Author Topic: 28 and Counting  (Read 732 times)

Offline MiloKasey

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28 and Counting
« on: August 19, 2022, 11:53:41 PM »
28 And Growing
Sometime around August 9th-10th....I don’t know it’s all kind’ve a blur

OH HELL NO!” Miles bellowed with a full on laughter as Kristjan offered up the infamous bottle that could knock even the best of drinkers on their ass with one sip, but also resembled the taste of jet fuel, “You got me on the boat, I fuckin’ refuse tonight. I actually want to remember this.

Fenris almost looked insulted by that comment and just growled at him, “You are a coward!

Hey, it’s my birthday, allow me to pace myself!” Miles said as he waved a couple more people making their way into the hotel bar, all joining in on the big Milo Birthday Bash, “Sometimes if you wanna make a complete arse out of oneself you have to take the slow and steady road. That and the fact that I don’t think I’ve been sober since I woke up helps as well.

Kristjan just sighs and caps the bottle, sliding it next to him, “Yeah, but how the hell are you supposed to do things you’ll regret when you still have your faculties about ya!

The night is still young! Let him go at his own damn pace, K!” Aron had said with what Miles only could assume was a caffeinated non-alcoholic drink. Come to think of it, he wasn’t even sure if Aron even drank at all.

Thank you!” Miles motioned to Aron, “See, even your bro knows better. Besides, I have only begun to defile myself.

And as he turned around to get himself another round of beer, he was greeted by the smiling but nervous looking face of Zoey Lukas.

THERE YOU ARE!” he let out loudly, holding his arms out with a large smile on his face, “I was beginning to wonder if you and your sister were going to show.

Zoey looked kinda shocked as she looked around to see a few familiar faces, “Well, just me. Alicia wasn’t feeling up to it.

Miles arms just drop to his side and grumbles, “I have half a mind to go up to her room and drag her ass out kickin’ and screamin’.

Only if you wanna get hurt,” she smirked at him. “I wasn’t going to miss this for the world.

Well I appreciate you making the effort. I know it’s not much, but hell this is the most anyone has made of my birthday ever.” he said as he walked her over to the bar and leaned against it, looking out. She had missed the earlier noise between Fenris and HB. He had gone to take a leak and the next thing he know, Carter was gone. Which almost ruined it but he was able to bring it back.

Zoey frowned at him, as he pointed out that he never really had a full on celebrations, “That’s sad.

That's life,” Miles shrugs before waving to the bartender, “Another round please, and one for the lovely lady as well.

Zoey practically glared a hole on the side of his head at this, “Oh hell no, you are not buying me a drink tonight, Miles.

I insist.” he motions, batting his eyes at her, “Just one. Besides, I got quite the headstart on ya anyways.

How long have you been at it?” she just looks him up and down for a moment, wondering why the poor guy wasn’t stumbling about yet.

Looking at his watching, trying to remember, “Umm, since about 11am?

Zoey’s eyes go big for a moment, “And you’re not drunk?

He tips his head back and forth like he’s taking stock of his alcohol induced state, “I am pleasantly buzz.

Zoey just rolls her eyes, “Oh hell no. HEY! BARTENDER! Cancel his shit and get me 2 double shots of your good whiskey with a beer chaser, and keep em coming.

Miles can’t help but be impressed and maybe a little something else. He leans forward and in a lowered zone says, “Zoey Lukas, are you trying to get me so pissed that I won’t know what I’m doing?

A smile creeps on her face as the bartender hands their drinks over and she hands the glass and beer over to him before grabbing her own, she clinks the glasses together and says, “Oh you’ll know, and you’ll have no regrets about it. Happy Birthday, Milo.

And as the night went on things got interesting and blurry for a bit but it was a night that he was never going to forget.

Complete with belly dancing that he joined in on and he’s fairly certain video sits on a few of their phones but honestly he didn’t care. This was the Miles Kasey that everyone started to know and love. This was the Miles Kasey that he needed to be again.

