Author Topic: All Star Roxi Issue #76: Change  (Read 796 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
All Star Roxi Issue #76: Change
« on: December 02, 2022, 11:40:26 PM »
{The scene opens with Roxi sitting on her laptop in her house at the kitchen table. She looks at some of the local headlines around the city.}


Roxi – Third store robbed in as many weeks, police say.


{Roxi continues to read the article, as Keira opens the door with Nate coming in from school. Nate is his usual cheery self as Keira sighs heavily.}


Keira – Hey.


Roxi – Hey.


Nate – Mommy!


Roxi – Hi baby! Did you have a good day at school today?


Nate – Uh we, we did finger painting!


{Nate shows the paint smeared all over his hands and fingers off to Roxi.}


Roxi – Oh boy. We need to wash your hands then.


{Roxi helps Nate to the kitchen sink to wash his hands as Keira plops down in her own chair.}


Roxi – You okay?


Keira – Yeah. Just a long day at the school.


Roxi – More trouble? I’ll be in tomorrow if you need more help.


Keira – It's just tough to get these kids to listen sometimes. They want to do their own thing and they think after a couple of days they have it all down. 


Roxi – Yeah, I know the feeling.


{Keira arches a brow.}


Keira – What's that supposed to mean?


Roxi – You know good and well that when you started doing other things, you acted like you knew it all too.


Keira – That's different. I wanted to help.


{Roxi looks and sees Nate’s hands are clean and sets him down and hands him a couple of paper towels.}


Roxi – Good job. Now dry your hands and throw the paper towel away, please?


Nate – Okay Mommy.


{Nate does as he is told and dries his hands before throwing the paper towels in the trash can. Buster the dog comes in from the next room, seeing Nate and barks, obviously very happy his buddy is back in the room.}


Roxi – Do you have any homework?


Nate – Not today.


Roxi – Okay. Go play.


{Nate runs off with Buster close behind. Roxi rubs her hand across Keira’s back as Keira sips on a bottle of water she brought in.}


Roxi – Not as fun as you thought maybe?


Keira – It's fine, that’s not the problem. There’s so many kids and a couple of them just want to be freaky in the ring. 


Roxi – Reminds me of someone I know.


{Keira shoots a glare at Roxi.}


Roxi – You were like that when you started. You know that. People accused you of being about nothing but that. 


{Keira frowns, but she knows Roxi is right.}


Keira – Oh god... it’s like trying to train myself.


{Roxi sits down and hugs Keira.}


Roxi – it's okay. They’re kids. They’ll learn. It just takes some patience. I think you turned out pretty okay.


Keira – Pretty okay?


Roxi – I'm just teasing you, relax.


{Roxi kisses Keira on the forehead and then they share a second kiss on the lips.}


Roxi – Besides, I think you’re doing pretty well considering Cassie won a title.


{Kiera smiles.}


Keira – I guess I did. But it’s her. She’s got a lot of spirt, and endurance.


Roxi – Endurance?


Keira – Yeah, do you know how many laps I’ve made her run? I think she could run a marathon if push came to shove.


Roxi – Still, you helped her along the way.


Keira – WE helped her. You’re part of this too, you know.


Roxi – I suppose I am. 


Keira – And, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.


Roxi – Go ahead.


Keira – You miss me, don’t you?


Roxi – I... Of course I do.


Keira – But I mean, you really, REALLY miss me. 


Roxi – What? Am I supposed to be a souless robot and not miss my wife when we’re apart?


Keira – Well, you have the hair...


Roxi – Funny. The point is, yeah, it’s a little weird that things are different now. 


Keira – Yeah, I suppose you’re right. 


Roxi – But we both knew this was going to be a year of change. Think about it. You, coming back to finish out your grand slam, Nate goes to school, we open a training school for future wrestlers, you retire, things are changing and we just have to be accepting of that. 


Keira – Yeah, things are changing. Except for you I guess.


Roxi – I have to make the changes too. 


Keira – You're just continuing to do what you always have been doing.


