t you have any royal discounts?? I mean seriously, do you want to lose a royal family member as client???

He smirks confidently, believing that a threat like that would sway over the man of the jewelry store y that he is talking to. His smile slowly fades when he hears a response that he clearly had not expected to hear

King Vinnie: I don’t care if even Prince Albert of Monaco does not get a discount, he is a prince!!! He is beneath me!! I am a Ki….


The other person had disconnected the line midsentence, causing Vinnie to stare at his phone as his eyes grow larger than life. He starts to scratch his head in disbelief as he looks at the screen of his Ipad and stares at the information of the jewelry store that he just had on the line. Causing him to suddenly nod his head and face palms himself.

King Vinnie: I should have known that a jewelry store with he name of T-Bird Jewelry, I mean seriously?? I should have known that naming a jewelry store after a Ford automobile is meant to fail!!!

He looks at some more info about the store as he shakes his head.

King Vinnie: So what if the store is a supposedly successful family store for over 50 years!! If you add all the ages of every employee then you reach that age of experience rather quickly!! I am going to ignore these idiots and will go for a different store that knows how to treat reoyalty!!

With that the door opens and we see Bill Barnhart walk in, he sees Vinnie with the robe around his shoulders and shakes his head.

Bill: Vinnie, are you still…..

King Vinnie: Ahum?? What jester Bill???

Bill’s eyes rolls in disbelief and shakes his head.

Bill: King Vinnie, are you still trying to convince the world that you are still king??

Vinnie stares at him, raising an eyebrow before lowering his head.

King Vinnie: I am disappointed in you Jester Bill, you first call me King Vinnie and then you are assuming that I am not?? What is it Bill?? Am I King yay or nay??

Bill: Wha???

Vinnie continues to shake his head in disbelief

King Vinnie: I understand that I need to use a different vocabulary to make you understand what I am saying Jester Bill. So here I am going to try in a different way.

He starts to cough a few times to clear his throat.

King Vinnie: Me King Vinnie, you are not. Is that easier for you to understand Jester Bill???

Bill is about to react, but Vinnie cuts him off as he puts his hand towards him.

King Vinnie: No Jester Bill, I understand. I am aware that I am on a different level than you are. But isn’t that normal for someone that is of royalty??

Bill’s eyes widen

Bill: But Vinnie…., you

King Vinnie; Ahum??!!!

Bill’s eyes roll as he sighs and starts over.

Bill: King Vinnie is a title that you won with a ladder match to be a KING FOR ONE DAY. That day was a few weeks ago Vin, shouldn’t you just move on???

King Vinnie: MOVE ON????

His eyes are wide, annoyed over what Bill just suggested to him and shakes his head in disgust.

King Vinnie: Oh sure, just move on. Just forget the biggest moment in your entire life and just put it away and forget that it ever happened right???

Bill: No, I didn’t meant it like that…. I..,

King Vinnie: No it’s okay Jester Bill, I understand. It’s always the same thing with people that are just jealous over the fact that I have succeeded in so much more than anyone out there. Oh of course, there are obviously those who may one day follow in the footsteps of yours truly and I hope that they will be treated with more respect than yours truly. But hey, maybe I am the one that paves the way for those who will not be bounded by stupid rules that limit future kings and of course queens. Maybe Alicia does not realize what she has given up that easily merely because she thought that the highlight of her royal existence was hosting a show!!!

Bill: Didn’t you get the same treatment Vin??

Vinnie blinks his eyes for a few moments, he overthings the words that Bill just uttered but decides to shake his head.

King Vinnie: Yes, that’s what they want you to believe Jester Bill, that I should be thankful to have a show in my splitting image….

Bill: I am glad that you feel this way

King Vinnie: SILENCE!!!! I wasn’t done!!! Because if I think about the essence of ONE day,k then we have to both understand that a day is the length of 24 hours!! A show of Climax Control is how many hours??

Bill: Err….,

King Vinnie: See?? A few hours to the most, that means that I have 22 hours left!!! And already there have been a show that I wasn’t even part off!! I am sure that they will make you believe that I wasn’t a King anymore to make things easier for them. Because they aren’t thinking about my profit for sure!! I have produced so many replica crowns for my royal fans as well as robes and even a sceptre. Now do you see where I am getting at???

Bill: But you can still sell it even if you are not….

King Vinnie: Even if you are not a King?? Is that what you want to say?? How badly do you want to try to make our fans believe that they are ignorant??? Of course they won’t buy a crown if I am not their royal hero!!! Gah!!!

He lifts his arms in the air as he is clearly frustrated, he walks left to right and starts to think about what is next that he wants to say.

King Vinnie: I am going to fight this injustice Bill, I am going to prove to the world that they deserve a King that would lead them through dark times. Because let’s face it, who is their role model these days???

Bill: Well… I…,

King Vinnie: That was solely a hypothetical question!!! But you know Jester Bill, I am going to fight the authority that thinks that they can decide the future of their employees just solely for the fact that they do not know any better. But no more!! You hear me Jester Bill!! No more will this tyranny be holding people like yours truly back as they have done with so many royals before me!! Because I am going to take matters into my own hands!! Something that nobody in supposedly power will ever accept!!!

