Author Topic: Family Game Night  (Read 738 times)

Offline Candy

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Family Game Night
« on: September 23, 2022, 11:17:07 PM »
OOC: Apologies to everyone. my work schedule shifted and i forgot today was friday till about an hour ago

Scene One: Family Game Night!
Where: Marcus Cage and Candy’s home
When: Friday 9/23, evening, roughly 5 pm


**The scene fades up inside the living room of Marcus Cage and Candy’s lavish Las Vegas home. There was a table set up in the middle of the room, a folding card table, with 4 chairs and a high chair seated around it. In the high hair was the ever happy and bubbly almost 2 year old toddler Ruby. She was in a white onesie that said “Daddy’s Angel” in pink glitter on the front. Her hair was pulled up in a cute little Pebbles inspired ponytail on top of her head. Sitting in the chair next to her was Candy, who was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top. Her hair was pulled up in a mess bun perched high on her head. Across the table was Marcus Cage, wearing camo shorts and a plain white t-shirt. On the other 2 sides, sitting on their chairs like they were humans, were the two pups Fluffy and Hero Fluffy, of course, had a booster seat under her so that she could see the table. Spread across the table was a beautiful, and brightly colored, board for the game… you guessed it… Candyland! Candy picks up a card and shows it to Ruby, who grins, recognizing the color**


**Marcus and Candy couldn’t help but grin at the cute little voice of their daughter recognizing the color Green. Sure, she couldn’t quite pronounce the R yet. But she was proving herself to be a bright little girl. Candy reached over the board and moved one of the characters. She smiled up at her husband.**

Candy: I’m so glad you suggested family game night. This is exactly what I needed after Violent Conduct.

Marcus: What can I say… I know you so well that I know exactly what you need. Besides, this is kinda fun.

Candy: Yeah! I can’t wait till Ruby is old enough to play things like Uno, and Skip-Bo, and stuff with us.

Marcus: I look forward to that day. But not too soon. She’s already growing way too fast.

Candy: I know… she’ll be 2 in just like, 2 months. But I’m not ready to think about that just yet.

**Candy gazed at her beautiful daughter sitting next to her**

Candy: She’s part of why I keep going… you know that?

Marcus: Like I said, I know what you need. Sometimes even before you know you need it.  I could tell you were getting to a point where you needed… more. So I leaped into action.

Candy: You always know what to say, Marcus. You are the bestest husband and daddy ever. What did we ever do to get so lucky?

Marcus: Nah, I’m the lucky one. You saved me from myself many times. I only wish I had realized how I felt about you sooner.

Candy: Awe…

**It was in the middle of that beautiful moment that Candy’s face contorted as she smelled… something… foul…**

Candy: Uh oh… I think some one needs a diaper change…

**She plugged her nose as she lifted Ruby out of the seat to check her diaper… and her face contorted again**

Candy: Correction… some one needs to go straight into the bathtub!

Marcus: I’ll get the water running, gimme a few minutes.

**He got up from his seat and walked over to Candy and Ruby, giving each one a kiss on the cheek, before going upstairs to start the bath. Candy put Ruby down and she started running around the room**

Candy: You really are one of the reasons mommy keeps going, you know that right? Cuz mommy wants to show you that you never give up. You never quit. You never surrender! No matter what! You know what I mean?

Ruby: Mommy. I stinky. Stinky wike fwuffy.

**Candy couldn’t help but giggle as Fluffy’s ears perk to attention hearing her name… sort of. Rs and Ls were a weak spot for Ruby**

Candy: I know, baby. Daddy’s running a bath and we will get you all cleaned up. But you gotta promise me that you will never ever ever let anything bully you and push you around. Meanie heads like Violet or Mercedes… or even Bea. She’s one of the worst of em all! You can’t let them push you around or make you feel bad or let them keep you down, you got it?

Ruby: I got it, momma!

**It was then that Marcus yelled from upstairs that the bath was ready, and the scene fades as they head upstairs**

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