Roxi – And now I have to do it without you. It’s a change. It’s an adjustment. It’s just... going to be weird for a little while.


{Keira smiles as she stands up and rubs Roxi’s shoulders.}


Keira – I know. It’s weird. But you know I will never ever be too far away from you. And I’m proud of you. You know that. 


Roxi – So does that mean you’re rooting for me against Krystal?


Keira – I'm 50/50.


{Roxi rolls her eyes.}


Roxi – Very funny.


Keira – I know. I got a million on them. I know you’ll do great. But Krystal is one of the best rivals and matches I’ve had in my whole career. She’s going to give you a hard time. I can tell you that now. Just you know... be on your guard.


Roxi – Look at you, still coaching.


Keira – I know, it’s my job. 


Roxi – Yeah. I mean, way things are going, you may become more famous for your training than your wrestling.


Keira – Or just as famous.


Roxi – Yeah, we’ll go with that. Sorry.


Keira – You're lucky you’re hot, Red.


Roxi – I have my moments. I guess I should get started on dinner.


Keira - I am hungry.


Roxi – It's like you never left.


{The two smile at each other as Roxi prepares to make dinner and the scene fades.}



{For the first time in a long time, Roxi is out on a patrol by herself. She is checking her phone and then opens up her wrist communicator. To talk to Vision.}


Vision – What's up?


Roxi – Do you have anything for me?


Vision – Pretty quiet.


Roxi – Nothing from that Hidden Hand either?


Vision – I mean, there really hasn’t been much on that front. I think everything is still brewing. 


Roxi – I know. It makes me nervous.


Vision – I think you’ll probably need to talk with Lt. Murphy, but I’ll keep my eyes on anything on the internet about it.


Roxi – Gotcha, speaking of which, I read today about a string of robberies in a series of stores?


Vision – Yeah, police are still after whomever is behind it. 


Roxi – That's it?


Vision – I mean, there’s not much to go on. The only people who are ever in the building are cleaning crews and they haven’t reported anything, and they came up clean on every background checks. 


Roxi – And nothing on cameras?


Vision – Nothing out of the ordinary. 


Roxi – That's either super smooth, or something’s up with the cleaning crews. Is it a contractor?


Vision – Some are, some are family owned, it all depends on the hiring process. Those jobs have crazy turnover. 


Roxi – Hmmm... Well, I guess Lt. Murphy might have more information.  There has to be –


Vision – You might have a chance right now.


Roxi – What's up?


Vision – Silent alarm was tripped at a Target, about two miles from your current location.


Roxi – Well... I’m on it. 


{Roxi takes off from the roof she was on, heading towards the Target. She arrives almost instantly, and the only vehicle in the parking lot is the cleaning crew, and the security truck driving around. Roxi stops in front of the truck.}


Roxi – There was an alarm tripped. 


Security Guard – Yeah, I’m on the phone with the police.


Roxi – Good. I should have this wrapped up by the time they get here. Stay here, and watch that truck.


{Roxi in single bound leaps onto the roof, and watches through the skylight. The cleaning crew appears to be working like nothing is wrong. Roxi does a 360 around the building checking for any possible entry and exit point, and sees the company truck at the loading dock, and decides to enter that way. Once she’s in through the back of the store, she pauses at the door leading to the main area of the store and calls out in whisper so it catches the cleaning crew’s attention. Once one of them is close, she yanks them through the door and holds a finger to her mouth to quiet the startled worker.}


Roxi – I'm not here to hurt you. A silent alarm was tripped. What’s going on?


Cleaner – Silent alarm? There’s... nothing going on. We’re just cleaning. 


Roxi – Then you won’t have a problem with me having a look around, then.


Clearner – Be my guest.


{Roxi cautiously enters the main area, the clearner behind her. She begins to look around, and then the clearner spins her around and squirts windex window cleaner in her face.}


Roxi – Gahh!


{Roxi holds her face and rubs at her eyes as the cleaners start scrambling.}


Cleaner – The cover is blown! The alarm was tripped! We gotta go!