So imagine the surprise...or lack thereof when he was poured back into his room. Kristjan tried his damnest to wake him up from his drunken stupor at 5am before he prompt yelled “FUCK OFF!” after the 7th round of knocking.

He eventually opened his eyes to a large bottle of water, several aspirin and a note that she would call him later. What was the best about it, was that the entire time he wasn’t yoked to his phone, waiting for people to call. He figured if they really understood, they would be fine with them getting a call back several hours later.

When he eventually got around to it, he found several messages on twitter, text messages....but the one thing that stood out was the 20 missed calls from a number that he hadn’t seen since before he left for India with about half of them being left with voice messages.

His hands shook for a moment, only a moment before he opened the first one and hit play.

"Heyyy call me back, babe"

He’d hit delete and followed up with the second one that played automatically

"Heeeeeey, I miss you"

At least she was keeping them short. He’d keep moving on.

"Miles, where are you?"

Ok that one sounded like she was extremely annoyed. He didn’t know why, she hadn’t talked to him since he left.

"You're with her aren't you?"

She growled that one and Miles just rolled his blue-green eyes before hitting delete on all but one last one from her.


And that was enough that he deleted all the rest of the voicemails she had left without even listening to them. This was not how he was going to start his 28th year on this earth. He was ending

He made a couple of touches on his phone before bringing it up to his ear...

I Bet You Thought You Were Going To Do Something
Present Day

Todd Williams, you are perhaps a bigger bitch than Crystal Zduchich or whatever the fuck last name she has this week.” he laughed, Miles had found himself walking around Chandigarh Rock Garden where he sat in front of a beautiful waterfall. Miles found this place earlier this week when he was looking for a quiet place to practice meditation and yoga that he had been picking up as they traveled around India.

That stuff was supposed to bring you peace right?

Imagine being so fucking arogent that your own wife actually had tried to intimitate me, ME, the biggest idiot in Wolfslair, who saw exactly what she did to make sure that somehow her beard,, her *ahem* “husband” won. Hope, you have to be a special kind of dumb as hell to actually sit there and tell everyone that you would do whatever it takes to make sure that he would beat me.

He looks around for a moment to make sure he was by himself, just him and the camera.

Hope, I hate to break it to you, but that is just a vital rookie mistake to think that the majority of us will just turn a blind eye to the bullshit that you two have been pulling. Sometimes, I do think whoever puts the cards together gets a little too kind when they describe when they described Todd as ‘diabolical’. See, I don’t think Todd has more than 4 brain cells to rub together and that you are the reason for that term.

He finds a spot to sit, as he looks at the waterfall.

So when you showed your hand, the first thing that had popped into my head before even HB Carter said anything was to ask someone who is absolutely brilliant, dominating and looks damn fine to boot to watch my back. See, I can’t touch you. That’s a rule here but she can. Zoey Lukas will be in my corner at Climax Control as you sit there and do nothing but watch your husband get his ass kicked. And if I were you, I would sit down and enjoy the show because if you don’t, you’re going to find yourself in a world of pain. And not the good kind.

That damn smile grows wide for a moment as he tries to hide it but he just can’t.

As for you Todd, how absolutely sad it is for you to try and send your wife to do YOUR dirty work. Apparently their honor among thieves is about as thin as any wedding license you sign. I’m beginning to think you all sign flash paper at this point. Question, a serious question, do you and your whole lot have punch cards where you get so many marriages, eventually you get one free?

He just shrugs as he reaches out and touches the water with his fingers.

I mean, I can’t be the only one thinking it. But alas, you just can’t help yourself, you can’t help but try to make yourself bigger than you really are. If you think that you are going to step in my way and beat me before Violent Conduct, I’m going to teach you a whole new lesson in pain. I’m going to do SCW a whole ass favor and I’m going to take your head off. There is going to be no glory for you here, mate. There’s going to be no remorse from me because I have none to give. Wolfslair has no remorse for the kind that takes the easy way out.

He uses the hand that is now wet to slick his hair back and try and cool him down a bit from the heat as he just glares forward.

And then will be next. Welcome to the Rediscovery Tour of Miles Kasey. 28 years and counting.