Bill attempts to interject his opinion to Vinnie, but he is already running off and rambling something crazy that causes Bill to sigh and shake his head

Bill: runs off after Vinnie as the shot fades.


We come back where Vinnie is sitting in his hotel room on a chair that he had changed into a royal throne. He looks at the camera and grins.

King Vinnie: Welcome back to my kingdom, a kingdom that many out there try to make me believe that does not exist anymore. Well, I am going to fight everyone until I am proven right!! I am the legitimate king of Sin City Wrestling… but until that moment comes, I will just attempt to give in to the wishes of those who assume that they can control me… where I am going to be talking about my opponent for this week. A man that I have so much history with that it is almost unthinkable that the powers that may be want to push me into a repetitive and clearly an opponent that unlike my pleasure of facing once again, that I should be handed over so much more.

And I can hear you think, more Vinnie?? How much more??? Well I am going to tell you, because that what royalties do to make things so much easier for my subjects. Those who used to send me cards, wish me good luck before facing the world champion. Telling me that their lives were lifted out of the dirt that they assumed they were sinking in for their entirety of their existence… but now?? Nothing, not even a card that came back to me with a stamp on it that tells me that it was wrongly addressed. I mean seriously, how often I have had people move to a new address without telling me?? Well if I had a dollar for every time that this happened to me, well then I would have had eight bucks.

But that is besides the point isn’t it??

He places his “royal” sceptre and places it on the table next to him as he stares back into the camera.

King Vinnie: How often was it until this coming fight Alex?? I remember you beating me by using my amigo Pete.. then the title defence, where I had beaten you not once… but twice!! Then some tag match and then some other type of matches… but the way I look at it… just like your amigo Austin, I have your number…. The numbers zero and zero and a half.

It makes me almost assume that every time that I face the two of you, that I face either dumb or dumber. To the point that Austin has run off to find a loophole that he knows that I cannot challenge him at Summer XXXTreme for a championship match. Knowing that I have not found a bombshell that I trust enough to be my partner and do so. So I guess he is excited that I am facing you in a non-title match, hoping that I will beat you so that I am going to be in line for a title match but not his

Now I know that I am hitting  a nerve every time that I mention a reality that people try to hide from others and themselves. Only wanting to believe the truth that they feel safest with. But it’s okay, I am going to play along for now. Because I know what the truth brings us for real and that is that everyone needs to be led by royalty… YOUR royalty and that is yours truly.

So what have you been up to Alex?? Roulette champion I have been told. Good for you, I never knew that you liked to gamble with a championship belt that will tell you for what kind of match you are going to be in for 95 percent of the time when someone spins a wheel. Isn’t that typical?? To have others hold your fate in their hands by spinning a wheel???

He shakes his head in disbelief.

King Vinnie: I have to admit that a man of your stature it is quite impressive of how quickly you have adapted to your new habitat. And with that I do not mean the surroundings of where you wish to live in. Because that would be the easiest escape of twisting reality. Oh no, I am talking about the fact that you have adapted to a level that you are above those who have to scratch and claw to be noticed by holding a championship belt that you make a joke out of.

Oh yes, I can play the same game that Austin loves to play against me or anyone else that he or you face. Because everyone else beneath you two huh?? And where did that lead the two of you to?? Having your asses handed to yourselves by the same guy. Yours truly, because there is nobody better suited to kick the reality into you two sorry excuses of asses.

And tell me, who have you beaten to maintain that championship belt Alex?? I am sure that you have fought men that will never escape the realms of being a Roulette champion or maybe have a future in this company. Because it’s a championship that young guns need to obtain to make something of their careers instead of someone that is travelling the same road on opposite direction.

He pushes back his hair as he is showing a cynical smile

King Vinnie: Is that what you wish to be remembered off Alex?? To travel back to the realms that you are in right now?? it’s the same thing you did when you couldn’t beat me over and over again huh Alex?? It made you realize that you had to adapt your route to greatness to do the same thing that Austin is doing right now… finding excuses not to fight as the tough guys that you two are proclaiming to be.

But I respect the fact that you at least have something to believe in Alex. It gives you direction, it gives you hope and at least have avoided hitting rock bottom for now. But too bad that you are also a coward.

A coward Alex, oh I am sure that it was not you that decided that this match is going to be non-title… but then again, not resisting injustice to make this match a championship match tells me that you have gone soft Alex, that you are at the edge of your existence as that makes you want to make your title run worth the run that you are having??

Of course it doesn’t Alex, because you have been avoiding me. But that will soon change when I have beaten you AGAIN!!! Just use the ten fingers on both hands to at least make sure that you won’t lose count. But first, I guess I have to beat you to make a point. Then I have to challenge you again for that championship belt… and then you can wheep like a baby like you have been doing behind closed doors. But until then Alex, let’s just meet our expectations and make this match worth the wait….

And then you will remember why I am better than you… until Climax Control Alex… until then….

With that Vinnie signals the camera to cut off the recording as the shot fades