{The cleaner turns back as Roxi trying to clear her eyes and catch her breath.}


Cleaner – Sorry, but the Cleaning crew isn’t about to be stopped.


{Roxi coughs and continues to rub at her eyes, more annoyed than hurt.}


Roxi – Cleaning crew? That’s not even original.


{Roxi begins to chase, her vision still blurry from the cleaner in her face and eyes. She stumbles, as the crew begins to make their getaway.}


Cleaner – Get the car! 


{Roxi continues to give chase, her eyes, clearing but still burning and irritated. The clearners gather at the door, and Roxi still giving chase. They stop and see her stumbling.}


Clearner – I think we need to take out this trash.


Clearner #2 – Yeah, we should mop the floor with her.


Roxi – Oh.... my...god... the puns... I’m putting an end to this now.


{A third cleaner emerges from the front office with a bag full of money and a pistol, he begins firing it as Roxi has to get out of the way. Her vision finally clears and she is very annoyed. Moreso with the puns than anything else.}


Roxi – I'm so done with this.


{Moving at super speed, she quickly hits the one with the gun. Armed with only cleaning supplies, the rest of the crew try attacking with mops and brooms and while annoying, it’s only a minor inconvenience to Roxi who is able to disarm one, before another comes with a container of bleach. She attempts to throw it, but Roxi is able to move, and the bleach goes everywhere, and Roxi corners the one who threw it, and knocks them down. The original gunman tries to get up, but he slips on the bleach. The second cleaner charges, now armed with bottles of water. Roxi puts a stop to that immediately with a well placed blow to the chin. The original cleaner who attacked Roxi is all that’s left, and he whips out a bottle and sprays it, but it’s not Windex, it’s Febreeze.  Roxi looks down and shakes her head.}


Roxi – At least I’ll smell good. 


{Roxi takes the last cleaner out before zip-tying them all.}


Roxi – You guys need to work on your uniqueness. The Cleaning crew is a terrible name. And those puns are horrible. You’re never going to get noticed just being “the cleaning crew” but some effort into standing out next time. You’ll have plenty of time to think about it in jail.


{Cops are showing up as the doors to the main area are unlocked.The cops walk in, along with Lt. Murphy}


Lt. Murphy – Late night shopping?


Roxi – This cleaning crew is the group behind your other three robberies I suspect. 


{Lt. Murphy sees the damage and smells the pungent smell of bleach.}


Lt. Murphy – Is that... bleach?


Roxi – Yeah, and Windex, and...


{Roxi smells her costume.}


Roxi – Fresh Linen.


Lt. Murphy – I think we’ll take it from here.


Roxi – Good. I need to go home and wash my eyes out. But uh... anything on the gang wars?


Lt. Murphy – Nothing yet. We do have our eyes on a shipment coming in, but an increase in police presence may be deterring everything.  At least that’s the idea.


Roxi – And you officers?


Lt. Murphy – Nothing out of the ordinary.


Roxi – And... Anything on that other possible Hamilton person?


Lt. Murphy – As far as anyone is aware, the Hamilton’s are run by Heather, and she’s off the grid. She’s had to clean up a lot  since that bio-thing happened a few years ago. 


Roxi – Don't remind me.


Lt. Murphy – Anyway, thanks for the assistance. We’ll clean up from here.


{Roxi shakes her head in disgust.}


Roxi – No more cleaning puns.


{Roxi leaves, her job done, and the scene fades.}



{Roxi returns home, coming through the bedroom window and Keira is awakened by the smell coming off Roxi. She slowly sits up and sniffs the air, and sees Roxi.}


Keira – Why do you smell like bleach?


{Keira smells again.}


Keira – And Febreeze?


Roxi – I had a little incident at a Target.


Keira – You know, those things are for the whole house, not your clothes, right?


Roxi – Har har. I need to wash my face.


Keira – What the heck happened?


Roxi – I busted a cleaning crew that had been stealing from stores.


