Author Topic: ….Gee, I wonder whose idea THIS was?!  (Read 793 times)

Offline Jessie Salco

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    • Jessie Salco
….Gee, I wonder whose idea THIS was?!
« on: December 10, 2012, 10:08:13 PM »
 Jessie lost the match against Misty but it didn’t end there, Misty kept The Queen’s Punishment locked in post-match whilst Jessie’s brother Jake and her NXT stablemates Giani, Jamie and Odette where tied up with Misty’s disciples, it was only the timely intervention of recent debutee  Derek Thorne that prevented the beatdown from getting any worse.

Things were about to get worse for Jessie however as she was teaming up with fellow NXT Stablemate Vixen to take on Amy Marshall and Necra Octavian Kaine for the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Titles, any other week Jessie would be ready for this match but Jessie was still feeling the effects off the post-match beatdown by Misty and Ruby, can the NXT girls win?

Jessie’s hotel room, San Bernardino, California
December 10, 2012, 6:00pm

“That bitch!” I growled angrily as I held an ice pack to my neck, I had just gotten back from the hospital following the ending of last night’s match and to say that I was pissed off at Misty was a monumental understatement. “She had already won, what was the point in trying to end my career?!”

“That’s easy, sending a message to the other NXT girls.” Katie answered as she handed me some pain killers with a glass of water.

“Thanks.” I thanked her before taking the pills. “With any luck Christian left me off the next card, there’s no way in hell I’ll be 100% in time for the next Climax Control.”

“We can only hope.” Katie sighed as Jake entered the room with a frown on his face.

“Jess, do you want the bad news, or the really bad news?” Jake asked and I turned to him.

“Bad news first.” I sighed and Jake’s frown deepened.

“Bad news is that the card’s been released and you’re on it.” Jake answered and I turned to him with a look of shock on my face. “The really bad news is that you’re teaming up with Vixen to take on the Bombshell Tag Team Champions.”

“Please tell me that this is an incredibly bad and ridiculously early April fool’s Joke?!” I pleaded with him and he shook his head. “How did that escape Christian’s attention? Did he see the ending of my match with Misty?”

“My guess is Mark booked the match behind Christian’s back and by the time Christian realized it was too late to change it.” Jake sighed in annoyance as he pocketed his phone. “There’s no way you’re ready to face James Huntington Hawkes the II in an intergender non-title match let alone face Necra again.”

“The difference is that I could kick Hawkes’s ass if I was paralyzed from the waist down and brain damaged.” I answered before grunting in pain. “As much as I hate to say it, if I can’t pull out of the match then I may have to let Vixen do most of the work.”

“Look, neither you nor Vixen are slouches in the ring, I’m sure you can think of something going into the match this Sunday.” Jake reassured me and I grinned at that. “Anyway since you just got out of the hospital and all we figured we’d treat ourselves to some Chinese Food.”

“Sweet, when does it get here?” I asked and Jake shook his head.

“That’s the other thing; the closest Chinese Place to our hotel doesn’t deliver so I and Katie will leave soon to pick it up.” Jake responded and I would’ve shrugged but my neck and back where still hurting and the painkillers hadn’t kicked in yet.

“That’s fine, I can get started on the trash talk whilst you guys are gone anyway.” I answered as I motioned to the cameracrew.

“When did they get in anyway?” Jake asked as he scratched his head in confusion. “Ah screw it! We shouldn’t be too long but if the food takes a while then we’ll call you.” Jake answered before he and Katie left the room, Katie made sure to take the painkillers with her on the off chance that I may relapse and I sighed before turning to the camera.

“I said I wasn’t going to be a scapegoat for Misty’s campaign against the girls of NXT and despite her best efforts I’m still standing and I don’t give a shit what my siblings say I almost had you beat and I want another shot at you! In the meantime however I have to put up with you nearly ending my career and the injuries I got as a result of that and try to win back the SCW Bombshell Tag Titles in the process!”

I swear if this wasn’t Mark’s idea I’m selling my CD collection on E-Bay.

“And any other week I’d jump at the chance to regain the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Titles no matter who my tag team partner was but anyone who saw the ending to my match against Misty knows why I’m not looking forward to this match, I’m not exactly at a hundred percent now and I doubt I’ll be at a hundred percent in time for the match, does that mean I won’t give it my all? Hell no! I’ll find a way to work around the injuries I suffered at that bitch’s hands and I’ll make sure that we will walk out with the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Titles.”

I guess a good place to start will be Necra.

“One week I’m facing the Queen of the Damned, the next I’m facing The Goddess of the Dead, do you and Misty have tea parties or something?” I joked before shaking my head. “When we first faced off a few weeks ago I was scared of you, I’m not afraid to admit that, but now that I’ve not only faced you and nearly beat Misty I’m not afraid off you any more, I may be injured but that won’t stop me from facing you and Amy head on!”

Boy, that statements going to earn me an earful from Katie and Jake! Oh fuck it! Next up is Amy!

“And speaking of Amy, the last time we faced I made jokes about you “persuading” the bosses so that they could get you in the match, well guess what? I’m standing by that statement no matter what! Don’t like it? Too bad!

I shook my head.

“Why am I beating a dead horse despite what you said in your promo for our last match? Because that’s the only explanation I have for why you were in the match to begin with! And not only that but if you’re thinking that the playing possum trick will work twice then you’d better just go ahead and hand the titles over to me and Vixen and save us the trouble!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“I may be injured and I may be facing the team that previously beat me and my tag partner for the belts but that doesn’t matter, if I was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life I’d still find a way to wrestle the both of you! And with Vixen by my side we’ll win the tag titles because I was born to bleed and I will fight to succeed in this match!”

The hotel door opened and Jake and Katie entered carrying bags of Chinese Food as the scene fades.