Keira – Did they attack you with cleaning products or something?


Roxi – ... Yes. That’s kinda the whole thing.


{Keira can’t help but chuckle.}


Keira – Did you need my help?


Roxi – No... I took care of it. Otherwise I would have called you.


Keira – Fair enough. Just checking.


Roxi – Is this trying to imply I need you everywhere I go?


Keira – No, it’s not like that. Relax. I was just teasing. I know you don’t need me for every little thing. 


{Keira slowly crawls out of bed and tries to get close, but is backed away by the overpowering bleach.}


Keira: You really need a shower. But the point is, I believe in you. Always have, always will. But just so you know, if you ever need me, I’ll be there. Just like you are for me. I promise.


{Roxi nods and smiles as she takes her mask off. Keira can see her eyes are red from the Windex.}


Keira – Yeah, get yourself cleaned up, get some rest, we have a celebration to plan for Cassie.


Roxi – A celebration?


Keira – Oh yes... I have many things planned for our little double champion.


Roxi – Wow... I’m gonna go clean up now.


{Roxi shakes her head at how sinister it sounds. Keira gets back into bed as Roxi cleans herself up and the scene fades.}



“Things change. People change. You. Me. Every one of us... Every day of our lives. The day ya' stop changin'... is the day ya' die.”

- Wolverine (Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #337)


Hello, SCW.

I am a bit perplexed at the moment. It kind of confuses me that people seem to think that I am different now that my wife is no longer an active wrestler in SCW. That this somehow means I’ve lost something in this transision. You don’t have to worry about me, or how I am getting along. Yes, of course it’s different that my wife is no longer around. It felt a bit weird a couple of weeks ago when I came into the arena and Keira wasn’t right there. I believe it would be weird for anyone. I mean, this question was not asked of Mac Bane when Amber Ryan went down. It wasn’t asked of Seleana or Crystal or anyone else in this fashion. So, the idea that I am going to be adversely affected is a bit strange to me. A piece of me isn’t here anymore, but it’s not like I lost it and don’t know where it is. Keira’s always there with me, she’s just not there physically, and that’s okay. I don’t have to worry about her, and she knows she doesn’t have to worry about me. 

The real difference is how happy Keira seems to be now. That stress is off her shoulders, and she’s got plenty of other things to keep her occupied. She went out the way she wanted, and I don’t think she has any desire to come back into the ring or even return to watch my back. For the past couple of years, that hasn’t been the case anyway. But, if anyone needs any sort of refresher on me, allow me to do something I don’t normally do: Look at the numbers.

I won many matches and championships before Keira was here. Twice the Bombshell’s championship was held by me, before Keira ever set foot in SCW. So, to say that now that everything will be different and I’m going to just fall off a cliff I think is jumping the gun, just a little bit. I think I’ve earned the benefit of the doubt on this, but I do appreciate the concern for me given all that’s happened.

But this will most likely be my last match for 2022, and I like to think that only losing one match the entire year is pretty dang good. It took a Taipei death match for me to lose this year. And right after that I bounced right back into the swing of things. I think that after this match with Seleana, that I have picked up where I left off. But in case there is any further doubt, I will put it all to bed against Krystal Wolfe.

But before I get to that, I would like to comment that I should be in line for a chance to get the Bombshell’s title back in the near future. I can’t say as I’m thrilled that we seemed to have saved Amber’s place in line, but I will deal with that, when the time comes. First and foremost, it’s all about Krystal Wolfe.

It hasn’t been that long since Krystal and I were in the ring together. Right before High Stakes if I’m not mistaken. Now granted, it was a tag match, but the key is to always get something out of every match you take part in. Use it to learn and get better. That’s what I’ve preached to students at Hero Academy, and it’s what I’m preaching to those I get into the ring with myself. Every match is a chance to get better and learn something about yourself. Even if it’s not one on one, even if your part in the match is very small. There’s always something to learn not only about your opponent, but about yourself. 

I did learn that Team Hero is and now stands alone and the single greatest tag team in SCW history. It’s not a brag, it’s a statement of fact. I think we went ahead and proved that now and forever. But I also learned a lot about Krystal and Ariana in that match. Lots of strengths and weaknesses. You have to be willing to have your mind working in the ring and make a ton of mental notes. And that’s one of my secrets to success I’m willing to share. But some of things I learned, I swear I jotted down in my mind already.

And that’s really because when I see Krystal, I see a fierce competitor who has a lot of potential to be great. I see it, I’ve seen it for a long time now. And that’s where I get that feeling that I’ve said all this before. I wanted to try and learn something, anything new from Krystal, and as much as it pains me to say it really... there’s not a lot I haven’t already covered. 

Now, I do take pride in mental notes, but it all just feels...the same. Potential does not last forever, and it will go to waste if left too long unused. I’m not saying this to dump on Krystal, but I can see there is more there, and it’s like...are you going to do anything with that? Or are you simply going to coast and just accept it? Was the Roulette championship the peak of Krystal’s abilities. I know it’s not, Keira obviously saw it too, I mean, that’s her job now, so she has become an expert on it. She told me that Krystal was one of the most intense opponents she ever faced. And I saw that firsthand. I know that I did. 

But, to me, and hey, maybe I am wrong, I have been wrong before. But I see it, and then like a magic trick, it goes away. Poof. Disappears.

One thing you simply cannot do is try and rest on your laurels. You have to always be able to look back at your performances and try and get better. I know I could have wrestled a better match, but I say that every time. You cannot be comfortable in your position, because there will always be someone who is willing to work if you are not. It’s just that simple. Perhaps Krystal found comfort in the Roulette division. I can’t say for sure, but I see the pattern of sameness. I see the level of comfort beginning to rise. And it happens from time to time, you have to be able to recognize it, and break that habit. And sometimes, breaking a habit is hard.

But the fact of the matter is that while it’s nice to have habits, being content isn’t one that should be one that happens often. Especially in this game. You have to be on top of things. And I know that it’s inside of Krystal, I just don’t see her using it, and that’s disappointing.

You have to do something to stand out. I’m going to be honest here, it took me a good 30 seconds to figure out that Krystal was my opponent. I thought perhaps it was Ariana again, part of me thought Cassie for some reason, it was confusing, because outside of their physical appearance, just saying Krystal Wolfe’s name only brings up a vague character. I know Krystal sometimes rocks blue hair and is from Australia. I know Ariana is Greek and I think likes to cook? Maybe I’m wrong on that. But the point is all of them seem to blend together. It doesn’t help that they are friends, but again, this is about standing out. This is about being some substance behind your name.

You have do something. Krystal is a former Roulette champion and that’s great. But you cannot fall into being defined by winning a title. You cannot let a championship define who you are. Lots of people win titles. There’s a thousand companies and they all have their own titles and they seems to be giving them away like candy. Heck, Cassie, who is one of our students, is a double champion already in her young career. I am very proud of her and her accomplishments, but she also needs to understand the lesson I’m teaching.

I think I’ve said what I needed to say here. I see a lot of potential in Krystal Wolfe. She has impressive wins, but the fact remains that she needs to establish who she is. In fact, she needs to KNOW who she is before she can really make take the next step. It simply won’t be at my expense. I have come too far to end this year on some weird loss that could have easily been avoided. I refused to rest on what 2022 was, because I’m trying to make 2023 even better. And there is no time like the present.

So, to Krystal, I say good luck. I hope that she has heard my words and not taken them as me trying to bring her down, and beating her isn’t about bringing her down either. There is a method to my words. And more importantly, there is truth in my words. I’m trying to help. It may not seem like it now, but when Krystal knows who she is, and she gets to that level, maybe she can look back at this little moment, and understand what I was trying to do. This is going to be my match, my victory, and I know it will be a challenge, but this is going to be a lesson.

2022 was great, and I am excited for what 2023 will be. It’s time to finish strong. 

I will see you all there.
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